Copelan Experimentation on Prisoners Documents
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, ::XC !..ASSi7:Zn , I I ~V cporl X:;rr,Lcr :\i.ED .)0 oi Agent 223-7 Fin~J1 ne;~oTt By Hcr:,ert W. Copebn. :\1. D. ),tarco :~69 :\ieciicol Rese:nch l.:lborotories Dircctol·:Jte of L:lbor:'ltories Edgewood Arsen::d. :\1nryland 21010 DAAA 15-GS-C-0027 Ivy ilC'seorch Lr.bor:ltOl'ies, Inc. H. U. P. Duhrir:.~ I..:'lborntorics 36th nnd Spruce Sts. i?ili::1., 'I':t. ~xc :ruo·\ USSI7IED - .... _ . _ . : ••--'~ • ~.J ... '-,"_"- . -'.' ~ "'-~ :~r::l.rci1 :B69 :-':;:eciic:J.i ncse:lrch I~oor:;tories Di~'~c:or~tc 0;' L:loorntorics Zdgcwood .';rser.:li, :'4:l1'ybnd 21010 DAAA 15-68-C-0627 :vy ~csc:l:-ch ~oor:Hor;cs. =-::.~.? Di..ih:·;r.g Ir.c. L:.oo~·:ltories 30th :lnd Sprllcc 5lS. ~::::... , :'::. :;:0·; :;xc :.:. 55:::-: Z:> , Summary ThiS report describes results of studies to determine the dose for the minim:d central or orthostatic hypotensive effect of Agent 233-7. The experiments were performed with human volunteers and followed the general procedure prescribed by the Medica I Research L3borntories . .Agent 233-7 wns ndministcrcd intramuscularly to :ldult male prisoner volunteers. Dosage started at onc microgrnm per kilogram -\ug/k~) and was raised by increments nccording to protocol until the m:lximum specified dose of 10. 0 ug/kg was reached. There was no signific:lnt central or peripheral effect at any dosage. Physiological measures and toxicity studies also disclosed no signific:lnt effects. - 3- Vit:J.i signs. NF perform:Jncc ond general beh,wior after injection were measured hourly for the first 8 hours. :It 2-hour intcrt':1ls for the nC:'I:t -I hours, :lnd then at 4-hour intervnls for the d,Il':.J.tion of the 24-hour cxperiment. Time cstimation was mcnsured .:It l. 5. G.5, 7.5, 8.!i and 24 11'. Irs after injection. Centrni effect \\';)S measured by NF performauce. The criterion specified for minill1:l1 centrol effect was a reduction, comp:J.l"ed to control perform:lnce, of more th:m 25~ in the lowest :J.vernge obt::linable by selecting the lowest 3 of any 5 consecutive scores at the test intervals. The criterion specified for minimal orthost3tic hypotensive effect was a l'eduction in the 5-minute st:lnding mean :J.rterial blood pressure (diastolic plus 1/3 pulse pressure) of 10 mm. Hg compared to the supine pressure, RESULTS 1. Effects There was no significont centr:J.} or peripheral effect at any dosage. Table r lists the name and dosage for all subjects tested. TABLE T • Name and Dosage of Subjects Tested with Intramuscular 233-7 Dosage 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.4 2.0 2.0 2.8 2.8 3.8 3.8 5.4 5.4 7.~ 7.5 10.0 10. , - 5- 2. Toxicitv Toxico~·'gical studies were performed :It ~'I :lnci at 48 hours, :.l~ :lpproxim:ltcly 7 dJys Jnd 4 weeks Jfter injection. These studies consisted of I"cd :lnd white cell mo.,. sureSt urin:llysis, nUN, tr:lnsamin;'\sc. :dk:l1inc phosph:lbse :lnd bilirubin fr:1ctions. Therc wcre no :lbnorma1ities sugg-esting Jny toxic effect of :1gcnt 233-7. Occ:lsionJI slight chJngcs were within the range of technic:lI \':1 riation or were due to conditions other th:lIl the agent, p3rticularly chronic serum hepatitis apP:1Tcntly reloted to previous intnvenous use of narcotics :lnd other drugs. The brger doses produced mild loco1 discomfort at the injection site lasting about 21:0 I hours. This was proo:loiy thc resuit of the \'olume of the injected I1uid. COKC LusrONS l. Agent 233-7 administered intramuscularly in dosages up to 10.0 ug/kg produced no significJnt centr::11 or peripheral effect. 2. There were no toxic effects. ~~ Herbert w. Copel:lb. :\1. D. f':'."'« :.\ .. - 6 - f_. .. ~'.(. .. Copies distributed 3S follows: Origiroi and fifteen (is) copies Dr. Frederick R. Sidell. Edgewood Arsena 1 Copy Ivy ncsearch Laboratories - i - Ul'C LASSIFTED SKllnty ClasSlficauon , _II ,.......,__ _1._ . . _.......... DOCUMENT CONTROL OAT A • R&D (s.o..... ,y d ••• lIle."" 0' I/U •. toodY .. , .Il.'•• u · ~ '0"_ ...... f "lEPORt TITLE: /1 "pOlf I. c ....I1/..,) .. : Ivy nesco.l"ch LJbol"atories. Inc. , ~r,.: U. P._ Duhring 1...:lbor.. to~~~s ·, •• Zo. "1[_0'" •. O'UGINATlNG ACTIYI'"V (Co"...•• ,. _,II." .. . 'IICUII'TT C "''''''''C&T!OH GIIIOU. :\1 ED 50 of Agent 233-7 · , • ;)I:SC ..,PTIVI: NOrlES (Tn-- of ,.,..,n _ ... e .... h. ".,•• , Finn I Renort 50. ",UTHO"rS) (1.. •• , ........ 1/.. , n_o o •, ,I I ... '11.') . Copelan, Herbert \Y•• 1'1. D. I • l\lnrch 1969 j'. I j I CONYII. .,Ct 0011 ........ , NO. . . . O .... ,... tO ..