Donna Evans Case File Wa Pab Appeal Disciplinary Action 1996
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CHASE RIVElAND . Secretary ..../ RECEIVE.~ STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS JAN 0 9 1996 McNEIL ISLAND CORRECTIONS CENTER of Corrections D~.!:~~ent "~I of Human ResoUIT' P. o. Box 900 • Steilacoom. Washington 98388-0900 January 3, 1996 Donna L. Evans - PERSONAL SERVICECONFIDENTIAL Ms. Evans: This is official notification of your immediate suspension, at 12:01 a.m. on January 8, 1996 through 12:00 midnight on January 22, 1996, followed by your dismissal effective at 12:01 a.m. on January 23, 1996, from your position as a Licensed Practical Nurse 3 with the Department of Corrections (DOC), McNeil Island Corrections Center (MICC). This disciplinary action is taken pursuant to the authority of the Civil Service Laws of Washington State, Chapter 41.06, RCW, and the Merit System Rules, Title 356 WAC (MSR), Section 356-34-010 Disciplinary actions - Causes fer demotion-SuspensionReduc,ion in salary-Dismissal. (1) (a) Neglect of duty, (h) Gross misconduct and (i) W!ilful violation of published employing agency or Depal1ment of Personnel rules and regulations, RCW 356-34-040 Dismissal - Notification and RCW 356-34-050 Suspension - Followed by dismissal., Specifically, you neglected your duty, committed act(s) of gross miscond4c;1 and willfully violated published employing agency rules when you, by your own admission dUring the administrative review of this incident, accessed and dispensed-' medication inappropriately, and without proper documentation (i.e., Primary.;..l;ncounter Report, PER), from the MICC mini-pharmacy tackle box when you removed:+O Furosemide 40 mg tablets sometime between June 28, 1995, and July 14, 1995, without having. been directed or ordered to do so by a PA or Physician. This incident is described in detail in the Employee Conduct Report (ECR) completed on December 5, 1995 (Attachment 1). The mini-pharmacy is a restricted area, providing accessibility to narcotics and prescription/legend drugs on an emergency basis for appropriately licensed health services staff from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. (during off duty hours for pharmacy staff). Pharmacy staff began tracking medications, that were not documented with an associated PER, beginning in May, 1995. Specifically, Pharmacy Assistant Jan White was tasked with daily checking of the tackle box, that was located in the mini pharmacy, documenting wl:1en the tamper-evident seal was broken. When the seal was broken, she ch~cked the - .. -'. F_~X Date: To: From: '. (206) 512-6609 /211 t/ It cr[ 5' tJ~ '?'f'C, l':u..w.I---- Number of Pages (including this page): -~tl"----- Additional Information: ; I ) 1 Conna" L. Evans December 14, 1995 Page 2 of 8 The mini-pharmacy is a restricted area, providing access~bility to narcotics and prescriptionJlegend drugs on an emergency basis for appropriately licensed health services staff from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. (during off duty hours for pharmacy staff). Pharmacy staff began tracking medications, that were not documented with an associated PER. beginning in May, 1995. Specifically, Pharmacy Assistant Jan White was tasked with daily checking of the tackJe box. that was located in the mini pharmacy. documenting when the tamper-evident seal was broken. When the seat was broken, she cheeked the enclosed vials for replenishment of medications as needed. She also noted and reported to her supervisor, any discrepancies in the number of tablets that were undocumented (Le., no PER was completed). On June 27, 1995. Ms. White found the tamper-evident seal broken and found that seven Furosemide tablets were missing (between June 5, 1995 and June 27, 1995). No PER's were written during this time for the drug. On June 28, 1995. Ms. White restocked the tackle box in Vial No.2 with 25 tablets of Furosemide 40rng. On July 14. 1995. Ms. White found the tamper-evident seal on the tackle box broken. She counted the tablets and found only 15 of the 25 that had been placed in the vial. No PER's were written for the missing 10 tablets. Vial No.2. when the final discrepancy was discoveredJ on July 14. 1995. was properly stored and delivered to James Cooper of the MICC Intelligence and Investigations office. When checked, it yielded clear fingerprints that were identified as your own. There is no documentation establishing the medication that you removed was dispensed appropriately to the MICC inmate population. nor have you provided any supporting documentation of legitimate reasons you would have taken the tablets. In fact. you admitted to me that you failed to follow procedure by preparing the PERS for signature when you gathered medications upon the direction of a PA or Physician. A Pharmacy In-Service Memorandum. dated March 3, 1994, (Attachment 2), which you 0824 Donna L. Evans December 14. 1995 Page 3 of 8 admit having knowledge of. states, in pertinent part: "A PER must be written for any item issued from the after-hours Pharmacy (or ER) and signed by a PAlMD. Leave a PER for anything that was removed from the tackle box and the bottle that was used in the refill box under the pill line cart along with the broken seal. II. WAC 246-838-030 Standards of conduct for discipline, which outlines the level of standards of professional conduct for licensed practical nurses, (Attachment 3) states. in pertinent part: liThe licensed practical nurse assumes a measure of responsibility, trust and the corresponding obligation to adhere to the standards of condud. which include. but are not limited to the following: (1) .,. shall be responsible and accountable for his or her own nursing jUdgements, actions . . . (5) The licensed practical nurse shall not abide. abet or assist any other person in violating or circumventing the laws or rules pertaining to the conduct and pradice of licensed practical nursing. (10) The licensed practical nurse shall report unsafe acts and practices, unsafe practice conditions. and iIIegal.acts to the appropriate supervisory personnel ... 0825 . Canna L. Evans December 14, 1995 Page 4 of 8 (12) The licensed practical nurse shall make accurate, intelligible entries into records required by law, employment, or customary practice ... (18) The licensed practical nurse shall respect the property of the . . . employer and shall not take ... drugs for his or her own use or benefit. (19) The licensed practical nurse shall not obtain, possess, distribute Or administer legend drugs . . . to any person, including self, except as directed by a person authorized by law to prescribe drugs. RCW 18.130.180 Unprofessional Conduct (Attachment 4) states, in pertinent part: liThe following conduct. acts, or conditions constitute unprofessional conduct for any license holder ... under the jurisdiction of this chapter. Which states in pertinent part. but is not limited to the following: (1) The commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty. or corruption relating to the practice of the person's profession, whether the act constitutes a crime or not. (7) Violation of any state or federal statute or administrative rule regulating the profession in question including any ... rule defining or establishing standards of ... professional conduct or practice. (23) Current misuse of: (c) Legend drugs." 0826 -- · .'- OonnaL. Evaris December 14, 1995 Page 5 of 8 RCW 18.79.270 Licensed Practical Nurse - Activities allowed (Attachment 5) states, in pertinent part: "A licensed practical nurse under his or her license may perform nursing care, ... and in the course thereof may, under the direction of a licensed physician ... physician assistant, ... administer'drugs, medications, ... when selected to do so by one of the licensed practitioners designated in this section, . ' . if the order given is reduced to writing within a reasonable time and made a part of the patient's record. 1I On September 10, 1993. you signed for your receipt (Attachment 6) of the DOC Employee Handbook, which states, in pertinent p.alt on pages two through four (Attachment 7): "CODE OF ETHICS High moral and ethical standards among correctional employees are essential for the success of the departmenfs programs. The Department of Corrections subscribes to a code of unfailing honesty, respect for dignity and individuality of human beings. and a commitment to professional and compassionate service." DOC Policy 801.001 Ethics (Attachment 8) states, in pertinent part "POUCY Restrictions: 082" ..... - Donna L Evans December 14, 1995 Page 6 of 8 Additional restriction placed upon employees include, but are not limited to the following: 2. Employees shall not use state resources for personal benefit or to benefit another excapt as may be required during the execution of their official. duties. Responsibilities Violations of the State Ethics Law and/or this policy may lead to corrective or disciplinary action up to and including dismissal." You have a dUty to follow the licensing standards and uphold the professional conduct entrusted to you as a licensed practical nurse. You also have a duty to follow procedure that is designed to support you in accomplishment of your professional service to the DOC inmate population, using resources properly and not for your personal use. Your actions in this matter were irresponsible, unprofessional, unethical and counterproductive to achieving the Department's mission to provide fair and equitable treatment to inmates while they are under our supervision. You neglected your duty to follow the professional standards of your licensure which includes honest and responsible execution of your duties and the expectations of your employer. By your actions you did not property complete associated paperwork when you accessed drugs in the mini-pharmacy tackle box and lied about accessing the medications. behavior was a willful Your violation of pUblished agency rules and regulations as identified. a neglect of your duty as outlined in the licensing guidelines cited and rises to the level of gross misconduct. 0828 .-uo . ~..L_ '.II.,,,",. l"' ... ~.. " .... - - . . . ... " - ' - . -..... ~.." Donna L. Evans December 14,1995 Page 7 of 8 As a result of the administrative review held on November 17. 1995, I determined. and verbally notified you and your representatives at that time. that misconduct had occurred. We convened in a Loudermill hearing on November 20. 1995. to discuss your possible termination. You were allowed an opportunity to fully discuss and refute the charges and/or to present reasons why your termination was not appropriate. Throughout that meeting you .demonstrated that you do not accept your responsibilities in this matter. stating that everyone was lax and thars just the way it was done. By your actions and your repeated failure to recognize your lack of responsibility in this matter, you have lost my trust in your ability to honestly and professionally perform your duties. I find your attitude and defense of your actions and admitted failure to follow procedure intolerable and unprofessional. This is not the standard of professional performance that I expect of staff, especially staff with access to controlled sut?stances and who are responsible for tne medical health and welfare of the inmate papulation. In addition. you provided no defense or plausible explanation for your fingerprints to be on Vial No.2. when the 10 missing Furosemide tablets were discovered. I can only conclude that you have lied about your contention that you did not access the vial, and you stole the tablets and used them inappropriately. Therefore. I find that your immediate suspension. followed by termination is fully warranted. Attachments one through eight are attached hereto and by this reference, made a part of as though fltlly set forth herein. Under the provisions of WAC 358-20-010 and 358-20-040, you have the right to appeal this action OR to file a grievance per Article 10 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Department of Corrections and the Washington State Corrections Employee Association. If you file an appeal, it must be filed in writing at the Office of the Personnel Appeals Board, 2828 Capitol Boulevard, Olympia. Washins':':-' 98501. within thirty (30) days after the effective date stated in the first paragraph of this letter. 0829 1'::; loll 1 '::i':l~ 1 i: 'J~ Danna L. Evans December 14, 1995 Page 8 of 8 The Merit System Rules. WAC's. Department of Carrectian~ policies and the Collective Bargaining Agreement are available for your review upon request. Belinda D. Stewart. Superintendent McNeil Island Corrections Center Attachment(s) cc: Tom Rolfs, Director. Division of Prisons Jennie Adkins. Director. Division of Human Resources Donna Grazzini. 'NWC Area Personnel Manager Linda Dalton. Sr. Assistant Attorney General Katherine Deuel. MiCe Personnel Officer Employee Personnel File 0830 Supervisory Report Donna Evans (AKA Turner, Lake) ECA issued September 22, 1995 Missing Drugs from Mini-Pharmacy tackle box Page 3 On July 14, 1995, Ms. White found the tamper-evident seal an the tackle box broken. In the presence of Health Care Manager Robert Cloke, Ms. White counted the Furosemide 40mg tablets in the tackle box, again wearing vinyl gloves and conducting a double count. The count was 15 tablets, indicating that 10 tablets had been removed betWeen June 28, 1995, and July 14, 1995. Again, no PERs were written for this drug during this time period. With HCM Cldke observing, Ms. White placed the empty vial that contained the Furosemide 40mg into a brawn paper bag, to be turned aver to 1&1. Correctional Investigator Jim Cooper picked up the bag containing this empty vial on approximately July 18, 1995. Between the time the vial was placed in the paper bag and the time Mr. Cooper took possession of the bag, it was secured in the main Pharmacy. For purposes of this report, this vial will be referred to as "vial 2." . On July 24, 26, 27, and 28, 1995, Ms. White found the tamper-evident seal on the tackle box broken. On each date, using vinyl gloves, Ms. White counted the Furosemide 40mg tablets and found 25 tablets present an each of those dates, indicating no tablets had been removed since July 14, 1995. The Pharmacy only stacks Furosemide in a 40mg tablet or a 20mg injection. If inmates are prescribed a 20mg dose in tablet form, a 40mg tablet is halved. The 40mg tablets are scared for that purpose. Pharmacy staff researched all PERs written during that time period to determine if Donna Evans had legitimately accessed the Mini-Pharmacy and issued any type of pharmaceutical from the tackle box during the time period of May 25-July 14, 1995. They found only one PER written by Ms. Evans on July 14, 1995, where she r~moved a Motrin 600mg for an inmate under the order of PA Bartram (Attachment D). As Motrin 600mg is not a legend drug, it is not secured in the tackle box itself, but is secured in the Mini-Pharmacy. In addition to the Furosemide 40mg tablets missing from the tackle box, two different· inmates had diuretics missing from their prescriptions at pill line. One inmate was missing 2 Furosemide 40mg tablets between July 13 - 28, 1995. The exact date cannot be determined, as the discrepancy was noted when the prescription was turned into the Pharmacy for refill before the issued amount should had all 30 tablets of HCTZ have been consumed. Another inmat 25mg missing from pill line on August 3, 1995, from a prescription that was filled by the Pharmacy on August 1, 1995. This was discovered by RN Sharon Stevens when she compared the prescriptions present in the pill line room to the log. Ms. White tl831 . ~-_:.... ....,. . ...+ I L/dj21' Supervisory Report Donna Evans (AKA Turner, Lake) ECR issued September 22, 1995 Missing Drugs from Mini-Pharmacy tackle box Page 4 checked the log and found that the inmate had not signed for receipt of his prescription (required for all pill line medications), nor had it been returned to the Pharmacy (Attachment E). Both of these inmates were received on the incoming chain from WCC on June 29, 1995, and had been prescribed daily doses of Furosemide (Lasix) at WCC. As part of the medical process on incoming chains, that prescription information was documented on a PER by Donna Evans (Lake), as she processed the inr:oming chain on that date (Attachment F). The prescriptions were written by WCC medical staff. On October 4, 1995, I interviewed Chief Nurse Pat Callaghan regarding who had access to the pill line room on August 1 - 3, 1995. Ms. Callaghan stated that RN Stevens had been assigned to the pill line during that time, but that other nursing staff often assist, including those assigned to the Annex pill line. Ms. Evans was assigned to the Annex pill line on those days. Health Services currently only documents the nurse in charge of the main institution pill line, so there is no record of which other staff may have assisted during those days. Ms. Callaghan stated that she had observed, and other nursing staff had reported to her, that Ms. Evans was often tthanging around" the Mini-Pharmacy. Ms. Evans' regular work schedule is 8am to 4pm, Monday through Friday. The main Pharmacy is open during all those times. On September 28, 1995, I interviewed Jim Cooper, as 1&1 had an ongoing investigation into medications missing from the Mini-Pharmacy. Mr. Cooper relayed that on June 30, 1995, he placed a pill vial (viall) from the Mini-Pharmacy into evidence. He contacted the Washington State Patrol Crime Lab to see if they. would process the vial for fingerprints, which they agreed to do. Mr. Cooper then requested hospital staff fingerprint cards from the Personnel Office, but subsequently learned that the WSP identification section should have fingerprint cards for state employees. Oil July 18, 1995, Mr. Cooper took viall to the Crime Lab for processing, along with a list of personnel having access to the Mini-Pharmacy (Attachment G). Later that day he was notified by lab personnel that, due to turnover in their staff, fingerprint cards had not been consistently maintained on file. Mr. Cooper then re-requested fingerprint cards from employee personnel files. On August 16, 1995, Mr. Cooper delivered vial 2 to the Crime Lab for processing. On or about August 7, 1995, Mr. Cooper received word from lab personnel that the fingerprint cards from the employees' personnel files were not sufficient for latent print 0832 I ~of29 Supervisory Report Donna Evans (AKA Turner, Lake) ECR issued September 22, 1995 Missing Drugs from Mini-Pharmacy· tackle box Page 5 identification purposes, and that "major case prints" would be needed. Mr. Cooper discussed this with the Superintendent, who decided to have all Health Services staff fingerprinted, which was done. Mr. Cooper stated that the Crime Lab indicated the fingerprints an vial 1 were not sufficient to make a positive identification, but that vial 2 contained identifiable prints. On September 11, 1995, Mr. Cooper informed the Superintendent that he had received the latent print written report from the Crime Lab, and that twa latent fingerprint lifts an vial 2 were identified as the right palm of Danna Evans· (AKA Turner, Lake). A re-lift of one of the latent lifts contained one identifiable latent impression which was negative in comparison to the fingerprint cards submitted. The complete lab report is included as Attachment H. On October 30, 1995, I interviewed Donna Evans regarding the ECR allegations. Also present was her attorney, John C. Cain. Ms. Evans confirmed that her 'Nork hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, and that she has worked at MICC since 1992. I asked Ms. Evans to describe to me what a "PER" was and haw it was used- Ms.. Evans described that the form was a Primary Encounter Report that was used by doctors and nurses to document patient care for inmates. The form is to be used for any type of encounter, including lab draws and infractions issued. She stated that was the "ultimate goal" but that PERs are not always completed, e.g., replacement of hearing aid batteries. Ms. Evans stated that it doesn't always happen [PER completed] with the tackle box. Ms. Evans further related that if there was an immediate need in the emergency room, a Physician's Assistant would order the nurse to obtain something from the mini-pharmacy, but that she would depend an. the PA to complete the PER. Ms. Evans stated that training on the use of the PER was part of the on-the-job training she received at MICC. Ms. Evans stated that it was common to access the mini-pharmacy, but not the tackle box, when the main pharmacy was open when Health Services was in the old hospital building, as pill line was set up and ran from the mini-pharmacy. With the move to the new building, pill line is separate from the mini-pharmacy. Ms. Evans stated that in both the old and new buildings, the main pharmacy was closed 1 or 2 times per week at 1 p.m. Ms. Paulson refutes this statement, saying the pharmacy may have closed early while they were in the old location, but such closures were "few and far between" and with the move to the new location there are two pharmacy shifts. 