La County Agreement With Haight Ashbury Clinics to Provide Gender Responsive Rehab for Female Prisoners, LASD, 2012
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March 06, 2012 The Honorable Board of Supervisors County of Los Angeles 383 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration Los Angeles, California 90012 Dear Supervisors: APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH HAIGHT ASHBURY FREE CLINICS, INCORPORATED TO PROVIDE A GENDER-RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS (ALL DISTRICTS) (3 VOTES) SUBJECT The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (Department) is seeking your Board’s approval and execution of an Agreement with Haight Ashbury Free Clinics, Incorporated (HAFC) to provide a Gender-Responsive Rehabilitation Program (GRR Program) for female offenders incarcerated in County jails. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD: 1. Approve the attached Agreement by and between the County of Los Angeles (County) and HAFC, for the GRR Program for a term of three years with an option to extend for two additional one-year option periods, plus one additional six-month option period in any increment for a total term not to exceed five years and six months, with a total Maximum Contract Sum not to exceed $3,523,507 utilizing funding from the Inmate Welfare Fund. 2. Delegate authority to the Sheriff or his designee to execute Change Orders and Amendments to the Agreement as set forth throughout the Agreement, including Change Orders and Amendments: (a) to effectuate modifications which do not materially affect any term of the Agreement, (b) to add new or revised standard County contract provisions adopted by your Board as required from time to time, (c) to exercise Option Term extensions of the Agreement, (d) to effectuate an assignment of rights or delegation of duties pursuant to the Assignment by Contractor provision, (e) to reallocate The Honorable Board of Supervisors 3/6/2012 Page 2 Line Item Budget items in accordance with Subparagraph 8.8 of the Agreement, (f) to decrease the scope of services and correspondingly decrease the Maximum Annual Contract Sum(s) and Maximum Contract Sum, and (g) to increase the scope of services for additional work required by the County and correspondingly increase the Maximum Annual Contract Sum(s), which shall not increase by more than ten percent during the Term of the Agreement provided sufficient funding is available. PURPOSE/JUSTIFICATION OF RECOMMENDED ACTION The purpose of this action is to establish an Agreement with HAFC to provide a recurring GRR Program that provides life skills training and fosters personal well-being, accountability, independence, employability, and family and community cohesion among female offender participants. The GRR Program shall promote behavior change through Evidence-Based Best Practices consistent with the National Institute of Corrections Gender-Responsive Strategies. Implementation of Strategic Plan Goals The services provided under this Agreement support the County’s Strategic Plan, Goal 1, Operational Effectiveness. This Agreement will allow HAFC to provide GRR Program educational services with the goal of promoting female offenders’ successful rehabilitation and reintegration into society, thus reducing recidivism. FISCAL IMPACT/FINANCING The Department has identified funding from the Inmate Welfare Fund to finance GRR Program services. The Maximum Contract Sum is $3,523,507 for the term of the Agreement. FACTS AND PROVISIONS/LEGAL REQUIREMENTS This is a cost reimbursement Agreement whereby the County pays HAFC for the actual direct costs incurred by HAFC for the delivery of the services plus indirect expenses in the amount of 12 percent of the direct costs. The Maximum Annual Contract Sums shall be as set forth on Exhibit C, Pricing Sheet, of the Agreement. The Maximum Contract Sum for the term of the Agreement, including all options, shall not exceed $3,523,507. The Agreement allows for one-time start-up costs in the amount of $19,233. HAFC’s GRR Program will be provided inside a select dormitory at the Department’s Century Regional Detention Facility. This therapeutic community dormitory presently houses approximately 124 female offenders enrolled in various educational and vocational courses that are jointly encapsulated within a primarily education-based set of services known as the Maximum Education Reaching Individual Transformation (MERIT) Program. While the MERIT Program features a number of Department-provided services, many existing MERIT Program elements are facilitated through a contracted education provider. The framework of HAFC’s GRR Program will augment and complement the existing MERIT Program elements and services and be tailored to address the path of criminality for female offenders. The The Honorable Board of Supervisors 3/6/2012 Page 3 GRR Program will overlay existing MERIT Program elements and services and will address individual inmate GRR Program participant needs in a gender-responsive fashion. Participation in all inmate programs within the Department’s jail system is voluntary. Participants in all programs, including the MERIT Program, are identified through a variety of means, including inmate request slips, outreach by the Department’s Inmate Services Bureau, other custody staff, and court orders. The GRR Program shall be administered as an open-entry, open-exit system to accommodate inmate GRR program participants who have limited time remaining in custody, yet qualify for, and are desirous of participating in the GRR Program. HAFC is in compliance with all Board and Chief Executive Office requirements including the Jury Service Program, the Safely Surrendered Baby Law, and the Defaulted Property Tax Reduction Program. County Counsel has reviewed and approved this Agreement as to form. CONTRACTING PROCESS On October 5, 2010, the Department released a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals from vendors to provide GRR Program services for the Department. The Department sent notification of the RFP to 25 vendors by e-mail. The RFP was also posted on the County and the Department websites. A mandatory proposers’ conference and mandatory custody facility site visit were held on November 3, 2010, which 13 vendors attended. On May 9, 2011, the RFP solicitation closed, and the Department received four proposals. An evaluation committee comprised of individuals from the Department and one non-County agency convened to evaluate the proposals utilizing the informed averaging method in accordance with the Proposal Evaluation Methodology Policy approved by your Board on March 31, 2009. As a result of that evaluation, HAFC’s proposal received the highest score. Therefore, the Department is recommending HAFC for this Agreement award. One non-selected proposer filed an Intent to Request a Proposed Contractor Selection Review, but did not move forward with the request. IMPACT ON CURRENT SERVICES (OR PROJECTS) There will be no negative impact on current Department operations and services. The Honorable Board of Supervisors 3/6/2012 Page 4 CONCLUSION Upon approval by your Board, please return three adopted copies of this Board letter to the Department's Contracts Unit. Sincerely, LEROY D. BACA Sheriff LDB:GI:gi Enclosures AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN COUNTY OF lOS ANGELES AND HAIGHT ASHBURY FREE CLINICS, INC. FOR GENDER-RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AND HAIGHT ASH BURY FREE CLINICS, INC. FOR GENDER-RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS Table of Contents RECITALS ..... " ................. . 1. ............................................................................................ 1 AGREEMENT AND INTERPRETATION" .. ,..... , ., ....... ,., ................................................. 1 1.1 Agreement ................................................................. ,......................................... 1 1.2 Interpretation ....................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Additional Terms and CondH:ions ........................................................................ 3 1.4 Construction ....................................................................................................... 3 2. DEFINITIONS ................................. ,............................................................................ 3 3 ADMINISTRATION OF AGREEMENT - COUNTY ......... . . ......... 6 3.1 County Project Director ............................................................ . ." ....... 6 3.2 County Project Manager. ............................. " ....................................................... 7 3.3 Consolidation of Duties ................................................................................... ,..... 8 3.4 County Personnel ........ ,........ ,.... ,.. ,.... " .. ,........... ,................................................ 8 4. ADMINISTRATION OF AGREEMENT - CONTRACTOR. .............................................. 8 4.1 Contractor Program Director................................................................................. 8 4.2 Approval of Contractor's Staff .............................................................................. 9 5. WORK ............................... ,.... ,............................. . 6. CHANGE ORDERS AND AMENDMENTS ......................... . ..................................... 10 7. TERM ................................................................................. . .. ................................. 11 8. COSTS AND FEES ........................................................................................ """"'.' .. 12 Coonty <>f La. Ang ~ I~$ ShfIfif/'s D<> and H8igIl1 Ashbufy Free CM i<J.<, Inc. ................................................. 10 GfHlder ·R~spooslv~ RMlibilita/KYl Progr~ m for F" "",I. Olkwro "'~, g. COUNTY'S OBLIGATION FOR FUTURE YEARS ........................................................ 13 10. INVOICES AND PAyMENTS ........................................................................................ 13 11. CONTRACTOR'S CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES COMPLIANCE ..................................... 15 12. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES ............................................................. ,................................ 15 13. OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS, SOFTWARE AND COPYRIGHT ____ ..................... 16 14. NOTICES ....................................................................................... _............................ 17 15. ARM'S LENGTH NEGOTIATIONS .................................................... ,......................... 18 16. SURVIVAL ....................... ,........................................................................... " ............. 18 EXHIBIT AEXHIBIT B - EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT D EXHIBIT E1 EXHIBIT E2 EXHIBIT FEXHIBIT GEXHIBIT HEXHIBIT 1EXHIBIT JEXHIBIT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT KLMN- EXHIBIT 0 - ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS STATEMENT OF WORK ATTACHMENT 1 • MERIT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ATTACHMENT 2 • LASD ENTRY APPLICATION FOR CUSTODY FACILITIES ATTACHMENT 3 • POLITICAL ACTIVITY ATTACHMENT 4 • SECURITY OF PERSONAL PROPERTY PRICING SHEET CONTRACTOR'S EEO CERTIFICATION CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT CONTRACTOR NON-EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT JURY SERVICE ORDINANCE SAFELY SURRENDERED BABY LAW CONTRACT DISCREPANCY REPORT PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY CHART CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE COUNTY'S DEFAULTED PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION PROGRAM CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS CERTIFICATION INVOICE DISCREPANCY REPORT NON·EMPLOYEE INJURY REPORT COUNTY RFP #402·SH FOR GENDER·RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS (Not attached -Incorporated by reference) CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSE TO RFP #402·SH (Not attached· Incorporated by reference) County of J.O$ Anr;9!fJ. 8Mriff. Dep.Jrtment and H~ ight Ashbwy Free CIir/ic!;, ino. Ger>d" , -R~~Ne R"""bilitatioo PrOf}'am lor F9maiB Offlmders Agreement AGREEMENT BY AND BElWEEN COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AND HAIGHT ASHBURY FREE CUNICS, INC. FOR GENDER-RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of ,2012, by and between County of Los Ange les ("County) al"ld Haight AstIbury Free Clinics, Inc., a corporation organized under the laws of State of California, located at 11550 Evans Avenue, San Francisco, Galilorma 94124 ("Contractor"), to provide Gender-Responsive Rehabilitation Program for Female Offenders ("GRR Program") services for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department r Department"). RECITALS WHEREAS, County, through the Department, desires to COf"Itract with Contractor for GRR Program services for the Department's Inmate Services Bureau; and WHEREAS, Contractor represents that it possesses the necessary special skills, knowledge and technical competence and sufficient staffing to provide such GRR Program servk:es; and WHEREAS, this Agreement (as defined below) is authorized pursuant to California Government Code Section 31000 and otherwise. NOW THEREFORE, i1 consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of v.f\ich are hereby acknov.1edged, County and Contractor agree as tallows: 1. AGREEMENT AND INTERPRETATION 1.1 Aareement This base document along with Exhibits A through M, attached hereto, and Exhibits N through 0, not attached hereto but Incorporated herein by this reference, and any Attachments attached hereto or thereto, and any fult)' executed Change Order or Amendment from time to time hereto or thereto collectively constitute and throughout and hereinafter are referred to as the "Agreement: This Agreement shall const~ute the complete and exclusive statement of understanding between County and Contractor and supersedes any and all prIor or COf"Itemporaneous agreements. Mitten at oral, and all communications between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. 1 County of /.0$ AngiJIn ~ •• Oapio<~, .. ,t_ H8igm AItlDuIy ~ ~. roc. 1.2 . In the eveot of any conflict or inconslslency in tf1e definition or of any word, responSiblltty, schedule, or the contents or description of any task, subtask, deliverable, goods, service, or other Work, or otherwise, sUCh conflict or inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence fifst to th is base doctJment, and tf1en 10 the Exhibits and any attachments thereto, according to the following priority: 1.2.' EKhibit A - 1.2.2 Exhibit B - Additional Terms and Conditions Statement of Work Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment4 - Merit P rogram Description LASO Entry Application for Custody FaCilities Political Activity Secorlty of Personal Property 1.2.3 Exhibit C - Pricing Sheet 1.2 .4 Exhibit N - County RFP /l402-SH lor Gender-Responsive Rehabilitation Program lor Female Olfenders 1.2.5 Exhibit 0- Contractor's Response to RFP 1f402-SH 1.2.6 Exhibit 1- Performance Requirements Summary Chart 1.2.7 Exhibit 0- Contraclor's EEO Certilication 1.2.8 Exhibit H - Contract Discrepancy Report 1.2.9 Exhibit L - Invoice Discrepancy Report 1.2.10 Exhibit M - Non-Employee Injury Report 1.2.1 1 Exhibit El- Contractor's Employee Acknowledgment and Confidentiality Agreemeot Exhibit E2 - Contractor's Non-Employee Acknowledgment and Confidentiality Agreement 1.2 .12 Exhibit G - Safely Surrendered Baby Law 1.2.' 3 Eldlibrt F - Jury S8fVice Ordinance 1.2.'4 Exhibit J - Contraclor's Certification of Compliance with the County's DefaUlted Property Tax Reduction Program 1.2.15 Exhibit K - Charitable Conlribulions Certification 2 ~~R_t",,,,., "'l'I>mU forkmM ~ Ago-.-r 1.3 AddH ional Terms and Conditions. Without limiting the generalily 01 Subparagraph 1.1 (Agreemenl), attached herelo as Exhibit A (AddHlonal Terms and Condilions), and incorporalod by relerence herein, are additional teoos and cond.itions to this Agreement Contractor acknowledges and agrees that it shall be bound by the additional terms and conditiOfls enumerated In such Exhibit as if such terms and conditions were enumerated in the body of this base document. 1.4 Construction. The words "herein", "her60r, and "hereunder' end words of similar Import used in this Agreement refer to this Agreement, including all annexes, Attachments, Exhibits, and Schedules as the context may require. Wherever from the context it appears appropriate, each term stated in either the singular or plural shall include the singular end the plural. Whenever examples ara used in this Agreement with the words "inCluding', "for example", "e.g:, "such as' , ·etc.", or any derivation 01 sud! words, suCh examples are intended 10 be Illustrative and not lim~ ing. Gaptions and Paragraph headings used in Ihe Agreement are lor convenience only and are nol a part 01 the Agreemenl and shall nOl be used in construing the Agreement. References in Illis Agreement to Federal, Stale and/or OIher governmental staMas, codes, rules, regulations, ordinances, guidelines, dlraclrves and/or policies, including those copies 01 >MIich are attached to this Agreement, shall mean and shall be to such statutes, codes, rules, regulations, ordinances, guidelines, directives andlor policies as amended from t!me to time. 2. pEflNITIONS The following terms aoo phrases as used herein shall be construed to have the following meaning, lrIless otherwise apparent from the COfllexi til which Illay are used. 2. 1 ' Acreemenr has lhe meaning sel forth in Sub-paragraph 1.1 (Agreement). 2.2 "Amendmer( has the meaning set forth in Paragraph 6 (Change Orders and Amendments). 2.3 "Board" means the Los AnQeles Cotrnty Board of Supervisors. 2.4 "BusineSS Pay" means Monday through Friday, excluding County observed holidays. 2.5 'Change Order has the meaning set lorth in Paragraph 6 (Change Orders and Amendments) 2.6 ·Contractor' has the meaning set lorth in the preamble. 2.7 "Con!raclor Key Personnel" has \he meaning set forth in Sub-paragraph 4.2.2 (Approval 01 Conuactor's Staft). J • 2.8 'Contractor Program DirectQr" has the meaning set forth In Sub-paragraph4 .1 (Conlraclor Program Dlrec10r). 2.9 'County" has the meaning set forth In the preamble. 2.10 'County Counsel" means County's Offtce of \he County Counsel. 2. 11 ' County Project Director' has the meaning set forth In Sub-paragraph 3.1 (County Project Director) . 212 ' County Project Manager" has the meaning set forth In Sub-paragraph3.2 (County Project Manager). 2.13 ' Deoartment has the meaning set forth in lhe preamble. 2.1 4 "Qir8CI Costs' means all costs associated with the day-to-day expenses of providing the GRR Program services required herein, Inclusive of personnel costs, including salaries and benefits, and operating expenses, such as equipment, supplies, and software, and more specifically as specified in Exhibit C (Pricing Sheet). 2,15 "Dispute Resolutioo Procedure' has the meaning set 101111 in Paragraph 2.0 (Dispute Resolution Procedure) of Exhibit A (AdditiOllal Terms and Conditions). 2,1e "Gender- Responsive" means creating an envirooment that reflects an understanding of the realitlas of women's lives and addresses the Issues of women. 2. 17 "GRR P[QQram" has the meaning set forth in the preamble and more specifically means the Gender-Responsive Rehabilitation Program lor Female Offenders services required to be provided by ConlfactOf under this Agreement. 2.18 "Indirect Expenses" means a percentage of Direct. Costs attributable to all ovemead and indirect costs, l'IcIudlng but not limited 10 payroll, human resources, accounting, and administrative fees assoc~tad with proYiding the GRR Program services required herein, and more specifically as specified in Exhibit C (Pricing Sheet) . 2.1 9 "Infrlnoement Clajms' has the meaning set forth in Paragraph 14.0 (Intellectual Property Illdemnification) of Exhibit A (Additional Terms and Conditions). 2.20 "InHiat Term" has the meaning set forth in Paragraph 7 (Term). 2.2 1 "Inmate GRR Proaram Panlc!oant" means a female inmate In the cuslody 01 the Sheriff which has been selected to participate in the GAA Program. C'ou!fy of LOs~' ~~fn Haiglll ~ F'oc~, Inc. 4 ~~~ Prr>grlm for F_~ Offr.d<m; -"' 2.22 2.23 ~~~~:;!;:,~h:nas the meaning set 10m in Subof Exhibit B (Statement of Work). 9! ' Intake Risk and Needs Assessment Tool ' has the meaning set forth in Subparagraph 2.2 (Risk and Needs Assessment) of Exhibit B (Statement of Work). 2.24 "Invoice Discrepancy Report" or ".!QB" has the meaning set forth in Subparagraph 10.7 (Invoices and Payments). 2.25 • Jury Service Program' has the meaning set forth in Paragraph 33.0 (Compliance with Jury Service Program) of Exhibit A (Additional Terms and Conditions). 2.26 "Maximum Annual Contract Sum" shall be the tolal monetary amount that would be payable by County to Contractor in any contract year for providing required Work under this Agreement, inclusive of all applicable Taxes, and more specifically shall be the not-to-exceed amount set forth in Paragraph 8 (Costs and Fees). 2.27 "Maximum Contract Sum" shall be the total monetary amount that would be payable by County to Contractor for providing required Work under this Agreement for the Term, inclusive of all applicable Taxes, and more specifically shall be the not-to-exceed amount set forth in Paragraph 8 (Costs and Fees). 2.28 ' MERIT Dorm" has the meaning set forth in Paragraph 1.0 (Scope of Work) of Exhibit B (Statement of Work). 2.29 'MERIT Proaram" has the meaning set forth in Paragraph 1.0 (Scope of Work) of Exhibit B (Statement of Work) and elsewhere, including Attachment 1 (Merit Program Description) of Exhibit B (Statement of Work). 2.30 ' Option Term' has the meaning set forth in Paragraph 7 (Term). 2.31 ' Orientation' has the meaning set forth in Sub-paragraph 2.1 (Orientation) of Exhibit B (Statement of Work). 2.32 "Reassessment' has the meaning set forth (Reassessment) of Exhibit B (Statement of Work). 2.33 "Self-EvaluatiQ!1 Assessment " has the meaning set forth in Sub-paragraph 2.3 (Self-Evaluation Assessment) of Exhibit B (Statement of Work). 2.34 "Self-Evaluation Reassessment " has the meaning set forth in Sub-paragraph 2.5 (Self-Evaluation Assessment) of Exhibit B (Statement of Work). 2.35 "Sheriff" means the elected official who is the Sheriff of the County of Los Angeles. Co:xN!ty of Lm; ~ s SI>fJ'!fI'~ ~8ttmtm l mid H<Jighl khbury F~ ~ Clinic.>. Inc. 5 in Sub-paragraph 2.5 Gtmd "". R ~spo=iv~ R ~""Nli1aticn Prcgre.m fur FIIma /9 O/f"",oors Agr8""""'1 3. 2.36 ' Start Up Costs' shall be the total monetary amount payable by County to Contractor for initial start up costs, including but not Hmited to staff training, equipment. curriculum, and self assessment tools, and more specifically shall be the not-to-exceed amount set forth in Paragraph 8 (Costs and Fees), 2.37 · Statement of Work" or "fKl:!i." means the Statement of Work, attached as Exhibit B (Statement of Work) to this Agreement, together with all Attachments thereto, as the same may be amended by any fully executed Change Order or Amendment. 2.38 "Tax" and "Taxes" means governmental fees (including license, filing and registration fees) and all taxes (including franchise, excise, stamp, value added, income, gross receipts, gross revenue, import, export, sales, use, transfer, and property taxes), withholdings, assessments, levies, imposts, duties, charges, or interest thereon imposed. 2.39 "Term" has the meaning set forth in Paragraph 7 (Term). 2.40 'Treatment and Rehabilitative Plans' has the meaning set forth in Sub-paragraph 2.4 (Treatment and Rehabilitative Plan) of the Exhibit B (Statement of Work). 2.41 '"'Watch Commander" means a Department sworn employee, usually at the rank of Lieutenant, who has responsibility wrthin a specific custody lacility for line operations during a designated shift. 2.42 Work" means any and all tasks, subtasks, deliverables, goods, and other services performed by or on behalf of Contractor including the war!< required pursuant to this Agreement, Exhibit B (Statement of Work) and all other Exhibits, and fully executed Change Orders and Amendments hereto. ADMINISTRATION OF AGREEMENT 3.1 COUNTY County Project Director 3.1.1 "County Project Director" or this Agreement shall be the following person: C<xmJy 0{ LO.f kl,;]91es ShIKiff's ~Ml'MIlr fJ{)(j Haight Ashbvry Fr- ~ ~. /rrc. Director Karen Dalton Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Twin Towers Correctional Facility Inmate Services Bureau 441 Bauchet Street, Room E801 Los Angeles, California 90012 Office: (213) 893-5882 Facsimile: (324) 415-6576 6 GMd8r-R8Sf!OO$NO ReNbRitation ProgrMn for Femsle Offendt!1'5 Aw""m""l 3.2 3.1.2 County will notify Contractor in writing of any change in the name or address of County Project Director. 3.1.3 Except as set forth in Paragraph 6 (Change Orders and Amendments) of this Agreement, County Project Director is not authorized to make any changes in any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and is not authorized to further obligate County in any respect whatsoever. 3.1.4 County Project Director shall have the right at all times to inspect any and all Work provided by or on behalf of Contractor. County Project Manager 3.2.1 "County Project Manager" for this Agreement shall be the following person: Sergeant Christina Baker Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department Twin Towers Correctional Facility Inmate Services Bureau 441 Bauchet Street, Room S2125 Los Angeles, California 90012 Office: (213) 893-5882 Facsimile: (324) 415-3808 Unless otherwise specifically noted, whenever this Agreement calls for a notice, report, or other delivery to be made by Contractor (or any representative thereof) to County Project Manager, such notice, report, or other delivery shall be made to County Project Manager in accordance with the notice information set forth above or in accordance with such other notice information as County may notify Contractor from time to time pursuant to Sub-paragraph 3.2.2. 3.2.2 County shall notify Contractor in writing of any change in the name or address of the County Project Manager. 3.2.3 County Project Manager shall be a resource for addressing the technical standards and requirements of this Agreement, shall interface regularly with Contractor and further shall have the duties from time to time given to such person by County. 3.2.4 County Project Manager is not authorized to make any changes in any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement nor obligate County in any respect whatsoever. Gt:Jndt:J r.R~ ".",..",iv ~ R ~ bi/itation 7 Co<mty of Lo~ Angttles Sheriffs o..partlTHKlf 1IfKi H3!gM Ashbury FffJ8 Clinics. Jnc. Program for FfJma!e Offenders AQrM m..n1 3.2.5 County Project Manager shall advise County Project Director as to Contractor's performance in areas relating to technical requirements and standards, County policy, information requirements, and procedural requirements. 3.2.6 County Project Manager shall issue Contract Pet10rmance Discrepancy Report as soon as possible to Contractor whenever a contract discrepancy is identified, as staled in Exhibit B. Statement of Work. A sample of the Contract Pet10rmance Discrepancy Report is attached hereto as Exhibrt H (Contract Discrepancy Report) to this Agreement. 3.3 Consolidation of Duties. County reserves the right to consolklate the duties of the County Project Director, which duties are enumerated in Sub-paragraph 3.1 (County Project Director), and the duties of the County Project Manager, which duties are enumeraled in Sub-paragraph 3.2 (County Project Manager), into one County position, and to assign all such dulies to one individual who will act as County's liaison in all matters relating to this Agreement. County will notify Contractor no later tIlan five {5} calendar days prior to exercising its rights pursuant to this Sub-paragraph 3.3. 3.4 County Personnel. All County personnel assigned to this Agreement shall be under the exclusive supervision of County. Contractor understands and agrees that all such County personnel are assigned onty for the convenience of County. 4. ADMINISTRATION OF AGREEMENT 4.1 CONTRACTOR Contractor Program Director 4.1.1 ·Contractor Program Director' shall be the following person. who shall be a full-time employee of Contractor: Claudine Macias 12423 Dahlia Avenue EI Monte, California 91732 Office: (213) 216-0266 Cell: (626) 391 -8501 4. 1.2 Contractor shall notify County in wrrting of any change in the name or address of tile Contractor Program Director. 4. 1.3 Contractor Program Director shall be responsible for Contractors performance of all of the Work and ensuring Contractor's compliance with this Agreement. C""III1" af (05 Nlg#Jles Soodffs Dcparlr=nl ,md Haight Ashbury Fro8 Cmk:s, Inc. G ~",,*, r·R~"fXX"' iv . Ruhabiiitatian Pror;rnmlar F61llAAJ orrend~r$ Agr-=nt 4.1.4 During the Term of this Agreement, Contractor Program Director shall be available to receive telephonic communication from Department, as needed, on a 24-hours-per-day, 7-days-per-week basis. 4. 1.5 Contractor Program Director shall be respOllsible for Contractor's day-today activities as related to this Agreement. 4.1.6 Contractor Program Director shall be available to meet and confer as necessary, but no less frequently than on a quarterly basis, with County, or as determined by County Project Manager. 4.2 Approval of Contractor's Staff 4.2.1 County approves the proposed Contractor Program Director listed in Subparagraph 4.1, The County Project Director has the right to approve or disapprove any proposed replacement for the Contractor Program Director. If COIltractor desires to replace, or if County, at its discretion. requires removal of the Contractor Program Director, Contractor shall provide County with a resume of such proposed replacement, and an opportunity to interview such person prior to such person performing any Work hereunder. County shall not unreasonably delay its approval of a replacement of Contractor Program Director. 4.2.2 Contractor shall endeavor to assure continuity during the Term of Cootractor personnel performing key functions under this Agreement, including Supervising Counselor, Family Service Coordinator, Transitional Service Coordinator, and Program Facilitators, collectively, and together with Contractor Program Director ("Contractor Key Personner). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the County Project Director may require removal of any Contractor Key Personnel. 4.2.3 In the event Contractor should desire to remove any Contractor Key Personnel from performing Work under this Agreement, Contractor shall provide County with notice at least fifteen (15) calendar days in advance, except in circumstances in which such notice is not possible (e.g., a removal for cause or other egregious act), and shall work with County on a mutually agreeable transition plan so as to ensure project continuity. 4.2.4 Contractor shall promptly fill any vacancy in Contractor Key Personnel with individuals having qualifications at least equivalent to those of Contractor Key Personnel being replaced. 4.2.5 All staff employed by and on behatf of COIltractor shall be adults, 18 years of age and older, who are legally eligible to work under the laws of the United States of America and the State of California. All Contractor Key Personnel and all other members of Contractor's staff who have direct County of Los .Ail;;9IfJs Sh<Jriff~ Dt!pM menl ~"" H<Jighi A. hbury F",e CMb, Inc. r;.,""~r·R ~sp<)fl$iv. PrDfJrarr! R"""biiitatioo mr Fema!9 OlfM<k;rs Ag~rrl contact with County (either by telephone, electronic or written correspondence, or in person) shall be fully fluent in both spoken and written English, 5, 6, WORK 5,1 Contractor shall fully and timely perform all Work under this Agreement, including pUrsuant to fully executed Change Orders and Amendments, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 5,2 Contractor acknowledges that, subject to this Paragraph 5 ('Nork), all Work performed under this Agreement, including pursuant to fully executed Change Orders and Amendments, is payable in arrears on a monthly basis in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement including this Paragraph 5 ('Nork), Paragraph 8 (Costs and Fees), and Paragraph 10 (Invoices and Payments). 5.3 If Contractor provides any tasks, deliverables, goods, services, or other Work, other than as specified in this Agreement the same shall be deemed to be a gratuitous effort on the part of Contractor, and Contractor shall have no claim whatsoever against County, 5,4 Contractor shall establish and maintain sufficient accounting, intemal control, financial reporting, and administrative capacity to effectively administer the services required by this Agreement. CHANGE ORDERS AND AMENDMENTS 6,1 No representative of either County or Contractor, including those named in this Agreement. is authorized to make any changes in any of the terms, obligations, or conditions of this Agreement, except through the procedures set forth in this Paragraph 6 (Change Orders and Amendments), 6,2 County reserves the right to change any portion of the Work required under this Agreement, or amend such other terms and conditions, as may become necessary, Any such revision shall be accomplished in the following manner: 6,2,1 For any change which does not materially affect the scope of Work, period of performance, amount of payments, or any other term or condition included under this Agreement, a Change Order shall be executed by both the County Project Director and Contractor Program Director, wtth the review of County Counsel. 6,2,2 The Board or County's Chief Executive Officer or designee may require the addition and/or change of certain terms and conditions in the Agreement during the Term of this Agreement County reserves the right eoonly ofLosAng~ &-iIf'~ DepM ment I1fJd Ha;.,ht Ashb<Jry F"' ~ Clinics, Inc. 10 Gond<Jr-R.,,;potl.iv9 R9habilitatkm Pror;ram kx Femsie 0fIrJnd~ ", Agr-e-t>fmlllt to add and/or ctmnge such provisions as required by the Board or County's Chief ExecuHve Officer. To implement such changes, an Amendment to the Agreement shall be executed by Sheriff and Contractor. 