Idaho Doc Analysis of Violence at Idaho Corr Ctr 2008
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IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION «Protecting YOII alld YOllr Commlwlly" C L. "13UTCH" OTTER Governor _::s::::::::::;z_~-...... ....__ k~-.... BRENT D. REINKE e::,::aee_.. . ..ea:e:ie:Z5Z__ ~_ • Dileclo, ---.-.- I j_;:C;;._,",-~ 28 August 2008 Pg1 Phillip Valdez, Warden Idaho Correctional Center P.O Box 70010 Boise. Idaho 83707 Dear Warden Valdez This letter is in regard to our meeting held on 22 August 2008 with you, myself, and Lieutenant Tim Higgins, IDOC Gang coordinator and 100C Investigator. The intent of this letter is to outline the issues we discussed resulting from an initial analysis of violence at ICC, speak to follow on actions, and address future expectations and planning. My concern relates to in"mate safety at ICC resulting from the increased violence in recent months. Since the beginning of 2008, incidents of violence at the Idaho Correctional Center has steadily increased to the point that there are four Incidents for every one that occurs in the rest of the Idaho state operated facilities combined. During the month of July 2008 alone there were 17 batteries at ICC. Information has been compiled from alii 05 Incident/Exercise Notification Report forms sent from ICC reporting any act of viole"nee for the period of January 1, 2008 to August 5, 2008. Investigation files available concerning these incidents have been reviewed at length by Lt. Higgins. Using the IDOC Offender Tracking System and the IDOC Corrections Integrated System, He took a look at what had been done by ICC to modify this inappropriate behavior. He reviewed any evidence of gang involvement and the preVious disciplinary histories of the assailants. He also reviewed complaint letters sent to departmental administrators concerning the violence at ICC. Finally, he interviewed several of .the offenders that were involved in these incidents, as well as the staff directly involved in the investigation and disciplinary process. ' EXHIBIT " . CONFIDENTIALIATTY·EYES ON I.. Y .! . CCA RlGGS006483 ,.1 - • • ·: Pg2~ The reported incidents of violence were grouped into four categories. These included: 1. Extortion for Rent (15 Reported Incidents) 2. Extortion to Force Inmates to Assault Other Inmates (5 Reported Incidents) 3. Aggravated Bat1ery (18 Reported Incident) 4. Simple Bat1ery (34 Reported Incidents) I .r The contributing factors to these assaults are summarized as follows: Criminal Referrals: Major crimes that are being committed at ICC are not being referred to the Ada County Sheriffs Office for investigation and prosecuHon. Ada County Sheriffs Office confirmed that no crimes that occurred at ICC in 2008 have been referred. Criminal prosecution is a major deterrent against commission of violent crimes and is a common practice in all state operated facilities. Disciplinary Offense Codes: When disciplinary action was taken against the inmates involved in these incidents of violence, they were found guilty of "Simple Battery", "Intentional Injury" or "Horseplay". No one was found gUilty of "Aggravated Assault" or "Aggravated Battery", This issue greatly affects classification and accountability issues. Classification Exceptions: Inmates were being retained In medium custody that should have been moved to close custody Poor Qua!i!y Video Cameras: The quality of the video recordings of the incidents using the facilities close circuit sUNeillance system is poor. Not All Incidents are Fully Investigated: No investigation reports were located for eight incidents of violence in 2008 that were brought to the attention of the investigation staff Protective Custody Investigations: The Investigator reportedly does not see Protective Custody Investigations that are normally written by the Unit Managers and submitted directly to the administration. Investigation Office Staffing: All of the investigative staff operate independently from each other with their own chain of command and areas of responsibility. Investigation Office Organization: The filing system used for investigations is very difficult to locate specific investigation case files. Lack of Vigilance/Complacency: Gang members have been able to operate openly with little . fear of being held accountable. Following the last assault at ICC the Virtual Prison Program Deputy Warden, Jeff Henry notified Ada County. Ada County responded to ICC and filed a report. Subsequently the detective involved also arranged a meeting with IDOC and reviewed the report. The follOWing referrals were made during that meeting whioh were not previously referred for prosecution by ICC. CCA.-RIGGS006484 . 3'1 ·'1 'CONFIDENTIALlATTY EYES ONLY • Pg3 The cases that should be reviewed for potential robbery charges (I.e. 18-6501) include: Offender-an-Offender Assault, 3/22/08, involving Mour 85306, Peko 84109 and Lay 80221, Offender-an-Offender Assault, 4/13/08, involving Traylor 77314, Lewis 67529, Bashale 67199, Price 66757 and Schmidt 81591. Offender-an-Offender Assault, 4/20108, involving Cheever27031, Boyle 41355 and Boyle 49018. Offender-an-Offender Assault, 4/23/08, involving Auperlee'47551, Ward 82368, Pickens 87382, Hausner 65723 and Dunn 66064. • • Offender-on-Offender Assault, 5/10/08, involving Riggs 37783, Hausner 65723 and Schnoebelen 81050. Offender-on-Offender Assault, 5/25/08, involving Bradley 68370 and Ellison 82685. One case should be reviewed for potential witness intimidation charges (I.C. • 18~2604). It is: Offender-on-Offender Assault, 3/05/08, involving Knappenberger 87530, Stropkai 87621, Oshea 72566 and Dunn 66064. Based on the thresholds and criteria defined by Ada County, no cases should be reviewed for potential aggravated assault or aggravated battery charges (I.C. 18-905 and 18-907). ( ICC has submitted a Facility Lockdown plan to address future assaults in the facility and that plan is being reviewed. While this plan does attempt to address individual assault's as they occur, I believe it does not properly address causal and systemic factors. Therefore I am in agreement with the recommendations made in the report. I have listed them below, and have added my comments as well. I believe that these systemic procedures will be more effective in the long term than reactive lockdowns which also punish inmates that are not involved with the violence. 1. All major crimes should be immedIately reported to Ada County so that they can be properly investigated and prosecuted. Referrals send a clear message to the inmate popUlation that the facility is taking violence seriously and that new charges may result with longer sentences. 2. The facility should develop an effective method of behaviormodifioatlon in order to reduce the incidents of violence. The disciplinary process needs to ensure that inmates are held accountable at the level commensurate with the offense they committed~ When simple battery is predominate as the charge to violent offences if sends a message of complacency and allows the inmates to sustain a violent culture without commensurate consequences. Contractually ICC is required to follow IDOC policy 318 (Disciplinary Procedures) . IDOC'sexpectation is that ICC correctly and consistently apply the correct category of offence, ----_.---, ... CONFIDENTIAL/ATTY EYESONLY . CCA_RIGGS006485 ," Pg4 3. Investigations need to be more thorough and better documented. The investigator should review all protective custody investigations and will need 10 develop a better investigation file system. Investigations should be consistently formatted and an administrative review should take place that includes follow up action such as criminal referrals, follow on investigations that dig deeper into problem areas, and violent inmates identified and dealt with. 4. A number of operational changes will be necessary to get staff to pay more attention to what is going on in the unit and to make it more difficult for inmates to commit acts of violence with out being immediate detected. Frequent tier checks, follow up on information reports, cell searches increased by quantity and quality,supervisor accountability in high violence units to name a few. It is our desire that these systemic issues be addressed in addition with security procedures that address specific acts of Violence. of IOOC and ICC have had several meetings over the last couple months regarding this issue. The specific contractual areas that apply are 02.20.01: "At all times which inmates are in its custody, the contractor shall provide security and control of inmates, and 02.06.00: "Contractor shall develop and implement safety...procedures". Contractually ICC is reqUired to follow policy number 309 "Conduct of Inmates", which says in part that inmate behavior in violation of local and state laws may be reported to legal authorities for jUdicial action. Please prOVide a written, formal response to this letter by 15 September 2008 regElrding how Ice plans to fully apply implementation of policy 309 by including a proper legal review . of crimes. How ICC plans to insure the correct offence category is applied in disciplinary offence reports as required in policy 318. And a detailed plan to reduce alf acts of violence. A consistent plan to as correctly as possible Identify and hold perpetrators of violence accountable. A movement plan that works with other 100C facilities to keep STG members from organizing. Be advised that looe will be tracking future assault reports, and acts of violence. The contract monitors will be folloWing up with ICC on Ada County referrals utilizing a documentation trail that Elisa follows up on OOR offence codes and outcomes. Cc: Steve Conry, Executive Vice President Prisons Andrea Mihm, Senior Director of Business Development Corrections Corporation of America 10 Burton Hills Blvd Nashville, Tennessee 37215 CON.FIDENTIALIATTY EYES ONLY. "'. CCA_RfGGS006486 0. . ,.; ..- 'IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION "Protecting Idaho through Safety, Accountability, ·Parfnershlps-And Opportumties for Offender Change" ; C,L "Butch" Otter . ". ~.J~:O:Yo~m·p.r:.".... ........ •.. ":."-- . ... " Plt~ptot'.. . ,-.... ,. - •• ' ._'.........__.•. ';'::-." Date August7,2008 To: Randy Blades Warden of the Virtual Prison .; Brent D Remke . .. '." ...•:' TIm Higgins Investigation and Intelligence Coordinator j,' . .. ~ Re, Imbal AnalysIs of Violence at the IdE!h'o Correctional Center .•. ....,.~_ ... '~ ":,.::..::.~: ".~--.' '-.", ':..~":' '. ';" ... ".... .... . ., OVERV!.§\'}! , .. Since the beginning of 2008, IncIdents of VIolence atthe Idaho Correctional Center has steadily Increased to the pOlOt that there are four incidents for every one that occurs In the rest of the Idaho state operated facilities combined. Dunng the month of July 2008 alone there were 17 batteries at ICC. I was asked to review the inCidents of Violence that have occurred at ICC In 2008 and try to detenmne some of the causal factors I compiled information from all 105 Incident/Exercise Notification Reportforrns sentfrom ICC reporting any·act of Violence for the penod of January 1, 2008 to August 5, 2008 I then went to the Idaho Correctional Center where I reViewed all investigation files available concerning these Incidents and determined who was Identified as being Involved Using the IDOC Offender Tracking System and the IDOC Corrections Integrated System, I took a look at what had been dona by ICC to modify this Inappropriate behavIor I reVIewed any evidence of gang IOvolvement and thaprevlous dIsciplinary hlstones of the assailants, I also reViewed complaint letters sent to departmental administrators concerning the violence at ICC Finally, I interviewedseveral of the offenders that were Involved In these InCIdents, as well as the staff directly involved in the investigation and disciplinary process DEFINITIONS.• illS important to first understand the definitions for the types of cnmes I will be describing include. In thIS report They ' Aggravated Batterv. Acts of violence where weapons were used, where there were multiple assailants attackmg a lone Victim, and/or where the VictIm was seriously injured. The force used was likely to produce great bodIly harm Extortion' The crime of oblalnlng something sUch as money, Information or services from somebody by using force, threats, or other Illegal methods Simple Battery The willful and unlawful use of force or Violence upon the person of another, or actual, intentional and unlawfullouchlng or striking of another person against the WIll of the other, or unlawfully and intentionally causing bodIly harm to an individual. Simple Assault· An Inlentlonal, unlawful threat by word or act to do violence to the person of another, coupled With an apparent abllily to do so; and commllbng an act that creates a well-founded fear In another person that Violence is Imminent ICC ASSAULTS REPORT DOC CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY PAGE 1 -.. EXHIBIT lI! I-Ltlt, CCA_KELLY020569 ~ f .~ . '.1' .