0833 I 1td/22 UI:t'AH'rMI:HT 0 .. CUHHR:I,;IIUN:=I THIS FORM TO BE USED IN COMPLIANCE WITH EMr OYEE CONDUCT REPORT -.:~~,~~ POLICY DlRECTI'JE NO, 857.005 :I~<."'''' OJ \'i'; .\~\,L~ ~ ~. \~}) INSTRUCTIONS AND TIME UMITS: .. .~~ 1. The person making the report shall provide a clear description 01 the incident under "Desc~iption of Incident" yv; A \\. and. with any witness(es) or person(s) having knowledge. shall sign in the space provided and submit to the r.·': supervisor of the involved employee within fourteen (14) calendar days after the dlllte of discovery 01 an.¥Jj\. '.• employee's alleged misconduct. ~,~\V'\.~, \:J\}i 2. The form shall be submitted to the employee involved who shall complete the "Employee's Statement" and retum the report to his/her supervisor within seven (7) calendar days·fol!owing the date of receipt. C\." .,./-r w\ r~ 3. The appropriate supervisor shall review the facts 01 the incident. complete the "Supervisor's Report" and submit the report to the Office Head within seven (7) calendar days following the date 01 receipt. 4. The Office Head or designated representative shall review and within thirty (30) calendar days following "the date 01 receipt determine whether misconduct has occurred. This shall be reported under"Administrative Comments" and shared with the employee. When the supervisor and Office Head are the same person. the supervisor's supervisor shall complete the Administrative Comments. ;!IoIPUlYEEIHVQ.VED , ORGolHlZAnONAL UNIT I · I. Donna Evans ''J5mOHnru: RN Hospital Serrices CATE OF lHCIUEHT ~"E OF 'NCIOENT DAM September 11, 1995 IilPM DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT: The allegations outlined below came to my attention on September 11. 1995. It is alleged that you removed 20 fu=semide 40 mg tablets from the sealed taCkle box in the mini-pharmacy between the months of Oecember 1994 and May 25, 1995. I-: is 3.ddit'ionally ~.U "!qed that you :'e..~::;.,::!~ twc furse!!'ide taLl~~; b~t.;.:e!::l May 2=. J.99~ and June 5, 1995; and between June 5, 1995 and June 27, 1995 you removed seven more fursemide tablets. It is further alleged that between June 27, 1995 and July 14, that you removed ten fursewide 40 mq tablets f=nm thP. mini -pharmacy. ~99: ~e~lQ~ ~~~~le bo~ :~ ~~e • It is alleged that the fursemide 40 mg tablets were removed for your cersonal use and that Pri.n1ary Encounter Reports were not comcleted. There has been no offender prescriptions of ,fursemide 40 mg tablets since December of 1994. <4mATEDBY: .we (PU!ASE PRlNn G.A-+'f :D. -3 CoN 02.5 IlTHESS(ES): ~ j.4>?1~..s. L UolE J : 3-:llIIREV. 3-1151 -2940 Attachment 1- U2Q . v' _. .. :... _. DATE DEUVEREO TC APLOYEE"S STATEMENT: , . .:::'P:..::L.:::.OY~EE=....:=='i='=Z=l=-='l~(=====--~8· . JPERVISOR'S REPORT: ~ 0,\TE RECEIVED BY SUPERVISOR BY: Signature & Titl of Supervisor. Date: )MINISTRAnve·COMMENTS: DATE RECEIVED gy OFFICE HEAD /!ItV BY: /. Ae met on November 17, 1995, in the administrative review of this emoloyee conduct report (ECR) ~lso oresent were yo~r union reoresentative, Kurt Hansen, your attorney, John Cain. and MICC Jersonnel officers Katherine Deuel and Arturo Haro. 5ubstantiated on the first three allegations. I have determined misconduct could not be However, misconduct did occur when you removed 10 fursemide tablets from the MICe mini-pharmacy tackle box sometime between June 27. 1995 and July 14, 1995. and that you failed to complete a PER documentjng that removal. Signalure 0 Office Head: OISTRl8unoN: OAlGlHAl-EIolPI.OVEFS I'Ei!SCHHEL FilE ONE COPV-EMl't.OVEE Date: 12 -: 5 - 95 P... . 0835 Supervisory Report . Donna Evans (AKA Turner, Lake) ECR issued September 22, 1995 Missing Drugs from Mini-Pharmacy tackle box Page 2 Investigation On October 3, 1995, I interviewed Pharmacist Supervisor Linda Paulson and Pharmacy Assistant A Jan White in the MICC Mini-Pharmacy. During the week of May 8-12, 1995, an empty bottle of Furosemide 40mg tablets was returned from the tackle box to the Pharmacy for refill. Furosemide (trade name Lasixl is a potent type of diuretic, usually prescribed for high blood pressure. The empty bottle appeared unusual to Pharmacy staff, as they could not recall an inmate being prescribed that drug. Their research via the pharmacy computer database revealed that no inmate had been issued this particular drug since December 17,1994 (Attachment C), and no PERs had been prepared for issues of this drug from the tackle box. At this point, Pharmacy staff began counting all three types of diuretics (Furosemide, HCTZ, and Spironolactone) each time the tamper-evident seal on the tackle box was broken. Each count was conducted in the presence of other staff. On May 25, 1995, Ms. White placed 25 Furosemide 40mg tablets into a new, sterile, labelp.d container. Ms. White wore vinyl gloves during this process, used a wipedclean, sterile vial double-counted the pills, and replaced the container in the tackle box. The t'NO other diuretics maintained in the tackle box were also double-counted (HCTZ 25mg = 45 tablets and Spironolactone 25mg = 29 tablets). On June 5, 1995, Pharmacy staff checked the tackle box and found the tamperevident seal broken. The diuretics were double-counted by Ms. White, and 23 tablets of Furosemide 40mg were present, indicating that 2 tablets had been removed between May 25, 1995, and June 5, 1995. There were!JQ PERs written during this time period for that medication, and no Mice inmates had been prescribed that medication since December 17, 199~ 'Nhen one tablet was issued from the ta~kle box in an emergency situation. None of the other two diuretics were missing. On June 27, 1995, Pharmacy staff again found the tamper-evident seal broken on the tackle box. Wearing vinyl gloves, Ms. White double-counted the diuretics and found the Furosemide 40mg vial contained only 16 tablets, indicating that 7 tablets had been removed between June 5, 1995, and June 27, 1995. Again, no PERs were written during this time period for this drug and no inmates had been prescribed that drug. The original Furosemide 40mg vial was placed in a plastic "zip-lock bag and turned over to the MICC Intelligence and Investigations office (1&1) and placed into evidence on June 30, 1995. For purposes of this report, this vial will be referred to as "vial 1." It On June 28, 1995, Ms. White, again wearing vinyl gloves and using a wiped-clean, sterile, labeled bottle, restocked the tackle box with 25 tablets of Furosemide 40mg. 083S I .$0/27 Supervisory Report Donna Evans (AKA Turner, Lake) ECR issued September 22, 1995 Missing Drugs from Mini-Pharmacy tackle box Background This background information was obtained by interviewing Pharmacist Linda Paulson and Pharmacy Assistant Jan White. The Mini-Pharmacy is a small, secure room located separate from, but adjacent to the main Pharmacy, on the third floor of the Education Services Building. The MiniPharmacy contains various types of over-the-counter medications, controlled drugs (schedule 2 through 5 narcotics), various syringes and needles in a padlocked container, medicine which requires refrigeration, and a "tackle box" containing various prescription medications, commonly known as "legend" drugs, as each prescription bottle is marked with "Warning: State or Federal law prohibits transfer of this drug to any person other than the person for whom it was prescribed." (Attachment A) The main function of the Mini-Pharmacy is to provide Health Care staff access to various drugs when the main Pharmacy is closed, Le., evenings and weekends. The main Pharmacy operates on a 12/5 schedule (approximately 6:30am to 6:00pm, Monday through Friday). By Pharmacy Board regulations, a pharmacy itself cannot be accessed by persons who are not licensed Pharmacists (or assistants). Thus. the Mini-Pharmacy contains those medicines which may be prescribed and/or administered by licensed medical practitioners during hours that the Pharmacy is closed. Consequently, all licensed medical staff (Dr. Buck, Physician's Assistants, RNs, LPNs and Pharmacy staff) have a key to the Mini-Pharmacy. A total of 31 staff are known to have access to the Mini-Pharmacy, covering three shihs, seven days per week. The tackle box maintained in the Mini-Pharmacy closely resembles a fishing-type tackle box approximately 30" by 12" by 18". The box is secured by a tamper-evid~nt seal. Only Pharmacy staff have access to the supply of those seals. At the beginning of each work shift, Pharmacy staff inspect the tackle box to determine if it had been accessed during the off-hours. If the Mini-Pharmacy is accessed" during off-hours, specific written procedures are in place which require the person who acc7ss~s the area to complete a Primary Encounter Report (PER) to document what medlcatlon(s) was issued to which inmate(s). The Pharmacy uses the PER as part of their source documents to maintain a database of all pharmaceuticals issued to each inmate. The procedures are documented in a March 1, 1994, "P~armacy In-service Memo,.... which was part of training provided by Ms. Paulson to all licensed healt~ care practltlo~ers, including Ms. Evans (Attachment B). When the main Pharmacy IS open, there I~ no reason to access the tackle box. This memo also states that personal use of medications from M\Ce is prohibited. Supervisory Report Donna Evans (AKA Turner, Lake) ECR issued September 22, 1995 Missing Drugs from Mini-Pharmacy tackle box Page 6 I asked Ms. Evans if she could recall accessing the tackle box during her regular work shih during December 1994 and July 1995. She stated she knew she had. She described that it was common to access the mini-pharmacy and/or tackle box if pill line medication came up short. She further stated that PERs were supposed to be filled out for items removed, but they typically were not. I described this scenario to Ms. Paulson who stated it was not procedure to make up for short pill line by using either the mjni~pharmacy or the tackle box. Ms. Paulson stated that could happen in the rare ins~ance where medication was immediately needed. but it would olily be one dose. It is not common practice. Ms. Evans stated that "everybody" could go through the mini-pharmacy, as all licensed health care staff have a ke'l to that room. There is no sign-in sheet to indicate who accessed the room. Ms. Evans stated that she had "heard" there was now a sign-in sheet for pill line. At this point, Mr. Cain began asking some questions of Ms. Evans to facilitate her sharing additional information. He asked if there' were inmates who had been prescribed 20mg doses of furosemide. Ms. Evans stated there had been three inmates since last December {1994J that had been on a 20mg dose, and that 40mq tablets were split. She stated one inmate whose name she remembered was something like _ and that she remembers him from the incoming chain. There was a.n inmate _ w h o arrived on ~he June 29, 1995 chain from wec, howe~er hiS prescription was for 40mg furosemide. not 20mg. Ms. Evans processed that Inmate in (Anachment Fl. My research with pharmacy staff indicated that there were three inmates since December 1994 who had been prescribed furosemide: 111 (21 ,. 083'9 Supervisory Report Donna Evans (AKA Turner, Lake) ECA issued September 22, 1995 Missing Drugs from Mini-Pharmacy tackle box Page 7 (3) Inmat came to MiCe from wce (June 29, 1995) with a prescription of fursemide 40mg ILasix trade name). Medication issues to this inmate are documented in the pharmacy database (Attachment K). I n m a t e _ transferred to Lincoln Park Work Release on August 16, 1995. - ':........ When asked to describe the tackle box seal, Ms. Evans stated that anybody can seal it and that in die old hospital, the breakable plastic seal tabs were storeEj.irra~drawer. She stated she did not know where the seals were stored in the new building. She further stated that the tackle box is not always resealed and it has gone for "days" without being resealed. I questioned Ms. Paulson regarding these statements and Ms. Paulson reaHirmed her earlier statements that in both locations the seals were locked in the pharmacy and only pharmacy staff resealed the tackle box. Ms. Paulson also stated that the longest period of time the tackle box woutd go unsealed was if it were to be accessed after the pharmacy closed on a Friday, and until pharmacy staff arrived the following Monday. Ms. Evans also stated that furosemide tablets were kept in the Emergency Room crash cart. I questioned He:;llth Car~ Mana;;e!" Robert Cloke regardir.g this sterement. Mr. Cloke personally inspected the cart and quesrioned a Physician's Assistant and a Nurse. Furosemide is available on the crash cart in 20mg iniectable form only. Tablets are not. and have not been available on the crash cart. Ms. E'lans further stated that the Pharmac'l counts have not always been accurate when issues were made to the tackle box, and that counts have also been short on pill line, issuable medications (over the-counter typel. and narcotics. No specifics were provided. 4 Mr. Cain asked Ms. Evans to describe what furosemide ILasix) was and how it was used. Ms. Evans stated that it was used ror heart patients to control fluid retention: as it takes excess fluid out of the system. She stated the drug was not available over the-counter, but that a close over-the counter product would be Aqua·Ban, which is a water pill. I questioned Ms. Paulson to determine the pharmacological validity of that comparison. Ms. Paulson researched the Aqua-Ban formula and reported that it contains 100mg caffeine and 325mg ammonium chloride as its active ingredients. A direct comparison between the products cannot be made, as they are two completely different compounds. 4 4 M{ _Cain then asked 'IT Ms. Evans had experienced recent weight loss and why/how. Ms. Evans stared that due to "family problems" she had recently lost 60 pounds since , OS3~ / giJdZ"i Supervisory Report Donna Evans (AKA Turner, Lake) ECR issued September 22, 1995 Missing Drugs from Mini-Pharmacy tackle box Page 8 November 1994. She stated that she accomplished and maintained that weight loss through a combination of changed diet habits and an exercise regimen. She stated that she modified her diet to include more chicken and rice and participates in daily exercise such as going to the gym, speed walking, racquetball, swimming, weighttifting, etc. Ms. Evans stated that she did not exercise prior to her weight loss. Ms. Evans stated t h a t _ i n her ankles was aggravated by her prior weight. Mr. Cain then·stated that they may have additional names to provide me who. would be helpful in completion of this investigation. After a brief, private discussion with Ms. Evans, Mr. Cain stated they did not wish to give me any names until they had a chance to get permission from those people. I made sure Mr. Cain had correct phone numbers for me and for my fax machine. As of this date, no further contact has occurred with either Mr. Cain or Ms. Evans regarding these names. 0810 Supervisory Report - Supplemental Information Donna Evans (AKA Turner, Lake) ECR issued September 22, 1995 Missing Drugs from Mir:'!i-Pharmacy tackle box On Monday, November 13, 1995, upon arriving at work there was a fax from Ms. Evans' attorney (sent November 10, 1995, a state holiday) indicating that his office. had not provided me with names of other individuals who may have pertinent information regarding this issue. He provided the names of Bill Dalton, Sherry Van Horn, Yoshi Parker, and Sharon Kiesel. .Yoshi Parker Mr. Parker no longer works for the Department of Corrections. Bill Dalton On November 15, 1995, I interviewed Bill Dalton, RN, .by telephone, after explaining to him that his name was referred to me by Ms. Evans' attorney. Mr. Dalton stated that he did not witness anything, as he works a different shift (midnight to 8am, Wednesday thru Sunday) that Ms. Evans. Mr. Dalton characterized the pharmacy operation as "sloppily run." He stated that the pharmacy is prone to miscounting, and that the tackle box had been left unsecured in the old hcspitai buiiding for a one-week period. He further stated that when working with pill line that prescriptions would run out over the weekend, and that bags of issuable medications were "obviously short." During a 4-week period he stated he wrote five memos concerning pill line shortages. I asked if he knew for certain that the shortages were due to pharmacy errors. He stated that was an assumption on his part. Regarding access to the tackle box in the new pharmacy location, he stated it could be left unsecured over a weekend if the seal was broken Friday night. I asked about documentation prepared for accessing the tackle box and he stated there was no guarantee that documentation would be prepared. Mr. Dalton estimated that it has been four to five years since he worked the same shift as Ms. Evans. When asked if he had any other information to provide, he stated that "I can't see her [Donna Evans] being that dumb." He further stated that she is a military dep.endent and could get that drug free or at a very reduced cost. Mr. Dalton also stated that Judy Perry, a nurse in lower E unit, told him that they are now required to count pills coming from the pharmacy due to numerous miscounts. 0841 AttachMent / II) J/29 _" Supervisory Report - Supplemental Information . Donna Evans (AKA Turner, Lake) ECR issued September 22, 1995 : Missing Drugs from Mini-Pharmacy tackle box .:"f"~ .:-:;'fj Page 2 -- t·: oJ ,/ i ....( Sherry Van Horn I contacted Ms. Van Horn on November 15, 1995, and indicated that her name had been referred to me by Ms. Evans' attorney. Ms. Van Horn declined to discuss the matter. . Sharon Kiesel I spoke with Ms. Kiesel on November 16, 1995. Ms. Kiesel stated that she had no direct knowledge of the new hospital/pharmacy procedures. Ms. Kiesel did work as a pharmacy assistant at MICC in the old hospital. Ms. Kiesel stated that the tackle box was not sealed until after she started working at MICC. She further indicated that during the time she worked in the pharmacy that PERs were inconsistently done. Ms. Kiesel indicated that she and Ms. Evans were good friends and that Pat Callaghan would do anything to get Ms. Evans out, as Ms. Evans helped Ms. Kiesel during some per50nr:~1 iSS\.,;9S. Ms. Kiesel stated that Ms. Evans had recently lost a significant amount of weight and had done so through diet and exercise. Ms. Kiesel stated that she thinks they [hospita~orsl were "watching" Ms. Evans. She also stated that Ms. Evans is very _ over this situation. - .