Il Cook County Hospital Policy and Procedure July 2006
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Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 8 of 32 PageID #:2678 Exhibit 3 Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 9 of 32 PageID #:2679 .- · ---:---.----------:----.---------:-------, · ----- - - EXTERNAL OPERATIONS Transportation K-9: . Policy No. EO 32 EFFECTiVE DATE - 25 July 2006 RELATED G.O. UNIT/ DIVISIONAL PROCEDURE HOSPJTAL POLICY AND PROCEDURE 12.2 PAGE I OF 9 It is the policy of External Operations to ensure that the health care needs of hospitalized inmates (detainees) are met in a humane matter. External Operations shall protect the rights and privleges of the inmates (detainees) mandated into it's custody. II. Purpose t - - - - --�-�-� - Constant visual surveillance of inmate (detainee) is required and maintained at all times. At no --tnrreis-al!tinma e-(-detairreetto-b-e-leftu:nate t rrded-u.nderanrci'rcumstrorce-s:-'f-herebyproviding- safety for the hospital personnel, citizens of Cook County and the inrilate (detainee). III. Definitions 1. High Risk Inmate (Detainee)- The Sheriffs Office shall designate all detainees as HSR who are transported, housed or otherwise located outside of the CCDOC complex. IV. Procedures A. Restraints 1. All handcuffs and leg irons are to be securely attached and double locked 2. Restraining is to be done in a manner that will not unduly interfere with medical procedures and/or tests. 3. Leg irons and handcuffs will secure the inmates (detainees) to the bed frame when the inmate (detainee) is not ambulating, being transported, being tested, in therapy or using the hospitals restroom facilities. Handcuffs will be covered with the blue box and waist chain secured to the bed frame. Plaintiffs' Exhibit 3 Page 1 - Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 10 of 32 PageID #:2680 .---�---��----�---.--� EXTERNAL OPERATIONS Transportation K-9, E FFECTIVE DATE Policy No. E 0-32 25 July 2006 RELATED G.O. UNIT/ DIVISIONAL PROCEDURE HOSPITAL POLICY AND PROCEDURE 12 2 . PAGE 2 OF 9 EXCEPTIONS I. When court order prohibits their use. 2. When written order from a licensed physician prohibits restraining ft>r a valid medical reason(s). These orders must be specific as the amount of time a restraint is to be removed and from which limb. These orders must be review and re written by the physician every 48hours. Copies are to be forwarded to the ----- Superintendent of External Operations for approval. -----,...,B-:-7\:amiSSIOn ------ ---- --- I. All non-emergency admissions from the Cook County Department of Corrections are required to have the following paperwork: a completed pre-admission form, a current transfer summary, any pertinent medical records, classification summary and departmental photo identification card. 2. Take all relevant paperwork to the patient's admissions office of the hospital. 3. Inmates (Detainees) pre-scheduled for admission will be taken to their pre-designated place accompanied by an External Operations Officer. The Officer is to remain with the inmate (detainee) until a "face-to-face" relief is made. 4. Inmates (Detainees) are to be completely searched prior to admission. 5. Inmates (Detainees) are to be dressed and are to remain dressed in hospital attire for the duration to their hospital stay. C. Main Operating Room 1. The External Operations Officer is to notify the surgical team that patient is an inmate (detainee) and that a visual surveillance must be kept at all times. The inmate (detainee) must be in view of the Officer at all times. 2. 3. The External Operations Officer is to follow all hospital policies that do not con flict with departmental security rules and regulations. All conflicts between hos pital policy and that of CCDOC policies and procedures are to be immediately re ported to an External Operations Medical Unit supervisor. 4. The supervisor is to attempt to reconcile the matter as promptly as possible. D. Labor and Delivery Room I. In accordance with Illinois Statute 730 ILCS 125/I7.5 (Pregnant Female Prisoners) NO handcuffs, leg irons or waist chains shall be used on a female inmate (detainee) who is in labor, this includes while being transported to the medical facility. 2. A female, External Operations Officer is to be assigned to the pregnant inmate (detainee) whenever possible. Plaintiffs' Exhibit 3 Page 2 -- - Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 11 of 32 PageID #:2681 EXTERNAL OPERATIONS K-9� Transportation �- , •, E FFECTIVE DATE 25 July 2006 RELATED G.O. ·,oo�,. -� � o o� .. Policy No. EO -32 UNIT/ DIVISIONAL PROCEDURE z ... - - ,,.· (I 1 W 0 HOSPITAL POLICY AND PROCEDURE 12.2 PAGE 3 OF 9 3. The External Operations Officer is to remain no further than outside the delivery room door once the pregnant irunate (detainee) enters the room. 4. The External Operations Officer will follow all hospital policies that do not conflict with maintaining the security of and preventing the escape of the in mate (detainee). E. Hospital Irunate (Detainee) Takeovers 1. Upon notification from the R.C.D.C. division of the Department of Corrections of a hospitalized inmate(detainee) to be mandated to CCDOC, the Chief of Security -f------------=T.ofc fi e personnen13eat no. 3200) will assign ana contact---arlExtemal OperatwnsOfncer:-- - This Officer will be given all pertinent information (name and I.D. no.; charge(s); bail amount; next court date; name of arresting Jaw enforcement agency and that Officer's name and badge no.; the hospital's name (locations if necessary) and room no.; irunate's (detainee's) ailment or reason for hospitalization. 2. The assigned Officer is not to relieve the arresting agency or take possession of the in mate (detainee) until after an R.C.D.C. Officer has photographed and fingerprinted the irunate (detainee). Then the assigned Officer is to follow all applicable procedures once a photograph of the inmate (detainee) is obtained from the R.C.D.C. Officer. 3. If the arresting law enforcement agency Officer is not present at the hospital upon the assigned Officer's arrival, the assigned Officer is to immediately contact the Chief of Security office (Beat no. 4. 3200) to notifY the Shift Commander. The assigned Officer is to immediately contact the Chief of Security office (Beat no. 3200) if upon the completion of the R.C.D.C. Officer there has not been a transport unit present F. with a leg iron and blue box. The transport unit should also take fhe photograph from the assigned Officer to the Departmental Medical Unit Office at John Stroger Hospital. Hospital Inmate (Detainee) Discharges I. Upon notification from the medical service coordinator or the charge nurse that the neces sary paper work is ready for the irunate's (detainee's) discharge from the hospital to the Cook County Department of Corrections the assigned Officer will advise the Department Medical Unit Office. When making notification to the Medica) Unit Security office of the irunate's (detainee's) discharge, under no circumstances is the inmate (detainee) to be left unattended. If need be, handcuff and apply leg irons to the inmate (detainee) and escort irunate (detainee) to the nearest hospital telephone to make notification. 