6.2.3 For any change that materially affects the scope of Work, period of performance, amount of payments, or any other term or condition included under this Agreement, an Amendment to this Agreement shall be executed by the Board and Contractor. 6.2.4 Notwithstanding Sub-paragraph 6.2.3 above. for (1) any Option Term extension of the Term of the Agreement pursuant to Sub-paragraph 7.2 below, (2) any Line Item Budget reallocation pursuant to Sub-paragraph 8.8 below, and (3) any assignment of rights or delegation of duties pursuant to Paragraph 40.0 (Assignment by Contractor) of Exhibit A (Additional Terms and Conditions), an Amendment to this Agreement shall be executed by Sheriff and Contractor. 7. TERM 7.1 The Term of this Agreement shall commence upon execution of the Agreement by the County Board of Supervisors and shall continue for a period of three (3) years, unless terminated earlier in whole or in part, as provided in this Agreement (the "Initial Term "). 7.2 The County has the option, at the Sheriff's sole discretion and upon notice to Contractor prior to the end of the current period of the Term, to extend the Term of this Agreement for up to two (2) additional one (I) year periods and thereafter, six (6) months, in any increment, (each an ' Option Term' ) for a total Term not to exceed five (5) years and six (6) months. Each such Option Term extension shall be in the form of an Amendment executed by Sheriff and Contractor pursuant to Sub-paragraph 6.2.4 above. As used herein, the "Term" shall mean the Initial Term and, if extended, each Option Term, as the case may be. 7.3 County maintains databases that track/monitor contractor performance history. Information entered into such databases may be used for a variety of purposes. including determining whether County will exercise an Option Term extension. 7.4 Contractor shall notify the County Project Director when this Agreement is within six (6) months from the expiration of the Initial Term, or any Option Term, as the case may be. Upon occurrence of this event Contractor shall send written notification to the County Project Director at the address herein provided in Subparagraph 3.1.1. C<XJnty of Lot; N!{}8I6s Sflf"iff$ ~tt""'nI and Hiliu/lf Ashbury F,-- Clinic!;, inc. II Gt!nd~ r-R~ 5p(1I't!;1ve R eIlablIit~Mn Pro;;cilm frx F""'aH1 ()ff.,nd~", A;jr9""''''' t 8. COSTS AND FEES 8.1 The 'Maximum Annual Contract Sum" authorized by County hereunder is, and sIlall in no event expressly or by implication, exceed the amounts listed in Exhibit C (Pricing Sheet) and shall be allocated as set forth in Exhibit C (Pricing Sheet). 8.2 The "Maximum Contract Sum" authorized by County hereunder is, and shall in no event expressly or by implication, exceed 83,523,507 and shall be allocated as set forth in Exhibit C (Pricing Sheet), 8.3 Contractor shall maintain a system of record keeping that will allow Contractor to determine when it has incurred seventy·five percent (75%) of the Maximum Contract Sum. Upon occurrence of this event, Contractor shall send written notification to the County Project Director and the County Project Manager at the addresses set forth in Paragraph 3,0 (Administration of Agreement-County), 8.4 This is a cost reimbursement Agreement whereby County pays Contractor for the actual Direct Costs incurred by Contractor for the delivery of services required under the Agreement, plus Indirect Expenses in the amount of twelve percent (12%) of the Direct Costs, in accordance with Exhibit C (Pricing Sheet), up to and not to exceed the stated Maximum Annual Contract Sum in any given contract year. 8,5 Contractor shall be entitled to one·time Starl·Up Costs as specified on Exhibit C (Pricing Sheet), Contractor must submit a separate invoice to County for payment of Start·Up Costs in accordance with the general requirements of Paragraph 10 (Invoices and Payments), 8.6 County and Contractor agree that the costs and fees set forth on Exhibit C (Pricing Sheet) are firm and fixed for the Term of the Agreement. County shall have no obligation for payment, and Contractor shall have no right to payment or reimbursement, other than as set forth in Exhibit C (Pricing Sheet). 8.7 Cootractor has prepared and submitted to County a Line Item Budget and Narrative, segregating Direct Costs, inclusive of the personnel costs and operating expenses, and Indirect Expenses, for the Work to be performed by Contractor. The Line Item Budget and Narrative is attached to and forms a part of Exhibit C (Pricing Sheet) to this Agreement. Contractor represents and warrants that the Line Item Budget and Narrative is true and correct in all respects and that Contractor shall deliver services in accordance with Exhibit C (Pricing Sheet). 8.8 Contractor, with prior approval of County, may (1) during each Initial Term or Option Term year, reallocate up to a maximum of five percent (5%) of the Maximum Annual Cootract Sum. as set forth in Exhibit C (Pricing Sheet), COUIIty 01 L"" Angel~ $ Sh ~ riffs Departm8nt ilIld Haight A.;hbury Free eM",s, Inc. 12 GoodBr·RfiSPOOtW8 R9i1aOilitalioo ProgtBm for Fe l1Ul ~ Offel')(j,;~ ~ml!m t between the approved Line Item Budget categories (Le. pe4'sonnel, employee benefits, supplies and expenses, equipment) and (2) reallocate up to a maximum of five percent (5%) of the Maximum Annual Contract Sum, as set forth in Exhibit C (pricing Sheet), between Inillal T9fm years, between an Initial Term year and an Option Term year, Of belWgefl Option Term years, as the case may be. Ally subsequoot une ltem Budget and Narrative madifi~tions above the five percef1t (5%) shall be agreed to by the parties and requested in writing by Contractor. In any event, such revisions shall not result in any increase In the Maximum Contract Sum. 8.9 In the event of (1) a realiocatJon 01 the Une Item Budget and Narrative consistent with Sub-paragraph 8.a above, (2) a change in the Maximum Annuel Contract Sum Of Maximum Contract Sum, or (3) a malerial chartge to the scope 01 Work apprU\l6d by County. Contfactor snail amend the line lIem Budgel and NarratIVe consistent wllh any changes and submit the revised Une Item Budgel and Narrative to the County Program Manager for processing in the lorm 01 a writlen Amendment in accordance with Pasagraph 6 (Change Orders and Amendments) of this Agreement. 9. COUNTY'S OBLIGATION FOB FUTURE FISCAL YEARS Notwithstanding any alher provision of this Agreement, either expl!3ssly or by Implication, County shall not be obligaled for Contractor's performance hereunder or by any provlsk)l1 of this Agreement durtng any of County's future fiscal years unless and untilihe Board appropriates funds for this Agreement in County's budget for each such future fiscal year. In the event that funds are not appropriated lor this Agreement, then this Agreement shall terminete as of June 30 01 the laslliscal yEtar lor which funds were appropriated and such terminat ion shall be deemed a termination for convenience pursuant to Paragraph 6 .0 (TerminatiOn for Convenience) of Exhibit A (AdcliUonal Terms and Conditions). County shall endeavor to notify Contractor in Wfiting 01 any such nonappropllation 01 funds at the earliest possible dale. 10. INYOICES AND PAYMENTS 10.1 For work perfonned in accOidance wtth the terms of this Agreement as determined by County, Contrector shall invoice County monthly In arrears for services at the actual costs Incurred which shall not exceed costs listed, by line item , in Exhibit C (Pricing Sheet). 10.2 Each invoice submitted by Contractor shall include the tasks, subtasks, deltvarables, goods, services. or other Work as described In Exhiblt B (Statement 01 Work) and Exhibit C (Pricing Sheet) lor which payment is claimed and the amount 01 Direct Costs and Indirecl Expenses th9felore. CotKJty IX ' - ~ Sf>erlfr's ~merlil/nd i'/lI:/gtI! AMW';' Fre. 0,;.,.,.. Inc. 13 ~-R~~ Progrlt/Tl /OJ' I'emlIioI ~ Au"''''''''' 10,3 All invoices submitted by Cootraclor lor payment must have the written approval 01 the County Project Difl~elor, as evidenced by the County Project DIrector's countersignature, prior to any payment thereof. In no event shall Counly be liable or respoosible lor any payment prior 10 such written approval, 10.4 Contractor shall maintain, and shall make available to COunty Project Director Immediately upon request, all documentation to support costs submitted for reimbursement. Documentation of expendttures shall be supported by, but shall be not limited to the following : 10.4.1 10.4.2 10.4.3 10.4.4 10.4.5 10.4.6 10.4.7 10.4.8 10.4.9 10.4. 10 10.4.11 Records documenting procurement 01 goods and S9Nlces; Contracts for goods and services; Invoices; Billing statements; cancelled checkS; TImecards signed by employees and supervisors; Payroll registers; Payroll tax. records ; Bank statements; Bank reconciliation; and All other documentation to support the allocatlon of costs. , 0,5 Contraclor acknowledge s that out-ai-pocket expenses, including travel, meal, and lodging expenses, are not refmbursable by County, Accordingly, Contraclor's invoices shall not include out-of-pocket expenses. 10,6 COntractor IS responsible for lhe accuracy of invoices submitted to County. Further, it is the responSibility of Contractor to reconcile or otherwise correct inaccuracies or inconsi$tencies in the invoices submitted by Contractor. 10.7 The County Project Manager or designee shall review all Invoices for any discrepancies and issue an ' Invoice Discrepancy Report" (or "IOR1, attached hereto as Exhibit l, to ConlractOf within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of invoice il payment amounts are disputed. COntractor shall review the disputed ct1arges and submit to the County Project Manager a written explanation detailing the basis for the charges within ten (10) calendar days 01 receipt of the IDR from the County Project Manager. If the County Project Manager does nat receive a written response from Contractor within ten ('a) calendar days of County's notice to COntractor of an lOR, then County payment will be made, less the dlsputed charges. , 0,8 In addition to any rights oj County provided in this Agreement, or at law or in equity, COunty may, upon notice to Contractor, withhold payment for any Work while COntractor is in default hereundel. 01 at any time that Contractor has not provided County approved Work. CO<II'Ily IIIIM ~ Sil«ifr'f ~ lIlId HU;l1! A&I!.tvy FrH e>mos. /tIc_ 14 Gendet-Re~ R~ AOI/lam IrJt ""-, ~Ie ~ 10.9 Submission 01 Inyoices Contractor shall on a monthly basls, by the tenth (10..., calendar day of the month lollowilg the month in which services were rendered, submit 811 original and one {tl copy of each invoice addressed as shO'Ml below: ORIGINAL TO: los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Twin Towers Correctional Facility Inmate Services Bureau Attention: Sergeant Mark Reynosa 450 Bauchet Street, Aoom E601 los Angeles. california 90012 COPY TO: los Angeles County Sheriffs Department Fiscal Administration Accounts Payable Sactlan - Contracts Billing 4700 Ramona Boulevard, Room 326 Monterey Park, California 91754 11. CONTRACTOR'S CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES COMPLIANCE The Supervision of Trustees and Fundraisers lor Charitable Purposes Act regulates entitles receiving or raising charitable contribulions. The "Nonprofit Integnty Act of 2004' (5B 1262, Chapter 9 19) increased Charttable Purposes Act requirements. By requiring Contractor 10 complete Exhibit K (Charitable Contributions Cenillcation), County seeks to ensure lhal all County contractors which receive or raise charitabte contributions wilhoUl complying with its ootigatiofls under California law commits a material breach subjecting it to either contract termination or debarment proceedings or both. (County Code Chapter 2.202) 12. LIQUIDATED PAMAGES 12.1 If, in lhe judgment of the County Project Director. Contractor Is deemed to be non-compliant with the terms and obligations assumed hereby, the County Project Director, at his/tler option, in addition to, or in lieu of. other remedies provided herein, may withhold the entire monthly payment or deduct pro rata Irom Contractor's invoice lor WOO< not perlormed. Information regarding 100 Wor1I flO! perlormed and the amoun t to be withheld Of" deducted from paymen1s to the Contractor Irorn County will be lorwarded to Conbaclor by the County Project Director in a written notice describing the reasons for said action. " 12.2 13. If the County Project Director determines that there are deficiencies in the performance of this Agreement that are correctable over a certain time span. the County Project Director will provide a written notice to Contractor to correct the Should Contractor fail to correct deficiency within specified time frames. deficiencies within said time frame, the County Project Director may: 12.2.1 Deduct from Contractor's payment, pro rata. those applicable portions of the invoiced monthly contract sum; or 12.2.2 Deduct liquidated damages. The parties agree that it will be impracticable or extremely difficult to fix the extent of actual damages resulting from the failure of Contractor to correct a deficiency within the specrried time frame. The parties hereby agree that under the current circumstances a reasonable estimate of sucl1 damages is one-hundred dollars ($100) per day per infraction, or as specn'ied in the Performance Requirements Summary (PRS) Chart, as defined in Exhibit I, and that Contractor shall be liable to County for liquidated damages in the said amount. Said amount shall be deducted from County's payment to Contractor; and/or 12.2.3 Upon giving five (5) Business Days notice to Contractor for failure to correct the deficiencies, County may correct any and all deficiencies and the total costs incurred by County for completion of the Work by an alternate source, whether it be County forces or separate private contractor, will be deducted and forfeited from the payment to Contractor from County, as determined by County. 12.3 The action noted in Sub-paragraph 12.2 shall not be construed as a penalty. but as an adjustment of payment to Contractor to recover County cost due to the failure of Contractor to complete or comply with the provisions of this Agreement. 12.4 This Paragraph 12 shall not, in any manner, restrict or limit County's right to damages for any breach of this Agreement provided by law or as specified in the PAS or Sub-paragraph 12.2, and shall not, ;n any manner, restrict or limrt County's right to terminate the Agreement as agreed to herein. OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS, SOFTWARE AND COPYRIGHT 13.1 County shall be the sale owner of all right, title, and interest, including copyright, in and to all software, plans. diagrams, facilities, documents. data, curriculum. program materials. handouts, audiO and visual aids, assessment and evaluation tools, instructional aides, and other tools (hereafter "materials") which are originated, developed, or created through Contractor's work pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor, for va~able consideration herein provided, shall execute all documents necessary to assign and transfer 10, and vest in County all of Contractor's right, title, and interest in and to such original materials, including Coooty of Los Anf;<J19(; Sheriff";; DtJpBl1tn6(l1 11!1d Haiahl khbury F_ Ciir>ic!;. 1m: 16 G""d""·R~ivI! R~lvrbi!il~ tkxl Program II){ F""",19 OItINKIers A{jrfXJ(OOlli any copyright, patent and trade secret rights which arise pursuant to Contractor's work under this Agreement. 14. 13.2 During the Term of this Agreement and for five (5) years thereafter, Contractor shall maintain and provide security for all of Contractor's materials and working papers prepared under this Agreement. County shall have the right to inspect. copy, and use at any time during and subsequent to the Term of this Agreement, any and all such materialS and working papers and all infoffilation contained therein. 13.3 An y and all materials, software, and tools which are developed or were originally acquired by Contractor outside the scope of this Agreement, which Contractor desires to use hereunder, and which Contractor considers to be proprietary or confidential, must be specifically identified by Contractor to the County Project Manager as proprietary marked by Contractor as ·Proprietary· or · Confktential" on each appropriate page of any document contaktling such material. 13.4 County will use reasonable means to ensure that Contractor's proprietary and/or confidential items are safeguarded and held in confidence, County agrees not to reproduce, distribute, or disclose to non"County entities any such proprietary and/or confidential items without the prior written consent of Contractor. 13.5 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, County will not be obligated to Contractor in any way under Sub-paragraph 13.4 for any of Contractor's proprietary and/or confidential items which are not plainly and prominently marked with restrictive legends as required by Sub-paragraph 13.3 or for any disclosure which County is required to make under any state or federal law or order of court. 13.6 All the rights and obligations of this Paragraph 13 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. NOTICES All notices or demands required or permitted to be given or made under this Agreement, unless otherwise specified, shall be in writing and shall be addressed to the parties at the following addresses and delivered: (a) by hand with signed receipt; (b) by first-class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid; (c) by facsimile followed within twenty-four (24) hours by a confirmation copy mailed by first-class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid; or (d) by overnight commercial carrier, with signed receipt. Notice is deemed given at the time of signed receipt in the case of hand delivery, three (3) calendar days after deposit in the United States mail as set forth above, on the date of facsimile transmission if followed by timely confirmation mailing, or on the date of signature receipt by the receiving part of any overnight commercial carrier delivery. C<Wnty oJ Lotr NIgeif15 Shftrilr's DfJp ~ _ and H"ig.'Il Asiltuy PIlJ9 Clinics. Inc. 17 f3<,nd~ r· R~ SfX"I.'iv~ R..n..bilMtiOil Prrx;ram lor FtNnai6 OlfoocJers AgreelTlllnt Addresses may be changed by either party giving ten (10) calendar days prior notice in accordance with the procedures set forth above, to the other party. To County: (1) Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Twin Towers Correctional Facility Inmate Services Bureau 450 Bauchet Street, Room ESOI Los Angeles, California 90012 Attention: County Project Director Facsimile: (213) 613-4781 Wrth a copy to' (2) To Contractor: Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department Contracts Unit 4700 Ramona Boulevard, Room 214 Monterey Park, California 91754-2169 Attention: Assistant Director Facsimile: (323) 415-6874 Haight Ashbury Free Clinics, Inc. Attention: Denise Williams 1735 Mission Street San Francisco, California 941 03 Office: (415) 970-7519 Facsimile: (415) 970-7564 The County Project Director shall have the authority to issue all notices or demands, which are required or permitted by County under this Agreement. 15_ ARM'S LENGTH NEGOTIATIONS This Agreement is the product of an arm's length negotiation between Contractor and County. Each party has had at all times the opportunity to receive advice from independent counsel of rts own choosing. Accordingly, this Agreement is to be interpreted fairly as between the parties. and not strictty construed as against either party as drafter or creator. 16_ SURVIVAL The following Paragraphs of this Agreement shall survive its expiration or termination for any reason: 1 (Agreement and Interpretation), 2 (Definitions), 8 (Costs and Fees), 10 (Invoices and Payments), 13 (Ownership of Materials, Software and Copyright), 14 (Notices), 15 (Arm's Length Negotiations), 16 (Survival), and all the terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit A (AddiUonal Terms and Conditions). Co<Jnty 01 LO$ Ang ~ I~ . SMrlff', DIlpartrmmt 8fId H~I AsI>OOry Free elin"", Inc. 18 ~ nder-Respoosiw R8I1abilitation Prog,,,", fM _10 0fIend<J" ~, AGREEMENT BY AND BETVVEEN COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AND HAIGHT ASHBURY FREE CLINICS, INC. FOR GENDER~RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of Los Angeles, by order of its Board of Supervisors has caused this Agreement to be executed on its behalf by the Chairman of said Board and attested by the Executive Officer-CJerk of the Board of Supervisors thereof, and Contractor has caused this Agreement to be duly executed on its behalf by its authorized officer. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES BY~==~~~~~~ Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATIEST: SACHI A HAMAl Executive Officer Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors By Deputy HAIGHT ASH BURY FREE CLINICS, INC. APPROVED AS TO FORM: JOHN KRATILI Acting County Counsel Coonty of LN ~ D<>p.,tm&fJt _ Haight A>hb",y f _ CIink~, I"" Sl>orirr~ By HI, 19 ~ C;; , G. ooer-Respoil$r... R. n.Ulirotioo Progmm lor fems ie Olrendl!" AII_r""nl EXHIBIT A ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENDER·RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SUBCONTRACTING....................................................................... . ........................... 1 2.0 DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURE........................................ .. .......................... 3 3.0 CONFIDENTIALITY ...................................................................................................... 5 4,0 TERMINATION FOR INSOLVENCy................................ . 50 TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT ........................... . 6.0 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE. .......................................................................... 9 7.0 TERMINATION FOR IMPROPER CONSiDERATION ................................................. 10 8.0 INTENTIONALLY DELETED .. ........................................................................... 9.0 EFFECT OF TERMINATION ..................................................................... . 10.0 WARRANTY AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES ........ .......................................... 12 11.0 AUTHORIZATION WARRANTY ................. . ............................................. 12 12.0 FURTHER WARRANTIES ............ . 13.0 INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE 14.0 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDEMNIFiCATION .................................................. ,.. ,.18 15.0 BUDGET REDUCTIONS ............................................. ,................................................ 20 16.0 FORCE MAJEURE ........................................... ,........................................................... 20 17.0 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY AND DEBARMENT............................................... 20 18.0 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW .................................................................... 22 19.0 FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ...................................................... ,.. ,.... ,.... ,...................... 23 20.0 NONDISCRIMINATION, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, AND ASSURANCES ..................... 23 21.0 NONDISCRIMINATION IN SERViCES ......................................................................... 25 Coonty 0/ Los Anf;<J18. Sher/ff~ ~rtllJlint ................................ 8 ..................................... 8 ..... 10 ....... 10 . ....................................................... 12 .................................................................... 13 Gender-Respoosiv6 R81oWi1ffatioo Progr8m /", Fltm8i9 011_"", Exhibit A _ AddHion~i T~rms 4fld CN>dItioos TABLE OF CONTENTS (contrlued) 22,0 EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION . ............... ... .................... ................. ,.... 25 23,0 HIRING OF EMPLOyEES....................... ........................................................ _....... 25 24 .0 CONFLICT OF INTEREST ........ .................................................. ,............................. 26 25 ,0 RESOLICITATION OF BIDS, PROPOSALS, OR INFORMATION.......... ... .... .... .......... 2e 2M TERMINATION FOR NON-ADHERENCE TO COUNTY LOBBYIST ORDINANCE ........ ,.......... .. .............................. .......... ................ ,,....... .... ............ ___ ..... 27 27.0 CONSIDERATI ON OF HIRING GAlNIGROW PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS ................ 27 26.0 STAFF PERFORMANCE WHILE UNDER THE INflUENCE ..................................... 27 29,0 CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE DURING CIVIL UNREST .......... ,... ................... ...... 27 30.0 CONTRACTOR'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTY'S COMMITMENT TO CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT ... ... ,.. ,.... .......................... ... ,.. ,..... .... .................... 26 31,0 CONTRACTOR'S WARRANTY OF ADHEAENCE TO COUNTY'S CHILO SUPPORT COMPLIANCE PROGRAM .. _..................................................................... 28 32,0 RECYCLED-CONTENT PAPER ....... _........................................................................ 29 33,0 COMPLIANCE WITH JURY SERVICE PROGRAM ................. ......... ............... ............ 29 34 .0 BACKGROUND AND SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS ..... ..,..,..... ,.. ,... .................. .... .... . 30 35,0 ACCESS TO COUNTY FACILI TIES .................. ...... .. .. ....................................... .......... 31 36.0 COUNTY FACILITY OFFICE SPACE .............................. _......................................... _. 31 37,0 DAMAGE TO COUNTY FACILITIES, BUILDINGS, OR GROUNDS................ ............. 31 38.0 PHYSICAL ALTERATIONS ................. ...... ,,... ................... ... ..... ,......... .................. .... .... 32 39.0 FEDERAL EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT ......................... ....... ,..... .......... _............ . 32 40.0 ASSIGNMENT BY CONTRACTOR. ..... ,............................ ... ......... ,.................. .. ... ........ 32 4 t .O INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS................................................................... 33 eo.".ty ~f L« J\ng81fn GendI¥--R~ Program SI1.ri rl'.lJt>pIJ ~nt EIdlIbit A _ A r;kJ~ion.1 RMabolI!atJon for f fIfTWtJ 0Iftmdftf3 Terms lind CMdItiQn, TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) <12.0 RECORDS AND AUDITS .. ................ .................. . ,..... ... . ,... ... .......... ,... ,..... . ,......... ,.. .. . ". 33 43.0 LICENSES, PERMITS. REGISTRATIONS, ACCREDI TATION, AND CERTIFlCAT ES .... ,............ ,...................... ,................................... _............. ' ................ 35 44.0 NO THIRD PARTY BENEFiCiARI ES ..................... ..................................... ... .. ... .. ....... 35 45.0 MOST FAVORED PUBLIC ENTITY .' .. ,.. ,.. ,.... ,... ... ,.... ,., .. ,........ ,.. ,...... ,..... ... ,.... ,.. ,..... ,... 35 <16.0 COUNTY'S QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN ....... ....... .... ........ ...................... .............. .. .. 36 47.0 CONSIDERATION OF HIRING COUNTY EMPLOYEES TARGETED FOR LAYOFFIOR RE·EMPLOYMENT UST ......................................................................... 36 <18.0 INTENTIONAllY DELETED.. ................................. ...... ................. ,.......................... .... 36 49.0 NO PAYMENT FOR SERVICES PROVIDED FOLLOWING EXPIRATION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT .. ,.. ,.. ,.. ' .. ,. ,.. ,., .. ,.,.... ,., .. ,.. ,.. ,.. ... ,.... ,...... ,.... ,., .. ,.. ,.. ,.. , 36 50.0 SAFELY SURRENDERED SASY LAW ..................... ....... ............. " ........ .. .... ...... .......... 36 5 1.0 PROHIBITION AGAI NST INDUCEMENT OR PERSUASION ...................................... 37 52.0 PUBLIC RECORDS ACT ........... ................................. .................................................. 37 53.0 TRANSITIONAL JOB OPPORTUNITIES PREFERENCE PROGRAM .... ,...... ,.. ,.. ,... .. ,. 36 5<1 ,0 WAIVER .... ,.' .......... ,. ,.... ,.. ,.. ,............. ,.. ' .. ' ....... ,......... ,.... ,.... ,.. . ' .. ,.. ,.... ,.,... . ,...... ,.. ,.. ,., ... , 36 55.0 GOVERNING LAW, JURISDICTION. AN D VENUE ...... ................... ....... .. .... ... .. ........... 39 56.0 SEVERABIUTY ._ .......................................... _.................................. ,..................... _.. _.... 39 57.0 RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ..... .. ................................ .................................................... 39 56,0 NON-EXCLUSiViTY .... ,..... ,.. ,...... ,.... .............. ,. ,.... ,.,_., ............ ....... ,.. ,.,., .... ,............ ,.. ,.. 39 59.0 FACSIMILE '.' .......... ,... . ,..... ,.. ,........... .. ' ............. ,., .. ,... .. .... ,..... ,.. ..... " .. ,. ,...... ,.... ,.. ,.... ,.. ,.39 60,0 LOCAL SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRiSe (SSE) PREFERENCE PAOGRAM ........... 40 6 1.0 LOCAL SMAlL BUSINESS ENTERPRis e (SSE) PROMPT PAYMENT PROGRAM .. 41 iii Gendef.R~~ R..r.biIite/Joll Progrr.m lor F"""'-" ~ E~NM A - ,NXi1tion«i T.""" _ ConditJOOI TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 62.0 TERMINATION FOR NON·APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS ............ ................... ........... 41 63.0 CONTRACTOR'S WARRANTY OF COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY'S DEFAULTED PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION PROGRAM ................................... ... ... ,............. .......... 41 64.0 TERMINATION FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY TO MAINTAIN COMPUANCE WITH COUNTY'S DEFAULTED PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION PROGRAM .......... ........ ... 41 65.0 NOnCE OF DELAyS ........ _._ ................. _........................................ _._ ...... _._ ............. _..... 42 66.0 COMPLAINTS .............................................................................................................. 42 CO\ll1ry OfiN Arr!Jtil". Sh¥IfI', DeplJl!mMt G/InI:I"'-R~ R~ Program I'or FfK11O!!# ~ Exhibit A - AdcfIIlcMl r""", BfI(J Condi1ions EXHIBIT A ADDITIDNAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS The following additional terms and conditions are applicable to, and form a part of, the Agreement. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Exhibit A (Additional Terms and Conditions) shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Paragraph 2 (Definitions) of the Agreement. 1.0 SUBCONTRACTING 1.1 General County has relied, in entering into the Agreement, on the reputation of and on obtaining the personal performance of Contractor itself. Consequently, no performance of the Agreement, or any portion thereof, shall be subcontracted by Contractor except in accordance with the procedures set forth in lt1is Paragraph 1.0 (Subcontracting). Any attempt by Contractor to subcontract any performance, obligation, or responsibility under the Agreement except in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Paragraph 1.0 (Subcontracting), shall be null and void and shall constitute a material breach of the Agreement. upon wtlich County may immediately terminate the Agreement. 1.2 Procedure for Subcontracting If Contractor desires to subcontract any portion of its performance. obligations, or responsibilities under the Agreement to any subcontractor, Contractor shall adhere to the following procedures. 1 .2.1 Contractor shall notify the County Project Director of its desire to subcontract a portion of lt1e Work, which notice shall include the reason for the proposed subcontract and a description of the Work to be performed under the proposed subcontract. 1.2.2 The identity of such subcontractor and wtly such subcontractor was selected. 1.2.3 A certificate of insurance from the proposed subcontractor which establishes that the subcontractor maintains all tile programs of insurance required by the Agreement 1.2.4 If the proposed Work is to be performed by a subcontractor, then in addition to the foregoing, Contractor shall provide: 1 County of Los Stlen'lf~ Angele~ Depilltm8nl GdnOOr- Respoosiv9 R<>i1abilililti<>n Progrtlm /()( F _ Offend~rs Exhibit A . AlidtiioooJ T"""" :md Condition~ • L A draft copy 01 the proposed sutx:ontract. The material provisions 01 any approved subcontract between Contractor and a third party may be changed or amended, as applicable, only with !he prior written approval 01 the County Project Director , Which approval shall nol be unreasonably withheld; and Ii. Ally other information and/or certifications reasonilbty requested by County. The County Project Director will review Contractor's request 10 subcontract and determine, in his discretion, whether or not to consent to such request on an Indiviclual basis. Without limiting In any way Coonty's prior approval tights, GontractOf shall deliver 10 the County Project Director a fully exearted copy of each subcontraC1 enten~d into by Contractor pursuant to this Sub;larngraph 1.2.4, on or immediately after the effective date 01 the subconlract but in no event later than the dale any Work Is perlormed urtder the subcontract. 1.2.5 Contractor shall obtain an executed Contractor Non-Employee Acknowledgement and Confidentiality (see Exhibit E2, (Contractor's Non-Employee Acknowledgement and Confidentiality Agreement)) for each of subcontractor'S employees performing Work under the subcontract. Such agreements shall be deliverec!to the County Project Director on or Immediately after the effective data of the particular subcontract but in no event later than the date any sum employee cOITrnences pertormlng Work under the subcontract. I3 Contractor Resoonsibilit!es 1.3.1 Notwithstanding any County consent to any subcontracting, Contrac1or shall remain responsible lor any and all performance required of it under the Agreement, inchxjlng the obligation properly to supervise, coordinate, and pertorm, all Wol1l required hereuoo9l. and no subcontract shall bind or purport to bind County. Further, County approval of any subcontract shall not be construed to Ilmtt In any way Contractor's performance. obligations, or responsibilities to County. 