Daily Appellate Report Prisoners Rights Articles 9-28-2010
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~QiJUdJournQI Daily Appellate Report SUPPLEMENT TO THE LOS ANGaES DAILY JOURNAL SAN FRANCISCO DAlLY JOURNAL AND THE DAilY RECORDER. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28; 20:lQ PAGES Contents DISTR!CT SUMMARY OPINION u.s. Supreme Court TORTS Philip Morris USA Inc. v. Scott Stay is granted for judgment pending certiorari review wli~tedue pro$ess violation issuewillJjkely be. gr"flted review with possibility of rever$;il. USSC v 15076 CDCA vi 15100 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals OiVl1. PROOEDURE Satem"n v. American MultI-Cinema Inc. Court may not deny class certification based on disproportionality of potential damages and actual harm. ORiMINAL LAW AND PROOEDURE Martinez v. Scllrlro No federal right to assistance of post-eonviction counsel exists for stare collateral proceedings, even where proceedings constitute first review for specific claim. II.S. v. Briggs Guilty plea forecloses c1111m that goverument set amount of drugs in fictional stash house at arbitrarily high level to impact senteuce. 15131 D AZ EDWA vII 15138 continued How long did it take you to get ta Court klday? Civil • Family' Probate • Bankruptcy' Criminal jj) PAGES Contents continued from front page 9th U,S. Circuit DISTRICT SUMMARY OPINION of u.s. Y. Mayweathe, 15117 CDCA vii ND CA vii EDWA vIII 1.5109 CD CA viII 15122 EO CA IX IJ AZ lX Plea withdrawal is properly denied where defendant had kllowk:dge of proffered reasons for withdrawal before entering guilty EDue/mON Renee v. Duncan Federal reb,,TUlat1011 de!iini'Ilg 'highly qualified teachers' as pt.'fSDHS in progress lull celctilkauojl under No Child Left Behind Act is invalid. EMPLOYMENT lAW Sullivan v. Dolla, Tre" Stores Inc. Employee is ineligible for nnlh"ticm under Family and Medical Leave Act because new is not 'successor in interest' to former employer. v. Chinese News Inc. Journalists who do allY im'estigatil/e reporting do not qualify under 'creative professional exemption' and are entitled to overtime pay. !SONERS' RIGHTS Sapp v. KImbrell Prisoner is not excused from adJlllllistTative remedy exhaustion H1lwireil!leIlt where he q wimro ,; suit, 15085 does not violate nrismwr's becausE' prisOller have current possessory in funds. ORDERS Nunez~Reyes 1},5, v. Holder v. Weyll,auoll, En bane 1I5SC ~ 15077 15142 continued on next page Daily Appellate Report 15078 PRISONERS' RIGHTS Prisoner is not excused from administrative remedy exhaustion requirement where he fails to show improper screening ofgrievances before filing suit. Cite as 2010 DJDAR 15078 Tuesday, September 28, 2010 condition. He never exhausted these grievances, however, because a prison official screened the:n out for various reasons, Sapp rnti:fuately filed this suit under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, which the district coutt disfuissed because Sapp had not exhausted his administrative remedies, as requjred Prison litigation Reform Act ePl.RA'1. by the In this appeal f we must decide prison official's improper screening ofan re administrativeappeaIsexcusestheinma to exhaust under the PLRA and. if so, weer Sapp"s appeals were improperly screened. We IVA."! TERRANCE SAPP, Plaintiff·Appellant, v, D. KIMBRELL; DOUGlAS PETERSON; P.VAN COR; C. CRAPOTIA, Defendants--Appellees. No. 05-15745 D.C. No. CV·02.()2576-FCD United States Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit FlIed SePtember 27, 2010 Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California Frank C. Damrell, Senior District Judge, Presiding Argued and Submitted May 7, 201o-Pasadena, California Before: Betty B. Fletcher and Richard A. Paez, Circuit Judges, and Edward R Korman, District Judge. * Opinion by Judge Paez COUNSEL Randall R Lee and Matthew D. Benedetto (argued), Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP, Los Angeles, California, for plaintiff·appellant Ivan Terrance Sapp. Edmund G. Browa, Jr., Artorney General; Rochelle C. East, Senior Assistant Attorney GeIleral; Monica N. Anderson, Supervising Deputy Attorney General; and Michelle L Angus (argued), Deputy Attorney General, ~a<.TalIlento, California, for defendants·appellees Kimbrell, Van Cor, and Peterson. OPINION PAEZ, CircuitJudge: In 2002 Ivan Terrance Sapp, a California state priso~er, filed a· series of administrative grievances seeking medical care for an eye hold that, although improper screening may eXCUse a fulure to satisfY the' PLRNs . n requirement, llie fucts here do not 5 prison offiCials improperlY screened Qut administrative grievances. Accordingly, we at the dismissal of Sapp's lawsuit. I. Background In 1989, Sapp suffered an eye injury iu prison that continues to cause him proD 002, while incarcerated at the Californ n in Sacramento. he sought medical g eyelid surgery, but it is unclear whe he ever received it Sapp claims to have filed over twenty adrriinisttatiVe appeals about the issue '?lith the prison. In December 2002, Sapp filed this § 1983 suit in federal C{)urt alleging e indifferen(:e to his medical needs and related actions. In particular, Sa defendant Douglas Peterson, a denied him needed medical defendantD. Kimbrell, the prison's a m live appeals coordinator, improperly screened his grievances seeking medicirl care; and that defendant E Van Cor, a prison official, denied hinl an "Olsoni>' review! of his m'edicaI recqrds. ~ district court dismissed Sapp's,suit without prejudice for failure to eXhaust his ad:rirlnistrative remedies, as required by the PLRA, 42 U.S.c. § 1997e(a). Although Sapp did not exhaust bis adriIiriisrratiVe remedies, he did pursue SOtlJ.C administrative appeals before filing this snit. We first describe ,California prisons' gri,evance procedures and then detail the administratiVe gtjevaD<..'es that Sapp pursued. A. Ciilifornia Prisons' Grievance Procedures CalifornIa regulations allow a prisoner to appeal any action or decisiori by a prison official that adverselY .affects the prisoner's 'W Cal. Code Regs. tit. 15, § 3084.1(a). To e a grievance, an inmate must purs through fuur levels, one "info "formal!' /d. §§ 3084.5, 3084.I(a). file the initial grievance within 15 w the action being appealed, and he mu h administrative appeal within 15 working days of receiving an aclverse det'ision at a lower level. Id. § 3084.6(c). At the iDfonnallevel, an inmate must seek to have the involved prison employee resolve the problem. Id. § 3084.5(a). If this is unsuccessful the inmate must then fill out a "Form 602," the '1nmate/Parolee Appeal Form," describing the Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Daily Appellate Report problem and action requested. Id. § 3084.2(a). An "appeals coordinator" at the prison "screen[sI" each appeal before forwarding it on for review on the merits. Id. § 3084.3(a). The appeals coordinator may reject, or "screen," an appeal for various reasons, including failure to comply with the 15-day time limit, incompleteness or omission of necessary supporting d()(.'Uments, or :failure to attempt to resolve the grievance informally. Id. §§ 3084.3, 3084.6(c). When the appeals coordinator rejects an apm;;aI, he must fill out a form that explains why the appeal is unacceptable and instructs the inmate on what he must do to qualify the appeal for processing.1d. § 3084.3(d). If it appears from the appeal form that the prisoner has dIfficuity describing the problem in writing, the