King County Sheriff Incident Report Bruce Barrett Death Investigation 1999
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* ~";;:rncel~ King County Sheriff ~ ~ - - 0 7 ~ rDis1ricl '1 '11 g. ~ 1--_---n=~~~~r___.~V"~___,;;.:==_==ln-c-id-e-n-t-R-e-p-o-rt----_+='l.:;.::'1..~L.=----=E=----=0=-.L....:L=---_Lf....!..-l ~ 0 '. 'OIi:tim Iolfow-up left by OtrIC8l Repoftedon Month Day Y,e: TIme DOW lypeOfIncid8nt UNINCDRP.KINGCOUNTY oz I1-----t0;;'!>~\~OMitt;aHi ~,(J11i5W~::;.f)-f,WF.;-'1':':'iii0i;i~~IfM7:iti""iinorit~I\J~V~~~.s~'!..:...-!-.M1~IO:..!..:rJ=---_-l.....!:r:t=:;C~rTY:;:0F~S~f.i\:"'U~~K=:=:~-l Month Day Year DOW Tune liOn 01 Incident DE Occurredon O~ \0 " Wf,b 1C\5'Lf rs- I'J/& IJ.-r MU£ MMt-1<.Ltt. L51,4i4' CEf\lJ~I) Of between Mon1h~;rl-~D;ay:-t-.i.Year;;';;;-+I1"i1"'il DOW~-tTi'""une=--L-tgBusine5sl~' ="U:::~±=nt:rnName=:-..;...o.";"';;"';:::--'-=":":'---"""';"''':'-'_'''''''''''':''::''--'----~Business=·=-:-is'''':a--:vidt-,·,...-4m hi MAR 1 7 1999 City Residence Address a: II! i: ~ It" rName (last. F"IISt, Middle) e,.e, c. It A c.-:r ·SU Racii '<NJr M \..U Resldence Phone IlnformationptOYlded ~ S-., , Yes J<r~(i\ Dr."........ ..-t- State S7£"LA-c..O()~ '1l.."O· r-\C-N£.lI.. lSlJ\-lVt> 0 Business Phoiiii Resid8nce Phone 'DOB <'JI{,cft Business Phone I City ResIdence Address S\ale OOB RaCl Zip () t,vSp ~Pl.(l.. s: 1---r~Name~~(~Last~. ':!!:A~rs:-t,:":M~idd~le~)-------------'T: rl~nfonna~~tIo~n~provIded~~:------nR~8SlCl8=tnce~l~Plhone~--"'Buslne~~SS~P1l~o,.ne~-~ ResIdence Address City IName (Last. Arst, Middle) Race I S-1 ~ Clothing, tanoos, scars, peculiar mar1ls of identiflC8t1on () Wl--~ I~S) I 0 City Address Employer/school State SociaJ Security Number Charge(s) Io 0 0 VICtim -r:-;===-===-::':~==~~=- --r ~ Type of ptemises 0 Stolen Recover~ 0 W:MI rillmpound IAdditional description or lealures Premises Ioc:t<ed IMethod 10 gain enlJ'y and point ot entry OCCupanI(S) ptesenl I IA-2.1 t '1 ~~ ISlate I "Nil; License No. lYe;,,.)~ G ... ,.... o HBDCompiainant Total SLoss (approx.) fgnitionunlod<ed rOther agencylCase number 0 I tt4ol\POVWO R..£.'~T ~t-r S-(!\1'''!.MWO,ID bUSt' ftto 0 \~ 0 Burglaryllarceny K Crime Analysis ~if~e;;~ D. Supervisor reviewing 0 cCPU 0 Auto theft 0 j 10,000 CIO SCreener Cferll No. O~\O,C\ DalelTime I t..'l..oO OatolTime -- ~~ S"nu,A'kJ"" - IOtherpersonSiunilSnolified S ~ IwSp- 11.. r=.Ii.-w'u"\""""'SOl-J ~C.I(A ....511 M 1::- l-{~f.R.C- '~Orug Enforcement t6 S-i Owner notified by ICIO SC1eoper , A11; ff I ~J1M ..,A 0 Cho<:kSlFraud 0 Special Assa 0 Robbery 0 Homicide Oz,~;~No. Reason for hold j'Estimated S Value Radionolifted bVSr Ci.'\-C'O z.:t..o S (}oof) Otticer(s} reponing s <l S \ "LO'H& 7 0 Yes Keys in ignition OIll8rrelatedrepor1SD£,A.fl.< lAIV~l.OU. ~UST" Copies to ~c..\ q Hold 0 Payments overdue 0 0 Oo<usunlodl8d 0 Recovered vehicle condition (damage, ilems stripped, etc.) ru Injury involved Address Divorce or separation in ptogress i.