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Criminal Legal News Criminal Legal News PUBLISHED BY THE HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE CENTER VOL. 1 No. 1 Dedicated to Protecting Human Rights December 2017 Absurd, Abusive, and Outrageous: The Creation of Crime and Criminals in America by Christopher Zoukis T he U.S. is a world leader in the jailing and imprisoning of its own citizens. The FBI estimates that local, state, and federal authorities have carried out more than a quarter-billion arrests in the past 20 years. As a result, the American criminal justice system is a robust behemoth that, across the country, costs taxpayers billions of dollars each year. The American criminal justice system and the criminal law have their roots in English common law. Developed over hundreds of years, the criminal law reflected what conduct English society and government would not tolerate. Crimes developed either as malum in se—criminal because of the innate wrongfulness of the act—or malum prohibitum—criminal because the government decreed it. Mala in se crimes include murder and rape. Mala prohibita crimes include everything from traffic tickets to drug and gambling offenses. Modern American criminal law has seen an exponential increase in mala prohibita crimes created by various legislatures. The natural result of creating more and more crimes has been the filling of more and more jail cells with newly-minted criminals. Some of these crimes are absurd, and some are outrageous. Many are subject to shocking abuse in the hands of police officers and prosecutors. The explosive increase in what types of behavior have been criminalized is not the only reason America arrests and imprisons individuals in such large numbers. By design or not, the criminal justice system in the U.S. has evolved into a relentless machine that is largely controlled by law enforcement authorities and prosecutors. The authority to arrest people and enforce the criminal law at the initial stage is vested almost exclusively within the broad discretion of the police. Police exercise their authority to arrest liberally; statistics show that police arrest more than 11.5 million people each year. While the initial arrest decision is important, the charging decisions made by prosecutors are, arguably, much more consequential. The power of the prosecutor in the modern American criminal justice system can hardly be overstated, given the inordinately high percentage of criminal cases that are disposed of through plea agreements. The prosecutorial discretion to charge the crimes and enhancements deemed appropriate drives plea negotiations and ultimately convictions. Legislators, police, and prosecutors are powerful agents of crime creation, enforcement, and control. As the criminal justice system has grown at the hands of this influential triad, it has crept even further into the lives of everyday Americans. They include children who are being pulled into the criminal justice system at an alarming rate. They also include the poor and homeless, for whom policies are specifically designed and implemented to suck them into the system and ultimately to jail. Policies that mandate the jailing of the poor simply for being unable to pay fines are alive and well in America. As the American public comes to grips with the out-of-control, all-consuming monster that the criminal justice system has become, efforts to address the situation have begun. Unfortunately, these efforts rely on data and crime rate trends that do not tell the whole story. Current legislative and executive solutions address symptoms of the illness, but not the illness itself. An examination of some of the various outrageous and absurd practices in the modern criminal justice system illustrates just how far we have to go. Crime Creation: Legislatures at Work The creation of law is the work of federal and state legislatures. A significant change to the criminal law in almost every American jurisdiction in the last quarter century is the legislative manufacturing of habitual offender charges and sentencing enhancements. These laws allow for significantly longer sentences INSIDE Criminal Legal News Dedicated to Protecting Human Rights Information for advertisers Criminal Legal News (CLN) covers all aspects of litigation and news around police and prosecutors,including criminal case law, civil rights litigation, parole litigation, sentencing, the death penalty and more. It covers and reports the front end of the criminal justice system with a focus on policing and prosecution. CLN provides legal news you can use regarding the CJ system prior to confinement and post-conviction relief. Display Ad Rates Advertisement Standard Sizes & Dimensions C riminal Legal News offers the 23 display advertising options shown on these pages. All dimensions are listed width first and then the height. Any ads submitted at incorrect size or shape will be resized to fit space, which may distort the look of the ad. If you are running an ad for multiple months, you can vary the ad by using a different size ad at no extra charge. For example, if you are running a 1/6th page ad for 3 months: The first month you could run a 2-col.