Kligman Application for Medical Experimentation on Prisoners and Other Documents
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/. UNIVERSITY Of PENNSYLVANIA PHIL-\O£LPHIA 1910-1 Duhring Laboratories DEPARUIE:"o--r OF DER~IATOlOGV Uni\'~nity Hospital March II, 1966 John E. Bowyer Isotopes Branch Division of Materials Licensing U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Washington 2.5, D. C. Re: DML:IB:JEB (70113) Dear Mr. Bowyer: 1 passionately hope that the enclosed information will complete my application for renewal of license nwnber 37-9714-1. 1 do want to emphasize once more that the quantities employed are exceedingly small and that the risks, in my opinion, have a corresponding size. 1 regret to have caused you so much difficulty. Sincerely yours, o~.-/~#4,~ Albert M. Kligman. Ene. cc: Richard E. Cunningham Chief, Isotopes Branch Division of Materials Licensing U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Washington, D. C. 20545 ~. RfC£IV rO('1 MAR141966- - -. UNIVERSITY of PE;>,rNSYLVA VIA PHILADELPHIA 1910-1 Duhring Laboratories O£PA"TIIE:-:T OF DER"lATOl.OGY University Hospital March II, 1966 John E. Bowyer Isotopes Branch Division of Materials Licensing U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Washington 25, D. C. Re: DML:IB:JEB (70113) Dear Mr. Bowyer: 1 passionately hope that the enclosed information will complete my application for renewal of license nwnber 37-9714-1.1 do want to emphasize once more that the quantities employed are exceedingly small and that the risks. in my o}Jinion, have a corresponding size. 1 regret to have caused you so much difficulty. Sincerely yours, c:;:~-_/~#~/~ Albert M. Kligman, Ene. cc: Richard E. Cunningham Chief, Isotopes Branch Division of MaterIals Licensing U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Washington, 0, C. 20545 ~. Rfc£!VrO( MAR141966- _. > u.s. ATOMIC OIOtGY COlilllllS$lOfll lilElllCAL AlPIIlOI"f co..MlrTU APPRAISAL Address: 2. Coo"ol No. Holmesburs County Prison 1. Applic&llt: Torresdale Avenue & Pennypaclt St. 1 Gry: Philadelphia _ Stale: 4. Name IUld title of trained individtal ,. Type progn.m: Albert H. Kligman. H. D. o Private practice. o PriYaJ:e prarticc in hospital. I!J 6. Review: KI 8. o Institutional. 7. Previous application control No.(s) o firS(. R~rk 70113 (JlJl) Second. on chKkcd items: A. All radioisotopes 'lnd UK:S stated in application. o C. Tnining and apencoce of o D. Doug«.) indiatrd. o E. QiniaJ tec.hn.iques and proccdum outline-d. ~r. o F. Type fWicnt uKd (i.e., tcrminal. infants. normal). o G. Other 9. Action of Subcommittee fiI Approve. OD Hwn'ln Applications: o Disapprovc. 3-28-66 Signa.rure ~-<>,/ d. .... _ _........ ,...... _ . P. ~z _(a&::;;-.;;_..... ..-: ).-.---- - - 1_ _' u.s. ATONIC DlVtGY COMMISSIOH WUllCAL AOVISO'IT (DlIIluna APPRAISAL Holmesburg County Pri80n 1. ApplaUnl; Addr~s; Torresdale Avenue & Pennypack St. Nun~ ~nd tHl~ 70113 (JEll) 1--------------------3. Department of Hedicine City: Philadelphia 4. 2. <Aouol No. S[at~: ,. Type program: of framed mdlvldual Albert H. Xlig=an. H. D. o o PriYJJ~ pra.ctic:~. Privat:~ practice in hospital. !] ltutitutional. 6. R~vIC'W Kl 7. Previous applicatioo control No.(s) 8. Renu.rx on o o First. ch~dced Second. Items: A. All UdlOllOlOpeS &rid usn su.ted in application. [!l 8. o C. TUlnmg and o O. o E. GiniCl1 experlenc:~ of UKr. [)OS1~(S) indiC1L~d. tKhniqu~s o F. Type pat.~nt used &nd proc~dur~ outlined. (i.~ .• t~rmiQ~1, Inf~nts, normal). o G. Other 9. Action of SUOCOR\ln1Uec on Human AppliotlOns: I7l Appron. o Dis.approve. ~9 ....- ,> - -·1 './ " ;/. J/2Y/oo Signatun . ..... _ _. 1_ _ u.s. ATOMIC 0I0lGY CO."USSIClfil NmcAL 1 0 _ Cl:MIIIIlTTU APPRAISAL =-s Address: 2. Coo".1 No. Holme.burg County Prison 1. Appliunt: Torresdale Avenue & Pennypack St. Gry: Philadelphia 70113 (JEll) 1---------------------3. ~ut.ment of Medicine Srare: 4. Name and title of rrained IndIvidual ,. Type program: Albert K. Kligman. K. O. o Private practice. D Private pr:artice in bospibl. ~ Instirur..ional. 7. Previous appliatioo coattol No. (s) Kl o S«ond. Fim. B. Remark on checked items: o A. All udiol50tOpn and ~ 8. o C. Tuining and exptnmce of wer. o o u~ sUted in application. D. Oonge(s) indicatcd. E. OiniaJ techniqucs and procedures outlined. o F. Type patient wed (i.e., terminal. Infants. normal). o G. Other 9. Action of o Subcomnuu~ on Approve. Rc.muks: HWD&t.I Applictions: o Diupprove. Thank you. 4-22-66 Sign&t\l.tc. . ... .....E. - 1011.01 . '.......11 ••f. _ _ • _ _. . . . _ _-_ __I R!C:!J\PD _.. ::I:-IG. :·l.D./rr;:d .._ _.. _ t~." _.. _._-- ""=) u.s. llTO'Ut OIU~Y COIlMrs5'OH WIEDCAl. AO'tS)Ir( !»M"InQ: APPRAISAL Address: 2. Coouol No. Holme.burg County Pri.on 1. Applic.am: 70113 (JEB) Torre.d.ale Avenue 6. Pennypack St. Gty, Philadelphia l. Oeputment of Medicine St.ate: s. Type progn.m: 4. Name :lnd title of trained individua..l Albert M. Klisman. K. D. o Priv.ate prsctice. o Ponte pr&Ctice in bospiul !J In.stitution.aJ. 6. Review: tll First. 