Co Prison Riot at Crowley Corr Fac Case Reports 2004(2)
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COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECT10NS OFF1CE OF THE INSPECTOR GE!\"ER~L L~CIDEI\'T NARRATIVE 04000898A 369 07-30-2004 Interview with inmate: BORROWDALE, Terry # 859891 Unit 6/-, - 207 Inmate claims he has already spoken to a Captain Garcia regarding toe incidents of 07-20-2004, He claims that he was in the West yard ala 19:00 hrs, on his 'Nay to medical He ended up around the basketball court with the "guys" next door (205), He noticed a group of Blacks In the middle of the baseball field, Hispanics were in the bieachers, and the Whites were grouping by tne weight pile and basketball court. He also noticed 4 or 5 officers with cameras so he and his cell mate started walking toward the kitchen, and eventually sat down in front of the greenhouse, where he saw a window in Unit 2 being broken. BORROWDALE says he saw a group of inmates on second base, and another group by the fence. He heard the order to clear the yard, and someone, (possibly BORROWDALE) said "don't separate your self from the rest". Inmate said he remained in the yard, He claims he watched a group of 3 inmates, two White and one Black, breaking off parts of building 6. It was at this point, I advised the inmate of his rights, which he waived. Inmate BORROWDALE claims that neither he nor any of the inmates he was with had any involvement with staff. Ala 20:30 hrs, BORROWDALE states he led a group of inmates back to the fence and told then to stay there so the cameras could see them. The Inmate also states he helped a bla:k kid who was beine held aaains! the wal! on the left side of the building by telling inmates to leave him alane. He also claims to have tried to keep things together. The inmate says he had a lot more information, and said he WOUld talk to someone aboul what else had happened. End of interview. l ~ • ~ NOTE: This inmate may have additional information. He was referred to a CID investigator for foliow-up, Ron Zenisky Page 1 of 1 001916 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GEN"ERAl IN'CIDENT NARRATIVE 04000898A 171 STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COLCtFtL,DO lERR1TORtAL CORRECTION"L FAc{ur~~ P.0 SOl 10'0 :::'aMrJ City. Coloraoo 81215-1010 Pnone {719~1 27;-..1 1B1 F;.~X: i719} 26£.416f ~~:;~n$. G':))'!!'m:x Jor o~; Executive Director 8-2-04 Re: C12004-000898 The following information was taken during interviews at Crowley County Correctional Facility. I personally interviewed these inmates and state that the information provided are statements made bv. inmates housed at this faciiit\'. . Lt Tom Beneze CTCF Intelligence Officer. Vasquez, Hilario 86313 States he was in his cell and was watching through his v,'indO\'\ as the riot progressed. He said he 'went into the dayroom and made three phon~ calls as he knew he would not be able to contact anyone after the riot \vas over..t>..fler the calls he steps outside and is shot at by staff and he returns to the safer" and observes he ... of the cell house. He savs . he .\valks . .bv .inmate . . Lujan . is firhting for air. He claims he walked on bv him and could see him from his ceIl. He claims he said a pr;yer for him .as he watched him crawl im~ his cell. He then claims he watched TV until SORT arrived. He did say that there 'were rumors that Washington \vas going to riot and that plans had been in the \\'orks since the day the:.,. arrived. He also says this is the 2 nd riot he has been through. SIGNATp 001923 r I ' .- COLORADO DEPiiliTMENT OF CORRECTJONS OFFI CEOF THE INSPECTOR GENt:R:\.L j L..--- INCIDENT NARRA.rIVE 04000898A- = 176- - ---' STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COLQRI\DD T:':RRiTORIAL CORRECTiONA:'" FACtLlTY P. C Box 1::1D CatIon Ci;y ColoraoD 81215-·1(\10 Phon€: (rig l 275-..416' F;.;x (719) 259~ 165 fn:~)Wlm$ c;.oye!tlO' Joe Ot1,Z Execu\!ve DITecto; 8-2-04 Re: CI20(/4-000898 The following infonnation was taken during interviews at Crowley County Correctional Facility. 