~ Ms. Kiesel indicated that there have been many instances of missing medications before, without this type of investigation occurring. Other Information I also contacted the Washington State Poison Control Center for an independent comparison of furosemide and Aqua-Ban. (See page 7 of supervisory report. Ms. Evans stated the latter was a close over-the-counter version of the former.) I asked for a rough comparison of how many Aqua-Ban tablets would give an equivalent diuretic effect of a 40mg furosemide. The Poison Control Center staff researched both drug formulas and related to me that no comparison could be made, as the drugs have completely different compounds and work differently. Staff indicated that my question was like asking "how may pineapples would it take to make a watermelon." 0842 Att~chment / /It'/Zr. • •• _ - - - • •• • 'O". ., . . . __ , ._. ...--.-........_--..-. -.......... McH8L ISLAND CORRECTION CEHTER PHARMACY Poe. BOX8S900 ~~.,- STBLACOOM, WA98388 512-6647 0843 Attachment liZ,rJIZ9.· ... ... , Pha%mac:y Inservice Hemo March ]" page 2 I. PRESCRIPTI.ON ORDERS (po..' S) .~. . . , ....' "~ .. : ..~ .... ":- ~ REQUIRED ELEMENTS ON PER ~. Pacient name and ID number. 2. 3. ~le=gies. - .... ~ 1.994 ~46-87S-020 list.s minimum re~i=ec informacion on a pa::ient: r::ec.ication record ... "Any pat.ier-~ alle==ies, idias~c=as:es, 0= c~=onic condi:ion whic~ ~y =ela:e c~~g ~:ili=a:ion. I: the=e is no allergy da:a ... ir-c.':"cate nor-e or 1tN"':CA" (no k......ewn a:"!.erg-.f) '\ " 4. Complet.e di=ec~ions. ~ri.C 246-"875-020 "The complete direc:ions ::er use a:': t.h.e c..="'~S". The ~e~ lias di=oc~=d" is ':J:-~~i=:'~Q.c. pl..:.=s~a=-_~ t.~ ;tCW 13 -64245 a:'lc. 69.41. 050. II ;tC~'; ~a.:4 .2!s6 "To evs:::y bcx, bet::e, jar. t.'.!be cr ct.::e= co=~ai~e= ef a presc=iption which is dispensec t~e=e s~all be fixed a label beari~g ... name of t.~e presc=i~e=, h~s ~~=ec~ions... I' • Prescriptions whic~ do not. list patient allergies _Cl. ... _..... ·'se ... ..._ 1 _ • .., w~' ~ ..... -... a ""c.·/c- c,....- '! at-e ....11.• ...~c-~ons i=c'" m~d': ,..--.:,...."" be fille~ Sv the oharmacv. OTC items are nc~ ~(e~~~ (ac=~r=ir.c the-State Board of ?~a~acv) becacse-~e ~~s~ precess eve~:hing h~re as a presc=lption. ., _ ..,_ _ _ I,.;. __ ..... .. _ _ .. :0 ~. C~rre~t 7he medications. p~a~a=y computer is not tiec in to OBTS. send the prescr~p:~cn ~d we the PER. ~~ ~ow w~e=e to i~fo~at.ion from We need ge~ t.~':"s This is especially important i: the dosage is variable and pm. Example: 1-2 tablets Q 4-6H pm x 1 days. "These directions are acceptable, but a specific quancit.y to issue must be written. a. Signature of prescriber. 0844 :Inservic:e Memo KArch 1, 1994 Page 3 * Scan each PER for these elements before turning it into the Pharmacy. This will save time and efforts to back-track. B. There have been problems with changes being made on the yellow PER but not documented in ehe profile. Examples: Lisinopril changed to Vasotec or Erythromycin changed to Tetracycline. 1 . . The prescriber who makes the on documentation. 2. 3. 4. ,..'-a The c~anges c~ange must follow t~r~ug~ must be initialed or signed. vWAC 246-87S-040 ... "Any order mcc~fiec in t~e sys~;~ ~~s: car=y in the audit trail the ~~~~e ident~=i;r of t~e oerson who modified the order ... tha~ the chancas be accurately documented in the record syste~, w~~~ou: " destroyi."'lg the original rec~rd or its auc.~: trail. II The pha~acy will photocopy .a~y ~E~'s wi:~ c~a~ges a~= put t~e copies L"'l the appropriate f=esc=~ber's box. This is to se~·e as a reminder to :~llow t~=ough o~ c.c c:::.~e:l t a ~ i on . USE OF "?~rlt ON ~~::'L r.:NE MED!CAT!ONS ~. If the directions are not written as'p=~, the inwa:e will be in==acted for ~ailure t~ c~me to pill line. 2. Consider written. 3. If you write for a pill line medication, be su~e to let the inmate ~~ow this so they uncers=and t~at they ~us~ whe~he= come to pill D. this is your li~e. ~~ample: .. _ __ .. _-...., ... ;..,-~~ ... ~-"'!""'Il ....- --.. _'- ~_.- Flexe=il MISS!NG PER'S 1. Occasionally the oha=macv does not re~=ive a PER fo= i:ems tha: mus~ be entered on the patient's computer profile and accounted for by 2. Commonly missed items a=e: i~jec:ic~s, T3 tests, meds, crash cart or ER meds, office procedures . .3. If in doubt, write a PER and give the yellow copy to the pharmacy. ~ssu~d 0845 . r /<./d/Z1 ' .. Pha:macy ::tI1service Hema March 1., 1.994Page 4 E. NO MEDICATIONS TO STAFF 1. No exceptions. Field Instruction MICC 600-025 " ... medications will not be issued to staff members by the institution medical department for personal use. 'I 2. PER's written by our prescribers for staff de not meet legal requirements of OERA regulations --according to . the State Board of Pha=rnacy. 3. eme=gencf aid may be rendereq pursuant, ~o pacie~~ removal from the island by bca= cr ~ed-i-vac to anot~er emerge~cy =aci:~ty. Example: heart attack, stroke, broken leg. 4. ~hese Or~y same regulations apply to Se=-"ices ': Personal use of any medication from this facility ~y ~ staff is prohib:'=ed. ~ersonnel. r:-EMS A..':(.E NO~ TO E~ ISSUED FROM T~E A.F7ER - EOL-'R.S r:r=: MA:N PEA..~PwtAcr IS OP~~. ;.. . PEA.?_~CY ff~!!:a ~f a stat dose is needed (other a controlled sU=star.ce) get it from the main pcarmacy. \:..,...a. A .~ ?~~ ~~ST BE HOtJ"'RS ?F.A.~ACY i\ ~~!.~~~ FOR ~~ !TEM ~SS~:w FROM (OR ER) &'ID SIGNED 3'£ PA/MD. ~~ "'--- r't..: ... ::':'.. - ~ Be sure to indicaee how manv tablets, bottles, tubes, etc. Be specific always! . Example: Maalox 30cc prp, Ace=arn:'~cphen 5 gr. take 1 or 2 tab~ets q4 i£ needed. Issued. - What was issued here? Hew many? 2. Be sure t:o write "issued" so that the pharmacy dces couble issue t~e prescription. 3. All of these issued prescriptions are entered on the i~ma:e's pharmacy computer profile and the inventory accounted for and replaced. Therefore, it is very imporeant that these PER's are tu=ned in to the pharmacy. no~ 0841) Pharmacy :tnservice Memo March 1, 1994 Page 5 C. THE MINI-PHARMACY IS A RESTRICTED AREA. ~. Do not use this area for a break room or to work on projects. 2. Do not prop the door open. 3. Do not allow inmates physical or area. 4. Limi~ use of ~~ extension ~. I • visua~ access to th~s the phone in this room beca~se i t ~s o~lv of t~e main pharmacy li~e and rescric~s the pharmacy's ability to place or receive calls if sc~eone is us~ng the pcc~e. TACKLE BOX , 1. A sr.all ~~~~ity of various medica~icns prepackaged are kep~ in the tack:e box. 2. C~ly l~ce~sed p=escri~ers (?A or MO} nay la=el mec~cat~c~s ==om ~he tackle box ~o ~e ~ss~ed (chis is a dispens~ng fur.c~ion) . wr.~c~ are co: =0 ~==a~s~ 3. Nurses way ecly aCrninis~er a s:ac cese from t~e ~a~Kle bex. They may not label a package =or ~~e i~ate ~o take wi:~ them. Nurses may not' dispense. 4. Labeli~g a package is :~e ~row= bags on the ~. a dispensing f~nc:ion, th~s is wr.y peg-board are pre-labeled. a PER for a~y~~ing tha~ was re~oved fro~ :~e tackle box and ~he bottle tha~ was used in the ref~ll box under the pill line cart along wi~h the broken seal. ~eave 1. !f a 2. Do noe use the emergency stock for routine refills. 3. If yeu must use an emergency bottle, please leave a no:e for the pharmacy so that we have accountability and ca~ enter this on the appropriate computer profile and replace stock. 4. bc~:le of insulin is nL~~icg low, please re~~es~ a re=ill =rom the pharmacy. Include the ir~te's nu~~e= ~~c/or prescription number. Date all bottles when opened. 'bottle is one month old Re~~est a new refill if a ..- .. ' • Phaxmacy J:nservice Memo HaX'ch 1., 1.994 Page 6 F. RETURNS OR GO-BACKS VS. REFILLS Note - there are two separate boxes in the minipharmacy. 1.. a) Put refills and PER's in the box under the pill line cart.. b) Put retur~s (go-backs) in the box on t.he left COr:'1er. . . - . . - -- --I -__,- __ , w~ll soon ~cdicat~o~s. We ~GENCY . ..'- be go~ng to a two-label More on t~is later. syste~ ALL ~ss~ed for Stock i~ the mini-pha~cy is bein; reassessed be reduced. Staff input is solicited. 2. .~ '- '- . . . .. . _-, Do not leave medicat~ons i~ the break room, ~?s:ai=5 areas, or medical records. These are not secure areas. Put the ·items in the return box in ~he mini-pca=macy. 3. -- far Please i~dicate some reason for a re:~~ or so-bac~. Leave a note or write on the label. Examoles: ~-a-s~e--=~ ,=~~ MT~C sen~ ~o ~-,,~~~ w-er~ to .I"'\... ~~._~_c_.v., refused, c~5contir.ued, confiscated, e~c. 2. r ·-"T' ., a~d ~i:l ROOM STOC~ USED OR.ISSUE~ F~OM TEE EME~GE~CY R~CM, OR RESPONSE BAG NEEDS TO 3E ACCO~~ED FOR 3Y ~ PER. Exceptions: Lidocaine injections, Hydrogen ?e=cx~ce (unless the bot:le is issued to the inmat.e) and toci~al . . an:i-infectives used for dressings . PF~~~~CY C~~T, CRASH - .... ., An inven::ory of pharmacy items in the eye :"5 taped to the top of the box. '. 2. The eye t~ay will be kept sealec so that pharmacy knows the s~ock is complete. 3. If an item is used or issued, wri::e a PER for the pharmacy and indicate "issued from eye tray". 0845 ,H+~~hment //7d 27 .. .. ~ '0 Pharmacy l:nservic:e Memo March 1, 1994 Page 7 IV. Pl:LL LDm ISSUES RELATED TO ISSUED MEDS A new policy will soon go into effec~ which will require inmates to pick up their prescriptions within 24 hou~s or be infracted. We are waiting for policy rewrite/okay =o~ inmate notification before this becomes official. A. s~ar~ letting writ~en. 1. In the meantime, new orders are i~mates ~ow of th~s as 2. 'S;:art let~ing ne·.... chain inmates --. WHEN A PRESCRIPTION IS NO'!' I~ T:~E ISSUE BOX . Most. o==s~=i=t:i=::s ::~=:lec in fc= ===':'ll a.=s =eac:~· b:,,' 1~:30-pi~~ l~=e, and mas: new p=esc=~~t~o~s ~~=~e~ ~~ that mo~~~g are ready by 1::30. Al~ prescrip~ic~s. a=; finishec before t~e 9ha~acy closes (u~less ~he orde= is tu~ed In after 3:15 p.m.). T~er=fc=e, ~= some:~~ng appe~rs to ~e ~issing cr no~ filled, make a =ote of i~ so c~at it can be t=acke~ CCH~ or call ~~e pha~cy du=~~g nooc ?~:l ~~~e ~= ~~~e ~ll-::'''''s . 3. !t is not ac=e=t~le ~o ~e~l the in~a~e to c=eck ~a=~ late~ w~=hou~ fcllow-u~ because c::en the c=de= c~c ~== ge~ pulled from t~:.prOfile, .o~ a~ order was C?t wr~t:e~, or t~e =e:~ll bag d~d ~Ct get tu=~ee ~r. ~o t~e pha~a=y. 4: . I: :~= SOGle reas=~ ==e ~ha~acv ca~~=~ f~:l o:::esc:::.-i=tion (~ecause it is too soon, or an oreer, etc), the ?ha=.nacy will wrice a note inma~e ·.... ~ich ~ill ~e ?ut ~n the issue box, a ~tem :.s to. t:~e r'H:'-"-:;'U':1ent 0849 ,I /qtJjZf Fra~ MCNEiL. ISLf CORRECTIONS PO BOX Sa91O~ STEILACOOM, WA 9S3SS .r.!I~.1 as of NOe I : 00172-2907-80 12/19/94 through OS/25/95 for : FUROSEMIDE 40MG ZENITH ntity an hand: 7S7 ~cnedule : & ~ackage Si:e: 1000 .....********************************************************************++********************* +.~++**~*******+**************** Patient Inforsation Phar':aacist R~ numoe~ I Price Doctor Infor:aation Date' Filled QlJan~i~ ..........************++++***********************************************************+****+**.~ • •*++++**+*************************** ~!G -) STAT DO~CKLEBOX 211175 . ~ 0.02 L/J M ICC HOLD _. 12.17.94 BARTRAM, PA/CPE ~S BB172500i a. t'"\ n---~ c.c...~C 1 , :r.d of audit trail - Total quantity dispensed * Ih.\ ~ )f 12/1~/'14 r-. \;l/ ,,/qy <:!. 'r"\~ 't> clo-J.L. ~~ = e-. ~ OC---te-o..1 1 A-4-u..t"cJ...o..~ 1 0 c..Crr-. \ fLee..:CY--. od"A (b.&1:.'. (jU'~ ('j 850 'l"~-':~;;lent . / /9i . ,,~ &I ·. .',: ~.: ~.. , ,.~", ~ .~ ~ /r' " ~:""., ~".:.'.' \' .' ..,I ,_ .' .. ," , " . , MCNEIL ISLAND CORRECTIONS DELIVERY RE~ORT FOR : 08/01/1995 FACILITY CITY, ST, ZIP PHONE BEDS RU ROOM NO. M ICC STEILAcaOM,WA 206 -588-528 1 1 TO 2000 98388 DRUG NAME PATI:::NT QTY *************+****++*******************++**** ANALGESIC BAw~ 30GM FOU DIMETAPP EXTENTABS IBUPROFEN 600MG BOOTS CYCLOBENZAPRINE 10MG 56 PHENVLGESIC TAB ACETAMINOPHEN 500MG MC~7~MrNO~HEN 5~0MG 30 10 20 {Jr ~C~Er 500MG ~C~E: ~SEUDCE~~EJR:~E S0MG GL TnI~MTE~ENEJhCTZ 75/50 3C 5ENZ~YL ~E~CX.GEL l~~ RUG AC~TAMrNOPMEN E;Y-T~B ~~AL~X :::Zl0MG 5uS~ENSIGN 5 OZ. ~~VTtrt:V ,/'Y'I'vC'-/'!J;t.'u ~ /~ULJtl.. :.~ YO-; 0852 It/iZr . . ':'. • . '•• :.~ ~::~'. • ;: •.•• ..o '. , - . ~... . . . .. ....'. .. .' " DOC '~~"~~;:' -.' . ....;.:.. . .. . . ......:. . :~ ~'. . .. .~. ....... ':. .... .:'~"'. . . :. - . ' .. PRIMARY ENCOUNTER RE?ORT tREY• ..vII I - . . . I--:-----:----r------f:---G---:-----:r---~____:"'__:_~i_=£_.:__~~--=----..::~~:::;.;.. ~~ ;:' ~.l.. .o. • .'. ... L1 ::.., .. ~ ~ ~!~(FlEV.~1 . . .•.., . • : -A:~~-.n • :. '; .. :.':: ". ~'/tr"~ ~ - .. ·.:·.~7::-~ ".. ii--;V~ ;1'.'// ~"l? PRIMARY ENCOUNTER REPORT;~:~·· •. :: ... . '?~" " r ... . .. _00 . . . , •• .-- CHASE R'VELANO Sect4lary STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS McNEIL ISLAND CORRECTIONS CENTER P. O. Box 900. StStlaCQom. Washlngron g8388,09CO July 13, 1995 T~~: ~SP Gteation ~tion Fr?~oper,J'corr~nal'tnvestigator Subject: Identification of Fingerprints This office is currently conducting an investigation into stolenimissing medications from the Mini Pharmacy, McNeil Island HospaitaJ. Between 05-25-95 and 06-27-95, person(s) unknown have removed a total of approximately tablets from a vial containing furosemide 40mg tablets. This vial is kept in a tacklelJox, which is sealed, and is behind locked doors of the ~fini Pharmacy. Every time the seal of the box is broken the contents of the 'box is counted by th~ pharmacis~ and m~t is who discovered these tablets to be missing. ¥e This office is submitting the vial that contained the tablets to see if fingerprints can be lifted from it, and also a list of all personnel that have access to the Mini Pharmacy for comparison to any prints found on the vial. List of personnel having access to Mini Pharmacy: ~ ........... Roben Cloke Harper Buck ~ Bruce Barrett Perry Bartram Lynn Housewonh Dinah Sacav ""'" Ricky Silv~rman Patricia Callaghan Nancy Armstrong Patricia Arnold Sherre Badders William Dalton Pamela Davenpon PrimaDonna Ems ~ DQB. 5-12-38 7-13-34 8-6-42 1-6-45 1-1-48 3-24-50 7-31-45 12-25-46 5-28-46 10-29-21 1-2-54 11-5-42 8-29-52 10-29-57 0854 :·.~::.:hment . I t3t?:j21 ............ Kenneth Haire ""'- cMoIHoke Lenora Horton Barbara Jackson Donna Lake 'Judy Lobdell ~ ~ Kim Mattson Deena .Oestman Yosbi Parker .......... Sharon Stephens . . . . Diana Stoddard -...... Sherry VanHorn Linda PaulsOn .......... Jan White Dennis Noel Maurice Emery Sherry Race 6-2243 4-1543 11-7-54 1-16-47 7-2748 4-27-55 OQB. 5-13-60 2-4-52 10-14-50 2-1-62 7-23-66 11-748 5-21-55 1-7-52 9-7-55 8-10-52 3-23-45 That is the complete list of personnel who have known access to the Zvfini Pharmacy. Thank you for your asistance in this matter. 08~ t-"t~chMent IZ/!tiZtt Washington State Identification Section PO BOX 42633 Olympia, WA 98504-2633 ~elephone Date Received : 08/16/95 WASIS LP # : 95-12448 Agency case # Ol0095IOl (206) 705-5128 LA~ENT PRIN~ Requesting Agency : MCNEIL ISLAND CORR CNTR By : JIM COOPER Address: P. o. BOX 900 STEILACOOM WA 98388 Evidence Description Title REPORT Agency No. INVEST WA02706SC 7-LATENT LIFTS. Received: Processing MAIL (Certified # Requir~d: UPS reg. # ~N ) IN Type P~RSON _ ~y -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DOB suspects: DOB 05/12/38 01/06/45 07/13/34 01/01/48 08/06/42 03/24/50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Examination Results: The latent lift I marked "1" contains one identifiable latent impression whi=h is identified as the right palm of Donr.a EV~~S, ~~/ TU~lER, WL~, deb: 07-23-48. The latent lift I marked "2" contains one identifiable latent impressicn which is identified as the right palm of EV~~S. The latent lift I marked -2" is a relift of the latent lift I marked "1-. The rem~ining lift contains no latent impressions identification purposes. 0: value for The three lifts were recovered from pill bottle 11. The latent lift I marked "2" contains one identifiable latent impression which is negative in comparison to the inked fingerprint and inked major case prints of all suspects. The three remaining lifts contain no latent impressions of value for identification purposes. Date 08-30-95 Date 08-30-95 Date 08-30-95 "Examiner Eileen Slavin Reviewed By Geor e C. Millar Reviewed Sy Robert S. Johnson Photo Taken: ~Y By SLAVIN If examination and comparison of this evidence will require a court appearance, at least one week's notice is necessary for the preparation of presentation materials. Washington State Identification Section PO BOX' 42633 olympia, WA 98504-2633 Telephone (206) 705-5128 Date Received WASIS LP # Agency Case # 08/16/95 95-1244B 010095IOl LATENT PRINT REPORT Requesting Agency MCNEIL ISLAND CORR CNTR Suspects OOB Agency No. WA027065C (Continued) 07/31/45 12/25/46 OS/28/46 10/29/21 01/02/54 11/05/42 08/29/52 10/29/57. 06/22/43 04/15/43 11/07/54 01/16/47 01/27/48 04/27/55 05/13/50 02/04/52 10/14/50 02/01/52 01/23/56 11/07/48 OS/21/55 01/07/52 09/07/55 08/10/52 03/23/45 ~xami~aticn Results : (Continued) The four lifts were recovered from pill bottle #2. 085{ IUZ29 MCNEIL PO BOX Sep " , 1'1'15 F'.111 li~;: ing IS~ND STEI~COO/l1 ~ History ~ '- .•REcnONS aa~00 WA ~S38a Roo": HOLD DOB : ·01/e1l1q01 It: +.*.*~.+~~*~**~++***++***++++++++*+**+*++ ••+*****++*++*+*+*••+*++++.+++ Rx no Drug name NDC It Date RiF Doctor Qty Price RPM **++*+++*++*++*++*+**+*+++++++++++~+**+++·+***tt++++****+********+++++*++++***+ 211175 001722~0760 FUROSEMIDE 40MG ZE 12/1~/~~0 BARTRAM, Slg-}STAT DOSE GIVEN FROM TACKLEBOX 12.17.94 a10~~4 0e172290780 FUROSEMIDE 40MG ZE 1~i15/~4 ~ HOUSEWCRT Slg-IT1T QAM PL 210920 00574000210 ASPIRIN EC 325MG 12/1~/~4 0 HOUSEWORT Sig-) (ISSUED BY PA)12.14.94 210919 00641036225 FUROSEMIDE 20MG/2M 12/15/~4 0 HOUSEWORT Sig-)20MG INJECTION GIVEN 12. 14.~4 210903 00187074&31 INSTA-GLUCOSE 12/14/940 HOUSEWORT Sig-) (ISSUED BY PAi 12.14.94 ~10731 0130060713&8 11ASOTEC 10111g 12/13/C;4 0 SACAY, PA Sig-)T1T BID -NOTE INCR~qSE IN STR~~GTH210635 001722~0780 FUROSEMIDE 40MG ZE 12/12/~4 0 SACAY, PA Sig-)1 TABLET <40 MG) GAM DURING DIABETiC PL 210634 00172290760 FUROSEMIDE 40MG ZE 12/12/C;~ 0 SACAY, PA Sig-) ISSUED STAT DOSE FROM PHARMACY 12.12.94 AT 1&45/ME 210521 00172290780 FUROSEMIDE 40MG IE 12/12/C;4 0 SACAY, PA 5tg-}1/2 TABLET 120MG) STAT DOSE GIVEN 2'a~~23 001a7~74631 rNSTA-GLUCOSE 12/0S/Q4 0 SACAY, PH 5ig-} <ISSUED BY PAl 12.4.Q4 20q770 001ai0740~1 INSTA-GLUC~SE 12!01!~* 2 MOUSE~ORT Stg-)PRN FOLLOW DIRECTIONS ON T~BE <Cash) la/05/~4 ~C~S~! 4 20 1 &2 20 3 1 1 02 02 62 2 12i0~/~~ 00003183310 NOVOLIN REGULAR (H 11/2~/C;4 0 Sig-)FOLLOW DIABETIC LOG SHEET 20C;5~1 00002631501 HUMULIN NPH INSULI 11/2~/C;4 ~ Sig-)FOLLOW DIABETIC LOG SHEET 20QS85 00574000210 ASPIRIN EC 325MG 1~/2~/C;4 0 Sig-}T1T QD~MAY T 1-2 GeM PRN 2'a~S83 00456032501 LElJOTHYROXINE 0.15 11/2,,/C;4 111 Sig-}T1T QAM 2~~S78 ~0~0&07126a VASOTEC Sag 11/2~i~~ 0 5ig-)T2T GAM & 1 TABLET HS 20~574 001722Q07S0 FURCSEMIDE 40MG ZE 11/2~/C;4 111 5ig-)T 1/2 TABLET <20MG) QAM End of proflle-------Toeal Charge1 = ~ 11S.75 Total Credl~S = $ ~.00 20~5~b 0.~2 L/J 1 I BUCK, MD 10 BUCK, MD 10 BUCK, MD 40 BUCK, MD 30 (Cash) 0.09 <Cash) 0.14 (Cash) 0.75 (Cash) 4.77 (Cash) 19.15 (Cash) 0.06 (Cash) 0.02 (Cash) 0.02 <Cash) 4.77 (Cash) LIS L/J LIS L/J LlA ME ME LP. L/J 0. 1= L/A ,Cash) 4.77 L/J 0. 15 L/~ 16.32 MIA (Cash) 14.83 MIA (Casn) 0.29 MIA ,Cash) &.72 MiA (Cash) BUCK, MD 50 45.5~ MIA (Cash) 7 0.15 MIA (Cash) BUCK, MD lta.75 }f e." 1-<" '3 Oc-~ C l'" 'oe..