Fbop Ser Quarterly Reports 1997jan-dec
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UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT memorandum DATE: June 4, 1997 REPLY TO AnN OF: SUBJECT: TO: Sherree L. Sturgis, Regional Counsel Bureau of Prisons , Southeast Region 523 MCDonOugh Blvd., S.E. Atlanta , GA 30315 Second Quarter Report FY 97 (1/1 /97 through 3131/97) Wallace cheney, General Counsel Bureau of Prisons, Central Office 320 First street, NW. washington, D.C. 20534 ATTN: Nancy P. Redding, Executive Assistant The following information is provided for the second quarter (Jan ., Feb., Mar.l1997. Litigation NUMBER OF ACTIONS FILED HABEAS CORPUS ACTIONS FTCA ACTIONS BIVENS ACTIONS OTHER (Mandamus, etc) NUMBER OF LITIGATION REPORTS NUMBER PENDING NUMBER CLOSED NUMBER OF HEARINGSITRIALS NUMBER OF SETILEMENTS AMOUNT OF AWARD NUMBER OF CRIMINAL REFERRALS 67 31 7 16 12 60 722 44 7 7 5 7.00 7 Significant Case Activity Civil Matters Federal Tort Claims Act/Employee Claims NUMBER FILED PERSONAL PROPERTY PERSONAL INJURY MEDICAL WRONGFUL DEATH PERSONAL INJURY AND PERSONAL PROPERTY NUMBER PAID AMOUNT PAID NUMBER DENIED NUMBER PENDING NUMBER OVERDUE AVERAGE PROCESSING TIME 115 97 15 o o 2 28 53363.00 119 98 07 43 -2- FOIIPA 87 71 17 17 2 NUMBER RECEIVED NUMBER CLOSED NUMBER PENDING TOTAL NUMBER OVERDUE NUMBER OVERDUE 30 DAYS NUMBER OF CIVIL ACTIONS ? ouarterly comparison TORT CLAIMS/EMPLOYEE CLAIMS SER NUM PROP PI APPR AMT DEN PEND aD Ala AlP 1ST OTR 159 32 22 44 3287 91 169 20 35 79 2ND OTR 115 97 15 28 3363 119 98 7 104 43 3RD OTR 4TH OTR LlTICATION SER NUM HC FTC SIV OTH ANS PEN CLD 1ST OTR 36 11 5 10 10 36 699 37 2ND OTR 67 31 7 16 12 60 722 44 3RD OTR 4TH OTR FOI/PA SER NUM PROC PEND OD AlOD AlP CA 1ST OTR 86 123 01 01 02 30 ? 2ND OTR 87 71 17 17 02 30 ? 3RD OTR 4TH OTR H/T SET AWD UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT memorandum DATE: October 3,1997 REPLY TO ATTN OF: SUBJECT: TO: Sherree L. sturgis, Regional Counsel Bureau of prisons, Southeast Region 523 MCDonough Blvd., S.E. Atlanta, GA 30315 Third Quarter Report FY 97 (4/1/97 - 6130/97) Wallace cheney, General Counsel Bureau of prisons, Central Office 320 First street, N.W. washington, D.C. 20534 ATTN: Nancy P. Redding, Executive Assistant The following information is provided for the third Quarter (APR, MAY, JUN) 1997. Litigation NUMBER OF ACTIONS FILED HABEAS CORPUS ACTIONS FTCA ACTIONS BIVENS ACTIONS OTHER (Mandamus, etc) NUMBER OF LITIGATION REPORTS NUMBER PENDING NUMBER CLOSED NUMBER OF HEARINGS/TRIALS NUMBER OF SETILEMENTS AMOUNT OF AWARD NUMBER OF CRIMINAL REFERRALS 43 23 4 10 6 30 726 39 ? ? S ?OO ? Significant Case Activity Civil Matters ROMERO, et ale v UNITED STATES; 95~10151MMP - ~O?7HERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA - this is a voluminous case involving approximately seventeen (17) inmates who allegedly sustained serious injuries due to a B~~eau 0: Prisons bus accident in April, 1993. The case is moving forward with an anticipated trial date of sometime in October, 1997. We are working on strategies to minimize the damages the plaintiffs win at trial. DAVID GREENBERG v. DENNIS JOHNSON, et al Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: 93-30639/RV; Type of Case: Personal Liability; Damages Req: $2,000,000 Subj ect: MEDICAL TREATMENT, WORK Institution: FPC, EGLIN Facts Alleged: Inmate in 1994 alleges he was ordered to discontinue his cardiovascular exercises and ordered to wear boots in violation of doctors orders. He was prohibited from work in Food Service. These restrictions prevented him from participation in his Jewish religion. Significant Activity: 06-10-97 Order adopts magistrate's report, grants summary judgement, dismisses action. 