appeals coordinator must arrange an interview with the prisoner to help clarify or complete the appeal. Id. § 3084.3(b) (3). Once the appeals coordinator allows an appeal to go forward, the inmate must pursue it tliiough three levels of formal review. Id. § 3084.5. B. Sapp'sAttempts to Exhaust Although Sapp filed numerous grievances relating to his eye .condition, none was ever considered on the merits. FIrst, in December 2001, Sapp mentioned his eye condition in a second-level appeal of a different grievance seeking care for a skfu condition. Prison officials rejected this appeal on the ground that the eye issue was "new" and had to be submitted in a separate appeal. Sapp then filed a first-level appeal regarding his eye condition in early June 2002. This appeal was screened for reas.ons not apparent on the record before us. Sapp again filed a firstlevel appeal on June 9, 2002, that explained that he had ''been having great dIfficulty in obtaining adequate medical care" since arriving at the prison in July 2001. He explained that doctors had referred him to see an eye specialist at the University of California at Davis ("UC Davis"), but that "this issue continues to go unrecogniied." He explained that he had "submitted medical slips to medical stalf' and that the prison's medical staff were uaware of the issues." In the "Action Requested" box on the form, Sapp indicated that he sought to "recover from a ,criticiil problem" and that "the only way to remedy the situation is to contlnue filing 602s [appeal forms] and try to remedy the issue any way possible." The next day, Kimbrell, the prison's appeals coordinator, screened out that appe:aI on the ground tbat Sapp had "not adequately completed the [60Uorm] or attached the proper documents." Kimbrell noted that "[alnother appeal was screened out and returned to you [five days earlierl on the same issue, it appears. Be specific about eye condition and action requested." Eight days later, on June 18, 2002, Sapp visited the UC Davis Medical Center's Ophthabnology Department and received only an examination. Sapp then filed another inmate appeal on June 30, 2002, that described the problem as "a long delay in obtaining adequate medical treatment fqr an [sic] critical eye injury which occurred [in 1989, wbile incarcerated]." He explained that 15079 the medical records were in his prisoner file and that he was "having great dIfficulty in filing a[n] inmate 602 appeal to exhaust the issue." In the "'Action Requested" box, Sapp indicated that he sought "treatment as soon as possible, because I need the eyelid surgery, and I may have developed an eye infection." He also appended a twopage description of the problem, includiIlg a hand-drawn diagram of his eye and an account of the events that led to his injury. Two days later, on July 2, Kimbrell screened out this appeal, again because Sapp bad not adequately completed the form or attached proper documents. This time, Kimbrell specifica1ly instructed Sapp to attach his Health Care Request form (Form 7362) or to explain why the form was not available and to "[cJlarlfy the issue, have you been treated at SAC [this facility] for this condition? If you have not recently requested treatment at SAC snbmit of [sic] CDC 7362 to the Clinic." Boilerplate text at the bottom of the form advised: ('This screening action may not be appealed unless you, allege that the above reason is inaccurate. In such case, please return this form to the Appeals Coordinator with the necessary information." In response, Sapp filed a Health Care Services Request Form 7362, on July 20 seeking "followup of ue Davis otho eye exam,'" Four days later, prison staff res]:X)nded with a note indicating that Sapp would be "seen within the week or 2 weeks." The record does not indicate whether or when the medical staff actually saw Sapp. The record before us does not show that Sapp ever filed an administrative grievance alleging, that prison medical stafffailed to see 1ilin as promised. On July 30, Sapp submitted a Reasonable Modification or Accommodation Request under the Americans with Disabilities Act seeking help pursuing his adiniriisttatiVe remedies. Sapp described his disability as the "lack of knowledge to write out a 602 [appeai form] to suite [sic] the appeals coordinators approval., no matter how clearly it is stated." Sapp explained that he had onlY a seventh grade education and asked for medical treatment. The prison ultimately dculed this request on October 1. On August 30, Kimbrell again screened out Sapp's June 30 appeal. This time, Kimbrell indicated that the appeal exceeded the 15-workingday time limit for inmate appeals. Kimbrell noted that sapp was "personally interviewed" on AttgUst 29 and that he stated that this was an "old issue [he] appealed in 1990." Again, Kimbrell advised 5app, "If you need medkal treatment, submit a CDC 7362 [Health Care Services Request] to the Clinic." In response, Sapp submitted Health Care Services Requestson September9 and 23, seeking referral to an eye dodor and surgery on his left eye. It is unclear whether, or how, prison officials responded to these requests. In any event. Sapp never. filed aD administrative grievance about officials' failure to respond adequately to these requests. ' On September 23, Sapp submitted a request for an Olson review of his medical records. Van Cor appears to have forwarded this request to the Medical Records Office sometime before 15080 Dally Appellate Report didIlot"tneritiondefertdaritPetetso~~y~~eor October 21. On November 18, 2002, thesru:ne day tpaJ Sapp signed his federal complaint in tqiscase, sitggest thatdefendantPetersorl~~slesponsible for the alleged inadequate treatment or delays: Although Sapp's November 18, 2002, appeals fonn l'I~m~<l Pe~~rs?n, thatappealwasnot eXhausted before the suit was filed. The district judge adopted the magistrate ~dg~~sproP9~e,dFiI1q~saJ:l4R;~0mtll~l1ga.tio~s in full and dismissed Sapp's claims without prejudice. Sapp timely appealed to this court Aft:~~~?ldiJ1~tlI~cas~inab~yancell~nding 0llt decision on remand in Ngo v. WOodjOrd, 539 E3d 1108 (9th Cir. 2008), we appointed pro bono counsel for Sapp. Sapp ',filed, an ,administrative' .• appeal,grieving ab?ut the denial. ofan Olson revie'Y()fhisll1~~ical records and' the repeated denial oiliis a~wp~s to exhaust his appeals; eXt>lainingthathe 'Nas "at risk with any h~alth concerns;" ()ll Dec~mber2, he filed his complaint against the defendants in the Eastern District of California. At the same time that he was attempting to pursue his. administrative re111edie~, SaPIJS(}u1i~t to "raise ,'his conc.erns t1lr?t1gh{)the~ ~"etl1.les. Resubmitted ", twoConSttmer. C0ll1PI~tf0fI!ls to the Medical Board of California claiming that prison medical ~t::lffwere denyin~~i111' Care for II. Jurisdiction and Standard of Review his, eye conclition. III additi(}n,heft1erte~ oth,~fS -I about what he perceived as Kitn1)rerrsmrproper The district court had jurisdiction under 28 U.S.c. §§ 1331 and 1343, and we have jurisdiction screening. of his appeals. in lettersthat~e'Yl"0~e to . theCaliforniaI~spector Gen~ralaI1dt01:11e ' under 28 USc. § 1291. We review de novo the warden~ 'The InspectorGeneraldec1i*~dt() dist:tictcou~fsdisnrl~salbase~on§3pp'sfailttre investigate, and the warden informed Sapp that, to exhaust. O'Guinn v. Lovelock Corr. Ctr., 502E3d 1056,1059 (9th Cir. 2(07). In deciding amotion to if he disagreed vvith the·· ~r~niIlg~; . . heso~ld "provid.e.. a.