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Description of document: Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) Standardized Chapel Library Project book list Released date: October 2007 Posted date: 18_october-2007 Title of Document Standardized Library Resources, Standard Library, Standard Library Resources, Standard Library Project Source of document: Federal Bureau of Prisons 320 First St., NW Washington, DC 20534 202-307-3198. BOP's FOIA Service Center (FSC): (202) 616-7750 Notes: This list was designated as the only source for religious books permitted into prison libraries. All materials in federal prison libraries would be reviewed and if it wasn't on the agency-designated approved list, it would be tossed. The Bureau of Prisons has responded to heavy criticism and has pulled back somewhat on this practice. (17-Oct-2007) The web site (“the site”) is noncommercial and free to the public. The site and materials made available on the site, such as this file, are for reference only. The web site and its principals have made every effort to make this information as complete and as accurate as possible, however, there may be mistakes and omissions, both typographical and in content. The web site and its principals shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information provided on the web site or in this file. Standardized Library Resources: Buddhism Print Media: I) Buddhist Religions: A Historical Introduction, by Richard H. Robinson, Willard L. Johnson, Thanissaro Bhikkhu, Wadsworth Publishing, ISBN: 0534558585,2004 (5 th ed.) An introductory book to Buddhism that covers the teachings and practices of a wide range of schools and traditions. 2) The Story of Buddhism: A Concise Guide to Its History & Teachings, by Donald S. Lopez Jr., HarperSanFrancisco, ISBN: 0060099275, 2002 A book that contains information on the practices of a wide range of schools and traditions. 3) The Teaching of Buddha, compiled by the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (Buddhist Promoting Foundation), ISBN: 4-89237-011-8,1985 (llOth ed.) Provides selective passages from many Buddhist scripture. This book is found in hotels, and institutions. 4) Essential Buddhism: A Complete Guide to Beliefs and Practices, by Jack Maguire, Pocket Books, ISBN: 0-671-04188-6,2001 Provides a practical summary of the different schools and practices of Buddhism. 5) Buddhism Plain and Simple, by Steve Hagen, Broadway Books, ISBN: 0767903323, 1998 This book explains basic Buddhist teachings from the Zen Buddhist perspective. 6) Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life, by Thich Nhat Hanh, Bantam Books, ISBN: 0553351397,1992 This book applies the basic Zen Buddhist teaching of mindfulness to everyday living. 7) The Heart of the Buddha's Teachings: Transforming Suffering into Peace, Joy, and Liberation, by Thich Nhat Hanh, Random House, Inc., ISBN: 0676903692, 1999 This book applies the basics teachings of Buddhism to modem struggles from a Zen Buddhist perspective. 8) Taming the Tiger Within: Meditations on Transforming Difficult Emotions, by Thich Nhat Hanh, Penguin Group, ISBN: 1573222887,2004 This book guides the reader through Buddhist ways of dealing with emotions such as anger, fear, and jealousy. 9) Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Infonnal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice, by Shunryu Suzuki, Shambhala Publications, Inc., ISBN: 0834800799, 1973 This book is often considered as one of the classic explanations of Zen Buddhism to Western audiences. 10) Not Always So: Practicing the True Spirit of Zen, by Shunryu Suzuki, Edward Espe Brown, Harper Collins Publishers, ISBN: 0060957549, 2003 A follow-up book to the above listed Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. 11) Everyday Zen: Love and Work, by Charlotte Joko Beck, Harper Collins Publishers, ISBN: 0060607343, 1989 This book applies the basics of Zen Buddhism to the struggles of everyday life. 12) Woman of the Way: Discovering 2,500 Years of Buddhist Wisdom, by Sallie Tisdale, HarperCollins, ISBN: 0-06-059816-6, 2006 This books traces women Buddhist masters and teachers, and gives us an understanding of women's contribution to Buddhism. 13) Living Buddha, Living Christ, by Thich Nhat Hanh, Riverhead Books, ISBN: 1-57322568-1,1995 This book compares Buddhist and Christian themes and scripture. 14) The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living, by the Dalai Lama, Howard C. Cutler, Penguin Group, ISBN: 1573221112,1998 A book that applies basic Buddhist teachings as explained by the Dalai Lama to modem daily struggles. 15) Open Heart: Practicing Compassion in Everyday Life, by Dalai Lama, Nicholas Vreeland, Little, Brown & Company, ISBN: 0316930938, 2002 This book lays out a path of Buddhist practice to increase one's compassion. 16) Awakening the Buddha Within, by Lama Surya Das, Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, ISBN: 0767901576,1998 This book explains basic Buddhist teachings and practices from the Tibetan Buddhist perspective. 17) When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times, by Perna Chodron, Shambhala Publications, Inc., ISBN: 1570623449, 1997 This book explains how one can face the struggles of modem life through the Buddhist teachings. The author is from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. 18) The Places that Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times, Perna Chodron, Shamabala Publications, ISBN: 978-1590304495. 2001 19) Buddhism for Beginners, by Thubten Chodron, Snow Lion Publications, Inc., ISBN: 1559391537,2001 This book explains the basic teachings of Buddhism from a Tibetan Buddhist perspective. 20) Wake Up To Your Life, by Ken McLeod, HarperCollins, ISBN: 0-06-251681-7,2002 This books provides models for developing meditation and insight. 21) What the Buddha Taught, by Walpola Rahula, Grove Press, ISBN: 0802130313, 1974 (Revised ed.) A book that covers the basic Buddhist teachings from the viewpoint of the Theravada school. The Theravada school is practiced in Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Burma, and Sri Lanka. In the West, a type of Buddhist meditation called Vipassana meditation is popular and Vipassana meditation comes from the Theravada school. 22) A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promised of Spiritual Life, by Jack Komfield, Bantam Books, ISBN: 0553372114, 1993 This book explains the practice of Buddhist meditation in an American context. The author has studied Theravada Buddhism and Vipassana meditation. 23) Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness, by Sharon Salzberg, Jon KabatZinn, Shambhala Publications, Inc., ISBN: 157062903X, 2002 This book applies Vipassana meditation to the struggles of modem life in America. 24) It's Easier Than You Think: The Buddhist Way to Happiness, by Sylvia Boorstein, Harper San Francisco, ISBN: 0062512943,1997 The book covers the basic Buddhist teachings in the context of modern American life. The author is a known teacher of Vipassana meditation. 25) Everyday Success: Buddhist Essays on Everyday Living, by Gyomay M. Kubose, Dhanna House, ISBN: 0964299208, 2004 A book that covers basic Buddhist teachings with daily experiences. The author is from a Japanese Buddhist tradition. 26) The Buddha in Your Mirror: Practical Bulidhism and the Search for Self, by Woody Hochswender, Greg Martin, Ted Morino, Middleway Press, ISBN: 0967469783,2001 This book covers the teachings ofNichiren Shoshu Buddhism, a type of Japanese Buddhism that has some popularity in the US. 27) River of Fire, River of Water: An Introduction to the Pure Land Tradition of Shin Buddhism, by Taitetsu Unno, Doubleday Publishing, ISBN: 0385485115, 1998 This book is an introduction to Shin Buddhism, a popular form of Buddhism in Japan that is quite popular in the US. 28) First Buddhist Women: Poems and Stories of Awakening, by Susan Murcott, Parallax Press, ISBN: 1-888375-54-X, (2006) This book provides historical insight into how Buddhism became one of the first religions to welcome women. 29) Mindfulness in Plain English by H. Gunaratana, by Corporate Body of the Buddha, ISBN: 0861713214, Fundamentals of the basic Buddhist meditation are outlined to include: the how why, when, where and answers to problems common to implementing the discipline of meditation. 30) Mindfulness: Path to the Deathless by Ajahn Sumedgo, Corporate Body of the Buddha, ISBN: 1870205014, (!987). Reference handbook to Buddhist meditation. 31) Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Suzuki, Shunryum ISBN: 0834800799, Weatherhill, Inc. ISBN: 1590302672 (2000). Succinct introduction to Zen practice as it discusses posture and breathing in meditation as well as selflessness, emptiness and mindfulness. 32) Describing the Indescribable by Hsing Yun, ISBN: 086171866, Wisdom Publications (2001). Buddhist commentary on the importance of balanced insight and emotion in the spiritual path. 33) Only Don't Know by Seung Sahn, ISBN: 1570624321, Shambhala Publication (1999). Letters written by a Zen Master answering questions about work, relationships, and suffering. 13) The Myth of Freedom , by Chogyan Trungpa, Publisher :Shambhala (1976) ISBN:l57062-933-1 Shows how our attitudes, preconceptions, and even or spiritual practices can become chains that bind us to repetitive patterns of frustration and despair. 14) The Wings to Awakening, by Thanissaso Bhikkhu, Publisher :The Dhama Dana Publication Fund (1996) ISBN: N/A Details the disciplines, teachings and practices of Hinayana Buddhism. 15) Insight Meditation, by Joseph Goldstain, Publisher: Shambhala (2003) ISBN: 016-5 1-59030- Explains favorite Dharma Stories, key teachings and answers the most asked insight meditation. 16) Jivan Muktiviveka, by Swami Vidyaranya, Publisher: Vedanta Press (1996) ISBN: 7505-882-5 81- Deals with how the spiritual aspirant can overcome fear, addiction, and illusion and become the jivanmukta or liberated soul. 18) Working With Anger, by Thubten Chodron, Publisher: Snow Lion (2001) 55939-163-4 ISBN: 1- This book presents a variety of Buddhist methods for subduing and preventing anger 19) Talks With Ramana Maharshi, by Ramana Maharshi, Publisher: Inner Directions (2000) ISBN: 1-878019-00-7 This book is in question, answer format and deals with a universal approach by directly pointing to the truth of our intrinsic nature 20) The Journey To The Sacred Garden, by Hank Wesselman, Publisher: Hay House (2003) ISBN: 1-4019-0111-5 This book shows us how we can tap into peace that lies within us all the time. 29) Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way, by Jay L. Garfield Publisher: Oxford (1995) ISBN: 0-19-509336-4 A clear and eminently readable translation of Nagarjuna's seminal work. Nagmjuna was a prominent Buddhist Saint. 43) Teachings from the Mani Retreat, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Publisher: Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive (2001) ISBN: 1-891868-10-1 A day by day account of the teachings given by the Lama at the inaugural Mani Retreat including the rituals, meditation, mantra and chanting etc ... 44) Zen Mind, Beginners Mind, by Shunryu Suzuki, Publisher: Weatherhill (1970) ISBN: 0-8348-0079-9 How to practice Zen as a workable discipline and religion in one's dally life, 45) Opening the Door to Bon, by Nyima Dallpa, Publisher, Snow Lion (2005) (ISBN: 10155939-246-0) A complete handbook for the fundamental practices of the Ancient Bon Tradition of Tibet. 46) Dzogchen Teachings, by Chogyan Norbu, Publisher, Snow Lion (2006) ISBN :10-155939-243 A complete guide to the Dzogchen teachings of Tibet. 47) Dzogchen Teachings,by Chogyan Norbu, Publisher, Snow Lion (2006) ISBN: 10-155939-243 A complete guide to the Dzogchen teachings of Tibet. 48) The Miracle of Mindfulness, by Thich Nhat Hanh, published by Beacon Press (1975) (ISBN: 0-8070-1239-4). Anecdotes and practical exercises as a means of learning the skills of mindfulness being awake and ware. 49) Seeking the Heart of Wisdom, by Joseph Goldstein, Publisher :Shambhala (1987) (ISBN: 1-57062-805-X) Teachings & practices of insight meditation which are the understanding of our bodies, minds, lives, and to see clearly the true nature of experience. 50) The Torch of Certainty , by Jamgon Kangtrul; Publisher :Shambhala (2000) (ISBN: 157062-713-4) This text describes the Four Foundation Practices that all practitioners ofvajrayana Buddhism must complete. 51) Enlightened Courage, by Dilgo Khyentse; Publisher :Snow Lion (1993) (ISBN: 1-55939023-9) The author presents the Seven Point Mind Training, brought to Tibet by the Indian Master Atisha, which is the very core of the entire practice of Tibetan Buddhism. 52) Living at the Source, by Swami Vivekananda; Publisher :Shambhala (1993) (ISBN: 157062-616-2) Writing and talks of Swami Vivekandanda on the concerns of contemporary men and women who seek to live a spiritual life in the midst of everyday activities. 53) Make Your Mind an Ocean, by Lana Yeshe; Publisher :TDL Publications (1999) (ISBN: 1-891868-03-9) Gives helpful tips to calm our mind according to the Buddhist tradition. 54) Zen Flesh, Zen Bones, by Paul Reps Publisher :Tuttle Publishing (1998) ISBN: 0-80483186-6 Four books in one and are the main Zen writing of Zen Buddhism. 55) Between Heaven and Earth, by Shi Bo, Publisher: ISBN: 1-59030-050-5 Calligraphic characters and historical and legendary anecdotes to gives a fascinating overview of the evolution of seven seminal Chinese writing styles. 56) Seared Calligraphy of the East, by John Stevens, Publisher :Shambhala (1981) ISBN: 157062-122-5 Covers topics as the history and spirit of Eastern Calligraphy, the are of copying religious texts, the biographies of important Zen Calligraphies. 57) The Places That Scare You, by Pena Chodron, ISBN: 1-57062-921-8, published by Shambala, (2001). Teaches how to awaken our basic goodness and connect with others, to accept ourselves and other complete with faults and imperfections. 58) When Things Fall Apart, by Pena Chodran, ISBN: 1-57062-969-2, published by Shambhala, (1997). Provides sound, heart advice for dealing with difficult times. 59) Crest Jewel of Discrimination, by Sri Shankasa, ISBN: 0-88748-034-5, published by Vedanta Press, (1947). Sharkara shares his philosophy on the nature of reality, and how to live a righteous life. 60) The Buddha and his teachings, by Samuel Bercholz Publisher: Shamblala (1993) ISBN: 1-57062-960-9 A collection of classic and modem Buddhist texts that provide insight into the teaching and practice of Buddhism. Video Media: 1) The Tibetan Book of the Dead (A Way of Life/Liberation). DVD, Wellspring, ASIN:BOOOOYTOZS, 2004. 2) The Robert A. F. Thurman Collection (On Tibet) DVD, Wellspring, ASIN:B00005Y6ZU, 2002. 3) Robert A.F. Thunnan on Buddhism. DVD, Mystic Fire, ASIN: 1561764442, 1999. 4) Mystic's Journey: Requiem for a Faith (Tibetan). VHS, Wellspring, ASIN:188553874X, 1998. 5) Sukhavati: A Mythic Journey. DVD, Mystic Fire, ISBN:1-56176-481-7, 2001. 6) Ethics For The New Millennium (Dalai Lama) DVD, Mystic Fire, ASIN:1561764477, 2003. 7) H.H. The Dalai Lama On Campus. VHS, MPI Home Video, ISBN:0-7886-0013-3, 1997 8) God and Buddha: A Dialogue. DVD, Mystic Fire, ASIN:BOOOC23DQ, 2003 9) The Four Noble Truths (Dalai Lama) DVD, Mystic Fire, ASIN:B00005U07Q, 2001. 10) Pema Chodron & Jack Kornfield: Wisdom and Compassion. DVD, Great Path, ASIN:BOOOMF2NFI. 11) Little Buddha. DVD, Miramax, ASIN:6305428360, 1999. 12) Life of Buddha. DVD, Arte, ASIN:BOOOIJCI4, 2004 13) Refuge. DVD, MDS Productions, ASIN:BOOOL82UPO. 14) Dalai Lama: Heart of Tibet. DVD, Mystic Fire, ASIN:6302890381, 1998. 15) Tibet: A Buddhist Trilogy. DVD, Festival Media, ASIN:BOOOJVTOEZ, 1999. 16) Talking with the Dalai Lama. DVD, MDS Productions, ASIN:BOOOL&WVDQ 17) A Guide to Walking Meditation. VHS, Parrallax Press, ASIN:0938077139. 18) Fire on the Mountain. VHS, Mystic Fire, ASIN:1561764485, 1999 19) Discovering Buddhism, DVD, FPMT, 2004 20) Natural Meditation: Tibetan Buddhist Practice, VHS, Sounds True Video, ASIN:000063UUB, 2000 21 ) The Secret Is There Are No Secrets: An Introduction to Zen Meditation, Openings, ASIN:00075K84G,2004 22) Buddhism: by the Teaching Company, DVD or CD Sets. 24 lectures presented by Malcolm Eckel, Ph.D, of Boston University giving a historical overview of Buddhism and an introduction to the vitality adaptability of a religious tradition that has transformed civilizations. 23) Great World Religions: Buddhism by the Teaching Company, DVD or CD sets. ISBN: 1565855647, 12 lectures by Malcolm Eckel, Ph.D, of Boston University giving an excellent study in the basics of Buddhism. 24) Three Principle Aspects of the Path by Lama Yeshe (DVD), Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive (2005). Set in the Buddhist Mahayana Tradition this is a 2 part series introducing the path of enlightenment. The Lama explains such concepts as renunciation, bodhicitta and the right of emptiness. Audio Media: 1) Your Buddha Nature by Jack Kornfield, ISBN: 01564455739, Audio-tape produced by Sounds True, (1998). Introduces the listener to the 10 perfections of Buddha. 2) The Present Moment by Thich Bhat Hanh, ISBN: 159179126, Audio Tape, Sounds True, (1994). Learn about Buddhist practice directly from a master of tradition. This reference teaches listeners to walk, breathe, and communicate deeply and consciously. 3) Natural Perfection by Lama Surya Das, ISBN: 1564556808, Audio Tape, Sounds True, (1999). Lama Surya Das is an authentic Tibetan Lama, born and raised in the West - he understands the complexities of one of Tibetan Buddhism profoundest teachings Dzogchen, but is able to convey it in a contemporary and often humourous form. A number of guided meditations accompany the discussion, and some "non-meditations", such as the 'sky gazing' technique are well explained. 4) The Places that Scare You by Perna Choden, ISBN: 1590304497, Audio Tape, Shambala Publications, (2001). In The Places That Scare You, Chadron introduces a host of the compassionate tools and concepts for transforming anxieties and negative emotions into positive living. 5) Awakening Compassion by Perna Chodron, ISBN: 1591791286, Audio CD, Sounds True Publications (2003). Awakening Compassion is the first audio retreat on the practice of lojong taught by Perna Chodron herself. With many on-the-spot techniques for dealing with jealousy, anger, and fear, Awakening Compassion is a unique resource for bringing compassion into the world and stopping the cycle of suffering in our own lives. 6) Buddhism without Beliefs by Stephen Batchelor, Audio CD, ISBN: 15732263564, Sounds True Production, (2001). The major tenets of Buddhist wisdom laid out by the author with comments on their relevance to modem life. 7) The Way of Leadership: Ancient Strategies for Success from the Zen/Taosist Masters by Cleary (Translator) Audio CD, ISBN: 1591791539. Timeless wisdom on leadership from the Zen/Taoist Buddhist traditions. 8) Living Well, Dying Well by Rinpoche, Sogya1 (Audio CD) ISBN: 1591795117, Sounds True Publications. Tibetan teacher introduces the fundamental concepts on reincarnation, karma and meditation freeing one to live well and face death constructively. 9) Sacred Path of the Warrior by Chogyan Trungpa (Audio Tape and CD) ISBN:0877735085, Shambha1a Publications (1989). The founder of Naropa University conveys to the listener a path of self-mastery and greater fulfillment by discussing the skills needed to overcome habitual behaviors, relaxation and discipline. 10) Dewa Che , by Dechen Shak-Dagsay, Publisher: New Earth (1999) ISNB: NI A The chanting of Tibetan Mastras over classical Indian Music. Standard Library Project: SIKH Print Media: 1) Victory and Virtue by the Office of Bhai Sahiba of Sikh Dharma available through the Sikh Ancient Healing Ways, Espanola, NM A publication of the Office of the Bhai Sahiba of Sikh Dharma. This comprehensive manual has a wealth of information for anyone who desires to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the practices of the Sikh lifestyle. Important historical background, Gudwara protocols and ceremonies, and the science of the sound current are some of the areas included. 2) Guru for the Aquarian Age by Prema Kaur Khalsa, Published by Spiritual Community, ISBN:0913852015 The life and teachings of Guru Nanak, the founder of the Sikh religion. 3) Living Reality by Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Khalsa, PhD., Chherharta Amritsa, India, 2001 A catechism of the Sikh religion which addresses its philosophy, history, way of life and its universal teachings. 4) Psyche of the Golden Shield available through the Sikh Ancient Healing Ways, Espanola, NM A collection of treasured hymns from the Sikh scriptures to help one achieve fulfillment and excellence in life. 5) The Sikh Religion - Its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors by Max Arthur Macauliffe (1842-1913), Published by Satvic Books, (January 2000), ISBN: 8187526017. First published in 1909, this is probably the best known definitive, comprehensive history of the Sikh religion and its writings. Written in six volumes, today the complete and unabridged version usually comes in a three book set. 6) Popular Dictionary of Sikhism by Cole, ISBN: 0700702024 Terms related to Sikhism giving an understanding of the religion's relation to Hinduism and Islam; history, sacred writings, and theology. Audio Media: I) Daily Banis by Amarjit Kaur (2 Audio CD) Available through Spirit Voyage Music, 888735-4800 This CD set contains the recitation of the Sikh daily banis (prayers). Recited in clear, precise tones, the CD is a great resource in both learning and practicing one's daily prayers. The first CD contains the morning prayers and the 2nd CD contains the evening prayers. 2) Amrit Vela by Snatam Kaur and Tam Taran Singh (Audio CD) Available through Spirit Voyage Music This CD contains inspirational mantras known and loved by Sikh worldwide and widely used by Western Sikhs as part of their early morning spiritual practice. 3) Anand by Snatam Kaur. Available through Spirit Voyage Music This selection of beautiful English and Gurumukhi songs and mantras by Snatam Kaur is filled with soothing serene music and recitation. 4) Nitmen & Benti Chaupai by Bhai Harjinder Singh available through Sikh Dharma Bhai Sahiba's Office, Dr. Bibiji Inderjeit Kaur, lA Ram Das Guru Place, Espanola, NM 87532,505-753-5633. 5) Asa-di-Var by Bhai Nirmal Singh available through Sikh Dharma Bhai Sahiba's Office, Dr. Bibiji Inderjeit Kaur, lA Ram Das Guru Place, Espanola, NM 87532, 505-753-5633. 6) Sukhmani Sahib & Nitnem by Professor Ragi Satnam Singh available through Sikh Dharma Bhai Sahiba's Office, Dr. Bibiji Inderjeit Kaur, lA Ram Das Guru Place, Espanola, NM 87532, 505-753-5633. 7) Guru Ram Das Shabads by Bhai Harjinder Singh available through Sikh Dharma Bhai Sahiba's Office, Dr. Bibiji Inderjeit Kaur, lA Ram Das Guru Place, Espanola, NM 87532,505-753-5633. Video Media: 1) The Golden Temple available through Ancient Healing Ways, Espanola, NM Documentary on the Golden Temple, the most revered of the Sikh spiritual shrines and the foremost place of pilgrimage for Sikhs. Standard Library Resources - Catholic Print Media: 1) The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis, (ISBN-0785242244) A classic book for meditation on the Christian life by this 14th century monk. 2) A Brief History of Vatican II by Alberigo, Giuseppe, and Sherry, Matthew, trans. (ISBN-1570750491 ) Explains the origin and sessions of this council of the Catholic Church. 3) John Paul II, A Life of Grace by Allegri, Renzo (ISBN-0867166576) The facts of Pope John Paul II Life are well known, but the mystery of his unique journey has not always been clear. He is a pope of a Milestone, a poet, mystic, philosopher, and theoretician. 4) The Philokalia: The Eastern Christian Spiritual Texts-Selections, Annotated, and Explained by Allyne Smith, trans. Palmer, Sherrard and Ware (ISBN-1594731039) This is a collection of writings of monks from the fourth to the fifteen century embodying the Eastern Church's interpretation of biblical meaning. It is an introduction to the spiritual wisdom of the Eastern Christian Church. 5) Charles De Foucauld by Antier, Jean Jacquest, and Shirek Smith, Julia (ISBN0898707560) French playboy who became a "universal brother" living among Muslims in the Sahara desert. 6) Introduction To Saint Thomas Aquinas by Aquinas, Thomas, and Pegis, Anton (ISBN0075536536) Selections from the Summa Theologica and Contra Gentiles. 7) Aquinas' Shorter Summa: Saint Thomas' Own Concise Version of His Summa Theological by Aquinas, Thomas (ISBN-1928832431) Last book of Thomas Aquinas and summary of his Summa Theological. 8) God's Invisible Hand by Arinze, Francis, and O'Connell, Gerard(ISBN-1-58617-135-6) Cardinal Arinze, the first African prelate to head a major Vatican office, tell his amazing life story, and how he was guided by "God invisibles hand" through many dangerous and difficult times growing up in Nigeria. 9) City of God by Augustine (ISBN-0140448942) St. Augustine is probably the most influential Christian thinker after St. Paul, and this book is his masterpiece, a vast synthesis of religious and secular knowledge. 10) The Confessions ofSt. Augustine by Augustine (ISBN-0192833723) By Common consent this work has a special place among the world's great books. An inexhaustible source of intellectual stimulation. 11) The Wisdom of John Paul II by Bakalar, Nick, and Balkin, Richard (ISBN-0375727329) Essential excerpts from the late pope's encyclicals, sermons, addresses, and other statements throughout his papacy. 12) Spiritual Direction and the Encounter with God by Barry, William A, SJ.(ISBN0809142945) How a relationship with God develops and how one can discern whether a particular experiences is from God or not. 13) Finding God in All Things by Barry, William A, S. J.(ISBN-0877934606) A companion to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. 14) God's Passionate Desire and Our Response by Barry, William A, S. 1. (ISBN0877935017) Meditations on God's desire to be in relationship with us and our desire to be in relationship with God. 15) New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law by Beal, John, Coriden, James, and Green, Thomas, eds. (ISBN-0901050020) Contains the canon law of the Catholic Church with detailed commentary. 16) The Collegeville Bible Commentary by Bergant, Dianne, ed. (ISBN-0-8146-1484-1) This one-volume, edition was prepared to meet the needs of those students of the bible who need reference to more than one book of the bible or who prefer to use their own Bible. 17) His Holiness: John Paul II and the Hidden History of Our Time by Bernstein, Carl, and Politi, Marco (ISBN-0385472374) The story of Karol Wojtila, the first Polish pope in 400 years, and his leadership in world events. 18) An Introduction to the Christian Orthodox Churches (Introduction to Religion) by Binns, John (ISBN-0521667380) Describes the life of the Orthodox Churches of the Christian East from Constantine to 2000. 19) The Death of the Messiah: Volumes I and II by Brown, Raymond E. (ISBN-0-38519397-1) A comprehensive study and scriptural analysis of the death of Christ 20) The New Jerome Biblical Commentary by Brown, Raymond., Fitzmyer, Joseph A., and Murphy, Roland E. (ISBN-0318598363) This reference book is a compact commentary on the entire Bible that readers can use to familiarize themselves with the methods and paths followed by biblical scholars. 21) Catholic Almanac by Bunson, Matthew, ed. (ISBN-0879739142) One-of-a-kind, fully-indexed annual guide to Catholic current events. 22) Catechism of the Catholic Church, Revised in Accordance with the Official Latin Text Promulgated by Pope John Paul II (hardcover) by Catholic Church - Corporate Author, USCCB, 2nd Edition (ISBN-1574551094) This is the first official new edition of the Catholic catechism in 400 years. It is the authoritative summary of Catholic belief regarding the Church creeds, sacraments, commandments, and prayers. It contains extensive cross-referencing, indexing, footnotes and "In brief' summaries of each section. It should be mandatory in all Chapel libraries for Catholic inmates. 23) New Catholic Encyclopedia, Edition 2, 15 Volumes by Catholic University of America (ISBN-0787640042) This is a modem and complete (and expensive) encyclopedia produced under the guidance of the Catholic University of America. It is a modem revision of the 1967 encyclopedia which many institution own. 24) Beginning Apologetics - 8 Volumes by Chacon, Frank, and Burnham, Jim (ISBN1930084005) Subjects covered are: The Bible, Apologetics, Apostolic Authority, Marian Doctrines, Confession, Eucharist, Purgatory and more. 25) Western Asceticism by Chadwick, Owen, ed.(ISBN-0664241611 ) Contains three important documents of the early Christian Church- The Sayings ofthe Fathers, The Conferences of Cassian, and the Rule ofSaint Benedict, 26) Saint Thomas Aquinas: The Dumb Ox by Chesterson, G. K. (ISBN-0385090021) A classic portrait of St. Thomas Aquinas. 27) Light Through Darkness: The Orthodox Tradition (Traditions of Christian Spirituality) by Chrysostom, John (ISBN-1570755485) A study into the heart of Orthodox Christian tradition - the idea of brokenness and darkness as the only way to healing and light, the idea of imperfection as the only way to salvation. 28) Saints Behaving Badly: The Cutthroats, Crooks, Trollops, Con Men, and Devil Worshipers Who Became Saints. by Craughwell, Thomas 1. (ISBN-038551720-3) The book presents 28 saints as they truly were before becoming saints. Saints are not born; they are made. 29) The First Seven Ecumenical Councils (325-787) by Davis, Leo D., S.1.(ISBN-0-81465616-1) Their history and theology. 30) The Divine Milieu by De Chardin, Teilhard (ISBN-00609048795) A modem spiritual classic by Jesuit geologist and paleontologist who emphasizes humanity's spiritual life can become a participation in the destiny of the universe. 31) The Way to Love by De Mello, Anthony (ISBN-038524939X) In thirty-one meditations, de Mello implores his readers to break through illusion, the great obstacle to love. "Love springs from awareness," de Mello insists, saying that it is only when we see others as they are that we can begin to really love. But not only must we seek to see others with clarity, we must examine ourselves without misconception. 32) Awakening: Conversations with the Masters by De Mello, Anthony (ISBN-0829412603) 365 short daily meditations from spiritual masters. 33) Sadhana: A Way to God by De Mello, Anthony (ISBN-0385196148) A series of prayer exercises drawn from both Eastern and Western traditions of meditation. 34) Beyond the Darkness: A Biography of Bede Griffiths by Du Boulay, Shirley (ISBN0385489463) Biography of the English Benedictine monk who tried to harmonize spiritual practices of the East and West, and was eventually the leader of an ashram in India. 35) In the Redeeming Christ: Toward a Theology of Spirituality by Durrwell, F.X. (ISBNB00015KKFM The Christian life must always be seen in relation to Christ the redeemer who is its center. This book is a collection of aspects of the spiritual life. 36) The Mystery of Christ and the Apostolate by Durwell, F.X. (ISBN-07220721 04) Written by a biblical theological expounding biblical teaching. he brings out the gospel message about the Church's call to holiness and its obligation to evangelize. 37) All Saints: Daily Reflections on Saints, Prophets, and Witnesses for Our Time by Ellsberg, Robert (ISBN-0824516796) Ellsberg redefines the stereotype of saints in this compendium of the lives of men and women, ancient and contemporary, who gave themselves completely to their vocations. 38) Blessed Among All Women by Ellsberg, Robert (ISBN-0824522516) Stories of over 60 holy women whose lives draw us into the mystery of the beatitudes-sanctity, the struggle for justice, poverty of spirit, and merciful love. 39) The Man Is You by Evely, Louis (ISBN-BOOOOEF6BU) Would we have recognized Christ? How? So many of those He met during His earthly life didn't and we-why would we have recognized Him? Why would we have failed to? 40) Oxford Dictionary of Saints by Farmer, David (ISBN-0198609493) Over 1400 entries covering saints world wide - Europe, North and South America, the Far East, and Latavia and Poland. 41) The Way of the Pilgrim and Other Classics of Russian Spirituality by Fedotov, G. P., Editor (ISBN-0486427129) The Way of a Pilgrim ranks among the classics of world spirituality. It is the story of an anonymous 19th-century peasant's spiritual education. 42) Pope Benedict XVI A Personal Portrait by Fisher, Heinz-Joachim (ISBN-0824523725) The authoritative biography is now available from the leading Vaticanjoumalist and closest observer of Joseph Ratzinger. 43) Documents of Vatican II by Flannery, Austin, editor(ISBN-0918344379) This book contains the 16 final documents approved by the second Vatican council which was held from 1962 to 1965. This is an essential volume for a Catholic library. 44) Ignatius of Loyola: Spiritual Exercises and Selected Works (Classics of Western Spirituality) by Ganss, George, SJ., editor (ISBN-08091 04474) This book provides four major works ofIgnatius of Loyola, ten samples of letters, with introduction and commentary. 45) Josua and the City by Girzone, Joseph F. (ISBN-0-385-48569-7) God has come to visit all of us many times in various shapes and disguise. Joshua is a fantasy about one of these possible visits, and how people would respond. The book was written with the hope that Jesus would become real in our lives once again. 46) Joshua by Girzone, Joseph F. (ISBN-0-385-47421-0) God has come to visit all of us many times in various shapes and disguise. Joshua is a fantasy about one of these possible visits, and how people would respond. The book was written with the hope that Jesus would become real in our lives once again. 47) A Portrait of Jesus by Girzone, Joseph F. (ISBN-0-385-48477-1) There are countless paths to follow when seeking spiritual guidance, but thousands of years of religion and theology cannot replace the premier example that Jesus himself set. 48) Joshua the Homecoming by Girzone, Joseph F. (ISBN-0-385-49509-9) God has come to visit all us many time in various shapes and disguise. Joshua is a fantasy about on of these possible visits, and how people would respond. The book was written with hope that Jesus would real in our lives once again. 49) Opening to God: A Guide to Prayer by Green, Thomas H (ISBN-1594710716) Opening to God is a very practical guide to discernment. It is a well grounded and faith filled view of how the Christian can faithfully seek the will of God. 50) When the Well Runs Dry: Prayer Beyond Beginnings by Green, Thomas H.(ISBN0877931828) For those who pray, but whose prayer life has run dry. 51) Weeds Among the Wheat: Discernment: Where Prayer and Action Meet by Green, Thomas H. (ISBN-0877933189) A rich source of information in developing discernment in the context of a special lifelong journey. It is an excellent introduction to the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola and to "the place where prayer and action meet." 52) The Golden String: An Autobiography by Griffiths, Bede (ISBN-0872431126) A truthful look at one man's struggle to find the meaning of life. It is a fascinating look at a very complicated and sensitive individual. He describes his spiritual journey from agnostic to Roman Catholic monk in candid detail. 53) Spiritual Passages: The Psychology of Spiritual Development by Groeschel, Benedict 1. (ISBN-0824506286) Provides some of the sounder insights of contemporary psychology to the classical outline of the spiritual journey contained in the literature of spirituality 54) The Virtue Driven Life by Groeschel, Fr. Benedict J., C.F.R.(ISBN-978-1-59276-265-1) With his typical wit, warmth, and wisdom, best-selling author Fr. Benedict 1. Groeschel helps you take a bold stance in your life by bring each of the seven Cardinal Virtue down to earth, making them meaningful for today. 55) Heaven Begins with You by Gruen, Anselm, trans. Peter Heinegg (ISBN-0802841325) Before psychology the Christian monastics made real life experience the basis for spirituality, rather than airy ideals. It is a guide to a lifestyle rooted in self-knowledge and faith. 56) Catholic for a Reason, 3 Volumes by Hahn, Scott, and Flaherty, Regis 1. (ISBN-1931018-18-9) These books answer the important and legitimate questions of the Protestants. 57) Hail, Holy Queen the Mother of God in the Word of God by Hahn, Scott (ISBN0140448942) An enlightening perspective on Mary, Mother of God, demonstrating Mary's essential role in Christianity's redemptive message. 58) Too Deep for Words: Rediscovering Lectio Divina by Hall, Thelma (ISBN-0809129590) The ancient way of spiritual reading (lcetio divina) as a proven path that leads to contemplation. 59) Modem Catholic Dictionary by Hardon, John A., SJ.(ISBN-0385121628) A complication of approximately 5000 terms that deal with Catholic faith, worship, morals, history and spirituality. 60) The Treasury of Catholic Wisdom by Hardon, John A., Editor (ISBN-0898705398) A mini-library in one volume of more than 33 great Catholic spiritual writers and thinkers from as early as the first centuries A.D. 61) Desert Christians: An Introduction to the Literature of Early Monasticism by Harmless, William (ISBN-0195162234 This book introduces the literature of early monasticism. It examines all the best-known works, including Athanasius' Life of Antony, the Lives of Pachomius, and the so-called Sayings of the Desert Fathers. Later chapters focus on two pioneers of monastic theology: Evagrius Ponticus, the first great theoretician of Christian mysticism; and John Cassian, who brought Egyptian monasticism to the Latin West. 62) The Healing Power of the Eucharist by Hampsch, John H., C.M.F. (ISBN-978-1-56955095-3) Father Hampsch reflects upon the spiritual, emotional and even physical healing that is available to us through the transforming power of this sacrament. 63) SACRA PAGINA by Harrington, Daniel 1., Editor (ISBN-0814658040) SACRA PAGINA is a multi-volume commentary on the books of the New Testament. There are separate volumes by various editors for the various books of the bible Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, Galatians, Corinthians, etc. The series present fresh translations and modem expositions of all the books of the New Testament. Written by an international team of Catholic biblical scholars, the volumes present basic introductory information and close exposition. The volumes invite as many people as possible to study the "sacred page." 64) Interpreting The Old Testament by Harrington, Daniel 1., S.J. (ISBN-0-8146-5236-0) A Practical guide to the Old Testament. 65) Responses to 101 Questions on God and Evolution by Haught, John F. (ISBN0809139898) This book by a Distinguished Research Professor of Theology at Georgetown University addresses Darwin's theory of evolution, implications of evolution for theology, and creationism in its many expressions. It deals with intelligent design of the universe, natural selection, divine providence, suffering, and redemption. 66) Catholic Social Teaching: Our Best Kept Secret by Henroit, Peter, DeBerri, Edward, Schultheis, Michael (ISBN-1570754853) A "Cliff Notes" version of 100 years of Catholic social thought consisting of detailed outlines of major social teaching documents. 67) Lord Jesus Christ by Hurtado, Larry W. (ISBN-0-8028-6070-2) The most comprehensive study of the primitive church and its explosion of faith in Jesus as Lord. An excellent Christology. 68) A Pilgrim's Journey: The Autobiography ofIgnatius of Loyolaby Ignatius of Loyola (ISBN-0829407790) The autobiography of the founder of the Society of Jesus. 69) She Who Is by Johnson, Elizabeth A.(ISBN-0824519256) The mystery of God in feminist theological discourse. The book sets out to articulate metaphors for God that are feminine in nature. 70) Truly Our Sister: A Theology of Mary in the Communion of Saints by Johnson, Elizabeth A.(ISBN-0826418279) The book focuses on Mary, who was intimately linked to the Spirit and yet remains far more accessible to us humans. 71) Arise, My Love: Mysticism for a New Era by Johnson, William(ISBN-1570753121) Filled with spiritual insight, this book encourages inter-religious dialogue between East and West. 72) Cloud of Unknowing and Book ofPriyy Counseling by Johnson, William, ed. (ISBN-03 85030975) A classic spiritual book of a 14th century mystic providing a practical guide to the path of contemplation. 73) Showings by Julian of Norwich, with Cooledge, Edmund, and Walsh, James, translators (ISBN-089120917) A late 14th century anchoress who lived in England, and whose single desire was to surrender all to God, reflects on her visions and their meaning. This volume is only one of many excellent volumes in the "Classics of Western Spirituality" series. 74) That They May All Be One: The Call To Unity by Kasper, Walter Cardinal (ISBN-0860 123790) Kasper heads the Vatican's Council for Christian Unity. He has the specific task of trying to heal the rift between the Roman Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Patriarchate in Moscow. He outlines his vision for the unity of Christian Churches. 75) Jesus The Christ by Kasper, Walter Cardinal(lSBN-080912081X) Kasper, a Catholic cardinal and the Vatican's chief spokesman for Jewish-Christian dialogue, presents one of the more comprehensive surveys of Christo logy in print. 76) The Collected Works ofSt. Teresa of Avila - 3 Volumes by Kavanaugh, Kieran (ISBN-0960087664) Teresa of Avila lived during the 1500s. A Christian mystic, the knowledge that she imparted in her writings was esteemed so highly, that she was the first woman to receive the title of" doctor," by the Catholic Church. 77) The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross by Kavanaugh, Kieran, and Rodriquez, Otilio (ISBN-0935216146) The book consists of four major works and many minor works. The major works are "The Ascent of Mount Carmel", "The Dark Night", "The Spiritual Canticle" and "The Living Flame of Love". Each of the major works consists of a poem, written by St. John, and an extensive, word by word, explanation, supported by verses from Scripture. 78) Open Mind, Open Heart by Keating, Thomas (lSBN-082640698X Spanish:0916349071) The practice of centering prayer is the beginning of a process of spiritual growth. 79) Invitation to Love by Keating, Thomas (ISBN-082640698X Spanish: 0826410936) Outlines and explains the actual stages and of the process of spiritual growth through centering prayer. It is an attempt to provide a road map for the journey that begins when centering prayer is seriously undertaken. 80) Oasis of Wisdom, The Worlds of the Desert Fathers and Mothers by Keller, David G.R. (ISBN-0-8146-3034-0) A scholarly and spiritual examination of the lives, beliefs, and wisdom of early Christian monastic men and women in Egypt and other desert lands. Chapters discuss daily lives and survival in such communities; the virtues that those living in such communities strove to achieve; and the lessons the postmodern world can learn from the early ascetics, such as the importance of stillness and science, humility, and patience. 81) Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Abridged by Kittel, Gerhard, ed. (lSBN-0802824048) Gives theological insight into various New Testament scripture topics. 82) The Catholic Comparative New Testament by Kohlenberger, John R., ed. (ISBN-0-19-528299-X) Features eight complete Catholic New Testaments that show the full range of expression for this central text of study, worship, prayer, and contemplation. Includes DouayRheims, RSVCB, NRSVCB, NABJB, GNB, NJB, and Christian Community Bibles 83) The Practice of the Presence of God by Lawrence, Brother (ISBN-0883681056) Classic book by a monastery cook who lived about 300 years ago - on living in the presence of God. 84) The Visionary Christian by Lewis, C. S. (ISBN-0-02-086730-1) The Visionary Christian gives a glimpse of Lewis himself in his towering faith, his graceful genius, his awesome understanding. 85) Mere Christianity by Lewis, C. S. (ISBN-0684-823780) Lewis presents Christian doctrine in an accessible manner. The book's content was first heard as informal radio broadcasts before being published. 86) Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Libreria Editrice Vaticana (ISBN-l574557203) This 200-page volume offers an official and short synthesis of the essential and fundamental element of the Church's faith found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. 87) The Apostolic Fathers by Lightfoot, 1. B., ed.(ISBN-0766164985) Contents: Epistles of Clement of Rome: Genuine Epistle to the Corinthians, An Ancient Homily Commonly Called the Second Epistle; Epistles of S. Ignatius; Epistle of S. Polycarp; Martyrdom of S. Polycarp; Didache, Or Teaching of the Apostles; Epistle of Barnabas; Shepherd of Hermas; Epistle to Diognetus; Fragments of Papias; Relique of the Elders Preserved in Irenaeus; Index of Scriptural Passages. 88) A Year of Sundays: Gospel Reflections 2006 by Little Rock Scripture Study for Adults (ISBN-0814626378) The Little Rock Scripture Study develops and distributes Bible study materials for adult Catholics. The above is just one sample of materials available in English and Spanish. The group offers give general areas of study -- Foundation Studies, Gospels, Old Testament Writings, Early Church Writings, Thematic Studies, and Video-based courses. 89) Christ's Mother & Ours by Lukefahr, Oscar, C. M.(ISBN-0-7648-0214-3) Mary announces the presence of our Savior and her son, Jesus into the world. Christ's Mother & Ours reflects on the importance of Mary in Scripture, Liturgy, and Catholicism. 90) Where is That in the Bible? by Madrid, Patrick (ISBN-0879736933) Informs readers of the biblical origins of Catholic doctrines such as priestly celibacy, veneration of Mary and the saints, mortal and venial sins, and purgatory. While the tone is sometimes strident, the information is clear and conveniently organized by topic. 91) My Life With the Saints by Martin, James (ISBN-0829420012) Personal experiences of befriending saints provide convincing testimony as to their efficacy as role models. 92) The Creed by Marthaler, Bernard (ISBN-0896225372) A one volume compendium of Catholic theology organized around the NiceneConstantinople creed. 93) Becoming Who You Are: Insights on the True Self from Thomas Merton and Other Saints by Martin, James, SJ. (ISBN-158768036X) Reflections on the writing of Trappist monk Thomas Merton. We are all created for holiness, yet our particular brand of holiness is unique to each one of us. 94) Living Justice by Massaro, Thomas (ISBN-1580510469) A summary and explanation of the major principles of Catholic social teaching. This would make an excellent text in an introduction to Catholic social ethics course. 95) Images of Mary by McBride, Alfred, 0 Praem. (ISBN-978-0-86716-330-8) Mary is important to all Christians, but especially so to Catholics. McBride explores ten images of Mary and explains their evolution and influence, tracing her appeal through different eras and different cultures. 96) The Harper Collins Encyclopedia of Catholicism by McBrien, Richard P., Editor (ISBN-0060653388) McBrien, a theology professor, commissioned more than 4,500 entries Catholic doctrine, worship, history, culture, art, literature, and biblical scholarship. There are entries on Catholicism in various countries, biographies, information on other religions, and discussions of Complex moral and social issues. 97) The Loving Search for God by Menninger, William A.(ISBN-08264085l6) An easy to guide to understanding practicing contemplative prayer by a Trappist monk at St. Benedict's Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado. 98) Mystics and Zen Masters by Merton, Thomas (ISBN-0374520011) A Trappist monk writes about diverse religious concepts - early monasticism, Russian Orthodox spirituality, Shakers and Zen Buddhism. 99) The Seven Story Mountain by Merton, Thomas (ISBN-0156010860) Autobiography of a young man who becomes a Trappist monle 100) Asian Journal by Merton, Thomas (ISBN-0811205703) The final journal of Trappist Thomas Merton as he journeys in Asia reflecting on Tantric Buddhism and Zen. 101) No Man Is An Island by Merton, Thomas (ISBN-0156027739) A collection of stimulating essays on human spirituality by a Trappist monk. 102) Christ in Eastern Christian Thought by Meyerdorff, John (ISBN-0913836273) The author discusses Christological debates of the early Church. 103) The Encyclicals of John Paul II by Miller, Michael (ISBN-0879733160) Thirteen major teachings by the late Pope John Paul II. The pope discusses central realities of the Catholic faith and some of the most pressing issues of the world today. 104) A Harsh and Dreadful Love: Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement by Miller, William (ISBN-087140558) The story of Dorothy Day and the founding of the Catholic Worker Movement. 105) The Seven Story Mountain of Thomas Merton by Mott, Michael (ISBN-O 156806819) The only authorized biography about the monk, Thomas Merton, and sanctioned by the Thomas Merton Legacy Trust. 106) Is Forgiveness Possible by Mueller, Joan (ISBN-0814624707) The book explores the theological foundations of forgiveness dilemmas by studying and the facilitating dialogue between the prayer of forgiveness found in Luke/Acts and American pastoral forgiveness theory. 1(7) Francis: The Saint of Assisi by Mueller, Joan (ISBN-0883474484) Combines accurate historical information with a flavor for the times in which this saint of peace lived and for the Church to which he belonged. 1(8) Approaching the Sacred: An Introduction to Spiritual Reading by Muto, Susan (ISBN-0871930471) Discusses spiritual reading (lectio divina) as a means to create an inner atmosphere in which God may reveal Godself. 1(9) Reaching Out by Nouwen, Henri lM. (ISBN-0385236824) Nouwen presents three ways of reaching out - from loneliness to solitude, from hostility to hospitality, and from illusion to prayer. The book serves as a basis for the Life Connections Program. 110) The Way of the Heart by Nouwen, Henri lM.(ISBN-0345463358) This little paperback contains some of the greatest, most basic truths Christianity, silence, solitude, and prayer, and reminds us that in the practice of these simple truths that we can find the true essence of God and of our relationship to Him. 111) Choosing to be Catholic by 0' Malley,. William l(ISBN-0-88347-473-5) The perfect book for those who are seeking to learn more about the Catholic faith through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and for those who may have become disenchanted with the Church or perhaps even with God over the years. 112) Saints of Africa by O'Malley, Vincent l (ISBN-087973373X) Over 117 million Catholic lives in Africa. This book is a cross section of saints of Africa from earliest defenders of faith to twentieth-century martyrs. It include a brief history of the Catholic Church in Africa. 113) Catholic Social Though: The Documentary Heritage by 0 'Brien, David l, and Shannon, Thomas A., Eds. (ISBN-0883447878) A complete source of Catholic social encyclicals and other official papal documents on Catholic social teaching into the 1990s. 114) Whose Bible Is It? by Peliken, Jaroslay (ISBN-0670033855) A history of the scriptures through the ages. 115) Credo by Peliken, Jaroslav (lSBN-030093888) Historical and Theological guide to Creeds and Confessions of Faith in the Christian Tradition 116) Twelve Tough Issues and More: What the Church Teaches and Why by Pilarczyk, Daniel E. (ISBN-978-0-86716-461-9) Short reflections for ordinary Catholics on a variety of tough moral issues facing modem believers. 117) Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church by Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. (ISBN-N1574556924) The book's 250 pages of carefully selected quotations from ancient and modem documents are wonderfully indexed by sources (25 pp.) and by vigorous topics and inviting sub-topics. It speaks of God's plan oflove for humanity. 118) Introduction to Christianity by Ratzinger, Joseph, (Pope Benedict XVI) ISBN: 1586170295 One of the pope's most important and widely read books. His profound treatment of Christianity's basic truths combines a spiritual outlook with a deep knowledge of scripture and the history of theology. 119) The Spirit of the Liturgy by Ratzinger, Joseph, (Pope Benedict XVI) (ISBN-0897707864) Presents a profound and beautiful treatment of the "great prayer of the church," the mass (Eucharist). It will help readers rediscover the liturgy in all its hidden spiritual wealth. 120) God Is Near Us: The Eucharist, The Heart of Life by Ratzinger, Joseph, (Pope Benedict XVI) (ISBN-0898709628) One of the most renowned Catholic theological and spiritual writers of our times shows us the biblical, historical, and theological dimensions of the Eucharist. 121) Great Themes of Scripture Old Testament by Rohr, Richard, O.F.M. and Martos, Joseph (ISBN-978-0-86716-085-7) Offers newcomers to the Hebrew scriptures and overview of their religious themes. 122) Great Themes of Scripture: New Testament by Rohr, Richard, O.F.M. and Martos, Joseph (ISBN-978-0-86716-098-7) Looks at the many ways salvation themes are proclaimed by various authors and literary styles of the New Testament. 123) The Wild Man's Journey by Rohr, Richard, & Martos, Joseph (ISBN-0-86716-128-0) This book is for men who know they aren't perfect and are willing to admit it. It is for men who sense a need for self-developed but who are not quite sure of what needs to be developed. 124) From Wild Man to Wise Man by Rohr, Richard (ISBN-978-0-86716-740-5) Every man who seriously desires to appreciate masculinity and to face reality. his own soul, his place in the Gospel and in society as well his need for conversion and growth will be challenged by this book. 125) The Shattered Lantern: Rediscovering a Felt Presence of God by Rolheiser, Ronald (ISBN-08245 18845) The way back to a lively faith is not a question of finding the right answers, but living in a certain way. The book tries to give some perspectives on how to walk the walk, wrestle honestly with deep questions of faith. 126) Against an Infinite Horizon: The Finger of God in Our Everyday Lives by Rolheiser, Ronald (ISBN-082445 19655) Certitude is not the real substance of faith. Faith is a way of seeing things. Faith is to see everything against an infinite horizon. It is meant to change our eyesight, to take the reality of our lives and set it against the horizon of the eternal and infinite. 127) The Holy Longing: The Search for a Christian Spirituality by Rolheiser, Ronald (ISBN-0385494181 ) A book for those who have not been exposed to Christian spirituality in a way that is meaningful for them. For those searching to understand what Christian spirituality means and how to apply it in today's world. It addresses the importance of community worship, the imperatives surrounding social action, the centrality of the Incarnation. 128) Catholic Church History from A to Z by Schreck, Alan (ISBN-978-1-56955-179-0) Surveys the twenty centuries of the Catholic Church history. 129) Nelson's Cross Reference Guide to the Bible by Smith, Jerome (ISBN-1418504599) Quick and easy access to major cross references in every chapter of the bible. 130) Catholic Answers to Fundamentalist by St. Roman, Philip St. (ISBN-0-7648-1341-2) Revised, expanded and referenced to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. 131) Gratefulness, The Heart of Prayer: An Approach to Life in Fullness by Steindal-Rast, David (ISBN-0809126281) A monk reflects on many aspects of the spiritual life with the basic attitude of gratefulness. 132) Not By Scripture Alone: A Catholic Critique of the Protestant Doctrine of Sola Scriptura by Subgenus, Robert A (ISBN-1579180558) "Not by Scripture Alone" is a thorough review of how Scripture should be used in the life of a believer. 133) Our Lady of Guadalupe: History and Meaning of the Apparitions by Testoni, Manuela, with Aumann, Jordan, trans.(ISBN-0818908971) The book is an excellent summary of the ancient sources pertaining to the apparitions of Mary on the hill called Tepeyac near Mexico City from December 9-12,1531. It also discusses the life of Blessed Juan Diego. 134) Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of Saint Theresa of Lisieux by Therese of Lisieux (ISBN-1406807710) From her own words, we can see how this important and popular Catholic saint dedicated her life to the unconditional love of God. Through a life of simplicity and obedience, she came to be one of the most revered saints in the history of the Church. The book takes us from her childhood to her death and clearly outlines her path to sainthood. 135) How to Forgive Yourself and Others by Tobin, Eamon (ISBN-0764815326) This classic work on forgiveness has now been revised & expanded. Contains a simple plan for personal healing. 136) Icons and Saints of the Eastern Orthodox Church by Tradigo, Alfredo, trans. Stephen Sartarelli (ISBN-0892368454) This book contains hundreds of icons of saints, Christ, and the Blessed Mother, which are clearly and colorfully printed, and have complete explanations 137) Catholic Traditions: Treasures New & Old by Turpin, Joanne (ISBN-978-0-87616-5517-7) An exploration of the rich tapestry of the centuries' old heritage of the Catholic Church. 138) Companion to the Catechism of the Catholic Church: A Compendium of Texts Referred to in the Catechism of the Catholic Church by United States Catholic Conference (lSBN-8898704502) An official compendium providing the texts from scripture and other sources referred to in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. 139) United States Catholic Catechism for Adults by United States Catholic Conference (ISBN-1574554506) An official synopsis of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, adapted to the United States. 140) Separated Brethren, Revised: A review of Protestant, Anglican, Eastern Orthodox & Other Religious in the United States by Wahlen, William J. (ISBN-0193170905X) Gives overviews of the theological beliefs as well as useful insights into the history, tradition and practices of the major faiths in our country today. 141) Where God Happens: Discovering Christ in One Another and Other Lessons from the Desert Fathers by Williams, Rowan (lSBN-1590302311) The place "where God happens," according to Rowan Williams's striking new reading of the Desert Fathers and Mothers, is between each other. It's a truth that we of the twentyfirst century most urgently need to learn in order to heal the experience of alienation that has become endemic to our age, and these odd and appealing ancient figures, surprisingly, hold keys to this healing. 142) Biblical Fundamentalism by Witherup, Ronald D., S.S.(ISBN-0-8146-2722-6) Discusses what Catholics should know about biblical fundamentalism. 143) Scripture: Dei Verbum (Rediscovering Vatican II) by Witherup, Ronald D., S.S. (lSBN-08914428X) This book by noted biblical scholar explores Vatican II's teaching on Scripture, embodied in Dei Verbum, The Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation. It is the most succinct and focused presentation on a Catholic approach to the Bible currently available. 144) Scripture: Dei Verbum (Rediscovering Vatican II) by Witherup, Ronald D. (ISBN-0-8245-1746-6) A user-friendly guide with real substance for beginners who want to read the Bible. 145) How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization by Woods, Thomas, Jr. (lSBN-0895260387) From modem economics to Western art and music, from modem science to international law, the Catholic Church has contributed much to the development of our Civilization. 146) Following Jesus: Biblical Reflections on Discipleship by Wright, N. T.(ISBN0802841325) Anglican bishop and scripture scholar talks about why someone should follow Christ. He offers twelve meditations on what it truly means to follow Jesus today. He discusses the significant of resurrection, rebirth, temptation, hell, heaven, and new life, and considers their significance for the lives of present day disciples. 147) Simply Christian by Wright, N. T. (ISBN-0060507152) Anglican bishop and scripture scholar explains the essence of Christianity and how it is practiced. He makes a case for Christian faith from the ground up, assuming that the reader has not knowledge of (and perhaps even some aversion) to religion in general and Christianity in particular. He guides readers through the Christina faith offering explanations for difficult issues. 148) Following Jesus: Biblical Reflections on Discipleship by Wright, N.T. (lSBN-0802841325) Anglican bishop and scripture scholar talks about why someone should follow Christ. He offers twelve meditations on why what it truly means to follow Jesus today. 149) The Resurrection of the Son of God by Wright, N.T. (ISBN-0-8006-36 15-5) No one could read this without learning something fresh about almost every verse of the Synoptics, and being provoked into new wrestling with the text, and Evangelical energy that will make it a book for prayerful meditations as well as intellectual stimulus. 150) The Profession of Faith, What We Believe (ISBN-I-930978-14-6) Journey Through the Catechism 151) Christian Prayer, Deepening My Experience With God (ISBN-I-930978-17-0) Journey Through the Catechism 152) The Celebration Of The Christian Mystery, Sacraments (ISBN-I-930978-36-7) Journey Through the Catechism 153) Life In Christ, Walking With God (ISBN-1-930978-16-2) Journey Through the Catechism 154) Path Through Catholicism by Mark Link, SJ, Resources for Christian Living (ISBN-0-7829-0971-X) Primarily a high school text which may also be used for RCIA, and pastoral education. Catholic doctrine is cogently yet succinctly presented. 155) The Human Condition by Thomas Keating (ISBN: 0809138824) 156) God's call for individuals to reclaim their true self as bestowed by the Creator. The Daily Reader for Contemplative Living by Thomas Keating (ISBN: 0826415156) Excerpts from the writings of Thomas Keating, scripture and other spiritual writers creating an excellent resource for daily meditation. 157) Experiencing God by Henry T. Blackaby & Claude V. King (ISBN: 0-8198-5958-9) Broadman & Holman Publisher (2002) A book of prayers written by an imprisoned priest. 158) The Life of St. Francis of Assisi by St. Bonaventure (ISBN:: 0-89555-343-0) Tan Books (1988) A biography of the Saint, a man totally transformed by God. 159) The Little Flowers ofSt. Francis by Raphael Brown (ISBN:: 0-385-07544-8) Image (1958) A book on the Saint extending to all faiths. 