7. Previous applic.ation control No.(s) o Second. 8. Remark 00 check:ed items: o A. All r.adioisotopn .and U$d stated. in applic.ation. ... ...aJ.. . ~ B. UK of ... g~ll~~~'.i.~ ~t~~J~el:}~JI!';'3!~f'~~~fe for ..5.Cud1..l!•...o.f.. ..ahaar;t.uon...thrQu.&h...tb.e. Cy.tine an~ Hy4rogen S th~ 5ine akin. a. o C. Training and cxprrieoce of UKr. o D. Dos&S"(') indK=d. o E. Oinial techniques and procedures outlined. o F. patient used (i.e., termina..l. infants, norm.a1). o G. Other Ty~ 9. Anion of Subcommittee o Approve. 00 Hum.an Appliclions: o Disapprove. Reawb: Approve all but H3 Thymidine. Don't think exper.imen~ warrants possibl hazard. ti I ···-·_········~H6·······_··_·_···· lOan 01 .......-.11 Signatun _ - .•.•_-.. JOhn A. D. Cooper. M.D. 303 East Chicago Avenue Chicago 1~. Illinoie j, "" k..-.-;::..-••- - - - - - - - u.s. ATOMIC 0I0tGY COIUftSSUJ" NI:DICAL AOVI5Cl'n' CD.... fTTE( APPRAISAL Addten: Torresdale Avenue & Pennypack St. IltJC Albert H. 1------------------------ SUle: H. D. o Private pn.ctice. o Printe practice in bospit1L !J Institutional. 7. Previow application control No.(s) 6. Revlcw' KJ - :so Type program: of tr-a..ned indlvldu.JJ Kli~n. 70113 (JD) 3. Dcpartmmt of Medicine Gry: Philadelphia 4. Name and 2. Ceo",,1 No. Hol.me.sburg County Prhon Appliunt: I. o Firs!. S«ond. 8. Renurk on checked Ifems: o A. 1\11 radioisocopcs and uSC's stated in appliulion. ~ 8. USC' or ... g~.~~~.~R.l; . ~f~!;J~el1~~.;.3!~t.~.g.~le ...~r.... (or . .5.twlllS...oL.abs.Qrp,t.ion ...thr.ough... t1 Cystine an~ KyArogen S•• ~ym 31ne sktn. o C. Tuimng and e.zpeflcncC of user. o D. Dosagc(s) indicated. o E. Oinia.1 ttdu:Uques and procedures oullined. o F. Type patient (i.e.• tctmlnaJ. Infanl,. normal). o G. Other ~ 9. Action of Subcomnunee on Human AppliCJ.tloru: o RemuJu: . ,._ o App(oY~. ~~.~.r. Dis.approY~. 3 Approve all excepc H labeled chymidine. reach che genecic DNA pool. ?! ~~.~6 IOllt 01 .ppo..... H This macerial, when injecced /U}'/a.. . . __._ _. 1--- Signatur~. :" : ~: ~E~~E~~.~_~.l_.~.."-I?· ( ...--01 _.._ _._.._-_ . --...) u.s. ATOMIC o.DtGY COMMt$SIOH MClICAL AlJIIlSOIIrf QlIIIllnu: APPRAISAL ....... x Hol.mesburg County Prison 1. AppllClnt: 70113 (JEll) TorTesdale Avenue 6: Pennypack St. 1 Addr~u: utJ~ 4. Nunc and Albert M. _ 3. Department of Medicine Stal~: City: Philadelphia 6. 2. Coouol No. of truntd mdlvlduu ,. Type- program: M. D. Xli~n. R~VI~W: o Priva1~ pracrice. o PriY&t~ practice in hospital. !J Institutional. 7. Prnious application coouol No.(s) o 5«"ond. 8. Runark on che<:k~d it~ml: o A. All n.diolSOC:Opn and ~ USd IlI.led in lppl.iCllion. B. o C. Tr&.lnlng and o D. indicated. a~rienc~ o( IlKr. OOSlg~(S) o E. OiniaJ lechniques and outlined. o F. used (Le.• lerminal, Infanls, normu). o G. Other proc~durcs Ty~ pati~nl , .., , , ••• n 9. Action of Subcommittee on Human Appliatioru: ~ ApptoV~. Rcmulu: o Disapprov~. Except t~f thymidine. Information show1.ng the labeled cc.pound remains in the tissue biopsy is essential before I would lpprove for human use. 5-31-66 _ _ _ _ _...._ _• _ _I \ './ "roMic (HUGT ,._ AEC-J13 IS-.Sll ,-_. ..........._""" ,,-" CO~UIOH APPLICATION fOR BYPRODUCT MATERIAL LICENSE ''''0'''''' 0,", II INSTRUCTIONS._Co_I.,. it __ I 16 if ttl;. " ;,11,1.1 opplicc..l..... If opplu:.,i_ is fo' •_ _.I.f I,eo,,.., c pl.t. onl., Ir..... I ,hr• ...,h 7 one! ;n".coto ...... ;"forl,..~'ho" or ch_,•• in th. Pf09'.... 01 r.IlI...., •• in h ..... IS tlu• ..,h 1.5• .... pl._'ol Ill•• t ......... " _. . . ..,,,.It .... 16 "'... sl b. c_pl.t•• 0" ell opplle.'i ..... /oteil , .... _ c0r.'.' '0: U. s.. Atom.c E... CO"'''''."O'''. W...h':r- 25, D. C. Ano"',oft: It.,op•• Bron,h. 01 .. 1.10" of Lico"'''''' 0'" R-e... o,io"_ UPon opp"..... 1 01 011,1";0100". ,h• • ,1P ICO"' .,11 roc •• ". III" ... ec a.,p,oducl Mot... ol Lie ...... A.. AEC &YfH'oclucr M.'...;ol Lie..... I I i ...... • cc ....l .. o:. w,'" .h. , ......1 ...............,. conto, .... in Titt. 10, Cool. of F.III..... R.....I.'ion •• Port 30 .M ,to.. L,e.'.... '. roc I I. T,tl. 10, Co';. of F"Mol R.., ... lar,o",. p~ 20. • , ,., 1(l1<M'I. Urr......._ ........ ~_,MI. til) ~&rlal ~r.ctor HoLme.burl County Prt..OD 3Z15 Torre.dale Avenue PhUad.lphla, Pa. 19136 OVAIlMof.r-l' 10 vst 0...... Sf1.0............CIM'lll'p'l.PS ••. , '''''rc .... , f'iiale WIU If VUO A", Phlladelphla, Pa. 19136 , IY"'~_'U' ...( ....fYOVS UClN$l N1J""U(S~ {If ... , " ........ _ /., ,_-01 -rm-rtTo""1l'ii.o.tUc..... '37-9714- • J'<OlV'OU"l VSfIt{S\ "" • •1 ,....,.,._lr•••_ _. _ ••u ....... ..-1, ~ c........... _ ••__.... ,,_, , _ ·'Albert M. Kll,rnan. M.D. _ ""._ ~ .. .,J ••. . . - _ _, _n.,... 11"---, • ,., ""OOUCT --.-,"-~I .- • _ _ ...... '"- . . . . . 1 3Ss 'Cy.l!De" ne Tb,.miclin. 14C Te8toec.roa•• Cortlcoetariod • Chloride • , ... _ 1 u ..... ... 0.4 mC • O. Z mC. _ rjl~_....., .. -. OUClIlW "UIPO$l '01 """Ile", ""OOuet If ....... wlU II USIO 11. _ _......._ ... .... , ... _ ,.,.,., '" • ,eolecr _ . _ ...... _ _., ..4 _ ...._.1 ......_ .. ... 0.5 mC. • Cyclotron Producedl lncludad to .bow total radiOlWC.1tcSe ••••11 ... ,....... _ _-"..._.. . . . . . . - . . . ._ - -'- -o-:r. • m'it:' • 3H __" .... _ ~ 1.1 0tfJ000CAl. .. ...0/01 ""'$ICAl. 'QlIoI ",",0 -.al~ NUMNI 0' MlWCutlU 0' lAC" ~CAl AND Of I" _1M -",(•.1. .... _ _ '"--....... IC.&~ 'Ol/llI OlA' IOU _ l "OS$l55 A' ANY 0'" nMl 1. ZZ:ola u_ .......... 1LADU,,1ON ... onetJON OHlell (No- . , _ ...... J _ _ ......... ..... ...._ ~al •• •..,..._ II (leo.. """_JIJ./_OI ..... .1 ... ,....,.. •_ _ ..../ ...._. 31la ;?I};:. 1" . . . AEC_JIJ '- (5-511 T1tA1NING AND EXPERIENCE OF EACH INDIVIOVAL NAMED IN ITEM .. t. TYl'f Of T.... INlNG _'.cl,_ b 'od,_".,,,,, "'.0...... "'.". "o"dO,d"O· ... i Hat'memanrlJ 6 months 19&3 ,od,oltonl o. 1'""c'Il'I•• I No ... I ho" .,," ",o""o""g '.ch",C1w., ."d ."., ."""'_to e. Mo .... "'OIlCl .nd (Ole.. I..,on. Ioo"e '. ,,,., No h. N• h. No .... • "d "'00..... _'" '" ,od,ooc" .. 'y I 9 (~ N. ~; No (h.) No Cb) N. I I I lUUItNCf WITH ....Ol... TlON OVlATION Of UI'fI1fNCf WHUf Ul'1ltt""l W"S CtAlNlO 10 mc .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. flow....... _1"1''''' .. Of _ ''''UIU''''N'S -.l _ of I SINSJtlYlrt ItANGt 1tA00.. TIQN OUfCUO _"I Inve s tigational .. 2 years Hahnemann Hospital and Holmes burg Prison .. .. WI"'OOW OllCl"'tU _"'J ........ , 1- ""9 OS. __ .. I IVJ n-=.r,hr. I!' .~ , -. 100 , fl .. 1 I I If ' I .~ - 1._.. ........ ••• :It S UUO'" OU.UflNG lNSTtU"'l",n USTfO "'0'<'( , .;n·./cc_··n :.:allurlr.g .. I 1 l' .. Sl_rveY1J'\& . ~ I .. Coaunerc1a11y available referetaource. ~ .taDdar~. 1A8trum.entll checked alaiD.8t reference source. whenevf •• d. to d..c.~miJa. c:gaaiacen& 00&1' . fIlM ....OGf.S. OOsu.o.tlllS, .. NO .IO·... SS .. ' ,-oCtOUtfS OSlO I"" jij", bocog... _.f)- -"",,".1 col...-.., -.d _ ......., ., _ . , . - "... / not indicated 13 '''CIUTttS "''''0 tOIJll'",tNT ., '-olo" ..._ U, OI..fIO "oncnON OISI'OS"'~ OCt........ o.><"lI 1","1•. " ' _ . ~ d , , _ see ~1 _ ~ tu_ .._ •.• to: 1.0.010_, ... aDtM!Ddiz _ _ ""' •• _'.""'• ., _ _ e _"'.'. ,... _ .., 11 110:••_ -'-" _co,, ._.. I.. - . . ..0.00- _ , ... ' . _ eO ... _u "'..... _ " ' _ . _ WASTl 'i!x Ie..,. _ _I ........ • _ lj IN'O.MATIOH 10 _I SUItMITTID ON ADDITIONAL SHilTS I ,.' 'oc ' . _• ......u _' OV••_, , 111 o..e"lIo It be ....II 10. II...........1 , 1 1 _ " . "" ,<0 " , _h¥. _ "••• ~II ••h_'•••' "'. " " .~II _,,,,. _ ., _,.1 _." _, ..- ••• CI.TlflCAII {Ihl. itam m".' b. comp'l.tM by appllco"tl '.'10 01 ...h .........1IIe. . W"'.NING._" USC,. S•• hO" 1001 r.p......... "on ....", a.PO'_'" .r 09."e, 01 c""~ ' j , 19,r:·~)1" ~ , , ' ... "'.~ " .lo ".. ,~.I "d..tto" '0 ,lIlvll, t.I••• IOIO ~ • .. APPLICA liON .0R BYPRODUCT MATERIAL L1CENSE-nlEDICAL , 1"lell ~ , .... lTfD STAnS .. rO/lll1( (NEIC.Y COM ..... ISSION ' ..... Afe-)u. , SUPPLEMENT .... -Pr.:ECEPTOIl STATEMENT Th., palil. U 10 b. tompl.ltd by Ih. oppl"onl "h.,,,(lo" I ~lIec.pIO'. If mOl. 'han onll pncepTor " necenor., 10 doc ... ."perl.nUl, obla'" 0 '.PO.ol. Uolemen' I,om eoch Bock of page may be uled fa. commen". • 1'1"""'" Al'C) .. oo-t$S Of .....\1( ...... 1~""'''I'''' Albert 1..,.'