·'Nrittc11 explaIlati0 I1 as}o~hY·Y~l1r dismiss fOf failure roeXhaust a court may "look appeal should qualify forprocessing;"u.l <:l~gi~()n, beyond the pleadings and decide disputed issues the wardenadyise~rim thathec()~I~fiI~~"sfuff of fact." Wyatt v. Terhune, 315 E3d 1108, 1119-20 complaiilt"jf he perceived thathe wasthevictim (9th Cir. 2003). We review the district courfs ofdiscritnination. factual findings for clear error. O'Guinn, 502 E3d Dnring the same time frame as Sapp filed at 1059. his appeals·.•. regarding·. his •. eye ~oI1W~on;ge submitted liealth. Care Servi~e~l(~l1est~abol1t m;····Disctissi6n other cOI}{litions. He also successfully eXliausted a grievance regarding medical care· fora· skin 1'lH~. PLRA requires a .IJt"isO~el"t()eXlJ.atis~his condition in June 2002. ag~~trapveretnedies~efore filing a lawsuit ! C~ IJisfricfCourtProceedings coriccrningprisonconditions: No action shall be bronght with respect Sapp filed this § 1983 suit pro se against Peterson, Kimbrell, Van Cor, and a fourth defendant, Dr. Crapotta, in December 2002. Sapp alleged that Peterson, .• ~ .pt"isorldo(:tof,~.eI1ied him needed Uledical. tr~£ttIrteIlt;~atKimlJr~ll, the prison's (lppealsc?()r~in~~()r,: impr()p~rly screened his grievances ~e?kiI1~lIle~i~c(l~e; that Van COf,aprisonoffki~1;d~~e4Wrpa1l9lSqn review of his medical r(~cor4~;<lpp~atSr~tta, another. doctor! also.•• ~ap .d~nie4ijiJ:l1Aledical ca~e~. Theilistrict cou~t4istpis~~4>mz5~aiITls ag<tirlst.Crapottafor~ailure·tp.•·.~eryeNm;aIl.dthe re!llainillg.··.defe~dilntsfned.·~tll()ti()~mc1i~miss under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b). The·.·. assigIled.·.·. ma~Strate.···· j~4!r~i~~fd proposed .. Fin~ings and . Rec0tntnenciati0Ils re~0t11n1endjng di~miss<l1.()f th~ cl~~~g~st tile remaining defendants for .tailllryt?~¥h~ltst as required by the PLRA The magistrate judge conclude,d that .t1:Lealleg~d. improperscre:ning of papp'sadIllinisttiltive ~ppe~lsclid not preyent hiIIl.from·eXhaus~ng be~ltllse; . eyen;jthi~foffilS lladt10tbeenscreenedout.th~y ~()lll<lIlot hare sufficed to exhaust his claims. In particular, the magistrate judge n()t~dmat,~~for~ ~UIl~Wi~~wt, SaiJP n~vef su~tni~tedi:U1¥grieYanse?r ap~al regarding the improper.s(;Teening.or~e4~pi<llOf an Olson review otl1~sTe~on:l~: AttIt0~wh$al?1>had filed grievances regarding the denial of medical tre~pn~nt, tllc m~~~~trat{;jttdgeS()l'Ifll1d~4tl1at the~igriev~nces\V?l1IcI· n()th<lye. ~ttfficed}o exhaust his claims against Peterson because illey t() pris()ncofl(li~(}nsHllder ~ti0I11~~ of this title, or any other Federal law, by a priSOI:l~~c0h11neq. inatl),'i: .~. ?or~eeti0nal facilitYuntiIsllc~adrpinist1?~tiVe·remedies as are available are eXhausted; 42 U's.c. § 1997e(a). The Supreme Court has held that this exhaustion requirement demands "proper" exhaustion. Woodford v. Ngo, 548 U.S. 81, 84 (2006). To "proper[Iyj" exhaust; a prisoner must comply "with an agency's deadlines and mlt~rcri1:icalproceduntl· •. ·fttles . ·beglU~~.···no ~djl,l4iC<tBY~ .· • systerp.·..• can ..iuncti0l1 .. cffe5tlyely W~9utiInlJ()s4W.soD1.e orderlyst:t;ucture.on'the courseofitsllr()s~editlgs.~ .ld. atgo.91. Sapp acknowledges that he failed to properly f¥til\l~t. ~i~c~airlls•• 1>utcontengsthat~~sh()uld n~~em~les~pertrtitl1i~.suitto~o . f()rVl~dJ()r two reasons. Frrst; Sal)P contends that the PLRA r~uir~~· ejfuaus~?no~ly()f Atose a<llllitrl~t:tiltiye remedies that are "available," and that the itypr()tJer. sc:r~~JliIIg'()f .•.• 1Iisappeals .relldered administttt~Y~ ·JetrIeqieseffectjyely .~il~I~1>le to him. Second, Sapp urges us to recognize, and apply to htm, an equitable exception to the PLRNs ~altstionr~quu-~ment vvl1ere ·.. apt'i~~~fs speciaIcir<:tlIl1sti11cesjustffY n()IFcol~wIia:~ce Wth admini~ttatiye regulations~ We addresseafh contention in to.rn~ Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Dally Appellate Report A. Effectively Unavailable Remedie,s 1 ThePLRArequires thatan inmateexhaustonly those admiItistrative remedies"asare,av@aJ>le." 42 U.S.c. § 1997e(a). We have recognized thatthe r~theJ:eforedoes notrequiree~austiotl\Vhen circumstallces render administrative remedies "effec:tiyelyunavailable." See Nunez. v. Duncan, 591 R3d 1217, 1226 (9th Cir. 2010). In Nune~v. Duncan, we held that a pris{)~¢r's failure to eXhaust was excused where he "took reasonable and appropriatesteps to exhiitlst his ... claim and was precluded from exhausting, uot through his own fault hut by the Wardeu's mistake." ld. at 1224. There, the prisoner, Nunez, had filed an administrative grievance alleging that he had been strip searched in violation of his Fourth Ameudmeut rights.ld. at 1220. When pri$()n•. otficials.•. r~8P9nded .. t:o . hisgrieY?Il~\by saying th<it tl1esearchwas c()ndUctedpursuant to prison regnlatious, Nuuez appealed to the uext level and, in his appeal, asked for a citation to the relevant regulation.ld. The warden coustrued the gri~vance as>rnerelyarequestfor.We regulation and accordingly responded with the citation. ld. Nuuez then sought to get a copy of the regnlation by going to the law library, and then, when the regulation was not available there, by fi1ing a total of four grievances, a Freedom of Irl(()rlllatiotlAct (FOIA) request, and four letters appea1ing the FOIA denial. ld. at 122()'21. He never received a copy of the regulation because, as it tuI"llsout, officials' failure to respond to a properly filed grievance makes remedies "unavailable" and therefore excuses a failure to exhaust See Dole v. Chandler, 438 F.3d 804, 809, 811 (7th Cir. 2006). The Third Circuit has held that exhaustion was exeusedwhere.guards.erroneously infonned an inrrtatetllathe had to\yait an inyestigation :was complete peforefiling a grievance. See Bl"OJVn u Croak, 312 R3d 109, 111·12 (3d Cir. 2002). And several clrcuitshave held that prison officials' threats ofretaliation Can render administrative reDl~dieseffectiyely .·unavailable . such.. that a prisoner need. not exhaust them. See .rurnerv. Burnside, 541 R3d 1077, 1085 (11th Cir. 2008); Macias v. Zenk, 495 F.3d 37, 45 (2d Cir. 2007); Kaba v. Stepp, 458 R3d 678, 685-86 (7th Cir. 2006). <=oIlsistel1twil1tthe~preced~nts .and. with ()llrdeci~i()nitI1Vullez •. ",ehoIdtlIat improper scr~ttit1g;otan itlrnate'~.adlllitIisttative~ieyances reIlc:lers administrative remedies.. ..>~ett~Gtively una~<ible"suchl1t<ltex1latt!Sti(}n is ~o.trequiTed under the PLRA If prisono~~ciaI~scr~Il(}t1tan inttlate's ap~"lsforiml?r()perreas()~s~.th(': itlmate cannotpursueth~.Il~~ssarY sequenceofappeals, an.cJ.adfuhrlstrat1.ye remedies are thereforeplainIy unavailable. l{et;ow¥zitlg.aneJ{ceptiorl.. to ... the . ~LAA's exhaustion requirement .",herePrisouoffit;ials ippr(}~rl¥ . •. ~een .. (In... ·inrn<lt~'s . adnlitlistr<itive ap~alsc:()mports . \\lith. and.. it14ee(iprornptes, th~· r~mrewet1t'!i<p':1rpos~!S..•.. ~s Stipreme C:0':1rt hasexp1aiped;. a<lInillist1"tlpyeeXhaus~on serves two purposes. First, "[elxhanstion giyes agency 'an oP1J()ftWtity to correct its own mist(i}{es . with.• respe~tJ0the Pf0gratll~ it administerspefore iti~ haletiitlW federal c~ur~: " Ngo, 548 U.S. at 89 (quoting McCarthy v. Madigan, 503 U.S. 140, 145 (1992)). Second, "exhaustion promotes efficiency' by allowing claims to "be r~solved 1l1u(.':hm()re</qt1jt;l{Iy economically itIprpc~~dnws bef()f~.