Fbop Ner Quarterly Report 1995oct-dec(1and2)
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UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DATE: REPl..VTO ATTN OF: ) i / m~rhordhdum . .~',"7 1 David R. Essig, Regional egion· - .' "Federal Bureau of Prisons, 'hiladelphla, Pa. 19106 January 24, 1996 / ) cO~.-NOrt;.hea~t;. SUBJECT: Quarterly Report - October 1, 1995 through December 31, 1995 TO: Wallace H. Cheney, General Counsel and Assistant Director Federal Bureau of Prisons, Washington, D.C. 20534 Attached are the statistics requested for the quarterly 'report for the first quarter of FY 1996. I am also enclosing a diskette with a copy of this rep~rt. The following is a synopsis of the significant cases in litigation during the quarter: SIGNIFICANT DECISIONS, HEARINGS OR TRIALS 1. Malik v. Wilkerson, No. 94-1606 (3d Cir. October 20, 1995) In the above decision, ,the Third Circuit reversed a district court order granting a mandamus petition filed by In~ate Adbul-Jabbor Malik, 80768-054. The District Court had ordered expunction of thre'e DHO findings from June 1993, two for assault on staff, and one for threatening staff. The incidents occurred in May 1992 when Malik was a New York state inmate held at Fcr Otisville facing federal prosecution. On May 4 and 5, 1992, Malik received five separate incident reports. After UDC hearings, but before the DHO hearings, Malik was returned to state authorities on May 8, 1992. In absentia DHO hearings were not held. Malik completed his state sentence and was released to his federal sentence on May 27, 1993. On June 3, 1993, Malik was received at his designated institution, FCI McKean. After in person DHO hearings on June 10, 1993, Malik was found guilty of three of the infractions. The other two incident reports were expunged. In a February 28, 1994 decision, Judge Padova held that the failure to conduct the in absentia hearings (required by regulation), coupled with the failure to have a staff repre~entative from FCI Otisville (not required by regulation), and the delay in the hearing (caused by Malik's return to the state), impacted Malik's ability to defend himself at the DHO hearings. The district court ordered the three incident reports expunged. OPTIONAl.. FORM NO .• 0 tREV ,-e01 GSA F'PMR (4' CFR) .01.' 1.1 SOlo-114 2819 -2- On October 20, 1995, the Third Circuit reversed. In a Not for Publication decision, the Court of Appeals held that, under Sandin v. Conner, 115 S.Ct. 2293 (1995), there were no constitutional violations in this case. The mandate has been issued from the Third Circuit and we are returning the DHO findings to be reinstated in the inmate's file. 2. Deutsch v. United States, 67 F.3d 1080 (3d Cir. 1995). Inmate Melvin Deutsch, 97217-024, filed for in forma pauperis (IFP) status in conjunction with a Federal Tort Claims Act complaint in which he alleged that Bureau of Prisons staff took his pens worth $4.20. The Dist~ict Court granted IFP status, but dismissed the complaint as frivolous since it only sought a "trifle," and was not worth consideration by the court. Deutsch appealed. The Third Circuit affirmed. The Court of Appeals noted that IFP status results in the waiver of the filing fee of $120. The Court of Appeals noted that a reasonable paying litigant would not have paid the court costs to bring an action for $4.20. The Third Circuit was careful to note that the district court is required to assess each case on a case by case basis (i.e., don't automatically dismiss all FTCA complaints filed by persons seeking IFP status in which the damages sought are less than $120.). .....'