\ov.' -:\"'-~~ - o.c...~c.... d..~fel"\~'2.... dc-~ \~/ll/'iLt - So.."h..s...t"OOtY . \~ \:~ Jct 03, 1q95 :ro.:05.01.95 To:08.03.Q5 ~ ICC _ iistory I: MCNEIL ISLAND CORRECTIONS PO BOX SS900 STEILACOOM WR 9838S Room: In9 DOB : 03/24/19~8 ~** •••••• " ••••• ""~***********************'*I*"'*********************1*1**** ~.* ••••••••••••••••••• *****.* ••••••**.* •••*********++*********•••••****** •• **** Rx no NDC 1 Drug name Date R/F Doctor Qty Price RPh 22Q964 0007477&313 POTASSIUM CL 10MEa 07/2&/95 2 BRRTRAM, 10 3.37 Sig-)TIT aD PL (Cash) (Cash) 08/02/95 10 3.37 2299&3 00172a~0780 FUROSEMIDE 40MG ZE~07/2&/~5 2 BARTRAM, 5 0.11 Sig-H 1/2 TABLET (20MG) DAILY PI_ '--~. (Cash) (Cash) 08/02/95 5 0.11 229S90 00182175110 TRIPROL/PSEUOO TAB 07/25/95 0 BUCK, MD 20 0.45 Sig-)T 1/2 OR 1 TRBLET Q6H PRNF HAY FEVER (Cash) 228190 001S2175110 TRIPROL/PSEUDO TAB 07/03/95 1 SACAY, PA & 0.13 Sig-)T 1/2 TABLET Q6H OR 1 TRBLET BID ( Q 12 HOURS) PRN (Cash) 07/10/95 6 0.13 (Cash) 227949 0007477&313 POTASSIUM CL 10MEQ 06/29/95 1 SACAY, PR 15 4.63 Sig-)T1T QD ON AM OR NOON PILL LINE (STRRTING &/30) PL <Cash) (Cash) 07/13/95 15 5.0& 227947 001722Q0780 FUROSEMIDE 40MG lE1f&/29/9S'2 SACAY, PA 5 0.11 Sig-)T 1/2 TABLET (20MG) QD ON AM OR NOON PILL LINE <STARTING••• (Cash) <Cash) 07/13/95 5 0.11 (Cash) 07/05/95 5 0.!l End of profile-------Total Charges = $ 17.75 0.00 Total Credits = $ :ash A/J L/J A/J L/J ME MID L/J MID MID M/D MID MID 17.75 085~ Oct 04, 1~~S Fro.:0&.2~.9S To:10/04/95 ~ C'R'O~'~--::) MCNEIL ISLAND CORRECTIONS PO BOX a8900 STEILACOOM WA 98388 ~istory t: tIIIIIIIII DOB : ~3/31/1~33 *********** ••••**************************************************************** Rx no NDC t Dryg name Date RIF Doctor Qty Price RPh +*+*** ••••••• *******************************.****•••••••*•••• 1 • • • ************** 231&8S ~0172290780 FUROSEMIDE 40MG z~ 0 SILVERMAN '7 0. 15 LID Sig-)T 1/2 TABLET (20MG) GAM . (Cash) 2304~~ 00172290780 FUROSEMIDE 40MG Z~· 08/01~ 0 BUCK, MD 11 0.24- LID Sig-H II? (20MG) GA~ PL ,-. --.... (Cash) 230340 00172290780 FUROSEMIDE 4-0MG ·Z~ 07/31(,j$ 0 BARTRA _ 06 LP'. Sig-)TIT DAILY IN THE MORNING OR NOON FOR 3 DAYS BEGINNING 07 ~~ ~h) 230069 00677112501 AP~P/ISOMETH/DICH 07/27/95 2 BARTRA, ~ . 2 ME. Sig-)M I D R (Cashi 230067 00067033079 MAALOX SUSP~~SION 07/27/95 6M BARTRAM, 150 0.39 ME. Sig-)SW AND T 2 TSPS aID (MAY REFILL ONCE A WEEKJ (Cash) 228216 00045045170 ACEiAMINOPH8~ 500M 07/03/95 1 SILVERMAN 20 1.18 MID Sig-)TIT GO PRN PL (Cash) (Cash) 07/19/95 20 1.18 MID 228015 00173034442 ZANTAC 150MG . 0G/30/~5 5 SILVERMAN 30 49.60 L/J Sig-)TIT GAM & EVENING PL (Cash) (Cash) 08/15/95 28 46.29 LID (Cash) 08/0"2/~5 30 4~. &0 LP. (Cash) 07/13/~5 30 4~.&a ~:D 228014 57267090542 NITRO PATCHES 0.2M 06/30/95 5 SILVERMAN 15 21.91 L/J Sig-)AP 1 PATCH QAM ,WEAR FOR 12 HOURS, THEN REMOVE PL (Cash) 08/15/~5 14 21.27 LID (Cash) (Cash) 08/09/95 15 22.78 LI J (Cash) 07/2&/95 15 22.78 MID (Cash) 07/10/95 15 21.91 L/J 228013 0002&884151 ADALAT CC 30MG E/R 0G/30/~5 5 SILVERMAN 30 2&. 11 LIS Sig-)T2T GAM PL (Cash) (Cash) 08/15/95 28 24.37 LID (Cash) 08/09/95 30 2&.11 LID (Cash) 07/2&/95 30 2&.11 MID (Cash) 07/13/~5 30 2&.11 MID 228012 00781137101 METOPROLOL 50MG GE 0&/30/95 5 SILVERMAN 15 &.6~ L/J Sig-)TIT GAM PL (Cash) (Cash) 08/15/95 14 &.25 LID (Cash) 08/09/95 15 G. G9 LID (Cash) 07/2&/~5 15 &. &9 MID (Cash) 07/13/95 15 G.69 MID 227901 00071057013 NITROSTAT 0.4MG iZ 0&/29/95 3M SACAY, PA 25 3.51 DIM Sig-)TIT SL PRN FOR 90 DAYS (Cash) 08/15/95 25 3.51 LID (Cash) 227900 000&7033079 MAALOX SUSPENSION 06/29/95 1M SACAY, PA 150 0.39 DIM Sig-)TAKE 2 TSS a4H PRN FOR 30 DAYS (Cash) 150 0.39 MID (Cash) 227899 00172290780 FUROSEMIDE 40MG ZE 0&/29/95 2 SACAY, PA 10 0.22 DIM Sig-)STARTING 6/30 TIT GO FOR 30 DAY NING OR NOON PILL••. (Cash) 07/13/95 10 0.22 MID (Cash) (Cash) 07/05/95 10 0.22 MID End of profile-----:-!o~a: Charges = S 480.24 At~~chiT1ent 08EO . " , .1 Pharmacy InseJ:Vice Hemo Harch 1., 1.994 Page :2 1:. PRESCR1:PT1:0N 1.. Patient name and ID number. 2. Birthdate. 3. ·Allergies. ~~46-875-020 lists mi~imum required infc=mation C~ a -- . record. '" II A..-:y pa::ier:t alle==:'es, idiosyr.c:::as:'es, or chronic condition whi~~ may relate -'" ~_...:'.:-a ...--~on T~ \..• """e-~ ~_u.,:: ....... -:--.:7 " _.:. -- is .no ='~a"'';':''''c. .... __ ••• a"lo-~ , ----?=. " da~a. , . :.::c.:.-::ate none 0::: "N':{A II (no k.."1c·....n a..:...:.erS"'iJ pa::ien~ r::ec.:'~ac.ion \ r. ~ ; ,~ .... (PElt' s) REQUIRED ELEMENTS ON E.AQl PER .~. . ORDE..~ -- .. 1 . . .' . 4. Ccmple~e c.:'rectiens. W~C 2~G:a75-020 n~e c~molete c.:-,,~g. direc::icr.s fer use 0= ::~e The :e~ "as di=ect:ed u is ~=-:Jh'::'=:'t:~~ pu=sua::.:. to :tCI"'i !. 3 - 6 ~ 2 4: :) and 69.41. 050 . II :<.~;.;;;0 liTo e"-a=1J' bex, bct~:;'=: "';a=, t"~e c= ct:.::'e= co~tai:1er of a prescription.whic~ is ~i:pe~sed ther 7. s~all ~e fixed a label his c.i:::ec::icns ... " • bea=~~g ... r.ane Prescriptions which do not list t~e prescr:.=er, • _ ..J ...... _ _ ......... __ ......... _~o~ _ _ _ _ 0.'-_.... c~-~'Qte ~~-cc-~o~s moc.·i~--~~n a •~~/o- allergies __ _..... use w~'l -0· ..J •• _ _ pa~ient ~ ..". _ ..__ pha--~cv • • lr.cJ, • • ~e ~~,,=~ ~'J ~"Q _~. (ac=o:::~ing ::0 the Stac~ ~s~ ~:::ocess eve=V:hin~ - 5. 0= ~~::::::er.t - .1. _:.._ ••, O~C ~-~~s --0 CL _ _ ~n~ .. _ ••• e·<o~~- Beard ef Pha~acy) because we here as a p:::esc:::i=tior.. - -. - medications. T~e pha~acy computer is not tie~ i~ ~o OETS. We to ~cw whe:::e to send the presc=ip:ic~ ~~d we ge~ i~=o~a~ion from the PER. 7. ~'- ~eed t~is Spec:':ic quantity to be dispensed. This is especially important if the dosage is variable and pm. Example: 1-2 tablets Q 4-GH pm x 7 days. 'These directions are acceptable, but a specific quantity to issue must be written. 8. Signa~ure of prescriber. 8S61 Phaxmacy Ins ervice Memo Karch 1., l.g94 Page 3 * Scan each PER for these elements before turning it into the Pharmacy. This will save time and efforts to back-track. B. There have been problems with changes being made on the yellow PER but not documented in the profile. Examples: Lisinopril changed to Vasotec or Erythromycin changed to Tetracycline. ~. 2. 3. . The prescriber who makes the change must on documentation. The c~anges must be i~itialed fo~lo''''' tl:::oug:::' or signed. .....WAC 24:6-875-040 ... ".:my o::cer moc.if:"ec. in. t::e s::s~e!':\ ",1..:.5:' ca::::y in the audit t::ai~ the unique identi:ie:: t~e oerson who mcci:ied the crde:: ... thac the chances be 0: accurately documented in the record syste~, wi~~out" dest=oy':ng the origi:lal ::ecord or its audit trail." USE OF C. 1. 2. II ?R.N" ON __ ?::.~ \... LINE __ ._ ... _ ::- _ _ ..... _ _ ....J _ ~J)!CAT!ONS !~ the directicns a::e not w::itcen as'p::n, the will be i:l:=ac=ec. fer failu::e to ccme to pill Co~side= whet~e~ a== . _ _ _ _ ... ~ will photocopy a ..y ~$~'s wi=h c~ar:.ge5 put t ~e coo~es ;~ ~~e a~~~otl'~':a~~ ~-~s--':~e~'s ~~x This is to se~Je as a remi~der to :o:low th::ough c~ ,1oc~=e:'l~a:ic::' .. ~ T~e pha~cy ~ 4. this is ycu= i~ate li~e. in:=~~i=~ ~~e~ =~ is w::itten. 3. D. If you w=ite for a pill line medica:ion, be s~=e to le~ the inmate ~~cw this so they understand that chey ~ust come to pill li~e. ~~ample: Flexe::il MISSING PER'S 1. Occasionally the pharmacy does not receive a PE~ fo:: items that must be ente::ed on the pa:ient's compute:: profile and accounted for by invento~. 2. Commonly missed items are: meds, c=ash car: or ~~ meds, .3. I: in doubt, write a PER and give the yellow copy to the pharmacy. injectic~s, TS tests, of~ice procedures . iS5U=.d 086~ Pharmacy l:nservice Hema March 1, 1.994 Page 4 E. NO MEDICATIONS TO STAFF 1. No exceptions. Field Instruction MICC 600-025 " ... medications will not be issued to staff members by the institution medical depart.ment for personal use." 2. P~~'s written by our prescribers ~or staff do r.ct meet legal requirements of OERA regulations - 'according co . the State Board of Pha=macy. 3. Only emergency aid may be rence=e~ pursuan~ ~o pat~=~= re~oval from the isl~~d by boac cr ~ec-i-vac to anct~e= eme=gency facility. Example: hea== at~ack, s~=oke, b:::-::ken leg. 4: • These same reculations aoolv to Healt:l Se=-vices oersor.nel. Personal use-of·ar.v medication from this facili~y by gny staf= is prohibited. -. I'" No ex=e~tior:s. I~EMS ~~E .r\.. NOT TO BE ISSu:m FROM WHILE T:-!E MAIN PEA..~cr ~3 A=~ER-:Ot7~ ?EA-~~CY IS OPEN. If a stat dose is needed (otne= thar. a controlled get it from the main pharmacy . subs~ance) y. . A PER HCu~S 1\ ~uST 3E'WRI~~ ?~CY FOR ANY ITEM ISSU-~ FROM (OR ER) AND SIGNED BY PA/MD. ~~~ A:--~~ :. Be sure to indicate how manv tablets, bottles, tubes, etc. Be speci=ic always! . Example: Maalox 30cc Pql, Ace=amincphen 5 gr. take 1 or 2 tablets q4 i= needed. Issued. - Wha~ was issued here? How many? 2. Be sure to w=i~e "issued" so that: the pharmacy does no:: couble issue the prescription. 3. All of these issued presc:::-iptions are entered on the inmate's pharmacy computer profile and the inventory accounted for and reolaced. Therefore, it is ve=y important that these-PER's are turned in to the pha=macy. (186'3 . ~tt~chmer1t 2· 3;)6 h_ Pha.:macy J:nservice Hemo Harch 1, 1994 Page 5 c. THE MINI-PHARMACY IS A RESTRICTED AREA. ~. Do not use this area for a break room or to work on projects. 2. Do not prop the door open. 3. Do not allow inmates physical or visual access to area. 4. Limic use of the chone in this room because i~ is o~lv ~~ extension of the main oha~acv line and =es~=iccs ~he ~ha~~cy's abi~ity to place or receive cal:s i= sc~eone ~s ~ ~. '~.' ~s~~g c~e pco~e. sex T;"C~LE 1. -., . 3. A s~all ~ancity of various medications pre;ackaged are kept in the tackle box. ~~ic~ are nc: o~:v licer:.sec. c=esc=i~ers <?A cr :-ID} ~a'J' la:.el rned~cacions from che tackle box ::0 ~e iss~ed ::0 ~~~a~=s (~~is is a dispensi~g f~~c::ion) . Nc=ses ~cx. ~ay c~~y ad~~~iste= T~ey a s=a~ may noe label a package cake wi::h chern. 4. th~s ccse =c= ==cm the =~e ~a=kl= i~mate ~o Nurses may nce-dispense. ~a=eli~g a package is :he ~row~ bags o~ t~e a dispensi~g :~~ction, this is why peg-beard are pre-la=eled. -""a'- O a -':;'r ... ,t(. -. ~o'" a"'y"hi..,-e ... II,."'-._::J tna" •• _ was -_.... -~"'oved 1:__ 0 ", '.r. "n"" _ •• w cackle bex and the bottle thac was used in the refi.llbox ~~der ~he pill li~e cart along with che broken seal. ~1l;;;iO ,,_ 1. !: a bcc:le of insulin is ru~_~i~g low, please re~~esc a refill =rom che pha=macy. Include the ir~te's nu~~er a~c./cr prescription number. 2. Do not use the emergency stock for r~u:ine refills. != you muse use an emergency bo::le, please leave a no:e for :he pharmacy so chat we have accouncabilicy and can encer this on the appropriate computer profile and replace scock . . ' 4. Date all bottles when opened. bottle is one month old Request a new refill if a 0864 Z. .t/ ~~ h ... • pharmacy J:nservice Memo' )!arch 1., 1.994 Ii F. RETURNS OR GO - BACKS VS. REFILLS ~. - chere are Cwo separaCe boxes in Che miniNoce pharmacy. a} PuC refills and PER's in the box under Che pill line care. b) Puc retu~s (go-backs) in che box on ehe COlmter, 'left corne:.-. fa::- 2. Pleas~ indicate some reason for a re~~~ or go-back. Leave a note or write on the :abel. Examo~es: ~=a=s=e==ec, left:. M!Ce, sent to F-\.:.:l:'=, f"e::~ t.o A.::::'=:~, ref~sed, c~scontin~ed, cenfiscated, e~=. 3. Do not leave mecicat~ons in the break =co~, ~ps~a~=s areas, 0= medical records. These a:.-e nee secure areas. Put t~e 'items in the return box in ~~e mini-pharmacy. w~ll soen mec~=at~c~s. We 2. be go~ng to a two-label Mc=e en this lat~=. sys~eo :or Stock ~n the mini-pha~cy is bei=g reassessed be reduced. Staff input: is solic~:ec. ~ss~ec ~~~ ~i:: I::. ..... A~L PF~~~CY STOCK uSED C~Sr. CA-~7, OR RESPONS~ OR.ISSUED F?OM TEE EMERGENCY ROCM, BAG NEEDS TO 3E ACCOu~~~ FO~ 3Y ~ P~R. Except~ons: Lidocaine injeceicns, Hyd=ogen P=r~xice (unless the bottle is issued co the inmate) and topical an:i-i~fec:ives used =c=·dress~ngs. .... , ~, inven:o~f of pharmacy items kept in the eye tray taped to the top of the box. ~s 2. The eye ~=ay will be kept sealec so that pharmacy knows the s:ock is complete. J. If an item is used or issued, write a PER for'the pharmacy and indicate "issued from eye eray". 8865 t 5 tb 0 ..-, .. ~ Pharmacy Inservice Hemo March 1., 1.994 Page 7 rv. PILL LINE ISSUES RELAXED TO ISStT.ED DDS A. A new policy will soon go into effect which will require inmates to pick up their prescriptions withi~ 24 hours or be infracted. We are waiting for policy rewrite/okay :or inmate notification before this becomes official. • 1. In the mea~time, start letting inmates new orders are writ~en. ~ow of t~is ss .-.. Mos~ ~=ss::=~;t:.::::=.s 1~:3a ::':'=:1ec in ~i:~ ::0= ===:'11 a=e ==ac!· ,:j:' li=e, and mos: new pres=ri?cic=s c~==ec ~~ thac ~c==i=g are ready by 11:30. A~~ prescripciC~3. a=~ fi~ished be=ore :~e pharmacy closes (~nless c~e o=~e= ~3 :u~ed ~= after 3:l5 p.m.). Tnere=cre, if sc~ec~ins appears to =e ~~ss~=: cr ~=: filled, make a ::oce of ic so· t~a:: :':. ca:: ~e ::ra=:':e~ ,:::::..,,~ or ca:l :'~e pha=.Macy during noor. p:':l l:'=e if :i~e a:l=",rls. 3. • It is ==~ ac=e~table to tel~ the ~~~a~e ~~ c~eck =a=% lacer wi:.~oue follow-u~ because of::en the order c:..c .~ ... _ __ J::I'----_..." .. \,.• '" .... t.1'~,4 .. &:--m "\.oe """....-or'; '::0 or a- 'o--'le- "as ,...- .. ce w=it=e~t 0= ~~e =2=ill bag d~d ~ot get tu=~ed ~~ ~o :~e .A. ~ I _. _~..;.. >ftI •• _'- pha~a=:.'. I:: :~= s=~e ~=as~~ :~e oha=macv ca~~oc f~ll a pres==i;:ion {~ecause i~ ~s too soen, or an ~~em is o=de=, e~c) :he pha~cy will w:~~e a noee to_ e~e i~r::a :: -= ~·J:"i en. w~ll ce pu~ ~~ the issue box. I 246-838.020 P.r:u:dc::l1 to meet the basic needs of the client. and gives nursing c:JrC under the direction and supervision of Ihc registered nurse or licensed physician to cJienrs in routine nursing sinwions. In more complex siw:uions the licensed practical nurse functions as an assisunt to the registered nurse and c:u'ries OUt selected aspects of the design:lled nursing regimen. A routine nursing siwation is one that is relatively free of scientific complexiry. The c1inic:lI and behavioral state of the client is relatively suble and requires abilities based upon a comparatively fixed and limited body of knowledge. In complex situations, the licensed practical nurse facilitates client care by meeting spet:ific nursing requirements to assist the registered nurse in the performance of nursing care. The functions of the licensed practical nurse makes practic:1l nursing a distinct occupation within the profession of nursing. The licensed practic:1l nurse has specific roles in nursing in diret:t relation to the length. scope and depth of his or her fonnal educ:ltion and experience. In the basic program of practical nursing education. the emphasis is on direct client care. With additional prepar.nion. through continuing education and practice. the licensed practical nurse prepares to assume progressively more complex nursing responsibilities. (Sl.1lUIOry Aumoril)': RC.v 18.78.050. 91-01./)78 (Order 1098). t=ldilied § 246·838..:)20. riled 12117190. elTccuvc 1131191; 8~1~1 (Order PL 4S2). § 308-117-020. filed 12I19I8J. Formerly WAC 308-116-010.1 :IS '- Nu~ (2) The licensed practiC:11 nurse sh:1l1 practice Pr:lCtical nursing in the state of Washington only with a current Washington license. (3) The licensed practic:l1 nurse shall not pennit his or her license to be used by another person for any purpose. (4) The licensed practic:U nurse shall have knowledge of the statutes and rules governing licensed practic:l.l nurse pr:lCtice and sh:1l1 function within the leg:1l scope of licensed pr:1ctic:1l nurse practice. (5) The licensed practic31 nurse shall not aid. 3bet or assist any other person in violating or circumventing the laws or rules pertaining to the conduct :lnd pr3ctice of licensed practic:l1 nursing. (6) The licensed practical nurse shall not disclose the contents of any licensing examination or solicit, accept or compile infonnation regarding the contents of any ex:unination before. during or after its administf:ltion. (7) The licensed practic:1l :1urse shall delegate activities only to persons who are competent and qu:1lified to undertake and perform the delegated activities, and shall not delegate to unlicensed persons those functions that are to be perfonned only by licensed nurses. (8) The licensed practic:l1 nurse. in delegating functions. shall supervise the persons to whom the functions have been delegated. (9) The licensed practical nurse shall act to safeguard clients from unsafe pr:lCtices or .:onditions. abusive acts. and ~~ WAC 246-838.026 Mancbtory reporting. The board of practical nursing docs not intend to C:luse ever! nursing error to be reported or th:lt mandatory reporting mke away the disciplin:u-y ability and responsibility from the employer of the pr:lCtic:l1 nurse. (I) Any llerson. including health C:lre facilities and agencies and state or local government. who is aware of a conviction or has made a determination or finding that a practic:1l nurse has committed an :lct constituting unprofessional conduct as defined in RCW 18.130.180. including violation of c!lapter 246-83S WAC. shall report such conviction. determination or finding to the board. (2) Any person. including health facilities and agencies and smte or loc:1l government. who has infonnation that a pr3c:ic:1I nurse may not be able to pr3ctice with reasonable skill and safety as a result of a menw or physic:1l condition. shall report such infonn:1tion to the board. (SwulOry AUlhonlY: RCW 18.78.0S4 3IId 18.130.070. 91-IJ~..J (Order •758). § 201(j·8J8-oZ6. filed 6111191. e{(cclivc 7/'~1.1 ~ WAC 246·838·030 St:lndards of conduct for discipline. The sundards of conduct for discipline serve as guidelines for the licensed practic:l1 nurse. Violation of these standards may be grounds for disciplinary action pursuant to RCW 18.130.ISO(i). The licensed practic:l1 nurse assumes a measure of responsibility. trust and the corresponding obligation to adhere to the standards of conduct, which include. but are not limited to the following: (I) The licensed pr:lctic:l.1 nurse. functioning under the di-rection and supervision of other licensed health care professionals as provided in RCW IS.iS.OIO(S), shall be responsible and accountable for his or her own nursing judgments. actions and competence. [Ch. 2A6-8J8 WAC-po 21 ; : '. ~ ~ ; ~ • ! I } (10) The licensed practic:ll :lurse shall report unsafe ac:s ~ and practices. unsafe practice conditions. :lnd illegal acts to • the appr.opri:lte supervisor! pe:-3Qnne! or to the appropriate state disciplinar! board. (II) The Iicensed practical nurse sh:lll respect the c!ie:lt's privacy by protecting confide:lti:1l information. unless required by law to disclose such inionnation. (11) The licensed practic3l nurse shall make accurate. intelligible <:naies into records required by law. employment : or custom:lry practice of nursing. and shall not falsify. destroy. alter or knowingly make incorret:t or unintelligible entries into client's records or employer or employee records. (13) The licensed pr:lctic:l1 nurse shall not sign any record attesting to the wastage of controlled subst:l.nces unless the wast:lge was personally witnessed. (I ~) The licensed practical nurse shall observe and !. record the conditions of :1 clie:lt. :lnd report significant • changes to appropriate persons. (15) The licensed practical nurse may withhold or modify client care which has b~n authorized by an approi priate he:llth care provider. only after receiving directions from an appropriate person. unless in a life threatening situation. (16) The licensed practical nurse shall le:lve a nursing assignment only after properly reporting to and notifying appropriate persons and shall not abandon clients. (17) The licensed pr:lctic:l1 nurse shall not misreprese:1t his or her educ:ltion and ability to perform nursing proce· dures safely. (IS) The licensed pr3ctic31 nurse shall respect the property of the client and employer and shall not take equipment. materials. property or drugs for his or her own 1 1 I \I. D86'7 Pr:1ctic:d Nurses use or benefit nor shaJl the licensed practic:li nurse solicit or borrow money, materials or property from clients. (19) The licensed practical nurse shall not obtain. possess, disaibute or administer legend drugs or controlled subsunces to any person. including self. except as directed by a person authorized by law to prescribe drugs. (20) The licensed practical nurse shall not practice nursing while affected by alcohol or drugs. or by a mental. physical or emotional condition to the extent that there is an undue risk that he or she. as a licensed practic:l1 nurse. would cause harm to him or herself or other persons. (21) It is inconsistent for a licensed pr.1ctical nurse to perform functions below the minimum standards of compe· tency as. expressed in WAC 246-838-260. ISwulory AulhorilY: ROV 18.78.050. 