-wide ad, the next month a 1-col.-wide ad, and the third month a 1-1/3-col.-wide ad. 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Only advertising of products, services, or providing or requesting information will be considered. 2. Payment must be made in advance. There is a two month minimum on classified ads. 3. The first line ONLY can be in Bold. Submit first line in bold type or otherwise indicate you want the first line in bold. 4. Periods and spaces between words and sentences count as one character. For example the following three words with the space in between and punctuation adds up to 22 characters: Legal Services. Cheap! 5. There are 32 characters per line, including spaces and punctuation. 6. All ads are in Times Roman 10 point type. 7. Prisoner names or addresses are not accepted. 8. Messages between prisoners are not accepted. 9. Messages to a prisoner are not accepted. 10. Advertisments for prison pen pals are not accepted. 11. Advertisements for a pen pal service are OK. 12. Requesting legal assistance with a case will be accepted if an attorney is the contact person. 13. All ads will be placed at CLN’s discretion. 14. Criminal Legal News reserves the right to refuse any ad. 1/48th page 2 months $90 3 rows of 32 characters = 96 characters total. 1/36th page 2 months $100 5 rows of 32 characters = 160 characters total. 1/30th page 2 months $115 6 rows of 32 characters = 192 characters total. 1/24th page 2 months $125 8 rows of 32 characters = 256 characters total. Actual Size of Ad Circle if you want the 1st line to be in Bold type (like above) or Regular type. Actual Size of Ad Circle if you want the 1st line to be in Bold type (like above) or Regular type. Actual Size of Ad Circle if you want the 1st line to be in Bold type (like above) or Regular type. Actual Size of Ad Circle if you want the 1st line to be in Bold type (like above) or Regular type. Advertiser Information No. of months: Rates are effective March 1, 2016 Size: 1/24 1/30 1/36 1/48 (circle one) Amount Enclosed: Name: Company: Address: City/State/Zip: Mail Ad Text, Payment and Form to Criminal Legal News PO Box 1151 • Lake Worth, FL 33460 Purchase ads by phone with Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express [561] 360-2523 Advertising Questions? Email CLN at [4] Advertising Policies Special Advertising Criminal Legal News reserves the right to decline advertising for any reason. Slight variations in ad dimensions may be necessary to improve the look of a magazine page. This sometimes results in a larger ad than the listed dimensions. Ad copy and changes must be received by the 25th of each month for placement in the upcoming issue. All ads must be prepaid by check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. Criminal Legal News can provide advertising options to reach all or a particular segment of its subscribers. Call 561-360-2523 to discuss your needs and for pricing. Technical Specifications Criminal Legal News accepts in display advertising black-&-white/grayscale PDF or TIFF formats, at exact size. Any ads submitted in other sizes or formats will be charged a one-time fee of $10–15. CLN can also scan a hard copy and clean it up for a $15 fee. If you want us to lay out your ad, a onetime fee of $25–100 will be charged according to the size and complexity of your layout needs. Please supply all text and images, as well as any additional instructions. Special Placement Criminal Legal News attempts to place display ads in the magazine so that they receive maximum exposure on a particular page. We regularly rotate the ads in each issue. Additionally, within the following guidelines and for a 10% surcharge, the placement of an ad can be reserved for any location on any page except the inside of the front and back cover, the back cover and page 3: Only space for ads 1/4 page and larger can be reserved. Inquire first for availability of a particular location. Placement is reserved on a first payment received basis. Previously reserved and paid for ads are grandfathered into a particular location and cannot be bumped. Mail Payment and Form to Advertiser: Criminal Legal News Name: PO Box 1151 Company: Lake Worth, FL 33460 Address: Purchase ads by phone with City/State/Zip: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Ad Frequency and Size or American Express No. of months: Size: Width: Advertising Questions? Amt. enclosed: Email [5] [561] 360-2523