160) Francis; The Journey and the Dream by Murray Bodo (ISBN:: 086716-116-7) (1998) A book that presents Francis's interior life in a lyrical, moving yet down to earth and believable way. 161) Catholic Fact Book by 'John Deedy(ISBN: 0-88347-252-X) TaborPublishing (1986) Moral conflict is always accompanied by questions. This book with it's quick and easy references is a helpful tool. 162) The Life of Saint Dominic by Augusta Theodosia Drane (ISBN: 0-89555-336-8), Tan Books and Publishers (1989) The life of Saint Dominic is a valuable moral guide in choosing to keep on the path of righteousness. 163) The essential Moral Handbook: A Guide to Catholic Living by 1. 0 'Neil (ISBN: 0-7648-0922-9) Lagauri Press (1994) The book is intended to help readers grasp the fundamentals of the Roman Catholic tradition of Moral theology and to apply them to their own lives. 164) Catholic Fact Book by 'John Deedy (ISBN: 0-88347-252-X) Tabor Publishing (1986) Moral conflict is always accompanied by questions. This book with it's quick and easy references is a helpful tool. 165) The Life of Saint Dominic by Augusta Theodosia Drane (ISBN: 0-89555-336-8), Tan Books and Publishers (1989) The life of Saint Dominic is a valuable moral guide in choosing to keep on the path of righteousness. 166) The essential Moral Handbook: A Guide to Catholic Living by J. O'Neil (ISBN: 0-7648-0922-9) Liguori Press (1994) The book is intended to help readers grasp the fundamentals of the Roman Catholic tradition of Moral theology and to apply them to their own lives. 167) Bread for the Journey, by Henri 1.M. Nouwen, Publisher Harper San Francisco (1998) (ISBN: 0-06-066376-6). An intimate companion, new revelation into daily meditations and guide year long voyage ofjournaling. 168) Story ofa Soul, by John Dark, (ISBN: 0-935216-58-8) ICS Publications (1996). An autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux whose journals are incredible. 169) Daniel, by Daniel Berrigan, (ISBN: 0-87486-952-8) Plough Publishing Company (1998). Daniel Berrigan offers a new look at personal writing and how it can effect your life. 170) A Pilgrims Almanac, by Edward Hays, (ISBN: 0-939516-12-8) Forest of Peace Publishing (1989). Reflections for each day of the year. 171) Saint Augustine Confessions by Henry Chadwick (ISBN: 0-19-283372-3) Oxford University Press (1998) Brilliant and impassioned descriptions of Augustine's colorful early life with accuracy and art. 172) Waiting For God by Simone Weil (ISBN: 0-06-095970-3) Harper Collins Publisher (2000) A classic collection of essays containing her most profound meditations on the relationship of human life to the realm of the transcendent. 173) The Masculine Spirit-Resources for Reflective Living, by Max Olivia, ISBN: 0-87793630-7, published by Ave Maria Press, (1997). A gentle guide for men who aspire to a more fruitful life. 174) Guide to the Passion (ISBN: l-932645-42-X) Ascension Press (2004) This book answers 100 questions about the Passion of Christ. 175) Testimony of Hope by Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan (ISBN: 0-8198-7407-8) Pauline Books and Media (2000) A story of a priest who endured 15 years in prison for his beliefs. 176) Essentials of the Faith by Alfred McBride (ISBN: l-931709-53-X) Our Sunday Visitor (Publisher) (1997) A book that helps one understand the Catholic beliefs. 177) The privilege of being Catholic by Father Oscar Lukefahr (ISBN: 0-89243563-1) Liguori A book that teaches it is not right to look down at other religions. 178) The Splendor of Truth by John Paul II (ISBN: 0-8198-6964-3) Pauline Books and Media (1989) Book regarding certain fundamental questions of the Church's moral training. 179) A Short History of American Catholicism by Martin E. Marty (ISBN:0-88347320-8)Tabor Publishing (1995) A perceptive and sensitive account of the fascinating story of the Catholic Church in America. Audio Media: 1) Sublime Chant - CD Gregorian, Ambrosian and Gallican chant 2) How Excellent Is Thy Name by Abbington - CD African American Church Music Series 3) Cantemos al Senor/ Let Us Sing to the Lord by Alonso, Tony, True, Lori, and Mahler, Michael Full Spanish and English versions of each song - bilingual psalms for Holy Week. 4) When Morning Breaks and Evening Sets by Alonso, Tony, True, Lori, and Mahler, Michael Contemporary settings of psalms, canticles, and hymns for morning and evenmg prayer. 5) Story and Song Volume 1 (2006) by Bell, Steve Variety of songs by Steve Bell. 6) Romantics and Mystics by Bell, Steve 1997 Juno Award winner for "Best Gospel Album". 7) Deep Calls to Deep by Bell, Steve 8) Solace for Seasons of Suffering by Bell, Steve Intended to help those who are dying and those who love them. 9) Comfort My People by Bell, Steve 10) Simple Songs by Bell, Steve 11 ) Ave Maria by Benedictine Monks of Clairvaux Gregorian Chant 12) Soul of Christ by Benedictine Monks of Clairvaux 13) Salve Regina - Gregorian Chant by Benedictine Monks of Clairvaux 14) The Songs of Taize by Cotter, Jeanne Instrumental pieces that draws the listener inward 15) The Best of Dameans, Vol I & II by Dameans Includes "Without Clouds," "In the Stillness of the Night," and "Rainbow" 16) Contra la Corriente/ Against the Grain by Donna Pena Includes "Digo Si, Senor (I Say Yes, Lord)." 17) The Reign of God by Dufford, Bob Passion, death, resurrection and glory of Christ. 18) Hidden in Humbleness: Meditations for Holy Week and Easter by Ferguson, John & the Saint Olaf Cantorei 19) Play before God by Fisher, Bobby Music for guitar and solo instruments 20) Season of Peace by Fisher, Bobby Christmas music 21) One Bread One Body by Foley, John 22) You Are Mine by Hass, David 23) Blest Are They by Hass, David 24) To Be Your Bread by Hass, David Probably his most popular recording 25) Star Child by Hass, David Christmas music 26) Creating God by Hass, David Wide variety of music appropriate for Eucharist 27) Table Songs, Vol I & II by Hass, David True communion sons with easy to learn refrains 28) Come, Let Us Sing for Joy by Haugen, Marty Lovely mix of psalms for various occasions 29) Unfailing Light by Haugen, Marty For Holy Communion evening services 30) Shepherd Me, 0 God b y Haugen, Marty Music for Lent, Easter and Pentecost 31 ) Tum My Heart by Haugen, Marty Music for times of tragedy and grievance 32) Instruments of Peace, Vol I & II by Haugen, Marty Musical versions of Haugen's songs 33) Night of Silence by Haugen, Marty Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany music 34) The Song and the Silence by Haugen, Marty Words of comfort, consolation and hope 35) In the Days to Come by Haugen, Marty and Anderson, Marc 36) Welcome the Child by Haugen, Marty Christmas music 37) In the Days to Come by Haugen, Marty, & Anderson, Marc Includes Christian, Jewish, Islamic, and Buddhist texts with music from the Americas, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East 38) Only You, 0 God: Simple Songs for Worship by Haugen, Marty 39) Seven Sorrows of Mary by Hermit Sister, OCDH 40) A Contemporary Rosary by Hurd, Bob, Park, Rohrbacher, and Warfel Engages the whole person through music, scripture reading and meditation. One CD for each of the glorious, joyful, luminous and sorrowful mysteries 41) Holy is the Temple by Hurd, Bob 42) Behold the cross by Hurd, Bob Lent and Easter music in English and Spanish 43) One wit the Risen Lord by Hurd, Bob & Anawim The scriptures of the Easter season in song. 44) Sent by the Lord by lona Community! John Bell 25 songs from 17 countries 45) Psalms of Patience, Protest, and Praise by lona Community! John Bell Covering the range of the human condition - delight to despair 46) Courage to Say No by lona Community! John Bell Lenten songs 47) I Will Not Sing Alone by lona Community! John Bell Courage to Say No Music for praise, meditation and lament 48) On Eagles Wings by Joncas, Michael 49) As the Deer by Joncas, Michael Collection of pastoral music 50) Come to Me by Joncas, Michael Joncas' most popular - songs and psalms for sacraments 51) A Voice Cries Out by Joncas, Michael 52) Corazon Puro by Karysma 53) Another World by Lawton, Liam Haunting melodies in a Celtic tradition 54) How Can We Be Silent? by Mahler, Michael Strong singable refrains and contemporary instrumentation 55) Celtic Mystic Moods by Manach 56) Prayer Songs and Symphonic poems by Manach Songs from Ireland's ancient Celtic Christian spirituality 57) Let Every Instrument Be Tuned for Praise by Moore, Bob Background for meditation 58) Radiating Christ by Peloquin, Alexander Commemorative recording of liturgical music of renowned Dr. Peloquin. 59) A New Heaven, a New Earth by Pena, Donna Spanish and English songs 60) The Promise Fulfilled by Petrunak, Stephen Instrumental interpretations of spirituals and hymns 61) Catholic Christmas Classics by Proulx, Richard, and Cathedral Singers Christmas music 62) Joseph Gelineau - Psalms of David by Proulx, Richard Classic Gelineau-inspired tones with the Cathedral Singers. 63) Rediscovered Masterpieces, Vol I & II by Proulx, Richard Coral masterpieces of classical composers. 64) Here I Am, Lord Anthology, 1970-1985 by Schutte, Dan 65) Glory in the Cross by Schutte, Dan Music for the Easter Triduum and other liturgies. 66) All of My Days by Schutte, Dan Instrumental music for quiet reflection 67) Winter Solas by Solas Soothing, meditative melodies - light voices, traditional Celtic instruments 68) Este es el Dia by Sosa, Pablo 69) Morning Light by St. Louis Jesuits 70) Songs of Faith from Lead Me, Guide Me by St. Augustine Choir from Washington, DC This Washington choir sings selected songs and hymns, directed by Leon Roberts. 71) Christe lux mundi by Taize Taize chants 72) Taize: Instrumental I & II by Taize 73) Christi Lux Mundi by Taize Taize chants 74) Laudate Omnes Gentes by Taize 75) Joy on Earth by Taize English and Latin chants 76) The Songs ofTaize by Taize 77) Wisdom by Talbot, John Michael 78) Beautiful City by Talbot, John Michael 79) Let the River Flow by Tate, Paul Songs of praise and gentle ballads - contemporary Christian music 80) There is Room for Us All by True, Lori Songs ofjustice and peace. Video Media: 1) A Time for Miracles by Ignatius Press, TFM-M Story of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, America's first native born saint and convert to Catholicism 2) Abraham by Ignatius Press, TAB-M 3) After the New Testament: The Writings of the Apostolic Fathers by Ehrman, Bart D. The Teaching Company The writings of Apostolic Fathers, believed to companions or followers of the apostles from the next generation who had known the apostles earlier in their lives, . cast invaluable light onto the shaping of the religion that eventually converted the Roman Empire and became the major religious force of the Middle Ages. 4) Apostle Paul by Johnson, Luke Timothy DVD, The Teaching Company These 12 lectures present a fresh and historically grounded assessment of the life and letters of Christianity's "apostle to the Gentiles." 5) Assisi: Home ofSt. Francis by Ignatius Press, AHSF-M 6) Catechism of the Catholic Church by DVD, Ignatius Press, CCC-M Cardinal Christoph Schonbom, Archbishop of Vienna, Austria, and editor of Catechism ofthe Catholic Church, presents a 6-part series on this monumental document and worldwide bestseller. This series covers the history of the Catechism, then reviews the four pillars of the Catechism: what we believe (Creed), celebrate (Sacraments), live (Commandments) and how we pray (Prayer). 7) Contemplation by DVD, Ignatius Press, CUW-M In this l3-part TV series, Fr. Thomas Dubay, presents the meaning and experience of contemplative prayer based on Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross and Sacred Scripture. 8) Damien by DVD, Ignatius Press, DAM-M Damien ofMolokai and his work with lepers. 9) Early Christianity: The Experience of the Divine by Johnson, Luke Timothy. DVD, The Teaching Company In this two-part course, he takes you on a journey to find the "kernel" of Christianity's appeal: religious experience. You travel back to Christianity's origins, its first 300 years, to identify the elements that first made it appealing and which still hold the secret to its ability to attract new followers. 10) Edith Stein by DVD, Ignatius Press, EDS-M 11 ) Entertaining Angels by VD Ignatius Press Story of Dorothy Day, a portrayal of20 years serving New York's Poor. 12) Exodus, The by DVD, Ignatius Press, EXR-M Follows the footsteps of the children ofIsrael on their journey from Egypt to Mt. Sinai. 13) Face: Jesus in Art by DVD, Ignatius Press, FJA-M A documentary of great beauty which traces how Jesus has been represented in art by people throughout history and around the world. 14) Faustina by DVD, Ignatius Press, FAU-M 15) Francis of Assisi by Cook, William, and Herzman, Rold DVD, The Teaching Company Twelve lectures on the life of Francis of Assisi who died in 1226 by Professors Cook and Herzman. 16) From Jesus to Constantine: A History of Early Christianity by Erhman, Bart D. DVD, The Teaching Company The Christianity we know emerged after many years of transition from Judaism and influence of the "lost Christianities." These lectures take you back to Christianity's first three centuries to explain its transition from the religion of Jesus to a religion about Jesus. 17) Fulton Sheen: His Last Words by DVD, Ignatius Press, HLWFS-M 18) Fulton Sheen: Good Friday by DVD, Ignatius Press, FSGF-M 19) Funeral Mass of John Paul II by DVD, Ignatius Press, FMJP-M The beautiful funeral mass of Pope John Paul II, with moving homily delivered by Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI. 20) Great Figures of the New Testament by Levine, Amy-Jill DVD, The Teaching Company Amy-Jill Levine presents 24 lectures on New Testament personalities. Professor Levine discusses details of the person from perspectives of the Biblical stories, culture, literary criticism, how the church has viewed the person through history, and how artists and worshipers have viewed them 21) Great Souls - Mother Teresa by DVD, The Catholic Company Traces the story of Mother Teresa from a teenage girl to serving the poorest in India. 22) Great World Religions by Johnson, Luke Timothy, and others DVD, The Teaching Company Experts each present 12 lectures about the world religions of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism. 23) Hildeagaard: A Woman of Vision by DVD, Ignatius Press, HILD-M 24) History of the Bible: Making ofthe New Testament Canon by Erhman, Bart D. DVD, The Teaching Company These 12 lectures provide an introduction to how 27 books of the New Testament canon were shaped. 25) History of the Rosary DVD, Florida Peace Center, 26) Home ofSt. Francis DVD, Ignatius Press, AHSF-M 27) How Jesus Died DVD, Ignatius Press, HJD-M Presents comprehensive medical, forensic and historical facts of the suffering and crucifixion of Our Lord 28) I Am the Living Bread DVD, Ignatius Press, IALB-M On the Eucharist 29) In the Presence of the Lord DVD, Ignatius Press, IPOL-M History and teaching on devotion to the Eucharist by Fr. Groeschel. 30) Inside the Vatican (National Geographic) DVD, National Geographic Provides a behind-the-scenes look, with unprecedented access, into life inside the Vatican. 31) Jeremiah DVD, Ignatius Press, BSJE-M The story of the prophet who abandons his family and the woman he love in order to relay God's message to Jerusalem. 32) Jesus and the Shroud of Turin DVD, Ignatius Press Presents convincing evidence of the authenticity of the Shroud as the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. 33) Jesus and the Gospels by Johnson, Luke Timothy DVD, The Teaching Company Former Benedictine monk presents 36 lectures on the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, and other apocryphal narratives and literary works that have contributed to our perception of Jesus. 34) John of the Cross DVD, Ignatius Press, JOC-M 35) Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger: An Exclusive Interview DVD, Ignatius Press, JCRM 36) Joseph: Man Closest to Christ DVD, Ignatius Press, JMCC-M 37) Journeys to the Edge of Creation DVD, Ignatius Press, JEC-M 38) Juan Diego: The Messenger of Guadalupe DVD, Ignatius Press An animation film telling the story of the appearance of Our Lady in 1531 to the humble Aztec Indian Juan Diego on the Tepeyac Hill in Mexico 39) King of Kings DVD, Ignatius Press, KOK-M Docu-drama celebrating the story of Jesus from birth to resurrection, with 35 classic hymns 40) Led by the Light of Truth, Vol I & II DVD, Ignatius Press, Personal testimonies about people's journey into the Catholic Church 41) Lenten Journey DVD, St. Anthony Messenger Press 42) Life of John Paul II DVD, Leaflet Missal 43) Man For All Seasons DVD, Ignatius Press, MFS-M 44) Mary of Nazareth DVD, Ignatius Press, MON-M Drama about Our Lady that traces her life as the blessed mother of Jesus, the wife of the carpenter, Joseph, and symbol of faith. Filmed in the Middle East. 45) Maximilian: Saint of Auschwitz DVD, Ignatius Press, MAS-M 46) Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima DVD, Ignatius Press, MOF-M 47) Molokai: The Story of Father Damien DVD, Ignatius Press, MSFD-M Father Damien lived with lepers on Molokai from 1872. After contracting leprosy himself he continue to carry on his work. 48) Monasteries DVD, Ignatius Press, MONAS-M 49) Moses: Signs, Sacraments, Salivation DVD, Ignatius Press, FOGMO-M Discover how Moses, the Exodus, and the Hebrew experience in the wilderness point to the coming of Christ as Savior. 50) Mother Theresa: The Legacy DVD, Ignatius Press, MTC-M 51) Mother Theresa DVD, Ignatius Press, MRT-M 52) New Testament by Ehrman, Bart D. DVD The Teaching Company These 24 lectures discuss from an historical perspective how, when, why, and by whom the New Testament was written, 53) Our Father's Plan by Hahn, Scott, and Calvin, Jeff DVD, Ignatius Press, SOPA-M This thirteen program, 3 DVD, series from EWTN TV, featuring Dr. Scott Hahn and Jeff Cavins, walks through salvation history from Genesis to the Catholic Church using the chronological narrative of the Bible. 54) Our Lady of Guadalupe ~ Mother of America DVD, The Catholic Company The story of Our Lady of Guadalupe's appearance to Aztec Juan Diego in 16th century Mexico City. 55) Our Lady of Guadalupe DVD, Ignatius Press, OURL-M The story of Our Lady of Guadalupe. 56) Padre on Horseback (Fr. Kino Story) DVD, Ignatius Press, FKS 57) Padre Pio: Miracle Man DVD, Ignatius Press, PPMM-M 58) Padre Pio: Sanctus DVD, Ignatius Press, PPS -M An overview of the life and spirituality of St. Padre Pio. It includes a biographical synthesis, visits to his home, monastery, tomb 59) Paul: Contending for the Faith DVD, Ignatius Press, FOGPA-V 60) Paul The Emissary DVD, Ignatius Press, PE-M Paul, converted on the road to Damascus, becomes the greatest Christian mIsSIOnary. 61) Peter: Keeper of the Keys DVD, Ignatius Press, FOGPA-M 62) Picturing Mary DVD, Ignatius Press, PM-M 63) Pilgrim Churches of Rome DVD, The Catholic Company For more than 15 centuries, pilgrims have visited seven churches in Rome honoring St. Peter, St. Paul, St. John the Baptist, St. John the Evangelist, St. Lawrence the Deacon, St. Sebastian, the Holy Cross, and Mary, the Mother of Jesus. (4) Pope John Paul II DVD, Ignatius Press, PJPII-M (5) Popes and the Papacy: A History by Noble, Thomas F. X. DVD, The Teaching Company Professor Noble presents 24 lectures. Why is there a pope? How are popes chosen? What kinds of men have been included among the popes? 66) Reflection on the Mass DVD, Ignatius Press, ROTM-M 67) Retreat With Fulton Sheen DVD, Ignatius Press, RFS-M 68) Sacrament of Confirmation DVD, St. Anthony Messenger Press 69) Saint Therese of the Child Jesus DVD, Ignatius Press, STCJ-M 70) Sheen Gems DVD, Ignatius Press, SGEM-M A collection of excerpts and highlights from Bishop Sheen's Emmy Award winning TV series, Life is Worth Living. 71) Shroud of Christ? DVD, Ignatius Press, SOC-M 72) Soldiers of the Pope DVD, Ignatius Press, SOP-M 73) Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius DVD, Ignatius Press, SESI-M From his experiences in solitary prayer, St. Ignatius wrote a handbook for retreats called the Spiritual Exercises. These "exercises for the soul" lead the follower of Christ from self will and excessive attachment into the freedom of the sons of God: freedom to know and do the will of God. Under the guidance ofFr. Raymond Gawronski, S.J., the viewers of this 13 part series can make the actual Ignatian retreat, covering all the major points of the Spiritual Exercises. 74) St. Anthony DVD, Ignatius Press, STA-M 75) St. Augustine's Confessions by Cook, William R., and Herzman, Rold DVD, The Teaching Company The Confessions has had staggering influence on Western civilization since the 4 th century. The 24 lectures cover much information on Roman history, Christian controversies during Augustine's time, and other works by Augustine. Most of the lectures cover his decision to convert to Christianity. 76) St. Clare of Assisi and the Poor Clares DVD, The Catholic Company A documentary on the life of St. Clare of Assisi. The second program presents women religious today who follow the spirit of St. Clare in the religious order of the Poor Clares. 77) St. John in Exile DVD, Ignatius Press, SJE- M A one actor presentation of St. John living in a cave on the island of Patmos in the year 96 A.D. when Christians throughout the Roman Empire have been persecuted and killed. 78) St. Patrick: The Irish Legend DVD, Ignatius Press, STPAT-M Depicts the life of the Irish hero and saint. 79) St. Patrick: Apostle ofIreland DVD, Ignatius Press, SPAI-M 80) St. Therese of the Child Jesus DVD, Ignatius Press, STCJ-M 81) Stations of the Cross DVD, Ignatius Press, STAC-M 82) Story of Paul The Apostle DVD, Ignatius Press, SOPA-M History Channel docu-drama explores the life and legacy of St. Paul. 83) Story of Silent Night DVD, Ignatius Press, SN-M 84) Story of the Bible by Johnson, Luke Timothy DVD, The Teaching Company Former Benedictine monk presents 24 discusses how the bible came to be, from the farthest reaches of history to modern times.. 85) Teresa of Avila: Personality and Prayer DVD, Ignatius Press, TAPP-M 86) The Easter Triduum by Corapi, Fr. John DVD, Ignatius Press, EASTRI-M 87) The God Who Reconciles DVD, St. Anthony Messenger Press 88) The Historical Jesus by Erhman, Bart D. DVD, The Teaching Company These 24 lectures discuss the primary sources of the life of Jesus and what historical study can teach us about Jesus. 89) The Last Supper DVD, Ignatius Press, LS-M 90) The Mystery of Faith DVD, St. Anthony Messenger Press 91) World of Byzantium Pt. I & 2 DVD, Ignatius Press, PASS-M This moving spiritual experience presents Christ's transforming act oflove on the cross. 92) The Silent Witness DVD, Ignatius Press, SW-M Shroud of Turin 93) The Song of Bernadette DVD, Ignatius Press, SONG-M The classic film that portrays the appearance and miracle of Our Lady of Lourdes, and the life of St. Bernadette. 94) The Story of the Twelve Apostles DVD, The Catholic Company Their dedication to Jesus transformed these ordinary men into extraordinary witnesses who brought the message of Jesus into the known world. 95) The Truth Exposed DVD, Ignatius Press, Stories about conversions to the Catholic Church. 96) The Vatican Museums DVD, Ignatius Press, IFPS-M 97) The Vatican Revealed DVD, Ignatius Press, VR-M 98) Therese: Living on Love DVD, Ignatius Press, TTL-M St. Therese of Lisieux and her "little way." 99) Union with God (Fr. Frederick Miller) DVD, Ignatius Press, 100) Where is THAT in the Bible? by Madrid, Patrick DVD, The Catholic Company Discover scriptural evidence for Catholic teaching on 20 important biblical subjects. 101) Where Jesus Walked DVD, Ignatius Press, WHJ-M 102) Why Be Catholic DVD, Ignatius Press, WBC-M 103) Winged Migration DVD, Ignatius Press, WWM Wonder at God's creation by observing bird migrations. 104) With God in Russia: A Grave in Perm DVD, Ignatius Press, WGIR-M 105) Witness to Hope DVD, Ignatius Press, WTH-M John Paul II 106) World of Byzantium by Harl, Kenneth DVD, The Teaching Company, These 24 lectures present the history of Byzantium or Constantinople, the Eastern part of the Roman Empire, until 1453. 107) Xavier DVD, Ignatius Press, XMS-M Story of St. Francis Xavier's missionary work in China. 108) After the New Testament: The Writings of the Apostolic Fathers DVD, Course No. 6357 - The Teaching Company 109) Augustine: Philosopher and Saint DVD, Course No. 611 - The Teaching Company 110) The Spiritual Journey by Thomas Keating (VHS, CD and DVD Fonnat) available through Contemplative Outreach, LTD. A five part series based on Keating's writings on the method of centering prayer. Ill) The Method of Centering Prayer and the Psychological Experience of Centering Prayer by Thomas Keating (Set 1) available through Contemplative Outreach, LTD 112) The Passion by Doug Barry of Radix (DVD) available through Ignatius Press Doug Barry's The Passion is a one man stage production of a dramatic meditation of the passion of Christ. For most of the drama Barry adopts the perspective of St. John to reflect on the theological meaning as well as the events of Jesus' passion. 113) Persons, Places, and Practices In The Catholic Church (No ISBN) Liguori Publications (1987) This video is a live-action visual dictionary of many of the externals that inquirers and catechumens find unfamiliar and intriguing about the Catholic Church. 114) I Confess by Warner Brothers (ISBN: 0-7907-4240-3)(1981) A Catholic priest is kept silent by a sacred oath concerning a murder confession where the evidence ends up pointing to him. 115) Joan Of Arc by Image Entertainment (1948) A young French woman in the early 1400's hears the voice of God and obeys Him by leading an anny into battle against the British. 116) Going My Way by Universal Studios (ISBN: 0-7832-3738-3)(1944) Father O'Malley reaches out to the neighborhood's toughest kids and gets them to go to church and sing in the choir. 117) Vatican City Art and Glory (ISBN: 0-8030-1057-5) Museum City Video (1994) A tour of the Vatican City showing it's priceless architecture. 118) Gregorian Chant (ISBN; 1-56977-685-7) Paraclete Television (No Date) Gregorian chanting and slow music. 119) Romero by A Paulist Picture (ISBN: 1-57362-995-2)(Date: none) Because of religious persecution, a priest fights back without guns, without an army, and without fear-relying on God and his own courage. 120) Stolen Summer by Miramax Home Entertainment (ISBN: 0-7888-3940-3) (Date: none) A young Catholic boy is on a quest to help his dying Jewish friend go to Heaven. There's much conflict and discovery for boys and their parents. Standard Library Project: Christian Books Print Media: 1) Anchor Bible Dictionary (6 volumes); ISBN 038519313 volume 1; 0385193602 volume 2; 0385193610 volume 3; 0385193629 volume 4; 0385193637 volume 5 038526190X volume 6 This six volume set is considered a classic bible dictionary series. 2) Confessions by Augustine, Saint; ISBN 0-19-281774-4 Saint Augustine shares his personal wrestling against human temptations to find God's peace. 3) Familias en un Mundo Enfermo by Bedrossian, Nydia; ISBN 0-311-12111-X Bedrossian explores family wellness in this text. 4) New Daily Study Bible: Complete Set (New Daily Bible) 17 vol. set (Paperback) by Barclay, William This classic commentary series is very readable for personal and group bible study. 5) Baptism in the New Testament by Beasley-Murray, G.R.; ISBN 0-8028-1493-X Beasley offers a thorough background on the biblical and theological context to Christian baptism. 6) Don't Waste Your Sorrows by Billheimer, Paul E.; ISBN 0875080073 Pastor Billheimer shares how God desires to transform our pain into Christian character and spiritual growth. 7) Experiencing the Cross by Blackaby, Henry; ISBN 1-59052-480-2 Blackaby outlines very practical application of the cross in the Christian's life. 9901901227 This is an essential reference for up to date and comprehensive treatment of biblical subjects. 8) A Testament to Freedom by Bonhoeffer, Dietrich; ISBN 0-06-064214-9 This revised edition includes newly translated and expanded writings of Bonhoeffer's books, speeches, letters through his career as a pastor, seminary professor, imprisoned martyr, and peace advocate. 9) Conspiracy and Imprisonment 1940-1945 by Bonhoeffer, Dietrich; ISBN 0-8006-8316-1 This book examines a Christian who lived and died with conviction. 10) The Cost of Discipleship by Bonhoeffer, Dietrich; ISBN 0-02-083850-06 Written under the backdrop of Nazi Germany, Rev. Bonhoeffer, a German Lutheran minister, outlines Christian discipleship as embodying the costly grace of God to enact justice and peace. 11) Letters and Papers from Prison by Bonhoeffer, Dietrich; ISBN 0684838273 Imprisoned for his strong opposition to Hitler, Rev. Bonhoeffer composes personal and theological letters, poems, and writings to family and friends from his prison cell. 12) Life Together by Bonhoeffer, Dietrich; ISBN 0-06-060852-8 Written during WWII in the context of Bonhoeffer's practical advice to an underground seminary about maintaining fellowship and living together in Christian community. 13) The Complete Works on Prayer by Bounds, E.M.; ISBN 0801009855 In this new one volume book, Bounds explores the many facets of Christian prayer. 14) A Handbook on Christian Maturity by Bright, Bill; ISBN 1563990407 Bright explores how to grow into a mature Christian. 15) Hard Sayings of the Bible by Bruce, Ferderick Fyvie, editor; ISBN 08301423X This book offers explanations for hundreds of the most troubling bible verses by biblical scholars. 16) The Psalms of the Life of Faith by Brueggemann, Walter; ISBN 0-8006-2733-4 In this historical-exegetical text, Professor Brueggemann outlines the theological, social, and current Christian church context of the biblical book of the Psalms as prayer and prarse. 17) Wishful Thinking by Buechner, Frederick; ISBN 0-06-061139 In this short text, Buechner simply defines biblical terms. 18) The Pilgrim's Progress by Bunyan, John; ISBN 0486426750 This text is considered by many a classic piece of Christian fiction. 19) The Unburdened Heart: 5 Keys to Forgiveness and Freedom by Burton, Mariah Nelson ISBN 0062515993 A sexual abuse survivor explains how God can bring forgiveness and freedom. 20) Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Calhoun, Adele Ahlberg; ISBN 0830833307 Calhoun offers practical tools in the practice of Christian spiritual disciplines. 21) Institutes of the Christian Religion (2 Volumes) by Calvin, John; ISBN 0-664-220228-2 Calvin outlines the basics of the Christian faith. 22) On Prayer: A Conversation with God by Calvin, John and Hesselink:, John ; B706642230229 In this timeless book, Calvin elaborates on prayer as a means of speaking and listening to God. 23) Which Jesus? By Campolo, Tony; ISBN 0-8499-4403-01 In this short book, Campolo contrasts the lives Jesus Christ against Jesus Barabbas and asks readers if they will follow a way oflove or of power.. 24) Daniel y el Reino Mesianic by Carballosa, Evis L.; ISBN 0825411017 Carballosa chronicles Christian messianic prophecy from Daniel to Christ. 25) Glosario Holman de Terminos Bbiblicos by Carpenter, Eugene E. and Comfort, Philip W. ISBN 0805428291 Carpenter and Comfort define biblical terms in this glossary reference. 26) My Utmost for His Highest by Chambers, Oswald; ISBN 0-91644-1 This is a Christian devotional book classic 27) The Five Love Languages by Chapman, Gary; ISBN 1881273156 Chapman details practical love issues in marriage. 28) 70 X 7 and Beyond by Christensen, Monty and Roberta Kehle; ISBN 0961895403 A fictional story of how ex-cons Monty and Holly journey from pain to forgiveness. 29) The Master Plan of Evangelism and Discipleship by Coleman, Robert E.; ISBN 1565636813 One of the Church's leading theologians gives insight on sharing one's faith and equipping persons to walk with Christ. 30) Against the Night by Colson, Charles; ISBN 0-89283-309-2 Colson challenges the modem day Christian church to reclaim and live out the biblical mission and understanding of what it means to be the church. 31) Born Again (2004 edition) by Colson, Charles; ISBN 0800786688 This updated version recounts how Colson, imprisoned in connection with the Watergate scandal under the Nixon administration, embraces Christianity while doing time in federal prison. 32) Life Sentence by Colson, Charles; ISBN 0800786688 This text details how Colson lives out his Christian faith through founding Prison Fellowship, an international prison organization. 33) The Body by Colson, Charles; ISBN 0-8499-866-3 Colson examines what it means to be the body of Christ in our modem age. 34) Who Speaks for God? By Colson, Charles; ISBN 0-89107-372-8 Colson attempts to confront secular society and our human need for Christ. 35) Martin, Malcolm and America: A Dream or a Nightmare by Cone, James; ISBN: 0883448246 Explores the differences and similarities between Martin Luther King, Jr and Malcolm X. 36) Prayer in the New Testament by Cullman, Oscar; ISBN 0800629442 First British Edition Published in 1995 by SCM Press 37) El Sentido De La Historia Y La Palabra Profetica by Diestre Gil, Antolin This reference book outlines the history of the Christian prophetic word. 38) Disciple Bible Study; see for the many ISBN #'s This bible study series offers both short and longer term in depth study of scripture in English, Spanish, and Korean with teacher and student workbooks as well as video and DVD components. 39) Evangelical Dictionary of Theology by Elwell, Walter A.; ISBN 08010120751 This one volume bible dictionary defines key theological terms in everyday language. 40) Battle is the Lord's by Evans, Tony; ISBN 0802448550 Evans shares how Satan's attempts to entice humans and how believers can rise above temptations. 41) The Kingdom Agenda: What a Way to Live by Evans, Tony; ISBN 0802451233 Evans discusses how to live according to God's kingdom on earth as a Christian disciple. 42) How to Read the Bible for all its Worth by Fee, Gordon D., Stuart, Douglas, and Stuart, Douglas K. Written by biblical studies professors, this text sheds light on the context to the Old and New Testaments, Gospels, Epistles, and more. 43) Nuevo Diccionario de Teologia by Ferguson, Sinclair B. and Wright, David F. ISBN 0311091350 In this updated edition, Ferguson and Wright offer a Christian theological dictionary resource. 44) In Memory of Her: A Feminist Theological Reconstruction of Christian Origins by Firenze, Elisabeth Schussler; ISBN 0824513573 Schussler Firenze reclaims the role of women of the bible in the shaping of the early Christian church. 45) Celebration of Discipline by Foster, Richard 1.; ISBN 0060628391 This text is considered a Christian classic on Christian spiritual disciplines. 46) Upon this Rock: The Miracles of the Black Church Freedman, Samuel G.; ISBN 0-06016610-X Under the leadership of Rev. Youngblood, Saint Paul Community Baptist Church in New Yark City transformed one of the most depressed areas of the city to bring about social and communal change. 47) Expositor's Bible Commentary (Volumes 1-12) by Gaehe1elu, Frank: ISBN 0-310-36430-2 (Volume 1) ISBN (Volume 2) ISBN 0-310-36460-4 (Volume 3) ISBN 0-310-36460-4 (Volume 4) ISBN 0-310-36470-1 (Volume 5) ISBN 0-310-36480-9 (Volume 6) ISBN 0-310-36490-6 (Volume 7) ISBN 0-310-36500-7 (Volume 8) ISBN 0-310-36510-4 (Volume 9) ISBN 0-310-36520- (Volume 10) ISBN 0-310-36540-6 (Volume 11) ISBN (Volume 12) Gaehelelu details the exegetical ground and context of the books of the bible in series. 48) At the Alter of Sexual Idolatry by Gallagher, Steve; ISBN 0970220200 ISBN 0970220219 workbook Gallagher explores the sin of sex and how God can heal us from this transgression. 49) Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics by Geisler, Norman; ISBN 0801 02151 0 Geisler provides an overview of Christian responses to questions of theology and faith. 50) Struggles for Solidarity: Liberation Theology in Tension by Getz, Lorine M. And Costa, Ruy 0., Editors; ISBN 0-8006-2528-5 This text outlines some of the major liberation theology tenants. 51) Three Months with the Spirit by Gonzalez, Justo L.; ISBN 0-687-04599 Rev. Gonzalez examines the role of the Holy Spirit as one studies the book of Acts in this bible study curriculum available in English and Spanish.. 52) Tres Meses en La Escuela de Juan by Gonzales, Justo L.; ISBN 0-687-02208-8 Rev. Gonzalez details a bible study curriculum on the book of John in both English and Spanish. 53) Peace with God by Graham, Billy; ISBN 0-913367-43-5 In this timeless classic, Graham shares how Christ can quench our search for God. 54) The Journey by Graham, Billy; ISBN 0849918324 Graham reflects on his the life as a Christian evangelist. 55) Never Let it End by Graham, Ruth Bell; ISBN 0-913367-43-5 In this collection of poems and reflections, Ruth Graham explores how Christ has united her and her husband in lasting love and marital commitment. 56) Dinner with a Perfect Stranger by Gregory, David; ISBN 1578569052 57) Systematic Theology by Grudem, Wayne; ISBN 0310286700 Grudem details a systematic treatment of biblical doctrines. 58) The Cambridge Companion to Christian Doctrine by Gunton, Colin E, Editor; ISBN 0-521-47695-X Gunton provides a thorough introduction of central topics of Christian theology. 59) On Job: God-Talk and the Suffering of the Innocent by Gutierrez, Gustavo ISBN 0-88344-577-8 Gutierrez explores the biblical context of suffering in the book of Job from a liberation theological perspective. 60) My Soul is a Witness by Hansen, Lynne R; ISBN 0806652853 Hansen provides background on African American spirituals from a biblical perspective. 61) History of the Church (Set 1-8) by Hendrickson, Publisher; ISBN 1-56563-196-X Readers of given an overall history of the development of the Protestant Christian Church. 62) Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible by Henry, Matthew; ISBN 0-94357551-6 Henry provides a biblical commentary in one volume, also available in Spanish. 63) A Mile in My Shoes by Hudson, Trevor; ISBN 0835898156 Hudson dives into how to spiritually respond to the pain and suffering of others. 64) Disciplines of a Godly Man by Hughes, Kent; ISBN 1581347588 Hughes exhorts men to examine our lives through the lens of spiritual disciplines. 65) You Are Not Alone by Hughes, Lynne B.; ISBN 0439585902 Hughes looks at how to deal with grief after the death of a parent. 66) Choosing The Life - Exploring a Faith That Embraces Discipleship by Hull, Bill ISBN 0801064708 Using practical illustrations, Hull shares the deeper side of biblical discipleship. 67) Honest to God by Hybles, Bill; ISBN 0310521815 In this autobiographical book, Rev. Hybles, pastor of the Megachurch Willowcreek in Illinois, shares how his Christian faith and ministry was radically transformed when he began to be very real and honest with God. 68 Too Busy Not Too Pray by Hybles, Bill; ISBN 0830819711 Rev. Hybles outlines how to pray using adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. 69) God As He Longs for You to See Him Ingram, Chip; ISBN 0801066107 This study examines the attributes of God. 70) Can You Stand to be Blessed? By Jakes, Bishop T.D.; ISBN 0-7684-3042-9 Bishop Jakes elaborates on how to be blessed by God. 71) So You Call Yourself a Man? By Jakes, T.D.; ISBN: 1577780264 Bishop Jakes looks at five Biblical men to help unlock the potential in any man. 72) Woman Thou Art Loosed by Jakes, Bishop T. D.; ISBN 0-7684-3040-2 When an imprisoned woman writes Bishop Jakes, he becomes her spiritual mentor and leads her become a Christian motivational speaker to other battered and abused women upon release. 73) Captured by Grace by Jeremiah, David; ISBN 1591453895 Jeremiah shares about the amazing grace of God. 74) She Who Is: The Mystery of God in Feminist Theological Discourse: The loth Anniversary Edition by Johnson, Elizabeth A.; ISBN 0824519254 Considered by many the leading Christian feminist theologian, Johnson describes how language about God shapes our theological understanding and the need to reclaim female understandings of God. 75) A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr. By King, Dr. Rev. Martin Luther; Edited by Washington, James; ISBN 0-06-064691-8 This is an anthology of Dr. King's prominent speeches, letters, sermons, and book excerpts. 76) A Knock at Midnight: Inspiration from the Great Sermons of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. By King, Dr. Rev. Martin Luther; Edited by Carson, Clayborne and Holloran, Peter; ISBN 0-446-67554-7 With introductions from prominent Christian leaders including Billy Graham, Bishop Desmond Tutu, and T. D. Jakes, this is a collection of some of Dr. King's most powerful sermons that call others to acts ofjustice and communal change. 77) Diccionario Teologico Ilustrado by Lacueva, Francisco Lacueva explores theological concepts in this illustrated bible dictionary. 78) A Grief Observed by Lewis, C.S. Following the death of his wife, Lewis, details how the grace of God enables him to cope in grief. 79) Mere Christianity by Lewis, C.S.; ISBN 0060652926 Christian apologist Lewis outlines the essentials of Christianity. 80) Miracles by Lewis, C.S.; ISBN 0060653019 Lewis explains divine intervention with logical rational thinking. 81) The Case for Christianity by Lewis, C.S.; ISBN 0-684-82373-X In this text, Lewis provides compelling arguments as to why to believe in Christianity. 82) The Complete C. S. Lewis Signature Classics (7 Vols) by Lewis, C.S. This collection contains some of the best and famous writings of C. S. Lewis. 83) The Essential C.S.Lewis by Lewis, C.S.; Edited by Lyle Dorsett; ISBN 0-02-019550-08 This is a collection of Lewis' essays, samplings of his letters, poems, as well as complete texts of three books including The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, Perelandra, and Abolotion ofMan. 84) The Great Divorce by Lewis, C.S.; ISBN 0-8007-1594-2 Lewis examines issues of heaven and hell and good and evil in this book. 85) The Problem with Pain by Lewis, C.S.; ISBN 0-684-52383-7 Lewis explores the Christian understanding and response to human suffering. 86) The Screwtape Letters by Lewis, C.S. ; ISBN 0-02-086740-09 In this short text, Lewis examines the role Satan plays in the lives of Christian believers. 87) Just Like Jesus by Lucado, Max; ISBN 0-8499-1296-2 In this text Lucado outlines that while God loves you just as you are, God wants you to become as Jesus. 88) Life Lessons with Max Lucado by Lucado, Max; ISBN 0-8499-5246-8 In this workbook and bible study guide, Lucado explores the biblical books of Ruth and Esther. 89) Six Hours One Friday (Anchoring to the Cross) by Lucado, Max; ISBN 0-88070-376-8 Lucado explores how we can lay our human burdens at the foot of the cross and be met by God's purpose, forgiveness, and rest. 90) MacArthur Commentary Set (25 vols) by MacArthur, John; This is a very practical commentary series for Bible study that includes rich research and insights from one of America's great Bible teachers. 91) Twelve Extraordinary Women by MacArthur, John; ISBN 1418505579 In this text, MacArthur examines the importance of women in the Bible. 92) Humility - True Greatness by Mahoney, C.J.; ISBN 1590523261 This book outlines Christian teaching on humility by following Jesus' example every day. 93) Addiction and Grace by May, Gerald G.; ISBN 0-06-065537-2 This text contains a classic exploration of the psychology and physiology of addiction with the added insight of the relationship between addiction and spiritual awareness. 94) A Ready Defense: The Best of Josh McDowell by McDowell, Josh; ISBN 0840744196 McDowell gives sound defenses for questions of the Christian church. 95) Christian Theology- An Introduction by McGrath, Alister; ISBN 0-631-16078-7 Professor McGrath provides an chronological overview of Christian thought and theology from early leaders including Justin Martyr and Saint Augustine to the more modem day writings of Karl Barth and Reinhold Niebuhr. 96) Where Have All the Prophets Gone? By McMickle, Marvin; GB7-0629817204 McMickle challenges his readers to speak prophetically to people about societal issues. 97) Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle of your Mind by Meyer, Joyce ISBN 0446691097; ISBN 0446691089 workbook Meyer offers practical means of becoming spiritual victorious over one's mind. 98) Approval Addiction: Overcoming Your Need to Please by Meyer, Joyce ISBN: 0446577723 Meyer offers practical advice on turning away from outside approval to find the approval of self God invokes on all. 99) Being the Person God Made You to Be by Meyer, Joyce; ISBN: 044653207X Learning to accept our "self' as God Accepts us is the theme of the book. 100) Managing Your Emotions by Meyer, Joyce; ISBN: 0446532029 Biblical principles to break the bondage of emotional instability. 101) Faith Seeking Understanding by Magliore, Daniel; ISBN 0-8028-2787-X This is a standard introduction to traditional Christian Theology. 102) They Cry to the Lord: the Form and Theology of Biblical Prayer by Miller, Patrick D. ISBN 0-8006-2762-8 Miller details the theological context and patterns of prayer in the Bible. 103) Forgiving Dead Man Walking by Morris, Debbie; ISBN 0-310-23187-6 Morris shares her personal story of moving from victimization to wholeness and spiritual forgiveness of her criminal perpetrator. 104) The Deeper Journey by Mulholland, Robert; ISBN 0830832777 Mulholland explores spiritual discipleship that looks within. 105) Simple Truths by Nauman, Stephen Nauman provides a collection of Christian truths shared in practical language. 106) Spiritual Authority by Nee, Watchman 107) The Spiritual Man by Nee, Watchman; ISBN 0-935008-39-X 108) Nelson Nuevo Diccionario Ilustrado de la Biblia by Nelson, Wilton; ISBN 0899222854 Nelson defines biblical terms in this illustrated resource. 109) New Interpreter's Bible; ISBN (different #'s for the different volumes) Christian Book Distributors Stock #WW5537 In this thorough bible commentary series, leading current biblical scholars examine the context, theology, and applications of biblical passages. 110) New Intemreter's Bible Dictionary (Complete 5 Volume Set); ISBN 068733466 In this thorough bible dictionary series, leading current biblical scholars examine the context, theology, and applications of biblical terms. Ill) NIC Old & New Testament Commentaries (39 vols) ; Christian Book Distributors Stock# WW5537 Within this thirty-eight volume commentary set, readers are given introductions and extensive information to all books of the Bible. 112) In the Name of Jesus by Nouwen, Henri J. M.; ISBN 0824512596 Nouwen details how Jesus abandons the popular role ofleadership to that of servant and calls us to do the same. 113) The Wounded Healer by Nouwen, Henri J.M.; ISBN 0-385-14803-8 Using Jesus as the model for ministry, Nouwen describes how Christ uses his woundedness to offer healing to others and invites us to do the same for others. 114) Discipleship Essentials by Ogden, Greg; ISBN 0830811699 Ogden offers readers a classic on the essential spiritual biblical disciplines needed for Christian discipleship. 115) The Power of a Praying Husband by Omartian, Stormie; ISBN 0736919767 116) The Power of a Praying Parent ISBN 0736917063 The Power of Praying Together ISBN 0736910034 The Power of a Praying Wife ISBN 0736919244 The Power of a Praying Wife Study Guide ISBN 073691848 In these series of books, Omartian shares how the power of prayer can transform one's marriage and parenting. 117) 101 Hymn Stories: The Inspiring True Stories Behind 101 Favorite Hymns by Osbeck, Kenneth W.; ISBN 0-8254-3416-5 Osbeck shares the stories behind popular Christian hymns. 118) Praying by Packer, lI.; ISBN 0830833455 This book is on prayer by a leading theologian. 119) Martin Luther's Basic Theological Thought by Pelikan, Jaraslav Jan; ISBN 0800636805 This one volume set contains some of Luther's most influential writings and sermons. 120) This Present Darkness by Peretti, Frank E.; ISBN 0-89107-390-6 In this fictional text, Peretti examines how the presence of evil affects the lives of Christian believers. 121) Your God is Too Small by Phillips, lB. ;ISBN 0-02-088510-05 In this compact book, Phillips discusses how often our image and vision of God is much too small to meet our needs. 122) 50 Reasons Why Jesus Carne to Die by Piper, John; ISBN 158134788X Piper explores the reasons why Jesus died for the world. 123) The Revell Bible Dictionary by Revell, Fleming H., Publisher ;ISBN 0-8007-1594-2 Revell defines biblical characters and terms. 124) Church History in Plain Language by Shelley, Bruce; ISBN 0849938619 Shelley explores how Christian church leaders have shaped Christian thought and church practice throughout history. 125) In His Steps by Shelton, Charles M.; ISBN 0-8007-5011-X This Christian classic where a congregation begins a year long journey of asking and responding based on "what would Jesus do" in every situation. 126) EI Libra Siempre Nuevo by Silva Delgado, Jose; ISBN 0829704302 This text offers a basic introduction to the bible. 127) Setting the Captives Free! by Smarto, Don, editor ;ISBN 0-8010-08337-0 Several Christian authors reflect upon God's redemptive power in the lives of both victims and offenders in this inspirational book. 128) The Essential Truths of the Christian Faith by Sproul, R.C.; ISBN 0842320016 Sproul examines the major doctrines of the Bible. 129) Living the Extraordinary Life by Stanley, Charles Stanley encourages Christians not to settle for mediocrity. 130) Pathways to His Presence by Stanley, Charles; ISBN 0785221638 In this devotional text, Stanley explores how to access the presence of God through spiritual disciplines. 131) Basic Christianity by Stott, John; ISBN 0310252695 Stott outlines the basic teachings of the Christian faith. 132) Issues Facing Christians Today by Stott, John; ISBN 0310252695 Stott enables Christians to better understand contemporary societal issues. 133) A Case for Christ by Strobel, Les; ISBN 0310226058 A 21 sl century Christian apologist, Strobel shares historical biblical background to make "a case for Christ." 134) A Case for Faith Strobel, Les; ISBN 0310234697 Strobel offers a compelling argument for the Christian faith using historical evidence. 135) The New Strong's Expanded Dictionary of Bible Words by Strong, James; ISBN 0785247165 In a one volume text, Strong offers readers a compact bible dictionary. 136) Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible by Strong, James; ISBN 0-917006-01-1 This biblical reference book contains the scriptural reference of every word of the King James' version of the Bible as well as the Hebrew and Greek connotations. 137) So, You Want to Be Like Christ by Swindoll, Charles; ISBN 0849913527 Swindoll details the Christian growth needed to be disciple of Christ. 138) The Hiding Place by Ten Boom, Corrie; ISBN 0-553-25669-6 139) Enla Busqueda de Dios by Tenney, Tommy; ISBN 0789910772 Tenney suggests practical ways to search and experience the presence of God. 140) Systematic Theology Volume One by Tillich, Paul; ISBN 0-226-80337-6 In this the first of his three volumes of Christian theology, Tillich describes God as"the ground of our being." 141) Systematic Theology Volume Two by Tillich, Paul; ISBN 0-226-80338-4 Professor Tillich details how man's estrangement of one's self leads them to search for God that ultimately will be reconciled by Christ Jesus. 142) Systematic Theology Volume Three by Tillich, Paul; ISBN 0-226-80339-2 As a leading Christian theologian, Tillich examines the Trinitarian Christian concept of the Holy Spirit, the modem church, the Kingdom of God, as well as eschatological symbols. 143) Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough Towns, Elmer L.; ISBN 0830718397 Towns expounds on the biblical basis for fasting as well as how pray and fasting can bring persons closer to the Lord. 144) The Radical Cross by Tozer, A.W.; ISBN 1600661572 This publication contains some of Tozer's best writings about the cross of Christ. 145) The Pursuit of God by Tozer, A.W.; ISBN 0-87509-701-4 In this devotional classic, Pastor Tozer reflects on our own human search and discovery of the presence of God. 146) An African Prayer Book by Tutu, Desmond; ISBN 0385516495 Bishop Tutu outlines various prayers out of the African heritage. 147) Coretta: The Story of Coretta Scott King by Vivian, Octavia; ISBN 0800638530 In this biography, Vivian details the Christian life of the widow of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 148) Finding Your Spiritual Gifts by Wagner, Peter C.; This resource enables Christians to identify and claim their spiritual gifts. 149) The Purpose Driven Life by Warren, Rick; ISBN 0-310-20571-9 In this New York's Times best selling book, Rev. Warren explains how each individual has been grant a purpose by God. 150) The Purpose Driven Church by Warren, Rick; ISBN 0310201063 As a follow up to The Purpose Driven Life, Rev. Warren further elaborates on God's purpose and vision for the Christian Church. 151) Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy with God in the Busyness of Life (Revised edition with bible study) by Weaver, Joanna; ISBN 1578562589 Building on the biblical characters of Jesus' earliest female followers, Weaver share how one can developing intimacy with Christ in the midst of the busyness of life. 152) John Wesley's Sermons by Wesley, John, Edited by Outler, Albert C. and Heitzenrater, Richard P.; ISBN 0-687-20495-X In this chronological account of Wesley's sermons, readers experience the development of his theology of God's grace poured out to the world in Jesus Christ. 153) Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice by Willard, Dallas; ISBN 1576832961 Willard explores spiritual formation of Christian life. 154) The Prayer ofJabez by Wilkinson, Bruce; ISBN 1576739791 Rev. Wilkinson describes how reciting and claiming the meaning behind a short biblical prayer can transform one's life and ministry. 155) Compendio Manual Portavoz by Willmington, Harold L.; ISBN 0825418771 Willmington provides a companion manual on Christian prophetic interpretation. 155) Healing Belongs to Us by Kenneth E. Hagin, ISBN: 0892760168. The book discusses the power of faith in healing. 156) Ancient Wisdom for Today's World by Daniel Seagraves, ISBN: 0932581609 A verse by verse study of the book of Proverbs. 157) The Apostolic Life by David Bernard, ISBN: 9781567226959 Articles covering the themes of what it means to be Apostolic and then applying these principles to various aspects of life. 158) The Phenomenon of Pentecost by Frank Ewart, ISBN: 0932581919 The book describes the rich heritage of pentecostalism. 159) Baptism of Fire by Kenneth Haney, ISBN: 1880969424 The story of the birth of the church in the first two centuries as presented by the General Superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church. 160) Our Glorious Salvation by David Bernard, ISBN: 0757720919 161) Eleven life changing lessons on grace, faith, the gospel, repentance, baptism of the holy ghost. Four Essentials Unto Salvation (Pentecostal Classic) by RE. Echols, ISBN: 1567226345 In this book, Echols discusses four key elements essential to salvation. 162) The Sin of Lying (Pentecostal Classic) byRE. Echols, ISBN: 1567222358 An old-time Pentecostal preacher and teacher provides detailed biblical discussion of integrity and honesty. 163) Soul Sisters by Edwina Gateley (ISBN: 1-57075-443-8) Orbis Publishing (2002) Book contemplates the women who knew Jesus, relates them to today's women. 164) Be Not Afraid by Johann Arnold (ISBN: 0-87486-916-1) Plough Publishing Company (1996) 165) Holiness And High Country by A.F. Harper (ISBN: 083-410-2323) Beacon Hill Press (1964) 365 day devotional to help you find inner peace and tranquility that comes from spending time with God. 166) Intense Moments With The Savior (set) by Ken Gire (ISBN: 0-310-54980-9, ISBN: 0310-21770-9) Zondervan (1994) Short meditations on human feelings of the goodness of Christ. 167) True Prayer by Kenneth Leech (ISBN: 0-06-065227-6) Harper & Row Publishers (1980) This book approaches the questions of prayers and the spiritual life with the needs of the ordinary, intelligent Christian in mind. 168) Just Give Me Jesus by Anne Graham Lotz (ISBN: 0-8499-1646-1) Word Publishing (2000) Compelling insights to help one discover who Jesus really is. 169) Prayer by Richard J. Foster (ISBN: 0-06-062846-4) Harper San Francisco (1992) This book clarifies the prayer process, answers common misconceptions, and shows the way into prayers of contemplation, healing, blessing, forgiveness, and rest. 170) Celebration Of Discipline by Richard J. Foster (ISBN: 0-06-062839-1) Harper San Francisco (1988) This book exp lores the classic disciplines or central spiritual practices of the Christian faith. 171) Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard (ISBN: 0-06-069333-9) Harper San Francisco (1998) A powerful thought provoking guide to living the life Jesus intends for us to live. 172) Gift For All People by Max Lucado (ISBN: 1-57673-464-1) Multnomah Publishers (1999) Written thoughts on God's great grace for all mankind. 173) Signature Of Jesus by Brennan Manning (0-88070-859-X) Multnomah Publishers (1992) Written to teach the reader how to experience the furious, passionate, and unexplainable love of Jesus. 174) Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning (ISBN: 0-06-251776-7) Harper San Francisco (2000) Written to address the intricacies of trusting God and bring Him joy. 175) Beliefs That Matter Most by W.T. Purkiser (ISBN:: 083-410-3109) Beacon Hill Press (1959) A summary on Christian beliefs that matter most concerning the Christian community. 176) Ready, Willing & Available by Justine A. Knight (ISBN:: 083-411-7916) Beacon Hill Press (2000) Written on how God uses ordinary people to accomplish His purposes in helping people. 177) What's A Nice God Like You Doing In A Place Like This? by Wesley D. Tracy (ISBN:: 083-411-3716) Beacon Hill Press (1990) Written about the grace of God shining through the lives of mostly nameless nobodies who made lasting contributions that inspire people today. 178) Devotional Classics, by Richard 1. Foster, Harper San Francisco (1993) ISBN:-0060666966Devotional classics for individual study and group use to help commit you to spiritual renewal. 179) Virtues for Ordinary Christians by James F. Keenen (ISBN: 1-55612-908-4) Sheed and Ward (1996) This book offers virtue as the starting point for doing moral reflection. 180) Disappointment With God by Philip Yancey (ISBN: 0-310-51781-8) Zondervan (1992) A deeply insightful book that points to the odd disparity between our concept of God and the realities of life. 181) Kingdom Authority by Adrian Rogers (ISBN: 0-8054-1676-5) Broadman & Holman Publishers (2002) This book explains the difference between right and wrong influences. 182) Powerful Cure, by Charles Spugeon (ISBN: 0-88368-427-6) Whitaker House( 1996). This book deals with sin and how to break free from it. 183) C.S. Lewis - Explores Vice & Virtue by Gerard Reed (ISBN: 083-411-8947) Beacon Hill Press (2001). Reed draws upon the works of C.S. Lewis to point the reader to a deeper relationship with God. 184) When God Whispers Your Name, by Max Lucado (ISBN: 084-9910-994) Word Publishing (1994). Written to give the reader inspiration to believe God will keep you headed in the right direction. 185) 186) He Still Moves Stones by Max Lucado (ISBN: 0-8499-3753-1) W Publishing Group (1999). Written to remind Christians that the God who spoke to Moses still speaks to people today. Virtues for Ordinary Christians by James F. Keenen (ISBN: 1-55612-908-4) Sheed and Ward (1996) This book offers virtue as the starting point for doing moral reflection. 187) Disappointment With God by Philip Yancey (ISBN: 0-310-51781-8) Zondervan (1992) A deeply insightful book that points to the odd disparity between our concept of God and the realities of life. 188) Cost Of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (ISBN: 0-684-81500-1) Simon & Schuster (1995) Written about the relationship between ourselves and the teaching of Jesus. 189) Then The Whisper Put Flesh by Brian K. Blount; Abingdon Press (2001) (ISBN: 0-687-08589-6) This book written to help poor black Americans understand the New Testament from the perspective of an oppressed people. 190) Disciplined Life by Richard S. Taylor (ISBN: 0-7642-2592-9) Bethany House (1962) This book takes the reader beyond the habits of daily life and presents a practical program for Christian maturity. 191) What So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey, (ISBN: 0-310-24565-6) Zondervan (1997) Written to give the reader a probing look at grace: what it does and doesn't look like, and why it is so important to the world. 192) Putting Away Childish Things by David A. Seamands (ISBN: 0-89367-244-0) Light & Life Communications (1999) Written about healing damaged emotions and reaching for spiritual and emotional maturity in Christianity. 193) When You Can't Pray by Al Truesdale (ISBN: 083-411-9307) Beacon Hill Press (2002) Written for those whose prayer life has broken down and feels meaningless. 194) Come Thirsty by Max Lucado (ISBN: 0-8499-1761-1) W Publishing Group (2004) Written as spiritual instructions on how to deal with fear, anxiety and guilt. 195) Shaped By God by Max Lucado (ISBN: 0-8423-5518-9) Tyndale House Publishing (2002) Written to help the reader look beyond the pain of current circumstances to the joy of living. 196) Boy Who Cried Abba by Brennan Manning (ISBN: 1-879290-19-7) Page Mill Press (1997) Written to teach the reader that the freedom and joy of acceptance are rooted in the forgiving love of God. 197) Charting a New Course, Truthought, LLC, 1999. Workbook on correct thinking processes. 198) Just Thinking- Truthought Corrective Thinking Process, Truthought, LLC, 2004. Workbook on correct thinking processes. 199) Tackling the Tactics. Truthought, LLC, 2002. Workbook for responsible decision making. 200) Staying On Track, Truthought, LLC, 2002. Workbook for responsible decision making. 201) As Iron Sharpens Iron, by Howard and William Hendricks, ISBN:080245361-6 published by Moody Publishing, (1995) A book that helps start a strong mentorship. 202) Sharing Wisdom, by Robert 1. Wicks, ISBN#0-8245-1838-1 A guide for mentors 203) The Return of Merlin, by Deepak Chopra, Publisher: Ballantine (1995) ISBN: 0449-91074-1 A tale form the glorious, magic infused court of King Arthur's Camelot to the mysterious and dangerous reality of contemporary England. 204) New Illustrated Bible Dictionary by Nelson (ISBN: 0-8407-2071-8) Nelson (1989) Cross referenced to major translations with 500 full color photographs. 