Colorado Doc Prisoner Disciplinary Policies 2009
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ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION REGULATION NUMBER PAGE NUMBER 150-01 1 OF 25 CHAPTER: Boards SUBJECT: Code of Penal Discipline COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS RELATED STANDARDS: ACA Standards 2-CO-3C-01, 4-4047, 4-4226 through 4-4228, 4-4230 through 4-4233, 4-4235 through 4-4248, 4-4250, 4-4252, 4-4255, 4-4263, and 4-4400 OPR: OOS I. REVIEW MONTH: February EFFECTIVE DATE: May 15, 2009 SUPERSESSION: 06/01/08 Aristedes W. Zavaras Executive Director POLICY It is the policy of the Department of Corrections (DOC) to provide written guidelines to ensure that offender control and discipline [2-CO-3C-01] [4-4226] [4-4227] are established and maintained, in accordance with the following objectives: A. Require individual offender compliance with reasonable behavior standards and limitations. B. Ensure the general welfare and safety of all persons living and working within the institution. C. Establish and maintain fair disciplinary procedures and practices consistent with case law. II. PURPOSE To establish procedures, responsibilities, prohibitions, and sanctions which govern offender conduct at all DOC facilities, or those under contract with the DOC, and establish procedural guidelines to assist prison officials in regulating the conduct of offenders. CONTENTS SUBJECT PAGE PARAGRAPH Purpose and Principles 1 II Contents 1 II-A Definitions 3 III Procedures 5 IV Publication 5 IV-A Jurisdiction 5 IV-B Offenders Subject to Code 5 IV-B-1 Criminal Prosecution 5 IV-B-2 CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 2 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 Relationship to DOC Regulations (600-1 and 600-2) 5 IV-B-3 Disposition 6 IV-C Violations 6 IV-D Definitions of Class I Offenses 6 IV-D Definitions of Class II Offenses 9 IV-D Definitions of Class III Offenses 13 IV-D Formal Disciplinary Procedures 13 IV-E Hearing Officer/Hearing Board Composition and Authority 13 IV-E-1 Detention of Community Facility Offenders 14 IV-E-2 Formal Disposition Procedures 14 IV-E-3 Initiation and Review of Charges 14 IV-E-3-a Notice of Charge(s) 14 IV-E-3-c Service and Receipt of Notice of Charge(s) 15 IV-E-3-d Amendment to Notice of Charge(s) 15 IV-E-3-e Date and Time of Hearing 15 IV-E-3-f Segregation Prior to Hearing/Removal from Population (RFP) 15 IV-E-3-g Burden of Proof/Pleading 15 IV-E-3-h Evidence 16 IV-E-3-i Witnesses 16 IV-E-3-j Confidential Informants/Information 16 IV-E-3-k Continuance 17 IV-E-3-l Rights of Offenders at Hearings 17 IV-E-3-m Appearances 17 IV-E-3-m-1) Representation 18 IV-E-3-m-2) Offenders Who May Represent Other Offenders 18 IV-E-3-m-2)-d) Offenders Who May Not Represent Other Offenders 18 IV-E-3-m-2)-f) Waiver of Offender Rights 18 IV-E-3-m-3) Record of Hearing 19 IV-E-3-n Recording 19 IV-E-3-n-1) Findings 19 IV-E-3-o Hearing Officer or Board Authority/Authorized Sanctions 19 IV-E-3-p CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 3 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 Disposition 20 IV-E-3-q Final Approval of Formal Disciplinary Actions 20 IV-E-3-r Appeals 21 IV-E-3-s Expungement and Restoration 22 IV-E-3-t Conditions of Punitive Segregation for DOC Facilities 22 IV-E-4 Informal Disposition Procedures 23 IV-F Authority of Warden/Director to Modify Provisions of Code 24 IV-G Declaration of Emergency 24 IV-H Responsibility 24 V III. DEFINITIONS A. Attempt: An offender commits an attempt when, with intent to commit an offense, he engages in conduct which tends to effect the commission of such offense. It is an affirmative defense to the charge of attempt that the offender voluntarily abandoned his effort to commit the offense, prior to the discovery of his active participation in the offense(s), or before it is substantially completed. B. Complicity: An offender may be charged, tried, and convicted of any offense based upon the conduct of another person if, with the intent that the offense be committed, he commands, induces, encourages, procures, or aids the other to commit it. It is an affirmative defense to the charge of complicity that the offender, prior to the commission of the offense, voluntarily withdrew from any active participation in the offense. In any prosecution where the liability of the accused offender is based upon the conduct of another offender, it is no defense that the other offender has been found not guilty, or has not been prosecuted, or has been convicted of a different offense. C. Contraband: Any item that a DOC employee, contract worker, volunteer, visitor, or offender is not specifically authorized to have in his/her possession; any item that has been altered and/or is being used for other than its intended purpose (this does not include reading materials, refer to AR 300-26, Offender Reading Material); any item(s) over the three cubic foot allowable personal property limit; any item listed in the “Consent to Search Authorization;” any item listed in the Code of Penal Discipline; any item listed on the administrative head’s “Declaration of Contraband”; and any item that may threaten the safety and security of a DOC facility, DOC employees, contract workers, volunteers, offenders, or visitors, or any item listed as contraband in an administrative regulation, implementation/adjustment, or operational memorandum. D. Contract Worker: Any person employed under contractual arrangement to provide services to the DOC: any person employed by private or public sector agencies who is serving under DOC special assignment to provide services or support to DOC programs. The employee/employer relationship lies with the contractor. All Department agreements are for a specified period and are renewable. E. Dangerous Contraband: A communication device, firearm, knife, bludgeon, or other weapon, device, instrument, material or substance, whether animate or inanimate, which is readily capable of causing or inducing fear of death or physical injury. This may include, but not be limited to, needles and Class “A” and “B” tools. F. Dangerous Drugs and Paraphernalia: Alcohol; all controlled substances as listed under Schedules I-V of the Colorado Revised Statutes, 18-8-203(2) through 18-18-207(2); marijuana and marijuana concentrates including all parts of the plant cannabis sativa L.; and any volatile substance inhaled for its mood-altering effect, including but not limited to, cleaning fluids, glue, lacquer, petroleum distillates and/or any drug controlled by regulations of federal or state law. This area should also include drug paraphernalia. (Definition should always be that of the most current statutes). CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 4 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 G. Date of Discovery: The date at which the initiating officer determined an offense has occurred and the identity of the offender to be charged. This is determined by the date that the initiating officer signs the “Notice of Charge.” [4-4238] H. Disciplinary Officer: A person, or persons, designated by the warden, or the director of Adult Parole, Community Corrections, and Youthful Offender System, whose duty it should be to present the DOC’s case at disciplinary proceedings. Where feasible, this person should be at or above the level of correctional officer III or the equivalent. I. DOC Employee: Someone who occupies a classified, full or part-time, position in the State Personnel System in which the Department has affect over pay, tenure, and status. J. Executive Director: Executive director of the Colorado Department of Corrections, or designee. The highest command DOC employee. K. Group Living Team: A panel comprised of at least two DOC employees or contract workers who should determine informal disposition of charges against the offender. L. Hearing Board: A three member board comprised of DOC employees and/or contract workers, of which one serves as chairperson of the hearing board. M. Hearing Officer and Chairperson of the Hearing Board: Any DOC employee or contract worker, at or above the level of correctional officer III, or the equivalent, designated by the executive director, or designee, as eligible to be a hearing officer or chairperson of the hearing board for the purpose of administering this code. N. Housing Supervisor/Shift Leader: The COIII or COIV assigned to supervision of a housing unit or shift. O. Intentionally: An offender acts intentionally with respect to a result or to conduct described by this code when he knowingly causes that result or engages in that conduct. P. Non-Disciplinary Resolution: A voluntary alternative to formal Code of Penal Discipline charges, which involves imposition of minor sanctions without a Code of Penal Discipline conviction. Q. Physical Injury: Any physical injury which creates substantial risk of death or which causes death, serious disfigurement, substantial pain, impairment of health, loss or impairment of any major bodily function, or which requires any medical attention. R. Possess: To knowingly exercise physical control over an object. Knowledge should be conclusively presumed when an object is found on an offender’s person, his clothing, or in plain view. Knowledge should be rebuttably presumed when an object is found anywhere in an offender’s cell or in a place where it is likely that only the offender could have placed it. This presumption may be rebutted by evidence that the offender was not responsible for the object’s presence. Offenders are presumed responsible for items found in a common area in a multi-occupancy cell. The presumption of responsibility can be rebutted if proven otherwise. S. Preponderance of Evidence: Evidence which is of greater weight or more convincing than the evidence which is offered in opposition to it; that is evidence which as a whole shows that the fact sought to be proved is more probable than not. T. Probated Sanctions: Sanctions imposed by the hearing officer or board, which are withheld until a specified time, no greater than 90 days, or in accordance with section IV.E.3.p.3). U. Public Official: An elected or appointed official of any local, state, or federal entity. CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 5 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 V. Reckless: An offender’s conduct is reckless if he performs an act or fails to perform an act which it is his duty to do, knowing or having reason to know facts which would lead a reasonable person to realize, not only that his conduct creates an unreasonable risk of physical harm to another, but also that such risk is substantially greater than that which is necessary to make his conduct negligent. W. Reviewing Supervisor: Shift commander or housing supervisor, and/or CSS III, Food Service captain, or designee, where infraction occurred. X. Security Items: Locks, locking systems, windows, vents, telephones, computers, electronic devices, wrist bands, fire and smoke detection and suppression equipment, or other similar items which are used for security/safety. Y. Supervising Officer: The officer who will oversee the extra duty work done by the offender being disciplined. Z. Volunteer: A person approved by Faith and Citizen Programs and the respective facility administrative head/designee to provide services without compensation for DOC correctional programs. AA. Working Days: Monday through Friday, excluding state recognized holidays. [4-4238] IV. PROCEDURES Masculine gender should also refer to the feminine gender if the context so requires. Whenever the singular is used herein, it should also refer to the plural if the context so requires. A. PUBLICATION: Amendments and/or supplements to this code may be issued at any time by the executive director of the DOC as provided herein. Notice of any amendment and/or supplement to this code should be provided to offenders in a manner determined by the facility warden/director. No amendments and/or supplements will become effective sooner than 15 days after publication and notice to the offenders. B. JURISDICTION: 1. Offenders Subject to Code: All offenders in the custody of the executive director of the DOC should be subject to this code. All violations of this code should be punishable as disciplinary violations. 