ICE Detention Standards Compliance Audit - Pinal Adult Detention Facility, Florence, AZ, ICE, 2008
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Department Of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detention Facility Inspection Form Facilities Used Over 72 hours A. Type of Facility Reviewed ICE Service Processing Center ICE Contract Detention Facility ICE Intergovernmental Service Agreement E. Accreditation Certificates List all State or National Accreditation[s] received: B. Current Inspection Type of Inspection Field Office HQ Inspection Date[s] of Facility Review F. Problems / Complaints (Copies must be attached) The Facility is under Court Order or Class Action Finding Court Order Class Action Order The Facility has Significant Litigation Pending Major Litigation Life/Safety Issues Check if None. Check box if facility has no accreditation[s] August 5-7, 2008 C. Previous/Most Recent Facility Review Date[s] of Last Facility Review July 30-August 1, 2007 Previous Rating Superior Good Acceptable Deficient At-Risk I. Facility History Date Built 1995 Date Last Remodeled or Upgraded 2006 Date New Construction / Bedspace Added D. Name and Location of Facility Name Pinal Adult Detention Facility Address (Street and Name) 971 N. Jason Lopez Circle City, State and Zip Code Florence, Arizona 85232 County Pinal Name and Tit cutive Officer (Warden/OIC/Superintendent) Chief Deputy b6,b7c Telephone # ( ode) 520 b6,b7c Field Office / Sub-Office (List Office with oversight responsibilities) Phoenix/Florence Detention Center Distance from Field Office 60 Miles E. Creative Corrections Review Team b6,b7c 1034 Future Construction Planned Yes No Date: Current Bedspace Future Bedspace (# New Beds only) 1504 Number: 1504 Date: N/A J. Total Facility Population Total Facility Intake for previous 12 months 18,032 Total ICE Mandays for Previous 12 months 169,327 K. Classification Level (ICE SPCs and CDFs Only) L-1 L-2 L-3 225 92 78 Adult Male 120 29 0 Adult Female RIC b6,b7c L. Facility Capacity Rated Adult Male 1221 Adult Female 1275 b6,b7c b6,b7c Operational 1080 255 Emergency 1275 300 Facility holds Juveniles Offenders 16 and older as Adults b6,b7c F. CDF/IGSA Information Only Contract Number Date of Contract or IGSA N/A N/A Basic Rates per Man-Day $59.64 Other Charges: (If None, Indicate N/A) N/A Estimated Man-days Per Year N/A FOR OFFICIAL U M. Average Daily Population ICE Adult Male 300 Adult Female 158 N. Facility Staffing Level Security: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx USMS N/A N/A Support: b2High ENT SENSITIVE Other N/A N/A Significant Incident Summary Worksheet For ICE to complete its review of your facility, the following information must be completed prior to the scheduled review dates. The information on this form should contain data for the past twelve months in the boxes provided. The information on this form is used in conjunction with the ICE Detention Standards in assessing your Detention Operations against the needs of the ICE and its detained population. This form should be filled out by the facility prior to the start of any inspection. Failure to complete this section will result in a delay in processing this report and the possible reduction or removal of ICE’ detainees at your facility. Incidents Jan – Mar Description Apr – Jun Jul – Sept Oct – Dec 9 0 1 N/A 0 0 0 N/A 9 0 1 N/A 1 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 N/A 1 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 N/A 11 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 S N/A 0 0 *1 N/A 67 82 32 N/A 0 0 0 N/A Types (Sexual 2 , Physical, etc.) Assault: Offenders on Offenders 1 With Weapon Without Weapon Types (Sexual Physical, etc.) Assault: Detainee on Staff With Weapon Without Weapon Number of Forced Moves, incl. Forced Cell moves 3 Disturbances 4 Number of Times Chemical Agents Used Number of Times Special Reaction Team Deployed/Used # Times Four/Five Point Restraints applied/used Number/Reason (M=Medical, V=Violent Behavior, O=Other) Type (C=Chair, B=Bed, BB=Board, O=Other) Offender / Detainee Medical Referrals as a result of injuries sustained. Attempted Escapes Actual Grievances: # Received # Resolved in favor of Offender/Detainee Reason (V=Violent, I=Illness, S=Suicide, A=Attempted Suicide, O=Other) Number Deaths Psychiatric / Medical Referrals 1 2 3 4 # Medical Cases referred for Outside Care # Psychiatric Cases referred for Outside Care Any attempted physical contact or physical contact that involves two or more offenders Oral, anal or vaginal penetration or attempted penetration involving at least 2 parties, whether it is consenting or non-consenting Routine transportation of detainees/offenders is not considered “forced” Any incident that involves four or more detainees/offenders, includes gang fights, organized multiple hunger strikes, work stoppages, hostage situations, major fires, or other large scale incidents. FOR OFFICIAL US xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CEMENT SENSITIVE DHS/ICE Detention Standards Review Summary Report 1. Acceptable 2. Deficient 3. At Risk 4. Repeat Finding 5.Not Applicable Legal Access Standards 1. Access to Legal Materials 2. Group Presentations