CO Prison Riot at Crowley Corr Fac Case Reports 2004(3), CO DOC, 2004
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EXHIBITD PARTIAL LIST OIG/CCA INTERVIEWS OF PLAINTIFFS Bate Number Warren Johnson Richard Allison William Morris Joseph Bland Hilario Vasquez Mark Garcia Richard Gonzales Ross Nuanes Ronald Larkins Gregory White Larry Eche Rudy Alvarado Brandon Clary Jeffery Gillis Rodney Harris Lawrence Howard William Jared Warren Lovato Dan Larson Kenneth Batts Israel Chavez Michael Lopez Joseph Kingsbury Isaac L'Esperance Karvalas Stevens Steve Pickett Herbert Smith Carroll Pollard Scott Doty Chris Delgado Ty Wilshusen Vincent Espalin Ricky Williams Paul Pollard Edward Martinez Kenneth Griffin Kenneth Mackey David Wright Terry Borrowdale Hilario Vasquez Isaac Espinoza 1612 1613 1617 1618 1624 1626 1627 1628 1630 1649 1652 1734 1750 1764 1766 1771 1773 1795 1777 1805 1806 1816 1822 1832 1842 1850 1852 1854 1858 1859 1861 1880 1886 1891 1895 1901 1902 1908 1916 1923 1928 1 -- --- Joseph Bland James Hackett James Lawver Warren Johnson Joshua Boyce Christopher Wimberly Wendell Degree Rick Maestas Stephen Peck Tommy McClain Timothy Kimler Edward Brown Thomas Kennedy Jared Adam Kenneth Reed Jose Femandez Joseph Gutierrez ---------- 1930 1932 1937 1939 1948 1953 1955 1958 1959 1960 1976 1982 1983 2342-43 2482 2486 2502 Total: 58 Plaintiffs 2 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OffiCE OF THE INSPECTOR GEl\.TERAL INCIDE1\T)' NARRATIVE 04000898A 247 From: Lt. Chris Barr~ CSPICCF Intelligence Coordinator Date: JU}J 28! 2004 Rc: Phone monitoring im'estigation concerning Crowle)' Correctional FacilitJ Case number Cl 04-000898 All calls were listened on 7/20/04 from 0524 a.m. to 2152. Some calls had no information conc..erning tbe disturbance. Calls with anJ information concerning the disturbance are documented in this report. All calls were prerecorded, copied to cd-rom and listened to on lap top media player by this Intelligence Coordinator. • 1308 Jobnson, Warren # 024745 called 36()"377-5870 Told other party that what be told ber 'was going to happen last week is going to happen toda)'. The guards beat some black guy today in the yard. There are l!OOO inmates on the yard ",ith nothing to do, gangs are controlling the prison. This place is out of control. DATE~ SIG!'\"ATURE: T\. . . . , ~,..., 001612 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL INCIDENT NARl~ATIVE 04000898A 248 From: Lt. Chris Barr, CSP/CCF Intelligence Coordinator Date: JuJ~' 28, 2004 Re: Phone monitoring investigation concerning Crowle)' Correctional Faciiif)' Case number CI 04-000898 AU calls were listened on 7/20/04 from 0524 a.m. to 2152. Some caUs had no information concerning tbe disturbance. Calls witb an~' information concerning the disturbance are documented in thls report. All calls were prerecorded, copied 10 cd-rom and listened to on lap top media player bJ tbis Intelligence Coordinator. 1346 Allison, Richard "# 029835 called 801-423-404410Id the other part)' to watch tbe news tonight, 11 black gu}' was beat up in tbe Jaro toda)' by the guards,Wasbington inmates are going to jump off toda)' SJGNATIJRE: DATE: ----------'---------------"-------'-- . 