~rlag~Ilcythanjn litigation in federal cour~' by somethnes "convinc[ing] the' losing party not to pursue the matter in federal court," and by "produc[ing] a useful record for .!iUp~qtl~ntjtitlicia1F()Il~id~ratiol1" ip. fZ3ses-where the claim does eventna1ly reach federal conrt. ld. (mternal quotation marks omitted). If inmates did .. notPUl"sueaclmillistra~Ye<rezpedie~, ..these benefits would not be realized. Thus, to promote th~~p~nefits, thePLRADlal\es ~:xhaustion apr~requisi~e tqsuitso thatinIna~shave an itIc:entiyeW. J>Ut1'u~<i(il)1inistrativeproceedings that they might otherwise prefer to skip. See id. at 90. Just as the PLRA promotes the benefits QfexhatistipD itlthis way, the e1{ception we recogIl~. today promptest¥taustion'sbellefits byrem0vitlg .any . incentiv~ .. pri~on . officials ~ht0therwise>have . . to avoid ilneaning(ullY ~()~si4eriIl~ . inrnates~ gri~vances1>Y screening themfof. hnproper reason~. ExCUsing a failure to ~aust\Vhtm prlsonoffic;ials improperly screen an inmate'sacltninisttltiveilppeals .helps ensure tliatpri$()oofficials wiU.cpnsider and resolve gri~V<l1lceSit1tern~11y an<lhelps. encourage use of adnIinistta.tiveproceedingsin whkhil re(:Ord can be developed that will improve the quality of decision·making in any eventual lawsnit. At the same time, this exception does not alter prisoners' tintil the.. an th~wardeIlhadgivenhinlallincorreftcitatioIlto a regulation that \Vas "r~tricted"fronliinmates. ld. Finally, after many months of unsuccessful attempts to obtain the regulation, the inmate filed the nextlevel appeal of his initial grievance challenging the search. ld. at 1221. That appeal and the followiug final-level appeal were rejected as untimely.ld. We excused Nunez's fallure to exhanst his administrative remedies . within thepr~~b~d time llinits because Nunez "could n()trefl~tla1)ly be expected to exhaust his administrative remedies without the [regnlation! . . . , and becaUse .~unez .. timely . took . rea$Ooable.and appropriate steps to obtain it." ld. at 1225. Nunez reasonably believed in good faith, based on the warden's response to his early appeal, that the re~lati;on·.Was . neceSsar¥, not met'elyuseful, to prepare his aPpeal. ld. at 1225-26. Because the warden's mistake in providing the in<:0rrect citation thus . "rendered Nunez's adlllinistl]tive l"emedieseff~vely. unavailable,"weexcl1,sed Nunez's failure to exhanst.ld. at 1226. As we .. acknowledged in Nunez,·. our ~ster cirCllitshave similtifly excused prisoners' fai!ttreS to .~aust\Vhere. administratlye .r~Dle4~es!V~re effectively unavailable. ld. at 1224. The Seventh and Eighth Circuits have held that administrative rcl11edies are not "available," and exhaustiQuis tilel'efore not required.where.prison .offifia1s refu~. to give a prisoner the. f0rtlls necessary to file an administrative grievance. See Dale v. Lappin, 376 R3d 652, 656 (7th Cir. 2004); Miller v. N01'1'Ui, 247 R3d 736, 738, 740 (8th eir. 2001). The Seventh Circnit similarly has held that prison 15081 I and . Daily Appellate Report 15082 incentive to pursue administrative remedies to the extent possible. 2 Having recognized an exception to the PUM's exhaustion requirement where renders administrative a prison official remedies effectively unavailable by- improperly screening a prisoner's grievances, We must next determine whether Sapp falls witllin this exceptioIl. To fall within this exception, a prisoner must show that he atfempti':.~d to exhaust ·his administrative remedies but was thwarted by improper .screening, In particular, the inmate must estahlhh (1) that he actually filed a grievifIlce or grievances that, if pursued through all levels ofadministrative appeals, would have sufficed to exhaust the claim that he seeks tQ pursue in federal court. and (2) that prisou officials screened his grievance or grievances for reasons inconsistent with or unsupported by applicable regulations. A, grievance suffices to exhaust a cWm if it puts the prison on adequate notice of the problem for which the prisoner seeks redress. 1'0 provide adequate notice, the prisoner need only provide the level of detail required by the prison's regulations. Jones v. Bock, 549 U.S. 199, 218 (2007). The California regulations require only that an inmate "describe the problem' and the action requested." Cal Code Regs. tit 15, § 3084.2(a). Where, as here, a prison's regulations are "incomplete as to the factual specificity [required in an mmate's grievance}. a grieV'dnce sUffices if it alerts the prison to the nature of the wrong for which redress is sought." Griffin v. Arpa;o. 557 E3d 1117, H20 (9th Cir. 2009) (internal quotation marks omitted). Sapp pursues three claims against three defendants in this suit. He alleges that Petersoh denied him needed medical treatment for: his eye condition; that Van Cor denied hi.."l1 an OlSon review' of his medical reco'rds; and that Kirribrell improperly screened his grievances seeking medical care. We conclude that 3a.pp's grievances would have sufficed to exhaust onlY th.e claim against Peterson. Sapp's grievances alerted the prison to the natare of his complaint regarding medical treatinent for his eye condition. In IDS grievances, Sapp explained that he was having trouble getting medical treatment and that he 'may ha,ve developed an eye infection, and ',he requested eyelid surgery and a fonow~up appointment with a doctor at DC Davis. Further, contrary to the district court's conclusion, Sapp was not required to identify Peterson by name to eXhaust the grievance against rum. Neither the PLRA itself not the California regulations require an inmate to identify responsible parties or otherwise to sigIlai who ulUlIlately may he sued. See Jones, 549 U.S, at 217 ("[Nlothing in the [PLRA] imposes a 'name aU defendants' requirement.''). Sapp's grievances therefore would have snfficed to exhaust his claim against Peterson for the denial of adequate medical treatment By contrast, grievance that was screened· -properly or improperly-would have sufficed to exhaust Stipp's claim against Van Cor for failing to no Tuesday, September 28, 2010 give him an Olson review of his medical records. Ibe grievances that Sapp alleges were improperly screened did not mention the denial of an Olson review at all. Although Sapp filed a suhstantively sillficient administratiVe ap~at regarding this prohlem on Novemher 18. 2002, he did not even wait for a' response before pursuing this suitindeed, he sig1led his federal complaint on the Saule day he filed that appeal. Sapp therefore cannot establish that, any 'improper s¢reening prevented him from exhausting this grievance, and he acc-Ordingly cannot pursue his OlSon review claim against Van Cor. Sapp's screened grievances similarlY would not have sufficed to exhaust his claim against Kimbrell for itnproP13r sere'ening of his ~ administra.tive appealS'. Again, Sapp first mentioned this problem in the November 18 grievance that he did n'ot even 'attempt to exhaust before filing this suit Thus, to the extent that Sapp seeks to pursue a freestanding chUm against Kimbrell for improperly screening his appeiUs, he cannot because he did not attempt to pursue administrative remedies for ,this problem before tiling this federal suit' Thus, S<lpp filed admiiIisf:rative grievances that would h.ave' sufficed, to exhaust only his inadequate medical care claim against Peterson. We a:c.cordingly must next -determine whether the grievances raising that claim were screened for improp,er reasons. On the record before us, it appears that Siipp's administrative grievances about medical care for his eye condition wefe effectively screened out five tinieK We consider each screeniIlg in turn. First, prison officials declined to consider a compliiliit about Sapp's eye condition that he raised for the first time in a second-level appeal about medical care for a skin condition. There, officials explained that the eye issue had to he raised in a separate appeal, starting at the 'first level. This screening was proper; an inmate must first present a complaint at the first level of the administratiVe process. See Cal. Code Regs. 