1personally interviewed these inmates and state that the information provided are statements made by inmates housed at this facility. Lt. Tom Beneze CTeF Intelligence Officer. Espinoza. Isaac 82491 States that he was told "you old men get in your cells" when inmates began to come into his pod. He says 1 can't fight those guys sol locked dDwn. He claims he saw an inmate rip out a sink but could not identify him as his head Vias covered. He said his he and cell mate Tony A.lbalar tried to stop the \\'Bter corning into the cell by puning towels in front of the door. He also says it was a \Vashington problem from the start. • Page 1 of 1 001928 COLORWO DEPARTME]\T OF CORRECTJONS • OFF1CE OF THE INSPECTOR GEN"ERAl INCIDENT ~ARRATIVE 04000898A 178 STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COLORADO TERRiTORIAL CORRECTIONAL FACIUTY P.O BOle 1010 Cetlon C")', Colorado 81215··1010 Pnone(719) 27f-'181 F;V; [7",9, 26£,-4166 &;Ji Dwe'l~ C"Wt!,mC" Joe O~ll;' ExecullvE: Dlreetor 8-2-04 Re: C12004-000898 The followinc..... infonnation was taken during.... inten'iews at Crowley. County'" Correctional Facility. ., 1personally interviewed these inmates and state that the infonnation provided are statements made by inmates housed at this facility. Lt. Tom Beneze CTCF Intelligence Officer. - Bland" Joseph 742871 States he was in his cell watching TV when trouble began. He saw an inmate come into the pod and break all three TV's. He says he got on the phone and called his sister and then tried to stay out of the mix. He complains there isn't any access to Washington Laws in the Law Library. He sates that he does like CCCF overall. Page 1 of 1 001930 COLORWO DEPART.lY1ENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GEN"tRA..L INCIDENT NARRATIV'E 04000898A 180 v " STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COlORA.DC TERR1TORIAL CORRECTIONAL FACJUn' P O. Bex 1010 Canon Cuy, Colorado 81215-,'010 Pnone (7191275-4181 "AX ri9' 268-416e fH 0went • ~;) .£rr.~~ J"" 0'1;1- Exe:uttve Director 8-2-04 Re: C12004-000898 The following information \.. .·as taken during interviews at Crowley County Correctional Facility, I personally interviewed these inmates and state that the information provided are statements made by inmates housed at this faciljty. Lt. Tom Beneze CTCF Intelligence Officer. Hackett, James 68097 States he \\'as in the yard in the weight pile. He says some black inmates carne over and started getting the weights and taking them. He says he lef1 the area and went over by the fence at the Canteen building and sat dovm. He said he stayed there until ordered to move and surrender. He claims he heard earlier in the day it was going to 'pop off. Page 1 of2 001932 COLORADO DEPi\.RTl\1ENT OF CORP£CTIONS OFFJCE OF THE INSPECTOR GE]\"1£R.~ !NeIDE!''T N.·\RRA TfVE 04000898A 185 " STATE OF COLORADO DEP ARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COLC)Rt..DO TERRiTORIAL CORRECTiONAL FACiLiTY POBox 1010 Caflan Crr, Colorado 81215-1010 PMne (719) Z75-A181 FM. (719) 269-"168 Bii·Owens Governor Joe Oftz Executive Director 8-2-04 Re: C12004-000898 The following information \Vas taken during imervie\\'s at Crowley County Correctional Facility. 1personal1y interviewed these inmates and state that the infonnation provided are statements made hv . inmates housed at this facilirv. 11. Tom Beneze creF Intel1igence Officer. . I.J1\vver, James 107086 States he used the phone at the start to warn his wife of the situation and lochd down as instructed for the duration of the riot. He had complaints about the food and "\vas angry about the loss of the weight pile. . .} Page 1 of 2 00193? COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GE~tRA,L Ll\iCIDENT I'ARRATIYE 04000898A 187 STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COLORt,DO TEP,RlTORIAL CORRECTIONAL F.AC1LITY P 0 80x 1010 Canon Cily. Colorado 81215-1010 Phoned71f1) ::n·-4181 Ff.,X (719) 268-4168 Ik,O"'M' G~lo1emQ;: ;ec<:!rv€ Dll-eCfor 8·2-04 Re: Cl2004·000898 The followinc infonnation \vas taken durin£'. interviews at Crowle\' County Correctional Facilit\', 1 personally i~tcrviewcd these inmates and ~te that the information provided are statements m~de by inmates housed at this facility. . Lt. Torn Beneze CTeF lntelligence Officer. Johnson, \-Varren 262330 States he v,'as in his cell and stayed there, He claims he has a back injury and other medical issues. He said he heard the commotion and looked out of his cell from time to time hut mostly stayed on his bunk. He did not identify any rioters. Page 1 of1 001938 9,'" II I COLORADO DEPARTJ\1ENT OF CORRECTJONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GE1\""ERAl INCIDENT NARRATIVE . 