Duvall v Wadoc Wapab Appeal Reduction in Pay Altered Medical Certificate 1995
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r ~ " 2818 C.l'piIQI~I~d. STATE OF WASHINGTON PO 110'\ ';0911 PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD QI"mpi.:a. WA 9650';·0911 (360) 586-'';8\ FAX (J60) 75)·0139 June 24, 1996 Michael South Washington Public Employees Association 401 W. Main Suite B Walla Walla, WA 99362 RE: Tina Duvall v. Department of Corrections, Reduction in Salary Appeal, Case No. RED-95-0063 Dear Mr. South: Enclosed is a copy of the order of the Personnel Appeals Board in the above-referenced maner. The order was entered by the Board on June 24, 1996. Q::t~~~~y~ Kenneth J. Latsr!h ,) Executive Secretary KJL:tmp Enclosure cc: Tina Duvall Geoff Boodell, AAG Jennie Adkins, PO .•.: .,.......... -..~~ ~ 1 2 3 BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD i\ STATE OF WASHINGTON lk\l C,> Appellant, ) Case No. B.E D-£15 1Wc,- .u u:--__ ) 4 - ~ ~3 ) v. 5 ) ) 6 MOTION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL ) 7 ) 8 -----------------) 9 The Appellant hereby notifies the Personnel Appeals Board that he/she wishes to withdraw the above-entitled appeal. DATED -/~- Clip 10 11 J Respondent. 12 !o ellant/Attorney/Representative 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 WASHINGTON STATE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 20 23 .J ORDER. NOW, THEREFORE, IT I.5 HEREBY ORDERED that the Appellant I s request to withdraw his/her appeal is granted-and the appeal is dismissed. DATED this day of _....;Qlwfl-.KlU'l.lla.l....a.lI.._ 19 Ue . 19 ::<:\ This matter came on regularly before the Personnel Appeals Board on the consideration of the request of the Appellant to withdraw his/her appeal. The Board having reviewed the files and records herein, being fully advised in the premises, and it appearing to the Board that the Appellant has requested to withdraw his/her appeal, now enters the following: 24 25 ~\\'\O~Q1 r 26 \ \ \.d WPEA The Washington Public Employees Association • 1·800·544·WPEA Headquarters • 124 10th Ave SW Olympia WA 98501 • (360) 943-1121 FAX (360) 357-7627 Toll Free (800) 544-9732 Monroe Office • 20014 Hwy 2-E • Unit C Monroe WA 98272 • (360) 794-0733 FAX (360) 794-6986 Toll Free (800) 794-9732 Walla ~~~Bffice • 401 WMain • Suite B Walll1li'~~~~~J~2~) 529-8632 Toll Free (800) 52197~ ii ~ JUN 1 9 1996 Kenneth Latsch, Executive Secretary Personnel Appeals Board 2828 Capitol Blvd. PO Box 40911 Olympia, WA 98505-0911 TO: FROM: ~~th, WPEA Area Rep 401 W. Main, Suite B Walla Walla, WA 99362 DATE: June 17, 1996 RE: Duvall v. DOC Case No. RED-95-0063 Enclosed please find a motion and order of dismissal regarding the above referenced matter. cc: 61th .... ,.t5.tt L . ~",*...,...k@ Tina Duall File i@i2!@.('iPW.FWJiM .Wi.SiVO.. $.h.. t.ttU,z.t... .5.c.a.z.e.a.t.tit.b.MMU.t.t.U.i&U&UWi..tu.. .i... ;wmt qE.M.P¥.4&.ut.t.j!Jj.J.VS....UH.u .um. t4Z4,;;;,,(.J. ..6,.66..L..t.t.t .. ( 2. 6.t .. 5.. WPh .-:'"".~ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that I served a cop record on 5-1-96 :IS rollow~ xx 'lis document on all panics or their counselor US Mail Postage Prepaid [R(~©~~WE~ _ .:..£Tina~Du~Yal=:.I Michael South. WPEA 1 I certiry under penally or perjury under the laws or the SIalC or Washington that the roregoing is uue and correct. MAY 0 2 1996 PERSONNEC APPEALS BOARD 2 3 4 BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD STATE OF WASHINGTON 5 6 7 8 9 10 NO. RED 95-0063 TINA DUVALL, Appellant, NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL v. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, Respondent. 11 12 13 '14 TO: KENNETH LATSCH, Executive Secretary, Personnel Appeals Board; AND: TINA DUVALL, Appellant; AND: MICHAEL SOUTH, Area Representative, Wash. Public Employees Assn. 15 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that GEOFFREY M. BOODELL, Assistant Attorney 16 General, has been substituted as counsel for STEWART A. JOHNSTON, Assistant Attorney 17 General, and will hereafter represent the Respondent in this matter. 