FL DOC Crim. Investigation re Guards Furnishing Cell Phones to Prisoners IG's Office 2014
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Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION Case# 13-14646 PLN.Supp.Disc.001947 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL CASE SUMMARY REPORT Table of Contents h AUTHORITY 4 !h METHODOLOGY 4 JJI. ANALYSIS 4 IV. DEFINITIONS 5 V. PREDICATE 6 ~ SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE FINDINGS 6 -·~ VII. CHARGES 6 VIII. CONCLUSION 7 Report#-13-14646/11 Page 2 of 10 PLN.Supp.Disc.001948 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL CASE SUMMARY REPORT Case Number: 13-14646 Inspector: Senior Inspector Aubrey Land Date Assigned or Initiated: 01-02-2014 Correctional Officer Johnnie Young and Sergeant Complaint Against: Tom Pierce Location of Incident -Institution/Facility/Office: Hamilton Correctional Institution Complainant: Senior Inspector Aubrey Land Use of Force Number: PREANumber: Classification of Incident: (Improper conduct) Confidential Medical Information Included: Yes X - No Whistle-Blower Investigation: Yes -- No Equal Employment Opportunity Investigation: Yes X - No X Chief Inspector General Case Number: Report#- 13-14646/11 Page 3 of10 PLN.Supp.Disc.001949 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL CASE SUMMARY REPORT I. AUTHORITY The Florida Department of Corrections, Office of the Inspector General, by designation of the Secretary and § 944.31, Florida Statutes, is authorized to conduct any criminal investigation that occurs on property owned or leased by the department or involves matters over which the department has jurisdiction. The testimony references included in this report are summations of oral or written statements provided to inspectors. Statements contained herein do not necessarily represent complete or certified transcribed testimony, except as noted. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, all interviews with witnesses, complainants, and subjects were audio or video recorded. II. METHODOLOGY The investigation reviewed the derivations of the allegation advanced by the complainant. The scope of this investigation does not seek to specifically address tort(s), but violations of criminal statutes. The criterion used to evaluate each contention or allegation was limited to the following standard of analysis: 1. Did the subject's action or behavior violate Florida criminal statutes? Ill. ANALYSIS The standard and analysis in this investigation is predicated with the burden of proving any violation of law, established by probable cause. The evidence considered for analysis is confined to the facts and allegations stated or reasonably implied. The actions or behavior of the subject are presumed to be lawful and in compliance with the applicable Florida law, unless probable cause indicates the contrary. Report# - 13-14646/11 Page 4 of 10 PLN.Supp.Disc.001950 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL CASE SUMMARY REPORT IV. DEFINITIONS Unfounded: Refers to a disposition of a criminal case for which probable cause does not exist to suggest the suspect's behavior or action occurred nor is an arrest or formal charge being initiated. Closed by Arrest: Refers to a disposition of a criminal case for which probable cause exists that an identified subject committed the offense and one for which an arrest or formal prosecution has been initiated. Exceptionally Cleared: Refers to a disposition of a criminal case for which probable cause exists that an identified suspect committed the offense, but one for which an arrest or formal charge is not initiated, or in the case of a death investigation, one for which no evidence exists that the death was the result of a crime or neglect. Open-Inactive: Refers to a disposition of a crimina I case for which a criminal investigation commenced, but where evidence is insufficient to close as unfounded, closed by arrest, or exceptionally cleared. Report#~ 13-14646/11 Page 5 of 10 PLN.Supp.Disc.001951 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL CASE SUMMARY REPORT v. PREDICATE On December 21, 2013 at approximately 5:00pm, Officer William Smith reports conducting a security check in G-dormitory, wing one. During the security check, Officer Smith approached cell 1217 and observed a sheet hanging from the door. Officer Smith pulled the sheet down from the door way and observed Inmate David Shelby, DC# 274254 sitting on the toilet talking on a cell phone. Officer Smith ordered Inmate Shelby to surrender the cell phone and submit to hand-restraints. Inmate Shelby complied with orders and Officer Smith confiscated the cell phone and placed hand-restraints on him. The cellular phone is described as a black and gray flip style Verizon phone with camera capabilities. During further investigation, Inmate Shelby completed a written statement alleging he gave Sergeant T. Pierce $300.00 via a green-dot money transfer for the phone which was later delivered to him by an inmate known only by the nickname of, "Sandman." This information was reported in MINS 530432 on December 21, 2013, and assigned to Senior Inspector Aubrey Land for criminal investigation. NARRATIVE: VI. SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE FINDINGS Based on the exhibits, witnesses' testimony, subject officer's statements, and the record as a whole, presented or available to the primary inspector, the following findings of facts were determin.ed: This inspector began an investigation into allegations of correctional staff at Hamilton Correctional Institution (HC£) introducing illicit contraband; cigarettes, tobacco, cell phone, and narcotics into the secure perimeter of HCI in exchange for monetary reward. This inspector, together with other Inspectors have conducted several sworn interviews of inmate offenders and civilians, which furthered the investigation and supported the issuance of subpoenas for money wire transfers, and phone and banking records. Within the four corners of this inspector's affidavit. it is documented, a portion of the information so discovered against two of the conspirators which reveals probable cause to believe defendants, Johnnie Young and Tom Pierce, both correctional officers at HCI at the time of the criminal acts, knowingly and willfully diverted monies, financial transactions, wire transfers and other exchanges of currency, to further a criminal enterprise with the intent to elude detection contrary to §898.101(1). The purpose of the criminal enterprise was to introduce contraband into HCI. During sworn interviews with inmate conspirators, this inspector was advised of several such payments were utilized via Green-dot money transfers, and applied to pre-paid debit cards owned or possessed by Sergeant Pierce. The investigation further uncovered evidence suggesting Officer Young utilized her Report#- 13-14646/11 Page 6 of 10 PLN.Supp.Disc.001952 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL CASE SUMMARY REPORT known P.O. Box identified as 529, White Springs, Florida 32096, for receiving both contraband and financial transactions in the form U.S. Currency and Green-dot money packs. It was based on this information; this inspector requested and was issued subpoenas for prepaid debit card transactions in the names of Johnnie Young and Tom Pierce. Upon receiving one of the requested documents, this inspector discovered both defendants had obtained Green-dot bank cards and were receiving alarming Further supporting this inspector's belief, these amounts of deposits which were suspicious. transactions caused Green-dot bank to suspend both cards, as well as the account holders from conducting further business with the financial institution months prior to the issuance of the subpoenas, noting unusual cash loading activities on these cards. This inspector discovered a cell phone had been confiscated from Inmate Douglas Gilding. A search of the phone identified text messages had been exchanged between Inmate Gilding's phone and the known phone number belonging to Officer Young. Said communications are a violation of§ 944.47{1){A}{1). During a sworn interview of Inmate Gilding, he provided testimony alleging to have directed his girffriend, Brandy Orr to send the phone discovered in his possession to P.O. Box 529, White Springs, Florida 32096, together with other items of illicit contraband and a $500.00 Green-dot money pack to be paid for the introduction of the items. Inmate Gilding testified, after the phone and other items were mailed to the White Springs address, Inmate Randall Grice met with Sergeant Pierce and received the items. This inspector conducted a sworn interview with Ms. Orr who provided testimony supporting Inmate Gilding's testimony. Additionally, Ms. Orr provided this inspector with receipts for Green-dot money packs which were provided as payment for the introduction of the contraband. Additionally, Ms. Orr was shown the phone discovered in Inmate Gilding's possession and identified H: as being consistent with one of the phones she mailed to the White Springs address. Said introduction of cellular devices are a violation of§ 944.47(1)(A)(6). During an interview of Inmate Randall Grice, he testified he was involved in the introduction of contraband from correctional staff at HCI. According to Inmate Grice, the staff members involved were; Sergeant Pierce and Officers Young and Smith (believed to be former officer; Frank Smith). Inmate Grice began obtaining contraband from the staff in July 2013 and continued until November 2013. During this time, Inmate Grice paid Sergeant Pierce thousands of dollars, mostly by providing Green-dot money packs as payment. Inmate Grice was in direct contact with Sergeant Pierce and would take orders for contraband from other inmates who obtained the Green-dot transaction codes from family and friends. Once the money was confirmed, Sergeant Pierce would load the money onto his prepaid card and exchange the requested contraband. Report#-13-14646111 Page 7 of 10 PLN.Supp.Disc.001953 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL CASE SUMMARY REPORT Inmate Grice identified the contraband items he received from Sergeant Pierce as: tobacco, K*2 spice, cell phones, and Creatine supplements. Sergeant Pierce would sell small flip style phones and tobacco items on demand, but if someone wanted a smart phone or particular items, they would be mailed to P.0. Box 529, White Springs, Florida 32096. Once the