Barron Memo Withdrawal of Olc Cia Interrogation Opinions 6-11-09
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I~ USDOJ Seal U.S. Department Depar1ment of of Justice Office of Legal Counsel Office of Otlice Office of the the A.;sislant Assistant Attorney General WaslJingcoll, Washington,D.C. D.C. 20530 20530 June 11,2009 lYfEMORANDUM ATTORJ.~EY GENERAL MEMORANDUM FOR THE ATTORNEY Re: Withdrawal ojOjfice of Office ofLegal of Legal Counsel Counsel Opinion Sections 3(a) and 3(b) of Executive Order 13491 (2009) set forth restrictions on the use of interrogation methods. In section 3(c) of that Order, the President further further directed that "unless the Attorney General with appropriate consultation provides further nJrther guidance, officers, employees, and other agents of the United States Government may not, in conducting interrogations, rely upon any interpretation of interrogation .... of the law governing interrogation . . issued by the of Justice between September 11, 11, 2001, 2001, and January 20, 2009," We have previously Department ofJustice 20,2009." the Office noted that this direction encompasses, among other things, four opinions of oftlle Offlce of of Legal 15, 2009. See Memorandum for the Attorney General, Counsel, which we withdrew on April 15,2009 J. Barron, Acting Assistant Attorney General, Office Legal Counsel, Re: from David 1. Office of ofLegal Withdrawal afOffice of Office of of Legal Legal Counsel Opinions (April 15,2009). 15, 2009). We have now determined Withdrawal determined that of our Office. See Memorandum for John A. it also encompasses another opinion of A Rizzo, Acting General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency, from Steven G. Bradbury, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, Re: Application Application of of the War Crimes Crimes Act, the Detainee Detainee Treatment Act, and Common Article 3 of of the Geneva Conventions 10 to Certain Certain the that May Be Used by the CIA CIA in the Interrogation Interrogation of of High-Value High-Value al Qaeda Detamees Detainees Techniques thaI (July 20, 2007). ~ . of this opinion for possible public release, the Office In connection with the consideration of has now reviewed this additional opinion and has decided to withdraw it. It no longer represents of Legal Counsel Counsel. ( the views of the Office of David J. Barron Acting Assistant Attorney General