CA DJJ Summary Education Program Report 2006 - 2007, ORourke, 2007
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Appendix D Gordon, O'Rourke, California Division of Juvenile Justice Summary Education Program Report for School Year 20062007 (May 2007) California Division of Juvenile Justice Summary Education Program Report for School Year 2006-07 Section I. Introduction Background During December 2002, Mr. Stephen Acquisto, Deputy Attorney General, California Department of Justice contacted Dr. Tom O'Rourke and Dr. Robert Gordon to conduct a review of the California Youth Authority educational program with two objectives: 1) to evaluate the CYA general and special education programs based on thirteen areas of inquiry; and 2) to provide specific co1111nents and recon1mendations regarding the current status of the educational progra1n in each of the areas of review. The DJJ Education Branch used the findings of this review and other information to develop the education section of the Consent Decree Remediation Plan (dated March 1, 2005). There were six major sections in the Education Services Remedial Plan: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Overview, Pbilosophy, and Program Policy Staffing Student Access and Attendance Curriculum Special Education I Record Keeping Access to State Mandated Assessments Review Process: The Consent Decree required that a specific monitoring process for the Education Services Remedial Plan be established and implemented that directly monitored and measured compliance with and progress towards meeting implementation of decree requirements by the CYA. Dr. Tom O' Rourke and Dr. Robert Gordon were asked to develop standards for monitoring and to conduct site visits using a standardized monitoring instru1nent. The reviewers have condncted site visits during two monitoring cycles, from September 2005 through March 2006 and from September 2006 through April 2007, at the following DJ.J operated schools: DJJ High School James A. Wieden High School & Sacramento Parole School Johanna Boss High School DeWitt Nelson High School N. A. Chaderjian High School Marie C. Romero High School Mary B. Perry High School Lyle Egan High School Jack B. Clarke High School DJJ Youth Correctional Facility Preston Youth Correctional Facility & Sacra111ento Parole 0. H. Close Youth Correctional Facility DeWitt Nelson Training Center N. A. Chaderjian Youth Correctional Facility El Paso de Robles Youth Correctional Facility Ventura Youth CoJTectional Facility Heman G. Stark Youth Correctional Facility Southern Youth Correctional Reception and Center Clinic Initial visits were announced and communicated to the Education Services branch and the sites being visited.