18 19 20 21 22 23 DATED this """\ (:..~ .,.. -, day of April, 1996. CHRISTINE O. GREGOIRE (~\rney~W· L(~\) GEOFFREY M. BOODELL Assistant Attorney General WSBA No. 22200 Attorney for Respondent 24 25 26 ATrORNEYGENERAL OF WASHINGTON NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL -1- Labor ~ Personnel Division 905 Plum Street SE. Bldg. 3 PO BOX 40145 Olympia. WA 98504-0145 (3601 664-4167 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify lJW I served a cop' 'lis dOCU11lCn1 on all partics or Ibeir counscl of record on April 8. 1996 ows: X US Mail Postlge Prepaid ~Tina=Du:.:.:val=I _ Michael Soulb ABC/Legal Messenger - Swe Campus Delivery : Hand delivered by ~1E~IEHWIEIDJ ===-==:.....-_--- 1 2 IO APR 0 9 1996 .....,......,..........,.....,............,.........,......-:--"""":""':---=-_=-:-"':"':"""" I certify under penalty of pcrjury under Ibc laws of Ibc Swe of WasbinglOn lJW Ibc foregoing is truc and correct. DaICd: April 8. 1996 at Olympia. WA. PERSONNEL ~POt:'AI ~ BOARD 3 4 5 BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD STATE OF WASHINGTON 6 7 8 9 10 NO. RED-95-0063 TINA DUVALL, NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL Appellant, v. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, Respondent. 11 12 13 14 TO: KENNETH LATSCH, Executive Secretary, Personnel Appeals Board; AND: TINA DUVALL, Appellant; MICHAEL SOUTH, Area Representative, Washington Public Employees Assn. 15 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that STEWART A. JOHNSTON, Assistant Attorney General, 16 has been substituted as counsel for LYNN WISE, Assistant Attorney General, and will 17 hereafter represent the Respondent in this matter. 18 19 DATED this eft-- day of April, 1996. CHRISTINE O. GREGOIRE Attorney General 20 ~K 21 22 23 STEWART A. JOHNSTON Assistant Attorney General WSBA No. 8774 Attorney for Respondent 24 25 26 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF WASHINGTON Labor & Personnel Division 905 Plum Street SE, Bldg. 3 PO BOX 40145 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL -1- Olympia, WA 98504-0145 (3601 664-4167 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify \hal I served a cop' 'lis document on all panics or their counsel of record on December 11. .i as follows: X. US Mail Postage Prepaid ..:.:Ti:::na-=D=uv=aJl'----= _ Michael South. WPEA ABClLcgaJ Messenger Swe Campus Delivery _ Hand delivered by ~~~~~w~~ = 1 2 10 -- DEC 1 3 1995 I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the Swe of WashinglOn \hallhe foregoing is true and correa. Dated: Dec:cmber 11. 1995 at Olympia. WA. PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 3 4 BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD STATE OF WASHINGTON 5 6 TINA DUVALL, Appellant, 7 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, Respondent. 10 11 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE v. 8 9 NO. RED-95-0063 13 KENNETH LATSCH, Executive Secretary, Personnel Appeals Board; TINA DUVALL, Appellant; MICHAEL SOUTH, Area Representative, Washington Public Employees Association. 14 Pl.-EASE TAKE NOTICE that the Respondent, Department of Corrections, without 15 waiving objection as to the sufficiency of service of process or jurisdiction of this Board, does 16 hereby enter its appearance in the above-entitled action, by and through its attorneys, 17 CHRISTINE O. GREGOIRE, Attorney General, and LYNN WISE, Assistant Attorney 18 General, and requests that all further pleadings herein be served upon said Respondent at the 19 Office of the Attorney General at the address given below. 