{)wsr of*tt.f/t o KCJ flv Address 0 Follow·up recommended OY~ VIN 'V' := 0 O~~ Model Make :f Vehicle disposition (" lowed, fist towing company, address and phone) ~ 'TVw tt> Siolen vehicle o Booked t-=0:::;"",",,"Aid~'....;requ~ir~ed~----I Uc.. W Registered owner II: KCJ Oy~ Business Phone Type of weapon. inslrument or force q I=~~=-=-=- 0 0 Dri\l8rs IicenseilD card no. Trademar1ls of suspect(s) o Suspect Residence Phone Zip Alias Name(s) Clolhing, tanoos, scars, peculiar mar1ls of identification ~ Booked O~~ -,-;Race==--.LI:Se_X--.;:~IID_al_e_o'_Bir.;'rt;:::h==r;;:::=IHgt_·_+'Wi::g1-=r·=~IIHa-.::i7:r :-::-l1_IEY_e_s-j =:-- Residence Address . /Stale ::--~-.-:'~~-----_......I_-----r=---~-~~~~--~~~~"';";';'~"';;~~ ~U) ~S-:72=rl-Na-;me-;-;-(:-:last-=-'_A_rsl_'_M_idd_Ie_} ~ Business Phone DrIvers flC8nseJlO card no. Social Security Number DOB IHgt Resldence Phone Zip AlIas Name(S) Address Employer/school Isex IDale of BIrth State City Residence Address sex State Vice Conlrjll 1-~~~ /~ewing IlmlC8r/mvestigator ass&gne<l I ,""l:;, I JOI 0 CIS 0 PrOsecutOf 0 0 - 3 -j7-79 /"'\ r 1 a -" (J)) Ino;)//q9 - I Use fonnats on reverse side when listing additional vicllms, witnesses. and suspects. Incident Number • t I. Ust additional victims. witnesses and reporting persons. S. List properly taken, damaged. etc. Co B (!)"1 2. List additional suspects. 6. VICtims lnjuries-<lelails and where medical exam occurred. - ~ 't, I 3. List additional vehICles. 7. Physical eVidence·what and where found. by whom, disposition. 4. Vehicle inventory. 8. Reconstruct incident and describe details 01 investigation. 1Iem# Quan AtllCle i, tN Tl-\. £., i:S.C;-1' 1---+-_-;'_-"'_ c..t,..", D ~ SEM 1\-1:.. serial WA-:SHI""~N ltV 't\I\f:. -n- ,- I\<r :\'\S:Li ~lt.l~cz.·t Sf-A" I b I ..liscel:.3neous (co!ot $iz". WOOl. etc. \ STAT£. IPf\1lt.oL- I .'1.{ I U I '~ I l' Oot.1r Vaw ~u{)£.tt c.o (.~ ~ _ _- I ~ ~h..~ GA-1tn.~t't ,SLV""PiI':b A- V£."'t.\..t.l,..E,. b J -r"-S" ).Jig S-rvrp£f.:'l"1b h..)V£;"S·r\t-J\lfE. MMt-\f~(l 1.,1.'1 O~ Modet Brnr.d - n ht""~ C<JU\A- rc,?uJ~ i Utv ·V\ R.e.(l"~~\~ ~ ~ PLn. C-<X.."l'" " ...... rJ\ - - - i - - - - - -..··--__, : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ~-tti ; ... _I1 ... Z W ~ ~ ~ I _ _. ._. -'-j' .___ II: W ~ ~ ---1-' - _ --; _J. r I · I I, Ihe undersigned. hereby declare this 10 be a true and correct reporl I understand Ihalliling a 1,lise report can be considered hindering. obstructing orl delaying a police officer, a crime punishable under RCW 9a.76.020.1 understand Ihall musl nOllfy !he police departmenl immedIately upon the recovery 01 any ,lems reported stelen or missing. I willieslily as a wllness against 1he delendant when he/st·e is charged with a cnme. 0 I 0 I desire my vehicle 10 be impounded lor salekeeplng. at my expense II il is recovered and I am not immediately available 10 claim it. ~~t:~eralioll o;~e~~~;Iowe~ ~xerclse O~lion I --I---------L.-.