\ l' FINDINGS· It IS Important to understand that what Is being reflected In this report are only those incidents that we were made aware of and II does not Include those Incidents that the victims decided not to report It IS faIr to estimate that for everyone incident we know of, there may be two that we do not ThiS IS especially true where the victim was not seriously Injured and was able to conceal any injury Additionally, what was reported as mutual combat may have actually been attempted extortion In one form or another The findings are based on wItness and victim stalements found 10 the Investigation reports, video recording of the mCldent. an olher eVidence col/ected during the investigation Inlo the inCident. Attachment one to thiS report contains a summary for each inCident that was obtained from the 105 Incident Reports followed by the results of the ICC Investigation. It also contains comments about each incident by the assessor (Tim HigginS) and the diSCiplinary acllon taken for each Incident. The attachment provides the specific Information about the IncIdents referenced below The reported inCidents orvlolence were grouped Into four categories These Included: 1. ExtortIon for Rent (15 Reported Incidents) , Extortion to Force Inmates to Assault Other Inmates (5 Reported Incidents) 3 Aggravated Battery (18 Reported Incident) 4 Simple Battery (34 Reported InCidents) 2 ExtortIon for Rent (15 RePorted InCidents) Weaker Inmates (predominately sex offenders) were 1), :~,~,(~:rl§I!~J¥!~C,9:n.,liq taken. Sometimes thiS Included teleVisions, radiOS, a 'i ,',p#s9n?llitbp~m"Vlg , they had to eilher get moved out of the housIng unltot, "", AO;'p'ay:::,a':mphtl:\ly'f~~,'" l$;~~, ~'(tP.~p month but sexual acts were reportedly ac;cepted E1§,a $U~.&l;Jtu[~;df.f:!11.. '~g~~tO',tijlsWSQ ,rnultip.1~djeati~ii~:JliitIHh~t ml;ite.~~y'gJ1J~~JJ5n~pmp',Ued The as~~fI.~~k'lii, :~~t.~Ji,~:~:B;":W~S, rr.q' 'ffrn~irtiilir' , B.:Qt¥6m~J?)J$:~'!S:~ ,~'C9lJ)rriWtO$,.#6~\bYjl:i:e,:,gang. This practice was usecfpredoffiiilately' by-the Aryan ,~mil~,!>j, "~ry,~,~;@n~C~,,;,\ :~;W~i~;'l~pi;cafW,pJesent dunng these beatings to ensure they were do~e as ;JO~ttUct$q !:iuts'ellaom;;JPlnediitthltlitfaJiM: FYt>"p!f.gps were turned over to the gang leaders who diVided them among members These mCldents Included: , ' 0 in ' . ,'_. 1 02/04/08, J·pod Extortion/Simple Battery (Single Assailant for Rent-No Known Gang Ties) 2. 02104/06, L-Pod Extortion/Simple Battery (Smgle Assailant for Rent-No Known Gang Ties) 3. 02/06/06, A-Pod: Extortion/SImple Assault (Smgle Assailant for Rent-Aryan) 4. 02106/06, A-Pod Extortion/Simple Battery (Single Assailant for Rent-Aryan) 5 03/10/08, L-Pod· Extortion/Aggravated Battery (MUltiple Assailants for Rent-Aryan) 6 03/22/06, J·Pod. Extortion/Simple Battery (Single Assailant for Rent-Sure/'io) 7 04/13/08, J·Pod: ExtortIon/Aggravated Battery (Multiple Assailants for Rent-Folks & Aryan) B. 04/20/08, J·Pod ExtortlonlAggravated Battery (Multiple Assailants for Rent.Crlps) 9. 04122/08, A-Pod ExtortlonlAggravated Battery (Multiple Assailants for Rent-Unknown) iDA 04/23/08, L-Ped' ExtortionlAggravated Battery (Multiple Assailants for Rent.Aryan) 11 05/10/08, L-Ped: Extortion/Simple Battery (Single Assailant for Rent-Aryan) 12 OS/25108, G-Pod. ExtortionlSimple Battery (Single Assailant for Rent':Aryan RWB) 13 OS/25/08, K-Pod ExtortionlAggravated Battery (Multiple Assailants for Rent-Unknown) 14 07/01/08, J-Pod: Extortlon/Group Aggravated Battery (MUltiple Assailants for Rent-Aryan) 15 07/29/08, C-Pod' Extortion/Simple Battery.(Single Assailant for Rent-No Known Gang Ties) . ",Ext6djdtiitCli:For.ce"Ih"m."al~~"~~:"Ass~UII;Oth~nJima{es f(§'~ef!b~sd; lucia-en ist An Inmate was normally approached by several Aryan gang members and told he would either beat up an Inmate that they Identified and take all hiS property or the gang would beat him up and take all ofhis property.. ICC ASSAULTS REPORT. DOC PAGE 2 CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020570 j.. "',' If he refused. he was Immediately attack,ed and all his consumable commIssary taken, If he told staff, the gang would eventually retaliate agamst the Inmate through fellow gang members located In almost every facility They were sometimes beaten several times until they agreed to follow instructions. ThIs practice appears to have been done exclusively by Aryan Gang members. In some Instances this resulted In forced gang recruitment The mmate Inltlally forced to participate later begms to receive part of the proceeds from others and Willingly jOins the gang. These incidents included, 1, 03/05/08, Dining Hall' ExtortionlSimple Battery (Force to Assault ISlngle Aryan) .2. 05/09/08, L·Pod. Extortion/Simple Battery (Force to Assault/Single Aryan) 3 06/01/08. Dlmng Hall' Extortion/SImple Battery (Force to Assault/Smgle Aryan) 4. 06/29/06, J·Pod. Extortion/Group Aggravated Battery (Force to AssaulVMulbpla Aryans) 5 07/11108, L·Pod· ExtortlonlGroup Aggravated Battery (Force to AssaUlt/Multiple Aryans) Aggravated BatteN (18 InCIdents) Known gang members nearly always committed the Incidents of aggravated battery, especially those by multiple assailants agaInst a lone Victim Causes for these Incldimts vary on a case-by-case baSIS The primary reasons reported included' .. Retaliation for prOVIding mformatlOn to staff, Retaliation for not dOing as Instructed by the gang, Bemg a Nortel\o assIgned to live In an area dominated by Sure no, and Vanous Intemal gang diSCipline Issues. Th~ reported incidents Included' 11 11 11 i ~~~;' "., ::~~a:JJ~~~d.f~Vat~~\~~~~(}~~~~~:' .'- ~i\:W~I;~~ :~)f~~) 3. :93/0", '~i.:,Ad~cdfA 'Bart~ry; i'!l!iplS't sS,ai apts~Sjl"rei\6L" r _'' , 4:g:~lQ,$!@lH~oq:'" ',"'. J~~ifart~ :e," :_,.- ::':¢kmRiii~SHUi,Q,9!X~~",N~~~~91,W~~P'?I:!~1).;.5. ;O~I1,11.Qa ,,:l~:eQd~ l~lg9_ :l;}.f!tt.~f-Y.{(MU{tlpl!,-~, 6 J~$.L1r~n\'lmIY~J.NV~:aRQp:,~):' 7 14. iP6/26l081/U-P-o.d~-'-h;9~r.av.ate,g: eSltt!'lfY-(Muilip/tf M,f?~!I~Ol~gtl:ln.9) 15. J>:tA11108:j L:J;lQ~.r.:, fl;ggraYi;J!$!:l; ~~ff~ni,;(MWIj»a.Assi:dli:)lits"A{y~61 ~~. :&f.f~~!~:~!'_ t:~~~l ~~~~t.~l:~·~~~:~I~&~t~;~~;\~;~l~~~~y~~ri.:'~~i~;~~~J~~~?', 18 !06/0310.8~,:A'iPP'r;f,.Aggi'ilvated Battery){MutuaLCpmbatIWe~p:o.Jis~NQA<noWn~Giintnffis >. .' ", • • -. "_:_. •• .".... _.. .: • '.' • .'. "'. • ,. • ". • ". ~ • ,.,' - . • ••• ~ . -•• " ',," •••• " ••" -" "=.•• _-" •• ' . '.: • .: SImple Battery (34 InCIdents) While the vast majority of these Incldenls were SImple dIsagreements between two Inmates, some may have been retaliation by a gang member and may have Invt!lved an mmate being forced to commit the act of . Violence by a gang The reported Incidents Included: 1. 01/03/08, X-Pod Simple Battery (Mutual Combat) 2 01/13/08, I-Pod. Simple Battery (Mutuel Combat, Aryan Participant) 3. 01/15/08, Q-Pod. Simple Battery (Mutual Combat) ICC ASSAULTS REPORT DOC PAGE 3 CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020571 4. 01/23/08, G-Pod. Simple Battery (Mutual Combat, Bureno Participant) 5 02/07/08, Medical' Simple Battery (Mutual Combat) 6 02/06/08, N-Pod: Simple Battery (Mutual Combat, Aryan Participant) 7 02/11/08, Education' Simple Battery (Suretlo Assailant) 8. 02/20/08, J-Pod' Simple. Battery 9. 02/21/08, M-Pod. Simple Battery (Mutual Combat) 10 02/22/08, K·Pod. SImple Battery 11. 03/06/08, West Wing Hallway: Simple Battery 12. 03/21/08, M·Pod: Simple Battery (Mutual Combat, Aryan Participant) 13. 03/22/08, X-Pod: Simple Battery (Mutual Combat) 14 03/26/06, DInning; Simple Battery (Mutual Combat, Blood vs Aryan) 15. 04/02/06, T-Pod: Simple Battery (Aryan Assailant) 16 04/02/08, ABC Foyer SImple Battery (Aryan Assailant) 17. 05/16/06, A-Pod Simple Battery (Aryan Assailant) 18. 06/19/08, Location Unknown' Simple Battery (Unknown Assailant) 19. 06/09/08, N-Pod' Simple Battery (Mutual Combat) 20 06/14/0Bi GHI Hall: SImple Battery (Mutual Combat) 21. 06/15/08, DIning Hall. Simple Battery (ArYfl,n A13~~lIant) 22, 06/28/08, !J:\~POd!SJi'trle; llfal-::e:b.tilbaf), ., 23 07/06/0B,~) .,jv~n:¢:~m~~ff JU~JI§llo Participant) 24. 07/09/08.;G, ' 25. 07l11/0B,'. 26 07116/06/ 27. 07/17/06,t. 26 07/21/08,';,'. 29. 07/25/08, 30 07/26/08,. 31 07/27/08, 32 07/2a/OB,C 33 07/30/08/ 34 08/01/08,':L ."; CONTRIBUTING FACTORS DUrIng the course of thIS reView, several factors that may have contributed to the Increase In vIolence were noted. Criminal Referrals' Major crimes that are bemg commJ~tratJQb:aW,rl~(~:er.ngJ~t~m~# to the Ada County Sheriff's Office for investigatIon and prosecution Ada:Q9YQ. .I(t'~:Offip¥::qqOmFti$.dJhat no crimes that occurred at ICC In 2008 have been referred CTlmlnal;ft~q~~Q", IS'? maJ:i>f'diHei'fenHigainst commiSSion of violent cnmes and IS a common practice 10 all state operated facilities ' DiSCiplinary Offense Codes' When diSCiplinary action;W:a-~,tak@,@MlsnJ:lWiiimal~$'iQvolVed ihtlli!f,s'e InCidents of VIolence, they were found gUilty of ·Slmpl'~,f:l,~tt~i)tt?~lht~Ii~,9f.f~nQNIY~;:[jr':,11.p.r$,~P!.?1Y.' ,;m~tPm= was found guilty of "Aggravated Assault" or "Aggr~v:~t~g'li}£l~,~&.:,~~y,~n.t~QI..l9h.':m!=):t,jy;;tln\~s'We.¥pqi)'e!'W~r~; involved, the victim had to be taken to the hospltal,aM@iflj;ii:(~e<:i,tlj1~;\\,~,~'~Iv.:eltb:y. mtilt\ple.r~$.$alh;\ri'f$::ao.q,; was likely to produce great bodily harm The Issue of eldoHibi:i wa(f.iio.tadt!r.e~~~$'dnhi§j~~y.!te,t,f Ir:Lr~\l'!t.i~!' mInor pUnishment for major offenses. ClassifIcation Excegtlons: Inmates were being retained In medIum custody that should have been moved to close custody Reasons for this Included • Incorrect dlscJplinary offense codes beIng used resulting In lower points bemg assessed. • NumeroU!llnCldents lnwhloh the disciplinary offense reports were dismissed and never rewntten. In some cases, staff was reportedly told not to resubmit disciplinary offense reports that had been dismissed, .......... ::::- ..... ICC ASSAULTS REPORT DOC PAGE 4 CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020572 . ~:'~~7 -!!.~ • ~\~~;~~~~~~~~~":~~~'~l'd~' .... .:''''''f: .:;;"~' !': :;'.i The practice of only holding the offender, who actually' committed the violence, accountable and not everyone Involved in the extortIon - r~~ii.jitt:;;;::rii!!!~~J!tiii;~ /g.aitle·tfiStete1opeiiih3pf~QiljQij.$if.w1i.~r~:-ij).~Y:El.r.~JostaIiBd, In qUickly determming exactly who was J.. . "involved With specific mCldents and what tool< pface ..• In~._~,. ;~~.II·~~ii~'ill~ ~ .~J~~I~t~~!~,u\\q~ Internal reportmg system. All but one of these InCidents W~.t~J~ .s.0.n·'1 Q " .. s". The remaining inCident was reported to them via emall.Jn:1tH.~JL . '.: l)'rfh.c!! .... I~iedJ)eiow;. the,ass~ilaiJlt{ were Idenllfled by Informants and several suspects spenf1S'(jays',ri:restri6 IVEd1ousmg'but no formal mvesUgation report was compiled or disclplmaryoffense report written In the other SIX Incidents, the victim was interviewed and no further action was taken They Included' . 1 02106/06, A-Pod, Extortion/Slmple Battery (Demotte 66673) 2. 02/06/06, A-Pod, Extortlon/Slmple Battery (Gasper 70721) 3. 02/20/08, J-Pod, Simple Battery (Dye 59305) 4 02/22/08, K·Pod, Simple Battery (Berry 79626) 5 03/07/08, A Pod Group Aggravated Battery (Soto 82317) 6 03/11/08, L-Pod Group Aggravaled Battery (Ramirez 87186) 7. 05/06/0B, L-Pod Group Aggravated Battery (Young 14130) B. 05119/08, Location Unknown, Simple Battery (Nelson 72449) :j .·n9r~~fi;Pt~W.~fl~~:.q9.~~QdY::.J(lYJ.!,~!i9.~}p.~~ -. ;;~:~~~k~n~;::a:ling$~;:.t~~~ .y.:1t~~~~~~~1~~W'~ ':lo'tl)e admml$tta~IQtn·1h.edli .' - . . . .~~y,!f~~B:?r:C6$.:::~~~~:'~~J.~: .' :0.0' ;lnfl:lrm~lioltaool.j' .. :o.6:'/s' beh'fnd~th'e:act5:orfiJisp.eti.i:h.lct:in the facility arid could be used to solve other cases. ••• _ M ' •• _" •••••••••••• j!l\!"~19¥t1tlli;.~~I~a:~1a.ffln?rf';i,j:·~fu1b~·;Wy.~,~11~:~lN~::$.('ep.etide!\tl'itr.Qitt:eii~ti·:o.ih.~t~Wi.Jh;:lli~J.f!9,WB) ;'. _ ,J~pmm~nqi!ilni;l:l3.rn!i\!f 9f;J51~9n$Jbl"tY;•. TIi~:.IC.G.;.lnY~.s.tlgmQr·f)O'!TP.~IJy.!hl:lr:t~I~?;a.lj 11)v,"\n~t1g~JI9n~:~p~;!~ ~:i":1i::~iii!!~lWfiil~i~~i:~1 ;jiTi~slble-fQflj!h.t.·to.m~:¢fi~_t).9~~T;~~l,IllS:111:Jn:v..e_~tig§lijl?.ti:s:bel~j::l\brie:f·ahd,lacKlng;detall '.Ellb')~t~.QJlfl3.IYi~ia.i~~9!if~.Ij:g~(~ifM~!.l.l:i$e.m~otnnodEt: . '. - ... -. ... Ttie,offi~e.;(~:QP.J~[i;lJ~!i.! .. ri!:Tne!fihng system used for invesbgallons IS confupJng ~t 1:l~!31 and It was very Case numbers are not used and:lnvesli'gationfiles are organlzeifby either the assaiiaries"or fhe vlcllm,I\'!~(n~rt\.~Jn ," e·'. :\~PTl~,~Y;th~:sft~;lijlir9'iIiatqdjiff.rt()f placed Into an investigation file but are only being f<~f~iil,e,tirf!i., .. i]J@;c9Ji.rRut~r;iWnrBMb:e:pliffiWWi .' Investlgator cannot access The Invesllgallon flle\$y~Wiiils' ctjllca.; ."t'r.ei.l~a('¢hahd ·tf.~D·q '~·H.<i.l~.~J§.",Wh!bn;;~t¢. the mam components of intelligence collection. ;Addi~lii.n_~liYAI1~;~IG-PbQr8IhEi!or: ;:;;:lrt::l;'~:~'Gr.ea.te&a;ri:u:mp~b~( gang files that he could nollocate when I requestedjh.l~tD;: I~a]jlpe,a:r.s:lhat:tb:as:t:i fiI~s areJjfifog((emov..E@:!tqiiJ': the office without his knowledge. Staffs access to the .lnvesti~atJoi"s·offlce should be tightly controlled Jov 'm)' ::d ' aT, ,; . . . .~i'atil:jn;caseflles Lack of Vigiiance/Complacency' Gang members have been able to operate openly With little fear of being caught. This was evident by the fact that many of the Victims were attacked by large groups of offenders ~.".":' '. , .. ICC ASSAULTS REPORT DOC PAGE 5 CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020573 .. ~ .