•• ""PO'" DAAA 15-68-C-0627 NO. O. 111:,.. NUN.'UIl'S, 4 . . . "OJI:C: THO. .. ,.tH. ••. OT".III IIJPOIIT Ho(S) (A"'.IIl.' ......... ~.f_,." 10/, i• •.•,..,.... N/A ! 10.... V'" u. "'811.1 TY II.IMI Toll TlON ! I".' 70. TOTII1. NO. O' . . . . C • ; •• REPOIIIT OATE NOTlCI:S This document may be further distributed by nny holder only with specific prior npproval of CO, Edgewood Arsennl, ATTN: SMUEA - TSTI-T. Edgewood Arsenal, ,i. ! 'fl~ •..1 ?Inlt\ , 11. SU""1. r:IIlIUtTIlIIY HOT(:5 U 5,"01<1501111<10 1III11.ITUIY ACTIVITY Medicni Research Laboratories Edgewood ~ rsen~1 M. ?,n,n Eduewood reu."!!! t .. , ,• • . I).IleSTIIIlCT , I I ! I This rcport desclibes results of studies to determine the dose for the minimal central or orthostatic hypotensive effect of Agent 233-7. The experiments were performed with human volunteers and followed the general procedure prescribed by the Medical Research L1boratories. Agent 233-7 was administered intrnmuscularly to adult male prisoner volunteers. Dosage started at one microgram per kilogram (ug/kg) and was rnised by increments according to protocol until the maximum specified dose of 10. 0 ug/kg was reached. There was no significant central or peripheral effect at any dosage. Physiologic. I me3sures and toxicity studies also disclosed no significant effects. I I I DD • ,,"ORM I ~ ...... •:473 , - UNCLA SSlnED /' M~a , G '10 UNCLASSIFIED I AD E '17;'03 7 Report r-..\1mber V I MED 50 of Agent 926 Final Report By Herbert W. Copelan, 1\'1. D. July 1969 Medical Research Laboratories Directorate of Laboratories Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland 21010 DAAA I5-6B-C-0627 Ivy Research Laboratories, Inc. H. U. P. Duhring Laboratories 36th and Spruce Sts. Phil•. , Pa. 19104 UNCLASSIFIED TECHNICAL LIBRARY, BUILDING 3330 EDGEWOOD ARSENAL, MD. 21010. Summary This report describes results of studies to determine the intravenous dose of A ent 926 necessary to produce nausea and vomiting in mon The experiments ollowed the meth prescribed by the Medical Research Laboratories. The agent was administered to adult male inmate volunteers at Holmesburg Prison. Philadelphia. Dosage started at 0.05 microgram per kilogram (ug/kg) and was raised by 40% increments to a dose of 1. 0 ug/kg. Nausea occurred at a dose of O. 74 ug/kg and emesis at 1. 0 ug/kg. These were the dominant symptoms. Mild sedation also occurred. There was no significant peripheral effect or toxici ty. - 3 - :\1inimal Effective Dose Determination for Agent 926 INTRODUCTION Agent 926 was tested at Holmesburg Prison. Philadel~tiL determine ilie dose that would produce nousea and yomitipg. The_ e>..'periments started 5 May 1969 and ended 23 Jul 1969. The study ~was COD uc to the general protocol draft of 9 July 1964 prepared by the Medical Research Laboratories (l\!RL) as modified 6y :vIRL Research Plan 17,109 of 27 Fehruary 1969. )1ETHOD Subjects were adult m3.1e inmate volunteers. 21 to 34 years of age. All subjects had at least years of formal education, the ability to perform at least 20 simple addition problems in 3 minutes, no evidence of psychosis or significant neurosis according to the :\linnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (University of l\llnnesot:l, 1943), no history of arrest for violent acts and good he3.1th by clinical and laboratory examination. Twenty subjects were used [or the 22 trials in the SDJdy. An interval longer than the prescribed 30-day minimum scpnrated the trials for the two subjects who participated twice. SUbjects entered the testing area the afternoon preceding the test day and remained there until the following morning. Subjects were tested in individual rooms. Before the agent was administered, series of control measures were obtained for pupil size; vital signs, including blood pressure and pulse supine aod after standing; and performance on the Numerical Facility Test (~'F) of the Hogg Foundation for )1ental Health, 1956. The agent was injected intravenously on the morning of the test day in 3. concentration of 5, 10 or 20 mg. per milliliter. Doses started at O. 05 microgram per kilogram (ug/kg) and were r3.ised by 40% increments. according to the protocol, up to doses of 1. 0 ug/kg. In accord with safety precautions specified by MRL, no more than two subjects were tested initially at each dose level. Increments were made only after 13.boratory studies at spe~ified intervals indicated :lbsence of toxicity . - 4 - • TABLE 1 )lA.,.E. DOSE A:<D RESULTS FOR INTRAVENOUS A':ENT 926 N3me Dose _.