'tit. 15, § 3084.5. Next, officials screen about Sapp's eye' co reason in early June'2002. use Sa even mention this appeal in his briefs, that he does not "contend iliat it was screened. A few days later, Sappfiled an appeal indicating tbat he was having "great difficulty" obtaining medical care and explainilig that prison staff had not followed, up on a referral to see' an eye specialist at UC Davis. His appeal also noted that he was "unable to recover in malpractice." In the "Action Requested" box, Sapp explained that he sought to "recover from a critical problem where a long ongoing denial of adequate medical care ahd malpractice which took plat~ in pnson.The issues are so distittbing <ind complex that the onlY way to remedy the situation is to cont:i1iue filing 002'8 and tty to remedy the issue any way possible. 'Medical staff here are aware of the issues.' " Kimhrell screened out this appeal, telling Sapp to "[bIe sw;cific about eye cO,ndition and action requested." This screening also was proper,., as the regulations require inmates to "describe'the Dally Appellate Report ... action requested." Id. § 3084.2(a). Although Sapp'sgfievance may have implied that he jVaIlied t~see any eye specialls~ Sapp indicated iJr tlle"ActioIJ Requested" hox that he wanted to "recover from a critical problem" involving malpractice. Given the mixed messages in Sapp's grievance, it was appropriate for the screener to seek clarification of the prohlem for which Sapp sought tedress. About a week after that appeal was rejected, Sapp visited a doctor at the UC Davis Ophthalmology Department Approximately two week~ later, on JUlIe 30, 2002, ,Sapp suhmitted an adrniriistrative grievance tllatcontllined a detailed description of the history and nature of his eye ifijury.In the "Action Requested" hox, Sapp wrote, ;1I'm •requesting treatment as soon as possible, hecause I need the eyelid surgery, and I may have developed an eye infection. Plus the doctor seems to know what to do as far as my eyelids, The issues that lead [sic] up to the damage are disturhifig and I have heen diligent ifi tr[Y]ifig to remedy the situation." Two days later, Kimbrell screened out this appeal, this thne because Sapp had not attached a Health Care Request Form showing that he had songh~ and heen denied, m."Jical ,treatment Kimhrell further explaified, "ClarifY the issue, have you heen treated at SAC [this prison] for this condition? If you have not recently requested treatment at SAC submit of [sic] CDC 7362 [Health Care Request form] to the Clinic." This screening was also proper. The regniations allow an appeal to be rejected if uDec¢:ssary supporting documents are not attached." Id. § 3084,3(c)(5). Sapp did not include a copy of a Health Care Request form indicating that he had tried to ohtain medical care through the proper channels. Not did Sapp contest the screenifig decision by returnifig the form "with the necessary information"-in this case, a 7362 Health Care Request form showing that he had sought. and 'been denied, ,medical care- as boilerplate text at the bottom of the screenifig form advised him he could do. importantly, the screening did not preclude Sapp from getting medical care. To the contrary, it ifistructed him on how to get it hy submittifig a CDC 7362 form to the clinic. More than two weeks later, on July 20, Sapp submitted a 7362 form requesting a follow-up appoifitment with the ophthalmologist at UC Davis. Although the record does not reveal whether or how prison officials responded to this request, Sapp never filed a grievance about the officials' failure to respond adequately to this request On August 30, Kimbrell agaifi rejected the appeal that Sapp had submitted on June 30, this tilIle for failure to comply with the 15-day time limit' On the screenifig form, Kimbrell explaified that a prison official had personally interviewed Sapp the day before, and that Sapp had indicated that this was an "old issue" that he had appealed ill 1990. This screening was also proper. The fonn indicates. that prison officials, consistent with tlle re~Jations, recognized that Sapp appeared to have difficulty explaifiing his complaifit in wrifu)g and accordingly had ifiterviewed hhn in persOn to clarify the basis of the grievance. See 15083 id. § 3084.3(b) (3) (requiring an ifiterview when "an appeal indicates the appellant has difficulty describing the problem in writing"). In this ifiterview, Sapp apparently explained that he sought to appeal. the inadequate·· medical care he had received. in 1990 when his eye was first injured ill prison. If this. were his complaint, he did ifideed miss the 15-day deadline. hnportantly, however, Kimbrell also acknowledged that Sapp might .·be . seeking current .medical tteatIllent and agaifi advised him on how to get i~ noting at the bottom of the form, "If you need medical treatment, suhmit a CDC 7362 to the Clinic." Thus, all of Sapp's adrnifiistrative appeals ",ere screen~dforp~oper reasons. Administrative rell1edi~swere . accorclingly"available," and Sapp wasre<iuire? to eXhaustthem. InreachingthiscoDflttsion,\Vedo notforeclose the possibility that exhaustion might also be excusedwhererepeate~rejections of an inmate's grievances a~ the screening·stige give rise. to. a reilsonablegood fait1Jb~li~f that administrative reIlle~ies are .effectiy~ly. unavailable•.. Sl1c~ an eXeu~e is not availablel1~re'l1owever,because, ~~spit~tl1e r~p~at~d scr~nings,Sapp could have no reasonable belief that administrative remedies were effectively unavailable. Kimbrell specifically il1stI"tlctedsappon hoW f<) seek m~dicalcare, and on how to appeal any denial of care, but Sapp did notfoilowthose instructions. We further note that nothing in the district court record suggests that tlle prison had created draconian· procedural requirements that would "trlp[ ] up all bnt the most skillful prisoners"which mightfllso render administratiVe remedies effectively unavailable so as to excuse a :failure: to exhaust. See Ngo, 548 U.s. at 102 (leaving open the possihility that an exception to the exhaustion requireIl1en~ might exist such cirCUJ!lstances). S3pphad a clear aVenue .to .foTIo\V to receive mewcal··care or to exhaust his· remedies· if he did Jl9tre ive tllcdesiredcarc. Frrst, he could have filed a 7362 Health Care Request form, as Kimbrell suggested he do. If prison officials did not respond, or did not provide theIle~dedcare, he could have filed a grievance about the denial of care, and appended the form showing that he l1ilgrequested the Care inaccor~ilncewitll prison procedllres.1lIen;hecouldhave.pursued that grievance through the full administrative appeals proce~;Nothing inthet"e~ord indicatesthat these apparently straightforward procedures "trip[ ] up" ordinary illIUates;Ththe·contrary,Sapp has proven hisownabilitYtQnavigate them' as he successfully exhausted a grievance about medical care for askin condition around the sametimeas he pnrsued his appeals about his eye condition. ~. Be:cause .Sapp'sgrie:vances··.",ere . pr?perly screened•..