205) Forgiveness, by Sidney B. Simon, ISBN: 0-446-39259, published by Warner books, (1990). A practical guide through the pain, anger, betrayal and confusion which may bind us. 206) Taking to the Streets, by Joe Colaizzi, ISBN: 083-412-0836, published by Nazarene Publishing House, (2004). Written to challenge the reader to turn form crime and sin to a criminal free life. 207) The Art of Happiness, by Howard Cutler, ISBN: 1-57322-111-2, published by Riverhead, (1998) True happiness lies within us. 208) The Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible, by Geoffrey Hodson Publisher: Quest (1981) ISBN: 0-8356-0548-5 The author presents new value to the scriptures and makes it manifestly more significant for all. 209) Answering Islam by Nonnan L. Geisler (ISBN: 0-8010-3859-6) Baker Book House Co. (2002) Written to be used as a tool for dialogue regarding the theological barriers that separate Islam from Christianity. 210) Justice that Restores, by Charles Colson, ISBN # 0-8423-5245-7, published by Tyndale Press, (2001) Author explains the paradigm for looking at the crisis in the criminal justice system. 211) Obsession With Justice, by William 1. Doody, ISBN# 0-8091-3487-X, published by Paulist Press, (1994) Written to demonstrate how God's guidance ofIsrael in Old Testament history was used to develop laws in today's society. 212) Calvin's Commentaries (22 volume set) Baker Publishers, ISBN:0-8010-2440-4 Bible commentary series. 213) Vine's Expository Dictionary, Thomas Nelson Publishers, ISBN: 0-7852-1181-0 Bible Dictionary. 214) System Theology (8 Volumes by Lewis Sperry Chafer, Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, MI, ISBN:0-8254-2340-6 215) The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible (5 Volumes) Zondervan Publishing House, 1976, ISBN: 0-310-33188-9 Video Media: (Many of these Titles are also available in Spanish.) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Abraham, Turner Horne Entertainment 1994 Acts: The Visual Bible, 2002 After the Stonn, T.D. Jakes American Choir: the Story of the Monnon Tabernacle Choir, Groberg Communication, Inc., 2004 Amazing Grace, A Film Media Group Company 2002 Apostle Paul by Timothy Johnson, Ph.D, Course Number 657, The Teaching Company A Vow to Cherish, WWP 1999 Be Still and Know that I am God, 20th Century Fox Horne Entertainment, 2006 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) Billy Graham: God's Ambassador 20th Century Fox 2006 Bloom Where You Are Planted, Joyce Meyer Ministries Book of Genesis by Gary A. Rendsburg, Ph.D., Course Number 6234, The Teaching Company Born Again, Crown Video1978T Christianity: The First 2 Thousand Years, A&E 2000 Crusade: The Life of Billy Graham, Paramount Home Entertainment 2005 David; TNT Bible Collection, WB1997 Discovering the Bible, Gateway Films (DVD Set) Divine Strategies - TD Jakes End of the Harvest - Produced by Rich Christiano End of the Spear - Every Tribe Entertainment Essential Bible Truth Treasury - Gateway Films Esther - TNT Bible Collection Esther and the King, 20th Century Fox 1960 Facing the Giants, CBD#GS702899 (A Christian movie about reaching out to others.) Forgive and Live Again by Joyce Meyer Ministries Fury to Freedom, UPC/ISBN: 780701067594, Gospel Communications Genesis: The Creation & the Flood, Five Mile River Films, UPC/ISBN: 03198745921 Genesis: TNT Bible Collection Genesis with Max McLean, ISBN: 727985006420, Gateway Vision Video Great World Religions: Christianity, Course Number 6101, by Timothy Johnson, Ph.D, The Teaching Company God's Timeless Covenant with Man, Celebration Publisherl991 Good Judgement - TD Jakes Gospel of John - Buena Vista (2003) UPC/ISBN: 786936281842 Great Figures of the New Testament by Amy-Jill Levine, Ph.D., Course Number 6206, he Teaching Company Historical Jesus by Bart D. Ehrmann, Ph.D" Course Number 643, The Teaching Company How the Bible Came to be, Gospel Films Home Remedies - TD Jakes How Jesus Died: The Final 18 Hours, Trinity Pictures Limited Produced by John Dauer I'm Better than This - TD Jakes In Remembrance of their Last Supper Together, Grace Productions In the Beginning Produced By: Paul Lowin, Artisian Home Entertainment UPC/ISBN: 707729113591 Into the Hearts of Men - TD Jakes Is there Meaning in Evil and Suffering, Rzim, Distributed by Vision Video I Will Never do That Again - TD Jakes Jacob, TNT Bible Collection Jeremiah, TNT Bible Collection 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) 51) 52) 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) 58) 59) 60) 61) 62) 63) 64) 65) 66) 67) 68) 69) 70) 71) n) 73) 74) 75) 76) 77) 78) 79) 80) 81) 82) Jesus: Fact or Fiction, Inspirational Film 2003 Jesus of Nazareth, Artisan Home Entertainment 2000 Jesus: The Greatest Story of All Time, Trimark Home Video John Wesley, Gateway Film John Wycliffe, Vision Video Joseph, TNT Bible Collection Joshua, Produced By Paul Pompion, UPC/ISBN: 012236130598 Journey in Black: Cece Winans, BET Urban Work 2002 Journey in Black: Kirk Franklin, BET and Urban Work, 2001 and 2002 Journey of the Heart, Windborne Production 2003 Journey to Spiritual Maturity, Paraclete Press 2001 Journey Toward Forgiveness, Gateway Vision Video, UPC/ISBN:727985005416 Kirk Franklin and The Family, Gospel Centricl994 La Victoria de Cristo Sobre la Muerte - J. Yrion The Lazarus Phenomenon, Produced By W. Johan Sturm, UPC/ISBN: 183892000027 Liberation - TD Jakes Life and Writings ofCS. Lewis by Louis Markos, Ph.D., Course Number 297, The Teaching Company Living Monuments: Prison Fellowship Volume 1 1996 Living Through Dying Places - TD Jakes Lost Christianities: Christian Scripture and the Battles over Authentication by Bart Ehrman, PhD., Course Number 6593, The Teaching Company Luther: Gospel, Law, and Redemption by Phillip Cary, Ph.D., Course Number 6633, The Teaching Company Martin Luther, PBS 2002 Mary: Mother of Jesus, Family Home Entertainment1999 and 2003 Mary of Nazareth, Questar Video Max Lucado: He Chose the Nails, Belmount Mills Entertainment 2001 Miracles are Real, Questar, Inc. Moses and the Ten Commandments Biography, A&E 2005 Mystery of the Bible: Biblical Angel, A&E Home Video 2002 Mystery of the Bible: The Last Supper, A&E Home Video 2002 My Stories of the Bible, A&E 1993 Noah's Ark, Hallmark Home Entertainment 1999 Night Seasons - TD Jakes Nothing Just Happens - TD Jakes Parable, Available through Ecufilm - The award winning film from the 1964 New York World's Fair that focuses on service and self-sacrifice. Potholes - TD Jakes Prayer Series by Kenneth Copeland. (DVD or VHS) (Tapes include: 1 -Effective Prayer; 2-Your Right to Believe; 3 - Prayer Changes Things; 4 - Pressing for Victory; 5 - Intercession; 6 - United in Prayer; 7 - Faith; 8 -Prayer that Brings Results; 9- The Great Exchange) Psalms, Hymns & Spiritual Songs: D. McClurkin 83) 84) 85) 86) 87) 88) 89) 90) 91) 92) 93) 94) 95) 96) 97) 98) 99) 100) 101) 102) 103) 104) 105) 106) 107) 108) 109) 110) Ill) 112) 113) 114) Old Testament and New Testament by Bart D. Ehrman, Ph.D and Amy-Jill Levine, Ph.D, Course Number 650, The Teaching Company Road to Redemption, WWP 2001, Produced by John Shepherd, UPC/ISBN: 024543222927 Samson & Delilah, TNT Bible Collection Six, The Mark Unleashed, CBD#GS549872, Christian Cinema, UPC/ISBN: 808717000890 (A movie about the end times that will teach about the mark ofthe beast as revealed the Book ofRevelation.) Solomon, TNT Bible Collection Something to Sing About, WWP 2000, AISN: BOOOBOH8W1 Stir Yourself Up, Kenneth Copeland Ministries Story of the Bible by Timothy Johnson, Ph.D. Course Number 6252, The Teaching Company Story of the 12 Apostles, Gateway Vision Video Story of Ruth, 20th Century Fox, AISN: 6301628632 T. D. Jakes: T. D. Jakes Classics, ISBN: 1560433191 (This D VD collection contains some ofthe best ofBishop Jakes sermons that have blessed the hearts of so many.) The Apostles Collection, The History Channel 2001 The Apostle Paul and the Earliest Churches, Gateway Vision Video, AISN: B00060A9D8 (Great movie on the early churches as founded during his missionary journeys.) The Ark of the Covenant, A&E 1994 The Bible: Esther, Trimark Home Video 1998 The Bible Genesis, Trimark Home Video 1994 The Bible: Jeremiah, Crown Video 2002 The Bible on Video: Part 1 Christmas, The Genesis Project, 1979 The Bible: Solomon, Trimark Home Video 1997 The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, Warner Alliance 1994 The Celebration of Disciple, Vision Video The Cross and the Switchblade, Vision Video, AISN: B00009KYDK (A Christian film about real life ofNiki Cruz a gang member who came to Christ.) The Dead Sea Scrolls, Discovery Channel 2003 The Evidence for Creation, The Bridgestone Group The Favor Factor - TD Jakes The Good News, Crown Video 2002 (A classic movie depicting the Christian teaching about the End Times.) The Late Great Planet Earth, Trinity Home Entertainment, AISN: 692865131335 The Life of Jesus, ( 5vol. DVD), Christian Book Distributors, Madacy Entertainment The Prophecy of Israel, CBD, Litchfield Associates, ISBN: 5559701912 (This oflers the prophetic truths dealing with the Holy Land.) The Road to Divine Destiny - TD Jakes The Secrets of the Bible, Madacy Entertainment, 1998 5 Video Tape Set The Secrets of the Holy Grail, American Home Treasures 2005 115) 116) The Story of David, Columbia Tristar 1992 The Tabernacle, CBD, Vision Video, ISBN: 1563647915 (Great teaching on the Old Testament Tabernacle.) 117) The Ten Commandments, CBD, Candlelight Media Group, Inc., UPC: 0096009420895 (In this classic movie, viewers witness the life ofthe Hebrews and Moses.) 118) The Ten Commandments 50th Anniversary Edition, Paramount Pictures 2006 119) Tim LaHaye: Charting the End Times, CBD#GS01383, Harvest House, ISBN: 0736901388 (A study ofthe end times from the Christian perspective.) 120) Time Changer Produced By Rich Cristiano, Five and Two Pictures ISBN: 824483009097 121) The Trail and Testimony of the Early Church: land 2 Gateway Film: Vision Video 122) Touched by an Angel, 20th Century Fox 123) Unlock the DaVinci Code, Highland Entertainment 2004 124) The Nature of the Holy Land (3 DVD Set) Vision Video, UPC: 0727985007892 (Movie about the holy sites and place in the Holy Land.) 125) Wonder of God's Creation, Questar Video 126) WOW 2000 Double Video, Provident 2000 127) WOW Gospel, Verity 1999 128) WOW Gospel 2003, Zdmba Video 2003 129) WOW Gospel 2005, Zdmba Video 2005 130) WOW Gospel 2006 131) WOW Hits 2003, Zdmba Video 2003 132) WOW Hits 2004, Zdmba Video 2004 133) WOW Hits 2005, Zdmba Video 2005 134) WOW Hits 2006, Zdmba Video 2006 135) WOW: The Video (Set of2 Tapes), MGMlUA Home Video 1989 136) Wrestling with God, Gateway Film Vision Video 137) Yolanda Adams, Verity 1997 138) Baptism of the Holy Ghost by Shelly Hendricks, ISBN: 0757702414 139) A Las Puertas del Armagedon, Mercado Cristiano Distributors 140) Altos Instintos, Pan De Vida Distributors 143) Atrapados en las Garras de la Muerte, Fuente de Vida Distributors 144) Camino Equivocado, Fuente de Vida Distributors 145) Del Robo al Paraiso, Fuente de Vida Distributors 146) Destino Final, Fuente de Vida Distributors 147) El Incomparable Cristo - Josue Yrion, Pan De Vida Distributors 148) El Tesoro Del Abismo, Pan De Vida Distributors 149) Imitadores de Cristo, Fuente de Vida Distributors 150) Ropa Nueva para Felipe, Pan De Vida Distributors 151) Superando las Pmebas de la Vida, Pan De Vida Distributors 152) Te Dare 10 Mejor - Jesus Adrian Romero, Pan De Vida Distributors 153) Una Vida con Proposito, Pan De Vida Distributors 156) Unplugged - Jesus Adrian Romero, Pan De Vida Distributors 157) Something To Sing About by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-200-8)(2000) Tommy is newly released from prison and wants to tum his life around. An elderly lady from a church has faith in him and soon he's singing in the choir. From their he climbs the music ladder of success. 158) Scars That Heal by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-234-2)(1993) A preacher's son gets burnt in the Viet Nam War and in spite of his deformity finds a career and leads a normallife. 159) Lay It Down by Christian Cinema (ISBN: 0-9675178-4-2)(2002) This movie is about teenage street drag racing. Because of a death, a teenager leads his friends to Jesus. 160) Stephen's Test Of Faith by Vision Video (ISBN: 0-88264-327-4)(1998) Twelve year old Stephen is mocked and ridiculed for his faith. But that test leads to a new understanding and inner strength that changes his life. 161) Dangerous Journey by Gateway Films (ISBN: 1-56364-103-8)(1985) Colorful characters and gripping situations, depicting the challenges of a life committed to Jesus Christ. 162) Fourth Wise Man by Gateway Films (ISBN: 1-56364-083-X)(1985) Fictional story set in biblical times of a Magi who sets out to find the Messiah. 163) Best Christmas Pageant by Schaefer/Karpf Productions (ISBN:: none)(1986) A woman takes some of the nastiest, dirtiest kids you could ever meet and puts on a Christmas pageant. 164) First Fruits by Gateway Films (ISBN:: 1-56364-009-0)(1982) In 1732, two young Moravians leave their comfortable community of Hermhut, Germany and serve the slaves in West Indies. 165) The Greco-Roman Moralists, by author unknown, (ISBN: 1-56585-703-8) Published by The Teaching Company (2002) This video shows how practical philosophy can improve our standard of living. 166) Two A Penny by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-039-0)(1966) A young London art student's need for money brings him to contact a group of dmg dealers. 167) For Pete's Sake by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: none)(1966) A highly spirited drama that shows a family dealing with life and tragedy. 168) Karla Faye Tucker-The Power Of Forgiveness by Gateway Films (ISBN: 1-56364-349-9) The tme story of the first woman executed in America in fifteen years, and her dramatic religious conversion experience. 169) China Cry by Gateway Films (ISBN: 1-880521-00-8)(1990) A young woman stmgg1es through religious persecution in Hong Kong, almost losing everything she holds dear including her life. 170) Hiding Place by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-024-2)(1975) A tme story of the ten Boom family. In the midst of monstrous cmelty and suffering, Corrie and Betsie must face the greatest test of their faith in God and their ability to love mankind. 171) One Way Door by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: none)(1983) A tme story set in 1944 of a woman helping hundreds of Jews escape the concentration camps. The Ten Booms of Holland were arrested and sent to the camps themselves, where Corrie's father and sister died. 172) Restless Ones by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-034-X)(1965) This remarkable film takes you inside the turbulent world of teenagers, in dealing with life and the need for acceptance. 173) Souls In Conflict by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-036-6)(1953) Three people all pressed with the decision to live a moral, faithful life. 174) Home Coming, by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-173-7)(1996) A big city tough guy, with an attitude, is sent to a small town high school and has trouble fitting in until he faces the love of Christ. 175) Man Called Peter, by Twentieth Century Fox (ISBN: 0-7939-1765-4)(1955) Tme story of a man's friendship with God. 176) Man on a Mission, T. D. Jakes Manpower, 2002 (video set). Videos deal with the moral choices men face today. 177) No More Sheets, T. D. Jakes, 4 video set. Sem10ns regarding sexual morality. 178) It's Enough to Make a Grown Man Cry, Crown Video 2000 ISBN: 1-897020-00-7 A message of hope and encouragement for believers. 179) Searching for Bobby Fischer, by Paramount Pictures, ISBN: 0-7921-6625-6, (1993). A young boy sets a goal to be a champion chess player and his father is determined to make it happen. 180) Of Soul, Mind and Body, by Lumina Productions, ISBN: 1-888138-04-1,1992. Video explores the myriad ways in which music, sound and vibration influence every aspect of our being. 181) T.D. Jakes (Series) by T.D. Jakes Ministries (ISBN: 0-157855616-3; 0-157855618-X; 0157855664-3; 1-57855612-0)(2000-2003) In the Potter's House, Manpower Survivors, The Road To Divine Destiny, and Miracle Faith Seed series T.D. Jakes preaches about the resurrection, who Jesus really is, forgiveness, repairing the damage in your life and life's promises through God's Word. 182) Sergeant York by Warner Brothers (ISBN: 0-7907-5938-1 )(1941) Tom between religious pacifism and patriotism, one man takes charge in World War I and becomes a hero. 183) Visions Of Gold by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-042-0)(1988) The story of top athletes in training and their testimonies about how faith inspired them. 184) Candle In The Dark by Christian History Institute (ISBN: 1-56364-306-5)(1998) A 1793 missionary to India takes charge and encounters so much hardship it's amazing he didn't abandon his mission. 185) Martin Luther by Lutheran Film Association (ISBN: 1-56364-055-4)(1955) Martin Luther's protest against the Catholic church changed the course of Western history. 186) Reluctant Prophet by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-170-2)(1995) The story of Chuck Colson's journey from politician to convicted felon to humble servant of God. 187) Peter And Paul by Gateway Films (ISBN: 1-56364-184-4) A first century biography of early Christianity, and Western civilization's struggle to succeed at starting and leading the church. 188) John Wesley by Vision Video (ISBN: 1-56364-183-6) Powerful biography of one of the most influential ministers in all of Christian history. 189) Bible Esther by Trimark Home Video (ISBN: 8-474-02458-7)(1998) A young girl in the king's harem becomes Queen, and risks her life to save the Jewish race from genocide. 190) Twelve Apostles by A&E television Networks (ISBN: 1-56364-570-X)(1999) Twelve followers of Jesus are construed as revolutionaries as they individually lead the Christian church. 191) Playing the Game by World Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-185-0)(1998) All star hockey players share their faith. 192) More Than Winning by World Wide Pictures (1982) Five top professional sports figures share not only the essence of their faith, but deeper insights into how you win at life by following God's game plan. 193) Story Of Paul The Apostle by A&E Television Network (ISBN: 1-56364-568-8)(2000) Originally, Paul was a powerful and placable enemy of Jesus, determined to stop the spread of Christ's message. But then his dramatic conversion turned his life and world upside down. Christian gospel music. 73) Exuberant Praise by Tempo Music (ISBN: none) (1994) Christian praise and worship music that helps you get in the spiritual zone. 74) Bound For Glory by Huntly Brown (ISBN: none) Huntly Brown Records (1999) Christian praise and worship music that's comforting to the mind. 75) It Ain't Always Easy by Ray Lefevra (ISBN: none) RalfMedia (1996) Christian music that touches your inner core-highly spiritual. 76) Salter by Various Recording Artists (ISBN: 7-474-02295-8) Fore Front Communication Group (1996) Modem contemporary Christian praise and worship music. 77) Songs by Rich Mullins (ISBN: none) Artists Records (1996) Christian contemporary music that sloths your inner being. 78) Audio Adrenaline by Audio Adrenaline (ISBN: 7-4740-2205-2) Forefront Records (1996) Christian contemporary music that tells life like it is--Iost without Jesus Christ. 79) Free At Last by DC Talk (ISBN: none) Forefront Records (1992) Christian contemporary music that reaches out to the youth with the message of upright living. 80) A Way Through, by Lynda Raddle (ISBN: none) Gaiter Music Company (1995). African-American Christian music. 81) Pray, by Andrae Crouch (ISBN: none) Warner Alliance (1997). African-American Christian music. 82) We Gotta Believe, by Cara (ISBN: none) Writesong Resources (1994). Singing prayers to God. 194) John Hus by Vision Video (ISBN: 1-56364-051-1)(1981) John was the accused but his testimony put a whole civilization on trial. 195) Story Of Eric Liddell by RBC Ministries (ISBN: 8-90145-0305)(1981) This Olympic gold medalist from Scotland lived and died with Christ's testimony. 196) Corrie ten Boom by World Wide Video (1983) A woman whose commitment to spreading the good news spanned 30 years. 197) Oiltown U.S.A by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-036-6)(1954) A self-made Texas oilman living in wealth and power, after fighting God all his life, comes to grips with change. 198) Warriors Of Honor by New Liberty Videos (ISBN: 1-897020-06-6)(2004) The faith and legacies of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson are subject in this Civil War documentary. 199) The Transfonnation of Man , Publisher: Mystic Fire Video (ISBN: 1-56176-326-8) Looks at the delusions, assumptions and wrong thinking that has led human beings to live in turmoil, confusion and anguish. 200) Hope For The Lonely by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-139-7)(1990) Billy Graham's timely message on loneliness and how to break free from depression. 201) Rachel's House True story about the Columbine school shooting. 202) Razor Red X, by N/A, Publisher: Northern Arts Entertainment (1992) ISBN: 203) Rebel Music by N/A, Publisher: Island 2000, ISBN: N/A N/A Tells the story of the legendary reggae Super Star Bod Marley, 204) Herbert Von Karajan & Antonio Vivaldi by Sony Classical (ISBN: 1-57330-135-3) (1987) A music video recorded live October 28, 1987 at the Philharn10nic in Berlin. 58) Yolanda Adams: Believe, 2001 59) Greatest Hymns by Seleh (CD), 2005 ISBN: 715187889026 60) Our Glorious Salvation by David Bernard (Cassette), ISBN: 0757720919 61) Heavenly Places, by Jaci Velasquez (ISBN: none) Myrrh Records (1996) Peaceful Christian music to sooth the soul. 62) Atraeme by Luigi Castro (ISBN: none) (Date: none) Soothing music for the Spanish speaking Christians. 63) Locked Up, by Dr. Rene F. Brown (ISBN: none) 9th Street Missionary Baptist Church (Date: none) A sennon about anger being locked up inside you. 64) Anointed, by Anointed (ISBN: none) Myrrh Records (1999) Black Gospel music to journal by. 65) Take Me Home In A Song, by Ag & Kate (ISBN: none) Sheppard Records (Date: none) Soothing music that is religious based and uplifting to everyone. 66) One Voice, by Tempo Music (ISBN: none) (1995) Gospel music that touches the inner being. 67) My Ship Will Sail, by Ag & Kate (ISBN: none) Grand Ole Opry (date: none) Christian singing and guitar playing. 68) When Every Gate (No ISBN) GIA Publications (1993) Liturgical Music. 69) On Eagles Wings (No ISBN) Bankbeat Productions (1996) Soaring inspirational music. 70) Sarah Brightman (ISBN: 422-839-116-2) Universal Music Company (1989). Old songs with a new twist. 71) Pilgrim Jubilees by Malaco (ISBN: none) Maico Records (1996) Black Christian gospel music helps get you in touch with God. 72) Battle Hymn by Huntly Brown (ISBN; none) Huntly Brown Records (1995) 205) 3 Tenors by Tibor Rudas (ISBN: none)(Date: none) Carreras Domingo Pavarotti with Metha in concert 1994. 206) Andrea Bocelli In Sacred Arias by Sugar Music (ISBN: none)(1999) Performed with the National Academy Orchestra and Choir in Santa Cecilia, Rome. 207) Andrea Bocelli in A Night In Tuscany by Polygram Video (ISBN: none)(1997) On a warm September night, Andrea Bocelli carne home to Tuscany to sing to the people of the ancient city of Pisa. He joined on stage for duets by Sarah Brightman and Zucchero. 208) Voice Of An Angel- Charlotte Church by Sony Music Entertainment (ISBN: 1-57330146-9)(1999) Charlotte Church performs live in concert for Prince Charles, Pope John Paul II and many others. 209) Enchantment - Charlotte Church by Columbia Music Video (ISBN: 0-7389-0201-2) (2001 ) A live performance at St. David's Hall in Cardiff, Wales. 210) Charlotte Church In Jerusalem by Atlantic Productions (ISBN: 0-7389-1930-6) (2001) Recorded segments Charlotte Church throughout the historic city of Jerusalem, as well as in the Tower of David. 211) Charlotte Church In The Holy Land by Atlantic Productions (ISBN: 0-7389-1927-6) (2000) 212) The Power of Forgiveness -the Story of Karla Fay Tucker, distributed by Vision Video, ISBN: 1-56364-349-9. The true story of a convicted murderer rehabilitated by the power of Christ. 213) Moment After, by Christian Cinema, ISBN: 0-9675178-3-4, (1999). A mass disappearance has occurred as the FBI searches the truth. 214) Home Beyond The Sun by Garden City Pictures (ISBN: none)(Date: none) True story about a young Christian woman in Communist China being persecuted for her Christian beliefs. 215) China Cry by Trinity Broadcast Network (ISBN: 1-56364-616-1 )(1998) A true story of how the Christian church survived under atheistic communism in China. 216) Hope for Commitment, distributed by World Wide Pictures, ISBN: 1-56408-140, (1990). Billy Graham's message that will challenge one to stay committed. 217) Repeat Performance, distributed by World Wide Video, ISBN: 1-56408-180-X, (1996) Movie peers into the soul of a lost generation in need of forgiveness. 218) Hope for Forgiveness, distributed by Wold Wide Pictures, ISBN: 1-56408-138-9, (1990). Billy Graham's message on forgiveness. 219) Second Chances distributed by Alpha Omega Productions, ISBN: 1-56371-615-1, (2002). A story of understanding, giving, love and a second chance. 220) Robe distributed by Twentieth Century Fox, (1953). A Roman Centurion is forever changed by encountering the robe of Christ. 221 ) Mercy Streets distributed by Trinity House Entertainment, (2001) A double-crosser finds himself on the side of the law to help his brother. Audio Media: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Africa-Praise 1: Africa University Choir, 1995 Amy Grant: A Christmas Album, 1983 Arthur and Family, Making Music Volume 1, Isaiah Records 1997 Attitude of the Heart by Joyce Meyer Attitude of the Mind by Joyce Meyer Babbie Mason Heritage of Faith, World Record 1996 Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer BeBe and Cece Winans, The Sparrow Corporation, 1987 BeBe and Cece Winans, The Sparrow Corporation, 1988 Be Still and Know that I Am God by Joyce Meyer Birthday Celebration: Community Christian Choir, 2003 Cece Winans, His Gift, PMG, 1998 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) 51) 52) 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) Christian Extraordinarie, Manneh Steamroller, 2001 Christmas Joy: Celebrating the Birth of Christ, Shelter Cover Music 2006 Christmas Traxx!, Sony Music Special Products, 2001 Christmas with Yolanda Adams, 2000 Classic Favorite Series by Kenneth E. Hagin, (Set of 6 Audio-tapes) Clay Aiken: Merry Christmas with Love, Firm 2004 Come Expecting Jesus, Hosanna Music, 2001 Contemporary Choral Praise Sampler 2003, World Library Productions, 2003 Discover 2002, Worship Together, 2002 Dottie Peoples, "Christmas with Dottie", Air Gospel 1995 Expressions of Worship: Bob Cappella 2002 Faith Classic Series by Kenneth Hagin (Set of 6 Audio-tapes) Integrity Worship, Integrity Worship, 2005 Jaci Velasquez: Unspoken, WB Curb 2003 Janet Paschal, Journey of Grace, World Music 1994 Jars of Clay, Macromedia, 2000 Jennifer Knapp, Lay it Down, 2000 K. Franklin: Hero, Foyo Soul Enter, 2005 Latin Celebration, Diamants 2001 Majesty/Instrumental Praise, Brentwood Record Make me your Voice, Spring Hill 2001 Michael W. Smith: Change your World, 1992 Mercy Me: The Christmas Session, 2005 Morgan Eve Downing the Road, Bass Production 2004 Nicole C. Mullen: Christmas in Black and White, Word Curb, 2002 River of Praise, Community Chritsian Choir, 2002 Spiritual Life/Scripture Healing by Kenneth E. Hagin (Set of 6 Audio-tapes) Steven Curtis Chaplman: Greatest Hits, 1997 Songs for Worship, Lord Most High, Integrity, 2002 Sweet Aroma of Praise, Spring Hill The Awakening Promise Keepers, Integrity, 2005 The Best of Praise and Worship, Volume 1, Sparrow Record, 2003 The Birth of Kirk Franklin: Gospo-centricor Foyo South Inter, 2002 The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, Light of the World, M2 Communication, 2001 The Life of Christ: The Birth, Death and Resurection ofJesus Christ, Martingdale Music The NIV Worship Bible Face to Face: Worship for Men, Marathon or Promise Keeper, 1993 The Stations of the Cross, Heartbeat Music, 1998 Tum the Tide, Maranatha, 2001 Uptmost: Community Christmas Choir, 2003 We Gotta Believe, Prodced by Wayne and Carla Karst, 1994 WOW Christmas: 30 Top Christian Artists, Provident Music Group, 2002 WOW Gospel 2003, Verity 2003 WOW Hits 2000: 30 of the Year Top Chrisian Artist and Hits, 2000 WOW Hits 2002: 30 of the Year Top Chrisian Artist and Hits, 2002 WOW Worship: Today's 30 Most Powerful Worship Songs, Marathon or Integrity, 2001 83) Heritage Of Faith, by Babbie Mason (ISBN: none) Word Records (1996). Singing her thanks and love to God for her family heritage. 84) Beyond All The Limits, by Larnell Harris (ISBN: none) Benson Music Group, Inc. (1994). Contemporary Christian music that gets your mind motivated. 85) Spirituals, by Walter Arties (ISBN: none) Bread Of Life Records (1996). African-American Christian contemporary music. 86) Mighty, by Planet Smashers (ISBN: none) Stomp Records (2003). Christian motivational music with a contemporary sound. 87) Pure Gospel, by Various Artists (ISBN: none) Malaco Records (2004). A variety of Christian contemporary songs to think by. 88) Reggae Worship - Volume One, by Various Artists (ISBN: none) Graceland Records (1993). Christian music with a reggae sound. 89) In The Upper Room, by Mahalia Jackson (ISBN: none) 601 Music (1997). Black Christian soul music. 90) Joshua, The Sound Track, by Word Entertainment (ISBN: none) Warner Music Group (2002). Christian pop singing about helping others. 91) Gospel According to Jazz by Kirk Whalum 92) Gospel According to Jazz II by Kirk Whalum 93) I Offer My Life by Darla Hulett, NCN.Ap (2002) Christian contemporary inner feelings and emotional experiences. 94) Finest Moments by Sandi Patti (ISBN: none) Word Records (1989) Contemporary and; self searching music for Christians. 95) Hymns Just For You by Sandi Patti (ISBN: none) Word Records (1990) Contemporary and self searching music for Christians. 96) My Pumose by The Anointed Dance Sisters (ISBN; none) Savoy Records (1994) Gospel soul music with a contemporary flavor. 97) Unspoken,by Jaci Velasquez (ISBN: none) Word Records (2003) Christian contemporary, describing feelings and choices. 98) Milagro by Jaci Velasquez (ISBN: none) Sony Music (2003) Contemporary Gospel music with self described feelings and choices. 99) Dove Awards by Worship - Various Artists (ISBN: none) Integrity Records (2000) Christian contemp/Gospel music with best of the 90's. 100) Where I stand by Twila Paris (ISBN: none) Sparrow Records (1988) Christian contemp/Gospel of life experiences and Twila's. 101) Signature Songs, by Twila Paris (ISBN: none) Greentree Records (1992) Christian contemp/Gospel/music expressing feelings and emotions. 102) House Of Worship by Twila Paris (ISBN: none) Sparrow Records (2003) Christian contemporary gospel music. 103) Twila Paris - Greatest Hits by Twila Paris (ISBN: none) Sparrow Records (2001) Christian contemporary music expressing her life. 104) Walk On by 4 Him, (ISBN: none) Word Records (2001) Rock/Contemporary/gospel music for the whole family expressing inner feelings. 105) Be Careful How You Listen, by John Mac Arthur (ISBN: none) (2002) Preaching on emotional issues and how to find peace through the storms of life. 106) Truth In The Cross Hairs by John Mac Arthur (ISBN: none) (2002) Preaching on emotional issues and what may have caused them and how to find healing. 107) Tremendous Truth Beneath The Parable Of The Soils by John Mac Arthur (ISBN: none)(2002) Preaching on emotional issues. 108) Fanny Crosby Story by Panmedia Entertainment (ISBN: none)(date: none) A biography of the blind hymn writer. Fanny Crosby. 109) Evolution, by Geoff Moore (ISBN: none) Forefront Records (1993) Christian contemporary music that help you get motivated. 110) Audio Adrenaline by Audio Adrenaline (ISBN: none) Forefront Records (1995) Christian contemporary music to help you start your day. 111) Jesus Freak by DC Talk (ISBN: none) Forefront Records (1995) Christian contemporary music that preaches a sermon while getting you motivated. 112) Jam! Smith by Jami Smith (ISBN: none) Vestical Music (1999) The Psalms sung in contemporary musical form 113) In The Company Of Angels by Caedman's Call (ISBN: none) MMI Essential Records (Date: none) Christian praise and worship in contemporary style. 114) Mississippi Mass Choir by Mississippi Choir (ISBN: None) Malaco (2005) Black Gospel Music. 115) Reunion by New Life Community (ISBN: none) Zomba Records (2005) Black Gospel music. 116) Ambience by Chip Davis (ISBN: none) American Gramaphone (2000) Sounds of nature music. Standard Library Project: Christian Science Resources Print Media: 1) Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Published by The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, MA, ISBN:0879520388 (1875) The foundational work on spirituality and health for the Christian Science Church. 2) Mary Baker Eddy by Gillian Gill, Radcliffe Biography Series, Perseus Publishing, ISBN: 0738202274. (1999) A biography of the extraordinary leadership skills of this founder of the Christian Science religious tradition. Audio Media: Video Media: Standard Library Project: General Spirituality and Interfaith Resources Print Media: 1) Pornography Trap by Ralph H. Earle Jr. (ISBN: 083-411-9382) Beacon Hill Press (2002) Written about dealing with the sexual sin epidemic that is sweeping across churches today via the internet and other venues. 2) N.A, Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How Many Thousands of Man and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., 1976. ISBN: 0-916856-00-3 The big book for AA, it has many victory stories of addictions and especially alcoholism. 3) N. A, Hope, Faith & Courage: Stories from the Fellowship of Cocaine Anonymous by Cocaine Anonymous World Services, Inc. 1993 ISBN 0-9638193-0-5 It has stories of addiction and recovery from cocaine. 4) N. A, Narcotics Anonymous by Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc. 2003 ISBN 0-912075-02-3 It has stories of addiction and recovery from narcotics. 5) N.A, Courage to Change by AI-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1992. ISBN 0910034-79-6. A book on recovery and selfhelp. 6) N.A, Alcoholics Anonymous by IWS Inc., 1994, ISBN 0-9637666-0-0. A book on recovery from addictions. 7) N.A, Came to Believe by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., 2004. ISBN: 0916856-05-4. A book on spirituality for addicts. 8) N.A., Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., 1981. ISBN: 0-916856-29-1. A small book on the twelve steps of addiction recovery. 9) N.A., Living Sober by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., 2005. ISBN: 0916856-04-6 A book on methods A.A. members have used for not drinking. 10) Turning the Mind into an Ally by Sakyong Miphan, Publisher: Riverhead (2003) ISBN: 1-57322-206-2 How to strengthen our minds and bring peace and clarity to our lives and makes the mind our most powerful ally. 11) The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell, ISBN:0385418868 A provocative look at mythology and its foundational role in religion 12) A History of God by Karen Armstrong, ISBN: 0517223120 (Available in both print and Audio Cassette) Annstrong (a historian) entertains us with deft storytelling, astounding research in the search for God. 13) Modem Spiritual Masters Series available through Orbis Books. This series introduces the writing and vision of some of the great spiritual masters of our time. Some of the authors found a wide audience in their lifetimes. In other cases recognition came long after their death. Some are rooted in long established traditions of spirituality. Others charted new, untested paths. In each case, however, the authors in the series engaged in a spiritual journey shaped by the influences and concerns of our age. The Spiritual Masters Series include (35 Works Available) Albert Schweitzer Alfred Delp, S.l Anthony de Mello Arise My Love (Mysticism) Bede Griffiths Br. Roger ofTaize Caryll Houselander Charles de Foucauld Clarence Jordan Dietrich Bonhoeffer Dorothee Soelle Eberhard Arnold Edith Stein Evelyn Underhill ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: 9781570756023 9781570755248 9781570752834 9781570753121 9781570752001 9781570756399 9781570756030 9781570752445 9781570754975 9781570751943 9781570756405 9781570753046 9781570754289 9781570754715 Flannery O'Connor G.K. Chesterton Henri Nouwen Howard Thurman John Main Karl Rahner Leo Tolstoy Mohandas Gandhi Mother Maria Skobtsova Mother Teresa Oscar Romero Pedro Arrupe Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Romano Guardini Rufus Jones Sadhu Sundar Singh Simone Wei1 St. Therese of Lisieux Swami Abhishiktanananda Thich Nhat Hanh Thomas Merton 14) ISBN: 9781570754708 ISBN: 9781570754951 ISBN: 9781570751974 ISBN: 9781570756702 ISBN: 9781570754159 ISBN: 9781570755538 ISBN: 9781570756733 ISBN: 9781570754326 ISBN: 9781570754364 ISBN: 9781570753794 ISBN: 9781570753091 ISBN: 9781570755460 ISBN: 9781570752483 ISBN: 9781570755897 ISBN: 9781570753800 ISBN: 9781570755297 ISBN: 9781570752049 ISBN: 9781570754692 ISBN: 9781570756955 ISBN: 9781570753701 ISBN: 9781570753312 When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold Kushner, ISBN: 1400034728 Advice on how to cope with tragedy, anger, guilt. 15) Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl, ISBN: 080701429X Frankl's account of spiritual survival and meaning from life in Nazi death camps. 16) When All You Ever Wanted Isn't Enough by Harold Kushner, ISBN: 0743234731 Harold Kushner explores the human quest for a meaningful life. 17) The Spiritual Emerson, by Ralph Emerson, Publisher Beacon Press (2003) ISBN: 0-8070-7718-6 The Spiritual writings of the American Sage Emerson. 18) White Awareness, by Judith H. Katz (ISBN: 0-8061-1466-5) University Of Oklahoma Press (1978) Written to deal with white racism and the anger it causes 19) The Islamic Personality, by Shaikh Alee Hasan Alee Abdul Hameed, ISBN: 1-89864921-9 Publisher: Al Hidaayah Publishing And Distribution Subject: Correcting Thinking 20) The Fifth Sacred Thing, by Starhawk, Publisher: Bantam Books (1993) ISNB: 37380-3 0-553- Reveals the future of humanity if we keep the same excessive lifestyle we have now and gives up tips on how we can change. 21) Attitudes of Gratitude, by MJ. Ryan, Publisher: Conari Press (1990) ISNB: 511-9 1-57324- Describes the daily practices that deeper and nourish our best selves. 22) Green Man, by William Anderson Publisher: Harper Collins (1990) ISNB: Shows how important our connection with nature is and now we must develop this connection. 23) Cutting through Materialism, by Chogyam Trungpa, Publisher: Shambha1a (1973) ISNB: 1-57062-957-9 A highlight of common pitfalls to which every aspirant on the spiritual path falls prey to. 24) The Power of Non-violence , by Howard Zinn, Publisher: Beacon Press (2002) ISNB: 08070-1407-9 This sayings of the most original thinkers and writers about peace and nonviolence Buddha, Scott Nearing, Henry David Thoreau, etc.. 25) Telling Yourself The Truth by William Backus (ISBN: 0-7642-2325-9) Bethany House Publishers (2000) This book explains how to change your thinking from wrong to right, and the same with behavior and emotions. 26) Forward Edge Of The Battle Area by Curt Bowers (ISBN: 083-411-2205) Beacon Hill Press (1987) Written to help people work through the eternal issues of life's purpose. 27) Toward A Meaningful Life by Simon Jacobson (ISBN: 0-06-051190-7) William Morrow (1995) This book is about the teachings of the Jewish faith into our lives so that we can bring meaning to our lives and the community in which we live 28) Acknowledge the Wonder, by Frances Wosmek, Publisher: Quest (1988) ISBN: 0-83560628-7 Points reader toward a renewed sense of wonder and oneness with nature. 29) The Best things in life aren't things, by Joann Davis, Publisher: Beacon Press (2003) ISBN: 0-8070-2822-3 Quotes, beatitudes and poems that nourish the soul, 30) One Hundred Cranes by William J. Fitzgerald (ISBN: 0-439516-31-4) Forest of Peace Publishers (2002) This book helps us to realize that every creature on earth is cousin to each other. 31) Visions Of God by Karen Armstrong (ISBN: 0-553-35199-0) Bantam Books (1994) Follows the luminous path that leads within 4 masters. 32) Battle For God by Karen Armstrong (ISBN: 0-345-39169-1) Random House Publishing (2001) A blending of history, sociology, spirituality, and a deep understanding of spirituality. 33) Our Own Best Interest, by William Schuiz, Publisher: Beacon Press (2001) ISBN: 08070-0227-5 This is a clear and provocative book that deals with human rights. 34) Sustainable Planet, by Juliet B. Schor, Publisher: Beacon Press (2002) ISBN:: 8070-0455-3 0- This book deals with ways of living that are sustainable and deeply satisfying, that ensure economic and political democracy, and are passionate about beauty, elegant design. 35) We Live in Community by Eberhord Arnold (ISBN:: 0-87486-068-7) Plough Publishing Company (1989) A book on how to live as a Community through love and helping one another. 36) Rich Christians In An Age Of Hunger, by Ronald J. Sider (ISBN:: 0-8499-1424-8) Word Publishing (1997) An account on caring for the sick and feeding the hungry of poverty stricken nations 38) Sir Gibbie by George Macdonald (ISBN:: 0-87552-726-4) P & R Publishing (1992) The exciting adventures of Sir Gibbie helps teach adults and children about the ability to self sacrifice. 39) Human Regeneration, by Radha Bumies, ISBN: 81-7059-169-4, published by Theosophical Publishing House (1990) This is compilation of lectures and discussions of Spirituality. 40) The Spiritual Life, by Annie Besant, published by Quest, (ISBN: 0-8356-0666-X) In this book the author tells the modem person how to live a spiritual life. 41) Progressive States of Meditation, by Kerpa Tseltrim , published by Zhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal Publications (2001) (ISBN: 1-877294-01-2) Describes the Stages of meditation practice. 42) Bringing Forth Justice: Basics for Just Christians by Daniel E. Pilarczyk (ISBN: 086716-382-8) (1999) This book is an opportunity to take part in God's loving care for the world to assist God in making the world everything it was meant to be. 43) The Spiritual Life, by Annie Besant, published by Quest, (ISBN: 0-8356-0666-X) In this book the author tells the modem person how to live a spiritual life. 44) Of Water and the Spirit, by Malidoma Patrice Some, ISBN: 0-14-019496-7, published by Penguin Press, (1995). This is a sharing of living African traditions, offered in compassion for those struggling with contemporary crisis of the spirit. 45) The Twelve Wild, by Starhawk, ISBN: 0-06-251669-8, published by Harper San Fransisco, (2000). This a tale of healing through positive action. 46) Drum Circle Spirit, by Arthur Hull, ISBN: 0-941677-84-2, published by White Cliffs Media, (1988). The author explains how he uses rhythm circles for spirit building among personal growth and religious groups. 47) A Renaissance of the Spirit, by Mary Scott, ISBN: 0-8356-0632-5, published by Quest, (1988). The author uses Eastern mysticism to show a fuller, richer way to live a healthy life. 48) Fully Alive, by Jerry & Larry Hull, ISBN: 083-411-7266, published by Beacon Hill Press, (1998). Written to help the reader to discover the adventure of healthy and holy living. 49) Training The Mind, by Chogyan Trungpa, Publisher: Shanbhala (1993) (ISBN: 0-87773954-4) This book is designed to awaken the heart and cultivate love and kindness toward others. 50) Seeking Peace: Notes and Conversation Along the Way, by Johann Arnold (ISBN: 087486-958-7) Plough Publishing Company (1998). The author dares us to write frankly and deeply. 51) Through Indian Eyes, by Readers Digest (ISBN# 0-89577-819-X), published by Readers Digest Association Inc., (1995). This book seeks to present American history as it was experienced by the Americans who were here first. 52) Living in Wisdom, by Joy Mills; (ISBN: 90-6175-068-7) The author elaborates on the origins and development of man physically & spiritually. 53) Servant Leadership by Robert K. Greenleaf, Paulist Press (2002) (ISBN: 0-8091-0554-3) Written to influence a new generation world wide to transform global capitalism and better serve the whole of humanity. 54) Twenty-One Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership by John C. Maxwell, Publishers (1998) (ISBN: 0-7852-7431-6) Thomas Nelson Written to show the true path to leadership through the application of timeless principles. 55) How To Lead Small Groups by Neal F. McBride (ISBN: 0-89109-303-6) Nav Press (1990) Written to help make the reader a more effective small group leader and a more successful small group. 56) Power, Money & Sex by Deion Sanders (ISBN: 0-8499-1499-X) Word Publishing (1998) A true story of how success almost destroyed the highest paid player in football history. 57) Destructive Emotions, by Daniel Goldman, publisher: Bantam (2003) (ISBN: 0-55338105-9) Questions & Answers dialogue with the Dalai Lama and the author on programs that reduce anger and stress, increase empathy, and even enhance immunity. 58) Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Publisher: Delta (1990) (ISBN: 0-38530312-2) Describes the program of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Mass. Medical Center. 59) Vakyavritti by, Jagadaranda, publisher: Vedanta Press (ISBN: 81-7120-819-3) Explains the import of the axiom of identity. 60) Healing OfMemories by Denis & Matthew Linn (ISBN: 0-8091-1854-8) Paulist Press (1974) Written to help the reader integrate physical, emotional and spiritual wholeness. 61) Tonight We Wrestle by Donald Wright (ISBN: 1-56043-816-9) Treasure House Books (1995) Written to counsel men in order to help them acknowledge and release their fears and complexes. 62) Shame & Grace by Lewis B. Smedes (ISBN: 0-06-067522-5) Harper San Francisco (1993 ) A simple book teaching how to heal the shame the reader doesn't deserve. 63) December Grief, by Harold Ivan Smith (ISBN: 083-411-819X) Beacon Hill Press (1999) Written as an essential handbook for those who must endure holidays with fresh grief. 64) When You Don't Know What To Say by Harold Ivan Smith (ISBN: 083-411-9757) Beacon Hill Press (2002) Written as advice on how to help the reader's grieving friends. 65) Forgiveness: Key To The Kingdom by Wayne Teafatiller (ISBN: 1-931600-68-6) Teafatilla Publishers (1993) Written to help the reader deal with painful memories. 66) Broken Children, Grown Up Pain by Paul Hegstrom (ISBN: 083-411-9102) Beacon Hill Press (2001) An informative, challenging book that examines the results of childhood pain and pinpoints solutions from God's Word. 67) The Harder The Laugh, The Deeper The Hurt by Stan Toler & Debra White (ISBN: 083-411-7908) Beacon Hill Press (2001) Written to address those who suffer with emotional problems, pointing them to God. 68) The Heart of God, by Herbert Vetter, Publisher: Tuttle (1997) ISBN: 0-8048-3125-4 A collection of poems and prayers by Tagore. 69) Kuan Yin, by Martin Palmer Publisher :Harper Collins 1995 ISBN: 1-85538-417-5 Contains the poetry of the 100 prophecies of Kuan Yin, the most loved Deity of the Chinese world. 70) The Light of Asia, by Edwin Arnold, ISBN: 1-55700-154-5 Contains poetry of India and her Spiritual Heritage. 71) The Spirit Set Me Free, by Frederick A. Hermann, ISBN: 8091-4287-2, (2004) Prisoners openly acknowledge their crimes and share how they discovered life changing redemption. 72) The Sennon on the Mount, by Swami Prabhavananda, Publisher: Vedanta Press (1963) ISBN: 0-87481-002-7 Representing the essence of both Christ's teachings and the teaching of Vedanta. 73) Blessings for the Fast Paced and Cyberspaced by William John Fitzgerald (ISBN: 0-939-516-50-0) Forest of Peace Publishing (2000) This book uses Celtic, Native American, and Jewish blessings to inspire you. 74) Why the Mystics Matter Now by Frederick Bauerschmidt (ISBN: 1893732-71-1) Sorin Books (2003) This book strips away barriers, making mystics less intimidating 75) The Four-Fold Way by Angels ArrienPublisher: Harper Collins (1993) ISBN: 0-06250059-7 A treasure of practical wisdom for anyone on a path to wholeness. 76) All God's Children by StevenL. McKenzie (ISBN: 0-664-25695-3) Westminster John Knox Press (1997) A true message to help lead people from the narrowness of bigotry to God's vision of humanity. 77) Divided By Faith by Michael O. Emerson (ISBN: 0-19-514707-3) Oxford University Press (2000) Written about evangelical religion and the problem of race in America. 78) Islam And New Global Realities by S.F. Flemming (ISBN: 1-58930-061-0) Selah Publishing Group (2002) Written to equip Christians to work with Muslims. 79) One Nation Under God, by Huston Smith & Reuben Snake, ISBN #1-57416-0060-0, published by Clear Light Publisher c1996. This inspirational book celebrates the faith and courage of members of a traditional church that - in the 20th century America - is still struggling for religious freedom. Their greatest challenge is the ongoing legal battle against the 1900 Supreme Court decision citing peyote use to deny the Native American Church the First Amendment right to "the free exercise of religion." 80) Miracle of Hope, Political Prisoner, Prophet of Peace, by Andre Nguyen Van Chuv, ISBN # 0-8198-4822, published by Pauline Books and Media. Selection shows that even though war is a waste of human potential, in the end only holiness matters. 81) Forgive and Forget, by Lewis B. Smedes, ISBN: 0-06-067431-8, published by Harper San Francisco, (1984) Written to help the reader understand that forgiveness can be not only a possibility, but a reality. 82) Spirit Set Me Free, by Frederick A. Hermann, ISBN# 0-8091-4287-2, published by Paulist Press, (2004) Written concerning prisoners acknowledging their cnmes and discovering life changing freedom through redemption. 83) The Holy Way: Practices for a Simple Life, by Paula Houston, ISBN: 0-8294-1441-X, published by Loyola Press, (2003) A book to give solace and guidance. 84) The Pilgrim Self, by Robert Ellwood, ISBN: 0-8356-0739-9, published by Quest, (1996). A pilgrims journey from life to life, learning and growing. Audio Media: 1) The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell, ISBN:1565115104, (6 CD's) A provocative look at mythology and its foundational role in religion 2) American Religious History by Patrick Alittm Ph.D., Emory University (Audio CD) by the Teaching Company. A study of 24 lectures which examines religions from their formal beliefs, ideas, communal loyalties and styles of worship. 3) God and Mankind: Comparative Religions by Robert Oden, Ph.D., Carlton College (CD or audiotape) by The Teaching Company. Eight lectures on existential questions: life; death, suffering, redemption, origin of viewed from major religious belief systems. 4) Genesis: A Living Conversation by Bill Moyers, ISBN: 0553477250 Bill Moyers with the help of varied theologians, writers and thinkers looks at the timeless wisdom of the book of Genesis. 6) A Gift of Love, by Deepak Chopra, Publisher: Tommy Boy Music (1998) ISBN: (No ISBN) Rumi's love poems read over soothing music. 7) Whispers of Healing, by Deepak Chopra, Publisher: The Relaxation Company (No Date) ISBN: 1-55961-683-0 Affirmational soundtracks for positive living. 8) Whispers ofSgirit, by Deepak Chopra, Publisher: The Relaxation Company (No Date) ISBN: 1-55961-684-9 Affirmational soundtracks for positive living. 9) The New Physics of Healing, by Deepak Chopra, Publisher: (2002) ISBN: 1-56455919-X A ground breaking look at your body's natural life-changing powers. 10) Quiet Worship, by Mark Kibble (ISBN: none) Reprise Records (1988) Soothing music to relax the mind. 11) Mind-Body Rhythm, by Unity Records (ISBN: none) (1996) Music for meditation, contemplation, and prayer. 12) Sun Spirit, by Devter, Publisher: New Earth (2000) ISNB: 3-933712-24-6 New Age Music for relaxation 13) Reiki Whale Song, by Kamal, Publisher: New Earth (2001) ISNB: 3-933712-28-9 New Age Music for relaxation 14) Dance of the Light, by James Asher, Publisher: Spring Hill Music (N/A) ISNB: 1891319-78-7 New Age Music for relaxation 15) Wait For Me (No ISBN) Forefront Records (2003) The best from Rebecca St. James. 16) The Very Best of The .Irish Tenors 1999-2002 (No ISBN) TV Matters B.V. (2002) A mix of classic Irish songs. 17) December, George Winston (No ISBN) Windham Records (2001) Piano solo's from George Winston. Book on overcoming the fear of death. 18) The Realization ofBeing, by Eckhart Tolle, published by Sounds True (2001 )(ISBN: 1-56455- 947-5) This CD explores our highest purpose in life and how meditation can help us achieve it. 19) The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukau, published by, Audio Renaissance (2001) A fascinating exploration of humanity's new phase of evolution. 20) Omega Code 2 by Turner Broadcast Network (ISBN: 0-7662-0748-x)(2001) Man is tempted by evil but is led by God to do the right thing. 21) Mannheim Steamroller- Fresh Aire I, by Chip Davis, ISBN: N/A, published by American Gramaphone L. L. C, (1975). Soothing music for the soul. 22) Mannheim Steamroller- Fresh Aire II, by Chip Davis, ISBN: N/A, published by American Gramaphone L. L. C, (1977). Music for meditation. 23) Mannheim Steamroller- Fresh Aire III, by Chip Davis, ISBN: N/A, published by American Gramaphone, L. L. C, (1979). Music for meditation. 24) Mannheim Steamroller- Fresh Aire IV, by Chip Davis, ISBN: N/A, published by American Gramaphone, L. L. C, (1981). Music for meditation. 25) Mannheim Steamroller- Fresh Aire V, by Chip Davis, ISBN: N/A, published by American Gramaphone, L. L. C., (1983). Music for meditation. 26) Mannheim Steamroller- Fresh Aire VI, by Chip Davis, ISBN: N/A, published by American Gramaphone, L. L. c., (1986). Music for meditation. 27) Marmheim Steamroller- Fresh Aire VII, by Chip Davis, ISBN: N/A, published by American Gramaphone, L. L. C., (1990). Music for meditation. 28) Mannheim Steamroller- Fresh Aire VIII, by Chip Davis, ISBN: N/A, published by American Gramaphone, L. L. c., (2000). Music for meditation. 29) Sunday Morning Coffee- Day Parts, by chip Davis, ISBN: N/A, published by American Gramaphone, (1991). Music for meditation. 30) Sunday Morning Coffee- Day Part II, by chip Davis, ISBN: N/A, published by American Gramaphone, (1993). Music for meditation. 31) Romance- Day Parts, by chip Davis, ISBN: N/A, published by American Gramaphone, (1992). Music for meditation. 32) Romance- Day Parts II, by chip Davis, ISBN: N/A, published by American Gramaphone, (1997). Music for meditation 33) Mannheim Steamroller- Yellowstone, by Chip Davis, ISBN: N/A, published by American Gramaphone, L. L. c., (2003). Music for meditation 34) Great American Classics Laserlight 35) Great French Classics Laserlight 36) Great Russian Classics Laserlight 37) Great Brass Classics Laserlight 38) 1. S. Bach! Greatest Hits, Sony Classical 39) Chopin! Greatest Hits, Decca 40) Puccini! Greatest Hits, Decca 41) Amore' by Luciano Pavarotti 42) Notte D'amore by Luciano Pavarotti 43) The Most Relaxing Classical Piano Music in the Universe (2) by Denon 44) Symphonies 4,5, & 6 (2) by Tchaikovsky 45) Brandenburgisch Konzerte by J. S. Bach 46) Air by J. S. Bach 47) Super Hits by Leonard Bernstein 48) The "Amadeus" Mozart by Various Artists 49) The Mozart Effect by Don Campbell 50) Canon in D by Pachelbel 51) An American in Paris by Gershwin 52) Modest Mussorgsky by Laserlight 53) The Planets by Holst 54) Carmina Burana by Carl Orff 55) Great Classical Marches by Laserlight 56) Alchemy of Abundance (REF 105) 57) Court and Spark by Joni Mitchell 58) In a Mellow Tone by George Duke 59) The Best of Allan Holdsworth (2) by Allan Holdsworth 60) Jazz Masters IV by Paul Hardcastle 61) Jazz Masters III by Paul Hardcastle 62) Jazz Masters II by Paul Hardcastle 63) The Best of Roy Ayers by Roy Ayers 64) Jazz Masters I by Paul Hardcastle 65) Rendezvous in Rio by Michael Franks 66) Great English Classics by Laserlight 67) Great Piano Classics by Laserlight 68) Great Choral Classics by Laserlight 69) Great Nature Classics by Laserlight 70) ESPN'S Jock Jams by Tommy Boy 71) Great Opera Classics by Laserlight 72) Sketches of Spain by Miles Davis 73) Best of Earl Klugh by Earl Klugh 74) Music For Letters by Earl Klugh 75) One Quiet Night by Pat Metheny 76) Surfacing by Sarah McLachlan 77) Timeless by John Abercrombie 78) Enigmatic Ocean by Jean Luc Porty 79) Touch by John Klemmer 80) Live by John Scofield Quartet 81) BJ4 by Bob James 82) The Genie by Bob James 83) The Kohln Concert by Keith Jarrett 84) Greatest Hits by Maze 85) Greatest Slow Jams by Maze 86) It's On Tonight by Brian Culbertson 87) Dinner Music by Carla Bley 88) Fancy Chamber Music by Carla Bley 89) Alone At Last by Gary Burton 90) Next Generation by Gary Burton 91) Homecoming by Gateway Trio 92) Possibilities by Herbie Hancock 93) The New Standard by Herbie Hancock 94) Best ofIncognito by Incognito 95) Eleven by Incognito 96) Finesse by John Klemmer 97) When I Look In Your Eyes by Diana Krall 98) Best of Wynton Marsalis by Wynton Marsalis 99) The Gold Collection by Wynton Marsalis 100) Best of Keiko Matsui by Matsui 101) Wildflower by Keiko Matsui 102) Silver Rain by Marcus Miller 103) Marcus Miller by Marcus Miller 104) Surprise by Paul Simon 105) Talk Norrnal- Anthology by Laurie Anderson 106) Sings The Blues by Nina Simone 107) Definitive Collective by Nina Simone 108) Reconciliation by Sounds of Blackness 109) Thunderbird by Cassandra Wilson 110) Beginner's Latin (2) by McGraw- Hill 111) Start Speaking Latin- (2) by Educational Services 112) Pat Metheny Group by Pat Metheny 113) Unity by Sounds of Blackness 114) Sample This by Joe Sample 115) Spellbound by Joe Sample 116) Best of Hiroshima by Hiroshima 117) Spirit of the Season by Hiroshima 118) Live at Carnegie Hall by Sweet Honey in the Rock 119) Sweet Honey in the Rock by Sweet Honey in the Rock 120) Brazilia by John Klemmer 121) Involvement by John Klemmer 122) December by George Winston 123) Best of George Benson by George Benson 124) Under The Pink by Tori Amos 125) Jackie Mason, by White Star (ISBN: 0-7697-3096-5) Jackie Mason's one-man show full of humor and laughter. 126) Piano Blues by Columbia 127) Releasing Anger by Center of Changes 128) Overcoming Negative Thinking, by Center of Changes 129) Overcoming Jealousy, by Center of Changes. 130) Da Vinci Code by Grizzly Adams Productions (ISBN: 1-931602-86-7)(2005) Fact vs. fiction. This video answers questions most people are asking after watching the movie. It shatters the disturbing claims against Jesus Christ. 131 ) Up Where we Belong. Produced by Image Entertainment, c1996, ISBN 1-4381-9489-2. Buffy Saint-Marie is an artist, teacher, philosopher and Oscar winning songwriter. This concert showcases her music and explores the many aspects of her fascinating life. 132) Myths and Legends of The Middle Ages (BOOKS), by H.A. Guerber Publisher: Dover (1993) ISBN: 0-486-27862-X A collection of medieval myths and legends. 133) A hundred ways to Sunday, by Robin Rice, Publisher: BE WHO YOU ARE (N/A) ISBN: 0-9710876-5-2 A guided drumming meditation 134) TYA Tribal Sutras, by N/A, Publisher:New Earth (2001) ISBN: 3-933712-26-2 Inspired rhythmic music to uplift the soul. 135) Let it begin Now, by Starhawk, Publisher: Serpentine Music (N/A) ISBN: Rythmic Music along with affirmations to relax the mind. 136) Your Kingdom Come by Craig Smith (ISBN: none) Hosanna Music (2002) Christian worship and praise music. N/A 137) Music for Yoga Vol. I, Gabrielle Roth Music for Yoga Vol. II, Gabrielle Roth Endless Wave, Gabrielle Roth 138) Divine Intervention, Julia Ecklar 139) Destination: Mediterranean, National Geographic 140) Five Iron Frenzy, Five Minute Walk Records 141) Drums on Fire 142) Mozart Collection (Vol. Mozart Collection (Vol. Mozart Collection (Vol. Mozart Collection (Vol. Mozart Collection (Vol. Mozart Collection (Vol. Mozart Collection (Vol. Mozart Collection (Vol. Mozart Collection (Vol. Mozart Collection (Vol. 143) Masters of Classical Music (1), Laserlight Masters of Classical Music (2), Laserlight Masters of Classical Music (3), Laserlight Masters of Classical Music (4), Laserlight Masters of Classical Music (5), Laserlight Masters of Classical Music (6), Laserlight Masters of Classical Music (7), Laserlight Masters of Classical Music (8), Laserlight Masters of Classical Music (9), Laserlight Masters of Classical Music (10), Laserlight 144) Paradise, Kenny G 145) Sounds of Paradise-Desert Islands, Laserlight Sounds of Paradise-Coral Reef, Laserlight 146) Yanni- Ethnicity, Windham Hill Asher & Sivamani 1), Laserlight 2), Laserlight 3), Laserlight 4), Laserlight 5), Laserlight 6), Laserlight 7), Laserlight 8), Laserlight 9), Laserlight 10), Laserlight Video Media: 1) The Terror of History: Mystics, Heretics and Witches in the Western Tradition by Teofilo F. Ruiz, Ph.D., UCLA, The Teaching Company (DVD or Audi CD) A two part series of 24 lectures inviting the listener to reflect on the "underbelly" of Western society, a complex mixture of deeply embedded beliefs and unsettling social forces that have given rise to some of the greatest saints and our most shameful acts. 2) World Philosophy by Kathleen Higgins, Ph.D. University of Texas Austin, The Teaching Company, (VHS and audio-tape) A Two part series of 24 lectures reviewing the philosophical thoughts and beliefs of Western civilization with American Indians, Buddhists, Hinduism, Daoism, Confucianism, etc. 3) Religions of the Axial Age: An Approach to the World's Religions by Mark Muesse, Ph.D., Rhodes College, (DVD or audio CD). Available through the Teaching Company. A look at diverse world religions and how they evolve over time. The 24 lectures give listeners the opportunity to relate their own spiritual questions to a variety of ancient quests for meaning and transcendence. 4) Philosophy of Religion by James Hall Ph.D. University of North Carolina (DVD or audio CD) distributed through the Teaching Company. This 36 lecture course explores the divine questions of existence. 5) The Elephant Man by Paramount Pictures (DVD), (1980) The movie portrayal of John Merrick, the grotesquely deformed Victorian era man better known as the Elephant Man. Great movie on spiritual values intertwined with life. 6) Shadowlands by Richard Attenborough (DVD), (1994). The story of C.S. Lewis and American poet Joy Gresham. Great movie about life, death and celebrating the sacred. 7) The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell, Mystic Fire Video (DVD or VHS) A provocative look at mythology and its foundational role in religion 8) A History of God by Karen Annstrong a History Channel (DVD) presentation available through A&E Home Video (AISN: B0007WFUM4) A film about humanity's elusive quest for God. 9) Era of the Crusades by Kenneth Harl, PhD., Tulane, The Teaching Company, ISBN 1565858336 (DVD) (2003) Thirty-six lectures presented on the history of the world during the Middle Ages. Particular emphasis is place on Byzantine, Christian and Islamic movements during this era. 10) The Middle Ages by Phillip Daileader, PhD., The College of William and Mary, A Teaching Company Course. (Available in DVD, CD and Audiotape) In these lectures one explores the period of the Middle Ages with special emphasis upon Christianity, Islam and Augustine. 