92-17.023 (Older 296B). § :w;838~30. filed 8/10192, effectivc 9110192.' SWUIOI}' AumorilY: RCW 18.78.0503Ad 18.130.050. 92~-046 (Order 23IB). § 246·838-030. filed 12127/91. effective 1121192. St:IlulOry AUlhorilY: RCW 18.78.050. 91.{)1· 078 (OldC;' I09B), n:coditied 3S § 246·838-030, tiled 12117190. effeclive 1/31/91. StIIUlOl}' AudlcriKY: RCW 18.78.050. 18.130.~ (I) _ (12) md 1986 C 259 § § 19.128 31Id 131. 86-18-4)31 (OrdC;' PM 612). § J08·117OU. tiled Br.7186. StatulOry AUlhorily: RCW IS.iS.050. 86.{)I-084 (Older PL 514), § 308-117~, filed 12118185.1 WAC 246-838.040 Licensure qu.:l1ifications. (1) In order to be eligibJe for licensure by ex:unination the appli. cant shaH have satisfactorily completed an approved ?&.Ictic1 nursing program. fulfilling all the basic course conte:lt as stated in WAC 246-838-240. or its equivalent as determined by the board. Every applicant must have satisfactorily completed an approved Pr.1cticaJ nursing program within two ye:us of the date of the first examination :aken or the applicant must meet other requirements of the board 10 determine current theoretical and clinical knowledge of pr.1ctical nursing pr:lc:icc. (2) An applicant who has not completed an agproved practic1 nurse progr;un must cst:1blish c·tidence of suc::::ssf.Ji completion of nursing and related courses at an approved school prei'aring persons for licensure as registered nurses. which courses include personal and voc:uional relationships of the practical nurse. basic science and psychosocial concepts. th~ry and c1inic:u P&.lcticc in medications and the nursing process, and th~ry and clinical pr::lctice in medical. surgical. geriatric. pediatric, obstetric and mental health nursing. These courses must be equivalent 10 those same courses in a practical nursing program approved by the board. (3) A notice of eligibility for admission to the licensing examination may be issued to all new graduates from board approved pr3ctical nursing progr3ms after the filing of a completed application. payment of the application fee. and official notification from the program certifying that the individual has satisfactorily completed all requirements for the dip loma/ceni fic:1tion. (4) All other requirements of the stalute and regulations shall be met. (S~IUIOI)' AUlhorilY: RCW 18.130.050 md 18.73.050. 94-08..1 50 ~ :.:6. 838.Q40. filed olIl194. ef(cc:rive sr..J94; 91·13-023 (Orde:' liSBI. ~ :.I6..3J8· 040. filed 6111191. effective 7112/91. SIJlutory .~Ulhorily: RCW 18.i8.050. 91.01-078 (Order 1098). n:eodilied .u § 246-S38·040. filed t 2117/90. effeclive 1/31/91. SI:lIUIOI}' AUlhority: RCW 13.i8.050. 18.73.05-l. 18.7S.060. 18.;8.on. 18.i8.090. 18.78.225. 18.130.050 md 70.2.a ::70. ~8· 24-0li (Older PM 768). § 308·1 17.{)30. tiled 1211/38. $IJlUtaty AUlhority: RCW 18.78050. 18.i8.0S-l. 1878.060. 18.1 30.050 ~d SHB 14('~. 1988 C (41119.t1 246-838-030 211. S~18~5 (On1c;- PM 768). § 308-117-030. filed 812S188. SI:llUlOl}' AlIlhorily: 18.78.0sa. t8.78.060 3Ad 18.130.050. 88~8-o34 (0n1c;- PM 718). § 308·117~30. filed 411118. SWUlOl}' AlIthorilY: RCW 18.78.050 84-01-061 (Onlcr PL 452). § 308·117-030. filed 12119113. FolTl\crly WAC 308-116-295.1 WAC 246-838-050 Licensing examination. (I) In order to be licensed in this state. aU Pr.1ctical nurse applicants shalt take and pass Ihe National Council Licensure Examination (NCLE..'X) for PracticaJ Nurses. (2) The executive secretary of the board shaJl negotiate with the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. (NCSBN) for the use of the NCLEX. (3) The examination shalt be administered in accord with the NCSBN security measures and contract. All appeals of examination results shall be managed in accord with policies in the NCSBN contr.1ct. (SLllIIIOl)' AUlhorilY: RCW IS.i8.050. 93-21-006. § 246-a38.{)50. filed 1017/93. effectivc IInJ9J; 92·17'{)2J (Onlc;- 296B). § 246-a38.{)SO. filed 8110192. cCfccrive 9110192: 91.{)1.{)78 (Older I09B). ~oditied u § 246. 838-050. filed 12117190. effectivc 1131191. SUlulOry AUlhorily: RCW IS.78.0s0. 18.78.054. 18.78.060. 18.130.050 3Ad SHB 1*. 1988 c 211. 88-18·00S (Order PM 768). § 308-117-040. tiled 8/25/88. StatulOI}' AulhorilY: RC'.11 18.78.050. 84-Q1-061 Calder PL .a5!). § ~08.117.Q40. filed 12119/831 WAC 246-838-060 Rele:lSe of results of eX3mination. (1) Applicants shall be notified regarding the examination results by mail only. The results will not be released until the candidate's offic:al tr.1nscript is on file with the board. (2) Applicants who pass shall receive a license to practice as a licensed practical nurse provided all other requirements are met. (3) Applicants who fail shall receive a letter of notification regarding their eligibility to retake the examination. (4) [n addition to a 'listing of the names of graduates indicating whether each passed or failed the examination. each pr:lctical nursing progr:un in Washington shaH receive a statistical report of the examination results of applicants from that school and a repon of state and national statistics. (5) Examination results for :111 candidates will be maintained in the applic3tion files in the division of professional licensing services. department of health. (SLllulory Aulhorily: RCW 18.iS.050 md 18.130.050. 9t·13.{):!3 (Older li581. § 2ol6-83S.{)6(). flied 6111191. cffcc::ive 7/1:!t91. SLllUIOry Aurhonly: RCW 18.7S.050. 91.{)1.{)7S (Order 100B), recodified .u § 2.16·838-060. filed 12117190. effective 1131191. StJlUlory Authorily: RCW 18.78.050. IS.78.054. IS.i8.060. 18.130.050:tlld SHB 1404. 1985 c 211. 88-18.005 (Onler PM i68). § 308·1 17.{)50. filed SI2SISS. SWUIOry Aulhorily: RCW 18.iS.050. &4-01-061 (Older PL 452). § J08·lli.{)50. filed 12I19183.j WAC 246-838-070 Filing oCappliction for licensing e.umination. (l) All applicants shaH file with the WashingIon state board of practical nursing a completed application. with the required fee. The fee is not refundable. (2) Applicants shalt submit with the Jpplic:llion one recent U.S. passPOrt identification photogrJph of the applicant unmounted and signed by the Jpplicam across the front. (3) Applicants shall request the school of nursing to send an official tr.:msc:ipt directly to the board of practic:lI nursing. The transcript shall contain adequale documentation to verify that statutory requirements are met and shall .. 18.130.175 monitoring records reponed to the disciplining :lumority for Quse ~ detined in subsection (3) of this section. Monitoring records rel:uing 10 license holders referred 10 Ihe program by Ihe disciplining authority or rel:lting to license holders reponed to me disciplining :lumority by the progr:un for C:luse. shall be released to the disciplining :luthority at me request of the disciplining authority. Records held by the . di~iplining :lumority under mis section shall be exempt from RCW 42.17.250 Ihrough 42.17,450 :lnd shall not be subject to discovery by subpoena except by the license holder. (5) "Substance abuse:' as used in this section. mc:ms the impairment. as determined by the disciplining authority. of a license holder's protessional services by an addiction to. :I dependency on. or Ihe use of alcohol. legend drugs. or controlled substances, (6) This section does not affect an employer's right or ability to m:lke employment-related decisions regarding a license holder. This section does not restrict the aumority of me disciplining :lumority to take disciplinary 3clion for any other unprofessional conduct. (i) A person who. in good faith. reportS information or takes action in connection with this section is immune from civil liability for reporting information or taking the action, (3) The immunity from civil Ii:lbility provided by this section shall be liberally construed to accomplish the purposes of this section :lnd the persons entilled to immunity sh:1J1 include: (i) An approved monitoring tre:ume:'ll progr:Jm: (ii) rne profession:ll ~soci3tion oper:Jting the prog~m: (iii) Members. employees. or 3gents of the program or associ:uion: (iv) Persons re;Jorring J license holde:- as being imp:lired or providing information about [he license holder's imp:urment: and (v) Profession31s supervising or monitoring the course of the impaired license holder's tre:ument or rehabilitalion. (b) The immunity orovided in this section is in addition to any other immunity' provided by law. (1993 c 36i § 3: 1991 c 3 § 270: 1988 c 247 § 2.) Legislative intcnt-1988 c ~~7: "ExlSling law docs not provide for a progr.un ior ~l1iL1llon oi hc=J1h professionals whose competenc)' rna)' be imp:lircd due 10 the JIluse of .:dcohol :JlId OIllet' dNgs. It is Ihe inlent of Ihe 1~I$I:llurc lhal the disciplining Jlllhonucs seck ways to idenufy :JlId suppan Ihe rehabilitalion of hc:lIlh profession:lls whose prxtice or compelency m:lY be imp:urcd due 10 Ihe lbuse of drugs or alcohol. The leglslouun: intends 1~1 such heallh profcsslonals be IlC:llcd so Ih:u they C:lII relurn 10 or o:onunue 10 pl':lcuce lhelr proiession ,n J 'Nay which s:Uegu:lrds Ille public. The !eglsl:llure spccilic:l.lly Inlends lhal Ihe disciplining :lulhorilics csIJlllisll 1Il .lllcm:llive progl':lm 10 lhe l~illon:l.l :ldrntnisll':llivc proceedings 19:unsl such hcallh" (1988 c 2oS7 § 1.1· ~ RCW 18.130.180 Unprofessional conduct. The ~Iowing conduct. acts. or conditions constitute unprofessional conduct for any license holder or 3pplicant under the jurisdiction of this ch3pter: (I) The commission of any act involving mor:lI turpi" tude. dishonesty, or corruption relating to the pr:lclice of the person's profession. whelher the act constitutes a crime or not If the act constitutes a crime. conviction in 3 criminal proceeding is not a condition precedent to disciplinary :lction. Upon such a conviction. however. the judgment and sentence is conclusive evidence at the ensuing disciplinary (Ch. 18.JJG-p. . ...._t:ul:ation of He:llth Professions-Uniform Disciplinary Act he:uing of the guilt of the license holder or :lpplic:l{lt of the \ crime described in the indictment or information. :lnd of the , person's violation of the statute on which it is based. For the purposes of this section. conviction includes 311 instances • in which a ple:l of guilty or nolo contendere is the basis for I the conviction and all proceedings in which the sentence has ~ been defetTed or suspended. Nothing in this section :lbrog:ltes righLS guaranteed under chapter 9.96A RCW: (2) Misrepresent3tion or conce:llment of a material f:lct in obt3ining a license or in reinstatement thereof: (3) All advertising which is false. fraudulent. or mis- ~ le:lding: (4) Incompetence. negligcnce. or malpractice which results in injury to a patient or which cre:lles :In unreason~ 3ble risk thaI 3 patient may be h3rmed. The use of a nontr:1ditional tre:llmc:nt by itself shall not constitute unprofessional conduct. provided that it do.:s not result in injury to :I patient or create :In unrcasonable risk th:u a patient may be harmed: (5) Suspension. revoc3tion. or restriction of the individu:ll' s lic~nse to pr3ctice the profo:ssion by competent :luthority in 3ny state, federal. or foreign jurisdiction. 3 certified copy of the order. stipulation. or ;lgreemem being conclusive <:\ ience of the rcvoc:ltion. suspension. or restriction: (6) The po ion. use, prescription for use. or disoibution of control • substances or legend drugs in any way other than for legitim3te or ther3peutic purposes. diversion of cont.rolled substances or legend drugs. the violation of any drug 13w, or prescribing controlled subst:lnc::s for oneself: :/(7) Violation of any st:lte or feder3l St3lute or administl';}tive rule regui3ting the profession in question. including ;lny St;ltule or rule defining or establishing standards of patient care or professional conduct or pr:lctice: (8) Failure to cooperate with the disciplining authorily by: (a) :-Sot furnishing any papers or documents: (b) Not furnishing in writing a full :lnd comple:e ~ explanation covering the matter comained in the complaint .. filed with the disciplining authority; or (c) Not responding to subpoenas issued by the disciplin. ing authority, whether or not the retipiem of the subpoena is " f ! i the accused in [he proceeding: . - .. (9) Failure to comply with an order issued by the disciplinary 3uthOrity or a stipul3tion for informal disposition entered into with the disciplinary 3uthority: (10) Aiding or 3beuing an unlicensed person to pr:lctice when a license is required: 0/( II) Violations of rules established by Jny health agency: (12) Practice beyond the scope of practice as derined by law or rule: (13) Misrepresent:ltion or fr:lud in any aspect of the conduct of the business or proiession: (14) F:lilure to adequately supervise auxili:uy slaif to the extent that the consumer's he:llth or safety is :It risk: (15) Engaging in 3 profession involving contact with the public while suffering from a contagious or infectious disease involving serious risk to public health: (16) Promotion for person:ll g:lin of any unnecessary or ineffic:lcious drug, device. tre:1tment. procecluO'gr~ice: '19941' 31 .......- • .·~ • ...... o ... 'l' L/ / I . ~ to -? V i t .t- •, ,~ ,•1 , 'ation of He:alth Professions-UniConn (17) Conviction of any gross misdeme:ll1or or felony relating to the pr:u:tice of the person's profession. For the purposes of this subsection. conviction includes all insunces in which a ple:1 of guilty or nolo contendere is the basis for conviction :lnd all proceedings in which the sentence has been deferred or suspended. Nothing in this section abrog:ues rights guat:lntccd under chapter 9.96A RCW: (18) The procuring. or aiding or abetting in procuring. a criminal abortion. (19) The offering. undertaking, or agreeing to cure or treat disease by a secret method. procedure. treatment. or medicine. or the treating. operating. or prescribing for any he:1lth condition by a method. mc:ms. or proc.;cdure which the licenSee refuses to divulge upon demand of the disciplining authority; (20) The willful betrayal of a practitioner-patient privilege as recognized by law: (21) Violation of chapter 19.68 RCW; (22) Interference with an investigation or disciplinary proceeding by willfUl misrepresenGltion of facts before the disciplining :luthority or its authorized representative, or by the use of threats or har:1Ssment against any patient or witness to prevent them from providing evidence in :I disciplinnry proceeding or :lny other legal action; (23) Current misuse of: (a) Alcohol: (b) Controlled substances; or (c) Legend drugs: (24) Abuse of :I client or patient or sexual contact with :I client or patient: (25) Acceptance of more than a nominal gratuity. hospitality. or subsidy offered by a representative or vendor of medic:lI or health-related produclS or servic::s ~ntended for patients. in contempiation of a sale or for use in rese:lrch pUblishable in professional journals. where :l conflict of interest is presented. as detined by rules of the disciplining authoritv. in consultation with the departme:1t. based on recogni~d professional ethical standards. (1993 c 36; § :2. Prior: 1991 c 332 § 34: 1991 c 215 § 3: 1989 c 270 § 33: 1986 c 259 § 10; 1984 c 279 § 18.) AppliCltion 10 scope oC pr.aC1ice--C~ptions not law-1991 c 332: Sec nOles follOWIng ReW 18.130.010. Scvcr.ability-1986 c :59: See :IOIC follOWing ReW 18.130.010. RCW 18.130.185 Injunctive relief for violations of RCW 18.130.1iO or 18.130.180. If a person or business regulated by this chapter violates RCW 18.130.170 or 18.130.180. the attorney gener:ll. any prosecuting ;morney. the secretary. the board. or any olher person may maintain an action in the name of the state of Washington to <:njoin Ihe person from committing the violations. The injunction shall not relieve the offender from crimin:ll prosecution. bUI the remedy by injunction shall be in addition 10 the liaoility of the offender to criminal prosecution and disciplinary action. (1993 c 367 § 8: 1987 c 150 § S: 1986 c 259 § 15.) Sevcr:lhilily-19117 c ISO: S= ReW IS.122.901. Scvcr:lllilily-19116 c :59: S<:c nOle iollowing RCW 18.130.010. RCW 18.130.186 Voluntary substance abuse monitoring progr:1m-Contcnt-liccnse surcharge. (I) To implemem a substance .lbuse monitoring progr.lm for (1'.1'.14) r nary Act 18.130.180 license holders specified under RCW 18.130.040. who arc impaired by substance abuse. the disciplinary authority may enter into a contr:1ct with a voluntary substance abuse progr:1m under RCW 18.130.175. The progr:un may include any or :III of the following: . (a) Contr.1cting with providers of treatment programs; (b) Receiving and evaluating reports of suspected impairment from any source~ (c) Intervening in C:lSes of verified impairment; (d) Referring impaired license holders to treatment progr:uns; (e) Monitoring the treatment and rehabilitation of impaired license holders including those: ordered by the disciplinary authority: (f) Providing education. prevention of impairment. posttreatment monitoring. and support of rehabilit:lled impaired license holders; and (g) Performing other activities as agreed upon by the disciplinary authority. (2) A contract entered into under subsection (I) of this section may be financed by :I surcharge on each license issuance or renewal to be collected by the department of he:lllh from [he license holders of the same regulated health profession. These moneys shall be placed in the health professions account to be used soie!y for the implemenution of the program. (1993 c 367 § 9: 1989 c 125 § 3.) RCW 18.130.190 Practice without licenseInvestig:ltion or complaints-eellSe and desist ordersInjunctions-Penalties. (I) Tne secreury shall investigate complaints concerning prac:ice by unlicensed persons of a profession or business ior which .l license is required by the Chapters specified in RCW 18.1 ::0.040. In the investig:llion of the complaints. the SeCrel:lr! shall have the same .lumority as provided the secretary u" RCW 18.130.050. (2) The secretary may issue a notice of intention [0 issue a ce:lse and des ist orde:- to .lny person whom the secretary has reason to believe is engaged in the unlicensed practice of :I proiession or business for which a license is required by the chapters specified in RCW 18.130.040. The person to whom such notice is issued may request an adjudicative proceeding to contest the charges. The request for hearing must be tiled within twenty days after