2. Criminal Prosecution: In addition to being subject to this code, all offenders in the custody of the executive director of the DOC are subject to all laws of the United States and the state of Colorado. If a violation of this code would also be a violation of a federal, state, or local law, an offender should be subject to the provisions of this code as well as to the applicable law. When an offender allegedly commits an act covered by statutory law, the case should be referred to the appropriate local or federal agency for criminal prosecution. [4-4231] Pursuant to CRS 17-1103.8(2)(a), the case should first be referred to the Office of the Inspector General (IG). The IG’s office will pursue case filings and follow-up as necessary. 3. Relationship to DOC Regulations 600-1 and 600-2: a. All decisions relating to offender classification, removal from population, and placement in administrative segregation should be made in accordance with administrative regulations 600-01, Offender Classification, and 600-02, Administrative Segregation. In the event that the facts of a particular disciplinary case make it appropriate for a classification officer or board to review a particular case, the disciplinary hearing officer or board may, at its discretion, forward a summary of facts to the classification officer or committee for its review. Such recommendations should not be binding upon the appropriate classification officer or committee. CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 6 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 In addition, pursuant to administrative regulations 600-01 and 600-02, the appropriate classification officer or committee may review any offender’s status without regard to any recommendation from the disciplinary hearing officer or board. b. Disciplinary hearing officers or boards should not have any authority to modify, change, or otherwise affect an offender’s classification, except through the process of recommending that the classification officer or board review a particular case, as outlined in Section IV.B.3.a. above. C. DISPOSITION: Class I and II offenses require a formal hearing. All Class III offenses will be handled through the informal disposition procedure, [4-4230] unless they are in combination with Class I or II charges resulting out of the same incident. D. VIOLATIONS: CLASS I OFFENSES:* (1) Murder: An offender commits this offense when he intentionally causes the death of another person. Self-defense should be a defense to a charge of Murder. If the evidence presented is insufficient to sustain a conviction on a charge of Murder, the hearing officer or board should have the discretion to modify the charge to convict the offender of the offense of Manslaughter or Assault, if such conviction is justified by the evidence presented. (2) Manslaughter: An offender commits this offense when he recklessly causes the death of another person, or without premeditation, upon a sudden heat of passion caused by a serious and highly provoking act affecting the offender sufficiently to excite an irresistible passion in a reasonable person, causes the death of another person. Self-defense should be a defense to a charge of Manslaughter. If the evidence presented is insufficient to sustain a conviction on a charge of Manslaughter, the hearing officer or board should have the discretion to modify the charge to convict the offender of the offense of Assault, if such conviction is justified by the evidence presented. (3) Kidnapping: An offender commits this offense when he seizes; or carries any person from one place to another; or holds a person without his consent with the intent thereby to force the victim or any other person to make any concessions or give up anything of value in order to secure the release of the person under the offender’s actual or apparent control. (4) Assault: An offender commits this offense when he intentionally, or through negligence or recklessness, causes injury to another person, or applies any physical force, offensive substance (such as feces, urine, mucous, blood, saliva), or any other item or hazardous substance against any person regardless of whether or not injury occurs. Selfdefense should be a defense to a charge of Assault. If the evidence presented is insufficient to sustain a conviction on a charge of Assault, the hearing officer or board should have the discretion to modify the charge and convict the offender of the offense of Fighting, if such conviction is justified by the evidence presented. (5) Escape with Force: An offender commits this offense when he, by force or threat of force, without proper authority removes himself from the confines of the institution or from official custody while beyond the confines of the institution. If the evidence presented is insufficient to sustain a conviction on a charge of Escape with Force, the hearing officer or board should have the discretion to modify the charge and to convict the offender of Escape without Force, if such conviction is justified by the evidence presented. CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 7 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 (6) Escape Without Force: An offender commits this offense when, without proper authority, he removes himself from the confines of the institution or fails to return to official custody following temporary leave granted for a specific purpose and for a specified period of limited duration. The hearing officer or board should have the discretion of treating tardiness as Unauthorized Absence, rather than Escape without Force, so long as the offender voluntarily returns from the temporary leave within four hours of his scheduled return time. For an offender on community corrections placement, the hearing officer or board should have the discretion to reduce such Escape without Force charge to Failure to Remain or Return, provided the offender voluntarily returns within 48 hours of the designated return time. (7) Engaging in Riot: An offender commits this offense when he, with two or more persons, participates in conduct that creates danger of damage or injury to property or persons and obstructs the performance of facility functions. If the evidence is insufficient to sustain a conviction on a charge of Engaging in Riot, the hearing officer or board may have the discretion to modify the charge to convict the offender of the offense of Advocating or Creating Facility Disruption, if such conviction is justified by the evidence presented. (8) Inciting to Riot: An offender commits this offense when he urges or organizes two or more offenders to imminently engage in a riot and such incitement is likely to produce a riot, or once a riot begins, he assumes a position of command or instruction in furtherance of the riot. If the evidence is insufficient to sustain a conviction on a charge of Inciting to Riot, the hearing officer or board may have the discretion to modify the charge to convict the offender of Advocating or Creating Facility Disruption, if such conviction is justified by the evidence presented. (9) Rape: An offender commits this offense when he/she uses physical force or intimidation upon another person for the purpose of sexual contact of any kind, and, (a) He has impaired the power of the other person to apprise or control his conduct by administering or employing drugs, intoxicants, or similar means, or, (b) He compels or induces the other person to submit by any misrepresentation such as bartering and extortion or threat of violence, or, (c) The other person suffers from mental disease, defect, or inadequacy that is reasonably apparent or known to the accused offender, which, in fact, renders the other person incapable of understanding the nature of his conduct or being aware of the nature of the act committed, or, (d) The other person is unconscious or otherwise physically incapable of resisting. If the evidence presented is insufficient to sustain a conviction on the charge of Rape, the hearing officer or board should have the discretion to modify the charge and to convict the offender of Sexual Harassment or Sexual Abuse, if such conviction is justified by the evidence presented. (10) Arson: An offender commits this offense when he sets fire to, burns, causes to be burned, or by the use of any explosive or combustible device, damages or destroys or causes to be damaged or destroyed, any structure or property. (11) Robbery/Extortion: An offender commits this offense when he uses or threatens the use of physical force or improper pressure upon another person for the purpose of: (a) Preventing or overcoming resistance to the taking of property or to the retention thereof immediately after the taking, or, CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 8 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 (b) Compelling the owner of such property or another person to deliver or give up possession of the property. If the evidence presented is insufficient to sustain a conviction on a charge of Robbery/Extortion, the hearing officer or board should have the discretion to modify the charge and convict the offender of the offense of Theft or Bartering, if such conviction is justified by the evidence presented. (12) Possession of Dangerous Contraband: An offender commits this offense when he possesses, uses, has under his control or in his custody any item defined as dangerous contraband. Offenders in possession of any unauthorized Class “A” or “B” tools may be found guilty of this violation. (13) Dealing in Dangerous Drugs: An offender commits this offense when he sells or gives away any quantity of any item defined as dangerous drugs. (14) Possession of Key or Key Pattern: An offender commits this offense when he possesses a key or key pattern to any lock. A key pattern is any substance upon which the impression of a key is made. This offense should not prohibit possession of keys authorized by the warden/director, or designee. (15) Possession of Escape Paraphernalia: An offender commits this offense when he has in his possession, in his cell, in his immediate sleeping area, locker, or immediate place of work or other program assignment, or receives from or gives to another offender, or fashions or manufactures, or introduces or arranges to introduce into the facility any escape paraphernalia including, but not limited to: (a) Lock, lock picks, trip wires, locking devices, chain, rope, ladder, tool(s) (Class “A” or “B”), or other items which could be used to effect an escape; and/or, (b) Mask, wig, disguise, or any other means of altering normal physical appearance which would make ready identification of an offender difficult; and/or, (c) Mannequin, dummy, replica of a human body, or any item or device which would cause any offender to be counted as being present at a designated time and place when, in fact, he would be absent, or in any way would aid or abet the escape or walkaway of an offender; and/or any, (d) Form of securities, bonds, coins, currency, legal tender, official papers or documents (other than papers or documents relative to judicial or administrative proceedings), unless expressly and specifically authorized by the warden/director, or designee, of the correctional facility concerned; and/or (e) Item of an officer’s uniform, civilian clothing, or DOC employee clothing, including badges, buttons, name tags, or items of personal identification, unless expressly and specifically authorized by the warden/director, or designee, of the correctional facility concerned. (16) Tampering with Locks or Security Items: An offender commits this offense when he without authorization, locks, unlocks, disables, alters or modifies, in any way, any lock, locking system, or security item within the facility and/or uses any unauthorized lock or security item. (17) Refusal to Submit to Drug Test: An offender commits this offense