_/1'(_1 CUN!CAt TblNING AN(> Pa. 19136 I -> h'UllN(l Of ..... ~ICl...N ........fD IN 'Hili II ...IOVE '" ISOIO" CONDITIONS Ol.C,NO»O O~ - ", c•• *> Olio ••, ••• IU.... UO IS.. , D,og"(HIi of ''''.,rOld funcr,on 1_' J I • M. Kligman, M. D., Holmesburg Prison 8215 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia " ., . "'.,.,t , .ft h, ...10_' •• c.... '0' 1.....1.,... , •• _ '0... <'••" .... IS.. 2 ,,, 1.,,,t'Io 0,1...100" ,""d,u ""d,., f"erllllon !kg," lumo, 'ocCllllotlO" , Scann'n; "ud,., T,.alm.nl al h~p.l!hr'a,d'lm -- T'l!'Olm.nl al e:a,d'ae: e:and,l,on' T'I!'O'm.n' af Ihr,ald e:a.e:,nama T.eo'm.n' af palre:rm.mla P-32 Sal",bl. , T'.alm.nl af 1.",k.m'G T'I!'O'm.nl af bane m.'aualel T",ma. toc:at"a"on In',ae:a."lo." ,••olm.nl , I I Inl.,,11I,ol ".a'menl A",-198 Inllae:ov,lo'r ".o,me", ". • In'.,u"'ol I••almen' Se:ann,ng Itvd,., C, -,51 ! I &Iood d.I.,m,na"on, Se:annln9 .tvd ••• Co-.58 a'l 0,09no... of a."n,(,o",. onem,o Co-60 Co-60 I 1_I'n I . I Inleu'",ol I.ealm.n' In'.ae:a.. ,la'1' "ea'm.n. Co-oO 0' hl.,he,ollr !teo'menl CI-137 T,eolm.nl of I",p."f;e:,ol d ...OI., 0' ,h. IOrIO S. -90 Olt.e. ." < r. ooi .N Iloropu C Testoste rone Corticosteroid u •• boe:k of l)oge '3 H <.. ,.C.. lv"'~ C .... COl . . . . . . . @:""~'f\~11,,~~ .... . . . . . . · · ·'''~. f!! ..".,S , lOb.. ' ....... ".v,. '.'" .. II: ' ••• _:1:"" h ......, _ " " •• ~ -.~ • •' f-..Io... ·".,w. "....,...,.,._ .:1 '••, . 0" .... ~o,.. '00·_..... ..: I, " D.. rH .....D lor"l NI,l""a,.iI 0 ,., ., IU'"'HG ~ 0". .",. ~'O'( . . . . . _, to_. _._... _". . .'.,..... ,~ . . . . . ~ ........ I. . . . . . .1•• " _ _ . .. •• • , .w"."""" lOf ••• ,..__••,.,,_....... '...,...._. ,....1.....- .1 '''' .... _. '.........1.....,.........- .. ,.,. ................... ~ 0 ... 010 ..' .... 01 do.. 0 ... 1'1 .d......... U" .......... ,~"... ' • •"00'. , ....... , ... 'o~ I .. _I .. ....._ •• ~HG ",Not. ,,,' \/" Hahnemann Medical College 4 11 6 .~ ,~ CI ..... I~l ."... I."et'"~ ~~jo.'o .~ "~"",l~J ,.~ '''''''''IIVro .~. ... v...... . . -,. . ,,. , ':fj... ;",.;) .' _..........,.'.. . . '''' ·1i7.:.~··IC£l!I~' .. . . . . . . . . - 1963 "I """_'" - ''''~.''''SiON 0' 30 Hours ....... ' ... 1.._ ......_ .. , Formal Course Ben;aTT'lln Calesnick 37-467-10 1..._ - > M D d::C{--:£ ,.._.0<1"""_' •· • 0 , ", , TO: f:.~' omc. S)'"Ibol. ~ rtvmw. Ikli"l- Actflq/fJoafJ . L , i • , ,, • - ItOUTING AND TIlANSMmAL SUP Q 1-:'. 'J~• a. .. .. Inttia. . '-- ff)~.J1*d-L> , 2- .. d/19/81 ~r" Io<tJon f1Io lAs Note end ""um ,., eonwrution r.au,.~ 1 R~umed' . Phpe,. Repty for Your l"tOlTl'\ltlOft k:om""", Inwsti iNtIon ... ... for Correction t:lmll~ • . . ~u,. te Justify I HOPE EVERYBODY INVOLVED IN THIS REMEIIBERS THAT THE PURPOSE IS TO CALM THINGS DO'~-NOT STIR THEil UP. PIIOM: (Hem.. 0f'I. 1",,001. "''''C'1/~t' TOBY CLARK (TS 788) D _1-102 " . . . No. ... ornoNA1. FDItM 41 (lltev. 7-76) -" ".... "'I UIt) IOa-ILaI UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, C.C. 20460 ----/ ....c:" o"ner 0" "(SfICloes "NO fOl(lC SU8ST .. NC£S AUG 14 \98\ - "- . MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Status of Action Plan for Holmesbu FROI~: John W. Melone, Acting Director. Hazard Evaluation Division (T TO: Edwin L. Johnson Deputy Ass' Offi t Administrator of Pesticide Programs (TS-766C) This memorandum is to serve as an update of our involvement with the Holmesburg situation. On May 28, 1981 you req ested that Peter McGrath develop a plan to interview those individuals who were incarcerated in Holmesburg but are now residing in the Philadelphia area. The intent is to test our hypothesis that a complete study would not be useful since we cannot identify those individuals who were in the dioxin studies as opposed to other similar studies conducted at Holmesburg. On June 9. you instructed Peter to implement the plan produced by the Health Effects Branch (see attached). On June 26, letters were sent to approximately 40 individuals who claimed to have been participants in the dioxin testing. Eighteen individuals residing in Philadelphia were sent letters which stated they were selected for the initial interviews. To date. only five individuals of the 18 have responded, all indicating complete willingness to be interviewed. In an effort to follow-up on this group. we are attempting to recontact. either by telephone or letter. those that have not responded. I anticipate this taking several weeks to complete. We are hoping to conduct the interviews in Philadelphia the week of August 31, 1981. The overall situation is further complicated in that some of these individuals are constantly moving from one prison to another, in and out of prison. and their telephone numbers and resident addresses are frequently changing. In addition, as time passes "new individuals" contact us claiming that they were also tested at Holmesburg. I will keep you alerted to new developments as they occur. Attachment ) PROPOSED PLAN AND SCHEDULE FOR HDLHESBURG IDENTIFICATION INTERVIEWS 1/9781 The following proposal for interviewing participants in human testing at the Holmesburg Prison during the 1960's 1s intended to determine whether participants in the Dow-Kligman dioxin tests can be identified and whether such individuals participated 1n other tests (dermal or otherwise) conducted at that facility. To this end, the following schedule has been developed: 6/1 - 6/5 - Develop and mail letters to all persons who have contacted the Agency to date. claiming possible participation in the Holmesburg dioxin tests. State that since the time of our letter to them. information has come to light that raises a question about being able to identify. with any certainty, participants in the dioxin tests. Indicate to those in the Philadelphia area that we need their phone numbers and wish to contact them further, within several weeks, to attempt to ascertain their test identity. Proposed Method of Contact: Options: Personal interview in Philadelphia. Telephone interview; mail questionnaire. 6/8 - 6/19 - Time needed for response from participants now residing in the Philadelphia area. (This time will also be used to develop the questionnaire and investigate these respondents.) 6/22 - 1/26 - Make final arrangements (travel, interview appointments, etc.) for conducting interviews. 6/29 • 7/1 - Drive to Philadelphia and conduct interviews (assuming we opt for personal i ntervi ews). HEB proposes that i ntervi ews be conducted simultaneously by Frank Davido and James Boland from adjoining hotel/motel rooms. Participants would be responsible for their own transportation. 7/2 - 7/10 - Evaluate data; present brieflng on findings. ·/ ALBERT M. KLIGMAN. M. 0 .• PH. O . .. O'~'T~L 0" T"~ U"'IYUlln' 3.' .. ANO I~"ucr "!'4IL,t,O[LPHU, • 0" .1:....... Lv .... r... ITI'I[I[TI "' ... O[""'I'ITt04[NT 01" Dl:l'IMATOl.OGY [Vr. .. c~n .. 2-<IItC [I<tt"',to" .. S' November 1, 1965 Richard E. Cunningham, Chief, Isotopes Branch. Division of Matenals Licensing U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Washington, D. C. 20545 In reo DML:IB:JEB (70113) SUBJECT: Application for ByProduct Material License Dated July 27, 1965, AND YOUR REQUEST FOR INFORMATIO DATED September 3, Ie Dear Mr. Cunningham: Through an extraordinary series of mischances. my correspondence with you has been exceedingly inadequate. We were originally in error in not completing the information on Form AEC-313 but the letter calling this to our attention never reached me. Meanwhile, I have been blaming Government bureaucracy for "sluggishness l l , It was only your last letter indicating that this information must be returned within thirty days which clarifies the difficulties we have had and which finally reached me yesterday. I beg your pardon and regret the loss of time. I am submitting the missing information on a duplicate of Form AEC-3l3 enclosed herewith. I trust that this meets with your approval and that this application can be processed as soon as possible. Thanking you ror your courtesy in this matter, 1 am Very truly yours, \ • - /' " c.. (' -:: )i~/~~ Albert M. Ktigman, . /D. Professor of Dermatology fo.... AEC_J I 3 1'-(1.1 UNITED ~HATU A'O~IC ,_._.... fNUC;Y COMMISSION ........... _w_ APPLI CATION FOR BYPROOUCT MATERIAL LICENSE '0 coo '0 11-" ° 1..'0._'.... co..'o'''. INSIIUCTIONS -Co...lIl_ Ih"'. 1 '~.o"Vh 1 (I ,I " .... '. 0" ."',•• optl>l.cOl.... Of . " oc>PocOl_ fo' ........1 of I....... p ••- . . O,""'COl'_' 1;1••••,.. ,,,. Co.........,......,,, '.'Pee' ,. h...... ,Io.•• wV" 1.:1 "'01 tI ...... 01_0'•• by •• I.....u ","."..:1" •• fw.<_•• 01. eI_ _ _ .t;" I..... 1I> "'wOl b. c_pi.... _ .11 .....,....._. _,I '''0 c...,.. ,. "'.......c £....9)' ( U.. '''1>1''''_'''• •"........... ".c."OO')' U..on 0_.".1 ., ,.... oop.eot._. r'" ... ..,.eo... .....o.h".9'_ DC. 20.:10.:1.....' ....'0.. "oo.P.' ".flCh. 0._..,_ 01 ~ ....,oh l.c.......9 ••e....... A£C .)'00_..... "'..... of l·....u A.. AtC t)'p•• d ..n ......" . l>UtlU .. , ..... d ,,, o«o'Clo"e. . ."h tI\. 9......1 ....." ......... :CI"'O,". f,ri. 10. Coo. 01 f.d ••oIlhVvlo".'" 20 3O 0..0'1'. ~ ..."_•• ,, ......... ,. r.ll. 10, C.... of f.o •••11I.9.. Io"0.... U. ........... , • _.. ... , "'.... f '.tt '.tt 11.(11 "OO_'U O' ,,·"UC.,.. 1_ I" C_I 1>1.......... ,.. ~ ..... .1 11_UI .00tlUUSl .,Jf_~II.J Albert M. Kligman, M. D. Medical Director Holrnesburg County Prison 8215 Torresdale Avenue , ., 1ס0o...... wHte" U'.OOUC' ...... IUI.~ .....U II Us.tD • I. C Holmesburg County Prison Torresdale Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. 19136 Philadelphia, Pa. 19136 , . ...,.. _..... _" ............ ual , 01'''''.. 11'<1 10 uu '''.OO\lCl .....1(11.. ( 'UVIOUI lICI"'U Hu.... - -- (II,.... " "" _1.< .._ I•••• - _ , .1. r.. _ This is to amend license H37-9714- • .. OlVIOU ... ( uS(, ,! . _..... ~ • • •' • _ _ ~<t "'._ ......1• •1 ....... _011'" _•• _...." ...._. , hou.llO/'oI '-<)TKTIOPoI Ol'fICU _.,.;,... 