001613 J COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENEIV\L L1\JCIDKNT NARRATIVE 04D00898A 252 To: Alex Woldt Lead Inyestigator From: Lt. Chris Date: Jut)' 28, 2004 Barr~ CSPfCCF "I ,! Intelligence Coordinator Re: Phone monitoring in"estigation concerning number CI 04-000898 Crowle~' Correctional Facili!3' Case All calls were listened on 7/20/04 from 0524 B.m. to 2152. Some cans bad no information concerning tbe disturbance. CaUs ~·jth anl information concerning tbe disturbance are documented in this report. All calls were prerecorded, copied to cd-rom and listened to on lap top media pla~'er b,Y this Intelligence Coordinator. • 1853 Morris, 'William 0978136 called 303-984-0184 told female part)' that inmate was beaten in the ~'ard by staff, that a Lt. or Capt. \\"as kicking him in the bead wbHe be wa.s handcuffed, tbe 'Washington inmates are vcr;y upset about the incident. "Iasbington inmates art being gi\'en extra prh'ileges sucb as big screen t,,'s, better jobs and programs. Trouble will start in tbe ~'ard tonigbt. I am going to staJ in my room if it starts. SIGNATURE: DATE; ~- ... "" 001617 COLOR-IDO DEPARTMENT OFCORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL INCIDENT N.~TIVE 04000898A 253 From: Lt. Chris Barr, CSP/CCF Intelligence Coordinator Date: Jul)' 28, 2004 11I1I 91 I Re: Phone monitoring investigation concerning Crowle)' Correctional Fadliry" Case number Cl 04-000898 ,. An caUs l\'cre listened on 7/20/04 from 0524 a.m. to 2152. Some calls had no information concerning tbe disturbance. Calls witb an~' information concerning the disturbance are documented in this report. All calls were pre.recorded, copied to cd-rom and listened to on lap top media plaj'er b)' this Intelligence Coordinator. • 1910 Bland, Joseph 013560 called 360-537-1006 stated the)' are protesting outside right now, the)" asked me to join butl refused to join. SIGXATURE: DATE: 001618 J COLOR..t\DO DbPARTh1E}\j OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE lNSPECTOR GE~cRAL '-'I' INCIDENTNARR~TI\'E 1 ,~'" j 1.... -------04-0-0-08-9-8-A=.2-,5_9 From: Lt. Chris Barr, CSP/CCF Intelligence Coordinator Date: Jul~' i _jl "" ---'1 28. 2004 Re: Phone monitoring investigation c,oncerning Crowle)' Correctional Facility Case number Cl 04-000898 All calls were listened on i/20/04 from 0524 a.m, to 2152, Some calls had no information concerning the disturbance. Calls witb any information concerning the disturbance are documented in this report. All calls were prerecorded, copied to cd-rom and listened to on lap top media player by this Intelligence Coordinator. 1942 Vasquez, Hilario 02li30 cans 303-412-0245 Talking to female party when be tells her that inmates are running into the cell house with there faces covered, so onl)' they eyes are showing. The are breaking windows, breaking into the pop machine. This dude has a horseshoe and be is breaking glass, they just broke our 1'\' and microwave. Tipping pop machines over. when asked if be was going to Jock down be stated no, the)' cant do shit to us. The)' are busting tbe pop machine. I am watching them. The:,,' are in side the control tower and are breaking windows, tbe~' breaking the video camera, phones, the}' tipped over the ice machine. (JOll can bear fin alarm going off) .,....- t SIGNA TVRE; DATE: I n. , r, 001624 COLOR.J\DO DEPi\RThffi1,n OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENER.A.L L~CIDEl'l·NARRATIVE 04000898A 261 I 91 I I From: Lt. Chris Barr, CSP/CCF Intelligence Coordinator Date: Jul~' 28~ 2004 Re: Phone monitoring investigation concerning Crowlel Correctional Fad)i!