Barrett v Wadoc Wapab Appeal Dismissal Gross Neg Tb Case 1999 Medical Misconduct
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2818 Capitol Blvd. PO Box 40911 Olympia. WA 9850"'.0911 VOICE (360) 586+'81 FAX (360) 753·0139 E-MAIL in( STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD HOME PAGE June 1, 1999 Roger Barrett 8216 York Ave S Bloomington, MN 55431 RE: Bruce Barrett v. Department of Corrections, Suspension Appeal, Case No. SUSP-97-0031 Dear Mr. Barrett: Enclosed is a copy of the order of the Personnel Appeals Board in the above-referenced matter. The order was entered by the Board on June 1, 1999. Sincerely, Don Bennett Executive Secretary DB:mt Enclosure cc: an .tt Elizabeth Van Moppes, AA.G Jennie Adkins, DOC i% .Mzt Kil, ( BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD STATE OF WASHINGTON 2 3 ) 4 7 8 9 ) ) ) ) MOTION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL ) ) Appellant~ 5 6 ) Case No. SUSP-97-0031 BR{)CE BARRETT~ vs. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS~ Respondent. ) 1---------------) The Appellant~ by and through the undersigned Personal Representative of the Estate of Bruce 10 Barrett, hereby notifies the Personnel Appeals Board that he wishes to withdraw the above-entitled 11 appeal. 12 DATED _/ 6//7/19 7 r al Representative 13 This matter came on regularly before the Personnel Appeals Board on the consideration of the 14 request ofthe Appellant's Personal Representative to withdraw the above-entitled appeal. The IS Board having reviewed the files and records herein~ being fully advised in the premises~ and it 16 17 appearing to the Board that the Personal Representative of the Estate of Bruce Barrett has requested to withdraw the appeal~ now enters the following: ORDER 18 19 20 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the request to withdraw the appeal is granted and the appeal is dismissed. DATEDthis ,STdaYOf JUAiL ~ /199 21 22 23 24 25 26 Personnel Appeals Board 2828 Capitol Boulevard Olympia. Washington 98504 O~:Oi!99 09:~8 SYITH FAI :33 627 0123 iii 002 ALLI~G L~~ IN THE Sti"PERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASlIDlGTON ~ AND FOR THE COUNTY OF PIERCE lli THE l\1ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF No. 99 400531 0 BRUCE HAGEN BARRETT .LEITERS OF ADMINISTRATION i Deceased STATE OF WASHINGTON ) County of Pierce ) )Ss. 'WHEREAS, BRUCE HAGE~ BARRETT late o( Pierce County. WasbingtOD, O~ or about MARCH 10, 1999, died imestate, lea"'ing at the time of his/her dC:1tb, property in tbis state subject Ee administr:\tion; knO\\' all me!l by these presents~ that we hereby appoint ROGER P. BARRETT upen said estate, and wher~as said adminisn-2torJri.x has duly qualified, hereby authori2e himlber to administer the same according to law. NOW, THEREFORE, administrator/ri~ l\lTh"ESS my b3nd and the senl of said court this APRIL 6, 1999. CERTIFICA STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) 55. CO\wty of Pierce ) . I, TED Rl..iTT, Clerk of The Superior Court of said County and State, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Letters of Administration in the above entitled case: and were on APRIL 6, 1999. duly entered of reeord; ~"'ID. I further certify said Letters are still in full Coree and effect. I,'I;' TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I ha"-e hereunto set my hand and nffi.'<ed the seal of said Superior Court, this April 6, 1999. rk of the Superior Court o_-¥-- Bv _ • Deputy 61'.l1:lICm.;rJD .GSiiiiw:.mUiiJ . em .p:;;:;;& ..... ,ltl .....%nUi6iQ.( <r:'1JJ:P;;stt . iO......C., •. I(. 4 :;"MWiW,C.«=.O.