~ 0.05 ~ 0.05 -- Nausea Vomiting • 0.07 0.07 0.10 0.10 0.14 -" m -'I! 0.14 , ! $ eIf¥- 0.19 0.19 0.27 .... .... ...... -. ... -... 0.27 (+) • 0.38 ~r"'" 0.38 0.53 0.53 0.74 + 0.7-1 + 1.0 + 1.0 + + 1.0 + + 1.0 + + (',-).. Result probably :lffected br unrelated gastrointestinal discomfort. - 6 - (see tex- The time relatioo.ships for nausea and vomiting are presented in Table 0. This table also indicates the:. subjects'. activity. which may have influenced the results. - TABLE II- Time Relationships for Ko.usea and. Time N:lme Ul Vomiting~ous Agent 926 . .. ....,..f~·d of iVllnures for Cnse' Dose Nausea 0.38 2.5 - 30 0.54 -- - -- / ..., if Activitv .•• .~.!".!.' ..' . ~ ---- Recumbent .., Recumbent .~-~ 0.54 ----- ---- ...."'-"""'. Recumbent 0.7-1 2.5 - 14 ;:;.ot;~:- Recumbent 0.74 2.5 - 20 -~.1' Recumbent 1.0 4.5 - 30 1.0 2.7 - 12 1.0 3 - 9.5 .. p':.It~}M~ r ~~ ..... ~ 4.3 - 6.5 Recumbent Recumbent (Stood :It 7 min. Slrtillg & Stand. .::.of/J"'~ 1.0 1. 7 - 10 2.7 - 5.5 "':J~ ... ,·c....... • • Treated with Tig:1ll (200 mg. i. m. ) at 8. 7 - 7 - ,!Ilt~S . . SI rtillg & Stand ):ausea was first reported between two and three minutes after injection for I':".ost of the affected subjects. and one subject, after 1. 0 ug/kg, >otcd t.:e ...~Imptom as early as one minutc forty-five seconds. In this small series, however, the average onset time did not occur earlier for tl:e higher dos:lge level. The period of nausea for subjects who did not vomit ended about 20 minutes after injection. Among the three such subjects the symptom persisted longer for the one man at 1. 0 ug/kg than for 1.1.C twO :It O. 7-:1 ug/kg. Thus, the duration of nausea, at least when present without vomiting, may be greater with increasing dosage. Vomiting scemed to relieve the nausea and in such subjects the symptom ended earlier. at approximately 10 minutes after injection. When vomiting occurred, it usually began promptly after the onset of n:1usca. There was a delay of 5 minutes after the stlrt of nausea 'for the first subject who vomited. He had originally been kept recumbent, b:..:.t ne did vomit :1lmost immediately after standing. The other two subjects, who were not recumbent. vomited about one minute after reporting ruusea. Standing alw:lys aggr:lV:lted [l3usea or precipitated vomiting. The one subject who did not vomit after 1. 0 ug/kg had been :1l10wed to rem3in recumbent throughout the e;\.-periment. Vomiting or wretching usuallY 1:lsted two or three minutes. One subject was treated with Tigan. 200 fig j, m., one minute after the onset of vomiting. Although this dn'g might b?"Q bQQD ?U effective antidote. and it did produce some drowsiness. the prompt improvement of nausea after vomiting among untreated subjects makes it difficult to assess the effect of Tigan in this experiment. Sedation W:lS the other consistent effect, but it was mild and much less Significant than the nausea and vomiting. This symptom was noted earlier when subjects were recumbent and. in these instances, occurred at approximately the same time as the nausea. The two subjects who were not recumbent did not report sedation until after they had vomited and nausea was decreasing. It is probable that these strong and unpleasant symptoms obscured the milder sedative effect. The speech of most of the affected subjects was softened in_ intensity but remamea: cle:lr. This may have resulted from a combination o·f scd:ltion and dismtercst rn speaking during unplcas:lnt symptoms. SOme subjects appeared mildly unste:ldy on walking, and this also may b::we bi:cn a ma."lifest:ltion of sedation or marked nausea. ~A few subjects reported a sensation of "highness," as if they were mildly intoxicated or ~ received a narcotic. One subject mentioned Uiis riltCr fifteen seconds :....::: j-}e validity of his report is questionable. Generally this symptom occurred closer in time to the sedation. - 8- Copies dist::-ibuted as iollows: Original and fifteen (15) copies LtGol. James R. Ketchum Edgewood Arsenal Copy Ivy Research Laboratories , t;XCL~SSIF!ED - . _ DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA - R&O (.J"C'lutt., . "''l',:O:''", 'i'IJIC .. .. . - ~,~ •• It!~~" ..... I 110•• _6'1' ol .b.".e, an" 'nd••"". _,.,.,,_ ....., b. _I.,.", ...... III•• _,./1 ........ ,. 10,. •• 111.01) : •• IIIII:"OIflT 'II:CUllllf'l' C ......''''C .. fION (i ;'C ':'"1'11'"'; (ColJ'O,.r.....Il..,J ~vy ''': ! ••. Rcse:lrch Laboratories, lnc. ,- D v, • , ::J:;.hring Laboratori~s , :~:Hh ~r:d ::innu:'t:> ~ .., • .' _-",)IIIT TITLE I Dhn., ~. ;. '::Cl'll .. ':'", 11_ "OT!