Cca Otter Creek Inmate Death Murphy Autopsy Report
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MURPHY, BEVERLY ME-C 2008-360 COMMONVVEALl'I( OF KENnJCKY Justice Cabinet OFFICE OF THE ASSOCIATE cmEF MEDICAL EXAMINER Centra1j~ed I.abol'tltory Facility 100 Sower Boulevard - Suite 202 Frankfort, Kentucky 4,0601 (502) 564--4545 UNA 1. Hypert\'ll1sive a.nd Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (Heart wt, 350 g). A B. C. D. E. F. U. Coronary lIrtery atherosclerosis: teft c;rcumfl"x - 10%, right coronary artery - 50% stClloscd. Calcificatiolls of aorta. Severo nlilphrosc!erosis with benign renal cortioal cysts. Ri.\lht pleLlral ofrusion - 250 m!. Gllal scar of white matter fit right lateral ventricle. History of sudden collapse. Obesity: ;230 POU11ds for a 5 Feet 6 Inch Tall Female. A. Body Mass Index ~ 37 kg/m~, m. Diab~tes IV. I"'£epatitis C Infection with A. B. V. , C. Remote contusion, right frontal pole glial scar. History of seizures. . Healed right burhole - 1.0 em. History of Drug Abuse per Inves'Hgalion. A. B. Vl1. Splenomegaly - 300 gm. Chronic ,in:flammationofthe liver, Remote Cranilll Trauma. A. B. VI. M"elljt1Js. Type II. Scars ofanns. Polarizable foreign material oflungs. Postmortem Toxicologioal :ax:.minat;on, A. B, C. D. E. Postmortem femoTal blood Fluoxetine concentration 1.2 mglL. Postmortem femoral blood Amitriptyline concentratIon 0.8 mglL. Postmortem remora1 blood Nortriptyline concentration 0.6 msfL. l'ostmortem ~emor.l blood PhenytOin concentratiol'l 3.5 \'Og/L. Presence ofFJuoxetine, Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, and DOJ(epin in postmortem urine. -)- Summary of Review Team Findings: Tht;: KDoe Rt;:view Team has idelltifled the following signifioant issues: was iI:icori'si~iit fihdiliiCiirli6fifu A:Vlfunofri6i:iil~d '! MhfijiJj;:ly6eiiiic &'hypertt1Ycenrl6 'CijiJ.&H:itii[i;'. Nursing documentation 'IVIIS inappropriately completed on the segregation activity log. This same important documentation WIlS not completed itl the medical record. for clinielnn l·evlew. There is i.t100nsistent use of fonns to document refusal of Accucheck and medicati.olJ.. MJ'i.'1;'I'i&1ti'di~~H6rtHrTfitetvlfilf&n; ~,t~i!1i.fdi:jUes in tespofislltotl'f!!" l'ef1.lSa!oHlliibetfu :llietiic.a:tl6i,i~mle laCk of re:fhsal documentation and intervention techniques creates a perception that it was acceptable to permit Ii patient to refuse medical treatment despite diagnose,t mental health concerns and impaired reaeouins brOt.lght about by a worsening medical condition. 2. "'TB~i?il'a·'~igil1:fiC'lJ.llt:l~:Of'I;IOI ..w.unieation:betweenTIUTSing~llid The 'cliriiiiiari'cbti6eriJing triticiil pa:tienfoili'eiSW:=&'l'':'' 3. The pra,clice of adm:inisterillg Accueheck end diabetic medication in the Medical Area instead of the Segregation Unit created a "blllTier to tl;ea1:nlen,t" IUl the inmate did not cooperate witl.. the applioa,tion offull restraints for daily escort to the Medical. Area for t:reatlU,e);ll. As the inmate beoame more withdrawn, her cooperatio:tl with the escort process mel treatment declined. Upon placement in segregatioll on 6·13 -08, the medioation review indicatesla"SubstantiaII1Ulnbe:r of :tnillSed'du~~f '!i.iliMfh placing the illlD.ate at nsk. "',' ,,'," "', ", , , ', 4. There is a significant lack of CO)1).llUulication between Medical, Mental Health, Soourity, and Unit Management to provide integrated care and 1rc::atment plans for inmates with special needs. Each discipline should underlltand and accept their individual responsibility in this endeavor. 5. In1u~t~ Murphy WIUl placed in a :tl;led~caJ observation roo~ ord..Ki fthe phySICIan for the purpose of lJlOlUtonn.g he1' l11edicel condition. ~, \1' phy~iciilli WlW" noi:: ,OonsUlted when iiec,iri'iY litiiff~rtI\'i\f~lfer:1i'bi.1i'\J:i~: '\: ' '~medica1::area;to be·placed,in.segtegll.:ti."ll):1; There ~ no process imptementedwhlch provided for the'same level of medical observation in segregation as was provided in the medical observation area. A review of the medical observation room fiods it to be a secure cell similar to that in segr:egati on. 6. Medioat and Mental Ht;:alth dooumentation wa~ not entered into the electronic fill!\ in a timely manner as required for seamless tn,edica1 treatment. \:For exattJ,~j:e,.n'colnpreh~siVe"i±i~?:!,~!!'ltg~£?i.\t~6fih4~g 6.18-0lrWM entere.4 irtto tht i'eco~d Ulitil after the Inmate's del!t11. '" 1. " DltibeHb mortit6rl:tig ?y not 2