1,3.2 In the event that County consents to any subcontracting, sum consent shall be subject to County's right 10 reject any and all suDcontractor pernonnel providin g services under such subCOl1lract. 1.3.3 In the event Ihat County consents to any subcontracting, Contractor shall cause the subcontractor, on behalf of itself, its successors and administrators, to assume and be bound by and shall be deemed to have assumed and agreed 10 be bound by each and all ollha provisions of the Agreement and any fu lly executed Change Order or Amendment , Ccul1)' 01 ~"" AngooIH Si>riI~ Dep/lrTlOO'Il Ge~Resp/Jll&Ml R_allOO Program Ir>r FfIfT14!e 0ffItnd_ Extribil A _ AddttionfJ! r fflN I>I?d COlKlilions hereto as it relates to or aHects the Work performed by subcontractor hereunder. 1.3.4 2.0 Contractor shall be solely liable and responsible lor any and all payments and other compensation to all subcontractors aoo their officers, employees, and agents. County shall have no liability or respoosibility whatsoever for any payment or other compensatiOn for any subcontractors or their officers, employees, and agents, plSPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURE 2.1 General Contractor and County agree to act Immediately to resolve mutually any disputes that may arise with respect 10 the Agreemenl All such disputes st\aIl be subject to the provisions 01 Ihls Paragraph 2.0 (Dispute Resolvllon Procedure) (such prOVisions are colleclively relenee! to as the "Dispute Resolotlon Procedures"). Time is 01 the essence In the resolution 01 disputes. 2.2 ContlDued Work Contractor and Gounty agree that, the existence and details of a dispute notwrthstanding, both panles shall continue without delay their performance hereunder, except for any performance, other than payment by County for approved Work, whict'l it1e panles mutually determine should be delayed as a result of such dispute. 2.2. 1 If Contractor falls to continue wiit1oo1 delay its performance hereunder thai County, in its discretion, determines should nOI be delayed as a result 01 such dispute, then any additional costs which may be iDcuned by Contractor or County as a result of Contractor's fa ilure \0 continue to so perform shall be borne by Contractor, and Contractor shall make no claim whatsoever against Goonty lor such costS. Contractor shall promptly reimburse County for such County costs, as determine(! by the COODty, or County may deduct or offset all such add~ional costs Irom any amounts due to Contractor from County. 2.2.2 If County fails to continue without delay to perform its responsibilities under the Agreement wtlk:t1 County, in its diSCletlon, determines should not be delayS<:! as a rasult of such dispute, then any addillonal costs incurred by Conlractor or Coonly as a result of County's failure 10 continue to .so perform Shall be bome by County, and County shalt make no clain whatsoever againSt Contractor for such costS. County shall promptly reimburse Contractor lor all such additional Contractor costs subject to the approval of sum costs by County. 3 GendfIr· R~ R~iM Progn!m !of FfIfrliJH OIfvrtdw.; Ernibit A - Ad<j~Jon.1 r""". I.ItId Conditiolls .. 2.3 Dispute Resolution Procedures In the event of any dispute between the parties with respect to the Agreement, Contractor and County shall submit the matter as follows: 2.3.1 Contractor and County shall first submit the matter to the Contractor Program Director and County Project Manager for the purpose of endeavoring to resolve such dispute. 2.3.2 If the Contractor Program Director and County Project Manager are unable to resolve the dispute within a reasonable time. not to exceed five (5) Business Days from the date of submission of the dispute, then the matter immediately shall be submitted to the County Project Director tor further consideration and discussion with Contractor Program Director to attempt to resolve the dispute. 2.3.3 If the Contractor Program Director and County Project Director are unable to resolve the dispute within a reasonable time not to exceed five (5) Business Days from the date of submission of the dispute, then the matter shall be immediately submitted to Contractor's president or chief operating officer and the Sheriff. These persons shall have five (5) Business Days to attempt to resolve the dispute. 2.3.4 2.4 In the event that at these levels, there is not a resolution of the dispute acceptable to both parties, then each party may assert its other rights and remedies provided under the Agreement and its rights and remedies as provided by law. Documentation of Dispute Resolution Procedures All disputes utilizing the Dispute Resolution Procedure shall be documented in writing by each party and shall state the specifics of each alleged dispute and all actions taken. The parties shall act in good faith to resowe all disputes. At all three (3) levels described in Sub-paragraph 2.3 (Dispute Resolution Procedures), the efforts to resolve a dispute shall be undertaken by conference between the parties' respective representatives, either orally, by face-to-face meeting or by telephone, or in writing by exchange of correspondence. 2.5 Not Applicable to County's Right to Terminate Notwithstanding any other provision of the Agreement, County's right to terminate the Agreement pursuant to Paragraph 4.0 (Termination for Insowency), Paragraph 5.0 (Termination for Default), Paragraph 6.0 (Termination for Convenience), or Paragraph 7.0 (Termination for Improper Consideration), in each case, of this Exnibit, or any other termination provision under this Agreement, shall not be subject to the Dispute Resolution Procedure. The 4 c"""ry 01 Lot; ~IC$ S/l",iff"s Dl!p6rtmoot GM/d",·RfISPOOSMJ RMabilitatioo Prog.'/IlTt fix F~ rm '" DffeOOers Exhibit A - AddffionaJ <Jnd Coodit.,n. • preceding sentence is Iniende<! only as a clarificalion of County's rights, and shall n01 be deemed to impair any claims that Cootraclor may have agalnsl Counly Of ContractOf's rights to assert suctl claims altel' any such termination Of such InJunclive relief has been obtained. 3.0 CONFIDENTIALITY 3.1 General 3.1.1 Contractor shall maintain the confidentiality of all records and Information, events or circumstances Whict1 OCCtif during the course of Contractor's performance under the Agreement, in acccrdance with all applicable Federal, State, and local 18\'1S, rules, regu lations, ord inances, guidelines, polICieS and procedures, and directives relating 10 conflOenbalily, including, without IlmltatJon, County policies concerning Information technology 5(lC\Jnty and the protection 01 confidential records and information. 3.1 .2 Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmklss County, ItS officers. employees, and agents, from and against any and all claims, demands, damages, liabilities, losses, costs and expenses, Including, without limrtation, defense costs and legal, accounting and other expert, consutting, or professional fees, arising from, connected with, or related to any failure by Contractor, its officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors, to comply WIth this Paragraph 3.0 (Confidentiality), as determined hy County In its sole judgmoot. Ally legal delense pursuant to Contractor's IndemnH\catlon obligations under this Paragraph 3.0 (Conhdentiality) shall be conducted by Contractor and performed by counsel selected by Contractor and approved by County. Notwithstanding the preceding senlence, County shall have the right to partiCIpate In any such defense al its sole cost and expense, excepl lhat In the event Contractor lalls to provide County with a lull and adequate defense, as determined by County in its sole judgment, County shall be entitled to retain rts own counsel, Including, without limrtation, County Counsel, and reimbursement from Contractor for all such costs and expenses incurred by County in doing so. Contractor shall not have the right to enter into any settlement, agree to any Injunction, or make any admission , In each case, on behaH of County Without County's prior written approval. 3. t.3 Contractor shall Inform ell of its directors, officers, sharenolders, employees, subcontractors and agents providing services hereunder of the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement. Contractor Shall provide to County an executed Contractor's Employee AcknOWledgement and Confidentiality Agreement (Exhibit E1 to the Agreement) for eam of its employees performi ng Work under the Agreement and an executed 5 Cwrny of ~ a. Ang~ . g,,,,i/f"a OI/pBrlmMt ~.RGIIpOfISIvt! FltlhaI>ililMiarr Program lor !="(m){l" 0ffwKj9fS Exhibit A - Additional T. rrmlMd Cooditioos Contractor's Non-Employee Acknowledgement and Confidentiality Agreement (Exhibit E2 to the Agreement) for each non-employee performing Work under the Agreement. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Contractor acknowledges and agrees that il is responsible for any breach of the obligations of confidentiality set forth herein by any person, or entity to wIlich Contractor discloses such confidential information. 3.2 3.3 Disclosure of Information 3.2.1 With respect to any confidential information obtained by Contractor pursuant to the Agreement, Contractor shall: (a) nol use any such records or information for any purpose whatsoever other than carrying out the express terms of the Agreement: (b) promptly transmit to County all requests for disclosure of any such records or information: (c) not disclose, except as otherwise specifically permitted by the Agreement, any such records or information to any person or organization other than County without County's prior written authorization that the records are, or information is, releasable; and (d) at the expiration or termination of the Agreement, return all such records and information to County or maintain such records and information according to the written procedures sent to Contractor by County for this purpose. 3.2.2 Without limiting the generality of Sub-paragraph 3.2.1 of this Exhibit, in the event Contractor receives any court or administrative agency order, service of process, or request by any person or entity (other than Contractor's professionals) for disclosure of any such details, Contractor shall immediately notify the County Project Director. Thereafter, Cootractor shall comply with such order, process, or request only to the extent required by applicable law. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, to the extent permitted by law, Contractor shall delay such compliance and cooperate with County to obtain relief from such obligations to disclose until County shall have been given a reasonable opportunity to obtain such relief. Contractor Information Any and all coofidenUal or proprietary information wIlich is developed or was originally acquired by Contractor outside the scope of this Agreement, which Contractor desires to use hereunder, and which Contractor considers to be proprietary or confidential, must be specifically identified by Contractor to the County Project Director as proprietary or confidential, and shall be plainly and prominently marked by Contractor as 'proprietary" or ·coofidential." County shall undertake reasonably to maintain the confidentiality of materials marked by Contractor as 'proprietary" or ' confidential: Notwithstanding any other provision G#x>d",..R~ "fXX"' ;"'" RMlIbi!it~ tiM Co<x1ty of Los ArI<;8i~s Slwrilfs [}.,p ~ l1r"n1'1flt E~hibIt A- Program lor Fllmaif: ~nd~,. TtIfl715 and Conditioos Add~ia )lJ 1 of this Agreement, County shall not be obligated in any way under this Agreement for: 3.4 3.3.1 Any of Contractor's proprietary and/or confidential materials not plainly and prominently marked with restrictive legends; 3.3.2 Any disclosure of any materials which County is required to make under the California Public Records Act or otherwise by law; and 3.3.3 Any materials indicating the volume, frequency and type of goods and services provided by Contractor, including, but not limited to use under Paragraph 25.0 (Re-solicitation of Bids, Proposals, or Information). Use of Coonty Name In recognizing Contractor's need to identify its services and related clients to sustain itself, County shall not inhibit Contractor from publishing its role under the Agreement within the following conditions: 3.5 3.4.1 Contractor shall develop ali publicity material in a professional manner. 3.4.2 During the Term, Contractor shall not publish or disseminate any commercial advertisements, press releases, feature articles, or other materials using the name of County without the prior written consent of the County Project Director, wtlich shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 3.4.3 Contractor may, without the prior written consent of County, indicate in its proposals and sales materials that it has been awarded the Agreement wtth County, provided that the requirements of this Subparagraph 3.4 (Use of County Name) (other than the requirements set forth in Sub-paragraph 3.4.2) shall apply. 3.4.4 Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, County reserves the right to object to any use of County's name and Contractor shall cure promptly and prospectively any use of County's name that has been objected to by Coonty. Injunctive Relief Contractor acknowledges that a breach by Contractor of this Paragrap/l 3.0 (Confidentiality) may result in irreparable injury to County that may not be adequately compensated by monetary damages and that, in addition to County's other rights under the Agreement and at law and in equity, County shall have the right to injunctive relief to enforce the provisions of this Paragraph 3.0 (Confidentiality) . 7 CounlJ' <X LOIi AArJ8/l}$ Sh.".iff"~ ~parlltl8nJ G~ nder-RupoosiYe Rei"labiIitatiM Pror;;rllrrT for F~tM '" Off=d ~~ Exhibit A - ADditimaJ T8rrrnJ ;md Cooditions 4.0 TERMINADON FOR INSOLVENCV 4.1 County may tenninate Ine Agreement Immediately at any time lollowing the occurrence of any 01 Ina following: 4.1.1 Contractor nas ceased to payor nas admitted in writing Its Inability to pay rts debts lor at least sixty (60) calendar days In the ordinary course of business or cannot pay its debts as they become due, wtlether or not a petrtion has been fi led under the United States Bankruptcy Code and wtlether or not Contractor is insotvent within the meaning 01 the United States Bankruptcy Code, provided that Contractor shail not be deemed insolvBnt if it has ceased In the normal course of business to pay debts that Contractor disputes in good laith: 4.1.2 The filing of a voluntary or Involuntary petition (wnlch Involuntary petitioo is no1 dismissed within sixty (60) calendar days) regarding Contractor uncler the United Slates Bankruptcy Code: 4.1.3 The appointment of a receiver or trustee for Contractor; or 4 1.4 The execution by Contractor of a general assignment for the benefit of creditors other than in the co urse of arranging linanclailines of credit. 4.2 The rights and remed ~s of County provided in this Paragrapl14.0 (Termination for Insotvency) shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and rem ed~s provided at law or In equity, or under the Agreement. 4 3 Contractor agrees that If Contractor as a debtor-in-l'QSSesSlQn, or If a trustee in bankruptcy, rejects the Agreement, County may elect to retain itS rightS under the Agreement, as provided under Section 365{n) of the United Stales Bankruptcy Code (11 U.S.C. Section 365{n». Upon written request by County to Contractor or the trustee in bankruptcy, as applicable, Contractor or such trustee shall allow County to exerc ise all 01 its rights and benefits under the Ag reement. Th e foregoing shall survive the terminatJon or exp iration 01 tl1e Agreement lor any reason whatsoever. 5.0 TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT 5.1 County may, by written notice to Contractor, tenninata the whole or any pari of this Agreement, if, In the judgmCf'lt of County Project Dlrect()(: • Contractor has materially breached this Agreement: ()( • Contractor tails to timely provide and/or satisfactorily perfOfm any task, deJiverable, service, or other work required either under this Agreement: or , Cc:ulry '" LOI ~ S/>erllf, Dep.rlmtml Gonde"~IP""sNe R~ ProgflW'r Iw I'~/{J 0If=d<J~ Exhibit A _ Addillon_1TlimtI WId ~ • 6.0 Contrador lails 10 demonstrate a high probability of tmely lullillment of performance requirements under Ihis Agreement, or of any obligations of this Agreement and in either case, lails to demonstrate convincing progress toward a cure wrthin five (5) Business days (or SUCh longer period as the County may authorize in writing) after receipt of written notice from the County specifying such failure. 5.2 In the event that County terminates this Agreement In whole or in part as provided in Sub-paragraph 5.1 , County may procure, upon such terms and in sucl1 manner as County may deem appropriate, goods and services similar to tl10ss so terminated. Contrac10r shall be liable to County fo r any and all excess costs incurred by County, as determined by County, for such similar goods and services. Contractor shall continue the performance of this Agreement to the extent not terminated under the provisions of this Sub..prusgraph. 5.3 H, after County has given notice at termination under the proviSions 01 this Paragraph 5.0 (Termination for Default). it is determined by County that Contractor was not In delauh under the provisions of this Paragraph 5.0 (Termination for Delauh), the rIghts and obligations 01 the parties shall be tl1e same as it the notice 01 termination had been issued pursuant to Paragraph 6.0 (Termination for Convenience) . 5.4 The rights and remedies of County provided in this Paragrapn 5.0 (Termination fo r Defauit) snail not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this Agreement. TERMINATION FOR CQNVENIENCE 6.1 Termination lor Convenience The Agreement may be terminated, in whole or in pan lrom Ume 10 time. by County in its sole discretion lor any reason. Termination 01 Work hereunder shall be effected by delivery to Contractor of a notice of termination specifying the extent to which performance of Work is terminated and "the date upon wnlch such termination becomes effective. Th e date upon which sucl1 termination becomes effective shall be no less than thirty (30) calendar days after notice. 6.2 NQ Pre judice: Sole Remedy Nothing in this Paragraph 6.0 (Termination for Convenience) Is deemed to prejudice any right of ContractOf 10 make a claim against County in accordance with this Agreement and applicable law and County procedures tor payment for Work through tile ef1ective date 01 termination. Contractor, however, acknowledges that the rights and remedies se1 forth in this Sub-paragraph 6.2 (No Prejudice; Sole Remedy) shall be the only remedy available to Contmctor in 9 GIlI>de""Re~ R.~tion !'I ~;am lor FMlIH ortoodtm; E.>:t!ibit A - AdditloniJl Terms end CctIdtilons the event Of a termination or suspension pursuant te thiS Paragraph 6.0 (Termination for Convenience) by County. 7.0 TERMINATION FOR IMPROPER CONSIDERATION 7.1 Coonly may, upon written notice to Contractor. immediately terminate the right of Contractor to proceed under the Agreement if it is tound that con sideration, In any form . was offered or given by Contractor. either directly or through an intermediary. [0 any County officer. employee or agent with the Intent Of securng the Agreement or securing 1avorable treatment With re spect to the award, amendment or extension of the Agreement or the making of any determinations with respect to Contractor's performance pursuant to th e Agreement. In the event of such termination, County shall be entitled to pursue the same rem edies against Contractor as it could pursue in the event of defaulT by Contractor. 7.2 ContraClOf shall Immediately report any attempt by a County Officer or employee to solicit sum ImplOper consideration. The report shall be made eiltler to the County manager charged with !he supewision of the emplOyee or 10 County Audilor·Controtler's Employee Fraud Holline at (800) 544· 6861. 7.3 Among other itams, such improper consideration may take the for m of Gash, discounts, service, Ihe provision Of travel or entertainment, or tangibie gifts. 8.0 INTENTIONALLY DELETED 9.0 EFFECI OF TERMINATION 9.1 Remedies In th e event that County terminates the Agreement in Wh~e or in part as provided In Paragraph 4.0 (Termination for Insolvency), Paragraph 5.0 (Termination for Default), Paragraph 6.0 (Termination for Convenience), Paragraph 7.0 (Termination for Improper Conskleration), in eacl1 case, of this Exhibit, then: 9.1 .1 Contractor shall (a) stop pertorming WOfk under the Agreement on the date and to the extent specHled in sucl1 notice. (b) p!"omplly transfer and deliver 10 County ctlples of all completed Work alld Work that is In process, in a media reasonably requested by County, (e) promptly transfer and deliver all Items previously paid for by County, and (d) complete pertormance of such part of the Work as shall not have been terminated by such notice; 9.t.2 Unless County has t6lminated the Agreement pursuant to Paragraph 6.0 (Termination for Convenience) 01 this Exhibit, County shall have the right to procure, upon such terms and in such a manner as County may ttl IlenrJtK..R~ ~"'i<:vl E~hlbIJ A- Prl;1l}ram lor Fellli>l. ~, I!J1d ConditiOI'll AOa~Iixri>/ T~ '_ determine appropriate, goods, services, and other Work, similar and competitive to those so tenninated, and Contractor shall be liable to County for, and shall promptly pay to County by cash payment, any and all excess costs reasonably incurred by County, as determined by County, to procure and furnish such similar goods, serv;ces, and other Work; 9,2 9,1,3 Contractor shall promptly return to County any and all of County's confidential information that relates to that portion of the Agreement or Work terminated by County: 9,1,4 Contractor shall tender promptly payment to County, and shall continue to tender payment for the duration of any liquidated damages levied pursuant to Paragraph 12,0 (Liquidated Damages), of the body of the Agreement, to the extent applicable; and 9,1,5 Contractor and County shall continue the performance of the Agreement to the extent not otherwise terminated, Transition Services Contractor agrees that in the event of any termination of the Agreement, as a resu~ of the breach hereof by either party, or for any other reason, including expiration, Contractor shall fully cooperate with County in the transition by County to a new contractor so that there shall be no interruption of County's day to day operations due to the unavailability of the Work during such transition, Contractor agrees that if County terminates the Agreement pursuant to Paragraph 6,0 (Termination for Convenience) of this Exhibft or Sub-paragraph 5,2 {Deemed Termination for Convenience} of this Exhibit Contractor shall pertorm transition services, and shall invoice County for such transition services determined in accordance with the rates specified in Exhibit C (Pricing Sheet) of the Agreement, and the agreed upon maximum amount in accordance with a transition plan to be agreed upon, in advance, by the County Project Director and the Contractor Program Director, Contractor further agrees thaI in the event thai County terminates the Agreement for any other breach by Contractor, Contractor shall perform transition services al no cosl to County, In connection with the provision of any transition services pursuant to this Sub-paragraph 9,2 (Transition Services), Contractor shall provide to the County Project Director, upon request by the County Project Director, documentation that reasonably details the source and amount of the expenses Contractor purports to have incurred in the provision of such transition services, 11 Co<;nty of Los ~ stJBriIi'$ Dep~rlmMt G<KKi"" R~ sp<X1S ;"" R<;M b~itatiol1 Program /ex F9m ~ l~ Off~~ r$ Exhibit ,f, - Addiliooal TfHmS 8f>d Coo<iffions 9.3 Remedies No! Exclusive The rights and remeclles of County set forth in this Paragraph 9.0 (Effect of Termination) are not exclusive of any other rights and remedies avaHable to County allaw Of in equity, or under the Agreement. 10.0 11.0 WARRANTY AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES 10.1 Comraclor warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed 01 reta~ed to solicit or secure the Agreement upon any agreement or understanding lor a commis sion, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee , e)(C6pting bona fide employees or bona fide established commercial or selling agencies mainlainocl by Contractor for the purpose 01 securing business. 10.2 For breach of this warranty, County shall have the right to terminate the Agreement and, nits diSCfetion, deduct from the Agreement price or consideraUon, 01 otherwrse recover, the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent lee. AUTHORIZATION WARRANTY Contractor and the person executing the Agreement on behalf of ContraCior hereby represent and warrant that the person executing the Agreement for Contractor is an authorized agent who has actual authOrity to bind CorlUactor to eactl and every term, condition, and obligation 01 the Agreement and that all requiremenls 01 Conlractol have been fu~illed to prOvide such actual authority. 12.0 FURTHER WARRANTIES In addttiOfi to the warranties elsewhere in this Agreement Contractor represents, warrants and lurther covenants and agrees to the following: 12. t Contractor bears the lull risk of loss due to tolal or partial destruction 01all or any part 01 any goods acquired I rom Contractor, as applicable, until acceptance by the County. 12.2 Althe time 01 delivery to and acceptance by County, all goods shall be new, In good working order, In conlormlty with manufacturer's pUblished specifications and descriptions, and free from dalacts in workmanship and materials, as determined by County. 12.3 COfltractor shall, in the perlormance of all Work, Sirictly comply with tne descripliOflS and representations (including performance capab ilities, accuracy, completeness, characteristics, specifications, configurations, stBIldards, functions, and lequlremerns) as set forth in this Agreement, ioGIucIing Exhibh B (Statement of Work) . 12 G.oo .... -R-.poo~ ~ ProgrMn lot ~ DI/MdfQ Extoibol A - AdditIonIll T9rmo _ Ca,di~ 12.4 All Work shall be performed in a timely and professional manner by qualified personnel. t25 13.0 Conlraclor and each of its personnel performing Work hereunder have all permits, licenses. and certifications necessary to perform Contractor's obligations under the Agreement INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE 13.1 Indemnification Contractor shall indemnify, delend and hold harmless Caunly, its Special Districts, elected and appointed officers, employees, and agenls from and against any and all liability, including but not limited to demands, claims, actions, lees, costs, and expenses ~ncluding aUorney and expert witness lees), arising from or connected with the Contractor's acts and/or omissions arising from and/or relating to this Agreement. 13.2 General Proyjslons lor All Insurance Coverage Without limiting Contractor's indemnification of County, and In the performance 01 this Agreement and until all of Its obligations pursuant to this Agreement have been met, ConTractor shall provide and maintain at rts own expense insurance coverage satisfying the requirements specified in Sub-paragraphs' 3.2 (General Provisions for Art Insurance Coverage) and 13.3 (Insurance Coverage) of this Agreement. These minimum insurance coverage terms, types and limits (the "Required Insurance1 also are In addition to and separate from any otI1er conlfactual obligation Imposed upon Contractor pursuant to Ihls Agreemenl. County in no way warrants that the Required Insurance is suffiCient to protect Contractor for liabilities which may arise from or relate to this Agreement. 13.2. I Evldence of Coverage and Nollce to County • Certificata(s) of insurance coverage (Certfflcate) saUsfactory to County, and a copy of an Addltiooal lnsured endorsement conlfnning County and Its Agents (defined below) has been given Insured status under tile Contractor's General Liability policy, shall be delivered to County at the address shown below and provided prior to commenclI1g services ullder this Agreement. • Renewal Certificates Shall be provided to Coonty not less than tan (10) calendar days prior to Contractor's policy expiration dates. The County reserves the right to obtain complete, certtfred copies of any required Contractor andJor subcontractor insurance policies at any lime. J3 ~~R<rhab" ioo PrDgrdfT)"" F_OJfo,Idet~ E~hibil"" - .... ddt!!orvJI T",,,,, IIfld Conailiom • Certificates shall identify all Required Insurance coverage types and limits specified herein, reference this Agre-ement by name or number, and be signed by an authorized representative of the insurer(s}. The Insured party rlamed on the Certificate shall match the name of Contractor ident~ied as the contracting party in this Agreement. Certificates shall provide the full name of each insurer provkling coverage. its NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) identification number, its financial rating. the amounts of any policy deductibles or self-insured retentions exceeding fifty thousand ($50,OOO.OO) dollars, and list any County required endorsement forms. • Neither County's failure to obtain, nor County's receipt of, or failure to object to a non-comptying insurance certificate or endorsement, or any other insurance documentation or information provided by Contractor, its irlsurance broker(s) and/or insurer(s}, shall be construed as a waiver of any of the Required Insurance provisions. Certificates and copies of any required endorsements shall be sent to: Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Contracts Unit 4700 Ramona Boulevard, Room 214 Monterey Park, California 91754 Attention: Contract Compliance Manager Contractor also shall promptly report to County any injury or property damage aCCident or incident, including any injury to a Contractor employee occurring on County property, and any loss. disappearance, destruction, misuse, or theft of County property, monies or securities entrusted to Contractor. Contractor also shall promptly notify County of any third party claim or suit filed against Contractor or any of its sub-Contractor.; which arises from or relates to this Agreement, and could result in the filing 01 a Claim or lawsuit against Contractor and/or County. 13.2.2 Additional Insured Status and Scope of Coverage The County of Los Angeles, its Special Districts, Elected Officials, Officers, Agents, Employees and Volunteers (collectively County and its Agents) shall be provided additional insured status under Contractor's General Liability policy with respect to liability arising out of Contractor's ongoing and completed operations performed on behalf of County. County and its Agents additional insured status shall appty with respect 14 Counry of Los AnfJ9I8. Sheriff's DeparlJ'ru!nI Good..,--fl9spoo$N9 ROOabiHlatim Progrsm IN FelflJli6 Offenders Exhibit A _ AddHicrJ.tJ1 T~ 1rrJ.! a!>d Condilion ~ to liability and defense of suits arising out of Contractor's acts or omisSions, whether suctl liabllily is attrlbulab~ to COnlractor or to County. The lull policy timits and scope of protection also shall apply to County and its Agents as an additional insured, even If they exceed County's minimum Required Insurance spectf~tions herein. Use of an automatic additional insured endorsement form is acceptable provided it satiSfIes the Required Insurance pral/isions herein. 13.2.3 Cancellation of or Changes in Insurance Contractor shall provide County with, or Contractor's insurance polici es shall contain a prol/ision that County shall receil/e, wrlnen notice of cancellation or My change in Required Insurance, Including insurer, limits 01 coverage, tenn of co'lefage or poliCY period. The written notice shall be provided to County at least ten (10) calendar deys in advance of cancellation for non· payment of premium and thirty (30) calendar days In adl/ance for any other cancellation or policy change. Failure to provide written notice of cancellation or any change In Required Insurance may constitute a material breach of the Agreement, In the sole discretion of the County, upon which the County may suspend or tenninale thiS Agreement. 13.2.4 Failure to Maintain Insuranca Conlractor's failure to maintain or to provide acceptable a'lidence that it maintains the ReqUired Insurance shall constitute a material breach of the Agreement, upon which County immediately may withhold payments due to Contractor. and/or suspend or terminate this Agre ement. County, al its sole discretion, may obtain damages from Contractor resulting from saId breach. Alternatively, the County may purchase the Required Insurance, and Wlthoul further notice 10 Contractor, deduct the premium cost from sums due to Contractor or pursue Contractor reimbursement. 13.2.5 Insurer FinancIal Ratings Coverage sha.11 be placed with Insurers acceptable to the County whh A .M. Best rat ings of not less than A:VI1 unless otherwise approved by County. 13.2.6 Contractor's Insurance Shall Be Primary Contractor's insurance policies, WIth respect to any claims related to th is Agreement, shall be primary with respect to all other sources of coverage al/ailable to Contractor. Any County maintained Insurance or self·insurance col/erage shall be in excess of and not contribute to any Contractor coverage. 15 Gon:/er~ RIioIJal>RirIrI Progr,.", lor I'cmaItt 0/rMdeI"I T,Jm!O tITId CondItlOl11 E~MbI!'" - Add~ia!2J 13.2.7 Waivers of Subtogalion To the lulleS! extent permitted by law, lhe Contractor hereby waives its rights and its Insurer(sr l ights of recfYtl€ry against County undel all the Required Insurance lor any loss arising from or relating to this Agreement. The Contractor shall req uire its insurers to execute any waiver of subrogation endorsements which may be necessary to effect such waiver. 