2. Remove the restraints from the inmate (detainee) only after the arrival of the transporting unit Officers and allow the inmate to dress. Plaintiffs' Exhibit 3 Page 3 -- Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 12 of 32 PageID #:2682 EXTERNAL OPERATIONS Transportation K-9, Policy No. EO- 32 EFFECTIVE DATE 25 Jul)r 2006 RELATED G.O. UNIT/ DIVISIONAL PROCEDURE HOSPITAL POLICY AND PROCEDURE 12.2 PAGE 4 OF 9 3. The transporting unit Officers will conduct a complete search of the inmate (detainee) prior to leaving the hospital room. 4. The inmate (detainee) wiil then be handcuffed. Leg irons and waist chain will also be applied by the transporting unit Officers. 5. The transporting unit Officers are to notifY the Chief of Security office (Beat no. 3200) of their departure from the hospital and their arrival to the Cook County Department of Corrections. 6. The transporting unit Officers will return directly to Cermak Health Services with the a-oc _ u _ inmate (detainee), discharge papers, prescription(s) (ifany)and any other medIc�a-.1-� �me-n- --tation. EXCEPTION l. lf the inmate (detainee) has personal property; the transporting unit Officers will go directly to R.C.D.C. There the personal property is to be properly inventoried before going to Cermak. 2. lf the inmate'� (detainee's) only photograph is an instant snap shot, then the trans porting unit Officer will go directly to R.C.D.C. There the inmate will be properly photographed before going to Cermak. G. Medical Unit Security Office The Medical Unit Security office for the Department of Corrections is located in the John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital I 51 floor across from clinic C . It is to be staffed at all times (24 hours (I) Correctional Officer and at least one ( I) supervisor of a a day). The office will have one Correctional Sergeant or above in rank. Duties of Officer Assigned to the Desk: 1. Monitor all persons entering and exiting the Medical Unit Security office. 2. Maintain all logbooks of all the events that happen during the course of your tour of 3. 4. duty. Account for all keys and equipment assigned to the office. Log the movement of all ho�pitalized inmates (detainees) in appropriate logbook. Write visitor passes (where applicable) and log all visitor information (name, address, relationship, type of I. D. and no.) in appropriate book. Fill out appropriate logbook for . official (attorney, clergy, public official , etc. ) visitors as well. 5. NotifY the assigned Officer of impending visitation, whenever possible. 6. Monitor the radio (Band no. DOC Ex-Ops) and act as dispatcher for all External Operations hospital traffic. Plaintiffs' Exhibit 3 Page 4 a · Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 13 of 32 PageID #:2683 EXTERNAL OPERATIONS Transportation K-9, Policy No. . EFFECTIVE DATE E0-32 25 July 2006 RELATED G. O. UNIT/ DIVISIONAL PROCEDURE HOSPITAL POLICY AND PROCEDURE 12.2 PAGE 5 OF 9 7. Log all Officer's medical call-ins of all relevant hospital assignments for the relieving shift. Ensure that all logbooks pertaining to your tour of duty are completely filled-out and 8. signed by the supervisor on duty at the end of shift along, with any other paperwork. 9. Ensure that the inner door leading to the office is secured at all times while detainees are present. I 0. Ensure that the designated restroom is the only restroom utilized by detainees that are ---- ---- - discharged or fantus returns. The restroom must be searched before and after the detainee r.rrse�i --------- 11. Ensure that the designated restroom is searched prior to the beginning of each shift. 12. Perform any other duties as directed by the External Operations Medical Unit Supervisor. In the event of an ESCAPE: I. Notify the hospital security to secure all exits. 2. Notify all CCDOC personnel, on duty, at the hospital of the escape and provide them with detailed information of the inmate. 3. Immediately notify the Chief of Security office (Beat no. 3200) of the escape and provide the following information: a. Name and J.D. no. of the escaped irimate (detainee) b. A full physical description (age, race, height, weight, hair and eye color, etc.) of inmate (detainee) who escaped c. Clothing description of escaped inmate (detainee) d. Time and place of escape, also give direction of escape (if known) e. Inmate's (Detainee's) medical condition Duties of the Supervisor(s) 1. Conduct roll call (visual uniform inspection) and give the Officers their assignments (inmate (detainee) name, room no., movement/test expected, etc.). 2. Make three (3) daily rounds at the hospital(s) assigned, obtaining a signature of the appropriate Officers each time on the hospital rounds sheet. 3. Ensure that all Officers assigned to a hospital a assigned a lunch relief (if not, make 4. sure reason is documented) on the hospital lunch relief schedule. Always maintain radio contact with the Medical Unit Security office when outside of office. 5. Ensure that the Chief of Security office (Beat no. 3200) is kept informed of the 6. current inmate (detainee) hospital count. Notify the Chief of Security office (Beat no. Plaintiffs' Exhibit 3 3200) immediately upon the demise Page 5 Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 14 of 32 PageID #:2684 1 EXTERNAL OPERATIONS K-9·, Transportation Policy No. EFFECTIVE DATE E0-32 25 July 2006 RELATED G.O. ,oo .. _o'�'"o, c , �- . 11 IN 0 •,- UNIT/ :z .. DIVISIONAL , ..· PROCEDURE HOSPITAL POLICY AND PROCEDURE 12.2 PAGE 7. 8. 6 OF 9 of a hospitalized inmate. Act as a liaison between CCDOC and the hospital administration Ensure all paper work and logbook(s) are completely filled-out by the Officer assigned to the desk. All paperwork and logbook(s) are to have your signature at the end of 9. shift where appropriate. Perform any other duties as directed by External Operations Shift Commander. Duties of the Movement Officer --------- 1. �. 3. 4. Check and verify authorizations of all appointments before any movement takes place. All Irtrhates (Qefainees) are ro-oe·searcfledfurcuntratand. All iiunates (detainees) are to be handcuffed /blue box covers with waist chains and leg irons applied prior to movement. All inmates (detainees) that are confined to a bed are to be moved by the hospital transporter and escorted by the movement officer (the inmate (detainee) is to restrained 5. 6. 7. 8, to the bed frame by leg irons and handcuffs /blue box covers with waist chains). Notify the Medical Unit Security office prior to movement and again upon arrival to destination. Ensure that tpe most direct route to the destination is taken without stopping. Secure the designated area upon arrival. Upon completion of the assignment(s) given, return to the medical unit security office and await further directive from the Medical Unit Security Supervisor. Duties of Officers assigned to inmates (detainees) 1. 2. 3. Officers are not to handle or possess hospital supplies or equipment. Officers are to provide security for the hospital personnel and inmate (detainee) alike. Officers are to maintain the inmate's (detainee's) right to privacy as related to their medical condition and reason for incarceration. 