Ky State Auditor's Report, Vol 1, 2006
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REPORT FROM THE STATE AUDITOR: KENTUCKY JAILS A FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Volume I February 2006 CRIT LUALLEN AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 105 SEA HERO ROAD, SUITE 2 FRANKFORT, KY 40601-5404 TELEPHONE 502.573.0050 FACSIMILE 502.573.0067 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Volume I I. Cover Letter II. Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 1 III. Report Definitions................................................................................................................................ 6 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 9 Methodology ............................................................................................................................ 11 Commentary............................................................................................................................. 12 Best Practices Identified By Kentucky Jailers Association ..................................................... 24 Appendix A: Fees Charged To Inmates................................................................................... 26 Appendix B: Canteen............................................................................................................... 30 Appendix C: Vehicles And Transportation Costs.................................................................... 32 IV. Findings Tab 1. Statewide Jail Revenues County and Regional Detention Center Revenues Chart .................................................. 35 Kentucky Detention Centers Revenues Schedule ............................................................. 37 Tab 2. Statewide Jail Expenditures County and Regional Detention Center Expenditures Chart............................................. 41 Kentucky Detention Centers Disbursements Schedule - Including Debt Service............. 43 Kentucky Detention Centers Disbursements Schedule - Excluding Debt Service............ 45 Tab 3. Jail Funding From County Governments Kentucky Detention Centers Full Service, Life Safety, And Closed Facilities Map......... 47 Kentucky Jail Costs Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures Or (Gain On Operations) - In $ Thousands Map............................... 49 Kentucky Jail Costs Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures Or (Gain On Operations) Ranking High To Low Schedule .............. 51 Kentucky Jail Costs Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures Or (Gain On Operations) Alphabetical Schedule .............................. 57 Counties Subsidizing State By Holding State Prisoners Cost With Debt Service Proforma Excludes State Jail Operation Pay, Medical Revenue And Other State Receipts Schedule......................................................................... 63 i Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Volume I (Continued) Tab 3. Jail Funding From County Governments (Continued) Counties Profiting From Holding State Prisoners Cost With Debt Service Proforma Excludes State Jail Operation Pay, Medical Revenue And Other State Receipts Schedule.....................................................................................65 Counties Subsidizing State By Holding State Prisoners Cost Without Debt Service Proforma Excludes State Jail Operation Pay, Medical Revenue And Other State Receipts Schedule........................................................................................................67 Counties Profiting From Holding State Prisoners Cost Without Debt Service Proforma Excludes State Jail Operation Pay, Medical Revenue And Other State Receipts Schedule.......................................................................................................................69 Tab 4. Counties’ Percentage Of General Fund Support For Jails Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Expenditures Map....71 Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Ranking High To Low Schedule .................................................................................73 Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Alphabetical Schedule .................................................................................................79 Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Counties With Closed Jails Map..................................................................................85 Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Counties With Closed Jails Ranking High To Low Schedule .....................................87 Tab 5. Per Capita Costs Of Jails Kentucky Jail Costs Per Capita Contribution Per County Population In $ Actual Map ....................................................................................................89 Kentucky Jail Costs Per Capita Contribution Per County Population Ranking High To Low Schedule...........................................................................91 Kentucky Jail Costs Per Capita Contribution Per County Population Alphabetical Schedule...........................................................................................97 Tab 6. Jails Capacity And Inmate Population Inmate Days Held By County And Regional Detention Centers Chart.......................103 Kentucky Detention Centers Number Of Inmate Days Over Populated/ (Under Populated) Map.........................................................................................105 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Population - Over Populated/ (Under Populated) Ranking High To Low Schedule ............................................107 Kentucky Detention Centers Jail Capacity Schedule ..................................................111 Kentucky Detention Centers Types Of Inmates Schedule...........................................115 Kentucky Detention Centers Placement Of State Prisoners And Overpopulation Ranking High To Low Schedule...........................................................................119 ii Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Volume I (Continued) Tab 7. Inmate Cost Per Day Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Including Debt Service In $ Actual Map...........................................................................................123 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Including Debt Service Ranking High To Low Schedule .................................................................125 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Including Debt Service Alphabetical Schedule .................................................................................129 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Excluding Debt Service In $ Actual Map...........................................................................................133 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Excluding Debt Service Ranking High To Low Schedule .................................................................135 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Excluding Debt Service Alphabetical Schedule .................................................................................139 Percentage Of State Inmates Needed To Break Even Based On Inmate Cost Per Day Graph..................................................................................................143 Kentucky Detention Centers Percentage Of State Inmates Needed To Break Even Schedule................................................................................................145 Tab 8. Food Costs Kentucky Detention Centers Food Cost Per Meal In $ Actual Map ..................................147 Kentucky Detention Centers Food Cost Per Meal Ranking High To Low Schedule.........149 Kentucky Detention Centers Food Cost Per Meal Alphabetical Schedule ........................153 Tab 9. Medical Costs Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Costs In $ Thousands Map.....................................157 Kentucky Counties Medical Reimbursements From The State Schedule..........................159 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Costs - Percentage Of General Fund Budget Ranking High To Low Schedule ..............................................................................163 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Costs - Percentage Of General Fund Budget Alphabetical Schedule..............................................................................................169 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Cost Per Inmate Day In $ Actual Map...................175 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Cost Per Inmate Day Ranking High To Low Schedule......................................................................................................177 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Cost Per Inmate Day Alphabetical Schedule .........181 Tab 10. Personnel Costs Kentucky Detention Centers Payroll Costs Including Fringe Benefits In $ Thousands Map .................................................................................................185 Kentucky Detention Centers Fringe Benefit Costs As A Percentage Of Payroll Map.......187 Kentucky Detention Centers Payroll Costs Including Fringe Benefits Ranking High To Low Schedule ..............................................................................189 Kentucky Detention Centers Payroll Costs To Inmate Days Ratio In $ Actual Map ........193 Kentucky Detention Centers Payroll Costs To Inmate Days Ratio Ranking High To Low Schedule ...........................................................................................................195 Kentucky Detention Centers Payroll Costs Including Fringe Benefits Alphabetical Schedule ...................................................................................................................199 iii Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview VOLUME II Tab 1. Kentucky Detention Centers Operational Ratios And Rankings Schedules Tab 2. Individual Statement Of Revenues, Expenditures And Funding From Fiscal Court, By County Tab 3. Survey Documents Copy Of Cover Letter To Jailers And County Treasurers Concerning Jail Survey From Crit Luallen, Auditor Of Public Accounts - Open Jail Copy Of Jail Survey For Jailer - Open Jail Copy Of Jail Survey For County Treasurer - Open Jail Copy Of Cover Letter To Jailers And County Treasurer Concerning Jail Survey From Crit Luallen, Auditor Of Public Accounts - Closed Jail Copy Of Jail Survey For Jailer - Closed Jail Copy Of Jail Survey For County Treasurer - Closed Jail iv Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Contributors We would like to thank everyone who was involved in preparing this report. Kentucky Jailers’ Association Kentucky County Judge Executive Association Kentucky Magistrates and Commissioners Association Kentucky Association of Counties Governor’s Office for Local Development Department of Corrections Office of Auditor of Public AccountsCrit Luallen, Auditor of Public Accounts Cindy James, Assistant Auditor of Public Accounts Joseph U. Meyer, Senior Policy Advisor Jeff DeRouen, Director of Communications John Cubine, Director, Division of Financial Audit Bob Gray, Director, Division of Performance Audit Ellen M. Hesen, General Council Gary Jones, Information Technology Consultant Gregory Giesler, Administrative Branch Manager Bobby Bowling, Audit Manager, Division of Financial Audit Jeffrey Fryman, Audit Manager, Division of Financial Audit Steve Newkirk, Audit Manager, Division of Financial Audit Judy Spalding, Audit Manager, Division of Financial Audit Alice Wilson, Manager, Division of Financial Audit Liz Lowe, Training Coordinator Staff: Lorri Bartley Ashley Cecil Rex Coleman Patty Conway Jennifer Curtis Beth Francis Tim Gutman Wanda Hale Gavin Jones Peter Mwangi Jody Perkins Sharon Richard Bradley Sergent Kristina Staples Robby Turner Karen Ward Meka Williams Lavaun Zimmerman Micah Blackwell Mitchell Clark Teresa Collett Lisa Coop Sebrina Douglas Martha Gaffin Rejeena Hadley Rhonda Johnson Michael Kelley Donna Nolan Farrah Petter Jim Royse Brianne Skidmore Carla Stephens Jennifer Valentine Denver Watson Lleslie Wilson Suzann L. Vogel, Research Assistant University of Kentucky, M.A. Public Administration The Martin School of Public Policy and Administration v Bill Carr Stacy Coffey Cheryl Colvin Jon Crabtree Joyce Engle Ashley Grace Don Haggard Mary Jones Deborah Leach Tammy Patrick David Pohl Shari Scott Hart Sledd Glen Thompson Cheryl Vaughn Teresa Webb Jennifer Worley Page 1 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Executive Summary Throughout the nation, county jail budgets are increasing exponentially. Exploding inmate populations are pushing jail capacities to the limit of both monetary and physical capabilities. Kentucky is no exception. Kentucky had the nation’s fifth highest percentage growth in inmate population in 2004. Kentucky ranked second nationally in the percentage of state and federal inmates held in county jails in 2004. With an official capacity of 15,667 inmates and a prisoner count that averages about 2,000 higher, Kentucky county jails accounted for a total of $244 million in expenditures for fiscal year 2005. The need to control jail expenditures is clearly evident. Factor in the dependency that most county jails have on counties’ general funds and the need to decrease expenditures becomes paramount. Because of the growing burden of the cost of the jails, the Auditor’s Office initiated an examination of Kentucky’s county jails: 70 open county detention centers, 13 open life-safety centers, 37 closed county jails, 2 regional jails and 1 jointly operated jail. In addition to the jailer, each county’s treasurer was surveyed. The report found that management challenges result from the structure of the jail system. Responsibility of the county jail operations falls to the elected jailer and their respective jail staff. The Fiscal Court funds the jail but is not responsible for its management. State practices also affect county detention centers. County jails are required to house inmates from time of arrest through trial to sentencing and yet begin to receive a daily rate reimbursement from the state only after an inmate has been sentenced. This report’s key conclusions and recommendations are: Findings: • Gathering data about the operation and costs of county jails is unnecessarily difficult due to inadequate cost accounting and reporting systems. Budgetary practices associated with Jail Funds are not transparent. The format of the jail budget document does not encourage the identification and allocation of costs to specific program elements or funding sources. For example, when examining the medical costs of detention centers, a majority of county treasurers and jailers stated they could not allocate medical costs to local, state or federal inmates. • Not all costs are reflected in Jail Fund budgets. All costs are not reflected in Jail Funds. Debt service payments, capital expenditures and insurance costs are often absent from Jail Fund costs. This practice leads to substantial understating of the true costs of a county jail. • There are multiple funding sources for county jails. Funding for county jails comes from federal sources (5.2%), state sources (32.2%), inmate fees and costs (7.8%), housing prisoners from other counties (4.8%), from the Fiscal Courts (48.8%), and other (1.1%). $244,563,614 was collected and spent on county jails in FY 2005. • The costs of operating the county jails vary widely. The cost per day to operate county jails ranges from $19.00 to $84.44. The average cost was $36.25; the median was $31.65. The operating cost (total less debt service and capital costs) ranged from $16.69 to $77.74. The average operating cost was $33.07; the median $27.24. Page 2 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Executive Summary (Continued) • Personnel costs vary widely from county to county. Christian County spends $8.32 per inmate per day for payroll and benefits; at the high end Livingston County paid $63.74. Louisville and Lexington spend $38.67 and $37.71 respectively. The statewide average is $21.46; the median is $17.63. • Food costs range from $0.65 to $4.66 per meal. The average cost per meal was $1.55. 15% of the jails use a private vendor to provide food services for inmates. Inmate food cost is approximately 8.14% (9.23% excluding capital costs) of the average costs of a jail. Inmate Food cost is one area of jail operating costs where the Jailer can exercise some control and oversee purchasing practices to reduce the costs. • The state’s system of funding prisoners in the county jails creates a system of winners and losers. On a pro-forma basis forty-five counties pay $14,027,705 to subsidize the cost of holding state prisoners in the county jails. Twenty-four counties and regional jails earned $2,824,576 from holding state prisoners, allowing them to offset the costs of holding their own prisoners and even return a profit to their counties’ general funds. This funding system shifts a significant financial burden from state taxpayers to some county taxpayers. • In 2005 the state paid $9.2 million less than its proportionate share of costs based on its share of inmate days. If the state provides 36% of the inmates to the system of county jails, one might expect the state to provide, through all its various program sources, 36% of the revenue for county jails. In 2005, however, the share of revenue from state sources was 32.2%. • Many counties believe that by expanding their jails and attracting more state inmates they can reduce the overall financial burden of their jail. Any county which has a inmate daily cost greater than the state reimbursement rate cannot reduce the net cost of its jail without significant managerial and facility changes. • Life safety jails are very expensive to operate. Their cost per inmate per day far exceeds the statewide median of $31.65. The small size of the facilities requires large personnel costs. All save one exceed the median personnel cost of $17.63. Most impose a disproportionate burden on their county general funds. Since 2005 the Knott, Breathitt, Hancock and Livingston County life safety jails have been closed. • The state’s practice of leaving state prisoners in the county jails (Controlled Intake) or placing state prisoners in county jails (Class D felon program) either exacerbates or causes overcrowding in 53 of the state’s 73 full service and regional jails. Continued overcrowding may lead to federal lawsuits and liability issues for counties with populations in excess of capacity. • The state’s system of allocating funds for the payment of medical costs is inherently unfair. The burden of the cost of medical care is not evenly distributed. Some counties actually profit - their medical funds exceed their medical costs - while others incur substantial costs for medical care. Page 3 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Executive Summary (Continued) • Management of medical expenses is a major challenge to jail management. It also represents a significant opportunity for savings. Inmates are not always examined by medical practitioners before they are sent to the hospital. There is no standard practice for determining medical service fees for patient care. • Inconsistencies in the administration and accounting for inmate fees create a significant opportunity for additional revenue. Inmate fees and payments for services account for 7.8% of jail revenue. Nearly half of the jails do not charge the daily housing fee allowed by law. Many counties do not maintain adequate records to account for fees due from inmates. Those who keep records report past due obligations from inmates totaling over $22 million. • Telephone service revenues are not consistently reported. Some contracts with telephone service vendors allow jails to apply costs against the projected revenue from telephone commissions. This practice allows the jail to understate both its revenue and expenditures. It also avoids accounting for the transaction through the county treasurer and sometimes occurs without knowledge of the treasurer. • Many Kentucky Jailers have developed innovative and effective management techniques to reduce or keep expenditures under control. Forty-one counties have a per diem cost less than the state’s reimbursement rate of $30.51. Eight counties profit from their jails. Different jailers have experimented with a broad range of managerial approaches to the tough problems of controlling medical costs, foods costs, transportation costs, and personnel costs. These are very promising and are highlighted as best practices. (See page 24). Recommendations: Kentucky should begin the process of establishing a unified corrections system. The lack of an integrated corrections system including the county jail means imbalance in the geographical distribution of facilities, the loss of opportunity for the development of programming for subsets of the inmate population, such as drug or alcohol abuse programs, unfair cost shifting to some local governments, and lost opportunity for improved efficiency and cost savings. To achieve the most cost effective and fair administration of the county jail system ultimately will require a unified corrections system, with all state prison and jail facilities under the control and direction of the Department of Corrections. Jailers could still be elected locally. The office of property valuation administrator offers a model whereby a locally elected official can play a substantive role in a state agency. Realistically, however, the cost of merging the jails into the state system at this time is unaffordable. The Department of Corrections should begin planning for the merger of the jails and the state correction system and begin a phase-in of the merger. Page 4 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Executive Summary (Continued) Recommendations: (Continued) Until such time as the unified system is fully implemented, the counties and Department of Corrections officials should consider the following recommendations: • The Governor’s Office for Local Development and the Department of Corrections should develop and implement a uniform jail financial management system to capture all jail expenditures on a quarterly basis. This data would be used for analysis and policy decisions at the local and state level. • The Department of Corrections should maintain a cumulative population report for each detention center for the fiscal year, identifying the cumulative number of state, federal, county, and other-counties/states inmate days for each fiscal year. • The Department of Corrections should explore restructuring the per diem fee for holding state prisoners. State per diem could be revised to include incentive payments for jails with no violations of standards, educational programs, quality of facility operations, collections of inmate’s fees/charges or the adoption of other efficiency measures. Other possibilities for consideration include indexing the per diem to the Consumer Price Index to reflect health insurance and retirement costs or adjusting the per diem to recognize higher costs in some areas of the state. • New or expanded jails should only be constructed after review and approval by the Governor’s Office for Local Development and the Department of Corrections based on need and financial feasibility. • Counties with Life Safety jails should evaluate the long-term financial burden of maintaining their facility. • The Kentucky Jailers Association and the Department of Corrections should undertake a thorough review of the management of medical expenses incurred by the county jails. Many Jailers have adopted good management techniques that should be adopted by other facilities. Other practices should be considered, including bill review and utilization review programs. A different example for consideration can be found in the Workers Compensation system. The General Assembly mandated adoption of a statewide fee schedule for providers for services reimbursed through workers compensation insurance. • The Department of Corrections should review and adjust the state’s funding formula for medical expenses so that the funds are applied against actual expenditures for medical services. The Department should consider reimbursing 100% of medical costs incurred by jails that have agreed to participate in medical management programs prescribed by the Department of Corrections. • Counties should review their policies with the goal of maximizing inmate fees; ensure the jail has an adequate accounting system to track fees owed and collected; and adopt a procedure for collection of past due fees. Page 5 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Executive Summary (Continued) Recommendations: (Continued) • Jails should, at a minimum, use competitive bidding or documented price comparisons to purchase food or meals. If meal costs are above the statewide average, fiscal courts should demand explanations • Jails should report to the fiscal court all elements of the financial transactions involving telephone service vendors. • The Department of Corrections should perform a mandatory jail efficiency audit if a jail requests state reimbursement for inmates and the inmate cost per day exceeds the state average by more than 10%. Page 6 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Definitions Average Number Of Inmates In Facility Each Day: Total inmates per detention center divided by 365. The resulting amount was rounded for reporting purposes. Total inmates were reported in the survey per each detention center. Controlled Intake: The program that leaves convicted felons in the county jail after sentencing pending transfer to the Kentucky Adult Correctional System. Cost Per Meal: Total food costs divided by number of meals prepared. County Inmate Days: This is the Jailer’s own county inmate days per survey. The county inmates for Bell County and Webster County were calculated amounts. They were reduced from the amount reported. These counties did not report any state inmates in their survey, however they received state funds for housing state inmates. Debt Service: Is the amount counties spend on debt service payments for capital assets, lease payments and construction of new facilities. Department Of Corrections (DOC) Bed Rating: DOC’s rating of how many beds are allowed to be in a facility. This also relates to inmate population where one bed is allowed for one inmate. Federal Inmate Days: Total federal inmate days per the survey. Fringe Benefits: This is the employer’s share of FICA and retirement. It also includes all other fringe benefits paid on behalf of the employees such as health insurance, life insurance, and retirement. Funding From Fiscal Court Or Legislative Body To Meet Jail Expenditures Or (Gain on Operations): Total revenues received by the Detention Center or Fiscal Court less total expenditures paid by the entity. Housing Other Counties - Inmate Days: The jailer reported this amount for housing other counties inmates. Inmate Cost Per Day Including Debt Service: Total expense of the Detention Center less expense for housing prisoners and housing juveniles divided by total inmate days. Page 7 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Definitions (Continued) Inmate Cost Per Day Without Debt Service: This is the total expense of the Detention Center less expense for housing prisoners, housing juveniles, debt service payments for capital assets, and construction of new facilities divided by total inmate days. Life Safety Jail: A life Safety Jail does not meet the state’s facility standards and hence cannot hold state prisoners though it can hold local inmates for extended periods. Medical Costs: Medical costs include all medical costs such as prescriptions, hospital bills, medical bills, and medical staff employed by the detention centers. These costs were obtained from the county financial statements submitted to the Governor’s Office for Local Development. Survey amounts were not used. Medical Costs Per Inmate Days: Medical costs divided by total inmate days. Medical Payments For Housing State Inmates: Number of State Inmates Per Survey or Calculated State Inmates By $1.91 The state prisoners for Bell County and Webster County were calculated amounts. These counties did not report any state inmates in their survey, however they received state funds for housing state inmates. Payroll Costs: Gross payroll paid to the Jailer and staff. Payroll Cost To Inmate Day Ratio: This is total payroll cost including fringe benefits divided by total inmate days for each detention center. Per Capita Contribution: Funding From Fiscal Court or Legislative Body To Meet Jail Expenditures Or (Gain on Operations) divided by the population for each county based on US census data. Percentage of General Fund Budget To Meet Expenditures: Funding From Fiscal Court or Legislative Body To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) divided by the General Fund budget. State Inmate Days: State inmate days per survey. The state inmates for Bell County and Webster County were calculated amounts. These counties did not report any state inmates in their survey, however they received state funds for housing state inmates. Surplus Funds Or (Medical Expenses Not Reimbursed): This is total state medical revenue less total medical expenses. The amount that was not reimbursed could be for either county or state prisoners. We were unable to determine which, because the county did not distinguish between state and county medical expenses. Page 8 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Definitions (Continued) Total Food Costs: Total food costs consist of food, kitchen equipment, and staff required to prepare meals including food service salaries to determine cost per meal. “Food Costs” on Statewide Jail Expenditures (pages 41, 43, and 75) does not include food service salaries. Total Inmate Days: This is the total inmate days per the survey. Page 9 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Introduction In July 2005 the Auditor of Public Accounts undertook a comprehensive survey of all jails in Kentucky. The purpose of the survey was to answer questions about what jails cost and how their money is spent. Accounting for jail operations is not transparent. Not all costs are included in the fiscal court’s jail fund. Capital costs and insurance costs are frequently paid for through other accounts. Costs are not broken into components in a way that allows costs to be allocated to component units for management purposes. Medical costs are one example. All medical costs are lumped in a single account. To determine whether those costs are attributable to state prisoners or county prisoners is possible only with extraordinary effort. The accounting system does not support local efforts to improve the management of the county jail. There are many sources of revenue for jails. Though state support for county jails is often considered unitary, county jails across Kentucky collected revenue from 19 different state programs in 2005. Additionally some county jail capital costs are paid directly by state appropriation. There are four different sources of federal money spent in county jails, though 95% is from contract payments for holding federal prisoners. There are 23 different fees or other sources of revenue received from jail inmates. Kentucky elects the county jailer. The jailer is given by statute complete management control of the jail. The Fiscal Court is responsible for the financial oversight for the county as a whole, including the jail’s finances but not its operations. The county treasurer exercises day-to-day management oversight of the budget, including financial reports for the jail. The split responsibility presents challenges for accountability and effective management control of the jail’s operation. During the process of completing the survey for this report the auditors found conflicts and differences between the information from the jailer compared with the information from the treasurer. Occasionally information provided by the jailer conflicted with other information provided by the same jailer. As an example, jailers gave the average number of inmates per day and also listed the number of inmates’ days by type of prisoner (state, county, federal, other county). These numbers did not necessarily agree with each other. Kentucky has a unique partnership between the state corrections system and local jails. As one response to the exploding growth in state inmates, approximately 6,300 state inmates are held in county jails. The state pays the county a per diem of $30.51 for each state prisoner held in the county jail. Many counties have expanded the capacity of their jails to hold a larger number of state inmates to offset the costs of holding their county prisoners. Eight counties have successfully turned their jails into profit centers for the fiscal court; the jails contribute revenue to the county’s general fund. Seventy-eight jails and regional detention centers cost the counties up to as much as 45.3% of the county’s general fund. The definition of a “state” prisoner is a source of conflict between state and county officials. The responsibility for housing prisoners belongs to the county regardless of whether the accused is arrested for violating a state or local law or ordinance. All the time from date of arrest to date of sentencing is paid for by the county. The county pays for even the time spent between date of conviction and date of sentencing. The state assumes financial responsibility for prisoners only after sentencing. (Legislative Research Commission, Issues Confronting the 2006 Kentucky Page 10 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Introduction (Continued) General Assembly, Local Government, page 57). This report uses the current definition of state prisoner. The office acknowledges certain arbitrariness in the definition. County government officials believe that the cost of jails is a severe financial drain on county governments, and impairs their ability to deliver other more productive or preferable services to the county taxpayers. County governments spent $119.3 million housing inmates during 2005. The results of this survey represent a cash basis snapshot of the costs of operating county jails during 2005. These are not audited numbers. This report presents information that is the representation of the management of county jails and fiscal courts and appropriate state officials. This report of the State Auditor is intended for three purposes: • To provide the Governor, state officials, the General Assembly and local officials with current financial and program data to facilitate discussions on jail efficiencies and funding needs. • To provide jailers and corrections specialists information as accurate and complete as possible so they may analyze and improve the management and operation of Kentucky’s jails. • To provide the Auditor of Public Accounts, Governor’s Office of Local Development and Department of Corrections with data on which to base future audit, technical assistance and program oversight decisions. Page 11 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Methodology The conclusions reached and recommendations made in this report are based on the following: • • • • • Review of state statutes related to county jail officials and jail fund budgets Surveys sent to county jail officials and treasurers and administered by staff of the auditor’s office Minutes of meetings conducted by the Interim Joint Committee on Local Government Review of other statewide jail research and reports Review of various newspaper articles In July 2005, the State Auditor’s office in cooperation with the Kentucky Jailers' Association, the Kentucky County Judge Executive Association, the Kentucky Magistrates and Commissioners Association, the Kentucky Association of Counties, the Governor's Office of Local Development, and the Department of Corrections developed a 232-question survey. Auditors met individually with county jailers to answers the questionnaire, and then met with each County Treasurer to review the county’s financial records on the jail and to obtain supplemental information on the jail’s cost. The following issues were addressed in the surveys: • Jail capacity and inmate population • Jail management • Jail budget and funding • Charges to Inmates • Canteen operation • Food services • Medical Services • Collections from released prisoners • Telephone Commissions • Administrative practices • Jail property and equipment • Transportation costs • Accounting practices After compiling the information from the jailers and treasurers, the financial information was crosschecked against reports filed with the Governor’s Office for Local Development. The definitions describe how certain costs were calculated. A copy of the survey may be found in Volume II of this report. Survey results are included throughout the analysis section of this report. Page 12 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Commentary Why examine county jail budget practices? The Auditor of Public Accounts decided to undertake this study after numerous independent county government officials voiced concerns about the rising costs of incarceration. In some instances, as much as 45% of county’s general fund budget is being dedicated annually to cover local jail expenditures. In addition cases of mismanagement of jails had been uncovered during official audits of several fiscal courts. The study design attempted to address the source of jail funding, jail expenditures and revenues, and jail administrative practices. The study design aimed to provide quantifiable evidence about the state of Kentucky’s county jail fiscal practices and suggest best practices for improvement. Background The Kentucky Constitution of 1850 established that jailers be elected officials. In fact, Kentucky is the only state in the nation with constitutional provisions relating to the office of Jailer. The county jailer has control of the county jail and all persons in the jail. Prisoners of the state are housed in local jails while awaiting trial and sentencing. Such waiting periods are not compensated by the state and all costs accrued by inmates awaiting trial and sentencing are expected to be covered by the local facility. These waiting periods can vary in length from a few weeks to several months or more. In some case, judges sentence felons to serve their terms in county jails. The Kentucky Department of Corrections pays local jails to house inmates traditionally assigned to the state’s prison system. Because state facilities lack the space to adequately house prisoners, this alleviates overcrowding. Once entered into the local detention center, the county jail assumes total responsibility for the inmate’s care. This includes the administration of the inmate’s medical care, physical and mental well being, dietary needs, education, special needs and safety. Local Jail Financial Viability Local counties are faced with very difficult financial considerations. We have, based on interviews and our own analysis, identified counties who have constructed new detention facilities with the expectations of generating sufficient revenues to cover all costs, plus return excess funds to fiscal court. In almost every case, the revenue projections are based on state prisoners being placed in their facility. The Department of Corrections will not make commitments on prisoner guarantees. In addition, medical costs, health insurance, retirement costs and litigation have required many fiscal courts to supplement county jail operations. Budgetary practices associated with Jail Funds are not transparent. Jail Fund budgets are documents intended to provide fiscal guides for county jail operations. The format of the budget document does not encourage the identification and allocation of costs to specific program elements or funding sources. For example, when examining the medical costs of detention centers, a majority of county treasurers and jailers stated they could not allocate medical costs to local, state or federal inmates. A consistent complaint heard throughout the survey process from jail administrators was that the Kentucky state government is not adequately funding county jails for medical costs incurred by state level inmates. The inability of the majority of open county Page 13 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Commentary (Continued) Budgetary practices associated with Jail Funds are not transparent. (Continued) jails administration to show actual state and county inmate general costs relegates such claims to observation. Without fiscal proof of overdue states fees, it is difficult to substantiate the claims of county jail administrations. Not all costs are reflected in Jail Fund budgets. All costs are not reflected in Jail Funds. Debt service payments for infrastructure projects and other long-term projects are often absent from Jail Fund costs, as are insurance payments. This practice leads to substantial understating of the true costs of a county jail. The survey requested the county officials identify these costs. Most were noted, however some professional liability insurance and building insurance costs could not be determined in some counties. County jails funds are wholly dependent on supplemental county general funds. For the fiscal year 2005, more than $119.3 million of jail funds revenues were provided for by county general funds, according to this survey. This is money that would otherwise be spent by county governments on other public services. Some counties are spending as much as 45 percent of their total general fund budget on jails. These staggering contributions have major impacts on the capacity of county governments to serve public needs outside of corrections. County jail operations are left to the discretion of elected jailers, some who have no prior jail administration experience. Kentucky jailers are elected in 118 of Kentucky’s 120 counties. Kentucky’s Constitution allows the General Assembly to merge the office of jailer into the office of the sheriff. By action of the General Assembly, Jefferson and Fayette Counties have eliminated the elected position of jailer and replaced it with an appointed, professional administrator. There are no minimum qualifications for the position of jailer. Jailers and their staff must receive basic training at the beginning of their tenure and continuous annual training for the remainder of their tenure. Training is based on requirements outlined in KRS 441.055, which states that training shall include the rules governing health and safety conditions, fire safety, jail operation, record keeping and administration. It is difficult to assess how such governing rules are being interpreted by individual county jails. As a result, standards vary from county to county. It is not common practice for an outside consultant to review jail practices. When asked if there has ever been a jail committee or consultant review of the operation of jail management and operation, 66% of 83 respondents for open detention centers replied no. The practice of an independent review by an impartial party is not common practice within Kentucky’s correctional system. A lack of such review indicates that there are few benchmarks in place for management and operational achievement. The Department of Corrections oversees and enforces the state’s standards adopted for the county jails. Page 14 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Commentary (Continued) There are multiple funding sources for county jails. Funding for county jails comes from Federal sources (5.2%), State sources (32.2%), Inmate fees and costs (7.8%), housing prisoners from other counties (4.8%), from the Fiscal Court (48.8%), and other (1.1%). $244,563,614 was collected and spent on county jails in FY 2005. The overwhelming majority of federal funding is reimbursement for holding federal prisoners (94.7% of federal funds). There were nineteen sources of state revenue in 2005. The jail operation subsidy (19.9% of state funds); Controlled Intake (42.6%); Class D felon payments (23.6%) and medical payments (3.7%) constitute the bulk of state support. See Findings, Tab 1 County and Regional Detention Centers Revenues Schedule, page 37. The costs of operating the county jails vary widely. The total cost to operate county jails, including debt service, capital costs, and other costs such as insurance typically borne by the counties but outside the jail fund, ranged from $19.00 to $84.44 per inmate per day. The state’s average cost was $36.25; the median was $31.65. The operating cost (total less debt service and capital costs) ranged from $16.69 to $77.74. The average operating cost was $33.07; the median $27.24. See Findings, Tab 7, Inmate Cost Per Day Schedules, page 125. County Governments contributed $119,296,224 from their general funds to support their county jails. 34 counties spent between 20% and 45.3% of their general fund on jails; 28 spent between 10% and 20%; 50 spent between .26% and 10%. Eight counties earned money from jail operations. Fulton County earned 24.26% of its general fund from jail profits. See Findings, Tab 4 Percentage of General Fund Budget to Meet Jail Expenditures Schedules, page 73. The burden of jail costs, measured by the per capita contribution from the residents of the counties, varied wildly, from 32 cents per person in Lincoln County to $94.21 in Bourbon County. The average cost per person was $20.88; the median cost $20.57. Of the eight counties profiting from their jails, the net return to the county ranged from fifteen cents per person in Rockcastle County to $40.54 in Fulton County. See Findings Tab 5 Per Capita Contribution per County Population Expenditure Schedules, page 91. The components of statewide jail expenditures are: • Capital Projects/Debt Service/Lease Agreements: 11.9% • Food, Preparation and Equipment: 8.1% • Medical Costs: 7.8% • Personnel including benefits: 56.1% • Payments to other counties to house prisoners: 3.9% • Telephone, utilities and other expenses: 12.2% See Findings Tab 2 Kentucky Detention Center Disbursements Schedules, page 43. Page 15 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Commentary (Continued) Personnel costs vary widely from county to county. Christian County spends $8.32 per inmate per day for payroll and benefits; at the high end Livingston County paid $63.74. Louisville and Lexington spend $38.67 and $37.71 respectively. The statewide average is $21.46; the median is $17.63. See Findings Tab 10 Payroll Costs to Inmate Days Ratio Schedules, page 195. Employee Benefits statewide are equal to 37.1% of payroll. Several counties have very high benefit to payroll ratios. A number of factors may contribute to these high ratios, such as a choice to participate in hazardous duty pension program or low salaries. See, Volume II, Tab 2, Individual Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Funding From Fiscal Court Schedules for each county. County Mason County Scott County Kenton County Pulaski County Payroll Benefit Cost Ratio $682,493 $891,027 $3,035,062 $1,032,162 $460,856 $543,497 $1,798,732 $605,821 67.5% 61.0% 59.2% 58.7% The Controlled Intake and Class D Felon programs have allowed many counties to manage their jail costs well. Forty-one counties have a per diem cost less than the state’s reimbursement rate of $30.51. The more Controlled Intake and Class D Felon state prisoners held by the counties with low per diems, the greater the amount they can apply towards reducing the costs of holding their own prisoners, or even return to the county general fund. Eight counties profit from their jails: Detention Center DOC Bed Rating Calculated Inmates Per Day Christian Carroll Fulton Daviess Grayson Casey Allen Rockcastle 600 78 193 589 589 154 64 69 700 159 259 630 560 179 71 97 Profit from Jail Operations $403,590 $319,144 $298,260 $292,963 $118,618 $41,815 $32,776 $2,579 Profit as a Percentage of the County’s General Fund County Inmate Days Per Diem Cost (Including Debt Service) 4.92% 7.78% 24.26% .84% 5.96% 1.71% 1.11% 0.17% 47.5% 25.1% 14.8% 21.2% 15.2% 19.5% 27.7% 21.9% 19.67 20.76 22.66 23.08 36.60 26.24 25.54 26.19 Page 16 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Commentary (Continued) Many counties believe that by expanding their jails and attracting more state inmates they can reduce the overall financial burden of their jail. Any county which has a inmate daily cost greater than the state reimbursement rate cannot reduce the net cost of its jail without significant managerial and facility changes. The 20 counties with costs greater than $40.00 per day would have to achieve a 25% reduction in their per diem costs before expansion for the purpose of holding additional state prisoners would be profitable. Simply put, these counties cannot build themselves out of their jail cost problems. See Findings, Tab 8 Percentage of State Inmates Needed to Break Even Schedule, page 145, for an analysis of the ratio of state inmates to per diem cost necessary to break even on jail operations. In 2005 the state paid $9.2 million less than its proportionate share of costs based on its proportion of inmate days. % Of Inmate Days County Federal State Income from Inmates Other Revenue Total 59.6% 4.4% 36.0% 100% % Of Revenue Contributed By 53.6% 5.2% 32.2% 7.8% 1.1% 100% Sources: Inmate Days Chart; Revenues Schedule If the state provides 36% of the inmates to the system of county jails, one might expect the state to provide, through all its various program sources, 36% of the revenue for county jails. In 2005, however, the share of revenue from state sources was 32.2%, 10% less than expected. If the state proportion of revenue matched its proportion of inmates, the state would have paid an additional $9,201,322 for a total of $88,042,827 compared to its actual contribution of $78,841,405. If Louisville and Lexington are excluded from the calculations, state prisoners are 41.2% of the inmates in the remaining jails, while revenue from the state was 39.5% of their total revenue. The underfunding is $2.97 million. The state’s system of funding prisoners in the county jails creates a system of winners and losers. On a pro form basis, thirty-one counties pay $9,992,307 to subsidize the cost of holding state prisoners in the county jails. Thirty-eight counties and regional jails earned $7,380,731 from holding state prisoners, allowing them to offset the costs of holding their own prisoners and even return a profit to their counties’ general funds. This funding system shifts a significant financial burden from state taxpayers to some county taxpayers. When the 2005 actual state contribution to each county is divided by the reported number of state inmate days in each county, the result is the same, though the dollar amounts differ: thirty-two counties subsidize the state inmates with millions of local dollars; while the remainder of the counties earn multi-million dollar profits from housing the state inmates See Findings Tab 3, Counties Subsidizing State…and Counties Profiting From Holding State Prisoners… Schedules, page 63. Page 17 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Commentary (Continued) The state’s practice of leaving state prisoners in the county jails (Controlled Intake) or placing state prisoners in county jails (Class D felon program) either exacerbates or causes overcrowding in 53 of the state’s 73 full service and regional jails. Fifty-five of Kentucky’s seventy-three full service jails and regional detention centers have average daily populations which exceed their Department of Corrections rated capacity. Thirteen of the sixteen most overcrowded facilities exceed Department of Corrections excluding state prisoners. The addition of state prisoners exacerbates the overcrowding. In 37 counties the addition of state inmates causes the overcrowding. Thirty-seven full service jails and regional detention centers have an average daily inmate population of 120% to 203% of capacity. Eighteen have a population of 101% to 120% of capacity. Only eighteen operate at less than capacity. Federal Court decisions have imposed severe penalties and limited overcrowded conditions in state prisons and county jails. Measures to correct overcrowding as well as the implications of overcrowding, such as reduced sanitation, food service and recreation, have far reaching impacts on the county jail funds. Kentucky’s most recent boon in inmate populations can be directly attributed to incarcerated drug offenders. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Kentucky currently ranks fifth in the nation for inmate population growth in calendar year 2004. The rate of people receiving jail sentences for drug crimes has doubled in five years, climbing from 1,800 in 2000 to 3,600 in 2005. See Findings, Tab 6, Kentucky Detention Centers Placement of State Prisoners and Overpopulation Schedule, page 107. Most Life Safety Jails are very expensive to operate. A Life Safety Jail does not meet the state’s facility standards and hence cannot hold state prisoners. Life Safety Jails are the most expensive jails to operate. Their cost per inmate per day usually C ounty H ancock Estill K nott Livingston Breathitt Clinton Russell Crittenden T rigg Caldw ell Jackson O hio H arlan C ost to D O C Be d C ounty Fiscal % of C ounty Rating C ourt Ge n e ral Fund 10 15 15 15 17 18 18 20 20 32 35 52 64 $206,730 $400,313 $492,649 $328,418 $433,741 $132,729 $473,512 $261,118 $199,718 $228,997 $347,668 $283,647 $747,983 4.42 29.58 22.07 16.10 22.71 4.93 32.75 29.88 10.20 6.53 36.53 6.90 10.34 C alculate d C ost pe r D ay O ccupancy Rate $64.53 $51.56 $84.44 $83.27 $68.30 $27.01 $34.92 $51.94 $58.06 $36.99 $34.31 $29.51 $29.47 90.0% 146.7% 93.3% 80.0% 88.2% 38.9% 155.6% 75.0% 60.0% 109.4% 88.6% 92.3% 143.8% Pe rsonne l C ost pe r Inmate pe r D ay $47.87 $34.66 $56.15 $63.74 $37.25 $18.76 $20.75 $31.41 $48.47 $29.54 $16.79 $20.58 $20.98 exceeds the statewide median of $31.65. The small size of the facilities requires large personnel costs. All save one exceed the median personnel cost of $17.63. Most impose a Page 18 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Commentary (Continued) Most Life Safety Jails are very expensive to operate. (Continued) disproportionate burden on their county general funds. Since 2005 the Knott, Breathitt, Hancock and Livingston County Life Safety jails have been closed. Counties with Life Safety jails should evaluate the long term financial burden of maintaining their facility. MEDICAL COSTS Medical costs are 7.82% of total outlays for jails. Total medical payments were $19,115,327; when medical staffing costs are included the total medical cost to the jails is $19,759,429. Because of limitations in the accounting and reporting systems state officials and jailers were unable to allocate medical costs to state inmates or other inmates. The state reimburses medical costs in three ways: for each state prisoner there is an allotment of $1.91 per day for medical care included in the total per diem reimbursement rate; a jail medical payments account and an catastrophic medical bill fund. Unreimbursed medical costs totaled $12,632,531.Under the funding formula, some counties actually profit - their medical reimbursements exceed their medical costs. Here are a few examples: County Allen County Fulton County Wayne County Medical Costs $17,271 $253,286 $122,039 Other State Medical Payments State Inmate Fee $33,490 $148,609 $77187 $2,104 $181,617 $74,330 Net Profit from Medical Payments $18,323.08 $76,939.70 $29,478.00 The itemized list of net reimbursed medical costs - and profits - is found in the Findings, Tab 9 Kentucky County Medical Reimbursement from the State Schedule, page 159. The burden of medical care is not evenly distributed. Medical Costs Closed Jails Open Jails Lexington Louisville Totals $910,656 $12,178,042 $2,970,520 $3,700,000 $19,759,218 Net Unreimbursed $721,816 $5,514,129 $2,871,460 $3,525,126 $12,632,531 % Unreimbursed 79.3% 45.3% 96.7% 95.3% 63.9% Unreimbursed medical costs can be a substantial burden on county finances. Perry County, for example, had unreimbursed medical expenses of $166,652 in 2005 when it paid $964,126 - 45.3% of its general fund - for jail operations. Indeed, jail medical costs alone represent 7.8% of Perry County’s general fund. Reducing Perry County’s medical expenses would improve Perry County’s ability to serve its citizens. A fairer system of medical cost reimbursement must be established. It is unreasonable to allow some jails to profit from the reimbursement system while others bear multi-million dollar burdens. Management of medical expenses is a major challenge to jail management. It also represents a significant opportunity for savings. Page 19 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Commentary (Continued) MEDICAL COSTS (Continued) Inmates are not always examined before they are sent to the hospital. Of the open county jails respondents, 50% said there is not a medical technician on duty 24 hours per day and 33% responded that they did not have a nurse or doctor on call to examine patients before they are sent to the hospital. Not providing immediate care to incarcerated populations under physical duress is a legal liability. Jailers and jail staff are under legal obligation to provide medical care to wardens as outlined by Kentucky statute. In addition, such practice creates an inherent dependency on emergency hospital care, even for routine injuries or illness. This dependency in turn has the potential to drive up overall medical costs given the extreme difference of schedule rates between routine and emergency medical care. There is no standard practice for determining the medical rates of patient care. Out of 83 responsive open county jails surveyed, 33% of those who responded said that medical rates were not negotiated between the specific county jail and a medical provider. This finding is congruent with the response that 31% of county jails did not know the medical schedule rates of the medical provider that served their detention center. The situation of jailers negotiating medical rates is indicative of a larger state practice. When an inmate enters Kentucky’s correction system, he or she is no longer eligible for state provided healthcare, namely Medicaid. Since jailers are the wardens of an uninsured population, it is left to their discretion to obtain proper medical care for their detention center’s inhabitants. Currently, no contract exists between Kentucky’s correctional system and a single or combination of healthcare providers. Medical care coverage is provisional by county and dependent upon local hospital and medical practices’ cooperation. Thus, Kentucky’s jailers are left with only one option to negotiate the medical rates set for inmate healthcare. This practice encompasses a variety of modes, from a oncea-year negotiation with a local healthcare practice for all routine care to a per-case basis for emergency care. Some negotiation has even occurred after the subsequent occurrence and treatment of an inmate illness or injury. The lack of information provided to jailers on an acceptable medical rate schedule creates a system of varied pricing and payouts. Such an open-ended method also accounts for little control over medical expenditures. There is an opportunity for improving the management of medical care. The Corrections Cabinet has recently created the Kentucky Corrections Health Services Network to implement a wireless electronic medical record system and an electronic consulting program as a way to control secondary, or specialist, care for the state’s inmates. This service is up and running in four of the state’s 13 prisons with expansion to the remainder scheduled to be accomplished by April 1, 2006. Expansion of the Network to Kentucky’s jails may help reduce medical costs. There are other practices jails can adopt, including bill review and utilization review programs. A different example for consideration can be found in the Workers Compensation system. The General Assembly mandated adoption of a statewide fee schedule for providers for services reimbursed through workers compensation insurance. Page 20 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Commentary (Continued) INMATE FEES Jailers have the authority to charge inmates for daily housing fees, work release fees, home incarceration fees and medical visits by a nurse or doctor, among other items. Inmate fees and payments for services account for 7.8% of jail revenue. There are inconsistencies in the administration and accounting for inmate fees that create a significant opportunity for additional revenue. Accounting practices tied to inmate charges are varied. The practices for accounting for inmate fees vary widely. Some jails use sophisticated computerized accounting systems to track inmate charges and record collections, while others use manual systems. Pre-numbered receipts that would help track fees are issued to inmates paying charges in about half of Kentucky’s county jails. Overdue payments are substantial. Only 28 open county jails responded that they were aware of the total amount of overdue payments due from inmates. The amount overdue by the responsive group totaled nearly $22 million with an average of $1.3 million due. Unfortunately, record keeping practices to total such amounts are used in only 34% of open county jails. Since no such records exists in the remaining 66% of open county jails, it is difficult to estimate the total amount due to all open county jails by inmates. However, given the large monetary amount due to open county jails that do use record keeping practices for overdue fees, it is safe to estimate that the overdue fee amount for all open county jails is substantial. A description of the type of fees levied and the amounts collected from prisoners can be found in the Revenues Schedule. A description of fees and the ranges of the amount of fees levied can be found in Appendix A, Fees Charged to Inmates, page 26. Counties should review their policies regarding inmate fees; ensure the jail has an adequate accounting system to track fees owed and collected; and adopt a procedure for collection of past due fees Page 21 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Commentary (Continued) FOOD COSTS The cost per meal ranged form $0.65 to $4.66. The average cost per meal was $1.55. 