ICE Detention Standards Compliance Audit - Cobb County Adult Detention Center, Marietta, GA, ICE, 2008
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, ICE Detention Standards C~mpliance Review Cobb County Adult Detention Center September 29 - 30, 2008 REPORT DATE - October 7,2008 rea t i ve co r r e c tiD ns · . Contract Number: 0 DT-6- D-OOO 1 Order Number: HSCEOP-07-F-OI016 b6 Executive Vice President Creative Corrections 6415 Calder, Suite B Beaumont, TX 77706 COTR b6 U.S. Immigration a~d Customs Enforcement Detention Standards Compliance Unit 801 I Street NW Washington, DC 20536 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) rea t i V'o cor r e·c t ion s 6415 Calder, Suite B. Beaumont, Texas 77706 409.866.9920 • Making a Difference! · October 7,2008 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: James T. Hayes, Jr., Director . Office of Detention and Re b6,b7c j rg~ pV b6,b7c . Cobb' County Adult Detention Center Annual Detention Review SUBJECT: Creative Corrections conducted an Annual Detention Review of the Cobb County Adult Detention Center, Marietta, Georgia, on September 29 - 30, 2008. As noted on the attached documents, the team of Subject Matter Experts (SME) included , SME for Security; b6,b7c b6,b7c b6 , SME for Health Services; , SME for Environmental Health and Safety; and SME for Food Service. b6 A fmal closeout in which all concerns were discussed was held on September 30, 2008, with b6,b7c b6,b7c Col. , Detention Center Commander; Lt. ; Major ; b6,b7c b6 b6,b7c , RN, CCHP, Medical Compliance Officer; , ORO; and b6,b7c b6,b7c a,IEA,ofthe Atlanta, GA, ICE Field Office. Type of Review: This review is a scheduled Detention Standard Review to det6nnine general compliance with established ICE National Detention Standards for facilities used for under 72 hours . . Review Summary: The Cobb County Adult Detention Center is accredited by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC)and the Medical Association of Georgia It is not accredited by American Correctional Association (ACA) or the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healt}1care Organizations (JCAHO). Standards Compliance: The following information summarizes the standards reviewed and the overall compliance for .. . . this review:. .. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 1/2 May 16 -17,2007 Compliant - 28 Deficient 0 At-Risk 0 Non-Applicable 0 September 29 - 30, 2008 Compliant 27 Deficient 1 At-Risk 0 Non-Applicable 0 Tool Control- Deficient Policy: Every facility shall develop and implement a tool-control system. Tools are to be classified according to Restrictive and Non Restrictive status. • Cobb County Adult Detention Center does not have an established tool classification system. Recommendations • The Maintenance Supervisor should develop and implement a tool classification system. • Each tool should be marked making it readily identifiable. • A computer-generated. or typewritten inventory should be created for all tools, equipment, and storage locations. • All appropriate tools should be mounted on shadow boards .. Recommended Rating and Justification It is the RIC recommendation.that the facility receive a rating of "Acceptable." It is also recommended by the RIC that a Plan of Action be required for this facility to develop and correct the deficiency identified during this review. RIC Assurance Statement All fmdings of this review have been documented on the Work Sheets and are supported by the written documentation contained in the review file. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 212 Detention Facility Inspection Form Facilities Used Under 72 hours Department Of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement A. TYPE OF FACILITY REVIEWED ICE Service Processing Center ICE Contract Detention Facility ICE Intergovernmental Service Agreement IZJ o o B. CURRENT INSPECTION Type of Inspection Field Office I2<J HO Inspection Date[s] of Facility Review September 29 - 30, 2008 G. ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATES 0 N/A List all State or National Accreditation[s] received: National Medical Standards 2007 & NCCHC 200S o C. PREVIouslMosr RECENT FACILITY REVIEW Date[s} of Last Facility Review May 16 - 17, 2007 Previous Rating D Superior Good IZJ Acceptable 0 Deficient 0 At-Risk 0 D. NAME AND LoCATION OF FACILITY Name Cobb County Adult Detention Center Address 1825 County Services Parkway City, State and Zip Code Marietta, GA 30008 County Cobb Name and Title of Chief Executive Officer (Warden/OIC/Superintendent) Commander Sheriff Neal Warren/Co!. b6,b7c Telephone Number (Include Area Code) 770-499- b6,b7c Field Office / Sub-Office (List Office with Oversight) Atlanta Distance from Field Office 15 miles . E ICE Information Name of Inspector (Last Name, Title and Duty Station) b6,b7c Reviewer-In-Charge / NM Name of Team Member / Title / Duty Location b6 / SME Medical / MN Name of Team Member / Title / Duty Location SME Food Service / CO b6 Name of Team Member1 Title / Duty Location b6,b7c SME Security / NV Name of Team Member / Title / Duty Location / SME Environmental Health and Safety / IL b6 F CDFIIGSAINFORMATIONONLY Contract Number Date of Contract or IGSA 9/3/08 DRO-IGSA-08-0015 Basic Rates per Man-Day $ 42.58 Other Charges: (If None, Indicate N/A) ; [81 N/A , Estimated Man-days per Year 5,978 I I. FACILITY HISTORY Date Built 1984 - Completed 1987 Date Last Remodeled or Upgraded 1999 - Kitchen Date New Construction / Bed Space Added 1997 Future Construction Planned [81 Yes D No Date: Future Bed Space (# New Beds only) Current Bed space Number: 1,152 Date: 2010 1925 I J. TOTAL FACILITY POPULATION Total Facility Intake for Previous 12 months 36,660 Total ICE Man Days for Previous 12 months 5,978 K. CLASSIFICATION LEVEL (ICE SPCs AND CDFs ONLY) . -IA L-3 1-2 [Adult Male Adult Female r L. FACILITY CAPACITY Emergency Operational Rated 1964 Adult Male 1861 1589 336 Adult Female 336 310 1 J Facility Holds Juveniles Offenders 16 and Older as Adults M. AVERAGEDAILYPOPULATION ICE l Adult Male 15 Adult Female 3 USMS NA NA r Other NA NA N. FACILITY STAFFING LEVEL I ort: b2High . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) Form G-324B SIS (Rev. 7/9/07) SIGNIFICANT INCIDENT SUMMARY WORKSHEET In order for Creative Corrections to complete its review of your facility, you must complete the following worksheet.prior to your scheduled review dates. This worksheet must contain data for the past twelve months. We will use this worksheet in conjunction with the ICE Detention Standards to assess your detention operations with regard to the needs of ICE and its detainee population. Failure to complete this worksheet will result in a delay in processing this report, and may result in a reduction or removal of ICE detainees from your facility. Assault: Offi:nders on Offenders' Assault: Detainee on Staff I Detainee Medical Referrals as a Result of Injuries Sustained. Escapes Pbysical Physical Physical Physical 0 0 0 0 8 9 6 12 Pbysical Physical Physical Physical 0 0 0 0 30 19 12 29 46 66 . 24 55 0 2 0 0 25 15 6 10 0 2 0 0 ]5 16 6 17 C C C C 84 94 42 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91 153 232 72 N/A N/A N/A N/A 165 221 4 2 Deaths I Psychiatric I Medical Referrals 185 # Psychiatric cases Referred for Outside Care 2 227 Any attempted physical contact or pbysical contact that involves two or more offenders Oral, anal or vaginal penetration or attempted penetration involving at least 2 parties,whether it is consenting or non-consenting Routine transportation of detainees/offenders. is not considered "forced" Any incident that involves four or morc detainees/offenders, includes gang fights, organized multiple hunger strikes, work: stoppages, hostage situations, major fires, or other large scale incidents. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) Form G·324B SIS (Rev. 7/9/07) DHSfICE DE'tENTION STANDARDS REVIEW SUMMARY REpORT . 3. AT-RISK 4. REPEAT 5. NOT FINDING ApPLICABLE Classification System Detainee Handbook Food Service Funds and Personal Property Detainee Grievance Procedures Issuance and Exchange of Clothing, Bedding, and Towels Practices 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Detention Files Disciplinary Policy Emergency Plans Environmental Health and Safety Hold Rooms in Detention Facilities Key and Lock Control Population Counts Security Inspections . Special Management Units (Administrative Detention) Special Management Units (Disciplinary Segregation) Tool Control Transportation (Land management) Use of Force Staff / Detainee Communication (Added August 2003) Detainee Transfer September I ALL FINDINGS OF DEFICIENT AND ~T-RIsK REQUIRE WRl1TEN COMMENT DESCRIBING THE FlNDING AND WHAT lS NECESSARY TO REACH COMPLIANCE. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) Form G-324B SIS (Rev. 7/9/07) RIC REVIEW ASSURANCE STATEMENT By SIGNING BELOW, THE REVIEWER-IN-CHARGE' (RIC) CERTIFIES TIlAT: 1. ALL FINDINGS OF NON-COMPLIANCE WITII POLICY OR INADEQUATE CONTROLS, AND FINDINGS OF NOTEWORTHY ACCOMPLISHMENTS, CONTAiNED IN THIS INSPECTION REpORT, ARE SUPPORTED BY EVIDENCE THAT IS SUFFICIENT AND RELIABLE; AND WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THIS REVIEW, THE FACILITY IS OPERATING IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW AND POLICY, AND PROPERTY AND RESOURCES ARE BEING EFFlCIENTLY UTILIZED AND ADEQUATELY SAFEGUARDED, EXCEPT FOR ANY DEFICIENCIES NOTED IN THE REPORT. 2. b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c Print Name, Title, & Duty Location b6 Print Name, Title, & Duty Location 5MB Food Service/CO & Duty Location b6,b7c , 5MB Environmental Health and SafetylIL ' RECOMMENDED RATING: b6,b7c , 5MB Securit)'/NV Print Name, Title, & Duty Location b6 , 5MB MedicaIIMN o o ACCEPTABLE DEF-ICIENT OAT-RISK COMMENTS: The facility is clean and well managed by experienced staff. The staff was exceptionally helpful and attentive to the review process. The staff's attitude was positive and it was apparent that all staff is well trained, efficient, motivated, and committed to providing a safe and secure facility for staff an4 detainees alike. The facility does not use the Taser devise. Deaths: OCTOBER 24, 2007, ALLEN LEANDER A 23 year old male arrested on drug charges. Durlng booking procedures medical problems were encountered and he was transferred ' to hospital and died of drug ingestion possibly due to an attempt to conceal evidence. FEBRUARY 4,2008, RODNEY TRAVIT A 41 year old male presented feeling drowsy. He stated he fell and hit his head in the pod. He was brought to the infirmary via wheelchair and was talking with staff. He stated he wanted to lie down. Seizure activity followed and a Code Blue was called. An M.D., Dr. , was present. He was transported via ambulance to hospital and was pronounced dead. Diagnosis was b6 .' questionable massive coronary.' June 5, 2008, PATRICK FRENCH A 28 year old male sent to hospital on 6-5-08 with a rash accompanied by pain. He was diagnosed with Steven's Johnson Syndrome. After numerous days in intensive care with numerous complications he died on 6-25-08. JUNE 26, 2008, JOSE FRAIRE 69 year {lId male arrived in intake confused, combative and displaying bizarre behavior. He was taken to Northside Hospital and pronounced dead at 0900. He was placed on life support pending organ harvest FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) Fonn G-324B SIS (Rev. 7/9/07) HEADQUARTERS EXECUTIVE REVIEW I Review Authority The signature below constitutes review of this report and acceptance by the Review Authority. OIC/CEO will have 30 days from receipt of this report to respond to all findings and recommendations. HQDRO EXECUTIVE REVIEW; (please Print Name) b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c Title b6,b7c Actin Chief Final Rating: [8J Acceptable o Deficient OAt-Risk Comments: The Review Authority concurs with the "Acceptable" rating. A Plan of Action is required to address the deficiencies noted in the Tool Control, Detainee Telephone Access, and Food Service standards. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) Form G-324B SIS (Rev. 7/9/07) Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement · Office of Detention and Removal Condition of Co-n finement Review Worksheet (This document must be Slttached to each G-324B Inspection Form) This Form to be used for Inspections of all Facilities Used Under 72 Hours Detention Review Worksheet C8J o o Local Jail-.IGSA State Facility - IGSA ICE Contract Detention Facility Name Cobb County Adult Detention Center Address (Street and Name) 1825 County Services Parkway . City, State and Zip Code Marietta, GA 30008 County Cobb Name and Title of Chief Executive Officer (Warden/OIC/Superintendent) Sheriff Neal Warren/Col. Jail Commander b6,b7c Name and title of Reviewer-In-Charge b6,b7c Date[sJ of Review September 29 - 30, 2008 Type of Review C8J Headquarters o Operational DSpecial Assessment o Other FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) . G-324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for IGSAs • Rev: 07109/07 TABLE OF CONTENTS DETAINEE SERVICES STANDARDS (SECTION I) .............................................................................................................. 