Center for Media and Democracy Alec Model Legislation Resolution on Prison Expenditures
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See Center for Media and Democracy's quick summary below Exposed ALEC EXPOSED Search GO By the Center for Media and Democracy D I D Y O U K N O W ? Corporations VOTED to adopt this. Through ALEC, global companies LOGIN | LOGOUT | HOME | JOIN ALEC | CONTACT work as “equals” in “unison” with politicians to write laws to govern your life. Big ABOUT MEMBERS “ALEC” has long been aEVENTS & MEETINGS MODEL LEGISLATION TASK FORCES ALEC INITIATIVES PUBLICATIONS Business has “a VOICE and a VOTE,” according to newly exposed documents. DO YOU? secretive NEWS collaboration between Big Business and Home Model Legislation Public Safety and Elections Did you know the NRA--the “conservative” politicians. Model Legislation National Rifle Association-BehindCivil closed doors, they Justice Resolution on Prison Expenditures was the corporate co-chair in ghostwrite “model” bills to Commerce, 2011? be introduced in Insurance, state Summary and Economic capitols across the country. Development For over 30 years the average total state cost per prisoner has increased almost twice as This agenda--underwritten fast as the rise in the median income and more than twice as fast as the poverty rate. It by global corporations-Education is unconscionable that the rise in the standard of living of convicted prisoners has risen includes major tax far faster than that of their victims, especially in light of the need to use limited public Energy, Environment, funds to expand prison capacity to prevent convicted violent and repeat offenders from loopholes for big industries and Agriculture returning to the streets before completing their sentences. This resolution supports any and the super rich, policies which would prevent prisoners from living at a standard of living higher than proposals to offshore Federal Relations U.S. that of the poverty rate of the citizens of the state in which they are incarcerated, and calls on federal courts to cease "micro-managing" state prisons. jobs and gut minimum and Human wage,Health and efforts to Services Model Resolution weaken public health, safety,International and environmental Relations WHEREAS since 1960, the average total state correctional expenditures per inmate have increased almost twice as fast as median income and more than twice as fast as protections. Although many Public Safety and the poverty threshold; and of these bills have become Elections law, until now, their origin WHEREAS expenditures on prisons in excess of the levels necessary to meet constitutionally mandated conditions of confinement increase the cost of building and has been largely unknown. Tax and Fiscal Policy administering institutions, thereby diverting funds which could be used to expand With ALEC EXPOSED, the current prison capacity throughout the country; and Telecommunications Centerand forInformation Media and Democracy hopes more WHEREAS additional prison beds are desperately needed to stop the early release of Technology repeat and violent offenders due to insufficient prison capacity; and Americans will study the bills to understand the WHEREAS public funds that could go to assist the law-abiding poor are being Print this Page depth and breadth of how expended to provide facilities and services for inmates at a level exceeding the minimum Text-Only Page standard of living for the law-abiding poor and exceeding the conditions mandated by big corporations are the Constitution of the United States; and changing the legal rules Email this Page and undermining democracy WHEREAS Federal Courts have been besieged by frivolous litigation brought by across the nation. inmates incarcerated in institutions; and WHEREAS lacking a legislative expression of the contemporary standards of decency ALEC’s’Corporate Board --in recent past or present • AT&T Services, Inc. • centerpoint360 • UPS • Bayer Corporation • GlaxoSmithKline • Energy Future Holdings • Johnson & Johnson • Coca-Cola Company • PhRMA • Kraft Foods, Inc. • Coca-Cola Co. • Pfizer Inc. • Reed Elsevier, Inc. • DIAGEO • Peabody Energy • Intuit, Inc. • Koch Industries, Inc. • ExxonMobil • Verizon • Reynolds American Inc. • Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. • Salt River Project • Altria Client Services, Inc. • American Bail Coalition • State Farm Insurance For more on these corporations, search at relating to prison conditions, federal courts have become unduly involved in the micromanagement of state and local correctional facilities; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the American Legislative Exchange Council supports policies which state that inmates should not be entitled to live better than lawabiding persons living at the poverty guideline level of income as determined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the American Legislative Exchange Council supports legislation which limits the power of federal courts to impose upon the states, prison conditions not mandated by the United States Constitution or to further micromanage state prisons; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be provided to the President of the United States and Members of Congress. ALEC's Sourcebook of American State Legislation 1995 About Us and ALEC EXPOSED. The Center for Media and Democracy reports on corporate spin and government propaganda.! We are located in Madison, Wisconsin, and publish,, and now For more information contact: or 608-260-9713. About Members Login Logout Events & Meetings Task Forces ALEC Initiatives Publications From CMD:Model This Legislation Resolution purports to blame rising prison spending on risingHome standards of living for Join ALEC Contact News prisoners. The most significant part of per-inmate prison expenditures is the cost of security, which benefits the private prison industry (including the Corrections Corporation of America, which is on the Executive Committee of ALEC's Public Safety & Elections Task Force). Looking at the bigger picture, taxpayers are spending more on prisons because more Americans are being imprisoned and more prisons are being built. A large part of the rising incarceration rate is attributable to the "War on Drugs," which ALEC bills perpetuate. Also to blame are mandatory minimum sentences, which ALEC bills also promote, as well as truth-in-sentencing bills like those introduced by ALEC alumnus and Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, which extend time incarcerated rather than on parole.