La County Status of Recommendations Re Jail System 2012
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QInunt1! nf lIlns ~heriff 5 1Beparlmenf 'i1=hanlpmrler5 470'0' JRamnna Wnukttatn jffi{nnf.eret! 'ark, QIaIifnmia 91754-21li9 LEROY D. BACA. SHERI" January 5,2012 The Honorable Board of Supervisors Cou nty of Los Angeles 383 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration Los Angeles, California 90012 Dear Supervisors: 30-DAY STATUS OF RECOMMENDATIONS MADE IN THE OCTOBER 18, 2011, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' MEETING REGARDING THE MERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM On October 18, 2011, your Board requested that the Sheriff's Department (Department) report back on the motion to immediately implement the recommendations previously made by Special Counsel Merrick Bobb and the Office of Independent Review. In addition, your Board requested the Department report back on deputy worn video cameras, the status of the Department's hiring practices, sting audits, a force rollout team, and the length of time deputies serve in the jails. Attached is an update on each recommendation from the November 29,2011, response. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me or Assistant Sheriff Cecil W. Rhambo, Jr., at (323) 526-5065. Sincerely, EROY D. BACA HERIFF :Jl :Jrachfion 0/ cService RECOMMENDATIONS BY MERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT The purpose of this document is to provide a status to the recommendations by date, title, prepared by Special Counsel Merrick J. Bobb, the Office of Independent Review, and the Board of Supervisors. I. Install surveillance cameras at the Men's Central Jail, the Inmate Reception Center and the Twin Towers within 30 days and develop a plan to purchase and install surveillance cameras at the remaining jail facilities. The Department received 300 cameras on November 23, 2011, which is Phase /I of this project and will be installed at Men's Central Jail (MCJ) and Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF). This is in addition to the 86 cameras that were previously installed as of October 31, 2011. To date, 214 of the 300 cameras have been installed. The remaining 86 are scheduled to be installed by January 15, 2012. The installation priority for the assessment of force incidents is what currently determines the schedule. Listed below depicts the Department's current status on camera installation for MCJ, TTCF, and the Inmate Reception Center (IRC) and the total cameras upon completion of the project. Men's Central Jail Old Side New Side Total 678 " Cameras needed: 473 205 HD cameras Installed: 131 163 Existing analog cameras: 50 50 100 Cameras to be installed or replaced 342 42 384 t Inmae Rece JlIOn f Cen ter Cameras needed: 104 HD Cameras Installed: 17 Existing analog cameras: 35 Cameras to be installed or replaced 87 Page 1 of 9 , 294 RECOMMENDATIONS BY MERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM TWin . r,owers correc flana I ~aCllW Tt . Tower I Tower /I Totfl Cameras needed: 332 345 67~ Cameras Installed: 0 0 6' Existing analog cameras: 36 39 75 Cameras to be installed or replaced 332 345 677 , -f; ,; On December 5, 2011, the Internal Services Division (ISO) provided 9 contract employees to assist in the installation effort. This has enabled installation procedures to run 10-hours a day, 7-days a week. The Department processed an order through ISO for 990 additional cameras. The Department received 470 cameras, all of which were in-stock and immediately available from the vendor. The balance of 520 cameras is estimated to be delivered by January 24, 2012. These cameras will outfit MCJ and TTCF. Data Storage New servers for storage of video data were delivered on December 13, 2011, and fully operational by December 15, 2011. These servers will enable the Department to provide permanent storage for up to 25 months at MCJ. Note: Any noteworthy incident is immediately copied to a permanent file for any investigative purpose. II, Eliminate the use of heavy flashlights as batons to subdue inmates. All CMTF policy recommendations, revisions and subsequent implementations, have been slowed due to requests by the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs (ALADS) and the Professional Peace Officers Association (PPOA), to meet and consult regarding any future policy changes. III. Eliminate the use of "steel-toe" shoes. Recommendation implemented - noted in the November 1, 2011, letter. On October 24, 2011, the Department made revisions to the existing "Footwear" policy (3-03/225.00). Page 2 of 9 RECOMMENDATIONS BY MERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM Research of existing personnel showed that Department personnel have never worn "steel toe" boots in any capacity; however, the Department formally revised the policy to strictly prohibiting any use of "steel toe" boots. IV. Revise the Policy on Head Strikes with Impact Weapons to forbid all head strikes, including, but not limited to, head strikes against fixed objects such as floors, walls or jail bars, unless the standard for lethal force has been met. Recommendation implemented - noted in the November 1, 2011, letter. On October 10, 2011, the Sheriff initiated a new policy "Force Prevention Policy" (3-02-035.00) which provides directions for personnel relating to respect based treatment of incarcerated individuals. On October 26, 2011, the Department made additions to the existing "Unreasonable Force" policy (3-01/025.10) to strictly prohibit head strikes against a hard object. Additionally, the new Custody Force Response Team has established criteria to respond to any head strike, whether strike