George Allen Wa Pab Appeal Disciplinary Action Case File 1997
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RECEIVED STATE OF WASHINGTON 2828 upitol Blvd. PO BOK 40911 Olympi",. WA 98S04.{l911 JU~].a,Q8lS~;r, fAX (360) .';3-6139 PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD Departmem 01 Ccrrectlons Division of Human Resources June 27, 1997 Elizlbeth Baker Washington Public Employees Association 124-10thAvenueSW Olympia. \VA 98501 RE: George Allen v. Department of Corrections, Reduction in Salary Appeal, Case No. RED-97-Q034 Dear Ms. Baker: This lener is to acknowledge receipt of the above entitJed appe:Jl by the Personnel Appeals Board on June 16, 1997. Sinc~rely, Executive Secretary KJL:unp cc: George Allen Linda A. Dalton, AAG Jennie Adkins, DOC 093~ .t:\lmp\nCW3ppl\~len ," • JUri f 6 1997 ~..sHING'ltlN STATE ~ AP!lE:ALS ECABD . PH: 2828 capi.t:oI Eoutevard P.o. Box 40911 FAX: Olympia, WA 98504-0911 SCAN 321-148i (206) 586-1481 . (206) 753-0139 This fQl:lll will help you. p:c:ovide necessary iDfomation to the Pex:sonnel Aoceals Boani when you file an ~ You ~.!JQt. use this fOl::ll; ~ver, ~ ~be filed i.:1 acconiance with the requ:U:ement:s set for-..n :in C1apt:er 358-20 WAC. If the space on the fom is insufficient or if you wish to pmvide additioca.l infoaation, you may a:t:tacl1 additional pages. . . . ::ttm ~ ~~ I. SIGN ON !lAG: 2 OR 'fO-l'S - IDENI!!:?'!CM!ION NlME:-(~Ia.....0H-t~~f6t ~~ ~-e--';-n"':"":;t:!.:-:·-al:-:):------------- PHONE NUMB~: SCAN: _ HeME: (Include a..-T"Sa ccds) E:MF'"-O::":'~ i\.GEOCY: Do L - G-..H)-.')\'\'C C J Name of agency or ager.des that Df ?.A..~ ~L. I ID~ 2'i (\.-.\] N.'l a~ng: you a..-"""'e m.jME~ N1sME, ADCEESS A&.'ID TIT·-:rc:-tOE 'f."l\1..n-bd-L" fukl2... J a~..:!.cn <:r.. «tc.L a Cq (",~ <ch¢0~ t>C ~ ~ ~ ,S II. took k.y~ ~w W P£ A01 'f~I:)['fr e,~ Wn .- '11s'.')0 I 3 -1/ 2..1 An Appellant may autboJ:i::e a .t.ep.resentative to a~ in his/he: J:eh.alf. The Board. must be r.ctified of any change i:1 representaticn. iA."l\T III. Check one of the follcwing to ir.dicate t.."'-e type of 'J<:\a. --r~ OisaEr' ; ty c. Me"'; t System e. f. you a..--a =...1i=s Disci?l:"'a~ (check a~c~e action(s)).. ~l ~• C<--=-cn . • ":' Dism:t.ssal,, r::emotion, J.n _avo b. d. a~ sepa-."CI.tion- - -~e or S-~te c.:..v'..l Serlice Law Violaticn (c~ete ?A."l\T!V. of t."::!.s fc=:t) Reduction in Force (ccmplete ?~!V. of t."::!.s fo::l.) Allocation (pcsi.t:.on (cc::nplete ?.M!!' V. of this fo::l.) DeclaratcJ:Y :luli.nq (see WAC 358-20-050) 0 tt! tiLt tt..s.s:CU.6.SiQQt. .. M a.C,Qi.QiQ.Qi.QQ. . .6•.6iQ.o.Qi&&4At.4!#iM.&%.t..t.i .. PAtdM$J, Q • 990 Appe:Jl :or:: Revi:ed 3-2-9: 1 ·:s:;;;r'@A.iTPJUQ, mAg:;;@(j _ .. . Mb.P&W .3.«<.. Q.Q.Q« .w.. RECEIVED .. APR 031998 1828 ~ilol Blvd. artment Of coff8ClionS PO Boll 40911 __ ~on of Human ResoUfCl!S Olympia. WA 98SlM-G"J1T VOICE (360) 586-1481 fAX (360) 7SJ.al39 E-MAIL in( STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD HOME PAGE March 31, 1998 . STATEJlfENT OF RESULTS OF PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE George Allen v. Deparnnent of Corrections Case No.: RED-97-o034 (Reduction in Salary) A pre-hearing conference was held in the above-captioned matter at 2:00 PM on March 31, 1998 by telephone conference call. Participants mthe conference were: Mark S. Lyon, for the Appellant; Elizabeth Delay Brown, for the Deparnnent of Corrections; and Don Bennett, for the Personnel Appeals Board. This statement is issued to record the agreements made by the parties' representatives during the pre·hearing conference and to control the subsequent course of the proceeding. The parties stipulated to the following matters: 1. Discovery is to be completed by August 28, 1998. Requests for discovery must be served with sufficient time for responses to be completed by August 28, 1998. 2. Witness lists and exhibit lists are to be exchanged on or before September 16, 1998. The parties reserve the right to supplement the lists. 3. Pre-hearing briefs, if prepared at the discretion of the parties, will be filed on or before September 25, 1998. 4. The hearing in this matter will be held on September 29, 1998 beginning at 9:00 AM in the Personnel Appeals Board Hearing Room, located at 2828 Capitol Boulevard; Olympia, Washington. . S. lbis appeal will be assigned to a mediator by the Executive Secretary so that the parties may meet on a mutually agreed date and engage in a good faith attempt to negotiate a resolution of the appeal pursuant to WAC 358·30-024. 0991 \ statement of Results ofPt~hearing March 31, 1998 Page 2 The pre-hearing conference was recessed until 9:30 AM on September 25, 1998. At that time, the Executive Secretary or his designee will initiate a conference call with the parties' representatives to discuss possible stipulations on witnesses, exhibits, and the issue to be presented for detemination by the Personnel Appeals Board. The parties shall arrive at the hearing location thirty (30) minutes before the hearing time for the purpose of exchanging copies of exhibits and, if possible, stipulating to admission ofexhibits. The parties shall bring six (6) copies of the pre-marked exhibits which they' intend to offer into evidence. Any objections or corrections must be filed with the Executive Secretary within 20 days of the date of this statement and shall, at the same time, be served upon each of the participants named above.. This statement becomes part of the official record of the proceedings, and the stipulations will be binding on the parties, unless this statement is modified for good cause. Dated: ~-"> J- 98"" PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD BY~~,~- »<Q-- - DON BENNETT Executive Secretary 0992 - '. RECEI" • 21128 ~pitol 81vd. PO So• .-0911 Olympia. Witt. 98504-l)911 [ c: :D JUN {} 0 1998 Oeparnnent or (;vrr:;:":tioroS Qivisicn of Human Reso:.::cos STATE OF WASHINGTON tt ff '!u;7e. 1/(Itt~CE (360) 5~1.q1 FAX 1360) 753.0139 E~\tAll inro-pab~pab.mte.wa.U$ PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD HOME PAGE June 5, 1998 Elizabeth Delay Brown Assistant Attorney General P.O. Box 40145 Olympia, WA 98504-0145 MarkS. Lyon WPEA P.O. Box 7159 Olympia, WA 98507 RE: George Allen v. Department of Corrections, Reduction in Salary appeal, Case No.: RED-97-0034 Dear Ms. Brown and Mr. Newberry: This letter is to advise you that this case has been assigned to Michael Mallinger. He is a mediator contracted by the Personnel Appeals Board. Mr. Mallinger will be contacting you for the purpose of scheduling a mutually agreeable date and time for a mediation. We appreciate your cooperation in scheduling mediation as soon as possible or the file may be returned to our office to set a date for hearing. Mediation is an opportunity to bring the panies together to attempt a settlement of the issues on appeal without the need for a hearing. If settlement efforts are unsuccessful, the meeting will move into the prehearing phase and the panies will select a hearing date, attempt to narrow the scope of the issues to be presented to the board, discuss witness and exhibit lists, and possible stipulations between the parties. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, ~_\~ Don Bennen Executive Secretary DB:py cc: George Allen Jennie Adkins F:P:wIettcJMedialOrsllc:acr 10 patties -0993 ·. .RECEIVErAPR 03 1998 . CO(t8CtiOOs Department 01 Resources DNision of Human 2 BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON 4 5 ) ~ NOTICE OF SCHEDUlING Appellant, 6 7 ) Case No. RED-97-0034 GEORGE ALLEN, v. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, 8 ResPondent. 9 10 11 ) ) ) ) ) -------------) Notice is hereby given of scheduling the hearing on the appeal before the Personnel Appeals Board. The hearing will be held in the Personnel Appe:l1s B"oard Hearing Room, 2828 Capitol Boulevard, Olympia, Washington, on Tuesday, September 29,1998, beginning at 9 a.m. 12 13 14 The parties shall arrive at the hearing location thirty (30) minutes before the hearing time for the purpose of exchanging copies of, and when possible, stipulating to exhibits. The parties shall bring sL"{ (6) copies of the premarked exhibits which they intend to offer into evidence. Whenever possible, the parties should exchange witness lists prior to the day set for the hearing. IS 16 If the services of an interpreter are needed, notify Personnel Appeals Board staff at least two weeks prior to the hearing. The hearing site is barrier free and accessible to the disabled. 17 18 DATED this 1st day of April, 1998. 19 WASHINGTON STATE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 20 21 22 Teresa Parsons, Hearings Coordinator (360) 664-0479 23 cc: 2S 26 George Allen, Appellant Mark S. Lyon. Attorney Cindy Nabbefeld. WPEA Elizabeth Delay Brown. AAG Jennie Adkins, DOC 0994 Personnel Appols Bocud 2828 Capitol Boulevard Olympia. Washington 98504 Cc-·WCGV· RECEIVo::"D 1\"~ ,.,U'.:l 2828 Capitol Blvd. PO Box 40911 Olympia. WA 98504-0911 .:') .'-rUY-ICJ/~ l~ 1QQ8 1°_-'" ~.~ VOICE (360) 586-1481 FAX(360)7S3-0139 . E·MAll STATE OF WASHINGTON PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD HOME PAGE August 25, 1998 MarkS. Lyon WPEA PO Box 7159 Olympia, WA 98507 RE: George Allen v. Deparnnent of Corrections, Rec;.lction in Salary Appeal, Case No. RED-97-0034 Dear Nlr. Lyon: Enclosed is a copy of the order of the Personnel Appeals Board in the above-referenced matter. The order was entered by the Board on August 25, 1998. Sincerely, Don Bennett Executive Secretary DB:k:w Enclosure cc: George Allen, Appellant Elizabeth Delay Brown, AAG Jennie Adkins, DOC Cindy Nabbefeld. WPEA 0995 .~{ ... . RECEiVE • AUG 24 1998 De~.;r., C\ " .~. ':~M'::::' "'~~,,:.:r::v Divisicr: vi :-!'Jmar. 1 BEFORE THE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 2 STATE OF WASHINGTON 3 4 ) GEORGE ALLEN Appel1an~ 5 6 7 v. DEPARTI1ENT OF CORRECTIONS, 8 9 10 ) Respondent. ) ) Case No. RED-97-0034 ) MOTION AND ORDER OF DISMISS.A.!. ) ) ) ) ) ) The Appellant hereby notifies the Personnel Appeals Board that he wishes to 11 withdraw the above-entitled appeal. 12 13 DATED this 20th day of Au~t. 199~ 14 15 MARK S. LYON, WSBA # 12WPEA General Counsel /, Attorney for the Appellanl/ 16 !/ 17 This matter came regularly before the Personnel Appeals Board on the 18 19 consideration of the request of the Appellant to withdraw his appeal. The Board having 20 reviewed the files and records herein, being fully advised in the premises, and it 21 appearing to the Board that the Appellant has requested to withdraw his appeal, now 22 enters the following: 23 24 25 0996 26 27 MOTION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL· I MARKS. lYON WPEA Cow-I Washington Public Emplo~ees Association Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7tS9. Olympia. WA 9850i l.oc311on: tolO Peteival Sf. N.W.. OI~mpi4 Telephone: (360) 943-1121 • 1 2 3 4 ORDER NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Appellant's request to withdraw his appeal is granted and the appeal is dismissed 5 6 DATEDthisa29'- day of a~J ,19S!? 7 WASHINGTON STATE PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 0997 26 27 MOTION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL· 2 MARKS. LYON \'/PEA Cl9leral CcnuIseI Washington Public Employees Association Mailing Address: P.O. Box i159. Olympi4. WA 0)8501 Location: 140 Percival 51. N.W•• Olympi.a Tefephone: 13601 943-11 21 ·J,:z:::::::::;:::z;"e:g:~m.c,c:::::: ""." •.-...>V,:;::;::::;::;:m::;;::;;::;;;% .....,,,~,~'.'! .'.'.. .~v,:::x:x:v::t . ...... .,":;:::::!Ii!::i. ...... _;::J, ..w;p:t.i1!... '!~'.V.V.V.w.vlV.wi::m::;:;,\,. ,.',~'.'~'.vv.v,~,~,!J.0J . . 1. ,....,~" .. ..r • 60 days end 5/21/97 10% for 6 months DRAFT CATE PERSONAL SERVICE CONFIDENTIAL Mr. Allen: . This is official notification that you will be reduced in pay within your present class of _ .Registered Nurse 2 with the Department of Corrections (COC), Washington Corrections Center (WCC) from Range 45N, Step P, $3690 per month to Range 45N. Step L. $3345 per month effective (DATE) through (DATE). This disciplinary action is taken pursuant to the authority of the Civil Service Law of Washington State, Chapter 41.06 Revised Code of Washington (RCW), and the Merit System Rules (MSR). Title 356 Washington Administrative Code (WAC). WAC 356-34010 (1) (a) Neglect of dUty. (i) Willful violation of the published employing agency or department of personnel rules or regulations and WAC 356-34-020 Reduction in salary-Cemotion-Procedure. Specifically, you neglected your~u and willfully violated department policy on January 060 mg. tablets of MS Contin 26, 1997, when you gave Inmat (morphine sulfate) instead of the prescn ed two 30 mg. tablets of Percocet This error eventually led to the transport of the inmate to a 10caJ~p~itionally. on this same date, you made an unauthorized visit to Inmat~t St Peter Hospital in Olympia, Washington. You did not inform your supervisor or the shift commalJder that you were going to make this visit and circumvented the security process at St Peter Hospital to gain access to the inmate's hospital room. These incidents are described in detail in the Employee Conduct Report (ECR) completed on March 21, 1997, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein (Attachment 1). By your actions, you willfully violated departmental expectations and neglected your duty by failing to meet these expectations that are outlined in the DOC Employee Handbook. which states in part "DEPARTMENT EXPECTATIONS As a representative of the Department of Corrections, you will be expected to: . Remain constantly alert in all situations; lOCO . . . . . Q.Q.Q.QI(WJ:W:V::' liiii!''. .. . .wo d .a£.Q:::v.~:;: ::h " l • George Allen DATE Page 2 You are not allowed to: * Engage in personal relationships with offenders, their family members, or dose personal associates;- Further, your actions constitute neglect of duty and willful violation of DOC Policy 854.075, Employee Relationships with Department of Corrections Offenders, which states in part "2. • Association with Offenders: Association with DOC offenders is to be avoided in the interest of professional unbiased service. Unofficial . contacts with known offenders under the jurisdiction of DOC are to be reported by employees to their supervisors on form DOC 3-39(X). This does not indude casual, unintentional and unsubstantive contacts. Personal communications and/or relationships between employees and offenders are not appropriate and are prohibi~ed." On October 11, 1993, you signed an Acknowledgement of Receipt of DOC Employee Handbook, which states: "I acknowledge receipt of the June 1993 Washington State Department of Corrections Employee Handbook and agree to become familiar with and have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the contents." On May 7,1990, in reference to DOC Policy 854.075, you acknowledged that you have "read, discussed, and understand the contents of this Policy Directive." Copies of the DOC Employee Handbook, pages 2 and 3, DOC Policy 854.075 and Acknowledgement· of Receipt of DOC Employee Handbook are attached hereto and incorporated herein (Attachments 2 through 4, respectively). When we met on March 21, 1997, to discuss the inci~~~rredon January 26. 1997, you readily admitted that you had given Inmate~e wrong medication. You stated that you were experiencing stress and picked up the MS Contin instead of the Percocel You explained that the two medications are stored dose together and packaged similarty but at the time, you thought you had the correct medication. It was not until the narcotics were being counted that it was discovered that two tablets of 60 mg. MS Contin were missing. As medical professional, you are expected and have a duty to be alert to details while dispensing medications. This is extremely important to minimize the possibility of making errors or causing a serious life-threatening incident Your inattention in retrieving and administering the correct medication to the inmate could have resulted in serious medical consequences for the inmate. You not only gave the inmate the wrong 1001 George Allen DATE Page 3 medications, but you also gave him twice as much medication as prescribed, i.e. 120 mg. instead of 60 mg. When I asked you what could be the worst thing that could happen from making a medication error such as the one that you made, you indicated that the inmate could have died. Fortunately, this did not occur in this situation but there was an emergent need to transfer the inmate to a local hospital for doser observation. Your lack of attention in the perfonnance of your duty to propeny . dispense medications constitutes a neglect of duty. In discussing your unauthorized visit to Inmat~you stated while on your . way home, you decided to stop by and visit the inmate because you had cared for him whOe he was in the infirmary at wee. You knew he was dying and wanted to know how he was.doing. However, you did not infonn your supervisor or the shift . commander that you w~.~ to visit the inmate. When you anived at Sl Peter Hospital where Inmat~as hospitalized, you did not gain clearance from the receptionist or the ward staff to proceed to the inmate's hospital room. At no time, . did you identify yourself as a wee employee. Ho~pital staff alerted the officer on duty that an unauthorized and unidentified visitor was on their way to the room. The officer responded to this call by ensuring the inmate was secure. When you anived at the room, the officer did recognize you as a nurse from wee. Shortly thereafter, a hospital security officer arrived at the inmate's room, questioned who you were and explained that you had failed to comply with hospital security procedures. Your actions caused undue alarm for hospital security and the officer on dut¥ as well as disrupting the care of the inmate. You acted in an irresponsible and unprofessional manner thereby neglecting your duty. Additionally your visit to Inmat~t Sl Peter Hospital was an unauthorized and intentional personal commumcation with an offender. This was inappropriate and prohibited behavior on your part. Employees have a responsibility and are required by policy to maintain an unbiased and professional relationship with offenders at all times. By your actions, you have willfully violated agency policy and neglected your duty to comply with the policy. I You signed acknowledgements stating that you had received and understood DOC Policy 854.075 and the DOC Employee Handbook. Your knowledge of department policy and expectations demonstrates the willfulness of your acts of misconduct. Your actions on January 26, 1997, cause me to have serious concerns about your judgment and your ability to properly and effectively perform your duties as a registered nurse. Your medication error on this date was not the first error that you have made. You admitted that you have made four or five medication errors since you began work here seven years ago. You went on to say that you never tried to hide these errors and reported them immediately. You stated procedural changes have been made to help reduce the possibility of making medication errors. Nonetheless, your inattention in properly dispensing medications is a liability for the facility and could place an inmate in a life or death situation. 1002 .Jc. _ $ t k 6,C:GZQI(l!! .t lith. it. . . . .t.h.t.t,:;.tit.ttiQ.t.tJ.$.::v.£.QiWiw.ZMn..c ..v.c, .J"', J C' ... C'. . .... '.QQQ~44t!%'«".'~~QQ¥w.t.t.dnw.5.&.&.<.t.J.v.:;.t;y;. .. . .. 4%.Jtikts,w,J.Q.:JNQWX( • George Allen DATE Page 4 Your failure to comply with porleY and refrain from personal and unprofessional communications with an offender causes me to have doubts that in the future you will act appropriately. Improper communications with inmates could potentially lead to safety and security issues. Given the seriousness and nature of your miscondu~ as well as the obvious lack of judgment on your part, I believe the disciplinary action desaibed in the first paragraph is appropriate and warranted. You are hereby forewarned that future performance problems/errors/omissions may lead to further corrective/disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. You have the right to appeal this action under the provisions of WAC 358-20-010 and WAC 358-2().()40, or to me a grievance in acccrdance with Article 10 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Department of Corrections and the Public . Employees Association. If you me an appeal, it must be med in writing at the office of the Personnel Appeals Board, 2828 Capitol Boulevard, Olympia, WA 98504, within ~O •days after the effective date stated in the first paragraph of this letter. , The Merit System Rules, WACs, Department of Corrections policies and Collective Bargaining Agreement are ava~able for your review upon request Phil Stanley Superintendent PS:sma Attachments (4) cc: Jennie Adkins, Director, Division of Human Resources Eldon Vail, Command Manager, Division of Prisons Unda Dalton, Senior Assistant Attorney General Robert Turk, Area Personnel Manager Shalice Ando, Personnel Officer Personnel File 1003 r • EMPLOYEE PROFILE DEPARlMENT OF CORREcnONS Page One of Two Name OassHIcatJan ALLEN, George Registered Nurse 2 Amount Status CtJIJent RangelStep . Permanent Range 45N, Step P PROPOS£DAC110N: DAlES From 6 / _0 PID Date (Affects?) $3690.00/month 11-1-97 (Yes) 10% for 6 months 1 / 97 Ta RANGElSTEP From 45N/P 12 / Ta 1 / 97 45N/L No. of Months ($) [§:J 3345.00Imo TOTAL LOSS ($) 2070.00 A. PERSONNEUPAY ACT10NS lInfgrmatjgn gbtained fJpm pea Qgcuments): Original date of hire. dat8(S) of agencylinstitution transfer(s). dale(s) af promotion(s). dale(s) of pay change(s) due to dlscipDnary action(s). etc. Ust only information which is re/evan' the aetJon being ptOpOSed. EFFECTlVE DATE 5-7-90 1 TYPE OF AcnON DISCtPUNARY? DAle OF HIRE No 2 I, ; --J I I ..