4. Officers will be assigned a Garrett Hand Wand to assist in conducting searches of items accessible .to the inmate (detainee), the room and bed/area of the inmate (detainee) at the beginning of their tour of duty, after movement from the area, and after any outside visitation. All medical staff with photo identification will be allowed access into detainees room without being hand wanded. All medical staff without photo identification 5. will be challenged to provide photo identification. Officers will not allow any unauthorized person(s) in the room or in close proximity of the inmate (detainee) unless the person identifies him/her self as a visitor. The visitor will submit to visitor protocol and it must be the correct visiting day. 6. Officers will not allow visitors to. have any type of physical contact with the inmate Plaintiffs' Exhibit 3 Page 6 - Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 15 of 32 PageID #:2685 EXTERNAL OPERATIONS K-9� Transportation Policy No. EFFECTIVE DATE E0-32 25 July 2006 RELATED G.O. UNIT/ DIVISIONAL PROCEDURE 7. HOSPITAL POLICY AND PROCEDURE 12.2 PAGE 7 of 9 Officers will submit a disciplinary report to a Medical Unit Security Supervisor when inmate (detainee) violates the rules and regulations of either the CCDOC, the hospital or the hospitalized inmate (detainee) information sheet. 8. 9. Officers will adhere to all hospital policies that are not in conflict with the policies of CCDOC or this hospital policy and procedure. Officers will maintain a professional and courteous demeanor at all times with the inmates (detainees), hospital personnel and visitors. In the event of - an ESCAPE 1. Immediately notifY the Medical Unit Security office providing as much detail as 2. Begin searching for the inmate (detainee) monitoring your radio and keeping in --------possibf". ---- -----�---·-- �--- --�-�· ---- -- constant contact with the Medical Unit Security office. 3. H. Complete all reports prior to being relieved or the end of your tour of duty. Visitation 1. 2. Inmate (Detainee) visitation hours will coincide with that established by the hos pital and as written into policy. Inmate (Detainee) visitation days are as follows: Wedn�sdays only at John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital Thursdays only at all other hospitals in the county of Cook. EXCEPTION a. b. Attorney, Clergy and Public Officials may be permitted to visit any day of the week. Attorney visits are permitted at bedside. The Officer shall move far enough away to allow for verbal privacy, yet maintaining a constant visual throughout the visit. This is done to provide for the maximum feasible privacy between attorney and client. I. Program Services 1. 2. 3. Correctional Rehabilitation Workers (CRW) are transported to hospital(s) twice a, week. The CRW's will provide paper, pen, pencil and I or "write-outs" for those inmates (detainees) in need as well as upon request. High Risk Inmates (Detainees) will only have access to utilize these items unrestrained during the CRW's visit. J. Court Dates All inmates ate to go to court as ordered unless advised by the medical personnel that being transported might in some way be a health hazard or interfere with treatment or therapy. -----Plaintiffs' Exhibit 3 Page 7 Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 16 of 32 PageID #:2686 ,--.-- · · . . EXTERNAL OPERATIONS Transportation K-9·, Po1icy No. EFFE.CTIVE DATE E0-32 25 JuJy 2006 RELATED G. O. UNIT/ DIVISIONAL PROCEDURE K. HOSPITAL POLICY AND PROCEDURE 12. 2 PAGE 8 of 9 Inmate (Detainee) telephone usage 1. L. High Risk inmates (detainees) are permitted to use the telephone once in a after the first 48 hours of hospitalization as written into policy. 48 hour period, Inmate ( Detainee) Responsibilities 1. Inmates (Detainee) are to be held accountable for their behavior. All violations of the C C DOC rules and regulations as well as those in the "Hospitalized Inmate L. (Detainee) Information Sheet" are to be documented on a disciplinary report. 1 ne omy personal p-roperty inmates (detainees[shirttiJealtowe-dl"o�ake-unh"e·�--------- hospital are legal papers, prescription eyeglasses and/or contact lens, dentures or other mail correspondence. 3. 4. 5. 6. Inmates (Detainees) are not allowed to possess any metal or glass objects. Inmates (Detainees) are not allowed under any circumstances to receive gifts. The only food, drink or the like allowed is that provided by the hospital for all patients with the same or similar ailments. ' Inmates (Detainees) are not allowed to receive or possess currency or money orders. EXC E PTION Inmates (Detainees) hospitalized at Oak Forest Hospital are allowed to have funds in an account (see Oak Forest Hospital addendum). 7. Inmates ( Detainees) are not allowed to be photographed; video taped or sound recorded unless authorized by the Superintendent of Extemal Operations (This does not include the photographing by the CCDOC/R.C. D.C. for identification purposes. 8. When medically permitted, inmates (detainees) will be allowed to use the hospital restroom facilities. This will only take place when escorted and continually monitored by an External Operations Officer (gender appropriate). Plaintiffs' Exhibit 3 Page 8 Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 17 of 32 PageID #:2687 l EXTERNAL OPERATIONS K-9: Transportation Policy No. EFFECTIVE DATE E0-32 25 RELATED G. O. ,oo� _o'�roc: �- .c , ·,t 1,., o' UNIT/ z . "' DIVISIONAL - .. PROCEDURE July 2006 12.2 HOSPITAL POLICY AND PROCEDURE PAGE 9 9. OF 9 The only time HSR inmates (detainee) are to have their leg irons removed from the bed frame is if they are medically permitted to use the hospital restroom facilities, to use the telephone or for medical treatment/therapy; Handcuffs are only to removed from these inmates (detainees) during the one ( 1) hour designated for meal time per s hift. I 0. Only televisions and radios provided by the hospital for patient use will be permitted for the inmates' (detainee's) use as well. -r---------- ------ -�- ----------�-- ---�-- ---- 11. Fantus Detainees Fantus detainees transported to Stroger Hospital for treatment will be brought directly to Stroger Hospital security office and secured. ·The packet will be brought to the appr opriate department for Fantus treatment and the detainee will remain in the Stroger Office. The clinic will call when they are ready to provide the detainee with their treatment. This procedure will help us maintain a high level of security and should not be deviated. Smoking is prohibited by Cook County Department of C orrections personnel and those mandated into the custody of the CCDOC while in county facilities. Superintendent of External Operations Plaintiffs' Exhibit 3 D ate Page 9 Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 18 of 32 PageID #:2688 Exhibit 4 Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 19 of 32 PageID #:2689 rI_,-, External Operations, K-Nine Trans ortation, ERT POlicy Policy 32 Effective Date October 200g 2008 Related G. G, 0, 9A4 Hospital Policy and Procedure Page 1 ofS of8 I. Policy It is the policy of External Operations/Transportation/ERT Operations/'rransportation!ERT to ensure that the health care needs of , hospitalized detainees are met in a humane matter. External OperationslTransportation/ERT Operations/Transportation!ERT shall protect the rights and privileges of the detainees mandated into .its custody. II. Purpose Constant visual surveillance of detainee is required and maintained at all times. At no time is a detainee to be left unattended under any circumstances. Thereby providing safety for the hospital personnel, citizens of Cook County and the detainee. III. Ddinitions L High Risk (HR) -The - The Sheriff's Office shall designate all detainees as High Risk who are transported, housed or otherwise located outside of the Cook County Department of Corrections complex. IV. Procedures Policy 71 will be followed to move detainee to hospital (High Risk and Extreme High Risk Escorts). If a detainee is admitted to the hospital or is being treated in the Emergence Room the detainee is to be secured to bed in the following manner: A. Restraints 1.' Handcuffs wiU wil1 be applied to one wrist preferably to the wrist that has no medication admirustered to, Handcuff will be double looked including cuff not being used, Blue box \''trapped around bed franle fran1e (not to and chain will be applied to handcuff. Chain will be ,"'rapped be attached to hand rails of bed or to part of bed !hat that can be broken off) and padlocked secured. A reasonable amount of chain slack, which does not present a danger to the ann movement. Officer, will be allowed for arm ·' 2. Leg Shackles; one Leg shackle ·w:ill 'w:ill be Il.pplie~ applie~ to the opposite ankle (key hole toward foot) to the wrist that is restrained. Other leg shackle is to be attached to a sturdy part of bed leg shackles are also to be double locked, locked. 