mailing was confirmed, Inmate Grice would text a message to (386) 234-0449, advising a package had been sent Inmate Grice always attached a signature to the text, "M.O.B." and the response would contain a signature of, "Self truth." Inmate Grice claims he did not know who he was texting until Sergeant Pierce directed him to go to Officer Young's dormitory to retrieve a paint bucket After obtaining the item, Officer Young responded, "So, M.O.B. huh?" Inmate Grice relied, "yes," Officer Young responded, uSelf Truth is better." Inmate Grice then knew Officer Young was the person he had been communicating with via text messages. When asked, Inmate Grice denied having ever purchased any items directly from Officer Young. Additionally, no further information was provided concerning Officer Smith. In addition to the above testimony, This inspector discovered two payments from family members of inmates housed at HCI to accounts payable to Johnnie Young in violation of§ 838.16. During post arrest, post Miranda interview with Officer Johnnie Young she admitted to receiving all the money deposited on her Green·dot prepaid card· from inmates under her supervision in agreement to introduce contraband into Hamilton Correctional Institution. Additionally Officer Young admitted to receiving illicit contraband from persons related to inmates. During post arrest, post IVIiranda interview with Sergeant Pierce he admitted to receiving Green-dot money transactions from inmates under his supervision in exchange for introducing contraband cigarette into Hamilton CorrectionallnsUtution. Based on the above findings, this inspector finds reason to and does believe Officer Young and Sergeant Pierce have violated the laws of the State of Florida, as listed above. VII. CHARGES List alleged violations of Florida Law: 1. Violation of§ 944.47(1)(A) Florida Statutes, Introduction of Contraband. § 944.47(1)(A) Florida Statutes, Except through regular channels as authorized by the officer in charge of the correctional institution, it is unlawful to introduce into or upon the grounds of any state correctional institution, or to take or attempt to take or send or attempt to send therefrom, Report# - 13-14646/11 Page 8 of 10 PLN.Supp.Disc.001954 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL CASE SUMMARY REPORT any of the following articles which are hereby declared to be contraband for the purposes of this section. 2. Violation of§ 896.101(3)(A} Florida Statutes, Money Laundering § 896.101(3}(A), Florida Statutes, Knowing that the property involved in a financial transaction represents the proceeds of some form of unlawful activity, to conduct or attempt to conduct such a financial transaction which in fact involves the proceeds of specified unlawful activity: 3. Violation of§ 838.016 (1) Florida Statutes, Unlawful Compensation § 838.016 (1} Florida Statutes It is unlawful for any person corruptly to give, offer, or promise to any public servant, or, if a public servant, corruptly to request, solicit, accept, or agree to accept, any pecuniary or other benefit not authorized by law, for the past, present, or future performance, nonperformance, or violation of any act or omission which the person believes to have been, or the public servant represents as having been, either within the official discretion of the public servant, in violation of a public duty, or in performance of a public duty. Nothing herein shall be construed to preclude a public servant from accepting rewards for services performed in apprehending any criminal. 4. Violation of§ 947.47(1)(A}(1} Florida Statutes, Unlawful Removal of Written Communications. § 947.47(1)(A}(1) Florida Statutes, Any written or recorded communication or any currency or coin given or transmitted, or intended to be given or transmitted, to any inmate of any state correctional institution. VIII. CONCLUSION Based on the information gathered during this investigation, it is the recommendation of Senior Inspector Aubrey Land the allegation against Officer Johnnie Young a Correctional Officer acting in her offtcial position as a public servant did on or about the 1st day of July 2013 and continuing through the 3oth day of November 2013, in Hamilton County, Florida, then and there unlawfully conspire with Inmates to introduce contraband into the secure perimeter of Hamilton Correctional Institution, contrary to Florida Statute 944.47(1)(a). be termed as follows: 1. (Closed by Arrest) Based on the information gathered during this investigation, it is the recommendation of Senior Inspector Aubrey Land the allegation against Officer Johnnie Young a Correctional Officer acting in her official position as a public servant did on or about the 1st day of July 2013 and continuing through the 3oth day of November 2013, in Hamilton County, Florida, did then and there unlawfully act with Inmates and with Report#-13-14646/11 Page 9 of 10 PLN.Supp.Disc.001955 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL CASE SUMMARY REPORT Civilian Brandy Orr to transfer U.S. Currency via wire transfers utilizing Green-dot money transfers contrary to Florida Statute 896.1 01 (3). be termed as follows: 1. (Closed by Arrest) Based on the information gathered during this investigation, it is the recommendation of Senior Inspector her Aubrey Land the allegation against Officer Johnnie Young a Correctional Officer acting in official position as a public servant did on the 1st day of July 2013 and continuing through the 3oth day of November 2013, Florida, unlawfully receive compensation with intent to commit unlawful acts contrary to Florida Statute 838.016(1). be termed as follows: 1. (Closed by Arrest) Based on the information gathered during this investigation, it is the recommendation of Senior Inspector Aubrey Land the allegation against Officer Johnnie Young a Correctional Officer assigned to Hamilton Correctional Institution did on the 19th day of January 2014, in Hamilton County, Florida, unlawfully send and receive electronic text messages both to and remove Inmate Douglas Gilding an inmate housed within Hamilton Correctional Institution who was in possession of and using an iiUcit cellular phone to communicate with Defendant Johnnie Young contrary to Florida Statute 944.47 (1)(A)(1). be termed as follows: 1. (Closed by Arrest) Based on the information gathered during this investigation, it is the recommendation of Senior Inspector Aubrey Land the allegation against Sergeant Tom Pierce a Correctional Officer acting in his official position as a public servant did on or about the 1st day of July 2013 and continuing through the 3oth day of November 2013, in Hamilton County, Florida, then and there unlawfully conspire with Inmates to introduce contraband Into the secure perimeter of Hamilton Correctional Institution, contrary to Florida Statute 944.47(1)(a). be termed as follows: 2. (Closed by Arrest) Based on the information gathered during this investigation, it is the recommendation of Senior Inspector Aubrey Land the allegation against Sergeant Tom Pierce a Correctional Officer acting in his official position as a public servant did on or about the 1st day of July 2013 and continuing through the 3oth day of November 2013, in Hamilton County, Florida, did then and there unlawfully act with Inmates to transfer Report# -13-14646/11 Page 10 of 10 PLN.Supp.Disc.001956 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL CASE SUMMARY REPORT U.S. Currency via wire transfers utilizing Green-dot money transfers contrary to Florida Statute 896.101(3). be termed as follows: 2. (Closed by Arrest) Based on the information gathered during this investigation, it is the recommendation of Senior Inspector Aubrey Land the allegation against Sergeant Tom Pierce a Correctional Officer acting in his official position as a public servant did on the 1st day of July 2013 and continuing through the 3oth day of November 2013, Florida, unlawfully receive compensation with intent to commit unlawful acts contrary to Florida Statute 838.016{1). be termed as follows: 2. (Closed by Arrest) Report#-13~14646/11 Page 11 of 10 PLN.Supp.Disc.001957 1-J\, ::;\0 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS l" C) ·- ' LITERATURE REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION FORM fTl-1 xo ,-.,::X:l ;:::o ·- :-:~r -: r -< TITLE: r= c r'1 .. c;-, - ~~ ~ : AUTHOR I EDITOR I ISSUE: r·· RECOMMENDATION: STG UNIT, re gang content, etc. _ __ REJECTION OTHER: _________________ _ ___ REJECTION :;:o ,..._, - r- rn ('") --.J rn :x;... 0 ' tJP APPROVAL _ _____ APPROVAL INSTITUTION~MP MENT ACTION IS' AFFIRMED _ _ _ OVERTURNED AFFIRMED _ _ _ _ OVERTURNED ~"-.-AFFIRMED _ _ _ _ OVERTURNED SECURITY OPERATIONS 1 GRIEVANCE APPEALS UBRARY SERVICES COMMITTEE DECISON: ::000 ·, ~'a/{d& ·~4fL/ ADVISORY OPINIONS COMMITTEE REVIEW. .... ::li: 3M U'~L RULE AUTHORITY CITED FOR IMPOUNDMENT: IMPOUNDED AT: __.. INSTITUTIONAL IMPZMENT ACTION IS' AFFIRMED IF AFFIRMED, RULE AUTHORITY: 3L _____ OVERTURNED 3tv\ SPECIAL COMMENTS OR NOTES : MEETING DATE PLN.Supp.Disc.001958 NOTICE OF REJECTION OR IMPOUNDMENT OF PUBLICATIONS B1118 1124/2014 Date: Inmate: TERRELL,DARRIUS Institution: DC# D04550 SANTA ROSA CORRECTIONAL INSTUTITION This letter is notice that the following publication: Title: BLACK MEN Volume/Issue/Edition: APRIL 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------------Which was received on the following date: l/24/14 ------------------------------------------------------From: PO BOX 9863 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33310 Has been reviewed by an authorized employee, and: D D IS IMPOUNDED pending review by the Department's Literature Review Committee, per Section (10) ofRule 33-501.401 F.A.C. The Warden believes that this inmate's prior criminal history or disciplinary record indicates that giving him or her access to subject matter in this publication would constitute a threat to the security, order or rehabilitative objectives of the correctional system or the safety of any person. (Specify) : D IS REJECTED and may not be received by inmates. The Department's Literature Review Committee has reviewed the publication and determined that it contains subject matter that is inadmissible per Section (3) of Rule 33-501.401 F.A.C., Admissible Reading Material; D IS REJECTED for reasons no.t related to subject matter. (Specify): Criteria in Section (3) of Rule 33-501.401 F.A.C., Admissible Reading Material, that authorizes REJECTION of the publication due to