~. , almost Immediately after pelng moved onto the Unit After beallng the offender, they commonly walked out of the cell carrying the victim's teleVIsion, radio, shoes and a pillowcase containing all of the Individuals commissary. The staff In the housing units reportedly does not observe this happemng In almost every case, the victim or another Inmate brings the Incldenlto the attenllon of staff. Additionally, several of the victims reportedly notified staff they dId not feel safe being moved Into the JKL area, which IS beIng used to house the more problematic general population inmates 8taff reportedly Ignored these warnIngs. As an example, Inmate Pitchford 85665 was assigned to A-Pod, which IS normally used to house 'weaker' offenders who may need to be 'sheltered' so as not to be VIctimized On 7/18/06 he was told he was being moved and reportedly warned staff In the gym three or four limes of times lhat If he was moved to J-Pod h~ was going to be assaulted This unit contains a lot of predators who are known to vlcllmlze seX offenders,and he knew the other Inmates were aware of his crime. Staff told him that If anything happened, he would be moved Once in J-Pod, as he entered the tier, he agam lold the officer that he did not feel comfortable going on the tier and agam was told he would be moved If anything happened While at his cell door. he had to walt approximately 5 minutes for the officer to open the door. He was secured In hiS cell With his cellmate for approximately 30 mmules when Ihe cell door was unsecured. 4-5 offenders enleredand told hiS cellmate to leave. They then began to beat him and took all hiS consumable commissary. The reported acllons of the assailants were very bold Once the cell door was unsecured, II was a very short period of time before the group entered, acted, and eXiled wllh no fear or concern with gettIng caught ; .!. CONCLUSION I would recommend the followmg steps be taken to reduce the violence In the facility: 1. All major crimes should be I""mediately reported to Ada County so that they can be properly investigated and prosecuted. Ada County should be made aware of the crimes of violence that have occurred at ICC so far In 2008, but It IS doubtful that eVidence has been handle at a level were prosecution IS sllll possible. 2. The faclhty will need to develop an effective method of behaVior modification In order to reduce the inCidents of Violence The diSCiplinary process needs to ensure that mmates are held accountable at the level commensurate with the offense they committed. ' . 3. Investigations need 10 be more thorough and better documented. The Investigator should review all protective custody investigations and will need to develop a better investigation file system. 4 A number of operational changes Will be necessary to get staff to pay more attention to what IS gOing on In 1he unit and to make It more difficult for inmates to commit acts of Violence With out being Immediate detected . .~. ~. ICC ASSAULTS REPORT DOC PAGES CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020574 ,Iit"--: "'·~·':"~~,t",-':"~=·: ..r'~:.. r,:.,r:~l'~ "~~.r. ~., .:~:':=i!~~; Idaho Correctional Center Incidents of Violenc~ January 2008 - August 2008 Thefollowln9 are the acts of violence involving tnmates housed at the Idaho CorrectIonal Cenler that were reported to the Idaho Department of Correction thaI look place between January 1, 2008 and August 5,2008 Following color code was used. . 'I' ; - :' Summary obtained from the 105 IncIdent Reports j' Results of the ICC Invesllgatlon 1; Comments about the IOcident by the Assessor (Tim Higgins) '. _." ..! Gang Affiliation, Disciplinary Action Taken, and Time In Restrictive Housing _01/03/08,1627 hrs. X-Pod 'tYPe: Assault Offenaei"riii offender Involved: Scott 19845 and Rulz 86892 Summary: Inmate Scott and Inmate Ru)z engaged In mutual combat In X-pod. Both Inmates were laken to medical for evaluation and both were placed In segregation Only superficial injuries aXlst on both partlcipants ICC Investigation Findings Fight over tOilet paper ownershIp Both Inmates received OaRs (Archibald) Mutual Combat! Simple Battery ~ based on only minor inJuries, no weapons were used, and the one·onone combat reported ' 01/13/08, 1450 hrs. 1- Poo, Cell 118 Type: AssaUlt: Offender on offender Involved: Cunningham 83211 and Robinett 32518 Summary: Inmate Cunningham 83211was assaulted by his cellmate Robmett 32518 In 1~118 Inmale CunnIngham stated that he attempled to defend hImself during the assault. Cunningham was treated by on-Slle medical staff. no further treatment was needed Both mmates were restrained, taken to Medical for evaluation, then Segregation pending Investigation. . ICC Investigation Findings ThiS fight was over a loaned radiO Both Inma~es received OaRs (Archibald) Mutual Combat/Simple Battery - based on only mmor inJuries, no weapons were used, and the one-on~ one combat reported. .01/15/06, 1321 hrs, Q-Pod Type: Assault Offender on offender, Use Of Force. Physical Reactive Involved: Woodhall 68399 and Riley 25586 Summary: Inmale Riley 25586 entered Q-Pod from Intake and engaged in a physica/altercabon With InlT)a~e Woodh,all 68399 who was reSiding In Q-Pod. Staff was presen~ on lhe pod and was able to stop the;iight,·B6th·;outorthe urut W.hlJe.:P.ffic.rit. H.uJJ.W1;!~.·l;Jscortmg Inmate Riley out of lhs'pod, R.II~y' a~gt~ssi\iei)ni.Jf.h.~cf5ackto.wa!ds i!i~. p-q9}lf1~.;Wfiiigo~?f4~.rnore Inmales in the pod Offfc~r Hull phY$lc,l,llly re.~tr<jine:d ..t.h:El';r~f'lf.\~ ftom~d~a.h()I~:Q.:.10Wfi:\"d~)~e·6lher inmates on the pod. Both Inmat~s were tal<~n'I(} medlG.!31 for ElyalU~llQn and_pJaced,m se,gr.egallpn Altachmenll -Page I - CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020575 :".~. ;' .~ ICC Investigation Findings. ThIs fJght resulted from a conflict from several years earlier After being released from pnson, Inmate Woodhall moved In wIth Inmate Riley's wife Problems developed and when she eventually forced him to move out, Inmate WooghaJi threatened her and actually "put his hand on her" Both Inmates receIVed DORs (ArchIbald) Mutual Combat/SImple Battery - based on only minor InJunes, no weapons were used, and the one-onone combat reported 01/23/06. 0646 hrs, G-pod. Dayroom Type: Assault. Offender on offender Involved: inmates(s)' Fuentes 26509 and Corte~ 79754 Summary: Inmates Fuentes Bnd Cortes (Sex OJJelJder) were Involved In a physical altercation Inmates were given several verbal commands to stop TIgJJfiQg Upon amval of ERT, they both Jay on the floor and were restrained,' Inmates were escorted to medfcalfor evaluation. Both Inmates were then escorted to segregallon. ICC InvestigatIon Findings ThIs fight was over simple disrespect Both Inmates received DORs (Archibald) Mutual Combat! SImple Batterv - based on only minor InJunes, no weapons were used, and the one-onone combat reported. . JifS\.1:p&L C f%JQN~d;'l~9g~~Z~~~ti~~·~~Je!>.(~r 82990 Summary: Inmate Roberts exited J Pod and reported to Counselor Rose that he had been hit He stCited that It was Inmate Lester that had hit him while to Cell 216. He was then placed Into hand restraints and escorted to Medical for evaluation and then Segregation. After fInishing the feeding of JKL umtlnmate lester was questioned by Counselor Ashcroft and Office(Guiterrez, At which time he admitted to being In Cell 216 attemptmg to take Inmate Roberts' commissary. He said that when Roberts went to stop him that IS when he hit Roberts. 'C~ Investigation Findings Inmate Hansen 61926, Fu"er;7~~~'1:?nJ:!'fp'~Jj ." JI!1~9;;P~M,',_ uSing Inmate Roberts' cell for tattooing for several weeks'3 119 R9l;left~ Cl;)rnpl~lnep.;ta . ,1Ima.te;,lnmSlt~., White 73648 told the victim he had to get off the tier and·fiil'nded'fiim:aJljlfoW¢'~s:e'l9:;NIIWt!!if9.!?rr,I"J.l~~~lJY or he would be asseulted. When Inmate Roberts refused;JD,q.WL'j~{~Jt~:q~~];fJ.Q.5IJp)11,at~~~~l'f,lr·e~g~o~ (Archibald) . .. "ExloJ1lon/Slml?le Battery.- based on personal property taken by force, only minor Injuries, no weapons were used, fhere was only one assailant and the victim did not fight back It could be argued this was robbery : Noilii'KnoWij . . ANochment J -Page 2- CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020576 1 ..:.:....,. :. .. 02/04/08, 2000 hrs,. Ld?od, Cell 205 Type: Assault' Offender on offender Involved: Stropka187621. Rhodes3B209 _.~ii\f~:ti!!i!~!f!f;;r*1i~:1iE~tdlOa :I0"-~$U9:a!!tlJ:A.t¢.Ii).f:j~.IgJM1.n~'W~~Jn.Y9Jv.~~ItJ:;a:{!!J~iJ)~~e::Efi.·g~~~1.it9~flJlt ...20S' ICC InvestrgalloQ Flndrngs.lnmate Stropkal 67621 told Inmate Rhodes to give him his commissary and agree "lci·pa{$10 !3"monttY"ln rent or to get off the tier When Rhodes refused he was attacked by Inmate Stropkal Since Rhodes admitted to defending himself both offenders receIved DORs for mutual combat,. (Archibald) Extortlon/Slmple Batterv • based on personal property taken by force, only minor Injunes, no weapons were used, there was only one ai~saJfant and the victIm did not fight back. It could be argued this was robbery. ,.It!~"-.M_" ~ .. L " 02/06/08, 102Q hrs, A-Pod, A-Cell 117 Type: AssaUlt: Offender on offender Involved: Demotte 86673 Summary: Inmate Demotte was discovered by staff to have mUltiple bruises and an abraSion on hiS body as well as a healing black eye. Inmate Demotte was restrained and escorted to Medical for further observation While In Medical I asked inmate Demotte what had occurred and he stated "I can no longer live at thiS FaCility, there are too many of those kind around",lnmate Demotte was escorted to Segregation Pending an Investigation of iii pOSSible Assault :t •. ~ ICC Investigation FIndings. No investigation report was located On 2/8/08 Inmate Maine 57375 told Unit Manager Rodnguez that Inmate Corley 84202 and Moore 78203 assaulted Inmate Demotte, He also Identified Inmate Hausner 65723 and Inmate Hemmmg 73253 are the Aryan Kmght Leaders calling the shots. ThiS information was sent to Investigations and the ICC administration via email on 2/13/08 at1 023 AM, Extortlon/Slmple Battery· based on personal property taken by force, only mmor inJuries, no weapons were used, there was only one assailant and the victim did .not fight back It could be argued thiS was robbery : ~. 02/06/08, A-Pod, D~li§ifs4i~ffiiii~I'!!~1~t~~d ';?,?nt J9 rnvest~9.ah(;ln.-s..a_nd ~tt)~: ICO:admlriislr.aIIPn';,e!r.i1~lJ _9.l1k~11WPE! .a!1 Q~3:AM:·: ICC Investigation FindIngs, No investigation report located Attachmentl -Page 3 - CONFIDENTIALlATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020577 · .~;. ExtortlonlSlmple Assault· based on personal property taken by threats of violence, lack of InJunes, no weapons were used, there was only one asssilant and the victim did not fight back It could be argued this was robbery 02/07/06. 1110 hrs, M-R/M10 Type: Assault' Offender on offender Involved: Hernandez 45325, Walker 74902 Summary: These offenders were Involved In a physical altercahon Both Inmates sustained superficial InJunesOffenders were both evalual~d by MedIcal and then escorte.d to SMU In restraints. ICC Investigation Findings Inmate Hernandez failed to sand off Inmate Walker's (Sex Offender) name from a radiO he was given that was later confiscated by staff Because of this security staff were able to trac~ the radiO back to Walker On 2/06/0B Inmate Walker was angry with thiS and punched Inmate Hernandez In the face and mutual combat developed. (BergqUist) Mutual CombaU Simple Battery - based on only minor InJunes, no weapons were used, and the one-on· one combat reported 'A8_I111"--'=-~--------="'" 04lo6/0B, 1400hrs, N.~ .,c- - ,,----.----~- .... ~-- -. ... ..-.--.._ ......., ..... 11.11~ pod. 'type: Assault: blfende(on offender Involved: Bedke 85B77 and Joe21540 Summary: Inmate Bedke and Inmate Joe admitted that they had been fist fighting at 0630 hours that morning. Inmate Badke and Inmate Joe were both evaluated to medical and escorted to segregation ICC Investigation Findmgs What started as horseplay turned IOta a fight Inmate Bedke made racially demeaning comments to Inmate Joe calling him a "Squaw" and the fight was on Both Inmates admitted to Involvement with the fight. (Captain Melody) Mutual CombaU Simple Battery - based on only minor inJuries, no weapons were used, and the one-onone combat reported. .... -, . '.:' -:. .. .. :::..-:::..:":-. .-:.~::.~~ ' ' .' . 02/10/06,1830 hrs, J-110 Type: Assault: Offender on offender Involved: Williams 38901 Summary: Inmate Williams approached the pod control In unit JKL OffIcer Danforth noticed blood on inmate Williams 8ms and face Inmate Williams olalms he wes assaulted In hiS cell but refused to proVIde any addltlonallnformahonabout his assailant or assailants He was evaluated by on-site medical staff and placed In segregation pendm9 investigation ICC Investigation Findings, Several offenders beat him because he snored Inmate Hamilton 75910 was hiS cellmate and this appears to be a paid hit Two members of the Psycho Soldiers gang, Inmate Trent Attachment I ~Page 4- CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020578 , •. '.! >'. • .':,. 60338 and Inmate Brannon 66056 told the victim he had to get off the tier When he refused he was beaten Both AssaIlants received a DOR No action was taken on the cellmate (Archibald) Aggravated Batterv - based on there being mUltiple assailants attacking one vlcllm making serious injury highly likely . . .~ 02(.11/08, 0721. hrs, Education Room # 3 'type: AssaUlt"Offehdefon offender·······,· Involved: Archunde 61477 and Ray 79612 Summary: Inmate Ray assaulted Inmate Archunde In Education Room # 3 Both Inmates were placed In wflsl restraints, escorted to medical for evaluation and then to Segregation wlthoLitlncldent ICC Invesllqatlon Findings, Inmate Ray attacked:.lntjjate;Af¢f®:n~if~w6,~tq.{~ not fight back. Inmate Archunde knew thet Inmale Ray had testified ag~ln:§tf.lq.m.:~;ptb~r!m:na.t~s.