15% of the jails use a private vendor to provide food services for inmates. 89.5% of the jails have full time staff supervising the kitchen and food preparation. There are opportunities for improved management Inmate food cost is approximately 8.14% (9.23% excluding capital costs) of the average costs of a jail. Inmate Food cost is one area of jail operating costs where the Jailer can exercise some control and oversee purchasing practices to reduce the costs. There are various methods of providing food for inmates. The table and questions below illustrate the various purchasing practices and vendors used to provide food for inmates and some of the related internal controls over the food maintained in the jail. Jails should, at a minimum, use competitive bidding or documented price comparisons to purchase food or meals. If meal costs are above the statewide average, fiscal courts should demand explanations. Percentage of Jails That Did Not Give an Answer Percentage of "Yes" Answers Percentage of "No" Answers Percentage of "Not Applicable" Answers Is a private vendor used to provide food services for the inmates? 15.12% 80.23% 1.16% 3.49% When you obtain price quotes, is a record of these quotes are maintained? 31.40% 52.33% 12.79% 3.49% Are meal or food expenses properly posted to the budget of the Jail Fund? 96.51% 1.16% 0.00% 2.33% Do you have full-time staff supervising the kitchen and food preparation? 89.53% 6.98% 1.16% 2.33% Is a physical inventory are periodically taken? 84.88% 9.30% 3.49% 2.33% Are the inventory count sheets are retained? 48.84% 38.37% 10.47% 2.33% Do you have excessive inventory supplies? (Supplies that would last longer than 2 months) 9.30% 84.88% 3.49% 2.33% Are food supplies kept in a secure or restricted access location? 89.53% 5.81% 2.33% 2.33% Number of not applicable answers was due to counties bidding food contracts and counties whose vendor supplies the food. Due to bidding procedures, price comparison is not utilized. Page 22 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Commentary (Continued) FOOD COSTS (Continued) • How do you determine where to purchase food? P e rc e nta ge of Ja ils Se le c tion M e thod P ric e C om pa rison B ids O bta ine d N ot A pplic a ble (C ontra c t) N o A nsw e r L oc a l P urc ha se s C ost A na lysis 82.00% 9.00% 5.00% 2.00% 1.00% 1.00% TELEPHONE COMMISSIONS County jails deal with vendors providing telephone service for the inmates. These vendors charge various fees for their services, and in turn, pay the jails a percentage of those fees as commissions. Jailers use several methods to decide which vendor to choose for these services. The table and questions below illustrate the various practices and vendors used to provide telephone services for inmates. Percentage of "Yes" Answers Percentage of "No" Answers Percentage of "Not Applicable" Answers Percentage of Jails That Did Not Give an Answer Was the Detention Center allowed a bonus or equipment to sign up with that vendor? Please explain. 51.16% 40.70% 1.16% 6.98% Does the vendor allow you to take credit against the balance of the telephone commissions if you make a purchase and send them the invoice? 20.93% 70.93% 4.65% 3.49% If this is true, is the County Judge/Executive or County Treasurer aware of these transactions? 19.77% 3.49% 74.42% 2.33% Do you sell calling cards? 40.70% 56.98% 0.00% 2.33% Does the vendor credit your commission against the cost of the calling cards? 17.44% 31.40% 48.84% 2.33% Page 23 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Commentary (Continued) TELEPHONE COMMISSIONS (Continued) • Who is the vendor? Vendor Number of Jails Evercom Securus Other Vendors No Answer Total • How do you determine which vendor to use? Method Bids Obtained Comparison of Price, Commission, and Service Using the Same Vendor as Previous Jailer Other Reasons No Answer Total • 49 18 17 2 86 Number of Jails 19 35 23 7 2 86 Was the Detention Center allowed a bonus or equipment to sign up with that vendor? Please explain. Number of Jails Bonus Paid to County Computers or Equipment Higher Commission Rate No Explanation Total 11 24 1 8 44 All elements of the financial transactions involving telephone service vendors should be reported to the fiscal court and included in the jail fund. Page 24 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Best Practices Many Kentucky Jailers have developed innovative and effective management techniques. During the course of the survey, jailers and administrators recommended ways to reduce or keep expenditures under control. Following are several best practices that resulted from the surveys and interviews: 1. Sign a flat rate agreement with a local medical provider or use a managed healthcare provider. This strategy is accompanied by the suggestion that once a flat rate medical schedule is instituted, jailers keep accurate records of all medical costs incurred by individual inmates. By signing a flat rate medical contract, the need for on-the-spot negotiations is eliminated. This in turn can reduce inflated medical costs attributed to suspect price gauging that can occur when emergency care is billed for although routine care was administered. A strategy such as this allows jailers to budget for expected routine medical costs and accurately keep track of medical costs incurred by inmates. Accurate records can reflect whether the inmate was of a federal, state or county origin. Such clarified records can be used to recoup medical costs through the state and federal reimbursement process. 2. Have nurse or doctor on staff 5 days a week and on call on weekends to examine patients before they are sent to hospital. Through the implementation of this particular medical policy, a detention facility can reduce costs attributed to emergency medical care. An examination of an injured or ill inmate by a doctor, nurse or other certified medical practitioner could quickly determine if outside medical care is necessary for further treatment. Emergency medical care is much more costly than that of routine care and infacility treatment. By reducing the number of trips to the emergency room to only the most necessary medical cases, a detention center stands to reduce medical costs incurred each fiscal year. 3. Hire a medical consultant to review policies, procedures and medical bills. 4. Cut back pharmaceutical costs. Use a other low cost pharmaceutical supplier if possible. A low cost pharmacy can save thousands of dollars in pharmacy purchases. Ask your medical provider to provide samples when possible. Often medical providers, hospitals or private practices are inundated with free samples from pharmaceutical suppliers. By appealing to these medical suppliers to assist in cost-cutting efforts for the community, dollars can be saved. Institute a policy that routinely checks for the lowest pharmaceutical price available. Seek the lowest price before the drug is required for use. Contact local pharmacies with a list of “often used” drugs, such as insulin or anti-inflammatory medication, and have the pharmacists provide a price list. Use the lowest priced pharmacy for an individual drug when needed it is needed by an inmate. 5. Have food suppliers submit weekly or monthly bids/pricing schedules. Use lowest priced supplier for the next quarter. Create a routine schedule for food vendors to submit their pricing schedule. Compare the schedules on a regular basis. Use the schedule with the lowest price without sacrificing quality of food. Page 25 Kentucky Jails A Financial Overview Best Practices (Continued) 6. Buy food, pharmaceuticals, supplies, equipment or other necessities in bulk when possible. Bulk items are of considerably lower price than individually purchased items. By purchasing items that are deemed necessary and usable, detention centers can lower expenditures in a variety of areas. Even medical supplies and pharmaceuticals can be purchased in large quantities, given that usage of the item will occur before the expiration date. Storage could be an issue for county facilities with limited storage capacity. Goods should not be purchased in bulk if security of items is in question and theft is a real threat. 7. Regulate overtime by enforcing policy that overtime must be approved if deemed absolutely necessary or use part time employees to decrease overtime costs. Overtime costs can be reduced if a policy is created that brings attention to the facilities overtime standards. Having employees seek a supervisor’s approval for all overtime is a suggested method. By providing an additional level of oversight to the overtime process, employees could be deterred from seeking unnecessary overtime hours. Overtime logged that was not approved prior to submission of worked hours will not be paid for. Overtime hours should be restricted to a certain percentage each year. Another method used to curb overtime costs is to use part-time employees when possible. An external method of this strategy is that benefit costs are also reduced. However, using part-time employees may incur training costs. Efforts should be made to closely monitor when using a part-time employee is more efficient than using a full time employee or if the cost of training a part time employee may exceed the value saved. 8. Track all charges with a computer system and start a small claims process or turn overdue fees over to a collection agency. By using a computer system to track charges issued to all inmates, accurate records may be kept of delinquent charges. County facilities have the authority to pursue the collection of delinquent charges. These computer-based records can serve as a basis for a collections system, whether through the services of a collection agency or a self-administered small claims process. The collection of delinquent charges can boost a county detention center’s revenues. 9. Keep transportation costs low by actively seek reimbursement for transportation to state facilities, keeping close track of all mileage registered on vehicles, and buying used vehicles. There are several methods to reducing the cost of transportation and each can be used in conjunction with the others as part of a policy package or as a separate policy. County facilities that transport state prisoners to state facilities on behalf of the respective state facility should seek reimbursement for these transportation costs. State facilities are responsible for the cost of transportation for state inmates. By keeping accurate records of miles logged during the transportation, the reimbursement process becomes easier to justify. Transportation should be limited to activities specifically related to the jail and should not assist other departments in their daily operations. Purchasing used rather the new vehicles considerably lowers the initial purchase cost of the vehicle and in some cases, the associated automotive insurance rate. 10. Have inmates work in the jail, whether daily or project based. Inmates qualified to participate can serve as a source of labor assistance, thereby helping to reduce the overall payroll costs. The same can be applied for short and long-term capital projects, such as the construction of a detention center addition. Page 26 APPENDIX A FEES CHARGED TO INMATES Range Charges to Inmates Reimbursement Rate for Housing Prisoners - Other Counties Processing or Booking Fee Average $ 24.64 21.97 Minimum $ Maximum 10.00 $ 45.00 5.00 50.00 Range Charges to Inmates Average Minimum Maximum Daily Housing Fee - Local Inmates - State Inmates - Federal Inmates (Range) 20.24 28.31 35.45 5.00 24.60 26.86 40.00 32.00 47.00 Work Release Fee Per Day - Percentage - Flat Amount 25% 16.07 25% 5.00 25% 40.00 Home Incarceration - Hook Up Fee - Fee Per Day 44.44 13.47 5.00 4.00 125.00 25.00 Medical Fees Per Visit by Nurse or Doctor - State Inmates - County Inmates - Federal Inmates 13.89 19.11 14.00 3.00 2.00 5.00 60.00 60.00 25.00 9 counties did not charge a processing or booking fee for 2005. 35 counties did not charge a daily housing fee to local inmates for 2005. Three counties were not included in the computations above because of the following: the rates may vary based on job and are decided by a Judge, are included in the housing fee, or the rate per day is determined as twice the hourly job rate. Results are based on 30 counties that participate in home incarceration programs that responded to the survey. Of these counties, 3 do not charge hook up fees to the inmates. Ballard County requires inmates to pay these fees directly to the company. See additional charts for responses by counties who charge different rates for doctor and nurse visits. Page 27 Appendix A Fees Charged To Inmates (Continued) • • Medical Fees per visit by Nurse or Doctor - Federal Inmates County Fees Christian Henderson Laurel Pulaski Warren Woodford Nurse $5; No charge for doctor Nurse 10; Doctor $20 Billed directly from Doctor. Nurse $10; Doctor $50 Nurse $5 after 30 days Federal government pays all medical bills. No charge for in jail doctor visits since this is part of contract. Medical Fees per visit by Nurse or Doctor - State Inmates County Fees Allen Boyle Breckinridge Calloway Christian Floyd Grant Hart Henderson Hopkins Laurel $20 - Doctor; $40 - Dentist $5 - Nurse; $7 - Doctor Nurse $10; Doctor $25; Hospital $35 75% $5 - Nurse; $15 - Doctor $5 - Nurse; $20 - Doctor $5 - Nurse; $20 - Doctor $5 - Nurse; $10 - Doctor $20 - Doctor; $10 - Nurse $5 - Nurse; $10 - Doctor $5 - Nurse; $65 - First Doctor visit; $50 - All other visits $15 - Doctor; $10 - Nurse $20 - Doctor; $5 - Nurse $10 - Nurse; $50 - Doctor $5 - Nurse; $10 - Doctor $20 - Doctor; $5 - Nurse Inmates pay half of amounts that exceed $100. Lincoln Marshall Pulaski Rockcastle Warren Wayne Page 28 Appendix A Fees Charged To Inmates (Continued) • Medical Fees per visit by Nurse or Doctor - County Inmates County Fees Allen Ballard Boyle Breckinridge Entire amount of medical cost. Actual cost Full amount of medical bill. Nurse $10; Actual Cost is charged for doctor and hospital. Actual cost Actual cost 100% Nurse $5; Doctor $30 No set medical fee. A percentage of the inmates canteen money is taken. No visits are made to the Jail by a doctor or nurse. For any situations that occur, the Jailer has to transport the inmate to the doctor's office or hospital. Nurse $5; Doctor $20 Nurse $5; Doctor $20 Nurse $5; Doctor $10 Nurse $10; Doctor $20 Nurse $5; Doctor $10 $5 - Nurse; $65 - First Doctor visit; $50 - All other visits Nurse $10; Doctor $15 Nurse $10; Doctor $15; Total cost of medication Nurse $5; Doctor $20 Nurse $4; Doctor $7 $10 per visit. If the inmate has to leave the jail for treatment, the inmate is charged the full amount. Amount varies based on actual bill. Actual cost Nurse - $10; Doctor $50 Nurse $5; Doctor $10 Depends on the doctor and reason for exam. Nurse $5; Doctor $20 Inmates pay half of amounts that exceed $100. Butler Caldwell Calloway Christian Clinton Crittenden Floyd Grant Hart Henderson Hopkins Laurel Lincoln Logan Marshall Mason Muhlenberg Nelson Oldham Pulaski Rockcastle Russell Warren Wayne Page 29 Appendix A Fees Charged To Inmates (Continued) • Dietary Fees Trigg County is the only county that responded to charging dietary fees. $15 per day is charged to inmates serving on weekends only. • Other Fees Other Fees No Response Prescription Fees Outside Medical fees (Transportation, Outside Medical Provider including Doctor, Dentist, Hospital) Bond Fees Weekend Fees Drug Testing Other (Restitution, Destruction of Property, Bank Wire, Copy Charges, etc.) Percentage of Jails 51% 26% 8% 7% 2% 2% 4% Page 30 APPENDIX B CANTEEN Gross canteen sales averaged $171,557 for fiscal year 2005, with a minimum of $1,371 in sales and a maximum of $830,526 in sales. The average balance in the canteen fund as of June 30, 2005 was $47,817 with $0 being the lowest and $347,800 as the highest balance. Only 37% of the canteens were able to determine their profit for fiscal year 2005. Five counties do not have a jail canteen and 34% of the jail canteens use a private vendor for canteen operations. The tables and questions below illustrate some of the related internal controls over the canteen. Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage of "Not of Jails That of "Yes " of "No" A pplicable" Did Not Give A ns wers A ns wers A ns wers an A ns wer 10% 36% 54% 11% 64% 25% 2% 92% 6% 30% 64% 6% 40% 54% 6% 37% 18% 22% 57% 37% 6% W hen you obtain price quotes , is a record of thes e quotes maintained? Do you have exces s ive inventory s upplies (s upplies that would las t longer than 2 months )? A re any bonus or gifts given to the Detention Center from vendors for canteen purchas es ? A re inmates allowed to us e cas h to make canteen purchas es ? A re deputies allowed to us e cas h to make canteen purchas es ? Is a computer s ys tem us ed to account for s ales ? Is s ales tax charged and remitted to the Revenue Cabinet? Due to jails that do not have canteens . 23% Page 31 Appendix B Canteen (Continued) • Canteens not using a private vendor purchased food and supplies from the following vendors. Source Percentage of Jails Local vendors Wal-Mart Bob Barker Maxima Pepsi KEFFE Dollar General Store Coke Others • 43% 22% 18% 12% 10% 10% 8% 8% 43% Where to purchase canteen supplies was determined by the following. Method Price comparison Local vendors used for convenience Quality Decided by Jailer Availability Percentage of Jails 88% 10% 4% 1% 1% Page 32 APPENDIX C VEHICLES AND TRANSPORTATION COSTS Open Detention Centers County jails routinely transport inmates to and from court or other jails. The questions below document information on vehicles owned by open detention centers and used for transporting inmates. Information is also provided concerning total transportation costs for the Counties. Based on the responses to each individual question, the average number of vehicles owned by open detention centers is 5.48; the average age of those vehicles is 7.5 years; and the average mileage of those vehicles is 88,472 miles. • Number of Vehicles. Vehicles Number of Counties No Vehicles 1 Vehicle 2 Vehicles 3 Vehicles 4 Vehicles 5 Vehicles 6 - 10 Vehicles More than 10 Vehicles No Answer Total 1 8 11 15 13 9 14 8 7 86 Grayson County had the most vehicles with 38. • Average Age of Vehicles. Age of Vehicles 1 - 5 Years 6 - 10 Years Over 10 Years No Answer Total Number of Counties Number of Vehicles 20 36 14 16 86 Carter, Clinton, Jackson, Nelson, and Todd Counties reported owning a total of 12 vehicles with the highest average vehicle age of 15 years. 103 237 51 NA 391 Page 33 Appendix C Vehicles And Transportation Costs (Continued) Open Detention Centers (Continued) • Average Mileage of Vehicles. Mileage 0 to 50,000 Miles 50,001 to 100,000 Miles 100,001 to 150,000 Miles Over 150,000 Miles No Answer Total • Number of Counties 10 40 17 6 13 86 Transportation Costs. Transportation Costs $0 to $5,000 $5,001 to $10,000 $10,001 to $20,000 Over $20,000 No Answer Total Number of Counties 36 13 10 11 13 83 The total transportation costs for all counties that responded to this question was $1,215,112, an average of $17,359 per jail Grayson County had the highest total transportation costs of $274,946. Closed Detention Centers The questions below document information on vehicles owned by closed detention centers and used for transporting inmates. Based on the responses to each individual question, the average number of vehicles owned by closed detention centers is 1.94; the average age of those vehicles is 7.33 years; and the average mileage of those vehicles is 124,872 miles. Page 34 Appendix C Vehicles And Transportation Costs (Continued) Closed Detention Centers (Continued) • Number of Vehicles. Vehicles Number of Counties No Vehicles 1 Vehicle 2 Vehicles 3 Vehicles 4 Vehicles No Answer Total • 1 10 17 4 3 1 36 Average Age of Vehicles. ` Age of Vehicles 1 - 5 Years 6 - 10 Years Over 10 Years No Answer Total Number of Counties Number of Vehicles 6 22 2 6 36 10 45 3 NA 58 Menifee and Leslie Counties reported owning a total of 3 vehicles with the highest average age of 13 years and 12 years respectively. • Average Mileage of Vehicles. Mileage 0 to 50,000 Miles 50,001 to 100,000 Miles 100,001 to 150,000 Miles Over 150,000 Miles No Answer Total Number of Counties 1 10 14 7 4 36 County and Regional Detention Center Revenues Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005 $12,817,808 $78,841,406 $119,296,224* $11,802,075 $2,726,161 $19,079,740 Federal Revenues - 5.2% State Revenues - 32.2% Housing Prisoners Other Counties - 4.8% Income from Inmates - 7.8% Other Income - 1.1% Funding from Fiscal Court - 48.8% Total Revenues: $244,563,414 Page 35 * Jefferson and Fayette Counties account for $52,613,002 or 44.1% of the $119,296,224. Page 36 Page 37 Kentucky Detention Centers Revenues Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Revenue Amount Federal Revenues: Federal Prisoner Payment Federal Reimbursements Federal Grants Social Security Administration - Incentive Pay Totals State Revenues: State Reimbursement/Refund LGED Grant State Grant Recouped Public Defender Fees Space Rental - AOC - Pretrial Services Jail Operation Pay Jail Medical Payments Court Costs, Jail Operation State Prisoner Payment (Controlled Intake) DUI Service Fees State Prisoner Payment (Community Service) Class D Felon Payments KLCFCA - Annual Grant State - Vine System Program Incentive Juvenile Housing Per Diem (State) Court Facility Fees Class CC Prisoners Police Court Cost Supplement HB 413 - Court Facility Fees Totals Housing Inmates - Other Counties: Contracts With Other Counties Housing Inmates (Housing Juveniles) Other Counties Totals $ 12,143,073.82 43,466.16 104,851.00 526,417.37 $ 12,817,808.35 $ 316,898.75 100,000.00 137,834.29 11,707.73 29,997.69 15,702,527.83 2,926,966.21 2,943,944.56 33,579,743.18 918,429.62 1,678,508.96 18,589,834.17 214,659.00 3,800.00 458,024.03 21,892.92 454,683.92 22,937.88 729,014.74 $ 78,841,405.48 $ 11,425,185.56 376,889.23 $ 11,802,074.79 Percent of Total 9.69% 0.03% 0.08% 0.42% 0.25% 0.08% 0.11% 0.01% 0.02% 12.59% 2.34% 2.35% 26.81% 0.73% 1.34% 14.84% 0.17% 0.00% 0.37% 0.02% 0.36% 0.02% 0.58% 9.12% 0.30% Page 38 Kentucky Detention Centers Revenues Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Revenue Amount Collections From Inmates: Miscellaneous Payments Telephone Reimbursements Jail (Work Release) General Prisoner Population Home Incarceration Program Fees Jail Bond Fees Prisoner Reimbursements - Booking Fees Jail Medical Fees Jail Housing Fees Prisoner Reimbursements - Per Diem Fees Other Charges For Services - Medical Co-Pay Vending Machine Commissions Telephone Commissions Canteen Sales Other Sales - Inmate Calling Card Sales Reimbursements/Refunds Medical Co-Pay from Inmates Jail Reimbursements Miscellaneous Revenues Jail Medical Reimbursements Medical Co-Pay - Other Receipts Other Receipts Court Housing Fees Totals $ 322,750.86 1,181,798.21 1,392,349.58 429,091.25 925,525.92 418,606.99 3,612,483.51 2,261.76 64,341.97 1,001,450.16 1,396,084.87 70,533.40 3,825,164.55 478,945.66 118,476.49 1,506,626.97 101,438.82 35,492.84 805,325.94 91,182.22 56,701.61 1,112,917.15 130,189.63 $ 19,079,740.36 Percent of Total 0.26% 0.94% 1.11% 0.34% 0.74% 0.33% 2.88% 0.00% 0.05% 0.80% 1.11% 0.06% 3.05% 0.38% 0.09% 1.20% 0.08% 0.03% 0.64% 0.07% 0.05% 0.89% 0.10% Page 39 Kentucky Detention Centers Revenues Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Revenue Amount Other Income: Surplus Sales Rentals and Leases Jail Insurance Proceeds Bond Payment Fees Drug Forfeiture City Payroll Tax Interest Mercer Debt Reimbursement and Contribution Dispatch Fees 911 Dispatcher Borrowed Funds County Contributions $ 16,813.88 2,700.00 10,025.04 11,977.52 6,345.00 1,938.94 162,380.76 336,527.91 21,076.67 30,743.16 553,641.00 1,571,991.35 Totals $ 2,726,161.23 Grand Totals $ 125,267,190.21 Revenue Sources to Meet Expenditures: Federal Revenues State Revenues Housing Prisoners Other Counties Income from Inmates Other Income Funding from Counties Totals $ Percent of Total 0.01% 0.00% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.13% 0.27% 0.02% 0.02% 0.44% 1.25% 100.00% 12,817,808.35 78,841,405.48 11,802,074.79 19,079,740.36 2,726,161.23 119,296,224.08 5.24% 32.24% 4.83% 7.80% 1.11% 48.78% $ 244,563,414.29 100.00% Page 40 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY County and Regional Detention Center Expenditures Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005 $21,057,988 $28,994,598 $8,523,504 $19,898,396 $37,206,037 $9,593,566 $19,115,327 $100,173,998 Capital Projects/Debt Service - 11.9% Food, Food Preparation & Equipment - 8.1% Housing Prisoners - 3.9% Medical Costs - 7.8% Payroll - 40.9% Payroll - Employee Benefits - 15.2% Telephone and Utilities - 3.5% Other Expenditures - 8.7% Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Kentucky Detention Centers Disbursements Including Debt Service Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Disbursement Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total Disbursements Capital Projects/Debt Service/Lease Agreements Food, Food Preparation and Equipment Housing Prisoners Medical Costs $ 28,994,598.14 19,898,395.56 9,593,565.64 19,115,327.35 11.86% 8.14% 3.92% 7.82% 11.86% 8.14% 3.92% 7.82% Payroll Payroll - Food Preparation Salaries Payroll - Medical Personnel 97,542,387.16 1,987,509.46 644,101.53 39.88% 0.81% 0.26% 40.95% Payroll - Employee Benefits 37,206,037.09 15.21% 15.21% 8,523,504.21 3.49% 3.49% 2,174,348.43 173,486.97 2,042,584.85 105,323.13 13,454.64 1,792.50 21,804.46 2,831,119.29 205,010.60 395,008.82 174,835.78 90,153.19 1,102,005.16 11,679.81 665,234.39 0.89% 0.07% 0.84% 0.04% 0.01% 0.00% 0.01% 1.16% 0.08% 0.16% 0.07% 0.04% 0.45% 0.00% 0.27% 3,576,100.95 2,092,831.11 1.46% 0.86% Telephone and Utilities Other Expenses: Bonds and Insurance Canteen Materials/Phone Cards Cleaning Supplies Communication Equipment Court Cost Program Support Debt Collection/Billing Services Consultants Contracted Services Data Processing and Service Equipment and Repairs Furniture and Fixtures Home Incarceration Inmate Clothing, Linens and Hygiene Legal Fees Total Juvenile Expenses Maintenance and Repairs Buildings and Equipment Materials and Supplies Page 44 Kentucky Detention Centers Disbursements Including Debt Service Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Disbursement Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total Disbursements (Continued) Other Expenses: (Continued) Narcotics Enforcement Unit Office Supplies and Equipment Parking Fees Other Expenses Service Agreements Staff Uniforms, Supplies and Equipment State Inmate Pay Training, Dues and Subscriptions Transportation Grand Total $ 7,500.00 1,145,060.08 20,000.00 917,664.80 70,264.69 610,716.94 8,799.95 548,015.68 2,053,191.93 0.00% 0.47% 0.01% 0.38% 0.03% 0.25% 0.00% 0.22% 0.84% 8.61% $ 244,563,414.29 100% 100.00% Page 45 Kentucky Detention Centers Disbursements Excluding Debt Service Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Disbursement Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total Disbursements Food, Food Preparation and Equipment Housing Prisoners Medical Costs $ 19,898,395.56 9,593,565.64 19,115,327.35 9.23% 4.45% 8.87% 9.23% 4.45% 8.87% Payroll Payroll - Food Preparation Salaries Payroll - Medical Personnel 97,542,387.16 1,987,509.46 644,101.53 45.25% 0.92% 0.30% 46.47% Payroll - Employee Benefits 37,206,037.09 17.26% 17.26% 8,523,504.21 3.95% 3.95% 2,174,348.43 