------! . The described vehicle !';is been released to me and I will prolecllhe Director • 01 Public Salety Irom any and ali suits. costs. damages or any expenses i whatsoever which might occur with the release ollhis vehicle 10 me. ~npound V~I~~:'edescri~:-c. ~el;~ve K;~'9~I 10' Ihe 01 W::i:9 on the I hereby amI re!ease ';0 County 01 olficers and employees trom any and all responsibility lor the described vehicle and its cont!:'nls. a~,j Irom any damage or ha~lIhty yo/hich might arise as a result 01 the use of said vehict,'C by lhe par1y to whom I have release,d it. or from any claim ot dama;:;:> or loss wh'ch mighl anse as a result 01 leaving said vehicle parked alollgside a counly slreel or road al my direction.llurlher agree to hold harmless tt~e County 01 King, its otk;ers and employees, Irom any and all claims which might artsa as a result 01 my election to waive Impound 01 the described vehicle. ! Signalure. _L_ . Date_ _ -_. .'.. 0 Registered Ovmer 0 legal Owner 0 Agenlol l KING COUNTY POLICE PATROL OFFICERS' DEATH INVESTIGATION CHECKLIST •.• DATE \ ~ CASE I 0' Lt <t Refer to Training Bulletin 8.15 for the guidelines for the use of this checklist. If, after the completion of any of the following it ~~comes apparent that a crime has occurred, secure the scene and notify the.Major trimes Unit. t. Time call received ~. tt l ..:::;;:..-,.;..-.--2. Arrival time ....llto~):....-'__ 3. How death was estab 1i shed (I.e. Skeletonized ....ins. Putrefaction. or Decapitated. In all other circu-stanoes. cc.petent -.cHeel euthoritles Bullatin 8.15 for p:JSslble exceptions) M{':J~\t.S. 4. 5. 2 c30 A ltJSf Time Sergeant notified. ~ - (>o}~d~\'! ~1~1~r- be su~ {)(lVC- if practice! (refer to Training ~b. _ Note the weather condit'lons U_perature. raining or cloer. etc.) if the vicUa,is found outdoors. Be wry spec if ic as to the effects of those noted WGIlIther c:ondi tions on the vicUa or on evidence it..-s. U.e•• body wera. ground frozen. body wet. ground dry. etc.). CviJY1t - l'J \ IjH,1 ') "to 4) 6. Q>te in the ~~ Dnd dayt i-e telephone nullbers of any fire deperhent or ellbulance personnel at the s-c::enc. O>tein the yellow copy of the fire depert-ent report. it available. and attach it to your ' . of fense report. S~.A""'J\~ ~la lS ~£.PT. - \0 M Ws P - 1. T(t.Oop£R trOc..u.A- W\'-'L.LNV\I\.SO~ ~ S-l c..c.JHl'" A-l,v). I ldentl f)' end interview persons at the scene. Verify who found the body. describe the circuastences, and note whether the body or scene had been .,ved or el tared prior to your arrival. 8. Make e careful .mlk-through of the arN where the body is loceted. Hotethe generol conditions of the house or area where the body is/wos located. look for ony signs of e struggle. forced entry, burglery. robbery. or any other evidence thot .culd lead you to suspect D criae hos Occurred. Ve:IJI,Cl-E. f1).;rv ~ 9'r~\'\.o{'l~ IV I ,(tVS P/V ,/l---r '( IV l T(t 0 c-t.v. c'(a 'IV (7vlA::os OV\N KCDPS [-183 11/89 Officer's name U'\tvy VQC£t\.1. t) CL-Ej)-tV 1"'"116(,..