George Parker Psychiatric Services Impact of Mental Health Training Course for Guards on Shu 2009
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Impact of a Mental Health Training Course for Correctional Officers on a Special Housing Unit George F. Parker, M.D. Objective: This stud)' determined the impact of a len-hour mental health training program developed by the Indiana chapter of the National Alliance on Mental illness (NAMI-Indiana) for correctional offi- cers on a prison special housing ("supennax") unil. Methods: The training was delivered to all of the correctional officers on the unit in five weekly sessions and was repeated 15 months later for new unit staff. The number of incidents reported by unit sLaff' in standard monthly reports, consisting of use of force by the officers and battery by bodily waste on the officers by the offenders, was compared for the nine months before and after both training sessions. Results: Attendance at the initial training ranged from 48 to 57 officers per session, and on the basis of Likert ratings. training was well received by the officers. The total number of incidents, the use of force by the officers, and battery by bodily waste all declined Significantly after the first mental bealth training, and the total number of incidents and battery by bodily waste declined significantly aner lhe second training. Conclusions: The provision of len hours of mental heallh training to correctional officers was associated with a Significant decline in use of force and ballery by bodily waste. (Psychiatric Services 60:64~5, 2(09) n the past two decades the concept of Ule control unit, or secure housing unit, popularly known as "'supermax," has become popular among U.S. correctional authorities. Although there is some debate as to what constitutes a supermax unit, in 2006 the Urban Institute reported that 95% of prison wardens surveyed agreed that a supennax: unit consisted of "a stand-alone unit or part of another faCility and is designated for violent or disruptive inmates. It typically involves single-ceU confinement for up to 23 hours per day for ,ll) indefinite period of time. Inmates in supermax housing have minimal contact \loth still and other inmates" (1). I Typically, the stated rationale for such wlits is the need to house the most difficult and dangerous offenders in an environment that minimizes the risk of trouble for the other inmates and staff. Nearly every stale now has at least one speCial housing unit, and several states and the federal prison system have built entire facilities, C'alled supennax prisons, on tillS model (2,3). Intended for tile most dangerous offenders. special housing units have become "home" to many inmates with mental illness, despite tile efforts of mental healtll and civil rights advocates. A polley paper of tile National Institute of Corrections in 1999 stated. "Insofar as possi- Dr. Parker is with the Depm1,,,umt ofPsychiatry. Imliima Uniucrsity School of Medicine, 1111 West 10th St.. Indianapolis. IN 46202 (e-mail: geoparke@l" A preliminanJ version ofthis research was presentel! in !)OsterJomUlt at the annual meeting OJtfl€ American Academy of PsychiatnJ ami t!1e Uiw, October 27. 2006. Montreal. Canada. PSYOUATRlC SERVICFS hie, mentally ill imnates should be excluded from e,~ended control facilities ... much of the regime common to extended control facilities may be unnecessary, and even counter-productive, for this population" (4). This recommendation was not followed, and tile reality of tile prevalence of offenders with mental illness in special housing units was evident in a 2004 monograph from the National lnstirnte of Corrections. for it identified mental health as "the major issue emerging in supennax litigation" (5). The author of this report noted that in California, Ohio, and 'Wisconsin plaintiffs had successfully argued tI,at some offenders should not be placed in a special housing writ hecause of mental illness and that placement in a special housing unit could cause serious mental illness. The report identified several steps to prevent liability, including screening out inmates with serious mental illness before referral to ti,e special housing unit, ongoing monitoring of the mental starns of inmates on the special housing unit, and the provision of adequate mental health care on the unit. Over ti,e past 20 years the prevalence of mental illness in jails and prisons has been a growing concern for st.:'1te correctional agencies, state mental health agencies, and advocacy organizations. Systematic examinations of mental illness among inmates have reported a tlueefold greater prevalenc.'e of psychotic and mood disorders in ti,e population behind bars, compared \loth the adult u.s. population (6). Overall, 10% to 15% of inmates are estimated Lo have a serious mental illness (7). AltlJOugh provision of general medical care is a ps.psychi3tr)'' May 2009 Vol. 60 No.5 constitutional duty of correctional autllOrities (8), inmates with serious mental illness pose more challenges to administrators, compared with inmates with other chronic illnesses, because the symptoms of mental illness, especially psychosis, may cause disruptive behavior. Because mainte- nance of a secure and stable environment is a primal)' concern for correc- and psychology services. However, assessments. monitoring, and programming were limited because of the they affect the neurotransmitter systems, as well as discussion of psychological treatments. 