on Legal Rights 3. Visitation 4. Telephone Access Detainee Services 5. Admission and Release 6. Classification System 7. Correspondence and Other Mail 8. Detainee Handbook 9. Food Service 10. Funds and Personal Property 11. Detainee Grievance Procedures 12. Issuance and Exchange of Clothing, Bedding, and Towels 13. Marriage Requests 14. Non-Medical Emergency Escorted Trip 15. Recreation 16. Religious Practices 17. Voluntary Work Program Health Services 18. Hunger Strikes 19. Medical Care 20. Suicide Prevention and Intervention 21. Terminal Illness, Advanced Directives and Death Security and Control 22. Contraband 23. Detention Files 24. Disciplinary Policy 25. Emergency Plans 26. Environmental Health and Safety 27. Hold Rooms in Detention Facilities 28. Key and Lock Control 29. Population Counts 30. Post Orders 31. Security Inspections 32. Special Management Units (Administrative Segregation) 33. Special Management Units (Disciplinary Segregation) 34. Tool Control 35. Transportation (Land management) 36. Use of Force 37. Staff / Detainee Communication (Added August 2003) 38. Detainee Transfer (Added September 2004) 1. All findings (Deficient and At-Risk) require written comment describing the finding and what is necessary to meet compliance. FOR OFFICIAL USE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MENT SENSITIVE 2. 3. 4. 5. RIC Review Assurance Statement By signing below, the Reviewer-In-Charge (RIC) certifies that all findings of noncompliance with policy or inadequate controls contained in the Inspection Report are supported by evidence that is sufficient and reliable. Furthermore, findings of noteworthy accomplishments are supported by sufficient and reliable evidence. Within the scope of the review, the facility is operating in accordance with applicable law and policy, and property and resources are efficiently used and adequately safeguarded, except for the deficiencies noted in the report. Reviewer-In-Charge: (Print Name) Signature b6,b7c Title & Duty Location Date Reviewer – In - Charge August 5-7, 2008 Team Members Print Name, Title, & Duty Location b6 Print Name, Title, & Duty Location SME Medical b6 Duty Location b6 SME Safety Recommended Rating: SME Food Service & Duty Location SME Administrative b6 Superior Good Acceptable Deficient At-Risk Comments: Pinal County utilizes Tasers and it is addressed in the Use of Force Policy. The facility had two suicide's during the review period one being a ICE Detainee. Death Summary#1 Name: DOB: ID: Arrival Date: Date of Death: Rogelio Canales-Baca 03/28/1972 A b2High, b6,b7c 6/23/2008 7/08/2008 ICE detainee Rogelio Canales-Baca was transferred to the Pinal County Jail on June 23, 2008 from the Florence SPC. At the time of his screening, he stated that he was nervous. He stated that he was “OK right now”, but wanted his medicine. Staff from the Florence SPC notified Pinal County Jail of Canales’ previous mental health history and placement on suicide precautions. He was scheduled for a psychiatric evaluation on June 26 and medical evaluation on June 24. He was placed on suicide watch on June 24, 2008, as he told staff that he was feeling bad and wanted to hurt himself, although he had no current plan. On June 26, 2008, he was evaluated by the contract psychiatrist who discontinued the watch and placed him on 30 minute checks. The doctor also prescribed Prozac. FOR OFFICIAL US xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EMENT SENSITIVE On June 30, 2008, he was once again evaluated by the psychiatrist who discontinued the observation and permitted the detainee to be returned to general population. Canales did well until July 2, 2008, when he placed an urgent medical request, claiming that if he was deported, he would be killed. He was visibly upset and was once again placed on suicide watch. His deportation was placed on hold due to his current mental health status. The psychiatrist evaluated him on July 3, 2008. At that time, he denied any suicidal ideation as long as he remained in segregation. Suicide watch was once again discontinued, and he was placed on 30 minute checks. Four days later, he told the psychiatrist that he felt safe in the segregation unit and did not want to return to General Population. On July 8, 2008, at 1358 hours, Canales was found hanging in his cell. He was cut down and the medical department responded. CPR was started until EMS arrived at 1408. He was pronounced dead at 1415 hours via paramedics and b6 E.R. MD. Death Summary #2 Pinal County Az Jail Arrival Date: Date of Death: 6/29/2008 7/16/2008 Name, Date of Birth, and other identifying information was not provided by Pinal County Jail, as the inmate was not an ICE detainee. He was booked at the facility on June 29, 2008 on a murder charge by the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office. He was placed on suicide watch on July 4, 2008 by medical staff. On July 7, 2008, he was removed from suicide watch per medical staff. He was placed on a 30 minute security watch. On July 16, 2008, he was found hanging by a towel in his cell. No further information was provided. FOR OFFICIAL U xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ORCEMENT SENSITIVE