12 20 TO: .......L__ day of December, 1995. DATED this _......:~ CHRISTINE O. GREGOIRE Att ey General 21 22 23 WISE Assi ant Attorney General WSBA No. 21654 Attorney for Respondent 24 25 26 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF WASHINGTON Labor & Personnel Division NOTICE OF APPEARANCE -1- 905 Plum Street SE, Bldg. 3 PO BOX 40145 Olympia. WA 98504-0145 (360) 664-4167 2828 Capitol Blvd. STATE OF WASHINGTON PO BOll 40911 Olympia, WA 98504·0911 PERSON NEL APPEALS BOARD (360) 586-1481 FAX (360) 753.0139 November 15, 1995 Michael South Area Representative 401 W. Main, Suite B Walla Walla, WA 99362 RE: Tina Duvall v. Department of Corrections, Reduction in Salary Appeal, Case No.: RED-95-0063 Dear Mr. South: This letter is to acknowledge receipt of the above entitled appeal by the Personnel Appeals Board on November 9, 1995. (JrelY , ~Lt (.~lfLt:- . Kenneth J. Latsch ~ Executive Secretary KJL:tmp cc: Tina Duvall Linda A. Dalton, AAG Jennie Adkins, PO z:\lmp\newappl\duvall.doc APP~L :'.'i\SHn:G'IO~.J STATE PERSONNEL Jl.PPEALS fRllE~IEOWIEIDJ FORN BO.~lID 2828 capitol Boulevard P. 0, Box 40911 Olj'l:piu, \','A 98504 -0911 NOV 13 1995 ~ ~ "1'\ \&t5 SC!\N 321-1481 (206) 586-1481 (206) 753-0139 PH: FAX; ''P~Fts6NNEL: A.PPI=A'.~ BOARD 'Tius form '.,;i.ll help you provide r:ecessa.-ry information to the PerscZ"'.nel Appeals Board ~"hen ;'Cu file an appeal. You are .!JQt. required to use this form; ho...- ever, appeals ~ .be filed in accordance ~-i.th the requirements set forth in Chapter 358-20 {'lAC. r f the space on the form is if".5ufficient or if you wish to provide addi tiOI"'.al information ;'cu may attach additional p a g e s . " ' " PRINT A?. T'iPE ?:-..-;T !. APPELLANr N.l..HE: SIGN ON PAGE 2 IDENl'IFIC.~TION Duva 11 Tina (Last name, first name, mid~e initial) 1319 Shelton '!load (Number and street) Ha·!E)I..DDRESS: Walla Walla, WA 99362 (City~ PHONE NUHBERS: state and ZIP cede) Ha'!E: ,EI1I?LOYING AGENCY: Off-SCAN: SO.N: (509) 5?5-3610 (Include area cede) (509) 522-5484 W'asl'tington State Penl tentlary Name of agency or agencies that took action you are appealing: ?;\.~T II. REPRESENTATI'VE'S NANE, ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUHBER: WPEA Michael South, Area Rep. 401 W. Main, Suite ,B Walla Walla, Waf 99362 509-529-8632 An Appellant may authorize a representative to act in hisjher be~f. The Board must l:e notified of any change in representation. PJl_l:\T III. ~E OF .APPEAL "Check on~ of the following to ,indicate the type of appeal you are filing: '" a. e. Disciplinary: (check applicable action(s». "_ _Dismissal, _ _Suspension, _ _Demotion,_ " '_Reduction in Pay. Disa£dlity Separation Merit System Rule or State Civil Service r.a~., Violation (complete PART IV. of this form) Reduction in Force (comolete PART IV. of this form) Allocation (position classification) f. Declaratory Ruling (see f~C 358-20-050) b. c. d. (complete PART V. of this 'form) 1 t\PPC<l1 Form Revised 3·2·92 PART IV. FOR RULE VIOLATION OR REDUarION-IN-FORCE APPEALS ONLY What Me.ri. t System Rule (s) or State Civil Service Law(s) do you believe were violated? Explain the particular circumstances of the alleged violation How were you adversely affected by the alleged violation? What remedy are you requesting in this case? PART V. FOR. ALLOCATION APPEALS ONLY Has there been a review of your allocation request by the Director of Personnel or designee?_ _Yes or _No If so, by whom? _ What is your present classification? _ To which class do you think your position should De allocated? SIG DATE SIGNED SENrATLVE 1/- - 9'> I aeclare under I*18Jtv of perjury under the Jaws of the State of Wllhlrlgturn that on II· q fL I deposited In ... 01 the UnIted States meua 7- addI.... 8 properfv ltamped and ......... envelope directed to the of thII document ~--b U-9-9/5 {J L ~ Date a Place Appeal Fonn Revised 3.2-92' CHASE RIVELAND Secretary STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON STATE PENITENTIARY p 0 Bo)( Sept~mber 26, 1995 520 • Walla Walla, Washington 99362 PERSONAL SERVICE Tina Duvall 1319 Shelton Road Walla Walla, WA. 99362 Ms. Duvall: This is official notification that you will be reduced in pay within your present class of Licensed Practical Nurse 2, Range 39, Step I, $2508 per month to Range 39, Step G, $2393 per month effective at the beginning of your shift on October 16, 1995 through the