initiated by personnel, or by contact with floors, walls or other hard objects. V. Rotate Jail Deputies between floors at Men's Central Jail and to other jail facilities at no less than six-month intervals. Recommendation implemented - noted in the November 1, 2011, letter. In January 2011, Men's Central Jail began rotating their staff no less than every six months. All otherjail facilities are currently developing these scheduled rotations for immediate implementation. VI. Enforce the Anti-Retaliation Policy to prevent Sheriff's deputies from retaliating against inmates speaking with legal representatives or inmate advocacy groups or for expressing dissatisfaction with jail conditions. Recommendation implemented - noted in the November 1, 2011, letter. In August 2011, the Department made revisions to the existing "Treatment of Inmates (5-12/005.00) policy to prevent deputies from retaliating against inmates. All staff assigned to Custody and Correctional Divisions were provided a formal briefing of the revisions to the policy. The briefing began August 4, 2011, and continued for a two-week period. In addition, the Department has redistributed the policy on October 25, 2011, for another two-week recurring briefing to ensure Page 3 of 9 RECOMMENDATIONS BY MERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM each staff member is fully aware of the expectations of the policy and have mandated quarterly recurring briefings be conducted. All complaints of retaliation will be thoroughly investigated by Internal Affairs and reviewed by the Commanders in the CMTF. VII. Interviews of inmates who make claims of excessive force should not be conducted by, or in the presence of, the deputies or their supervising sergeant involved in the alleged use of force. Recommendation implemented - noted in the November 1, 2011, letter. On October, 26, 2011, the Department made revisions to the existing "Use of Force Reporting and Review Procedures" policy (5-09/430.00) ensuring privacy during force interviews. In addition, the new Custody Force Response Team has the responsibility to immediately assume control of the investigation and initiate an internal investigation if any policy violations are observed. VIII. Interviews of inmates alleging use of force and any witnesses must occur as soon as feasibly possible, but no later than within 48 hours of the incident. Recommendation implemented - noted in the November 1, 2011, letter. On October, 26, 2011, the Department made revisions to the existing "Use of Force Reporting and Review Procedures" policy (5-09/430.00) directing supervisors to conduct interviews within 48 hours. IX. Develop a prioritization process for Use of Force Investigations to ensure that the most severe incidents are completed within 30 days and that all others are completed within 60 to 90 days. Recommendation Implemented - noted in November 1, 2011, letter. As noted in the November 1, 2011, letter, the Departments developed a new Custody Force Response Team (CFRT) Policy that established new criteria for force review in the jails. The new categories of force and the CFRT ensure that more severe force cases are externally evaluated and completed within 30 days. At that time, they are reviewed by the newly formed Custody Force Review Committee (CFRC), which consists of three Commanders. Page 4 of 9 RECOMMENDATIONS BY MERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM The Department continues to process the most severe incidents as Internal Affairs Investigations, which are generally completed within 90 days unless unexpected circumstances arise. X. Develop a plan for more intense supervision that requires jail sergeants to directly supervise jail deputies, including walking the row of jail cells and floors and responding as soon as possible to any notification of interaction where force is being used on an inmate. Recommendation Implemented at MCJ - noted in November 1, 2011, letter. On October 27, 2011, the Department delivered a letter to the Chief Executive Officer requesting additional supervisory staff in the jails. However, the Department felt it was imperative to immediately increase staffing at MCJ. Effective November 6, 2011, 19 sergeants were added to MCJ current staffing to ensure the appropriate supervision was in place. These items were removed from other critical areas within the Department and deployed to cover both Day and PM shifts. There are now 2 sergeants assigned to 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, and 9000 floors, and a full-time sergeant dedicated to 1700/1750. All sergeants were briefed on the expectations to be visible and actively monitoring activity on the floor at all times. In addition, the Department is working on "duty statements" for all Custody personnel to ensure they have a full understanding of the expectations of their assignment. XI. Immediately mandate that all custody medical personnel report all suspicious injuries of inmates to the Internal Affairs Unit or the Captain of the jail facility where the inmate is housed. Recommendation implemented - noted in the November 1, 2011, letter. On October 28, 2011, the Department's Medical Services Bureau revised the "Injury/Illness Report Inmate" policy (M206.09) to include a provision requiring medical staff to advise the facility watch commander in the event an inmate reports/alleges that their injuries are the result of a force used by a Department employee. To date, all medical personnel have been noticed of the new policy. As a result of this new policy, one incident was reported and documented as a use of force incident. XII. Report back on the role of the new Jail commanders and how they