}' Case number Cl 04-000898 All calls were listened on 7/20/04 from 0524 a.Ul. to 2152. Some calls had no information concerning the disturbance. CaUs with an)' information concerning the disturbance are documented in tbis report. All calls were prerecorded. copied to cd-rom and listened to on lap top media pla)'er b)' this Intelligence Coordinator. • 1947 Garcia, Mark 027460 called 719-964-9528 tells female partJ they used .a weight bar to get into the barbershop in unitl-A-8. Riot has been going on for 30 minutes, I feel like going out with them but 1 wont. They are in the control tower. Tbe:,r just broke eveI')· window in this mother rucker. 1 am putting on my shoes in case I have to fight. Inmate Garcia caUs to an inmate named Rick to give him a pop out of the machine which has been broken into. ) ) SIGNATITRE: DATE: OOlG26 COLOR.,wO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OffiCE OF THE INSPECTOR GENnRAL INCIDENT NARRATIVE 04000898A 262 From: Lt. Chris Barr, esP/ccr Intelligence Coordinator Date: Jut)" 28, 2004 Phone monitoring investigation concerning Crowle}' Correctional Facilil)' Case Re: number CI 04-000898 AU calls ,",'ere listened on 7/20/04 from 0524 a.m. to 2152. Some calls bad no information concerning tbe disturbance. Calls with an~' information concerning tbe disturbanc~ are documented in this report. A.I1 calls were prerecorded, copied to cd-rom and listened to on lap top media player by this Intelligence Coordinator. • 1949 Gonzales, Richard 113508 caned 719-595-0545 tells female party in a panic voice tbat tbe~' are breaking everything. ()·en can bear him yelling at inmates to Jock the door and not let them in, he tells someone to bide the TV. h~ teUs ber that an tbe inmates are rioting, he tells her tbat they are coming in tbe doors now. Gonzales then tells her be has to go try to control tbem and hangs np. DATE: SIGNATURE: or.." .., ., . r" 001627 - J- COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GEN"ER.:<\L .INCIDENT NARRATIVE 04000898A 263 ChrisBarr~ From: Lt. Date: JuJ)' 28~ " CSP/CCF Intelligence Coordinator 2004 Re: Phone monitoring investigation concerning Crowle)' Correctional Facilit)' Case number CI 04-000898 A.U cans were listened on inO/04 from 0524 a.m. to 2152. Some calls had no information concerning the disturbance. Calls with anJ' information concerning the disturbance are documented in this report. AU calls were prerecorded, copied to cd-rom and listened to on lap top media player b)' this Intelligence Coordinator. • 1949 Nuanes, Ross 010968 called 720-404-1528 told female parry' that the)' were rioting and people were being shanked. SIGNATURE: DATE: ·001628 - I -----~---- COLORWO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE L~SPECTOR GENERAL f j L~CIDENT J'I:. . NARRATIVE 0_4_00_0_8_98_A......:;=-.2_6_5 ---' From: Lt."Chris Barr, CSP/CCF Intelligence Coordinator Date: July 28, 2004 Phone monitoring investigation concerning Re: number CI 04-000898 Crowle~' Correctional Facility Case AU calls were listened on 7/20/04 from 0524 a.m. to 2152. Some calls had no information concerning the disturbance. CaUs with any information concerning the disturbance are documented in this report. All calls were prerec.orded, copied to cd-rom and listened to on lap top media pla~'er bJ this Intelligence Coordinator. • 1950 Larkins, Ronald 022982 called 303-353-2331 (You can hear in the background fire alarms going otT, inmates }'eUing.) Larkins tells female party that tbey are breaking inmates out of the hole as we speak. I am not tIj'ing to e"\'en see who is involved, the guards have allidt. Inmates are in control rooms. \ J SIGNATURE: DATE: 001630 COLORAJ)O DEPARTM:EJ'.ij OF CORRECTJONS :~nEFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GE:N1:R.AL L~CIDENT NARR-\TIVE 04000898A 284 From: Lt. Chris Barr, CSP/CCF Intelligence Coordinator Date: Julv., 28.2004 , Re: Phone monitoring investigation concerning Crow)e~' Correctional Facility Case number CI 04-000898 AU calls were listened on 7/20/04 from 0524 a.m. to 1152. Some calls had no information conce.ming the disturbance. Calls with any information concerning tbe disturbance are documented in this report. All calls were prerecorded, copied to cd-rom and listened to on lap top media pls}'er by this Intelligence Coordinator. • 2047 'White, Gregor")' 017223 called 206-941-7123 told ber that an inmate bad been shot, she asked if the inmate was dead, '''hite told her no that he had been shot through the foot and they had him wrapped up. DATE: SIGNATORE: n~ .. ,., ,.. ... 001649 COWRADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFfICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAJ... INCIDENT NARRATIVE 04000898A 287 From: Lt. Chris Barr, CSP/CCF Intelligence Coordinator Date: JuJ)' 28, 2004 Phone monitoring investigation concerning Crowle" Correctional Facility Case Re: number CI 04-000898 All caUs were listened on 7/20/04 from 0524 a.m. to 2152. Some calls had no information concerning the disturbance. Calls with anl information c.oncerning the disturbance are documented in this report. AlJ calls were prerecorded, copied to cd-rom and listenf'.d to on lap top media pla)'er by this Intelligence Coordinator. • 2057 .Ech~ Larry' 015278 called 907-345-0721 told female part)' that he was going to die, that the)' had guns. that they are rioting. There is no waJ out the fire is in front of the door. Larry's roommate gets on the phone and says he is protecting Larry. The,- have been shooting people, I don't want to be here, ne"er wanted to come bere. I am so scared, 1 don't know where to go, we are aU stuck in here. I am hiding under the stairs by the telephone in unit 2 b, I am not im'oh'ed with this. 'Water is all over the floors, broke e\'erything~ here thf')' come I got to go. SIGNATIJRE: DATE: 001652 COLOR;\DO DEPA.RTlvIENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTORGEt"T£R.AL L~CIDENT NARRATIVE 04000898A 73 FROM: 1 T. STEVE LUCERO DATE: AUGUST 11,2004 RE: • CCCF RIOT CASE CJ-04-000898 ON 7-30-04] SPOKE TO INMATE RUDY :~..LVAR./ill 0 981388 IN THE BUILDING AT CCCF ABOUT THE RIOT. HE SAID HE \VAS IN THE 'YARD WHEN IT STARTED BUT \\'ASN'T INVOLVED. PROGR~\1S Page] of 1 001734 COLORWO DEP.tiliTMENT OF CORRECTIO?'-JS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GEKTER.AL INCIDENT NARRATIVE 04000898A 89 FR01v1: LT. STEVE LVCERO DAIT: .-\UGl..1ST ] 0.2004 RE: \... .j I 11I1 CCCF RIOT CASE CI-04-000898 0:-: 7-:~9-04 I SPOKE TO INJ\lATE BR-t..NDON CLEARY 87062 IN THE PROGRt\l\1S BUILDING AT ceCF ABOCT THE RIOT. HE SAID THA T TI-lE f ACILJTY ~'\fEW IT \\'AS COMING. THEY TRIED TO APPEASE THE \\'ASHINGTON INMATES ~'ITH MINTS AND CHEESEBURGERS. HE HEARD BEFORE THE RIOT 11-3AT INMATE'S TOLD C/O BLANCO THEY WA..."NTED TO SPEAK TO SOMEONE ABOUT SOJ\lE ISSUES. mE N CAPTAIl'\ GARCIA CAME OUT WlTH 2 ROOKIES AND 2 SECURITY. CLEAR'{ WASN~T SURE \\1-1AT \VAS SAID BUT THE YARD WAS CLOSED. TWENTy" FIVE MINUTES LATER mE DOORS WERE OPEN'ED. GARCIA TOLD STAFF LET'S GO. THAT WAS THE FIRST TI1\-1£ CLEARY HAD EVER SEEN :\LL RACES lJNITE. HE SAID IF THE SAME PEOPLE RUN THIS PLACE THE S.AJv1E \\'AY THE SAME THING WILL HAPPEN. INMATES THAT HAD JOBS ~~ERE PULLED OFF JOBS SO WASHINGTON COULD HAVE THEM, THEY HAD PRlORlTY. HE ALSO CLAIMS THAT CERTIFICATES ,VERE BOUGHT FOR CANDY BARS. A INMATE COULD DO A FEW HOURS OF CLASS ANTI GET TWO HUNDRED HOURS, CLEARY W..