173,486.97 2,042,584.85 105,323.13 13,454.64 1,792.50 21,804.46 2,831,119.29 205,010.60 395,008.82 174,835.78 90,153.19 1,102,005.16 11,679.81 665,234.39 1.01% 0.08% 0.95% 0.05% 0.01% 0.00% 0.01% 1.31% 0.10% 0.18% 0.08% 0.04% 0.51% 0.01% 0.31% 3,576,100.95 2,092,831.11 7,500.00 1,145,060.08 1.66% 0.97% 0.00% 0.53% Telephone and Utilities Other Expenses: Bonds and Insurance Canteen Materials/Phone Cards Cleaning Supplies Communication Equipment Court Cost Program Support Debt Collection/Billing Services Consultants Contracted Services Data Processing and Service Equipment and Repairs Furniture and Fixtures Home Incarceration Inmate Clothing, Linens and Hygiene Legal Fees Total Juvenile Expenses Maintenance and Repairs Buildings and Equipment Materials and Supplies Narcotics Enforcement Unit Office Supplies and Equipment Page 46 Kentucky Detention Centers Disbursements Excluding Debt Service Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Disbursement Amount Percent of Total Percent of Total Disbursements (Continued) Other Expenses: (Continued) Parking Fees Other Expenses Service Agreements Staff Uniforms, Supplies and Equipment State Inmate Pay Training, Dues and Subscriptions Transportation Grand Total $ 20,000.00 917,664.80 70,264.69 0.01% 0.43% 0.03% 610,716.94 8,799.95 548,015.68 2,053,191.93 0.28% 0.00% 0.25% 0.95% 9.76% $ 215,568,816.15 100% 100% Kentucky Detention Centers Full Service, Life Safety, and Closed Facilities Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Boone Kenton Campbell G Tr im bl e n allati Pendleton Carroll Bracken Grant Mason Greenup Owen Lewis Robertson Henry Harrison Oldham Fleming Nicholas Boyd Carter Scott Franklin Shelby Jefferson Bourbon Rowan Bath Elliott Woodford Spencer Anderson Meade Clark Bullitt Menifee Ha Nelson Breckinridge Mercer Washington Henderson Martin Wolfe Madison G Daviess Boyle Larue Johnson Powell Hardin Marion Magoffin Estill ar ra rd Lee McLean Webster Morgan Jessamine k oc nc Union Lawrence Montgomery Fayette Floyd Breathitt Ohio Grayson Pike Lincoln Jackson Hopkins Crittenden Taylor Hart Owsley Knott Rockcastle Casey Green Perry Livingston Muhlenberg Edmonson Butler Caldwell Adair Clay Laurel Pulaski Leslie Ballard Lyon McCracken Letcher Russell Metcalfe Warren Barren Marshall Christian Carlisle Todd Knox Logan Cumberland Trigg Simpson Graves Wayne Allen Monroe Clinton McCreary Whitley Harlan Bell Hickman Calloway Fulton Type of Facility Full Service Life Safety Closed % 58.33 10.83 30.83 Count 70 13 37 Big Sandy Regional Detention Center Boyle/Mercer Detention Center – Joint Venture Three Forks Regional Detention Center Regional Regional Regional Page 47 Page 48 Kentucky Jail Costs Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures Or (Gain On Operations) In $ Thousands Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Boone $2,513$4,655$4,121 Kenton Campbell Galla tin $130 Tr im bl e Pendleton Carroll Bracken $351 Grant $-319 $110 $817 Owen $173 Henry $418 Fleming Nicholas Scott Franklin Shelby Jefferson $1,659 Rowan Bullitt $278 k oc nc Ha $207 $421 Union Henderson $751 Hardin $-293 McLean $140 $270 Livingston Ohio Grayson $284 $-119 $397 Christian $79 $-404 Trigg $200 Fulton $698 Todd Logan $457 $1,310 $356 Lee Floyd $164 ar ra rd Breathitt Barren Jackson Rockcastle $152 Knott $-3 Pulaski $929 Perry $964 Laurel Clay $1,064 $494 Knox Wayne Allen $221 Leslie $343 Letcher $382 $474 Cumberland $562 $493 Russell $127 Monroe Pike $1,254 Owsley $348 $251 $-33 $1,327 $434 $-42 Adair Metcalfe $996 Simpson $789 $94 $145 Warren $87 Marshall Graves Hickman $125 Lyon McCracken $73 Green $327 $26 $2,881 Carlisle $204 $229 $400 $386 G Casey Martin $371 $160 Estill $8 Hart Johnson Magoffin Edmonson Butler $1,254 Caldwell $328 $35 Taylor Muhlenberg Ballard $280 Wolfe Lincoln $1,599 $261 Madison $1,075 $246 $437 $468 $220 Marion Hopkins Crittenden $877 Boyle Larue Morgan $146 Powell $188 $1,045 $1,846 Daviess Webster $583 Washington $61 Menifee $708 Mercer Lawrence $330 $383 Clark Jessamine Nelson Breckinridge Elliott $75 Montgomery $21,094 $907 $521 $1,701 $356 Bath $226 Fayette Anderson $162 Meade $1,297 $312 Bourbon $1,849 Woodford Spencer Boyd Carter $143 $81 $1,409 $899 $760 $397 $23 Harrison $613 $31,519 Greenup Lewis Robertson $397 Oldham Mason $574 $207 $106 Clinton $517 $133 Harlan $1,156 McCreary Whitley $370 $989 Bell $748 $510 Calloway $280 $-298 % 70.83 27.50 0.83 0.83 Count 85 33 1 1 Big Sandy Regional Detention Center Boyle/Mercer Detention Center – Join Venture Three Forks Regional Detention Center $ 429 $ 676 $ -2 Average $978 Page 49 Range -404 – 614 698 – 4,656 21,094 – 21,095 31,519 – 31,519 Page 50 Page 51 Kentucky Jail Costs Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures Or (Gain On Operations) Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 County Revenues Expenditures Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) Louisville Metropolitan Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Kenton Campbell McCracken Boone Bourbon Hardin Bullitt Scott Hopkins Franklin Floyd Logan Boyd Muhlenberg Pike Knox Laurel Nelson Warren Whitley Perry Pulaski Woodford Shelby Jessamine Mason Graves $ 7,704,419.00 $ 39,223,412.02 $ 5,567,609.00 2,577,705.00 1,064,700.31 2,191,930.51 1,670,347.49 539,552.63 4,246,856.63 989,474.86 473,130.03 2,851,584.56 2,389,250.00 619,235.20 653,696.21 543,858.42 1,582,263.00 1,331,856.96 120,835.94 1,805,871.93 382,215.41 4,865,880.60 998,187.31 1,052,513.68 1,722,236.38 560,458.75 1,759,744.00 762,532.56 975,351.07 1,055,757.68 26,661,638.00 7,232,936.00 5,185,624.42 5,073,263.43 4,183,641.62 2,388,219.50 6,092,530.52 2,690,885.66 2,132,353.57 4,450,921.12 3,798,633.58 1,946,339.88 1,963,781.52 1,840,708.59 2,836,185.99 2,585,687.96 1,276,849.81 2,870,137.69 1,426,815.95 5,862,010.08 1,987,548.35 2,016,640.00 2,651,613.67 1,467,308.49 2,658,287.69 1,639,965.24 1,792,566.78 1,844,767.82 31,518,993.02 21,094,029.00 4,655,231.00 4,120,924.11 2,881,332.92 2,513,294.13 1,848,666.87 1,845,673.89 1,701,410.80 1,659,223.54 1,599,336.56 1,409,383.58 1,327,104.68 1,310,085.31 1,296,850.17 1,253,922.99 1,253,831.00 1,156,013.87 1,064,265.76 1,044,600.54 996,129.48 989,361.04 964,126.32 929,377.29 906,849.74 898,543.69 877,432.68 817,215.71 789,010.14 Page 52 Kentucky Jail Costs Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures Or (Gain On Operations) Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Revenues Expenditures Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) Greenup Union Harlan Clark Taylor Boyle/Mercer Oldham Mercer Grant Simpson Anderson Wayne Bell Clay Knott Russell Powell Todd Johnson Breathitt Big Sandy Regional Detention Center Henderson Harrison Estill Henry Lewis Ballard Garrard $ $ $ 596,752.62 134,923.36 264,977.34 855,763.16 104,595.71 2,039,330.95 947,806.38 111,804.11 2,940,593.66 1,643,049.02 63,509.00 1,010,724.00 332,242.05 1,889,189.45 76,358.31 98,610.05 153,672.88 176,377.16 808,090.41 99,817.70 2,076,365.21 3,939,678.00 72,369.04 84,886.68 99,035.25 477,964.91 464,085.91 78,216.14 1,356,342.52 885,489.99 1,012,960.42 1,564,103.00 802,915.72 2,715,315.35 1,561,089.37 694,618.35 3,514,248.52 2,205,477.51 584,774.42 1,527,313.00 841,984.95 2,383,022.78 569,007.73 572,122.16 621,891.26 633,611.49 1,245,256.16 533,558.91 2,505,488.14 4,360,478.95 490,663.70 485,199.46 495,730.00 874,645.51 860,752.50 464,688.22 759,589.90 750,566.63 747,983.08 708,339.84 698,320.01 675,984.40 613,282.99 582,814.24 573,654.86 562,428.49 521,265.42 516,589.00 509,742.90 493,833.33 492,649.42 473,512.11 468,218.38 457,234.33 437,165.75 433,741.21 429,122.93 420,800.95 418,294.66 400,312.78 396,694.75 396,680.60 396,666.59 386,472.08 Page 53 Kentucky Jail Costs Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures Or (Gain On Operations) Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Revenues Expenditures Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) Montgomery Letcher Martin McCreary Magoffin Rowan Pendleton Jackson Leslie Lawrence Livingston Hart Carter Ohio Calloway LaRue Meade Webster Crittenden Barren Morgan Caldwell Bath Monroe Madison Trimble Hancock Butler $ $ $ 1,250,879 376,129.00 67,177.14 193,992.22 68,113.43 881,686.14 53,680.30 61,604.40 53,595.92 80,627.80 68,540.35 1,237,571.70 1,386,535.15 243,455.83 1,321,811.82 887,523.31 972,938.14 709,787.37 76,926.73 1,349,800.00 91,942.71 242,111.62 62,877.37 103,162.11 1,442,148.97 39,564.30 48,971.64 334,789.34 1,634,262 757,782.92 437,984.73 564,066.67 424,581.86 1,237,343.11 404,729.38 409,271.97 396,972.36 410,145.84 396,958.03 1,564,469.78 1,698,627.37 527,103.08 1,601,781.10 1,167,083.15 1,251,347.00 980,233.98 338,044.62 1,600,300.00 337,823.45 471,108.79 289,281.35 323,713.61 1,662,627.89 246,802.99 255,701.76 538,856.93 383,383 381,653.92 370,807.59 370,074.45 356,468.43 355,656.97 351,049.08 347,667.57 343,376.44 329,518.04 328,417.68 326,898.08 312,092.22 283,647.25 279,969.28 279,559.84 278,408.86 270,446.61 261,117.89 250,500.00 245,880.74 228,997.17 226,403.98 220,551.50 220,478.92 207,238.69 206,730.12 204,067.59 Page 54 Kentucky Jail Costs Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures Or (Gain On Operations) Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Revenues Expenditures Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) Trigg Washington Owen Lee Spencer Wolfe Owsley Menifee Edmonson Fleming McLean Clinton Gallatin Metcalfe Green Bracken Cumberland Hickman Lyon Nicholas Marshall Elliott Carlisle Breckinridge Marion Adair Robertson Lincoln $ $ $ 70,279.46 51,631.91 47,753.21 41,922.28 51,823.14 64,274.73 137,819.58 42,208.40 65,068.27 93,510.50 58,810.03 130,854.47 61,514.41 43,569.24 46,757.68 52,851.38 55,188.94 835,721.97 79,248.86 42,568.46 1,381,639.58 43,077.22 55,348.43 1,635,801.61 2,368,376.09 725,171.87 37,111.84 919,963.84 269,997.75 240,043.98 220,258.43 205,964.40 213,455.20 223,822.15 290,092.22 187,912.83 209,904.77 236,895.17 198,798.28 263,583.85 191,265.05 170,742.47 171,449.93 162,636.82 160,767.35 930,148.89 166,552.38 123,240.06 1,460,285.43 118,240.34 128,612.76 1,696,460.95 2,403,528.62 750,727.71 59,666.33 927,886.73 199,718.29 188,412.07 172,505.22 164,042.12 161,632.06 159,547.42 152,272.64 145,704.43 144,836.50 143,384.67 139,988.25 132,729.38 129,750.64 127,173.23 124,692.25 109,785.44 105,578.41 94,426.92 87,303.52 80,671.60 78,645.85 75,163.12 73,264.33 60,659.34 35,152.53 25,555.84 22,554.49 7,922.89 Page 55 Kentucky Jail Costs Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures Or (Gain On Operations) Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Three Forks Regional Detention Center Rockcastle Allen Casey Grayson Daviess Fulton Carroll Christian Revenues Expenditures Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) $ $ $ 1,603,864.70 932,136.95 700,063.43 1,755,418.04 7,598,142.84 5,598,803.00 2,443,553.67 1,526,249.17 5,461,304.08 1,601,515.56 929,558.20 667,287.52 1,713,603.02 7,479,525.24 5,305,840.50 2,145,293.72 1,207,105.45 5,057,713.94 (2,349.14) (2,578.75) (32,775.91) (41,815.02) (118,617.60) (292,962.50) (298,259.95) (319,143.72) (403,590.14) Totals $ 125,267,190.21 $ 244,563,414.29 $ 119,296,224.08 Average $ 1,026,780.25 $ 2,004,618.15 $ 977,837.90 Median $ 541,705.53 $ 955,191.44 $ 363,271.44 Marshall, Marion, and Lincoln counties did not have any transfers in from any other county funds to support the Detention Center. Prior year carry forward from the Jail Fund was used to meet current year jail expenditures. Page 56 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 57 Kentucky Jail Costs Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures Or (Gain On Operations) Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 County Revenues Expenditures Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) Adair Allen Anderson Ballard Barren Bath Bell Big Sandy Regional Detention Center Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle/Mercer Bracken Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt Butler Caldwell Calloway Campbell Carlisle Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden Cumberland $ $ $ 725,171.87 700,063.43 63,509.00 464,085.91 1,349,800.00 62,877.37 332,242.05 2,076,365.21 1,670,347.49 539,552.63 543,858.42 2,039,330.95 52,851.38 99,817.70 1,635,801.61 989,474.86 334,789.34 242,111.62 1,321,811.82 1,064,700.31 55,348.43 1,526,249.17 1,386,535.15 1,755,418.04 5,461,304.08 855,763.16 1,889,189.45 130,854.47 76,926.73 55,188.94 750,727.71 667,287.52 584,774.42 860,752.50 1,600,300.00 289,281.35 841,984.95 2,505,488.14 4,183,641.62 2,388,219.50 1,840,708.59 2,715,315.35 162,636.82 533,558.91 1,696,460.95 2,690,885.66 538,856.93 471,108.79 1,601,781.10 5,185,624.42 128,612.76 1,207,105.45 1,698,627.37 1,713,603.02 5,057,713.94 1,564,103.00 2,383,022.78 263,583.85 338,044.62 160,767.35 25,555.84 (32,775.91) 521,265.42 396,666.59 250,500.00 226,403.98 509,742.90 429,122.93 2,513,294.13 1,848,666.87 1,296,850.17 675,984.40 109,785.44 433,741.21 60,659.34 1,701,410.80 204,067.59 228,997.17 279,969.28 4,120,924.11 73,264.33 (319,143.72) 312,092.22 (41,815.02) (403,590.14) 708,339.84 493,833.33 132,729.38 261,117.89 105,578.41 Page 58 Kentucky Jail Costs Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures Or (Gain On Operations) Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Revenues Expenditures Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) Daviess Edmonson Elliott Estill Fleming Floyd Franklin Fulton Gallatin Garrard Grant Graves Grayson Green Greenup Hancock Hardin Harlan Harrison Hart Henderson Henry Hickman Hopkins Jackson Jessamine Johnson Kenton Knott $ $ $ 5,598,803.00 65,068.27 43,077.22 84,886.68 93,510.50 619,235.20 2,389,250.00 2,443,553.67 61,514.41 78,216.14 2,940,593.66 1,055,757.68 7,598,142.84 46,757.68 596,752.62 48,971.64 4,246,856.63 264,977.34 72,369.04 1,237,571.70 3,939,678.00 99,035.25 835,721.97 2,851,584.56 61,604.40 762,532.56 808,090.41 2,577,705.00 76,358.31 5,305,840.50 209,904.77 118,240.34 485,199.46 236,895.17 1,946,339.88 3,798,633.58 2,145,293.72 191,265.05 464,688.22 3,514,248.52 1,844,767.82 7,479,525.24 171,449.93 1,356,342.52 255,701.76 6,092,530.52 1,012,960.42 490,663.70 1,564,469.78 4,360,478.95 495,730.00 930,148.89 4,450,921.12 409,271.97 1,639,965.24 1,245,256.16 7,232,936.00 569,007.73 (292,962.50) 144,836.50 75,163.12 400,312.78 143,384.67 1,327,104.68 1,409,383.58 (298,259.95) 129,750.64 386,472.08 573,654.86 789,010.14 (118,617.60) 124,692.25 759,589.90 206,730.12 1,845,673.89 747,983.08 418,294.66 326,898.08 420,800.95 396,694.75 94,426.92 1,599,336.56 347,667.57 877,432.68 437,165.75 4,655,231.00 492,649.42 Page 59 Kentucky Jail Costs Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures Or (Gain On Operations) Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Revenues Expenditures Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) Knox LaRue Laurel Lawrence Lee Leslie Letcher Lewis Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Lincoln Livingston Logan Louisville Metropolitan Lyon Madison Magoffin Marion Marshall Martin Mason McCracken McCreary McLean Meade Menifee Mercer Metcalfe Monroe $ $ $ 120,835.94 887,523.31 1,805,871.93 80,627.80 41,922.28 53,595.92 376,129.00 477,964.91 5,567,609.00 919,963.84 68,540.35 653,696.21 7,704,419.00 79,248.86 1,442,148.97 68,113.43 2,368,376.09 1,381,639.58 67,177.14 975,351.07 2,191,930.51 193,992.22 58,810.03 972,938.14 42,208.40 111,804.11 43,569.24 103,162.11 1,276,849.81 1,167,083.15 2,870,137.69 410,145.84 205,964.40 396,972.36 757,782.92 874,645.51 26,661,638.00 927,886.73 396,958.03 1,963,781.52 39,223,412.02 166,552.38 1,662,627.89 424,581.86 2,403,528.62 1,460,285.43 437,984.73 1,792,566.78 5,073,263.43 564,066.67 198,798.28 1,251,347.00 187,912.83 694,618.35 170,742.47 323,713.61 1,156,013.87 279,559.84 1,064,265.76 329,518.04 164,042.12 343,376.44 381,653.92 396,680.60 21,094,029.00 7,922.89 328,417.68 1,310,085.31 31,518,993.02 87,303.52 220,478.92 356,468.43 35,152.53 78,645.85 370,807.59 817,215.71 2,881,332.92 370,074.45 139,988.25 278,408.86 145,704.43 582,814.24 127,173.23 220,551.50 Page 60 Kentucky Jail Costs Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures Or (Gain On Operations) Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Revenues Expenditures Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) Montgomery Morgan Muhlenberg Nelson Nicholas Ohio Oldham Owen Owsley Pendleton Perry Pike Powell Pulaski Robertson Rockcastle Rowan Russell Scott Shelby Simpson Spencer Taylor Three Forks Regional Detention Center Todd Trigg Trimble Union $ $ $ 1,250,878.54 91,942.71 1,582,263.00 382,215.41 42,568.46 243,455.83 947,806.38 47,753.21 137,819.58 53,680.30 1,052,513.68 1,331,856.96 153,672.88 1,722,236.38 37,111.84 932,136.95 881,686.14 98,610.05 473,130.03 1,759,744.00 1,643,049.02 51,823.14 104,595.71 1,603,864.70 176,377.16 70,279.46 39,564.30 134,923.36 1,634,261.53 337,823.45 2,836,185.99 1,426,815.95 123,240.06 527,103.08 1,561,089.37 220,258.43 290,092.22 404,729.38 2,016,640.00 2,585,687.96 621,891.26 2,651,613.67 59,666.33 929,558.20 1,237,343.11 572,122.16 2,132,353.57 2,658,287.69 2,205,477.51 213,455.20 802,915.72 1,601,515.56 633,611.49 269,997.75 246,802.99 885,489.99 383,382.99 245,880.74 1,253,922.99 1,044,600.54 80,671.60 283,647.25 613,282.99 172,505.22 152,272.64 351,049.08 964,126.32 1,253,831.00 468,218.38 929,377.29 22,554.49 (2,578.75) 355,656.97 473,512.11 1,659,223.54 898,543.69 562,428.49 161,632.06 698,320.01 (2,349.14) 457,234.33 199,718.29 207,238.69 750,566.63 Page 61 Kentucky Jail Costs Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures Or (Gain On Operations) Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Revenues Expenditures Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) Warren Washington Wayne Webster Whitley Wolfe Woodford $ $ $ Totals $ 125,267,190.21 $ 244,563,414.29 $ 119,296,224.08 Average $ 1,026,780.25 $ 2,004,618.15 $ 977,837.90 Median $ 541,705.53 $ 955,191.44 $ 363,271.44 4,865,880.60 51,631.91 1,010,724.00 709,787.37 998,187.31 64,274.73 560,458.75 5,862,010.08 240,043.98 1,527,313.00 980,233.98 1,987,548.35 223,822.15 1,467,308.49 996,129.48 188,412.07 516,589.00 270,446.61 989,361.04 159,547.42 906,849.74 Marshall, Marion, and Lincoln counties did not have any transfers in from any other county funds to support the Detention Center. Prior year carry forward from the Jail Fund was used to meet current year jail expenditures. Page 62 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 63 Counties Subsidizing State By Holding State Prisoners Cost With Debt Service Proforma Excludes State Jail Operation Pay, Medical Revenue and Other State Receipts Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Center Ballard Bell Big Sandy Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle/Mercer Breckinridge Bullitt Butler Campbell Carter Floyd Franklin Grant Graves Grayson Greenup Hardin Hart Henderson Hickman Hopkins Jessamine Kenton Larue County Inmate Cost Per Day $ State Inmate Days County Subsidy Per Inmate Cost Per Day Total County Subsidy For State Inmates $ $ 34.92 34.34 29.20 49.13 75.95 32.31 31.00 26.65 39.44 31.61 75.90 33.03 34.77 34.69 31.69 32.68 36.60 33.48 37.80 26.65 28.64 28.96 32.23 29.50 43.69 27.39 11,593 1,154 23,803 32,044 2,920 10,375 37,088 49,275 25,446 8,845 26,135 8,315 11,848 43,909 45,625 22,550 82,125 14,600 77,218 39,695 48,981 21,444 83,618 20,567 57,183 29,200 8.41 7.83 2.69 22.62 49.44 5.80 4.49 0.14 12.93 5.10 49.39 6.52 8.26 8.18 5.18 6.17 10.09 6.97 11.29 0.14 2.13 2.45 5.72 2.99 17.18 0.88 Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Logan 60.87 30.46 51,864 18,432 34.36 3.95 1,574,591.04 72,806.40 Louisville Metropolitan 53.60 91,557 27.09 2,480,279.13 97,497.13 9,035.82 64,030.07 724,835.28 144,364.80 60,175.00 166,525.12 6,898.50 329,016.78 45,109.50 1,290,807.65 54,213.80 97,864.48 359,175.62 236,337.50 139,133.50 828,641.25 101,762.00 871,791.22 5,557.30 104,329.53 52,537.80 478,294.96 61,495.33 982,403.94 25,696.00 Page 64 Counties Subsidizing State By Holding State Prisoners Cost With Debt Service Proforma Excludes State Jail Operation Pay, Medical Revenue and Other State Receipts Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Center County Inmate Cost Per Day State Inmate Days County Subsidy Per Inmate Cost Per Day Total County Subsidy For State Inmates $ Marshall Mason McCreary Monroe Montgomery Oldham Powell Pulaski Scott Shelby Simpson Todd Warren Webster Whitley Woodford $ 27.07 38.17 45.39 28.40 29.85 53.60 52.33 32.07 73.07 49.32 35.54 55.12 27.14 27.38 28.84 53.06 42,199 15,341 3,722 1,576 12,775 6,576 1,095 47,000 9,144 16,425 49,275 3,285 110,765 17,668 25,550 11,010 $ 0.56 11.66 18.88 1.89 3.34 27.09 25.82 5.56 46.56 22.81 9.03 28.61 0.63 0.87 2.33 26.55 Total $ 1,753.53 1,370,815 $ 560.58 Average $ 38.65 30,905 $ 12.14 $ 312,167.95 Median $ 33.48 22,550 $ 6.97 $ 101,762.00 The state reimbursement rate was $26.51 per inmate day. 23,631.44 178,876.06 70,271.36 2,978.64 42,668.50 178,143.84 28,272.90 261,320.00 425,744.64 374,654.25 444,953.25 93,983.85 69,781.95 15,371.16 59,531.50 292,315.50 $ 14,027,705.29 Page 65 Counties Profiting From Holding State Prisoners Cost With Debt Service Proforma Excludes State Jail Operation Pay, Medical Revenue and Other State Receipts Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Center County Inmate Cost Per Day State Inmate Days County Profit Per Inmate Cost Per Day Total County Profit For State Inmates Adair Allen Barren Calloway Carroll Casey Christian Clark Clay Daviess Fulton Laurel Letcher Lincoln Madison Marion Meade Nelson Perry Pike Rockcastle Rowan Three Forks Wayne $ 21.81 25.54 24.93 26.15 20.76 26.24 19.67 22.67 23.48 23.08 22.66 19.00 24.21 22.64 19.66 23.71 24.09 25.01 21.96 26.28 26.19 26.20 24.70 23.93 9,844 17,534 27,468 35,008 21,003 43,008 112,099 18,123 39,329 113,627 77,806 34,246 3,650 16,608 20,075 50,995 29,626 4,270 12,500 25,699 27,667 15,695 32,645 40,412 $ 4.70 0.97 1.58 0.36 5.75 0.27 6.84 3.84 3.03 3.43 3.85 7.51 2.30 3.87 6.85 2.80 2.42 1.50 4.55 0.23 0.32 0.31 1.81 2.58 $ 46,266.80 17,007.98 43,399.44 12,602.88 120,767.25 11,612.16 766,757.16 69,592.32 119,166.87 389,740.61 299,553.10 257,187.46 8,395.00 64,272.96 137,513.75 142,786.00 71,694.92 6,405.00 56,875.00 5,910.77 8,853.44 4,865.45 59,087.45 104,262.96 Total $ 564.57 828,937 $ 71.67 $ 2,824,576.73 Average $ 23.52 34,539 $ 2.99 $ 117,690.70 Median $ 23.82 27,568 $ 2.69 $ 61,680.21 The state reimbursement rate was $26.51 per inmate day. Page 66 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 67 Counties Subsidizing State By Holding State Prisoners Cost Without Debt Service Proforma Excludes State Jail Operation Pay, Medical Revenue and Other State Receipts Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Center Ballard Bell Boone Bourbon Bullitt Butler Campbell Franklin Graves Grayson Greenup Hardin Jessamine Kenton Lewis Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Louisville Metropolitan Marshall Mason McCracken McCreary Monroe Montgomery Oldham Powell Pulaski Scott County Inmate Cost Per Day $ County Subsidy Per Inmate Cost Per Day State Inmate Days 32.41 34.34 33.61 31.41 39.44 31.61 49.66 28.89 29.30 33.00 27.41 32.80 27.67 40.26 32.13 11,593 1,154 32,044 2,920 25,446 8,845 26,135 43,909 22,550 82,125 14,600 77,218 20,567 57,183 13,140 5.90 7.83 7.10 4.90 12.93 5.10 23.15 2.38 2.79 6.49 0.90 6.29 1.16 13.75 5.62 51.60 53.60 27.07 34.58 29.88 43.40 28.40 28.55 53.60 46.30 28.14 71.14 51,864 91,557 42,199 15,341 44,895 3,722 1,576 12,775 6,576 1,095 47,000 9,144 25.09 27.09 0.56 8.07 3.37 16.89 1.89 2.04 27.09 19.79 1.63 44.63 Total County Subsidy For State Inmates $ 68,398.70 9,035.82 227,512.40 14,308.00 329,016.78 45,109.50 605,025.25 104,503.42 62,914.50 532,991.25 13,140.00 485,701.22 23,857.72 786,266.25 73,846.80 1,301,267.76 2,480,279.13 23,631.44 123,801.87 151,296.15 62,864.58 2,978.64 26,061.00 178,143.84 21,670.05 76,610.00 408,096.72 Page 68 Counties Subsidizing State By Holding State Prisoners Cost Without Debt Service Proforma Excludes State Jail Operation Pay, Medical Revenue and Other State Receipts Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Center County Inmate Cost Per Day State Inmate Days County Subsidy Per Inmate Cost Per Day Total County Subsidy For State Inmates $ Shelby Simpson Todd Woodford $ 36.29 30.02 53.43 45.70 16,425 49,275 3,285 11,010 $ 9.78 3.51 26.92 19.19 Total $ 1,165.64 847,168 $ 343.83 Average $ 37.60 27,328 $ 11.09 $ 286,181.76 Median $ 33.00 16,425 $ 6.49 $ 104,503.42 The state reimbursement rate was $26.51 per inmate day. 160,636.50 172,955.25 88,432.20 211,281.90 $ 8,871,634.64 Counties Profiting From Holding State Prisoners Cost Without Debt Service Proforma Excludes State Jail Operation Pay, Medical Revenue and Other State Receipts Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Center Adair Allen Barren Big Sandy Boyd Boyle/Mercer Breckinridge Calloway Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark Clay Daviess Floyd Fulton Grant Hart Henderson Hickman Hopkins Larue Laurel Letcher Lincoln Logan Madison Marion Meade Muhlenberg Nelson Perry County Inmate Cost Per Day $ 20.74 25.54 23.74 21.16 25.59 26.36 18.95 20.10 20.76 25.57 19.48 16.69 20.42 17.74 21.15 26.40 21.53 26.42 23.48 24.61 22.95 25.10 22.23 18.34 24.21 22.64 25.16 19.66 19.96 24.09 25.30 25.01 17.36 State Inmate Days 9,844 17,534 27,468 23,803 10,375 37,088 49,275 35,008 21,003 8,315 43,008 112,099 18,123 39,329 113,627 11,848 77,806 45,625 39,695 48,981 21,444 83,618 29,200 34,246 3,650 16,608 18,432 20,075 50,995 29,626 54,750 4,270 12,500 County Profit Per Inmate Cost Per Day Total County Profit For State Inmates $ $ 5.77 0.97 2.77 5.35 0.92 0.15 7.56 6.41 5.75 0.94 7.03 9.82 6.09 8.77 5.36 0.11 4.98 0.09 3.03 1.90 3.56 1.41 4.28 8.17 2.30 3.87 1.35 6.85 6.55 2.42 1.21 1.50 9.15 56,799.88 17,007.98 76,086.36 127,346.05 9,545.00 5,563.20 372,519.00 224,401.28 120,767.25 7,816.10 302,346.24 1,100,812.18 110,369.07 344,915.33 609,040.72 1,303.28 387,473.88 4,106.25 120,275.85 93,063.90 76,340.64 117,901.38 124,976.00 279,789.82 8,395.00 64,272.96 24,883.20 137,513.75 334,017.25 71,694.92 66,247.50 6,405.00 114,375.00 Page 69 Page 70 Counties Profiting From Holding State Prisoners Cost Without Debt Service Proforma Excludes State Jail Operation Pay, Medical Revenue and Other State Receipts Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Center County Inmate Cost Per Day State Inmate Days County Profit Per Inmate Cost Per Day Total County Profit For State Inmates Pike Rockcastle Rowan Three Forks Warren Wayne Webster Whitley $ 22.51 22.51 23.51 19.82 23.18 18.39 25.36 22.36 25,699 27,667 15,695 32,645 110,765 40,412 17,668 25,550 $ 4.00 4.00 3.00 6.69 3.33 8.12 1.15 4.15 $ 102,796.00 110,668.00 47,085.00 218,395.05 368,847.45 328,145.44 20,318.20 106,032.50 Total $ 916.08 1,465,369 $ 170.83 $ 6,820,658.86 Average $ 22.34 35,741 $ 4.17 $ 166,357.53 Median $ 22.51 27,667 $ 4.00 $ 110,369.07 The state reimbursement rate was $26.51 per inmate day. Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Boone 7.2% 15.0%35.2% Kenton Campbell n allati G 9.9% Tr im bl e Pendleton Carroll 8.1% Mason 15.4% 11.1% 27.9% Owen 13.7% Fleming Nicholas Scott Franklin Shelby Rowan 27.4% Bullitt 7.5% Ha 21.1% k oc nc Henderson Union 32.3% Hardin -0.8% McLean 6.8% 2.7% Grayson -6.0% 23.8% 43.2% Warren 4.1% Marshall Trigg -4.9% 10.2% 14.1% Logan 36.1% 16.0% Adair Pulaski 2.6% 9.0% Knott Perry Metcalfe Russell 3.7% 32.8% Laurel 6.0% 4.0% McCreary 12.4% 14.4% Big Sandy Regional Detention Center Boyle/Mercer Detention Center – Joint Venture Three Forks Regional Detention Center N/A N/A N/A -1.1% Monroe 13.1% 9.2% Clinton 4.9% 22.1% Letcher Leslie 22.1% 11.8% Harlan 39.4% Whitley 22.1% 45.3% Clay 24.9% Knox Wayne Allen Pike 9.7% Owsley 16.4% -0.2% -1.7% Cumberland 15.8% 37.1% Fulton Todd 41.5% Simpson Graves Hickman Barren 6.9% Christian 1.3% Carlisle 4.6% Lyon McCracken 15.0% 8.6% 6.5% Green 5.5% 22.3% 22.7% Jackson 36.5% Edmonson Butler 24.5% Caldwell 16.1% Hart Floyd Breathitt Rockcastle Casey Martin 22.5% 28.1% 7.4% ar ra rd Lincoln 22.9% Magoffin Lee 0.3% 27.8% 29.9% Johnson 22.1% 29.6% 20.9% G 6.7% Taylor Muhlenberg Ballard Marion 0.8% Hopkins Crittenden Livingston Ohio 6.9% Larue Wolfe Estill 1.6% 10.3% 3.7% 10.0% 36.2% Madison Boyle Morgan 17.0% Powell 7.7% 12.1% 16.4% Daviess Webster 17.5% Washington 2.0% Menifee 6.4% 5.5% Mercer Lawrence 5.6% 4.8% Clark Jessamine Nelson Breckinridge 4.4% 7.4% 9.6% 9.4% 22.1% Elliott 4.7% Montgomery Fayette Anderson 5.8% Meade 11.8% Bath 12.1% Woodford Spencer 24.9% 18.6% Bourbon 8.9% 10.0% 7.7% Boyd Carter 3.4% 10.3% 5.1% 36.6% 23.4% 4.1% Harrison 17.8% 1.9% Jefferson Greenup Lewis Robertson 6.4% Henry Oldham Bracken 12.6% Grant -7.8% Bell 10.3% 19.6% Calloway 7.0% -24.3% % 34.17 26.67 27.50 11.67 Count 41 32 33 14 Average 13.5% Page 71 Range -24.3 – 7.2 7.3 – 15.0 15.1 – 29.1 29.6 – 45.3 Page 72 Page 73 Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Ranking High to Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 County Perry McCracken Todd Knox Graves Greenup Jackson Powell Logan Campbell Russell Union Crittenden Estill Magoffin Mason Hopkins Bourbon Boyd Clay Muhlenberg Ballard Lewis Hart Breathitt Martin Floyd Whitley Wolfe Leslie Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) General Fund Budget $ $ 964,126.32 2,881,332.92 457,234.33 1,156,013.87 789,010.14 759,589.90 347,667.57 468,218.38 1,310,085.31 4,120,924.11 473,512.11 750,566.63 261,117.89 400,312.78 356,468.43 817,215.71 1,599,336.56 1,848,666.87 1,296,850.17 493,833.33 1,253,922.99 396,666.59 396,680.60 326,898.08 433,741.21 370,807.59 1,327,104.68 989,361.04 159,547.42 343,376.44 2,128,414.00 6,673,662.91 1,101,133.48 2,935,760.75 2,128,027.00 2,076,281.00 951,637.84 1,292,664.45 3,629,643.79 11,721,370.00 1,446,057.89 2,321,894.00 873,966.17 1,353,291.35 1,270,493.00 2,933,723.96 5,746,631.00 6,742,061.20 5,205,894.00 1,984,623.48 5,129,120.00 1,668,521.90 1,695,959.74 1,430,173.63 1,909,537.85 1,645,640.54 5,950,000.00 4,469,808.00 721,460.97 1,555,343.14 Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures 45.30% 43.17% 41.52% 39.38% 37.08% 36.58% 36.53% 36.22% 36.09% 35.16% 32.75% 32.33% 29.88% 29.58% 28.06% 27.86% 27.83% 27.42% 24.91% 24.88% 24.45% 23.77% 23.39% 22.86% 22.71% 22.53% 22.30% 22.13% 22.11% 22.08% Difference Between Average Percentage (13.59%) And Actual Percentage 31.71% 29.58% 27.93% 25.79% 23.49% 22.99% 22.94% 22.63% 22.50% 21.57% 19.16% 18.74% 16.29% 15.99% 14.47% 14.27% 14.24% 13.83% 11.32% 11.29% 10.86% 10.18% 9.80% 9.27% 9.12% 8.94% 8.71% 8.54% 8.52% 8.49% Page 74 Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Ranking High to Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Knott Anderson Bullitt Garrard Bell Carter Henry Mercer Menifee Owsley Hardin Livingston Taylor Simpson Grant Kenton Carlisle McCreary Hickman Harrison Monroe Pendleton Wayne Bath Nelson Rowan Letcher Trimble Harlan Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) General Fund Budget $ $ 492,649.42 521,265.42 1,701,410.80 386,472.08 509,742.90 312,092.22 396,694.75 582,814.24 145,704.43 152,272.64 1,845,673.89 328,417.68 698,320.01 562,428.49 573,654.86 4,655,231.00 73,264.33 370,074.45 94,426.92 418,294.66 220,551.50 351,049.08 516,589.00 226,403.98 1,044,600.54 355,656.97 381,653.92 207,238.69 747,983.08 2,232,706.38 2,362,507.00 8,064,329.04 1,848,927.83 2,595,687.00 1,678,344.21 2,232,097.28 3,324,782.00 859,495.25 928,649.13 11,265,718.29 2,040,145.00 4,377,487.05 3,569,535.13 3,735,518.76 30,960,500.00 488,396.22 2,579,082.04 670,128.58 3,059,482.00 1,679,586.00 2,789,193.84 4,162,469.00 1,868,406.23 8,624,923.00 3,015,844.41 3,242,414.42 1,862,357.39 7,230,941.00 Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures 22.07% 22.06% 21.10% 20.90% 19.64% 18.60% 17.77% 17.53% 16.95% 16.40% 16.38% 16.10% 15.95% 15.76% 15.36% 15.04% 15.00% 14.35% 14.09% 13.67% 13.13% 12.59% 12.41% 12.12% 12.11% 11.79% 11.77% 11.13% 10.34% Difference Between Average Percentage (13.59%) And Actual Percentage 8.48% 8.47% 7.51% 7.31% 6.05% 5.01% 4.18% 3.94% 3.36% 2.81% 2.79% 2.51% 2.36% 2.17% 1.77% 1.45% 1.41% 0.76% 0.50% 0.08% -0.46% -1.00% -1.18% -1.47% -1.48% -1.80% -1.82% -2.46% -3.25% Page 75 Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Ranking High to Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Nicholas LaRue Trigg Johnson Shelby Gallatin Pike Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Woodford Cumberland Pulaski Franklin Butler Bracken Louisville Metropolitan Washington Meade Henderson Lee Boone Calloway Ohio Warren McLean Boyle/Mercer Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) General Fund Budget $ $ 80,671.60 279,559.84 199,718.29 437,165.75 898,543.69 129,750.64 1,253,831.00 Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Difference Between Average Percentage (13.59%) And Actual Percentage 781,828.39 2,725,245.00 1,957,774.47 4,375,153.29 9,005,336.29 1,311,611.25 12,907,324.21 10.32% 10.26% 10.20% 9.99% 9.98% 9.89% 9.71% -3.27% -3.33% -3.39% -3.60% -3.61% -3.70% -3.88% 21,094,029.00 906,849.74 105,578.41 929,377.29 1,409,383.58 204,067.59 109,785.44 219,917,190.00 9,613,290.12 1,149,421.65 10,342,350.00 15,877,204.00 2,375,755.00 1,363,588.00 9.59% 9.43% 9.19% 8.99% 8.88% 8.59% 8.05% -4.00% -4.16% -4.40% -4.60% -4.71% -5.00% -5.54% 31,518,993.02 188,412.07 278,408.86 420,800.95 164,042.12 2,513,294.13 279,969.28 283,647.25 996,129.48 139,988.25 675,984.40 408,626,100.00 2,453,885.03 3,728,797.00 5,654,127.55 2,224,916.00 34,985,239.00 4,030,696.61 4,110,406.34 14,501,030.00 2,047,269.64 10,094,671.24 7.71% 7.68% 7.47% 7.44% 7.37% 7.18% 6.95% 6.90% 6.87% 6.84% 6.70% -5.88% -5.91% -6.12% -6.15% -6.22% -6.41% -6.64% -6.69% -6.72% -6.75% -6.89% Page 76 Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Ranking High to Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Caldwell Clark Owen Laurel Spencer Lawrence Green Jessamine Scott Clinton Montgomery Elliott Edmonson Hancock Robertson Lyon Barren Metcalfe Morgan Fleming Webster Adair Breckinridge Oldham Madison Marshall - See Note Marion - See Note Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) General Fund Budget $ $ 228,997.17 708,339.84 172,505.22 1,064,265.76 161,632.06 329,518.04 124,692.25 877,432.68 1,659,223.54 132,729.38 383,382.99 75,163.12 144,836.50 206,730.12 22,554.49 87,303.52 250,500.00 127,173.23 245,880.74 143,384.67 270,446.61 25,555.84 60,659.34 613,282.99 220,478.92 Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Difference Between Average Percentage (13.59%) And Actual Percentage 3,508,952.03 11,046,658.00 2,711,222.96 17,732,885.78 2,792,853.60 5,896,808.00 2,287,426.00 16,109,782.00 32,713,493.88 2,693,004.46 8,053,064.00 1,599,028.18 3,177,192.21 4,675,714.00 552,329.00 2,148,650.74 6,216,587.52 3,436,468.21 6,671,302.96 4,245,053.40 9,953,545.00 986,158.58 3,032,233.00 32,704,325.80 13,431,755.32 6.53% 6.41% 6.36% 6.00% 5.79% 5.59% 5.45% 5.45% 5.07% 4.93% 4.76% 4.70% 4.56% 4.42% 4.08% 4.06% 4.03% 3.70% 3.69% 3.38% 2.72% 2.59% 2.00% 1.88% 1.64% -7.06% -7.18% -7.23% -7.59% -7.80% -8.00% -8.14% -8.14% -8.52% -8.66% -8.83% -8.89% -9.03% -9.17% -9.51% -9.53% -9.56% -9.89% -9.90% -10.21% -10.87% -11.00% -11.59% -11.71% -11.95% 78,645.85 6,044,200.00 1.30% -12.29% 35,152.53 4,299,856.76 0.82% -12.77% Page 77 Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Ranking High to Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Lincoln - See Note Allen Carroll Casey Christian Daviess Fulton Grayson Rockcastle Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) General Fund Budget $ $ 7,922.89 (32,775.91) (319,143.72) (41,815.02) (403,590.14) (292,962.50) (298,259.95) (118,617.60) (2,578.75) 3,067,770.00 2,946,757.17 4,102,375.29 2,444,701.70 8,196,213.00 34,836,715.00 1,229,671.00 1,991,648.23 1,513,558.67 Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Difference Between Average Percentage (13.59%) And Actual Percentage 0.26% -1.11% -7.78% -1.71% -4.92% -0.84% -24.26% -5.96% -0.17% Totals $ 118,869,450.29 $ 1,269,252,622.05 Average $ 990,578.75 $ 10,577,105.18 13.59% Median $ 964,126.32 $ 2,128,414.00 45.30% Marshall, Marion, and Lincoln counties did not have any transfers in from any other county funds to support the Detention Center. Prior year carry forward from the Jail Fund was used to meet current year jail expenditures. -13.33% -14.70% -21.37% -15.30% -18.51% -14.43% -37.85% -19.55% -13.76% Page 78 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 79 Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 County Adair Allen Anderson Ballard Barren Bath Bell Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle/Mercer Bracken Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt Butler Caldwell Calloway Campbell Carlisle Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden Cumberland Daviess Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) General Fund Budget $ $ 25,555.84 (32,775.91) 521,265.42 396,666.59 250,500.00 226,403.98 509,742.90 2,513,294.13 1,848,666.87 1,296,850.17 675,984.40 109,785.44 433,741.21 60,659.34 1,701,410.80 204,067.59 228,997.17 279,969.28 4,120,924.11 73,264.33 (319,143.72) 312,092.22 (41,815.02) (403,590.14) 708,339.84 493,833.33 132,729.38 261,117.89 105,578.41 (292,962.50) 986,158.58 2,946,757.17 2,362,507.00 1,668,521.90 6,216,587.52 1,868,406.23 2,595,687.00 34,985,239.00 6,742,061.20 5,205,894.00 10,094,671.24 1,363,588.00 1,909,537.85 3,032,233.00 8,064,329.04 2,375,755.00 3,508,952.03 4,030,696.61 11,721,370.00 488,396.22 4,102,375.29 1,678,344.21 2,444,701.70 8,196,213.00 11,046,658.00 1,984,623.48 2,693,004.46 873,966.17 1,149,421.65 34,836,715.00 Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures 2.59% -1.11% 22.06% 23.77% 4.03% 12.12% 19.64% 7.18% 27.42% 24.91% 6.70% 8.05% 22.71% 2.00% 21.10% 8.59% 6.53% 6.95% 35.16% 15.00% -7.78% 18.60% -1.71% -4.92% 6.41% 24.88% 4.93% 29.88% 9.19% -0.84% Difference Between Average Percentage (13.59%) And Actual Percentage -11.00% -14.70% 8.47% 10.18% -9.56% -1.47% 6.05% -6.41% 13.83% 11.32% -6.89% -5.54% 9.12% -11.59% 7.51% -5.00% -7.06% -6.64% 21.57% 1.41% -21.37% 5.01% -15.30% -18.51% -7.18% 11.29% -8.66% 16.29% -4.40% -14.43% Page 80 Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Edmonson Elliott Estill Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Fleming Floyd Franklin Fulton Gallatin Garrard Grant Graves Grayson Green Greenup Hancock Hardin Harlan Harrison Hart Henderson Henry Hickman Hopkins Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) General Fund Budget $ $ 144,836.50 75,163.12 400,312.78 21,094,029.00 143,384.67 1,327,104.68 1,409,383.58 (298,259.95) 129,750.64 386,472.08 573,654.86 789,010.14 (118,617.60) 124,692.25 759,589.90 206,730.12 1,845,673.89 747,983.08 418,294.66 326,898.08 420,800.95 396,694.75 94,426.92 1,599,336.56 Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Difference Between Average Percentage (13.59%) And Actual Percentage 3,177,192.21 1,599,028.18 1,353,291.35 4.56% 4.70% 29.58% -9.03% -8.89% 15.99% 219,917,190.00 4,245,053.40 5,950,000.00 15,877,204.00 1,229,671.00 1,311,611.25 1,848,927.83 3,735,518.76 2,128,027.00 1,991,648.23 2,287,426.00 2,076,281.00 4,675,714.00 11,265,718.29 7,230,941.00 3,059,482.00 1,430,173.63 5,654,127.55 2,232,097.28 670,128.58 5,746,631.00 9.59% 3.38% 22.30% 8.88% -24.26% 9.89% 20.90% 15.36% 37.08% -5.96% 5.45% 36.58% 4.42% 16.38% 10.34% 13.67% 22.86% 7.44% 17.77% 14.09% 27.83% -4.00% -10.21% 8.71% -4.71% -37.85% -3.70% 7.31% 1.77% 23.49% -19.55% -8.14% 22.99% -9.17% 2.79% -3.25% 0.08% 9.27% -6.15% 4.18% 0.50% 14.24% Page 81 Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Jackson Louisville Metropolitan Jessamine Johnson Kenton Knott Knox LaRue Laurel Lawrence Lee Leslie Letcher Lewis Lincoln - See Note Livingston Logan Lyon Madison Magoffin Marion - See Note Marshall - See Note Martin Mason McCracken Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) General Fund Budget $ $ 347,667.57 Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Difference Between Average Percentage (13.59%) And Actual Percentage 951,637.84 36.53% 22.94% 31,518,993.02 877,432.68 437,165.75 4,655,231.00 492,649.42 1,156,013.87 279,559.84 1,064,265.76 329,518.04 164,042.12 343,376.44 381,653.92 396,680.60 408,626,100.00 16,109,782.00 4,375,153.29 30,960,500.00 2,232,706.38 2,935,760.75 2,725,245.00 17,732,885.78 5,896,808.00 2,224,916.00 1,555,343.14 3,242,414.42 1,695,959.74 7.71% 5.45% 9.99% 15.04% 22.07% 39.38% 10.26% 6.00% 5.59% 7.37% 22.08% 11.77% 23.39% -5.88% -8.14% -3.60% 1.45% 8.48% 25.79% -3.33% -7.59% -8.00% -6.22% 8.49% -1.82% 9.80% 7,922.89 328,417.68 1,310,085.31 87,303.52 220,478.92 356,468.43 3,067,770.00 2,040,145.00 3,629,643.79 2,148,650.74 13,431,755.32 1,270,493.00 0.26% 16.10% 36.09% 4.06% 1.64% 28.06% -13.33% 2.51% 22.50% -9.53% -11.95% 14.47% 35,152.53 4,299,856.76 0.82% -12.77% 78,645.85 370,807.59 817,215.71 2,881,332.92 6,044,200.00 1,645,640.54 2,933,723.96 6,673,662.91 1.30% 22.53% 27.86% 43.17% -12.29% 8.94% 14.27% 29.58% Page 82 Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County McCreary McLean Meade Menifee Mercer Metcalfe Monroe Montgomery Morgan Muhlenberg Nelson Nicholas Ohio Oldham Owen Owsley Pendleton Perry Pike Powell Pulaski Robertson Rockcastle Rowan Russell Scott Shelby Simpson Spencer Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) General Fund Budget $ $ 370,074.45 139,988.25 278,408.86 145,704.43 582,814.24 127,173.23 220,551.50 383,382.99 245,880.74 1,253,922.99 1,044,600.54 80,671.60 283,647.25 613,282.99 172,505.22 152,272.64 351,049.08 964,126.32 1,253,831.00 468,218.38 929,377.29 22,554.49 (2,578.75) 355,656.97 473,512.11 1,659,223.54 898,543.69 562,428.49 161,632.06 2,579,082.04 2,047,269.64 3,728,797.00 859,495.25 3,324,782.00 3,436,468.21 1,679,586.00 8,053,064.00 6,671,302.96 5,129,120.00 8,624,923.00 781,828.39 4,110,406.34 32,704,325.80 2,711,222.96 928,649.13 2,789,193.84 2,128,414.00 12,907,324.21 1,292,664.45 10,342,350.00 552,329.00 1,513,558.67 3,015,844.41 1,446,057.89 32,713,493.88 9,005,336.29 3,569,535.13 2,792,853.60 Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures 14.35% 6.84% 7.47% 16.95% 17.53% 3.70% 13.13% 4.76% 3.69% 24.45% 12.11% 10.32% 6.90% 1.88% 6.36% 16.40% 12.59% 45.30% 9.71% 36.22% 8.99% 4.08% -0.17% 11.79% 32.75% 5.07% 9.98% 15.76% 5.79% Difference Between Average Percentage (13.59%) And Actual Percentage 0.76% -6.75% -6.12% 3.36% 3.94% -9.89% -0.46% -8.83% -9.90% 10.86% -1.48% -3.27% -6.69% -11.71% -7.23% 2.81% -1.00% 31.71% -3.88% 22.63% -4.60% -9.51% -13.76% -1.80% 19.16% -8.52% -3.61% 2.17% -7.80% Page 83 Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) General Fund Budget Taylor Todd Trigg Trimble Union Warren Washington Wayne Webster Whitley Wolfe Woodford $ $ Totals $ 118,869,450.29 $ 1,269,252,622.05 Average $ 990,578.75 $ 10,577,105.18 13.59% Median $ 25,555.84 $ 986,158.58 2.59% County 698,320.01 457,234.33 199,718.29 207,238.69 750,566.63 996,129.48 188,412.07 516,589.00 270,446.61 989,361.04 159,547.42 906,849.74 Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures 4,377,487.05 1,101,133.48 1,957,774.47 1,862,357.39 2,321,894.00 14,501,030.00 2,453,885.03 4,162,469.00 9,953,545.00 4,469,808.00 721,460.97 9,613,290.12 Difference Between Average Percentage (13.59%) And Actual Percentage 15.95% 41.52% 10.20% 11.13% 32.33% 6.87% 7.68% 12.41% 2.72% 22.13% 22.11% 9.43% Marshall, Marion, and Lincoln counties did not have any transfers in from any other county funds to support the Detention Center. Prior year carry forward from the Jail Fund was used to meet current year jail expenditures. 2.36% 27.93% -3.39% -2.46% 18.74% -6.72% -5.91% -1.18% -10.87% 8.54% 8.52% -4.16% Page 84 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures - Counties With Closed Jails Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Boone Kenton Campbell tin Galla 9.89% Tr im bl e Pendleton 11.13% 8.05% Mason Greenup Owen Lewis Robertson 6.36% Henry 4.08% Harrison 17.77% Oldham Bracken 12.59% Grant Carroll 13.67% Fleming Nicholas Scott Franklin Shelby Jefferson Bourbon Rowan Bath Bullitt k oc nc Ha Union Menifee Wolfe Madison Daviess Boyle Larue 6.70% Marion Webster 6.84% Ohio Grayson Taylor Hart Breathitt Pike Green Casey 15.95% Owsley 16.40% Rockcastle Perry Edmonson Butler Caldwell 4.56% Adair Pulaski Clay Laurel Leslie Ballard Letcher 22.08% Lyon Russell Metcalfe Warren 4.06% Barren Marshall 3.70% Christian Carlisle Todd 15.00% Knott 5.45% Muhlenberg McCracken Floyd 7.37% ar ra rd Jackson Livingston Martin 22.53% 28.06% Lee Lincoln Hopkins Crittenden Magoffin 22.11% Estill 20.90% G McLean Johnson 9.99% 17.53% 7.68% Hardin Henderson 3.69% Powell Mercer Washington Morgan 16.95% Jessamine Breckinridge Lawrence 5.59% Clark 22.06% Nelson 4.70% Montgomery Fayette Anderson 5.79% Meade Elliott 12.12% Woodford Spencer Boyd Carter 3.38% 10.32% Knox Logan Trigg Cumberland Simpson Graves Wayne Allen Monroe 9.19% McCreary Clinton Harlan 39.38% Whitley Bell Hickman Calloway Fulton % 35.14 21.62 24.32 18.92 Count 13 8 9 7 Big Sandy Regional Detention Center Boyle/Mercer Detention Center – Joint Venture Three Forks Regional Detention Center N/A N/A N/A Average 11.93% Page 85 Range 3.38 – 7.37 7.38 – 12.12 12.13 – 18.77 20.90 – 39.38 Page 86 Page 87 Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures - Counties With Closed Jails Ranking High to Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 County Magoffin Martin Wolfe Leslie Knott Anderson Garrard Henry Mercer Menifee Owsley Taylor Carlisle Harrison Pendleton Bath Trimble Nicholas Johnson Gallatin Cumberland Bracken Washington Lee McLean Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) 356,468.43 370,807.59 159,547.42 343,376.44 492,649.42 521,265.42 386,472.08 396,694.75 582,814.24 145,704.43 152,272.64 698,320.01 73,264.33 418,294.66 351,049.08 226,403.98 207,238.69 80,671.60 437,165.75 129,750.64 105,578.41 109,785.44 188,412.07 164,042.12 139,988.25 General Fund Budget 1,270,493.00 1,645,640.54 721,460.97 1,555,343.14 2,232,706.38 2,362,507.00 1,848,927.83 2,232,097.28 3,324,782.00 859,495.25 928,649.13 4,377,487.05 488,396.22 3,059,482.00 2,789,193.84 1,868,406.23 1,862,357.39 781,828.39 4,375,153.29 1,311,611.25 1,149,421.65 1,363,588.00 2,453,885.03 2,224,916.00 2,047,269.64 Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures 28.06% 22.53% 22.11% 22.08% 22.07% 22.06% 20.90% 17.77% 17.53% 16.95% 16.40% 15.95% 15.00% 13.67% 12.59% 12.12% 11.13% 10.32% 9.99% 9.89% 9.19% 8.05% 7.68% 7.37% 6.84% Difference Between Average Percentage (11.93%) And Actual Percentage 16.13% 10.60% 10.18% 10.15% 10.14% 10.13% 8.97% 5.84% 5.60% 5.02% 4.47% 4.02% 3.07% 1.74% 0.66% 0.19% -0.80% -1.61% -1.94% -2.04% -2.74% -3.88% -4.25% -4.56% -5.09% Page 88 Kentucky Jail Costs Percentage of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures - Counties With Closed Jails Ranking High to Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Funding From County Governments To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) General Fund Budget Owen Spencer Lawrence Green Elliott Edmonson Robertson Lyon Metcalfe Morgan Fleming $ 172,505.22 161,632.06 329,518.04 124,692.25 75,163.12 144,836.50 22,554.49 87,303.52 127,173.23 245,880.74 143,384.67 $ 2,711,222.96 2,792,853.60 5,896,808.00 2,287,426.00 1,599,028.18 3,177,192.21 552,329.00 2,148,650.74 3,436,468.21 6,671,302.96 4,245,053.40 Totals $ 8,872,681.73 $ 84,653,433.76 Average $ 246,463.38 $ 2,351,484.27 11.93% Median $ 168,273.67 $ 2,186,783.37 10.16% County Percentage Of General Fund Budget To Meet Jail Expenditures 6.36% 5.79% 5.59% 5.45% 4.70% 4.56% 4.08% 4.06% 3.70% 3.69% 3.38% Difference Between Average Percentage (11.93%) And Actual Percentage -5.57% -6.14% -6.34% -6.48% -7.23% -7.37% -7.85% -7.87% -8.23% -8.24% -8.55% Kentucky Jail Costs Per Capita Contribution Per County Population In $ Actual Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Boone $24.80$30.45$47.23 Kenton Campbell allatin G $16.26 Tr im bl e Pendleton Carroll $12.61 Mason $23.59 $22.91 $48.25 Owen $15.27 Henry Harrison Fleming Nicholas Scott Rowan $94.21 Bullitt $9.84 k oc nc Ha Henderson Union $3.16 Hardin $-3.16 $47.78 McLean Webster $14.02 $19.14 Grayson $-4.74 $34.16 $29.02 $33.64 Ballard $44.53 Warren $10.64 Marshall Trigg $-5.71 $15.07 Hickman Fulton Logan $38.54 $48.44 $29.74 Floyd Breathitt $32.06 Knott $-0.15 Adair Pulaski $1.45 $15.83 Russell Perry $12.51 $28.12 Laurel Clay $20.36 $-1.77 Monroe $18.92 $14.73 Clinton $25.32 $13.89 McCreary $21.70 $26.34 $15.47 Harlan $36.23 Whitley Letcher Leslie $28.51 Knox Wayne Allen $27.60 $32.39 $19.01 $6.35 Pike $18.69 Owsley $25.52 Rockcastle $-2.60 Metcalfe $31.32 $27.22 Jackson Casey Cumberland $33.30 $21.10 $18.26 Todd Simpson Graves Barren $10.25 Christian $2.55 $13.80 $10.69 Lyon McCracken Carlisle $17.92 $12.15 $15.27 $17.78 Green Martin $30.08 $26.49 Lee $21.07 Lincoln Hart Magoffin Edmonson Butler $39.49 Caldwell Wolfe $26.40 ar ra rd $0.32 Taylor Muhlenberg $47.82 $1.88 Hopkins Crittenden Livingston Ohio $12.04 $20.73 $23.91 G $23.94 Johnson $22.65 Estill $2.89 Marion $17.12 $18.33 $34.39 Madison Boyle Larue Morgan $21.53 Powell $16.72 $25.80 $19.21 Daviess Menifee $20.61 $20.74 $27.12 Washington Lawrence $20.53 $16.23 Clark Jessamine Mercer Nelson Breckinridge $24.44 $9.26 $79.19 $25.93 $37.85 $25.53 Elliott $11.00 Montgomery Fayette Anderson $10.90 Meade $16.04 Bath $19.62 Woodford Spencer $26.07 $11.37 Bourbon $29.28 $24.14 Boyd Carter $9.90 $11.40 $43.63 Franklin Shelby Jefferson $20.38 $28.70 $9.77 $22.91 $11.77 $45.03 Greenup Lewis Robertson $25.15 Oldham Bracken $23.20 Grant $-30.85 Bell $23.43 $17.18 Calloway $8.05 $-40.54 % 12.50 30.83 45.83 10.83 Count 15 37 55 13 Big Sandy Regional Detention Center Boyle/Mercer Detention Center – Joint Venture Three Forks Regional Detention Center N/A N/A N/A Average $20.88 Page 89 Range -40.54 – 7.35 8.05 – 18.92 18.93 – 37.23 37.85 – 94.21 Page 90 Page 91 Kentucky Jail Costs Per Capita Contribution Per County Population Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 County Bourbon Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Logan Mason Ballard Union Campbell Louisville Metropolitan McCracken Scott Muhlenberg Todd Woodford Knox Powell Hopkins Livingston Simpson Perry Owsley Floyd Kenton Martin Taylor Franklin Crittenden Lewis Leslie Russell Knott Breathitt Funding From Fiscal Court To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) $ Population Per County 1,848,666.87 19,623 21,094,029.00 1,310,085.31 817,215.71 396,666.59 750,566.63 4,120,924.11 31,518,993.02 2,881,332.92 1,659,223.54 1,253,922.99 457,234.33 906,849.74 1,156,013.87 468,218.38 1,599,336.56 328,417.68 562,428.49 964,126.32 152,272.64 1,327,104.68 4,655,231.00 370,807.59 698,320.01 1,409,383.58 261,117.89 396,680.60 343,376.44 473,512.11 492,649.42 433,741.21 266,358 27,048 16,937 8,295 15,708 87,256 700,030 64,700 38,029 31,752 11,863 23,961 31,912 13,615 46,818 9,762 16,891 29,762 4,749 42,379 152,890 12,328 23,479 48,142 8,999 13,820 12,043 16,838 17,852 15,937 Per Capita Contribution Per County Population $ 94.21 79.19 48.44 48.25 47.82 47.78 47.23 45.03 44.53 43.63 39.49 38.54 37.85 36.23 34.39 34.16 33.64 33.30 32.39 32.06 31.32 30.45 30.08 29.74 29.28 29.02 28.70 28.51 28.12 27.60 27.22 Page 92 Kentucky Jail Costs Per Capita Contribution Per County Population Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Mercer Magoffin Estill Whitley Boyd Anderson Nelson Bullitt Jackson Wayne Henry Boyle/Mercer Boone Hancock Shelby Garrard Grant Harlan Pendleton Harrison Trimble Wolfe McCreary Menifee Graves Lee Jessamine LaRue Clark Lawrence Funding From Fiscal Court To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) $ 582,814.24 356,468.43 400,312.78 989,361.04 1,296,850.17 521,265.42 1,044,600.54 1,701,410.80 347,667.57 516,589.00 396,694.75 675,984.40 2,513,294.13 206,730.12 898,543.69 386,472.08 573,654.86 747,983.08 351,049.08 418,294.66 207,238.69 159,547.42 370,074.45 145,704.43 789,010.14 164,042.12 877,432.68 279,559.84 708,339.84 329,518.04 Population Per County 21,493 13,456 15,164 37,566 49,743 20,099 40,496 66,645 13,622 20,400 15,771 28,241 101,354 8,459 37,219 16,163 24,317 31,927 15,134 18,256 9,047 7,045 17,055 6,766 37,401 7,786 42,313 13,485 34,377 16,048 Per Capita Contribution Per County Population $ 27.12 26.49 26.40 26.34 26.07 25.93 25.80 25.53 25.52 25.32 25.15 23.94 24.80 24.44 24.14 23.91 23.59 23.43 23.20 22.91 22.91 22.65 21.70 21.53 21.10 21.07 20.74 20.73 20.61 20.53 Page 93 Kentucky Jail Costs Per Capita Contribution Per County Population Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Greenup Clay Bath Hardin Webster Laurel Monroe Pike Johnson Hickman Hart Caldwell Bell Morgan Washington Gallatin Montgomery Rowan Pulaski Letcher Butler Owen Trigg Cumberland McLean Clinton Carlisle Bracken Metcalfe Edmonson Funding From Fiscal Court To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) $ 759,589.90 493,833.33 226,403.98 1,845,673.89 270,446.61 1,064,265.76 220,551.50 1,253,831.00 437,165.75 94,426.92 326,898.08 228,997.17 509,742.90 245,880.74 188,412.07 129,750.64 383,382.99 355,656.97 929,377.29 381,653.92 204,067.59 172,505.22 199,718.29 105,578.41 139,988.25 132,729.38 73,264.33 109,785.44 127,173.23 144,836.50 Population Per County 37,274 24,254 11,538 96,066 14,130 55,993 11,660 67,080 23,856 5,172 18,237 12,879 29,672 14,360 11,266 7,979 23,629 22,176 58,727 24,667 13,364 11,300 13,249 7,168 9,982 9,558 5,310 8,707 10,165 11,921 Per Capita Contribution Per County Population $ 20.38 20.36 19.62 19.21 19.14 19.01 18.92 18.69 18.33 18.26 17.92 17.78 17.18 17.12 16.72 16.26 16.23 16.04 15.83 15.47 15.27 15.27 15.07 14.73 14.02 13.89 13.80 12.61 12.51 12.15 Page 94 Kentucky Jail Costs Per Capita Contribution Per County Population Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Ohio Oldham Nicholas Carter Elliott Spencer Green Lyon Warren Fleming Meade Robertson Henderson Calloway Barren Breckinridge Madison Marshall Marion Adair Lincoln Rockcastle Allen Casey Daviess Grayson Funding From Fiscal Court To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) $ 283,647.25 613,282.99 80,671.60 312,092.22 75,163.12 161,632.06 124,692.25 87,303.52 996,129.48 143,384.67 278,408.86 22,554.49 420,800.95 279,969.28 250,500.00 60,659.34 220,478.92 78,645.85 35,152.53 25,555.84 7,922.89 (2,578.75) (32,775.91) (41,815.02) (292,962.50) (118,617.60) Population Per County 23,565 52,100 7,076 27,459 6,835 14,822 11,667 8,205 97,168 14,480 28,300 2,308 45,426 34,789 39,473 19,168 76,208 30,813 18,728 17,575 24,821 16,782 18,541 16,059 92,587 25,004 Per Capita Contribution Per County Population $ 12.04 11.77 11.40 11.37 11.00 10.90 10.69 10.64 10.25 9.90 9.84 9.77 9.26 8.05 6.35 3.16 2.89 2.55 1.88 1.45 0.32 (0.15) (1.77) (2.60) (3.16) (4.74) Page 95 Kentucky Jail Costs Per Capita Contribution Per County Population Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Funding From Fiscal Court To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) Christian Carroll Fulton $ Totals (403,590.14) (319,143.72) (298,259.95) Population Per County Per Capita Contribution Per County Population 70,649 10,344 7,357 $ (5.71) (30.85) (40.54) $ 118,869,450.29 4,146,272 $ 2,505.55 Average $ 990,578.75 34,552.27 $ 20.88 Median $ 363,271.44 18,246.50 $ 20.57 Page 96 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 97 Kentucky Jail Costs Per Capita Contribution Per County Population Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 County Adair Allen Anderson Ballard Barren Bath Bell Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle/Mercer Bracken Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt Butler Caldwell Calloway Campbell Carlisle Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden Cumberland Daviess Edmonson Funding From Fiscal Court To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) $ 25,555.84 (32,775.91) 521,265.42 396,666.59 250,500.00 226,403.98 509,742.90 2,513,294.13 1,848,666.87 1,296,850.17 675,984.40 109,785.44 433,741.21 60,659.34 1,701,410.80 204,067.59 228,997.17 279,969.28 4,120,924.11 73,264.33 (319,143.72) 312,092.22 (41,815.02) (403,590.14) 708,339.84 493,833.33 132,729.38 261,117.89 105,578.41 (292,962.50) 144,836.50 Population Per County 17,575 18,541 20,099 8,295 39,473 11,538 29,672 101,354 19,623 49,743 28,241 8,707 15,937 19,168 66,645 13,364 12,879 34,789 87,256 5,310 10,344 27,459 16,059 70,649 34,377 24,254 9,558 8,999 7,168 92,587 11,921 Per Capita Contribution Per County Population $ 1.45 (1.77) 25.93 47.82 6.35 19.62 17.18 24.80 94.21 26.07 23.94 12.61 27.22 3.16 25.53 15.27 17.78 8.05 47.23 13.80 (30.85) 11.37 (2.60) (5.71) 20.61 20.36 13.89 29.02 14.73 (3.16) 12.15 Page 98 Kentucky Jail Costs Per Capita Contribution Per County Population Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Elliott Estill Fleming Floyd Franklin Fulton Gallatin Garrard Grant Graves Grayson Green Greenup Hancock Hardin Harlan Harrison Hart Henderson Henry Hickman Hopkins Jackson Jessamine Johnson Kenton Knott Knox LaRue Laurel Funding From Fiscal Court To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) $ 75,163.12 400,312.78 143,384.67 1,327,104.68 1,409,383.58 (298,259.95) 129,750.64 386,472.08 573,654.86 789,010.14 (118,617.60) 124,692.25 759,589.90 206,730.12 1,845,673.89 747,983.08 418,294.66 326,898.08 420,800.95 396,694.75 94,426.92 1,599,336.56 347,667.57 877,432.68 437,165.75 4,655,231.00 492,649.42 1,156,013.87 279,559.84 1,064,265.76 Population Per County 6,835 15,164 14,480 42,379 48,142 7,357 7,979 16,163 24,317 37,401 25,004 11,667 37,274 8,459 96,066 31,927 18,256 18,237 45,426 15,771 5,172 46,818 13,622 42,313 23,856 152,890 17,852 31,912 13,485 55,993 Per Capita Contribution Per County Population $ 11.00 26.40 9.90 31.32 29.28 (40.54) 16.26 23.91 23.59 21.10 (4.74) 10.69 20.38 24.44 19.21 23.43 22.91 17.92 9.26 25.15 18.26 34.16 25.52 20.74 18.33 30.45 27.60 36.23 20.73 19.01 Page 99 Kentucky Jail Costs Per Capita Contribution Per County Population Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Lawrence Lee Leslie Letcher Lewis Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Lincoln Livingston Logan Louisville Metropolitan Lyon Madison Magoffin Marion Marshall Martin Mason McCracken McCreary McLean Meade Menifee Mercer Metcalfe Monroe Montgomery Morgan Muhlenberg Nelson Funding From Fiscal Court To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on Operations) $ Population Per County 329,518.04 164,042.12 343,376.44 381,653.92 396,680.60 16,048 7,786 12,043 24,667 13,820 21,094,029.00 7,922.89 328,417.68 1,310,085.31 31,518,993.02 87,303.52 220,478.92 356,468.43 35,152.53 78,645.85 370,807.59 817,215.71 2,881,332.92 370,074.45 139,988.25 278,408.86 145,704.43 582,814.24 127,173.23 220,551.50 383,382.99 245,880.74 1,253,922.99 1,044,600.54 266,358 24,821 9,762 27,048 700,030 8,205 76,208 13,456 18,728 30,813 12,328 16,937 64,700 17,055 9,982 28,300 6,766 21,493 10,165 11,660 23,629 14,360 31,752 40,496 Per Capita Contribution Per County Population $ 20.53 21.07 28.51 15.47 28.70 79.19 0.32 33.64 48.44 45.03 10.64 2.89 26.49 1.88 2.55 30.08 48.25 44.53 21.70 14.02 9.84 21.53 27.12 12.51 18.92 16.23 17.12 39.49 25.80 Page 100 Kentucky Jail Costs Per Capita Contribution Per County Population Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Funding From Fiscal Court To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on County Operations) Nicholas Ohio Oldham Owen Owsley Pendleton Perry Pike Powell Pulaski Robertson Rockcastle Rowan Russell Scott Shelby Simpson Spencer Taylor Todd Trigg Trimble Union Warren Washington Wayne Webster $ 80,671.60 283,647.25 613,282.99 172,505.22 152,272.64 351,049.08 964,126.32 1,253,831.00 468,218.38 929,377.29 22,554.49 (2,578.75) 355,656.97 473,512.11 1,659,223.54 898,543.69 562,428.49 161,632.06 698,320.01 457,234.33 199,718.29 207,238.69 750,566.63 996,129.48 188,412.07 516,589.00 270,446.61 Population Per County 7,076 23,565 52,100 11,300 4,749 15,134 29,762 67,080 13,615 58,727 2,308 16,782 22,176 16,838 38,029 37,219 16,891 14,822 23,479 11,863 13,249 9,047 15,708 97,168 11,266 20,400 14,130 Per Capita Contribution Per County Population $ 11.40 12.04 11.77 