GEO Contract - Graceville Correctional Facility, FDOC, 2009
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_.•-._ ......... _-- ",,- " DEPARTMENT 'liP MANAGEMENT erVICeS Governor Charlie Crist Division of Specianzed Services 4050 Esplanade Way, Suite 335 Tallahassee. Florida 32399-0950 Tel: 850.488-4290 Fax: 850.922-6194 Secr-etary Linda H. South Graceville Correctional Facility Operations and Management Contracts, Exhibits and Addendums OMS Contract No. 04/05-057 REDACTED for PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST Michael Weber, Chief Private Prison Monitoring 01/29/2009 We serve those who serve Florida. _ • R _ ._._ • •_ _ • • • • _ _ •• _ ••• ~ •• W· _ - - - - - - - - - - .. _- ______. .. . THE GEO GROUP, INC. OPERATIONS & MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT GRACEVILLE CORRECTIONAL "FACILITY Page I of 50 . ~ .._._.__._0_.. __ " ~ ' . _ ~ ' _ __ ' ._. ~ •• _ _ ' • ~ M " • __ •••• ,_ ••• ". This Contract made and entered into on Febmary '1{..~ 2006, by' and between THE ~TATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICE~, Bt]REAU OF PRN ATE PRISON MONITORING (hereinafter referred to as the ,"BUREAU") and THE GEO GROUP, INC." (hereinafter refeLTed to as the "CONTRACTOR"). WITNESSETH: Whereas, it is necessary that budget resources be allocated effectively; Whereas, the Flodda Legislature, Chapter 957, Florida Statutes, authorizes the BUREAU to enter into a contract with a private entity for the construction, operation, maintenance, and management of a secure correctional facility housing medium/close custody inmates; Whereas, an Invitation to Negotiate was issued on December 9, 2004, by the BuREAu in order to select a CONTRACTOR to design, finance, acquire, lease, construct, and operate a ~,500-bed, adult male, medium/close custody security level correctional facility. Now, therefore, in consideration of the agreements contained herein, the parties agree: ARTICLE ONE DEF.INI.1I01"8 ' The following terms used in this Contract shall, unless the context indicates otherwise, have thy meanings set forth below: ACA: American Con-ectional Association. ACA STANDARDS or STANDARDS: The Standards for Adult Correctional Institutions (Fourth Edition, 2003) published by ACA (as heretof.ore supplemented and as same may be modified, amended, or supplemented in the future). ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Additional opera;tional and management services required to be furnished by the CONTRAC:rOR, which are required by changes in ACA Standards, laws, . government policies, regulatio11S, or court orders generally applicable to 'the BUREAU and which cause an increase in the cost of operating and managing the Facility. AGREEMENT: The Cooperative Transfer Agreement'between the BUREAU, the CONTRActOR, and the Florida Department of COLTections (Department or the DEPARTMENT) which establishes guidelines for transfer of inmates ,between the: Graceville Correctional Facility and facilities operated by the Department. AUrHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: The person designated in writing to act for and on behalf of a party ofthis Contract, which designation has been furnished to the other party hereto. In the case of the CONTRACTOR, the Authorized Representative shall be designated in writing by its President or any Vice President. The designation of the CONTRACTOR'S initial Authorized Representative shaH be delivered to the BUREAU no later than the effective date of this Agreeme,nt. The CONTRACTOR'S Authorized Representative may designate other persons to assist such Authorized Representative in the performance of certain obligations required by this Agreement. In the case of the BUREAU, the BUREAU Chief is hereby designated 'as its Authorized,Represent!itive. -At any time, either party may designate any person as its Authorized Representative by delivering to the other party a written. designation signed, if on behalf of the CONTRACTOR by its President or Vice President, Page 2 of 50 ·_ - . "'-'" .. '-'-" .. _ _ ~._.- '-~"'-'~"" -_.-., .-~._ -- _._-.-- _._._--~.- .. -._.~-_ _~--- ._._---..__.__.. ~--:'- --_. - ._---~._-----_ .. -.- -'~-_ .. _.. , or if on behalf of the BUREAU by the BUREAU Chief. Such designations shall remain effective until· new written instruments are filed with or actual notice is given to the other party that such designations have been revoked. BREACH OF CONTRACT: Any of the events or circumstances described in Article 10, BUREAU: The Florida Department of Management Services. BUREAU of Private Prison Monitoring. CLOSE CUSTODY GRADE:· Refers to a class of inmates who must be maintained within an armed perimeter or under direct, armed supervision ~hen outside of a secure perimeter. Transport off institutional grounds requires two armed transport officers and the inmate will be restrained using handcuffs, waist chains with handcuff cover and leg irons. CONTRACT: The Operation and Management Services ~ontract, together with all attachments and exhibits hereto, and all amendments and modifications hereof. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR: The Department employee who is primarily responsible for maintaining the official contract file, As of the Effective Date of the Contract, the Contract Administrator is Kaye Robertson, 4050 Esplanade Way. Suite 280, Tallahassee, Florida 32399. ,The Department may appoint a different Contract Administrator, which shall not constitute an amendment to the Contract. by sending notice to CONfRACrOK CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract. the. Plans. Specifications and Related Construction Documents, together with the Invitation to Negotiate issued by the BUREAU and the CONTRACTOR'S , response thereto, all of which documents are attached hereto by reference· and become a part hereof. In. the event of ambiguity contradiction among the Contract Doctiments, the following order of authority shall apply: this Contract, Invitation to Negotiate. CONTRACTOR'S response thereto, the Plans, Specifications and Related Consn"uction Documents. or CONTRACT MANAGER: The Department employee who is primarily responsible for management and oversight of the Contract and evaluation of the CONTRACTOR'S perfonnance ants duties and obligations pursuant to the terms of the Contract. The Contract Manager is currently Terry Rocco. The Department may appoint a different Contract Mallager, which shall not constitute an amendment to the Contract, by sending notice to CONTRACTOR. Any communication to the Depaltment relating to the Contract shall be addressed to the Contract Manager.' . . '. CONTRACT MONITOR: . The employee 01' employees of the BUREAU de·signated to monitor the operation of the Facility for contract compliance and to coordinate actions and communications between the Department and the CONTRACTOR. The Contract Monitor will be designated by the· BURBAU at the opening of the Facility.. The CONTRACTOR win be required monthly to reimburse the BUREAU . for the salary and expenses of the Contract Monitor. Such salary and expenses will include coverage of employee benefits. The salary and expenses of the Contract Monitor may be adjusted annually, subject to legislative appropriations, at a rate not to exceed the CONTRACTOR'S rate of per· diem increase. The Contract Monitor Dr the BUREAU'S designee will be the official liaison between the BUREAU and CONTRACTOR· on all matters pertaining to the operation and management services of the Facility. . COURT ORDERS: Any exi.sting or future orders or judgments issue.d by' a court of competent jurisdiction or any existing or future stipulations, agreements, or plans entered into in connection with litigation that are applicable to the operation, management, or maintenance of the Facility or related to the care and custody of inmates at. the Facility. . DAY: A calendar day. Page 3 of 50 --- .•. _--_._.-.-_ .....- .. ~._-. __ .- . __•.. _--_. __.._--_ .._--_._.....---_ _..• ..... -- _., ... - . _. - .". DEPARTMENT OR DC: The Florida Depm.tment of Corrections. DESIGNIBUILD AGREEMENT: The Agreement entered into between the BUREAU and the CONTRACTOR for the design and construc~ion of the Facility. DMS: The Florida Department of Management Services. FACILITY: The 1,500-bed mixed (medium and close) custody secure correctional Facility located ' in Graceville, Florida, and designed and constructed for the detention of mixed (mediuID and close) custody inmates. Further expansion of this Facility. maybe authorized by the BUREAU. In the 'event further expansion of the Facility occurs, per diem and other adjustments will be made upon mutual agreement of the parties. FIXED EQUIPMENT: Refers to all equipment and systems necessary to the operation of the Facility, which are an integral part of, or permanently attached to, a structure, or permanently connected to the Facility utilities. ' FORCE MAJEURE: The failure of performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract resulting from acts of God, strikes, lockouts or ot,her industrial disturbances; acts of public enemies; orders of any kind of the government of the State of Florida or the United States of America or any of their departments, agencies 01' officials, or a?y civil or military authority. INMATE: Any person assigned by the DEPARTMENT to be housed at the Facility, over which DMS has contractual authority. . " INMATE DAY: Each day on which an inmate is housed at the Facility, including the first, but not the last day of incarceration as detennined by the midnight COlmt of each day. LEASED FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT: The items of personal property as described in Article 4.2 and Exhibit C of this Contract to be financed or refinanced by disbursements from the Project Account and leased to the BUREAU pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Lease Agreement. MANAGEMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT, OR CONTRACT: The management services agreement or Contract, together with all· attachments, exhibits, amendments, and modifications entered into between the BUREAU and the CONTRACTOR. MEDIUM ,CUSTODY GRADE: As used herein. refers to 'a class of inmates who are eligible for placement at a, facility with a secure perimeter and require armed· supervision for all movement outside the secure perim.eter. Such inmates may be transported without armed supervision if" in a secure vehicle that does not leave institutional grounds. TranspOlt off institutional grounds, in addition to armed supervision, requires a minimum restraint of handcuffs. MINIMAL CONSTITUTIONALLY ADEQUATE LEVEL OF HEALTH CARE: As used herein, means access to and provision of medically necessary and appropriate health care that is reasonably and legally sufficient to address the inmate's health complaint. MOVABLE EQUIPMENT: All furniture and equipment not permanently attached to the,Facility. QSHA: The Occupational ,Safety & Health Administration. PER DIEM RATE: The cost charged per inmate, per inmate day for the delivery of ope,ration and management services at the Facility. , PRIVATELY OPERATED INSTITUTION INMATE WELFARE TRUST FUND (POIIVVTF): A trust fund account maintained by DEPARTMENT that is required by Section 945.215, Florida Statutes, and into which the net proceeds derived from operating inmate canteens, vending machines used primarily by inmates, l:eceipts from telephone commissions, and similar sources shall be depositea P,age40f50 o. • ••• _ . _ _ • "'M M ••• _._ u • • • • M. __ • • • • • .. ~ ... - - - - - . _ • _ .. M .,_P . • •M•• ~M_. • _. ._•• _~_ • _ _ •. monthly. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES: As defined in Section 287.l33(1)(g), Florida Statutes, "public entity crime" means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political. subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or Contract for goods or services to be .provided to' any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other or of the United States and involving antitmst, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. SERVICE COMMENCEMENT DATE: The date on which the CONTRACTOR shall begin providing operations and management services at the. Facility, which date shall be the first date that inmates are assigned. . STATE: The State of Florida, including the F!oridaDepartment of Management Services or any other state government entity referenced therein. These terms may be used interchangeably. SUBCONTRACT: An agreement entered into by the CONTRACTOR with any other person or organization that agrees to perform any performance obligation for the CONTRACTOR specifically related to $ecuring or fulfilling the CONTRACTOR'S obligations to the Department under the terms of . this Contract. SUBCONTRACTOR: ArIy person other than an employee of the CONTRACTOR who performs any of the services compensation paid by the CONTRACTOR. UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES: Those acts or occurrences beyond the reason'able contemplation of the parties at the time of execution of this Contract that materially alter the financial conditions upon which this Contract is based. . ARTICLE TWO SCOPE OF WORK Article 2.1 Purpose. The purpose of this Contract is to establish the. tenns and conditions under which the CONTRACTOR shall operate and manage the Facility. ARTICLE THREE TERM OF THE CONTRACT AND REPRESENTATIONS Article 3.1 Term. This Contract shall commence at 12:01 a.m. on the Services Commencement Date and terminate three (3) years thereafter, unless terminated earlier pursuant to Article 10 of this Contract. The BUREAU may renew the Contract for additional two-year periods by giving written notice to the CONTRACTOR of its desire to do so at least 120 days before the original or any subsequent termination date with concurrence of-the CONTRACTOR. Article 3.2 Representations of the BUREAU. The BUREAU represents and· warrants to and for the benefit of the CONTRACTOR, with the i.ment that the CONTRACTOR will rely thereon for purposes . of entering into this Contract, as follows: 3.2.1 Authorization. This Contract has been dUly authorized, executed, an.d delivered by the BUREAU and, assuming' due execution and delivery by the BUREAU constitutes a legal, valid, and binding agreement enforceable against the BUREAU in accordance with its terms. 3.2.2 Disclosure. There is no material fact which materially and adversely affects or in the Page. 5 of 50 -~ ~-" .~-~.--- - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - _ ••• - •• _ - -. ---. ,. __•• - ••• - - - - - . - - - •• ~._.- ' N .__ .• _ . future will (50 far as the BUREAU call now reasonably foresee) materially ~lld adversely affect the BUREAU'S ability to perform its obligations under this Contract which has not been accurately set forth in this Contract or otherwise accurately disclosed in writing to the CONTRACTOR prior to the date hereof. 3.2.3 Statutory Contine-ency. The State's performance and obligation to pay under this ContI'act is contingent upon an aIlnLlaI appropriation by the Florida Legislature, pursuant to Sectioll 287.0582, Florida Statiltes; the State is not obligated for any payments that exceed the amount of the CUlTent appropriation, pursuant to' Section 957.04(1 )(h),(2)(d), Florida Statutes. Article 3.3 Representations of CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR represents· and warrants to and for the benefit of the BUREAU, with the intent that the BUREAU will rely thereon for purposes of entering into this Contract, as follows: 3.3.1 Organization and Qualification. The CONTRACTOR has been duly incorporated and is validly existing as a corporation in good 'standing under the laws in its jurisdiction of incorporation with power and authority to own its properties and conduct its business as presently conducted. The CONTRACTOR is duly qualified to do business as a corporation in good standing in Florida. . . 3.3.2 Authorization. This Contract has been duly authorized, executed, and delivered by the CONTRACTOR, and constitutes a legal, valid, and binding agreement enforceable against the CONTRACTOR in accordance with its terms. 3.3.3 No Defaults under Agreement. The CONTRACTOR is not in default, nor is there any e.vent . ill existence which, with notice or the passage of time or both, would constItute a default by the CONTRACTOR, under any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, lease, loan agreement, license, security agreement, contract, goverm:nental license or permit, or other agreement or instrument to which it is a party or by which any of its properties are bound and which default would materially an.d adversely affect the CONTRACTOR'S ability to perform its 'obligations under thisCoritract. . Neither the CONTRACTOR nor its officers and directors 3.3.4 Compliance with Laws. purporting to act on behalf of the CONTRACTOR have. beenadviseci, and have no reason to believe, that CONTRACTOR or such officers .and directors have not been conducting 'business in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations of the jurisdictions in which the. CONTRACTOR is conducting business including all safety laws and laws' with respect to discrimination in hiring, promotion or pay of employees or other laws affecting employees generally, except where failure to be so in compliance would not materially and 'adversely affect the CONTRACTOR'S ability to perform its obligations under this' Contract. ( 3.3:5 No Litie-ation. Except as previously disclosed inwriting to the BUREAU, there is not now pending nor, to the knowledge of the CONTRACTO~, threatened, any action, suit, or proceeding to which the CONTRACTOR is a party, before or by any court or governmental agency or body, which might result in any material adverse 'change in the CONTRACTOR'Sability to perform .its Obligations under this Contract. or any such action, suit, or proceeding related to environmental or civil rights matters: and n9 labor disturbance. by the employees of the CONTRACTOR exists or is imminent which might be expected to materially and adversely affect the CONTRACTOR'S ability perform' its obligations under this Contract. . to Page 6 of 50 _---_._.. _.. .... --.:~._ .... --~- ... _--.~.- ---.--00.__.. _ - _ . - - - . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ - -... _-----._ .. . ..._ 3.3.6 Taxes. The CONTRACTOR has filed aII necessary federal, state, and foreign ine-orne .and franchise tax returns and has paid aJI taxes as shown to be due thereon; the CONTRACTOR has no knowledge of any'tax deficiency which has been or might be asserted against the CONTRACTOR which would materially and affect the CONTRACTOR'S ability to perform its obligations under this Contract. 3.3.7 Financial Statements. The CONTRACTOR has delivered, or will deliver, to the BUREAU copies of the following financial statements with alI sub schedules and footnotes: a balance sheet, profit and [ass statement, and a change in financial position schedule for each of the prior three (3) years. Such financial statements fairly present the financial position of the CONTRACTOR at the date shown and the results of its operations for the periods covered, . and have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a. consistent basis, ex.cept a,s discussed in the notes to the. financial statements. 3.3.8 No Adverse Change. Since the date of the CONTRACTOR'S mo.~t recent balance sheet provided to the B~AU, there has not bee.n any material adverse change in the CONTRACTOR'S or condition, nor has there been any change. in the assets or liabilities or financial condition of the CONTRACTOR 'from that reflected in such balance sheet which is material to the CONTRACTOR'S abiUty to perform its obligations under this Contract.· . . 3.3.9 Disclosure. There. is no material fact which. materially and adversely affects or in the future will (so far as the CONTRACTOR can now reasonably foresee) materiaIIy and adversely affect CONTRACTOR'S ability to perform its obligations under this Contract . which has not been accurately set forth in this Contract or otherwise accurately disclosed in writing to the BUREAU prior to the date hereof. Failure to disclose such material facts, ·as described above, is grounds for termination for false representation. . ARTICLE FOUR . POSSESSION . Article 4.1 Possession of Facilitv. On the Services Commencement Date effective the date of this Contract, the BUREAU shall grant to the CONTRACTOR exclusive use, possession, and control of the land and pl'Operty.con1prising the Facility and its grounds, subject to terms of this Contract and to the right of the BUREAU and other appropriate parties to enter and/or inspect same. The design of the Fac.ility will be owned by the State of Florida. Article 4.2 PossesSion of Leased Furnishings and Equipment. On the Services Commencement Date, the BUREAU will grant the CONTRACTOR exclusive use and possession, subject to the terms of this Contract, of leased furnishings and equipment as same is defined and set out in the.. Design/Build Agreement. Items purchased with state fun.ds are owned by the State of Florida and shall remain with .the Facility in the event of termination or non-renewal of this Contract. An furnishings and equipme.nt are State property, except for CONTRACTOR-Property as set forth under Article 4.5. Article 4.3 inventory. As .part of CONTRACTOR'S initial responsibility, the CONTRACTOR shall, in cooperation with the constnlction contractor if applicable., prepare and maintain an inventory of .leased furnishings and equipment. Such inventory shall include the manufacturer, model number, serial number, monetary value (purchase cost), and assigned' identification number. Leased furnishings and equipment shall remain part of the Facility and may not be. removed from the Facility, without approval from the Contract Monitor. The BUREAU shall be entitled to conduct an i,nventory of leased fumishings and 'equipment prior to or within a reasonable time after the Services Page 7 of 50 " . -'" '-~-'" __ .- - ... .-._._--_.~-. ., - - - -- .-. --- ._ ..- --- -_. ,_ ... _._.. - .._.... - .... _~_. - .~_.-- ... - . Commencement Date, and shall be entitled to conduct an inventory of leased furnishings and equipment throughout the Term of this Agreement. The CONTRACTOR sball cooperate with the BUREAU in its conducting of all inventories of leased furnishings and equipment. ' Article' 4.4 Replacement of Inventory. The CONTRACTOR, subject only to the facility furnishLngs, fixtures, and equipment covered by the "major maintenance and repair reserve fund" as described in Article 4.9, shall replace within sixty (60) days of the date of discovery of loss, theft, damage or inoperabiJity beyond repair with equipment having like functional ability, 'life expectancy and quality. Such replacement equipment shall be added to the inventory and shall , become the property of the State. The Contract Monitor shall be notified quarterly, in writing, when an item of leased furnishings andeqir.ipment is replaced. Such notification, must include all pertinent information (including a copy of the purchase receipt showing purchase cost, manufacturer. model number. serial number and assigned identifi.cation number) for the replaced item. Inoperable equipment replaced by the CONTRACTOR shall be disposed of by the CONTRACTC?R with prior approval by the BUREAU, ' Article 4.5 CONTRACTOR Property. The CONTRACTOR will provide such other equipment as it deems necessary which shall be dearly identified an,d inventoried. Ownership of this property shall remain with the CONTRACTOR 'and may be removed from the premise~ at any time by the CONTRACTOR; provided that any damage to the Facility resulting from any removal pursuant to this Article sbal.l be'repaired by the, CONTRACTOR at the exp~nse of the CONTRACTOR. Any additional equipment purchased by the CONTRACTOR during the term of this Contract may be 'purchased by the BUREAU at the conclusion of the Contract at the CONTRACTOR'S cost, less depreciation. Documentation of coste; shall be provided. Article 4.6 Sanitation and Hygiene. The CONTRACTOR shall provide an environmentally clean, healthy, and safe Facility for both,employees and inmates as follows: A. Sanitation and hygiene will be maintained at a minimum, at a level equivalent to the level of DEPARTMENT facilities. All floor~, including concrete shall be waxed and buffed. Cobwebs or dust build-up anywhere, including on 'ceiling and wall grills will be not be accepted. 1;'he yards wiil'be free of all trash. All kitchen equipment and utensils w,il1 be free of ~rease, build-up. ,B. All areas of the Facility to be documented. ar~ to be· inspected regularly for cleanliness and such inspections are C. Lighting, ventilation and heating equipment shall be functioning at all times. D. No fire, safety or health hazards shall exist. E. All plumbing equipment, including toilets, sinks, and showers shall be operating properly at all times. F. All hazardous chemicals shall be inventoried, stored and maintained in accordance with OSHA DEPARTMENT policy and procedures. ' G. ~ood service areas shall be clean and in com.pLiance with applicable state health regulations. Article 4.7 Utilities. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all utilities. Article 4.8 Maintenance. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain the physical structure of the Facility and all tangible personal property contained therein, including leased furnishings and equipment, in Page 8 of 50 . --- -... ~--- ---_._---;-..-- ..-- .. _--- .. _-- -.-... _-_. __ .~. '" ...._ .... _... ... ~ accordance with applicable ACA Standards and .Article 4.9, including all maintenance related to structural conditions or defects as well as ordinary routine maintenance, and will in so doing maintain, preserve and keep the facility and leased furnishings and equipment in good repair, working order and condition, subject to normal wear and tear, ·and will from time to time make or cause to be, made all necessary and .proper repairs, induding those identified by self-monitoring and the BUREAU'S inspections such that all replacements and renewals shall theretlpOn become part of the Facil ity. It is' understood and agreed that the CONTRACTOR will develop and implement a preventive ,and routine maintenance plan and will keep maintenance records. During the term of this Contract, the BUREAU shall have no responsibility (other than the major maintenance and repair reser've fund, Article 4.9) financial or otherwise, with respect to maintenance of the Facility. The responsibility for maintenance of the Facility shall be the sale responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. .The maintenance plan shall include the following: (1) (2) (3) Plant equipment; Structural maintenance; and Vehicle pre.ventive,maintenance programs Article 4.9 Major Maintenance and Repair Reserve Fund. The CONTRACTOR shall make and be responsible for all routine and necessary repairs of the' Facility, and repairs/replacement of all Facility furnishings, fixtures, and equipment so long as the cost associated with any maintenance, replacement,' or repair is $5,000 or less (per item, per occurrence). Routine and !Jecessary repairs shall be defined as any maintenance or repair which has a cost of $5,000 or Jess (per item, per occurren.ce). On the first day of each month, the BUREAU will deduct 1/12 of $150,924.72 from the Facility's man-days billing and transfer said amount to the Grants and Donations Trust Fund. Requests for reimbursement for maintenance or r~pair costs ill excess of $5,000 shall be submitte,d to the BUREAU'S Chief and, SUbject to the rec'eipt of written approval from the BUREAU'S Chief, the costs of such major maintenance or repairs shall be charged to the Major Maintenance and Repair Reserve Fund. The BUREAU shall be the owner of such fund, and the CONTRACTOR shall have no rights, other than as set forth herein, in such fund or in any fund earnings. Article 4.10 Ace.eBs to the Facility. The Contract Monitor, the 'BUREAU Chief, DEPARTMENT representatives, or other designated representatives and members of the BUREAU shall have access at all times, with or without notice, to inmates and staff and to all areas of the Facility. Other BUREAU employees and State officials (including the, Governor's Office of Program; Policy and Government . Accountability), on official business, shall have access to the Facility when necessary. Article 4.11 ExpansionIRenovations. Subject to the prior wdtten approval of the BUREAU, which approval shall not unreasonably be withheld, the CONTRACTOR shall have the authority to remodel the Facility or make substitution.s, alterations, additions, modifications, and improvements to the Facility from time to time (provided the CONTRACTOR does not use a lesser quality, burden of proof of quality is with the CONTRACTOR), the cost of which remodeling, SUbstitutions, alterations, additions, modifications, and improvements shall be paid by the CONTRACTOR, and the same shall become part of the Facility, except that other alterations may be done at the CONTRACTOR'S expense, w~thout prior approval. Article 4.12 Material Damage or Loss. Promptly after the occurrence of any damage to or loss at the Facility that materially affects the continued operation of the Facility, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the BUREAU of such loss or damage and the BUREAU and the CONTRACTQR shall jointly assess the nature and extent of such damage or loss and,' as soon as practicable thereafter, determine Page 9 of 50 w11ether. it is practicable. and desirable to rebuild, repair 01' restore such damage or loss. If the BUREAU and the CONTRACTOR determine that such rebuilding. repairing or restoring is practicable and desirable, the CONTRACTOR shall forthwith proceed with such. rebuilding, repair or restoration and upon the completion thereof, such rebuilding, repair or restoration shall thereupon become· part of the Facility. In such case, any insurance proceeds received in respect to such damage or loss shall be used for payment of, or reimbursement for, the costs of such, repairing or restoring. In the event such insurance proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the costs of such repair, rebuilding or restoration, the CONTRACTOR is responsible for payment due in excess of Insurance proceeds received. If the BUREAU and the CONTRACTOR determine that repairing, .rebuilding or restoration is not feasible and agree in writing not to rebuild, repair or restore the Facility, then this Contract shall terminate with respect to such Facility thirty (30) days after such determination. . Article 4.13 Vehicles. The CONTRACTOR shall purchase and provide all vehicles reql.,lired for the operation and maintenance of the Facility. The CONTRACTOR shall have all vehicles properly insured for comprehensive, 'collisioll, property, medical, personal injury, theft and replacement damages. ARTICLE FIVE OPERATION Article 5.1 General Duties. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the operation and management services and shall operate, maintain, and manage the Facility in compliance with applicable federal and state constitutional requirements, laws, court orders, and standards (in the case of a conflict between standards, the more demanding standard will control), whether now in effect or hereafter effected or implemented, and in accordance with the operational plan, the. terms and conditions contained in this Contract, and any documents referenced therein. The CONTRACTOR shall be in compliance with all . applicable ACA Standards and requirements for adult institutions. except for ACA Standards from which the CONTRACTOR has been explicitly exempted in writing by the BUREAU'S Chief. and shall maintain ACA accreditation..'The CONTRACTOR must submit a written request for any such exemption to the BUREAU'S Chief, who may, at his/her sole discretion. grant or deny such exemption in writing to the CONTRACTOR. Any decisi.on by the BUREAU'S Chief is final and not subject to appeal or challenge by the CONTRACTOR in any civil or administrative forum, nor subject to any mediation or arbitration proceedings. Article 5.2 FiscalOperations. The CONTRACT9R shall comply with all'of the following requirements concerning fiscal operations, including but T\ot limited to, the propel' maintenance of acc.ounting records and the periodic report of financial data in accordance with an auditiI)g requirements as generaUy specified in Articles 5.3 through 5.8. . Article 5.3 Maintenance and Operation of Funds. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain operating fund accounts segregated into four separate groups of accounts, referred to as budget entities (Facility operations. health services, substance abuse, and educational services). Article 5.4 Operation of ·Inmate Bank. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain Inmate Bank funds separate and apart from other funds and to abide by DEPARTMENT'S policy and procedure directives as regarding the same. Article 5.5 Operation of the Privately Operated Institutions Inmate Welfare Trust Fuud CPOnWTF). The CONTRACTOR shall maintain the Privately Operated Institutions Inmate Welfare Trust Fund (POIIWTF) accounts in accordance with the all applicable standards and DEPARTMENT rules and regulations. Funds in the POIIWTF may be appropriated annually by the Legislature for the Page 10 of 50 benefit and of im:nntes incarcerated in privately operated cOlTecti0l1al facilities. By July 1 of each year, the CONTRACTOR must submit a list of expenditures to be made from the trust fund for the next fiscal year to the BUREAU to be reviewed by the Privately Operated Institutions Inmate Welfare Trust Fund (POIIWTF) Committee. The POIIWTF Committee will make its recommendation to the, Secretary , to be considered by the Legislature in the allocation of funds. In accordance with 60AA-203.101, Florida Administrative Code, planned expenditures must cover expenses for unique and innovative programs or items or activities for the inmates at the Facility. Proposed additional expenditures for contractually required programs will not be authorized. Also, the CONTRACTOR must compile a report that documents the actua" receipts and expenditures from this trust fund for the previous fiscal year and the projected receipts and ex.penditures for the next fiscal year, beginning July 1 and ending June 30, and provide such to the BUREAU. Expenditures for operational cost and fixed capital outlay made from the POIIWTF must meet the guidelines of Section 945.215, Florida Statutes, and applicable terms of this Contract. The vendor is responsible for contracting and overseeing the construction of fixed capital outlay projects authorized by the Legislature. All operations and fixed capital outlay projects and ex.penditures must be approved by the BUREAU. Expenditures made from the POIIWTF may Dot include items included in the vendor's proposal. . Article 5.6 Auditing of Trust Accounts. The CONTRACTOR shall develop and update, as necessary, with the approval of the BUREAU, administrativ'e procedures to ensure proper accounting and internal control of the receipts and expenditures of the funds from the Commissary Account and the POIIWTF. The CON'IRACTOR shaH have an independent audit of this fund conducted o~ an annual basis and the results of the audit will be submitted to the BUREAU. CONTRACTOR will send to the BUREAU a monthly report of deposits and expenditures made to ~he POIIViTTF. This report should include deposits and expenditures made to the commissary account. Article 5.7 Financial Reporting. Audited annual: financial statement, prepared in accordance with GASB and clearly distinguishing Inmate Bank and Private Inmate Welfare Funds shall be filed not later than July 1st of each year except as provided for as below: For the first, or partial year of occupancy: a. b., If the, period of occupancy has been six months or less prior to July 1st of the , succeeding year, the report shan not be due until July 1st of the second succeeding year. If the period of occupancy has been. greater than six months prior to July 1st of the succeeding year, the report shall be filed no~ later than July 1st of the .succeeding year. The financial statement shall consist of at a minimum: a. Inmate Bank Fund: Accounting of the Inmate Bank fund and POIIWTF including a spread sheet showing all account actions for the relevant time period for each ,account and the balance if any ~t the, time of submission of the statement. Also, as to the POIIWTF, the repOlt shall include a statement of revenues, expenses and changes in retained earnings, and statement of budgeted and actual expenditures (detailed by'objectcode). Article 5.8 SEC Records. The CONTRACTOR shall, on a timely basis, provide the BUREAU with, copies of all annual reports on FonD lOoK, quarterly reports on Form lO-Q and reports on Form 8-K· required to be fi~ed by the. CONTRACTOR with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Prior to the execution of the resulting agreement, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the BUREAU with its most recent Form lOoK and any Form lO-Q's or Form 8-K's filed. Page 11 of 50 "-_.... ~_.- __ - _- '---..__.--_ .... .. .. _--- '-'--- ..-- ... -'-'-'~-'-'--- -'--"-_.-.. - Article 5.9 ACA Accreditation. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain ACA accreditation for the Facility pursuant to and in accordance with the terms of Section 957.04(1)(c), Florida Statutes. The CONTRACTOR must provide a detailed plan addressing CONTRACTOR'S achieving and maintaining ACA accreditation through th,e term of the Contract. The CONTRACTOR shall apply for no later than sixty (60) days after the Service Commen.cement Date and achieve ACA accreditatiOl,l of the Facility within tweI ve, (12) months after the date the, CONTRACTOR applies to the ACA for accreditatIon. Once accreditatiol). is achieved, the CONTRACTOR shall maintain it for the duration of the Contract term. The CONTRACTOR'S failure to comply with this section will be considered a violation of the terms of this Contract, subjecting the CONTRACTOR to the impQsition of liquidated damages and/or termination of ' the Contract by the BUREAU at the BUREAU'S discretion. Article 5.10 Classification and Assignment of Inmates. A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide a classification program that is in accordance with all applicable standards and DEPARTMENT rules an4 regulations. The CONTRACTOR shall provide suitable office space at the Facility for a celtain number of DEPART:M:ENT classification officers as may be determined by the DEPARTMENT to conduct classification services, subject to the BUREAU'S approval. CONTRACTOR may not make any change in an inmate's custody level, but 'may recommend custody level changes to DEPARTMENT for approval. B. Beginning on the Services Commencement Date, inmates will be assign.ed to the Facility ·by the DEPARTMENT at a rate not to exceed capacity of the Facility in 'accordance with the foIlowing: Mixed (medium and dose) custody security level; the inmates transferred by the DEPARTMENT shall represent a cross section of the generaJ mixed (medium and close)'custody inmate population, and be mentally, physically, and medically capable Of participating in the programs; prior completion of the initial classification process at a DEPARTMENT facility; accompanied by all fnitial classification and subsequent reviews and {lther 'necessary documentation; accompanied with a complete medical record, including chest X-ray,; and accompanied by documentation of the amount contained in the inmate's Commissary account with the funds to be forwarded by the DEPARTMENT to the Facility within ten (10) days of receipt of the inmate, incompliance with Chapter 33, Florida Administrative', Code. If an inmate does not meet the qualifications or classification level necessary for classification to the Facility and the CONTRACTOR is aware of this before acceptance, the CONTRACTOR may refuse to accept an inmate. If an inmate is later found not to meet the qualifications or classification Level necessary for chissification to the Facility, the CONTRACTOR may request the transfer of unqualified or improperly classified inmates to a DEPARTMENT facility pursuant to Articles 5.12 and 5.14 herein. Article 5.11 Orientation of Inmates. CONTRACTOR shall conduct an 'orientati.on program for newly assigned inmates with the program meeting minimum standards as outlined in Chaptet"3:?-601.101, Florida Administrative Code. ' Article 5.12 Transfer of Inmates. Certain circumstances may require an inmate's transfer out of the Facility. These circumstances include custody changes resulting from disciplinary infractions or other behavio'r in the Facility; medical and psychiatric transfers, as initiated by medical staff at the Facility; disciplinary transfers in accordance with the CONTRACTOR',S disciplinary 'procedures; emergency transfers that involve extreme. circumstances ,not normally found at the Facility; Page 12of50 -------------,---_ .. ,--..- administrative transfei's used in witness protecti.on cases; or to adjust opemtiollal capacities. The CONTRACTOR may request, in writing, that an inmate be transferred from the Facility. The B.UREAU, the CQNTRACTOR, and the DEPARTMENT shall comply with the terms of the Cooperative Transfer Agreement when transferring inmates between a' correctional facility operated by the DEPARTMENT and a private facility. In the,event that a c.ooperative agreement cannot be reached on a transfer request, the BUREAU will have the final decisjon on which inmates may be, transferred from the Facility. Any decision by the BUREAU'S Chief is final and not subject to appeal or challenge by t,he CONTRACTOR in any civil or administrative forum, nor subject to any mediation or arbitration proceedings. ' Article 5.13 Release ofInmates. The CONTRACTOR will release inmates in compliance with the DEPARTMENT S policy pertaining to release. and the requirements of Rules 33-7.006 and 337.007, 60AA-7.006, 60AA7.007, F.A.C., which establishes the procedure to be followed in providing a discharge gratuity and travel to eligible inmates upon their release. The CONTRACTOR shall follow procedures which are substantially identical to those in Rules 33-7.006 and 33-7.007, 60AA-7.006, 60AA7.007, F.A.C., and make payment from its fund to eligible. inmates. The DEPARTMENT shall not reimburse the CONTRACTC?R for discharge gratuity payments made. Article 5.14 Transportation of Inmates. The CONTRACTOR shall not, be responsible for inmate transportation from the DEPARTMENT to the. Facility or from the. Facility to the inmate's destination upon transfer.- The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for transporting inmates to the hospital or outside medical appointments, and will be responsible for discharge transportation in compliance with Rules 33-7.007 and 60AA-7.007. FAC., "Discharge Transportation". Article 5.15 Inmate Discipline. The C'ONTRACTOR will develop and implement a system of inmate rules and disciplinary procedures in compliance with the Standards and pe.nalties consistent with. those imposed by the DEPARTMENT. 'Disciplinary bearings will be conduc·ted by the. CONTRACTOR'S staff who will m.ake recommendations to the DEPARTMENT classification staff. The DEPARTMENT'S classification staff shall either accept those recommendations or prepare a written. statement in which good cause for a rejection of those recommendations are established. In the event that a recommendation i.s rejected by the DEPARTMENT'S classification staff, the CONTRACTOR shall have a right of administrative appeal to the BUREAU'S Chief. The decision of the BUREAU'S Chief in the event of any such administrative appeal shan be final and not subject to appeal or challenge by the, CONTRACTOR in any civil or other administrative fonlffi, nor subject to any mediation or arbitration proceedirigs.· , Article, 5.16 Inmate Visitation. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all space,. furniture" equipment, and supervision necessary to implem'ent a visitation program in compliance with the Standards. Both contact and non-contact visitation will be provided as determined by an inmate's custody level and disciplinary status. Article 5.17 Drug Testing. A random drug testing program consistent with DEPARTJv.IENT requirements must be conducted. Monthly repOlis must be submitted to the BUREAU regarding the testing results. Article 5',18 Inmate Mail and Telephone. A) The CONTRACTOR shall provide for mail and telephone services in compliance with the Standards.' As required by Section 945.215, Florida Statutes, net recei.pts from, telephone commissions shall be sent to the DEPARTMENT and deposited monthly in the Privately Operated Institutions Inmate Welfare Trust Fund (POIIWTF), using the . Pag~ 13 of 50 procedure outlined in Article 5.5. Expenditures from this trust fund must meet the. guidel ines of Section 945.215, Florida Statutes, and may not include items that are paIt of the Contract. The telephone CONTRACTOR(s) for the Facility shall be responsible for the repair and maintenance of any equipment it installs. However, the CONTRACTOR shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent damage to the equipment. The CONTRACTOR will provide computer hardware for administration of the inmate telephone system. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all state, federal and local laws, including the DEPARTMENT's rules, policies and procedures regarding inmate access to telephones found in Chapter 33, Florida Administrative Code. B) The CONTRACTOR shall develop and update, as necessary, with the approval of the BUREAU, administrative procedures to verify that: contracted telephone companies accurately record and report all telephone calls made by inmates incarcerated in the Facility; persons who accept collect calls from inmates are charged the contracted rate; and the. funds are deposited into the telephone revenue account and transmitted monthly into the POIIWTF. Article 5.19 Use of Force. The CONTRACTOR will develop and implement use of force policies and procedures in compliance with the Standards. Article 5.20 Inmate Personal Property. The CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement policy and procedures for handling and disposing Of inmate property. Such procedures shall be in compliance with DEPARTMENT rules, regulations and other applicable standards provided in Chapter 33, Florida Administrative Code, and the United States Constitution. /' Article 5.21 Inmate Grievance Procedure. The· CONTRACTOR will develop and implement an inmate grievance system that. meets or exceeds the requirements of federal guidelines established under 42 U.S.C. § 1997e (2005). Article 5.22 Sentence Computation. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the DEPARTMENT with data and information relating to sentence computation. The decision with respect to sentence computation rests with the DEPARTMENT. Article 5.23 Gain Time. Change' of Custody and Furloughs. The CONTRACTOR will provide specificinformation to the DEPARTMENT for the purposes of award or forfeiture of gain time, change of custody or granting furloughs with the decision for such resting with the DEPARTMENT. In the event that a recommendation is rejected by the DEPARTMENT, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the BUREAU'S Chief. Article 5.24 Security. A) '.'. ',r B) C) Page 14 of 50 o Page 15 of 50 Article 5.25 Food Service. The CONTRACTOR wil! provide a food service program in compliance with the Standards. Section 957.04 (1)(1), Florida Statutes, requires CONTRACTOR to be responsible for a variety of services including diet, at least equal to those provided by the DEPARTMENT in comparable facilities. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all food, staffing and supervision of preparation for the total delivery of food service at the Facility. The CONTRACTOR shall provide a full service kitchen with separate dining rooms for inmates and staff. 1. 2. Master Menu: a. The DEPARTMENT has developed, and has in place, a four-week cycle Master Menu that shall be followed by the CONTRACTOR to ensure inmates housed in the Facility receive the same caloric and dietary requirements. The CONTRACTOR shall serve three hot meals per day, with the exception of sack lunches or other special diets, as directed by medical staff. b. The CONTRACTOR shall make provisions for providing sack lunches for inmate work crews in compliance with the applicable DEPARTMENT standards. Delivery of Food: a. General Population: The delivery of food for the general population inmates is normally provided in cafeteria style in the inmate dining room Facility. Alternate methods may be proposed by the CONTRACTOR. b. StafflEmployees/Official Visitors: The CONTRACTOR shall provide separate dining room facilities for staff and employees and official visitors; however, the same food prepared for inmates shaH be served to staff and employees. This requirement is not intended for inmate visitation participants. c. Confinement/Infirmary: Inmates who are housed in confinement or infirmaries shall be fed in the confinement units or infirmary, whichever is appropriate. d. Medical Diets: The CONTRACTOR shall prepare all medical diets in accordance with the recipes and menus in DEPARTMENT'S Modified Diets Component of the Master Menu and account for the number of inmates receiving such diet. . 3. Religious Diets/Alternate Entree: The Facility's Chaplain shall have the authority under the Florida Administrative Code to approve and facilitate religious diets. Except in rare circumstances, requirements for religious diets are met by the Master Menu through the alternate entree program. A non-meat protein source is designated on each daily menu as an alternate to the main entree. Any inmate may choose between either the main entree or the designated alternate. 4. Records must be maintained indicating daily menus and number of meals served. Substitutions to the pre-approved menus must be clearly documented and CONTRACTOR must ensure that substitutions made are of equivalent nutritional and Page 16 of 50 caloric value to the original item. 5. CONTRACTOR shall develop a written policy and procedure for delivery of food in case of an emergency (ex.amples: non-delivery of food, riots, natural disasters, equipment failure). 6. CONTRACTOR' shall develop and implement a written plan foJ' sanitation and rodent control which includes aU ki.tchen/dining space, appliances, supplies and equipment. 7. A preventiye m.aintenance schedule for the food service equipment must be 'developed, as applicable. All tools, knives and utensils must be locked in a controlled environment, inventoried, and signed in and out in accordance"with DEPARTMENT policy. 8. AU foods andlor condiments of a high security risk shall be .locked in a controlled environment in accordance with DEPARTMENT policy. Article 5.26 Inmate Commissary and Vending Services. A. Inmates shall have access to a commissary for purchase of goods. CONTRACTOR will provide an inmate commissary and may provide for the placement in the Facility of one or more vending machines for use· by the inmate's visitors. Items for resale must·be priced comparatively with like items for retail sale at fair. market prices. B. As required by Section 945.215, Florida Statutes, the net proceeds derived from operating inmate canteens, vending machines used primarily by inmates, receipt') from telephone commissions, and similar sources shall be sent to the DEPARTMENT and deposited monthly in the Privately Operated Institutions Inmate. Welfare Trust Fund (POIIWTF); C. Funds necessary to purchase items for resale in the commissary and inmate vending machines shall be deposited into a local bank account established by the CONTRACTOR and approved by the BUREAU, hereinafter called the "Commissary Account". D. CONTRACTOR shall make expenditures to the Commissary Account, to purchase items for resale in the commissary and for other items as contemplated in Section 945.215, Florida Statutes. CONTRACTOR will send to the BUREAU a monthly report of deposits and expenditures made to the POIIWTF. This report should include deposits and expenditures made to the Commissary Account Article 5.27 Health Care Services. The CONTRACTOR will provide medical, dental and mental health services in compliance with the Standards, that include the following: DentallPhysical!JY.1ental Health Services: The CON1'R.Pl.CTOR shall provide, or cause to be provided,all dental, physical, and mental health services in accordance with all applicable Florida laws and consistent with the judicial orders and consent agreements entered into by the "State of Florida in Celestineo v. Singletary, 147 F.R.D. 258 (M.D.F.L. 1993). The CONTRACTOR shall be subject to th", provisions of Sections 945.601, 945.6035, and 945.35, Florida Statutes. The CONTRACTOR shall stand in the place of the DEPARTMENT for purposes of this Act. Accordingly, the facility shall be SUbject to comprehensive surveys ·by. the Correctional Medioai Authority (CMA) of the dental, physical, and mental health care systems no less than biennially. The CONTRACTOR shall designate a Chief Health Officer who shall submit reports to the Assistant Secretary of Health Services for all clinical matters. Any and all contracts for the provision of dental, physical, and/or mental health serviCes to an inmate shall be reviewed by the FlotidaCMA, prior to the operation of said·contracts. The Florida CMA reviews and recomme.ndations will be presented to the· BUREAU'S Chief and the DEPARTMENT. The CMA review will not imply any approval authority by the.CMA, over the contracts prior tq operation. Approval. authority for any and all contracts will be the sole responsibility Page 17 of 50 .............. _------------------------- of the BUREAU. Limitations on inpatient hospitalization costs: If in the opinion of the on-site. Chief Health Officer, the inmate cannot be properly treated in the facility, he/she shaH refer the inmate to a medical facility that can provide the n.ecessary treatment. A list of medical facilities to which inmates can be referred for off-site c.are will be agreed on by the DEPARTMENT and the CONTRACTOR prior to Service Commencement Date. In the event that the DEPARTMENT and the CONTRACTOR cannot mutually agree on a list of medical facil ities that can provide the necessary treatment, the BUREAU will make the final decision. Any decision by the BUREAU'S Chief is final and not subject to appeal or challenge by the CONTRACTOR in any civil or administrative forum, nor subject to any mediation or arbitration proceedings. The CONTRACTOR shall' not be responsible for inpatient hospitali.zation costs, including any surgery and specialty services, in amount" greater than $15,000 per inmate per admission, or for costs incurre·d after five (5) days of hospitalization, whichever comes first. If .inpatient costs exceed $15,000, as described above, any further cost wi.ll be assumed by the. DEPARTMENT. If an inmate is considered by the Facility's Chief Health Office.r to be medically, physically, or mentally incapable of par.ticipatlng in the programmatic activities (which have . been specifically designed to reduce recidivism) for greater than two (2) weeks, the CONTRACTOR may request in writing that th~ DEPARTMENT eithe.r transfer the Inmate or provide in writing to the BUREAU valid reasons for the failure to do so. If it is requested that the DEPARTMENT transfer an inmate beca.use the inmate is not medically, physically, or mentally capable of participating in the programmatic activities, specific information must be provided that -indicates what programmatic activities the inmate is unable to participate in, and an explanation of the cause. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for providing security for any inmate admitted to a hospital for the initial period the CONTRACTOR is responsible for inpatient hospitalization costs. Should the security provided by the CONTRACTOR continue beyond the initial period because of the need to provide continuous security, suc·h security shall be provided by the: CONTRACTOR. However, CONTRACTOR shall be. reimbursed for reasonable costs associated with such supplemental security. Any such iJ?mate will be included in CONTRACTOR'S Midnight Strength Report for any midnight. during which the CONTRACTOR is furnishing security for such inmate. CONTRACTOR shall notify the BUREAU and the DEPARTMENT as soon as possible (within 12 hours) any time an inmate is admitted to a hospitaL Medical Services: The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for the following: all inmate medical costs for care provided at the. facility to inClude emergency outpatient care, pharmaceutical services, initial intake screening for medical, dental and mental health pre.-existing conditions, detoxification of substance abusers, medically required eyeglasses, bearing aids, and dentures; regularly scheduled chronic illness clin.ics conducted under the direct supervision of the Chief Health Officer for the following cOllditions: d.iabetes; respiratory; cardiovascular; seizure disorder; tuberculosis preventive therapy; general medicine; immunodeficiency; and hepatiti.s C; an infectious disease education' program fot inmates will be consistent with the DEPARTMENT'S existing health ·educati.on program for HIV and AIDS as described in Section 945.35, Florida Statutes. Testing for HIV infection under th.e following conditions: .upon request by the. inmate; whe'n there is evidence that an inmate, while at the facility, has engaged in high-risk be·hav.jor, as established in Section 945.35, Florida Statutes, for transmitting or contracting HIV: if the inmate has a positive tuberculosis skin test or active TB; or any other condition deemed medically neceSSalY by the appropriate medical practitioner; no more than 16% of the population shall be M2 and/or M3 (previously P2 and P3); there can be. a 2% variance. No more than 0.5% of the population shall be M4. No more than 5% of the population shall be mv positive; th.ere can be a 0.5% variance. No more than l8% of the population shall be S-3 at anyone time; there can be 0.5% variance.. . No more than 48% of the population shall be close custody; there can be a 3% variance. Contractor should follow requirements outlined hi Section 945.355, Florida Statutes.. Page. I8 of 50 Inmate Co-Payment: The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for collecting a medical co-payment for each inmate-initiated, non-emergency visit to a health care provider as required by Section 945.6037, Florida. Statutes, The fees collected will be retained by the CONTRACTOR and the same amount will be deducted from the monthly management payment billing. All co-payments m.ust be noted in the Offender Based Information System and accounted for in the m.edical record. A.monthly repoit of co-payment" will be included with.the management payment billing. Off-site Security for Hospitalization: CONTRACTOR shall be responsible. for providing security for any inmate admitted to a hospital anytime that responsible for inpatient hospital ization costs. S.hould the security provided by CONTRACTOR continue beyond this period because. of the need to provide continuous security, such security shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR. Chief Health Offfcer: The CONTRACTOR shall designate a Chief Health Officer (CHO) for the. Facility who shall submit reports to the DEPARTMENT (and Director of Health Services, as required) for all clinical mat.ters. Health Education PrOlITam: The CONTRACTOR shall develop, subject to DEPARTMENT approval, an inmate health education program. To promote this health education process, informational programs shall be made available based on the requirements of Florida Statutes and assessed educational needs of the inmates. Selected topics for these programs may 'include but are not limited to: . 1) Personal hygiene.; 2) Nutrition; 3) Physical fitness; 4) Stress management; 5) Sexually transmitted diseases; 6) Chemical dependency; 7) Tuberculosis and other communicable diseases;. 8) Effects of smoking; 9) HIVJAIDS; 10) Hypertensiou/Cardiac; 11) Epilepsy; 12) Diabetes; 13) Dermatology; and 1.4) Rehabilitation. An infectious disease edllcation program for inmates, which will,be consistent with the DEPARTMENT'S existing health education program for HIV and AIDS as described in Section 945:35, Florida Statutes. . Quality Management: The CONTRACTOR shall establish a~d maintain a Clinical Quality Management program that maintains full compliance with DEPARTMENT rules and regulations and the DEPARTMENT Office of H~alth Services Technical Instructions that pertain to: 1) Quality Management 2) Infection Reporting to 3) Infection Control Program th~ Department of Health Page 19 of 50 4) Medical Peer Review Committees 5) Clinical Risk Management Program 6) Mortality Review Program The CONTRACTOR will also maintain full compliance with the policies and procedures pertaining to quality aSSllrance and quality indicators that are currently being revised by the Office of Health Services. Health Assessment at Intake: CONTRACTOR shall ensure all inmates being admitted to the Facility are provided a comprehensive health assessmenUexamination by a physician in accordance with DEPARTMENT guidelines upon intake into the Faci.lity. This shall include screening and evaluation as required by the applicable standards and the· requirements provided herein, by medical personnel immediately upon arrival at th~ Facility. The preliminary screening shall be. documented in the inmate's case file and include the following: ., Inquiry into: 1) Current illness. 2) Communicable diseases. 3) Alcohol/chemical abuse history. 4) Medications currently being taken. 5) Dental status. 6) Chronic health problems. Observation of: 1) State of consciousness. 2) Mental statllS. 3) Appearance. 4) Conduct. 5) Bodily deformities and ease of movement. 6) Signs of trauma, bruises, lesions, jaundice, rashes and infestations, and needle marks or other indications of drug abuse. Explanation of procedures for 'access to health and dental services shall be provided to inmates both orally and in writing via the Inmate Handbook. The handbook will be provided by the DEPARTMENT, along with additional information necessary to infonn the inmate about unique Facility operations. Referrals: All routine refen'als shall be approved by the CRO and outside referrals shall be made only when appropriate. Coordination and compliance with the DEPARTMENT's utilization review program requirements is mandatory. Appropriate referral logs shall be maintained and available for review upon request. -Staffing of Health Care Professionals: . The CONTRACTOR shall' employ only candidates who have appropriate. Florida licensure and certification and who have provided documentation. of past health care experience and letters of recommendation. Each candidate will be. subject to a credentials review and approval process with individual certification that the employee has the requisite training, experience and licensure or certificat.ion necessary to perform the duties assigned. The credentials process must meet or exceed the requirements of Florida Law.. All Physicians, Advanced Registered Nurse PractitioneJ:'s Page 20 of 50' (ARNPs), Psychologists, Psychological Specialists, Physicians' Assistants and Dentists or clinical equivalents of these position titles employed by the CONTRACTOR shall be credentialed. The CONTRACTOR shall provide a ceLtification statement on each individual to the Director of the DEPARTMENT Office of Health Services certifying that the credentials of each individual have been reviewed and he/she is certified as qualified to perform the dutie~ assigned. Medical Records: The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all health care unit staff document each health care encounter in the Problem-Oriented Medical.' Record utilizing the SOAP format, (including DEPARTMENT approved forms) as olltlined in DEPARTMENT rules, Technical Instructions and Florida Statutes. . The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that each health record is complete, accurate and contains sufficient documentation to warrant tbe treatment rendered and that each entry is made in a timely manner. This shall include requesting, and documenting the request for all available previous medical record..c; and composing a medical history. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all medical record procedures concerning confidentiality are followed. Medical records shall remain the prope.rty of the DEPARTMENT and information contained in a medical record shall not be released to anyone who is not legally authorized to receive it. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that each medical record meets the provisions in Florida Statutes, DEPARTMENT rules, Technical Instructions, the Health Recprd Manual, HIPAA, and other applicable . laws, rules and regulations.. Other General Health Service Requirements: Routine transpOltation of inmates for medical visits, consultations, diagnostics studies and hospital admissions shall be the responsibillty of the CONTRACTOR. Subject to the approval of the DEPARTMENT, hospitalization or other specialty care which is required in follow-up to a previous surgery or procedure shall be referred to the provider or Facility originally providing the services. CONTRACTOR'S personnel shall establish regular meetings ~ith representatives from the designated hospital and other providers to coordin~te the referral of inmates. .Policies and procedures shall be developed by CONTRACTOR regarding refenal methods, scheduling, transportation, reporting of test results, medical records, acute care hospitalization and patient follow-up, subject to approval of the DEPARTMENT. Article 5.28 Physical Health Services. A. Chronic Illness Clinics: The CONTRACTOR shall provide. regularly scheduled chronic illness clinics conducted under the direct supervision of the Chief Health Officer for the following conditions: . 1) diabetes; 2) respiratory; 3) . cardiovascular; 4) seizure disorder; 5) tuberculosis preventive therapy; 6) general medicine; 7) immunodeficiency; and 8) hepatitis C. Page 21 of 50 B. C. · . Sick Calls: The CONTRACTOR shall ensure sick calls are provided in accordance with DEPARTMENT' ~ guidelines and internal directives of the Facility. Emergency Care Services: Emergendes shan be taken to tbe nearest hospital' approved . by the DEPARTlY.lENT. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure the availability of emergency treatment through predetelmined aITangements with local hospitals. If an inmate should need to be transfelTed by air, the CONTRACTOR shall use appropriate aviation assets. All ambulances utilized shall be equipped with life support systems and shall be operated by personnel trained in life support that are cUITen'tly certified by the State of Florida. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain documentation of State certification and keep it on file at the Facility. The. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible. for the cost of all emergency air ambulance or land ambulance transportation. The following service requirements shall be met to ensure. that qualified emergency treatment is provided: . D. E. F. G. 1) In-se.rvice education on first aid and emergency procedures. 2) Written policies and procedures transportation of inmates. 3) Arrangements for emergency 24-hour on-cafl physician coverage. 4) Coordination with security for arrangements when the. emergency transfer of an inmate is indicated. . 5) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Basic. Training for all Health Services staff and.other designated Departmental staff members. concerning emergency transfe.r and EIV Testing: The CONTRACTOR shall provide testing for following conditions: mv infection under the 1) UpOIl request by the inmate; 2) When there is evidence that an inmate, while at the Facility, !las engaged in higbrisk behavior, as established in Section 945.35, Florida Statutes, for transmitting or contracting mv; 3) lfthe inmat has a positive tuberculosis skin test or active TB; or 4) Any other condition deemed medically necessary by the appropriate medical practitioner. I r Infection Control PrOl!'l'am: The Contract shall pl"Ovide for an Infection Control Program at the Facility. The program will include, but is not limited to,concurrent surveillance of patients and staff. prevention techniques, and treatment and reporting of infections in ,accordance with local and state laws. Special Medical Programs: The CONTRACTOR shall provide. a "special medical program" for inmates who require close medical supervision induding chronic and convalescent care. The plan of treatment shall include directions for health care staff al}d correctional staff regarding their in the care and supervision. of the inmates. The special medical program shall service a broad range. of health problems including but not. limited to seizure disorders, diabetes, hypertension and AIDS. Optical Services: The CONTRACTOR shall provide, for Optical Services, including eye examinations perfOlmed on-site and in accordance with ACA Standards and DEPARTMENT bulletins. A qualified optometrist shan examine inmates with specific complaints. Eyeglasses shall be provided at the inmate's expense unless cli.nically Page 22 of-50 I "/ I mandated by an ophthalmologist at which time the CONTRACTOR is financially responsible. H. Infirmary Care and Hospitalization: The CONTRACTOR shall provide Infirmary cai'e for inmates requiring skilled nursing care, chronic illness care, convale.scent care, and all acute and chronic conditions which can be managed on-site which includes, but is not limited to the following: 1) 2) 24·hour coverage, supervised all site by a Registered Nurse: " Daily infirmary rounds by nursing staff; 3) 24-hour Physician on-call coverage; 4) Physician shall conduct infirmary rounds no less than one time pet day, Monday through Fri,day. Tn addition, the CONTRACTOR shall develop a manual of nursing care procedures and ensure that a medical record is established for each patient. All infirmary encounters by a health care provider shall be documented in the inmate's medical record. If, in the opinion of the on-site CHO, the inmate cannot be properly treated at the Facility, the inmate shall be referred to a Facility that can provide the necessary treatment, which has been mutualJ.y agreed to by the DEPARTMENT and CONTRACTOR to provide hospital-based services for the DEPARTMENT'S inmates. .Those inmates requiring care beyond the capability of the infinnary shall be hospitalized at a licensed community Facility. Routine admission from the Facility shall be made to a: hospital Facility approved by the, DEPARTMENT. Recommendations for hospitalization" with.' the excepti.on of emergency situations, shall require review and approval by the on-site CHO. Hospital admissions that arise from emergency situations shall be reviewed by the on-site CRO.within 48 hours of admission. Treatment, care. or medical procedures including but not limited to surgery, or prosthetics, initiated at the Facility, shall be completed prior the clearance of the inmate for transfer to another DEPARTMENT Facili~y with the exceptio!l of emergency disciplinary or mental health transfers. Services may be provided at the receiving Facility and billed to the CONTRACTOR. or with the approval of the DEPARTMENT and the BUREAU, the inmate may be returned to the sendingFacility. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all levels of care, including $econdary or Teltiary level of care for pennanent inmates assigned to the Facility. Article 5.29 Dental Health Services. CONTRACTOR will provide inmate dental health services that conform to DEPARTMENT'S Dental Care Manual and the Standards in accordance with: ~ Chapter 466, Florida Statutes • American Correctional Association standards ., American Dental Association standards • FIQrida Board of Dentistry Rules • Center For Disease Control. Standards • Occupational Safety and Health Administration Standards I I The CONTRACTOR shall provide. emergency and comprehensive dental care, consistent with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and practicing standards, This includes reexamination, Page 23 of SO I I comp!l~te and partial dentures, crowns and bridges when indicate.c!, operative, endodontics, periodontics and oral surgery. Preven.tion of dental diseases must be. stressed along with ora! hygiene education, The. CONTRACTOR shall have back-up coverage when the Facilities' dentists are not available. . All CONTRACTOR'S dentists 'will be currently lic~nsed in the State of Florida and be in good standing with the Florida Boara of Dentistry.· Copies of such licensure sh.aH be maintained by the Facility. If applicable, all dental' prosthetics shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR through PRIDE of Florida Dental Laboratory. Clinical oversight of the CONTRACTOR'S dentists shan be provided by the DEPARTMENT Office of Health Services' Director of Dentistry. The. CONTRACTOR'S provisi'ol1 of dental services shall include the fo.llowing components: A. .B. Initial intake scre.ening within five (5) workdays of arrival; and Deve.lopment of a dental treatment plan that includes: 1) Prioritization of needs; 2) Counseling on oral hygiene: 3) Fillings, cleaning and prosthesis: and 4) Dentistry based .on preventive care and complaint-oriented care. Article 5.30 Mental Health Services. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that inmate mental health care is delivered in a manner that complies with all state. and federal laws, n.iles and regulations contained her~in. The DEPARTMENT publication, "Mental Health Services Plan, II provides guidelines on how the DEPARTMENT has organized its mental health care system. Inmates are assigned to a correctional Facility according to the memal health grade assigned during the health assessment each inmate receives upon incarceration with the State. Thro~lghout the term of the prospective contract, CONTRACTOR shall utilize the mental 'health grading assignment system L1tilized by the DEPARTMENT and shall comply with DEPARTMENT'S Mental Health Services Plan. . The CONTRACTOR shall provide. Mental Health Services to inmates that include, but are. not limited to, the following: A. Scr.eening and orientation of all new arrivals. B. Evaluation of each inmate housed in administrative or disciplinary confinement protectivelclose management on or before the 30th consecutive. day and every 90th day thereafter. C. Additional screening of each sex offender to determine need and amenability to treatment.. D. Psychological evaluation at the request of the Parole CommiSSIon or: Facility staff. E, .Case management for aU inmates who require. treatm.ent. Case manageme.nt consists of various activities designed to facilitate medically necessary care and to monitor its impact. F. Psychiatric assessment of those inmates referred for possible pharmacological. intervention. G. Routine psychiatric review of all inmates requiripg such pursuant to DEPARTMENT· standards and the rules and regulations referenced herein, including review of adjustment . to Facility, medication efficacy, and medication review. or Page 24 of50 H. Individualized Service Plans, re.gularJy updated for i.nmates requiring such plans pursuant to DEPARTMENT rules and r~gulations and any applicable standards referenced herein, and for other inmates receiving ongoing monitoring and/or care. . I. Nursing staff will provide medication distribution and medication education for all . inmates requiring such pursuant to DEPARTMENT standards an.d the rules and regulations as 'described herein and as determined by each inmate's se.rvice plan, routine assessment of medication side effects, and monitoring of medication compliance. J. Regular group and/o~ individual counseling for a!l inmate.s requiring such pursuant to DEPARTMENT standards and the rules and regulations as described herein, and others in need of treatment. K. Crisis intervention and timely referral of inmates who require a higher level of care than what is available at the Facility. Additional contractual responsibilities will be: L. Ongoing training of other Facility staff on relevant mental health topics. M. Supervision of non-doctoral psychological staff by a doctoral psychologist. N. Thorough documentation of seryice delivery in the inmate's medical record. O. Maintenance of logs of workload and service delivery. P. Updating various screens in the Health Service component of the Offender Based Information System (OBIS-HS). Q. Regular monitoring of inmates with mental health needs to ensure tha.t appropriate counseling services are provided, R. Psychotropic medications as prescribed by a duly licensed medical practitioner for inmates. s. Counseling programs. . T. Providing an inten1?ive substance abuse treatment program as part of the Inmate Reintegration Program. Article 5.31 Pharmacy Services. The CONTRACTOR shall provide Pharmacy Services and such services. will be performed in strict qompliance with applicable Florida Statutes, Florida Board of Pharmacy Rules, Federal Drug Enforcement Administration Rules, DEPARTMENT Policies and Procedures and all other applicable rules and regulations re.ferenced herein. . . , . The Pharmacy shall be permitted to provide all pharmacy services for medication distribution at the Facility a.