\and had been telling other offenders Inmate Ray was a "Rat". Only Inmate Ray r,(;(9~!V~~;'~nt):OR~ ~.~ergqUlst) '!: Simple Battery - based on only minor inJuries, no weapons were used, there was only one as~allant and the victim did not- fight back 02/14/08, 1355 hrs, A·Pod. 'Ty'pe:Assaiilf'Offenaefoii offender . . , ....' ',' .''''''.'''~ Involved: Riggs 78722, Burns 73304, Castro 7293gd:!a~:e$.al~)~~tidi~~ii~iI{Q~Ji11@2 . Summary: Inmate Benavidez reported to staff Ihall1~;ni:ld .I:~~~r.(~!l~:~Ul!~l;j:~Y;:S.4f~h9;;gi!pgJ@'~fup'~f~:,and' told to move off the Pod. An Immediate InvestigatJqf'!''W~$;p.rC:iih~tech·.bY; lJi.ljtMi:iij·eg.efRoQng!JeZ;~,'A.lL· . Inmales In A-Pod were secured to theIr cells and s~tT~~6'1IrCom~plat~)up.p~l'tq:(~-g:,$.J;it.t~t1v~@r:Q~e,ci~~ Al approximately 1645 hours, review of the recorded vld~9;;rQQI§t!\'.W.?~i~·9m.P.!~J~.,J.W~~~.BPo.P'lpg"~~JQ~J:£i Inmates were Involved In the assault Four out of the five inmates were Identified These mmates are '. known or aSSOCiated With the SIG Surefios Inmates were escorted to MedIcal for further observation and then proceeded Inlo Segregation pending DIsciplinary charges. .le{;}.Ji'iveSilgahdnt'ElhdIT\9srti:)!J!7 $ureno gang menj·~:~&. !i!nJ~[.e~ h.·,s c;eU:a"!ld attacked Inmate Benavidez ··s.)tTiPW:~~~.i.i.~W:h~· .···'.a}f:ij~flMq:·gang member H~;'!~fiJ~:@J~~(fc!ei:itJf9,Jh!?~,e Involved Video was e.ddhatJnffiate Riggs 78722, J~4.11)$.:7339.4}9ElRttQ:7?938, and Paz 63812 were the assailants and all four were written DORs (BergqUist) r~Vl~i#~d'I!!ljli;~$ta· Aggravated Battery· based on there being multiple assailants attacking one VIctim making serious Injury hIghly likely. . • •• • • • ..... ~,>.,: ..-. ..•.. :.' ..• -.':' ..... 02120106, 1'540: hrs; J~Porf.J:&09' Type: Assault.' Offender on offender Involved: Dye 59305 Attachment I -Page 5· CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020579 .~ " ·. ~ :.. t' ~: SummalY~ijnm~f~ ~ (S~~tOJf~naer)was observed by Officer Alumbaugh to be In distress Officer _ 1i:iJ]jc~)~·PY,l3;·ii'1 r~ferenoe to his behavIor at whloh pOint, he stated he had been assaulted:in hls;celblJimal~(was';lil!'COi:t~dJo Medical for further observation and then proceeded to Segregation pending Investigation of a possible Assault. Upon completion of this Invesltgatlon a 105 Notification follow-up will be mailed If It'IS concluded that an Assault has'occurred Alumbaug:~g'u;~lrt1. ICC Investigation Findings' No investigation report located Simple Bettery • based on only minor InJunes, no weapons were used, there was only one assailant and the victim did not fight back. : - -,.":.," 02/2.1/08; 1310 hrs; M-Pod. Type: Aifsaulr-offeliaer"oii offender Involved: Plokens 87382 and Noms 7683B . ~mi'~=!~~~"~~ff~~"~?~i!1!:'M:=1i!t:~:t to Eb ihO:iata-s.Wat~ .'.::eyalui:lt~.. d; p!~ge9.J.!'l\l?~g.~g~Jj9,Ji, ICC Investigation Fmdmgs. This fight was over a card game Both reoeived DORs (Archibald) Mutual CombaU Simple Batterv - based on only minor inJuries, no weapons were used, and the one-onone combat reported.. ~-- -;;"- ... , .:'-~ : .: _. --..: 02/22/08. 1423 hrs, K-Pod, K·204 Type: Assault Offender on offender '11i'VQ/Ved-; B:ei~ 19626 . :'$u;Mfit~~N:nrtm~I.~;~~rry.w.~9.,~i.~R~y'er~~·:~Yi~ffi~t Fry with fresh contusIons and brUISing to the face In ., . ':stated;hifllad1)een:9ss'aulff,jd WMother Inmate and would not disclose any further '. .rrim?WB~·r[Y:was::.'rfjsfrath~d,::~:o~.~li~¢.O'rted to Medical for further observation and then .etfed:ii.iitfS~gtegatJpri for-:lnve~tl9~tI9n·.Qf:f;~sault -." . ~ ICC Investigation Findings No investigation report located ;Blmple Batterx - based on only minor InJunes, no weapons were used, there was only one assailant and lMliictimCJidl10t fight back - • .... • • ' *' ..' .....•. ~"" .. I, ".., .."" ,:. ,..:.--.;:.: ""- . . 03105/0B, 1121 hrs, DIOIng Hall 7t.;J!:~~J;~W:~:~~~;;~n~~g~B~ld:}~frQ.p.f<i~::~15~n ;., ... ! .<. • $UmrnatY:)ntn$.($;}<ntip'p.enburgerWEjs:/livqlyedJrt~·p'.I'iY.~r~liIl'l'l't~r~aijon with Inmate Stropkla In the Din'j'~·ii:H.all.the·.allerga;flP:n',W<ls.inLi~Q"!I;'bgtt.J 1f)m.~Je!? lj.t~.()~ #pc'~JW~ same time and started sWinging at igacI:iQtl:jer-Wtlh:cJo~ep·flsl~)3p!hlhmEitEis o.b_s'y\3l;iV$'r!:1l3I:Cfirediii.eIHo.stoP fighting and lay down on the floor, Both Inmates were then restraimid, escorted to Medical for evaluation, and then to Segregation. ICC Inveslrgalron Findings Inmate Knappenberg 87530 said Ihat Inmate Dunn 66064 and Oshea 72566 took hiS commissary and property (radio, lamp, envelopes) and ordered him 10 beat up Inmate Slopkia At1achment I . -Page 6 • CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020580 67621 or be beat up himself Inmate Slopkla had testified against Inmate Wixson 87523 and Inmate Wardlaw 87624 dUring an armed robbery case. Inmate Stopkal and Inmate Knappenberger receIved DORs for mutual combat (ArchIbald) Extortion/Simple Battery - based on personal property taken by force, only rillnor InJunes, no weapons were used, there was only one assailant and the victim did not fight back It could be argued this was robbery .••,.•. .:..';"T.,,,!:r:•..-•.'"'.,.,.• .•."--'-: ..,.", ... ~ ~~[. . .' '- ..'-::;:;:, ..... ·~f~,(!jff~~'··-~ rff~~:~;~:::' hivolviJa: 'Boiittiei"'1l3389 ang Tlm.1O 59552 .' ... '.. , 'Summary: During In.!;H~Y.~!JJ(i: .. jj~nhijl_e~~)?Qul;ti~'a:$5aulr~~~lfjfua.te:Jrri:iiC:$jr.fiQ:~;W~j:\t Wing Hallway. Inm~l!il?:¢Mi:tr~r '. ·jl1!i'fip.l~JUti'~':I?!hm~t.~,S;P9.trfQ!t~q,Jimfl;·:gffi9~(S.~ verbal directives to cease,:frQJ:jl!Nfi3n.if:;I!~f!\:,trn~Jh.:~'sl!.~t¢nJ~q~l.11t>q'9,gitl:ie~~!3,I~.)Diir~t§~~9~m.e.r,':·~M:TJi1'ri-o::were then restrained with vmst restraints and taken to Mei;l!Q8.Jif§r"i:!V?!.tii~tjoiH:lhd thetj.[¢:9~tIQ.rt Management Unit for housing Neither'rnmate had any'suoshiilfial j'oJuTles," .' .i 'atiotrikdih s;jom~t~·j!=lrelTly,W~bf:l~h 64577 (AK) wrote Inmate Tlnno a letter saying the ." .... ' .~::w'Q-m~:~~~,~!i~l~m.@J:M!Mffl.~~li~(~.Tinno requested protective custody but was denied ~~u.s,~ ~~'$9'Jd:p.roijjdiftiarrie$;:I{~p.:tiitgqtt this was a staged fight In an effort to keep Inmate Tmno from being assaulted by others Inmate Bolilier was his friend and pretended to beat him up hoping It would sallsfy the Aryans. (Archibald) Simple Battery - based on only minor inJuries, no weapons were used, there was only one assailant and the victim did not fIght back •• _.... '~::.' _._. ,':"., •.•• _.. -::..'-_ ....._.:• • • .,_..... '" ••_.. _'J••',' 03/07/0B, 0533 hrs, A Pod Type: Assault. Offender on offender ,!lJvolved: S~to ~2~.E. .", ..... .'.' .... ". 'Summ;:Il:y:::lnmale,Uiibe.'744.61:ti:>JdOffjcer.-:Lopez, Danny that Inmate Soto (Nortello) had been assaulted 'Irl'Arp.()~ 'll:i~ i.l19.h~::~~tQt~ :M~~!~tiiv~lua~bn;' revealed numerous scratches, abrasions and brUIses on lO'mate,sot6's:iJack..:A6Jnv·a.&tlg~tr.onjbti::ftb;~;assault IS ongoing. Inmate Soto IS not cooperating and refUSing to give a.statement. A-pod was celled up, a knuckle and hand check was conducted, with negative results Inmates from A -Pod were then escorted one at a time to A -Pod counselor office for mterviews Resulls of the interviews mdlcated that the assault could have been STG related. All matenal from the Interviews has been tumed over to the STG officer for further Investigatfon. ICC Investigation Findings No investigation report located Aggravated .Battery - based on there being multiple assailants attacking one victim makmg serious Injury hIghly likely ... . . . :l)3109/08; 1413 hts, cH.jibd.Daymom Type:. Assc!,ufb Dffende'r,qooffen"t~( Involved: Fox 70553, Martinez 71869, Lopez 72129, Mcleod 70912, Valdez 63761 and Torres 76972 Attachment] ·Page? - CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020581 , .~ · .~.: .~ '! .-' Summary: An Inmate on Inmate fIght broke out In H-pod Dayroom between approximately 7 mmates. A response team arnved on scene at 1415, at that pOint the fighting had ceased and all the Inmate were secured in their cells Unit staff was then able to Identify six of the approximate seven Inmates as combatants. and STG affiliates The seventh Inmate was Identified as a non-combatant, and Is not known to be an STG affiliate at this time The SIX known combatants were evaluated by Medical and housed in SMU Inmate Valdez, DaVid 63761 was taken to Saint Lukes Regional Medical Center, per order of Dr. Garrett for additional medical treatment Per order of Chief of Security Villarreal GHI was place on Lock Down pending an Jnvesbgabon Into the fight. Addilional mformation will be senI as it becomes available ICC Investtgatron Findings Inmate Valdez 63761 (Surano) told Inmate McLeod 70912 (Nortei'lo) that all the Nortenos had to leave the NorthWlOg or they would be attacked Inmate McLeod gathered a number of Nortenos together in the chapel (Fox 70553, Martinez 71869, Lopez 72129, an Johnston 78202) and they went together to H·Pod to confront Valdez IrjJi1iate McLeod pulled Inmate Valdez out of hiS cell and all five Norte~os began to beat him Inmate Torres 76972 (Sureno) came out to help Valdez and half of the Nortenos turned on him and beat him up as well (Archibald) .. 0:3/10/06,·1349 hrs, Lopod, cell 202 '"tYi)s·fMsaulf Offelicel' on 'offehaer Involved: Hoek 17808. and Dalbec 82220 Summary: Inmate Hoak was assaulted In L·202 by Inmate Dalbec Inmate Hoak stated that he did attempt to defend hImself and that Inmate Dalbec was not alone In the assault Both Inmates were restrained, escorted to Medical for evaluation and then to Segregation L-Pod remained on lockdown pending the result.s of an Investigation Into the assault ICC Investigation Findings' According to a CI I lntn~lel{p~*:was::atta.q~eQj~fjj:l::b.~J;ltj;ijj·!:!YA_nmate Dalbec 82220, Inmate Hausner 65723, and Inmate Ha'mlm6n.JS~:tQ~Ii'!.f!~i$.KW,q4!:9~1}9n)r.o':i!lde information about the assailants Only Dalbec received a DORJ;ia.~!}dt9l;1 p..h:y5I.q?r,,~:v.j~e~8.~9i?IJ¥~t~'~ (Archibald) Extortionl Aggravated Battery - based on personal propertY taken by force and there were multiple assailants making serious Injury highly likely It coul!j)e argued thiS was robbery 03/11108,1925 hrs. Lopod L-210 Type: Assault. Offender on offender Involved: Ramirez 67166 Summary: Staff were notified to check on condillon of IOmate Ramirez (Nortet'lo), Staff discovered Inmate Ramirez had been assaulted In his cell. Inmate Ramirez did not provide any information concermng the identity of hiS attackers He was exammed In medical and then placed in segregation pending reView of facility VIdeotape InJUries appear 10 be in the shapes of a combination lock. ICC InvesbgalJon Findings No investigation report located Attachment I -Page 8 • CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020582 Aggravated Battery - based on there being multiple assailants attackmg one victim making serious Injury hIghly likely . ":'(' ......... "~""" ;, ::.r,: 03/21/08,.2048 brs"MEod Type: Assault· Offender on offender Involved: Parton 80478 and Hueth 67427 Summary: While preparing to exit M Pod, Correcbonal OffIcer Dominique Juarez witnessed Inmate Parton stnke Inmate Hueth two tImes In the face and then push him baqk mto the bunk area A "Code Blue" (Inmate on IOmate) was called'and Officer Juarez ordered all the mmates to cell up, then separated the involved inmates Into the multipurpose room. The Emergency Response Team and ascorted the Inmates to Medical for·evaluallon and on to the Segregation Management Umt. :~1,9~J~!~._ lid dkw~ir;f!~eth 67427 testif!~~~,Q~Iti~frrtJn~,f.i:i!J)j9~gherty 59336 who shot up j·nJ.s:.fjfW?o~;'~~~.r, ~L ,~IJ',1p'~,~J~mlOe debt. Inqlat~'P~I1Qn'BO!\rit(ft~9~erwood/AK) called Inmate Hueth a rat and mutua combat took place. Both 0.ffen~~titX~:Q~N.~.!t;t;J?11U~·j (Archibald) ,_''. Mutual Combat! SImple Battery - based on only mmor inJuries, no weapons were used, and the one-onone combat reported •• - II- 1 03/22/08,...1730 hrs, J-Pod. J.•.110.. Type: Assault Offender on.offender Involved: Mour 85306 and Peko 84109 Summary: Inmate Mour alleged he had baen assaUlted In his cell Inmate Mour was escorted to Medical for further evaluation and then escorted to Segregation Pendmg an Investigation, On Monday, March 24, 2008, Investlgatton was concluded and revealed that Inmate Mour was involved in an Assault on Saturday, March 22, 2008. ICC Investigation Findings Peko 84109 punched Mour 10 the back of the head when he refused to give up hIs property Inmate Floyd Lay 80221 wh~ was also present stole Inmate Mour's shoes Lay and Peko both received DORs (Archibald) Extortlon/SlmpleoSatterv.- based on personal property taken by force, only minor Injunes, no weapons th'erewas only one assaIlant and the victim did nol fight back It could be argued this was robbery. Wefe'Ljsed~ ::o.~/2~·itf. :.~·:,.O~.·,~~_._~~rs·: . ~~~~.~:: _. " .:J~, ''tYlili; AS5ail'~oQ{fetidet 011"0. bdec' Invoi'vei:f: 'Gafbrclith 19921 and Hogan 72580 , Summary: Officer McCellan gave Inmate Galbraith (Sex Offender) and Inmate Hogan (Sex Offender) a verbal directive to stop frghtlng In whIch they complied Emergency Response Team formed and enlered X-Pod Dayroom at 0923 hours Inmates GalbraIth and Hogan were restrained by Emergency Response Team Without mCldent Both Inmates Galbraith and Hogan were then taken to Medical and Segregation without force or further inCIdent. ICC Investlgallon Findings The fight took place over one mmate usmg the other Inmate's razor. Both inmates received OORs. (Archibald) Attachment I -Page 9- CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020583 H J ',:'. ·f .:~ of: Mutual Combat! Simole Battery· based on only minor InJunes, no weapons were used, and the one-onone combat reported . , N1A'::::~ ~::~. " :,,:,...;~::;: ".':. NII(:~':-'~~' .... .", ..03/zelOS, 0535 hrs,. Dmnmg Hall Type: Assauit, offEindar offender Involved: Stinson 69870 and Huckaby 69665 Summary: Inmates Stinson and Huokaby were Involved In a mutual mmate on mmate assault. Verbal dlrecllves were given, both Inmates were compliant and submitted to Wrist restraints without the use of Oleoresin CapSicum Inmates Stinson, and Huckaby were escorted to Medical for an evaluation and then to SMU without further incident on ICC Investigation Flndlngs'lnmate Stinson testified against one of Inmate Huckaby's associates named 'SlefdsoenffmafeHOcKao}thad previously went to Inmate Stlnsons house and threatened his mother in an effort to try and get him not to testIfy. Inmate Stinson attacked Inmate Huckaby In retaliation and mutual combat took place. Only Inmate Stinson received a DOR (Archibald) .Mutual CombatlSlmpleB"~tl,e'X ..• based on only minor inJuries, no weapons were used, and the one-onone combat reported; .03 . 035.hrs H~Pod., .. ~rll~i~d~~~~%~~~~iiP~t;Qlj'o~~:~;if?~~i ~n~:topez 52286 .~!.IJ1'!m~t-¥ p',ti~;~~~Q.~ ....: '. .. ·9,~~ii;MIi\11.~fj~r Hi:lnsaker that Inmate sturgis was assaulted In hiS cell .. pptoxiiiJafu/y{11:$O;;tjQUf.S; Rtl.rthi3r investigation revealed that a fight between Inmate In Siurgls" aifd Inmate Lopez cell'H·216. After the fight, Inmate Lopez left the cell and returned to his cell H·209. A few minutes later, Inmate Bonham entered H·216 and assaulted mmate Sturgis All three Inmates were restrained, escorledto MedIcal for examination, and then to Segregation. ICC Investlgallon Findings Inmate Sturgis 29933 beaten in hiS cell by Inmate Lopez 52286 and Inmate Hansen 61926. After the other two had left, Inm.i3te Bonham 67297 entered later and also beat SturgiS Both the three assailants and the Victim received DORs for mutual combat (Archibald) Aggravated Battery - based on there being multiple assailants attackmg one victim making serious Injury highly likely 04/02/08, 1839 hrs, T-Pod Type: Assault Offender on offender Involved: Ison 67986 and ColuccI 79193 Summary: Inmate Ison and Inmate Colucci engaged In physical combat In T-Pod. Both Inmates suslaIned superficlallnJunes Both have been exa'mlned by medical and both are In segregation pending an Invesllgatlon Attachment 1 ·Page 10- CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020584 ,. ": ;,lccifnvesiJ ··atioii#i·ndln·:'s~ in.m~r~:·!s.qi((~~:(;)ffen~er) worked as Porter (tnmata worker) In the :Sl!!gt· .....ritfi1lt1;li;-dferilsetHb:hnhl;t~6iitr.a1)ahdJ~: Insane Outlaw and Aryan Knight gang members 10 \r~if. .J~;.tiQ.~&iiig.,:fnit($·ta~.CPcI~i:;i:?J.Ja~g~~~n(~r;l,~Ji;T';Pod without authonzatlon and attacked Inmate Ison 67986; Only Coilicci received a DOR (Archibald) i ·f: Simple Battery - based on only minor InJunes, no weapons were used, there was only one assaIlant and the vICtIm did not fight back. 04/02/08. 1938 hrs. ABC Foyer Type: Assault. Offender on offender Involved: Case 85603 and Hooker 82963 Summary: InIliallnvestlgation reveals mmate Case assaulted Inmate Hooker In the foyer of hOUSIng umt ABC Inmates were oompllant when given verbal directives by staff and laid face down on the floor. Both Inmates were restrained and given medical evaluations and placed in Segregation. Inmate Case received no inJunes . Inmate Hooker had minor Injuries ICC Investigation fmdlngs Inmate Hooker called Inmate Case a "punk" so Inmate Case beat him up Since Inmate Hooker did not fight back, only Inmate Case received a DOR Simple Battery - based on only minor injuries, no weapons were used, there was only one assailant and the vlctrm did not ft9ht back 04/08/08,,"1 B4Rt.lrs.. K~pod.,CeIl21"3. 6, "Type: Assault-Offender on offender· Involved: Cisco 55060 Summary: Emergency Response Team responded to a medical emergency In K-Pod Inmate CiSCO was discovered lying on the floor of cell 213 Offender shows signs of haVing been assaulted Contusions to the face and back, Small laceration on nose. EVidence of shoe pnnts to the face and rear of the head Pod locked down, Staff conducting Imtlal checks of Inmates on pod. ICC Investigation Findings Inmate CISCO was beaten by Inmate Sanders 62639, Inmate Fortin 72953, Inmate Thompson 51260 and Inmate Lee 66268. VIdeo confirmed all but Lee (Bergquist) .Aggra.vat~9.Batte!¥;- basad on there being multiple assailants attacking one Victim making SBrlOUS mjury highly likely 04/13/08, J-pod, cell #108 Type: Assault: Offender on offender Involved: Traylor 77314 Summary: Inmate Traylor was allegedly assaulted In hiS cell J-108.lnmaleTraylor has red marks and brUises consistent With his claims. Inmate Traylor was examined by on-sIte medical staff and escorted to Segregation pendIng an investigation Into the assault. ICC Investigation Findings Inmate Traylor was first beat up by Inmate Bashale 67199 (BGO) while Inmate Lewis 67529 (Sureno) stole hiS property Later he was beaten by Inmate Pnce 66757 (AK) and Attachment I .Page il • CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020585 .' ..,.: ~'.~ Inmate Schmidt 81591 (AK) who then took his television. He was told he had to start paying rent or he would be beaten up every day All four assailants received DORs (Archibald) ExtortIOn' Aggravated Battery· based on personal property taken by force and there were multiple assBllants makmg serious injury highly likely It CQ~ld be argued thiS was two separate Incidents of robbery .. : .•... ~ _.~.;=.--:':.~.-.- .: "' __ • _.t:•• :~.".~::: ::",. ~:;~~t:;.:, ::;,.~;:' Senmidl";:· 04'16/08, .1252 hrs: C~Pod. 'Type: AssaulbOffend"er 6ii offender .Involved: Mercado 84119, Colungo 81084, Chacon 55033, Barajas 81752, and Luna 83609 Summary: Officer Wilhams called a Code Blue (Inmate on Inmate Fight) In C-Pod Via the radiO. A total of 5 Inmates were restrained and escorted to MedIcal for further observation and then preceded Into Segregation Pending an Investigation. Inmates Involved In the mCldent are members of rival gangs SecurrtyThreat Group (Nortei"lo and Sureno) IctnnVestfcialioi'l' Findings- fnm~j~·~e.·a.r:~Ja.s: B1752 (Norteno) saId he W-~~';lor~;.pWS:iii'~nq'gs.l1g)i'iern\j$ts iMeicado'8W1,19·:·Colu~" tiifH)B~.' ··f1o.CHacon 1-,; -.·,.,., , ~ .•..."..Q!t·,~.-,.-.,.-,· ..-.,.3. , ;. 55033) he had to g ef''-'~~'ed::off,'tffEf.·;·IH(r;tliEiieW!!ia1ifbeat Jnov.. .,., U I . J .' <1'._ . " .. ,•••..•, •... hlm;)~mat~'a'aiciJ~$;I;rn52douna;liimale; B~609 (Nortano) and Jgg~U:I.e:r.tIJ.~y;!=!pm~wpf.).e..gia.i.ti:~JH~ 6oiltalruii!l'three Surerlo gang 1nl:inj'.' '19'~lYri@#J resolveJhe proble.m:.1~~·i~iitifu#fir~~v.eI9#~ ilotHhei' three Sureno gang members j~mp".. :.);U~d.:;R~-]i the two Norterlos with chairs, flstsatid feet The Surerlos claimed they we~)p~.tni:llT)~;.' , s All fIve offenders receIved DORs (Archibald) Group Combat/Aggravated BatteD' - based on there being mUltIple assailants and weapons being used making seriOus Injury highly likely ...: : - .....:.;.;,;,...:.,.. -~~ .... __.....__.. ',.:-'."'" .. ;;.. ~ ..... ..... -. ; . .' 04/20/08,2030 hrs, J-105B Type: Assault. Offender on offender Involved: Cheever 27031, Smith 49018 and Boyle 41355 Summ~.ry.: I WEill? .made aware of a possible assaulton Inmate Cheever Upon further inquirY of the Ji;l~lP.~:hn~;~p,.9tkt~eJEl'c()r.9;~~:~aoll!tyviCiiilD.:f66~~a,r~\iealed that at approXImately 2030 hours Inmates J?9YJ~'·~6W9m.ltti eDj~r)On)~~eCh~evet's;cellilnof:clqa~ithe door A few mmutes later Boyle and Smith eXit ;t6irc(iIl~WJtW~a:~a·9.;(ti'th~jrh$iJQ. Il1tngl~fC.h:~E!.y~r r~pQ.Ji~d his alleged assault to staff on ine Untt at ;~ppr.o~jiTJ~i~iy:Qg§pZbgWl;;.lrn:n~t~Jihe,av~r·w~~,.i.a;stfaJhad and escorted to Segregation pending further Ihv.e~tig~Mn'..~"tI~:pra.~~cjed·t(;)':~aQri')lialtOi1;~eiidlmj' Investigation of Assault :ICC:Ii:lVeSfI~atioi1FIj,dings· j~lJlt=!te:Gh:e~v.er2JP$:1; hiS cell by Inmate Smith 49018 and l/Tmatei:Boyla4t355 b~f6tfl1hey·i:;to'fe hiS propettY tnm·ate.EJiiYl~ told him that they were taking all of hiS ~.9m.mfs.§.$iYaocrchBrglrjj:i hlffi,$10 p~rmPhtf( (eti(IDiP.?I~qh$ever said he put a lock in a pillowcase and iWas'gpiog. togq:Elft~nhe.Tti b!Jt'Qn~'QJ the olhe(lnrnates took II away from him Inmate Smith heard about ~nis:~n.~AaQ'l~;b?~k:8nd ~"~at up'~ri:la:t!'! ;CQeei)er:.a~econd time Both Inmate Smith and Inmate Soyle received DORs (Archibald). Attachment 1 -Page 12· CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020586 1 ; 1 :~ • :4'. .".~ ..~;,~ '" ." Extortlonl Aggravated Battery - based on personal property taken by force, weapons bemg used and there were mUltiple assailants making serious Injury highly likely It could be argued this was robbery 04/22(08, 1600 hrs, A-pod Type: Assault: Offender on offender .rt,~::~. .(;!~=~g~~~~;~~.i~~tfflf, .•nl~~~~rl~p approached by three Inmates (1 HispaniC and 2 WKiJa~t~tc;il'shOWfI11S::R~-' ". 00: .Qt~;a.Dd;'v.;;'heh' 1i~~;~fU,~i)lp.J; he was struck in the nbs and face with a closed fist A~RQ!t~~tm,!:g;~!l o. ·c..O)Tlli!~,!ljl,d'~pp.J~(.'9..Q~Y'ii?r~9: and knuckle checks Inmate Gentry was escorted to Medical for further evaluation and preceded Into' Segregation Pending Investigation of ari Assault: ICC InvestigatIon Findings, Three Inmates (1' HlspaOlc arid 2 Whites) approached Inmate Gentry and demanded to see hiS paperwork to verify hIS cnme, When he refused they beat him and told him to get out of the Unit No phySical eVidence was found dunng knuckle checks The Video was reViewed but the quality was so poor that they were unable to Idenbfy the assailants. (Archibald) , :; 1 Aggravated Battery - based 6n there being muillple assailants attacking one victim making senous Injury highly likely . ,04/23/08, 1530 hrs. L-Pod Type:-Ass'aulf:°'(:>ffe-nlfefo'n offender Involved: Auperlee 47551 . Summary: I was notified by staff of a possible Assault occurring on Inmate Auperlee Upon further inqUirY of the IOformabon receIved, .Umt Manager Rodnguez dIscovered Inmate Auperlee with injUries to the face consistent to the allegabons made, Inmate Auperlee, stated he was assaulted 10 hIS cell by two mmates Inmate Auperlee Was escorted to MedIcal for further evaluation and then preceded to Segregation Pending Investigation of an Assault ~l'tC·inve -,Co" $fidfn'nj' "'f\'Pln'dii'j':'s; Jnm~te-A4p:erl.i;j~Mj;p&1,'\'\Iif~Reat up Inside hiS cell by Inmate Pickens 87382 )l8Z3.~!rT:Q·~~jh(:ip:${Qlel1j~f9o.mrm~.s~.ry,and some of hiS property and told him to get off r ·.J~~9:~l,l~9U.h~Qentli.~·.:~.;j\Yq other Aryan Knights SItting at a table (Inmate tla,~~p~r., .. ",,;r.. . . ' nT:@~~pynl'r66i)i34rafi'd: .M lhe stolen commIssary with them (Archibald) 'tpe.Jj()~A Extortlonl Aggravated Battery - based on personal property taken by force and there were multiple assailants makIng serious injUry hIghly likely It could be argued thIS was robbery :,~.. ~. .05/06/08,.06,10 hrs. L·Pod. Type: Assault. Offender on offender Involved: Young 14130 Summary: I was approached by Inmate Young. Inmate Young told me that he was not going to go back to hIS housing UnIt and that I would have to put him In Segregation. I questIoned Inmale Young as to why Attachment I -Page 13 - CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020587 he would not return to hIS cell, he stated that he had been assaulted by the Arian Knights on 5-5-08 Inmate Young went on to say that he dId nor want protective custody but that he was refusing to return to L-Pod Inmate Young was. taken to Medical for an evaluation and was then placed In Segregation pending the results of an Investigation ICC InvestigatIon Findings No investIgation report located Follow-on 105 was sent Indlcatmg Inmate Young refused to cooperate wIth the investlgatron a'nd no eVIdence was dIscovered to substantrate his claim of an assault Agqravated Battery - based on there bemg mUltiple assailants attacking one vIctim making serious Injury highly likely . .05/09/08,1730 "rs. L- 213. tYpe: 'ASsault" Offender on offender Involved: Snodgrass 65760 and Brannan 66056 Summary: Inmate Snodgrass reported to Ms Rodnguez that he needed to be moved off of L-Pod due to being pressured by the "white boys" into haraSSIng and IOtlmJdatlng newly arrtved Inmates Into the Pod with sex crimes to leave the Pod Inmate Snodgrass stated he was nQt gorng. to partici ate In their games Inmate Snodgrass stated that on Wednesday. May 7th, at:'il·p'p'r.9li;lr:o.!!t~!~!'1~~9.· ,;w.~s assaulteQ in hiS cell by whom he believes to be Inmate Brannan for refuslli~{titrifn;olO'ejf'fiJ () ,UWiI:·Pod. Inmate was escorted to Medical for further evaluation and prececl~q,10f(r:s~gf~~lIar.( , .I1~i"~c.o:tnpletlon of Investigation for a possible Assault. .... ., - . ..... : ICC Investigation Findings Inmate snQcl9.r~1?§:tt&1~it~·~I~f@'w.:~~:Q[i[ft~fI~b,Yifu:errlbeJsofthe Aryan Knights to determine If newly arnved:l~mJit£$.)w~re~seX:Qff.eii.ifv'~"···~:i:Fffi'llf~y:w_~rg:lj~~W~~f,to order them to leave the tier and take all of their prq~ef.t:Yi:w1ii¢.lth~;;W~\i,t.lg:Br:i. ~f.J!~'·fif:Y.:~.[J<i~@ft~:~~was ~rdered to beat them up If they refused any of hIS Inslructlons,·WI)~!l,:ij~.....)t'!HgplhJ!fh~iwasdieat up inside his cell by Inma.te Brannan 66056 (Archibald) , ,. .' .. Extortion/Simple Battery - based only minor IOJunes, no weapons were used, there was only one assailant and the victim dId not fight back and the victim was being forced to use violence against others as part of an extortion scheme. .' Srannalr'" OS'pioioli 13'b"'6d= 17YPf*A . . tt~~. ... ~Kcih.::$taff Rlgg~\,.;·;J~~nc;! Schnoebelen 81050 Summary: Officer Dean called a Code Blue, IOmate on IOmata assault 10 L-pod via the radiO, Inmate RIggs and Inmate Schnoebelen were IOvolved In a mutual combat assault Both Inmates separated and obeyed all verbal commands once staff were on site Both IOmates were restrained and taken to onslte medIcal for evaluations Neither IOmate needed offsite medical treatment. 'j CCJ.ilnve§i!gtiUbi1'Findin'gs; I'1il'l?f~/Hal,l.t>n€lr ·6.'5:7?:3; toI,d':lrimat~,'Iliggs::S7'7a'ftha~ hith$d"lq"i~;;lveritHfunit '~~~;~i~'~~iu7~~~w~l:f'~~:~~~si~~~~~~~~':~f~:'~:~:fry1;~r;eV:~%~~~~.i~~~X~::'i~·;Wtfuem~e Jnmate(;fai:lsiieEl<~ptWi;!tlf.h.iH~t.citd hlrn:h.e.IJE:l~~!3i:l to.\:l~t9.fnhe unit o(he;W~iUrd:be· b.ei3Jup)~.Y$Jy,.Qay. (Archibald) Attachment I , ',' -Page 14- CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020588 :1' i. ~;;. ~~ . . ';"'..:!.~ ..:"1" ~~'/:""':s~: ExtortIOn/Simple Battery - based on personal property taken by forcB, only minor InJunes, no weapons were used, there was only one apsailanl and the vicllm did not fight back It could be argued this was robbery O.6/1·2t68i·.j245,hrs;'J~P-od, Typif: :'Assault· Offenaefon offender Involved: Waller 78402 Summary: Sergeant Chaney discovered mmate Waller from J-202 A wIth fresh injuries to the face I Interviewed mmate Waller In regards to a possible Assault. Inmate Waller slated he had been hit several times In the face and body by the "white boys" AlIlnmales In J-Pod were secured to their cells In order to allow staff 10 complete an upper body torso and knuckle check. Inmate Waller was escorted to Medical for further evaluation and then preceded to Segregation for Investigation of a Possible Assault, :T0eJil' !Pt¢ Jnm~te.: ~bii-:i'nd" jtl((--" . .'1.~ film ",', e682B8 told Inmate Waller 78402 that he had to take down the @:ur W~s not white and It could not be displayed In the Unit Later that day 'ate;t;,3'rnmey 76861 and Inmate Lee 68288 beat him inSide his cell and told him to gel off t e unit. All three assailants 'received DORs. (Archibald) .Aggravated Battery ~ based on there being multiple assailants attacking one Victim making serious injury 'hlglily likely" .. - , 05/-15/08,. 15.35 hrs,"J. Pod, TyPo: Assault. Offender on offender Involved: Ray 72981 Summary: Officer Bollenberg noticed Inmate Ray bringing hiS property down from the lop ller In J pod Inmate Ray stated that he needed to leave the pod . Officer Bollenberg could see marks on Inmate Rays face and head. Inmale Ray stated that he slipped in 1))1e shower causmg the marks on hiS head and face. Inmate Ray was restrained escorted to medical and then segregation pending investlga~lon ICC Investigation Findings' The Video showed thai Inmate Esquibel 63328 and Inmate Payne 70189 beat him up ~ihsiae his cell" B9lfl assailants received DORs (Archibald) Aggravated Battery - based on there being multiple assailants attacking one victim makmg senous Injury highly likely . J)S/1610tk2G"4{j'hfsj AiPodJ3i3VI6ofir 'T:fJ~:g~'~4~~~}i~~,~~~~t~t(a$~,21'_ ,_-,; . .S~:m!Jl.a:n(:;Ttim~\edVldCtaiY;(S~x.:Qrreftd,f!t]JQI( Danny Lopez that Inmate York slapped him in the :fac%l!hApod~l:';,PaY(PQ.m af:~ppro~mat~ly:·~q49' lntnate York denies any knowledge of the InCident. 80th inmates were restrained and taken to Medical for evaluation then to the Special Management Unit for hOUSing pending an Investlgabon for assault. At1achmenll -Page 15- CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020589 "0:' '.:.. ,:'.• ~ '..:' ;', ~. '., "' ~~ ~. ,~ ~',"':'·i.;i. ;"....Jo<f ... ..: :~",.i ;.: ,i.' ';';~I o;,,"~: .'. ~}.. .:,;," '~." ICC Investigation Findings Incident started as horseplay and escalated Into a flghl. Inmate York 86027 slapped Inmate McCrary 88489 No DORs Issued (ArchIbald) Simple Battery - based on only mInor inJuries, no weapons were used, there was only one assailant and the victim did not fight back ; '0';1-1'8 ;';"'.i'l:"" ':!'Yt'!'If. I·t;:;:-P\f· r·..· , y. Ie .. ,,:~.:.:.:. .... ,.,. '"" ~ff' "".~' '. ,... :.0 en14er Involved: Fergus'on·614.42 Summary: Inmate Ferguson (Sex Offender) walked Into the JKL counselors office and staff saw that he had both his eyes bruised and several brUises and scratches on hiS head and arms. Inmate Ferguson claimed that he was assaulted on 05-17-08, at approximately 1600 hours, but he refused to state which Inmates assaulted him .ICC lovestl!;lation Findings. Inmate Ferguson 61442 sad he was attacked by several offenders because 'nels'a'sex'-offencfer Dlifwould not assist In Identifying who they were Video showed 5 to 6 offenders enlenng the cell dunng Ihe assault but the quality of the Video did not allow for identification. Three of the offenders are believed 10 have been Castro 72938, Inmate Powell 73B16 and Inmate Schmidt 81591 based on whIch cells the assailants went to after the assault No DORs Issued (ArchIbald) Aggravaled Battery· based on there being mUltiple assailants attacking one vlc!lm making senoU;3 injury ·nighlylikely-······ 05/19/08.0930 hrs, exact location unknown Type: Assault Offender on offender Involved' Nelson 72449 Summary: Counselor Hunsaker received an anonymous concern form stating that Inmate Nelson had been assaulted Counselor Hunsaker went to Inmate Nelson's cell and saw that he had abraSions on each Side of his head and on hiS forehead. Inmate Nelson refused 10 answer any question regardmg the abrasions on his head, and refused segregation placement ICC InvestIgation Fmdlngs No investigation report located. SImple Batlery - based on only mmor InJunes, no weapons were used, there appears to have been only one assailant and the vIctim dId not fight back. Q51.19/08;-1 045.hrs,;K.Pod;· 'Type: A·ssault: Offeridi3l' on offender Involved: Wallis 72~!3 aDd~oPJ:lz 66433 , .'. . slimmaiY;Pfftc~tWtiitE!rMU~"tqJ~~C)~e.r~:Q!!nm",l~·.wallis In hiS cell with InJunes to the face Upon . qqe.l!tJl;inlogJ.nT:milt~ w~nts Qfa:1:i9.~.sI61~:as.~~uJfQhhl~ person, he stated Inmate Lopez, slruck him in the f~¢i\!Md b~'aYWjln. cI9~'e(ffl~ts:arii:ftffeh;stai'fed kicking him and later proceeded In attacking him with a i(i6klihi·sbck.:;abfffJnti"E!.t~s\we.r'.Ei"¢s-P9rl~,Q:¥o;"M§'9lgClJ for further evaluatIon and Inmate Lopez-Vasquez was escorted from Medical to Segregation pending Invesltgation. Inmate Wallis was moved to another area of the Facility forapproprrate hOUSing. At1achment I -Page 16- CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020590 · '-I , .. ICC, Investlgahon,.Eindlngs Video showel;llnmate Lopez 66433 Involved In a fight with his cellmate Inmate WalliS 72973 Inmate Lopez can be seen sWinging a pillowcase containing a small heavy object and hlttrng Inmate Wan,s several limes with it Only Inmate Lopez received a DOR. (Archibald) Aggravated Battery· based on weapons beIng used making serious Injury highly likely; :OS/25/0B F 2030hrs, G"Rod, Cell·1.17 ':fype:'AssaOlt"Offeride"(o'ri: offender Ir,vo)ved: Bradley 66370 Summary: Inmate Bradley (Sex Offender) was allegedly assaulted in G·117A Inmate 8radl~y refused to cooperate with the millallnvesllgatlon by providing names of the aggressor. Inmate Bradley was evaluated bycn site medical and escorted to segregation pending further investJg~tJon ICC Investigation Findings Inmate Ellison 62685 told Inmate Bradley he had to give up all hiS commissary and get off the tier, Inmate Ellison then pulled Inmate Bradley off hiS bunk and beat him up, Inmate Ellison recelv~d; a DOR (Archibald) EXlortlon'Slmple Batterv· based on personal property taken by force, only minor injuries, no weapons were used, there wBsonly one assailant and the victim did not fight back It could be argued thiS was robbery ·05'25108,"0151 hrs, Ko.Pod, Cell 105.. Type: AS'saU!t Offender on offender InVolved: Bernard 31015 Summary: Staff discovered Inmate Bernard during count In his cell after an assault Inmate 8.ernard had swelling and abraSIons on hiS cheekbones, nose and the side of hIS face. The mmate reported that two Inmates came Into hiS cell pnor to count and hit him with closed fists, however he was not able to Identify Ihe Inmates ICC Investigation Fmdmgs Inmate Bernard refused 10 identify the two assaIlants. These two mmates reportedly beat him up and took his commissary (Archibald) " Extortion' Aggravated Battery - based on personal property taken by force and there were multiple assallanls making serious Injury highly likely, It coVld be argued thiS was robbery ,.,::. 06101/08, 1752 hrs, Dining Hall ?F~J'!~rA!!~'3.~lt.:qfflfl]:s!~r-:on offender .il.~y'Q;'v~~.~ Rayp"e.~5Z.QZ.';and Brushears 77948 .. . " '" . . . . ;StifumarY:Inmate&,Payne and Brushears (Sex Offender) engagedarltiit)tu~\{Qtppf¥.Hfdlie dining hall :·h:eanh~.:~xJt;dQ;O.r.Bo.\H 'inmates were given verbal dlrecllve to stop :~lghiing:;'DufWefe'i1rir~$pbnSIVe to dIrectives Both were contamInated with OleoreSin Capsicum. Both:1I1iljat~5:w~r.~)re~tta,m,13,t:i and escorted dIrectly to segregation, decontaminated, and given.medical evaluBt~oJ;l~J;)y qiJ~,~i~e:mepI~I:staff :'ICG.invBstiga6oriiFmdiligs'The two inmates were observed In mutual combat. Inmate Brushearswastold 'IWth~AiYl;iin(ni9ht5'Jo: b~:af someone up but refused resuillng In him being allacked by Inmate Payne .RP.t02 B:othi.iiiiiat~$ rei;J~J\'!:lp;DORs for mutual combat (Archibald) Attachment I -Page 17- CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020591 J .100",7-· ... ~; ~;' .~:/: Extortion/Simple Battery - based on only minor Inlunes, no weapons were used, there was only one assailant, the vIctim did not fight back and It was an attempt to force an Inmate to commit violence 8gamst hIs will as part of an extortion scheme 06/03JOB, 0650 hrs, A·pod Dayroom Type: Assault' Offender on offender Involved: Luckado 82376 and Williams 51314 Summary: Inmate Luckado reported to staff that he had Just been assaulted In A-pod. The Inmate had Injuries that were consIstent wIth' that of being Involved In an assault Inmate Luckado Informed staff that .IQrTla.te WIlliams from A 122-A assaulted him by the ShliW~l~~~fte:Mfi~ih!1l" .. PIJ.ftQI'JJation by the .~r~y.';~J~~Q!i0:~O\~lnm;3fEfsW(iie}eYaluated by medical' .. ··':ip..m$}$(:~ "'fU9iSMU cell # 36. Hailij'ai),tf.(jj;jj:l~ft.~:&~Htts.p.~C~Q:n~)Nf.~[.e conducted qn;: ~.,;~i~i1pj~t!3ft;·'Q:')·p'O Qv.?~Q~r{jib~hlng of ~1~nm~.~!JQa)'I..~Sj':;'·' . , ~p'g'Y~Jdez was!'rEjlli1fQ@i=!).Q'O'if9.n9WIrrg;an v:,, IIJW~Ni~~91J~:w.ilr ... ' 1:lIjl:catl~if.;i . .., . ,'n'i1=lOaih sHN!!hams 51314 told Luckado.82376 (Sex Offender) to take hiS feet off the J@/VI~~,o:ij'~fri~~ When he Ignored him, Inmate Williams poured coffee on his head and!1!l!atall:lt:Ki,do.lln:tfta:fa.p~lnmate WIlliams claimed tliat Inmate Luckado hit him wIth a chair Only :Q!'j"lf Williams-received a DOR (Archibald) . Mutual CombatJAggravated Battery - based on inJuries, weapons beIng inVolved, and the one-on-one combat reported . :,: :.: .:, .. -. . ,. '.:.:. .•.•- .. i06/0910ih'19Sb: ilr~N~P.oo ,' ~;;"~~~~1~d1M~f~b:!32a:a~1 '.' ,., !;~lifija :£f""": ""~ry~:1iilpn;Wijs.: , afor.:: ·'a,<iR'toi!rat· ";':~p~,§.t~f.i; had been a fight In N·Pod earher today i:litfrcl1eak:bn all inmates from N-Pod He discovered Inmates '.. ;f}tit ",. ;rti.J~tfmt: '...,'.;".". "-·.:·:t~!a phySical altercation. Both mmates verbally cS ~ n;fJt~' J:11;lm9,hlydIV . Iff: '" ...' t,moh' eventually escalated Into a phYSical altercation , 8.othl/lmatesrefou$:eifto·providewritteh s:t~l~metil~; Both were given medical evaluations and then housed In segregation pending further mveshgail6n. ,c'.' '. ICC Investigation Findings. ThiS was horseplay that got out of hand and turned Into a fight. Both inmates' received DORs (Archibald) .' . . . . . . ., Mutual Combat! SImple Battery - based on only minor lnJunes, no weapons were used, and the one-onone combat reported ...... ·• •"'~~.N~il~I1~B:"~Kn~O~WIT~7~'''''''''''''' .~~.~~~~~"··~····."··I'·~-_~.~~,~~~.~·"~,,···~··_-, ~,·····;'~··!'Il--f! · ·l Ii il· · ~.·• . No'iie:"Kiiowif. . 1245::11fs.:G:· f~t:omoi'; ·1~VPly:'J.:'~'¢~i~J.~~£Z:t1~;!C.~~Gd~ton:ir;2D~(3~: .. .~:UJlJmil.t:Y.{d.rflcar-~o.w.f1r q~lI~d;,a;Qo.d"e:~!y'~·:(!ql'1i.~J~-pf:1lnmate assault) In the GHI mElln corridor The the Unit both Inmale ChIppewa from I 107- A f!ll.'lcl:!nm:aJe;·Slol1e frotnfl214 S·w.erecoiTiplalnf.with;}J\tqjl'e·c.lives given to them by staff. Both Inmates eme.r~etidy,tespOils(lla~.i'!~ fesp~n:cJ~d;t()!.GHI';JmQn ~I]tetjrig Attachment I -Page 18· CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020592 • ~ .~ .~, '.~.:" _.__.; ....;,_~~:.:. ~;, ~. .~ <r:".......":' .... .....-:' •... ·r.) ._. ~;-:'';';~::''';'. were placed In wrist restraints and escorteq to medical for evaluation followed by placement Into SMU where they were signed In under PHS status. ICC Investloatlon Findings This started as an argument that turned Into a fight. Both Inmates received DORs (Archibald) 'fII1ut~al CombatlSlmole Batter:v.,- based on only minor inJuries, no weapons were used, and the one-ononecorTIoafi'eponea"" -_.-.'--"" .~ , r 06/15108,1808 hrs,.Dining Hall Type: Assault Offender on offender 'I Involved: Colut::c1791Q3 and RodrJgue;Z21066 . Summary: Dunng the evening meal, Inmate Colucci hit Inmate Rodriguez In the face multiple times with a closed fist When Inmate ColUCCi fall to comply with lieutenant Flemming .Greene's directives to cease fighting, LIeutenant Greene deployed a one s.econd burst of Oleoresin Capsicum to t.he neck and head areas. of the Inmates. The inmates then complied witt;r;the direotives given by the officers Both Inmates were restrained and escorted to the Special Management Unit where they were decontaminated, evaluated by medical staff, and SUbsequently housed ,i, .~ i ICC Investigation Findings Inmate Colucel79193 attacked Inmate Rodriguez 21066 Who did not fIght back Three weeks earher Inmate Rodrigues had been moved when Investigation heard a hit was ordered on him by Inmate Lee 68288 (AK).lnmale Rodrigues was a Porter (Inmate Worker) In the segregation Unit who refused to smuggle contraband Into Inmate Lee while he was In restrlcltve hOUSing. According to case file, Inmate ColUCCI beat up two other Porters previously for the same reason Inmate ColUCCI received a DOR (Archibald) Simple Battery. based on only minor inJuries, no weapons were used, there was only one assailant and the victim did not fight back :~. :f'; } :".;.; .... ~':..'-'" 06/26/2008 , 1433 J·Pod Cell 202 Type: Assault' Offender on offender Involved: Alvarez, Philhp #84494 '.. r.l~i~ii\iii!i~'f!'1!l'i~;flSI transport "nmate Alvarez was escorted to Medical forf.l:!rib~r;o~sl;lP,!cfi)j~r{(O.S~fjregatI6h pendin~ an Investlgahon Any additional information follovlIr;g an Ilwestigah6'ri\iiill bEl'communicated. ICC Investigation Findings. Inmal$'AIV<:!t¢tX$llr~6;Q.$~.~ Qff!:.(I1~~rfw~s'f:ePQi:ti;iQh ...ilBeat Out" of the gang by seven Surei'o gang members'1I:iep~l.!.~ifi~,:w~~'6oi:l\'.fQ.I~:Q~1.'f~:~x;offen~'1;I':.':i1)e beating took place In hiS cell and was performed by AgUJ.i~;SQa54;~'lnm~(~·pena;;n:i31'~j:'lri:rMtl,, Inmate Lay 80221. Inmate QUlntanna 87191, Ihii:fEife:-P.i3·lma:6.b.:846\. andll:m'i~W:;Sali:r.z;~r i2~$fJ All seven 6ssallants receIved a DOR. (Archibald) . Aggravated Battery - based on there being multIple assailants attackIng one vlclim making serious Injury highly likely. I' Attachment I -Page 19· CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020593 ..., '!:.:~.r::~.::~ I:. 6·27·2008. 1425; Mpod Type:'PREA-"""'" . . Involved: Ward Joseph #54087, Richardson, Ronald #61357, Vigil, Victor #37149 . Summary: On th~above deJe and tIme Correctional Oo.unselor Renteria received information that an _ ~u~:~ ~ iitit!i!Wl.&liOQ~.'~C~!I:-;~~1;!:i:.r inves Igallon Is being conducted. A follow up report will be generaled and forwarded upon completion of the investigation ICC Investigation Findings Inmate Ward 54087 reportedly sexually louched and fondled Inmale Rlchar~son 61357 and Inmate Vigil 37149 The ·SART" determined theallegallons were unsubstantiated and was In fact horseplay Inmale Ward was Issued a DOR for Horseplay (Archibald) Horseplay - based on account of Ihe inCIdent by those Involved ...,~ ., ",". 19j,9;~ ours" p;;r=6tl <,. :'BrAS~-i.iJtn):ffel:\o~l:Qjfoffender irivo.(~Qd:::j}idkmal'li;;Sj~~¢'it#B7681 an d Spracklen, Jonathan #89413 Summary: Inmates Spracklen #89413 (Sex Offender) and Jackman #67661 were inVolved In a phySical altercation Correctional Officer Owmgs Issued verbal dIrectives to stop' fighting but both Inmates were non-compliant The Emergency Response Team arrived and Correctional Counselor Rentena dispersed a one second burst of oleoresin capsicum Correctional OfficerElxenberger also Issued a one second burst of oleoreSin capsicum Both inmates stopped fighting and were escorted 10 Segregation for decontamination and sUbsequently housed in Segregation Both Inmates were evaluated by medical with no further mCldents . ICC Investigation Findings. Both involved In the fight Both Inmates issued DORs (Archibald) Mutual-Combat/Simple Battery- based on only minor InJunes, no weapons were used, and Ihe one·on· one combat reported. . . .. '''.''':-'''-''- .,.. <O'ri't29ii-··'2tt'· :T~p:~lA, '. j{i~. ,. 'iL o'Celt:2-16; .,f ,...,. ,fjP:d¢:r: Invo!Ye.Qf·Wo)f,Nlc!pr:#,84040·' . Summary: On MO@~y';,'BfPipfj(QXfma~tiW:1130 hours, Inmate Wolf, Victor #84040 reported to staff tfi~flia;;liad:b~eri'.a.s'sa.ult~~':;:lt-E!PRr9?!ilm~lely 2045 hours on Sunday, June 29th, 2006, Inmate Wolf has Ji@'n(!3JJi,.w!!h i.h~for~iiAs~.lilPR( Inmate Wolf Identified Inmates Lee, James #68288; Schmldtl..:~e,[,J.ej-ry #73816 as the aggressors In hiS incident. Inmate Wolf has stated thai this inCident occurred because he has refused to put in any work for the Security . ~hreat Group known as the (Aryan Knights) However, this has not been confirmed and any new Attachment) -Page 20- CONFIDENTIALfATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020594 .~ ,,~ -ri.";;'':;'". ::-:-: .........:-. .~ .. ~":t.~~ •.~".:.... :~3~:"!' ;<;0 .~:;!' ~..., :- ~ ,~:~.: ... :!~7:;~~~\~~~' i.~' l ·j7.~-1.:;f:··.".i.'H....~./! . .~!f. ~;~!'·'~·+f*~t~~#:'- Information gathered through the Investigation WIll be communicated Inmate'WolfwBs escorted to Medical for further evaluatIon, ICC Investigation Fmdlngs Three members of the Aryan Knights (Lee 68288, Schmidt and Powell) told inmate Wolf that if he did not beat up the new sex offenders, steal theIr commissary and fOfce them to pay rent they were gOing to beat him up When he refused, these same three gang members along with Inmale RIggs 78722 and Inmate Baxter 50119 followed through on thelf threat and beat him up All fIve of the assailants received DORs (Archibald) EXlortlon/Aggravated Battery- based on there being mUltIple assallanls making senous Injury highly likely and It was an attempt to force an mmate to commIt violence against his Will as part of an extortion scheme 07101/2008, 1615. J-Pod Cell 222 "Type: As'sauICOfferider'on 'offender Involved: DavIs, J e n s # 3 7 5 8 9 . •.... " . Summary: l~wa~~;';!}~i3fXt~p.Q'deJ~t.t~':$t~Jfafi~;h¥!:~~giii.~.trA~·M.~ "... rtm.~~~, Davis stale{,l;':l.ttn1~::c;t3l\~by.J6.I1fIQmfl~e$:\'{.1l9mJ~'t{i,"ested lq:~i;l~ \1u;;-"'Ij(;:ppon :~~~I~~~O~ll:. :'~~~ .. " l~%~~~~.. -~~6~~r~~~:;;I~J~~~~~:~~~~~6~·:t~:::;~:ZJ()~~~r.Jf, Davis was escorted to edlcalfor further evaluation r'ac' edlcaJ,staffdetiWriinedA\1rn-atildiavl~ needed to be transported off-site to Sl, Lukes HospltaHor...\ig~an&po~sf6i({t)i6kef(rJb$sMtU1m~t~s·1n J-Pod were secured to thelf cells end the Pod was placed' Dn 'lock aown until further rnvestlgatlon Administrative Duty Officer Warden Valdez, notlfled'Vlrtual Prison Warden R?ndy Blades of the inCident. Any new InformatIon gathered durIng the investigation pertainIng to this inCIdent Will be forwarded. After an assault on J-pod on 7·1-0B the pod was locked down A search of the unit will be conducted on 7-2-08 at approximately 0830 The search Will concentrate on eVidence from the assault and slolen property that was taken from the victim -~. ICC Investigation Findings' Accordmg to Inmate DaVIS, four Inmates demandedlo see hIS incarceration paperwork so they could determine if he was a sex offender When he refused they beat hlmup The Video showed these were Inmate Trent 61338, Inm<!!e Noms 76838.., and Inmate Castle 63417 No fourth Inmate was observed. FollOWing the beating these inmates went and sat at a table With other Aryan gang members who Included Inmale Brown 66468, Inmate Hoffman 34748, and Inmale Baxter 50119. The three Inmales Involved In the beating received DORs. (Archibald) Extortion! Aggravated·~at1er'l- based on personal property taken by force and there were multiple "assailants makmg'se'ii6iis"'lhjury highly likely It could be argued thiS was robbery ..~ .',., -;:' w...,..::..•,..... ~ ••._....,_... ;~ .• Name JDOC Gan[l Affiliation DOR'" Findings "". .Offense Code " . . BroW!!·.· Hil.llinliiY" : 11l:l'!6ff:.: :.AfVi!I}:l<nji'llillf.. ·.. ..... ~74B:" 'NVii·o·KOiQfils:" ·',~: . No"':"":':':JN1A ~.: No...;:.;, NlA...'. .. . tiliA' . 8:Dav5.,,::.. N!A· . ·. ....... ' 'NlA" Restricllve HOllsli'ig NttAC\lol1;N.oled·~· .. . NtfACbO;;:Ni!led :07io6)OB;.1B46+-fbiIrs, bi?lingiHaU: '-'type:" Assaulforre!ide,t6'n'off'e'nder, Jnvolvep:'18m~t~~(I,!)~ ~.ap;1ml.'Wd:~prey # 76851, Ferguson, Gregol)' # 86693 Attachment I ·Page21- CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020595 .'., .; , '. i-,!~~.i~;i··f·' \!t ~~~ :f ..:-< ~.;;..;.. .. i '\.;;. .f. "':. ...:.f ~ .:..a ......... A" . .,!.-:: ... :~; :.:.; 4' Summary: Oqae··!:3Ju.'~lTrlfrlale" oh ii1mati3;qitJtie.;ifihl.O'9}~C!fj"lnm~te;t:~.mmgYW5's':the:-aggr¢$~or In thIS incident [Pfficei{Sh#1.P~ttg~y'~,jp\ld~;:I!~ ,.'. ' 'c,I).r.~J,v,~~;'to.At9P}i!l~tf~g·~6~i9:~i:;d.9W.6·t?~,dawi1' on the floor Inmate~~t!mm~~:,C:9,P~~Uy~};fj hls~,~,~YI,I;p'i'!' Wtl~~~f~t~P.~·~f1' ;SBt9.¢Bht.S.chaR.p~rt;Cl:!:tjtai:t!i.r.r~ted both Inmates with .~JiM: ~l:i¢,~l1.gJ!iqt$.t 9f·QI~.Q.;f.e·sii;;C.a.pSli:iUiit.Jrolh:lril)i}~t{fEfb,e¢:i:lJ:t[!li1,'M~:i;lflg)aJd down on the floor Officer Blrk 'pliilced'lland- restraints on Inmate Lammey and escorted him 10 the dining hall eXit door Inmale Ferguson was placed In hand restraints by Sergeant Schapper and then escorted to the eXit door. Both mmales were escorted tosegregabon where they were decontaminated, given medICal examInations. Both mmates are housed In segregation pending further Investigation and discIplinary actions ICC Investigation Ftndmgs Both Inmates particIpated In the fIght and both received OORs (Archibald) Mutual CombaV 81111ple Batlery - based on only minor InJunes, no weapons were used, and the one-anone combat reported. 7/09/0B, 2056 hoUrs. G pod Type: Ass~o.'tdjffehd~t;:ijn~sJaff InvolveddW( ,. ""ji.~~~.?1!#38260, .". SummaryrJnm ~~r§~I~Wi:!S escorted to medical for a p.t~is~g$g.atlb.:tL.$.'J.i'!J@ti91iX!:i~~r? mInor allercatlon1?.!1ij[ 19,VfjS'q~ez # 84555 in G Pod. While W?UjQ'91f9N~:~,r;n~.q!~I'~¥a!l:ift, P.earsall altempled.l15 ruJi alit off the examination room. Off,c~r;9.Wi:og~'(3tl;iQ'i?d.'1i'lmate4:"elarsall and. J~b . ~@hl!rtjf.9.IJd~Rf.,lct!hg; p.~~fs~\r.~uf·"'J~~l f!i~)iilng aroung towards Offlc~r OWmgs Officer . ," '··JQ:iPt~·.S.@3:~qtnrgoMfoHacfl~~; . liotlnrnate. ~~!3~alJ: H.~, appfiec ~r.essure to the ;~::t::i!M!;~~!&ii!::;.ti.:i. several mmates on the tier APREA Investigatloi1has'bB'eii( .;.IntO:his}jn~£f~.u~m$·ltl'tti§w{p~W~Fm was gIVen a medIcal examination and claims he had a severe headache from being struck In the head by inmate Vasquez. He has self-inflicted minor scrapes and lacerations to both forearms l.nm'~f~ .R6 . :·:.~;~~4,wll~!hI~a:~~~:~~~::,~~~~~~:~~j~~~~~~~:'~~f\~m6~¥MuOf~~~7'§.Jw~d b,Qtt?\ H~:9J~Jm~fJJ,i:!!:n.~'¢'. fIQ!:~~.9.r.§lJ:i9,~gifj(s'~~tn:fnMQ' oocaslons Witp'SssBf3-'saW, Inm'~*~! Pe~.~~alr5p)t on Inmate Vasquez which resulted In mutual combat Tt\:~;;s.eXiJ.~I.E!I!~J;i~,t1.qns·.w~f!3:#~tgr!IIIj:I.e.:9.:l.~.~~., unfounded. (Archibald) Simple Battery - based on only mmor Injuries, no weapons were used, there was only one assailant and the vIctim dId not fight back. •• • • • :".l.Oliy,., ...,.,.,....._..... ,. 2'O:aY.i;· '50'liys' No'ACliili'l'N6Iild·'" ' 'orf11J.08;'0903:liOiJts,,'i:P.od T· :e"Of'liic!if'ribAsS'aiilt/OtrkHider-;on offender :!/.~'VJ:d~~I($.rr~YPJV.~d'fWrria.t~s(sj':.J~ramiild, J3.4i'i~~lupe #40743 Pearsall, .Roger #38260 ·BrlilfSomrrialY.o,f- IO~lq~lJ.v.J;x~n:l.s~.~J'\q ~ctlglJT~ken: P$llle.ifcalJed·'bIUe,"'(liJma\I'f.Onlnm~fe,fJsSl;1ult) ERT At apprOXimately 0903 on July 11, 2008 officer team responded to I pod. The assault was over when they arnved. They res'tralned inmates Jaramillo and Pearsall and escorted them to medical for Attachment I -Page 22 - CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020596 ~. . : ·~~"4 l~ -!-i.·~:~ =:i.:i:· 1 :~~~* ,."': evaluation. Inmate Jaramillo was placed PHS for assault In segregation at this time mmate Pearsall Is stili . 10 medical awaiting mental evaluation and proper placement ICC Investigation Fmdlngs After Pearsall was returned to general population Inmate Jaramillo 40743 made a comment about Inmate Pearsall spitting on hIs fnend Inmate Vasquez Inmate Pearsall made some comment Inmate Jaramillo felt was disrespectfully and Inmate Jaramillo began punching him repeatedly as he knocked him all the way down a flight of stairs (Archibald) SImple Battery - based on only mmor InJUrieS, no weapons were used, there was only one assailant and the 91ctlm did not fight back 07/11/08.1430. L-Pod Type: Assault Offender on offender Involved: McCormick, Dwayne #75137 ,summary: Inmate McCormick 75137 reported to staff In JKL that he had been assaulted Inmate McCormick has fresh InJunes to the face that are consIstent With an assaulVbattery. Inmate McCormick stated he was assaUlted by 3 or 4 Caucasian Inmates whom are associated with the Secunty Group known as the "Aryan nights", Inmate McCormick stated he was unaWare as to whom the Aggressors were In hiS assault Inmate McCormick was escorted to Medical for further evaluation and then proceeded to Se' .. .trQfHQriJnv.~~ljg~tlonpurposes and for his safety Staff secured all Inmates, In L-Pod, to theIr cells I . .'·J~ta.I)9.W~.t~ffa§~;conduct upper body and knuckle Inspections. At approximately 1629 h~!.m~i:Mi:nliil~tratlv.j;rQiJty Officer (A.W. Prado) placed L·Podon lackdown until further notice J&G:hi~ ': . . .~ j:t5:,r~t~m9~rs ofthe Aryan Kmghts ordered Inmate McCormick 75137 to beat up ;fomji{(L ,.. J!.. ~Y.~g6. '~'M~e.ij';~~lailed to carry out thiS order, he was beat up by Inmate Bailey 67816 (AK) and Inmate Miller 74986 ·(AK). Both assailants received DORs; (Archibald) Extortlon/Aggravated Battery - based on there being multiple assailants making serious injury hIghly likely and It was an attempt to force an Inmate to commit Violence agamst hIS will as part of an extortion scheme. .; :07111/080"'1450, LPod, Type' dflncldent: Assault Sexual Involved: NOrriS, Joe #76838 Summary; Inmate Noms 76838 reported that he had been assaUlted 10 the Pod. Inmate Norns has Injunes to the face and body consistent with an assaUlt/battery Inmate Noms stated he had been assaulted by two or three Caucasian Inmates who are associated With the Security Threat Group known as the Aryan Knights. Inmate NOrriS would not give any addlbonallnformallon about the assailants Inmate Norns was transported to St Lukes Hospital for treatment K-Pod was locked down while the inCident was investigated Inmata Noms was found to have contusions, swelling, and a hematoma of the upper left quadrant of the facial area Upon return from the transport the IOmate was taken to Segregation for hOUSing pending an investigation mto the assault ,lBcfnvesttgatiomFlJid'lngs: Inmate Norrls is a self-admitted Shoshone Outlaw/Native Gangster Blood ;:g~b.g.nI~in~~r! Jhi~;'~~i]l)*;by the Aryan Knights is believed to be over an issue of dIsrespect, He would '. r1P.\ IdiHitlfY:th~a.$sailari1~r (Archibald) At1achment 1 -Page 23 • CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CC~KELLY020597 .~ ~'..~ .~.' ;;~~~;r ,~~ . Aggravated Battery - based' on there being multIple assailants attackmg 9ns vIctim makmg seTious Injury highly likely ,,7/16108•..1949 hrs. "'.Pod. CelLA10t Type: Assault Offender on offende'r Involved: Bautista-Aguayo 84566, Sandoval 87716 Summary: Inmate Sandoval entered Inmate Buatlsta's cell and started hitting him repeatedly. Inmate Sandoval admits being the aggressor In the incident. Both Inmates were restrained, taken to Medical for evaluation, and then to Segregation for housmg. . ICC Invesbgalion Pendmg Simple Battery - based on only minor InJunes, no weapons were used, there was only one assailant and the victim dId not fIght back "-.""'-_._.._._.. ,, ....."'..... _- ..:: ... ,.... _...• '._._--_ .... 7-17-08. 0645. Dining Hall Type of In~ldent: Assault: Offender on offender Indlvldual(s) Involved: Cantleld, Tommy#B6856, Coronado, Ruflno#B4483 Summary: Inmate Canfield # 8B856 assaulted mmate Coronado #84483 In the dmlng hall lieutenant Greene administered a,one secpnd burst of OleoreSin Capsicum aUnmate Canfield to gam compliance to orders to sI9p:~ffgJj~i)jg{'rti1J.~l~,fQQt9M.d.i:iwas comphant"and was not contaminated with Oleoresin Capsicum. liJ:m~,~!f'" n~9~W~§.~~~~!t~y medical and placed In segregabon PHS. Inmate Canfield refused me:Cljcaf'.:'qr.}'i:ind.Wi:i$;taK~iJ dIrectly to segregation for decontamination and placement PHS for fighting . _. , ... . ' ..",. ICC Investigation Pending Simple Batterv ~ based on only minor InJunes, no weapons were used, the VictIm did not fight back. then.~ was only one assailant and 07/18/2008,1330 hrs J·Pod Cell 114A Type of Incident: Assault: Offender on offender Involved: Pitchford, Brandon 85665 Summary: 1'!.r.Tf$.X~;PIJCiliJplCr89'Q~~5i.l~~X::dffe·ild'e.r) reported to JKL Unit staff that he had been battered In hIS cell J-114' "Ii}li'iaiEfPil¢lifOfQ·li~~JnJu.tiiflfc.:pi;l~J~tent with a battery/assault Inmate Pitchford stated he was battered iiJth!sc;~JI. b.tfq!-1M.rJlv~~G~I,J®,~!"Jn)nmates Inmate Pitchford could not Identify the alleged Assailants. Inmate Pitchford was escorted to Medical for further evaluation and then will proceed into Segregation pending Investigation for hIs safety ICC Investigation Pending Aggravated Battery. based on there being multiple assaIlants attacking one victim making serious injury highly likely , Attachment I ·Page 24- CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY. CCA_KELLY020598 .' '"!..~ .~. :,~ :~'. \-(~: :;. ai.·..~~~::. ..·~>1 .:!.:: . • ~.~; •. ~r. "t .. ISi"~d. SUT" . ·iii%.-ff' ··k4$:jfriiT5i1.1~·· (uF~~ow~':iX~)L~rUE.~~~.~j~o&i >:> . . .: :.. :.':.~ :~ _~.:._ ·.ilIil :.i. !ijij;.:•". ~ .r.'.... . . Dm!I r::=~". . .~;"";.;,~'=";,,J;.- ~4~H"'"..::;:;;=.:::t=---_·· ....·] ,_.,.. l.·.:..·.: j..i.:l...:.§ •.:.<.:j.:;m._:.: .• .. j_'. . • • • '. •:•••••. • •• IM.·.Ii. ll.·l;...•...',·. 07/21/08, bPod Type: Assault Offender on offender Involved: Luoma, Scott =#62609 (V), McCllnn, Mlcheal #87323 (S) Summary: On the above date and approximate time, Inmate Luoma #62809 was assaulted by an unknown number of inmates on l-Pod An investigatIon was Initiated and It was discovered that Inmate McCllnn #87323 was Involved In the assault on Inmate Luoma At this time It 15 not known whether or not Inmate McChnn acted alone, t.he Investigation 15 on-gOIng, more Information will reported as it becomes available. On 7·22-06, upon further investigation It was determined that Inmate McChnn did not act alona In the assault He was aSSisted by three other Inmates. Inmate Collingwood #59683, Inmate Albin #76165, and Inmate Hudson #73440. ~ .,r ICC Investigation Pendmg Aggravated Battery- based on tlie number of assailants It Was high likely that serious Injury would occur.) :~ ., 07/21/0B, 2013 hours, X-Pod Type: Assault. Offender on offender Involved: Conlon # 77033, Ramirez # 85394 . Summary: Emergency Response Team was summoned to x-pod for a disturbance with Inmate Conlon # 77033 and Counselor Martynack Inmate Conlon was escorted to medical for a pre-segregation medical evaluation. After becommg verbally agitated and abUSIve With security and medIcal staff he was escorted straight to the speCial management unit where he was housed in oe1l203. Inmate Conlon alleged that he was assaulted by Inmate Ramirez #- 85394 while on X-Pod lieutenant Watts and Counselor Martynack conducted an interview with mmate Conlon concerning hiS allegations. An mvestlgatlon Into the validity of inmate Conlon's allegation has been Initiated. No externallnJunes are apparent at this time, however medical staff Will attempt to re-examine Inmate Conlon at 2200 hours ICC InvestigatIOn Pending Simple Battery· based on only minor inJuries, no weapons were used, there Was orily one assailant and the Victim did not fight back ,07/25/08. 1535 hours, I-Pod, 1-213 fy'p'e: Assault COffendefoii Offender Involved: Inmates(s) Waterhouse, Qumcey #77780, Lund, Layne #58320 Summary: Inmate Lund 58320 (Sex Offender) was g1lscovered by staff In cell 1213 With a laceration on hiS IIp He was escorted to medical. Inmate Lund stated that hiS cellmate Inmate Waterhouse had assaUlted hIm 10 his cell at approxImately 1530 hours. Inmate Waterhouse was questioned and blood was discovered on hiS left arm. Inmate Waterhouse had no Injuries that would cause there to be blood on his arm. 80th Inmates were evaluated by medicsI staff. Inmate Waterhouse was placed In SegregatIon Inmate Lund was taRen offsite to the hospital as hiS injuries reqUIred him to be taken to the emergency room for treatment. Attachment I -Page 25 - CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020599 , :J '. '., , .. :;'. ICC Investigation Pending Simple Battery. based on only minor Injunes, no weapons were used, there was only one assailant and the victim did not fight back .07126/081_1-840 hours, DjnlJ)g Hall: Type: Assault. Offender on offender Involved: Inmates(s) Karns, Cole #60343, GarCia, Joseph #89298 " Summary: On 7/26/08 at 1840 afight broke out pe\YIeen Inmates Karns and GarcIa in the dlmng hall. When the mmates failed to comply with verbal dIrectives to cease fighting, lieutenant Aaron Gleason deployed a short burst of Oleoresin Capsicum to their faCial area, The mmates stili continued to fight and Correctional Counselor Michael Kerr1hen deployed another burst of Oleorelj!n CapSicum The Inmates then qUit fighting and assumed a prone position on the floor Both Inmates were restrained and taken dIrectly to the SpeCial Management Unit where they were decontammated In the shower. They-were then led to their cells for housmg , ICC Investigation Pending Mutual Combat/Simple Battery - based on only minor injUrieS, no weapons were used, and the one-onone combat reported 01127/0B, 1133.houTS, M-R F.oyer" TYp'e: Assault' Offender on offender Involved: Inmates it Caldwell, Clay #75701, Stopka I, Aaron # 87621, Summary: On July 27th,2008 at 1133 hours Inmates Caldwell (Sex Offender) and StopkaI became mutually combatIve in M-R Foyer as they were returning from chow. Initially both Inmates were noncompliant to staff directives to stop fIghting Once the Emergency Response Team entered the Unit both Inmates complied with directives and submitted 10 restraints. The Inmates were escorted to MedIcal for an evaluation and then to Se'gregatlon without further InCident 80th mmates received superflclallnjunes to the face not needing addillonal outSide medical treatment ICC Investigation Pending Mutual Combat/Simple Battery· based on only minor injUries, no weapons were used, and the one-onone combat reported, 07/28/08, 0530 hours, B-Pod, 13·205 Type: Assault. Offender on offender .., ,_, Involved: Inmates(s). Coates, Michael #62899, Taylor, Jam~J?Jl~Mo.1 Summary: On 7-28-07 at 1430 hours Inmate CoalEW;#62899 (S~x:·,QWnJI.~r);,~lre,ije.~,that he had been assaulted by Inmate Taylor #85801 In B·205b at 0530 hours ~:A.Fter :ar-Hni,;e5tig~tioli ItWas concluded that Inmate Taylor struck Inmate Coates m the face with a closed':f{~.t; [3,o\/}Jorn~.t§~:w!,!r.e. escorted to medical for evalualions and subsequently placed In Segregation No further Incidents occurred. Attachment I ·Page 26· CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020600 ,.. " .' ,,;.... .~ ,......... ~:. ICC lnvestlgabon Pending . i Simple Battery - based on only mrnor InJunes, no weapons were used, there was only one assailant and the vIctim did not fIght back ~: 07/29/08,1903 hours, C-Pod Cell 107 Type: Assault Offender on offender Involved: Doglc, Dzemal #85442, Velasquez, Sergio'#64865 Summary: On July 29,2008 at 1903 Inmate Doglc.#85442 notified Correctional Officer Knight, via his cell call box, that he had Just beenassa.t:mer;t .The ,~i)1.~rgenoy R.~~P£n~.~ Team was deployed to C pod; Upon there ai1'W~.Iithm&t~.,l1o;glq:~!lell.~I:fJ/j~rr " ~N~J~~q4Ji~~~~6.§g;had tned to extort hIm for commissary, :eP9;Whenr~~gljf;t~,~9~~~Hv,w... .... ':;~e~!~;:M~r:l~:mm with a closed fist Inmate Dolgle did sh9.W;:~ ;m~:n::J~l?J~:t!ll;.Qllh).(i. . :", K.B.o.tb:filffil;lte.s;were restrained and escorted to Segre9atlon\~p;e(id .'; -; .~ li.edtiM~StrS.at1~n;;:W1._tJ.:rt.b~!, Jm~J.~~nl.;, ICC Investigation Pending ExtortIon/SImple Battery - based on personal property taken by force, only mmor InJunes, no weapons were used, there was only one assailant and the victim did not fight back. It could be argued thIs was robbery ,.01l30l0B,,1.52Q.. hours,JCC,_ M~F'od_ 'Type: Assault. bffenderon offender _ Involved: Gutierrez-Gallegos, Abel #76723, Ramirez, Adam #76147 Summary: On JUly 3D, 2008 Case Manager Rosendau!. rE.!celved info~r:nat!ol1 t~1:lt ~o offenders, $y'~¥.£i.~z~,"~.IJ#.g~#llt ""O:~e~ ··ff~,(R~:mir~i~:j4~r($i:i)(~~~p:~~.r}t;~W:~J~,sfbeen Involved 10 a p!.1y,steal:alt¢Icat!o.r;t. .~d· G. ll~gg§.ftQmt.h~:p~d.:a.!1~ fOllmt~l;Ip..~rtI9Ial wounds to hIS !~ft:ey~'al)~~f9rs~ :G _ " Msgo$:a~irt.e) Q: Qeiiig;iii:aip.fiisJcaraltar'Catlo~ wltJiOffender Ramirez. :$fa.lf·~.afi1e(e:[t~\ai~me.n. siti'om Q}))er r6sj~ehlS,~ot:M.;po.Qj-rfdAw.o~ti\it~m~lit~·ld~njiTi~~. RamIrez as the :liftfier~ssa1IanFRa'riJlte.i''WEls:.ihtetvieWEid,a.i:l_~~w.C!~Jpund with superfIcial wounds Both inmates were taken to medical and segregation ".. ICC Investigation Pending Mutual CombaV SImple Battery - based on only minor InJunes, no weapons were used, and the one-onone combat reported 08/01/2008, 1710 hours, L Pod Cell 113 Type: Assault. Offender on offender Involved: Colucci, Timothy # 79193 Summary: On August 1, 2008 at 1710 hours Inmate ColUCCI #79193 notified Correctional Officer Woycenko via call box that he had been assaulted Officer Drake made physical contact with Inmate Colucci and venfled that he had Injuries that substantialed the assault had occurred Inmate ColUCCI was At1achment I ·Page 27- CONFIDENTIAL/ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020601 ·r . .;, .,;..., ..... '; ....... " taken to medIcal for an onslte medical evaluation and then placed In Segregation pending further Investigation. ICC Invesligalion Pending SImple Battery - based on only mmor inJuries, no weapons were used, there was, only one assailant and the vIctim did not fight back ' OB/O,4lO8;=1BD4"hours. -DIOIng, Hall Typ'o: Assault Offender on offender Involved: John, Mlcheal # 87221, Ross, Richard 4f. 85308, Larsen, James # 82664 Summary: Al1804 Hours a code Blue( inmate on mmate fight) was declared In the dimng hall Three inmates John# 8722,1, Ross # 8530B, and Larsen # 82684 were Involved In a physical altercation 10 the rear left corner of the dining hall. Captain Welbye responded from within the dining hall'and began gIVIng lOUd verbal dlrecllves for the combatants to cease fighting and lay face down on the floor wllh thelf hands out and palms up All three Inmates were compliant. All three Inmates were restrained by staff InSide the dining hail. All three mmates were gIven medical evaluattons and housed In segregation pending investigation and dlsclpl/na/)' charges ICC Investigation Pendlllg Group Combat! SImple Battery - based on only minor InJuries, no weapons were used, and number of combatants, If It IS determined that there were two mmates attacking one or that there actually was a weapon Involved then It would appear to be aggravated assault based on the probability of causing serious injury Allachment I ·Page 28 - CONFIDENTJAUATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY CCA_KELLY020602