Dept of Justice, Federal Justice Statistical Tables, 2016
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U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics December 2020, NCJ 251772 Mark Motivans, Ph.D., BJS Statistician T his report describes criminal caseprocessing in the federal justice system in 2016, including arrest and booking through sentencing and corrections.1 These statistical tables present the number of suspects arrested and booked by the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), suspects in matters investigated and prosecuted by U.S. attorneys, defendants adjudicated and sentenced in U.S. district courts, and characteristics of federal prisoners and offenders under federal supervision. Data are from the Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP), which is managed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). The FJSP collects comprehensive information about suspects and defendants processed in the federal criminal justice system and annual data on workload, activities, and outcomes associated with federal criminal cases. Data presented in these tables were collected from the USMS, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the U.S. Sentencing Commission, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Organization of the statistical tables The statistical tables are organized into three sections. Each section describes a major stage in processing criminal suspects and defendants: 1. federal law enforcement and prosecution 2. federal pre-trial, adjudication, sentencing, and appeals 3. federal corrections and supervision. 1In this report, data are for the fiscal year, which is from October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016. These tables are part of the Federal Justice Statistics series. See Federal Justice Statistics, 2015-2016 (NCJ 251770, BJS, January 2019) for additional information and analyses. Section 1 of this report provides data on federal law enforcement and prosecution, which includes arrests made by federal law enforcement agencies for violations of federal law and characteristics of arrestees. It also includes data on warrants cleared by the USMS and describes suspects investigated by U.S. attorneys. (See Terms and definitions.) This section covers decisions made by federal prosecutors in screening criminal matters and the type of offense for which suspects were prosecuted or declined for prosecution. Section 2 provides data on federal arrests, adjudication, sentencing, and appeals. It presents pre-trial release and detention practices of the federal judicial system, including the characteristics of defendants detained or released pending trial. It also covers actions taken by the federal judiciary in adjudicating defendants in cases filed by U.S. attorneys and the sentences imposed by the federal judiciary on convicted defendants. This section provides data on appeals of criminal convictions and sentences imposed in the federal courts, including the original offense charged. Section 3 covers offenders under federal correctional supervision. This section includes the outcome of the supervision of those under probation, parole, or other supervision (i.e., the offender either completed the term of supervision or was returned to prison or jail for violating the conditions of supervision). For offenders in federal prisons, this section provides data on the offense at commitment and the demographic characteristics of the offender. Bureau of Justice Statistics · Statistical Tables Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables YEARS OF STATISTICS Section 1: Federal law enforcement and prosecution Federal arrests TABLE 1.1 Federal arrests, by most serious offense, FY 2016 TABLE 1.2 Federal arrests, by arresting agency, FY 2016 TABLE 1.3 Demographic characteristics of federal arrestees, FY 2016 TABLE 1.4 Demographic characteristics of suspects arrested by Drug Enforcement Administration agents, by type of drug, FY 2016 MAP 1.1 Number of federal arrests for a drug offense, by federal judicial district, FY 2016 TABLE 1.5 Warrants cleared and median days from initiation to clearance, by warrant type, FY 2016 TABLE 1.6 Warrants cleared and median days from initiation to clearance, by warrant characteristic, FY 2016 Federal investigations and prosecutions TABLE 2.1 Suspects in matters opened by U.S. attorneys, by offense, FY 2016 MAP 2.1 Percent of suspects in drug matters referred to U.S. attorneys by the Drug Enforcement Administration, by federal judicial district of investigation, FY 2016 TABLE 2.2 Disposition of suspects in criminal matters concluded, by offense, FY 2016 TABLE 2.3 Reasons U.S. attorneys declined to prosecute suspects in criminal matters, FY 2016 Section 2: Federal pre-trial, adjudication, sentencing, and appeals Federal pre-trial TABLE 3.1 Defendants released at initial hearing or detention hearing, by offense, FY 2016 TABLE 3.2 Defendants released prior to case disposition, by defendant characteristics, FY 2016 MAP 3.1 Percent of drug defendants with one or more prior felony convictions at case disposition, by federal judicial district of disposition, FY 2016 TABLE 3.3 Behavior of federal defendants released to the community pending trial, by offense, FY 2016 Federal case filings and adjudication TABLE 4.1 Defendants in criminal cases filed, by offense, FY 2016 TABLE 4.2 Disposition of criminal cases terminated in U.S. district court, by offense, FY 2016 MAP 4.1 Percent of adjudicated defendants receiving a bench or jury trial, by federal judicial district of adjudication, FY 2016 TABLE 4.3 Criminal cases disposed of by U.S. magistrates, by offense, FY 2016 TABLE 4.4 Characteristics of convicted offenders, FY 2016 Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 2 ■ Federal sentencing TABLE 5.1 Offenders sentenced in criminal cases terminated, by offense, FY 2016 TABLE 5.2 Type and length of sentence imposed for convicted offenders, by offense, FY 2016 TABLE 5.3 Characteristics of convicted offenders sentenced to incarceration, FY 2016 TABLE 5.4 Average incarceration sentence length, by offense and offender characteristics, FY 2016 MAP 5.1 Percent of convicted drug defendants receiving a non-prison sentence, by federal judicial district of conviction, FY 2016 Federal appeals TABLE 6.1 Criminal appeals terminated, by type of criminal case and offense, FY 2016 TABLE 6.2 Disposition of criminal appeals terminated, by offense, FY 2016 Section 3: Federal corrections and supervision Federal supervision, probation, and parole TABLE 7.1 Offenders under federal supervision, by offense and type of supervision, FY 2016 MAP 7.1 Percent of total drug offenders in the Federal Bureau of Prisons, by federal judicial district of adjudication, FY 2016 TABLE 7.2 Demographic characteristics of offenders under federal supervision, FY 2016 TABLE 7.3 Outcomes of offenders terminating probation supervision, by offense, FY 2016 TABLE 7.4 Outcomes of offenders terminating probation supervision, by offender defender characteristics, FY 2016 TABLE 7.5 Outcomes of offenders terminating supervised release, by offense, FY 2016 TABLE 7.6 Outcomes of offenders terminating supervised release, by offender demographic characteristics, FY 2016 TABLE 7.7 Outcomes of offenders terminating parole, by offense, FY 2016 TABLE 7.8 Outcomes of offenders terminating parole, by offender demographic characteristics, FY 2016 Federal imprisonment TABLE 8.1 Admissions and releases of federal prisoners, by offense, FY 2016 TABLE 8.2 Demographic characteristics of offenders in the federal prison population, FY 2016 TABLE 8.3 Average time to first release and percent of sentence served for federal prisoners released by standard methods, FY 2016 TABLE 8.4 Demographic characteristics of offenders first released from prison, by offense, FY 2016 Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 3 ■ Section 1: Federal law enforcement and prosecution Federal arrests TABLE 1.1 Federal arrests, by most serious offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense at arrest Total arrests Violent offenses Murder Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threatening communication Other violent offenses Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Antitrust Food/drug Civil rights Other regulatory offenses Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury/contempt/intimidation National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Child-support recovery Other sex offensesa Obstruction of justice Traffic Conspiracy/aiding and abetting/jurisdictional offenses Wildlife Environmental All other offenses Number 151,460 3,463 312 910 1,532 440 129 100 40 10,913 9,213 254 8,475 58 426 1,700 56 1,273 51 52 174 94 23,566 7,599 276 6 98 71 101 7,323 841 212 169 16 538 196 133 67 2,942 445 1,267 0 73 109 315 Percent 100% 2.3% 0.2 0.6 1.0 0.3 0.1 0.1 <0.1 7.2% 6.1 0.2 5.6 <0.1 0.3 1.1 <0.1 0.8 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.1 15.6% 5.0% 0.2 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 0.1 4.8 0.6 0.1 0.1 <0.1 0.4 0.1 0.1 <0.1 1.9 0.3 0.8 ... <0.1 0.1 0.2 Continued on next page Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 4 ■ TABLE 1.1 (continued) Federal arrests, by most serious offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Supervision violations Material witnessb Number 8,008 68,315 24,000 5,594 Percent 5.3% 45.1% 15.8% 3.7% Note: Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sexual offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transportation of stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; and all other offenses includes unclassifiable offenses. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. Total includes two records where offense type was missing. ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. aExcludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. bSee Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the U.S. Marshals Service, Justice Detainee Information System, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 5 ■ TABLE 1.2 Federal arrests, by arresting agency, FY 2016 Arresting agency All agencies Department of Agriculture Department of Defense Department of Homeland Security Customs and Border Protection Immigration and Customs Enforcement Secret Service Other Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs Park Police Other Department of Justice Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Drug Enforcement Administration Federal Bureau of Investigation U.S. Marshals Service Other Department of State Department of the Treasury Federal Judiciary U.S. Postal Service State/local law enforcement Other TABLE 1.3 Demographic characteristics of federal arrestees, FY 2016 Number 151,460 351 250 83,615 56,714 Percent 100% 0.2% 0.2% 55.5% 37.6 24,722 859 1,320 1,100 209 757 134 59,194 16.4 0.6 0.9 0.7% 0.1 0.5 0.1 39.3% 5,471 8,579 10,190 34,680 274 200 1,068 1,239 1,318 1,463 849 3.6 5.7 6.8 23.0 0.2 0.1% 0.7% 0.8% 0.9% 1.0% 0.6% Note: The Homeland Security Act of 2002 took effect in March 2003, establishing the Department of Homeland Security and reorganizing several federal agencies into new or different departments. As a result, counts of arrests and bookings by the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, and Department of the Treasury are not comparable to counts found in 2003 and prior compendia. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. Total includes 813 records where arresting agency was missing. The arresting agency may differ from the federal agency that initiated the investigation involving the arrestee. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the U.S. Marshals Service, Justice Detainee Information System, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 Arrestee characteristic All arrestees Sex Male Female Race White Black/African American American Indian/Alaska Native Asian/Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Age 17 or younger 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 or older Citizenship U.S. citizen Non-U.S. citizen Number 151,460 Percent 100% 133,277 18,148 88.0% 12.0 121,135 25,098 3,189 80.3% 16.6 2.1 1,503 1.0 133 6,343 24,139 27,960 27,662 23,569 16,421 10,772 6,854 4,019 1,985 1,568 0.1% 4.2 15.9 18.5 18.3 15.6 10.8 7.1 4.5 2.7 1.3 1.0 58,328 81,844 41.6% 58.4 Note: Details may not sum to totals due to missing data. Data were missing for the following: sex (35), race (535), age (35), and citizenship (11,288). Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the U.S. Marshals Service, Justice Detainee Information System, fiscal year 2016. 6 ■ TABLE 1.4 Demographic characteristics of suspects arrested by Drug Enforcement Administration agents, by type of drug, FY 2016 Arrestee characteristic All arrestees Sex Male Female Race White Black/African American American Indian/Alaska Native Asian/Native Hawaiian/ Other Pacific Islander Ethnicity Hispanic Non-Hispanic Age 17 or younger 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 or older Number Percent arrested arrested 29,486 100% Powder cocaine Number Percent 5,484 100.0% Crack cocaine Number Percent 1,455 100.0% Marijuana Number Percent 4,213 100.0% Drug type Methamphetamine Number Percent 8,068 100.0% Heroina Number Percent 5,926 100.0% Other opioidsb Number Percent 1,553 100.0% Other/non-drugc Number Percent 2,787 100.0% 23,517 5,291 81.6% 18.4 4,758 607 88.7% 11.3 1,211 217 84.8% 15.2 3,604 503 87.8% 12.2 6,069 1,826 76.9% 23.1 4,765 1,024 82.3% 17.7 988 526 65.3% 34.7 2,122 588 78.3% 21.7 19,785 7,613 70.1% 27.0 3,455 1,748 65.8% 33.3 329 1,068 23.5% 76.3 2,966 803 73.3% 19.8 6,845 593 88.5% 7.7 3,414 2,184 60.4% 38.6 969 484 65.2% 32.6 1,807 733 68.3% 27.7 197 0.7 19 0.4 1 0.1 31 0.8 111 1.4 15 0.3 7 0.5 13 0.5 617 2.2 27 0.5 1 0.1 246 6.1 185 2.4 38 0.7 26 1.7 94 3.6 12,596 14,336 46.8% 53.2 3,342 1,719 66.0% 34.0 244 1,090 18.3% 81.7 2,088 1,788 53.9% 46.1 3,634 3,772 49.1% 50.9 2,264 3,102 42.2% 57.8 196 1,195 14.1% 85.9 828 1,670 33.1% 66.9 120 862 4,380 5,411 5,462 4,601 3,207 2,138 1,506 889 454 292 0.4% 2.9 14.9 18.5 18.6 15.7 10.9 7.3 5.1 3.0 1.5 1.0 11 111 648 933 1,066 947 676 456 302 170 76 48 0.2% 2.0 11.9 17.1 19.6 17.4 12.4 8.4 5.5 3.1 1.4 0.9 2 39 279 309 251 219 108 90 72 55 23 4 0.1% 2.7 19.2 21.3 17.3 15.1 7.4 6.2 5.0 3.8 1.6 0.3 68 289 958 727 666 541 360 240 143 86 65 35 1.6% 6.9 22.9 17.4 15.9 12.9 8.6 5.7 3.4 2.1 1.6 0.8 16 192 1,000 1,459 1,553 1,384 1,014 660 428 210 79 28 0.2% 2.4 12.5 18.2 19.4 17.3 12.6 8.2 5.3 2.6 1.0 0.3 13 142 937 1,225 1,122 937 597 360 279 153 87 51 0.2% 2.4 15.9 20.8 19.0 15.9 10.1 6.1 4.7 2.6 1.5 0.9 2 13 152 254 297 212 155 135 113 96 63 56 0.1% 0.8 9.8 16.4 19.2 13.7 10.0 8.7 7.3 6.2 4.1 3.6 8 76 406 504 507 361 297 197 169 119 61 70 0.3% 2.7 14.6 18.2 18.3 13.0 10.7 7.1 6.1 4.3 2.2 2.5 Note: Details may not sum to totals due to missing data. The unit of count is an arrest by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). Each arrest for an individual is counted separately. Includes state and federal arrests made by the DEA. Data were missing for the following: sex (678), race (1,274), ethnicity (2,554), and age (164). aIncludes heroin, morphine, and opium base. bOpioids refer to synthetic compounds that emulate the effects of natural compounds found in the opium poppy. Synthetic opioids are commonly available by prescription but can also be manufactured in labs. cIncludes non-opioid pharmaceutical controlled substances, other depressants, sedatives, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, hallucinogens, synthetic cannabinoids, other steroids, equipment to manufacture controlled substances, and drug-use paraphernalia. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Drug Enforcement Administration, Defendant Statistical System, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 7■ MAP 1.1 Number of federal arrests for a drug offense, by federal judicial district, FY 2016 Number of suspects arrested for a federal drug offense 601-1,700 □ 149 or fewer □ 150-300 ■ 1,701 or more 301-600 Note: There were a total of 23,566 suspects arrested for a federal drug offense during fiscal year 2016. Not shown: Guam (149 or fewer), Puerto Rico (601-1,700), District of Columbia (150-300), and U.S. Virgin Islands (149 or fewer). Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the U.S. Marshals Service, Justice Detainee Information System, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 8 ■ TABLE 1.5 Warrants cleared and median days from initiation to clearance, by warrant type, FY 2016 Warrant type All warrants cleared Federal Felony Escape Bond violation Parole violation Probation violation Drug Enforcement Administration-related Federal agency without arrest power Other federal agency with arrest power Other Non-felony Traffic Misdemeanor State/local Number 131,143 60,604 59,485 913 3,270 1,833 18,751 6,711 151 27,070 786 1,119 264 855 70,539 Percent 100% 46.2% 45.4 0.7 2.5 1.4 14.3 5.1 0.1 20.6 0.6 0.9 0.2 0.7 53.8% Median days from initiation to clearance 15 days 10 days 9 12 6 63 14 9 7 7 10 233 781 154 22 days Note: Table includes all warrants handled by the U.S. Marshals Service and excludes those handled by the Drug Enforcement Administration or another federal agency with arrest power. Analysis based on the group of all warrants cleared during fiscal year 2016. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the U.S. Marshals Service, Warrant Information Network, fiscal year 2016. TABLE 1.6 Warrants cleared and median days from initiation to clearance, by warrant characteristic, FY 2016 Warrant characteristic All warrants cleared Warrant execution type Warrants cleared by arrest Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Customs and Border Protection Drug Enforcement Administration Federal Bureau of Investigation Immigration and Customs Enforcement U.S. Marshals Service Self-surrender Other federal State/local Warrants cleared by other means Detainer Dismissed Other Offense type Violent offenses Property offenses Fraudulent Other Drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Other Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Supervision violations Material witness* Number 131,143 Percent 100% Median days from initiation to clearance 15 days 117,024 3,268 446 3,788 6,128 3,313 75,527 5,034 5,568 13,952 13,994 10,240 3,716 38 89.3% 2.5 0.3 2.9 4.7 2.5 57.6 3.8 4.2 10.6 10.7 7.8 2.8 <0.1 13 days 7 1 6 5 5 14 13 10 48 57 41 308 6 22,530 10,998 5,168 5,830 23,165 13,030 133 12,897 9,235 3,866 48,139 178 17.2% 8.4 3.9 4.4 17.7 9.9 0.1 9.8 7.0 2.9 36.7 0.1 14 days 14 11 20 12 13 18 13 11 4 26 5 Note: Analysis based on the group of all warrants cleared during fiscal year 2016. Details may not sum to totals due to missing data. Total includes 125 warrants cleared with a missing arresting agency and 2 warrants missing offense type. *See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the U.S. Marshals Service, Warrant Information Network, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 9 ■ Federal investigations and prosecutions TABLE 2.1 Suspects in matters opened by U.S. attorneys, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense investigated All offensesb Violent offenses Murder Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threats against the President Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Agriculture Antitrust Food/drug Transportation Civil rights Communications Customs laws Postal laws Other regulatory offenses Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury/contempt/intimidation National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Other sex offensesc Liquor offenses Traffic Wildlife Environmental Conspiracy/aiding and abetting/jurisdictional offenses All other offenses Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Number 151,994 4,575 383 1,849 1,112 999 158 74 18,952 16,220 2,649 13,071 352 148 2,732 283 773 422 461 70 723 29,086 19,766 4,761 47 42 185 177 595 18 284 122 3,291 15,005 684 223 294 1,377 1,217 4,079 76 3,701 150 848 305 11 1,033 1,007 10,544 68,640 Percenta 100% 3.0% 0.3 1.2 0.7 0.7 0.1 <0.1 12.5% 10.7 1.7 8.6 0.2 0.1 1.8 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.3 <0.1 0.5 19.2% 13.0% 3.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 <0.1 0.2 0.1 2.2 9.9 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.9 0.8 2.7 0.1 2.4 0.1 0.6 0.2 <0.1 0.7 0.7 7.0% 45.3% Note: Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transportation of stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; and all other offenses includes unclassifiable offenses. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. aExcludes matters for which offense was unknown. bIncludes 431 suspects for whom an offense category could not be determined. cExcludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, National Legal Information Office Network System database, fiscal year 2016. MAP 2.1 Percent of suspects in drug matters referred to U.S. attorneys by the Drug Enforcement Administration, by federal judicial district of investigation, FY 2016 Percent of suspects referred to U.S. attorneys by the DEA □ Fewer than 1.0% ■ 3.0%-3.9% □ 1.0%-1.9% ■ 4.0% or more 2.0%-2.9% ■ Not shown: Guam (fewer than 1%), Puerto Rico (fewer than 1%), District of Columbia (fewer than 1%), and U.S. Virgin Islands (fewer than 1%). Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, National Legal Information Office Network System database, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 11 ■ TABLE 2.2 Disposition of suspects in criminal matters concluded, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense investigated All offensesa Violent offenses Murder Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threats against the President Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Agriculture Antitrust Food/drug Transportation Civil rights Communications Customs laws Postal laws Other regulatory offenses Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury/contempt/intimidation National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Other sex offensesb Liquor offenses Traffic Wildlife Environmental Conspiracy/aiding and abetting/ jurisdictional offenses All other offenses Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Number 155,615 4,746 402 1,875 1,156 1,054 168 91 20,382 17,962 3,223 14,146 464 129 2,420 261 751 450 382 37 539 31,346 18,539 3,732 24 18 263 202 571 18 257 115 2,264 14,807 775 269 310 1,054 1,405 3,721 105 3,838 46 822 278 12 1,422 750 10,316 70,237 Percent of suspects in criminal matters concluded Prosecuted in Disposed of by U.S. district court U.S. magistrates Declined to prosecute 46.4% 37.2% 16.4% 59.1% 8.6% 32.3% 46.3 6.0 47.8 54.5 14.1 31.4 76.5 5.3 18.3 57.8 3.8 38.4 51.8 8.9 39.3 17.6 4.4 78.0 50.5% 7.7% 41.9% 50.1 6.7 43.2 46.9 14.8 38.3 50.4 5.0 44.6 61.6 4.7 33.6 51.9 1.6 46.5 53.5 14.6 31.9 80.5 2.7 16.9 58.9 8.8 32.4 52.9 4.2 42.9 39.3 7.6 53.1 45.9 2.7 51.4 44.2 43.0 12.8 70.7% 12.1% 17.2% 43.8% 16.9% 39.3% 34.9 14.6 50.5 41.7 20.8 37.5 100 ... ... 35.0 6.1 58.9 45.1 4.0 51.0 14.5 0.4 85.1 11.1 ... 88.9 53.7 10.5 35.8 67.8 16.5 15.7 34.9 20.6 44.5 46.0 17.5 36.5 58.8 0.9 40.3 34.2 1.5 64.3 35.8 4.5 59.7 17.5 6.5 76.1 52.9 26.1 21.1 52.2 4.0 43.9 48.6 ... 51.4 60.9 4.5 34.6 54.3 32.6 13.0 35.8 61.8 2.4 42.8 14.0 43.2 50.0 ... 50.0 20.5 21.2 74.4% 30.2% 76.2 22.3 3.7% 69.2% 3.3 56.5 21.9% 0.7% Note: Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transportation of stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; and all other offenses includes unclassifiable offenses. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. aIncludes 49 suspects for whom an offense category could not be determined: 26 prosecuted in U.S. district court, 8 disposed of by U.S. magistrates, and 15 declined prosecutions. bExcludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, National Legal Information Office Network System database, fiscal year 2016. TABLE 2.3 Reasons U.S. attorneys declined to prosecute suspects in criminal matters, FY 2016 Reason for declination Total declinations No bill Rule 40 removal Legally barred Insufficient evidence Defendant unavailable Matter referred to another jurisdiction Alternative to federal prosecution Prioritization of federal interests Opened in error Number 25,486 6 798 535 16,469 393 2,642 1,567 2,617 459 Percent 100% <0.1 3.1 2.1 64.6 1.5 10.4 6.1 10.3 1.8 Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, National Legal Information Office Network System database, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 13 ■ Section 2: Federal pre-trial, adjudication, sentencing, and appeals Federal pre-trial TABLE 3.1 Defendants released at initial hearing or detention hearing, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense charged All offensesb Violent offenses Murder Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threats against the President Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Trafficking Possession/other drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Agriculture Antitrust Food/drug Transportation Civil rights Communications Customs laws Postal laws Other regulatory offenses Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury/contempt/intimidation National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Liquor offenses Other sex offensesc Traffic All defendants 84,865 3,033 333 912 710 968 97 13 10,248 8,192 423 7,382 20 367 2,056 48 1,632 140 104 72 60 23,604 17,399 6,205 7,444 1,187 1 9 70 340 68 7 127 85 480 6,257 401 109 166 119 577 1,581 8 14 2,199 687 Number 25,301 874 76 446 108 227 17 0 7,513 6,094 404 5,448 17 225 1,419 16 1,247 14 40 55 47 7,118 4,930 2,188 3,733 774 1 9 69 225 56 4 76 78 256 2,959 382 99 94 51 73 456 6 8 871 657 Released defendantsa Percent 29.8% 28.8% 22.8 48.9 15.2 23.5 17.5 ^ 73.3% 74.4 95.5 73.8 85.0 61.3 69.0 33.3 76.4 10.0 38.5 76.4 78.3 30.2% 28.3 35.3 50.1% 65.2 ^ ^ 98.6 66.2 82.4 ^ 59.8 91.8 53.3 47.3 95.3 90.8 56.6 42.9 12.7 28.8 ^ 57.1 39.6 95.6 Continued on next page Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 14 ■ TABLE 3.1 (continued) Defendants released at initial hearing or detention hearing, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense charged Wildlife Environmental All other offenses Weapons offenses Immigration offenses All defendants 107 22 267 7,198 32,663 Number 95 21 146 1,576 4,217 Released defendantsa Percent 88.8 95.5 54.7 21.9% 12.9% Note: Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transportation of stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; and all other offenses includes unclassifiable offenses. ^Too few cases to provide a reliable estimate. aIncludes defendants who were detained at some time prior to trial and defendants for whom release status data were unavailable. bIncludes offenders for whom an offense category could not be determined: 675 for all admissions; and 270 for releases. cExcludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 15 ■ TABLE 3.2 Defendants released prior to case disposition, by defendant characteristics, FY 2016 Defendant characteristic All defendantsb Sex Male Female Race White Black/African American American Indian/Alaska Native Asian/Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Ethnicity Hispanic Non-Hispanic Citizenship U.S. citizen Non-U.S. citizen Legal alien Illegal alien Age 17 or younger 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 or older Education Less than high-school graduate High-school graduate Some college College graduate Marital status Never married Divorced/separated Married Common law Other Employment status at arrest Unemployed Employed Criminal record No conviction or arrestc Misdemeanor conviction only Felony conviction Non-violent Violent Released defendantsa All defendants 83,649 Number 27,212 Percent 32.5% 72,199 11,034 20,020 6,972 27.7% 63.2 63,842 15,337 1,449 1,190 18,216 6,579 645 838 28.5% 42.9 44.5 70.4 48,316 31,638 9,172 16,489 19.0% 52.1 42,200 39,940 3,535 36,405 21,856 4,694 1,466 3,228 51.8% 11.8 41.5 8.9 56 2,028 11,366 14,310 15,071 13,381 9,765 6,808 4,629 2,876 1,557 1,406 27 476 3,171 3,914 3,986 3,841 3,093 2,657 2,217 1,573 1,004 1,040 48.2% 23.5 27.9 27.4 26.4 28.7 31.7 39.0 47.9 54.7 64.5 74.0 27,075 18,356 1,442 4,136 7,352 8,469 993 3,281 27.2% 46.1 68.9 79.3 26,349 9,405 16,569 8,358 22,030 9,612 4,505 8,052 2,858 1,735 36.5% 47.9 48.6 34.2 7.9 23,039 18,654 9,932 13,446 43.1% 72.1 36,003 14,745 14,164 4,968 39.3% 33.7 19,247 13,317 5,043 2,856 26.2 21.4 Continued on next page Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 16 ■ TABLE 3.2 (continued) Defendants released prior to case disposition, by defendant characteristics, FY 2016 Defendant characteristic Number of prior convictions 1 2-4 5 or more Court appearance history No prior arrests Failure to appear None 1 2 or more Drug abuse No known abuse Drug history Released defendantsa All defendants Number Percent 12,192 18,039 17,078 3,751 5,018 4,098 30.8% 27.8 24.0 25,954 10,547 40.6% 44,765 5,175 7,418 12,794 1,712 1,978 28.6 33.1 26.7 8,798 29,613 7,266 14,129 82.6% 47.7 aIncludes defendants who were detained at some time prior to trial, and defendants for whom release status data were unavailable. bIncludes defendants for whom characteristics could not be determined. Data were missing for the following: sex (416), race (1,831), ethnicity (3,695), citizenship (1,509), age (396), education (32,640), marital status (938), employment status at arrest (41,956), criminal record (337), number of prior convictions (36,340), court appearance history (337), and drug abuse (45,238). cIncludes only defendants whose Probation and Pretrial Services records explicitly show no prior arrest or conviction. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System, fiscal year 2016. MAP 3.1 Percent of drug defendants with one or more prior felony convictions at case disposition, by federal judicial district of disposition, FY 2016 Percent of drug defendants with one or more prior felony convictions at disposition □ 30.0% or fewer ■ 50.1%-60.0% □ 30.1%-40.0% ■ 60.1% or more 40.1%-50.0% ■ Note: The map contains data on defendants processed by federal pre-trial service agencies. The District of Columbia is excluded because defendants receive pre-trial services through a local, federal agency. Not shown: Guam (30.0% or fewer), Puerto Rico (30.1-40.0%), and U.S. Virgin Islands (30.0% or fewer). Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the U.S. Office of Probation and Pretrial Services database, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 17 ■ TABLE 3.3 Behavior of federal defendants released to the community pending trial, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense charged All offenses* Violent offenses Property offenses Fraudulent Other property Drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Other public order Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Number of released defendants 27,212 883 8,163 6,685 1,478 8,200 3,851 744 3,107 1,667 4,196 No violation 80.0% 71.7% 85.0% 85.6 82.5 70.1% 87.0% 89.7 86.3 64.4% 90.5% Percent of released defendants who had— New offense charged Violations while on release Technical At least one Failed to violations of Release violation appear Felony Misdemeanor bail conditions revoked 20.0% 0.5% 0.6% 0.6% 18.5% 11.4% 28.3% 0.6% 0.5% 1.0% 26.2% 19.4% 15.0% 0.4% 0.5% 0.5% 13.3% 7.8% 14.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 12.8 7.3 17.5 0.3 0.2 0.3 15.4 9.7 29.9% 0.8% 0.8% 1.0% 28.0% 17.0% 13.0% 0.3% 0.4% 0.3% 12.1% 6.9% 10.3 0.1 0.4 0.7 9.7 6.0 13.7 0.4 0.4 0.2 12.7 7.1 35.6% 0.4% 1.1% 0.8% 33.0% 20.7% 9.5% 0.3% 0.3% 0.1% 8.7% 6.3% Note: Data describe defendants whose pre-trial services were terminated during fiscal year 2016. A defendant with more than one type of violation appears in more than one column. A defendant with more than one of the same type of violation appears only once in that column. Therefore, the sums of individual violations exceed the totals. Not all violations resulted in revocation. *Includes 252 defendants for whom an offense category could not be determined. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 18 ■ Federal case filings and adjudication TABLE 4.1 Defendants in criminal cases filed, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense charged All offenses Felonies Violent offenses Murder Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threats against the President Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Trafficking Possession/other drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Agriculture Antitrust Food/drug Transportation Civil rights Communications Customs laws Postal laws Other regulatory offenses Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury/contempt/intimidation National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Liquor offenses Other sex offenses* Traffic Wildlife Environmental Number 76,276 69,451 2,967 135 784 900 1,024 114 10 9,257 7,774 353 6,992 8 421 1,483 37 1,134 11 162 84 55 23,451 23,405 46 6,030 739 0 40 27 126 83 14 62 29 358 5,291 378 96 268 55 502 1,632 69 0 1,674 6 40 25 Percent 100% 91.1% 3.9 0.2 1.0 1.2 1.3 0.1 <0.1 12.1 10.2 0.5 9.2 <0.1 0.6 1.9 <0.1 1.5 <0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 30.7 30.7 0.1 7.9 1.0 ... 0.1 <0.1 0.2 0.1 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 0.5 6.9 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.7 2.1 0.1 ... 2.2 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 Continued on next page TABLE 4.1 (continued) Defendants in criminal cases filed, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense charged Other offenses Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Misdemeanors Fraudulent property offenses Larceny Drug possession Immigration offenses Traffic Other misdemeanors Number 546 7,192 20,554 6,825 383 749 2,159 40 2,076 1,418 Percent 0.7 9.4 26.9 8.9% 0.5 1.0 2.8 0.1 2.7 1.9 Note: Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transportation of stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; other felonies and other misdemeanors include unclassifiable offenses; and drug possession includes other drug misdemeanors. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. *Excludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Criminal Master File, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 20 ■ TABLE 4.2 Disposition of criminal cases terminated in U.S. district court, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense charged All offenses Felonies Violent offenses Murder Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threats against the President Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Trafficking Possession/other drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Agriculture Antitrust Food/drug Transportation Civil rights Communications Customs laws Postal laws Other regulatory offenses Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury/contempt/ intimidation National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Liquor offenses Other sex offensesb Percent Total convicted 76,639 90.7% 69,002 93.8% 2,729 92.0 140 90.7 716 89.9 848 94.9 930 92.5 82 79.3 13 76.9 9,781 91.6 8,192 92.1 352 91.8 7,347 92.1 13 92.3 480 92.7 1,589 89.1 46 87.0 1,226 90.3 17 64.7 159 88.7 Number of defendants in criminal cases terminating during fiscal year 2016 who were— Convicted Not convicted Guilty Nolo Jury Non-jury Jury Non-jury Total plea contendere trial trial Total Dismissed triala trial 69,487 67,835 102 1,395 155 7,152 6,848 248 56 64,742 63,193 57 1,382 110 4,260 3,986 239 35 2,511 2,336 2 162 11 218 190 26 2 127 110 0 17 0 13 11 2 0 644 611 0 32 1 72 65 7 0 805 771 2 31 1 43 38 5 0 71 9 70 57 11 2 860 780 0 65 55 0 10 0 17 16 1 0 10 9 0 1 0 3 3 0 0 8,964 8,625 5 315 19 817 739 70 8 7,548 7,247 2 285 14 644 581 56 7 323 314 0 9 0 29 28 1 0 6,768 6,484 2 268 14 579 520 53 6 12 12 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 445 437 0 8 0 35 32 2 1 1,416 1,378 3 30 5 173 158 14 1 40 40 0 0 0 6 4 1 1 1,107 1,081 3 20 3 119 114 5 0 11 9 0 2 0 6 6 0 0 141 137 0 4 0 18 12 6 0 89 52 23,342 23,318 78.7 90.4 92.8 92.8 70 47 21,655 21,634 66 45 21,181 21,160 0 0 19 19 3 1 437 437 1 1 18 18 19 5 1,687 1,684 18 4 1,621 1,618 1 1 55 55 0 0 11 11 24 6,392 790 0 32 32 111 68 14 55 31 447 5,602 428 126 87.5 90.5 85.3 ... 84.4 96.9 82.0 72.1 64.3 92.7 80.6 87.5 91.3 96.0 91.3 21 5,787 674 0 27 31 91 49 9 51 25 391 5,113 411 115 21 5,530 647 0 27 31 87 41 9 50 24 378 4,883 381 108 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 230 25 0 0 0 4 7 0 1 1 12 205 28 7 0 19 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 18 2 0 3 605 116 0 5 1 20 19 5 4 6 56 489 17 11 3 553 92 0 1 1 15 7 5 4 6 53 461 15 11 0 44 20 0 4 0 4 11 0 0 0 1 24 2 0 0 8 4 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 4 0 0 293 78 533 1,557 66 0 1,836 84.6 76.9 87.6 87.0 93.9 ... 95.7 248 60 467 1,355 62 0 1,757 217 57 459 1,274 59 0 1,700 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 29 3 8 77 2 0 45 1 0 0 2 1 0 9 45 18 66 202 4 0 79 37 18 66 189 4 0 76 8 0 0 11 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 Continued on next page Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 21 ■ TABLE 4.2 (continued) Disposition of criminal cases terminated in U.S. district court, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense charged Traffic Wildlife Environmental Other offenses Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Misdemeanors Fraudulent property offenses Larceny Drug possession Immigration offenses Traffic Other misdemeanors Percent Total convicted 10 ^ 62 88.7 26 80.8 587 94.2 6,684 93.4 20,074 97.6 7,637 62.1% 408 90.0 891 41.1 2,133 83.6 44 63.6 2,723 51.5 1,438 55.6 Number of defendants in criminal cases terminating during fiscal year 2016 who were— Convicted Not convicted Guilty Nolo Jury Non-jury Jury Non-jury Total plea contendere trial trial Total Dismissed triala trial 9 9 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 55 52 0 3 0 7 7 0 0 21 20 0 1 0 5 5 0 0 553 547 1 2 3 34 32 1 1 6,241 6,002 7 211 21 443 405 34 4 19,584 19,519 16 27 22 490 478 10 2 4,745 4,642 45 13 45 2,892 2,862 9 21 367 365 0 2 0 41 40 1 0 366 357 6 1 2 525 522 1 2 1,783 1,774 5 1 3 350 349 0 1 28 27 1 0 0 16 16 0 0 1,402 1,353 20 3 26 1,321 1,314 2 5 799 766 13 6 14 639 621 5 13 Note: Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transporting stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; other felonies and other misdemeanors include unclassifiable offenses; and drug possession includes other drug misdemeanors. ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. ^Too few cases to provide a reliable estimate. aIncludes mistrials. bExcludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Criminal Master File, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 22 ■ MAP 4.1 Percent of adjudicated defendants receiving a bench or jury trial, by federal judicial district of adjudication, FY 2016 Percent of adjudicated defendants receiving a bench or jury trial □ 1.0% or fewer ■ 5.1%-7.0% □ 1.1%-3.0% ■ 7.1% or more ■ 3.1%-5.0% Not shown: Guam (3.1-5.0%), Puerto Rico (1.1-3.0%), District of Columbia (1.1-3.0%), and U.S. Virgin Islands (7.1% or more). Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 23 ■ TABLE 4.3 Criminal cases disposed of by U.S. magistrates, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense charged All offenses Violent offenses Murder Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threats against the President Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Trafficking Possession/other drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Agriculture Antitrust Food/drug Transportation Civil rights Communications Customs laws Postal laws Other regulatory offenses Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury/contempt/intimidation National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Liquor offenses Other sex offensesa Traffic Wildlife Environmental Other offenses Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Total 7,752 412 0 408 2 2 0 0 1,412 438 24 406 2 6 974 1 873 0 3 0 97 2,219 164 2,055 3,262 148 0 0 28 8 6 0 4 32 70 3,114 18 2 3 12 20 6 0 13 4 2,622 135 6 273 68 379 Convicted 5,016 204 0 200 2 2 0 0 812 404 24 374 1 5 408 1 355 0 3 0 49 1,873 132 1,741 1,725 118 0 0 27 8 6 0 4 29 44 1,607 18 1 2 9 12 5 0 13 3 1,331 71 6 136 24 378 Not convicted 2,736 208 0 208 0 0 0 0 600 34 0 32 1 1 566 0 518 0 0 0 48 346 32 314 1,537 30 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 26 1,507 0 1 1 3 8 1 0 0 1 1,291 64 0 137 44 1 Percent convicted 64.7% 49.5% ... 49.0 ^ ^ ... ... 57.5% 92.2 100 92.1 ^ ^ 41.9 ^ 40.7 ... ^ ... 50.5 84.4% 80.5 84.7 52.9% 79.7 ... ... 96.4 ^ ^ ... ^ 90.6 62.9 51.6 100 ^ ^ 75.0 60.0 ^ ... 100 ^ 50.8 52.6 ^ 49.8 35.3% 99.7% Note: Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transportation of stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; and other offenses includes unclassifiable offenses. ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. ^Too few cases to provide a reliable estimate. aExcludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Criminal Master File, fiscal year 2016. TABLE 4.4 Characteristics of convicted offenders, FY 2016 Offender characteristic All offenders Sex Male Female Race White Black/African American American Indian/Alaska Native Asian/Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Two or more races Ethnicity Hispanic Non-Hispanic Age 17 or younger 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 or older Citizenship U.S. citizen Non-U.S. citizen Education Less than high-school graduate High-school graduate Some college College graduate Criminal record No convictions Prior adult convictions Number 69,487 Percent 100% 56,551 8,957 86.3% 13.7 47,927 13,962 1,204 1,139 457 74.1% 21.6 1.9 1.8 0.7 35,662 29,342 54.9% 45.1 1 1,122 7,840 10,866 11,788 10,774 7,859 5,510 3,794 2,373 1,273 1,213 ^ 1.7% 12.2 16.9 18.3 16.7 12.2 8.6 5.9 3.7 2.0 1.9 37,201 27,767 57.3% 42.7 28,734 18,656 9,494 3,704 47.4% 30.8 15.7 6.1 22,859 42,781 34.8% 65.2 Note: Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. Data were missing for the following: sex (3,979), race (4,798), age (5,074), citizenship (4,519), education (8,899) and prior convictions (3,847). ^Too few cases to provide a reliable estimates. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Criminal Master File; U.S. Sentencing Commission, individual offender data file; and Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 25 ■ Federal sentencing TABLE 5.1 Offenders sentenced in criminal cases terminated, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense of conviction All offensesd Felonies Violent offenses Murder Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threats against the President Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Trafficking Possession/other drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Agriculture Antitrust Food/drug Transportation Civil rights Communications Customs laws Postal laws Other regulatory offenses Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury/contempt/intimidation National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Liquor offenses Other sex offensese Traffic Total offenders sentenceda 69,487 63,734 2,256 111 608 812 667 48 10 8,872 7,663 325 6,970 7 361 1,209 21 973 11 113 54 37 20,338 20,291 47 6,407 719 0 27 48 93 47 9 86 28 381 5,688 430 108 198 56 682 1,644 53 0 1,921 7 Percent of offenders convicted and sentenced to— Incarcerationb Probationc Fine only 78.1% 10.3% 2.0% 81.9% 8.1% 0.4% 93.0 3.5 0.2 94.6 1.8 ... 