13.2.8 Subcontractor Insurance Coverage Requirements Contractor shall Include all subcontractors as Insureds under Contractor's O'M'I policies, or shall provide County 'Nith each subcontract()('s separate evidence of insurance coverage. Contractor shall be responsible for vertfying each subcontraclor complies with the Required Insurance proviSions herein, and sl'laJl require lhat each subcontraclor name ,he County and Contractor as additional Insureds on the subcontractor's General Uability policy. Contractor shall ob1ain County's priOr review and approval of any subcOfl\ractor request lor modification of the Required Insurance. 13.2.9 Deductibles lind Sell·lnsured Retentions (SIRs) Contractor' s policies shall not obligate County to pay any porti on of any Contractor deductible Of SIR. County retains the right to requ ire Contractor to reduce or eliminate policy deductlbles and SIRs as respects County, or to provide a bood guaranleelflg Contractof's payment of all deducbbles and SIRs, including all related claims investigation, admlnlstrallon and defense expenses. Such bond shall be executed by a corporate sUlely licensed 10 transact business in the State 01 California. 13.2.10 Claims Made Cov~rage If any part of the Required Insurance is written on a claims made basis, any policy retroactive date shall precede th e effective date of this Agreement. Contractor understands and agrees It shall maintain such coverage for a period of not less than thlee (3) years fo llowing Agre ement expiration, termination or cancellali()(1. 13.2. I I Ap~ic8tion of Excess L.labillty Coverage Contractors may use 8 combination of primary, and excess Insurance policies which prO\'lde coverage as broad as ('follow form" over) the underlying primary policies, to satisfy the Required Insurance provisions. 16 CW'lry Qf L.... sn.rlff'~ ~/Il1Ienr GfIr>(W.R.~ R"~OOn Prcgrlll'n for FHOOI4J Ort9Od<Jrs Exhibit II _ Add~Ior>.1 T....",~ _ Conditions • 13.2.12 Separation at Insureds All liability policies shall provide cross-liability coverage as would be aHorded by the standard ISO (Insurance Services Otiice, Inc.) separation of Insureds provision with no insured versus insured exclusions or limitations. 13.2.13 Alternative Rial< FInancing Programs County reserves the rig ht to review, and lhen apprOYe, Contractor use of self·lnsurance, risk retention groups, ri sk purchasing groups, pooling arrange ments and captive Insurance to satisfy Ihe Required Insurance provisions. County and its Agents shall be designated as an Additional Covered Party under any approved program. 13.2.14 County Review and Approval or Insurance Requirements The County reserves the right to review and adjust the Required Insurance provisions, conditioned upon County's determination of chMges in risk exposures. 13.3 Insurance Coyerage 13.3.1 Commercial General L.iabliity Insurance (providing scope of coverage equlvalenl lo ISO policy form CG 00 01), naming County and its Agents as an additional insured, with limits 01 not less than: General Aggregate: 52 million ProductsjCompleled Operations Aggregate: $1 million Personal and Advertising Iniury: $1 million Each Occurrence: $1 million 13.3.2 Automobile L.lability insurance (providing scope of coverage equrvalent to ISO policy form CA 00 Oil with limits of not less than $1 million for bodily injury and property damage, in combined or equiva lent split limits, fOf each single accident. Insurance shall cover liability arising out 01 Contractor's use 01 autos pursuanl 10 this A<lreement, including owned, leased. hired, and/Or non-owned autos, as each may be applicable. t 3.3.3 Workers Compensation and Employers' Uability Insurance or QUalified self-insurance satisfying statutory requirements, which includes Employers' liability coverage with limits of not less lhan $1 million per accident. If Contractor will provide leased emplOyees, or, Is an employee leasing Of temporary staffing firm or a professional employer organization (PEO), coverage also shall Include an Alternate Employer Endorsement {providing scope 01 coverage equivalent to ISO policy form " GMdm-Flc.".,,-RtIhabiIiIilIio Program /QI F(IfM/tI ~ Em/bIT A - AddHimaJ Term ••nd Condiliorl8 WC 00 03 01 A) naming the County as the Alternale Employar, and the endorsemElrlI form shall be modified to provide that County will receive not less than th irty (30) calendar days advance written notice of cancellation of this coverage provision. If applicable to Contractor's operations, cowrage al so shall be arranged 10 satisfy tM requirements 01 any federal workers or workmen's compensation law or aIly lederal occupational disease law. 13.3.4 Sexual Misconduct liability Insurance cowring aclual or alleged claims for sexual misconduct anellor molestation with limits of not less than $1 million per claim and 51 million aggregate, and claims for negligent employment, investigation, supervision, training or retention of, or failure to report to proper authorities, a person(s) YAlo committed any act of abuse, molestation, harassment. mistreatmenl or man reatrm~nt of a sexual nalUra. 13.3.5 Professional liability/Errors and Omissions Insurance covering Contractor's liability arising from or related 10 this Agreement, with limits of not less than $1 million per claim and $2 million aggregate. Further, Contractor understands and agrees it shall maintain such coverage for a period of not less than three (3) years foll owlng this Agreemenfs expiration, termination or cancellation. 13.3.6 Property Coverage Contractors given exclu sive use of County owned 01 leased property shall carty property coverage at least as bfoad as that provided by the ISO special causes of loss (ISO policy form CP 1030) lorm. The COUnly and its Agents shall be named as an Add~lonallnsured and Loss Payee on Contractor's Insurance as its Interests may appear. Automobiles and mobile equipment Shall be insured for their actual cash value. Real propar1y and all olher personal property shall be insured lor their fu ll replacement value. 14.0 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDEMNIFICATION 14.1 Indemnification Obligation. Contrac1or shall indemnify, hokl harmless and defend County, its agents, officers, and employees Irom and against any and all claims, demands, damages, liabilities, losses, costs and exp ensas, including, but nolilmilad to, delense costs an d legal, accounting and other expert , consulting or professional fees and attorney's fees, as such are Incurred, IOf or by reason of any actual or alleged infringement of any third party's patent or copyright, or any actu al or alleged unauthorized trade secret disclosure or misappropriation, arls~g from or related to software or other tasks, dellverabies, goods, services or I' GfJnde~ RehabIIrabon PrOQlIJn) Ibr E.>miIJir II - Add~iomlJ F,,""'" 0iIj0,,,,,,,,~ ro",... :<I>d Coodi!;.;;,m other work licensed Of acquired heraunder or the operation and utili;z:ation of ContractOf's Work under this Agreement (collectively in this Paragraph 14.0 {Intellectual Property indemmfication) 'Infringement Glaim(s)"). Any legal delrose pursuant to Contractor's IOOemnification obligations under this Paragraph 14.0 (Intellectual Property Indemnification) shall be conducted by Contractor and pertormed by counsel selected by Contractor and approved In writing by County (whim approval shall not ba unreasonably withheld) . Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, County shall have the ri~t to participate In any such defense at liS sole cost and expense, except that In the event Contractor fai~ to provide County wHh a full and adequate defense, as requ ired by law or this Agreement, County shall be entitled to reimbursement for all such costs and expenses. 14.2 Procedures. County shall notify Conlractor, in writing, as soon as practicable of any claim or action alleging sum Infringement or unallfhorized disclOsure. Upon such notice, Contractor shall, at no cost to County, as remedial measures. either: (il procu re Ihe right. by license or otherwise, for County to continue to use th e software or other tasks, deliverables, goods, saNiess or other work licensed or acquired hereunder, or part(s) or component(s) thereof, to the same extent 01 County's license or ownership rights uOOer thiS Agreement; or Oij to the extent Contractor Is unable to procure such right, replace or modify the software or other tasks, deliverables, goods, services or other work licensed or acquired hereunder, or part(s) or component(s) thereof, with another software or product of saNiees, Of part(s) Of component(s) thereof, of at least equivalent quality and performance capabilities, In County's determination, until it is determined by County that the software or other tasks, deliverables, goods. saNiess or other work licensed or acquired hereunder end all parts and components become nonInfrin ging, non-misappropriating and non-disclosing. 14.3 Remedial Acts. If Contractor fails 10 complete the remedial measures in Subparagraph 14.2 above within forty·five (45) calendar days of the date of the written notice from County or County has not approved in writing (such approval nol to be unreasonably withh€ld) Contractor's plan of completing such remediation, then, County shall have the right to lak.e such remed~1 acts as County determines m be reasonable to mitigate any Impairment 01 ns use of \he software or olher tasks, deliverables, goods, services 01 other WQrk licensed 01 acquired hereunder. or part(s) or component(s) thereof, or damages or other costs or expenses (in this Sub-paragraph 14.3, ' County's Remedial Acts ' ), Cootractor Shall indemnify County under Sub-paragraph 13.1 (Indemnification) for all amounts paid and all direct and indirect costs associated with County's Remedial Acts. Failure by Contractor to pay such amounts within len (10) calendar days of invoice by County shall, in addition to. and cumulative to all other remedies, entitle County to Immediately wlthhold payments due to Contractor under this Agreement up to the total of the amounts paid in connection with County's Remedial Acts. 19 ~·R"PO'''''''~ f'rr>gn1m lot F~ CMo,ide>a Exhibit A - AdditioMl TMrl. _ CN>dilioN • 15.0 BUDGET REDUCTIONS In the event thai the Board adopts, In any fiscal year, a County budget oMllch provides lor reductions In the salaries and benefits paid to the majorily 01County employees and imposes similar reductions with respect to County contracts, County reserves Ihe right to reduce its payment obligation correspondingly for that fiscal year and any subsequent fiscal year during the term of this Agreement (includWlQ any extensions), and the services to be provided by Contractor und9f this Agreement shall also be reduced correspondingly. Counly's notice to Contractor regarding said reduction In payment obligation shall be provided withtn thirty (30) calendar days o1lhe Board's approval of such actions. ElCcept as set forth In the preceding senten ces, Contractor shall continue to provide aJl of the services set lorth in this Agreement. 16.0 17.0 FORCE MAJEURE t 6.1 Nerlher party Shall be liable for such party's failure to perform its obligations under and In accordance with this Agreement, if such failure arises out of fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, other natural occurrences, strik es, lockouts (oUler than a lockout by such party Of any 01 sucn party's subconlractOfs), freight embargoes, or other similar events to those described above, but In every such case the failure to perform must be totat~ beyond the control and Without any fault or negligence 01 such party (such events are referred to in this sub-paragraph as 'Iorce majeure events ' ). 16.2 Nolwilhstandlng the foregoing, a default by a subcontractor of Contrac1or shall not constitute a lorce majeure event, unless such de/auR arises out 01 causes beyond the control of both Contractor and such subcontractor, and without any fauH or negligence of eith er of them. In such case, Contrac1or shall not be liable for failure to perform, unless the goods or services to be furnished by the subcontraclor were obtainable Irom ottler soorces In suffiCient time to p9fTT\lt Contractor \0 meet the required performance schedule. As used in this subparagraph, the term ' subcontraclor" and 'subcontractors" mean subcontractors at any tier. 16.3 In the event Contractors failure 10 perform arises out of a force majeure event , Conlrac1or agrees to use commerciatly reasonable best efforts 10 oblain goods or services from other sources, if applicable, and to otherwise mitigate the damages and reduce the delay caused by such force majeure event. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBIUTY AND DEBARMENT 17. 1 A responsible COrJlrac1or Is a Contrac1or who has demOOSlraled the attribute 01 trustworthiness, as well as quality, lilooss, capacity and experience 10 satisfactorily perform the Agreement. It is the County's polley to conduct business only with responsible COrJtractors. 20 ~~~ Progr_ "" I'INrJIJt;J O/Ic, ""'fa ExMbitJl - A<kil1ialtJl T..-m. """ Cor>ditionl 17.2 Contractor is hereby nollfied that, In accordance with Chapter 2.202 of the los Angeles County Code, if County acquires information concemlng the performance of the Contractor on this or other contracts which indicates that the Contractor is not responsib le, County may, in addition to other remedies provided in the Agreement, debar the Contractor from bklding or proposing on, or being awarded , and/or performing work on County contracts for a specified period of time, which WIll not exceed fIVe (5) years, but may exceed fIVE! (5) yeafS or be permanent rf warranted by the circumstances, and terminate any or all existing contracts Contractor may hava with County. 17.3 County may debar a Conlfactor iI !he Board finds, in Its discreUoo, thaI Contractor has done any of the following: (a) violated a term of a con tract, including this Agreement, with County or a nonprofit corporation created by County, (b) committed an act or omission which negatively reflects on Contractor's quality, fitness or capacity to perform a contrad with County, any other public entity. or a nonptofrl corporation created by County, or engaged in a pattem or practice which negatively reflects on same, (c) committed an act or offense which indicated a lack of business integrity or business honesty, or (d) made or submitted a false claim against County or any other public entity. 17.4 If there is evidence that Contractor may be subject to debarmenl. the Sheriff's Department will notify Contractor in writing of the evidence which is the basis for th e proposed debarment and will advise Contractor of the scheduled date lor a debarment hearing before the Contractor Hearing Borud. 17.5 The Contractor Hearing Board will conduct a hearing where evidence on the proposed debarment is presented. Contractor and/or Contractor's representative shall be gi..-en an opportunity to submit e...idence at that hearing. After the hearing, lIle Contractor Healing Board shall prepare a tentative proposed decision. which shall contain a recommendation regarding whether Contraclor should be debarred, and, if so, the appropriate length of time of Ihe debarment. Contractor and tile Sheriffs Department shall be provided an opportunity 10 object 10 the tenlati\ltl proposed decisiOn prior 10 Its presentatIOn 10 the Board. t7.6 After conskieration of any objections, or If 00 objectIons are submitted, a record of the hearing, the proposed decis~n and any other recommendation of the Cootractor Hearing Board shall be presented to the Board. The Board shall have the right to modify, deny or adopt the proposed decision and recommendation of the Cootractor Hearing Board. 17.7 If a Contractor has been debarred for a period longer than five (5) years, that Coollactor may, after the debarment has been in effect for at ieest five (5) years, submit a writ1en request fOI 19V19W of the debarment determination to reduce the perlod of debarment or terminate the debarment. County may, in its discretion, redu ce the period of debarment or terminate the debarment if it finds that " G!ondRt~..,......... Pl-ogram for ~ ~ &~ltJil"" - ArJdnionaJ Terl!l.f """ CmdIliom Contractor elimination change in debarment County. has adequalely demonstraled one or more 01 Ihe following: (1) oltha grounds for Which the debarment was imposed; (2) a bona fide ownership or management; (3) matarial evidence discovered after was imposed; or (4) any other reaSOfl that is n the best ~terests of 17.8 The Contractor Hearing Board Will consider a requast for review of a debarment detenniflallon only Where (1 ) Contractor has been debarred for a period longer lhan fIVe (5) years; (2) the debarmenl has been In eflecI for alieasl five (5) years; and (3) the request is in writing, stales one or more 01 the groullds lor reduction of the debarment period or termination 01 the debarment, and includes supporting documentation. Upon receiving an appropriate request, the Contractor Hearing Board will prOVIde notice 01 the hearing OIl the request. AI ttIe hearing, the Contractor Hearing Board shall condlJCl a hearing where evidence on the proposed reduction 01 debarment period or termination of debarment Is presented. This heanng shall be conductacl and the request for review decided by the Contractor Hearing Board pursuant to the same procedures as for a deoarment hearing. 17.9 The Contractor Hearing Board's proposed decision shall contain a recommendation on the requeSI to reduce the period 01 debarment or terminate the debarment. The Contractor Hearing Board Shall present its proposed decision and recommendation to the Board. The Board shall have the right to modify, deny, or aclopt the proposed decision and recommendalion of the Contractor Hearing Board. 17.10 These terms shall also apply to subcontractors of County Contractors. lB.O COMPLIANCE WITH APPblCABLE LAW 16.1 In the performance of tIlis Agreement, C0I11raclor's shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws, rules, legulations, ordinances, guklelines, directives, policies and procedures, and all provisions required thereby to be included in this Agreement are hereby incorporated herein by reference. 18.2 Contractor Shall Indemnify, defend, and hold harmless County, its offICers, employees, and agents, from and against any and all claims, demands, damages, liabilities, losses, costs, and expenses, including , without limitation , defense costs ancIlegal, accounting and olher expert, consulting or professional fees, arising from, connected with, or re lated to any failure by Contractor, Its officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors, to comply with any sudl laws , ruies, regulations, ordinances, dimctives, guidelines, policies. or procedures, as determined by County in itS sofe JudgmenL Any legal defense pursuant 10 Contractor's indemnilicalion obligations under this Paragraph 18.0 (Compliance with Applicable Law) shall be conducted by Contractor and pertormed by counsel n ---- I'rogrlllm /of F~ ~ Emibil A - Additional T"",,, III?d C<>ndilion$ selected by Contractor and approved by County. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, County shall have the right to participate In any such defense at its sole cost and expense, except that in tM event Contractor fails to provide County with 8 full and adequate defeose, as determined by County in its sole judgment, County shall be enlh1ecl to retain hs own coonsel, includrng, without limitation, County Counsel, and reimbursement lrom Contractor lor all such costs and expenses incurred by County in doing so. Contractor Shall not have the right to enter into any settlemerlt, agree to any irljurlction or other equitable relief, or make any admission, In each case, on behalf of County without County's prior written approval. 19.0 FAIR LASOR STANDARDS Contractor shall comply WIth all applicable prOVISions of the Federal Fair labor Standards Act and shall Indemnify, defend, and hold harmless County, its officers. employees and agents from any and all liability, including damages, losses, wages. overtime pay, liquidated damages, penalties. court costs, fees and other expenses OncllKling anomeys' fees) ansing under any wage and hour la ...... including the Federal Fair Labor Standards AeI, for Work performed by Contractor's employees IOf which County may be found jointly Of solely liable. 20.0 NONDISCRIMINATIQN, AffiRMATIVE ACTION, AND ASSURANCES Cootractor certifies and agrees that aU persoos employed by it, 1t5 affiliates, subsidiaries, or holding companies are and wrll be treated equally as required by applicable laws and regulations without f998rd to or because 01 race, color, religIOn, ancestry, national origin, sex, age. or physical or mental hal"lCllcap, in compliance with all applicable Federal and State anti-discrimination laws al"lCl regulation s. 20.1 Contractor shall certify to, and comply with, the provisions of Contractor's EEO certification, attact\ed hereto as Exhibit D, Contractor's EEO Certification, 20.2 Contractor shall take affirmative action \0 ensure that applicants are employed, end that employees are treated during employment, without regard to race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, age, or physical or mental handicap, in compliance with all applicable Federal and State antl·discriminatio n laws and reg ulations. Such action shall Include: employment, upgrading, demotion, tra nsfer, recruitment ()( recruitmBflI advertising, layoft 01 termlnatioo, rates of pay or other forms 01 compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. 20.3 Contractor certifi es and agrees that It wi ll deal with Its bidders, or vendors as required by applicable laws and regulations without regard to or because of race, color, relig ion, ancesl!y, national origin , sex, age, or physical or mental handicap. RehllDlitafit>n PrOtJfWT1/rx F~u orr.ndM; Exhibit .. - .... r1d~ional T~ II1IdCMdJllMs GMd<>,-R~ • 20.4 Contractor certifies and agrees that it, its affiliates, subskJianes or holding companies, shall comply with all applicable Federal and State laws and regu lations, including : 20.4.1 Tille VII, eMt Rights Act of 1964: 20.4.2 Sectloo 504, Rehabilitatkm Act of 1973; 20.4.3 Age Discrimination Act of 1975; 20.4 4 Tille IX, Education Amendments of 1973, as applicable; 20.4.5 Title 43, pari 17. Code of Federal Regulatioos. subparls a & b; 20.4.6 Fair Employment and Housing Act (California Government Code Section 12990 (a-t) at seq.) and the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder (california Code of Regulations, Title 2, SeCtIOn 7285 et '"'1.) 20.5 Cootractol certifies and agrees thai no person shall, on the groul'lds of race, COlOr, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, age, or physical or mental handicap, be unlawfully excluded from participation in, be denied the benefrls of, OJ be otherwise subjected to discrimination under the Agree ment, or under any project, program, or activity supported by the Ag reement. 20.6 Contractor shall, with reasonable notice and during regular business hours, allow County representatives access to Contractor's employment records during regutar business hours to verify compliance WIth the provisions of this Paragraph 20.0 (NondiSCrimination. Affirmative Action, and Assurances) when SO requested by County; provided that Countys access to such employment records of Contractor shall be limited to access that does not constitute an un~wful invasion of the privacy rights of any such employee. If County finds that any ot the proviSions 01 th is Paragraph 20.0 (Nondiscrimination. Affirmative Action, and Assuran~s) have been violated, such violation stlali, at the election of County, constitute a material breach of the Agreement upon which County may Immediately terminate Itle Agreement. While County reserves the right to determine Independently lhat the anti-dlscriminatlon provisions of the Agreement have been violated, in addftion, a determi nation by the California Fair Employment PracUces Commission or the Federal Equal Employment Opj)Ortunlty Commission that Contractor has viOlated State or Federal antidiscrimination laws or regulations such determinatiOn shall constitute a finding by County that Contractor has violated the anti·dlscrimination prov;sions of the Ag reement. All determinations of violations made purauant to this Subparagraph 20.5 shall be appealable by Contractor In accordance with applicable laws and regulations , and separately pursuant to the Dispute ResolutiOn Procedures. 24 CourtyolLos ~ ",.",,- ~ P'r&qram lor F..- CIffoondefl Eit/liOIf A - AddJliooal Tcm>S ana Condition. 20.7 The parties agree that if Contractor violates the and-discrimination provisions of the Agreement, County shall, at ils option, be entitled to the sum of five hundred doliars ($500) lor each such Violation pursuant to Calilomia CMI Code Seelion 1671 as liquidated damages in lieu of terminating the Agreement. 21.0 NONDISCRIMINATION IN SERVICES Contractor shall not disCl1mill8.te in the proVision Of servu::es hereunder because of race, color, religi on, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, or physical or mental handicap, in accordance with all applicable requirements of Federal and State law. For the purpose Of this Paragraph 2 1.0 (Nondiscrimination in SetVlces), dlscrfminatlon in the provision of services may Include the following: (a) denying any person any service or benefit Of the availability of the facility, (b) provi ding any service or benefit to any person which IS not equivalent or is not provided in an equivalent manner or at an equivalent time to that provided to others, (c) subjecting any person 10 segregation Of separate treatment in any manner related to the receipt 01 any service, (d) restricting any person in any way III the enjoym ent of any advantaga or privilege enjoyed by oth ers receMng any service or benefit, and (e) treatin g any perSOn differently from others in determining admission, enrollment Quota, eligibility, memberShip, or any other requirements or conditions which persons muSl meet In order 10 be provided any service or benefit. 22.0 EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION 22.1 Contractor warrants that it futiy complies with all Federal and State statutes and regulations regarding the employment of aliens and others and that all its employees performing Work under the Agreement meet th e cit izenship or alien status requirements set forth in Federal and State statutes and reguiatioos. Contractor Shall obtain, from all employees performing Work heroonder, all verification and olller documentation of employment eligibility status requIred by Federal statutes and regulations as they currently exist and as they may be hereafter amended . Contractor shall retain all such documentation lor the period prescribed by law. 22.2 Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless County, Its agents, officers, and employees pursuant to Sub-paragraph 13.1 (Indemnilication) Of this Exhibit from and against any and all liability (alleged or actu al), including damages, losses, fees, costs, and expenses (including defense costs and legal, accounling and othel" expert WItness, consulting Of professional lees) arfslng out of or In oonnecllon with any employer sanctions and any other liability which may be assessed against Contractor or County in connection with an y alleged violation 01 any Federal or State statutes or regul ations pertaining to tile eligibility fOl employment of any persons pertorming Work hereunder. 25 GMr1fH.R, ......R 1WIIIt1l·lLliGo. Program lOt" F."",. 0IIw>Ihn EothibJI A - MdffiarPl!1 TfKm$ IJI!d Corfdl)i<ns 23.0 HIRING OF EMPL.OYEES Contractor and Counly agree that. during the Term and for a period 01 one (1) year ther&afler, except with the prior written consent 01 the other party, neither party shall in any way inlentional'v induce or solicit any Project Director, Project Manager, Program Director, or other employee, of one party to become an employee or agent of the other party. NotwithS'landlng the foregoing, CounTy shall be entitled to make offers of employment to employees 01 Contractor necessary or desirable to perform Work described in the Agreement, In the even! Ihat: (a) County has the right to terminate the Agreement pursuant to Paragraph 4.0 (Termination for Insolvency) of this Exhibit, (b) the Agreement Is terminated by County due to Contractor's default pursuant to Paragraph 5.0 (Termination for Default) of this Exhibit, (c) without resolution acceptable to both panies, Contractor and County heve followed Ihe Dispute Resolution Procedures, or (d) Contractor either announces the withdrawal of SUpport of, or otherwise no Iofl98r provides seMces County deems essential to. the ongoing support of the Work as applicable. 24.0 25.0 CONFUCT OF INTEREST 24.1 No Counly employee whose position with County enables such employee to influence the award of the Agreement or any competing agreement. and no spouse or economiC dependent of such employee, Shall be employed in any capacity by Contractor or have any other direct or Indirect financial Inlerest in the Agreement. No officer or employee of Contractor. who may frnancially benefit from the perlonnance of Work hemunder, shall in any way participate in County's approval, or ongoing evaluation, 01 such Work, or in any way attempt to unlawtul'v Influence County's approval or ongoing evaluation of such Wo&., 24.2 Contractor shall comply with all conflict of interest laws, ordinances and regu lations now in effect or hereafter 10 be enacted during the Term 01 this Agreement. Contractor warrants tha1 It Is not now aware of any lacts that do or could creale a conflict of Interest \I Contractor hereaher becomes aware of any facts that might reasonably be expeoted to creale a conflicl of Interest, it shall immediately make full written disclosure of such facts to County. Full written disclosU/e Shall include, but is not limited to, identification of all persons implk:aled and a complete descnption 01 all relevant circumstances. Failure 10 comply with the provisions of this Paragraph 24.0 (Conflict of Interest) shal! be a material breach of this Agreement. RESOLICITATION OF BIDS. PROPOSALS, OR INFORMATION 25.1 Contractor acknowledges thai, prior 10 the expirat ion or earlier termination 01 the Agreement, County, in Its discretion, may exercise its right to invite bids, request Information, or request proposals for the conUnuad provision of the goods and services delivered or contemplated under the Agreement. County shall make th e GfHJ</e<-R~ ExhibIr .... IWtoilblil.OI.Ion P'mfpam lor "-rmle ~ _ .... ddiliomll T.,.",. /IIId Condition! • detsrrninaUoo to re·sollcll bids, request informallon, or request proposals in accordance with applicable County pollcles. 25.2 Contractor acknowledges that Counly, in its discretion, may enler 1010 a contract for the luture provision 01 goods and services, based upon the bids, or proposal s received, with a provider or prov1ders other than Further, Contractor aCknowledges thai It obtains no greater right to Ihrough any future invitation for bids, request tOf Information, or proposals by virtue of hs present status as Contractor. 26.0 information. Contraclor. be selected request for TERMINATION FOR NON-AOHERENCE TO CQUNTY LOBBYIST ORPINANCE Contractor, and each County Lobbyist or County lobbying Firm as defined in Lo s Angeles County Gode Section 2. 160.010 retained by Contractor, shall fully comply with the County LobbyiSl OrdlnBI'ICt', Los Angeles County Code Chaplet' 2.160. Failure on the part 01 Contractor or any County Lobbyist or County Lobbying Firm retained by Contractor to fully comply with County Lobbyist Ordinance shall constitute a material breacn of the Agreement upon whict1 County may immediately terminate or suspend the Agreement 27.0 CONSIDERATION OF HIRING GAIN /GROW PRQGRAM PARTICIPANTS Should Contractor require additional or replacement personnel after the effective date of this Agreement, Cootractor shall !live consideration for any such employment openin!lS to participants In County's Department of Public Social Services' GreatBf Avenues for Indepeodence (In this Paragraph, '~1 or General Rellel Opportunity for Work (In this Paragraph, 'G ROW1 programs who meet Contractor's minimum qualifications lor the open position . For this purpose. consideration shall mean that Contractor will interview qualified candklates. County wil l refer GAIN partiCipants by job category to Contractor. In the event that both laid-off County employees end GAIN/GROW partiCipams am available for hiring. County employees shall be given lirst opportunity. 2B.O STAFF PERFORMANCE WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE Subject to all applicable laws and regulations, COllImator shall use reasonable efforts to ensum !hal no employee will perform sefVices hereunder v.tlile under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, medication, narcotic, or other subslance, which might reasonably, or have been obselVed to, Impair such person's phySICal or mental performance. 29.0 CONTRACTOR PERFQRMANCE DURING CIVIL UNREST Contractor recognizes that County prOVIdes services essential to the residents of the communities it selVes, and that these services are of particular Importance at the time of a riot, Insurrection, Civil unrest, natural disaster or similar event. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Exhibit 01 the Agreement, full performance by ContractO!" during 27 a.-~~ ProgrIll7l /of fefMitJ ~. Emibi/ A - Adi;fKiomIl T8I17II!O and CorodItt!n, any riot, insurrection, cIVil unmst, natural disaster or similar event is not excused if such performance remails physically possible without related danger \0 Contractor's employees or suppliers. During any such event In which Ihe health or safety 01 any of Contractor's staff members would be endangered by performing their services on-site, such staff members may perform any or all of their services remotely. Failure to comply with this requ irement shall be considered a material breach of Ihls Agreement by Contractor, for which County may Immediately terminate this Agreement 30.0 CONTRACTOR'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTY'S COMM1TMENT TO CHI1.D SUPPORT ENfORCEMENT 30.1 Contractor acknowledges that County places a high priority on the enforcement of child support laws and the apprehension of child support evaders. Contractor understands that It is County's policy 10 encourage all CoUl'lly Contractors to voluntarily post County's ·L. A.'s Most Wanted: Delll'lqueni Parents' postel' In a prominent position at Contractor's place of business. County's Child Support ServiceS Department (CSSO) will supply Contractor with the poster to be used. 30.2 The CSSD will maintain and periodically updete the "LA,'S Most Wanted: Delinquent Parents' list on the Internet. The list may be televised belore and after Board meetings. 