05-08-1997 Magistrate's report finds the inmate failed to allege facts sufficient to constitution cruel and unusual punishment. The inmate also failed to show that the denial of kosher foods for two weeks substantially burdened the exercise of his religion". Nor did an order to remove trash from tables on the Sabbath on one occasion constitute a substantial burden. DONACIANO CANATE TEJEDOR, at al v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Court: DISTRICT OF PUERTO RICO Docket No.: 96-2655(SEC)i Type of Case: FTCAi Damages Req: $18,000 Subject: PROPERTY Institution: MOC, GUAYNABO Facts Alleged: Plainti~fs contend that during :n.processing, two gold Rolex Presidential wrist ~d:~hes were taken from them, and that they were not ~a::ej :c their family home in Columbia as they were tc:~: : :--..:-:.,' would be. Significant Activity: 06-24-97 Order dismisses ~dse because it falls within FTCA exception for p~:r0~~!' detained by law enforcement officials. Criminal Referrals DEFENDANTS: Anthony Battle #11451-056 Institution Tracking No. ATL-94-4170 Name of Case: u.s. v. Battle Court: FGAN Docket No.: 1:95-CR-528 Institution: ATL Date of Offense: 12/21/94 Description: Inmate charged with homicide Officer D'Antonio Washington. Special Monitoring: Assigned due to death of staff member. Status of Referral: Accepted. Update: Motion For New trial and Sentencing Hearing and Correction Or Reductiop of Sentence filed on April 3, 1997 Assigned to: AUSA: Bill McKinnon, Jan Jenkins, FBI: Tyrone Smith, USP: Terry Collins, Angie Wiesman DEFENDANTS: Johnnie Carter, Thomas Stevens Institution Tracking No.: ATL-96-0273 Name of Case: u.S. v. Carter et al., Court: FGAN (Judge Tidwell) Docket No.: 1:97-CR-257 Institution: ATL 'Date of Offense: 11/96 Description; Staff involved in introducing bringing drugs into institution. Special Monitoring: Yes, defendants are ATL staff. Status of Referral: Accepted. Update: Carter and Stevens were indicted on 6/10/97 on Traffic in Contraband Articles, and Conspiracy to Distribute a controlled substance. Arraignment held on 6/18/97. Pleas of Not Guilty entered. DEFENDANTS: Desmond Lawrence #83529-022 Institution Tracking No.: ATL-96-0243 Name of Case: u.S. v. Lawrence Court: FGAN Docket No. 1:96-CR-424 Institution: ATL Date of Offense: 9/12/96 Description: Inmate assaulted Judi Parks, Robert Willis and Melvin Adams. Special Monitoring: Not assigned. Status of Referral: Accepted. Update: Status hearing held on May 7, 1997. P~etrial status set for May 29, 1997. AUSA has requestej :hat no further action be taken in disciplinary process. Assigned to: AUSA: Katherine Monahan FBI: Tyrone Smith USP: Terry Collins Federal Tort Claims Act/Employee Claims 127 99 26 0 1 NUMBER FILED PERSONAL PROPERTY PERSONAL INJURY MEDICAL WRONGFUL DEATH PERSONAL INJURY AND PERSONAL