£ IN511)£. rs ') Pers. I 0"7.. 1 '} l (Continued on reverse) ORIC~iNAL .' 9. 10. Jf the YlcU. Is Inslet. a house or buUdlng. note the Inside t.eporature. tflerastat . .ttl!'SJ. ,and , the JOSltJon of doors lind windows (OJ*' or closed). Without disturbing the body. carefully look for .lgns of t,..,. that . y indicate. crl. has occurred. Describe the location end position in which the body Is found. Describe obvious WlUnds. 'inJuries. blood or other stains. or tom or -.ssed clothing. Are yislble post-mrt_ UYidity steins consistent with the present position of tfle body? 5uI\r r=vutVVj rl\1{ {.v C-lR 11.' 12. 6'\ VJSf ll\J \lr;..k\c~. ~{'l,\vE.R.i POS\1"IcJ~ S\..\I~r(D TO"",Mtf} ro~ l\IUN. List the yicti.'s naee.' date of birth. and address. . 8JhlC1€tr I ,' 14.J\-C.. ttJ ...... ~ II b ~ I t ' ) o '- tt 13A-l'l.(t. ( f'5 k "'\ c;, \ t Cf<n"b \Me. 1\1£ \l... () ,]:Sl~b 1St £: \L.A-to l'"'\ vJ It-- <3 'l,.v ;. "f1 Y Y to detenl1ne It the YlcU. Is under the care of a doctor for eny reason. If possible. obtain the doctor's neee and telephone IUllber. Interview awlleble relatives. friends. and neighbors ebout the prior condition of the yicU.'s physical end _ntel heolth. lJ N ~""" '\N o.J 13. Att_pt to obtein the no.. telephone ~r. end address of the 'detl.'s next of Un. Lv", p ,..., ~(,. I tVC-, 14. On ell suicides. or when requested by the patrol supervisor or Major Cri8es. the scene end bod)' should be photographed; the bodY. physical evldenc:e. and eny weopon$ triangulated and diagra.oo. 15. Advise the Medical Exa.iner (22)-'232) of JOUr Investigation and provide hi. with eny info,..Uon requested. If the Medical Exa-iner authorizes releese to e prlwte funeral hoee. specify which one In the narrative of the Offense Report. List the Medical Exa.iner's CaSe Ntmber in box 6' of the Offense Report. end the neee of the Medical Exa-lner's in\'8Stlgator in box 61. I~.E 16. \.tM-~£ft.C- 4,'\-(?"L~U ClUE- 1:S 'The coepleted deeth Investigation Oft.nse Report MUST fully explain JOUr investl~t1on and cleerly articulate any infor.sUon which Iwlps classify this Incident as a natural deeth. eecidental deeth. or II suicide. List the description. location. lind disposition and photos. weapons, suicide notes. or other physical evidence found at the scene. It a auleld8 note is retained by the Medical Exe_lner. include It's werbaU. ee-ents In the nerraU.. of the offense report. \ .' DISTRICT CASE WASHINGTON STATE PATROL FIELD DIAGRAM I LOCATION: ON DE OS OW MILES OF AND COUNTY TYPE ROAD SURFACE WEATHER: CLEAR 1J/t3 .I;-!; ON BETWEEN ON DE OS OW OF FEET MILES 0 OVERCASTD RAINING D mLDlU.::J TID CASE NO S 2". :z.oo.J1l 0 t!CYO&d· I INTERSECTING WITH NO.~ - kink:: 0 SNOW 0 DRVD WET SNOWING 0 FOG , EACH DIRECTION 0 RESIDENTIAL 0 RURALD ICED BUS. OTHER , TEMP. OTHER 0 OF LIGHTING VISIBILITY: ROADWAY: STRAIGHT 0 CURVED 0 LANES STRIPING _ _ GRADE LOCATION TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE(S) POSTED SPEED e~ N TH ~ ~ ( ~ ; IN I .. I - p~ V .