15.27 32.06 23.20 32.39 18.69 34.39 15.83 9.77 (0.15) 16.04 28.12 43.63 24.14 33.30 10.90 29.74 38.54 15.07 22.91 47.78 10.25 16.72 25.32 19.14 Page 101 Kentucky Jail Costs Per Capita Contribution Per County Population Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Funding From Fiscal Court To Meet Jail Expenditures or (Gain on County Operations) Population Per County Per Capita Contribution Per County Population Whitley Wolfe Woodford $ 989,361.04 159,547.42 906,849.74 37,566 7,045 23,961 $ 26.34 22.65 37.85 Totals $ 118,869,450.29 4,146,272 $ 2,505.55 Average $ 990,578.75 34,552.27 $ 20.88 Median $ 363,271.44 18,246.50 $ 20.57 Page 102 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Inmate Days Held by County and Regional Detention Centers Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005 2,312,537 - 36.0% 3,832,779 59.6% 284,162 - 4.4% State Inmate Days Federal Inmate Days County Inmate Days Page 103 Page 104 Kentucky Detention Centers Number of Inmate Days Over Populated/(Under Populated) In Thousands Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Boone 21 17 33 Kenton Campbell Galla Tr im bl e tin Pendleton Carroll Bracken Grant 29 Mason 1 7 Owen Greenup Lewis Robertson Henry 5 4 Harrison Oldham 0 Fleming Nicholas Jefferson Bourbon 6 10 31 22 0 1 Franklin Shelby Boyd Carter Scott Rowan 5 5 Bath Elliott Woodford Spencer Anderson Meade -7 Ha k oc nc 0 -17 Henderson Union -3 Hardin Livingston Ohio Grayson -1 -11 -3 30 Carlisle Christian -1 37 Trigg -3 Hickman 18 -1 2 5 1 Knott 10 Pulaski 23 Perry 31 55 -3 42 Clay Laurel Letcher Leslie 11 Russell 4 21 Knox Wayne Allen 2 Pike 47 Owsley -2 Rockcastle 16 Cumberland Simpson Graves Fulton Logan Jackson Adair Barren 11 Todd 18 -2 9 Metcalfe Warren Marshall Green 3 Lyon McCracken Floyd Breathitt Edmonson Butler 1 Lee Casey 11 Magoffin 3 ar ra rd 15 Taylor -5 Caldwell G Lincoln -4 -1 -1 14 Hart Muhlenberg Ballard -2 Martin Wolfe Estill 14 Marion Hopkins Crittenden Madison Larue Johnson 4 Boyle McLean -1 15 Mercer 21 -23 Morgan Powell Washington Daviess Webster Menifee Jessamine Nelson 15 5 11 Clark 12 -46 Breckinridge -29 -7 Bullitt Lawrence Montgomery Fayette Monroe 3 Clinton 19 3 McCreary -6 Whitley 14 Harlan Bell 10 4 Calloway 5 24 % 4.82 53.01 28.92 13.25 Count 4 44 24 11 Big Sandy Regional Detention Center Boyle/Mercer Detention Center – Joint Venture Three Forks Regional Detention Center N/A N/A N/A Average 8 Page 105 Range -46 – -16 -11 – 8 9 – 23 23 – 55 Page 106 Page 107 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Population - Over Populated (Under Populated) Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Center Laurel Pike Perry Big Sandy Christian Kenton Louisville Metropolitan Clay McCracken Carroll Fulton Boyle/Mercer Pulaski Boyd Boone Barren Nelson Wayne Floyd Logan Campbell Adair Daviess Lincoln Jessamine Madison Whitley Marion Three Forks Regional Jail Clark DOC Bed Rating 264 142 135 121 600 359 1,919 194 342 78 193 174 164 89 176 119 84 123 102 123 135 51 589 72 112 191 148 240 142 154 DOC Bed Rating Multiplied By 365 Days 96,360 51,830 49,275 44,165 219,000 131,035 700,435 70,810 124,830 28,470 70,445 63,510 59,860 32,485 64,240 43,435 30,660 44,895 37,230 44,895 49,275 18,615 214,985 26,280 40,880 69,715 54,020 87,600 51,830 56,210 Total Inmate Days Per Survey 151,031 98,370 91,250 85,795 255,521 163,663 731,777 101,470 154,395 57,894 94,473 87,412 82,653 54,750 85,147 64,203 51,376 63,762 55,699 63,254 66,607 34,394 229,844 40,990 55,587 83,950 68,248 101,202 64,843 67,863 Number of Inmates Days Over Populated (Under Populated) During Fiscal Year 54,671 46,540 41,975 41,630 36,521 32,628 31,342 30,660 29,565 29,424 24,028 23,902 22,793 22,265 20,907 20,768 20,716 18,867 18,469 18,359 17,332 15,779 14,859 14,710 14,707 14,235 14,228 13,602 13,013 11,653 Page 108 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Population - Over Populated (Under Populated) Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Center Letcher Montgomery Warren Hart Rockcastle Harlan Shelby Casey Mason Franklin Union Greenup Calloway Bourbon Rowan Hickman Bell Lewis Powell Russell Butler Clinton Monroe Estill Allen Graves Grant Caldwell Todd Scott Hancock DOC Bed Rating Multiplied By 365 Days DOC Bed Rating 54 119 562 131 69 64 118 154 109 284 35 96 149 72 112 75 55 54 19 18 37 18 18 15 64 120 300 32 16 76 10 19,710 43,435 205,130 47,815 25,185 23,360 43,070 56,210 39,785 103,660 12,775 35,040 54,385 26,280 40,880 27,375 20,075 19,710 6,935 6,570 13,505 6,570 6,570 5,475 23,360 43,800 109,500 11,680 5,840 27,740 3,650 Total Inmate Days Per Survey 31,025 54,750 216,019 58,522 35,430 33,580 53,290 65,308 46,960 109,500 18,250 40,330 59,567 31,025 45,625 32,118 24,276 23,725 10,950 10,220 16,425 9,490 9,490 8,030 25,756 45,625 110,900 12,737 6,570 28,272 3,650 Number of Inmates Days Over Populated (Under Populated) During Fiscal Year 11,315 11,315 10,889 10,707 10,245 10,220 10,220 9,098 7,175 5,840 5,475 5,290 5,182 4,745 4,745 4,743 4,201 4,015 4,015 3,650 2,920 2,920 2,920 2,555 2,396 1,825 1,400 1,057 730 532 Page 109 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Population - Over Populated (Under Populated) Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Center Oldham Carter Marshall Webster Crittenden Livingston Ohio Simpson Jackson Larue Breathitt Knott Trigg Breckinridge Ballard Hopkins Muhlenberg McCreary Meade Woodford Grayson Henderson DOC Bed Rating Multiplied By 365 Days DOC Bed Rating 80 139 149 100 20 15 52 174 35 120 17 15 20 190 76 390 239 51 156 95 589 465 29,200 50,735 54,385 36,500 7,300 5,475 18,980 63,510 12,775 43,800 6,205 5,475 7,300 69,350 27,740 142,350 87,235 18,615 56,940 34,675 214,985 169,725 Total Inmate Days Per Survey 29,124 50,559 53,716 35,772 6,435 4,380 17,520 62,050 10,950 41,975 4,125 2,555 4,380 66,150 24,495 138,100 82,125 12,426 49,941 27,464 204,385 152,261 Number of Inmates Days Over Populated (Under Populated) During Fiscal Year (76) (176) (669) (728) (865) (1,095) (1,460) (1,460) (1,825) (1,825) (2,080) (2,920) (2,920) (3,200) (3,245) (4,250) (5,110) (6,189) (6,999) (7,211) (10,600) (17,464) Page 110 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Population - Over Populated (Under Populated) Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Center Hardin Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Bullitt DOC Bed Rating Multiplied By 365 Days DOC Bed Rating Total Inmate Days Per Survey Number of Inmates Days Over Populated (Under Populated) During Fiscal Year 506 184,690 161,193 (23,497) 1,280 304 467,200 110,960 438,000 64,924 (29,200) (46,036) 15,667 5,718,455 6,429,843 711,388 Average 182 66,494 74,766 8,369 Median 119 43,435 54,233 5,182 Totals Page 111 Kentucky Detention Centers Jail Capacity Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Center Adair Allen Ballard Barren Bell Big Sandy Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle/Mercer Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt Butler Caldwell Calloway Campbell Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden Daviess Estill Floyd Franklin Fulton Grant Computed Average Number Of Inmates In Facility Each Day DOC Bed Rating 51 64 76 119 55 121 176 72 89 174 17 190 304 37 32 149 135 78 139 154 600 154 194 18 20 589 15 102 284 193 300 94 71 67 176 67 235 233 85 150 239 11 181 178 45 35 163 182 159 139 179 700 186 278 26 18 630 22 153 300 259 304 Over Populated Based On Average Number Of Inmates In Facility Each Day (Under Populated) Based On Average Number Of Inmates In Facility Each Day 43 7 (9) 57 12 114 57 13 61 65 (6) (9) (126) 8 3 14 47 81 25 100 32 84 8 (2) 41 7 51 16 66 4 Page 112 Kentucky Detention Centers Jail Capacity Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Center Graves Grayson Greenup Hancock Hardin Harlan Hart Henderson Hickman Hopkins Jackson Jessamine Kenton Knott LaRue Laurel Letcher Lewis Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Lincoln Livingston Logan Louisville Metropolitan Madison Marion Marshall Mason Computed Average Number Of Inmates In Facility Each Day Bed Rating By DOC 120 589 96 10 506 64 131 465 75 390 35 112 359 15 120 264 54 54 125 560 110 9 442 92 160 417 88 378 30 152 448 7 115 414 85 65 1,280 72 15 123 1,919 191 240 149 109 1,200 112 12 173 2,005 230 277 147 129 Over Populated Based On Average Number Of Inmates In Facility Each Day (Under Populated) Based On Average Number Of Inmates In Facility Each Day 5 (29) 14 (1) (64) 28 29 (48) 13 (12) (5) 40 89 (8) (5) 150 31 11 (80) 40 (3) 50 86 39 37 (2) 20 Page 113 Kentucky Detention Centers Jail Capacity Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Center McCracken McCreary Meade Monroe Montgomery Muhlenberg Nelson Ohio Oldham Perry Pike Powell Pulaski Rockcastle Rowan Russell Scott Shelby Simpson Three Forks Regional Todd Trigg Union Warren Wayne Computed Average Number Of Inmates In Facility Each Day Bed Rating By DOC 342 51 156 18 119 239 84 52 80 135 142 19 164 69 112 18 76 118 174 142 16 20 35 562 123 423 34 137 26 150 225 141 48 80 250 270 30 226 97 125 28 77 146 170 178 18 12 50 592 175 Over Populated Based On Average Number Of Inmates In Facility Each Day (Under Populated) Based On Average Number Of Inmates In Facility Each Day 81 (17) (19) 8 31 (14) 57 (4) 115 128 11 62 28 13 10 1 28 (4) 36 2 (8) 15 30 52 Page 114 Kentucky Detention Centers Jail Capacity Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Center Webster Whitley Woodford Computed Average Number Of Inmates In Facility Each Day Bed Rating By DOC Over Populated Based On Average Number Of Inmates In Facility Each Day (Under Populated) Based On Average Number Of Inmates In Facility Each Day 100 148 95 98 187 75 39 15,667 17,615 2,445 (497) Average 182 205 41 (21) Median 119 149 32 (9) Totals (2) (20) Page 115 Kentucky Detention Centers Types of Inmates Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Center Adair Allen Ballard Barren Bell Big Sandy Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle/Mercer Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt Butler Caldwell Calloway Campbell Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden Daviess Estill Floyd Franklin Fulton Grant Graves Grayson Greenup Total Inmate Days 34,394 25,756 24,495 64,203 24,276 85,795 85,147 31,025 54,750 87,412 4,125 66,150 64,924 16,425 12,737 59,567 66,607 57,894 50,559 65,308 255,521 67,863 101,470 9,490 6,435 229,844 8,030 55,699 109,500 94,473 110,900 45,625 204,385 40,330 State Inmate Days 9,844 17,534 11,593 27,468 1,154 23,803 32,044 2,920 10,375 37,088 Housing Other Counties Inmate Days Federal Inmate Days 12 23 4 49,275 25,446 8,845 35,008 26,135 21,003 8,315 43,008 112,099 18,123 39,329 113,627 11,848 43,909 77,806 45,625 22,550 82,125 14,600 14,716 1,097 1,980 6,269 6,743 141 4,380 127 1,250 6,750 3,650 136 4,664 7,229 8 25,212 6,326 871 198 26 36,472 86,125 180 22,347 2,067 13,110 15,701 2,693 19,713 960 24,769 202 22,285 2,665 7,399 5,110 County Inmate Days 9,834 7,125 10,922 30,454 23,122 55,226 52,962 23,725 44,248 49,070 4,125 10,125 35,828 7,444 8,073 17,330 40,464 14,544 14,965 9,190 121,395 46,176 42,428 9,490 5,475 91,250 8,030 43,649 43,280 14,002 21,404 23,075 31,025 25,550 Page 116 Kentucky Detention Centers Types of Inmates Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Center Hancock Hardin Harlan Hart Henderson Hickman Hopkins Jackson Jessamine Kenton Knott Larue Laurel Letcher Lewis Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Lincoln Livingston Logan Louisville Metropolitan Madison Marion Marshall Mason McCracken McCreary Meade Monroe Montgomery Muhlenberg Total Inmate Days 3,285 161,193 33,580 58,522 152,261 32,118 138,100 10,950 55,587 163,663 2,555 41,975 151,031 31,025 23,725 State Inmate Days Federal Inmate Days Housing Other Counties Inmate Days 30 3,285 74,624 33,580 18,756 56,454 4,884 52,972 10,950 34,989 106,093 2,555 7,300 85,838 27,375 10,555 57 13,067 2 1,460 353,294 11,315 4,378 43,362 77,218 9,351 39,695 48,981 21,444 83,618 71 20,486 5,790 1,510 20,567 57,183 29,200 34,246 3,650 13,140 438,000 40,990 4,380 63,254 51,864 16,608 731,777 83,950 101,202 53,716 46,960 154,395 12,426 49,941 9,490 54,750 82,125 91,557 20,075 50,995 42,199 15,341 44,895 3,722 29,626 1,576 12,775 54,750 26,340 142 31 245 17,547 5,475 13,400 32,785 18,432 County Inmate Days 153 25 30,381 3,788 9,578 4,745 25,550 730 640,067 63,850 19,826 7,729 22,041 104,755 8,704 20,315 7,914 16,425 26,645 Page 117 Kentucky Detention Centers Types of Inmates Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Center Nelson Ohio Oldham Perry Pike Powell Pulaski Rockcastle Rowan Russell Scott Shelby Simpson Three Forks Regional Todd Trigg Union Warren Wayne Webster Whitley Woodford Total Inmate Days 51,376 17,520 29,124 91,250 98,370 10,950 82,653 35,430 45,625 10,220 28,272 53,290 62,050 State Inmate Days Federal Inmate Days Housing Other Counties Inmate Days 4,270 6,576 12,500 25,699 1,095 47,000 27,667 15,695 157 2,324 5,000 8,266 2,426 4,250 366 13,140 9,144 16,425 49,275 858 2,550 47,106 17,363 11,958 73,750 70,245 9,855 31,037 7,763 16,790 10,220 18,270 34,315 12,775 64,843 6,570 4,380 18,250 216,019 63,762 35,772 68,248 27,464 110,765 40,412 17,668 25,550 11,010 35,688 44 1,751 469 1,039 2,030 32,198 3,285 4,380 18,250 67,815 22,837 18,104 42,698 13,385 6,429,478 2,312,537 284,162 372,545 3,460,234 Average 74,761 32,119 11,840 6,536 40,235 Median 54,233 25,498 955 3,650 20,860 Totals 32,645 3,285 County Inmate Days The state prisoners for Bell and Webster County were calculated amounts. Page 118 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 119 Kentucky Detention Centers Placement of State Prisoners and Overpopulation Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Center Carroll Big Sandy Pike Adair Perry Boyd Nelson Powell Letcher Laurel Lincoln Floyd Barren Monroe Clay Union Wayne Rockcastle Logan Pulaski Boyle/Mercer Jessamine Campbell Fulton Boone Whitley Montgomery Three Forks Kenton Shelby McCracken Butler DOC Bed Rating 78 121 142 51 135 89 84 19 54 264 72 102 119 18 194 35 123 69 123 164 174 112 135 193 176 148 119 142 359 118 342 37 Average Inmates Per Day (Calculated) 159 235 270 94 250 150 141 30 85 414 112 153 176 26 278 50 175 97 173 226 239 152 182 259 233 187 150 178 448 146 423 45 Percent Over Crowed 203% 194% 190% 185% 185% 169% 168% 158% 157% 157% 156% 150% 148% 144% 143% 143% 142% 141% 141% 138% 138% 136% 135% 134% 133% 126% 126% 125% 125% 124% 124% 122% Net Capacity After County And Other Inmates (23) (49) (57) (16) (81) (33) (45) (8) (21) (56) 5 (18) 18 (4) 24 (15) 59 48 0 66 36 16 24 147 31 31 4 54 67 17 42 16 Average State Inmates Per Day 58 65 70 27 34 28 12 3 10 94 46 32 75 4 108 111 76 50 129 102 56 72 213 88 70 35 89 157 45 123 24 Inmates In Excess Of Capacity (Under Capacity) 81 114 128 43 115 61 57 11 31 150 40 51 57 8 84 15 52 28 50 62 65 40 47 66 57 39 31 36 89 28 81 8 Page 120 Kentucky Detention Centers Placement of State Prisoners and Overpopulation Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Center Hart Lewis Bell Clark Madison Mason Hickman Bourbon Christian Casey Marion Todd Greenup Rowan Allen Calloway Daviess Franklin Warren Graves Louisville Metropolitan Scott Grant Oldham Carter Marshall Simpson Webster Hopkins LaRue DOC Bed Rating Average Inmates Per Day (Calculated) Percent Over Crowed Net Capacity After County And Other Inmates Average State Inmates Per Day Inmates In Excess Of Capacity (Under Capacity) 131 54 55 154 191 109 75 72 600 154 240 16 96 112 64 149 589 284 562 120 160 65 67 186 230 129 88 85 700 179 277 18 110 125 71 163 630 300 592 125 122% 120% 121% 121% 120% 118% 117% 118% 117% 116% 116% 113% 115% 112% 110% 110% 107% 106% 105% 104% 79 25 (12) 18 16 22 46 (5) 207 93 102 7 26 30 41 82 271 104 274 57 109 36 50 55 42 59 8 307 118 140 9 40 43 48 96 311 120 303 62 29 11 12 32 39 20 13 13 100 25 37 2 14 13 7 14 41 16 30 5 1,919 76 300 80 139 149 174 100 390 120 2,005 77 304 80 139 147 170 98 378 115 104% 102% 101% 100% 100% 99% 98% 98% 97% 96% 165 24 121 18 23 117 139 2 241 85 251 25 125 18 23 116 135 229 80 86 1 4 (0) (0) (2) (4) (2) (12) (5) Page 121 Kentucky Detention Centers Placement of State Prisoners and Overpopulation Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Center Breckinridge Grayson Muhlenberg DOC Bed Rating Average Inmates Per Day (Calculated) Percent Over Crowed Net Capacity After County And Other Inmates Average State Inmates Per Day Inmates In Excess Of Capacity (Under Capacity) 190 589 239 181 560 225 95% 95% 94% 144 254 164 135 225 150 (9) (29) (14) 1,280 465 76 156 506 95 51 304 1,200 417 67 137 442 75 34 178 94% 90% 88% 88% 87% 79% 67% 59% 222 182 41 100 276 50 27 196 142 134 32 81 212 30 10 70 (80) (48) (9) (19) (64) (20) (17) (126) 15,336 17,265 8976% 4,355 6,284 1,929 Average 210 237 123% 60 86 26 Median 131 163 120% 31 70 25 Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Henderson Ballard Meade Hardin Woodford McCreary Bullitt Totals Page 122 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Including Debt Service In $ Actual Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Boone $49.13$43.69$75.90 Kenton Campbell G Tr im bl e allatin Pendleton Carroll Bracken Grant $20.76 Mason $31.69 $38.17 Owen Greenup Lewis Robertson Henry $33.48 $36.83 Harrison Oldham $53.60 Fleming Nicholas Franklin Shelby Jefferson $32.31 $33.03 Bourbon $21.62 $49.32 $53.60 Boyd Carter Scott $73.07 Rowan $75.95 $26.20 Bath Elliott Woodford Spencer Anderson Meade $24.09 k oc nc Ha Henderson Union $42.15 Hardin Livingston Crittenden Hopkins $51.94 $32.23 Ohio Grayson $29.51 $36.60 $34.92 $32.86 Trigg $19.67 Hickman Jackson Adair Pulaski $32.07 Knott Perry $84.44 $21.96 Laurel Clay $19.00 $23.48 Letcher Leslie $24.21 Russell Metcalfe $34.92 $24.93 Knox Wayne Allen $25.54 Pike $26.28 Owsley $34.31 $26.19 $21.81 Cumberland $35.54 $32.68 Fulton Logan $30.46 Simpson Graves $28.96 Todd $34.77 $68.30 $26.24 Barren $27.14 $55.12 Floyd Breathitt Rockcastle Casey Green $31.61 Warren $58.06 Lee ar ra rd Lincoln Hart Christian $27.07 Carlisle G $26.65 $36.99 Marshall $51.56 $22.64 Lyon McCracken Marion $23.71 Magoffin Edmonson Butler $34.19 Caldwell $83.27 Larue $27.39 Martin Wolfe Estill $19.66 Taylor Muhlenberg Ballard Madison Boyle McLean Johnson $52.33 $25.01 $37.80 Morgan Powell $29.50 Washington $25.65 Daviess $27.38 Menifee Jessamine Mercer Nelson $23.08 Webster $29.85 Clark $22.67 $39.44 Breckinridge $64.53 $28.64 $60.87 $53.06 Bullitt Lawrence Montgomery Fayette Monroe $28.40 Clinton $23.93 $27.01 McCreary $45.39 Whitley $28.84 Harlan Bell $29.47 $34.34 Calloway $26.15 $22.66 % 46.99 27.71 16.87 8.43 Count 39 23 14 7 Big Sandy Regional Detention Center Boyle/Mercer Detention Center – Joint Venture Three Forks Regional Detention Center 29.20 31.00 24.70 Average $36.25 Page 123 Range 19.00 – 30.46 30.47 – 40.44 42.15 – 61.87 64.53 – 84.44 Page 124 Page 125 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Including Debt Service Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Centers Knott Livingston Bourbon Campbell Scott Breathitt Hancock Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Trigg Todd Oldham Louisville Metropolitan Woodford Powell Crittenden Estill Shelby Boone McCreary Kenton Union Bullitt Mason Hardin Caldwell Lewis Grayson Simpson Russell Ballard Floyd Franklin Bell Jackson Muhlenberg Inmate Cost Per Day $ 84.44 83.27 75.95 75.90 73.07 68.30 64.53 60.87 58.06 55.12 53.60 53.60 53.06 52.33 51.94 51.56 49.32 49.13 45.39 43.69 42.15 39.44 38.17 37.80 36.99 36.83 36.60 35.54 34.92 34.92 34.77 34.69 34.34 34.31 34.19 Page 126 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Including Debt Service Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Greenup Carter McCracken Graves Boyd Hopkins Pulaski Grant Butler Boyle/Mercer Logan Montgomery Ohio Jessamine Harlan Big Sandy Regional Hickman Whitley Henderson Monroe LaRue Webster Warren Marshall Clinton Hart Pike Casey Rowan Rockcastle Calloway Breckinridge Allen Nelson Inmate Cost Per Day $ 33.48 33.03 32.86 32.68 32.31 32.23 32.07 31.69 31.61 31.00 30.46 29.85 29.51 29.50 29.47 29.20 28.96 28.84 28.64 28.40 27.39 27.38 27.14 27.07 27.01 26.65 26.28 26.24 26.20 26.19 26.15 25.65 25.54 25.01 Page 127 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Including Debt Service Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Barren Three Forks Regional Jail Letcher Meade Wayne Marion Clay Daviess Clark Fulton Lincoln Perry Adair Carroll Christian Madison Laurel $ 24.93 24.70 24.21 24.09 23.93 23.71 23.48 23.08 22.67 22.66 22.64 21.96 21.81 20.76 19.67 19.66 19.00 Total $ 3,117.43 Average Cost Per Day Per Inmate $ 36.25 Median Cost Per Day Per Inmate $ 31.65 Page 128 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 129 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Including Debt Service Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Centers Adair Allen Ballard Barren Bell Big Sandy Regional Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle/Mercer Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt Butler Caldwell Calloway Campbell Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden Daviess Estill Floyd Franklin Fulton Grant Graves Grayson Greenup Hancock Inmate Cost Per Day $ 21.81 25.54 34.92 24.93 34.34 29.20 49.13 75.95 32.31 31.00 68.30 25.65 39.44 31.61 36.99 26.15 75.90 20.76 33.03 26.24 19.67 22.67 23.48 27.01 51.94 23.08 51.56 34.77 34.69 22.66 31.69 32.68 36.60 33.48 64.53 Page 130 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Including Debt Service Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Hardin Harlan Hart Henderson Hickman Hopkins Jackson Jessamine Kenton Knott LaRue Laurel Letcher Lewis Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Lincoln Livingston Logan Louisville Metropolitan Madison Marion Marshall Mason McCracken McCreary Meade Monroe Montgomery Muhlenberg Nelson Ohio Oldham Perry Inmate Cost Per Day $ 37.80 29.47 26.65 28.64 28.96 32.23 34.31 29.50 43.69 84.44 27.39 19.00 24.21 36.83 60.87 22.64 83.27 30.46 53.60 19.66 23.71 27.07 38.17 32.86 45.39 24.09 28.40 29.85 34.19 25.01 29.51 53.60 21.96 Page 131 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Including Debt Service Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Pike Powell Pulaski Rockcastle Rowan Russell Scott Shelby Simpson Three Forks Regional Todd Trigg Union Warren Wayne Webster Whitley Woodford $ 26.28 52.33 32.07 26.19 26.20 34.92 73.07 49.32 35.54 24.70 55.12 58.06 42.15 27.14 23.93 27.38 28.84 53.06 Total $ 3,117.43 Average Cost Per Day Per Inmate $ 36.25 Median Cost Per Day Per Inmate $ 31.65 Page 132 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Excluding Debt Service In $ Actual Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Boone $33.61$40.26$49.66 Kenton Campbell G Tr im bl e allatin Pendleton Carroll Bracken Grant $20.76 Mason $26.42 $34.58 Owen Greenup Lewis Robertson Henry $27.41 $32.13 Harrison Oldham $53.60 Fleming Nicholas Franklin Shelby Jefferson $25.59 $25.57 Bourbon $28.89 $36.29 $53.60 Boyd Carter Scott $71.14 Rowan $31.41 $23.51 Bath Elliott Woodford Spencer Anderson Meade $24.09 k oc nc Ha Henderson Union $37.19 Hardin Livingston Crittenden Hopkins $50.08 $25.10 Ohio Grayson $29.51 $33.00 $32.41 $29.88 Trigg $16.69 Hickman Jackson Adair Pulaski $28.14 Knott Perry $77.74 $17.36 Laurel Clay $18.34 $17.74 Letcher Leslie $24.21 Russell Metcalfe $34.92 $23.74 Knox Wayne Allen $25.54 Pike $22.51 Owsley $34.31 $22.51 $20.74 Cumberland $30.02 $29.30 Fulton Logan $25.16 Simpson Graves $22.95 Todd $26.40 $63.21 $19.48 Barren $23.18 $53.43 Floyd Breathitt Rockcastle Casey Green $31.61 Warren $58.06 Lee ar ra rd Lincoln Hart Christian $27.07 Carlisle G $23.48 $36.99 Marshall $50.06 $22.64 Lyon McCracken Marion $19.96 Magoffin Edmonson Butler $25.30 Caldwell $83.27 Larue $22.23 Martin Wolfe Estill $19.66 Taylor Muhlenberg Ballard Madison Boyle McLean Johnson $46.30 $25.01 $32.80 Morgan Powell $27.67 Washington $18.95 Daviess $25.36 Menifee Jessamine Mercer Nelson $21.15 Webster $28.55 Clark $20.42 $39.44 Breckinridge $64.53 $24.61 $51.60 $45.70 Bullitt Lawrence Montgomery Fayette Monroe $28.40 Clinton $18.39 $27.01 McCreary $43.40 Whitley $22.36 Harlan Bell $29.47 $34.34 Calloway $20.10 $21.53 % 48.19 30.12 15.66 6.02 Count 40 25 13 5 Big Sandy Regional Detention Center Boyle/Mercer Detention Center – Joint Venture Three Forks Regional Detention Center 21.16 26.36 19.82 Average $32.07 Page 133 Range 16.69 – 27.41 27.42 – 38.19 39.44 – 59.06 63.21 – 83.27 Page 134 Page 135 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Excluding Debt Service Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Centers Livingston Knott Scott Hancock Breathitt Trigg Oldham Louisville Metropolitan Todd Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Crittenden Estill Campbell Powell Woodford McCreary Kenton Bullitt Union Caldwell Shelby Russell Mason Bell Jackson Boone Grayson Hardin Ballard Lewis Butler Bourbon Simpson McCracken Ohio Inmate Cost Per Day $ 83.27 77.74 71.14 64.53 63.21 58.06 53.60 53.60 53.43 51.60 50.08 50.06 49.66 46.30 45.70 43.40 40.26 39.44 37.19 36.99 36.29 34.92 34.58 34.34 34.31 33.61 33.00 32.80 32.41 32.13 31.61 31.41 30.02 29.88 29.51 Page 136 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Excluding Debt Service Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Harlan Graves Franklin Montgomery Monroe Pulaski Jessamine Greenup Marshall Clinton Grant Floyd Boyle/Mercer Boyd Carter Allen Webster Muhlenberg Logan Hopkins Nelson Henderson Letcher Meade Barren Rowan Hart Warren Hickman Lincoln Pike Rockcastle Whitley LaRue Inmate Cost Per Day $ 29.47 29.30 28.89 28.55 28.40 28.14 27.67 27.41 27.07 27.01 26.42 26.40 26.36 25.59 25.57 25.54 25.36 25.30 25.16 25.10 25.01 24.61 24.21 24.09 23.74 23.51 23.48 23.18 22.95 22.64 22.51 22.51 22.36 22.23 Page 137 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Excluding Debt Service Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Fulton Big Sandy Regional Daviess Carroll Adair Clark Calloway Marion Three Forks Regional Jail Madison Casey Breckinridge Wayne Laurel Clay Perry Christian $ 21.53 21.16 21.15 20.76 20.74 20.42 20.10 19.96 19.82 19.66 19.48 18.95 18.39 18.34 17.74 17.36 16.69 Total $ 2,674.80 Average Cost Per Day Per Inmate $ 31.47 Median Cost Per Day Per Inmate $ 27.07 Page 138 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 139 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Excluding Debt Service Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Centers Adair Allen Ballard Barren Bell Big Sandy Regional Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle/Mercer Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt Butler Caldwell Calloway Campbell Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden Daviess Estill Floyd Franklin Fulton Grant Graves Grayson Greenup Hancock Inmate Cost Per Day $ 20.74 25.54 32.41 23.74 34.34 21.16 33.61 31.41 25.59 26.36 63.21 18.95 39.44 31.61 36.99 20.10 49.66 20.76 25.57 19.48 16.69 20.42 17.74 27.01 50.08 21.15 50.06 26.40 28.89 21.53 26.42 29.30 33.00 27.41 64.53 Page 140 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Excluding Debt Service Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Hardin Harlan Hart Henderson Hickman Hopkins Jackson Jessamine Kenton Knott LaRue Laurel Letcher Lewis Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Lincoln Livingston Logan Louisville Metropolitan Madison Marion Marshall Mason McCracken McCreary Meade Monroe Montgomery Muhlenberg Nelson Ohio Oldham Perry Inmate Cost Per Day $ 32.80 29.47 23.48 24.61 22.95 25.10 34.31 27.67 40.26 77.74 22.23 18.34 24.21 32.13 51.60 22.64 83.27 25.16 53.60 19.66 19.96 27.07 34.58 29.88 43.40 24.09 28.40 28.55 25.30 25.01 29.51 53.60 17.36 Page 141 Kentucky Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Excluding Debt Service Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Inmate Cost Per Day Pike Powell Pulaski Rockcastle Rowan Russell Scott Shelby Simpson Three Forks Regional Jail Todd Trigg Union Warren Wayne Webster Whitley Woodford $ 22.51 46.30 28.14 22.51 23.51 34.92 71.14 36.29 30.02 19.82 53.43 58.06 37.19 23.18 18.39 25.36 22.36 45.70 Total $ 2,758.07 Average Cost Per Day Per Inmate $ 32.07 Median Cost Per Day Per Inmate $ 27.24 Page 142 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Percentage of State Inmates Needed To Break Even Based On Inmate Cost Per Day Percentage of State Inmates 100.0% 100.0% 95.1% 90.0% 88.5% 81.9% 80.0% 75.4% 68.8% 70.0% 62.3% 60.0% 50.0% $19.00 $21.00 $23.00 $25.00 $27.00 S1 $29.00 $30.51 Facility Inmate Cost Per Day Page 143 Note: This schedule was prepared based on a state reimbursement rate of $30.51 per inmate per day. Page 144 Page 145 Kentucky Detention Centers Percentage of State Inmates Needed to Break Even Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Inmate Cost Per Day Percentage of State Inmates Needed $ 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 30.00 30.51 49.16% 52.44% 55.72% 59.00% 62.27% 65.55% 68.83% 72.11% 75.39% 78.66% 81.94% 85.22% 88.50% 91.77% 95.05% 98.33% 100.00% $ 390.51 1279.94% $ 22.97 75.29% $ 23.00 75.39% Page 146 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Kentucky Detention Centers Food Cost Per Meal In $ Actual Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Boone $1.88 $0.82 $1.09 Kenton Campbell tin Galla Tr im bl e Pendleton Carroll Bracken Grant $2.54 Mason $0.76 $1.01 Owen Greenup Lewis Robertson Henry $1.76 $1.42 Harrison Oldham $2.17 Fleming Nicholas Shelby Jefferson $1.68 $1.29 Bourbon $0.65 $1.40 $0.74 Boyd Carter Scott $2.12 Franklin Rowan $1.33 $1.40 Bath Elliott Woodford Spencer Meade Bullitt $1.16 Ha k oc nc $3.14 $1.23 Union Henderson $1.30 Hardin Livingston Ohio Grayson $1.52 $1.20 $1.66 Taylor Caldwell Hart Carlisle Christian $0.80 $1.04 Trigg $3.24 $1.61 Logan $2.50 $1.20 Knott $0.97 Perry Laurel Adair Pulaski $2.88 $0.67 $0.66 $1.67 Clay $1.02 Leslie Letcher $1.42 Russell $4.13 Barren $0.94 Knox Wayne Allen $1.03 Pike $2.91 Owsley $3.00 Rockcastle $1.34 Cumberland $1.80 $2.49 Fulton Todd $1.72 $4.66 $0.79 Metcalfe $0.92 Simpson Graves Hickman Green $1.17 Warren Marshall Floyd