$ :-::::'J (T~ .. ' , ..... ', Copela~, 0_ ,1.0::;-:1 N' I an'" ,,,eI... I ... 01.,•• ) R~::crt 1~' "''.:':'"101'''''(S) (:. ..., nun •• /IN' ........ , '0'"' - :\IED 50 c: Agent 926 i :1I.OIllOUl' 0,- Herbert \V •• ,,,,,l.'J ~1. D. ::;,.z 7 •• TOT .... NO. 0" "' .. Gal J":y 1969 ,. ';"",;"11I01';':'" 10 0;" COI'I ...... T NO. I"•. NO. O"lIIa". ••• Ol'liOIN .. TOI'I'. l'Ial'OI'lT .. u .... al'{SJ DAA.A 15-GS-C-0627 (L , "lfIo.. ac T NO. VI I .. i" 1'0' ••• OTNalfl ~I'OIllT .. otSJ (A"" .",.. _ I M ,. . . ., _ , . . ." , _ - " " , . Nil'"' N/A AVAIL.""DILIT'l'/LIWIT ... TIOH HO'tICU This document may be further distributed by any holder only with specific prior approval of,,~?' Edgewood Arsenal, ATTN: SMUEA - TSTI-T, Edgewood Arsenal, l\.",~"~ ,, I I II. ? ,Tn SUPPL~hi~"'TARY PoI0TU U .... 1I5TI'I.o\C:T - U. SPOPolSOI'IIIHG /II1L.1TAI'IIY AC:TIVITY Medical Research Labor3tories Edgewood Arsenal ?,n,n w""" ,"•• Mo' no' • ! This report describes results of studies to determine the intravenous dose of , Agent 926 necessary to produce nausea and vomiting in man. The experiments (ollowed the method prescribedby the :\'Iedical Research L3.boratories. I The agent was administered to adult male inmate volunteers at Holmesburg Prison, Philadelphia. Dosage surted at 0.05 microgram per kilogram (ug/kg) and was raised by 40% increments to a dose of 1.0 ug/kg. Nausea occurred at a dose of O. 74 I These were the dominant symptoms. Mild sedation also 1 ug/!..;g and emesis at 1. 0 ug/kg. • occurred. There was no significant peripheral effect or toxicity. I I i II . ·,• • · • i i JD ; 0«11 , .... '" C. '1 £;.73 UNCLASSrnED .. -- UNCL'\S~JFIED Report Number.vII IO 50 of Agent n2G Final Report By Herbert W. Copelan, ),1. D. Principal Investigator Medical Research Laboratories Directorate of Laboratories Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland 21010 DAAA 15-70-C-0324 Ivy Research Laboratories, Inc. P. O. Box 8244 Phila., Pa. 19101 UNC tASSI FlED TECHNICAL Ll8RAR'f BUILDING 3330 EDGEWOOD ARSENAL, MD. ~ .. .;.;;-..;. ~:_- ~.-...__ :;.:··=;-····:..c'~_ - to . . . .~ _ . . . - . ..:.;Cl::.. ..:::t JA.-\.A - . ._ _ ._~ '::::·I.-'~:'" • •~........ _ _ _ ::....:... :..:.. ... 15-70-':-J;;~.J. :.. ""C.l::C:T hO. ,. J' Q. ' ;/lo. I I OT .. ::,: "':tlOOllT NG(:) (Ar:y ,~I. "'-""'1) o~h,::·=>.. ~,~ '~.I :,.-y h ••• I:'~,~ A V A 11,. "'iH~ITY/l,.:;'UTA TIO~ ",OTlC'::S This document ffi:ly b2 iurthcr d!s:..--:bt.:ted by Corl,y holdc!." only wiLl} si>c;ci~c prior I :liJprc\':l! of CO, 2dgewood Arse:1:l1, ATTX; S:\n;:::A-TST~-T. Zdgcwccd A:,scr.:ll, 1:_...,....:\ura:1.!:"J!v111'll'Ol'dL12:iiOl!.lliQ!.,., :-:-:-::=.,-,,==...,...=:::-:-::::::-= , II. sv,.Pl..=~:;!;ioITA.. Y ... 0-::'5 i 12. S;>Cl\~C"'I:':G ...lI..I'AI1Y ,l,C7;V:TY ~,icdic:ll i I i Rcsc:lrcn Ed2;cwcod Arse~:l! :::d~e\"ood r. rs ena1. ~bo:·;:.:orics t 1 I ; ,, 1). AaSTA .. CT ' l ~ II i• This ~cport dcscrib2S tile rcsul:s of st"..:aies :0 deterr.'!.:.:J.e :tz ic::· dose of Agent 926 nccess:lry to produce 0...'1 incap:.cit:Ui:.g effect :..~ r.ll::. Tb~ experiments followed. the method prescribed by tl:e .:\Icdical ~eseareh ~bor:l:orics. The experiments were tCI'r."''': ,llted pre:natu:'cly Cec.:luse of syncope w~eh ocet.:..rred in the fourth subject smcied. The agee! was ad!:lio.istered :0 :ldult :::::l.i.~ inmate \'olunteers :it :-,:o:::lesburg Pr.:.son. Phil:uielpi:i:l. Dosage:\i. 1. 2 rnie:'c?:l.'1l ,cr kiloo.a:n (ug/!..g) p!'oduce~ either sedation 01' n::u:se:l :.nd wretchr.g wit:: c::c ypc o~ :,c:;.ctic:l 0:: i~e c:':'::;:clearly domin~t. There W:l.S no signific:lnt pcrijJl:cral eifeet or toxicity. InCi:l.::1 wrestling periorrn:l:lce was tested .::l...'1d seemed ::.zld v.:lI:.c! ccas"J.rc oi cc:.::-::Ll c::eet. , I ! I •I I I :l reli:lbl~ ,l -. ....... -. r-_~.-_ . --";" .... .A~ O~.:i7 .:;~~ ~~ :.:~~y :3 i!:=!~C's ::~:l :1:1Q "" .• "0""'10 :,. ",-' l) ....• , v. _ ~07.,j .) •• j i:.i70, ':.:!:~cct :Xv. 'JCh.!::d::i, :'. Z;3 t~:'.r :·~c.:civcd :~~ im~:wcncus "0""'1,01 :>•• .... li·· , I~OS·.IT,. oJ •• "' 0:-'; ""::::0 :::.. 2. I ') ·..... /:·'r. ro _ "", ·~e ~~ ,:o:-.;c ~~:~::, G':':;:'~ 0;' }.:;c:;,. "' .•.•._,_ . " .•H/i :::?~ 'r/" "'" I. '~,; :'~no':"~cd wh:lc sit::::~ 0::. ;::~ G-:~:C::1 :-:::;;:!l :li.;out -15 scccr..ds :'.nd slum-;cd ;Ci:'\'/::l:~:;. :-:c \",'<lS , :;:::',:..':':::::... ::: ~'~::..;.: ~; .. .:-!~ :::.:: :::~ ::::.:: :::-••: ::15 ':0:5 ·V.~·:"~ c:c·::::.tcd. :-!c -.'/:'.5 ;:"'·c- ~;l"co.a. 5C:C::S :t::,i !~:otio:~ic::>s. ::is s:'.ir. W:l~ <:0: moist. 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The Pi::::;r.