·•..• because-. he . . ha4110·.· reasonable good faith belief that adrnrnistrative remedies were effectively unavailable, and because the prison's·· administranvegrievance. r~IriIl1c was not so coll1plex as to triP. up mostpnsoners, administrative remedies were available within the meanifig of the PLRA, and Sapp was accordifigly required to exhaust them. in ce 15084 Daily Appellate Report B. Equitable Exception to Exhaustion We next: consider whether, notwithstanding the avaiJahilityof administrative remedies, Sapp's special circumstances entitle him to. an equitable exception to the PLRA's exhaustionrequire1l1ent Although Sapp does notpreciselyarticlliate what equitable exception ¥{ould applytQ him,he suggests that his significant difficulty in following the!,rrievance process, his reasonable beliefthat he could not pursue thegrievanceprosess anY further, his .1imited education, and the 'fact. that he did not deliberately bypass the .administrative scheme "Warrant an equitableexc~ptionhere. We need not. decide her{'; whether such drcumstancesrnight. \Varra~t..anequitable exception to the PLRA's exhausriourcql1iremel1t, however,. becausc .. Sapp .wou1d. not . qualify for it. Although Sapp's request. for a re:asonable accoll1Jl1odation to. help him satisfactorily complete an aqrninistrative grievance . . f9pn .and hi~n~anyattempts t()pursue his complaintoutside of the prison's adrninistrativegrievance processthrQug!J letters.to the MedicaIBoard qf CWifornia, the warden, and the c:a1ifornia ~nspector Gellcr<il-suggest that.Sappqid.. believe ing(){)d faith that hec9ulclnotpllfsuethe. adIuillistratlye grievance· process any further, . th?t subjective belief was. not reasol\able,.<Jsexplained <llJove. The procedures for optainingrnedicalc<wewere dear: file a 7362 HealthQare Reqttest form, arid then file an administr4tive gtievance jfofjicials failed to respond. Kimprenspedfically~dv:ised Sapp to submit a 7:J62 form if he sought medical care.. Although. Sapp.fileq. several $uch forms, he neyerfollowed up by filing a grievance about prison o:ffidals' failure to respond adequately to those requests. Because he never eyenauempted to. file ·.any such grievance, he. could not have reasonably believed that he couJd not pursue the administrative appealspfocess any further. We therefore dedineto ex;:;useSapp'sfailure to exhaust. under the . equitable exception. he proposes, IV. Conclusion We hold that administrativeremeqiesare "effectively unavailable"~and that .the .. PLRA's exhaustion requirement is therefore excused· ~where prison . officials improMrly.·..··.scr(;;Cn a prisoner'sgrievance orgrievances that woul<lhave sufficed to exhaustthecla:im that the prisoner seeks to pursue. in federal. court Nonethele!:>s, we conclude that .Sapp's failure to exhaust is not excused because prisunoffidals did not improperly .screen any grievances .that . would have sufficed to. exhaust his (:laims. We further conduqe that 5appis not entitled toanY\,;<ltlitable exception to the PLRNs exhaustionrequireluent We accordinglyaffirmthedistrict. court's order dismissing Sapp's claims "'filhollt prejudice. AFF1RMED. 1be Honorable Edward R Korman, Senior ljl\iv,~d States District Judge, Eastern Dblrid of New York, sitting by Tuesday, SeptefTlb~r28,2010 designation. 1 An{)m;on~~1ew. is ~atl adlnhlistr~ti~epr()&qufeWhich allows an i t1Tllltte to review his centr<il ~~e. ~[tun!!$ v.SC1'ibn~, No, CV074381F TUG-RCC, 2010 WL 2605634, *1 (KD; Cal. Jllne28i201O). Z We do not, however, mean to suggest ·that an iiltnate tnust attempt toexhao.st a grievance about any improper screening in order for improper screening to eJ<:qlSea failure toexhan;:;t other claiills. J Saw clajms that l1c did not res\1brnithisl11lle 3Q <ippeal form,so it is u~d{'.ar'oVI1Y Killlbre;llrejf)cted this. f9frn a sccpnd . tillle, WIY KimbreU considered this ap~laga,in, however, is irrelevantto our analysis, TUe'§c1{1Yt§eptembe'[.2~,:ZQ:J,O Daily Appellate Report PRISONERS' RIGHTS 'Gate money'does not violate prisoner's Fifth Amendment rights because prisoner does not have current possessory interest in funds. denied Ward's claim, We affirm. 1. Background Plaintiff-Appellan~ Ward was sentenced to 197 years in the custody 'of the Department as a result of tWenty· {:l;yo. felony convictions. As.a prisoner. who w()rks, .Ward is entitled undf'x, Arizona .law .to compellsati0n at a rateta be determined by the Director. j\liz. Rev. Stat § 31-254(A). For the most Part; thisc{HUpensation is placed in the inmate's spe~4able·5ccollntan? l11ttybe withdra for certain.snuIllcrated· purposes~suchasinmate v. CHARLES L. RYAN, Witp~r~wal?ffunq~re~uires<approv~ by prison Cite as 2010 DJDAR 15085 TIMOTHY LEE WARD, Director, Defendant-Appellee. No. 07-17156 D.C. No. CV-01-02226-ROS United States Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit FlIed September 27,2010 Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Arizona Roslyn O. Silver, District Judge, Presiding Argued and Submitted January 12, 20lO-San Francisco, California Before: Alex Kozinski, ChiefJudge,J. Clifford Wallace and Richard R Clifton, CircuitJudges. Opinion by Judge Clifton COUNSEL Beau Sterling, Las Vegas, Nevada, for the plaintiff.appellant Michele L. Forney, Phoenix, Arizona, for the defendant-appellee. OPINION CI1FTON, Circuit Judge: Thnothy Lee Ward, an inmate held by Arizqna Department of ..... ~orrections ("Department"), appeals from the district court's the ~y nu l uediate access to the funds, because his 197year sentence makes it unlikely that he win ever ber~Ieased pn{)r to his death; The district court ju<4rtPentin favor of tile Director of the Department 1 Ward alleges that the Department's withdrawal of $50.00 from his priSODJVages pUrSttaIlt to an Arlz()oa statute that requ~s that. amount of. IIloney be placed in a dedicated discharge account, to be paid to him upon his releasefrom incar~eration,violatesthe Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. He seeks vm store pt!fchases or l011gdistance telephone calls, officials. Pursuant to Section 3H37(A) of the Arizona ~eyi~ed ..S~tutes, apercentage . . of . the·. wages eartl:ed~Y<lprisonerl11usth~deposited·.by.ti1e DePctrtllJeJlt into a separ~te account, call~da dedicat?d;qischarge .• 3cc{)unt.until. ti1at.account rcbristers.::t ·.$;;O~()().~aIaI1~e.TI1 e money ~ ~ldin tl"l~sacfountisnot~vailabl~fort~e.j)tison~r to spend while he in prison but will be distributed t(}hiIJ1~~-~'~atB rnon~r''1Vhenh.e isdischarg-ed oris ~r~~f~rredtocomlll111lityrelease or home arrest. See Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 31·237(B). Ii a pti~l1er di~s inpri:30l1,the.~ate mOIl~risappli~d UJ('r~ll1ati?ncostsoroth~~relate<l expenses; and allY .reIIl~ining funds are •. r~{(".asedto his· estate or heir,z. AS.f{:quiredbytheArizona .