Confidential Informant Guidelines, DOJ OAG
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Q:!)ffitt of t~t Att(trnt~ (I1)ttttrul Btts ~in9ton. E. (!t.20.5:30 THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S GUIDELINES REGARDING THE USE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANTS Preamble The following Guidelinesregardingthe useof confidentialinfomlants areissuedunder the authorityof the Attorney Generalasprovidedin sections509,510, and 533 of title 28, United StatesCode. They apply to the useof confidentialinfomlantsin criminal investigationsand prosecutionsby Departmentof Justicelaw enforcementagenciesand federalprosecutingoffices asspecifiedin paragraph(I)(A) below. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS. . . . A. PURPOSEAND SCOPE B. DEFINITIONS. .1 1 I. "Departmentof JusticeLaw EnforcementAgency" or "JLEA" 2. "Field Manager" 3. "SeniorField Manager" 4. "FederalProsecutingOffice" or "FPO" 5. "Chief FederalProsecutor" 6. "ConfidentialInformant" or tIC!,' 7. "CooperatingDefendantlWitness" 8. "Sourceof Information" 9. "High Level ConfidentialInfonI1ant" 10. "Tier 1 Otherwiselllegal Activity" ..........3 11 "Tier 2 Otherwisemegal Activity" 4 12. "Fugitive" 13. "ConfidentialInfonnant ReviewCommittee"or "CIRC" 2 .2 '...,. .2 .2 ...2 3 . . . . .3 .4 5 c. PROHffiITION ON COMMITMENTS OF IMMUNITY BY FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES D. REVEALINGA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT'S TRUE mENTITY . . . 5 E. DUTY OF CANDOR 5 5 F. 5 i II. G. EXCEPTIONS AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION 7 H. RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES 7 I. COMPLIANCE. , REGISTERING A CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT. .8 8 A. Initial Suitability Detennination 2. ContinuingSuitability Review. . . . .9 3. Review of Long-TermConfidentiallnfonnants 10 B. REGISTRATION c. INSTRUCTIONS. .11 D. SPECIAL APPROV AL REQUIREMENTS. .13 1 High Level ConfidentialInformants 13 Individuals Underthe Obligationof a LegalPrivilege of Confidentialityor Affiliated with the Media. . . . . . . . . . 14 3 FederalPrisoners,Probationers,Parolees,Detainees,and SupervisedReleasees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 4. Currentor FornlerParticipantsin the WitnessSecurityProgram 15 s. State or Local Prisoners, Probationers, Parolees, or 6. Fugitives. 2. III. ..8 SupervisedReleasees .15 16 RESPONSIBILITIES REGARDING REGISTERED CONFIDENTIAL --- -- - -- - INFORMANTS 17 A. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 17 1. 17 No InterferenceWith an Investigationof a ConfidentialInformant. 2. B. c. ProhibitedTransactionsandRelationships MONETARY PAYMENTS 1. General 2. Prohibition AgainstContingentPayments. 3, Approval for a SinglePayment. . 4. Approval for Annual Payments 5. Approval for AggregatePayments 6. Documentationof Payment 18 7. AccountingandReconciliationProcedures 19 8. Coordinationwith Prosecution. 19 AUTHORIZATION OF OTHERWISE ILLEGAL ACTIVITY GeneralProvisions . . . ...18 18 .. .18 19 .19 ... .20 2. Authorization. . 3, Findings. 4. Instructions. . 5. PrecautionaryMeasures 6. Suspensionof Authorization. . 7 Revocationof Authorization 8 Renewaland Expansionof Authorization 9. Emergency Authorization. . 24 10. Designees. . . 24 . . . . .20 ..21 22 ill .23 ..23 . . . . . .23 D. IV. v. LISTING A CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT IN AN ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE APPLICATION . SPECIAL NOTIFICATION REOUIREMENTS A. NOTIFICATION OF INVESTIGAllON B. NOTIFICATION OF UNAUTHORIZED ILLEGAL ACTIVITY c. NOTIFICATION REGARDING CERTAIN FEDERAL JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 D. PRIVILEGED OR EXCULPATORY INFORMATION. E. RESPONDING TO REQUESTS FROM CHIEF FEDERAL PROSECUTORS REGARDING A CONFIDENTIAL OR PROSECUTION . .27 F. FILE REVIEWS ...27 G. DESIGNEES. . . . . ...27 -DEACTIVATION -- - - - - - - - - - - OF INFORMANTS - - CONFIDENTIAL - -- 27 A. GENERAL PROVISIONS B. DELAYED NOnFICATIONTO A CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT 28 c. CONTACTS WITH FORMER CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANTS DEACTIVATED FOR CAUSE 28 D. COORDINATION WITH PROSECUTORS . 28 ...27 IV I. GENERALPROVISIONS A. PURPOSEAND SCOPE I. The purposeof theseGuidelinesis to setpolicy regardingthe useof Confidential Infonnants,asdefinedbelow, in criminal investigationsandprosecutionsby all Departmentof JusticeLaw EnforcementAgenciesand FederalProsecuting Offices, asdefinedbelow. 2. TheseGuidelinesdo not apply to the useof CooperatingDefendants/Witnesses or Sourcesoflnfomlation, asdefinedbelow, unlessa Departmentof JusticeLaw EnforcementAgency,in its discretion,choosesto apply theseGuidelinesto such persons. 3. B. TheseGuidelinesaremandatoryand supersede the Attorney General'sGuidelines on the Use of Informantsin DomesticSecurity,OrganizedCrime, and Other Criminal Investigations(December15, 1976);the Attorney General'sGuidelines on FBI Use of InformantsandConfidentialSources(December2, 1980); Resolution18 of the Office of InvestigativeAgencyPolicies (August 15, 1996); and any other guidelinesor policies that areinconsistentwith theseGuidelines. TheseGuidelinesdo not supersede otherwiseapplicableethical obligationsof Departmentof Justiceattorneys,which can,in certaincircumstances(for example, with respectto contactswith representedpersons),havean impact on law enforcementagents'conduct. 4. TheseGuidelinesdo not limit the ability of a Departmentof JusticeLaw EnforcementAgencyto imposeadditionalrestrictionson the useof Confidential Infonnants. 5. TheseGuidelinesapply to the useof a Confidentiallnfonnant in a foreign country only to the extentthat the ConfidentialInfonnant is reasonablylikely to be called to testify in a domesticcase. 6. TheseGuidelinesdo not applyto the useof ConfidentialInfonnantsin foreign intelligenceor foreign counterintelligenceinvestigations. DEFINITIONS "Departmentof JusticeLaw EnforcementAgency" or "JLEA" a. The Drug EnforcementAdministration; b. The FederalBureauof Investigation; c. The Immigration andNaturalizationService; d. The United StatesMarshalsService;and e. The Departmentof JusticeOffice of the InspectorGeneral. 2. "Field Manager"- a JLEA's first-line supervisor,asdefinedby the JLEA (typically, GS-14rank or higher). :\ "SeniorField Manager"- a ILEA's second-linesupervisor,asdefinedby the JLEA (typically, GS-15rank or higher). 4. "FederalProsecutingOffice" or "FPO"a. b, c. The United StatesAttorneys' Offices; The Criminal Division, Tax Division, Civil Rights Division, Antitrust Division, andEnvironmentalandNatural ResourcesDivision of the Departmentof Justice;and Any other litigating componentof the Departmentof Justicewith authority to prosecutefederalcriminal offenses. 5. "Chief FederalProsecutor"- the headof a FPO. 6. "ConfidentialInfonnant"or "cr' any individual who providesuseful and credibleinfonnation to a JLEA regardingfeloniouscriminal activities, and from whom the JLEA expectsor intendsto obtain additionaluseful and credible infonnation regardingsuchactivities in the future. 