~ :-~:::::.::':;:c :::l.Use:l.t.::d ::.::.d \'.'1";;:ch=::c! :·:·~c;-..:e:':~~y :"::1;::1 ~but 2G ;::i:-.u:es ::.;'tc: :::jcct:o" w1 ...'-: ::"\;,':;:.5~ .;::n:::no!r..s gT:lcu::.lly 3u:J:i~d::':~ C\!:'::'l:~ :i:c :.:~t :0 i~::.r.t.::es c:' ct'lis :~.:!:':cC. 3y ::~::i :::'::-.e ::;: ::.:.: i,)ccc.:~e r..:.l:;: ;;;':-.0 ;:..:~f::.:~, cO::'SC:OU3 :l.::d m,e:.::ll1y Ci~:.ll·. :'l:c s::;'~ect was kc:-:.: S:lP:r.c w:.:" ;:::.s i.::gs C:CV:lt:;c :01" :2 h:;;-":~'5 ::'::lC W:l.S !~~;J: ::.: !"~::i;: :01' ::.::c.t1'.~:. 6 ::01;1'5 . ..1_:,: eb~t':"oc::,:,c:0:;:'::-.1 :3.;';:e:. about .; ::0''::'5 ::.f:c:' t:!jec::.:>r. \':.:15 ::o:.·~::::': ..::..!d :..::;c:"::.,.ged f:·or., ::-.~ CO:1t::c~ ::~::'ci:l;-. :Siccd :;!'cs:;;:"::'e '.::1:i ::0:':-.::1: w:.=:::. t::.:~~n:1: 1 :-.0'_:'5 ::..:C s::::'Si,;~:;:::-.:::i. or ./f.• .. ' • Cri:;::n;tl .;1nd f:ftccr: C.3) Copy oopi~s v;:.::; S::-:.. :.~. Ed~cwooc.! A=s(:(.:..:.: Ivy 3.csea:-c;" D. ~::or::l:cr!es . -', ( ,i J ~- -. 'v I' attenuate the effeces of LSD. Ava.l1s.ble evidence. ind1cl1ced that all po11c1e5 reg~rdlng the usa of volunteer subjects were ~b8erved. I I- .:~ 0:2l! of th~ COr.t:'3Ct:l 101113 ~;arde.d in 1961 to North A=aric::.n A~a::ion Ie Medical Ce;Hlrt::el1t C:C Ccs t ltAircraf: Pe=:or::1&nce Dac=oent: ~9ultic.g froo Ingestion of BZ." T,:"o r~po:t5 regard ng that c:~nt:ra.ct stated that 19 cO~P~7 coploy~e9 volunteer~d a; subjects in ~~e The rc?orts algo st::iced t~at eac~ volunteer Va.9 given a cc=plece II:Cd1c<ll e:::a.-dnat1on a.,c.! "JQS r~q~:'Zc to !J::"z;o an 1ndt·lidu.u volunteer a8re~nt before Callog pu.rl; in the t~9tS. One CC.:cr"ct \iZS ':-Jar::ied to th.e Iud:!.z:l3 U-:-..i:,ersicy in 1951 for the Furpeel: of s tU.~y1:lb "The Fhyalo1o& Effect:J of Atropine &nd Pote.nti.c.1. Atropine Substitutes." The seven re?ort.s re::3a=ditlg thaI: conCrac:' did net r~7e~1 a=y In=o~~t1o~ rez~=di~g s~r~eniuo or select~cc of T"ne 6SEOCC of suc!l datJils \.'&,3 not u.'lus~l as t:ttt COQt:,ac: prcdate3 publ1..:at':co of DOD a:-l.d .\r::l:: ~olic~c~ Eoyc.rn!ng c.::;~ of vol',mtc.~rs i:c ta=.d..!.cal t'=sca.rc.~. The 5 tud':H ,~pG=e.:J.tly declt pritt.U"il J• <;."1t.'1 c!:~clcJ.1 rcse.::.rcil.. Eo".... e·.rcr, thert! \:<:!3 evic.:!.:1ce of 5cy~n vt:luntce::;5 ~ed in at~?1ue stud1~s. ( SL-:. ~ep.:;.r .. ::~ '.':!t'e. c.".J::rc:!eJ to t;"e Un1::c:-31tz of P~Dns71vor.iu. The in:ti.3.1 CCilt':'.:1Ct (1951) ..'::'3 for lI S :: u dZ oi C"E.::llcal f,;.H'! C413u.::.1cies in t"..:..:1." Re?ui:::s of c..hat CQCt;,;;;c"" jp,;!catcd tnne vol1Jnt~c=s we:e not us£:2 nd. the p'::'ttc.;''#; .. .:.:!... -~ j.!"'j c"";:::!c.J! -=l!.s~~r_~ ...~t!'l Ct<:l!. E.x.::cpt':c::.. Ori or-a occasion, s1:: fi=c=1c:1 ',:ere ,;;,cddcnt:l-r e;roo::ec tl) 4ln W'1k:LC-..:n .S".JOSt!Ul':!::, acd tt=;t e.:??cscre \.'.:::..:! r:.,.c-::e::ly l!lv~s[~Z:i.t~d un=er t~'::: ,tc~ of t~at con:rac.r:. The 5~C:)r:.d 1o'C3 II st\.:cy 0: "In:lucnc~ of Morphice and De::.L!rol em th~ Re.s?!:-:torj ?e~:)l:;:l.::e of M.-::l", .R~·.. i~·" of ei&~t pre -:e3S r'.:l?cr: ....J ~ 1 ,,,, "",-:e!n'" t5~: rr:vi':<:.l~d Ula: a~::::,o:-::z:.=:ei.· t..o ...'"Clu:J:.:!:e:·~ .... e!'i;! ""-Sed in cC'n~~ct!o= \::"t~ t:.:::rr!".i:l'~ 2L_ dt:=e:::-ol ere;: res ts. r~2cns c:o. not rc:veu.l t~e sou~ce 0: t .. CS:~ vo_u:::.\:e~r:J or 0.:1>' eVide!!ce raZ.:1:diaS the screenins. !ielec:ion. 0-:1 • ~~ec~t.o~ 0: vc_u~tc=-: ~G=ee=e~:s, :rn.: Tne tl\lrd a.... d :~1J!'::-: C:3nt-:sc:;s i::lvolved the uE\'nluatioo il'"' ,t..n"'.--;.ls <l..'~ }I~. D':"'.15 ...::d E':-.:' :-'''::-:te,:-C3 !:H:e::.':e': ;cr U!l c. :'r.:!.·.·::ot~t:;; or T:-C;i:i::,; Casu.a2.tie5,! TI,e four ;~':)Q;;S ~"".:l:'.!.;u, e r~;p=c!in:i; t:le~~ cont;ac!::! 10dicJtcd C;'at 10 ypl'lJ-ecrs re~"{veC sconol~ine., acro;:iuc, Dnc l!:Qrphi:::e. .';"3 f ,-, =0 e...."!· ,,"., .:,. ,""":' ec:: the scc::-cc of vch....."t~~:r3 or cthC!C" :.:l~:tc='! c::nc~riJin~ ~clC!~::ic:: and ~d':'cal tlre?::.=:.:!o:.~s t~.:t prcc:eccd ::~e use 0: . . olui::q;;;;:s. Tne H:th cd 5::<t:"1 cc~duc: aDe lote 19605 to ~~ ~~~2~t5 ... U.:lL.C:::' ot apprc:: ::.!!.::c~] :-'.;!'::!i .JW- > 157 , . r-" at Ho.J.cC'<ibuXg Pri::sgn were tested •..1eh. 16 different c he rrd c:1l.. age._ts incl dita.n at::'o inc, acopola::dne. £"ld varioU9 C ... al yeo ate azcnts. 5in ~ slycolates ~ve ~ot bp-en previo~ly dcsc~bed in t~o report, & brief desc=1.?t!..on 1s pronded at this point. Il_ ae gitcorates c:lu:J.e !ncapoilcitat!oQ b ~ inte=-:er'-n;; vim '!:USC3.rlnic fUiictions CLe •• "Ct~·l;:'t:!Ot! of So:::loch. t::.,;.:;:clJ:. a.od~~~c::!tOt'7 gland!) and the cc:!:~=al ner'!O~ ayate funct1o:lS of aC2tylcol~e; tSC-y de~rcss or-i:i!iib1: net"'/ocs . activity. Io additIOn to dcl1t1t=J- Q.