3 ADMISSION AND RELEASE ......................................................................................................................................................... . CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ............................................................................................ '" .......................................................... . DETAINEE HANDBOOK .............................................................................................................................................................. . FOOD SERVICE ..................................................................................................................................................... : .................... . FUNDs AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ........................................................................................................................................... . DETAINEE GRlEVANCE PROCEDURES ....................·............................. ~ ..................................................................................... . ISSUANCE AND EXCHANUE OF CLOTHING, BEDDING, AND TOWELS ....................................................................................... .. RELIGIOUS PRACTICES ........ :........................................................................................................................................... , ........ . . Access to Telephones ...................................................................................... : .................... .. Visitation ...................................................................................... ~ .................................. .. HEALTH SERVICES STANDARDS (SECTION 11) ............................................................................................;................. 17 ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE .......................................... :....................................................................................................... . SUICIDE PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION .............................................................................. ; ................................................ . SECURITY AND CONTROL STANDARDS (SECTION III) .................................................................................................. 20 CONTRABAND ........................................................................................................................................................................... .. DETENTION FILES .................................................................................................................................................................... .. DISCIPLINARY POLICY .............................................................................................................................................................. . EMERGENCY PLANS ................................................................................. ; ................................................................................ .. ENvIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETy ................................·................................................................................................. .. HOLD ROOMS IN DETENTION FACILITIES ................................................ , ............................................................................... .. KEy AND LoCK CONTROL ....................................................................................................................................................... .. POPULATION COUNTS .............................................................................................................................................................. .. SECURITY INSPECTIONS ................................................................................................................ ; .......................................... .. SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT (ADMINISTRATIVE SEGREGATION) ................................................................... ,....................... . SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT (DISCIPLINARY SEGREGATION) ....................................... , ....................................................... .. TOOL CONTROL ......................................................................................................................................................................... . TRANSPORTATION (LAND) ....................................................................................................................................................... . USE OF FORCE ......................................................................................................................................................................... .. STAFFIDETAINEE COMMUNICATIONS ....................................................................................................................................... . DETAINEE TRANSFER STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................. : ~orE:.:F9li~AcH STANDAiD'R,AiEDBEL8viA.¢cihABLE,FACILlUES'MUST+:riAcH.A,i>MN'OF:Xc-nb~FORBRINOmO dp~Ti()NSWTO COMP~lANGE...EA.CH FACli~ri:~IIblJLD IMPROVEMENT, INCLUDING TIIOSE STANDARDS ," '0 .... ' . ' . . .. " "'" . ExAMINE TIm ENTIRE' WORKsHEETTO ibEl~ITIFYillAS'oF WHERE AN OvERALt 'FINDING'OF ACCEPTABLE viAs ACHIEVED. ","... .' '." ."."'". FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G·324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for rGSAs· Rev: 07/09107 Page 2 of39 - -_.- .. _------------------------ SECTION I DETAINEE SERVICES STANDARDS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for IGSAs - Rev: 07109/07 Page 3 of39 AIlMISS~ON ANn1m~~ASE. ,"',' 'pdLld:~J,pirAiNBESWILt~~AD~rtr1m~RELBASBD IN AMANNERtw.:t EN§vREsTHEiRWlALTH,SAFEri;ANtiWBLF~;;~ :ADMisSiONS~ROc~DtJruiwnL, AMONO OUmR THINGS. INCWDE: MBDiCALSOO:ENINO;'A ~ILE-BASED:ASSESSMENJ AND CLAsSiFICATION 'pROCEss; AB(1)YSEARCH; ANnA SEARCH OF PERSONAL SELoNtiNOS, WmCHwiLiBE ~OruED, DOCu'~, .ANn. SAFEGUARDED As' 'NEb§SAAY,~' I>,«:\'?~·.<·, ':" ':-'~.'" ......: "COMPONENts '. '. .•. ......... '. :: '. ,Y '" .. N,':, [8J 0 In-processing includes an orientation of the facility. Medical screenings are perfonned by medical staff2! persons who have received specialized training for the purpose of conducting an initial health screening. All hew arrivals are searched in accordance with the "Detainee Search" standard. An officer of the same sex as the detainee conducts the search and the search is conducted in an area that affords as much privacy as possible. Detainees are stripped searched only when cause has been established and not as routine policy. Non-criminal detainees are not strip-searched .but are patted down, unless reaSonable suspiCion is established. The "Contraband" standard governs all personal property searches. IGSAs/CDFs use or have a similar contraband standard. Staff prepares a complete inventory of each detainee's possessions. The detainee receives a copy. Two officers are present during the processing of detainee funds and valuables during admissions processing to the facility. Both officers verify funds and valuables. Staff completes Fonn 1-387 or similar fonn for CDFs and IGSAs for every lost or missing property claim. Facilities forward all 1-387 claims to ICE. Detainees are issued appropriate and sufficient clothing and bedding for the climatic conditions. The facility provides and replenishes personal hygiene items as needed. Gender-specific items are available. ICE Detainees are not charged for these items. All releases are properly coordinated with ICE using a Form 1-203. Staff completes paperwork/forms for release as required. I:8l ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT OAT-RISK .. ....•. . ...., 0 D o o o D o o D o o o o o o Supervisors must approve a strip search. If a strip search is completed, a report is generated and reviewed by a supervisor. Up to $149.00, one officer counts; $150 - $500, two officers; over $500 two officers and a supervisor count the money. The release process of 12 detainees was observed on 9129/08, and a completed Fonn 1-203 was utilized. All paperwork appeared to be properly prepared and used during the release process. D D o o o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: CCADC policy and procedun:s provides for the intake and release of detainees according to ICE and facility standards. b6,b7c 9130/08 ) AUDITOR'sSIGNATURE . ~ D . NAREMAru<:S: D o "'<',.> b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITNE) Q..324B Detention Inspection Form Worksheet for IOSAs • Rev: 07/09107 Page 4 of39 ; ,';. " . ';'. ::CL~IFICATION ~YSTEM i~~~~~~~~~;~~~~&W;:~~R~;taW~~i:~ r' ~"::,'15:'\~'"" '"COMPONENTs:< "•• , The facility has a system for separating criminal and non-criminal ICE detainees. Violent offenders are separated from non-violent offenders. Housingassigrunents are based on threat level. [gIACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT 0 Y '[8'J N,; '" 'NA':'" [8'J AT-RISK 0 0 [] [] " 'REMAJiKs"" o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The facility uses the "Tree Classification" outline for their classification process to separate non-violent from violent detainees and to assign housing. Male detainees, effective September 26, 2008, have been placed into one donnitory living area Female detainees are' housed with the Special Needs female popUlation. ' b6,b7c /9/30/08 j~ j~ AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE / DA b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (J..A.W ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 0-324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for IOSAs - Rev: 07109107 Page 5 of39 .......' .••.' ' ...... , .•. . . ,>·<,>"",.»ETAIN~E1Ii\ND,Bp()K,:' ".' ;', ." .. ' . .... ..,. ". ..' '. POLIcY!, EVERY bIC 'NILLDEVEtOP ASlTE~SPECniIC DETAINEE'HANDBOoK to Si3RvEAS t.t.tOVERyiEWOF, AND. GUIDE,TO, THE DETENTION.' ;roif~~'RUWS,~PR6cED~:~EffE6fA.T,njEJiACl4iY.,THE iiANbBooi YiILL ,ALso ])EScRJim THE SmfVICES, PR~S, AND ,OP~RTqNITlES A:V~L~ Jj!ROQQH Ymous,soVRQES, INCLUDlNG T,HE FAClLlTY, ICE, PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS, ETC. EVERY DETAINEE 'WIll RECEIVE ACopy OF TIllS ~B'OOK'UPON ADMisSION TO TIm FACIL1TY. ' ,.".', , " . "'\i\-:;;""" ;;CbMPONENTS'~,·'.<. >y:, >" ..... The detainee handbook is written in English and translated into Spanish, or into the next most-prevalent Language(s). ,.k:'NA. 181 0 0 The detainee handbook states in clear language the basic detainee responsibilities. o o The handbook identifies: • Initial issue of clothing and bedding, and personal hygiene items; • When a medical examination will be conducted; • The telephone policy, debit card procedures, direct and free calls, locations oftelephones, policy when telephone demand is high, Policy and procedures for emergency phone calls, and the Detainee Message System; • Facility search procedures and contrab<\nd policy; and • Facility visiting hours and schedule, and visiting rules and regulations The handbook describes the detainee disciplinary policy and procedures, to include: • Prohibited acts and severity scale sanctions; • Time limits in the Disciplinary Process; • Sununary of Disciplinary Process; • Sick call procedures for general population and segregation; and The rights and responsibilities of all detainees. • ~ ACCEPTABLE 0 DEFICIENT OAT-RISK . ... REMARKs o o All topics are covered in the current Cobb County Jail Inmate Handbook, dated October 15, 2004. o o All topics are addressed by the current Cobb County handbook. o .' , The current handbook waS issued October 2004. The handbook is in English and Spanish. The current handbook does not address the basic responsibilities; however, the ICE National Detainee Handbook was provided to staff members who will begin issuing the handbook to all detainees. REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The CCADC handbook is well written and addresses all required topics, except the basic responsibilities. Staff was provided a copy of the English and Spanish versions of the new ICE generic handbook which they will immediately begin to distribute to the detainee population. b6,b7c .J fA-' SIGNATURE/rG.