111e fourth session focused on how to interact efTectively challenges of communicating tllrough the food slot in the ceU door or by the difficult Ingistics of arranging the with people witll mental illness and movement of an offender from his ceD to another location either within from NAMI's In Our Own Voice program (14). The curriculum concluded or off the special housing unit. The National A1~ance on Mentally IUness (NAMl) is an advocacyorgan- with a session that reviewed and inte- incorporated a consumer-speaker grated all of ti,e previous sessions and typically results in administrative consequences, up to and including segregation. In state prisons, offenders \\;th mental illness are more likely ization dedicated to improving the was co-led by a senior supelvisor from the Department of Correction. ~ves of people aIllicted by serious and persistent mental iUness (13). In 2003 an inmate at the Carlisle special hous- The prepamtinn of the curriculum was coordinated hy an administrator from NAMI-Indiana. The curriculum than those who do not have a mental ilhless to be written up for breaking ing unit wrote to the Indiana chapter authors were nf NAMI (NAMl-lndiana' to repolt the difficult l'Onditinns faced by offenders with mental illness in the spe- members and included medical school psychiatry faculty, university tional authorities, disruptive behavior institutional rules (58% versus 43%), and they are also more likely to be charged with an assault (24% versus 14%) (9). Offenders with mental illness are thus more likely to be housed in more restrictive settings. including special housing units. Once ruisigned to a speCial housing unit, offenders typically do not do weU clinically, particularly if they have a mental illness (10), and they also pose Significant management challenges to staff of special housing units; they often suffer additional administrative penalties as a consequence. The Indiana Department nf Correction has two special housing wuts-the first opened in the \¥est- ville faci~ty in 1993, and the second, the site of this project. opened in the Carlisle facility in 1995 (11). The Carlisle facility is currently classified as high-medium security by ti,e Indiana Department of Correction, and it has both minimum- and maximumsecurit)' wuts; the vVestville facility is classified as medium security and has an NAMI-Indiana basic sciences faculty, a prison admin- cial housing unit. At the invitation of istrator, family members, and con- the superintendent, NAMI members subsequently toured the facility. After sumers. The curriculum was designed further discussions, NAMI-Indiana was invited to develop and provide a training program on mental illness for the correctional staff on the special housing unit. This report discusses encouraged questions and discussion-and role-playing exercises for the effect of tills educational intervention on the number of incidents reported hy correctional staff on ti,e special housing unit in their monthly reports, botll before and after the NAMI training. Methods The training program consisted of Rve two-hour sessions. given over Rve consecutive weeks. The first session introduced the correctional officers to ti,e major categories of psychiatriC disorders (substance abuse disorders. personality disorders, mood disor- ders, psychotic disorders, and anxiety disorders) by describing ti,e diagnos- to be interactive-all of tile speakers ti,e participants were included. The curriculum was field-tested before tile Carlisle training at a meeting of Indiana correctional officials and at a tnlining conference hosted by NAMIIndiana. At the invitation of the Carlisle superintendent, NAMI-Indiana pro- vided tllis training in February and March 2004 to aU of the correctional officers assigned to ti,e Car~sle special housing unit. The trailung was prOvided at the official training site for the facility, which was located outside the walls of the prison. The speCial housing unit staff was sp~t in half for the training, and each of ti,e five sessions was prOvided twice each week. The NAMI members who developed each portion of the curricu- miuimwn-, medium-, and maximWll- tic criteria for these disorders in clear lum proVided the training in person, security units (12). The nWllber of offenders Witll mental illness in the Carlisle special housing unit, which has a capacity of 280, was tracked from 1996 to 2003; the number in- language, using illustrative examples from clinical practice