£.re is-Pl!Y:oical 1:lcoord1.ucion, blur=-ed ~~ioQ. inhibition of ~ating eley~tcd blood-pre~suret ~cr~2Sed boCy and salivation, rapid hc~rt r3t~r te~eratu=~, and, ~t hiGh d=~es. vo::.it1r:.&. pro!lt.':'.:ltioD, and fltU?Or or co::.J. ;~e oll.!let t~:::L be .:.:.~c~ or-hours, derending on the structure of cEe_coCi'ouod. and the. du:-nc.1on • .?~r..-3 or 9.§.ys. Ir..:L.ei.fe.c.::s c:J.y be rO-versed ~6C coo:rplecaly by t:aaCC20t vit~l Pb.190::tigr.1::::l.e or other ce::.cral17 active cb.ollnesce:rilDe 1:iliIbfr.ors su~~ as vx."13 The uq; doll~r value co '""act DA la-OJ5-:'L~C-126(A» of cj-~c. st.;.:. .;r,.;ar ed co tl'le Uni....ersity 0: ?e:l:lS71ve~ia 1.:0:3 di::er~c thol.."'1 a.."y of . t~c 'previoe!> c:o::tr<:.c\:s \." the. ocher 1·"~·:~r~~::<!9. In fac::. the r::c:rcs and rccor:~ indicated t;'r:!:e lJerc t:tt<!!!. =c.jor di:h:::!:J.c:e~. ~. it "'"1lS the f!...:-Jt b£..-n c;>at;o.:.c: t:'a':. the ~.~~::c:W. P..:!.:a',arc.:"''''": c; e.:ltercd bto 1:::.vol'/"'-:l7 risO':J. i.:l:=..::.te~, Scc::lcly. it vas the fuse. :1::~C<it.:'C!l fOt=d ch.:t tna CO:ltract ~'/~:::7~:.:'["l.J ::.::.y not .av;:: e~-:. .. ;';._"" -:'"e?J.rc::l. t:J<;ct e.,,:,?c=="::,'::!;ucs •...i~l'l hl':::''::':':'::;':: the cutset of c;"" - ,h"_ Fic..:u .:;. t. e r;::cctc.s of th.l ?....:.:~c~e.:.C'7': c: :h:c c:mcract incic.:-.t:c.c r..:::!.: one of the U:"';10~:!..:J of t.'lt:. c~c:r:!.c: .... il,; co .:-":':O"'~' cll.:.ta::y t!!""drc.:!..!. ve:lc:' ."1.CO:S CV cccjl.:c~ c:~~=:'==nc:. \.'..5i:':l$ ?:::SOtl i~Rt:!S cs c..L~~:;- s:.:"'je.:ts ° I::Cic:.t:.n:-:!; c: C;;2 t:.::-:~:::!.l"":~::~::;~ 0: ... ::_ ."~_~_ .. ~ ... _ ic.v~ ~i ::.cor t;,JS fO i!.c:ed :':1 a 5 :;O"'~;:JC: :SG4 re?o::t of a \~;i~: 07 t~e Che::C..czl COi."Z Xed:'c~ Coc~:ac: P~ojec: ,):: cc.:. _ ::-..·cod A:!:c::d. t,:. the conc:2cco:-:i' :3C':':''::'::~3. :~~: t"e?or: h~.::. C:;".:.t: ·'!!lr:)uz,:.. CI.:.: c:-.~ e.:lc:"-c c~-~e-d=" c::-iod c~s".'_- '''''s hu=?c-~' t y e.. c»- .... ~t 5C"" ,:. 138 I . volunteer experi~nts. d~aged f3cillt:~g .- H<r,Je.'1er. 10 l"...:lrc.h 1972, • fire l.'1thin tbe prison vhi~~ and egu12:euc loc3ted on the prisoo grounds ~~loDged to c:he prison. lYL-Rc::;earc:n Laboratories and th2 A:-my. BeC.1use of the ~ire and of criticis:n of Ivy Research by the Prison Boar • t.~a C:Jotract te:~nated in Fo!b ro3 I 7. No "Jerk on volu.:ltee!'9 had been one since :"ebruaq 197t. - One of the contracts Silver S?ri=g, ~ ~as ;r.;.J:rded to A=.crlcau Institute for Rl!!Jearch. in 1964. The objective of the COQtr~ct lJa9 to develop a. co:l?r~hecsive te!Jt b'ltcery to ~.l.&ure the eifec:ts of incepac.1.c:aci:ts agC!1ts co the abilities taste to perfor-::ance of c.1l!tarily relev.:L.Oc t~k8. Rene'J of !levee. repar:s l!Vailabl~ rezardlos tne cont=ect L,d1cared that the k::l.erlc:i...C. Institute iovestlsators coocucted psycb.oac:ive c~pound e.."':?er1=ent~ on a1lit~ry voluc.teen. It · uoe dell:' fro::! the reports if the vo_untee=s c.ce f:,c:!. Edge....ood or c.L~c. vhere or if the eX?eri~ent3 yere coc.ducted at Ed~~~ood A-~ec.~" McrCO~c.rf the oely agent mentiOu~d in t~c report2 ~as cA ;580, a Glycolate. Ot~er studies cocducted under the tc.-:=.s of the cc~tr.1cc ap?ea:,cd to foct.l.9 oc 2cac~c t:rp~ te~ting tc cat~~~e the val~c~:7 of t~e ~c=~e=i~g ~~ri E'ele~:'ioc proc::!:~s :.J..!ted to dete::--1.u':: ....hich oilit,;;,ry v::"lu::.teer'S \icr~ el.lg!ble to receive psyc.'lcc."'le::ical dru!;s. 1::1 1955 a.:t A~ gr.J.nt (D.;l8-108··0~-5596) t;.:.! ?ro\·:c~d to T:Jl,;::,nc :;r.~""';:=:;:'t:f DcpJ:r'=leot of P~yc.'!a.:.ry c:::id ~:eurolo(;Y. for r~se.:r-:h in abno==.e.l f'.:nc~iCT!l:::S as to ::2nt.:ll l11=cs.9. T'::c :c-.f }_-=:" =c.corlio o::v.::!.> able r-eg3=C::inS t~e e..-:p.:~l:c.!;l.ts concucted enacr the toms of the Acy (;!"L:nt revcale': that t:C::1tJ.! patic::lts. noro31 vol,..!!:ceers and neurolo:;:lc.a1 patieot5 "·ere used b~· :.he TuL:.n~ cedlczl 1n\"c::ti;a:o:'-:l. Th~ tc~ 0: the b=aut ...·~re not fOllOd a.1C. tllerc::on no d~ce:"::..inet'::'oD ","G,S ~de couce~iog t~c g=~nt~e9' co=pl:aoc.e ~~ch D~?a=t~~t c: t~e A--=7 polic:cs 00= cO:J!.d any Jccr;::ent be ~s t.o t~!e Ci,:.:.lli:y of COO~E:r:: rc'O.ccred b>' the p~t:ents. One pa=t1celilr e~:?,~n=o!;,.t ir!':clvcd givi:t$ LSD o,:;lQ tllescaline t.o c~iJtal p3.tie~ts '..-ho pre"'~uu:>ly h.!.d •..." il'c Elect:-oc::lS L':lpla.."\ted 1.0 t:"e.:'= brains. Rc:j)orts indicated that the =.::<;/!:&=c:; l;l.."OU? p ",: .. ; ),~l'~"~-:: t:'3" ... . I. 