Fbop Wxr Quarterly Report Litigation 1996oct-dec
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QUP!rBR RBPORT ., LITIGATION - Oct - Dec J I LOC I "1+ ~" '-~ Q.. Sa.. ~ (:! <' ..J m ~- NUM He FTC BIV OTH ANS PEN CLD 1996 , HIT AND SET AWD/SET I MXR $ I NCR $ i tIER $ seR ..... o (_ l\" z: ~ ""- $ SER $ "- t'lXR "-;- ~ <:t ~ ~ 0~ ~~ ~ ....::::. 61 40 8 5 1 17 0 0 0 $ 0 $ TOT $ DEFItlITIONS l'- LOC - Location ()- tlUH - Total Itumber of 'LawBuits F lled in Quarte[' r \..\_. He FTC BIV OTH ~\ 11 co u:.~ ...... 344 - Number of Habeas Corpus Actions PIled in Quarter Number of FTC" Actions Plled in Quarter tltJrnbe[' of Bivens Actions Filed in Quarter other A~tlons Filed in Quarter ~NS Number of Litigation Reports Completed PEN - tlumber of Actions Pending CLD - Number of Actions Closed HIT - tlumber of Hearings or Trials (Na['rative Analysis Follows) ~WD - Humber of Awards (Narrative Analysis Follows) SET - Number of Settlementa (Narrative Analysis Follows) AWD/SET - l\mount. of settlements and J\wards LITIGATION ANALYSIS E 0... The-re were DO matters requiring narrati.ve analysis this quuter (T) ..-1 ..-1 14:\SIIAREOOC\UTBR\OJRRPTS\8LUkGRJO ~~===------~(T) N Ct:: 0... a: RPR.23.1997 P.4/4 NO. 807 1:13PM BBta. aD aVGG••aD !'ABLII8· PO. U1'O.~%.CI azQtrB8DD DATA FOR QPPle! OP GZDDL CaUJIIBL. AJiPRaJlJlIl.ftI BUDIf%n AHAL!SIS WILL BE IlfCLU'DBD. 'l'OR'l CLalK8 I- 1st Quarter FY-1997 October 1, 1996 - December 31. 1996 Lee NmI PROP PI APPR AM'!' WXR 133 97 28 15 3278 _.. DEN PEND 170 140 PPPI o :r 5 ", IDe - tDcuma . . . - _ _ nt.8D Dr gUUfta nap - RGIJIBIl' rPm ~% ,I •. S .... aal «:am Al'•• • D • •' . aa - ftIIUt _aft &ft&Jtau !)- - DDi. nJID - •••UIR aD - . . . . . . G9DDD Ala - Aft". .".... 'AI" - . . . . . . I.' :a a. a~ !:lUI na WID - Wrongful Deat:h MED - PDf & WIlM & PPPIM & PPWDM PPPI - Both Proper~y oftUln 2'a nac:JI.8 _ and Personal Injury - • - OD A/O AlP 10 26 85 ..