Elderly (50 and Over) Admissions 2012-2013 FL DOC 2014
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Hom e | About Us | C ontact Us Florida Department of Corrections Michael D. C rews, Secretary Home Institutions C ommunity C orrections R ick Scott, Gove rnor Re-Entry Explore DC Offender Search Performance Dashboard 2012-2013 Agency Statistics Strategic Plan first | previous | next Inmate Admissions Elderly (50 or Older) Admissions Category Elderly Admissions FY 2012-13 3,613 100.0% 3,278 90.7% 335 9.3% White 2,073 57.4% Black 1,452 40.2% Other 88 2.4% 50-55 2,308 63.9% 56-60 798 22.1% 61-65 311 8.6% 66-70 126 3.5% 71-75 40 1.1% 76+ 30 0.8% Gender Male Female Race Age at Admission Prior DC Prison Commitments 0 1,365 38.5% 1 549 15.5% 2 401 11.3% 3 328 9.2% 4+ 903 25.5% Data Unavailable = 67 Note : Due to rounding, pe rce ntage s m ay not add up to 100%. Type of Offense Data Unavailable = 67 * O ne of the following conditions m ust occur for a crim e to be de fine d as viole nt unde r this de finition: actual physical harm or thre at of physical harm , or a re asonable probability e x iste d that individual crim inal acts could have re sulte d in uninte nde d physical harm or the thre at of physical harm . Elderly Inmate A dmissions Compared Over Five Fiscal Years Elderly (50 or older) A dmissions by Offense Type for FY 2012-13 Type of Offense Number Percent A verage Sentence Length in Years* A verage A ge at A dmission Murder, Manslaughter 116 3.3% 25 59.6 Sexual offenses 385 10.9% 14.8 59.1 Robbery 92 2.6% 12.8 54.5 Violent Personal offenses 508 14.3% 4.8 55.6 Burglary 413 11.6% 5.1 54.6 Theft/Forgery/Fraud 622 17.5% 2.9 55.2 Drug offenses 893 25.2% 3.5 55.3 Weapons 103 2.9% 2.9 55.2 Other 414 11.7% 2.8 55.3 Data Unavailable = 67 * Se nte nce le ngths of 50 ye ars or longe r, life , and de ath are code d as 50 ye ars for calculations of ave rage s. 2012-2013 Agency Statistics Information For… first | previous | next Publications Orgs & Offices How Do I… Resources Me dia Publications Page O ffice of the Se cre tary File a Grie vance Alle ging C ontact Us Inm ate /O ffe nde r Fam ilie s R e cidivism R e port Annual R e port O rganization O rganization C harts Se x ual Abuse Pay C ourt O rde re d Me dia R e le ase s O pe n Gove rnm e nt Victim s Annual Substance Abuse State wide Facility Paym e nts Stude nts Ve ndors R e ports Q uarte rly Escape s R e port Dire ctory Fre que ntly C alle d C all an Inm ate File a C om plaint O ffe nde rs Age ncy Strate gic Plan Num be rs Se nd an Inm ate Mone y Job Se e k e rs Volunte e rs Pe rim e te r C he ck Q uick Facts C itize ns' Se rvice s W rite to an Inm ate Visit an Inm ate Inm ate O rie ntation Handbook : English – Spanish About Us W ho Are W e ? Mission History of C orre ctions R e giste r for Victim Notification Subm it a Public R e cords R e que st Privacy Policy | Acce ssibility Inform ation Special Programs Be e k e e ping Program s Se cond C hance Farm Horse Program s Inm ate Dog Adoption Program s C orre ctions Foundation