Doj Response to Dennett Foia Request Re Cia Interrogation Techniques 2010
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U.S, I)eputrneol Dr Justice Office of Information Policy Telephone: (l02) JU_36-!2 Ms. Cbarlotle Dennett The Robert Jackson Steering CommiUee c/o Lawrence Velve1 SOO Federal Street Andover, MA 01810 W"'hinglO", D.C. 20JJO AUG Z5 ZOl] Re: AGIIO-R0619 CLM:VRB:NC.J Dear Ms. DcJmett: This responds to your Freedom oflnfonnation Act (FOlA) request dated January 7, 2010, which was received in this Office On March 5, 2010, io which you requested (I) thc Office of Professional Responsibility's (aPR) report regarding the perfonnance of Bum administration lawyers in the Office oflcgal Counsel from 2002-2007; (2) the first aPR report on the pcrt"onnance of Bush administration lawy<.'l'S in AU::, completed in December 2OOS; and (3) the January 19, 2009 letter from fonner Attorney General Miehael Mukascy and fonner Deputy Auomey G<:ncral Mark Filip to aPR regarding its December 2008 reporL Your tetter W3.!; originally directoo tu the D<'"partmcnt uf Justice's Office of Professional Responsibility, which then forwarded your requcst to this Office, furproccssiog on behalfofthe Offiee of the Attorney Gcneral. With regard to item (1) of your request, as you are aware the aPR report entitled "Investigation into the Office of legal Counsel's Mcmornnda Concerning Issues Relating tCl the Central Intelligence Agency'. Use of 'Enhanced Interrogation Tcclutiques' On Suspected Terrorists" is now available, in partially redacted fonn, on the House JUdiciary Committee's website at http:(·Clvljssyeslissues OPRRcoort,html. Please be advisoo that this report, in which certain infonnation is being withheld pursuant to Exemptions I, 3, 5 and 6 oflbe FOIA, 5 U.S.c. § 552(h)(I), (3), (5) and (6), is clllTCntly the subjoct of litigation in ACW v DOl. No. 10-0123 (D.D.C.). Exemption 1 pertains to infonnation that is properly classified in the interest of national security pursuant to Executive Order 13S26. Exemption 3 pertains to infonnation exempted from release by statute, in this instance the National Security Aet of 1947, 50 U.S,C. § as amended, and the Centr.u Intelligenee Ageney Act of 1949, 50 U.S.C. § as amended. Exemption 5 pertain" to certain inter- lU1d intra-agency inFomlation protocted by the deliherative proc=, attomey work-product, atlomoy-dient and presidential conununic.ations privileges. fucmptiCln 6 pertains tu informatiCln Ibe release of whieb would constitute a elearly unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of third parties. For your inFormation, an additional eleven pages of the final report have recemlybeen released with corlain infonnation now unrodactoo. Copies of these eleven are enclosed.