~ (9/30(0, b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for IGSAs - Rev: 07/09/07 Page 6 of39 i roOD SERVICE ...-'· · :::- . . - '.' 1\::,> : ..... ' .......:.,: .... :... :; ... '. ..... ",.<.' ........•...; .....• :. . , . '.;' . . '.:' .. , ... ....:. . ... ·J,>Qt.IC¥:~EVERYFACILl'lXWIIJ.~ROYIDE DET~flS IN rrSCARE WITHNUTRlUOUS AND t\PPETIZlNGMEALS, PRWARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH . nm HIGHEST sANITARY STANDARDS..·.· ,: • , . .. ~..;" .. ' .....' . •. . . C()MPONENTS·".;} '. ' . , : ':. " ' . ' " . Y: N:' . Trained staff supervises the food service program. Knife cabinets close with an approved locking device and the on-duty cook foreman maintains control of the key that locks the device. ';'.' ."'. '.' NA D D o D . .. REMARKS Aramark is the contract food provider and is under the direction of the Detention Cook Supervisor. The on-duty cook supervisor is the only person with a key to the knife cabinet. All knives not in a secure cutting room are physically secured to the workstation and staff directly supervises detainees using knives at these workstations. Staff monitor the condition of knives and dining utensils D D Detainees are served at least three meals daily. No more than 14 hours elapse between the last meal served and the. first meal of the following day. D D D D D D A registered dietitian conducts a complete nutritional analysis of every master-cycle menu planned. The food service program addresses medical diets. b2High Detainees are served at least two hot meals a day with the noon meal being a sack lunch. There is no more than 14 hours between dinner and breakfast of the next day. Breakfast - 0600 Lunch - 1100 (approximately) Dinner - 1800 There is a complete nutritional analysis conducted on all menus to include the master cycle menus as well as the diet menus and religious menus. The food service department provides medical diets when jJI"escribed by the medical staff. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324B ~ntion Inspection Form Worksheet for IGSAs - Rev: 07/09/07 Page 7 of39 ",,'~:;: '. ~ ,fOQl)SERVlCE': ;, :.~-,~;.\-:;~ .:.~~·:~ ~~;~~ :·><r:.:.. ii. _.~:... -:.:~ ......:\.":<'."'~.:;":.> '.~~~. ':>, <. . '_::'~., .. ~":';' ,': ?;:. . .;~~. ,'::" .. :" .:;.> .,"...:" . :, . :,. .~,. _,::.,: :\';' .: . ::'::>J~~:".<~(.>l;:J<···, ,f •• '.: •• ·.: •• • .. ••• " ~:""';' poiIet: EvERY'fMtLttY \VItLPROv:rDE DBTAINEES INtis GARE WrrH NunU'rIOUS.AND APPE'TIZINGMEAl$, PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH;: ,nmHrGW!St'sANrrAAYSrMroMi>S:i;;: ",' " .. - ' . ,,: " ' ; ':" , Satellite-feedin~ programs follow guidelines for proper sanitation. , o o o 0, Hot and cold foods are maintained at the prescribed, "safe" temperature(s) after tWo hours. (140 degrees for hot - 40 degrees for cold) All meals are provided in nutritionally adequ~te portions. Food is not used to punish or reward detainees based upon behavior. Standard operating procedures include weekly inspections of all food service areas, including dining and food-preparation areas and equipment. o o o o o o o o o o Equipment is inspected daily. Procedures include inspecting all incoming food shipments for damage, contamination, and pest infestation. . The staff follows satellite feeding guidelines for proper sanitation as well as the temperatures for food items. All foods are kept at the proper temperature prior to being fed, except the noon sack lunch. The two hot meals are prepared and plated and fed within the two hour time period. The sack lunch is being delivered at the breakfastmeal time. There is no refrigeration in the units for the detainees/inmates to keep the sack lunch within a safe temperature range. All foodS are maintained at the proper temperatures, except the noon sack lunch. Cold foods are at 40 or below and hot foods are at 140 or above. The sack lunches that are sent down to the units at breakfast time for lunch are not being maintained at the proper temperature. All foods and portions are nutritionally adequate. Foods are not used to reward or punish detainees. All food service areas are inspected weekly by the food service staff, as well as monthly by the Director of the Medical Department and annually by the County Health Department. The food service staff does a daily inspection of all equipment. If any problems are noted they are reported to the Food Service Director so the needed repairs can be made. All incoming supplies are inspected by the detention/food service staff for damage, contamination, and pest infestation prior to storing the supplies. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G·324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for IGSAs - Rev: 07/09/07 Page 8 of39 FOOD SE;RVlCE •. :~1s~~~:.:t~7'~riFf~lNirn·~WrfI)N~~USAJIDAPPirr>zItlG~.PRi;pAruIDIN~ANCe~ ;';'.«",:::COMPOmNTS, >, • , •.•. ' 'Y;N,NA t8J Storage areas are locked. o t8J ACCEPTABLE DEFICIENT OAT-RISK 0 0 '.REMARKS When not in use by the staff, the storage areas are secured. o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The staff follows satellite feeding guidelines for proper sanitation as well as the temperatures for food items. All foods are kept at the proper temperature prior to being fed, except· for the noon sack lunches. The two hot meals are prepared, plated, and fed within the two hour time period, with the proper temperature. The sack lunch is being delivered at the breakfast meal time. The sack lunches should be refrigerated to reduce the possibility of a food borne illness. There is no refrigeration in the units for the detainees/inmates to keep' the sack lunch within a safe temperature range. Colds foods are at 40 or below and hot foods are at 140· or above. 0 b2High r- b6,b7c 9/30/08 . } AUDITOR'SSIGNAnJREfDAnlJ' b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 0-324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for 10SAs - Rev: 07/09/07 Page 9 of39 ~.> ,'FlJNDSAND,PERSONALPR()P:ERTY .'. '.' < '." . ' . . " " , ...•.•..... ". ' . , : , . ' . . .... ', . . , ' , .... ,' ... ' .... .' .' '.' .' . ' P(jLIcY:ALLFACILITIESWnLIMPLl}MENT PROCEDURES TO CONTROL AND SAFEGUARD DET~' PERsONAL PRoPERTY. PROCEDURESWIlL '-PROVIDE:~bkTIn!:SECURESTORAGEOFFuN6S;vM.UiaLES,' BAGGAGE ANDOTImR PERsONAL PRoi>ERTY: 'nffiDOCUMENTATION; AND ;:. ',>(., " ,~%Wgp~~~E~i?'PROPERTI; AND TIffi' 00rJAL ~;GliuRLYSCaEDu¢O ~ENrPItYiNGOF'All FUNDS,VALUABLES,AiID :~~.::::·::'~C:;~.::·:)~:~:.··?:·:'·~:«·.>··:·< >.' :'~:' ...... :~>'.'., <;' .:.~:' _:~ .."_ , .: . ~ ::ElsTA'r\JDA1tI)1~A:'(lG~AONJ;¥) tHECK,TIIIS'OOX Ii ALLICE DETAINEE,FuND$, VA~UA'BLES AND PROPERTY ARE· HANDI,.ED or:«.y i,'·?;~,:'>':::,:,;. <'i'BYTm}]CEFIEWOFFICEbllSUlJ..OmCEIN cONTROL"()F.'iiJEi>ETAiNiECAsE. . . , " ,: ,.' '. "',; . " ,' . ".•. •. , S;:.',;>, " ' : ' . C O M i ' O N E N T s " ".: 'YES· :NoNA' REMARKS Detainee funds and valuables are properly separated, stored, and are Funds and valuables are accessible only by designated supervisor{s). Il$J 0 0 properly separated, stored, and are accessible by the supervisor. Detainees' large valuables are secured in a location accessible to Valuables are secured in a location accessible to the designated supervisor(s) or processing staff only. designated staff. Two officers are present during the processing of detainee funds and If the amount of monies is valuables during in-processing to the facility. Both officers verify funds $149.00 and under, only one and valuables. ' officer verifies the amount. Anything over $150.00 to $500.00 is verified by two officers. Anything over $500..00 is verified by two officers and supervisor. Staff forwards an arriving detainee's medicine to the medical staff. All medicatiop. is forwarded to the medical staff upon a detainee's arrival to the facility. Staff searches ari-iving detainees and their personal property for All detainees and their property contraband. are searched for contraband upon arrival at the facility, Staff procedures follow written policy for returning forgotten property to Procedures are in place for detainees. taking care of property that may. have been forgotten or lost Property discrepancies are immediately reported to the CDEO or Chief of Any discrepancies are noted Security. immediately and reported to the Property Supervisor who reports it to the Chief of Security. CDP/IGSA facility procedures for handling detainee property claims are All procedures are followed by similar with the ICE standard. . all staff when handling detainee I'l'0perty. '!'L '" .:": - , ' .. " . _ : <. .' '" "." o o o o F ' '", ":':'. • •• ' .. ". .: a [8J ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT OAT-RISK o o o o o o o o o o o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The Detention Center maintains accurate records for personal property and personal funds. Detainee property is accurately inventoried and stored according to policy. The work area in which these functio2J are~e fonned is very neat, well organized, and clean. b6,b7c 19/30/08 0P'l--' . ..; AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE /DATE b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) Q..324B Detention Inspection Form Worksheet for IGSAs· Rev: 07/09107 . Page 10 0f39 DETAINEE GR,IEVAl'ICE PROCE])~ .POJ,i~:' ·iVERYF~CIhrrYWIJj;.'DEvELOPAl';i:fiitPlBk:rr~ STANDARD'OP~RATING' PRocioO~S(SbPS)FOR AImREsSINGDET~E .' GR1IlVANCEs IN TIMELY FASluON.EACH STEP IN THE PROCESS W1LL ocCUR wriHiN TIm PRESCRmED·TIMEFRAME;·J\MoNG·OTHER. THINGS, A 'Giui~ANCE W1LLBEPRQc$SSED"INVESTIGATED; AND DitIDED.(SuBmCrTo APPEAL)~ACCORDANCE 'WfrnnrnSOPs;.A GRIEV..\NCE . C6~Efu'CONVENiiASPR6VIDEDIN TIfE SOPS'; STANDARD PRoCEDciiE WILr.INCiuDEPAovibING THE DETAlNEE WrrH A WRIfri3N ,liEs.PON~E~'~I0~GRmy~CE~~WmCJiW1L(rN2LUDE~J3i\S~FORTHE·DE.ClSioN.THEl1.A.crumwlli·ALS6.ESTABLISHS:rANDARp j>R6CEDiJRESFOR 1iANDLINO EMERGENCY GRlEVANCES~'ALLGlUEvANCFS.wllLRECffivE SUPERVlSORYREv:mW. REPRisAL AOAINST1HE FILER· r8~AOruEV~CE wilL NOiB~TOLERATED. '. '....•.•.... ' , . . . ' .. .. Every member of the staff knows how to identify emergency grievances, including the procedures for expediting them. l8J There are documented or substantiated cases of staff harassing, disciplining, penalizing, or otherwise retaliating against a detainee who lodged a complaint: • If yes, explain. 0 Procedures include maintaining a Detainee Grievance Log.. • If not, an alternative acceptable record keeping system is maintained. • "Nuisance complaints" are identified in the records. • For quality control purposes, staff document nuisance complaints received but not filed. Staff is required to forward any grievance that includes officer misconduct to a higher official or, in a CDF/IGSA facility, to ICE. o DEFICIENT [8J ACCEPTABLE o o o Per Sgt. b6,b7c all staff receives training upon initial employment and annually thereafter. There have been no documented cases reported of staff harassing, or otherwise retaliating, against a detainee who has lodged a complaint. Presently, all grievances are maintained in a computer log system. It was recommended to Sgt b6,b7c that a system of identifying and tracking detainee grievances be included in the existi!tg program. Per Sgt. b6,b7c any grievance involving officer misconduct would be reported to ICE. l8J o o ~ o o o REPEAT FINDING OAT-RISK REMARKS: The facility's grievance program is active and provides procedures for the general population to file complaints . b6,b7c 09130108 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE IDA J/'--" 1- b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for IOSAs - Rev: 07/09/07 Page 11 of39 .' . ISSUANCE AND EXCHANGE OF CLOTHING, BEDDING, AND TOWELS c,'·._ .'. ", .: " , P6UcY:JCE REQUIRES .THATAu;~ACrrJTrnS'HOUSING ICE DiITAlN$SI'~OVl[)E cr.6TInNG,BEDDINO;LiNENSAND'TOWEtsTOEVERY 'ICEjjETNNEEtJPONARRIVAi..:.FuRTIrnR.F~cnirIESstw.LPRoVrbEICEbBTArnEEsWrrnREOutARBXCHANoEsoFcto1HiNo,LINENS,AND. iO~'F9RJ\$:t6N'(}ASrnEfREMAiN&DF!rnimoN·c. ' > " , ,." " , .,. ...• . " . , ' ," ••. ' . , ~, " ' crEAN ,;:'" . ; ....'... c . . ' ':COMPONENTs . '•...••... " " All new detainees are issued clean, temperature-appropriate, presentable clothing during in-processing. YES [gJ New detainees are issued clean bedding, linens, and a towel. o DEFICIENT .[8] ACCEPTABLE OAT-RISK No' ; NA 0 0 o o o " REMARKs Detainees are issued clean clothing upon admission into the facility. Detainees are issued clean bedding, linens, and a towel. REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: Detainees are provided all required item b6,b7c /9130/08 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE / j /V DAT~ , b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324B Detention Inspection Form Worksheet for IOSAs - Rev: 07/09107 Page 12 of39 ;~~~~IOUSP~~C~:' l.;":";"'>:'.: 1 .,",'.;.c" ,:""'" . • ' .