31.1 Contractor ackrooWledges thai County has established a goal 01 ensuring that all individuals who benefit financlalty from County through County contracts are in compliance with their court-ordered child, family, and spousal support obligations in order to mitigate the economic burden otherwrse imposed upon County and Us taxpayers. 31.2 As required by County's Child Support Compliance Program (Los Angeles County Code chapter 2.200) and without limiting Contractors duty under the Agreement to oomply with all applicable provisions of law, Contractor warrants that it is now in compliance and shall during the Term of this Agreement main lain compliance with employment and wage reporting requirements as required by Itle Federal Social Securhy Act (42 U.S.C. Section 6538) and California Unemployment Insurance Code Section 1088.55, and shaU Implement a1tlaWlulty served Wage and Earnings WlttJholding Orders or County's CSSD Notices of Wage and Earnings Assignment for Chlkl. Family, or Spousal Support, pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 706.031 and California Famity Code Section 5248(b). 31.3 Failure of Contractor to maintain compliance with the requirements sel forth in this Paragraph 31.0 (Contractor's Warranty of Adherence to County's Child Support. Compliance ProglSm) shaH constiMe a default under this Agreement. 31.0 ,. GMdet-~~ Progn!m Irx ~ 0f'IMt;kr.r Exlliblr A - Additional r""" .. and Cor!aItions Without Ilmlllng the rights and remedies available to County under any other provision 01 th is Agreem9f1I, fallure of Contractor 10 cure such default within ninety (90) calendar da~ of written notice shall be grounds upon Which County may terminate this Agreement pursuant to Paragraph 5.0 (Termination for Default) and pursue debarment of Contractor, pursuant to County Code Chapter 2,202. 32.0 RECYCLEO-CONTEHT PAPER Consistem with the Soord's policy to reduce the amount of solid waste deposited 81 County landfills, Contractor agrees to use recycled·content paper to the maximum extent possible in Contractor's provision of WorK pursuant to the Agreement. 33.0 CQMPYANCE WITH JURY SERVICE PROGRAM 33.1 JUry Service prooram This Agreement is subject to th e prOVISions of County' s ordinance entitled Contractor Employee Jury Service ("Jury SeIVice Program1 as codified In Sections 2.203.010 th rough 2.203.090 01 the Los Angeles County Code, a copy of which is attached as ExhiM G and incorporated by relerence into and made a part of this Ag reemoot 33.2 Wrjtten Employee Jury SeNice Policy. 33.2.1 Unless Contractor has demonstrated to County's satISfaction eith8f that Contractor is n01 a "Contractor" as defined under the Jury S€rviCe Program (Se ction 2.203.020 of the Los Angeles County Code) or that Contractor qualities for an exception to the Jury ServICe Program (Section 2.203.070 of the Los Angeles County Code), Contractor shall have and adhere to a written policy that provides thal its employees shall recelve from Contractor. on an annual basis, no less than five (5) days 01 regular pay for actual Jury service. II'Ie policy may provide th at employee s deposit any fees received for such jury service with Contractor or that ContraclO4' deduct from the employees' regu~r pay th e fees received for jury selVice. 33.2.2 For purposes of this Paragraph 33.0 (Compliance with Jury Service Program). "Contractor" means a person, partnership, co rporation or other entity which has a conuect with County or a subcontract with a County contractor and has received Of will receive an aggregate sum of 550,000 or more In any 12·month period under one or more County contracts or subccntracts . "Employee" means any California resident who is a full time employee of Contractor. "Full lime" means 40 hours or more worked per week:, or a lesser number of hours if: (a) the lesser number Is a recognized iIlduStry sl8l1dard as determined by County, or 29 Cout!tyo1""'~ ~.~~ stwilf~ ~17HIf1! Exhibit)' - F'rogTam lor FwrwJ. ~ Terms lind Cmditi0n8 Add~;c.n.1 • (b) Contractor has a long-standing practICe thaI defin&s the lesser number of hours as full ·time. Full-lime employees providing short·term, tempOlSry services 01 90 days or less with in a 12·month period are not considered full-lime for purposes of the Jury Service Program. If Contractor uses any subcontractor to perlorm services fo r County under the Agreement, the subcontractor shall a~o be SlJbject to the provisions of thiS Paragraph 33.0 (Compliance with JulY Service Progra m). The provisions of ttlis Paragraph 33.0 (Compliance with Jury Service Program) shall be insened into any such subcontract agreement and a copy of the Jury SeNice Program shall be anached 10 the agreement. 34.0 33.2.3 If Contractor Is not required to comply with the Jury Service Program v.f1en the Agreement commences, Contractor shall have a continuing obligation 10 review the applicability 01 itS "exception status· from the Jury Service Program, and Contractor shall immediately not~y County il Contractor at any time e~her comes within the Jury Service Program's definition of ' Contractor" Of if Contractor no longer quaUlies lor an exception to the Jury Service Program. In either event, C<lnlractor shan immediately implement a written policy consistent with the Jury Service Program. County may also reQuire, al any time during the Term and at its sole discrelloo, that Contractor demooslrate to County's satisfaction that Contractor either continues to remain outside of the Jury SeMce Program's definition 01 ' Cootractor" or that Contractor COfltinues to Qualify tor an exceptioo to the Jury Service Program. 33.2.4 Contractor's violation of this Paragraph 33.0 (Compliance with Jury Service Program) of this Exhibit may COf"Istitute a matenal breach of the Agreement. In the event of such material breach, County may. in its sole discretion, terminate the Agreement or bar Contractor from the award of future County contracts for a period of time consisteot with the seriovsness 01 the breach. BACKGROUND ANp SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS 34.1 At any time prior to or during th e Term of thiS Agreement, all Contractor staff and agents of Contractor (collectively herein 'Contractor's staff") performing services under this Agreement shaU undergo and pass a background Investigation to the satisfaction ol County as a condition 01 beginning and continuing to perform services under this Agreement. Such baCkground Investigation may include, but shall not be limited 10, criminal conviction intormalioo obtained th rough fingerprints submitted 10 the California Department 01 Justice. The lees associated with the background investigation shall be at the expense of Contractor, regardless If the member of Contractor's staff passes or lalls the background investigaUon, ~·R~R~ Prr>gram for " - - otrwodo>!' CMditiom ENItibI! A - ~ioMI T.""., tJ.r>d 34.2 If a member 01 Contractor's staff does nol pass the backglOund Investigation, Courtty may request that the member of Contractor's staff be Immediately removed from performing SefVloeS under this Agreement at any lime during the Term 01 this Agreement. County will not provide 10 Contractor Of \0 Contractor's staff Bny information obtained through County's background Investigation. 34.3 County. in its sole discretion, mey immediately deny or terminate lacility access to any member of Contractor's stall that does not pass suCh investigation to the saUsfaction of County or whos e background or conduct Is incompatible with County facility 34.4 35.0 access. Disqualification of any member of Contractor's staff pursuant to this Paragraph 34.0 shall not relieve Contractor of its obligation to complete all Work in accordance with the terms and COIlditions of this Agreement ACCESS TO COUNTY FACILITIES Ccntractor. Its employees. and agents will be granted access to Coumy faellitles, subject to Contractor's prior notification to and approval by the County Project Director, 101 the purpose 01 executing Ccntractor's obligations hereunder, Contractor shall comply with the speclilc requirements'Of access 10 County custody facilities as sel forth in EXhibit B (Statemem of Work). Contractor Shall have no tenancy, or any other property or other rights in County facilities. While present at County facilities, Contractor's personnel shall comply with all County reqUirements, specifically those set forth In Exhlb~ B (Statement 01 Work) related to County custody facilities. 36.0 COUNTY FACIUIY OFFICE SPACE In order for Contractor to perform services hereunder and only for the performance of such services, County may elect, subject to Counly's standard administrative and security reqUirements, to provide Contractor with office space and equipment, as determined at the discretion of the County PrOject Director, at County facilities, on a non-exclusive use basis. County shall also provide Contractor with reasonable telephone service and network conneclions In such office space for use only lor purposes of the Agreement. County disclaims any and all responsibility for the loss, theft or damage of any property Ot material left at such County office space by Conltactor. 37.0 DAMAGE TO COUNTY FACILtTlES, BUILDINGS. OR GROUNpS 37 1 Contractor shall repair, or cause to be repaired , at its own cost, any and all damage to County facilities. buildings or grounds caused by ConlractOl" 01 employees or agents of Contractor. Such repairs Shall be made promptly after Contractor has become aware of sudl damage, but in no event later than thirty (30) calendar days a"er the occurrence. 3J ~""",.."ons.W ~ f>rogr.Im lor FmwIfI CJfIrIndMs Exhibit A - AddiIioMI T.,IN IM">d ConditiQfl. 37.2 38.0 If Contractor fails to maKe timely repairs, County may make any necessary repairs. All costs incurred by County, as determined by County, for such repairs shall be repaid by Contractor by cash payment upon demand, or withOllt limitation 01 all County's other rights and remedies provided at law or equity, or under th e Agreement, County may deduct such costs from any amounts due to Contractor from County under the Agreement. PHVSICAL ALTERATIONS Contractor shall TIOt in any way physically alter or improve any County facility without the prior written approval of the County Proj ect Director, and County's Director of Internal SeNices Department, in their discretiOn. 39_0 FEDERAL EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT Contractor shall notily its emplOYeEs and shall requ ire each subcontractor to notify its employees that they may be eligible for the Federal Earned Income Credit under the Faderal income tax laws. Such notice shall be provided In accordance with th e requ irements sel forth in Internal Revenue SeMce Notice 1015. Caples of the Notice can be obtained by calling 1-800-829-3676 or Irom Ihe IRS website at www.lrs·aov. 40.0 ASSIGNMENT BY CONTRACTOR 40.1 Contractor shall not assign its rights or delegate its duties under the Agreement, or both, whether in v.tlo!e or in pan. without the prior written consent of County, In its discretion, and any attempted assignment or delegation without such consent shall be null and VOid. For purposes of this Sub-paragraph 40. 1, County consent Shall require a written Ame ndment to the Agreement, wIlich is form ally approved and executed by the parties, and whiCh may be exeCtJted by tl1e Sheriff, on behalf of County with the written concu rrence of Coonty Counsel. Any payments by County 10 any approved delegate or assignee on any claim uncler lhLs Agreement shall be deductible, at County's discretion, against claims which Contractor may have against County. 40. 2 Shareholders. partners, members, or other equity holders 01 Contractor may transfer, sell, exchange, aSSign, or divest themsetves of any Interest they may have therein. However, In Ihe event any such sale, transfer, exchange, assignment, or dtvestment Is effected In su ch a way as to give majority control 01 Contractor 10 any person, corporation, partnership, or leg al entity other than the majority controlling interest therein at the time of e)(ecution of the Agreement, such disposition is an assignment requiring the priOr written consent 01County In accordance with Sub-paragraph 40. 1 of this Exhibit. 40.3 Any assumptiOn, assignment, delegatiOn, or taKeover Of any of the Contractor's duties, responsibilities , obligations, 01 performance of sam e by any entity oth er than the Contractor, whether through assignment, subconliact, delegation, 32 Gt>ndM.~~ R<tf-~ Program fOI F _ ~ ExioiblfJII - AdditimaJ Tetm5 _ Conditio<1. merger, buyout, or any other mechanism, with or wilhO\Jt conSideration for any reason whatsoovar w~hou\ County's express prior WIman approval, shall be a material breach of tne Ag reement which may lesutt in the termin ation of the Agreement In the event of suCh te rmination , County shall be entitled to pursue the same remedies against Conbactor as it could pursue In the evant of default by Contractor. 41 .0 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS 41. 1 The Agreement is by and between County and Contractor and is oot Intended, and shall not be construed, to create the relationship of agent, selvant, employee, partnership, joint venture, or association, as between County and Contractor. The employees and agents of one peny shall not be, or be constru ed 10 be, the employees or agents of the other party for any purpose whatsoever. Contractor shall fUnction as, and in all respe cts Is, an independ ent Contractor. 42.0 41.2 Contracto r shall be solely liable and responsible lor providing to, or on behalf 01, all persons performing Work pursuant to this Agreement all comp ensation and benefits. County shall have no liability or responSibility for the payment 0 1 any salaries, wages, unemployment benefits, disabilily benefllS, Federal, Slate, or local taxes, or oth er com pensation , ben efits, or taxes for any personnel provid ed by or on behalf of Contractor. 41.3 Contractor I.IIlderstal1ds and agrees that all persons perlorming Work pursuant to the Agreement are, fo r purposes of workers' compen sati on liability, the we employees of Contractor and not employees of County. County shall have no obligation 10 furnish, or liability lor, worIIers' compensation benefits to any pel son as a res ult of any injurles allsing lrom or connected witn any Work pertormed by or on behalf of Contractor pursu ant to the Agreement. 41.4 Con.ractor shall (Confidentiality). adhere to the provisions stated In Palsgraph 3.0 RECOBPS AND AUDITS 42.1 Contractor s/1aU malnlsln accurate and complete financial records of its activitIes and operations relating to the Agreement, including any termlnatklO hereof, In accordance With generally accepted accounting pr!ncipJ es. Contractor s/1all also maintain accurate and complete employmenl and other records relating to its perlormanoe of the Ag re emoot. Contractor agrees thaI County, or its authorize<! lepresentatives, sh all, with reasonable notice al1d during regular business hours, have access to and the right to examine, audit, excerpt, copy or transcribe any pertinenl lransaction, activity, or records of Contractor relallng to the Agleement. Should the examination and audit be performed by a non-County entity or should a non-County entity be requ ested by County to review Information received 33 -"'-- PiOfJl"''' ;0, FtrnII,. 0IfmdtIrI lE.hlbII A - AddItiooIJi TOm>l Nl(J Condition. pursuant to an audit or examinatioo under Iflis Paragraph 42.0 (Records and Audits), Contractor may require the non.county examiner or auditor, as the case may be, to executa a nondisclosure contract prior to any disclosure. The nondisclosure contract shall limit the non.coonty entity's use of information received or reviewed in connecboo with the examination and audit to worf( performed specifically lor the benefit of County. All such malerial, Including alt financial records, bank statements, cancelled checks or other proof of payment, timecards, Sign-in/slgn.out sheets, and other time 8lld emplOyment record s, shall be kept and maintained by Contractor and shall be made available to County during the Term of this Agreement and lor a period of fIVe (5) years thmeafter unless County's written permiSSion is given to dispose of any such material prior to such time. All suCh material shall be maintained by Contractor at a location In Los Angeles County, provided that if any such material is located outside l os Angeles County, then at Contractor's option, Contractor snail eitner (a) provide County with access to such material at a mutually agreed upon location inside los Angeles County, or (b) pay County fOf travel, per diem, and other costs and expenses incurred by County to examine, audit, excerpt, copy or transcribe such material at sucn outside location. 42.2 If an audl\ is conducted 01 Contractor specifically regarding the Agreement by any Federal or State auditor, or by an auditor or accountant employed by Contractor or otherwise, then Contractor shall file a copy 01 such audit report with County's Auditor-Controller al'ld the County Project DireQ10r within thirty (30) calendar days of Contractor's receipt thereal, unless otherwise proVided by applicable Federal or State law or undef the Agreement. 42.3 II, at any time during or aftef the Term, representatives of County conduct an audit 01 Contractor, as and to the exleot permitted hereunder, regarding the WorM performed under the Agreement, the resuM.s 01 such aud~, including any fillal determlnation in respect of an underpayment or overpayment. if any by County under the Agreement, shaU be provided In writing to CoolractOf. Contractor shall have thirty (30) calendar days to review the find ings contained In such aud~ and notily County of any objection to the same. Such notice must Include, In reasonable detail, Ina basis for Contractor's objection and any supporting documentation and anatysls fOf Contractor·s objection. If the parties cannol agree, within liftean (15) calendar days 01 receipt Of Cootr8Ctor's objection to Ihe findings contained in County's audit, on the amount of underpayment or overpayment, if any, by County to Contractor hereunder, then either party may submit such matter 10 the Dispute Resolution Procedure, provided such matter strall be submitted Initially, directly to tile County Pro;ect Director and the Contractor Program Director. If ContractOf fails to notify County of any ObjeCtion It has to the lindings of County's audit Within the thirty (30) calendar day period set forth abOve, Contractor waives any right to object to the findings of sUCh audit, incIlJding any determinalion 01 overpayment by County. II such audit, whether initially following a waiver by Contractor of its right of objection or upon 34 G800de0 Rp~R_bli¥ioij f>rDgram for FemMi 0fIt>ndm E1<h~11I - NkI#lonai Term. and Conrtilionl! linaJ determination pursuant to the Dispute ResolutK>r'1 Procedure, finds that County's dOllar liability lor any such Work Is less than payments made by County to Conlractor, then the diHerenoo, together with County's reasonable costs of audit, shall be either repaid by Contractor to County by cash payment upon demand or, attM discretion of the County Project Director, deducted I rom any amounts due to Contractor Irom County, If such audit finds that County's dollar liability for suell Work Is more than the payments made by County to Contractor, then the dll1erence shall be paid to Contractor by County, bUT In no event shall County's payments 10 Contractor exceed the Maximum ConIJact Sum. 42.4 43.0 Failure on the part of Contractor to comply with any of the provisions of thi s Paragraph 42.0 (Records and Audits) shall constitute a material breach upon which County may terminate or suspend this Agreement. LICENSES. PERMITS, REGISTRATIONS, ACCREDITATION, AND CERTIFICATES Contractor shall obtain and maintain in effect dUring the Term of this Agreement all licenses, permits, registrations, accreditation, and certificates requ ired by all Federal, State, and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulatrons , which ale applicable to Contractor's services under the Agreement. Cootrac1or shall further ensure thai all of Its officers, employees, and agents who perform services h9leurK\er, shall obtain and maintain in effect during the Term of this Agreement all licenses, permits, registratIOns, accreditation, and certificates which are applicable to their performance hereunder. If and to the extent requested by County, Contractor shall provide copy Of each such license, permit, registration, acaeditation, and certificate, in duplicate, to Contracts Manager, Sheriff's Department Contracts Unll, 4700 Ramona Boulevard, Room 2t4 , Monterey Park, CA 91754-2169, 44.0 NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES Notwithstanding any other proviSion of the Agreement, Contractor and County do not In any way intend that any person or entity shall acquire any rights as a third party beneficiary of the Agreement, except that this Paragraph 44.0 (No Third Party Beneficiaries) shall not be construed to diminish Contractor's indemnification obligations hereund9f. 45,0 MOST FAVORED PUBLIC ENTITY If Contractor's prices decline, or should Contractor, at any time during the Term of this Agreemeot, provide the same goods and/or substantially Similar services under similar quanllty. delivery, and other applicable terms and conditions to the State of California or any county, municipality, public agency, or district with in Cslflornia at prices below those set fort h in the Agreement, then such lower prices shall be extended immediately to County. " CiBndw·R~ R8Ilat>JIi/~ I'rogmm lor """",It! ~0/1fI. Exhibll A _Add~lonl>l Tenn, ~nd Condhicns 46.0 COUNTY'S QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN County or its agent will evaluate Contractor's pEH10rmance under the Agreement on not less than an annual basis. Such evaluation will IIlCIucIe assessing Contracto(s compliance with the terms and conditions and performance standards of the Agreement. Contractor deficiencies which County determines are severe or continuing and that may place performan ce of the Agreement in jeopardy if not corrected will be reported to the Board. The raport will include improvement and correctiva action measures taken by County and Contractor. If Improvement does not occur consistent with the correctiva aelion measures. County may terminate the Agreement or impose other penalties as specified In th e Performance Requirements Summary (PRS). 47.0 Should Contractor require additional or rep lacement personnel after the effective date 01 this Agreement to perform th e services set forth herein, Contractor shall give first conSideration for sucn employment openings to qualified, permanent CounTy employees who are targeted for layoff or qvalified, former County employees who are on a re· employment nSI during the Iile of this Agreement. 4B.O INTENTIONALLY DELETED 49.0 Contractor shall have no claim against County for payment of any money or reimbursement, of any kind whatsoever, for any service provided by Contractor under this Agreement after the explretion or other termination of this Agrooment. Should Conttactor receive any such payment, it shall immediately notify County and shall immediately repay all such funcls to County. Payment by Counly for services rendered after expiration or termination of this Agreemenl shall not constitute a waiver of County's right to recover such paymel'll from Contractor. This prOvision shall survive the expiration or othel termination 01 this Agreement. 50.0 SAFELY SURRENDERED BABY 50.1 LAW Notice to Emoloyees Contractor shall notify and provide to its employees, and shell require each subcontractor perlormlng WOfk under thiS Agreement to notify and provide to Its employees, a fact sheet regarding lhe Safely Sonendered Baby Law, its implementation in Los Angeles County, and where and how to safely sunender a baby. The fact sheet Is set forth in Exhibit F (Safely Surrendered Baby Law) of this Agreement and is also available on the Internet at for printing purposes. Giiodw-R~~ P'rr>gnm /r;>r Ft>mIIle Of1eIocJ~. ExhI/;lI! A - NJdWMa l TIi'I"frnI _ Cond/Ijo()f 50.2 Contractor's AcKnow ledgement SUrrendered Baby Lew of County's Commitment 10 the Safely Contractor acknowledges that County places a high priority on the implementation of the Safely Surrendered Baby Law. Contractor understands that it is County's policy 10 encourage all County Contractors 10 voluntarily pos! County's "Salely Surreooered Baby Law'" poster in a promioont position al Contractor' s place Of buSiness. Contractor wi ll also en courage its subcontractors, if any, 10 post this poster in a prominent positi on In the subcootractor's place of bustness. County' s Department 01 Chiklren and Family ServiceS will supply Contractor with the poster 10 be used. Information on how 10 receive the poster can be found on the Intemet al www.babysafela.ora. 51.0 PROHIBITION AGAINST INOUCEMENT OR PERSUASION Contractor and County agree that, during the Term of this Agreement and for a period of one (1) year thereafter, neither party shall In any way intentionally induce or persuade any employee of one party to become an employee Q( agent of the oth er party. No bar exisls against any hiring action Initiated through a public announcement. 52.0 PUBLIC RECORDS ACT 52.1 Any documents submitted by Contractor, all information obtained in con nection with County's right to audit and Inspect Contractor's dOOJments, booKs, aod acoounting rocOl ds, pursuant to Parayraph 42.0 (Records and Audits) of this Exhibit, as well as those documents which were required to be submitted in response to the Request lor Proposals (RFP) used in the solicitation process for this Agree ment, become the exclusive property of County. All such documents become a matter of public record and shall be regarded as public records. E)(ceptions will be those elements In tt19 california Government Code Section 6250 at seq. (Public Records Act) and which ara marKed "Trade Secret: "Confidential," Of ' Proprietary: County shall not in any way be liable Q( responsible for the disclosure of any such records Including, without tlmilation, those so marked, If disclosure is required by Law or by an Q(der issued by a court of competent jurisdiction. 52.2 In the event County is required to defend an actiOn on a Public Records Act request for any of the aforementioned doC"Uments, Informatioo, booKs, records, ao%r oontents of a proposal marked "Trade Secret: 'Confldentl8l: or · Proprletary: Conlractor agrees to defand and indemnify County from all costs af"ICI expenses, inclUding reasonab le anorney's lees, In action or liability arising under the Public Records Act. 37 G«Jdw~~ Propr/lm for F~ ~ E Jdlibif A - !>.ddiIionaI TWIN w:>d Cond>lion~ 53.0 TRANSITIONAL JOB OPPORTVNITES PREFERENCE PROGRAM 53.1 This Agreemem is subject to the provisions of tile County's ordinence entiUed Trans~iOllal Job Opportunities Preference Program, as codified In Chapter 2205 01 the Los Angeles County Code. 53.2 Contractor shall not knowingly and with the intent to defraud, fraudulently obtain, retain, attempt to obtain or retain, or aid another in fraudulently obtaining or retaining or attempting to obtain or retain certification as a Transitional Job Opportunity vendor. 53.3 Contractor shall not wll ~11y and knOWingly make a false statement with the intent to defraud, ....nether by affidavit, report, or other representation, to a County official or employee fOi the purpose of innuencing !he certiflcallon or denial of certification of any emily as a Trans~ional Job Opponunlly vendor. 53.4 If Contractor has obtained County certification as a Transitional Job Opportunity vendor by reason 01 having furnished lncmrect supporting information or by reason of having withheld Information, and ....nich knew, or should have known, the information furnished was Incorrect or the information w~hheld was relevanl to its request for certification, and which by reason of such certification has been awarded this contract to whiCh it would not otherwise have bean entitled, Shall: 1. Pay to the County any diffarence between the contract amount and what the County's costs woold have oeen if the contract had been properly awarded: 2, In additlOO to the amount descnbed in subdivision (1), be assessed a penalty in an amount of not mOle than 10 percent (10%) of the amount of the contract; and 3. Be subjected to the provisiOns 01 Chapter 2.202 of the Los Angeles County Code (Determinations or Contractor Noo-responsibil~y and Contractor Debarment). The above penalties shall also apply to any entity that has previously obtained proper certification, however, as a result of a change in their status would no longer be eligible for certificatiOn, and fails to notify the certifying department of this information prior to responding to a solicitation or accepting a contract award. 54.0 WAlyER No waiver by County of any breach 01 any provision of the Agreement snail conslltute a waive' of any other breach Of of suCh provision. Failure of County to enforee at any time, or from time to tine , any provision of !he Agreement shall not be construed as a waNer thereof. lhe rights and remedies set forth in the Agleemanl shall not be exclusive and Bre in addition to any other rlgtrts and remedies provided at Law or in equity, or under the Agreement. (;o(61(y "'1M~. S1>erlll'r o.p"ltmtlnl " ~.R.~ R.t>abiliWJon Progl'llm lor FfHrI8Is Of/entkrs ExNbil A - Addltion.' T~rma IIrId Condition. 55.0 GOVERNING LAW, JURISDICTION. ANp VENUE The Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the substanlive and procedural laws 01 tile Slate of Camomla applicable to contracts made alO to be performed within t!\at state, Contractor agrees and consents to the exclusive Jurisdiction 01 the courts of the State of california (except with respect to claims thai are subject to exclusive Federal subject mattar jurisdiction, as to wh ich Contractor agrees and consents to the exclusive Jurisdiction of the United States District Court of the Central District of California) lor all purposes regarding the Agreement and further agrees and COI1se\lts that venue of any actK>n brought hereunder shall be exclusively In the Central District of the Superior Court lor the County of Los Angeles, California 56.0 SEVERABIUTY If any provision of the Agreement Is adjudged void or invalid for any reason whatsoeVer, but would be valid H part of the wording thereof were deleted or changed, then such provision shall apply with such modificatiOns as may be necessary 10 make It valid and effective. In the event that one or more Of the provisions of the Agreement Is 'oulld 10 be Invalid, Illegal or unenforceable In any respect, such provisiOn shall be deleted here from an d the validity, legality, and enfo rc eability of the I8mainlng provisions contained herein shall nol in any way be affected or Impaired thereby, unless the Agree ment lails of its essenUal purpose because of such deletion. 57,0 BIGHTS AND REMEDIES The rtghts and remedies of County provided in any given Peraglaph, as well as throughout the Ag reement, including throughou t this Exhibit, are noo-9xclusive and cumulative with any and all other rights and remedies under this Ag reement. al law, or In equity. 58.0 NON EXCLUSIVITY Nothing herein IS intended nor shall be construed as creatmg any exclusive arrangement with Contractor. Th is Agreement shall not restrict County or the Department from acquiring similar, equal or like goods and/or services from other entities or sources. 59.0 FACSIMILE Except for the parties initial signatures 10 the Agreement, ....nlch must be provided in form, and nol by facsimile, County and Contractor hereby agree to re gard facsimile representations of original signatures 01 authorized officials of each party, when appearing in appropriate places on dlange notices or in other correspondence, nOlices, e1C. requiring signatures, and received via communications facilities, as legally suffiCient evidence that such original signatures have been affixed thereto. such thaI the ~orlglnaJ' 39 ~·R.~R~ Progr1Im f<lI FetnBI4J Ol/&nde,. E:d!iI>it)l, _ AddHIon.1 r.rm. _ Condiliorls parties need not fOllow up facSimile transmissions of such documents with subsequent (non -facsimile) uansmission 01 'original" varstOns of such doClJmenlS. 60.0 LOCAL SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (SeE) PREFERENCE PROGRAM 60.1 This Agreement is subject to the provisions of the County's ordinance entitled Local Small Business Enterprise Preference Program , as codified in Chapter 2.204 of the Los AfIgeles County Code. 60.2 Comractor shall not knowingly and whh the inten1 to delraud, fraudulently obtain, retain, attempt to obtain or retain, or aid another In fraudulently obtaining or retaining or attempting to obtain or rataln certification as a Local Small Business Enterprise. 60.3 Con1ractcr shall not willfully and knOWIngly make a false statement with the intent to defraud, whether by affidavit, report, or other representation, to a County Official or employee for the purpose of influencing the certification or denial of certification of any entity es a Local Small Business Enterprise. 60.4 If Contractor has obtained certifICation as a Local Small Business Enterprise by reason 01 having lurnlshed incorrect supporting Information or by reason 01 having withheld information, and which knew, or Should have known, the Information furnished was incorrect or the information withheld was relevant to its request for certificatioll, and which by reason of sucl1 certiflcatioo has been awarded this contract 10 Which it would not otherwise have been entilled, shall: 1. Pay 10 County any dfflerenca between the contract amount and what County's costs would have been ~ the contract had been properly awarded; 2. In addition to the amount described in subd .....lsion (1), be assessed a penalty in an amount of not more than 10 percent (10%) of the amount of the contract; 3. Be subject to the provisions of Chapter 2.202 of the los Angeles County Code (Determinations of Contractor Non-responSibility and Contractor Debarment). The above penalties shall also apply to any business that has previously obtained proper certification, however, as a result of a change In their statu s woo ld no longer be eligible for certification, and tails to notify 1he state and Internal Services Department of this Information prior to responding to a solicitation or accepting a contract award. GMJdei·~ RshaDililation Program /oIl'f[Im4/fI ~ E.