Center for Media and Democracy Alec Model Legislation Suspension of Driving Privileges Act
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See Center for Media and Democracy's quick summary below Exposed ALEC EXPOSED Search GO By the Center for Media and Democracy D I D Y O U K N O W ? Corporations VOTED to adopt this. Through ALEC, global companies LOGIN | LOGOUT | HOME | JOIN ALEC | CONTACT work as “equals” in “unison” with politicians to write laws to govern your life. Big ABOUT MEMBERS MODEL LEGISLATION TASK FORCES ALEC INITIATIVES PUBLICATIONS “ALEC” has long been aEVENTS & MEETINGS Business has “a VOICE and a VOTE,” according to newly exposed documents. DO YOU? secretive NEWS collaboration between Big Business and Home Model Legislation Public Safety and Elections Did you know the NRA--the “conservative” politicians. Model Legislation National Rifle Association-BehindCivil closed doors, they Justice Suspension of Driving Privileges Act was the corporate co-chair in ghostwrite “model” bills to Commerce, Insurance, 2011? be introduced in state Summary and Economic capitols across the country. Development This Act would require the mandatory suspension of the driver's licenses of all drug This agenda--underwritten offenders for a minimum of six months and a maximum of two years. The courts would by global corporations-Education be required to notify the department of motor vehicles of all drug convictions. includes major tax Energy, Environment, Model Legislation loopholes for big industries and Agriculture and the super rich, {Title, enacting clause, etc.} proposals to offshore Federal RelationsU.S. jobs and gut minimum Section 1. {Title.} This Act shall be known and may be cited as the Suspension of and Human Driving Privileges Act. wage,Health and efforts to Services weaken public health, Section 2. {Suspension of license.} safety,International and environmental Relations (A) In addition to any disposition authorized by [cite state controlled substance act], or protections. Although many Public Safety and any other statute indicating the dispositions that can be ordered for an adjudication of of these bills have become Elections delinquency, every person convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for a violation of any law, until now, their origin offense defined in [cite state controlled substance act] shall forthwith forfeit his or her has been unknown. Tax largely and Fiscal Policy right to operate a motor vehicle over the highways of this State for a period to be fixed by the court at not less than six months or more than two years. With ALEC EXPOSED, the Telecommunications Centerand forInformation Media and (B) After the expiration of six months, the privilege shall be restored to him or her at the Democracy hopes more discretion of the director of the division of motor vehicles upon application to and after Technology certification by a physician to the director that the person is not a drug dependent Americans will study the person within the meaning of this chapter. bills to understand the Print this Page depth and breadth of how Section 3. {Application to individuals under 17 years of age.} In the case of Text-Only Page any person who at the time of the imposition of sentence is less than 17 years of age, big corporations are the period of the suspension of driving privileges authorized herein shall not commence changing the legal rules Email this Page until the defendant reaches the age of 17. and undermining democracy across the nation. Section 4. {Reporting procedure.} The court before whom any person is ALEC’s’Corporate Board --in recent past or present • AT&T Services, Inc. • centerpoint360 • UPS • Bayer Corporation • GlaxoSmithKline • Energy Future Holdings • Johnson & Johnson • Coca-Cola Company • PhRMA • Kraft Foods, Inc. • Coca-Cola Co. • Pfizer Inc. • Reed Elsevier, Inc. • DIAGEO • Peabody Energy • Intuit, Inc. • Koch Industries, Inc. • ExxonMobil • Verizon • Reynolds American Inc. • Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. • Salt River Project • Altria Client Services, Inc. • American Bail Coalition • State Farm Insurance For more on these corporations, search at convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for a violation of any offense defined in [cite state controlled substance act] shall cause a report of the conviction or adjudication to be filed with the director of the division of motor vehicles. Section 5. {Severability clause.} Section 6. {Repealer clause.} Section 7. {Effective date.} ALEC's Sourcebook of American State Legislation 1995 Members Login Events reports & Meetings About Us and ALEC About EXPOSED. The Center for MediaLogout and Democracy on corporate spin and government Model ForcesWisconsin, ALEC Initiatives, propaganda.! WeLegislation are located inTask Madison, and publish Publications, Join ALEC Contact News and now For more information contact: or 608-260-9713. Center for Media and Democracy's quick summary: This bill is part of a bundle of 1995 ALEC model bills that propagate failed "War on Drugs" policies. This bill and others fail to recognize that increased punishment has not been shown to deter drug use and that drug abuse is an addiction that needs to be treated with rehabilitative interventions rather than more harsh punishment. How can people convicted of drug use, even limited use, turn their lives around without being able to drive to work? How does this contrast with ALEC's view on alcohol use, given the financial interests of some of ALEC's corporate underwriters?