- ~~ -- ).~ \ \ i- ""'~ 1::>. ~ ~ I ~ I--:,) r I ~ .r~ II ~\ IN J r; !' I I l bt- -r-:= 1 \ \ oN <: I'r,; F 19 '" II ~ I~ ~ ~ I l\ '\' Ii -c:.. Il~ f~ 3 1 ~ W~~ I ~3 ~ I~. ~ 1.- ......: ~ ~ ~ <: t.. t:.. . ~ (~ ~ J;-~! I - U 11 ILl MEASUREMENTS BY: WSP.fOO·143 .\, M .....Qdk.. (8/90) tOt ~" _ I r. 0 1\1 A AND _ ·583'08- IS. 1. t .5.K.J.:;.5.w.QiQ( m.u;g; ...W At... .¥t.c.... M ,,(.,..tJo.a.XCt.(.Q.iQ. . " .. .3.Wi .. ,C.kiQ.J. ...t .c,QI . .it.4tt4M::. .~r--------------------------------'--_----:"'''':'''''''''' • . COORDINATE MEASUREMENTS LEGEND (example) B A .i\ RP n,/ •• 20 10 10 o E / BASE TAPE 20 A-IDENTIFY B-IDENTIFY C-IDENTIFY D-IDENTIFY E-IDENTIFY 30 40 50 60 W_ N __ E_ N_ E __ S __ C 1) PLACE BASE TAPE ALONG FOG, SKIP, CENTERLINE, OR PAVEMENT EDGE. 2) TWO MEASUREMENTS ARE REQUIRED TO LOCATE "SPOT", ONE ALONG THE BASE TAPE FROM THE (RP) REFERENCE POINT TO THE 90 0 TAPE, AND ALONG THE 90 0 TAPE FROM THE BASE TAPE TO THE SPOT. 3) RECORD MEASUREMENTS IN LEGEND. IDENTIFY WHAT IS BEING MEASURED. THE BASE TAPE MEASURE· MENT IS RECORDED FIRST, FOLLOWED BY THE 90 0 MEASUREMENT. DIRECTION IS RECORDED BY POINTS ON THE COMPASS (N,S,E,W). BASE TAPE CAN BE PLACED ON EITHER N.S. OR E.W. AXIS. 4) IF TRIANGULATION IS NECESSARY, USE BASE TAPE AS POINT TO MEASURE FROM. 5) LOCATE REFERENCE POINT (RP) TO A TANGIBLE OBJECT. SKIDMARKS CRITICAL SPEED SCUFF (YAW) RADIUS 1) MEASURE LENGTH OF EACH SKIDMARK. DESIGNATE BEFORE OR AFTER IMPACT. YAW Af/OOtE 90~01NArE 2) DETERMINE IF ANY OVERLAP OF FRONT AND REAR SKIDMARKS. ANGtE r ItkEN A ~ FROM ' CltOFlO , 3) USE COORDINATE MEASUREMENTS TO LOCATE SKID· MARKS IN RELATIONSHIP TO ROADWAY OR LANE. ~ MIOPOI Nr 1) MEASURE CHORD AND MIDDLE ORDINATE USE 30 FT., 40 FT., OR 50 FT. CHORD. DETERMINING INTERSECTION ANGLE 2) OBTAIN A CHORD AND MIDDLE ORDINATE FROM EACH YAW MARK. 3) OBTAIN 2 CONSECUTIVE CHORDS AND MIDDLE OR· MEASURE THREE 4) USE COORDINATE MEASUREMENTS TO PLOT YAW SIDES OF A TRIANGLE - DINATES FROM ONE YAW MARK. A, B, & C MARK IN RELATIONSHIP TO ROADWAY OR LANE. HEAD ON OR REAR END COUISIONS ANGULAR COLLISION - oc:::::::::::. P.0 .1. •SKIDMARKS APPROACH SKIDMARKS OF VEH. NO.1 OR APPROACH A,-------~ 1) LOCATE POINT OF IMPACT. APPROACH SKIDMARKS OF VEH. NO.2 1) DETERMINE ANGLE OF APPROACH AND BOTH DEPAR· TURE ANGLES BY PLOTTING SKIDMARKS USING COORDINATE MEASUREMENTS (SPOTS A THROUGH F) 2) INSURE THAT ANGLE MEASURED IS THAT OF DEPAR· TURE, NOT THE ANGLE FROM POINT OF IMPACT TO POINT OF REST. 068'563- 2) MEASURE DISTANCE AND DIRECTION VEHICLES TRAVELED AFTER IMPACT. 3) DETERMINE IF WHEELS SKIDDING OR FREE WHEEL· ING AFTER IMPACT. 4) MEASURE SKIDMARKS BEFORE IMPACT. 5) SPEED OF ONE VEHCILE PRIOR TO IMPACT. 6) USE COORDINATES TO PLOT SKIDMARKS IN RELA· TIONSHIP TO ROADWAY OR LANE. .n \~fll'\(.n}'\ "'I.