3. Restraining is to be done in a manner that will not unduly interfere with medical procedures and/or tests. Plaintiffs' Exhibit 4 Page 1 Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 20 of 32 PageID #:2690 I Policy 32 Hospital Policy and Procedure' Page 2 ofS] ars] 4. Handcuffs, shackles blue box, chain and padlock will be standard oolicv policY for all detainees dev1ses may be used, Supervisor will be contacted if other at hospitals. Other restraining deVIses resmunmg measure must be used e,g. leather restraints. Supervisor will inform Chief or restr!unmg Superintendent of External Operations of change both written and verbally. v,.ill notate who approved restraint in use or 5. Documentation that is kept with detainee ",ill removal of restraints. This information is to be printed clearly to include: Officers name, Supervisor name, date and time followed by a signature. 6, Standard restraints will be applied as soon as reasonably possible, Officer(s) assigned to 6. a detainee that does not have standard restraints and they have used reasonable judgment and they believe detainee should be in standard restraint, Supervisor will be contacted and detainee reevaluated for restraint use. 7. If detainee is to be ambulated, transported or tested, supervisor will assign two officers to perform task. Detainee is still to be restrained ether with handcuffS or leg shackles or other approved restraining devise. this security measure so they 8. Officers and Supervisors will inform hospital personnel of oftrus are aware that detainee wil! will not move out of bed without two officers present. Hospitai personnel will also be informed that they must provide us with a schedule of medical events with at least 24-hour notice in order not to delay detainee treatment(s). treatrnent(s). 9. Officer(s) must use reasonable judgment and practice sound security measures during Life Threatening Situations. Officer(s) will not hinder life 5llVing 5!lving treatment to detainee from medical personnel Officer will contact their supervisor as soon as of actions they had to take during medical situation with possible to inform r)f detainee. detainee and condition of detainee, I 0, Supervisor will send addition staff if needed and will contact Chief on duty or 10. Superintendent of External Operations and inform of situation. (Incident (InCident report will be completed), gi.ven a bedpan by medical personnel to relieve themselves. 11. Detainees are to be given Detainees are not permitted to leave bed unless authorized to do so. B. Admission I , All non-emergency admissions from the Cook County Department of Corrections are I. required to have the following paperwork: a completed pre-admission form, [onn, a current transfer summary, any pertinent medical records, classification summary and departmental photo identification card. 2. Take ail relevant paperwork to the patient's admissions office of the hospital. 2, 3. Detainee(s) pre-scheduled for admission will be taken to their pre-designated place accompanied by an External Operations Officer. 4, The Officer is to remain with the detainee until 4. L1ntil a "face-to-face" relief is made. made.., 5, Detainee(s) are to be completely searched prior to admission. 6. Detainee(s) Detainee(s) are to be dressed and are to remain dressed in hospital attire for the duration of their hospital stay. Plaintiffs' Exhibit 4 Page 2 Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 21 of 32 PageID #:2691 Poljcy and Procedure Hospital Policy I Policy 32 Page 3 of8 I C. Main Operating Room 1. The External Operations Officer is to notify the surgical team that patient is a detainee visual surveillance must be kept at all times. and that a visua.l 2. The inmate (detainee) must be in view oflhe Officer at all times. 3. The External Operations Officer is to follow all hospital policies that do not conflict with departmental security rules and regulations. All conflicts between hospital policy and that of CCDOC policies and procedures are to be immediately reported to an External Operations Medical Unit supervisor. 4. The supervisor is to attempt to reconcile the matter as promptly as possible. D. Labor and Delivery Room 7.5 (Pregnant 1. In accordance with Illinois Statute 730 ILCS 125/J 1251J7.5 (pregnant Female Prisoners) NO «hall be used on a female inmate (detainee) who is handcuffs, leg irons or waist chains "hall in labor, this includes while being transported to the medical facility. 2, A female, External Operations Officer is to be assigned to the pregnant inmate (detainee) whenever possible. 3. The External Operations Officer is to remain no further than outside the delivery one<' the pregnant inmate (detainee) enters the room. room door one"" 4. The External Operations Officer will follow all hospital policies that do not conflict with maintaining the security of and preventing the escape of the in mate (detainee). E. Hospital Inmate (Detainee) Takeovers l. Upon notification from the R.C.D.C. division of the Department of Corrections 1. of a hospitalized inmate (detainee) to be mandated to CCDOC, the Chief of Security office personnel (Beat no. 3200) will assign and contact an External Operations Officer. This Officer will be given all pertinent information (name and I.D. no.; charge(s); bail amount; next court date; name of arresting law enforcement agency and that Officer's name and badge no.; the hospital's name (locations if necessary) and room no.; inmate's . (detainee's) ailment or reason for hospitalization. 2. The assigned Officer is not to relieve the arresting agency or take possession of the in mate (detainee) until after an R.C.D.C. Officer has photographed and fingerprinted the inmate (detainee). Then the assigned Officer is to follow all applicable procedures once a photograph of the inmate (detainee) is obtained from the R.C.D.C. Officer. 3. If the arresting law enforcement agency Officer is not present at the hospital upon the assigned Officer's arrival, the assigned Officer is to immediately contact the Chief of Security office (Beat no. 3200) to notifY the Shift Commander. 4. The assigned Officer is to immediately contact the Chief of Security office (Beat no. 3200) if upon the completion of the RC.D.C. Officer there has not been a transport unit present \",ith \Vith a kg iron and blue box. The transport unit should also take the photograph from the assigned Officer to the Departmental Medical Unit Office at John Stroger Hospital. Plaintiffs' Exhibit 4 Page 3 Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 22 of 32 PageID #:2692 Hospital Policy and Procedure Page 4 oU of3 F. Hospital Inmate (Detainee) Discharges F, I, 1. Upon notification from the medical service coordinator or the charge nurse that the necessary paper work is ready for the inmate's (detainee's) discharge from the hospital to the Cook County Department of Corrections the assigned Officer will advise the Office. When making notification to the Medical Ullit U!lit Department Medical Unit Office, Security office of the inmate's (detainee's) discharge, under no circumstances is the inmate (detainee) to be left unattended. If need be, handcuff and apply leg irons to the inmate (detainee) and escort irunate (detainee) to the nearest hospital telephone to make notification, notification. 