85.0 7.1 0.5 96.1 2.2 ... 96.3 2.2 0.1 97.9 ... ... ^ ... ... 63.0 24.3 0.9 65.4 21.3 1.0 42.8 46.8 0.9 66.3 20.2 1.0 ^ ^ ... 67.9 20.8 0.6 47.8 43.0 0.7 76.2 19.0 ... 41.1 49.1 0.6 63.6 27.3 9.1 83.2 11.5 0.9 77.8 16.7 ... 51.4 35.1 ... 89.0 4.6 0.2 89.1 4.5 0.2 36.2 31.9 ... 77.9 14.5 0.8 52.9 32.5 3.3 ... ... ... 22.2 48.1 29.6 25.0 62.5 8.3 50.5 32.3 1.1 74.5 23.4 ... ^ ^ ... 62.8 31.4 1.2 32.1 57.1 ... 56.2 26.8 2.6 81.0 12.2 0.5 61.4 34.7 1.2 63.9 27.8 ... 72.2 21.7 2.0 73.2 16.1 1.8 59.7 24.3 0.6 83.3 9.4 0.1 24.5 69.8 1.9 ... ... ... 96.3 1.4 0.3 ^ ^ ... Continued on next page Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 26 ■ TABLE 5.1 (continued) Offenders sentenced in criminal cases terminated, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense of conviction Wildlife Environmental Other offenses Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Misdemeanors Fraudulent property offenses Larceny Drug possession Immigration offenses Traffic Other misdemeanors Total offenders sentenceda 38 22 529 6,575 19,286 5,753 488 427 1,876 449 1,469 1,044 Percent of offenders convicted and sentenced to— Incarcerationb Probationc Fine only 28.9 57.9 7.9 22.7 59.1 13.6 81.7 8.1 0.4 91.2 4.4 0.1 79.9 4.0 0.2 36.3% 34.1% 20.7% 28.7 39.3 3.3 8.2 72.4 16.2 75.9 17.8 3.0 45.4 7.1 3.3 4.8 39.8 55.1 20.9 48.9 21.4 Note: Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transporting stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offense and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; other felonies and other misdemeanors include unclassifiable offenses; and drug possession includes other drug misdemeanors. ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. ^Too few cases to provide a reliable estimate. aIncludes offenders receiving incarceration, probation, split or mixed sentences, and fines. Offenders receiving deportation, suspended sentences, sealed sentences, imprisonment of 4 days or less, and no sentences are not represented in the percentage columns but are included in the totals. bAll sentences to incarceration, including split, mixed, life, and indeterminate. cIncludes offenders with split and mixed sentences. dTotal includes offenders whose sentence could not be determined. eExcludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Criminal Master File, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 27 ■ TABLE 5.2 Type and length of sentence imposed for convicted offenders, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense at case termination All offensese Felonies Violent offenses Murder Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threats against the President Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Trafficking Possession/other drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Agriculture Antitrust Food/drug Transportation Civil rights Communications Customs laws Postal laws Other regulatory offenses Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury/contempt/intimidation National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Liquor offenses Other sex offensesf Traffic Wildlife Environmental Other offenses Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Totala 69,487 63,734 2,256 111 608 812 667 48 10 8,872 7,663 325 6,970 7 361 1,209 21 973 11 113 54 37 20,338 20,291 47 6,407 719 0 27 48 93 47 9 86 28 381 5,688 430 108 198 56 682 1,644 53 0 1,921 7 38 22 529 6,575 19,286 Type of sentence Incarcerationb Probationc 54,274 7,124 52,183 5,161 2,098 78 105 2 517 43 780 18 642 15 47 0 7 0 5,589 2,155 5,011 1,635 139 152 4,622 1,406 5 2 245 75 578 520 16 4 400 478 7 3 94 13 42 9 19 13 18,094 932 18,077 917 17 15 4,989 929 380 234 0 0 13 6 12 30 47 30 35 11 3 5 54 27 9 16 214 102 4,609 695 264 149 69 30 143 43 41 9 407 166 1,369 155 13 37 0 0 1,850 26 5 2 11 22 5 13 432 43 5,999 290 15,414 777 Fine only 1,421 231 4 0 3 0 1 0 0 82 74 3 69 0 2 8 0 6 1 1 0 0 39 39 0 54 24 0 8 4 1 0 0 1 0 10 30 5 0 4 1 4 2 1 0 5 0 3 3 2 8 44 Average sentence length Incarcerationd Probation 54.5 mos. 34.1 mos. 56.4 mos. 40.0 mos. 149.4 44.6 192.4 ^ 51.6 43.3 102.3 43.2 278.3 49.9 228.7 ... ^ ... 36.3 38.9 36.1 38.3 23.4 33.7 36.7 38.9 ^ ^ 31.6 36.5 38.7 40.9 37.4 ^ 24.7 40.8 ^ ^ 80.3 46.2 78.6 ^ 23.5 37.8 75.0 43.0 75.0 43.3 19.5 27.6 75.3 38.6 42.8 33.3 ... ... ^ 20.3 25.1 32.9 27.5 32.3 49.5 40.4 ^ ^ 26.4 35.8 ^ 25.5 52.8 34.0 78.0 40.4 22.7 38.2 35.4 33.7 58.1 37.7 92.0 ^ 16.3 35.1 85.7 43.2 16.8 38.0 ... ... 109.4 64.2 ^ ^ 14.4 35.5 ^ 42.0 28.1 52.2 73.8 42.4 16.6 39.7 Continued on next page Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 28 ■ TABLE 5.2 (continued) Type and length of sentence imposed for convicted offenders, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense at case termination Misdemeanors Fraudulent property offenses Larceny Drug possession Immigration offenses Traffic Other misdemeanors Totala 5,753 488 427 1,876 449 1,469 1,044 Type of sentence Incarcerationb Probationc 2,091 1,963 140 192 35 309 1,424 334 204 32 70 585 218 511 Fine only 1,190 16 69 57 15 810 223 Average sentence length Incarcerationd Probation 6.3 mos. 18.6 mos. 3.9 24.5 7.5 20.0 6.7 16.5 5.1 20.3 3.8 13.1 6.5 23.2 Note: Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transportation of stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; other felonies and other misdemeanors include unclassifiable offenses; and drug possession includes other drug misdemeanors. ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. ^Too few cases to provide a reliable estimate. aTotals may not equal the sums of individual sanctions. The sums may exceed the totals because split and mixed sentences are counted in incarceration and probation. Alternatively, the totals may exceed the sums as the total includes offenders receiving deportation, suspended sentences, sealed sentences, imprisonment of 4 days or less, and no sentences. bAll sentences to incarceration, including split, mixed, life, and indeterminate sentences. cIncludes offenders with split and mixed sentences. dExcludes sentences of life, death, and indeterminate sentences. eTotal includes offenders whose sentence could not be determined. fExcludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Criminal Master File, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 29 ■ TABLE 5.3 Characteristics of convicted offenders sentenced to incarceration, FY 2016 Offender characteristic All offenders Sex Male Female Race White Black/African American American Indian/Alaska Native Asian/Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Two or more races Ethnicity Hispanic Non-Hispanic Age 17 or younger 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 or older Citizenship U.S. citizen Non-U.S. citizen Education Less than high-school graduate High-school graduate Some college College graduate Criminal record No convictions Prior adult convictions Number convicted 69,487 Number Percent sentenced to sentenced to incarceration incarceration 54,274 78.1% 56,551 8,957 46,557 5,381 82.3% 60.1 47,927 13,962 1,204 1,139 457 38,384 11,412 947 692 257 80.1% 81.7 78.3 60.8 56.6 35,662 29,342 29,359 22,443 82.3% 76.5 1 1,122 7,840 10,866 11,788 10,774 7,859 5,510 3,794 2,373 1,273 1,213 0 896 6,164 8,808 9,687 8,889 6,386 4,388 2,910 1,741 854 727 ^ 79.9% 78.6 81.1 82.2 82.5 81.3 79.6 76.7 73.4 67.1 59.9 37,201 27,767 29,151 22,646 78.4% 81.6 28,734 18,656 9,494 3,704 24,886 15,276 6,992 2,444 86.6% 81.9 73.6 66.0 22,859 42,781 16,210 35,719 70.9% 83.5 Note: By definition, corporations are excluded from the offender characteristics reported. Offenders serving life sentences and indeterminate sentences are included. Offenders are classified by the most serious offense of conviction. Data were missing for the following: sex (3,979), race (4,798) ethnicity (4,483), age (5,074), citizenship (4,519), education (8,899), and criminal record (3,847). ^Too few cases to provide a reliable estimate. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Criminal Master File; U.S. Sentencing Commission, individual offender data file; and Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 30 ■ TABLE 5.4 Average incarceration sentence length, by offense and offender characteristics, FY 2016 Offender characteristic All offenders Sex Male Female Race White Black/African American American Indian/Alaska Native Asian/Native Hawaiian/ Other Pacific Islander Two or more races Ethnicity Hispanic Non-Hispanic Age 17 or younger 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-94 60-64 65 or older Citizenship U.S. citizen Non-U.S. citizen Education Less than high-school graduate High-school graduate Some college College graduate Criminal history No convictions Prior adult convictions Property offenses All Violent offenses offenses Fraudulent Other 54.5 mos. 149.4 mos. 36.1 mos. 38.7 mos. Public-order offenses Weapons Immigration Drug offenses Regulatory Other offenses offenses Misdemeanors 75.0 mos. 42.8 mos. 78.0 mos. 73.8 mos. 16.6 mos. 6.3 mos. 54.9 mos. 155.1 mos. 38.3 109.7 37.2 mos. 31.5 43.9 mos. 23.6 77.0 mos. 52.3 42.4 mos. 40.0 81.9 mos. 73.3 mos. 36.5 52.7 17.0 mos. 11.3 6.5 mos. 4.2 45.7 mos. 192.1 mos. 77.9 138.8 34.1 mos. 39.1 37.1 mos. 45.4 69.0 mos. 86.3 33.9 mos. 71.1 81.1 mos. 60.6 mos. 80.0 82.7 16.6 mos. 23.3 6.1 mos. 9.2 61.7 85.5 22.1 26.3 57.2 ^ 30.1 54.3 17.7 5.4 50.6 59.8 127.2 ^ 31.6 39.9 14.8 ^ 68.0 94.4 22.5 ^ 44.3 74.3 76.3 ^ 19.9 14.5 ^ ^ 35.8 mos. 136.5 mos. 76.0 154.6 30.2 mos. 37.4 38.7 mos. 38.7 65.1 mos. 83.3 34.8 mos. 47.4 68.4 mos. 61.0 mos. 80.6 76.1 16.6 mos. 20.2 6.0 mos. 7.9 ... 21.1 mos. 42.3 52.1 53.9 56.3 59.1 55.5 57.5 58.4 53.9 57.7 ... 57.5 mos. 114.3 136.7 144.3 158.1 249.9 150.7 167.7 167.2 159.1 134.8 ... 20.2 mos. 26.0 36.0 33.6 35.3 37.7 36.2 36.9 39.1 36.3 40.5 ... ... ^ 28.8 mos. 26.3 mos. 47.4 35.6 65.9 45.5 77.8 45.3 84.0 57.1 86.0 82.8 33.4 30.3 80.2 24.8 75.1 27.2 68.4 13.9 74.0 ... ^ 49.7 mos. 53.8 50.9 34.4 47.4 28.2 37.0 18.1 27.9 20.1 ... 46.9 mos. 83.3 82.1 80.0 78.8 79.7 72.5 74.8 76.7 72.9 70.5 ... 68.0 mos. 70.0 73.3 74.0 73.3 74.0 74.1 65.2 71.5 70.4 77.7 ... 8.0 mos. 10.3 14.1 16.3 17.7 19.0 19.0 22.7 22.0 21.6 20.2 ... 5.1 mos. 5.7 5.6 7.3 6.9 8.1 9.0 8.5 5.2 ^ ^ 72.9 mos. 153.0 mos. 27.8 131.0 36.4 mos. 32.5 38.3 mos. 37.8 79.9 mos. 59.2 44.1 mos. 37.5 79.9 mos. 73.6 mos. 61.6 57.2 19.0 mos. 16.4 6.6 mos. 6.2 42.2 mos. 69.6 67.4 58.9 128.6 mos. 147.5 173.0 244.7 29.9 mos. 36.2 36.9 39.4 36.8 mos. 46.9 31.4 31.3 68.3 mos. 81.3 72.7 60.5 56.1 mos. 39.7 41.2 24.8 75.5 mos. 80.0 78.4 76.3 69.4 mos. 73.1 79.7 63.8 16.4 mos. 19.3 18.5 15.6 7.3 mos. 8.4 8.1 12.4 49.2 mos. 186.5 mos. 55.0 135.5 33.8 mos. 37.7 28.0 mos. 45.3 55.0 mos. 85.7 36.8 mos. 52.9 75.2 mos. 62.9 mos. 80.9 73.9 6.4 mos. 19.3 9.4 mos. 6.0 Note: Excludes life sentences and indeterminate sentences. Includes prison portion of split or mixed sentences. ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. ^Too few cases to provide a reliable estimate. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Criminal Master File; U.S. Sentencing Commission, individual offender data file; and Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 31 ■ MAP 5.1 Percent of convicted drug defendants receiving a non-prison sentence, by federal judicial district of conviction, FY 2016 Percent of convicted drug defendants receiving a non-prison sentence □ 5.0% or fewer ■ 15.1%-20.0% 5.1%-10.0% □ ■ 20.1% or more 10.1%-15.0% ■ Note: Includes defendants convicted of a drug offense and receiving either a term of probation, a fine, or a suspended sentence. Not shown: Guam (10.1-15.0%), Puerto Rico (10.1-15.0%), District of Columbia (20.1% or more), and U.S. Virgin Islands (20.1% or more). Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Criminal Master File, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 32 ■ Federal appeals TABLE 6.1 Criminal appeals terminated, by type of criminal case and offense, FY 2016 Offense of conviction All offenses Violent offenses Murder Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threats against the President Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Trafficking Possession/other drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Agriculture Antitrust Food/drug Transportation Civil rights Communications Customs laws Postal laws Other regulatory offenses Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury/contempt/intimidation National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Liquor offenses Other sex offensesb Traffic Wildlife Environmental Other offenses Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Total 11,379 667 62 115 173 278 36 3 1,376 1,188 32 1,091 7 58 188 5 110 4 42 21 6 4,524 4,519 5 1,157 121 0 1 5 16 30 2 8 1 58 1,036 52 14 103 16 38 341 1 1 360 1 8 2 99 1,568 1,335 Direct criminal 7,540 523 44 95 135 221 27 1 1,063 907 27 839 0 41 156 4 89 4 33 21 5 2,258 2,256 2 885 93 0 1 4 12 23 1 7 1 44 792 43 12 77 15 23 244 1 1 297 1 6 1 71 1,125 1,253 Number of criminal appeals terminated Interlocutory Post-conviction Othera 320 3,201 318 41 74 29 2 8 8 7 9 4 6 28 4 25 19 13 0 9 0 1 1 0 68 186 59 62 164 55 1 3 1 53 146 53 7 0 0 1 15 1 6 22 4 0 1 0 2 17 2 0 0 0 3 4 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 77 2,097 92 77 2,094 92 0 3 0 50 162 60 4 17 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 5 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 5 5 46 145 53 1 5 3 0 0 2 6 11 9 0 0 1 2 13 0 18 51 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 41 9 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 6 21 1 59 342 42 9 65 8 Note: Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transportation of stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; and other offenses includes unclassifiable offenses. Total includes 752 terminated for which an offense category could not be determined. aIncludes federal guidelines cases where the sentence only is appealed or where the sentence and conviction are appealed. Includes criminal cases other than guideline cases. bExcludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Court of Appeals, fiscal year 2016. TABLE 6.2 Disposition of criminal appeals terminated, by offense, FY 2016 Offense of conviction All offenses Violent offenses Murder Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threats against the President Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Trafficking Possession/other drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Agriculture Antitrust Food/drug Transportation Civil rights Communications Customs laws Postal laws Other regulatory offenses Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury/contempt/intimidation National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Liquor offenses Other sex offenses* Traffic Wildlife Environmental Other offenses Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Total criminal appeals terminated 11,379 667 62 115 173 278 36 3 1,376 1,188 32 1,091 7 58 188 5 110 4 42 21 6 4,524 4,519 5 1,157 121 0 1 5 16 30 2 8 1 58 1,036 52 14 103 16 38 341 1 1 360 1 8 2 99 1,568 1,335 Total 8,392 515 53 86 134 211 28 3 1,034 897 23 834 2 38 137 5 83 2 31 12 4 3,106 3,105 1 889 91 0 1 5 12 25 2 4 1 41 798 39 12 80 14 32 265 1 1 272 1 6 1 74 1,170 1,103 Percent 73.7% 77.2% 85.5 74.8 77.5 75.9 77.8 ^ 75.1% 75.5 71.9 76.4 ^ 65.5 72.9 ^ 75.5 ^ 73.8 57.1 ^ 68.7% 68.7 ^ 76.8% 75.2 ... ^ ^ 75.0 83.3 ^ ^ ^ 70.7 77.0 75.0 85.7 77.7 87.5 84.2 77.7 ^ ^ 75.6 ^ ^ ^ 74.7 74.6% 82.6% Criminal appeals terminated on the merits Remanded Partially Affirmed or reversed affirmed Dismissed Other 5,752 786 365 1,473 16 375 39 30 71 0 35 2 8 8 0 66 9 2 9 0 107 12 5 10 0 143 15 12 41 0 21 1 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 724 97 65 144 4 631 86 60 116 4 18 3 1 1 0 589 75 57 109 4 2 0 0 0 0 22 8 2 6 0 93 11 5 28 0 3 2 0 0 0 57 5 1 20 0 1 1 0 0 0 21 3 0 7 0 7 0 4 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 2,174 257 107 564 4 2,173 257 107 564 4 1 0 0 0 0 630 79 67 110 3 66 3 10 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 19 0 6 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 26 3 2 10 0 564 76 57 98 3 30 5 1 3 0 10 0 0 2 0 52 5 11 12 0 12 0 1 0 1 25 4 3 0 0 192 20 23 29 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 183 25 15 48 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 55 13 3 3 0 807 169 63 128 3 621 80 13 388 1 Procedural terminations 2,987 152 9 29 39 67 8 0 342 291 9 257 5 20 51 0 27 2 11 9 2 1,418 1,414 4 268 30 0 0 0 4 5 0 4 0 17 238 13 2 23 2 6 76 0 0 88 0 2 1 25 398 232 Note: Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transportation of stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; and other offenses includes unclassifiable offenses. Total includes 752 appeals terminated for which an offense category could not be determined. ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. ^Too few cases to provide a reliable estimate. *Excludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Court of Appeals, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 34 ■ Section 3: Federal corrections and supervision Federal supervision, probation, and parole TABLE 7.1 Offenders under federal supervision, by offense and type of supervision, FY 2016 Most serious offense All offensesa Feloniesb Violent offenses Murder Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threats against the President Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Trafficking Possession/other drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Agriculture Antitrust Food/drug Transportation Civil rights Communications Customs laws Postal laws Other regulatory offenses Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury/contempt/intimidation National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Other sex offensesc Wildlife Total offenders under supervision Number Percent 134,908 100% 130,559 96.9% 6,051 4.5 771 0.6 917 0.7 2,848 2.1 1,331 1.0 142 0.1 42 <0.1 25,197 18.7 21,240 15.8 1,196 0.9 18,687 13.9 32 <0.1 1,325 1.0 3,957 2.9 106 0.1 2,986 2.2 244 0.2 326 0.2 234 0.2 61 <0.1 65,005 48.2 47,933 35.6 17,072 12.7 13,970 10.4 1,737 1.3 3 <0.1 25 <0.1 86 0.1 169 0.1 100 0.1 40 <0.1 200 0.1 59 <0.1 1,055 0.8 12,233 9.1 994 0.7 272 0.2 286 0.2 182 0.1 242 0.2 2,161 1.6 35 <0.1 7,589 5.6 74 0.1 Probation Number Percent 17,937 100% 14,007 78.3% 323 1.8 34 0.2 120 0.7 80 0.4 69 0.4 6 <0.1 14 0.1 7,030 39.3 5,249 29.3 461 2.6 4,495 25.1 11 0.1 282 1.6 1,781 10.0 13 0.1 1,630 9.1 17 0.1 35 0.2 56 0.3 30 0.2 2,784 15.6 2,139 12.0 645 3.6 2,262 12.6 824 4.6 0 ... 19 0.1 53 0.3 83 0.5 22 0.1 20 0.1 60 0.3 41 0.2 526 2.9 1,438 8.0 466 2.6 87 0.5 71 0.4 44 0.2 28 0.2 317 1.8 25 0.1 151 0.8 48 0.3 Type of supervision Supervised release Number Percent 115,843 100% 115,426 99.7% 5,018 4.3 427 0.4 739 0.6 2,604 2.2 1,114 1.0 106 0.1 28 <0.1 18,106 15.6 15,972 13.8 735 0.6 14,177 12.2 19 <0.1 1,041 0.9 2,134 1.8 77 0.1 1,341 1.2 220 0.2 0.2 287 178 0.2 31 <0.1 62,042 53.6 45,655 39.4 16,387 14.2 11,593 10.0 902 0.8 3 <0.1 6 <0.1 33 <0.1 85 0.1 71 0.1 20 <0.1 140 0.1 18 <0.1 526 0.5 10,691 9.2 527 0.5 185 0.2 214 0.2 131 0.1 212 0.2 1,821 1.6 10 <0.1 7,373 6.4 25 <0.1 Parole Number Percent 1,128 100% 1,126 100% 710 63.1 310 27.5 58 5.2 164 14.6 148 13.1 30 2.7 0 ... 61 5.4 19 1.7 0 ... 15 1.3 2 <0.1 2 <0.1 42 3.7 16 1.4 15 1.3 7 <0.1 4 <0.1 0 ... 0 ... 179 15.9 139 12.3 40 3.6 115 10.2 11 1.0 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 1 <0.1 <0.1 7 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 3 <0.1 104 9.2 1 <0.1 0 ... 1 <0.1 7 <0.1 2 <0.1 23 2.0 0 ... 65 5.8 1 <0.1 Continued on next page Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 35 ■ TABLE 7.1 (continued) Offenders under federal supervision, by offense and type of supervision, FY 2016 Most serious offense Environmental All other felonies Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Misdemeanors Fraudulent property offenses Larceny Drug possession Immigration misdemeanors Traffic Other misdemeanors Total offenders under supervision Number Percent 46 <0.1 352 0.3 16,787 12.5 3,549 2.6 4,208 3.1% 306 0.2 559 0.4 629 0.5 129 0.1 1,403 1.0 1,182 0.9 Probation Number Percent 27 0.2 174 1.0 865 4.8 743 4.2 3,881 21.7% 293 1.6 522 2.9 577 3.2 124 0.7 1,367 7.6 998 5.6 Type of supervision Supervised release Number Percent 19 <0.1 174 0.2 15,865 13.7 2,802 2.4 327 0.3% 13 <0.1 37 <0.1 52 <0.1 5 <0.1 36 <0.1 184 0.2 Parole Number Percent 0 ... 4 <0.1 57 5.1 4 <0.1 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... Note: Federal offender populations are shown as of September 30, 2016. Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transportation of stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; other felonies and other misdemeanors include unclassifiable offenses; and drug possession includes other drug misdemeanors. ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. aTotal includes offenders whose offense category could not be determined. bAn offense category could not be determined for 141 felony offenders, including 49 offenders under probation, 90 under supervised release, and 2 under parole. cExcludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System, fiscal year-end 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 36 ■ MAP 7.1 Percent of total drug offenders in the Federal Bureau of Prisons, by federal judicial district of adjudication, FY 2016 Percent of federal drug offenders in the BOP, by district of adjudication □ Fewer than 0.5% ■ 2.1%-4.0% □ 0.5%-1.0% ■ 4.1% or more 1.1%-2.0% ■ Note: Federal offender populations are shown as of September 30, 2016. Not shown: Guam (fewer than 0.5%), Puerto Rico (2.1-4.0%), District of Columbia (0.5-1.0%), U.S. Virgin Islands (fewer than 0.5%), and Northern Mariana Islands (fewer than 0.5%). Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Federal Bureau of Prisons, SENTRY database, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 37 ■ TABLE 7.2 Demographic characteristics of offenders under federal supervision, FY 2016 Offender characteristic All offenders* Sex Male Female Race White Black/African American American Indian/Alaska Native Asian/Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Two or more races Ethnicity Hispanic Non-Hispanic Age 17 or younger 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 or older Total offenders under supervision Number Percent 134,908 100% Probation Number Percent 17,937 100% Supervised release Number Percent 115,843 100% Parole Number Percent 1,128 100% 111,346 23,304 82.7% 17.3 11,101 6,580 62.8% 37.2 99,140 16,701 85.6% 14.4 1,105 23 98.0% 2.0 76,841 49,734 3,112 3,124 716 57.5% 37.2 2.3 2.3 0.5 11,218 4,825 495 686 188 64.4% 27.7 2.8 3.9 1.1 65,168 44,307 2,595 2,432 525 56.7% 38.5 2.3 2.1 0.5 455 602 22 6 3 41.8% 55.3 2.0 <0.1 <0.1 32,223 100,412 24.3% 75.7 3,383 13,816 19.7% 80.3 28,719 85,628 25.1% 74.9 121 968 11.1% 88.9 77 460 7,686 16,328 22,499 23,454 19,624 14,980 11,745 7,967 5,019 4,818 0.1% 0.3 5.7 12.1 16.7 17.4 14.6 11.1 8.7 5.9 3.7 3.6 73 282 1,814 2,312 2,320 2,201 2,028 1,802 1,679 1,243 921 1,013 0.4% 1.6 10.3 13.1 13.1 12.4 11.5 10.2 9.5 7.0 5.2 5.7 4 178 5,845 13,938 20,076 21,135 17,421 13,033 9,916 6,591 4,004 3,701 <0.1% 0.2 5.0 12.0 17.3 18.2 15.0 11.3 8.6 5.7 3.5 3.2 0 0 27 78 103 118 175 145 150 133 94 104 ... ... 2.4% 6.9 9.1 10.5 15.5 12.9 13.3 11.8 8.3 9.2 Note: Federal offender populations are shown as of September 30, 2016. ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. *Total includes offenders whose offense characteristics could not be determined. Data were missing for the following: sex (258), race (1,381), ethnicity (2,273), and age (251). Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 38 ■ TABLE 7.3 Outcomes of offenders terminating probation supervision, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense All offenses Felonies Violent offenses Murder Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threats against the President Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Trafficking Possession/other drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Agriculture Antitrust Food/drug Transportation Civil rights Communications Customs laws Postal laws Other regulatory offenses Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury/contempt/intimidation National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Other sex offensesc Wildlife Environmental All other felonies Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Number of probation terminations 9,951 6,385 133 16 57 25 29 4 2 2,973 2,357 204 1,948 12 193 616 6 553 1 23 24 9 1,500 1,165 335 987 427 2 5 32 39 9 10 22 21 287 560 176 42 32 20 8 121 14 66 15 16 50 455 337 Percent of probation supervisions terminating with— Technical violationsa Administrative No violation Drug use Fugitive status Other New crimeb case closures 89.2% 0.3% 0.5% 0.8% 0.9% 8.3% 88.4% 0.3% 0.5% 0.6% 1.0% 9.3% 68.3 ... 3.0 3.0 3.0 22.8 46.2 ... ... 7.7 7.7 38.5 75.0 ... 7.5 ... 5.0 12.5 69.6 ... ... ... ... 30.4 75.0 ... ... 5.0 ... 20.0 ^ ... ... ^ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ^ 92.4 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.6 6.2 92.7 <0.1 0.1 0.4 0.6 6.1 93.8 ... 1.0 0.5 1.0 3.6 92.8 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 6.3 100 ... ... ... ... ... 90.1 ... ... 1.9 0.6 7.5 90.9 0.2 0.4 0.9 0.9 6.7 ^ ... ^ ... ... ^ 92.1 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.8 5.9 ^ ... ... ... ... ... 72.2 ... ... 5.6 5.6 16.7 83.3 ... ... ... ... 16.7 ^ ... ... ... ... ... 82.3 0.1 0.7 0.5 0.8 15.6 81.8 0.2 0.7 0.6 1.0 15.7 83.8 ... 0.6 0.3 ... 15.2 93.1 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.5 5.1 95.6 0.5 ... 0.7 0.5 2.7 ^ ... ... ... ... ... ^ ... ... ... ... ... 96.7 ... ... 3.3 ... ... 94.1 ... ... 2.9 ... 2.9 ^ ... ... ... ... ^ ^ ... ... ... ... ^ 95.2 ... ... ... ... 4.8 95.2 4.8 ... ... ... ... 96.3 0.4 ... 0.4 0.7 2.2 91.2 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.6 6.9 94.9 ... ... ... ... 5.1 92.9 ... ... ... ... 7.1 86.2 3.4 ... ... ... 10.3 94.4 ... ... ... ... 5.6 ^ ^ ... ... ^ ... 91.5 ... ... 0.8 0.8 6.8 100 ... ... ... ... ... 81.4 ... 3.4 1.7 ... 13.6 100 ... ... ... ... ... 100 ... ... ... ... ... 83.3 2.4 ... ... 2.4 11.9 79.9 0.7 0.2 ... 1.9 17.2 83.4 1.7 2.1 2.8 4.2 5.9 Continued on next page Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 39 ■ TABLE 7.3 (continued) Outcomes of offenders terminating probation supervision, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense Misdemeanors Fraudulent property offenses Larceny Drug possession Immigration misdemeanors Traffic Other misdemeanors Number of probation terminations 3,525 171 367 588 73 1,456 870 Percent of probation supervisions terminating with— Technical violationsa Administrative No violation Drug use Fugitive status Other New crimeb case closures 90.8% 0.4% 0.5% 1.0% 0.9% 6.4% 98.8 ... 0.6 ... ... 0.6 90.4 0.3 0.6 2.2 1.2 5.3 86.2 0.8 0.4 1.4 0.4 10.8 90.3 ... 3.2 1.6 ... 4.8 91.4 0.2 0.6 0.8 0.8 6.2 91.2 0.6 0.1 1.0 1.3 5.8 Note: Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transportation of stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; other felonies and other misdemeanors include unclassifiable offenses; and drug possession includes other drug misdemeanors. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. Offenses for 41 offenders could not be classified. ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. ^Too few cases to provide a reliable estimate. aSupervision terminated with incarceration or removal to inactive status for violation of supervision conditions other than charges for new offenses. bSupervision terminated with incarceration or removal to inactive status after arrest for a new major or minor offense. cExcludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 40 ■ TABLE 7.4 Outcomes of offenders terminating probation supervision, by offender defender characteristics, FY 2016 Offender characteristic All offendersb Sex Male Female Race White Black/African American American Indian/Alaska Native Asian/Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Two or more races Ethnicity Hispanic Non-Hispanic Age 17 or younger 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 or older Number of probation terminations 9,951 No violation 89.2% Percent terminating probation with— Technical violationsa Fugitive Drug use status Other New crime 0.3% 0.5% 0.8% 0.9% Administrative case closures 8.3% 6,539 3,299 87.5% 92.3 0.3% 0.4 0.5% 0.4 0.8% 0.6 1.1% 0.6 9.7% 5.6 6,322 2,578 325 89.7% 89.4 69.0 0.4% 0.2 0.8 0.4% 0.4 3.3 0.7% 0.8 4.1 0.8% 1.1 3.3 8.0% 8.1 19.6 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6.9 8.3 330 106 93.1 91.7 1,809 7,709 87.7% 89.5 0.7% 0.2 1.0% 0.4 1.1% 0.7 1.5% 0.8 8.0% 8.4 12 75 889 1,281 1,248 1,173 1,080 955 898 686 488 624 81.8% 86.4 93.3 94.4 93.7 91.8 92.9 92.1 93.1 91.8 91.9 93.3 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.1% 0.1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.1% 0.1 ... ... 0.1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.1% ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18.2% 13.6 6.6 5.3 6.2 8.2 7.0 7.9 6.9 8.2 8.1 6.7 Note: Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. Data were missing for the following: sex (113), race (290), ethnicity (433), and age (542). ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. ^Too few cases to provide a reliable estimate. aViolation of supervision conditions other than charges for new offenses. bTotal includes offenders whose characteristics could not be determined. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 41 ■ TABLE 7.5 Outcomes of offenders terminating supervised release, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense All offenses Felonies Violent offenses Murder Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threats against the President Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Trafficking Possession/other drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Agriculture Antitrust Food/drug Transportation Civil rights Communications Customs laws Postal laws Other regulatory offenses Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury/contempt/intimidation National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Other sex offensesc Wildlife Environmental All other felonies Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Number of Percent of supervised releases terminating with— supervised Technical violationsa release Administrative terminations No violation Drug use Fugitive status Other New crimeb case closures 48,399 73.2% 1.9% 2.1% 2.6% 5.3% 14.7% 47,855 73.1% 1.9% 2.2% 2.6% 5.4% 14.8% 2,956 60.6 2.8 5.3 5.2 7.9 18.3 280 55.0 1.7 6.7 6.7 9.4 20.6 656 55.9 2.9 8.2 7.1 7.4 18.5 1,543 62.9 3.3 3.7 3.2 8.2 18.8 414 59.4 2.0 6.8 10.0 7.2 14.7 42 75.8 ... ... 6.1 3.0 15.2 21 64.7 ... 11.8 5.9 ... 17.6 8,205 83.9 1.0 1.4 1.2 2.3 10.2 6,996 85.2 0.8 1.2 1.0 2.1 9.8 315 91.9 ... ... 0.3 1.0 6.8 5,958 86.3 0.6 1.1 0.9 1.7 9.3 15 90.0 ... ... ... ... 10.0 708 69.0 3.2 3.2 1.8 6.7 16.0 1,209 75.6 2.6 2.5 2.6 3.4 13.1 73 64.3 4.8 2.4 4.8 11.9 11.9 735 77.5 2.5 2.9 1.4 2.5 13.2 124 68.1 3.3 3.3 5.5 5.5 14.3 165 72.5 2.5 0.8 4.2 4.2 15.8 85 86.8 ... 1.3 2.6 2.6 6.6 27 55.6 11.1 5.6 11.1 ... 16.7 22,488 75.8 1.9 1.6 2.0 5.0 13.7 17,297 75.9 2.0 1.7 2.0 5.1 13.2 5,191 75.3 1.5 1.4 2.0 4.8 15.0 3,799 71.8 1.3 2.6 4.7 4.1 15.6 523 87.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 2.7 6.3 0 ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 ^ ... ... ... ... ... 23 85.7 ... ... ... 4.8 9.5 45 88.4 2.3 ... 2.3 ... 7.0 46 93.3 2.2 ... ... ... 4.4 16 86.7 ... ... ... 6.7 6.7 58 80.4 5.9 ... ... 7.8 5.9 5 ^ ... ... ... ... ... 325 87.4 0.7 1.7 1.4 2.4 6.5 3,276 68.6 1.2 2.9 5.4 4.3 17.5 307 95.9 ... 0.3 ... ... 3.7 80 96.2 ... ... ... ... 3.8 114 81.3 ... ... 3.3 2.2 13.2 67 85.7 1.8 ... ... 3.6 8.9 221 41.1 3.9 9.3 14.0 7.0 24.8 796 77.2 1.4 1.4 3.9 2.9 13.3 6 ^ ... ... ... ... ... 1,542 52.6 1.0 4.4 8.4 7.2 26.5 12 88.9 ... ... ... ... 11.1 15 86.7 ... ... ... ... 13.3 116 70.3 5.5 5.5 2.2 3.3 13.2 8,273 61.5 2.6 2.8 4.1 9.8 19.1 2,134 55.9 4.3 4.6 4.0 5.6 25.6 Continued on next page Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 42 ■ TABLE 7.5 (continued) Outcomes of offenders terminating supervised release, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense Misdemeanors Fraudulent property offenses Larceny Drug possession Immigration misdemeanors Traffic Other misdemeanors Number of Percent of supervised releases terminating with— supervised Technical violationsa release Administrative terminations No violation Drug use Fugitive status Other New crimeb case closures 482 84.9% 0.5% 1.6% 3.0% 1.6% 8.2% 38 85.3 ... ... ... ... 14.7 51 76.2 2.4 7.1 2.4 4.8 7.1 98 86.3 1.4 ... 2.7 ... 9.6 3 ^ ... ... ... ... ... 60 85.7 ... ... 4.8 ... 9.5 232 86.0 ... 1.8 3.5 2.3 6.4 Note: Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transportation of stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; other felonies and other misdemeanors include unclassifiable offenses; and drug possession includes other drug misdemeanors. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. Offenses for 62 offenders could not be classified. ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. ^Too few cases to provide a reliable estimate. aSupervision terminated with incarceration or removal to inactive status for violation of supervision conditions other than charges for new offenses. bSupervision terminated with incarceration or removal to inactive status after arrest for a new major or minor offense. cExcludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 43 ■ TABLE 7.6 Outcomes of offenders terminating supervised release, by offender demographic characteristics, FY 2016 Offender characteristic All offendersc Sex Male Female Race White Black/African American American Indian/Alaska Native Asian/Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Two or more races Ethnicity Hispanic Non-Hispanic Age 17 or younger 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 or older Percent terminating supervised release with— Technical violationsa Administrative No violation Drug use Fugitive status Other New crimeb case closures 73.2% 1.9% 2.1% 2.6% 5.3% 14.7% Number of released terminations 48,399 Total 100% 41,274 7,125 100% 100% 71.2% 84.4 2.0% 1.6 2.2% 1.7 2.8% 1.6 6.0% 1.9 15.8% 8.8 27,187 17,484 2,195 100% 100% 100% 74.7% 72.2 51.4 2.2% 1.3 4.0 1.9% 1.9 9.3 2.4% 2.5 9.4 4.2% 7.1 8.9 14.5% 15.1 17.0 1,026 192 100% 100% 83.6 82.1 1.7 1.2 1.2 1.7 1.7 0.6 1.2 2.3 10.7 12.1 11,838 35,954 100% 100% 69.2% 74.6 2.8% 1.6 2.6% 2.0 2.9% 2.5 5.0% 5.5 17.5% 13.7 2 19 1,457 4,749 6,797 7,650 6,254 4,946 3,814 2,616 1,644 1,661 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% ^ 20.0% 71.3 83.3 86.0 89.0 90.2 91.0 90.6 91.4 90.5 87.6 ... ... 0.3% 0.1 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 0.1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.2% 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.1 ... ... 0.4% 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.1 ... ... ... 0.9% 0.5 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 ... ... 80.0% 27.1 15.8 13.0 10.4 9.3 8.5 9.1 8.3 9.1 12.3 Note: Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. Data were missing for the following: race (315), ethnicity (607), and age (6,790). ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. aSupervision terminated with incarceration or removal to inactive status for violation of supervision conditions other than charges for new offenses. bSupervision terminated with incarceration or removal to inactive status after arrest for a new major or minor offense. cTotal includes offenders whose characteristics could not be determined. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 44 ■ TABLE 7.7 Outcomes of offenders terminating parole, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense All offenses Felonies Violent offenses Murder Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threats against the President Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Trafficking Possession/other drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Agriculture Antitrust Food/drug Transportation Civil rights Communications Customs laws Postal laws Other regulatory offenses Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury/contempt/ intimidation National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Other sex offensesc Wildlife Environmental Percent of parolees terminating with— Technical violationsa Fugitive Administrative Drug use status Other New crimeb case closures 2.0% 1.7% 3.2% 4.2% 15.2% 2.0% 1.7% 3.2% 4.2% 15.2% 1.8 2.6 2.6 6.1 16.2 3.1 4.6 1.5 9.2 21.5 ... ... ... ... 16.7 3.5 5.3 7.0 8.8 10.5 ... ... 1.4 4.3 11.4 ... ... ... ... 41.7 ... ... ... ... ... 3.4 ... 13.8 3.4 13.8 7.7 ... 15.4 ... 7.7 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ^ ... ^ ... ... ... ... ... ^ ... ... ... ... ... ... 12.5 6.3 18.8 ... ... ^ ^ ^ ... ... 10.0 ... 10.0 ... ... ... ... ^ ... ... ... ... ... Number of parole terminations 439 438 242 68 25 59 77 13 0 33 13 0 10 0 3 20 5 12 2 1 Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% No violation 73.8% 73.8% 70.6 60.0 83.3 64.9 82.9 58.3 ... 65.5 69.2 ... ^ ... ^ 62.5 ^ 80.0 ... ... 0 0 74 61 13 57 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 55 0 1 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% ... ... 84.5 82.8 92.3 85.5 ^ ... ... ... ^ ... ... ... ... ... 86.8 ... ^ ... ... ... ... ... 1.8 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1.9 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1.8 ^ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ^ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1.8 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1.9 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15.5 17.2 7.7 9.1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9.4 ... ... 0 2 1 10 0 41 0 0 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% ... ^ ^ ^ ... 90.2 ... ... ... ... ... ^ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2.4 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ^ ... ^ ... 7.3 ... ... Continued on next page Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 45 ■ TABLE 7.7 (continued) Outcomes of offenders terminating parole, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense All other felonies Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Misdemeanors Fraudulent property offenses Larceny Drug possession Immigration misdemeanors Traffic Other misdemeanors Number of parole terminations 0 32 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% No violation ... 56.0 ... ^ ... ... ... ... ... ^ Percent of parolees terminating with— Technical violationsa Fugitive Administrative Drug use status Other New crimeb case closures ... ... ... ... ... 8.0 ... 8.0 8.0 20.0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Note: Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transportation of stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; other felonies and other misdemeanors include unclassifiable offenses; and drug possession includes other drug misdemeanors. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. ^Too few cases to provide a reliable estimate. aSupervision terminated with incarceration or removal to inactive status for violation of supervision conditions other than charges for new offenses. bSupervision terminated with incarceration or removal to inactive status after arrest for a new major or minor offense. cExcludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 46 ■ TABLE 7.8 Outcomes of offenders terminating parole, by offender demographic characteristics, FY 2016 Offender characteristic All offendersc Sex Male Female Race White Black/African American American Indian/Alaska Native Asian/Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Two or more races Ethnicity Hispanic Non-Hispanic Age 17 or younger 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 or older Number of parole terminations Total No violation 439 100% 73.8% Percent terminating parole with— Technical violationsa Drug use Fugitive status Other New crimeb 2.0% 1.7% 3.2% 4.2% Administrative case closures 15.2% 429 10 100% 100% 73.3% ^ 2.0% ... 1.7% ... 3.2% ... 4.2% ... 15.5% ... 190 217 8 100% 100% 100% 78.8% 70.4 ... 1.7% 2.0 ^ 1.1% 1.5 ^ 3.4% 3.0 ^ 0.6% 7.0 ^ 14.5% 16.1 ^ 5 1 100% 100% ^ ^ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 384 100% 100% 82.1% 72.5 2.6% 2.0 ... 2.0% ... 3.7% 2.6% 4.2 12.8% 15.7 0 0 19 37 44 27 30 35 29 48 38 67 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% ... ... 94.7% 97.1 95.1 87.5 92.9 86.2 80.8 88.9 70.6 76.2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3.4% ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3.4% ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3.8% ... 2.9 ... ... ... 5.3% 2.9 4.9 12.5 7.1 6.9 15.4 11.1 26.5 23.8 Note: Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. Data were missing for the following: race (18), ethnicity (14), and age (65). ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. ^Too few cases to provide a reliable estimate. aViolation of supervision conditions other than charges for new offenses. bSupervision terminated with incarceration or removal to inactive status after arrest for a new major or minor offense. cTotal includes offenders whose characteristics could not be determined. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 47 ■ Federal imprisonment TABLE 8.1 Admissions and releases of federal prisoners, by offense, FY 2016 Most serious offense All prisoners Violent offenses Murder/manslaughter Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threats against the President Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Trafficking Possession/other drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury/contempt/ intimidation National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Liquor Other sex offensesb Traffic Wildlife Environmental All other offenses Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Prisoners admitted Population to district court at start 1 year More than of year or less 1 year 190,285 10,541 41,075 10,955 89 1,460 1,357 3 102 1,219 65 408 6,381 13 721 1,159 7 170 800 1 49 39 0 10 12,045 835 3,814 10,278 666 3,283 132 23 54 9,639 602 3,081 65 6 31 442 35 117 1,767 169 531 163 4 35 781 138 306 79 10 16 165 0 22 All othera 10,713 1,092 97 327 491 160 12 5 1,255 900 16 673 37 174 355 54 180 21 20 First release 1 year More than or less 1 year 12,247 54,457 112 1,657 3 85 86 388 16 966 6 160 0 48 1 10 1,008 4,474 805 3,864 21 67 734 3,593 8 23 42 181 203 610 7 38 159 327 10 21 1 35 All othera 11,452 1,140 102 313 571 130 12 12 1,423 1,025 13 786 30 196 398 60 206 30 17 Population Net at end population of year change 174,458 -15,827 10,687 -268 1,369 12 1,232 13 6,053 -328 1,200 41 802 2 31 -8 11,044 -1,001 9,433 -845 124 -8 8,882 -757 78 13 349 -93 1,611 -156 151 -12 713 -68 65 -14 154 -11 92 487 94,163 93,626 537 23,081 3,066 20,015 491 74 7 10 1,710 507 1,203 477 144 333 68 12 32 120 16,136 16,129 7 5,689 1,074 4,615 164 33 7 73 4,282 4,237 45 1,130 182 948 13 6 12 14 2,011 606 1,405 584 169 415 80 10 37 152 26,516 26,504 12 4,559 1,050 3,509 219 34 7 78 4,551 4,504 47 1,158 190 968 22 4 82 446 83,213 82,885 328 24,076 3,057 21,019 415 77 -10 -41 -10,950 -10,741 -209 995 -9 1,004 -76 3 81 213 50 6,486 0 1 11,870 63 7 8 671 30,696 18,311 10 3 60 49 0 0 17 65 3 6 40 173 7,168 31 40 323 1,281 0 1 2,404 4 2 7 325 5,773 7,986 13 7 128 188 0 0 279 27 2 1 284 2,135 743 17 1 63 62 0 0 27 98 7 8 42 170 8,244 37 34 110 1,267 0 0 1,452 4 2 2 348 7,241 9,730 11 5 128 204 0 0 275 40 2 1 276 2,277 805 70 223 260 6,471 0 2 12,816 17 3 11 654 29,089 15,429 -11 10 210 -15 0 1 946 -46 -4 3 -17 -1,607 -2,882 Note: An offense category could not be determined for 382 prisoners admitted in fiscal year 2016, 496 prisoners released in fiscal year 2016, 1,034 prisoners at the start of fiscal year 2016, and 920 prisoners at the end of fiscal year 2016. Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transportation of stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; and all other offenses includes unclassifiable offenses. aIncludes individuals who had a missing sentence or an admission code of other than U.S. district court commitment. bExcludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Federal Bureau of Prisons, SENTRY database, fiscal year 2016. TABLE 8.2 Demographic characteristics of offenders in the federal prison population, FY 2016 Offender characteristic All prisoners Sex Male Female Race White Black/African American American Indian/Alaska Native Asian/Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Ethnicity Hispanic Non-Hispanic Age 17 or younger 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 or older Citizenship U.S. citizen Non-U.S. citizen Number 174,458 Percent 100% 162,554 11,904 93.2% 6.8 104,541 63,882 3,583 59.9% 36.6 2.1 2,452 1.4 58,613 115,845 33.6% 66.4 2 247 6,807 19,538 29,025 33,588 28,250 21,216 15,064 9,894 5,635 5,192 <0.1% 0.1 3.9 11.2 16.6 19.3 16.2 12.2 8.6 5.7 3.2 3.0 137,127 37,313 78.6% 21.4 Note: Federal offender populations are shown as of September 30, 2016. Includes only the prison populations for whom characteristics are known. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. Citizenship was missing for 18 offenders. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Federal Bureau of Prisons, SENTRY database, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 49 ■ TABLE 8.3 Average time to first release and percent of sentence served for federal prisoners released by standard methods, FY 2016 Most serious original offense of conviction All prisonersb Violent offenses Murder Assault Robbery Sexual abuse Kidnapping Threats against the President Property offenses Fraudulent Embezzlement Fraud Forgery Counterfeiting Other Burglary Larceny Motor-vehicle theft Arson/explosives Transportation of stolen property Other property offenses Drug offenses Trafficking Possession/other drug offenses Public-order offenses Regulatory Other Tax-law violations Bribery Perjury National defense Escape Racketeering/extortion Gambling Liquor offenses Other sex offensesc Traffic Wildlife Environmental All other offenses Weapons offenses Immigration offenses Number of prisoners releaseda 60,433 1,722 85 470 949 163 45 10 4,886 4,115 83 3,794 27 211 771 43 455 28 34 47 164 23,794 22,377 1,417 4,673 1,066 3,607 285 42 52 33 172 1,205 0 0 1,313 102 9 10 384 7,065 17,917 Mean time served 49.6 mos. 77.2 mos. 95.8 33.8 93.4 84.1 136.6 ^ 27.2 mos. 27.2 18.2 27.6 29.5 24.4 26.7 32.1 18.0 28.7 58.4 28.9 42.0 72.4 mos. 76.6 6.6 45.0 mos. 29.2 49.7 19.8 18.0 17.4 86.8 18.1 60.6 ... ... 64.0 2.6 ^ ^ 21.4 66.4 mos. 17.9 mos. Median time served 32.2 mos. 54.8 mos. 54.9 25.2 72.3 63.5 104.6 ^ 20.9 mos. 20.9 15.7 20.9 20.9 18.3 18.3 21.7 13.0 18.7 52.3 23.5 32.3 54.9 mos. 58.6 5.9 31.4 mos. 20.9 37.0 15.7 15.7 13.1 53.8 12.8 44.4 ... ... 57.4 0.4 ^ ^ 18.3 54.1 mos. 12.0 mos. Percent of sentence served 88.3% 89.0% 88.6 89.6 88.9 88.0 88.3 ^ 87.6% 87.5 87.3 87.5 89.6 88.1 88.2 89.1 87.9 89.0 88.4 87.4 88.8 88.0% 88.0 89.6 87.7% 88.0 87.6 86.9 87.3 87.6 87.6 89.9 87.6 ... ... 87.5 ^ ^ ^ 88.3 90.1% 88.0% Note: Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter; sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses; fraud excludes tax fraud; larceny excludes transportation of stolen property; other property offenses excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespassing; tax-law violations includes tax fraud; and all other offenses includes unclassifiable offenses. Total includes 376 prisoners whose offense was unclassifiable or was not a violation of U.S. Code. Standard release methods include expiration of sentence full-term, expiration of sentence with good time, full-term release, good-conduct time release, mandatory release, mandatory parole, and parole. ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. ^Too few cases to provide a reliable estimate. aExcludes 6,271 prisoners who left federal prison by extraordinary means, such as death, sentence commutation, and treaty transfer. bIncludes only those cases where the sentence length is more than one year. cExcludes sexual abuse. See Terms and definitions. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Federal Bureau of Prisons, SENTRY database, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 50 ■ TABLE 8.4 Demographic characteristics of offenders first released from prison, by offense, FY 2016 Offender characteristic Number of releases Sex Male Female Race White Black/African American American Indian/Alaska Native Asian/Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Ethnicity Hispanic Non-Hispanic Age 17 or younger 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 or older Citizenship U.S. citizen Non-U.S. citizen Percent of released offenders convicted of— Total number Property offenses of released All Violent Drug Public-order offenses Weapons Immigration offenders offenses offenses Fraudulent Other offenses Regulatory Other offenses offenses 66,704 66,704 1,769 4,669 813 28,527 1,219 3,924 7,411 17,974 60,591 6,083 90.9% 9.1 92.5% 7.5 74.8% 25.2 78.6% 21.4 89.2% 10.8 76.0% 24.0 91.4% 8.6 97.6% 2.4 96.3% 3.7 48,139 16,507 1,025 72.2% 24.8 1.5 42.1% 29.8 27.3 62.9% 32.4 0.3 61.6% 28.9 6.3 66.4% 31.3 0.8 72.0% 21.2 1.1 75.0% 19.9 2.4 44.8% 52.6 1.4 98.0% 1.6 0.2 1,003 1.5 0.8 4.4 3.2 1.6 5.7 2.7 1.1 0.2 34,295 32,379 51.4% 48.6 10.5% 89.5 22.1% 77.9 15.1% 84.9 46.1% 53.9 21.2% 78.8 17.9% 82.1 19.5% 80.5 96.4% 3.6 6 315 3,969 8,557 11,813 12,364 10,128 7,462 5,227 3,344 1,827 1,662 <0.1% 0.5 6.0 12.8 17.7 18.5 15.2 11.2 7.8 5.0 2.7 2.5 0.1% 0.3 7.1 14.6 14.2 13.7 12.5 11.6 10.4 7.3 4.8 3.5 ... 0.1% 3.5 10.5 13.5 15.3 14.1 12.5 10.8 8.0 5.2 6.5 0.2% 0.2 6.9 11.2 13.9 14.1 10.3 13.0 10.8 7.9 5.0 6.3 ... 0.6% 5.9 11.7 16.9 19.7 16.0 11.6 8.1 4.8 2.7 2.1 ... 0.2% 2.9 7.2 9.9 13.3 16.0 15.5 10.7 10.2 6.7 7.5 <0.1% 0.1 3.8 10.5 13.0 12.9 12.4 12.3 11.0 8.7 6.5 8.9 ... <0.1% 5.0 16.6 22.5 19.3 13.6 9.0 6.0 4.3 2.0 1.4 <0.1% 0.7 7.6 14.6 20.4 19.5 15.9 10.6 6.1 3.1 1.0 0.5 38,831 27,803 58.3% 41.7 94.7% 5.3 80.0% 20.0 93.1% 6.9 69.9% 30.1 84.5% 15.5 90.5% 9.5 93.3% 6.7 5.5% 94.5 Note: Total includes prisoners whose offense category could not be determined. Percentages are based only on the prison populations for whom characteristics were known. Details may not sum to totals due to rounding. Data were missing for the following: offense (398), sex (30), race (30), ethnicity (30), age (30), and citizenship (70). ...Not available. No cases of this type occurred. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, based on data from the Federal Bureau of Prisons, SENTRY database, fiscal year 2016. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 51 ■ Methodology Data sources Statistics in this report are from the Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP), collected by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). The FJSP is constructed from source files provided by the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA), the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (AOUSC), the U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC), and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). The AOUSC provides data describing defendants in cases processed by the federal judiciary and defendants processed by the federal pre-trial services agencies and the federal probation and supervision service. Federal law prohibits the use of these files for any purpose other than research or statistics. The table in Additional information about the data describes the source agency data files. Reporting period Wherever possible, matters or cases have been selected according to the event that occurred during fiscal year (FY) 2016 (October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016). Files, which are organized by their source agencies according to fiscal year, nonetheless include some pertinent records in earlier years’ files. Tabulations of suspects in matters concluded during FY 2016 have been assembled from source files containing records of 2016 matters concluded, which were entered into the data system during FY 2015 or FY 2016. The availability of particular items of information varies by data source. Data on prosecutors’ decisions prior to court filing are provided for cases investigated by U.S. attorneys but not for cases handled by other litigating divisions of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Cases handled by DOJ litigating divisions enter the database once they are filed in U.S. district court. Table construction Generally, the tables include both individual and organizational defendants. Organizational defendants are not included in tables describing defendants sentenced to incarceration. Juvenile offenders who are charged as adults are included in the reported statistics. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 Unit of analysis In federal law enforcement and prosecution (section 1) and federal pre-trial, adjudication, sentencing, and appeals (section 2), the unit of analysis is a combination of a person (or corporation) and a matter or case. If the same person is involved in three different criminal cases during the period specified in the table, then the person is counted three times in the tabulation. A single criminal case involving a corporate defendant and four individual defendants is counted five times in the tabulation. In federal corrections and supervision (section 3), the unit of analysis is a person entering custody or supervision, a person leaving custody or supervision, or a person in custody or supervision at year-end. A person who terminated probation twice in the indicated period is counted as two terminations of probation. For instance, probation might be terminated because of a violation, reinstated, and then terminated again for another violation. Interpretation The tables are constructed to permit the user to make valid comparisons of numbers within each table and to compare percentage rates across tables. The total numbers of subjects in the tables that are based on records linked between two files are generally less than the total number of records in either source file. Comparisons of absolute numbers across two or more of these tables and other data sources are not necessarily valid. Offense classifications Procedure The offense classification procedure used in this publication is based on the system followed by the AOUSC. Specific offenses are combined to form the BJS categories shown in this report. Offense categories for federal arrestees are based on the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s National Crime Information Center offense classifications, which are converted into the USMS’s four-digit offense codes and are aggregated into standard offense categories shown in the tables. These categories are similar but may not be directly comparable to the BJS offense categories used in other tables for 2016. For data from the EOUSA—which include U.S. Code citations but exclude the AOUSC offense classifications—U.S. Code titles and sections are translated into the AOUSC classification system then aggregated into the offense categories used in the tables. 52 ■ Distinction between felonies and misdemeanors Distinctions between felony and misdemeanor offenses are provided where possible. Felony offenses have a maximum penalty of more than one year in prison. Misdemeanor offenses have a maximum penalty of up to one year. Felonies and misdemeanors are further classified by the maximum term of imprisonment authorized. In 18 U.S.C. § 3559, offenses are classified according to the following schedule: Felonies Class A felony—life imprisonment or penalty of death Class B felony—25 years or more Class C felony—less than 25 years but more than 10 years Class D felony—less than 10 years but more than 5 years Class E felony—less than 5 years but more than one year. Misdemeanors Class A misdemeanor—one year or less but more than 6 months In the prosecution tables, the most serious offense is based on the criminal lead charge determined by the assistant U.S. attorney responsible for the criminal proceeding. In pre-trial tables, the major charged offense is based on the AOUSC’s offense-severity classification system, as determined by the pre-trial officer responsible for the case. To select this offense, the officer ranks offenses according to severity based on maximum imprisonment, type of crime, and maximum fines. In adjudication tables, the most serious offense charged is the one with the most severe potential sentence. For sentencing tables, conviction offenses are based on statutory maximum penalties. In appeals tables, the offenses are classified by the offense of conviction. In the supervision tables, the most serious offense of conviction is either the one with the longest sentence imposed or, if equal sentences were imposed or there was no imprisonment, the offense carrying the highest severity code as determined by the AOUSC’s offense-severity code ranking. Offense categories For offense categories in all text tables, the following conditions apply: Murder includes non-negligent manslaughter. Class B misdemeanor—6 months or less but more than 30 days Sexual abuse includes only violent sex offenses. Class C misdemeanor—30 days or less but more than 5 days Larceny excludes transportation of stolen property. Infraction—5 days or less, or no imprisonment is authorized. Fraud excludes tax fraud. Other property felonies excludes fraudulent property offenses and includes destruction of property and trespass. Felony and misdemeanor distinctions are provided when the data are available. Arrest and prosecution tables do not distinguish between felonies and misdemeanors because many suspects’ offenses cannot be classified at the arrest and investigation stages in the criminal justice process. This distinction is not made for pre-trial release or detention because the Pretrial Services Agency no longer gathers this information. Adjudication, sentencing, and supervision tables distinguish between felony and misdemeanor offenses. Tax-law violations includes tax fraud. Determining the most serious offense All other offenses includes felonies with unknown or unclassifiable offense type. Where more than one offense is charged or adjudicated, the most serious offense (i.e., the one that could or did result in the most severe sentence) is used to classify offenses. The offense description may change during the criminal justice process. Tables indicate whether investigated, charged, or adjudicated offenses are used. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 Other sex offenses denotes non-violent sex offenses or the mail or transport of obscene material. Wildlife offenses was amended in 2002 to include offenses previously included in the “Migratory birds” category. Environmental offenses was amended in 2002 to include some offenses previously included in the “Agriculture” and “Other Regulatory” categories. Misdemeanors includes misdemeanors, petty offenses, and unknown offense levels. Drug possession includes other drug misdemeanors. 53 ■ Additional information about the data The U.S. Marshals Service, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the U.S. Sentencing Commission, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons each report on cases processed during a given year in an annual statistical report. These reports are often not comparable across agencies due to the varying methods used by the agencies to report case-processing activities. An interagency working group headed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) found differences in the caseprocessing statistics that can be attributed, in part, to the different needs and missions of the agencies: The universe of cases reported during a given period differed, as some agencies report on case-processing events that occurred during a particular period, whereas other agencies report on events recorded during a particular period. Many of the commonly used case-processing statistics—suspect or defendant processed, offense committed, case disposed, and sentence imposed— are defined differently across agencies. BJS, through its Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP), has recognized the incomparability of these annual statistical reports and has attempted to reconcile many of the differences identified by the working group. By combining databases from several years, BJS is able to report on those cases that actually occurred during the reporting period. Commonly used case-processing statistics are made comparable across Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 stages by applying uniform definitions to data obtained from each agency. Because definitions in the FJSP are consistent with categories in BJS programs describing state defendants convicted, sentenced, or imprisoned, comparisons can be made between federal and state case-processing statistics. Notes to reader These tables were constructed to permit valid comparisons within each table and to allow the reader to compare percentages (but not raw totals) across tables. It should be understood, however, that the total number of subjects or defendants shown in a particular table may not equal the number of subjects or defendants involved in a particular stage of processing. Some records could not be linked, and some data sources did not include information on particular data elements classified in a particular table. Data notes indicate the exact universe for individual tables. This report is a statistical presentation of federal criminal justice information with limited analyses of trends or explanatory factors underlying the statistics. Analyses of federal justice statistics may be found in special reports and other publications, some of which are cited in these tables. To assess changing patterns in these tables, the reader may need to examine in detail subcategories not shown in the tabulations or may need some knowledge of legislation or federal agency procedures. 54 ■ Data source agency Contents of data files Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables Arrest: Tables 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Map 1.1 Warrant: Tables 1.5, 1.6 Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)— Contains data on suspects arrested by DEA Arrest: Defendant Statistical System agents, both within and outside the continental Table 1.4 U.S. Data include information on characteristics of arrestees, type of drug for which they were arrested, and the type and number of weapons possessed at the time of arrest. Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys—National Legal Contains information on the investigation and Prosecution: Information Office Network System prosecution of suspects in criminal matters Tables 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 received and concluded, criminal cases filed Map 2.1 and terminated, and criminal appeals filed and handled by U.S. attorneys. The central system files contain defendant-level records about the processing of matters and cases. The central charge files contain the records of the charges filed and disposed in criminal cases. Data are available on matters and cases filed, pending, and terminated Pre-trial release: Contains data on defendants interviewed, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (AOUSC): investigated, or supervised by pre-trial services. Tables 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 Pretrial Services Agency—Probation and Pretrial Adjudication: The information covers defendants’ pre-trial Services Automated Case Tracking System hearings, detentions, and releases from the time Table 4.4 (defendant characteristics) they are interviewed through the disposition of Map 3.1 Sentencing: their cases in U.S. district court. Data describe Tables 5.3, 5.4 (defendant characteristics) pre-trial defendants processed by federal pre-trial service agencies within each district. Defendants who received pre-trial services through a local, non-federal agency, such as the District of Columbia, are not included. AOUSC—Criminal Termination Files Contains information about the criminal Adjudication: proceedings against defendants whose cases Tables 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 were filed in U.S. district courts. Includes Map 4.1 information on felony defendants, Class Sentencing: A misdemeanants—whether handled by Tables 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 U.S. district court judges or U.S. magistrates— Map 5.1 and other misdemeanants, provided they were handled by U.S. district court judges. Data files cover criminal proceedings from case filing through disposition and sentencing. Data are available on criminal defendants in cases filed, pending, and terminated. U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC)—Monitoring Contains information on criminal defendants Adjudication: Data Base sentenced pursuant to the provisions of the Table 4.4 (defendant characteristics) Sentencing Reform Act of 1984. Data files are Sentencing: limited to defendants whose court records have Tables 5.3, 5.4 (defendant characteristics) been obtained by the USSC. AOUSC: Courts of Appeals Contains information on criminal appeals filed Appeals: and terminated in U.S. courts of appeals. Records Tables 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 of appeals filed, pending, or terminated include information on the nature of the criminal appeal, the underlying offense, and the disposition of the appeal. AOUSC—Federal Probation and Supervision Contains information about supervision Supervision: Information System provided by probation officers for persons Tables 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 placed on probation or supervised release from prison. The files contain records of individuals entering or currently on supervision and records of offenders terminating supervision. Corrections: Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)—Extract from Data extracts contain information on all BOP’s SENTRY System offenders released from prison during a specific Tables 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 period of time and information about offenders Map 7.1 in prison when data extracts are made. The information covers the time from offenders’ admission to prison until their release from the jurisdiction of the BOP. U.S. Marshals Service—Prisoner Tracking System —Warrant Information Network Contains data on suspects arrested for violations of federal law by federal enforcement agencies and data about warrants initiated or cleared. Data include characteristics of federal arrestees. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 55 ■ Terms and definitions A Acquittal—a jury verdict that a criminal defendant is not guilty, or the finding of a judge that the evidence is insufficient to support a conviction. Administrative case closure—terminating or closing a community supervision case for administrative reasons, such as an offender’s long-term hospitalization, death, deportation, incarceration in an unrelated case, or at the administrative discretion of the chief probation officer. Affirmed—in the practice of the appellate court, it means that the court of appeals has concluded that the lower court decision is correct and will stand as rendered by the lower court. Agriculture violation—a violation of federal statutes concerning agriculture and conservation. Federal statutes related to agriculture include the Agricultural Acts (7 U.S.C., except sections on food stamps related to fraud); the Insecticide Act; the Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921; laws concerning plant quarantine and inspection; and laws that protect animals used in research. Federal statutes related to conservation include laws concerning soil and water conservation and wildlife conservation. Antitrust violation—a violation related to federal antitrust statutes enacted by Congress that protect trade and commerce from unlawful restraints, price fixing, monopolies, and discrimination in pricing or in furnishing services or facilities. Appeal—a legal proceeding by which a case is brought before a higher court for the review of a judgment or decision of a lower court. Appeals, U.S. Court of—intermediate appellate courts in the U.S. federal court system that review the final decisions of the district courts within their federal judicial circuits, when challenged. U.S. courts of appeal are higher than the U.S. district courts but lower than the U.S. Supreme Court. There are 13 U.S. courts of appeal in the federal system, representing the 12 judicial circuits and the federal circuit. Appellant—the party who requests that a judicial decision or decree be reviewed by a higher court or by another jurisdiction. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 Appellee—the party against whom an appeal is taken and who seeks to persuade the appeals court to affirm the district court’s decision. Arson—willfully or maliciously setting, or attempting to set, fire to any property within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the U.S. See also, explosives. Assault—the threat, attempt, or intentional infliction of bodily injury. Assault also includes certain violations of the Fair Housing Act of 1968. Assault, aggravated—the threat, attempt, or intentional inflicting of bodily injury by means of a deadly or dangerous weapon, with or without actual infliction of any injury. Also, an attack without a weapon resulting in serious injuries. Serious injury includes broken bones, lost teeth, internal injuries, loss of consciousness, and an injury requiring 2 days or more of hospitalization. Assault, simple—the threat, attempt, or intentional inflicting of minor bodily injury without a weapon. Minor injury includes bruises, black eyes, cuts, scratches, swelling, and an injury requiring less than 2 days of hospitalization. B Bail—the temporary release, prior to trial, of a defendant in exchange for security or money promised for the defendant’s due appearance. Also can refer to the amount of bond money posted as a financial condition of pre-trial release. Booking—a procedure following an arrest in which information about the arrest and the suspect are recorded. Bribery—offering or promising anything of value with the intent to influence a person unlawfully, especially a public official in a position of trust. Also includes soliciting or receiving anything of value in consideration of aiding a person to obtain employment with the federal government. Also, receiving or soliciting any remuneration, directly or indirectly, in cash or any kind, in return for purchasing, ordering, leasing, or recommending purchasing any good, service, or facility. Burglary—unlawful entry and attempted unlawful entry of any property, with or without force. 56 ■ C Career offender—a defendant who is age 18 or older at the time of the instant offense, if the instant offense of conviction is a felony and if they have at least two prior felony convictions. Case—a judicial proceeding for the determination of a controversy between parties wherein rights are enforced or protected, or wrongs are prevented or redressed, or any proceeding that is judicial in nature. A case is a single charging document filed in a court containing one or more charges against one or more defendants and constituting the unit of action in court activity following the filing. Charges in two or more charging documents are sometimes combined, or the charges or defendants in one charging document are separated, for purposes of adjudication. Civil rights violation—a violation of civil liberties guaranteed to U.S. citizens by the Constitution and by acts of Congress. These include the Thirteenth and Fourteenth amendments to the Constitution and the Civil Rights Acts enacted after the Civil War and in 1957 and 1964. Collateral bond—an agreement made as a condition of pre-trial release that requires the defendant to post property valued at the full bail amount as an assurance of his or her intention to appear at trial. Communication violation—a violation covering areas of communication, such as the Communications Act of 1934 (including wiretapping and wire interception). A communication is considered a deliberate interchange of thoughts or opinions between two or more persons. Community confinement—residence in a community treatment center, halfway house, restitution center, mental-health facility, alcohol or drug rehabilitation center, or other community facility; and participation in gainful employment, employment search efforts, community service, vocational training, treatment, educational programs, or similar facility-approved programs during non-residential hours. Community confinement may be imposed as a condition of probation or supervised release. Under the federal sentencing guidelines, community confinement may be a substitute for imprisonment on a day-to-day basis for defendants with a guideline maximum of less than 16 months of imprisonment. Commutation of sentence—a change of legal penalty or punishment to a lesser one, such as having a federal Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 criminal sentence reduced by the executive clemency of the President of the U.S. Complaint—a written statement in which the plaintiff details the claims against the defendant; or a formal document submitted to the court by a prosecutor, law enforcement officer, or other person, alleging that a specified person or persons has committed a specified offense or offenses and requesting prosecution. Concurrent sentence—a sentence, such as a prison term, to be served at the same time as another sentence rather than one after the other. One 3-year sentence and one 5-year sentence, if served concurrently, result in a maximum sentence of 5 years. See also, consecutive sentence. Conditional release—the release of a prisoner who has not served his or her full sentence and whose freedom is contingent on obeying any combination of restrictions deemed necessary to guarantee the defendant’s appearance at trial or safeguard the community. Consecutive sentence—a sentence for two or more offenses that follow one after the other. Two 3-year sentences and one 5-year sentence, if served consecutively, result in a maximum sentence of 11 years. See also, concurrent sentence. Conspiracy—an agreement by two or more persons to commit or to affect the commission of an unlawful act, or to use unlawful means to accomplish an act that is not in itself unlawful; also, any overt act in furtherance of the agreement. A person charged with conspiracy is classified under the alleged substantive offense. Continuing criminal enterprise—a felony committed as part of a continuing series of violations, which is undertaken by a person, in collaboration with five or more other persons. The person occupies a position of organizer, supervisor, or any other position of management and obtains substantial income or resources from this position. Conviction—a judgment of guilt against a criminal defendant. A conviction includes pleas of guilty and nolo contendere and excludes final judgments expunged by pardon, reversed, set aside, or otherwise rendered invalid. Corporate defendant—a business against whom a lawsuit is filed. The defendant in a case is not an individual person but an entity, a collection of persons, 57 ■ or a business or corporation. Despite not being persons, corporations are recognized by the law to have rights and responsibilities like natural persons. Corporate surety—a person, persons, or entity who has entered into a bond (or an agreement) to give surety for another. As a condition of pre-trial release, the defendant enters into an agreement that requires a third party, such as a bail bondsman, to promise the payment of the full bail amount in the event that the defendant fails to appear in court. See also, surety bond. Counterfeiting—falsely making, forging, or altering obligations with a view to deceive or defraud, by passing the copy or thing forged as original or genuine. Counterfeiting applies to any obligation or security of the U.S., foreign obligation or security, coin or bar stamped at any mint in the U.S., money order issued by the U.S. Postal Service, domestic or foreign stamp, or seal of any department or agency of the U.S. Includes passing, selling, attempting to pass or sell, or bringing into the U.S. any of the above falsely made articles. Also, making, selling, or possessing any plates or stones (or any instrument) used for printing counterfeit obligations or securities of the U.S., foreign obligations or securities, governmental transportation requests, or postal stamps; or knowingly and intentionally trafficking in falsified labels affixed to phone records, motion pictures, or audio visual works. Courts—governmental entity authorized to resolve legal issues. Judicial power is vested pursuant to Article III of the Constitution in the following federal courts: the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, and the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. See also, Appeals, U.S. Court of, and District court, U.S. Criminal career—the longitudinal sequence of crimes committed by an offender. Criminal-history category—a quantification of the defendant’s prior criminal record and the defendant’s propensity to recidivate under the federal sentencing guidelines. Guideline criminal-history categories range from Category I (primarily first-time offenders) to Category VI (career offenders). Customs-law violation—a violation regarding taxes, which are payable on goods and merchandise imported or exported. Includes the duties, toll, tribute, or tariff payable on merchandise exported or imported. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 D Dangerous weapon—an instrument capable, under certain circumstances, of causing serious injury or death. Deadly weapon—an instrument specifically designed to cause serious injury or death. Declination—a prosecutor’s decision not to file a case in a matter received for investigation. Excluded are immediate declinations where a prosecutor spent less than one hour on the case. Defendant—the party against whom a lawsuit is filed. Departure—a sentence imposed that is outside the applicable guideline sentencing range. A court may depart when it finds an aggravating or mitigating circumstance not adequately taken into consideration by the U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC) in formulating the guidelines that should result in a sentence different from that described. See also, substantial assistance. Deportation or treaty transfer—the act of expelling a foreigner from a country, usually to the country of origin, due to the commission of a crime or prior criminal record. Deposit bond—an agreement made by a defendant as a condition of pre-trial release that requires the defendant to post a fraction of the bail before they are released to the community. Detainer—a notification sent by a prosecutor, judge, or other official, such as a law enforcement officer, advising a prison official that a prisoner is wanted to answer for criminal charges. The notification requests the prisoner’s continued detention or notification of the prisoner’s impending release. Detention—the legally authorized confinement of a person subject to criminal or juvenile court proceedings until the point of commitment to a correctional facility or until release. Only persons held for 2 days or more are classified as detained. Dismissal—the decision by a court to terminate adjudication of all outstanding charges in a criminal case or all outstanding charges against a given defendant in a criminal case, thus terminating the court action in the case and permanently or 58 ■ provisionally terminating court jurisdiction over the defendant in relation to those charges. Includes nolle prosequi and deferred prosecution. Disposition—the action by a criminal or juvenile justice agency signifying that a portion of the justice process is complete and jurisdiction is terminated or transferred to another agency; or signifying that a decision has been reached on one aspect of a case and that a different aspect will come under consideration, requiring a different kind of decision. District court, U.S.—trial courts with general federal jurisdiction over cases involving federal laws or offenses and actions between citizens of different states. District of Columbia—the jurisdiction of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. This jurisdiction includes federal offenses prosecuted in U.S. district courts and, except for tables based on data from the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), excludes violations of the District of Columbia Code and cases prosecuted in the District of Columbia Superior Court. Drug distribution—delivery (other than by administering or dispensing) of a controlled substance. The term “controlled substance” means any drug or other substance, or immediate precursor, included in schedule I, II, III, IV, or V of part B of subchapter I of Chapter 13 (Drug Abuse, Prevention, and Control), Title 21 (Food and Drugs) of the U.S. Code. The term excludes distilled spirits, wine, malt beverages, and tobacco, as those terms are defined or used in subtitle E of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Drug offense—a violation under federal or state laws prohibiting the manufacture, import, export, distribution, or dispensing of a controlled or counterfeit substance, or the possession of a controlled or counterfeit substance with the intent to manufacture, import, export, distribute, or dispense the substance. Drug offenses include using any communication facilities that cause or facilitate a felony under Title 21 of the U.S. Code, or furnishing fraudulent or false information concerning prescriptions and any other unspecified drug-related offense. See also, drug distribution, possession, and drug trafficking. Drug trafficking—knowingly and intentionally importing or exporting any controlled substance in schedule I, II, III, IV, or V (as defined by 21 U.S.C. § 812). Drug trafficking includes manufacturing, Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 distributing, dispensing, selling, or possessing with the intent to manufacture, distribute, or sell a controlled substance or a counterfeit substance. Trafficking also includes exporting any controlled substance in schedules I through V, and the manufacture or distribution of a controlled substance in schedule I or II, for the purposes of unlawful importation. Also includes the making or distributing of any punch, die, plate, stone, or any other instrument designed to reproduce the label on any drug or container, or removing or obliterating the label or symbol of any drug or container. Knowingly opening, maintaining, or managing any place for manufacturing, distributing, or using any controlled substance is also considered drug trafficking. Dual and Successive Prosecution Policy (Petite Policy)—prosecutorial guidelines used to determine whether to bring federal prosecution, based substantially on a defendant’s repetition of the same act or transactions involved in a prior state or federal proceeding for a defendant. E Embezzlement—the fraudulent appropriation of property by a person to whom such property has been lawfully entrusted. Includes offenses committed by bank officers or employees; officers or employees of the U.S. Postal Service; officers of lending, credit, or insurance institutions; and any officer or employee of a corporation or association engaged in commerce as a common carrier. The fraudulent appropriations of property by court officers of the U.S. courts and officers or employees of the U.S. are also included. Stealing from employment and training funds; stealing from programs that receive federal funds and Indian tribal organizations; and selling, conveying, or disposing of any money, property, records, or thing of value to the U.S. or any department thereof without authority are also included in embezzlement. Environmental offense—a violation of federal law enacted to protect the environment, such as the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. Environmental protection laws protect the safety and well-being of communities from excessive and unnecessary emissions of environmental pollutants. Escape—departing or attempting to depart from the custody of a correctional institution; a judicial, correctional, or law enforcement officer; or a 59 ■ hospital where one is committed for drug abuse or drug dependency treatment. Includes knowingly advising, aiding, assisting, or procuring the escape or attempted escape of any person from a correctional facility, an officer, or the above-mentioned hospital; and concealing an escapee. Also includes providing or attempting to provide to a prisoner a prohibited object; or making, possessing, obtaining, or attempting to make or obtain a prohibited object. Instigating, assisting, attempting to cause, or causing any mutiny or riot at any federal penal, detention, or correctional facility; or conveying into any of these institutions any dangerous instruments are also included. Exclusion—the rule of evidence that disallows evidence secured by illegal means and in bad faith to be introduced in a criminal trial. Expiration of sentence—the completion of a prison sentence by standard means. See also, releases from prison. Explosives violation—a violation of federal law involving the importation, manufacture, distribution, and storage of explosive material. Includes the unlawful receipt, possession, or transportation of explosives without a license, where prohibited by law, or using explosives during the commission of a felony. Also includes violations relating to dealing in stolen explosives, using mail or other forms of communication to threaten an individual with explosives, and possessing explosive materials at an airport. See also, arson. F Failure to appear—willful absence from any court appointment. Felony—a serious crime that involves a potential punishment of one year or more in prison or a crime punishable by death. According to 18 U.S.C. § 3559, felonies are classified based on the maximum imprisonment term authorized by the law describing the offense. The five felony classes—A, B, C, D, and E—include life imprisonment or the maximum penalty of death (Class A felony), 25 years or more (Class B felony), less than 25 years but more than 10 years (Class C felony), less than 10 years but more than 5 years (Class D felony), and less than 5 years but more than one year (Class E felony). Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 Filing—the initiation of a criminal case in U.S. district court by formal submission to the court of a charging document alleging that one or more named persons have committed one or more specified offenses. Financial condition—the monetary condition on which the release of a defendant before trial is contingent, including deposit bond, surety bond, and collateral bond. See also the specific definitions for these bond types. Fine—a monetary penalty imposed as punishment for an offense. First release—prisoners released from the BOP for the first time after their commitment by a U.S. district court. Excludes offenders returned to prison after their first release to supervision. Food and drug violation—a violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, including regulations for clean and sanitary movement of animals, adulteration or misbranding of any food or drug, failure to transmit information about prescription drugs, and intent to defraud and distribute adulterated material. Forgery—the creation or alteration of a document, which if validly executed would constitute a legally binding transaction, with the intent to defraud; or the creation of an art object with intent to misrepresent the identity of the creator. Forgery also includes making, possessing, selling, or printing plates or stones for counterfeiting obligations or securities, and detaching, altering, or defacing any official device, mark, or certificate. Fraud—unlawfully depriving a person of his or her property or legal rights through intentional misrepresentation of fact or deceit, other than forgery or counterfeiting. Fraudulent property offense—see property offense, fraudulent. Fugitive—a person convicted or accused of a crime who hides from law enforcement or escapes custody or flees across jurisdictional lines to avoid arrest or punishment. Fugitive investigation—initiated on receipt of a warrant and typically involves persons who have violated their conditions of probation, parole, or bond 60 ■ release, and escaped prisoners. The U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) has administrative responsibility for all investigations involving federal fugitives. G Gambling offense—the unlawful making, receiving, or wagering on a game of chance or uncertain event, or operating, or promoting or permitting the operation of, an unlawful game of chance or wagering establishment. Also, the federal offense of transporting, manufacturing, selling, possessing, or using any gambling device in the District of Columbia or any possession of the U.S. or within Indian country, or the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the U.S., as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 7. Federal gambling offenses include transporting gambling devices within the jurisdiction of the U.S., except under the authority of the Federal Trade Commission or under the authority of a state law that provides an exemption from these provisions. Offenses also include transmitting wagering information on interstate or foreign commerce, interstate transporting of wagering paraphernalia, importing or transporting lottery tickets, or mailing lottery tickets or related matter. Good-time credit—time credited based on a prisoner’s good behavior while imprisoned that is applied toward the prisoner’s early release. Under the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984, two classes of prisoners are ineligible to receive good-time credits: (1) misdemeanants serving a term of imprisonment of one year or less; and (2) felons serving life sentences. All other federal prisoners receive a flat allocation of 54 days per year of sentence served; credit for a partial year remaining at the end of the sentence is prorated. The annual allotment does not change based on the length of time a federal prisoner has already spent in prison. Guideline sentencing range—the range of imprisonment length for a prisoner sentenced to a federal institution based on the federal sentencing guideline for the particular level of offense committed and the offender’s criminal history. The federal sentencing guideline incorporates any minimum terms of imprisonment required by statute and the statutory maximum term of imprisonment, where applicable. Guilty plea—a plea in response to formal charges, admitting that the defendant committed the offenses as charged. A guilty plea also includes pleas of nolo contendere. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 H Hispanic—an ethnic category based on classification by the reporting agency. Hispanic persons may be of any race. Home detention—a form of confinement and supervision used as a substitute either for imprisonment or as a condition of probation. Except for authorized absences, home detention is a measure in which a person is confined by authorities to the person’s place of residence and restriction is enforced by appropriate means of surveillance by the probation office. Under the federal sentencing guidelines, home detention may be a substitute for imprisonment on a day-to-day basis for defendants with a guideline maximum sentence of less than 16 months of imprisonment. Homicide—see murder. I Immigration offense—a violation involving illegal entry into the U.S., illegally re-entering the U.S. after deportation, willfully failing to deport when so ordered, willfully remaining beyond days allowed on conditional permit, or falsely representing oneself to be a U.S. citizen. Immigration offenses include violations relating to provisions for special agricultural workers and provisions relating to limitations on immigrant status, such as employment. Also includes bringing in or harboring any aliens not duly admitted by an immigration officer. Incarceration—any sentence of confinement, including prison, jail, or other residential placements. Indeterminate sentence—a prison sentence with a maximum or minimum term that is not specifically established at the time of sentencing. Indictment—a formal charge, issued by a grand jury, stating that there is enough evidence to justify a trial against a defendant for allegedly committing a crime. Indictment is used primarily for felonies. Information—a formal charge, issued by a governmental attorney, stating that there is enough evidence to justify a trial against a defendant for allegedly committing a misdemeanor. Also includes the document filed to initiate trial proceedings at the second step of a felony case. 61 ■ Infraction—an offense for which the maximum term of imprisonment is 5 days or less, or an offense for which no imprisonment is authorized, according to 18 U.S.C. § 3559. Initial appearance or hearing—a criminal defendant’s first appearance before a judge or magistrate. Instant offense—the offense of conviction and all relevant conduct under U.S.S.G. § 1B1.3. Intermittent sentence—a sentence to periods of confinement interrupted by periods of freedom. Under the federal sentencing guidelines, intermittent confinement may be a substitute for imprisonment for defendants with a guideline maximum of less than 16 months of imprisonment. Each 24 hours of intermittent confinement is credited as one day of incarceration. J Jail credit—the number of days deducted from an offender’s sentence for time spent in custody before a prison sentence was imposed. Jurisdictional offenses—offenses considered to be federal crimes because of the place in which they occurred, such as on an aircraft, or federal land or property. Jurisdictional offenses include certain crimes on Indian reservations, or at sea, that cannot be classified in a more specific substantive category. Juvenile—a person subject to juvenile court proceedings because a statutorily defined event or condition was alleged to have occurred while their age was below the statutorily specified age limit of original jurisdiction of a juvenile court. Court jurisdiction is determined by age at the time of the event, not at the time of judicial proceedings. The age limit defining the legal categories “juvenile” and “adult” varies among states and also, with respect to specified crimes, within states. The generally applicable age limit within a given state is most often the eighteenth birthday. In statutes establishing the jurisdiction of criminal-trial courts over persons younger than the standard age for specified crimes (usually violent crimes, such as murder or armed robbery), the age limit may be lowered to 16 years or younger. These variations in age factor are small enough to permit data aggregated on the basis of the state definition of juvenile to be comparable for many purposes. However, each state should note its age limit in statistics for general distribution. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 Juvenile delinquency—an act committed by a juvenile for which an adult could be prosecuted in a criminal court but for which a juvenile can be adjudicated in a juvenile court or prosecuted in a court having criminal jurisdiction, if the juvenile court transfers jurisdiction. K Kidnapping—unlawfully seizing any person as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 1201 for ransom or reward, except in the case of a minor seized by a parent. Includes receiving, possessing, or disposing of any money or other property delivered as ransom or as a reward in connection with a kidnapping and conspiring to kidnap any person. L Labor-law violation—a violation of federal laws governing a broad spectrum of activities relating to labor-management relations, such as the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and the Taft-Hartley Act. Larceny—unlawful taking or attempted taking of property, other than a motor vehicle, from the possession of another person or entity, by stealth, without force or deceit, and with intent to permanently deprive the owner of the property. Excludes taking that requires unlawful entry or force or is accomplished by deception. Liquor violation—a violation of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) laws on liquor and violations of liquor laws not cited under IRS laws. Liquor violations include dispensing or unlawfully possessing intoxicants in Indian country; transporting intoxicating liquors into any state, territory, district, or possession where sale is prohibited; shipping packages containing unmarked and unlabeled intoxicants; and shipping liquor by collect-on-delivery methods. Includes knowingly delivering a liquor shipment to someone other than to whom it has been consigned and violating the Federal Alcohol Administration Act. Includes violations relating to regulation of the manufacture, sale, distribution, transportation, possession, or use of intoxicating liquor. Includes maintaining unlawful drinking places, advertising and soliciting orders for intoxicating liquor, bootlegging, operating a still, furnishing liquor to a minor or intemperate person, using a vehicle for the illegal transportation of liquor, drinking on a train or public 62 ■ conveyance, and all attempts to commit any of the aforementioned acts. Excludes public drunkenness and driving under the influence (DUI). included is 18 U.S.C. § 929, which provides for a 5-year enhancement for the use of armor-piercing ammunition during the commission of a crime. M Material witness—a person with significant information about the subject matter of a criminal prosecution necessary to resolve the matter. Magistrates (U.S.), federal—judicial officers appointed by judges of federal district courts who have many but not all of the powers of a judge. Magistrates are designated to hear a wide variety of motions and other pre-trial matters in both criminal and civil cases. With consent of the parties, magistrates may conduct civil or misdemeanor criminal trials. Magistrates may not preside over felony trials or over jury selection in felony cases. Mailing or transportation of obscene materials—a violation of federal law relating to knowingly using the mail for mailing obscene or crime-inciting matter, as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 1461 and 39 U.S.C. § 3001(e). Also includes transporting for sale or distribution, importing, or transporting any obscene matter in interstate or foreign commerce. Major offense while on conditional release— allegation, arrest, or conviction for a crime with a minimum sentence of more than 90 days’ imprisonment or more than one year’s probation. Mandatory release—the release of a prisoner after confinement for a period equal to the prisoner’s full sentence, minus any statutory good time. Federal prisoners exiting prison on mandatory release may still be subject to a period of post-release community supervision. Mandatory sentence—a sentence that includes a minimum term of imprisonment that the sentencing court is statutorily required to impose barring the government’s motion of substantial assistance. Mandatory sentencing enhancement—a form of mandatory sentence in which the minimum term of imprisonment is to be imposed consecutive to any other term of imprisonment imposed. Mandatory sentencing enhancements include 18 U.S.C. § 924(c), which provides for a 5-year-to-lifetime enhancement for the use of a firearm during the commission of a crime, and 18 U.S.C. § 844(h), which provides for a 5-year enhancement for the use of firearms or explosives during the commission of a crime. Also Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 Matter—a potential case under review by a U.S. attorney and on which more than one hour is spent. Matters concluded—matters in which a U.S. attorney has reached a final decision. Specifically includes matters filed as cases, matters declined after investigation, matters referred for disposition by U.S. magistrates, and matters otherwise terminated without reaching court. Migratory-birds offense—a violation of acts relating to birds that move from one place to another in a season. Includes taking, killing, or possessing migratory birds, or any part, nest, or egg thereof, in violation of federal regulations or the transportation laws of the state, territory, or district from which the bird was taken. Also includes the misuse or non-use of a migratory-bird hunting and conservation stamp. Minor offense while on conditional release— conviction of a crime for which the maximum sentence is incarceration for 90 days or less, probation for one year or less, or a fine of $500 or less. Misdemeanor—a criminal offense punishable by a jail term not to exceed one year and any offense specifically defined as a misdemeanor by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts for the purposes of data collection. According to 18 U.S.C. § 3559, misdemeanors are classified in three letter grades—A, B, and C—based on the maximum terms of imprisonment. Class A denotes an imprisonment term of one year or less but more than 6 months; Class B denotes an imprisonment term of 6 months or less but more than 30 days; and Class C denotes an imprisonment term of 30 days or less but more than 5 days. Misdemeanor includes offenses previously called minor offenses that were reclassified under the Federal Magistrate Act of 1979. Mistrial—a trial that has been terminated and declared invalid by the court because of some circumstance that creates a substantial and uncorrectable prejudice to the conduct of a fair trial, or that makes it impossible to continue the trial in accordance with prescribed procedures. A trial may be terminated before its 63 ■ normal conclusion because of a procedural error; statements by a witness, judge, or attorney that prejudice a jury; a deadlock by a jury without reaching a verdict after lengthy deliberation (or a hung jury); or the failure to complete a trial within the time set by the court. When a mistrial is declared, the trial must start again with the selection of a new jury. Mixed sentence—a sentence requiring the convicted offender to serve a term of imprisonment, followed by a term of probation. Most serious offense—the offense charged that has the greatest potential sentence, or the offense with the greatest imposed sentence. Motor-carrier violation—a violation of the federal statutes relating to the Motor Carrier Act, which regulates the routes and rates of freight motor carriers and passenger motor carriers in interstate commerce. Motor-vehicle theft—unlawful or attempted taking of a self-propelled road vehicle owned by another person or entity, with the intent to permanently or temporarily deprive the owner of possession. Excludes vehicle parts. Murder—the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought that was either expressed or implied. This offense covers committing or attempting to commit murder (first or second degree) or voluntary manslaughter. Murder (criminal willful homicide)—intentionally causing the death of another person without legal justification, or causing the death of another while committing or attempting to commit another crime. Includes voluntary manslaughter. Murder, negligent (involuntary) manslaughter— causing the death of another person with reckless or gross negligence but without intent to cause death, including by reckless or grossly negligent operation of a motor vehicle. Murder, non-negligent (voluntary) manslaughter— intentionally causing the death of another without legal justification or excuse, or causing the death of another while committing or attempting to commit another crime. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 N National defense violation—a violation of national defense laws under the Military Selective Service Act; the Defense Production Act of 1950; the Subversive Activities Control Act; or the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970, which includes price, rent, and wage violations. Includes violations relating to alien registration and treason, including espionage, sabotage, sedition, and the Smith Act of 1940. Also includes violations relating to energy facilities, curfew and restricted areas, exportation of war materials, trading with an enemy, and illegal use of uniform. New law—federal defendants convicted and sentenced pursuant to the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984. See also, old law. Nolle prosequi—Latin for “we shall no longer prosecute.” The termination of adjudication of a criminal charge by the prosecutor’s decision not to pursue the case, which requires court approval in some jurisdictions. Nolo contendere—Latin for “I do not wish to contend.” The statement is a defendant’s plea in a criminal case, indicating that they will not contest the charges, but not admit or deny guilt. A plea of nolo contendere has the same effect as a plea of guilty, as far as the criminal sentence is concerned, but may not be considered an admission of guilt for any other purpose. Nolo contendere is also referred to as a plea of “no contest.” Non-U.S. citizen—a person who is without U.S. citizenship, including legal aliens—resident aliens, tourists, and refugees or asylees—and illegal aliens. Non-jury trial—a trial in which the judge alone decides factual and legal questions and makes the final judgment. Not convicted—an acquittal or a setting free by bench or jury trial, mistrial, or dismissal, including nolle prosequi and deferred prosecution. Not guilty—a defendant’s formal answer in court to the charge or charges contained in a complaint, information, or indictment, claiming that they did not commit the offense or offenses listed. If the defendant refuses to plea, the court will enter a plea of not guilty. A verdict of “not guilty” in a criminal trial means that a defendant was acquitted of the charges. 64 ■ O Offense—a violation of U.S. criminal law. Where more than one offense is charged, the offense with the greatest potential penalty is reported. Offense level—a quantification of the relative seriousness of the offense of conviction and any offense-specific aggravating or mitigating factors. Guideline offense levels range from level 1 (the least serious offense) to level 43 (the most serious offense). Old law—defendants convicted and sentenced pursuant to laws applicable before the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984. See also, new law. P Parole—a period of supervision after a prisoner is released from custody and before the end of the federal sentence imposed. The U.S. Parole Commission is empowered to grant, modify, or revoke the parole of all federal offenders. Pursuant to the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984, parole was abolished and defendants are required to serve the imposed sentence (less 54 days per year good-time for sentences greater than one year, but not life imprisonment), followed by a term of supervised release. Due to a decrease in federal prisoners sentenced under pre-Sentencing Reform provisions, the number of offenders on parole is declining. Perjury—a false material declaration under oath in any proceeding before or ancillary to any court or grand jury of the U.S. Includes knowingly or willfully giving false evidence or swearing to false statements under oath or by any means procuring or instigating any person to commit perjury. This offense also includes any officers or employees of the government listed under 13 U.S.C. §§ 21-25 who willfully or knowingly furnish, or cause to be furnished, any false information or statements. Personal recognizance—a pre-trial release condition in which the defendant promises to appear at trial and no financial conditions are imposed. Petty offense—a federal misdemeanor punishable by 6 months or less in prison, a Class B misdemeanor, a Class C misdemeanor, or an infraction with fines as specified in 18 U.S.C. § 3571. See also, misdemeanor and infraction. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 Plea-bargain—an agreement by the defendant in a criminal proceeding to plead guilty to a charge in exchange for the prosecution’s cooperation in securing a more lenient sentence or some other mitigation. Pornographic—that which is of, or pertaining to, obscene or licentious literature. Material is pornographic or obscene if the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the work taken as a whole appeals to the prurient interest; if it depicts sexual conduct in a patently offensive way; or if the work lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. Possession—an offense involving the possession of a controlled substance, acquiring a controlled substance by misrepresentation or fraud, attempting or conspiring to possess, or simple possession of a controlled substance in schedules I through V, as defined by 21 U.S.C. § 812. Includes possession of a controlled substance in schedule I or II, or a narcotic drug in schedule III or IV on board a U.S. vessel or vessels within custom waters of the U.S., or by any U.S. citizen on board a vessel. In addition, possessing any punch, die, plate, stone, or any other instrument designed to reproduce the label on any drug or container is an offense under this category. Distributing a small amount of marijuana for no remuneration is treated as simple possession and is included in this offense category. Postal-law violation—a violation of federal laws governing a broad spectrum of activities pertaining to the U.S. Postal Service. Presentence Investigation Report (PSI), federal—a report prepared by a court’s probation officer, after a person has been convicted of an offense, summarizing for the court the background information needed to determine the appropriate sentence. A federal probation officer conducts an investigation mandated by law, unless the court finds that there is information in the record sufficient to enable the meaningful exercise of sentencing authority pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3553 and the court explains this finding on the record. The PSI is intended to help the sentencing judges and others in the criminal justice system to evaluate the offender by providing a comprehensive background on the offender, which includes a summary of the current offense, prior criminal record, personal and family data, evaluation, and sentencing recommendations. 65 ■ Presentment—historically, a grand jury’s written notice of an offense based on the grand jury’s own knowledge or observation. In current usage, this can be a prosecutor’s presentation of alleged facts and charges to a court or a grand jury. Pre-trial diversion—an agreement to defer (and possibly drop) prosecution conditioned on the defendant’s good behavior or participation in programs, such as job training, counseling, or education, during a stated period. Pre-trial release—a defendant’s release from custody to the community, for all or part of the time before trial or during prosecution, on the defendant’s promise to appear in court when required. The defendant may be released on personal recognizance, unsecured bond, or under financial conditions. Pre-trial release includes defendants released within 2 days after arrest and defendants released after posting bail or having release conditions changed at a subsequent hearing. Pre-trial revocation—the decision to detain a defendant for violating conditions of pre-trial release or for committing a new crime while in a pre-trial release status. Preventive detention—the detention of a defendant awaiting trial for the purpose of preventing further misconduct. Probation—a sentence imposed for commission of a crime whereby the convicted criminal offender is released into the community under the supervision of a probation officer in lieu of incarceration. An act of clemency available only to those found eligible by the court, probation offers a chance for reform and rehabilitation for the defendant. For this purpose, the defendant must agree to specified standards of conduct. Violation of such standards subjects the offender’s liberty to revocation. Procedural termination—a judgment based on the methods and mechanics of the legal process, including all the rules and laws governing that process. Procedural law is distinguished from substantive law, which involves the statutes and legal precedents on which cases are tried and judgments made. See also, administrative case closure and terminated on the merits. Property offense, fraudulent—a property offense that involves elements of deceit or intentional misrepresentation. These offenses specifically include Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 embezzlement, fraud (excluding tax fraud), forgery, and counterfeiting. Property offense, non-fraudulent—a violent offense against property, including burglary, larceny, motor-vehicle theft, arson, transportation of stolen property, and other property offenses, such as the destruction of property and trespassing. Property offense, other—an offense that involves the destruction of property moving in interstate or foreign commerce and in the possession of a common or contract carrier. Also includes the malicious destruction of governmental property or injury to U.S. Postal Service property, such as mailboxes or mailbags. Trespassing on timber and governmental lands is also included in this offense category. Public-order offense, non-regulatory—an offense concerning weapons; immigration; tax-law violations (tax fraud); bribery; perjury; national defense; escape; racketeering and extortion; gambling; liquor; mailing or transporting of obscene materials; traffic; migratory birds; conspiracy, aiding and abetting, and jurisdictional offenses; and other public-order offenses. Public-order offense, other—a violation of laws pertaining to bigamy, disorderly conduct on the U.S. Capitol grounds, civil disorder, and travel to incite to riot. Also included in public-order offenses, non-regulatory. Public-order offense, regulatory—a violation of regulatory laws and regulations in agriculture, antitrust, labor law, food and drug, motor-carrier, and other regulatory offenses that are not specifically listed in the category public-order offenses, non-regulatory. R Racketeering and extortion—racketeering is demanding, soliciting, or receiving anything of value from the owner, proprietor, or other person having a financial interest in a business, by means of a threat or promise, either expressed or implied. Extortion is the obtaining of money or property from another person through the wrongful use of force or fear and without the person’s consent. This offense code covers using interstate or foreign commerce or any facility in interstate or foreign commerce to aid racketeering enterprises, such as arson, bribery, gambling, liquor, narcotics, prostitution, and extortionate credit transactions. Also includes obtaining property or 66 ■ money from another person (with the person’s consent and induced by actual or threatened force, violence, or blackmail) and committing unlawful interference with the person’s employment or business. Also includes transmitting, by interstate commerce or through the mail, any threat to injure the property, person, or reputation of the addressee or of another; or kidnapping any person with intent to extort. Release, extraordinary—unusual methods by which a federal prisoner exits prison, such as death, commutation, or a transfer to another facility. Release, standard—the usual way by which a federal prisoner exits prison, including full-term sentence expirations, expirations with good time, mandatory releases, and releases to parole. Remand—to send back. The act of an appellate court in returning a case to a lower court for further action. Remove—transfer from federal court (usually to a state court). Restitution—a court requirement that an alleged or convicted offender pay money or provide services to the victim of the crime or provide services to the community. Reversal—the act of a court setting aside the decision of a lower court. A reversal is often accompanied by a remand to the lower court for further proceedings. Revocation—termination of a probation, parole, or mandatory-release order because of a rule violation or a new offense, which forces the offender to begin or to continue serving his or her sentence. Robbery—the unlawful taking or attempted taking of property that is in the immediate possession of another person, by force or threat of force. Also included is assaulting or putting the life of any person in jeopardy by the use of a dangerous or deadly weapon while committing or attempting to commit such robbery. Rule 20 transfer—on petition by a defendant, a transfer of proceedings to the district where the defendant was arrested. The defendant may state in writing a wish to plead guilty or nolo contendere, waive trial in the district in which the indictment or information is pending, or consent to the disposition of the case in the district in which the defendant was arrested. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 Rule 40 transfer—on petition by the U.S. attorney, the transfer of proceedings of a defendant arrested in a district for an alleged offense committed in another district. S Sentence—the punishment ordered by a court for a defendant convicted of a crime. For sentences to incarceration, the maximum time the offender may be held in custody is reported. See also, split sentence, mixed sentence, indeterminate sentence, and mandatory sentence. Sentencing guidelines (federal)—guidelines established by the USSC to be followed by the federal courts in the sentencing of persons convicted of federal offenses. Established pursuant to the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984, the sentencing guidelines prescribe a range of sentences for each class of convicted persons, as determined by categories of offense behavior and offender characteristics. Sexual abuse—Includes all completed and attempted violent sex offenses: aggravated sexual abuse (18 U.S.C. § 2241) and sexual abuse (18 U.S.C. § 2242), defined as causing a person to engage in a sexual act by use of force, threat, or fear; a sexual act with a person who is unconscious, is impaired due to drugs, intoxicants, or other substances, or is otherwise incapable of declining participation; sexual abuse of a minor or ward (18 U.S.C. § 2243); and abusive sexual contact (18 U.S.C. § 2244), in which a person knowingly engages in or causes sexual contact with or by another person without the person’s permission, or with a person younger than age 12. Sex offenses, other—Includes other non-violent sex offenses: sexual exploitation of children and child pornography (18 U.S.C. §§ 2251-2252A); coercing, enticing, or transporting (interstate) an individual (including minors) with the intent and purpose of engaging in prostitution or any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense (18 U.S.C. § 2422); and possession with intent to sell or the sale and distribution of obscene materials (18 U.S.C. §§ 1460-1470). See the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data for a detailed crosswalk for codes used by the USMS, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the U.S. Sentencing Commission, and the BOP. 67 ■ Shock incarceration—an intense confinement program, consisting of a highly regimented schedule that provides the strict discipline, physical training, hard labor, drill, and ceremony characteristic of military basic training. Special maritime and territorial jurisdiction—areas of federal jurisdiction outside the jurisdiction of any state, including (1) the high seas, Great Lakes, and connecting waterways; (2) federal lands; and (3) U.S.-owned aircraft in flight over the high seas. Split sentence—see mixed sentence. Stale—a case or matter that is too old to support successful prosecution. Substantial assistance—a form of cooperation with the government in which the defendant provides the government with information, testimony, or other assistance relating to the criminal activities of other persons in exchange for a sentence reduction. Substantial assistance provides the only mechanism for judges to impose a sentence below a mandatory sentence, applicable by the law that describes the offense. Supervised release—under the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984, a form of post-imprisonment supervision to be imposed by the court as a part of the sentence of imprisonment at the time of initial sentencing. Unlike parole, a term of supervised release does not replace a portion of the sentence of imprisonment, but rather is an order of supervision in addition to any term of imprisonment imposed by the court (compare also with probation). Surety bond—an agreement by the defendant as a condition of release that requires a third party (usually a bail bondsman) to promise to pay the full bail amount in the event that the defendant fails to appear in court. Suspect—an adult or juvenile considered by a criminal justice agency to be someone who may have committed a specific criminal offense but has not been arrested or charged. T Tax-law violations—federal tax-fraud offenses include violations of laws within the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C.). Includes income tax evasion and fraud, counterfeiting any stamps with intent to defraud the Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 collection or payment of tax, willfully failing to collect or pay tax, and failure to obey summons to produce any papers concerning taxes. Also includes offenses such as failing to furnish receipts for employees of tax withheld, failing to furnish information relating to certain trusts, annuity, and bond purchase plans, and putting fraudulent or false statements on tax returns. Violations of excise and wagering tax laws and not obtaining a license for a business that makes a profit from foreign items are also included in this offense category. Technical violation—failure to comply with any of the conditions of pre-trial release, probation, or parole, excluding alleged new criminal activity. Technical violations may result in revocation of an offender’s release status. Conditions that may be imposed and then violated include remaining within a specified jurisdiction or appearing at specified intervals for drug tests. Terminated on the merits—a judgment made after consideration of the substantive, as distinguished from procedural, issues in a case. See also, procedural termination. Termination—at the pre-trial services stage, includes execution of sentence, acquittal, dismissal, diversion, or fugitive status; in U.S. district court, includes conviction, acquittal, or dismissal; and at probation or supervised release, includes the removal of a person from supervision either for successful completion of the term of supervision or as the result of a revocation. Threats against the President—knowingly and willfully depositing in the mail, at any post office, or by any letter carrier a letter, paper, writing, print, or document containing any threat to take the life of or to inflict bodily harm on the President, Vice President, or any other officer in order of succession to the Presidency. Knowingly and willfully making such threats to the above-named persons is included in this offense. Time served—the portion of a prisoner’s imposed sentence spent in prison (from arrival into BOP jurisdiction until release from prison), plus any jail time served and credited. For prisoners serving concurrent sentences, time served may exceed the longest single sentence imposed. Traffic offense—a violation of statutes relating to the operation, maintenance, use, ownership, licensing, and registration of self-propelled road vehicles, including 68 ■ DUI, hit and run, and violations of law not requiring appearance in court. W Transportation violation—a violation of the federal statutes relating to the Motor Carrier Act, which regulates the routes and rates of freight motor carriers and passenger motor carriers in interstate commerce. Warrant—a court order (writ) that directs a law enforcement officer to conduct a search or arrest and bring a person before the judge, such as a person charged with a crime, an escaped federal prisoner, or a probation, parole, or bond default violator. Transportation of stolen property—transporting, selling, or receiving stolen goods, stolen securities, stolen moneys, stolen cattle, fraudulent state-tax stamps, or articles used in counterfeiting, if the above articles or goods involve or constitute interstate or foreign commerce. Warrant clearance or execution—refers to the closing of a fugitive investigation. Warrants can be cleared or executed in many ways, including the arrest or surrender of a fugitive, dismissal by the court, or lodging a detainer against a fugitive in custody. See also, detainer. Trial conviction—conviction by judge or jury after trial. Warrant initiation—refers to the opening of a fugitive investigation on receipt of a warrant. True bill—an indictment endorsed by a grand jury as warranting prosecution of the accused. Weapons offenses—violations of any provisions of 18 U.S.C. §§ 922 (unlawful acts) and 923 (licensing) with regard to the manufacturing, importing, possessing, receiving, and licensing of firearms and ammunition. Includes manufacturing, selling, possessing, or transporting any switchblade knife; or making, receiving, possessing, or transporting a firearm not registered in the National Firearms Registration Transfer Record within any territory or possession of the U.S., within Indian country, or within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the U.S. Also, engaging in importing, manufacturing, or dealing in firearms, if not registered with the secretary in the Internal Revenue Service district in which the business is conducted or not having paid a special occupational tax. In addition, this code covers cases wherein a crime of violence or drug trafficking enhanced punishment is handed down when the crime was committed with a deadly weapon. U United States—the territory occupied by the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the outlying territories of Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. U.S. attorney—a lawyer appointed by the President in each judicial district to prosecute and defend cases for the federal government. U.S. attorneys employ a staff of assistant U.S. attorneys who appear as the government’s attorneys in individual cases. Unsecured bond—an agreement by the defendant as a condition of pre-trial release in which the defendant agrees to pay the full bond amount in the event of non-appearance at trial but is not required to post security as a condition to release. V Violation of pre-trial release, probation, or parole— allegation of a new crime or a technical violation while on pre-trial release, probation, or parole. Violent offenses—threatening, attempting, or using physical force against a person. Includes murder, negligent manslaughter, assault, robbery, sexual abuse, kidnapping, and threats against the President. Federal Justice Statistics, 2016 – Statistical Tables | December 2020 Wildlife offense—a violation of federal law enacted to protect endangered or threatened species and migratory birds. The Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. Chapter 35) makes it unlawful for any person to take, import, sell, or ship endangered or threatened wildlife. Under this code, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act protects migratory birds, and the Lacey Act prohibits the trade of illegally taken fish and wildlife. 69 ■ The Bureau of Justice Statistics of the U.S. Department of Justice is the principal federal agency responsible for measuring crime, criminal victimization, criminal offenders, victims of crime, correlates of crime, and the operation of criminal and civil justice systems at the federal, state, tribal, and local levels. BJS collects, analyzes, and disseminates reliable statistics on crime and justice systems in the United States, supports improvements to state and local criminal justice information systems, and participates with national and international organizations to develop and recommend national standards for justice statistics. Jeffrey H. Anderson is the director. These statistical tables were prepared by Abt Associates under the supervision of Mark Motivans of BJS (BJS grant number 2016-BJCX-K044). Principal staff at Abt Associates were Chris Cutler, Omri Drucker, David Izrael, Ryan Kling, Ari Lewenstein, and Parker Malek. Mark Motivans provided verification. Eric Hendrixson and Jill Thomas edited the report. Tina Dorsey produced the report. December 2020, NCJ 251772 YEARS OF STATISTICS 111111111111111 251772 Office of Justice Programs Building Solutions • Supporting Communities • Advancing Justice