Fire to the Prisons Issue11 Spring 2011
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Tock Tick Tick TOCK FTTP Issue 11 Spring 2011 “We don’t just talk about violence; it is our element, our everyday fate...the conditions we are forced to live in...” -Os Cangacieros DISCONTENT Disclaimer Fire to the Prisons is for informational and educational purposes only. This magazine in no way encourages or supports any illegal behavior in any way, it looks only to provide a printed forum for conversation and news. We are reporting not inciting. The entirety of the content in this publication was found as public information, and later compiled or reorganized for this magazine. Nothing here is the original content of those who may or may not be responsible for this literary project. The topics brought up in this magazine in no way reflect the perspectives of any specific person allegedly involved with this publication. They also do not reflect the perspectives or outlooks of any individual or group mentioned in or receiving this publication. Generalize Distribution This magazine is in NO-WAY a “for profit” publication nor is it in any way a formal enterprise or business venture. table of Contents What is the point? Pg. 3 On Building Dangerous Bonds Pg. 5 Days of Rage On Spreading Conflict in the Arab World Pg. 10 School Often Compared to a Prison Pg. 28 Southern Appalachia: On the On-Going Struggle against M.T.R Pg. 30 Against Justice//Against Peace Follow Up on “Justice: A Dead Word” Pg. 33 Repression On the Obstacles Before Revolt Pg. 39 Dedication Special thanks to our proof-readers. Special thanks to those who provided the resources, space, and patience needed for this publication to exist. Special thanks to all those who helped to produce the content in this issue, both in writing and reality. Special thanks to those who took the time to write words of support in continuing our project. Special thanks to all of our distributors, or anyone who has helped circulate this publication around the world. Sending Solidarity and comfort to all those looking for something else. Agitating till the grave. Fire to the Prisons Magazine FTTP P.O. Box is No More Notable Failures in Justice Pg. 57 Chronology of Prisoner Resistance Pg. 59 We encourage the re-distribution and re-printing of this magazine by anyone The Strike! with resources to do so. PDFs of this On the Recent Strikes in Georgia’s Prisons magazine are also available for reading Pg. 63 and printing on our website. We encourage any and all feedback. Japan: The End of a World Pg. 66 This magazine is free to people currently incarcerated by contacting the Levantate! prisoner support groups mentioned Foreseen Migrant Unrest at the end of the “repression” section. Pg. 69 This magazine is pretty much free to everyone, except for book stores and Wake Up//Meet Each Other people buying this at for-profit literaLinks to Other Projects ture events. Pg. 73 FTTP #11 - T.O.C. - Pg. 2 What is the point? fttp #11 I *Picture is of rioting youth in Lurgan, Ireland. It was taken after a fake bomb threat brought police to an area that a group of youth discontent were prepared to attack with rocks and Molotov cocktails. The youth also disrupted train lines by throwing debris on nearby tracks. In Case You Didn’t Know t is quite tempting to just cut and paste prior introduc- ing on these struggles others who feel frustrated with the contions, cause our intentions remain the same. If not merely ditions they face will be inspired to do something about them for a lack of creativity or desire to explain oneself, we will as well. Further generalizing discontent before domination. We are against all forms of domination; especially the exbe short and blunt with our introduction this time around. This is written for those discontent with the world istence of the state (government) and economy (capitalism). around them, and the role they are forced to have in it. Institutions that help mobilize or expand the current systems This is for the world’s exploited and dominated groups or of domination, like patriarchy or industrialism, are also instituclasses. It is for the uncomfortable, the miserable, the disem- tions we oppose. We also avidly oppose social dividers like sexpowered, or the lost. It is also for the uncontrollable, empow- ism, racism, or classism, but believe that they are a result of the ered, fed up, and criminalized. It is a reminder for those living current systems of domination, and can be most easily exposed in conflict every day with the social of from our humanity through our “We wish we could provide struggle against the totality of conorder that reigns upon the earth, some coherent politics, a trol and exploitation today. that they are not alone. Our priority is to confront and We are a revolutionary publication concrete identity, or a precise expose that which exists today that that hopes to report on struggles program; but we are not we oppose. This opposition must be that will otherwise be mentioned looking to make decisions, most easily understood as a perspecinappropriately or not at all. We reonly to realize frustrations and tive motivated by a broad and radical port on struggles that stem from a idea of desired freedom. A freedom frustration with different forms of unify different tensions as a that is only foreseen as possible in domination, and intend to achieve result of them. the ruin of what it is we are fightfreedom from them, without coming against. While most active in promise. We hope that by reporting We need to act on our desires producing change struggle to debate on these struggles, more awareness now, worry about where it their concrete political programs or and support for them will be proplatforms, using the term freedom, duced. We also hope that by report- takes us later. ” -FTTP #9 FTTP #11 - What is the point? - Pg. 3 The laws are silent In times of war in its most literal sense, is the only solution we have to offer. Our publication will hopefully help to connect different struggles that otherwise would have remained isolated. Our publication will also hopefully help to comfort those in prison or undergoing different types of state repression, by letting them know they are not alone, or helping to strengthen networks of awareness that will help those behind bars, through such harsh times. Solidarity between those in struggle against domination is an essential aspect of posing any threat to domination, or upholding any sense of strength as a social force of agitation against the social order of today. In the past we have used more space for reporting on specific instances of rioting or sabotage around the world. Yet, as mentioned in the last issue, we are truly trying to prioritize less time-sensitive content. Although there is a links section at the end of this issue that can help guide you to web-sites that have daily updates on different forms of revolt happening around the world. We are going to finish this introduction off by contradicting our original statement, and fulfilling our temptation of cutting and pasting a conclusion from a prior introduction. In this case, we chose an excerpt from issue nine’s introduction: We very much envy bank robbers. We hope that every party we attend will turn into a riot if the police shut it down. When police are shot it is always revenge. When somebody kills or wounds somebody who raped them; such blood arouses us. When the rich suffer the poor are revived. When the banks are in crisis, we are all a little closer to being rich. “In a world which really is topsyturvy, the true is in a moment of the false.” We hope that this magazine will act as another voice helping to foster discontent and frustration to all forms of domination today. As we said in our last issue: “this is why we exist. This is why we continue to come out with a new magazine every few months. But we hope to not be around forever, because like all revolutionary literature, we will only continue to exist until the current conditions we are frustrated with, cease to. You get the point.... -FTTP Collective “let our allegiances lie with those betrayed by the facade... for the calm is an illusion... the struggle is not over, it assumes new forms... for no matter what the face, no matter what the name it's still: war” P.S. FTTP #11 - What is the point? - Pg. 4 On Building dangerous Taking Action Confronting Isolation Expanding Solidarity W Bonds hy is it that we need prisons? When asked to the prison apologist, our question is typically answered with another question: “But what about the serial killers and rapists?” Such a question reeks of stupidity once it is pointed out that these sorts of crimes are a mere percentage of the prison population. In the United States alone there are roughly 2.4 million people currently in prison. Of that population 70% is nonwhite, and 32% are black, although blacks only make up 13% of the general population. Over half of the prison population is in jail for non-violent crimes. Despite that the majority of people in prison for violent crimes committed those crimes for economic gain. If prison is our only barrier between us and the “crazies who naturally rape and kill people”, it is interesting that statistics also show that police respond to only 16% of rape calls, and only 5% of rapists actually spend any time in jail. Random killing sprees motivated by “voices in someone’s head” make up only a small percentage of the overwhelming prison population as well. It is important to recognize that most people are currently in jail for financially driven crimes. We don’t mean white-collar crimes, but crimes that stem from trying to overcome poverty or survive capitalism. Drug-related crimes have been at the forefront of this growing population since the 80’s. While you have the exceptions, the majority of those imprisoned for drug-related crimes are of a lower class upbringing. It is understandable that given the opportunity, legal or not, those who were born into poverty would look for any chance to get out of it (ask yourself, an hour at burger king, or the second it takes to sell a dime bag?). Additionally, the violence involved with most drug-related crimes stems from the intervention of police in the market. The risk (the police or prison) and violent precautions (intimidating on-lookers, claiming territory, or attacking possible informants or snitches being a few examples) taken to defend and expand underground drug markets in poor neighborhoods is all informally in response to the possibility of police intervention or prison. Bank robberies, grand theft auto, kidnapping, prostitution, or shoplifting are a few other examples of criminalized professions that stem from the struggle to overcome the poverty of capitalism. We take the perspective that those in prison are all worthy of our support and consideration. This being said, we obviously refrain from specifically supporting most “serial killers”, and certainly anyone responsible for rape, or what the state calls “hate crimes”. But even those cases we see as a result of the logic and construction of our society. Prisons stem from the same logic of power that encourages humanity to live in the alienated, stratified, and competitive social context we exist in today. In that sort of mediated society, many of us see each other as strangers, and rely on gender, class, or race (being a few examples) as the core of our understanding of how to relate FTTP #11 - Noise Demos - Pg. 5 with one another. In a mediated society that thrives on power hungry competition, it is not surprising that some may resort to desperate measures like rape or recreational murder to feel this fetishized power inherent to a prison society. With that being said, it is quite obvious that the majority of those in prison were probably already at odds in some way or another with a culture that promotes regulation of itself by police and prisons, and if not then, they are even more likely to have an issue with it now. It is important for those who consider themselves in active revolt against a prison society to try and build relationships with those currently behind bars as a way to prevent those feelings from being considered isolated to the prison experience. It is also our task to help encourage a perspective that connects the prison experience or social institutions like it, as part of a larger system we are all overcoming, in or out of prison. It is also important to disrupt the iron hand of religion indoctrination in prisons, particularly in the United States. Alternatively becoming a social force that does not encourage prisoners to let the prison system correct them, both physically and spiritually. Anarchists or anti-authoritarian revolutionaries of all kinds should act as a voice of encouragement for prisoners to empower themselves without the self-blame and hatred that is taught to them by prison based religious institutions or therapy programs designed to encourage a prisoner to both accept the experience and their position in society. A very simple and accessible attack on the isolation that helps to keep the process of corrections routine is something groups of people have been doing around the world called noise or prison demos. It’s a very simple act with significant potential in terms of building new bonds of revolutionary solidarity between discontented people in and out of prison. This most recent New Year’s Eve acted as a night for these noise demos to happen across the world as a tactic to support those imprisoned during the emotionally challenging holiday season . New dangerous bonds were created informally by those engaged in the demos, and those inside listening to them. It all came as a result of a simple call out spread across anarchist media around the world. Below we included the call out that encouraged this night of solidarity, as well as reports of the events that happened as a result of them. “A very simple and accessible attack on the isolation that helps to keep the process of corrections routine...” FTTP #11 - Noise Demos - Pg. 6 Now for the report This announcement was spread across anarchist media prior to this new years eve: New Year’s Eve international noise demo demonstrations report back: Noise demos outside of prisons in some countries are a continuing tradition. A way of expressing solidarity for people imprisoned during the New Year, remembering those held captive by the state. A noise demo breaks the isolation and alienation of the cells our enemies create, but it does not have to stop at that. Prison has a long history within capital, being one of the most archaic forms of prolonged torture and punishment. It has been used to kill some slowly and torture those unwanted – delinquents to the reigning order - who have no need of fitting within the predetermined mold of society. Prison is used not only as an institution, but a whole apparatus, constructed externally from outside of the prison walls. Which our enemies by way of defining our everyday life as a prison, manifest themselves in many places, with banks that finance prison development (like Wells Fargo, Bank of America, BNP Paribas, Bank of the West, and Barclays), companies that are contracted for the development of prisons (like Bergelectric Corporation, SASCO Electric, Engineered Control Systems, MacDonald Miller Facility SLTNS and Kane MFG Corp.), investors in prison development (like Barclays Intl. and Merril Lynch) to the police and guards who hide behind their badges and the power of the state. Solidarity is not only an expression by way of our own revolutionary poetry which is defined by a developing anarchist analysis, but as an expression of actions put into practice within the social war daily. That is why we propose to others who have a certain reciprocal understanding of the prison world and the conditions it creates to remember this day, to mark it on their calendars. To locate points of attack. To not limit ourselves to just a noise demo, but proliferating actions autonomously from one another. That break the mundane positions we lock ourselves into by our own internalization. To all our comrades known and we have yet to know. Just because we have not met, does not mean we do not act in affinity with one another. Our struggle continues not only on the outside, but on the inside as well. Prison is not an end, but a continuation. Through individual and collective moments of revolt, by the methods one finds possible. Canada Like fire our rage must spread. Against prison, and the world that maintains them. For the social war. Laval, Quebec Noise demonstrations were held outside 2 federal prisons and one immigrant detention facility. Those involved shot off fireworks and chanted outside the prisons, and although this was the third noise demo in 6 months at these prisons, this was the first time those involved were able to get close enough to the jail to witness prisoners inside chanting and waving bed sheets in solidarity with them outside. An excerpt from the report back done by those involved stated: This noise demo was organized to express solidarity with prisoners and break the isolation that is both a requirement and a function of prisons and corrections. Our presence outside the walls of these institutions, in conflict with the desires of the screws, policy-makers, and police, opens up avenues of solidarity, through which we seek to develop relationships, both with prisoners and outsiders, with whom we share an opposition to bars and guards and the world that needs and maintains them. Hamilton, Ontario A noise demonstration was held outside the Barton jail in Hamilton, Ontario. Demonstrators chanted and set off fireworks in solidarity with those inside. Speakers also explained their reason for the events through a loudspeaker on both sides of the jail. “From these continued attacks on our lives, we will gather strength to fight together.” -A person at the demo with a loudspeaker. Vancouver, BC On new years eve a demonstration was held outside the Fraser Regional Correctional Centre, in Maple Ridge, BC. Around 25 people arrived in a rented bus and immediately started disrupting the silence. The crowd shot off fireworks, flares, and sparklers. Incase prisoners weren’t able to witness the fireworks from higher cells in the building, they used helium balloons to raise banners of support, so everyone could see. They also blasted music on outside of different prison wings. They carried a banner that read “Against all prisons, for freedom!” It was reported that a very visible response of FTTP #11 - Noise Demos - Pg. 7 support was demonstrated by prisoners inside the jail. Most screamed from inside prison cells, while a few were able to walk outside temporarily and show support through the fences separating them from the rest of the world. United States St. Louis, MO Communique describes the events: On New Year’s Eve we gathered with around 35 friends to hold a noise demonstration outside the Hogan Street Regional Youth Center in St. Louis. Just before midnight, a torch lit procession made its way to the former school turned prison where for a brief moment the night was illuminated by fireworks and the exuberant joy of children’s smiling faces. Jumping silhouettes behind the dormitory windows echoed our exhilaration in the street below. A resounding cry of “Our passion for freedom is stronger than their prisons!” filled the air as two banners were hung on the fence of the youth detention center – “Every jail is an abuse” and “2011: Year of the breakout.” This particular place of confinement has seen several successful escape attempts in recent years, one of which involved nine rebellious and freedom loving kids. In St. Louis city jails, which have also been the sites of individual and collective escapes, the pigs have been callously denying needed medical attention resulting in several deaths. This fact was on all of our minds that night along side the unprecedented five day state wide prisoner strike in Georgia last month; the former pointing toward the necessity and the latter to the potential of a renewed collective struggle against prisons and the society that produces them. A text circulated around the demonstration called for just such a struggle while acknowledging the divisions between us (both the physical walls separating inside and out and the social boundaries isolating us from each other) and the need to overcome those divisions through a common fight against our common misery. Graffiti, spotted in the neighborhood of the kid prison, suggested a few directions in which to channel our collective rage: BURN THE BANKS, DESTROY THE PRISONS AGAINST ALL PRISONS (A) and POTOSI WILL BURN (A) Although lasting only four or five minutes, this small action and its recognition by the kids inside was a step towards re-building our confidence and creating momentum in the streets. We hope to continue taking such steps and find others walking with us in the months and years to come. For Iole, Davide and the twins. -Some Anarchists Santa Cruz, CA Around 25 demonstrators marched and chanted outside of the Blaine street woman’s correctional facility. Prisoners responded to the demonstrated solidarity by flickering lights on and off and pointing lights out the windows. One prisoner attempted to hold a piece of paper to the windows, but the message was not able to be read. The New Year’s noise party lasted between demonstrators and prisoners for about 40 minutes. Richmond, VA A small crowd of committed anarchists marched outside the Richmond city jail in support of those inside. The demonstrations were reported to be small, but still loud enough to catch the attention of those stuck inside. New York City Communique describes the events: Just an hour before the dawn of the New Year, we gathered outside of the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in downtown Manhattan to make some noise and show our disgust for the prison system. We unfurled a banner reading “DESTROY ALL PRISONS” and another with a circled-A while making as much noise as we could with horns, noisemakers, and our voices. Our temporary goal was met when we saw lights from the prison cells flickering on and off in response to the commotion. Although even the faintest communication through the walls fills us with strength, the full completion of the struggle against the prisons only ends when each of its walls are reduced to ashes and cinder. The passion for freedom is stronger than the prisons! Seattle, WA This demonstration actually occurred on February 6th. We did feel that it should be included here. A communiqué describing the events was written as follows: On Sunday night at 10pm around 40 people met in front of the downtown Seattle jail on 5th avenue. They proceeded to make noise with bells, pots, horns, yelling, screaming, howling, chanting, and the like. People yelled such things as “Hate, hate, hate, the hate inside of me. All cops are bastards, A-C-A-B!” and “cops, pigs, murderers!” A surveillance camera was taken down, a grate from the guards parking lot was ripped down, and a trashcan was thrown at a cop. A lot of noise was made for 40 minutes. People locked in jail were banging on the windows of several stories and could be visibly seen from across the street. Many people came out to support their friends who, in the early hours of Superbowl Sunday, were threatened, attacked, and arrested by the police in their home. Two are now being held on false charges, and one has been released but still faces false charges. This all took place during a climate of escalating tensions with the SPD. Solidarity with all imprisoned comrades, and those resisting police repression. Europe Germany The following was a translated report back regarding New Year’s anti-prison resistance in Germany. Please excuse some of the grammatical errors due to translations. New Year’s Eve has been a busy one this year in several German towns – Here is a short report: Under the motto “from Grünau to Moabit…Dynamite!” ,“Dynamic new year’s eve day against all forms of prison and a society of imprisonment and exclusion!”, “Let’s open up the walls…” Several comrades have organized two public events in Berlin to show their hatred against the prison society. To give a wider expression to our critique, a rally to the detention center for immigrants was planned as well. At 3pm about 100 people gathered in front of the detention center for immigrants, which lies in the extreme outskirts of the country (in Grünau), and due to the high level of snow is very difficult to FTTP #11 - Noise Demos - Pg. 8 reach these days since the train system is working with several interruptions. With music, chants, slogans, drums and good spirit, which has not been put down by the heavy police presence, the comrades broke the isolation for a while that the refugees are forced into every day. Prisoners participated any way they could during the rally by responding with shouts, and waving hands and pieces of cloth from their windows. After an hour and a half, the rally ended. That night, over 500 comrades moved on around the district of Moabit, where Berlin’s pre-trial detention prison is. The demonstration has taken place for 20 years, and aims to break the monotony of prison life for a few hours and show again our refusal for a society based in punishment. This year again was a moment also to wish freedom and solidarity for Thomas, a comrade sitting there since September because he has been accused of burning a car. Chanting slogans like “freedom for everybody” and “from Grünau to Moabit… Dynamite!” (again, Grünau is where the detention center for immigrants is) the demonstration moved on, lighting fireworks frequently, and also passing the local courthouse. The police were not too happy about that and tried often to intimidate the people by walking quite close and on at least one side of the demonstration. After arriving at the final rally in front of the prison, fireworks began massively exploding to salute the prisoners. courthouse. Slogans were spray painted on the walls, directed against the prison system, that demanded the freedom for all prisoners. The action was also accompanied with exploding fireworks the whole time, in order to send greetings for the new year’s eve over the walls. Some of the spraypainted slogans were reported by the press as: “for freedom”, “prisons to become hole in the ground”, “criminal is the system”, and “revolt”. Later in the night a police station located in the Brunnenstr. district of Mitte, was attacked with flares, stones, paint bombs and Molotov cocktails by a group which called itself “autonomous groups” in a message that can be partially read here: As the press reported, a barricade has been erected on the same street and set on fire, caltrops have been left around which caused damages to two police cars which saw their tires get flat. been sentenced to two years’ probation this summer. His murder sparked two years of actions by different comrades, his family and friends, as well as random people angered by it. In Hamburg about 150 people took the icy streets towards the prison of Holstenglacis where they held a rally and exploded fireworks to brighten the night of the prisoners. About 200 people demonstrated to the local prison in Köln in solidarity with all prisoners. A similar demonstration took place also in Stuttgart, where after an anti-capitalist night demo over 100 comrades lit fireworks and shouted slogans at the prison of Stammheim. “Although even the faintest communication through the walls fills us with strength, the full completion of the struggle against the prisons only ends when each of its walls are reduced to ashes and cinder.” Also that evening about 20 people paid a visit to the women prison and courthouse located in the district of Pankow. Reports from that demonstration claim: An unregistered demonstration took place in the evening against the women prison of Pankow, following a rally of about 80 people which took place today in the afternoon in Grünau in front of the detention center for immigrants. About 20 people moved around the prison, breaking some of the windows on the facility, as well as some of the windows at the nearby Two years ago the cop Reinhardt Rother murdered Dennis J. in Schönfließ. The capitalist system manages to remain in power only through the terror of the “authorities responsible for security”. The citizens will be prevented to search any alternatives through fear. However everywhere in Europe it comes to explosions of rage against police authorities; only a while ago conflicts escalated in London, Rome and Athens. We want to push such a sharpening through making clear: no state murder will remain forgotten! Therefore we attacked the police station 31 in Berlin on the New Year’s Eve. Police violence will always release our resistance. -Autonomous groups Dennis J. was a young lad from the district of Neukölln which got murdered on new year’s eve of 2008 by the cops while he was on the run following some minor criminal charges. The main murderer has In Nürnberg about 100 people rioted around the area of the prison, smashing shops and pulling up some barricades, the cops identified a high number of people around the area. UK Following an attempt by prison authorities to give prisoners a breathalyzer that may have been sneaking alcohol on New Year’s Eve at the Ford prison about two hours outside London, forty masked inmates rampaged the prison’s infrastructure; literally burning down multiple cell blocks and recreational buildings. While some have been accused of the damage, many of those involved with the riot remain a mystery to prison authorities due to their concealed identities. A specialized antiriot goon squad was forced to enter the prison to quell the resistance. The following day anarchists in the UK claim to have attacked a probation office and police road station with easily found rocks in solidarity with those struggling at Ford prison the night before, and those incarcerated around the world. FTTP #11 - Noise Demos - Pg. 9 days of RAGE Regarding Continuing Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa *Photo of a Youth taking a picture of Egypt’s National Democratic Party headquarters as it burns. A wave of revolt is spreading across the Arab world. Leaderless insurrections are forming through a broad call for ‘Days of Rage’ against government rule across the region. This social tsunami has its roots in Tunisia, but the spark that erupted in Tunisia has flooded the streets of Bahrain, Yemen, Oman, Libya, Algeria, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and even Saudi Arabia. These re-occurring revolts have sparked fear in ruling parties across the region, and forced desperate political reforms by governments in multiple Arab countries to try and prevent further generalization of these ‘Days of Rage’. Before saying anything, it is important to realize that these revolts are constantly occurring and taking new forms. Changes in information is incredibly likely by the time this is read, but discussing the situation is essential for the dialogue of anyone who yearns for popular revolt against the state. While the media is frequently changing its focus as petty demands are met in some countries and violent conflict escalates in others, one of our goals for this article is to provide an understanding of why these revolts are happening, and what is important to focus on as revolutionaries against the state and capitalism. Those empathetic in the first world are taught to wear their political blinders when it comes to viewing conflict in the Arab world, and can not imagine something like what is happening in the region reproducing within the world’s more “powerful” borders. This specifically goes for the United States. Yet in the case of the U.S., more people are actually imprisoned in the country than any of the nations currently in revolt. In fact, the U.S. shares many of the same conditions driving these insurrections. Whether it be unemployment, police brutality, or frustrations with the government. Yet those struggling to push this discontent further inside places like the United States remain caught up battling the social divisions and large scale apathy that defines its “liberal civilization.” At the same time, no one expected a singular uprising to become a widespread social upheaval effecting the political climate of various countries in one of the world’s most repressed and exploited regions. Torture, brutality, or death have been the line between social peace and unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, yet the people are beginning to recognize that whether or not they accept these conditions, life will remain in constant strife. Similarly in the United States, many of the same state appendages lay at the foundation of social peace, and at some point we could just as easily see the poor, the youth, or the “disenfranchised” also lose their false hopes in ever being given an opportunity to escape the misery or poverty delegated to them by the dominant social system. Common conditions have been the core and direction of the fighting, social splits, and targeted violence in the Arab world these last few months. While the media glorifies Western inventions like Facebook and Twitter as the origin of these revolts, the tensions motivating them have been existing for years, and people have been acting on them without attention for years. Especially in places like Algeria, isolated incidents of unrest have simply gone without media attention before these last few months for decades. The fetishization of Facebook or Twitter as anything more than a mere tactic, only disempowers the strength of human agency behind these revolts. Only the desperation of a struggling people must be given the first and foremost credit here. Police and government buildings remain the most popular target of Arabs resisting. Police repression has been an essential driving point behind the consistent threat posed by these ‘Days of Rage’. These targets stem from everyday experience under their rule, and provide an essential grounds for solidarity by people around the world struggling against the state. Targeted looting has also displayed class frustrations as another essential driving point for these revolts. Governments at first tried to prevent support from the outside world by attempting to frame these acts as simply common crimes, or outside agitator conspiracies. The Egyptian state for example, at first tried to demonize the unrest in its country by trying to hype up the looting, and distinguish looters from common people. With only a little more research one will find that the looting was actually very much targeted. Museums that previously fueled the country’s tourism economy were attacked by people most likely too poor to enter them before. When the police disappeared in Cairo’s streets, it wasn’t the poor scrambling for a weapon to defend their property, it was those with property who up until that point maintained their wealth through the police’s repression of Egypt’s lower class. It was not random, it was very much targeted. These were not simple outbursts. The looting, the crime, the trouble, the rioting, all came together to form insurrections that desperately attempted to transform the entire structure of their current society, without compromise. FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 11 T On the Structuring of the Middle East and North Africa Today many only see the American occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan, but while the West may have left many of the countries mentioned in this article formerly in the mid 20th century, it did not give anything up without laying the grounds for a future of hegemony, colonialism, and exploitation in the Almost every country in the region was captured and occu- shadows of global politics. This is done by handing power over pied by a European country in the 20th century following the to governments that rule their people in the interest of the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Until the mid 20th century, Al- Western world. This is especially obvious in the case of Egypt geria, Lebanon, and Tunisia were formally under French rule. or Libya, as the importance of calm oil trading or an obedient people have come to light Yemen, Jordan, and Pales“These Goods are got out of our in higher gas prices among tine were under British rule. The geography of NorthHeart’s Blood; and as they burn, first-world countries these reern Africa for example, as cent few weeks. On the other a continent today, in many so ought the souls and bodies of hand, if a government is not ways stems from the “Berlin aligned with the West, sancthose Blood-suckers who own Conference” of the late 19th tions or threats of military them, to fry in the Fire of Hell” century. This conference was intervention will sway public -Statement of peasant insurgents in Naples, Italy, in July of 1647 called in response to growing attacks on the West by defiant colonial interests in Africa, political leaders. for resources like gold, spices, tea, and diamonds. It was quite literally a discussion between European nations to create a tra- The contempt shown by the Arab world for the Western world stems not jectory for colonizing the continent that would not heighten from a religious dogma, but from an everyday condition funded and supeconomic conflict between competing European nations. This ported by the wealth of the West’s colonial history. sort of outlook has taken many forms, but helps to explain many of the situations that currently plague Africa overall as a continent today. The wars and diseases specifically mentioned in dialogue regarding Africa primarily stems from Europe forcefully making it part of their economies. his insurrection, as spontaneous as it was, should not be too surprising for anyone familiar with the area in which it took place. The Arab world simply came to its boiling point. FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 12 tion, when the police confiscated his produce, they blatantly destroyed it in public, furthering his humiliation. At this point, it became clear that he lost all hope in escaping poverty, and there was no point to continue this constant struggle. The police proved to him that in such an exploitative society, if they can’t simply ruin you with poverty they will strip you of your dignity. Following the incident he went to the governor’s office to file a complaint, but considering his social status, they refused to see or listen to him. He then got a can of gasoline, dosed himself in it, and set himself ablaze in front of a local government building in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia. He didn’t die until a few weeks later on January 4th, 2011, but the pain, anguish, and rage that fueled his decision very much continues to live on. *Photo of Mohamed Bouazizi Tunisia and the Jasmine Revolution F ood shortages, mass unemployment, police brutality, and other symptoms of living in a colonized region are the main reasons for these reoccurring revolts. A poor Tunisian man acted, quite literally, as a spark in North Africa and the Arab world. His name was Mohammed Bouazizi. He was a 26 year old man who invested in a small street cart as an attempt to try and escape poverty. In Tunisia, street vendors are technically illegal, and only exist under the terms that they are capable of paying off the police. But ironically in Mohammed’s case, it was actually legal to sell goods from his cart when he was detained, because it was mobile, a loophole in Tunisian law many poor people try to survive through. Whether or not it is legal, Mohammed could not afford the police’s price to allow him to work without intervention, and repeatedly struggled with debt as police continued to confiscate his produce. On December 17th, he officially put himself in credit card debt after taking out the equivalent of $200 American to purchase produce to sell from his cart. With no money left from his investment, he was unable to pay off the police when being detained shortly after. His purchase of produce was confiscated again, further restricting him to poverty. Not only did they confiscate his produce this time, the police officer who confronted him also spit in his face, stole his digital scale, and made slanderous remarks about his dead father. In addi- Somehow Mohammed Bouazizi’s act of desperation in the small working class suburb of Sidi Bouzid sparked rage for struggling people across the country. Youth everywhere began fighting police and destroying symbols of power and wealth. Youth began burning down police stations and clashing with officers in the streets. They also engaged in a string of looting that targeted casinos, retailers, or properties that were actually owned by Tunisian President Ali’s family, demanding that he step down from power. After consistent resistance by Tunisian youth and striking workers, and a complete disregard for normalcy, president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his cabinet were forced to leave the country. The unrest also successfully created a crisis that resulted in the escape of 11,000 prisoners across the country. Since Ali’s removal from power, 2,460 more prisoners have been released as a result of demands made by the unrest. Trying to appear engaged in superficial demands by the Tunisian people heard in the first world media, an “interim or unity” government was put into effect by the military until the “proper” transition takes place. While Tunisia has lost much of the spot light in Western media it once had, riots and protest have continued even with president Ali’s flee from power, as him leaving has not changed much. FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 13 While the success of removing a dictator brings an obvious joy to the struggling people of the region, many know that the origins of their poverty go beyond a face. This is seen in the gestures of youth who to this day continue to riot and face arrests, knowing that until the ship sinks, this miserable system will remain afloat. Tunisia remains in fragile political times, as a state of confusion dawns with the military and unity government transition. While Ben Ali has been praised for years by the West for his moderate pro-Western perspectives, Europe’s Interpol has issued a warrant for his arrest as his brutal rule was forced into the international spotlight. The government, like others facing the wrath of these ‘Days of Rage’, continues to give in and pull back. Appeasing single demands and hoping that the “Rage” is tamed, governments continue to make a mockery of the people’s will by showing restraint in the public spotlight, then attacking harder once one demand is met. This is to weaken the possibilities of these revolts outcomes to the limits of the country’s current political system. The tactic is also used to appear reasonable to liberal judgments from Democratic nations. After rioting and violence continued just as strongly after Ali’s removal from power, the Prime Minister was also forced to step down. The feelings behind these ‘Days of Rage’ remain at the foundation of Tunisia’s social terrain, and have continued to communicate a complete loss of faith in government determined conclusions. We can not begin to imagine the depths of resistance required by the Tunisian people to threaten the iron reign of its government. While fighting off bullets, the Tunisian people proved that although little to nothing has been changed, the tormenting power structure of fear through Tunisia’s streets was shattered by the courage of the country’s most abused. A country that was conquered by the Romans, then the Arabs, then the French, has been forced into a position of “what next?” Tunisia’s revolt sparked international concerns from foreign investors and other countries in the Arab region. What was unique about the making of this revolt was the inability of political leaders to tame its eruption with small political reforms. What was also unique about it was how quickly it spread, how so many in the country were able to come together through broad frustrations, and collectively continue the struggle even after some of the most brutal repression. A “nuclear attack on Israel or America” was less and less a part of America’s talking points on the Arab world. Western politics was now concerning itself with Tunisia’s uprising having an ability to influence and spark other revolts beyond its borders. Vulnerability in the current power structures was dangerously exposed. Empowering people to see success in displays of uncompromising rage, these concerns became, very abruptly, a reality as the weeks followed. Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Oman and Jordan began showing signs of influence from the Tunisian insurrection – also referred to as the ‘Jasmine Revolution’ by Tunisian people, in reference to the national flower. Egypt being the largest Arab country, and the most heavily funded by the American government, began drawing the greatest concerns from European and American states. FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 14 *Photo of Egyptian protestors disabling police cruisers by stealing their batteries. Egypt and the ‘January 25th Revolution’ M ubarak up until recently was an unfamiliar name to many in the West, yet he was a man who acted as the face of America’s intervention and control in Egyptian society, for over three decades. In exchange for an estimated 1.6 billion dollars a year in military and government funding by the U.S., he promised to work for Western governments. Mubarak ensured that Egypt would remain a refuge for torture (or “enhanced interrogation”) for the CIA and other Western security forces who could not conduct such tactics due to human rights expectations for military or police conduct enforced inside their borders. Mubarak provided “stability” for the Suez Canal, and assured safer transportation of Oil out of the region under his rule. He also was paid to safeguard Egyptian tourism and business destinations for the foreign visitors and investors, while people under his rule struggled on a daily basis. After Tunisia, Egyptian youth knew it was time to fan the flames of discontent that the “Jasmine Revolution” was exposing for the Arab world. A lack of hope and common feeling of disempowerment were made very much public for discontented people across the Middle East and North Africa. Egypt was not going to allow Tunisia’s revolution to become an isolated incident. After Ben Ali fled the country, ‘Days of Rage’ were organized in Cairo, Alexandria, and Suez. Unemployed youth played a prominent role in laying the groundwork for an Egyptian insurrection, as they did in Tunisia. Exploiting means of communication like Facebook and Twitter was an important tactic for coordinating demonstrations, riots, and solidarity, but solidarity and a ferocious will of the people was the true power behind this revolt. This can be seen very easily as Mubarak frequently disrupted technological means of communication, having little effect on weakening resistance to his rule. But with the wide use of the internet at first, people did not need a specific call out from a political leader or media outlet. Like Tunisia, police repression was a large motivation for the unrest both beginning and growing. It was also a huge part of the visual brutality that Mubarak (like Ali of Tunisia) represented to those who called for his immediate removal from power. After showing glimpses of future tension through Tunisia’s revolt, Egypt erupted with riots and demonstrations across the country on January 25th. That day being its first formal “Day of Rage,” unemployed youth fought the police, while employed people in the country left work to show their solidarity in the streets. FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 15 Police fired tear gas and live rounds at the growing crowds of people in an attempt to weaken their resistance. What became noticeably different about Egypt from Tunisia though, was that while the insurrection began to grow, the Egyptian state tactics of repression did just as much. When places like Tunisia desperately looked to appease demands under the same social climate Mubarak faced, the Egyptian state did not see this uprising as an opportunity for political dialogue with those it ruled, but as a the grounds for a civil war. Shortly after a state of crisis was established at the end of January, the economy was halted as banks and production temporarily ceased to function. Tourists began desperately flooding airports, as the revolt ceased to entertain, but started disrupting the whole “tourist experience.” The biggest turn of events was when the police were forced off the streets of Cairo on January 28th. Even with the fall of the police, very little violence or conflict occurred between opposition demonstrators and neighborhoods. This is an important thing to notice, considering the rationalization of police is to “keep peace” among those it is ruling. On the contrary, all violence conducted by the antigovernment resistance remained only directed at targets of Egypt’s proletarian suffering, and the blood seen dripping from the scenes of earlier police clashes became enormously less severe compared to the situation before their retreat. Cairo’s Tahrir Square had now become ‘Liberation square’, and acted as a central point for maintaining the visibility of the Egyptian people’s struggle for both the nation, as well as the rest of the world. Shortly after the beginning of Egypt’s insurrection, Mubarak and his regime cut off the means of communication for most of the country. By removing access to cellular phones and the After being overwhelmed by street fights and attacks on police internet, he hoped this would prevent the strength and solidarinfrastructure, the police were forced to show their cowardly ity shown by the people’s uprising from growing further. This faces, as they left their uniform and waited for the military to merely provoked more rage by the people struggling against his return things to normal. Egypt was now most certainly in the rule, and further complicated Western support for Mubarak’s public eye, and a military formally funded by American invest- continued domination over the exploited region. With internaments could not continue the same brutality as the police with- tional pressure, cell phone service in some parts of the country out being connected to the United States were restored, but remained for the most (at least not in Cairo). part sporadic. This was mostly due to the It was simply a whining of reporters and journalists who matter of picking were having a complicated time reporting Although the police left the streets, it was made clear that it was not enough, as a side, because it on the events going on, than it did with Egyptians continued to attack the remthe complaints of struggling Egyptians. was quite literally But overthrowing the police forces and nants of their organization. Many youth actually lost their lives continuing to atdemonstrating their contempt for the tack the stations the police once operated government no longer needed the internet from, even after their retreat. Many of to come together, it was ingrained in the the deaths occurred from police who were hiding inside their minds of every Egyptian fed up with the circumstances. It was defunct stations shooting aimlessly onto youth who attacked simply a matter of picking a side, because it was quite literally from the outside. Despite the relentless assaults by police dur- civil war. ing these attacks, the murders did very little to sway youth who battled bullets solely with weapons such as: Molotov cocktails, While people continued to come together unified by common swords, or bats. The willingness to continue to attack their in- frustrations, Mubarak attempted to mock the uprising by tryfrastructure despite concerns of death made it very clear that ing to use the internet and cellular phone networks to his own the police were one of the revolution in Egypt’s main enemies. advantage. This was when we began sending out millions of The willingness especially to continue to attack them after their messages via Vodafone (Egypt’s major cellular provider) and surrender, also suggests the possibility that such revolutionary Facebook in support of his rule, hoping to have a tactical youth did not want to see their existence whatsoever - even advantage over what he felt was a crippled opposition. He “after the revolution”. communicated that the riots were done by an “isolated group of troublemakers” and there was a need for a “pro-Mubarak” Demonstrations and riots became semi-permanent occupa- counter-revolution. tions, and somewhat more “family-friendly” protests began, amidst a climax in global media attention. Also due to pressure After Mubarak took his routine steps to appease the opposition from ally nations denouncing the Mubarak regime for the bru- by appointing a vice president, and later committing to resign tality that was now being seen across the world. At this time, within 6 months, he became more and more desperate to maininsurrectionary violence became primarily directed to wealthy tain his control. Political reforms were too little and too late, neighborhoods and establishments in the form of looting and and repression became more and more complicated with growsabotage. ing international scrutiny. Whether or not you are under the civil war. FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 16 -Statement from Escaped Egyptian Prisoner to Al Jazeera during the Unrest "We did not flee. It is the people who opened our doors." illusion that Mubarak leaving will do anything, the goal of his downfall played a huge part in unifying people to act accordingly with a precise aim. Manifesting a feeling that first and foremost the face of their bane had to be destroyed before any compromise would be considered, and the Egyptian insurrection continued to hold its ground. After days of resistance and occupation, Tahrir Square was forced into a war zone. The most memorable day of these last few weeks was when so called “ProMubarak” protesters fought demonstrators occupying the square. This appeared to draw the social lines very concretely and implied a very weak grasp on power by the Mubarak regime. By calling on the interior ministry of the Mubarak government to recruit police officers, government officials, state employees, or whatever remained of their middle class, Mubarak gathered and paid supporters to come together in support of his government that has brought them comfort at the expense of so many others, for so long. With this, he was able to organize a temporary grassroots offensive on the opposition inside “Liberation square.” This attempted “Pro-Government’ mobilization was most apparent on Wednesday, February 2nd, and it was probably one of the most visible, longest, and harshest battles we were able to witness from over here in the States (Al-Jazeera had a 24 hour camera on the square). Random mobs of state employees and paid demonstrators (many given the equivalent of $8 American to hold signs in support of Mubarak) rushed Mubarak’s opposition in the square. It started with spitting and mocking, then immediately turned to violence. What else could happen between those in defense of the state and those struggling for their dignity and freedom? Some of the most memorable images were seen when the day began with a roving band of so-called “Pro-Mubarak” supporters stampeding the crowd in Tahrir Square on horses and camels, whipping anyone who got in their way. Yet people refused to take further abuse from the police officers who behaved as a police officer would in every way, simply without the uniform. People stopped horses and camels in their tracks, pulled the traitors off them and proceeded to beat them. Many of those who were taken by demonstrators in Tahrir Square actually were carrying police or interior ministry identification cards in their wallets when they were captured, and in some cases pleaded that they were forced to attack them by the government. Later on that night, the same state employees were allowed by the military onto nearby roadways and buildings overlooking the square. They shot demonstrators below and bombarded them with an overwhelming display of Molotov cocktails (all seen live on television) in an attempt to burn and shoot out the demonstrators. Although it seems that some of the Egyptian people have chosen to recognize the military as a neutral force, it is obvious that the military was initially supporting Mubarak’s hired forces due to their sheer refusal to stop these attacks. This battle re-ignited the original clashes seen before the police’s retreat in Cairo. That is, clashes between the traitors (police, bureaucrats, wealthy) and the people struggling for their dignity and freedom. On live television you could watch every Molotov cocktail thrown from the comfortable heights of buildings and roadways the police and state workers attacked from, returned with a hail of rocks and Molotov cocktails by occupiers in Tahrir Square, holding the grounds underneath them. By the morning of February 3rd, Tahrir Square woke up to fire, injury, and death, but many of the people knew they were victorious. Whether or not Mubarak stepped down that next day, they were victorious in the sense that they woke up to another day in Tahrir Square as “liberation square.” The insurrection encompassed most of the country, and did not remain limited to the streets. In Fayoum prison, prisoners used this unrest as an opportunity to escape en masse. Killing the head of the prison, they collectively staged an escape that resulted in 700 prisoners getting away. This was one of four instances of Egyptian prisoners across the country using the unrest as an opportunity to escape. Among the thousands who did, only some have been caught and put back into prison. Mubarak (1) has stepped down at the point of writing this. When millions continued to demonstrate even after that harsh Wednesday battle, he was forced out, most likely, through American pressure. However, the transitional state in place is now repressing demonstrations, claiming they have no validity since Mubarak has stepped down. While the international media has shifted its attention to places like Libya where the brutality is visibly “worse,” the remaining power structures are actively criminalizing the remaining demonstrations of discontent, under the guise of “You got what you wanted - THE END.” Police continue to sweep Tahrir Square in an attempt to make the January 25th revolution a FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 17 part of history, as opposed to an on-going situation. Workers across the country are continuing to try and halt production, hoping to keep tensions strong. Christian churches are being burnt down, obviously stating a lack of desire for Western intervention in Egypt’s future as a predominately Muslim nation. Yet remaining Christians who are protesting what they see as a new lack of comfort in the nation have been silenced by security forces, hoping to weaken Western concerns of Muslim extremism or a lack of tension remaining among the post-Mubarak Egyptian people. Ironically police are demonstrating against the government they claim betrayed them, yet have been instilled back into everyday life. Youth continue to clash with police, despite police claims of a new era for Egypt, which highlights the lack of resolution to the people’s anger. This especially is the case over those who remain imprisoned, or have been murdered throughout the January 25th revolution. With many youth, students, workers, and mourning families refusing to forget their brothers and sisters arrested or killed by police throughout the revolution, the remaining government and interior ministry is burning arrest records and reports of police conduct en masse, before possible UN tribunals or belated attention from Human Rights organizations. When the spark of insurrection is lit successfully, it tears through the society in this way, infecting everything and everyone it comes in contact with. While many have forgotten Egypt, the civil war remains in many ways. When looking beyond the impotent analysis of Western media, Egyptians continue to prove that this struggle goes well beyond the face of Mubarak. Again, the world looks on to Egypt, just like Tunisia, asking: what next? *Photo of demonstrators attacking a police van during January 28th clashes in Suez, Egypt. FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 18 *Photo of Libyan rebel firing on Gaddafdi fighter jets using most likely a stolen weapon from Gadaffi’s arms facilities. Libya: From Popular Insurrection to Modern War N ew demonstrations began in Libya shortly after the Egyptian insurrection. Mobs of youth began these protests setting a precedent for their direction as they immediately started this uprising, battling police. In the town of Bayda, East of Benghazi, the nation’s second largest city, multiple youth were injured after setting a police station on fire. Calls for unrest demanded that Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, a man that has ruled Libya since 1969, must step down. Considering Gaddafi has gained tolerance from many of the Libyan people through his anti-Western and anti-Israel perspectives, it can only remain obvious that the people have felt the rage of Egypt and Tunisia and are looking to become empowered and free from what they see as a tyrannical regime. Gaddafi has been known to the West as one of the Arab world’s most eccentric political leaders. This is due to some of the Anti-Western acts he has been accused of funding. For example, his London-based embassy was known for conducting multiple spy campaigns on both British authorities and Libyan expatriates living in the country, throughout the 80’s. The embassy also went as far as attempting to poison or kill expatriates seen as traitors to Libya. Though Libya’s London-based embassy was best seen in the public eye in 1984 when a British police officer was shot and killed by staff inside the embassy shooting onto an anti-Gaddafi demonstration outside. The West took its most offensive turn on Gaddafi though when members of his cabinet were considered partially responsible for coordinating the Pan AM Flight 103 bombing that resulted in 270 fatalities. This resulted in bombings on Libya by Western forces, one of which resulted in the death of Gaddafi’s daughter. Although Gaddafi has held his ground as the Arab world’s longest running political leader through his consistent anti-Western rhetoric, the foundation of his power has been largely due to Libya being the richest supplier of primarily Western valued oil on the African continent. This has been a huge part of the West’s historical restraint over Libya’s political conduct. However, after the Pan Am bombing, sanctions and attacks on Libya by Western militaries began to intimidate Gaddafi and he was forced to rethink his AntiWestern stance. After years of negotiation Gaddafi began to make moves to appease Western hostility. First, he allowed for the extradition of two political figures considered responsible for the Pan Am flight bombing. Then, after the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, he reached out to the West and allowed an international investigation into new nuclear or “weapons of mass destruction” programs being conducted by his military. In light of recent events and new measures taken amidst the War On Terror by the West, he was willing to allow members of the international community to enter his country and begin a decommissioning process for these nuclear programs. This lead to a visit from Britain’s Tony Blair in 2004, which helped to re-open a relationship between oil rich Libya and the Western world. Following the end of Gaddafi’s weapons programs, the U.S. declared that it was re-opening its relationship with Libya as an ally of the West, and officially declared Libya as an Anti-Terrorist or moderate nation. Much of Libya’s frustration with the West has to do with it historically being an Italian colony. Considering how it is directly across the water from Italy, oil shipments have been considerably easier for Europe than other parts of the Arab world, increasing its value, and of course the West’s continued patience and new open-mind with his government. Further contradicting his anti-Western perspectives in his behavior, Gaddafi in 2008 created a deal with the Italian government. The deal was finalized in 2009, but it stated that the Italian government will pay a five billion dollar compensation for their 1911-1954 military occupation, in exchange for Libya heightening border security to stop immigrants from entering Italy from Libya, as well as a way for “boosting Libyan investment in Italian corporations.” There is also a natural gas pipeline that runs all the way from Libya to Italy through the Mediterranean sea, and provides about 11 billion cubic meters of natural gas for Europe each year. After the original ‘Days of Rage’ began, Tripoli, Libya’s capital, was amidst utter social chaos. Around the same time, the country’s second largest city, Benghazi, was being declared out FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 19 of Gaddafi’s control. Government buildings were sacked or With Gaddafi’s refusal to step down, and more so, his outspoburnt down across the country despite Gaddafi’s incredibly ken willingness to kill everyone threatening his power, the situharsh repression, ferociously demanding the downfall of his ation in Libya has come into the international spotlight more regime. Most means of communication were also sabotaged than ever. Through a combination of global disapproval for by the government in the same manner as Egypt. Yet unlike Gaddafi, private concerns over Libya’s oil supply, and a new Mubarak, having even less tolerance for foreign reporters or approval from Arab leaders and rebel Libyans, the UN has dewestern considerations complicated reports on the situation in clared a “no-fly zone” over Libya at the point of writing this. Libya for the outside world more so than in Egypt or Tunisia. Yet, while a no-fly zone typically means a military sanction preAlthough at this stage Libya was only starting to grab inter- venting any planes from flying into, over, or out of the counnational headlines, outsiders could still view Youtube videos try, this one appears to be the same as most modern warfare. and occasional reports that showed Gaddafi literally bombing France, Britain, Canada, and the United States have taken reand shooting Libyan demonstrators in rebel strong holds like sponsibility for conducting this bombing mission. Gaddafi’s Benghazi from military grade fighter jets. Although rumors government infrastructure in Tripoli, as well as military tanks have also stated that some military personnel did refuse to fight or cruisers seen as trying to regain rebel cities have been the against the Libyan people, they were easily replaced with paid main targets of this operation. This no-fly zone came after security forces. Foreign security forces played a huge part in Gaddafi declared a cease-fire hoping to calm international atmaintaining Gaddafi’s power up until later intervention from tention, but continued to bomb and kill rebel forces. While we the West. In an attempt to intimidate demonstrators in the have nothing but pure disdain for Gaddafi and his authoritarian country’s capital of Tripoli, hired mercenaries from different regime, we are quite aware of the intentions behind Western inprivate international security services and tervention. Despite the support of LibAfrican militias-for-hire were brought in to yan rebels, as well as the Arab League, it These exploitative shoot random demonstrators from roofis interesting to see Libya as the West’s tops across the city. Mercenaries became intentions will be made first choice to take action. We will notorious for using fear to their advan- obvious to the people of most likely not see the same measures tage, in some cases going as far as burning the region as this taken against ally nations like Bahrain or captured demonstrators alive, then piling military operation Saudi Arabia, despite similar repressive them in public areas for all to view. Similar behavior such as shooting live rounds continues exclusively to Mubarak, Gaddafi declared this unrest at protesters (Who, unlike Libya, fight as a foreign conspiracy, and took a per- in Libya, whether or not almost completely unarmed), setting spective that this is not grounds for dia- similar government tent cities on fire, attacking the injured logue, but a situation of civil war. in hospitals, arresting hospital staff for repression is happening helping injured protesters, or sabotageverywhere else. Fighting in Libya was originally a struggle ing medical equipment to prevent the that stemmed from the streets by disgrunprotester’s recoveries. These offensive tled youth and citizens inspired by nearby insurrections, but actions will continue to go without Western intervention due over time has transformed into a civil war calculated by military to the willingness of the two nations to protect the West’s power and armed rebels. This was forced by Gaddafi’s bomb- interests in Middle Eastern resources. At most, Bahrain and ings onto disloyal cities and oil facilities from air force fighter Saudi Arabia will maybe receive harsh words by human rights jets, as well as his unique tactic of hiring international merce- groups or public denunciation of the violence by Western leadnaries to shoot and attack demonstrators in the streets. This ers, but certainly not have to face military interference in their transition has forced opposition to seize arms facilities and at- repression of discontent. These exploitative intentions will be tempt to utilize the few military resources lost by Gaddafi to made obvious to the people of the region as this military opdefend territory claimed to be out of his control. eration continues in Libya, whether or not similar government repression is happening everywhere. This will strengthen antiUnfortunately, unlike Mubarak, Gaddafi has expressed that he colonial feelings among the Arab world when it comes to the will have to either “die or drown Libya in blood” before leav- West, by further proving how little Western governments and ing. Yet unfortunately like Mubarak, he possesses the economic business care about people in their region. and military power to create such an amount of blood. Gaddafi has also claimed that he is not currently in power, he is the Will Libya become the new Iraq? Will rebel forces succumb to Western chosen people’s leader, and that all resistance against his police, expectations for oil in exchange for their bombs? Whatever happens, a peomercenaries, and army has been done by counter-revolutionar- ple’s insurrection was both crushed by the government it was opposing, and ies either funded by Al-Qaeda, the U.S., or lunatics acting on most likely now usurped by a government interested in their exploitation. “drug induced” rage. Gaddafi’s lack of concern for judgment by the international community and relentless ability to kill and repress any opposition has the world concerned that even with all the bloodshed and fighting, he may be able to retain his power unless there is international intervention. FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 20 *Photo of murdered 32 year old Hani Abdul-Aziz Abdullah Jumah’s body, after being retrieved by his family. Bahraini security forces hid his body in a hospital, and explained to his family where he can be found. Traces of electric shock were seen all over his body when he was found. His family believes he may have been tortured to death by the Bahraini military. On the Situation in Bahrain O n February 14th, Bahrain took the world by storm with protests inspired by other nations experiencing unrest. This small country of just over a million people has been recognized as the Arab world’s most liberal nation, and believed to have one of the wealthiest populations per capita in the Gulf. But out of the 1.3 million recognized on the island, half are foreign workers, leaving many unemployed. This stems from a political system under Sunni family rule, that is designed to perpetuate a disempowered position for the country’s Shia majority. Bahrain has been run by the same family since 1783, only experiencing political intervention as a result of the British empire. Bahrain is also known for originally discovering oil in the Gulf. But while Bahrain is 70 percent Shia Muslim, it is under Sunni Muslim rule. Bahrain does not suffer from the same depths of common poverty as Egypt or Algeria, but people are realizing that they do not have to accept the wealth and rule of the Sunni family that protects what they see as Sunni interests. This social division has been reported on to be quite noticeable in everyday social interactions between specifically Sunni-loyal police and Shia youth. And while the Khalifa ruling family has almost copied Saudi Arabia in a surreal tradition of literally paying off the nation’s discontent with oil-funded stipends annually, the offers made to appease specifically enraged and inspired Bahraini youth or families continue to be turned down in the form of drastic unrest. With a Sunni-royal family, most government services are designed to serve only Sunni families. Also with a Sunni-loyal police force, Shia youth encounters with police have been described in similar ways to the relationship Blacks and Latinos have with American police. With the first ‘Days of Rage’ declared by frustrated people across the small Gulf island, protests became immediately prominent. Many demonstrators in Bahrain’s capital Manama started holding ground by occupying a major round-about, declaring it to be Bahrain’s “liberation square”. One of the first major clashes made public to the world happened around 3am on February 17th when Bahraini security forces and police swarmed the square, and proceeded to gas people of all ages, and open fire onto defiant crowds. This resulted in dozens of injuries and two reported deaths. The situation stimulated further rage from demonstrators across the island, and forced the ruling family into the spotlight of growing concerns in the Middle East. But while the King’s rhetoric began changing – publicly apologizing for the two deaths at the first attempted evacuation – his behavior did not. This could easily be seen when police opened fire on the funeral procession for the two people he was apologizing for killing in the square, only hours after his statement. FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 21 For years, Bahrain has held hands with the ruling elite of the West and similar ruling families of places like nearby Saudi Arabia. We know quite well that at this exact moment, clashes are happening in the streets of Bahrain. Dozens have been murdered, but thousands continue to prevent these ‘Days of Rage’ from turning to fear. Like other governments in the region, Bahrain has also tried to cut communication between the opposition by destabilizing phone and internet services for the public. Shortly before going to print, Bahrain began captivating the attention of nearby Saudi Arabia. This resulted from a few small attempts to defy the national ban on protesting by discontent Saudis influenced by Bahrain’s recent “Days of Rage.” With the new attention from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain is now working together with Saudi security forces to stamp out anti-government demonstrations before they possibly inspire more in Saudi Arabia, or have a bigger effect on Bahrain as a Sunni ruled society. Together the countries declared martial law in Bahrain at the beginning of March, and created a plan to liquidate all remnants of public discontent, through a “3 month state of emergency.” New video footage seen since martial law was declared shows heightening repression by the police. With Libya at the forefront of international scrutiny, Bahraini police, with the help of Saudi security forces are conducting an offensive on every facet of the opposition. Random snatch and grabs of Shia youth found in isolated parts of Bahraini cities are taking place, often resulting in murder. Tear gas is fired at point blank range towards protesters. The capital’s “Liberation Square” was set ablaze as part of a continued process of forceful evacuation. Police can be seen walking through hospital parking lots smashing out car windows of stuff suspected of helping injured protesters. Although, even with such unrelenting repression, Bahrain’s youth continue to demonstrate in the streets. One video shows protesters attacking and killing two police by running over them in cars, a very smart tactic for an unarmed response to dozens of police opening fire on your comrades. The dominated and exploited Shia majority of Bahrain are realizing the power they collectively hold as they continue their insurrection through the most severe obstacles. Again, we are just waiting to see, and asking: what next? FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 22 *Inmates riot at Yemen prison in solidarity with unrest. Algeria: Been Saying This for Years A lgerian youth are also fighting in the shadows of Egypt and Tunisia’s headlines. Algeria has been a notorious country when it comes to anti-colonial resistance. As seen in the West through the lens of Gillo Pontecorvo’s film The Battle of Algiers, this tradition was best shown to the world in the country’s mid-20th century uprising against French rule. Yet while declaring independence in 1962, as we mentioned earlier, like all other Western colonial nations, countries once ruled were never forfeited without setting the grounds for future cooperation or servitude. In 2010 alone, 110,000 incidents deemed “riots” requir- ing police intervention took place. In a country of 35 million people, that would be almost the same as 1,000,000 instances of rioting requiring police intervention happening in the U.S. With unemployment and rising commodity prices forcing the country into one of its most fragile periods of the last 50 years, it is quite clear even with government attempts to slash food prices and pressure Muslim leaders to quiet screaming youth, the will of those fighting in the streets will not give in to petty appeasements by the state. Algeria has remained historically committed to defending their livelihood using any means necessary. Whatever happens in the Arab world though, Algeria will remain in a state of constant crisis until the country’s impoverished feel free. Desperation Explodes in Yemen Y emen is a country that has served as a large recruiting ground for religious guerrilla groups like Al-Qaeda, but the rhetoric of those in struggle is taking a very different stance. Clearly influenced by nearby insurrections, the people are exhausted with the primarily foreign-funded security forces that are placed there for Western interests. At one time, foreign investments into security forces in Yemen were intended to keep the peace that was needed to properly extract the oil resources there. Now, oil in Yemen has almost completely been used up. Economic reports have said the entirety of Yemen’s oil supply will be used up by 2017. This contributes to the mass unemployment and poverty in the country. Security forces there are now funded by nearby nations to prevent revolutionary, Islamic fundamentalist, or anti-colonial groups from having an effect on nearby oil rich countries, and to help further extract the little oil left there, without troubling intervention from Yemen’s poor and discontent In a country most recently known by the West for its religious fundamentalism, it’s understood that this phenomenon results from exploited emotions of an incredibly desperate population. Yet, it’s interesting that with a now stronger and more unified movement of discontent, demonstrators against the government and everyday conditions in Yemen say very little among the opposition about Allah or Israel, and much more about the poverty enforced by the ruling party. Multiple government and police buildings have been burnt down, but not without the police murdering dozens in the process. In March, 45 people were FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 23 killed in broad daylight by security forces. At the moment, Yemen’s president is being asked to leave by other members of his government, hoping to quell continued violence. Yet when he does leave, the country will remain raped for its resources, and stricken by poverty. Yemen, like the rest of the Arab world remains in a state of asking: what next? Elsewhere S *Demonstrators in Oman celebrating outside burning government building. maller, but in some cases equally significant demonstrations have happened in less mentioned countries like Syria or Oman. Syria’s notoriously repressive and brutal Baath party regime began taking steps to prevent ‘Days of Rage’ in their borders at the first sign of them in Tunisia. Like Jordan also did, the government adjusted some social services to calm discontent, but unlike Jordan, Syria has utilized considerably more Anti-Western rhetoric by denouncing other Middle Eastern and North African revolts as Western conspiracies, as soon as domestic concerns of unrest captured global attention. Yet after weeks of concern by the Syrian state, and failed organizing attempts by Syrian youth through flyering or the internet (Which usually resulted in their imprisonment for subversive activity before taking off), unimaginable displays of rage and frustration flooded the streets of Syria’s southern city of Daraa. Despite the rampant fear that is ingrained in Syria’s society that has been under 48 years of emergency martial law, rebel youth and discontent families chose to take the streets after police arrested fifteen school children for vandalizing school property with subversive slogans supporting resistance against the Baath party, such as: ‘the people will overthrow the regime.’ Police opened fire on demonstrators, killing at least two, according to international reports, on the third day of these demonstrations in Mid-March. This was after demonstrators burnt down the Baath party’s government headquarters in the city. While the unrest there has not nearly blown up on the same scale as some of the situations mentioned earlier, with any knowledge of Syria over the last 50 years, common fear of the government is even more intense inside Syria’s borders. Spokespeople for the Baath party are trying to keep things calm after shooting and killing protesters in Daraa, hoping to prevent demonstrations from spreading across the country. They have also said that the 15 school children will be released immediately, yet at this point we are not positive as to whether or not this have been done. Demonstrations in Oman’s city of Sohaar also resulted in a few deaths by police, but brought proletarian frustrations over unemployment into the pubic spotlight through a 1,000 person strong march, creating burning barricades throughout the city’s streets at the end of February. Revolt is now reoccurring more than ever in this modern era; becoming less and less borderless, and as broad as the Arab rulers’ terrains. It is nearly impossible to capture all the events here, or even begin to predict what is next, but the common linking points and motivations of all these revolts are indispensable for the dialogue of all Anarchists or revolutionaries. As you can tell very easily, the main key linking points are a common frustration with everyday encounters with institutions like the police, and the poverty restrictions enforced onto the lower classes of each Arab country by global capitalism. Whether organizers have found it easiest to aim their rage against specific rulers or regimes, the targets of these ‘Days of Rage,’ and the way they are made visible in Arab streets, remain very strongly anti-authoritarian in their nature. While these nations are responsible for much of the wealth in the first world, the base of these countries’ operations are deteriorating amongst the disillusioned youth and exploited, as they no longer want a piece of the pie, but hunger for an entirely different everyday context. FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 24 “Why concern, why not joy that freedom is given a chance?”-Zizek This will also hit the rest of the world; whether or not we like it. I nsurrection is empowering poor and dominated people across the Middle East and North Africa, and with this, inevitably threatening the comforts of the ruling first world nations. Oil has been the largest resource responsible for the exploitation and social structures of the current Middle East. It is responsible for quite more than just our gasoline prices. It is our food and shelter prices too. Oil is the grease for the gears that continue this industrial global era. The comforts of our everyday lives depend on the suffering of people struggling across the Arab world for this resource to continue fueling our global age. With the global economy and era we live in today, the loss or limiting of access to a resource like oil in one part of the world has ripple effects through the rest. And the austerity measures that many of the world’s more comfortable nations will be forced to begin as a result of this resource disruption, will definitely start forming a response from people all over the world, drawing lines and strengthening tense social divisions many of us didn’t realize were there. These events will threaten the current state of the first world’s wealth, and severely damage the global economy that manages this world. It is not Sharia law that these insurrections are calling for from their start; it is unbridled freedom, and the end of their exploitation, despite what the media and global authorities say. This is what’s concerning to the Western world, because part of its liberal tradition is an understanding that the first world’s quite sad idea of freedom stems from an assumption that it is only reserved for a few. Many Americans and Europeans speak about the Middle East or designated “third world”/“non-modernized” regions, as an almost geographic area that is supposed to contain all the public corruption, brutality, and social violations in the world, leading us to feel disconnected with and desensitized by the suffering there. But the same experiences happen across the ghettos of American and European soil as well. Arguing in defense of any freedom inside the Western borders that should differentiate the struggles in the Middle East from possible struggle here, specifically in the United States, immediately wreaks of stupidity. Any conversation that does not start off recognizing the extermination of people and cultures who once lived in what is now the United States already fails to recognize an essential foundation for the structure that has become the United States. Additionally, prison sentences in the United States are quite noticeably higher than anywhere in the world. While the American justice system gets ignored by human rights groups due to the sheer power of its modern bureaucracy and organization, common statistics show that U.S. prisons certainly lead the way in lengthy sentences and the amount of people currently incarcerated. The spectacle of “worse or better” nations or “possible or impossible” revolutions require a bit more than American “common sense.” Our solidarity with others struggling in the world must not stem from a colonial or charitable perspective. FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 25 We extend our utmost solidarity with the insurrection spreading across the Middle East, because we share the same frustrations that stem from the everyday violence and disempowerment that is inherent to the state and capitalism. It is incredibly complicated to write about these situations. Most media usually seeks conclusion and assumption through the barriers of religion and nationality, looking for some resolution designated by politics to us. The Middle East’s power vacuum is still booming, but what is of critical importance is the implication of what has actually occurred, and what is continuing to occur. The reality of the situation is that no isolated god or ideology influenced these events. A very popular feeling of contempt for the system that makes us poor or relies on brutal domination sparked an uprising that originally without any formal organization, naturally chose common targets of frustration we all face. Appointed political leaders or religious organizations will not be able to prevent this from continuing to escalate, because they are part of the reasons these feelings of disempowerment stem from such a deep feeling of resentment with the stagnant silence that has plagued the Arab world for too long now. Official reports have stated that thousands (872 in Egypt alone, as of writ- ing this) have been killed across the Arab region as a result of police and military repression of the insurrections. Thousands more have been reported imprisoned across the region as well, facing crimes of riot, looting, or blogging. Revolutionary Arab communities are remaining strong though, also demanding the liberation of their prisoners held captive by the state during this incredibly generalized revolt. For any anarchist or revolutionary excited by a popular revolt against the state, the potentiality of these events requires a certain patience to see. The outcomes of this power vacuum, or its effects on a global scale, are certainly something to pay attention to. But while the goal of anti-authoritarian revolutionaries is to act as an influential tendency in society, as opposed to a political vanguard, the origin of whatever happens next is both a manifestation of partially political control, but primarily an outcome of a popular insurrection. An insurrection that has mocked the posturing and arrogance of modern militaries and repressive state technology. We can very easily see here that no matter what technology or resources the state has (In the case of some of these countries, the same as the United States), the loss of public hope or faith can be quickly influenced by a situation hundreds of miles away, and generalize into popular revolt due to shared conditions. This situation proves that not only is insurrection indispensable to affect our everyday contexts, it is proven now to be possible in the post-modern world. So where will this hit next? Note: 1) Mubarak officially stepped down, but left the country with an estimated 70 billion dollars. The same way Interpol issued an absurd warrant for the Tunisian president Ben Ali, in an obvious attempt to appease anti-colonial/Western sentiment in the region, international investigators are claiming that they are attempting to re-capture the money Mubarak left with. As of now, the Swiss government claims to have frozen all Mubarak bank accounts in the country, but have not revealed what that number has accounted to. Mubarak is also known to have other international bank accounts, specifically in the UK. He also owns properties in Los Angeles, New York City, London, and Paris. He also has billions in investments and bullion. Most of this money came from foreign military funding, primarily by the United States. At this moment, the whereabouts of Hosni Mubarak and his family are unknown. But he is most likely unscathed, and most likely has at least a few billion dollar severance package for his job of ruling the Egyptian people. While the West may publicize some of their attempts to consequence him for exposed “misconduct”, it is very unlikely that anything even comparable to the everyday individual experience under his regime will happen to him or his family. Politics continues to be a sad game, as it shows its cold lack of effect. So where will this hit next? FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 26 Post-Script R evolutionaries and anarchists throughout history have seen the awakening of discontent people result in multiple situations, some more appealing than others, but unfortunately most unappealing. The process of which the current situation in the Middle East has come about does stem from the revolutionary situations that Anarchists see as indispensable to gaining steps forward in our permanent struggle against domination. That is, through common and generalized revolt against institutions that repress and control us. The situation is not black and white, and requires your attention and support. As time sensitive as this is, it could not be ignored. What is important is that you continue to research and see what happens in the Middle East yourselves, and try and learn from the courage that has been shown by struggling youth, workers, and poor people of the region as a guideline for some of the requirements we will need to endure as struggles become intensified. Also, it is important to be prepared for the effects it will have on the comforts and resources in the rest of the world. As is mentioned above, the pump doesn’t just feed the car. American austerity will continue to increase with conflict in the Arab world. Inevitably, anarchists and revolutionaries should be prepared as a force that greets the social discontent that comes with austerity measures by the state. It is important to note that international journalists have dealt with harassment, assault, and even death while reporting on the situation in the Middle East. We will never approach the media with trust, but maybe due to complications in reporting, mainstream information on Arab unrest has been considerably easier to come by. We do hope that when furthering your research, this article has helped to provide somewhat of an understanding as to the history and implications of this situation. As well as helped to inspire a sense of solidarity for revolutionaries in struggle across the world with Arab people currently in active revolt. O On the Prison Revolts ne of the most inspiring things to happen in the course of these insurrections has been the prison breaks. In Tunisia, 11,000 prisoners escaped (A third of the country’s prison population) and in Egypt thousands escaped (Some reports estimate up to 5,000). The electrifying power of insurrection surges through a society like both an energy shot to the passive citizens and a virus to the structures of control. The technicians of imprisonment and exploitation have evolved their techniques over many generations to move away from the stick and focus on the mind of the prisoner/citizen. Through constantly re-enforced mental conditioning, the citizen/prisoner learns to obey, even gets pleasure from obeying and acts as de-facto police agents against those who do not. When the spark of insurrection is lit successfully, it tears through the society in this way, infecting everything and everyone it comes in contact with. One of the goals of prison designers is to effectively administrate punishment by cutting off the prisoner from the outside world. The more serious the punishment, the further the prisoner will be cut off. There is no wall high enough to keep out the virus of insurrection. It has shown time and time again to light a fire in the hearts of millions and give them seemingly superhuman strengths. Just as adrenaline gives one the power to lift a car by themselves to save a comrade, insurrection abolishes the impossible and opens new paths never seen before. An old story tells of a man who agrees to become part of a scientific experiment in which he will be locked in a cell and have to attempt to escape within a set time period. Right away he starts plotting, but the cell seems impossible to get out of. He hatches all sorts of insane plans that don’t work and injures his hands by handling the blades of a ceiling fan he breaks off and uses to try and dig his way out. As he is down on his hands and knees, dirty and bloody, the door opens and the scientists tell him the experiment is over and he failed. The door was never locked to begin with and he could have walked right out at any time. This is the kind of path that we speak of, the most obvious one, to get up and assert one’s will toward the most obvious path to freedom. While complicated escape plans of a few prisoners are very inspiring and have been dramatized in television shows like Prison Break and more recently Breakout, nothing compares to the near outof-body experience 11,000 Tunisian prisoners must have felt when they collectively decided that prison was no place for human beings to live and they had better places to be, namely, in the streets fighting for freedom. We can get a glimpse into the minds of these former prisoners simply by their actions alone. Surely, handfuls of prisoners escape all the time around the world, but they can expect to be hunted like prey by the authorities, often for the rest of their lives and never live a truly free existence. What would make so many thousands of prisoners all at once decide to escape? They were not simply escaping from prison, they were escaping into insurrection and the endless possibilities it unfolds. These people were not too stupid to think of the negative consequences of their actions or that they would be hunted down like prey. They believed so passionately in the practicability of destroying their society and the ability to live truly free that these consequences no longer seemed important or even likely. The specter of insurrection spoke with a voice that everyone could hear in their heads: Wake up! It’s time to be free! FTTP #11 - Days of Rage - Pg. 27 SCHOOL Often compared to a prison. This article was written and anonymously contributed by a current high school student regarding everyday conditions in a modern American public school. The author is currently a junior, and hopes to one day travel and be a self-sufficient farmer; two goals they feel school is actively preventing them from achieving. The author writes from a very personal and first-hand point of view. His release from school is expected to be in 2012. S chool has always been an institution that I (among many others) find oppressing. Often compared to a prison, a school building is a place where permission is granted. By this I mean that you must ask to do most things and are not allowed to do many things. I now live in a small town, but at the last school I attended in the city police roamed the halls. My last day there, some new rules were implied that I didn’t like the sound of what so ever. These new rules showed me that schools are really becoming more of that nightmarish, horrible, dreaded place we don’t want to be at. It made me think, “no wonder kids act out, start fights, and even bring weapons to school! There is no excitement, there is no wonder, there is nothing here for them but to memorize, work, and test.” A school is a training ground to prepare more and more of us for the corporate machine our country is. The new rules they were implying were ridiculous. At that school, you may not use the bathroom unless you ask a teacher and they agree to go with you! Every teacher now has a key to open the locked bathroom doors; they must stand outside of the bathroom and walk you to and from class when you wish to go. Also, if a group of kids are together wearing very similar outfits, they are dispersed. This is the suspicion that you are in a gang. You are not allowed to wear or carry bandannas, scarves, headbands or any other type of head or neck covering. They took away the vending machines, and to get into the lunchroom you must have an ID with a specific colored dot on it. If you don’t have the ID, you don’t get to eat lunch. They will do random locker checks and random metal detection tests of everyone and anyone they find to be “suspicious”. Recently the school was taken over by the state and more than half of the children’s parents were sent a letter that they’re very close to being tried for truancy. That is a school with no room at all. Why would anyone want to go somewhere to feel like a prisoner all day, to feel like, at any minute you yourself might be in trouble? I don’t know if I will ever understand such an institution. My new school is loose compared to that school but still there is something there keeping me from feeling like there is a future for someone like me. Every day at my school I am questioned about my future and what I plan to do about college. The ACT is a test that will determine what types of colleges we can go to. These first few days of March I will be taking that and two other huge tests they are really stressing at my school. They are required for graduation! Filling in all my information preparing for this test I came across a question asking me what my after school plan is. There were two options: “part time college student” or “full time college student.” I didn’t fill that part out. Another multiple-choice question was “what will you be majoring in”. So I had about 13 options to choose from for my major? No. I have different interests and plans! I don’t wish to ever be a cop, a lawyer, or a doctor. Leave it for someone else. I have FTTP #11 - School- Pg. 28 “There is no excitement, there is no wonder, there is nothing here for them but to memorize, work, and test.” another purpose in life. The teachers and kids at my school are confused by the fact that I don’t want to utilize my out of school time toward a college. They don’t understand why I dress the way I do and do my hair the way I do or why I say certain things. I wore a “Circle A” shirt to school and some kids really called me out for it. “Oh so you want anarchy?” they said. “Well, I don’t agree with the way this country is run and the fact that business and consumerism controls our lives so closely” I replied. What follow my explanations are a plethora of questions shortly followed by an ignorance of walking away. “What is bourgeoisie, what is big business, what is consumerism?” My question is “is this really a school?” These people I am surrounded by know nothing of the place they are living. Education reform? Yes, bring on a reform. It should include a real history lesson and a lesson of the times we live in. We have the bombs in this country. The production of the foods we grow is a corporation, the things you buy fund the corporation, and the school you go to is basically a corporation itself. The corporations fund it and you will grow up to work at those same corporations because you are living in a vicious circle! Sometimes this ruins my day. I come home and sit in my dark bedroom listening to sad music and looking at the light coming through my basement window wondering what the outdoors is trying to tell me by shining through my window like that. I realized it’s telling me there is so much outside of a cage. I will continue to go to high school. If I stop going I will be arrested and tried for truancy. Not to mention that my family will never stop harassing me for my choice. I am almost done, but when I look back at 12 years of institution based rule I am somewhat ashamed being who I am now. I have friends who want to be cops for goodness sakes. School has done this. People wonder why they are doing what they do at this age and they just stop. We stop experimenting and using our hands and our minds together. We stop creating and only make what we are told and we are told this is our future. At a young age we are told to be ourselves, and by the time we are teenagers they tell us if we don’t conform we basically fail at life and will have nothing waiting for us as adults. My doors are wide open though. College opens for me a gray corporate door. Keep it locked. I am opening a colorful door with a job I want that I will control. When I want to I will take my own time to travel. At school I give people educations myself. I tell them why I think the way I do and I tell them what I plan to do and then I tell them to live. The best gift I think I have given is the gift of telling them what they CAN be and how. We need to all do this. Diverge people from what we have come to know as the norm and give them back their voice. Use stickers and flyers and write magazine articles like this one. We are not alone, we are everywhere. We are beautiful and we are free. You can be as big as a tree or small as dirt no matter where you are because you are not a tool! You are a person with a mind and you choose what to put into that brain and what to fill your heart with. Wonder. Each of us has a flame inside of us. We can choose how big to make this light and how bright it will be. A roaring, warm fire is much more wonderful than a small, dim candle flame. Some choose to drown it and some choose to suffocate this flame. Some people stop tending the fire and it slowly dies down until they forgot they ever had one. Fuel the life inside you and keep it around. Live. FTTP #11 - School- Pg. 29 on the ongoing struggle in D Southern Appalachia uring the mine wars of the early 20th century, Baldwin-Felts detective agents hired by the coal companies would drive a heavily armored train called the “Bull Moose” through striking miner camps, shooting into the woods and tents. Organizer Ma Blizzard was quoted as saying “That old Bull Moose would parade up and down and shoot up the woods where the miners were. So me and three other women decided one night to put an end to that. We slipped out after dark, took crowbars, and pried up the rails and rolled them down the hillside. The next morning, when the Bull Moose came along it didn’t go on to Leewood like it was supposed to. The men inside the train cussed and fumed and we stood on the side laughing at them.” Ma Blizzard was also the mother of Bill Blizzard, a union leader during the Battle of Blair Mountain*, the largest armed insurrection in the U.S. since the Civil War. In Central Appalachia where the coal seams run, the coal industry has been dictating people’s lives for generations. In the late 1800s, farmers were tricked into selling the mineral rights of their land. Farmers who didn’t sign the “broad form” deeds offered by the coal companies were often presented with forged contracts; either way they lost the land their families lived on. By the end of the nineteenth century, thousands of acres had been bought up from farming families and re-sold or leased to coal companies. Because people needed a new way to make money, many became coal miners for the very companies that had swindled them out of their land in the first place. The companies offered miners houses for their families to live in and company stores to shop in. The miners were paid in company “scrip” instead of real money, that could only be redeemed at company owned stores. A practice that continued as late as the 1950s when it was finally outlawed. Under this system miners became wage slaves to the coal companies in the most extreme and literal sense. Workers who didn’t do whatever the coal operators demanded, risked losing their jobs, homes, and quite possibly even their lives. In the face of this oppression over the years there has been much resistance in coal extraction areas. Throughout the early 20th century, West Virginia coal miners attempted to overthrow this brutal system, the largest example being the Battle of Blair Mountain. After a generation of violent suppression and exploitation, of getting evicted and killed for attempts to organize for decent wages, hours, and safety, the people in the southern coalfields of WV had begun to rise up. In 1921 in Logan County, ten thousand coal miners charged up the slopes of Blair Mountain under the heavy machine gun fire of a private anti-union army backed by coal operators. More than one million rounds were estimated to have been fired over the course of the five-day battle. Eventually the federal troops were called in to quell the conflict, dropping a combination of gas and explosives left over from World War One on the miners. It was FTTP #11 - Southern Appalachia- Pg. 30 also one of the few times in history that the U.S. deployed air power against its citizens. Though the battle did not win all that the miners were fighting for, it showed the strength of the people to everyone and put a fear in the hearts of the coal operators and the companies’ ruling class backers. The Battle of Blair Mountain was organized both locally and state-wide in a leaderless movement by miners and their families. Its goals were to push for unionization of the mines and to gain basic human rights. It remains an example of the common man being pushed too far and rising up and defending themselves against all odds. History is written by the oppressors, and episodes like Blair Mountain that show people taking control of their own lives against those in power, are often left untold. Even today Blair Mountain and many other labor uprisings are not taught in schools. West Virginians, let alone other Americans, don’t know about these uprisings. But if we want to gain inspiration and learn from our mistakes, we need to learn the history of our own resistance. Today, the companies are still buying land out from under families in Appalachia and forcing communities that have lived there for generations to move using the same tactics they did in the 1920s. These tactics include intimidation, threats, eviction, or simply poisoning families out by placing preparation plants or active mines near their homes and ruining their air and water. One family sells off their land, followed by another and then a chain reaction begins as the community is slowly then rapidly ripped apart. This depopulation seems to be a premeditated goal of coal companies, once everyone leaves the coal companies and their backers have nothing left in their way to extract coal from the depopulated valleys. Judy Bonds, a coal field resident and activist, saw clearly what this mentality was doing to her community. "We're a colony here, and the coal companies rule. We can complain all we want, but those complaints are just swept aside in the name of progress and jobs. It's like we're selling our children's feet to buy shoes. If coal is so good for us hillbillies, then why are we so poor?" The current population of south central Appalachia is divided between those who are concerned for their communities’ health and survival and those who work in the coal industry and can’t afford to be concerned out of fear of being fired from their jobs. Coal companies often hire workers that live far enough away from the mine site, specifically surface mines, so that there is not a personal conflict of interest. Because coal is one of the only options for a decent paycheck, a person with a mining job is considered lucky. But the word “luck” would not seem to apply to being given the choice between starving or being homeless, and providing for your family by blowing up your own mountains and poisoning your own communities. FTTP #11 - Southern Appalachia- Pg. 31 Despite the divides that the coal corporations have managed to create within the people who live in these hollers and mountain ranges. For those who do stay, and in the memory of those that have left, there is still a rich and embedded culture and identity. Because of the oppression in coal extraction areas, people have had to continue the generational traditions of tight-knit communities and taking care of each other. Everyone knows everyone in their valley. Families are close and extended. Cousins, aunts, and grandparents are always nearby. Neighbors help each other chop wood, grow food, fix vehicles, watch the kids, and look out for each other. Children learn to fix things around the house, to work on vehicles, find wild edible plants and medicines, cook, build and many other skills that are all but forgotten in most of the United States. In Memory of Judy Bonds It takes a strong person to stand up against corporations. Judy Bonds was one of those people, a mountaineer, who stood up against the coal companies for her heritage, her community, and her family. She passed away January 3rd, 2011 from terminal cancer no doubt resulting from breathing toxic coal dust, synthetic fuel dust, blasting dust, drinking “black” water and living her whole life in the Coal River Valley close to a Massey Energy coal strip mine. Bonds was one of the most visible and outspoken activists against "mountaintop removal," the most extreme mining practice in which peaks are sheared off with explosives and pushed into the valleys to expose the coal seams below. The Appalachian mountains are an ancient mountain range, rich in natural diversity, history and culture. Though it has been plagued by deep-seated social oppression for generations, resistance and perseverance is rich within. If we are to take down the corporations that control our lives, our memory of previous tactics and our knowledge of survival and connection to the land will indeed come in handy. People here have the skills it takes to overthrow an oppressive industrial dictatorship and it is the divides between people we must overcome. Appalachians today are still resisting the industries that still dominate the region, whether through the pen, the crowbar, or simple outspoken defiance of the companies. Just like Ma Blizzard in the mine wars, Appalachian resistance today persists, prying at the proverbial train tracks upon which the train called industrial civilization continues to run and take pot shots at the people it preys upon. Although it's a slow process, sooner or later that train will run out of tracks, and when that happens... Judy would begin her history lesson of the Coal River Valley with the origin of its’ name, when coal was first discovered there in 1749 by a man named John