> " .'" '. }lOLIC\i: :fACILITIESWrL(,PROYIJ:.)E.ICEDETAlNEE,S OFALL:IiAITHS\VrrH REASoNABLE ANDEQurrABLEOPPORtlrNrrIES TO PARTICIPATE IN rim; ~~f~;~~~6~~:~d~~:l~~~~TtHE:S6NStiWNtS bFS~y~ sECuRrIT,n~,()Winu.i~p~rlo~s.oF,nm F~CILrrY~D ' I:,.:;',:;' ',.1~ ,{:COM'Po:Ni&r5/,' Detainees are allowed to engage in religious services. ..•. NA "REMARKs·, 0 0 o o o o Detainees are pennitted to in their religious beliefs. Detainees are allowed to observe their holy days. They send a written inmate request to the staff Chaplain and he will arrange for the detainee to observe the holy day(s). Detainees are allowed to have religious it~ms in their possession limited only by constraints of safety, security, and the orderly operations of the facility. "YN' I2J The facility allows detainees to observe the major "holy days" of their religious faith. Each detainee is allowed religious items in his/her immediate possession. o DEFICIENT t8'J ACCEPTABLE OAT-RISK o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The religious program is under the supervision of the staff Chaplain. He coordinates all religious services with volunteers from the community who have applied to the Detention Facility to be one of the volunteer clergy/chaplains. The facility provides detainees of all faiths with reasonable and equitable opportunities to participate in the practice of their faith. b6,b7c 19130/08 )".... AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE/DATE ~. b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 0-324B Detention Inspection Form Worksheet for 10SAs - Rev: 07109/07 Page 13 of39 , ; -.~ " ..' . -DETAI.taEJ'ELEPHONE.AC.~ESS·· • ' , . :'~b,Li~:":¥L·~A9L~·~6u~~Glt~'~E;~:w4t~~'~ET~~'~AS9;M3~~.*qUITt\BL~~C~~ to'TELEPHONES;' '. :. ,COMPONENTs.- ..... .. , .... , ';,.';', ::> .•. /;c;.·.'·l· ... y .... -N ·'<NA . REMARKS' ,," .- , ~ . " " . " . , ...., .. " •z~· '. .. Detainees are allowed access to telephones during established facility waking hours. Upon admittance, detainees are made aware of the facility's telephone access policy. ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 Detainees are afforded a reasonable degree o/privacy for legal phone calls. ~ 0 0 Emergency phone call messages are inunediately given to detainees. ~ 0 0 Detainees are allowed to return emergency phone calls as soon as possible. ~ 0 0 Detainees in disciplinary segregation are allowed phone calls to consular/embassy officials. 0 ~ 0 The OIG phone number for reporting abuse is programmed into the detainee phone system and the phone number was checked by the inspector during the review. 0 ~ 0 Detainees in disciplinary segregation are allowed phone calls for family emergencies. ~ 0 0 Detainees in administrative segregation and protective custody are afforded the same telephone privileges as that in general population. When detainee phone calls are monitored, notification is posted by detainee telephones that phone calls made by the detainees may be monitored. Special Access calls are not monitored. ~ 0 0 ~ o DEFICIENT ~ ACCEPTABLE OAT-RISK 0 0 o The information is available in the handbook. Stainless steel privacy dividers surround each telephone in all detainee living units. Per Lt. emergency b6,b7c call messages are provided after verification of the emergency. Per Lt. b6,b7c emergency call messages are provided after verification of the emergency. At the present time, per Lt. b6,b7c detainees who are in Disciplinary Segregation are not authorized to use the telephone. The OIG number was not programmed into the telephone system as of9/29/08. b6,b7c Lt. advised that if a verified emergency were received for a detainee in Disciplinary Segregation, a telephone call would be allowed. A message is available on the telephone advising that calls may be monitored. However, there is nothing posted on/adjacent to the telephones in English or Spanish advising the telephones may be monitored. REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: There are three telephones in the male detainee dormitory available for detainee use. All three have a stainless steel privacy divider in place. Telephones are availablier the b6,b7c ~ 9/30/08 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE!DATE b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 0-324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for rOSAs - Rev: 07109/07 Page 14of39 , ,: ;.:'!" • 0"1" • ~ " ': , . -"," ;'~~ili!{~~~S'~f~~~riD~~~!~~~~~~Y'~S:L~GAi~~ATNFi'SPEciALIifIt~TGROups,.AND~1m~,. i"';~:;;: ,;",','COMPoNENTS'\ ..::., ..... ;;. :..: " : ,·Y·,' ,N'NA~." There is a written visitation schedule and hours for general visitation, o The visitation schedule and rules are available to the public. o A general visitation log is maintained. o o o o Visitors are searched and identified according'to standard requirements. [8l ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT [8] OAT-RISK o >:' REMARKS ' ': .: A written schedule is available at the Visiting Officer's desk and also on the CCADC website. This information is available at the Visiting Officer's desk, posted on a wall in the main visiting entrance area and also on the CCADC website. , The visiting log is computerized. ' There is also a separate sign-in sheet for legal and official visitors. Legal visits are recorded on the computer. Visitors pass through a metal detector en route to the visiting area. If they fail the metal detector three times, they are not allowed to visit. o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The visiting program functions within the ICE standard and local policy, The visiting hours posted in the main entrance visiting area are not current and the information should be replaced with the present visiting hours. b6,b7c 19130/08 ) r'-" AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE / DAT~ . b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324B Detention Inspection Form Worksheet for 10SAs - Rev: 07/09107 Page lS of39 SECTION II HEALTH SERVICES STANDARDS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G·324B Detention Inspection Form Worksheet for IGSAs • Rev: 07/09/07 :~': {~'_::( >,:' ",'~~.' 'f,~{':::':::;,,;I<,t~~F;:S~;~~:~¥I~ALC~{,,~_ ":_;'::;;:",, ,",' .,_': ,' ," " ,'" '_,' " :POllCY: E\IER,Y FACILrrt,WILLEST:ABUSlfANtlMAlNTAIN AN ACCREOITEO/ACCREbrrATIQN~WORTHY HEALTIi PROORA,M FOR THE GENERAL,' ~~Lt~h~~GQ~JG~:QEi~ES;~,;(:~'/\'~:,?~:i::;: - ',,-', "',.' -': .:;.':~: ,',': •. _~,' - :,~~" :;:\,:,'~ ,-' , " ',-' :,:-', -;:?<::r;,:::; "~':'\ '-~~C()MPOtiiENTS:>.::::::" ,', ,0,.' ,-,. ''1'', :~: N " co;. NM,:;": :,-:\REMARKs ' ",-, r- Facilities operate a health care facility in compliance with state and local laws and guidelines. o o o o 0 0 The facility's in-processing procedures for arriving detainees include medical screening. All detainees have access to and receive medical care. Pharmaceuticals are stored in a secure area. Medical'screening includes a Tuberculosis (TB) test. Detainees in the Special Management Unit have access to health care services, The facility has a written plan for the delivery of 24-hour emergency health care when no medical personnel are on duty at the facility, or when immediate outside medical attention is required. Detention is trained to respond to health-related emergencies within a 4-minute response time, ~ k8j k8j Where staff is used to distribute medication, a health care provider properly trains these officers. The medical unit keeps written records of medication that is distributed. Detainees are required to sign a refusal to consent form when medical treatment is refused. staff ~ D DDEFICIENT 0 0 0 0 0 ~ '0 0 1:8:] 0 0 0 0 0 k8j ~ k8j rgJ ACCEPTABLE 0 AT-RISK 0 The facility operates in conjunction with the Wellstar H~lth Systems (a group of area hospitals/clinics) that is under the auspices of the Georgia Department of Health and Human Services. The Cobb County Adult Detention Center (CCADC) policy Chapter 6 # 6.02.01 states, "The Intake Detention Officer ... will ask and record the inmate's (detainee's) responses to the first 18 questions on the Health Screening form ... to ascertain if immediate medical attention is needed." CCADC Policy 6.03.02 titled Emergency Medical Care; outlines steps to be followed. Yearly recertification is accomplished through the American Red Cross. Nursing staff distributes all medications to detainees. [] 0 CCADC Policy 6.04.09 states, "If an_inmate Idetainee wishes to refuse medical treatment, then he or she will have to state their refusal in writing." D REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The medical area is spacious and well lit. There is adequate staff to meet the needs of detainees. Sanitation is exceptional and staff morale is high. b6,b7c 19/3012008 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DATE - ~"'-' D. b6,b7c - ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 0-324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for IOSAs - Rev: 07/09107 Page 17 of39 'r'.:?\'.};~ ;.;".;'". . SrCIDE:~VEN!IONAND}NTEl~~NTION, '.~ . . ' .' ' > ' . ...... 'POLICY:;:huDirrENTIONSTAFFW0looNGWtrilICE'DETAINEF..s:wfu;BE~TORE<:;QoNIiE'S\iICIJ)E:':IUSKINoIq.ToRS.STAFFWrrL i~~~~~~~~~~~NSrhvITY,s.UPHWISIO~',4~' ACpNIC#L; Sin9¢>~~~~.W~ ~.<;:.:.!;':',: . ,," .:,,'CO"MPoNtN'ts •. ;:.<·· <, . ':; Every new staff member receives suicide-prevention training. Suicideprevention training occurs during the employee orientation program. Training prepares staff to: • Recognize potentially suicidal behavior; • Refer potentially suicidal detainees, following facility procedures; and • Understand and apply suicide-prevention techniques. IZI ACCEPTABLE 0 0 DEFICIENT Y::N'.: ,iNA 1.81 D D 1.81 D D AT-RISK o , .REMARKs . :: This is covered in initial orientation, the Jail Academy, and yearly in-service training and roll calls. REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: There have been no suicides at this institution in the last year. Suicidal inmates/detainees can be placed on suicide watch by any staff member in the institution according to CCADC Policy 6.08.04, titled "Psychological/Psychiatric." Detainees would be placed in the. infirmary with a suicide blanket/smock and placed on a watch with 15 minute checks. b6,b7c 9/30/2008 J~ AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE/DATE - , b6,b7c . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) .G-324B Detention Inspection Form Worksheet for IOSAs - Rev: 07109/07 SECTION III SECURITY AND CONTROL FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324B Detention Inspection Form Worksheet for IGSAs - Rev: 07109107 Page 19 of39 "_\:':~ ." CONTRABAND :\··t:;); i ". :\',." .... .. . • . i'· .. ',' .. .,' i , . . . ' . ,.'" ',~.,':.. )i "::.. .•. .',' , .... ,...•. : ':.> '. ' > .. ' ...... :i.... '}>OLICY;Au:; DIh:ENTION ,FAcILITIES' WILL .ENSURE .11m PROPER HANDLING AND DISPOSAL Of .ALL CONTRABAND;DocUMENiATIONOP·. <COiliiliANbDESTRuciIONiS'~QtJlRED; ,' ............... ,... ' '.. .'.,'". nl>:~"~;~:.';.>.~·<··'CO~ONENTS:>· i" ' / " .. ' The facility follows a written procedure for handling illegal contraband. Staff inventory, hold, and report it when necessary to the proper authonty for action/possible seizure. Upon admittance, detainees receive notice of items they can and cannot j)ossess. [8J ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT 0 '~::. . y,,':,.'N; i.' NA. t8I 0 0 t8I 0 0 AT-RIsK 0 . REMARKS '.' .' Cobb County Adult Detention Center Policy 4.02 addresses this component. The detainee handbook addresses this component. REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: Contraband discovered during the initial arrest phase in booking area is turned over to the arresting/transporting officer for further action. Any other discovery of contraband after the completion of the booking process may be disposed of or kept as evidence if pending possible prosecution. b6,b7c /9/30/08 'p,rv- b6,b7c AUDITOR'SSIGNATURE/DAT, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY(LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for lOSAs - Rev: 07109/07 Page 20 of39 1::::,<' .. ... :: '. .~. " ' D E T E N T I O N F I L E S , " :.,<.;;:,:;.:r,;" ..,,:, '" ... . '. ..' . . . . :.' ...(:" .'. .. . <'" : , ; . c ' . ;P,()Llcy:.~J3Y.1:!RY ., , .' ... , ' . , e, .;;. "',' ,,> "', "..... :,,';, . .<" rACILIfY'VIlL: CRRATEA D~noN FILE FOR EVERY ICE pETAlNEEl300KEDINTO nm FACII:,I:'I'Y;'EXCLUDING ,ONLY ·.~m'~E¥~C~~~;t?l)EPMt~24·H?~;'i)¢ImtENTIONFILE~ cON1:ARi C()P~SANo,1N$6~fAsF$';THEeIliGri-it,\LpF 'SPECIFIBDDOCuMEN1'SCONCERNING11IS DETAINEE'S STAY IN THE FACILITY: CLASSIFlCAnON SHEET; MEDIcAL Ql.}ESTlONNAIRE, PROPERTY, ;~ENiokYSHtiEi\OISCiPiINARY:'DociiMENTs,Efd ;' .. ' .. .,. .. .... .... ": ': ".. , ,: .