end of your shift on January 15, 1996, inclusive. This disciplinary action is taken pursuant to the civil Service Law of Washington State, chapter 41.06 RCW, and the Merit system Rules, Title 356 WAC (MSR), and section 356-34-010 (1), (a) (Neglect of Duty), (i) (Willful Violation of the published employing agency or department of personnel rules or regulations), and 356-34-020 (Reduction in Salary - Demotion). You neglected your duty, and willfully violated agency policy when on June 26, 1995, Nancy Hartzell, your supervisor, became aware that you had falsified a medical certificate. Specifically, you failed to submit a medical certificate for your absences on June 18 and 20, 1995 as r~quired in accordance with WAC 356-18-070 (2), and Division Directive 830.150 Employee Medical Verification Requirements Process. After being reminded by your supervisor, Nancy Hartzell, to submit a medical certificate for your absences, you submitted to her as authentic, a photocopy of a medical certificate previously given to you by Dr. Joseph Meyer which you had knowingly and deliberately altered to cover your absences on June 18 & 20, 1995. A meeting was held on July 25, 1995 to discuss the incident. Present at the meeting in addition to yourself was: John Lambert, Acting Superintendent; craig Hamada, Personnel Officer; and Earl Linn, your Union Representative. During the meeting and in your written response, you admitted altering the dates on your medical certificate and submitting a copy to your supervisor Nancy Hartzell. A copy of the Employee Conduct Report (ECR) describing this incident in more detail is attached hereto and incorporated by this reference (Attachment 1). Duvall, Tina Page Two September 26, 1995 By your actions, you violated the following agency policies: 1. DOC Policy 801.001, Ethics, which states in part: " ••• Deparbnent employees are expected to maintain high professional and ethical standards at all times." 2. DOC Employee Handbook, Code of Ethics, which states: II High moral and ethical standards among correctional employees are essential for the success of the department's programs. '!he Department of corrections subscribes to a code of lmfailiIg honesty, respect for dignity arxi individual ity of human beings, arxi a commi:bnent to professional and compassionate service. II On October 5, 1993, you signed an Acknowledgement of Receipt of DOC Employee Handbook indicating that you received and agreed to become familiar with and have a thorough knOWledge and understanding of the contents. A copy of DOC Policy 801.001, Page two of the DOC Employee Handbook, and the Acknowledge of Receipt of DOC Handbook are attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. (Attachments 2 through 4 respectively) As a DOC employee, you have a duty and responsibility to be honest and forthright in all dealings with the agency. You neglected that duty and violated agency policy when you knowingly altered an existing physici~ns medical certificate and presented it to your supervisor as the requested medical certificate. Further, as a Licensed Practical Nurse you have a professional obligation to maintain a high standard of ethical behavior within the health care profession. You violated a nurses ethical standard by falsifying a physicians written medical certificate which is usually entrusted to you for direction. By your actions, your reputation as a credible, trustworthy employee has been considerably diminished. As an explanation for your behavior, you stated that you were coerced to such actions by your supervisor's repeated requests to produce a medical certificate due to the medical verification requirement. I find this explanation questionable because you were placed on Medical verification (requiring you to provide a medical certificate for absences due to illness of yourself or a family member) on March 1, 1995, and upon a 90 day review it was extend for another 90 days. The medical certificate requirement had been in effect for several months and