\. I " 3. United States v. S .... , Crim. No. ------ (E.D.N.Y.) A ·se.ntenced inmate was sent to MCC New York on a writ of habeas corpus ad prosequendum. Intelligence reports show that there is an open contract on his life by the five organized crime families in New York. The Warden denied the inmate a meeting with his co-defendants because of fear for his safety. A motion was filed with the criminal trial judge to permit codefendant meetings. After a hearing on October 26, 1995, the trial judge ordered that the inmate be permitted to attend co-defendant meetings. The judge felt that such meetings were necessary for the inmate to prepare a defense at the ·trial. Dominique Raia represented the Bureau. The judge left the security a.rrangements to the MCC NY. SETTLEMENTS AND AWARDS 1. Worthington v. Bureau of Prisons, 'Civil No. 89-7048 (SDNY) This medical malpractice case was discussed in numerous prior quarterly reports. This FTCA case was brought by former inmate Robert Worthington, Register No. 12930-054, alleging improper treatment at FCI Otisville. Worthington was received / 2820 -3- at Fe! Otisville on January 8, 1987 with advanced glaucoma in his left eye.' He eventually lost the vision in his eye sometime between July 1987 (according to Worthington) and December 1987 (according to BOP medical records). He was seen by a contract optometrist (now retired) on two occasions in 1987 but Worthington was not referred to an ophthalmologist until December 1987. Exposure to United States was considerable. Case settled for $190,000. The United States is to pay $165,000; the contract optometrist is to pay $25,000. Enclosures \ ,/ 2821 NORTHEAST REGIONAL OFFICE LITIGATION QUARTERLY REPORT FROM 10/01/1995 TO 12/31/1995 LOC NOM HC FTC BIV OTH ANS PEN CLD 9 41 3 60 540 81 HIT SET AWD 3 1 0 MXR HER 81 28 SER NCR SCR WXR CO TOT NARRATIVE ANALYSIS DEFINITIONS: LOC - LOCATION NOM - NUMBER OF TOTAL LAWSUITS FILED IN QUARTER HC - NUMBER OF HABEAS CORPUS ACTIONS FILED FTC - NUMBER OF FTCA ACTIONS FILED BIV - NUMBER OF BIVENS ACTIONS FILED OTH - OTHER ACTIONS FILED ANS - NUMBER OF L~TIGATION REPORTS COMPLETED PEN - PENDING CLD - NUMBER OF ACTIONS CLOSED HIT - NUMBER OF HEARINGS OR TRIALS (INCLUDE INFO IN NARRATIVE) SET - NUMBER OF SETTLEMENTS (INCLUDE INFO IN NARRATIVE) AWD - NUMBER OF AWARDS (INCLUDE INFO IN NARRATIVE) GOvERNMENT ACTION AND DATE OF ACTION - (INCLUDE IN NARRATIVE) 2822 Tort Claims First Quarter - FY96 (October 01, 1995 - December 31, 1995) ,:Loc I I Nurn I PP I PI PPPI I Med WD I I Set I Amnt Pen I Den I I OD II I A/OI A/PI MXR 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 12 NER 207 171 28 5 0 2 22 4573 322 76 0 0 SER 1 1 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a NCR 1 1 0 0 0 a a a a a .0 a 1221 2°1 21/ SCR 1 1 a a a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 11 WXR 0 0 a a a 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 C.O. a 0 a 0 a 0 0 a a a 0 a 0 175 28 5 0 2 22 4573 322 76 ·0 **** 37 ~ 21i • Press any key to continue "'\ \ I " 2823 NORTHEAST REGIONAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES OUARTERLY REPORT FROM 10/01/1995 TO 12/31/1995 I IMXR NER 522 259 13 28 13 0 2 24 366 I 130 0 SER NCR SCR I I WXR TOT NARRATIVE ANALYSIS DEFINITIONS LOC NYH DBO SPH MED MH LE{l FD GBT DEN PEl! 00 _oLOCA~ION NUMBER OF TOTAL AD REMEDIES FI~ED NUMBER OF DHO REMEDIES FILED NUMBER OF SPECIAL HOUSING UNIT REMEDIES FoILED NUMBER OF MEDICAL REMEDIES FILED NUMBER OF MENTAL HEALTH REMEDIES FILED NUMBER OF LEGAL REMEDIES