11) Holder Of Dreams, by Focus On The Family (ISBN: none)(l993) The true story about a man who had emotionally hard life. Through the many struggles of life, he finds freedom in God. 12) View. From The Underside, by Al Staggs Product. (ISBN: 0-9707287-0-0) (1983) Al Staggs brings to life one ofthe great heroes of the twentieth century. The audience is brought into the cell where Bonhoeffer awaits execution. 13) M 10:28 by Lock Hom Limited Productions (ISBN: none)(2002) Three girls will have to make a choice that will ensnare them into horrifying consequence. 114) Cry From the Mountain 1985 World Wide Pictures ISBN#I-56406-020-X. A story of the simple trust of a child and the wonder of God's love. 115) The Climb 2002 World Wide Pictures Inc. ISBN #1-56408-228-8. A story of 2 men of different races which becomes a test of their wills, character and sacrifice. 116) The Greeks PBS/ Dynasties #5 The Medici PBS/ Dynasties #1 Japan PBS/ Dynasties #2 Egypt's Golden Empire PBS/ Dynasties #3 117) Ride by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-214-8)(1997) A former world champion bull rider messes up his life with alcohol and gambling. 118) Intervention. A & E Television Networks. 2005 to present. Series of episodes. Each DVD is a real life of addiction, intervention, and entry into treatment. The end of each video gives results ofweeks and months following the intervention and treatment. 119) Climb by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-228-8)(2002) Two hot shot mountain climbers forge an uneasy friendship to reach their ultimate summit. When one of them gives his life to save the other, the survivor has a dramatic change of heart. 120) Journey Towards Forgiveness, by Gateway Films (ISBN: 1-56364-664-1 )(Date: none) From rage to reconciliation, seven emotional stories ofpeople who have dealt with anger and forgiveness. 121) Producers, by MGM Entertainment (ISBN: 0-7928-5914-6)(1968) An Oscar winning comedy writer/director Mel Brooks about a Broadway producer and his scheme to get rich quick. 122) Pawnbroker, by Republic Pictures (ISBN: none)(1965) 123) Awaken to the Eternal, by Nisargadatta Maharaj, Publisher: Inner Directions FDN (1997) ISBN: 1-878019-05-8 Footage of Nisargadatta Maharaj as a speaker gives the essence of his teachings focused on discovering your True Self. 124) The Flowering of Human Consciousness, by Eckhart Tolle, Publisher; Sound True (2001) ISBN: 1-56455-943-2 Eckhart Tolle explains his story and tells us how to enter a state of presence that is always available to us to help us live more fully in the present moment. 125) Edison The Man by MGMIUA Home Video (ISBN:: 0-7928-0913-0)(1940) The biography of Thomas Edison, many of his discoveries, accomplishments and services to mankind. 126) Untold Stories Of Columbine by Vision Video (ISBN:: 1-56364-365-0)(2000) The true story of Rachel Scott's life-giving testimony, and her father who travels the nation to teach on what and why it all happened. 127) Into The Arms Of Strangers by Warner Brothers (ISBN:: 0-7907-5308-1) (2000) In the month's before World War II, an extraordinary rescue operation aided the youngest victims of Nazi terror. 128) Entertaining Angels by Paulist Pictures (ISBN:: 1-56364-413-4)(1997) The story of Dorothy Day who during the Depression era, housed the homeless, fed the hungry, and tended to the sick-helping to start a good ripple effect. 129) Sue Thomas - Breaking The Sound Barrier by Vision Video (ISBN:: 1-56364-702-8) (Date: none) A deaf woman learns to speak and read lips. She became an accomplished pianist, worked for the FBI and is a national speaker. 130) Beyond The Next Mountain by Global Films (ISBN:: 1-56364-790-7) (Date: none) One man's personal pilgrimage to serve a tribe in Northeast India is a struggle but a success. 131) 0 Brother Where Art Thou? by Touchstone Home Video (ISBN: 0-7888-2688-3) (1996) Three men escape from prison as they turned from crime to do right by God and man. 132) Man For All Seasons by Columbia Pictures (ISBN: 0-7678-2707-4)(1966) A respected English statesman, whose steadfast refusal to recognize King Henry VIII's marriage to Anne Boleyn, cost him his head.. 133) Joan Of Arcadia (series) by Paramount Pictures (ISBN: none)(2003) A young girl communicates with God and is sent on never ending missions to help people and herself. 134) Powerplay by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-168-0) An ambitious aggressive attorney with a cutthroat practice, and a reputation among her peers, begins to question her motives for the first time. 135) Hockey Beyond Belief by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-131-1 )(1993) A short video depicting the life pressure decisions hockey players make to reach their dreams 136) Shiokari Pass by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-035-8)(1978) A true story about love that asks a man to choose between his life and the lives of others. 137) Shadow Of The Boomerang by World Wide Pictures (ISBN: 1-56408-041-2) (1960) Two young Americans arrive in Australia to manage a newly acquired ranch that plunges the brother and sister into a personal crisis. 138) We Shall Not Be Moved, by Gateway Films (ISBN: 1-56364-581-5)(Date: none) About the courageous men and women who risked their lives in the Civil Rights Movement. 139) Ten Commandments, (set) by Gateway Films (ISBN: 1-56364-389-8)(Date: none) This 5 tape series teaches the viewer how to cut through the maze of psychobabble in order to get to the center of heart issues and how they effect the way we live. 140) Wind And The Lion by Turner Entertainment (ISBN: 0-7907-6529-2)(1975) Two leaders of two different countries and two different religious beliefs struggle to do what is right. 141) Through Joy And Beyond by Bridgestone Group (ISBN: 1-56371-019-6)(1991) This powerful documentary looks at the life of C.S. Lewis, and the legacy he left behind, and conversion from atheism to Christianity. 142) Joshua by Epiphany Films (2002) An inspirational story about a stranger whose mysterious supernatural powers inspire a small town, and leadership takes shape in the community. 143) Chariots Of Fire by Warner. Brothers (ISBN: 0-7907-3101-0)(1981) England's finest athletes in the early 1900's began their quest for glory in the Olympic Garnes. But one athlete's quest was for God's glory. 144) ERO's Love and Lies, Publisher: Mystic Fire Video (1990) (ISBN: 1-56176-183-4) Explores the dynamics of human relationships and the vital necessity of bringing honesty to our lives. 145) Metamorphosis, Publisher: Mystic Fire Video (1995) (ISBN: 1-56176-297-0) Discuss the nature of reality and how we as humanity can live in harmony with each other and the Earth. 146) Joseph Jennings Story by Choices/Turning Point, Inc. True story of how Joseph Jennings escaped from the same perverted life-style that is currently imprisoning kids throughout America's cities. 147) Healing the Wounded Heart, 2004 Crown Video ISNl-894300-99-8 A message of hope reassuring us that we are indeed loved by God. 148) Mysterious Places (No ISBN) Goldhil Video (1995) A tour of the sacred sites of Europe. 149) Gothic Cathedrals (ISBN: 1-56501-639-4) A & E Horne Video (1995) Presents the dream-to-reality stories behind the construction of the modem era's engineering wonders. 150) One Night In Eden by Sarah Brightman and Nemo Studios (ISBN: none)(1999) Music video live in concert. 151) Flywheel, distributed by Sherwood Communications Group, ISBN: 0-9747369-0-2, (2003). A story of repentance and restitution. 152) Boat is Full, A First Run Release, ISBN: N/A,. The story of a Swiss inn keeper's wife who finds a group of refugees hiding on her property and looks the other way, eventually taking them in. 153) Rashi, by Destiny Films, ISBN: 1-56086-158-4, (2001). The story of Rashi, a wind maker by trade, debating politics and theology with his Christian neighbors, and delving deeper into the mysteries of the Bible. 154) Giant of Thunder Mountain, by American Happenings, Inc., ISBN: 1-96378-487-9, (1998). Three children terrorize a man living alone on a mountain only to discover he's a nice man. 155) Waterproof, by Cloud Ten Pictures, ISBN: N/A, (2001). A young boy shoots a store owner, is kidnaped by the boy's mother, and nursed back to health. A story of truth and forgiveness. 156) The Andy Griffith Show by Brentwood Home Videos, ISBN: N/A, (2002). 16 episodes of teaching a boy right from wrong. 157) The Radicals by Gateway Films (ISBN: 1-56364-031-7)(Date: none) Neither Protestant or Catholic, these radical reformers sought to go back to the Bible. 158) Light In The Darkness by Gateway Films (ISBN: 1-56364-187-9)(Date :none) A moving documentary that highlights the spirit and faith of the Volga German people. Set in 1941, they were banished from their homes and exiled to labor camps by the Soviet premier. 159) Religions Of The World by Schlessinger Media (ISBN: 1-57225-246-4) (1998) An in-depth look at six major religions of the world. 160) Behind The Sun by Open Doors Entertainment (ISBN: none)(1995) Young man born and raised a Muslim in the Middle East, attends college in the U.S., and comes to understand Christianity. 161) Religions-Catholicism by Schlessinger An overview of World Religions 162) Religions- Hinduism by Schlessinger An overview of World Religions 163) Religions- Islam by Schlessinger An overview of World Religions 164) Religions- Judaism by Schlessinger An overview of World Religions 165) Religions- Buddhism by Schlessinger An overview of World Religions 166) Religions- Protestantism by Schlessinger An overview of World Religions 167) A History of God, by The History Channel The story of faith through the ages 168) Citizen King (MLK Jr.) By PBS Home Video The life of MLK Jr. 169) Biography- Martin Luther King, Jr., A & E The life of MLK Jr. 170) Major Speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. By The Nostalgia Company Videos of Kings Speeches. 171) I Have a Dream, (Entire Speech) Martin Luther King, Jr. Video of King's most famous speech. 172) Remember the Titans by Disney DVD A football team overcomes racism to become champions 173) Les Miserables, distributed by Lion Gate Home Entertainment, (1978) Man goes to prison for 20 years on a petty crime and upon his return to society he is given a second chance. He goes from criminal to saint. 174) Pay It Forward, distributed by Warner Brothers Pictures, ISBN: 0-7907-5680-3, (2001) 175) A junior high school student figures out a way for an outpouring of kindness and decency, putting his plan into action. Mission, distributed by Warner Home Video, ISBN: 0-7907-0303-3, (1986) A man of the sword and a man of the cloth unite to shield a South American Indian tribe from brutal subj ugation by 18 th century colonial empires. 176) Waterproof distributed by Cloud Ten Productions, (2001) A bitter store owner is shot by a little boy and has a change of heart. 177) Gladiators distributed by Twentieth Century Fox, 1954. A Greek slave is imprisoned, trained as a gladiator and eventually clears his name by fighting for his life. 178) Road To Redemption distributed by World Wide Pictures, ISBN: 1-56408-218-0, (2001). A young woman finds herself in trouble with the mob. Her grandfather turns her life around. 179) Ride distributed by World Wide Pictures, ISBN: 1-56408-182-6, (1997). A former champion bull rider has a change of heart a the Saguaro Boys Ranch. 180) 181) The Indian in the Cupboard distributed by Columbia Pictures, ISBN: 0-7678-4879-9, (c1985). The tale of a magical cupboard that brings plastic toys to life. A Thief of Time distributed by Carlton International, ISBN: 0-7936-9955-X, (c2004). A tale of archaeological excavations. 182) Time and Judgement, distributed by Art Mattan Productions, (1988) Video explains the importance of time management. Standard Library Project: Hinduism Print Media: 1) Sadhana of the Heart by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (ISBN: 1930939051) Siddha Yoga Message Talks from 1995-1999. 2) Courage and Contentment by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (ISBN: 091130777X) Divine teachings to help practitioners attain their highest goals. 3) My Lord Has a Pure Heart by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (ISBN: 091130729X) Reflecting on the divine virtues in Yoga. 4) The Yoga of Discipline by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (ISBN: 0911307443) Talks about yoga discipline as an inner approach to life. 5) Inner Treasures by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (ISBN: 0911307419) Four timeless themes are presented in relation to their relevance to daily life. 6) Darshan - The Presence Within by Swami Vasudevananda (ISBN: 0911307575) Introduction to the practice of darshan which means "sight of' the divine within everything. 7) What's on My Mind by Swami Anantananda (ISBN: 0911307478) Understanding the mind so that detachment from useless thoughts in possible in meditation. 8) Play of Consciousness by Swami Baba Muktananda (ISBN: 0911307818) The spiritual autobiography of the Baba. 9) I Have Become Alive by Swami Baba Muktananda (ISBN: 0911307265) The author focuses upon centering spiritual practice with contemporary life. 10) Meditate: Happiness Lies Within You by Swami Baba Muktananda (ISBN: 09113(7621) A primer on meditation. 11) The Book of Vishnu by Nanditha Krishna (ISBN: 0670049(77) Stories about Vishnu ( one of the pantheon of Hindu gods) who is preserver and protector of good and guardian of dhanna. 12) The Book of Shiva by Namita Gokhall (ISBN: 0670049069) Shiva is the Destroyer and Protector. The author examines the questions which comprise the stories surrounding this Hindu god. 13) Book of Ganesha by Royina Grewal (ISBN: 0670049085) Ganesha, the elephant headed Hindu God is examined through a review of its stories. 14) Am I a Hindu? By Ed Viswanathan (ISBN: 1879904063) A primer on Hindu belief and practice. 15) Yoga: Discipline of Freedom by Barbara Stoller - Miller (ISBN: 0553374281) A leading Sanskrit scholar introduces the mysticism, philosophy and psychology underlying the yoga Sutra. 16) Chakras by Harish Johari (ISBN: 0892817607) A Tantric scholar presents the classical view of Chakras (centering) as well as a modem approach. He describes visual and chanting techniques to direct centering energy to a higher consciousness. 17) Sadhana: A Way to God by Anthony De Mello (ISBN: 0385196148) Spiritual exercises for entering a contemplative state. 18) Darsan: Seeing the Divine Image in India by Diana Eck (ISBN: 0231112653) An excellent introduction to Hinduism. 19) The Bhagavad Gita Translated by Eknath Easwaran (ISBN: 0375705554) The story of Krishna in the Hindi scripture. 20) Hindu Gods: The Spirits of the Divine by Priya Hemenway (ISBN: 0811836452) Stories of the Hindu gods. 21) World Religions - Eastern Traditions by Willard G. Oxtoby (ISBN:0195407504) Historical development of religious traditions to the present. 22) The Bhagavad Gita by S. Radhakrishna (ISBN: 061317594 or 060904895) The sacred Hindu Scripture contains the story of Krishna. 23) Shankara's Crest- Jewel of Discrimination by Swami Prabhavananda (ISBN: 0874810388) Timeless teachings on Hindu non-duality. 24) From the Finite to the Infinite by Swami Muktananda (ISBN: 0911307311) This compilation of questions and answers drawn from talks and conversations between Swami Muktananda and spiritual seekers as he traveled in the West covers a range oftopics--from the first questioning of the nature of existence to the final attainment. 25) Secret of the Siddhas by Swami Muktananda (ISBN: 0914602527) Essential for students who want to understand the lineage of Siddhas and the roots of Siddha Yoga meditation, this book introduces many of these great masters and comments on key teachings. 26) Reflections of the Selfby Swami Muktananda (ISBN:0914602500) 27) I Am That by Nisargadatta (ISBN: 0893860220) Collection of timeless Hindu teachings by one of India's great sages. Known as a modem spiritual classic. 28) The Concise Yoga Vasistha by Swami Venkatesananda (ISBN: 087395954X) Dialogue between the hero Rama and the holy sage Vasistha. 29) World Religions by Houston Smith (ISBN: 0062508119) Harper/San Francisco. Authoritative reference work on the world religions. 30) Where Are you Going? By Swami Muktananda (ISBN: 0914602993) An excellent introduction to Siddha Yoga Meditation. The book provides a complete map of the process of selfknowing, from the first flash of questioning to the achievement of the state of perfect joy and freedom. Essays and questions and answers explore the different stages of the inner journey; the awakening of the Kundalini energy, the recognition of the inner Self, the function of the master, and the practice of mantra and meditation. 31) Conversations with Swami Muktananda: The Early Years by Swami Muktananda (ISBN: 0911307532) This collection includes dialogues from 1962-1966 that contain Swami Muktananda's replies to questions covering a wide range of spiritual topic. 32) Satsang with Baba Volumes 1-5 by Swami Muktananda (ISBN: 0914602403) These volumes presents questions and answers by that took place at Swami's Muktananda's Ashram. 33) Kindle My Heart Volume 1 and 2 by Gurumayi Chadvilasananda (ISBN: 0135153476; ISBN:01351566960rISBN: 0911307303) Swami Chidvilasananda weaves the wisdom of the Indian scriptures together with anecdotes from contemporary life. Glimpses are given throughout into the master's own spiritual process, offered to illustrate typical stumbling blocks while inspiring the seeker to persevere on the path. 34) Smile, Smile, Smile by Gurumayi Chadvilasananda (ISBN: 0911307699) Poetry. 35) Siva Sutras by Jaiderva Singh (ISBN: 8120804074 Siva sutras are considered to be a revealed book of the Yoga: Supreme identity of the individual self with the Divine. 36) Ramakrishna and His Disciples by Christopher Isherwood (ISBN: 0856830860) A recounting of the life of Sri Rama Krishna, a Hindu holy man of the late 1800's. 37) Ramayana by Kamala Subramaniam The epic story of the Hindu hero Rama. 38) The Ramayana by Ramesh Menon (ISBN: 0865476950) The epic story of the Hindu hero Rama. 39) Mahabharata: The Greatest Spiritual Epic of All Time by Krishna Dharma (ISBN: 10-1887089179) The English version of thea Great Indian epic of five heros which provides valuable insights about life, love, honor and character. 40) The Mahabharata by Columbia College (ISBN: 10-0231110553) Abridged Translation of the epic poem. 41) Blue God: Life of Krishna by Remesh Menon (ISBN: 0593154123) The story of Krishna and the role he played in the Battle of Kurukshatra. This is the battle upon which the Bhagavad Gita is based. 42) The Upanishads by Eknath Easwaran (ISBN: 0915132397) English translation of the mystical truths contained in Indian spirituality. The Upanishads are Hindu scripture. 43) Upanishads (Oxford World Classics) (ISBN: 0192835769) Part of the scripture central to Hinuism. 44) The Rig Veda (ISBN: 0140449892) Contains 1000 plus Sanskrit hymns. The earliest of the four Hindu scriptures. 45) The Mahabharata (2 Volumes by Ramesh Menon (ISBN: 8129104237) The Indian epic tale of life - its intrigues, joys, sorrows and elusive truth. 46) How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms ofPatanjali by Swami Prabhavananda (ISBN: 0874810418) A major work on the practice of yoga and meditation. Learn how you can control your mind and achieve inner freedom and peace through methods taught for over 2,000 years. 47) The Hindu Mind: Fundamentals of Hindu Religion and Philosophy for All Ages by Bansi Pandit (ISBN: 0963479822) An excellent introduction to the historical, philosophical, ritualistic, social, and ethical dimensions of Hinduism. 48) Krishna Consciousness in the West by David Bromley and Larry Shinn (ISBN:083875144X) Bucknell University Press, 1989. 49) A New Religious America, "American Hindus: The Ganges and the Mississippi" ISBN: 0060621591, Harper San Francisco, (2002) Groundbreaking book which looks at lesser known religions emerging within the American Landscape 50) Gurus in America by Thomas Forsthoefel, (ISBN:0791465748), Albany: State University of New York Press, (2005). Introduction to the guru phenomenon in the United States, paying particular attention to 9 important Hindu gurus. The book discusses each of the guru's teachings. 51) Hare Krishna in America by E.B. Rochford, (ISBN: 0813511143), Rutgers University Press: New Brunswick, (1985). Story of Hare Krishna in America. 52) You Are That (Volume 1 and 2) by Gangagi, Gangaji Foundation, ISBN: 096321943X) A comprehensive offering of Gangaji's teachings. Topics include the nature of mind and thoughts, meditation, relationships and facing the fear of death. 53) The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living, by Eknath Easwaran, Publisher: Nilgiri Press (1975) 0-915132-17-6; 0-915132-18-4; and 0-915132-19-2 ISNB: India's timeless and practical scripture is presented as a manual for everyday use. 54) Srimad Bhagavatan, by Kanala Subramarian, Publisher: Ghagatiya Vidya Ghavan (1997) ISBN: (No ISBN:) This is a valuable tale of a king who overcomes defeat by faith, service, and devotion. 55) Progressive States of Meditation, by Kerpa Tseltrim , published by Zhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal Publications (2001) (ISBN: 1-877294-01-2) Describes the Stages of meditation practice. 56) Self-Realization, by Swami Vimull Tararda, Published by Aduaita Ashrana (2000) (ISBN: 81-7505107-8). This is one of the most important works of Shar Kasacharya on Advaita philosophy. The theme of the book is Universal. 57) I Am That, by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Published by The Acorn Press (1973) (ISBN:0-89386-022-0). This book preserves his dialogues with the followers who came from around the world seeking guidance in destroying false identities. 58) Self-Knowledge, by Swami Nikhilanarda, Published by Vedarta Press (1946) (ISBN: 0-911206-116). The author shows us how to get in touch with our true, divine self. 59) At A Journal Workshop, by Ira Progoff, Publisher Putnam (1972) (ISBN: 0-87477-638). The author combines one of the oldest methods of self-exploration and expression with a structured format that enables you to know the inner core of your life. 60) Shadow, by Robert Bly, Publisher Book Laboratory Book (No Date) (ISBN: 1-58542-191-X). This book explores the archetypes of our collective unconscious as they are evinced through American literature and art. 61) Reflections of the Self, by Swami Muktananda, Publisher: SYDA Foundation (1980) ISBN: 914604-50-0 0- A rich mixture of Swami Muktananda's mind and heart, a full spectrum of poetry, musing aphorism, meditative wisdom and teaching instruction. 62) Bhagawan Nityananda, by Swami Muktananda, Publisher: SYDA Foundation (1996) ISBN: 911307-45-1 0- A record of the life and teachings of an extraordinary Siddha Master, an illumined teacher of the knowledge of the Self. 63) Autobiography of a Yogi, by Swami Yogananda, Publisher: Crystal Clarity (1946) ISBN: 108-2 1-56589- A Story of a Hindu Yogi describing his many years of spiritual training under a Christlike Master - Sri Yokteswas. 64) Methods of Knowledge, by Swami Satprakashananda, Publisher: Vedanta Press (1965) ISBN: 7505-065-9 81- Presenting the vedantic approach to different universal problems. 65) Vedanta, by Swami Vive Kananda, ISBN # 0-9163-56-63-9, published by Vedanta Society, (1986). A series of lectures and writings by Swami Vicellananda on Vedanta Philosophy. 66) Vivekacudaman, by Swami Madhavananda, ISBN# 81-7505-106-X, published by Vedanta Press. Philosophy describing the transcendental knowledge of Brahman, and the way to achieve it through discrimination and meditation. 67) Kindle My Heart 1&2, by Swami Chidvilasananda, ISBN # 0-13-515347-6; 0671-76385-7, published by Prentice Hall, (1989). Kindling the heart through meditative exercise. 68) Commentaries on Living, J. Krishnamurti, ISBN: 0-8356-0415-2, published by Quest, (1991). Spending time wisely on things are beneficial to spiritual growth Video Media: 1) Abide in Silence by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (DVD and CD) Available through SYDA Foundation The 2002 message on mystical practice of abiding in silence. 2) Experience the Power Within by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (DVD and CD) Available through the SYDA Foundation. 2004 message with wisdom for practitioners on deepening their practice and study. 3) Trust by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (DVD and CD) Available through SYDA Foundation 2003 message introducing the transforming energy of trust. 4) Wherever You are Attain Self (DVD)Available through SYDA Foundation Baba Swami Muktananda discusses one's own divine nature and how in the process the world becomes heaven. 5) Great World Religions: Hinduism by Mark W. Muesse,Ph.D., Rhodes College,(DVD or Audio CD) available through The Teaching Company Twelve lectures providing a window into the roots of the religion, including the Hindu gods, the sacred writings of the Vedas, the Bhagavad vita and the Upanishads, and ritual purity. 6) Gandhi by Richard Attenborough (DVD) Sony Pictures The epic story of the Indian political and spiritual leader, Mohandas K. Gandhi. 7) Gangaji (VHS and DVD) Speeches See Gangaji Foundation at • • • • • • • • • 8) Silence (March, 1992) (September, 1993) The Arrogance of! Know Facing the Fear of Death (September, 1993) Kathmandu, Nepal (March, 1994) True Resurrection (March, 1994) Nothing is Ever the Same (June, 1994) Take This Hand (June, 1994) The Simplicity of Vastness (June, 1994) Only Silence Can Bear This Recognition Resistance. The Inability to Receive The Silent Self • Realization of Effortlessness • Graces Child • What Do You Really Want • The National State of Self • River of Freedom ISBN: 0963219405 • What is Spiritual Maturity • Addiction to the Non-Existent Problem • No Teacher, No Student, No Mind • Closing the Door on Doubt The Joy of Continual Surrender • Emptiness is Not an Object (May, 1995) • Only Love (February 1995) • Trust Yourself (June 1995) • Satsang with Papaji; Silence is the Teacher • Papaji: The Beauty of No Mind • Papaji: Summa Iru - Interview with David Godman (April 1993) • Still in Awareness (DVD) Seva-Selfless Service, by N/A, Publisher: SYDA Foundation (1996) ISBN:: (No ISBN:) This is a talk by Swami Chidvilasenanda of being of selfless service to others and how doing this brings us closer to God. 9) Yoga for Meditators, by an unknown author, ISBN: 0-9657768-0-8, published by Purple Pentacle. 45 minute instructional yoga tape to assist in meditation. 10) The Eight Limbs of Yoga, by an unknown author, ISBN: 0-87841-251-8, published by Vedanta Press, 2003). Video of two lectures based on the Yoga Aphorisms ofPatarjali by Swami Prabhavananda. Audio Media: 1) Meditation - Instructions by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, (CD), SYDA Foundation 2) OM Namah Shivaya by Darbari Raga (CD) available through SYDA Foundation 3) Tamboura (CD) available through SYDA Foundation 4) Hare Rama Hare Krishna (CD) by Raga Jhinjhoti available through the SYDA Foundation 5) OM Namah Shivaya Bhairaviraa by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (CD) SYDA Foundation 6) Om Namah Shivaya-Bhupai Raga by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (CD) SYDA Foundation 7) The Power of the Mantra by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (CD) SYDA Foundation. 8) The Heart Broken Open by Gangaji, Gangaji Foundation (ISBN: 1887984089) 9) The Diamond in Your Pocket by Gangaji, Gangaji Foundation (ISBN: 1591795524) 10) Who Are You? The Path of Self Inquiry by Gangaji, Gangaji Foundation (ISBN: 1591793866) 11) The Moment of Choice by Gangagi, Gangaji Foundation (ISBN: 1887984291) 12) The Invitation by Gangaji, GangajiFounion, (ISBN: 187984208) 13) Open, Unprotected and Free by Gangaji, Gangaji Foundation (ISBN: 1887984232) 14) Nitj anandam Brahmanandan, by N/A, Publisher: SYDA Foundation (1996) ISBN: (No ISBN) Swami Chiduilasananda guides us through chanting this mantra. 15) Intention Blessing, by N/A, Publisher: SYDA Foundation (2002) ISBN: (No ISBN) A talk given by Swami Chidvilasananda on the role and value of intention in every aspect of our lives and gives clear guidance 16) Dakshina, by Dechen Shak-Dagsay, Publisher: New Earth (2005) ISNB: N/A New Age Music for yoga, meditation and relaxation 17) Kundalini Stavah , by Swami Chidvilasananda, Publisher: SYDA Foundation (2004) ISNB: N/A Swami Chidivilasananda teaches us the hymns of the Kundalini Stavah found in ancient Sanskrit texts. 18) Shrl Guru Gita, by Swami Chidvilasananda Publisher: SYDA Foundation (1996) Chanting of a Holy Sanskrit hymn called "The Song of God", 19) Rhythms of the Chakras (CD) Author: Glen Velez Publisher: Sounds True (1998) (ISBN: 1-56455593-3) Rhythmic drumming to sooth the soul. 20) Jangal Jangal Phir Divane by Swami Chidvilasananda, Publisher: SYDA Foundation (2002) N/A ISBN: Indian Devotional Songs 21 ) Chanting the Chakras , by Layre Redmond, Publisher: Sounds True 22) Tiyers of the Raj, by Swami Chidvilasananda, Publisher: SYDA Foundation (2002) 931254-83-6 A rich mixture of classical Indian Music. ISBN: 3- Standard Library Project: Islam Print Media: (Note:* Sunni, **Shia, *** Sufi, without sign interdenominational) QURAN AND HADITH: I) Sahih AI-Bukhari Authentic Hadith of the Prophet ofIslam (P.B.u.H.) ArabiclEnglish multi volume up to 10 Standard source ofIslamic Creed, morality, worship and all of Muslim practice from birth to death. There are many prints and translations available. Imam Bukhari accepted as the most reliable Muslim source after the Quran. (Some institutions may have its greatest commentary Fath Al Bari making it go to 15 volumes or more.) Arabic without commentary normally in 4 volumes 2) Sahih Muslim Arabic IEo2lish 4 volume set Arabic copies normally 4-volumes With Nawawi commentary comes to 6-7 volumes, ISBN 2-7451 4424-3 Comprehensive treatment of all of Muslim faith covering many of the same material of Bukhari with minor differences. Again many various prints a very good copy is: Sahih Muslim Arabic/English Translated by Muhammad Mahdi AI-Sarif 3) Sunan Abu Dawud Hadith, English translation Ahmad Hasan 4 volumes Arabic Original 4 volumes, ISBN 81-7151-113-9 set One of the standard compilations of Muslim personal law, ethics and spirituality this set highlights ritualistic aspects 0 f Haditho 4) Mishkat AI-Masabih, English translation Dr. James Robson 2 volumes, Arabic original 2 volumes, ISBN 969-432-091-7 Widely used compilation of Hadiths covering all aspects of creed, devotion and other Muslim personal matters of faith. 5) Muwatta Malik ArabiclEn~lish, ISBN: 81-7151-097-3, Translated with exhaustive notes by Prof. Muhammad Rahimuddin, Arabic 1 volume AI-Muwatta, ISBN N/A Various printings easily available A valuable ancient collection of Hadith based upon the actions of the prophet Muhammad's city of Madina. One of the primary sources of Muslim life & practice. 6) Riyadh AI-SaliheenJGardens of the Pious, ArabicfEnglish ISBN N/A The widest used collection ofHadith in the Muslim world, stressing personal piety,faith and inner development. Various English translations are available the best is Gardens of the Righteous by former Judge Khan. 7) AI-Lu'Lu wal Marjan-Bukhari & Muslim Agreed upon compiled by Fuad A. Baqi English translation 2 volumes various printings. 8) Muwatta: Muhammad Shaybani; English/Arabic translated text of one of the key sources of Muslim worship & faith, ISBN 0-9547380-0-4 This work combines insights from 2 of the leading Imams ofSunni Islam. It is a very insightful-helpful book for all levels of religious training. 9) Risala Imam Shafi Arabic original 1 volume* ISBN N/A English Translation by Majid Khadduri: essential source ofIslamic faith and worship by the founder of one of the famous madhabs and great Islamic /Jurist. 10) Path of Muhammad Imam Birgivi, ISBN 0941532-68-2 (English) 11) IN Pursuit of Virtue Ali ibn Hazm, ISBN 10-090746176x (Arabic/English) 12) Ibn Kathir Quran Translation Arabic, 4 volume various abridgements available Abridgement of Muhammad Ahmad Shakir, ISBN 977-15-0386-3 English translation various collections (avoid the Dar Salam edition). Very authentic Tafsir Commentary based upon hadith and stressing worship and creedal matters. 13) Life of Muhammad translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat, ISBN 019630331 (Arabic Available) Earliest life of the Prophet Muhammad exhaustive details and facts. 14) Muhammad his life based upon the earliest sources by Martin Lings (Abu Bakr Siraj AlDin) Modern biography highly devotional-a winner of many literary awards for religious books in Egypt & Pakistan. ISBN 0946621330 (English) 15) The Eternal Message of Muhammad by A. Rahman Azzam, ISBN 0946621489 (English) A simple treatment of basic Islamic teachings by an elder Arab statesman~this was a book given to Malcolm X upon his conversion at the Azhar University. Orthodox but written in a modern style and addressing many issues of a contemporary nature. 16) The Commentary on the Quran by Muhammad Jarir Tabari, abridged translation ISBN 0-19-920142-0 (Arabic Multi Vol.) Considered the greatest Imam of Quran commentary-simple style in-depth discussion of topics. 17) Daughters of Another Path - American Women Choosing Islam by Carol L. Anway 0964716909 Stories of American women who have converted to Islam including reasons for becoming Islam 18) Marriage and Family Building in Islam by Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, 1 842000 83 7 On challenges in building successful families and keeping them together. 19) Muslim Women: A Biographical Dictionary by Aisha Bewley, 1 842000 53 5 Reference source of Muslim women throughout Islamic history from the first century AH to roughly the middle of the thirteenth century AH. 20) The Muslim Woman's and Muslim Man's Dress according to the Qur'an and Sunnah by Dr. Jamal Badawi, 1 842000764 Very brief overview of the practical, moral, social and legal dimensions of the basic dress requirements for a Muslim Woman, 21) The Noble Woman by Aliya Butt, 1 842000 20 9 Explores why there is a gap between reality and popular perceptions concerning Muslim women. 22) The Importance of Sisterhood in Islam by Ruqaiyah Abdullah, 1 842000 17 9 A book that will help Muslim women improve social relations and strengthen ties within the Muslim community. 23) A Muslim Boy's Guide to Life's Big Changes by Sami Khan. 1 84200072 1 This book gives brotherly advice on life in general from Islam and friends, school and home life through to the physical changes a boy will experience from the age of 11 onwards. 24) A Muslim Girls Guide to Life's Big Changes by Rayhana Khan, 1 84200065 9 Written from a big Sister perspective, this book explains all, from choosing the right friendship group, advice about school life and social life, to the physical changes a girl will experience as she grows up. 25) Woman in Shari'ah (Islamic Law) by Professor Abdur Rahman 1. Doi, 0907461 603 Outlines the rights and obligations of women in an Islamic society covering marriage, education, employment and inheritance., 26) The Muslim Woman's Handbook by Huda Khattab, 1 897940 00 9 A practical manual dealing with all aspects of a woman's daily life: personal hygiene, menstruation, hijab, marriage. 27) Women in the Qur'an and the Sunnah by Professor Abdur Rahman 1. Doi, 0907461 654 Role of the Muslim woman is defined and briefly described, 28) Islam: The Empowering Of Women by Aisha Bewley, 1 897940750 Gives examples of how Muslim women acted in the past to remind us today of, not only what is permissible, but what is possible. 29) Bent Rib: A Journey through Women's Issues in Islam by Huda Khattab, 1 897940572 A look at the main issues faced by Muslim women. Examines a number of controversial issues, 30) Engaged Surrender: African American Women and Islam by Carolyn Rouse, 10: 0520237951, 13: 978-0520237957 Shows Islam as a unique prism for clarifying the role of faith in contemporary black women's experience., 31) Qur'an-I-Karim transliterated tajwidi Qur'an, ISBN: 1879402998 SPIRITUALITY & GREAT IMAMS AND SHAYKHS OF GUIDANCE 32) 33) Ihya Ulum aI-din Imam Ghazali Arabic 4 volumes, various English translations all very valuable and essential Muslim devotional reading. The following are a list of English translations of this book: This is a standard work which has long set the norm of Orthodoxly for Sunnism before the rise of Salafism. English translations cover the following areas-Book of Doctrine, Book of knowledge, Purity, worship, prayer, fasting, charity pilgrimage. Book of destructive qualities,greed, gluttony, sexuality, envy, love of wealth etc. a) Deliverance from Error translated by RJ. McCARTHY, ISBN 1-88775-30-7 b) Faith in Divine Unity & Trust in Providence, ISBN 1-887752-35-8 c) Marvels of the Heart, ISBN 1-887752-35-8 d) Disciplining the Soul & Breaking the Two Desires, ISBN 0946621438 e) Remembrance of Death and & Life Hereafter, ISBN 094661136 f) Reflection of Pearls: Prophetic Prayers & Invocations, ISBN 0-728358-5-7 g) The Proper Conduct of Marriage in Islam, ISBN 1-882216-14-8 A Dictionary of Modem Written Arabic, By Hans Wehr Macdonald & Evans Limited ISBN N/A Standard aid to the understanding of Arabic Religious text, easily available. 34) The Great Imams, By Muhammad Abu Zahra, ISBN N/A A University text level discussion of great legal/spiritual fathers of Muslim Orthodoxy by a leading luminary of the Azhar University compiled in the 1950's. One volume English translation: Multi Arabic volumes also easily available a) ABU HANIFA his life, times,views and theory and practice of Muslim law. The below covers the same for the other Imams. b) Imam Shafi by Muhammad Abu Zahra c) Imam ibn hanbal Muhammad Abu Zahra d) Imam Malik Muhammad Abu Zahra e) Imam Jafar Sadiq-Sunni presentation of great Imam ofShias also. Muhammad AbuZahra f) Ibn Hazm Muhammad Abu Zahra g) Imam Hussain Muhammad Abu Zahra h) Imam Ali Muhammad Abu Zahra 35) Fiqh Al-Sunnah by Sayyid Sabiq*, 4-5 volumes Arabic/English translation available/ American Trust Publications 5 volumes, ISBN 0-892590602 Comprehensive contemporary work of Muslim law by a former Azhar professor, judge and simplifyer of very complex works. Covers the basics of Muslim worship and everyday issues-in a practical realistic manner. 36) The Sufficient for the Seeker by Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani ***&*, Arabic 2 volume ISBN N/A , English translation 5 volumes by Mukhtar Holland A masterful work by one of the leaders of Classical Islam, scholar, jurist, chief judge and sennon deliver for the Grand mosque of Baghdad-and also among the greatest of the Sufi spiritual fathers whose Spiritual brotherhood still dominates every comer of the Sunni world from Africa to Indonesia. This book covers all of Muslim life from basic faith- birth until death and burial with a final volume on morale and spiritual reform of the individual. 37) Futuh Al-Chaib, Revelations of the Unseen by Shaykh Abdul Qadir***, translation 1 volume, easily available Jilani, English By the above Shaykh this work is dedicated to the problems of spiritual striving, mystery of providence and the two hands of Law & spirituality in Islam... 38) Jila Al-Khatir, Purification of the Mind: Discourses ofShaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani *** More words of inspiration stressing the Inner Jihad and path to God. 1 volume easily available. 39) Islamic Law According to the 4 Schools, By Sh. A. Rahman Al-Jaziri *, translated by Nancy Roberts Arabic 4 volumes-English 4-5 40) Fiqh Al-Irnam:proof in Hanafi Fiqh * , ISBN 0-972858-0-6 Simple primer covering the basics of Muslim worship from the widest spread and least fundamentalists of the Muslim schools of thought. 41) Path to Perfection Anthology of Ashraf Ali Thanawi ***, ISBN 0-9728358-7-3 Easy spirituality by the greatest hadith scholar and jurist of the subcontinent in the 19 th century. 42) Turning Toward the HeartAO Questions & Answers ***, By Sh. Azad Rasool, ISBN 1887752-46-3 Modem question and answer format on issues relating to the heart. 43) The Life of Muhammad, By M.H. Haykal A modem biography by the greatest Arab newspaper man-while faithful it takes a more modem tone. 44) The Reliance of the Traveler *, Translated by Noah Ha Min Keller, ISBN 0915957728 An exhaustive work of the Shafi school ofjurisprudence-eounters the Salafi position of anti-madhab by stressing the legal complexity of the pre-modem approach. This work is already available in most BOP chapels. 45) Encyclopedia ofIslamic Knowledge *** &* ,1-6 compiled by Sh. Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, ISBN 1-871031-86-9, Volume 2 Compilation from various scholars highlighting issues at odds with the often widely held notions of the Salafi approach. 46) Stories of the Prophets Ibn Kathir , Arabic/ English available 47) Ibn Seerin's Dictionary of Dreams, Tafsir Al Ahlam, ISBN 1-879405-07-5 English & Arabic available Very popular middle Eastern approach to dreams as developed among Muslims-author was a noted legal scholar. 48) Beauty of the Righteous & Ranks of the Elite, ISBN 1-879405-11-3 Translation by Al Asfahani Hadith & pious accounts of the saintly in Islam, 49) Nahjul Balagha Imam Ali with Commentary Arabic ** Shia standard compilation of the sermons 7 wisdom of Imam Ali. English translation 50) Tuhaf Al Uqul Arabic/English Masterpieces ofIntellects ** Shia collection ofth ewisdom oftheShia Imams. 51) Zubdat AI-Tafsir Quran Commentary Kashani 7 volumes ** Arabic Shia Quran Commentary 52) Mafatiha AI-Jinan Shia Supplications ** Arabic Supplications & prayers of a Shia type 53) Tarikh Al Jafari-History of the Shia Imams ** Arabic When needed for Shia groups-standard work 54) Al-Hisnul Hasin Collection of Supplications* Arabic / English available Collection of prayers and supplications covering all Muslim devotional concepts. 55) History of the Khalifas who took the right way*, By As-Suyuti, ISBN 10:1897940254 English/Arabic available A basic statement of classical Sunni themes in a devotional pious manner. 56) The History of Imam Ibn Jarir Al-Tabari , (Quran commentator/historian), 39 vols. Available through SUNY press translated by various academics: These are the essential works that are available in English, sold separately: Work of history touching upon many Quranic topics by the greatest of Commentators of the Quran. a)-From Creation until the Flood b)-Prophets and Patriarchs (of the Bible) c)-Children ofIsrael d)-Ancient Kingdoms (Persia & Rome) e)-Muhammad at Mecca f)-Formation of Community at Madina g)-Victory of Islam at Medina h)-The years of the Prophet i)-Conquest of Arabia 57) Life of Prophet Muhammad, By Ibn Kathir English 4 vols., ISBN 1859641458 (Arabic) Massive scholarly work by one of the great Quran commentators, this work is still a work of devotion as well as research. Extremely critical scholarship. 58) Encyclopedia of Seerah, Compiled by Afzalur Rahman 8 vol., 7100 pages, ISBN 9839154176. (English) Massive compilation addressing life & times of Prophet Muhammad. 59) An Exhaustive Concordance of the Meaning of the Quran, By John Yahya Carson Easy to find and put together Quran verses topicaly. (English) 60) Lawful & Prohibited in Islam byYusufQardawi, ISBN 10-983915429X (Arabic/English) Famous contemporary Azhar jurist gives opinion on many key modem topics, question of halal food,abortion,expectations upon Muslims in a non-Muslim setting~practical,sound and wise. 61) Ma'ariful Quran 8 vol. 5800 pages, By Mufti Muhammad Shafi Complete set~former Mufti ofPakistans high court presents a commentary upon the entire Quran verse by verse, Orthodox yet able to appeal to modem educated and non-tradionaly trained readers, very appropriate for inmate learners. 62) Concise Encyclopedia ofIslam, By Cyril Glasse, ISBN 10-0060631236 (English) Comprehensive single volume giving basic knowledge of key Muslim concepts and issues. 63) Miracles of the Quran, By Sh. Muhammad Mitlawi Sharawi Long time popular Azhar scholar, TV Muslim evangelist addresses the miraculous nature of the Quran in an understandable comprehensive manner. 64) Distinguished JuristIbn Rushd 1&2 (English) Manual of classical fiqh comparing the legal schools and offering a wide ofrange possible answers to thorny problems of Law & worship. Arabic in 2 volumes 65) Zaad Al Ma'ad vol 1-4, By Ibn Qayyum Al Jawziya (Arabic) Detailed devotional biography of the Prophet of Islam studying each question of worship with the exact manner of the prophet's way. Translation still in process. 66) Tafsir Al Qurtubi, Translated by Aisha Bewley voU, 750 pages, ISBN 1870582225 English rendering of one of the most noted Classical Quran commentaries. Arabic 10 volumes 67) Ibn Abbad of Ronda: Letters on the Sufi Path***&*, ISBN 080912730X, (available from The Paulist Press Classics OF Western Spirituality) Balanced guide to the inner life of Muslims. Author was a celebrated Friday Sermon deliverer and his letters highlight practical ways to over come pitfalls in spiritual life. 68) Sharafudin Maneri The Hundred Letters***, ISBN 0809122294, (Paulist Press) Indian Muslim sage covers the stages and states of the souls struggles to move closer to its Lord. 69) In Quest of God Maneri's 2 nd Hundred Letters***, ISBN 1887752862 (Paulist Press) Recent completion of the above authors themes. 70) Nizam AI-Din Awliya Morals for the Heart***, ISBN 080913280X( Paulist Press) The most famous and beloved of the spiritual fathers of subcontinent Islam, founder of one of the widest spread brotherhoods. 71) The Risalah ofImarn Qushayri***, ISBN 193067225 Classic account of Muslim inner life. 72) Sunan Ibn Majah Muhammad Tufail Ansari, Translator 1-4 English & Arabic of one of the standard hadith collections, Arabic 1 & 2 73) AI-Kabair Major Sins Imam AI-Dhahabi, English/Arabic A classic work defining the Major sins ofIslam with the corresponding virtue to replace the faults that are spelled out. 74) AI-Mu'jam AI-mufahras lil-alfaz al-Ouran Muhammad A. Baqi, ISBN 977-5227-80-1 Easy to use All Arabic Quran concordance (Arabic) 75) A Dictionary of Arabic Gramitical Terms P. Caccia (English) Quick reference based upon the classic work of Al-Sayyuti 76) An Arabic-English Lexicon E.W. Lane Massive research source, ISBN 10:0948690127 77) Tafsir Ruh Al-Bayan 1. Abdul Haqq Bursawi 10 vol Sufi (Arabic) Commentary of the Quran.*** 78) Foundations ofIslam Qadi Ayyad *, ISBN 10:0946430012 (English from Arabic) Sunni primer ofIslam by great classical scholar presenting basics of belief & practice. 79) Vocabulary of the Quran Abdullah A. Nadwi, ISBN 156316115x (English) 80) Studies in Hadith Methodology and Literature Muhammad Mustafa Azzami, ISBN 10:0892590114 (English) 81) Road to Mecca, Muhammad Assad, ISBN 1-887752-37-4 (English) 82) Invocation of God Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya, ISBN N/A (English/Arabic) 83) Women of Madina by Muhammed Ibn Sa'd/Aisha Beweley, ISBN: 1897940246, publisher: Ta-Ha Publisher Ltd. 84) The Men of Madina by Muhammed Ibn Sa'd/Aisha Bewley, ISNB: 1897940912, publisher Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd. 85) The Men of Madina Vol I by Muhammed Ibn Sa'd/Aisha Bewley, ISBN: 1897940688, publisher Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd 86) Tafsir Panipati - Commentary of the Quran Urdu 10 volumes. 87) The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modem Islamic World, Oxford University Press ISBN 0-19-514903-3 Vol 1. 88) The Oxford Dictionary ofIslam, Oxford University Press ISBN 0-19-512558-4 89) The Oxford History of Islam, Oxford University Press ISBN 0-19-510799-3 90) The Theology of Unity by Muhammad Abduh, ISBN: 0836992679 91) The Differences of the Imams by Shaykh al-Hadith Muhammad Zakariyya Kandh1awi, [SBN: 0972835822.> White Thread Press 92) Essential Rumi by Jalal al Din Rumi Translated by Coleman Barks, ISBN: 0062509594. A collection of poetry from this 13 th Century Islamic mystic. 93) Rumi and Islam by Ibrahim Gumard ISBN: 15947330024. The lyric and wisdom poetry of this Sufi is explored. 94) A Question of Faith for Muslim Inmates by Aminah McCloud and Frederick Thaufeer al-Deen, ISBN: 1871031915. A book of guidance on the practice of the Islamic for Muslim prisoners. 95) Daughters of Another Path-American Women Choosing Islam, by Carol L. Anway ISBN: 0964716909 Stories of American women who have converted to Islam including reasons for becoming Islam. 96) Marriage and Family Building ofIslam, by Dr. Muhammad Abdul Bari ISBN: 1842000837 On challenges in building successful families and keeping them together. 97) Muslim Women: A Biographical Dictionary, by Aisha Bewley ISBN 1842000535 Reference source of Muslim women throughout Islamic history from the first century AH to roughly the middle of the thirteenth century AH. 98) The Muslim Woman's and Muslim Man's Dress according to the Qur'an, by Dr. Jamal Badawi ISBN: 1842000764. Very brief overview of the practical, moral, social and legal dress codes. 99) The Noble Woman, by Aliya Butt ISBN: 1842000209 Explores why there is a gap between reality and popular perceptions concerning Muslim women. 100) The Importance of Sisterhood in Islam, by Ruqaiyah Abdullah ISBN: 1842000179 A book that will help Muslim women improve social relations and strengthen ties within the Muslim community. 101) A Muslim Boy's Guide to Life's Big Changes, by Sami Khan ISBN: 1842000721 This book gives brotherly advice on life in general from Islam and friends, school and home Ii fe through to the physical changes a boy will experience from the age of 11 onwards. 102) A Muslim Girls Guide to Life's Big Changes, by Rayhana Khan ISBN: 1842000659 Written from a big Sister perspective, this book explains all, from choosing the right friendship group, advice about school life and social life, to the physical changes a girl will experience as she grows up. 103) Women in Shari'ah (Islamic Law), by Professor Abdur Raham 1. Doi ISBN: 0907461603 Outlines the rights and obligations of women in the Islamic society covering marriage, education, employment and inheritance. 104) Islam & Modernity, by Fazlur Rahman, University of Chicago Press ISBN: 0-226-70284-7 In this work, Professor Rahman presents a positively ambitious blueprint from the transformation of the intellectual of Islam: theology, ethics, philosophy and jurisprudence. Video Media: 1) The Great World Religion, Islam, The Teaching Company, 156585-649-x, DVD Documentary on Islamic history. 2) Inside Islam, The History Channel, 0-7670-5167-X, DVD Documentary and overview of Islamic history, 3) The Message, Al Akkad Mustafa, Islamic history film by Al Akkad, DVD 4) Inside Mecca, National Geographic, 0-7922-9331-2,DVD This film explores the Islamic ancient sites. 5) Lion of the Desert, Al Akkad, Mustafa History ofOmar Al Mukhtar, DVD 6) Fundamental of Islam, Ghazali, Hamed A lecture in the principles of Islam, VHS 7) AI Quraan, the first source of legislation in Islam, Ghazali, Hamed, Legislation in Islam from the Quraan, N/A, VHS 8) Al Sunnah- The Second source of Legislation in Islam, Ghazali, Hamed, Legislation in Islam from the Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), VHS 9) The Four Great Imams, AI-Awadi, Dr. Hesham, Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Malik, Imam Shafii, Imam Ibn Hanbal. Islamic Jurisprudence or Fiqh,N/A, 1-13 CD 10) Islam: Empire of Faith, PBS Home Video, 0-7936-9592-9,1 DVD Spectacular story of the great Islamic faith during its 1000 years, from the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to the peak of the Ottoman Empire, 11) Haram Makkah, Sudais & Shuraim, Dar Makkah, by Shaikh Sudais & Shuraim, 1-17 CD Recitation of the Holy Qura'an 12) The Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Makkah Period ,AI Awlaki, Imam Anwar, Introduces the Makkah period of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), 1-16 CD 13) The Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Madinah Period, Al Awlaki, Imam Anwar, Introduces the Madinah period of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), 1-18 CD 14) Prophet Muhammad Best of Creation - Hamza Yusufvideo IS) MUHAMMAD, Legacy of a Prophet, Alexander Kronemer and Michael Wolfe, 0-9726286-0-6,VHS The story of the seventh century Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who changed world history in 23 years and continues to shape the lives of more than 1.2 billion people. 16) The Dome of the Rock, IBTS/ Mohammed T. Hossain, A documentary film that brings the core of Islam History, Islamic thoughts and contemporary situation around Jerusalem.,N/A,VHS 17) Al Khulafa Ar-Rashidun, RUMIIShaykh Muhammad AI-Yaqoubi, The history of the Khalifas who took the right way, their remarkable lives through stories about their individual contributions to Islam and their a accomplishments and struggles as the most celebrated successors after the Prophet (PBUH),1-5 CD 18) Guests of God-Pilgrimage to Mecca (1991) BBC Production Documentary of a family's Hajj expereince 19) Saladin:Arabic-English Subtitles 20) Harun Yahya: Documentary videos based on the books of Harun Yahya. Each episode uses the Qur'an and modem science (and its branches) to prove the existence of one true Creator, and role and origin of creation in today's world. a)Wonders of Creation b)Creation of Mankind c)Altruism in Nature d)Splendors of the Sea e)Mysteries of the Atom 21) Cairo 1000 years ofIslamic culture 22) 17 Benefits of Tribulation - Hamza Yusuf CD collection 23) Interview with Yusuf Islam - video 24) Children Around the Prophet: Dr. Hesham AI-Awadi , Audio CD Box set How Muhammad Raised the Young Companions. 25) Muslims by PBS Frontline (2002) Documentary film produced by the Public Broadcast System's Frontline Program. The documentary reviews Islam in the West, Islamic beliefs and practices, the role of women in Islam... 26) Living Islam by the British Broadcast Corporation (6 Volume video Set) An objective look at Islam and the Muslim world including its history, doctrine, the impact on family and modernity. 27) Rumi: Prophet of the Heart by Magnolia Films (DVD 2004), AISN: B0002DVA22 A devotional work which guides viewers through an introduction to Rumi and an exploration of his work. 28) The Makkan Period of the Prophet Biography by Shaykh Al Habib Ali Zain Al Aabideen Ad Jifri. Video contains six talks from Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) Biography. This presentation was given in Arabic and translated into English as the author gave these presentations to an English audience in Great Britain. Our'an Recitations Video and CD There are a number of Qur'an recitations. Some are complete Qur'an recitations and others are recitations of selected Surahs. In the Bureau of Prisons the only unauthorized verison is The Noble Our'an by Muhammad Muhsin Khan and Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali. The following list identifies highly respected Qur'an reciters. Recitations of the Qur'an (with the exception of The Noble Qur'an) by these contributors are appropriate for the chapel library. Shaykh Muhammad Siddiq Minshawy: • One option available from Qari Muhammad Siddiq al Minshawy is this (26 CD) audio recitation of the Holy Qur'an in Arabic. Abdul Basit Abdus Samad • There are several options available from Qari Abdul Basit Abdus-Samad including the famous Tajweed recitation available in a 48 CD set. Other versions include the Tajweed Recitation with verse by verse reading of its corresponding meaning in English by Saheeh International (e.g., a 64 CD set), and individual CD recitations of the Surahs (e.g. Surah AI-Rahman and Surah Yasin). Qari Abdul Basit on Video is also available as he recites various Surahs in fron of a live audience during his visit to Chicago. Abu Bakr ash Shatri (Shaatri) A complete 25 audio CD Qur'an recitation set is available known as Al Quran-ulKarim, publisher Sonic Enterprises. Abdur Rahman As Sudais • Adbur-Rahman Sudais has a complete 16 cassette tape set available in Arabic. Shaykh Saud As Shuraim Qari Saud ash Shuraim has a (17 CD) Arabic Qur'an complete Recitation Set Ahmad EI Ajami • A (24 CD set) recitation of the Holy Qura'an by Shaikh Al Ajami. Shaykh Saad al Ghamdy • A complete audio (22 CD) recitation of the Holy Qur'an, in Arabic Shaykh Mahmoud Khalil al Hussary • A complete (40 CD) recitation of the Holy Qur'an is available from this well-known Egyptian Qari. Shaykh Ali Abdur Rahman al Hudhaify A complete (25 CD) Arabic Qur'an recitation is available from the famous Qari Hudhaifi. Ghulam Rasool • Both individual videos and a 15 Tape set of Qur'an recitation are available. These videos are unique as each Surah is recited and repeated to follow the pointer. Especially useful for beginning readers of the Qur' an. Standard Library Project: Jehovah's Witnesses Media: 1) Mankind's Search for God LC: by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York 90228281, Book: XX, VCRlDVD:,CD/Audio: Synopsis of different religions and their search for God 2) What Does the Bible Really Teach? LC: by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York 2005277740, Book: XX, VCRlDVD:,CD/Audio: Primary study tool for the Jehovah Witnesses, contains questions and answers about the Bible. 3) The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived LC: 96224844, by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Book: XX, VCRlDVD:,CD/Audio: Life of Christ and his ministry 4) Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? LC: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York 98188735,Book: XX, VCRlDVD:,CD/Audio: The Creators role in the life of humans 5) Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy LC: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York 00687798,Book: XX, VCRlDVD:,CDI Audio: Explains the role of Daniel's prophecy in light of today 6) Questions Young People Ask, Answers that Work: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York 970-787-042-7,Book: XX, VCRlDVD:,CD/Audio: Deals with teenager issues, good for parenting 7) See the Good Land LC: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York 2004300680, Book: XX, VCRlDVD:,CD/Audio: Collection of Maps and pictures of the Holy land 8) Survival into a New Earth LC: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York 84188580, Book: XX, VCRlDVD:,CDI Audio: A look at the establishment of the Kingdom on earth by Christ 9) Draw close to Jehovah: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York XX, VCRJDVD:,CD/Audio: Finding comfort and encouragement 10) Life-how did it get here?: by evolution or by creation? Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York 85195595:, Book: XX, VCRJDVD:,CD/Audio: Evolution verses creation 11) Secret of Family Happiness Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York 970-787041-9, Book: XX, VCRJDVD:,CD/Audio: Developing Happy families, instruction of being good fathers, wives and children 12) Insight on the Scripture: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New Yark Book: XX, VCRJDVD:,CD/Audio: Information on the scripture to assist in study 13) Jehovah's Witnesses: Proclaimers of God's kingdom LC: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York 93222966, Book: XX, VCRJDVD:,CD/Audio: The History of the Jehovah's Witnesses 14) Isaiah's Prophecy: Light for all mankind: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Book: XX, VCRJDVD:,CD/Audio: Explanation of the book of Isaiah in light of contemporary times 15) United in Worship of the only true God LC: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York 83176983, Book: XX, VCRlDVD:,CD/Audio: 16) Faith under Trials, Jehovah's Witnesses in the Soviet Union: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Book:,VCR: XX, CD/Audio: Story of the persecution of the church in the Soviet Union 17) Jehovah's Witnesses stand Firm against Nazi assault: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Book:,VCR: XX, CD/Audio: History of assault on the church by Nazi Germany 18) Noah, He walked with God: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Book:,VCRlDVD: Both, CD/Audio: Youth version story 0 f Noah and his trials 19) Transfusion Documentary: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Book:,DVD: XX, CD/Audio: Includes 3 videos on the doctrine of blood transfusions and alternative medicine. 20) Our Whole Association of Brothers, Respect for Jehovah's Authority: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Book, VCR XX, CD/Audio: Rebellion against God, Respect, both past and contemporary conditions of man 21) The Bible: Accurate History, Reliable Prophecy: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Book:,VCR: XX, CD/Audio: A look at the scriptures and its reliability 22) The Bible: Its power in your life: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Book:,VCR: XX, CD/Audio: A look at how the bible can change your life 23) To the ends of the Earth: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Title::,Book:,VCR: XX, CD/Audio: A look at Jehovah's Witness missionary work 24) United by Divine Teaching: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Title::,Book:,VCR: XX, CD/Audio: A look at the doctrine of the Jehovah's Witnesses 25) Warning examples for our day Summary: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York A look at ancient warnings with modem meanings 26) Young people ask: How can I make real friends?: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Book:,VCRJDVD: BOTH XX, CD/Audio: A look at how young people should select their friends for life 27) Young People ask: What will I do with my life?: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Book:,DVD: XX, CD/Audio: A look at vocations and involvement in the church. Standard Library Project: Judaism Print Media: * Available thru the below publisher Mesorah Publications, 4401 Second Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11232 (718) 921-9000 I) The Rubin Edition of the Prophets, by Rabbi Nosson Schennan, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, Date of Publication: August 2006 a) Joshua and Judges #1-57819-332-X #1-57819-333-8 b) Samuel I and II c) Kings I and II #1-42260-071-8 Classic commentators, very accessible and enjoyable to scholar and layman alike. Provides a new dimension to understanding the Prophets. 