2. Remove the restraints from the inmate (detainee) only after the arrival of the 2, dress. transporting unit Officers and allow the inmate to dress, 3, 3. The transporting unit Officers will conduct a complete search of the inmate (detainee) prior to leaving the hospital room. 4, 4. The inmate (detainee) will then be handcuffed, handcuffed. The transporting unit Officers will also apply leg irons and waist chaln, chain. 5. The transporting unit Officer(s) is to notify the Chief of Security office (Beat no, no. 3200) of their departure from the hospital and their arrival to the Cook County Department of Corrections. 6. The transporting unit Officers will return directly to Cermak Health Services with the 6, irunate (detainee), discharge papers, prescription(s) (if any) and any other medical documentation. documentation, EXCEPTION 1 If the inmate (detainee) has personal property, the transporting unit Officers will go directly to KC.D,C. R.C.D.C. There the personal property is to be properly inventoried before going to Cermak. 2, 2. Inhe Ifthe inmate's (detaipee' (detaiuee' s) only photograph is an instant snap shot, then the transporting unit Officer will go directly to ReD,C. R.C.D.C. There the inmate will be properly photographed before going to Cermak. G. Medical Unit Security Office ofCorrectionsis Correctionsis located in the John The Medical Unit Security office for the Department of H. Stroger, Jr, H, Jr. ;Hospital H"ospital 1st floor across from clinic C. It is to be staffed at all times (24 hours iiia day). The office will have one (1) Correctional Officer and at least one (I) supervisor of IIa Correctional Sergeant or above in rank. rank, Duties of Officer Assigned to the Desk: I, 2. . 2, office . Monitor all persons entering and exiting the Medical Unit Security office, Maintain all logbooks of all the events that happen during the, the.course course of your tour of duty, Account for all keys and equipment assigned to the office, office. 3. LogExhibit 3, the movement of all hospitalized inrrtates (detainees) in appropriate logbook. Page 4 Plaintiffs' 4 I Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 23 of 32 PageID #:2693 i Policy 32 Page 5 0[8 of8 I/ Hospital Policy and Procedure 4. Write visitor passes (where applicable) and log all visitor information (name, address relationship, type ofLD. and no.) in appropriate book. Fill out appropriate logbook for official (attorney, clergy, public official, etc.) visitors as well, welL 5. NotifY the assigned Officer of impending visitation, whenever possible. 6. Monitor the radio (Band no. DOC Ex-Ops) and act as dispatcher for all External Operations hospital traffic. 7. Log all Officers' medical call-ins of all relevant hospital assignments for the relieving shift 8. Ensure that all logbooks pertaining to your tour of duty are completely filled-out a signed by the supervisor on duty at the end of shift along, with any other paperwork. 9. Ensure that the inner door leading to the office is secured at all times While while detainees are present. 10. Ensure that the designated restroom is the only restroom utilized by detainees that are discharged or Pantus Fantus returns. 1he the restroom must be searched before and after the detainee uses it. 11. !I. Ensure that the designated restroom is searched prior to the beginning of each shift, shift. 12. 12, Perform any other duties as directed by the External Operations Medical Unit Supervisor. ln In the event of an all ESCAPE: I. Notiry the hospital security to secure all exits. 2. Notiry all CCDOC personnel, on duty, at the hospital of the escape and provide them with detailed information of the inmate. 3. Immediately notifY the Chief of Security office (Beat no. 3200) of the escape and provide the following information: a. Name and CJMIS number of the escaped inmate (detainee) b. A full physical description (age, race, height, weight, hair and eye color, etc.) of inmate (detainee) who escaped c. Clothing description of escaped inmate (detainee) d. Time and place of escape, also give direction of escape (if known) e. Inmate's (Detainee's) medlcai condition Duties of the Supervisor(s) 1. Conduct roU roll call (visual uniform inspection) and give the Officers their assignments (inmate (detainee) name, room no., movement/test expected, etc.). 2. Make three (3) daily rounds at the hospital(s) hospitaJ(s) assigned, obtaining a signature of the appropriate Officers each time on the hospital rounds sheet. 3. Ensure that all Officers assigned to a hospital a assigned a lunch IUlJch relief (if not, make sure reason is documented) on the hospital lunch relief schedule. 4. Always maintain radio contact with the Medical Unit Security office when outside of office. 5. Ensure that the Chief of Security office (Beat no. 3200) is kept informed of the current inmate (detainee) hospital count. 6. NotifY the Chief of Security office (Beat (Beat!l1o. ;no. 3200) immediately upon the demise of a hospitalized i inmate. n m a t e . ' ;·;·' Plaintiffs' Exhibit 4 Page 5 Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 24 of 32 PageID #:2694 I Policy 32 Hospital Policy aod aDd Procedure Page 6 of8 7. Act as a liaison between CCDOC and the hospital administration 8. El15ure E11sure all paper work and logbook(s) are completely filled-out by the Officer assigned [0 ro the desk All paperwork and logbook(s) are to have your signature at the end of shift where appropriate. 9. Perform any other duties as directed by External Operations Shift Commander. Duties ofrhe Movement Officer I. Check and verify authorizations of all appointments before any movement takes place. 2. All inmates (detainees) are to be searched for contraband. 3. All inmates (detail:lees) /bJue box covers with waist chains and leg (detai1:1ees) are to be handcuffed /blue irons applied prior to movement. 4. All inmates (detainees) that are confined to a bed are to be moved by the hospital transporter and escorted by the movement officer (the inmate (detainee) is to restrained to the bed frame by leg irons and handcuffs !blue box covers with waist chains). 5, NotifY Notif)' the Medical Unit Security office prior to movement and again upon arrival to destination. 6. Ensure that the most direct route to the destination is taken without stopping. 7. Secure the designated area upon arrival. 8. Upon completion of the assignment(s) given, return retum to the medical tlnit nnit seclll'ity office and await further directive from the Medical Unit Security Supervisor, Supervisor. Duties of Officers assigned to inmates (detainees) I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6, 7. 8. 