>/IliOit A -A<ld~ioMJ TerlllS W>d Candirion. 61.0 L.OCAL SMAL.L. BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (SSE> PROMPT PAYMENT PROGRAM Certified Local SBEs will receive prompt payment for services they provide to County departments. Prompt payment is defined as fdteeo (15) calendar days atter receipt of an undisputed invoice. 62.0 TERMINATIQN FOR NON APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement. County shall not be obligated for Contractor's performance hereunder or by any provision of this Agreement during any of County's tut\Jre fiscal years unless and untll County's Board of Supervisors appropriates funds for this Agleement in County's Budget lor each such future fiscal year. In the event that funds are nol appropriated fOI \hIs Agreement. then this Agreement shall termill8te as of JUf)8 30 of the Last fiscal year for which funds were appropriated. County shall notify Contractor in writing of any such non-allocation of funds at the earliest possible date. 63.0 63.1 Contractor acknov.1edges that County has established a goal of ensurtog that all Individuals and businesses that beneftt financially from County through contract are current in paying their property tax obligations (secured and unsecured roll) In order to mitiQate the ecooomic burden otherwise imposed upon County end its taxpayers. 63.2 Unless Comractor qualifies lor an exemption or exclusion, Contmctor warrants and certifies that to the best 01 its knowledge it is llOW in compliance, and during the term of this Agreement will maintain compliance with Los Angeles County Code Chapter 2.206. Contractor's Certification of Compliance with th e County's Defaulted Property Tax Reduction Program is atlachad to the Agreement as Exhibit J . ".0 Failure Of Contractor to maintain compliance with the req uirements set fonh in Paragraph 63.0 (Contractor's Warranty of Compliance with County's Delautted Property Tax Reduction Program) shall constitute delaull under this Agreement. WithOUllimiting the rights and remedies available to County under any OIher provision Of this Agreement. lailura of Contractor to cure such delault within ten (to) calendar days 01 notice shall be grounds upon which County may terminate this Agreement and/or pursue debarment of Contractor, pursuant to County Gode Chapter 2.200. 41 GHIdtN·~~ ProgrMflIrx ~ """",,,,~ Em/bil A _ Mdilio",,; r""", //lid ~ 65.0 NOTICE Of DELAyS Except as otherwise provided under this Agreement, when either party has knowl edge that any actual or potential situati on is delaying or threatens to delay tha timely performance at this Agreement, that party shall, within one (1) Business Day, giye notice thereof, Including all relaYan! information with respect the reto, to the other party. 66.0 COMPLAINTS Contractor snail d&YEIlop. maintain and operate procedures for receiving, investigating and responding to complaints by Inmate GAR Program ParliclpanlS. 66,1 Within thirty (30) Business Days after the effecliY9 dale of this Agreement, Contractor shall proYide County with Contractor's policy for receiving, Inyestlgatlng, and respond ing to Inmate GAR Program PartiCipant complaints. 66.2 County will review Contractor's policy and prcMde Conlractof with approval of said plan or with requested changes. 66.3 If County requests changes in Contractor's policy, Contractor shall make such changes and resu bmit the plan WIthin fIVe (5) Business Days lor County applOyal. 66.4 If. at any time, Contractor wishes to change Contractor's polICy, Contractor shall submit Pl'oPOSed changes to County for approval before Implementation. 66.S Contractor shalf preflminarily InYestlgate an complaints and notify the County Project Manager ot the status of the investigation with in five (5) Business Days of receiving the complaint. 66.6 When complaints cannot be resolved Informally, a system of follow-throu gh shall be instituted which adheres to formal plans for specific actions and strict time deadlines. 66.7 Copies of all wrltten responses to Inmate GRR Program ParUclpant complaints shall be sent to the County Project Manager within three (3) Business Days of the prOVlSicm 01the written response to the complainant. ..... * ~.~ R8I>sbiIIIa!"", Program fix FfHmI" ~ ExhJlJiI A _ AQd~iotul T"rms /JIXJ Conditions EXHIBIT B STATEMENT OF WORK GENDER-RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE 1.0 20 PAGE ................................. 1 SCOPE OF WORK ..... . 1.1 GRR Program Goal ...... . 1.2 GRR Program Objectives. 1.3 GRR Program Elements .... 1.4 GRR Program Structure ..... . 1.5 MERIT Program .. .... 2 .. 2 ................. 2 . ......... 3 ..3 ....................... .4 SPECIFIC WORK ....... . ..... 4 2.1 Orientation .. 2.2 Risk. and Needs Assessment ..... .4 2.3 Self-EvaluaUon Assessment.. . ..... 5 2.4 Treatment and Rehabilitative Plans .. . ... 5 2.5 Reassessments .. 2.6 Inmate GRR Program Participant Exit.!'l'Vithdrawals .................... 6 2.7 Other Requirements ........... . 2.8 Materials/HandoutS/Aud iovisual ............... . 2.9 Quarterty Meetings ...................................... . ............................................................. 6 .................... 7 .7 ............... 8 3.0 SAFETY AND SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. .................................... 6 4.0 CONTRACTOR STAFF .................................. . 5.0 . .... 12 . ....... 12 4.1 General. 4.2 Staffing Requirements ................................. . ........... 13 .......... 17 SCHEDULE/HOURS ...... . i GorKW-R.~ RohJJi>i/it>600 Pr"".", for Fom~ ExMlit B _ OI!'~ S!~dWorl: 6.0 CANCELLATION OF SCHEDULED INSTRUCTION, FACILITATION, COURSES, SESSIONS.. ............................................ 18 7.0 WORK LOCATION ...................... . 8.0 QUALITY CONTROL .. 9.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN. ........ 19 ............. 19 .... 20 ............. 20 9.1 Performance Evaluation Meetings ..... 9.' Review of Inspection Records ........... . 9.3 Contract Discrepancy Report (Exhibit H) ... . ...... 21 9.4 County Observations and Inspections ....................... . ......... 21 ................................. 20 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Merit Program Description LASD Entry Application for Custody Facilities Political Activity Security of Personal Property " ~1,*r·R.~ RoMbilkboo f'r<>l,um "" km ole ~'" E>.hiM B - Slot..,.n; 01_ EXHIBIT B STATEMENT OF WORK (SOW) Capitalized terms used in this SOW without definition herein shall have the meanings given to such terms In Paragraph 2 (Definitions) of the Agreement. 1.0 SCOPE OF WORK Contractor shall provide to the Los Angeles Coonty Sheriff's Department ("Department; a Gender-Responsive Rehabilitation Program fOI Female Offeodef3 ("GRR Program") that toste~ personal well-being, accountability, independence, life skills trab'llng. and family and community cohesion among participants. Contractor's GRR Program shall promote behavior change through Evidence-Based Bes1 Practices in GenderResponsive Strategies, consistent with the National Institute of Corrections Gender-Responsive Strategies: Research, Practice and Guiding Prilciples employabi~ty, for Women Offenders (Bloom, ONen. and Covington, 2003). Contractor's GRR Program shall be provided inskle a select dormitory at the Department's Century Regional Detention Facility ("CROF"), located at 11705 South Alameda Street, L.ynwood, California 90262. Tnls therapeutic commllflity dormitory ("MERIT Dorm") presently houses approximately 124 female offenders enrole(j In various educational and vocational oourses, which are jointly encapsulated In a primarily education based set of services entttled the "MERIT Program." While the MERIT Program constitutes a Department set of rombined sefVices, many exJstllg MERIT Program elements are facilltaled through 8 contracted education provicler. For a description of the MERIT Program, see Attadlrnent 1 (MERIT Program Description) to this SOW. The framework of Contractor's GRR Program shall augment and complement the existing MERIT Program elements and services and be tailored to address the path of criminality for female offenders. The GRR Program will overlay existing MERIT Program elements and services and will address individual lm10te GRR Program Participant needs In a genderrespollsive fashion . Participation in all Inmate programs within the Department's Jail system is voIuntwy. Parti~ants In the MERIT Program are identified through a variety of means induding inmate request slips, outreach occurring throughout the jails by the Departmenfs Inmale Services Bureau, other custody staff, court ord8f(S), etc. The GRR Program shall be arranged as an open entl)', open exit system to accommodate Inmate GRR Program Participants who have limited time 1 Go"'""'-Rt~ ReI>4l>ill:OIiOtl ~ foi "-"_ otI'«""'" C>.hibII. 8 _ StaIsmot!I 0 ( _ remaining in custody, yet qualify for and are desirous of participating in the GRR Program. 1.1 GRR Program Goal The goal of the GRR Program shall be to promote female offenders' successful rehabiHtation and reintegration into society, thus reducing recidivism. 1.2 GRR Program Objectives The GRR Program objectives include, but are not limited to: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 1.3 Personal development Educational development Vocational training Reinforcement of positive decision making Enhancement of parenting skills Addressing alcohol, drug, and substance use/abuse Enhancement of assets and capabilities, while reducing liabilities Eradicating dangerous and/or criminal behavior GRR Program Elemenbl The GRR Program content shall provide, at a minimum, the following elements: a. GRR Program Orientation b. Coordinated Case Management c. Trauma Treatment (individual or group no larger than 15:1 ratio) d. Substance Abuse Treatment (individual or group no larger than 15:1 ratio) e. Cognitive Skills Development f. Relapse Prevention Education g. Domestic Violence Services (individual or group no larger than 15:1 ratio) h. Family-focused Services i. Wellness and Exercise j. Referral to other appropriate agencies as needed k. Re-entl)' Planning I. Alumni Group participation 2 G<rd.r_R . ,""", ~ R. hoMW!on Pror/ra", lor F. 1rJIJJo 0IfH>:J0r< ExllitJlt /1- Sla!emont of v.brI; 1.4 GRR Program Structure 1.4.1 The GRR Program shall be structured to ensure each Inmate GRR Program Partq>ant is engaged in GRR Program elements for a minimum of twenty (20) hours per week in keeping with the Inmate GRR Program Participant's Treatment and Rehabilitative Plan, corresponding with Contractor staffing requirements as defined in SUbiJaragraph 4.2 of Ihis SOW. Contractor shall develop II method to ao::uratety track arld report irldlviduallnmate GRR Program Participant Involvement in GRR Program elements. This report shall be provided to the Coun.ty Project Manager when requested. Contractor shaft maintain reports/records required in this SOW fOT the duration of the Agrnrnent and olhelWise as required In this Agreement. and all such reportslrecords shall be submitted to the County Project Manager upon termination of the Agreement and as otherwise required In this SOw. 1.4.2 Contractor shall be required to work In concert WIth the spectrum of existing education, religiouslvoluntee r, and other services afforded Irmate GRR Program Participants In the MERIT Dorm. 1.4.3 Contractor shall acl1ieve GRR Program obJect!ves through a variety of means which shall include, but noi be lin~ed to, groop and Individual services, lectures, audio and visual aids, program facilltatioo , self-study materials, Intake Risk and Needs Assessment, Reassessment, Treatment and Rehabilitalion Plan development, collaboration w~h the Department', Community Transition Unit, and optinization in community and government service Mnkages, family reunifICation, and transitiona l services. 1.4.4 Contractor shaft maintain the GRR Program on a continuous basis throughout the Term of the Agreemant, with on-s~e services provided during day. evening, and weekend hours. 1.4.5 The County Project Director may amend, alter, and/or medfly the number 01 Inmate GRR Program Partidpants and/OJ classroom size, es may be necessary to meet County's needs at any time during the Term of the Agreemenl 1.5 MERIT Program Conlraclor must work wilhin the parameters of the existing programming in lhe MERIT Dorm. 1.5.1 Contractor shall work. cooperatively and collaboratlvely with MERIT Program instructional staff and/or otl"ler contractors, , G . ..':»r·/II.o!{JOlla/Ve RtIl«b,;llO!.ion """",om !'or _ ~ Ex...,. 8 _ SlaItIl"IO/\/ of ~1'.>rI: or volunteer programs providing services in the MERIT Dorm to ensure effective delivery of services 2.0 1.5.2 Contractor's services shall complement educational program components being provided by a contracted education provider during hours when MERIT Program instruction is occurring. 1.5.3 It is acknowledged such overlay in delivery of services will in some instances diminish or preclude Contractor from performing certain GRR Program elements (such as holding large group sessions during daytime educational instructional hours). k:; such, Contractor shan strategically utilize evening and weekend hours to supplement daytime GRR Program elements and customize the curriculum to meet the unique needs of the County, facility, education provider, and Inmate GRR Program Participants. SPECIFIC WORK 2.1 Orientation Contractor shall conduct an Orientation for each new Inmate GRR Program Participant at the time of her inclusion in the GRR Program. The Orientation shall be structured to describe the purpose of the GRR Program, introduce the instructorslfacilitators, and describe the teaching methods, expectations, and GRR Program goals. Inmate GRR Program Participants must sign an agreement acknowledging their understanding of the GRR Program parameters and requirements for participation. The agreement that will be used by Contractor shall be approved by the County Project Director prior to being utilized. Contractor shall retain the original Inmate GRR Program Participant agreements and present records for inspection upon County's request. All reports or records generated for the purpose of this Agreement shall be submitted to the County Project Manager upon termination of the Agreement. 2.2 Risk and Needs Assessment 2.2.1 County of L» Ar>g8Io. _ . o.patinwn/ Contractor shall perform an Intake Risk and Needs Assessment for all Inmate GRR Program Participants. Contractor shall utilize the Northpointe Women 's COMPAS Risk and Needs Assessment to identify Inmate GRR Program Participants' criminogenic risk and needs, and develop a treatment and rehabilitative plan. The Intake Risk and Needs Assessment shall identify Inmate GRR Program Participant strengths, needs, and risk factors, as well as the life conditions of the Inmate GRR Program Participant at the time their crime(s) was committed The Intake Risk and 4 r;.,_,_R. spon,,;w Reh'-oIJoo Prq,nm "'" Forno ~,. ",1tIN/ B - Sw. ",.,n! of V>I>i< • Needs Assessment Tool shall be sufficiently flexible to be utilized for ongoing reassessment, and as a program and individual effectiveness measure, and to provide the means to appropriately adjust the Treatment and Rehabilitative Plan as an Inmate GRR Program Participant progresses through her individual treatment goals. 2.2.2 At County's sole discretion, Contractor may be required at any point during the Term of the Agreement to utilize an evaluation instrument adopted by the Department's Education Based Incarceration Unit, as directed by the County Project Director. 2.3 Self-Evaluation Assessment 2,3,1 Contractor shall have all Inmate GRR Program Participants complete a Set!" Evaluation Assessment upon entry to the GRR Program. The Set!" Evaluation Assessment shall capture Inmate GRR Program Participant's perception of their individual strengths, needs, and risk factors to provide Contractor insight to Inmate GRR Program Participant's set!"perception at GRR Program start. It shall also include Inmate GRR Program Participant's perception of life conditions at the time their crime(s) were committed and allow the Inmate GRR Program Participant to reveal examples of set!" perception in assets, liabilities, and capabilities. 2.3.2 The Self Evaluation Assessment shall be sufficiently flexible to be utilized for ongoing reassessment throughout the Inmate GRR Program Participant's participation in the GRR Program. It shall serve as an indicator of Inmate GRR Program Participant's self-perception at GRR Program start and shall be contrasted against subsequent self-evaluations administered at subsequent dates. The Set!" Evaluation Assessment shall aid in determination of individual and program effectiveness and as means to appropriately adjust the Treatment and Rehabilitative Plan, as an Inmate GRR Program Participant progresses through her individual treatment goals. 2.4 Treatment and Rehabilitative Plan Once the Intake Risk and Needs Assessment and the Self-Evaluation Assessment are completed, Contractor shall create an individual Inmate GRR Program Participant Treatment and Rehabilitative Plan based upon the results of the assessments. Treatment and Rehabilitative Plans shall outline the concerned Inmate GRR Program Participant's course of education, treatment. and transition. The Treatment and Rehabilitative Plan shall build on the Inmate GRR ='r "' LNAI>;lo .... Sh<ciIi'", Dl>p;l!i~ 5 Grodor_Rooporuiv< RM06.'\t.1b1 ?"'9f1Jl1t /oc F<,,=~ O/f, r - . b.1>iN B - 51.I.morn <>I fit>": Program Participant's strengths and capabilities and serve as framework and foundational support for providing care to the Inmate GRR Program Participant throughout her incarceration. 2.5 Reassessments 2.5.1 Contractor shall conduct Inmate GRR Program Participant Reassessments to gauge progress of Inmate GRR Program Participant Treatment and Rehabilitative Plans and to make necessary adjustments. 2.5.2 Contractor shall conduct Reassessments for Inmate GRR Program Participants at monthly intervals during participation in the GRR Program. A Reassessment shall also be conducted for those Inmate GRR Program Participants who exit the GRR Program for any reason prior to completing a month but who were enrolled in the GRR Program a minimum of fourteen (14) calendar days consecutively. 2.5.3 Written Reassessment resutis shall be provided quarterly to the County Project Manager. 2.5.4 Contractor shall have also all Inmate GRR Program Participants complete a Self EvaluatiOll Reassessment at monthly intervals during participation ill the GRR Program, A Self Evaluation Reassessment shall also be conducted for those Inmate GRR Program Participants who exit the GRR Program for any reasOll prior to completing a month but who were enrolled in the GRR Program a minimum of fourteen (14) calendar days consecutively. 2.6 Inmate GRR Program Participant ExitslWithdrawals 2.5.1 When Inmate GRR Program Participants withdraw or otherwise exit the GRR Program, Contractor shall determine and evaluate the reason(s) for departure. 2.5.2 Contractor shall provide the County Project Manager a monthly report listing the total number of Inmate GRR Program Participant departures and individual reason(s) for exit. Reports shall include but shall not be limited to: Inmate GRR Program Participants name, age, booking number, GRR Program arrival date, GRR Program exit date. reason(s) for exit, and notesffindingsfrecommendation{s) associated with each individual exit 2.5.3 Reports shall provide summary and chart data in total number of GRR Program exits in a given month and in type or reason(s) for exits, while simultaneously providing Co IR ~Y 0( Los Shorffr. AI>ge/o. ~p ..-lrrl< oI 6 ~r--J<.~R P~m __ /01' _ _ Of/orxio,. hhiM B _ St:lI<:m<!01 of_ percentage equivalency in the various indenHfied exit categories. Trend data historically throughout the Term of the Agreement should also be included in this report, 2,6.4 V\II1ere appropriate, when GRR Program exits are determined by County to be attributable to GRR Program and/or instructional deficiencies, County and Contractor shall mutually agree on an appropriate corrective action plan. Contractor shall implement and timely execute all corrective measures contemplated by the corrective action plan, 2.7 other Requirements 2,71 Celebrations and events relating to the GRR Program must be arranged in concert with and have prior approval of the County Project Director, Celebrations and events will not begin earlier than 8:00 a.m., nor end after 5:00 p,m, and shall take place Monday through Thursday, unless specifically exempted by the County Project Director, 2,7,2 Notwithstanding Sub-paragraph 3.12 of this SOW, Department may, as permitted by law, policy, and security considerations, facilitate the taking of photographs and/or video to document celebrations and events, or other GRR Program activities. Photos and/or video of GRR Program celebrations and events, or other GRR Program activities, shall not reveal facial features or characteristics of Inmate GRR Program Participants, unless specifically authorized by Department. The decision to allow photography andlor video shall at all times remain at the sale discretion of Department 2.7.3 All Contractor requested visitors must be arranged and approved through the County Project Director or the County Project Manager. Visitors shall be required to comply with Sub-paragraph 3.13 below regarding entry into a custody facility. Visits shall be requested at least seven (7) Business Days prior to the requested visit date. 2.7.4 Notwithstanding the requirements of Sub-paragraph 2.7,3 of this SOW, Contractor shall notify the County Project Manager of any visitors to the GRR Program (Departmental or Non-Departmental) in advance of the event. 2.8 Materials I Handouts I Audiovisual 2.8,1 Purchase of all supplies/equipment to provide required sel\fices shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor. Contractor shall utilize handouts, audio and visual aids 7 G....-door_R• ....,...."... R._1IIm /'rogo-om for Fe"",", ~ ExloilJi1lJ_ :;toIomffil of wmr (including information about community resources designed to assist Inmate GRR Program Participants), and/or other materials to ensure a thorough, informational, and enriching experience. Handouts and/or other materials distributed to the Inmate GRR Program Participants for their use shall be either (1) unbound or (2) bound by glue. Staples, paper clips, and metal binders are strictly prohibited. 2.8.2 County shall provide Contractor GRR Program location(s) within the custody facility for sessions. as well as use of chairs, desks, television(s), VCR(s) and/or DVD player(s) as necessary to conduct the GRR Program. 2,8.3 All materials, copyrighted or otherwise, intended for use in the GRR Program which are to be given to Inmate GRR Program Participants shall be presented to the County Project Manager for approval, prior to distribution. Any GRR Program materials copyrighted by a party other than County must be accompanied by copyright release, signed by the copyright holder. 2.9 Quarterly Meetings The Contractor Program Director, or his/her designee, shall be required to attend quarterty meetings with the County Project Director and/or County Project Manager. During these meetings, results of Inmate GRR Program Participant assessments, reassessments, summary of findings, and a cumulative list of participants and their status in the program shall be presented to the County alorlg with the written reporls described in Paragraph 2.0 of this SOW. Quarterly meetings will selVe as a venue for Contractor to discuss how the GRR Program is advancing, particularized areas of interest or concern, progress of Inmate GRR Program Participants, and discussion in enhancement or better methods to a=mplish GRR Programs goals. The County Project Manager shall notify Contractor thirty (30) calendar days prior to scheduled date of a quarterly meeting. 3.0 SAFETY AND SECURITY REQUIREMENTS 3.1 County shall maintain final authority on all security issues. 3.2 All Work shall be conducted in a safe manner and shall comply with requirements of state and local rules and regulations and CAL-OSHA safety standards. 3.3 If at any time Contractor fails or refuses to comply with the above Sub-paragraph 3.2, Department may issue an order stopping all or part of the Work until satisfactory corrective action has been taken. 8 Gf>I1dv-R. 'P"" .;w Rah.bibtolioll Pr'9'om /cfh~ ~ Exl>ibl B _ S!,~"", , ~ d WM< No part of the time lost due to any such stop order may be subject to claim for excess cost, damages, or extension of time urlder this Agreement 3.4 Contractor shall report all incidents of occupational injury or accidents affecting Contractor employees and occurring on County property on a County "Non-Employee Injury Report", attached as Exhibit M to the Agreement, within tw"enty-four (24) hou~ of occurrence or discovery of the incidenl. The Non-Employee Injury Report shall be delivered to the County Project Manager. Contractor shall maintain an on-going listing of all employees injured while on County premises. This document shall be entitled Contractor's Employee Injury Record and shall be provided to the County Project Manager annually and anytime upon request 3,5 Contractor shall report to County Project Manager or County Project Director any incident invotving Contractor's staff which could negatively impact their ability to interact with Department personnel, affect security clearance status, or jeopardize the safety andlor security of Department and its members within twenty-four (24) hours of such incident If circumstances objectively necessitate bnmediate action, Contractor shall immediately infonn the Watch Commander of the concerned custody facility and County Project Manager or County Project Director concurrently, 3,6 If a Contractor employee is refused entry or removed from a custody facility, Contractor shall make immediate telephonic notification to County Project Manager and/or County Project Director, describing the circumstances, as known at the time, leading to the denial or removal. Contractor shall make person to person contact and have at his/her disposal the County Project Manager's and County Project Director's business hours and after-hours emergency contact phone numbers for these and similar reporting requirements. 3.7 Contractor shall train or facilitate the training of their employees in ethical conduct, with focus on the importance of lawful and appropriate conduct within a custody facility setting. 3.7.1 All Contractor employees shall receive no less than two (2) hours of Ethical Conduct Training prior to performing WOI1<; in a The Ethical Conduct Training shall be custody facility. intended to raise Contractor employee awareness of common temptations associated with wOrXing an assignment of special trust, such as \hat of wOrXing inside custody facilities , and consequences of inappropriate or criminal behavior. 3.7.2 Contractor shall submit an Ethical Conduct Training course outline and training summary to County Project Manager for review and approval, prior to any training date(s). This training CoUl1'!y 01 Lo. S,,"rifr, ~~,. , o.poctlmern 9 G._<R~~w. RehebiJloWn Pro\nm for Fomale ~. E.1!iIM B - Stol.'-;; of WorI; topic shall be re-enforced in the Department's mandatory four (4) hour Jail Orientation (Refer to Sub-paragraph 3.7.4 below). 3.7.3 Contractor may seek to partner with an outside organization to meet the two-hour Ethical Conduct Training requirement; however, the training provider must be pre-approved, in writing, by County Project Manager. Contractor shall bear all costs associated with providing Ethical Conduct Trailling as described in Sub-paragraplls 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 of this SOW. 3.7.4 All Contractor employees shall attend a mandatory (4) fourhour Jail Orientation prior to performing Wor\( in any Department custody facility. This orientation will be provided by the Department at no direct cost to Contractor and their employees. Contractor shall bear all indirect costs associated employee attendance in mandatory Jail Orientation training sum as salary, travel, or similar expense. 3.7.5 Contractor shall maintain ethical conduct training and orientation class rosters, as well as contractor employee training completion certificates. Copies of such records and certificates shall be provided to the County Project Manager within one (1) calendar week of occurrence. 3.8 Contractor shall keep record of all instances of employee exclusion (on an "Employee Exclusion Report") from the custody facility which involve actions sum as inappropriate conduct, violation of any department policy, criminal behavior, security breaches/neglect, or the like which resu~ in exclusion. 3.8.1 Contractor shall actively monitor instances of exclusion, guarding against repeat occurrences and adverse trends. Two (2) separate instances of exclusion for any of the above specified causes over the course of any year of the Agreement shall be cause for Contractor to develop al"ld implement a corrective action plan which should include, but is I10t lim~ed to, additional training, contractor employee's employee performance review, analysis and/or modrFication of Contractor hiring practices, retention, and/or salary, supervision andlor management staffing models, internal security procedures, etc. , to mitigate add~ional instances of inappropriate or criminal conduct occurring in the custody facility by Contractor employees. 3.8.2 Contractor shall develop/implement a corrective action plan, and provide a copy to the County Project Manager of such corrective action plan, w~hin thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the second instance of exclusion. 10 G<lndw1-Il. "1""''"' ' _Olioo Pro<;nIm Ioi' Fo m.... Oifo,,,,,,,,,,, E,l>int 11_ SM!Qmom 01 WOO< 3.B.3 Contractor shall provide an up-to-date "Employee Exclusion Report" immediately following each occurrence of exclusion and anytime upon request by County. Regardless of cause and from the effective date of the Agreement to current, the report shall contain all names of excluded Contractor employees, date of exclusion, and reason for exclusion. 3.9 Prior to entrance into a custody facility, Contractor's employees shall comply with current Department and custody facility entry requirements, which may include the exchange of a governmentissued identification card for a custody facility pass. Passes shall be displayed at all times. Any lost or stolen passes must be immediately reported by Contractor's employees to the Contractor Program Director and the concerned on-duty Watch Commander. Contractor Program Director shall provide telepl10nic or in-person notification to County Project Manager of any lost or stolen pass as soon as feasible. TelephO/lic notifICation shall be followed within twenty-four (24) hours via confirming email to County Project Manager specifying the employee involved and articulating the factual ckcumstances associated with the loss or theft. Contractor's employees shall be responsible for returning any issued custody facility pass to appropriate facility personnel, prior to leaving the concerned custody facility. 3.10 Contractor's staff, vehicles, workplace, and equipment shall be subject to search and inspection by Department persO/lnel without notice and at any time while on County property. 3.1 t Durtng lock down situations, County Project Manager or on-duty Watd1 Commander may elect to modify or postpone GRR Program services. Prior notttications of lockdown(s) will be given to Contractor whenever feasible. During 10ckdoWll situations, Contractor will not be held liable for failure to provide the scheduled GRR Program services. 3.12 Personal cameras, cellular telephones, and other electronic devices are prohibited and shall not be taken into custody facilities. 3.13 Contractor staff and/or Contractor representatives must successfully pass, at Department's sole discretion, a security background investigation performed by Department prior to being allowed access to any custody facility (refer to Attachment 2, LASD Entry Application for Custody Facilities Service Providers/Contractor, of this SO'N). At County's discretion, Contractor staff and/or Contractor representatives may be required to undergo a fingerprint check or additional background investigations. Any costs associated with fingerprint and/or additional background investigations shall be the responsibility of Contractor. Refer to Exhibit A, Additional Terms and 11 G_ r-R*O(X>I1<Ivo P71::9-.m /fx _ R._.,.", OffoIWS E.1>iM B _ sutomen! '" ~ Conditions, Paragraph 34.0, Background and Security Investigations, of tile Agreement 4.0 CONTRACTOR STAFF 4.1 General 4.1.1 All Contractor staff and/or Contractor representatives performing Work under this Agreement are required to read and complete a Contractor's Employee Acknowledgement and Confidentiality Agreement (refer to Exhibit A, Additional Terms and Conditions, Paragraph 3.0, Confidentiality, and Exhibits E1 and E2 of the Agreement). Contractor shall be required to retain, and provide immediately upon County request, the completed Exhibits E1 and E2 for all employees and nonemployees providing selVices under this Agreement. 4.1.2 Contractor shall be responsible for removing any Contractor staff and/or Contractor representatives from performing services under this Agreement, when requested to do so by the County Project Manager or the County Project Director. 4.1.3 Contractor shall provide to the County Project Manager a list of all Contractor staff and/or Contractor representatives that, for any reason, will be entering custody facilities on behalf of Contractor. The list shall iIlclude, but shall not be limited to, the following information on each individual: name, date of birth, Social Security Number, California Drtver's License Number, home teleptlOne number, and/or cellular telephone number(s) where applicable. The list shall be updated to accurately capture employee additions and deletions and shall be provided to the County Project Manager on the first (1 ot) day of each month. This information shall be kept confidential and used exclusively for official Department business. 