2) Sapirstein Edition Rashi - Five (5) books ofthe Bible, by Rabbi Yisrael Herczeg, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah a) b) c) d) e) Bereishis (Genesis) Shemos (Exodus) Vayikra (Leviticus) Bamidbar (Numbers) Devarim (Deuteronomy) #0-89906-026-9 #0-89906-027-7 #0-89906-028-5 #0-89906-029-3 #0-89906-030-7 Rashi is the father of all commentators. The literal translation ofRashi, highlighted and interwoven with explanatory words and phrases. 3) Siddur: Interlinear: by Rabbi Menachem Davis, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah a) Sabbath & Festivals Full Size - Ashkenaz - RCA Schottenstein Edition #1-57819-698-1 b) Weekday Full Size - Ashkenaz - Schottenstein Edition #1-57819-686-8 People who can not read Hebrew can now pray in Hebrew with maximum comprehension. 4) Rav Lau on Pirkei Avos - volume 1, by Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, Date of Publication: June 2006 #1-42260-069-6 A comprehensive commentary on ethics of the fathers. An authoritative presentation that will enlighten this monumental work. 5) Building Your Self-Image, by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah #1-42260-065-3 Developing a positive attitude. Explains the emotional dynamics of success. Insights and stories. 6) Gateway to Judaism, by Rabbi Mordechai Becher, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah #1-42260-030-0, Date of Publication: November 2005 Exploring the Jewish heritage. Explains the ethical teachings of Judaism in an up-to-date manner. 7) Bris Milah / Circumcision, by Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-197-4 Traditions, laws and customs for circumcision. Laws pertaining to adoption, naming a child and medical reasons for postponement. 8) Mourning In Halachah, by Rabbi Chaim Binyamin Goldberg, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-171-0 The book sets forth the laws of mourning clearly and accurately. 9) Cases In Monetary Halachah, by Rabbi Tzvi Spitz, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #1-57819-598-5 Contemporary issues and answers related to business ethics and interpersonal relationships. 10) Siddur: Hebrew/English: Complete Full Size - Ashkenaz , by Rabbi Nosson Scherman/Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah a) Alligator Leather #0-89906-653-4 b) Maroon Leather #1-57819-800-3 c) White Leather #1-57819-801-1 11) With Russian Translation Full Size - Ashkenaz, by Orthodox Union, Publisher: OUINCSY, #0-89906-629-1, Spanish Edition of the Siddur Complete Full Size Ashkenaz, #1-57819-975-1, Publisher: ArtScrolllMesorah Clear commentary on every prayer and an introductory overview providing insights into prayer. Also available in Russian and Spanish. 12) Machzor: Rosh Hashanah - Ashkenaz , by Author: Rabbi Nosson Schennan/Rabbi Meir ZlotowitzlRabbi Avie Gold, Publisher: ArtScro ll/Mesorah a) Alligator Leather #0-89906-686-0 b) Maroon Leather #1-57819-846-1 c) White Leather #1-57819-847-X 13) Yom Kippur Full Size - Ashkenaz, by Author: Rabbi Nosson Schennan/Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-677-1 14) Succos Full Size - Ashkenaz, by Rabbi Avie Gold/Rabbi Meir ZlotowitzlRabbi Nosson Schennan, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-683-6 15) Pesach (Passover) Full Size - Ashkenaz, by Rabbie Avie GoldlRabbi Meir ZlotowitzlRabbi Nosson Schennan, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah #0-89906-696-8 16) Shavuos Full Size - Ashkenaz , by Author: Rabbi Avie GoldlRabbi Meir Zlotowitz Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah a) Alligator Leather #1-57819-850-X b) Maroon Leather #1-57819-851-8 c) White Leather #1-57819-852-6 Festival Prayer Books. 17) Shema Yisrael, by Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-187-7 The basic expression of faith with full translation and commentary. 18) Lights Along The Way/Mesillas Yesharim, by Rabbi Abraham 1. Twerski, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-338-1 Classic book on the essence of Jewish service with current insights. 19) Anger: The Inner Teacher, by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah #1-57819-175-0 Nine step program to free oneself from anger. Insights, anecdotes and examples. 20) What's Wrong With Being Human?, by Yisroel Miller, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah#O89906-544-9 Helps focus on the beauty of life on this difficult planet. 21) Ten Minutes A Day To A Better Marriage, by Author: Dr. Meir Wikler, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah #1-57819-392-3 Resolving conflicts, enhancing communication. 22) What The Angel Taught You, by Rabbi Noah Weinberg/Yaakov Salomon, C.S.W. Publisher: ArtScro1l/Mesorah, #1-57819-134-3 Answers compelling questions on fundamental issues of life including, "How do I know ifmy decisions are right? Why was man created?" 23) Living Jewish, by Rabbi Berel Wein, Publisher: Shaar Press, #1-57819-753-8 Explores life cycle events from birth through death. 24) On Judaism, by Rabbi Emanuel Feldman, Publisher: Shaar Press, #0-89906-034-X Discusses vital topics that make Judaism relevant. 25) Stone Edition Chumash Full Size, by Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-014-5 Five books of Moses with classic commentators. Most popular of Bibles. 26) The Complete Schottenstein Edition of Talmud Bavli in Daf Yomi size: 73 volume set (Hardcover), Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #1-57819-068-1 Let the Talmud open your eyes to the wonders of the Torah. Acclaimed by a broad spectrum of roshei yeshivah, scholars, and laymen around the world, this series lets you join the world of Abaye and Rava without oversimplification, without extraneous material, without turgidity. 27) The Stone Edition Tanach Full Size (7" x 10", Hardcover), by Rabbi Nosson Scherman in collaboration with an international team of scholars. Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah a) Hunter Green b) Ivory Parchment c) Black #0-89906-270-9 #0-89906-271-7 #0-89906-269-5 All 24 books of the Torah, Prophets, and Writings are now at your fingertips in one magnificent 2,200 page volume, as interpreted by the classic sages of Talmudic and Rabbinic literature. 28) Ramban (Nachmanides) Commentary on the Torah, Seven Volume (Hardcover), Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah a) Vol. 1 - Bereishis (Genesis): Chapters 1 - 25 (Bereishis - Chayei Sarah) #1-57819-425-3 b) Vol. 2 - Bereishis (Genesis): Chapters 25 - End (Toldos - Vayechi) #1-42260-1 09-9 c) Vol. 3 - Shemos (Exodos): Chapters 1 - 20 (Shemos - Yisro) #1-42260-070-X, Date of Publication: June 27,2006 d) Vol. 4 - Shemos (Exodus) vol. 2, Date of Publication: March 5, 2007 e) Vol. 5 - Vayikra (Leviticus), Date of Publication: December 18, 2007 f) Vol. 6 - Bamidbar (Numbers), Date of Publication: June 18,2008 g) Vol. 7 - Devarim (Deuteronomy), Date of Publication: March 18, 2009 The Torah with Ramban's commentary translated, annotated, and elucidated. 29) Yad Avraham Mishnah Series: Seder Zeraim - Personal Size slipcased 12 Volume Set (Paperback), #1-42260-195-1, Rabbi AJ. Rosenberg, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah Date of Publication: November 2006 A new translation with a commentary anthologized from Talmudic, Midrashic and Rabbinic sources. 30) Life Is A Test: How to meet life's challenges successfully, (Hardcover), by Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis, Publisher: Shaar Press, Date of Publication: November 2006, #1-42260-196-X Regardless of age or experience, people of all persuasions - or none at all - will find meaningful substance in Life Is A Test. Rebbitzen Jungreis has captured so many of our deep-seated questions. And in this refreshingly personal book, she has graciously provided us with a decipherable answer key. 31) Kashruth: A comprehensive background and reference guide to the principles of Kashruth (Hardcover), by Rabbi Yacov Lipschutz, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-558-9 An authoritative yet practical guide to kashruth observance today, by one of the world's leading experts in a field that grows consistently more complex. 32) The Jewish Calendar: Its Stmcture and Laws (Hardcover), by Rabbi David Feinstein Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #1-57819-346-X It presents the Rosh Yeshivah's insights into all the special days of the Jewish calendar, explanations of their laws, and reasons for many familiar but sometimes mysterious customs. 33) Death And Bereavement: A Halakhic Guide (Hardcover), by Rabbi Abner Weiss, Ph.D. Publisher: Orhodox Union, #1-57819544-6 This is a book that considers virtually all the needs of mourners and participants or to anyone who must help or participate in those sad moments that inevitably cloud every life. 34) The Laws Of Interpersonal Relationships: Practical applications in business, home and society (Hardcover), by Rabbi Avrohom Ehrman, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #1-57919-759-7 The Torah offers laws and guidelines for proper interpersonal relations that inform every aspect of our day. The book systematically discusses the laws that guarantee a harmonious, humane and ethical society. 35) Kinnos / Tishah B'Av Service Full Size - Ashkenaz (Hardcover), by Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Feuer/Rabbi Avie Gold, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-878-2 The complete prayer service for Tishah B'Av, including prayers from the standard siddur, the special Tishah B'Av liturgy, Torah readings, laws, and an overview. 36) Pathway To Prayer (Hardcover), by Rabbi Meir Birnbaum, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah #1-57819-469-5 A translation and explanation of all the Amidah prayers of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. 37) Growth Through Tehillim: Exploring Psalms for Life Transforming Thoughts (Hardcover), by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah #1-57819-401-6 The treasures nestled within Tehillim's sacred words, it offers a means of coming closer to our Creator. To go beneath the surface, Tehillim shows the way to improve - even drastically change - our lives. This book is an invaluable aid to anyone seeking a happier, more meaningful life. 38) Twerski On Prayer: Creating the bond between man and his maker (Hardcover), by Rabbi Abraham 1. Twerski, M.D., Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #1-57819-672-8 In this book, Rabbi Twerski responds to the inner need of countless thousands: How can 1 get the most out of my prayers? How can I use prayer to bring myself closer to my Maker? In his unique and winning manner, he explains and comments on many of the daily, Sabbath, and festival prayers. Interspersed with his comments are essays that explain many of the practices and customs associated with the Siddur. 39) Kaddish (Hardcover), by Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-160-5 The meaning and symbolism of this well-known but little-understood prayer. 40) Viduy / Confession (Paperback), by Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-227-X The required text of teshuvah, clearly explained. 41) Ishei Hatanach/Encyclopedia Of Biblical Personalities (Hardcover), by Rabbi Yishai Chasidah, Publisher: Shaar Press, #0-89906-025-0 This book brings together biographical snippets from the length and breadth of Rabbinic literature and organizes them by subject and chronology. The result is the closest thing to biographical analyses of the personalities of Scripture. 41) Aseres Hidibros / The Ten Commandments (Hardcover), by Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Feuer, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-179-6 The Ten Commandments translated, and with an exposition. 42) The Weekly Midrash / Tz'enah Ur'enah - 2 Volume Shrink Wrapped Set (Hardcover), by Translated by: Miriam Stark Zakon, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-925-8 An inseparable companion on Friday nights, Shabbos afternoons, or any other time. Includes weekly and festival Haftaros, five Megillos, the story of Chanukah and of Tishah B'Av. 43) The Book Of Megillos (Hardcover), by Rabbis Meir Zlotowitz and Nosson Scherman, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-225-3 The five Megillos, with translation, marginal comments, and overviews. All in a single, conveniently sized volume. 44) Living Each Week (Hardcover), by Rabbi Abraham 1. Twerski, M.D., Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-577-5 Filled with beautiful ideas, piercing insights, and provocative anecdotes - based on lessons from each weekly Torah reading - it will enrich the life of every reader. 45) Sichos Mussar Reb Chaim's Discourses (Hardcover), by Author: Rabbi Chaim Shmulevitz, Publisher: ArtScrolUMesorah, #0-89906-943-6 It is saturated with understanding of the individual and faith in his ability to grow. It is uncompromising in its insistence that the Torah speaks to us and demands that we fight unyieldingly to realize our potential -- all of it! 46) On The Eighth Day (Hardcover), by Author: Rabbi Eliezer Ginsburg, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #1-57819-275-7 Torah thoughts on Bris Milah from every one of the weekly Torah readings and for each of the festivals. A book for anyone who has ever celebrated a bris or been to one. And for anyone who thrills to the riches of the Torah and its teachings. 47) Living Each Day (Hardcover), by Author: Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D., Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-560-0 An inspirational message and an appropriate prayer for every single day of the year. This book will help you make the most out of every day, by helping you live it to the fullest. 48) Growing Each Day (Hardcover), by Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D., Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-579-1 A brilliant book of thoughts, ideas, and advice for every single day of the year. Discover inner strengths you never realized. Then tap your potential to grow spiritually and emotionally. 49) Smiling Each Day (Hardcover), by Rabbi Abraham 1. Twerski, M.D., Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-581-3 A charming collection of humorous views on life to help you live more happily and healthily. These thoughts, stories, and anecdotes will help you smile with others as you smile at yourself. 50) Wisdom Each Day (Hardcover), by Rabbi Abraham 1. Twerski, M.D., Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #1-57819-550-0 Fresh nuggets of inspiration and wisdom for every day of the year. These short pick-meups can change your day, offering refreshing new perspectives and insights on life, living, and the world around us. 51) Angels Don't Leave Footprints Discovering what's right with yourself (Hardcover), by Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. Publisher: Shaar Press, #1-57819-798-8 Our potential to improve and to have an impact is limitless. Rabbi Twerski shows us how to make the most of ourselves. 52) Twerski On Spirituality (Hardcover), by Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D., Publisher: Shaar Press, #1-57819-257-9 Shows how mundane events and activities can be saturated with meaning and even holiness. Shows how every area of life - marriage, job, social life, and scores more - has a soul and higher purpose. A unique blend of winning story and incisive insight gives wise and practical advice on how to do it. 53) Self-Improvement? - I'm Jewish!(Hardcover), by Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D., Publisher: Shaar Press, #0-89906-583-X This book examines what the Talmud and its interpreters say about how to achieve selfcontrol and a positive outlook. Overcoming self-defeating behavior. 54) Dear Rabbi, Dear Doctor (Hardcover), by Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D., Publisher: Shaar Press, # 1-42260-007-6 This book contains nearly 200 letters, reflecting real problems faced by real people. 55) My Father My King (Hardcover), by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah #0-89906-315-2 A comprehensive overview of basic Torah principles from G-d's perspective. Each section is followed with insights and examples drawn from the author's extensive teaching and counseling experience. This approach will enlighten both the beginner and the scholar. The result is a book that will be a constant source of inspiration. 56) Chofetz Chaim: Loving Kindness Daily lessons in the power of giving(Hardcover), by Author: Rabbi Fischel Schachter with Mrs. Chana Nestlebaum, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #1-57819-746-5 With the goal of helping every Jew develop a positive mind-set toward chessed, Chofetz Chaim probes its importance in human relationships, and that it links all Jews and underlies the Jew's relationship with all Creation. It encourages every Jew to strive toward love of chessed in his or her own life. 57) Chofetz Chaim: A Lesson A Day The concepts and laws of proper speech arranged for daily study (Hardcover), by Rabbis Shimon Finkelman and Yitzchak Berkowitz, Publisher: ArtScrolllMesorah, #0-89906-321-7 By following the principles of guarding one's tongue, each Jew has the ability to build within himself the traits of compassion, kindness and love. This book provides convenient and methodical practical strategies for guarding our speech. 58) Chofetz Chaim: A Daily Companion (Hardcover), by Author: Michoel Rothschild with Rabbi Shimon Finkelman, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #1-57819-457-1 Whether as a study guide or standing on its own, this work is a superbly wrought guide of the laws of proper speech, as the Chofetz Chaim himself set them down. 59) Chofetz Chaim: Lessons In Truth (Hardcover), by Author: Rabbi Shimon Finkelman Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #1-57819-596-9 This new book draws on the Chofetz Chaim's writings on honesty, integrity, and faith. It should be the basis for discussion on how to bring its messages into practice. 60) Buy Green Bananas (Paperback), by Rabbi Berel Wein, Publisher: Shaar Press #1-57819-476-8 Rabbi Berel Wein aims his pen at the foibles and challenges of everyday life. You'll raise your eyebrows, position your lips to smile, and open your mind to think. 61) Vitamins For The Spirit (Paperback), by Author: Avi Shulman, Publisher: Shaar Press, #1-57819-479-2 Shows how to look at life and see the positive. How to chuckle at the silliness that often clutters our landscape. 62) Timeless Parenting Raising children in troubled times - understanding, coping, succeeding (Hardcover), by Rabbi Nisson Wolpin, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #1-57819-510-1 Parents and teachers - even those of successful children - need the guidance of Torah leaders and educators. Dozens of provocative, inspiring, informative, and authoritative articles so these personalities can tell us about raising children, how to nip problems in the bud, and deal with them when they fester. 63) The Wisdom In The Hebrew Alphabet (Hardcover), by Rabbi Michael L. Munk, Publisher: ArtScrolllMesorah, #0-89906-193-1 Great minds have found the Aleph-Beis to be a gold mine of wisdom and guidance. This book presents hundreds of ideas and comments on the Aleph-Beis, including: the AlephBeis as the force of Creation, as a primer for Jewish living, and as a fountainhead of Torah insight and mystical meaning. 64) A Letter For The Ages Iggeres HaRamban (Hardcover), by Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Feuer Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-218-0 The classic letter gives a blueprint for an ethical life - as timely today as it was then. 65) Understanding Judaism A basic guide to Jewish faith, history, and practice(Hardcover), by Rabbi Mordechai Katz, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #1-57819-517-9 This book is a great introduction to Judaism that even the majority of yeshivah-trained observant Jews will find filled with new information and approaches. It is an invaluable aid for anyone in a position to answer questions about Judaism. 66) Jewish Parables (Hardcover), by Rabbi Yisroel Bronstein, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah #1-57819-317-6 A collection of hundreds of stories from classic sources based on the parable, and arranged them by topic. An invaluable source of material for speakers, and anyone seeking to convey an idea or spice a talk. 67) Golden Apples: Parables Of The Ben Ish Chai (Hardcover), by Yaakov Kahn, Publisher: ArtScro111Mesorah, #0-89906-404-3 One of the greatest geonim of modem times was also a master spinner of tales. This selection will entertain, illuminate and inspire. 68) Something To Think About Extraordinary reflections about ordinary events(Hardcover), by Rabbi Yaakov Salomon, Publisher: Shaar Press, #1-42260-092-0 Dedicated to bringing the word of Torah into everyday life, Rabbi Yaakov Salomon has a knack for getting people to open their eyes and chuckle at human foibles - and then decide to plant some spiritual seeds in the world around them. This is a book that will make you look at things a bit differently - to look at the ordinary and see the extraordinary. It finds something to give us pause and make us think. It's a book you'll enjoy reading and want to share with others. 69) Vistas Of Challenge (Hardcover), by Seryl Sanders, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-585-6 This is a book about winners. It is for people who want to conquer all kinds of adversity; for people who want to share the vision of the victim turned victor. It says, in King David's words, "Behold, He neither slumbers nor sleeps -- the Guardian ofIsrael." The person who realizes that, has seen beyond the Vistas of Challenge. 70) Faith & Fate The story of the Jewish people in the Twentieth Century(Hardcover), by Rabbi Berel Wein, Publisher: Shaar Press, #1-57819-593-4 This is a book about how Jews navigated through the decades of the century, but it is not about Jews in isolation. Rabbi Wein intertwines the story of the Jews with the events of the world and shows how each affected the other. 71) The Jewish Experience: 2,000 Years A collection of significant events - The Teichman Family Edition (Hardcover), by Rabbi Nachman Zakon, Publisher: Shaar Press, #1-57819-496-2 Rabbi Nachman Zakon, an American educator living in Israel, presents "time capsules" with highlights of 2,000 years of world and Jewish history. 72) The Unconquerable Spirit (Hardcover), by Simon Zucker and Gertrude Hirschler, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-202-4 Incredible accounts of people who demonstrated their best when life was at its worst. Recounts how faith and truth in the Creator sustained Jews under the greatest of pressures to "give up." 73) The Pirkei Avos Treasury Ethics Of The Fathers (Hardcover), by Rabbi Moshe Lieber, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-374-8 Brings together how the Sages actually lived, the standards they set, and the ethical teachings that have guided and inspired Jews century after century, to this very day. Explains the text of Avos with clarity and explores its implications through the prism of every day's practical challenges. 74) The Birnbaum Edition Pirkei Avos Teachings For Our Times(Hardcover), by Author: Rabbi Berel Wein, Publisher: ShaarPress, #1-57819-739-2 Commentary with enlightening historical references. The lessons of the Sages are enhanced by explanations of their original context. Pirkei Avos offers guidelines for successful living and the values it teaches are timeless. 75) Shabbos: Its Essence And Significance (Hardcover), by Rabbi Shimon Finkelman, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-601-1 Shabbos is presented as never before in the English language through stories, parables, comments, and interpretations. 76) Rosh Hashanah: Its Significance, Laws, And Prayers(Hardcover), by Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-195-8 In this book, a host of these important prayers are explained and illuminated. 77) Yom Kippur: Its Significance, Laws, And Prayers(Hardcover), by Rabbi Hersh Goldwurm, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-216-4 It is the purpose of this volume to help open up the message of Yom Kippur, for if we can better understand it, we can better achieve the goals it sets forth for us. 78) Succos: Its Significance, Laws, And Prayers(Hardcover), by Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-166-4 This volume contains a kaleidoscope of observances, laws, insights, and prayers. It sheds light on Succos, the festival that has a dual role in Jewish religious life: it is the culmination of the Days of Awe and also the concluding festival in the annual pilgrimage cycle. 79) Simchas Torah/Shemini Atzeres: Its Significance, Laws, And Prayers(Hardcover), by Rabbi Moshe Lieber, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-317-9 This book captures the mood, the traditions, the laws, the significance, the history, the beauty of Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah. It will enrich the observance of the festival for every reader -- and do it in a very enjoyable way. 80) Chanukah: Its History, Observance, And Significance(Hardcover), by Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-185-0 Includes a comprehensive history of the period; Chanah and her seven sons; the story of the Kohen Gadol's daughter; and the complete candle-lighting service. 81) Purim: Its Observance And Significance(Hardcover), by Author: Rabbi Avie Gold, Publisher: ArtScrolllMesorah #0-89906-607-0 This book draws together several elements of the day's history, underlying meaning, and observances. Drawn from the rich lodes of Jewish thought and practice, this book will help the reader enter the joy and hear the message of the day, for the better we understand the deeper content of Purim and what it represents, the better we absorb its message for all generations and lands. 82) Pesach (Hardcover), by Rabbis Shimon Findelman, Moshe Lieber and Moshe Dov Stein Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-447-7 The meaning and purpose of Pesach; a fascinating collection of ideas and anecdotes on the Festival of our Freedom; includes laws. 83) Lag Ba'Omer (Hardcover), by Rabbi Shimon Finkelman, Publisher: ArtScrolllMesorah #1-57819-262-5 A comprehensive treatment of the great mystic Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and the day associated with him. Songs, stories, ideas, and inspiration. 84) Shavuos: Its Observance, Laws, And Significance(Hardcover), by Rabbi Shimon Finkelman, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-625-9 This book takes us back to those thrilling days at Sinai, to the Sefirah days of counting, to the delirious joy and suspended sunset of Lag Ba'Omer. Complete with an Overview and a wealth of beautiful insights and stories, and the Book of Ruth. 85) Tishah B' Av: Texts, Readings, And Insights(Hardcover), by Rabbis Avrohom Chaim Feuer and Shimon Finkelman, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-609-7 This volume details the significance, history, and meaning of this, the most tragic day in the Jewish year. Includes Talmudic passages related to the destruction of the Temple. 86) The Family Haggadah (Paperback), by Rabbis Nosson Scherman and Avie Gold, Publisher: ArtScroll/Mesorah, #0-89906-178-8 Contains the complete Seder instructions, a full text Haggadah with English translation and explanatory notes. 87) Maimonides' Principles (Paperback), by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, Publisher: Orthodox Union/NCSY, #1-87901-604-4 An anthology of Maimonides' own writings, appearing in his Commentary to Mishnah Sanhedrin, explaining the Thirteen Principles of Faith. 88) The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion Edited by R.J. Z. Werblowshy and G. Wigoder ,(1997). ISBN: 0195086058. The 2400 entries in this one volume dictionary include unsigned but revised articles from the editors' Encyclopedia of Jewish Religion. 89) Charting the Hebrew Bible: The Art of Cantillation by Joshua Jacobson, Jewish Publication Society (2002) (Hardcover and CD) ISBN: 0827606931. The most comprehensive guide available on the ancient tradition of cantillation. Cantillation, the public reading of a passage of scripture, is an essential element of the Jewish worship service. 90) Judaism - A People and Its History by Robert M. Seltzer (1989) ISBN: 0028973747 Articles from the MacMillan Encyclopedia of Religion on Jewish Religion and History. 91) The Classic Midrash - Tannaitic Commentaries on the Bible by Reuvan Hammer (1995) ISBN: 0809135033 This volume presents an introduction to midrash in general and to these specific Tannaitic works, explaining the history and development of midrash as well as its methodology and message. 92) The Book of Legends - Sefer Ha-Aggadah, edited by H.N. Bialik and YH. Racnitzky (1992) Schocken Books, ISBN: 0805241132 A thematic anthology of nonlegal rabbinic literature on all aspects of human life (e.g., creation, redemption, wisdom, clothing, folk medicine studied through Jewish stories, parables, sayings, homilies and anecdotes). 93) Making God's Work Work - A Guide to the Midrash by Jacob Neusner, Continuum Press (2004) ISBN: 0826415572 The central theme of this book is that through the rules and norms of the Mishnah, and beneath their surface, there is a governing theological pattern. 94) The Encyclopedia of Jewish Prayer by Macy Nulman (1996) ISBN: 1568218850 A guidebook on Jewish Prayer. 95) The Sages: Their Concepts and Beliefs by Ephraim E. Urbach (1994) Harvard, ISBN:0674785231 Traces the history of specific Jewish beliefs and concepts, including belief in one God, man, providence, written law, the Commandments and redemption. 96) Tree of Life: Diversity, Flexibility and Creativity in Jewish Law by Louis Jacobs Oxford University ISBN: 187477448X Survey and analysis oflegal creativity in Jewish law. 97) Theology in the Responsa by Louis Jacobs, Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, ISBN: 19041132373. Survey and discussion of theological issues that have appeared in the vast literature of Rabbinic responsa. 98) Jewish Ethics and Halakhah for Our Time by Basil F. Herring, KTAV & YESHIVAH University Press Volumes 1 and 2, ISBN: 0881250449 Studies in contemporary ethical issues and discussion of relevant halachic texts. 99) A Living Tree: The Roots and Growth of Jewish Law by Elliot Dorff and Arthur Rossett State University of New York (1987), ISBN: 0887064604. The book studies in great detail the evolution ofhalakha and compares it to its parallel development in American law. Three issues receive primary focus: 1) personal injury law, 2) Smoking, 3) Marriage and Divorce. Each issue is compared to American law and is studied from the Orthodox, Conservative and Reform points of view. 100) The Unfolding Tradition by Elliot Dorff (2005) ISBN: 0916219291 The work analyzes the biblical and rabbinic roots of Jewish law, as interpreted by leading rabbis of the Conservative movement and beyond. 101 Duties of the Soul: The Role of Commandments in Liberal Judaism by Niles Goldstein and Peter Knobel (1999) ISBN: 0807406538. An anthology of 13 essays by esteemed leaders in the Reformed rabbinate which examines the role mitzvot in liberal Judaism. 102) Jewish Living: A Contemporary Guide to Reform Practice by Mark Warshofsky (2000) ISBN: 080740702X. The definitive guide to Reform Jewish Practice. 103 The Death of Death: Resurrection and Immortality in Jewish Thought by Neil Gillman (1997) ISBN: 1879045613. Starting with the Garden of Eden, Gillman examines the various ways Judaism deals with the matter of dying. 104 The Impact of the Holocaust on Jewish Theology by Steven Katz (2005) ISBN: 0814747841 Thought provoking essays on how Jewish theology has been impacted by the Holocaust. 105) How to Read the Bible by Marc Zvi Brettler, Jewish Publication Society (2005) ISBN: 082760775X A guide written by a Jewish scholar to reading the Bible. 106) The Ancient Synagogue: The First Thousand Years by Lee I Levine, Yale University Press, ISBN: 0300106289 A massive and scholarly study of the evolving role of the synagogue, from the Hellenistic period to late antiquity. 107) The High Holy Days: A Commentary on the Prayerbook of Rosh Hashnah and Yom Kippur by Hayyim Herman Kieval (2004) Schechter Institute for Jewish Studies, ISBN: 9657105234 Rabbi Kieval's book on the liturgy of the High Holy Days is a seminal work for anyone desiring to understand the Mahzor. 108) The Commentators' Bible - The JPS Miqra' ot Gedolot: Exodus by Michael Carasik, ISBN: 0827608128 First published 500 years ago as the Rabbinic Bible, the biblical commentaries known as Miqra'ot Gedolot have inspired and educated generations of Hebrew readers. In this edition, the voices of Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Nahmanides, Rashbam and other medieval commentators come alive, speaking in a contemporary English translation annotated and explicated for lay readers. 109) Jewish Literacy: The Most Important Things to Know About the Jewish Religion, Its People and Its History by Joseph Telushkin, ISBN: 0688085067 Telushkin presents 364 brief explanations of the most important concepts and topics related to Judaism, its people and their history. Each entry is from 1-3 pages in length. Basic religious terms, ethics, historical events religious texts, Jewish personalities are covered. 110) Biblical Literacy: The Most Important People, Events and Ideas of the Hebrew Bible by Joseph Telushkin, ISBN: 0688142974 Encyclopedia in scope, this one volume presents the Biblical stories of love, deceit, the human condition, its most important laws and ideas and an annotated listing of 613 laws of the Torah. Ill) A Code of Jewish Ethics, Volume 1: You Shall Be Holy by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, ISBN: 1400048354 An excellent work on applying Jewish learning with ethical behavior. 112) The Jewish Study Bible featuring the Jewish Publication Society TANAKH Translation, Publisher: Oxford University Press, ISBN: 100195297547. This translation presents the Jewish canon in their traditional order: Torah, Nev'im and Kethuvim/ Leading Jewish scholars present each book and offer extensive commentary. 113) My Peoples Prayer Book Series (Volumes 1-9) edited by Rabbi Lawrence Hoffman, Jewish Lights Publishing, (2005) • • • • • • • • • Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5 Volume 6 Volume 7 Volume 8 Volume 9 ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: 1879045796 187904580X 1879045818 1879045826 1879045834 1879045842 1879045850 1580231217 1580232620 Framed with beautifully styled Talmud-style pages, commentaries from many of today's most respected Jewish scholars from all movements of Judaism. 114) The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy by Daniel H. Frank, Editor, Cambridge University Press (2003), ISBN: 0521655749 (English) Influence by Islamic theological speculation, classical philosophers and Christian scholasticism of the Middle Ages, Jewish thinkers living in Islamic and Christian lands philosophized about Judaism in the 9 th to 15 th centuries. Reflections include the nature of language about God, the creation of the world, the possibility of human freedom and the relationship between divine and human law. 115) The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides by Kenneth Seeskin, Cambridge University Press (2005), ISBN: 100521525780 (English) Moses ben Maimon, known as Maimonides (1138-1204) represents the high point of Jewish rationalism in the middle ages and played a pivotal role in the transition of philosophical interest from the Islamic east and the Christian west. His greatest philosophical work, "The Guide of the Perplexed" had a decisive impact on all subsequent Jewish thought and is till the subject of intense scholarly debate. The twelve essays in this volume are written by recognized scholars and offer a comprehensive interpretation of his life and thought. 116) The Cambridge Companion to the Talmud and Rabbinic Literature. Charlotter Fonrobert (Editor) ISBN: 100521605083 A guide for beginning students in rabbinic literature - includes approaches shaped by anthropology, gender studies, oral-tradition studies, classics and folklore studies. 117) Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry: From the Golden Age of Spain to Modem Times by Zion Zohr (editor), Publisher New York University Press (2005), ISBN: 100814797067 (English) Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry brings together original work from the world's leading scholars to present a deep introductory overview of their history and culture the past 1500 years. 118) The Jews of the Middle East and North Africa in Modem Times by Reeva Simon (Editor) Columbia University Press, ISBN: 100231107978. This work includes a CD of liturgical chanting and folk holiday songs. The volume fills an important gap I the Jewish diasporas with a comprehensive picture of the historical experience of Jews in the Muslim world and their encounter with modernity. 119) The Babylonian Talmud: A Translation and Commentary, 22 Volumes with CD-ROM Translated by Jacob Neusner, Hendrickson Publishers, 2006, ISBN: 1565637070 The primary document of rabbinic Judaism in an analytical format. 120) Encyclopedia JUDAICA, (22 Volumes) MacMillan Reference, USA (December 2006), ISBN: 100028659287 Video Media: 1) The Quarrel by David Brandes and Joseph Telushkin (1992) (DVD) available from Apple and Honey Film Corp. Two Jewish men meet in a park. They haven't spoken in years due to a childhood quarrel. As they walk through the park, they become stuck in a park building die to a rainstorm. They speak and corne to terms with past disagreements. The film is frequently used by Yeshiva and synagogues prior to the High Holy Days. It has won several film awards. 2) The Chosen by Jeremy Kagan (1982), 20 th Century Fox (DVD) Starring: Rod Steiger, Robby Benson, Maximillian Schell The friendship of two Jewish teenagers in 1940's New York is challenged by family ultraorthodoxy and Modem Orthodox Judaism. 3) Between Cross and Crescent: Jewish Civilization from Mohammad to Spinoza, by David B. Ruderman, Ph.D, Hebrew University Jerusalem offered as a course from the Teaching Company. (Available in DVD, Audio CD or Tape) Thirty lectures on Jewish history and the living of one's faith in an environment dominated by another religion. 4) Great World Religions: Judaism by Isaiah M. Gafni, Ph.D., Hebrew University, a course available through the Teaching Company. (Available in DVD, Audio CD or Tape) Twelve lectures on Judaism: history, Rabbinic Judaism; Worship; Calendar; Life Cycles; theology 5) Introduction to Judaism by Shai Cherry, Ph.D. Brandeis University, a course available through The Teaching Company (Available in DVD, Audio CD or Tape) 24 lectures exploring the rich heritage of Judaism from biblical time through today. 6) Jewish Intellectual History by David B. Ruderman, Ph.D, Hebrew University Jerusalem. A Course offered through the Teaching Company. (Available in DVD, Audio Cd or Tape). 24 lectures on the philosophical and theological contributions. (e.g., A. Heschel, M. Buber) 7) Understanding Judaism (VHS Format) 6 Volumes, By Rabbi Benjamin Blech and Published by the Orthodox Union. 8) Life Challenges/Torah Solutions (VHS Format, Cassette or CD format) 3/4 Tapes, by Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman. 9) The Event at Sinai (VHS format) by Rabbi Manis Friedman, Aleph Institute, Surfside, FL33154-7l27. 10) The Moses and Aaron Foundation: A Special Fund for Children Presents Chazak! Live at the Jacob Javits Center, New York, NY, Sunday February 20,2000 (VHS) STB Jewish Music Productions. Distributed by Sameach Music (888) 3-SAMEACH 11) Shoah (2 videos) VHS Format by Clause Lanzmann, New Yorker Video, Great Directors (NYV 51099) 12) A Time for Music (VHS) 17 (XVII) - Jerusalem - The Experience (2004) Produced by Sheya Meddlowit, Distributed by Sameach Music, Inc. 13) A Time for Music (VHS) 5, SKU: 1879018290 (1992) Distributed by Aderet Music Corp. 14) Unforgettable Moments - A Decade of Magic - Volume 1 (VHS) (1997) Produced by Sheya Mendowitz, Distributed by Sameach Music, Inc. 15) Peace Upon the Land, by Jewish Educator Media, ISBN: N/A, (2002). Rabbi Manachen M. Schneerson talks of peace during times of conflict. 16) Moses, by Live Home Video, ISBN: 0-7840-0108-1, (1992). The story of Moses concerning how he led his people from slavery to freedom. 17) Israel With Abba Eban by Home Vision Entertainment (ISBN: 0-78()()"2656-X) (Date: none) This is a six part chronicle ofthe birth and development ofthe Jewish State. 18) Jewish Holy Sites In Israel by Video Shar (ISBN: none)(Date: none) A tour of the holy Jewish sites in Israel. 19) Wall In Jerusalem by Her's Tooth Video (ISBN: none)(1989) A documentary about the growth ofIsrael into the Jewish homeland. 32) Let's Learn How To Lein by Rabbi Levi Goldstien (ISBN: none) Judaica World Inc. (Date: none) On this CD you learn the tunes of the "Trop", proper pronunciation, and the rules of the Hebrew grammar. 33) Yossele Rosenblatt by Shirei Yosef(ISBN: none) Sameach Music (Date: none) The world of cantonal music. 34) All Stars by Sukia Ding Productions (ISBN: none)(2003) The world of cantorial music. 35) Best Of The Seventies by Aderet Music (ISBN: none)(Date: none) Modem form of traditional Jewish music. 36) Big Time by Piamenta (ISBN: none) Yosi Piamenta (2004) A modem form of traditional Jewish music. 37) Nusach Ha' Tfilah For Shaboss by Eli Lipsker (ISBN: none) Judaica World Inc. Traditional Jewish music. 38) Bring Back That Shabbos Feeling! by Shlock Rock (ISBN: none) Shlock Rock Inc. (Date: none) Jewish traditional music played in rock style. 39) Step By Step Guide to Self Improvement, by Rabbi David Goldwasser, distributed by Han Foundation. Inspirational speeches on how to know oneself and become a better human. Standardized Library Resources: Messianic Print Media 1) The Peaceful Solution: Yahweh's 613 Laws Will Bring Peace to All Nations by Yisrayl Hawkins (ISBN-10: 1890967246; ISBN-13: 978-1890967246) H.G.Y. & Sons Publishing (J anuary 1, 1999) A book that, from the House of Yahweh perspective, explains prophesies and provides guidance in many areas of life. 2) It Is Often Said: Comments and Comparisons of Traditional Christian Theology and Hebraic Thought by Tim Hegg (ISBN-10 1892124041; ISBN-13 978-1892124043) First Fruits of Zion Publishing; 2nd edition (2006) Volume One of a commentary comparing Christian and Hebrew theologies from a messianic Christian point of view. 3) Proverbial Wisdom & Common Sense: A Messianic Jewish Approach to Today's Issues from the Proverbs by Derek Leman (ISBN-10 1880226782; ISBN-13 978-1880226780) Messianic Jewish Resources International Publishing (July 1999) A commentary on Proverbs containing insights from rabbinic and Messianic Jewish sources. 4) Messianic Judaism: It's History, Theology, and Polity by David A. Rausch (ISBN-1 0 0889468028; ISBN-13 978-0889468023) Mellen Press (December 1982) A collection of texts and studies on Messianic Judaism. 5) One People Many Tribes by Daniel C. Juster (ISBN-10 0966583116; ISBN-13 9780966583113) Kairos Publishing (1999) A primer on church history from a Messianic Jewish perspective. 6) Signs in the Heavens by Avi Ben Mordechai (ISBN-10 0964335573; ISBN-13 9780964335578) Millennium 7000 Communications (1996) A Messianic Jewish perspective of the last days and coming millennium. 7) Messianic Revelation in the Old Testament by Gerard Van Groningen (ISBN-1 0 l57910049X; ISBN-13 978-1579100490) Wipf & Stock Publishers (July 1,1997) A commentary by the author reflecting broad viewpoints on the messianic concept in the Old Testament. 8) God's Appointed Customs by Barney Kasdan (ISBN-I0 1880226634; ISBN-13 9781880226636) Messianic Jewish Resources International Publishing (June 1996) A Messianic Jewish Guide to the Biblicallifecycle and lifestyle. 9) Messianic Judaism: A Rabbi's Journey Through Religious Change in America by Carol Harris-Shapiro (ISBN-I0 0807010413; ISBN-13 978-0807010419) Beacon Press (August 4,2000) The author traces the history and role of Messianic Jews in American life. 10) Messianic Christologyby Arnold Fruchtenbaum (ISBN-l 0 091486307X; ISBN-13 9780914863076) Ariel Ministries (1998) A study of Old Testament prophesies regarding the coming of the Messiah. 11) Holy Day, Holiday: The American Sunday by Alexis McCrossen (ISBN-l 00801487870; ISBN-13 978-0801487873) Cornell University Press (January 2002) The author traces the origins of the Sunday worship in America. 12) Common Prayers: Faith, Family, and a Christian's Journey Through the Jewish Year by Harvey Cox (ISBN-I0 0618257330; ISBN-13 978-0618257331) Mariner Books; Reprint edition (November 12, 2002) The author explores interfaith marriage from a personal perspective. 13) Early Christian Thought in its Jewish Context by Morna Dorothy Hooker (ISBN-I0 0521462851; ISBN-13 978-052462853) Cambridge Press (June 9, 2003) An overview of what New Testament scholars say about early Christian thought within a Jewish framework. 14) Understanding Scripture: Explorations ofJewish and Christian Traditions of Interpretation by Clemens Thoma (Editor) and Michael Wyschogrod (Editor) (ISBN-l 0 080912873X, ISBN-13 978-0809128730) Paulist Press (July 1987) A collection of writings on Jewish and Christian Traditions and their origins. 15) All the Messianic Prophecies of the Bible by Dr. Herbert Lockyer (ISBN-I0 0310280915; ISBN-13 978-031280910) Zondervan (October 12,1988) The author examines all the prophecies in scripture concerning the promised messiah. The author looks at the birth, character, death, and resurrection of Jesus in the context of prophesy. 16) How Jewish is Christianity?: Two Views on the Messianic Movement by Louis Goldberg (ISBN-l 0 0310244900; ISBN-13 978-0310244905) Zondervan (November 1, 2003) Six authors debate whether or not Messianic congregations should stand alone or be incorporated into regular Christian congregations. 17) The Voice of the Lord: Messianic Jewish Daily Devotional by David J. Rudolph (ISBN10 1880226707; ISBN-13 978-1880226704) Messianic Jewish Resources International Publishing (June 1,1998) Daily devotional and commentary. 18) Judaism and Christianity: The Differences by Weiss-Rosmarin Trude, Ph.D. (ISBN-I0 0824603982; ISBN-13 978-0824603984) Jonathan David Publishers (January 1, 1997) Compares and contrasts the differences in theology and religious practice of these two world religions. 19) The Fifth Cup Haggadah: A Messianic Jewish Haggadah by Thomas D. Keck (ISBN-l 0 0972845437; ISBN-13 978-0972845434) Dothan Publishing (March 14,2003) Provides instruction on how Messianic Jewish people observe the Passover Seder. 20) Messianic Daily Devotional by Kevin Geoffrey (ISBN-I 0 0978550404; ISBN-I3 9780978550400) Perfect Word Publishing (August 11, 2006) Daily devotional focusing on encouragement and personal growth. 21) Jewish Roots - A Foundation of Biblical Theology for Messianic Judaism by Daniel Juster (ISBN-l 0 093783IOOX; ISBN-I3 978-0937831007) Pacific Palisades Publishers (1986) A study on the beginnings of the theology for Messianic Judaism. 22) Messianic Judaism - A modem Movement with an Ancient Past by David H. Stem (ISBN 1-880226-33-9) Messianic Jewish Communications (April 2007) An easy to read comprehensive look at the Messianic Jewish movement. 23) Creation to Completion - A guide to Life's Journeys from the Five Books of Moses by Russell Resnik (ISBN 1-880226-32-4) Messianic Jewish Publishers This new book of reflections applies Torah with a depth of understanding from a Yeshuacentered perspective. 24) Dedicate and Celebrate by Barry Rubin (ISBN 1-880226-83-9) Messianic Jewish Publishers A Messianic Jewish guide to Hanukkah. 25) Yeshua: A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church by Dr. Ron Mosely (ISBN 1880226-68-5) Messianic Jewish Publishers The author illuminates the Jewish background ofYeshua and the church. 26) The Book of Yahweh, The Holy Scriptures (ISBN 1-890967-22-X) available through The House of Yahweh's translation of the Holy Bible. 27) The Mark of the Beast Set, Volumes 1 & 2 (ISBN 1-890967-50-5) available through Commentary on the last days as interpreted by the House of Yahweh. 28) Can We Avoid the Next Holocaust? (ISBN 0-96449618-0-6) available through The book discusses the Holocaust and what the world needs to do to avoid similar tragedies. 29) There is Someone Out There! (ISBN 0-96449618-3-0) available through The book discusses the author's belief that there are billions of beings controlling the umverse. 30) In Search of A Savior (ISBN 0-9649618-1-4) available through The author chronicles thousands of years of mankind's search for a savior. 31) Devil Worship - The Shocking Facts! (ISBN 1-890967-10-6) available through The work in this Book reaches into and exposes the persistent hardcore tactics of devil worship which is prevalent in our great Nuclear Age. 32) The End (ISBN 1-890967-21-1) available through This book was written to warn the whole world, leaders and people alike, of what the Bible says is coming upon the world, why it is coming and what can be done to save yourself and your family. 33) The Two Witnesses (ISBN 1-890967-08-4) available through The author discusses the work of the two prophets of God during the world's last days. Audio Media 1) The End (audio book) by Yisrayl Hawkins (ISBN 1-890967-23-8) available through This book was written to warn the whole world, leaders and people alike, of what the Bible says is coming upon the world, why it is coming and what can be done to save yourself and your family. 2) The Peaceful Solution (volume 1 set) by Yisrayl Hawkins (ISBN 1-890967-50-5) available through An audio book that, from the House of Yahweh perspective, explains prophesies and provides guidance in many areas of life. 3) The Peaceful Solution (volume 2 set) by Yisrayl Hawkins (ISBN 1-890967-60-2) available through Volume 2 of an audio book that, from the House of Yahweh perspective, explains prophesies and provides guidance in many areas of life. 4) The Peaceful Solution (volume 3 set) byYisrayl Hawkins (ISBN 1-890967-65-3) available through Volume 3 of an audio book that, from the House of Yahweh perspective, explains prophesies and provides guidance in many areas of life. 5) The Book of Yahweh (8 Volume Audio Book) (ISBN 1-890967-25-4; 1-890967-28-9; 1890967-46-7; 1-890967-53-X; 1-890967-54-8; 1-890967-70-X; 1-890967-79-3; 1890967-77-7) available through The House of Yahweh's translation of the Holy Bible. 6) Yahweh's 613 Laws (4 CD set) (No ISBN #) available through The House of Yahweh's commentary on the 613 laws of Yahweh for disciplined living. 7) Psalm 119, Volume l(ISBN 1-890967-39-4) available through Music CD 8) Psalm 119, Volume 2(ISBN 1-890967-40-8) available through Music CD 9) Praising Yahweh (ISBN 1-890967-42-4) available through Music CD 10) Philadelphia (ISBN 1-890967-49-1) available through Music CD 11) The Peaceful Solution (ISBN 1-890967-62-9) available through Music CD 12) Earth's Own Judgment (No ISBN #) available through Music CD Video Media 1) 25 Messianic Signs in Israel Today by Import, NTSC (ASIN 0963636553) available through A well documented film about Israel past and present. 2) Marty Goetz Live in Concert: Psalm Enchanted Evening by Marty Goetz Ministries (ASIN BOOONSIZFQ) available through Music concert video. 3) Yeshua by Dr. Oswald Hoffmann (ASIN BOOOKC8JUG) available through The film offers a fascinating pilgrimage through scripture and the life of Jesus. 4) Yeshua/Jesus: Exploring the Jewish Roots of Jesus by Vision Video (ASIN BOOOA3WH90) available through An exploration of the profound Jewish atmosphere in which Jesus grew up. 5) Apostle Paul and the Earliest Churches by Vision Video (ASIN B00060A9D8) available through This film is a re-enactment of the challenges faced by the Apostle Paul. 6) The Mikveh: The Doctrine of Baptisms by Michael Rood (Code DDMREN017001) available through Explores the relationship between the Jewish Mikveh and Christian Baptism. 7) A Rood Awakening (Three Volume Set) by Michael Rood (Codes DDMREN009001; DDMRENOIOOOl; DDMRENOIIOOl) available through Michael Rood traces the development of the Messianic Jewish beliefs through a six part, three volume set. 8) The Messiah Prophecy Fulfilled by Michael Rood (Code DDMREN015001) available through The film discusses the role of Yeshua in the Passover observance. 9) Raiders of the Lost Book by Michael Rood (Code DDMREN00300l) available through The film discusses the Hebrew text of the Gospel of Matthew. 10) The Great Secrets of Solomon's Temple by Michael Rood (Code DDMREN006001) available through The film discusses how the Messiah fulfills the Spring Feasts. 11) The Sermon (few wanted to hear) on the Mount by Michael Rood (Code DDMREN 001001) available through Set in the Golan Heights the film discusses the Sermon on the Mount. 12) Prophecies in the Feasts of the Lord Volumes 1 & 2 by Michael Rood (Code DDMREN01300l) available through The film discusses the various feasts of the Lord and is divided into 26 half hour segments. 13) The Sinai Connection by Michael Rood (Code DDMREN002001) available through A two DVD set discussing Israel's claim to the Holy Land. 14) The Mystery of Solomon's Laver by Michael Rood (Code DDMREN00700l) available through The film discusses the building of Solomon's temple and the prophetic message it sends. 15) A Dream, A Mission, A Memorial by Reggie White (Code DDRWENOOl02) available through Fonner NFL great Reggie White relates his personal Torah story from Jerusalem in this 25-pack DVD set. Standard Library Project: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) Print Media 1) Believing Christ by Stephen Robinson (ISBN -10: 1570089264 or ISBN-13: 978-1570089268) The author provides guidance on how to get rid of the baggage one carries around which keeps one depressed and feeling like a failure. 2) Seek to Obtain My Word a Melchizedek Priesthood Personal Study Guide (LDS) 1988 (ASIN :BOOOCQBD30). Study Guide to the Faith for Mormons 3) Lay Hold Upon the Word of God a Melchizedek Priesthood Personal Study Guide (LDS) 1988 (AISN: BOOOHOPD82) Study Guide to the Faith for Mormons 4) Come Unto Christ a Melchizedek Priesthood Personal Study Guide (LDS) 1984 (AISN: BOOOEK8AEY) Study Guide to the Faith for Mormons 5) Commentary on the Book of Mormon (7 Volumes) by George Reynolds and Janne Sjodahl, Excellent seven-volume set by George Reynolds and Janne M. Sjodahl. Follows the format of the Book of Mormon with commentary for verses and passages. 6) Jesus the Christ by James Talmage (ISBN-IO: 158958032X ISBN-I3: 978-1589580329 Commissioned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be an authoritative book on the Latter-day Saints view of Jesus Christ, "Jesus the Christ" is one of the classics in theology among the Saints. Questions about Christology among the Mormons, will be answered in this book. 7) Teachings of the Presidents of the Church Series by the Church of the Latter-day Saints. It is a study guide series on the Melchizedek Priesthood. Available through Deseret Books, Salt Lake City, Utah. The Series includes past presidents: Wilford Woodruf, David McKay, Joseph Smith, Herber Grant, Brigham Young, John Taylor, Harold Lee and Spencer Kimball. 8) Gospel Principles by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Days Saints (AISN: BOOOBM2XUC) Principles of the Gospel as interpreted by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. 9) The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer Kimball, (ISBN-IO: 0884941922 or ISBN-13: 9780884941927). Written by Spencer W. Kimball became the President of the Church, it contains many of his personal views and opinions on sins of omissions. 10) Story of the Latter Day Saints by James B. Allen and Glen M. Leonard. (ISBN-I0: 087579565X ISBN-13: 978-0875795652). History of the Latter Day Saints. 11) Great Basin Kingdom: An Economic History of the Latter Day Saints, 1830-1900 by Leonard J. Arrington, University of Illinois Press. (ISBN- 10: 025207839 or ISBN-13: 978-0252072833) Historical accounting of the growth and movement of the LDS Church. 12) Encyclopedia of Latter Day Saint History by Arnold GaIT (ISBN-I0: 1573458228 or ISBN-13: 9781573458221) Reference work on history fo the LDS Church. 13) Faith Precedes the Miracle by Spencer Kimball (ISBN-I0: 0875797075 or ISBN-13: 978-0875797076 Spencer W. Kimball wrote an eloquent and comforting work that details what the Christian must do before the miracle of Christ arrives. Kimball emphasizes that faith in Christ, a deep and abiding faith, not a shallow one, must come to one's heart before Christ can work a miracle. 14) Book of Mormon Reference Companion by Dennis Largey (ISBN-1 0: 1573452319 or ISBN-13: 9781573452311 ) The Book of Mormon Reference Companion brings together, all under one cover, more than 900 entries addressing 1500 Book of Mormon topics, including people, places, words, phrases, doctrines, purposes, themes, historical background, Isaiah chapter reviews, books of the Book of Mormon, and general topics of interest. Never before has a reference work of this scope been created to help both the experienced reader and the investigator or new convert understand this important book of scripture. 15) Encyclopedia of Mormonism by Daniel H. Ludlow - (BYU) 5 Volumes (ISBN-I0: 0028796004 or ISBN-13: 978-0028796000) Excellent scholarship on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the work details the dynamic growth of the LDS community. 16) Answers to Gospel Questions by Joseph F. Smith (ISBN-10: 1573454400 or ISBN-13: 9781573454407 This work by one of the Presidents of the LDS community is available in a one volume or five volume edition. The work contains messages by the President on Biblical reflections. 17) Gospel Doctrine by Joseph Smith (ISBN: 0875790631) Sermons and writings of Joseph Smith. 18) The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ by Joseph Smith (ISBN: 096768563) A volume of scripture for Mormons which contains a record of God's dealing with the ancient inhabitants of America. 19) Book of Doctrine and Covenants & the Pearl of Great Price by Joseph Smith (ISBN: 0830902775) Scriptures revealed to Joseph Smith between 1824-1844. 20) Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith by Joseph Smith (ISBN: 0877476268) Contains Joseph Smith's teachings for the church. An unofficial source of Church doctrine and history. 21 ) Doctrines of Salvation by Joseph Smith (ISBN: 0884940411) Sennons and thoughts of Joseph Smith on salvation, repentance, grace, baptism. 22) Discourses of Brigham Young: Second President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by John Widtsoe (ISBN: 0877470669) A compilation of quotations from Brigham Young, doctrinal gems and history during the period of Brigham Young. 23) Lectures of Faith by Joseph Smith (ISBN: 087747897) A glimpse of Joseph Smith's understanding of faith. 24) Holy Temple by Boyd Packer (ISBN: 0884944115) Written by past President of the LDS Quorum on the history and whys of temple worship and ritual. 25) A Marvelous Work and Wonder (Missionary Reference Library) by Legrand Richards (ISBN: 0875793274) A key component of he LDS Missionary Department's curriculum for faithful disciples. 26) Our Lord of the Gospels by 1. Ruben Clark, Jr. (AISN: BOOOCS150U) Deseret Book Commentary on the Jesus in the LDS Scriptures. 27) A Witness and a Warning by Ezra Taft Benson (ISBN: 0875791530) Modem day Prophet testimony on the Book of Mormon. 28) Finding Christ Through the Book of Monnon by Susan Easton Black (ISBN: 0875790992) Deseret Books (1987). Personal Testimony on the power of the book of Monnon in discovering the power of faith in Jesus. 29) The Papers of Joseph Smith by Dean C. Jesse (ISBN: 0875795455). A collection of the early writings, lectures and epistles ofJoseph Smith. 30) Articles of Faith by James Talmage (ISBN: 0875793258). Reviews the ministry of Joseph Smith and his status as true prophet. A classical work of the Church. 31) Commentary on the Pearl of Great Price by George Reynolds and James Sjodahl. (ISBN: 0877470464) The is a commentary on one of the LDS scriptures revealed to Joseph Smith. 32) To Thee a Minister and Witness A Melchizedek Priesthood Personal Study Guide (LDS) 1988 (AISN: BOOONDllP2) A study guide for faith development. 33) Strengthen Your Brethren A Melchizedek Priesthood Personal Study Guide (LDS) (AISN: BOOOLOHNN6) A study guide for faith development. 34) Seek to Obtain My Word A Melchizedek Priesthood Personal Study Guide (LDS) (AISN: BOOOCQBD30) A study guide for faith development. 35) Duties of Blessing of the Priesthood by the LDS (ISBN: 0191561967) Thirty-five lessons on basic responsibilities of the Irenic and Melchizedek priesthood. 36) Gospel Principles by the Church of the Latter Days Saints (AISN: BOOOBM2XUC) Principles of the Gospel as interpreted by the Church of the Latter Day Saints. 37) Truth Restored! Gospel Principles by Gordon Hinkley (AISN: BOOOGRLW8Q) Gospel Teachings by LDS President Gordon Hinkley. 38) Put on They Strength, 0 Zion A Melchizedek Priesthood Personal Study Guide (LDS) (AISN: BOOOEKEQ9W) A study guide for faith development. 39) Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith by Joseph F. Smith (ISBN: 087579243X) Reflections on the teachings and writings of the founding Prophet of the Latter Day Saints. 40) Book of Mormon Compendium by Sidney B Sperry (ISBN: 0884941736) A lay person's reference guide to the Book of Mormon. 41) Experiencing God by Henry T. Blackaby and Claude V. King (ISBN: 0805432008) Applying the principles of faith in daily practice. 42) The Mind of Christ by T.W. Hunt (ISBN: 0805463496) A look at life changing principles as taught by Jesus the Christ. Video Media I) The Work and the Glory II: American Zion (DVD) Vineyard Distribution and Deseret Book (PG 13) In November of 1833, the state of Missouri turned a blind eye as hundreds of its peaceful inhabitants were hunted down and driven from their homes in the dead of night. Against this impending strife, a young man with a divine vision leads a people against the aggression of an anti-hero with a vulnerable past. The Work and The Glory: American Zion" sets the story of the fictional Steed family against the historically factual backdrop of the Mormon people's move into the West. Divided by their diverse reactions to a nascent ideology, the Steeds struggle to hold together as the strength of their convictions and their filial bonds are tested. The stirring narrative of the faith that led a persecuted people to Missouri and beyond is one of the most poignant untold tales of American history. It is the account of a valiant struggle to exercise the rights promised by a fledgling nation. "The Work and the Glory: American Zion" unearths the story of the passion behind the movement which eventually launched the largest American migration and the colonization of the West: the vision of a promised land in America. 