04000898A 196 I STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COLORtoDO TERRITORI4.L CORRECTIONAL FACILITY p.e Bcx1010 Cafion Crty. Coloradc 81215-,010 Phone (719} 27~-41Bl FAX i719 25&-4,6S B!hC~nt Go'it"!'TlC', J~Or::: Exec:"'1lve Director 8-2-04 Re: C11004-000898 The folJowinE infom1utioD was taken durin£ interviews at Crowley Count" CorrectiDnal Facilitv. 1personally i~ter\'iewed these inmates and ~tate that the inforrnati~n provided are statements m~de by inmates housed at this facility. Lt. Tom Beneze erCF Imelligence Officer. Bovce. Joshua 10 J456 States he had £one to the yard and saw the inmates ratherin£. Knowing so~ething \lv'as about to happen he retums to his ~ell house and Jocks davv'; He says the stafflocked him into his cell. He says that something had to happen for change. He complains that the food and programs are garbage a.Dd he does not like it here. Page 1 of 1 001948 COLOR.AJ)O DEPA..RDvffiNT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAl L~CIDENT NARRATIVE 04000898A 201 c STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COLOR,\OO TERRITORIAL CORRECTIONAL FACILiTY P 0 BOl: ,O'D Canon City, Colorado 81215-,0,0 Phone iii9; 275-~181 FAX (718) 26£.-4168 sni Owe!l~ """",net Joe Ortt: E.xecuhv~ Director &-2-<\4 Re: C12004-000898 The following information was taken during interviews at Crowley County Correctional Facility. 1personally interviewed these inmates and state thatlhe information provided are statements made by inmates housed at this facility. Lt. Tom Beneze CTCF Intelligence Officer. Wimberly, Christopher 64412 SiRtes he was locked in his cell the \\'hole time and could not get out. He did have concerns about the fire and not being abie to exit the building, He says it's all about the mone} to eCA and had complaints about the food. Page J of 1 001953 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECT10NS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GE1'.1ER.L\L INCIDE1'"T NARR~ TIVE 04000898A 203 STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT Of CORRECTIONS CDLORA.DO TERR!TORIAL CORRECTIONAL FAC1L\TY PC Boxl0Hl CafiDf1 Cit)', Colorado 81215-1010 Phone (719) 275-4181 FA) (719; 26S-41S£ llll Owens '3u~emor JO<' Ortr.: Execu!tve DireC10r 8-2-'14 Re: C12004-000898 The followim:: infonnation was taken durin£. interviews at Crowlev County Correctional Facilitv. I personally interviewed these inmates and state that the information provided are statements made by inmates housed at this facility. Lt. Tom Beneze CTeF Intelligence Officer. ..... ..... .. *' *' Dc!!ree. Wendell 121851 States he was not involved at all and sta"-cd in his cell. He said he feared for his-life during this incident. He had complaints abom the food but ovcralllikes the facility_ L Page 1 of 1 001955 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF TIrE INSPECTOR GEN""ERA.L L~CIDEl\'T NARR;\TIVE 04000898A 206 STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COLORADO TERRiTORIAL CORRECTIDNAL FACILITY P O. Box 1010 Caton City. Colorado 81215-1010 C'19; 275-4181 PhOfl& FAX nis.!) Z6H16B 5li! O~,.n. C;"yltmw J.,.,O= ElCeclJtlVf: Director 8-2-04 Re: C12004-000898 The following information was taken during imerTiews a: Crowley County Correctional Facility_ J personally intefYievvcd these inmates and state that the information provided are statements made by inmates housed at this facility. Lt. Tom Beneze CTeF Intelligence Officer. Maestas. Rick 93] 65 States he stayed away from the yard as he knew what was going on. He was in his pod and slood on the tier watching what was going on. He claims he walked back and forth to and from his cell and fmally went in and packed himself out. Be said he witness the destruction but did not wke part nor \\iould he idemify any inmates. Page 1 of1 001958 COLORADO DEPA..RTMENT OF CORRECTIO!\:S OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GE:NcR.:\L INCIDENT NARRATIVE d 04000898A 207 STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COLORt..DJ TERRiTORIAL CORRECTIONAL F,;CIUTY P::> Box 1010 Canon elly, C::llorado 81215-1D10 Phone i719! 