subject matter: D D D D D D D D D (3)(a) (3)(b) (3Xc) (3)(d) or It depicts or describes procedw·es for the construction of or use of weapons, ammunitions, bombs, chemical ag.:nts, or incendiaty devices; It depicts, encourages, or describes methods of escape from con·ectional facilities or contains blueprints, drawings or similar descriptions of Department of Corrections facilities or institutions, or includes road maps that can facilitate escape frpm correctional facilities; It depicts or describes procedures for the brewing of alcoholic beverages, or the manufacture of drugs or other intoxicants; It is written in code or is othetwise written in a manner that is not reasonably subject to interpretation by staff as to meaning or intent; (3Xe) It depicts, describes or encourages activities which may lead to the use of physical violence or group disruption; OX f) (3)(g) It encourages or instructs in the commission of criminal activity; [t is dangerously inflammatory in that it advocates or encourages riot, insutTection, disruption of the institution, violation of department or institution rules; It threatens physical hann, blackmail or extortion; (3Xh) (3Xi) ~ (3X,j) D (3 )(k) It depicts sexual conduct as follows : ( 1.) Actual or simulated sexual intercourse; (2.) Sexual bestiality; (3.) Masturbation; (4.) Sadomasochistic abuse; (5.) Actual lewd exhibition of the genitals; (6.) Actual physical contact with a person's unclothed genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or, if such person is a female, breast with the intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of either party; (7.) Any act or conduct which constitutes sexual battery or simulates that sexual battery is being or will be committed. It depicts nudity in such a way as to create the appearance that sexual condUct ts imminent, i.e., display of contact or intended contact with a person'sllllclothed genitals, pubic area. buttockS or female breasts orally, digitally or by foreign object, or display of sexual organs in an aroused llt3te. It contains criminal history, otTender registration, or other personal information about another inmate or offender, wh ich. in the hands of an inmate, presents a tlu·eat to the secutity, order or rehabilitative objectives of the correctional syst.:m or to the safety of any person; DCS-101 (Effective 6/16/09) (Revised 12/9111) Page 1 of2 Incorporated by Reference in Rule 33-501.401, F.A.C . PLN.Supp.Disc.001959 (3)(1) It contains an advertisement promoting any of.the following where the advertisement is the focus or; rather than being incidental to, the. publication or the advertising is prominent or prevalent throughout the publication: ( 1.) lbree-way calling services; (2.) Pen pal services; (3.) The purchase of products or services with postage stamps; or (4.) Conducting a business or profession while incarcerated. (3Xm) It otherwise presents a threat to the security, good order, or discipline of the correctional system or the safety of any person. If the publication was IMPOUNDED per criteria established in Section (3) of Rule 33-501.40 I F .A. C., the following details the specific written or pictorial matter that is believed to be inadmissible, and lists the page numbers in the publication where it is found: PG'S 17,37, GANG SIGNS PG 106 SEXUALCONDUCTWITHBREAST Inmates may obtain further administrative review of a publication rejected for reasons not relating to subject matter by submitting an informal grievance on Form DC6-236, Inmate Request, as prescribed by Rule 33-103.005 F.A.C. A copy of this Form DC5l 0 l, Notice of Rejection or Impoundment of Publications, must be attached to the informal grievance. Inmates may obtain further administrative review of a publication that was impounded or rejected due to subject matter per Sections (3) or (10) of Rule 33-501.401 F.A.C. by obtaining Form DCl-303, Request for Administrative Remedy or Appeal, completing the form, attaching a copy of this Form DC 5-10 I, Notice of Rejection or Impoundment of Publications, and forwarding the complaint to the Bureau of Inmate Grievance Appeals, 50 I South Calhoun Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500. The complaint must be filed within 15 days from the date of impoundment or rejection. · Iiunates are advised that this impounded or rejected publication shall be held at the institution for 30 days. Inmates must make arrangements to have the publication picked up by an approved visitor or mailed to a relative. friend or the sender at the inmate's expense within 30 days or it shall be discarded or destroyed. The 30 day time period shall not include any time during which an appeal or grievance proceeding is pending. provided the inmate gives the Warden written notice of the appeal within 15 calendar days. The written notice must be submitted on form DC6-236. Inmate Request. The written notice must clearly identify the inmate by committed name and DC#. must specifically identify the title of the publication to include volume or issue if applicable, and must state that the inmate intends to appeal the impoundment or rejection decision to the Office of the Secretarv. Senders are advised that when a publication is impounded or rejected because it contains written or pictorial matter that is inadmissible pursuant to the criteria established in Section (3) of Rule 33-501.40 l F.A.C, the impoundment or rejection shall be immediately applied in all major institutions, work camps, road prisons, and forestry camps of the Florida Department of Corrections. However, senders may appeal an institution's decision to impound or reject reading materials by writing the Department's Library Services Administrator within 15 days of receipt of the notice of impoundment or rejection. The appeal must include a copy of this form. Sender appeals are to be mailed to the following address: Department of Corrections, ATTN: Library Services Administrator, 501 South Calhoun Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-.2500. JAN 28 Authorized Employee DATE MAILED TO SENDER: cc: Library Services Administrator; Sender DEPARTMENT USE ONLY. Impounded publications approved by Literature Review Committee or per grievance appeal: RECEIVED BY: Inmate Signature Date DC 5-10 I (Effective 6/16/09) (Revised 12/9111) Page 2 of 2 Incorporated by Reference in Rule 33-501.40 I, F.A.C. PLN.Supp.Disc.001960 ... ~~~~ ~11"1' • 1 •1 ·' 1'••' •nl• "' #BXNl'!HKG .. "' "" "" """" ".,.""" "Cii.P..-RT LOT" "R041 #00000000~1992702~ No:JBM4199210 BAL:O Dj).F.F.IUS 'fERRELL D045SG :3P.NTP· ROS~. 1060 P-1. Pll6 CORR INST 5850 E lH.l..'rON F.D FL 3256"3-7914 MILTON - ~-·-· PLN.Supp.Disc.001961 PLN.Supp.Disc.001962 ·' ·' PLN.Supp.Disc.001963 ivad me r:......u· ....,_ . I magine working ten plus years towards your dream only to see it be mismanaged several times along the way. Memphis' own Yo Gotti knows thar position qll too well. After becoming one of the most acclaimed rappers in the south, Gotti finally gets his much deserved chance at a national spotlight with a recording and distribution deal with Epic Records. His time is now and he is making the most of every hour. Black Men magazine caught up with the selfproclaimed "King Of M Town" to discuss his new album, I Am, Memphis and the hustle of a lifetime. What's your vision for your label CMG Records? Of course I just released my album, f Am. which was the first project under that partnership. Right now, I just signed an artist called Snootie; he's one of the hottest artists coming out of the south right now. He got a big song called "Yayo." Basically. we are just trying to build an empire. man. We're looking for new talent. the right talent, really. What other types of business interest you in terms of diversifying your earnings and profit channels? Yeah, I do a lot of real estate. I own a Jot of commercial and residential properties in Memphis. I'm trying to buy half the town. Anythi ng that flips money. that is positive, . He Is The ) HusUe '\ . I Black Men Magazine: Your come up hasn't been an easy one. What has the entire journey taught you? Yo Gotti: I did a couple of [record] deals that didn't pan out the way l wanted them to pan out. I don't regret anything because those situations made me the man who l am today. The way l do business today, the way I invest in myself, my o wn money, my own :;;taff is part of what molded me in this space. You got to stay focused and dedicated. You get what you put in. The hard work will determine what you benefit. '• I'm with it. I've also invested in some other peoples' businesses, so I'm also an investor. Memphis is such a historic city, what can you tell us about the nightlife? You have to go to Pure Passion [strip club] on Monday nights if you <vant to check out the female prospects. We got a couple more clubs out here. likd A-Game [Restaurant Bar] that's a cool spot to go to. And we got this new spot called Prive. In terms of food if you come to Memphis you have to eat some soul food or barbeque. I think we got the best barbeque out there. Me, personally, l suggest sorrieone's house [laughs]. But, anywhere you go the barbeque is going to be on point. What can we expect from Yo Gotti in 2014? To keep grinding and turn it up a notch. We are shooting the videos for "Cold Blood" with J. Cole and ''F-U" with Meek Mill. So, we're still promoting the album and still pushing. · My biggest hustle thus far is music. but l just feel like as long as I am free, and I can walk and talk and see things, I am my own business. I will figure out how to get money and how to win. As long I am here I am the hustle. Bl Arv---- PLN.Supp.Disc.001964 '. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ~~~ LITERATURE REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION FORM -... P' C)-' ,..,;z:o ..... ..,., fTl:::O :;oX TITLE: ~ ;pf"' r--<rcc r"l N 0) ~-. ::.,. ~: ~ r:::· L(} : ... ~ AUTHOR I EDITOR I ISSUE: : -::. c -~ n_,.,l r"l __ 3L RULE AUTHORITY CITED FOR IMPOUNDMENT: "'0 :X ~ ?J rn (") PI < {il ~ 0 c..:> (/)("", ;-T1 IMPOUNDED AT: ADVISORY OPINIONS RECOMMENDATION: STG UNIT, re.gang content, etc. _ _ _ REJECTION _ _ _ APPROVAL OTHER: _______________ _ _ _ REJECTION _ COMMITTEE REVIEW. INSTITUTION IMPOUNDMENT ACTION IS: ?_2 SECURITY OPERATIONS AFFIRMED _ _ _ OVERTURNED AFFIRMED _ _ _ OVERTURNED bAM_. AFFIRMED OVERTURNED <6Yf1 GRIEVANCE APPEALS LIBRARY SERVICES COMMITTEE DECISON: ____ APPROVAL INSTITUTIONAL IMPOUNjlMENT ACTION IS: __V ___ AFFIRMED 3l IF AFFIRMED, RULE AUTHORITY: OVERTURNED 3M SPECIAL COMMENTS OR NOTES: .