\ SN'T SPECIFlC ON THE CERTIFlCATES. Page 1 of 1 001750 COLOR.A.DO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECT10NS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL INCIDENT NA.RRATIVE 04000898A 103 • FROM:L T. STEVE LUCERO DA TE: AUGUST] 0, 2004 RE: ceCF PJOT CASE CI~04-000898 ON 7-29-04 1 SPOKE TO INMATE JEFFERY GILLIS 117093 IN THE PROGRA.t,,1S BUILDING AT CCCF ABOUT THE RIOT. HE SAID HE SAV/ INMA ITS BURl"JING RUDY LUJAN 92490 OUT OF THE CELL \VHEN LUJA]\ CAME OUT OF THE SECOND TIER CELL HE S\V1JNG THE DOOR OPEN, RUSHED OUT AND S\\1JNG AT AN INl\1A. TE. LUJAN RAN TO THE CORi'\i"ER A."l\'D FELLAG.AJN, LUCAN GOT UP AND RAN TO THE OTHER CORNER AND fELL AGAIN. THE N THEY CAUGHT HIM AND THRE\\' HIM OVER THE SECOND TIER \,'HERE HE HUNG. A~D FELL TO THE FIRST TIER THEN S01\1EON£ THREW A MICROWAVE ON HIM. HE SAID A TALL BALD CH]CANO ASKED GILLES IF HE \VOULD HELP HI},'! HELP LUCAN. HE SAID HE \VOULD IDENTIFY THESE INMATES THROUGH PHOTOS. Page 1 of 1 001764 COLORtffiO DEPARTlvlliNT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF TILE INSPECTOR GEN"ERAL L~CIDENT NARRATIVE 04000898A 105 FROM: LT. STEVE LUCERO DATE: AUGUST 9,2004 RE: _ ... , , ! '_ .' i . .•..../ II CCCF RIOT CASE C1-04-000898 ON 7-27-04 I SPOKE TO IN"MATE RODNEY HARRIS 822647 IN THE PROGRAu\1S BUILDING ABOUT THE RECENT RJOT. HE TOLD I'vIE HE \\'AS IN THE LA, \V' LlBR.>\RY WORKING ON HIS CASE. HE SAID HE \VASN"r INV OLVED. HE HEAl-ill ABOUT THREE WEEKS BEFORE THIS HAPPENED SOMETHI>JG \VOULD HAPPEN. Page 1 of 1 001766 COLOR.ADO DEPl1.RTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GEN"ERAL INCIDE1\7 NARRATIVE 04000898A 110 FROM: LT. STEVE LUCERO DATE: AUGUST 10, 2004 RE: CCCF RJOT CASE • Cl~04-000898 ( ON 7-29-04 1 SPOKE TO INlvlATE HOWARD, LA\VRENCE 91464 IN THE PROGRA..MS BUILDING AT CCCF ABOUT THE RIOT. HE SAID THAT INM-\TES \\'ERE MAD .ABOUT THE FOOD, STAFF .l\.l"JD NO RESPECT FROM STAFF. HE DIDN'T HAVE Al~YTHING TO OFFER AS Etlli AS WHO STARTED THE RIOT. Page 1 of 1 001771 COLORADO DEPARTh1ENT OF CORRECTlONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GEh.TER;\L LNCIDENT NARRATIVE 04000898A 112 ('i FROM: LT. STEVE LUCERO DATE: AUGUST 11,2004 RE: CCCF RJOT CASE C1-04-000898 ON 7-30-04 I SPOKE TO INMATE \V1LLI:\M JARRED 765115 TN THEPROGRA.. MS BUILDING AT CCCF ABOUT THE RIOT. JA..RRED SAID HE THINKS nons STARTED BECA.USE OF THE SHADDIE INCIDENT. HE SAID HE TRIED TO GET 11'\TO lJ"NJT 6 BUT THEY V,,'OULDN'T LET HIM D\. ( Page 1 of 1 001773 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTiONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL SUPPLEMENTAL CASE REPORT ,~ f I LT, DAN FOSTER REPORTED BY CSP/CCF INTEl.. OFFICER I CASE NUMBER DATE JULY 27,2004 I SUPPLEMENT NUMBER 1 2004-000898 I DJF·l PAGE 1 DOCUMENT RELEASE LOVATO, WARREN #121552 Form Type cooe . Form Description INTERVIEW Investigator llt Dan Foster Pages 1 Synopsis Claims he was in his cell LU1 C3301 on the evening of JUly 20. Said he watched as inmates tore up the dayroom but couldn't I.D anyone because they wore masks. Said he heard rumors of something going down the previous evening. States that he believes it was over staff mistreating and inmate and food issues. Said he knew Rudy Lujan from the unit but doesn't know why he was stabbed. Date of Supplement Released By Lt. Dan Foster 7-27-04 001795