and popular \vitll ti,e assistance of the NAMI-Indiana conrdinator and the Carlisle movies, and encouraging questions and discussion. Session 2 built on the first session by focusing on the biolo- closely monitored by ti,e Depart- creased stendily since it opened, from gy of mental illness; the speaker used 49 (18% of capacity) in 1996 to 173 (62% of capacity) in 2003 (persnnal clear diagrams and neuroimaging to outline how brain cells communicate using neurotransmitters and how mental illness affects the cllemistry, structure, and metabolism of the brain. Session 3 provided an overview conununication. Carlisle Department of Correction superintendent, 2006). Throughout ti,e study, mental healtll cnre to offenders housed on the Carlisle special housing unit was pro\;ded by a Department of Correction contractor and included psychiatric training supervisor. Attendance was ment of Correction with sign-in sheets, because the training was deemed mandatory hy the prison administration. The correctional officers came in before shift change, stayed after the end of tlleir shift, or came in on da),s off to attend the training. and they were paid accord- of the treatment of mental illness, ingly. Each attendee was asked to with discussions of the major groups complete anonymously a pretest before each session and a posttest and a of psychiatriC medications and how PSYCJ:llATR.IC SERVICES ' ps.psychi:nryonIine.o~ , May 2009 Vol. 60 No.; 641 Table 1 tial training. the special housing unit Evaluation of the first mental health training sessions (February and March 2004) for correctional officers working on a prison special housing unit was over census for two months, and the mean±SD monthly census was Content ratinga Session 1 2 3 4 5 Overall Attendance M SD 57 3.68 3.25 3.46 3.18 3.50 3.57 1.13 1.58 1.29 1.29 1.21 1.08 54 53 55 48 275.7±5.1 (98.5% of capacity). The Presenter ratinga M 4.22 4.18 4.36 4.13 4.46 4.15 special housing unit was over census SD 1.05 1.20 .92 1.23 .72 1.05 • As measured by a Lil,-eTt scale. Possible scores range from 1. poor. 105. excellent. feedback form at the end of each ses- incidents of battery by bodily waste sion. The training was repeated by videoconference in June and July 2005. and all staff who had joined were then statistically compared for the special housing unit since the ini- ing Studenfs t test (15). tial training attended. along with This research project was granted exempt status by the Indiana Univer- staff from other units at the Carlisle facility. The administrators at the Carllsle special housing unit routinely prepared standard monthly quallty assurance reports, which included a summary sheet noting the unit census, the total number of incidents for the month, the number of times force was used by unit staff on ofTenders, and the number of incidents of battery by bodily waste on custody staff. The Carllsle superintendent shared the summary sheets with NAMI-Indiana, beginning nine months before the start of the first training and continuing until the special housing unit undenvent a major reorganization nearly two years later. Although the full reports generated by the facility included specific information about the circwnstances of each incident and the inmates and correctional officers involved, the research presented here was based only on the summary the nine months before and after each of the two training sessions, us- Sity-Purdue University Indianapobs Institutional Review Board. for eight of the nine months after the initial training, with a mean monthly census of 282.4±2.7 (100.9% of capacity). The monthly census was lower in the nine months before the sec- ond training (273.3±6.0. 97.6% of capacity) and decllned further in the nine months after the second training (243.6±29.1. 87.0% of capacity). As noted above, the prevalence of mental illness on the speCial housing unit was 62% in 2003; however, this statistic was not determined in subsequent years, because of a change in supervisory staff (personal communication, Carbsle Department of Correction superintendeot. 2008). In the nine months after the 6rst training, the number of total incidents, number of incidentr iAH9H.1lg use~f force. and i;~l::~ ?,f ~~:;; k hrnl;iTlg Results Attendance at the first mental health training. which took place in Februmy mld March 2004. ranged from 48 to 57 staff per session (Table I). At- by1X>dilywaste on rj;j unit all declined sjff'iR~iilPtly com- > pared with the nine months before ... tendance was determined by a count total number of incidents and the of the pre- and posttests turned in number of incidents of battery hy bodily waste decllned Significantly. for each session; these tests were required for participants to receive training credit from the Department of Correction. Participants were also asked to rate anonymously the content of eacll session and the presenter, as well as the overall course, us- ing a Likert scale; possible scores ranged from I. poor. to 5. excellent. The initial training was well received by the correctional officers, with a mean rating of 4.15 for the course presenters and a mean rating of 3.57 for the overall course content. A to- tI~ng (Table 2). In ti,e nine months after ti,e second traiuing. the compared with the nine months be- fore ti,e training (Table 3). Similar data were sought for the entire Carlisle facility. hut ouly battery by hodily waste was tracked during the study period; all but one battery by bodily waste incident occurred on the special housing unit. Discussion Role and training of correctional officers Correctional officers can play a vital sheets, because of concerns about confidentiality and informed consent. As a result, it could not be determined whether any given incident involved an inmate with a serious mental illness or a particular correctional tal of 34 staff from the Carlisle facility attended the second training in June and July 2005. The attendance role in ensuring appropriate treatment of offenders widl mental illness, numbers, evaluations, and test per- ing in mental health issues and have a formances of the staff of the special housing unit for this training could officer. not be determined, because the staff of the special housing unit were part professional culture that is quite different from tllat of mental health professionals (16.17). The NAMI-Indiana training program attempted to bridge tllis cultural gap by educating The overall number of incidents and the number of each type of inci- dent. dating from July 2003 to April 2006, were entered into an electronic spreadsheet. The numher of total incidents, incidents of use of force, and nf a larger group from the Carlisle facility and the attendance sheets did not note each officer's unit assignment. In the nine months before the ini- but they generally receive little train- the correctional officers asSigned to a secure housing unit about mental ill- ness. On ti,e basis of the decline in dle number of incidents after the PSYCHIATRIC SERVlCfS ' , May 2009 Vol. 60 No.5 Table 2 \"olent incidents before and after the first set of mental health training sessions (February and March 2004) for correctional officers working on a prison special housing unit 9 months before training 9 months after training Monthly Monthly Outcome N M 50 95%CI N M 50 All incidents Use of ro~officers IG2 148 18.00 IG.40 7.00 12.75 to 23.25 11.48 to 21.41 85 G.l7 81 9.44 9.00 7.84 7.79 4.19 to 14.70 4.03 '0 13.97 14 1.5G 1.42 .80 to 2.31 4 .44 .53 -.31 '01.20 Battery by . }' waste by offenders training, the NAMI-Indiann program was successful in reducing both the use of force by the correctional officers, as well as the number of assaults by bodily waste on the officers. The training was also well received by the staff of the special housing unit, despite their initial reluctance to partic- ipate in the training. Little has been written on the role of correctional officers in the man- agement of offenders with mental illness in jails and prisons. Kropp and cnlleagues (IG), in a 1989 article, found that the correctional offieers assigned to a maximum-security pretrial unit felt that working with offenders with mental illness added stress to their jobs, and although they were confident i.n their abilities to handle the general population in the jail, nearly all of them were interested in further training on how work with offenders with mental illness. In recent years, only two articles have been published on the specific topic of mental bealth training for correctional officers. Appelbaum and colleagues (17), writing ahout working in the Massachusetts state prison system, noted the difficult working conditions faced by correctiooal officers, particularly the threat of violence, and identified the differing professional cultures of security staff and mental health staff as a major issue. They also observed that many correctional officers and many mental bealth staff work together effectively and share common goals nf decent and humane treatment of inmates. They emphasized that correctional officers could and should be recognized as members of tl,e multidisciplinary treabllent team for offenders with mental illness, particularly au residential treatment units. Massachusetts offers (,'otlaborative training sessions for correctional officers about suicide prevention and mental illness, hut tltis program was not described in detail and no outcomes were described. Dvoskin and Spiers (18) described the culture of the community inside prison walls and argued that correc- elf P 2.25 IG IG .027 .039 2.20 lG .043 95%CI 2.44 tional officers could pia)' important roles in the provision of mental bealth setvices to offenders, including talking with offenders in a therapeutic manner, talking about the offenders as part of tl,e mental healtll consultation process, and obsetving medication effects and side effects. The autllDrs specifically identified special housing programs, including administration segregation units, as places where correctional officers could play a vital role in the identification and management of mental illness; they also emphasized the importance of training to improve tlle relationship between custody staff and mental health professionals. The autllDrs included descriptions of programs that successfully involved correctional officers in mental health roles, but none of tllese were accompanied by a reference to a published article that described the program or its outcomes. Correctional officers play a vital role in maintaining safety and security in prisons, and tlley are subject to many stresses, including long hours, Table 3 Violent incidents before and after 'he second set of mental healtll training sessions (June and July 2005) for C"Orrectional officers working on a prison special housing unit Outcome All incidents Use of fort.'e by officers Battery by bodily waste by offenders 9 months before training 9 months after training Monthly Monthly N M 50 95%CI N M 50 95%CI 99 90 11.00 10.00 2.G9 2.40 8.3G '0 13.64 7.43 to 12.57 63 63 7.00 7.00 4.5G 4.5G 4.43 to 9.57 9 1.00 1.00 0 .00 3.00 -.50 to.50 .50 '0 1.50 1'5\'CIllATRlC SERVICES ' ps.psychlalryonline.0r& ' May 2009 Vol. 60 No. ; 4.3G '0 9.84 dr p 2.27 1.75 lG lG .038 .1 3.00 1G .008 643 low pay, and the risk of violeoce, which is their highest concern (19). In addition, correctional officer.; have reported higb psychological demands 00 the job, accompanied by low social en to skills in interaction with people Carlisle Department of Correction with mental illness helped in this area as well. Since battery by hodily administrative staff, 2006). The ad- support, a low sense of control, and waste is one of the few fOnTIS of retaliation available to offenders on special housing units, it is pOSSible feelings of insecurity (20). When one coosiders the challenges of their work ers with more understanding, may environment, it is perhaps not surprising that correctional officers who have decreased the frustration and anger that lead to battery by bodily work on special housing wlits have waste. that the officers, hy treating offend- heen reported to he physically and psychologically abusive to inmates StrengtIJs and limitations under their supervision (2,3). The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics The strengths of this study include notes, "Correctional officers learn Illost of what they need to know for their work through on-the-job train- ing" (21). Indiana requires only that correctional officer.; be high school graduates and have three years of work e"'"perience; as a result, the re- cruits generally have little experience with or knowledge about working with people with serious mental the training of the entire staff of a special housing unit and the avail- ability of objective data directly related to safety issues from hefore and after the traioing. Weaknesses of the study include the retrospective nature of the study and the lack of a control population. Although the NAMI-lndiana team that created ilhless, even after completing the the curriculum was interested in outcomes, the initial focus was on the response of the officers to the train- presenrice academy. At the time of ing itself; the study, Indiana correctional offi- not become available until well after cers received only a very basic OJientation to mental health issues in the presen'ice academy, consisting of 2.5 to 3.0 hours, out of more than three weeks of training. on working with ~le ~,e incident reports did training had been completed. The 'Vestville special housing unit could have heen a good cootrol population for ~lis study, hut this facility declioed to respood to a request for offender.; 'vith mental illness, sub- data on incidents of use of force and stance abuse, and developmental hattery by bodily waste. The overall Carlisle faCility could also have ministration of the unit changed before the training. as the sergeants were rotated off the unit and a new captain was assigned. In the months immediately after ~,e training (April to Juoe 2004), the Department of Correction gradually transferred selected offender.; from the special housing unit to a new program at tlle prison psychiatriC faCility, dUring which time some offenders became more disruptive in all attempt to be placed on the transfer list; as a result, there were high numbers of use of force in nvo of these three months. However, Carlisle Depart- ment of Correction staff noted that the offenders who were transferred were not those who had been involved in the incidents reported in previous months. The transfers were then replaced with new offenders from the waiting list for the special housing unit. Finally, in the fall of 2004, several months after the training, several unit staff received disciplinary action, including arrest, for abusive behavior; this investigation began months before the diSCipline occurred. Clearly, each of these factors could setved as a control population, even though it housed both minimum and maximum-security offenders. Unfor- have had an impact. for better or for worse. on the culture of the special housing unit. The change in supervisory staff could have set tIle stage for a positive response to the training; although senior management sup- tunately, ~le only data available for ~,e eotire facility for the study period covered just battery hy bodily ported the training, the faculty noted obvious difficulty in engaging the ofBe..,r.; in the training, particularly in ing was associated with a Significant decline in officers' use of force with waste; tIlis report was not particular- the early sessions, despite tIle posi- ly useful for control purposes, he- offender.; and in the number of attacks on the officers hy the offend- cause over tIle course of more than tive ratings given by attendees. The change in offender population could ers. Although it is not pOSSible to state with certainty how the training waste occurred ofT of the special housing unit-which is clearly evi- led to these beneficial results, the NAMI team attributed the declioe in dence of the troubled nature of ~,e disabilities (22). The NAMl-lndiana curriculum on mental illness was deSigned to address this knowledge deficit and was well received by the correctional officers who attended the sessions. More important, the NAMI train- use of force to improved under- standing of the offenders' mental illnesses and to the interacting skills emphaSized in the latter part of the training. The reason for the decline in incideots of battery by bodily waste is less obvious, but in discussions between the NAM I team and two years, only one battery hy bodily offenders on the unit. the disturbing impact of the special housing unit it- self, or both. In addition, as should be e'1'ected in a large prison facility, the NAMI training was not the only factor at work over the course of tlle study. The Indiana special housing unit undenvent a number of changes he- have removed the offenders who were most involved in reported inci- dents and thus "ffected the perceived effectiveness of tIle training, but a unit administrator noted that the transferred offenders were not those involved in prior incidents. Finally, the investigation and later removal of officers on charges of abuse could have affected the atmosphere on the unit either poSitively (encouraging for more profeSSional behavior) or negatively (aggravating an al- staff of the Department of Correc- fore, dUring, and after the NAMI ready difficult work environment). tion, it was felt that the attention giv- training (personal communication, Although the officers who were re- PSYCHIATRIC SERVICF.S I , May 2009 Vol. 60 No.5 moved left the unit more than six months after the initial training. the numbers of incidents declined significan~y shortly after the first training ended and rose modes~y after their departure. only to decline again after ~,e second training of officers new to the special housing unit. This pattern suggests th~lt the removal of the officers w~.. not the driving force in the decrease in the nwnber of incidents on the special housing unit and ~mt the mental health training played an important role in that decrease. Conclusions The NAMI training curriculum, which provided ten hours of education on mental illness to all of the correctional officers who worked on an Indiana special housing, or supennax. unit, was associated with a significant decrease in the use of force by the correctional officers and battery by bodily waste on the officers by offenders. These results suggest that providing mental health training to all ofthe correctional officers on a prison Wlit can lead to safer working (.'(mditions for the correctional officers and safer living conditions for offenders. Acknowledgments and disclosures The KAMI41nwana members who created and pl'Q\ided the mental heahll lraining curriculum were Kel1ie fI,·leyer. M.A.• Alan Schmetzer. M.D.• Joan LaJi'uze. Ph.D.• Joseph Vanable. Ph. D.• Alan Finnan. Ph.D.• Mike Kempr, Christine Je\....ell. B.S., and Ceorge Parker. M.D. The author reports no competing interests. References I. Mears DP: Evaluating the Errccti\1mess or Supenna'l: Prisons. \Vashington, DC, Urban Institute. Justice Policy Center, Mar 2006 2. Kamel R. Kemess B: The Prison Inside the Prison: Control Units. Supennax Prisons and Devices of Torture: Briefing Paper. Philadelphia, American Friends Service Committee, 2003 J: III-Equipped: US Prisons and OITenders With Mental Illness. Ne-,... York, Humilll Rights Watch, 2003 3. Abmmsky S. Fellner 4. Rivel:llld C: Supenna"l: Prisons: Overview and General Considerations. Washington. DC, National Institute of Corrections, Jan 1999 5. Collins WC: Supenna.. Prisons and the Constitutiol1: Liability Concems in the Extended Control Unit. KIC accession 110 019835. Washington, DC. National Institute of Corrections, Kov 2004 6. 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