27[>"':181 F,:"',K (r~?J 269-< 16B en.Owen5 Go-vemo-J::;;. O!'t!L ExecutIve D,rector 8<>04 Re: C12004-000898 TI1C fe,110\\'ing information was taken during interviews at Crowley Coum~ Correctional Facility. I personally interviewed these inmates and state that the information proYided are statements made by inmates housed at this facility. Lt. Tom Beneze CTCF Intelligence Officer. Peck. Stephen 93079 States he was in the pod and did not get involved in any destruction, He did however join in with other inmates in his unit in barricading the entry doors to keep the riot out of his pod. He and other inmates also formed a bucket brigade and anempted to put out fires in the control center, Case Managers office and outside the building. This is the only pod that missed the destruction, He did sav that there has been a lot of tension amon£; the inmates and there is a fedin!:! of division created by CCA because of the separation of inmates fr~m Wyoming, Washington and Colorado. He complains about the quality of food in the ch('\\ hall. He said he did DOl recognize am'one as the\' . . all had towels in their faces and hats on their heads. ' Page 1 of 1 001959 i 1.&.·.·. !I COLOR..ADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GEl\~RA.L INCIDENT NARRATIVE 04000898A 208 STATE OF COLORADO OEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COLORADO TERRITORIAL CORRECTIONAL FACILITY P 0 Sox 1010 Car,or: City. Coloradc 81215-1010 Phone (719: 27~,-4181 FlY (71-91 2f?-t 1SE EH: O'.-eru. Go"etnor j". 0"',. ::xecUII'J€ Director 8-2-04 Re: C12004-000898 The following infonmnion \\'as taken during mten'iel,.vs at Crowley County Corrcctional Facility, I personaliy interviewed these inmates and state that the infonnation provided are statements made by inmates housed a1 this facility. Lt. Tom Beneze CTeF Intelligence Officer. J\kClain, Tommy 74039 States he was in his cell and did not offer any other infornlation. He denies being involved and maintained he stayed in his cell. J L I~ I Page 1 of 1 0019GO COLORADO DEPlill.TMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GEN""ERA.L L~CIDENT NARRATIVE 04000898A 224 " STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COLORA,D0 TERRITORIAL C:JRRECTIONA~ Ft.::IUTY P C, &01 1010 Caflon City Colorado 81215-1010 Phone (7191 27~181 F,'-.X ('718; 26&-4168 B~;~ ()wens. GQvetnCY .lOt' Ort: EJt.ecuHve Director 8-3-04 Re: C12004-000898 The folJowinl! infonnation was taken durin!! inten'iev,s at Crowlev County Correctional FaciJitv. J personal1y i~terviewed these inmates and state that the informati~n provided are statements m-ade by inmates housed at this facility. Lt. Tom Beneze CTeF Intelligence Officer. Kimler, Timothy 89868 States he was in the prograITlS building and saw inmates ransacking the units. He was Jet through the gate and went to l.init 6 where he lives. He and the other Native American inmates grouped together at Unit 6 by the fence lLlying do\-vn on the pavemem. He complained about losing feeling in the top of his hand from the plastjc cuffs placed on him by staff Page 1 of 1 001976 COLOR..A.DO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GEN"ERf\L Th' CIDEl\'T NARRATIVE 04000898A 230 8TATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COLOR,c,DC TERRITORIAL CORRECTIOr~AL I'"GIUTY P [J Box 1010 Caiion City. Coloradc 81215··101(: Phone (719) 27~-41el r p.r, (7H! \ 259-416f. bi,'~ GC'W'brn::' Jo-e Dna Executive DIrector 8-3-04 Re: C120(l4-000898 The folJo,,":ing infornlation was taken durinc intel\'iews at Crowle\' County Correctional Facility. I personally i~tervie",'ed these inmates and ;tatc that the infomlati~n provided are statements m~de b" inmates housed at this faeilit\'. . Lt. Tom Beneze CTCF Intelligence Officer. ~ Brown, Edv,:ard 71730 J States he had gone to medical. When he \'-:as returning the riot started. He says he stayed outside because he had no choice. He and a Colo. inmate named Champ went into Unit 1 \\"ith his cell mate Ferez and locked down. He claims he stayed there until they threw gas in and got us out. He made a statement "You think because they got camcorders that will stop anything? No ',vay they walk around here and invited this". The officers are only here for a paycheck, they