Coos County Sheriff's Office Contract Summary With Wellpath, 2019
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~ -~c~J;--:;;2~0~19;;;:--_o=-=o:c--=o-=-s 3=--c3=-----------. . 1 COMMISSIONERS' JOURNAL COOS COUNTY, OREGON Coos County Filing Cover Sheet 06/28/2019 4:05:00 PM · TO: · Coos County Clerk's Office FROM: Sheriff's Office Please file the attached ·document in the selected category indicated in the box below using the following information: -.: .. ·-· .,. - : .. . ··~•.: ;· :.-. ::...·•. Cbrri':'i~~siorier Journal :Fil~~gs .. .. - .. Affidavit of Publication , Orders and/or Resolutions Board .of Commissioners Payroll Resolutions BoPTA Registry of Offices X Contracts & Agr~ements Special District Budget Special LJIStnct Formations, Annexations, Dissoultions, Section Results County Budget County Code Vacation Proceedings Minutes - BOC ~ ·--:-: '. p ... ' .. . ,';, .. ;- ' I INDEXING INFORMATION ·Affected Parties Names: Wellpath i - . Subject of Document: ;_ . -·· __ _ Jail Medical Services Resolution or Order#: 1. Document ·Remarks: Renewal Jail Medical services $671,860.08 FY 19-20 Date of Meeting or of Document: June-18, 2019 CONTRACT/GRANTSUMMARYFORM Clerk's CJ No.: _________~~-- ·_ . Contract/Agreement/Grant No. : (complete after filed with Clerk) . Name/Agency Name and Address: Wellpath; 1283 Murfreesboro Road Suite 500, _Nashvllle TN 37217 Contact Person: ·John Roth · No. 541a33-7124 Amount of Contrac;:t/Grant Award: $ 671,860.08 Payment Terms: Billed Monthly {state lump sum or amount and time of payments) ' Start _Date: 07/01/; 9 E·nd Date: 06/30/20 County Department and Employee Responsible for Performance: Sheriff's co'rrections-Darfus Mede ·. Description: $631.120.20 plus 2.4% CPI increase of $15,146.88 and Additional Nurse Hours $25,593.00 , ... .., . , ii •i ··· STATE% ' OTHER% FEDERAL% (CFOA # ReQulred} Cata!og of Federal Domestic Asst. *(CFDA} Number *CFDA Is a five digit number in the following format: The first two digits designate the federal agency and the last three the grant description. The following is a partial listing of the two digit agency identifier. USDA HUD USDOT EPA Dept. of Education Dept. of Commerce USDOJ General Svs. Admin. FEMA US Ori HS NOTE: If the contract/grarit Is a~soclated with more than one CDFA number, each segment must have it's own summary form. D New D REmewal Previous Amount:$ Previous Date: Automatic Renewal? □Yes □ No Will Uf"\employment cost be incurred? □Yes □ No D Modification Original Amount: $ Original Date: Staff Requirements: □ New □ Existing □Subcontract Method of Selection: □ Bid □ None D Quote D Other D Proposal -- Type of Contract: D New {complete sections below) 18J Renewal {no need to complete sections below) □· Modification (no need to complete sections below) Type of Contract: D Goods .and Services - If Not Using Bid or Proposal. Mark Exemption: . D Under $10,000 D Under $50,0Q0 for Quotes D Under $150,000 & Approval from Board for Quotes D Sole Source D D . Contra<?t with Public Agency D Equipment Maintenance D Office Supplies D Used Vehicles D State Purchasing D Other _ Public Improvement - If Not Using Bid, Mark Exemption: D Under $5,000 D l,Jnder $50,000 for Quotes · _ D Alternative Contracting Me~hod Approved by Board □ Other _ _ 0 Under $100,000 & Not a Transportation Project for Quotes D Personal Services Contract - If Not Using Proposal, Mark Exemption: . D Under $50,000 0 Under $150,000 & Approval from Board Will project be reported to Bureau of Labor for Prevailing Wages under ORS 279C.800? □Yes 12JNo Certificate of insurance required? _[8]Yes 0No Form of contract: 0 Oral [8] Written (attach the written contract) Date Approveq by BOC: u.