4.1.4 Contractor shall provide to the County Project Manager a list of all substitute Contractor staff and/or substitute Contractor representatives that for any reason will be entering custody facilities on behalf of Contractor. The list shall incJude. but shall not be limited to, the following information on each individual: name, date of birth, Social Security Number, California Driver's License Number, home telephone nLllTlber. and/or cellular telephone number(s) where applicable, the person they are substituting for, and reason for substitution. The list shall be provided to County Project Manager in each instance where substitute Contractor staff and/or substitute Contractor representatives are utilized This information shall be kept confidential and used exclusively for official Department business. Cotif>/y d Lc,. A ~ ,,". Dop«f!mM! S~ rjff' 12 G<.~·R."PD'aiw R.l!<Jbiljloj;on F'roflrom lor F.",~H Olrci ..... &11IbiI1I- Stolomoni d W<>1o: 4.1.5 Contractor staff and/or Contractor representatives must successfully pass a security background investigaUon as described in Sub-paragraph 3.13 of this SOW. Refer to Exhibit A, Additional Terms and Conditions, Paragraph 34.0, Background and Security Investigations, of the Agreement 4.1.6 Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a personnel file for each Contractor employee performing duties under this Agreement The file shall include, but shall not be limited to, copies of an required credentials, copy of California Driver's license, training records, and a biography of each employee. 4.1.7 Contractor, Contractor staff, and/or Contractor representatives shall comply wnh the Political Activities requirements as specified in Attachment 3, Political Activity, of this SOw. 4.1.8 Contractor, Contractor staff, and/or Contractor representatives shall comply with the Security of Personal Property requirements as specified in Attachment 4, Security of Personal Property, ofthis SOw. 4.1.9 Contractor, Contractor staff, and/or Contractor representatives shall comply with the requirements of this SOW and as further specifted in Paragraph 4, Administration of AgreementContractor, of the Agreement 4.2 Staffing Requirements 4.2.1 Contractor shall adhere to minimum staffing requirements iden@ed in this Sub-paragraph 4.2 of this SOW throughout the Term of this Agreement. Contractor shall have discretion to designate and deploy additional staff and types of positions where Contractor has identified a need for additional seNices, consistent with the Work requested by County. Notwithstanding, all staffing shall be subject to approval by the County Project Director. In addition to parameters set forth above: 1. Contractor shall ensure that whenever GRR Program instruction, facilitation, courses, or sessions are being conducted, at least one (1) Contractor staff assigned to the MERIT Dorm is bilingually fluent in English and Spanish. Contractor shall ensure replacement personnel are provided should the assigned bilingual facilitator be unavailable. 2 Prior to commencing Work and during the Term of the Agreement, Contractor shall provide a copy of the 13 G "";" r-Re~ RolWJ&jotioo F."""" ExNN! e - ProgtMt /or CIfeOOer.; $!."11lOI'lI 01 WorI< assigned bilingual facilitator's bilingual certifICation from an independent source to the County Project Manager for review and confirmation of compliance with this requirement 3. In accordance with Paragraph 4, Administration of Agreement-Contractor, of the Agreement, Contractor shall staff one (1) Contractor Program Director who will be able to receive telephonic communication from Department, as needed, on a 24-hours-per-day, 7-daysper-week basis. Such availability shall not only be for routine day-to-day GRR Program needs, but to particularly address emergent circumstances, last minute lock downs, GRR Program cancellations, etc. 4. Contractor shall provide the County Project Manager copies of resumes, professional certificates, diplomas and personal references of staff assigned to the GRR Program, as well as for replacement staff. 4.2.2 KEY PERSONNEL All Key Personnel described below must be full-time employees of Contractor. Contractor Program Director The position shall provide services under this Agreement on a full-time basis. This position shall be the management level position with the overall administrative responsibility for the delivery of the GRR Program. In addition to the responsibilities set forth in Paragraph 4, Administration of AgreementContractor, of the Agreement, the responsibilities of this position include, but are not lim~ed to: a. Ensuring a safe and healthy GRR Program environment is maintained; and b. Maintaining clinical supervision within the GRR Program, including review of Inmate GRR Program Participant files; and c. Ensuring compliar;ce with Department policies and procedures; and d. Ensuring all contractual requirements are met; "," e. Overseeing a management information system for all data requested by the Department; and f. Developing and maintaining working relationships with outside community agencies 14 Gen<W-Rn pon>i>"o 1l. lWNIitolioo Pro(TMt toe " maIe OfffNldo" 8 _ Sl. !.monI of ",/)1/)11 W""" to best ensure an optinum selVlOe delivery system lor Ihe Inmale GRR Program Participants; and g Developing quality control procedures to ensure high quality sefvlce (refer 10 ParCigraph 8.0, Quality Control of this SOW); and h. Assisting In resolving proglWl1matic and personnel problems. Supervising Counselor The pos~ion shall provide services under this Agreement on a full-time basis. The responsibMies of this positioo Include , but are not limited to, coordlnClting GRR Program seMceS and providing direct supervision to subordinate staff. 42.23 Family Service Coordinator Th e pos~ion shall provide se~ under this Agreement on a full-time basis. The responsibilities of this posttioo Include, but are nollimited to: 1. Coordinating the development 01 relationships with outside agencies such as th e County 2, 3. 4. Oepartmeot of Children and Family Services, Head Start, and Healthy Families; and Reestablishing or developing motheJ/child relationships with Irvnate GRR Program Palti~ts; and Assisting in family reunifica tion by providing linkages for family members when possible and appropriate; and Panlcipatirtg in mother/child visits as appropriate. TransitioMI Service Coordinator The position snail provide services under thiS Agreement on a full-lime basis. The responsllliities of this position include, but are not limited 10. W()f1(lng with the Departmenr s Community TfClnsltion Unit tow;:lIds the transition of each Inmate GRR Prog ram Participant Dis.charge planning will begin at the time of entry into the GRR Program and be consistent with the Inmate GRR Program Participant's individualized Treatment and Rehabilitation Plan. 15 • .....,.,.,.. ReIIfDililoIi:>t1 ~.."Ii>''''''''''' ~ ~-R f. _ B~ _(J(_ Program Facilitators The position shall provide services under this Agreement on a full-time basis. Program Facilitators must be able to demonstrate the ability to facilitate gender-responsive specific programs and services through possession of, at a minimum, an undergraduate academic degree (associate's degree or higher) wtth course work appropriate to and related to the GRR Program and program elements andlor a certification from a recognized certifying organization. agency, or Board evidencing training and expertise in areas appropriate to and related to the GRR Program and program elements. A Program Facilitator must be a full-time position which may be shared by two (2) part-time Program Facilitators equaling one (1) full-time Program Facilitator. Contractor shall provide a minimum of two (2) Program Facilitators to provide course curriculum on any day when instruction is provided. While Program Facilitators are not required to possess expertise in every subject matter in the curriculum, all Program Facilitators must in aggregate demonstrate themselves capable of fulfilling all their responsibilities as assigned. The responsibilities of this position include, but are not lim~ed to: 1. Daily interaction with Inmate GRR Program Participant population, which will include delivering a variety of GRR Program subject material; and 2. Acquiring a clear understanding of other MERIT Program elements provided to the Inmate GRR Program Participant population and blending and overlaying beneficial elements of Contractor's GRR Program; and 3. Fostering professional relationships with other MERIT Dorm program element providers, Custody Division facility staff and management, Inmate Services Bureau staff, and other volunteer providers; and 4 Mentoring Inmate GRR Program Participants; ",j 5. Facilitating individual and group sessions in GRR Program content; and 6. Coordinating various GRR Program elements with the Contractor Program Director, 16 ~·R••~ RoIJ.-.,ioo Ptogrlm, fOI' FMt,... Ollor>don ELMJ~ B _ &"''o1Mfl! ~WOO< Supervising Counselor, Family Services Coordinator, and Transitional Services Coordinators, to ensure a synchronized delivery of services, custom1zed to meet individual Inmate GRR Program Partk:ipant needs, In a gender-responsive manner. 5.0 SCHEDULE/HOURS 5,1 Contractor shall submit an initial schedule to the County Project Director within thirty (30) calendar days after execution of the Agreement by the Board. The initial schedule must minimally show and times, and the names of the proposed days instructors/facilitators, and topk: of instruction, facilitation, course, or sesslOll. 5.2 If the initial schedule is updated by Contractor, the updated schedule shall be provided to the County Project Director for approval thirty (3D) calendar days prior to GRR Program start according to the initial or updated schedule and every month thereafter. Contractor shall submit revised schedules when actual peliormance differs substantialty from planned performance. Said revisions shall be submitted to the County Project Manager for review and approval within tell (10) Business Days prior to scheduled time for Work. 5,3 The County Project Director reserves the right to modify the schedule of instruction, facilitation, courses, sessions, or any other component of the GRR Program in consultation with Contractor. 5.4 The GRR Program shall be conducted six (6) days a week for a tolal of forty (40) hours weekly in accordance with the schedule below The GRR Program shall overlay, augment, and (items a--c), complement the programs and services already afforded Inmate GRR Program Participants in the MERIT Dorm, which is dedicated to optim1zing GRR Program and treatment opportunities in a therapeutic community setting. a. Thirty (30) hours will take place Monday through Friday during day time, regular MERIT Program hours. MERIT Program hours presentty occur 8am-3pm Monday through Friday, with an inmate one (1) hour lunch occurring 12pm-1 pm. b. Ten (10) hours shall be distributed amongst weekday evenings, Monday through Friday, and at least one (1) weekend day or evening, per week c. GRR Program hours and day of week instruction shall at all times be subject to change at the discretion of the County Project Director and based upon the needs of County and the ClJstody facility. County of Lo. A ~. SMrifr. Do~rtm.rtI 17 Gatx»r~!IpO(l_ IMaMto/;". lor " . . " . ~ Exl>it!l B _ st.lem" flI of WOO: Pn>;T- 6.0 5.5 Contractor shall provide Inmate GRR Program Participants sufficient and appropriate independent study materials for individual Treatment and Rehabilitative Plans for self study on evenings and weekends when Contractor is not on-site at the custody facility. County Project Director shall be sale judge as to 'sufficient and appropriate" with regard to independent study materials. 5.6 The GRR Program shall include, but shall not be limited 10, the schedule submitted by Contractor. CANCELLATION OF SCHEDULED FACILITATION, COURSES, SESSIONS INSTRUCTION, Contractor acknowledges that the GRR Program is administered in a custody setting and the goal of the Department is to maintain a safe and secure environment for Inmate GRR Program Participants and their families, Department staff, and visiting professionals. The Department, in the interest of safety or other law enforcement measures, reserves the right to cancel any pre-approved or scheduled instruction, facilitation, course, session, or other event or component of the GRR Program (collectively herein referred to as a "Session") and the right to deny the entry of Contractors staff into any custody facility for such purpose. 6.1 Sessions that are canceled by Department, and for which Contractor has been given at least four (4) hours advance notice by Department of such cancellation, shall be rescheduled within thirty (30) calendar days of the canceled Session, at Department's discretion, in consultation with Contractor. Contractor shall make every effort to accommodate the change in schedule. All canceled Sessions shall be offered as makeup Sessions per Sub-paragraph 6.5 below. 6.2 Sessions that are canceled by Department, and for which Department is unable to provide at least four (4) hours advance notice to Contractor, shall be rescheduled in their entirety or partially, as the case may be, within thirty (30) calendar days of the canceled Session, at the Department's discretion and in consultation with Contractor. Contractor shall make every effort to accommodate the change in schedule. All canceled Sessions shall be offered as makeup Sessions per Sub-paragraph 6.5 below. 6.3 Sessions that are canceled by Contractor, and for which Contractor has provided at least four hours (4) hours advance notice to the County Project Manager of such cancellations, shall be rescheduled within thirty (30) calendar days of the canceled Session, subject to approval by the County Project Manager. All canceled Sessions shall be offered as makeup Sessions per Sub-paragraph 6.5 below. 6.4 Sessions that are canceled by Contractor, and for which Contractor has not provided at least four (4) hours advance notice to the County 18 ~-R• .opansivo R. ,,""biM.tfun Progrom 10< k moOt 0IY0_", Exl>i/Jii B _ Sio/<",.nt 01 Wor/( project Manager of such cancellations are conskl91ed non-e)(cused. and shall be rescheduled within Itlirty (30) calendar days of the canceled Session, slJ)ject 10 approval by the County Pro;e<;t Manager. An such cancellations are subjecllo Sub.paragraph 6.5 below. The County PrOfeC1 Director shaR have rlnal aulhorlty In assessing Ihe validity of Ihe circumstances for non-excusecl ca n cellalion( s). 6.5 Mak.eup Sessions: All cance~ SeSSions, whelher excused or rJOrlexcused, shall be offered as makeup Sessions within thirty (30) calendar days of the cance~ Session Failure to provide makeup Sessions, as agreed to In coosultation with the County Project Director, may result in County assessing liquklated damages. Refer to Exhibit I, Perfonnance Requirements Summary Chart, of the Agreemeol 6.6 Contraclor shall document canceled sessions on a fonn entitled "Canceled SeMlon,," which shall be developed by Contraclor in accordance with Paragra ph 8.0, Quality Control, of this SOW. Sessions listed as Canceled Sessions should minmally denote the original date and indication of cancellation along with the reason. cancellation lead time afforded, whether excused or non-excused, number of houra involved and personnel impacted. Makeup Sessiomi must be documented similarly on the revised schedule and labeled with the phrase ' Makeup Sessions from [DATE]' 6.7 Because of complexities which can arise as a result of custody facil~y schedule modifications, coordination between Contractor and the County Program Manager in this area is paramount. Proposed revised schedules must be reviewed and approved by the County Project Manager at least two (2) full days before the scheduled makeup Session(s), 1.0 WORK LOCATION Cootractor shall provide ongoing GRR Program services to Inmate GRR Program Participants at the Century Regional Deterltion Facility In a housing location pre-designated by the County Project Manager and referred to herein as the MERIT Dorm. Departmerlt shall have final and sole discretion in determining where the GRR Program is to be held, and Department reserves the right to use any Department custody facility in Los Angeles County. 8.0 QUALITY CONTROL Contractor shall establish and maintain a comprehensive Quality Control Plan to assure the County a consistently high level of service throughout the term of the Agreermmt that meets or exceeds all requirements , including policies and procedures for all COrltractor staff. In the event that 19 Gfndo<'..... ~ __ ~'Ibr_~ E>_ B - Slott"*" I ) f _ requirements and/or policies and procedures dlange during the Term of the Agreement, Contractor shall update the QU8lity Control Plan, and submit such updated plan to the County Project Manager within ten (10) Business Days of notiflC8lion. The Quality Control Plan shall Include, but il not limited to the following : 1. Method of monitoring to 8n5ure that all of the Agreement requirements are being met. The monitoring system must specify methods for identifying and prel/entlng deficiencies in the quality of services performed before the lel/el of performance becomes unacceptable. 2. Specific actil/ities to be monitored either 011 scheduled or unscheduled basis; 3. Frequency of mon~oring : 4. Samples of forms to be used in monitoring: 5 Job title and level of personnel perfoonilg monitoring functions: and 6. Methods for ensuling that GRR Program services will conlinue in the event of a strike of Contr8CtO(s employees. 9.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN County will el/aluate Cootractor's performance under this Agreement on at least an annual basis using the quality assurance procedures as defined ill Exhibit A, Additional Terms and Conditions, Paragraph 46.0, County's Quality Assurance Plan, of the Agreement. Contractor shall hal/e an ongoing system of quality assurance and improvement, and shall keep qually control recon::ls and recoros of all inspections conducted by Contractor. 9.1 Performance Evaluation MeetJ-igs Notwithstanding the requirements of Sub-paragraph 2.9. Quarterly Meetings, of th is SOW, County and Contractor shall meet on a quarterly basis, and more frequently if deemed necessary, to diSCUSS status of the Agreement, new or on-going problems, end other issues. In the event thaI the County Project Manager Issues a Contract Discrepancy Report, Exhibit H of the Agreement, in accordance with Sub-paragraph 9.2 below, then Contractor is required to respond In writing to !he County Project Manager within five (5) Business Deys and a meeting 'Nill be scheduled as ~"'. 9.2 Review of Inspection Records Conlractor sha., on a monthly basis, slbmit to the County Project Manager Conb'ac1o(a &eheduled and unscheduled InapectJon reccrds. The records shall include date of inspection, problem(s) identif~, corrective action taken, and time elapsed between identification of a problem and correctil/e action completed The eo..u, of Lot Mgot/Io< S--. DopIw1~ 20 ~·Il.1QO/lItvI R.~_ """"'" fer Fo ...... ~ E>_Il ~ _of_ County Pro;ect Manager Will review all record s 10 ensure that County's requirements are being mel (Refer to SLb-par8gr<q)h 9.4 of this saw. Contractor shaH maintain at Contractors designated main office, all inspection records and reports for five (5) years following the expiration or termination of the Agreemern. County may Inspect such records at any time during normal business hours upon twenty-four (24) hours written notice. 9.3 Contract Discrepancy Report (Exhibit H) Verbal ootiflCatlon of a contract disCJepancy will be made to the Contractor Program Director as soon as POSSib le whenever a contract discrepancy is ideotified. The problem shall be resolved within a time period mul\Jally agreed upon by Ihe County and Contractor. The County Project Manager will determine whether a forma l Cootract Discrepancy Report, Exhibit H of the Agreement, will be issued. Upon receipt of such report, Contractor is required to respood in writing to the County Project Manager within five (5) Business Days, acknowledging the reported discrepancies or presentmg contrary evidence. Cooiractor must submit its plan to correct the deficiency(s) identified in the Contract Discrepancy Report to the County Proj ect Manager within ten (10) Business Oays. 9.4 County ObseNations and Inspections Contractor shall make Its personTJeI files, facilities, materials, and techniques related to this Agreemenl available for inspection by the County Project Manager at reasonable tffles without prior notice by Department staff to review its operations. In addition to Department staff, other County and/or State personnel that have made arrangements with the County Project Director may observe Contractor's performance and actiVities, and review documents, including disciplinary actions, relevant to this Agreement at any lime during normal business hoors. Such personnel may not unreasonably interfere with Contractoc's performance of this Agreement 21 Go_~ IPOtl_ ~., .", """'"'" Ib" _ ~ Exniblt8_SIo_at _ ATTACHMENT 1 MERIT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Los Angeles Courlty Sheriffs Department has developed the Maximum Education Reaching Individual Transformation (MERtT) Program. The strength of the MERtT Program ties in its ability to bring each participant to the point where they recognize the importance of a personal commitment to reaching their goals, accepting responsibility for their actions, and being accountabl e lor their Hie choices. Female inmates who are serious about making changes in their behavior volunteer to be part of the MERIT Program. If selected, the female inmates are required to set goals such as employment, post seconda!)' education, famiry reunifICation, and rehabilitation. In return, they are guaranteed a consistent quality instructional program. Female student inmates are required to attend school Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm and be registered in a minimum of four courses. Courses include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Parent Education (75 hours) Drug Education (60 hours) Adult Basic/Seconda!)' Education (GED) High School Diploma completion Personal Relationships (60 hours) Computer Operator (skills modules) Job SkHls Training (skills modules) Electives (Art Hislo!)" Literature, Psychology of Personal Development, Music Appreciation) Certificate ceremonies are held quarterly to honor student achievement and high SChool graduates. When a female student inmate completes a minimum of three of the above courses, they receive a MERIT Certificate that indicates a commitment to the educational program and a change in their life skills. County of LOJ Angeles SI>fIrilfs D~part""'nI Starn""",t of Worlr - AttaclllOOni 1 Gend<Jr_R~ 'fXXl""'" R~ ha/;liilatioo Progrnm for F9mal. OfrfHld<!" ATTACHMENT 2 Page1of4 LOS ANGELL'i COU...-TY SHEIUFF'S DEl'ARTMENT EJiTRY APPUCATION FOR CUSTODY FACILITIES Senicc J'rovidcrl Contractor Org"ni~ation N.F.ASl' Rg~D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ rAREFUU," REFORE FfLfJIo,'(; (JUT THfS AffUCATlON All npplicalioos will be dmicd for the followiog rcas(lIls: Untruthful or incomplete statement, ml 'pplic.lio", .Illegal usc of drugs within the pa8t tllrCi: (3) years; Convic.te<l of brin!'; a controlled .mb,tanc.e into federal prison, state pri",n. or cmUlI), jail; Any convictions for drug ",Ie,; A ppliCllnt i~ cu"e.ntly on Parole/Probation: lncar""rnted in any inil/prison within the J",t three (3) years; Have been convicted for any of'thc following: murder, ,ex crim e (othe., than mi<demeano' pro.,,-tirulion), weapon< law violation" felonious a ...",ult or ' p""sal .l>use: Curr.nlly under psychiatric care; Have· ",l~tive in the La< Angeles County lail; Outstanding ",.mllll, If any of the .. hove a""ly to you, SuBMIT YOVR APPLICATION (Complete Attachment). All iul'ormation will he \'erifil'd b~' a CRIMmAL BACKGROUND CHECK. If~'our al)"iicatioll i.s denied, you will be notifi.d and W~ will not <liscuS] tbe reasonl'or deni .. l with anyone except you. Ple"se inili.l here: Social S~curily 11_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Home Addre." ---~~~----------~=-----------~~~c Street City Zip Code Date ofilirth, _ _ _ _ _ _ __ cnL..I 1.0. #_______________ Work #,__________ Home Phone #".______________ Hair_ _ (\:cnpfflion'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Fycs,___ l-lei.ght_ __ We ight_ __ F.n1ployc'____________ \Vork Addl" " ____" ; ; : ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, " ; ; -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~;;;cc:,, Street City APPROVED.I DlS,<\.PPROYfiD _ _ _ __ _____ _ CnLJf'l!y of L"" M II"Ie' S~ff' s Dejlsrtmem Zip Code \)A1E _ _ _ __ Sl8t ~ rnent 01 W<rl; _ Att. chmenl 2 Gender-Rn po".ilie Re habilitation Program lor Femal l onende" Page 2 of ~ CONTA.CT u.. CASE OF I:M EJl: Gr..NCY: ~~'--------------------- R.,IJ.. ionsh'p_ _ _ _ _ __ "';o _ _ _______""----- ----- -,,,;"o;--Street Zip Code Add.f9' ___ T~lcphODd( ) Orga nluttonl Emp IQ)' t r; N'""____________ Add~a'-----"OM,-----------------------------",,--------------------------------,,;c~C-------Strttt eil)' Zip Cod" Tckphooc /I (L__-" ___________ W'luIt "'1Vi\;" will yoo provilk·' _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ____ How Oflcn? Entry Crlted.: 1. Wh~ll<.ind(s) 2. y.."hen i$ I h~ Iasl lim" )"011 used drugs7,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ 3. Are you wm:ndy "" PBrolelPmbation?,___________ _ _ _____ 4. I of il legal dfllg(s)h.m)'011 u!ltd?__ la,'" you ~n illcarccratcd within !be Lut three )'tar5? (Pfison,'ConnlyllaillYoulII Aut!larilylCamp)_________________________________________________ 5. AN YOI' ""rrrni.J.v und.,. 6. l)a you have any Psychinrk~?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ rcl~tjvcslfriend , _ _ _____ incarcerlte.l ",ithin th e Los Angel., County Ja il system? ffyes, prov ide tbe [unuwing inf""n ation: Nwne of lnm..u. f"!>cifity RelltiOl>!lhlp 7. HI,...,)"O\I C"'-7 bern arrested for murder1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ________ 8. Haw" )"00 e~r been rnnviaw or. SeJI crime?,______ _ _ __ __ 9. Bave)"OO ever bt.."Ctt convicted ofa Wupons ViolItIOl.?,_ __ _ _ __ ___ 10 . Are you li11il1g Out this appfic.ation lIS' oond ifion of employment? C"""'ty of LOI Angele, She ' iffs Dep.o n"",nt Statem ..,t af Won. _ AttllCi>rrw1t 2 Genlle r·R.ftPOI'I' ive ReMt>i.itation Program !or F.."..iIo Page3014 Please read can:fully before ~igning: Tcertify that all information on this application is lI<;curat~. llmderstand lhatlhe Los Angeles Comty SheriJr~ Dcpartmtllt \',ill velify the illfolnlatiolJ prior to approving my application. As a civilian volunteer, I will be expected to oky all Rule~, forfeinlre ofvoh.mteer Regulations and Security Procedures. Sfy failure to do so will result in my service~ with the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department. I AM AWARE THAT U"'- THE EVENT OF A HOSTAGE SITUATION, THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMEl\, POLlCY IS ~OT TO ALLOW A PRISONER TO ESCAPE WITH A HOSTAGE. PJea~e initial here: _ __ 1 AM ALSO A WARE OF THE SEXUAL HARASSMENT A1\1) RETALIATION POLICY FOR CIVILIAK VOLUNTEERS. Please initial here: ____ These policies apply to all swom, civilian, and volunteer personnel. See Manual of Policy and Procedures: Section 5-06/1 10.00 Hostage and BarriclIded Su'>p:ct; Section 3-01/030.72 Sexual Hara~sment and Retaliation Policy, All persons t lltering or materials being brought into a jail facility are subj eet tll search anytim~. SigIJature___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (F41,'e information on this application is subject to immediate dismifMd) C'"-"1ty 01 Lo. M~Ie . SherilT . Departmetll State"",nt 01 Wor'< - Att!ld1rnent 2 Get>d ~ r-R • • pon.ive Reh8biI~ 8 tion ProgrM1lor Femal. Offender. Page . Signllure:'_ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Coontv 01 L.:.a. AngeI&1 Sher1lh Oepoo<tmen! of 4 •. "" _--SlIltlllT1elll 01 Work ~ AtI""""-'t 2 <>'nder-RtllX'''''''' "...,awitation Proclratl1 lor Fomaill Oll.",d.", ATIACHMENT3 3-01/070,05 POLITICAL ACTIVITY PolrticalllCllVltteS p&rmttted and prohibited by th e Depilrtmenl are as fol!ows: Permitted portical Ac!Mti8§ • Voting, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Expressing opinions on all political subjeC'UI and candidates, Beooming: a C8J1dHiale tor oominalJon or ejection III any partisan or nonpartisan poJitical aCbvrlies as an Individual Of as a member of a group, Engaging In partisan and nonpartisan porniceJ ectivill6$ as tin indIVidual or as a member of a group, Contributing to political campaign funds (but no! in HI1y County bUll cling), Joining political Ofganlzatlons and voting 00 any questions presen!ecl, Organizlng lind managing political clubs, servmg as ofltcer, delegate or ehemate, or !IS member of any committee; addressing such club on any partisanJnonpartisan political matter, Participaling actively in political oonvenlions such as by making mobons or addresses or preparing resolutions, Atten ding political meetings, rallies, caucuses, atc_and orge ni~ng, preparing Of eooducting such gatherJngs, ParOCipaling actively, serving as officer or 0fI any commtnee of a polillCaJ organizallon, such 85 precinct committeeman or charman of the food commltlee at a campaign dinner, JOining a labOf uniOfl, c.VlC betterment group or citizens association, Inltiatl!lg. signing or circuLating partisan or nonpllrtisan nomlnaung petitions, dis tributing campaign IItElflltUl8. badges, etc.. (but nol dUring working hours or on County property), Wearing badges or buttoos, axcept wMe in uniform; displayin g bumper st~els, pJctures or po$!Hrs 0fI automobile or in window of home, Speaking publicty. or IIIflting lenera or articles tor or egalnst any political ce ndidate; 9IldOfsing or opposing auch candidate in a political advertisement broadcast. campaig n iJt&rature or simitar material, Owning slocl\ In, publishing or being connected with the management or adltonal policy 01 a partisan OOWSpHplll'. Managing the campaign of a political candi date, Making unsolicited poUticBl contrtbutions. Prohiflltid Political Activities • • Eng!IQing in any poliucaJ activity whatso!lvEIf during worldn~ hours or on County premises. Placing or attaching any pornica! poster, slicker, sign or $Imilar mal8fial 0fI County property, Soliciting poliUcaI funds or contributions, d l rec:~y or indirectly, from members oi this Department or from person on the employment lists of thjs Depaltmeflt, , iSWtemenl 01 WorI< - AIIaoI'llTlent ~ IlerIGer·RcsponsIve RGho.bl1llal1oo f>f"llfOl'> b FiomaI9 OffeMen IDIOOpl lor mass mar~ng or oIhar means 01 w lic:italion made 10 a slgnrllCanl segment 01 tile public which may include Department members. Exception. County officers amI employees may solicit funds lor passage or defeat 0'111 ballot measure affecting their pay, Ilours, retirem ent, civil servioo or other wOfki!1g conditions. • Soliciting conl1ibutions, signatures or other forms of support lor pollbcal candidates, parties. or banot measures within or upon County pt'operty at any time, Example: County employees and members 01 the gel161'al public Snail not S<llici1 si\lnatures for a nominating petition In a County building or on County property, • Directly Of Ir.dlrectly using offici al authority to interfere with any election or influenCing the political acOOI\S of other County OO1p!oyees Of any member of the general public. Example· County employees shall not anempt 10 Influence anyorr.e'8 vote by such methods es promising, or threatening to wrlhhold, a job, promotion or other benmit, Favoring or diSCriminating against any employee or person seeking County employment oocause of political opinions or affiliations, • Participating In any political actMUes of any kmd in unifotm, • Participating In 8dMties which impair lhe efficiency, Integrity or morale of !he County or its employees, Participating In any other political actMt!es which the County or its departments desire to prohibit and wtlich otherwise comply with the I~ee·part test sel forth by the California Supreme Court in Bagley y. Washinaton Town ship HOSPital District, of leaves of absance WIthout pay to engage in political activities is discretionary ....lth the deparlmel1t head (CIvil Service Rule t 6.02). The , gr8Il~ng Employees who are subJoo to the basIC pol~icalactivity plOhlbitions while on active duly shalt be equally subjecl to such restrictions when on paid or unpaid leave (Pol~lcal Activity Guidelines, adopted by the Board 01 SU~rvI$ors, July 2, t974). Ca-unty of Loo~" Sheri1h D9partm ."t , Slll.ttI~nl ofWor\( - .....!t8Ich~ 3 G<ordtIr.~~.r¥. Rehat>ililat"'" Program..,1 "emilie 0fIende .. ATTACHMENT 4 3·01/090,00 SECURITY OF PERSONAL PROPERTY In ordar to ensure {h~ safety IIJ"<J $ectJrity of al pBf1.Ons In custody facililiml, the foIovAng per:.:ooal property la prohibrt!ld inside secur~ af~ as ind icatoo: • Weapons, InCluding • Except for the OtfIeer DIning Room (ODR), and only with the specific pllfmisslon OIlha Un~ Commaooer, m~~1 shal flO! ba tw'oIJglI! lmo $6<;~rIty ar~a" of any culltOC!y fllClI~y, • Paraona l ""'"trical appliances m~st be approvad by the unit commander before being brou[!ht into th~ cu~tody fac.lity (e,g. eorrell pots , toasters, heaters, Tans, etc.), • Electronic 8ntMtainment de"o'lces are prot>iblt!ld (e.g. tape. CD. or DVO plavers, games, radi06, IIle.). • Laptop computers and personal digital 88sisl8nts (POA's) shall be approved by tile Watch Commandeor prior to entry into 88GUmy areas on a dally. shill by shoft basis. • Personal property cQfl\8lners shall not be brought Into security aJ63S (1I.g. beckpacks. hlnny packs, purse~. i<::e chestsllood containers, etc.). Only 6a!I·SldBd. hMO-held lunCh eoru.lners. which mGal;ure 11" ~ 14" x 12' or ~sa v.ill be allowed into ~ecured pMS 01 the facility, • Readifl\l material root ralated to 100 job • PrHcnptioo medications 8J(ceedi"'J that IIlrIOI,Int requl~ for p9filOflll1 C(II'\$umptlon durinlllt18 concerned shift(s) • Umbrelas. • Cell phOfl9S. • Csmeras sh~ root be allOwed tllSKje a custody lael~ty unles5 prior approval Is obta,fl8d from the Walch CommB.r..oor or above, • TOboooo products, matches and cigarnttlllight&rS. I)UI oat im~ad to, Iiroarrns aI'Id knives, ..... expmssly prohib«ed In security afea8 of all rustody faalitieS Of the lurth srance of formal edlJCalkm Is prCthib/ted PII!SOIIaI security dicta'" \J1a1 pElnlOnnei should refrain from bflnging rtllms which oontain personal identificabon information ,a g. wallets, purses. ~I, 8IC.) Into saeunty areu to prevent loss or compromise of information. Thill policy does ~ Ilmh persons Irom bringing Imo secure arllllS. rtems or COMBine" thai contain necessary toots, training matar'rlill or equiprnell110 lacilijElte !