\'/-, P\I'{O' TROOPJ:R C\. -\ \1 \ Rl:POR I lH 1'\' Of-I,\\·[Sru •. \r10' ~32N L:~dl(; \ ,\OI{IIiHOl 3-10-99 2000 '\UJ·~,Jl~r 01. ~.! I'.' ..• 11 "",.l';· :i c "\:I.IIP.II1~ 1I~'1 '<I PORI no'\ ,\OI{lflt)J- ,')20tlTIIO,\ IIIERI(;fll : ~\;",lIl!l" Clli~l'r.wl;,:ati\ "I-- 'I'" j'l',i "I' ,i .I; "II,:\., 'il,q hb. 'lInd I·' h' ~(ilhlll~ : ,lIr:"t:d a: lh.' \1..lj.IL. :::'; '1,\1111 :ht" ,,'lO(h,' ,.: :"'q t~, l!'ll:lt 1IIt'.'~1 ,,"'u.:,II,. "Ill' \,·IIl,h..' all,I.",;'1 fl""jl':l ,~'I:,l' ".~,I'\li~Ii:t·i;" I<I.I{ II:·' tU' ( I. \HI ,I, '\1)1:1< 1'1''\ \/.1' Of- I'U{.I( 1<\ l '\IH H IIH I. \\\ Iood)l IIIL~I \lrt)J \\..\SIII,\(;IO,\ 111\11111 \11 \( IIH)lHP()I-U~ \IH 11{1 ~ ''\D \C('l I< \ rEo \I~I~') ';l,pt'r\ i::'I\1 ORIGINAL o PRIMARY OFFJCER'S REPORT o DETECTIVE'S REPORT LB ASSISTING OFFICER'S REPORT WASHINGTON STATE PATROL REPORT OF INVESTIGATION PAGE_OF_ location ollncldenl I ~(~ :rS SUspect No. 2 (last, First, t.4) Suspect No. 1 (last. First, M) Street Address Home Phone Street Address HomoPhone CIty, Stale, Zip Code WodtPhone CIty, State, Zip Code Work Phone Driver's license , Drivef's Ucense , ooe ooe Campt Dale Booked SCaI$, Matks, Talloos Location Booked Scars, Marks, Tattoos State HeIght CompI Dale Booked Location Booked EmployllflOccup EmployerlOccup VICtim No.1 (Lasl, Rrst. MI Streel Address Home Phone Streel Address Home Phone City, Slale, Zip Code Work Phone CIty, Slale, Zip Code Work Phone ooe Driver's license , Driver's License , DOB EmployerlOccup EmployllflOccup Street Address Home Phone Streel Address Home Phone City, Slale, Lip Code Work Phone City, Stale, Zip Code Work Phone ooe Driver's License , EmpIoyerlOccup EmpIoyllflOcx:up 30(1).110-001 (R 1196) '" Driver's LIcense , ~ COB o PRIMARY OFFICER'S REPORT ~ ASSISJlNG OFFICeR'S REPORT DETECTIVE'S REPORT o I T E VYAo:»nll'tu I UN ~ PAGE " (7) SUSPECrS INJURIES & WHERE TREATED (8) VICTIM'S INJURIES & WHERE TREATED (9) PHYSICAl EVIDENCE, WHERE FOUND. BY WHOM AND DISPOSITION (10) PROPERTY RECOVERED (INCLUDE SERIAL NUMBERS & VAlUE) (11) WEAPON USED (INClUDe MANUFACTlJRER, CAlIBER, STYlE & FINISH) (12) ASSISTING OFFICERS (NAME, BADGE I. WORK ADDRESS, WORK PHONE) (13) OTHER AGENCIES AND RELATED CASE NUMBERS M b3lcRCf - -t OF..-(- REPORT OF INVESTIGATION 00 (1) ADDITIONAL SUSPECTS (2) ADDITIONAL VICTIMS (3) ADDITIONAL WITNESSES (INCWDE FIRE AND AID PERSONNa) (5) VICTIM'S VEHICLE & lOCATION (6) PARTS I PROPERTY DAMAGED & APPROXIMATE DOllAR AMOUNT DATE IA II: t"A I HUL TIME lCi5&} ~OOR:"-t\.. ~\,,{...O oC:: l\""t" c Pc:2. SC-A-~C:o S(:t>o-I'S£- V(;--K(C,t...G: P"O'7b~(\.4p~O '7., .. AC::OtG:> A({fV' 5 S:(J6~ l ~~Ool..M.<:D CoN ---ra-~""tZQ.. .:{pc; GO~A AND L.o'-"r "lCo 0 e--> 'J '5::As-'\,IlK. «!':.(t.~G-O ('(.[". ~.(1.o6C> "J-Wtv\ (N D&tG,u L-r-c- W\. ';) of tl\J Pa.oa-s~ (N"rr~.sT: R::-Q. ('Z"./.1.. ~ IrJ e- VE rl(C.Lot: M~ G~.(.>nrtr-J IH4°r Wo£lLuP Sv~ r<-' <-7 l,-Jt'"" j ~a&\':Vo 5:::"11 '1(",Pe<-"- ~!OD ME ~ sc-o Qc-Q../ SCkNC: I C ~ '---...) " R-L-~c: J "?;>..'