Breathitt Jackson Casey $2.38 $0.65 Lee ar ra rd Edmonson Butler $1.44 Magoffin $1.44 Lincoln Lyon McCracken $1.04 G $1.39 $0.84 $1.17 $4.15 $1.77 $1.26 Hopkins Muhlenberg Ballard Marion Martin Wolfe Estill $1.37 Boyle McLean Crittenden Madison Larue Johnson $2.00 $1.14 $1.12 Morgan Powell $1.33 Mercer Washington $1.24 $1.14 $1.26 Menifee Jessamine Nelson Daviess Webster $1.47 Clark $2.50 $1.14 Breckinridge $1.07 $1.92 Lawrence Montgomery Fayette Anderson Monroe $1.59 Clinton $1.53 $1.78 McCreary Whitley $1.43 $1.84 Harlan Bell $1.25 $1.00 Calloway $0.74 $1.16 % 38.55 43.37 14.46 3.61 Count 32 36 12 3 Big Sandy Regional Detention Center Boyle/Mercer Detention Center – Joint Venture Three Forks Regional Detention Center 0.87 1.36 1.92 Average $1.56 Page 147 Range .65 – 1.23 1.23 – 2.12 2.13 – 4.13 4.14 – 4.66 Page 148 Page 149 Kentucky Detention Centers Food Cost Per Meal Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Centers Breathitt Livingston Russell Trigg Hancock Jackson Pike Pulaski Carroll Todd Clark Graves Hart Oldham Scott Powell Three Forks Woodford Boone Whitley Simpson Clinton McCracken Greenup Floyd Boyd Perry Ballard Hickman Monroe Wayne Ohio Montgomery Estill Food Cost And Equipment Food Preparation Salaries Total Food Costs Cost Per Meal $ $ $ $ 52,874.28 18,378.78 35,463.59 14,191.37 14,719.69 98,636.40 284,372.54 299,251.10 146,048.96 43,602.86 136,664.69 154,337.88 139,021.61 146,225.73 202,400.33 57,221.75 126,750.99 117,345.28 471,813.93 312,315.65 265,122.36 24,629.20 848,416.29 170,881.55 196,411.57 229,531.99 221,284.81 50,601.50 95,001.99 37,533.00 248,255.00 57,619.08 173,319.07 31,555.38 11,212.12 36,140.19 21,989.93 23,712.76 16,254.10 31,687.90 60,944.28 26,670.26 52,174.71 69,034.44 60,282.22 38,346.61 174,209.20 45,471.76 91,012.10 27,622.28 47,131.21 75.00 68,934.97 64,086.40 54,518.97 57,453.52 37,904.13 30,973.79 130,324.30 345,316.82 325,921.36 198,223.67 43,602.86 205,699.13 154,337.88 139,021.61 146,225.73 262,682.55 57,221.75 165,097.60 117,345.28 471,813.93 312,315.65 265,122.36 24,629.20 1,022,625.49 216,353.31 287,423.67 257,154.27 221,284.81 97,732.71 95,076.99 37,533.00 248,255.00 57,619.08 242,254.04 31,555.38 4.66 4.15 4.13 3.24 3.14 3.00 2.91 2.88 2.54 2.50 2.50 2.49 2.38 2.17 2.12 2.00 1.92 1.92 1.88 1.84 1.80 1.78 1.77 1.76 1.72 1.68 1.67 1.66 1.61 1.59 1.53 1.52 1.47 1.44 Page 150 Kentucky Detention Centers Food Cost Per Meal Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Muhlenberg McCreary Lewis Letcher Shelby Rowan Lincoln Madison Boyle/Mercer Adair Bourbon Jessamine Union Carter Webster Larue Harlan Breckinridge Henderson Logan Grayson Butler Crittenden Meade Fulton Bullitt Nelson Daviess Hardin Campbell Food Cost And Equipment Food Preparation Salaries $ $ 258,234.56 62,484.73 60,838.37 131,816.11 235,620.41 109,305.05 138,699.53 363,672.24 289,216.59 86,738.71 123,674.48 191,076.10 50,686.08 140,372.92 141,522.85 169,817.52 75,001.98 185,175.93 488,086.90 209,558.82 650,785.46 53,674.78 19,601.96 198,244.00 264,600.25 233,932.30 167,984.06 719,723.93 537,932.25 202,192.03 - 40,413.29 42,554.22 41,759.17 68,090.00 59,072.77 53,564.77 30,161.14 54,706.54 17,784.14 58,993.64 77,680.41 48,030.16 52,697.36 61,087.99 116,378.30 Total Food Costs Cost Per Meal $ $ 258,234.56 62,484.73 60,838.37 172,229.40 278,174.63 151,064.22 138,699.53 431,762.24 348,289.36 140,303.48 123,674.48 221,237.24 50,686.08 195,079.46 159,306.99 169,817.52 75,001.98 244,169.57 565,767.31 209,558.82 650,785.46 53,674.78 19,601.96 246,274.16 264,600.25 286,629.66 167,984.06 780,811.92 654,310.55 202,192.03 1.44 1.43 1.42 1.42 1.40 1.40 1.39 1.37 1.36 1.34 1.33 1.33 1.30 1.29 1.26 1.26 1.25 1.24 1.23 1.20 1.20 1.17 1.17 1.16 1.16 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.12 1.09 Page 151 Kentucky Detention Centers Food Cost Per Meal Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Marion Christian Allen Clay Mason Bell Rockcastle Barren Warren Big Sandy Hopkins Kenton Marshall Casey Grant Louisville Metropolitan Calloway Laurel Knott Caldwell Franklin Food Cost And Equipment Food Preparation Salaries $ 1,443,780.00 237,129.71 872,503.85 79,247.94 225,698.73 117,415.90 134,437.69 181,873.29 186,556.95 544,108.60 168,802.62 314,625.80 387,795.00 112,668.27 160,052.29 245,303.65 $ - 76,979.37 33,794.09 37,410.75 55,100.00 58,345.31 Total Food Costs Cost Per Meal $ 1,443,780.00 237,129.71 872,503.85 79,247.94 302,678.10 117,415.90 168,231.78 219,284.04 186,556.95 544,108.60 223,902.62 314,625.80 387,795.00 171,013.58 160,052.29 245,303.65 $ 1,770,061.00 81,801.21 269,428.92 25,315.58 24,941.67 225,340.06 1.07 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.00 0.97 0.94 0.92 0.87 0.84 0.82 0.80 0.79 0.76 1,770,061.00 81,801.21 269,428.92 25,315.58 24,941.67 225,340.06 0.74 0.74 0.67 0.66 0.65 0.65 Totals $ 19,890,959.83 $ 1,987,509.46 $ 21,878,469.29 $ 134.55 Average $ 231,290.23 $ 48,475.84 $ 254,400.81 $ 1.56 Median $ 168,393.34 $ 47,131.21 $ 196,651.57 $ 1.35 Page 152 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 153 Kentucky Detention Centers Food Cost Per Meal Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Centers Adair Allen Ballard Barren Bell Big Sandy Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle/Mercer Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt Butler Caldwell Calloway Campbell Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden Daviess Estill Floyd Franklin Fulton Grant Graves Grayson Greenup Hancock Food Cost And Equipment Food Preparation Salaries Total Food Costs Cost Per Meal $ $ $ $ 86,738.71 79,247.94 50,601.50 186,556.95 134,437.69 168,802.62 471,813.93 123,674.48 229,531.99 289,216.59 52,874.28 185,175.93 233,932.30 53,674.78 24,941.67 81,801.21 202,192.03 146,048.96 140,372.92 160,052.29 872,503.85 136,664.69 225,698.73 24,629.20 19,601.96 719,723.93 31,555.38 196,411.57 225,340.06 264,600.25 245,303.65 154,337.88 650,785.46 170,881.55 14,719.69 53,564.77 47,131.21 33,794.09 55,100.00 27,622.28 59,072.77 11,212.12 58,993.64 52,697.36 52,174.71 54,706.54 69,034.44 76,979.37 61,087.99 91,012.10 45,471.76 16,254.10 140,303.48 79,247.94 97,732.71 186,556.95 168,231.78 223,902.62 471,813.93 123,674.48 257,154.27 348,289.36 64,086.40 244,169.57 286,629.66 53,674.78 24,941.67 81,801.21 202,192.03 198,223.67 195,079.46 160,052.29 872,503.85 205,699.13 302,678.10 24,629.20 19,601.96 780,811.92 31,555.38 287,423.67 225,340.06 264,600.25 245,303.65 154,337.88 650,785.46 216,353.31 30,973.79 1.34 1.03 1.66 0.94 1.00 0.87 1.88 1.33 1.68 1.36 4.66 1.24 1.14 1.17 0.65 0.74 1.09 2.54 1.29 0.79 1.04 2.50 1.02 1.78 1.17 1.14 1.44 1.72 0.65 1.16 0.76 2.49 1.20 1.76 3.14 Page 154 Kentucky Detention Centers Food Cost Per Meal Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Hardin Harlan Hart Henderson Hickman Hopkins Jackson Jessamine Kenton Knott Larue Laurel Letcher Lewis Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Lincoln Livingston Logan Louisville Metropolitan Madison Marion Marshall Mason McCracken McCreary Meade Monroe Montgomery Muhlenberg Nelson Food Cost And Equipment Food Preparation Salaries Total Food Costs Cost Per Meal $ $ 116,378.30 $ $ 537,932.25 75,001.98 139,021.61 488,086.90 95,001.99 314,625.80 98,636.40 191,076.10 387,795.00 25,315.58 169,817.52 269,428.92 131,816.11 60,838.37 1,443,780.00 138,699.53 18,378.78 209,558.82 1,770,061.00 363,672.24 237,129.71 112,668.27 117,415.90 848,416.29 62,484.73 198,244.00 37,533.00 173,319.07 258,234.56 167,984.06 77,680.41 75.00 31,687.90 30,161.14 40,413.29 36,140.19 68,090.00 58,345.31 174,209.20 48,030.16 68,934.97 654,310.55 75,001.98 139,021.61 565,767.31 95,076.99 314,625.80 130,324.30 221,237.24 387,795.00 25,315.58 169,817.52 269,428.92 172,229.40 60,838.37 1.12 1.25 2.38 1.23 1.61 0.84 3.00 1.33 0.82 0.66 1.26 0.67 1.42 1.42 1,443,780.00 138,699.53 54,518.97 209,558.82 1.07 1.39 4.15 1.20 1,770,061.00 431,762.24 237,129.71 171,013.58 117,415.90 1,022,625.49 62,484.73 246,274.16 37,533.00 242,254.04 258,234.56 167,984.06 0.74 1.37 1.04 0.80 1.01 1.77 1.43 1.16 1.59 1.47 1.44 1.14 Page 155 Kentucky Detention Centers Food Cost Per Meal Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Food Cost And Equipment Food Preparation Salaries Ohio Oldham Perry Pike Powell Pulaski Rockcastle Rowan Russell Scott Shelby Simpson Three Forks Todd Trigg Union Warren Wayne Webster Whitley Woodford $ $ Totals $ 19,890,959.83 $ 1,987,509.46 $ 21,878,469.29 $ 134.55 Average $ 231,290.23 $ 48,475.84 $ 254,400.81 $ 1.56 Median $ 168,393.34 $ 47,131.21 $ 196,651.57 $ 1.35 Detention Centers 57,619.08 146,225.73 221,284.81 284,372.54 57,221.75 299,251.10 181,873.29 109,305.05 35,463.59 202,400.33 235,620.41 265,122.36 126,750.99 43,602.86 14,191.37 50,686.08 544,108.60 248,255.00 141,522.85 312,315.65 117,345.28 - Total Food Costs Cost Per Meal $ $ 60,944.28 26,670.26 37,410.75 41,759.17 21,989.93 60,282.22 42,554.22 38,346.61 23,712.76 17,784.14 57,619.08 146,225.73 221,284.81 345,316.82 57,221.75 325,921.36 219,284.04 151,064.22 57,453.52 262,682.55 278,174.63 265,122.36 165,097.60 43,602.86 37,904.13 50,686.08 544,108.60 248,255.00 159,306.99 312,315.65 117,345.28 1.52 2.17 1.67 2.91 2.00 2.88 0.97 1.40 4.13 2.12 1.40 1.80 1.92 2.50 3.24 1.30 0.92 1.53 1.26 1.84 1.92 Page 156 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Costs In $ Thousands Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Boone $273 $776 $416 Kenton Campbell Galla tin $7 Tr im bl e Pendleton Carroll Bracken $11 Grant $47 $10 $124 Owen $24 $130 Fleming Nicholas Scott Rowan $96 Bullitt $72 Ha k oc nc $599 Henderson Union $15 $110 Hardin McLean $8 $17 Grayson $16 $292 $679 $53 Warren $67 Trigg $414 $5 Logan $28 $203 Hickman Fulton $27 $260 $68 Pulaski $140 Knott Perry Laurel $188 $249 Clay $228 Knox $1 Leslie $26 Letcher $23 $27 Wayne Allen Monroe $13 Russell $144 $17 Pike $118 $18 $68 Adair $1 Barren $87 Owsley $32 Rockcastle $91 Cumberland Simpson Graves Jackson $25 Metcalfe $765 Christian Todd $46 $28 $2 Marshall $1 $11 Lyon McCracken Carlisle $7 $3 Green $196 Floyd Breathitt Edmonson Butler $144 Caldwell $38 $40 Casey Martin $38 $11 $13 $73 Hart Magoffin Lee ar ra rd Lincoln $458 $8 $29 $143 Taylor Muhlenberg Ballard $91 Johnson $56 $22 $44G $94 $8 Wolfe Estill $30 Marion Hopkins Crittenden Livingston Ohio $3 $21 Madison Boyle Larue Morgan Powell $103 $10 $154 $592 Daviess Webster Mercer Lawrence $66 Menifee $91 $127 Washington $322 $4 $71 Clark Jessamine Nelson Breckinridge $7 $2,971 $54 $29 $68 Elliott Montgomery Fayette Anderson $11 Meade $51 Bath $5 Woodford Spencer $73 $97 Bourbon $418 $186 Boyd Carter $10 $5 $91 Franklin Shelby Jefferson $59 $39 $0 Harrison $28 $3,700 Greenup Lewis Robertson $3 Henry Oldham Mason $284 $9 $13 Clinton $14 $122 McCreary $76 Harlan $70 Whitley $182 Bell $78 $19 Calloway $176 $253 % 79.17 15.00 4.17 1.67 Count 95 18 5 2 Big Sandy Regional Detention Center Boyle/Mercer Detention Center – Joint Venture Three Forks Regional Detention Center 68 221 60 Average Median $162 $ 55 Page 157 Range 0 – 155 176 – 459 592 – 777 2,971 – 3,700 Page 158 Page 159 Kentucky Counties Medical Reimbursements From The State Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 County Adair Allen Anderson Ballard Barren Bath Bell Big Sandy Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle/Mercer Bracken Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt Butler Caldwell Calloway Campbell Carlisle Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden Cumberland Daviess Edmonson Elliott Estill Fleming Floyd Franklin Fulton Gallatin Medical Payment for Housing State Inmates 1.91 Per Day Jail Medical Payments From The State $ $ 18,802.04 33,489.94 22,142.63 52,463.88 2,205.31 45,463.73 61,204.04 5,577.20 19,816.25 70,838.08 94,115.25 48,601.86 16,893.95 66,865.28 49,917.85 40,115.73 15,881.65 82,145.28 214,109.09 34,614.93 75,118.39 217,027.57 22,629.68 83,866.19 148,609.46 3,770.26 2,104.08 22,850.48 22,769.73 56,315.38 2,975.82 10,911.20 67,139.18 8,908.49 12,063.76 8,309.16 1,893.84 4,434.42 3,300.18 39,962.16 4,083.59 3,596.66 9,160.48 55,776.11 2,079.64 2,685.76 17,747.68 14,861.59 17,170.76 11,050.52 136,817.63 3,630.80 2,520.94 2,775.72 22,390.86 2,456.56 1,675.38 3,804.40 3,413.30 77,094.11 101,813.00 181,616.60 1,988.44 Total Medical Revenue State and County Medical Expenses Paid By Counties Surplus State Funds Or (Medical Expenses Not Reimbursed) $ $ $ 22,572.30 35,594.02 22,850.48 44,912.36 108,779.26 2,975.82 13,116.51 45,463.73 128,343.22 14,485.69 31,880.01 79,147.24 1,893.84 4,434.42 97,415.43 88,564.02 20,977.54 3,596.66 76,025.76 105,693.96 2,079.64 42,801.49 33,629.33 97,006.87 231,279.85 45,665.45 211,936.02 3,630.80 2,520.94 2,775.72 239,418.43 2,456.56 1,675.38 3,804.40 3,413.30 99,723.79 185,679.19 330,226.06 1,988.44 24,985.29 17,271.00 28,722.82 53,097.40 143,989.55 4,505.22 18,629.43 67,613.77 273,369.00 95,874.28 72,601.18 220,576.67 10,336.32 40,400.21 110,252.51 67,933.94 7,233.09 2,893.83 175,945.93 415,942.01 806.98 46,742.97 97,225.39 91,393.17 413,624.73 90,806.53 227,684.07 14,154.24 8,338.96 13,117.84 321,579.67 27,576.08 4,290.87 22,487.00 9,896.41 87,260.51 418,319.24 253,285.81 6,570.33 (2,412.99) 18,323.02 (5,872.34) (8,185.04) (35,210.29) (1,529.40) (5,512.92) (22,150.04) (145,025.78) (81,388.59) (40,721.17) (141,429.43) (8,442.48) (35,965.79) (12,837.08) 20,630.08 13,744.45 702.83 (99,920.17) (310,248.05) 1,272.66 (3,941.48) (63,596.06) 5,613.70 (182,344.88) (45,141.08) (15,748.05) (10,523.44) (5,818.02) (10,342.12) (82,161.24) (25,119.52) (2,615.49) (18,682.60) (6,483.11) 12,463.28 (232,640.05) 76,940.25 (4,581.89) Page 160 Kentucky Counties Medical Reimbursements From The State Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Garrard Grant Graves Grayson Green Greenup Hancock Hardin Harlan Harrison Hart Henderson Henry Hickman Hopkins Jackson Jessamine Johnson Kenton Knott Knox Larue Laurel Lawrence Lee Leslie Letcher Lewis Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Lincoln Livingston Logan Louisville Metropolitan Lyon Medical Payment for Housing State Inmates 1.91 Per Day Jail Medical Payments From The State $ $ 87,143.75 43,070.50 156,858.75 27,886.00 147,486.38 75,817.45 93,553.71 40,958.04 159,710.38 39,282.97 109,219.53 55,772.00 65,409.86 6,971.50 25,097.40 99,060.24 31,721.28 35,205.12 2,816.44 3,346.98 3,248.24 31,288.63 2,282.00 6,400.92 1,890.92 169,754.00 10,211.90 3,223.14 88,316.08 11,740.98 5,788.03 2,452.66 165,071.12 3,818.04 5,570.06 26,411.66 161,004.00 8,032.99 22,319.44 5,061.44 12,121.30 7,839.87 2,816.44 3,321.64 9,951.00 3,485.88 Total Medical Revenue State and County Medical Expenses Paid By Counties Surplus State Funds Or (Medical Expenses Not Reimbursed) $ $ $ 2,816.44 90,490.73 46,318.74 188,147.38 2,282.00 34,286.92 1,890.92 317,240.38 10,211.90 3,223.14 164,133.53 105,294.69 5,788.03 43,410.70 324,781.50 3,818.04 44,853.03 26,411.66 270,223.53 8,032.99 22,319.44 60,833.44 77,531.16 7,839.87 2,816.44 3,321.64 16,922.50 28,583.28 43,604.08 283,909.52 68,298.35 292,214.55 10,652.16 59,048.18 7,131.83 591,719.85 77,945.30 24,055.62 196,273.91 598,606.93 27,730.95 26,653.86 457,931.13 31,613.65 103,032.53 56,253.07 775,965.00 13,404.98 70,364.53 91,447.21 188,149.48 65,682.45 13,362.11 25,767.77 23,156.14 38,585.34 (40,787.64) (193,418.79) (21,979.61) (104,067.17) (8,370.16) (24,761.26) (5,240.91) (274,479.47) (67,733.40) (20,832.48) (32,140.38) (493,312.24) (21,942.92) 16,756.84 (133,149.63) (27,795.61) (58,179.50) (29,841.41) (505,741.47) (5,371.99) (48,045.09) (30,613.77) (110,618.32) (57,842.58) (10,545.67) (22,446.13) (6,233.64) (10,002.06) 181,274.00 4,729.46 4,222.55 5,765.10 280,334.24 36,450.74 4,222.55 40,970.22 2,970,520.00 72,585.22 28,955.66 202,871.46 (2,690,185.76) (36,134.48) (24,733.11) (161,901.24) 1,879.02 174,873.87 1,879.02 3,700,000.00 2,204.82 (3,525,126.13) (325.80) 174,873.87 Page 161 Kentucky Counties Medical Reimbursements From The State Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Medical Payment for Housing State Inmates 1.91 Per Day Madison $ Magoffin Marion Marshall Martin Mason McCracken McCreary McLean Meade Menifee Mercer Metcalfe Monroe Montgomery Morgan Muhlenberg Nelson Nicholas Ohio Oldham Owen Owsley Pendleton Perry Pike Powell Pulaski Robertson Rockcastle Rowan Russell Scott Shelby Simpson Spencer Taylor Three Forks Regio 38,343.25 97,400.45 80,600.09 29,301.31 85,749.45 7,109.02 56,585.66 3,010.16 24,400.25 104,572.50 8,155.70 12,560.16 23,875.00 49,085.09 2,091.45 89,770.00 52,843.97 29,977.45 17,465.04 31,371.75 94,115.25 62,351.95 Jail Medical Payments From The State $ 17,101.80 3,769.88 125,837.32 33,266.91 3,769.88 5,521.74 15,699.20 10,880.51 2,277.12 54,827.53 1,689.86 10,209.64 2,331.50 3,718.00 3,196.24 2,878.58 125,500.00 10,775.39 2,016.54 5,045.90 6,646.98 1,781.50 2,835.68 2,594.36 58,183.84 14,297.46 6,626.30 13,637.32 1,227.62 5,267.24 5,566.60 3,812.82 39,562.47 44,721.40 102,623.02 1,362.30 6,432.71 3,066.08 Total Medical Revenue State and County Medical Expenses Paid By Counties Surplus State Funds Or (Medical Expenses Not Reimbursed) $ $ $ 55,445.05 3,769.88 223,237.77 113,867.00 3,769.88 34,823.05 101,448.65 17,989.53 2,277.12 111,413.19 1,689.86 10,209.64 2,331.50 6,728.16 27,596.49 2,878.58 230,072.50 18,931.09 2,016.54 5,045.90 19,207.14 1,781.50 2,835.68 2,594.36 82,058.84 63,382.55 8,717.75 103,407.32 1,227.62 58,111.21 35,544.05 3,812.82 57,027.51 76,093.15 196,738.27 1,362.30 6,432.71 65,418.03 30,297.90 37,846.66 143,322.40 67,485.75 37,846.66 124,490.07 678,701.53 76,297.04 7,790.73 71,905.44 2,681.76 126,771.82 1,035.66 782.00 70,790.76 8,213.35 144,094.63 153,665.44 4,658.45 16,002.94 129,903.00 2,607.16 17,869.30 10,839.09 248,711.03 117,806.99 21,401.95 139,557.95 332.32 67,921.84 50,774.27 26,649.29 91,354.10 186,024.48 260,405.36 11,346.34 45,643.09 60,223.52 25,147.15 (34,076.78) 79,915.37 46,381.25 (34,076.78) (89,667.02) (577,252.88) (58,307.51) (5,513.61) 39,507.75 (991.90) (116,562.18) 1,295.84 5,946.16 (43,194.27) (5,334.77) 85,977.87 (134,734.35) (2,641.91) (10,957.04) (110,695.86) (825.66) (15,033.62) (8,244.73) (166,652.19) (54,424.44) (12,684.20) (36,150.63) 895.30 (9,810.63) (15,230.22) (22,836.47) (34,326.59) (109,931.33) (63,667.09) (9,984.04) (39,210.38) 5,194.51 Page 162 Kentucky Counties Medical Reimbursements From The State Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Medical Payment for Housing State Inmates 1.91 Per Day Jail Medical Payments From The State Todd Trigg Trimble Union Warren Washington Wayne Webster Whitley Wolfe Woodford $ $ 211,561.15 77,186.92 33,745.88 48,800.50 32,685.83 21,029.10 1,827.68 2,708.51 1,894.44 4,105.92 135,165.23 1,685.94 74,330.00 3,344.38 8,011.90 2,933.18 5,025.19 Totals $ 4,449,632.67 Average $ Median $ County Total Medical Revenue State and County Medical Expenses Paid By Counties Surplus State Funds Or (Medical Expenses Not Reimbursed) $ 8,102.03 2,708.51 1,894.44 4,105.92 346,726.38 1,685.94 151,516.92 37,090.26 56,812.40 35,619.01 26,054.29 $ 27,792.06 5,458.74 8,904.68 15,075.23 765,444.07 10,008.47 122,039.00 17,106.37 181,673.63 11,097.54 53,745.13 $ $ 2,926,966.21 $ 7,376,598.88 $ 19,759,428.88 59,328.44 $ 24,391.39 $ 60,463.93 $ 161,962.53 $ (101,498.61) 45,463.73 $ 5,544.17 $ 27,004.08 $ 54,999.10 $ (20,261.26) 6,274.35 The state prisoners for Bell County and Webster County were calculated amounts. (19,690.03) (2,750.23) (7,010.24) (10,969.31) (418,717.69) (8,322.53) 29,477.92 19,983.89 (124,861.23) 24,521.47 (27,690.84) $ (12,382,830.00) Page 163 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Costs - Percentage of General Fund Budget Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 County Fulton Grayson Hart Perry Clay Henderson McCracken Hopkins Grant Simpson Carter Logan Warren Hardin Christian Rockcastle Calloway Mason Whitley Hickman Mercer Casey Breckinridge Campbell Larue Marion Jackson Graves Open Detention Center or Closed Detention Center Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Medical Costs Per County General Fund Budget $ $ 253,285.81 292,214.55 196,273.91 248,711.03 227,684.07 598,606.93 678,701.53 457,931.13 283,909.52 260,405.36 97,225.39 202,871.46 765,444.07 591,719.85 413,624.73 67,921.84 175,945.93 124,490.07 181,673.63 26,653.86 126,771.82 91,393.17 110,252.51 415,942.01 91,447.21 143,322.40 31,613.65 68,298.35 1,229,671.00 1,991,648.23 1,430,173.63 2,128,414.00 1,984,623.48 5,654,127.55 6,673,662.91 5,746,631.00 3,735,518.76 3,569,535.13 1,678,344.21 3,629,643.79 14,501,030.00 11,265,718.29 8,196,213.00 1,513,558.67 4,030,696.61 2,933,723.96 4,469,808.00 670,128.58 3,324,782.00 2,444,701.70 3,032,233.00 11,721,370.00 2,725,245.00 4,299,856.76 951,637.84 2,128,027.00 Percentage Of General Fund Budget 20.60% 14.67% 13.72% 11.69% 11.47% 10.59% 10.17% 7.97% 7.60% 7.30% 5.79% 5.59% 5.28% 5.25% 5.05% 4.49% 4.37% 4.24% 4.06% 3.98% 3.81% 3.74% 3.64% 3.55% 3.36% 3.33% 3.32% 3.21% Page 164 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Costs - Percentage of General Fund Budget Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Ballard Magoffin McCreary Wayne Greenup Muhlenberg Franklin Adair Todd Kenton Knox Lincoln Garrard Barren Martin Lewis Breathitt Shelby Meade Owsley Russell Nelson Rowan Leslie Estill Powell Wolfe Floyd Bourbon Open Detention Center or Closed Detention Center Open Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open Open Open Open Closed Open Open Open Closed Open Open Closed Open Open Medical Costs Per County General Fund Budget $ $ 53,097.40 37,846.66 76,297.04 122,039.00 59,048.18 144,094.63 418,319.24 24,985.29 27,792.06 775,965.00 70,364.53 72,585.22 43,604.08 143,989.55 37,846.66 38,585.34 40,400.21 186,024.48 71,905.44 17,869.30 26,649.29 153,665.44 50,774.27 25,767.77 22,487.00 21,401.95 11,097.54 87,260.51 95,874.28 1,668,521.90 1,270,493.00 2,579,082.04 4,162,469.00 2,076,281.00 5,129,120.00 15,877,204.00 986,158.58 1,101,133.48 30,960,500.00 2,935,760.75 3,067,770.00 1,848,927.83 6,216,587.52 1,645,640.54 1,695,959.74 1,909,537.85 9,005,336.29 3,728,797.00 928,649.13 1,446,057.89 8,624,923.00 3,015,844.41 1,555,343.14 1,353,291.35 1,292,664.45 721,460.97 5,950,000.00 6,742,061.20 Percentage Of General Fund Budget 3.18% 2.98% 2.96% 2.93% 2.84% 2.81% 2.63% 2.53% 2.52% 2.51% 2.40% 2.37% 2.36% 2.32% 2.30% 2.28% 2.12% 2.07% 1.93% 1.92% 1.84% 1.78% 1.68% 1.66% 1.66% 1.66% 1.54% 1.47% 1.42% Page 165 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Costs - Percentage of General Fund Budget Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Livingston Boyd Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Pulaski Johnson Henry Anderson Carroll Cumberland Marshall Lawrence Harlan Laurel Taylor Crittenden Daviess Louisville Metropolitan Pike Montgomery Edmonson Bullitt Clark Harrison Boone Bracken Bell Open Detention Center or Closed Detention Center Open Open Medical Costs Per County General Fund Budget $ $ 28,955.66 72,601.18 Percentage Of General Fund Budget 2,040,145.00 5,205,894.00 1.42% 1.39% Open Open Closed Closed Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open Open Closed Open Open 2,970,520.00 139,557.95 56,253.07 27,730.95 28,722.82 46,742.97 13,117.84 67,485.75 65,682.45 77,945.30 188,149.48 45,643.09 8,338.96 321,579.67 219,917,190.00 10,342,350.00 4,375,153.29 2,232,097.28 2,362,507.00 4,102,375.29 1,149,421.65 6,044,200.00 5,896,808.00 7,230,941.00 17,732,885.78 4,377,487.05 873,966.17 34,836,715.00 1.35% 1.35% 1.29% 1.24% 1.22% 1.14% 1.14% 1.12% 1.11% 1.08% 1.06% 1.04% 0.95% 0.92% Open Open Open Closed Open Open Closed Open Closed Open 3,700,000.00 117,806.99 70,790.76 27,576.08 67,933.94 90,806.53 24,055.62 273,369.00 10,336.32 18,629.43 408,626,100.00 12,907,324.21 8,053,064.00 3,177,192.21 8,064,329.04 11,046,658.00 3,059,482.00 34,985,239.00 1,363,588.00 2,595,687.00 0.91% 0.91% 0.88% 0.87% 0.84% 0.82% 0.79% 0.78% 0.76% 0.72% Page 166 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Costs - Percentage of General Fund Budget Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Letcher Union Jessamine Knott Lee Nicholas Allen Woodford Clinton Gallatin Trimble Green Spencer Washington Oldham Ohio Pendleton McLean Menifee Butler Scott Trigg Elliott Bath Madison Fleming Webster Carlisle Hancock Open Detention Center or Closed Detention Center Open Open Open Open Closed Closed Open Open Open Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Open Open Closed Closed Closed Open Open Open Closed Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open Medical Costs Per County General Fund Budget $ $ 23,156.14 15,075.23 103,032.53 13,404.98 13,362.11 4,658.45 17,271.00 53,745.13 14,154.24 6,570.33 8,904.68 10,652.16 11,346.34 10,008.47 129,903.00 16,002.94 10,839.09 7,790.73 2,681.76 7,233.09 91,354.10 5,458.74 4,290.87 4,505.22 30,297.90 9,896.41 17,106.37 806.98 7,131.83 3,242,414.42 2,321,894.00 16,109,782.00 2,232,706.38 2,224,916.00 781,828.39 2,946,757.17 9,613,290.12 2,693,004.46 1,311,611.25 1,862,357.39 2,287,426.00 2,792,853.60 2,453,885.03 32,704,325.80 4,110,406.34 2,789,193.84 2,047,269.64 859,495.25 2,375,755.00 32,713,493.88 1,957,774.47 1,599,028.18 1,868,406.23 13,431,755.32 4,245,053.40 9,953,545.00 488,396.22 4,675,714.00 Percentage Of General Fund Budget 0.71% 0.65% 0.64% 0.60% 0.60% 0.60% 0.59% 0.56% 0.53% 0.50% 0.48% 0.47% 0.41% 0.41% 0.40% 0.39% 0.39% 0.38% 0.31% 0.30% 0.28% 0.28% 0.27% 0.24% 0.23% 0.23% 0.17% 0.17% 0.15% Page 167 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Costs - Percentage of General Fund Budget Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Morgan Owen Lyon Caldwell Robertson Monroe Metcalfe Boyle/Mercer Big Sandy Three Forks Open Detention Center or Closed Detention Center Closed Closed Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open Open Open Medical Costs Per County General Fund Budget $ $ 8,213.35 2,607.16 2,204.82 2,893.83 332.32 782.00 1,035.66 220,576.67 67,613.77 60,223.52 Percentage Of General Fund Budget 6,671,302.96 2,711,222.96 2,148,650.74 3,508,952.03 552,329.00 1,679,586.00 3,436,468.21 0.12% 0.10% 0.10% 0.08% 0.06% 0.05% 0.03% - Totals $ 19,759,428.88 $ 1,259,157,950.81 Average $ 161,962.53 $ 10,492,982.92 2.49% Median $ 54,999.10 $ 2,941,258.96 1.35% Page 168 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 169 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Costs - Percentage of General Fund Budget Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 County Adair Allen Anderson Ballard Barren Bath Bell Big Sandy Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle/Mercer Bracken Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt Butler Caldwell Calloway Campbell Carlisle Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden Cumberland Daviess Open Detention Center or Closed Detention Center Open Open Closed Open Open Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Closed Open Medical Costs Per County General Fund Budget $ $ 24,985.29 17,271.00 28,722.82 53,097.40 143,989.55 4,505.22 18,629.43 67,613.77 273,369.00 95,874.28 72,601.18 220,576.67 10,336.32 40,400.21 110,252.51 67,933.94 7,233.09 2,893.83 175,945.93 415,942.01 806.98 46,742.97 97,225.39 91,393.17 413,624.73 90,806.53 227,684.07 14,154.24 8,338.96 13,117.84 321,579.67 Percentage Of General Fund Budget 986,158.58 2,946,757.17 2,362,507.00 1,668,521.90 6,216,587.52 1,868,406.23 2,595,687.00 2.53% 0.59% 1.22% 3.18% 2.32% 0.24% 0.72% 34,985,239.00 6,742,061.20 5,205,894.00 0.78% 1.42% 1.39% 1,363,588.00 1,909,537.85 3,032,233.00 8,064,329.04 2,375,755.00 3,508,952.03 4,030,696.61 11,721,370.00 488,396.22 4,102,375.29 1,678,344.21 2,444,701.70 8,196,213.00 11,046,658.00 1,984,623.48 2,693,004.46 873,966.17 1,149,421.65 34,836,715.00 0.76% 2.12% 3.64% 0.84% 0.30% 0.08% 4.37% 3.55% 0.17% 1.14% 5.79% 3.74% 5.05% 0.82% 11.47% 0.53% 0.95% 1.14% 0.92% Page 170 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Costs - Percentage of General Fund Budget Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Edmonson Elliott Estill Fleming Floyd Franklin Fulton Gallatin Garrard Grant Graves Grayson Green Greenup Hancock Hardin Harlan Harrison Hart Henderson Henry Hickman Hopkins Jackson Jessamine Johnson Kenton Knott Knox Larue Open Detention Center or Closed Detention Center Closed Closed Open Closed Open Open Open Closed Closed Open Open Open Closed Open Open Open Open Closed Open Open Closed Open Open Open Open Closed Open Open Closed Open Medical Costs Per County General Fund Budget $ $ 27,576.08 4,290.87 22,487.00 9,896.41 87,260.51 418,319.24 253,285.81 6,570.33 43,604.08 283,909.52 68,298.35 292,214.55 10,652.16 59,048.18 7,131.83 591,719.85 77,945.30 24,055.62 196,273.91 598,606.93 27,730.95 26,653.86 457,931.13 31,613.65 103,032.53 56,253.07 775,965.00 13,404.98 70,364.53 91,447.21 3,177,192.21 1,599,028.18 1,353,291.35 4,245,053.40 5,950,000.00 15,877,204.00 1,229,671.00 1,311,611.25 1,848,927.83 3,735,518.76 2,128,027.00 1,991,648.23 2,287,426.00 2,076,281.00 4,675,714.00 11,265,718.29 7,230,941.00 3,059,482.00 1,430,173.63 5,654,127.55 2,232,097.28 670,128.58 5,746,631.00 951,637.84 16,109,782.00 4,375,153.29 30,960,500.00 2,232,706.38 2,935,760.75 2,725,245.00 Percentage Of General Fund Budget 0.87% 0.27% 1.66% 0.23% 1.47% 2.63% 20.60% 0.50% 2.36% 7.60% 3.21% 14.67% 0.47% 2.84% 0.15% 5.25% 1.08% 0.79% 13.72% 10.59% 1.24% 3.98% 7.97% 3.32% 0.64% 1.29% 2.51% 0.60% 2.40% 3.36% Page 171 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Costs - Percentage of General Fund Budget Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Laurel Lawrence Lee Leslie Letcher Lewis Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Lincoln Livingston Logan Louisville Metropolitan Lyon Madison Magoffin Marion Marshall Martin Mason McCracken McCreary McLean Meade Menifee Mercer Metcalfe Monroe Montgomery Morgan Open Detention Center or Closed Detention Center Open Closed Closed Closed Open Open Medical Costs Per County General Fund Budget $ $ 188,149.48 65,682.45 13,362.11 25,767.77 23,156.14 38,585.34 Percentage Of General Fund Budget 17,732,885.78 5,896,808.00 2,224,916.00 1,555,343.14 3,242,414.42 1,695,959.74 1.06% 1.11% 0.60% 1.66% 0.71% 2.28% Open Open Open