Detainee Deaths 2004 - November 2007, ICE, 2008
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Detainee Deaths 2004 - November 2007 ALIEN NAME DOB DOD LOCATION OF LAST DETENTION 1 2 LOCATION OF DEATH Cause of Death San Joaquin General Hospital, French Camp, CA Cirrhosis Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, TX AIDS GUTIERREZ, Ramiro 19660228 20040118 Sacremento County Jail. CA POPOOLA, Adetunji 19550810 20040201 Dallas County Jail, TX RlOZ-MARTINEZ, Cezar 19780909 20040216 Frio County Jail MOSLEY, Hector 19470225 20040227 NY State Custody (Q; Time of Death RODRIGUEZ, Jose Rangel 19711108 20040303 Kern Co. Jail SOLIS-PEREZ, Maria 19591020 20040306 CCAHouston HERNANDEZ, Wilfredo 19390120 20040303 Ca1casieu Parish Prison Frio County Jail, Pearsall, TX Columbia Care Center, Columbia, SC Kern Medical Center, Bakersfield, CA Ben Taub Hospital, Houston, TX Richland Memorial Hospital, Olney,IL 19491224 20040312 FCI Florence Colorado (BOP) St. Thomas More Hospital, Canon City, CO 3 4 5 6 7 8 PEREZ-AYALA, Manuel 9 AIDS AIDS Brain Aneurysm Coronary Artery Disease Cardiac Arrest, Hypertentive Disease Methodist Hospital, San MENDEZ-BACCA, Carlos 19740904 20040319 Guadalupe County Jail, TX SATKUNES-WARAN, Kandiab 19640506 20040418 Middlesex County Jail, NJ FANKEU, Samou 19660616 200405 II Chicago Hold, Chicago, IL RUST, Richard 19700405 20040529 BOP Oakdale LA FIGUEREDO-LOPEZ, Juan 19580608 20040529 Federal Medical Center Sprinfiled MO (BOP) MENDEZ, Enrique 19330823 20040614 EI Centro SPC HERRERA-TERAN, Jose 19330412 20040615 Pike County Jail MARTINEZ, Jose Alberto 19570124 20040728 Hamnton Roads Regional Jail ALONSO, Juan 19300914 20040801 Columbia Care Center, S.c. 10 11 Suicide by Hanging (Asphyxia) 12 13 14 15 16 17 Page 1 of4 Antonio, TX Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, NJ Lourdes Hospital, Padukah, KY (BOP) Oakdale Community Hospital, Oakdale, LA (BOP) Springfield Federal Medical Center, Springfield, MO EI Centro Regional Hospital, EI Centro, CA HIV, Toxoplasmosis Renal Failure (CF: AIDS) AIDS Cardiac Arrest Internal Injuries (Self-inflicted) Prostate Cancer Pike County Jail, Milford, PA Cardiac Arrest Maryview Hospital, Portsmouth, VA Pacreatitis, Sepsis Renal Failure (CF: Columbia Care Center, Columbia, SC Diabetes, HEP) Detainee Deaths 2004 - November 2007 ALIEN NAME DOB DOD LOCATION OF LAST DETENTION LOCATION OF DEATH Cause of Death Cardiac Arrest (Thrombus 18 19 20 21 ENRIQUEZ-BETANCOURT, N 19490521 MEJIA VICENTES, Sebastian 19770225 20040822 Hampton Roads Regional Jail SOCA-ROS, Otalio 19381203 20040823 Krome Service Processing Center SINGH, Bhupinder 19560103 20040921 RUlZ-TABARES, Ervin 19800325 20040925 REYES-ALTIMlRANO, Simon 19790324 20041012 EI Centro SPC LOPEZ-LARA, Jose 19481020 20041024 Elay Detention Center Etowah County Detention Occluding Coronary Artery) Center, Gadsden, AL Hampton Roads Regional Jail, Suicide Portsmouth, VA Hypertensive, Krome Service Processing Atherosclerosis