7. "Cooperating DefendantlWitness" a. b. c. - - any individual who: meetsthe definition of a CI; hasagreedto testify in a proceedingas a result of having provided infonnation to the JLEA; and (i) is a defendantor potentialwitnesswho hasa written agreementwith a FPO,pursuantto which the individual hasan expectationof futurejudicial or prosecutiveconsiderationor assistanceasa result of having provided infonnation to the JLEA, or (ii) is a potentialwitnesswho hashad a FPO concurin all materialaspects of his or her useby the JLEA. 2 "Sourceof Infonnation" - any individual who: 8. a. meetsthe definition of a CI; b. providesinformationto a JLEA solely asa result of legitimateroutine accessto informationor records,suchas an employeeof the military, a law enforcementagency,or a legitimatebusiness(~, phonecompany, banks,airlines),andnot asa result of criminal associationwith personsof investigativeinterestto the JLEA; and c. providessuchinformation in a mannerconsistentwith applicablelaw. "High Level ConfidentialInformant"- a CI who is part of the seniorleadershipof 9. an enterprise that 10. a. has:(i) a nationalor internationalsphereof activities, or (ii) high significanceto the JLEA's nationalobjectives,evenif the enterprise's sphereof activitiesis local or regional;and b. engagesin, or usesothersto commit, anyof the conductdescribedbelow in paragraph(I)(B)(1O)(b)(i)-(iv). "Tier 1 OtherwiseIllegal Activity" - any activity that: would constitutea misdemeanoror felony underfederal,state,or local law if engagedin by a personactingwithout authorization;and b. that involves(i) the commission,or the significantrisk of the commission,of any act of violenceby a personor personsotherthan the Confidentiallnfonnant;1 (ii) corruptconduct,or the significantrisk of corrupt conduct,by senior federal,state,or local public officials; I Bookmakingthatis significantlyassociated with, or substantially controlledby, organizedcrime ordinarily will be within the scopeof paragraph(I)(B)(IO)(b)(i). Thus, for example,wherebookmakershavea financial relationshipwith membersor associatesof organizedcrime, and/orusemembersor associatesof organizedcrime to collect their debts,the conductof thosebookmakerswould createa significantrisk of violence,and would thereforefall within the definition of Tier 1 Otherwisemegal Activity. 3 (iii) the manufacturing,importing, exporting,possession,or trafficking of controlledsubstances in a quantityequalto or exceedingthosequantities specifiedin United StatesSentencingGuidelines§ 2D 1.1(c)(1); (iv) financial loss,or the significantrisk of financial loss,in an amount equalto or exceedingthoseamountsspecifiedin United StatesSentencing Guidelines§ 2BI.I(b)(I)(I);2 (v) a ConfidentialInformantproviding to anyperson(otherthan a JLEA agent)any item, service,or expertisethat is necessaryfor the commission of a federal,state,or local offense,which the personotherwisewould have difficulty obtaining;or (vi) a ConfidentialInfonnantproviding to anyperson(other than a JLEA agent)anyquantityof a controlledsubstance,with little or no expectation of its recoveryby the JLEA. 11 "Tier 2 OtherwiseIllegal Activity" - any other activity that would constitutea misdemeanoror felony underfederal,state,or local law if engagedin by a person actingwithout authorization. 12. "Fugitive" - an individual: a. b. 2 for whom a federal,state,or local law enforcementagencyhasplaceda wantedrecordin the NCIC (otherthan for a traffic or petty offense); who is locatedeitherwithin the United Statesor in a countrywith which the United Stateshasan extraditiontreaty; and Thecitationsto theUnitedStatesSentencing Guidelines(USSG)Manualareto the 2001Edition. The referenceshereinto particularUSSG Sectionsareintendedto remain applicableto the most closelycorrespondingUSSGlevel in subsequenteditionsof the USSG Manual in the eventthat the cited USSGprovisionsareamended.Thus, it is intendedthat subsection(iii) of this paragraphwill remainapplicableto the highestoffenselevel in the Drug QuantityTable in future editionsof the USSGManual,andthat subsection(iv) of the paragraph will remainapplicableto dollar amountsthat, in future editionsof the USSGManual, trigger sentencingenhancements similar to that set forth in the currentsection2Bl.l(b)(1)(I). Any ambiguitiesin this regardshouldbe resolvedby the AssistantAttorney Generalfor the Criminal Division. 4 c. 13. whom the law enforcementagencythat hasplacedthe wantedrecordin the NCIC is willing to take into custodyuponhis or her arrestand,if necessary,seekhis or her extraditionto its jurisdiction. "Confidential Infonnant Review Committee"or "CIRC" - a committee,createdby a JLEA for purposesof reviewingcertaindecisionsrelating to the registrationand utilization of CIs, the chair of which is a JLEA official at or abovethe level of Deputy AssistantDirector (or its equivalent)andthe membershipof which includesthe following two representatives designatedby the AssistantAttorney Generalfor the Criminal Division of the Departmentof Justice(eachof whom shall be considereda "Criminal Division representative"):(i) a Deputy Assistant Attorney Generalfor the Criminal Division; and (ii) an AssistantUnited States Attorney. c. PROHIBITION ON COMMITMENTS OF IMMUNITY BY FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES A JLEA agentdoesnot haveany authorityto makeanypromiseor commitmentthat would preventthe governmentfrom prosecutingan individual for criminal activity that is not authorizedpursuantto paragraph(llI)( C) below, or that would limit the useof any evidenceby the government,without the prior written approvalof the FPO that hasprimaryjurisdiction to prosecutethe CI for suchcriminal activity. A JLEA agentmust takethe utmost careto avoid giving anypersonthe erroneousimpressionthat he or shehasany suchauthority. D. REVEALING A CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT'S TRUE mENTITY Exceptin the caseof approvalsandreviewsdescribedbelow in paragraphs(ll)(A)(3) (review oflong-tentl CIs), (Ill)(B}(8) (coordinationconcerningpaymentsto CIs), (N)(D}(I) (notification that CI hasobtainedprivileged information),and (V)(D) (coordinationconcerning deactivationof CI, but only with respectto a CI whoseidentity wasnot previously disclosed), whenevera JLEA is requiredto makecontactof anykind with a FPOpursuantto these Guidelinesregardinga CI, the JLEA may not withhold the true identity of the CI from the FPO. E. DUTY OF CANDOR Employeesof the entitiesto which theseGuidelinesapply have a duty of candorin the dischargeof their responsibilitiespursuantto theseGuidelines. F. MAINTAINING CONFIDENTIALITY A ILEA agentmust takethe utmostcareto avoid conveyingany confidential investigativeinformationto a CI ~ informationrelating to electronic 5 surveillance,searchwarrants,or the identity of other actualor potential infonnants),otherthan what is necessaryand appropriatefor operationalreasons. 2. The Chief FederalProsecutorandhis or her designeearerequiredto maintainas confidentialthe identity of any CI andthe information the CI hasprovided,unless obligatedto discloseit by law or Court order. If a JLEA providesthe Chief FederalProsecutoror his or her designeewith written materialcontainingsuch information: a. b. Accessto the infomlation shallbe restrictedto the Chief Federal Prosecutoror his or her designeeandpersonneldeemednecessaryto carry out the official dutiesrelatedto the case; c. The Chief FederalProsecutoror his or her designeeis responsiblefor assuringthat eachpersonpemlitted accessto the information is made awareof the needto preservethe securityand confidentiality of the information, asprovidedin this policy; d. e. 3. Suchindividual is obligatedto keepit confidentialby placing it into a locked file cabinetwhen not in his or her direct careand custody; Prior to disclosureof the infonnation to defensecounselor in openCourt, the Chief FederalProsecutoror his or her designeemust give the JLEA an opportunityto discusssuchdisclosureandmust comply with any other applicableprovision of2S C.F.R. §§ 16.21-16.29;and At the conclusionof a caseor investigation,all written materials containingthe infonnation that havenot beendisclosedshall be forwarded to the JLEA that providedthem.3 Employeesof a JLEA and employeesof a FPOhavea continuingobligation after leaving employmentwith the Departmentof Justiceand its constituent componentsto maintainasconfidentialthe identity of any CI andthe information he or sheprovided,unlessthe employeeis obligatedto discloseit by law or Court order. ~ 28 C.F.R.