have no professionalism. They need to learn to communicate. He claims he talked to 'Shady' who was involved in a use of force that morning. Shady said they foot s\vept me and dumped me into the dirt and then kicked me in the head. Shady called them a bitch. He also had complaints about the food. Page 1 of 1 001982 COLOR.A.DO DEPARTJvlENT OF CORRECT10NS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL INCIDENT NARRATIVE 04000898A 23] STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COLORA,DO TERRI'ORIA.L CDRRECTIONt,L FAOl;)TY p, C, Box 1010 Canon Cill'. Cola,aCl~ C1215--101D Phone (719:: 27[~181 F,l..): (719) 269..416B BI!:O~r'!~ ;::':'rVf'rn:x SxeCUllve D:rector 8-3-04 Re: C12004-000898 The followin2 infonnation was taken durin!.: imervie\v5 at Crowley County Correctional Facility. J personally i';tervicwed these inmates and ~tale that the informati~n provided are statements made bv. inmates housed at this facility. " Lt. Tom Beneze CTCF Intelligence Officer. Kennedy, Thomas 843320 States he \"'as in the yard. He said he was told to sho\\ up by other \Vashingron inmates for support of get stabbed. He said when it started he \Vem to the gate at Unit 6 and had expected to have negotiations 'with the guards. When he and other inmates went to the fence the inmates involved started throv,ing rocks at them. He claims he was hit by rubber bullets and eouid hear buckshot D\ine ... ....- by .. and hittin£' ..... the fence .....\n inmate close to him" was hit .just about the eve bone with buckshot. He states that Washineton Prisons are more on~anized and that there is a l~ck of consistency here at CCCF. They get no~respect from the CO's,;o response from the \Varden, the food sucks and the programs are ok. Coun! procedures are always screwed up and they have to cancel classes. He complains the computer that was sent by Washington for Legal access is broken and they won't fix it. lIe claims he files grievances and never gets a response. He does not like being separated from his family. Page 1 of] 001983 STATE OF COLORADO COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECT10NS lRIJ\WAD CORRECTlOT\ALFACILrn' p.o. BOX 2000 Tnnidlld. Co 81082 Phone E7J9) 845-3233 DillOwem Governor bri.a.~D. Bum~r1 Aeonj; fu.",,~uti"e IKVESTIGATIVE REPORT Director ***CO~FIDENTL.\.L*** DATE: July nnd, 2004 TO: Associate Warden Harlan FROM: Lt. Greg Guzzo, TCF Intelligence Officer ~ Jared ADA1'v1S #118432 SUBJECT: ************************************************************-***************** During an inlerview in regards to the incident that took place at CCCF on the 20th of July 2004, I, Lt. Guzzo intervie\ved inmate jU)lL\1S #118432 and he explained to me that he was in the vard w'hen it all started and he observed numerous Colorado and \VashinQ:ton inmates grouping up in the ball field, some cop jumped in the middle to separate them and some other police came out and got him out of the grouping, 1 think this guy said something to upset them because as these officers entered the building these guys went crazy climbing over the fence to the weight pile and thro\ving weights and weight bars over the fence at this time everyone that was involved started running around and breaking stuff, the police kept calling over the PA to lock down so 1 went up to my room and seen a group of Hispanics (SURENOS) enter the pod and go up to inmate LUJAN's cell (someone had paper work thm his guy was a "snitch") and start a fire in [Tont of his door as he exited his cell they started kicking, and punching him lalso seen them stab him several times after the beat him for some time they threv.' him over the railing on to the ground when the got to him at on the ground floor the started hitting him with the television, the microwave and some things that were laying on the Door. 1 also heard that some other inmates were upset because earlier in the day ( July 20 tli , 2004) some cops beat some guy up because be didn'l want to clean a case managers office. this isn't the first time that this happened dO\\'n there check on the KYLE BOOHER # 116926 CASE this same stuff happened to him and no\\' he is in sef,'Tegation. .,I xc: _- Associate \Varden Harlan file 002342 Offender Search ~ Colorado Department of Corrections Offender Search Click a Link below for an nplanation of terms 1184.32 ADA.1\1.. JARED G ADAM, JARED G I>O{j: 04,']4'1978 10'01'2005 Est. Parole r:Ugibiljtj I)ute; to Sl. Pa rQ./!:.J1c In:.iJ,H!. 2005-07 Pill.::: [~Llicn ltm~!,' PbdU:!I~I:~I!jlt.r; l:!.!!i.r BL 0]\DE ,[ ItIT£1lJ.