(. . . Ae..i).'" . "Jii"tzG'w!,.. . (L.i).L. ,WSO@III[ VOICE (3r,0) 586.1481 FAX Or,OI i53·013,) E·,'1.1AIL info· 2828 Capitol Blvd. PO Box 40911 Olympia, WA 98304·0911 STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD HOME PAGE May 7, 1999 Roger Barrett 8216 York Ave. S. Bloomington, MN 55431 RE: Bruce Barrett v. Department of Corrections, SUSP-97-0031 Dear Mr. Barrett: Thank you for calling me regarding the appeal pending before the Personnel Appeals Board at the time of your brother's recent death. Please accept my condolence on behalf of the Board. We discussed your prerogative to pursue the appeal on behalf of Bruce Barrett's estate or notify the Board of your intent to withdraw the appeal. I prepared the enclosed Motion and Order of Dismissal for your signature. The Board will enter an order dismissing the appeal upon receipt of your request and I will see that you receive a copy of the order for your records. I have also enclosed the copy of the disciplinary letter dated July 28, 1997 that was filed with the appeal. This letter is the employer's notice to the employee of the basis for the disciplinary action and the sanction imposed - a seven-day suspension in this case. As we discussed, the underlying incident occurred over two years ago and the appeal of the suspension had been pending without much activity for several months. Again, I want to express my sincere sympathy for your loss and thank you for your assistance in resolving this matter. Please call me again if you have any questions. Sincerely, Don Bennett Executive Secretary Enclosures .. ·W.l4Ei£Uti t. @ &iJ'Q.66XM AXit..tJt&W%.. ttt. , .. t&! ( iiiJ AS -.,~:." ... iQQ.t.c,( .b.Q(, .4S" ::::w:: IW.."', .w,..",.'. t.. .. .i.¥4M BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD STATE OF WASHINGTON 2 3 ) 4 5 6 7 BRUCE BARRETf, ) Case No. SUSP-97-0031 ) ) Appellant, ~ vs. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, MOTION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL ) ) Respondent. ) 8 --------------) 9 The Appellant, by and through the undersigned Personal Representative of the Estate of Bruce 10 11 12 Barrett, hereby notifies the Personnel Appeals Board that he wishes to withdraw the above-entitled appeal. DATED _ Personal Representative 13 This matter came on regularly before the Personnel Appeals Board on the consideration of the 14 request of the Appellant's Personal Representative to withdraw the above-entitled appeal. The 15 Board having reviewed the files and records herein, being fully advised in the premises, and it 16 appearing to the Board that the Personal Representative of the Estate of Bruce Barrett has requested 17 to withdraw the appeal, now enters the following: ORDER 18 19 20 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the request to withdraw the appeal is granted and the appeal is dismissed. DATED this day of _ 21 WASHINGTON STATE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 22 23 WALTER T. HUBBARD 24 NATHAN S. FORD, JR. 26 GERALD L. MORGEN Personnel Appeals Board 2828 Capitol Boulevard Olympia, Washington 98504 2828 Capitol Blvd. PO 801140911 Olympia, WA 98504-0911 VOICE (360) 586-1481 FAX (360) 753·0139 E-MAil STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD HOME PAGE April 27, 1999 Bruce Barrett PO Box 88250 Steilacoom, WA 98388 RE: Bruce Barrett v. Department of Corrections, Suspension Appeal, Case No. SUSP-97-0037 Dear Mr. Barrett: Enclosed is a copy of the Order Granting Continuance in the above-referenced matter. The order was entered by the Board on April 27, 1999. Sincerely, Don Bennett Executive Secretary DB:mt Enclosure cc: Elizabeth Van Moppes, AAG Jennie Adkins, DOC o BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD STATE OF WASHINGTON 2 3 4 Appellant, s v. 6 ) ) ) Case No. SUSP-97-0031 ) ) ORDER OF CONTINUANCE ) ) BRUCE BARRETT, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, ) ) 7 Respondent. 