~ II perlormance oIlt1e!r dulles. Q... " tool cJ\I4t8, medical baliS , digital test equipment etc.), nor doel h Iim~ perlormel. lItlo are attllfldlng training, from entarifl\l the facility waarlng CIvilian attire en routa to tha Offlcer'1 Dinifl\l Room (ODR) Thia policy shaJl OWly to nil pet!lortS I!!1taril"lg security arsBS of edI custody f~litles. AddHionaily. <lll personal property ItJolj be aeo,ned a1 BII IDles, and shall not be storad in any area ac:te$SiJle In inmales. The unit commandat has the ~rlftI authority m determll'l$ wIwIl pernonal property IS allowed wilhlfl ttleir 'e~y. Cou nty of 1.000 ""'9""" Shedrr, Department SWQTfK>nt of WOII< - Attachment 4 Gender.Re&pOf\9Ive ~r"labi lit.tio<1 Progrl'l/'ll tOt Female OI1<indti"l EXHIBIT C PRICING SHEET GENDER·RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS EXHlBTTC PRICING SHEET NOT TO EXCEED TOTAL COST FOR EACH CONTRACT YEAR (Including Start-up Costs) The Line Item Budget and Narrative detail for the below Start-up Costs and MaXimum Annual Contract Sums, inclusive of Direct Costs and Indirect Expel1ses, for provisiol1 of the Gender-Responsive Rehabilitatiol1 Program for Female Offenders Agreement is attached hereto. START-UP COSTS $ 19,233 Year Two (Su(;ond Initial Term Vear) $ 626.233 Year Four (First Option Term Vur) S 644.501 Six Months (Six Month Option Term) S 320,877 Year One (First Initiill Term V••r only) ~~~;ANNUAlCONTRACTSUMS COIIII(y of ~O$ Angeles Sll~rrrrs ~parfroont Gender.Responsive Rehllbilitation Progrem IOf Filmoie rxll1rtde~ &'f1ibrl C • Haight Ashbury Free Clinics, Inc. Gender Respons ive Rehabilitation Program Start Up Cost · Year One County ofl0.5 AIlgei65 S~rlfI'$ Dspar.!TlfH!f , C;6nOflr-R8sponsiv~ Rehnb~ilal/oll Pf'OQram 'or Fem8i8 OfI~ndfJl1J Exhibit C BUDGET NARRATIVE Start Up Costa CO<Infy of Los AngtIle$ Sheri/rs Department GenoorCRIJsponSW9 RehabM8tiorl Prot;rllm for Female OrrMdfJfS 3 E~.~'tif C Haight Ashbury Free Clinics, Inc. Gender Responsive Rehabilitation Program Year One , " GendiJr-Respoilwe Rehabilitation County af Las Anr;e/e~ Sheriff's D<;partmant Pragrnm fO{" FBm81e Offenders ExhiM C I BUDGET NARRATIVE Yea r One TOTAL SALAFUES & BENEFITS Ccunty of Los AngeiIJs S/lerifrs OtIpatfmen/ , $543,650 Gander·Responsive Rehsb/litatJoo ProQmm lor FllITlllle Offenders Exhi(Jit C Glfln der-PfJSponlflve RIIllIlbilitalJon Coonty rJliM AngeJes StretIff's Df(>Irtment Program f~ ~emaJ9 otr9~1'$ £<'""C Haight Ashbury Free Clinics, Inc. Gender Responsive Rehabi litation Program Year Two County of Los AngeHJs Sh¥irf'~ DepartnllJnt , G8nder·R~$pOns ivll RahabilitltlOO Program for Famal6 Ofr&nders Exhibit C BUDGET NARRATIVE Year Two j I I " " 10,,.,.,,", Expense$ TOTAL SALARIES & BENEFITS $543,650 Ii Coonty of Lv:; Anr;;elcs Shonlrs Departmenf Gandar_Re5ponsiVfl Rehabilitatkm Program for Fem81B OffBnders Exhibll C • G8l1dflr-l'I.espoilsi ve Rah abilitlliJOll County of Los AngfJi85 ~~ Departmenf Program fer Femal& 9 O"9f>de~ ExhiMC Haight Ashbury Free Clinics, Inc. Gender Responsive Rehabil itation Program YI!3r Three " " 1m CoI.mty of Lo~ Angl}Jes Shonl"s Department GandM-Respoi1siYe Relwbililntion PfOQrTlm for Farnail} Olfende~ Exhibit C BUDGET NARRATIVE Year Three " i i TOTAL SALARIES & BENEFITS Cwnty of Loo A11fJ91(Js Sheriff's Dfip8riroonl $559,$60 Gender-ReS{XJns/ve R8habMalion Program (IX Female OffendfJrs ExMtil C GMder-Re~rxmsive R~habilitation County of Los An9"iBS Sh8n'{rs Depaltmenl Progrnm fot" Female Offflnd"", EXhibit C • Haight Ashbury Free Clinics, Inc. Gender Responsille Rehabilita tion Program Vear Four County of L~ AIl<}91#1s SMt1ff's Depllrtrrnmr 13 G61Idar·Resp<>nsive RehabilitatIon Progr6m rlX Femai& Offenders ExhltJit C BUDGET NARRATIVE Year Four TOTAL SALARIES & BENEFITS COOlity 0' Lru Ang6les ShfJrlff'3 Department " $559,950 G(JlldorcR6SpOO5ive Rehabilitation Prot;;ram 'IX Female Offenders bhibitC Gender-Responsive R9habilit~tion ProgrBm fo< Female Off9r.OOrs Exhibit C Haight Ashbury Free Clinics, Inc. Gender Responsive Reh~bilitation Program Year Five ~ , ~ , , , , , , , I iii , I I I, I I I i i I , ~ I I I , I , , , I " I I I I I I I I ~ County of l.o~ Angeles Sheriff's Department Gen der-Rfl spoflsi Vfi Rfll,abilit at0/1 Program for Femaie Offenders E.hibH C BUDGET NARRATIVE Year Five i i TOTAL SALARIES & BENEFITS $559,960 Expenses ,, County 01 Los Angeies Sheriff's Depilljm~lI( G en oor- ResfX>1I siw; R,.,~a biiita tion Program 10{ FemaJe Offenool"'i Exhitit C COUnty 01 Loor AnQelfls Sllerlfr's ~ertmem 18 Gender.RelJP(Jlls/Ve Renabi/ilatioo Proaf8m for female Olfenders c;.:l1iM C Haight Ashbury Free Clinics, Inc. Gender Res ponsive Re habilitation Prog ram 6 Month Option CO<inty of L~ AngtJles ShfJrtfr. DepBrinlMf Gellder·Resp<lnSl"C RehQ/)Iiilallon Program for Fam81B OHOMdel~ " Ex.hibif C BUDGET JUSTIFICATION 6 Month Option TOTAl SALARIES & BENEFITS $279,980 G9nder.R9spon~1Y9 Coumy of LDs Anf}{liu S/lerifr'J Department 20 Ruhebllils /1On Program for FemslB Offenders E.hibitC County of L03 Angeles ShfJrilf's DeparilTl6nt Gand8r-Respomlive RefrebiJitation Program for Female Offllnders Exhibit C EXHIBIT D CONTRACTOR'S EEO CERTIFICATION GENDER-RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS • EX"",,O CONTRACI'OR'S EEO CERTU' ICATlON Con~oJ Add~: Namc : ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 'Ilternol Revenue Service EmpkJ)'~r idcntificatiun Num~r: _________________________ GENERAL CERTIFICATION In accord~nee with S«1;flD 4.32.010 of t1'" Code or the Coun t)' of Los Anb'Cl"" the w ntroctor, ~uppl ior, or vendUf cel1i f..,,; and !grces. 1m.1 .u p"rliOR$ e mplo~ed by such 6 '11L il.\. affil uud, ~idiarics.. or holding a:llHpini.. ~J~ ~nd will be fn:atcd .quall)' by 1 ~ firm withoQl "'gam to 01 !Jo,caUi\e ,,[ race, relision, ance~tJy, natiOMi origin, or sex and in oo mplinn<:~ with all ~mi-di<Crlmin~lion llWi of Ih. United Sti le<! of America ~nrl tl'" Stall of Californ ia. . ,. ,. CONTRACI'OR'S Sl'ECIFIC CJ:RTIFTCATIONS O;tnlractor n.. I wrilleJI policy ~llIte""'nt prohibiting diliCflmination in ,It pha.<,Q o( ~mpl"yrnent YcsD ;;00 Contrllaor p"riodia.lly condu<.:4s" _."If ~nI\Jy~;~ OJ ul il i'.iltion ;lIu,lysis of i", "'...... t force. 11m;, ~ystem for rlelCTmining if ils tll1flloyment prActices ore di!OCl" imiNltor)' agai n.<;! prote<.1ed ~ C~l"lriKtor ""n ere problem Krca. "r~ i,l~nl; ti .d in employment practice.., ContrlCtor nas ~ ~yste m for t~king rcuonable oomx:ti ..... act;"'n, to Include co<tilblisbmcnt of goob 01 limelabl ..... Authorin d Offi ~iar s Printed Name and Titl~: ___________________________________ A .. thorized Official'5 SignamR: ____________________________ l}.oIc: ___________ CoonI}' of LO! Angele$ Sherlff'B ~mem Gender·RespomNp Rallablfil.alion f>rognim for Female Orr.rlders ..... 0 EXHIBIT E1 CONTRACTOR EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT GENDER-RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS EXHIBIT EI (Nola: TM OM~loation ;. to be e,uICIAV<J """ renxnad to Count\' wIIh Co!1trltCtor's 8><ocutod Agr-.....nt_ Work cannot begin 00 tI18 AQreement until Courlty rear""", tI1ls txe<;Uted oowrnontl CONTRACTOR NAME Agreement No. E mp~Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ GENERA!... INFORMATION: You employer .............. _ '- _ illlD e ~ ...... CoIrty of loll Ar,g ..... 10 proW:Ie certm IIIfI\'ioeI IN Cou-IIy. The eo.ny....,....)'OUr ~ 00 !hi! Gte_ ........ EIII........eelvJi.r.. t.;:fo:nenl and Conlldertilllity ,,11) I EM PLOYEE ACKN9W ' EDGM W: I ~ and",," \halI!>eQ;oOllIOClOo "'~ _ ill my _ employer lof~dlN ~ c:ontracl. I ~ and agMe .... I .... IlIIV .a..R::eIy """" my emi*"J'aT fur paymunI of IIIlaIy and wry .-d all oti'>e<' ~ ~ lu "'" Dr <WI my bahooM by w.u. of my JWb"~ 01_ ......... IN a-.reIrenonaod t:IlI'I1I'aCI. I cn::Ie"'lIInd N>d ~ee that I am not an ompIoveI! of l!le Cuwty of LOll ,iI;-,geIO& foI 911)' ptJI"pOS9 ""","t _ and that I <10 IlOl Nt"" and .... IlOl Rtqtk9 ..,.. rignts Of booneflts at IIII1'J' kh;j !TUm II><> CoIny at lDiO AI>goeIM by".;rru. at rTl)' of """'...- Itwt _~ connct. I ~ mel . . . 1too.Il do no! ho.... and "'1 net ecqtJI .. any r1g1Ws or oen.Iibo ~ the eu...r.y III 10I ~ pur-'" to any &g ..... . oenI _ any ~ or entity and 1M Courty tl Lo. Mgo-Ioo.. 1*"''''''''''' _1tI_ CO NFIOfNTIAUTY AGR EEMENT· I may ~ "'""'-I poorWi'*"1 to - " ' - pro:.4Oed by . . County of 10I ~ _ , K"" I ""'Y *-.,.,.. <:1deiilliool dow mel TnIu ........, penro"lQ It> p&r!:UnS and,'or enIIIIIe ~ seMccs Imm ... Courty. In ~, I ""'Y .100 haw _ 10 prupIewy irrIotmIIIkIn IUwhd by - . ......-.. 00Intl tutiI>IIM wilt> 1M CoIrty oj 10I AnoelM. The Cu<roty lias a IegII.I obtgaIioo te prOlild. aI LiC/1 eonTdootiai data and ~t'o:l ~ ~ r'OU OO , I'iiSj)eOieoII)' <lata and \'"III)(moi,1ior\ oonaIrning hge.1th ....->d C1iminall1ltDfds. I urdo<'tMnd ttJ.t . I 1m InvoNed In CounIy ~ IN 0JunIy iI'IUII ........... tIIaIl , too, '" ~ 'M con'dI:rdtJ:t,< of"",,*, dalll W<I in!unretlan. ~IIV, I urde!ntan:IlI1III l _lign d1ioo "G'8iM .....I .... <XiI'Idtion 01 my _ ....... pmW;Iod by my ii. o>k>Jto fa" Ihti I ' - _ltD I0Il-.1 and ' - - . w. ...... rc cooooitleo II prier 10 s9IIng. It> w Ccou...,. Inilie.18 01 Signer ___ COUnty "r~ ~$ S~ Department Gend«-Re5fJ01"SM RehabllirarlOO PrOfF~m for Femaifl O ",nd.~ a:t!l>If 101 - Page I COt1tr.c1or Name _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A!l rllfJnUIf'lt No . _ _ __ Emp~Name' _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ ___ I ne.8by a~ree that I Wi l not ~ tl LOy uno.~ ponoo "'"'" de.1a ex information obII!irIed Mlik> PllrIormin<;l """"" ~ 10 liMo lOtIo ............. conIrao;t my ~ ard "'" Oounly oIl.llI ~ I "!lf1l" to ""-rd aJ '*-' ~ klr the ~ "'.,., .... or •• b ........ ' .-..d by me to "'" lnvnedoaIe...,ptfWor I "91"88 to kMop 000 '1XM ,tiel all l\eall:n . "",",,1rIiI.I, and al clala and irof0m\8.t<>n per\eiO\ng 10 1»1'_ IrQ'or . . . . . ""'<Wino -vIOe6 from trwl C<ulty. plogra"'". 1QnnalS, clo<:uTne<"itation . Contractor 1X00000ieIIory ilIctmation ..00 aI cl~ origroaI ~ ~, <mll8d. Of ~ 10 Of by ..... .....,... !he .t>ow..-e1<!renc:«I oontrad. I to ~ these oconIcIenIIaI ....... agaonsl ........... 10 oIhw tIwIn ...., ~ Of CcJony em~ who ...... 10 k;now II\e ....00Il0iI;.n. 1 110_ hoi l lifopriort.y ilIDI....... _oppIIId by 0Iher C<;uUy _ ;. pttMorJed '" .... employment. I s.haOI k""P $i.IC!1lnklrmo.tko-1 contldoonlial. -or"" "'*' Clumv .... I agNMIlt> ropott 10 "'" ~ ~ ~ and gjj ~ of W. a;"""""",, by myS<lIf..-.dlot by ..,y OIlIer person 01 _ I ber:onIII ....... I IIO'M 10 i"8IUII"1 all ccnllderrdallNlM* 10 my irmIed!I!e .. pi'IMsoI '4'Ofi _ ,""'""", 01 .... oontrlCl 01 Jerrr ilr.Iioo, '" "'f ~ """'"' my~. wh~ 0CQ.n Irs\. I ~ tt. """'fun 01 tn. o q _t mo.y III.ibjecI me to eM Ilf>:1'()I' CJ1miroai iil:tlon ar'!d tnet the Ccurny of lei Ang ...... may ..... " pOiItIi... kogal ~ SIGNATURE: PRINTED NAME: POSITION: County of Los ~I'S ShtNifr$ Q.,partment GendM·ResponsIwJ RehabllitatiJn Program fly Female Offsndllrt; &tribit EI - Page 2 EXHIBIT E2 CONTRACTOR NON-EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEOGEMENT AND CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT GENDER-RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS • EXHIBIT E2 (N'"'" TbIt ~"" • 10 t» .><eCUhId N'd _rned iii Coumy wIIh Gontrac\tll'l _ 03\Il0I begin on the unlll CoonI:y ,..".-1hIs ~ d""",,*,,-) ~ I"}l""". Wook CONTRACTOR NAME Agreenllll A No. Non-Employee NamtI _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ ar.._ . -.. GENEBAl..INFOBMATIQN: Coony. reterenced ..... two ..-..d ima a _ ... th6 0001'llV oIlm AII(jea to pnM:i!t oertair\ ~ to Ihe TN Cany """'... yos signalul. on 11'1111 ConDat:Io' NcJn.ErnpIoyM ~ and CorrI'od!niaiIy NON·EMPlOyEE ACKNQW! fDG EMENT, IhaIIhII 000 ......... 'gloo .......... _ las _ corVoi for ~ 01 the -.:...-..... oooed Md I g_ !hot I musI .eIy rr:" nmly upon Iht CarDaclDo .............. _ lao ~ of AJaoy and any and .. ""'" beneIls peyoobIe to .... 01 on my _ II'J >'lnue 01 my .,., ""'".".", of worIi, unclar 1hIt_ I~ _ CIJ(1IJ'IOC\. I ~ ~ nolo<...",;ed _ I .ro8fStarld ard "9''''' that I am no! Bn "mployoe cf the COI..on(y cf Loll ArI<;J9kls for 8!'IY pu!posa whIo_ and 11'11\\ I do I"<lI M'.'e and ..... not ""luire 8/1)' figtt. 01 berlelill! oI ..... ~ kind from , .... Ct...-tt at Lm ~ bot WIva cf my po<fomw>::e of""'" uodeI "" ~ -*!Id. I ~ and 111M I do not M .... and".,. not..-quire IIrI filJhIo '" bun~ !rom IhfI Cournv 01 AI'QiIIcs pUrs.-nI IiO ...., oogreement _ any ~ or enIIIy .-.d !he C<ullY '" ""lie u. ~- ..,..,...go. ~ and agnoo Itw l rr.y be reqjad IQ ~ and $I!O.J"'V ~(.) . I u_and.1'WI!I a9_ that my o;ontiroed pMOIll\llnc" 01 wor!< ~ ,he _....-fetenoed ""'*"<1 .. contingert upon my pessing, to the ...1' to !i(w , of the~. IIl'I'\' and .. IUCtI ~,tionI. I und9r5tand..-.:l ag _ tlwl my ~'" to paso, to h oaIislaction of !he Coonty, Mly """" InveItIQaIion oI>al row. In my.......-. , ...... from ~ lI'odef ~ IW'I!1IQ< ll"IV!WQ I - CQNFIOENTIAUTY AGREEMENT: ~ Yoith work Pl'flBiI1ir'>,! 10 serllioN ptQ\'I<led tty 1l'1li Counfy oIlDo AngGtes ."", ~ oc, I....,. _.."....\0 coofi<lor6al aata and "1...,,.,.1100 pe!\Ioining III personi " "d/or entltlel rKelVlrg oorvk:etI from Ihe County. In adalioo, I may IIIsc have _ 1 0 ~ inb",.."., .. 1WIed Dy ott>er --xn doing busilesI with the Coonty of La.~ lh& County ..... a obIi!PIion ICI prWId:" ....:t. ooo*a..,,1ioI dIlla aOCI lnfomWion In IIa po;J MP8ICiaty ""'" and irIIormaIIor> OCII-.nng heooIh and cminIII r..:ordL ' ~IhaII ' 1..... irMl/IIed in County hi County IT'llSI .......... ~ I, Il10, wit prllUO;t ~ data and Information. ~,I under_ I11III 1rrua oign Ihil ftQ-"'. a cond"lIion aI myworlllo bollfQf>'lcjed<ooe-ffItomJwd ~Ia ItHI ' _,oad thil I ""'Y be of"". CU1IIdenIioIlIy"'' ' ' ' ~ Md t-1ftIc"" M """*' eour.y. Umo 10 ~ t PIlot 10 5igning. Irmts of Signer _ _ County of LCo!I AngeI6s Sheri(r'$ Department G6""'r·Rali~ RlII"IabiJitation Program fry FO/'M/e O"~s ExIlibh E2 - PB(jfJ 1 Conlr.,;:tor Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ No~·Employee Ag.eement No_____ Nama _ _ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ I hOII...,. ~ U.l I ... ncI ~go to any unauIh<>rtr8d pIHOn eny dHIa u monnatIDn obtained whiloo ~.mlng ......... PI>_m 10 the lbo\Oe~ conuat1 ~ 1he I~""c.d Coooaclol' Ind !he County 01 L~ "1lQIkoo_ I "9'" to I<>rwz>rd ~t. k>r 1he 01 any dlt. '" inl"''''il1~n .ecerv.<j by me 10 ItKI ~. '81e<erioed Cont.IIC:\a<, .a .&Ie...., I '9"'" 10 IIwp ..... 'IIder'1iHI ... r:m.n.t recordo _ 811 data IItId Inlormlotion peoUoi'Iiog to peI'SQIlI and/Or ...we. ......,.,... IrQm 1hfI Ccuny. IIf09I'B"'S, fmnnI, ckxu,_Illdio<~ Carlo"""" poopr'.eta:y j,lioo,.oaIioo" .,rrJ III _ <lriIInat m.te<MI ptt:oI!I.Ad, Cl'M.ItI:I. 01 po-<Mded 10 Of by "'" ~ It. _iI<MI-<eIkorenced conlIm t 19.... 10 po'Oll!id these ooniidontio.l .....terialo ~~l'ISt d~~ 10 cmer ...... th~ .~""""" Contr-.c:tor '" Cor.rcy ~ who ~ 10 krocw thG inlor .....tton. I agre<o !hili H proprif!!ar'I InIormal k::01 suppI\Iiod by other Co<n.y "",nd<;>re 1:1 ~ nr..o • ptOIo'idect .. roo, I ohIJ I<.eep oucto Informeotioo oor~. I -U_1O mpor\lO 1ht 8I:o<MHvIo:_ Con1ractcr" any..-d 00/1 .ioIIobiuolll of thiI ag'ewnuroI trv il'l)Wf.,.:l.'Ot by anypeII«I of whom I bfooo:orrMo _ I l I ag_1Q fe\IIm'" lXA'I'doi'liaIlI'IIIl..... lO IIW aoo.e-<el'er.ncood Ctorarac1a< _ upon ~ ofthlt o:om'~c:I "'ltI'rMoorIion oImy HI\Oo::e!I "... .... neIer', ~OCQJ"'-m.t. I ..Jo:..o ~ tt.t ......... of .... .,,_' .. '1.....,. los NogeIes 1TIII'f~ 1111 prw;"'g .... ___ 1 SIGNATURE: ~ "'" 10 d>4I w'or (l'irnjnal oaion MId '"* Itlfo 00Ir(y 01 _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ DATE -----1'---1_ _ PfUNTED NAME; POSITION: Ger!dtl,·Resporl$iw Re~tion Program IOl' Ftlmaie Offtfldfm EXhibit E2 - P9 2 • EXHIBIT F CONTRACTOR EMPLOYEE JURY SERVICE ORDINANCE GENDER·RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS EXHlBlT F Title 2 ADM INISTRATION Chapter 2..203,010 1!uoogh 2.203.090 CONTAACTOA EMPLOYEE JURY SERVICE Pagel 013 2..203.010 Findings. The board 01 SUpervisoll: ......5 the loIIowing filldinga. The COU!l1y of lnII Angeles ~ ib perrnenent, full-flme em ~ loyee~ unllm.ed jury seMc:e at their reglllar pa~. Umorlu nale~. many buslfle!,Q!! do root ot1er Of IIr' reducing or even elim inating C<>mp8 nsatior1 to arn ployees who serve on jllfles This crf)$oteft fI poIootlalli rlal"lClal hardship for arnp/oyetls who do net r.celve the" P41Y ""00 ee.IIsd to jury "Nice, and those employees oflSl1 sae~ 10 be IIXClISed from ha-'orlg to serve. Although cIIangas in !he coon njes make k mOI1l difficult to IIXQJse a potenliel luror 00 ~O\Inds aI flnanaaJ tl8l'o;I:shlp, potential jurors continue 10 be exW!o8d on thIl bIlsis. esp8Clelly from longer Iriall, T~e reduces the nu mbe r m potootial Jurors and increas85 lhe burden on employers. s.uch as lhe cou~ m los Angeles. who pay their perman&l1t full·lime &mployees wh,l e on jlll"OI duty, For th40u rea.o .... ttle DOunty 01 los Angeles hruJ detemlined IhIlt k is appropriate to require that the busir\e6$e$ with IOflIch the oounty conlracts ponell reasonal>le juryservlee policoes. (Ord. :2002.0015 § I (pNt) . 2OO2) tr.ose 2.203.020 Definitions. The foIlCI\f'oYlg dafi!\ltjons shall be applicable to this chapter: A.. "Contractor' mean. a person. parlnersivp, corporauon Of other entity which hISS • (lOnII"aCI voIth th& county Of a IUiX:ontrac! with a cou~ contractor and hes rocflived or WolI receivfl an aggregate &\Jm of S50.000 Of mOre In any t 2-moolh period under 000 Of more such COfltrs.cts or subcontracts B. "Empbyee" meullS any CaIifomIa rlKlidenl \lOtIo is a full-tme CaliIornia, C. "ContrAc:\" mll8l1; arty £llir...,mAI'I1 to provide goods to, Qf perform services lor or on beh a ~ of, tile c~nty but doeB not inctJde: empl~ 01 a contredor under tile laws of 1, A comract where II\e boe.rd fioOII that special clrcumstant:M exist that justify a Wll/Yer 01 till requ iremlffits m this chapter: or 2. A COfltrncl whe/e laderal or state 1_ of a particular contractor: or 3. A purchase 4. A monopoly purchase IhaII$ excIusrve and pI1)priEltary 10 e specific memrlacturef. distributor. Of rO$&ll8l, aMI must metch and Int.·membar wtth existing aupplies equipment or systems melntained by the coooty pursuant 10 the Los Angeles COlJnty P\i rd\8slr'IQ PQr",y end Pr<:>cedJres MilnUaI. Sootlon P·3700 or II 5UCC8S9Or' Pfoy;~ion: Of S A re¥Qlving fund (petty ceih) pufCM$e purnuant to the I..oIi Angeles County Ascsl MElnuai. SacliOIl 4.40 or a SlJC(:r.lSllr provision: Cf 6. A jlUrchase OEI((I jlUrchaul pursuanl to the lm Angeles CQunty Purchasing Polev IlInd Procedures MMual. SIIcUon ?-2810 ora sUCCfMIsor provision; or 7, A non-agr8 ~ment purchaM ";111 a velue of less thall $5.000 pursuam to the los Ar>ge1e5 Coomy Purcilasing ~icy and Procedurfls lAarouai, Section A-03OO or a I UCC6Ssor pro'lision: or 8. A boflEl lIde I mefgerq purchase pursuam U) l1'Ie Los ~Ies County Purchasing Policy and ProceWrGoS MlIIlual, S!ICtlon pp. 1100 or a SUCC88$Of provi&lon county of LN ~19s S/wrirrs 06partmenr ma~ through II. stllte Of 01 a oondlllon of. federal or state prog<am mandat8S!he use f8Oo1\l1contract: or GMder-Respons/IIe ReMbiIira1il;>fr Program lor Femlle Ollenderw £J<hibJt F EXHIBIT F Trtle:2 ADMINISTRATION Chapter 2.203.010 through 2.203.090 CONTRACTOR EMPLOYEE JURY SERVICE D E. " F~M time' means 40 oours or mora warked per week, 01 a lasser oom ber 01 houfS ~. inIlJstry standard as d8la-mined bv II>a chief admln"lralivtl 1. The lii0i$81' number" a officer, or 2. The contractor has a kmg-standi ng prlllClice that defines the less er number 01 hOl.Jrs as ~i2ed !~II time. ' Coulll"( means the oounly 01 l.O6 AlIgeiN or any pubtlc eotitioo lor Which the board 01 supel'Yisofs is the goYeming bOOt. (On!. 2OQ2.(l()4() § I , 2002: Ord. 2002·0015 § 1 (part) , 2002) 2.203.030 Applicability. Th~ chapte r snpjl apply 10 cootr~or. who enter 11"110 contracts that commence alter July t 1. 2002 . Th ill chapter sha.lelso apply to eolltractors wittI amting mntraCU which lie e~teoded Into option YfW'O that oommanoe after July II, 2002. Contrlle1$ thai eommenoe altar Mev 28. 2002. buI boIOOI JuIv 11, 2002. Plan be subject 10 the prOV\&Iooa 0I1hiB cI\apIer only it the soIicilatJoR$ lor such contI'_ stated tlla! the c:hapIer would be applicable. (Ord. 2002-0040 § 2. 2002: Ord. 2002-001 5 § 1 (pari), 20(2) 2.203.040 Contractor Jury Service Policy. A corrtrae1Or sllal have and adlefEi 10 a wrinen policy that providas that Its empl!¥!es shall receive from !tie COJIIraCIQf. On an annual basis, no Ies$ than 1M! days 01 regular paylor actual jury service. The policy maV provide Illal empfoyees deposil: anv lees , eceIved l or such jury service with the contractor OJ that It1e contrao;:tOr deduCl from Ihe employees' r&goJ lar paylhe faas received lor jl.iry service. (Ord. 200NX)1 5 § 1 (pM) , 20(2) 2.203.050 Other Provision,. A. Adrnlmstrarlon. Th. chief admlniWaIiYe oIIicer shBl be responsible for Itte adm"l5lt8tion of this chaptef The chief administrative ollie« may. wtth tile a<Mee 01 oourdy coull58l. issue InIerprHlalionl 01 It>e prcvitik>n. 01 I~~ ch"PIet and shal luue writ\gn irtStr<.lClionlJ on the impl..-rlentatoo and onl/Oir>g adminisl1etJon 01 this t:Nt.pttr. Such in atru ctions may provide lor the d(lie\jS.t>On ollunctions to other cou my departmem5. B. Compliance Cerltllcmton. AI the bme ot seeking (I oontract. a COntraClOf shaD certify to !he C(lUnty 111m ~ has and adh&rM 10 a poley consislerll wItrt this chapler or win have and adhere to such a policy pJior to IIward of the eontraCl. (Ord . 2002-0015 § I (part),2DWl 2.203.060 Enforcament and Remedies. For a eol'llr8ckl(' 'IIolalion '" My PloWOOn of this chII.pter. It>e oounly department head rt!SpOIl$lbIe for acrnlnl!terirlll tOO conlrllC' may do ooe 0' morB 01 the loIIowIng: I . Re<:ommaoo to lhe board 01 superv~ors the tarmlnatio!l Ollhe contract; end/or, 2. Puf'$tJant to chapler2.202. seal< the debarment oIlhe COIlbktor . (Ord. 2002-(1015 § , (parq. 2002) County of Los Ang&IH ShBriH"s DfipaTtroon! GendM-Re$p(Nllliv9 Rehe/:lilffation Program /or Famllie O/Tendars ExhibilF EXHIBIT F TItle 2 ADM INISTRATION 2.200.010 through 2.203000 CONTRACTOR EMPLOYEE JURY SERVICE C~pt&!" 2.203.070. Exceptions. A. Other laM>. This chapter 6hfl~ ~01 be Interpreled or applied to lIllY contractor Of to any empKlytlO In a mMMr Inoons istent \!11th the laws of the United Statn or California. B ~ 8argauw'11i1 AGreerr...rns. This Chapt&!" shaN be 6Uperoeded by. cotective bargatrung llijreement thiIt expressly !II) provides. C Small Bu.,OOSS. Thill Ohapter !<hall rlOf t;>a apptioo to any C(H\lradOf that meets all o! the foHowmgter. or I_f employees during the contract period: Md. t. Hal; 2. HIM annual gross 1'!IVeJ1U8S in th. precedng twelve months which, ~ added to the IIflnuai amount of the;l awarded. arll lesa than $500.000, 8J'ICI. 3. Is not an alMa!e Qf su bsidi ary of a Ousirnls~ dominant in ~"li &1d 01 ope ration . "DomiNlnt In its field of operatioo" means havtng more than ten employees and annual grOll' f8V1lnuas in the precedinJ twelVe months ....lIch. added to the annual amount of tho contract awarded, 8J<C88d S5OO,000. n "AtfHiBt& or sub$id;",y of (I business dom'l'IIIflI In its fil!k;I of O!>6ralion" m~ (I Ousi"""s whoch is at least 20 paft:om owned b)' " oo. lnes, dominant m ~8 Ilak! of operatlon . or by pMlner~ , offic8fs , dlrectOf. , m alOf~y stockooldelll, Of their oqulvSlent, 01 a business tIo minanlln that lield of operation. (Ord 2(lW ·OO15 § 1 Loart), ""'" 2.203.090. S~rability. H any provision ol this chapter is found irMIIkj by. court o! oompe1enl jurisdiction, the '"malnlng provisions ahall rOO1ain in l ullfDrC9 And eHect. (Ord . 2002-0015 § 1 ~ part), 20()2) Counry 01 Los AngM>s $OOrtff's OfIpartmMll (Hnder-R9SpM$ive RehabilitaPOll Program lor Fema/6 0IftH'JdfJ1lI Exhibit F EXHIBIT G SAFELY SURRENDERED BABY LAW GENDER·RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS EXHIBIT G EXHI6ITG H... dMII_1 A . . . ~ .... l""". ~ • ...u. .. • .-;......... 10.' • ...,. c_ ~., ~- ......... -"'"'. .... _ .... 4qo1;'J.J<-,j'" ....... n.. ..,· _'~ '"'"""" .. .. ........ . '"-!"~ .. iioo _ --.. 1,.00,,",,,,,"_ ........ . . 1o~ .......... ..1-. ... ........ -~-;, ......... ...... '10,............... '... ~;._...Iod~ lo.~"" .• .In .. ~ ..... _ .. ,J" oiT,,;1 'N .. ~"'" "!.or _...., '" 8"' ....... 'A>.' ........ ~. . . ",""",,, "" 0010,..... .-.1.... 1.. .............. .,_, . .. .... _ M.,.,..._ ... bJIIr .... ............... ,- .-.......... ~ _- - Mclc1 ...,;.... ,..-.t ...- . . ..... ..... '-;IIW> 14.,. ..... ,~ , n....,.._ .... 1. .. ....."... <.."''' n •..,.."",,"" '" Q,I "~ __ '-"'< ............ \_~""'" c.n ny I -_ . 0...1 IN perc""" urroncNrln!l . ""1 h... 10 1e1 10 ....,..,iIt .. _iii to ........ ~allr? .... . "* "" ......... .,. ...-..tII .... ............ "'-~ "' .~~ .. 1'01 .... , . . t4 ........... .... .. ~"' .. M ....., , _ WIlli ~ I IO 11M llaby? n.. ... 'oj ..a.. --..~ oat,.:"", ..... -'4- ,......' ......,,....,-..101_--. ... ......._.......... pIoo." """ io • N·' .... ~,"-,. .... I.ooio oJ.. ""-~ _ -- .. _ _ a<iIIII? .......,.. 0.. .... _ " - " ' " t<,.. ......... _ , _ . _ .... ~ ... /0,. ~"'M P"' .......... ON _, "'w, .. "","~ .. e.......... 1t*ori ....? f"$oWr"" _. ,_ ...... L....... _ kooa ...........·.... _.L.... _ J-r" .. loOoo ..... ;...,.,.-.... .. _.,; .......... ......-1 ..... .....,.. .... "~jQ . . . . . ..... In . . billy? ~....,_ ~"'''''''''''-''''' Wh~ "'...,. .. ~_ ~*" ....... _ , .. ......... 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EXHIBIT H CONTRACT DISCREPANCY REPORT GENDER·RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS EXHIBIT H CONTRACT DISCREPANCY REPORT TO, FROM : DATES : Prlpared by County: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ RlI'Ceiveci by ContrllCtor:' _ _ _ __ _ __ Rlturned by Contractor: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Attlon Completed: DISCREPANCYPROBlEMS:' __________________________________________________ SignaWre 01 Coul'lly Representativ .. D,," CONTRA.CTOR RESPONSE (Causl and Corrletlve ActIon): _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ ___ SIgnature 01 Contraaor Reprasontativo COUHTYE VALUAT~NOFCONTRACTORRESPONSE C' '''''' _________________________________ • Slgl'l8tufl 01 CO<i nty Re pres emat"" COUNTYACT~N S". ___________________________________________________ CONTRACTOR NOTIFIED Of CcoJI'IIy Repl'IISIHTtatr\l&', Cootra~or Date ACT~N : S~nalure and Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ReprtlGematr.e's Signalme and Oate _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ COunty of Los Angeles ShElrirf's Depllrtmflnt Gender.Fl9SpOn&Ve ReflaIJilitlltioo Progmm fOI' Fema le Offenders Exhibft H EXHIBIT I PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY (PRS) CHART GENDER·RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS """BIT , PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY (PRS) CHART GENDER-RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS SERVICE '" until in from the "'"""'- Coon1y of Los AngMs , Gander· Re$pONJv. RehabiJitatioll Progm/R fat F«naJe Offffi id«$ """" , EXHI81T r SERVICE ;" " " """"'- County of Lcqo AngBIM 2 GencJ.r·R8S{1<H'lS/w R~ Progr.m> tor FfIIf18le ~ EKhiM I • EXHIBIT J CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE COUNTY'S DEFAULTED PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION PROGRAM GENDER-RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS EXHlBnJ CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFIC.utON OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE COUNTY' S OEFAUL TEO PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION PROGRAM I Company Name; City: State: Zip Code: Telepilone Number· Emllll address: t Agreemenl lor Gendar·Resp(lrIsive AeIlabHftation Program lor Female OHendars Contractor certifies that o It is famlllllr with the terms of th e County of I..os Angeles Defauited Property Tax Reduction Program, Los Angeles County Code Chapter 2.206; AND To the best 01 its knoWledge, alter a reasonable inquiry. Conlractor Is not in default, as that term is defined in Los Angeles County Code Section 2.206.020.E, on any Los Angeles County property tax obligatioo; AND CoorraClor agrees to comply wi1h the County's Defaulted Property Tax Reduction Program during the term of any awarded contract. -ORo Contractor is exempt from th e County of Los Angeles Delaulted Property Tax Reduction Program, pursuant to Los Ang eles County Code Section 2.206.060, for lhe following reason: I d6dare urte./ef petlB/ty 01 perjury under rhe 1a"oo'S of th6 SIs!II of ClIlifomia that th6 infllfmalloo Slaloo ftbove is rn» tI1Id COIf9Ct. !nle. I""" Date: Gender-R8~ R8MblbtatJon ProgrtI/TI fat FfNMIe Offw/der$ ..... J EXHIBIT K CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS CERTIFICATION GENDER-RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS EXHIBITK CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS CERTIFICATION Company Nam e IntemRI R8\'&nIJ8 SeN~e Employer identification Num ber cse The Noroprolil lmeg,~y At:. 1262, Chapler 919) adOOd ~lrem9rr1s to Calitornia's SUpervision oJ Trust_ and Fundrai!lers lor Cha.rtabie F'u rpoMs Act Which ragu~tes those receMr'lg and raising charitable conIributioo$, Check the CertiflC$ion Mlow that i$ appHe:fIbIe 10 your cOlTlpany. o CIlntracto, has examlJ'\&d rt5 aclMtiM Ind delerm ir'«! !t\at ~ 00.... not MW receive or raise charitable contrl bl"llons regulated under Galilarnle: a SupaNisian of Trustees and ~urldraisers lor Charitab le Purposes Acl If Cootractor oo\l89ae in activittss subjedifl'i/ il 10 thou laws dvrl"9 the term of a Coonty contrRCt, ~ wi! ~m.ry comply with them and p.ovidt County a «lPY 01 its initial regJ5tre.t!on with the California State AnotrIey General's R&gittIy 01 Charitable Trusts when ~ltcI , OR o ContrllCtOf i. rngi sle~...t\h the CMlom la Regislly 01 Charitable Trustll under tha CT number lisl&d above and II In compliance w.1t1 its registration and reponing ttquirements u~ CUlornie law, A.ttocfwd is. =flY ollis mosI .ace.. fillnQ with the Rtglstry of CIwltab\e Trusts as ~Ired by r nIG 11 Calikxnia COde at ReiPJatklns, sedIons 300-301 and Gcrvemmem CoOo sections t2585-12566 Signature D,," Name and Tille of Sign er (please print) County of LC5 Arlgril8s She.iff's Department G~·Responstve Progrl!m for RellabilitatiQn Offendsrs ~etnl!le """" K EXHIBIT L INVOICE DISCREPANCY REPORT GENDER-RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS EXHlelT L INVOICE DISCREPANCY REPORT ,. INVOICE OI8CR~PANCY T ~o..· to bt """'~~ I>! C<:u>t~ F'rojeoc IX"""" _ _ _ __ __ ~'-----PI>:o", Numbo" _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ •_ _ _ __ ~d~~ ~pIion 01 _ _ __ _ _ """os -. &1_ """*'-, M, _______________ 2 REVIEWED' --------------- ~. o.o:. , ~ from CPO _ __ _ _ __ .. ~ '--~"'"~~~~-C<!nIrer:\Ol P'T'<:;.ct DorOClOr • OOUNTY ~VAL\JATlOtoI ---- ---•. 01 CotDw:tor'o FIoop<nse .... """"'" _ ~.----- Il ~'" _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ - - - -- - -.----- 1N8T11UCnDlii CI"M , f<>r ..... rd lOR k> tno ~ 10< ~"'" .... , _ . ~ _ ...pon:t k> Cl"O in orTIiog _n ('a' <lira 01 """'"P: '" lOR 0.., lA.\Dl-.rc.o.n- .\IoJ *' G(mder -R8$pOMlvll RIII!'/)iffl~tiOfl ProgrM'l for FBrn.tJtl OffetlCkKs ""'" , EXHIBIT M COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES NON-EMPLOYEE INJURY REPORT GENDER-RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS EXHIBIT M Paga 1 012 COUNlY OF LOS ANGELES NON-EMPLOYEE INJURY REPORT W,_,_, --~-~. ' ~, ~ I """" Gullo Ie ~_Ior Court!y Cou _ i, <le{0f\H orlho CeJooty, ~poocioj D;"h:ts _ O<,''''\",''' INSTRUCTIONS: "'_"'~"""""""'" ' ''b)III ._ ~._4'''Co<nI,,,_,,(_'''_) ''''''''_'''h,,,,,"''' ~ .."-' &_.011'"...... 0 .. " .... ~ FATAl.ITIES 01'1. SERIOVS INJURIE~ MU~T BE REP'ORTED IMMEDIATELY BY PMONE TO CARL WARREN" CO. (lUI 247·:12011 -- INJURE O NON-EMPLOXEE: " , ,-......... -, ..... ----------------------------------------------------------------::=----N~~ ________. ." , , ,______________________________, " " " , ,______________- , , , , -____ L _____________ , .,., ________ • . So- ~ ------1'..". II", hoi', rPo"""'" or P'l'orJ Of TIME; ANO PL"CE: ~ .. <><WIr""". _==:::'-::.:':-:'~-:~:~.:.~-::;:;;;:;;;:======='~:."'_::=== .. 8 . W. _ _________ ____________ ________ _________ _ ~, PlIIoo a! "' blrl<ing locotioo 1, ~. or~, ~, POlICE ""PORT Oy.,. 0 ~ "' ..... ---,-,., ~. POlICE AGENCY REl'alm-lG ________ STATION _ _ DF.f'T. ' _____ DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT : • Wh.' .... 11, Con.d'ition "",...,,~~? 0( lIoor • • __________________________________________________________ idtrN.l" .leps or _ . .. ..-. -.- ~..,., pl\ys~ propoorty Of IOQUipma'II irwo.'<ed - ______________________ Iorlril/fl aub!i1MCO or o!>Ied ;"VO/V&d7 If 00, doocr'be: 12 Wa. tIIore any dafltCl or 13 Walip &00 fal: P6rwn'o.llooo, _________________________ ------,c,;,----,'''' NATURE OF IWURX ANO pART OF BOOXAfEECIED; ,,_ Be "",,,,1Ie1State whic/l ~ of IJo<Iy irf.>n!d; """"!her ~ or !ell, etc. II .~ nat..... oIlnjuri io """"onninod, ~ iVfl opinion County of Los ArlgfJJes Sh9riff's Department Gender·Respor1sivtI Rehabililatioo Program for Female Offenders Exhibit M Page 2 oj 2 TREATMENT 91YENj ,~ ...-_l>Jo-tr--" ___.. ' _''--__________ W.. _IjMInIo ... _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ T~~T~ ' .. w• .._cooIo<I?'_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ , ____ ____ ". T.... '" III lICdpIIor? WlWt!7 _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ STATEMENTS By INJURE:D AND WlTNESSESj <_"'__ lL oOII_.W_) _d'1ulWd .1<>"""",,-*, _______________________ • " 2C. w....... ""'.,: ,~ , - ,....., A<I<I_: [ - ......... ifhi iiMOOJ r .......: ... w_ C_----,.......,.... -, - '-,.=.•,---- •.•,'-----""-- '--------'*'.2: -.. ------"'~,__--------.~.. StJ*n<tttI: _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ o.IIco1P'_i<l. _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ CoonI)' af Lr>S An{j8l9s Sh6nff"l;; Depsflll78nt Gender-Responsive RehilbilirtltlOn P'OfYtlm for FfImill8 O"9~rs Eithbi/ M EXHIBIT N COUNTY RFP #402-SH FOR GENDER-RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS (Not attached - Incorporated by reference) GENDER-RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS EXHIBIT 0 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSE TO RFP #402-SH (Not attached -Incorporated by reference) GENDER-RESPONSIVE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR FEMALE OFFENDERS