~ MEETING DATE PLN.Supp.Disc.001965 ~,__.J' NOTICE OF REJECTION OR IMPOUNDMENT OF PUBLICATIONS 02112/2014 Date: Inmate: Jonathan Anderson Institution: DC# 064412 ( Lll24) FSP --~----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This letter is notice that the following publication: Title: Black & Pink Volume/Issue/Edition: February 2014 Newspaper Which was received on the following date: _2_/_1_2/_2......0_1_4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ From: Black & Pink 614 Columbia Rd Dorchester, MA 02125 Has been reviewed by an authorized employee, and: D IS IMPOUNDED pending review by the Department's Literature Review Committee, because another institution believes that the publication may contain subject matter that is inadmissible per Section (3) of Rule 33-501.40 I F.A .C. IS IMPOUNDED pending review by the Department 's Literature Review Committee, because the Warden or designee believes that the publication may contain subject matter that is inadmissible per Section (3) of Rule 33-501.40 I F.A.C. D IS IMPOUNDED pending review by the Department's Literature Review Committee, per Section ( l 0) of Rule 33-501.40 I F.A.C. The Warden believes that this inmate's prior criminal history or disciplinary record indicates that giving him or her access to subject matter in this publication would constitute a threat to the security, order or rehabilitative objectives of the correctional system or the safety of any person . (Specify): D IS REJECTED and may not be received by inmates. The Department's Literature Review Committee has reviewed the publication and determined that it contains subject matter that is inadmissible per Section (3) of Rule 33-501.40 I F.A .C., Admissible Reading Material; D IS REJECTED for reasons not related to subject matter. (Specify): Criteria in Section (3) of Rule 33-501.40 I F.A.C., Admissible Reading Material, that authorizes IMPOUNDMENT or REJECTION of the publication due to subject matter: D D D 0 D D D D D D D (3)(a) It depicts or describes procedures for the construction of or use of weapons, ammunitions, bombs, chemical agents, or incendiary devices; (J)(b) ll depicts, encourages, or describes methods of escape from correctional facilities or contains blueprints, drawin gs or si milar descriptions of Department of Corrections faciliti es or institutions, or includes road maps that can facilitate escape from correctional facilities ; (J)(c) It depicts or describes procedures for the brewing of alcoholic beverages, or the manufacture of drugs or other intoxicants; (3)(d) It is written in code or is otherwise written in a manner that is not reasonably subject to interpretation by staff as to meaning or intent; (3)(e) It depi cts, describes or encourages activities which may lead to the use of physical violence or group disruption ; (3)(f) It encourages or instructs in the commission of criminal activity; (3)(g) lt is dangerously inflammatory in that it advocates or encourages riot, insurrection, disruption of the institution, violation of department or institution rules; (J)(h) II threatens physical harm, blackmail or extortion; (3)(i) ll depicts sex ual conduct as follows: (l.) Actual or simul ated sexual intercourse; (2.) Sexual bestiality; (3 .) Masturbation; (4.) Sadomasochistic abuse; (5.) Actual lewd exhibition of the genitals; (6.) Actual physical contact with a person's unclothed genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or, if such person is a female, breast with the intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of either party; (7 .) Any act or conduct which constitutes sexual battery or simulates that sexual battery is being or will be committed. (3)(j) It depicts nudity in such a way as to create the appearance that sexual conduct is imminent, i.e., display of contact or intended contact with a person's unclothed genitals, pubic area, buttocks or female breasts orally, digitally or by foreign object, or display of sexual organs in an aroused state. (3)(k) It contains criminal history, offender registration, or other personal information about another inmate or offender, which, in the hands of an inmate, presents a threat to the security , order or rehabilitative objectives of the correctional system or to the safety of any person ; DCS-101 (Effective6/16/09)(Revised 12/9/ 11) Page I of2 Incorporated by Reference in Rule 33-501.40 I, F.A.C. PLN.Supp.Disc.001966 ,. D (3)(1) It contains an adverti sement promoting any of the following where the advertisement is the focus of, rath er than being incidental to, the publication or the advertising is prominent or prevalent throughout the publication : ( 1.) Three-way calling services; (2.) Pen pal services; (3.) The purchase of products or servi ces with postage stamps; or (4.) Conducting a bu siness or profession while incarcerated. (3)(m) It otherwi se presents a threat to the security, good order, or discipline of the correction al system or the safety of any person. If the publication was IMPOUNDED per criteria established in Section (3) of Rule 33-501.40 l F.A.C. , the following details the specific written or pictorial matter that is believed to be inadmissible, and lists the page numbers in the publication where it is found: PGS : Back page pen-pal also pay with stamps Black& Pink February 2014 Newspaper Inmates may obtain further administrative review of a publication rejected for reasons not relating to subject matter by submitting an informal grievance on Form DC6-236, Inmate Request, as prescribed by Rule 33-103 .005 F.A.C. A copy of this Form DC 5I 0 I, Notice of Rejection or Impoundment of Publications, must be attached to the informal grievance. Inmates may obtain further administrative review of a publication that was impounded or rejected due to subject matter per Sections (3) or ( l 0) of Rule 33-501.401 F.A.C. by obtaining Form DC l-303 , Request for Administrative Remedy or Appeal, completing the form, attaching a copy of this Form DC5- I 0 I, Notice of Rejection or Impoundment of Publications, and forwarding the complaint to the Bureau of Inmate Grievance Appeals, 50 I South Calhoun Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500. The complaint must be filed within 15 days from the date of impoundment or rejection . Inmates are advised that this impounded or rejected publication shal.l be held at the institution for 30 days. Inmates must make arrangements to have the publication picked up by an approved visitor or mailed to a relative. friend. or the sender at the inmate's expense within 30 days. or it shall be discarded or destroyed . The 30-day time period shall not include any time during which an appeal or grievance proceeding is pending, provided the inmate gives the Warden written notice of the appeal within 15 calendar days . The written notice must be submitted on form DC6-236. Inmate Request. The written notice must clearly identify the inmate by committed name and DC#, must specifically identify the title of the publication to include volume or issue if applicable. and must state that the inmate intends to appeal the impoundment or rejection decision to the Office of the Secretary. Senders are advised that when a publication is impounded or rejected because it contains written or pictorial matter that is inadmissible pursuant to the criteria established in Section (3) of Rule 33-50 1.40 I F.A.C, the impoundment or rejection shal I be immediately applied in all major institutions, work camps, road prisons, and forestry camps of the Florida Department of Corrections. However, senders may appeal an institution's decision to impound or reject reading materials by writing the Department's Library Services Administrator within I 5 days of receipt of the notice of impoundment or rejection. The appeal must include a copy of this form . Sender appeals are to be mailed to the following address: Department of Corrections, ATTN: Library Services Administrator, 501 South Calhoun Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2500 . _ _ _02/ 12/2014 _ _ _ _ __ __ cc: Library Services Administrator; Sender DEPARTMENT USE ONLY. Impounded publications approved by Literature Review Committee or per grievance appeal : RECEIVED BY : Inmate Signature Date DCS-10 I (Effective 6/ 16/09) (Revised 12/9/ 11) Page 2 of 2 Incorporated by Reference in Rule 33-501.40 I, F.A.C. PLN.Supp.Disc.001967 PLN.Supp.Disc.001968 '~ \. '-... policia, los tribunales, y el sistema de prisiones en los ados Unidos acosa a gente de color, particularmente a tte negra, latin@, arabe, o indigena. Casi 1 en 3 prisioneros •Ian espai'iol como lengua materna. Queremos que nuestro i6dico sea lo mas disponible posible cualquiera persona en quiera leerh Somos una familia mas fuerte cuando ; gente nos pueden entender. Por favor, avisen a todos amigos Jesbiana, gay, bisexual, transgenero, o kuir/ !er que quisieran recibir un periodico en espaiiol que den escribir a: :k·and Pinl~- Spanish Newspaper Columbia Rd. ~hester, MA 02125 1. t' l i ~ ~- Black & Pink- STOP Subscription Pen Pal Program: LGBTQ prisoners can list their information and short non-sexual ad on the internet where free world people can see it and decide to write. There ~II be a PenPal Request Form in the Newspaper every 4 months. ; • •• ., Mail: We are several months behind in our mail. There will be a delay before we can open your letter, but keep writing! LEGAL: Consider writing to Lambda Legal for support or referrals with legal issues that you are having. "Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition Of the CiVil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work. nLambda Legal, National Office 120 Wall Street, Suite 1500, New York, NY 10005, 212-809-8585 Assistance with legal research for everyone, and preparing for disciplinary and parole hearings only for people in Massachusetts. Hotline (9am-5pm EST): 617-495-3127 By mail: Prison Legal Assistance Project, 6 Everett Street, Suite 5107, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA 02138 Another resource to turn to. if you can afford the subscription ($30 yearly, payable with new stamps), is Prison Legal News. This resource was co-started by a fon;ner gay prisoner and Men Against Sexism organizer, Ed Mead, though now it is run by Paul Wright. You can reach them by writing to: Prison Legal News, P.O. Box 1151 Lake Worth, FL 33460 (561) 360-2523 SURVIVORS: Just Detention International provides support for prisoners who are survivors of sexual abuse. Write them at the legal address below for a packet. Each packet includes an introductory letter, a list of local resources, fact sheets, publications about recovery from sexual abuse, and a letter of hope from another survivor. Cynthia Totten, Esp Just Detention International, 3325 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 340, Los Angeles, CA 90010 ....... ooc:oc-,-,.,c:u JH~I( ANnPINK.ORG PLN.Supp.Disc.001969 newspaper. However, we can accept requests from multiple people in the same envelope.