____J_ - - I 3 I 4 ! 6 '0 o " I . Above section continued on Page Twa B. EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS OATES (MoIYr) From To Ratings * Far Exceeds Ratlngs * Exceeds Ratings * Normal Ratings * MinImum RatIngs * Falla MIn. Type rammen.s (Note If EPE Is par •• I AI A 5/95 to 5/96 A,B,C,E 0 5/94 to 5/95 A,B,C,O E 5/93 to 5/94 A,B,C,O,E A 5/92 to 5/93 A.B,C,O,E A 5/91 to 5/92 C A,B,D E A to 5/91 Q/QO ABDE A,B,E A 5/90 to C C,O 9/90 0 o of DIsciplinary La«er) I p to Above s8dion oontinued 00 Page Two • Ust"".nt» Dimensions: • Indlcat. Typs of EvallUtlon: A • Accompfishment of Job Requirements B • Job KnoWledge and Competence P • Probatiooa'Y C • Job RellabUIty T • Trial S - Special o• PersonalRe~tioos E • Communicalions Skills F • Performance as SupeMsor A • Annual 1004 .' - - DEPAaTMENT OF CORRECTIC:•• JYEE CONDUCT~e.~TvE . EM. THIS FORM TO BE USED IN COMPLIANCE WITH POLICY DIRECTIVE NO. 857.005 FEB.(;.~ ;997 ~'A;iH C .. _ PeRSON~~CO'(;FF'1I<TA. ree INSTRUCTIONS AND TIME UMITS: 1. The person making the report shall provide a clear description of the incident under "Oescription of Incident" and. with any witness(es) or person(s) having knowledge, shalt sign in the space provided and submit to the supervisor of the Involved employee within fourteen (14) calendar days after the date of discovery of an emplOyee's alleged misconduct. 2. The form shall be submitted to the employee involved who shalt complete the "Employee's Statement" and return the report to his/her supervisor within seven (7) calendar days following the date of receipt. 3. The appropriate supervisor shall review the facts of the incident. complete the "Supervisor's Report" and submit the report to the Office Head within seven (7) calendar days following the date of receipt. 4. The Office Head or designated representative shall review and within thirty (30) calendar days following the date of receipt determine whether misconduct has occurred. This shall be reported under "Administrative Comments" and shared with the employee. When the supervisor and Office Head are Ihe same person, the supervisor's ~upervisor shall complete the Administrative Comments. EIoII'\.OYai IltYClLVEO ORQANV.flOHAt,IlHlf wee / George Allen POSifIOH mu Infirmarv OAfll OF IltCIOEHf 1 J?~ ReQistered Nurse 2 IIlW€OFlHClllEHf DAM DpM Iq7 DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT: It is alleged that on January 26, 1997, that you erroneously gave a medication to inma otential his emergency transport to Mason General Hospital. It'is further alleged that you attempted to contact inmat~~a~t _ St. Peter Hosoital. also on January 26. 1997. without the knowledae of YOllr slioervisots. INITIATED BY: HAWtlIPUlASE PRINt) Frank Barth WlTNESS(ES): IWoIE - ~POSlrt<lNmu ealth Cara Manaaer I I 7r \ /J /1/\ /lkJ 7 -. -;1 7 P05lrt<lIl mu ~~'''URe mu S1GHArUlle POS111OH q-r~:Xl - DAre 2/4/97 -.......J T I ~ DAre OArE 10~ACHMENT PAGLLOF _ {ul: • DATE DELIVERED TO EMPLOYEE cJ./y!v » ? UtPI.OYeE'S STA1l!MEHT: Signature 01 Employee: SUPERVISOR'S REPORT: DATE RECEIVED 8Y SUPERVISOR In review of the attached documentation, and statements made by Employee George Allen, it appears that both the incidents as alleged in the ECR have occurred as reported. the attached documentatio~, it is apparent that employee Allen was a~Jare In revielJ 01 of appropriate procedures regarding giving the medications and his actions did create a potential danger to a patient. In reference to the second allegation, and review of emplovee Allen I s personnel file, he had signed receipt and been awcu:e of Policy Directive 854.075, Emplovee'n Relat;oocx WHb tb;-a DOC Offenders The emploree was contacted and ded ined intoad,"!J Signature &Till of Supervisor: ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENTS: DA1l! RECEIVED BY OFFICE HEAD We met on March 21, 1997, to discuss this EC~. Personnel Officer and Rick Root, your representative. After considering the information available to me, I find that misconduct occurred. Appropriate corrective/disciplinary action will follow under separate cover. Signature 01 Olllce Head: ~_. 1006 ~ 0':" ......~ Ul\lO .1t4· 'JB1tl? ATrACHME'NT :1 I no I u~ ; OEPARTMENT OF CORRECTlON~ • 'EE CONDUCT REPORT R E eEl V E [ THIS FORM TO BE USED IN COMPLIANCE WITH POI.ICY DIRECTIve NO. 857.005 FEB 041997 . INSTRUCTIONS AND TIME LIMITS: . WASH. CORR. CNTn 1. The person making the report shall provide a clear description of the incident under "Description of Incid/rN9S0NNEL OFFICE' and, wilh any witness(es) or person(s) having knowledge, shall sign In the space provided and submit to the Ihe involved employee within fourteen (14) calendar days after the date of discovery of an supervisor employee's alleged misconducl. 0' 2. The form shall be submilted 10 the employee involved who shall complete the "Employee's Slatement" and return the reporl to his/her supervisor within seven (7) calendar days following the dale 01 receipt. 3. The appropriate suporvisor shall review the facts of the incident, complele the "Supervisor's Report" and submitlhe report to the Office Head within seven (7) calendar days following the date 01 receipl. 4. The Ollice Head or designated representative shall review and within Ihirty (30) calendar days following the date of receipt determine whether misconduct has occurred. This shall be reported under "Administrative Comments" and shared with the employee. When the supervisor and Office Head are Ihe same person, the supervisor's supervisor shall complete the Administrative Comments. UUOI.OYU IN'IOLvia George Allen f'Q$I'1QH . CA~'lQH.\I. u.., WCC I Infirmarv UI\I 0.0'II Of' 1HClO.,., . Regi stered Nurse 2 1/26/97 I,.. . c# IHQCIH' DAM DpM , • DESCRIPTION OF INCIDe~IT: It is alleged that on January 26. 1997. that you erroneously gave a medication to inmatelllllllll. DOC 4liliiii resulting in potential danger to the oatient and his emergency transport to Mason General Hosp1tal. It'is further alleged that you attempted :0 contact lnmate ~ DOC 411111111L~t St. Peter Hosoital, also on January 26. 1;97. \·';thout the knowledae of Your Frank Barth suoervisor~ .. /1/1 /1 / /;<.J / INITIATED BY: HAUl! lPUASi """'" _ I ~1'03"_ "I\l! ealth Care ~tan::;r (1\ \ WlTNESSIES!: b!_ 7" H..... PO~'_nrLE jJ.o'\lAI ........ P03"lOH flfLE ! ! I I ~I -- 2/4/97 -........J I I SlQHA'\lAE DA'I DA'I> DA'E 1007 I_ _... ATIACHMENT_ _ PAGE 3 ..._ ,,-_O.F /7JL- I ., . • DATE DELIVERED TO EMPLOYEE eNpt.O'(U'S STAreNEHT: Sillnalufe 01 Employee: SUPERVISOR'S REPORT: DATE AECEIVED BY SUPeRV1S0A Dale: BY: Signa lure 0\ Tille 01 SupeNis:lr: IDMIHISTRATlVECOMMEHTS: DATE RECEIVeD BY OFFICE HEAt' Signalure ~ Olllee Hea:: Dale: BY: Dale: 1008 . ATI.:..cH MENT L( I OF.l.... U~_"_ • STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECnONS CENTER P.O. Box 900 • Shelton, Washington 98584 . February 10,1997 TO: Jerry Tauscher Correctional Program M • , •••# FROM: ,- -, SUBJECT: :: .~ .. .. -:.' ....... · ', · ECR • GEORGE ALLEN ~ ;;' , .~: '';' .... '." ..- . ~ '",. ......: .. ~ -, .. · ",: .. ::.~ . . The Superintendent has designated you as the "Supervisor' or investigator'foith~ ECR initiated on 02104/97 co,nceming George Allen. The- employee hs·s yet to tum in the "Employee's Slatemenr which is due on February 11,1997. When this tumed·!n·,· you will have seven (7) calendar days to complete your investigation. ':.~:~ . ~ -; . ~-: . is " If you have any questions, you may contact me at 5267. .~::.::: : :: .. :- " J •• ' " , i -;" ~rpC cc. Shalice Ando, Personnel Manager ..... . • .::0. ' :' -;. . 10('9 AlTACHME~ I PAG~ 5 -O-F-:...L-t.,-·)-t:U • .ALLEN, GEORGE . Employee Name (please Print) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF DOC EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK , '. ~.' .... .:'"_. I acknowledge receipt of the June 1993 W~hington State Department .of Corrections Employee Handbook and agree to become familiar with and have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the<¥. contents. '-:: : "."':,: --:--.. :.~ar····-: lOt! hZ',: Employee ignature Date .. ~ -,. .--; . _..... Original - Personnel File . : -. . ~~i-.:: 1010 A1TACHMENT_ _ i_ PAGE L, OF I 0 i:- .. , f • POLa~Y DIRECTI'VE Department of Corrections No. PERSONNEL SERVICES 854.075 July 1, 1983 -Effective Date: Page 1 of Subject: 2 -EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIPS WITH DEPARIHENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFENDERS -Objective: ~ To provide guidelines to ensure that employee relationships with offenders are maintained in a professional manner. Policy: Relationships with offenders must be conducted in a manner consistent with state law and prudent correctional practice~ Employees are expected to manage their relations with offen4ers in a professional manner at all times and· to treat offenders with respect and dignity. 1. Favoritism: Staff must recognize the individuality of offenders without , favoritism.- Such.conduct is inherently unfair to both the favored and the nonfavored. Conversely, grudge holding, bias, or unwarranted negativism toward or regardi~ an offender is to be avoided. Professional reaction to offenders must always be- objective and not-based on personal or subjective issues_ 2. Association with Offenders: Association with DOC offenders is to be avoided in the interest of professional unbiased service. Unofficial contacts with knomn offenders under the jurisdiction of DOC are to 'be reported by emplo,ees to their supervisors o~ form DOC 3-39(X). This does not include casual, unintentional and unsubstancive contacts. Personal communications and/or relationships between employees and offenders are not appropriate and are prohibited. 3. Trafficking: Without specific written approval of the appointing authority, no employee may give or accept gifts,. gratuities or favors, have any barter or financial dealings with an offender, an offender's family or agent. "Gratuit ies" include any fotID of property or services. 4. !'lessages and Art: ides of Property: Employees !lay engage in the transmi!=·· sion of messages, mail, or articles of property only as part of theirl012 authorized duties_ i- - ATI'ACHMENT_ _ PAGE_] --!..D.4- OF . • ..... • POLICY '\ DI:R'ECTIVE I a:' Department of Corrections '~':. , " Page _ _...l7 of I 2_ s. Writs and Petitions: Without specific approval from the appointing <Juthority, employees nre not to,Il8oint, ad.... iae I or counsel offcnder9 1n 'the' prepar. ation of writs, appeals, or petitions for executive clemency or other legnl .. concerns of simil"ar nature. Employeea may refeT offendero to the nppropriate legal service agencY.dr person:] for aesistance 1n thORe matterir." 6. Offander Sponsorship: Employees are not to serVe as furlough sponsors for' inmates or work/training residents~ . , \." '. Excc})ttons to this policy rcqui rc t'he written permlltsion from the St:crct<Jry or his designee. '. Supersession: ~olicy Directive 651.005. Eml;loj'ee Relationships with Department of CorrccUons Offenders. Hay 1', 1982. ". r. .: I · :'. ~.' ~ ... .'... . ~" ....,~ '"' ··i .. : ..... : ......... .. , I .' t. '. '.! .; : . ' I have read, discussed, and understand the contents of this Policy Oir'ective. 1'r'ainet' ~.~.~~~.. : .. ATTA~_·:·f.;.'~~_~_ _.-, PAGE~OF.~~---"1 \ • . OEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ~ REPORT O~ CONTACT WITH A D.O.C. OFFENDER ! :l.Ul& CMSIOH OR OffICii IllSnruflOH OR RaGlaN Jl)8 1Il\.E (WITH o.o.c., PURSUANT TO l1fE REQUIREMENTS OF DOC POUCY DIRECllVE 854.075, REGARDING EMPLOYEE RELAnONSHIPS WITH D.O.C. OFFENDERS, THIS IS TO REPORT THAT I HADlHE FOLLOWING CONTACT: . "" : \,CCAnOH OF CONfACf NAIo\& OF OT)l&R OFFl!NO&R OR ICEH1tI'YIHQ FeAlURE LENGTH OF CQtlfACT . C£SCS\1P1lOH Of CONTACT . ClATE Of COHTACT OATE Of REPORT . EMPLOY&£'S SlOAA1\JRE .. SUl'EJ\VISQR ··'REPORT REVIEWED BY: nILe 100li l : '- ...... ::.::.~~.:1:.:;. : ~ CONtACT WAS: . o o SlQHFICAHT KCNSIQHlRC..u.,:, SUPERINTENDENTIREGIONAL ADMINISTRATOR/COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL AREA ADMINISTRATOR OR DIVISION DIRECTOR OR oFFIce CH1=~ IF IN HEAOOUARTERS: SIGNA1\11\& nTI.E 100TE I .. .... "!e' I . .. .. ~ ATTACHMENT "ACE 1'0 10r~ OFJ _ DL • CHASE RIVELANO SECRETARY STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS MEMORANDUM TO: Phil Stanley SUPERlNIENDENT FROM: wee date DATE: Jan 24, 1997 DO'IY OFFICER SUBJECT: WEEK-END DUIY OFFICER REPORT place time incident 1-24-97 1608 Major Control RICH.I\RDSON 215029 back from St Peter's hospital stay to C€ ... 1305 2010 R-2 R-l . .. 2Q20 R-3 2030 2050 R-3 R-3 " 1-2'5-97 ======= 1-25-97 ======= 1-25-97 " " G6. HOUI 759363 froIil R2 to l~CC Infirmary/COU l<ELLEY 633330 (lG5U) and JONES 963530 (lG5L} to Il-nJ/P:'IC for n"htinp.: , . DAVIS 756290 (3A4) to l-ICC Infirmary - fell in shm'ler, sust injury to leg. ~ NAJOR COlITROL 0545 =======- ============== NAJ. CONT. 1325 _======M- ============== 1515 R-.2 R-3 1900 R-3 1945 ~ MARCELL 703494 (3'810) to nm/ Ad Seg for secured housing. BURTON 702476 (3A7) to to nm for possible assault on H.bJH 703494. NO UrRIES .. ========================================================= NO Ei'llRIES. =======================================~================ p~~~ 760235 (2ElO) to l}ID/Ad Se~ for secured housing. COOK 760390 (3G4) and RETINGER 2:3i;70 (3G4) to nru I PHC infraction 602. coax also infracted with 660 and 663 ~! 759699 (3B5) to JlflJ/Ad Seg for secured housing. --;. \ ====== 1-26-97 1-26-97 1-26-97 -/. ,~~.:.1,.. . C../"( I~ r. . ..... ========= ============== ========================================================= Inmate c1earcoats 0719544 to I.~.U. :or infraction ffl03,~ R-5 1925 Inmate _ _o 1·1ason General Hospital v5.a. HOSPITAL 2i21 2I:1bulan~ed.Icetion error. ..;;;: 2200 t~CC !ADMI'ITED NGH f/147 lOf5 ATIACHMENT_---:/_'_ _ O"l·' I\) '3r~.t ~. Ia • .:..~~.I' J cL PACE---l.L-OF r. Or-:I';\ln""w,rr 01: connECT IONS t>I\TJ-~: 0] n.I./,,.,. J flC II)J~N'I' U&I'{)ll'I' "I' 1I,n-:: :::~:.: II ..\" NO:3817 TYPE:f-1EDlCAL TRANSPORT STAl--F REPOn'f1NG:LT. IL BJW\'IU TYPE: TYPE: . OCCURRED ON: 01/26/97 AT 08:55PM REPORTED ON: 01/26/97 AT lO:2SPM G';";':~': J HM;U Jtr(;TO'~ LOCATION: WA COR CTR HOSP PLACE: LIVING UNIT 1 STAFF INVOLVED INJ HOS ALLEN, GEORGE TUFTS-RICH, BETH WILLIAMS, HAL MOUNTS, CHERYL BORCHERS_ BEVERLY DESCRl~ INMATE 1\S N N N N N N N N N CONFIDENTIAL: NO INFIRMARY RM HC02 wee "FENDE. N AD~IINISTEREO A DOSE OF MORPUI BY MI£:TAKE AT . . . . . .~EVELOP~O AN IOSPITAL BY AMUULANCE DAMAGE: NO APPROXIMATE COST: $ O· fHER AGENCIES CONTACTED: DATE: 01/26/97 TIME: 09:55PM MASON MEDIC ONE AMBULANCE MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL HOSP NAME: MASON GENERAL HOSPIT FOLLOWUP RPT: NO AGAINST: INMATE FFENDERS INVOLVED o ------------------------. CLOSE NAMES·4• • •Ift~ LAST KNOWN AOOR: DOB: 09/30/1969 : HSC: OTHER VIOL CHILD SEX RBCEIVED wee-R: 11/15/96 TRANSFER TO PRESENT FACiLITY: 01/22/97 VIC/WIT ELIGIBLB: YES FURL~ FBI NO: 9S933BJAS BSA NO~ SID NO: 14237bq4 ~OPERTY • .. ' - ~ I~ ~ :50PM BY GEORGE ALLEN, RN. INMATE AD\'ERSE RKACTION AND MAS TAANSPOltTED TO MASON GEN AT 09:05PM. APPROX INJ HOS Y Y ~ ~ :....J tIJ ~ ~ • STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS' WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER P.O. SOK 900 • She/ton. Washington 98584 Ol-~b "'<99- <:....72J:' Lr. ~207L)/ ",S!.J/Fr· 4t.//~p-;pJ1 Pu Il~-U.~)r 1C_) t/G:~S/.J.L. 6!.E &"t-~ 6F j~ ry oPPt~ el.:-/.JI/J&' 7t~"tn-nA~ 7.J..t( loS. /Z) /j·/-:nJI.rc~ .~...,t/.JjJ c; c:[)F S/dl~r ,();lJ~?(\07/C-- ~~I '0/77~ D:JV . .ft<l;'Jzr12,1.) , . ::-I/JA 7" ~(,}/d"/c..~ G~t37-Il~(~" G- --;z:J ,/t.LL.G''A) i!./l..) / ?(1 (.)~':l=" /-(.' .' / I //7 (flJC . h bIUtJ;Jt) t.r.-J12-t/7 6?lJ ~...) j) t:!7L . I F t Ca-!o) -r7 ~ l ' - t r? 7D ()2;;) .A~L€'V tlJl2JzJI5;'G)./ . ,J)'leJJl C/JrT00 l;;iL/CoYL. e. o-x..)T; A..J LcY..hC/~ . ~/rJ r""13. _ i/C...J// r l-/-d/ ~).(...) ~ t!!.-c~ NC-r:'~C-:;' ....... .~; PFGCr 67: ./ ~:I / /7 6?fh~ . 6""F ,,)J1£. J!::JrzGlJ cr!tJu:i7Il) E7 l.::r£e(.w~~ 71~ (.:::;2. ) '£)4; ~. #k/..L.:mJ £; J:)Dc~ or- (,:r:i./"";)~ L~tE .::.-y-j./cr;- a':/7C~-n .A~ L!,1J',)n ,,~ .,I.J,/J /.) ~~ .'-..( ~ &V ~~-G-, {5JL) Ild?.s. ) ~~ IT Ie)/.] S ;dLce), ..Jot .... --7/~ C. !:::':".,.~ ( ....1 U(.r.J!J (!IDZ-tt:::7l-rYJ / " ./ (}C-./L) /d.:.!J /- ~. rS/d;;=-:'r' 7L'.{~i~- J..,. r.', . L ;:.J?:J71.~ (a C»).~ ! /h 1/~t57J7~')L}J7~~ ,{)ltu.; l5lU;;;~ /~ 8- ~~/U6m ,. (!!CW77 K-)t.<. tJC<-S. /;'1c.V I ~ uo, 6F /;, ~:j;', ~:i1OF-l~\' Qibf1 C(~/~Oi7 o ftCJd<4-" 0.Je-Z(,/L /J. ft1 {}Vt./iJr:S.' . L//l.} . '. • STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER P.O. Box 900 • Shelton, Washington 98584 , :rc:d.\ Cok ~"\Ii."'+ra."tL ·'P:.cLT-{L'-.. ~~TIL l--\c../V\. I ~~.r·~) .~-\~en-tee~~,- ttM JC gil \ \;'Z) \ l\ U ~ I,loS I ()/~ .. 1018 J ._ _ AITACHMENT ~AGE J q OF 11) Ie. .. I. • • • STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS' WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTeR P.O. Box 900 • Shelton. Washington 98584 -,;- 'I.~ ~.A1. I)" #:J'h ((,;1 ~'jl1A1 97 '<JISOO· d~~tIl 't/uu!J /Uprr-t?? ~ #1 /lJo' ~ eIJ."uJJ() .a&~t/:Y~ a&vl ~.IA/~ l-i'Om,/ illS l'cnV'~, rJtJA/~ B/"&tutJ ~ f/~ ~c: ~ ~ ~.~ ~~11 ?At' ;eirlh a6Uudl y.la7 h f0ft,~ ut!I~s ""At AJI' ~~. ~~CU) ~~~~r/~J,J»J" tJ,"'~ o?o~C ((/PA't tV.IJ?.1 f~1Lc/ --C M~QH ~c. tJ~.s ,,fUc,,'u,cI ~ MIhAtns /N/'ol tP701 £ueuJ!;d h'K ~.;e. e 7ii'~s aD." .:!silk .<I~ /lePj was ark:Ucl "Mel /l?PlJlfJ t't:m;plcttcl. RE. akt'e. .. , .. , • . ..,' -....... 'f~~' . ..... .-~ lOP9 I ---1DL ATrACHMENT' PACE IS OF . : r-----~•..-:-. .1 • ~r:':*II • ~ \1. ---. STATE OF WASHINGTON CHASE RIVEtAND SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS : MEMORANDUM 1 OAT£;: ....<:. . . _.-._- /-.:/ SUBJECT: I ': ..': :.':j:-' ATTA~~___ '~~~~-'--r~ G . OFJ c 7-q 7 !<n &eOftr;::!JLLE"17 /-1-/: IJ 5/ /tJE£.{ ;Ios;v/(/Ji-. /-16-97, It; Sr PD£& //OS-,Pirl'lL Ai 1t~£oY. .. jqJS; I RE'C.Bv£J:::J A- PJitJ/)£CALL·P/2~»?1-rIlF..7/lt:J all p/OO/c f7 (.)££c-:s:. s-rJCfr/0 r] .:r/1 f0/l/'717.J16 J11~ IfIJ4T 4/1 . UnItJ£11 [I PIL-=-n PEJt50I1 lJJt.s on 77-18/2 lUlfY uP FlOrn TfJ£ LLJRE:Y. TilE .5Am~ /im~ A ,:'/co/C KflCffm£ 'to 7Jf~ !?OtJrYJ 1"6 "q~S'/.5t' W/TH {}n!661/}b CA~£' oP :UJm~J~ . A/..56 /f1 f?:;AmL.~):J ()IP Or IT U /,{ /·TO/l... (6 n J /J1/ n G F/(o)?1 rJ/~ LOJ'l:(Y A, /;0 fI/)1) -rilflr ~Ecu/l/7Y J/;tlO BEZ=-/7 Cr9LLE/.::J ,r;~ ---, 1-1SS';~'-r; JO()c.)LfL&~//EC.JI:?1.J;17£ //J;/?1'97ES' .-. ' ; : Rc-S(Rf}//?I.£;. f'/ntJJJ?(O 1?IE.I71 19-// .5£&11£ ~~:\.~ ___ d /1/£i?E 1_,(.)/1.5 /i ~11tZ/( LJY1 Y'HC' ..s/luJ ~ UXX JIJIl5/uG¥a .!IlC%).Jj!JLLE/l, /1£ Sf/!raJ_ 'd:u.JI?SJ 05/ OoT W/17ZJI;lJt:. i/l£~?jJ& &wL I1!JO DR/a 7b,smp/1r7P.) C/lCLJ< LYiJ;;'mJ9TE . _;.T7Zt /11m iJiIlT / JlI5 LUrK.4 1!tf1J1Im,-/ 807 .5t/lC~/I~ w~ J-IEt?E,,· fiE roc.JLD 57/Cf1 H/..5 ;-I",c/J/l /)1 F7?/ ', 8- • 01' STATEOFWASHiNGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS CHASE RIVElANO SECRETARY MEMORANDUM i DATE~ TO: ATIACHMENT_ _ PAGE-L1...-0F SUBJECT: FROM: It !J1//)u:rc:-: liE.5'rEr'PEn /il-.b 7/-/E II' Ie J<ot::m rrl1LJ !!~/("E.o I!t::e...J 1'"/I,?:' ..'l/JJ1?nrtF". L.u!'1S, As 771£ Jnm4I£ !.!!!;'.£f{E2::J 1IIF/E LA..J8-5 /!/l!)r,;-/Ge t/);:JC!((!JY) ,fiE a::o£, J t w/lS . ~f !E:r£~111tJ5P/T/jL5~uR/rY- /IE IJS~EO IF LV££'I/- . L AI1.50e2ELJ ",;1f?,,:....J KJ?ocJ 7}j//Jh U}/!5 /tLL;P/~/f7: /1)'''''''''''' ml.$~/§Lmrrn ~£oM LV/·LL,· fiE'S AYJ f((J rflt::e£ // liE' ~E'/L'/E LJ 1'{) J<,. ~c/ / LJ J-/IfvE" /7/77') SFE.tJ/J C/ T/11TtJ :r 'TJtE·.II/9L.L .:;::-'cJ/Z /9/lJ//JurE.. //I~£',,&L/&O \~/?£ha/A f/lfCJ{jLEm // ALLEn wrrS ;::}-LL.IlG'1&'y II-r7f}~.Q::o/l /)lIS 7JmL:--:'AntJ .5rFf?fJEn our II? )0 ~flE /I/I//'" tfJ, I2!J . ~ lifE .3'&u/1/ 1:-) . O~PIC£J7 /1S~ElJ 70 SEF fl/~ DLJ.~; IDiJ77//~CA7/0/}_ ' J<J1 ,/fLLE/? ;/;1tJDCJCt9:J /-11.5 v.dG .IO hn LJrd1t/E --.I 10 '7/1E/ 9;:::-nt.:F-J?, Ill!? CJ~rJCt92 Ccs~~.o / /I~ 1/J~1-/ . ~J?" /feE 7/107 ..5/!JJL)_ ·n. Y6LJ ..5HouLLJ KJJL'JW T}f/? t T/I~· r f?t:Qj)Q ?Roc£DotfF f{JY.( Ul.(/ fj))'b 61iJal.lJJllfl£ Be&7 'V5/l::r::<- &11.. Of!..,L,":£O /!/!{) L£/ {tiC /?c:cc,tl.l7CV? Br C/fLL ((!II£Rt: AJ1DDlEc:.A WdJ! rrJlE CJPALr:.e t.-lJrLYocJ6E£ TIi/lT tv/ItS v . DO~I'''O 111"91 .J.,&2f-r /l -k:'v ComL=jJ1 A 11() /I, J 0-. "; I I I I • I I STATEOFWASH\NGTON CHASe RNEtANO OEPAR1'MENT OF CORRECTlONS SECRETARY I MEMORANDUM I DATE: I . TO: I SUBJECT: I FROM: . ~ V/O fI~5 /Jo/ J-IEN:. I lO..56"E ;11/5 R17aP /IJ?.{) I . 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":E "~ • STATE OF WASHINGTON CHASE RIVELANO SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: SUBJECT: ti-;;~ ~/J?'W/7 g£/7E~ 1'1-1/9/1 ()(J.!JLLEI1~e/?LI£CJ 111~0" .- \'5 D/orl! 7fl/I1§!Jf1.5 tt.J::2:,J~ M A P/dtJi,E/11.t.-L£/lcPoI.CJ PRtf~198/LY LeALIE ~ ..1. 1?£5(0/7IOt=O \~ A' /1 . . 111191'5 '/ItE StET /f!I)16 7O.[;;B riE St9iJ6tXJ.otfy£ to :J;.;mp,rE. 14nLJ ,4 'r LEPJ: . lifE 2/(J:j Wdl1tf7;qL/~C=f) wITllfJr';LE/1 --1&:.7C/f,.:J ~((ED ~ . ](:)SPF£j~ LA,h7f1rf!~ mnJ01 Lo/l7i0L 5Ge0/in7: /'iES/fIO '1)//11 tI-IEv ~C:: in -rifE:; m/O!JL~ CJ ~ fill 4mf}oLAl1tC /fOP1 .l7nn Weeb~/mtln~CO U/1 i- rinD .s/I~w/fS U5ey C't6'-y_ d-;f)LO /1/J7l '":II/fiTS ol<:fi//JusTw£ITEAfrJE4?6 T /O/J1~". . ' ...~.;,.. 1023 I ATrACHMEN1'_-.- ,q JOG PAGE--l-l-:-°f~- . To: NORRIS LAWRENCE DOC-DP-Cl-LNO From: ARM~TRONG CLYDE 'DOC-DP-Cl-CAl Date: Sunday 26-Jan-97 ~_ ~1:07pm Subj ect: GEORGE ALLE1'f RN Mr George visted I n m a t e _ at St Peters Hospital at 2009 to 2011. His visit was without not1fication to Hospital security. They were concerned and requested that they be notified of anyone coming to the hospital" for the purpose of visiting/checking on an inmate in the future. cc: BARTH FRANK DOC-DP-C1-FBC ......... Message amended by: DOC-DP-cf-FBC BARTH FRANK on: Tue 28-Jan-97 at: 3:20pm phil, is this the visit you referred to? frank . ....