~ required by Chapters 465 and 893, Florida Statutes. This may be effected by utilizing on-site . p~arrn.acies, mail order pharmacies or any pharmacy process meeting the requirements in this section. The CONTRACTOR shall establish a Facility Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee that shaH make de~erminations regarding pharmacy services provided by CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall provide coverage on-site or on-call by a licensed pharmacist 24 hours a day, 7 . days a week. Each pharmacist performing services under the contract shall be reachable by beeper. The CONTRACTOR shall provide, fumish and supply pharmaceutical and drugs to the Facility utilizing a "unit dose" method of packaging. Unit doses of medication to be administered by nursing staff are to be provided in a patient specific format. If each dose is individually labeled and packaged, the I.abel shall include the drug name, strength, lot number, expiration date and manufacturer. If a modLfied unit dose system sueh as a. card or blister pack is utilized, each card or pack shall be labeled as a prescription. . . Page 25 of 50 Prescriptions shall minimally be labeled to include the inmate name ano number, drug name, dosage, directions (frequency of administration) physician, phamlacist's initials, date, quantity of tablets, manufacturer, lot number and expiration date and any applicable warnings or dietary instructions. The CONTRACTOR may provide liquid psychotropic medications in unit doses, individually labeled, with manufacturer, lot number. expiration date and date packaged listed. If the CONTRACTOR utilizes pill form psychotropic medications, the necessary precautions must be taken to prevent inmate "cheeking" or other means of retaining medications without ingestion. The CONTRACTOR shalJ strictly comply with the DEPARTMENT'S form!llary in all cases unless the DEPARTMENT approves 'a medication exception request. ' The CONTRACTOR shall provide other medications in liquid unit dose. properly labeled as specified by the CHO. The CONTRACTOR shall provide injectable medications as required. The CONTRACTOR shall provide hypodermic supplies to include needles and syringes and disposal containers that are tamper proof and puncture resistant. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for appropriate disposal and/or destruction of needles and syringes with documentation. , , The CONTRACTOR shall provide on-site STAT dose capability for emergency stock of drugs in unit dose packages to be used in emergency situations or until regular delivery of medications can resume. The specific drugs and quantities shall be determined by the CHO in conjunction with the Facility's Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. The CONTRACTOR shall provide emergency drugs in sealed emergency kit(~) as reques~ed by the CHO. In accordance with all governing DEPARTMENT rules and regulations, the CONTRACTOR 'shall provide and fill all prescriptions for inmates leaving on writ or discharge' for a max.imum of thirty .(30) days or in sufficient quantity to complete the cun'ent prescription. In no event shall an inmate on maintenance medications be released or sent without at least seven (7) days supply of such medi~ation. The medication should be provided to the transferring officer along with the transfer summary. The CONTRACTOR shall properly package all medications in light and/or humidity resistant containers as appropriate. ' The CONTRACTOR shall label each prescription container to include inmate nam.e, inmate number, inmate location, date, medication name" strength, instructions, prescribing physiciaIi, quantity, pharmacist's initials, prescription number and warnings. The CONTRACTOR shall package non-controlled, rion-abusable medications in not more'than fi month's supply as directed by the Facility's Chief Health Officer. If the quantity is larger than 120 tablets, the supply shall be dispensed not to exceed 120 tablets with appropriate refills. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain copies of all prescriptions issued to inmates in a permanent file onsite for a period of three, (3) years. ,Copies will be provided to the DEPARTMENT upOn request. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain appropriate docuTIfentatiori including, but not limited to, inventory records, controlled drug perpetual illventoTy. patient profiles and cost data for financial records. All documentation shall be made available for review by the Warden alld the DEPART1Y.lENT Office of Health Services' Director of Pharmacy, or designated representatives ofDMS. The CONTRACTOR shall docurrient and maintain a medication administration record to include all Information contained all the prescription label and the name of the practitioner who prescribed the medication. ' The CONTRACTOR shall perlorm in-service training for staff according to a schedule mutually agreed upon and approved by the DEPARTMENT. Page 26 of 50 ---,.,._-----,-- The CONTRACTOR shall provide a licensed pharmacist to perform third party drug utilization reviews ac; requested by the DEPARTMENT Clinical Quality Management Committee. The CONTRACTOR shall provide a licensed consultant pharmacist to conduct monthly inspections of all institutional areas where medications are maintained. Inspection shall include, but not be limited to, the expiration dates, storage, and a periodic review of medication records. The. consultant pharmacist's monthly inspection report shall be completed. One copy shall remain in the pharmacy and a second copy shall be sent to the DEPARTMENT Di.rector of Pharmacy. ' The CONTRACTOR shall provide a Pharmacist to serve as chairperson of the Facility's Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee and to consult O1l-S~te and by telephone with the CHO and staff as requested. Article 5.32, Laboratol'j' Services. The CONTRACTOR shall provide Laboratory Services for all medically necessary' and appropriate diagnostic laboratory procedures in accordance with the requirements set forth below: All STAT laboratory work shall be pelfonned at a local hospital or accredited laboratory nearest the 'Facility. Results shall be tele,phoned immediately to the, requesting physician al)d a written report shall follow within 24 hours. Non-llrgent Laboratory services may be provided to the Facility by the DEPARTMENT'S laboratory services contracted provider or by, the CONTRACTOR under a written arrangement. The most costeffective process may be utilized subject to prior Office of Health 'Services' approval,. However, the subcontracted Laboratory must be in compliance with aU applicable requirements Chapter 483, Florida Statutes, including Sections 483.011, 483.26 and 483.800 through' 483.827, and the Standards as described herein. If the CONTRACTOR provides any in-house laboratory testing. it must also be in compliance with the appropriate provisions of Florida law. If only waived tests are con.ducted, the CONTRACTOR must obtain a Certificate of Exemption from the Agency for Healthcare Administration. of Services shall include, but not be limited to: A. . ~aboratory supplies and required equipment (Le., centrifuges). B. Pick-Up and delivery on a daily basis, or as needed Monda~ through Friday. C. Printer instalJ.ed ACCEPTABLE). D. Immediate telephone Gontaet with written reporting capability within 24 hours. at the· Facility, to provide test results (FACSIM:ILE NOT The CONTRACTOR will provide a physician who shall check, initial and date all laboratory results within an appropriate time, not to exceed '24 hours (weekends excluded), to asse,58 the follow-up care indicated and to screen for discrepancies between the clinical observations and the. laboratory results. In the event that the laboratory report and the clinical condition of the patient do not appear to correlate, it shall be the responsibility of the physician to make a clinical assessment, and' to; provide appropriate' follow-up, which shall include reordering of the lab tests. Article 5.33 Radiology Ser'vices. The CONTRACTOR shall provide Radiology Services for all, medically necessary and appropriate diagnostic X-ray procedures. Subject to the prior approval of the DEPARTMENT Office of Health Services. AU services shall be provided in accordance with applicable state and local regulations for equipment and personnel licensure. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that X-ray films are read by a radiologist. The radiologist shall call the Facility CHO with any report requiring 'immediate intervention. The CONTRACTOR shaH ensure that a written report, on the appropriate DEPARTMENT form, is forwarded as required. All emergency X-rays that are required at times 'other than normal working hours shall be pelforrned at a local Facility. A physician shall review, initial and date all X-ray repo~s within a reasonable time. Page 27 of 50 Article 5.34 Inmate Programmatic Services. The CONTRACTOR shall provide Inmate Programmatic Services including academic and vocational programs that have the objective of reducing recidivism by assuring t~e successful reintegration of the inmates back into society upon release from incarceration. Such services shall be initiated upon the Service Commencement Date,that will be maintained continuously and will be certified by the appropriate governing agency(ies). Teacher's and Instructor's credentials must m.eet OJ' exceed all applicable requirements of Florida Law. The inmate participation requirements set forth in Exhibit I shall be reevaluated annually and adjusted as necessary by mutual agreement of the parties through an addendum to this Contract; any reduction in in.mate participation requirements shall be accompanied by a corresponding reduction under Article 7.1. In addition, the CONTRACTOR may utilize' volunteers for programs that will contribute to leisure time, l:eIigious educational programs, or that in the CONTRACTOR'S judgment may contribute to inmates' adjustment in the Facility or upon release. VolLinteers shall be screened according to the established DEPARTMENT policy. All inmate programs are subject to reporting requirements of the state and federal government. All programs must be offered on a continuous basis. Teacher/instructor ratios are to be reasonable to accomplish this goal. and once approved are subject to the vacant positions clause of the Contract. The CONTRACTOR shall achieve and maintain performance me.asures for these programs as stated in the Contract and shall provide DMS with a quarterly status report indicating whether the programs' goals have been met or the reason why the goals have not been met. Types of program services to be provided include, but are not limited to the following: A. Industry Programs that ·are specialized to meet current needs of the Facility and '01' the DEPARTIVIENT. The industry program designed to impart knowledge and develop skills that are essential for success in meeting the needs of the Facility and or the DEPARTMENT, with adequate experience to enable the inmate to obtain outside employment. Actual work-based projects are to be included in the learning activities. Industry programs must have specific performance measures: number enrolled, number participated, number completed, number celtified, etc., with the goal of placing as many inmates as feasible in a work ·program to benefit the state and maintain security in the Facility. The custody level of the inmate is to be a consideration in establishing and assigning inmates to industry programs. The program may include subcontractors to accomplish the program. goals. .. B. Release Preparation or Pre-Release classes emphasizing resources in the community to aid in transition. C. Intervention classes to offenders with violent histories at a minimum of two times per year, and more often if the population turnover warrants. These classes may be included with Life Management' skills classes. Cognitive be.havior and self-help programs are. encouraged. D. Religious Services shall be made available to all inmates who wish to panicipate in accordance with the Standards and the United States Constitution. Services may be provided by a Chaplain(s) hired by the CONTRACTOR, or by qualified volunteers. If the CONTRACTOR chooses to depend upon volunteer services and said services prove to be inadequate to meet the needs of the inmates as determined by the BUREAU, then the CONTRACTOR shall hire one or more. Chaplains at no cost. E. Organized weekly religious services shall be offered. Volunteers from the community may be utilized to assist in offering a variety of religious programs. Religious activities must be afforded in accordance with applicable· federal and state laws. Pastoral qualifications of employees or volunteers in this program. must meet' the minimum Page 28 of 50 ----------------. ' qualifications required by the DEPARTMENT. F. Wellness Program which includes indoor and outdoor recreation and leisure time programs for' the inmates in compliance with the. applicable and corresponding Constitutional' standards and the Standards provided herein. G. Substance Education Abuse Program that provides individual and group counseling for inmates that complies with the standards and includes mental Health Care and Crises Intervention Services, etc. . Article 5.35 Program Plan. CONTRACTOR shall provide as part of its Contract a plan for providing academic and vocational programs to inmates ("Program Plan"), to be initiated upon the commencement dale, that will be maintained continuously and certified by the appropriate goveming agency(ies). All programs are subject to reporting requirements of the state and federal government. All Programs described. in the Contract must be offered on a continuous basis. Teacher/instructor ratios are to be reasonable to accomplish the goal, and once approved are subject to the vacant positions clause of the contract. The CONTRACTOR shall achieve and maintain performance measures for these programs and shall provide the BUREAU with a quarterly status indicating whether the programs'. goals have been met or the reason why the goals have not been met. See Exhibit 1 for a detailed plan. Article 5.36 Inmate Laundry and Clothing. The CONTRACTOR will furnish uniforms, including for inmates that will be properly sized and fitted, climatically suitable, durable and presentable. The CONTRACTOR will provide laundry services and clothing in compliance with the Standards' to include, but not be limited to the following: shoe~, • Regular changes of clothing; .• Specialized clothing for inmates who are involved in activities such as food service, maintenance; and • Clean bedding and linen. Article 5.37 Inmate Compensation. Some inmates employed in selected jobs are paid for their labor. Wages should be deposited to the inmate's account and a portion of earnings be returned to the State to offset part of the cost of incarceration. Distribution of inmate earnings will continue to accme to either the inmate or the State and the CONTRACTOR will have no claim to any part of inmates' earnings. The CONTRACTOR shall. comply with Florida Statutes regarding inmate earnings distribution. Article 5.38 Library. The. CONTRACTOR shall provide an inmate library in compliance. with the Standards: Article 5.39 Access to Courts. Th.e CONTRACTOR shaH provide inmat,esaccess to courts in compliance witl). the Standards as referenced herein and the United States Constitution. . Article 5.40 CONTRACTOR Staffing Requirements. A. . . Staffing Levels and Guide!ines as provide.d by the ACA, including Inmate to staff ratio. The CONTRACTOR shall. provide sufficient, qualified personnel to oversee· and carry out the re.quired operations of the Facility as specified in this CONTRACT. B. Egua.l Employment OopOltunity: The CONTRACTOR shall provide. written procedures on recruitment and selection of both obj~ctiYe and SUbjective merit principles. Recruitment·and selection shall be done without regard to age, race, color, sex, religious creed, national origin, political opinions. or affiliations, marital status or handi~ap, except Page 29 of 50 when such requirement' constitutes a bonafide occupational quulification necessary to perform the tasks associated with the position; equal opportunity practices relating to recruitment, examination, appointment, training, promotion, demotion, compensation, retention, discipline, separation, or other employment practices. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for maintaining records as required by the federal Equal Opportunity Act. C. i' Vacancies: It is understood'an.d agreed that from time to time a vacancy may occur in staff positions required by the staffing pattern. For purposes of this CONTRACT, a vacant position is defined to occur when the employee assigned to that position has ,resigned, been terminated, or is reassigned to another position. A vacancy does not occur when an employee is temporarily absent due to vacation, sick leave, or other temporary leave condition. A vacant position also includes a staff position that is filled with a person who does not possess the. training, licensure or credentials required to perform the function. ' A vacant position does not include a vacancy in a position on the CONTRACTOR'S table of organization if the CONTRACTOR amlnges for the service to be provided by another appropriately quali.fied individual, so long as th.e servic.e is actually pro'vided on the shift or during the hours and in the manner contemplated by the agreement. This adjustment shall not be considered a form of liquidated or actual damages, but is a withholding of payment for a service not provided. After thirty (30) days, a position that is actually vacant may also be subject to an assessment of liquidated damages without the necessity of written notice. Any vacant position, shall be filled as soon as possible by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall provide to the BUREAU'S Contract Monitor each month, a list of vacant positions along with a position control documentation. The CONTRACTOR agre,es to exercise dlle diligence to attempt to fill any vacant security positions within thirty (30) days of vacancy and non-security positions, within forty-five (45) days after the date upon which . the position becomes vacant. If the CONTRACTOR anticipates a problem in filling a 'vacant position within' the forty-five (45) day allowance for non-security positions or the thirty (30) day allowance for security positions, the CONTRACTOR must request a waiver from the BUREAU on a case-by-case basis to fill a position with contracted staff. Positions not filled with permanent employees or contracted staff will incur vacancy deduc.tions. If the CONTRACTOR fills a position with contracted staff after a waiver has been approved, docttmentation rhust be provided to that effect to the BUREAU'S Contract Monitor to be induded on the monthly vacancy repOlt submitted to the BUREAU: A vacancy deduction will continue to be made for a vacant position until the CONTRACTOR re.ceives final approval for a waiver from the BUREAU. As .long as the CONTRACTOR has exercised and continues to exercise. due diligence to fill a position, the fact that the position remains vacant shall not constitute an Event of Default, but if the CONTRACTOR has Jess than the required number of e'mployees for more than the specified time, deductions for vacancies will be made from the monthly per diem paid by the BUREAU using the 365-day method inclusive of benefits, until such time as the position is filled permanently or with contracted staff. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain a file containing job descriptions for each position contained within the staffing pattern. All security posts will have a post order with sufficient detail to insure the security person filling the positi.on ean accomplish all tasks. D. Staff Health Requirements: The. CONTRACTOR shall have all staff tested al1IllLally for TuberCUlosis, and offe~' inoculation for Hepatitis B per the DEPART.MENT's Blood Borne Pathogens Manual and applic..'1ble ACA Standard~. E. Minimum Required Staffing Positions: As provided by ACA.· Page 30 of 50 --------,. __.._ - - - - - - _ . a) Staffing Qualifications: All required persc,mnel documentation including celtifications shall. be maintained at the Facility. b) CONTRACTOR Staff Conduct: The CONTRACTOR shall ensure .tbat all staff adheres to the following requirements for conduct: The CONTRACTOR or staff shall not display favoritism to or preferential treatment of, on.e inmate or group of inmates over another. The CONTRACTOR or staff shall not display any favoritism or preferential treatment to family, friends of employees or inmate. family members. The CONTRACTOR or staff shall not enter into any business relationship with inmates or their famiLies (example - selling, buying or trading personal property), or persona[Jy employ them in any capacity. Unless approved in writing by the 'Contract Manager, the CONTRACTOR or staff shall have no outside contact (other than incidental contact) with an inmate residing at the Facility or' their family .01' close associates, except for those activities which are approved as part of the. contract and palt of th.e emp]oyee's job description. ' The CONTRACTOR or staff shall not engage in any conduct which is criminal in nature or which would bring discredit upon the CONTRACTOR or the. Department. In providing services pursuant to this CONTRACT, the CONTRACTOR shall ensure that their employees avoid both misconduct and the appearanc.e of misconduct. Any violation or attempted violation of the restrictions referred to in thi.s section regarding employee, COllduct shall be reported by phone <Ui.d in writing to the Contract Manager and the Warden. including proposed corrective action to be taken by the CONTRACTOR. Any failure .to report a violation. or take appropriate disciplinary action against the offending party or parties shall subject the CONTRACTOR to appropriate action, up to and including termination of this Contract: The CONTRACTOR shall report any violations detailed above and any other blcident requiring investigation by th.e CONTRACTOR in writing to the Contract Manager within 24 hottrs of the CONTRACTOR'S know ledge of the i.ncident. , . The CONTRACTOR shall provide their employees with a copy of these standards of employee conduct and document receipt of such notification in the employee's personnel file. . c) Criminal History Check: The. CONTRACTOR shall ensure its officers, employees or agents, and any sub-CONTRACTOR or subcontracted staff performing operational and/or management services at the Facility, shall be subject, at the CONTRACT9R'S expense, to a Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Florida Crime Information Center/National Crime Information Center (FCICINCrC) criminal history check. This criminal history check will be conducted by t,he State and may occur or re-occur at any time dLlring, the contract period. The State' has full discretion to require the CONTRACTOR to disqualify, prevent, or remove any staff from any work under this CONTRACT. In order to can'y out this criminal' history check, the CONTRACTOR shall provide, prior to commencing services or upon request, the following data for any individual CONTRACTOR or stib-CONTRACTOR'S' Page 310f 50 ---------- staff assigned to the contract: Full Name, Race, Sex, Date of Birth, Social Security Number, Driver's License Number and State'ofIssue. The CONTRACTOR shall screen all potential employees through refelTal, employment and background checks prior to the individual providing services, custody, control or supervision to inmates as directed by this CONTRACT, This screening shall i~clude but not be limited to employment history, academiclvocational achievement, references, organizational affiliations and any certifications or Iicensures. The CONTRACTOR shall require that all Clll1"ent and potentia.l employees provide the details of any of the following criminal backgroU11d information: e Conviction of a felony or first-degree misdemeanor; co Pled nolo cont.endere or pled guilty to a crime, which is a felony or firstdegree misdemeanor; • Had adjudication of guilt withheld to a crime, which is a felony or a firstdegree misdemeanor; and e Current pending charges for a violation of law. The CONTRACTOR shall not assign or employ personnel to provide any services pursuant to this CONTRACT who were convicted of a felony unless approved in wliting by t;be Contract Manager, The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the Contract Manager is provided the information needed to conduct the NCIC/FCIC criminal history check prior to any new contractor or subcontractor staff being hired or assigned to work under the contract. The CONTRACTOR shall not offer employment to any individual or assign any individual to work in accordance with this CONTRACT, who has not had an NCICIFCIC criminal history check conducted and employment approved by the BUREAU, , The' CONTRACTOR shall not hire any individual to provide services as described in this CONTRACT who has been barred from any Department or other criminal justice facility. ' The CONTRACTOR ~hall immediately repOlt to the Contract Manager any new an'est, criminal charges ~r convictions o,f any current officer, agent or employee pelforming services under this Contract. Article 5.41 Records and Documentation.. A. Records Mainte.nance: CONTRACTOR will provide a records andrepOlting system both manual and c.omputerized, for Facility operations that includes the following and is compatible with that used by the DEPARTMENT. Further, the CONTRACTOR'S' system will be in compliance with federal, state, and local laws governing confidentiality and will identify and limit those persons who have control or access. The system will , provide, for the following: a. Provision o~ aU (eports apd records necessary for monitoring of any courtordered compliance. Page 32 of 50 B. b. Maintenance of an individual custody record on each inmate that includes, but is not limited to, personal data, personal inventory receipts, disciplinary action reports, incident reports, release information,' classification and counseling records, dental, psychiatric and medical records; c. Signed release. of information forms; d. Appropriate transfer documentation as to legal authority to accept the inmate; e. Re.fen·als to other agencies; f. Confidentiality and safegLlarding of case records to ensure against unauthorized and improper disclosure; g. Maintenance of records and reports; and, h. The retention and storage of 16gs and records in a manner consistent with DEPARTMENT policy and Florida law. Manal! Information SYstem: The CONTRACTOR shall inSk1.11 a fully compatible electronic data processing (EDP) System 'to Access the FLorida Offender Based Management Information System (OBIS) for information purposes with regard to inmate transfer, inmate financial records, and classification and heath services. Article 5.42· Deliverables. To operate a 1,SOO-bed, adult male, medi'um/close custody security level correctional facil-ity. Article 5.43 General Reporting Requirements. CONTRACTOR sbould provide samples of any current reporting requirements it utilizes. Article 5.44 Monitoring and Evaluatlon. A. Contract Mon.itoringlPerformance Evaluation Monitoring: At its 'discretion, the BUREAU wilf monitor the CONTRACTOR'S pel1'ormance to ensure compliance in accordance with all contract provisions, DMS's instructions, and all applicable standards, ,including, but not limited to ACA, Administrative Rules, DMS and DEPARTMENT guidelines, specifications of this CONTRACT, Court Orders and Decrees. The Contract Monitor or designated represen~ative.g or employees of the BUREAU may conduct inspections as deemed necessary. The, BUREAU shall have the right to reasonably prompt access to examine, and rece.ive copies, if requested, of all records of the CONTRACTOR relating to the Facility, including without limitation, all financial books and records, maintenan.ce records, employee records, and inmate records generated by the CONTRACTOR and its subcontractors, or independent contractors, in connection with the performance of this Contract. The BUREAU'S monitoring activities shall incl ude review of subcontracts as previously described herein. The. Contract Monitor shall provide the results of monitoring/inspection activities conducted to the CONTRACTOR in writing. If CONTRACTOR noncompliance issues are noted during a monitoring activity, each shall be specifically identified and cOlTective action shall be recommended with a time frame specified to achieve. compliance..· . The cost of the Contract Monitor will be a deduction to the monthly invoice paymel1t to the CONTRACTOR. ,The actual cost for such deductions will be based upon the appropriated rate, salary and expense dollars for the function. Compens~tion will be adjusted monthly to reimburse the. BUREAU for the salary and Page 33 of SO -----------,---,._---_._-------. expenses (to Include coverage of employee he,nefits) of the Contl'act Monitor. Additional deductions wi.u be made for any ad valorem taxes or payment in lieu of such taxes tbat may become. due onthe Facility pursuant to judicial determination or legislative mandate. B. Monitorim! and Evaluation: The BUREAU'S Contract Monitor or designated BUREAU staff, will perform monitoring during the term of the contract, but not less than once a year to ensure contract complia.nce. Monitoring shall iJ1clud~ periodic review of compliance with contract performance, including but not limited to, re.view of the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Security Inmate Management and Control Inmate Programs and Services Facility Safety and Sanitation Administration Food Service Personnel.Pr~ctices and Training Inmate Health Services Inmate Discipline , ~ Other matters relating to services as determined by the BUREAU. In addition to monitoring. the performance of the CONTRACTOR may be compared to the performance of the State in operating like fac.ilities. The CONTRACTOR shall supply aU data necessary to conduct such evaluations. In evaluating the CONTRAcTOR'S performance. the BURBAU shall consider the specific areas identified above. C. Self-MonitOlimr: The CONTRACTOR shall c.ontinually conduct self-monitoring utilizing a comprehensive self-monitoring plan providing for both Facility-level SelfMonitoring and Corporate-level Self-Monitoring. The CONTRACTOR shall designate an employee as the staff member responsible for· continuous self-monitOling of the Facility. CONTRACTOR. shall provide. access to all self-monitoring to the. Contract Monitor. Article 5.45 Inmate Reintegration Program. CONTRACTOR will provide, an Inmate Reintegration Program which provi.des for the following: Treatment Program Counseling which will provide individual and group counseling for inmates which will comply with the Standards, and includes mental health care and crisis intervention services, adjunct community resource assistance as needed, specific therapy groups as determined by inmate needs and which may change over time, and a substance abuse program which is more fully described in Exhibit I, Volunteer ProlITams which will include clearly specified lines, of authority, l:esponsibility and accountability for the volunteer services program; recruitment, screening and selection of volunteers; . and volunteer orientation and training. Education PrOf:!TaffiS in compliance with the Standards and as more fully described in Exhibit 1. Page 34 of 50 Inmate Work Programs in compl iance with the Standards. All inmates will be required to keep their living areas clean and in addition, work opportunities will be available in the, food service, laundry, maintenance shop, warehouse, and utility squads. DEPARTMENT will be responsible for approving gain time credit for labor perfonned. The CONTRACTOR will be required to submit an annual report documenting the number of persons who have, satisfactorily completed each of the academic educ'ation, vocational education, and substance abuse components, required to be delivered per' the terms' of this Contract and the CONTRACTOR'S response to the Invitation to Negotiate, Included in this annual report shall be an update of the career outlook analysis, concel11ing information as required in the CONTRACT including: type of jobs the vocational training prepares the inmates for; estimated job growth, in the State of Florida, in the fields of training being offered; salary range of the, jobs available; and qualifications necessary for the jobs. Article 5.46 Recreation. The CONTRACTOR will provide indoor and outdoor recreatioil and leisure time programs for the inmates in compliance with the Standards. Article 5.47 Safety and Emel'gencv Procedures. The CONTRACTOR \'J{iII operate and rnaint:ain the Facility in compliance with applicable federal, state and local safety and fire codes and in accordance with the Standards. . ARTICLE SIX EMPLOYEES Article 6.1 Independent Contractor. With respect to the performance of the services set out herein, the CONTRACTOR is and shall be an independent CONTRACTOR and, sub.iect to the telIDS of this Contract, shall have the sole right to manage, control, operate, and direct the performanc,e of the details of its duties under this Contract. The CONTRACTOR'S agents and employees shall not accrue from the, State., the. BUREAU, or the DEPARTMENT any leave, retirement, insurance, bonding any other benefit afforded. to the empl.oyees of the State" the BUREAU, or the DEPARTMENT as a result of this Contract. CONTRACTOR, its agents, and employees shall not be considered agents or employees of the State, the BUREAU, or the DEPARTMEl\TT. or Article 6.2 Sub-Contractors. The CONTRACTOR may subcontract for the performance of any of its responsibilities to provide services pursuant to this Contract, provided the BUREAD reviews all procedural, and operational and fixed capital outlay proje.ct plans and provides written approval, which approval may not- be. unreasonably withheld. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish to the BUREAU'S Contract Monitor copies of aU subcontracts, without regard to amount of ann'Ual payments. Any arrangement by the· CONTRACTOR with an affiliate or member company to provide services to the Facility shall be. subject to the subcontractor provisions of this Article. No contractual relationship shall exist"between the BUREAU and any subcontractor and the BUREAU shall accept no responsibility whatsoever for the conduct, actions, or omissions of any subcontractor selected by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the maIiagement of the subcontractor in the pelforinance of their work. A subcontractor may not work directly the BUREAU in any manner and shall not be included in contract negotiations, renewals, audit any other discussions except at the request of the BUREAU. or The prOVIsions of law governing the participation of minority business enterprises are applicable to this Contract. The terms "Certified Minority' Business Enterprises" and "MBE(s)" mean only those minority business enterprises as define.d in Section 288.703(2), Florida Statutes, which possess a current celiification issued by the DMS Office of Supplier Diversity. Page 35 of 50 Article 6',3 Personnel. ,CONTRACTOR shall at all times provide sufficient trained staff to provide for and maintain the security, control, custody, and supervision of .inmates of the Facility in compliance with applicable court orders, the Standards, and this Contract. Positions will be staffed with qualified employees in accordance with the staffing pattern provided in .the CONTRACTOR'S Contract. Sufficient staff shall be employed at all times to assure that all positions identified ns critical cOlnplement on the approved staffing pattern. are manned for each shift, unless a departure froni the staffin.g pattem has been approved in writing by the BUREAU'S Chief. The CONTRACTOR shaH be required to fill criticf).J complement positions by using overtime 01' other staff members to ensure that the staffing levels do not decrease below the, established critical complement. The approved staffing pattern is attached as "Exhibit 2 and herein incorporat~d by reference. ParHime correctional officers may be used as long as they are fully trained and licensed, The use of part-time correctional officers will be limited to a maximum of 900 hours per week. The use of parHime staff in supervisory positions is forbidden, Article 6.4 Training. The CONTRACTOR will provide training programs in .c.ompliance with ,the Standards, Chapter 943 and Section 957.05, Florida Statutes, the Florida Depmtment of Law Enforcement, Division of Training, Rule 33.25, Florida Administrative Code. ARTICLE SEVEN COMPENSAnON AND ADJUSTMENTS Article 7.1 'Management P~1'rnent, This payment reflects operating costs and does not include service numbers. Compensation will be based on two (2) per diem. rates: the first'rate is based on 90% occupancy ~nd the second rate is base,d on the number of inmates exceeding the 90% occupancy. The BUREAU will compensate the CONTRACTOR at the following per diem rates (inmate, per day): o $ 42.36 time,s the minimum occupancy of 90% o $ 8.00 for each inmate over the minimum occupancy rate of 90%; les~ o Monthly qeductions 'for: o The Major Maintenance and Repair Reserve Fund set forth in Atticle 4.9, in the monthly amount of $12,577 .06. . o The Contract Monitor set forth in Article 5.44, intbe'monthly amount of $4514.21 o .Any property taxes or payments in lie.u of taxes (PILOT) that may become due on the Facility pursuant to judicial determination or legislative maqdate,. Regardless of the number of inmates incarcerated at the facility, the CONTRACTOR is guaranteed an a,mount equal to 90% occupancy (l,350 inmates) times tbe 90% per diem rate subject to legislative appropriations. The CONTRACTOR guarante.e may be subject to the, following: liquidated damages as set forth in Artic.le 10, I.1; deductions due to position vacancies as set forth in Article 5.40; deducti.ons for reimbursement of contract monitor as set forth above; deductions for the maintenance reserve as ~et forth in Article 4.9; ad valorem andJor PILOT payments required to be paid by CONTRACTOR by judicial determination or legislative mandate, as set forth in Article 12.7; and any other deduction or Page 36 of 50 ' charge permitted in this Contract. Article 7.2 Invoices. CONTRACTOR shall submit· monthly invoices within ten (1.0) working days of the month end. in a format acceptable. to the accounting department of the DEPARTMENT to the attention of the BUREAU'S appointed Contract Manager. Invoices shall be submitted in detail sufficient· . for a proper pre-audit and post-audit thereof. The invoice will retlect the prison population for each day, midnight count, times the security per diem minus adjustments allowed in the Contract. The invoice will reflect a separate per diem for programs provided by the CONTRACTOR. The DEPARTMENT will verify the daily inmate population count. If there is a discrepancy between tile CONTRACTOR and DEPARTMENT'S count, the DEPARTMENT count will be used in calculating the per diem payment. Invoices will be adjusted as specified in the CONTRACT. The BUREAU'S Contract Manager or successor shaU be responsible for enforcing performance of the contract terms and conditions and he/she shall serye as liaison with the CONTRACTOR and shall approve all invoices for payment. Submit to: Rhonda Vause, Chief Bure-au of Finance and Accounting Florida Department of Corrections 2601 Blairstone Road Tallahassee. Flodda 32399-2500 Terry Rocco, Chief. . Bureau of Private Prison Monitoring Florida Department of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way, Suite 335 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 Name, and Address of Pa-vee The name and address of the contact person and official payee to whom the payment shall be made: -:rhe GEO Group. Inc. One Park Place, Suite 700 621 NOIthwest 53rd Street Boca Raton, Florida 33487 Article 7.3 Interest Penalties.· Payment shall be made in accordance with Sections 215.422 and 55.03, Florida Statutes, which state the- CONTRACTOR'S rights and the BUREAU's responsibilities concerning . interest penalties and time (imits for payment of invoices. Vendors providing goods and services to an agency should be aware of the following time frames. Upon receipt, an ageney has five (5) working days to inspect and approve the goods and services, unless the bid specifications. purchase order or .c.ontraci specifies otherwise. An agency has twenty (20) days to deliver a request for payment (voucher) to the Department of Banking and Finance. The twenty (20) days are measured from the latter of the date the invoice. is received or the goods or services are received, inspected and approved. If a payment is not available within forty (40) days, a separate interest penalty, established . annually by the Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Section 55.03(1), Florida Statutes, will be due and payable, in addition tathe invoice amount, to the CONTRACTOR, The interest rate for Page. 37 of 50 1---------------------·-' ------. --_ .. ------- ----- ~--- .. --. "I i calendar 2005 is 0.0001918 percent per day (7.0% per annum). The interest penalty provision applies after a thirty-five (35) day time period to heal th care providers, as defined by rule. Interest penalties of less than one (1.) dollar will not be enforced unless the: CONTRACTOR requests payment. Invoices which are returned tq a vendor due to vendor preparation en'ors will result in a delay in the payment. The· appIiclLble time period does not commence until [l properly completed invoice is received by the. agency. A CONTRACTOR Ombudsman has be,e.n established within the Department of Banking and Finance. The duties of this individual include acting as an advocate for Contractors \vho may be experiencing problern~ in obtaining timely payrrient(s) from a state agency. The CONTRACTOR Ombudsman may· be contacted at (850) 410-9724 or by calling the State Comptroller's Hotline at (800)848-3792. . Article 7.4 Adjustments to Compensation. The BUREAU recognizes that the CONTRACTOR has into this Contract based upon the Standards in effect as of the date the Contract beclLIne effective. If there are changes in the. Standards or unforeseen circumstances which change the scope of servic.e.s to be furnished pursuant to this' Contract and increase or decrease the cost of managing the facility, CONTRACTOR wiH provide the BUREAU written notice and documentation suppOlting an adjusrment to compensation. The BUREAU wm review and not unreasonably deny the adjustment to compensation. The BUREAU may adjust the total compensation paid CONTRACTOR so that· CONTRACTOR may be paid compensation equal to the amotmt. req~ired to the change in CONTRACTOR'S cost managing the Facility because. of the charlge in scope of services, retroactive to the effective date of such cost changes. Since requests for appropriated funds are based on costs as provided in the CONTRACTOR'S proposal, any adjustment to compensation to cover changes in the Standards or unforeseen circumstances which changes the. scope of services, shall be subject to adeqllacy of appropriate.d funds, sufficient to cover the compensation change. Article 7.5 Supplemental Compensation. In the event that, pursuant to Article 4. J1, the CONTRACTOR proposes to expand the capacity of the Facility and the B UREAD approves suc.h a Contract, then the CONTRACTOR shall. be eligible for supplemental compensation for any inmates housed in the Facility in excess of 1,500 inmates. The per inmate per day rate of any such supplemental compensation will be an amount mutually agreed upon by the BUREAU and.the CONTRACTOR, and shall not be greater than the maximum allowable pursuant to Section 957.07, Florida' Statutes, and shall be subject to legislative appropriation. Article 7.6 Appropriation. Contingency. The State's performance and obligation to pay 'under this Contract is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Florida Legislature, pt~I'suant to Section 287.0582, Florida Statutes; the State is not obligated for any payments that exceed the amount of the current appropriation., pursuant to Section 957.04(1)(h), (2)(d), Florida Statutes. ARTICLE EIGHT II\TDEMNIFICA TION AND INSURANCE Article 8.1 Indemnification. The CONTRACTOR hereby assumes entire, responsibiHty and liability for any and aU damages or injury of any kind or nature whatever (including death resulting therefrom) to all persons: whether employees of the· CONTRACTOR or otherwise, an.d to all proper~y caused by, resulting from, arising out of or OCCUlTing in connection with any action of the CONTRACTOR (including its officers, directors, employees, subcontractors, or agents) in performance of the duties of this Contract. If any c.1aims for suc.h damage or injury (including death resulting therefrom) be made or asserted, whether or not such claims are based upon' the CONTRACTOR'S (including its officers, directors, employees, subcontractors, or agents) active or passive negiigence or participation in the ,vrong J?age 38 l)f 50 I ) or upon any aJ.Jeged breach of any statutory dUly or obligation on the part of the above. parties, the C·ONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless, the State and the BUREAU, its officers, agent~, servants and employees from and against any and all such claims, and further from and against any and all loss, cost expense, liability, damage or injury, including legal fees and disbursements, that the State, its officers, agents, servants or employees may directly or indirectly sustain, suffer, or incur as a result, and the CONTRACTOR agrees to and does hereby assume, on. behalf of the State, its officers, agents, servants and employees, the defense of any action at law or in equity wI1ich may be brought agai,ost the State, its contractors (it" any), its officers. agents, servants 01' employees, arising by reason of such c.laims and to pay on behalf of the State, its officers. agents, servants and employees, upon demand of either of them, the amount of any judgment that may be entered against them, individually, jointly or severally, its agents, servants or employees in any such action, As part of the. CONTRACTOR'S assumption of all responsibility and liability for any and all damage or injury as detailed above, the CONTRACTOR further to hold harmless, defend and indemnify the State for any loss, expense, re.covery or settlement, including counsel fees and costs of defense, which arise from any demand, claim. (whethe.r frivolous or not) or suit which may be asserted or brought against the State or the CONTRACTOR as a result of any injury or damage to any person or persons (including deatQ) or property (i) allegedly caused by, resnlting from, arising out of, or occurring in connection with the furnishing of any goods, equipment or services or the performance or preparation for performance of any of the work or any duties of the, CONTRACTOR hereunder, or incidental or pertaining thereto, and (it) whether or not such injury or dam.age is due to or chargeable to the site owner or any contractor or subcontractor· under a contract for which u~e goods or services herein ordered are required. including, but not limited to, any claim based on liability without fault for injury caused by defective goods supplied by the. CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR also agrees to assume responsibility for, hold harmless. defend and inde.mnify the. State for payment of any expenses, costs (induding delay costs). direct and consequential damages, penalties, taxes or assessments (including punitive damages), including counsel and cost~ of defense, which may be imposed or incurred (a) under any Federal, State; or local law, ordinance or regulation upon or with respect to any compensation of any person employed b)i the CONTRACTOR, and (b) under any Federal, State, or local law, ordinance or regulation upon or with respect to discrimination hi. employment against any individual employed by the CONTRACTOR on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and (c) under any Federal, State, or local" law. ordinance or, r~gulation upon or with respect to any compensation of any person for claims or civil actions a.IIeging deprivation of right, privilege or immunity secured by the United State.s Constitution and laws pursuant to 42 USC Section 1983 or similar statute.s as well as claims for attorneys fees brought pursuant to 42 USC Section 1988 or similar statutes." . Article 8.2· Legal Proceedings. The CONTRACTOR shall not be responsible for defending any post .conviction action, including appeals and writs of habeas corpus by any inmate challenging the underlyingjudgmem of conviction or the admini.stration of the sentence imposed. i Article 8.3 Insurance. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for obtaining and maintaining adequate insurance coverage as required herein, .The CONTRACTOR shall obtain and provide' proof of general liability insurance cove·rage (broad form coverage) which shall specifically include fire, and legalliabiJi.ty in an amount not less than two million dollars ($2.000,000) for each OCCUITence. within a yearly aggre.gate of at least ten minion. dollars ($10,000,000), and civil rights claims in an amount not less than two mil.lion . dollars ($2,000.000) for eac.h occurrenc.e within a ye.arly aggregate of at least five. million dollars ($5,000,000). The State of Florida and its respective agencies shall be included as additional insureds under the policy of general liability insurance coverage issued to the CONTRACTOR. Coverage for civil Page 3901'50 rights liability may be issued under a separate policy but shall also include the State and its agencies as additional' insureds. Vehicle liability coverage for all vehic·les used by the CONTRACTOR shall be .. provided in an amount of not .less than two million dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence. Coverage shall also specifically be provided to protect against employee dishonesty in an amount of not less than fifty . thousand dollars ($50,000). The CONTRACTOR shall obtain and provide proof of wor)<ers' compensation insurance coverage (including employer 1iability) in the amount and manner required by ,Florida law for £Ill . employees of the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain and/or provide proof of professional liability insurance coverage, 'including medical malpractice liability and errors and omissions coverage, to cover all professional services to be provided by the CONTRACTOR to the State under this Contract. The amount of coverage obtained shall be two million dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence with a five million dollar ($5,000,000) yearly aggregate. If occun'ence coverage is not available, claims-made coverage with a three (3) year tail coverage shall be provided for the same amounts and aggregate as det'ailed above. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain and provide proof of contractual liability insurance coverage to cover all liability assumed by the CONTRACTOR under this Contract and for which the CONTRACTOR may be. liable to the State under the indemnification provisions of this Contract (intermediate form coverage). Such coverag y may be provided by separate coverage or as an additional endorsement to a general liability policy, but shall be in the same amounts an.d limits of coverage as that required for general liability coverage. The CONTRACTOR shaH obtain and provide proof of boiler. and machinery coverage ("comprehensive" coverage) in the amounts of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence to cover all loss arising from the operation of boilers and machinery including loss to other property and losses due to business interruption. ' The CONTRACTOR shall obtain and provide proof of premises liability insurance (which should be included in any genera) liability coverage) and property coverage (tire and extended coverage) for the full value of the buildings, strllctures or other facilities operated by the CONTRACTOR and its subcontractors and all movable contents which value can pever be less than the then remaining balance owed under the lease purchase agreement. The: State and its respective agencies shall be included as additional insureds under this policy. The CONTRACT9R shall obtain and maintain environmental impairment liability coverage for liability resulting from sudden, accidental or gradual pollution arising from operations conducted by the insured, covering damage for bodily injury and property damage in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and two million dollars ($2,000,000) yearly aggregate .limit. The Stale and its respective. agencies shall be included as additional insureds under this policy. All insurance coverage shall be obtained by the CONTRACTOR thr~ugh an insurance agent) icensed in the State of Florida and such coverage shall be provided by an insurance company licensed to issue such coverage in the State of Florida. No "self-insurance" coverage shall be acceptable unless the contractor is licensed or authorized to self-insure for a particular coverage in the State of ·Florida, or is an insured member of a self-insurance group that is licensed to .self-insure in Florida. All policles shall include a provisiqn requiring ?t least thirty (30) days' prior written notice of cancellation to the State. All insurance coverage required to be obtained by the CONTRACTOR shall continue in fu·n force and Page 40 of 50 '- - .- ._- _..- -- ---_. , - .. _..- '._' ."- -- ---. ----~ . .----- _. __. -----------_._------------_.._._ .. ---------- i I effect during the term of the. Contr~ct. No contract shall be entered into between the CONTRACToR and BUREAU unless insurance coverage binders are. received by the date scheduled for the. execution of the contract. Proof of insurance policies must be delivered prior to the date on which the services of the CONTRACTOR shaH commence. All insurance (:overage is to be provide.d by ins'urance carriers admitted to do business in .Florida and coverage issued by surplus lines companies shall not be acceptable with the exception of civil rights liability coverage. All insurance carriers shall be, at the minimum, rated "A VIlli by A.M. or an equivalent rating by a similar insurance rating service. The CONTRACTOR may choose the amount of deductible for any of the insuranee coverage required (above) to be obtained by the CONTRACTOR, but in no event shall such deductible for each oc.currence exceed three (3) pe~cent of the required yearly aggregate limit of coverage. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for first dollar defense coverage. All general liability and professional liability policies shall provide defense in additio.n to the policy limits. The limits required herein are the minimum acceptable, However, these limits are not to be constrtled as being the maximum any CONTRACTOR may wish to purchase for their own benefit. As respects to the total I-imits of liability required, any combination of primary and/or umbreLla coverage may satisfy those totals. However, if an umbrella is used, coverage must be at least as , broad as the primary eoverage. Article 8.4 Certificate'Qf Insurance and Cancellation. During the pelfol1nance of the management services hereunder,the CONTRACTOR shall maintain the plan of insurance and submit a Certificate of Insurance to the BUREAU for the. mutual protection and benefit of it and the BUREAU, naming the BUREAU as co·jp.sured and entitled to ali notices issued under the policy, to cover claims that may arise out of or result from the CONTRACTOR'S operation and management services hereunder. whether same be by the CONTRACTOR or a subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be-liable. The BUREAU shall be notified at least thirty (3D)' days in advance of cancellation, non-renewal or adverse change in the coverage. New Certificates of Insurance are to be provided to the BUREAU at leas~ fifteen (15) days after receipt by CONTRACTOR. ' Article 8.5 Defensellmmunitv. By entering into the Contract, ne,ither. the State. DMS, the DEPARTMENT nor the CONTRACTOR waives any immunity defense which may be extended to them by operation of law including limitation of damages. Excepting only that the CONTRACTOR may not assert the defense of sovereign immunity. Article 8.6 Notice of Claims. Within five (5) calendar days after rec.eipl by the BUREAU or the DEPARTMBNT. or of any agent, employee or officer thereof o{a summons in any action, or within five (5) calendar days of receipt by the BUREAU or the DEPARTMENT, or of any agent. employee or officer thereof, of notice of claim, the BUREAU, the DEPARTMENT, or any agent, employee or officer, shall notify, the CONTRACTOR in writing of the commencement thereof. The notice requireme'nt is jnt,ended to ensure th~t the CONTRACTOR'S defense of the claim is not hanned by failure to comply with the notice requirements. Failure to comply with the notice requirements may· re~ult in the CONTRACTOR'S refusal to indemn.ify the BUREAU. the DEPART.MENT, or any agent, employee or officer, but only if such failure to notify results in,a prejudice to the CONTRACTOR, the BUREAU, the DEPARTMENT, or any agent, employee or offieer. The CONTRACTOR will provide the BUREAU or the DEPARTMENT similar'notice of claims. Page 41. of 50 1-- .. _._. ..... Article 8.7 Prior Occurrences. The CONTRACtOR shall not be responsible fOf any losses or costs resulting from inmate litigation pending at the effective date of this Contract or for lawsuits based on acts or omissions occurring prior to the effective date of the Contract. The CONTRACTOR agrees to cooperate with the State in the. defense of these suits. The BUREAU recognizes that any settlement or judgment i11 such eases may a request that the compensation be increased pursuant to Alticle 7.3. ArticJe 8.8 Waiver. No waiver of any breach of any of the terms or conditions of the Contract shall be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach; nor .shall any waiver be valid or binding unless the same shall be in writing and signed by the party alleged to have granted the .waive.r. ARTICLE NINE CERTAINPROHIBITIONS Article 9.1 Prohibitions. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges the. provisions of Section 957.06, FloricJa Statutes, which states that a contract entere.d iIito under thi~ chapter does not authorize, allow, or imply a delegation of authority to the CONTRACTOR to: A) Choose the Facility to which an inmate is initialIy assigned or subsequently transferred. The CONTRACTOR may request, in writing, that an inmate be transferred to a facUity operated by the DEPARTMENT. The BUREAU, the CONTRACTOR, and a representative of the DEPARTMENT .shall develop and imple.ment a cooperative agreement for transferring inmates between a correctional facility operated by the Department and a private conoectiona! facility. The DEPARTMENT, the BUREAU, and the CONTRACTOR must comply with the cooperative agreement. Develop or adopt disciplinary rules or penalties that differ from the disciplinary rules and penalties that apply to inmates housed in correctional facilities operated by the DEPARTMENT. B) C) Make a final determination on·a disciplinary action that affects th.e liberty of an inmate. ·The CONTRACTOR may remove an inmate from the general prison popuLation during an emergency, before final resolution of a disciplinary hearing, or in response to an inmate's request for assigned housing in protective. custody. D) Make a decision that affects the se·ntenee imposed upon or the time served by an . inmate, inCluding a dec.ision to award, deny, or forfeit gain-time. E) Make recommendations to the Parole Commission with respect to the denial or granting of parole, control release, conditional release, or conditional medical· release. However, the CONTRACTOR may submit written reports to the Parole Commission and ' must respond to a written request by the Parole Commission for information. F) Develop and Implement requirements that inmates engage in any type of work, except to the extent. thal those requi.rements are accepted by the BUREAU. G) Determine inmate eligibility for any form of conditional, temporary, or permanent from a correctional facility. ARTICLE TEN Page 42 of 50 -_.- ..... '--." ._--- . "---_._-------._---- DEFAULT AND TERMINATION PROVISIONS Article 10.1 BUREAU .Breach. Each of the following shall constitute a Breach of Contract on the part of the BUREAU: A) After appropriation of ade.quate funds by the State, failure by the BUREAU to make payments to the CONTRACTOR under the guidelines of Section 215.422, Florida Statutes. B) The persistent or repeated failure or refusal by the BUREAU to substantially fulfill any of its obligations under this Contract; unless: such failure or refusal is caused by a Force Majeure event or otherwise justified under this Contract; such failure or re.fusal· is excused by agt:eement; or such failure or refusal is warranted by CONTRACTOR's default. Article 10.2 CONTRACTOR Breach. Each of tbe following shall constitute a Breach of Contract on the part of the CONTRACTOR: A) A material failure to keep, observe, perform, meet, or· comply with any covenant, agreement, term, or provision' of this Contract to be kept, observed, met, performed, or complied wit.h by the CONTRACTOR hereunder, which slich failure continues for a period of twenty (20) days, or such longer time as may be granted pursuant to Article. 10.4, after CONTRACTOR has written notice thereof; B) A material failure to meet or comply with any court order, ACA Standards, or federal or . state requirement of law, which such failure cOlitinue;s for a period of twenty (20) days after CONTRACTOR has writte·n notice thereof; C) A failure. to maintain ACA accreditation in. accordance with Article 5.21; D) CONTRACTOR shall (i) admit. in writing its inability to pay its debts; (ii) make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; .(iii) suffer a decree or order appointing a receiver or trustee for it or substantially all of its property to be entered and, if entered without its Gonsent, not to be stayed or discharged within sixty (60) days; (iv) suffer proceedings under any law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency. or the reorganization or relief of debtors to be instituted by or against it and, if contested by it, not to be dismissed or stayed within sixty (60) days; or (v) suffer any judgment, writ of attachment or execution, at any similar process to be issued or levied against a substantial part of its property which is not released, stayed, bonded, or vacated within sixty (60) days after issue or levy; or E) Any other action by the CONTRACTOR which would be considered a breach of this Con.tract at common law. Article 10.3 Notice of Breach. Except for the BUREAU's obligations to make payments to the CONTRACTOR (for which notice. of non-payment shall not be required), no breach of this Contract on the part of either party shall constitute an Event of Default and no action with regard to same may be instituted unless and until the party asserting a breach specifies, in writing to the party against whom the breach is asserted, that a breach or breaches exist(s) which, unless c.orrected or cured within a time. period specified in the notice, will constitute a material breach of the· Contract on. the part of the patty against a breach is asserted. Article 10.4 Time to Cure. In the event of a Bre.ach of Contract of the type specified in Article 10.2 (A) or (B) occurs and the CONTRACTOR reasonably believes that such Breach of Contract cannot be Page 43 of50 _.. '" - _._ _-- ._ _-- -_ --:._ _.- ._- _-- .. _--.- ._ .._- -_ _.. cllred within the twenty (20) days allowed to cure such Breach of Contract in Article 10.2 (A) or (B), as the case may be, and that such Breach of Contract can be cured, through a diligent, on-going, and conscientious effort on the part of the CONTRACTOR, within a reasonable period not to e.xceed a total. of 45 days, unless exte.nded by the BUREAU, then the CONTRACTOR may, within the twenty (20) day cure period, submit a'plan for curing the Bre.ach of Contract to the BUREAU Chief of the BUREAU (which plan shall show in detail by what means the CONTRACTOR proposes to cure the Breach of Contract). Upon receipt of any stich plan for curing a Breach of Contract, the BUREAU shall promptly review such plan and, at its discretion may allow, or disallow, the CONTRACTOR to pursue such plan of cure. Article 10.5 Remedy of the BUREAU. Upon the occurrence of a Breach of Contract by the CONTRACTOR, the BUREAU'S Chief shall have the right to pursue any remedy it may have at law or in equity, including but not limited to (i) reducing its claim to a judgment and seeking all damages for such breach; (ii) taking action to cure the Breach of Contract, in. which case the BUREAU Chief of the BuREAU may offset against any payments owed to the CqNTRACTOR at! reasonable. costs incurred by the BUREAU in connection with its efforts to cure such Breach of Contract; (iii) in the event the CONTRACTOR is not terminated, assessment of liquidated damages as set forth in Article 10.11 herein; and (iv) termination and removal' of the CONTRACTOR as the operator of the Facility and the offsetting against any payn;;ents owed to the CONTRACTOR by the BUREAU of any reasonable amounts expended by the BUREAU to cure the Breach of Contract, including a reasonable attorney's fee.. In the event of CONTRACTOR'S removal as the CONTRACTQR due to a Breach of Contract, the Bu.K.'EAU shall have no further obligatiOns to the CONTRACTOR after such removal and the CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with Articles 10.9 and 12.6 with respect to the. transition to new mallagernent. In the event of . any remedy pursuant to this paragraph, the CONTRACTOR shall have the right of appeal to the BUREAU and during such appeal, the remedies pursuant to this paragraph m be tolled. Article 10.6 Remedy of the CONTRACTOR. Upon a Breach of Contract by the: BUREAU, the CONTRACTOR'S sDk remedy shall be to terminate this Contract. Upon such termination, the CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to receive from the BUREAU payment for all services satisfactorily furnished under this Contract up to and including the' date of termination. Article 10.7 'Force Majeure. The failure of performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract due to Force Majeure shall not be a breach or an Event of Default pursuant hereto. . . Article 10.8 Termination for Non.Aptlropriation. The payment of compensati.on hereunder by the BUREAU is contingent upon the. availability of funds legislative,ly appropriated to pay such compensation, In the event funds for compensation pursuant to the Contract become uUilvailable due to non-appropriation, the BUREAU shall have the right to terminate t~is Contract without penalty. Article 10.9 Contract Termination and Control of a Correctional Facilitv by the DEPARTMENT~ A detailed plan must be provided by the. CONTRACTOR under which the DEPARTMENT will assume control of the Facility upon termination of the. Contract. The BUREAU may terminate the. Contract with cause afte.r written notice of material deficie.ncies and after twenty (20) workdays in order to correct the material deficiencies. If any event occurs that involves the noncompliance with or violation of Contract terms and that presents a serious threat to the. safety, health, or security ofinmaies, employees, or the public, the BUREAU shall request that the DEPARTMENT temporarily' assume control of the private. correctional Facil ity. A plan must also be provided by a private CONTRACTOR for the purchase and assumption of operations of a correctional Facility by the DEPARTMENT in the event of bankruptcy or the financial insolvency of the private CONTRACTOR. The private CONTRACTOR must provide an emergency plan to address Inmate . Page 44 of SO ----.~--_. •• 0. • ._. • • • _ _. _ • • _ •• _ disturbances, employee work stoppages,' strikes, or other seriolls events in accordance with the Standards of the Am.erica.n Correctional Association~ Article 10.10 Termination. The. BUREAU may terminate this Contract for convenience by giving the CONTRACTOR written notice, ninety (90) days prior to the termination effective date. Article HUt Liquidated Damages. The CONTRACTOR, in the event of default, shall pay to the BUREAU. not as a penalty but as liquidated damages, in the following con'esponding amounts, pel' day: Service Area 1: Security and control, ACA Accreditation, Health Services. Use of Force, Escapes, Contract Monitoring. Vendor Breach Failure to Provide Services .Failure to Document Failure to Report Failure to Comply with Other .Applicable. Requirements 5erv ice Area 2: $5,000 $5.000 $J.OOO $2.500 $1,500 Sanitation. and Hygiene, Food Servic.e, Mail. Religion. Access to Court. Inmate Grievance, Visitation, Records and Reports, Employee Qualifications and Ti-aining. Dis~ipline. Vendor Breach Failure to Provide Servipes Failure to Document Failureto RepOlt Failure to Comply with Other Applicable Requirements Service Area 3: $2,500 $2.500 $750 $1,000 , $1,000 Operating' Standards, TranSpoltatloTI, Maintenance, Repairs and Replacements, Inmate Work, Academic & Vocational Training, Sentence Computation Data, Classification and Case Management, Commissary. PoliciesfProcedureslPost Orders, Inmate Management FundlBank .Accounts. . ~ Vendor Breach Failure to Provide Services Failure to Document Failure to Re.port Failure to Comply with Other Applicable ReQuirem.ents Service Area 4: $2,500 $2:500 $750. $1,000 $1.000 Laundry and Inmate Clothing, Telec.ommun.icatiolls, SuppljeslPerishables, Recreation Vendor Breach Failure to Provide Services Page 45 of 50 $1.500 $1,500 . -_._._------- -_._------- -------_..._----- .. - - -.....- - - . - - - - - Failure to Document . Failure. to Report Fqilure to Comply with Other Applicable Requirements $500 $1,000 $1,000 Assessment of Liquidated Damages shall not constitute a waiver of tl).e BUREAU'S right to terminate the Contract for cause and seek any other damage.s or remedies allowed by law. ARTICLE ELEVEN CONTRACT MONITOR Article 11.1 Contract Monitor. The Contract Monitor or the BUREAU designee will be the official Uaison between the BUREAU and the CONTRACTOR. AI! official communications shall take place through the Contract Monitor and the CONTRACTOR, unless "the BUREAU directs otherwise. All other communication between the BUREAU'S employees and the CONTRACTOR shall be managed according to policies adopted by both parties. . . Article 11.2 The Contract Monitor's Use of Facility Space. The CONTRACTOR shall'make work . space available at the Facility to the Contract Monitor. Contract Monitor work space must be approved by the BUREAU'S Chief. . Article 11.3 Self-MonitOring. The CONTRACTOR shall continually conduct self-monitoring, utilizing a comprehensive self-monitoring plan providing. for both Facility-level self monitoring and corporate-level Self-Monitoring. The CONTRACTOR shaH designate an employee as the sraff member responsible. for continuous se-l.f-m.onitoring of the Facility. The CONTRACTOR shall provide access to all self-. man itoring to the Contract Monitor. ARTICLE TWELVE MISCELLANEOUS PROVlSIONS Article 12.1 Non-Discrimination. The CONTRACTOR shall, in the pelformance of this Contract, strive· to achieve the. goals for minority participation set forth in this section. As used in this Contract, the terms "Certified ,Minority Business Enterprises" and "MBE(s)" mean only'those minority business enterprises as defined in Section 288.703(2), Florida Statutes, which possess' a current certification issued by the Office of Supplier Diversity of the Department of Management Services. The CONTRACTOR will be required to 'provide the· Contrac.t Monitor with a semi-annual re.port concerning minority participation. Article 12.2 Operational Plan Requirements. As a condition precedent to c.ommencement of services hereunder and, prior to the Services Commencement Date, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the BUREAU, for the BUREAU'S written approval, an OperationaJ Plan that covers the full range of Facility operations, ilJ-cluding, but not limited to, the following: A policy" and operations manual which shall cover: • • • • All aspects of Facility operations. Procedures that will be utilized to facilitate monitoring of the Facility by the operator's Autborized Representative or the Authorized Representative's designees on an annual basis. . Continuous self-monitoring by Facility staff. Procedures for assumption of operations by the BUREAU in the. event of the Page 46 of 50 I I _._--~~---~_~_~_I • "' •••••N ••• ••••• ,_ _.~_._._ • ,. <l> • ._. • • _ _ ••• _ _ • _ _ • • • • • • • • _. _ _ •• ••_ _ . ' . _ . __ CONTRACTOR'S bankruptcy or inability to perfonn its duties hereunder. An emergency procedures/security man ual for confidentiRI LIse by staff superv isors employed by operator. Post orders for all Facility security staff positions. Job descriptions for each position, inclusive of salary range, e,ducation and ex.perience. requirements, descriptions of job duties, ftlll-time or part-time designation, etc. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the BUREAU in writing of desired change,s In, or additions to, the Operational with regard to the CONTRACTOR'S policies and procedures, emergency procedLlre,s/security manual, 'post orders,' and job descriptions. No such changes shall be implemented prior to the CONTRACTOR'S receipt of written approval from the BUREAU'S Chief. A material breach of the operational plan shall be regarded as a breach Of this Contract. Article 12.3 Books and ,Records. The CONTRACTOR shall keep, at the .Facility, proper and complete. books, records, and accounts with respe,ct to the, Facility and all subcontractors thereof; and permit the Contract Monitor and the BUREAU or its designees to inspect the same at all reasonable times and make and take away copies thereof. Article 12.4 Maintenance of' Corporate Existence and Business. The CONTRACTOR shall at all times maintain its corporate existence and authority to transact business and good standing in its jurisdiction of incorporation and the State of Florida. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain all license,s, permits, and franchises necessary for its businesses where the failure to so maintain might have a material adverse effect on the CONTRACTOR'S ability to perform its obligations under this Contract. ' Article 12.5 SEC Reports. The CONTRACTOR shall, on a timely basis. provide the. BUREAU, \:',1[th copies of all annual reports on .Form IO-K, quarterly reports on Form lO-Q, and reports on Form S·t< required to be filed by the CONTRACTOR with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Prior to the execution of this Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the BUREAU with theit most recent Fonn lO~K and any Form lO-Q's or Form 8-K's filed. ' Article 12.6 Transition. Upon the termination of this Contract, the CONTRACTOR agrees to work with the BUREAU andlor the DEPARTMENT uflder the BUREAU andlor the DEPARTMENT management supervision, in accordance with Article 10.9 of this Contract, for a period of ninety (90) days to ensure an orderly and efficient transition from the CONTRACTOR'S management to the. BUREAU andlor the DEPARTMENT management (or management by a ~hird patty) of the Facility. During this transaction period, the CONTRACTOR will transfer all necessary records, files and documents for the operation of the Facility, including but not limited to inmate records, maintenance records, and personnel files. ' Article 12.7 Taxes, Liens. and Assessments. The CONTRACTOR shaH: (0 pay. or make provision for payment of, all lawful taxes and assessments levied or assessed by the federal, state or any local government on the Facility or any machinery. equipment or other property installed or located on the Facility by the CONTRACTOR therein or thereon, or upon the Financing Corporation with respect to the Facility or any part thereof, including any taxes levied upon or with respect to the income or revenues of the Financing Corporation from the Facility, or upon any payments pursuant to the LeaselPurchase Agreement; (ii) not create or suffer to be created any lien or charge upon the Facility or any part thereof; (iii) payor cause to be discharged or make ade.quate provision to satisfy and discharge, within sixty (60) days after the same shall come into force, any lien or charge upon the Facility or any part thereof and all lawful claims or demand for labor, materials. supplies or other charges which, if unpaid, might be' or become a lien upon the Facility or any part thereof. Ii I I I I Page 47 of 50 J .. - --- . -- - --. _.'- _-_. "-"-.".'--"--"'" - _----,- --_ - --"_._-..__.. -." - . except permitted encumbl'llllces, as defined in the LeaselPurchase Agreement with respect to the Facil.ity entered into by and between the BUREAU and the Financing Corporation; and (iv) pay all utility charges, including "service charges", incuiTed. or imposed with respect to the Facility. The parties hereto acknowledge that the housing of state prisoners is a governmental function, albeit a function that can be contracted for with a private business. In addition, the parties hereto acknowledge that the use of a lease purchase agreement utilizing tax.-exempt financing for the cOl1stniction of the Graceville Correctional Facility does not alter the nature of the. use of the Facility. To that end, in the event that a local jurisdiction attempts to assess ad valorem taxes on the Facility, the CONTRACTOR agrees to provide any necessary a.ssistance. support, and e.xpenditure of legal l~esources (including attorneys fees and costs) in order· to fully participate in and support any efforts by the State to defe;nd the sovereign immunity from such taxation' enjoyed by the Facility as State property. pursuant to First Union National Bank of Florida v. Ford, 636 So.2d 523 (Fla. 5th DCA 1993). . . In the event that either a judicial determination or a State legislative mandate explicitly subjects th.e Facility to ad valorem taxation or requires payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT), the amollnt of any such annual ad valorem tax or PILOT payment sh.all be deducted on a pro-rated monthly basis from CONTRACTOR's monthly compensation. Article 12.8 Copies of Documents'. Prior- to the execution of this Contract and on an on-going basis, the CONTRACTOR shall timely provide to the BUREAU copies of the following documents: @ • All original and re.newed insurance certificates clearly indicating compliance with Article 8.3. Tax receipts or other appropriate documentation indicating the CONTRACTOR'S payments to the taxing authorities to indicate compliance with Article 12.7. Article 12.9 Reimbursable Expenses. In the event that the CONTRACTOR fails to comply with Articles l2.3 and 12.8, the CONTRACTOR shall pay actual expenses for the BUREAU to employ an agent or for a BUREAU employee to visit the offices of the CONTRACTOR or the CONTRACTOR'S parent corporation to make and take away copies of the documents necessary to comply with Articles 12.3 and 12.8. '. Article 12.10 Invalidity and Severability. In the event that any provision of this Contract shall be' held to be invalid, such provision shalt be null and void. The validity of the remaining provisions of the Contract shall not in any. way be affected thereby. Article 12.11 Counterparts. This Contract maybe executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shan be deemed to be an original and all of which shall constitute one contract, notwithstanding that all parties are not signatories to the original or the same counterpart, OJ that signature pages from different counterparts are combined, and the signature of any party to any counte.rpart shall be deemed to be a signature. too and may be appended to any other counterpmt. Article 12.12 Interpretation. The headings contained in this Contract are for re·ference purposes only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of this Con.tract. . Article 12.13 Terminologv and Definitions. All personal pronouns Lised in this Contract, whether. used in the masculine, feminine, or gender-neutral. shall include all other; the singular shall include the plural; and the plural shall include the singular. I ii '1 Page 48 of 50 -------~-----~~---~-_._-~~--~-- 1-' .._- ..-- - ...- ..---- ..---:---------------.-----..- . - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - _.. ---.. -_ ... _-. ---.-----_. I Article. 12.14 Venue. The Contract shall be interpreted under the laws of the State of Florida and Leon County Circuit Court shall·be the venue ill the event any action is filed on the Contract. Article 12.15 Amendments. This Contract shall not be altered, changed, or amended except by instrument in writing executed by the parties hereto. Article 1.2.16 Third Party Rights. The provisions of this Contract are for the sole benefit of the parties hereto and shall not be construed as conferring any rights on any other person, Article 12.17 Binding Nature. This Contract shall' not be binding upon the. parties until it is approved and executed by both parties. Article 12.18 Interpretation. This Contract shall not be interpreted or construed against the drafting. party. Article 12.19 Prohibition Against Assignment. The BUREAU has entered into this Contract with the CONTRACTOR based on, among other considerations, its assessment of the qualifications ~nd experience of the. CONTRACTOR, the man.agement talent of key employees of the CONTRACTOR, and the organizational structure the CONTRACTOR has caused to be created. Consequently, there shall be no assignment or transfer of the interest of the CONTRACTOR, whether in whole or in part, absent the prior written consent. of the BUREAU. Further, the. CONTRACTOR shall notify the BUREAU in writing as soon as is practicaL fol.Jowing (a) a merger with or an acquisition by any corporation, partnership, person, or other entity; (b) the acquisition by or purchase of more than ten percent ([0%) of the outstanding shares of the CONTRACTOR by any corporation, pal:tnership, person, or other emity; and (c) a change in the senior management of the 'CONTRACTOR, senlor manage.ment including its President, Chief Executive Officer. and the membership of Jts Board of Directors. If in the reasonable juo.g;ment of the BUREAU any such event is determined to be likely to have a material and adverse effect on the ability of the CONTRACTOR to fully comply with all of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the BUREAU reserves the right- to terminate the Contract without liability or penalty to the BUREAU. . ~. . Article 12.20 Relationship to Design/Build Contract. A breach of any material provision of the Design/Build Contract between the parties may be by the BUREAU as a breach of this Contract, and may be determined by the BUREAU as grounds for telmination. The provisions of Article 10.5 shall apply in the event of such a breach. Article 12.21 Access to Records. The BUREAU may unilaterally cancel this Contract for refusal by.the CONTRACTOR to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material originated or received by the CONTRACTOR in.conjunction with the Contract, subject to the provisions of Chapter 1.19, Florida Statutes.. Article 12.22 Notices. All notices shall be sent certified mail; return receipt requested to: BUREAU: Terry Rocco. Chief Bureau of Private Prison Monitoring Florida Department of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 CONTRACTOR: John Bulfin, General Counsel The GEO .Group, Inc. Page 49 nf50 - " '-_. ._...-..... -_ ..... ~--, .~.-'" -... _... '''- .. One Park Place, Suite 700 621 Northwest 53"1 Street Boca Raton, Florida 33487 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, in order to be. legally bound, the parties have caLlsed their authorized representatIve. to execute this Contract as of the date set forth above and below. STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES, ~_~mMG- - iL&=---------ItS:~_ D~TE:~~Jg _ _ A~oved as to form and legality: I J-.,?r;--' /' / c.,...-/ ;,,.---~\ .i'"\ _ - - - . - __ "",'" ~____ . _ __ THE GEO GROUP, INC. I/ / BY: / . . /', ... FA' Its: #.Affl!!£'!:L. DAafi: /",. &lVtI4,.Ji ~ . (Corporate Seal) _ 'let? ;;.., ATTEST:4c:H~- Its: __ ~Jt~~~~JgI~i _ { Page 50 of 50 ·.. -._\ .. '._- _ _ .A _ • • • _.. _ •• _. ~A. • .__ _ ••• _ . . • •• _ - - _..----_.-- -_ _-- 1Dxhibit 1 ;Education Programs in compliance with the Standards shall be as follows: a,' "Participating'" shall mean "the inmate is actively attending specified program" D. Behavior Program: minimum of225 (15%) part-time participating per day c. Academic Program: minimum of '375 (25%) part-time participating per day d. Vocational Program: minimum onoo (20%) part-time participating per day e. Sub~tance Abuse: minimum ~f225 (15%) participating per day At all times during the course ofthe contract, CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain inmate participation in behaviora~ academic, vocational, and substance abuse programs at the Facility at the participation percentage level identified in section 3 above, ' " For example, assume a correctional Facility currently has a maximum occupanoy of 1,000 inmates and 'currently 200 inmates per day, MOJ;lday through Friday, baring recognized holidays, are enrolled in and participate in programs offered by the CONTRACTOR. The Facility undergoes an expansion that results in the Facility having a maximum occupancy of 1,200 inmates. Under this contract provision, the CON'I'RACTOR would now have to maintain inmate enrollment. and participation in such programs at 240 inmates per daYI Monday through FridaYI baring recognized ~~ , If inmates in the Facility cannot participate'in the programs identified in this section because they are not eligible, do not participate in such programs beoause they refuse to participate, Dr do not complete the programs for whioh they are enrolled and have participated in, the CONTRACTOR shall provide this information to the Con.tract Monitor for inclusion in the Security and Institutional Operations Report ("Report") submitted monthly' by the Contract Monito;r to the BUREAU of Private Prison , Monitoring (BUREAU). With regard to iilmate enrollment, participation, and completion in the programs at i~sue and the need to accurately account for inmate participation and completion in these programs, the Report will account for inmate program participation and completion and shall at a miiJimum provide· information that inoludes the inmate's name, the inmate's DEPARTMENT Number, and a,description ofthe ineligibility of the inmate to participate in 'or the inability to complete'the program(s) or the facts surrounding the inmate's refusal to participate. Further, it is understood that inmates who are enrolled in and are actively atteni:1ing a program may have occasional absences due to legitimate reasons including, but ~ot limited to, health reasons, court appearances, recogi:rized holidays, etc. Such absences shall be noted in the Rep?rt. The information provided by the CONTRACTOR to the Contract Mc:mitor regarding , inmate participation in and co~pletion of these programs. shall be provided in sufficient detail to enable the BUREAU to appropriately audit an~ monitor the CONTRACTOR'S . cDmplianc~ .v.:i~h .this pro~sio~. . '.. . , Inmate eliiibility to participate in such programs shall ultimately be determined by r criteria established by the DEPARTMENT. . _. ,-_._--- •• • • • • • • •_ .. _ _ .M • • • • • • _ ••• _ - --_.' .- -------.----._..--_. EXH1B1TC . ,. . '..... " r-::-:-'~~" I"URN}'~'''R-;;;'&' . ., ,,'.• ::'-:.:,'. ·0 ••••• :. ':'.' :.'.', .r. '1,r.:J,'p. E'Q'UJPMC:':,-r" " ""1;'(~:'/""" .... •..•.,,. "~ •..',:•• ,'. •.. ',':. The G/ftO GrouPJ Inc Florida Dept of Management Services 1500 Bed~ - Graceville, Florida C~JI fumiture is nOf included In this pri.a1ng. Dayroom furniture and Medica/Beds 'are inoluded. computer Systems (See attached Sht:!et) 1 . Facility Administrator 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bookcase, Wood, 5 Shelf Chair, Executive, Cloth, Highback Chair, Side w/arms, Cloth. 8ledbase Computer, Laptop Credenza, kneehole, Wood Desk, Exeoutive, Wood File Cabinet,'/etlerslze, S·drawer, with lock Gas Mask Rechargable Flashlight ! .1 TI//DVD/VGR TV Stand Contract Monitor 1 1 2 1 1 i 1 1 1 Bookcase, Wood, 5 Shelf Chair, Executive, Cloth, Highback Chair, Side w/arms, Cloth, Sledbass' Computer, Laptop Creden:B, kneehole, Wood Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood File Cabinet, Jetter size, 5·drawer, with lock Gas Mask Rechargable Flashlight I 2 1 1 1 1 . . The GEO Group, Inc. l'eser,les the right to make equivalent substitutions, .:add Or' deh.te items, in order to meet all '. i I I! Bookr::ase, Wood,S Shelf Chair, Jr. Executive, Cloth, Highback Chair, Side w/arms, Cloth. Sledbase Computer, Monitor, Keyboard Computer I Printer Work Station Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood File- Cabinet, letter size, 5-drawer, wiih lock proj~¢t r.equlremer.ts. I ! Executive Secretary 1 1 I j . I "~' ~ ...~ .. .:_~------ . ----~.-- --.----- -------_...-._----_.-------_.- ..... _...-.,.. ----,._----Human Resources Manager 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Bookcase, Wood,S ShelF Chair, Jr. Executive, Cloth, Highback Chair, Side w/arms, Cloth, Sledbase Computer, Monitor, Keyboard Computer / Printer Work Station Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood File CabInet, letter size, 5·drawer, with lock ACA/QCP Manager 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Bookcase, Wood, 5 ShelF Chair, Jr.-Executive, Cloth, Highback Chair, Side wlarms, Cloth, Sledbase Computer, Monitor, Keyboard Computer I Printer Work Station . Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood File Cabinet, letti;lr size, 5·drawer, wIth Jock Human Resources Clerk 1 Bookcase, Wood, 5 Shelf 1 Chair, Jr. Executive, Cloth, Highback .2 1 1 1 1 Ohair, Side w/arms, Cloth, SJedbase Oomputer, Monitor, Keyboard Computer / Printer Work Station Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood File Cabl~et, ·Jetter size, 5·drawer, with lock . Training Director' 1 1 1. 1 . 1 1 2 1 Bookcase, Wood, 5 Shelf Chair, Seoretarial, cloth Chair, Side wfarms, Cloth, Sledbase Computer, Monitor, Keyboard Credenza, kneehole, Wood Desk. Secretarial, Wood File Cabinet, lettersiz6, 5-drawer, wllh lock Printer, Laser Business Manager 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Bookcase, Wood, 5Shelf Chair, Jr. Executive, Cloth,.Highback Chair, Side w/arms, Cloth, Sledbase Computer, Laptop Computer / Printer .Work Station . . Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood file CabJnet, letter size, 5·drawer, with lock .Safe, Combination . Rechargable Flashlight Printer, Laser M.I.S. Manager l' Chair. Jr. Executive, Clothi Hfghback 2 Chair, Side "'Jlarms, Cloth, Sledbase Tne'OED GrouPI Inc. resal-ves the right to make equivalent subst.itu'tions, add or delete Items, in ·Drder to meet all project requirements. .2 . 1 1 1 1 Computer, Monltof, Keyboard Computer / Prlncer Work Slatlon Desl<. DOL!ble Pedestal, Wood Fife Cabinet, lelter.size, a-drawer, with locl< Offices (AdmiJ1) 6 q (3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 a 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Chair, Jr. Executive. Cloth, Highback Chair. Side w/arms, Cloth, Siadbase Computerl Monitor. Keyboard Computer I Printer Work Station Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood File Cabinet, lettsr size, S·dr.awer, with Jook Offices (Teachers Area) Chair, Jr. Executive, Cloth. Highback Chair, Side w/anns, Cloth, Sledbase Computer. Monitor, Keyboard Computer / Printer Work station Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood File Cabinet, letter size. 5-drawer, with lock Open Area/Offices Chair, Jr. Executive. Cloth, Hlghback Computer, Monitor, Keyboard Computer / Printer Work Station Desk, DoUble Pedestal, Wood File Cabinet, Jetter size, 5-drawer, with lock AccountantiBoo kkeeper 1 2 1 1 1 1 Chair, Jr. Executive, Qlath. Highback ChaIr, Side w/arms, Cloth, Sledbase Computer, Monitor, Keyboarq .Computer I PrinterWork Station Desk, DOl,lble Pedestal, Wood File Cabinet, letter size, 5-drawer, wIth lock , . Tha GEO Group) 1m:. re~erlJes the right to make .equivalenfsubsfirutions, add or delete items, in order to meet all project requirements. 3 ' . --I~-~-· ..~..-:_:_.. ~-=-=-~:.~~:== :-=~~~~:~~~~-===~.~:. - -.--:::.--~---.--- . . . -- .-------.-.. -.----.. ._- .-._-- '--1-'.. . _, _.-~- Inmate Accounts Clerk 2 '2 2 2 .2 8 Chair, Jr, Execulive, Cloth, Highback Chair, Side wlarms, Cloth, Sladbase Computer, Monilor, Keyboard Computer I Printer Work Station Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood File Cabinet, letter size, 5·drawer, with Jook -Inmate Property Clerk 1 /1 1 1 2 Chair, Secretarial, cloth, Chair, Side w/arms, Clolh, Sledbase Computer, Monitor, Keyboard Desk, Secretarial, Wood File Cabinet, letter size, 5·drawer, With lock Switchbo?\rd Receptionist 1 1 1 Ohair, Jr. Executive, Cloth, Highbac:k Computer, MonItor, Keyboard File CabInet, lafter size, 5-drawer, with lock Commissary Manager 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chair, Jr.. Executive, Cloth, Highback Chair, Side w/anns, Cloth, Sledbase Computer, Monitor, Keyboard Computer J Prinler Work Station' Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood Fila Cabinet, letler SiZ8,,5-drawer, with lock Mall Room' 3 1 1 ;2 , 1 Chair, Secretarial, cloth Computer, Monitor, Keyboard Desk, DoUble Pedestal, Wood . File Cabinet, letter size, 5·drawer, with lock Scale, Postal , Warehouse/Supply Superv,isor 4 1 Chair: Lobby Table, End, WOO? Laundry EqUipment 6 18 Table, Folding Laundry Cart . The GEO Group, Inc. reserves the right to make equivalent subst.itutions. :add or· delete items, in ol'cler to meet sll .project requirements. 4 . . I. .I ~_._ .. .. ",_"'__.4__ Librarian " 2 1 1 1 1 1 Bookcase, Wood, 5 Shelf Chair, Side w/arms, Cloth, Sledbase Chair, Jr. Executive, Cloth, Highback Computer, Monitor, Keyboard . Computer / Printer Work stalion Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood File Cabinet/letter size, 5·drawer, with lock Records I Photocopy Room 1 1 1 1 i 1 . 10 1 1 Fax Machine-Plain Paper Fax Machine Stand, with storage area Schredder , Chair, Secretarial, cloth Computer, Monitor, Keyboard Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood File CabInet, letter sIze, 5·drawer, with Jock (fireprooe storage Cabinet steel, 5 shelf, 2 doors, w/lock Printer, Color Laser l Conference, Room 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chair, Conference Room Table, Conference, Wood Marking Board 4' X 8' TV Stand, Sisel, on Casters, w/VCR Shelf, w/locking cabinet TV-approx. 27 inch, Calor, with remole conlrol VCRJDVD Video Conference Equipment Visitors Locker / Lobby I Waiting Area \ 24 1 1 Z 2 1 Ultra Max Chairs, ganged Metal Detector-Walkthrough X-Ray Machine Table, End, Wood Melal Detector-Handheld ION Scan Visitation ,Shakedown Room ' 4 Norix Chair with arms Administrative Break Room 1 1 4 1 Norix Table Heavy dutYI with 4 steel legs. Microwave - Employees Norix Chair with arms . Refrigerator· Slaff~Commlssary Staff 'Dining 12 2 48 Norix Table Heavy Duty, with 4 steel legs Microwave - Employees Norix Chair with anns The GSO Group, Inc: reserves the iightto make equivalent substitutions, ~dd oll"deJete items, in order-to meet elf ~~~~~ 5. . ._. . -_. ~ 2 -_ .... _... ~_.- - .... _..... -".--. -----.-'--'--- _-- ---.-.---- - -- __ :-----'--1 Refrigerator· Staff/Commissary I Maintenance Manager 1 ,2 1 1 1 1 ellalr, Jr, Executive, Cloth, Hlghback Chair, Side w/arms, CJoth, Sledbase Oomputer, Monitor, Keyboard De$k, Double Pedestal, Wood File Cabinet, letter size, 5~drawer, with Jock Combo Printer/Copier Maintenahc:e Equipment .I Maintenanoe Equipment Grounqs Maintenance Equipment .:2 2 .2 3" i Grass Edger . Lawn Mower, Commercial Wheelbarrow Weedeater, Commeroial Commercial Gas Blower Cle~~ing 18 4 1,6 2 2 4 Floor Polfshing Maohine-High Sp Floor Polishing Machine-Low Sp Janitor Cart . Vacuum, Commercial Carpet Vacuum, WetJDry, Typhoon Floor Blowers Health 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 E'quipment ·1 Care Administrator B~okcase, Wood, 5 Shelf Chair, Jr. E~eculfve, Cloth, Highback Chair, Side w/arms, Cloth, Sledbase . Computer, Monitor, Keyboard Computer I Printer Work Station Desk, Double·Pedestal, Wood . File Cabinet, letter size, 5-dr.awer, wIth look The GsO Group, Inc. resel'Ves the right to liIake equivalentsupstitutionsj add or delete Itams, in ordH,r to ~ro)ect I"equirementa. 6 meet all -~- -----:----~-- -., .. Medical Records Clerk 2 Bookcase, Wood., 5 Shelf 2 2 2' 2 2 2 1 Chair, Jr. Executive, Cloth. Highbaok Chair, Side w/sl7l1s, Cloth, Sledbase . Computer, Monitor. Keyboard Computer I Printer Work Station Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood File CabInet, letter size, 5-drawer, with lock Video Conferenoe I:quipment Dental Room 1 1 Chair, SecretarIal, oloth Desk. Single Pedestal, Wood .3 Dentallnstrurnents . 3 Dental AirTech ?erio PrQcessor 1 'Dental Gendex 77 Wall MountX·Ray f daylight loader 1 Dental Son;x Ultrasonic; Cleaner 1 Dental M-9 Sterilizer 1 .' Dantal Chair Package ,. Nurses Work Station 1 4 2' 6 1 Bookcase, Wood. 5 Shelf Chair, Jr. Executive, Cloth, Highbaak Computer, Monitor, Keyboard File Cabinet, lateral, letter size, 4-drawer. with lock Marking Board 4' X 8\ Inmate Waiting Area .1 1 1 I Medical Isolation Beds 4 4 4 .I TV Stand, Steel, on Casters, wfV9R ShelT, wI locking oabinet TV-approx, 27 inch. Color, with remote control VCRJDVD Bed, Single Metal Mattress and pillow, Fire retardant 2 I' 8 8 8 Bed, Hospital, manual (8D8585520) Bed. Hospit~I, Mattress (8D1500-180) Bed. Hospital, Rail, fUII~length (TM-6570) .Bed, Overbed, Tables (lV6417) I) Medical Ward (4 Sed) The GEO GroutJ, Inc_ reserves the I-ight 10 mal<e equivafant substitutions, a<.ld ()r.d~l$te items, in .order to meet all .project i'equj~eman1s.· 7 .i I I --_.~----~~ -_._-~. ------_._~~---~---~-~--_.. _---------~- · _---.- - __.. -. -_.• __.._ _ 3 " 3 3 :3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 :3 3 3 __ .-_ __ .-_._--_.. _ _ -.:._.. -_ - _._ . . ~.-_ ... ~- -.- .. ---.~ .. __. Medical Examil1ation Room Bulletin Board 3' x 5' Cart, Utility (IDEAL MC3H) Chair, Jr, ExecutIve, Cloth, Highback' Desk, Single Pedestal, Metal (45" x 24") Examination Lamp (GF55-1697-1) Examlnatlon Stool (CLJ21 01) Examination Table (eL.ISSQ) Hamper 26" lid and casters (MD,15,03) . Ophthalmosoope Head 0/fJA-11710) otoscope Head (WA-25050) Sphygamamome'ter, Wall·Mount and basket (MAS-9508) Thermometer, wi Oral Probe (SH3D9800) Transformer, Wall (lNA-767,10) Trash Can, step·on 24 qL (LAG-13200) Em ergency Treatment Room 1 2 1 1 1 ,1 1 1 AutomatIc External Dlfrbulator, . Supreme Siood Gluoose MonItor (CHR-8B200) Baokboard yellow (MTR LP712DOO) Head Immobillz:er (FW445) Norlx Chair willi arms Fetal Monitor I Secpe for heart rate Emergenoy Eyewash Sta~on with bottle and sol. (SI·24-0830) ER Equipment Jump Bag 1. Examination Lamp (GF55-1697-1) 1 Examination 8tool (CLl2101} 1 Examination Table (CLIS90) 1 Hamper 25" Ud and casters' (MO.15-0S) 1 Ophthalmoscope Head (WA.11710) 1 Ot~scope'Head (WA-25050) 2 Oxygen E Cylinder Aluminum (WM·PX870:33T) 2 Oxygen Chrome Cart (WM-PX1020) 2 Oxygen Regulator 3-way (WEST XA-2641) l' Portable Suction UnIt (MW1:01) 3 Pulse OlCimeter ,2 Nebulizer PulmoAide (DV5650D) 3 Sphygamamometer, Adult Large Nylon (MAS-D,H 40-016) 1 Sphygamamometer, Wall-Mount and baSKat (MAS-9508) l' Storage CabInet 36x36x18 closed 5 shelf 1 Storage Cablnet72x36x16 closed 5 shelf 2 stretcher (GEN 1100) , 2 Stretcher Shelf{GEN141) , 2 Stretcher Oxygen Cylinder Holder (GEN 145) 2 Streicher Mattress 2" with split (GEN 21"2) 2 Stretcher Head Elevation Attachment (GEN 124) 2. ' T~ermometer. wI Oral Probe (SH3D9800) 1 Transformer, Wall (WA~7671 0) 1 Trash Can, Step-on 24 qt. (LAG-13200) ,4 WheeJch~lr w/Elev Rest (TUB60E) Pharma~y Room ? , l' 2. qart, M,edication (HM391,5) RBfrigerator ' Trash Can, Step-on 24'qt. (LAG-13200)' The GEO Group, Inc:: re-ser'les tlie right to m~ke equivale1l1t sijbstii;ufions, add or asle!€! it,sms" in order to meet all projeot requirements. 8 iI , ... _._----_.-_ __ . __._._ _-----_..-_. ----.--X~Ray i I , I 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ._. ._-------M------~- Room X-Ray'oynarad Portable System (Hr~1 iDA) X-Ray Konlca Film Processor (SRX-1 D1) X-Ray Wall Cassette'Holder X-Ray MXF Grid 14x17, 103LPI, 8:1, 40x72 X-Ray Economy VertifiJe X·Ray Automatic I.D. Printer , X-Ray Frugal Lume Single Bank lIuminator X.Ray Infab, Economy Apron X-Ray Infab, 1511 Gloves, Pair X-Ray Gonad Shields/Set of:3 X-Ray. Glove I Apron Rack X-Ray' Kodak Safeflght Model B w/ filler and bulb X-Ray Cassette 14x17 X-Ray Cassette 10x12 X-Ray Cassette 8x10 X-Ray Film Loading Bin (5 compartment) X-Ray Mobile 8~reen 24x72 Medical Clean' SoUad , Storage Rooms 2 2 Storage Cabinet 72x3sx1 8 closed 5 sh~lf Hamper 26" ·lid and cilsters (MD-15-03) Medical Laboratory 1 2 1 1 Refrlgera~or Trash Can, Step-on 24 qt. (LAG-13200J Storage Cabinel72x36x18 closed 5 shelf Blood Draw Chair .\ . AFAPrograms 1 2' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bookcase, Wood, 5 Shelf Chair, Side w/arms,. Cloth, Sledbase Chair, Jr, Executive, Cloth, Highback Computer, Monitor, Keyboard Computer / Printer Work Station Combo Printer/Copier Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood File Cabinet, letter size, 5-drawer, 'wlth lock Printer, Laser (for all case managers) . Class.ification Supervisor 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 12 Bookcase, Wood, 5Shelf Chair, Side w/arms, Cloth, Sledbase Chair, Jr, Executive, Cloth, Highback Computer, Monitor, Keyboard Computer I Printer Work Station Combo Printer/Copier Desk, Doubie Pedestal, Wood File Cabinet, letter size, 5·drawer, with lock ~cademic Classrooms (incl housing units) The GEO Group, loc. res~ryes the rIght to make equivalent substitutions, add or delet<l items, in order to meet ~I! project requirements, 9 ... .__..... BOCl)(C1lS8, Wood, 5 Shelf BllJ(etln Board 4' x 6' Chair, Jr. Executive, Cloth, Highback Desk, Secretarial, Wood Norlx Chalrw/th arms Tab/,s, Trapezoidal Fi/e Cabinet, letter sl~e, 5~drawer, with lock Tabls, Folding Marking Board 4''X ~' Storage Cabinet, steel, 5 shelf, 2 doors, wi/ook 12 12 12 12 216 144 12 12 12 12 '/ ' 2 Vocational Classrooms Bookcase, Wqod, 5 Shelf Bulletin Board 4',x $' Chair, Jr. ExecuUve, Cloth, Highback. Desk, Secretarial, Wood Table, Wood, Heavy DiJty File Cabinet, letter size, 5-drawer, with lock Table; Folding, 'Nor!>: Chair wllh arms MarkIng Board 4' X 8' Storage Cabinet, steel, 5 shelf, 2 doors, wl/oek Steel Shelving Equipment and Supplies 2 2 :2 2 10 2 :2 40 2 8 , 16 2 Desktop PUblsihing Classroom ·1 1 1 1 16 16 1 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... Bookcase, Wood, 5 Shelf Bulletin Board 4' X6' Chair, Jr. Executive, Cloth, Highback Chair, Secretarial, cloth Computer I Printer Work Station Printer, Laser Comput~r, Monitor, Keyboard Desk, Secretarial. Wood File Cabinet, latter size. 5-drawar, with lock Table, Folding Marking Board 4' X8' Storage Cabinet, steel, 5 shelf, 2 doors, w/Jock I Micro Computer Appflcations Classroom 1 Bookcase, Wood, 5 Shelf 1 Bulletin Board 4' X6' 1 t;;hair, Jr. E~ecutlve, Cloth, Highback 16 ,.Chair, Secretarial, cloth 16 Computer / Printer Work Station 1 Printer, Laser ' 1 Printer, Dot Malrix: 16 Computer, Monitor, Keyboard 1 Desk, Secretarial, Wood 1 File Cabinet, letter size, 6·drawer, with lock 1 Table, Folding 1 Marking Board 4'X 8' 1 storage Cabinet, steel, 5 shelf, 2 doors, w/Joqk The GEO Group, inc. reserves the right 10 make p.qujva~ant substiiuti¢01S, add or delete items, in ,;)1'I:Ier to meet all p~oje,:t requirements. '{ 0 CUlinal'Y Arts Classroom '. 1 1 .1 20 1 1 1 1 ,8 1 Bookcase, Wood, 5 Shelf Bulletin Board 4' x 6' Chair, Jr. Executive, Cloth. Highbaok Norix Chair without arms' Desk, Secretarial, Wood File Cabinet, letter size, 5·drawar, with lock Marking Board 4' X 8' 810rage Cabinet. steel, 5 shelf,2 doors, wllock Table, Wood, Heavy Duty EquIpment and Supplies Horticulture Classroom 1 1 1 20 1 1 1 1 8 1 Bookcase, Wood, 5 Shelf Bulletin Board 4' x 6' Ch~lr, Jr. Exeoutive, Cloth, Highback Nodx Chair without arms Desk, Secretarial, Wood File Cabinet, leiter size, 5·drawer, with lock Marking Board 4' X 8' Storage Cabinet, steel, 5 shelf, 2 doors, wI/oak Table, Wood, Heavy Duty EqUipment and' Supplies Chapell Chapel storage 1 Chapel Fumlture, EqUipment. Instruments, Books, Materials 250 . Chair, Folding 1 Lectem with P.A. System 1 1 'Plano Stereo, Ca~sette, CD Player I I I , ' The GEClGroup, Jnc. reserv~s the right to make aquivaJellt substitutions, add .or delete itel"ilS, in order to meet alf proJec~ requirements. 11 - .-.. --- .._ .- -".., . - ·.._ _ _----:...- " ~ --_._~-., -_._ ~.---_._ - _ . Assistant Chaplain 1 Bookcase, Wood, 5 Shelf 1 ChaIr, Side wJarms, Cloth, Sledbase 1 1 1 1 Chair, Jr. Executive, Cloth, Highbeok Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood . File Cabinet, letter size, 5~drawer, with lock Storage Cabinet, steel, shelf, 2 doors, w/lock' I 5 Recreation . 2 2 50 . 2 2 Bioyole, Exercise· Protralner MullistaHon Gym (Mogel 600C) Mullistalion Gym Mats Rowing Machine Step Machine· Tristepper 800 'Recreation Storage Rooms .2 Storage Cabinet, steel, 5 shelf, 2 doors, wlfook Recreational Library 38 2 1 4 16 4000' 2 :2 Bookoase, Wood, 5 Shelf Bullefln Board 3' x 5' Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood Nonx Table Heavy Duty, with 4 steel legs . Norix Chairwith arms Lfbrary Book Library Oarl, 6 shelf, on casters L.ibrary PapEHback Raok Law LIbrary 16 1 1 4 4 Bookcase, Wood, Heavy Duty Law Library (CD) BUlletin Board 3' x 5' Computer (Jaw services) Camputer I Printer Work Station. 8 2 1 2 1 Norix ChaIr wilh arms NorixTable Heavy DUty, wIth 4sleellegs Library Cart, 6 shelf, on oasters Typewriter, Eleotrio, self correcting Printer, Laser CGlmmissary Clerk 2 2 2 Chair, High Rolling w/arms Computer, Monitor, Keyboard File Cabinet, letter size, 5-drawer, with lock Commissary 1 .2 2 1 Chair. Jr. Executive, Cloth, Highback Chair, High Rolling w/arms Computer, Monitor, Keyboard Printer, Laser . Toe GEO Group, Inc, I'e:serves ·the right to make equivalent substitutions, add or delGte lt9rniS, .i.n order to meet all projl;¢t requirements. 12 . I I I _-_ .. - . .-. _ .. . .. ' ---_. __.- . - --_., -_._-- .. _.-- ..... I I 1 1 2 i 20 4 2 1 Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood File -Cabinet, leltenifz6, $·drawer, with lock Nonx Chair with arms Refrigerato~ ~ Staff/CommissalY Shelving . Storage Cabinet, steel, 5 shelf, 2 doors, w/locl< Utility cart, 3 Shelf Engraving Equipment I Commissa~ Storage Room 12 Shelving Sarber and Hair Care Rooms 5 Bulletin Board 4' x 6' Norlx Chair without arms' Equipment Housing Medical Examination ,Room Bulletin Board 3' x 5' .Cart, Utlffty (I DEAL MC311) Chair, Jr. Execufiv~, Cloth, Highback. Desk, Single Pedestal, Metal (45" x :2,4~') Examination Lamp (GF,5S-1697·1) Examination Stool (CL121 01) Examination Table (ClIS90) Hamper 26" lid and casters (MD-15-03) Ophthalmoscope Head (WA-11710) Otoscope Head (WA.25050) Sphygamamometer, Wall·Mount and 'casket (MAS-950B) Thermometer. IN/Oral Probe (SH3DS800) Transfcnner, Wall (WA-76710) Trash Can, Step-on 24 qt. (LAG-1 ~20D) Housing Storage Rooms Shelving Dorm Housing J SHU Offices .10 .J 10 10 10 10 Bookcase, Wood, SShelf Chair, Side w/arms, Cloth, Sledbase Desk, Double Pedest~I, Wood File Cabinet, letter size, 5·drawer, with lock Dormitory and SHl! Controf Centers 5 10 10 5 Chair, High Rolling w/arms Computer, Monitor, Keyboard File Cabinet, letter size, 5·draw6r, with lock -' 10 Rechargable Flashlight . -rhe OEO GroLlp/Jlbe.· r-esarves the right to liltlke- equivafent substitutions) acid or -dellete it:=ms, Pr'ojl:ct requirements. 13 in ord~r to meo,;t 0111 ~-- .- --------- ---- --_. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ ...--------_.....--------_.. 5 10 .I _ _ • • •• _ _M • -------------.-. Housing Beds Mattress and pillow, Fire retardant Dayrooms TV-approx, 27 Inch , Oolor, w/th remote oontrol TV Sheff, Wall Mounted Waste Reoeptacle, Fire Retardant Steel iable with attached seats Segregation 'Beds 76 76 -- - ._. ---- --_._---- Video Camcorder Scoti Air Pack w/wall cabinet 16 16 16 16 376 "M __• " [~ 1500 .M_. 'Mattress and pillow, Fire retardant. Intake and Release Area 1 1 1 3 2 1 4 4 2 6 1 1 i . 1 1 1 Bookcase, Wood, 5 Shelf Camera ~ Identlffcation System Chair, Jr. Executive, Cloth, Highbaok Chair, Secretarial, cloth Computer, Monitor, Keyboard Printer, .Laser Desk. Double Pedestal, Wood Fife Cabinet, letter size, 5·drawer, with lock Electric Fingerprint EquipmentITable Norix Chair with arms TV Stand, Steel, on Casters, w/VCR Shelf, wi looking cabinet lV-approx. 20 inch, Color. with remote control VCR IDVD ' Rechargable Flashlight B08S Chair, . Fax Machine-Plain Paper The GED Group, Jne. reserves the right fo make'l::llent sUbstitutions, add or ,;ieleta It.ems, in O'rder to lne<!!t aJ[ pl-oject '/¢quif"ements. 14 - ~--~--------- -----~_._~--- , I ........--..__ ._ ...- .. --------_.- .-_.- .. Inmate Uniform Storage I Repair AI'ea 2 1 40 "jable, Folding Sewing Maohine • Industrial Shelving Intake Office 1 1 2 1 l' 1 1 .1 Bookoase, Wood, 5 Shelf Chair, Bide w/arms, Groth, Sledbase Chafr, Jr. Executive, Cloth, Highbaqk Computer., Monitor, Keyboard Computer I Prlnier Work Slation .\ Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood FIle Cabinet, letter size, 5~drawer, with look AFA Security 1 1 2 1 1 1 Bookoase, Wood, 5 Shelf Chair, Jr. Executive, Cloth. Highback Chair, Side wfarms, Cloth, Sledbese Computer, Monitor, K~yboard Computer/ Printer Work Sta1lon Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood ~e~er size, 5·drawer, with look ~d4'X81. 1 . Rechargable Flashlight Chief of Security 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Bookcase, Wood, 5 Shelf Chair, Jr, Executive, Cloth, Highback Chair, Side wJarms, Cloth, Sledbase Computer, Monllor, Keyboard Computer I Printer Work station Desk, Double Pedestal. Wood File Cabinet, fetter size, 5-drawer, with lock .~"'!'XB'· 1 . Rechargable Flashlight . Administrative Captain 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 i Bookcase, Wtl()d, 5Shelf Chair, Jr. Executive, Cloth, Highback . Chair, Side wfarms, Cloth. Sledbase Computer, Monitor, Keyboard Computer I Printer Work Station Desk, DOUble Pedestal, Wood File Cabinet, letter size, 5-drawer, with lock Marking Board 4' X8' Printer, .Laser Staff Training Room 8 ..... _._.- ---_._------------~~_._-_._._.-_.--------_._-----~ Easel Table, Folding . . The BEO Group, Inc, reserves the right'to make. equivalent SUbstitutions, aod or dsJete ltams, in order to 11) all project reql.iir",rn~nts. 15 . ... _ 48 1 _. _.-._", -- _ ---.-.--_ .._ - _ . - - - - - _ .__.._---_. ---- -_. _.------_.-._ __ ._~.~ .. Norix Chair with arms Marking Board 4/ X 8' Overhead projector Overhead Projector Table Projector Screen, Wall TV Stand, Steel, on Casters, wi VCR Shelf, wi locking cabinet TV-approx, 27 Inch, COIOf, with remote control 1 o '-'-"--'~ 1 '1 1 1 1 VCR/DVD 1 ProJector, Power Point, with OPU and Keyboard TraIning storage Room 4 ShelVing Main Central Control Room ' Telephone Mohitoring Room Chair, High Rollingw/arms 2 RadIo Communications System -,_. -. ----- ..... ' • . .... .-- . ..........--.. .......-...-... - . or . 0 ---'" Locksmith Armory RESTRAINTS The GEO Group, Jnc:. reserves the fight '1:0 ri13ka equivalent sUbstftutions, add or delete Items, in order to meet all project requirements. 16 • • • • • _ •••• _ ••••••• ••• ~ .~ •• _ _ 00 • ..... • MIse OPERATIQNAL Binoculars (O-BND52) Engraver Brass key tags (28X121) Engraver,Tool (28X293) Engraver Steel Charactors (2BX278T) Flashlight Rechargable (D-FL077) Gloves, disposable (BOX of 50) (D-GL102) CERTTEAMS Mise portable Flood Lights (53X590T) Smoke EvacuatIon Fan (93XD44T) WEAPONS Intake Stiip Search ArGa The GED Gro~p. Inc. r$:serv~s tile right project requirements. to m:ske ~quiva!ent substitutions, add or delate items, in order toO meet all 17 II Attorney Visitation Rooms 2 6 2 Norlx Chair with arms Wooden Table Court f Hearing Room 10 2 2 1 ·2 Norlx Chair with at111s Wooden Table Chair, Conference Room Chair, Executive, Cloth, Highback US I state Flag with Poles Inside Contac.t Visitation Area 100 25 Norix: Chair with arms Table Outside Contact Visita.tlon Area 8 Picnic; Table wI attaohed benches Food Service Manager 2 1 1 1', 2 1 Chair, Jr, Executive, Cloth, Highback Computer, Monilor, Keyboard Desk, Double Pedestal, Wood Fax Machinl?rPlaln Paper FHe Cabinet, 2·drawer Marking Soard 4' X 5' Printer, Laser Inmate iBreak Area 8 2 Norix Chair with arms' Table, Folding Kitchen Serving Equipment 12 26 22 26 Drying Racks. Carts Wash Racks . Cambro Containers TOTALS 4,0% FREIGHT IlNSTALLATION 3.0% CONTINGENCY BUDGET 6,0% SALES TAX The GEO GrouPJ InC:. reserves the tight to mal<e' aquiv31ent sUbstitutions, ,~dd or delete rtems, in order to meet aU ,Pl'ojf3ct requirements. 16 I I! .... - _ _ -- - . _ ~ '.- -.- .-. "- _. _ - -, _--_ ----- ._ - _. ".- - - . I I I I The GEO 'Group, Inc " Florida -Dept of Manqgement Services 1:500 Beds 4·BLiildin9.iD.e:si~n -.ALL .GELLS ~ Graceville, Flor.ida . '. '. ': .':., .'. . ' :', . . . '. ..' .... ". '. '.: ":::Execlil't':we·' . ·0''ff" :. .'". ,:.:. ....Ice '. .' ,. '. " ... :' I .'~.... Non'Shfft ,Shift 1 Shift '3 "!~OO . '.1 1'0.00 . Business·Manager M.I..S. Manager .Assistant.Busfness Manl\ger Bookke~per ( Receptionist A-23·0!}) AccDtmtin.9 Ci!ilrk.(New-from I(M :Ac.counts 4.23·08) Payroll'Clerk '. . Inmate Accounts Clerk (d.elete 1"00-.4.23~08)' Inmate Proper.ty:Clerk .Swltchboard .Receptlonlsti{deleted 4~23.0g) 'lVlallr,oom:C1erlc:(added, ~'i()) 2-4'OSg Commissary 'Managlar Commissary Clark WarehousEf·S.upervlsor . Laundr,y-Supervisor Mailroom .$upsr-v.isor 0.00 0;00 "0;00 'Shlft:2 Shlft.3 1;00 ''1:do 1.00 ::2.00 1;00 '1:00' .2.0.0 1.00 '1.0'0 '1.:00 :I Relief Relief 3.00 0;00 ., FTE I I '·1,00 '1.00 1.00 '1.00 '1.00 "1:00 '1;00 '1.00 1.00 '1.0,0 FT5 '1.00 1.00 1.00 '1.00 ·1.0p' 1:00 '1:00 {DO '1;00 1.00 '1.00' 1.00 1.00 1;00 1,00 .0.00 2.00 1,00 ' 2,00· '1.00 \ 1.00 '1:0.0 ·1.00 1.00 '1:00 1.00 '1.00 '3.00 .1 10,00 ·1.0Q '1.00 1.0'0 . 1.00 1.00 '1iOO 1.00 12.00 Sub Total '1Added-Above ·Coiltract:RegLllremen'ts.: NdfR:equired:8y'Contract :. 1.00 1.00 "1.00 '1.00 ·1,00 '1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 '1.00 NOn'Shlft 'Shift 1 R,evised 6-3·08 Replaces pnced.staffing 4,23-08 Shift 2 1.'00 , '1..00 1.00 1.00 .1.0'0 1.00 ''1.00 '1.00 '1.00 F.aclllty Administrator Human· ResDurces~Mana~e'l' ACAlQCP'Manager Human Resourc:es Clerk Training Director Risk Management:Coordinator. Investigator Grievance'Coordinator InvestIgator Clerk' Ex~cutiv.e Sub 'Total . "..,.:....... : '. " ..:'" 3~OD 1•.00 1'8.00 Page 1 cif 5 I I I ! , I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ - _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,I _. ~- ._---~. - ~~-- -.. .-. - .. -- --- -- ~ ._~-~~- ~ ~ ··_----- 0.- 0 ., NonShlft Maintenance Manager Malntenance'Technlclan Plumbln,9 Technician HVAC 'Fechniclan Tool Room Clerk Powerhouse Engineer • Shift 1 • ' _ _'.' ,Shfft'2 .~ ._ _ 1.00 '1.00 '1;00' 1.•00 '1.00 ,1100 '1.M :1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 '1,00 NonShift Shift 1 Shift 2 ShIft,3 1.00 .1.00 .3.0.0 2.00 , 3.00 2.00 ,0.00 Shift 2 Sh!ft·:3 1.00 .NonShlft ·Shlft 1 'Health Car-e. Adm!nistrator Medical Records 'Clerk Physician (MO) 1;00 1,.00 ,FTE '1,00 1,00 1.60 1.00 '1:00 Relief t;OO 1':00 .1.00 1.'00 1.00 1~00 ,3.00 ~,QO 1.0.0 4.00 2;00 ~:oo 11;00 '1.00 2:0.0 ,,2.00 1,;'00 1.00 :8.00 1.00 11.00 1.00 "LOU :-t:nQ 'Ml0 Psycholog,ist.(Phb) 'Registered Nurse LIcensed Frar::tical Nurse :Licensed Practical Nurse . Dentist ,(DDS) Denteil T.echnlclan Psychological·Spec. (Deleted .,20.) Data 'Entry'Clerk .RN SlIpenrisor Relief 1.00 , 1;00 .R.~gi?tt;!red· Nurse: Practl~ipnerladde~,S12Qio&}; 'R~gist~redt,\urse (MentaU:lealt~) (addeiJ,3120(ri8.51 · I 6:00 1.0"0 1.00 ..... ,_. '1.00 5.. 00 3:00 ~~ 'FrE 0.00 Sub·Total "' Relief 1.00 1,00 4.00 '1.00 F00d Service. Manager :Productlon Mana,gar ,Cook -Supervisor Fond .Service·'Oler.k •• _ . _ ••••• Shift,3 '1.00 Sub Total ~ I, FTE '1.00 :2.00 :1.00 '4'~'QQ ~1.00 '1.00 1:.67 .5;00 '~.67 10.00 1,,00 '1.00 1.00 '1.00 '1.00 . '1.00 '1.00 2.00 1.00 .2.00' 1.00 . '1.00 :Confrac{Sfaff 'Dentist Nur~e Practitioneriphysician1s Assl~tant (I)eleted 214lO~) 8.00 16.00', p~y.chia,tri5't Radiology Techl'lIclan SubT.otal I hrslWk B.OO l:ir.sfwk hrs'lwk 45.00 5;00' 30:00 1Addf>~·Ab~ve.GontractReCjulrements '··Not Re.~~ircd f3y·Contr.a'qt ' . Rfilvised 6~3·08 Replaces Priced Staffing 4·23·QB Page2 df5 ·----.--- - _.._- _._.._. --I I I I I ~' NonShift ,AFA Programs ClassifIcation -Supervisor Classification Counselor ChaplalnNolunteer 'Coodl11ator Assistant Chaplain ,Chaplain Cler.k Librar.ian 'Ubrary Aiq Law Library Clerk . ,Academic 'Oounselor -Academic Instructor Vocational Instructor Recreation 'Specialist 'Sducation Director Programs 'Cler-k: 'Inmate'Records .clerk 'Inmate Records SupelVisor Life Skills/Pre.Reiease Instructor :$LJbstance,Abuse,lnstructor 'S'ubTota[ 'Shift 1 ,Shift 3' Shift 2 'tOo '1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1;00 1.00 1.00 1,00, '1.00 1.00 1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 '1.00 1.00 1;1JO 1.00 1.00 8.00 1.00 ,1.00 1.00 ,1;00 1:00 1.00 1.0Q 6.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 1;00 3.00 1.00 ,3.00 ,4;00 . 'I 'Relief '43.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NonShlft Shift '1 Shlft2 Shift'S 'PTE 1.00 '1.00 'B.OO 1.00 1;00 1.0:0 1.0.0 1.00 '1.-00 ''1.00 '6;00 '5.00 2;00 1;'00 1.•00 ,3.00 1..00 ,3.00 4.00 . 43;00 Relief FTE AFA,Security , 'Chief ,of Security .Administrative ,Oaptail'l Shift'Eiuperv'isors • ,Captain ,Assistant ,Shift' S,upei'Visor • Ljeutenant !Segr~,gation 'Li,eutenant HOUSing Supervisors. 'Sgt. Dlscjpllnary'S,gt. , ·Sub·Total Revised 6~3·08 Replaces ,Priced Staffing 4·23~08 E -_._ . ' .::~ ..- ----, ' . - ,~" . ,', __ .".~ ..",~_. ---,~ . ';.,,,,' .. ~ , Page:3 ;of 5· .. -- ~ -_. - --.".~- -- .. ;--- _-_.. .~ _._~.~-~~.- - ~ .. _ -_. NonShift Snift; 1. Shift; 2 .shIft 3 ·.Relief HE' Arsenal/I.ocksmlth OffJcer Transport O'fflcers ,Outside Gr.ounds Officer (nside:Grounds '.Officer \f.ehlcle :Ga'te Oflcer 'Programs Officers 'Front'Entry~Offj cers 'Recreation'Officers F.eod Service .officers Interior Compound.Officer.s Central Control Officer .Segregatlon 'Oontrol ,Segre:gatlon Officers Housing UnIt 1 'Contr.of Housing Unit 1'Officers Housing: Urilt '2 Control Housing Unit. 2 :Officers .Housing Unit '3 Control Housing Units Officers·. Housing Urilt 4 Control Housing ~rii\ 4 Officers Transport f Hospital Officers Rerlmeter Officers j Escort/Utility Officer Medical Officer rounding .--- Sub·Total J. . . - - - - 'tNonShift 'Shift 1:· ·Sbift:;2· iSbift;3· REilief..' :,FT:E :<1 :SUMMARY ,Executive Office Business / Stmpoft . 0.00 ·3.0Q 5;00 5.00. 0.0c! 3.0,0 Malnten~nce Health :Care Programs Food SerVice SecurIty Super.ylsors Cor-ractional Officers 0.00 3.00 0.00 4:00 0.0,0 2.00 '0;00 0.00 '1.00 ,2.00 0.00 r..oTAL STAP-F . TOTALSTAF 'Greg:S e, s, Vice President .glon ,Offj!=~ . ,gfl5t~rn. The'GEO'Group, Inc. .ReVised 6·3·08 Replaces Priced Staffing 4-23·08 Page4·of.5 I I I '1 I .... -. "'."-- ----------- .. __.-.-.. _..- - - ..... - - - ., o ~NDMEN~,N~. OPERATIQN AND 1 TO THE MANAGEMEl~T SERVICES C.ONTRACT BETWEEN THE S~A~~ OF 'FLORIDA, Dml?AR~NT O'P'MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND THEGEO GROUP,I~C. FOR THE GRACmVILLE CO~CTIONAL FACILITY, 1,500-BED MEDIUM AND CLOSE CUSTODY SECURE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, WHEREAS, on .February 21, 2006, the STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT o OF MANAGEMENT' SERVICES and THE 0-EO GROUP, INC. (~\CO:NTRA.CTOl:\") entered into an OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT -" (nCONTRACT") relating to the Graceville Correctional Facility; and . WHEREAS, during contract negotiations" the CONTRACTOR was ·instructed to add a monthly deduction of $12,577.06 for a contribution into the' Maj or Maintenance and Repair Fund. This monthly deduction was inadvertently excluded from the Invitation to Negotiate. Therefore, the CONTRACTOR did not· include this deductio~ in its per diem' rate; and WHEREAS, ARTICLE TWELVE, AMENDMENTS, expressly amendments to toe CONT'RACT;. and provi~es for WHEREAS, the 'parties now wish to amend the CONTRACT upon its current terms and cond;!.tion,s with the followi,ng .cprrections and/C?r'modifications to the terms and conditions thereof: NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree .to amend Artiole 7.1 Management Payment of the CONTRACT a'S follows: o Article 7.1 Management Payment . . This payment reflects operating costs and does not include debt service numbers .. Compensation' will be based on t·wo (2) per diem rates,: the first rate is based' on 90%· occupancy and the second rate is based on the number of inmates 'exceeding the 90% occupancy 113vel. 1 ~~~~--_._~._------ -~--~~ -~~. .._--._..... _---_._---_._. __ The BUREAU will compensate the CONTRACTOR at the following PS! diem rates (per inmate, per day) : .• $42.74 times the minimum occupancy of 90% c> $8.00 for each inmate over the minimum occupancy rate of 90% (for a blended per diem rate of $39.27 at 100% occupancy); less • Monthly deductions for: a The Major Mainte~ance and Repair Reserve Fund set forth in Article 4.9, in the monthly amount of $12,577.06; and o The 'Contract Monitor cost set forth in Article 5.44, in the monthly amount of $4,514.21; and, a Any property taxes or payments in lieu of taxes , (PILOT) that ~ay become due on the Facility pursuant to judicial d~termination or 'legislative mandate. o Regardless of the number of inmates incarcerated at the FacilitYl the ,CONTRACTOR is guaranteed an amount equal to ' 90% occupancy (1,350 inmates) times the 90% per diem rate subject to legislative 'appropriations. The CONTRACTOR guarantee may'be subject to the following: liquidated damages as ~et forth in Article 10.11; deductipns due to .position vacancie~ as set forth in Article 5.40; deductions for reimbursement of contract monitor C,osts ,as set forth above; deductions for the maintenance reserve as set forth in Article 4.9; ad valorem ta48s and/or P~LOT payments required to he paid by CONTRACTOR by jUdicial determination or legislative mandate, as set forth- in Article 12.7; and' any other deduction or charge permitted in this Contract. All other terms ~nd conditions of the CONTRACT shall remain unchanged. o ,2 ._~._~--- ........ _-~-~--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . - - _ . _ - - - - _ . _ . - _..__ IN WITNESS WH~REOFf the ~ndersigned authorize~ persons 'have executed this Arnvpment on behalf of their 'fspect.-ive parties effective the _ >'f day of <lee.,..,e. 200 .. \J~ 'M? 9~ W SWATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVIGES Date APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Nam~-J---lrl1 {~.6 o Date TEE GEO GROUP I INC. \ Vice Chairman and President Date 1i!-17 jo(st r I -0 3 . i:: AMENDMENT ~O.2 TO THE OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES THE GEO GROUP,INC. FOR. THE GRACEVILLE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, 1,500 BED. MEDIUM AND CLOSE CUSz;t'ODY SECURE CORRECz;t'IONAL FACILIz;t'Y WHEREAS, on February 21, 2.006, the STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES and THE. GEO GROUP,' INC. (\\CONTRACTOR") entered into an OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT (\\CONTRACT") relating to the Graceville Correctional Facility; and WHEREAS, on January 1, 2007, the STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES . and THE GEO GROUP, INC. ( \\ CONTRACTOR 11 ) entered into Amendment No. 1 to the Contrapt which provided for a modification to the Contract per diem rates related to a monthly deduction for contributions to the Major Maintenance and . Repair Fund; and . WHEREAS, the Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) for the Graceville Contract, Special General Cc;mditions, allows the BUREAU, in its discretion, to rec;ruire the posting of a Performance Bond by CONTRACTOR; and WHEREAS, the BUREAU has determined' that based upon the termination provisions of the .Contract, the. Performance :Sond described in the Graceville .ITN is .neither pecessary nor financially prudenti and .. WHEREAS, the BUREAU wishes to amend Article 7.1 Management . Payment, to reduce CONTRACTOR's Contract'Management Payments in order. to reflect the BUREAU's decision not to rec;ruire a CONTRACTOR Performance Bondi 1 ~OW THEREFORE/ the parties agree to amend Article 7.1 Management Payment of the CONTRACT as follows: Article 7.1 Management Payment. This payment reflects operating costs and does not include debt service numbers. Compensation will be based on two (2) per diem rates; the first rate is based on 90% occupancy and the second rate is based on thenumbe'r of inmates exceeding the 90% occupancy level. ' The BUREAU will compensate the CONTRACTOR at the following per diem rates (per inmate/ per day) : • $42.23 times the minimum occupancy of 90%; plus • $7.49 for each inmate over the minimum occupancy rate of 90% (for a blended per diem rate of $38.76 at 100% occupancY)i less • Monthly deductions for: o The Maj or Maintenance and Repair Reserve Fund set forth in Article 4.9/ in the monthly amol,lnt, of $12/577.06; and o The Contract Monitor cost set forth in Article 5.44/ in the monthly amount of $4/514.21; and o Any property taxes or payments in lieu of taxes (PILOT), that may become due on the Facility pursuant to judicial determination or legislative mandate. Regardless of the number of inmates incarcerated at the Facility/ the CONTRACTOR is guaranteed an amount equal to 90% occupancy (l r 350 inmates) times the 90% per diem rate subject to legislative appropriations. The CONTRACTOR guarantee may be subject to the following: liquidated damages as set forth in Article 10.11; deductions due to position vacancies as set forth in 'Article 5.40; deductions for reimbursement of contract monitor costs as set forth above; deductions fro the maintenance reserve as set forth in Article 4:.9; ad valorem taxes and/or PILOT payments required to be paid by CONTRACTOR by judicial determination or'legislative mandate r . as set forth in Article 12'~7; and any other deduction or charge .permitted in this Contract. ' ,All other terms and conditions of the CONTRACT shall remain unchanged . .. ~'------- ------- - I, I I c' IN WITNESS WHEREOF the unders,{gnea. authorized persons have executed this Amendment on behalf of the,ir respective parties effective the 1st day of september 2007. I STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVIES Date // APPROVED AS IJ:'O FORM AND LEGALIJIlY Name . _ ' ,01,,1"---_Date ~ THE GEO GROUP, INC. Vice Chairman and President 1-7~~g , Date 3 I ._ _1 -~ ~~---_._--