8 9 This matter came before the Personnel Appeals Board, WALTER T. HUBBARD, Chair, and 10 NATHAN S. FORD JR., Vice Chair, on consideration of the Board's motion to continue the 11 hearing. Due to the Board's inability to contact Appellant's heirs and after consultation with Respondent, the Board determined that the hearing scheduled for April 28, 1999, should be 12 continued. The Board having reviewed the files and documentation and being fully advised in the 13 premises, now enters the following: 14 ORDER IS NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the hearing scheduled for April 28, 1999, is 16 continued to a date to be determined. 17 DATED this 18 19 Q.1 ~ay of ~I ,1999. WASHINGTON STATE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD AJ~ r7 J.J-~ 21 ~~~~/'~' Ch ~ 22 Nathan S. Ford J '., Vice Chait 20 '~~iYI/ .' /! / t< r- 23 24 25 26 Personnel Appeals Board 2828 Capitol Boulevard Olympia, Washington 98504 WPEA The Washington Public Employees Association • 1-800-544-WPEA OLYMPIA HEADQUARTERS ftWUNG ADDRESS: PO Box 71 59 • Olympia 'IIA 98507 LOCATION: 140 Percival St N'II • Olympia 'IIA TWPliONE: 13601 943·1121 fAX: /3601 357-7627 EASTERN REGIONAl. OFFICE NORTHWEST REGIONAl. OFFICE 8382 Gage Blvd Suite I • Kennewick 'IIA 99336 TELEPliONE: /5091734-1244 FAX: /5091 734-8643 TOLL FREE: /B771 734-WPEA PO Box 22438 • Seattle 'IIA 9B11200438 TELEPHONE: /2061 328-1793 FAX: /2061 328-1827 TOLL FREE: /8771 328-WPEA October 14, 1998 Don Bennett Executive Secretary Personnel Appeals Board 2828 Capitol Blvd. PO Box 40911 Olympia, WA 98504-0911 Re: Bruce Barrett v. Department of Corrections PAB No. SUSP-97-0031 Dear Mr. Bennett: This letter is to confirm that WPEA is withdrawing representation and will not be representing BRUCE BARRETT in the above-identified appeal. Any further correspondence on this issue should be directed to Mr. Barrett at his home address listed below: Bruce Barrett P.O. Box 88250 Steilacoom, WA 98388 Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, ~.~~ Paralegal for WPEA C: Mr. Bruce Barrett Elizabeth Van Moppes, Assistant Attorney General Eugene L. St. John - WPEA Executive Director Mark S. Lyon - WPEA General Counsel Kirk Burress, Chair, Representation Services Committee Ken Brett - WPEA Staff Rep File VOICE (360) 586-1481 fAX (360) 753·0139 E·MAIL 2828 Capitol Blvd. PO Box 40911 Olympia, WA 98504-0911 STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD HOME PAGE September 23, 1998 PROPOSED LIST OF CUT-OFF DATES Bruce Barrett v. Department of Corrections Case No.: SUSP-97-0031 (Suspension appeal) This statement is issued to record dates controlling the subsequent course of the proceedings in the above-referenced appeal. In lieu of a pre-hearing conference, the following dates for completing discovery, exchange of lists of witnesses and exhibits and other prehearing matters are proposed. 1. Discovery is to be completed by March 29, 1999. Requests for discovery must be served with sufficient time for responses to be completed by March 29, 1999. 2. Witness lists and exhibit lists are to be exchanged on or before April 21, 1999. The parties reserve the right to supplement the lists. 3. Pre-hearing briefs, if prepared at the discretion of the parties, will be filed on or before April 23, 1999 in accordance with WAC 358-30-045. 4. The hearing in this matter will be held on April 28, 1999 beginning at 9:00 Al\1 in Olympia, Washington. The pre-hearing conference is scheduled for 9:00 AM on April 21, 1999. At that time, the Executive Secretary or designee will initiate a conference call with the parties' representatives to discuss possible stipulations on witnesses, exhibits, and the issue to be presented for determination by the Personnel Appeals Board. The parties shall arrive at the hearing location thirty (30) minutes before the hearing time for the purpose of exchanging copies of exhibits and, if possible, stipulating to admission of exhibits. The parties shall bring six (6) copies of the pre-marked exhibits which they intend to offer into evidence. .... ·S ill::':; (MU££J!tt tJ4 ((( "'''R'll ::un (H@ .. t. ..' Wi (; .. <3% .. .t .. ..t. . . .. h ,ATh .. ,,,,....,&$E,'. .Qi. Q.. .J.J&..M. . Statement ofResults of Pre-hearing September 23, 1998 Page 2 Any objections or corrections must be filed with the Executive Secretary within 20 days of the date af this statement and shall, at the same time, be served upon each of the participants named above. This statement becomes part of the official record of the proceedings, and the stipulations will be binding on the parties, unless this statement is modified for good cause. PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD BY:~~ Don Bennett Executive Secretary 2 BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON 4 5 ~ NOTICE OF SCHEDULING Appellant, 6 7 ) Case No. SUSP-97-0031 ) BRUCE BARRETT t vs. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS t 8 Respondent. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ) ) ) ) ) ) Notice is hereby given that pursuant to WAC 358-30-010(3), a hearing on the appeal before the Personnel Appeals Board has been set for Wednesday, April 28, 1999, beginning at 9 a.m. The hearing will be held in the Personnel Appeals Board Hearing Room t 2828 Capitol Boulevard, Olympia, Washington. The parties shall arrive at the hearing location thirty (30) minutes before the hearing time for the purpose of exchanging copies oft and when possible t stipulating to exhibits. The parties shall bring six (6) copies of the premarked exhibits which they intend to offer into evidence. Whenever possible, the parties should exchange witness lists prior to the day set for the hearing. If the services of an interpreter are needed t notify Personnel Appeals Board staff at least two weeks prior to the hearing. The hearing site is barrier free and accessible to the disabled. 17 18 DATED this 16th day of September, 1998. 19 20 WASHINGTON STATE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 21 22 Teresa Parsons, Hearings Coordinator (360) 664-0479 23 24 cc: 25 26 Bruce Barrett, Appellant Louis Baker, WPEA Elizabeth Van Moppes t AAG Jennie Adkins, DOC Personnel Appeals Board 2828 Capitol Boulevard Olympia. Washington 98504 1 2 3 4 BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD STATE OF WASIDNGTON 5 6 7 BRUCE BARRETT, NO. SUSP-97-0031 Appellant, 8 10 NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL AND SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL v. 9 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, 11 Respondent. 12 TO: DONALD BENNETT, Executive Secretary; and BRUCE BARRETT, Appellant; and KENNETH F. BRETT, Union Representative. 13 14 15 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that VALERIE B. PETRIE, Assistant Attorney General, 16 does hereby withdraw as attorney for Respondent, in the above-entitled action, and that 17 ELIZABETH VAN .MOPPES, Assistant Attorney General, is hereby substituted as the attorney for 18 said Respondent. It is requested that any and all further pleadings herein be served upon the 19 undersigned attorney at the Office of the Attorney General at the address given below. 20 . DATED this Iq~ day of March, 1998. CHRISTINE O. GREGOIRE Attorney General 21 22 ~!~~ 23 WSBA#27362 Assistant Attorney General 24 25 26 NOTICE OF WITIlDRAWAL AND SUBSTITIJTION OF COUNSEL ATIORNEY GENERAL OF WASHINGTON Labor &: Personnel Division 905 Plum St SE, Bldg. 3 PO Box 40145 Olympia, WA 98504·0145 (360) 664-4167 1 2 3 BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD STATE OF WASffiNGTON 4 5 BRUCE BARRETT, NO. SUSP-97-0031 6 Appellant, CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 7 8 v. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, 9 Respondent. 