Center, Miami, FL Columbia Care Center, Renal Failure Columbia, SC (BOP) Guaynabo Metropolitan Detention Suicide by Hanging Center, San Juan, PR Mesa Hills Spedalty Hospital, Inoperable Brain EI Paso, TX Tumor (CF: HlV) Maricopa Medical Center, Cerebral Vascular Phoenix, AZ Accident (Stroke) ZAROU, Jose 19481018 20041101 Wicomico Co. Detention Center Wicomico Co. Detention Center, Salisbury, rvID DANTICA, Joseph 19230207 20041103 Krome SPC FILS-AlME, Yvel 19560103 20041122 Hampton Roads Regional Jail ANACHE-CAMPOS, Luis 19570106 20041130 Fort Devens Medical Center MA (BOP) HERRERA-LIMAS, Pedro 19421129 20041215 York County Jail, York PA SARAB1A-VALLASENOR, Ignacio 19720731 NAND, Maya (aka NARJD, Maya) 19480224 20050205 EIoy Detention Center HEO, Sung Soo 19540213 20050216 Passaic County Jail 20040811 Etowah County Detention Center 22 23 24 Guaynabo Metropolitan Detention Center 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 BELBACHIR, Hassiba 34 VARGAS, Nhung 20050104 Otay Detention Facility 19770824 20050317 McHenry County Jail 19680923 20050608 Harris County Jail, GA Page 2 of 4 Cardiac Tamponade (Aortic Rupture) Pancreatitis (Acute and Chronic) PUhnonary Hampton Roads Regional Jail, Embolism (CF: HlV) Portsmouth, VA (BOP) Devens FMC, Ayer, Congestive Heart Failure MA Shepherd's Choice Nursing and Rehab, Gettysburg, PA Brain Metastasis Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL Otay Detention Facility/CCA, Sudden Cardiac San Diego, CA Arrest Eloy - St Mary's Hospital, Cardiac Arrest Tuscan, AZ Suicide by Hanging Passaic County Jail McHenry County JaB, Suicide Woodstock, IL Columbus Regional Hospital, Renal Failure Columbus. GA Detainee Deaths 2004 - November 2007 ALIEN NAME 35 36 DOB DOD LOCATION OF LAST DETENTION TUNON-ABEAL, Jose 19520407 20050522 Tensas Parish Detention Center, LA CRUZ GARCIA, Rene 19520312 20050611 Butner Medical Center, NC (BOP) 37 38 39 40 41 LOCATION OF DEATH Cause of Death E.A. Conway Hospital, ALVAREZ-ESQUIVEL, Walter 19581004 20050630 CCALaredo DELAPAZ, Eduardo 1935t013 20050927 Colwnbia Care Center, S.c. PRADO-ARENCILIA, Reinaldo 19671 tlO 20051003 CCAHouston SANCHEZ-RODRIGUEZ, Ser~io 19510909 20051030 Butner Medical Center, NC (BOP) Cirrhosis of the Liver Monroe,LA (BOP) Butner Medical Center Butner, NC Lung Cancer Laredo Medical Center, Laredo TX Richland Memorial Hospital Columbia, SC Respiratory Failure Houston - Northeast Medical Unwitnessed arrest, Center Hospital epilepsy (BOP) Butner Medical Center Metastic Lung - Butner, NC Cancer Little Company of Mary Acute Myocardial Infarction Complications of cardiac bypass surgery, 6 vessel CAD, diabetes, hypertension Suicide MARRERO-ABREO, Domingo 19430222 20051115 San Pedro SPC LEDESMAN-GUERREO, Roberto SALAZAR-GOMEZ, Juan 19331010 20051202 Otay Detention Facility 19760624 20051214 Eloy Detention Center KENLEY, Sandra Marina MURPHY, Vincent 19530503 20051218 Hampton Roads Regional Jail 19460605 20060204 Suffolk County Jail, MA Otay