'c bloc ;1L e-'cal -_ .. - _• •• . as ~ ..... ......... _~"'I .. c.-. "·s'c-· .~ .. ""~.J"'~ .... bizar=e h~hcvior d~oost~~ted by c~oy p~ychoc:'c ?_tienrs; a~d t.hae th~ Io,;irc elc~::roccs served a c-.... ofolG pu=?csa: to r<2c':)rd elc::c:i.,::al c.~o:::~ o:ll:ics 1::1 p3.::e~t3' b~~ins. a~d c~ 5ti=cl~:~ rat:'e~t: b:~:'ns 1= ~C7~ at cu=ing or ~clioratin8 t~e ?&tier.cs' p=oo e=. The !e~or:s Suetest~d t!lac the ::J.?l~t:ation c: elec:=occ:s r,;.:lS fi:1znce~ u::ce.r a S=3:'i.~ f=o=! c::!! COt::::cc'_'E<ilth rO\,;:1G<1t::{-Jn c""'d r.ot t'e ~-,..! F'·l-'l}· i."-~ ... ,..~,.. . ••• •. " ' - I .-,..-",t _. -.... ••.• clear ·_"hJ.: t:'1! C0=75 bt::~::<:!scs 1u th.:: eY.?e:-:'=:!:J:s :,'c.i..~ at t~e. tiD~. &1::,ou 6 :-., !t .~-:i5 s.~r:::se:! tll.:;.c. c~eir 1::':.~:es:: dUo :-.0: SO ~~:t~:.: g~i:heri!l6 C'rice:nce of :he e::cc:s of LSD ar:d ::c$c;!l~::':! :!.:1. ht:oa1l$. S';=.2 c~cdence .... .,:.s ll!::lt to chat. b'2 :'~~f by i:~': t"l!rorts prov:.ced ~h<! Cle..:li.c~l c'n"?s. ",,~uc.'-: dl.c :lOt. d:'sc'.:~$ tho.! .1=.~lJ.I1ta:ion p=cc~dl,;r";;, ~l.:rpose or . effect; rather- they st=eS5ed the effects of t!le dt'"..lgS.r~ ··-0=';-" .'-- ~ t>.~" 160 .~ ~ f .-. Three con~r3ct! 'Jere ~8rded Bavlor Un1ver,!~r for expericencs with phys!c~l 1ncapac!~a~ina age: t~ hucaD. 9ubje~~30 The five reportn c'Jocern.1::s the cco.t':'.:lcts es~abl1~l:ed tha.c the volWlc~ers were sc':"ceol!d • selected o2.:ld ~d!c~lly e.:ca=iocd 1.0. accordaDc~ ',lith Arcy policy directives. Th~ e;;P2r1J::cntr. in.volved ~he Cge of adule volt::1tcct"9 of bot~ s::!;:XC9 ....-ith t~:::r~p~utic dl-Ug.:::s such a.!J det:.~rolt ~t;lb1n~ and ecopol.:t::.1ne. 10 . . 7 ----· Ooe of the coo tree ts 10 1vi:lC ?h:,sic<:.l 1::lc3~.:i.c1ta.tiD~ age:l ~ """cz cW3rd~d to t~l.!. I::u;ti~ute for e::.t..:IV1or~1 r.~acC1rc:" to stl.:dj" "DruS e:~l"::::; and cc=?lcy. bch~vicr~l r~rc=to=ie~ I~~cr cc~c1t1ons of full =~71rc~=t~ co::crol." E.:"!i'c:,'i.=eots l;:::t!~= tr.!lt CO:::'::-I!ct pr1=artly involve.d. ::.:;::kJl!:y<:l aDd baboou9. BO'.:a,.,er, there \1':'::: of 5c.:e vo':u:1tee~ c..--::per-.::lcc.ts W'ith scd.:ltives or tl·n.nquili:crg such as seconal. di=.cC.i.iol tryptao1nc c=d cb!orprom~=ineo % \ The re=~inder of the coOt=~ct, ~e=e not involved in psy~~o~he~c~l cru~ studies. P."u.,t Si::.rl Fiospit.J.!. I:~S ;rJa=c~d four contracts to co:'o,'i"Jc:, studias of pntie:1::~ ...- ith hypo::~=!e.:!..ic d!:;C='3t!S; neit~e:; dr-..I£;s ucr Iofe::"c involved. Louisiana State 0:11ve.r:oi::.y .... ~ c_'~rdcd 0:0 cor.t=::.:.t:::: to c=~cbc: stt::dic~ of poiso~i:::!; ~;.~ effcc'::s o! or~anic i:::.s.::.ct:k.:'::<:!~ .b =.::.:::! .:.::.:' ....~:lls. 'nloec .=tl;dic9 iu·/C'.1.·"i!;C t::~ invc~tisnc.!Otl of cccid.:!=tc:.l e::::;C':;u::"c~ O!..-:;c. ~:: not i!'i.::bct! the uoe :,: dnl~s or volu:ltea:-s. !,"Ie ~..1:-!l.::..~d t~~di~.J.I-L<!:;:.! =O~::Cllt:O:; ·... 118 n·..·L.r~c;~ a cootract to 3~d: of bo;:u~s:l ~~:o:~':CJ.:!o-::. t~=~uo.'ct::: t~e co~c:-j. Tney col!.c~tcc cata ~~d n?p~=~=::ly ? ~~ct~ (called voluctac'i.:'!l io th~1r re?orts) for bloc:! sL=.?la!l. ::''::'~lI:e=;!I\.:l !'!~dii;::.l Collef:c i:.::.d Eospit.ll •..· 0 ;r"'arded f~ur di:ta:':!:lt cor.trnct~ for ev.:.J.:;atioe b_ocki~~ ~:euts (c~c=ic~l ce=?~~~d ~~~d t~ at:enc~te th~ p.!facts cf d:u~~ C~ ~"c~:'c;ll Q;;~::l.t.J) ° nt':;Y \."olt::.:ae:." sL:.oje::.'::'lely; pt'0;1=~:;9 rcpo:'t9 r:!f1ect::d C~.l:: they l:.!:~d 00 co~r:ic:". ~": e'O.t1cc::c~r: to 6~~:-. 'ro!u:::e:er!l a.=d follO"... c.c St:-:'OgCllt t:..:ci1.cll.1;U.1::i~ 10. every ht.:=...3!l t~sr:o ~:e·.o Yo:-k li=i-;c.'::;ity ·.-~s e·,:ard::d t<... o coot:'~c:~ vh1ch L'1\"olved coll~::t!.o!! of du.J. on. pnt1ents ..... it~ eu.docrioaloGic disorders (disorder of t:te g!.:.nds) ° tio dI."'IJ&s or O!olc:;,·~':!:-s ~'cre in·."'Olv~d 1n those studies . 0: I data u?O':! ",7J.!..c~ t~'::J c~a?tcr ~as b45Cd ·.:as found 1:::1. va'i.:'ious Ar='/ files; 'Co ef:ort \o,0a..::; cude to sc:c.rch t:-.e c:Jr.cra.ctors Elc:, or to r~qt.:E.s: the contractors ~,~sta~ce: 1n contribl:.t!:;,S cacz that ~J hCJe be~~ <Nailiilile 1n eh:!!: [1.. es. ~!o:~over. r~search :or ::tis ch.:lp::c,:, ~1..d r".'::"t include contracts ...· ie:, che:::iC:l.l c:"_i'c.r.ic:l cr !aoorat:>:t'!:l it;: t::'c .d~velo?=co.c:. synthesis or proC'!Jt~!:.e:lt of c~~!.cal cC':lpound~ I)r equip:::ent. I Fin.al1y ...."it~ t:le e.xcepcioo. of t~e Hol:::-!sb"-S P,:1scn 1~'=-3tes a.nd a.o: occas1oe~1 l!lP.ntIoo In cont':'<:!.ct reports. the 'CJ::leg of volunteer su:'jc:c:s ,. I 1- 161 -------_.. --- -- ..-.- 1 ,'-. ~_.