~ . .:....:;;~ ..';', ';<;:".: . ".,;: .. : ".' ~':·YI··:N' 'NA': I) '),'-·';REMARKS, ".\ . A detention file is created for every new arrival whose stay will exceed [8J 0 0 A file is created for each ICE 24 hours. detainee. The detainee detention file contains either originals or copies of documentation and fonns generated during the admissions process. The detainee's detention file also contains documents generated during the detainee's custody. • Special requests • Any G-589s and/or 1-77s closed-out during the detainee's stay • Disciplinary fonnsJSegregation forms • Grievances, complaints, and the disposition(s) of same The detention files are located and maintained in a secure area. lfnot, the are located in Sgt. cabinets are lockable and distribution ofthe keys is limited to supervisors. office, which is a b6,b7c . secure office in a secure area. The detention file remains active during the detainep's stay. When the detainee is released from the facility, staff adds copies of completed The files remain active during a detainee's stay. release documents, the original closed-out receipts for property and valuables, the original 1-385 or equivalent, and other documentation. The officer closing the detention file makes a notation that the file is D complete and ready to be archived. Staff makes copies and sends documents from the file when properly requested by supervisory personnel at the receiving facility or office. ;.,;':;:':.>::<.:~; ~(":\.'Y:;COMPONENrs'·'· '.' . ' '.S"· Appropriate staffhas access to the detention files, and other departmental requests are accommodated by making a request for the file. Each file is properly logged out and in by a representative of the responsible department. o I:8J ACCEPTABLE DEFICIENT o o o o o o o o o o o o o A file check out/in system has . not been implemented. o REPEAT FINDING OAT-RISK REMARKS: A file is created for all arriving ICE detainees. The files are maintained in Sgt. placed in an archive for two years after detainees are transferred from the facility. b6,b7c secure office. The files are reviewed and A file checkout system should be developed and utilized by staff to ensure the location and security of the files. A copy of a staff response to a detainee request for medical treatment, property, religious items, programs, or other such requests; should be forwarded to the ICE d?e. ee f b6,b7c II\. 9/30/08 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE / DATE , b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324B Detention Inspection F6nn Worksheet for IGSAs - Rev: 07/09/07 ~ ----'- -_. Page 21 of39 ,DISCl,PLINARYPOLICY. " ·.•P?~I(~~;~;~=~~y~~~~7f:x::i~~tbJ~'tQ~E·DlSC~mffi O~ D~¥$"~:~::~E~yr()R ~ ,> ." . ·,';CO~ONENTs ':'> '"::;c .. ", ' .' '~:y ; The facility has a written disciplinary system using progressive levels of reviews and appeals. C8'l The facility rules state that disciplinary action shill not be capricious or retaliatory. Written rules prohibit staff from imposing or permitting the following sanctions: • corporal punislunent • deviations from normal food service • clothing deprivation • bedding deprivation • denial of personal hygiene items • loss of correspondence privileges • del'rivation of physical exercise T/;le rules of conduct, sanctions, and procedures for violations are defined in writing and communicated to all detainees verbally and in writing. The following items are conspicuously posted in Spanish and English, and other dominate languages used in the facility: • Rights and Responsibilities • Prohibited ActS • Disciplinary Severity Scale • Sanctions When minor rule violations or prohibited acts occur, informal resolutions are encouraged. [2] ACCEPTABLE DDEFICIENT N. 0 0 o o o o o o o OAT-RISK NA . o tJ " NOTm:,· ':Ih:MAiU<s Facility Policy 9.02.03, Detainee Discipline, addresses this component. The detainee handbook addresses this component. The requirement is not posted, but they are contained in the detainee handbook which each detainee receives and signs for during their initial booking process. o o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: Minor sanction violations range from verbal reprimand to criminal prosecution. P"-' AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE / DAT~' b6,b7c /9/30/08 ) b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324B ~tention Inspection Form Worksheet for IGSAs - Rev: 07/09/07 Page 22 of39 ' ..•. \",'~';.'< '. •. ..... . '.•.' ..""·E~RGE~pY{C()N'flNGENCY)PLANS .. . . . . ; ' , '. ;!~i~~~§~1t~\~~~~~~t~Ei!#i '~\:;>:'>:,;:jX::!" :·:.:;·. .··;'·COMPONENTs·)~c .. < " , ' Y Policy precludes detainees or detainee groups frOm exercisipg control or 181 authority over other detainees. Detainees are protected from: • Personal abuse • Corporal punishment • Personal injury • Disease • Property damage • Harassment frbm other detainees Written procedures cover: • WorkIFoodStrike Disturbances • Escapes • Bomb Threats • Adverse Weather • Facility Evacuation • Internal Hostages • o ACCEPTABLE . /:N'> 'NA< 0 o o The facility's National Detainee Handbook addresses this component. o The facility has all of the ICE required Emergency (Contingency) Plans except for WorklFood Strike, and Adverse Weather. o o DEFICIENT REMARKS· .. 0 OAT-RISK o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: Detainees are not required to work outside of their living area and a food strike plan may not be applicable at this facility since detainees are only housed at the facility for a maximum of 72 hours. The facility should develop a written stand alone plan. addressing the issue of Adverse Weather. b6,b7c /9130/08 j IV NATUREIDA~' ( b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 0-3248 Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for 10SAs - Rev: 07/09/07 Page 23 of39 . .<. '.:~: >/>~ . ~' ' ··ENVIRONMENT AND SAFETY .-' , :. . .., ..- .' . '( '.AL '. "HEALTH .' ~ ." . ....... '. .", .'. ,,' 'J*.~¢t~~,yE~XFAsn¥f\v~hc<)~Tf;.#L~~;,f~¥9,~b.;\~S!IC~.~O~OtiA~VsMA~PROGRAM·.nfu'· ;P:a()GRAM ~INCLl.JI),B••'AMO~GOnmR''I'lIiN,OS;TIffiIDENTIFICATION. AND·LABEJ.,J;NOOf'B.WJUX>US MATER!AI.S·IN ACCORDANce WfllL :.~~i~~~~~rf~~~'F~·.~~cn,?~~~06A~~~{NJi>~)),;IO~~i~A~Oy.Op,;r~0¥ti\T1BLE. MATEIliALs.~.·~; I':;~\:'; ::}::;"::~;i{' t"~\COMPONENrs:':;;\', ','".,' , ..i/>· <:Y:,' ;'N:NA The facility has a system for storing, issuing, and maintaining inventories of hazardous materials. o o Constant inventories are maintained for all flammable, toxic, and caustic substances used/stored in each section of the facility. o o The manufacturer's Material Safety Data She~t (MSDS) file is up-to-date for every hazardous substance used, All personnel using flammable, toxic, and/or caustic substances follow the prescribed procedures. They: • Wear personal protective equipment; and • Report hazards and spills to the designated official. The MSDSs are readily accessible to staff and detainees in work areas. Hazardous materials are always issued under proper supervision. • Quantities are limited; and • Staff always supervises detainees using these substances. The facility has sufficient ventilation, and provides and ensures clean air exchanges throughout all buildings. Vents return vents, and air conditioning ducts are not blocked or obstructed in cells or anywhere in the facility. o o o o o o [8J 0 0 [8J 0 0 [8J 0 0 . REMARKS CCADC Policy, 2-04-07.00, Control of Tools and Hazardous Material, was reviewed. Procedures for maintaining inventories of hazardous materials are addressed in this j>Qlicy. At the time of this review, . inventories of chemicals used in the Maintenance Shop areas were not being maintained. Per Sgt: b6,b7c detainees are not authorized to be in any of the shop areas. He advised this issue will be addressed to ensure inventories are maintained, Per Sgt b6,b7c the MSDS files are going to be reviewed and updated after renovation projects are completed. A master MSDS file is maintained in Health Services, MSDS log is also maintained in each Unit Officer Station. Detainees are not assigned to . work details at this facility. Detainees are only required to maintain the living area. MSDS Log Book is maintained in the Officer Station for use by detainees. Procedures for using hazardous materials are addressed in CCADC Policy 2-04-07.04. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 0-324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for 10SAs - Rev. 07109/07 ~- Page 24 of39- /::yy . . . ,~i.'J·'.,~;.' ,......... :ENVIR9NMENTALmAL~t~s.~:?:.,;,: ', ...... ,::'> .l'OLI,OY: .• EVERYFACq.trYWILLCONTROLFLAMMAB:LE,ro~C;ANDdAUSTICMATERIAI.S"I'HROl;TGHAHAzARooUS¥ATERIALSPROGRAM;THE: ;,fRW.~W#-L:rN~LUl)E;~ONO OTImRWiNGS; ~,iiJ~CATlOt-lANp:i:ABE1!N(fQf ~y~.~~INACCpRDAN(i:WriJt, ,;;,Ff~(~yr$1:AN~~S(E ..o.,NA·nO~ FIRE PRoTEGTION.AssQCLmoN[NEpA]); IDffi;niFlS:ATtONb~INc6¥p~TmLE~TE~,~AN,D', :sAFR~iIJ\NtibNGPRdcEDURES , ..... " ';'; .,: ' . <0';' ,.,' 'n "L·i'.;:,U~?<'·'· ',;COMPQNENTS', '.' ..' ' , y ',/"NNA' Living units are maintained at appropriate temperatures in accordance with industry standards. (68 to 74 degrees in the winter and 72 to 78 degrees in the summer.) Shower and sink water temperatures do not exceed the industry standard of 120 degrees. Staff directly supervise and account for products with methyl alcohol. Staff receives a list of products containing diluted methyl alcohol, e.g., shoe dye. All such products are clearly labeled. "Accountability" includes issuing such products to detainees in the smallest workable quantities. A technically qualified officer conducts the flre and safety inspections. o o o o o o o o o o o o The facility has an approved fire prevention, control, and evacuation plan. The plan requires: • Monthly fire inspections; • Fire protection equipment strategically located throughout the facility; • Public posting of emergency plans with accessible building/room floor plans; • Exit signs and directional arrows; and • An area-specific exit diagram conspicuously posted in the diagrammed area. Written procedures regulate the handling and disposal of used needles and other sharp objects. Standard cleaning practices include: • Using specified equipment; cleansers; disinfectants and detergents. • An established schedule of cleaning and follow-up inspections. A licensediCertified!frained pest-control professional inspects for rodents, insects, and vermin. • At least monthly. • The pest-control program includes preventative spraying for indigenous insects. [8J ACCEPTABLE D DEFICIENT D t81 AT-RISK o o o o 0 o " Products with methyl alcohol are not used in the facility. Cobb County has a Safety and Security Officer assigned to conduct inspections. CCADC Policy 2-11-02.00, Fire Emergencies, was reviewed. Per Sgt b6,b7c , a copy of this plan has been provided to the Cobb County Fire Department. Policy 2-11-02-00, Fire Emergencies, addresses this component. Policy 2-04-07.00, Control of Tools and Hazardous Material, addresses procedures for handling and disposing of used needles and other sharp objects. Policy 7.01, Inmate Housing Housekeeping, dated January 2000, was reviewed. This policy addresses this component. Pest control services are provided under contract by Echo Lab Pest Control Company D REPEAT FINDING FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324B Detention Inspection Form Worksheet for IGSAs - Rev: 07/09/07 . ,< , , : , , - ,REMARxs<','" REMARKS: It is recommended that facility personnel follow local policy requirements involving accountability of hazardous chemicals. Additionally, they should maintain proper labeling of secondary use containers to ensure contents of the containers are identified at all . times. b6,b7c 1213QJ08 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE / ) ;/V D~~' b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 0-324B Detention Inspection Form Worksheet for IOSAs - Rev: 07/09107 ;', I: :< .', ~ . .,(: .HQLDR()()M;S IN'DETENT10NJf t\cn"IT~S .... .' -.." '.' , ., ',' ".;', ,," " ", :~'~~~~~~~~~fA~~t;;~~i11~~~~~~~~d~~j~~~ftr~f'~,8~Fb~~ARrNdS" . . y". .'. N N~ The hold rooms are situated within the secure perimeter. ~ 0 0 The hold rooms are well ventilated well lighted, and all activating switches are located outside the room. The hold rooms contain sufficient seating for the number of detainees held. The walls and ceilings of the hold rooms are tamper and escape proof. Individuals are not held in hold rooms for more than 12 hours. Male and females are segregated from each other. ~ 0 0 ~ [gl 0 0 [1 [J [J I::::'iri~, '.' /\».,";',: '.',: COMPONENTS .., " I· '. .