•. statute, $50.00 was withheld from Ward's prison wages and is held by the Department in his dedicated discharge account Ward filed pro se a 42 U.S.c. § 1983 civil rights sl1ita~ll~t thepirectgraJleging deniru6fa~~~,s toth~5?l1rts iil violationoftll€ Six.thAmendiriel1t l1e:aII'len4~d hisc()rnplahl~to ·~4dachlimthatthe witl1h()l~ng of his :va!resc~:m_stitutedaviQla~on of the Eighth Amendment and sought both q}1ll~l1satoryand·pttni~ve,. damages' against thepirector, as ¥i'ellasinjunctivereliet '"\yard's complaiiltwasdismissed· by the~istrlctc0lirt for failure to state a claim. Ward appealed the dismi~saltq this court We aifinned,t~edisrnissal of tl-le .3c(C.ess-bJ.co rtsdail11 .but~everse~ the tt disrrtissalpfthe .dll€pn)cessdaim;remanding forfurtherpr?ceedillgs; l;VhichwilI be more fitllY described below.' See Ward v. Stewart, 81 F. App'x 229 (9th Cir. 20(3) (unpublished). AftertlJ~case teturnedt6 district coUrt.the Dlrec~?r plovedforsu1UIll ary jUdgrnentpJ1the dll(7PfOC~SS claiU1,asserting r~athe was'entitled to <tualified. and sovereign illlDlUnity: The district court granted partial· summary judgment in the Director's .favor, holdingth<ttthe DirectOTW3S entitl~ t(» qualified immunity regarding his personal liability and to sovereign irnmu:nityfor his summary judgrnentforthe Director on Ward'sdue-process claim for punitive damages; The court did notat that point··grant summary jU:dgmenton Ward's daimfor injunctivetelief,hi'stead ordering officialactioIis~l1lecourtalsogtanted suppJeinentalbriefihg·on that issue, In his . supplemental brief Ward for the first time alleged violations of his Fifth and Fourteenth 15086 Dally Appellate Report Amendment rights against the government's taking of property without just compensation. Following consideration of Ward's claims, including the, new takings c1aim,4 t11e district court denied Ward's request for injunctive relief and dismissed the remainder of his claims. This appeal followed. 5 II. Discussion We review the district court's sununary judgment de novo. See Universal llealth $ervs., Inc. v. T'iuJmpson, 363 F.3d 1013, 10lQ (9tlI Cir. 2004). Our review is govertlcdby thesa,I1W standard used by the trial <;ourt under Fedel'al Rule of Civil Procedure 56(c). Adco,kv, C~rysler eery., 166 E3d 1290, 1292 (9th Cir. 1999). '''Ne Illust determine, viewingtflc evid,ence Itlth~ 1i1tht most favorable to the nonmoving party, wlletlier there are any genuine issues of materiaL fact and whether the district court correctlY applied the relevant,substantive, law,... "U~i1!ersal, Health Sert)s" 363 F.3d at 1019 Qnternal quotatl9n lIlarks omitted). Where, as here, the underlying tacts are not in dispute, we are left.to deterrrtinewhether the district court correct!)" applied the law. Id. Ward's primary argument on appealis that t~e withholding of the $5Q for gate money constituted a taking of hi:; private property in viol~ti6I1 ofhis constitutional rights. The '1'akings Clallse o( tlIe Flfill Amendment prohibits the goverlltnellffr()fll takirtg private property for public use without just compensation. This rigbt isavvlicahle to the .sUltes through the Due Process Clallse of the. Fourteenth Amendment webb, Eahu/Qus Pharmacies, Inc. V. I3~ckwith, 449 U.S. 155, 1oo (1980). '1'0 establish a violation of the TakingsClause, Ward must first demonstrate he has apr(}perty interest. that. is constitutionally . protected. Sch,,~ider v. Cat.. Dep't Of Cor< (Sch~eid~r II), 151 F.3d 1194, 1198 (9th Ck 1998). "Oriiy if[tlIe plaintiff] .does indeed possess such Mi int~rest will . a reviewing court . proceed to detet1I1ine whether the exp(Opriatipfi .. of that . interest constitutes a 'taking'withinthe meaning9f the Fifth Am.endment" Id. Property interests are not constitutionally .created; rather~ . prote<:ted property rights are "created and theirdif!lensions are defined by existing rules orunderstlndings that stem from an independentsottrcesu<:has state law." Bd. ofRegents OfState ColI, v. Roth,408 U.S. 564, 577 (1972). Inmates forfeit many oftheir traditional rights to property. S~e Givens V. Ala. Dep't of Cor~, 381 F.3d 1064, 1068 (11th Cir. 2004). And inmates did not have a protected property interest in their wages at. common law,. See Calero-: .Toledo v. Pearson Yacht Leasing Co., 416 U.s, 663, 682 (1974). The Supreme Court of Arizona has recognized, however, that Arizona created a protected property interest in inmate ~g~sby ststute. SeeZuther V. State, 14 P.3d 295,302 (Ariz. 20(0); Ariz. Rev, Stat § 31-254W C'Each prisoner whois engagedin productivework ... shallreceive f()r tile prisoner's work the compensation that the director determines,"'). It is thus undisputed that Ward has a protected property interest in his prison wages. Tuesday,S:epternt>l3r.:28,:2019 Nonetheless, courts have consistently held that such statutes granti:fig inmates a protected properi:)r )nter~st in .their w-ages~~sptiwit and deJiri~Jhe c()l1t~~~s ofsll(;liirltere~~$~e. e.g., Washt¢;ke v. Winston, 234 F.3d 179, 185 (4th Cir. 2000) ("[A]n inmate has no property interest in anY "wages'ffomhisworkinprison except insofar as the State migbt elect, through statute, to give him rights."); Rochon v, La. Stat~ Penit€ntiary Inmate Account, 880 F.2d 845, 846 (5th Cir_ 1989) ("[Petitioner] receives incentive wages solely because.of the state statutory scheme. Thus, the nature of his property in~restin those funds tnay be defined by the reasonahle provisions of that legislation."); s~e also Givens, 381 F.3d at 1069-70 (holding that the statutory provisions creating a property interest in inmate wages do not create an interestin the int~restaccrtl~4(,lIl their accounts); Allen V. Cuomo, 100 F.3d 253, 261-62 (2d Cir. 1998) (holding that the statute providing for payment of inmate wages did not create an entitlement in access to wages prior to release); Hrbek v. Farrier, 787 F.2d 414, 416 (8th Cir. 1986) (holding that the statutory scheme allowed for deductions from prison wages and stating that the "statutory provisions clearly establisb that [petitioner] can assert no le~itimateclWIll Qf~~tiqement to the full amount of his wages hased upon state law"). In Tellis v, Godinez,S F.3d 1314 (9th Cir. 1993), we considered a Nevada inmate's right to interest earned on money dePosited· in his personal propertyfund. In holding that the inmate did have a constitutionally protected property interes~ we determined that we needed to look not only at the plain language of the section of the statute provi<1ing.for the.iIlrpate'~t>r(}~inten~:;~'but also its context within the surrounding statutory framework. Id. at 1316-17 ("[T]he statute is to be read as a whole, sinc~ff1e ll"l~~ing of statutory language, piain or not depends on context'') (internal quotation marks omitted). In turning to the Arizona statutory tramework, we begin by observing that in Zuther, the Supreme Court of Arlzona rejected a challenge hy a different Department inmate to the same gate-money requirement that is at issue in this case. While recognizing that the inmate had a statutorily-ereated property interest in his wages, the Arizona court held that the inmate had "no constitutional rigbt to possess that property while in prison, and [that] the delay in access to the amountwithheid [was] at most a de minimus deprivation." Zuther, 14 P.3d at 302. We pointed out in our previousdedsi6rim this case, however, that Zuther might not be dispositive bere because Zuther had actually been released and granted access to the withheld funds, see id. at 298 n.2, while Ward is serving a 197-year sentence and therefore will probably I1eyer gainpers()nal ac;cesst() the fun<1s.Wardi~l F. App'x at 229. On remand, the distrlct court considered tIle collsequepses of"Ward'sp~tiCtJ¥u."sen~~I1~~ on the withholding of wages in the dedicated discharge account and concluded that the application of the requirement did not alter the outcome for two. rellS?fis. F'~t~Yetl t>ri~ol),~t'S sentenced. to lif~ iI)lpr$()nIl1ent>at'esotl1,~tiIl"l~s ahle to obtain release prior to expiration of their Tw:,:sdaY,'$.eptempBr 28,201Q Daily Appellate Report na.tural life through reversal of their conviction or sentence on appeal; reprieve, computation, or pardon; or a r~dt1ction of sentence bysutksequent l'1'w, Second, funds held in a dedicateddi~harge account for. an .inmat.e who dies in . prison are ~BP~ed to his cremation or other final expenses, any remaining funds inure to his estate. We agree with the districtcourfs conclusion. ,. Arizona statutes impose several limitations on an inmat.e's spending of his wages and delineate Iilandatory deductions from inmates' accounts. These limitations and mandatory deductions iIidkate the state's intent to place restrictions on ,an inmate's control over the wages he has earned. Sl-"Ction· 31-254 of the Arizona Revised Statutes leaves the amount of compensation for inniate work to the discretion of the Director. Ariz· Rev. Stat § 31-254(A).'Ibe statute provides formandatory deductions from inmate wages, not and only for the dedicated discharge account,but also for court costs,.room and board costs, and court ordered dependent care.ld. § 31-254(D), (E). 