La County Request for Appropriation Adjustment to Comply With Overdetention Class Settlement Court Order 2012
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May 29, 2012 The Honorable Board of Supervisors County of Los Angeles 383 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration Los Angeles, California 90012 Dear Supervisors: REQUEST FOR APPROPRIATION ADJUSTMENT TO COMPLY WITH OVER DETENTION CLASS SETTLEMENT COURT ORDER (ALL DISTRICTS) (3 VOTES) SUBJECT This letter is a joint recommendation by the Sheriff and the Los Angeles County (County) Counsel. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (Department) and County Counsel are seeking your Board’s approval for an Appropriation Adjustment from the Over Detention Class Settlement account to the Department’s Custody Operations budget in the amount of $3,578,000. The budget adjustment will enable the Department to finalize the settlement order in the case of Munique Williams, et al., vs. County, to use the remaining balance of the class funds toward eliminating issues related to over detentions, strip/body cavity searches, wrong person warrants, and to fund existing Department inmate programs. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD: 1. Approve the attached Appropriation Adjustment in the amount of $3,578,000 from the Department’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2011-12 General Support Services Budget Unit-Other Charges appropriation to the Custody Budget Unit-Capital Assets-Equipment appropriation. 2. Approve and authorize the Sheriff to utilize the funding to purchase an estimated 17 strip/body cavity scanners for installation at the Department’s Inmate Reception Center (IRC) and various custody facilities. 3. Delegate authority to the Sheriff to use any remaining class funds following the purchase of the strip/body cavity scanners toward programs or projects deemed by County Counsel to be in compliance with the Court Order. The Honorable Board of Supervisors 5/29/2012 Page 2 PURPOSE/JUSTIFICATION OF RECOMMENDED ACTION Board approval will authorize the Sheriff to finalize the United States District Court Settlement Order in the case of Munique Williams, et al., vs. County, to use a portion of the class funds for existing Department inmate programs to help eliminate issues related to over detentions, strip/body cavity searches, and wrong person warrants. In complying with the Court Order, the funds will be used to purchase an estimated 17 strip/body cavity scanners for the Inmate Security Screening System (ISSS). ISSS is part of a comprehensive development strategy to provide a more efficient and effective means for jail staff to manage the smuggling of contraband into custody facilities; to detect inmates moving contraband within the facilities; and to detect contraband being moved out of IRC by inmates being transported to various court appearances and appointments. ISSS will benefit the inmate population because it will increase the efficiency and privacy related to the strip search process. ISSS will also assist in mitigating litigation arising out of the strip searching of inmates and improve the screening of prearraigned inmates entering IRC. Implementation of Strategic Plan Goals Approval of the recommended actions is consistent with the County’s Strategic Plan, Goal 1, Operational Effectiveness, by deploying advanced technology to strengthen safety measures in the custody operation, thereby enhancing risk management to the County. FISCAL IMPACT/FINANCING Approval of an Appropriation Adjustment in the amount of $3,578,000 from the Department’s FY 2011-12 General Support Services Budget Unit-Other Charges to its Custody Budget Unit-Capital Assets-Equipment appropriation will initially fund the purchase of the strip/body cavity scanners. Funds from the Over Detention Class Settlement account will be used to reimburse the Department. FACTS AND PROVISIONS/LEGAL REQUIREMENTS The Over Detention Class Settlement account of $21.5 million was established pursuant to Munique Williams, et al., vs. the County. The Court ordered that these funds be first distributed to class members to pay any claims filed timely. The Class Administrator would fulfill this task. The remaining portion of funds from this account shall then be distributed to the Department for the purpose of funding Department inmate programs. County Counsel has verified that the Class Administrator has fulfilled its task, thereby enabling the distribution of the remaining funds to the Department. IMPACT ON CURRENT SERVICES (OR PROJECTS) Approval of the recommended actions will have a positive impact on services provided to the inmate population and the Department, specifically Custody Division. The Honorable Board of Supervisors 5/29/2012 Page 3 CONCLUSION Upon approval by your Board, please return two adopted copies of this Board letter to the Department’s Fiscal Administration Unit. Sincerely, LEROY D. BACA Sheriff JOHN F. KRATTLI Acting County Counsel LDB:GCJ:gcj Enclosures WHrlE 12\ A UDIfOll. -CONTROllER O" leIO.l COPY REQUEST FOR APPROPRlAnON ADJUSTMENT DEPARllIIENT OF SHERIFF Af1r111.1lI12 P~UlEP ~ECESSARY OIl F OIIWA~O mTII~ BY TlU D E.O AA:T~~l , PUASe CO~~ .. THE CHIEF EXECUTIVIO Of fICER f O ~ ~,. ~fCOMIIE~P"'TION OR ADJUSTMENT REQUESTEO AND RE .... SONS THEREFOR FY 11-12 3· VOTES SOURCES Sheritl'1 ~run.N. Goner_I SU)lpOl1 BudoJeIUn/I YR! s __ o.,poortmenl • CIIIIOOy au. AOl..S11-66O(). 15e1!1· 15687 A(ll..sfJ..6OJO. 1568 ,. 1!i6S!> oa.e, Cr.r~ o..a .......""';non c.pIaI~",~ $3.578.000 ~... SOURCES TOT .... L: $ 3,578,000 Un~ $31i7B .OOO ApproprioDon USES TOTAL: S 3.578.000 JUSTIFICATION Approprl.1bI ~1Im1 '" 10 iriti.~ purt:t.w '" .\r'4lo'OOC)i CiMt}o _.......,. lor !he lromalo ~ Cenw n _iout .... ocIy ~i1iN. The ~ ncu....d wli b. , . _. p/If ceuM "..... f!1:rn !he Owor DoI/wlIion Class Settlemern locounr .. labIio/>od vii MI6I;quo Vol.... ~ .. YS COlA / n .... ..0, IJ1 ~~I 5hlr!JJMI-(F1c/, .!:>l !D I';, "W fJ-Jffi"7".t 2- • ~