~ [J [gl 0 0 Detainees under the age of 18 are not held with adult detainees. ~ 0 0 In older facilities, officers are within visual or audible range to allow detainees access to toilet facilities on a regular basis. All detainees are given a pat down search for weapons or contraband before being placed in the room. Officers closely supervise the detention hold rooms using direct supervision (Irregular visual monitoring.). • Hold rooms are irregularly monitored every 15 minutes . • Unusual behavior or complaints are noted. ~ 0 0 IZl 0 D IZl D 0 o DEFICIENT IZI ACCEPTABLE 0 AT-RISK ........ "·1:... :"REM:ARKS The holding rooms are located in the Bookin,& area. Female detainees are held and processed in an area that is sight and sound separated from male detainees. The facility does not house detainees under the age of 18. Toilet facilities are located inside the holding cells. o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: Detainees are normally held no more than 12 hours in the holding rooms before they are moved to a regular housing pod. b6,b7c 9/l0/08 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I J~)1 DAT~.' b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 0-324B Detention Inspection Form Worksheet for 108As - Rev: 07109/07 Page 27 of39 :,,~>;',;',,;, ',\. '<",:",C,;;.'< ~Ei\'ANDL()~~,qo.N'"f~9:k>:,: '" "... :;<,:~:;1;(,(S~qnuTY.,A~COu:NTAnILIT'\'ANJ)Mt\JN1.'ENAN~r. " ' " '..~~~,,~:~~\:~'\<::_'::'~~:'.;''':'~:.,.. _. __ :,;~"',>, . . ;:,.:.:.';'.l." :_:~. -.~.:<~'.'.< . /,' . <>_".:'-, ~<:~.~ .~'. ~ :~., ,.\<:::.~".:.;~~~:~.,L.>':,~/. ,".:<~~', :,,:,,;~~:.>: . ,_ . ~. . : .:.... POqp:,JTIS.1"ltE l'9.LICY()~J:Im,JCE SERVJ<:;E TO~AIN ANEFF~CIENT SYSTE¥FP!\ THJ!.uS,E;A~COUNJ'A.BILITYAND,~ANCEOF ,'," .. ", .',-;!." KEYS 'AND LOCKS;, \.:." ~;'~,',:.I· " " : . .: ,;:/., ,,!COMPONENTs'" ,'.:.:.: _,:':.:\:.. . . . , . I8l .f>adlocks and/or chains are prohibited from use on cell doors. The entrance/exit door locks to detainee living quarters, or areas with an occupant load of 50 or more people, conform to: • Occupational Safety and Environmental Health Manual, Ch. 3; • National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code 101. Emergency keys are available for all areas of the facility. The facilities use a key accountability system, Authorization is necessary to issue any restricted key. Individual gun lockers are provided. • They are lopated in an area that permits constant officer observation. • In an area that does not allow detainee or public access. All staff members are trained and held responsible for adhering to proper procedures for the handling of keys. . • Issued keys are returned immediately in the event an employee inadvertently carries a key ring home. • When a key or key ring is lost, misplaced, or not accounted for, the shift supervisor is. immediately notified. • Detainees are not permitted to handle keys assigned to staff. o DEFICIENT OAT-RISK _ ... " , . . , . < y ":N'; Facility policies and procedures address the issue of compromised keys and locks. ~ ACCEPTABLE :.:" '.:,. :._ .. AIf" .: " . NA 1REMAR.Ks . ' 0 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Facility Policy 4.06.08, Key Control; addresses this component. No padlocks or chains were observed being used on any cell doors, Emergency keys are maintained in the Central Control and in a secure mobile cabinet maintained in the Administrative File Room. Facility Policy 4.06.02, Key Control, addresses this component. Gun lockers are located in the administrative area hallway. REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The Central Control Center officers are responsible for counting the keys at the beginning and the end of each shift, and documenting . th, ..,nlts OB th' key controllog. b6,b7c .1 NATURE/DA~' 19130/08 /I'- b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324B Detention Inspection FOml Worksheet for IGSAs - Rev: 07/09/07 Page 28 of39 .'<1 ~",. '.,' .' ",;, ',.; POPULATION COUNTS : , '. ; . , , . '.' '_.;: " ~ ~. " .,," -.:. : ~~~ICY:: AtiDirrENTXO~FACJLITIESS1IALl, E~S~AR9uND-1'HE~Acc6UNTABItrtY FQRALL [)Ef~ES. TmsREQUIRESTHATnmY cOM:>UCf:~.\£1BAST ONE FORMAiCOuNr,OF rim DETAINEE ooi>tIiAi'ION PER sm; ,wiTH ADDiTIoNAL FORMALANo INFORMAL comrrs' ito:.:': .,:";<.~-,,,~', .~",~.< .. {";-.> .t .. :-'.",,",:,: . :",.<' ,CONDt1cTEDAS NECEsSARY: i , ',,\,.~:;i< ': 'j' '.' .'. i. "", ' ";< ., .~. .' '.,' _. ~ '0 , ,.,', .. , .....' <;- .:COMPONtNTS;,'", ., ,'" . ..!", , ", Y. ",',; N> Staff conduct a formal count at least once each shift. Activities cease or are strictly controlled while a formal count is being conducted. Formal counts in all units take place simultaneously. Detainee participation in counts is prohibited. Officers positively identify each detainee before counting himJher as present. 1:8:1 0 1:8:1' 0 IZI IZI lJ [J "~. . .'. . " [J [ ] 0 Officers positively identify each detainee before counting himlher as present. 1:8:1 o o Written procedures cover inforinal and emergency counts. • They are followed during infonnal counts and emergencies. 1:8:1 o o The control officer (or other designated position) maintains an out count record of all detainees temporarily leaving the facility. 1:8:1 o o OAT-RISK ," 0 0 o DEFICIENT . 'NAi I ':, !." REMARKs ", Facility Policy 4.05, Detainee 0 Counts, addresSes this component. 1:8:1 [8J ACCEPTABLE .'.". " ' \ Detainees are required to be standing and must display their wrist band identification for all counts. ' Facility Poli<?y 4.05.01, Detainee Counts, addresses this component. Facility Policy 4.05.05, Detainee Count, addresses this component. The Pod Leaders are responsible for maintaining the out counts in their assigned areas. o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The facility conducts Five (5) counts (0500, 0630, 1630, 1830, and 2400) during a 24 hour period. All counts are called into the Assistant Watch Commander's office where the count is verified by Using a Daily Stat Report which lists the total facility count by detainee names, location and booking numbers. Detainees are required to be standing and display their wrist band identification during all counts. The 1630 count in M Pod was observed with no discrepancies noted. b6,b7c 9/30/08 j /'-'" b6,b7c AUDITOR'SSlCNATURE/DATO' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 0-324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for 10SAs • Rev: 07/09/07, L:" '" ,., ......' ">,S~~(JRI1'YINSPECTiONS " ·p(ki&( P()~tASSIGNMENTSIN'rHll FAcILITY's FrrdH.RisiAruiAS: WHERE ;PECIALSEt:URftypitoCEDUREsMuS;BE FOLLOWED, ~BE, ,:IiESTIUcTE{j:TOEXPERffiNcEo PEru30NNEL:WITH .HHOROUOH GROUNDINdINFACILfrY oPERATioNS. '' . . " . ' , . ", .• ,' .. !.::<:,.' ':"'" ·.>,:COMPONENtS·~· '.•..... "~YES·· ":',i;'i The facility has a comprehensive security inspection policy. ;:NO.· NA " . 0 0 o o The front-entrance officer checks the ID of everyone entering or exiting the facility. o o EveryControl Center officer receives specialized training. The Control Center is staffed arolind the cloc).c. Policy restricts staff access to the Control Center. Detainees are restricted from access to the Control Center. Officers monitor all vehicular traffic entering l!I1d leaving the facility. LJ t8l Every officer is required to conduct a security check ofhislher assigned area. The results are documented. o [J [J o The facility maintains a log of all incoming and departing vehicles to sensitive areas of the facility. Officers thoroughly search each vehicle entering and leaving the facility. o o o o o 0 o Every search of the SMU and other housing units is documented. t8l ~ ACCEPTABLE o DEFICIENT :'REMAR:Ks. ". ..... . " Facility Policy 11.04.02, Safety and ,Security, addresses this com"ponent. Officers are required to conduct security checks monthly and document the searches on the Pod Log of each Pod. OAT-RISK o All vehicles. are thoroughly searched and are escorted entering and departing the facility. Each shift is required to conduct cell searches monthly and the searches are documented on a Cell Search log sheet REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The Construction Detail Officer is responsible for maintaining a log of all vehicular traffic entering and exiting the facility. b6,b7c 9/30/08 (~; b6,b7c AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DATE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G·324B Detention Inspection Form Worksheet for 10SAs • Rev: 07/09107 Page 30 of39 .:,. :,~" .'. '. ", .' ..SPECIALMMiAGEMEN'rUNIT(SMIJ),. . ...•. :.;!,«:iL'",>:" . . , .' ........ '. :. AI>~mrE'sEG~?~1:I(?:t(·, , ..... ,'.. ','., ':'.'<," ". , : : . , : . ; ' ',,: ;rP:lJq:.T!JESt~qAL ~GEM£NTTJNfI' REQ~D IN ~VERYFAClLl1):tS%A~ 9E~T~ DET~ES FROM.TaEG.ENERA,I-P<?PUIf~9~/ <nillSpocIAL.... :": M.b.NAGEMENTUNIT WiLL CONSIST oFrwd,sECfIONS.OW,'ADMlNISTRA:rIVE SEGREOAT:ION~HOOSEsDETAINEES ISOU:rnDFQR' -: .",< .. :,': .. .. ,,' .. ,.'.,': .. ,.: ..... ":>"-'.-:,,:. 'i~m,~;6WN';:PROT;ECTION~ntE onmRFOR DETAINEESBEn;O .DISCIPLn-ffit> FQll WRONGDOING, (~:EE:rHE"SPEClALMANAGEMEN1.UNI1' .;~'>{:;;";;"' .. ~,i'.r.:.;1 '~"~"'_.:_~' ,::_",1 .~ .. l,."'~"", ,.'':''''','' ,." ,f{DISdrPUNAir'rSEGREoATIONr'STANDARo).,' ~':h:_,~2:d ,.': :' .(COMPONENTS .:: ;".;".,":':.' ;".' ':I'-'~"'_:' ,.~, .... " ; " .. ' , . , ' ',,: ., ,,' . ' , '.' I .,. ";.~,., ~"" ':. Y ' , N .' .,NA '. The Administrative Segregation unit provides non-punitive protection fr~m the general population and individuals' undergoing disciplinary segregation. • Detainees are placed in the SMU (administrative) in accordance with written criteria. In exigent circumstances, staff may place a detainee in the SMU (administrative) before a written order has been approved. • A copy of the order given to the detainee within 24 hours. D _":'.:~.'~~": . . •. .;.... .. , ' , , : , .' '. W:MARks" . D D D All detainees placed in Administrative Segregation (A/S) receive a copy of Cobb County Adult Detention Center (CCAOC) Form 400-0189, detailing the reason for placement in the A/S Unit. Administratively segregated detainees enjoy the same geneml privileges as detainees in the general population. The SMUis: • Well ventilated; • Adequately lighted; • Appropriately heated; and • Maintained in a sanitary condition. All cells are equipped with beds. • Every bed is securely fastened to the floor or wall. The number of detainees in any cell does not exceed the occupancy limit. [gJ D D [gJ D D [gJ D D [gJ D D Detainees receive three nutritious meals per day, from the general population's menu of the day. Each detainee maintains a nonnallevel of personal hygiene in the SMU. [gJ D D [gJ D D A health care professional visits every detainee at least three times a week. The SMU maintains a permanent log of detainee-related activity, e.g., meals served, recreation visitors etc. Staff record whether the detainee ate, showered, exercised, and took any applicable medication during every shift. [gJ D D [gJ D D Detainees housed in A/S have the opportunity to shower daily. A health care professional visits the A/S Unit twice daily. All detainee activities are documented on the Pod Log. [gJ D D Same as above. [8J ACCEPTABLE 0 DEFICIENT [ AT-RISK The Review Team did not observe any cells exceeding the occupancy limit. [ ] REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: Detainees housed in Administrative Segregation will have their case reviewed at least ev~ry 7 days for the first month and then every 30 days thereafter, to determm4-" e 'fretu 19/30/08 b6,b7c AUDITOR'SSIGNATURE/DAT r- b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324B Detention Inspection Form Worksheet for 10SAs - Rev: 07/09/07 Page 31 of39 o Officers placing detainees in disciplinary segregation follow written rocedures. A completed Disciplinary Segregation Order accompanies the detainee into the SMU. Standard procedures include reviewing the cases of individual detainees housed in disciplinary segregation at set intervals. The conditions of confinement in the SMU are proportional to the to rotect detainees.and staff. amount of control necess All cells are equipped with beds that are securely fastened to the floor or wall of the cell. When a detainee is segregated without clothing, mattress, blanket, or pillow (in a dry cell setting), a justification is made and the decision is reviewed each shift. Items are returned as soon as it is safe. Detainees in the SMU receive three nutritious meals per day, selected from the Food Service's menu of the da . Detainees are allowed to maintain a normal level of personal hygiene, includin the 0 ortuni to shower and shave at least three times/week. A health care professional visits every detainee in disciplinary segregation every week day. All detainee-related activities are documented, e.g. meals served, recreation activities, visitors, etc. SMU staff record whether the detainee ate, showered, exercised, took medication, etc. • Details about the detainee logged, e.g., a medical condition, suicidal/violent behavior, etc. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Detainees receive a copy of the Disciplinary Notification Finding, detailing the amount of disciplinary segregation (D/S) time that has been imposed by the Disci lin Committee. Facility Policy 3.03.11, Special Management Levels, addresses this com onent. Detainees are afforded the o ortuni to shower dail . A health care professional visits detainees housed in DIS twice dai! . All detainee activities are documented on the Pod Lo . The requirements of this component are documented on the Pod Log. REMARKS: Any detainee that has been confined in disciplinary segregation for more than 30 continuous days will be reviewed every 30 days by the Classification Committee. b6,b7c 19/30/08 AUDITOR'S SIGNAnJREI ! D4; J;fb6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~AW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for IOSAs - Rev: 07/09107 --- ---- ._-_. -.-- -.- - - . - - - - - , - ' - •• - - - _ ..... _ .-_ _ _ _ ._- _ _ _ ~ __ "o •• _ _ • _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ••• Page 32 of39 •. ' , . ., TOOLC()N.TR9L ,~I.~;#~~i~~~5ttt~~a~~;~ .'!foot: _ .ORY'ANDACCOUNrAanxfy: DURINQ'AN AUOrt•.' . , . . ' <REMARKs '" .' ···COMPONENTS·.. The facility has a tool classification system. according to: • Restricted (dangerouslhazardous); and • Non-Restricted non-hazardous . Each facility has procedures for the issuailce of tools to staff and detainees. o ACCEPTABLE [8J DEFICIENT D D OAT-RISK D The facility does not have a tool classification system. D Each Maintenance Foreman is assi ed his own tool box. o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The facility does not have a tool classification system. The current facility policy 04.07, Control of Tools and Hazardous Materials, needs to be a stand alone policy specifically addreSSing the issue of tool control. -I.r- 19/30/08 AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DAt) b6,b7c b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for I08As. Rev: 07f09107 -_"""'~_""'~ __ '.>n<=~= ..__ ._. _ _ _ _ .____ . -- ---~-~-....-.....-- '"' --- --- -- _ ........ _------ - -- ---_ ...... -'--------'- --- ---- -- - - - - - - -.. _"- -'",,- ---_.--- Page 33 of39 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _-1 '." ." "::.4~:">'~:<.; TRA~~PORT~Tl<.)N,. .. :·>.' ' . : , : : ........ ' .' LAJIID,TRANSPOJ,tTATIOI.'I " ...... . " . .:. . . i . ' . . ' ...•. " . . .p()LICY:TIIE IMMlGRA'tI0N ANb NATlJRAtIZATION SERVICE TAKE ALL NEj3ESsARYPRECAUTtONSTO PROTECI"llffiLIVES, SAFETYiAND WILL '\VEtFME OFOUROFFlCERs;iHEoENEIW;PUBtrc, AND TItoSelNICE CUSTODYOUIUNoTIiEtRANSPQR~AriON OF DETAINEEs, siANriAiilis 't~• •~!fi~~~=;:::7~;::.::.tot:;::::J!; >. . ' .~CONTROL.oJ1,l'HE DETAINl:E CASE. ':,'. . ... , i " ' " Transporting officers comply with applicable local, state, and federal motor vehicle laws and regulations. Records support this rmding of compliance. Every transporting officer required to drive a commercial size bus has a valid Commercial Driver's License (CDL) issued by the state of employment. Supervisors maintain records for each vehicle operator. Officers use a checklist during every vehicle inspection. • Officers report deficiencies affecting operability; and • Deficiencies are corrected before the vehicle goes back into service. Transporting officers: • Limit driving time to 10 hours in any 15 hour period; • Drive only after eight consecutive off-duty hours; • Do not receive transportation assignments after having been on duty, in any capacity, for 15 hours; • Drive a 50-hour maximum in a given work week; a 70-hour maximum during eight consecutive days; • During emergency conditions (including bad weather), officers may drive as long as necessary and safe to reach a safe area-exceeding the lO-hour limit: . Two officers with valid CDLs required in any bus transporting detainees. • When buses travel in tandem with detainees, there are two qualified officers per vehicle. • An unaccompanied driver may transport an empty vehicle. Before the start of each detail, the vehicle is thoroughly searched. Positive identification of all detainees being transported is confinned. All detainees are searched immediately prior to boarding the vehicle by staff controlling the bus or vehicle. The facility ensures that the number of detainees transported does not exceed the vehicles manufacturer's occupancy level. Protective vests are provided to all transporting officers. The vehicle crew conducts a visual count once all passengers are on board and seated. • Additional visual countS are made whenever the vehicle makes scheduled or unscheduled stop. Policies and procedures are in place addressing the use of restraining ' . equipment ori transportation vehicles. Officers ensure that no one contacts the detainees. • .One officer remains in the vehicle at all times when detainees are present a .. : •• 0 o· 0 0 0 0 [] [] 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 [] [] 0 [J 0 LJ 0 0 0 0 0 [J 0 [1 O· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LA W ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 0-324B Detention lnspection Form Worksheet for IGSAs - Rev: 07109107 Page 34 of39 ':','.> ,',' ...•.. r;</:,;,,:',' '. ~"': " .' . ".,TRANSPORTATlON<",": , " ' . , , ' . , 'LAl'iD':ritANSPoRTATlbN:')<' . ":":,,c, .'. :/ __ "., "" .. ', " ",t.,">:. poiiicr:'~ IMM:rGM:l;10N MID NAnJRALIZATIQNSERVlCE,WiLL TAKE ALL NECEssARy PRECAuJrONS ro'PRcitECrTIiEUVEs;:<. sAFrirt~AND" ."< ". ":"";::", _.' .. :. ""'.- .,- ~~' ;.; ,;., _c~' ',:,"_ ' '. ,.," • .1:.- ". '-, ' ' _ <"'.' '~~. _ ,: "';.", • : • - " •. , . ," ~ ...., . , ,.; • • • . , : ' .• , , : - . . . : •• :" . , ". • • 'j .' :-' .. ): 7 _ ~ . ' __ • ,', , •• ' ,-' • : _ ," •. -"", .,-"':" A. '.,-, " -,,:'~ ' •• ':0,\ .,'" : :_.' :;.,' ~ '~LF~bF-():uROFFICEJ{S~THI! GENEMLPlmUC,·AND.THOSE INICECUSTOP:X:DlJlUNGTIffi'1'RANSP9RTA.nQNOF0lrfAn·n~~;~TANJ:jARJ:)S; 1;.~~~!~~a::1::tl~y:&t~ciJ~~~ 'CONTROLOF?l1IEDETAINEE-cAsE,',,""·"';':".; ' •• : ',:·<;',i·:·,··~.,· " Yrs"N6NA" ' ,'.' ';,>~' Meals are provided during long distance transfers. • The meals meet the minimum dietary standards, as identified by D D D dieticians utilized by ICE. The vehicle crew inspects all Food Service pickups before accepting delivery (food wrapping, portions, quality, quantity, thennos-transport containers; etc.). • Before accepting the meals, the vehicle crew raises and resolves D questions, concerns, or discrepancies with the Food Service representative; • Basins, latrines, and drinking-water containers/dispensers are cleaned and sanitized on a fixed schedule. Vehicles have: • Two-way radios; • Cellular telephones; and D D' • Equipment boxes stocked in accordance with the Use of Force Standard. The vehicles are clean and sanitary at all times. [J [J l] Personal property of a detainee transferring t6 another facility is: • Inventoried; D D • Inspected; and • Accompanies the detainee. The following contingencies are included in the written procedures for vehicle crews: ' • Attack • Escape • Hostage-taking • Detainee sickness • Detainee death D D D • Vehiclefue • Riot • Traffic accident • Mechanical problems • Natural disasters • Sever:e weather· • Passenger list includes women or minors IZl ACCEPTABLE D DEFICIENT [J AT-RISK [ ] REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: ''':<:;;i::':· -":';,d';'CoMPON1tNrs- o '.< "';,' o o o ICE provides all of the transportation for I b6,b7c 19/30/08 J~ AUDITOR'S SIGNATURE I DATE ~. b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 0·3248 Detention Inspection Form Worksheet for rGSAs - Rev: 07/09107 Page 35 of39 ~:" .,:~~,:" <: . <"PSE.OF F.O~CE .' .,<: .. ' .~6iid:n4u:S~i)EPAAThmNt b~HOMI3LAl-fDg:ECVRrr~~~OluzkTHEUSBQF FORC~ ONLY AsXasT Ar.'rnRNl~AFrERALL6THER· .'REASONABLE ~Ei1FORTSroRESoLVEJ\ SITUATION HAVE:F.mD..·. oNi,\r ffiAT.wOUmOF FORCE ·NECESSARY.ToO~CONTROLOF·.THE.· .BErNNEE,'TO .PROTocr·ANt>ENSpRE nrri'~AFEiY OF DstAINimS,STAfFANoouri:rRs,TO PREY~T SERIOOSPribpERIT,bAMAGE ANId6 "sNioo INSTrri.iTI6N SOCuru1YAND GOODhlIDERMAYBE USED. PHYSICAL RESTRAINTS NECESSARY TO GAJNcONTROL OF A DETOO wi!O' '~-;;;,~"< '-.<,It ~,,' ~ - _ ' ''.' '~·H., ~' ,~,'.' "APPEARSTOBEPANOEROUS MAY BE EMPLOYED WHENTHEDETAlNEE: .... .:;:·<2i:i:;~'il': :L.' COMPONENTS';''''' ...,-":: ., Staff members are trained in the performance of the Use-of-Force Team . Technique. All use-of-force incidents are documented and reviewed. Staff: • Do not use force as punishment; • Attempt to gain the detainee's voluntary cooperation before resorting to force; • Use only as much force as necessary to control the detainee; and Medication may only be used for restraint purposes when authorized by the Medical Authority as medically necessary. . In immediate-use-of-force situations, staff contacts medical staff once the detainee is under control. Special precautions are taken when restraining pregnant detainees. • Medical personnel are consulted The officers are thoroughly trained in the use of soft and hard restraints. For incidents involving calculated use offorce, a videotape is made and retained for review. D. DEFICIENT . . 'YES . :No There is a use offorce policy outlining immediate and calculated use of force, and confrontation avoidance. [8J ACCEPTABLE ", 18] .18] , ..' . ,".. r . ' " ....'; NA ···.;··;REMAjU(s< 0 0 o o [J [J o o 0 0 0 0 18] 0 0 18] 18] 0 0 [] OAT-RISK ,," Facility Policy 4.08, Use of Force, addresses this component. Facility Policy 2.02-05.03, Management of Female Detainees, addresses this component. 0 o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: The facility has not had any Use of Force Incidents involving ICE detainees. The facility's Use of Force Policy sufficiently addresses the ICE requirements of the standard. . b6,b7c /9/30/08 Jf/'-/ b6,b7c AUDITOR'SSIGNATUREfDA-r:.1 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 0-324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for 10SAs - Rev: 07/09/07 Page 36 of39 i , ' /,~': L:" . :'·.·~~'.,.~T<:::t~<··, , :._~ , :.STAFFDE:rA.lNEEGO~C:ATIONS ,.: ,.~..);'~:'::.::.: - ... -.". ;~;~T':·:·.:~·;:: ~.,.':':._.'<>~~~':'~'~.~,·-~·S····~;·~-: '. :~}··:.:".:,-'~~:·;·>.:/:>.i~ .:~ "'::' .'~ '>.< ..... :.: ...- .....>,.. . ' '.,'. "" . ~-: POLIct:PROCEDuREsMuST,BEINPLACETbALLOWFO.RFORMALANIHNFORMAtCONTACTBETWEENKEYFACILITYSTAFFANDICESTAFF ?~~,P7~E,AN])~~;~~fET~~T~·.~~N~9~~~:~Cr.STAFF:AW~~~SWERIN·~:ActEFfABLErWE.. ":;:" ..,?),:}},::>. ,>,'" COMPONENTS" :{:,' y:, .:' .: :·!i/;Y: ICE infonnation request Fonns are available at the IGSA for use by ICE ' detainees. ,:.~. 0 The rGSA treats detainee correspondence to ICE staff as Special Correspondence. o DEFICIENT [8J ACCEPTABLE OAT-RISK 'N :~ NA'.i·,t .... [8J 0 o o REMARKs " , There were no ICE requests fonns available. However, detainees may use writing paper to write to staff member. According to staff, the correspondence would be treated as Special Correspondence, o REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: . The CCADC uses fonns dedicated to various departments in the facility. A general fonn without a specific heading does not exist and notebook paper is used for correspondence from staff and departments that do not have a dedicated heading fonn. The ICE Infonnation Request Form, which was provided to staff during the review, should be made available to the male and female ICE detainees to enhance their ability to communicate in writing to CCADC and ICE staff. b6,b7c 9/30/08 AUDITOR',SIGNATURE/DATE .Rr/'-" b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G·324B Detention Inspection Form Worksheet for IGSAs· Rev: 07109/07 -----"'-- -- ----" -. --"- Page 37 of39 - '>'. -,:.~,. _,. DETAINEE TRANSFERS1ANDARD' --- "> t*~?r~~~~~~&!~"(~V;;;::f~#ij;#A%A~~,i;~~=~~;.· ._ 1ltA,N&F~J;))JtttJNEE,I.CEWILkT$lN.tOCONSID~TIONWHETHER TIIE DET~IS~Ri3SENTED,~EFOR:p:TIIEIMMIqRAtIONCOURT;_~ ·l.~~~~:t:n!