service of the notice of intention to issue a ce:lSC :lnd desist order. The failure to request :I he:aring constitutes a default. whereupon the secretary may enter :I penn::ment cellSe and desist order. which may include a civil fine. All proceedings shall be conducled in accord:lnce with chapter 34.05 RCW. (3) If the secretary makes a final detennination that J person has engaged or is engaging in unlicensed pr:ICtice. the secretJry m:lY issue :I cease and desist order. In addition. the secretary may impose a .;ivil tine in an amount not exceeding one thousand dollars for e::1ch day upon which the person engaged in unlicensed pr:lctice of :I business or profession for which :I license is required by one or more of the chaplers specified in RCW 18.130.040. The proceeds of such fines shall be deposited to the he31th professions account. (4) If the secretary makes a written finding of fact that the public interest will be irrepar:lbly harmed by dela.y in issuing an order. Ihe: secretary may issue :I lempor~ ce:lSC 88(0 leb. 11l.lJO-..:1J. 91 18.19.240 Nursing nurse anesmetist. "Protocol" mc:lns a st:uement regarding practice and do.cumentatio~ concern~ng.such items as categories of pauentS. categones of medications. or categories of procedures rather than detailed case-specific fonnulas for the practice of nurse anesthesia. (2) In me context of the definition of licensed practical nursing practice. mis chapter shall not be construed ?S: (a) Prohibiting the incidental care of the Sick by domestic servantS or persons primarily employed as housekeepers. so long as they do not practice practical nursing within the m~ing of mis chapter. (b) Preventing a person from the domestic adminisuation of family remedies or the furnishing of nursing assistance in case of emergency: (c) PrOhibiting the practice of practical nursing by students enrolled in approved schools as may be incidental to meir course of study or prohibiling the students from working as nursing assistantS;. . (d) Prohibiting auxiliary services provIded by persons carrying OUt duties necessary for t~e suppo~ of nurs~ng services. including mose duties that Involve minor nursing services for persons perfonned in hospirals. nursing homes. or e1sewhete under the direaion of licensed physicians or the supervision of licensed registe:ed nurses; . .. (e) Prohibiting or preventing me practice of nursang In this state by a legally qualified nurse of another state or territory whose engagement requires. him ~r ~er ~O' ac~ompa ny and care for a patient temporarily resldtng In thiS sra~e during the period of one such engagement. not to exceed SIX months in length. if the person does not represent or hold himself or herself OUt as a licensed practical nurse licensed to practice in this state: . . (f) Prohibiting nursing or care of the s~ck. ~Ith or wimout compensation. when done in connectlon With the . practice of me religious tenets of a church by adhe:Cnls of the church so long 3S they do not engage in licensed practic:lI nurse practice as de.tined in this chapter:: (0) Prohibiting the practice of a legally qualified nurse of an~ther state who is employed by the United States govemment or 3ny burc:w. divisio~. or a~ency thereof. while in the discharge of his or her offiCial duties. [1994 1st sp.s. c 9 § 424.) RCW 18.19.250 Advanced registered nurse pr:u:titioner-Activities allowed. An advanced registered nurse practitioner under his or her license ~ay perform for compensation nursing C:lre. as that term IS usually understood. of me ill. injured. or infirm. and in the course thereof. she or he may do me following things that sha!1 not. be done by a person not so licensed. except as prOVided IR RCW 18.79.260 and 18.79.270: (I) Perform specialized and advanced levels of nursing as recognized jointly by me medical and nursing professions. as defined by the commission; (2) Prescribe legend drugs and Schedule V controlled subStances. as defined in the Uniform Controlled SubsWlccs Act. chapter 69.50 RCW. within the scope of practice defined by the commission: (3) Pert"onn all acts provided in RCW 18.7?260; . (4) Hold herself or himself out to me pu!>hc or desIgnate herself or himself as an advanced registered nurse (Ch. 18.79-p. 61 ~re practitioner or as a nurse practitioner. [1994 1st sp.s. c 9 § 425.) RCW 18.19.260 Registered nurse-Activities allowed. A registered nurse under his or her license may perform for compensation nursing care. as that term is usually understood. of me ill. injured. or infinn. and in me course mereof. she or he may do the following Utings that 'shall not be done by a person not so licensed. except as provided in RCW 18.79.270: (1) At or under the general direction of a licensed physician and surgeon. dentist. osteopathic physician and surgeon. podiatric physician and surgeon. physician assistant. ostcopathic physician assistant. or advanced registered nurse practitioner acting within the scope of his or her license. administer medications. treatmentS. tests. and inoculations. whether or not the severing or penetrating of tissues is involved and whether or not a degree of independent ludgment 3nd skill is required; (2) Delegate to other persons engaged in nursing, the functions outlined in subsection (I) of this section: (3) Instruct nurses in technical subjects pertaining to nursing: (4) Hold herself or himself out to the public or designarc herself or himself as a registered nurse. [1994 1st sp.s. c 9 §,~26.) ~CW 18.19.270 Licensed pl':1ctical n~:\~vities allowed. A licensed practical nurse under his or her hcense may perform nursing c:ue. as that teon is usually understood. of the· ill. injured. or infinn. and in the: course thereof may. under the direction of a licensed physician and surgeon. osteopathic physician 3nd surgeon. dentist. podiatric physician and surgeon. physician assistant. osteopathic physician assistant. advanced registered nurse practitioner acting under the scope of his or her license. or at the direction and under the supervision of a registered nurse. administer drugs. medications. treatmenrs. tests. injections.•md inoculations. whether or not the piercing of tissues is involved and whether or not a degree of independent judgment and skill is required. when selected to do so by one of the licensed practitioners designated in mis section. or by a regiStered nurse who need not be physically present: if the order given is reduced to writing within a reasonable time and made a part of the patient's record. [1994 1st sp.s. C 9 § 427.) RCW 18.79.280 Administration of dnag5. injections, inoculations, tests, treatment allowed. It is not a violation of chapter 1S. 71 RCW or of chapter 18.57 RCW for a registered nurse. at or under the general. direct.i~n of a licensed physician and surgeon. or ostcopathlc phySICian and surgeon. to administer prescribed drugs. injections. inoculations. tests. or treatment whether or not the piercing of tissues is involved. [1994 1st sp.s. c 9 § ~28.1 RCW 18.79.290 Catheteriz:ation of public and priv3te school studen ts-Ru1es. (1 ~ In 3ccor~an~e with rules adopted by the commission. public school dls~etS 3nd private schools that offer classes for any of grades kindergarten throuah twelve may provide for clean. intermittent bladder ca:>theteriution of studenrs or 3SSisted selhc~ei'. 0 &"9"*) r.....'\.~-....."- _. ...,~~'! ::'2 ~tf Employee Narne (please Print) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF DOC EMPLOYEE HAJ.'IDBOOK I adOlowledge receipt of the June 1993 Washington State Deparnnent of Corrections Employee Handbook and agree to become familiar with and have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the contents. Employee Signature Original - Personnel File r-:~ II'LOY EE II. \ NIJIU)() I{ . • Report all rersonal contact from offenders, lhelr families. or known associates. outside yourJob In accordance WIUl departmen~ procedures; 00 • Provide for reJt1tullon~ • Be accountable to the dtlzens of the Slate; • Meet the nallonal standards appropriate to ~e State of Washington. • Report Ulrougb tlIC' proper chain of command any corrupt or unethical bebavlor wldcb could affect an offender or the department's Integrity; CODE OF ETHICS Hllb moml and etblca1slandards among correctional employees nre essential for tbe 'UcxelS ortbe department's programs. The Dcpart.ment oCCorrecllonllubscrlbes to a code of unfailing honesty, respect Cor dignity and IndIviduality of human beings. and a commit· ment 10 professional and compassionate service. DEPARTMENTEXPECfATIONS As. new employee of the department. you wllJ have many things to learn, not tile least of whleb will be the expectations or your supervi. 101', your co--workers, and the Rgency a5 a whole. To Rssist you with this responslbUlty, following Is a list of some departmental expccta· lions for your study. Famillarlze younelf with the list so that you may understand and fulfilllhe dulles of your position. As. representallve of the Dep~ent of Conecllons. )'OU will be "peded Co: • Positively represent Washington Slate lovemment to everyone you meet You are our besl public relations agenl; o • ReDlain Conslmilly alert In all situations; I . • Custody starr: remain at yourJob/post until properly relieved; • Let your sUl'ervi~or know about any personal, emergency use of equipment or phones; • Obtain appropriate pennisslon before removing Rny state property from state premises; • Conduct yourself and rerform your dulles safely; • Smoke only in designated smoking areas. It is also Important RS a new employee. dial you understand some of . tJte sl'ccinc prohibitions IhBt the department must enforce. You Dre nol allowed 10: • Discriminate ag~lnsl any ofrender. employee. prospective em· ployee. or volunteer on the basis of race, color. religion. gender. seJtuRl oricntatJon, age, creed, naUonai origin, marital status, veleran status or disability; • Dress appropriately for yourJob cJasslOcalion and dudes. Clothing may not have moU()s, logol, or advertisements that may be offensive or In oonOid with the goals of the Departtnent; • Use profanity or illnammatory remarks with offenders or Individu. als wi th whom you work; • Wear Issued uniforms only as aulhorized; • Report 10 work under the InOuence of alcohol or drugs; • Be a good citizen, obey lawl while on and off-duty. Your conduct off dUly may reflect on your Rtness for duty; • Trame or bring any article of cOllllaband into an InstltuUon. facility or office; • Treat fellow staff wJth dignity and respect; • Darter or mRke personal deals wllh offenders, offender famUfes or • Be Impartial, understanding and respeclCullo offenders; • Serve each offender with appropriate concern for their welfare and . wJIh DO purpose or penonallaJn; visitors: • Engage In personal relaUonshlps with offenders, their CamOy members, .or close personal associates; I _ .,....... '1 POLICY ETHICS POUCY NUMBER 801.001 Page 1 of3 EfFECTlVE DATE: January 1, 1995 AUTHORITY: General authority of the Secretary of Corrections to manage and direct the Department. ACW 72.09.050. PURPOSE: This policy provides direction to Department of Corrections employees to assist them in making appropriate choices, acting in a manner that demonstrates high ethical standards, and complying with provisions of the State Ethics Law, Chapter 42.52 RCW. This poficy is not intended to supplant other directions provided employees in the form of policies, procedures, field instrUctions, the Employee Handbook. desk manuals, and other official doc:uments of the Department. . APPLICABILITY: All employees of the DepatttTlent DEFINITION: Gift • A gift is defined as anything of economic value for whic." no consideration is given in retum. For purposes of this policy, the following items are excluded from the definition of gift a. Items from family, friends, or other employees if their clear purpose is not to influence the employee's perfcnnance or non-pertormance of their offi~ duties. b. Unsolicited plaques and awards of appreciation. c. Items ot nominal value, regularty and normally offered by an organization (to customers, potential customers, or the general public) as samples or for public relations or advertising purposes. d. Food and beverages on infrequent occasions in the ordinary course of meals, when related to offidal duties. POLICY: In keeping with the Department role of responsibly serving the people of the state of Washington, Department employees are expected to maintain high professional and ethical standards at all times. The Department has adopted a statement ot values that exemplifies standards and principles that serves to guide individual lJehavior. (The Employee Handbook contains information on these and other areas at responsibility and expec-.ations.) The State Ethics Law, Chapter 42.52 ACW provides specific requirements that, when followed, will help ensure that no employees obtain personal gain or private advantage from their official position. Employees are to avoid actions that create even the appearance of using their position for personal gain or private advantage for themselves or another person. Restrictions; The following tour restrictions provide overall direction. Any specific situation must be viewed within the context ot these general provisions. 1. Employees shall not have a financial or other interest. or engage in any business or professional activity that is in conflict with their official duties. 2. Employees shall not use their official position to secure special privileges for themselves or any other person. 3. Employees shall not receive any compensation from a source except the state. for performing or deterring tne performance at any official dUty. 087-4 POLICY Employees shall not accept any gifts. POUCY NUMBER 801.001 Page 2013 ETHICS 4. - jI Additional restrictions placed upon employees include, but are not limited to. the following: 1. Employees shall not disclose confidential information to an unauthorized person or use confidential information for personal benefit or to benefit another. 2. Employees shall not use state resources tor personal benefit or to benefit another except as may be required dUring the execution of their official duties. 3. Employees shall not use state resources for political campaigns. 4. Former employees shall not accept employment or compensation from an employer contracting with the Department (within one year of leaving state employment) if during the tWo years immediately preceding termination of state employment they negotiated or administered a contract with the new employer in excess of $10,000 and their duties with the new employer would include fulfilling or implementing that contract. 5. Former employees shall not (within two years folloWing the termination of state employment) have a beneficial interest in a contract or grant which action in which the employee participated. was expressly auttlorized or funded by executive 6. Employees may not assist another person in a transaction involving the state it they participated in that transaction or such transaction was within their job responsibilities anytime within the past two years except as may be required dUring the execution of their official duties. Responsibilities; Employees are responsible for knowing and adhering to applicable ethics laws. policies. and directives and for making choices that exemplify an adherence to high ethical standards. It is incumbent upon employees to bring to the attention of their supervisor any actual or potential violations of this policy. When in doubt. employees should consult with their supervisor and/or personnel officer. Violations of the State Ethics Law and/or this policy may lead to corrective or disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Appointing authorities or their designees will be a single point of contact in their organization who will respond to questions and/or complaints regarding this policy and other ethics-related issues. The personnel office will assist in the identification and resolution ot potential problems and interpretation of ethics-related laws. policies, and directives. Alleged violation(s) of the State Ethics Law may also be filed direcUy with the EXeclJtive Ethics Board at the following address: Executive Ethics Board 1125 Washington Street Post Office Box 40100 Olympia, Washington 98SQ4.01 00 The Board has the authority and responsibility for investigating such complaints and may take punitive action against the employee and/or agency if violations occurred. 087'5 . -~." --- ..... -- POLICY ETHICS . -. _...... _...... _- .. POUCY NUMBER 801.001 . Page3of3 REFERENCE: The State Ethics Law (Chapter 42.52 RCW); DOC Employee Handbook; DOC Polley 857.00S Conedive ActfonlOfsdpfinary ActIon. Other related polfdes: 210.060 - Donations; 280.515 - Records Management - Disclosure of Public Records; 806.005 - Memberships in Professional and Nonprofit Organizations; 81 S.oos - Criminal Record Olscfosure and Util1zation: 816.010 • Employment of Relatives; 854.025 - Outside Employment; 854.0S0 - Employee Participation as Board Members: 854.075 - Employee Relationships with DOC Offendefs. SUPERSESSION: DOC Policy 854.005 Conffld of Interest-Employees, Offenders, and Organizations dated January 1, 1993: and OQ<; Policy 100.600 Confidentiality dated December 1, 1987. . 087S "'-~c: " • .,CLJ".... u Sec:rel3tY ....,/ RECEIVE-I- STATE OF WASHINGTON JAN 0 9 1996 DEPARTMENTOFCORAECTIONS P. McNEIL ISLAND CORRECTIONS CENTER • Steilacoom. WashingtOn 98388-0900 o. Sox 9CtJ OQ~ofCo~ MSlllll of Human RescuIr~ January 3. 1996 Donna L. Evans -- PERSONAL SERVICE - CONFIDENTIAL Ms. Evans: This is official notification of your immediate suspension, at 12:01 a.m. on January 8, 1996 through 12:00 midnight on January 22, 1996, followed by your dismissal effective at 12:01 a.m. on January 23. 