ICE Detention Standards Compliance Audit - Limestone County Detention Center, Groesback, TX, ICE, 2009
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ICE Detention Standards ompliance Review Limestone County Detention Center April 7-8, 2009 REPORT DATE-April 10,2009 reotive corrections Contract NUmber;: OPT-6-D-OOO 1 Order Number: 'HSCEOP..o7~F"(}l(H 6 b6,b7c b6,b7c reative corrections 6415 Calder, Suite B • Beaumont, Texas 77706 409,866,9920 • } /. "'**' Making a Difference! April 10, 2009 MEMORANDUM FOR: James T. Hayes, Jr" Director Office of Detention and Removal Operations b6,b7c FROM: b6,b7c b6,b7c Limestone County Detention Center Annual Detention Review SUBJECT: Creative Corrections conducted an Annual Detention Review (ADR) of the Limestone County Detention Center (LCD C) located in Groesbeck, Texas, on April 7-8, 2009. The facility is owned by Limestone County and operated by Community Education Centers, Inc. As noted on b6,b7c the attached documents, the team of Subject Matter Experts included for Health b6,b7c Services; b6,b7c for Safety; for Security; and for Food Service. b6,b7c b6,b7c A closeout meeting was conducted on April 8, 2009, with Warden , Limestone b6,b7c Co~ty Judge CEC Special Assistant , Immigration b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c Immigration Enforcement Agent , several key Enforcement Agent facility~staff, and the review team. All aspects of the review were discussed at this meeting. Type of Review This review was a scheduled ADR to determine compliance with established ICE National Detention Standards for facilities used for under-72 hours. This facility was previously reviewed in 2008· using standards for facilities used for over-72 hours. Review Summao: The facility is not accredited by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care, the Americ~ Correctional Association, or the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Orgapizations. Th~ facility is certified by the Tex~ Commission on Jail Standards. The following statistical infonnation provides a comparison of the 2008 ADR and this ADR conducted for 2009. FOR OfFICIALUSE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) 1/2 April 7:8, 2009 Review COm,p.i81l~, Defi~ient ,,' At-Risk Non-Applicable 37 o o 1 C(JmplUmt 28 . Defj(i~nt 0 At,.IDsk . 0 Non~Applicable 0 Area of Strengtti Limestone County Detention Center htt~anamicable, professional working relationship with agencies using the facility (ICE, Bw:eau of Prisons (BOP), limestone County, and Texas Department ofCorr~ctions). Lib1estone,County Sheriff Dennis Wilson, Limestone County b6,b7c ~ locaUCErepreSentatives, and the locaFBOPreptesentative commended this facility on their communitY service, responsiveness~ open commUnication, and professionalism. Recommended Rating. Bnd. Justification It is the Reviewer-ill-Charge (RIC) recommendation that the facility receive a rating of ~'Acceptable". lUC Assurance Statement An fm~ings of this review been documented on the Review Worksheet and are supported by the written documentationcontruned .in the review file. Detention Facility Inspection Form Facilities Used Under 72 hours Department Of Homehmd Security .lmmigrati.~n and Customs Enfo':~~.L _____ .mm'_~_;. __ m._"m'_~. __.__. _ _--'-:_ _~. A. TYPE OF FACILITY REVIEWED lCEService Proce~ing Center ICE Contract Detention Facility ICE Intergovernmental S!!!~ce~~~!Ile~t_ _--.-:--, Estimated Man~days per 1 Court Order or Class Action Fin ~-:~~_O Class~ction Fin~~ _ _ _-1 has Significant Litigation Pending j~tion __"Q!-lfe/Safe!-y~_._ Name Limestone £.~~ty Det~m~~nte~m.~_~.,,~._~__~~~m Address Date Last Remodeled or Upgraded eAdded Groesbeck Texas 76642 County Limestone N arne and Title of Chief Executive Officer /Superintendent) b6,b7c Warden (# New Beds only) Date: ~~~~A~r~ea~C~o~d~e)I~--------~--1 Previous 12 months b6,b7c Field Office I Sub-Office (List Office with Oversight) San Antonio, Texas b:';;l';:;;'st;";;a;;;nc:';;e;;;fr;;;;;o;;;m~;;:"'F:':;ie:';;ld;"-O~ffi::-lc-e--"~------'-----"" LV 180 miles ~~~~~----~----------~~------~ E. ICE Information Namenf L. FACILITY CAPACITY b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c . FCDFJIGSA INFORMATION ONLY Contract Number Date of Contract or IGSA 80-99-0115 July 1}2007 Basic Rates per Man~Day ' I .. N. FACILITY STAFFING LEVEL b2High ort; I $46.81 Other Charges: (If None, Indicate N/A) Trlmspo,rtation/Guard services; $15.00 per hourl585 per mile;ON/A . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) .. Form G~324B SIS (Rev. 7/9/07) .. .. , . ~, ~ ", SIGNIFICANT INCIDENT SUMMARY WORKSHEET of In order for Creat!ve Corrections to complete its review YOtrr fucility, you must complete thefoliowing worksheet prior to your scheduled review dates. This workgh~et must. <Xlrltain data for the past twelve months. We win use this worksheet in conjooction with the ICE Detention Standards to assess your detention operations with regard to the needs of ICE and its detainee population. Failure to complete this worksheet will result in a delay in processing this report, and may result in a reduction or removal ofICE detainees from your facility. Assault: Offenders on 0 Offenders l Assault: Detainee on Staff Escapes 2 5 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 26 66 10 22 0 0 60 Deaths 0 Any artell'iptedphY1!ical~ntai<t ot pbysical.C()nt~that involves {woor more o~nders , .• n involving at t"ast 2 pa,¢es.wnether it is oonsentingor nO!1-OOIlsenting red "J'Orced'l .includes gang fights, organized multiple bungetstrlloos, work~toppages, bostagesituations, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) .. / G-324B,~JS~~v. DHS/ICEDETENTION STAN])ARDS~YIEW SUMMARY REpORT 5. 6.Food Service 7. Funds. and Personal Property 8. Defi:tine¢ Grievance Propedures bXlcnange of Clothing, Bedding, and Towels 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. I)(."(ention Files Disciplinary Policy Emergency Plans Environmental Health and Safety Hold Rooms in Detention Facilities Key and Lock Control Population Counts security Inspections Special Management Units (Administrative Detention) Special Management Units (Disciplinary Segregation) fool Control Transportation (Land management) Use of Force Staff / Detainee Communication (Added August 2003) Sept:emb·er 2004) FOR OFFICIALUSEONLY(LAWENFORCEMENT:SFNSJTIVE). . '}torm(J~324BSIS (Rev. 7/9/07) ./ y:':'.-;", ' ,'-"', .,','. /"')-"_"_ ; #;",,':,,,,,4/,,,,_,' -------'''. - "" ";~ < .<.' < ".-0.-~-:: "_";}"/;% /rlt0H!'~/,-Au;v if ,~x:- RIC REVIEW ASSURANCE STATEMENT BYSIGNINGBELOW, tHE REVIE\VER~IN-CHARGE (RIC) (;ERTIFIESTHAT: .1. 