Peter Saley. “If he had known what agony it would have caused, he’d have covered it up and kept his mouth shut. Every law ever written about coal mining was written in our blood.” *The site of the Battle of Blair Mountain is currently under threat of mountaintop removal mining. "We're a colony here, and the coal companies rule. We can complain all we want, but those complaints are just swept aside in the name of progress and jobs. It's like we're selling our children's feet to buy shoes. If coal is so good for us hillbillies, then why are we so poor?" -Judy Bonds FTTP #11 - Southern Appalachia- Pg. 32 Against Justice Against Peace A follow up on: “Justice: A Dead Word” I n our last issue, we included an article called “Justice: A Dead Word”. The article was intended to expose some of the more heinous acts of police repression in recent times, and also to expose some responses and feelings of common people affected or involved, as well as the response by the state in its courts. The main intention of the article was to discredit public faith in the idea or logic of “justice”, especially when those who are enforcing it are responsible for what is being examined. We covered specific cases that happened across the country. We covered a case in NYC where a juvenile detention counselor was sentenced to ten years probation for raping multiple girls in his custody. We covered a 6 year old girl killed by police in Detroit while filming a reality television series. We covered a partially deaf homeless man who was shot by police in Seattle. He was shot within nine seconds of confronting him for possessing a legal size knife he used for his profession as a wood carver. Other instances of police conduct in Seattle similar to the murder were also mentioned. We covered an immigrant gunned down in the middle of the day by police in LA’s Pico-Union district. We also covered a man beaten nearly to death in Philadelphia for simply refusing to leave the corner from which he was waiting for his Chinese food. Other cases were mentioned throughout the text, and of course, many cases were not mentioned. We concluded the article hoping to point out the victories that come with everyday people affected by police repression taking the desire for revenge into their own hands, versus waiting for justice to satisfy such desires. We wanted to follow up on that article by pointing out what has happened in and around some of those cases since. Detroit I n the case of 6 year old Aiyana Jones, who was killed by a police officer during the filming of a reality television show in Detroit, very little has changed since our last issue discussed it. The main officer responsible for shooting Aiyana, officer Joseph Weakley, remains on paid suspension, and continues to make no comment. No trial procedures have begun, other than an alleged warrant issued for one man related to the murder of Aiyana; but investigators refuse to even make the name of this man public. Aiyana remains dead, her murderer remains on paid vacation, and justice continues to take its course, while the family continues to hope for something to quench their thirst for “resolution”. Unrelated to Aiyana’s death, a man in Detroit randomly walked into a police station in the heart of Detroit’s financial district and shot 4 police this last January. None of the officers died, but the man who was staging the attack, Lamar Moore, was killed in the gunfight. The shooting happened in January, and at first entered the headlines with much confusion. It wasn’t until a few weeks later that the story re-entered the headlines after Lamar’s house burnt down, and a YouTube video of the shooting was growing in views, that police claimed there was a recent warrant issued for Lamar right before the shooting, that acted as his motivation for the assault. The warrant was issued for his alleged kidnapping of a 13 year old girl. The girl’s name has not been revealed, nor has Lamar been convicted of this. Lamar was seen as a family man by friends and relatives, and a generally nice community minded person by his FTTP #11 - Against Justice//Against Peace - Pg. 33 neighbors. While kidnapping and rape are both disgusting behaviors, they have not been proven in this case. Posthumous allegations of rape or sexual assault of minors has remained a frequent accusation about dead cop killers by the police, especially when they have been killed (Lovelle Mixon or Maurice Clemmons being two examples). Like Lovelle Mixon, and Maurice Clemmons, there will not be any conclusive explanation of his motivations. In all three cases, each man lived in notoriously repressive environments, each three men had accusations of rape or sexual assault of minors by police after they were accused of killing police, and all three men were killed by police before having a chance to communicate their reasons for their actions, or defend themselves before the public. *Anti-Cop demonstrator writing ‘Fuck Cops’ in Seattle on March 15th An Exaggerated Practice of Freedom Seattle J ohn T. Williams, who was a homeless wood carver killed in cold blood by Seattle police, has sparked a wave of discontent and unrest in Seattle. Tension in Washington between everyday people and police has escalated quite noticeably in the last 15 years. Anarchists have seen this consistent tension as an opportunity to provide a new perspective on the incidents. They have acted as a force that is pushing demonstrations of discontent in more uncontrollable directions. An article is included here, outlining some of the responses made by both Anarchist groups as well as others in Washington letting police across the state know that they are not welcome. In the aftermath of a traumatic event in which the police suddenly and brutally reveal their true face, the mayor and the chief of police and other politicians--as well as their lackey media--offer such promises as “justice” to distract us from the reality of how fast power decomposes. We have glimpsed the fragility of this system in the fear in the eyes of the cops, in the quivering of Ian Birk’s testimony. In every gesture of condemnation of the cops there is a germ of revolt against the entirety of this world that crushes us. The act of vengeance is infinitely sweeter than anything this world could offer up.’ -From a text distributed in Seattle; January 2011 T he account that follows covers a single month of activity against the police in Seattle. The larger wave of activity first emerged in the spring of 2010, inspired by anarchist actions in Portland in response to killings by the police. The demonstrations that took place in April of that year were the first time anarchists had a street presence in Seattle since the WTO in 1999. January 20th was the final day of an inquest into the death of the late John T. Williams, a Nu-chah-nulth woodcarver who was murdered by an SPD officer named Ian Birk. The inquest results came from a jury, most of whom found that Williams posed no immanent threat. The results of the inquest would be taken into consideration by the prosecuting attorney as to whether or not Birk should be tried for mur- der. The four or five rounds that the pig fired in a matter of seconds were an indication not only of the fact that Birk was out for blood, but also that he--and cops in general-- are afraid of us all. On that night, a march was called by the October 22nd coalition, a front group for the Maoist cult the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) who unfortunately had been allowed to dominate the dissident discourse in the wake of the death of the late John T. with calls for justice and recruitment into their group. In an effort to subvert the RCP’s stronghold, a small group of anarchists attended in an interventionary fashion, distributing leaflets entitled “There is no Justice—Just Vengeance.” As the march moved through the sidewalks FTTP #11 - Against Justice//Against Peace - Pg. 34 of downtown Seattle, people licked the backs of fliers and posted them on the windows of restaurants and shops. Many fliers were thrown into the air and traveled down the streets of the city. When the march came to Westlake Plaza the anarchists started to scream, “Fuck the RCP!” People began to block the intersection in all directions. The five or ten people blocking traffic kept screaming at the pacified, boring crowd, calling them cowards, imploring them to get on the street. When the cops arrived, people stood their ground. It was clear on this night that there was much anger for the police in Seattle. Over the next two weeks, tensions were escalating and so was the effort by the police to counteract the deepening of a divide by presenting opportunities for collaboration. On January 27th the Seattle Police Department hosted a police accountability forum at the University of Seattle. In response to this, anarchists issued a call to “burn the bridges they are building” and disrupt the smooth functioning of the SPD’s counter-insurgency operations. Anarchists arrived with wellarticulated leaflets explaining “police accountability” as a contradiction of terms and why the police should be treated as enemies, not negotiated with or asked to improve. The police chief was there along with a small collection of bourgeois pigs concerned with crime prevention. lets were distributed and conversations were struck up about the activities of the police. These conversations were surprisingly similar to the dynamic conversations that took place on the streets of Seattle last summer when anarchists were out spreading counter-information about the escalation of violence by the police. Something was similar, the tone was the same; the hatred for the police that was clear in those weeks was again apparent after the relative lull in anarchist street presence. Just a few days later, on February 1st, about sixty anarchists from Seattle and Tacoma gathered for a second anarchist assembly “to address the problem of the police” (the first was in September 2010). One initiative that was announced at the assembly was the disruption of the next SPD counter-insurgency operation—a police accountability forum, hosted and promoted by a city paper and entitled “Where do we go from here?” The idea of intervening in the forum was to once again sabotage any effort by the police to improve their image, promote citizencop collaboration, and channel animosity into dialogue. These goals were not only met but exceeded as the forum at City Hall on February 3rd quickly devolved into conflict and became highly polarized. Instead of a normal situation in which the police and “citizens” are seen as two poles, a split became apparent between the police and their allies on the one hand (inPeople arrived with black flags and hun- cluding activists sitting on the panel who dreds of fliers with the header “Police criticized certain police policies and adare the Absolute Enemy.” When the Se- vocated their improvement) and on the attle chief of police John Diaz arrived, other, those who refused to work with he was handed one of the fliers and told, the police even for their reform. It wasn’t “This one’s for you!” Some people went only anarchists leafleting and chanting inside to pass out fliers. Once the meet- outside and storming in to disrupt the ing commenced and no one else was al- forum; people inside also stood up to lowed to enter the building, some people yell and curse at the panelists, encouragwent around the neighborhood while ing the audience to walk out, and warnchanting against the police and placing ing against dialogue with one’s enemies. leaflets under windshield wipers before In the end, Rick Williams, the brother returning to the campus. They went in- of the late John T. Williams had shook side the student center, with campus the chief ’s hand and asked disrupters to security in pursuit, and found it packed stop, while the attempt by the SPD to with hundreds of students eating dinner. save face was widely regarded as a total On all three floors of the building, leaf- failure. On February 5th, two days after the embarrassment at City Hall, some comrades who have done anti-police organizing had their house invaded by cops during a party. Cops beat several people, threatened one with murder, and arrested three on bogus charges that were all quickly dismissed or stayed. While two of them were still in jail, a noise demonstration at the jail was called for mere hours later. Incredibly, around fifty people came out, all in black and clearly pist off. A security camera was destroyed, and at one point a metal trash can was thrown at an approaching cop. Hearing the uproar, prisoners pounded on the windows and began to chant “All cops are bastards!” across the cell blocks. The comrades were soon released. February 12th: another rally called by the RCP gathered in downtown Seattle on a stormy afternoon. For the first time at one of the many RCP anti-police demos, an anarchist bloc formed--about forty individuals masked up and many carrying heavy flags. Whereas a year prior the SPD immediately attacked a march that took the street and were met with paint bombs and dumpsters, now the cops kept their distance. The march snaked through downtown streets, hurling thousands of fliers into the air. After some time the crowd headed toward a precinct up the hill from downtown. Some objects were pulled into the streets to slow down the police cruisers; bicycle cops soon arrived to try to contain the crowd. At the precinct, a parked cop car was brazenly attacked with a hammer until a window broke. As the cops rushed in, the bloc defended itself and then deftly disappeared. In the melee, two individuals were isolated and arrested on interference charges. Three days later the County Prosecutor announced that he would not be filing charges against Ian Birk for the murder of John T. Williams. On the same evening a Facebook event appeared calling for a rally and march the next evening. Also that evening, an anarchist call was made for actions to take place along the west coast on February 26th to 27th in FTTP #11 - Against Justice//Against Peace - Pg. 35 solidarity with the comrades who’d been attacked by the police and “against the police and the prison world they maintain.” There’s no way to account for what happened the night of February 16th; the experience was that of a sea of people roving the streets for hours and hours. Again on this night, the heavy sky did not deter the crowds. Huge marches split into smaller ones; marches converged into larger ones; people went home and more joined in. Thousands of leaflets littered the streets for days afterwards. Maoists and anarchists alike were lost in the sea of people, which was out of the control of anything except a general tendency towards lawfulness. No arrests were made. Another Facebook event called for a return to the streets on the 18th. Once again, no leader had organized this event; many people showed up, though fewer than two nights before. On this clear night under the light of a full moon, lawfulness was quickly abandoned. As the rally was beginning, several blocks away someone was opening the gas line at a downtown police precinct and filling the building with flammable fumes. The police were forced to evacuate while the fire department was called in. Meanwhile, the march began, and the air was filled with tension along with more thousands of leaflets and the smoke from flares. For a short while, efforts were taken to eject a news camera and undercover cops from the black bloc in order to enable further activity. Then the crowd turned onto a street on which all the streetlights were mysteriously off and a cop car and paddy wagon were both stuck in traffic. The rear windshield of the cruiser was smashed out by a rock, causing the driver to jump out in a fit. In the confusion, the cop forgot to put his car in park, and it slammed into the paddy wagon. The cops tried to counteract their humiliation with some random attacks, and a short fight ensued. Someone was pepper sprayed, things (including flares) were thrown at the police, an undercover cop was ejected from the bloc and then clocked in the base of the skull with a flag pole, horse police charged, and a smoke bomb was thrown in an attempt to cause more chaos. Some people mistook the smoke combined with the smell of pepper spray for tear gas and many left the area to regroup. Again the city was taken by a roving march that lasted for hours—perhaps as long as six hours this time. In the night, a spontaneous noise demonstration was made outside the jail while prisoners inside pounded their windows; the march made its way through downtown and then to the precinct on the hill again; more people were pepper sprayed; like the other night, there is no way to account for even a fraction of what took place. One person was arrested by a snatch squad while dispersing from the march and accused of breaking the cruiser window (though it had happened many blocks before); the charge has been stayed. In the late hours of that same night, the facade of a Seattle police drop-in station was attacked with an incendiary device. In July of last summer, the same target had been painted with anti-cop slogans twice in the midst of anarchist demos in solidarity with the anti-police activity in Oakland, California. Also in July, on the night after a Seattle cop got off without charges for beating a 15-year-old girl in a holding cell (the incident which inspired Christopher Monfort’s attacks), it was attacked with hammers (a crime for which two individuals were captured, charged and ultimately sentenced to community service). On February 26th, during the days of west coast solidarity against the police, a flash mob of about twenty-five anarchists met in the frigid night on the corner of Boren and Howell, the intersection where John T. Williams was murdered. They roped off the intersection with caution tape and a couple sections of fencing, someone painted “FUCK THE PIGS” on the street and on the side of a building. A cop car approached and began broadcasting warnings over the car’s loudspeaker, only to be met with ‘Fuck you’s and a fire extinguisher unloaded through the open driver’s window. It drove away. Other cops arrived and the crowd moved on up the hill, painting slogans, throwing leaflets on the way, and covering its tracks with caltrops. At the top of the hill another cruiser tried to follow the march, only to get stuck in the blocked traffic and the various materials blocking the street. A luxury car and a security camera were attacked, storefronts were paint-bombed, and flares and fireworks were thrown at the pursuing cruisers while more graffiti was painted against the cops. A fire extinguisher was used to obscure the cops’ vision as the mob dispersed. Three individuals were pursued and captured by the police on multiple misdemeanor charges. They were released later that night with their charges stayed. The next night a couple hundred miles south in Portland, a police substation was attacked with rocks “in solidarity with our comrades in Seattle and the recent uprisings against the police on the west coast.” Also that night but further north, a Tacoma Police Department building was hit with paint and had all its windows smashed out as part of the west coast days of action. Also in Portland, two banners against the police were hung from highway overpasses. And, as of this writing, our mouths are dry from spitting at the police, but nothing that has happened yet has come close to satiating our thirst for vengeance. In fact, now that we are thinking about it, our mouths are watering at the thought of what is to come. Post-Script Since this article, Anarchists have continued to be persistent in their resistance to the police. Police have started sweeping and attacking demonstrations more harshly as the campaign becomes more consistent and contentious. Fourteen arrests were made in the last few weeks alone, and police are appearing to be less and less concerned about public judgment, possibly due to a more and more noticeable deterioration in public faith in FTTP #11 - Against Justice//Against Peace - Pg. 36 police conduct. At the same time actions by both Anarchists, as well as random assaults on police by anonymous civilians has continued. Solidarity with those arrested was displayed in attacks on police cruisers in Olympia. Or in an attack on a Chase bank branch in Seattle that left windows covered in black paint and locks glued, where a communiqué claiming the action stated that: “This act of revenge was done not simply against the bank but against the police who protect the tortuous coils of capital. This is but a blow to this world of death with which we are at War.” The same action was reproduced in Tacoma shortly after at a Wells Fargo bank stating solidarity with those arrested in Montreal also struggling against police repression. In the town of Lakewood, the same place Maurice Clemmons killed four sitting-duck police in a local coffeehouse last year, authorities are currently looking for a man that pulled out a shot gun on an officer during a speeding chase. This lead to the police officer turning scared into a ditch. Since Maurice’s death an almost one million dollar law suit has been granted to his family for damages to their property as well as unlawful arrests. While Anarchists across the country struggle to figure out ways to intervene in the increasingly common discontent felt among Americans with the police, what has happened around police conduct in Washington, and what will most likely happen in the future, is important to look at for those interested in pushing these feelings among all of society. Post-Post-Script After this article was completed, a few more things happened in the North West anti-police and anarchist movement that are worth noting. An anonymous arsonist attempted to set a police substation in Olympia on fire in the early morning hours of March 16th. This was the same police substation that had its windows smashed out on March 5th. Two weeks after the arson attempt, a local anarchist reported that he was followed and harassed by a white SUV that attempted to interrogate him. The two men in the SUV told him after he stated that he didn’t knew who they were, and he wanted to be left alone, “Bullshit, you know who we are, we know who you are, you and all your little buddies better cut this shit out”. The individual being harassed by the obvious police remained jogging throughout the conversation, and although they demanded that he get in their car, he simply remained silent and continued his run after they did not answer him when he asked if he was being detained. Police have been seen taking pictures and spying on different “anarchist” oriented houses in Olympia since the attacks as well. In Tacoma, on March 14th, three police cruiser windows were destroyed with paint mixed with etching fluid. The action communicated that solidarity knows no borders, and was conducted with Anarchists under-going harsh police repression in Chile. Solidarity actions with the on-going conflict against the police in Washington have been claimed in other cities like Santa Cruz, CA, Portland, OR, Vancouver, Canada, and Philadelphia, PA. Police have reportedly killed two more unarmed men in the second week of March 2011, shortly before we prepare for print. We recommend viewing the following site for information on the continuing struggle in the NW: “As anarchists we know we can not find justice under the state and capitalism. Instead we seek to find vengeance.” -From Anarchist flyer left at demonstrations in recent weeks against the police. This was a quote that also appeared on the Glenn Beck show, before he describes a “common bond, to destroy the western world.” Philly O n September 4th 2010, a man named Askia Sabur was beaten by multiple officers outside a Chinese food restaurant in Philadelphia. After refusing to leave before his food was done, police began to beat Askia with their batons. A crowd emerged around the incident, scolding police for the beating. As they refused to stop beating him, Askia was forced to raise his hands against the blows, desperately trying to deter more direct blows to his skull. When the crowd began to become more hostile as the beating continued, one of the officers pulled a gun out on the crowd. The incident became national headlines after the beating surfaced on YouTube. Up until that point, the police continued to defend the beating as proper police procedure, stating that “police work is not always pretty”. Since the incident, an ACLU lawsuit has been filed, and charges of resisting arrest and assault on an officer against Askia have been dropped. These charges were not dropped though until 3 months later after consistent public pressure on the department. Throughout the case, relatives of Askia, specifically his sister, have been subject to harassment and intimidation by police. She has been followed, visited at her home, and pointed out at demonstrations in support of her brother. Supporters of Askia and members of the neighborhood he was attacked in have demonstrated a complete lack of faith in the police investigation, despite federal intervention. Approaching police with demands, supporters have stated that they will continue to struggle against police whether or not the law permits it until said demands are met. Supporters of Askia have stated that they are fed up and have started local police watch campaigns in their neighborhoods. Networking around community frustration with the police, these police watch campaigns have helped to bring the community together more efficiently to help with police repression on their blocks. And while they have remained peaceful despite tensions, they have suggested that they will have “justice” served, by any means necessary, and with a “people’s court” if need be. Neighborhoods in Philadelphia continue to struggle to be heard as they chant “Who runs these streets? Not the police!” FTTP #11 - Against Justice//Against Peace - Pg. 37 New York Conclusion A We wanted to do somewhat of a follow up on our “Justice” article from the last issue. This was to point out some of the ways Anarchists or revolutionary people are responding to the tensions. This was also to bluntly point out the disappointments inherent to a faith in justice. Another case we mentioned at the end of this article in issue 10 was the killing of DJ Henry by Mt. Pleasant police. DJ was a football player at Pace university, a black male, and the son of a Massachusetts police officer. DJ was killed after an officer jumped on the hood of his car and shot into the front window, killing DJ in the driver’s seat and one of his team mates sitting in the passenger seat. The police officer claims that they were trying to flee them, but those who survived claim that DJ was moving his car, after being asked by the police to move out of the fire lane he was parked in. After being shot DJ was left to die while his team mates were forced to watch from behind police lines. Police waited fifteen minutes before calling an ambulance, and arrested his team mates struggling to help him. It wasn’t until March 10th that charges were dropped against his team mates for allegedly “obstructing justice”. Despite federal investigations, grand juries, and the obvious extra attention paid to the murder of a police officer’s son, the white Pleasantville, NY police officer, Aaron Hess, has yet to face any legal scrutiny for murdering DJ, wounding his team mate, and arresting those attempting to save DJ’s life. W And justice prevails? lmost no news has come up since we reported on the convicted child molester and rapist Tony “Tyson” Simmons. In our last issue we mentioned Tony after a judge sentenced him to ten years probation for raping and threatening three teenage girls who were in his custody. He was suspected of multiple other rapes as well throughout his time as a juvenile counselor, which extended over a decade. It appears that if NYC’s major local paper “The Daily News” did not report on the incident, we would never have seen anything about it. Other then that paper, and some blogs scrutinizing the judge for his sentence, all we have seen is a petition against justice’s conclusion in the case. Aiyana Jones DJ Henry Askia Sabur John T. Williams FTTP #11 - Against Justice//Against Peace - Pg. 38 On the Obstacles before Revolt Repression *Face of accused cop killer Esteban Carpio on his first day in court in 2005. After being held in police custody. Solidarity REPRESSION ‘no one will ever have to endure it alone’ Supporting each other. Learning from each other. Standing strong together. T his section is reserved for updates and news clips regarding state repression of individuals or communities in active revolt against society as we know it. We also hope to draw attention to new strategies of state repression. Although, due to space issues, we have chosen to prioritize mostly cases that have happened or are on-going in North America. We have a few international articles, but we apologize for missing others that we would have liked to include here. Struggle is a constant occurrence. It’s indispensable that we stay informed of what others are going through as a result of their opposition to our common conditions. This is what allows our communities in revolt to set a precedent for one another: that when times are tough, and the state is on the offensive, no one will ever have to endure it alone Kevin Olliff Released from Prison Bonanno Released O ince our last issue Alfredo Bonanno has been released from Greek prison. He was facing 4 years for an alleged bank robbery that his codefendant claims he had no part in. Alfredo, now 73 years old, has been a committed and influential insurrectionary anarchist in the world for decades. The conditions of his release were that he was to be released into Greek police custody, and immediately transferred to Italy from Larissa, Greece (Where he was being held). Reports note that Interpol was informed of Bonanno's transfer back to Italy, and Bonanno's supporters in Greece were greeted and escorted by riot police, motorcycle police, and Greece's antiterror unit. Alfredo's codefendant, Christos Stratigopoulos, remains in prison, serving an 8 year and 3 month sentence. Alfredo is not currently asking for support, but being the well-respected person he is, we felt the need to note his current well-being. Details regarding his current state in Italy have been hard to find. n November 11th, 2011, Kevin Olliff was released from prison after more than a year and a half behind bars. Kevin has been a victim of reoccurring repression in southern California of animal liberation activists. A statement on his release from his support group came out stating: Kevin was charged with “stalking” for his role in the POM Wonderful and UCLA campaigns in Los Angeles, both targeting enterprises responsible for experimenting on animals. That Tuesday a judge sentenced him to three years in prison. In California’s prison system, prisoners serve about half their sentence. The three-year sentence translated to his immediate release. Very little news on Kevin’s case was publicized during his incarceration. With the lack of updates made public, the case of Kevin Olliff was sadly under-publicized and under-noticed by the animal rights movement, despite its serious implications (Kevin was convicted merely of participating in home demonstrations). Most of the news on Kevin Olliff was dominated by exaggerated and inaccurate news reports, claiming Kevin was a “member of the Animal Liberation Front.” Kevin was never accused of any direct A.L.F. activity. The state did allege he was part of a criminal street gang, and that the Animal Liberation Front met this standard. This assertion was based on a misunderstanding of what the ALF is — in other words, the state said that by participating in home demos where some of the chants conveyed messages of support for the ALF, that Kevin was therefore a part of the ALF. At no point were there any allegations by the prosecution that Kevin did anything beyond the demonstrations; no allegations of liberations, break ins, or property destruction. Kevin has five years of probation ahead of him, but he is out of prison. Welcome home. S Jonathan Paul Released onathan Paul, sentenced to roughly 5 years for several eco-sabotage related charges, was recently released to a halfway house. He was one of the non-cooperating defendants who received jailtime as a result of the FBI's "operation backfire" case, where multiple individuals were arrested and charged for multiple attacks on anti-earth and anti-animal infrastructure and businesses, happening over the last 15 years. J You can write letters congratulating him at: Friends of Jonathan Paul PMB 267, 2305 Ashland Street, Suite C Ashland, Oregon 97520 FTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 40 Final Update from the ‘Love Park 4’ S tatement from the ‘Love Park 4’ below: Love Park 4 No More! “Cops wanna knock me, D.A. wanna box me in. But somehow, I beat them charges like Rocky” -Jay-Z Its been a long time since we sent out any news on our case; almost a year by our calculations, because until now, there was nothing new to report. After last February’s frustratingly comedic court date, we heard nothing about our case or the plea deal we had been offered. Calls to our lawyers yielded the same - they hadn’t heard a peep about our case from the District Attorney’s office. Checking our court dockets and calling the courts, it seemed the case had been forgotten about. Then in late November the District Attorney’s office awoke from their slumber and scheduled a court date so we could accept the plea offer; and end this case once and for all. On December 9th, we returned to court yet again. We appeared in front of the judge and verbally agreed to the plea; all 8 misdemeanor charges were reduced to a single summary offense of disorderly conduct (the equivalent of a traffic summons). Making the deal even better, there would be no further punishment, meaning no fine or probation. The judge made sure we understood what we were agreeing to, and told us all to have a nice day. Truth be told, we were expecting a much more formal process, but that was it. Three and a half years of court proceedings, having charges, and being on bail resolved in under 90 seconds. Anti-climatic? Yes, but a huge relief for us, our friends, and our families. A good deal for us in the end, and no better time of year for it to happen. The last thing left was for us to get our bail money back. We should have known better, but that’s a task that’s going to be a lot easier said than done. At the bail refund window, we were told to return in 20 days with our bail receipts and ID. Once we do that, then it’ll be another 2-3 weeks until they cut checks and mail them to us. As $500 of this bail money was community raised, we wanted to let people know that we will be using a portion of that money to pay our court fees. The remainder will be donated to comrades in Phoenix who were arrested trying to stop the National Socialist Movement from marching in their city. For more information on that legal case, see Phoenix Class War Council’s reportback: Riot, Si Se Puede! Thank You(s) Last but definitely not least, we wanted to thank everyone that has stood by us and supported us during this court case. We wouldn’t have been able to do this without all the moral, emotional and financial support people showed us. We are all very thankful for the wonderful family, friends and comrades we have. First and foremost, our fantastic lawyers Larry Krasner and Paul Hetznecker. You saw this case all the way through to the end and did a great job defending us. Thank you for all your time, effort, and brilliant strategy. We also want to specifically thank a few others who went above and beyond in their support (this is not by any means an exhaustive list, so please don’t be offended if you are not named specifically - we still appreciate everything you did for us!): Shoelacetown Anarchist Black Cross Hit the Bricks Distro Fire to the Prisons The Anti-Racist Action Network The Defenestrator EM, CP, JCR, CK, SM And finally to the cops, the courts, the KKK, and all our enemies in between: Thanks for strengthening our resolve and making us pledge to fight even harder in the future! We will never give up! We will never surrender! Much love and solidarity, Tom, Jared, Jason Release Expected for Helen Woodson F or the first time in 27 years, antinuclear resister Helen Woodson is expected to be released on September, 9th, 2011. In 1984 she was arrested for going to a Missouri nuclear missile silo with a sledgehammer and attacking the silo until apprehended. Being released only once from prison since the arrest, she is currently imprisoned for attending another anti-nuclear demonstration upon her first release from jail as part of a parole violation. Please write Helen letters of congratulation before her release at: Helen Woodson #03231-045 FMC Carswell - Max Unit Post Office Box 27137 Ft. Worth, Texas 76127 David Japenga D avid Japenga was arrested during an anti-G20 march in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in September 2009. He spent one year on house arrest awaiting trial. At his trial, in August 2010, he was convicted by a jury of five criminal counts; three counts of property destruction, one count of possessing an instrument of a crime, and one count of providing false identification. In November 2010, he was sentenced to 6–18 months in prison. He was released on December 13th, 2010 on early parole after serving just four months of his sentence. It is exceptional when a prisoner is released upon completion of their minimum sentence; it is extraordinary when they are released prior to their minimum. The following is an examination of the actions taken in solidarity with Japenga that preceded his early parole: Early on, solidarity was expressed by having a large number of people present at the court during all proceedings. When Japenga was remanded in the court room and incarcerated in Allegheny County Jail, a noise demonstration was held on the same night at the jail. Similar demonstrations happened on three separate occasions during the duration of Japenga’s incarceration. While these demonstrations did not cause a disruption to the functioning of the courts or jail, they were mentally and emotionally supportive. Also, they illustrated that there was a contingency of people prepared to respond to the attack against Japenga. FTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 41 “Regardless, when those with whom we have affinity are attacked by a shared enemy, it is to our immediate advantage to counterattack.” On November 23rd, 2010, after three months of post-conviction incarceration, Japenga was brought to the court from jail for his sentencing hearing. The judge handed down a prison sentence of 6–18 months. The next day local corporate news outlet WTAE reported, “police said that 10 to 15 people dressed in black and carrying signs smashed 13 windows at the PNC Bank.” This equated to about $100,000 worth of damage and occurred at the exact same intersection where the property destruction of which Japenga was convicted occurred; an attack that caused over six times the amount of damage of which Japenga was convicted. While no claim for responsibility was issued by any group or individual, the media and police assert that this attack was in direct retaliation for the results of the sentencing hearing. One week later, a Pittsburgh activist group, Pittsburgh Organizing Group (POG), called for a march and rally on November 30th. POG called for the rally to be against neo-liberalism and globalization, and in solidarity with Japenga. The police presence in the area on the night of the rally was enormous. Those listening to police scanners heard reports of police being stationed in other parts of the city in case the rally was a diversionary tactic for action elsewhere. The overwhelming police presence led to a completely unremarkable and very short lived rally. While the rally was suppressed, one would estimate that this cost a considerable amount of the city’s money and labor for an event in which no crimes were committed and no arrests were made. Two weeks later, on December 13th, Japenga was unexpectedly released for early parole. Correlation does not prove causation. That is to say, while Japenga’s early parole followed the above events, that does not prove that the said events caused his early parole. Nevertheless, this author believes these events concretely affected the judge’s decision to release him early. One should draw their own conclusions. Regardless, when those with whom we have affinity are attacked by a shared enemy, it is to our immediate advantage to counterattack. If we can make our counterattack cost more than our enemy is likely to gain from their attack, it is possible that our enemy will capitulate. Japenga has a minimum of seven years of parole and reporting probation to complete. He owes $16,000 restitution before his probation will be closed; $13,000 of which is owed to the University of Pittsburgh. On the 3 Arrested for Last Year’s Ottawa RBC Branch Bombing he case against 3 individuals in Canada for the firebombing of a RBC (Royal Bank of Canada) branch in Ottawa, Canada, has come to an end. The bombing resulted in 1.6 million dollars in damage, and more or less the obliteration of the branch. The bombing was claimed by an autonomous underground group calling itself “Fighting for Freedom Coalition - Ottawa”. Thirty-two-year old Matthew Morgan-Brown, fifty-year old Claude Haridge, and fifty-eight-year old Joseph Roger Clement were the three men originally arrested for the attack. The group claimed the attack was a result of the bank’s specific funding of the Vancouver Olympics and drilling in western Canada’s tar sands. Due to lack of evidence, the charges were dropped against Brown and Haridge, although Haridge still may face charges for stockpiling firearms. Joseph Roger Clement on the other hand was convicted of both the firebombing as well as another attack on an RBC branch where the windows and ATM machines were sabotaged. On December 6th, Roger was sentenced to 3 1/2 years in Canadian prison. It is important to note that Roger was defiant in the face of the court when it came to giving any information against the two other men arrested in relation to the bombing. T Please write letters of support and solidarity to Clement at: Joseph Roger Clement (FPS-420268X) Pittsburgh Institution Highway 15, No. 3766 Post Office Box 4510 Kingston, Ontario K7L 5E5 Canada Update On Christopher Monfort C hristopher Monfort has been mentioned multiple times in this publication. At the moment Christopher faces the death penalty for the alleged murder of a retired Seattle police detective and a bombing that left three Seattle police cars completely destroyed. At each incident, Christopher allegedly left a pamphlet regarding the beating of a 15-year-old Black girl by two officers in a holding cell that was caught on camera. Christopher has virtually no criminal history, and has received little support due to his disconnection from any political community. Last year, after receiving a tip, police raided his house, paralyzed him from the waist down after shooting him three times, and then arrested him. Christopher’s arrest followed close on the heels of another attack in Washington at a coffee shop by a man named Maurice Clemmons. That attack ended with four FTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 42 dead cops. Maurice was later caught and killed by officers, following raids on his house, and multiple arrests of his family members. Christopher and Maurice are seen by some as an extreme response to the police repression that is rampant in Washington state. Christopher’s and Maurice’s alleged attacks are helping to justify more coordinated police responses to direct attacks on their personnel and infrastructure in Washington state. This is taking form in “Blue Alert,” resembling the already in place Amber Alert for children, but dedicated to police. We are assuming this will enable a quicker and swifter kill or revenge by police on fleeing suspected attackers and can only see this resulting in officially justified police killings of innocent people. Although Christopher is currently paralyzed and “behind enemy lines,” he has continued to express his frustration. At each of his court appearances last year he disrupted procedures by banging on the defendant’s table about some of the cases that drove his animosity toward the police. One instance Monfort brought up at his last court appearance is that of two cops who had charges dropped after beating and using racial slurs against a Mexican-American immigrant. The incident made international news after it was seen on YouYube, but would not have been noticed otherwise. His most recent court appearance in December included him reading the names of some of the people killed by Washington police in recent years-- most of which have resulted with dropped charges or petty consequences. Christopher may not spout the same rhetoric as many anarchists, but he most certainly shares much of the frustration and contempt for the police that anarchists are driven by. Little information is available about Chris’s well being or current legal situation, as he faces death row. And yet his is an important case to monitor, for his feelings are certainly becoming more and more common among those who deal with everyday police repression. As Christopher has put it to the public: “Awaken from your slumber... We’ll fight and we’re everywhere. You can’t see us coming.” -Christopher Monfort Five Somali Pirates Sentenced to Life in Prison by Virginia Military Court S omalia’s pirates in recent years have made international headlines as an almost comedic or ironic phenomenon due to the sheer irony of their behavior taking place in the modern world. At the same time, although some liberal sympathy to the conditions motivating their acts has been sparked by the attention, the pirates have caused millions of dollars in damage to the international shipping industry, and inevitably created a larger disruption to the normalcy and comfort of international trade around the African continent. Despite some gestures of understanding from the liberal first world, it is not nearly enough to help continue the needed attention to protect pirates who have been captured by international security forces and charged with crimes designed to protect the flow of global trade. Years after an alleged attempt by so called “Somali pirates” to capture a United States Navy Ship, five Somali men were arrested for the crime, then convicted of piracy. On Tuesday, March 2011, the five men were sentenced to life in prison by a military court in Virginia. The sentence was made possible through the use of Civil War era ‘maritime laws’ that were designed to strengthen the battle against growing concerns of piracy at the time. The defense attorneys for the five men claim that they were desperate fishermen forced to take arms by pirate groups profiting off of kidnapping, ransoms, and stolen cargo. They were also told that the ship was a typical trade ship, not a United States Naval Ship. It quickly became clear that the ship was in fact a Navy vessel when shots taken from the fishermen’s small boat were met with military grade machine gun fire. This sentence is a statement by international trade, setting a precedent for impoverished groups that any disruption to the flow of goods overseas will be punished to the fullest extent. The irony here is that Somalia’s history of being colonized by Western nations has played a huge role in setting the conditions of poverty that have motivated these continuing acts of piracy. Like most of Africa, the conditions mourned and exploited by Western charities stem from historical impositions of economies profiting from abundant resources on the continent, or in the cases of the trans-Atlantic slave trade or the modern diamond industry, the literal labor and bodies of Africans themselves. Somalia’s pirates are an example of Africans taking things into their own hands, at the expense of those seen responsible for everyday poverty. These five men’s lives have been taken from them, while they are still breathing, for what the prosecution says was maybe a 10,000 to 40,000 dollar ransom attempt, that resulted in no one being killed. Steve Murphy I n April 2010 eco-prisoner Steve Murphy was sentenced to 5 years in prison, plus 3 years of supervised release. He was convicted of conducting an “Earth Liberation Front” action where he allegedly decommissioned a tractor and placed an incendiary device in an unoccupied condo-development at a construction site. Recently Steve’s prison was put into lock down, resulting in significant complications with his vegan diet. As a result of only being given a few pieces of bread and fruit a day during the start of the lockdown, he went on a hunger strike to demand proper vegan food. FTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 43 He remained on hunger strike for a month, and only started receiving somewhat nourishing food once the prison was officially no longer on lock down. Utah. Walter has pled guilty to the arson in Colorado and firmly stands in defense of his actions. In his statement before the court, Walter said: You can write Steve at: Steve Murphy #39013-177 FCI Beaumont Medium Post Office Box 26040 Beaumont. Texas 77720 “I’m here today because I burnt down the Sheepskin Factory in Glendale, CO, a business that sells pelts, furs and other dead animal skins. I know many people think I should feel remorse… for what I’ve done. I guess this is the customary time where I’m suppose to grovel and beg for mercy. I assure you, if that’s how I felt, I would. But I am not sorry for anything I have done. Nor am I frightened by this court’s authority because any system of law that values the rights of the oppressor over the down trodden is an unjust system. And though this court has real and actual power, I question its morality. I doubt the court is interested in the precautions that I took to not harm any person or bystander and even less concerned with the miserable lives that sheep, cows and mink had to endure, unto death, so that a Colorado business could profit from their confinement, enslavement, and murder. Obviously, the owners and employees of the sheepskin factory do not care either or they would not be involved in such a sinister and macabre blood trade. So I will not waste my breath where it will only fall on deaf ears. That’s why I turned to illegal direct action to begin with, because you do not care. No matter how much we animal rights activists talk or reason with you, you do not care. Well, Mr. Livaditis (owner of the Sheepskin Factory), I don’t care about you. There is no common ground between people like you and me. I want you to know that no matter what this court sentences me to today, you have won nothing! Prison is no great hardship to me. In a society that values money over life, I consider it an honor to be a prisoner of war, the war against inter-species slavery and objectification! I also want you to know that I will never willingly pay you one dollar, not one! I hope your business fails and you choke to death on every penny you profit from animal murder! I hope you choke on it and burn in hell! To my supporters, I wish to say thank you for standing behind me and showing this court and these animal exploiters that we support our own and that we as a movement are not going to apologize for having a sense of urgency. We are not going to put the interests of commerce over sentience! And we will never stop educating, agitating and confronting those responsible for the death of our Mother Earth and her Animal Nations. My vegan sisters and brothers, our lives are not our own. Selfishness is the way of gluttons, perverts and purveyors of injustice. It has been said all it takes for evil to conquer is for good people to do nothing. Conversely, all it takes to stop the enslavement, use, abuse and murder of other than human animals is the resolve to fight on their behalf! Do what you can, do what you must, be vegan warriors and true animal defenders and never compromise with their murderers and profiteers. The Animal Liberation Front is the answer. Seldom has there been such a personally powerful and internationally effective movement in human history. You cannot join the A.L.F. but you can become the A.L.F. And it was the proudest and most powerful thing I have ever done. When you leave this courtroom today don’t be dismayed by my incarceration. All the ferocity and love in my heart still lives on. Every time someone liberates an animal and smashes their cage, it lives on! Every time an activist refuses to bow down to laws that protect murder, it lives on! And it lives on every time the night sky lights up ablaze with the ruins of another animal exploiters’ business! To find out more about Steve, or to donate to his commissary or legal support, visit: Recent Incident in Quebec D uring a demonstration organized by unions in Montreal against proposed austerity measures, twelve anarchists were arrested. The arrests occurred on March 12th, shortly after a small group of anarchists showed up to the demonstration with flyers. Once they were recognized by union leaders as a possible disruption to their political intentions, they were pointed out and forced to the back of the estimated 3,000 person strong march. Roughly fifty riot police then attacked the anarchists, arresting twelve. The group is charged with “conspiracy,” but what that “conspiracy” is exactly has not been communicated. Shortly after their release from jail, the ‘conspiracy’ charges were dropped against all twelve. Although “conspiracy” charges against the twelve have been dropped, a “weapons” possession charge is still pending against a few of those arrested. Additionally, while the “conspiracy” charges have been dropped, it exposes a reoccurring police strategy for pre-meditated arrest. The arrest comes shortly before an annual anti-police brutality march that happens every year in Montreal. This march usually results in numerous instances of street fighting or rioting, that police claim are initiated by anarchists. Despite the March 12th arrests, the anti-police brutality march did happen this year, and resulted in property destruction and conflict, ending with roughly 258 arrests. Update On Walter Bond W alter Bond was recently sentenced to 5 years in prison and 3 years probation upon release. He was convicted of an arson against a sheepskin factory in Colorado. Following a sting operation by the FBI and ATF, where his own brother wore a wire to gain information on the “ALF Lone Wolf ” and his alleged direct actions. Since his arrest and conviction, he has also been indicted for arsons against a leather factory and foie gras restaurant in That’s all Your Honor, I am ready to go to prison.” FTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 44 As we go to press, Walter is in the middle of a transfer and is being held in a federal transfer center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. You can write letters of support to Walter at: Walter Bond #37096-013 FTC Oklahoma City Post Office Box 898801 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73189 To find out more information on Walter you can visit his support group’s web site at: To find Walter’s latest address, go to: and enter “37096-013” in the register number form. Eco-Prisoner Daniel McGowan Transferred to Another Communication Management Unit From Family and Friends of Daniel McGowan: O n February 25th, Daniel was moved back into a CMU, this time at FCI Terre Haute. We aren’t really sure why at this time, but we are sure we will fight the move. Daniel’s holding up as well as can be expected. He’s stressed out, of course, and he would appreciate your letters, especially at this time. Please write him at: Daniel McGowan #63794-053 FCI Terre Haute - CMU Post Office Box 33 Terre Haute, Indiana 47408 We know people will have a lot of questions about this. We do, too. At this moment, we don’t have any answers. We will update you again as soon as we do. For more information on Daniel’s case, visit: Oscar Grant Struggle Winds Down Arrested Rebels Still Battle the State O n January 1, 2009 in Oakland, California a Black 22-year-old father, Oscar Grant, was shot to death by a transit cop as he lay face down on a train platform. This murder was caught on numerous camera phones and watched millions of times on YouTube. Since that night, dynamic street protests and riots became a fixture in downtown Oakland. These rebellions are spoken of fondly as moments of great multi-racial solidarity and unmitigated rage against the police. These political outbursts have resulted in not only inspiration worldwide, but also a long list of criminal charges. Committee has supported some of these people through mobilizing crowds to the front of the courthouse or in the court rooms and through raising funds, but we may never know exactly how many people were charged in the aftermath of the verdict protests. A handful of people, all Black men, served 45 or more days in jail. Three people are being sued by the city of Oakland for vandalism. Many have taken plea bargains. One defendant was recently found not guilty of assault on an officer, but the jury did convict him of failure to disperse. Two more defendants are still awaiting trial for arson and other misdemeanor charges. On November 15, 2010 the final protest occurred in response to Mehserle prison sentence-- a mere two years. Onehundred-fifty people were mass arrested in East Oakland as they attempted to make their way to the Fruitvale BART Station, the site of Oscar Grant’s murder. Again most Between January 7, 2009 and November The past two years of of these people were spared any 15, 2010 about 400 anti-police rebellions real charges, but arrests were made at in the Bay Area have one man, who was Oscar Grant protests. proved to be the most brutally beaten in Because no real figexciting of times and jail by the police, ures are available, this faces a list of misis a partial and incomthe most frustrating. demeanors. Those plete assessment of arrested on Nothese arrests. vember 15 are currently considering a On January 7, 2009 about 160 people class action lawsuit against the Oakland were arrested. Most of those people were Police Department. not charged. Three faced felonies, but in the end charges were either dismissed or As of writing this, all of the rebels are pleas were taken for misdemeanors. No out of state custody. But many still have a hard road ahead as they face new chargone served jail time. es under and pending court proceedings. On July 8, 2010, upon hearing that the killer cop, Johannes Mehserle, was given The past two years of anti-police rebelthe verdict of involuntary manslaughter, lions in the Bay Area have proved to be protests and riots again erupted. Another the most exciting of times and the most mass arrest was made, but again charges frustrating. The struggle continues, now were mostly dropped. Many people, not just in the name of Oscar Grant, but however, were arrested the day after the against moves by the city to pass gang protest based on photographs that the injunctions in North and East Oakland. Oakland Police Department released to the public. As more and more people For more legal updates: were snitched out to the police, it be- came increasingly difficult to keep track of who was who and with what they were charged. The Oakland 100 Support FTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 45 They Can’t Kill Our Spirits: Post-G20 State Repression in Southern Ontario -By Millefolium Repression Is Inevitable T he recent wave of repression against anarchists in Southern Ontario comes as no surprise considering recent anarchist organizing in the region. Anarchists have been strengthening bonds with each other and with indigenous communities in struggle; blocking roads, rails and construction projects; expanding anti-prison solidarity; attacking collaborators of capitalism; solidifying a relationship of conflict with the police; and mobilizing large numbers quickly for diverse actions and events. Repression is the State’s defense and anarchists are in open conflict with the State. We exist in a system that has seemingly endless resources to maintain domination. With the growing strength of anarchists, state repression will intensify no matter how “safe” the practices are of those involved. That being said, it’s important to be taking intelligent steps towards keeping ourselves safe while understanding that repression is inevitable. Tactics of state repression, support and solidarity, police infiltration and the consequences: these are some discussions it is important to share with anarchists worldwide to inspire and learn from each other. In the years to come, more of our friends and loved ones will be imprisoned. Rather than submit to the State’s attempts at isolating and disempowering us, this can increase our willingness to fight. Recent Blows The G20 (Group of 20 world leaders) met in Toronto in June 2010. The Canadian State spent over $1 billion on security, transforming the terrain downtown to a militarized zone of police control. Protests throughout the week reached a climax on Saturday, June 26, at the biggest demonstration. There was a break-away confrontational bloc that successfully thwarted police control efforts, attacking banks, burning and smashing police vehicles and destroying property of rich corporations. Over 1,000 people were arrested through mass-arrests, house raids and snatch squads. Perhaps most notable are those facing conspiracy charges for allegedly organizing protests, and those facing serious criminal charges for alleged actions in the black bloc and other confrontations. There are currently 18 people, mostly anarchists, facing conspiracy charges including: conspiracy to commit mischief over $5,000, conspiracy to assault police, and conspiracy to obstruct police. They are alleged to have organized protests, most are accused of being members of “Southern Ontario Anarchist Resistance.” The entire case is based on allegations from two undercover police (see a later section of this article). None of the defendants are currently in jail, although a few spent months behind bars awaiting bail. Their conditions include house arrest, however this is in the process of being loosened for most of them. The Crown Attorney (prosecution) is looking for prison sentences of up to 6 years for each defendant. The trial will probably be sometime in 2012, until then the defendants remain under strict bail conditions. Others with serious criminal charges for alleged actions in the protests have also spent significant periods of time in jail and are mostly out on house arrest. These criminal charges are part of a State strategy to criminalize anarchist ideas and weaken us. With conspiracy charges, it never has to be proven that anything actually happened – convictions would result if the court decides that there was a common agreement among these individuals. Similar charges have been used throughout the United States, such as with the RNC8. The problem is not with these particular charges being used, nor the hundreds of unlawful arrests, nor with the especially harsh bail conditions; these are all awful actions by the State and make our lives more difficult, but the problem is with the entire system and how it rules over our lives. If the fight against repression is contained in the courts - then the State would have this victory. We definitely need to support people who are forced through this court process, and we are, but we also need to remember that the court is their game, not ours. Support and Solidarity Examining again the idea that repression is inevitable, we come to a discussion about how to overcome it - how to actually gain strength and momentum from it’s brutal blows. How does repression determine where we put our energy? How do we avoid being recuperated by courts? How do we denounce repression in its totality, not to come off as victims of isolated power abuses? How do we balance support for our friends, taking care of ourselves, and our desire for revolutionary solidarity? How do we keep our hearts from going numb and our minds from giving up? How do we embrace and overcome the fear that keeps us from acting? How do we sustain a continuous anarchist struggle throughout decades and generations? Each of these questions have infinite answers to perpetually discuss, across borders and ideologies, to continuously gain clarity through our learning experiences. Supporting people who are targeted by State repression is crucial. We support people because we love them and respect their struggle. We support people because it could be us tomorrow. Revolutionary solidarity is the continuation and intensification of a struggle; it is both for oneself and for inspiring others; it is a strategy to overcome repression. If repression can act as a catalyst for effective action against capitalism, then the State has failed its attempts at killing our struggle and our fighting spirits. Sustaining struggle is not possible without both support and solidarity. Without support, our friends are left isolated and uninspired. Without solidarity, the struggle has been successfully recuperated by the State. Support and solidarity together have the capacity to create an uncontrollable situation in which the State’s tactics of repression are ineffective. Our love and rage at this world are strengthened and clarified. People who ‘go down’ know that they will not be isolated or forgotten. Our loving relationships are strengthened and more able to overcome hardFTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 46 ship, and people are much more likely to continue fighting. If we create cross-generational communities where struggle is as crucial to well-being as land and water, then repression would be much less paralyzing because struggle and community is what one lives for. revolt. For as long as the State has punished those who resist, people have continued to struggle. Police infiltration is a very common tactic of State around the world. For a year and a half before the G20 there were two undercover police officers who infiltrated anarchist networks in Southern Ontario (Guelph, Kitchener, Toronto, etcetera), including those organizing protests against the G20. Anarchist Responses and Opportunities The Ontario Provincial Police are currently investigating the outing of these two pigs, hoping to press criminal charges The struggles in Ontario are continuing. Many people have of ‘obstructing justice.’ This article will not go into more detail been spending time reflecting on and healing from the experiabout them specifically and instead will briefly outline lessons ence of being infiltrated for a year and a half and the ensuing learned the hard way in Ontario, lessons that are relevant for State punishment. Many people had not experienced represanyone in conflict with the State. This only expresses a small sion felt on such a personal and collective level before. Within fraction of the discussions about undercover police and is in this healing process, solidarity amongst anarchists across the no way a complete analysis. continent has taken the face of attack, wherein several banks If a group or meeting is public or widely known, or if people have been happily served rocks through their windows and in a group aren’t very close, an important practice is to assume paint on their walls. Continuing with the practice of making that someone is a cop. This doesn’t mean just looking around our presence as anarchists physically known to prisoners within the room and trying to figure out who they are. Holding your our region, a noise demo was held tongue and not talking about anyoutside of the Maplehurst/Vanier Revolutionary solidarity is thing you wouldn’t want read back Complex in July while our known to you in court is a place to start. comrades were inside. Noise demos the continuation and Look out for your friends and warn also were held across Canada on intensification of struggle; them if they’re talking sketchy. BeAugust 10th (Prisoner Justice Day) it is both for oneself and fore a meeting, one could announce and on New Year’s Eve - although that there could be a cop or the not directly linked with the G20, for inspiring others; it is room could be bugged to remind they are a continuation of a growing a strategy to overcome less experienced folks or those who anti-prison struggle that is inherenttend to run their mouths that we are ly linked with the ongoing struggle repression. If repression a target of surveillance and infiltraagainst state repression. can act as a catalyst for tion. The above actions, along with effective action against Be clear about whether a group is many other social anarchist actions, “above ground” or “underground” have prevented us from being com- capitalism, then the State and use practices based on longpletely isolated and paralyzed. A has failed its attempts at term trust and affinity if it’s decided shortfall of anarchists post-G20 is to keep your organizing secret. It the lack of a visible denunciation killing our struggle and our is very risky for a relatively open of police and the entire system, the fighting spirits. group to switch to organizing more prison-world, in its entirety. The sketchy/illegal activities. Be clear G20 repression was widely felt – with everyone about intentions and agree on appropriate sefrom the dozens of new cameras in downtown to the mass arcurity practices. If a group of people can’t agree, then they rests, random beatings and huge police presence. It pissed a lot of people off. More visible propaganda-- posters, pamphlets, probably shouldn’t organize together. If someone is acting particularly sketchy – talk about it with graffiti, etcetera, anarchist blocs at demos, and other visible acpeople you trust and maybe decide to get them the fuck out of tion could potentially mobilize more people. Not surprisingly, there. Many anarchists will argue that it’s damaging to exclude liberals have so far been able to dominate the post-G20 dispeople if it isn’t 100% confirmed that they’re a pig. This idea sent, spouting police accountability rhetoric and denouncing can be equally damaging because it alienates and disempowers the anarchists. We need to find ways to empower ourselves by people with suspicions or gut feelings. Take your friends seriexpressing our ideas and clarifying where we stand. ously if they have suspicions of infiltration. Instead of outing or banning someone, it could be explained to them that people Organizing and Undercover Police need to get to know them better before organizing with them. Anarchists in Ontario certainly aren’t facing a new phenom- Have discussions with trusted friends about people you don’t enon. For as long as there has been resistance, the State has know and do your research to see how their story lines up. gathered intelligence, using its power to put out the flames of Discuss tactics of police infiltration with your friends and ways that you could respond to it. FTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 47 G20 Support There are many ways to support G20 defendants. Take these discussions back to your friends and community if you find them relevant, and continue to resist capitalism and the State. If you are inclined to donate funds, it is important to distinguish between the two different G20 fundraising efforts. One is organized by activists in Toronto, the “G20 Legal Defense Fund”. It has the most money and defendants apply for access to it through a lengthy application. Defendants have not seen the money so far because the decision-making process for the group took months to figure out. The process is rolling now and defendants should see money sometime in spring 2011. Anybody who has criminal charges from the G20 protests can apply to get money from this fund. The Guelph ABC has more recently established an “ABC G20 Support Fund” which has recognized the need defendants have for immediate financial support. It is organized less formally with a less bureaucratic process. Legal costs, transportation costs, forwarding mail, reading materials, and everyday costs are some of the things this fund is covering. Defendants have much faster access to the money. This fund is prioritized for people facing the most serious charges. The Guelph ABC also has a post office box through which mail is being forwarded to defendants. For a pamphlet and info on ABC G20 Support, visit: For ongoing updates about repression in Ontario: For information on the Toronto G20 Legal Defense Fund: Marco Camenisch Transferred M arco Camenisch, who is currently serving an 8 year sentence for allegedly killing a border guard while being on the run after escaping prison, was recently transferred. This is the second time in less than a year that Marco has been moved to a new prison, and it has been reported as a troublesome experience for him. Marco was originally sentenced in 1980 to 10 years in prison for sabotaging electrical pylons. In 1981, along with 5 other prisoners, he escaped from the Regensdorf prison, near Zurich, Switzerland. During the escape a prison guard was shot, but Marco was not accused of having anything to do with the assault. After 8 years on the run, Marco was accused of killing a Swiss border guard, but the allegations were considered very unlikely by even the Swiss public, and he continued in hiding for 2 more years. After living in the mountains of Italy for over 10 years, he was detained by an Italian border guard in 1990. During the incident Marco pulled a hand gun on the armed soldiers, was engaged in a shoot out, and wounded one of the soldiers. He was shot as well, and later arrested. After spending 6 months in the hospital he was charged with assault and ecosabotage of electrical pylons in Italy, convicted, and sentenced to 12 years in Italian prison. Marco spent nine of those years in solitary confinement. After being released from Italian prison, he was extradited to Switzerland, eventually convicted of the Swiss border guard’s murder, and sentenced to 17 years. In 2004, the Swiss court ruled that Marco’s sentence exceeded the maximum amount of time a person can be imprisoned in Switzerland. As a result his 17 year sentence was reduced to 8 years. His release is expected sometime in 2012. Please write to him at his new address at: Marco Camenisch Justizvollzugsanstalt Lenzburg Postfach 75 5600 Lenzburg Switzerland An Update On Jock Palfreeman A n Australian man visiting Sofia, Bulgaria was recently sentenced to 20 years for murder and attempted murder of two neo-nazis in the city. Eastern Europe is a notorious place for neo-nazis, fascism is on the rise, and they are more organized and prevalent in everyday life in that part of the world. Jock Palfreeman was visiting friends over Christmas break and saw a group of nazis attacking two Roma boys (commonly referred to as “gypsies”; a sect of people often reviled in Eastern Europe and who frequently struggle with fascist attacks). Jock rushed to help the two boys and ended up being surrounded by an estimated 16 neo-nazis. After prior experiences of harassment in Bulgarian streets, Jock felt the need to carry a knife with him for self-defense. After attention waned from the two Roma youth, the neo-nazis began to attack Jock. In a desperate attempt to defend himself, Jock was forced to stab two neonazis, killing one of them, and wounding the other. Jock’s sentence is not surprising to most who are aware of the rampant neo-nazi problem across Eastern Europe, and continue on into Russia, where there are well organized fascist groups with popular support, and many police members. If you can, please write Jock to let him know he is not alone. If you are short of ideas why not try one of the following: Organize solidarity actions outside Bulgarian Embassies and Consulates. For a list of the Bulgarian Embassies and Consulates please see: FTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 48 Phone the Bulgarian Embassies and Consulates with your protests. Help us to bombard the Bulgarian Authorities with letters of protest and requests for Jock’s appeal to be accepted. (please see below for a list of addresses). If you want us to help promote your events send us the details at: We need to get the pressure up and keep it up. Addresses to post, fax and email your letters of protest to: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria 2 Aleksander Zhendov Str Sofia 1040 Bulgaria Tel: +359.2.948.2999 (Ready form for sending messages from their website, very helpful) Bulgarian Consulate General 121 East 62nd Street New York, New York 10021 Tel. 212.935.4646 Fax. 212.319.5955 E-mail: Consulate General of Bulgaria in Chicago 737 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 2105 Chicago, Illinois 60611 Tel. 312.867.1904 Fax. 312.867.1905 E-mail: Consulate General of Bulgaria in Los Angeles 11766 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 440 Los Angeles, California 90025 Tel. 310.478.6700 E-mail: The Bulgarian Embassy Consulate at the Embassy of Bulgaria 1621 22nd Street, NW Washington, District of Columbia 20008 Tel. 202.387.7969; 202.387.0174 Fax. 202.234.7973 E-mail: Finally, please write to Jock, even if it’s only a ‘good luck’ postcard. Any letters and postcards help to keep Jock feeling positive and high spirited and all are gratefully received. You can write to Jock at the following address: Jock Palfreeman, Sofia Central Prison 21 General Stoletov Boulevard Sofia 1309 Bulgaria Kyle Shaw ineteen year old Kyle Shaw, accused of planting an explosive device in an Upper East Side Manhattan Starbucks when he was seventeen, was recently sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison. Police said Kyle acted independently, after being inspired by “Project Mayhem” in the movie “Fight Club.” He was arrested after being snitched out by friends to whom he bragged about the attack. If he went to trial Kyle, could have faced fifteen years in prison. Kyle was sentenced and remanded on November 16th, 2010. N Write to Kyle at: Kyle Shaw 10R3898 Coxsackie Correctional Facility Post Office Box 999 Coxsackie, New York 12051-0999 Marie Mason S ince our last issue, there are a few updates regarding ecoprisoner Marie Mason. On December 16th, a federal appeals court denied Marie’s motion for appeal. An official statement from her support group states: We found out this morning (December 16, 2010) Marie Mason’s appeal for a re-sentencing has been denied by a federal appeals court. Coming immediately after fellow Green Scare prisoner Eric McDavid’s appeals have been exhausted, it is just another sign that the Obama administration will be not be changing Bush-era policies regarding the witch hunts against environmental and animal rights activists. Mason’s family will be deciding on the next course of action. In the meantime, we ask all supporters to drop her a line in prison to boost her spirits. Marie also turned 49 on January 26th. It has also come to the attention of Marie’s support group that she has not been receiving a large portion of her mail. A lot of mail sent has not been returned to the sender nor formally denied by the prison. They have claimed that it is a mistake on the part of the postal company or sender. The group has asked those sending her letters to contact them directly if you are concerned about a piece of mail being received by Marie. You can write them at: The same prison has also denied every request to visit Marie in jail, with the exception of immediate family. For those unfamiliar with her case, Marie Mason is serving almost 22 years for two acts of environmentally-motivated property destruction in which no one was harmed. This is the longest current sentence of any of the Green Scare prisoners. The Green Scare is the name given to the recent prosecution of eco-saboteurs and animal liberation activists, in which the government has labeled them as “terrorists” and sought huge sentences. As times continue to remain tough years into her imprisonment, we suggest that you write urgent letters of support to her, being aware of the fact that they will be read by prison officials. Marie’s mailing address is: Marie Mason #04672-061 FMC Carswell, Federal Medical Center Post Office Box 27137 Fort Worth, Texas 76127 To learn more about Marie or stay up to date with her case visit: Eric Mcdavid Update E ric McDavid is a political prisoner, currently serving a 20 year sentence in federal prison for “thought crime.” He was arrested in January, 2006 (as part of the government’s ongoing “Green Scare” campaign against environmental and animal rights activists) after being targeted by an undercover informant who formulated a crime and entrapped FTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 49 Eric in it. Eric was targeted by the state for his political beliefs, and his case is important for everyone who dares to stand up. Most Recent Update on Eric’s case: Update January 14, 2011 Dear friends, Yesterday marked the 5th year of Eric’s arrest and imprisonment. Every year, at this time, we are forced to reflect on all that has happened. It is never an easy process, but this year feels different. This year we know that Eric will be in prison for the duration of his sentence. All of his appeals have been exhausted. 5 years is a long time – but we aren’t even halfway there... Perhaps one other thing is striking about this 5 year milestone. Both of Eric’s former codefendants plead guilty to a lesser included offense. In doing so, the maximum amount of time they could possibly have gotten in prison was 5 years. Had the jury in Eric’s trial been allowed to find Eric guilty of the same charge that Zach and Lauren plead guilty to (and more than one juror indicated that they would have...), Eric would now be free. But the judge in Eric’s trial, Judge Morrison England, refused to allow this as an option for the jury. Since Eric’s arrest, the FBI has continued its war against activists and any other groups that they perceive as a threat. Indeed, it seems as if hardly a week goes by without some new story of FBI shenanigans. Entrapment – rather than being perceived as a legal no-no – seems to be their favorite tactic. This is not surprising. We knew all along (with that horrible, sick, sinking feeling in our guts) that Eric’s case would be used as a test. This was the FBI at their most outrageous (well, almost...). The FBI spent a year and half creating a crime, entrapping three people in it, charging them with thought crime, and then sent the only one who stood up for himself to prison for nearly 20 years. They certainly are busy bees... And their scheme worked. Now it seems they are using Eric’s case as a model of how things should be done. If you need proof, don’t take our word for it, check out: (Just keep in mind, we have no idea what kind of “cookies” or other such creepy crawlies might be triggered by visiting this site...) We have watched in horror these last few years as more and more of these kinds of cases have appeared across the country. The state has been emboldened by their “success.” But their success is nothing more than the attempted destruction of countless lives and futures. It is hard not to think of this as a time of mourning. So much has been stolen from us – from all of us - these past 5 years. But we have also learned a lot. We have learned (and continue to learn) more about how the state works. About how we can better protect ourselves and the people, places and creatures we love. We have learned how to make miles seem irrelevant. We have learned how to walk through walls and bend the bars. Perhaps most importantly, we have learned just how much strength and courage we can find in each other. So maybe instead of a day of mourning, today can be a day of defiance. Of remembering all that we have lost – and figuring out how to get it back. Or how to keep it from happening again... Today can be a celebration of thought crime. Won’t you celebrate with us? Being extremely cautious of protecting Eric’s personal security and one’s identity, you can write Eric letters of support at: Eric McDavid #16209-097 FCI Victorville, Medium II Post Office Box 5300 Adelanto, California 92301 To remain up to date or to learn more about Eric’s case you can visit: Conclusions in Santa Cruz MayDay Arrests ast Mayday (2010) in Santa Cruz, California, the town was hit hard. The notorious shopping district in one of the country’s wealthiest and most expensive towns was attacked by a roving mob, causing an estimated $100,000 in damage. The majority of the damage happened on Pacific Avenue, which acts as both a colorful, very California-style shopping district, and the spanging (Asking for money in the street.) grounds for much of Santa Cruz’s homeless youth. Stores like Rolex and Urban Outfitters suffered extensive property destruction to their huge window displays. Police claim that the mob formed as a result of an advertised roving “dance party,” but the police also claim that the riot was calculated by anarchists, using the “dance party” concept as a front to mobilize a mob in the shopping district. As a result of these accusations, outside state and federal police agencies were called in to investigate the events. The only two people arrested who faced significant charges both appear not to be anarchists, but rather onlookers who saw excitement in the roving mob, or were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Although it has been almost a year, conclusions to both of their cases just recently happened. L Jimmy Haynes, 24, received 2 years after pleading guilty to felony vandalism and inciting a riot. Jimmy has prior petty-theft charges and could have faced upwards of 7 years if he went to trial. Jimmy is cooperating with the police, but was not a selfproclaimed anarchist before the Mayday events, nor is he today. Jimmy’s main defense was that he does stupid things when he is drunk. We do think it is important to report on Jimmy though because he was one of many homeless youth that have left school or their parents to try and live off the excess change of Santa Cruz’s wealthy liberal guilt. He is one of many homeless people that come to Santa Cruz for the weather, but are being criminalized with new city laws that ban sleeping outside and have harsher penalties for loitering. On a street that flaunts such vile wealth, yet has such a large homeless population (like Pacific Avenue), where one usually gets ignored when asking for help, where one isn’t allowed in stores, or where loitering or sleeping can lead to jail time; we can imagine that a roving angry mob disrupting the flow of things could have a natural appeal to someone like Jimmy. Mayday is a day for proletarian revenge, and unfortunately Jimmy got hit hard for it. FTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 50 The other man, a 41-year old “transient” who from the way it appears was probably just in the wrong place at the wrong time was recently sentenced to 3 months in jail, 50 hours of community service, and mandatory AA meetings. His charges were resisting arrest, public drunkenness, and possessing under an ounce of marijuana. Casey Brezik C asey Brezik, also known as an “anarchist assassin” was mentioned in last issue’s article, “Insanity is only Appropriate.” He has since been charged with the attempted murder of a community college dean. The governor of Missouri was expected to speak at the community college and Casey intended to attack the governor, but mistook the dean for him. He has faced charges before for verbally assaulting police, and has been in and out of mental institutions, continuing to identify as an anarchist. Casey’s crime was unique in many ways, but he certainly deserves the consideration of anarchists. Write Casey with questions or statements of solidarity at: Casey Brezik, Jackson County Detention Center 1300 South Cherry Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106 Casey can only receive standard size postcards at the moment. Support Group Statement Regarding Scott and Carrie O n February 14, family, friends and supporters gathered to show support for Scott DeMuth as he was sentenced in federal court in Davenport, Iowa. Scott was sentenced to six months imprisonment and taken immediately into custody. He pleaded guilty in September 2010 to conspiracy to commit animal enterprise terrorism in violation of the Animal Enterprise Protection Act (AEPA) for a ferret release that took place in Minnesota in 2006. As we wrote in our previous updates in these pages, Scott was indicted (and re-indicted...and then re-indicted again) for felony conspiracy charges under the AEPA. The original charge was related to an Animal Liberation Front (ALF) raid at a lab at the University of Iowa in 2004, in which more than 300 animals were rescued and hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage was inflicted on computers and research records. Scott was indicted under this charge the day after being held in civil contempt of court for refusing to testify before the grand jury in Davenport, Iowa in November 2009. Carrie Feldman was also held in civil contempt that day and was imprisoned for four months before being unexpectedly released. Scott was held in jail for about two weeks after being indicted, at which point he was released and put on electronic home monitoring pending trial. Over the next few months, his trial date was continually pushed back as the prosecutor, Cliff Cronk, pulled all kinds of shenanigans in court, including amending the seriously flawed indictment twice rather than addressing the legal challenges brought up against them by Scott’s lawyers. In the third and final indictment, Cronk expanded the conspiracy charge to include the ferret release at a farm in Minnesota in 2006. A few weeks before Scott’s trial was finally set to begin in September 2010, Carrie Feldman was subpoenaed by the prosecutor to testify against Scott during trial. Carrie was subpoenaed right before a presentation by The Conspiracy Tour, a road show put on by the Scott and Carrie Support Committee (SCSC), the RNC8 Defense Committee, and friends; to raise awareness and legal defense funds over the summer. Another person, Sonja Silvernail, was also subpoenaed to testify against Scott. Showing their courage and tenacity, both Carrie and Sonja resolved not to testify against Scott, even though refusing to do so ran the risk of them being held in criminal contempt of court. There are no sentencing guidelines for criminal contempt, so the sentences are up to the judge. In the past, people have been sentenced to several months to over a decade for being held in criminal contempt. On the day before Scott’s trial was scheduled to begin, he decided to take a non-cooperating plea agreement to a federal misdemeanor for the conspiracy charge for the ferret release. Since the damage inflicted during that raid was less than $10,000, the raid qualified as a misdemeanor. The prosecutor jumped at the chance to get a plea, even though it meant that he had to officially abandon his quest to get a guilty verdict on the University of Iowa raid. This raid was a tremendously successful ALF action and a big embarrassment for the FBI, which had put years into the investigation without nabbing anyone. The prosecutor levied the spurious charges against Scott right as the statute of limitations was expiring in a desperate attempt to keep the investigation open. With the plea agreement, though, the felony conspiracy charge against Scott was dropped and the raid officially became an unsolved case. Scott’s plea agreement stipulated that he would spend six months in prison, the maximum for a federal misdemeanor, but would not have to pay a fine or restitution. The length of time he would have to spend on supervised release and probation after serving his time was left up to the judge. Even with this agreement on record with the court, the probation officers conducting his pre-sentencing investigation tried to complicate matters by recommending that Scott pay more than $20,000 in restitution to the ferret farmer, who claimed that he had gone out of business as a result of the raid—despite the fact that in his initial police report, he claimed that the damages were only about $500 dollars. Continuing the court’s trend of proving that the third time’s the charm in the Southern District of Iowa, the judge pushed Scott’s sentencing back twice. These and other scheduling conflicts led to Scott having to go into the sentencing without important issues such as restitution and the penitentiary in which he would be serving his time figured out in advance. The uncertainty of his situation led to a lot of stress for him and his family, loved ones and supporters. FTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 51 In court, Cronk threw out more of his characteristic impassioned pleas and inflammatory rhetoric to argue that Scott should have to pay restitution. Scott’s lawyer, Michael Deutsch of the People’s Law Office in Chicago, deftly countered Cronk’s hyperbole by pointing out the laws which forbade the judge from requiring restitution since Scott hadn’t been advised of this possibility when he accepted the plea agreement. In the end, the judge conceded that restitution could not be imposed because it had not been mentioned during the plea agreement proceedings. He seemed displeased with this outcome, and suggested that if Scott were truly remorseful, he would willingly offer to pay restitution to the farm owner. But the judge was not on Scott’s side, just bound by his own rules on the matter of restitution. As if to make up for this hindrance, he ordered Scott be taken into custody immediately at the sentencing even though he could have given Scott a selfsurrender date. This move is virtually unheard of for a misdemeanor charge in which the defendant clearly poses no flight risk or danger to the community. The judge’s decision was clearly motivated by his desire to further punish Scott based on the political nature of the crime, not by any legal precedent or concern for community safety. At the time of this writing, Scott is being held in a county jail near Des Moines, Iowa to await his placement in a federal prison. He is in need of support from people across the nation and throughout the world, both in the form of moral support through letters and financial support for his commissary fund. Information on how to write him is available at: Money for his commissary can be sent to: EWOK! c/o Coldsnap Legal Collective Post Office Box 50514, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405 Donations can also be made online via the PayPal button on our website. Checks and money orders should be made out to Coldsnap and have “EWOK!” in the memo line. UPDATE: As we were preparing to go to press, Scott DeMuth was transferred. Scott has been moved to a transitional facility in Leavenworth, Kansas. This is apparently a private facility and not connected to the Prisons at Leavenworth; those facilities have no record of him at this time. He is likely to be moved at least one more time before the end of his term; please update your mailing addresses accordingly, resend any mail that was recently sent and returned, and keep an eye out for further updates from us. At his new prison, he’s in complete lockdown for 22 hours a day. Every other day he gets let out of the cell for meals. He does have a cellmate, who he describes as a good guy, but his wheelchair takes up most of the space so there’s not really any room to stretch or work out. There is, however, a window in his cell, which he’s extremely happy about. And unlike the last place he was in, he can get books and pictures! Read the mailing regulations for details: “Envelopes with mail must include the inmate’s name and federal register number. Those without a number will be returned to sender. Inmates may receive photographs, but they must not show any nudity, penetration, crime, gang signs, drugs or drug usage. Stamps, blank paper, envelopes, blank cards, self-addressed stamped envelopes, calling cards, credit cards, stickers of any kind, cards with sound and fake cash are not accepted and should not be mailed in. All publications must be sent directly from a nationally recognized publisher or book store. Receipts must accompany all books/magazines mailed into the facility. No used books/magazines will be allowed. No more than three books and/or magazines may be received in any one shipment. These rules are meant to be representative, not all-encompassing. For more specific information, you may call (913) 680-6860, (913) 727-3246 or (913) 680-6804.” To find Scott’s latest address, go to: and enter “11246-030” in the register number form. On the 14 Imprisoned Anarchists in Chile F ollowing hundreds of attacks by Chilean anarchists on state and economic infrastructure across the country, 14 anarchists were arrested and imprisoned on August 14th 2010 on charges of illicit association and placing bombs. These arrests are among a larger frequency of government repression of anarchists in Chile. Anarchists have taken a huge part in the resistance conducted in solidarity with the indigenous people (This specifically meaning the Mapuche people who have been covered multiple times in this magazine) struggling across Chile, as the nation continues to try and uphold its ground as one of South America’s more “developed” nations. At the moment, these fourteen comrades have been engaged in an almost 60 day hunger strike demanding their release and for their charges to be dropped. On the 58th day, these comrades actually declared that they will be radicalizing their hunger strike, additionally refusing any sources of nourishment, including water or any other type of liquids. Their arrest and consistent resistance posed behind bars has influenced solidarity actions around the world; especially on the 14th of every month, which was determined by a Chilean call-out for solidarity with the 14 comrades as an international day for revolutionary solidarity with them. Due to language barriers, and most likely harsh attempts by the government to isolate the 14 comrades; information has remained somewhat hard to gather on their case. We recommend checking out our prior issue of FTTP, which actually has an article in the repression section, that helps to outline the conditions that lead up to their arrest, and paint a better picture of the climate of repression that exists in Chile today. We also suggest checking out this website to find out more up to date information on their case: FTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 52 Solidarity and the Asheville 11 O n May 1, 2010 eleven people were indiscriminately arrested in downtown Asheville, North Carolina after multiple corporate and government buildings were attacked, allegedly in celebration of 'May Day'. They were held on $65,000 bail each and some for nearly five days. All eleven have been charged with 10 misdemeanors and 3 felonies. They have been mentioned in this publication since the beginning of their trial. We whole heartily stand in complete solidarity with those individuals of the 11 that are remaining strong within an incredible harsh and repressive local climate. Prior issues have mentioned in more depth the origins of their arrests, as well as more information on their case. Please cite prior issues of FTTP or visit their website listed at the end of the Asheville 11 support crew update. We included below the most recent legal update that was written and posted to a web-site that supports the 11. It is important that we note that the statement, as well as the supporting group's website is in no way directly affiliated with any members of the Asheville 11. Asheville11 Support Crew Update as of April 10th, 2011: There have been some major developments in the case of those arrested last May in downtown Asheville. Five of the defendants were slated for trial this coming Monday April 11th. As of right now, their trials as well as all other jury trials in Asheville have been suspended. They will not resume until a complete audit of the Asheville Police Department’s (APD) evidence room and its evidence handling procedures has been concluded. The State Bureau of Investigation has sealed, and is investigating, the APD property room due to 397 missing tablets of Oxycodone. On Friday, April 1, an Assistant District Attorney and the defense attorney for Terry Landrum, who was facing drug trafficking and firearms charges from 2009, went to examine the evidence. They found two empty pill containers that the APD claims once held $20,000 worth of Oxycodone. Once this came to light most of the charges against Landrum, who was facing a mandatory minimum sentence of almost 19 years in prison if convicted, were dropped. He was sentenced to probation. Records obtained by local news sources reveal that the APD’s longtime evidence manager, Lee Smith, was placed under investigative suspension before his resignation earlier this year. Smith had been placed under investigative suspension on January 25th and resigned on February 18th, after 21 years with the department. District Attorney Ron Moore has claimed that due to Smith’s resignation he asked for a full audit of drugs, guns and money in late February. What the APD actually conducted was a “random 10% audit” that returned results with “some areas of concern”. The DA continues to claim that he was not made aware of the nature of this audit, or it’s results. The APD Police Chief Bill Hogan claims that a random 10% audit is standard and within the guidelines for a proper investigation. There are roughly 2,200 cases on hold, and about 13,000 pieces of evidence inside the sealed evidence room. An unknown amount of past cases have been jeopardized due to the APD tampering or falsifying evidence. This investigation comes on the coat tales of a statewide investigation into the SBI crime lab, where it was found that technicians were withholding important blood evidence from defense attorney’s in numerous cases. Recently, several defense attorneys have requested audits of their clients’ evidence. Including some of the attorneys representing members of the 5 defendants scheduled for trial on Monday. Their lawyers have filed a “motion to exclude physical evidence” based on the APD being unable to produce pieces of evidence it allegedly has against the defendants. The investigation into this matter could delay their trial by months. All of this comes after another major development with two people in this case. On Sunday the 13th of March the APD arrested 6 individuals who were on a hike for misdemeanor trespass. 2 of these individuals were defendants from the May arrests. Normally this level of misdemeanor is treated as a ticket and people are cited, released and required to appear in court. In this situation all 6 were arrested, charged, booked and released within the day. When the District Attorney’s office became aware of the arrest, they called a bail hearing to ask that the MayDay defendant’s bail be doubled. One defendant was arrested at this hear- ing and the other who was out of town at the time returned to Asheville and turned himself in soon after. Both of their bails were doubled to $130,000, and since $65,000 had already been posted by a bondsmen only the remaining $65,000 was needed. After conversations with lawyers, friends, other defendants and those in jail their support decided they were going to bail them out. At the time trial was looming only a few weeks away and those closest to the defendants knew that enduring such with only a jail cell to return to at night would be devastating. It took over a week and about $10,000 to get both of them out again. Thank you to everyone across the country that has helped support the Asheville arrestees since the beginning, and thank you to those who have recently heard about the case and wanted to lend a dollar or a hand. The waiting that is to come over the next few months will be emotionally brutal for friends, family and defendants alike. The arrestees will need your continued support, care and donations. The defense fund has been drained and the support crew is hoping to put some back over the next little while. If you would like to contribute please visit the donations page of the support site. This May 1st will mark a full year since the disruption of these peoples lives. It has been an up and down battle to stay afloat amidst so many challenges. These newest upset comes with a variety of their own hurdles, but the wait will be eased with the knowledge that there are those around the country and in Asheville willing to show such care for the arrestees. Thank you again for your continued support. -AVL11 Support Crew Asheville 11 Support Crew's Website: Or you can donate to their legal fund via snail mail with* personal checks, money orders, or cashier’s checks at: Blue Ridge Black Cross P.O. BOX 2412, Asheville, NC 28801 *Checks should be addressed to no one, as there are a few different people responsible for the coordination of legal funds; if you are not comfortable with this, please e-mail us at: howdotheywork@ and we can give you a name. FTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 53 In October 2010 an anonymous call-out was published all over the internet to encourage acts of revolutionary solidarity with the Asheville 11 every month for the remainder of their trial. We thought we could conclude this update with a communique claiming one act of revolutionary solidarity in San Francisco with the 11 this last October: A call was made for the first of every month through January to be a day of solidarity with the Asheville 11. A crew of witches and monsters in San Francisco answered this call by sabotaging eleven banks, businesses and construction sites on the night of October 31st, Halloween night. Amidst the chaos of the night, these eleven little points of hate had their locks glued. Fuck them. These actions were taken in solidarity with the eleven people being charged with three felonies each in relation to the anticapitalist destruction frenzy that happened in Asheville, NC on May 1st, 2010. These eleven comrades go to trial in January, and it is our expressed intent to maintain uncompromising solidarity with them through the coming months. Some notes on solidarity: 1. It is crucial to always differentiate between ethical criticisms and tactical criticisms. In the case of the Asheville 11, this distinction is more vital than ever. Comrades may always take issue with the pure fact that eleven people were arrested, that certain plans seem to be flawed, that things happened the wrong way; this is always different than whether an act should have happened at all. For those whose criticism of the events of May 1st are tactical, the situation of the defendants warrants total and unconditional solidarity without regard to such criticism. Those who make an ethical criticism of the events reveal the poverty of their ethics, and their cowardly alignment with the State. 2. In regards to ethics, looking toward the charges leveled against the eleven gives us some clues as to where we fall along the polarization that was May Day. As with countless other anarchist prisoners of late, the state has charged these eleven comrades with the nebulous offense of “Conspiracy”. This charge is a prosecutor’s wet dream: to be convicted, one must only be found to have made a plan with another, and to have taken action in the furtherance of said plan. Following the law, a conspiracy is any moment when individuals go beyond themselves, make connections with others, and employ those connections as weapons. Conspiracy law doesn’t simply criminalise communication and plotting, it criminalizes all forms of non-state organization and complicity. This law articulates the fundamental elements of the current political situation: all struggle is now the struggle between the State and the non-state; between the State and the conspiracy. To be crude, one is either part of the conspiracy or part of the State. By now, any ethical uncertainty can be quickly resolved. 3. Destroying capitalism is probably the most ethical act of all. To be clear though, capital is amorphous. In order to truly be the totality of all social relationships and all movement, capital is required to adapt and evolve to fit each and every particular context. Capital doesn’t always look like skyscrapers and luxury shopping; it doesn’t Any May Day rebels also perform the wild tiger’s leap through history, to sink their claws into all such destructive moments on any particular May 1st, and to make all such lineage citable in our current context. always look like coal mines and walmarts. In an eco-yuppie hell like Asheville, NC capital looks like green local business and sustainable condo developments and gay-owned stores. None of this changes the fundamental relationship of capitalism: the valorization of capital and the total misery of all life. In Asheville, an attack on capital might look like broken windows of eco-businesses, or anything that makes a tourist afraid or uncomfortable. It’s important here to always remember that capital is a totality, and no destruction is meaningless. 4. The role of solidarity is always to trace constellations of revolt across space and time. The events of May 1st 2010 drew a particularly lovely constellation across the continent, from Asheville to New York City to Santa Cruz to San Francisco and across the ocean and all over the planet; it revealed every place where human beings struggle against capital to be enmeshed in a shimmering alignment of the stars in the black night of the hell that is modernity. Any may day rebels also perform the wild tiger’s leap through history, to sink their claws into all such destructive moments on any particular May 1st, and to make all such lineage citable in our current context. To act in solidarity, is to understand history as the unending progression of misery upon the human race, and to proceed in amplifying, extending and connecting all breaks and ruptures from such a continuity. Our action in San Francisco is a quiet articulation of our own position on this dynamic map of revolt. Our intention is to draw lines and to show complicity. Insofar as our actions show solidarity with all who hate capitalism, so too do the actions of striking comrades in Spain and France, and so too is that solidarity extended to everyone imprisoned in Greece and still in Canada and everywhere else. This is the only context that gives meaning to any struggle against capital; the context of its intercourse with all other struggle. 5. It is important for us to emphasize how easy and reproducible our actions were. Anyone with a tube of super glue and a mask can bring a tiny bit of sabotage to the architecture of their daily nightmare. While small in nature, these actions opened eleven tiny little windows into the cohesion of capitalist time; eleven windows through which uncertain futures might enter. 6. Above all else, the gesture of revolutionary solidarity is the same as sending a love letter. It is our way to communicate when communication itself is criminalized; to act when paralysis feels more rigid than ever; to express our love when things feel lonely and terrifying. Consider it the “we love you” at the end of the letter when we express in no uncertain terms: Total Solidarity with the Asheville 11 Drop all the charges! Another action happened in solidarity with the Asheville 11 shortly before this issue went to print: April 10th, 2011 in Olympia, WA A local bank had almost all of its windows smashed out. According to mainstream media, graffiti was left at the scene saying “4theAVL-11”. The damage was estimated by local media sources at roughly $12,000 dollars. FTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 54 Unique Developments in New State Repression I n previous issues of FTTP we have reported on new technologies and systems applied by the state for the “war on terrorism.” Whatever your definition of terrorism is, anyone interested in change or feeling hostility toward the current state of society faces possible repression as a result of this so called “war.” Actually, anyone who may come into contact with police,directly or indirectly, faces these new measures of repression. We want to state that we are not reporting on these new instances of state conduct as an attempt to try and use them as evidence of how awful the state is. We hope you already realize this. We included these excerpts of information under the assumption that the reader is quite aware of the fact that whatever face is seen by the public, the state is inherently repressive over those it dominates. This information is intended to be another contribution to a larger understanding of the modern American state and how it continues to escalate its repressive measures. With that said, since September 11th, 2001, roughly 934 new local, state, or federal “counter-terrorism” organizations have come into being. This brings the current number of specifically “counter-terrorism” police departments to 3,984 (both numbers are according to The Washington Post). The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is the most noted federal organization recognized as the foundation for all “counterterrorism” efforts in the United States. The DHS was created in 2003 and was developed to design a new state conduct in a post-9/11 America. Additionally, the DHS has been primarily responsible for funding the “counter-terrorism” efforts of most local and state police departments; accounting for 31 billion dollars since 2003. One of the most expensive and topsecret systems built by the DHS is a computer database that is supposed to capture all unusual or suspicious situations reported as a result of the “see something, say something” campaign. This database extends well beyond actual crimes. For example, one suspicious case entered into the database was that of a man seen taking pictures with his cell phone of a police boat parked near the Balboa ferry waiting grounds in California’s Orange County. The police who logged this into the database state that a man was seen taking pictures of their boat, then walked to make a phone call, then came back with another person and took more pictures. Then children, suspected to be the family of the would-be photographer arrived, and they eventually boarded the boat. The police ran the license plate of the car they suspected to belong to the man taking pictures. Whether or not this was just a tourist or someone who simply appreciates boats, this man and his identity are now part of an international database for “counter-terrorism.” This information will sit for years and if, for example, this man was to purchase a large supply of fertilizer for his garden at Wal-Mart, he could potentially become a terror suspect, and face state harassment. With the help of the DHS, this database also includes simple purchases at cooperating stores like Wal-Mart, as well as public disturbances conducted by someone on a passenger train or at a sports game. This database allows millions of state employees to have immediate access to anyone reported to have committed a suspicious act at any point, or have ever committed any crime deemed worthy of concern to “counter-terrorism” efforts. Whether or not the person entered into this database has been charged or convicted of a crime, once they are, local, state, and federal police agencies are given key access to the individual’s financial records, employment history, and other personal information. Beyond this database, other technological innovations have become accessible to everyday police departments, that were not available prior to the creation of the DHS. Handheld wireless fingerprint scanners once carried by American troops in Iraq are now being introduced into many local police departments for identifying detained motorists. In Arizona, the Maricopa County Sheriff ’s Department is one of the first police departments to actively start using biometric police technology. Through DHS funding, a new department known as the Maricopa County Facial Recognition Unit stores 9,000 digital mug shots a month into their facial recognition database. This technology allows for identification of individuals done without police detention or the individual’s identification card. It also helps to identity criminals in surveillance footage. In the case of Arizona, this clearly helps with their war on immigrants conducted by police and aiding conservative militias monitoring borders and harassing people who look like "immigrants" on the street. Also through DHS funding, U.S. customs and border protection has started flying what is called “General Atomics’ Predator Drones” along the Mexican and Canadian borders. These robots fly independent of pilots and are equipped with real-time, full-motion video cameras. Before domestic use, these drones were used to track enemy combatants in war zones like Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Although the stated purpose of these drones is to defend American borders against possible terrorists entering the country, we are assuming they have played a much larger role in busting drug traffickers or illegally traveling immigrants. Arizona and Tennessee are two states with large, active anti-Islamic movements and a grossly racist status quo. Not coincidentally, these are two examples of police departments that have received funding from the DHS due to reaching out and expressing concerns over terrorism in their own regions-- whether or not those states would even be prioritized targets for Islamic fundamentalists or other perceived terrorist threats. As the "Washington Post" reports, these two states receive DHS "anti-terrorism" funding, but have yet to foil or solve a single case of "terrorism." Instead, both states have sued their newly-outfitted police departments to wage war on poor neighborhoods and motorists. For example, in Memphis, Tennessee, DHS helped local police purchase 90 surveillance cameras, 13 of which monitor bridges and a causeway. Also according to the “Washington Post,” DHS, FTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 55 “helped buy the fancy screens on the walls of the Real Time Crime Center, as well as radios, robotic surveillance equipment, a mobile command center and three bomb-sniffing dogs. This came about in the name of port security and protection to critical infrastructure.” Looking to NYC for another example in this increased and broadened social repression, new everyday police measures have come as a result of a post-9/11 state. Random search and detention by police is now permitted and actually encouraged by police officials. The intent behind this is to create an uncomfortable scenario of fear, where at any moment, whether or not anything has happened, or anyone has done anything, police are entitled to stop, detain, search, question, or ID anyone. Under this measure, NYC’s police commissioner Ray Kelly estimated that approximately 600,000 people are randomly stopped a year in NYC; and only 10% are typically arrested. Although the same measures are also taken in smaller cities. In the case of both Arizona and Tennessee, there have been no reports of these random stop and search measures preventing or disrupting any cases of terrorism. And not surprising, but certainly of note-- on average 51% of those stopped, at least in NYC, are either Black or Latino. Broadly, the “War on Terrorism” and specifically the Department of Homeland Security have not only helped spark a culture of reactionary fear, but has also furthered the development of a nation of police departments prepared to wage a new war on those it deems criminal under the guise of “counter-terrorism.” Previously these types of police procedures and systems had mostly been seen in Britain and Israel. According to the United States government, a suspicious activity is an "observed behavior reasonably indicative of pre-operational planning related to terrorism or other criminal activity" related to terrorism. However, the government also clearly sees this new dawn of fear, still strong almost 10 years after 9/11, as an opportunity for new measures of domestic policing and regulation over our lives. Last Minute Report on Arrested Anti-Fascists in New Jersey S hortly before going to print, a group of Anti-Fascists disrupted the meeting and protest plans of the National Socialist Movement planed in New Jersey. On April 15th, when a roving black bloc of roughly 30 people approached their 60 person conference, a group of Nazis (some dressed in full WWII Nazi Uniforms) came out and attacked the bloc with chairs. The bloc responded fearlessly in defense, leaving multiple Nazis in the hospital. The following day in Trenton, New Jersey, the NSM marched through the streets escorted by hundreds of police. Although the police presence made confrontation nearly impossible, rocks were thrown at the Nazi buses escorting the NSM to the protest, and a Bank of America had its windows smashed, possibly intending to expose the connection of grass roots and institutional fascism. While it is exciting that the NSM was humiliated, the confrontation on the 15th resulted in the arrests of two anti-racists. Bail for the two arrested was set to $50,000 dollars each, and they are currently being charged with felony riot. After raising 10,000 dollars from comrades and supporters for a bail bond, the two have been released. No trial date is set, and video footage does prove that any confrontation by the anti-racists was actually done in self-defense, financial support is very much needed. You can donate to their legal fund via PayPal at: You can find out more information about this by e-mailing: stay up to date: Break the Chains Denver Anarchist Black Cross anti-Prison groups: Unchained Books + PO Box 784, Fort Collins, CO 80522 Boston ABC + PO Box 230182, Boston, MA 02123 These projects provide free literature and support for people currently incarcerated or facing jail time. The postal information is provided so that prisoners without access to the internet will be able to get in contact and request support. We apologize for only including projects based in the United States; we only have so much space. Projects that have a ‘+’ sign near the title, distribute this magazine for free to prisoners. Legal information + security Tips Pittsburgh ABC + PO Box 9272, Pittsburgh, PA 15224 Central Georgia ABC + P.O Box 610, Roberta, GA 31078 New York City ABC + P.O Box 110034, Brooklyn, NY, 11211 Houston ABC P.O Box 667614, Houston, TX 77266-7614 Modesto Anarcho + PO Box 3027, Modesto, CA, 95353 Prisoner address Lists Security, Privacy, and Anonymity Civil Liberties Defense Center Midnight Special Law Collective Denver ABC Prisoner Database political-prisoners-database Spirit of Freedom addresses.html FTTP #11 - Repression - Pg. 56 Notable Failures in Justice Floyd Brown Scott Sisters Released A fter 16 years in prison for an eleven dollar "armed robbery," Jamie and Gladys Scott were released in January. On Christmas Eve 1993, the two Black sisters encouraged two men to drive them to a nightclub in Forest, Mississippi. The two young mothers ordered the men to pull over, at which time three armed young teenagers robbed the two men of eleven dollars. The girls then fled the scene and escaped with the three armed men. After arresting one of the three boys who engaged in the robbery, he chose to "rat out" Jamie and Gladys for a shorter sentence of just a few months. Jamie and Gladys were sentenced to life in prison for armed robbery. It was obvious that the conviction was racially driven, considering the Scott sisters were not armed, no one was hurt, and only 11 dollars was taken; a conviction like life could only reflect the state's perspective on appropriate justice for the Black community. This year, the governor "pardoned" both of them after years of pressure from organizations like the NAACP, even after two earlier appeals were denied. One of the conditions of the Scott sisters release is that Gladys will donate one of her kidneys to Jamie, direly in need of one to survive. However, as Gladys and Jamie have been deemed too overweight to undergo the procedure, there is concern that failing to meet this condition could result in their re-imprisonment. Responding to CNN’s ‘Rogue Justice’ D NA or recently revealed evidence has lead to the release of dozens of people sentenced to death or life in prison. Still many who have not actually committed any crimes have been killed or died in prison, or are currently being held in prison. CNN recently aired a new show called "Rogue Justice," that examined two recent cases of this phenomenon, bringing it into the mainstream spotlight. Greg Taylor, held for over 17 years on a false murder conviction, was one of the featured men. He settled on the lost 17 years with a 750,000 dollar law suit. He calculated the lawsuit deemed justice by the state of North Carolina as equal to roughly five dollars an hour pay for his entire prison experience. DNA evidence was the reason for his release; DNA that was in the possession of the crime lab that investigated his alleged murder since the beginning of the case, but was refused to the courts during his trial. The other man spotlighted in the show was Floyd Brown, a mentally disabled man who was held for 14 years in a state-run mental institution for a murder confession he allegedly wrote. Fourteen years later, Floyd was released after a jury was convinced by a psychologist that Floyd suffered from such intense cognitive disability that it would not have been possible for him to have written the confession. Please check out: Greg Taylor Gladys Jamie FTTP #11 - Notable Failures in Justice - Pg. 57 We see no validity in the prison system, or the logic of guilty or innocent that it thrives on. Of course, as a result of this perspective we would see the most potential included in the complete destruction of all prisons, and the societies that depend on them to function. For the time being, we think it is important to include a few organizations that are dedicated to taking "legal" action towards proving prisoner's innocence. Those with internet access you can review the complete list at: Other-Projects.php Northern California Innocence Project at Santa Clara University, 500 El Camino Real Santa Clara, California 95053-0422 Colorado Colorado Innocence Project 404 UCB, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0404 Illinois Center on Wrongful Convictions Northwestern University School of Law 357 East Chicago Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611 The following organizations were chosen based on states where there is in-prison distribution of this magazine: Missouri (For Overall Midwestern U.S.) Midwestern Innocence Project 6320 Brookside Plaza #1500 Kansas City, Missouri 64113 California: New York California and Hawaii Innocence Project California Western School of Law 225 Cedar Street San Diego, California 92101 Innocence Project at Benjamin N. Cardozo Law School Yeshiva University 100 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor New York, New York 10011 Reinvestigation Project Office of the Appellate Defender 11 Park Place, Suite 1601 New York, New York 10007 North Carolina North Carolina Center on Actual Innocence Duke/University of North Carolina Law Schools Post Office Box 52446 Shannon Plaza Station Durham, North Carolina 27717 Washington Innocence Project Northwest University of Washington William H. Gates Hall, Suite 265 Post Office Box 85110 Seattle, Washington 98145-1110 There is our humanity. There is no justice. There is just us. Regulation And there is justice. FTTP #11 - Notable Failures in Justice - Pg. 58 a chronology of North American Prisoner Resistance N aturally, the proliferation of the prison has been met with significant resistance from those most affected by it. This may be best understood as a simple conflict of interests: the interests of prisoners against the interests of the prison itself, which does everything necessary to maintain their confinement. Riots, escapes, inmate fights, staff assaults, refusal of orders, and disturbances of all kinds are some ways in which the tension of this conflict is manifested. Each time the prison cannot proceed with routine operations it loses control of itself; each time the prison loses control, its inhabitants are able to act outside of its constraints, in accordance with their own interests. With only media reports as our sources, it is impossible to document every single case. While reading this list it is important to keep in mind that the inmate is always living in resistance to prison, regardless of whether or not a newspaper article is published about it. The actions reported here are only to serve as examples of those who - even up against the grandeur of the prison and its near-insurmountable walls – manage to act out despite the dismal reality of the situation. All actions which impede prison’s aim of social control can be considered tangible resistance. FTTP #11 - Chronology of N.A. Prisoner Resistance - Pg. 59 NOTE: Every issue of “FTTP” reports on prisoner resistance and struggle. The reports always date back to the last issue. In this case, our last issue came out in October 2010. Sadly due to space, we have to prioritize reports of resistance in the Western Hemisphere. Chronology of Prisoner Resistance 10/01/10 - Santa Barbara, CA, USA A Santa Barbara County Jail deputy suffered a broken nose and bruises to their head and torso after they were punched and kicked by an inmate. 10/19/10 – Calipatria, CA, USA A riot involving up to 120 inmates at the Calipatria State Prison ended when correctional officers opened fire and wounded two. 10/02/10 – Rome, GA, USA A Floyd County Jail inmate was charged with felony interference with government property after they knocked the head off a fire sprinkler. The same incident occurs again on December 28th. 10/21/10 – Lumberton, NC, USA An inmate escaped from the Robeson Correctional Center's work-release program after they stole a van at a job site and bolted. 10/06/10 – Florence, CO, USA A United States Penitentiary Administrative Maximum Facility guard was stabbed three times with a homemade weapon. 10/08/10 – Wilmington, DE, USA Five inmates escaped the Plummer Community Corrections Center. 10/10/10 – Bastrop, TX, USA An inmate was discovered missing from the Federal Correctional Institution. 10/13/10 – Saegertown, PA, USA A Crawford County Correctional Facility officer was hospitalized following an assault by an inmate. 10/16/10 – McMinnville, TN, USA Two inmates used a metal part of a toilet to dig through a wall and escape the Warren County Jail. 10/17/10 – Port-au-Prince, Haiti – A riot erupted at the National Penitentiary as nearly 100 UN police officers were being given a tour inside, seven of which were briefly taken hostage. A trio of prisoners overpowered several guards and stripped them of their weapons three shotguns and an M-14 rifle – and were later killed as they tried to escape. 10/24/10 – Pattonsburg, MO, USA Three inmates crawled under the fence at the Daviess/DeKalb County Jail and escaped. 10/25/10 – Bayport, MN, USA – Following a fight between two inmates at the Minnesota Correctional Facility-Stillwater, about 90 other inmates refused to return to their cells as cellblock B-West was put on lock down. 10/26/10 – Martinez, CA, USA – An inmate at the Contra Costa County Jail faked a seizure and hit a nurse over the head with a lamp. The nurse later died from her injuries. 10/28/10 – Victoria, TX, USA – Two inmates escaped the Victoria Regional Juvenile Justice Center after assaulting a detention officer, taking his radio, and breaking open the recreation yard’s gate. 10/30/10 – Brownfield, TX, USA – An inmate, who escaped once prior, assaulted a Terry County Jail correctional officer in a second escape attempt. 11/01/10 – Reno, NV, USA – Staff members attempted to break up a violent altercation at the Willow Springs adolescent treatment facility when 40 inmates assaulted staff members while encouraging others to join in. 11/05/10 – Louisville, KY, USA – An inmate disappeared from their halfway house. 11/07/10 – Taos, NM, USA – Two Taos County Jail inmates gained access to the control center where they were able to unlock the front door and walk out. 11/08/10 – Pine Knot, KY, USA Two guards were stabbed at USP-McCreary while conducting a routine cell search. 11/11/10 – DeBary, FL, USA A state prisoner doing roadside work rode away on a lawnmower. 11/13/10 – Monticello, NY, USA – A Sullivan County Corrections Officer was punched in the mouth while trying to restrain an inmate who refused to enter their cell. 11/15/10 – Troy, MO, USA – Two inmates escaped the Lincoln County Jail. 11/16/10– Chapel Hill, NC, USA – A Pasquotank Correctional Institution inmate receiving medical treatment at a UNC hospital slipped away from their guards, stole a patrol car, and led authorities on a high-speed chase spanning two counties. FTTP #11 - Chronology of N.A. Prisoner Resistance - Pg. 60 11/18/10 – Plattsburgh, NY, USA – An inmate at the Clinton County Jail was involved in an “incident with a correction officer that resulted in a charge of assault in the second-degree” according to the county sheriff. 11/12/10 – Manchester, NH, USA – An inmate escaped from the Calumet Transitional Housing Unit. 11/22/10 – Salem, OR, USA An Oregon State Hospital security employee sustained facial fractures and a broken ankle when they were attacked by a jail inmate undergoing a mental evaluation. 11/23/10 – Elmhurst, NY, USA More than a dozen corrections officers were injured at the Otis Bantum Correctional Center after a violent night on Rikers Island. 11/25/10 – Sheridan, OR, USA Four inmates walked away from the FCI Sheridan work camp. 11/26/10 – Brownsville, TN, USA – An inmate escaped the Haywood County Jail by squeezing through a 4.5” wide gap of cell bars. 12/07/10 – Macon, GA, USA – A corrections officer was hit first with a milk carton and then in the back of the head with a chair at the Bibb County Youth Development Campus. 12/08/11 – Malacatán, San Marcos, Guatemala – 15 people armed with assault rifles and a grenade launcher helped an inmate escape. 12/09/11 – Georgia, USA – In the largest prison strike in American history, tens of thousands of inmates in ten state prisons refused to leave their cells and report to work or other activities. The seven day strike was coordinated for months with contraband cell phones in response to wages, health care and nutrition, among other things. The featured article in this issue called The Strike, goes into more depth about this. 12/11/10 – Somers, NY, USA – Some 30 “students” at the Lincoln Hall School for Boys rioted for about an hour until it was quelled by state police. 12/12/10 – Napa, CA, USA – A “rehabilitation therapist” was assaulted while escorting an inmate on the Napa State Hospital grounds. 12/14/10– Iowa City, IA, USA – A Jefferson County inmate braved the 10 degree weather in nothing but a hospital gown and slippers as they escaped their warders while receiving medical treatment. 12/16/10 – Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico – One-hundred-forty-eight escaped from a state prison. 12/17/10 - Mineral Wells, TX, USA – Approximately 30 inmates refused to go to their assigned housing locations on the north side of the Corrections Corporation of America’s Pre-Parole Transfer Facility. 12/18/10 – Toronto, Ontario, CAN – An inmate being booked into the Toronto West Detention Center attacked two guards with a roofing hammer and “uttered death threats” as he smashed computers and furniture in the prison admissions area. 12/21/10 – Florence, CO, USA – A USP-Florence inmate went into a staff members office located in the housing unit of the prison and hit two corrections officers n the face. 12/25/10 – Wartburg, TN, USA – An inmate from Morgan County Correctional Complex escaped by climbing the perimeter fence. 12/27/10 – Odessa, Texas, USA – An inmate escaped from the Ector County Annex. 12/29/10 – Cincinnati, Ohio, USA – An inmate smashed out a second story window and jumped to his escape at the Hamilton County jail. 12/31/10 – Cumberland, MD, USA – Eight correctional officers from the North Branch Correctional Institution were attacked by inmates. Two suffered facial injuries, one sustained an injury to their knee, the others were hospitalized for exposure to pepper spray. 01/03/11 - Lucasville, OH - USAAfter a hunger strike by 3 well respected prisoners, as well as riots by fellow inmates, Ohio state prisons are now allowing “semi-contact” visits for prisoners. 01/05/11 – Ludlow, MA, USA – An officer at the Hampden County Correctional Center suffered fractures to his ribs and face after an assault from an inmate. 01/11/11 – Eureka, CA, USA – Three correctional officers at Pelican Bay prison were attacked by two inmates with handmade weapons and were hospitalized for lacerations and stab wounds. 01/19/11 – Ionia, MI, USA – Four Michigan Reformatory correctional officers were assaulted and seriously injured by a pair of inmates. 01/22/11 - Yuba City, CA, USA – An inmate scaled a chain-link fence topped with razor wire and escaped from Sutter County Jail. 01/24/11 San Luis Obispo, CA, USA For three days a thousand inmates demonstrated against worsening conditions at California Men's Colony by refusing state issued meals. 01/24/11 – Graceville, FL, USA – A riot at DOVE facility for girls left several staff members injured. 01/25/11 – Cincinnati, OH, USA – A Hamilton County Jail inmate injured three correctional officers - pulling one down a flight of stairs, punching another, and lashing out at a third all while being restrained. FTTP #11 - Chronology of N.A. Prisoner Resistance - Pg. 61 01/29/11 – Seattle, WA, USA – A state corrections officer was found strangled with a microphone cord in the prison chapel at the Washington State Prison. “At Attica, it just got to a point, we said, the hell with this. 01/30/11 – Eastman, GA, USA – More than 60 inmates rioted at the Youth Development Facility, setting small fires with bed linens, and assaulting a correctional officer with a broomstick. 02/02/11 – Monterey, Neuvo Leon, Mexico – Three guards from the Topo Chico prison were shot and later the prison security chief was found mutilated in a plastic container with a note from an organized crime group claiming the actions. 02/11/11 – Marion, IL, USA – Three inmates escaped from a U.S. Penitentiary. 02/11/11- Las Cruces, NM, USA An inmate escaped from John Paul Taylor Juvenile Detention Facility. 02/20/11 – Forsyth, GA, USA – Inmates rioted after being denied a hot meal at Monroe County Jail. 02/24/11 – Centre Hall, PA, USA During a riot by juveniles at Meadows Psychiatric Center several employees were injured and a trooper sustained several broken bones. 02/24/11 – Jackson, MS, USA – An inmate walked away from Hinds County Restitution Center. We might just have to get out there and tear this damn place apart no matter what the consequences are.” 02/16/11 – Monroe, WA, USA – A counselor at the Monroe Correctional Center was attacked and injured by an inmate. ONE 02/26/11 – Rome, GA, USA – A Floyd County Jail inmate screamed and spat at jail officers, punching one in the mouth and sending another to the hospital with a leg injury. 03/02/11 –Walla Walla, WA, USA A Washington State Penitentiary correctional officer suffered a dislocated shoulder and several puncture wounds to the face after being attacked by an inmate with a pen. -An Attica Rebel DAY FTTP #11 - Chronology of N.A. Prisoner Resistance - Pg. 62 “Prisoners in Georgia remain connected with each other and have threatened future, more extreme action if their demands are not met. The Strike! “The prison protest has entered the wireless age.” Effectively prisoners managed to demonstrate their power without showing their full hand.” I government building maintenance without compensation for their labor. This, compounded with a stranglehold on money transfers from their families by a corporation call J-pay, as well as another private company called Global Tel-Link charging $55 a month for once a week 15-minute phone conversations, were part of the impetus for many of the Georgia prisoners' demands. Through a series of gang truces and uncommon allegiances, prisoners from Augusta, Baldwin, Hancock, Hays, Macon, Smith and Telfair State Prisons among others, initiated this strike to press the Georgia Department of Corrections (DOC) to adhere to their demands. People being forced into labor situations without compensation, required to buy time to speak to loved ones, and having an overpriced and poorly maintained commissary have been the reality for decades. But the thing that pushed many over the edge was a statewide smoking ban in all prisons that was to be set in place on January 1st of this year. A truly 'bread and roses' moment. t took a few months of planning and more than one contraband cell phone, but this past December prisoners of the Georgia Department of Corrections pulled off the largest prison strike in US history. Thousands of people in well over half a dozen facilities across the state participated in the unprecedented strike. Isolation is one of the largest tools used against prisoners. Kept from each other and out of view of the public, the idea of coordinating an effort on this scale had seemed impossible. Georgia currently incarcerates 60,000 prisoners and has 150,000 people on probation, with the highest prisoner to resident ratio in the country. Almost every state has a policy forcing prisoners to work. Prisons cloak these programs in the language of 'rehabilitation' and 'vocational training programs' in an effort to keep them from being seen for what they are. At best they are a form of indentured servitude; at worst they are the last legal form of slavery in this country. Prisoners on average are paid between .12 cents and 40 cents for their labor in a variety of fields. While OSHA regulations apply to the work prisoners are forced to do, there are currently many lawsuits against various States' Departments of Corrections and the Federal Bureau of Prisons in regards to unsafe labor practices, and in particular around electronics and computer recycling. Georgia is one of two states that does not pay it's incarcerated population, the other being Texas. Prisoners are still required to do prison chores, cook and serve meals, and perform Organizers spent months building a web of divergent factions and gangs — groups not known to cooperate — into a mostly unified coalition using text messaging and word of mouth. The strike was scheduled for December 9th, and was only to last the one day. It ended up lasting 6 days with thousands of participants. Prisoners refused to work, participate in activities, or leave their cells, forcing the prison administration to 'lock down' many facilities. A man at Hays State Prison in Trion, GA was quoted as saying “We’re hearing in the news they’re putting it down as we’re starting a riot, so they locked all the prisons down,” But, he said, “We locked ourselves down.” The Demands The demands are simple. The things being asked for are not new. They have been voiced by generations of prisoners long before those in Georgia went on strike: Educational opportunities beyond GED classes, decent health care and living condiFTTP #11 - The Strike! - Pg. 63 tions, an end to cruel and unusual punishment, nutritional meals, a living wage for the hours they are working, affordable and non-restrictive access to their families, and more just parole decisions. Prison is considered one of the fastest growing industries in this country. Underdeveloped or 3rd world nations with little to no labor standards once had a stranglehold on the worlds cheap labor market. The US has reestablished itself as a contender in the worlds cheap labor market by utilizing prison labor. Mexican maquiladoras are closing up shop and moving their manufacturing to US prisons as elected officials are trying to lure industry to their states by guaranteeing low prison labor costs on the production of their goods. Prisons do not lack adequate medical care or nutritional food and learning opportunities because those who run them are sadists. Prisoners are not forced to work in hazardous conditions while being subjected to torturous living conditions because Harley Lappin is a heartless despot. The conditions are deplorable, and the incarceration rates disparate based on gender, class and race because the functioning of the prison system requires them to be so. Costs must be kept down, especially in private prisons to maximize the money generated from them. While the demands of those locked inside may seem reasonably within the means of the prison administration for them to be granted would drastically change the face of the prison industrial complex. The wants and desires of those involved with this strike must be treated as serious grievances. They are an avenue to widening a fissure, to exploring the capacity of organizing on the inside. To make such demands, even in the realization that they will never be actualized, is a step forward in the possibility of prison revolt generalizing past the walls it wishes to destroy. The Response The largest prison strike in United States history occurred in December of last year, and almost no one noticed. Pockets of anarchists around the country held solidarity demos. Administrations shuddered slightly and then everything went back to normal. In many prisons the administrations and the CO's responses to the strike were swift and brutal. In Augusta State Prison, six or seven prisoners were “extracted” from their cells and beaten by CERT Team guards, resulting in broken ribs for several men. One man was beaten beyond recognition. In Telfair State Prison, prisoners' cells were trashed and their belongings destroyed. Those participating in the strike were harassed and intimidated. At Macon State, the Tactical Squad menaced men for two days, sending some to the “hole,” and turning off the heat and hot water. Supposed “leaders” of the strike were transferred to new facilities. According to some sources there are 37 such people who are still missing, swallowed inside a bureaucracy trying to keep them hidden. While the prison administrators responded with force, there was mixed reaction and support from the general public. Petitions circulated and articles were written, many with the same message- 'we support the strikers as long as they remain non-violent”. In doing so, they helped cement the old divide of “good” protester and “bad” protester; the good prisoner interested in reform and the violent thug. Given the opportunity, non-profits and NGOs will claim credit for any action deemed acceptable by the general public. They will harness the rage and indignation of any group of people, so long as they can stamp their organization's name on the rebellion and as long as that rebellion fits into specific parameters. Once it steps outside of those guidelines all support and solidarity must be withdrawn in order to save face and maintain the social capital necessary to further a political agenda. A petition was circulated and signed by such notable names as Noam Chomsky, Rosa Clemente, and a multitude of NGOs, coalitions and lawyers. The petition called for solidarity with the strikers and for the creation of “a historic mass movement against mass incarceration and for universal human rights and dignity.” This was a small but important co-opting of the demands being made by those in Georgia. Even more clearly revealed when the petition states that “Georgia prison authorities have reportedly reacted to the peaceful strike with violence.” Again the dichotomy of peace and violence was created. If instead of a “peaceful” strike, if prisoners with the same demands had initiated attacks on CO's and the destruction of the prisons they were being held in, would the same names have graced such a petition? Would such a petition have ever been written? The Next The tools available to those incarcerated in this country are few. Their bodies and the capability of disrupting imposed order are some of the only options afforded to them. Whether against corrections officers, cops, and snitches or upon prisoners from the administration; violence is a well worn tool in these battles. Often when prisoners decide to stand in defiance of their captivity there are dire physical and emotional repercussions. The 43 dead at Attica in 1971; the 5 dead at Alcatraz in 1946, those dead at Lucasville in 1993 and thousands of others are testament to the immense danger prisoners face when they rise up. Sacrifice and fortitude in the face of massive repression is not a skill the US anarchist movement has managed to master. It often falls short of the simplest goal of merely ‘supporting’ those incarcerated or faced with incarceration. The Anarchist Black Cross communities that once dotted the US have fallen to the same internal power battles that has plagued the discourse for years. Of the few prisoner support organizations that still remain, most have dedicated FTTP #11 - The Strike! - Pg. 64 themselves to a charity orientated role. Mailing pamphlets and books to prisoners has taken the place of creating friendships and building affinity with those on the inside. Anarchists in the US would rather “educate” prisoners on their own oppression then build the material and theoretical frameworks necessary to grow multiple entry points for a diversity of “movements” all capable of attacking prisons from multiple angles. Prison revolt does not fit well into a utilitarian or “campaignbased” approach. If one understands the purpose of a prison riot to be the winning of demands, it is clear that prisoners almost always “lose,” at least in the short term. Revolt on the inside generally ends with more punishment and violence, not less. Perhaps this explains why the gradual, movement-building approach of the prison “abolitionist” Left tends to avoid engaging with actual prisoners, and instead focuses on policy campaigns and community building efforts. Never was this more apparent then in the lack of response from anarchists around the Georgia prison strike. The lead up to this particular action was fairly insular. There was little opportunity for outside influence to find it's way into the prisons before the strike happened. As the strike entered into it's 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th days the information was finally becoming available to all. cess. While these exact conditions may not present themselves again in any near future; a fissure in the states ability to cause disunity and isolation amongst its prison population has begun to grow. Obviously, this makes it all the more important for anarchists to seize their own initiative when these challenges are overcome in a moment. The reality though, is that prison rebellions in general, escape the recent North American imagination, they do not fit our understandings of struggles that are “important,” “winnable,” or “strategic.” The violence of prison riots, with their hostage-taking, gang involvement, and shoot outs, cause discomfort for a political milieu more accustomed to the dragging around of newspaper boxes and “nonviolent” property destruction. This does not go to say that such activities are bad or pointless, but merely that our habits might constrain our perception of what is possible or necessary. “Sacrifice and fortitude in the face of massive repression is not a skill the US anarchist movement has managed to master. It often falls short of the simplest goal of merely ‘supporting’ those incarcerated or faced with incarceration.” Though prisoners did not take over their facilities or seize hostages, the geographic expanse and number of participants vastly outnumbered more celebrated uprisings of the past. Most importantly, this strike had the unique ability to spread itself from facility to facility. The major element of prison - the isolation one is forced to feel - crumbled for a moment under the weight of contraband cell phones and word of mouth organizing. Prisoners in Georgia remain connected with each other and have threatened future, more extreme action if their demands are not met. Effectively prisoners managed to demonstrate their power without showing their full hand. The means in which prisoners were able to communicate are hardly reproducible or sustainable. A combination of outside organizers with vast experience, former Black Panther Party Chairwoman Elaine Brown being the most notable, and the ability to smuggle in and buy massively over priced cell phones from COs were major contributing factors to this strikes suc- Of course this anarchist distance from prison struggle has not always been the case, nor is it always the case overseas today, where anarchists on both sides of the wall have played important roles in helping prison and detention center rebellions to generalize in several Mediterranean countries. Those activities might point a way forward, to the important role there is to play in spreading word of revolt from one facility to another; not just encouraging rebellion to happen, but of helping it to become contagious and expand geographically. There has been a unique task set before the anarchists of this country. One of deciphering and deciding how and when to strike against capital and it's protectors. The “movement” is diffuse and the geography of the terrain is massive. Choices set before those willing to demonstrate what such generalization of revolt could look like are muddled at best. Knowing how to answer them is often as difficult as knowing when to answer them. When a situation such as the one in Georgia arises; when such an obvious moment of unparalleled solidarity exists amongst prisoners, anarchists in the US can not sit by. If anarchists do not wish to live in obscurity, destined to impotency, then they can not pay lip service to a revolt happening right before them. These moments must be seen for what they are, and we must act swiftly against those who would attempt to recuperate or squash such actions as the prison strike in Georgia. FTTP #11 - The Strike! - Pg. 65 Japan “The End of a World” J apan has been hit with one of the most intense earthquakes in recorded history. An earthquake of 9.0 magnitude has rocked the country, literally, in addition to delivering a tragic tsunami that has cleared entire cities. The Japanese military, NGOs, and autonomous communities are expending a great deal of energy and resources on rescuing survivors and recovering bodies, yet the media has been most concerned with the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. In today’s globalized world, we can easily observe the suffering and instability that has resulted from this horrifying natural disaster from the comfort of our own homes thousands of miles away. You can see acres and acres of crops, or rows and rows of homes turn to nothing in a matter of seconds. You can watch in awe as ships and boats float through city streets like a toddler’s bath toys. Remnants of a civilization turned to nothing are available for viewing in the click of a button, and no matter where or how you live, it is hard to not be struck by the fragility exposed by these human endeavors. Again and again, the foreign media reiterates the composure of the Japanese population. That is, comparing it to the behavior of a place like the United States in that situation, where something drastically smaller, for example Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, lead to widespread looting and amplified police violence. This is also to stress the tragedy of the situation, pointing out that not only are the effects reported to be happening to one of the world’s most technologically advanced nations, but one of the world’s most prepared societies for a nuclear disaster. Composure, however, can only last for so long. Cracks in the facade become more and more apparent in just the demeanor of Japanese news anchors and government spokespeople. Composure is also expected to weaken as patience thins in the face of government bureaucracy and ineptitude. This tension was specifically made noticeable when foreign governments and NGOs shared conflicting information with the Japanese government and the Tokyo Electric Power Company’s official positions on things like the nuclear radiation’s effects on nearby populations. This conflicting information is leading Japanese people to see government and business conduct around the facility more concerned with liability than human lives or the environment. Foreign attention, at least in the US for example, has primarily been on the Nuclear Power plant at Fukushima DaiIchi. Potassium-Iodine pills - seen as a possible cure for radiation poisoning have been flying off the shelves on the American west coast. But the state and businesses that built them also assured the world of their proper regulation. And whether or not this will reach the states, Tokyo, other populated regions in Japan, and nearby countries could be effected by nuclear radiation, depending on which way the winds blow. The situation has nuclear lobbyists working around the clock. Nuclear power, both as a weapon and energy, can affect all of us. This technology stems from an arrogant assumption of human domination, as we progress more as a society that depends on our exploitative dominance over the earth; with a noncompromised goal of economic efficiency. It is interesting that many people living in towns or cities around the world, where there are nuclear plants, are tolerant of them despite multiple cases of cancer or nearby resource contamination directly related to their existence. This tolerance stems from public relations campaigns and glorified employment opportunities that surround their development. But, similarly to Japan, the reality is that the constructing and operating of these plants relies on the decisions of a FTTP #11 - Japan - Pg. 66 few, but can affect the lives of millions. Like the laws and wars that are fabricated without our say, nuclear power is very much a project of a society that operates in a hierarchical fashion. The situation has proven to us the fragility of our civilizations today, despite the claims and arrogant projects of science. In a country renown for its technological ingenuity, this has been made much more apparent. Just a little over a year ago a 7.5 magnitude earthquake/ hurricane hit Haiti. The hurricane was not only thousands of times less severe according to hurricane measurements by modern science, but also lacked the catastrophic tsunami that was responsible for the more severe impacts of Japan’s earthquake. Thousands of more people died though on impact. To put it bluntly, this was due to Haiti’s position in both the economic and technological world. While Haitian authorities exist to maintain social “peace” in Haiti, compared to Japan they have almost no ability to even begin an evacuation or rescue campaign. If the same magnitude earthquake and catastrophic tsunami hit Haiti, the impoverished island could quite possibly have ceased to exist. Japan, on the other hand, possesses one of the world’s most advanced and equipped governments. The Japanese people are also taught from birth to be prepared for earthquakes. But despite it’s economic position in the world, disciplined culture, and technological advancements; it is currently attempting to remain calm as it quite possibly faces even more disaster. In terms of Japan’s economy, the damage has been recorded as of this writing to be roughly two-hundred billion dollars, which accounts for almost 3% of Japan’s entire GDP, and will likely grow as each day comes. The country’s economy has already been struggling these last few years for multiple reasons, such as the lack of a demand in exported products, like cars or electronics, as a result of recession in North American and European countries. This was indeed the worst event imaginable for the country’s economy during this time. At the moment the world’s wealthiest and most powerful nations are desperately trying to retain the Yen’s value by intervening in the global economy for the first time since the dawn of the Euro, and are encouraging investment in the country’s economy by glorifying development opportunities projected for Japan’s future recovery. Yet as each day continues, and the government remains slow and seemingly more and more helpless; global capitalism could begin recognizing Japan as a third-world country in the not too distant future. In human terms, tens of thousands have died, and hundreds of thousands more remain missing, and hundred of thousands have lost their homes, or been forced out by radiation concerns from the demolished nuclear facilities. Although, as we said, people are remaining unusually calm for the circumstances, food shortages are becoming more and more apparent across the region as production, transportation, and an operational civilization has been completely brought to its knees. Out of Japan’s 127 million people, 23% of them are over the age of 65. Separate of radiation concerns, the earthquake and tsunami has left millions without electricity and heat, forcing thousands of elderly people into a hostile environment. This will likely lead to a heightened death-toll of many elderly or sick people, who are having an incredibly hard time finding access to stabile shelter or medical facilities. It’s said that multiple people died during transportation alone from hospitals to emergency shelters while being evacuated. Many of those who survived but suffer from injuries may die over time simply due to the depletion of functioning treatment institutions and resources. And of course, to come back to radiation for a moment, it has been said that those closest to the nuclear facilities are enduring the amount of radiation an urban dweller undergoes in a year in a matter of six hours. The Japanese people are undergoing one of the harshest blows to a modern civilization we have ever seen, and inevitably more sickness and suffering will be seen in years to come. In ecological terms, radiation is entering the atmosphere at alarming rates. Oil refineries have gone up in flames, and a tsunami has mixed and moved billions of dollars in human infrastruc- ture, turning it to trash, and littering it across the coastal inlands of Japan. The environmental consequences that could come from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant meltdowns make the environment not only uninhabitable to humans and non-human species, but additionally unusable for production purposes; ruining water supplies, soil, and several other natural resources. The extent of the negative effects this situation will have on the earth is still unknown. Globally, nations around the world will both be strengthened and weakened by the slowly collapsing Japanese economy. Countries in debt to Japan, like the United States for example, will be forced to forgo earlier returns on loans from Japan. Other nations may gain strength simply in the loss of economic competition. Investors in Japanese companies will most likely lose billions. Nuclear power around the world will be called into question, causing massive complications in the Nuclear industry. Japanese production plants around the world will remain closed, and eventually be forced to lay off thousands. Retail companies or manufacturing facilities reliant on Japanese production will be forced to go through rapid transitions as their businesses will be deeply disrupted by the loss of Japanese commodities, which will also lead to massive layoffs. And the world now knows, that despite a nation’s economic or political power, at any moment the facade can crumble. The Japanese have undergone a nuclear disaster before, when the United States bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945 with two nuclear bombs codenamed “Fat Baby” and “Little Boy”. The bombing killed between 150,000246,000 people between the two cities. An estimated 20% of the deaths were a result of radiation sickness, and another 50% were related to illnesses contracted as a result of the blast. It’s important to remember that what is happening now is not only a possible nuclear disaster, it is an already existing and escalating ecological and social catastrophe; both naturally and unnaturally caused. This situation also shines light on the limitations of even recognized superpower governments, as the Japanese FTTP #11 -Japan - Pg. 67 state is forced to mince words, hoping to retain faith in its ability to “serve and protect”. Imagine the same situation happening in New York City or Los Angeles, or another high-populated area with large areas that are at tension with authorities. Parts of this country would already be resembling civil war. It’s important for us to take notice of the Japanese situation, so we are more prepared if the same situation was to hit other parts of the world, also factoring in the significant cultural differences in Japan from most other parts of the world to help predict the social response to a situation similar in nature. It’s important for Anarchists and revolutionaries to pay attention to dialogue around Japan, pushing concerns about nuclear energy further, battling religious recuperation of the event, and preventing an apocalypse culture type fear that could lead to the rise of separatist or fascist survival militias (specifically in the United States), or more profit for the 2012 industry. Unfortunately, Japan has already become the new business opportunity of organizations like the Red Cross, which only uses a small percentage of its contributions for rescue campaigns directly helping Japanese people, while a larger percentage goes to logistics (worker salaries, office expenses, promotional campaigns) like most NGOs or charities. In situations like these it is quite hard to feel helpful, especially when you see little satisfaction from just giving money to so and so charity, or even less in prayer. Apart from sharing money, shelter, or resources directly with a Japanese person or family effected by the earthquake, tsunami, or nuclear evacuations, we remain skeptical of charitable donations having a direct impact at all. While we would suggest attempting to go and help directly, rescue or recovery efforts have been recognized as the primary responsibility of Japan’s domestic military, recognized NGOs, and some international allies. Additionally, travel to and from Japan remains incredibly limited, especially for those who are not rich. We should also reach out to growing ecological concerns and anti-nuclear sentiment, and push it into a direction that will have a more total aim at the entire foundation of a society that deems a small group or singular institution responsible for a project that can kill millions. Revolutionaries or Anarchists can also begin researching, learning, and teaching self-sufficient survival methods for disasters similar to what has happened in Japan, encouraging communities that would be least protected during a natural disaster to focus on the importance of working together through catastrophe, without reliance on government institutions. We express our utmost empathy with those who have been effected by the earthquake and tsunami, as well as those who may be effected by future outcomes of exposed nuclear waste or other bio-devastation caused by the tragedy. This is not something to ignore, not simply because its horribly disheartening, but because the conclusion of this situation, if there can be one, will affect the world’s entire future. We apologize if drastic things have changed in Japan by the time you have read this, but it was an essential rupture in the world’s current stability that was essential to report here. This modern global society is clearly not immortal, it is essential that we take this realization from this tragic event. This is not something to ignore, not just because it’s horribly disheartening, but because the conclusion of this situation, if there can be one, will effect the world's entire future. FTTP #11 -Japan - Pg. 68 Levantate! New Wave of Anti-Migrant Laws May Ignite Mass Unrest *Captured migrants await processing inside a U.S. Border Protection Detention Facility A cross the United States, neoconservatives, and candidates flung into office by Tea Party activists, are taking cues from Arizona’s SB-1070 bill, by attempting to pass similar anti-migrant legislation in other parts of the country. Many of these bills are backed by powerful front groups for the prison industry, which stand to make millions off mass incarceration (see more on those connections at: This attack on the millions of migrant workers and their families comes at a time in the United States, and around the world, when the working class is being attacked by all sections of the bourgeoisie, both on the Left as well as the Right. Just as in the past, these attacks will not, and have not, gone without a response. As we have seen, while there exists a high level of recuperative and reformist elements within these ‘immigrant’ struggles, there also exists a genuine organic element that favors the use of self-organized walkouts, strikes, and mass collective action. In the United States, the Latino working class has in many ways become ‘the essential proletariat,’ as US capitalists exploit its racialized labor-power, generating massive profits. In order to keep people in line, the elites use ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to scare people from organizing and speaking out while on the job. A bureaucratic and corrupt system over America's work place conditions, does little to stop the deaths of hundreds of workers from dying of heat stroke working America's few agricultural fields, or from getting sick from pesticides that prioritize crop efficiency and profit over quality. Labor-unions like the UFW have less of a presence today than decades ago and some contend that they are too corrupt and bureaucratic to even help raise living standards. Furthermore, a xenophobic and racist reactionary per- spective that has become rampant among much of America's white working class, helps destroy potential solidarity between workers that have common class enemies. At a time when the world's global lower classes are under heightening attack by capitalist desperation or growing austerity measures, one task of revolutionaries will be to attack these racist elements and promote a united class assault on capitalism as a whole. We have to connect different proletarian struggles to others that resist austerity measures, attack education, or struggle for a sense of integrity in America's modern workplace – at the same time pushing them into a common direction of self-organization, that refuses to seek salvation in state intervention and the disempowering game of politics that is inherent to it. In 2006, California Republicans, who under the Pete Wilson administration attempted to pass Prop 187 (A law that would cut funding for undocumented people living in the United States), trying to set in motion a new set of laws aimed at targeting migrant workers. The bill was called HR-4437, and it sought to further criminalise undocumented people, and make it easier for the state to deport them. Furthermore, it made it a crime to ‘knowingly’ help someone who was in the country illegally. The law was extremely unpopular and helped set in motion a series of events which lead to some of the most exciting and liberating political experiences I had ever been in. Starting in the spring, youth at middle and high schools began organizing walkouts. Where I live, in the Central Valley of California, kids would bust out of school, march on another school, and then keep walking to other schools in order to get more and more kids. These walkouts and unpermitted marches culminated throughout May Day actions in 2006, which brought millions of people into the streets across the US. Many people spoke of a “sleeping giant” awakening in the country, as the Latino FTTP #11 - Levantate! - Pg. 69 working class showed itself to be a major force through walkouts and wildcat strikes, which was seen as a huge reason for the bill being shot down. George Caffentzis wrote in his article, The Si Se Puede Insurrection, “There were more demonstrations in more places with greater participation between March 24 and May Day 2006 than any other six-week period in US history. Along with the public outpouring of bodies, there were dozens of student walk outs in high schools around the country as well as a nation-wide immigrant ‘general strike’ called for May Day that was heeded by hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of workers, including truck drivers who shut down the Port of Los Angeles (one of the main supply links in the commodity trade with China, South Korea, and Japan). The demonstrators’ demands were amnesty for all undocumented immigrants and the defeat of pending draconian antiimmigrant legislation.” In the years following, further May Day demonstrations died down greatly, in part due largely to the defeat of much of HR-4437 in California. In several years time however, another assault on migrant workers was again brewing in the US, first in Arizona, but then across the country. The proposed laws in Arizona (as mentioned in FTTP issue #9), propose that police can stop people at anytime that they suspect is an “illegal,” and ask them for paper proving that they are American citizens. Over a hundred-thousand people have already fled the state in fear of the new law passing, and under the direction of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the local pigs for years have been arresting, imprisoning, and helping to deport thousands of working class people from the state. The bill was first conceived and pushed by powerful forces from within the prison industry, who noted that the round-ups would pump millions of people into detention facilities and jails. It is this desire to use repression to generate large amounts of cash, coupled with a strong racist element notorious among Arizona's police and politicians, and the current economic crisis that made immi- grants an easy scapegoat, that has helped propel many of these laws forward. For more information on the connections between capital and those in government’s desire to grow rich off of mass imprisonment and deportation, check out: Speaking to the situation in California, the Spanish newspaper Vida en el Valle reported: “State legislators throughout the country are introducing measures that would deny citizenship to the U.S.born children of non-citizens. In California last year, supporters collected signatures for a similar measure that would have refused standard birth certificates to babies born to immigrant mothers and fathers. It did not make it to the ballot.” California is also home to the “Safe Communities” act, in which local police departments work hand in hand with ICE agents. Working together to screen people arrested and then move them into dentition facilities where they await deportation. Thus, it’s important to keep in mind that while much of the new legislation may seem extreme, much of what is being suggested is already in place. But while these efforts have not made it into law yet, or are tied up in litigation, anti-immigrant activists are still pushing for sweeping reforms. Many are attempting to model laws after SB-1070, in some cases taking verbatim the language from the Arizona laws. A quick look at this map at:, shows the degree in which so many states are taking a lead from Arizona. Attracted to the ‘Tea Party’ votes of the ‘tough on immigrants crowd’, as well as the promise of big bucks from prison-industry lobbyists in an age of economic recession, right-wing politicians are clamoring for attacks on migrant workers. In order to package this, they sell the lie to largely white (and often sadly working class) people that migrant workers are the cause of crime, gangs, sexual violence, and lack of jobs. Many Democrats claim to not back in-full Arizona styled laws, but are also attempting to uphold the image of a more moderate 'tough on immigrant stance', that quells scrutiny from conservatives, and does not alienate lib- erals. For example, in the recent California election, Governor Jerry Brown dismissed Republican challenger Whitman’s support of Arizona's new immigration legislation, but still promoted the idea of a huge electronic database that would enable California police to more easily conduct an offensive on illegal immigrants. In many ways, what’s happening in Arizona represents a situation in which the elites do not have consensus. In March of 2011, as SB-1070 was still being fought over in the courts, various business leaders called for its defeat and even some Republicans came out against it. All the while, State Senators like antimigrant bigot Russell Pierce, who helped sponsor the bill and helped in its construction, were obviously outraged by the concerns. One section of the bourgeoisie sees the opportunities for profit and power in a large scale security policestate, where profits can be pumped out through massive immigrant detention facilities funded by the federal government. Being disgusted by a “multiculturalism” which they believe has polluted the American nation, this perspective very much stems from a racist and nationalistic perspective, that hides behind patriotic rhetoric . Another section though, prefers to keep the system as it is, in which profits are pumped out of the workers themselves and into the hands of the bosses. While in most cases this legislation will probably be defeated at least in part, in the long run, this push will shift immigration policy very much to the hard right, increasing repression against migrant workers and their communities. More and more, the anti-immigrant bigots continue to win the war of words with many working class whites, further dividing the working class. Of course politically correct rhetoric, and modern American expectations act to distinguish these attacks on Latino immigrants from historically racist class divisions that were also encouraged by the state. But both the statements of conservative or liberal politicians regarding the illegal immigrant situation, as well as the reFTTP #11 - Levantate! - Pg. 70 sponse done by America's "legal working class", look quite similar to tensions between black slaves and white proletarians throughout the 18th and 19th century in the U.S. Dialogue between state politicians during the American civil war also resembles the dialogue surrounding this current immigrant bill. The reality is though that whatever direction is taken, or whatever bill is past, distinguishing illegal and legal workers will help maintain social acceptance of America's ruling class. Placing blame on unemployment or high crime rates for example, onto both legal and illegal Latino workers, further distracts the working class from those actually responsible for their demise. This can also be seen historically against Italians and Irish throughout the late 18th and early 19th century United States. We must also not forget about the threat that racist and ‘fascist’ groups play in these situations. Groups such as FAIR for instance (Federation for American Immigration Reform) are ideologically determined to back without compromise, any steps taken towards a larger anti-immigration movement and nation. Yet despite their broad use of immigration, their targets are certainly not Europeans working illegally in coffeeshops or bars across America's major cities. When any additional research is done, their issue is with Mexicans specifically. Yet like many other groups of their kind, their use of broad wording, and 'PC' considerations, have enabled them to become an accepted and heard voice in American politics. As revolutionaries we must show (to use a vulgar term) the ‘political economy’ of how these laws are simply attempts to squeeze more money out of very poor and hard-working people. At the same time, we must push for united class action against our real enemies within society – the elites and their dogs. We must seriously begin to promote and maintain working class unity between urban workers and rural workers, or legal and illegal workers. We must resist any attempts at dividing those who work for a wage and whose lives are organized around the selling of their labor power. Exposing state, media, or business strategies that encourage these divisions, can help to wake up working class people to the real origins of their bane; the ruling class and capitalist system. Resistance to border policies, as well as anti-immigrant Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been ongoing for years in Arizona; although much of it has been managed by large, mainstream immigrant non-profits. Although there exists a high degree of control over these movements, mainly organized by the group Puente, there has been one ongoing mass collective action which has been self-organized: the student walkouts. These walkouts have involved thousands of students from many different schools and have continued to this day, as SB-1070 remains tied up in court. Just recently, Senator Pierce has introduced another bill, “SB 1611, [that] would require schools to report students who cannot produce documents verifying their U.S. citizenship or legal residence, which legal scholars say would violate the right of children in the United States to attend public school.” Many of these walkouts have been confrontational in nature, (although some of them have also been well managed by reformist groups), involving the short occupation of buildings and the disruption of various political events. And while the mass marches organized by mainstream immigrant groups have involved thousands of more people, the walkouts can be seen as the largest display of selforganization and direct action coming out of the immigrant movement, and also offers the clearest vehicle of possible disruption to economic and political forces. Also, as in Madison, Wisconsin, and other places, it is interesting that students and young adults who have utilized walkouts as a tool for struggling without the permission of the 'democratic' state, claim that they want their voices heard by the same ‘democratic’ system that wants to lock them up and deport their parents. Revolutionaries must speak to this reality; we do not use direct action to make democracy work better, we take direct action to assert our desired conditions. As a radical minority in Arizona, local anarchists and indigenous revolutionaries have engaged in a variety of actions, such as lock downs, mass marches, and educational events. The most publicized of these include a lock down occupation of Tucson’s Border Patrol Headquarters, which brought together indigenous people and anarchists as one bloc during a massive mobilization against Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The block was attacked towards the end of the march by police (with the help of march organizers) and several people were arrested. Although by now all charges have been dropped or plead out. Last fall, Phoenix was also the scene of a large scale riot between members of the Neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement (NSM) who rallied in support of SB-1070, and militant anarchists. While anarchists where involved in much of the marches and protests on the day that SB-1070 was scheduled to go into law, much of the anger was diffused by ‘volunteer’ peace police, who attended to calm crowds, remove people from streets, help police direct protesters, or make arrests. In the following days, anarchists were involved in several blockades and large disruptions, which included the targeting of light-rails and the blocking of roads. In the Midwest, Indiana is trying to pass two laws aimed at attacking immigrants as well. The first is SB-590, which is a direct copy of SB-1070 in Arizona, the other is a law that blocks tuition grants to “illegal aliens.” Revolutionaries have launched a series of actions aimed at building resistance to the law and generalizing revolt around the tension the bill will most likely provoke. This includes running a website at: stopsb590. and the creation of literature (in English and in Spanish) that helps dispel myths that immigrants will ‘steal jobs,’ etc. Revolutionaries have also pushed for the creation of general assemblies and mass meetings of people to talk about the situation and what is to be done. Out of these meetings, large marches and the strategic occupation of space for the purpose of distributing inFTTP #11 - Levantate! - Pg. 71 formation around the proposed bill have been organized. One such occupation took place for several days in a college cafeteria, and created a space for people to talk about the new purposed law and how to fight it. Hopefully as resistance heats up against this law, more people that have already made connections with each other will have a more radical starting point than the political groveling that we assume will take place on the Left. ration. We must draw the connections between new class antagonisms and deception methods done by the ruling class, and the obstacles before the migrant struggle. This can be done by connecting or intervening with battles such as tuition increases targeting poor students or cutting off reproductive services, and preventing them from becoming isolated struggles, or exposing them for the repressive measures directed at American's proletariat that they are. Anarchists in the North West, or Tacoma, Washington in particular, have also done much in recent years to bring attention to the existence of a detention facility in their area and its corporate owners, the GEO Group. Towards this end, anarchists and other revolutionaries have used a variety of tactics which include educational events and the distribution of information, public and mass demonstrations, and also acts of anonymous sabotage, against institutions that support and have connections with the facility. This campaign against the GEO Group has also moved outside of just Tacoma, with many other militants taking action against various banks and institutions which economically support detention facilities. Anarchists in the North West, have also helped to popularize 'noise demos' (See the Building Dangerous Bonds article in this issue) in the United States, both outside of local jails and detention facilities. These actions bring together not only revolutionaries, but also people with family members and friends locked inside; creating a space where people can come together and support those inside, and establish a public face of resistance to the horrors of prison. Lastly, we must also struggle against elements attempting to police and manage these struggles for the sake of securing their own power over the direction they take (Authoritarian Leftist groups or NGOs being two examples for immigrants and their alleged allies, or Fascist and Nationalist front groups for the anti-immigration movement being another ). These groups will continue to divide and weaken the strengths that can arise from working class unity. Further encouraging demands that are designed to appeal to the democratic state. Whatever strategy we utilize in pushing these social tensions forward in a desirable direction for Anarchists or anti-authoritarians, it must move forward as a proletarian struggle, not a democratic one. Immigration and border politics are going to remain a hot-button issue – especially as the economic crisis gets worse. As revolutionaries, we will have several tasks. First and foremost, as I said, we must confront and attack the idea being put forth by the anti-immigrant movement that migrant workers hurt working class people in the US. We must physically disrupt and hinder groups such as the Minutemen and the National Socialist Movement, while they take new steps to enter American politics, and exploit these heightening social divisions. We also have to find ways of drawing the line in the sand for working class white people; on one side being working class solidarity, on the other being cross-class collabo- Blood is boiling. It’s time to break the ICE. *Picture above of migrant detainees awaiting processing in one of Arizona’s ICE “tent prisons”. FTTP #11 - Levantate! - Pg. 72 Wake Up Find Each other Links Angry News From Around the World sysiphusangrynewsfromaroundtheworld. Intercontinental cry: indigenous struggle LibCom In Book Form 325 Til It Breaks This is Our Job Act for Freedom Now! Burnt Book Mobile Survival: The Movement for Tribal Peoples Fires Never Extinguished Continual War Modesto Anarcho War on Society Social Rupture Feral Revolution By Feral Faun (Read online for free at At Daggers Drawn Available from Eberhardt Press Anything Can Happen By Fredy Perlman Grassroots Political Militants From “Mute” Magazine The Coming Insurrection By the Invisible Committee The Many Headed Hydra By Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker Society of the Spectacle By Guy Debord FTTP #11 - Wake Up//Find Eachother - Pg. 73 "I do not dream of a gentle revolution. My passion runs to the violence of supersession, the ferocity of a life that renounces nothing." -Raoul Vaneigem BOOM What is your breaking point? FTTP: A North American Insurrectionary Quarterly