~=~1;~i~Jt~~~":~~~ \~<~. /~/~' ,',{j). " COMPONENTS;' '~\~- When a detainee is represented by legal counselor a legal representative, and a G-28 has been filed, the representative of record is notified by the detainee's Deportation Officer. • The notification is recorded in the detainee's file; and • When the A File is not availa~le, notification is noted within DACS Notification includes the reason for the transfer and the location of the new facility. The deportation officer is allowed discretion regarding the timing of the notification when extenuating circumstances are involved. The attorney and detainee are notified that it is their responsibility to notify family members regarding a transfer. Facility policy mandates that: • Times and transfer plans are never discussed with the detainee prior to transfer; • The detainee is not notified of the transfer until immediately prior to departing the facility; and The detainee is not Permitted to make any phone calls or have • contact with any detainee in the general population. The detainee is provided with a completed Detainee Transfer Notification Form. Form G-391 or equivalent authorizing the removal of a detainee from a facility is used. For medical transfers: • The Detainee Immigration Health Service (or IOSA) (DIHS) Medical Director or designee approves the transfer; Medical transfers are coordinated through the local ICE office; and • A medical transfer summary is completed and accompanies the detainee. Detainees in ICE facilities having DIHS staff and medical care are - transferred with a completed transfer summary sheet in a sealed envelope with the detainee's name and A~number, and the envelope is marked Medical Confidential. For medical transfers, transporting officers receive instructions regarding medical issties. • 'y. N REMARKs NA; " "Y o o According to DRO b6,b7c who was interviewed on 9/29/08, ICE staff provides notification if a 0-28 is on file. ~ 0 0 advised that the b6,b7c notification includes this information. ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 18l 0 0 o o o o Detainees are not notified iIi advance oftherr pending transfer. Detainees are not permitted to make phone calls or have contact with any other detainees or inmates during this process. A 0-391 and Form 203 were used to remove 12 detainees from the facility on 9/29/08. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 0-324B Detention Inspection Fonn Worksheet for IOSAs - Rev: 07109/07 Page 38 of39 ',~ 'DEr,AINE]jJ,JRANS~R~TMIDARD .....' '~lt.iVa.~.~~'lg~ .AlTORNEY IS LOCA1'1IDWlTHlN'REASONABLIl DRlVIN!JDISTANCEOF.TIffi FACILITY;'ANP WHERE THE IMMIGRATION COURT PROCEEDINGS ARE \i;\!d&QPUdE;':':.<:': .., "<:':A::~"f': ...... ~, , ' , ."'. .. . ,,:. ' ........... '",,:<' " " " , ..•... ,.. " .. (:'i:,'::/.:, "" •• ;' ;"(,<COMi'ONENYS ":.'.,:"::<:,~,,,:.: .:"i', ':'y.;:;: ,: Detainee's funds, valuables, and property are returned and transferred with the detainee to his/her new location. ' t8l Transfer and documentary procedures outlined in Section C and D are followed. Meals are provided when transfers occur during normally schedule meal times. An A File or work folder accompanies the detainee when transferred to a different field office or sub-office. Files are forwarded to the receiving office via overnight mail no later than one business day following the transfer. o ~ ACCEPTABLE DEFICIENT o ,NA REMARKS 0 0 The transfer processing of 12 detainees was observed on 9129/08. Property was properly handled by staff and was done in the presence of the detainees. 0 0 :~N 0 t8l 0 0 0 0 o ICE transportation staff, lEA b6,b7c , advised that ICE normally feeds detainees after their removal from the facilfu'. REPEAT FINDING REMARKS: ICE staff makes all of the necessary notifications when a detainee is transferred. Facility and ICE staffwas observed in the process of removing detainees from the facility on 9/29/08. Removal procedures were in accordance with ICE and facility standards. b6,b7c 130IOS / tyv AUDITOR'SSIGNATUREIDAV b6,b7c FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITNE) G-324B Detention Inspection Form Worksheet for IGSAs - Rev: 07/09/07 IJI!/CIII1IJ1I /Irld Rl!lI1oWlI Opt'raltlm,\ LS. \)epartmen! of Homeland Security 1!I() Spring Street. SW Atl:ml;l, GA 30:;03 u.s. Immigration and Customs Enforcement InterofTice Memorandum To: James T. Hayes Director Detention ,md Removal Operations 1\ "". & From: Felicia S. Skinne~e ~ Acting Field Office Dire r Atlanta :....-. ~<-"" / Date: January 15.2009 Re: Plan of Action/Response to Address the Deficiencies Identified During the Review of the Cobb County Adult Detention Center September 29. 2008 through September 30.2008. Creative Corrections. Inc. conducted an Annual Detention Review of the Cobb County Adult Detention Center on September 29, 2008. through Septemher 30. 2008. The facility was reviewed using ICE National Detention Standards (NOS) compliance measures for Under 72 Hour {acilities. On December 22. 2008. the facility was rated as "Acceptable" however three areas were identified as needing a Plan of Action (POA). The deficiencies are outlined below along with the facility's response and a POA to address each area. I. TOOL CONTROL Policy: Every Itlcility shall develop and implement a tool-control system. Tools are to be classified according to Restrictiw and ~on Restrictive status. • Cobb County Adult Detention Center docs not have an established tool classification system. Action Taken: At the time or the review the tool control policies and procedures were in the process or being updated. Effective December 31. 2008. a tool c1assi tication and inventory system was implemented at the Cobb County Adult Detention Center. All tools and equipment have been classified and marked with identifying numbers. t\ master inventory list is maintained by the Maintenance Supervisor. II. DETAINEE TELEPHONE ACCESS Policy: All facilities housing ICE detainees will permit detainees reasonable and equitable access to telephones. • • At the present time, per Lt. b6,b7c , detainees who are in Disciplinary Segregation are not authorized to use the telephone The OlG number was not programmed into the telephone system as of 9/29/08 Action Taken Effective December 31, 2008, an order was issued and posted in the segregation unit that mandates detainees are allowed access to the telephones to contact their consular and/or embassy officials. Additionally the OIG poster and phone number have been posted in the unit. Detainees can make calls to their consulate and/or embassy officials and the OIG free of charge. III. FOOD SERVICE Policy: Every facility will provide detainees in its care with nutritious and appetizing meals, prepared in accordance with the highest sanitary standards. • • • There is no secure cutting room for using knives. The knives have cables attached but the metal shank does not go all the way through the plastic handle. According to the Food Service Manager, detainees are not permitted to work in the food prep areas and are not allowed to use knives. The staff follows satellite feeding guidelines for proper sanitation as well as the temperatures for food items. All foods are kept at the proper temperature prior to being fed, except the noon sack lunch. The two hot meals are prepared and plated and fed within the two hour time period. The sack lunch is being delivered at the breakfast meal time. There is no refrigeration in the units for the detainees/inmates to keep the sack lunch within a safe temperature range. All foods are maintained at the proper temperatures, except the noon sack lunch. Cold foods are at 40 or below and hot foods are 140 or above. The sack lunches that are sent down to the units at breakfast time tor lunch are not being maintained at the proper temperature. Action Taken The Cobb County Adult Detention Center has ordered replacement knives that have metal shanks going all the way through the plastic handles. The knives are expected to be delivered, cabled and in use by February IS, 2009. It should be noted that detainees/inmates do have access to the kitchen area. Only contract workers and Cobb County staff members are permitted in this area. Effective January 15, 2009, the Cobb County Adult Detention Center will no longer deliver sack lunches with the breakfast meal. Sack lunches will be maintained at the proper temperature, retrieved from a refrigeration unit and delivered to the units for consumption at lunch time. This change will ensure that required food temperatures are maintained. The Cobb County Sheriff's Office and Adult Detention Center expressed their appreciation to serve the community by participating in ICE's 287(g) program and welcomed the professional critique provided by Creative Corrections, Inc. The facility also expressed their sincere desire to continue their cooperation with ICE ORO in ensuring they provide a well managed detention center that meets or exceeds all of the National Detention Standards (NOS). The actions and procedures cited in this memorandum have been reviewed by the Atlanta Field Office and they comply with the NDS. In keeping with DMCP procedures, if this POA is accepted, the local DMCP POC will ensure that certified jail reviewers conduct a fotlowup review to ensure the POA has been implemented, deficiencies are resolved and the facility is complying with the NDS. Office ofDetention and Removal Operations U.S. Department of Homeland S«urity 500 I2IA Street, SW Washington, DC 20536 u.s. Immigration and Customs Enforcement MEMORANDUM FOR: Felicia S. Skinner Acting Field Office Director b6,b7c A b6,b7c FROM: b6,b7c b6,b7c C 'ef etention Standards Compliance Unit In Cobb County Adult Detention Center Plan of Action SUBJECT: The Cobb County A4ult Detention Center Plan of Action dated January 15, 2009, has been received. The plan was developed in response to a review conducted by Creative Corrections on September 29-30, 2008. The Review Authority concurs with the Plan of Action and this review is closed. The Field Office must now initiate the following actions in accordance with the Detention Management Control Program (DMCP): 1) The Field Office Director, Detention and Removal Operations, shall notifY the facility within five business days of receipt of this memorandum. Notification shall include a copy of this memorandum. 2) The Field Office Director shall ensure that the facility complies with its proposed Plan of Action. A certified Detention Reviewer shall be assigned to follow up on the deficiencies identified in the Initial Review within 90 days. 3) The next annual review will be scheduled on or before September 29,2009. b6,b7c Should you or your staffhave any questions regarding this matter, please contact Detention and Deportation Officer, Detention Standards Compliance Unit at (202) 732 b6,b7c cc: Official File ICE:HQDRO: b6,b7c 2-3456:01/15/2009 b2High - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------------~-- Office ofDetention and Removal Operations U.S. Department of Homeland Security 500 12111 Street, SW Washington, DC 20536 u.s. Immigration and Customs Enforcement DEC 2 2 2008 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: Raymond Simonse Field Office Director Atlanta Field b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c Acting Chi Detention St SUBJECT: Cobb County Adult Detention Center Annual Review The annual review of the Cobb County Adult Detention Center conducted on September 29-30, 2008, in Marietta, Georgia, has been received. A final rating of Acceptable has been assigned. The G-324B worksheets provided by the Reviewer-in-Charge (RIC) indicate the facility was deficient with the Tool Control standard which requires a Plan of Action. Additionally, the non-compliant components in the Detainee Telephone Access and Food Service standards require a Plan of Action. On October 8, 2008, , AFOD, advised , Detention and b6,b7c b6,b7c Deportation Officer, that the facility was currently in the process of correcting the identified deficiency. The rating was based on the RIC Summary Memorandum and supporting documentation. The Field Office Director must remedy the deficient standards, and initiate the following actions in accordance with the Detention Management Control Program (DMCP): 1) The Field Office Director, Detention and Removal Operations, shall notify the facility within five business days of receipt of this memorandum. Notification shall include copies of the Form G-324B Detention Facility Review Form, the G-324B Worksheet, RIC Summary Memorandum, and a copy of this memorandum. 2) The Field Office Director is responsible for ensuring that the facility responds to all fmdings and a Plan of Action is submitted to the Review Authority (RA) within 30 days. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) Subject: Cobb County Adult Detention Center Annual Review Page 2 3) The RA will advise the Field Office Director once the Plan of Action is approved . . 4) Once a Plan of Action is approved, the Field Office Director shall schedule a follow-up on the above noted deficiencies within 90 days. The Field Office is responsible for assisting the Intergovernmental Service Agreement (IGSA) facility to respond to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement findings when assistance is requested. Notification to the facility shall include information that this assistance is available. b6,b7c Should you or your staff have any questions regarding this matter, please contac Detention and Deportation Officer, Detention Standards Compliance Unit at(202) 732- b6,b7c cc: Official File ICE:HQDRO b6,b7c 2-4505: 10/08/08 b2High FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE)