ICE Detention Standards Compliance Audit - Lubbock County Detention Center, Lubbock, TX, ICE, 2009
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FOR: b6,b7c b6,b7c 09 Deficient due otherwise a rating Tbemting based on documentation. 1) 3} TheRA Surnmm:y MemoJlUJ£tum and remeGY thedefieioot mwloalLQS. ,;;>nt··..",,, .. Page.~. County Detlentj~)n of2 The Field Office is responsible for assIsting the Intergovernmental Service Agreement (IGSA) . faCmty~t0~~l!€i to.thl:tlmmigraoonand Customs Enfon;ementfindings requested. Notification to the facility shall ineludeiruormation that this assistance available. or your staff have b6,b7c (202) 732~ j questions regarding this ma1tter~ contact Deportation Officer, .....""LIVUI'IV.. Management ~lten1:lon b6,b7c cc: Official FUe HQDRO: b6, b7c 2-5514:09/30/2009 b2High e. 1333 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20036 202/419-3930 (1) 202/,U9-3931 (F) MGT OF AMERICA 1 INC. www.~I(; Ju1y 30, 2009 MEMORANDUM FOR: David Venturella Acting Director Office of Detention and Removal Oper b6,b7c FROM: b6,b7c b6,b7c Lead Compliance Inspector SUBJECf: • Lubbock County Detention Center Annual Detention Review MGT of America performed an annual inspection for compliance with the ICE National Detention Standards (NDS) at the Lubbock County Detention Center located in Lubbock, Texas, during the period of July 27-28, 2009. This is an Under 72 hour IGSA facility. The annual inspection was performed under the guidance of Inspector. Team members were: b6,b7c , Lead Compliance b6,b7c Type of Review This review is a scheduled annual inspection, which is performed to determine overall compliance with the ICE NDS. The facility received a previous rating of "Deficient" during the May 19-20,2008 inspection. Review Summary • The Lubbock County Detention Center is not accredited by the American Correctional Association (ACA), National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) nor the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Organizations (JCARO). The facility is accredited by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards . '~=~~~--"-'---'-""-----'-""---- .._------- -... . .. --- -. .._---. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) Page 11 MGT .... OF A/~EIUCA. 11'1(';. -_ Standards Compliance The following information is a summary of the standards that were reviewed and overall compliance that was determined as a result of the 2008 and 2009 National Detention Standards compliance annual inspection. 2Q09 Inspection Compliant 26 Deticient o Repeat Deticiency o Not Applicable 2 2008 Inspection Compliant 23 4 Deticient o Repeat Deficiency 1 Not Applicable Recommended Rating and Justification: The Lead Compliance Inspector recommends that the facility receive a rating of "Acceptable." LCI Assurance Statement • The findings of compliance and noncompliance are accurately and completely documented on the G-324B Inspection form and are supported by documentation in the inspection file. An out brief was b6,b7c b6,b7c conducted at the facility and the following were present: , Chief Deputy~ b6,b7c b6,b7c Major; Captain , and Lt. of the Lubbock County Detention Center; Nuria T. b6,b7c b6,b7c Prendes, ICE Field Office Director; , ICE SDno and ; COTR. b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c Signature: b6,b7c Lead Compliance Inspector July 30~ 2009 Printed Name and Title of LeI Date: • FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) Page 12 Department Of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement OF FACILITY REVIEWED ICE Service Processing Center ICE Contract Detention Facility ---leE Service-Agreement Detention Facility Inspection Form Facilities Used Under 72 hours Other Charges; (If None, Indicate N/A) ; I8l N/A Estimated Man-days per Year ,1058 G. ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATES 0 N/A list all State or National Accreditation[s] received: Texas Commission on Jail Standards B. CURRENT INsPECTION Type of Inspection D Field Office I8l HQ Inspection Date[s] of Facility Review July 27·28 2009 H. PROBLEMS I COMPLAINTS (COPIES MUST BE ATTACHED) The Facility is under Court Order or Class Action Finding Court Order D Class Action Findin~ The Facility has Significant Litigation Pending Major LitilIation [] Life/Safety Issues 18l None o C. PREVIOUS/MOST RECENT FACIUTY REVIEW Date[s] of Last Facility Review May 19-20. 2008 Previous Rating D Superior 0 Good D Acceptable I8l Deficient 0 At-Risk o I. FACIUTY HISTORY Date Built 1931 Date Last Remodeled or Upgraded 2001 Date New Construction / Bed Space Added 1987 Future Construction Planned 18l Yes D No Date: September. 2009 Current Bed space Future Bed Space (# New Beds only) Number: 1512 Date: April, 2010 795 D. NAME AND LoCATION OF FACILITY Name Detention Center Lubbock I J. TOTAL FACILITY POPULATlON Total Facility Intake for Previous 12 months 16.329 Total ICE Man Days for Previous 12 months 949 b6,b7c b6,b7c (List Office with Oversight) Distance from Field Office 330 miles K. CLASSIFICATION LEVEL (ICE SPCs AND CDFs ONLY) L-1 1..