10 11 12 I certify that I served a copy of the Respondent's Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel on all parties or their counsel of record on March c23 ,1998 as follows: X_ ABClLegal US Mail Postage Prepaid via Consolidated Mail Service Messenger 13 14 _ State Campus Delivery _ Hand delivered by: 15 16 17 18 TO: I. Bruce Barrett PO Box 88250 Steilacoom WA 98388 2. Kenneth F. Brett WPEA PO Box 7159 Olympia WA 98507 3. Rose Mattison-Personnel Officer McNeil Island Corrections Center PO Box 88900 Steilacoom WA 98388-0900 19 20 21 22 I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this ~ day of March, 1998 at Olympia, WA. 23 24 25 26 ATIO~YGam~OFW~mNmON Labor &:. PcrsoMcl Division 905 Plum Sl 51:, Bldg. 3 PO Box 40145 Olympia, WA 98504-0145 (360) 664-4167 1 2 3 BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD . STATE OF WASHINGTON 4· 5 NO. SUSP-97-0031 BRUCE BARRETT, 6 7 8 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE Appellant, v. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, 9 Respondent. 10 12 KENNETH LATSCH, Executive Secretary, Personnel Appeals Board; BRUCE BARRETT. Appellant; KENNETH F. BRETT. Union Representative. 13 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Respondent, Department of Corrections. without 14 waiving objection as to the sufficiency of service of process or jurisdiction of this Board, does 15 hereby enter its appearance in the above-entitled action, by and through its attorneys, 16 CHRISTINE O. GREGOIRE, Attorney General, and VALERIE B. PETRIE. Assistant 17 Attorney General, and requests that all further pleadings herein be served upon said Respondent 18 at the Office of the Attorney General at the address given below. 11 TO: AND TO: 19 DATED this 20 21 22 23 --14l day of August. 1997. . {k C~RISTINE O. GtjIRE Attorney Gene I -I \~ , ,. VAtERIE B. P tRiE WSBA #21126 \ Assistant Attorney General 24 25 26 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF WASHINGTON NOTICE OF APPEARANCE - 1 f:\••. appear.wp Labor & Personnel Division 905 Plum Street SE, Bldg. 3 PO BOX 40145 Olympia, WA 98504-0145 (360) 664-4167 1 BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD STATE OF WASHINGTON 2 3 NO. SUSP-97-0031 4 . BRUCE BARRETT, v. 6 7 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, Respondent. 8 9 10 I certify that I served a copy of the Respondent's Notice of Appearance on all parties or their counsel of record on September 11 13 15 16 ;;'1Z~, 1997 as follows: ';'~ US Mail Postage Prepaid via Consolidated Mail Service _ ABClLegal Messenger _ State Campus Delivery _ Hand delivered by: 12 14 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Appellant, 5 TO: 1. Bruce Barrett Po Box 88250 Steilcoom WA 98388 2. Kenneth F. Brett WPEA 124 Tenth Avenue SW Olympia WA 98501 3. Kathy Deuel, Personnel Officer McNeil Island Corrections Center 1403 Commercial Street PO Box 88900 Steilacoom WA 98388·0900 17 18 19 I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. 20 Dated this ,~d 21 22 day o(September, 1991, at Olympia, WA. ~'V'-' d {)JJr"/,-. S J OLSON I \ ' - 23 24 25 26 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF WASHINGTON Labor &: Personnel Division CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 1 f:\... cert.wp 905 Plum Street SE, Bldg. 3 PO BOX 40145 Olympia. WA 98504-0145 (360) 664-4167 (360) 586·1481 FAX (360) i53·0139 STATE OF WASHINGTON 2828 Capilol Blvd. PO Box 40911 Olympia. WA 98504-0911 PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD August 21, 1997 Kenneth F. Brett Washington Public Employees Association 124 - 10th Avenue SW Olympia, WA 98501 RE: Bruce Barrett v. Department of Corrections, Suspension Appeal t Case No. SUSP-97-0031 Dear Mr. Brett: This letter is to acknowledge receipt of the above entitled appeal by the Personnel Appeals Board on August 21, 1997. Sincerely, '(;2ul:d ~;:~/(..L Kenneth J. L~tsch Executive Secretary ~ ~ I .. KJL:lh cc: Bruce Barrett Linda A. Dalton, AAG Jennie Adkins, DOC z:'Jh\ncwappl\balTctt.doc ".EL@A. itt MC, i3ii. .t.ttt35hi ..&'./ .IM ..... .1. 