0 # _ ..._ _• ....,w,.. co... ,,_ _ .............. "-'1 ..... "..... '_·1 ......... - ... ...... - .... ..... I I _ . _ _ ..............._ . ...""". M. Kligman. M. D. Albert ...... U.ItIl • ., •_·_' __ .'_1 .- - ..._... __--_._------__., - 35 5 Cystme 0.3 mC. 3H Thymidine 0.5 mC. l4C Testosterone, Corticosteriod 22 'a ':' Chloride ~"ooucr * Cyclotron ,_.ouc'<u ·u·oou • '_11 .... ..... u ._ _... - ~ • .... , .... .'''''' 0.4 mC. 0.2 mC. * Produced; included to show total radionuclide usage. -. -"'-...c ......OOIKI ----...... 1(.,...\ '.._"'_001 '0. - . ...,.0 O' ... UK...l '0.... "''''0 ..........'IM ""'....f. Of _lIeU.11S Of tAO! C"(IIOIC"" AM)/O_ /CAl '0..........1 lOU WIU "OU15$ A' ....n ON( .1M.1 I""'" _-t'L ••• _ _ II _....-.. _ , . C"I"'/C.~ ~- II UYO .... ..,._.1 ....._-.. _ _-_ -- _ ,,'c 'I ,., _....._.... ....... -...... ..... '-' ........_..... .......,-,._" .._.," ............... ..... ..... -..." ... -... see 313a '._. _. -" -- . . , ) , I:l ~ACH T1lAINING AND [XPElllfNCE Of r,." INOIVIOU....l NAMED IN ITEM • I , Of ' ....'''''NC OU-AflON Of T",'NlNe; 1.. <.. _".,.,. " ............. • _ t •• " ' q " ,,, • ".. ,,"d col."I..",,", oo,.e '0 '''. ..... d ON , Ie 'O Ie "'l. CO _,. , 01 'Oll'.DeI,.," ... ... ... --- ------------------. . ... ••• - - - - - - - -- ---'---------, Ye, ,,,, 0' ""$1IUMEN'S /",.Iv<oo ...... _ _ .,I _ _ 01 ...... , '1'., No I , -r WINDOw ~'C.NUS ,......... , Baird Atomic-~u~6vey Meter 4 £ B.A. Probe if 136 w End -Window 6 M tube B.A. Scintillation Probe II BIZB B.A. Scalf\'3sTimer 1 100 mr Ihr~ ,1 I I .. , 3 I l' ok I ,....... US( ·_,~t. ,..........,. - ...... surveying 1.4mg/anZ II lOO,.tJ.gm cmZmeasuring f 1 1 B.A. Ratemeterf#43ZA I' 101 ,_, ---------... ." ." -----------------eta'''''..· ", 0 .., tUM •_ _.... .-... 01 ......_ , ' " " ,, " .,.."'"C)O. '"OUI""""', .. ~ $' ..,..0....0\ vuo IN C"'U''''''HG INSTItU,,",,"''' lI$no AIOVf Conune rciall y available refe re sources and standards. lnstruments checked against reference sources whenev I~--"u"-s.,,,ed to _de~~ rmine cons is ten t .,Joe ra t,io""n~.____,____,__,---------_:___,__,--I' , ....... ocu DOS'Ml!TfU. ANO 110 "UA' ,.-oaou.u vuo rl.., #;,.. --v., _./y _.1,-,_ I _.1 <.,_...... __......,..., not indicated I..""""="""===~'~NPO~~IMA~~T,~IO~N'!,-T"O~ .. SUlIMlmD ON ADDnlQNAL SHIns IN DUPUCAn I) 'ACILITIU ANO IQ U -_ _...... _.. /C..... _ _ I "oc,,,,, '''OIAIION "'OlfCllON ........ _ _ ••.,..+.. _ . _ ....... IS 0..",," 1 _ MfNl .....+.0, ••• _ _ W .. SH O'S.-oSAl Itoo ~- If ...... _ _ •• ., _ 0 , _ ' _ , _ .. ~ •• _ _ _ __ __ -.t < __' see appendix JUC _ _ 'N._h•• _ +••• lof V 1.. _ _ •• __ ".-. • _ .. _ _ +., h"",,_, --.. _ 1.._ , _ _ . _ . .~ ,.. _ see appendix _ _ -. - _ lOt - . ' , _." _.+ _ . _., Mto."' ......_. 0-.- _ .. _ , _,_., h .. see appendix - Oo~ _ _"''-' ' -'k"",I,,-''t''--'"''-'''''-,-)~:.' ,l.2:,c::?'-'I.1_'_ .,/ \' T .' c. s.. ..... H ....G._'. \,I S ".~ ............... to . " , d_,_~' Of .., 1001 A., •• J ..... .... , .1 _ \,1... _ 's. 19 ••.• , $•• , 1.9 _~ •• " • •" ...,..., $1.... GI ....", ......' _,... ,.. ,to _ ...... "0.. • ~ ~ a •• '~"'.' .0<. . . . . . . "1(' '•••• _1 . . . . . . olf••",. to 1010'. 0 .. ,Uf.... , '0". 01"._'" u.. ,,,t S,.", I ' ......fe.}I). 10,011 1·-- AIOolUC t ..,OY Co-'UIOOO ..........._ _ 31- APPUCAnON FOR BYPRODUCT MAnRIAl UCENSf 'oG. I SUPPlfMfNT A-HUMAN USE If b)'p.oduCl _ _ '101 " 10' human UM . (,nil mol Od"""",,OhOl'I of byp'od",cl "",0""01, 0' "'- lodlOt.Ofl th.,On-O", 10 "'",mO" b.,,, compl",o !till ,,,,pplemon' Qnd ottoc:h to tho OpphCOhon fo. byproduct ma'-<'IQII'u·I'IM. , l_1 USING ""'SICI""'.5 101 ,.......- .......0 AOOIUS 0' """llC..t.HT I" • ___ ..... 'I_II ,.~ -- - Albert M. Kligman, M. D. , , 1'101 U~I'OG ,,""K:~ .. lNO'CAnO .60Vf IS UCI""~O fa DlVtNU OIUCS ,... T'* NACtlCt Of """0lCJN( I f A ST,U! 01 nnlfOl'T Of ""( u....-rfD su.us ti'llf DlSTItlO Of (OI.u_" 01 T'I4f CO-e..rwWh' Of "",no IICO @I I CII(U AldWN .. S''''lMt'''T (If l/S""G lI'MY"ClA,. S ClINl(<It,l ....OOOlSO'''" IlIUI(NCI "AGI ) 0# THIS SLl't'\l.MlI'fflIS Wa.wmO IN $Uf'POI1 0' ,,"II Al'I'lICAIION I' ,,"''sWU IS !:!Q.. uSf h(,.f , Of THIS SlWf'\f""NT 10 (U\AlN 01 Iffll TO Olttf. """"UCATIOH 0'(LAttO OOCU .......'U ON WMIOt THIS lNfO.......... OQlo.I ","".n CIKU AHS\o¥f' a. "OPOSfO DIA.GNOSIS 01 TlfA,rMlt-IT • 101 otKt&f 1"U.-oY,a- W>OtOl "noOUCT _fIlIAl _ l 1M: USia IHClUCllHG SI'KlfIC COHOlnDNS 01 DlStASlS TO U OIAGHOKO 01 , ..... flO (v.. ..... 