when he fails or refuses to submit to any test for the unauthorized use of dangerous drugs requested by any DOC employee or contract worker. This includes tampering, dilution, and or adulteration of urine samples, oral swabs, or hair samples. Refer to AR 300-20, Offender Drug Screening, for established time frames. (18) Threats or Intimidation of Public Officials: An offender commits this offense when he communicates to a public official a determination, scheme, or intent to cause, or to instill, the fear of death, injury, terrorism, or intimidation. Such communication may be verbal, physical, or written. CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 9 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 (19) Solicitation of a DOC Employee, Contract Worker, or Volunteer Misconduct: An offender commits this offense when he attempts or is complicit to an act(s) where he seeks to obtain as by persuasion, intimidation or influence, to entice any DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer into an unlawful act and/or violation of CDOC policy for any reason. (20) Unauthorized Possession of Electronic Communication Device: An offender commits this offense when he possesses or uses a communication device, to include but not limited to: cell phone, computer, pager, or DTR (digital trunk radio). * Attempt or Complicity - The charges of complicity and/or attempt may be used in conjunction with any appropriate Class I offense and the hearing officer or board may impose the same penalty prescribed for the substantive offense. CLASS II OFFENSES:* (1) Theft: An offender commits this offense when he knowingly obtains or exercises control over property or services belonging to someone else, without authorization. Value of property or services should be substantiated by written documentation if restitution is to be sought or ordered as a sanction. If the evidence is insufficient to sustain a conviction on a charge of Theft, the hearing officer or board should have the discretion to modify the charge and to convict the offender of the offense of Bartering, if such conviction is justified by the evidence presented. (2) Damage to Property: An offender commits this offense when he intentionally or through recklessness, damages, or causes to be damaged any property of another. Value of property should be substantiated by written documentation if restitution is to be sought or ordered as a sanction. (3) Bribery: An offender commits this offense when he offers to confer, confers, or agrees to confer anything of value upon any DOC employee, contract worker, volunteer, or other offenders with the intent to influence that person’s or offender’s exercise of discretion or other action in any capacity. (4) Forgery: An offender commits this offense when he creates or alters a document with intent to deceive. (5) Fraud: An offender commits this offense when he: (a) Through deception, trickery, or false claims, attains anything for personal gain or benefit. (b) Alters, destroys, conceals, or removes anything with intent to impair its authenticity or availability. (c) Presents or uses anything which he knows to be false with intent to deceive. (6.5) Sexual Abuse: An offender commits this offense when he has active or passive contact or fondling between his genitals, hand(s), mouth, buttocks, anus, or breast and the genitals, hand(s), mouth, buttocks, anus, or breast of another person. Contact can be with or without clothing being worn by one or both parties. (7) Receiving Stolen Property: An offender commits this offense when he receives stolen property of another, knowing that it has been stolen or believing that it has been stolen, unless he has notified a DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer of his knowledge or belief or otherwise made reasonable efforts to restore the property to its owner. Proof that the accused offender acquired stolen property for a consideration far below its economic value or that he was found in possession of recently stolen property will create a rebuttal presumption that it had been stolen. Where the presumption exists, the offender has the burden of proof of showing lawful possession of the property. CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 10 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 If the evidence is insufficient to sustain a conviction on a charge of Receiving Stolen Property, the hearing officer or board should have the discretion to modify the charge and to convict the offender of the offense of Bartering, if such conviction is justified by the evidence presented. (8) Possession or Use of Dangerous Drugs: An offender commits this offense if he possesses or uses any quantity of unauthorized dangerous drugs. (9) Possession or Use of Tobacco or Tobacco Products: An offender commits this offense when he possesses or uses any tobacco (smoking or smokeless) or tobacco products/paraphernalia, including but not limited to, rolling papers, pipes, and lighters. (10) Perjury: An offender commits this offense when he makes a false statement under oath or affirmation, or swears or affirms the truth of a statement previously made and does not believe the statement to be true. (11) Possession of Syringe or Drug Paraphernalia: An offender commits this offense when he possesses a syringe or other implement capable of injecting a substance under the skin of any individual, including himself and/or possesses an article, equipment, or apparatus capable of administering a dangerous drug or volatile substance. (12) Fighting: An offender commits this offense when he engages in a physical altercation including, but not limited to: exchange of blows, shoves, kicks, or any offensive physical contact without authorization from the warden/director, or designee. Self-defense should be a defense to a charge of Fighting. (13) Threats: An offender commits this offense when he communicates a determination or intent (either verbally, physically, or in writing) to injure another person or to commit a crime of violence or an unlawful act presently or in the future, and the probable consequence of such threat or threats (whether or not such consequence, in fact, occurs) is: (a) To place another person in fear of bodily injury; or, (b) To cause damage to property; or, (c) To jeopardize the security of the facility. (14) Abuse of Medication: An offender commits this offense when he, in any way, stores, saves, gives away, possesses, or removes any prescription medication without authorization. (15) Interference with Search: An offender commits this offense when he refuses to allow, obstructs, or hinders in any way, a DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer in his search of any person, housing unit, or property. (16) Advocating or Creating Facility Disruption: An offender commits this offense when he transmits or attempts to transmit through any form of communication or action, threats, demands, actions, or suggestions which advocate disruption; or if he actually disrupts operations of any segment of a facility. (17) Inter-Agency Visitation: An offender commits this offense when he visits another facility without first obtaining authorization from any DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer at his facility assignment and any facility(ies) he wishes to visit. (18) Association: An offender commits this offense when he: (a) While at a community placement facility or non-resident status, associates outside the facility, with a person he knows or has reason to know is a convicted felon or a validated member of a security threat group without first obtaining authorization of an appropriate DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer, or, CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 11 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 (b) While assigned to an off-grounds or outside crew, associates with the general public without first receiving authorization. (19) Unauthorized Possession: An offender commits this offense when he has in his possession, in his cell, in his immediate sleeping area, locker, or immediate place of work or other program assignment or fashions, manufactures, introduces or attempts to arrange or arranges to introduce into the facility any item defined as contraband. Offenses under this subsection should not include unauthorized possession of dangerous contraband, dangerous drugs, key or key pattern, syringes or drug paraphernalia, tattooing/piercing/branding paraphernalia, or escape paraphernalia. (20) Tattooing/Piercing/Branding and/or Possession of Tattooing/Piercing/Branding Paraphernalia: An offender commits this offense when he receives or gives a tattoo/piercing/brand or has in his possession any tattooing/piercing/branding paraphernalia to include, but not limited to: patterns, ink, needles, piercing jewelry, irons, or altered electrical appliances. (21) Count Interference: An offender commits this offense when he causes or participates in any interference, delay, disruption, or deception with regard to the process of counting part or all of the offender population, including, but not limited to: hanging, fastening, or attaching any sheet, blanket, curtain, drapery, or other material whether transparent or not on any part or all of the front or door of a cell or around a dormitory bed or other immediate sleeping area without the permission of an authorized DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer. (22) Failure to Work: An offender commits this offense when he: (a) Fails to perform work assigned; and/or, (b) Fails to report to work; and/or, (c) Departs from his appointed place of duty or assignment without authorization. Medical authorization by a clinical DOC employee or contract worker is a defense to this code violation. (23) Gambling: An offender commits this offense when he plays for money or other things of value at any game including, but not limited to: those played with cards or dice, or bets on the side or hand of those playing, or bets anything of value on the outcome of any observable event or ascertainable happening or organizes or is in possession of any game of chance, lottery, betting pool, betting slips or records, or is in possession of other similar devices. (24.5) Sexual Harassment: An offender commits this non-contact offense when he subjects another person to verbal or written statements or gestures of a sexual nature and: (a) He uses obscene or profane language, makes demeaning references to gender or derogatory comments about body or clothing, or, (b) Makes sexually harassing gestures, or, (c) Makes threats of physical force or improper pressure for sexual acts, or requests for sexual acts, or (d) Displays his/her anus, genitals, or breasts (female) to another person, or, (e) Masturbates in the presence or direct vision of another person, or (f) To include any behavior of a sexual or romantic nature whether verbal or non-verbal. CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 12 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 (25) Disobeying a Lawful Order: An offender commits this offense when: (a) He refuses to obey a verbal or written order or instruction given by a DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer which is reasonable in nature and which gives reasonable notice of the conduct expected; or, (b) He violates any special condition(s) of his community placement. Violating a posted operational rule is not an offense under this subsection; however, refusing a verbal or written order to comply with a posted operational rule is an offense. (26) Bartering, Selling Goods, and Commodities or Services: An offender commits this offense when he barters, loans, sells, gives, receives, borrows, or buys any item without the prior knowledge and permission of a DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer including, but not limited to: those items sold in the canteen, clothing, housing furnishings, art and craft items, services, or transfers or attempts to transfer funds from the trust or banking account of one offender to that of another offender and/or when an offender arranges the payment from one offender to another through outside resources without proper authorization. [4-4047] (27) Verbal Abuse: An offender commits this offense when he subjects another person to abusive, offensive, or defamatory language or gestures. (28) Operating Motor Vehicles: An offender commits this offense when he operates any motor vehicle without permission of a DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer. (29) Habitual Class III Convictions: An offender commits this offense when he receives four or more Class III informal convictions during a six month period. (30) Unauthorized Absence: An offender commits this offense when he, without proper authority: (a) Departs from any place where he was directed to remain by a DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer, or facility regulations. (b) Is away from his assigned area or is found in an area without authorization from a DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer of his assigned area. (31) Failure to Remain or Return: An offender commits this offense if he fails to remain within or return, as specified in the limits on his confinement, as established under any community corrections’ placement, but voluntarily returns within 48 hours of designated return time. If the offender voluntarily returns within six hours of designated return time, the hearing officer or board should have the discretion to reduce such Failure to Remain or Return charge to Unauthorized Absence. (32) Possession of Unauthorized Legal Documents: An offender commits this offense when he possesses legal documents of another offender outside the immediate presence of the offender to whom the documents belong. (33) Misuse of Clinical Services: An offender commits this offense when he causes the use, or expense, of medical, dental, or mental health care, without good reason, or fails to cooperate with the care without good reason. * Attempt or Complicity: The charges of complicity and/or attempt may be used in conjunction with any appropriate Class II offense and the hearing officer or board may impose the same penalty prescribed for the substantive offense. CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 13 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 CLASS III OFFENSES: (1) Failure to Display Name and/or Identification Number and/or Card: An offender commits this offense when he fails to display his name and/or identification number and/or card in the manner prescribed by the warden/director’s written directives. (2) Failure to Obtain Permit: An offender commits this offense when he fails to obtain a permit for any item or activity as prescribed by the warden/director. (3) Violating a Posted Operational Rule: An offender commits this offense when he violates any posted facility rule or regulation of which he has, or through the exercise of reasonable diligence, should have, knowledge. The written report should include the specific operational rule alleged to have been violated. (4) Failure to Pay Subsistence: An offender commits this offense when he fails to pay the subsistence fee(s) or ISP fees. (5) Entering Into Contract: An offender commits this offense when he enters into a contract or engages in any business without the written approval of a DOC administrative head, or designee. (6) Littering: An offender commits this offense when he disposes of any form of trash or waste in any place other than those specifically designated for waste disposal. (7) Sanitary Violation: An offender commits this offense when he: (a) Willfully urinates or defecates in other than the facilities provided for such functions, or, (b) Willfully fails or refuses to shower at least once a week, or, (c) Willfully fails to keep his body, hair, and clothes in as clean, sanitary, neat, and odor-free condition as possible under the circumstances of his particular custody, or, (d) Willfully fails to keep his cell or immediate sleeping area clean, odor-free, sanitary, free of trash and debris and available to the visual observation of a DOC employee, contract worker, volunteer, or, (e) Intentionally commits acts hazardous to the health of any person within the facility. (8) Personal Appearance Violation: An offender commits this offense when he fails to follow the warden/director’s written directives on personal appearance. E. FORMAL DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES: 1. Hearing Officer/Hearing Board Composition and Authority: a. Disciplinary hearings may be held before either a hearing officer or a three-member board, at the discretion of the DOC. Upon the offender’s request, Class I offenses should be heard by a hearing board, if feasible. b. For each facility operated by the DOC, the warden, or the director of Adult Parole, Community Corrections, and the Youthful Offender System, should designate an approved list of DOC employee(s) or contract worker(s) who may serve as hearing officers or chairperson of hearing boards for each such facility and such list should be approved by the executive director, or designee. Persons so designated should be at or above the rank of correctional officer III, or community parole officer I, II, or the equivalent, and should be trained in the principles of jurisprudence and due process and should be thoroughly familiar with the provisions of this code. CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline 2. 3. AR # Page 14 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 c. The hearing officer and the board should be impartial. [4-4240] A hearing officer should not be directly involved in the incident; [4-4230] however, the hearing officer or member of the hearing board may be aware of investigations and information about the incident without being biased. A brief description of involvement should be made a part of the record. No hearing officer or board member should discuss a case to which he is assigned with any other person, except at the hearing on the matter, or after its conclusion. d. The hearing officer or board at each facility should have original and exclusive jurisdiction in all disciplinary matters except that Class III offenses will be handled through the informal disposition process, unless they are in combination with Class I or II charges resulting out of the same incident. e. The hearing officer or board should administer an oath or affirmation to all parties testifying in a hearing. The hearing officer or board should have the power to compel the attendance of any DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer. The hearing officer or board should have the power to obtain copies of document(s) held by the DOC for the purpose of conducting a hearing. f. DOC employees or contract workers who are formally approved to participate in the Mentoring Program may participate in the COPD process as a hearing officer. Such DOC employee or contract worker should have completed COPD Hearing Officer Training and may conduct hearings only under direct, on-site supervision of a certified hearing officer at the level of correctional officer III or above. All DOC employees or contract workers participating in the Mentoring Program as a hearing officer should have prior approval from the associate director of Offender Services. Detention of Community Facility Offenders: a. An offender assigned to a community facility may be placed and held in a local detention facility (e.g., city or county jail), if required for security purposes upon notification of a charge for a Class I or II violation. b. Detention prior to hearing should not exceed ten working days, except upon request for continuance by the offender or approval from the director of Adult Parole, Community Corrections, and the Youthful Offender System for justifiable cause and documented in the record. Formal Disposition Procedures: a. Initiation and Review of Charges: 1) If a Class I or Class II charge(s) is brought against an offender, appropriate supervisor(s) must begin an independent review, [4-4232] as soon as possible, but no later than two working days after the date of discovery of the alleged violation. 2) The supervisory review may be delegated to a DOC employee or contract worker at or above the level of correctional officer III,or equivalent. The reviewing supervisor may consult with anyone, including the offender, during his review. If the reviewing supervisor finds cause to believe that any violation was committed by the offender charged, he should approve the Notice of Charge(s). b. The initiating officer(s) should be kept informed of all stages of the process as well as final disposition. c. Notice of Charge(s): 1) The accused should receive a written Notice of Charge(s) [4-4236] not later than six working days after the date of discovery of the violation, or not later than six working days after the offender has been returned to the facility, if the offender is temporarily absent during the period after discovery, or not later than six working days after the incident is reported, in writing, to the director of Adult Parole, Community Corrections, and the Youthful Offender System, or designee. CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 15 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 2) The Notice of Charge(s) should contain the place, date, and time of the incident, date of discovery, the name of the initiating DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer, the citation of the offense charged, a description of the offense [4-4236] and the witnesses to the offense. [4-4233] Copies of all available, relevant, non-confidential, non-repetitious information and/or documentation should be included in, or attached to, the Notice of Charge(s). The offender should be informed on the notice of the general substance of any confidential information and/or evidence to be used against him without breaching confidentiality. The Notice of Charge(s) should notify the offender of the date and time set for the hearing. [4-4238] d. Service and Receipt of Notice of Charge(s): The Notice of Charge(s) should be personally served to the offender [4-4236] by DOC employees or contract workers and a copy should be forwarded to the hearing officer or board with a record of the time and date served and the person serving the notice. The offender should be served at least 24 hours prior to any disciplinary hearing. [4-4236] If an offender refuses to accept his copy of the Notice of Charge(s), the serving officer should note such refusal on a copy of the Notice of Charge(s). Non-English speaking offenders should be offered assistance by translation or other effective means. e. Amendment to Notice of Charge(s): If any amendment of the charges or other information on the notice is made, the offender should be informed in writing of the amendment at least 24 hours prior to the hearing, unless waived by offender. The correction of clerical mistakes will not be an amendment and can occur at anytime, and should be made part of the record. f. Date and Time of Hearing: The hearing should be scheduled to be heard and held no sooner than 24 hours and should not be held later than seven working days after the date of discovery, [44238] unless a continuance of the case is granted at the request of the offender, hearing officer, or board, for good cause and documented in the record. [4-4236] In Community Corrections, the hearing should be held within seven working days of the incident reported in writing to the director of Adult Parole, Community Corrections, and the Youthful Offender System, or designee. An offender may request the hearing officer or board to schedule a hearing at the earliest possible time. Priority in scheduling hearings should be given to offenders who have been segregated prior to the hearing. The reporting officer(s) should be notified of the date and time of the hearing. g. Segregation Prior to Hearing/Removal from Population (RFP): 1) An offender should not be placed in punitive segregation prior to a hearing; [4-4252] however, if the offender poses an imminent and substantial threat to the security of the institution, other offenders, DOC employees, contract workers, or volunteers, or to himself, he may be segregated prior to hearing. Segregation prior to hearing should only be ordered by the shift supervisor. [4-4250] This is also known as removal from population (RFP) (see AR 600-01, Offender Classification, Attachment “A”), which is a temporary classification action as detailed in AR 600-01. The shift supervisor will, immediately following segregation, document in writing the circumstances surrounding the incident and the need for pre-hearing segregation. Within one working day, the warden, or designee, should review the report and determine whether there is a continued need for segregation prior to hearing. [4-4235] 2) In cases in which pre-hearing segregation is found necessary, but the offender is housed at a facility where segregation is not feasible, the offender may be removed to a more secure facility. h. Burden of Proof/Pleading: 1) The DOC should have the burden of proof in all formal disciplinary proceedings under this code to establish guilt in accordance with the standard of the preponderance of the evidence. CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 16 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 2) At the hearing, the offender may plead “not guilty,” “guilty,” or “guilty with explanation.” i. Evidence: 1) The hearing officer or board should admit all reliable, non-repetitious evidence which is probative of the facts of the incident from which the charge arises. The hearing officer or board may exclude irrelevant, incompetent, or unduly repetitious evidence. Hearsay evidence may be admitted through the person to whom the statement was made if such evidence possesses probative value commonly accepted by reasonably prudent persons in the conduct of their affairs. Evidence may also be admitted through a sworn, notarized statement. Documentary evidence may be received in the form of a copy or excerpt if the original is not readily available. Physical evidence [4-4233] or replicas thereof, may be presented at the hearing upon the hearing officer or board’s determination of necessity. Photocopies of physical evidence deemed to be dangerous contraband by the disciplinary officer may be presented at the hearing in lieu of the physical evidence. 2) Offender Evidence: The offender should be permitted to offer explanation, defense, or rebuttal to the charge. [4-4242] An offender’s defense should be relevant to the specific charge and may be limited at the discretion of the hearing officer or board. j. Witnesses: 1) The offender and the disciplinary officer should have the right to request the testimony of witnesses [4-4242] at the hearing, but no offender witness should be required to appear or testify against his will. Testimony may be obtained from witnesses in person, telephonically, or by sworn statement. DOC employees, contract workers, or volunteers should cooperate with all hearing officer requests to testify. Witnesses may be limited by the hearing officer or board if their testimony is determined to be irrelevant, incompetent, or unduly repetitious and that determination is documented in the record. The offender may request testimony of persons who witnessed and/or investigated the violations charged, whenever feasible, except when an offender witness refuses to appear or testify. Refusal to testify should be documented in writing by the refusing witness and made a part of the record of the hearing. The hearing officer or board may deny any offender victim as a witness, based on protection of the witness from verbal or physical harassment. Any denial of a witness by the hearing officer, and the reason therefore, should be made part of the record. [4-4242] 2) Offer of Proof: In situations where the testimony made through an offer of proof (the hearing officer or board asks the offender to summarize what a proposed witness would say, if allowed to testify) is of a sort where further questioning of the absent witness is not necessary, the hearing officer can simply accept the offer of proof as evidence and go on with the hearing without actually calling the witness. 3) In no event should an accused offender, or his representative, be allowed to question, or to continue addressing questions to a witness, when it appears that the questions are primarily intended to harass the witness or are unduly repetitious or irrelevant. k. Confidential Informants/Information: 1) Confidential testimony will only be used when it is determined by the disciplinary officer that public testimony would present danger to the safety of an informant [4-4241] or would divulge security sensitive information or operations. Confidential testimony should be taken under oath and recorded on audio tape or by sworn statement in confidence by the disciplinary officer and must be made available to the hearing officer or board prior to the hearing. Confidential documentary evidence should also be provided to the Board prior to the hearing. The disciplinary officer should record specific CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 17 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 evidence of dangerousness together with the confidential testimony and/or evidence in a separate written record [4-4241] which should not be revealed to the accused offender at any time. 2) The accused offender should, however, be informed in the Notice of Charge(s) of the general substance of the confidential testimony and/or evidence including the place, date, and time (where known) of the offense(s) alleged. 3) The hearing officer, or board, should evaluate the information gathered by the disciplinary officer to determine the reliability of the information and state on the record, either verbally or in a written determination using Attachment “F,” “Evaluation to Determine Dangerousness and Reliability of Confidential Information,” their grounds for finding the information reliable. The reliability of the informant should be based on the informant having provided reliable information in the past, the information being offered is based on first hand observations, or there is corroboration from another source or through physical evidence showing the reliability of the information. Immunity is not presumed for confidential informants. 4) Confidential information that may lead to criminal charges should be coordinated with the Office of the Inspector General. The confidential informant must be advised that confidentiality may not be maintained in a criminal proceeding. l. Continuance: 1) The hearing officer or board may grant a continuance for a reasonable period of time for good cause, [4-4239] upon the request of the offender or the DOC, or DOC employee or contract worker. 2) The offender should receive a hearing at the earliest date practicable. Continuances for offenders segregated prior to hearing will not exceed five working days. 3) The offender should receive a hearing within 30 working days of his return to the facility, if absent from the facility prior to the scheduled hearing. 4) The reason for any continuance should be stated in the record of the proceeding and the offender and the disciplinary officer should be notified of such continuances at or prior to scheduled hearing. Continuances should be granted for a period of no less than 24 hours. m. Rights of Offenders at Hearings: 1) Appearances: a) The hearing officer or board should conduct the hearing with due regard for the rights of the accused offender. At commencement of the hearing, the offender should be given advisement of his rights to remain silent and informed that any statement he makes may be used against him in a criminal proceeding. The offender should be informed of the evidence against him, including the general substance of confidential information as provided above, and afforded the opportunity to present evidence at the hearing. b) The accused offender will have the right to be present at the hearing. If any person, including, but not limited to: the offender, a witness, or the offender’s representative, engages in conduct at the hearing that is disruptive or poses a threat to the security of the facility, he may be removed from the hearing and the hearing should proceed in his absence. Such conduct should constitute a waiver of the right to have such CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 18 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 person, including the offender, present at the hearing. [4-4241] If an offender refuses to attend the hearing, the hearing may proceed in his absence, and the refusal will be documented by the hearing officer on the record. 2) Representation: a) An attorney should not be allowed to represent an offender(s) or be present at the COPD hearing. b) Offenders may request representation at the time of service of Notice of Charges. c) Offenders who the hearing officer determines on the record are not capable of understanding the proceedings or articulating a defense, should be provided representation by an offender or DOC employee or contract worker. [4-4243] d) Offenders Who May Represent Other Offenders: The warden, or the director of Adult Parole, Community Corrections, and the Youthful Offender System, may designate offenders as representatives only at their facility, and such representative should meet the following minimum requirements: (1) Be neither classified as administrative segregation or in punitive segregation. (2) Be housed within the same facility. (3) Not have been convicted of a violation of a Class I or II offense in the last six months. (4) Should have a working knowledge of the Code of Penal Discipline, as verified by the hearing officer. e) Offender representation of other offenders is limited to the hearing process. An offender representative does not have powers of investigation, discovery, etc. f) Offenders Who May Not Represent Other Offenders: The warden, or the director of Adult Parole, Community Corrections, and the Youthful Offender System, may remove an offender from eligibility to represent other offenders when he determines that the offender: (1) Demonstrates an inability to work with the code. (2) Demonstrates unduly, disruptive behavior in a hearing before hearing officers or boards. (3) Performs services as an offender representative for any type of compensation (other than authorized offender pay). (4) Demonstrates any other reason which results in an inability to render effective representation. g) Failure to request representation at the time of service of Notice of Charges should constitute a waiver of representation. 3) Waiver of Offender Rights: Any right waived by an offender under the code should be documented in the record or on the record [4-4241] and allowed only if the hearing officer or board is persuaded that the offender has made a knowing and voluntary waiver of his right [4-4230] [4-4237] and the waiver is reviewed by the administrative head, or designee. [4-4237] CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline n. AR # Page 19 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 Record of Hearing: 1) Recording: All hearings should be recorded on audio tape. The tape should be preserved for a minimum of five years from the hearing date, [4-4240] or until all administrative review is completed or longer, upon reasonable request to the hearing officer or board. 2) All written documentation of the hearing should be maintained, per administrative regulation 100-27, Records Management. o. Findings: 1) Upon completion of the hearing, the hearing officer or board should decide by majority vote the offender’s guilt or innocence, as determined by a preponderance of the evidence [4-4244] and what disciplinary sanctions, if any, should be imposed. The hearing officer or board may also decide to dismiss the charge. This decision should be forwarded to the administrative head, or designee, for final approval. This decision will remain as part of the permanent record unless expunged. The hearing officer or board should advise the offender of the decision and his right to appeal. At that time, upon request by the offender, the hearing officer or board may, at its discretion, stay the imposition of sanctions pending any appeal of the decision by the offender. The reporting officer(s) will be notified of the decision of the hearing officer or board. 2) If an offender is found guilty of an offense, the hearing officer or board should state on the record, and in the written decision, all reasons for the decision and for the penalty imposed and should specify any aggravating or mitigating factors considered in their written decision. Dissenting votes should be noted on the record. Any dissenting member of a board may state the basis of his opinion on the record. The hearing officer or board should then prepare a written statement of the evidence relied upon. p. Hearing Officer or Board Authority/Authorized Sanctions: 1) When a hearing officer or board finds that an offender has violated a provision of this code, the hearing officer or board may impose all or any part of the sanctions prescribed for such violation, except as limited herein. In cases where a loss of privileges is imposed, the hearing officer or board should specifically state the extent of the restriction imposed. 2) The hearing officer or board should have the power to suspend any sanction or any part thereof imposed under this code, provided that if a sanction is imposed, it should be imposed within the limitations set forth herein. 3) The hearing officer or board should have the power to probate the sanction or any part thereof provided that the period of probation should be for a definite period of time not to exceed 90 days and the conditions for revocation should be specifically set forth in the Disposition of Charges. Warnings and reprimands will only apply to Class III violations. 4) Monetary restitution, if imposed as a sanction, should be specified and should be equal to an amount up to, but not exceeding, the cost of any damaged or stolen property or service. If apportioned, collection for restitution should not exceed 50% of any money deposited to the offender’s account each month. In all cases, an offender should be assured access to items necessary for personal hygiene. Restitution may be ordered on any charge for the value of service or property. The identified specific amount/cost of restitution should be included in the Disposition of Charges. CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 20 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 5) Privileges will be suspended during the period of punitive segregation and should be restored consistent with the offender’s classification upon release from punitive segregation. Punitive segregation and loss of privileges should not be used together as a single sanction. Time spent by the offender in segregation due to charged offense, prior to hearing, should be credited toward the satisfaction of any punitive segregation sanctions subsequently imposed for the offense charged. 6) Loss of specific privileges, if imposed as a sanction, will be set forth in the written decision and may include, but not limited to, canteen, movies, television, radio, gymnasium, yard, library, hobby shop, or social visitation including contact visitation. Loss of privileges will not include work or academic or mental health programs, except when affected by classification or segregation. In cases where a loss of privileges is imposed, the hearing officer or board should specifically state the extent of the restriction imposed. 7) Loss of good time, if imposed as a sanction, should be within the maximum range set forth in the tables included in this code. Such sanction should be consistent with AR 950-07, Sentence Computation. 8) Sanctions should be implemented at the conclusion of the hearing unless a stay of sanctions or probation has been granted. 9) Under no circumstances should corporal punishment of any kind be administered to any offender. 10) Sanctions should be imposed concurrently for cumulative offenses arising out of the same act and/or incident. 11) Sanctions may be suspended by the facility warden should the offender be moved from the facility on out to court status, CMHIP, or extended medical and may then be initiated upon return to complete the unsatisfied portion of the sanction(s) imposed. q. Disposition: The offender should receive oral notice at the conclusion of the hearing of the hearing officer or board’s actions. The offender should receive a formal written disposition of charges which will include the reasons for the disciplinary action [4-4245] and evidence relied on, within ten working days of the date of the hearing. r. Final Approval of Formal Disciplinary Actions: Actions taken by the hearing officer or board should be forwarded to the warden/director, or designee, who must review all decisions to assure conformity with administrative regulations. [4-4247] The hearing officer or board chairperson will inform the offender at the conclusion of the hearing that the action is subject to approval or modification by the warden/director, or designee. The warden/director, or designee, may approve, reduce, or modify the decision or reverse the decision and order a new hearing if the warden/director, or designee, determines that the decision was not based on a preponderance of evidence or was based on incomplete information. The warden/director may not increase sanctions. Private Prison Monitoring Unit: CDOC is obligated to review all COPD convictions of offenders charged by the contractor, per CRS 17-1-203. In the event a hearing officer or board determines an offender has violated provisions of the COPD, the following sequence will occur: 1) The facility warden will review and sign the COPD Disposition of Charge(s) for all hearings performed by a private prison hearing officer. 2) After warden (administrative head) signature, the facility warden will hold all guilty COPD Disposition of Charge(s) for PPMU review. 3) PPMU will review the Disposition of Charge(s) for appropriateness to DOC AR 150-01 COPD criteria. CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 21 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 4) PPMU will sign, date, and stamp all copies of the Disposition of Charge(s). 5) PPMU monitors will return all copies of the signed and stamped Disposition of Charge(s) to the facility for service and distribution. 6) The facility will serve a copy to the offender and obtain offender signature of service in accordance with AR 150-01, forward the original to the department file, file a copy in the working file, and retain a copy in the hearing case file. s. Appeals: At the conclusion of the formal hearing, the hearing officer or board should advise the offender of his right to appeal the decision to the warden/director, or designee, within 15 working days after the offender receives the notice of disposition. [4-4248] 1) The offender will have 15 working days from the day he receives the written formal disposition to outline and forward to the warden/director, or designee, in writing, the basis for the appeal, including any newly discovered evidence. Failure to submit written notice of appeal within the deadline will constitute waiver of the offender’s right to appeal. 2) All appeals are limited to the appeal form. Additional supporting documents may be included by reference. The offender should assume all documents used in the disciplinary hearing process are available to the warden. 3) Upon receipt of the appeal materials, the warden/director, or designee, will review the case and reverse or remand the hearing officer or board’s decision if he finds any of the following factors: a) A failure to comply with the procedures set forth in this code which substantially undermines the fairness of the process. b) That the decision of the hearing officer or board was not supported by a preponderance of evidence. c) That there has come to light newly discovered substantial exculpatory or mitigating evidence since the hearing. 4) The warden/director, or designee, after reviewing the appeal materials, may modify the hearing officer or board’s decision if he/she finds that the disciplinary sanction was not proportionate to the offense. Modification may include the reduction, suspension, or probation of any part to the sanction imposed. In no case may he increase the severity of the sanctions imposed. 5) The appeal should be decided within 30 days of its receipt and a written decision is then promptly forwarded to the offender. [4-4248] The warden/director, or designee’s, judgment on such appeal should be final. Private Prison Monitoring Unit: CDOC is obligated to review all appeals of COPD convictions of offenders charged by the contractor, per CRS 17-1-203. In the event a hearing officer or board determines an offender has violated provisions of the COPD, the following sequence will occur: 1) The facility warden will receipt and provide administrative head decision for all offender appeal forms (Attachment “D”) received on all COPD hearings performed by a private prison hearing officer. 2) After warden (administrative head) signature, PPMU will review the “Offender Appeal Form” for appropriateness to DOC AR 150-01 COPD criteria. 3) PPMU will sign, date, and stamp all copies of the “Offender Appeal Form.” CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 22 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 4) PPMU monitors will return all copies of the signed “Offender Appeal Form” to the facility warden. 5) The facility will serve a copy of the signed and stamped “Offender Appeal Form” to the offender and obtain offender signature of service in accordance with AR 150-01, forward the original to the department file, forward a copy to the working file, and retain a copy in the hearing case file. t. Expungement and Restoration: 1) When a conviction is reversed on an appeal, or for administrative reasons, an expungement order should be completed. [4-4246] 2) When an offender is found not guilty or a conviction is reversed on an appeal, the DOC will attempt to restore the offender to the greatest extent practicable all programs, privileges, and jobs lost during any period where such were suspended or removed as a result of the charges against him. In the event that a particular program, privilege, or job is no longer available, the offender’s case manager may obtain for the offender the first available equivalent which opens for which the offender is qualified, when feasible. 3) A record of expunged COPD convictions may be maintained for statistical purposes. 4. Conditions of Punitive Segregation for DOC Facilities: The intent of detention of an offender in punitive segregation is disciplinary in nature and will, of necessity, preclude participation in most institutional group activities. Any restriction of the offender’s activities beyond those necessitated by the differing nature of the physical facility and surrounding circumstances should be assessed as a result of a disciplinary hearing. The maximum period of confinement in punitive segregation should not exceed 60 consecutive days. [4-4255] In facilities under control of the DOC, none of the following conditions may be removed as punishment and may only be removed or restricted upon the written notice of the warden/director, after declaration of an emergency or by a physician, employed by or under contract with the DOC, after a finding by him/her of a substantial and immediate danger to the offender’s health and safety: a. Regular food portions will be served to offenders in punitive segregation, including special dietary meals, if prescribed, unless the warden/director, or designee, authorizes a special management diet, as prescribed by administrative regulation 1550-04, Alternative Meal Service in Segregation. b. Normal health and sanitary conditions should be maintained. All offenders should be provided with normal hygiene items (e.g., toothbrush, soap, etc.). All offenders should be provided with the necessary materials to clean their cells. All offenders should be allowed to shower and shave at least three times per week. All offenders should be provided with a complete change of clean clothing three times per week and linens at least once per week. [4-4263] Daily rounds will be made of those offenders in punitive segregation by the housing unit supervisor and by qualified medical DOC employees or contract workers. c. Appropriate medical or mental health DOC employees or contract workers should be notified immediately of any physical health emergency. Clinical Services will be informed immediately when an offender is transferred to punitive segregation. [4-4400] d. An installed bunk, mattress, and bed covering adequate for the season should be provided. e. A commode, lavatory, and drinking water or frequent escort to such facilities should be provided. f. No more than one offender should occupy a punitive segregation cell at one time. If sufficient cells are unavailable necessitating the placement of more than one offender in a cell, the warden/director should take the necessary action and as soon thereafter as is feasible, obtain pertinent instructions from the appropriate director. CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline F. AR # Page 23 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 g. Every offender in punitive segregation should be afforded at least one hour of exercise per day outside their cells, five days per week, unless security or safety consideration dictates otherwise. h. Offenders in punitive segregation should have access to law library materials, religious counseling, books and pamphlets. INFORMAL DISPOSITION PROCEDURES: 1. An offender who is charged with a violation of a Class III offense should have an informal conference by a group living team, [4-4230] unless it is in combination with Class I or II charges resulting out of the same incident. 2. The offender will receive a written statement supporting the rule violated, prior to the conference. The conference will be conducted within seven working days by a person not involved in the rule violation. Offenders may waive their appearance at the conference. [4-4230] 3. Non-Disciplinary Incident Resolution Procedures: a. Non-disciplinary incident resolution procedures will be initiated immediately, but no later than 72 hours of the incident, by the COIII, COIV, or community parole officer (CPO) who has direct knowledge of the incident. Offenders do not have a right to informal resolution. 1) The initiating DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer will document violations of the COPD, in accordance with IV.F.1., by an offender on an incident report form. 2) The COIII, COIV, or CPO will read the incident report(s) and discuss the matter with the initiating DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer. If the incident is appropriate for non-disciplinary resolution and the initiating DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer agrees, a conference will be held with the offending offender to determine his willingness to agree to the terms set by the non-disciplinary incident resolution. a) Non-disciplinary resolution will be considered for any Class III report, unless it is in combination with Class I or II charges resulting out of the same incident. b) Non-disciplinary resolution may be considered for any Class II report. c) b. Non-disciplinary resolution will not be considered on Class I reports. Upon the agreement of a supervising officer, the COIII, COIV, or CPO will complete the “Offender NonDisciplinary Incident Resolution” form documenting the offender’s extra work assignment. Maximum sanctions for extra work assignments will not exceed two hours, per day, for more than ten days. 1) The original is maintained in cellhouse operations’ files; 2) A copy is forwarded to the COIII, COIV, or CPO and; 3) A copy is immediately forwarded to the case manager for inclusion of a notation in the chronological log of the working file. The case manager will review the incident and make any determinations regarding earned time for that month. CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 24 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 c. If the offender performs the extra work assignment satisfactorily, the supervising officer will document participation on his/her copy of the “Offender Non-Disciplinary Incident Resolution” form and return a copy to the cellhouse operations office and the case manager. d. If the offender fails to perform the entire work assignment satisfactorily, the supervising officer will document the offender’s refusal and return it to the COIII, COIV, or CPO who initiated the document. The initiating COIII, COIV, or CPO will, no later than one working day, forward the original incident report to the disciplinary officer or cell house group living team, for initiation of the formal COPD process. e. In exchange for this administrative hearing, the parties agree that a Code of Penal Discipline complaint by service of a Notice of Charges will not be filed, provided the imposed sanction of this specific case being addressed is satisfied. The parties further agree that any time lines contained in administrative regulation 15001, Code of Penal Discipline, will be tolled. 4. Sanctions: When the group living team finds that the offender has violated a Class III rule, the team may impose all or any part of the prescribed sanctions. The offender will be provided with a written decision, containing sanctions imposed on a finding of guilty. 5. Non-disciplinary incident resolutions are not appealable. G. AUTHORITY OF WARDEN/DIRECTOR TO MODIFY PROVISIONS OF CODE: In the event that a warden/director desires to modify any provision of this code with regard to facility requirements, such modification should be requested, in writing, to the executive director. No modification to the code should be considered to be authorized until approved by the executive director. H. DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY: In the event an emergency is declared by the executive director of the DOC, the provisions of this code at the affected facility should be suspended for a period of no more than ten working days. The executive director may establish alternative procedures for offender discipline during the suspension. 1. An emergency may be declared only upon a documented and written finding by the executive director that a riot, fire, or other disaster, or the substantial and imminent danger of a riot, fire or other disaster, renders following of standard disciplinary procedures an imminent threat to the safety of offenders, safety of DOC employees, contract workers, or volunteers, the facility for which the emergency is declared, or to the community where the facility is located. 2. The emergency state may be renewed for subsequent periods of five working days by the executive director. V. RESPONSIBILITY A. The warden of the Denver Reception and Diagnostic Center should provide to each offender a copy of this code and all changes/revisions thereto and should instruct illiterate offenders, or offenders with a primary language other than English, about the nature and importance of this code when they receive their copies. A signed, dated receipt for the code or any subsequent changes/revisions should be forwarded to offender records. The warden/director, upon reasonable request, should make available to illiterate offenders or offenders with a primary language other than English, a DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer knowledgeable of the code to discuss with such offenders the provisions of the code; [4-4228] however, a complete reading of the code to such offenders by the DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer should not be required. The warden/director should provide all changes/revisions of the code to offenders prior to their effective date. CHAPTER SUBJECT Boards Code of Penal Discipline AR # Page 25 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 B. It will be the responsibility of every warden to ensure their hearing officers have been trained initially and annually. C. It should be the responsibility of every offender subject to this code to be aware of its provisions and have an understanding of its requirements. D. It should be the responsibility of the associate directors of Correctional Legal Services and Offender Services to review and update the COPD annually. [4-4226] [4-4227] E. The executive director should appoint a designee, in writing, to administer the code. VI. AUTHORITY A. Wolff vs. McDonnell 418 US539 (1974) B. Warden vs. Hill 472US445 (1985) VII. HISTORY May 15, 2007 February 15, 2006 July 15, 2005 July 15, 2004 June 15, 2004 September 1, 2003 September 1, 2002 ATTACHMENTS: A. DC Form 150-01A, Notice of Charges B. DC Form 150-01B, Disposition of Charges C. DC Form 150-01C, Hearing Continuance D. DC Form 150-01D, Offender Appeal Form E DC Form 150-01E, Offender Non Disciplinary Incident Resolution F. AR Form 150-01F, Evaluation to Determine Dangerousness and Reliability of Confidential Information G. AR Form 100-01A, Administrative Regulation Implementation/Adjustments CLASS I OFFENSES & AUTHORIZED SANCTIONS [4-4255] OFFENSE LOSS OF PRIVILEGES (MAX. DAYS) PUNITIVE SEGREGATION (MAX. DAYS) LOSS OF GOOD TIME (MAX. DAYS) 1. MURDER 180 60 90 2. MANSLAUGHTER 120 45 60 3. KIDNAPPING 120 45 60 4. ASSAULT 90 30 45 5. ESCAPE WITH FORCE 90 30 45 6. ESCAPE WITHOUT FORCE 90 30 45 7. ENGAGING IN A RIOT 90 30 45 8. INCITING TO RIOT 90 30 45 9. RAPE 90 30 45 10. ARSON 90 30 45 11. ROBBERY/EXTORTION 90 30 45 12. POSSESSION OF DANGEROUS CONTRABAND 90 30 45 13. DEALING IN DANGEROUS DRUGS 90 30 45 14. POSSESSION OF KEY OR KEY PATTERN 90 30 45 15. POSSESSION OF ESCAPE PARAPHERNALIA 90 30 45 16. TAMPERING WITH LOCKS OR SECURITY DEVICES 90 30 45 17. REFUSAL TO SUBMIT TO DRUG TEST 90 30 45 18. THREATS OR INTIMIDATION OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS 90 30 45 19. SOLICITATION OF DOC A EMPLOYEE, CONTRACT WORKER OR VOLUNTEER MISCONDUCT 90 30 45 20. UNAUTHORIZED POSSESSION OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION DEVICE 90 30 45 CLASS II OFFENSES & AUTHORIZED SANCTIONS [4-4255] OFFENSE LOSS OF PRIVILEGES (MAX. DAYS) PUNITIVE SEGREGATION (MAX. DAYS) LOSS OF GOOD TIME (MAX. DAYS) 1. THEFT 60 20 30 2. DAMAGE TO PROPERTY 60 20 30 3. BRIBERY 60 20 30 4. FORGERY 60 20 30 5. FRAUD 60 20 30 6.5. SEXUAL ABUSE 60 20 30 7. RECEIVING STOLEN PROPERTY 60 20 30 8. POSSESSION OR USE OF DANGEROUS DRUGS 60 20 30 9. POSSESSION OR USE OF TOBACCO OR TOBACCO PRODUCTS 60 20 30 10. PERJURY 60 20 30 11. POSSESSION OF SYRINGE OR DRUG PARAPHERNALIA 60 20 30 12. FIGHTING 60 20 30 13. THREATS 60 20 30 14. ABUSE OF MEDICATION 60 20 30 15. INTERFERENCE WITH SEARCH 60 20 30 16. ADVOCATING OR CREATING FACILITY DISRUPTION 60 20 30 17. INTER-AGENCY VISITATION 60 20 30 18. ASSOCIATION 60 20 30 19. UNAUTHORIZED POSSESSION 60 20 30 20. TATTOOING/PIERCING/BRANDING 60 20 30 AND/OR POSSESSION OF TATTOOING/PIERCING/BRANDING PARAPHERNALIA OFFENSE LOSS OF PRIVILEGES (MAX. DAYS) PUNITIVE SEGREGATION (MAX. DAYS) LOSS OF GOOD TIME (MAX. DAYS) 21. COUNT INTERFERENCE 60 20 30 22. FAILURE TO WORK 40 15 20 23. GAMBLING 40 15 20 24.5. SEXUAL HARASSMENT 40 15 20 25. DISOBEYING A LAWFUL ORDER 40 15 20 26. BARTERING, SELLING GOODS, AND COMMODITIES OR SERVICES 40 15 20 27. VERBAL ABUSE 40 15 20 28. OPERATING MOTOR VEHICLES 40 15 20 29. HABITUAL CLASS III CONVICTIONS 40 15 20 30. UNAUTHORIZED ABSENCE 40 15 20 31. FAILURE TO REMAIN OR RETURN 60 20 30 32. POSSESSION OF UNAUTHORIZED LEGAL DOCUMENTS 60 20 30 33. MISUSE OF CLINICAL SERVICES 60 20 30 CLASS III OFFENSES & AUTHORIZED SANCTIONS OFFENSE CONFINEMENT TO HOUSING UNIT (MAX. DAYS) AND/OR EXTRA DUTY (MAX. DAYS) 1. FAILURE TO DISPLAY NAME AND/OR I.D. NUMBER AND/OR CARD 14 14 2. FAILURE TO OBTAIN PERMIT 14 14 3. VIOLATING A POSTED OPERATIONAL RULE 14 14 4. FAILURE TO PAY SUBSISTENCE 14 14 5. ENTERING INTO CONTRACT 14 14 6. LITTERING 7 7 7. SANITARY VIOLATION 7 7 8. PERSONAL APPEARANCE VIOLATION 7 7 Reprimands and warnings may also be imposed as sanctions for Class III Offenses. *Extra duty may not exceed two hours per day. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS NOTICE OF CHARGE(S) FACILITY DC Form 150-01A (Revised 05/15/07) CASE NO. _______________ 1. OFFENDER DOC NAME NUMBER __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CURRENT HOUSING CURRENT SECURITY UNIT DESIGNATION __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Time Location_______________________________ 2. ALLEGED CHARGES Date Class Rule Specific Charge (Code of Penal Discipline) Use extra sheets if necessary ______ _______ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ _______ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. SUMMARY (Factual Reporting, including who, what, when, where, and how). __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. CONTRABAND: (Description and disposition. Also including same type information as required in number 3 if not listed.) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. NAMES OF WITNESSES TO VIOLATION: (Including DOC employee, contract worker or volunteer) I certify that aforementioned charges and summary are true and correct to my knowledge. The date of my signature reflects the discovery date of the violation. S/___________________________________________________________________________________ Initiating DOC employee, contract worker, volunteer Date S/___________________________________________________________________________________ Reviewing Supervisor Date __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. INVESTIGATIONS/PHARMACY REPORT (When required) Date ___________________________ Signature Comments ________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. HEARING SCHEDULE: This case is scheduled for: at:___________________________________________ Formal Hearing { } Informal Conference { } __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. SERVING DOC EMPLOYEE/CONTRACT WORKER: You are hereby served with a copy of alleged charges this day of 20 at _____ (am) (pm). If you desire witnesses, in accordance with the Code of Penal Discipline, please notify the Reviewing Supervisor as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours prior to scheduled hearing, to avoid a continuance. Signature Date _____________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. OFFENDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT: I acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Notice of Charge. I do { } do not { } desire an offender representative. Signature Date______________________________ Distribution: White - Department File Canary - Working File Pink - Warden/Director Attachment “A” Page 1 of 1 Gold - Offender DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Informal Conference [ ] Formal Hearing [ ] DISPOSITION OF CHARGE(S) FACILITY _________ DC Form 150-01B (Revised 05/15/07) OFFENDER NAME: DOC NUMBER CASE NO. _______________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CURRENT HOUSING UNIT: CURRENT CUSTODY LEVEL DESIGNATION: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Continuation of hearing: Yes ڤNo ڤ If yes, describe date/time continued from: Disciplinary Officer name and position: ___________________________ FINDINGS OF FACT: (List SPECIFIC evidence relied upon to support finding(s) including the general substance of confidential information and/or evidence.) Charge(s): _________________________ Plea: Not Guilty ڤGuilty ڤGuilty w/explanation ڤ Finding: Not Guilty ڤGuilty ڤDismissed ڤ Charge(s): _________________________ Plea: Not Guilty ڤGuilty ڤGuilty w/explanation ڤ Finding: Not Guilty ڤGuilty ڤDismissed ڤ Offender Representative Requested: Yes ڤNo ڤ Was Confidential Information Used: Yes ڤNo ڤ Offender Representative Allowed Yes ڤNoڤ Offender Representative Name: ________________________ If yes, was information determined reliable by Hearing Officer: Yes ڤNo ڤN/A ڤ Describe accused offender testimony: Describe testimony and evidence presented: Identify all offender witnesses requested: Briefly describe all called witness testimony, or justification for not allowing requested witnesses: Briefly describe specific evidence and testimony relied upon to reach finding: Briefly describe how offender behavior violated COPD: Other comments (describe any offender rights waived, justification for non-allowance of representation, explanation of extended recess and any other pertinent information): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUMMARY OF PENALTIES: Describe any aggravating or mitigating factors considered: Describe any stayed or probated sanctions: Description of Penalties Imposed: Date of sanction start and end; Explanation of Pre-Hearing segregation time credit: Explanation of monetary restitution imposed / Information relied upon to determine amount imposed: S/ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chairperson [TYPED NAME HERE ] Date __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATE OF HEARING TIME OF HEARING LOCATION OF HEARING __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WARDEN/DIRECTOR REVIEW: (Not required for informal) { } AFFIRM { } MODIFY { } REVERSE COMMENTS: S/ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Administrative Head or Designee Date -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Offender Acknowledgment: I acknowledge receipt of a copy of this Disposition of Charge. Signature ________________________________________________________________________ Name Date Distribution: White - Department File Canary - Working File Pink - Warden/Director Attachment “B” Page 1 of 1 Gold - Offender DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS HEARING CONTINUANCE DC Form 150-01C (Revised 02/97) OFFENDER NAME _________________________________________________________________________ DOC NUMBER ________________________________ CURRENT FACILITY __________________________________________________________ CELL HOUSE/UNIT _________________________________________ FACILITY AT TIME OF OFFENSE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Case Number ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Type of hearing { } Disciplinary { } Administrative Segregation _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your hearing scheduled for ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time has been continued until _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time for the following reason(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTINUANCE Requested By: { } Offender { } Hearing Officer { } Disciplinary Officer { } Other: Specify:_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hearing Officer Date _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Offender Acknowledgment Date/Time _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Serving Officer Date/Time Attachment “C” Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFENDER APPEAL FORM DC Form 150-01D (REVISED 05/15/07) CASE NO. ___________________ 1. Offender Name 2. DOC No. _________________________________________ 3. Current Facility 4. Facility Initiating Hearing ____________________________________ 5. Type of Appeal: Disciplinary Classification 6. Date Hearing Held: ____________________________________________________ 7. Basis of Appeal (Check the boxes which apply) Please Print. Be Brief - no additional attachments allowed. { } PROCEDURES NOT FOLLOWED: (State specifically what procedures were not followed) { } LACK OF SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE: (State specifically what evidence was not present in this hearing) { } NEW EVIDENCE: (State specifically what new evidence exists to affect the decision) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do NOT attach additional page. Additional attachments may not be considered. 8. Offender Signature _______________________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________ RECEIPT BY FACILITY Appeal Received by: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Title Date _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HEARING DECISION (please type) 10. Conviction is: { } Upheld { } Reversed { } Modified { } Remanded Explanation: (must respond) By: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Administrative Head Date _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RECEIPT BY OFFENDER 11. Appeal Decision received by: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Offender Name DOC # Date __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Witness Date White - Department File Canary - Working File Pink - Time Computation Gold - Offender Attachment “D” Page 1 of 1 DC Form 150-01E (05/15/07) Offender Non-Disciplinary Incident Resolution 1. I accept non-disciplinary resolution of an incident in which my involvement failed to comply with acceptable standards of offender behavior. I understand that I do not have to accept this resolution, and I have the right to have these alleged infractions heard under the Code of Penal Discipline. I understand that if I complete the terms of this resolution, Code of Penal Discipline charges will not be brought against me for any known actions arising out of this incident. This is not a conviction under the Code of Penal Discipline and does not affect my cell assignment, work, or hobby privileges. However, I understand that my actions may affect any earned time for the month. Date of Incident: _________________________ Description of Incident: ______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Resolution is hours of extra work for days; supervising officer __________________________ MAXIMUM SANCTIONS WILL NOT EXCEED TWO HOURS PER DAY FOR MORE THAN TEN DAYS. The supervising officer will schedule and assign the extra work. If the supervisor is unsatisfied with my work; and I fail to correct it or if I fail to comply with the terms of this resolution or any instructions from my supervisor, the non-disciplinary resolution will be withdrawn and COPD charges will be filed on the original incident. I understand and request non-disciplinary resolution of my failure to comply with acceptable standards of offender behavior. I will report on (date) . to the supervising officer at (time) Offender Name (printed) Date ________________ _________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Offender Signature DOC No. COIII, COIV, or CPO Date 2. Non-disciplinary resolution should be agreed upon by the initiating DOC employee, contract worker, or volunteer. __________________________________ Name (printed) _____________________________________ Signature ___________________ Date The COIII, COIV, or CPO will ensure that the case manager receives a copy of this document for chronological entry in the offender==s working file, will maintain the original document in a unit operations file for statistical reporting purposes, and will forward a copy to the supervising officer. 3. The above offender has completed his extra work for days for satisfactory resolution of this incident. __________________________________________________ Supervising Officer _______________________________ Date Attachment “E” Page 1 of 1 AR Form 150-01F (02/15/06) Department of Corrections Evaluation to Determine Dangerousness and Reliability of Confidential Information Information taken by: on: at approximately: Informant: Hearing Date: Case Number: Evidence of Dangerousness: Confidential Information Relied Upon: Reliability of Information: (If and why-past reliability, first-hand observation, corroboration) Hearing Officer Date Attachment “F” Page 1 of 1 ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION IMPLEMENTATION/ADJUSTMENTS AR Form 100-01A (04/15/08) CHAPTER SUBJECT AR # Boards Code of Penal Discipline 150-01 EFFECTIVE 05/15/09 (FACILITY/WORK UNIT NAME) _________________________________________________________________________ WILL ACCEPT AND IMPLEMENT THE PROVISIONS OF THE ABOVE ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION: [ ] AS WRITTEN [ ] NOT APPLICABLE [ ] WITH THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES TO ACCOMPLISH THE INTENT OF THE AR (SIGNED) (DATE) ____________________________ Administrative Head Attachment “G” Page 1 of 1