-2 I L-3 I Adult Male N/A N/A NJA I Adult Female N/A N/A J N/A ~l~~~~m~mjimi[[~~t~l::imm[i~~!lll E. ICE Information Name of Inspector (Last Name, Title and Duty Station) b6,b7c / LCI / Administration I MGT of Amelica Name of Team Member / Title / Duty Location b6,b7c I CI / Safety / MGT of America Name of Team Member / Title / Duty Location b6,b7c / CI I Food Service / MGT of America Name of Team Member / Title / Duty Location b6,b7c / CI / Security & Control I MGT of America Name of Team Member / Title I Duty Location b6,b7c DO / CI / Medical Service / MGT of America ! Adult Male 3 >1 • Adult Female I • 8 2 574 130 N. FACILITY STAFFJNG LEVEL port: b2High Contract or IOSA 1990 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) -------- ----- -, - ------FormG·324B-SIS (Rev;-7!9107) SIGNIFICANT INCIDENT SUMMARY WORKSHEET • order for Creative Corrections to complete its review of your facility, you must complete the following worksheet prior to your __ ~he= revie\V dsates. Thisworksheet mU~dt c.?n~data f~r thep,ahst_tw~l,,~months'_Y".eW1f-'lclE~s_e this worksheet ~n conjuncti()D ."Yit~ . the kE Detention tandards to assess your etention operatlOns Wit regard to the needs 0 I and its detainee population. Failure to complete this worksheet will result in a delay in processing this report, and may result in a reduction or removal of ICE detainees from your facility. Physical Physical Physical Physical With 0 0 0 0 Without 8 17 19 27 Physical Physical Physical Physical 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1-Violent N/A N/A N/A Chair N/A N/A N/A Offender I Detainee Medical Referrals as a Result of Injuries Sustained. 3 5 Not Avail Not Avail Escapes 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Avail 75 20 Not Avail Not Avail Not Avail Not Avail Not Avail 0 S Illness 0 0 1 1 0 91 148 Not Avail Not Avail 3 3 Not Avail Not Avail Assault: Offenders Of) Offenders! Assault: Detainee on Staff Number of Forced Moves, inc!. Forced Cell Moves3 Grievances: Deaths Psychiatric / Medical Referrals • Number # Medical Cases Referred for Outside Care # Psychiatric Cases Referred Care Any attempted physical contact or pbysical contact that involves two or more offenders Oral, anal or vaginal penetration or attempted penetration involving at least 2 parties, whetber it is consenting or non-oonsenling Routine transportation of detainees/offunders is not considered "forced" Any iIlcident that involves four or more detainees/offenders, iIlcludes gang fights, organized multiple hunger strikes, work stoppages, hostage situations, major fires, or other large scale incidcllts. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) . - Form G-324B SIS (Rev. 7/9/01)---- DUS/ICE DETENTION STANDARDS REVIEW SUMMARY REpORT 2. DEJi1CIENT 3.AT·RIsK 4. REPEAT S.NOT FINDING APPUCABLE Visitation 2. Access DETAINEE SERVICES 3. Admission and Release 4. Classification System 5. Detainee Handbook 6. Food Service 7. Funds and Personal Property 8. Detainee Grievance Procedures 9. Issuance and Exchange of Clothing, Bedding, and Towels 10. Practices IlEALTH SERVICES Medical Care 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Detention Files Disciplinary Policy Emergency Plans Environmental Health and Safety Hold Rooms in Detention Facilities Key and Lock Control Population Counts Security Inspections Special Management Units (Administrative Detention) Special Management Units (Disciplinary Segregation) Tool Control . Transportation (Land management) Use of Force Staff I Detainee Communication (Added August 2003) Detainee Transfer FINDINGS OF DEFICIENT AND AT-RISK REQUIRE WRfITEN COMMENT DESCRIBING THE FINDING AND WHAT IS NECESSARY TO REACH COMPLIANCE• • FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) .. --- -- .. _-_.. -.. .. Form G-324B SIS (Rev. 7/9/07)- RIC REVIEW ASSURANCE STATEMENT flY --- - SIGNING BELOW, THE REVIEWER-IN-CHARGE (RIC) CERTIFIES THAT: L--ALLFfNDiNGS OFNbN~CCiMpLIANCE - WITH POLICY OR INADEQUATE CONTROLS, AND FINDINGS - OF NOTEWORl1fY ACCOMPLISHMENTS, CONTAINED IN THIS INSPECTION REPORT, ARE SUPPORTED BY EVIDENCE THAT IS SUFFICIENT AND RELIABLE; AND 2. WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THIS REVIEW, THE FACILITY IS OPERATING IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW AND POUCY, AND PROPERTY AND RESOURCES ARE BEING EFFICIENTLY UTILIZED AND ADEQUATELY SAFEGUARDED, EXCEPT FOR ANY DEFICIENCIES NOTED IN THE REPORT. b6,b7c b6,b7c b6,b7c MGT of America America b6,b7c b6,b7c Print Name, Title, & Duty Location b6,b7c b6,b7c ~COMMENDED RATING: MGT of America rgJ ACCEPTABLE D DEFICIENT DATRIsK COMMENTS: There were 4 taser incidents, but none of the incidents involved ICE detainees. There was 1 attempted escape from the facility by a Non-ICE detainee. On February 27, 2009, inmate walk out of the Security 2 (Booking Area) after being processed and was apprehended by staff. b6,b7c tried to On May 23, 2009, Non-ICE detainee Tyrone Robinson committed suicide by hanging himself with a braided fabric. Staff responded appropriately and the detainee was transported to the emergency room where he was pronounced dead. On August 4,2009, Non-ICE detainee Leonardo Garcia Jimenez collapsed and was taken to the local hospital where he died of cardiac arrest. The grievances were classified as follows: Medical 67%, Shift Complaints 27%, Finance 4%. and Food Service 2%. The grievance process reports should be adjusted to reflect the number of grievances found in favor of the detainee. There were 2 quarters of information not available due to a change in staff that failed to compile the infonnation. • FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) Fonn G-324B SIS (Rev. 7/9/07)" -