ICE Letter to Adams County Prison PA Re Time Period of Detention 2011
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BB/2G/2Bli 11:13 _ 7173~43859 DISTRICT ATTORNEY PAGE B4/BS ~002100:Z OJTlfI1ItIf~iMMtUtdlut&vnl~ I'ltlkHMlpltltl tlJi. Dcpnrtalteltr ofU.olC1~ ..d S"-"ntJ' 1600 c:auowtlW ~ ~1ldt;1phb... • ~ t'I\ Hmo U.S. Immigration and Customs . Enforcement At1gtJSl It). 2011 Warden Btiao Clark Adams County PriS011 .liS Major Bell Lan" Gcllysb,"1lo PA 11325 . WMdenCIal" Ploasc eonsiderthis 1ctteras .. reminder thaJ: wlder 8 C~R 281.7, an bnmigralion d~tainer(rorm 1247) only auIhorizes au iD.llludona1 ~Uty to hold au alien Ibr. period ofd",.,I'IOT TO EXcEED 48 HOURS, excluding Saturdltys. Sundays and Holiday. beyoac! the time when sul:!icct would haw otherwise been released from your custody to allow OHS to take tl'UStody oftbo snbjcet. An. Immigration detJlner do~ not authori::te you to baM a subjeci beyond ~ 48 holm. As early all pollsIblet prior to ttle ~ yov wouJd otherWIs...I.... th. n1bj.... pI"", notHythio offlco" (717) 840-7286 by fa. to (117)155·3516 Dr by to QAP'.PHI@dM,noy. If you cannot reach 1hb office at any otthe above Dumbers please cOntact tbe Immigralioo and 0.....,. enrorc<men~Law enr..-cnt SUpport c..... in Burlingtoo, VT" (102) 602D. sn· For thCJSe &cilmes which ara authorized to bouse a1ictJs under an. InWgo'lunmmtnl Service Agree:menl (IOSA>. an alien ll1&y be detained beyond the ... boun 001)' wheu the aliCll.I8 turned over to ICE: custod)l with the rssU3ncc alan ICB form 1-203. Order to Detain Alien. Thank you for your ooopetttion in this matter. PI~ do JlOt hositatD to contaet Supenolsary Detention and O'JlOl1'!tiDn Officer Joseph Dunn at (111)840-129:! Ifyou have any additional qll••tiOll9. Tholnll$ Decker Field Office Director hnn/(nn'~ 90'01 1IOZ/9l180·