§§ 16.21- 16.29. This requirementshall not preventthe Chief FederalProsecutoror his or her designee from keepingin the relevantcasefile materialssuchasmotions,responses,legal memoranda, Court orders,and internal office memorandaandcorrespondence.If any suchmaterialscontain informationrevealinga CI's true identity, the Chief FederalProsecutoror his or her designee shall maintainthe materialsin accordancewith the provisionsof paragraphI(F)(2)(a)-(d),above. 3 6 G. H. EXCEPTIONS AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION 1 Wheneverany of the entitiesto which theseGuidelinesapply believesthat an exceptionto anyprovision of theseGuidelinesis justified, or wheneverthereis a disputebetweenor amongany suchentities(otherthan a disputewith the Criminal Division of the Departmentof Justice)regardingtheseGuidelines,an exceptionmust be soughtfrom, or the disputeshall be resolvedby, the Assistant Attorney General(AAG) for the Criminal Division or his or her designee.The DeputyAttorney Generalor his or her designeeshall hearappeals,if any, from decisionsof the AAG. 2. Wheneverthereis a disputebetweenthe Criminal Division and any of the other entitiesto which theseGuidelinesapply, suchdisputeshall be resolvedby the Deputy Attorney Generalor his or her designee. 3. Any exceptiongrantedor disputeresolvedpursuantto this paragraphshall be documentedin the JLEA's files. RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES Nothing in theseGuidelinesis intendedto createor doescreatean enforceablelegal right or private right of actionby a CI or anyotherperson. I. COMPLIANCE 1 2. Within 120daysof the approvalof theseGuidelinesby the Attorney General, eachJLEA shall developagency-specificguidelinesthat comply with these Guidelines,and submit suchagency-specificguidelinesto the AAG for the Criminal Division for review. The agency-specificguidelinesmust ensure,at a minimum, that the JLEA' s agentsreceivesufficient initial and in-servicetraining in the useof CIs consistentwith theseGuidelines,and that compliancewith these Guidelinesis consideredin the annualperformanceappraisalof its agents.As part of suchcompliancethe JLEA shall designatea seniorofficial to overseeall aspectsof its CI program,including the training of agents;registration,review and temlination of CIs; andnotificationsto outsideentities. Within 30 daysof the approvalof theseGuidelines,eachILEA shall establisha ConfidentialInfonnant Review Committee(CIRC) for the purposeof conducting the review proceduresspecifiedin paragraphs(ll)(A)(3), (ll)(D)(I), and (ll)(D)(2). 7 II. -REGISTERING A CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT --- -~ - -- A. SUITABILITY DETERMINATION 1. Initial Suitability Determination Prior to utilizing a personasa CI, a caseagentof a JLEA shall completeand sign a written Initial Suitability ReportandRecommendation, which shall be forwardedto a Field Managerfor his or her written approval. In completingthe Initial Suitability Reportand Recommendation, the caseagentmust addressthe following factors(or indicatethat a particular factor is not applicable): a. the person'sage; b. the person'salien status; c. whetherthe personis a public official, law enforcementofficer, union official, employeeof a financial institution or school,memberof the military services,a representativeor affiliate of the media,or a party to, or in a position to be a party to, privileged communications~, a member of the clergy,a physician,or a lawyer); d. the extentto which the personwould makeuseof his or her affiliations with legitimateorganizationsin orderto provide information or assistance to the ILEA, andthe ability of the ILEA to ensurethat the person's informationor assistanceis limited to criminal matters; e. f. the extentto which the person'sinfonnation or assistancewould be relevantto a presentor potentialinvestigationor prosecutionandthe importanceof suchinvestigationor prosecution; the natureof anyrelationshipbetweenthe CI andthe subjector targetof an existing or potentialinvestigationor prosecution,including but not limited to a currentor fomler spousalrelationshipor other family tie, and any currentor former employmentor financial relationship; g. the person'smotivation in providing information or assistance,including any considerationsoughtfrom the governmentfor this assistance; h. the risk that the personmight adverselyaffect a presentor potential investigationor prosecution; 8 the extentto which the person'sinfomlation or assistancecanbe corroborated; the person'sreliability andtruthfulness; k. the person'sprior recordasa witnessin anyproceeding; whetherthe personhasa criminal history, is reasonablybelievedto be the subjector targetof a pendingcriminal investigation,is underarrest,or has beenchargedin a pendingprosecution; m. D. o. p. q. 2. whetherthe personis reasonablybelievedto posea dangerto the public or other criminal threat,or is reasonablybelievedto posea risk of flight; whetherthe personis a substanceabuseror hasa history of substance abuse; whetherthe personis a relative of an employeeof any law enforcement agency; the risk of physicalhaml that may occurto the personor his or her immediatefamily or closeassociatesasa result of providing information or assistanceto the JLEA; and the recordof the JLEA andthe recordof any other law enforcement agency(if availableto the JLEA) regardingthe person'sprior or current serviceasa CI, CooperatingDefendantlWitness,or Sourceof Infomlation, including, but not limited to, any infomlation regardingwhetherthe person was at anytime terminatedfor cause. Continuing Suitability Review a. EachCI's file shall be reviewedby the caseagentat leastannually. The caseagentshall completeand sign a written Continuing Suitability Report and Recommendation, which shall be forwardedto a Field Managerfor his or her written approval. In completingthe Continuing Suitability Report andRecommendation, the caseagentmust addressthe factorsset forth abovein paragraph(ll)(A)(I) (or indicatethat a particular factor is not applicable)and,in addition,the lengthof time that the individual hasbeen registeredas a CI andthe lengthof time that the individual hasbeen handledby the sameagentor agents. 