4 .. I.Q... • ... C••• J'" .' "MIX': l ( .... .3. ':.hd@4t.MMM.l.. @,M4tA(Oj. &,.,...:. WPEA AUG-21-91 THU 12:27 "'1 FAX NO. 360?r.'7627 OLYMPIA P.02 ~yP-q1-003 \ :\PPEAL FORM PH: FAX: SCAN 321-1481 (360) 586-1481 (360) 753·0139 PRINT OR TYPE· SIGN ON PAGE 2 PARTL APPELLANT JDENTIFICATION .[lJ.XE: NAME;:......---!BhlWL _ lUSt name. fuu ~C. rJ.dcllc Initial) HOMEADDRESS:J.O. SoX' ep.2t'2m-=~ (Number and Iueu) t.I.l S'l:Fll ftC~W\. PHONE NUMBERS: WORKt:s;;) {lnc:luc!e 3rI!:a cocJc) 3~a ~--=U ..... ..Qo£- I (Cil)'. slOllc IItld lIP c:ode) _ M sa8-Q~1 _ HOME: _ E....1PLOYING AGENCY OR fNSTITUTION:_--=OD.c/MI AGENCY OR INSTITUTION THAT TOOK ACTION YOU ARE I PART lIL ! _ q;:, APPEALING:,.--;O~e:..:::(,~/M=p.(~~ ....- - - - I TYPE OF APPEAL CHECK ONE Of THE FOLLOWING TO lNDICA1:£ THE TYPE OF APPEAL YOU ARE fiLING: ~ a. Disciptin;uy: (check applicable acriones). _ _ Dismissal, ~uspension. _ _Demorion, b. Disability S~parilrion: c. Rule Qr Law Violation (complere Part IV. orthis fonn): d. Reduction in Furce:l.ayoff(compl~(e Parr IV. of chis form): t. Alloc:uion (position d3Ssific::uion) (c:ompl~rc DC:C!:1f:ltOry _ _ 3- E.,,~:nption Ruling lsee WAC or' Posithm. 35S·~O-t)SO); ~n v. orthis fonn); _Reducrion in Salary; AUG-21-97 THU 12:28 WPEA "'1 OLYMPIA P,03 .. • PART IV. RULE VIOLATION OR REDUCTION-IN.FORCE APPEALS ONLY What Rule(s) or Lawes) do you believe w¢rc violated? E."tplain the particular circumstances of the alleged violation: How were you ad\'ersely affected by the alle;ed ~iolatJon? What remedy are )tau requesting in this C3Se~ PARTV. ALLOCATION APPEA~ ONLY What is your present classifh:ation? _ To which class do you think your position should be alloc:aced? - HilS there been a determination made by the Director ofthe Department oCPtrsonnel or designee? Yes_ No_ If so, when and by whom?, _ Plc3Se identify the specific exceptions you are takIng to me Director·s detennimLtion and the ponions aflhe determination to which you dlsagree: _ Ple:uc :lUach:a tOpy ortho Director's deter"mlnlltioll to this form purSU:lnt to WAC 358·~O-040(~. f{a..~(~. SIGNATURE ~t:A TOR. REPRESENTATIVE AUG-21-91 THU 12:29 P.04 WPEA "" OLYMPIA ;HASE R1VEtAND Secretar)' STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS McNEIL ISLAND CORRECTIONS CENTER P.O. 80x 900 • Steilacoom, W;2shington 98388-0900 July 28, 1997 Bruce Barrett POBox 88250 Steilacoom WA 98388 PERSONAL SERVICE -CONFIDENTIAL Mr. Barren: I This is official notification of your suspension in your position as a Correctional Health Care Specialist 2 with the I:?epartment of Corrections (DOC). McNeil Island Corrections Camer (MiCe) Range 59 Step K at $4,315 per month effective August 17, 1997 through August 24, 1997. This disciplinary action is taken pursuant to the authority of the Civil Service Laws of Washington State, Chapter 41.06, RCW, and the Merit System Rules, Title 356 WAC (MSR), Section 356-34-010 (1) (a) Neglect of duty, (h) Gross misconduct and (i) Willful violation of published employing agency or Department of Personnel rules or reg ulations, and 35 6-34-030--Suspenslon--Duration--?rocedure. Specifically, you neglected your duty, committed gross misconduct and willfully violated departmental policy when on March 14, 1997, by your own admission, you were improperly masked when you accompanied Inmate C. DOC No. 973123, who was possibly infected with an active case of Tuberculosis (TB), to the Washington Corrections Center (WCe). You have a full beard, which does not allow the HEPA mask to form a proper seal. This incident is described in detail in the Employee Conduct Report (ECR) completed on June 10, 1997 (Attachment 1). As an employee of this department, you have a duty to follow all departmental and institutional procedures and to perform your duties safely. Also, as a Correctional Health Care Specialist", you act as a role model for other staff to follow. When they sea you blatantly disregarding established procedures, you re'F1eet the poorest of examples. You admitted being aware that you were violating policy. You knew that because you wear a full beard, the HEPA mask cannot be fit tested on you. Despite this knowledge, you dismissed the precautions as being a "farce." Even when a nurse told you that you were not properly masked, you disregarded her warning and chose to accompany the inmate. You knew what you did was wrong, but felt you were above following the appropriate protocols. :;g&5!