Policy on Electronic Recording of Confessions and Witness Interviews, FBI, 2006
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TO: All Pidd R.. , 66P,HQ-1283f88-3, 3/23/2006 sr<l O~ticee Prom, OUice ot the General Couneel When deciding whether to ..xerci... this di.cr.. tion, SACe to consider the following fsctora: encourag~ 1) Whe~her the purpose of the interview 1a to gather evid..nce for proaecution, or intelligenc.. for analysi., or both; 2) If prosscution is snticipated, the type and .eriouBness of the cri , including, in p.o.rticular, whether th.. crine haa a mental ..le nt l.uch a. knowledge or intent to defraud), proof of which would be coneiderably aided by the defendant'. admis.ione in his own words; 3) Whether the defendant'B own worde and appearance (in video recording.) would h..lp rebut any doubt about the voluntarine•• of hie conf.. nion rlI.i ...d by hi" age, mentlll ntate. educstionlll level, or und.. retanding of the English IllngUag.. ; or is otherwiee ..xpected to be lln issue at trilll, such as to r ..but an inaanity d..f ..uee; Or may be of value to behavioral analysts; the A) Th.. sufficiency of oth..r availabl .. evidence to prove beyond II reasonabl .. doub~; c~~rge S} The prefer..nce of the United States Attorney'" Office and th.. Pederal District Court regaroing recorded =nfeallionll; 6) Local lawlI and practie~--particularly in task force inventigaeionll whorll etate proll..cution i . pollsible, 7) Whether interview" with othor subject" in the .."'" or relllted elise, have been el..ctronically recorded, a) Th" pot.. ntial to use the subj..ct a. a cooperating witn"lIs and t~~ vlllue of ulling hi. own word. to elicit hi. coop.. rlltion; . 9) Practiclli eQ~sid..ratiQns--.uch •• the expected length of tho interview; tho availability of rocording equipment and. transcription land, i f necenary, trsn"lation) service", and the ti .... and available "eou"ce. required to obtain the". If cost facto". prove prohibitive, consider Wheth.. r t~~ r ..questing U.s. ~ttorney's Office will agr..e to pay for the servic.... The.e faetora IIhould not b.. vi ..wed all a checklist and are not int..nded to limit th" SAC's di.c"tion. rt i. recogni.od, however, thllt establishing r.allonable etandards on the type ot calle., cri~~e, circ~~t..nces, and subjects for which recordinSi i. a deBirabl .. objective so all to .....intain internal fi ..ld offic.. consistency and to inform field agont. and supervisors when lind why to requellt recording . • 0,1,0000001530 To: Re: All I"idd OHicee Pro",: Offiee of the 66P-HQ-1183488_3, 3/13/1006 Gene~al Counsel Pield office standard. are to be encouraged for ar.cther very ilf.portant realJOn. The abeence of any atandard by which field office di.cretion in thi. matter i. exerciaed will render teatifying asenta VUlnerable to attack On croes-examination. If, on the other h~d, an agent can point to identifiable atandarda that provide a reaBonable explanation for why aome in~erviawe are recorded and othera are not, the implication that the agent chose not to record an interview to ~sk the involuntary nature of the defendant's admiaaions wl1,l be much harder to argue.' ThiIJ oftice i8 prepared to assist in the preparation of euch etandards if desired. Finally, in order to aaaiHt agent. who teetify to un..ecorded admiasionB, a,1. AXplanation of this policy and the reasOna behind it ahould be added to field office quarterly legal training. Oueatior~ may be directed to Assistant General Counsel Jung-Won Choi, at the O~~ice of the General Counael, InVestigative Law Unit, at 101-324-9615 . • Carrying thi_ poin~ further. i~ ~"ld h4 avon _a_ier '0 with_tand • ...,.. _ _ir.adon H a UUd poll"Y u to ""_n to ...cord fond wha" not to record we.e e_tebli_had a' PHI Bea~rt_r_ .b.~ p.roU~. DO fiel~ of rica or as"'ot di.oreUo". Yet, .~oll an a.wontasa would be rar off nt by tllo lo... cf nexibiUty .lIao Held cHico ~lI.C, ond ."POrvJ..oro "a.d to 1D&l<• • O\ltld inv. . . igoU". <ie<:hicno .uch a. tho choice or in •• rviowbg tooehni'l"u. , DAGD00001631 To: All Field Offices Re, 66F-HO-1283488-3, 3/23/2006 set Lead 1, Prom: Office of the ~neral CounBel (A~t1.. nl ALL RECEIYING OFFICES . DiB.e~inate to all personnel. The CDC of each field 'office should be the principal point of contact for this Be and should prQVide a briefing to tho agents in hi. or her'office consistent vith this Be . •• caproni 1 Mil. 1 Mr. Kelley Mll. Gulya. .y 14'1. Thomas 1 1 1 1 1 2 M". LIln:f!lllrt Mr. Larson ,Mr. Oloi ILU , rlAGrlrl0001632