•.... Routed on: Tue 28-Jan-97 at: From: DOC-DP-C1-FBC BARTH FRANK To: DOC-DP-Cl-PS4 STANLEY PHIL *** End of message *** 3:20pm -----._-------.. (:':i-;C:: 1_:~ .,._-. --_._---..., • ,. , I .\.1 I~!~ 2·"(,: _, • • II • • ': . . . . 1024 J_ AlTACHMENT PAGE ac 1i:::J OF • STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER P.O. Box 900 • Shelton. Washington 98584 January 27,1997 G. L. Navarr.o, M.D. TO: ~/ ~.Frank Barth, Health Care Mag; FROM: SUBJECT: : 3~ . Jodi Colema.n, RN Inpatient Nursing Supervisor Incident Involving Medication George Allen, RN 2 My Investigation and Findings At approximately 9:00 p.m. on January 26, 19997, I received a phone call from Beth Tufts-Rich, RN 2, stating that she had sent a the hospital due to a medication error by George Allen, RN 2. She stated custody was quite upset about a megication error and wanted to know Dwhy'. She said that the PA had said to send him to Mason General Hospital. She also stated that the standard procedures and precautions had , been observed. I called her back at 11 :00 p.m. and asked her to call Frank Barth, HCM. She stated she had already done so. At approximately 6:55 a.m~27, 19?~d Mason General HospitallCU to inquire the condition of M ~ DOC ~ The ICU .nurse reassured me several times the patient was fine. She stated the ER physician had put him ICU as a precaution only. "He is a very cautious doctor." She stated he was having chest pain this morning but only after the Corrections Officer asked if he could come back to wce today. On January 27,1997, at 7:00 a.m., under my office door I found three.pages of memo from the 3 - 11 p.m. shift regar~:ng the incident. . 1) Memo from Tufts-Rich tv LL Brown per order of Elaine Thomas, Duty Officer. 2) Memo from Cheryl MOl:nts, LPN, to J. Coleman, Frank Barth and Gary McCracken. 3) Memo from Beverly Bor:hers, RN, to Lt. Brown. See attached. 1025 i-- ATrACHMENT_ _ PAGE-d::.LOF IcL ," Or. Navarro I Frank Barth January 27. 1997 Page Two On January 27,1997, at 7:00 a.m.• I asked George Allen where his AccidenVlncident Report was and he provided me with a copy. It only states the error and treatment. please note the times between ingestion and treatment was 5 minutes. See attached.. On January 27.1997. at 8:15 a.m.• Crystal Nielsen. HCM Secretary, informed me.Frank Barth. HCM, requested me to do an investigation. Conclusion a(ld recommendations about why so many errors by George Allen, RN. My investigation (procedurally) 1.' Checking on the patient's condition at the hcspital, at 9:30 a.m.• I called leu and patient is being discharged to WCC this a.m. (January 27, 1997). I requested all the hospital ICU and ER records be copied and sent back with the patient to establish patient status (my first concern is the patient). 2. I called the ambulance company, Medic 3. and asked for a copy of the ambulance report. They said they wil1 fax this information (to avail myself of all information). 3. I talked with U-E staff involved (essentially an interview), George Allen, RN 2, Allen., Riddle, CHCS 2 . and Cheryl Mounts, LPN. a. George Allen, RN. gave me a detailed outline of the incident (see attached). He stated he had ~ven Cheryl Mounts the narcotics keys, then took them back to giv~his prn med. He then counted the narcotics and realized he had an error. He reported this error without five minutes and .orders were received. patient was checked by PA. .. b. Allen Riddle, PA-C. stated he had been informed and had acted on the .: " information. -He provided a written statement to Dr. Navarro who ga'/e me a copy. Th~re is no notation in the patient's record that reflects this January 27 written statement by A. Riddle. Some appear to be verbal orders and 'should have been in the provider's notes. c. Cheryl Moun~s, LPN, was interviewed by telephone and will bring iii a . detailed written report today. She said that she already received th; narcotic keys from George and had completed the instrumenVneedle counts with Doylene Grimes in the treatment room and sterile room at 2:35 p.m. When she returned to the nurses station, George had asked for the keys tack tt;> 026 giv~ prn med because he was in pain and most uncomfcnablef: George gave the meds and then started the narcotic count. .ATTACHMENT PACE d-?" _ OFJ -:; l- • Or. Navarro I Frank Barth January 27. 1997 Page Three 4. Review of medical record (documentation review). a. WCC Health Record concludes a medication error was made on January 26 and a provider was notified immediately and orders received. b. Mason General Hospital - See aUached. . c. M9son county ambulance - Medic I - Not received yet. Physical examination of the narcotics and the way they are stored. 5. The two meds (percocet and MS) are stored next to each other and have the same color wrapper. A work order was sent in on January 24 to have a special box made with dividers so the narcotic pills are easier to use and to count. (This is the area where the error occurred.) 6. Review of procedure for narcotic medications on the inpatient ward (see attached). They still apply and are relevant. Conclusion: A serious accident did occur. We are fortunately we had a positive . outcome. Recommendations: 1. Give George Allen, RN, a letter of counseling and review all recent med errors with him to include a review every month for six months. 2. A belter AccidenUlncidenl report form. This form must be more specific to . :'':'';' medication errors. (Could be like the WCC Injury Form and Med. See January 16, 1997, memo from myself). 3. Review AlIs:l Riddle's notes to Dr. Navarro. If this information is not in :~e chart, it should have been, especially the vital signs. 4. Obtain narcotics box for ward narcotics that has dividers. 5. Delermine why a patienl was senllo Mason General Hospital ER. Vita: signs and ranges were in Mr. Riddle's notes. (See MGH papers). ..102'7 JC:cn ATTACHMENT_~l_ _ PAGE aJ OF J GL • OEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ACCIOENTJlNCIDENT REPORT NOTE: REPORT ALL ACCIDENTS OR INCIDENTS EVEN IF NO APPARENT INJURY. DATa OF /loCCICEHT OR lflCI1JEHf I.IOHTH DAY lWE .~ /~b/9~ J /4-10 WAS rr h"£C£SSAAY TO HQnFY AP FIRST REl"ORTm FOR mv.TUENT DAY UOHTH / ~YES 'tEAA /~6 /t)~ P.M. . A-?U!lUrI& ~O DNa M"";":11~~ _ --=-G'-::;...::::;; OESCRIBE LOCATION AND EXTENT OF INJURIES: _ RESULTS OF X·RAY/OTHEROIAGHOSTICTCSTS: _ OISPOSITION: o o o 0 HOSPITALIZED OTHER (Sj)9:ify) - - MINOR INJURY - NO SIGNIACANT LOSS OF TIME ANTICIPATED 102-8 FIRST AID ONLY ~OLLOW.uP CIS'TAISU11QN: BY PRACTmDNS • .....;.CM. ~ .s-y~ DO NOT FILE IN HEALTH RECORD . s . - . )CUIIr~~ r~h? ri7;~; ATTACHMENT_-.:..\_ _ PAGE d~ J{) LP OF DOC 1)-012 (I'l~ .~ • --------- ._.------- . • .~ STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER P.O. Box goo • Shelton, Washklgtcn 98584 ~:~':-';- I/.~ . .JA/MI. hjtr Irl,d ~11 2' 14ItI 97 "<JISOO' d ~lrP AlWJ ~~ ~ t:I"l.iIJ<J eU!ue:ut/ Y'A, ak".t IJt Au/'~ /~mJ PI.$ ..a..-yc' /U.' ~ t"mV'~J dt?uI'~ 1/ I~ ~c: ~ h./ ~ ~d! J ~~ rAt; ~tldh d/~tIJ -"'.Iv /b f~X}dJ IhMJS ~At ,." ~~. f~~aa ~u~~~Jrm. 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Box 900 • Shelton, Washington 98584 ~ -:JODI ~/4~) f0t}.J ~J/c- /S;:wm"dJ lJ e..;n I ~4ruf 1J1~. ~/2.<Jc,~1 IJ-~,;;... ~!: ~ Is:. 70 {!.-au%7;)€ A-7:>V/~e ~ ~UJdtL.Q ~/,0~ L?~G" N= J:lJl PI .vMe&7C-:~r tU/77J- J:),tJv J/.J./pr£A), G~~e;- At...unJ, IT ~ lJ.t ~ u:N~ ~(~) 77J.;SC.~ 5P- &() //1~'"0r &Vri~ . _..... ;..J/JD- ~.G;tJ~ I;) tffc/t.-OTL 7D C~ g;.;Gc.~e A.(..~gx)},eu tDU 7k'1~~.~~~J/!.}~. f;,2J A L.Lc:rJ t8 VUI J..§TI. PvJG A <-.U!:V d4 ~D.·U£ i5r- II/h /VI en I CAl( W E)UlfYL, ttt-/J.f) ~ - t{)~tJ/C-(/1?s; ~ &u-.~AC;r --;j:,Je: ~cr OF 7T..Jrr lJ!= !/Ih /av /?z~ /f1S ~/~ UJ}hC/J I~:& ~ G.IU~?(~iltFO.·)7 oW . gM p~ !...-g:; DOC, 7L.( r;;"::~ /Zr C/.J ) 7rOk- C!t.J/.:WL,b;~ CF- /;nrL@??~JDJ~ .z)~ lY~ ~)./::L ~lJ)t:;.,7/~ M . f5J1J F / ~/D~ O~wtorer tn= J/r/1 ATTACHMENT • ~?C ~kJkr!JA .C!-eftCT17IJtt6v<..~ PAGE~OF...l.!2 I~033 ftl- I?7tnuJn. LA ) ,. . .. . STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT, OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER P.O. Box 900 • Shelton, Washington 98584 .1034 I ATrACHMENT_ _ PAGE 30 OFE.-, 1_ AITACHMENT_ • / PAGE . 3\ OFJ oca I ~{ . : . ~. ~NJ:;f.Y tj~~j~.:J_.. ._. ..__._._ .__ .. ~~-'ODO-=_1Y1.t:9.,.t6:80_fr£_f?81_~_'Z_~~ _ _ _.. ... C::Jto..9PJ:o_·cf}Je__?~~U.KS ... _.. _.__ _ .. .. ~ - .Ma2.~.~S-.91l~,~.:EQ_5D _~p'~_jJJ~_ _ .--- .... -_.- _.__._._),'C!b'/_a.Dj).~TS-l~ R~ '._._ ....~ 1~.=__'/ Vj~ _. _ .- . __._: ._. .. . .::.. __ .. _. . ._ . '- . . __ A;~ ~~~_~~~ -~ ~ ~J.(}AJ1J2F{~ MtS_tbE"b__+_ ,_ ~ o~f{.O ~_._._ .._.. . .._H£-.. ~_lrY_J!LcfG . _fh.f.:1... ~_oj~J3(..._ ..flY A?_...flfrAi- J-"I.6 _:JJ:ffJL: L Vj {~?f_._67 Cv..l?_-I:I:u~tl __._ _. . _~~L-~0 -1)!ff(!lJ)fE__ Pt-:l. _'2__.'::'0... __ ... 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( ~ MHU NOTl: ALL NOTAnONS MUST BE SIQHED BY DATE ---3 t." . ·OF~ ATTACHMENT' OFFENDER lD~DATA (;vi ILrh:.. '..,(.A 9--v'\.. • IJfi.~~Lv,-. /../f!&..",.,/ - ~./ /J.J-, L'",-_C~--td' ('/-'1 f ,.. ./..-.., It!:) ~ L I'L/~.I- -rIM- tdrrt/)')td.f ~ ';/;?/// ";". 1, .... - ' ISt~ $9/":')"hu..J DOC 1;)01) (REV. <WI) A . . /.. ..Ih :--'~4'~ h/'7I'..~ ~ ~./. _I H. ~Lr- f/O ORDERED • OAn • 1'U! ...... ~.... EXECUTED 1\1011 PLE),SE SIaN ALL OADERS A IV 'MoO... PI' A.Jl -......... \ \.-. ._v • - ' :. ORDERED DATE ,~.; ,l~~, a... o-.~ • EXECUTED llU! liNe AJL PJL I '''ft'!'' i) PLEASE SIG~ ALL ORDERS n\ "p\\A -rL_ BY Wl40Lt P.IL ,, .~ P....,_...."\ -D ...IL ,CT.... b .;~---I---r-+-----UU),).U~-------------t--+--ir--- ,._~., \- ft... . . \... ~.,_a..., ._ . ~_ fnl"'\ "...... ' " ..... _,.\~ I- Y , \1 I/ ~UJf, / I .' , -- ORDERED OATE J I ·I~~ I EXECUTED BY !WEp..... • 'i'Jl'E ·p .. 1 W-oiOLt ,.. 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ORDERED liME A.M. . . . EXECUTED 8y 1lIolE PLEASE StGN AU. ORDERS P.lL AU. P.IL WHOI.l r_ ... -U I a -. .. co (Tl '.. I .::.-, 0;. . .~. co l'~i ~~ 1'1: " ... ~ - , 111£1') ATrACHMENT PAGE 1 ~"8 \ h OI.·/fll,,~ J- OFfENOEn '.0. DATA i) MEDICATION RECORD o ......-i DOC '30'lI(11EV. t9C1 ...,., NT:;'; rACRJ~) Cl'"_ INITIAlS PIlOVIOEn 10). ~- ~ ,t,..1- Ie%, AA)AO:o:OEV , OLH/PA 2/97 T WARD 1116 STOP 01126/97 .~ ..:. 'IT' ,~~CA'J il{; ~~ c c. • ~ b (,0 c t::J fP.q~ ~J II'\. f'1J (. rb"J Ii 1 STOP (INCI ( , NOON & , WARD '6 STOP 01/25/97 HI tflUI" \'M.:, rr c 6 5 9 8 7 '0 II 12 '3 14 . 15 o q r;e;;-- ". ~Mi fir 'J 16 11 v-r18 19 20 AllEn?c 21 22 o INPATlOlT 23 IJ 24 2S 26 !,Nt pt. [I(;;.l" ·1t'''',III':1 2!J 28 JO "n.. II ~ } iJ CC r~ 1'1) 0, Gl j IVY - - , ~/ ,r~ .... - - - - - boQJ.t .~ I\\-. . ~A1 b> .~ -If \ MOM Mcc fJO--J-/S ·h.1 r~~ "'" f,zJ cm~ q .. ;,~~ W.1/,:;;~~II 'Ki 1-~ ~ l-l.J. I~ ~f, )·......",,.., _ 21 '\ . r?~ ,'" Ol1lPATl£tn I nt\ ~r- - - - r. I~ I 1"1 l.rll UII.I(, • r/J" /'t 7 JROVl 01/23/97 t ... 7461 KETOROLAC 10MG T IE 1 TABLET MORNI :NING .GO 4 3 2 , to ''''''IINCI t IAA.a· IDEA )~ ('f\1 ~JIf//p/417)/" , ~ ~ ~ \. NAPROXEN 375MG TAB 1 TABLET EVERY 6 H s IF EO rOR PAIN .CW 1 rno ~1An INIllAlS r, IDUE nr en· .~ ~ ("7' , I-- '- b "-;- - 'I l- i- .. --'-. I -1 : __ .. I I 31 , . .' , ~ I .- "W.:lOI - he .D ~ -~ ~Vd J.N:Dm:) UV o ~ m 5m ~ - Q o ~ > I o· I~ ; I I - I I I I I • ~ ::f -! 104-4 ~-~- If'.) fjL ~ m.CATlON RECORD C) DOC 1""l'lEV.I~' H·'" '''ClUTY pnOVlDEn ,. I{ ~G, ~b~ h pp..1\J ~ RXp',lJ}(.Ou.:{- /7 -L .E!1WL r~IY,(IZSIlz,rzF~::';IJ~IJt.17u hI' /('''''1.. ~ i Ui, '" b ~ 11 • 11'\1: &. rlll; 'S ~.n;; r/R- "il '1; ~ ~ 10 11M ~~"~ ?; / J, I ~ KPI '"\,-111. 11 ,/~e.ftJ_~ : > . , "·~*~ d' : : ~~ 66""i 7' ESllCl~~~ ~~ )( I..( V .n.tJ Ml'I1'-l'l-o d 1.1 ' " . ~ h. ,.. . ~a k. -l-Iu.ur- YJM.. '{-WI-:~ ~I " Kl:~f .;;" 1.=2.!:l.g 7 "".''''''' /)I. cfll- e,. 1./ 1/ _,.1 . J:;TOP (INC) STAnr _ / ...J".... -r RxV ts~ 50 J:m ~~..1:::2 Ax JI~I~'r".:tW P ••.10 ._ my -bC, fA l-( VJr. lL , r1 7reaJLTn ~ ~tq.C( H..q 7. STOP (INCI ..... 1))55 C)5() ~ Po 5l,\i) y 1-~dJ) (C1tA-0't/i?:JJ-r '"D SrkJ. 3T~" 'lift .:::t ., STOP (INC) . en- 11- -lLc!L _> I I I I I I 1ft ",jJ 'V ·'1 I I I I I . . . I 1 I 1-1- I I v·· ")- MEDICATION RECORD DOC 13·18 a enev. 1$41 ...1.' Ie9b0Lt1~-LFknj ~ ~I -:r~_ e . fZ f72.- .Jr1P INItiAlS I'/lOVIDEn INItiALS INITIAlS ~~~ l"~ o o I flu ,;;1.;,.~ "1"r:m:mJ" """ (0 FI-CILlJY / ( / A. ~ INPAllENT Otm>A11tNT a AUEnOlES I I .. , '" ,01 "I 231 "I <!.. STOP (lNC) " x R AcA1 ,,0.+<1. C~ ~tfOCc..... fD ~OJJ q1 STOP IlNC) -nx-~""""'~;:LI,ci+rdl 4+;>q~'C.- ·f~ ~.:::W-~I-J--I--1---I-J.--l-J-I--I--1--J-..I.~t-l--I-I--l-I-I-.J-+-U-+PH-I Y\.trlA1. pr(~ ~1 STOP'NC1 1P0- , (J\,l..(,y .. ~ .." o ) PHYSICIAN'S ORDERS Diagnosis: . Primary_-=-Iv~~ 0 D""-{trW Secondary ~........;.(4-~~.~~~ COOESTATUS Allergies: _ _ ) No ) Yes ( Type: _ NEW MEDICATIONS I CHANGE INrOOSAGE: f>+A(JJ~ -i . _ ,..-f,. , CONTINUE HOME MEDICATIONS: _ ... Rehab Potential: ( Fair ) Good ) Poor Outpatient Services: _ Office VIS1t: o CEBTIFtCATION MUST BE SIGNED ANODAiEDBY o . PHYS,!g:--~ ~ I certify that post·hOSDitai skilled nursing facE:1 services are necessarv because 01 oatienrs need Ie: skilled care on a continuing basis for the con:."tion(s) for which he/she was hospitalized prier to tratis:er. I certify that this patient Is essenllally hameb::tJnd and reauires these orolessional seN:ces (elated to diagnoses and / or th~ c~nditions for which tr.e patient was ,ecently hospitalized. _PHYSIClAN'S SIGNATURE _----;~{j"'=:; ~ (F~'" C~· =========-_---....../!~~.:-7 • 013-C 7146843 ROTH, JEFFERY A.. '.':.'. ~C-AUG-19G9 Ii' ~;~. f\ CT H. cc \, 1.\1 U,' J 1: r fER Y ·A. , ·:'~~I. '. .f-19!.-!.1/7.;::... Ti/:;.'-c:-~-.......~~~~~~~---~D~a;,;.;te~i--- 1 -_ _• PATIENT DISCHARGE 104' PHYSICIAN'S ORDERS MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL 901 ~ View Drive. Bldg 1, P.O. Box 166B • Shetton. 'INA ge$8~ _ • • • _ _ ••• ~_I "_ ..._ . _ ........ _... .."'- • J" ..... .. - . ~ MEDICATION ADl'v'··'ISTRATION RECORD . I o NAME: • sex _ AGE .. ~•••f\,~~.i~••~ ~...':'\:" ROOMIBEO:• HT CM wr ....~~"S:.r.:~····~~·.n~ •'. '·Mason':"General·Hospltat . , i' KG ADMIT DATE:_I_ '-:- ADMIT NO. MRI ~-- ~~~~~~~~;rr1:j"~R-Y;;-Il-A-. - - 1 " .".":7'LJ-t-l·...;··-ADMIT MO: ,._')....1.........._ _._ .. _-... t"_ . ..;..r_ ...........I;t _ ~"r~~\t'.A:;,.;:'~"'~(.'i'::''::.~'-' .;. . t' .~. ;-:: • ." '.' "'_~J.")'~(;' .~~'S' lP..i\nENT~NdTES~& 'COMMENTS: ~'-;,,:.. ~ t':"~ ".:..~:-" ...... : I .'. ._... "\'.'~- ...~. ... • .. .' • _ . ......... .. ..:•.. .:: •.';:~).~\i~~~~~~{t; _ _•• _ ....... _ _ • •••••• • _ _..... .. ....... _ _ _ _.._ i ~ CYCLE:_I_AT .:....:_ TO_'_AT _:_ START SrOp MEDICATION l§ : ~ ( ) 23 : 29 CHARTCHECK '23': ~ f . L.1 : 29 ..1 : 30( _ - - ) 15: 2 >\ . .' '. .. r ... :." . .. !.. - ," . ,'. : • .. " " .. 0 o ; .. :••t 0'" "'0 ".:.:0 " '. _ __ .':.. . ..:3·~.:':" -.:'" Name: ~ ...( ~ .'-•.'.:.'.:.:• " i:. . P-~e:-- .~ .~.~:: - (/1'- ----- .....:-. -.:.. _ . . .. .~(J.: .. CP.:-:.~. c> ~., ..... - . ... '. r { •• .... . Ty( e11'£ ,-;- --jf ,;?t? ~y( J" . . . .l. : " : AoomIBed - ·r TRA....SFERRING HOSPITAL/ PHVSlcv..~ MASON GENERAL HOSPIT ALI ------1 Rec.~ ~/Pnyslclan PtlOHE Cc... -r:J... ~. ~ Diagn Is: IoIAAITAl. STATUS .tJJ}- Allergies: - FAMlI.Y NOTIFIED OF TFlAASPORT H E U R 0 CV AA R S DC I U o L A R PN UA LR MY 0 ORIENTATION MOTOR PUPILS EMOTIONAL HEART SOUNDS RHYTHM EDEMA HECK VEIN OIST. PULSE I OUALm ECTOPV PATTERN BREATH SOUNDS SPUTUM ;- -.-:- Addilianal Nursing Infarmallon 01 rn c I C U S K I N I L H I V N A E S S I V E. ABDOMEN BOWEL SOUNDS LAST BM URINE CHARACTER VOIDING I FOLEY COLOR MOISTURE TEMPERATURE CENTRAL UNE ARTERIAL LINE PA LINE IV SITE HL SITE V~ I------------------t--------;:::::;----;:::;;-----;:::;--=--=-l-------------------~TR~AN~S~P~O~R~Te~D::::~.!:::!.~~=~~~~~-==~~r_I 5 Tt::::::::::=::::==:~::=====:=:======:~rR~ec~e~i'M:·:9~H:QS:P~ilal=N~ali~.n:ed~=====~:.:::.:.'=7-~===-- 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 VALUABLES ACCOMPANYING PATIENT: .... N 0 MONEY 0 JEWELRY 0 CLOTH5S LAST 8 HOURS 0 0 HEARING AlD 0 GLASSES TOTAL INTAKE TOTAL OUTPUT VITAL SIGNS SP DENTURES I/IJ" ~ )' T / e,eofrvHT f)O ~ DIET !=~ FOy,.OW1NG COPIES ATTACHED: ACTIVITY LEVEL Ij&~ £AbMITSHEET ~P q(l,{ p_({_)__ C, if"l WT R_~/..,l;;C.~ -~ o 0 0 MEO REC. LIVING WILL PATH ..; DISCHARGE YES_ 0 0 NO_ ~ 7J~. Nurse Sig. ~A W· B"·Qeocss OPERATIVE OlliER t.,t" UllIl _ _ Date. ACUTE CARE TRANSFER NURSING CARE .' MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL 2100 Sherwood Lane • P.O. Box 1668 • WhM II) T.-Ieo' Localion v..,..." Oft Owl t/:r7/j7 1049 Shelton. WA 985~ PWl OGPJ lor ~ IAGH 240'(; ~..: _..•.. ---_.-•••- - - - - - - - - - - - -..- - - - " ' - - - - - -..N&JC»IGi!~.;r.:'~~: ( -- PATIENT NU~. ~~:237013-0 ...." /'-1) STAY NUM8~._1146843 SHO •• JTAY 0/ 0 HA.~E 1'.A1ITAl STATUS: U AODRESS :PO BOX 900 caJitCH 'PREfU: :SHElTOH CITY-STAn VA 98U< LIVING Vl\.l :U PHONE : (3601426-4433 DATE Of BIRTH :30-AUG-1969 SEX:n AGf:021 KOTl fY IN CASE Of EM£RGENCY ACCIDENT OA1£ ~~E:VASHINGTON eOlRECTIOH CTa GUARAHTOR NAME :VASHINGTOM CORRECTION CTa Il£LATION:YAllO/COURT AOORESS:PO BOX 9~0 GUARANTOR ADOit :PO BOX 900 CITY/STATE: SHELTON ' GUAR CIty-STATE :SHELTON VA 98584 ~~ERGENCY PHONE:(360l425-4433 GU~,yO~ PHONE :r3'01426-4433PRI~~Y CAllE PHY:llOTH. JEffERY A. RELATION:YARD/CGURi EltPlOYEl PIlONE :( 1 AOtttTTlHG PHY :tv.LTZ. BEH R. ADnIT TIME :21:34 SOC SEC KO PREPA.UO BY :HlV IHSUlWiCf _CENTER 'OlICY • GROUP HAH£ :YCC IH.......n GROUP HUM8ER ;OOCIIIII INSURED :YASHIHGTON COlRECTIOH CTa INSUlU.liCE :SElf PAY 'OlICY 111111111111111 GROUP twiE :yce IHJ1AT£ GP.OU~ tnJH!El :ooCI 949404 INSURED ATTENDING PHY AOM!SSION DATE : 26-JAN-~91 DISCHA.'tGE DATE: VA 98SS.; ,- ell ~ ..,~ Pallent 0# euaDlI...: """on Mutl ~II Aul/lafirallCln 10# Modlco' "''':'0' SUlflal T'..1IMn1 all A..,,,so Sid•• Cod, No. PI!ndJlIa OplI,aliCIlIII'lCCeC!\Iro: , , ATrACllMENT J _ 4 \p OF-J t \,,; PACE eon.IliWICInWiln o Oi~ed' -"7 D~.-oainslMvQ DT,antlarraclC! ~ut, C11ri:ilfl No. Days n HoaPIal _:::_-- C~IO .~ .• • ____--:. Ezplled: D UlICkUIII,t. 00---:: 1Vt. Dyu :JPoo ~ _ 1050 MASON GENERAL HOSPlTAL am Ul View Dc•• P.O. BOl 1&-::: • S:e!ton. WA 98584 ADMISSION - SUMMARY SHEET· I '\ ,.. a )Jr ; FedGslrian ITALS '1: n::i(g u1aneo 0 Ph)'$lclan orlCe Accomplnled By: a SlunllAssualt 0 CNsh a Driver a Fall 0 AmputaUon a PuslInger a GSW a Other a Slabbing a Est. Speed_ -z, .:lA;/U -z..... BP: -1fkz.z... HL &02: $ 7? l:: :h!O' Compl~nl/ RN».n/'~W1~dml. . ~ ~ < H'U gC;V oc:f 3~ ~~ W~ c, - ~. au: 0 OSalzures OHA aSyncopg o Dhllysls o Past P J SGnsllMly 10 Soap J Ser.sllMly to Tope 0 0 Pac,malcar 'I)j>G C:audcation -...,""" o . e AS ••..PI FHT , '" Heredllary llInosses Laatfood or liquid I ;a. 'V PtN.. CMck !h. C4rrecl Anlwer: 00 you smcka CJ No Ye.s 00 you drink a1eehol1 No Yes •.4;~~~ RocrgaUonel dru~? 0 No 0 YgS Oisa~ oo OB Ollobelo:l o Uvllr disease HlVo you ev« had • bfood lranllullon1 a No 0 Yos RGae'Jon: No 0 Yes ObJocl!ent: 0 No [j Yes o OSlomy: a Type o PrGlllalg o SKIN I SKEUTAL: AOVAHCE.D DIRECilVE OR UVlNO WILL: No 0 Yu On eM"? 0 No 0 Y65 Do you with addltklfW In'ormaUon? (SS) a 0 Fractures 0 ArUufb o No 0 Yes · Brochuro g!vll'l 0 No 0 YgS Do you have In organ donallon withelllclfd . 0 No 0 Y6$ · MEDlCAllOHS (INCUJOING OTC) _ Hav, you or ltIy family momb4r had problema with tnoclh"la? 0 No 0 Yas Q Ulcer OB a a DilllcUlly 0 HeM Dbe8Se &.,ary Dlttlculty a HiGh Blood Preuure r'd . ' 0 l:ar.ear , a;. l. 0 , =~~O~Ih~g~r===========l HE1AATO..........."..... a a AJlhma o Past C . Valv' Dlsease I Murmur 0 1------..;...---1 I, lMrll a Hltlnry of The.. IIIn.u~ In Your MolhOC' OC' F.lh«1 0 DIaboIll.3 o Vascular Act:Gss o Type &. Lceallon 0 CAD 0 Arrtlylhmla K2V Patt SurgIcal HI,tery: o MenopauSoO o Rena! Fallure _ J LaLox (Ru~r) J Oy..../ Contrasl Media ' Prevloul HOlpllalluUon: o Frequency OSirus lneont NocturiA o Sexuany Acllve OSTO's o Vaginal Bleedng QLMP O!z:!neu PVO 100 Ar.;!na 'til I o Slones )0 Jlt typo of roacUon: 0 Immobilized a Mast a IV Silo OH.malurl4 ~A.ROIOVASCULAR: J Food a CelVlcal ecaar a Backboard o Splint o UTI aCHF P,rfume ::J "'llCIeallons 7 _----- Admlttod From:_ IN PLACE ON ARRIVAL Reslraints 0 YlIS ONo Helmenl avu ONo LOC aYes ONo. Length oilOC IL PREVIOUS HISTORY NEURO QeVA OWeaknes.s ---------------i 0 1.11 You Havo Any Allorgl..: 0 No ~YOs 0 HPT ~ ........... OOIMr ode of trlntportstlO4l: ECAAHISM OF INJURY: i Biqoc:~ ~-.- 'o?llIent o No H1stodlln ll.n1mo: /_ Auto MolDrc:yde . .... Rocent ImmunlzaUon? (Tetanus, Flu, P!;'tumorUa) Oatg 0 BBCk Pain 0 ProslhGsis Child ImmunlzaUonl OOstlll?POrOS!s Oa-.~ ~ OQSE . FREQUENCY LAST DOSE ViSiON H -.....,..---.:..------==------;--;-""7';1-:----"-10 Normel o OIiWC'ma · -..;.L~~4---------,L.-:~,;4J.......--.:-J-::~'"-----; 0 Contacts a No [j Yes up-to-dalo1 INQ: a0 Hermel impaired a HNsI'1l1 Aid ORal DENTAL: ' Olnlaet 0 Bracas 0 Looaa 0 Blind OC~pe<1 I -~~~~-----_J_.~~...:....-_;------i0 Eye Drop$ 0 No 0 Y... a 00aI 0 R a L a Chippod r0 Impaired 0 Retitlner o Glusu a MIsK\g 1--b-.tUJ<::..:l~:::l:o!...:.-.--=""'~--------r----___t 0 Calar&Cts 0 Other .,.."..._ _ o FaJ". Eye oemJRE5: I'" h-~~~~J::::J.:.-..L..~=----------r----___t VISUAL ACUITY: 00: OS: OU: l--------------------i--------j ~--...,-..:.....:.:,..,;. . - --------t------j sr~ 0 BrldgosIPartiAs 0 Permanenl 0 R.moyeblQ 0 DenllKes l!Cl l MASON GEN i ", ~:>701~:-C 714GB·f3 'ROTH, JEFFERY .A.··;.". - - - - \l . • .~ ,".:.: ....~:c:.. #.W:.Q.WiQ'" 1• .J 1. \l U 1 . . .. .3.v.vS%:;tM.t.M .4 ..... . .;. tw li01 Mt. V..w Or. • P.O. Box 1688 • Sh4llon, WA ge,s&4 105'1 EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT FLOW SHEET ...... ,diSh.N.vlm.Vi . ...... . ...-".0, h ..... h. (.h . .. .t .,,1 (Q 9 1.11= .~.' J:; g'Jn&"'J'1&1""....,-.t. • =======---------------------------------..- _ , -....· - .-er-..,i!R;.l~~~~1!l! , ... IL :.., .. . f f f ... ..,. r~.