therefore should not have been any added pressure to comply with the requirement for your absences on June 18 & 20, 1995. Copies of your Medical Verification Duvall, Tina Page Three September 26, 1995 Requirement Letter and Medical Verification Review Form are attached hereto and incorporated by this reference (Attachments 5 and 6). Based on the serious nature of your actions, I believe that this disciplinary action is warranted. You hereby forewarned that future performance problems/errors/omissions may lead to further corrective /disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Under the provision of WAC 358-20-010 and 358-20-040, you have the right to appeal this action to the Personnel Appeals Board. Your appeal must be filed in writing at the Office of the Executive Secretary, Personnel Appeals Board, 2828 capitol Boulevard, Olympia, Washington 98501 within thirty days of the effective date stated in the first paragraph of this letter. You also have the right to file a grievance under the provisions of Article 10 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the State of Washington, Department of Corrections and the Washington Public Employees Association for the Institutions Bargaining unit (effective date June 25, 1993). The WAC's, Department of Corrections policies, and Collective Bargaining Agreement are available for your review upon request. Tana Wood Superintendent Attachments (6) cc: Tom Rolfs, Director, Division of Prisons Jennie Adkins, Director, Division of Human Resources Linda Dalton, Assistant Attorney General Bobbi Collins, Area Personnel Manager Sherry Hartford, Personnel Officer Personnel File HOV- 9-95 THU 14:14 Wo.l 10. Oi'"i'"ice 10.10.110. WPEA P.02 MP~J:. fORN 0' ~! L :' :\'i\SHIh'GIO~.J STATE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOi\1ID;· 2828 caoitot ~eoUievard .'PH: ' :sclJ.i·: 321-1481 P. o. Do; o109l'l l": '. ., '(206') 5.86-1481 Ol~·ltipi~, fo.'7\ :9.6S~.4"0911Fi\X.:· (;~06) 153';'OQ9 'iius form .will oe~p )'ou provide tlece~sa.tY; i~~.atlon to. the Personnel Appeals Boa.--d ~nen file ~q:~~?~,¥,! ~ou ar~ nat. re~re~: ;o~~e ~his form; ho·..- ever, appeals lllU:Lt. be filed !n accordanc,e.:. ~f;t\:the reqw..rements s'et fo~.:i~n Chapter 358-20 l'r.\C• j'OU •' ' I I I . I I r f the s.pace. pn:it;h~, form is insuf£is~.,;nt.,Qo!=~.~ ,you wish to provide additi<:>nal information, ;'cu noay·· a(:t~ch e;~d.i;t:ional pages. . . . . . > ';:.. ~ . ','.' .~ . . : , .. ·L·..: . . . .; ' P~1I1r p~,.m~; :tJ~lIGN ON PAGE.2 . I'! " ,., PHOl.-JE .Nll1'fi3.ER.S:: . : . ' . , ' : .'.' ~ I HCt-tE: • ~: __:.:. . .:.;. .: ...;.. O£:f-SCAN: .( 509) 5? 5- 3610 SCAN: i . . (;rnclup~. ai;ea. ~~~r ~50·9) 522-5484 -,' , , ,EHPOO~.NG ~g.~: ., ....,; ..,. :~. r:; Was1:11ngt on S:ta·t,e: 'Pe-nl tent lary . N~e .. o.;:F:9~J)C:Y or agencies .:0;:;':, IJ, I ; tha.1;., ~~:'~C~Wl. you ar~ appealing: i I ; ~ .' r··· . ~~ ~ :.... ."; • • .. P,'Itrr! II.':. . )~?fm~~~VE' ~V~f" ..' , . . . .;' . w. Wall.a -I·' ."" i!;' ~ AI?J?~~;r~:.:~~2HONE MichaelSout·b:,' 401 .!.,. ... ~; ". !,' .' .. J\J:~a ~fai~n, ;.Su~~t~:$ . NUl1BER: . Rep. Wa.l~la, :.jw:a,i; 9;9·362 509-529-8632 NOV- 9-95 PART IV. . THU 14:15 . !~. ~~.~~: i~ ·.vIQLA',t!tON Wha~.l:f~~¥~;~~~emRule(s) .. v.Lo~~ea?:· 10.10.110. 1010.110. . . . . O"''''ice WPEA P.03 ; ~~~'_",",,:d~~.;;.~·fps~>~,~!!!p!!!"!!EAIS~~ONIi~i!~~: ~.. - - - - - - or stat. ci~:~~?=vice Layes) do you believe were OR ' .' .. Exp~~n th~." particular circums~¢!!p,:<>~·~~! a+leged ·violation. .. '." ..... - . HOW'~ 'y~ aQversely affected.~by,'tq~ iJ~e9!ad Violation? . . .. :. . . :: : :':' . . " ~. ,~. ; ~ t'1hat :~4Y.:~.at:GYou request:ln~ ~il ~~ . 9~~~:. . . .... ~. " ".' If SQ~': ~ ~Q~? ,'. I. What .~:l'~ p;esent classificatton?,....'~"--:": .....,:..'~_-:-. . .' ,f ..• ~? ' .. ' . . . . :.;' _ To ~.9b :·cl.~s,;<30 you think yo~::po:si#icm:~ptJ14d·be allocated? , .. :. ,'. .' . -----~-------_- '. . ." . . '~. -~ .' ~ ." __-r....;."'1 ':. .. I" .: 51 DAmSI~ . ! ..... . '..•. ; •. ' '; '. 0t". 11- -qs- . .