9 b. 3. EachJLEA shall establishsystemsto ensurethat all availableinfonnation that might materially alter a prior suitability detennination,including, but not limited to, infonnation pertainingto unauthorizedillegal activity by the CI, is promptly reportedto a Field Managerand then recordedand maintainedin the crs file. ~ (IV){B)(2) below. Upon receiptof any suchinfonnation, the Field Managershall ensurethat a new Continuing Suitability ReportandRecommendationis promptly preparedin light of suchnew infonnation. Review of Long-Term Confidential Informants4 a. b. When a CI hasbeenregisteredfor more than six consecutiveyears,and,to the extentsucha CI remainsopen,everysix yearsthereafter,the CIRC shall review the CI's completedInitial andContinuing Suitability Reports andRecommendations anddecidewhether,andunderwhat conditions,the individual shouldcontinueto be utilized as a CI. A Criminal Division representativeon the CIRC who disagreeswith the decisionto approvethe continueduseof suchan individual asa ConfidentialInformant may seek review of that decisionpursuantto paragraph(I)(G). Every threeyearsafter a CI's file is reviewedpursuantto the provisionsof paragraph(ll)(A)(3)(a), if the CI remainsregistered,the JLEA shall conductan internalreview, including review by a designatedsenior headquartersofficial, of the CI's completedInitial and Continuing Suitability ReportsandRecommendations.If the designatedsenior headquarters official decidesthat thereareany apparentor potential problemsthat may warrantanychangein the useof the cr, the official shall (i) consultthe appropriateSeniorField Managerand (ii) provide the Initial andContinuingSuitability ReportsandRecommendations to the CIRC for review in accordwith paragraph(ll)(A)(3)(a). This provision did not apply until oneyearafter theseGuidelines' original effectivedate of January8,2001, when the first setof ContinuingSuitability Reportsand Recommendations was completed.Further,during the first threeyearsthat this provision is in effect, eachCIRC may staggerthe review of somelong-tennCis in orderto evenout the numberof files that must initially be reviewed. However,no later than four yearsafter the original effective dateof these Guidelines,all of the CIs who were registeredfor morethan six consecutiveyearsasof the original effective dateof theseGuidelinesmust be reviewedpursuantto this provision. 4 10 B. REGISTRATION After a Field Managerhasapprovedan individual as suitableto be a CI, the individual shall be registeredwith that JLEA asa CI. In registeringa CI, the JLEA shall, at a minimum, documentor include the following in the CI's files: 1 a photographof the CI; 2. the JLEA's efforts to establishthe crs true identity; 3. the resultsof a criminal history checkfor the CI; 4. the Initial Suitability ReportandRecommendation; 5 anypromisesor benefits,andthe termsof suchpromisesor benefits,that are given a CI by a JLEA or any otherlaw enforcementagency(if availableto the JLEA); 6. 7. c. anypromisesor benefits,andthe termsof suchpromisesor benefits,that are given a CI by anyFPO or any stateor local prosecutingoffice (if availableto the JLEA); and all information that is requiredto be documentedin the CI's files pursuantto these Guidelines(~the provision of the instructionsset forth in the next paragraph). INSTRUCTIONS In registeringa CI, at leastone agentof the JLEA, alongwith one additionalagent or other law enforcementofficial presentas a witness,shall review with the CI written instructionsthat statethat: a. informationprovidedby the CI to the JLEA must be truthful; b. the CI's assistanceandthe infonnation provided are entirely voluntary; c. the United StatesGovernmentwill strive to protectthe CI's identity but cannotguaranteethat it will not be divulged; d. [if apnlicable:]the JLEA on its own cannotpromiseor agreeto any immunity from prosecutionor other considerationby a Federal Prosecutor'sOffice or a Court in exchangefor the CI's cooperation,since the decisionto conferany suchbenefit lies within the exclusivediscretion of the FederalProsecutor'sOffice andthe Court. However,the JLEA will 1 consider(but not necessarilyact upon) a requestby the CI to advisethe appropriateFederalProsecutor'sOffice or Court of the natureand extent of his or her assistanceto the JLEA;5 eo f. g. h. [if ~Rlicable:] the CI hasnot beenauthorizedto engagein any criminal activity andhasno immunity from prosecutionfor any unauthorized criminal activity;6 the CI must abideby the instructionsof the JLEA and must not take or seekto take any independentactionon behalf of the United States Government; the CI is not an employeeof the United StatesGovernmentandmay not representhimself or herselfas such; the CI maynot enterinto any contractor incur any obligation on behalf of the United StatesGovernment,exceptas specificallyinstructedand approvedby the JLEA; 1. the JLEA cannotguaranteeanyrewards,payments,or other compensation to the CI; J in the eventthat the CI receivesanyrewards,payments,or other compensationfrom the ILEA, the CI is liable for any taxesthat maybe owed; and k. [if apulicable:]no promisesor commitmentscanbe made,exceptby the Immigration andNaturalizationService,regardingthe alien statusof any personor the right of anypersonto enteror remainin the United States! 5 This instruction shouldbe providedif thereis any apparentissueof criminal liability or penaltiesthat relatesto the CI. Whetheror not this instructionis given to a CI, the JLEA does not haveany authorityto makeanypromiseor commitmentthat would preventthe government from prosecutingan individual, exceptasprovidedin paragraphs(I)(C) aboveand (llI)(C) below, and a JLEA agentmust avoid giving anypersonthe erroneousimpressionthat he or shehasany suchauthority. 6 Thisinstructionshouldbeprovidedto anyCI whois not authorized to engage in otherwiseillegal activity. Seeparagraph(III)(C)(4) for instructionsthat must be providedto a CI who is, in fact, authorizedto engagein otherwiseillegal conduct. 7 This instructionshouldbe providedif thereis any apparentissueof immigration status that relates to the CI and the JLEA is not the Immigration and Naturalization Service. 12 2. 3. D. The contentandmeaningof eachof the foregoinginstructionalpoints mustbe clearly conveyedto the CI. Immediatelyafter theseinstructionshavebeengiven, the agentshall requirethe CI to acknowledgehis or her receipt andunderstanding of the instructions. The agentandthe other law enforcementofficial shall documentthat the instructionswere reviewedwith the CI andthat the CI acknowledgedthe instructionsandhis or her understandingof them. As soonas practicablethereafter,a Field Managershall review and,if warranted,approvethe documentation. The instructionand documentationproceduresshall be repeatedwheneverit appearsnecessaryor prudentto do so, and in any eventat leasteverytwelve months. SPECIAL APPROVAL REQillREMENTS 1. High Level Confidential Informants a. b. c. Prior to utilizing an individual asa High Level ConfidentialInfonnant, a caseagentof a JLEA shall first obtain the written approvalof the CIRC. A Criminal Division representativeon the CIRC who disagreeswith a decisionto approvethe useof an individual asa High Level Confidential Infonnant may seekreview of that decisionpursuantto paragraph(I)(G). In decidingwhetherto approvethe useof a High Level Confidential InfofDlant,the CIRC shall haveaccessto any Initial or Completed Suitability ReportsandRecommendations for the individual in question. After a final decisionhasbeenmadeto approvethe useof a High Level ConfidentialInformant,the CIRC shall considerwhetherto notify the Chief FederalProsecutorof anyFPOthat is participatingin the conductof an investigationthat is, or would be, utilizing the High Level Confidential Informant,or anyFPOthat hasbeen,or would be, working with that individual in connectionwith a prosecution,of the decisionto approvethat individual as a High Level ConfidentialInformant. If the CIRC determinesthat no suchnotification shall be made,the reasonor reasons for the determinationshall be providedto the Criminal Division representatives on the CIRC. A Criminal Division representativeon the CIRC who disagreeswith a decisionnot to provide suchnotification may seekreview of that decisionpursuantto paragraph(I)(G). 13 2. 