£4&4%,,;;:;;;:;g;;;;:;mQo , (Iuil. iQ.v::.....=>.C'w, _". MW .... xu::. i ,S.Q.Q.Q.QiW.?i. l.:;:(i.:Z;:;;;;:WZW.z.... ( ((,(~::::::;:;;;;::: <, . . . .c.'.:;,:;.... "w.M.«<W.w.;;,c.(.( .. ~h .<. : C.wCI.Wj)j .&..J. ,10k AUG-21-97 THU 12:29 WPEA ,." OLYMP IA FAX NO. 360?r~7627 P,OS Bruce Barrett July 28, 1997 Page 2 of 4 On September 10, 1993, you signed an "~cknowledgment of Receipt of DOC Employee Handbook" stating that you agreed to become familiar with and have a thorough knowledge and understanding of its contents (Attachment 2). By your actions, you failed to follow the Department Expectations outlined on Page 3 of that handbook (Attachment 3), which states In pertinent part: "DEPARTMENT EXPECTATIONS As a representative of the Department of Corrections, you will be expected to: " • Conduct yourself and perform your duties safely;" By your signature on a memorandum entitled, "Responsibility for Operation Instructions/Policies and Procedures" (Attachment 4), on March 1, 1993, you acknowledged your responsibility to become familiar with and follow MiCe Operational Instructions, Policies andlor Procedures. You failed to comply with MiCe Field Instruction 890.610 - Employee Tuberculosis & HEPA Respirator Program (Attachment 1, pages 12 - 23), which states in pertinent part: "4. Respiratory Protection - HEPA Respirator Program g, Facial Hair - Individuals assigned to wear HEPA respirators shall follow manufacturer's recommendations regarding facial hair that interferes with the seal of the HEPA respirator." The manufacturer's recommendations (Attachment 5) state in pertinent part: MQ: Is there a different protocol to be followed when Fit Testing an Employee who has facial hair? A: No; however, OSHA will not allow a person with facial hair to be fit tested for a respirator if the facial hair interferes with obtaining a facial fit." On March 14, 1997, you· took it upon yourself to diagnose Inmate C. DOC No. 973123, whom you were accompanying with the transport Correctional Officers to WCC 1 as not having active TB and wore the HEPA mask over your full beard durIng the trip. In fact, you fit tested the correctional officers who made up the rest of the transport team. It is inconceivable to me that you took the time to ensure other staff were properly fit tested and then modeled opposite behavior. Additionally, RN Nancy Armstrong confronted you, telling you that you could not be properly masked AUG-21-97 THU 12:30 WPEA •." OLYMPIA FAX NO. 36D?~?7S27 P.DS Bruce Barrett July 28, 1997 Page 3 of 4 with your full beard and should not accompany the inmate. You continued your poor judgment" and disregarqed her warning as being an overreaction. You are not a physician. It is not your responsibility to Independently diagnose a patient and arbitrarily decide that the precautions that were put in place could be Only a disregarded based on your opinion. Yet, that is exactly what you did. physician can make the determination that a patient does not have TB. That confirmation did not occur until March 17, 1997. By flagrantly disregarding the above cited procedures, you not only potentially put your own health at risk, but that of your fellow staff members and the inmates you are charged to medically treat. -. Your failure to perform your duties safely and per established policy also contributed to a $2,000 fine befng levied against MICC by the