~~; or!'4 ' . . ••• ~~.... ~". ~. ~~.,,~~~............. :~:@NURli.ES:NOTES~ #1';;0:. ~It •., ~~. ..... :.... td~ a--td.t ~. ... ~ " :.. ~..-:~-... 't... • II 1' _ _ _ .. _ ~ ~A... ~~ ~ /~7~/ p- ".~~. ~ '-~.,/-. /t - I~~~~ ~.:.l~.l ,.. Z l~~"r- ~ . / ".., ••• :.. ---- ..L.../J. ~ 7~-A ~ ~-S. ~,./ Yf- m ~ , L fU, A7~~ ./ [-¥ .... -------~ /</l~ J"1~J' ~~ \Lr. .... J?- ~~ J . -VI . . ~ , --=; ", " . ., I , 1·~. ~". ~ "'~~1. ~. , ~ I I I I I I I E ~{~~ I , ' 6 ':~, ~ ~ .~ 'II • :..\ S ., v ~.9"' , ~ .... y • I ! I I I I . . , .. -- ., i .i "PAr.l:: • 714684:S ...: 2 ~701~-C H·~f'!:RY A., • - .. . . . . . O' , . , ~cc ." .j ~ tt 4 i, "- f ATI'ACHMENT i r: \., nv I 1. n~'J MASON GENERAl"HOSPITAL . Q01 ML 'hw Or•• PA Box 1~ • SbIllol.'. WA ga~ EMERGENCY DJ;PARTM~NT FLOW SHEET . .. .." . \ . ~ . .: J:t:b .. .. . '~i~SJ PACEdi' ( i', . " . Ii -••.-.~.:-~~.' ~. tJ..P(tenl o OtelloJlWOY o Nasal/.Jrway OTtaCh OCri~ ~U$1y 3 0 On Command • 2 To Pain 1 0 No Raspon5G Rales YRS_ $Itt lit \SWUiTERS MOTOJ!,B.ESPONSE s...-er5oeys Ccmmatlds 5 localizes Pain , W1l1ldraws 3 Abnonnal Flexion VERBAl. RESPONSE 5 G-Otiinled 4 Q Disorionled 3 Q Inappropllalo WOtdJ 2 0 ;:llenslon I Q No Rupotlso •• ee •• • • - Sizo J!9'I _ o Rue:t 0 Ncnreacl Silt Lilli .1 ,. 22lBS C· to ICgJ ~ " I.BS (,. 2OkG) 2N4 LaS (te-2CKlll :mJa.lTED lRAOi£OSlQ.ll' ~AY NC&W. IdAINTA:.'lA9lE 02 lNVI.SIW ...i. 1~2' 3 :5·'5 ...1. ,.35 BLOOO PRESSURE >GOIMlHq 5O'SOll'mHg 50 IMI Hg ..!. il.EVEL OF CCt4SCCUSNESS OPENWOUlO COJ.'PlETElY AWME NCNE FRACTURES HOOf ~XiHT OaTtJN~O CR /oHY lOC o .. "3 2" 0 a MONITORED: 0 RG~llt Sinus OIllOI Injurlos: 0 No O·Yws CHEST PAlt:~O Yas >90 70-50 '. COMAS:AlE 5 '~'15 60-49 IdQ <\0 COIJATOSe RESP. EFFCRT MA.'CR OR PENEl1UnNO 1 NcIllllJ OPEN OR MUl.TlFX "0 S::a10w or 11011. "':-;CR CtOSCo FX _ . :.' ~ >., ADULTlRAUMA scaRE· '.: '.' nesp. RAl'E SYSTOLIe B.1' GlASCOW ~ , • _ a Raatl a Nor.reacl . ..... ...... ""'1'.••. .2 I PUPILS ABNORMAL FlNOINGS:===========-::- PTS 1 2 C! ItIccmprel\onsibla WOlds 2 a No R9SJ-Ot!SQ t .. Absonl StdOKCR 0 YES 0 NO a a a a . RllondllJWheeZQ S O"cttaUIj /3 GLASCOW SCORE EYeS OPEN Ctma'SOUNDS •• ABNORMAL FlNDINOS: '. ••. •..• - ••, , . .... C!ut I. R -- _ OET,_ ~ 7" '1H] -;- a·l:I ~.~FIll T -L ..l.. NonMJ $-1 ~.~ -L Otlaye<l o NClIo PALPATED PULSE: 0 Rogulat 0 Il:;~!ol." ... o Hoi CAPILlARY REi=1LL: o < 2 Soc (Nolmal) Q Flu3hed A8NO~ FINOIN6S: _ .... . o Oeaeawd ~ a Hypera*iG . a N;~.,ea a Er.:esls ABDOMEN OSolt o OlsleMod SOWEl. SOUNDS OPr"cnl G;;a~a. PAlN: ONo OYos 0 INJURIES: No 0 Y;7 O. O~ol O'Rigld a ~SO:l: o Nono: o"2 S;c (OGlaYIld) o Pato/Ashen O~· - o Cyanotit Q-f>iiik o Mobl a DiapholoUc I~~ lJd'Wann o Prec;nanl G~ca+ O. ORotund GeNIT~ Blood ~ b (njutlts: a ,: I. ' • ~~·I. :. ;~" 0 Yo, URINARY: H.::-.alUria: Il"::TlUnol'lell: a Adequalo Pulses X 4 a Exltomllles WatmJPinll a """·"fr-.t.~ " . Yes Y'" e Flequoncy: ~ No LEG~~;:J: c< 0 Yu Dysuria: 0 N: 0 Y. Urine dlp: G- a- .. C-!)i~::'" A-Abrasion L-Lseerallon e-Surn EN-w-Enlteneo EX-W-ExI1 C-ConlUsion t?:t=t2::d~ ~ ..,~. ~ e~ · L lJ;:>3 ~ SWO€ IMJUfIEO AI\EAS Is.. Uvo< ": ) '? \!CC 0 0 I ,,.." ~.~~ ~ • No No Q Ho MajCf' Oe1o"tlllie= So BUms/bonsA.aeola~ons EXCEFioONSTOABOVEPARAMETCRS'dT<J?G;'" .. 0 0 Q ~ Eaoma 0 MOVGS Extromilles x 4 EXTRaunes: - a Meatus: No No Vas a .. .__..,.__ o OxImelty_- o SUctlonlilg o Bag1.Wlt OOI_l. o Commonb: AIRWY .. 6, I ATI'ACHMENT '.~ ·1 MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL 901 Mt. V~ ..·Or•• P.O. Bot 1668 • Sh.lton. WA 98$.:.£ EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT. ; o. .,., (~~ _. /. ',' , ! I ' . ,-~,,::.,.;.,'", \" Med t Roule OlnO Sile ~ Ito: Given By Qauge SlIe' ." .- f .: .: PACE tl(tif...... rlll'lo ,-0 -----OF.~ D ATTACHMENT <.c t rv Solulfon I B:ooc1 Ddp TlIl\. lAn\OUl\1 Ra:e In/used InIll)Gd / / . , / / / / 1/ /' . / ;/' 1/ . / :I~ ~ 1, tlti:lIlII:1 Endolracheal NasoltacMef InlUballon "'4 I I I I I Foley Nasogl1jlt!c Chest Tubo Oll\er I~naturll ~ .~ I I I ~(JlJAAL NoUlltacor.s o SccIaI SolYfcos_ 0 CNpIain o FamIly NoUn.d i NGlll8 01 F.ftallve Oll\er o Hom. N/A I . o ClIlVicel Collar GlASCO SCORE o O'oTH:~ \lCC , . 1 ! I 1 " Tuno: TRAUMA SCORE Q Immobll1z11d HI&/! QBack Board o Mast Splint OlVSlto OOlher HOME. ~l4.£a~:s o IN PLACe AT TiWiSm ..J'. 0 -- ... .... :.. o Tll1Ie:d~ ~() j-llC(t. e.."..1 A=:mpanlod By: '., lri:als o o O~A '\'7nl~-C, nCe iN\NSPORTEO: Q AMB, PRIVATE AIITO 0 AIRUFT aTHER F.t".Aivlng Hosllital Nolillod: RllflOI1 Glvan: Valuablos Acccmpenylng PaL"nl: Cq:ies AltaehGcl: Ac:ml SlIMI OOischg, X,Ray RPT's o Lab 0 Money 0 Hearing Aid OOpetalive 01.led. RCli I OOenMls 0 Clothes OOUler aHA? JeW4!ly OGI-usu OPat:l o TO M,s.p~oe 'J I .. _" S~r.atur8 , OTO O.R. o TO NUi=SI . I lni~ls DISPOSITION (1 ~ ...<. ~ , " /'0/ ~ , PIIOCl. t ' o ADMlrnNG SERVICE: POI/C4 NO::fAd (Time) _ , Nasogasllic fl· o Family Preslnt o Family Enroule ' Urine Tille .... t Em oaSIS C4nltlll Venous (eV) ;\..) - . F~D~IoIOH024 MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL_ 901 Ml Vin'Or, t P.O. Box 1688 t Sholton, WA~, EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT FLOW SHEET 054 . .SON ~! GS::~RAl TSIP P OUTPATIFNT EMERO-'tCY RECORD 'SPITAL, SHEl.iON. W; It 8JP NURSSS -- NOiE~ - - . . . . I I R).jIOLOGY ReOUEST 0 FOOT 0 HANO 0 KNEE 0 HIP 0 IVP 0 TlB/FIB 0 0 ;:.:950 H'J:'L 0 C.Pl.'l; 0 T.•. c:ml: 0 1..5. S=:N: 0 A:-'-'I-~ " ••• 1:. 0 C~:ST CATE ANKl.E - f:. /3 C-. I Vf"O~ "./7~d ~It--... / -6,,,/ Q......; '.. -/L.. /J BUN CPKO . 6~ ~"r/-<4 c;?~f'S n,,~~ e-7f~, (9p/' lb.t/1 7 I . 0 0 MINI PANEl. 0 0 SOURce 0 ......Vl.ASE u.:.D ORDERS ~ 0 BLD.SUGAR 0 0 ':'8~ 0 esc 0 .£~ ?:7 LAS REoueST El<G DEPARTMENT ,E~J1ERGENCY HOUR ENZYMi:S ~"riES 0 ~;.p;~ S7~EP 0 C &50 c:0:::.1 F~FII.E 0 UVER PROFILE . ;:jR::.soGAAPH . ,,~ 1Hor:.,;; P~YSICIAN S!G:::'Tl=== \ ............,..-. 51 nf;' ID~ - 4~Ar4Y( 1055 : (iM Cill5 , • .. -=========================== DATE 1-26-97 HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This is a 27-year-old male per chart review received a dose of 120 mg MS Contin yesterday evening. He subsequently became lethargic and improved with Narcan but then became lethargic again after this wore off. He was transferred to Mason General Hospital and subsequently disposition was made to admit him overnight for observation. The patient had been running a low grade temperature at WCC. He has been having pain in the heel postop which he states is gradually improving. Since admission he has had a temperature maximum of 100.8°; temperature is 99.5° this morning. He hal no other complaints other than pain at the operative site. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Past history is unremarkable. surgeries include arthroscopy. ALLERGIES: Prior Penicillin,? type of reaction to this. MEDICATIONS: Percocet. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: GENERAL: Pat i entis a we11-develc?ed male in no apparent dis tres~ . .... _..:. VITAL SIGNS: temperature. HEAD-NECK: Vital signs are nC=illal with exception of low gr~~e Heart rate is in -::'e 90s. 02 saturation 96%. . ,"ENT is normal. LUNGS: Lungs are normal. HEART: Heart is normal. ABDOMEN: Abdomen is normal . . EXTREMITIES: He has a" cast place:: 0:1. his left lower extremity .:,~~He has normal sensation in his toes and normal warmth in his toes. There is no tenderness above t:'e cast or swelling. No cords palpable. Negative calf tenderr~~55 on the opposite side. LABORATORY: \-lhite count is r.o=::'.:.:. Urinalysis is negative. -... ATTACHMENT PAGE .. ~- ' 23 70 ~3 DR. ROTH 5J-.. _ OF I Dy I I HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION i I I MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL 901 Mt. View Drive Shelton, Washington 9~S84 105S • Page 2 ASSESSMENT: -Status post morphine overdose, resolved. -Low grade postoperative temperature. Differential diagnosis would include atelectasis or normal postoperative temperature from surgery. No evidence of cellulitis at this time. PLAN: Continue to follow temperature. Repeat white count will be done prior to discharge. We will continue to have his temperature monitored at Washington Corrections Center. The fact that his pain is improving would go against wound infection. Case discussed with· Dr. Barnard who concurred with this plan. Jeffrey A. Roth, M.D. JAR:pah o ~-27-97 T 1-27-97 0846/0851 0907 cc: Dr. Fred Navarro, Washington Corrections Center . ATI'ACHMENT PAGE , _ 5" 3 oF1Q ~ HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL 901 Mt. View Drive Shelton, Washington 98~84 • 1057 ·'-, • ADMISSION Ol-26~97 HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This is a 27-year-old male inmate at wee who received 120 mg of MS Contin p.o. mistakenly instead of Percocet at about 1500 hours today. He received Ipecac which resulted in vomiting followed by activated charcoal p.o. Hewas noted to be becoming somnolent with decreased respiratory rate at 1930 hours and received Narcan .8 mg IV with improvement in his symptoms. His symptoms noted to be returning somewhat and he was transferred to Mason General Hospital for furt~er evaluation at the recommendation of the P. A. at WCC. He also was noted to have a low grade temp yesterday and states he is feeling slightly feverish; however, he .denies other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, chi:lls, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, abdominal pain, diarrhea or urinary tract symptoms. He states that his surgical site is somewhat uncomfortable but not appreciably worse than it has been since his surgery. , MEDICATIONS: Current medications -- Percocet. ALLERGIES: .- Allergic to Penicillin. " PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: No h~story of diabetes. -.. . PHYSICAL EXA}!INATION: Alert and oriented in no apparent distress. VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 149/52, pulse rate 88, respiratory rate 22 and te~p 101.2°. HEENT:' Norr.:oceohalic, atraumatic. TMs are nonerythematous bilaterally. -partially obscured by cerumen. Canals nonerythemato;.:s. Pharynx noneryt:hematous. Some black staining from his tongue is noted from the charcoal. NECK: Supple and CHEST: nonte~der. Full range of motion withou~ pain. Lungs clear, breath sounds equal bilaterally. , ...... ABDOMEN: rebound, Bo;,'al tones normoactiva, soft and nontender without guarcin~, distention or organomegaly. EXTREMITIES: Short le= cast on the left leg. No lymp~angitic streaking or sl,o/elling. Toes are "looile without pain. ':oes are warm. Capillary refill less than 2 seconds. Fine touc~ in~act grossly. DIAGNOSTIC WORKUP: CBe -- white count 9.2, hemoglobin 15.1. polys and no banas . .. ~ DR. MALTZ 8~% EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL 901 Mt. View Drh-e Shelton, Washington 9&S~ • 1058' • Page 2 .. ASSESSMENT: -Narcotic overdose of long-acting oral preparation of Morphine. He experienced some mild symptoms by history of somnolence and with decreased respiratory rate that improved promptly with Narcan. The patient was discussed with Beth, RN at wee, and she advised that they are quite full and she does not believe that they can provide him with close enough observation at the Infirmary. -Fever without identifiable source at this time. The patient is postop Achilles tendon repair on Friday, three days ago. He was discussed with Dr. Barnard as Dr. Brinkman is unavailable at this time. Dr. Barnard felt it very unlikely that the fever' was secondary to the surgical wound and r~commended that the cast not be removed. There is no lymphangitic streaking or other clinical evidence of wound infection at this time. The drainage through .the cast is not increasing. Urinalysis will be obtained. He has no cough. ' He was admitted to the Ieu on a short stay basis to the care of Dr. Schlauderaff, on call for Dr. Roth, with admission orders written by me. The patient was discussed with Dr. Schlauderaff anc. care was turned over to him at that time. PLAN: '. FINAL DIAGNOSIS: .. ••: "·t· Narcotic overdose and fever. Ben R. Maltz, M.D. BRM:slc D 01-26-97 2347 T 01-27-97 0749 cc: - .. Dr. Schlauderaff --:- . _.... ATTACHMENT . PAGE 15" OF~ EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL 901 ML View Drive Shelton, Washington 98584 • 1 05 9 , " • . DATa , , ,'-' ' .s. tV~1 ({j;~ ~1\""t < (i.~ ~,')t: 'to - .I." :- -.. Ii ( (\."-:.. ..~'- f~' t .. t(11}r:} - ,.RoaRUS NOTIS ", .,.. ,', I .'" t~J.o~ ;'\ . I :.." , .() .. \ . , ",.\ ~1' (:7 I'~" )~"-'+ ~,\, ~<.::",,- t'-1:.Cf!.A .. ..' '·C._- - 1"'/ " IV~\' IIJ I " k~~ ;"i , o.-' . ~P.Q .r. .' ~ A '? \:..:....v"...-\.. . (. (J ,.4';, . u ('~~r- ~ ~ . h"-r.t. .r, .(2.•• iG~ .. t~ ( IV\. \\ \'":"1 ...... i.. .. ~ ·h\ ".AI f~.l- K.'h c' \... " '" ,ol \, - . ., . - ·le ,.J '~;A .r ......... I \ '\ .J I)-V" c,,- . .- (L,~. l~i.·\A C- , .. ~ .1) (.,\ l~,'~\' r .,. ~,j~/ :/ r .. -'" .. . i - . ... ~ AI' . .. 23701~-\oo 7 • ROTH, JrFiERY A. JO-AUG-1969 H ROTH. JEffERY A. • ... C L ~t .. ; I u' I I 1 \ _ If!l; ~ln .' PROGRESS NOTES MASON GENERAL HOS?rTA;. 901 MI. View OL. 6:.:g. , . p.o. BOl 16.6a Shellen. Washington sass:. 1060 a,sGH.Q:1 I'EV I! PATIENT INFO CL lENT ltiFO _ _iiiilif- AGE: 27 DOB: 0S/30/643 SEX: PHONE: ACN: 20004617 STAY: 714&843 CLIN STAT: REO PHYS: ROTH PT NUM. COLLECTED 237013-0 NASON GENERAL ~I -.\ ..... 901 MT VIEW DR. SHELTON, WA 9SS84 RECEIVED 01/27/'7 03:30 01/27/'7 03:41 REPORTED 01/27/~7 PAGE 4 : 05AM 1 -'. TESTS RED'D: UA!;U NOTES: XX (COMPLETE) RESULT AANGE IN OUT· URINALYSIS SOURCE COLOR APPEARANCE GLUCOSE BILIRUBIN KETONES SPECIFIC GRA~!TY PH PROTEIN UROBILINOGEN REFERENCE UN ITS VOID YELLO CLEAR NEG NEG NEG NEG NEG NEG 1.017 1.003-1.035 .. ... '. 4:':.~ ..:......~. 7.5 NITRITES BLOOD. LEUKOCYTES WBe RBC BACTERIA EPITHELIAL CASTS NEG NEG <l <l NEG NEG NEG NEG NEG 1 0-2 H~'F 0-2 HPF HPF o NEG NEG NEG NEG NEG NO CRYSTALS ~IUCOUS CULTURED? ". ;:.;~£-.;: . NG/DL . ~ ,'" -: :- .. ' ... , ~. N~G NEG NEG NEG NEG NEG LPF HPF ATTACHMENT PAGE 1 end of 51 ~:~ort _ OFJ al 1061 • MriSl»i eENEAAL lWlTtl. YlEU DSI~ SHS.TilN, IIA 9ass" g~1 MC~{1'AUI PAnENT~ _ _ LC(ATIOU: ICClJ-147-N/A AGE: 27 DOS: 03/30/&1) SEX: M PAtten Kfh .:.l7Q13-0 IlI)ING ~tri5ICI"'l: &:liri ADMISSION IlIl!E: REPllP.T CATE~ PAGE: Cl.~6/~7 GtJ~7197 t 01/27197-e01 iftttfffffttlfffff ...iifffifffffftfifflffffifttttf.ftffffiftfltff!lffflffttff!flflfffffffffffffflfff!f.fllf!fflfffffftt'fff - H9IZ sal .U/2& :1:10 =--=--= .- Referince ==== ~.8-16.8 :.2 1 KJDfl tHe G/OL ;.&1 15.1 '.cGL05IN ~TQCRIT H.a ) ;1.4 8a-~4 :-\.3 11.HS.2 'f, H0-440 10GO/DIM 6.8-10.4 fL 50-70 '/. 10-~~ '/. 0-10 'J, :3.0 152 I 1 ~TELETS :.& 'I UTROllHIL ~HOCYTE 'f, :-% 13 H ~ NOCYTE 'f. fl 27-x pg 33-37 Slot :l. " -:c 1000/CMK ~. 7-6. ~ DJlUATlYE .-OO:' ••• ~-~; • • _: ...... ::: 9• ."': ... ATrACHMENT_---:...' _ 5~p__ · _O.F.112k..: PAGE __ 1062 . ~ I NASON "2 ••••• G~NERAL Cj01 J'IT V I £\01 DR. SHELTON, WA ~SSa4 200045<)8 714&843 ~LST"TUS 01/2&/Cj7 22:10 237013-0 TESTS R:OU£STEO: 01/2&/97 22:11 01/26/97 10:28PM 1 CBCZ; B STAT : cac . -:. "'- H:·C ~ PoSC HEJIlOGLOBIN HEMATOCRIT 4.6! 15.1 44.0 ·NCV 91. it 31.4 . I'ICH I'ICHC RDW PLATELETS 3~.3 13.a e52 B.& to:~IJ 84 NEUTROPHIL LYMPHOCYTE .,,. r::CNOCYTE 1- (H) 13· - .:. * * * OUT OF LiM!TS F.~CAP 4.6-10.8 i~. 7-&. 1 , 14-18 42-52 B0-94 a7-32 33-37 11. &-15.;:: 140-440 Co. 8-10.4 50-70 11Z1-40 0-10 101210/ Cr-lftt r-\/Cr-1N G/DL 1fl pg G/DL 11000/CMJIl fL 111- * * * I ~**.*********************************+.****************************~*** i N::IJTROPHIL 84 (H) se-70 1. * * I ~****************~*******************~******************************** I Ii I·I FO:~7~'~TES: I l ATTACH~NT ... :~., r· .. ... : P~CE . 5"(.. ~.,:~;{ D6.-4· ._------_. r:=i-hgh - '" .' 1 NUH~ER:2~1013-0 [ENT ·• BO :SHELtOtl ss SlAt £ NUH&E2:11~6a43 SLAY :U _ .__ E~'l~RGENCY " _. - -AmtISS10.' • DAtE 26-J~-1991 0 VA ~C~ .. 98Sa~ -:.-; : (360).l26-~~3J OF BlitH :30-AUG-l%9 SEX: 11 EN! DAtE •• JlE~ .. ·.. . :( ) ~ r.; 0 0 - : ASH. CORRECtiON CENtER. . :\ICC DUfAtE :VASHINGtON COIRECTION CTI :SELf PAY .' NAI\ E .~ED ~:'SCE -~ .' HAlt lED £ ... : COKPLAIN! :IJIA AHB :1:( :> ..~-_;<t""O~l. • I in 15: /.f;<// ;'1> C~...,.i2'l-:.. / 2(),.~, ~ ""/ S""'Z'~ _..:. "i7J"......~_ ....... / ~ t? r.4-:;-:-- (") Q "_'-1' 0 7' '-/1<,<'.1, .".", 77-;1D ",,,'-A ?'2, 4.r.-/ ~t'A.~/ ~~","Z.;'e.,;. H ~ANCE3 -.:."t a:-. :-tfli~:. I'.t:I/"/A.I'".",.." :E.\lCY PHY:t'~ i~C ,,!~, NOTCAU.eOQ NOT INAlU&.E Q CAl\.EOC! AGE: 027 11102 lWfE :VASHDlGION CORRECtION cn RELAtION: \InOICntJ1I .-. ;.'1102 ADOR :PO BOX 900 CItY-StAtE :SHELI0H UA 98Sao\ ;H~CR .. PHOlIE : (360)426-H33. PaWl'! CAR~ PHY: .. SERVI(.L. MASOS CiESER."L HOSPIT.\l. tol M:. ViC'" Dr. DIJ:. I, Sh.:lhUl, W~insto)n 9S534 "IGII~.. _1:,"" ...s C~U:'.I"l1 ADMIt IDlE :21:3~ PlEPA1ED BY,. ,:K1.V .•. ~ POLIC'L . . .GiOQP HOOEl. :DOCI 9~3~O~ 4., .. - . (' 7 /J'I..C; ~ ~".t'h-1) ~/A1./'A:',-d.-, ..-:...,::;..y- .v/'" ~;;.f-. / : t..,rQ ~- .. . .POLICY • ••GROUP ma (,'1 .. t..'.~' c-.? I . ,. .a:":PHV$C...'t..; --- / / v.: fJ-<:(4 I It·~y: .--; ...... ( , \ ...... / /:zL./o --- ...... .~ • J J '" I t-/ I'V~(/ ~~ ) ? r;" . . / ~ Q.2 "l l' '" '" . . :':':",:30S. ;::;:'a;1....r.d'';'. I ~",/h.t(' k~.., I 6'" ~ : . ....... :.:i~.cNs. I PAGE ;.:. :.:T,:"GlIC leS:S ancIl/lcf,l)COllC _ _ "ClO _ad lIy. L/~ ~ ",;1A ..f 7f- . -- , ":'"\ u. v 1 i..i lJ P:.tE.,~~_:.s;e:II\aoO~rucl_~ _~ 1/:;'//77 . . j OF rr'l- -- - . .... I 'i ~ • STATe OF WASHINGTON OEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECnONS CENTER P.o. Box 900 • Sh"'on. W.uhington 98584 January 16, 1997 TO: All Nursing Staff FROM: Jodi Coleman, RN 3 Inpatient Nursing Supervisor SUBJECT: Accidenllincident Report, DOC 13-42 & Personal Injury Form, DOC 3·133 Please complete the AccidenUlncident Report form if you have: a. b. Medication error Injury to inmate, Le., falls in hall, falls out of bed, falls off ER table, etc. and it is also used if: c. there is an altercation between inmates. Please be sure you make five copies (see distribution list on attached). It is not used If you wish to report an employee personal injury. You would then use DOC 3-133. Please advise others if you are injured. If you are sent or go to a physician, please advise the doctor that you were injured at work. You will then complete an L & I form. JC:cn Attachment ..: ATTACHMENT PAGE . ---._ \.e { 1065 I ...... .' CHASE RIV£LANO • .... . -. Secret~'Y , STATE OF WASHINCTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINCTON CORRECTIONS CENTER P.O. Box 900 • She/ron, Washington 98584 . August 1. 1996 TO: .~ ~ Nursing Staff. 'FROM: JoAnn Coleman. RN 3 . Gary Siegel. R.Ph. ~~ ® SUBJ~CT: Controlled Substance Handling Procedures . . :~. The following guidelines are provided as a remfnder of the appropriate handling:·'of controlled substances in this facility. These guidelines are applicable to all nursing staff EXCEPT those functioning as medication administration staff at designated' medication lines. It is expected that each individual encompassed by the scope .of this memorandum will comply with these guidelines. .J~,.; _ .,i.l:. <0 . • o~li·:· 1. Controlled substances are to be signed out in sirhe dose increments 2. Once signed out of working stock. controlled substances are to be administered immediately. . 3. Controlled substances designated on an "as needed" basis are not to be ~igned out based on anticipated need but on a frequency no oftener than specified by the practitioner's orders and then only if requested by the inmate."" ~ - ": ..~ .::...... The staff member signing out the controlled substance must be the individual who administers the medications. . . -:t~~ .0._ • -. • .1' .~. ". • 5. -Jt;: :~T'.' Verify the inmate's identity prior to controlled substance·, -- ~:- . :'::':j 6. The staff member administering an oral controlled substance is responsible.for ensuring the medication has not been cb!3eked .palmed or otherwise con#aled. 7. The staff member administering any controlled substance is responsible for documentation of administration on the medication administration record and in the nursing notes, if applicable. ATTACHMENT_"_1_ _"_ .. PAGE \?} OF_( ote ~ le6S .- '. - .... • Nursing Staff August 1, 1996 Page Two . ..- •. - 8. The sign-aut entry in the controlled substance log will include (A) date, (B) time (in 2400 hour format), (C) quantity checked out (in arabic numerals only), (D) balance (which must be verified after each entry), (E) inmate name (last name and first initial or first name), (F) inmate DOC number, (G) prescription number if avai;able, and (H) full legible signature and title. S. Any error made on the controlled substance sign out sheet will be justified! explained on the reverse side of the page by the staff member making the error. If that staff member is the not in the facility, the explanation is made by the staff meml1er discovering the error if possible, Le., math error, wrong sheet, etc. . 10. Disposal of unused or partially used controlled substance shall be witnessed by . two medical ~taff members and attested to by the same with their signatures on the back o(the sign out sheeL A brief explanation of the reason for destruction must precede their signatures. 11. If the required dose of an injectable controlled substance is less than that contained in the syringe, the quantity to be wqsted!destroyed will be expelled in the presence of a witness utiliZing guideline #10 and the remainder then. administered te the patient. . 12. When conducting controlled substance inventory (counts), each staff member must witness the actual count and the documentation of the count in the controlled substance log for accuracy prior to signing each document. The staff member conducting the actual count should not know the quantity of controlled substance indicated in the controlled substance log. 13. If partiallablets are found in working stock which are unidentifiable, notify the pharmacist who will assist with disposal. 