1 .............. See appendix 1"1 Qof,wUl, ,.. ~ ~""I""'fltfO see item 6b, Fonn 313 on(llIII! "OClOl.MU ...."1(.. WIU ., OIUtVlO 10 M1 ....,wl( toALUO'lIO/o<I M......cJUHO. STOIAG': • .voo OIW'OSAL Of '"' IY..covaI_fltlAL, See appendix 1'" OU(t"'O"" ~o $CfT(MU 0' SI'(CIAi OlVTCU TO N USofO H)I .. O"""'~I1..NG IYNOOUC1 _ I f ....... TO ................. NG$ .. tf (II ",nACMIIO IUTU,ATV_ ItlPlIlNCU WlU ~U"l(fl OIelf ..HSWf. UI ON'1ll Wlfto , fM( 1$0'01'1$ UflH$IO... Ol('ll ...,.,.s~ I(HI '0 """"I(./I,TIO"" NO • "0f'0$(0 oos ...G( se .. ~ouu _'" .....,.• ~,~. '0' ."'.0,1_ 0.'."....,.....,-.............'."" .....' ,......."" ... (.... 00"0'''0'' '................ '.' ............'.... "C- .'....'. r, ... '''''''''l'l''''' .... '''ll' 1 I ........... ' '1'0"', <oOOIt ...."I.... f< , " .., . '''~'U'' 11'00'0"', ... ~ j ..." ....0...'9............. 10< ...... CO"••••O.. or "."0 35 , Cystlne - 5 to 10 microcudes injected intradermally 5 3 H , Thymidine - 5 to 10 microcuries injected intradermally l'lC, Testoste rone. Cortlcosteriod - 2. to 5 microcuries, applied topically 22Na' ChlorIde - 5 to 10 microcuries. injected intradermally Cyclotron produced; lncluded lO show total radio nuclide usage. See. also, appendi~ .... _ , _ ~ " _ ~ '''''VUTlc .. "vt '-<)roSA' rol Ul'U.""" ... loI.1. .... tw 01 U"'USUA, HU-.... usn IS ... nI .. ...ouo, _ _ _ _ .. . . . . . . _1...._ _........ _ .._ --..I •_ _ _ _ _ ('" ., " - . 1-"-' CMQIAI6Wf' ... _ " - - _ , , . .............., . - - ' -•• - ' -.... 11 B see appendix • .....tNUItlol .. , T1o+f "OI'O$~O If ""OOUCT ""'" • ., _TU''''~ "AlJ.... no'OI#II '01 win NOT It 0" .......'0 ,..... Df:SCIl'~ IDt...,.,t<"'J()",, O'W,.l!S,.... no... ust ()I "'"ODUC'T _HIlA, .. .0.$ "OC~UING Nt"" 01 WlU N 0Lt.I. AOIIlIMSflATlON 01 IN ,aUl,IIIAflO ANO snIlUUD'()bo , 10""0 STNClAmtlAT10N f'IOCIOUIU, "-""0'0'10 n THe /tIfDlC.oU .SOto,", COM- CJtCI' ANSWH HOS'fTAl fACIlITIES fOIINOIV!DUAl Q WcrlO USE 0MY ,,"t .. "",",/>NT ..... $ CO",,"-OIO ... "'...(a"""""s'OI .. .tOW"IT.... fa ACl/lUT "'DlOACTl'o'1 'Al..""n ~ ,"'U ...D¥I$ ...U .., .. co..., Of ",,~UUC110"1 10 It fU.... ~ .. tO 10 I.. t t<)~"I"1 .. S 10 ...010100" ..... S.....,TT 'ue... uno""s e.-at .w:sWfI lU I , , _ AIC·)I). .. APPliCATION FOR BYPRODUCT MATIRIAL UCENSE /10.011 ." ) lu"' _.. _ .... ) f SUPl'lEMENT ...-HUMAN USE 0' Thil pog. may b. eample-.d by"'" p!olylte:torI·, pr.e.plat (,f anyl ill "'" medical u" .odia,.afape:,. W".n the ,n'o"",ahOl'l " ",,'I1I,".d by t+t. p••e.p.... ,.,. _ .... ona pr".,.,1 addr... of ItI. ptec.plar Ilf any) '''ould b. ,hawII In 'I.... 12 b.low. M.D. Albert M. Kligman. Ph. D. Albert M. Kligman, M.D. 10. ClINCAl TUtNING ANO UI'UlfNCf Of PHYSICIAN WHO WfU ust I't'f'lOOUCT _fUtAl ,., '<' '" I~ '" .........'..., , , , ,, ,,, ,, ,, , HI'f 0' 'AUICIPAnON '01 AL NUMH.O' CONOftION!SI OIAGHQSlO 01 TUAno IN o.slS cau....,.. ••,.",•••_..., " ••• 131 ~ ... _ 1 T._Im.1II of .. yp..... yl'Ooej,"" 1 Ttealmanl of caref'ae cand,lion, 'to,n tumor locallzahon K,dn.y func"OIl 3 3 I ] P-32 "'PO. I ] 1 C>t1"l.II: I T,.o"",,"' of p.ollahC cone., I I I ._IPrI.", T of e-t""te:ol COtIce. T._tm.nl of p ..... 1'01 ,"ullOnl oM/or aK,tlu I Ohlll ...u-191 Trea,",-nl of pranohe canu• CCllloid T.ea"""" of c'''''',cal canc'~'~'~_-C-'--_ _-'f,ea"".n' of pleul'Ol ."u.,onl ond/Dr a"c,,," 1 I 1 QI'h.1I1 1 llood d,,,,....,ool,onl I Olh• .", 1 1 1 Oltl., 1101ape:1 1 1 1'.... _ 01 A", •• ,_"', _ _ 0_ O,""u , .. , , f.o••"n., 1 _ " '1 C.IIo_.._ 100"_ J . .lett... 0' _<II _ po._ ..ol_ho.. GO II • ...,.,.. _ D ., f " " ••,.... • 1 doooo-' .",1 ,.",• • f ... 150: ...., "UIO_ " TOTAl ~I or IOJU Of , .... OOI'.,lOfoj 'M CUNCAl. --'--- '--" 0 '0400 0"'/" .._ _ Itt.tod ••, _ ...._ _ • ..,; plo" ,...., '-110_ 01 PO"'.." "'....0" 3 3 3 , ,, ,, ,,, ,, ,, ,, , ,, , ...0. 0' lio"_ ,_1 ..... 3 3 3 3 3 dOl.,.. I. Ill. .""=...,_. d'OO_I", ..../ .. ,....opou.., - ~ "------,==,-------11..., _ 1 ,oe"..,,,.... • • • • • • • • • • • • • f. . ."" pt . . "-_11' __ .... •• 0"'; ,_pl",oll_•. ~. S"",,, 0"" .,""' ...... 01 .0'. ~ ........ '" .....Illl .... _ , 11 _po . 3 3 I :--7-:;....:~- T 1<.., ...00... _ _ " • • • • • • • 1 1 I Ito,n tumor locol',ollOn Tr_..... of bon..... 1a,1a .., ~.I • ,, • , , •• ,, ,, • ,, •• ,, , •• I n' 3 3 1 I Om.n ........_ . '00"'0010,.. u.. July 8. 