9. Officers are not to h<l.lldle h<l.l1dle or possess hospital supplies or equipment. Officers are to provide security for the hospital personnel and inmate (detainee) alike. OfficerS Officers are to maintain the inmate's (detainee's) right to privacy as related to their medical condition and reason for incarceration. Wfl!ld to assist in conducting searches of Officers will be assigned a Garrett Hand Wfllld items accessible to the inmate ((detainee), detainee), the room and bed/area of the inmate (detainee) at the beginning of their tour of duty, after movement from frQm the area, and after any outside \v:ith photo identification will be allowed access into visitation. All medical staff \vith >v:ithout being hand wanded. All medical staff without photo identification detainees room "vithout will be challenged to provide photo identification. Officers will not allow any unauthorized person(s) in the room or in close proximity of the inmate ((detainee) detainee) unless the person identifies him/her self as a visitor. The visitor will submit to visitor protocol and it must be the correct visiting day. not allow visitors to have any type of physical contact with the inmate Officers will no! Officers will submit a disciplinary report to a Medical Unit Security Supervisor when inmate (detainee) violates the rules <l.lld <l.I1d regulations of either the CCDOC, the hospital or the hospitalized inmate ((detainee) detainee) information infonnation sheet. Officers will adhere to all hospital policies that are not in conflict with the policies of CCDOC or this hospital policy and procedure. times with the Officers will maintain a professional and courteous demeanor at all limes inmates (detainees), hospital personnel and visitors. Plaintiffs' Exhibit 4 Page 6 I Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 25 of 32 PageID #:2695 I Policy 32 Hospital Policy and Procedure of!i' Page 7 ofli' In the event of an ESCAPE 1. Immediately notify th" Medical Unit Security office providing as much detail as po$sible. pO$sible. 2. Begin searching for the inmate (detainee) monitoring your radio and keeping in constant contact with the Medical Unit Security office. 3. Complete all reports prior to being relieved or the end of your tour of duty. H. Visitation I. Inmate (Detainee) visitation hours will coincide with that established by the hospital and as v1ritten into policy. viritten 2. Inmate (Detainee) visitation days are as follows: Wednesdays only at John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital Thursdays only at all orher hospitals in the county of Cook. EXCEPTION a. !I. Attorney, Clergy and Public Officials may be permitted to visit any day of the week. b.. Attorney visits are permitted at bedside. The Officer shall move far enough away to allow for verbal privacy, yet maintaining a constant visual throughout the visit. This is done to provide for the maximum feasible privacy between attorney and client. L Program Services Rehabilitation Workers (CRW) are transported ro hospitai(s) twice a week. J;;;orrectional RehabilitationWorkers 22. 1'he CRW's will provide paper, peiJ, pen, pencil and I/ or "v,'!'ite-outs" """'1'ite-outs" for those inmates (detainees) in need as well as upon request. will only have access to utilize these items unrestrained 3. High Risk Inmates (Detainees) wiII during the CRW's visit. L J. Court Dates 1. All inmates are to go to court as ordered unless advised by the medical personnel that being transported might in some way be a health hazard or interfere with treatment or therapy. K. Inmate (Detainee) telephone usage I. High Risk inmates (detainees) are permitted to use the telephone once in a48 hour period, 1. houro of hospitalization as written into policy. after the first 48 hours Plaintiffs' Exhibit 4 Page 7 I Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 26 of 32 PageID #:2696 Page8ofSI Page80fSI Hospiral Policy lllld Procedure L. Inmate (Detainee) Responsibilities !. I. Inmates (Detainee) are to be held accountable for their behavior. All violations of the CCDOC rules and regulations as well as those in the "Hospitalized Inmate (Detainee) Information Sheet" is to be documented on a disciplinary report 2. The only personal property inmates (detainees) shall be allowed to take to the hospital are legal papers, prescription eyeglasses and/or contact lens, dentures or other mail correspondence. Irunates (Detainees) are not allowed to possess any metal or glass objects. 3. Inmates Irunates (Detainees) are not allowed under any circumst<U1ces circumstances to receive gifts. 4. Inmates 5. The only food, drink or the like allowed is that provided by the hospital for all 'patients with the same or similar ailments. .Patients 6. lmnates Inmates (Detainees) are not allowed to receive or possess currency or money orders. EXCEPTION Inmate$ (Detainees) hospitalized at Oak Forest Hospital are allowed to have funds in an account (see Oak Forest Hospital addendum). m'e not allowed to be photographed, video taped or sound recorded 7. lrunates Inmates (Detainees) ate unless authorized by the Superintendent ·of 'of External Operations (This does not include the photographing by the CCDOCJR.C.D.C. for identification purposes. &. When medically permitted, S. pennitted, inmates (detainees) will be allowed to use the hospital restroom facilities, facilities. This will only take place when escorted and continually monitored by an External Operations Officer (gender appropriate). 9. The only time HSR inmates (detainee) are to have their leg irons removed from the bed frame is if they are medically permitted pennitted to use the hospital restroom facilities, to use H<U1dcuffs are only to removed from the telephone or for medical treatment/therapy, Handcuffs these inmates (detainees) during the one (1) hour designated for meal time per shift. permitted 10. Only televisions and radios provided by the hospital for patient use will be pennitted (detainee's) use as well, well. for the inmates' (detainee'S) M. Fantus Detainees Stroger F<U1tus detainees transported to Stroger Hospital for treatment will be brought directly to Streger Fantus dapartment Hospital security office and secured. The packet will be brought to the appropriate department vvill call for Fantus treatment and the detainee will remain in the Stroger Office. The clinic vl'ill provide the detainee with their treatment. This procedure will help us when they are ready to provide maintain a high level of security and should not be deviated. Smoking is prohibited by Cook County Department of Corrections personnel and SmOking tbe CCDOC while in county facilities. those mandated into the custody of the Superintendent of External Operations Plaintiffs' Exhibit 4 /0-15-<CJ? /o-/s-()? Date Page 8 Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 27 of 32 PageID #:2697 Exhibit 5 Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 28 of 32 PageID #:2698 S heriffs Office ISSU ISSUANCE ANCE DATIl DATE EffECTIVE DATE NO, COO C OOl{ l{ COU1\'TI', C OUNTY.ILLlNm ILLlN01Ss SHERll'F'S ORDER SHERIFF'S 10 SECURITY SPECIAL SrrUA SEClffiITY s rrUA TIONS, PREGNANT ARRESTEES I J. I. sS PURPOSE Ibe purpose of ofthis'ordcr this' order is (0 to establish establ ish approved methods for the usc use of restraints on pregna nt subjecL<;. pregnant subjects. II. IT. POLl CY POLlCY It istllC is the pol policy icy of llie the Cook County Sheriff's Officethanhe O ffice that:the u s~ ''6f d freStr{tints rc str~in ts on pregriant pregnant c.ustody who require iIl subjects in custody i:n edical edical attention/transport atrcntimillnllsport for the purpose purpOse of delivering a baby is strictly prohibited prohib ited.. During routine movement movemen,t of ofpre@antsubjects pregnant subjects \.;ho \vho are liot not in -labor, labor, the the ,use of restraints will be limited to handcuffing' handcuffing in front of the body for transportation outside of secure seeUre areas. areas: . ENCLOSURE ill. Ill. Pregnant Subject Medical Incident fom1 (FCN-3XMAR,1 (FCN-3XMAR.1 0) IV. 