[J,tc;;UiLY; CROWLEY COl.1NTY CORRECTI01\AL FACILITY (::Q I9r: &.l!'.CnlnD BLl'E Current Offense Dat!: tI ei1:;ht: 601 Wel::ht: 190 Curr'ent Offense . Scnle.nce Date 05!Ct91999 0:;20:2004 04>'2002 05/19/2003 06'26'1002 02'20'2004 12T:'2002 02'20'2004 Current Offense County Cuse No, DE:"VER DQJi:194.2i:.RO!);32..; AGGJL-\ VATED hlOTOR VEHICLE 'THEFT <S15K ARAPAHOE DE1\VER DENVER J2fJ.Q)4fLO;;..CI~.~~f.U:1:1(JFORGIRY I2QI (,~~1(l2.rl~1l.!.:~30~) I\lE~AC1NG Q\!162u(J4CgO.005~j6 ATTE1YIPTED ESCAPE "VHILI TN CCSTODY }\ND HELD FOR OR CHARGED \VJ 002343 7!27/200 4 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECT10NS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL INCIDENT NARRATIVE 04000898 694.doc ., ••••• On July 26.2004 at approximately 16:55, this reporting Investigator Jay L. Kirby, interviewed inmate REED. KENNETH #80515 DOB 10/11/62 about the disturbance at the Crowley Correctional Facility on 7/2012004. REED said he was assigned to living unit 1C 3321 and had been there for about one and one half years. REED stated the issue at C.C.C.F. surrounded the quality of food, the length of count time~ to clear and yard time. Due to the length of count time it reduced the amount of yard time. During the time of the disturbance REED was in his cell. HE saw the inmates come into the living unit and tear things up but couldn't recognize any of them. REED also saw inmates access the fence area by unit one and come in the emergency door of the unit. (- REED boxed all his property to keep it from getting damaged from the water. REED left the cell for a period of time to call his wife and let her know "what was going on". Returning to his cell, he waited for staff to arrive. When staff arrived he was escorted to the yard. I SIGNATURE: Page 1 of 1 DATE; 00248 2 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL INCIDKNT NARRATIVE 04000898 69B.doc • On July 27,2004 at approximately 12:10 p.m.• this reporting Investigator Jay L. Kirby, interviewed inmate FRENANDEZ, JOSE. #121677 DOB 01124/67 aboutthedisturbance at the Crowley Correctional Facility on 7/20/2004. Fernandez was assigned to living unit 1 B 3220. FERNANDEZ stated 60% of the issues in CCCF were related to staffing issues such as interpersonal skills. Issues with the food to include, quality and quantity were noted. When the Washington inmates came to the facility it only increased the tension due to the riot that happened last time they came to Colorado. On the morning of 7120/04 there was a use of force incident that dealt with a Washington inmate. Rumors through the facility said the inmate was "beat in the face" while he was restrained. On the same date 7/20/04 at approximately 7:00 pm FRENANDEZ was in the yard and saw an inmate break the glass in living unit 2 with a weight. An announcement was made for all inmates to return to their living units. FERNANDEZ went over to the east side of the facility due to the incident growing in the west yard. On the east side he gathered with some other inmates until staff came and told them to lie down. I SIGNATUR,E: DAtE: Page 1 of 1 I 00248£ COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OFTHE INSPECTOR GENERAL INCIDENT NARRATIVE 04000898 712.doc • On July 26,2004 at approximately 2::46 p.m., this reporting Investigator Jay L Kirby, interviewed inmate GUTIERREZ, JOSEPH S., #114614 DOB 06/14/62 in regard to the disturbance at the Crowley Correctional Facility on 712012004. GUTIERREZ said he had been at C.C.C.F., Unit 1A 3127, since the beginning of 2003. During this time he said the facility had been understaffed. When counts were made there was only one Officer counting and the counts took over one hourto clear. Additionally GUTIERREZ said it was rumored there would be some problems when the additional Washington inmates arrived. ~~ On the evening of July 20, there was a group of inmates that entered the pod and began to "trash the unit". When that happened GUTIERRZ packed his property and waited for staff to arrive. Page 1 of1