\\,'£ Contract and Grant Summary Fom, \I\ "'·.~eviewed b{Counsel; - .. : .. . Revlsed 5/21/2015 . ' ' =.t wellpatli · The Nev.r CCS+CMGC. Fe,bi'uary 2?,.2019 Captain Darius Mede Coos CountyJi1il ·200 ·E. 2nd Street Coqulllei·OR 97423 RE: 2019-2020 Contracl: RenewaHor Jail Medical Services and Staffing Enha!lcement I . De~r captain Mede: r hope t _his letter finds you well. Well path LLC fka ~orrect Care Solutions, U.C ('icts·"r is proud to.partner wjtb ·Coos.c:;01,1rity Jall, i;!l'ld we are excifed to renew our provide v.01,1r·~etairiees wi_th quality healthcare in.the-up_coming year! The current term <>four-Agreement ends June 30, 2019. Pursuant -t o Agreement ·Section 9.0, our ,<!,8 reement shall automatically renelf\! for a one_-year period, with an increase co~slstent with the ·Cr;msumer Price Index ('1CPI") for Urban tonsumers - US City Averag~, Medical qtre ·services Component, exc~e~ ·4%. This r:u.1m~er-stands a~ 2.4% 'for t~e month of January. iol9. ~dditionally, please find our price quote to increase RN hours. AppH~~ion of these increases are as follows: 2019-2020 Contract Vear l;Sase ¢ompensa.tiori - Monthly . Annually $631) 120.20 $~2,.5~3.35 . @~4~~#·~-r.:s;;-:~".;,;·;_;·\·:,~.-:·.~?'.R-0s~:.,j.~•-B~"~~~~ ~S:J~i}:24-2~~-'•..- :s:¢~1~4~-:~.~d Staffing - Rf\18 hours (o·.2 ml P.el'week $2,132.75 $25>59.3.00 Requested Compensation 07/01/19 - 06/30/20 $55,988.34 $671,860.08 If.above terms are acceptable to the County, please acknowledae you·r ·acceptance of the compensation ,iricrease by .retu rnlrig a ·s•~ned copy to ·Stephanie ·Parkinson, Partner Serylces SpeciaJlst, at · All other terms of the current Agreemen't shall remain in full force.anci effect throu~h -the end of the .contract period. We thank you for the opporturJi~ i~ present this proposal. Shoyld yqu have any questlo_ns or c~ll:,c~rns, Wellpath 1283.MurfreesborQ·Road • 1:511= ··:· Suite. 500 ·: . . Nashville. TN 37217 , II _ ,m,,.wellp81l1am!.com I - I ---' ... :~ .wel~p.atn Th_e,New C(:S+.CMCiC. please ~q·not h~itate·tp contact Rac;hel ·pet~he'il, ~eg,Qnal '01r~qpr of Op~rations, at S41-733-i;L24 or you>nta,;t John·R~fh,:Oirector ()f° P~rthElr .Se,:vic;Eis, ·at 817-~~~-2663. /l~~[V, 'f .~ ·(,da)'/P' ·Anprew:w<!lter Re~lonarvlce President cc: Rpchel Petchell; Reglonal Director of Operatfons Jqhn Roth1Oirecton~f Partner ·Services Adolfo <;:lsne_r:o, S~ftlor "E>i.rector of-Pc1rtn~r Servkes T~.e lfnd~rsigne.d .is Coo~ Coupty tQ f!.c cepqh~ ;;ibave terms· ·, •, ' &/J-/k ~//4<f/ 1 Title PLEASE NOTE: Fi .of the cQnt.i'act amendment will b~ ·'li~:email. If h,ml copies with orl~inal ~l.gnatures·are require~, pleas.e Indicate the number of~.oples neede,d: __. I. Wellp;:1th 1283 Murfreesboro ·Road . Sui1e ·soo Nashville, TN · 37217 •Wl'/W, I· ~- ·_, ... .. .. . . ! •.• •• • •• _ _!