14. If a seal is broken on an injectable controlled substance held in working stosk. the drug should be held in working stock until destruction/disposal by '. ~.~. appropriate phannacy staff can be completed. -:'~~~,,: .::.~:t- 15. If an error is made when making an entry in the controlled substance log,-:-draw a single line through that portion of the entry in elTOr and make and initial the correction. The portion of the entry in error must remain legible. :cn .~TI.:,t'HMENT_·· PAGE ~] _ OF~ 1067 , • NURSING PROCEDURE INPATIENT ORDERS MEDICATIONS: 1. Advise the physician/provider that medication orders need to include: 'a b. c. d. 2. Date Time - must have exact time Controlled substance ordered must also include Form DOC 13-15 (This must be identical to the Inpati~nt order to be valid.) • Exact length of time of the medication being ordered, i.e., 24 hours, 48 hours. 72 hours, 96hours OR 2 days, 3 day. 7 days (each day equals 24 hours) Telephone orders must include: 1 a.• b., c., d., and Form DOC 13-15, if applicable.. These orders are to be signed as soon as possible. 3. . ..... ..:~~' All orders are to be legibly signed. .- ~.'.'" 4. When transcribing medication orders, the nursing staff will bracket the order with { } date, time, a clear complete signature and their name stamp on each copy. 5. The order must be comcletelv reviewed for completeness and Form 13-15 for exactness and completion before taking to the Pharmacy. 6. If orders are unclear, the nurse attempting to transcribe is responsible for .~. returning the order to the physician/provider for clarity. then delivery them to the Phannacy. . ' . , }::~ . ..:......:,. - .'.~ :.~.~~ Date ___ ATTACHMENT~·· PAGE ~ l( OFJ bL: • 1063 • NURSING PROCEDURES' MEDICATION RECORD -INPATIENT: 1. A medication record DOe 13-16 is to be prepared by the nurse who transcribes the first medication order. 2. This medication record will contain complete information: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 3. Inmate: Name (Last. first, middle) printed Facility: wee Inpatient (Ward) DOC # clearly printed •Month and year All allergies are to be printed in red The name of the nurse who transcribed these orders and prepared-this medication record will be printed irt..the lower right corner. "Name Alert" shall be printed in red directly below the inmate name if the chart has indicated name alert. Medication: [Rx] a. b. c. d. f. g. h. Nam'3 of the medication - both the ordered name and the generic drug supph~d by the pharmacy. Frequency - i.e., QID. TID, PRN. q 4 hours. Amount, Le., 1 tab, 1 cc. Route of administration, i.e., oral (p.o.), 1M, IV, rectal, etc. Physk..ian/provider. Start date and time, if applicable. End date and time, if applicable. • 4. At the top of DOC 13-16, must have the provider (nurse) name - clearly written and initialed. 5. If the medication is ordered on any other date than the first day of the month, use a wide-top fe It marker to draw a line to the correct start date. 6. If the medication order spans into the next month and space is available on the medication record, the Rx may be written and labeled with the month (Le., August) in the left margin. If the record has insufficient space, a new medication record must be prepared for the following month. 7. Renewing medication(s) orders, except controlled substances, may be continued on the same Rx as the Medication Record if there is no change in dose, frequency or ioute of administration. This is accomplished by running a red I;,e through the start and end dates and putting in-new dates in red. This also , applies to a Physician/provider change. 10B"'S.TTACHMENT PAGE ~ _ 5" OF \ C'~ . NURSING PROCEDURE Page Two MEDICATION RECORD -INPATIENT: 8. Orders to stop medication or change the order are to be effective immediately. The medication record will be marked by: a. b. c. A diagonal line through the Rx box. A wide felt marker line following the last dose given. Under the wide line, the nurse who transcribed the order will write DC or change, write their name, date and stamp. 0 9. Medication orders that are changing or Discontinuing medications will cause the nurse to return the medication to the pharmacy along with the orders (yellow copy of the PER). , 10. Controlled substance changes require the provider to write a ~ order and DOC 13-15 and a new Rx section on the Medication Record to be completed; as described in (3 above). 11. Medication given past the ending time of the order constitutes a medication error, thus requiring the nurse to complete an incident report with copies °to the nursing supervisor, pharmacy. health care manager and medical records. 12. Medication(s) that are refused by the patient are to be marked on the medication record on that dose/time with a red (R). Precharting of medication can po~entially be a liability. 7-9-9~ Date ATrACm.mNT_-..,;:...-_ 10"7 a PAGE to ~ OF~ Department of Corrections DIVISION OF PRISONS ••.mtW " , .' ·~FIEL..D 'y 9 ;a..' , ·~1' i _.~.. !'4;, Issue Dale '.":"" INSTRUCTION .. .. ". ..' . ...... '- ~'" r#~ WCCeSO.570 ., , ' . .. ,",. .., ; Elrec:live Dale Page 1of 5 .' '. '. TITLE PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES - CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES AUTHORITY: COP 420.540 PURPOSE: To provide procedures for handling and conlrol of all controlled substances. APPLlCABILllY.: Applies to all WCC staff. DEFINITIONS: . Controlled Substance: A drug substance or immediate precursor of such drug or substance so designated under or pursuant to Chapter 69.50 RCW,Ahe Uniform Conlrolled Substance Act. Resoonsible Pharmacist: A licensed pharmacist placed in charge of a pharmacy by a .nonlicensed proprietor/owner. Every portion of the establishment coming wider the jurisdiction of the pharmacy laws shall be under the full and complete control of such responsible phannacist. . FIELD INSTRUCTION: The Pharmacist Supervisor/Responsible Pharmacist is responsible for all controlled substances. Controlled substances stocked within the pharmacy are stored in a lacked cabinet. The cabinet key is on each pharmacist's key ring. In an emergency. designated medical staff may contact the phannacist or pharmacist superviscr in order to facilitate withdrawal of controlled substances from Vault/Pharmacy stock. Controlled substances removed from the pharmacy must be signed cut in the Vault/Pharmacy Controlled Substance Log which is also .stc?r~d in the cabinet. Wrtndrawals of controlled subst2:ices from the pharmacy must immediately be entered as a receipt in tt'\e appropriate work station Controlled Substance Log. ~~~:~~ .. ~ Each receipt of a controlled substance is imrnsdiately documented in the VaultJPh~rmacy Controlled Substance Log. Documented information indudes current date; quantity received; Field Order number; current balance; and full signature and title. Perpetual inventory··of all controlled items shall be maintained at all times. . '. Pharmacy stock of controlled substances is s:ored in two locations within the institution. These locations are: 1) the locked cabinet within the pharmacy and 2) the controlled substance vaull :ocated in Major Control: Fe( seOJrity reasons. the bulk of all controlled substances within the institution is stored in the vaull Vault storage is inaccessible except to ATTACHMENT 1071 PACE \0 1 ( OF _ l c l. Department of Corrections OlVlSI9N OF PRISONS ~ AIr wee 650.570 ... .~ ~. :~ : - .. FIELD INSTRUCTION ~ .' ~ .~ ~""~" ~. '. , " Issue Dale Ellective Oale Page 20r5 , '~ :. : TITLE PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES· CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES the two institution pharmacists and the Superintendent. The Superintendent maintains a duplicate vault combination in a sealed envelope, plainly marked. and filed in another safe. Inventories, inspections, searches or shakedowns are never made in the controlled substance vault or pharmacy locked cabinet except in the presence of the responsible pharmacist. Once each quarter. the Superintendent or designee appoints a staff member not assigned to health services to conduct jointly with the responsible pharmacist and the health authoFity an inventory of all controlled items. Verification of inventory is documented in the Vaultl Pharmacy Controlled Substance Log indicating date, Jhe word "inventory", current balance, and signatures of all members of the inventory team. Discrepancies, if any, are reported to the Superintendent. Washington State Board of Pharmacy. and Drug Enforcement Administration as applicable. When personnel changes involve the health authority or responsible pharmacist. a controlled substance inventory shall be performed and all appropriate documentation reviewed. Vault combinations· are changed whenever personnel changes involve the responsible pharmacist or the Superintendent. Expenditures of controlled substances from the vault stock are documented in the appropriate section of the Vault Controlled Substance Log. Documentation information includes: 1) date; 2) amount withdrawn; 3) current balance; 4) destination of issue. and 5) full signature and title. Whenever possible, this procedure is carried out by the responsible pharmacist. A working stock of controlled substar.ces is held in a double locked storage in the Medication . Room and in the inpatient workstation (nurses station). Receipt of controlled substances into either stock is entered in the appropriate Controlled Substance Log indicating date" time, amount received, current balance, source of receipt, signature, and title. Expenditures of controlled substances from the Med:::ation Room supply are documented in the Medication Room Controlled Substance Log inc1cating date. time, amount withdrawn, balance, inmate name, inmate DOC number, prescription number, signature, and title. Expenditures of controlled substances from the nurses station supply are documented on the Inpatient Controlled Substance log indicating time, inmaie name, DOC number, providers name. dosage, any amount wasted. amour.t withdrawn in the appropriate column and medical 'staff person's signature and title. If any q:Jantity of the dose withdrawn is wasted, the destruction must be witnessed and co-signed by a second medical staff person. Documentation is provided for each expenditure from Controlled Substance stock. Except in the case of extreme emergency, controlled subs-.ances shall not be drawn from nurses station stock for ' outpatient use or from medication roo:n stock for inpatient use. A1TACHMENT 10 7 ~AGf. It;) OFJ r D~ ' Department of Corrections Number DIVISiON OF PRISONS WCC 650.570 . .:~:: ~,FI ELD ' iN·Sr·RUCTION .... :': • ": . Issue Dale 1-------1 ..... • EUedive Dale : Page 30f5 PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES· CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES Pharmacy staff monitor controlled substance stock levels in the medication room and replenish this supply in quantities to meet antidpatedlpossible requirements. Inpatient nursing staff monitor controlled substance stock levels in the nurses station. New stock or restock items are requested via a preprinted form which must be signed by two health care providers and delivered to the pharmacy. Controlled substance items are supplied in minimum quantities as indicated on the order form and must be ordered/reordered in those quantities or multiples thereof. Filled orders for bulk controlled substances are delivered to nurses station 'by the.pharmadst and receipted for by two health care providers on the order/reorder form. Order/reorder forms remain a portion of permanent pharmacy .controlled substance records. Nursing staff are responsible for entering all controllE!d substance receipts on the controlled substance log. Such entry includes the time, the statement "from pharmacy" or other source, if applicable, the quantity received in the appropriate column and the signature of two medical staff providers completing the entry. In some instances, controlled substances may be stocked in the nursing station which are not included on the preprinted inventory listing on the form. In those instances, the drug name and strength must be entered in a column at the top of the page when initially received··in stock. A new inpatient unit controlled substance log sheet is initiated at midnight and is utilized for a 24 hour period. Utilization of a new form includes completion of the following items: 1) page number, 2) date, 3) balance brought forward from the previous 24 hour period at the top of the . page and 4) the signature of the transcrjber in the same block as the wording "balance brought forward'". At the end of the 24 hour period, the ending balance is tabulated 'at the bottom of the page. The completed log sheet is then photocopied and the original form delivered to pharmacy trrough the access pan in Room 38. The copy is retained in the nurses station for a period of 30 days. Arl inventory of all controlled substances stored in the Medication Room and in the nurses station is carried out at the change of each shift by a member of the oncoming and offgoing shifts. Each .controlled substance stocked is physically counted by tablet, capsule, milliliter, etc., and documented in the Medication Room or Nurses Station Controlled Substance Log. Ooo..mentation includes date, time, the words "count correct/count incorrect", quantity inventoried, and signature of each health care·provider involved. Under unusual circumstances, controlled substances may be transferred between Medication Roor:1 stock and Nurses Station stock. Such transfers require two staff persons, one responsible for each stock, to complete {he entry on each log. Entries include date, time, 1 .. Inij'.I:·~ OJ PACE \ :1:'vIENT lo ~ OF _ I 0 L· I Depanment at Corrections DIVISION OF PRISONS NUl'T\tIo(f WCC 650.570 'FIELD INSTRUCTION , ~A t. _:! ~? (~t ' , Issue O~le EltectiYlI O~le " P~"iI .-.-'~ .. , , Page 4015 -~\ TITLE PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES· CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES -transferred to· or -received from- (indicating Medication Room or Nurses Station), the quantity of controlled substance transferred and the signature of each staff person on eaCh log. Transfers from one stock are immediately listed as receipts in the receiving inventory. In addition, when controlled substances are transferred between working stocks, phannacy is notified immediately by memo indicating drugs transferred, source and destination, ~nd the reason necessitating the transfer. In the absence of the pharmacist, discrepancies that cannot be immediately corrected are reported in writing by the inventory team to the responsible pharmacist. 'If the responsible pharmacist is unable to reconcile any discrepancies,'a MiHen report is made to the Health Care Manager, Captain/Shift Lieutenant, and, if applicable, to the Superintendent, Washington Slale Board of Pharmacy, and Drug Enforcement Administration. Attached are general controlled substance handling outpatient nursing staff. pr~dures for inpatient nursing and PROCEDURE: RESPONSIBLE PERSON Responsible Phannacist SEQUENCE ACTION TAKEN Stores and conlrols all controlled substances seOJrely. Maintains dccumentation of all receipts and withdrawals of controlled substances from pharmacy or vault. Attends all imentories, inspections, searches or shakedo'M1s of controlled substance -storage areas. .."_ Maintains a worr<ing supply of controlled substances in Medication Room storage cabinel Provides working supply of controlled substances for nursing station stock. upon 1 2 3 4 5 proVo'r requ;;;;, 6 Conducts imoantory of all controlled substances on a quarte.-:y basis in conjunction with health authority ana appointed staff. .' \ , , • Qepartment ot Correctlons orvIs IbN OF PRISONS Nom".. wee 650.570 ,'FIELD .. INSTRUCTION fEtre<:tive ------I .. • O~le Y y Page5cfS nn.E PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES - CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES 7 Monitors inventory and uses documentation provided by clinical staff for' all controlled substances provided from Medication Room and Nurses Station stock. Maintains documentation of all receipts and withdrawals of controlled substances from Medication Room and Nurses Station. S Nursing Staff/Medical Provider g Documents each withdrawal and receipt, if applicabie, of controlled substance from Medication Room or Nurses Station stock. Conducts inventory of all controlled substance stock stored in the Medication Roam ~ "and Nurses Statil?n at change of each shift. 10 REVIEW: This field instruction is reviewed annually. REFERENCE: MSS 13.47 SUPERSESSION: WCC 650.570 dated SMar95 ATIACHMENTS: GARY McCRACKEN, Heillth Care Manager . DATE .... --:, ,. DATE PHIL STANLEY, Superintendent DATE ANDREA BYNUM, Command Manager GS:cn \ ,, ", ~""=Z:::;::;Z:W CONTROll . 1. eo, SUBSTANCES HANDLING PRoceOUf -~ FOR JRSING STATlOH ....EDICALSTAFF Controlled substances are to be signed out in single dose increments only. 2. Once signed out of working stock. controlled substances are to be administered immediately. 3. Controlled substances designated on an "as needed" basis are not to be signed out based on anticipated need but on a frequency no oftener than specified by Ute practitioner's order and then only if requested by the inmate. 4. The staff member signing out the controlled substance must be the individual who administers the medications. 5. Verify the inmate's identity prior to controlled substance administration. 6. The staff member administering an oral controlled substance is responsible for ensuring the medication has not been cheeked. palmed or otherwise concealed. 7. The staff member administering any controlled substance is responsible for documentation of administration on Ute medication administration record and in the nursing notes. if applicable. 8. The sign-out entry in the controlled substance log will include: 1) date, 2) time (In 2400 hour format), 3) inmate name (last name and first initial or first name). 4) inmate DOC rr~mber, 5) name of provider, 6) dose. 7) quantity wasted, if any, 8) quantity checked out (In arabic numerals only), 9) balance, and 10) rullleaible signature(s) and tiUe{s). " 9. Any error made on the controlled substance sign out sheet will be justifiedl explained on the reverse side of the page by the staff member making the error. If that staff member is not in the facility. the explanation is made by the staff member discovering the error if possible. Le., math error, wrong sheet, etc. 10. Disposal of unused or partially used controlled substance shall be witnessed by two medical staff members and attested to by the same with their signatures on the sign out sheet Abrief explanation for the destruction is to be documented on the back of the sign out sheet 11. 1C the required case of an injectable controlled substance is less than that contained in the syringe, the quantity to be wasted/d:stroyed will be expelled in the presence of awitness utilizing guideline #10 and the remainder then administer;1 to the patient 12. When condudi:~ controlled substa"nce inventory ::our.:::,. each staff member mus, witneSS the actual.count and the docume~tation of the count in the controlS~ SUt:~nce log for accuracy priCi to signing each document The stc:~ memc-:: conducting the actual count si':ould nc: Know the quantity of controlled substance indicated in the controlled s::~stance log. " 13. If partial t2blets are found in \'larking stock which are uni~entifiable, notify the pharmacis~ who will assist with disposal. 14. If a seal is bro;"::! on an injectable controlled sut~iancs i:~ld in working stock, the drug s~ould be held in working stock t.:::til destruction/disposal by apprccriate ~i1armacy staff can be completed. 15. 1C an error is m==~ when making an entry in the c:ntrol~ substance log, draw asinole fine throughthat portion of the entry in e::or and make and initial the corr:-don. Tne portion of the entry in error must remain legible. 1076'Tl'ACHMENT PAGE J.h i OFJ C' \; 1 . . CONTROllf 3UBSTANCeS HANDLING PROC OUTPATIENT NURSING STAFF URESFOR A~~ PAGE J") ()F~ 1. Controlled substances are to be signed out in single dose increments only. 2. Once signed out of working stock, controlled substances must be administered at the next medication line except in th~ cases of -no shows- or -refusals'. 3. 4. 5. The staff member signing out the controlled substance must be the individual who . administers the medications. Verify the inmate's identity prior to controlled substance administration. . . The staff member administering an oral controlled substance is responsible to ensure to the greatest extent possible that medication has not been cheeked. palmed or otherwise concealed. 6. The staff member administering any controlled substance is responsible for documentation of administration on the medication administration record. 7. The sign-out entry in the controlled substance log will include: 1) date. 2) time (in 2400 hour format), 3) quantity checked out (in"arabic numerals only), 4) balance (which must be verified after each entry), 5) inmate name (last name and first initial or first name), 6) inmate DOC number. 7) prescription number if available and 8) full legible sign~ture and title. 8. Any error made on the controlled substance sign out sheet will be justifiedl explained on the reverse side of the page by the sta;f member making the error. If that staff member is not in the facility, the explanation is made by the staff member discovering the error if possible, Le., math error, wrong sheet, etc. 9. Disposal of unused or partially used controlled substance shall be witnessed by two medical staff members and attested to by the same with their signatures on the back of the sign out sheet. A brief explanation of the reason for destruction must preceded their signatures. 