- I. I • ..._---~ OO:ITItACT OlA"T COtrTUCTOI STARl ""'" NIl. O' ENO CO~Tr..\CT COST \. .... llrle.Q IlllIt. far ...... .,ch 01/01/61, la/u/61 ~192.0'.:6 l. n.;,dor ":"lvflUIl7 10/01/61 09/)0/61. 6.HZ nA,a-o])-/~C-lel(A) r~v.l0i" hua to s:4uur. arhct, • 1 Inc.parte_tiPI laant • D.\-C1l.-18-G- '-6 &tuJy orhru ot Aor.1r.odc dnlUli OQ u.~plr.~vrw ceo~.r .n~ clreu\atloG 1n b~nn .. '. .. .. .. ]. ,- U,h_.cnn H.,1Icll Colle,. .. .. . ,- •• •• ,I .. .. .. . .. .. lr"t. tOll' :\1:,,;clOrc.1I 10. Indl&~ It. IVT n. . tl~ Dd... vtoral •• rch .. L.b ••• tnc. . .. 101 1 " 1 19(,4 1961 (,f1',OOO CA 1 8-103-n:C-149 (A) l)ulr.. 1 (16/01/6) 06/10/611 1,... ,0:>0 D,\)8-o])-I11C-19 HI.) 18 1 06/26/61 01!H/66 211,116] MOGO " O\111-101!l-C~.6(j2]{II) ..... 1.. Ulon of Th"Jrr.,.utlc C~poundG 6. Cl.nCOn VQLUUfU;I.$ OOS17.ACT PlJlI'OS! 0' CO:IT:tACT HR. 10 .Q'~A~~ lod h~,... " O~/H/61 04/24/68 ~D.O~O nJ.J.A 1.5 -61 ~C-(l~e9 (J6/11/6e l1/U/U 2) ,DC') D.'.!\.\- t )61-<;-04 :l'JOG41...(l27S 01/06/69 Ol/OG/1a 4~.ln rv.f,,,I)-!t,-(:-029) 1')/01/62 U/}l/I>~ 1:'6,66l Il'.l. e-1O~-I.~IC-26(A) DRIS t!tect. ~d Ce~,lex behavlotal II'cptrt~ri~. 06/51 0'/5) Un"', D.\ tn-10~-an.· 2)91 Th. 0"/10/61 11/01/6') lr.,n) ~\AA-l)-68·C-0621 0)/10 0?/11 4B ,100 ~~-l)-~8-C-Ol24 " 16 ~ Phy&lOlolica\ aCloete of Atll'o"I". , Alroph•.• •• To dutR~no th=~uhold do•• clhcl. 1n &1-11.1 " • • ., I ~\ 10 1 7 .. 1 Vol<. 1 , -----. 1 I 161 "- -- ------- ---' • ~~ ~8 ., Z - .. •o % =f5 - •• ,~ . •• c-: •• •• ~ • • •• •• : i ,.o ·a • • % t ,. ~ c; ~] •• , g, • -, • :0; - g, g, ~ ~ o o , S Q 0 ~ .. ... • !o " g ..:: :i! .. 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( -. -' '. FOOt:IOTES O!Al'TB X 1. Contract, DA 18-10S-C'fL-632. University of llaryl<Jl".d, 18 ~ay 19)0. 2. Report of Hedical Co:::-.:o.lttce, Che:l1cal Corps Adv1.sory Counsel, held on 30 Septet:b~r a~d 1 October 195~. 3. First Che;jical COl7S ::edic3.1 L<1boratories. Special Report (:ISLR No. 71) Ps:yc~oche::.ic..:ll Co:,\(e:-eT"ce. held on 12 Mc" 1954. 4. Che~ical Corps !~edical Labor~torieg. Letter, subject: Volunteers i:1 Research, dOl ted 24 July 1953. S. Secretolry of the Ar.:':;o' ~e=::l.orar.duc. Research, dated 5 ~:ove::ber 1953. • 6. Hahne::ann ~{edic.ll College and Hospital, DA 1l>-ID8-C·2.-7723(Al, d,:ed 26 June 1961. 7. " of Voh:nteers in .. P~iladelph:'c.. PAt Contr.:1c:, . Stacc"";,~:lt Inv~st1::2ti~"ns ( Use subject: Usa of by Cha:1es D. Ablartj, Amy G~n~r<ll Cocoscl, be:or~ SuJ::.cC':'\..... itte:::. House A==~Q S.?:" .. ::'C\:lS, d.:n:eo c Se;::!:c=::~= 1';"5. 8. ~c=o:'... ndl.C for AS:, (;:t.:.D) , su:'1jec::: Se:':'.t1te Select CO=.=li:tee Discussion - lnfon:aticn ~~e=orandu:l, froo TIG. '_ 9. CRDL TIt 22-1) R1;:,orr of F'C!:~ru;lr)' 2957. 10. Ed6e~ood A::se~al ~epor: of 10 Ko~~~~e:: ~ Trip to r.~L-~sturg City Prison on 5 No~e~bcr Drug T..:!.Hl:1£: on ?risoner Vol·..lOteers, 1~~~, 19~~ subjec:: to Re?o::t cn bcgi:1 Practice ij p-~ \ ~s\-..' cJ:--=,,11. i, I ~ / ~~cdlc,Jl Research l.3boratory sl.::Jecc: Ro?ort of Visit to !-!olr:es:-I.:=·~ P::iscl"l. E"i.::esb'.lrg, 1;', daced 2':' ::a::ch 1966. ~ei'o.t of Treat=e~t, o.3ted 28 ~Iarch 1966 attached. 12, ~~dic.:!.1 Re3~arc~ l.abo:"<ltor:' Report, st,;bjecc: Visit to Ccntracto::, Contract, !>;. 18-03S-A':l.:-126(.';), t.:n!. ..· ersity of Pe:-:nsyl'lJn:'a, dat~d 10 ~lay 1906, ~a :~3:: 1;06, :t.. v.3:' 1960, 11 OC,t"ol'lcr 196f1, and 25 O..:to'tle: 1~66. 13. f.d~e:"·IJ\)d A=s~:1:l1 Tec!"lnic31 Rc?orc,. [ATR 4210, The Se:1-:'ch for To:dc Checica 1 AS~:lts, ~ov?:-her 1969, pagl!: 1J9, H. :ObC\:OOC ';::s(r.~l Counsel Dis?osi:!on rom, !t,;""ject: Contract', DA 18 U·{'l· /'!r-;':?6(.\). d.ll(·.: 11 .lctobe:- "966 , attached H'e.:lor;ondUl:l for l:C"cotd. d211:": :;.., fle r:01:o<>t .' C'5(. , .., (. / '.' 15. !-l,~dlc.."ll ~esl..arch ,of Chc::llc:al Compounds Fact ~~eeC ~2, Ar:I)"··!.SJ) P.esearcn a."d Other Chemical Cl;J,$se3. dated 21.,July 1975 • 16. - . t ... :lt:-<lct, DM.A t5-70-C-0324, to Ivy Research for Thrc3holJ Ooeseg 1n Hucans Annex 1: L., Inc .• Listing of Toxic Chec1cnl Ageoc.9. 17. EdgC"Jood. Lel:ce:- to Dlrectcr of Procurc:ent, subject: Ivy Rcseurch Laboratories, Inc. Con:ract, DAAA 15-70-C-0324. dated 9 Fcbr-oJ3!7 1973. 18. Oepart~e~t of the A~y. Office of The Surgeon G~ne=al Mecor~d~, subject: R~vi~~ of Reports on Deparc=e~t of the }~y Crant, DA 18l08~ 5596. to the De9ar:~ot of Psyc~iacry aDd Neurology, Unlversi~y. 1955-59 - Io.:or=ation Me%:Orandu::!:l., dated 22 August 1975. 19. Edg~Jocd Acsenal Special Puhlication E~5P 1800-2, Cheoical Agents 10 DOD Contracts, dated February 1972. -... .. . , ,