'The Director is also given t-"xplicit authority to regulate inmate usage of the funds in prisoner spendable accounts. ld. § 31-230(B) ("The director shall adopt rules for the disbursement of monies froro prisoner spendable accounts."). Additionally, the statute creating the dedicated discharge account does not: provide for ex,ceptipns or adjustments based on the length of an inmate's sentence. ld. § 31- 237. These statutes dearly establish a framework under which inmates' property interest in their \Vages is limited by the oversight of the Director and is subject to mandatory deductions. The statutes do not give inmates a fun and unfettered right to their property hut rather resh"kt their control over their eamings. 'Accordingly, Ward does not possess a protected property interest in'the immediate access to ·wages held in his dedk:ated discharge accoUnt, because he does ll()tcurrently have the statutory right to use these funds in the account. Ward's life sentence does not alter this outcome. While these funds are Ward's property, the Director may properly restrict his access to them without offending traditional notioIls ofpr()perty law. Ward argues that even ita statute does not explkitly create a property interest, such right Il1aynonethe1ess stin exist. That is true. We held in Schneider II that courts must consider whe:t~er the claimed property.interest is "a 'core' notion ()f constitutionally protected property into which state regulation simply may not intrude without prompting Takings Clause scrutiny." 151 E3d at ~20~~ Property's "core" meaning is determined "by ref~rence to traditional 'background principles' of pr()perty law." ld. at 1201. In Schneider II we examined the California Department of Corrections' failure to pay interest on funds deposited in htmate trust accounts. ld.~t 1195., We held that "[t]he 'interest follows principal' rule's common law pedigree. . leaves u$with little doubt thatinterestincome of the sort a,~issue here is fundamental that states may not aPPropriat.e it without implicating the Takings qai1Se." ld. In the fourth round of litigation ill Sr~neider, we held that California's failure to pay interest was therefore a taking under the Fifth 15087 Amendment where the interest was diverted to a common inmate welfare fund. Schneider v. Cal. Dep't of Corr. (Schneider lV), 345 F:3d 716, 719-21 (9th Clr. 2003). Ward's chini does notrancern a "core notion of constitutionally protected property)' As we preViously explained, under common law prison inmates lost their rights to unfetteredcorttr61 and US~ of ptivatep~operty.Thededkate~discharge account. while not eurrentlyaccessible by Watd, is being heldJonVard's benefit It \'/ill he paid to him ~P?pdjsch<trge,u8<;dfor ,hisflnal ex~enses, orleftto hi~heir.ltllaspotatldWillnotryetaken at14tfsedpYtl1~ 15?Vernrqent for its {)\Vnbent;fit or for thek~nefitofanyoI1e el~, I,tullke. the interest income intheSch1udder cases, which was perm?Ilelltly 1:al\:~tibythe California Department of Correctiollsanqplacedin aCOIIlmOn fund to he used for the inmate population as a whole, In light ofWard's limited property right in his wages and thefa(.,thehasnotsuffereda permane:Qt taki11g of hiswag~s?¥·theirplace11lentinadedicated dischar~~,aC(;~unt, 'Yar(l··has not stated a flai1l1 for .theunconstifuti()~~ltaking .of..his·. properi]'. The> dedk~teddischargeaccount .. here thus differs from inmate ac(;ounts at issue in other ca~~~.yvller{:.·.. "{·~.·.hdd. ·.that thR.·.Ta19ngs ... Glau~e was implicated Sir:, eg, Schneitkr IV; 345.l.'3d at 719-21; McIntyre v. Bayer, 339 F.3d 1097, 10991100 (9th Cir.2003) (holding that pooling interest on Nevada i.nmate trust accounts and requiring inmates . to· contribute a portion of thdrwages to a victims' compensation fund implicated the Taldrigs Clause). Ward also makes a due process claim, but that is not viable either. To establish a due process violation, an inmate "must demonstrate that' {he] hals] be{;ll deprivedofa protected liberty {)f property interest arbitrary governmentaction." McKinney v. Andemoo, 924 F.2d 15QO, 1510 (9th CiT 1991), vacated on other grounds by Hitling v. McKinney, 502 U.S, 903 (1991), As db'C'U",,,,d above, 'Nard does nothavea protected property interest in the current use of the funds in the deditatedd.ischarge¥cou:n4 and he has not been ~nnane!lt1Ydeprive4of any property interest. Furthermore~.·theg{)yernmenfs .action here is not arbitrary; as the···distrid court pointed ;out, "[g}ate money promotes public welfare and the co:rnnlon good hy- aidinginrnates' Integration into socieo/ and rerno\riIlg the immediate temptation to acquire needed funds through illegal means." by III. Conclusion Ward· does· not have a current possessory property interest in the wages :'withhe1d in the dedicated discharge account ~nd he has not 'beet! permanently deprived of· those funds, so the Departuienfs withholding of the $50.00 from his wages for gate money does not violate his constitutional rights. The district court: properly granted s(ulllIl:ary judgment for the Director. Becatlse offour resol11tionofthat issue, we do not needtoadd:ress theseparatearguments regarding qualified irtnnurtity aIidpmlitive damages. AFFIRMED. 15088 1 Dally Appellate Report Charles L Ryan is substituted for former Director Dora Schriro, who had herself been substitilted for former DirectorTerry L Stewart. 2 Department Order 711.05, providing for the disposal of a deceased inmate's property, was amended effective April16, 2009. It supercedes the previous 2007 version of the order, which was dted in the district cQurt'sdecision below. The Cllrrentversion makes no specificinention ofthe proposition that dedicated discharge account funds Will be applied first to a deceased inmate's cremation costs, SUggestiilg that the funds may simply be released to the prisoners estate or heir. This amendment has no effect oli oUr decision. The district court interpreted Ward's Eighth Amendment as a due-procp.$s clairri; and we fOllowed this interpretation. :J c1aml 'fltedistrict court elet.~ted to consider Ward's takings claim because the allegations of a pro se complaint are held to alessstHngent "iandard, Haines v. Kerner, 404 US. 519, 520 (1972) (per curiam), and because the. Director had the opportunity to respond to Ward's takingS claim in his supplemental reply brief. 4 , In this appeal Ward has been represented by counsel appearing pro oono. TuesdaY,September28,201Q