-There's no need to send separate requests in more than one envelope. Search Page 1 of33 Filters Mailing Address State Quick Blo Preferred Types of Name they are for pen-pals Letters looking for Webpage Related Documents Age Gender I Sex Pronoun Sexuality Race 1 Faith Ethnlclty R· E: https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller17/prisoner-profiles/view-perma!List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6h1m1 YFgRpEqWawCGWCA1... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.001970 Zoho Creator - Prisoner Pen-Pals Troy Gaston # IL R08701, Pinckneyville Corr.; PO Box 999; Pinckneyville, IL 62274 [Address Current as of:27-Feb- 2014] I'm from Chicago's Projects Truth Page 2 of33 29 Cis man He Gay Black (Robert Taylor) I love shopping, tennis, and history. I'm a great listener and I have strong opinions. I'm very kind hearted and I love kids. I'm looking for a pen pal and news letters. I'm not into writing about how I look, I'll just send an updated picture from my graduation from computer technology in December 2010. I hope to hear from you guys some! GLB for life! Peace. https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller17/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXK.mR6hlml YFgRpEqWawCGWCAl... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.001971 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals Page 3 of33 Mailing Address State Richard Gates # 27635, Lovelock NV Quick Bio Preferred Types of Name they are for pen-pals Letters looking for Webpage Related Documents Age Gender Sex I Pronoun Sexuality Race 1 Faith Ethnlclty R• E: Correction Center; 1200 Prison Road; Lovelock. NV 89419 [Address Current as of:06·0ct·20l2] Jerome Gilson # NV https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller17/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6hlml YFgRpEqWawCGWCAI ... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.001972 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals Page 4 of33 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals Mailing Address State Quick Bio Preferred Types of Name they are pen-pals Letters looking for Webpage Related Age Documents Gender Sex I Pronoun Sexuality Faith Race I Ethnlclty R• E: Michael Glover # 10A5859, Five Points NY PLN.Supp.Disc.001973 for He Corr.; PO Box 119; Romulus, NY 14541 [Address Current as of: 17-Aug-2012] Paul Goldman # PA EZ8009, SCI Rockview; Box A; Bellefonte, PA 16823 [Address Current as of:28-Dec-2011] Michale Gonzales Sr TX # 1500707, Polunsky Unit; 3872 FM 350 South; Livingston, TX 77351 [Address Current as of:21-Jun2012] Rudy Gonzales # C28948, CSATF; PO CA Box 5242; Corcoran, CA 93212 [Address Current as of:06-0ct2012] Michael Gonzalez # 07A1844, Eastern NY I am doing 16 to life, 5 and I am transgender. I am Napanoch, NY 12458 [Address Current as of:26-Jul-2011] going through a rough time, people are so homophobic in here! Please write me. Nicolas Gonzalez # 13289685, Oregon State Penitentiary (OSP); 2605 State Street; Salem, OR 97310 [Address Current as of:09-Jul2013] Transwoman Tasha years in. My name is Tasha Corr.; Box 338; OR Ske Gordon # PCA 11002, CA Corr.; PO Box 1902; Tehachapi, CA 93581 [Address Current as of:25-Jul2012] Samantha Milishia Renee Gosha GA # 1023682, Pulaski SP; PO Box 839; Hawkinsville, GA 31036 [Address Current as of: 09-Apr2012] I have been incarcerated since age 14. I'm looking for a friend that I can count on as well as.them being able to count on me through this journey called life. Carl Goss # 191310, OK Oklahoma State Penitentiary (OSP), PO Box 97, McAlester, OK 74502 [Address Current as of:24-Apr-2011] I'm 37, 200 lbs, blue eyes, brown hair. Single, gay. I would like to hear from anyone, all letters will be answered. Stevie Grace # TX 1399419, Telford Unit; 3899 State, Hwy 98; New Boston, TX 75570 [Address Current as of: 15-Nov -2011] doesn't matter 28 Ciswoman She Bisexual Black S• Grace https://creator.zoho.cornlreedmiller17/prisoner-profiles/view-penna/List_of_Pen_ Pals/PCXKmR6hlml YFgRpEqWawCGWCAl... 3/3/2014 Page 5 of33 Mailing Address State Quick Bio Preferred Types of Name they are for pen-pals Letters Daryl Grant# B- 70411, High Desert SP (HDSP); PO Box 3030; Susanville, CA 96127 [Address Current as of:29-Mar- 2011] CA Webpage Related Documents Age Gender 1 Sex Pronoun Sexuality Race 1 Faith Ethniclty R• E: looking for I've been in Prison for many years, I have no family they died over the yea·rs etc. Anyway I'm on my own in this world I'm I'm just dealing with it & I would also like getting mail & writing back. I would appreciate it. -FriendshipI'm looking for a pen pal on the outside in California. I'm in my late 40s. Black, handsome, and build medium. I like all flavors. https :/Icreator.zoho. com/reedmiller 17/prisoner-profiles/view-perma!List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6h 1m 1YF gRpEqWawCGWCA 1... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.001974 Zoho Creator - Prisoner Pen-Pals Page 6 of33 Michael A. Gray # 58955-065, USP Coleman II- Fed.; PO Box 1034; Coleman, FL 33521 [Address Current as of:21-Feb- 2012] FL I'm a gay white male seeking a fun loving friend to share letters with. Most interested in a person that wants to write and share thoughts with. Enjoy reading writing and Jove to draw. Big Mike Someone I can be a friend with to share letters. 51 Cis man Gay White Christian https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller17/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6hlml YFgRpEqWawCGWCAl... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.001975 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals Page 7 of33 PLN.Supp.Disc.001976 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller17/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6hlml YFgRpEqWawCGWCAl ... 3/3/2014 Page 8 of33 PLN.Supp.Disc.001977 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals Darylon Green # LA 401247 ~ Louisiana State Penitentiary; ; Angola~ LA 70712 https://creator.zoho.cornlreedmillerl7/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6hlml YFgRpEqWawCGWCAl... 3/3/2014 Page 9 of33 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals State Preferred Types or Name they are ror pen-pals Letters looking ror Quick Blo Webpage Related Documents Age Gender I Sex Pronoun Sexuality Race I Faith Ethniclty R· E; PLN.Supp.Disc.001978 Mailing Address as ul-2011] TX My name is Ronald R. Green. I'm currently at allred unit in TX. I'm 39 and 6'4" tall. I like anything to do with a lake, [Address Current as swimming, fishing or just of: 19-0ct-2012] hanging out and the great outdoors, camping, 4 wheeling and motorcycling. I'm a single father of a beautiful 17 year old girl. Shariff Green # PA I am Gay looking for someone to talk to. Someone that l can add to my list of friends. To laugh and have fun with. MO Trevor Grover # Blsexual UT that can come Swizzle 26 Cisman Bisexual Black write me. Roger Travis Hammonds# TX for 00600585, Allred Unit; 2101 FM 369 North; Iowa Park, TX 76367 [Address from anyone honest and sincere. Much homophobia need with, Current as of:OS-May -2013] Ronald Hampton Jr. # 1097807, South East Corr.; 300 E. Pedro Simmons Orive; Charleston, MO 63834 [Address Current as 2014] of:OS·Jan~ MO to I am 25 years old. I am looking to meet different friends to politic about different things In lire. I am very open minded. I consider myself candid and dandy, My hobbies are traveling, cutting hair1 camping 1 fishing, and dancing. My goal is to go to college and accomplish a Bachelor's Degree ln Business Adminfstation/Management. https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller17/prisoner-profiles/view-penna/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6h1 m 1YF gRpEqWawCGWCA 1... 3/3/2014 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals State Quick Blo Preferred Types of Name they are pen-pals for Letters looking for Webpage Related Documents Age Gender 1 Sex Pronoun Sexuality Race/ Faith II! Ethniclty E: ······························-···. CA I am a 30 vear old 30 Gay TX 47 Gay NC 54 Gay just decisions. Looking for someone to write in order to share some hope, encouragement, and a few laughs. Because a day without laughter Is a day wasted. Mark Hanson # White #01094557, Montford Psychiatric Fac.; 8602 Peach Street; Lubbock, TX 79404 (Address Current as 2012) of:26~Jul~ Osman He Gay would like to correspond with whoever's interested in writing. I am a good-hearted person and love to meet new friends. Demetrius Harris # JM5958, SCI Fayette; PA I go by three names until I can choose: Lamar is the !'0 Sox 9999; LaBelle, PA 15450 more masculine part of me, Latoya is the more feminine part of met and Vauntezz is more of a "yes i'm a man but I could be all the [Address Current as of:OS-lul-2013) Latoya Transgender women and transgeoder men. Anyone rnyspace,c;orn/ishdagodd 22 Transwoman Gay Black Muslim that cares. I'm 5' PA Paul Harris # 115010, LoulsEana State Penitentiary; ; Angola 1 LA 70712 LA 1 am 42 years old from New Bisexual Or1eansj LA. llike to read, exercise and love sports football is my first love, I https://creator.zoho.com/reedmillerl7/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_oCPen_Pals/PCXK.mR6hlmlYFgRpEqWawCGWCA1 ... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.001979 Mailing Address Page 10of33 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals State Quick Bio PreferredTypes of Name they are for pen-pals Letters looking for Webpage Related Documents Age Gender I Sex Pronoun Sexuality Race 1 Faith Ethnlclty R• E: PLN.Supp.Disc.001980 Mailing Address Page 11 of33 am and prison stress. I came to prison in June 1987 for something that 1 didn't do but was prosecuted because l refused to help the police. Micheal E Hart # 59755, Lovelock Correction Center; 1200 Prison Road; NV young gay self taught artist who has lost everyone in hlsllfe. lam 6'1" long grey/brown hair1 blue eyes, 1851bs. caucasian/Native. 