PROPERTY NUMBER PAID AMOUNT PAID NUMBER DENIED NUMBER PENDING NUMBER OVERDUE AVERAGE PROCESSING TIME 1 22 $3981.00 82 87 0 20 FOI/PA 87 71 17 17 2 1 NUMBER RECEIVED NUMBER CLOSED NUMBER PENDING TOTAL NUMBER OVERDUE NUMBER OVERDUE 30 DAYS NUMBER OF CIVIL ACTIONS Ouarterly comparison TORT CLAIMS/EMPLOYEE CLAIMS SER NUM PROP PI APPR AMT DEN PEND OD AlO AlP 1ST OTR 159 32 22 44 3287 91 169 20 35 79 2ND OTR 115 97 15 28 3363 119 98 7 104 43 3RD OTR 127 99 26 22 3081 82 87 0 20 4TH OTR LlTICATION SER NUM HC FTC BIV OTH ANS PEN CLD 1ST OTR 36 11 5 10 10 36 699 37 2ND OTR 67 31 7 16 12 60 722 44 3RD OTR 43 23 4 10 6 30 726 39 4TH OTR H/T SET AWD UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT memorandum DATE: October 3,1997 REPLY TO AnN OF: SUBJECT: TO: Sherree L. sturgis, Regional Counsel Bureau of prisons, southeast Region 523 McDonough Blvd., S.E. Atlanta, GA 30315 Third Quarter Report FY 97 wallace cheney, General Counsel Bureau of prisons, Central Office 320 First street, N.W. washington, D.C. 20534 ATTN: Nancy P. Redding, Executive Assistant The following information is provided for the third Quarter (APR, MAY, JUN) 1997. Litigation NUMBER OF ACTIONS FILED HABEAS CORPUS ACTIONS FTCA ACTIONS BIVENS ACTIONS OTHER (Mandamus, etc) NUMBER OF LITIGATION REPORTS NUMBER PENDING NUMBER CLOSED NUMBER OF HEARINGSITRIALS NUMBER OF SETTLEMENTS AMOUNT OF AWARD NUMBER OF CRIMINAL REFERRALS 43 23 4 10 6 30 726 39 ? ? S ?OO ? significant Case Activity Civil Matters ROMERO, et al. v UNITED STATES; 95-10151MMP - NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA - this is a voluminous case involving approximately seventeen (17) inmates who allegedly sustained serious injuries due to a Bureau of Prisons bus accident in April, 1993. The case is moving forward with an anticipated trial date of sometime in October, 1997. We are working on strategies to minimize the damages the plaintiffs win at trial. DAVID GREENBERG v. DENNIS JOHNSON, et al Court: NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Docket No.: 93-30639/RV; Type of Case: Personal Liability; Damages Req: $2,000,000 Subj ect: MEDICAL TREATMENT, WORK Institution: FPC, EGLIN Facts Alleged: Inmate in 1994 alleges he was ordered to discontinue his cardiovascular exercises and ordered to wear boots in violation of doctors orders. He was prohibited from work in Food Servic~. These restrictions prevented him from participation in his Jewish religion. Significant Activity: 06-10-97 Order adopts magistrate's report, grants summary judgement, dismisses action. 05-08-1997 Magistrate's report finds the inmate failed to allege facts sufficient to constitution cruel and unusual punishment. The inmate also failed to show that the denial of kosher foods for two weeks substantially burdened the exercise of his religion. Nor did an order to remove trash from tables on the Sabbath on one occasion constitute a subs:Q~tial burden. DONACIANO CANATE TEJEDOR, et al v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Court: DISTRICT OF PUERTO RICO Docket No.: 96-2655 (SEC); Type of Case: FTCA; :,j.7:.J .ies Req: $18,000 Subject: PROPERTY Institution: MOC, GUAYNABO Facts Alleged: Plaintiffs contend that during in-processing, two gold Rolex Presidential wr:s· watches were taken from them, and that they we~e mailed to their family home in Columbia as the\' ',,'.: e told they would be. Signifi can t Acti vi ty: 06-24 - 97 Order di smi sses ::: ,_ .. because it falls within FTCA exception for property detained by law enforcement officials. Criminal Referrals DEFENDANTS: Anthony Battle #11451-056 Institution Tracking No. ATL-94-4170 Name of Case: U.S. v. Battle Court: FGAN Docket No.: 1:95-CR-528 Institution: ATL Date of Offense: 12/21/94 Description: Inmate charged with homicide Officer D'Antonio Washington. Special Monitoring: Assigned due to death of staff member. Status of Referral: Accepted. Update: Motion For New trial and Sentencing Hearing and Correction Or Reduction of Sentence filed on April 3, 1997 Assigned to: AUSA: Bill McKinnon, Jan Jenkins, FBI: Tyrone Smith, USP: Terry Collins, Angie Wiesman DEFENDANTS: Johnnie Carter, Thomas Stevens Institution Tracking No.: ATL-96-0273 Name of Case: U.S. v. Carter et al., Court: FGAN (Judge Tidwell) Docket No.: 1:97-CR-257 Institution: ATL Date of Offense: 11/96 Description: Staff involved in introducing bringing drugs into institution. Special Monitoring: Yes, defendants are ATL staff. Status of Referral: Accepted. Update: Carter and Stevens were indicted on 6/:0 1 97 on Traffic in Contraband Articles, and Conspiracy:: Distribute a controlled substance. Arraignment held on 6/18/9~. Pleas of Not Guilty entered. DEFENDANTS: Desmond Lawrence #83529-022 Institution Tracking No.: ATL-96-0243 Name of Case: U.S. v. Lawrence Court: FGAN Docket No. 1:96-CR-424 Institution: ATL Date of Offense: 9/12/96 Description: Inmate assaulted Judi Parks, Robert Willis and Melvin Adams. Special Monitoring: Not assigned. Status of Referral: Accepted. Update: Status hearing held on May 7, 1997. Pretrial status set for May 29, 1997. AUSA has requested that no further action be taken in disciplinary process. Assigned to: AUSA: Katherine Monahan FBI: Tyrone Smith USP: Terry Collins Federal Tort Claims Act/Employee Claims NUMBER FilED 127 99 PERSONAL PROPERTY 26 PERSONAL INJURY o MEDICAL 1 WRONGFUL DEATH PERSONAL INJURY AND 1 PERSONAL PROPERTY 22 NUMBER PAID $3081.00 AMOUNT PAID 82 NUMBER DENIED 87 NUMBER PENDING o NUMBER OVERDUE 20 AVERAGE PROCESSING TIME FOI/PA 87 71 17 17 2 1 NUMBER RECEIVED NUMBER CLOSED NUMBER PENDING TOTAL NUMBER OVERDUE NUMBER OVERDUE 30 DAYS NUMBER OF CIVil ACTIONS ouarterly comparison TORT CLAIMS/EMPLOYEE CLAIMS SER 1ST OTR 2ND OTR 3RD OTR 4TH OTR NUM 159 115 127 PROP 32 97 99 PI 22 15 26 APPR 44 28 22 AMT 3287 3363 3081 DEN 91 119 82 PEND 169 98 87 OD 20 7 0 AlO 35 104 --_. AlP I 79 43 20 ! L1TICATION I SER I NUM I HC I FTC I BIV 10TH I ANS I PEN I ClD I HIT I SET I AWO , I 1ST OTR 2ND OTR 3RD OTR 4TH OTR 11 31 23 36 67 43 5 7 4 10 16 10 10 12 6 36 60 30 699 722 726 37 44 39 FOI/PA SER 1ST OTR 2ND OTR 3RD OTR 4TH OTR NUM 86 87 61 87 PROC 123 71 69 83 PEND 01 17 02 04 OD 01 17 02 04 AlOD 02 02 02 02 AlP 30 30 30 ~O CA ? ? 1 ? other Activities Miscellaneous Activities Travel: Sherree Sturgis - April 7 -11; New York City, New York to participate in Legal Management review at MCC New York. Cost 51,376.12 Sherree sturgis - May 12 -15; Staff Assistance at MDC, Guaynabo, Puerto, Rico.. Cost 51,155.32. Sherree Sturgis - May 1 - 2; Staff Assistance at MCC, Miami, Florida. Cost 5464.92. Sherree Sturgis - June 29 - July 3; EEO Trial in Jesup, Georgia. Cost 5490.00. Van Vandivier - May 19 - 23; Training, washington, D.C., Tort Claim course for Counsel. Cost 5951.51. Earl Cotton - April 27 - May 9; Glynco, Georgia to attend trial of Cohen v. United States. Cost 5488.97. Mildred Perryman - April 27 - May 9; to Denver, Colorado to attend paralegal training. Cost 51,366.47. Marty Parker - APril 27 - May 9; to Denver, Colorado to attenf paralegal training. Cost 51,313.95. Personnel Moves Ajay Gohil - selected as the summer intern for the Southeast Regional Counsel's Office. Starting date: June 23,1997. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT memorandum DATE: October 21,1997 REPLY TO ATTN OF: SUBJECT: TO: Sherree L. sturgis, Regional Counsel Bureau of prisons, Southeast Region 523 MCDonough Blvd., S.E. Atlanta, GA 30315 Fourth Quarter Report FY 97 Wallace Cheney, General Counsel Bureau of prisons, central Office 320 First street, N. W. washington, D.C. 20534 ATTN: Nancy P. Redding, EXecutive Assistant The following information Is provided for the fourth Quarter UU L, AUG, SEP) 1997. Lltlaatlon NUMBER OF ACTIONS FILED HABEAS CORPUS ACTIONS FTCA ACTIONS BIVENS ACTIONS OTHER (Mandamus, etc) . NUMBER OF LITIGATION REPORTS NUMBER PENDING NUMBER CLOSED NUMBER OF HEARINGSITRIALS NUMBER OF SETTLEMENTS AMOUNT OF AWARD NUMBER OF CRIMINAL REFERRALS 46 29 5 8 4 43 726 39 o 1 $ 2,500.00 24 SER 1ST CTR NUM 159 PROP 32 PI APPR AMT DEN PEND 00 AlO AlP 22 44 3287 91 169 20 35 79 2NDCTR 3RD CTR 4TH CTR 115 127 122 97 99 102 15 26 20 28 22 13 3363 119 7 104 43 3081 2855 82 49 98 87 0 - 20 108 2 - 23 LITIGATION SER 1ST CTR 2ND CTR 3RO CTR 4TH CTR NUM 36 67 43 46 HC 11 31 23 29 FTC 5 7 4 5 BIV 10 16 10 8 OTH 10 12 6 4 ANS 36 60 30 43 PEN 699 722 726 CLD 37 44 39 HIT SET AWD 0 1 2,501.00 FOI/PA SER 1ST CTR 2ND CTR 3RD CTR 4TH CTR NUM 86 87 61 87 PROC 123 71 69 83 PEND 01 17 02 06 00 01 17 02 04 AlOO 02 02 02 02 AlP 30 30 30 30 CA ? ? 1 ? other Activities Miscellaneous Activities Travel: Sherree Sturgis -August 2 - 3; Tallahasse, Florida to discuss MIA bus accident case with AUSA and plaintiffs' attorney. CQst 5494.12. Van Vandivier - August 2 - 3; Tallahasse, Florida to discuss MIA bus accident case with AUSA and plalnttlffs' attorney. cost 5558.00. . Van Vandivier - August 6; Denver, Colorado; Resource staff for DHO Training .. Cost $1066.S0. Earl cotton - september 12 - 27; Alexandria, virginia to attend Leadership Forum Training course. Cost $1526.33. Personnel Moves Djuana Ashford • selected as the secretary for correctional Services in the SERO. Starting date: september 12,1997. patriCia DeJuneas· Honors Attorney starting date S/3/97. Jennifer Merkel- Honors Attorney starting date S/31/97. cc: Regional Director UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT memorandum DATE: October 21, 1997 REPLY TO ATTN OF: SUBJECT: TO: Sherree L. sturgis, Regional Counsel Bureau of prisons, Southeast Region 523 MCDonough Blvd., S.E. Atlanta, GA 30315 Fourth Quarter Report FY 97 (7/1/97 - 9130/97) Wallace cheney, General Counsel Bureau of prisons, Central Office 320 Fi rst street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20534 ATTN: Nancy P. Redding, Executive Assistant The following information is provided for the fourth Quarter UUL, AUG, SEP) 1997. Litigation NUMBER OF ACTIONS FILED HABEAS CORPUS ACTIONS FTCA ACTIONS BIVENS ACTIONS OTHER (Mandamus, etc) NUMBER OF LITIGATION REPORTS NUMBER PENDING NUMBER CLOSED NUMBER OF HEARINGSrrRIALS NUMBER OF SETTLEMENTS AMOUNT OF AWARD NUMBER OF CRIMINAL REFERRALS 46 29 5 8 4 43 726 39 o 1 S 2,500.00 24 significant Case Activity Civil Matters Criminal Referrals Federal Tort Claims Act/Employee Claims NUMBER FILED PERSONAL PROPERTY PERSONAL INJURY MEDICAL WRONGFUL DEATH PERSONAL INJURY AND PERSONAL PROPERTY NUMBER PAID AMOUNT PAID NUMBER DENIED NUMBER PENDING NUMBER OVERDUE AVERAGE PROCESSING TIME 122 102 20 o o o 13 $2855.00 49 108 2 23 FOI/PA 87 83 NUMBER RECEIVED NUMBER CLOSED NUMBER PENDING TOTAL NUMBER OVERDUE NUMBER OVERDUE 30 DAYS NUMBER OF CIVIL ACTIONS 6 04 01 o ouarterly Comparison TORT CLAIMS/EMPLOYEE CLAIMS SER NUM PROP PI APPR AMT DEN PEND OD AlO AlP 1ST OTR 159 32 22 44 3287 91 169 20 35 79 2ND OTR 115 97 15 28 3363 119 98 7 104 43 3RD OTR 127 99 26 22 3081 82 87 o 20 4TH OTR 122 102 20 13 2855 49 108 2 23 LITIGATION SER NUM HC FTC IIV OTH ANS PEN CLD 1ST OTR 36 11 5 10 10 36 699 37 2ND OTR 67 31 7 16 12 60 722 44 3RD OTR 43 23 4 10 6 30 726 39 4TH OTR 46 29 5 8 4 43 HIT SET AWD o 1 2,501.00 FOI/PA SER NUM PROC PEND OD AlOD AlP CA 1ST OTR 86 123 01 01 02 30 ? 2ND OTR 87 71 17 17 02 30 ? 3RD OTR 61 69 02 02 02 30 1 4TH OTR 87 83 06 04 02 30 ? Other Activities Miscellaneous Activities Travel: Sherree sturgis -August 2 - 3; Tallahasse, Florida to discuss MIA bus accident case with AUSA and plaintiffs' attorney. Cost $494.12. Van vandivier - August 2 - 3; Tallahasse, Florida to discuss MIA bus accident case with AUSA and plainttlffs' attorney. Cost $558.00. Van Vandivier - August 6; Denver, Colorado; Resource staff for DHO Training. Cost $1066.80. Earl Cotton - september 12 - 27; Alexandria, vIrginia to attend Leadership Forum Training course. Cost $1526.33. personnel Moves Djuana Ashford - selected as the secretary for Correctional Services in the SERO. starting date: september 12, 1997. patricia DeJuneas - Honors Attorney starting date 8/3/97. Jennifer Merkel - Honors Attorney starting date 8/31/97. cc: Regional Director UNITED STATES GOVERMviENT ( memorandum DATE: February 24, 1998 REPLY TO . AnN OF: Sherree L. Sturgis, Regional Counsel Bureau of Prisons, Southeast Region 523 McDonough Blvd., S.E. Atlanta, GA 30315 SUBJECT: TO: First Quarter Report FY 98 Wallace Cheney, General Counsel Bureau of Prisons, Central Office 320 First Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20534 ATTN: Nancy P. Redding, Executive Assistant ,," ( /119 7 The following information is provided for the first quarter (OCT, NOV, DEC) FY 1998. Litigation NUMBER OF ACTIONS FILED HABEAS CORPUS ACTIONS FTCA ACTIONS. BIVENS ACTIONS OTHER (Mandamus, etc) NUMBER OF LITIGATION REPORTS NUMBER PENDING NUMBER CLOSED NUMBER OF HEARINGSffRIALS NUMBER OF SETTLEMENTS AMOUNT OF AWARD NUMBER OF CRIMINAL REFERRALS 54 31 5 13 5 46 @726 ? ? ? ? ? 2563 SERO 1st Quarterly Report 1998 ( P age2 . Significant Case Activity Civil Matten Manuel Romero. et ai, v. U.S.,1 :95cvI51-MP (N.D.Fla.)("The Bus Case") A mediation meeting was held in Tallahassee on November 20, 1997, with plaintiffs' counsel, the AUSA, BOP counsel and a retained mediator. Agreement was reached as to proposed settlement figures for seven of the seventeen claims. Since then, plaintiffs' counsel have proved unresponsive and have failed to return any signed payment vouchers to date. They did advise the A USA that one of the plaintiffs declined the proposed settlement. In the second mediation on January 21, 1998 we arrived at proposed settlements for all plaintiffs. A settlement memorandum is pending in your office since January 26. Jose Fernandez-Figueroa v. Franco. et al., Case No. 95-1791) (DRD)(D. Puerto Rico) . (Appeal No. 97-2081)(lst Cir.) The solicitor general declined to authorize DOJ appeal of this case. One of the defendants against whom the $1.00 judgment was entered has requested that DOJ pay for private counsel to pursue the appeal. We have recommended this and a decision is pending. The Rule 60 Motion for Relief from Judgment is still before the district court. Teddy Leon Ayala v. United States of America, 97-2554 (RLA). Habeas Corpus Petition filed pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2241. Petitioner claims that denial of his placement in Hogar Crea . (Halfway House) was not warranted and that he should be transferred immediately. The Unit Team had explained to petitioner that the Director of the Hogar Crea Halfway House had informed his Case Manager of several calls threatening his life and that of his co-defendant. As a result, the Community Programs Manager (CPM) in Miami, Florida canceled halfway house placement until further notice. Rosado-Rosario. Jaime v. Garcia. 97-049 (JAF); 96-023 (PG). Habeas Corpus Petition requesting that petitioner be released from highly restrictive confinement (administrative detention). Petitioner (who at the time was potentially a death penalty case) claimed that his due process rights under the Fifth Amendment had been violated and that he was subjected to cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment. Petitioner claimed that he had no meaningful access to his attorneys as a result of his placement in AD. On December 18. 1997, the court entered an Opinion and Order deferring to the judgment of the prison officials in regards to his placement in AD, however, ordering the Bureau to grant access to counsel equal to that of inmates held in general population. 2564 (. SERO 1st Quarterly Report 1998 Page 3 ". Criminal Referrals , DEFENDANT(S): ELLIOT, Ronald, Reg. No. 03238-018 Institution: FCC Coleman -Medium Date of Offense: 7/29/97 Type of Case: Criminal Prosecution Description: On July 29, 1997, the FBI contacted SIS staff and indicated that they had received word through one of their confidential informants that inmate Elliot may be planning an escape by landing an aircraft on the FCC Coleman -Medium compound. According to SIS, inmate Elliot had previously been involved in planning a helicopter escape at TAL. Special Monitoring: Not assigned to special monitoring Status of Referral: Referred on 7/29/97. FBI investigation pending. Update: FBI investigation continues. No new information since 11197 report. Assigned to: AUSA: N/A DEFENDANT(S): Bridgette Bradford, Reg. No. 86495-012 MonthlYear: November 7, 1997 Institution: MDC Guaynabo Staff Reporting: SIA Efrain Rivera Date of Offense: November 7, 1997 Description: On November 7, 1997, as a staff member (Warden Garcia) was making his rounds in the holding cell block in Unit 3C, a Correctional Officer opened the door in the cell block and inmate Bradford quickly pursued the Warden and struck him with an object that was inside a sock. She struck staff three times before being restrained by the Officer. Status of Referral: Pending. DEFENDANTS(S): Anthony Battle #11451-056 Institution Tracking No.: ATL-94-4170 Name of Case: U.S. v. Battle Court: FGAN Docket No.: 1:95-CR-528 Institution: A Tt Date of Offense: 12/21/94 Type of Case: Criminal Prosecution Description: Inmate murdered Officer D'Antonio Washington. Special Monitoring: Assigned due to death of staff member. Status of Referral: Accepted. Update: Motion For New trial denied on September 11, 1997. . Assigned to AUSA: Bill McKinnon ( 2565 ( SERO 1st Quarterly Report 1998 Page 4 " DEFENDANTS(S): Steven Beamer Institution Tracking No.: None Name of Case: U. S. v. Beamer Court: FGAN Docket No.: 1:97-CR-342 Institution: ATL Date of Offense: From 5/30/96 to 10/16/96 and 10/16/96. Type of Case: Criminal Prosecution Description: Mr. Beamer is charged with 2 counts o~ -Causing a person to engage in a sexual act by using force & threats. Special Monitoring: Yes; case made local news for two days. Status of Referral: Accepted. Update: Defendant was arraigned on 1/29/97. Assigned to AUSA: Janice Jenkins Federal Tort Claims ActlEmployee Claims NUMBER FILED PERSONAL PROPERTY PERSONAL INJURY . MEDICAL WRONGFUL DEATH PERSONAL INJURY AND PERSONAL PROPERTY NUMBER PAID AMOUNT PAID NUMBER DENIED NUMBER PENDING NUMBER OVERDUE AVERAGE PROCESSING TIME . 128 104 24 o o o 15 $1,703.00 58 120 3 27 FOIIPA NUMBER RECEIVED NUMBER CLOSED NUMBER PENDING TOTAL NUMBER OVERDUE NUMBER OVERDUE 30 DAYS NUMBER OF CIVIL ACTIONS 66 44 22 03 01 0 2566 SERO 1st Quarterly Report 1998 ( Page 5 Quarterly Comparison TORT CLAIMSIEMPLOYEE CLAIMS SER NUM PROP PI APPR AMT DEN PEND OD AlO AlP 1ST OTR 128 . 104 15 120 27 24 1703 58 3 98 2ND OTR 3RDOTR 4TH OTR LITIGATION (~ SER NU M H C FT C BI V OT H ANS PEN CL D HI T SE T AWD 1ST QTR 54 31 5 13 5 46 ? ? ? ? ? 2ND QTR 3RD QTR 4TH QTR ( 2567 (. SERO 1st Quarterly Report 1998 Page 6 FOIIPA SER NU M PRO C PEN D OD 1ST QTR 66 110 22 3 AlO D AlP CA 27 0 2ND QTR 3RD QTR 4TH QTR Other Activities Miscellaneous Activities " 10-201-16-98 Law School Intern Rodd Walton's last day (Graduates 2-6) 2-3 Sturgis out for Jury Duty 2-17 to 2-20 SERO Annual Refresher Training 5-1-98 Anticipated date for move to commercial office space Personnel Moves Departures: Jennifer Merkle, from SERO to USP ATL (10112/97) New Staff: Ann Witherspoon, Secretary, SERO (12/7/97) Sturgis 10-20 to 10-23-97 New Attorney Training/OGC Meeting 10-24 to 11-6-97 l\nnua\ Leave 11-21-97 Mediation, MIA Bus Accident Case, Tallahassee 4-14 to 4-17 Substitute for Dave Essig at GL Y 2568 SERO 1st Quarterly Report 1998 Page 7 ( Vandivier 11-21-97 Mediation, MIA Bus Accident Case, Tallahassee 12-1 to 12-10-97 DHO training, MSTC Gooden 1-19-98 to 1-22-98 DC for FOIIPA course at LEI Dejuneas 10-20 to 10-24-97 New Attorney Training 11-3 to 11-21 GLYNCO Parker & Perryman 12-1 to 12-13 Paralegal Training MSTC ( .. " I\ I. 2569