'AUTHOtUTY 'AUTHOIU1'Y Couoty 1ail County Jail Act (730 ILCS ·125/17.5) 125/17.5) Pregnant Pregnaot feO:.aJe fe~,al e prisoners. Notwithstanding-any other s~tutei directi directive, when a pf:~gn pregnant 'Notwit!lsranding'a~y oth~ ~tatutei ve, ~r .administrative adlllinistrative regulation, re~ulation, When ant. femalc .p :prisoner risoner is 6rought ~rought to to an ·hosPi4ll.from 'hospitai:from 'a C91lllty ~OW1ty jail J~il for t.P. tJi,~~ ·p~J.(po~e pu!po~c of c;:{dclivCflng delivering 'hii h ~r baby, [fa ifo handcuffs', handcuffs. s.hackles, s.hackJes, qr Qr restraints restr.lints of~y kind in;:iy In~y bei.t~eP beiJ.~~ , qurjn'·g,hcf g.hcr 'transpc{rt...tb t ransp6hIb a medical med ical fac faciiliiy.for\' thy tht; pUrpo~e of deliveringher. deliveruig"bY, baOY. rJuder U'n~e·r ri~' ric,s;irClutt'stap~s cirCtu:Q'st:api;es 'm~1 'in~1 Ieg :irons .irons or sh<\cklcs or waist \vaist shackles s hackles be used On "On <illy &nY pregriant pregnant f~liiale f~I.Ii.:ile 'prjsoll·ef"\vlio· ·p.rjso,ier"wIio·is:i1J is 'i.n lauor. !aoor. pregnant roqm;.a U p.on the pregnant f~ml;lle r's entrito 'ho~pit,i~1I·I· d6liV~ ".. Up.on f~m~te p~isone. p~isoner's entry:to .~ie ie:ho~pit. d6IiV~ TOClm, .3 CO~lty C~H~llty . .correct,ioual offlcer !flllst must be poste~ posted. immed!~t~l.r. imrnediat~ly.ol!tsi_ d~ the Tlie$l:teriff correct,ional officer ou~ ig.~ ~e .9-e:1ivery d~li v~ry ro:ojll. r<?,om. T~e 'SJ:teriff t;ll}-s~ ~l1 \lS,1 .-proyide provide for fo r adequate personnel. personnel,. to to 1n00jitodiJe' 1ll00jitor the" -pr~gn<ylt pr¢gha,nt feiUlue female pri!>ofl.c'r' p-n!>Oilc'r:dd u~i[] Ll~ingg her transport lJ'anspolt ~to 'to and aud fro~. ffom. tlJ Ul e hospita" hospita' l , and ~.urin:g her stay at ,the ~~rillg .the hospi hospital tal . , .' -' : ' .. , . v. v. DEFINITIONS DEFINTHONS For tJle the PUrPOS9 p urpose of th this is order, the th1;: _foJlowing~efU1it19ps foll owing· ~ erU1jqci~l s will wil l appfy; avpfy;'' . A. .... .< Subject -' any arrest~e. ,qf1he Cook - ·any arresi~e. detainee, or iritnate' j~ the :CliStody' ;Ctistoa/Qf1he Co~k Cbunty C~uuty ·.·. ::', Sheriff's ' ,' Sheriff' s Office, uunate in , Plaintiffs' Exhibit 5 Page 1 Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 29 of 32 PageID #:2699 SaGO SO GO B. Pregnant subject- any individual in the custody of the Cook County Sheriff's Sheri ff's Office who is verified by med medical ical personnel to be pregnant. A female fe male subject subject' who claims 10 be pregnant wi willll be considered pregnant wltil until verificat verification ion by med m ed ical personnel. personnel, c. Pregnant subject in ill labor - any allY indiv idual in i.n tile custody c ustody ohhe of the Cook Counry County Sheri ff's Office who cla ims to be in labor or giv ing birth, appears Sheriff's ap~ars to be in labor, or personnel to be in labor. who is verified by medical per.;onnel Technical note: For For,purposes purposes of this policy, pol icy, medical personnel will consider 'labor' ' Jabor' to include aany llY medical medical cond ition in which a Woman is il> brought to die dIe hospital for t.he the purpose of of del delivering ivering her baby_ baby. These situations situati.ons include; induction induc ti on of labor, prodroma l labor, pre-tcnn pre-tern} Jabor, prelabor rupture of memhranes, the three t.hree stages o f prodromal active labor. labor, uterine hemorrhage d during uring the third trimesletrimeste-r of preg.nancy, ami and ry including pre-operative preparation. delivery caesarian delive VI. D. in dividual recognized recogniud or licensed by the Siale of Illinois as Med ical personnelpersonnel ~ any ·individual nurse, physician, physician assistant, paramedic, or other emergency medical a nllrse, technician. E. Non-pregnancy related medical distress -nny - any condition n<;lt nQt [elated to pregnancy, which requires requ ires immediate medical medica l attention. F. Restraints Restrain ts - handcuffs, handcu ffs, Icg leg shackles, v.'oist waist shackles, flex flcx cuffs, etc. RESPONSIBILlTfES RESPONSmILITmS A. Jr is the responsib responsibiility lity of Sheriff's Officc emp employees: loyees: To ensure that restraints are arc not used on Oil a pregnant subject requiring medical medic:!l delivering attention/transport for the ppurpose urpose of del ivering a baby. . I. .J Toinfoml To inform medical p~rsonllel persoll1lel ~hat ~:h atofficers officers are required iequi~d by l;1y law. Jaw. t9 ~P rcn~ove ren~ove . restraints at restraiuts a t the onset O oftlle f tllC subject's labor proces~. Officers are are requlrcq required to td requ·est req u·est that m edical persotUlei persolUlei advise adv ise them thcm wfien wilen die th~ subjcct subject is «in· ~'in· ·labor". labor". · 2. 2. B. , . :S 'S upervisors upcrvisors must m ust aallow llow for an adequate number of o officers ffi cers ttoo prov provide ide s~cll.6ty s~ u.J;"i ty (or ~or a <l s ubj ect in labor, and this will include accounting accoUnting for ·the the ssubj~ct's ubje;c.t ' s risk ~iassi(ic;:atjon hlasis ifj!?~tio~.. ·subject . c. '. , It is the responsibility responsibil ity of CermafHeahh Cerm ak Health Services, upori upon verification of pregnilncy, pregnancy, 10 identify all pregnant prel:,'11an t s ubjects in [he the jail i!lfomlation i..!lfOmlation system systel~l by po· postiog s ting a ;"ued ;"ned i·c· i·c·lll I.,] . a lert in lMA alert I.MACS: CS: I .c. . VIT. VU. PROCEDURES A. Notification Notifi cati on~eporting .'~lR.eporting When a subject displays symptoms sym ptoms or of medical d istress or lal.?.or, lal;l.or, the reSjiOllping re~pon9ing shall;: . officer shall . ~' . • ;: !, . 2. Plaintiffs' Exhibit 5 Page 2 Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 30 of 32 PageID #:2700 SOGO SOG O 11.5.30. 11.5.30.U0 I. ensure medical attention is provided. 2. notify immed immediate iate supervisor to convey the [allowing (ollowing informati information on : a. l 1Iai l Iat med ical personnel personn el have been contacted. b. TIle subject subject''ss status as: I. su bject in labor Jabor (required-to (required·to remove all restTaints) restraints) or, I I. 11. pregnantl s ubject in non-pregna prcgn::m non-pregnancy ncy related re lated medi cal d ist ress body).. (subject w ill be handcuffed ill front of the body) c. C un"cnt urrent location. d. d. Any special security/high risk factors. fa ctors. 3. call the Departmen t of Worilen's Women's Justice Services SClVices (DWl S) Security Office located locati!d in ill Division D ivision 17 at (773) 869-6 869-6793 793 and llJ1d notify th e sergeant on duty of the U1C i.nfonllation i.nfomlat ion listed in section VII, v.n, Subsection A i, a-d. 4. docul uent the incident using the Pregnant Subjest document Subje.s;t Medical Incident Inc ident F Fonn onn.. This foml fonn must m ust be completed wllcnevcr wllcncvcr a pregnallt pregllapt s ubj ect requires requ ires transportation for immediate medical aUelition. att ention. Upon completion, the Pregnant Subject Medical Incident IJlcideot Fon Fonll n must be imm im med ed iately fOr.':-'arded fo~' arded to the Department Deprut ll1ent of WOlUen's Women's Justice J ustice Services. Services, B ., Seclirity J, J. R Olltine o utille movemcnt mov ement outside of secure arcas areas an,. A pregnant ssubject ubject \\vill ....W be restrained hruidc uffs _,_, restrai.ned wjth the use of han dcuffs secured ill [Tont of the body for the Ule ptirposc purpose ofroutin.e m.9 n19vemcnr Vemcllt outside of secure areas, Pregnant ssubjey~ ubjectS may ffl'<d 9uts ide of se~ure areas, lU~y ilOl: i~o~ .bb~· ~ iJ.a.p.49Li h.an9~~ ftl'1d i>ch ffed to an~fhci' slIbjec~ or b~" r' e st: bch i ud thei theirr backs, 'be handel! handcuffed anoiher ~albject, or' be re sfraioed' ., '. .. .