10. When conducting controlled substa~=c iO'lsntory t:ounts). each staff member must witness the actual count -and tne ocC'.:me:-.:ation 0; the count in the controlled substance log for accuracy prior to s:gilin; each cocument. The staff member conducting the actual count should n:t kr,:lw the quantity of controlled substance indicated in the controlled substance iog. 11. If parti~1 tablets are found in wOr't<ing Stoc:·. which are unidentifiable, notify the pharmacist who will assist with disposal. 12. a seal is broken on an injectable ccmro~€d subsiance held in working stock, the drug should be held in working stock :.:nti: destruction/disposal by appropriate pharmacy staff can be completed. , If an error is made when making an entry ~ the controlled substance log, draw a sinole line through that portion 'if the emil in erro; and make and initial the correction. 1 077 The portion of the entry in error must remain legible. 13. . Ij ( . .. NURSES STATION CO • DATE: _" SUPPLY In hand .-ROLLED SUBSTANCE _ QUANTITY REQUESTEO R.DER FORM (PHONE ORDERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED) OESCRIPTION MINIMUM QUANTITY ORAL Acetaminophen/codeine 30 mg Clonazepam 1 mg Diazepam 5 mg Lorazepam 1 mg Methadone 10 mg MS Cantin 15 mg MS Cantin 30 mg MS Cantin 60 eng Oxycodone APAP 5/325 Pentazocine/Naloxone 50/.5 Phenobarbital 30 mg Other Other PHARMACY at sent & Lot 1# 20 25 20 10 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 INJECTABLE Diazepam 10 mg/2 ml Lorazepam 2 mg/ml 1 ml (Refrigerate)' Meperidine 50 mg Inj. Meperidine peA Morphine 10 mg Inj, Morphine peA Other Other 1 5 10 1 10 1 . . SIGNATURE OF TWO ORDERING HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS: . Requesting Co-Signature SIGNATURE OF PHARMACIST FlUNG ORDER: Date Filled Signature of Pharmacist SIGNATURE OF TWO RECEMNG HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS: Signature/Daterrime. 1 Signature/DateITime , 10 1Y'ACHMEN'T_'_\-PAGE....2i-oF \ ~ l: • STATE OFwASHrNGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER P.O. 80x 900 ;b • Shelton, Wol$IlinglOlJ 98584 I/....!J-n 7;.~. .,}''''-;ttr t?J fb_ ~/jcD' d ~,~ 4~ /U;-C/""? ai§r ..vyIA./.· dl.-o ~<7'y,(, ak" !PI A./~ /20ny 171.1 ,,,,,;';', <>J~ .wJ"Z;J? On "I"'" ~7 ~ ~<6& AWe. a.L,.Ad kn ~d1 -/~,/l · ad&~<iJ y,fJ A, 10t};,? IPf!I"w,S /'A(! r",...wao · ob7'" MJ?/ f~'kd' 'b M/k= /3IC. If-tirl;; ~~. A'P 74J Wp ~="eY' ?A(' . r. ~ ~ <1~s -flc,,'v,c/ A= tdd"ms uk" ,,,/'c/ /J/Jo/ ~"~d' kR ""c4~ c: 7/1"""", Mol m'm. """l'kW \ , .I...nk &tff,( hWi' Iif). "laS a<t'IIIU,/ HE. a&>~ .. ------------------- ......~.. · . · ·., ;· Ii = • ~ .i !< .... • ~. STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER P.o. Box 900 ~i Ii. 7V • ShoIlOll. W~glon S85iU ~ A7-:n.JI-S e 'c()Jd1 LC a.~/?IJG ~. O~77;)E 6~G" ?SF- ,v..J1Pt tU.<J-oZt0T7c. ~( lU;-n,/- -D.<JV :i;..J-li=='/£.A.)/ G~E' AJLLS7J, As:. r!.-OY't37/-6I) ).)AD- -lQ,(d·r(,;).) 77.J/SLtdI5 Ik~GvuBJJ /~ ~'-/Z&L . /I/h to 0460(£ EtUrfrL- M.D ~ eeru~/JU- -mS ~CT . . onJ 7A71S- tLJ4-n;-. I /11 CD I (AI( ~ Cb 00//7&0-, 0S a-,Ji; ,!)'F l ~ &y G ~e A-c..;"'/rtJ N oW AU...~ ,f)Du/J-§LJ p~G A~u.-'4..J IT ~ {5F- I/J~ OF 4;J'""Y'-(7I""fs; <-/J~ /~/??~ ~ 1/lS.C-t.>V77;J MhU.). /.".iIJB ~ GiUe-,0(c?O) 7 / ;?-7'-'. dW )ti:Jk- &d.';Z;r J..-e;7.J DQC I F -ret r-rs. - £r CI-J , 0.J/ OF Jmi'C@'?'7is",0nJ~ ,u~:"-u !Yl:t; dM-i.D. ~I Von,u~ ~J l{ tJ-u.. 'So. MonJ I ~ IJ~ UJ= / ! m . AITACHMENT_,-: ~~L(\ Q):gu;L Deli - . ., , • STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER P.O. 80Jc 900 • Shelton, washington 98584 " ATTACHMENT_ _- 1O-S £AGE g1 t mz:;;. 'W .. .t,wm&",,~,4 .hW ..... J"h;;"b.u;lti.J.%,.QoW( ... .M.?;::::::( ....... A. .. .& ... ..w.W;:;Z&l4A)&!.. n... .,. ,.@@¥P"«W:!i ... .. ..G.d .... ,GCi!0( ....... n. ...... II , OF ." ...... MC. ... I Di..: :'l .. ~,.6&6(4%!:;;::;;:;:::;;,.r;1&. . g. ., • ~ -,-,,' STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER P.O. Box 900 • SIlsncn, W':l$l1lrlgron 98584 January 27, 1997 To: From: G. L. N"v;mo, MD Subject: 1uvestigalion report of the incident that occurred on January 26, '1997. " Ellclosures: I. St"lolI,enl from PA-C Riddle 2. SWtcment from PA-C Williams 3. St"temenl from Mr. George Allen RN 4. Strttetnenl from Nursing staff on duty: Ms. Tufts-Rich, Ms. Mounts, Ms. B'lrchers 5. Nursing instructions and procedures on handling ofmedic3tt0l1S At "pproxim"lely 1445. Jm,u",)' 26.1997 MS Cantin 120 mg, (an oral Illorphinc prepnr;llion) ordered for another inmate was inadvel1ently given by Mr. George !\lIell RN, by his own <ldmissiol1, to another patient, inmate _PA-C Riddle lVas immedialely notified and gastric, . emptying procedures were promptly started. The patient was close!;' observed for any ulltoward occurrence and eventually transferred al 2120 for more intensive observation, (0 Mason General on orders ofPA-C Williams after he received phone rep0l1s that Mr~as becoming more sedaled with slun'ed speech and dilated pupils, All the steps needed to be sure that the pal ienls health is not placed in jeopardy after the incident, was , nccomplished in :1 timely fashion.' Verbal rcp0l1"from MGH this morning was encouraging, in that they did 110t observe any untoward side effects of this incident "nd wi;1 tmnsfer the patient back to us sometime today. Mr, Allen was involved il~ 311 incident of a similar nature approximately two weeks ago, ATTACI~'_....!==· 1082',GE 0.."...- J<6 OF ICc'-' \ • and admitted to a total of 4-5 other similar en·ors in his seven years employment at WCC. Review of the nursing procedures indicated that there are documented instructions to ensure that the proper dose and medications are given to the right patient for controlled substances. I do not see any instmctions of a similar nature for drugs other than controlled medications. There are also no instructions that J could find on how to document these incidents and what steps the nursing service have to do in order to correct any deficiencies in the quality of patient care, if required. This incident appears to be a simple case of the nurse not paying attention to the necessary steps needed in order to carry out fhe physician's or providers medication ord~rs accurately. There is, however, the need to have a revised medications instruction to clearly state. the steps needed to ensure that all medications are administered properly and accurat~ly in a timely fashion. There should be continuing emphasis on the strict adhercn~c h) these steps during regularly recorded meetings by the nursing stnfTs. I r a pattern or illcid~nts appear to OCCUl" on the same individual, a process of action to help rectify the problem should be clearly documented in a separate instruction. Finally I would recommend that the 0.: _ nursing supervisor revisit the previous incidences that Mr. Allen was involved in, rind recommend a plan to assist this individual who appears to be experiencing some difliculties at this time. . .. 0- { ·'·I""HMEN"I _ _ - 108'3 PAGE.-li-0f \ t \, • CHASf: 'RIVELANO Secrewy , STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS MEMORANDUM .t> ~ TO: ;J/III DATE: M/pO 'H~~' FROM: . SUBJECT: . .:1" ~ f( rJ 2- II.( I/- 5 .JCi<{ 7/N' -.2 7-9 7 I/t4; eutts /t"fe(,:J;;~/;"~1 /JT"h/?c.j - fl,' c h ('~;f J.7/J-7 ~~ /e~Qrt.t~ /J11!t- S/ttrre/ )/JeCC~_4'll/ 01 d t.e c1 Cl I r~lf' I cl e c /~t'C:" -h, f~-kr jtu <; c/c-"r;9 T"/:~ / t'dr; /Jz/<'eft: fafr'~/~( J, /t/ ~ Il/tll" /J<.(. itc;f- ~(I'l i /t/ ~ M~ rL A6-/f- elC t' , 1-; ~ . .... : .' - .. , ....' '~;- .. ~ , I ATTACHMENT_ _ 1084 OOC 1,110 '-1& P·\GE lo Of 1()~ .' .. ..' . STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS . WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER P.O. Bo% seo • She/tan, Washington 98584 ~,t~ 7;"",. #;fir !f,;f 411 l' jiJIJI 97 --.)/SlJIJ· d'~~t11 /t/~A./pr;-t~ ~ t:P~ ~~qI:yA, akJ~ IJ1 hJ/~ ~ I~ ~(', ~ /2tJm.J PIS A.J k" ~d1 J ..Jft AI-' 1m I!tnd~, ~g~ ~/? /i',ti'rlk 7'A(' d/~eIl y,laY h fa~~ Itt/J~s ~Ae ;fl ~JY'~. J j»J' . ~~ ~"~ao ?}¢U ~~dJ 74 @~ tv'd?~ f~~c/ 't' &l1),1W ,PAC. IIIMI ,,~"'01 Mol LUeui;£ lilt ~~Jt. e. 7iTomas IiIlri tJ~S ~.fC/;(Nci A:m tdlhAtns /lJlmfJ W, :/ARnk .&1fI~ "-' /It'll? lIIiS aa'lIIucI RE. aka. t+:mjJle-Ur:!. ;~-!_" ..... .•. . • ~.~.;J..._ 1086 :.:-../ ~. ATTACHMENT_~/_ PAGE ~1.. . ·' STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER P.O. Box 900 • SheUon. Washington 98584 ;0: ...JODI ~r.rJ, re..J..3 ~J/e:- /StM;:rr~IIJ e.fi1 I G.~ 1J1t!..e/Ulc..t.e:V.I ~~ ~.s: ~ A-7:n)/~e ~ ~U~L(i;" ~/.u~ ~G az:. MJ1Pr~~C. ~r II. 7V IWU;;f7/J€ G~~ /lJus-;J, IT ~ lJt ~ W~ ~1(;;l) ~c..~ . t5"P- 1/;;0 //100.., h?S &V1?c ;LJA:D- ~.(Q;tJ~ /U rg'~ 7D I I / h _ L~ &y G~eA-L.~~, .eu on) 7kZ1~tD4~ 0/77J- Jd,IJV J¥.J./pr£.A)1 IJc..L~ ~j)rJlJ.§D PtlJG A~u.rv or/vi eD I CAl( ~ EtUcfYL, thrJ.D ~ ~4<J)47f60:. b" ~.~/J'C;r -ma ~GT OF 7TJrr /~ //7&ni 02.0 04Db..C £ . . c- Oi= Ih-S. ~/); ttJ}J7CIJ /vVJf:J ~ G/uW (cPO,') ~ ~ IZt UJ , u(,l!-) /J=bk- (1;J/.M,b;(£ OF- IrnrL@??~0~ 4~~ // Ih &:17 q- J...e7.J DoL ,F/[( 7f5. lY~ ~];L ~1~~ M.Oil) / ~.lJ~ z:n=. /! m .~Tt7IJUtnA.-~· ~~{{.\ r"Z/lA../M.A.....::~rdd-l~GE } (!~k. . ~ ATrACHMENT_ . lOBi ft). 1?16LuJ1.S. ~) 13 OFl! .. • STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER P.o. Box 900 • Q.c.., \ :rcd."\ • Shelton, Washington 98584 Co{{tV\4M.. Cf<JJ.TIL +tzu.tL~ ~I Ex:L-rq ~~C.ta.c.kev... tt.M.:IT: .gLL\ OOt lU(.(,~LS Ph::- J AlTACHMENT _ _ 1088 PAGE gL/ 01'1 Ol .. .... : ' ': • Cw..sE RIVELANO -.-. .. - .. Secret~'y STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER P.O. BoJC 900 • Shelton, Washinston 98584 . August 1, 1996 ~ TO: Nursing Staff. FROM: JoAnn Coleman, RN 3 Gary Siegel, R.Ph. SUBJECT: Controlled Substance Handling Procedures ~~ ® , The following guidelines are provided as a reminder of the appropriate handling of controlled substances in this facility. These guidelines are applicable to all nursing staff EXCEPT those functioning as medication administration staff at designated . medication lines. It is expected that each individual encompassed by the scope of this memorandum will comply wUh these guidelines. ' 1. Controlled substances are to be signed out in sirte dose increments only.· 2. Once signed out of working stock, controlled substances are to be administered immediately. " 3. Controlled substances designated on an "as needed" basis are not to be ;;igne<i out based on anticipated need but on a frequency no oftener than specified by the practitioners orders and then only if requested by the inmate. ... ' .-:"..4'' '. The staff member signing out the controlled substance must be the individual who administers the medications. 5. Veriiy the inmate's identity prior to controlled substance administration. 6. The staff member administering an oral controlled substance is responsible for ensuring the medication has not been cl)j3eked .palmed or otherwise concealee. 7. The staff member administering any controlled substance is responsible for documentation of administration on the medication administration record and in the nursing notes, if applicable. ,- - ATTACHMENT PAGE ~5 _ OF) D\a ~ . -- ; ... • • •. n- - ••.. .,._.• ::- . . ."'_"0.- Nursing Staff 'August1,1996 Page Two 8. The sign-out entry in the controlled substance log will include (A) date, (B) time (in 2400 hour format), (C) quantity checked out (in arabic numerals only), (0) balance (which must be verified after each entry), (E) inmate name (last name and first initial or first name), (F) inmate DOC number, (G) prescription number if avatable, and (H) fullleqible signature and title. 9. Any error made on the controlled substance sign out sheet will be justified/ explained on the reverse side of the page by the staff member making the error. If that" staff fT,ember is the not in the facility, the explanation is made by the staff member discovering the error if possible, i.e., math error, wrong sheet, ere. 10. Disposal of unused or partially used contrplled substance shall be witnessed by . two medical ~taff members and attested to by the same with their signatures on the back o(the sign out sheet. A brief explanation of the reason for de~truction must precede their signatures. 11. If the required dose of an injectable controlled substance is less than that contained in the syringe, the quantity to be wasted/destroyed will be expelled in the presence of a witness utilizing guideline #10 and the remainder then administered to the patient. . 12. . When conducting controlled substance inventory (counts), each staff member must witness the actual count and the documentation of the count in the controlled substance log for accuracy prior to signing each document. The staff member conducting the actual count should not know the quantity of controlled substance indicated in the controlled substance log. 13. If partial tablets are found in working stock which are unidentifiable, notify tne pharmacist who will assist with disposal. 14. If a seal is broken on an injectable controlled substance held in working stock, the drug should be held in working stock until destruction/disposal by appropriate pharmacy staff can be completed. 15. If an error is made when making an entry in the controlled substance log, draw a sinale line through that portion of the entry in error and make and initial the correction. The portion of the entry in error must remain legible. :cn ., 1090 '\TTACHMENT_ _'_ _ P.\(;F. gl:, OF".l.Dl. .. .. • STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS CENTER P. O. Sox 900 • Shelton. Washington 98584 February 8, 1994 TO: All Nursing Staff FROM: Jodi Coleman, RN 3 ~ SUBJECT: 'Pre-packaged Preseriptions The Items on the attached list are available to the nursing staff as nursing prepackaged prescriptions. These items are located In Drawer #5 of the Documed. These pre-packaged prescriptions may be used after the nurse secures an order from the PA or MD If the pharmacy Is clQsed. To use the Documed In this manner, requirements are: 1. An authorized key. 2. Leave documentation for any item(s) removed. (Leave the documentation any place in the Documed.) 3. Completion of information on the pre-packaged prescription label: a. Inmate name (complete) b. Inmate DOC number c. Date of Issue d. Complete directions for use by the Inmate. e. Name of drug and number issued f. Expirationdate g. Name of prescribing practitioner -. Insurance: Consider after completing all required information on the pre-packaged prescription the photocopying of this package to protect yourself. -' If a medication/prescription Is needed for an emergency, the nurse must call/contact the PA not the pharmacist. The PA may call the pharmacist. . If any or all of the nursing staff want a demonstration of this memo, please contact Gary Siegel, R.Ph. Mached is the WAC 246-869-120, Mechanical Devices. JC:cn Machments • STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WASHIHGTONCORREcnONSCENTER • P. O.80Jt 900 • Shelton. Washington 98584 ,February 3, 1994 TO: All Medical Providers FROM: Gary Stegel, R.Ph. SUBJECT: Pre-Pa~k Prescriptions The following medications are available as nursing pre:'packs, effective date February 7. 1994. " .. MEDICATION Amount In pack # of pre-packs Albuterollnhaler ea 3 AmoxJK Clavulantate 250 mg 10 2 Belladonna 'w/Pb X tabs 10 2 Cephalexln 500 mg caps 13 2 Clonldine 0.2 mg tabs 10 2 Diphenhydramine 50 mg caps 10 2 Erythromycin 250 mg tabs 13 2 Hydroxyzine 50 mg tabs 10 2 . ;:.! .: 20 4 LIndane Shampoo 20z 2 Metaproterenol Inhaler ea 3 Methocarbamol 750 mg 20 3 Midrin (generic) 12 2 Nitroglycerin 1/150 gr S.l. 25 2 Prochlorperazine 10 mg caps 7 7'7 2 SulfamethlTrimeth GS:cn os -.... " Ibuprofen 400 mg Ranitidine 150 mg .... 2 2 " .. !.r~-:~~1~· _..~:; .4 ' .• .• ':7t"~ -~1:':' 1·092 ( 'A'ITACHMENT PACE ~ OF" 1-L WAC 2~6-869-I20 Mecbaniol dtTIcn '" .......... -._MechaniClI devices for storage of -toclc. shall be limited to hospit3.I.'i"and shall comply -.-. ... alllhc (ollow* ing provisions: . (I) All drugs and medicines to be stocked In the dcvie;: sh311 be prepared for usc in the devic::: by. or .under the: direct supervision of ::L registcred pharma.clst In the crr ' of the hospit:l.l and sh311 be prep3rc:d In ~hc: haspit,]. Ifom the hospital stock in which the: drug I~ to b.c administered. • Hospital" shalt me:ln 3ny hOSpHJI Jt. c:::nscd by the state dcp:lttment of health o~ u~de~ the direct supcfYision of the state: dcp3rt~cnt of institutions. (2) Such device shall be Slocked ~11h. drugs and medicines only by 3. rcgistc~ed ph:l.rmaclsl 10 the employ of no the hospit:11. (J) A registered pharm::lcist in the employ of the hos-, pilJI sh:1l1 be personJlly responsible (or the. inventory and stocking o( drugs and medicines in the d~v~e::: and he shJlI be personally responsi.ble for th.e condition o( the drugs and medicines stored In the deVice. (4) A registered ph:HmJ~ist in .the employ of the hospit:!1 shJlI be the only person haVing 3ccesS to th;lt par· tion, section. or part of the de'/ie::: in which the drugs or medicines Jre stored. (5) All containers o( drugs or medicines to be stored in the device shall be corn::ctly labeled to inc! Name. strenglh. route of Jdministr:Hion and i( :lpphoble. the \ I • I 0" _ _ ....... .. _ .. ploy of the bospiLaI' - '1:111 not inclUde :1lIy pfu.mueisc who U. or is ~p'oy~_ by. Ol ItUnu(;1etUrer. wholesaler. distribucor. or itincr.1nt vendor of drugs or medicines. (12)- and every device. approved by the baud shall be issued :l of IOCJtion. Such c:ertificatl:: must be c:onspicuou:s:ly displayed on the dl::viec and can. uin the (allowing: (a) Name and address of the hospilJI (b) Name of lhe registered phJrmacist who is to be responsible for Slocking the devic:: (c) Location of the device in the hospilJI (d) MJnufaeturer's naml:: of the devicl:: :lnd the seri:ll number o( thl:: device. . (13) Upon any m:llfunction the device sh::i11 not be used uncil the m:1[function h:ls been corrected. , (14) A copy of this regulJtion shJII be :llUChed to ceh :lnd every dl::vice certified by the board of ph:!.r. mJcy. [St:ltutory Authority: RCW 18.64.005. 92-12035 (Order 2778). § 246-369-120. filed 5/28/92. ef. fective 6/28/92. Statutory AUlhority: RCW 18.64.005 and chJptcr IS.MA RCW. 91-I8~S7 {Order 19[8l. rl::cOOified as § 246-869-t20, filed 8/30/91, "effective 9/30/91; Regul3tion 47. filed 12/1/65.J . expirJtion dJte. (6) At the time the removal of any drug or medicine (rom the devic:::, the device shall aUlornaticlly m:lke a written record showing the name. strength. and quantity o( the drug or medicine removed. the name of the pa· tien' r"r whom the drug or medicine was orde~.:d. and tbe ntifiC:ltion of the nurse re:r:oving the drug or m~dicine from the devic::. The record must be main~ uined (or two Ye:lrs by the hospit.:l.l :lnd sh:llJ be acc.:s~ sible to the pharmacist. (7) Medial practitioners authorized to prescribe. ph3rmacistS authorized to dispense. or nurses authorized to administer such drugs shall be the only persons authorized to remove any drug or medicine from the devie::: and such re:noval by a nurse or medici pr:letitioner ShOll! be made only pursuant to a chart orde~. An identi· fiCJ.tion mechanism. r~uired to operate the de',ie::: shall be issued pemtanently to <::len ope:-J.tor while the operator is on the suff of, or employed by the hospitJI. Such mechanism must imprint the oper:l!or'9 n:lrne or number i( it pennits the devie: to ope:-J.te. (B) The device shall be wl::d only (or the furnishing oj drugs or medicines for Jdministration in thl:: hospitOlI to registered in-patients or emergl:::lcy p:ltients in the baspiul. 1.0) .E)'~....,. hospi\3\ !tcdting apprOY3) to use Jny devie: lIull. prior to insullJdon of the devie::. register with the ~Jrd by filing an applie:ltion. Such Jp~liCJtion shall .:::JnIJin: The nJmc and address of the hospu:ll; thl:: nOlme ~{ \lue T'e2islC"Cd prr.rnn:lcist who is to be responsible for \toc'rin~ fhe device; \ne manu(JCIUrc.r''!l n~me ,Jnd o:OO:J. ,. -\ ~ Vfo~~ed loc~lion of e;lcn deVice In .. 1093 I ATTACHMENT 1 ~~\\ ~Wi'<\\\ ~~ II \~ ~W~ ~~\ . \\t \w.\\~~ \ ~'"~\~ C>.'f'~\I",\~ ~ \\~~~~~~~\~~:~~\\~I 'llll\\\t\~ .,\\1 ~l.'\ ~, ?I\Cif. ~~ -0 _ o .. ~ \ I j II I I I .- .: . ~ .. I I I I II t I Ii i I J... '. , I I .- ~. I I II I . I I ii I I I I j I I , I I .I 1 \ I I ) f .. 1 / / ·l ....... " "# AbsC\ of a pharmacist. (1) General. Ph:trm:tceuti=.l services shan be avaihlble on a 24-hour basis. If round-the-clock services of a phanna. _ c:ist arc not fC3siblc:. arrangements shall be made in ad· vance by the director of pharmacy to provide rC:lSonable a5Surance of pharmaceutical services. (2) Access to the pharmacy. Whenever a drug is re· quired to trC3t an immediate need and not available from Ooor stock when the pharmacy is closed. the drug may be obtained from the pharmacy by a designated registered nurse. who shall be accountable (or bis/her actions. One registered nurse shall be designated in C3ch hospital shift for removing drugs from the pharmacy. (a) The director of pharmacy shall establish written· policy and recording procedures to assist the registered nurse who may be designated to remove drugs from the pharmacy, when a pharmacist is not present. in accord· anCe with Washington State Pharmacy Practia: Act. RCW 18.64.255(21, which states that the director o( pharmacy and the hospital be involved in designating the nurse. (b) The stocle conl:liner of the 'drug or similar unit dose pacbge of the drug removed shall be left with a copy of the order of the authorized 'practitioner to be checked by a pharmacist. when the pharmacy reopens, or as soon as is pr:lctic::lble. (c) Only a sufficient quantity of drugs shall be re" moved in order to sustain the patient until the ph:umacy opens. (d) All drugs removed shall be completely labeled in accordance with written policy and procedures. taking into account sute and federal rules and regulations and current standards. {Statutory Authority: RCW 18.64.005 and chapter 18.64A RCW. 91-18-05; (Order 191 B). recodified as § 246-873-{)50. filed 8/30/91. ef· fective 9/30/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.64.005(11). 