Detention Facility Sharps Chula Vista Hospital Eloy - Tuscon, AZ Hampton Roads Regional Jail, Portsmouth, VA C-spine Fx, Fall Suffolk Co., Boston. MA Cardiovascular GARCIA-SANCHEZ, Felioe 19841119 20060210 BOP Oakdale LA (BOP) Oakdale, Oakdale, LA Suicide Hanging GARCIA-MEnA, Geovanny I97903 t8 20060318 Newton Co. Correctional Center Newton Co. Correctional Center Newton, TX INAMAGUA-MERCHA, Maria 19751119 20060404 Ramsey County Jail Ramsey County, S1. Paul fv:lN" Brain Hemmorrhage RODRIGUEZ CASTRO, Walter 19770621 20060423 Kern Co. Jail Kern Co. Jail Bakerfield, CA Umesponsive Hospital- San Pedro 42 w 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Massive Intraventricular Cerebral Hemorrhage RODRIGUEZ-GONZALEZ, Miguel 19630119 20060521 San Pedro Service Processin~ Center OSMAN, Yusif 19720107 20060627 San Diego Service Processing Center Page 3 of4 Suicide Hanging Removed from Life SupportfMulti San Pedro SPC - San Pedro System FailurefEnd Peninsula Hospital Stage Renal Disease San Diego SPC - Otay Mesa, Sudden Cardiac Event CA Detainee Deaths 2004 - November 2007 I Ii ALIEN NAME 52 DOB DOD LOCATION OF LAST DETENTION LOCATION OF DEATH Cause of Death BOP Fort Devens, Devens CASTRO-JIMENEZ, Rene 53 KIM, Young Sook 54 SINGH, Jamer 55 LOPEZ-GREGORlO, Jose 56 CARLOS-CORTEZ, Raudel 57 58 59 60 61 Alpuquerque, New Mexico Lerdo Pretrail Facility, Bakersfield CA Respiratory Failure Pancreatic Cancer Cardiovascular Disease 19740101 20060929 Eloy CCA Facility Eloy CCA Facility, Eloy AZ Suicide by Hanging 19840917 20061003 Mira Lorna Detention Center Mira Lorna Detention Ctr., Lancaster CA Suicide by Hanging 19390826 20060815 Fort Devens Medical Center MA (BOP) 1948fl05 20060911 Regional Correctional Center NM 19651108 20060920 Lerdo Pretrail Facility MA 19611119 20061004 Houston Contract Detention Facility CERVANTES-CORONA, Jesus 19640716 20061118 Northwest Detention Center ABDEULAYE, SaIl 19560427 20061202 Piedmond Regional Jail Houston, Texas CDF Northwest Detention Ctr. Tacoma, WA Piedmont Regional Jail, Fannville Virginia CHAVEZ-TORRES, Mario Francisco 19791110 20061213 Eloy Detention Center Eloy Detention Ctr., Eloy AZ Brain Aneurysm ROMERO, Nery 19840409 20070212 Bergen County Jail Bergen County Jail, NJ BAH, Boubacar 19550101 20070530 Elizabeth Detention Center ARELLANO, Victor 19831010 20070720 San Pedro SPC DE ARAUJO, Edimar 19721009 20070807 University of Medicine, NJ Little Company of Mary Hospital- San Pedro; previously AKA San Pedro Peninsula Hospital Rhode Island Hospital Providence RI CONTRERAS-DOMINGUEZ, Rosa Isela 19710917 20070807 El Paso SPC Del Sol Medical Center (El Paso) GUEVARA-LAZARO, Alejandro 19860304 20070813 Otero County Detention Center TX Thomason Hospital 62 63 64 65 66 Suicide by Hanging MARTlNEZ-RlVAS, Antonio Page 4 of4 Coronary Artery Disease Undetermined Suicide by Hanging Brain Hemorrhage, Fractured Skull Complications of mv Complications of DM Pulmonary Embolism (Pregnant) Brain Dead due to anuerism