1 have just recently come out of the closet, so this is a new experience for me. Lovelock, NV 89419 [Address Current as of:15-Jun-2010] Johnny Hartwell # I am a very lonely 49 year NY 93A0797, Five Points Corr.; PO Box 119; Romulus, NY 14541 [Address Current as of:13-Apr-2011] Nigel Harvey # 1L R54450, IRCC; P.O. Box 999; Canton, IL 51520 [Address Current as of:25~Ap,... 2011] Bisexual Hello! I am a black male, R pounds. I am an excellent listener, compassionate and open mindedf who is interested In corresponding with st'raight, gay. bi. and trans folk. Will answer ALL replies! wv PO Box Glenville, WV !Address Current as of: 19-Feb~ , 2014] ........................................ . TX 21 David 55108 CA 1905; Cis man Latina 1 Latino R 32 93581 (Address Current as of:06·0ct2012] honest, :tful friendship with someone l can someday calt a friend. I'm speaking openly, sincerely, and from the heart with no games, lies, nor deceptiOn. https://creator.zoho.corn/reedmiller17/prisoner-pro:files/view-perma!List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXK.mR6hlml YFgRpEqWawCGWCAl ... 3/3/2014 Page 12 of33 Mailing Address State Preferred Types of Name they are pen-pals for Letters looking for Quick Bio Juan Haynes # CA P89726, CA Medical Fac. (CMF); PO Box 2000; Vacaville, CA 95696 [Address Current as of: 26-Apr2013] I like to work out every day and don't Hke about nothing going on in my life. I am real with everything I do Ronnie Haynes # 97942, Max. Security Write to me, you will not regret it. I'm fascinating! No exaggeration. I'm AR Unit; PO Box 240; Related Documents Age Gender Sex I Pronoun Sexuality Race I Faith Ethnlcity 34 Cis man Bisexual Black: 43 Clsman Bisexual Black 45 Cis man Bisexual White 44 Ciswoman Queer White Ro E: and say to anybody so I really hope you feel that because that how I am. thoughtfu~, Tucker, AR 72168 [Address Current as of:13-Nov-2012] Webpage Christian R kind, chariSmatic, channing, and graceful. Spirits are Artistic eye for loves Aaron Heffiin # CA E26068, CA Corr.; PO Box 1902; Tehachapi, CA 93581 [Address Current as of:18-Dec -2013] FL ram a bi-sexual white interested in finding that shares 1 am queer on the butch side~ I'm interested in the injustlces of the justice system1 I've been a Texas hostage for 16 years and I'm looking for real friends to share, grow, and stand together with! Jerrad Henke # 1037275, Lovelock She NV Correction Center; 1200 Prison Road; ... Lovelock, NV 89419 https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller17/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCX.KmR6hlmlYFgRpEqWawCGWCA1 ... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.001981 Zoho Creator - Prisoner Pen-Pals Mailing Address State Andrew Henley # ES- PA 2310, SCI Mahanoy; Quick Blo Hello! t•m a bisexual male. Page 13 of33 PreferredTypes of Name they are for pen-pals Letters looking for Andrew men, trans Webpage Related Documents Age 32 Gender 1 Sex Cisman Pronoun Sexuality He Race 1 Faith Ethnlclty Black R! E: PLN.Supp.Disc.001982 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals Christian 301 Morea Road; Frackville, PA 17932 [Address Current as of:15·Nov-2012] Michael A. Hernandez Fl Jr.# P31867 Ceii#P5118, Fl SP; 7819 NW 228th St.; Raiford, Fl 32026 [Address Current as of:24-Apr-2012] Daryl A. Hess # OK 262508, Oklahoma State Penitentiary (OSP); PO Box 97; McAlester, OK 74502 [Address Current as of:21-0ct·2010] Darrick Hill# 819377 t Eastham Unit; 2665 Prison Rd. #l; Lovelady~ He I'm in protective custody after being attacked for being queer. I am a new Believer in Gad. l pray I will get a person or family to Queer R correspond wlth, I welcome any caring supportive letter, and would also really like someone to write to regularly. TX TX 75851 [Address Current as of: 15-Apr2012] Jonathan Hill # CA P86443, CSP (COR); PO Box 8800; CA 93212 •• My name is Johnathan Hill; I'm a 37 year old African American and I'm just looking for someone who will help me read Jean~ Pierre Vemant's writings, NC John Hobbs # TX 1127659, Hughes Prison; Box 4400; Gatesville, TX 76597 [Address Current as of:31-Jan-2011) Edward A Hodges Jr. # G00006, Columbia Fl Corr. Facility; 216 SE Corrections Way; Lake City, FL 32025 [Address Current as of:2l-Oct-2012] · https://creator.zoho.com/reedmillerl7/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXK.mR6hlmlYFgRpEqWawCGWCA1 ... 3/3/2014 Page 14 of33 Mailing Address State Quick Bio Preferred Types of Name they are pen-pals for letters looking for Webpage Related Documents Age TX Gender I Sex Ciswornan Pronoun She Sexuality Race I Faith Ethnicity R· E: PLN.Supp.Disc.001983 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals Bisexual 28 FL TX LA Christopher Howard TX # 1434321, Clements Unit; 9601 Spur 591; Amarillo, TX 79107 [Address Current as of:15-0ct-2011] Christy Gay Reginald Howard # F- CA 62149, High Desert SP (HDSP); PO Box 3030; Susanville, CA 96127 {Address Current as of:31·0ct~ 2012] Johnae Hoyt # CA K67211- K330, Deuel Vocational Institution (DVI); PO Box 600; Tracy, CA 95378 [Address Current as of:30-Aug-2011] I'm a biracial (Puerto Rican and Black), 34 year old, strictly top, bisexual man 34 Cis man He Bisexual Mixed R from Sacramento. I would like to a few pen pals me ln doing my time. I ask for a bottom G/BI/Tv[Tg who Is caring, supportive, and non~ judgmental. Race and are unimportant, just full of patience and be emotionalty and stable. 11m Hubal# A614730, Belmont Corr.; PO Box 540; St. Clairsville, OH 43950 [Address OH Current as of:27-0ct2013] David Earl Hughes # 00350-131, USP AZ Cis man Blsexual Tuscon; Box 24550; Tucson, AZ 85734 https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller 17/prisoner-profiles/view-penna/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6h1m 1YFgRpEqWawCGWCA 1... 3/3/2014 Mailing Address John P Hu~mes # State Quick Bio Page 15 of33 Preferred Types of Name they are pen-pais for Letters looking fOr Koinz UT Webpage Related Documents I Pronoun Sexuality Age Gender Sex 23 Cisman Bisexual Transwoman Bisexual Race/ Faith Ethniclty R< E: 172954, Utah SP (USP); PO Box 250; Draper, UT 84020 [Address Current as of:20-Jun-2011j Robert Ingrum # 115119, CD Tall. feminine. verv TX looking for any penpal friendship. Also I would like to connect with like minded individuals who are in support of the movement. Wfll respond to aiL TX 33 yo, GWM, 5'8", about 10 lbs, seeking good reliable pen pal friendship. Seeking 25-35 GWM. I am former military and love water related events. CD I'm 70, GWM, looking for W Bobbie Gay 70 Cis man He Gay Whtte Bisexual Mixed ·H·A, GM'S. I'm 5'10", 165, blue eyes. I'm in very good Territorial Corr.; PO Box 1010; Caiion shape, work out daily, enjoy almost everything, sexually and socla!ly, looking and wanting a letter, with a r~l person. City, CD 81215 [Address Current as of:l9-Nov·2012] L. Ivins # T22607, Deirdre NV CA Transwoman Mule Creek SP (MCSP); PO Box 409060; lone, CA 95640 [Address Current as ·2013] of:18~Dec wmam J # 125100, Mayo Corr., 8784 US FL Hwy 27W, Mayo, DE 32066 [Address Current as of:02-0Ct2012] Idris Jackson # 1255977, McConnell TX 28 Prison; 3001 South Emily Drive; Beeville~ TX 78102 [Address Current as of: 11-De·c ·2012] https://creator.zoho.com/reedmillerl7/prisoner-profiles/view-penna/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXK.mR6hlmlYFgRpEqWawCGWCAI ... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.001984 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals Mailing Address State Quick Bio Page 16 of33 PreferredTypes of Name they are for pen·pals Letters looking for Webpage Related Documents Age Gender 1 Sex Pronoun Sexuality Race I Faith Ethnlcity R• E; MO 1X 1X John Jenkins # 210758, Mayo Corr.; 8784 US Hwy 27W; Mayo, FL 32066 (Address Current as of:2l·Mar-2012) FL Manuel Jimenez # P28283, Kern Valley SP; PO Box 5103; Delano, CA 93216 [Address Current as of:23-Apr-2013) CA Dwaine Johns # IL R06105, Pontiac Corr.; PO Box 99; Pontiac, !L 61764 [Address Current as of:25·May-2011) Anthony Johnson # 405839, Hamilton FL friendship 48 Black Annex; 10650 SW 46th Street; Jasper, FL 32052 (Address Current as of:l9-Feb- DeAndra Johnson # 0535773, Alexander Correctional NC Donald Johnson # lA Queer l'm 6'2" tall, 205 lbs., chocolate mocha skin, brown eyes, very well groomed, clean shaven, both head and face. Very solid body. God has been good, I'm a native of New Orleans, I'm stU! In court as 1 write fighting to regain my liberties of freedom. Black 38 Clsman He Bisexual https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller17/prisoner-profiles/view-penna/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6h1m1 YFgRpEqWawCGWCA1 ... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.001985 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals Mailing Address State Quick Blo Page 17 of33 PreferredTypes of Name they are tor pen-pals Letters looking for Webpage Related Age Documents Gender Sex 1 Pronoun Sexuality Race I Faith Ethnlcltv R· E: Fl Damian.. )ones...PlL...7 .08.13.pdf Damian Jones # ll R298741 Pinckneyville He Corr.; PO Box 999; Pinckneyville, IL 62274 [Address Current as of:27-Feb- 2014] Kelly Jones # 55835· NC 004, FCI Butner (Medium 1) - Fed.i PO Box 1000; Butner, NC 27509 [Address Current as of:26-Jan- 2012] Nevin Jones # 51517 PA -066, USP Canaan Fed.; PO Box 300; WayMart, PA 18472 [Address Current as of:24-Feb-2013] Timothy Jones # Fl White male, 44, versatile. 44 Gay Cis man White 107654, Tomoka Corr.; 3950 Tiger Bay Road; Daytona Beach, Fl 32124 [Address Current as of:19-Feb-2014] George A. Jordan- CA Burrell # G-45465 D1 Owl of the Wind -111L, Salinas Valley SP (SVSP); PO Box 1020; Soledad, CA 93960 [Address Current as of; 1&-Nov ·2011] Ciswoman Andrew Reid # 134373, Varner; PO Box 600; Grady, AR 71644 [Address She Lesbian AR https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller17/prisoner-profiles/view-penna/List_of_Pen_Pals!PCXKmR6hlmlYFgRpEqWawCGWCAI ... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.001986 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals State Quick Bio Preferred Types of Name they are for pen-pals Letters looking for Webpage Related Documents Age Gender 1 Sex Pronoun Sexuality Race 1 Faith Ethniclty R! E: PLN.Supp.Disc.001987 Mailing Address Page 18 of33 FL Joshua Knight # 1X 1763514, Middelton Transfer Fac.: 13055 FM 3522; Abilene, 1X 79601 [Address Current as of:20-Jul2012] MiChelle Kosilek # MA Transwoman She W53865, MCI Norfolk; PO Box 43; Norfolk, MA 02056 [Address Current as of:24-Sep-2012] Vicki Kuhn # 927037, 1X Lane Murray Unit; 1916 N. Hwy 36 Bypass; Gatesville, 1X 76596 [Address Current as of: 13~Jun2011] Chris Lahman # 1194167, Coffield Unit; 2661 FM 2054; 1X Tennessee Colony, TX 75884 [Address Current as of:24-Apr2011] ISO a sexy worn an for LTR LTR who's honest, sinc:ere, and nonMjudgemental. Race unimportant. Will answer all. I'm 5'11, 201 pounds, and very muscular. I'm a very kind good-hearted individual that's open minded and willing to help others in any way I can. I enjoy working, traveling, reading, working out, sports and I love to rook! for true I'm posslble Will lith male or Mike lress as of:Ot-Mar- with loved ones etc. I really 1f none wants one, can stay friends, just looking to settle dow 36 Cis man He Gay Mixed R Native American e 2013] Harry Langert # 04 A NY 2907, Great Meadow Corr.; 11739 State Route 22; Comstock, NY 12821 [Address Current as of:01-Apr~ 2010] Gregory Largent # IL 06011·087, USP Marion - Fed.; PO Box 1000; Marion, IL 62959 [Address Current as of:23~0ct2012] anyone Clsman Bisexual Gregory« lafllent. Pl~...7 .16.!3.pdf https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller17/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6h1m1 YFgRpEqWawCGWCA1... 3/3/2014 Page 19 of33 Mailing Address Donnelly Le Blanc # State PA JJ9904, SCI Huntingdon; 1100 Pike Street; Huntingdon, PA 16654 [Address Current as of:25-Feb- 2014] Gregory J. LeBron # Quick Blo Preferred Types of Name they are for pen-pals Letters looking for I am a cajun from So. L.A. Zedecco - have an extensive education covering many a reas(tech nica I, mechanical, trades) hobbies include woodworking, furniture restoration, classic autos camping, nature - believe in free choice, solid valueshave a strong appeal case. My current situation evolves out of a sad marriage/family and my own stupidity in not stepping away after several previous attempts by my teen stepson to get rid of me through false claims Gay- BiTrans friends, activists, any others Webpage Related Documents Age 51 Gender Sex 1 Pronoun Cis man Sexuality Race 1 Faith Ethniclty R• E: Bisexual FL 622359, Martin Corr.; 1150 S.W. Allapattah Road; Indiantown, FL 34956 [Address Current as of: 13-Mar- 2013] Andrew Leon # A- CA F7992, CA Men's Colony (CMC) - East; PO Box 8101; San Luis Obispo, CA 93409 [Address Current as of:29-May -2012] Jason Lewis # Bisexual CA F59731, Salinas Valley SP (SVSP); PO Box 1050; Soledad, CA 93960 [Address Current as of:30-Jul- 2012] richard lewis # 1629886, Clements TX Richard Lewis FL Scottie Unit; 9601 Spur 591; Amarillo, TX 79107 [Address Current as of:13-Apr-2012] Scottie Lewis # T33206, Quincy Annex; 2225 Pat Thomas Parkway; Quincy, FL 32351 [Address Current as of:21-0ct-2012] Alton Lee Libes # TX 1465651, Neal Prison; 9055 Spur 591; Amarillo, TX 79107 [Address Current as of:26-Jun- 2012] Vernon Maulsby # AY PA Mikki She -4429, SCI Graterford; PO Box 244; Graterford, PA 19426 [Address Current as of:09-Aug -2013] https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller17/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6h1m1YFgRpEqWawCGWCA1 ... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.001988 Zoho Creator - Prisoner Pen-Pals Mailing Address State Quick Bio Page 20 of33 Preferred Types of Name they are for pen-pals Letters looking for Webpage Related Documents Age Gender I Sex Pronoun Sexuality Race 1 Faith Ethnlclty R· E: CA co Daniel McBride # 1433760, Hughes R e Dannf TX Prison; Box 4400i Gatesville, TX 76597 [Address Current as of:18-Jul-2011] Raymond McBride # S-05587, IL He Pinckneyville Corr.i PO Box 999; Pinckneyville, IL 62274 [Address Current as of:27wfeb~ 2014] WI PA S/W(TG/M 5'8" 130 Dance tea tor best of both worlds. AKA Ashley Rose McCracken {preferred name) Transwoman She Ashley R White Jason McDermott # ID 62020, ID Dept of Corr; 381 W. Hospital Dr; Orofino, ID 83544 [Address Current as of:30-Jun2011] TX I am just looking for someone who is willing to be a friend. Age and race, sex or sexual preferences does not matter to me. I am white, 45 years otd, 5' 10', 192 lbs .. greying blor brown eyes. hair~ James M. McGilton but www.jpay.com photo-l.jpg 45 Cis man He Gay Whtte Wieean R e was bom in Wheeling West Virginia and was raised across the river in Ohio by my mother. I have been gay or involved in it since 1 ... was a young boy. I love https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller17/prisoner-profiles/view-perma!List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKrnR6hlrnl YFgRpEqWawCGWCAl ... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.001989 Zoho Creator - Prisoner Pen-Pals Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals Vincent McGriff# State Quick Bio Preferred Types of Name they are for pen-pars Letters looking for Webpage FL Related Documents Age Gender I Sex Pronoun Sexuality Race 1 Faith Ethnlclty R! E: Gay 505135, Martin Corr.; 1150 s.w. Allapattah Road; Indiantown, FL 34956 [Address Current as of:28~Feb~ 2012] meet new people. I am looking for a gay pen pal of any age and race to write to. William R. McKenzie IX # 774787, Huntsville Prison; 815 12th St; Huntsville1 TX 77348 [Address Current as of:20-Dec-2013] Looking for a penpal. I have been in TX prisons for 17 http://t.ietweenttlebCJrs.orn/biogs/429 years, and have spent 11 years in solitary. Being openly gay in prison adds extra weight to a sentence. Would be great to write with someone. Fly Guy Black https://creator.zoho.com/reedmillerl7/prisoner-profiles/view-perma!List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6hlrnlYFgRpEqWawCGWCA1 ... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.001990 Mailing Address Page 21 of33 Page Raymond Mclaughlin # HN-7540, SCI Houtzdale; PO Box 1000; Houtzdale, PA 16698 [Address Current as of: 13-Jul- 2013) PA Solidarity Advocate ~ 49 Years Old. Mentor to All Offering Friendship, Education. and Legal. I'm humble, 47 Gay of33 Slack compassionate, and repentant (Luke 15:10). Seeking com passionate correspondence. Uke to cook, go to sports events, drive around at nite, love to work, and all klnds of music. Serving 15~ 30years with 6 years in. https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller17/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_o(_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6hlmlYFgRpEqWawCGWCA1 ... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.001991 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals Mailing Address State Quick Bio Page 23 of33 Preferred Types of Name they are for pen-pals Letters looking for Webpage Related Documents Age Gender 1 Sex Pronoun Sexuality Ra<:e 1 Faith Ethnldty RE: PLN.Supp.Disc.001992 Zoho Creator - Prisoner Pen-Pals 1X UT Roy Mercer# TX 1496625, Ramsey I Unit; 1100 FM 655; Rosharon, TX 77583 [Address Current as of:OS-lun-2013] Larry Merritt # 602100, Santa Rosa Corr., 5850 East Milton Road, Milton 1 FL S· FL 32583 [Address Current as of: 29-May -2013] Kris Metcalf # AD- CA 0241, Wasco SP (WSP); PO Box 9900; WaS<:o, CA 93280 Current as Ml https://creator.zoho.cornlreedmillerl7/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6hlml YFgRpEqWawCGWCAl ... 3/3/2014 Zoho Creator - Prisoner Pen-Pals Christian B. Michaer State PA Sr. # DK-6928, SCI Forest; PO Box 945; Marienville, PA 16239 [Address Current as of:06-0ct·2012) Ms. M. Michel # T13499, Mule Creel< Quick Blo Preferred Types of Name they are for pen-pals Letters looking for Webpage Related Documents Age Gender I Sex Pronoun Sexuality Race I Faith Ethniclty R• E: PLN.Supp.Disc.001993 Mailing Address Page 24 of33 My name Is Christian Michael. I am serving a significant amount of time in a PA prison. 1 am a masculine gay man looking for "fern" friends. CA Ms. M. 32 SP (MCSP); PO Box 409 060; lone, CA 95640 [Address Current as of:16-Jun2013] CA Good morning. My name us Mr. Clifton Millbrook- 40 40 Cis man He Straight Black years of age, brown eyes, long black dreadlocks, 6 feetin heioht. 213 in 2013) but without any violent tendencies. was wondering, seeking to know· the difference betvo/een dating a transgender woman and a straight woman? Is it safe? Because I was seriously considering possible opening my heart and mind to the possibility of maybe finding a transgender woman to start a life with beyond these prison walls; that is if there are NO mental gymnastics of the mind and heart involved. Arnold Miller # FL 1255161 Cross City 56/J NE 255th Cross Oty* Fl :urren1 -2013] https://creator.zoho.cornlreedmillerl7/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6hlml YFgRpEqWawCGWCAI ... 3/3/2014 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals State Preferred Types of Name they are pen-pals for Letters looking for Quick Blo Webpage Related Documents Age Gender Sex I Pronoun Sexuality Race 1 Faith Ethnlclty R• E: PLN.Supp.Disc.001994 Mailing Address Page 25 of33 """"""······-····························································· Federal Correctional Institute larry M. *****Please ll 48 not~ Noblin# 15921-065, lL 62246 [Address this must be addressed Federal Current as of: 20-Dec Correctional -2013] Institution [Person's name and FPC Gteenville; PO Box 5000; Greenville, BOP#] PO Box# Greenville, IL 62246 David Nunn Ill # 94025, Idaho State Corr.i PO Box Boise, ID 83/ ID Cis man Gay (Address Current as of:27-Feb-2012] Nancy Ochoa # 908431, Mountain TX butch, seeking a true friendship with someone, espe<.:ially a femme. I 1m 134 lbs., 5'7", Age & race don't matter. Please write this lonely papi chulo soon, thanks! [Address Current as of:04-Mar-2013] Robert Griffith # rm a 35 year old Italian/Hispanic lesbian- View Unit; 2305 Ransom Road; Gatesville, TX 76528 PA KS8866, SCI Fayette; PO Box 9999; LaBelle, PA 15450 [Address Current as of:08-Apr-2013] John Richard TX rm a 40 vear old white John Richard Anderson friends, open· minded understanding individuals( 40 Cis man He Gay White e possibly romance. positive perSOn. I'm above lool< in all kinds I'm into music of all especially club/rave music. 1 also like to be busy working at a job~ even here. 1 am from North Dallas where I was an insurance adjuster. rn be living in North Dallas after rm home, I'm serving a six year sentence for manslaughter. I had a car accident and someone was killed. I should parole in the next 12 months. I'm hoping to find an actual real person to become good pen friends with or even to me romantically involved with. This would nice because I'm a with Aundre Cook# TX Cis man Bisexual .... 832225, MICHAEL https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller 17/prisoner-profiles/view-penna/List_of_pen_Pals/PCXKmR6h 1m 1YFgRpEqWawCGWCA 1... 3/3/2014 Zoho Creator - Prisoner Pen-Pals ........ State Quick Bio Preferred Types of Name they are for pen-pals Letters looking for Webpage Related Documents I Pronoun Sexuality Race 1 Faith Ethnlclty Age Gender Sex 22 Cis man Bisexual White Chris__Gonza!ez_9_.17 _13_201309171900.pdf 21 Cis man Bisexual White R· E: PLN.Supp.Disc.001995 Mailing Address Page 26 of33 uNrrii664i'Mio54i Tennessee Colony, TX 75886 (Address Current as of:24-0ct2012] chris Sitton# IL howdy. 1 would love to find chris Pagan a pen pal through you guys. I have heard a lot about all you guys do to reach out to prisoners who are LGBTQ. My stats are: dob 3/18/1991 christopher Il I enjoy going to belmont Corr.; PO Box 99i Pontiac, IL 61764 harbor and reading a good book while listening to the sound of lake michigan. my [Address Current as favorite food is chinese, of:17-Sep-2013] favorite color is purple, favorite season is summer, I want to point out that this is my first time signing up for any type of pen pal site. # M23615, lil'nakid someone who support. PA PA CA 2013] Eddie Villalba # CA P82870, California State Prison - Los Angeles 44750 60tl1 West/P.O. Box 4610; CA 93536- 32 e 2013] MS https://creator.zoho.corn!reedrnillerl7/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXK.rnR6hlrnlYFgRpEqWawCGWCAl ... 3/3/2014 Zoho Creator - Prisoner Pen-Pals Robert Paul Lowe # State Quick Bio PreferredTypes of Name they are for pen-paIs Letters looking for Webpage Related Documents Age Gender I Sex Pronoun Sexuality Race 1 Faith Ethnlcity R< E: PLN.Supp.Disc.001996 Mailing Address Page 27 of33 TX 1425711, lynough Unit; 1098 South Highway 2037; Fort Stockton, TX 79735 [Address Current as of:22-lul-2013] ····················-·······--·--- Glenn Porter # OK 99595# Lawton Corr.; 8607 SE Flower Lonnie Mo'n!que Williams # T54378 1 CA SP- Sacramento; PO Box 290066; Represa, CA 95671 [Address Current as CA of:21-lul·2013) Develin Lay # 230678, Lawton OK Corr.; 8607 SE Flower Mound Road; lawton, OK 73501 •• Edna Baker # B- Fl 2013) Anthony 1185452, Psychiatric 8602 Peach Lubbock, TX {Address Current as of: 19-lul-2013] TX I'm open minded, a great listener, loyal, loving, kfnd, funny, kinda smart. I've lived on the streets and I want to help people and make sure that people know they are not alone. Looking for pen pals who men, reading and writing, drawing, cars, the outdoors, 29 Bisexual are Into body and https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller17/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6hlmlYFgRpEqWawCGWCA1 ... 3/3/2014 Page 28 of33 Mailing Address State FL 155487, Santa Ro.. Corr.; 5850 East Milton Road; Milton 1 Quick Blo Preferred Types of Name they are for pen-pals Letters looking for I love reading any and Age is only a everything and materials on current events and other knowledgeable things of Someone¥ still live life Webpage Related Documents Age Gender Sex f Pronoun Sexuality 30 Race f Faith Ethnlclty Slack R• E: R number. FL 32583 [Address Current as of:18-Jul- 2013] friendship means a me cause it's like family when you don't have none and you can say I am open to a lot of things you just got to ask and we see writing what's good. Just vi be come to a genurne and authentic durable companionship through pen and paper. Alfred Walker # 162494, Lawton I'm locked up for trafficking and have three more years Corr.; 8607 SE to go. Love life, love to Flower Mound Road i laugh. OK 47 Cisman Gay 32 Cis man Bisexual Black Lawton, OK 73501 [Address Current as of:2S·Jul·2013] ,., •• ,•••••••••••••••••••• M>•>•>•M···· TX I was bom in Santa Cruz. lookina for Amerlcan R Indian a matters more than looks. Money not necessarily sought 1 but welcome in small amounts. In don't need anything only wants. Jimi Checksfie!d # TX Cis man Queer Cis man 6iiexual Cis man Gay 1836498, MICHAEL UNIT; 2664 FM 2054; Colony, TX 2013] Looking for another male I can share about or who would understand my issues as a gay man. some nl erotk: with. Eric Gerard # 1490812, Lewis Prtson; PO Box 9000; Woodville, TX 75990 TX I would really 25 Black like someone that I can refate too, someone that~s https://creator.zoho.com/reedmillerl7/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6hlmlYFgRpEqWawCGWCA1 ... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.001997 Zoho Creator - Prisoner Pen-Pals Mailing Address State Quick Blo Page 29 of33 Preferred Types of Name they are pen-pals for Letters looking for Webpage Related Documents Age Gender I Sex Pronoun Sexuality Race/ Faith Ethniclty R• E: judgmental, co llike to read a lot and don't C~sman Someone Black R serlous being 1d for what lt's worth, I'm a Sagittarius! Michaef Lynn Blue # 1125765, Ramsey I Unit; 1100 FM 655; Rosharon, TX 77583 [Address Current as of;23-Jul-2013] TX I am bisexual, closeted. Honest, loving 1 understanding, consider myself a lover, aim to please to the fuUest. lam protective of those 1 care for. I am sensitiveT do not play mind games. I believe tn Interracial marriages. My hobbies: writing poems. Music: country, Zydeco searching for friends: rele due 52 Clsman Bisexual Slack R e DNA appeal, falsely convicted of agg. robbery rock, blues, classic, dancing. Sports: football, basketball, baseball, fishing. Riding horses. ll I am a bisexual-gay male CA 1 am so lonely and would Good hearted pen pal Cis man Bisexual 2013] Robert Selleck # 27940·057, FCI Fort Dix- NJ PO Box Dlx, NJ 2000; 08640 [Address Current as of:20-JulKY TX -2013] TX KY https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller 17/prisoner-profiles/view-penna/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXK.mR6h1m1 YF gRpEqWawCGWCA 1... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.001998 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals Lenford Gibboms # State Quick Bio FL Preferred Types of Name they are for pen-pals Letters looking for Webpage Related Documents Age Gender Sex Zainiya Davlne l93216, Charlotte Corr.; 33123 Oil Well Road; Punta Gorda, FL 33955 [Address I Pronoun Sexuality Race I Faith Ethnlclty R· E: PLN.Supp.Disc.001999 Mailing Address Page 30 of33 She Current as of: 18-Apr- 2013] Bryan D. Shoupe # UT 206612, Central Utah Corr.; PO Box 550; I am a 29 year old$ fully out I am a 29 year and proud gay guy. I would old, fully out and proud gay guy. I would like some penpals/friends as an outside support system. Gunnison, UT 84634 {Address Current as of:20·Jan·2014] 29 Cis man Gay like some pen pals/friends as an outside support system. David Hutchins # VA 16612-040, FCI Petersburg (Me<!); PO Box 1000; AR Current as of:19-Aug -2013] Larry Robinson # LA~ PA 3909, SCI Laurel Highlands; PO Box 631i Somerset, PA 15501 (Address Current as of:20-Aug -2013] Nathaniel White # IL R21109, Hill Corr.; P.O. Box 1700; Galesburg, IL 61402 [Address Current as of:22-Jul-2013] Timothy Kelly # PA 16900216-F, Allegheny County Jail; 950 2nd Ave; Pittsburgh, PA 15219 -3100 [Address Current as of:19-Nov ·2013] Troy McKenzie # Of AK Spring Creek Corr.; PO Box 5001; Seward, AK 99664 [Address Current as of:22-lul-2013] https://creator.zoho.com/reedmiller17/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXK.mR6h1ml YFgRpEqWawCGWCA1... 3/3/2014 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals Devin lamm # State Quick Bio Preferred Types of Name they are for pen-pals Letters looking for Webpage Related Documents Age Gender Sex I Pronoun Sexuality Race 1 Faith Ethnlclty R· E: PLN.Supp.Disc.002000 Mailing Address Page 31 of33 FL 168538, South Florida Recreation Center; 14000 NW 41st St; Dora!~ FL 33178 [Address Current as of;25-Jul2013] Louis Reed # 03564, FL FL SP; 7819 NW 228th St.; Raiford, FL 32026 [Address Current as of:26-Jul2013] Rodney Roussell # CA 17143, UPDC; Po Box 749; Farmerville, CA 71241-0749 [Address Current as of: 19-Aug ·2013] Roy Guevara # TX ...1459384~.Lean....on.. i"ie.jpg 1459384, Clements Unit; 9601 Spur 591; Amarillo, TX 79107 [Address Current as of: 15-Aug-2013] Richard Marcozzi # 1107740, Augusta AL Corr.; 1821 Estaline Valley Rd.; Craigsville, AL 24430 [Address Current as of:20-Aug·2013] MO TX CA Mark Hoosier # 112583, CSP; Box CO Canon City, CO [Address Current as of: null] Jeffery thlbodeaux # 1462736, Luther Prison; 1800 Luther Drive; Navasota, TX 77869 [Address Current as TX of:25-Jul~ 2013] John Macklin # t99784, CA Medical CA https://creator.zoho.cornlreedrniller 17/prisoner-profiles/view-penna/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6h lm I YF gRpEqWawCGWCA 1... 3/3/2014 Creator~ Prisoner Pen-Pals Mailing Address State Quick Bio Page 32 of33 Preferred Types of Name they are for pen-pals Letters looking for Webpage Related Documents Age MN Gender Sex 1 Pronoun Sexuality Race 1 Faith Ethnlclty R• E: PLN.Supp.Disc.002001 Zoho Gay 2014] James McCormick # PA Street; Huntington, PA 16652 [Address Current as of:23·0ct· 2013] Johnny Easley # CA vS9953, Salinas Valley SP (SVSP); PO Box 1050; Soledad, CA 93960 [Address as of:ll·Jul· Queer Ras Alexander Turner PA # HD5818, SCI photo,,64,,, .JPG 33 Bisexual Black T03647••07-Jan-2014.jpg 34 Sisexuat White 25 Bisexual R 175 transmen in California James OBrlen # PA EF3640, SCI Waymart; PO Box 255; Waymart, PA 18472 [Address Current as of:07-Sep ·2013] Epifanio Ramirez # TX American 1751818, Daniel unit; Indian 938 South FM 1673; Snyder, TX 79549 {Address Current as of:06·Sep·2013] PA Laddie https://creator.zoho.coin/reedmiller17/prisoner~profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6hlmlYFgRpEqWawCGWCA1 ... 3/312014 Mailing Address Antonio Moses # 927645, Telfair SP; State Quick Blo Page 33 of33 Preferred Types of Name they are for pen-pals Letters looking for Webpage Related Documents Age Gender I Sex Pronoun Sexuality Race 1 Faith Ethnlcity R• E: GA PO Box 549; Helena, GA 31037 [Address Current as of:OS-Sep -2013] Chase Gillespie # 10 23 Gay 92206, Idaho State Corr.; PO Box 14; Boise, ID 63707 (Address Current as of:06-Sep-2013] Dereck Thomas # OK 652439, Davis Corr.; 6888 East 133rd Road; Holdenville, OK 74848 [Address Current as of:28-0ct- 2013] Sheralee Seitz # TX 1803201, Lane Murray Unit; 1916 N. Hwy 36 Bypass; Gatesville, TX 76596 [Address Current as of:OS-Sep-2013] https :/Icreator.zoho.cornlreedrniller17/prisoner-profiles/view-perma/List_of_Pen_Pals/PCXKmR6h1 rn 1YF gRpEqWawCGWCA 1... 3/3/2014 PLN.Supp.Disc.002002 Zoho Creator- Prisoner Pen-Pals