2. ALL £IINPINGSOP,NON:-COMPLIANCE WlTH '" . OR INADEQUATE CONTROLS, AND FINDINGS> OF NOTEWORTIIY ACCQMPLISHMENTS, CONTAINED IN THIS INSPEc;TlON REPORT, ARE SUPPORTED BY EVIDENCE THAT IS SU.FFICIENT AND RBUADLB;AND WlT!IIN THE SCOPE OF TfIl~REVlEW, TH.EFACILffY IS OPERATtNG IN ACCORDAN(:;E WITH APPUCABI$ LAW AND POLICY, AND PROPERTY AND RESOlJRCEsARE BEING EfF!CIEN'fLY UTILTZED AND AIlEQlJATELY SAFEGUARDED,EXCEPT FOR ANY DEFICIENCIES NOTED IN THE REPORT. b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c Food Service b6,b7c H~alth Services b6,b7c ~ ACCEPTABLE RECOMMI<~NDED RATING: o DEFICIENT OAT-RISK COMMENTS:~,Lime~t~~c"CountyD.etention Center (LCDC) isa well managed facility with "Acceptable" compliance in all 28 National·Detentioll.Standard<;.. ICE periodically houses detainees at thefacility. There were no detainees housed at the time of review. However, the facility is presently holding a large number of BOP inmates. LCDC recorded 4,681 ICEman days during the last 12 months. The facjlity has a h)w l1umberofsignificant incidents, as noted in the Sigl1i~!;:a~tIn~identSJimtglUJ:Work$he~t. Grj~,v:mc~~ a~e(;Onsistent witn:a ff!~Hity ~f l,026;howeVel\thenUlnber rtlspl\'e~,'!n f!!VorrQ(Qffetlder!Dt'; ~$ di~proportionately lr~gh~Themost. gdeXElnces were {l(!rop}aiut~,j,lgainststa,ff (82), anq me~t~~l orlrearthc~~(~§). Th~Grievlifl:l~eCoordinator explained the pt:aPticeQfgr~~tjI1g. .. ' . . .... t9 review or inv~sti,,~~tea particular iq9Jgent,butthi~djd notjpdicate,~fmsiillg.(j.f unprofessionalconquct or 'wrong doing rt:g . staff. Likewise; grievances regardipgroutipeorspeciaHzed medical ,Care resulted in . . .. fevieW.pfthegr!evance by Health Services staft;b.l!! tbisdid nQtindi~awanyfu.ilureregarding care, Thi$pi:!.lt~liI W~S consistent wii:bgrievances reg~ingother matters. HEADQUARTERS EXECUTIVE REVIEW The signature below constitutes review of this report and acceptance by the Review Authority, OIC/CEO will have 30 days from receipt of this report to respond to aU findings and rccommcndations. b6,b7c b6,b7c Final Rating: 0 Superim' o Good o Acceptable t8J Deficient OAt-Risk o NQRating Commc!1ts: The Review Authority has downgraded the recommended rating of "Acceptable" to "Deficient" due to the use of EMDDs (Elector MuscuIar Disruption Devices). No Plan ofActiOh (POA) is required in regard to the tlse of EM DDs. However, a POA is required to address the line item deficiencies identified in the Detainee Handbook; Food Service and Hold Rooms in Detelltion Facilities standards. ~/,-:,"<'V "" """~'0' ',=,,iw"",:,:w,,, "'" """,'''p~/¢<' "'}.%""';" FOR OFF!CIAl'USE ONLY (lAW ENFORCEMENT (lOke (~f D<!t(>fIlion and Removal Operations u.s. Departmenf (If lfoml(fand Seem'll.y SOO l2'h Street. S\V Washington, DC 20024 NOV 0 6 2009 MEMORANDUM FOR: Nuria T. Prendes Field Off1ce Director Dallas b6,b7c b6,b7c Detention Standards Compliance Unit Lubbock County Detention Center Plan of Action SUBJECT: The Lubbock County Detention Center Plan of Action dated October 27, 2009, has been received. 'The plan was developed in response to a review conducted by MGT of America, Inc. on July 27~28, 2009. The Review Authority concurs with the Plan of Action and this review is closed. The Field Oft1ce must now initiate the following actions in accordance with the Detention Management Control Program: 1) The Field Omce Director, Detention and Removal Operations, shaH notify the facility widdg five business days of receipt oHhis memor'dlldum. Notification shaH include a copy of this mell1orandum. 2) The Field Office Director shall ensure that the facility complies with its proposed Plan of Action and win conduct a fbHow~up review ()fthe deficiencies identified in. the (13248, Detention Facility Review Form and the Lead Compliance Inspector SUlnmary Memorandum within 90 days. 3) The next armual review will be scheduled on or before 27, 2010. Should you or your staff have any questions regarding this matter, please contact b6,b7c Detention and Deportation Officer at (202) 732- b6, b7c cc: Official File b6,b7c b2High b6,b7c