3. Individuals Under the Obligation of a Legal Privilege of Confidentiality or Affiliated with the Media a. Prior to utilizing asa ConfidentialInfonnant an individual who is under the obligationof a legal privilege of confidentiality or affiliated with the media,a caseagentof a JLEA shall first obtain the written approvalof the CIRC. A Criminal Division representativeon the CIRC who disagrees with a decisionto approvethe useof suchan individual as a Confidential Infonnant may seekreview of that decisionpursuantto paragraph(I)(G). b. In decidingwhetherto approvethe useasa ConfidentialInfonnant of an individual who is underthe obligation of a legal privilege of confidentialityor affiliated with the media,the CIRC shall haveaccessto any Initial or CompletedSuitability ReportsandRecommendations for the individual in question. c. After a final decisionhasbeenmadeto approvethe useof an individual who is underthe obligationof a legal privilege of confidentiality or affiliated with the mediaasa ConfidentialInformant,the CIRC shall considerwhetherto notify the Chief FederalProsecutorof anyFPO that is participatingin the conductof an investigationthat is, or would be, utilizing the individual, or anyFPOthat hasbeen,or would be, working with that individual in connectionwith a prosecution,of the decisionto approvethat individual asa ConfidentialInformant. If the CIRC detenninesthat no suchnotification shall be made,the reasonor reasons for the determinationshall be providedto the Criminal Division representatives on the CIRC. A Criminal Division representativeon the CIRC who disagreeswith a decisionnot to provide suchnotification may seekreview of that decisionpursuantto paragraph(I)(G). Federal Prisoners,Probationers, Parolees,Detainees,and Supervised Releasees a. Consistentwith extantDepartmentof Justicerequirements,a JLEA must receivethe approvalof the Criminal Division's Office of Enforcement Operations("OEO") prior to utilizing asa CI an individual who is in the custodyof the United StatesMarshalsServiceor the Bureauof Prisons,or who is underBureauof Prisonssupervision.~ U.S.A.M. § 9-21.050. b. Prior to utilizing a federalprobationer,parolee,or supervisedreleaseeasa CI, a Field Managerof a ILEA shall deternlineif the useof that personin sucha capacitywould violate the termsand conditionsof the person's probation,parole,or supervisedrelease.If the Field Mangerhasreasonto 4 believethat it would violate suchtenDSand conditions,prior to usingthe personasa CI, the Field Manageror his or her designeemust obtain the permissionof a federalprobation,parole,or supervisedreleaseofficial with authorityto grantsuchpermission,which permissionshall be documentedin the CI's files. If suchpermissionis deniedor it is inappropriatefor operationalreasonsto contactthe appropriatefederal official, the JLEA may seekto obtain authorizationfor the useof such individual asa CI from the Court then responsiblefor the individual's probation,parole,or supervisedrelease,providedthat the JLEA first consultswith the FPO for that District. c. 4. In situationswherea FPO is eitherparticipatingin the conductof an investigationby a JLEA in which a federalprobationer,parolee,or supervisedreleaseewould be utilized asa CI, or wherea FPOwould be working with a federalprobationer,parolee,or supervisedreleaseein connectionwith a prosecution,the JLEA shall notify the attorneyassigned to the matterprior to usingthe personasa CI. Current or Former Participants in the Witness Security Program a. Consistentwith extantDepartmentof Justicerequirements,a JLEA must receivethe approvalof OEO andthe sponsoringprosecutor(or his or her successor)prior to utilizing asa CI a currentor fonDerparticipantin the FederalWitnessSecurityProgram,provided further that the OEO will coordinatesuchmatterswith the United StatesMarshalsService. ~ U .S.A.M. § 9-21.800. b. 5. hI situationswherea FPO is eitherparticipatingin the conductof an investigationby a JLEA in which a currentor former participantin the WitnessSecurityProgramwould be utilized as a CI, or where a FPO would be working with a currentor former participantin the Witness SecurityProgramin connectionwith a prosecution,the ILEA shall notify the attorneyassignedto the matterprior to using the personasa CI. State or Local Prisoners, Probationers, Parolees,or SupervisedReleasees a. Prior to utilizing a stateor local prisoner,probationer,parolee,or supervisedreleaseeasa CL a Field Managerof a JLEA shall determineif the useof that personin sucha capacitywould violate the termsand conditionsof the person'sincarceration,probation,parole,or supervised release.If the Field Mangerhasreasonto believethat it would violate suchtermsandconditions,prior to usingthe personas a CI, the Field Manageror his or her designeemust obtain the permissionof a stateor 15 local prison,probation,parole,or supervisedreleaseofficial with authority to grant suchpennission,which pennissionshall be documentedin the CI's files. If suchpermissionis deniedor it is inappropriatefor operationalreasonsto contactthe appropriatestateor local official, the JLEA may seekto obtain authorizationfor the useof suchindividual asa CI from the stateor local Court then responsiblefor the individual's incarceration,probation,parole,or supervisedrelease. b. 6. In situationswherea FPO is eitherparticipatingin the conductof an investigationby a ILEA in which a stateor local prisoner,probationer, parolee,or supervisedreleaseewould be utilized as a CI, or wherea FPO would be working with a stateor local prisoner,probationer,parolee,or supervisedreleaseein connectionwith a prosecution,the ILEA shall notify the attorneyassignedto the matterprior to using the personasa CI. Fugitives a. Exceptasprovidedbelow, a JLEA shall haveno communicationwith a currentor fonDerCI who is a fugitive. b. A ILEA is pennittedto havecommunicationwith a currentor fonner CI who is a fugitive: (i) if the communicationis part of a legitimateeffort by that JLEA to arrest the fugitive; or (ii) if approved,in advancewheneverpossible,by a SeniorField Manager of any federal,state,or local law enforcementagencythat hasa wanted recordfor the individual in the NCIC and,in the caseof a federalwarrant, by the FPO for the issuingDistrict. c. A JLEA that hascommunicationwith a fugitive must promptly report such communicationto all federal,state,andlocal law enforcementagencies andother law enforcementagencieshaving a wantedrecordfor the individual in the NCIC, anddocumentthosecommunicationsin the CI's files. 16 III. RESPONSIBILITIES REGARDING REGISTERED CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANTS - A. GENERAL PROVISIONS No Interference With an Investigation of a Confidential Informant A JLEA agentmust take the utmostcareto avoid interferingwith or impedingany criminal investigationor arrestof a CI. No agentshall revealto a CI any information relatingto an investigationof the CI. An agentshall not confirm or denythe existenceof any investigation of the CI, unlessauthorizedto do so by the Chief FederalProsecutor;nor shall an agentagreeto a requestfrom a CI to determinewhetherthe CI is the subjectof any investigation. 2. Prohibited Transactions and Relationships a. b. c. B. A JLEA agentshall not: (i) exchangegifts with a CI; (ii) provide the CI with any thing of morethannominalvalue; (iii) receiveany thing of more than nominal value from a CI; or (iv) engagein anybusinessor financial transactionswith a CI. Exceptasauthorizedpursuantto paragraph(Ill}(B) below, any exceptionto this provision requiresthe written approvalof a Field Manager,in advancewheneverpossible,basedon a written finding by the Field Managerthat the eventor transactionin questionis necessary and appropriatefor operationalreasons.This written finding shall be maintainedin the CI's files. A FederalLaw Enforcementagentshall not socializewith a CI exceptto the extentnecessaryandappropriatefor operationalreasons. In situationswherea FPO is eitherparticipatingin the conductof an investigationby a JLEA that is utilizing a CI, or working with a CI in connectionwith a prosecution,the JLEA shall notify the attorneyassigned to the matter,in advancewheneverpossible,if the JLEA approvesan exceptionunderparagraph(llI)(A)(2)(a) or if a FederalLaw Enforcement agentsocializeswith a CI in a mannernot permittedunderparagraph (llI)(A)(2)(b ). MONETARY PAYMENTS 1. General Monies that a JLEA paysto a CI in the fonD of feesandrewardsshall be commensurate with the value, asdetenninedby the JLEA, of the informationhe or sheprovidedor the 17 assistance he or sherenderedto that JLEA. A JLEA's reimbursementof expensesincurredby a CI shall be basedupon actualexpensesincurred. 2. Prohibition Against Contingent Payments Under no circumstancesshall anypaymentsto a CI be contingentupon the convictionor punishmentof any individual. 3. Approval for a Single Payment A singlepaymentof between$2,500and $25,000per caseto a CI must be authorized,at a minimum, by a JLEA's SeniorField Manager. A singlepaymentin excessof $25,000per case shall be madeonly with the authorizationof the SeniorField Managerandthe expressapproval of a designatedseniorheadquartersofficial. 4. Approval for Annual Payments Consistentwith paragraph(llI)(B)(3) above,paymentsby a JLEA to a CI that exceedan aggregateof $100,000within a one-yearperiod,asthat period is definedby the JLEA, shall be madeonly with the authorizationof the SeniorField Managerandthe expressapprovalof a designatedseniorheadquarters official. The headquarters official may authorizeadditional aggregateannualpaymentsin incrementsof $50,000or less. 5. Approval for AggregatePayments Consistentwith paragraphs(III)(B)(3)-(4), andregardlessof the time frame,any paymentsby a JLEA to a CI that exceedan aggregateof $200,000shall be madeonly with the authorizationof the SeniorField Managerandthe expressapprovalof a designatedsenior headquarters official. After the headquarters official hasapprovedpaymentsto a CI that exceed an aggregateof $200,000,the headquarters official may authorize,subjectto paragraph (III)(B)( 4) above,additionalaggregatepaymentsin incrementsof $100,000or less. 6. Documentation of Payment The paymentof anymoniesto a CI shall be witnessedby at leasttwo law enforcement representatives.Immediatelyafer receivinga payment,the CI shall be requiredto sign or initial, anddate,a written receipt.RAt the time of the payment,the representatives shall advisethe CI that the moniesmay be taxableincomethat must be reportedto appropriatetax authorities. Thereafter,thoserepresentatives shall documentthe paymentand the adviceof taxability in the 8 The CI may sign or initial the written receiptby using a pseudonymwhich hasbeen previously approved and documented in the CI's files and designated for use by only one CI. 18 JLEA's files. The documentationof paymentshall specifywhetherthe paymentis for infonnation, services,or expenses. 7. Accounting and Reconciliation Procedures EachJLEA shall establishaccountingandreconciliationproceduresto comply with these Guidelines. Among otherthings,theseproceduresshall reflect all moniespaid to a CI subsequentto the issuanceof theseGuidelines. 8. Coordination with Prosecution In situationswherea FPO is eitherparticipatingin the conductof an investigationby a ILEA that is utilizing a CI, or working with a CI in connectionwith a prosecution,the JLEA shall coordinatewith the attorneyassignedto the matter,in advancewheneverpossible,the paymentof moniesto the CI pursuantto paragraphs(Ill)(B)(3)-(5) above. c. AUTHORIZATIONOF OTHERWISE ILLEGAL ACTIVITY 1. General Provisions a. b. A JLEA shall not authorizea CI to engagein any activity that otherwise would constitutea misdemeanoror felony under federal,state,or local law if engagedin by a personactingwithout authorization,exceptasprovided in the authorizationprovisionsin paragraph(III)(C)(2) below. A JLEA is neverpermittedto authorizea CI to (i) participatein an act of violence; (ii) participatein an act that constitutesobstructionof justice (~, perjury, witnesstampering,witnessintimidation, entrapment,or the fabrication, alteration,or destructionof evidence); (iii) participatein an act designedto obtain infonnation for the JLEA that would be unlawful if conductedby a law enforcementagent(~ breaking and entering,illegal wiretapping,illegal openingor tamperingwith the mail, or trespassamountingto an illegal search);or (iv) initiate or instigatea plan or strategyto commit a federal,state,or local offense. 19 2. Authorization a. Tier 1 Otherwisemega1Activity mustbe authorizedin advanceand in writing for a specifiedperiod,not to exceed90 days,by: (i) a JLEA'8 SpecialAgent in Charge(or the equivalent);and (ii) the appropriateChief FederalProsecutor.9 b. c. 3. Tier 2 Otherwiselllegal Activity must be authorizedin advanceandin writing for a specifiedperiod,not to exceed90 days,by a JLEA' s Senior Field Manager. For purposesof this paragraph,the "appropriateChief FederalProsecutor" is the Chief FederalProsecutorthat: (i) is participatingin the conductof an investigationby a ILEA that is utilizing that active CI, or is working with that activeCI in connectionwith a prosecution;(ii) with respectto Otherwisemegal Activity that would constitutea violation of federallaw, would haveprimaryjurisdiction to prosecutethe Otherwiseillegal Activity; or (iii) with respectto Otherwiseillegal Activity that would constitutea violation only of stateor local law, is locatedwherethe otherwisecriminal activity is to occur. Findings a The ILEA official who authorizesTier 1 or 2 Otherwisemegal Activity must makea finding, which shall be documentedin the CI's files, that authorizationfor the CI to engagein the Tier I or 2 Otherwisemegal Activity is (i) necessaryeitherto (A) obtain infomlation or evidenceessentialfor the successof an investigationthat is not reasonablyavailablewithout such authorization,or Evenwithout an expressact of Congressauthorizingthe conductat issue,it is within the power andthe duty of federalprosecutors,asexecutivebranchofficers, to takereasonable measuresto dischargethe dutiesimposedon them asexecutivebranchofficers, andthey will be immunefrom stateaction if they take suchmeasuresundercolor of federallaw and in good faith. 9 20 (B) preventdeath,seriousbodily injury, or significant damageto property;and (ii) that in eithercasethe benefitsto be obtainedfrom the crs participationin the Tier 1 or 2 Otherwisemegal Activity outweighthe risks. b. In making thesefindings,the JLEA shall consider,amongotherthings: (i) the importanceof the investigation; (ii) the likelihood that the inforDlationor evidencesoughtwill be obtained; (iii) the risk that the CI might misunderstandor exceedthe scopeof his authorization; (iv) the extentof the CI's participationin the Otherwisemegal Activity; (v) the risk that the JLEA will not be ableto supervisecloselythe crs participationin the Otherwisemega!Activity; (vi) the risk of violence,physicalinjury, propertydamage,and financial lossto the CI or others;and (vii) the risk that the JLEA will not be ableto ensurethat the CI doesnot profit from his or her participationin the authorizedOtherwiselllegal Activity. 4. Instructions a. After a CI is authorizedto engagein Tier 1 or 2 Otherwiseillegal Activity, at leastone agentof the JLEA, alongwith one additional agentor other law enforcementofficial presentasa witness,shall review with the CI written instructionsthat state,at a minimum, that: (i) the CI is authorizedonly to engagein the specific conductset forth in the written authorizationdescribedaboveandnot in any other illegal activity; (ii) the CI's authorizationis limited to the time period specifiedin the written authorization; (iii) underno circumstancemay the CI: 21 (A) participatein an act of violence; (B) participatein an act that constitutesobstructionofjustice~, perjury, witnesstampering,witnessintimidation, entrapment,or the fabrication,alteration,or destructionof evidence); (C) participatein an act designedto obtain information for the JLEA that would be unlawful if conductedby a law enforcement agent(~, breakingandentering,illegal wiretapping,illegal openingor tamperingwith the mail, or trespassamountingto an illegal search);or (D) initiate or instigatea plan or strategyto commit a federal,state, or local offense; (iv) if the CI is askedby anypersonto participatein any suchprohibited conduct,or ifhe or shelearnsof plansto engagein suchconduct,he or she must immediatelyreportthe matterto his or her contactagent;and (v) participationin anyprohibitedconductcould subjectthe CI to full criminal prosecution. b. 5. Immediatelyafter theseinstructionshavebeengiven, the CI shall be requiredto sign or initial, anddate,a written acknowledgmentof the instructions.10 As soonaspracticablethereafter,a Field Managershall review and,if warranted,approvethe written acknowledgment. Precautionary Measures Whenevera JLEA hasauthorizeda CI to engagein Tier 1 or 2 Otherwiseillegal Activity. it must take all reasonablestepsto: (a) supervisecloselythe illegal activities of the CI; (b) minimize the adverseeffect of the authorizedOtherwiseillegal Activity on innocentindividuals; and(c) ensurethat the CI doesnot profit from his or her participationin the authorizedOtherwise illegal Activity. The CI may sign or initial the written acknowledgmentby using a pseudonymwhich hasbeenpreviouslyapprovedanddocumentedin the CI's files and designatedfor useby only onecr. 10 22 6. Suspensionof Authorization Whenevera JLEA cannot,for legitimatereasonsunrelatedto the CI's conduct~ unavailabilityof the caseagent),comply with the precautionarymeasuresdescribedabove,it shall immediately:(a) suspendthe Cl's authorizationto engagein Otherwisemega!Activity until suchtime asthe precautionarymeasurescanbe compliedwith; (b) inform the CI that his or her authorizationto engagein any Otherwisemega!Activity hasbeensuspendeduntil that time; and (c) documenttheseactionsin the CI's files. 7. 8. Revocation of Authorization a. If a JLEA hasreasonto believethat a CI hasfailed to comply with the specifictermsof the authorizationof Tier 1 or 2 Otherwisemega! Activity, it shall immediately:(i) revokethe crs authorizationto engagein Otherwisemega!Activity; (ii) inform the CI that he or sheis no longer authorizedto engagein any Otherwisemega! Activity; (iii) comply with the notification requirementof paragraph(N)(B) below; (iv) makea determinationwhetherthe CI shouldbe deactivatedpursuantto paragraph (V); and (v) documenttheseactionsin the CI's files. b. Immediatelyafer the CI hasbeeninfonned that he or sheis no longer authorizedto engagein anyOtherwiseIllegal Activity, the CI shall be requiredto sign or initial, anddate,a written acknowledgmentthat he or shehasbeeninfonned of this fact... As soonaspracticablethereafter,a Field Managershall review and,if warranted,approvethe written acknowledgment. Renewal and Expansion of Authorization a. A JLEA that seeksto re-authorizeany CI to engagein Tier 1 or 2 Otherwisemegal Activity after the expirationof the authorizedtime period, or after revocationof authorization,must first comply with the proceduresset forth abovein paragraphs(III)(C)(2)-(5). 11 The CI may sign or initial the written acknowledgmentby using a pseudonymwhich hasbeenpreviouslyapprovedanddocumentedin the CI's files and designatedfor useby only oneCI. If the CI refusesto sign or initial the written acknowledgment,the JLEA agentwho informedthe CI of the revocationof authorizationshall documentthat the CI hasorally acknowledgedbeing so informed andthe Field Managershall, as soonaspracticablethereafter, review and,if warranted,approvethe written documentation. 23 b. 9. A JLEA that seeksto expandin anymaterialway a CI's authorizationto engagein Tier 1 or 2 Otherwiseillegal Activity by the JLEA must first comply with the proceduressetforth abovein paragraphs(III)(C)(2)-(5). Emergency Authorization a. b. 10. In exceptionalcircumstances, a JLEA' s SpecialAgent in Charge(or the equivalent)andthe appropriateChief FederalProsecutormay orally authorizea CI to engagein Tier 1 Otherwiselllegal Activity without complyingwith the documentationrequirementsof paragraphs(III)(C)(2)(4) abovewhen they eachdeterminethat a highly significant and unanticipatedinvestigativeopportunitywould be lost were the time taken to comply with theserequirements.In suchan event,the documentation requirements,aswell asa written justification for the oral authorization, shallbe completedwithin 48 hoursof the oral approvalandmaintainedin the CI's files. In exceptionalcircumstances, a JLEA' s SeniorField Managermay orally authorizea CI to engagein Tier 2 Otherwisemegal Activity without complyingwith the documentationrequirementsof paragraphs(Ill)(C)(2)(4) abovewhenhe or shedetem1ines that a highly significant and unanticipatedinvestigativeopportunitywould be lost were the time taken to comply with theserequirements.In suchan event,the documentation requirements,aswell asa written justification for the oral authorization, shall be completedwithin 48 hoursof the oral approvalandmaintainedin the CI's files. Designees A JLEA's SpecialAgent in Charge(or the equivalent)andthe appropriateChief Federal Prosecutormay, with the concurrenceof eachother,agreeto designateparticularindividuals in their respectiveoffices to carry out the approvalfunctionsassignedto them abovein paragraphs (III)(C)(2)-(9). D. LISTING A CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT IN AN ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE APPLICAnON 1 A JLEA shall not namea CI asa namedintercepteeor a violator in an affidavit in supportof an applicationmadepursuantto 18U .S.C.§ 2516 for an electronic surveillanceorder unlessthe JLEA believesthat: (a) omitting the nameof the CI from the affidavit would endangerthat person'slife or otherwisejeopardizean ongoinginvestigation;or (b) the CI is a bona fide subjectof the investigation basedon his or her suspectedinvolvementin unauthorizedcriminal activity. 24 2. In the eventthat a CI is namedin an electronicsurveillanceaffidavit under paragraph(Ill)(D)(l) above,the JLEA must infonn the Federalprosecutormaking the applicationandthe Court to which the applicationis madeof the actualstatus of the CI. IV. SPECIALNOTIFICATION REOUIREMENTS A. NOTIFICATION OF INVESTIGAllON OR PROSECUTION When a JLEA hasreasonablegroundsto believethat a currentor fonner CI is being prosecutedby, is the targetof an investigationby, or is expectedto become a targetof an investigationby a FPO for engagingin allegedfeloniouscriminal activity, a SpecialAgent in Charge(or the equivalent)of the JLEA must immediatelynotify the Chief FederalProsecutorof that individual's statusas a currentor fonner CV2 2. B. Wheneversucha notification is provided,the Chief FederalProsecutorand SpecialAgent in Charge(or the equivalent),with the concurrenceof eachother, shall notify any other federal,stateor local prosecutor'soffices or law enforcementagenciesthat areparticipatingin the investigationor prosecutionof the CI. NOllFICATION OF UNAUTHORIZED ILLEGAL ACTIVITY Whenevera JLEA hasreasonablegroundsto believethat a CI who is currently authorizedto engagein specificTier 1 or 2 Otherwisemegal Activity hasengaged in unauthorizedcriminal activity, or whenevera JLEA knows that a CI who has no currentauthorizationto engagein anyTier 1 or 2 Otherwisemegal Activity hasengagedin any criminal activity, a SpecialAgent in Chargeof the JLEA (or the equivalent)shall immediatelynotify the following Chief FederalProsecutors of the CI's criminal activity andhis or her statusas a CI: a. the Chief FederalProsecutorwhoseDistrict is locatedwherethe criminal activity primarily occurred.unlessa stateor local prosecutingoffice in that District hasfiled chargesagainstthe CI for the criminal activity andthere clearly is no basisfor federalprosecutionin that District by the Chief FederalProsecutor; A targetis "a personasto whom the prosecutoror the grandjury hassubstantial evidencelinking him or her to the commissionof a crime andwho, in thejudgment of the prosecutor,is a putativedefendant."U.S.A.M. § 9-11.151. 12 25 b. c. 2. c. the Chief FederalProsecutor,if any,whoseDistrict is participatingin the conductof an investigationthat is utilizing that active CI, or is working with that activeCI in connectionwith a prosecution;and the Chief FederalProsecutor.if any.who authorizedthe CI to engagein Tier 1 Otherwisemega!Activity pursuantto paragraph(III)(C)(2)(a) above.I3 Wheneversuchnotificationsareprovided,the Chief FederalProsecutor(s)of the FPOsandthe SpecialAgent in Charge(or the equivalent),with the concurrenceof eachother,shall notify any stateor local prosecutor'soffice that hasjurisdiction over the CI's criminal activity, andthat hasnot alreadyfiled chargesagainstthe CI for the criminal activity, of the fact that the CI hasengagedin suchcriminal activity. The Chief FederalProsecutor(s)andthe SpecialAgent in Charge(or the equivalent)arenot required,but may with the concurrenceof eachother,also notify the stateand local prosecutor'soffice of the person'sstatusas a CI. NOTIFICATION REGARDING CERTAIN FEDERAL JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS Whenevera JLEA hasreasonablegroundsto believethat: (1) a currentor fonDerCI has beencalledto testify by the prosecutionin any federalgrandjury or judicial proceeding;(2) the statementsof a currentor fonDerCI havebeen,or will be, utilized by the prosecutionin any federaljudicial proceeding;or (3) a federalprosecutorintendsto representto a Court or jury that a currentor fonDerCI is or was a co-conspiratoror othercriminally culpableparticipantin any criminal activity, a SpecialAgent in Charge(or the equivalent)of the JLEA shall immediately notify the Chief FederalProsecutorfor that proceedingof the individual's statusas a currentor fonDerCI. D. PRIVILEGED OR EXCULPATORY INFORMATION 1 In situationswherea FPO is eitherparticipatingin the conductof an investigation by a JLEA that is utilizing a CI, or working with a CI in connectionwith a prosecution,the JLEA shall notify the attorneyassignedto the matter,in advance wheneverpossible,if the JLEA hasreasonablegroundsto believe that a CI will obtain or provide infomlation that is subjectto, or arguablysubjectto, a legal privilege of confidentialitybelongingto someoneotherthan the CI. 2. If the JLEA hasreasonablegroundsto believethat a currentor fonDerCI has infonnation that is exculpatoryasto a personwho is expectedto becomea target 13 Wheneversuchnotificationsto FPOsareprovided,the JLEA must alsocomply with the ContinuingSuitability requirementsdescribedabovein paragraph(ll)(A)(2). 26 of an investigation,or asto a targetof an investigation,or asto a defendant (including a convicteddefendant).the JLEA shall notify the Chief Federal Prosecutorresponsiblefor the investigationor prosecutionof suchexculpatory information. E. RESPONDING TO REQUESTS FROM CHIEF FEDERAL PROSECUTORS REGARDING A CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT If a Chief FederalProsecutorseeksinfonnation from a SpecialAgent in Charge(or the equivalent)asto whethera particularindividual is a currentor fonDerCI, and statesthe specific basisfor his or her request,the SpecialAgent in Charge(or the equivalent)shall provide such informationpromptly. If the SpecialAgent in Charge(or the equivalent)hasan objectionto providing suchinfonnation basedon specificcircumstancesof the case,he or sheshall explain the objectionto the Chief FederalProsecutormakingthe requestand any remainingdisagreement asto whetherthe information shouldbe providedshall be resolvedpursuantto paragraph(I)(G). F. FILE REVIEWS Whenevera JLEA disclosesanyinfonnation abouta CI to a FPOpursuantto paragraphs (N)(A)-(E), the SpecialAgent in Charge(or the equivalent)andthe Chief FederalProsecutor shall consultto facilitate anyreview andcopyingof the CI's files by the Chief FederalProsecutor that might be necessaryfor the Chief FederalProsecutorto fulfill his or her office's disclosure obligations. G. DESIGNEES A SpecialAgent in Charge(or the equivalent)and a Chief FederalProsecutormay,with the concurrenceof eachother,agreeto designateparticularindividuals in their respectiveoffices to carry out the functionsassignedto them in paragraphs(N)(A)-(F). V. DEACTIV AnON OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANTS -- A. --- GENERAL PROVISIONS A ILEA that detemlinesthat a CI shouldbe deactivatedfor causeor for any otherreason shall immediately: 1. deactivatethe individual; 2. documentthe reasonsfor the decisionto deactivatethe individual as a CI in the CI's files; 27 3. 4. B. if the CI canbe located,notify the CI that he or shehasbeendeactivatedas a CI andobtain documentationthat suchnotification was provided in the samemanner as set forth in paragraph(ll)(C)(2); and if the CI was authorizedto engagein Tier 1 or Tier 2 Otherwisemegal Activity pursuantto paragraph(Ill)(C)(2)(a)-(b), revokethat authorizationunderthe provisionsof paragraph(Ill)(C)(7). DELAYED NOTIFICATION TO A CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT A ILEA may delayproviding the notification to the CI describedabovein Paragraph (V)(A)(3) during the time suchnotification might jeopardizean ongoinginvestigationor prosecutionor might causethe flight from prosecutionof anyperson. Whenevera decisionis madeto delayproviding a notification, that decision,andthe reasonssupportingit, must be documentedin the CI's files. c. CONTACTS WITH FORMER CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANTS DEACTIVATED FOR CAUSE Absentexceptionalcircumstancesthat areapprovedby a SeniorField Manager,in advancewheneverpossible,an agentof a JLEA shall not initiate contactswith, or respondto contactsfrom, a fonner CI who hasbeendeactivatedfor cause. When granted,suchapproval shall be documentedin the CI's files. D. COORDINATION WITH PROSECUTORS In situationswherea FPO is eitherparticipatingin the conductof an investigationby a JLEA that is utilizing a CI, or working with a CI in connectionwith a prosecution,the JLEA shall coordinatewith the attorneyassignedto the matter,in advancewheneverpossible, regardingany of the decisionsdescribedin paragraphs(V){A)-(C). Date: JohnAshcroft Attorney General 28