2) Praise to the Man (DVD) Excel Entertainment and Deseret Book The inspired legacy of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Beginning with the Prophet's early years and continuing through his martyrdom, Praise to the Man celebrates the legacy of "the man who communed with Jehovah." 3) Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Donny Osmond) M.C. A. Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Weber's Musical about Joseph and his coat of many colors. 4) The Work and the Glory: Pillar of Light by Excel Entertainment (DVD) Adapted from Gerald N. Lund's best selling series, "The Work and the Glory" is a moving love story set against the backdrop of religious intolerance on the American frontier of the early 1800's. Recently moved to upstate New York from the comfort of their Vermont homestead, the Benjamin Steed family makes their way into the established social structure of Palmyra. In their attempt to settle peacefully into the new community they find the help that they have hired to clear their land is at the center of a religious controversy- a controversy that threatens to tear the family apart Two of the Steed brothers contend for the favor of a wealthy merchant's daughter and they find themselves on opposite sides of the religious question. As the family struggles to smooth the contention they find themselves twisted into deeper issues of family loyalty and the pursuit of truth. 5) General Conference: April 2004 (DVD) LDS Distribution Available on cassette, compact disc, VHS cassette, and digital versatile discs - make it very convenient to experience conference addresses again while driving or working, and they are also useful in emphasizing important lesson points. All of the recording formats come with an index and include the Saturday evening priesthood broadcast. The CDs and DVDs include musical numbers from the conference programs. Will ship approximately one month after conference 6) The Best Three Hours a Week by John Blytheway (DVD) June 2006 In this inspiring fireside presentation, author and speaker John Bytheway explains how we can gain the most from our three-hour block of Sunday meetings. In his distinctive and personable way, he reminds his listeners that we don't go to church to be entertained and that if we are bored and uninterested in our sacrament and other meetings, it is not the fault of the speakers and teachers. In a very helpful way, John teaches the specific things we can do to make church attendance exciting and enjoyable. (Hint: it has to do with changing our attitude.) 7) Cipher in the Snow and Other LDS Film Classics by Covenant Communications (DVD) When a teenage boy dies unexpectedly, his math teacher is asked to notify his parents and write his obituary. Although he was the boy's favorite teacher, he hardly knew him. Shy and ostracized, the boy was a cipher, an unknown number in a class roll book. As the teacher unravels the mystery of what led to the boy's death, he commits himself to not letting others suffer the same fate. Now, for the first time on DVD, this classic film will inspire you and your family to reach out to others and care for the one. Also included in this collection of classics are The Gift, The Emmett Smith Story, John Baker's Last Race, and The Phone Call. LDS Film Classics are stories of strength, courage, and faith. They teach compassion, understanding, and forgiveness. 8) General Conference: October 2006 (DVD) LDS Distribution Available on cassette, compact disc, VHS cassette, and digital versatile discs - make it very convenient to experience conference addresses again while driving or working, and they are also useful in emphasizing important lesson points. All of the recording formats come with an index and include the Saturday evening priesthood broadcast. The CDs and DVDs include musical numbers from the conference programs. 9) Legacy (Multi-language) LDS Distribution (DVD) This video recording of the motion picture Legacy portrays the joys, sacrifices, hopes, and trials of early Latter-day Saints and describes the legacy of faith of early Church members. 52 min. 10) The Book of Mormon: The Movie, Volume 1: The Journey (DVD) by Mormon Movies Volume 1 is the story of the first two Books of Nephi. Actor Noah Danby plays Nephi, the faithful son of Lehi (Bryce Chamberlain). Unfortunately for Nephi and his family, his father's prophecies of doom for Jerusalem haven't made him too popular. So Lehi plans to take his family out of Jerusalem and into the desert -- with the hope of finding the prophesied Promised Land. But before they do, he sends Nephi and his brothers (Mark Gollaher, Kirby Heyborne and Cragun Foulger) back to the city to retrieve brass plates containing their people's history -- a task that's easier said than done. 11) Joseph: Exploring the Life and Ministry of the Prophet (DVD) by Susan Easton Black Explore the life and mission of Joseph Smith in this six-episode DVD and the companion book of essays. Thirty-three respected scholars- including Richard E Turley Jr., Andrew C. Skinner, Larry C. Porter, Milton V. Backman and Robert 1. Matthews- examine a variety of topics about the Prophet: Spiritual prophecies foretelling his mission; The guiding ofthe Smith family to the area where Moroni buried his record; Continuing revelations that led Joseph in his work; Outward persecutions and inward struggles that refined the fledgling Church; The martyrdom and beyond. 12) The Touch and Other LDS Classics (DVD) Covenant Communications Five LDS classic videos on one DVD. One day, as Jesus was moving through a crowd of people, He suddenly turned and asked, "Who touched me?" The question confused His disciples. Anyone in the throng could have accidently bumped against Him. Then Jesus said, "Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue [power] is gone out of me." The touch was an act of faith. A woman with an issue of blood had touched His garment, believing that by doing so she would be healed. And she was. When Jesus saw her, He said, "Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole." This moving account is beautifully captured in the BYU production The Touch. Other titles in this collection of classics, available now on DVD, include The Good Samaritan, Akedah (The Binding), Elijah and the Widow ofZaraphath, and a bonus video, The Sisters of Bethany. 13) The Book of Mormon on DVD, Covenant Communications (3 DVD set) Bool of Morn10n narrated on DVD. 14) Americas Choir (DVD) by Lee Groberg and the Monnon Tabernacle Choir From its earliest beginning, just a few months after the pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley, to its prestige as a world-renowned choir courted by concert halls in the most sophisticated cities across the globe, the Choir has a unique and fascinating story, now told in words and images by author Heidi S. Swinton and on film by Lee Groberg. As composer John Williams has said, "These are people who are there for the joy of music." America's Choir is their story. Narrated by Walter Cronkite. Coundtrack Monnon Tabernacle Choir. 15) Fourth Witness and 2 Other LDS Classics by Covenant Communications (DVD) Fourth Witness is the compelling true story of Mary Whitmer's personal struggle as she supported Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in the early days of the Restoration. Because of her faithfulness, she received a great privilege--she was shown the gold plates by an angel, becoming the "fourth witness" of the Book of Monnon. This little-known account will be an inspiration to all who faithfully serve in building up the kingdom. Also included in this collection of classics are: Eliza and I, Richard Dutcher's moving film about Eliza R. Snow, beloved pioneer poet and leader of the women's Relief Society; and Woman, The Pioneer, a unique and colorful tribute to the indomitable spirit of pioneer women. 16) Evidences of the Book of Monnon by Daniel C. Petersen (DVD) In this inspiring and infonnative presentation, Dr. Daniel C. Peterson, a noted scholar and lecturer, provides an intriguing look at the evidences that support the Book of Monnon as an ancient text. He looks at such things as chiasmus, word-print analysis, geographical evidence, and much more as he shares his witness that the Book of Monnon is the word of God, brought forth by the prophet Joseph Smith. 17) Presidents of the Church by the Church of the Latter Day Saints (DVD) Documentary provides the story of each of the LDS presidents giving guidance to the church. 18) General Conference: April 2005 (DVD) LDS Distribution Available on cassette, compact disc, VHS cassette, and digital versatile discs - make it very convenient to experience conference addresses again while driving or working, and they are also useful in emphasizing important lesson points. All of the recording fonnats come with an index and include the Saturday evening priesthood broadcast. The CDs and DVDs include musical numbers from the conference programs. 19) C.S. Lewis: LDS Perspectives on the Man and His Message, (DVD) Covenant Communication From the beloved children's classic The Chronicles ofNarnia to the brilliant and thought-provoking essays of Mere Christianity, Clive Staples Lewis (1898-1963) wrote the kind of books he thought he'd like to read. A remarkable man, his writings have intrigued, captivated, and inspired people from all walks of life, including the Latter-day Saints. Lewis is one of the non-LDS writers most quoted by LDS authors and General Authorities. LDS scholars explore C.S. Lewis's writings on the relationship of God to man, the necessity for free will, the nature of man, life's opportunities for joy, the lessons of pain, and the Godhood of Jesus Christ. This presentation also includes brief biographical sketches of Lewis's life as well as readings from his work by noted poet Leslie Norris. 20) Church History: From Cumorah to Kirtland(DVD) by Covenant Communications A 2-DVD set on LDS history including photographs, historical art, film clips on church history sites. 21) Joseph Smith: The Man, The message, the Mission (DVD) by Covenant Communications Inspired by the best-selling book, Joseph Smith: The Man, The Mission, The Message, this inspiring DVD honors the prophet of the Restoration. Get to know Brother Joseph in this stunning documentary that portrays a multidimensional man: his upbringing, his charismatic personality, his devotion to family, his humor, his leadership, and his dedication to his mission and to God's message-even unto martyrdom. Audio Media 1) Beloved Mormon Hymns (CD) by Crawford Gates: Great Hymns 2) Prayer (CD) by Dallyn Vail Bayles: Spiritual Broadway 3) Emmanuel (CD) by Denise Ferguson: Christmas Selections 4) Peace Like a River by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir 5) The Great Thanksgiving: Songs of Thanks and Brotherhood by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir 6) Hymns of Faith - Volume 1 by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir 7) Hymns of Faith - Volume 2 by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir 8) Handel's Messiah: The Choruses by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir 9) Come, Come Ye Saints by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Standardized Library Resources: Nation of Islam! Moorish Science Temple of America Print Media: 1) We Are Not What We Seem: Black Nationalism and Class Struggle in the American Century by Rod Bush (ISBN: 0814713181; ISBN: 978-0814713181). University Press, 1999. Scholarly presentation on 19th and 20th century Black Nationalist Movements.. 2) An Original Man: The Life and Times of Elijah Muhammad by Claude Andrew Clegg III (ISBN: 0312181531; ISBN: 978-0312181536) St. Martins Press, 1997. Excellent biography of HEM; Extremely readable, informational 3) Million Man March by Michael Cottman (ISBN: none) Crown Trade Paperbacks, 1995. Historical record of march itself: its leadership, participants, agenda and future plans. 4) The National Agenda: Public Policy Issues, Analysis and Programmatic Plan of Action, 2000-2008. by Louis Farrakhan and Benjamin F. (Chavez) Muhammad. Million Man March, Inc., 2000. Includes the political and nationalist movement agenda of the NOI, and provides the claims of the NOI against American oppression. 5) The Black Muslim in America, 3rd edition. by C. Eric Lincoln (ISBN: 10-0802807038; ISBN: 13-978-0802807038, Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1994. Most widely used account of the Black Muslims in US, including history of both MST of A and NOI 6) Muslims in the United States: Demography, Beliefs, Institutions. by Philippa Strumm and Danielle Tarantolo, eds. Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, 2003. This book explains differences between emigrant Muslims and Black-American Muslims. The article by Amina McCloud, and the glossary, notes and bibliography are useful. 7) New Day in Babylon: The Black Power Movement and American Culture, 1965-1975. By William L. Van Deburg (ISBN: 10-0226847152; ISBN: 13-978-0226847153) University of Chicago Press, 1993. Good historical account of both MSTof A and NOr. 8) In the Name of Elijah Muhammad: Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. by Mattias Gardell (ISBN: 10-0822318453; ISBN: 13-978-0822318453) Duke University Press, 1996. An objective historical account, makes a solid connection between Black history and MSTofA and NOI. 9) Islam and the Search for African American Nationhood: Elijah Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan and the Nation ofIslam by Dennis Walker (ISBN: 10-0932863442; ISBN 13978-0932863447) Clarity Press, 2005. This book is written by an Australian scholar ofIslam minorities. He reports on both the NOI and MST of A from that perspective. This is a lengthy paperback book containing more than 300 pages of research into the MST of A and NOI development from 1930 to the present. The book also contains good information on the social and economic ills that lead to Black nationalism in early 1900s. 10) From Black Muslims to Muslims: The Resurrection, Transformation, and Change of the Lost-Found Nation ofIslam in America, 1930-1995 by Clifton E. Marsh (ISBN:0810830892) Scarecrow Press, Inc. 1996 This book documents the oldest, most significant and most powerful Black nationalist organization in the country. It contains chapters on the MST of A and on NOI and its growth, development and change, as well as chapters on AI-Islam in the West. 11) How to Eat to Live, 2 vol. by Elijah Muhammad (no ISBN) Muhammad's Temple of Islam, No.2, 1972 Food guide for Nation ofIslam, based on health and religious concerns of HEM. 12) Self-Improvement - The Basis for Community Development (Study Guides 1-3) by Minister Louis Farrakhan, Final Call, Inc. Chicago, IL (2004 -2005) AUDIO-VIDEO RESOURCES: NOI 1) The Million Man March, October 16, 1995 2) The Million Family March, October 16,2000 3) The Millions More Movement, October 16, 2005 4) Where Do We Go from Here? April 2, 2005 5) The Way We Were, Family Reunion Dinner February 25, 2006 6) Where Would We Be Without Pain May 2,2005 7) The Atonement and Purification of a Nation May 15, 2005 8) The Majesty of Master Fard Muhammad's Love January 1, 2006 9) The Theology of Time Series, by HEM 1972 10). "Make Straight in the Desert a Highway to Our God February 25,2001 11 ) He Came that We May Have Life April 3, 2005 12) The Beauty of the Holy Qur'an August 25,2002 13) The Birth ofa Nation, Parts 1-2, February 25 and March 5, 2006 14) Holy Day of Atonement October 16, 2003 15) Eighth Anniversary The Holy Day of Atonement October 16, 2003 16) How to Give Birth to a God, Parts 1-4 July-August 1987 17) Stop!: The Killing April 28, 1990 18) Understanding the Nation of Islam in the West April 16, 2000 19) Saviours Day 2000, A Celebration of Family February 27,2000 20) A Nation Can Rise No Higher than Its Women June 25, 1994 21) The Concept of Allah in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad December 11, 1998 22) Hip Hop Summit June 12-13,2001 23) Fatherhood: The Relevance of Prophet Muhammad In the Struggle for Justice and World Peace" Part 2 24) Saviour's Day 1974" 25) If You Don't Know Him by Now 26) The Knowledge of God and Self, Part 2 27) Million Man March - A Day of Atonement and the Proclamation of Exodus" 28) The Woman: The Value ofa Mother 29) Celebration of Family - Saviors' Day 2000, Parts 1-2 30) Why Is Jesus Christ the Most Important Man Ever to Be Born of a Woman? March 11-18,2001 May 13,2001 September 19, 1977 31) Healing Begins in the Mind: As a Man Thinketh, So Is He June 18, 2005 32) The Resurrection "This is the Year of the Family: God's First Love Idea March 27,2005 33) World Saviours Day 2002 34) Savior's Day 2003: America at the Crossroads, War Is Not the Answer 35) The Origin of Blackness April 8, 2001 36) The Guide and the Guidance June 13, 2004 Standardized Library Resources: Native American Print Media: 1) The Sacred Pipe (ISBN #0-8061-2124-6) Details the history and significance of the sacred pipe as its been used traditionally down through the ages of Native American folklore. Also corrects certain myths that are not necessarily true. 2) Myths of the Cherokee (ISBN #0-486-28907-9) Explains many true beliefs of the Cherokee as a tribe unto itself. As a "settled" people they adapted to living in one specific area, the Carolinas, before the "Trail of Tears" and their being moved to Oklahoma. 3) Spirits of the Earth (ISBN #0-452-27650-0) Lists certain prayers and spiritual ceremonies pertaining to specific rites and rituals used traditionally and presently. Contains certain wording particular to the sweat lodge arena. 4) Atlas of the North American Indian (ISBN #0-8160-3975-5) Presents trails, paths, routes, etc. used by different tribes in different locals of North America. Especially useful in depicting waterways along certain rivers, lakes and streams. 5) Lakota Woman by Mary Crow Dog (ISBN #0-06-097389-7) Mary Crow Dog writes her autobiography, from growing up on a South Dakota reservation to her involvement at Wounded Knee. A moving account of a woman's way out of despair and hardship. 6) Ojibway Ceremonies by Basil Johnston (ISBN #0-8032-7573-0) Basil Johnston describes the lifestyles of the Ojibway (Chippewas) during their existence along Lake Huron and Lake Superior, before they dispersed into Canada and the upper northern states. Has many examples of prayers and the native language. 7) Trail of Tears- The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation by John Ehle (ISBN #0-385-23954-8) John Ehle presents a very descriptive and detailed account of the actual Trail of Tears (Trail of the Weeping as Native Americans called it). Gives accounts of why the trail was necessary and how many people actually perished and why. 8) The Sixth Grandfather by John G. Neihardt (ISBN #0-8032-6564-6) John G. Neihardt presents the main teachings of Black Elk and the Lakota Sioux. 9) A Pilgrim's Journey Vol. 1:1986-1995 by Mark A. Baker (ISBN #1-880655-16-0) Mark A. Baker presents a detailed version of living as a Colonial woodsman and hunter. Flintlocks, moccasins, knapsacks, etc. are covered in depth just as an 18 th century survivor would have used them. 10) The 1837 Sketchbook of the Western Fur Trade by Rex Allen Norman (ISBN #1-880655-06-3) Rex Allen Norman gives a picturesque and impressive explanation of the dress, tools, and techniques of French trappers during the 19 th century. 11) In the Image of A. J. Miller by Shawn Webster (ISBN #0-9722308-3-1) Shawn Webster gives a modem depiction of his version of what the dress and equipment of the 19th century trapper. 12) God's Warrior by Ray Prince (ISBN # 0-920379-11-7) Ray Prince uses this publication in presenting his life story, from his birth in Canada to his experiences in WWII. A very religious and family centered person, one can learn much from this writing. 13) Navajo Made Easier by Ivry W. Goosen (ISBN #0-87358-023-0) Ivry W. Goosen attempts to give the reader a thorough description of the native Navajo language, not so much through English grammar but the necessary sounds and particular alphabet. The recommended tapes accompanying it are missing. 14) Secrets of the Sacred White Buffalo by G. Null (ISBN 0-7352-0008-4) Native American healing remedies, rites, and rituals. 15) The Grieving Indian by H. Arthur (ISBN 0-920379-07-9) Find hope and healing in dealing with grief, alcohol abuse, separation, anger, and forgiveness. 16) The Lakota Ritual of the Sweat Lodge by R. A. Bucko (ISBN 0-832-1272-0) History and contemporary practice of the sweat lodge. 17) The Gift of the Sacred Pipe by 1. E. Brown (ISBN 0-8061-2311-7) Based on Black Elk's account of the seven rites of the Oglala Sioux. 18) Realm of the Iroquois by Time Life Books (ISBN 0-8094-9437-X) Chronicles the times and history of the Iroquois. 19) The Pueblo Potter by Ruth L. Bunzel (ISBN 0-486-22875-4) A study of the creative imagination in primitive art. 20) North American Indians by George Catlin (ISBN 0-486-22119-9) Letters and notes on the manners and customs of Native Americans. 21) Sitting Bull by Steven Bodow (ISBN 0-8114-2328-X) A biography of Sitting Bull. 22) Two Old Women by Velma Wallace (ISBN 0-06-097584-9) A novel ofbetraya1, courage and survival. 23) American Indian Tribal Governments by Sharon O'Brien (ISBN 0-0861-2564-0) The struggle of the Indian tribes and their relationship with the government. 24) Navajo Code Talkers by Nathan Aesana (ISBN 0-0827-7589-6) American secret weapon of WWII. 25) If You Poison Us by Eichstaedt (ISBN 1-878610-40-6) Uranium mining and the negative impact on Native Americans. 26) Song of the Turtle by Ed Allen (ISBN 0-345-37525-4) American literature from 1974-1994. 27) Wounded Warriors by Doyle Arbogast (ISBN 0-9645066-0-2) The plight of Native Americans who rediscovered a pathway to healing. 28) Talking God by Tony Hillennan (ISBN 0-06-109918-X) Novel of tribal police and a murder with spiritual overtones on the reservation. 29) Cherokee Joe by C. Judd (ISBN 0-553-29420-2) An Indian wanted for many crimes goes home to see his dying father. 30) Blood Song by T. Johnson (ISBN 0-312-92921-8) The battle of Powder River and the beginning of the great Sioux War of 1876. 31) Fools Crow by James Welch (ISBN 0-1400-8937-3) Novel about Hopi Indians. 32) No Turning Back (ISBN 08263-0439-7) A Hopi Indian warrior's struggle to live in the white and Indian world. 33) Cherokee by Fitzgerald (ISBN 1-55868-603-7) Book of pictures and history of the Cherokee people. 34) White Man's Gospel by Craig Stephen Smith (ISBN 0-92-379-12-5) The telling of Christianity from the Native American point of view. 35) The Sacred PipelBlack Elk's Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux by Joseph E. Brown (ISBN 0-8061-2124-6) Black Elk's account of the seven rites of the Oglala Sioux. 36) 6 th Grandfather/Black Elk's Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux by Joseph E. Brown (ISBN 0-8032-6564-6) Black Elk's account of the seven rites of the Oglala Sioux. 37) The Last Ghost Dance by Brooke Medicine Eagle (ISBN 0-345-40031-3) Shares back ground and philosophy of tradition. 38) North American Indians by George Catlin (ISBN 0-14-243750-6) A story from George Catlin's travels from 1831-1837. 39) View from the Medicine Lodge by Jim Elk Great Waters (ISBN 1-931643-05-9) Collection of Native American essays, stories, and poems. 40) The Earth Shall Weep by James Wilson (ISBN 0-802l-3680-X) A history of the rise and fall of Native Americans. 41) Buffalo Woman Comes Singing by Brooke Medicine Eagle (ISBN 0-345-36143-1) The faith traditions of the Native American people and the woman's place in it. 42) Encyclopedia of American Indian Wars by 1. Keenan (ISBN 0-393-31915-6) An account of the complete and total destruction of the Native American people and the wars from 1492-1890. 43) Crazy Horse and Custer by S. E. Ambrose (ISBN 0-385-47966-Z) The telling of the morning of June 25, 1876 at the Little Big Hom. 44) The Aztecs by Richard Townsend (ISBN 0-500-28132-7) A complete account of an ancient proud people and Spanish conquest. 45) The Lakota Way by Joseph M. Marshall, III (ISBN 0-14-219609-6) The heart of Native American philosophy and a path of fulfilling a meaningful life. 46) Voices from the Trail of Tears by Vicki Rozema (ISBN 0-89587-271-4) The History of moving Native Americans west of the Mississippi River. 47) The First Fire by Jane Archer (ISBN 1-58979-201-7) Stories of Cherokee, Kickapoo, Kiowa, and Tiqua tribes myth, magic, and mayhem. 48) In the Shadow of Wounded Knee by Roger Di Silvesto (ISBN 13-978-0-8027) The hostile life and death of many men, women, and children. 49) Book of the Hopi by Frank Waters (ISBN 0-14-004527-9) Hopi mysticism combines Hopi art, history, tradition, myth, and folklore. 50) Rise and Fall of North American Indian by William Brandon (ISBN 1-58979-036-7) The rise and fall of the North American Indians from prehistory Geronimo. 51) Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown (ISBN 0-231-11571-7) Colombia guide to American Indian culture and history. 52) Spirits of the Earth by Bobby Lake-Thorn (ISBN 0-452-27650-0) A guide to Native American nature symbols, stories, and ceremonies. 53) A Sorrow in Our Heart by Allan W. Eckert (ISBN 0-553-56174-X) The life of Tecumseh. 54) Atlas of the North American Indian by Carl Waldman (ISBN 0-8160-3975-5) Atlas and index of North American Indians. 55) Journey of Crazy Horse by Joseph Marshall, III (ISBN 0-14-303621-1) A biography of the man who became the legend of the battle at the Little Big Horn. 56) Symbols of Native America by Heike Owusu (ISBN 0-8069-6347-6) Pottery, clothing, masks, and shields in everyday society. 57) ChiefJoseph by Kent Nerburn (ISBN 9-78-0-06-051301-6) The untold story of Chief Joseph. 58) Native American Wisdom by Kent Nerburn (ISBN 0-931432-78-2) Sayings, stories, and wisdom from long ago. 59) American Indian Myths and Legends by Richard Erdoes (ISBN 0-394-74018-1) 160 Tales of Native American mythic heritage. 60) American Indian Past and Present by Roger Nichols (ISBN 0-07-046499-5) Essays on history and figures of Red-White relations. 61) Bell Highwa1ker by Katherine Weist Narrative of a Northern Cheyenne Woman. 62) Black Elk Speaks by John Neihardt (ISBN 0-8032-8385-7) Story of Lakota visionary during late 19 th century. 63) Cheyenne Indians Volume 1 by George Grinnell (ISBN 0-8032-5771-6) The history and ways of the Cheyenne. 64) Cheyenne Indians Volume 2 by George Grinnell (ISBN 0-8032-5772-4) Cheyenne wars, ceremonies and religion. 65) Columbia Guide to American Indians of the Northeast by Kathleen Bragdon (ISBN 0-231-11453-2) Reference resource of the history and culture of entitled peoples. 66) Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes by Carl Waldman (ISBN 0-8160-3964-X) General overview of all major Native American tribes. 67) Indians of the Pacific Northeast by Ruth Underhill Basic lifestyle of northwest Indians. 68) Lakota Society by James Walker (ISBN 0-8032-9737-8) Traditions and culture of the Oglala Sioux. 69) Lewis and Clark Through Indian Eyes by Alvin Josephy (ISBN 1-4000-4267-4) Native American view of meeting Lewis and Clark. 70) Medicine Men by Thomas Lewis (0-8032-7939-6 and 0-8032-2890-2) Traditions and medicines of Oglala Sioux. 71) Native Americans in the Twentieth Century by James Olson (ISBN 0-252-01285-2) Comprehensive survey of Native American history. 72) Native American Sweat Lodge by Brachac (ISBN 0-89594-636-X) History and legends of the sweat lodge traditions. 73) Navajo Indians by Leigh Wood (ISBN 0-7910-2026-6) Overview of Navajo culture and traditions. 74) Pima Indian Legends by Anna Shaw (ISBN C-8165-0186-6) Folk tales of numerous Pima legends and heroes. 75) Twilight of the Sioux by John Neihardt (ISBN 0-8032-5734-1) The song of the Indian wars and the song of the Messiah. 76) Yawipi by William Powers (ISBN 0-8032-9706-8) Overview of Oglala rituals. 77) Lakota Myth by James R. Walker (ISBN 0-8032-9706-8) Myths and cultural details of the Teton Dakota Sioux. 78) A separate Reality by Carlos Castaneda (ISBN 0-671-83132-1) Teachings of Dan Juan on the Yaqui way of knowledge. 79) The First Eagle by Tony Hillerman (ISBN 0-06-109785-3) A book of fiction around the Navajo superstitions, ancient ceremonies, and living gods. 80) Shadow Woman by Thomas Perry (ISBN 0-8041-1539-7) A fictional book of an American Indian woman detective and a suspenseful thriller. 81) The Education of Little Tree by Rennard Strickland (ISBN 0-8263-0879-1) A true story of Cherokee boyhood life and is filled with love and respect for the Indian way of life. 82) The Indians of New Jersey by M. R. Harrington (ISBN 63-15519) Authentic story about the Indians who once lived in New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania. 83) The Life of Harold Sellers Colton by Jimmy H. Miller (ISBN 0-912586-70-2) The Hopi Indians and the creation of the Museum of Northern Arizona. 84) Paint the Wind by Beatien Yazz (ISBN 58-12378) Stories of the Navajo way of life. 85) Voices of Om Ancestors by Dhyani Ywahoo (ISBN 0-87773-410-0) This book teaches practical ways of transforming obstacles of happiness and good relationships, fulfilling one's life purpose, manifesting peace and abundance, and renewing the planet. 86) Native American Songs and Poems by Steven Palme (ISBN 0-486-29450-1) Taken together these poems offer an intimate and revealing record of the Native American response to the world from time honored chants and songs. 87) How the Loon Lost Her Voice by Anne Cameron (ISBN 0-920080-55-3) A famous northwest coast Indian myth sometimes called "Raven Steals the Light." 88) Raven and Snipe by Anne Cameron (ISBN 1-55017-037-6) An Indian myth of generosity and greed. 89) Lazy Boy by Anne Cameron (ISBN 0-920080-63-4) An Indian myth of gluttony and selfishness. 90) The Way We Lived by Malcolm Margolin (ISBN 0-930588-04-5) A book of California Indian stories and songs. 91) Earth Power Coming by Simon 1. Ortiz (ISBN 0-912586-50-8) Short fiction works by Native Americans. 92) One Indian and Two Chiefs by Ralph Salisbury (ISBN 0-9125886-73-7) Stories of an offering to the spirit of human goodness, which unites all people in the eternal struggle against evil, a struggle to prevail against global destruction. 93) The Navajos by Peter Iverson (ISBN 0-7910-0390-6) The story of the Navajos the largest Native American tribe in the United States. 94) Son of the Forest and Other Writings by William Apess (ISBN 1-55849-107-4) The complete writings of William Apess a Pequot. 95) The Business of Fancy Dancing by Sherman Alexie (ISBN 0-914610-00-7) Forty poems and five stories describing Native Americans. 96) The Lost Civilization by T. Patrick Culbert (ISBN 0-06-041448-0) The story of the classic Maya Indians. 97) When the Tree Flowered by John G. Neihardt (ISBN 0-8032-8363-6) The story of the eagle voice and a Sioux Indian. 98) Ojibway Ceremonies by Basil Johnston (ISBN 0-8032-7573-0) A rare and fascinating glimpse of the Ojibway culture. 99) Wooden Legs by Thomas B. Marquis (ISBN 0-8032-8288-5) A historical Native American view and interview of "Wooden Legs" life and account of the Battle of the Little Big Hom. 100) God Is Red: A Native View of Religion by Vine Deloria, Jf. (ISBN 1-55591-176-5) An and often witty critique of non-Native religion through Native eyes, showing the contrast between Christianity and the naturalistic religion of Native Americans. 101) The Pipe and Christ by William Stolzman (ISBN 1-877976-00-8) An explanation of the native rituals and how they are related to the Christian way. 102) Wisdom of the Elders: Sacred Native Stories of Nature by David Suzuki (ISBN 0-553-37263-7) This book collects the sacred wisdom of the Sioux, Pueblo, Hopi, Navajo, and other Native American peoples to show how we create our own sacred ecology. 103) Eagle Vision: Return of the Hoop by Ed McGaa (ISBN 0-9645173-6-1) Tells a true story of a people who regained their hoop. 104) Wisdomkeepers: Meetings with Native American Spiritual Elders by Steve Wall (ISBN 0-941831-66-3) This book takes you on an extraordinary spirit journey in to the lives, minds, and natural world philosophy of Native American Spiritual Elders. 105) Indian Healings: Shamanic Ceremonialism in the Northwest Today by Jilek (ISBN 0-88839-120-X) Main purpose is to disspell misconceptions and negative opinions by showing the traditional rituals to have well-defined and integrated therapeutic results. 106) The Spiritual Legacy of the American Indian by Joseph Brown (ISBN 0-8245-0618-9) Explains what it means to be an American Indian and offers answers to the questions of why and how the Indian will endure. 107) Plenty-Coups: Chief of the Crows by Lindemman (ISBN 0-8032-8018-1) A classic account of the nomadic, spiritual, and warring life of plains Indians before they were forced onto reservations. 108) The Crow Indians by Robert Lowie (ISBN 0-8032-8027-0) Showcases many facets of Crow life including ceremonies, religious beliefs, and a rich storytelling tradition. 109) Oglala Women: Myth, Ritual and Reality by Marla Powers (ISBN 0-226-67749-4) Portrayal of Oglala women. 110) Walking the Rez by Jim Northrup (ISBN 0-89658-321-X) The life of the a Chippewa and his friends on the rez as told in clean, simple, and humor. 111) Handbook of American Indian Religious Freedom by Vecsey (ISBN 0-8245-1067-4) This book is both a manifesto decrying policies that endanger American Indian religious traditions and a manual showing ways in which the traditions might be protected and promoted. 112) The Red Road to Wellbriety in the Native American Way by White Bison (0-9719904-0-9) The book about a Red Road Medicine Wheel journey to sobriety. 113) The Mishomis Book: The Voice of the Ojibwe by Benton-Banai (ISBN 1-893487-00-8) To provide to the reader an accurate and undistorted account of the culture and history of the Ojibwe people. 114) Native Spirit and the Sun Dance Way by Thomas Yellowtail (ISBN 1-933316-27-6) Conversations about Thomas Yellowtail a revered Sun Dance chief of the Crow Indian tribe. 115) Turtle Meat (and Other Stories) by Joseph Bruchac (ISBN 0-930100-49-2) A collection of Native American folk stories. 116) Native American Stories by Joseph Bruchac (ISBN 1-55591-094-7) A collection of myths drawn from the Native cultures of North America 117) Apache Medicine Men by John Bourke (ISBN 0-486-27842-5) The role of medicine-men in the Apache culture. 118) Meditations with The Navajo by Gerald Hausman (ISBN 0-939680-39-4) Prayer-Songs & stories of healing and harmony. This book brings the reader into communion with the Navajo and their society. 119) Dancing with the Wheel (The Medicine Wheel Workbook) by Crysalis Mulligan and Sun Bear (ISBN 0671-76732-1) The Native American philosophy behind the vision of the Medicine Wheel is that all things and beings on the earth are related and, therefore, must be in harmony for the earth to be balanced. This book teaches one how to apply this philosophy to one's daily life. 120) Shadowcatchers by Steve Wall (ISBN 0-06-092672-4) In this book acclaimed photographer and writer Steve Wall takes his readers on a quest for the elders of Native America, experiencing the powerful effects of Native American spirituality. 121) American Indian Medicine by Virgil Vogel (ISBN 0-8061-2293-5) An essay on the medical aspects of Native American history, folklore, pharmacology and botany. 122) Days of Obsidian/Days of Grace by Al Hunter; Denise Sweet; Jim Northrup & Adrian Louis (ISBN 09641986-0-6) Selected poetry and prose by four Native American writers. 123) Indian Givers by Jack Weatherford (ISBN 0-449-90496-2) In this book, the author tells the compelling story fo how the cultural, social and political practices of Native Americans have transformed the way life is lived throughout the world. 124) Black Elk (The Sacred Ways of A Lakota) by Wallace Black Elk & William Lyons (ISBN 0-06-250074-0) An account of the shaman's world and how it is entered. 125) Over the Earth I Come (The Great Sioux Uprising of 1862 by Duane Schultz (ISBN 0-312-09360-8) Recounting the Sioux uprising of 1862 - in reaction to 38 Indians being hanged in Mankato, MN. 126) The Road to Wounded Knee by John Koster and Robert Burnette The story of Wounded Knee I in 1890 and Wounded Knee II in 1973. Why it happened and what led up to it. 127) Native American Dance (Ceremonies and Social Traditions by Charlotte Beth (ISBN 1-56373-021-9) This book describes the social, cultural, aesthetic and spiritual strains of Native American society that radiate from dance. 128) The Trail of Tears by Gloria Jahoda (ISBN 0-517-14677-0) The story of American Indian removals. Between 1830 and 1850 more than fifty tribes were uprooted from their homelands and marched into the alien lands of the west. The bitter trail of sad events that led inexorably to the final massacre at Wounded Knee began with the Trail of Tears. 129) Standing in the Light (A Lokota way of Seeing) by R. D. Theisz and Severt Young Bear (ISBN 0-8032-9912-5) An inside view of the Lakota world. The meaning of Lakota song and dance, of their history and what it means to be Lakota in America today. 130) The Indian in America Today by Keith Pearson (ISBN 0-15-376079-6) A brief history of Indian-white relations and the role that Native American societies have played in the development of the United States. 131) Red Earth / White Lies by Vine Deloria Jr. (ISBN 1-55591-388-1) Claiming that science has created a largely fictional scenario for American Indians in prehistoric North America, Deloria offers an alternative view of the continent's history as seen through the eyes and memories of Native Americans. 132) Journey into Nature (a Spiritual Adventure) by Michael Roads (ISBN 0-915811-19-7) The nature of energy and the foundations of personal power. 133) The Indian Heritage of America by Alvin Josephy Jr. (ISBN 0-395-57320-3) This book details the history, archeology and ethnology of major Native American Cultures. 134) Black Hills / White Justice by Edward Lazarus (ISBN 0-06-092207-9) This book recounts the historical relations between the U.S. and Sioux Nations from 1775 to present 135) Voice of the Wind by Edmonds Clark (ISBN 0-8160-2749-8) Over 130 Native American legends. 136) Voice of the Turtle by Paul Allen (ISBN 0-345-39505-0) Native American narrative literature from 1900-1970. 137) One Vast Winter Count by Colin Calloway (0-8032-1530-4) Native American experiences from the Appalachians to the Pacific from prehistory to the 19 th century. 139) Native New Yorkers by Evan Pritchard (1-57178-107-2) An account of the Algonquin civilization that flourished in the area that is now New York. 140) Animal Speak by Ted Andrews (ISBN 0-87542-028-1) By understanding the language of animals, techniques for reading signs in nature. 141) Authentic Indian Designs by Maria Naylor (ISBN 0-486-23170-4) An illustrated report from the Bureau of American Ethnology. 142) The Spiritual Legacy of the American Indian: Commemorative Edition with Letters while Living with Black Elk by Joseph Brown (ISBN: 1933316365) The book offers insights into the world of pre-reservation Indians through communications received from old time Indian leaders. 143) Lakota Belief and Ritual by lR. Walker (ISBN: 0803297319 or ISBN: 978 - 0803297319) Oral History of Sioux tradition. 144) The Book of the Hopi by Frank Waters (ISBN: 978-0345275738) Collection of Hopi stories. 145) Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux by John Neihardt and Vine Deloria (ISBN: 978 - 0803283855 or 0803283857). The story of the Lakota visionary and healer Nicholas Black Elk. 146) Native American Spirituality of the Eastern Woodlands: Sacred Myths, Dreams, Visions, Speeches, Healing Formulas, Rituals and Ceremonials by Elizabeth Tooker (ISBN: 0809122561 or 9780809122561) A book about the sacred traditions of the Iroquois, Menominee, Delaware, Cherokee tribes. 147) Native American Dance: Ceremonies and Social Traditions by National Museum of the American Indian - Charlotte Heth (ISBN- 10: 1563730219 or ISBN - 13: 978-1563730214) Essays on Native American dance traditions and their meaning, origin and evolution. 148) The Red Road to Sobriety, by White Bison, ISBN #0-9719904-0-9, published by White Bison Inc., c2002. This book is about a religious Red Road, Medicine Wheel journey to wellbriety to become sober and well in a Native American cultural way. 149) The Montana Cree, A Study in Religious Persistence, by Verne Dusenberry. ISBN #0-8061-3025-3, published by the University of Oklahoma Press, c1962. This book is a study of religion as a sustaining force in American Indian life. On the small Rocky Boy reservation in northern Montana, the Cree Indians provide an example of how a people transplanted and persecuted throughout their history can maintain and develop a tribal identity and unity through the continuance oftheir religious values. 150) The Aztecs, by Nigel Davies, ISBN #0-8061-1691-9, published by Macmillan London Ltd., cl973. The extraordinary story ofthe Aztecs, from their rude beginnings to their rise to power and domination ofMesoamerica and their defeat at the hands ofthe Spanish conquistadores. 151) The Apaches, by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve, ISBN #0-8234-1287-3, published by A First Americans Book, cl997. Describes the social structure, daily life, religion, government relations and history of the Apache people. 152) The Native American Almanac, by Arlene Hirschfelder, ISBN #0-671-85012-1, Hall General Reference, c1993. published by Prentice This essential source book provides information on every aspect of contemporary Native American life from tribes, treaties, and government to language, and literature, religion and art. 153) Legends Told By The Old People, by Adolf Hungry Wolf. ISBN: #0-913990-71-X, by the Book Publishing Company or Good Medicine Books c1972. The religious stories are a random selection of countless numbers of stories recorded by tribal elders. They are published to instruct the next generation how to live, and how not to live. 154) Encyclopedia of Native American Religions, by Arlene Hirschfelder & Paulette Molin. ISBN #0-81604653-0, published by Checkmark Books an imprint of Facts On File Inc., c2000. This book is a comprehensive resource to the religions, traditions, and practices of the Native Americans. It is a major resource manual. 155) The Dance House, by Joseph Marshall ill. ISBN:1-878610-66-X, published by Red Crane Books, c1998. This book is a combination of essays and short stories based on incidents or events which took place on the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota. The essays discuss mystic experiences, Native Americans spirituality and culture, Indian ranchers, and the hard scrabble life on the high plains. 156) Five Indian Tribes of the Upper Missouri, by Edwin Thompson Denig.(ISBN # 0-8061-1308-1), published by University of Oklahoma Press, (1961). A close-up eyewitness account of how things really were on the Upper Missouri between 1833-1855. Written by a merchant of the American Fur Company who lived among the Plains tribes for 22 years. 157) The Native Americans, by Colin F. Taylor, (ISBN # 0-8317-6393-0), published by Salamander Books Ltd., (1991). A book that explores the beginnings of the Indigenous People of North America. 158) My People, by William Camus, (ISBN #0-7651-9104-0), published by Smithmark Publishers Inc., (1995). A religious history of the Native American. 159) Fools Crow, by Thomas E. Mails, (ISBN #0-8032-8174-9), published by First Bison Book printing, (1979). This book is based on interviews conducted in the 1970's. Fools Crow was a holy man and describes his vision quests and becoming a medicine man. 160) The New Warriors: Native American Leaders since 1900, by R. David Edmunds. (ISBN #0-8032-1820-6), published by University of Nebraska Press, c2001. This book profiles Native men and women who have played a significant role in the affairs of their communities and of the nation over the course of the twentieth century. 161) The Dream Seekers- Native American Visionary Traditions of the Great Plains, by Lee Irwin, (ISBN #08061-2893-3), published by University of Oklahoma Press, c 1994. The author examines 350 spiritual dreams from 150 years of published and unpublished sources to describe the shared features of cosmology for twenty-three groups of plains Indians. 162) Dancing the Dream, the seven sacred paths of human transformation, by Jamie Sams. (ISBN #0-06251513-6), published by HarperCollins Publisher Inc. c1998. Widely recognized as one of the foremost teachers of Native American wisdom, Jamie Sams reveals the seven sacred paths of human spiritual development and explains how exploring each path leads to shifts in our personal relationships with the earth, our loved one, friends and communities, and most important, our own spiritual selves. 163) Lakota and Dakota Animal Wisdom Stories, by Mark W. McGinnis, (ISBN #1-877976-14-8), published by Tipi Press, c 1994. Stories demonstrating American Indian techniques of ascribing human behaviors to their animal, reptile, and bird relatives. 164) The Road to Disappearance, A History of the Creek Indians, by Angie Debo, ISBN: 0-8061-1532-7, published by the University of Oklahoma Press, (1941). The Creeks, from their great days as a powerful confederacy to the final destruction of their independent political identity by the Dawes Act. 165) Native American Studies in Higher Education, by Jay Strauss, ISBN: 0-7591-0125-6, (c2002) Native studies have increased and improved and has led to extraordinary achievement in higher education. 166) How To Practice, by Dalai Lama, ISBN: 0-7434-2708-4, published by Artia Books, (2002). A companion in the quest to practice morality, meditation and wisdom. 167) Return ofthe Sun- Native American Tales from the Northeast Woodlands, by Joseph Bruchac, ISBN: 089594-343-3, published by the Crossing Press, (c1990). Twenty-six native tales of life. 168) Book of the Hopi, by Frank Waters. ISBN #0-1400-4527-9, published by Penguin Group, 1963. Thirty elders of the ancient Hope tribe of Northern Arizona, freely reveal the Hopi world view for the first time in written form. 169) Sacred Objects and Sacred Places, Preserving Tribal Traditions, by Andrew Gulliford (2 books) ISBN #0-87081-560-1, published by the University Press of Colorado, c2000. This is a book about the ways in which Native Americans seek to preserve tribal religion and traditions and a sense of Indian identity after decades of misguided federal attempts to force them into the cultural mainstream. 170) Indian Healing, Chamanic Ceremonialism in the Pacific Northwest Today, by Wolfgang G. Jilek, M.D., ISBN #0-88839-120-X, published by Hancock House Publishers, cl982. This book places the revival of Indian ceremonialism into a factual and nmctional basis. The author aims at dispelling misconceptions and negative opinions by showing the traditional rituals to have well-determined and integrated therapeutic effects. 171) Sacred Revolt, the Muskogee's struggle for a New World, by Joel W. Martin. ISBN #0-8070-5403-4, published by Beacon Press, cl991. A study of one of the most important Native American rebellions in the history of the U.S. the 1813-1814 revolt of the people who were called Creek Indians. 172) The Shawnee Prophet, by R. David Edmunds, ISBN #0-8032-6711-8, published by University of Nebraska Press, cl983. Biographical study Tenskwatawa, the Shawnee Holy Man who is best known as the brother of Tecumseh. 173) Native American Spirituality, by Lee Irwin, ISBN #0-8032-8261-3, published by University of Nebraska Press, c2000. A stimulating, multidisciplinary set of essay by noted Native and non-Native scholars that explore the problems and prospects of understanding and writing about Native American spirituality in the twenty-first century. Video Media: 1) THE NATNE AMERICAN DOCUMENTARY SERIES - (Turner Video through Schlesinger) A) The Tribal People of the Northwest B) The Nations of the Northeast C) The People of the Great Plains I D) The People of the Great Plains IT E) The Natives of the Southwest 2) THE AMERICAN INDIAN COLLECTION (PBS) A) Winds of Change: A Matter of Promise (ISBN 1-56111-522-3) The struggle of Lumi, Navajo, and Onondaga tribes to preserve their culture within America.. B) Myths and Moundbuilders (ISBN 1-56111-523-1) Explores the mysterious mounds left behind by America's Native people. C) Geronimo and the Apache Resistance (ISBN 1-56111-526-6) A dramatic tale of this legendary medicine man, his people and their life long stmggle to maintain their ancestral lands. D) The Spirit of Crazy Horse (ISBN 1-56111-527-4) E) Seasons of the Navajo (ISBN 1-56111-528-2) 3) Crazy Horse and Custer The untold story of Custer 4) Native American Medicine, Wellspring Media A view of Native American Medicine 5) Tales of Wonder Volumes 1 & II (Rich Heape Films) Myth, legend, and fact of Native American healing. 6) Tahtonka: The Plains Indians and Their Buffalo Culture (Nauman Films) Historical documentary covering 300 years of plains Indians history from pre-horse period through the tragedy at Wounded Knee in 1890. 7) American Indian Prophecies II (ISBN 0-9621977-4-2) Wiconi Waste Productions Discusses the prophecies of the American Indians. 8) American Indian Prophecies III (ISBN 9621977-5-0) Wiconi Waste Productions Continuation of the prophecies. 9) Dance Styles Volume 1 Pow wow dance styles 10) Native American Men's & Women's Dance Styles Volume 2 (ISBN 1-889988-06-5) Full Circle Productions Pow wow dancing styles. 11) The West (PBS) PBS video of the west 1700s to today. 12) Windwalker A true accounting of 1800s Indian life. 13) Squanto, A Warrior's Tale Native American who defies incredible odds in his struggle for freedom. 14) Sacagawea, Heroine of the Lewis and Clark Journey A reenactment of the Lewis and Clark journey. 15) The Journey of Sacagawea PBS documentary of Sacagawea. 16) On the Pow Wow Trail Retracing the steps of a noble past. 17) Pow Wow Trail, Episode 1: The Drum The drum and its meaning. 18) Pow Wow Trail, Episode II: The Songs The songs and their meaning. 19) Pow Wow Trail, Episode Ill: The Dances The dances and their meaning. 20) Legacy: Native American Photography and Music A complete account through photography and music. 21) World of American Indian Dance The complete way of Native American Dance. 22) Lewis and Clark: Great Journey West National Geographic presentation of Lewis and Clark's Great Journey. 23) Into the Circles: An Introduction to the Pow Wow (Full Circle Communications) Special presentation of the pow wow. 24) Alanis Morissette: Live in the Navajo Nation A complete history of the 500 nations by Kevin Costner 25) Pocahontas (Good Times Entertainment) An account of her life. 26) Last of the Dogrnen (HBO Horne Video) Modem day life with an Ancient Indian tribe living as it did 200 years ago. 27) Sitting Bull (Alpha Horne Entertainment) An account of his life. 28) The New World (New Line Horne Entertainment) A true account of the life of Pocahontas. 29) Grey Owl (MGM Horne Entertainment) Story of Archie Grey Owl. 30) Return ofa Man Called Horse (CBS-FOX Video) Part 2 of the story. 31) Winterhawk Story of the greatest legend of the Blackfeet. 32) Dances With Wolves (MGM Horne Entertainment) Story of John Dunbar and the relationship he establishes with the Sioux tribe while assigned to an abandoned fort. 33) Little Big Man (Paramount Pictures) Adventures of a white man who spends much of his life with Indians. 34) Smoke Signals (Miramax Classics) Comedy about present day life on the reservation. 35) Indians of North America Documentary of the Yankton, Sioux, Seminole, Cheyenne, and Comanche Indians. 36) The West of the Imagination A documentary of the west through the eyes of artists-explorers George Catlin, Karl Bodmer, and Alfred Miller. 37) Winds of Change, a Matter of Promise About the Native Americans today and the challenges they face as they try to preserve their culture. 38) Wiping the Tears of Seven Generations (ISBN 1-880993-10-5) Kifam Productions Documentary of the Bigfoot memorial ride celebrating the resurgence of Lakota Sioux culture and spirituality. 39) 500 Nations, Invasion of the Coast Documentary of the first English settlements. 40) The Spirit of Crazy Horse An eye opening vision of the quest which has shaped the lives and destiny ofthe Sioux for six generations. 41) Seasons of the Navajo A sensitive portrait of the life untouched by the modem world. 42) Dakota A powerful story of love and conviction and family drama that comes straight from the heart. 43) Black Cloud A journey of self-discovery that will lead him to the greatest victory. 44) Wind River A tme story of a young white settler who is accepted as part of the Shoshone Indian tribe. 45) Religions of the World Native American Spirituality 46) Geronimo (Columbia Pictures) His tme story is both an action/adventure and a spiritual journey. 47) Dream Keeper From the heart of a story carne a young man's journey to the soul. 48) The Boys Pow wow songs recorded live across America. 49) Hidalgo Based on a true story. It is about a horse race across the Arabian desert involving a Native American rider and his spiritual journey. 50) 500 Nations Historical documentary hosted by Kevin Costner. (8 tape series by Tig Productions) 51) Last of His Tribe (HBO Video) Story of last surviving member of a California Indian tribe. 52) Native Spirit - The Sun Dance Way, 2 Discs set (ISBN 1-933316-32-2) World Wisdom Documentary on the sun dance way. The set includes conversation with Native American Elders John Arlee, Arvol Looking Horse, Janine Pease, Gordon Tootoosis, James Trosper and Ines Talamantez. 53) Gathering of Nations POW-WOW video series: 12 th annual Gathering of Nations POW-WOW 1995 13 th annual Gathering of Nations POW-WOW 1996 14th annual Gathering of Nations POW-WOW 1997 15 th annual Gathering of Nations POW-WOW 1998 16th annual Gathering of Nations POW-WOW 1999 Millennium Celebration 2000 th 18 annual Gathering of Nations POW-WOW 2001 19th annual Gathering of Nations POW-WOW 2002 20 th annual Gathering of Nations POW-WOW 2003 21 st annual Gathering of Nations POW-WOW 2004 22 nd annual Gathering of Nations POW-WOW 2005 n rd annual Gathering of Nations POW-WOW 2006 54) The Faithkeepers Chief of the Turtle Clan discusses his people's history and traditional values. 55) Fly With Eagles Indian Time 2 Native American performers bringing a message of unity and the environment. 56) Come into The Circle of The POW-WOW Guide on how to best enjoy attending a POW-WOW with interviews of elders, dancers and singers. 57) Running Brave The story about Native American Olympic Gold Medalist, Billy Mills. 58) Vision Dance Based on Lakota legends, uses contemporary and traditional Lakota dance forms. 59) Recovery from the Heart (A Journey Through the Twelve Steps) by Don Coyhis A four set videos series in which Don Coyhis blends the teachings of the Medicine Wheel, the Twelve Steps, and a system of principles, values and laws common to many Native American tribes. 60) I will Fight No More Forever (ISBN 0-927992-27-2) The heroic, tragic story ofthe Nez Perce indians and their leader, Chief Joseph. 61) Native American Healing in the 21 5t Century (ISBN 6-52645-65253-5) A comprehensive look at the healing practices of American Indians an how many of those natural remedies are applicable to today's alternative health-conscious society. 62) POW-WOW Time (Vol I) The Native American culture as it comes alive in an exciting gathering of champion dancers and singers from across the U. S. and Canada. 63) Wisconsin POW-WOW / Naamikaaged: Dancer for the People (two vol. set) (ISBN 0-9307-48004-3-00) These two videotapes illustrate the way in which pow-wows today incorporate historical traditions and modem innovations. 64) Within The Circle All contemporary dance styles are introduced and explained on this video - learn firsthand about today's Pow-Wows and be moved by its spirit. 65) The Native American Dance Series (vol. I - Fancy Dance) (ISBN 1-889988-15-40) Tribal elders tell the history of the Fancy War Dance. 66) The Medicine Wheel and the Twelve Steps (7 vol. set) Produced by White Bison 67) The Doe Boy (ISBN 0-7942-02241-1), Wellspring Video A young Cherokee boy cursed with the affliction of hemophilia mistakenly kills a doe, earning him the nickname "Doe Boy). 68) Spirit Bear (ISBN 0-96009-43669-8) A 15 year-old is rescued by a rare White Kennode bear. It changed his life from being a shy, stuttering daydreamer to being a political activist, which resulted in the largest land protection measure in the history of North America. 69) Native Land, Nomads of the Dawn with Jamake Highwater, Documentary, AISN: 1583500588,Wellspring Media, (2000) Through a tapestry of ritual dance, drama and storytelling the story of the nomads who discovered the Americas and created the complex civilizations of the Aztecs, Incas, and other tribes if traced. 70) Primal Mind with Jamake Highwater, Documentary, AISN1583500596, Wellspring Media, (2000) The video explores the differences in how American Indians and the people of the western or European heritage experience themselves. 71) Ojibwe Waasa Inaabidaa, We Look In All Directions, 6 Volume Set, Produced by Lorraine Noorgard, An in-depth look at the second largest tribe in North America, the Anishinaabe/Obijwe nation of the Upper Great Lakes Region. The six part series invites viewers to look through a portal of historical and contemporary scenes based upon six main themes of life. 72) The Medicine Wheel, Shenandoah Film Productions The story of First Nations spirituality told in the first person. Visually moving segments highlight the Sweat Lodge and Pipe ceremonies as the video explores the timelessness of the Wheel that may be at the center of native spirituality today. 73) Beat the Drum, Shenandoah Film Productions The view discusses the drum as the heartbeat of mother earth. In singing the songs to the drum, participants "talk to the spirits" Four First Nations musical perfonners and song-writers are profiled in the video. 74) Circle of Justice, Documentary, Kinetic USA, A documentary about going to prison to gain one's freedom. The story of three Native Anlerican offenders in a penitentiary who struggle with the issues of mercy and healing. A Native American Elder brings his wisdom into the prison and introduces the Native American inmates to their culture and spiritual traditions. 75) Eternal Drum, Shenandoah Film Productions Looks at the spiritual significance of the contemporary Pow-Wow. Participants explain the music, dance, dress and history of the Pow-wow. 76) Gewi Tah Bi Win - Return to the Circle, Shenandoah Film Productions The story of the Anishinabe people's journey toward health. 77) Way of the Warrior, The Quest Series - Shenandoah Film Productions A story of a Cherokee Native American desiring to impart his spiritual heritage to his son. 78) We Pray with Tobacco, Shenandoah Film Productions Documentary focuses on the sacred ritual use of tobacco to sanctify life and keep it in balance. 79) Legends of the Indians (8 Part Series) Shenandoah Film Productions Stories of various Indian nations including: The Return of the Child (Algonquin); The Winter Wife (Chippewa); Glooscap - The Path of Souls (Ojibway) 80) Ancient Spirit, Living Word, Visionmaker Video The Oral Tradition explores the traditional knowledge of Native Americans spanning hundreds of generations. Provides a portrait of oral tradition. Of how it works, and where it leads. 81) The Medicine Wheel The 12 Step Native American program of Alcoholics Anonymous (7-part series). ISBN: None, produced by White Bison, Copyright: None. A program about recovery, specifically created for Native men and women who are incarcerated. 82) Wellbriety Movement by ISBN: None, produced by White Bison Inc., cl999. The stories of Native Americans who have found sobriety. 83) Return To The Circle (2-part series) by ISBN: None, produced by American Indian Family Healing Center/ Tuolumne Films, c1994. A film that provides a holistic approach to recovery from substance abuse that includes attention to the spirit, mind, and body. 84) The Red Road to Sobriety ISBN: None, produced by Kifaru Productions, c1995. A talking circle of many respected Native American therapists and healers. 85) Yes, I am Not Inktomi, by ISBN: None, Produced by A Nauman Films Production, copyright: None. The story of Inktomi, the Native American Trickster, is played out with an artful blend oflegend, spiritual parables, and modem satire. 86) Wiping the Tears of Seven Generations, ISBN #1-880993-01-5, Produced by Kifaru Productions, c1992. 87) The award winning documentary of the Bigfoot memorial ride, to commemorate the lives lost at the WOlmded Knee Massacre. We pray With Tobacco. ISBN: None, produced by Petroglyph Productions, cl998. This documentary focuses on the cultural and spiritual uses of tobacco in the Native American World. 88) Hand Game, The Native North American Game of Power and Chance by Lawrence Johnson Productions, ISBN #None, Produced, copyrights: None. Unknown to most American, hand game, also called stick games or bone game, is the most widely played Native game in North America. 89) Gathering of Nations Powwow ISBN #None, produced by Fox 2.,.c2003. The twentieth annual World Celebration gathering of Nations Powwow in Albuquerque, New Mexico 2003. 90) Oglala Lakota Nation Powwow ISBN # None, produced by A Lakota Trail Product, copyright: None. The Sixteenth Annual Powwow of the Oglala Lakota Nation on the Pine Ridge 91) Reservation, South Dakota. Live and Remember, by Wo Kiksuye, produced by Solaris Lakota, cl997. Interviews with Lakota elders, medicine men, educators, traditional singers and dancers, as well a archival drawings and photographs. 92) Chiefs, produced by Life Size Entertainment, c2002. Documentary of the Wyoming Indian High School Chiefs basketball team in search of a state championship. 93) Your Humble Serpent, Rueben Snake; ISBN #1-880993-05-8, produced by Kifaru Production, cl996. An enlightening and inspiring look at a modem day American Indian spiritual and political leader and role model. 94) I Will Fight No More Forever, ISBN #0-927992-27-2, published by Heritage Entertainment, cl990. The heroic, tragic story of the Nez Perce Indians and their leader, Chief Joseph. 95) America's Great Indian Leaders, ISBN #1-56855-028-6, published by Questar Video Inc., cl995. Four stories of extraordinary courageous leaders who come forward, willing to die to preserve a way of life. 96) Fulfilling the Vision, produced by Solaris Lakota, c1992 Examines the struggle of the Sioux generation that came of age in the 70's and 80's to redefine the nation's identity. 97) Wind River, Produced by Porch Light Entertainment, cl997,(ISBN:1-58969-057-5) Two nations at war, one unexpected warrior. 98) Into The Circle. ISBN: None, produced by Full Circle Communications, copyright: None. This video is a colorful and informative guide on how best to enjoy attending powwow. 