81-16-036 (Order 162). § 360-17-050. filed 7/29/81.] . WAC ]46-873-050 ~ ...... _- -~,:~:. ....... •::.'~~I. .. :·i~~ --.'''''''.'...., .~ .. ~ .. . _..... .... "-.~"~ -':- .: :~~~?- . 1094 ( _ ATrACHMENT PAGE 'to OF IQL: W It. ~ 246-873-060 Emerzency o,'toalient medicaliors. Xhe direclQr of pharmacy of . .spital shall. in concert with thetappropriate committee of the hospital medical staff, develop policies and procedures. which shall be implemented. to provide emergency pharmaceuticals to outpatients during hours when normal community or hospital pharmacy services are not available. T 'clivery of a single dose for immediate administratio.. to the patient shall not be subject to this regubtion. Such policies shall allow the designated registered nurse(s) to deliver medications other than controlled substances, pursuant to the policies and procedures which shall require that: . (I) An order of a practitioner authorized to prescribe a drug is presented. Oral or electronically transmitted orders must be verified by the prescriber in writing within 72 hours. (2) The medication is prepackaged by a pharmacist • and bas a label that contains: (a) Name, address, and telephone number of ·the hospital. (b) The name of the drug (as required by chapter 246-899 WAC), strength and number of units. (c) Cautionary information as required for patient safety and Inform:ltion. (d) An expiration date after which the patient should not usc the medication. (3) No more than a 24-hour supply is provided to the patient except when the pharmacist has i~form~d appropriate hospital personnel that normal servIces WIll not be available within 24 hours. (4) The container is labeled by the designated registered nurse(s) before presenting to the patient and shows tb • '!lowing: •• Name of patient; (b) Directions for usc by the patient; (c) Date; (d) Identifying number: (e) Name of prescribing practitioner: (f) Initials of the registered nurse; (5) The original or a direct copy of the order by the prescriber is retained for verification by the pharmacist after completion by the: designated registered nurse(s) and shall bear: (a) Name and address of patient; (b) Date of issuance:; (c) Units issued; (d) Initials of designated registered ,nurse. (6) The: medications to be delivered as emergency pharmaceuticals shall be kept in a secure place in or ncar the emergency room in such a manner as to pre· clude the: necessity fllr entry into the pharmacy. (7) The: procedures outlined in this rule may not be used for controlled substances except at the following rural hospitals which met all three of the rural ac= project criteria on May 17, 1989: Hospital I. Late CIIclaa Communit)' Hospital awn 2. St. JOICph" Hospital Ocwdah 3. Mitman C4mmllftil)' Hospital Colru Da\"Cllpon Dayton Ilwaco Ncwpon Plitt TOWftJcnd RiuYt11c SoulJl Bcad .c. Uacoln Hospital 5. 6. 7. I. 9. 10. DaytClft Oeneral Hospital Oca" Bach Hospital Ncwpon Communit)' Hospital Jcrrcrson Ocncnl Hospital RiuYtllc Memorial Hospital Witlapa Harbor Hospital [Statutory A~thority: Amended effective 6/28/92; St:u. utory Authonty: RCW 18.64.005 and chapter 18.64A RCW. 91-18-057 (Order 1918). recodified as § 246873-060, filed 8/30/91. effective 9/30/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.64.005. 89-12-011 (Order 225) § 360-17-055. filed 5/26/89; 83-23-109 (Order 179): § 360-17-055. filed 11/23/83.) " .. ., 1095 I "-\TTACHMENT til J .. PACE~OF _ j {,"\C , ".r De.,.tUnClt!c of Correcdon. . wee 650,570 DivisiON OF PRISONS 1,.u.Oata 09MAR9.5 ..... Effocdv. Data 09APR9.5 P.... 1 af 4 tme PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES - CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES AUTHORITY: DOP 420.540 PURPOSE: To provide procedures for handling and control "of all controlled substances. APPLICABILITY: Applies to all wee staff. DEFINITIONS: Controlled Substance: A drug substance or immediate precursor of such drug or substance so designated under or pursuant to Chapter 69.50 RCW. the Uniform Controlled Substance Act. Resoonsible Pharmacist: A licensed pharmacist placed in charge of a pharmacy" by a nonlicensed proprietor/owner. Every portion of the establishment coming under the jurisdiction of the pharmacy laws shall be under "the full and complete control of such responsible - pharmacist. . FIELD INSTRUCTION: . . The Pharmacist SupervisorlResponsible Pharmacist is responsible for all controlled substance.s. Controlled substances ~tocked within the pharmacy are stored'in a locked cabinet. The cabinet key is on each pharmacist's key ring. In an emergency, designated medical staff may contact the pharmacist or pharmacist supervisor in order to facilitate withdrawal of controlled substances from VaultlPharmacy stock. Controlled substances removed from the pharmacy must be signed out)n the VaulUPharmacy Contrqlled Substance Log which is also stored in the cabinet. Withdrawals of controlled substances from the pharmacy must immediat2!Y be entered in the Medical Room Controlled Substance Log. .Each receipt of "a controlled substance is immediately documented ;(.1 the VaulUPharmacy Controlled Substance Log. Documented infonnation includes current date; quantity received; . Field Order number. current balance; and full signature and title. Per;letual inventory of all controlled items shall be maintained at all times. Pharmacy stock of controlled substances is stored in two locations within the institution. These - locations are: 1) the locked cabinet within the phar:macy and 2) the contPlled sUbstan~ vault -" located in Major Control. For security reasons, the bulk of all controlled !ubstances within the '\~-!""\CHJ~~{) PAUl:: q"l 01'" \ I CI,.; I t.ur.-.c 4r ..apartmant or l"orrectlons DIVISION OF PRISONS ~VCC 650.570 09MAR95 [ Effectivo DlIto \ 09APR95 . POQO 1 of 4 TlnE .pHARMACEUTICAL SERVIC;ES • CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES institution is stored in the vault. Vault storage is inaccessible except to 'the responsible pharmacist and the Superintenderlt. The SlJPerintendent maintains a duplicate vault -. combination in a sealed envelope, pi ainly mark~ and filed in another safe.· _.. . Inventories, inspections, searches or shakedowns are never made in the controlled s~bstance vault or pharmacy locked cabinet ex.cept in the presence of the responsible phannacisl Once each quarter, the Superintendent or designee appoints a staff member not assianed to health services to conduct jointly wi,th the responsible pharmacist and the health authority an inventory of all controlled items. Venn.cation of inventory is d~mented in the Vaultl Pharmacy Controlled Substance Log indicating date. the word "inventory''. current balance. and signatures of all members of the inventory team. Discrepancies. if any. are reported to the Superintendent, Washington State Board of Phannacy, and Drug Enforcement Administration as applicable. When personnel changes involve t'n~ health authority or responsible pharmacist. a controlled _ .substance inventory shall be performed ·and all appropriate documentation reviewed. Vault combinations are changed wneneve.r personnel changes involve the responsible pharmacist or the Superintendent. Expenditures of controlled substances from the vault stock is documented in the appropriate section of the Vault Controlled Substa.1ce Log. Documentation information includes: 1) date; 2) amount withdrawn; 3) current balance.: 4) destination of issue, and 5) full signature and title. Whenever possible, this procedure is ca'rried out bY the responsible pharmacist. A working stock of controlled substances ,is held in the locked safe in the Medication Room. Receipt of controlled substances into this ~itoi:k is entered in the Medication Room Controlled Substance Log indicating date, time, amo", lOt' received, current balance, source of r.eceipt, signature, and title. Expenditures of controllea' ~ubstc~.nces from the Medication Rooq1 ~upply are documented jn the Medication Room Contn.,lIed Substance Log indicating da~e. time. amount withdrawn, balance. inmate name, inmate 001: number, prescription number).signature, and title. This documentation is provided for each expenditure from this stock. . . An inventory of all controlled substances stored in !t.le Medication Room is carried out at the change of each shift by a 'member of ~e oncomin~l and' offgoing shifts, Each controlled substance stocked is physically counted. by tablet. cap\sule. milliliter. etc.• and documented in the Medication Room Controlled Substance Log. Docurri'entation includes date, time, the words =-. "count correctlcount incorrect", quantity inventoried, and tsign~re of each clinical staff member _ involved. !., 1097/ I I\ ~TT'CHMENT P\GE qJ OfJ _ c.L Hum!:., a,penmenc of COlt.etlon. aNiSION OF PAlSOHS • . wec 650.570 OCJMAR9' 09APR9' Tl1U PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES - CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES In the absence of the pharmacist. discrepancies that cannot be immediately corrected are reported in writing by the inventory team to the responsible phannacist. If the responsible pharmacist is unable to reconcile any discrepancies. a written report is made to the Health Care Manager. Captain/Shift Lieutenan~ and. if applicable, to the Superintendent. Washington State Board of Pharmacy. and Drug Enforcet:nent Administration. PROCEDURE: RESPONSIBLE PERSON Re!?ponsible P.harmacist SEQUENCE 1 2 3 '4 5 6 .- 7 8 9 - ACTION TAKEN Stores and· controls all controlled substances securely. Maintains documentation of all receipts and withdrawals of conlroIled sUbstances' «from pharmacy or vault. Attends all inventories, inspections, searches or shakedowns of controlled substance storag~ are~s. Maintains a working supply of controlled substances in Medication Room storage cabinet. Conducts inventory of all controlled substances on a quarterly basis in conjunction with ·health authority and apP9inted staff. Monitors inventory and uses documentation provided by clinical staff for all controlled substances stored in the Medication Room. .Maintains documentation of all receipts and withdrawals of controlled substances from Medication Room. . Documents each withdrawal of controlled substance from medication Room stock. Conducts inventory of all controlled substance steck stored hi the Medication Room at change of each shift. . REVIEW: This field instruction is reviewed annually. . 1098 ATTACHMENT I. P"\GE~Of__lc.l .. : • ¥V\.o\.o o~v.o IV y 't ...- ," . '. ~rlS~.~:;;:t _.-: .4lUe . ·t- ,"~c::""~ J ; '. ·~~T··#--:-~'" .~ 09MAR" Elfedye Dlte , . . .~~~~~1G~~~:.I . . . ", \~-~~~\ ~~~..~.:.~ ~~~- ~ . . . . :.. . .. -.-.....- .......... ,-" Ditl • 09APR9' ---~' :~:~::/::.~~: \.; '.<:. ~---.- ..- P.oe 4 01 4 ~ 'f(1U PHARM~CEUTICALSERVICES - CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES REFERENCE: MSS13.47 SUPERSESSION: wee 650.570 dated 190ct90 "None ATTACHMENTS: '. GA~Y - McCRACKEN, Health Care Manager ~..pb - KURT S. PETERSON. Superintendent _~6&r DATE i Lffnt ~(. ~ - ~. .- A1TACH2~99 ( PACE--1LOF-' {) l • NURSING PROCEDURE. INPATIENT ORDERS MEDICATIONS: 1. Advise the physician/provider that medication orders need to include: ·a. b. c. d. 2. Date Time - must have exact time Controlled substance ordered must also include Form DOC 13-15 . (This must be identical to the Inpatient order to be valid.) . . Exact length of time of the medication being ordered, i.e., 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, 96 hours OR 2 days, 3 day, 7 days (each day equals 24 hours) Telephone orders must include: 1 a., b., c., d., and Form DOC 13-15. if applicable. These orders are to be signed as soon as possible. b~ 3. All orders are to 4. When transcribing medication orders, the nursing staff will bracket the order with {} date, time, a clear complete signature and their name stamp on each copy. ' 5. The order must be comoletelv reviewed for completeness and Form 13-15 for exactness and completion before taking to the Pharmacy. 6. legibly signed. If orders are unclear, the nurse attempting to transcribe is responsible for . retuming the order to the physician/provider for clarity, then delivery them to the Pliarmacy. . ,. 0;_0.: . ... ~ 1- 9- '1' Date ··1.100 XITACHMENT_.....;/~_ P\GF.~ l" OF l~~ic.::_ .. • NURSING PROCEDURES MEDICATION RECORD -INPATIENT: 1. A medication record DOe 13-16 is to be prepared by the nUfsewho transcribes the first medication order. 2. This medication ~ecord will contain complete information: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 3. Inmate: Name (Last, first, middle) printed Facility: wee Inpatient (Ward) . DOC # clearly printed Month and year All allergies are to be printed in red The name of the nurse who transcribed these orders and prepared this medication record will be printed ill the lower right corner. "Name Alert" shall be printed in red directly below the inmate name if the chart has indica~ed name alert. Medication: [Rx] a. b. c. d. f. g. h. Nams of the medication - both the ordered name and the generic drug supplied by the pharmacy. Frequency - i.e., aID, TID, PRN, q 4 hours. Amount, i.e., 1 tab, 1 cc. Route of administration, i.e., oral (p.o.), 1M, IV, rectal, etc. Physic..ian/provider. Start date and time, if applicable. End date and time, if applicable. 4. At the top of DOe 13-16, must have the provider (nurse) name - clearly written' and initialed. 5. If the medication is ordered on any other date than the first day of the month, use a V\~de-top felt marker to draw a line to the correct start date. 6. If the medication order spans into the next month and space is available on the medication record, the Rx may be written and labeled with the month (i.e., August) in the leff margin. If the record has insufficient space, a new medication record must be prepared for the following month. 7. Renewing medication(s) orders, except control1ed substances, may be continued on the same Rx as the Medication Record if there is no change in dose, " f frequency or route of administration. This is accomplished by running a redlirle) through the start and end dates and putting in new dates in red. This also AlTACHMENT _ applies to a ~hysician/provide~ change. 1 J 0 .~ PACE-ll.-OF • NURSING PROCEDURE Page Two MEDICATION RECORD -INPATIENT: 8. Orders to stop medication or change the order are to be effective immediately. The medication record will be marked by: a. b. c. 9. A diagonal line through the Rx box. . A wide felt marker line following the last dose given. Under the wide line. the nurse who transcribed the order will write DC or change. write their name, date and stamp. Medication orders that are changing or Discontinuing medications will cau~e the nurse to return the medication to the pharmacy along with the orders (yellow . copy of the PER). 10, Controlled substance changes require the provider to write a ~ order and DOC 13-15 and a new Rx section on the Medication Record to be completed, as described in (3 above), 11. Medication given past the ending time of the order constitutes a medication error, thus requiring the nurse to complete an incident report with copies to the nursing supervisor, pharmacy, health care manager and medical records. 12. Medication(s) that are refused by the patient are to be marked on the medication record on that dose/time with a red (R). Precharting of medication can potentially be a liability. Date '1102 I. ATTACHMENT P',(;r. q~ OF -l Ql: Dej:!artment of Corrections DIVISION OF PRISONS .''. ";'.. ':':::. "·:FfELO· '. :' wee 850.570 IssueCale 'I'NSTRUCTI"6~:'t-------1 ." :..... ". :/' '. . :: ~ .. ,.: ::\:; Effective Cale :..:y ...:..... .. ·:··1----------1 . , • :.:'"0 ' ....: •. . " 0" •• ; . ~. . . Page 10'5 T1TLE PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES - CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES AUTHORllY: COP 420.540 PURPOSE: To provide procedures for handling and control of all controlled substances. APPLlCABILllY: Applies to all WCC staff. DEFINITIONS: • Controlled Substance: A drug substance or immediate precursor of such drug or substance so designated under or pursuant to Chapter 69.50 RCYV. the Uniform Controlled Substance Act. Responsible Pharmacist: A licensed pharmacist placed in charge of a pharmacy by a nonlicensed proprietor/owner. Every portion of the establishment coming under the jurisdiction of the pharmacy laws shall be under the full and complete control of such responsible pharmacist. . FIELD INSTRUCTION: The Pharmacist Supervisor/Responsible Pharmacist is responsible for all controlled substances. Controlled substances stocked within the pharmacy are stored in a locked cabinet. The cabinet key is on each pharmacist's key ring. In an emergency, designated medical staff may contact the pharmacist or pharmacist supervisor in order to facilitate withdrawal of controlled substances from Vault/Pharmacy stock. Controlled substances removed from the pharmacy must be signed out in the Vault/Pharmacy Controlled Substance' Log which is also stored in the cabinet. Withdrawals of controlled substances from the pharmacy must immediately be entered as a receipt in the appropriate work station Controlled Substance Log. Each receipt of a controlled substance is immediately documented in the VaultlPhannacy Controlled Substance Lag. Documented information includes current date; quantity received; Field Order number, current balance; and full signature and title. Perpetual inventory of all controlled items shall be maintained at all times. Pharmacy stock of controlled substances is stored in two locations within the institution. These locations are: 1) the locked cabinet within the pharmacy and 2) the controlled substance vault located in Major Control. For security reasons. the bulk of all controlled substances within the institution is stored in the vault. Vault storage is inaccessible"except to 1.1 WtdAcHMENT PAGE cr ~ _ OF' bl o • Oepartment of Corrections ONISION OF PRISONS Number WCC 650.570 li '1. ...~~ .., . .; FIELD INSTRUCTION .~ ~ .~ . 'l~ ... Issue Dale Effective Dale : <'.I. ,. " : . - .....• ., Page20rS " ' ." T1TLE PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES· CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES the tvlo institution pharmacists and the Superintendent. The Superintendent maintains a duplicate vault combination in a sealed envelope, plainly marked, and filed in another s~fe. Inventories, inspections, searches or shakedowns are never made in the controlled substance vault or pharma~ locked cabinet except in the presence of the responsible pharmacist. Once each quarter, the Superintendent or designee appoints a staff member not assianed to • health services to conduct jointly with the responsible pharmacist and the health authority an inventory of all controlled items. Verification of i.!1ventory is documented in the VaulV Pharmacy Controlled Substance Log indicating date, the word "inventory", current balance, and signatures of all members of the inventory team. Discrepancies, if any, are reported to the Superintendent, Washington State Board of Pharmacy, and Drug Enforcement Administration as applicable. When personnel changes involve the health authority or responsible pharmacist, a controlled substance inverytory shall be performed and all appropriate documentation reviewed. Vault combinations are changed whenever personnel changes involve the responsible pharmacist or the Superintendent. , Expenditures of controlled substances from the vault stock are documented in the appropriate section of the Vault Controlled Substance Log. Documentation information includes:'1) date; 2) amount withdrawn; 3) current balance; 4) destination of issue, and 5) full signature and title. Whenever possible, this procedure is carried out by the responsible pharmacist. A working stock of controlled substances is held in a double locked storage in the Medication Room and in the inpatient workstation (nurs~s S"'l2tion). Receipt of controlled substances into either stock is entered in the appropriate Controlled Substance Log indicating date, time, amount received, current balance, source of receipt, signature, and title. Expenditures of controlled substances frem the Medication Rocl":"l supply are documented in the Medication Room Controlled Substance Log indicating datE. time. amount withdrawn, balance, inmate name, inmate DOC number, prescription nUliicer, signature, and title. Expenditures of controlled substances from the nurses stati::r. supply are documented on the Inpatient Controlled Substance log indicating time, inr.:ate name, DOC number, provider's name. dosage, any amount wasted, amount withdra\',~ in the appropriate column and medical staff person's signature and title. If any quantity of rr-re dose withdrawn is wasted, the destruction must be witnessed and co-signed by a se-:crlCi medical staff person. Documentation is provided for each expenditure from Controll:d Substance stock. Except in the case of extreme emergency, controlled substances sr.ail not be drawn from nurses station stock for ' .' outpatient use or from medication room stock fo~ inpatient use. l.Jr£l&MENT PAGE lOb _ OF~, . Oepel'tment 01 Correclions .. DIVISION OF PRISONS . FIELD .,. ~ ... ~ ;~\I .. -,. .... •1 _ .... ~ , _. ;~ INSTRUCTION . Nllmb(r 'HCC 650.570 Iuu'! O~le Ertce:iYe 011t ?