\ t\oll\ ')(.-0 ~ W lTt-i "'0 u(?1-\( c..l..€: , oJ I'?. \\ i=::>.t.. Z Vtt\t,..S A-e-10 flts- ":>", fL11'!t:;c. ( Fv.l...-.d ::J'j..c ~,. J SJ l!>.T~e:rs. l,..l A~D 5..J ~ .:n? C1 ~ PDln~") IN J ~ <::r\or, ( \'O"!>S\/3c.G- A~(JTrin 7 0 30 A-'D ~b1"Jb1L-o SI~N~ C '" tZ..::v rr; - 200&; C"')(:)O{I\ f.:'..1\ .~~ lj- ) 51';:) .0 PRIMMtY OFFICER'S REPORT " 0" ASsISTING OFFICER'S REPORT o DETECTIVE'S REPORT WASHINGTON STATE PATROL REPORT OF INVESTIGATION PAGE_OF_ Type of Investigalion Street Address Home Phone City, Stale, Zip Code Work Phone Home Phone City, Stale, Zip Code Driver's Ucense • Driver's License • OOB CompI D09 Scars, MaIks, Tauoos W~Phone Date Booked Location Booked Scars, Marks, Tattoos CompI Location Booked EmployerJOoc:up VlClim No. 2 (Last. First, M) VICtim No. 1 (Last. Arst, M) Street Address HomePtlone Street Address HOme Phone City, State, Zip Code W~Phone City, State, Zip COde W~Phone Driver's License • "008 Driver's License , D09 EmpIoyerlOccup EmployerlOccup Street Address Home Phone Street Address Home Phone City, Stale, Zip Code Work Phone City, Stale, Zip COde Work Phone Driver's license # EmpIoyerlOccup DOB Driver's License II COB EmpIoyerlOccup ~ 3000-110-001 (R 1196) "1 ~.1 ., ... l' I' o PRIMARY OFFICER'S REPORT IJ ASSISTING OFFiCER'S REPORT o DETeCTIVE'S REPORT I T E M WASHINGTON STATE PATROL REPORT OF INVESTIGATION (1) ADDITIONAl SUSPECTS (2) ADDITIONAl VICTIMS (3) ADDITIONAl WITNESSES (INClUDE FIRE AND AID PERSONNa) . (5) VICTIM'S VEHIClE & LOCATION . (6) PARTS I PROPERTY DAMAGED & APPROXIMATE DOllAR AMOUNT DATE TIME PAGE -OF-. SUSPECT'S INJURIES & WHERE TREATED VICTIM'S INJURIES & WHERE TREATED PHYSICAL EVIDENCE, WHERE FOUND, BY WHOM AND DISPOSITION PROPERTY RECOVERED (INClUDE SERIAL NUMBERS & VALUE) (11) WEAPON USED (INCLUDE MANUFACTURER. CAlIBER, STYLE & FINISH) (12) ASSISTING OFFICERS (NAME, BADGE #, WORK ADDRESS, WORK PHONE) (13) OTHER AGENCIES AND RaATED CASE NUMBERS (7) (8) (9) (10) o PRIMARY OFFICER'S REPORT WASHINGTON STATE PATROL o ASSISTING OFFICER'S REpORT o DETECTIVE'S REPORT REPORT OF INVESTIGATION OI-J Ie:LOOO TII1\8 ollncldent I PAGE _ _ OF _ _ r-5 Date Repcl1ed 11lme Reported Location oIlncldent I AJ/g ~-5 Suspect No. 2 (last. F1Ist, M) SUspecI No. 1 (last. F1Ist, M) Home Phone WOft(Phone Cfty, State, Zip Code Driver's Uc:ense , COB Home Phone Cfty, State, Zip Code DriYer'G LIcense , Slale HeIght SCars, Marks, Tanoos Stale COB Compl Dale Booked Work Phone Scars. Marks, Tanoos Location Booked CompI Dale Booked EmployerlOccup Home Phone pxl Work Phone 5"~~, ~ ~¥I I Sl1eel Address Horne Phone Cily, Slale, Zip Code Work Phone 0 D08 Streel Address Home Phone Street Address Home Phone CIty, Stale, Zip Code WOfkPhone City, Stale, Zip Code Work Phone Driver's LIcense , DOB Driver's LIcense , D08 I certify (declare) under penalty of peljury under the laws of the state of WashIngton that the attached reports are true, correct, and accurate (RCW 