99) Elegant Visions: Native American Women's Clothing ISBN: None, Produced by Bartlesville Indian Women's Club, copyright: None. The Bartlesville Indian Women's Club presents their traditional dress style show, by modeling the most authentic tribal dresses. 100) Within the Circle. ISBN: None, Produced by Cool Runnings Production, c1998. This video is an informative guide on the singing groups and different styles of dance at a powwow. 101) Warrior Spirit, ISBN #1-57362-012-2, produced by Trimark Picture, c1994 Deep in the frozen Yukon wilderness, two boys on the trail of a secret are about to face the adventure of a lifetime and form a friendship that will withstand the test of time. 102) Cheyenne Warrior, New Horizons Home Video, c1999, ISBN #3-6991-3500-4. A tender story of love triumphing over fear and prejudice. 103) Contrary Warriors distributed by Direct Cinema Limited, Inc., ISBN: 1-55974-133-3, (c1990). A tribal leader, who has courage and skill saved Crow land and spirituality from destruction. 104) Coyote Waits distributed by PBS Pictures, ISBN: 0-7806-4604-5, (c2003) Two Navajo police are tracking a criminal. 105) Skinwalker distributed by Artwork, P.B.S, ISBN: 0-7936-9696-8, (c2004). Two officers work together from their traditions to find a criminal. Audio Media: 1) Teachings of the Medicine Wheel for Personal Growth-3 tape series (Coyhis Publishing Inc.) 2) Red Earth Singers (Indian House) - live at Bismark 3) Lakota Love Songs and Stories (Kevin Locke) 4) Ironwood Singers - traditional songs of the Sioux (Indian House) 5) Journeys - Native American Flute Music (Carlos Nakai) 6) White Eagle Singers - intertribal pow wow songs (Canyon Records Productions Inc.) 7) The Badland Singers - live at United Tribes (Indian House) 8) Black Lodge Singers - intertribal pow wow songs (Canyon Records Productions Inc.) 9) Chippewa - Canyon Records 10) The Night Is Sacred - Joseph Flying Bye - Center Records 11) Sacred Directions - Earl Bullhead - Sound of America Records 12) Songbird - Nest Studio 13) Cathedral Lake Singers - Firedrum Music Publishers 14) Smallboy Singers - Indian House 15) "49" Songs by Millard Clark and Tom Ware - Indian Sounds 16) Pow Wow Songs - Warm Springs - Indian Records 17) Thunder Mountain - Canyon Records 18) White Swan Singers - Turtle Island Music 19) Kicking Woman Singers - Sweetgrass Records 20) The Next Generation - Smokeytown Singers - Noc Bay Publishing Inc. 21) The Boyz - Turtle Music Productions 22) Have a Good Time - Red Bull Singers - Canyon Records 23) Umatilla Songs - Indian Records 24) Forever Dancing - White Fish Jr. - Sweetgrass Records 25) Lakota Sun Dance Songs - Taku Wakan - Red Road Recordings 26) Raven in the Snow - Bill Miller - Collection of Native American Music 27) Songs of the Chippewa - Native songs of the Chippewa (Ojibwe) tribe. 28) Three Worlds - Traditional and contemporary Native music 29) Kiowa Peyote Songs - Songs of the Native American Church 30) Chippewa - Collection of dance songs for Pow-Wow 31) Vision Quest - Guided visualization of the sacred teachings and songs used in Native Ceremonies. 32) Shadows - Native American flute music 33) Northern Cree - Pow-Wow songs 34) Living Hoop - Native songs and drums 35) Kiowa - Native songs of the Kiowa nation 36) Songs of the White Mountain Apache - Native songs 37) The Cisco Band - Native music 38) Herb Jeffries - Native music 39) Vincent Craig - Boarding School Fish Stories 40) White Fish Bay - Pow-Wow music 41) Red Bull - Pow-Wow music 42) Eya Bay - Pow-Wow music 43) Southern Cree - Pow-Wow music 44) Contest Songs - Pow-Wow music 45) Round Dance - Pow-Wow music 46) Black Eagle Singers - Pow-Wow music 47) Porcupine Singers - Pow-Wow music 48) Sioux Favorites - Pow-Wow music 49) Yankton Sioux music - Peyote Ceremonies 50) Rocky Boy Singers - Grass dance songs 51) Smoky Town Singers - Songs for the people 52) Northern Wind - 21 5t Century music 53) Ojibwe Language (I) - Language tape 54) Ojibwe Language (II) - Language tape 55) Lyz Jaakola - Two worlds songs 56) Northern Wind - Native songs 57) Sioux Grass Songs - Grass and Round dance 58) Fort Kipp Singers - Montana Grass songs 59) Horace Daukei - Peyote songs 60) Omacgnomenewak - Menominee language 61) Porcupine Singers - Trade Sioux songs 62) Pigeon Lake Singers - Cree Trail Songs 64) Mandaree Singers - Bismark N. Dakota Songs 65) American Indian Discussion - Asa Primeaux 66) Indian Springs School Discussion 67) The Stoneman Family - Peyote songs 68) Drums of the American Indians - Pow-Wow songs 69) Wakan Hoye Yapi - Sundance songs 70) Songs of the Black Feet - Horse society 71) Fools Crow - English Translation 72) Conversational Lakota - 6 CD set - (Wiconi Waste) 73) Lakota Yuwipi Man Gary Holy Bull - profiles of healing 74) Rain bird -Coyote Oldman - Drumming 75) Navajo Spirit - USA - Drum's/War Cries 76) Canyon Trilogy - R. Carlos Nakai - Sacred chanting 77) We Are All Related, Native American Meditation - Mitakuye Oyasin - Sounds of the Native area 78) United Tribes International Pow Wow (2 CD set) - Home of Champions - Soft Drums and Nature sounds 79) No. 1-7 Shamanic Journey - Michael Harner - Talk and ceremony of the Shamanic Journey 80) People of Peace - R. Carlos Nakai Quartet - Native American Music 81) Native American Chants and Dancing - Red Road Crossing - Chants for dancing 82) Native American Drums and Flute - North America - Flute and Nature sounds 83) Tribal Legends - Various Artists - Native Music and Earth Sounds 84) Spirit of the Native American Indians, Songs and Dances of the Kiowa, Comanche and Navajo Various Artists - Mystical Native American songs 85) Native Heart, the Spirit of the North American Indian - Various Artists - Native Drums and pow wows 86) The Best of Spirit Songs - Bill Miller - Flute and Drum music. 87) Ceremonial and War Dances - Various Artists - Ceremonial and War Dance music 88) Music From Native American Flutes - Tribal Winds - Flutes of Native America 89) Indian Songs and Dances of the Southwest - Various Artists - Songs of long ago times and pow wows 90) The Sacred Ones - Scent from Heaven - Chants from long ago 91) Native American Indian Chants and Dances - The Overtures - Various Native American Chants and Dances 92) Cedar Dream Songs - Bill Miller - Cedar Drum Songs 93) Lakota Pipe and Ceremonial Songs - Wahankanka - Lakota pipe and ceremonial songs 94) Dewachen - Kirby Shelstad - Lakota Drums 95) Flute Songs of the Kiowa and Comanche - Indian House - Various songs of the tribes 96) Spirit Dream - Reflections - Flute Melodies 97) Spirit Flutes - David Maracle - Mohawk Flute Melodies 98) Voices Across the Canyon - Canyon Records - Traditional and contemporary Native American music 99) Eagle Dances with The Wind - Red Tail Chasing Hawks Flute with keyboard - Canyon Records 100) Dessert Dance - Carlos Nakai - Flute music - Celestial Harmonies 101) Kokopelli' s Cafe - Carlos Nakai - Flute music - Canyon Records 102) Nakai (Inner Voices) - Carlos Nakai - Flute music - Canyon Records 103) Dine Prayer Peyote Songs - Water Drum and Gourd Rattle - Cool Runnings 104) World's Best 4ger Songs - Native songs 105) Lakota Thunder - Tribal songs handed down over the generations 106) Wakan Olowan Sacred Songs - Collection of sacred tribal songs 1(7) Northern Cree (In our Drum We Trust) - Inter-tribal music from the Cree Nation 1(8) Inipi Olowan - Songs for the purification Ceremony 1(9) Black Lodge Weasel Tails Dream - Pow-Wow songs from the Blackfeet Nation 110) Porcupine Singers - Traditional Lakota songs 111) Sons of the Oglalas - Traditional Sioux songs 112) Wopila - Lakota ceremonial songs 113) Young Kingbird (A Warrior's Cry) - inter-tribal songs 114) Reservation Blues (Soundtrack from movie) - Contemporary and traditional Native songs 115) The Red Road - Bill Miller - Native songs about Red Road 116) Jim Boyd - Reservation Bound - Collection of Native songs 117) Oibwe Waasa Inaabidaa: We Look In All Directions, CD Music Soundtrack, 118) The Night is Sacred, Artist: Joseph Flying Bye, Lakota Nation, Center Records, Minneapolis, Minnesota (2000) Ceremonial Pipe Songs 119) Friends, Do It This Way, Artist: Joseph Flying Bye, Lakota Nation, Center Records, Minneapolis, Minnesota, (2003) An interpretation of the Pipe Filling Song. 120) The Badland Singers - Live at Santa Fe 121) Battle river - Live From The Rez 122) Jay Begaye - The Long Walk 123) Blackhorse - Dineh Prayer Songs 124) Black Lodge Singers - Pow Wow People 125) BlackStone - Buffalo Cloud 126) The Boyz - Live At Haskell 127) Earl Bullhead - Walking The Red Road 128) Cathedral Lakes Singers - American Pow Wow 129) Cathedral Lake Singers - Live At Window Rock 130) Common Man Singers - Songs For The Common Man 131) Crazy Horse Singers - 1876 132) Mishi Donovan - The Spirit Within 133) Eyabay - Live 2000 134) Eyabay - No Limits 135) Gathering Of Nations Pow Wow 1999 136) Gray Horse Singers - Shake It Up 137) High Noon - On The Trail Again 138) Imipi Olowan - Songs For The Common Man 139) Lakota Thunder - Veteran's Songs 140) Mystic River - Straight At Ya 141) Primeaux & Mike - Gathering of Voices 142) Primeaux & Mike - Walk In Beauty 143) Buddy Red Bow - Black Hills Dreamer 144) Buddy Red Bow - Journey To The Spirit World 145) Red Cloud - Voices Of The 6th Generation 146) Stoney Park - Live At Schemitizun 147) Bear Creek: The Show Must Go On 148) Pass Creek: Generations 149) Nawang Khechog - Rhythms Of Peace 150) Hand Of Grandfather - (3 CD's) Music Of The First Nations 151) The Lakota Way by Joseph Marshall 152) My Relatives Say by Mary Louise Defender Wilson 153) Keepers of the Earth by Redfeather Woman 154) Litefoot, The Best ofMr. Foot, Produced by Red Vinyl Records, ISBN: 56954-96102, (cl999) Native American restorative justice story. 155) Eyabay, Volume Two, Produced by Sunshine Records, cl996, 74102024704. 156) Drum Groups., Produced by The Sour Corporation, cl999, 22871-12001. 157) White Swann Singers, Indian Summer, Produced by Turtle Island Music, c1997, 25225-30016. 158) Songs from Porcupine, Turtle Island Music, Produced by Turtle Island Music, cl997, 25225-300008. 159) Eyabay Live 2000, Powwow songs. Produced by Anchor Records Music, c1999, 78505-11182. 160) Bryan Akipa - The flute player- Traditional Dakota Flute with sounds of nature. Produced by Bryan Akipa, cl993, 03334-01052. 161) Douglas Spotted Eagle, Sacred Feeling. Produced by Soar Sound of America Records, e1998, 2287111092. 162) Burning Sky, Enter the Earth, Produced by a-m Records, c2000, 14431-04482. 163) Carlos Nakai, Emergence. Produced by Canyon Records Music, copyright: None, 2933-70609. 164) R. Carlos Nakai - William Eaton, Ancestral Voices. Produced by Carlos Nakai - William Eaton music, cI992,2933-77101-2 165) Airio Tribal Rhythm powwow.,Produced by Buffalo Moon Music, c2005, 03132-26602. 166) 167) Ro bert Mirabal, Music from a painted Cave., Produced by Silver Wave Records, c2001, 2158509272. Coyote Oldman, The Shape of Time, Produced by Xenotrope Music, c1995, (ISBN: 98205-1009-2.) 168) Elk Whistle, Ten Years Later, Produced by Sunshine Records, cl996, (ISBN: 74102-24704 169) Wildhorse, Breaking Loose Produced by Turtle Island Music, 25225-30019. 170) Eyabay, Powwow Songs Produced by Sunshine Records Music, c1999, 171) Native American Songs and Poems, by Brian Swann, ISBN: 0-486-29450-1, distributed by Dover Publications, Inc, © 1996) Native powwow music, cl998, 74105-25732. A carefully chosen collection of traditional religious song and contemporary poetry. 172) Mary Louise Defender Wilson, My Relatives Say, Produced by Maktche Music, Personal reflections from Mary Louise Defender Wilson's family. 173) Keith Bear-Joseph Fire Crow-Andrew Vasquez, The Lakota Way, Produced by Makch Music, (c2002) Lokota life. 174) Bearheart, Medicine Songs, Produced byU.M.A., c1992, 4621-20010-2. Native American Songs 175) Maddog Singers, Double Beat Songs, Produced by Indian House Music, c2000, 04724-46212. Standard Library Resources: Orthodox Print Media: 1) The Orthodox Church by Ware, Kallistos, Penguin,01401465631 1993, Briefbut thorough introduction to Orthodox history, faith and practice. 2) The Orthodox Way by Ware, Kallistos St.Vladimir's Seminary, 09138365831, 1995, Briefbut thorough introduction to Orthodox spirituality 3) The Orthodox Church, 455 Questions and Answers by Stanley Harakas, Light & Life, 87-082504,1987 Answers on various aspects of the Orthodox Faith 4) Becoming Orthodox by Peter Gillquist, Conciliar Press, 0-9622713-3-0 Journey of a group of Americans into Orthodoxy 5) The Orthodox Faith (4 Volumes),Thomas Hopko, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press,O86642-036-3 Basic comprehensive information on the faith and life of the Orthodox Church for the average reader 6) Introducing the Orthodox Church by Stanley Harakas, Light & Life,81-81309 Basic Introduction 7) Introducing the Orthodox Church by Anthony Coniaris 0937032255 A handbook for those seeking to understand Orthodoxy. 8) Father Arseny by Vera & Peter Bouteneff, translators, Human Kindness Foundation 0-88141-180-9 An amazing story of a Russian Orthodox priest imprisoned 9) Shepherd of Souls by The Life and Teachings of Elder Cleopa Ioanichie Balan, 2000, Incredible life and teachings of Elder Cleopa 10) Touching Heaven by John Oliver"I-888212-65-9 An American travels to Vaalam Monastery in Russia and encounters Orthodoxy. 11) Victory in the Unseen Warfare by Jack Sparks, Translator, Conciliar Press,0-9622713-6-5 This work has been revered as a classic on the spiritual warfare for over four hundred years. 12) Virtue in the Unseen Warfare by Jack Sparks, Translator, Conciliar Press,0-9622713-8-1 This work has been revered as a classic on the spiritual warfare for over four hundred years. 13) Prayer in the Unseen Warfare by Jack Sparks, Translator, Conciliar Press,I-888212-03-9 This work has been revered as a classic on the spiritual warfare for over four hundred years. 14) Divine Energy by Jon Braun, Conciliar Press,0-9622713-1-4 ,1991 The Orthodox Path to Christian Victory 15) Precious Vessels of the Holy Spirit by H. Middleton, Protecting Veil Press, 960-87614-0-9 Invaluable source of spiritual orientation and enlightenment for every seeker of Christian Orthodoxy. 16) Mountain of Silence by Kyriacos Markides0385500920 The exploration of spirituality on Mount Athos. An Unbroken Circle: Linking Ancient African Christianity to the African-American Experience,1997, Cornmon ground that exists between the Orthodox Church and those of African heritage 17) Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church by Vladimir Lossky, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 0-913836-31-1 Classic study of Orthodox theology 18) Orthodox Theology: An Introduction by Vladimir Lossky, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press,0-913836-43-5 Can we know God? What is the relation of the creation to the Creator? How did man fall, and how is he saved? Am I Saved? Theodore Bobosh"""The question, Am I Saved? is answered in all its Orthodox fullness. 19) Life in Christ by Nicholas Cabasilas, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press,0-913836-12-5 Man's true life lies not in himself, but in Christ 20) Orthodox Study Bible by Jack Sparks, ed.,Thomas Nelson, 0840783914,1993 Orthodox explanatory notes, maps, prayers, articles, etc. 21) The Bible and the Holy Fathers for Orthodox by Johanna Manley, editor, Monastery Books,0-9622536-0-X,1999 Daily Scripture readings for Orthodox Christians. Follows Orthodox calendars 21) Christ in the Psalms by Reardon, Patrick H., Conciliar Press, 1888212217,2000 Explains Christological psalms 22) Scripture and Tradition: The Bible and Its Interpretation in the Orthodox Church by Breck, John, St. Vladimir's SeminaryPress,0881412260,2001 Explains Orthodox exegesis within broader context of Holy Tradition 23) Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: Vol. 1: Matthew 1-13 by T. C. Oden and c.A. Hall, eds.,Intervarsity Press,0-8308-1486-8,200l From a larger commentary series quoting original sources of ancient Christian commentators. These are commentaries on the Gospels only. 24) Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: Vol. 2: Matthew 14-28 by T. C. Oden and C.A. Hall, eds.,Intervarsity Press,0-8308-1489-8,2002, 25) Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: Vol. 3: Mark by T. C. Oden and C.A. Hall, eds., Intervarsity Press,0-8308-1487-6, 1998, 26) Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: Vol. 3: Luke by T. C. Oden and c.A. Hall, eds.,Intervarsity Press,0-8308-1488-4,2003, 27) Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: Vol. 4: John by T. C. Oden and c.A. Hall, eds., Intervarsity Press, Not yet in print, Not yet in print, 28) Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs by Bercot, David (ed) Hendrickson, 1-56563-357-1,1998 Concise dictionary of early Christian beliefs using quotations of original sources. 29) The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. 1 by Roberts and Donaldson, eds."Hendrickson, 1-56563-083-1,1995 Original sources of earliest Christian writers from 2nd _3 rd cent. 30) The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. 7 by Roberts and Donaldson, eds., Hendrickson, 1-56563-089-0,1995 Includes original sources of Apostolic Teachings and liturgies 31) The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Vol. 9 by Philip Schaff, ed."Hendrickson, 1-56563-107-2,1995 Books and sermons by the most significant Orthodox preacher, St. John Chrysostom. 32) The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Vol. 10 by Philip Schaff, ed."Hendrickson 1-56563-109-9, 1995 33) The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Vol. 11 by Philip Schaff, ed. Hendrickson, 1-56563-110-2,1995 34) The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Vol. 12 by Philip Schaff, ed., Hendrickson 1-56563-111-0, 1995 35) The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Vol. 13 by Philip Schaff, ed. Hendrickson, 1-56563-113-7,1995 36) The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Vol. 14 by Philip Schaff, ed.,Hendrickson, 1-56563-115-3, 1995 37) Christ in Eastern Christian Thought by Meyendorff, John, St. Vladimirs's Seminary Press,0-913836-27-3,1987 Covers the development of Orthodox Christian theology in the Medieval period. 38) The Deification of Man by Mantzarides, Georgios, St. Vladimirs's Seminary Press 0-88141-027-6,1984 Covers the most significant movement in Orthodoxy during the Medieval period - 39) Hesychasm.On the Incarnation, St. Athanasius, St. Vladimirs's Seminary Press, 0-912836-40-0,1993 The definitive Orthodox explanation of the Incarnation On the Holy Spirit, 40) St. Basil the Great by St. Vladimirs's Seminary Press,0-913836-74-5, 1980 Classic Orthodox explanation of the Holy Spirit 41) Prayer Book, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Holy Transfiguration Monastery,O943405-01-7 Daily prayers, complines, akathist hymns, dismissal hymns, supplicatory canons, prayers for before and after Holy Communion. Hardbound. 42) Way of a Pilgrim and the Pilgrim Continues His Way, trans. G. Fedotov, R.M. French Journey of a Russian pilgrim to a life of inner prayer. 43) Daily Prayer for Orthodox Christians by Bear, Jan (ed),St. Ignatius of Antioch Press,1994 Daily cycle of prayers 44) Archimandrite Sophrony, St. Vladimirs' s Seminary Press,0-88141-194-9 A collection of articles on prayer and the spiritual life by a disciple of St. Silouan. 45) Living the Liturgy by Stanley Harakas, St. Vladimirs's Seminary Press, 0-937032-17-4 An easy to understand, direct and simple guide to real liturgical participation 46) A Monk of the Eastern Church by St. Vladimirs's Seminary Press, Takes the reader through the Sundays and feast days from the beginning of the year in September to the time of its completion after Pentecost. 47) The Incarnate God: Feasts of Christ and the Virgin Mary (Volumes 1&2) by Aslanov, Catherine ed., St. Vladimirs's SeminaryPress,0-88141-130-2, 1995 Exp lains each of the major feasts of the Orthodox Church. 48) Great Lent by Schmemann, Alexander, St. Vladimirs's Seminary Press,0-913836-04-4, 2001 Explains the meaning of the most important liturgical season. Evening prayer 49) Worship in the Orthodox Church, Nicholas Uspenski, St. Vladimirs's Seminary Press, 0-88141-011-X,1985 Development of Vespers and the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts Shape of the Liturgy, Dom Gregory DIX""traces the development of the Liturgy from its roots in the Synagogue and the Last Supper 50) Commentary on the Divine Liturgy by Nicholas Cabasilas, S1. Vladimirs's Seminary Press,0-913836-3 7-0 Good understanding of the theory and practice of worship in the Orthodox Church 51) The Fallaciously: the Complete Text by Nicodemas of the Holy Mountain (ed), Faber and Faber, 0-571-13013-5,1983 A vital collection of ancient monastic and ascetic texts. 52) Fallaciously: the Bible of Orthodox Spirituality by Coniaris, Anthony, Light and Life, 1-880971-38-0, 1998 A modem explanation of the Fallaciously 53) In the Heart of the Desert by Chrysavgis, John, World Wisdom,0-941532-51-8,2003 A compilation of the sayings of Orthodox desert Fathers. 54) Ladder of Divine Ascent by Climacus, John, Paulist, 0-8091-2330-4,1982 A Classic of ascetic spirituality 55) An Athonite Gerontikon by Holy Monastery of S1. Palamas, 1991 Collection of stories and teachings of the monks on M1. Athos 56) The Arena by Ignatius Brianchaninov, 1997 A manual in two parts, the first on the inner life, the second on outer conduct of a monk 57) Spiritual Meadow by John Moschus, One of the most important witness to early Christian monasticism 58) The Conferences by John Cassian Became the basis for the Rule of St. Benedict and through that entered the bloodstream of Western civilization. 59) Elder Joseph the Hesychast: Struggles, Experiences, Teachings, Holy Monastery of Vatopaidi, 60) Mary and the Fathers of the Church by Gambero, Luigi (ed),Ignatius Press, 0-89870-686-6, 1999 A Collection of Orthodox writings on the Mother of God 61) Orthodox Saints (4 Volumes) by Poulos, George, Holy Cross Seminary Press, 0-917651-64-2 0-917651-65-0 0-917651-66-9 0-917651-67-7 1990, Brief accounts of the lives of Orthodox Saints for each day of the liturgical year. 62) Prologue from Ochrid by Bishop Nikolai Velimirovic ,0-948298-05-7 Daily readings of the Saints with homily. 63) St. Nectarios of Aegina, by Constantine Cavamos, 0-914744-78-X A comprehensive life of this miracle-worker. 64) St. Seraphim of Sarov by Valentine Zander SVS Press,0913836-28-1 Life and teachings of Seraphim, staretz of the monastery of Sarov. 65) St. Silouan the Athonite by Archimandrite Sophrony Sakharov ,SVS Press, 0-88141-195-7 The life and teachings of St. Silouan of Mount Athos. 66) Lectures on the Christian Sacraments ,St. Cyril of Jerusalem, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press,0-913836-39-7,1977 A patristic series of classes for Christian catechumens. 67) Of Water and of the Spirit by Schmemann, Alexander, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 0-913836-10-9,1995 A modem explanation of Orthodox Holy Baptism 68) The Eucharist by Schmemann, Alexander, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press,0-88141-018-7, 1988 A modem explanation of Orthodox Holy Communion 69) The Meaning ofIcons by Leonid Ouspensky and Vladimir Lossky,St. Vladimir's Seminary Press,0-913836-99-0 Introduction into the meaning and the language of the icons 70) On the Divine Images, St. John of Damascus, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 0-91383662-1,1997 The definitive Patristic explanation of the importance of icons in Orthodoxy 71) Praying With Icons by Jim Forest, Orbis Books,I-57075-112-9, 1997 A guide to icons and prayer 72) Iconostasis by Pavel Florensky, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 0-88141-117-5, 1922 The significance of the icon: its philosophic depth, its spiritual history, its empirical technique 73) On the Holy Icons, St. Theodore the Studite, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 0-913836-76-1 The rejection of Christian images effectively denies God's incarnation 74) Ultimate Things, by Engleman, Dennis, Conciliar Press,0-9622713-9-x, 1995,The Orthodox perspective on the end times 75) Orthodoxy and Catholicism, by Pulcini, Theodore, Conciliar Press,99960986051, 1995 A non-polemical description of the differences between Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism. 76) Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism by Stamoolis, James (ed),Zondervan,0310235391,2004 Dialogue between Orthodox and evangelicals 77) The Sacred Gift of Life by Breck, John, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 0-912836-40-0, 1993 The Orthodox position on abortion and sexual issues Audio Media: 1) The following CDs can all be ordered from Light And Life Publishers; Light & Life Publishing, 4808 Park Glen Rd., Minneapolis, MN. 55416 Voice: (952) 925-3888 Fax: (952) 925-3918 2) The Akathist Hymn, AKATl42 ($16) Excerpts of the Akathist sung by Eikona-the angelic voices of Presbytera Stacey Dorrance, Presbytera Marika Brown and Chrysanthy Therianos. Running Time: 50:00. 3) All Saints of North America ALLS500 ($16) Selections from vespers and matins sung by students and graduates of the OCA's three seminaries. Directed by Prof. David Drillock. 4) Ancient Hymns for Modem Times ANCI699 ($17) Described as a spiritual voice from heaven, Presbytera Katerina Sitaras Makiej chants several hymns from the liturgy, matins and vespers in both English and Greek. One can almost smell the fragrance of the incense burning while listening to the voice of her prayer rising to heaven. Language: Greek. Running Time: 45 :07. 5) The Angels Are Rejoicing: Hymns of the Nativity of Our Lord ANGE150 ($17) Choir of the Vocal School at Novodrichy Convent. Ludmilla Arshavskaaya conducting. In Slavonic by the women's choir. 6) Apocalypse: The Book of Revelation Within Orthodox Christian Tradition (4-CD Set) APOC510 ($29) In this spoken word recording, Fr. Hopko grounds the place of the cryptic Book of Revelation within the context of the ongoing liturgical life of the Orthodox Christian Church: the symbols and words originating in the Hebrew scriptures demonstrate that the Book of Revelation not only has inspired the liturgy of the Church but also has been inspired by it. His pioneering approach establishes this scriptural text as a symbolic reflection of the early Christians' familiar language and liturgy, rather than a mysterious and cataclysmic prophecy. 7) Behold the Bridegroom Cometh BEH0550 ($11) Hymns of Holy Week sung by the Holy Transfiguration Monastery Choir. Language: Greek. 8) Byzantine Music in the New World (4 volumes) BYZA043 Vespers and Holy Week 9) Chant Traditions of the Orthodox Church CHAN142 ($17) Arranged for English language liturgical use, these superb chants are drawn from various musical traditions of the Orthodox Church. Running Time: 57:00. 10) Christ is Born CHRI184 ($17) Twenty-eight magnificent Orthodox hymns for the Nativity of Christ chanted by the Monks of Holy Cross Monastery. 11) Come Receive the Light COME210 ($17) Here are the immensely beautiful hymns of the midnight Orthros (Matins) of Great and Holy Pascha sung by three sisters with angelic voices: the Eikona Group. 12) Cross Culture Project - Volume 2 CROS015 ($17) Another great production by Jon Gillquist featuring talented Orthodox recording artists from coast to coast. Musical styles range from folk and rock to alt-country and jazz. 14 songs. 13) Cycles of Grace: Hymns from the Great Feasts CYCL100 ($25) This is a "first ever" recording of the hymn cycle of the Great Feasts, offering a cross section of contemporary and traditional Byzantine Chant arrangements, and presented in an accessible English chant. The 2 CD set includes a 26 page liner notebook with an overview of the Great Feasts, complete hymn texts and thoughts from Rev. Apostolos Hill. 14) The Divine Liturgy ofSt. John Chrysostom DZST910 ($16) The Divine Liturgy is celebrated by Metropolitan Isaiah at the Denver Cathedral. The liturgy is in both Greek and English while the music is all in Greek. James N. Maniatis conducts the Cathedral Choir. Language: Bilingual. 15) Divine Liturgy of the Orthodox Church DZOR110 ($17) St. Vladimir's Mixed Chorale sings the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. This recording contains the liturgy essentially complete and in liturgical order. 16) First Fruits: Byzantine Chant in English FIRS200 ($18) Twenty-four hymns. Includes: Magnificat, The Praises, God is the Lord, Nativity Troparion, Troparion of Pascha, Rich Men Have Turned Poor, 0 Lord, I Have Cried, etc. Running Time: 56:55. 17) For God So Loved the World...Hymns from Great Lent and Pascha FORG050 ($17) Twenty-two Lenten and Paschal hymns by famous composers sung by the All Saints of America Orthodox Church Choir. 18) The Gates of Repentance: Byzantine Hymns of Great Lent GATE055 ($17) This hugely popular recording of Byzantine chant has been re-released with 8 new hymns and complete liner notes and hymn text. Offers a wide range of Byzantine hymns from Great Lent and Holy Week. 19) God is With Us - Orthodox Hymns of the Liturgical Year GODI590 ($17) Includes a rich tapestry of Orthodox liturgical music including ancient melodies, traditional Slavic Chant, and music written by American-born composers, all sung in English. Running Time: 1:03:00. 20) Hymns of Paradise: Hymns of Life and Hope HYMN145 ($17) This is the hymnology of the Eastern Orthodox funeral service conveying the theological underpinnings of the Christian hope in the Resurrection. This Byzantine chant by Fr. Hill is a first in English. Running Time: 54:22. 21) The Mother of Light MOTH050 ($16) The angelic Eikona Group of sisters chant the Small Paraklesis to the Theotokos. 22) Mystical Supper: Byzantine Chant in English MYST175 ($18) Under the direction of Charles R. Marge, the Boston Byzantine Choir has drawn from a variety of sources to make Mystical Supper one of the first English settings ofSt. John Chrysostom's Liturgy done entirely in Byzantine Chant. Running Time: 60:58. 23) 0 Gladsome Light OGLA510 ($16) A selection of Byzantine hymns as well as original contemporary Christian songs sung by the Eikona group of sisters. Running Time: 45 :00. 24) Orthodox Hymns of Christmas OZHY150 ($17) Sung by the St. Vladimir's Seminary mixed Choir. Includes music by Ledkovsky, Bakhmetev, and Kastl'sky. 25) Rejoice, 0 Virgin REJ0332 ($18) Hymns to the Theotokos by the choir of SS Peter and Paul in Ben Lomond, California. 26) The Service of Great Vespers - Third Tone SERV190 ($16) The chanting group Eikona brings to you one of the pillar services of our Holy Orthodox Church, Great Vespers. Chant and learn the sublime and powerful hymns of this evening service which speak of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27) Songs by Eikona SONG125 ($16) Eleven songs by the angelic-voiced Eikona singers. Some of the titles are: He Makes Us One, Psalm 23, St. Ephraim's Prayer, Prodigal Daughter, etc. 28) The Simpler Things By Peter Jon Gillquist SIMPI00 ($18) Intensely reflective and full of hope and joy. Topics include love, friendships, thankfulness, faith, death and a return to innocence (the simpler things of life). The acoustic-folk style includes guitar, mandolin, cello and stand up base. 29) Thy Passion THYPI00 ($18) Byzantine chant of Holy Week from the Saturday of Lazarus through the third stasis of the Lamentations. Running Time: 72:30. 30) Vigil: Selections from the All-Night Vigil of the Orthodox Church VIGI225 ($17) Jubilant antiphonal singing and responsorial psalmody, chants, and anthems include: The Great Doxology (B. Ledkovsky), The Polyeleon (Mt. Athos), The Evlogitaria of the Resurrection (Ledkovsky), Psalm 103 (Hogolev), etc. Running Time: 59:00. 31) With the Voice of the Archangel WITH250 ($17) From the earliest days of the Christian Church, the solo voice has always played an important role in liturgical singing. In the Byzantine tradition, the art of the solo chanter (or psaltis) remains prominent to this day. Features Orthodox liturgical solos, duets and trios. 23 hymns from Annunciation, Great Lent, Holy Week, Pascha, Ascension, Pentecost, and the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul. Video Media: The following Videos can all be ordered from Light And Life Publishers: Light & Life Publishing 4808 Park Glen Rd. Minneapolis, MN. 55416 Voice: (952) 925-3888 Fax: (952) 925-3918 1) Alexander Solzhenitsyn ALEX520 ($20) His historic 1978 graduation speech at Harvard that diagnosed the sickness of Western civilization. 2) The Ancient Church ANCIl50 ($20) If you are wondering what happened to the original church of the Last Supper, you must see this video. It looks at the historical events that led to the Great Schism, the Protestant Reformation and the survival of the Orthodox Church over the past 2000 years. 3) Ancient Russian Icons: English Version ANCI849 ($20) VHS This video depicts some of the most beloved of all Russian icons, explaining the role of icons in traditional Russian Orthodox life. 4) Andrei Rublev ANDR500 ($40) It records the horrors that 15th century monk and icon painter, Andrei Rublev witnesses on his Dante-like journey into medieval Russia. The harrowing journey causes him to stop painting and almost despair, but he survives the cruelties ofthe brutal Tartar regime and creates dazzling works of art. 5) Baptism and Chrismation BAPT170 ($25) Immersion in water and anointing with Chrism (sanctified oil) convey the seal of the Holy Spirit and define Orthodox Christian tradition by which the Church opens its doors to embrace new members. The two Sacraments are separate and distinct, yet intimately related and have been celebrated together since the very early years of Christianity. This video presents the two Sacraments, along with three pre-baptismal rites and also examines the emphasis placed by Orthodox faithful on the baptism of a new member of the church. Running Time: 46:00. 6) Beauty Will Save the World BEAU490 VHS ($30) Filmed in the cities of Kiev, Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in numerous religious centers of Russian Orthodoxy, this program provides a unique examination of Russian Orthodoxy and the Russian state from Byzantine times to today. It focuses on the parallel course of Church and State, of priesthood and laity, of Byzantine tradition and Russian art. 7) Divine Liturgy Instructional DVD DZIN110 ($70) Produced in cooperation with the faculty and students of Hellenic College/Holy Cross Seminary. In two 30-minute sections. Part I introduces the liturgy and terminates with the Gospel lesson and sermon. Part II continues from the Cherubic Hymn to the end. An in-depth study guide for this video, entitled The Eternal Liturgy, is included. 8) Epiphany: Festival of Lights EPIP525 ($25) A new production shown on the NBC Hallmark Channel in 2003. Shows the celebration of the Baptism of Jesus (Theophany or Epiphany) as celebrated in Tarpon Springs, FL. Interview comments present the Orthodox meaning of Epiphany, including the ecological and social implication of the blessing of the waters. Superb visuals include historic sights in Israel and magnificent music and iconography. 9) From This Day FROM127 ($20)VHS An historical tribute to the first Russian missionaries to Alaska and the beloved St. Herman. Videotaped on the occasion of the 1994 anniversary. 10) Heaven on Earth: Orthodox Treasures of Siberia and North America HEAV07 5 ($19) VHS Based on the Heaven on Earth exhibit that toured the U.S. from 1994-1997. Produced by the Anchorage Museum Assn. and directed by Mirko Papadic, an Emmyaward winning documentarist, this video contains liturgical art from more than 40 churches in Alaska and the States, rare historic photos, an Aleut Choral accompaniment, and full narration. 11) Holy Image: Holy Space HOLY162 ($30) The history of iconography - from St. Luke to El Greco - is examined step by step in this superbly photographed video. A collection of over 80 icons and frescoes are analyzed in detail as to the significance of their portraiture and its symbolism. 12) Holy Unction HOLY327 ($25) The Orthodox Church has always viewed body and soul as inseparable, and for that reason has stressed the necessity of preserving both in good health. The Church provides the Sacrament of Holy Unction, following Jesus Christ's exhortation to his disciples to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast our demons, as an enduring sacrament of faith for the healing of sickness and the forgiveness of sins. 13) HolyWeek HOLY399 ($60) VHS 14) How to Make an Orthodox Prayer Rope HOWT179 ($20) This video very carefully and thoroughly teaches everything necessary to make prayer ropes for yourself and others with patience and perseverance, almost anyone, even children, can learn. In addition to demonstrating how to make the knots, two different ways of making the cross are shown, plus, what materials to use, how many knots to make, using beads, etc. 15) Icons and Icon Painting IZANII0 ($15) VHS This tape depicts, in sight, sound and music, the history of Icons, clearly describing the Old/New Testament beliefs, what islis not an Icon, Icon theology in light of traditional Christian faith including techniques of painting, colours, application of paints, etc. Beautifully done for the beginning learner and the advanced student. 16) Life of St. Innocent of Alaska LIFE252 ($35) VHS You will travel from Siberia to Alaska to Moscow with the Apostle to America, while viewing live video scenes of where he was born, lived and worked, along with icons and other images. Combines exterior life events with interior life seeking to understand how a poor orphan boy from a remote Siberian village could become a saint. 17) Mount Athos: A Thousand Years Are as One Day MOUNII0 ($50) VHS A sensitive study of one of the twenty great monasteries of Mount Athos, a thousand year old monastic republic in N. Greece - the famous Holy Mountain of the Orthodox church. A detailed picture of life in the 900 year old monastery of Simonos Petra. 18) Orthodox Christianity: The Fullness of Faith ORTH060 ($20) A briefjourney through an ancient and timeless tradition. Superb introduction to the Orthodox Church for nonOrthodox friends and relatives. Highlights scenes from the liturgy and Holy Week, offering an overview of church history along with inspirational interviews with clergy and laypeople. 19) Patmos: Echoes of the Apocalypse PATMII0 ($30) VHS As humankind increasingly recognizes how fragile our planet is, the words of St. John's revelation (Greek Apocalypse), written nearly 1900 years ago in a cave on Patmos, echo with even greater force. 20) Penance (Confession) PENAII0 ($25) The Sacrament of Penance (Confession) is the service during which a repentant Orthodox Christian makes his or her confession before God and the Church and receives absolution from God. This video provides a presentation of the Sacrament, as well as an incisive examination on the issues of sin, repentance, preparation for confession and the role of the priest in the Sacrament. 21) Purpose of Life: The Forgotten Ancient Christian Understanding PURP 100 ($13) VHS The forgotten ancient Christian understanding of the purpose of life as preserved throughout the ages in Orthodox Christianity. 22) The Return of the Icon RETUII0 ($25) The extraordinary study of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, its history, its journey into exile, and its momentous return home to Russia. Running Time: 01 :25:00. 23) The Saints (DVD set of 4 Volumes) Orthodox priests and iconographers discuss the lives and significance of these incredible saints. $24.95 each. SAIN250 Saints Nicholas, Haralambos and Anthony - Series One SAIN255 Saints George, Athanasios and John the Baptist - Series Two SAIN265 Saints Catherine, Peter, Basil and Constantine - Series Four SAIN270 Archangel Michael, Saints Demetrios, Helen and Nektarios - Series Five 24) The Story of the Twelve Apostles ST0R255 (DVD) $19.99 This History Channel special provides a revealing look at the group of poor tradesmen, handpicked by Jesus to carry out the most preposterous assignment ever given - to take his message to the whole world. But what happened to them after Jesus ascended? This program follows the lives of the twelve and shows how they went against incredible odds into all parts of the world. We learn of their unusual powers and of their extraordinary courage to face savage persecution. Most of them paid for their faith with their lives. Here is their inspiring story! 25) St. Paul in Greece STPAI07 (VHS, $14.99) This captivating program explores the route of Paul's second missionary journey and his adventures along the way. Host David Nunn takes us on a visit to Neapolis, Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Meteora, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus and Jerusalem. We see the original locations where the dramatic events of the Book of Acts took place. David unfolds the impact of Paul's message of the risen Savior upon those communities as we visualize the historical context of the Bible, making it a valuable learning resource for group or individual study. 26) The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity (1-3 Set) HIST195 ($50) Covers the early church from Jerusalem to the nations, Christianity and Hellenism, catacombs and persecution, early martyrs, administrative structure, birth of Byzantium, legalization of the church. Includes sections on church and state, ecumenical councils, the Nicene Creed, iconoclasm, Fathers of the Church, monasticism, the Hagia Sophia, the mission to the Slavs, the Great Schism, the Crusades and the fall of Byzantium. Covers the Church in captivity, Moscow the Third Rome, the Greek Revolution, the ancient patriarchates today, the New World, Russia after Communism, challenges for the future, and the essence of the Church. 27) The Trinity - St. Sergius Lavra Monastery: Its History and Life Today TRIN777 ($30) A not-to-be-missed adventure for all lovers of Russian arts, culture, history, monasticism and the Orthodox Church, this superbly-crafted video depicts the exquisite and awesome beauty and current life of the most important monastery in Russia, founded in 1340. 28) Welcome Home: A Journey to Antioch: The Story of the Antiochian Evangelical Orthodox Mission WELC050 ($17) This unique documentary contains compelling interviews and dramatic footage which vividly records this historic moment in the history of Orthodoxy in America. Contains inspiring testimonies to the Orthodox Church as the original Apostolic Church established by Jesus. 29) Where God Walked on Earth: The Monastery ofMt. Sinai WHERII0 ($30) VHS On the very site of the Burning Bush, lives today, as it has for the last 1,400 years, a monastic community of Christian Orthodox monks in what is known as the Monastery of St. Catherine at Mt. Sinai. The following videos can be ordered from: GOTELECOM (Greek Orthodox Telecommunications) 8 East 79 th Street, New York NY 10021 Tel: (212) 570-3588 • Fax (212) 774-0223 Toll-Free: 1-800-888-6835 Email: Web: 30) The Akathist Hymn: Salutations to the Virgin #19 (VHS) $24.95 This beautiful documentary pays tribute to the Theotokos (Mother of God) and explains the importance of her role as intercessor in the Orthodox Church. 31) The Other Holy Land #159 (DVD) $20.00 The one-hour documentary combines travelogue, art, and history in exploring the roots of Christianity in Turkey. Filmed in Turkey and the US, this program aired nationally on the Hallmark Channel. 32) Conversation With Bishop Kallistos #110 (VHS) $29.95 The renowned theologian Bishop Kallistos (Timothy) Ware, discusses Orthodoxy in the world and the Americas. Includes: -His personal journey to Orthodoxy -Being Orthodox in a non-Orthodox world -The role of the Ecumenical Patriarchate as leader of worldwide Orthodoxy in the 21 st century -The state of Orthodoxy today. Differences and similarities between East and West. -Orthodoxy's debt to Greek culture -The language issue in the United States 33) A Four Part Lecture Series by Bishop Kallistos Ware (VHS) $25 each or all four for $80. This four part series featuring the renowned Orthodox theologian, was videotaped at the Rose Hill College in Aiken, South Carolina. #111 The Glory Suffered: The Transfiguration of the Cross #112 The Glory Revealed: Complete God and Complete Man #113 The Glory Shared: The Transfiguration of the Cosmos #114 The Glory Proclaimed: Liturgical Celebration of the Transfiguration 34) The Holy Cross Live! Series Designed to teach introduce the basic teachings of Orthodox Christianity. These talks shows feature clergy and lay theologians who teach at Hellenic College/Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, MA. (VHS) $19.95 each or $199.50 for the set. #87 Orthodoxy: An Ancient Faith for the Modem World #88 The Bible in the Orthodox Church #89 Worship: The Soul of Orthodoxy #90 Prayer and Fasting: Dimensions of the Spiritual Life #91 Saints: Fathers and Mothers in the Faith #92 Music for our Souls - Part 1 #93 Music for our Souls - Part 2 #94 Ecclesia: The Art of the Orthodox Church #95 The Orthodox Church in Dialogue #96 Church and Life Issues #97 The Orthodox Church and Societal Concerns #98 Working as One #99 The Orthodox Way of Life 35) Holy Week 2000 #1552 DVD set. $50.00 Videotaped at St. Paul Cathedral in Hempstead NY. It was the first Holy Week celebrated by Archbishop Demetrios as Archbishop of North America.. A translation and explanation take us through the significance and importance of the Orthodox Christian Holy Week. 36) Synaxis (No order number) VHS. The historic meeting ofthe leaders of the holy Orthodox Patriarchates and Autocephalous Orthodox Churches, from around the world, is highlighted on this video. The Primates of Orthodox Christianity deliver a message of unity and fraternal love, and at the same time try to provide answers to the different problems burdening humanity today. The following videos can be ordered from: St Vladimir's Seminary Press 575 Scarsdale Road Crestwood, New York 10707-1699 U.S. Toll Free Phone: 1-800-204-2665 All others: 914-961-2203 Fax: 1-914-961-5456 (24 hours) Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (EST), Monday-Friday Website: E-Mail: 37) Death Of Christ, The (VHS) $15.95 The death of Jesus on the cross is at the heart of Paul's gospel. Beginning with the letters of Paul, Fr Paul Tarazi traces the Pauline proclamation through the Gospels to the era of persecution. 38) Holy Trinity, The (VHS) $19.95 Begins with the Gospel teaching about Jesus, and presents a compelling biblical vision of the relationship between God the Father, his Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. 39) Mary: Icon of Human Perfection (VHS) US $19.95 Drawing from the Bible and Orthodox tradition Fr Thomas Hopko shows how Mary is not the great exception, but the great example. 40) Reception of Converts, The (VHS) US $15.95 John H. Erickson, the Dean ofSt Vladimir's Seminary and professor of Church History, presents a survey of contemporary Orthodox practices for the reception of converts. 41) Resurrection, The (VHS) $19.95 Fr Paul Tarazi shows that Paul's understanding of the resurrection of Jesus is founded on the biblical conviction that the dead will be raised up for judgment at the end of time. 42) Salvation: An Orthodox Perspective (VHS) $15.95 Bishop Kallistos Ware explains the Orthodox view of salvation. The following videos can be ordered from: ST. INNOCENT / FIREBIRD Videos 9628 Hazelton Redford, MI 48239 313-535-9080! 43) Life ofSt. Innocent of Alaska ISBN 1-881211-56-8, VE-l ($35) The life and teachings of St. Innocent. 44) Orthodoxy in Alaska ISBN 1-881211-52-5, VE-2 ($25) Overview of Orthodoxy in Alaska, includes the Divine Liturgy. 45) Pilgrimage to Holy Russia ISBN 1-881211-30-4, VE-3 ($25) Pilgrimage to churches and holy sites in Russia. 46) Under The Protection of Grace ISBN 1881211-28-2, VE-6 ($25) The 1,000 Year History of the Orthodox Church in Russia. 47) THE TRINITY-ST. SERGIUS LAVRA MONASTERY ISBN 1881211-25-8, VE-7 ($25) Explains the history, buildings and icons of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra Monastery, from its founding in the 1340's until today. 48) Orthodox Sunday ISBN 1-881211-00-2, VE-13 ($20) Pan Orthodox Lenten Vespers Service. 49) Christ The Savior Cathedral - Moscow ISBN 1-881211-83-5, VE-20 ($25) How it was originally built, why it was destroyed, and how it was rebuilt. 50) Ancient Russian Icons ISBN 1-881211-92-4 VE-22 ($20) Icons and their meanings. Standard Library Project: Pagan Print Media: 1) Drawing Down the Moon by Adler, Margot Publisher: Penguin Group, 1997 ISBN: 014019536X A detailed history of little known and widely misunderstood movement that has come to be known as neo-paganism. 2) Animal-Speak: The Spiritual and Magical Powers of Creatures Great and Small by Andrews, Ted, Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd., 2002 ,ISBN:0875420281 This book will help you to learn the language of Nature (physical, spiritual, and magical) as it speaks to you every day; to read and apply what it says (through signs and omens), and in doing so help you to develop a greater reverence and respect for all live, and greater power and control in your own. 3) Animal-Wise: The Spirit Language and Signs of Nature by Andrews, Ted Publisher: Dragonhawk Publishing, 1999, ISBN: 1888767340 Discover the meaning of animals in dreams and in life. Learn how to interpret the signs of nature. Find your animal guardians and messengers. 4) Enchantment of the Faerie Realm: Communicate with Nature Spirits & Elements by Andrews, Ted, Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd., 1993, ISBN: 0875420028 Discover hidden truths in faerie tales and use them as pathways into the faerie realm and rediscover the magic and wonder within yourself. By opening to the hidden realm and their resources, you open your innate ability to work with energy and life at all levels. 5) Nature-Speak: Signs, Omens and Messages in Nature by Andrews, Ted, Publisher: Dragonhawk Publishing, 2003, ISBN: 1888767375 This book will assist you in discovering the hidden powers and significance of yourself as is reflected in nature. 6) Celtic Tree Mysteries by Blamires, Steve, ISBN: 1567180701 This book explains all the mystical properties of various trees. It also includes the ancient alphabet of the Ogram. 7) Goddess in Every Woman, New Psychology of Women by Bolen, Jean Shinoda Publisher: Harper Collins, 1985, ISBN: 006091291X A handbook for every woman intrigued by the source of her own mystery; an innovative look at a woman's psycho-spiritual characteristics. 8) The Complete Book of Witchcraft by Buckland, Raymond, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2002 ISBN: 0875420508 This revised and expanded edition contains infonnation for historical, philosophical and pragmatic approaches to Witchcraft; includes additional photographs and illustrations. 9) Scottish Witchcraft, The History & Magick of the Picts by Buckland, Raymond Publisher: Llewellyn, 2001, ISBN: 0875420575 Differing slightly from the Wicca of England, "Scottish Witchcraft" explores 'PectiWita', or the craft of the Picts, the mysterious early Celtic people. This book focuses less on the worship of the gods and more on the living and blending of magick into everyday life. 10) Wicca for Life: The Way of the Craft - From Birth to Summerland by Buckland, Raymond, Publisher: Citadel Press, 2001 ISBN: 0806524553 This book provides down-to-earth advice on how to embrace Wicca as a spiritual lifestyle path in a step-by-step fonnat. 11) The Witch Book: The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca, and Neo-Paganism by Buckland, Raymond, Publisher: Visible Ink Press, 2002 ISBN: 1578591147 An exhaustive A to Z exploration of people, places, events, literature and other matters related to the ever-timely and popular topic of witchcraft. 12) Wheel of the Year: Living the Magical Life by Campanelli, Pauline and Dan Publisher: Llewellyn, 1997 ISBN: 0875420915 Magic and rituals for days and weeks between the Sabbats. 13) Wiccan Beliefs & Practices by Cantrell, Gary Publisher: Llewellyn, 2001 ISBN: 1567181120 Written for the solitary witch or non-traditional small coven; includes crucial infonnation not found in other introductory Wiccan books. 14) Gems and Stones by Cayce, Edgar Publisher: Edgar Cayce Foundation, 1979 ISBN: 0876041101 A generalized list of gems and semi-precious stones and their corresponding occult properties. 15) Living Between Two Worlds: Challenges of the Modem Witch by Clifton, Chas. S. Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd., 1996 ISBN: 1567181511 Exciting infonnative and challenging to the contemporary reader. 16) By Oak, Ash, & Thorn by Conway, DJ., Publisher: Llewellyn, 2004 ISBN: 156718166X This book presents a modern system of Celtic shamanism, inspired by old writings that suggest the Druidic order was not the sole systems of Celtic religious practice. 17) Celtic Magic by Conway, DJ., Publisher: Llewellyn, 2002 ISBN: 0875421369 This book explores the ancient practice of Celtic magic, firmly rooted in the larger Celtic Pantheon, Nature and the Elements; includes various methods of spell work, ritual and meditation. 18) Norse Magic by Conway, D. 1. Publisher: Llewellyn, 2002 ISBN: 0875421377 Norse Magic has everything you need to learn in order to begin practicing Norse spirituality. Discover the history and religion of the Vikings, including Norse mythology, seasonal festivals, and magical techniques. 19) Wicca: The Complete Craft by Conway, DJ. Publisher: The Crossing Press, 2001 ISBN: 1580910920 A comprehensive overview of Wiccan philosophy, it dispels common misconceptions, and serves as a valuable primer for practicing Wicca as a spiritual lifestyle. 20) The Book of Thoth by Crowley, Aleister, Publisher: Weiser Books, 2002 ISBN: 0877282084 This book contains illustrations and explanations of the Thoth Tarot Deck (also known as the Crowley Deck), which incorporates numerological, astrological and Qabalistic symbols. 21) The Magickal Life by Crowley, Vivianne, Publisher: Penguin, 2003 ISBN: 014219624X A Wiccan collection of down-to-earth advice and detailed exercises that teach how to perform rituals for health, prosperity and love; provides practical guidance and spiritual wisdom. 22) Wicca, A Comprehensive Guide to the Old Religion in the Modern World by Crowley, Vivianne, Publisher: Element, 2003, ISBN: 0007169620 Called a "thorough and authoritative exposition of present-day Witchcraft" this book includes discussions of Wicca as a spiritual path, initiatory traditions, a description of Coven, how to develop personal magical powers, and finding the goddess/god within oneself. 23) Wiccan Warrior: Walking a Spiritual Path in a Sometimes Hostile World by Cuhulain, Kerr, Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd., 1951, ISBN: 1567182526 This book is a must for Wiccan and Witches of all stripes. If one of the Warrior archetypes doesn't fit your needs, another (or several others) will. Non-Wiccans will find much to admire and make use of, too. 24) Earth, Air, Fire & Water by Cunningham, Scott, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2003 ISBN: 0874521318 A handbook of contemporary fold magic designed to bring about beneficial personal transformation through understanding the elements of nature. 25) Living Wicca by Cunningham, Scott Publisher: Llewellyn, 2001, ISBN: 0875421849 This book contains a section of essays on topics important to the solitary Wicca practitioner. It also contains a section on daily prayers and rituals of offerings and thanks, along with guides to effective prayer and magick; also provides a recommended system for creating one's own Wicca tradition. 26) Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Cunningham, Scott Publisher: Llewellyn, 2002, ISBN: 0875421180 This book serves not only as a guide to the solitary practitioner of the Craft, but also provides a good survey ofWiccan theory and practice to the curious. 27) Witchccraft by Cunningham, Scott, Publisher: Llewellyn, 1998, ISBN: 0895423574 28) Celtic Lore & Legend by Curran, Dr. Bob (Ed.), Publisher: New Page, 2005 ISBN: l564l4786X This book seeks to provide an anthology of stories and myths spawned by the early Celtic people ofIreland, Cornwall, Scotland, Wales and Brittany. The author attempts to trace the development of these stories from their earliest roots, through literary history, to the writers of fiction who have used Celtic beliefs as a source of their own stories. 29) On Being Pagan by De Benoist, Alain, Publisher: Ultra, 2004, ISBN: 0972029222 Claiming that only the pagan deities of ancient Europe offer spiritual recourse to the present religious malaise, in this book the author directs the reader to rediscover the ancient well springs and fonts from which future greatness may once again flow. 30) A Wiccan Bible by Drew, AJ., Publisher: New Page, 2003, ISBN: 1564146669 The author presents this book as a guide to illustrate the many issues a person's religion should address and shows how he has been able to find answers to those issues through the practice of a modem religion that was based on some of the oldest principles of the ancient world. 31) Nordic Religions in the Viking Age by DuBois, Thomas, Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999, ISBN: 0812217144 This work unravels, for the first time, the history of the Nordic religions in the Viking Age, and shows how these ancient beliefs and their oral traditions incorporated both a myriad of local beliefs and aspects of foreign religions, mostly Christianity. 32) Candlelight Spells by Dunwich, Gerina, Publisher: Citadel Press, 1999 ISBN: 0806511060 A comprehensive guide to the traditional Sabbat feasts of the witch's year; contains recipes and rituals for their proper celebration. 33) Wicca Craft: The Modern Witch's Book of Herbs, Magick and Dreams by Dunwich, Gerina, Publisher: Citadel Press, 1991, ISBN: 0806512385 This book traces the origins of this positive, nature-based religion from the practices of brotherly love, harmony and respect for all life forms. 34) The Wiccan's Dictionary of Prophecy and Omens by Dunwich, Gerina, Publisher: Citadel, 1999, ISBN: 0806520671 This book details over two hundred methods of divination, from those used in antiquity to those in use today. It traces the history of these practices and provides examples of nearly every known divinatory art. 35) Gods and Myths of Northern Europe by Ellis-Davidson, H. R., Publisher: Penguin, 1965 ISBN: 0140136274 Davidson provides an accessible, scholarly overview of Norse deities and mythology, with emphasis on an overview of the nordic cosmos themes, and chapters dealing with stories involving specific deities. An excellent reference for anyone seeking an introduction to the Norse Mythos. 36) Myths and Symbols of Pagan Europe by Ellis-Davidson, H. R., Publisher: Syracuse University Press, 1989, ISBN: 0815624417 This book explores the questions of early Viking contact through Europe and provides insight into the life and activities of the early peoples in Europe. 37) The Solitary Druid: Walking the Path of Wisdom and Spirit by Ellison, Robert Lee (Skip) Publisher: Citadel Press, 2005, ISBN: 0806526750 This book provides information to the new practitioners of modern Druidry, focusing on the core teachings of contemporary Druidry. 38) The Witches'God: Lord of the Dance by Farrar, Janet and Stewart ,Publisher: Phoenix Publishing, 1989, ISBN: 0919345476 Documents legends, lore and rituals for connecting with a variety of pagan god forms throughout history. 39) The Witches' Goddess by Farrar, Janet and Stewart, Publisher: Phoenix, 1987 ISBN: 0919345913 An in-depth exploration of the Goddess concept in her many different aspects through out history and ways by which she may be honored in the present. 40) A Witches' Bible by Farrar, Janet and Stewart, Publishers: Phoenix Publications, 1996 ISBN: 0919345921 A comprehensive and revealing work on the principles, rituals and beliefs of modem witchcraft; collection includes two books in one volume. 41) Fortune Telling by Tarot Cards by Fenton, Sasha, Publisher: Aquarian Press, 1985 ISBN: 0850304458 Using the Prediction Tarot Deck, this book helps the beginning tarot card reader understand the meanings of the cards. 42) The Rites of Odin by Fitch, Edward, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2002, ISBN: 0875422241 The Rites of Odin is a complete sourcebook that brings the ancient values back to these turbulent times. What you read here is poetic and powerful, perfect for groups who have chose to follow the Old Ways, for families who wish to be unified by warm and close ceremonies, and for the solitary seeker. 43) Goddess Communion: Rituals and Meditations by Fox, Selena, Publisher: Circle Publications, 1989, ASIN: B000722EQ4 Transcripts of nine meditation and rituals including Great Goddess Chantdance, Isis Healing Temple, Healing with the Sea Goddess, Freedom with Lady Liberty, and more. 44) Midsummer: Magical Celebration of the Summer Solstice by Franklin, Anna Publisher: Llewellyn, 2002, ISBN: 0738700525 The longest day and shortest night is revealed as a day of warmth and light and a night of the Fey and magic; information on myths and lore, fairy contact, circle dancing, and divination. 45) Magical Meditations by Galenorn, Yasmine, Publisher: Crossing Press, 2003 ISBN: 1580911552 Explores the basic tenets of Pagan spiritual beliefs through a complete set of guided mental journeys featuring the Deities, Sabbats and Elements; an essential book for Pagans seeking to enrich their spiritual life. 46) Sacred Stones of the Goddess by Gillotte, Galen, Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, 2003 ISBN: 0738704008 This book incorporates crystals and semi-precious stones in talismanic magic, and includes guided meditations and prayers to the Goddess. 47) Baldwin: Springtime Rituals, Lore, and Celebration by Grimassi, Raven, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2001, ISBN: 1567182836 This book discusses the roots of Baldwin or "bright fire", the ancient Pagan festival celebrating springtime, nature's season of growth and renewal. The text also includes May Day magick and divination, recipes, crafts, springtime rituals and traditions, various myths and fairy/flower lore. 48) Wiccan Magick: Inner Teachings of the Craft by Grimassi, Raven, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2000, ISBN: 1567182550 This book allows the reader to uncover magick's bedrock - core principles, philosophy, and inner mechanics - and to understand fully its connections with Wicca's inner mysteries. 49) Myths of the Norsemen: From the Eddas and Sagas by Guerber, H. A., Publisher: Dover Publications, 1992, ISBN: 0486273482 Perhaps the richest collection of Northern mythology, this volume contains tales of the creation of the world, heroic deeds of gods and heroes, the machinations of Loki, and fantastical adventures of giants, dwarfs and elves. 