1996, from your position as a Licensed Practical Nurse 3 with the Department of Corrections (DOC), McNeil Island Corrections Center (MICC). This disciplinary action is taken pursuant to the authority of the Civil Service Laws of Washington State, Chapter 41.06, RCW, and the Merit System Rules, Title 356 WAC (MSR), Section 356-34-010 Disciplinary actions - Causes fer demotion-SuspensionReducdon in salary-Dismissal. (1) (a) Neglect of duty, (h) Gross misconduct and (i) Willful violation of published employing agency or Depal1ment of Personnel rules and regUlations. RCW 356-34-040 Dismissal - Notification and RC'"" 356-34-050 Suspension - Followed by dismissal. ~ Specifically. you neglected your duty, committed act(s) of gross misconduct and willfully violated published employing agency rules when you, by your own admission during the administrative review of this incident. accessed and dispensed medication inappropriately, and without proper documentation (Le., Primary Encounter Report, PER), from the MICC mini-pharmacy tackle box when you removed 10 Furosemide 40 mg tablets sometime between June 28, 1995, and July 14, 1995. without having been directed or ordered to do so by a PA or Physician. This incident is described in detail in the Employee Conduct Report (ECR) completed on December 5, 1995 (Attachment 1). The mini-pharmacy is a restricted area, providing accessibility to narcotics and prescriptionilegend drugs on an emergency basis for appropriately licensed health services staff from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. (during off duty hours for pharmacy staff). Pharmacy staff began tracking medications, that were not documented with an associated PER, beginning in May. 1995. Specifically, Pharmacy Assistant Jan White was tasked with daily checking of the tackle box, that was located in the mini pharmacy, documenting when the tamper-evident seal was broken. When the seal was broken, she checked the 0877 . CHASE RIVE1J\NO Secretary J RECEIVE.L. STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS McNEIL ISLAND CORRECTIONS CENTER P. O. Box 900 • SIBllac:oom. Washington 98388.0900 JAN 0 9 1996 of Co~ OP~arttnent MSIan of Hwnan Resourr' January 3, 1996 Donna L. Evans PERSONAL SERVICE CONFIDENTIAL Ms. Evans: This is official notification of your immediate suspension, at 12:01 a.m. on January 8, 1996 through 12:00 midnight on January 22, 1996, followed by your dismissal effective at 12:01 a.m. on January 23, 1996, from your position as a Licensed Practical Nurse 3 with the Department of Corrections (DOC), McNeil Island Corrections Center (MICC). This disciplinary action is taken pursuant to the authority of the Civil Service Laws of Washington State, Chapter 41.06, RCW, and the Merit System Rules, Title 356 WAC (MSR), Section 356-34-010 D!sciplinar'j actions -- Causes for demot!on-Suspension-Reduc.ion in salary-Dismissal. (1) (a) Neglect of duty, (h) Gross misconduct and (i) 'Nillful violation· of published employing agency or Depal1ment of Personnel rules and regulations, RCW 356-34-040 Dismissal -- Notification and RCW 356-34-050 Suspension - Followed by dismissal.; Specifically, you neglected your duty, committed act(s) of gross misconduct and willfully violated published employing agency rules when you, by your own admission during the administrative review of this incident, accessed and dispensed medication inappropriately, and without proper documentation (Le., Primary Encounter Report, PER), from the MICC mini-pharmacy tackle box when you removed 10 Furosemide 40 mg tablets sometime between June 28, 1995, and July 14, 1995, without having been directed or ordered to do so by a PA or Physician. This incident is described in detail in the Employee Conduct Report (ECR) completed on December 5, 1995 (Attachment 1). The mini-pharmacy is a restricted area, providing accessibility to narcotics and prescriptionllegend drugs on an emergency basis for appropriately licensed health services staff from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. (during off duty hours for pharmacy staff). Pharmacy staff began tracking medications, that were not documented with an associated PER, beginning in May, 1995. Specifically, Pharmacy Assistant Jan White was tasked with daily checking of the tackle box, that was located in the mini pharmacy, documenting when the tamper-evident seal was broken. When the seal was broken, she checked the 0878· Donna L Evans January 3, 1996 Page 2 of 5 enclosed vials for replenishment of medications as needed. She also noted and reported to her supervisor, any discrepancies in the number of tablets that were undocumented (i.e., no PER was completed). On June 27, 1995, Ms. White found the tamper-evident seal broken and found that seven Furosemide tablets were missing (between June 5, 1995 and June 27, 1995). No PER's were written during this time for the drug. On June 28, 1995, Ms. White restocked the tackle box in Vial No.2 with 25 tablets of Furosemide 40mg. On July 14, 1995, Ms. White found the tamper-evident seal on the tackle box broken. She counted the tablets and found only 15 of the 25 that had been placed in the vial. No PER's were written for the missing 10 tablets. Vial No.2, when the final discrepancy was discovered on July 14, 1995, was stored and delivered to James Cooper of the MICC Intelligence and Investigations office. When checked, it yielded clear fingerprints that were identified as your own. There is no documentation establishing the medication that you removed was dispensed appropriately to the MICC inmate population, nor have you provided any supporting documentation of legitimate reasons you would have taken the tablets. In fact, you admitted to me that you failed to follow procedure by preparing the PERS for signature when you gathered medications upon the direction of a PA or Physician. A Pharmacy In-Service Memorandum, dated March 3, 1994, (Attachment 2), which you admit having knowledge of, states, in pertinent part: "A PER must be written for any item issued from the after-hours Pharmacy (or ER) and signed by a PA/MD. Leave a PER for anything that was removed from the tackle box and the bottle that was used in the refill box under the pill line cart along with the broken seaL" WAC 246-838-030 Standards of conduct for discipline, which outlines the level of standards of professional conduct for licensed practical nurses, (Attachment 3). states, in pertinent part: a ''The licensed practical nurse assumes measure of responsibility, trust and the corresponding obligation to adhere to the standards of conduct, which include, but are not limited to the following: (1) ... shall be responsible and accountable for his or her own nursing judgements, actions ... (5) The licensed practical nurse shall not abide, abet or assist any other person in violating or circumventing the laws or rules pertaining to the conduct and practice of licensed practical nursing. 0879· Donna l. Evans January 3, 1996 Page 3 of 5 (10) The licensed practical nurse shall report unsafe acts and practices, unsafe practice conditions, and illegal acts to the appropriate supervisory personnel ... (12) The licensed practical nurse shall make accurate, intelligible entries into records required by law, employment, or customary practice ... (18) The licensed practical nurse shall respect the property of the ... employer and shall not take . . . drugs for his or her own use or benefit. (19) The licensed practical nurse shall not obtain, possess, distribute or administer legend drugs . . . to any person, including self, except as directed by a person authorized by law to prescribe drugs. RCW 18.130.180 Unprofessional Conduct (Attachment 4) states, in pertinent part: ''The following conduct, acts, or conditions constitute unprofessional conduct for any license holder ... under the jurisdiction of this chapter. Which states in pertinent part, but is not limited to the following: (1) The commission of any act involVing morai turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption relating to the practice of the person's profession, whether the ac~ constitutes a crime or not. (7) Violation of any state or federal statute or administrative rule regulating the profession in question including any ... rule defining or establishing standards of ... professional conduct or practice. (23) Current misuse of: (c) Legend drugs." RCW 18.79.270 Licensed Practical Nurse - Activities allowed (Attachment 5) states, in pertinent part: "A licensed practical nurse under his or her license may perform nursing care, ... and in the course thereof may, under the direction of a licensed physician ... physician assistant, . . . administer drugs, medications, . . . when selected to do so by one of the licensed practitioners designated in this section, ... if the order given is reduced to writing within a reasonable time and made a part of the patient's record." On September 10, 1993, you signed for your receipt (Attachment 6) of the DOC Employee Handbook, which states, in pertinent part on pages two through four (Attachment 7): 0880 Donna L Evans January 3, 1996 Page 4 of 5 "CODe OF ETHICS High moral and ethical standards among correctional employees are essential for the success of the departmenfs progran:'ls. The Department of Corrections subscribes to a code of unfailing honesty, respect for dignity and individuality of human beings, and a commitment to professional and compassionate service." DOC Policy 801.001 Ethics (Attachment 8) states, in pertinent part: "POLICY. Restrictions: Additional restriction placed upon employees include, but are not limited to the following: 2. Employees shall not use state resources for personal benefit or to benefit another except as may be required during the execution of their official duties. Resoonsibilities Violations of the State Ethics Law and/or this policy may lead to corrective or disciplinary action up to and inclUding dismissal." You have a duty to follow the licensing standards and uphold the professional conduct entrusted to you as a licensed practical nurse. You also have a duty to follow procedure that is designed to support you in accomplishment of your professional service to the DOC inmate population, using resources properly and not for your personal use. Your actions in this matter were irresponsible, unprofessional, unethical and counterproductive to achieving the Departmenfs mission to provide fair and equitable treatment to inmates while they are under our supervision. You neglected your duty to follow the professional standards of your licensure which includes honest and responsible execution of your duties and the expectations of your employer. By your actions you did not properly complete associated paperwork when you accessed drugs in the mini-pharmacy tackle box and lied about accessing the medications. Your behavior was a willful violation of published agency rules and regulations as identified, a neglect of your dUty as outlined in the licensing guidelines cited and rises to the level of gross misconduct. As a result of the administrative review held on November 17, 1995, I determined, and verbally notified you and your representatives at that time, that misconduct had occurred. We convened in a Loudermill hearing on November 20, 1995, to discuss your possible 0831· Donna L. Evans January 3, 1996 Page 5 of 5 termination. You were allowed an opportunity to fully discuss and refute the charges and/or to present reasons why your termination was not appropriate. Throughout that meeting you demonstrated that you do not accept your responsibilities in this matter, stating that everyone was lax and that's just the way it was done. By your actions and your repeated failure to recognize your lack of responsibility in this matter, you have lost my trust in your ability to honestly and professionally perform your duties. I find your attitude and defense of your actions and admitted failure to follow procedure intolerable and unprofessional. This is not the standard of professional performance that I expect of staff, especially staff with access to controlled substances and who are responsible for the medical health and welfare of the inmate population. In addition, you defense or plausible explanation for your fingerprints to be on Vial No.2, when the 10 missing Furosemide tablets were discovered. I can only conclude that you have lied about your contention that you did not access the vial, and you stole the tablets and used them inappropriately. Therefore. I find that your immediate 'suspension, followed by termination is fully warranted. Attachments one through eight are attached hereto and by this reference, made a part of as though fully set forth herein. Under the provisions of WAC 358-20-010 and 358-20-040, you have the right to appeal this action OR to file a grievance per Article 10 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Department of Corrections and the Washington State Corrections Employee Association. If you file an appeal, it must be filed in writing at the Office of the Personnel Appeals Board, 2828 Capitol Boulevard, Oiympia, Washington 98501, within thirty (30) days after the effective date stated in the first paragraph of this letter. The Merit System Rules, WAC's, Department of Corrections policies and the Collective Bargaining Agreement are available for your review upon request. leu -}a'·tt~·~ t2'n/~ Belinda D. Stewart, Superintendent McNeil Island Corrections Center Attachment(s) cc: Tom Rolfs, Director, Division of Prisons Jennie Adkins, Director, Division of Human Resources Donna Grazzini, \NVVC Area Personnel Manager Linda Dalton, Sr. Assistant Attorney General Katherine Deuel, MICC Personnel Officer Employee Personnel File 0882 *** CONFIDENTIAL *** - DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS _ \\ ~' . DISCIPLINARY ACTION AUTHORIZATI~~ ~ ~illJ DEC 15 1995 '.:::::.- l50W ~.::! Donna :~:. .: . L EVANS OFFICE OF ATIORNEY GENERAL '. LABOR & P.ERSONNEL DIVISION ~ EmpIayee's Name .'. '" . , ~,,;:.....: .~; .. ar:~;' .'.- ... ... 12/14195 Data Received at Headquarters .~ - ,. ' RECOMMENDED ACTION: Reducticn in Pay: LPN3 EtnpIoyee's Job Classifleatton .• t,·: •• ·~ . ' .. _.. ...• .. ~ ~ .. : •••••••:0, •• - MICC . .- Suspension: Employee's Job LccaUon Dismissal: Kathy Deuel2Q6.512~OS ! 1//1~ I"/1f; -// -"""-i-'--=---f--:i-+-'-~----j l r (L!ngth) 1/16/96 ------:=:--.'~----- (Effective) Assigned Personnel Officer/Phone II The attached disciplinaJY action has been reviewed as noted beloW. '"This infonnation is provided under the attomey/dient relationship and invokes that privilege. It should be considered CONFIDENTIAL in nature." InitialslTiUe Date Approve Disapprove Comments I .. . ' ........ , '. _...... ;', . Please hand deliver to all reviewers and return to Kristi Walters, DHR, 8th Aocr, MS: 41102. "~ 0883 . ... i: '. ', .. . . - .- .. -. '", •.';!~~~:, :':: ... .'.~: .. : -:, . '-... :" ~~~- .- :.. ' :·~i·· ,.~~~-: .. ~. ' ~. :. . .'. " ..... '. • ... , - .. ! ... . . ;. 0884 . 12/14/1995 17:84 MIce PERSONNEL 206-512-66a9 December 14, 1995 PAGE 02 80 Cays ~ Feb. 5, 1996 IMMEOIATE SUSP/OISMISSAL WPO ~ NS PERSONAL SERVICECONF10ENT1AL Ms. Evans: This is official notification of your immediate suspension. at 12:01 a.m. on January 1, 1996 through 12:00 midnight on January 15, 1996. followed by your dismissal effective at 12:01 a.m. on January 16, 1996. from your position as a Licsnsed Practical Nurse 3 with the Department of Corrections (DOC), McNeil Island Corrections Center (MiCe). This disciplinary action is taken pursuant to the authority of the Civil Service Laws of Washington State, Chapter 41.06, RCW, and the Merit System Rules. Title 356 WAC (MSR). Section 356-34-010 DisciplinarJ actions - Causes for demotion-Suspension-Reduction in salary-Dismissal. (1) (a) Neglect of dUty, (h) Gross misconduct and (i) Willful violation of published employing agency or Department of Personnel rules and regulations, RCW 356-34-040 Dismissal - Notification and RCW 356-34-050 Suspension - FollOWed by dismissal. Specifically, you neglected your duty. committed act(s) of gross misconduct and willfully violated published employing agency rules when you, by your own admission dUring the administrative review of this incident, accessed ;.a11~~J I inappropriately, and without proper documentation i',...iVH~(~C)/ medication (Le., Personal" Encounter Report, PER). from the MICC mini-pharmacy tackle box when 'I.... YOu're~o Furosemide 40 mg tablets sometime between June 28. 1995, and JUly 14, 1995, without having been directed or ordered to do so by a PA or Physician, apparently taking the tablets for your personal use. This incident is described in detail in the Employee Conduct Report (ECR) completed on December 5. 1995 (Attachment 1). 0885 1828 ~tal Blvd. PO Box 40911 Olympia. WA 98504-0911 • STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD (360) 586-1481 FAX (360) 7SJ.Q139 qE:CF:1V:=' . SEP 25 1996 September 25, 1996 Qe~~ .• _. CM$CI1 'Ji Hllrr~~ '-_ •.. Robert F. Spaulding Attomey at Law' P.O. Box 7846 Olympia. WA 98507-7846 RE: Donna L. Evans v. Department of Corrections, Dismissal Appeal, Case No. DISM-96-Q005 Dear Mr. Spaulding: Enclosed is a copy of the order of the Personnel Appeals Board in the above-referenced matter. The order was entered by the Board on September 25, 1996. Sincerely, ?.f;:&<{.. KenneJ~ch Executive Secretary KJL:tmp Enclosure cc: Donna L. Evans Valerie B. Petrie, AAG Jennie Adkins, PO Kirk Hanson, REP oes£ ·' .1 2 3 "'~ 4 .. - .' ., 5 DONNA L: BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD STATE OF WASHINGTON EvANs', 6 ) ) ) Appellant, v. ) ) ) ) 7 DEPAR~ a OF CORRECTIONS, Respondent. 9 NO. DISM 96-0005 MOTION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL MOTJ:ON The appellant hereby notifies the Personnel Aooeals Board that she wishes to withdraw the above-entitled appeal. '71 DATED this ~ day of 1996. 10 l,CM ;or, 11 ~ 12 SW~, PAJL~, CORDES, 13 YOUNGLOVE ,,~<;:;;;. 14 '>. ?,,~~- lS 16 ORDER This matter came on regularly before the Personnel Appeals Board on the consideration of the reauest of the acoellant to withdraw her appeal. The Board having reviewed the files ar.d records herein, being i fully advised in the premises, and it appearing to the 30ard that the 19 appellant has requested to withdraw her appeal, now, therefore, 1 20 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the appellant s request to withdraw her appeal is granted and the appeal is dismissed. I DATED thisas M day of ~,j..u , 191d,. WASHINGTON STATE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 23 24 =ct: 25 26 SWAH$CH, PARA. CCAtlE5. 'lOUHGLQVI! • PEEPUS. P.s. ATTCIQEYS AT VoW EAS'l'SU PFlCFESSICNAL PlAZA. SUITE A 92. EAST seveHTl1 AII£NUE pc.acx~ OI.'noCPlA, wAm1INGTON FACSlMlJ! ~ _.n.e ~ ~~.n.t MOTION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL 0887 2828 Clpitol Blyd. PO 80. 40911 Ol¥mpia. WA 911S04-0911 STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD (360) 586·1481 FAX (360) 7S3..Q139 June 5, 1996 Robert F. Spaulding Swanson, Parr, Cordes, et al P.O. Box 7846 Olympi~ WA 98507-7846 Valerie B. Petrie Assistant Attorney General P.O. Box 40145 Olympia, WA 98504-0145 Re: Donna 1. Evans v. Deparanent of Corrections, Dismissal Appeal, Case No.: DISM-96-0005 Dear Counsel: This confirms that a settlement/pre-hearing conference has been scheduled on June 21, 1996 at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of Swanson, Parr, Cordes, et ai, 924 East Seventh Avenue, Olympia WA. The reason for the conference is to attempt to settle the issue on appeal to the mutual satisfaction of the parties without the need for a hearing on the matter. If the settlement efforts are unsuccessful, we will attempt to narrow the scope of the issues to go before the Board for bearing. We will discuss such things as wimess lists, possible stipulations, briefing schedules, and a hearing date. If you have any questions, please call me. ~n~~.~ely. , ....;.-).. " ';1"" ~l . "",l.l ... ~ ~"", t'}CrL/L,-, . ICenneth 1. Latsen Executive Secretary I ~V KJL:py cc: Donna 1. Evans Jennie Adkins Kirk Hanson Z:',pl"lett:n'prehmg\EvOUIs.doc --e-· }J. ~~Mrlfo 'Nfl( .v ~ RECEIVEi. Nllc.L APR - 8 1996 ~artment of Corredions DIVISIon of Human Rescurr 2828 ~itol Blvd. PO 80. 40911 Olympi~ WA 98504-4911 STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD (360) 586-1481 FJ\X(36O) 75~139 April 5, 1996 CERTIFIED P 334 178 357 P 334 178 358 Robert F. Spaulding P.O. Box 7845 Olympia, Washington 98507-7846 Re: Donna L. Evans v. Department of Appeal, Case No. DISM-96-0005 Cor~ections, Dismissal Dear Mr. Spaulding: a Enclosed is copy of the Order Denying Appellant's Motion To Set Aside Disciplina~ Action of the Personnel Appeals Board in t~e above-referenced matter. The order was entered by the Board on April 5, 1995. ~relY, ~~lLl~r~u\,tL~~ Kenneth J. Latsch :,~ Executive Secretary KJL/gmh Enclosure cc: Donna L. Evans, APP Valerie B. Petrie, AAG Jennie A~~ins, DOC Kirk Hanson, WFSE 0889 o 1 BEFORE TIm PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 2 STATE OF WASHINGTON 3 4 ) ) DONNA L. EVANS, 5 Appellant, ~ Case No. DISM-96-0005 6 v. ~ 7 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, Respondent 8 ORDER DENYING APPELLANTS ) MOTION TO SET ASIDE ) DISCIPLINARY ACTION ) ) 9 I. INTRODUCTION 10 II 1.1 12 ALEXAJ.'\j1)ER, Chair, and ART WAJ.'