Open 2,970,520.00 72,585.22 28,955.66 202,871.46 219,917,190.00 3,067,770.00 2,040,145.00 3,629,643.79 1.35% 2.37% 1.42% 5.59% Open Closed Open Closed Open Open Closed Open Open Open Closed Open Closed Closed Closed Open Open Closed 3,700,000.00 2,204.82 30,297.90 37,846.66 143,322.40 67,485.75 37,846.66 124,490.07 678,701.53 76,297.04 7,790.73 71,905.44 2,681.76 126,771.82 1,035.66 782.00 70,790.76 8,213.35 408,626,100.00 2,148,650.74 13,431,755.32 1,270,493.00 4,299,856.76 6,044,200.00 1,645,640.54 2,933,723.96 6,673,662.91 2,579,082.04 2,047,269.64 3,728,797.00 859,495.25 3,324,782.00 3,436,468.21 1,679,586.00 8,053,064.00 6,671,302.96 0.91% 0.10% 0.23% 2.98% 3.33% 1.12% 2.30% 4.24% 10.17% 2.96% 0.38% 1.93% 0.31% 3.81% 0.03% 0.05% 0.88% 0.12% Page 172 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Costs - Percentage of General Fund Budget Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Muhlenberg Nelson Nicholas Ohio Oldham Owen Owsley Pendleton Perry Pike Powell Pulaski Robertson Rockcastle Rowan Russell Scott Shelby Simpson Spencer Taylor Three Forks Todd Trigg Trimble Union Warren Washington Wayne Webster Open Detention Center or Closed Detention Center Open Open Closed Open Open Closed Closed Closed Open Open Open Open Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Closed Closed Open Open Open Closed Open Open Closed Open Open Medical Costs Per County General Fund Budget $ $ 144,094.63 153,665.44 4,658.45 16,002.94 129,903.00 2,607.16 17,869.30 10,839.09 248,711.03 117,806.99 21,401.95 139,557.95 332.32 67,921.84 50,774.27 26,649.29 91,354.10 186,024.48 260,405.36 11,346.34 45,643.09 60,223.52 27,792.06 5,458.74 8,904.68 15,075.23 765,444.07 10,008.47 122,039.00 17,106.37 Percentage Of General Fund Budget 5,129,120.00 8,624,923.00 781,828.39 4,110,406.34 32,704,325.80 2,711,222.96 928,649.13 2,789,193.84 2,128,414.00 12,907,324.21 1,292,664.45 10,342,350.00 552,329.00 1,513,558.67 3,015,844.41 1,446,057.89 32,713,493.88 9,005,336.29 3,569,535.13 2,792,853.60 4,377,487.05 2.81% 1.78% 0.60% 0.39% 0.40% 0.10% 1.92% 0.39% 11.69% 0.91% 1.66% 1.35% 0.06% 4.49% 1.68% 1.84% 0.28% 2.07% 7.30% 0.41% 1.04% 1,101,133.48 1,957,774.47 1,862,357.39 2,321,894.00 14,501,030.00 2,453,885.03 4,162,469.00 9,953,545.00 2.52% 0.28% 0.48% 0.65% 5.28% 0.41% 2.93% 0.17% Page 173 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Costs - Percentage of General Fund Budget Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) County Whitley Wolfe Woodford Open Detention Center or Closed Detention Center Open Closed Open Medical Costs Per County General Fund Budget $ $ 181,673.63 11,097.54 53,745.13 4,469,808.00 721,460.97 9,613,290.12 Percentage Of General Fund Budget 4.06% 1.54% 0.56% Totals $ 19,759,428.88 $ 1,259,157,950.81 Average $ 161,962.53 $ 10,581,159.25 2.49% Median $ 54,999.10 $ 2,946,757.17 1.35% Page 174 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Cost Per Inmate Day In $ Actual Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Boone $3.21 $4.74 $6.24 Kenton Campbell tin Galla Tr im bl e Pendleton Carroll Bracken Grant $0.81 Mason $2.56 $2.65 Owen Greenup Lewis Robertson Henry $1.46 $1.63 Harrison Oldham $4.46 Fleming Nicholas Shelby Jefferson $1.33 $1.92 Bourbon $3.82 $3.49 $5.06 Boyd Carter Scott $3.23 Franklin Rowan $3.09 $1.11 Bath Elliott Woodford Spencer Meade Bullitt $1.44 Ha k oc nc $2.17 $3.93 Union Henderson $0.83 Hardin Livingston Ohio Grayson $0.91 $1.43 $2.17 Taylor Hart Caldwell Carlisle Christian $1.26 $1.62 Trigg $1.25 $0.83 Logan $4.23 $3.21 Knott $1.92 Adair Pulaski $1.69 Perry Laurel $1.25 $2.63 $2.73 Clay $2.24 Leslie Letcher $0.75 Russell $2.61 Barren $2.24 Knox Wayne Allen $0.67 Pike $1.20 Owsley $2.89 Rockcastle $0.73 Cumberland $4.20 $1.50 Fulton Todd $1.57 $7.34 $1.40 Metcalfe $3.54 Simpson Graves Hickman $0.44 Warren Marshall Green Floyd Breathitt Jackson Casey $3.35 $0.23 Lee ar ra rd Edmonson Butler $1.75 Magoffin $2.80 Lincoln Lyon McCracken $1.42 G $1.77 $3.32 $1.30 $6.61 $4.40 $2.18 Hopkins Muhlenberg Ballard Marion Martin Wolfe Estill $0.36 Boyle McLean Crittenden Madison Larue Johnson $1.95 $2.99 $3.67 Morgan Powell $1.85 Mercer Washington $1.67 $1.40 $0.48 Menifee Jessamine Nelson Daviess Webster $1.29 Clark $1.34 $1.05 Breckinridge $6.78 $1.96 Lawrence Montgomery Fayette Anderson Monroe $0.08 Clinton $1.91 $1.49 McCreary Whitley $6.14 $2.66 Harlan Bell $2.32 $0.77 Calloway $2.95 $2.68 % 18.07 42.17 30.12 9.64 Count 15 35 26 7 Big Sandy Regional Detention Center Boyle/Mercer Detention Center – Joint Venture Three Forks Regional Detention Center 0.79 2.25 0.93 Average $2.33 Page 175 Range 0.08 – 1.20 1.20 – 2.56 2.57 – 4.74 4.75 – 7.34 Page 176 Page 177 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Cost Per Inmate Day Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Centers Breathitt Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Livingston Campbell McCreary Louisville Metropolitan Kenton Oldham McCracken Todd Simpson Henderson Franklin Hardin Warren Shelby Hart Hopkins Scott Boone Logan Bourbon Nelson Calloway Jackson Estill Perry Fulton Whitley Mason Knott Medical Costs $ 40,400.21 2,970,520.00 28,955.66 415,942.01 76,297.04 3,700,000.00 775,965.00 129,903.00 678,701.53 27,792.06 260,405.36 598,606.93 418,319.24 591,719.85 765,444.07 186,024.48 196,273.91 457,931.13 91,354.10 273,369.00 202,871.46 95,874.28 153,665.44 175,945.93 31,613.65 22,487.00 248,711.03 253,285.81 181,673.63 124,490.07 13,404.98 Medical Cost Per Inmate Day Total Inmate Days 4,125 438,000 4,380 66,607 12,426 731,777 163,663 29,124 154,395 6,570 62,050 152,261 109,500 161,193 216,019 53,290 58,522 138,100 28,272 85,147 63,254 31,025 51,376 59,567 10,950 8,030 91,250 94,473 68,248 46,960 2,555 $ 7.34 6.78 6.61 6.24 6.14 5.06 4.74 4.46 4.40 4.23 4.20 3.93 3.82 3.67 3.54 3.49 3.35 3.32 3.23 3.21 3.21 3.09 2.99 2.95 2.89 2.80 2.73 2.68 2.66 2.65 2.63 Page 178 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Cost Per Inmate Day Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Russell Grant Boyle/Mercer Harlan Barren Clay Larue Ballard Hancock Woodford Powell Carter Rockcastle Wayne Jessamine Lincoln Muhlenberg Pulaski Breckinridge Lewis Christian Floyd Graves Clinton Greenup Meade Grayson Marion Casey Daviess Clark Boyd Medical Costs $ 26,649.29 283,909.52 220,576.67 77,945.30 143,989.55 227,684.07 91,447.21 53,097.40 7,131.83 53,745.13 21,401.95 97,225.39 67,921.84 122,039.00 103,032.53 72,585.22 144,094.63 139,557.95 110,252.51 38,585.34 413,624.73 87,260.51 68,298.35 14,154.24 59,048.18 71,905.44 292,214.55 143,322.40 91,393.17 321,579.67 90,806.53 72,601.18 Total Inmate Days 10,220 110,900 87,412 33,580 64,203 101,470 41,975 24,495 3,285 27,464 10,950 50,559 35,430 63,762 55,587 40,990 82,125 82,653 66,150 23,725 255,521 55,699 45,625 9,490 40,330 49,941 204,385 101,202 65,308 229,844 67,863 54,750 Medical Cost Per Inmate Day $ 2.61 2.56 2.52 2.32 2.24 2.24 2.18 2.17 2.17 1.96 1.95 1.92 1.92 1.91 1.85 1.77 1.75 1.69 1.67 1.63 1.62 1.57 1.50 1.49 1.46 1.44 1.43 1.42 1.40 1.40 1.34 1.33 Page 179 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Cost Per Inmate Day Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Medical Costs Total Inmate Days Medical Cost Per Inmate Day Crittenden Montgomery Marshall Laurel Trigg Pike Rowan Bullitt Three Forks Ohio Hickman Union Carroll Big Sandy Bell Letcher Adair Allen Webster Butler Madison Caldwell Monroe $ 8,338.96 70,790.76 67,485.75 188,149.48 5,458.74 117,806.99 50,774.27 67,933.94 60,223.52 16,002.94 26,653.86 15,075.23 46,742.97 67,613.77 18,629.43 23,156.14 24,985.29 17,271.00 17,106.37 7,233.09 30,297.90 2,893.83 782.00 6,435 54,750 53,716 151,031 4,380 98,370 45,625 64,924 64,843 17,520 32,118 18,250 57,894 85,795 24,276 31,025 34,394 25,756 35,772 16,425 83,950 12,737 9,490 $ 1.30 1.29 1.26 1.25 1.25 1.20 1.11 1.05 0.93 0.91 0.83 0.83 0.81 0.79 0.77 0.75 0.73 0.67 0.48 0.44 0.36 0.23 0.08 Totals $ 18,968,435.37 6,429,478.00 $ 200.79 Average $ 220,563.20 74,761.37 $ 2.33 Median $ 89,033.52 54,233.00 $ 1.92 Page 180 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 181 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Cost Per Inmate Day Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Centers Adair Allen Ballard Barren Bell Big Sandy Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle/Mercer Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt Butler Caldwell Calloway Campbell Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden Daviess Estill Floyd Franklin Fulton Grant Graves Medical Costs $ 24,985.29 17,271.00 53,097.40 143,989.55 18,629.43 67,613.77 273,369.00 95,874.28 72,601.18 220,576.67 40,400.21 110,252.51 67,933.94 7,233.09 2,893.83 175,945.93 415,942.01 46,742.97 97,225.39 91,393.17 413,624.73 90,806.53 227,684.07 14,154.24 8,338.96 321,579.67 22,487.00 87,260.51 418,319.24 253,285.81 283,909.52 68,298.35 Total Inmate Days 34,394 25,756 24,495 64,203 24,276 85,795 85,147 31,025 54,750 87,412 4,125 66,150 64,924 16,425 12,737 59,567 66,607 57,894 50,559 65,308 255,521 67,863 101,470 9,490 6,435 229,844 8,030 55,699 109,500 94,473 110,900 45,625 Medical Cost Per Inmate Day $ 0.73 0.67 2.17 2.24 0.77 0.79 3.21 3.09 1.33 2.52 7.34 1.67 1.05 0.44 0.23 2.95 6.24 0.81 1.92 1.40 1.62 1.34 2.24 1.49 1.30 1.40 2.80 1.57 3.82 2.68 2.56 1.50 Page 182 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Cost Per Inmate Day Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Grayson Greenup Hancock Hardin Harlan Hart Henderson Hickman Hopkins Jackson Jessamine Kenton Knott Larue Laurel Letcher Lewis Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Lincoln Livingston Logan Louisville Metropolitan Madison Marion Marshall Mason McCracken McCreary Meade Monroe Montgomery Medical Costs $ Total Inmate Days 292,214.55 59,048.18 7,131.83 591,719.85 77,945.30 196,273.91 598,606.93 26,653.86 457,931.13 31,613.65 103,032.53 775,965.00 13,404.98 91,447.21 188,149.48 23,156.14 38,585.34 204,385 40,330 3,285 161,193 33,580 58,522 152,261 32,118 138,100 10,950 55,587 163,663 2,555 41,975 151,031 31,025 23,725 2,970,520.00 72,585.22 28,955.66 202,871.46 3,700,000.00 30,297.90 143,322.40 67,485.75 124,490.07 678,701.53 76,297.04 71,905.44 782.00 70,790.76 438,000 40,990 4,380 63,254 731,777 83,950 101,202 53,716 46,960 154,395 12,426 49,941 9,490 54,750 Medical Cost Per Inmate Day $ 1.43 1.46 2.17 3.67 2.32 3.35 3.93 0.83 3.32 2.89 1.85 4.74 2.63 2.18 1.25 0.75 1.63 6.78 1.77 6.61 3.21 5.06 0.36 1.42 1.26 2.65 4.40 6.14 1.44 0.08 1.29 Page 183 Kentucky Detention Centers Medical Cost Per Inmate Day Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Medical Costs Total Inmate Days Medical Cost Per Inmate Day Muhlenberg Nelson Ohio Oldham Perry Pike Powell Pulaski Rockcastle Rowan Russell Scott Shelby Simpson Three Forks Regional Jail Todd Trigg Union Warren Wayne Webster Whitley Woodford $ 144,094.63 153,665.44 16,002.94 129,903.00 248,711.03 117,806.99 21,401.95 139,557.95 67,921.84 50,774.27 26,649.29 91,354.10 186,024.48 260,405.36 60,223.52 27,792.06 5,458.74 15,075.23 765,444.07 122,039.00 17,106.37 181,673.63 53,745.13 82,125 51,376 17,520 29,124 91,250 98,370 10,950 82,653 35,430 45,625 10,220 28,272 53,290 62,050 64,843 6,570 4,380 18,250 216,019 63,762 35,772 68,248 27,464 $ 1.75 2.99 0.91 4.46 2.73 1.20 1.95 1.69 1.92 1.11 2.61 3.23 3.49 4.20 0.93 4.23 1.25 0.83 3.54 1.91 0.48 2.66 1.96 Totals $ 18,968,435.37 6,429,478.00 $ 200.79 Average $ 220,563.20 74,761.37 $ 2.33 Median $ 89,033.52 54,233.00 $ 1.92 Page 184 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Kentucky Detention Centers Payroll Costs Including Fringe Benefits In $ Thousands Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Boone $1,788$4,834$2,166 Kenton Campbell G Tr im bl e n allati Pendleton Carroll Bracken Grant $849 Mason $2,014 $1,143 Owen Greenup Lewis Robertson Henry $748 $542 Harrison Oldham $1,126 Fleming Nicholas Bourbon $1,921 $1,302 $924 $869 $1,435 Franklin Shelby Jefferson $29,243 Boyd Carter Scott Rowan $609 $753 Bath Elliott Woodford Spencer Anderson Meade $768 Ha k oc nc Union Henderson $544 Hardin Livingston Ohio Grayson $361 $4,452 $598 $2,403 Lyon McCracken Trigg $2,125 $212 Fulton $242 $899 Pulaski $1,638 Perry Laurel $1,991 $969 Clay $1,049 Letcher Leslie $537 $212 $903 Knox Wayne Allen $486 $287 Russell Cumberland $1,099 $919 $506 Logan Simpson Graves Hickman Todd Adair Barren $3,063 Christian $883 Knott $492 $487 Pike $1,428 Owsley $184 Rockcastle $818 Metcalfe Warren Marshall Carlisle $426 $947 $205 Jackson Casey Green Floyd Breathitt Lincoln $835 $376 Lee ar ra rd Edmonson Butler $1,355 Caldwell G Magoffin $278 $607 Hart $2,147 $202 $279 Marion $1,366 Taylor Muhlenberg Ballard Larue Martin Wolfe Estill $1,033 $507 Hopkins Crittenden Madison Boyle McLean Johnson $366 $719 $3,087 Morgan Powell $1,051 Mercer Washington $723 Daviess $582 Menifee Jessamine Nelson $3,209 Webster $1,109 Clark $910 $1,769 Breckinridge $175 $2,228 $16,516 $878 Bullitt Lawrence Montgomery Fayette Monroe $185 Clinton $584 $178 McCreary Whitley $273 $841 Harlan Bell $704 $578 Calloway $818 $946 % 75.90 21.69 1.20 1.20 Count 63 18 1 1 Big Sandy Regional Detention Center Boyle/Mercer Detention Center – Joint Venture Three Forks Regional Detention Center 1,087 1,496 745 Average $1,571 Page 185 Range 175 – 1,367 1,428 – 4,835 16,516 – 16,517 29,243 – 29,243 Page 186 Kentucky Detention Centers Fringe Benefit Cost as a Percentage of Payroll Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Boone 42.6% 59.3%39.9% Kenton Campbell Galla tin Pendleton Carroll Tr im bl e Bracken Grant 41.0% Mason 32.4% 67.5% Owen Greenup Lewis Robertson Henry 37.5% 20.1% Harrison Oldham 43.9% Fleming Nicholas Franklin Shelby Jefferson Bourbon Rowan 33.0% 35.6% Bath Elliott Woodford Spencer Meade k oc nc Ha Henderson Union 50.1% 53.1% 27.5% Ohio Grayson 30.6% 47.1% 32.1% 34.0% Caldwell Carlisle Christian 27.8% 18.1% Trigg 15.3% 35.9% 14.7% 28.7% Fulton 38.8% Simpson Graves Hickman 18.0% Adair Pulaski 34.8% 58.7% Pike 48.8% Knott Perry 56.4% 15.3% Laurel Clay 34.2% 35.2% Letcher Leslie 29.8% Russell Metcalfe 22.2% 42.7% Knox Cumberland Allen 29.1% 44.8% Owsley 20.2% 27.4% Barren 36.6% Logan Floyd 14.5% Jackson 24.4% Rockcastle Casey Green 38.5% Todd Lee Lincoln Warren Marshall 28.0% Breathitt 30.2% 35.1% Magoffin Edmonson Butler 32.5% Martin Wolfe Estill 24.3% ar ra rd 31.1% Lyon McCracken 31.4% Hart 40.2% 18.5% 36.3% 31.2% Taylor Muhlenberg Ballard Marion Hopkins Crittenden Madison G Larue Johnson 28.6% Washington Boyle McLean Morgan Powell 14.9% Mercer 24.7% 38.1% Daviess Webster Livingston Hardin Menifee Jessamine Nelson 15.7% 32.2% Clark 28.9% 41.2% Breckinridge 35.9% 31.4% 41.6% 36.2% Bullitt 28.9% Lawrence Montgomery Fayette Anderson 30.3% 34.3% 40.7% 42.2% 37.8% Boyd Carter Scott 61.0% Monroe 14.6% Wayne Clinton 30.3% 25.4% McCreary 34.3% Whitley 30.4% Harlan Bell 33.3% 34.3% Calloway 23.1% 36.4% % 15.66 43.37 31.33 9.64 Count 13 36 26 8 Big Sandy Regional Detention Center Boyle/Mercer Detention Center – Joint Venture Three Forks Regional Detention Center 29.07 45.07 21.44 Average 33.48% Page 187 Range 14.5 – 23.08 23.09 – 35.15 35.16 – 48.12 48.82 – 67.53 Page 188 Page 189 Kentucky Detention Centers Payroll Costs Including Fringe Benefits Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Center Payroll Costs Including Fringe Benefits Louisville Metropolitan $ 29,243,490.25 Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Kenton Grayson Daviess Hardin Warren McCracken Henderson Campbell Hopkins Christian Grant Laurel Franklin Boone Bullitt Pulaski Boyle/Mercer Scott Pike Marion Muhlenberg Shelby Mason Oldham Montgomery Simpson Big Sandy Jessamine Clay 16,516,218.00 4,833,794.00 4,451,534.80 3,208,990.76 3,087,315.61 3,062,954.08 2,402,841.18 2,227,823.25 2,166,100.33 2,147,071.05 2,125,451.90 2,013,887.34 1,990,609.03 1,920,965.72 1,787,698.25 1,769,488.59 1,637,984.18 1,496,114.50 1,434,524.81 1,428,141.62 1,365,746.83 1,355,142.96 1,301,521.45 1,143,349.92 1,126,330.33 1,109,204.64 1,098,673.00 1,086,978.88 1,050,943.96 1,048,901.65 Fringe Benefits Costs As A Percentage Of Payroll Payroll Fringe Benefits $ 21,223,972.70 $ 8,019,517.55 37.79% 11,661,161.00 3,035,062.00 3,025,840.69 2,096,753.86 2,234,704.81 2,241,768.50 1,793,538.59 1,695,687.22 1,548,632.40 1,531,747.80 1,799,903.23 1,520,591.03 1,482,938.90 1,365,238.46 1,253,696.18 1,252,815.23 1,032,163.62 1,031,339.11 891,027.62 959,656.46 1,039,023.17 1,022,642.96 915,385.79 682,493.60 782,846.66 838,968.14 808,321.66 842,173.04 914,346.83 775,801.57 4,855,057.00 1,798,732.00 1,425,694.11 1,112,236.90 852,610.80 821,185.58 609,302.59 532,136.03 617,467.93 615,323.25 325,548.67 493,296.31 507,670.13 555,727.26 534,002.07 516,673.36 605,820.56 464,775.39 543,497.19 468,485.16 326,723.66 332,500.00 386,135.66 460,856.32 343,483.67 270,236.50 290,351.34 244,805.84 136,597.13 273,100.08 41.63% 59.27% 47.12% 53.05% 38.15% 36.63% 33.97% 31.38% 39.87% 40.17% 18.09% 32.44% 34.23% 40.71% 42.59% 41.24% 58.69% 45.07% 61.00% 48.82% 31.45% 32.51% 42.18% 67.53% 43.88% 32.21% 35.92% 29.07% 14.94% 35.20% Page 190 Kentucky Detention Centers Payroll Costs Including Fringe Benefits Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Center Madison Perry Floyd Fulton Boyd Graves Clark Barren Logan Marshall Woodford Carter Carroll Whitley Hart Casey Calloway Meade Rowan Greenup Three Forks Regional Breckinridge Nelson Harlan Bourbon Lincoln Ballard Wayne Webster Bell Union Lewis Payroll Costs Including Fringe Benefits Payroll Fringe Benefits $ $ $ 1,033,321.74 969,308.06 947,084.10 946,400.77 923,800.21 918,686.83 909,797.27 903,129.57 899,286.53 882,878.34 877,827.83 868,792.95 848,915.10 841,038.96 835,300.82 818,168.65 818,143.33 767,508.56 752,504.80 748,336.49 745,149.68 723,194.15 718,830.38 704,480.47 609,226.86 606,669.23 598,443.54 583,656.00 582,377.37 577,634.24 544,324.83 542,170.22 831,061.76 840,574.00 654,186.18 693,935.49 709,272.98 800,993.82 705,706.95 632,691.47 647,810.95 690,866.31 644,403.67 647,014.88 602,005.54 644,930.84 641,795.69 642,295.88 664,712.19 595,474.28 554,822.03 544,281.96 613,614.51 624,950.27 576,284.47 528,497.51 458,051.86 462,634.76 453,008.87 447,819.00 456,893.41 430,280.64 362,556.66 451,519.50 202,259.98 128,734.06 292,897.92 252,465.28 214,527.23 117,693.01 204,090.32 270,438.10 251,475.58 192,012.03 233,424.16 221,778.07 246,909.56 196,108.12 193,505.13 175,872.77 153,431.14 172,034.28 197,682.77 204,054.53 131,535.17 98,243.88 142,545.91 175,982.96 151,175.00 144,034.47 145,434.67 135,837.00 125,483.96 147,353.60 181,768.17 90,650.72 Fringe Benefits Costs As A Percentage Of Payroll 24.34% 15.32% 44.77% 36.38% 30.25% 14.69% 28.92% 42.74% 38.82% 27.79% 36.22% 34.28% 41.01% 30.41% 30.15% 27.38% 23.08% 28.89% 35.63% 37.49% 21.44% 15.72% 24.74% 33.30% 33.00% 31.13% 32.10% 30.33% 27.46% 34.25% 50.14% 20.08% Page 191 Kentucky Detention Centers Payroll Costs Including Fringe Benefits Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Payroll Costs Including Fringe Benefits Payroll Fringe Benefits Letcher LaRue Hickman Rockcastle Adair Allen Butler Caldwell Powell Ohio Knott Livingston Estill McCreary Todd Trigg Russell Breathitt Crittenden Monroe Jackson Clinton Hancock $ $ $ Totals $ 135,143,237.98 Average $ 1,571,433.00 Median $ 858,854.03 Detention Center 536,840.02 507,133.23 505,690.45 492,149.23 487,146.73 486,426.49 426,314.12 376,287.26 366,483.27 360,583.05 286,948.43 279,180.37 278,289.45 272,703.65 241,899.64 212,293.87 212,076.90 204,883.30 202,098.92 185,011.00 183,828.64 178,078.27 174,710.94 413,519.27 386,654.34 392,821.96 409,467.28 361,477.83 376,887.66 307,829.99 278,412.79 284,926.15 276,098.66 183,516.07 204,763.27 217,431.62 203,054.65 204,959.96 184,051.33 173,564.72 178,935.29 170,581.55 161,448.00 147,755.63 142,049.00 128,534.93 Fringe Benefits Costs As A Percentage Of Payroll 123,320.75 120,478.89 112,868.49 82,681.95 125,668.90 109,538.83 118,484.13 97,874.47 81,557.12 84,484.39 103,432.36 74,417.10 60,857.83 69,649.00 36,939.68 28,242.54 38,512.18 25,948.01 31,517.37 23,563.00 36,073.01 36,029.27 46,176.01 29.82% 31.16% 28.73% 20.19% 34.77% 29.06% 38.49% 35.15% 28.62% 30.60% 56.36% 36.34% 27.99% 34.30% 18.02% 15.34% 22.19% 14.50% 18.48% 14.59% 24.41% 25.36% 35.92% $ 98,343,933.11 $ 36,799,304.87 2879.48% $ 1,143,534.11 $ 427,898.89 33.48% $ $ 194,806.63 32.76% 644,667.26 Page 192 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Kentucky Detention Centers Payroll Costs to Inmate Days Ratio In $ Actual Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Boone $21.00$29.54$32.52 Kenton Campbell Galla Tr im bl e tin Pendleton Carroll Bracken Grant $14.66 Mason $18.16 $24.35 Owen Greenup Lewis Robertson Henry $18.56 $22.85 Harrison Oldham $38.67 Fleming Nicholas Bourbon $17.54 $24.42 $16.87 $17.18 $50.74 Franklin Shelby Jefferson $39.96 Boyd Carter Scott Rowan $19.64 $16.49 Bath Elliott Woodford Spencer Anderson Meade $15.37 Ha k oc nc $47.87 $14.63 Henderson Union $29.83 $10.93 Hardin Livingston Ohio Grayson $20.58 $21.78 $24.43 $16.44 Trigg $8.32 $48.47 Hickman $36.82 $14.22 Pulaski $19.82 Laurel $56.15 $10.62 Clay $10.34 Letcher Leslie $17.30 $20.75 $14.07 Knox Wayne Allen $18.89 $14.52 Knott Perry $13.18 Pike Russell Cumberland $17.71 $20.14 Fulton Logan Simpson Graves $15.74 Todd Adair $14.16 Barren $14.18 Christian $17.00 Owsley $13.89 $12.53 Metcalfe Warren Marshall Carlisle $25.96 Lyon McCracken Jackson $16.79 Rockcastle Casey Green Floyd Breathitt $37.25 Lincoln $14.27 $29.54 Lee Edmonson Butler $16.50 Magoffin $34.66 ar ra rd $14.80 Taylor $15.55 Caldwell $63.74 $15.56 $13.50 Hart Muhlenberg Ballard $12.08 G Martin Wolfe Estill $12.31 Marion Hopkins $31.41 Madison Larue Johnson $33.47 Boyle McLean Crittenden $18.91 Mercer $13.99 $19.15 Morgan Powell Washington Daviess $16.28 Menifee Jessamine Nelson $13.96 Webster $20.26 Clark $13.41 $27.25 Breckinridge $37.71 $31.96 Bullitt Lawrence Montgomery Fayette Monroe $19.50 Clinton $9.15 $18.76 McCreary $21.95 Whitley $12.32 Harlan Bell $20.98 $23.79 Calloway $13.73 $10.02 % 44.58 32.53 15.66 7.23 Count 37 27 14 5 Big Sandy Regional Detention Center Boyle/Mercer Detention Center – Joint Venture Three Forks Regional Detention Center 12.67 17.12 11.49 Average $21.46 Page 193 Range 8.32 – 17.18 17.19 – 26.96 27.25 – 40.96 47.87 – 63.74 Page 194 Page 195 Kentucky Detention Centers Payroll Costs to Inmate Days Ratio Ranking High To Low Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Centers Livingston Knott Scott Trigg Hancock Louisville Metropolitan Oldham Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Breathitt Todd Estill Powell Campbell Woodford Crittenden Union Caldwell Kenton Bullitt Butler Ballard Shelby Mason Bell Lewis McCreary Grayson Boone Harlan Russell Ohio Montgomery Payroll Cost Including Fringe Benefits $ Total Inmate Days Per Survey 279,180.37 286,948.43 1,434,524.81 212,293.87 174,710.94 29,243,490.25 1,126,330.33 4,380 2,555 28,272 4,380 3,650 731,777 29,124 16,516,218.00 204,883.30 241,899.64 278,289.45 366,483.27 2,166,100.33 877,827.83 202,098.92 544,324.83 376,287.26 4,833,794.00 1,769,488.59 426,314.12 598,443.54 1,301,521.45 1,143,349.92 577,634.24 542,170.22 272,703.65 4,451,534.80 1,787,698.25 704,480.47 212,076.90 360,583.05 1,109,204.64 438,000 4,125 6,570 8,030 10,950 66,607 27,464 6,435 18,250 12,737 163,663 64,924 16,425 24,495 53,290 46,960 24,276 23,725 12,426 204,385 85,147 33,580 10,220 17,520 54,750 Payroll Costs to Inmate Days Ratio $ 63.74 56.15 50.74 48.47 47.87 39.96 38.67 37.71 37.25 36.82 34.66 33.47 32.52 31.96 31.41 29.83 29.54 29.54 27.25 25.96 24.43 24.42 24.35 23.79 22.85 21.95 21.78 21.00 20.98 20.75 20.58 20.26 Page 196 Kentucky Detention Centers Ranking High To Low Payroll Costs to Inmate Days Ratio Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Graves Pulaski Bourbon Monroe Hardin Jessamine Allen Clinton Greenup Grant Simpson Franklin Letcher Carter Boyle/Mercer Floyd Boyd Jackson Muhlenberg Rowan Marshall Webster Hickman McCracken Hopkins Meade Lincoln Carroll Henderson Pike Hart Logan Payroll Cost Including Fringe Benefits $ 918,686.83 1,637,984.18 609,226.86 185,011.00 3,087,315.61 1,050,943.96 486,426.49 178,078.27 748,336.49 2,013,887.34 1,098,673.00 1,920,965.72 536,840.02 868,792.95 1,496,114.50 947,084.10 923,800.21 183,828.64 1,355,142.96 752,504.80 882,878.34 582,377.37 505,690.45 2,402,841.18 2,147,071.05 767,508.56 606,669.23 848,915.10 2,227,823.25 1,428,141.62 835,300.82 899,286.53 Total Inmate Days Per Survey 45,625 82,653 31,025 9,490 161,193 55,587 25,756 9,490 40,330 110,900 62,050 109,500 31,025 50,559 87,412 55,699 54,750 10,950 82,125.00 45,625 53,716 35,772 32,118 154,395 138,100 49,941 40,990 57,894 152,261 98,370 58,522 63,254 Payroll Costs to Inmate Days Ratio $ 20.14 19.82 19.64 19.50 19.15 18.91 18.89 18.76 18.56 18.16 17.71 17.54 17.30 17.18 17.12 17.00 16.87 16.79 16.50 16.49 16.44 16.28 15.74 15.56 15.55 15.37 14.80 14.66 14.63 14.52 14.27 14.22 Page 197 Kentucky Detention Centers Ranking High To Low Payroll Costs to Inmate Days Ratio Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Payroll Cost Including Fringe Benefits Total Inmate Days Per Survey Payroll Costs to Inmate Days Ratio Warren Adair Barren Nelson Daviess Rockcastle Calloway Marion Clark Laurel Big Sandy Casey Whitley Madison LaRue Three Forks Regional Breckinridge Perry Clay Fulton Wayne Christian $ 3,062,954.08 487,146.73 903,129.57 718,830.38 3,208,990.76 492,149.23 818,143.33 1,365,746.83 909,797.27 1,990,609.03 1,086,978.88 818,168.65 841,038.96 1,033,321.74 507,133.23 745,149.68 723,194.15 969,308.06 1,048,901.65 946,400.77 583,656.00 2,125,451.90 216,019 34,394 64,203 51,376.00 229,844 35,430 59,567 101,202 67,863 151,031 85,795 65,308 68,248 83,950 41,975 64,843 66,150 91,250 101,470 94,473 63,762 255,521 $ 14.18 14.16 14.07 13.99 13.96 13.89 13.73 13.50 13.41 13.18 12.67 12.53 12.32 12.31 12.08 11.49 10.93 10.62 10.34 10.02 9.15 8.32 Totals $ 135,143,237.98 6,429,843 $ 1,845.58 Average $ 1,571,433.00 74,766 $ 21.46 Median $ 858,854.03 54,233 $ 17.63 Page 198 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 199 Kentucky Detention Centers Payroll Costs Including Fringe Benefits Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 Detention Centers Adair Allen Ballard Barren Bell Big Sandy Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle/Mercer Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt Butler Caldwell Calloway Campbell Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden Daviess Estill Floyd Franklin Fulton Payroll Costs Including Fringe Benefits $ 487,146.73 486,426.49 598,443.54 903,129.57 577,634.24 1,086,978.88 1,787,698.25 609,226.86 923,800.21 1,496,114.50 204,883.30 723,194.15 1,769,488.59 426,314.12 376,287.26 818,143.33 2,166,100.33 848,915.10 868,792.95 818,168.65 2,125,451.90 909,797.27 1,048,901.65 178,078.27 202,098.92 3,208,990.76 278,289.45 947,084.10 1,920,965.72 946,400.77 Total Inmate Days Per Survey 34,394 25,756 24,495 64,203 24,276 85,795 85,147 31,025 54,750 87,412 4,125 66,150 64,924 16,425 12,737 59,567 66,607 57,894 50,559 65,308 255,521 67,863 101,470 9,490 6,435 229,844 8,030 55,699 109,500 94,473 Payroll Costs to Inmate Days Ratio 14.16 18.89 24.43 14.07 23.79 12.67 21.00 19.64 16.87 17.12 37.25 10.93 27.25 25.96 29.54 13.73 32.52 14.66 17.18 12.53 8.32 13.41 10.34 18.76 31.41 13.96 34.66 17.00 17.54 10.02 Page 200 Kentucky Detention Centers Payroll Costs Including Fringe Benefits Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Grant Graves Grayson Greenup Hancock Hardin Harlan Hart Henderson Hickman Hopkins Jackson Jessamine Kenton Knott LaRue Laurel Letcher Lewis Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Lincoln Livingston Logan Louisville Metropolitan Madison Marion Marshall Payroll Costs Including Fringe Benefits $ Total Inmate Days Per Survey Payroll Costs to Inmate Days Ratio 2,013,887.34 918,686.83 4,451,534.80 748,336.49 174,710.94 3,087,315.61 704,480.47 835,300.82 2,227,823.25 505,690.45 2,147,071.05 183,828.64 1,050,943.96 4,833,794.00 286,948.43 507,133.23 1,990,609.03 536,840.02 542,170.22 110,900 45,625 204,385 40,330 3,650 161,193 33,580 58,522 152,261 32,118 138,100 10,950 55,587 163,663 2,555 41,975 151,031 31,025 23,725 18.16 20.14 21.78 18.56 47.87 19.15 20.98 14.27 14.63 15.74 15.55 16.79 18.91 29.54 56.15 12.08 13.18 17.30 22.85 16,516,218.00 606,669.23 279,180.37 899,286.53 29,243,490.25 1,033,321.74 1,365,746.83 882,878.34 438,000 40,990 4,380 63,254 731,777 83,950 101,202 53,716 37.71 14.80 63.74 14.22 39.96 12.31 13.50 16.44 Page 201 Kentucky Detention Centers Payroll Costs to Inmate Days Ratio Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Mason McCracken McCreary Meade Monroe Montgomery Muhlenberg Nelson Ohio Oldham Perry Pike Powell Pulaski Rockcastle Rowan Russell Scott Shelby Simpson Three Forks Regional Todd Trigg Union Warren Wayne Payroll Cost Including Fringe Benefits $ 1,143,349.92 2,402,841.18 272,703.65 767,508.56 185,011.00 1,109,204.64 1,355,142.96 718,830.38 360,583.05 1,126,330.33 969,308.06 1,428,141.62 366,483.27 1,637,984.18 492,149.23 752,504.80 212,076.90 1,434,524.81 1,301,521.45 1,098,673.00 745,149.68 241,899.64 212,293.87 544,324.83 3,062,954.08 583,656.00 Total Inmate Days Per Survey 46,960 154,395 12,426 49,941 9,490 54,750 82,125.00 51,376.00 17,520 29,124 91,250 98,370 10,950 82,653 35,430 45,625 10,220 28,272 53,290 62,050 64,843 6,570 4,380 18,250 216,019 63,762 Payroll Costs to Inmate Days Ratio 24.35 15.56 21.95 15.37 19.50 20.26 16.50 13.99 20.58 38.67 10.62 14.52 33.47 19.82 13.89 16.49 20.75 50.74 24.42 17.71 11.49 36.82 48.47 29.83 14.18 9.15 Page 202 Kentucky Detention Centers Payroll Costs Including Fringe Benefits Alphabetical Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (Continued) Detention Centers Payroll Costs Including Fringe Benefits Total Inmate Days Per Survey Payroll Costs to Inmate Days Ratio Webster Whitley Woodford $ 582,377.37 841,038.96 877,827.83 35,772 68,248 27,464 $ 16.28 12.32 31.96 Totals $ 135,143,237.98 6,429,843 $ 1,845.58 Average Payroll Cost $ 1,571,433.00 74,766 $ 21.46 Median Payroll Cost $ 858,854.03 54,233 $ 17.63