50) The Celtic Book of Seasonal Meditations by Hamilton, Claire, Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser, 2003, ISBN: 1590030559 A practical celebration of the ancient Celts and their spirituality. Meditation topics include learning how to invoke nature, finding the" Well of Wisdom", learning appreciation for the natural rhythm of the year, and interpreting the symbols of nature. 51) Mythology by Hamilton, Edith, Publisher: Penguin Books, 1969, ISBN: 0451628039 The cumulative collection of myth stories and legends from around the world.. 52) Exploring Scrying: How to Divine the Future and Make the Most ofIt by Hawk, Ambrose Publisher: New Page Books, 2001, ISBN: 1564145034 This book takes an eclectic approach to helping the reader develop crying abilities, and explore several theories including psychological, parapsychological, and esoteric schools of thought that explain the skill of crying. 53) Celebrate the Solstice: Honoring the Earth's Seasonal Rhythms through Festival and Ceremony by Weinberg, Richard, Publisher: Theosophical Publishing House, 1993 ISBN: 0835606937 Practical suggestions for ecstatic seasonal renewal by celebrating the solstices. 54) Moon Watcher's Companion: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the Moon and More by Hennas, Donna, Publisher: Marlowe & Company, 2004 ISBN: 1569244669 Complete Moon-knowledge, including lunar science, myths, folk tales and old wives' tales, along with curious little known facts. 55) Portraits from the Past: Men, Gods and Runes by Hatter, Maddy, Publisher: Steve McAllen and Maddy Hatter, 1993, ISBN: not available A collection of brief stories of Asatruar, including Skarp-Hedin, Thorbjog, Njal, Erik the Red, and others. 56) A Runic Inspiration by Hatter, Maddy and Stephen A. McAllen, McAllen and Maddy Hatter, ISBN: not available Publisher: Steven A collection of runes, their mysterious meanings, application and inspiration. 57) Celebrating the Great Mother by Johnson, Ciat and Maura D. Shaw, Publisher: not available, ISBN: 08928155907 A handbook of practical, easy-to-follow earth honoring activities. 58) Candlemas: Feast of Flames by K, Amber and Azrael Arynn, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2001 ISBN: 073870797 This book is designed to provide the reader with myths and stories about the goddess Brigid, magick, recipes, information on festivals and feasts, spanning the length of winter, from the time of Candlemas to Imbolc. 59) Magic of the Norse Goddesses by Karsdottir, Alice, Publisher: Runa-Raven Press, 2003 ISBN: 1885972245 Provides new and dramatic teachings in a method that allows the ancient Norse goddesses to speak directly to those who seek their ageless wisdom. 60) Exploring the Northern Tradition by Krasskova, Galina, Publisher: New Page Books, 2005, ISBN: 1564147916 Provides a clear and concise view of the Heathen world view, its cosmology, values, ethics, and rituals. 61) The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Runes Knight, by Sirona, ISBN: 0806949945 Publisher: Sterling Provides an understanding of runes and describes the use and reading of them as a spiritual tool. 62) The Apple Branch: A Path to Celtic Ritual Kondratiev, by Alexei Publisher: Citadel Press, 2003, ISBN: 0806525029 Explores the spirituality of the Celtic world through its history, folklore, and language. Myths, legends and cultural figures, from Brigit to King Arthur, are used to illustrate how the ancient Celtic religion survives in the context of modem Christianity. 63) Modem Magick, Second Edition, Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts by Kraig, Donald Michael, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2003, ISBN: 0875423248 Called the "standard textbook" of practical magical knowledge for magicians worldwide, it is a must for the beginner as well as the advanced student who want to effect "change" and explore the "worlds" beyond the physical plane. 64) The Poetic Edda by Larrington, Carolyne, Oxford University Press, ISBN: 0192839462 Collection of Nordic mythological stories forming the basis of the Asatru religion. 65) Grain of Truth by Laird, Ross A., Publisher: Walker & Company, 2001, ISBN: 802713890, Reference Resource: Pagan A written meditation on the universal meaning of craft and creativity based on the Taoist symbols oflife energy; celebrates the discipline of craftsmanship an one's own powers of creativity. 66) The Elements of Ritual by Lipp, Deborah, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2003, ISBN: 07387030lX This book seeks to familiarize the reader with spiritual elements and their specific role in every phase of ritual. 67) Oxford Dictionary of Celtic Mythology by Mackillop, J., ISBN: 0198609671 This is a scholarly dictionary of terms used in the Celtic tradition. 68) Mabon: Celebrating the Autumn Equinox by Madden, Kristin, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2002 ISBN: 0738700908 The harvest which sustains us through the winter, the time of equal day and night, this book explores the history, legends, and traditions of the season that are honored from the Far East to the Celtic lands, from Scandinavia to South America. 69) Druids, The: Celtic Priests of Nature by Markdale, Jean, Publisher: Inner Traditions International, Ltd., 1999, ISBN: 0892817038 A comprehensive and revealing look at the druids and their fundamental role in Celtic society that dispels many of the misconceptions about these important religious figures and their doctrines. 70) Complete Idiot's Guide to Celtic Wisdom, The by McColman, 2003, ISBN: 0028644174 c., Publisher: Alpha, Introduces the world of Celtic wisdom; Spirituality, Wisdom, Traditions, Singers, Seers, and Sages. 71) Magic of the Celtic Gods and Goddesses by McColman, Carl and Kathryn Hinds Publisher: New Page Books, 2005, ISBN: 1564147835 Designed to help Pagans, Witches, and Druids connect specifically with the Celtic gods and goddesses in a truly deep, powerful, and spiritual way. 72) Ostara: Customs, Spells & Rituals for the Rites of Spring by McCoy, Edain, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2002, ISBN: 0738700827, Reference Resource: Pagan Information on Mother Earth 'n' the Spring, the Green Man, Persephone, Pan and Diana. Also includes divination, talismans, recipes of the seasons, crafts and Ostara rituals and traditions. 73) Sabbats: A Witch's Approach to Living the Old Ways by McCoy, Edain, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2004, ISBN: 1567186637 This book shows the reader how to mark the passing of time and honor each season with sacred ritual and seasonal craft work, ancient stories, and traditional recipes. 74) A Book of Uncommon Prayer by McAllen, Steve and Maddy Hatter, Publisher: Asatru Folk Assembly, 1994, ISBN: not available Small portions from the whole Edda, this book contains sections mainly from the Havamal; it seeks to enlighten the reader to their own true spiritual path. 75) Living Asatru: A Handbook of Simple Celebrations by McAllen, Stephen Publisher: Steve McAllen and Maddy Hatter, 1993, ISBN: not available This book is a practical guide to the celebration of the Asatru religion, beginning with the basics, to more advanced practices, and finally provides a month-to-month collection of suggested celebrations and observances. 76) The Rituals of Asatru by McAllen, Stephen, Publisher: World Tree Publications ISBN: not available This three-volume set, includes blots to honor Odin, Thor, Frey, etc., rites for burial, landtaking, and self-profession into the Asatru faith. 77) Vinnish Word Hoard by McAllen, Stephen, Publisher: Asatru Folk Assembly, 1999 ISBN: not available A helpful glossary of Asatru-related words and their meanings. 78) What is Asatru? By McAllen, Stephen, Publisher: Asatru Folk Assembly, 1985 ISBN: not available A compilation of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the history and origin of the Asatru religion; includes topics - basic tenet, good and evil, the after-life, origins of the universe and more. 79) Wisdom From the Edda by McAllen, Stephen, Publisher: Asatru Folk Assembly, 1981 ISBN: not available Small portions from the whole Edda, this book contains sections mainly from the Havamal, it seeks to enlighten readers to their own spiritual path. 80) Partner Earth: A Spiritual Ecology by Montgomery, Pam, Publisher: Inner Traditions International Ltd., 1997, ISBN: 0892817410 A well-respected herbalist describes how opening ourselves to the spirit forces of nature can promote personal well-being and restore a healthy relationship between humanity and the earth. 81) Simple Wicca by Morgan, Michele, Publisher: Castle Books 2002, ISBN: 0785815147 A simple approach to what might otherwise be considered overwhelming, this book approaches the study of Wicca from the point of experience first. 82) In Praise of the Crone: A Celebration of Feminine Maturity by Morrison, Dorothy, Publisher: Llewellyn, 1999, ISBN: 1567184685 A celebration of feminine maturity and the transitions associated with menopause. 83) Yule: A Celebration of Light and Warmth by Morrison, Dorothy, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2000, ISBN: 1567184960 A wealth of information on December holidays around the world. Includes lore of greenery and of lights, stories of the birth of the sun, and activities for the shortest day and longest night. 84) Green Magic: The Sacred Connection to Nature by Moura, Ann, Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltc., 2002, ISBN: 0738701815 A heritage of folk magic and Craft concepts that involve spiritism, ancient Celtic deities, herbal spells, Green Magic, reincarnation beliefs, and rules of using "the power." 85) The Book of Druidryby Nichols, Ross, Publisher: Thorsons, 1992, ISBN: 1855381672 A comprehensive study of the Druids from early history to present-day revival; gives explanations for stone circles and dolmens in relation to many sacred sites. 86) Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Baldwin to Mabon: Lore Rituals, Activities, & Symbols by O'Gaea, Ashleen, Publisher: New Page Books, 2004, ISBN: 1564147320 Information on the celebration of seasonal holidays Baldwin, Midsummer, Lughnassadh, and Mabon; includes rituals for solitaries, covens, and families. 87) Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Samhain to Ostara: Lore, Rituals, Activities, & Symbols by O'Gaea, Ashleen, Publisher: New Page Books, 2004, ISBN: 1564147312 Information on the celebration of seasonal holidays Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, and Ostara; includes rituals for solitaries, covens, and families. 88) Ritual, A Guide to Life, Love and Inspirations by Orr, Emma Restall, ISBN: 0722539703 The book provides a clear understanding of the Universal nature of Ritual. Helpful for those following the Solunar cycle, 89) Runes by Page, R.I., Publisher: University of California, 1987, ISBN: 0520061144 Study of the runic inscriptions from the earliest carvings through the Viking era. 90) Taking Up the Runes: A Complete Guide to Using Runes in Spells, Rituals, Divination, and Magic by Paxson, Diana L., Publisher: Weiser Books, 2005, ISBN: 1578633257 The ultimate workbook for using runes on a psychic, spiritual, and magical level. Includes dozens of rituals and spells for all levels -- from beginner to experienced practitioner. 91) Complete Illustrated Guide to Runes by Pennick, Nigel, Publisher: Harper Collins, 2002 ISBN: 0007129998 Shows how to cast and read the runes; provides step-by-step instructions for readings, uses in meditation, runic yoga and numerology, and using runes for personal development. 92) A Practical Guide to the Runes: Their Uses in Divination and Magick by Peschel, Lisa Publisher: Llewellyn, 1999, ISBN: 0875425933 Provides complete description of the 25 runes, rune layouts, meanings and uses of the nmes in magick, creating and charging talismans, etc. 93) The Druids by Piggott, Stuart, ISBN: 0500273634 Written by a college professor. Contains lots of information on the archeological findings from the Celts. This book would be of interest to anyone interested in Irish or Welsh history. 94) Pagan Rituals: Scripts and Inspirations for all Occasions by Polson, Willow, Publisher: Citadel Press, 2004, ISBN: 0806525851 Comprehensive guide to rituals for any time or season, in formats from basic and simple, to complex and intensive; includes lyrics, ritual scripts and suggestions on how to find or make props to enhance rituals. 95) The Nature of Asatru by Puryear, Mark, Publisher: Universe Incorporated, 2006 ISBN: 0595389643 This book is an attempt to explain the basic philosophic and moral ideals of Asatru, while seeking to eliminate many of the misconceptions surrounding it. 96) To Ride A Silver Broomstick by Ravenwolf, Silver, Publisher: Llewellyn, 1993 ISBN: 087542791X An encyclopedia ofWiccan lore, this book is a discussion of the philosophy of the New Generation of Witchcraft. Helpful in fashioning ceremonial tools, in using Tarot cards, instruction in color and candle magick, and the use of herbs. 97) To Stir A Magick Cauldron by Ravenwolf, Silver, Publisher: Llewellyn, 1951 ISBN: 1567184243 An enlightening guide to celestial magick, elemental magick, herb magick, talismanic magick, and more. 98) A Witch's Notebook by Ravenwolf, Silver, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2005, ISBN: 0738706620 Helps the reader in magickal development through the use of planetary energies, associated astrological signs, and elemental energies. Includes extensive herbal configurations and guidelines for several ceremonies. 99) The Northern Path: Norse Myths and Legends Retold by Rossman, Dag, Publisher: Seven Paws Press, 2005, ISBN: 0964911396 Appealing to anyone interested in mythology and storytelling, this book focuses on Norse myths, their retelling, followed by an analysis of their sources, meaning, and modern application. 100) The Book of Wizardry: The Apprentice's Guide to the Secrets of the Wizard's Guild by Rumstuckle, Cornelius, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2003, ISBN: 0738701653 Gives instruction on wizard craft, making and finishing ritual tools, guides in discovering individual secret wizard name, and tapping into wizard powers. 101) Wicca for Beginners: Fundamentals of Philosophy and Practice by Sabin, Thea, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2006, ISBN: 0728707511 Offers a practical and cohesive look at the earth-centered religion of Wicca, offering crisp definitions of what the elements ofWicca practice are (energy, visualization, meditation) and, as important, what they are not (satanic worship, hex broom flying). 102) The Everything Wicca and Witchcraft Book by Singer, Marian, Publisher: Adams Media Corp., 2002, ISBN: 1580627250 This comprehensive book introduces the reader to a wealth of engaging historical and cultural information, and provides magick instructions for various practices. 103) A Book of Pagan Rituals by Slater, Herman (Ed.), Publisher: Weiser Books, 1978 ISBN: 0877283486 This book contains several basic rituals (general use, purification, healing, divination) as well as several advanced rituals (meditation, rhythmic breathing). 104) Pagan Book of Living and Dying, The by Starhawk, Publisher: Harper Collins, 1997 ISBN: 0062515160 An inclusive, respectful, and deeply spiritual guidebook for those in the Pagan community and beyond, this powerful resource will help the dying make the transition between life and death, and their loved ones will find spiritual comfort and strength through the grieving process. It shows us that death can be a process of renewal and transformation. 105) Spiral Dance ~ The 20th Anniversary by Starhawk, Publisher: Harper Collins, 1999 ISBN: 0062516329 Celebrates the bringing of Goddess worship to the religious forefront; an unparalleled reference on the practices and philosophies of Witchcraft and a guide to the practice of Goddess worship. 106) Sister Moon Lodge by Stepanich, Kisma K., Publisher: Llewellyn, 1992 ISBN: 087547677 The power and mystery of menstruation; empowering look at the very ancient and often feared mystery of womanhood. 107) Circle Within, The: Creating a Wiccan Spiritual Tradition by Sylvan, Dianne Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd., 2003, ISBN: 0738703486 A guide to creating a personal spiritual practice for daily life; examines Wiccan ethics and philosophy on how to truly live Wicca. Also includes devotional prayers and rituals that provide inspiration for group or solitary practice. 108) Celtic Myth & Legend by Squire, Charles, ISBN: 0809531530 The book contains chapters on the "Irish Illiad, Gaelic love stories and the mythological coming of Arthur." 109) The Agricola and Germania by Tacitus (Harold Mattingly, Trans.), Publisher: Penguin Classics, 1971, ISBN: 0140442413 Stories of the ancient Roman writer, Tacitus, as he follows the military campaigns of Agricola into Anglesey and northern Scotland, and the campaigns into Germania, dealing with its people, their culture and their religion. Provides a vivid look into an ancient world, a lost time. 110) Advanced Wicca: Exploring Deeper Levels of Spiritual Skills and Masterful Magick by Telesco, Patricia, Publisher: Citadel Press, 2000, ISBN: 0806521376 Offers to bring the reader to a higher level of awareness, insight, clarity, responsibility, faith, manifestation and powerful success. Ill) Animal Spirit: Spells, Sorcery & Symbols From the Wild by Tlesco, Patricia and Rowan Hall, Publisher: New Page Books, 2002, ISBN: 1564145948 Provides insight into the world around us through animals and the magickal spirits and characteristics associated with them. Includes sections on animal folklore, spells and charms using animal symbolism, spells and charms for animal protection, and recognizing animal guides. 112) Charmed Life, A: Celebrating Wicca Every Day by Telesco, Patricia J. Publisher: Career Press, 2000, ISBN: 1564144879 A transformational book that includes spells, rituals, prayers, incantations, and all manner of helpful hints for creating and maintaining a healthy, happy spiritual environment. Also reaches out to the next generation of magickal people - our children - with activities for them and the whole family. 113) The Wiccan Book of Ceremonies and Rituals by Telesco, Patricia, Publisher: Carol Publishing Group, 1998, ISBN: 0806520310 Presented in a three-part format, this book informs of the basic concepts of Wiccan ritual; the Wiccan Wheel, and major festivals and Sabbats; how to make special celebrations and rites of passage more meaningful. 114) Northern Mysteries: Rune Magic and Shamanism by Thorsson, Edred, Publisher: Llewellyn, 1998, ISBN: 1567187099 This primer of the magic of the Northern Way introduces the major concepts and practices of Gothic or Germanic magic. From Pennsylvania hex-magic to Scandinavian runes, this book explores the folk traditions, lore, magic, and wisdom of the Germanic people. 115) Runecaster's Handbook: The Well ofWyrd by Thorsson, Edred, Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser, 1999, ISBN: 157863136X All you need to know about casting runes and gaining meaningful advice from the gods in one book. Strongly suggested for those looking for an excellent and practical guide for divination. 116) Runelore by Thorsson, Edred, Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser, 1988, ISBN: 0877286671 The best source for esoteric rune study on the market today. This book deals with tracing the detailed and interesting history of runes as well as their various divinatory meanings. 117) Myth and Religion of the North: The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by Turville-Petre, E. O. G., Publisher: Greenwood Press, 1975, ISBN: 0837174201 An overview of the pre-Christian religions of Scandinavia. 118) Pictorial Key to the Tarot, The by Waite, Arthur Edward, Publisher: U. S. Games Systems, 2001, ISBN: 09138663 A thorough description of Tarot cards and their divinatory meanings. Based on the traditional Rider-Waite Deck, this book discusses the major and minor arcana, meanings of individual cards, reversed card meanings, and how to perform basic readings. 119) Goddess of the North by Welch, Lynda C., Publisher: Weiser Books, 2001 ISBN: 157863170X An in-depth work that reveals the female aspects of the Norse tradition. The author presents evidence for a Triple Goddess of Mother, Grandmother, Daughter. Also includes information on other female entities of the Norse Pantheon such as Valkyries, Noms, Giantesses, and Disir. 120) The Runes Workbook by Wild, Leon, Publisher: Thunder Bay Press, 2004 ISBN: 1592230423, Reference Resource: Pagan Provides fascinating insight into the history of runes, the significance of runic poems and runic literature, meanings of the individual staves (stones), and methods for runic divination. 121) Hammer of the Gods: Anglo-Saxon Paganism in Modern Times by Wodening, Swain Publisher: Berry Canote, 2003, ISBN: 159457006X A comprehensive guide to modern Anglo-Saxon Heathenry, a religion closely related to Asatru. From the traditions of the Angles, Saxons and Jutes, this book sheds light on the beliefs in the gods and goddesses and the rites and rituals these ancient people may have practiced. 122) The Celtic Book of Living and Dying by Wood, Juliette, Publisher: Sterling, 2004 ISBN: 1402714181 Thought-provoking and inspiring Celtic wisdom tracing the passage from birth to burial, from death to the life beyond. 123) Training and Work ofan Initiate by Dion Fortune, Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser, 2000 ISBN: 1578631831 or ISBN-13: 9781578631834 A classic work by Dion Fortune introducing the sacred ways of the occult. 124) Book of Hours: Prayers to the Goddess by Galen Gillotte, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2001, ISBN: 1567182739 or ISBN -13: 9781567182736 A classic work for filled with meditations and prayers for the practitioner. 125) Book of Hours: Prayers to the God by Galen Gillotte, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2002 ISBN: 0738702609 or ISBN-13: 9780738702605 A classic of poetry, mystical and lyrical prayers to the male deities. 126) The Mystic Foundation by Christopher Penczak, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2006 A non-dogmatic primer outlining the mystical teachings of Paganism 127) The Inner Temple of Witchcraft by Christopher Penczak, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2002 ISBN: 0738702765 A study book which explores personal sacred space. 128) Sons of the Goddess by Christopher Penczak, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2005, ISBN: 0738705470. The book discusses the masculinity of the deities, ancient mythology, rites of passage. The author discusses the fundamentals of Wicca including the mle of three, the Wiccan Rede, spellcraft, rituals, etc. 129) The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft: Shadows, Spirits and Healing Journey by Christopher Penczak, Publisher: Llewellyn, 2005, ISBN: 0738707678 The path of the practitioner passes through realms that are both light and dark requiring one to learn how to transform fear, anger, jealousy and resentment. 130) Experience of the Inner Worlds by Gareth Knight, Publisher: Weiser, 1993. ISBN: 0877287872 A book designed for the solitary practitioner, the author concisely explores the mystical inner world. 131) Human Regeneration, by Radha Burnies, ISBN: 81-7059-169-4, published by Theosophical Publishing House (1990) This is compilation of lectures and discussions of Spirituality. Video Media: 1) AlThings of the Asatru Alliance, by Publisher: World Tree Publications (Valgard Murray) 2) Ancient Mysteries: Reincarnation by Publisher: A&E Home Videos, 1996 3) Asatru: The Soul and Initiation by Publisher: Asatru Folk Assembly, 1997 4) Barbarians by Publisher: A&E Home Video, 2003 5) Discovering Witchcraft by Publisher: Janet and Stewart Farrar, _ _ 6) Foot Soldier: The Vikings by Publisher: A&E Home Video, 1998 7) Great Ships: The Pirate Ships (Vikings), The by Publisher: A&E Home Video, 1997 8) History's Mysteries: Vikings - Fury From the North by Publisher: A&E Home Video, 2002 9) In Search of History: Witchcraft by Publisher: A&E Home Videos, 2001 10) Modem Witchcraft by Publisher: Godolphin House, 11) Steve McAllen on Asatru by Publisher: Asatru Folk Assembly, 1995 12) Witchcraft in America by Publisher: A&E Home Video, 1993 13) Witchcraft: Rebirth of the Old Religion by Publisher: Llewellyn, 2005 14) Vikings by Publisher: The Teaching Company _ Audio Media: 1) All Beings on Earth by EarthSpirit Community Reference Resource: Pagan 2) Ancient Mother by Publisher: Spring Hill, 1994; ASIN: BOOOOOJ7UB Reference Resource: Pagan 3) Asatru by McAllen, Stephen, Publisher/Distributor: Asatru Folk Assembly, 1985 Reference Resource: Pagan 4) Bending Tradition by Emerald Rose; PublisherlDistributor: Emerald Rose & RailRoad Earth. 2000 Reference Resource: Pagan 5) Best of Pagan Song, The, Pagan Song Publisher/Distributor: Serpentine Music, 2004 Reference Resource: Pagan 6) Celtic Cosmos by Marchand, Jerry Publisher/Distributor: Jerry Marchand, Reference Resource: Pagan 7) Chants: Ritual Music Reclaiming Community (Artist), Publisher: Reclaiming Records, 1997, ASIN: B0000506ER Reference Resource: Pagan 8) Chants from Isis by Publisher: Nhanda Devi Reference Resource: Pagan 9) Coyote Run by Publisher: The Orchard, 2001 ASIN: B0000507XA Reference Resource: Pagan 10) Deep Within a Faerie Forest by Stadler, Gary and Wendy Rule, Publisher/Distributor: Sequoia Records, 2004 Reference Resource: Pagan 11) Enchanted Forest by Marchand, Jerry PublisherlDistributor: Jerry Marchand, 1998 Reference Resource: Pagan 12) From the Goddess & 0 Great Spirit by Robert Gass and On Wings of Song (Artists) Publisher: Spring Hill, 1993, ASIN: B000007JTI Reference Resource: Pagan 13) Hooded Man, The by Marchand, Jerry PublisherlDistributor: Jerry Marchand, 1994 Reference Resource: Pagan 14) Knight's Journey, A by Marchand, Jerry Publisher/Distributor: Jerry Marchand, 1997 Reference Resource: Pagan 15) Meaning of Myth, The by McAllen, Stephen Publisher/Distributor: Asatru Folk Assembly, 1985 Reference Resource: Pagan 16) Ocean: Songs for the Night Sea Journey by Jennifer (Artist) Publisher: Sun Sign, 2005 ASIN: B0007D4MS6 Reference Resource: Pagan 17) Seven Swords of Wayland, The by Marchand, Jerry PublisherlDistributor: Jerry Marchand, 2003 Reference Resource: Pagan 18) Stories from Scandinavian Mythology by McAllen Stephen Publisher/Distributor: Asatru Folk Assembly, 1993 Reference Resource: Pagan 19) Viking Heroes by McAllen, Stephen Publisher/Distributor: Asatru Folk Assembly, 1985 Reference Resource: Pagan 20) Vikings by Publisher: The Teaching Company Reference Resource: Pagan 21) A Dream Whose Time is Coming by the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, Audio CD, AISN: B000062R54 Reference Resource: Pagan 22) Magickal Journeys by Selena Fox, Circle Sanctuary Publishers, 1981. Guided meditations for balancing aspects of Nature and Questing. Reference Resource: Pagan 23) Chants: Ritual Music, by the Reclaiming Company, (Audio CD). Favorite pagan chants and songs. Reference Resource: Pagan 24) This Winter's Night by Mother Tongue, (Audio CD) Earth Spirit Productions. This CD evokes vibrant, earth-centered roots of the winter holidays. Mother Tongue combines a 20 voice chorus, Celtic harp and African drums to create eclectic seasonal music. Reference Resource: Pagan 25) Sacred Cave Ritual by Selena Fox, (Audio CD), Circle Sanctuary Publishers. This recording was facilitated by Selena Fox at the 1995 Pagan Spirit Gathering. Includes invocations, chanting, guided imagery. Reference Resource: Pagan 26) The Inner Temple of Witchcraft Meditation CD Companion Set, by Christopher Penczak. Publisher: Llewellyn, 2002. ISBN0738703877. Reference Resource: Pagan 27) The Outer Temple of Witchcraft Meditation CD Companion Set, by Christopher Penczak, Llewellyn Publishers, 2004. ISBN: 0738705322 Reference Resource: Pagan 28) Songs ofYggdrasil: Shamic Chants by Freya Aswyn (Audio CD), Llewellyn Publishers, 2002. ISBN 0875420230. 29) Sons of Somerled, by Steve McDonald, Publisher: Etherean Music (1996) ISBN: Traditional Celtic Music M/A Standardized Library Resources: Rastafarian Print Media 1) The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey by Amy Jacques Garvey (ISBN-I0: 0912469242; ISBN-13 978-0912469249) Majority Press, US (July 5,1990) A compilation of the teachings of Marcus Garvey. 2) Haile Sellassie: The Formative Years, 1892-1936 Volume 1 by Harold G. Marcus (ISBN10: 1569020086; ISBN-13: 978-1569020081) Red Sea Press, US (April 22, 1995) A historical account of the life of Emperor Haile Sellassie from 1892-1936. 3) Rastafari by Dennis Forsythe (ISBN-101890358002; ISBN-13 978-1890358006) Books for Waterstones Only Publishing (September 15, 1996) The author combines his knowledge, wisdom and mystic revelation into a definitive book about Rastafari. 4) The Testimony ofRis Imperial Majesty, Emperor Raile Sellassie I: Defender of the Faith by Karl Phillpotts (ISBN-1 0 0960968415; ISBN-13 978-0960968411) Zewd Publishing (July 1999) This new book concentrates on the religious and spiritual teachings and experience of His Majesty Haile Sellassie. 5) The Rastafari I-ble by Jahson Atiba Alemu (ISBN-10 0948390123; ISBN-13 9780948390128) Frontline Distribution International (November 1996) This is a good reference book of the history of Ethiopia as a Christian state, and the emergence of Ethiopian from it's pre-Christianity history. 6) Rastafari? Rasta for You: Rastafarianism Explained by Junique Kelleyana (ISBN-l 0 1844012697; ISBN-13 978-1844012695) Athena Press Ltd. (June 7,2004) The book addresses many of the issues surrounding the day to day life in Rastafarian culture. 7) Rasta Heart by Robert Roskind (ISBN-10 1565220749; ISBN-13 978-1565220744) One Love Press(October 2001) Uses interviews with Rastafarians to tell the story of Rastafarian life in Jamaica. 8) The Rastafarians: The Dreadlocks of Jamaica by Leonard Barrett (ISBN-l 00435894587; ISBN-13 978-0435894580) Sangster's Book Stores (November 21, 1977) A history of the Rastafarian movement. 9) Rastafarians: A Study in Messianic Cultism in Jamaica by Leonard E. Barrett (ASIN BOOOGW5UFW) Institute of Caribbean Studies (1969) Looks at Rastafarianism from a Messianic and spiritual perspective as the movement emerged and developed in Jamaica. 10) Rastafarians (Living Religions) by D.B. Williams (ISBN-l 0 0706240634; ISBN-13 9780706240634) Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd. (June 1980) A study of the Rastafarian movement. 11) The First Rasta: Leonard Howell and the Rise of Rastafarianism by Helene Lee (ISBN-1 0 1556525583; ISBN-13 978-1556525582) Lawrence Hill Books (January 28,2004) This biography goes way beyond the surface and digs deep into the early days of Howell and the early Rasta community at Pinnacle. 12) Rastaman by Ernest Cashmore (ISBN-I0 0043011640; ISBN-13 978-0043011645) Unwin Paperbacks (1983) This book chronicles the Rastafarian movement in England. 13) Dread the Rastafarians of Jamaica by Joseph Owens (ISBN-I0 0435986503; ISBN-13 978-0435986506) Heinemann (June 1982) This book is rich in history, information and important interviews. This edition is imported from Jamaica. 14) The Rastafarians: Sounds of Cultural Dissonance by Leonard E. Barrett (ISBN-I0 0807010278; ISBN-13 978-0807010273) Beacon Press (September 1988) A Comprehensive history of the culture, development, and beliefs of the Rastafarian movement. 15) I Am A Rastafarian by Obadiah, Petra Gaynor, Chris Fairclough (Illustrator) (ISBN-l 0 086313260X; ISBN-13 978-0863132605) Franklin Watts Ltd. (March 27, 1986) An 8-year-old Rastafarian girl who lives in Birmingham describes her faith and explains many of her family's religious beliefs and practices. 16) Rastafarian Journey by Clyde Everton Brodber (ISBN-IO 1857564316; ISBN-13 9781857564310) Janus Publishing Company (March 1,2006) Autobiography of an individual who spumed economic and social advancement to pursue a Rastafarian lifestyle. 17) The Man Who Turned Into a Rastafarian by Masimba Musodza (ISBN-l 0 1846855373; ISBN-13 978-18468555375) Exposure Publishing (January 4,2007) The Rastafarian reality in contemporary Zimbabwe explored, narrated and celebrated in these works of fiction. 18) Rastafarian Mysticism by Ras Steven Amirault (ISBN-l 00741420716; ISBN-13 9780741420718) Infinity Publishing (July 2004) Introduction to the Rastafarian mysteries ofNyahbinghi (gatherings). 19) Rastafarian Art by Wolfgang Bender (ISBN-I0 976637192X; ISBN-13 978-9766371920) Ian Randle Publishers (December 8,2004) A collection of Rastafarian art depicting everyday and environmental scenes. 20) The Kebra Negast by Gerald Hausman (Editor) (ISBN-I0 0312167938; ISBN-13 9780312167936) St. Martin's Press (October 15,1997) Considered a holy book by Ethiopian Christians and Rastafarians it is held as the book that ties these two groups together. 21) Rasta: Emperor Haile Sellassie and the Rastafarians by Jah Ahkell (ISBN-I0 0948390018; ISBN-13 978-0948390012) Frontline Distribution International (October 12, 1999) A classic look at the relationship between Emperor Haile Sellassie and the Rastafarians. 22) From Babylon to Rastafari by Douglas R. A. Mack (ISBN-I0 0948390476; ISBN-13 9780948390470) Frontline Distribution International (May 1999) The story of the origin and history of the Rastafarian movement. 23) The Rastafarians by Leonard E. Barrett (ISBN-I0 0807010391; ISBN-13 9780807010396) Beacon Press, 20 th • Anniv. Edition (December 12, 1997) One of the most comprehensive books available on the beliefs, culture, historical development, and practices of Rastafarians. 24) My Life and Ethiopia's Progress, Vol. 1 by Haile Sellassie (ISBN-I0 0948390409) Frontline Distribution International (no date given) Volume one of the autobiography of Haile Sellassie. 25) My Life and Ethiopia's Progress, Vol. 2 by Haile Sellassie (ISBN-1 0 0948390328) Frontline Distribution International (no date given) Volume two of the autobiography of Haile Sellassie covering his exile in Egypt. 26) The Ethiopian Tattoo Shop by Edward Hays, (ISBN: 0-939516-06-3) Forest of Peace Publishing (1983) Open the cover and enter the magical world of the story through the door of the Ethiopian Tattoo Shop. 27) The Wise Mind of Emperor Haile Selassie 1. A new small format book with quotes from His Majesty including topics such as responsibility, character, work, justice independence, and more. Pocketbook. 120 pp. $10.00 28) Lion of Judah Hath Prevailed - The Biography ofRis Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I By Christine Sandford. At long last, this classic biography of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I has been reprinted. Probably the best biography ever written on His Majesty. Highly recommended. Originally published in 1972. This is the 1998 edition. 224 pp. Paperback. $16.95 (out of stock at publisher - due April 2007) 29) Visions ofRastafari: Facts on Haile Selassie 1. by Lance Seunarine. This new book gives a year by year chronology of the Life of His Imperial Majesty. Good quick reference. Paperback. 79 pp. $9.95 30) Haile Selassie, The Formative Years 1892-1936, By Harold Marcus. A book of depth and astute historical analysis. Covers His Majesty's life from earthday to the Italian invasion of 1936. Detailed biography, excellent photos. 240pp. Paperback. 16.95 31) The Lion Roars: Selected Speeches and Letters of Haile Selassie 1., Edited by Prof. Lance Seunarine. Intro by Ras Adam Simeon. This new paperback collects important speeches and letters from His Imperial Majesty. 176 pp. Photos. Paperback. $14.95 INFORMATION DESKPLACE YOUR ORDER Rastafarian Ethiopia & The Bible Reggae Garvey, Ital, etc. 32) Marcus Garvey - Message to the People., Chapters include God, Christ, Character, The System, Economy and Man. These were the secret instructions Garvey gave to his elite students in 1937. The distillation of his experience is published here for the first time. 208pp. Paperback. $14.95 33) Marcus Garvey - Hero., By Tony Martin. An excellent first biography. Straightforward and concise. Martin's biography of Garvey fills a long felt need. Incorporates the latest research into Garvey's life and career. 178pp. Paperback. $14.95 34) The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey., Edited by Amy Jacques Garvey. First published in two volumes, Philosophy quickly became a celebrated apologia for the founder of the UNIA. Complete in the original form of 1923-1925. 412pp. $16.95pp. 35) Divine Origin of the Craft of the Herbalist. by E.A.Wallis Budge. This is Budge's fascinating 1928 book on the ancient Egyptian origins of the art of herbalism. Discusses water as a divine element, vegetable substances of divine origin and holy oils. Looks at the role of herbalist in ancient society. Paperback. 96pp. Video Media: 1) Marcus Garvey: Look for Me in the Whirlwind by WGBH Educational Foundation; Produced by Stanley Nelson. DVD available through Public Broadcasting Service. The film takes a historical look at the life and political movement of Marcus Garvey. 2) Roots Daughters: The Women of Rastafari by various artists (ASIN BOOOG13RLU) MVD Visual (August 29, 2006) This film is a compilation of the stories of several women in Rastafarian culture. 3) Bob Marley, by N/A, Publisher: Island (1992) ISBN: N/A A biography which celebrates the life of Bob Marley 4) Black Americans of Achievement, Marcus Garvey available through All Media Guide This video chronicles the life and accomplishments of Marcus Garvey. 5) He Came and You Missed Him: The Theory of Rastafarian Theology, Parts 1 & 2 This video relates how Rastafarian theology is connected to Haile Selassie. 6) Land of Look Behind, by Alan Greenberg, Rhapsody Films (1995) ASIN: 6302874157 A documentary featuring several Rastafarians. Audio Media: 1) Babylon By Bus, by Bob Marley, Publisher: Island (2001) ISBN: No ISBN Reggae music to calm the mind. 2) Reggae Worship, by N/A, Publisher: Graceland Records (1993) ISBN: N/A Classic Reggae Music 3) Burning Spear, by Jah Kingdom, Mango Records (1992) ASIN: B000003QKS Reggae CD with some spiritual themes. 4) Still Blazin by Capleton, VP Records (2002) ASIN: B00005V948 Reggae CD with some spiritual themes. 5) Luciano: Ultimate Collection, Hip-O Records (2003) ASIN: BOOOOA5A40 Reggae CD with some spiritual themes. 6) Selassie in the Chapel by Bob Marley, Jad Records (1999) ASIN: BOOOOOJ8LG Reggae CD with some spiritual themes. 7) Burning Fire by Sizzla:(featuring Jah is Love) Penitentiary Records (2005) ASIN: B00078804S Reggae CD with some spiritual themes. Standard Library Project: Santeria / Yoruban Print Media: 1) Living Santeria: Rituals and Experiences in an Afro-Cuban Religion, by Mason, Michael Atwood Smithsonian Institution Press, 2002; ISBN 1-58834-077-5. Smithsonian anthropologist Michael Atwood Mason traveled to Cuba for initiation as a priest into the Santeria religion. 2) Santeria: African Spirits in America by Murphy, Joseph M., Beacon Press, Boston, 1993; ISBN: 0807010219. A first-hand account that vividly evokes the rites of the Orisha tradition: divination, dance and initiation. 3) Ifism:The Complete Works ofOrunmila, Volume 5) by Ibie, C. Osamaro (Ifism : the Complete Works ofOrunmila. ISBN:1890157082. In the continuation of this important series, Mr. Ibie explains how Orunmila insured his children against devastating diseases. Here the Odus of Idi Ogbe to Idi Ofun are once again consistently presented with all the appropriate messages of Ifa through the Odus of Idi. 4) Ifism:The Complete Works ofOrunmila, Volume 4) by Ibie, C. Osamaro (Ifism : the Complete Works ofOrunmila, ISBN: 1-890157-07-4. How the kolanut was created and the Odus ofIwori Ogbe to Iwori Ofun are presented in detail with the significance of the Odu at divination, initiation, together with the corresponding sacrifices 5) Ifism:The Complete Works ofOrunmila, Volume 3) by Ibie, C. Osamaro (Ifism : the Complete Works ofOrunmila, .ISBN: 1-890157-06-6. Volume three provides the reader with an overview on Agbigba and Oguega, both practiced in Southern Nigeria and former Bini colonies. In addition, the Odus of Oyeku Ogbe to Oyeku Ofun are presented together with the significance of the odu at divination, initiation and appropriate sacrifices. 6) Ifism: The Complete Works ofOrunmila Volume 8 &9,) by Ibie, C. Osamaro (Ifism : the Complete Works ofOrunmila, Volumes 8 & 9. ISBN: 1-890157-09-0. In these volumes, Mr. Ibie continues his revelations of the odus. In addition to revealing the earthly works performed by each Odu (disciple ofOrunmila), Mr. Ibie also gives account as in his previous volumes of the heavenly works of the odus as well. This book contains the fifteen Odus of Irosun and Owanrin. This book whether novice or initiate will be amazed at the amount of information contained in this series which has been never before published. 7) Ifism: The Complete Works ofOrunmila, Volumes 10,11,12,13 The Odus ofOgunda, Osa, Etura & Irete by Ibie, C. Osamaro ISBN: 1890157309. In this volume, IFISM-The Complete Works ofOrunmila, Volumes Ten-Eleven-TwelveThirteen, The Odus of Ogunda, Osa, Etura and Irete, Mr. Cromwell Osamaro Ibie continues his revelations of Odu (sacred text ofIfa). In addtion to revealing the earthly works performed by each Odu (disciple of Orunmila) Mr. Ibie also gives account as in his previous volumes of the heavenly works of the Odus as well. 8) Ifism:The Complete Works ofOrunmila, Volume 3) by Ibie, C. Osamaro (Ifism : the Complete Works ofOrunmila. ISBN: 13: 978-0963878762 . Volume 3 provides the reader with an overview on Agbigba and Oguega, both divination systems practiced in Southern Nigeria and former Bini colonies. In addition, the Odus of Oyeku-Ogbe to Oyeku-Ofun are presented together with the significance of the odu at divination, initiation and appropriate sacrifices. 9) Powers of the Orishas. (Santeria and The Worship of Saints) by Gonzalez-Wippler, Migene ISBN: 0-942272-25. The book has been divided into sections, each dealing with a specific Orisha, the attributes, paths or aspects, necklaces, initiations, foods, herbs, legends, and other pertinent information about the particular deity. 10) Ritual and Spells of Santeria by Gonzalez-Wippler, Migene Original Publications. July 1986. ISBN: 0942272072. This book shows us the rituals and spells of this religion. 11) Santeria The Religion by Gonzalez-Wippler, Migene Llewellyn Espanol. 2002. ISBN 1567183298. This books contains remarkable photographs and interviews that disclose aspects of the religion rarely revealed to nonbelievers. 12) The Santeria Experience by Gonzalez-Wipp1er, Migene Llewellyn Espano!. 1999. ISBN 1567183352. This book is an autobiographical account of initiation into a clandestinely-practiced religion. 13) The Sacred IFA Oracle by Epega, Afolabi and Neimark, Philip John ISBN-189015718X. Discover answers to life's questions using the Ifa Oracle - an ancient African divination tool and the spiritual foundation for Candomble, Santeria, and Vodun. 14) Manual De Orihate by Angarica, Nicholas Valentin Ediciones Universal, Miami 1979. Outlines the Lucumi-Yoruba cosmology, gives rich portraits of the orishas, relates important ceremonies and their historical explanations. In the second half of the book he provides clear and straightforward interpretations of the odu of the dilogun divination system. 15) Obatala - Ifa and the Chief OF the Spirit OF the White Cloth by Fa'lokun Fatunmbi, Awo Original Publications, New York 1993; ISBN 0-942272-30-7. The power of Obatala is described by Ifa as one of many Spiritual Forces in Nature which are called "Orisha". There are a large number of Orisha, and each Orisha has its own awo (Mysteries of Nature). 16) Awo Inner Peace: The Yoruba Concept of by Fa'lokun Fatunmbi Ori Athelia Henrietta Press. 2005. ISBN 1890157376 . Fatunmbi's refreshing and foundational work helps us to return to the roots of this sacred African form while retaining a western sensibility. It's filled with exercises to help break old un-wanted habits. It is a must for any who will be initiated into the mysteries of IfaJOrisha, or for those who have been initiated into IfaJOrisha. 17) Fundamentals of the Yoruba Religion by Fama, Chief.:. He Orunmila. 2002. ISBN 09714949-0-8. IFAJYoruba Fundamentals of the Yoruba Religion (Orisa Worship) - Chief FAMA. This book provides detailed instruction of practical usage ofIfa by practitioners and nonpractitioners and answers many questions with respect to "How to Pray' the Ifa Way." 18) Epega, Afo1abi A.IFA: The Ancient Wisdom. Athelia Henrietta Press. 2003. ISBN 1890157-33-3. Dr. Afolabi A Epega reveals for the first time to the general public the ancient wisdom of the Yoruba who live in South Western parts of Nigeria and West Africa. This ancient wisdom known as Ifa reflects a time-honored tradition on which the Yoruba philosophy, arts, music, customs, science, medicine, culture and religion are based. Hidden for centuries, Ifa is a nature religion that helps to develop realistic relationships with the natural forces which govern the universe. 19) Imoye: A Definition of the Ifa by Karada, Baba Ifa Athelia Henrietta Press. 1999. ISBN 1-890157-20-1. Clearly and methodically, Baba Ifa Karade renders an outstanding depth of insight into the Ifa tradition. Beginning with its "Genesis" and progressing to the religious traditions and practices. 20) Las Religiones de los Orichas by Sanchez, Julio Coleccion Estudios Afrocribenos. 1978. 21) Santeria: The Beliefs and Rituals of a Growing Religion in America. De La Torre, Miguel A. Eerdmans Publish. 2004. ISBN 0-8028-4973-3. Detailed descriptions of the various manifestations of each orisha make this one of the most comprehensive books on the subject, while the complex issue of Santeria ritual, which can include animal sacrifice, is handled unsensationally but vividly. 22) The Altar of My Soul. Morenu Vega, Marta. One Word Publisher. 2000. ISBN 0345421558. Marta Moreno Vega recounts the compelling true story of her journey from ignorance and skepticism to initiation as a Yoruba priestess in the Santeria religion. 23) Yoruba Beliefs and Sacrificial Rites. Awolalu, 1. Omosade. Athelia Henrietta Press. 1996. ISBN 096387835. Surveys previous works on Yoruba religion and outlines a typology of beliefs, as well as offers an interpretation of religious rites as elements of sacrificial system. This serious study gives valuable material for other approaches to religion-comparative, scientific and theological in addition to providing a point of reference for further studies of socioreligious change and a glimpse into the potential future of the Yoruba religion. 24) Oshun: Ifa and the Spirit of the River. Fa'lokun Fatunmbi, Awo Original Publications. 1993. ISBN: 0-942272-32-3. This is a very small but interesting booklet on the Orisha Oshun. 25) Shango : Santeria and the Orisha of Thunder. Canizares, Baba Raul Original Publications.2000. ISBN 0-942272-60-9. Shango came over to America in the hearts of his devotees. They did not choose to make the middle passage, but many of them survived it because they had Shango's example of one who could beat any odds and make the best of any situation. 26) Yoruba Medicine. Buckley, Anthony D. Athelia Henrietta Press. 1997. ISBN 1890157015. Traditional Medicine, which is only one of a number of systems of medicinal techniques nowadays practiced in Yorubaland, forms part of the rich cultural tradition of the Yorubas. Although it should in many respects be regarded as distinct from the mainstream of Yoruba traditional religion, medicine, like many other aspects of Yoruba life is inextricably intertwined with it. Through this book the reader is afforded an extensive encounter as well as cognitive approach to Yoruba Medicine. 27) The Religion of the Yorubas. Lucas, Olumide J Athelia Henrietta Press. 1996. ISBN 0963878786. A comprehensive study of Yoruba, including a survey of the major Orishas, the deified spirits of ancestors and other spirits, the minor Orishas, details of priesthood and worship, the Yoruba conception of human beings, magic in Yorubaland, and the survival of hieroglyphics, emblems and other symbols. A scholarly work. 28) Ogbe: The Odus ofOgbe. Ferreira, Anthony C. Athelia Henrietta Press. 1997. ISBN 8901570319. Discusses the multiplicity of Orunmila's Senior Olodu, Ejo-Ogbe, also known as Obata, Gbe Mi, Jionile and his disciples (Odus). Includes terms and references to aspects ofIfa from Cuba, Nigeria, Togo, Benin and Brazil, making this book a rare and essential literary work. Topics covered are: Interpretations; Plants; Health; Taboos; Sacrifices; Incense and Baths. Includes over 60 spirituals, preparations and rituals. Readers can use this as an Orisha cookbook. 29) Yoruba, Un Acercamiento a Nuestras Rakes. Feraudy, Heriberto Editora Politica . 1994. ISBN 9590100406. 30) E1 Monte. Cabreta, Lydia. Ediciones Universal. 2000. ISBN 0897290097. This is a book on the Afro-Cuban religions. Cuban anthropologist Lydia Cabrera discusses the myths, rituals and history of the religions derived from the congo and from the yoruba people who were brought as slaves into Cuba. In addition, Cabrera's text has a mammoth dictionary of various herbs, fruits, and vegetables, explaining who their spiritual owner is in addition to what the item can be used for. Cabrera also discusses the secret society of the Nanigos. 31) Santeria Yoruba. Blanco, Celia. Editorial Celia Blanco. 1995. ISBN 9800724664. 32) The Osha: Secrets of the Yoruba-Lucumi-Santeria Religion in the United States and the Americas: Initiation, Rituals, Ceremonies, Orishas, Divination, Plants. Garcia, Julio. Athelia Henrietta Press. 2000. ISBN 1890157228. The Osha examines a religion. (not a cult) practiced by hundreds of thousands of people in different countries principally Cuba, Brazil, Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago, Latin America and most recently the United States. The Osha provides the stories, history, types and manner of divination, the procedures of vestment, names of the deities and everything which is part of the Yoruba/Santeria Religion. A bold work of great intimacy with "The Religion." 33) The Sacred Ifa Oracle. Epega, Afolabi. Harper collins. March 1995. ISBN 006250309X. Discover answers to life's questions using the Ifa Oracle - an ancient African divination tool and the spiritual foundation for Candomble, Santeria, and Vodun. 34) Ancestors: Hidden Hands, Healing Spirits for Your Use and Empowerment. Babalawo , Ra Ifagbemi ,ISBN-1890157112. This book discusses the role and function of the Ancestors in our everyday lives while detailing the proper way to propitiate them. Included are Offerings, Prayers and Reverence as well as the procedure for establishing the ancestor altar. 35) Awo Obi: Obi Divination in Theory and Practice. Osundiva, Baba, ISBN- 1890157295 . Awo Obi: Obi Divination in Theory and Practice allows the student to begin to utilize the art of divination in their own lives and personal religious practices. 36) Varieties of African American Religious Experience, Pinn, Anthony, Fortress Press, 1998; ISBN 0-8006-2994-9. The books covers a broad spectrum of religious practices in the African American community including a great chapter on Santeria. 37) Santeria from Africa to the New World: The Sell Memories, Brandon, George, Indiana University Press,1997; ISBN 0-253-21114-X. This book is the result of a doctoral dissertation and offers a comprehensive historical development of the Santeria religion. 38) Making the Gods in New York: The Yoruba Religion in the African American Community, Curry, Mary Cuthrell, Garland Publishing, 1997;ISBN 0-8153-2919-9. This book is the result of a doctoral dissertation and outlines the development of the Santeria Religion among African Americans. This books contains an excellent glossary. 39) Cuban Santeria: Walking with the Night, Canizares, Raul, Destiny Books, 1999; ISBN 089281-762-3. This books presents the Santeria religion from the Cuban perspective. It has a good glossary and excellent chapters on the syncretism, Santeria and Espiritismo and what is called the "dark side of Santeria." 40) Santeria: A Practical Guide to Afro-Caribbean Magic, Nunez, Luis Manuel, Spring Publications, 1999; 0-88214-349-2. This books presents a very basic explanation of the religion of Santeria with a good explanation of the different gods. 41) Spirits, Blood and Drums: The Orisha Religion in Trinidad, Houk, James T., Temple University Press, 1995; ISBN 1-56639-350-7. This book is the result of a doctoral dissertation and makes an excellent presentation of the practice ofthe Santeria religion in the island of Trinidad. The book has a good glossary and a very interesting chapter on the "Spiritual Baptist Church." 42) The Diloggun: The Orisha's, Proverbs, Sacrifices and Prohibitions of Cuban Santeria, Lele,Ocha'Ni, Destiny Books, 2003; ISBN 0-89281-912-X. This books explains the use of shells, "Diloggun", as a divination tool. Video Media: 1) Ache Moyuba Orisha. R. Francis Entertainment, Inc. This film explores the Santeria religion, a blend of Yoruba beliefs and Catholicism. Unique to Cuba and Haiti, Santeria is emblematic of the mestiza quality of Cuban culture. Through interviews with two santeros and a Catholic priest, the tape explains some key concepts of the religion, its pantheon of orishas, and its general reception in Cuba. 2) Baila Rumberos. Orisha Productions. Afrocuba Music & Dance for the Orishas. 3) Bata para Obatala & Elegua- Orisha Productions. Clear & concise instruction on how to play all three bata to the most important Orisha, Obatala. This features both the Male and Female version of Obatala . 4) Yoruba Endabo Rumba - Orisha Productions 5) Bata Para Ogun y Ochosi - Orisha Productions. Instructional DVD to study bata for Ogun and Ochosi 6) Bata Para Shango- Orisha Productions. Shango is the Orisha of Thunder and is one of the most popular Orishas. This video features instruction on all three bata plus singing and dancing to Shango. Excellent for students of bata but also for dancers 7) Dancing Con Los Santos - Orisha Productions. 8) En El Pais de Los Orichas - Afrocubans: Oggun - R Francis Entertainment, Inc. This video details the impact of the orishas and their influence on Cuban culture and society on a daily basis. The performing groups are Conjunto Folklorico Nacional De Cuba, Yoruba Andabo, Los Gemelos Pinillos and others. 9) Guaguanco Matancero - Orisha Productions. Afrocuba is constantly improving and experimenting with Conga, Bata and cajon 10) La Ultima Rumba de Papa Montero - Orisha Productions 11 ) Lo Mejor De Yoruba Andabo- Orisha Productions. The images are great and they perform their top favorites which include Protesta Carabali amongst others. 12) Los Muequito de Matanzas - Orisha Productions. Filmed in Matanzas, this remarkable and most popular rumba group from Cuba. They playa guaguanco plus a Columbia (6/8) 13) Los Papines - Orisha Productions. In this DVD, the group Los Papines perform many of their most favorites tunes. Los Papines is one of Cuba's top rumba bands. 14) Nganga Kiyangala - R. Francis Entertainment, Inc. An in-depth look into the roots of the Congo religion of Bantu origin known as Palo Monte. The narrator in this video is a well known Cuban ethnologist named Miguel Barnet who proceeds to explain the aspects of Palo Monte and it's historical significance 15) Obatala in Praise - Ancient Philosophy International. A Nigerian film about one of Africa's oldest traditional religions, the Yoruba, and the priests, and votaries, as they perform the rituals and dances celebrating the great Orisha, Obatala 16) Ojun Degar - Orisha Productions. Ojun Degara is perhaps the oldest and most respected of what is known as keepers of the Arara Tradition in Cuba today. Filmed live in Jovellanos, Cuba, It is a must for the individual interested in music and dance for the deities of Foddun or Voddun. 17) Oru Seco - Orisha Productions. The oru seco is the first part of the ceremony that honors the orishas through the speaking of the battl. 18) Rumba en El Barrio- Orisha Productions 19) Rumba En Casa - Orisha Productions. This DVD is a compilation of parts one & two of Afrocuba's Rumba en Casa. This one has it all, surprises, song, drumming and Dancing! 20) Rumba En Casa 2 - Orisha Productions. This DVD is a compilation of parts one & two of Afrocuba's Rumba en Casa. This one has it all, surprises, song, drumming and Dancing! 21) Rumba Taquechel - Orisha Productions. Filmed live at La Lisa, a suburb of Havana, this features several original tunes with Francisco, emilio cousin, shining as he ad-libs dancing rumba in his unique style. 22) Yo Soy Hechicero. Produced by Ivan Drufovka. The viewer meets Eduardo in his inner sanctum, a South Jersey backyard garden shed in a subdivision near Atlantic City: Eduardo enters numerous trances; a gunshot victim seeks treatment; Eduardo, possessed by a spirit named Miguel, 23) Tarde En Cabildo- Orisha Productions 24) Toque De Santo - Orisha Productions. The arrival of the dead is one of the most intense moments of any santera ceremony. Something as well as an encounter in the third phase with orishas. 25) Tradiciones Afrocubans: Oggun - R. Francis Entertainment, Inc. 26) Voodoo Secrets - The History Channel. Experts explain how, over the past few centuries, the ancient religion of Voodoo has been systematically maligned, persecuted, and nearly wiped out. 27) Ancient Mysteries - A History Of Voodoo - A& E Video. Travel to Africa to uncover the origins of this vibrant, enignlatic practice. Voodoo roots are in the ancient religions of Yorubaland, Dahomey and Kongo. Audio Media: 1) Oggun by Ros, Lazaro Audio CD (March 1,2006). Number of Discs: 1. Format: Import. Label: Unicornio ASIN: BOOOETR8X4. African language, mainly a word or phrase is repeated as a mantra accompany by the traditional drum music. 2) Orisha Aye: Shango by Ros, Lazaro. Audio CD (March 1, 2006). Number of Discs: 1. Format: Import. Label: Unicornio ASIN: B0002N97P4 . African language, mainly a word or phrase is repeated as a mantra accompany by the traditional drum music. 3) Yemaya Ros, Lazaro. Audio CD. Fonnat: Import. Label: Unicornio African language, mainly a word or phrase is repeated as a mantra accompany by the traditional drum music. 4) Oya by Ros, Lazaro.. Audio CD (March 1,2006). Fonnat: Import. Label: Unicornio ASIN: B0002N97PE . African language, mainly a word or phrase is repeated as a mantra accompany by the traditional drum music. 5) Argayu Sola by Ros, Lazaro. Audio CD (March 1, 2006). Fonnat: Import. Label: Unicornio ASIN: BOOOETR8L6 . African language, mainly a word or phrase is repeated as a mantra accompany by the traditional drum music. 6) Elewa by Ros, Lazaro. Audio CD (March 1,2006). Format: Import. Label: Unicornio ASIN: BOOOETR8LQ. African language, mainly a word or phrase is repeated as a mantra accompany by the traditional drum music. 7) Obatala by Ros, Lazaro.. Audio CD (March 1,2006). Fonnat: Import. Label: Unicornio ASIN: B0002N97PO . African language, mainly a word or phrase is repeated as a mantra accompany by the traditional drum music. 8) The Music Of Santeria (BOOK), by Steven Cornelius, Publisher: White Cliffs Media (1999) ISBN: 0-941677-70-2 A guide through the concise highly distilled musical prayers of ritual bata drumming. ASIN stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number. Standard Library Project: SIKH Print Media: 1) Victory and Virtue by the Office ofBhai Sahiba of Sikh Dharma available through the Sikh Ancient Healing Ways, Espanola, NM A publication of the Office of the Bhai Sahiba of Sikh Dharma. This comprehensive manual has a wealth of information for anyone who desires to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the practices of the Sikh lifestyle. Important historical background, Gudwara protocols and ceremonies, and the science of the sound current are some of the areas included. 2) Guru for the Aquarian Age by Prema Kaur Khalsa, Published by Spiritual Community, ISBN:0913852015 The life and teachings of Guru Nanak, the founder of the Sikh religion. 3) Living Reality by Bibiji IndeIjit Kaur Khalsa, PhD., Chherharta Amritsa, India, 2001 A catechism of the Sikh religion which addresses its philosophy, history, way of life and its universal teachings. 4) Psyche of the Golden Shield available through the Sikh Ancient Healing Ways, Espanola, NM A collection of treasured hymns from the Sikh scriptures to help one achieve fulfillment and excellence in life. 5) The Sikh Religion - Its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors by Max Arthur Macauliffe (1842-1913), Published by Satvic Books, (January 2000), ISBN: 8187526017. First published in 1909, this is probably the best known definitive, comprehensive history of the Sikh religion and its writings. Written in six volumes, today the complete and unabridged version usually comes in a three book set. 6) Popular Dictionary of Sikhism by Cole, ISBN: 0700702024 Terms related to Sikhism giving an understanding of the religion's relation to Hinduism and Islam; history, sacred writings, and theology. Audio Media: I) Daily Banis by Amarjit Kaur (2 Audio CD) Available through Spirit Voyage Music, 888735-4800 This CD set contains the recitation of the Sikh daily banis (prayers). Recited in clear, precise tones, the CD is a great resource in both learning and practicing one's daily prayers. The first CD contains the morning prayers and the 2nd CD contains the evening prayers. 2) Arnrit Vela by Snatam Kaur and Tam Taran Singh (Audio CD) Available through Spirit Voyage Music This CD contains inspirational mantras known and loved by Sikh worldwide and widely used by Western Sikhs as part of their early morning spiritual practice. 3) Anand by Snatam Kaur. Available through Spirit Voyage Music This selection of beautiful English and Gurumukhi songs and mantras by Snatam Kaur is filled with soothing serene music and recitation. 4) Nitmen & Benti Chaupai by Bhai Hmjinder Singh available through Sikh Dharma Bhai Sahiba's Office, Dr. Bibiji Inderjeit Kaur, lA Ram Das Guru Place, Espanola, NM 87532, 505-753-5633. 5) Asa-di-Var by Bhai Nirmal Singh available through Sikh Dharma Bhai Sahiba's Office, Dr. Bibiji IndeIjeit Kaur, lA Ram Das Guru Place, Espanola, NM 87532, 505-753-5633. 6) Sukhrnani Sahib & Nitnem by Professor Ragi Satnam Singh available through Sikh Dharma Bhai Sahiba's Office, Dr. Bibiji IndeIjeit Kaur, 1A Ram Das Guru Place, Espanola, NM 87532, 505-753-5633. 7) Guru Ram Das Shabads by Bhai HaIjinder Singh available through Sikh Dharma Bhai Sahiba's Office, Dr. Bibiji IndeIjeit Kaur, lA Ram Das Guru Place, Espanola, NM 87532,505-753-5633. Video Media: 1) The Golden Temple available through Ancient Healing Ways, Espanola, NM Documentary on the Golden Temple, the most revered of the Sikh spiritual shrines and the foremost place of pilgrimage for Sikhs.