1965 Albert M. Kligman, M. D. Application for Byproduct Material License Appendix For tTl 313, Item 13, Facl1itles and Equipment: The laboratory is a remodelled prison cell containing workbases and laboratory tables. Lead or steel shielding is available for storage of the gamma emitting 22Na. Tongs and pipetting devices are available. Lab. coats and rubber gloves will be used. Work is performed over trays. For m 313, Item 14, Radiation Protection Program: The Holmesburg County Prison established a Medical Isotope Committee in 1963. This Committee reviews and passes upon any project utIlizing radionuclides for research and/or in humans. The present membership is: Albe rt M. Kligman, Ph. D., M. D. , Professor of Dermatology at the Vniv. of Penna. (Certified dermatologist) Herbert W. Copelan. M. D. ASSistant Professor of Medicine at the Vniv. of Penna. (Intermst) The stock radioactivity is stored in closed containers, well labelled, and with shielding if indicated. Doses are prepared by withdrawing a few nucrocuries from the bottle by syringe, using sterile technique for Intradermal administration, and administering in the laboratory. The site of administration is then covered with a plastic (Saran Wrap) and the subject returns to duties. Subsequently, measurements are made and subject scrubs site of application at least twice with soap and water. Potentially contaminated materials are collected for decontamination or as waste. Fa rm 313, Item 15, Waste Disposal: Most material will appear in subject excreta or wash water and thus to drains. As we will not exceed two to four studies pe r week, sewer -2 - July 8, 1965 Albert :v1. Kligman. M. D. Applicauon for Byproduct Material License Appendix Form 3l3.1tem 13. FaC11itlesandEquipment: The laboratory 15 a remodelled prison cell contalmng workbases and laboratory tables. Lead or steel shielding is available for storage of the gamma emitting 22Na. Tongs and pipetting devices are available. Lab. coats and rubber gloves WIll be used. Work IS periormed over trays. For m 313, Item 14. RadiatIon Protection Program: The Holmesburg County Prison established a Medical Isotope Committee In 1963. This CommIttee reviews and passes upon any project utlliz.lng radionuclides tor research and/or in humans. The present membershIp is: Albert M. Kligman. Ph. D .. M. D., Professor of Dermatology at the Univ. of Penna. (Certified dermatologIst) Herbert W. Copelan. M. D. ASSIstant Professor of Medicine at the Univ. of Penna. (interOlst) The stock radioactIvity is stored in closed containers. well labelled, and with shielding if mdicated. Doses are prepared by withdrawing a few nucrocurtes from the bottle by syringe, using sterile technique for Intradermal admInlStration. and administering in the laboratory. The site of admln!stratlon IS then covered with a plastic (Saran Wrap) and the subject returns to duties. Subsequently. measurements are made and subject scrubs sIte of applicatIon at least tWIce with soap and water. Potentially contaminated materials are collected for decontamination or as waste. Form 313, Item 15. Waste Disposal: Most material wlll appear in subject excreta or wash water and thus to draIns. As we wd! not exceed twO to four studies per week. sewer -2- -2 - disposal limits of AEC regulations will not be exceeded. Other items, such as old stock bottles. etc. will be washed and either kept as solid waste in a labelled container Or checked with sultable monitor and discorded or re -used. In tlme. collected solid wastes will be di;;posed of via commercial service, probably Nuclear Engineering. Inc .. or by transfer to one of the large scale radionuclide users in the Philadelphia area for such disposal. Form 313a, Item -la, The materials will be used to study the absorption through the skin by topical application or intradermal injectlon. Studies are performed in volunteers comprising normal adult males and subjects with pathological skin conditions (also adult males). Subjects will be volunteers (prisoners). The nature of the study will be explained to them. Maximum doses are given in For m 313a, Item Sa. Rarely, up to twO repeat studies may be made in the subject separated by at least two weeks. These studies and the techmques are the same as described In literature references as follow: Malkinson, F. D., Studies on the Percutaneous Absorption of C 1-4 labelled steroids by use ot' the gas flow cell. , J. Invest. Derm. 31:19, 1958 • Levan, N. E. et ai, Biphasic changes now afte r U. V. radiation. J. Invest. Derm. 43:451, 1964 In cutaneous enective blood The most instances. over half of the material is absorbed rapidly and excreted in from one to two days. 3H Thymidine absorbed will largely go to proliferating cells in the vicinity of the site of application. Some of the material would be expected to slough off in dead skin. Form 313a, Item 6. By product material will be obtained in pre calibrated and sterHyzed form. 6/.-;,./A"~;',,~-,~<Albert M. Kligma;?'M. D.