9A.72.0B5). . Dlst 02 3000-1l0-0ClIIRll96j •• , ....... Del O~ Dale Signed 3 - /O/Cje, WASHINGTON STATE PATROL o PRIMARY OFFICER'S REPORT o ASSISTING OFFICER'S REPORT REPORT OF INVESTIGATION o DETECTIVE'S REPORT I T E M (1) ADDITIONAL SUSPECTS (2) ADDmONAl VICTIMS (3) ADDITIONAl WITNESSES (INClUDE FIRE AND AID PERSONNEL) (5) VICTIM'S VEHICLE & LOCATION (6) PARTS I PROPERTY DAMAGED & APPROXIMATE DOLLAR AMOUNT DATE (7) SUSPECT'S INJURIES & WHERE TREATED (8) VICTIM'S INJURIES & WHERE TREATED (9) PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. WHERE FOUND, BY WHOM AND DISPOSITION (10) PROPERTY RECOVERED (INCLUDE SERIAL NUMBERS & VALUE). " (11) WEAPON USED (INClUDE MANUFACTURER, CAUBER, STYLE & FINISH)· (12) ASSISTING OFFICERS (NAME, BADGE I, WORK ADDRESS, WORK PHONE) (13) OTHER AGENCIES AND RELATED CASE NUMBERS . TIME M,.J f.i V' 'Y\ rll U I ~J. D PAGE~OF~ LJ/71-J-. rJ /) PuA s.e • / £E;5j)on d.; rJ , I -nLGJ.. \ ~/"')I'o/\" ) IIIIJeJ!1 -ffltf J 1iY\ J. I , ~ -n+k /)~y"<11Y11l1 I () IJ(( ~ Vi! II // J". A~I~ D~ J, T1 WI. 5 I"",r,"n rC II I ' . 14 SafekeePing Only t- Z w Q <:5 Z rme\ Month &~ DateJOaym Radio NotifIed IW IV\ Year Day DateJrlrTl8 0 ~ \0 Cl'l J DOW Z 0 en Type 01 Incident ITlrTl8 .c.J~ ZrU'O Driver ~ 1\1'UL(.:rT' (t. ~ Residence Address • Name (Lasl, First) LegaJOwner iii Same As Reg Owner 0 :c W > Iyear I ~~ Ir W Ucense No. ~ A-2..\''11~ Notification By P.atelTime Owned 'NI'" Notified K·r~ , , f)R, \f 6.R 1- \f/rltlo V 5 1 Wf:,w I'J\. Oll'~1 Address CIty State Zip I IZ.GG~l~S g S 17,,01' fJ 1 Colof YIN ~E..IIJ Other Agency Case Number .. WSr t:lCl-'OOZ:LO'3 wit' "\V 1'1 'I ~i'" ~ ~. 3f-oi ,mE. To;.;Company WACIC # -tC'oLt~- \/ 1.Explaln Reason For Impound ~£A-~ w I>OEP ~'-' - Zip row TIUd< LIcense Number ~ - / fA-- I, J State Storage Address I l"" R_ City Damage Ii e.J7.:t.O 3= \/'fiWrc:..r Tow C\ c;'~ ~~ \VO~t. Towing Company ~ - Business Phone ___ -po" Oc:cUpation Zip 1 rot 1~99 Ml\[ Address IP/v Make ~'r t.J.\.E..V WJc- t..t Residence Phone Stale City S1"£'lt.AWOM. Name (Lasl, First) l~r. 'M rt.-C "'A-R.,\(.£.(t. I'M~~vkfed ~kfrUJ %_ k~T7I,r~T:'II\7" 11 ., 6;' t~ J J [--1 1 ! .• ~,_ J I tVV€S n c-.NnOV L'"-S" -tJI& ~'UO ~UL,. 'SLMJ~ a: Reg. Owner w III Same As Driver Do ~u--nA AOCIressllocation of Impound S-'\ z;tDt) G[ q - 0 1 l> -I.( tot , jDislrlcl 1,...t.."L- £.. -D L - Lf FCR Code Vehicle Impound Report Operator Number . IName (Last, First. Middle) fI) King County Police • . fJ Hold For Investigation Supervisor Approving Hold lnaaent Number 0'''1''''( Phone 1..06 "l..J.t' - l C\ 'I L Hold For Investigating Unit tv\) 2. Ust Vehicle Inventory . I\-t...' ~ t\1. P OIS/(,S Mvt\ -("ME.. CJ\-S,SLtrl.L W PIr1R. ~r ~~ Bour:s~ w > t= c( a: a: c( z ,- _. - f--- --. r--- .. --~--- ~ - - - _ -- - Officer Authorizing Impound (> V Cfrt. '3't9 tit.! !) C·I0702191 Serial No. c9z...1'36 I I~~o. White· Records ISupervisor reviewing ORfGrJ'J.aj'e Yellow· Tow Company Page f7lolm