~aioed' , . . with waist waist or s hac kl~s, . ' . , ' , ' .' . '.:",.:' . with or leg leg shackles. of ' b, b. A pregnant subject, while han dc dcuffed tlffed in fron t of ofth. th,c body, for routi ne purposes will be transported routine tra nsported either c,ithcr b;V: b;r: I. Q qne ne officer ill in a sq squad uad car equipped w ith a security barrie r (i.e. 'cage c ar ') or; . (i.e, car') II. two officers in a squad wiQl an MO sqund with ~v i lh no security se~urity barrier, Wi'll o ffi cer sealed direc offi directly tly bth bthind iJ1d the drivcr: drjvcr:'~ '~ ~cal ~cat all(~ alJ(~ t1 ~c pregnant subj ect w i!1 ill he ue seatec,! seateq diIl.;ct direct ly lY behindthe behind the ' UIlOccllpied U1I Occ~lpied fro fron.t n,t passenger's scat. '1~le 11e fr~ fr~lIt nt paSSe~lj;Cr passe.n gcr se!lt seflt 3 Plaintiffs' Exhibit 5 Page 3 Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 31 of 32 PageID #:2701 SO GO 115.30.0 wil! be l!-' l ~n !ft vacant as an officer safety slifety p recaution. Addilion:ll Additioml security, when \vhe n assigned, ass igned, wi!] wi!! fo llow ll ow in a separate vehicle. Non~pregllaJlcy Non~pregllarlcy 22.. relalt:d medical rcJatt:d medical distress ref,'llllllt subj ect ill nOll-pregnancy nou-pregnancy related medical distress will be A ppref,'THlI1t restrained with the use of handcuffs secured in fTOnt fTOnt" o f tile body or secured to a hospital hospital bed [nunc fra me for the purpose of movement. 3. Subject in labo r au.. If a pregnant s ubject is cla c laiming iming that 'she is ill in labor and is in ao an isolated secure area (i (i.e. .e. bac k of 11 squad caf car equ ipped with a security securit), barrier, aalone lo ne in ;ltl cell), restra ints w wiillll be re remo moved ved.. b. If a preg pregnant nant s ubject is cla im ing that she in labor labo r and <mu is not in all an iso lated secure area (i.e. ( i.e. day dayroom room with other subjects, s ubjects, holding ho ld iJ;lg cell with oother with ther subjects, in a cell with a ceJlmate), ccHmate), the o ffi cer wil.] \V iI.] call ca ll for extru security, remove the restra restraints, ims, and clear thc the arca area of any an.y e xtra sccqrity, subjects ivilians (i.c. (i.e. rClu retum Ol other ot.her subjects to th eir cells, move subjec ts or ccivilians other subj ects to an a lternate .secure .secu re area). c. DWlS will be notified immediately and will dispatch a DW.J D WJSS officer either·to the current either'to c urrent locat Iocat ion of oflhe tile subject, or tto o the med m edical ical center where she is trnnspOI1ed transported.. Transport Transpon of the subject is n not Ol the responsib ility of DWJS responsibility DWlS ., r ·d. d. Upon arrival arriva f of medical medicaJ personnel, the officer will inquire if th thee subject subj~t is in labor. Jabor. If If it is unclear if shc is in labor Jabor a t th this is point, poi.nt, restraints wi ll not be used. If Ifriled nlcd ical personnel' pc rsonn cl" indicate i.npicate: Ihc thc subject is not /lot in labor la bor thcll thcn thc the pregnant s ubject w ill be restra restrained ined with the LIse use of handcuffs secured sec ured in front of tile the body. e. c. Ollce o~-scene, Once o ~ -sce ne, the DW IS JS offi officer cer wil! will manage m anage the use US~ of restraints and direct· direct offi cers in providi p'roviding ng security for th t.h e s ubject. Officers offi,;c!"s arc defer ·to Ihe who ha<; the DWJS DWJS officer, Who ha', training specific to pregnant to defer'to subj ects. ect'S, .' .subj f. Uponn arrival at the hospital, a minimum mi.nimum of one of the tran t;ran sporting Upo officers will rem remain ain wi with th the DWlS offiyer o ffi~ eT to pr:ovide provide sec security_ urity. A supervisor w ill decide which whieh of the lnmspo ~allspo rrtin tingg officers .svil! wil! remam remain with tlJ witb thee DWJS officer, or ifadditiona! i[additional officers· o ffi cers' wi will ll re main fo forr 'security ' security p purposes. urposes. -. g. to a p Officer y pon arrival at the hospital ~ospiraJ delivery room, room , ap iJffice~ (pre~crabJy (pre~er&lbly _ fe mnlc)-nmst provide security for the su femalc)-omst s ubject bject ahd ,~hd be posted d iscreetly !lear ncar the head of the subject' s bcd bed . 4 Plaintiffs' Exhibit 5 Page 4 Case: 1:08-cv-06946 Document #: 219-1 Filed: 06/15/11 Page 32 of 32 PageID #:2702 saGO SO GO 11.5.3U.O 11.5.3 U. 0 POSt Post Jabor 4. 3. :to may 011 the s ubject after the Restraints Ill ay be used if necessary on subject th e labor/childbearing process has been completed com pleted for fo r the duration of labor/childbc:tring hospital. her sta), stay at the hosp iLaI. I. I. II. II. RestrainiS o fhandc uffing or securing the subject Restra;ms will wi!! consist. consist of handcuffil\g fram e. to (he hospital bed fTame. j::Ollfincs of the hospita l Movement wi ll be restric ted to the confines room. Ill. IL !. 5. A prcgnum prcgnall! subject subjec t who is c harged with or who ha!i has been convicted of cOllvicted o f any homicide charge c ha rge (first (fi rst or second secolld dcgrct: Illurder, nslaughte r, reckless homicide) wi will IllIJfc!cr, involuntury invo luntary ma mansl aughter, ll restrained IC labo lab"o r/childbc.arin.g be restra ined at all times after dthe r/childbc.aring process bas been comp leted.. been completed hb . The use ofl eg shackles shac kles is pprohibited rohibited during the after labor. cc.. D W JS officer will w ill remain with Both the transporting officer and the DWJ S officcr th e subj subject ect for lile the duration of of the lhe hospital hosp.ital visit, unless un lcss rel relie ieff o officer's ffi cers are assigned. . d. H andcuffs w Handcuffs will ill be used for transport at the tbc end e nd of lhc the hospital v isit. isit t\ t' lJQ .....o week period Exceptions , ~ <I. a. th e rare inslrulce instrulcc when :m 3.0 officer believes dIal dIe regnant Tn the pelicycs .llllH Ule ppregna nt subject subj ect th e DWJS may hmn herself or others, the DWl S officer will advise the thj ~ conoc!!l o n of med ica l supervisor s upervisor and wi ll bring tlu!i conocfP (0 tIle ·~t~~n..ti ·~t~~n..tion medical ider ap pli~alion of o f restrt~ilHS personnel, who will cons consider appli~alion restr~ilHs on clinical grounds. to , b. ~f an all pregn p.n ("Subjeet ible risk officer believes that the pregnpn t'subject poseli poses a cred credible o f escape, esca pe, the Thee of UIC DWJ S officer wi ll contact the DWJS supervi sor. Th DWl S supervisor will w ill commu!licate comm Uflk8.te w ith. the transporting officer's DWJS with regard ing the assignment of ad~ i tion,!1 ti ont!1 o officer"(s) supervisor regarding of addi fficer(s) to provide necessary security security.. vrn.. API'LiCAUrLITY AP))LI'Ct\.Uf.LITY · vW. By ~:)rder p'rder o( O( tlle tJ1C Sheriff of o f Cook County, tll tJlis is Sheriff' Sheriff'ss O rder rde r appl appli,os i.cs 10 1"0 all, al J~ applicable CCSO and must mllst be strictly stric tly observed, obscrved . AllY AllY confljcts con fli cts witI} with e~i e~ i 5t 5tin i n g directives shall shall be c mpl lllpl oye~s oy~~s res9lvcd :in res91vcd -in "-fu favor vor of th this is Sheriffs Sheri ff's O Order. rder. 5 ( Plaintiffs' Exhibit 5 Page 5