~!ie3ctS TITLE PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES· CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES Pharmacy staff monitor controlled substance stock levels in the medication room and replenish this supply in quantities to meet anticipated/possible requirements. Inpatient nO(sing staff monitor controlled substance stock levels in the nurses station. New stack or restock items are requested via a preprinted form which must be signed by two health care providers and delivered. to the pharmacy. Controlled substance items are supplied in minimum quantities as indicated on the order form and must be ordered/reordered in those quantities or multiples thereof. Filled orders for bulk controlled substances are delivered to nurses station by the pharmacist and receipted for by two health care providers on the order/reorder form. Order/reorder forms remain a portion of permaner.~ pharmacy .controlled substance records. Nursing staff are responsible for entering all centralled substance receipts on the controlled substance log. Such entry includes the time, Ihe statement "from pharmacy" or ather source, if applicable, the quantity received in Ihe appropriate column and the signature of two medical staff providers completing the entry. In some instances, controlled substances may toe stocked in the nursing station which are nol included on the preprinted inventory listing on L~,e form. In those instances, the drug name and strength must be entered in a column at l,e top of the page when inilially received in stock. A new inpatient unit controlled substance log s;-r:-:t is initiated at midnight and is utilized for a 24 hour period. Utilization of a new form inclu~s completion of the following items: 1) page number, 2) date, 3) balance brought forward frc,~ the previous 24 hour period at the top of the page and 4) the signature of the transcriber iil the same block as the wording "balance brought forward~. At the end of the 24 hour ~od, the ending balance is tabulated at the bottom of the page. The completed log sh~: is then photocopied and the original form delivered to pharmacy through the access pc:: in Room 38. The copy is retained in the nurses siation for a period of 30 days. An inventory of an controlled subsiances stor;: in the Medication Room and in the nurses station is carried out at the change of each sh~ by a member of the oncoming and offgoing shifts. Each controlled substance stocked is v:ysically counted by tablet, capsule, milliliter, etc., and documented in the Medication Roar.. cr Nurses Station Controlled Substance Log. Documentation includes date, lime, the Yr-O;--S "count correcUcount incorrect", quantity inventoried, and signature of each health care p'Iider involved. Under unusual circumstances, controlled sub~-.ces may be transferred between Medication Room stock and Nurses Station stock. Sl.C: transfers require two staff persons, one responsible for each stock, to complete 'the e.~,/ on each log. Entries include dale, time, Arr.\CI1,\JENT 1105 p \CE (01 1__ nr.IC'-·~ Department or Corredions DIVISION OF PRISONS Nurnbllr WCC 650.570 Ii .FIELD . . .INSTRUCTION .. .. ., . ..,.~ rl ,-~ • .r 4 - ~ ...e ••• :; . • ~ ~..t ~".. !' .. ,..~ '.' ;' . .. •• .. Issue Dale Effeclive Dale " .~ .' . : " Page 40lS T1TLE PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES· CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES "transferred to" or "received from" (indicating Medication Room or Nurses Station), the quantity of cOntrolled substance transferred and the signature of each staff person on each log. Transfers from one stoel< are immediately listed as receipts in the receiving inventory. In addition, when controlled substances are transferred between working stocks, phannacy is notified immediately by memo indicating drugs transferred, source and destination, and the reason necessitating the transfer. In the absence of the pharmacist, discrepancies that cannot be immediately correded are reported in writing by the inventory team to the responsible pharmacist. 'If the responsible pharmacist is unable to reconcile any discrepancies, a written report is made to the Health Care Manager, Captain/Shift Lieutenant, and, if applicable, to the Superintendent, Washington State Board of Pharmacy, and Drug Enforcement Administration. Attached are general controlled substance handling procedures for inpatient nursing and outpatient nursing staff. . .; PROCEDURE: RESPONSIBLE PERSON Responsible Pharmacist SEQUENCE 1 2 3 4 S 6 ACTION TAKEN Stores and controls all controlled substances securely. Maintains documentation of all receipts and withdrawals of controlled substances from pharmacy or vault. Attends all inventories, inspections, searches or shakedowns of controlled substance .~storage Ereas. Maintains a working supply of controlled siJbstances in Medication Room storage cabinet. Provides working supply of controlled siJbstances for nursing station stock upon proper request. Conducts inventory of all controlled substances en a quarterly basis in conjunction with health cuthority and appointed staff. - 110..G-rACHMENT__(_ PACE 10 2. OF lJ2~ Oepa~enlo'Cc"eeuons NUflU)er DIVISION OF PRISONS . FIE~D INSTRUCTION • '. ~:. .~ I ...~. ';.>~: r" • 0 • ··0:· . • ,. .~.:~;" .... . : : :. . . . . : . : ~.~. .':.".. . '. ; wee 650.570 Issue Dlle I--"ee-liv-eo-ale-'- - - - I E .0 PageSors '. -', TITL! PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES· CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES Monitors inventory and uses documentation provided by clinical staff for all controlled substances provided from Medication Room and Nurses Station stock. Maintains documentation of all reCeipts and withdrawals of controlled substances from Medication Room and Nurses Station. - 7 8 Nursing StafflMedical Provider 9 Documents each withdrawal and receipt, if applicable, of controlled substance' from Medication Room or Nurses Station stock. Conducts inventory of all controlled substance stock stored in the Medication Room and Nurses Station at change of each shift. "-~. 10 REVIEW: This field instruction is reviewed annually. REFERENCE: MSS13.47 SUPERSESSION: WCC 650.570 dated 9Mar95 ATTACHMENTS: GARY McCRACKEN, Health Care Manager . DATE PHIL STANLEY. Superintendent DATE ANDREA BYNUM, Command Manager DATE GS:cn 7'ACHMENT_....:J__1 110pAGE 10J OF I Cl CONTF lEO SUBSTANCES HANOUNG PROCEl NURSING STATION MEDICAL STAFF <ES FOR 1. Controlled substances are to be signed out in single dose increments only. 2. Once signed out of working stock, controlled substances are to be administered immediately. 3. Controlled substances designated on an "as needed" basis are not to be signed out based on anticipated need but on afrequency no oftener than specified by the practitioner's order and then only if requested by the inmate. 4. The staff member signing out the controlled subslance must be the individual who administers the medications. 5. Verify the inmate's identity prior to controlled substance administraUon. 6. The staff member administering an oral controlled subslance is responsible for ensuring the medication has not been cheeked, palmed or otherwise concealed. 7. The staff member administering any conlron~d substance is responsible for documentation of administration on the medication administration record and in the nursing notes, if appficable. 8. The sign-out entry in the controlled substance log will include.; 1) date, 2} time (in 2400 hour format), 3) inmate name Qast name and first initial or first name), 4) inmate DOC number, 5) name of provider, 6) dose, 7) quantity wasted, if any, 8) quantity checked out [In arabic numerals only), 9) balance, and 10} full legible signature(s) and tiUe(s}. 9. Any error made on the controlled substance sign out sheet will be justiftedl explained on the reverse side of the page by the staff member making the error. If that staff member not in the facility, the explanation is made by the staff member discovering the error if possible. i.e., math error, wrong sheet, etc. is 10. Disposal of unused or partially used controlled substance shall be witnessed by two medical staff members and attested to by the same with their signatures on the s:~n out sheel Abrief explanation for the destruction is to be documented on the back of the sign out sheet 11. If the required dose of an injectable controlled SU:S:E::CS is less than that contained in the syringe, the quantity to be wasted/destroyed will be expelled in the pr;:;::;:; of awitness utilizing guideline #10 and the remainder then administered to the patienl 12. When conducting controlled substance invemar1 :::::::;3,. each staff member must witness the actual count and the documentation of the count in the control:;~ 5:'::SLance log for accuracy prior to signing each document. The staff member conducting the actual count stc!..'!: ::c: Know the quantity of controlled substance indicated in the controlled substance log. 13. If partial tablets are found in working stock wh:c:: :i: ;;!ii~entifiable, notify the pharmacist who will assist with disposal. 14. If a seal is broken on an injectable controllsd s!.!t~~.::= i:-i:ld in working stock, the drug should be held in working stock until destruction/disposal by apprc-cnE: ~jjannacy staff can be completed. 1 .1 08 15. If an error is made when making an entry in the c:r.:-~ substance 109, draw a sinole line through that pornon of the entry in error and make and initial the corre::i:.:,_ Tne portion of the ~ntry in efTor must remain legible. 1 1__ lOY OF \ C' L ATTACHMENT_ _ PACE • CONTROL~ .&J SUBSTANCES HANDLING PRu~EOURES Fkl¥ACHMENT OUTPATIENT NURSING STAFF PACE 105' --OF -4-.c;. l Controlled substances are to be signed out in single dose increments only. Once signed out of working stock. controlled substances must be administered at the or ·refusals". next medication line except in the cases of ·no shows· . . The staff member signing out the controlled substance must be the individual who administers the medications. Verify the inmate's identity prior to controlled substance administration. The staff member administering an oral controlled substance is responsible to ensure to the greatest extent possible that medication has not been cheeked, palmed or· otherwise concealed. '. The staff member administering any controlled substance is responsible for documentation of administration on the medication administration record. • The sign-out entry in the controlled substance log will include: 1) date. 2) lime' (in 2400 hour format), 3) quantity checked out (in arabic numerals only), 4) balance (which must be verified after each entry), 5) inmate name (last name and first initial or first name), 6) inmate DOC number, 7) prescription number if available and 8) full legible signature and title. l. Any error made on the controlled substance sign out sheet will be justifiedl explained on the reverse side of the page by the staff member making the error. If that staff member is not in the facility, the explanation is made by the staff member discovering the error if possible, Le., math error, wrong sheet, etc. I. Disposal of unused or partially used ::ontrolled substance shall be witnes.sed by two medical staff members and attested iJ by the same with their signatures on the back of the sign out sheet. A brief explanation of the reason for destruction must preceded their signatures. ".. 10. When conducting controlled substa:-:s inventory ~:ounts). each staff me'mber mus~ witness the actual count and tne oc:.;mentation 0: tne count in the controlled substance log for accuracy prior to s.~ning each cocument. The staff memb~r conducting the actual count shoulc :-.:t know the quantity of controlled substance indicated in the controlled substanc; log. 11. If partial tablets are found in wor.<inf s~ock which are unidentifiable, notify the pharmacist who will assist with dispcsal. . •. 12. If a seal is broken on an injectable c:r.irolled subsiance held in working stock, the drug should be held in working stoc~: ..:ntil destruct!on/disposal by appropriate pharmacy staff can be completed. 13. If an error is made when making an :mry in the controlled substance log, draw a sinale line through that portion qf trr: entry in error and make and initial the correction. ; The portion of the entry in error mus: remain legible. 1109 . NURSES STATION DATE: Cl.1l~TROLLED SUBSTANCE _-------4 SUPPLY on hand (PHONE ORDERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED) DESCRIPTION QUANTlTY REQUESTED ORDER FORM MINIMUM QUANTITY PHARMACY Qt sent & Lot # ORAL Acetaminophen/codeine 30 mg 20 25 20 10 25 Clonazepam 1 mg Diazepam 5 mg Lorazepam 1 mg Methadone 10 mg MS Conlin 15 mg 25 25 MS Contin 30 mg MS Contin 60 mg 25 Oxycodon~ APAP 25 5/325 Pentazocine/Naloxone 50/.5 Phenobarbital 30 mg 25 10 Other Other INJECTABLE Diazepam 10 mgl2 m[ . 1 Lorazepam 2 mg/ml1 ml (Refrigerate) Meperidine 50 mg Inj. Meperidine peA 5 10 1 10 Morphine 10 mg Inj. 1 Morphine PCA Other Other . . SIGNATURE OF TWO ORDERING HEAtTH CARE PROVIDERS: Requesting Co-Signature SIGNATURE OF PHARMACIST FlUNG ORDER: Signature of Pharmacist Date Filled SIGNATURE OF TWO RECEIV1HG HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS: 1110 Signature/Daterrime Signature/DatefTime AlTACHMENT . PACE /o\.., 1 OF~ .. c'.- ...,.. ~~;,.:: -, ~-.a-:~;~ • t: 'or . . ... ...-i'''~~~~.;..#~~~;.~;. -,:. . . " ·,,·,·········'··~~7?'~~·· i 1 55'" ..... - , ,. . . . . , l ~ n·' INTRODUCTION I. • Provide for restitution; r· • Be accountable to the citizens of the state; I· i! ~.' • Meet the national standards appropriate to the Slate of Washington. CODE OF EnneS High moral and ethical standards among correctional employees are essential for the success of the department's programs. The Department of Corrections subscribes to a code of unfailing honesty, respect for ~ignity and individuality of human beings, and a commitment to professional and compassionate service. Be. ":. ~ DEPARTMENT EXPECTAnONS '" J • As a new employee of the <!:partment, you will have many things to learn, not the least of which will be the expectations of your supervisor, your co-workers. and the agency as a whole. To assist you with this responsibility. following is a list of some departmental expectations for your study. Familiarize yourself with the list so that you may understand and fulfill the duties of your position. ·,· .' As a representative of the Department of Corrections, you will be expected to: • Positively represent Washington State government to everyone you meeL You are our best public relations agent; • Dress appropriately for your job classification and duties. Oothing may not have mottos. logos, or advertisements that may be offensive or in conflict with the goals of the Deparunent; • Wear. issued unifonns only as authorized: • Treat fellow staff with dignity and respect; • Be impartial, understanding and respectful to offenders; ; .' . ! i! I • Be a good citizen, obey laws while on and off-duty. Your conduct off duty may reflect on your fitness for duty; .' ".-; '. I • Serve each offender with appropriate concern for their welfare and with no purpose of personal gain; • I I i ; --- •..._ I • . ..'O ...... _ ... ' •• .__1__ • . .... - .- .._-- _ ....""-"'"- EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK' • Rep?rt all personal contact from offenders. their families. or known associarcs. outside your job in accordance with department procedures; .. -: • Report through the proper chain of command any corrupt or unethical behavior which could affect an offender or the department's integrity; • Remain constantly alert in all situations; • Custody staff: remain at your job/post until properly relieved; • Let your supervi~or know about any personal. emergency use of equipment or phones; -. • Obtain appropriate permission before removing any state property from state premises; ~ ...... ,. '. :..... :~- - 0". ~ • Conduct yourself and perform your duties safely; • Smoke only in designated smoking areas. It is also important as a new employee. that you understand some of the specific prohibitions that the department must enforce. You are not allowed to: • Discriminate against any offender, employee, prospective employee, or volunteer on the basis of race. color. religion. gender. sexual orientation. age. creed, national origin, marital status, veteran status or disability; • Use profanity or inflammatory remarks with offenders or individuals with whom you work; • Report to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs; . • Traffic or bring any article of contraband into an institution, facility or office; .' ......: .. :. • Barter or make personal deals with offenders. offender families or visitors; • Engage in personal relationships with offenders. their family members. or close personal associates; tJ .. . . '.' • 1112 J- ATrACHMENT PAGE 1:- OF ~ '. ~ f • Department of Corrections No. PERSONNEL SERVICES . Effective Date: Page 101 Subject: 854.075 July 1, 1983 2 . EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIPS WITH DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFENDERS Objective: . To provide guidelines to ensure that employee relationships with offenders are maintained in a professional manner. Policy: Relationships with offenders must be conducted in a manner consistent ,with state law and prudent correctional practice. Employees are expected to manage their relations with offenqers in a professIonal manner at all times and· to treat offenders with respect and dignity. 1. Favorit ism: Staff must recognize the individuality of offenders without favoritism •. Such.conduct is inherently unfair to both the favored and the nonfavored. Conversely, grudge holding, bias. or unwarranted negativism toward or regardi~ an offender is to be avoided. Professional reaction to offenders must always be' objective and not"based on personal or subjective issues. - 2. Association with Offenders: Association with DOC offenders is to be avoided in the interest of professional unbiased service. Unofficial· contacts with knomn offenders under the jurisdiction of DOC are to·be reported by emplo,ees. to thei'r supervisors on' form DOC 3-39(X). This does not include casual, unintentional and unsubstanrive contacts. '. Personal communications and/or relationships between employees and offenders are not appropriate and are prohibited. 3. Traf ficking: Without specific writ ten approval of the appoint ing '. ,,' authority, no employee may give or accept gifts, gratuities or favors, have any barter or financial dealings with 4n offender, an offender's family or agent. "Gratuit ies" include any form of property or services. 4. l-lessages and Art ides of Property: Employees lIay engage in the t:-ansmil=·· sion of messages, mail, or articles of property only as part of their authorized duties. ATIACHMENT 113,3 _ PAGE---.l-OF.--:;5 _ " . , POLICY·\. DIRECTIVE Department of Corrections No" ....J'_ Pago _ _ 01 2_ _ S. Writs and Pc titions: Without specific approval from the appointing ;luthor ity. employees nrc not to.dsulGt. ad"ioe. or counsel offender9 In"the'prcpl1rntion of writs, appeals. or petitions for exe~utive clemency or other legnl " concerns of simirar nature. Eusployee!J may refe'i- of fendera to the DPP~O pria.te leZQl service agencY,dr person:; fur assistance in tltr.llC matters." ;'- 6. Offender Sponsorship: Em'ployces are not to serve lnmnteB or work/training residents; DS furlough sponsors _~or . '-...-. Exc e l,t4:ons to this policy require t"tle written perm.t~sion from the Sc:crctary, . or his designee. . -:,'. ... .•~ .... . ::::::~.~Supersession: .. -.... '. Policy Directive 651.005. Eml;loyee Rela ttonships with Dcpnrtmcl\t of Corrcd~iolts Offenders. May r. 1982. I. I. .' , ': ~ I · :'. have J: :. ~.r·; "; .'. ': ~- r~d~"'dis~us~~d{, t -. I I ,I '. : .( '. .. .' " and understand the contents of this Policy Dir'ective • .. \::: .' .... ' 1'r-ainet' .' 'f Approyod. Socrclnrv 01 d COffCCIiOn!l@~ '1 ." .' I) ~. ~; , DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS t REPORT O~ CONTACT WITH A D.O.C. OFFENDER ...10.1£ CMSIOH OR OfFIce .lISnlUnOH CR RliCllOH J08 n1\Ji IW\TH D.O.!=-I PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF DOC POUCY DIREcnVE 854.075, REGARDING EMPl.OYEE RELATIONSHIPS Willi D.O.C. OFfENDERS, nilS IS TO REPORTniATl HAD niE FOLLOWING CONTACT: '.'t; : l.CCAlIOH CI' CClUAet HAMS OF O'nlE!\ OFFeJoiOER OR lOamfYIHQ FV.TUAe I I 1 I C£SCIUI'lICN QlI CONTACT LEHGnt Of CQlItACt . . DAtE 01' CQH1'ACT . .,·'REPORT REV1EWED BY: SUPERVISOR ... DATe 01' IlUORT EMJ",0'tU'S SIlJNA11JRl! nn.e 1 DATe 1 . : . .···.·':'::~~~lt CCHTACTWA$:. o o SIQHFlCAHT NONSlC1NlFICM.- \ I SUPERINTENDENTJREGIONAL ADMINISTRATOR/COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL AREA ADMINISTRATOR OR DMStON DIRECTOR OR OFFICE CHI:i= IF IN HEAOQUARTERS: . . .. -J SlQHATIJAC nn.e I -\DATe , , 0-, • -... , , .. ~ - . . ..'-.,' • • i· .. ~'. ':'" ., :~ ;-". ~ ...',.' .... ~: ~ ~. .' .- ..~~ . ' ... -...-" . 111~ '? _ ATTACHMENT_ _ PAGE ] OF '3 • ALLEN, GEORGE . Employee Name (please Print) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF DOC EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK • • • '!;'!. ••• - .. I acknowledge receipt of the June 1993 W~shington State Dep3rt;inent ,. . of Corrections Employee Handbook and agree to become familiar with and have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the':.t:· contents. . .~. ~. . • :"'> ~'.~ ...: .:0.. ; ""'~~ ~ '~!·~f·:· lot! h:l~·.· D'ate .....;; ... - .. ,," ', :::.~:":.~:: : -.. ,' .. Original - Personnel File . .... ' 1116 ij ATTACHMENT PACE I . OF I,