FILED NUMBER OF FOOD REMEDIES FILED TOTAL OF NUMBER OF REMEDIES GRANTED - TOTAL NUMBER OF REMEDIES DENIED - TOTAL NUMBER OF REMEDI~S PENDING TOTAL NUMBER OF REMEDIES OVERDUE - - - - 2824 January 24, 1996 David R. Essig, Regional Counsel, Northeast Region Federal Bureau of Prisons, Philadelphia, Pa. 19106 Quarterly Report - October 1, 1995 through December 31, 1995 Wallace H . Cheney, General Counsel and Assistant Director 20534 Federal Bureau of Prisons, Washington, D.C. Attached a re the statistics requested for the quarterly report for the first quarter of FY 19 96. I a m also enclosing a diskette with a copy of this report . The following is a synopsis of t he significant cases in litigation during the quarter: CASES OF INTEREST 1. Malik v. Wilkerson, No. 94-1606 (3d Cir. October 20, 1995) The Third Circuit reversed a di strict court order granting a mandamus petition filed by Inmate Adbul-Jabbor Malik, 80768054. The District Court had ordered expunction of three DHO findings from June 1993, two for assault on staff, and one for threatening staff. In a Not for Publication decision, the Court of Appeals held that, under Sandin v. Conner, 115 S.Ct. 2293 (1995), there were no constitutional violations in this case. 2. Deutsch v. United States, 67 F.3d 1080 (3d Cir. 1995). Inmate Deutsch filed for in forma pauperis (IFP) status in conjunction with a Federal Tort Claims Act complaint in which he alleged that Bureau of Prisons staff took his pens worth $4.20. The District Court granted IFP status, but dismissed the complaint as frivol ous since it only sought a "trifle" amount of damages, and was not worth consideration by the court. The Third Circuit affirmed. The Court of Appeals noted that a reasonable paying litigant would not have paid the court costs to bring an action for $4 . 20 and that the district court is required to assess each case on a case by case basis. SETTLEMENTS AND AWARDS 1. Worthington v. Bure au of Prisons, Civi l No. 89 - 7048 (SDNY) This FTCA case was brought by former inmate Robert Worthington, Register No. 12930-054, alleging improper medical treatment at Fcr Otisville. Worthington was received at Fcr Otisville on January 8, 1987 with advanced glaucoma in his left eye and eventually lost the vision in his eye. The case settled for $190,000 . The United States is to pay $165,000; the contract optometrist is to pay $25,000. Enclosures NORTHEAST REGIONAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES OUARTERLY REPORT FROM I LOC I MXR I I NER 10/01/1995 I NUM I DHO I SPH I MED I MH 259 522 13 28 0 TO 12/31/1995 I LEG I FD 13 2 I GRT I DEN I PEN I 00 24 366 SER I I I I I WXR I TOT NCR SCR I NARRATIVE ANALYSIS DEFINITIONS LOC NUM DHO SPH MED MH LEG FD GRT DEN PEN OD - LOCATION NUMBER OF TOTAL AD REMEDIES FILED NUMBER OF DHO REMEDIES FILED NUMBER OF SPECIAL HOUSING UNIT REMEDIES FILED NUMBER OF MEDICAL REMEDIES FILED NUMBER OF MENTAL HEALTH REMEDIES FILED NUMBER OF LEGAL REMEDIES FILED NUMBER OF FOOD REMEDIES FILED TOTAL OF NUMBER OF REMEDIES GRANTED TOTAL NUMBER OF REMEDIES DENIED TOTAL NUMBER OF REMEDIES PENDING TOTAL NUMBER OF REMEDIES OVERDUE 130 0 Tort Claims First Quarter - FY96 (October 01, 1 995 - December 31, 1995) Loc Num PP PI PPPI WD Med Set Arnnt Pen Den OD A/O A/ P MXR 1 1 a a a a a a a a a a 12 NER 207 171 28 5 a 2 22 4573 322 76 a a 122 SER 1 1 a a a a a a a a a a 20 NCR 1 1 a a a a a a a a a a 21 SCR 1 1 a a a a a a a a a a 11 WXR a a a a a a a 0 a a a a a C.O. a a a a a a a a a a a a a 175 28 5 a 2 22 4573 322 76 a **** 37 Sum 211 ~ Press any key to continue