Department of labor and Industries. By your actions, you neglected your duty as a health care professional and DOC employee. By your own admission, you were familiar with the above cited policy but willfully choose to violate it and accompany the inmate to WCC. As a Health Care Specialist you have contact with inmates and staff throughout the institution, and your unrepentant disregard for policy carries a higher degree of potential to adversely impact MICe's ability to safely treat inmates and protect staff members and inmates from unnecessary infections. Your actions are so egregious that they rise to the level of gross misconduct. As a health care professional with over 19 years of experience, I am disappointed in your lack of judgment and egotistical attitude. You are not above policy. I expect you to follow established policies and practice your profession safely. The policies you arbitrarily Ignored are established for your and others' protection. Had your "'diagnosis" been wrong, not only would you have possibly infected yourself with TB, but you would have needlessly secondarily effected countless staff members and inmates. You put yourself above medIcal protocol that Is designed to not only protect you, but others as well. Your actions are inexcusable and this institution paid for your arrogance with a $2,000 fine. The role you modeled was contradictory to the actions you took ensuring accompanying staff were properly fit tested and protected during the transport of the inmate. Sending a '00 as I say, not as I do' message is completely unacceptable and below the standard of professional performance required of any DOC employee. Based on your actions and your inability to see the ramifications of your actions, I conclude that the sanction described In the first paragraph of this letter is appropriate. Attachment(s} one through five are attached hereto and by this reference, made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein. AUG-21-97 THU 12:31 WPEA ,tI, OLYMPIA FAX NO. 360?~77627 P.07 Bruce Barrett July 28, 1997 Page 4 of 4 Under the provisions of WAC 358-20-010 and 358-20-040, you have the right to appeal this action OR to file a grievance per Article 10 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Department of Corrections and the Washington Public Employees Association. If you file an appeal, it must be filed in writing at the Office of the Personnel Appeals Board, 2828 Capitol Boulevard, Olympia', Washington 98501, within thirty (30) days after the effective date stated in the first paragraph of this letter. The Merit System Rules, WAC's, Department of Corrections policies and the Collective Bargaining Agreement are available for your review upon request. " ~ Belinda D. Stewart, Superintendent McNeil Island Corrections Center Attachment(s): cc: Tom Rolfs, Director, Division of Prisons Jennie Adkins, Director, Division of Human Resources Donna Grazzini, WWC Area Personnel Manager Rose Mattison, MICC Personnel Officer linda Dalton, Sr. Assistant Attorney General Employee Personnel File WPEA AUG-21-91 THU 12:27 FAX NO. ,It, OLYMPIA P.01 360?~77627 WPEA The Washington Public Employees Association • 1-800-S44-WPEA H£.'gQ~.<ll.YMP1A 12& 10111 Avo SW • ~ WA 98501 MONROE OffiCE 2001. HWi Z·E • Unil C' UONOO. WA 98272 (360) ~1121 l36D1 7901-0733 F4\X (:GO) 3S/.782'l FAX (380) 794-S86 Ted Free (SOl) 5"-9732 Tot Ft1e (BOG) 7N-9m WALU WAI.LA OFFICE .ao1 W M4in • SwIG a• Wa!lI Walla. 'NA S~62 \SC9) 529-0&32 FAX (SIlB) 525-SC87 Tal Freo (aOO1 !29-S732 FAX SPOKANE OFFle! 102 E BClClIl8 Ave.. SIllle '9 • Spokane. WA S9202 I509l 3ZSo121. F"X C5C9I 325·12U Toll Ft. {WI aaG-9732 Number ot pages including Covet sheec: 7 From: Phone: 360-943-U21 Fuphone: 36Q.357-7627 ')(~......-.._ cC: REMARKS: C1 Urgent . CJ For)'OUI' nMew [J Reply ASAP 'P~ I\CC&fl\ l1\LS SuS~.s.I()lJ t\N~L. l1\11~ ~ yaJ I, o Please commeot