\fG, Member, for hearing oral argument on Appellant's 13 Motion to Set Aside Disciplinary Action. The hearing was held at the office of the Personnel 14 Appeals Board in Olympia, Washington. on March 18, 1996. NORA REYNOLDS, Vice Chair, did 15 not participate in the hearing or in the decision in this matter. Hearing on Motion. This matter came before the Personnel Appeals Board, CHARLES 16 Appearances. Appellant Donna L Evans was represented by Robert Frank Spaulding, 17 1.2 18 Swanson, Parr, Cordes, Younglove & Peeples, P.S. Respondent Department of Corrections was 19 represented by Valerie B. Petrie, Assistant Attorney General. 20 Documents Considered. The Board considered the files and documents in this matter, 21 1.3 22 including: 23 (a) 24 2S (b) (c) [Appellant's] Motion to Set Aside Disciplinary Action, including attached disciplinary letter, filed February 6, 1996; [Appellant's] Memorandum. of Authorities, filed February 6, 1996; Department of Carrections' Response ta Motion ta Set Aside Disciplinary Action, filed March 8, 1996; 26 Personnel Appe:lls Board 2S28 Dpilol Boulevard Olympia. W3Shington 98504 hg:c:winword::vad600S.mol 0890 (d) (e) Declaration of Belinda D. Stewart, filed March 8,1996; and Declaration of lacquelene Campbell. filed March 8, 1996. 2 l II. SUMlVl-illY 4 2.1 s Nurse 3 with Respondent Deparnnem of Corrections by disciplinary tetter signed by a designee 6 "for" the appointing a,uthoney, the Superintendent of McNeil [sland Corrections Center. 7 handwrinen signarure was in the name of the person the superintendent had designated to be in 8 charge of the institution while she was on holiday leave. The handwritten word "for". appe:lred over 9 the [)1Jed signarure block. containing the name and tide of the appointing authoricy. The terms of the \0 disciplinary lener it clear tha.t the superintendent conducted the predisciplinary he:lring and 11 made the decision to tennin::He Appellant. The superintendent's affid:l.Vit provides that she reviewed \2 and approved \] The designee had not panicipated in the personnel decisions involved here. It is undisputed thilt the F3Cts. Appellant Donna L. Evans was dismissed from her position as a Licensed. Practical [h~ suoerintendent's . The lener, directed that it be processed. and directed that it be signed by her designee. aooointim~ authority .. - N:l(Ure of Appe:ll. - could not be delelZ,:Hed to her designee. Appellant moved to set aside the disciplinary sanction of dismissal 16 2.2 17 based on the lack of sign~rure by the appointing authority. \8 \9 ,. 20 not valid bec:lUSC it lacked the appointing authority's signature. pursuant to Carrell. _.0 Summary of Appellant's Argument. Appellant contends that the disciplinary lener was 2\ Summary of Respondent's Argument. Respondent contends that no signarure is required, I! 2.4 23 pursuant to Georgjan, and that the designee's signature was merely a ministerial act, pursuant to " Personnel :"ppe:lls Board 23'23 Capilol Boulevard OlymFi;r,. W::l.Shinglon 98'04 2 OS91 2.5 2 Primary Issue. Whether a disciplinary sanction is valid when it is imposed in a disciplinaIy letter which is not personally signed by the appointing authority. 3 '4 2.6 s 045; Nichols v, pep't of Agriculture. PAB No. 082-65 (1982), ~ Thurston Co. Super. Ct. No. 6 82-2-01501-3 (1984); Carrell v, Dep't of Social & Health Services, 7 cwpeal dismissed as moot. Thurston Co. Super. Ct No. 91-2-02786-9 (1992) [Carrell is ovemtled 8 insofar as it is inconsistent with this decision}; Geo[ii an v Dep't of Social & Health Services. PAB 9 No. S91-002 (1993); David v, De.p't of Corrections. PAB No. 092-008 (1993); Burkett v. Citations Discussed. RCW 41.06.170(2),; WAC 356-34-020, 356-34- 10 Washin~n 11 01534-1). PAB No. 090-116 (1991). State Patrol, PAB No. L93-051 (1995), appeal filed Thurston Co. Sucer. Ct. No. 95-2- 12 Summary of Board's Decision. The Board traces the history of precedents on the issue of 13 2.7 14 disciplinary letters not personally signed by the appo'inting authority. In Nichols, the Board's L5 approval of the signature of a deputy director was reversed on other grounds in Superior Court. In 16 Carrell, a majority of the Board ruled that the handwritten signature "'for" the superintendent by a 17 person who lacked appointing authority voided the disciplinary action. It is unclear from the record 18 whether the Board was aware that the designee had merely signed for the superintendent without 19 otherwise participating in the decision. In Georiian. a majority of the Board held that a signature 20 was not required by an appellant or union representative in filing an appeal. In 21 upheld discipline in which the appointing authority made the disciplinary decisions and a 22 subordinate signed the letter as an authorized ministerial act. ~ the Board 23 24 The requirements in RCW 41.06.170(2) and in WAC 356-34-020 et seq. are for "specified charges 2S in writing:' not for a specific personal signature by the appointing authority. Moreover, in contrast 26 PcrsOMel Appe3Js Board 2828 Capitol Boulevard Olympia. Washington 98504 hg:c:\Vin\Von1:evad600S.mol 3 0892. 1 to the decision-making function which ini~ directs, and is responsible for the contents of the 2 letter, the act of signing "for" the appointing authority is merely a ministerial act. 3 overruled insofar as it is inconsistent with this decision. Carrell is 4 s 2.8 Conclusion. Appellant's motion to set aside the disciplinary action is denied 6 ID. DISCUSSION 7 This plotion presents the Board squarely with the issue of whether a disciplinary sanction is 8 3.1 9 valid when it is imposed in a disciplinary letter which is not personally ~ by' the appointing 10 authority. 11 12 By disciplinary .letter dated January 3, 1996, Appellant Donna L. Evans was notified of her 13 immediate suspension and dismissal as a Licensed Practical Nurse 3 with Respondent Department 14 of Corrections at the McNeil Island Corrections Center. 15 signarure block: 16 17 The letter concluded with the typed Belinda D. Stewart. Superintendent McNeil Island Corrections Center 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S Above the signature block in handwritten script appear the words "for - Jacquelene Campbell." Jacquelene Campbell, who was designated to be in charge of the institution while Stewart was on holiday leave, signed the letter "for" Belinda D. Stewart, but otherwise was not involved with the disciplinary action. (Declaration of Campbell). Although not personally signed by her, the terms of the letter make it explicitly clear that Stewart conducted the predisciplinary hearing in this matter and made the decision to tenninate Appellant. Moreover, her affidavit further provides that she reviewed and approved the letter, directed that it be processed, and directed that it be issued under PersoMel Appe:Us Board 2828 Capitol Boulevard Olympia. Washington 98504 hg:c:winwOnf:cvad600S .mOI 4 0883 1 her signature while she was on holiday leave by the person she left in charge. (Declaration of 2 SteWart). 3 4 It is undisputed that Stewart was the appointing authority and that appointing authority could not be 5 delegated to Campbell. 6 7 This issue has come before the Personnel Appeals Board on several occasions, although not as 8 clearly and directly ~ here. We take this opportunity to attempt to clarify our interpretation. 9 10 .. "J ~.- In Nichols v. Dep't of Asuiculture, PAB No. 082-65 (1982), rev'd Thurston Co. Super. Ct 11 No. 82-2-01501-3 (1984), the appellant moved to set aside a suspension on the basis that the Deputy 12 Director had signed the letter while the Director was out of state. The Board denied the motion. It 13 considered RCW 42.23.005, which authorized the Director to appoint a Deputy Director to have 14 general supervision over the department in the Director's absence. The Board simply stated: "'In the 15 absence of the Director, the signature of the Deputy Director on the notice of suspension was 16 appropriate:' 11 Superior Court reinstated the Appellant "for the reason that neither the Director ... nor the Deputy 18 Director, in the Director's absence, is the appointing authority of the appellant for purposes of 19 appoinunent or discipline." 20 supervisor of grain was the appointing authority, although discipline may require the approval of the 21 Director. However, the Board's decision was reversed on appeal. The Thurston County Instead, the court held that, under former RCW 43.23.100, the 22 In Carrell v. Dep't ofSocjal & Health Services, P.A.B No. 090-116 (1991), appeal dismissed 23 3.3 24 as IDoot, Thurston Co. Super. Ct. No. 91-2-02786-9 (1992), the disciplinary letter for a reduction in 25 26 PersoMel Appe:l1s Board 2828 ClpilOI Boulevard Olympia. WashingtOn 98504 hg:c:winword:evad600S.mOl 5 0894 . 1 pay bad a typed signature block for Thomas Fritz, Superintendent of Eastern State Hospital, but the 2 handwritten signature was "Alden H. Miller, M.D. for Thomas Fritz, Superintendent." 3 4 Appellant moved to dismiss for failure of the Respondent to perfect the disciplinary action bC1:ause s Dr. Miller was not the appointing authority..The Hearings Examiner granted the motion, ruling that 6 "[t]he failure of DSHS to exercise the disciplinary authority through a proper subdelegate voids its 7 action." 8 RC1:onsider, .slip op. at 4 (Vache', Hrgs. Exam.)(199 I)). (Disposition of Motion, Disposition of Case on Motion, Disposition of Motion to 9 10 Respondent moved for reconsideration and provided an affidavit from Fritz that he personally 11 conducted the Personnel Conduct Report hearing, determined that misconduct had occurred, 12 determined the level of discipline, directed the disciplinary lener to be prepared, reviewed the lener, 13 and approved its content. 14 involved in the matter in any way except that he was Fritz·s '·official designee orily for the purpose IS of signature," bC1:ause Fritz was gone that day. The affidavit also stated that Acting Superintendent Miller was not 16 "r 17 The Hearings Examiner acknowledged the "close question," but denied the motion to reconsider: 18 conclude that the anempt to delegate even the signing authority is improper; under WAC 356-34- 19 010, all. I am guided by Judge Doren's [sic] decision in Nichols ... reversing the Personnel 20 Appeals Board on a strikingly similar set of facts." ld.. at 5-6. 21 Examiner was aware of the result in the Nichols appeal, but did not have the benefit of knowing that 22 the court's reasoning was significantly different. We assume that the Hearings 23 24 Following a hearing on exceptions to the Board, the majority affinned the Hearings E.xaminer's 2S ruling on the original motion without reference to the motion for reconsideration. The Board ruled: 26 Personnel Appe31s Board 2828 C1pilOl Boulcvud Olympia. Washinglon 98504 hg:e: w inwon1:evad600S.mOI 6 0895. One motion dealt with the failure of the Appointing Authority to sign the disciplinary letter. The Hearings Examiner ruled that the failure of Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to exercise disciplinary authority through as [sic] proper subdelegation voids its action. For this reason, he granted the Appellant's motion and set aside the Respondent's disciplinary action against the Appellant. We affirm, however we make no ruling regarding the ability of the Appointing Authority to take action. 1 2 3 4 s Findings, Conclusions and Order of Board Following Hearing on Exceptions, at 1-2. 6 1 It is unclear from the record whether the Board was aware that Dr. Miller had merely signed for the 8 Superintendent without otherwise participating in the decision. A dissenting op~on cited RCW 9 41.06.170(2), WAC 356-34-020, and WAC 356-34-045 that there must be "specified charges in 10 writing," but that there was no requirement for a signature. It also argued that the statute required 11 the employee's appeal to be in writing, but that the Board accepted appeals signed by an employee's 12 representative and had never required a signarure from the employee. 13 w.. (Wilson, dissenting). 14 In an Intennediate Order Denying Motion to Dismiss in Georgian 15 3.4 16 Health Services, PAB No. S91-002 (1993), the Board considered a converse scenario suggested by 17 the dissent in Nichols, in which neither the appellant nor a union representative signed the appeal. 18 A majority of the Board held that "there is no rule which requires any signature." 19 distinguished Carrell, stating: "It was not the fact that Dr. Nfiller signed the action letter which was 20 determinative of the outcome, but rather that Dr. ~filler took the disciplinary action." 21 statement appears to be based on the majority decision in Carrell, but not on the underlying decision 22 of the Hearings Examiner in that case. A concurring opinion in Georgian recommended overruling 23 Carrell. ~ (Wilson, v. Dep't of Social & The majority This concurring). 24 2S 26 PersoMel Appe:lls Board 2828 C.lpitol Boulevard Olympia. W~hington 98504 hg:c::winword:evad600S.mot 7 089: 1 3.5 1 reduction in pay was signed in handwriting "D.A. Dunnington for" over the typewritten signature 3 block "Richard Bosse, Superintendent." The Superintendent testified that he made the finding of 4 misconduct, determined which sanction to impose, and reviewed preHrninary drafts of the s disciplinary letter. 6 Dunnington in his absence. The Hearings Examiner denied Appellant's motion to set aside the 7 discipline, concluding that the delegation and exercise of the appointing authority by the Associate 8 Superintend~nt 9 (Woods, Hrgs. Exam.). After a hearing on exceptions, the Board modified the decision, concluding In David v, D«:11't of Cgqections. PAB No. D92-OO8 (1993), the disciplinary letter for a He delegated, in writing, appointing authority to Associate Superintendent was proper. Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommended Decision nm have authority to delegate his appointing authority. However, the 10 that the Superintendent did 11 Board upheld the discipline, noting only that the signatUre was "an authorized ministerial act." 12 There is no indication in the record that Nichgls, Carrell, or Georgian were brought to the Board's 13 attention. The Board's decision merely states: l4 IS 16 l7 In this case, it was the appointing authority' who determined that misconduct occurred and instructed that the Appellant should be reduced in pay. The subsequent signing of the disciplinary letter "fur Richard Bosse" (emphasis added) in Superintendent Bosse's absence was an authorized ministerial act. hi. (emphasis in original). 18 19 In Burkett v. Wasbinitgn State patrol, PAB No. L93-051 (1995), appeal filed Thurston Co. Super. 20 C1. No. 95-2-01534-1, a reduction in force notice was signed by the Deputy Chief, who had 21 appointing authority, although the agency policy provided that "(nlorification shall be signed by the 22 Chief." The Board denied Appellant's motion for summary reinstatement because the Deputy Chief 23 had delegated authority, as opposed to being only the Chiefs designee. 24 precedents discussed above were brought to the Board's attention. Again, none of the 2S 26 Personnel Appe:als' Board 2828 C1picol BouJeV3J'd Olympia. Washington 98504 hg:c:winw ord:evad6005.mOl 8 08 g.'( 3.6 We conclude that Appellant's motion $ould be denied. As noted in the dissenting opinion 2 in Carrell and in the majority opinion in GeQI2ian, the requirements in RCW 41.06.170(2) and in 3 WAC 356-34-020 ~ are for "specified charges in writing," not for a specific personal signature 4 by the appointing authority. Moreover, in contrast to the decision-making function which initiates, s directs, and is responsible for the contents of the letter, the act of signing "for" the appointing 6 authority is merely a ministerial act. Dmd. Cauell is OVerruled insofar as it is inconsistent with 7 this decision. 8 9 10 Having reviewed the files and records in this matter and being fully advised in the premises, the Board enters the following: 11 u ~o~m 13 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Appellant's Motion to Set Aside 14 Disciplinary Action is denied. 15 16 DATED this .5 d day Of_=~~~~=:;..:,·_====-_-,. 1996. 17 WASHINGTON STATE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 18 19 20 21 22 2J 24 2S 26 Personnel Appeals Board 2S28 DpilOl Boulevard hg:c:winword:cvad6005.mot Olympia. WashinglOR 98504 9 089! /' RECEI V t:.~ JAN 23 1996 ofCo~ O~af MSlOl1 tUnaQ. ResQlIl'" 2828 Capit~ Blvd. PO Box 40911 STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD Olympia. WA 98S04-mn (360) 586-1481 FAX (360) 753-0139 January 22, 1996 Mr. Kirk Hans~n Washington Federation of State Employees 10116 - 36th Avenue Ct SW #205 Tacoma. WA 98499 RE: Donna L. Evans v. Deparonent of Corrections, Dismissal Appeal, Case No. DISM-96-000S Dear !vIr. Hanson: This letter is to acknowledge receipt of the above entitled appeal by the Personnel Appeals Board on January 10, 1996. 'J..Lc..Llr(ljf-1lL /erineth J. Latsch Executive Secretary ~ KJL:unp cc: Donna L. Evans Swanso~ Parr, Cordes, et. aI. Linda A. Dalto~ AAG Jennie Adkins, PO .. ; Z:\lmp\nc:wappl\cvans.doc .~ °0 IJ\ .... l"\- .., WASHINGTON STATE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 2828 Capitol Boulevard PH: P. O. Box 40911 Olympia, WA 98504-0911 FAX: (. ~©~~W~IID U\l APPEAL FORM \.D-t."uL..;~ JAN 10 1998 SCAN 321-1481 (206) 586-1481 (206) 753-0139 PERSONNE~ APPEALS BOARD This form will help you provide necessary infonnation to the Personnel Appeals Board when you file an appeal. You are Jl.Q{ required to use this fonn; however. appeals II11W be tiled in accordance with the requirements. set forth in Chapter 358-20 WAC. If me space on the fonn is insufficient or if you wish to provide additional information. you may attach additional pages. PRINT OR TYPE - SIGN ON PAGE 2 PARTL· APPELLA!Vf IDENTIFICATION NAME: Donna L. Evans (AKA Turner, Lake) (Last name; ursf name. muldle 1D1tiii) HOME ADORES .... ~---------------------- PHONE NUMBERS: (Off-SCAN): (206)588-5281 WORK: (SCAN): HOME: (Include area cOde) _ EMPLOYING AGENCY OR INSTITUTION: McNeil Island Corrections Center/DOC Agency or institution that took action you are appealing: Department of Corrections PART II. REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME, ADDRESS .-\!'ID TELEPHONE ~UMBER Swanson. Parr. Cordes, Younglove, Peeples,P.S. PO Box 1846 Olympia, WA 98507 (360)351-1191 Kirk Hanson 10116 36th Ave Ct., Suite 205 Tacoma, WA 98499 (206)581-l402 An Appellant may authorize a representative to act on his/her behalf. The Board must be notified of any change in representation. PART m. TYPE OF APPEAL Check one of me following to indicate the type of appeal you are filing: X a. Disciplinary: (check applic30le action(s». X Dismissal X Suspension Demotion Reduction in P3Y. b. Disability Separation c. Rule or Law Violation (complete PART IV. of this form) d. Reduction in ForceJ1.:lyoff (complete PART IV. of this form) e. Allocation (position classification) (complete PART V. of this form) f. Declaratory Ruling (see WAC 358-20-050) g. Exemption of Position 0900 , ' fOR RULE VIOLATION OR REDUCIION-llf4ORCE APPEALS ONLY PARTIV. What Rule(s) or Law(s) do you believe were violated? Explain the particular circumstaD~ ofthe alIeged-violation. HO?N were you adversely aff'ecte! by :he alleged violation? What remedy an: you requ~g in this case? F.OR.ALLOCAnON APPEALS ONLY PARTV. Yes or Has there been a review ofyour allocation? Is so. by whom.,? r, No .,.,._'.....;.. . .;:.'. ~, . ..•_... ... -ilI... .' •. ~.. ~ v., . " ~"~;:l ::z . .' ~ --.;.'..;.;._' •. What is your present classificadon? _ To which class do you thinJc your position should be alIocated?:-~~~I~;~ .• .:.: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _E2'W"'W1jj;,j· ~1iiirO.i..:._".;:;,..r-_ _ ~~--------------- //"&6 DA"FE SIGNED ..