will be used to reduce jail violence. Page 5 of 9 RECOMMENDATIONS BY MERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM Since the implementation of efforts by the Commander Management Task Force (CMTF) to reduce jail violence and associated use of force incidents, total monthly use of force incidents have declined by 48 percent. The 2011 year end totals depicted a 21 percent decrease compared to 2010. Effective January 1, 2012, all Custody and Correctional facilities were mandated to begin tracking force through a central database known as e-LOTS. The eLOTS database system will enable better tracking on all administrative packages (i.e. force, complaints, allegations, risk management incidents, etc.) throughout the Division. At the direction of the Sheriff, the CMTF implemented a new 5 level force category system which has been integrated into the PPI database. The 5 level system was devised in order to better monitor and track use of force incidents and trends as it relates to individual personnel and the type(s) of force used. The CMTF conducted a force analysis to determine if there was a pattern of force incidents involving inmates with mental illness. The analysis reflected a higher amount of force involving mentally ill inmates during the evening and early morning hours. Further review revealed a lack of available mental health intervention services after 4pm. The Department currently deploys a Jail Mental Evaluation Team (JMET) of seven deputies and one sergeant (5 deputies assigned to south facilities and 2 assigned to the north facilities). The JMET have specialized training to respond to inmate housing locations in order to conduct assessments and provide intervention services for those requiring mental assessment. These deputies are accompanied by Psychiatric Social Workers from the Department of Mental Health (DMH). Budget restraints have restricted the availability of these specialized deputies and clinicians during the evening and early morning hours. In the Department's efforts to impact violence in the jails, it is critical to have deputies with specialized training to deal with mentally ill inmates. Toward that end, the Department reassigned six deputies (from other vital assignments) to deploy during the evening hours as JMET deputies. These additional deputies will have a higher level of skill to interact with mentally ill inmates and aid in the prevention of force incidents. The Department authored a letter to the DMH requesting additional mental health clinicians be hired to assist with afterhours mental health interventions services. However, a response from the DMH noted a lack of funding available to address our concerns. Based on the above, the Sheriff's Department is requesting $777,000 in annual funding for the 6 additional JMET deputies. In addition, the Department is requesting $547,299 annual funding be allocated to the DMH budget to provide 6 Page 6 of 9 RECOMMENDATIONS BY MERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM additional Psychiatric Social Worker" items to assist the deputies in providing mental health services, which will directly impact the Department's mission to reduce violence in the jails. The Jail Commanders continue to work with each Custody unit to accomplish the goals set forth by the Sheriff and CMTF. The new Jail Commanders oversee the operations of the CMTF, which is comprised of 4 commanders, 8 lieutenants, 8 sergeants, and 4 support staff. The lieutenants, sergeants, and support staff are all items that were removed from critical units within the Department and deployed to this task force. The CMTF Mission is to assess and transform the culture of the custody facilities in order to provide a safe, secure learning environment for our Department personnel and the inmates placed in the Department's care. The CMTF's purpose is to empower Department personnel to provide a level of professionalism and serve the needs of inmates consistent with the Department's "Core Values." The CMTF's responsibilities and goals include promoting community trust, reducing jail violence by changing the deputy culture of the custody environment, encouraging respect based communications with inmates, review and implement new training for staff assigned to the jails, prepare and revise all directives/policies necessary to implement Special Counsel Merrick Bobb/Office of Independent review recommendations, analyze force incidents and developing and implementing a custodial career path. The 8 lieutenants that work directly in accomplishing the goals set forth by the Sheriff and Commanders. The 8 sergeants are comprised as a jail force "roll-out" team (Custody Force Response Team) who will oversee, mentor and review all significant force cases that meet a particular criterion, yet do not rise to the level of an Internal Affairs Bureau for investigation. A "CMTF Strategic Plan, "timeline, and organizational chart were submitted with the November 1, 2011, letter. Three documents are attached relating to force incidents in the jails: - XIII. Force Used by Month - Significant force vs. Less significant force Force Year to date - 2007 to 2011 Assaults against Jail Personnel Sheriff to work with the Chief Executive Office to immediately study the feasibility of purchasing Officer Worn Video cameras for all Custody personnel to use, to identify potential funding for this purpose, and Page 7 of 9 RECOMMENDATIONS BY MERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM develop appropriate policies and procedures for the use of these cameras. Policies should include a requirement that custody personnel record all interactions with inmates, including Title 15 checks, any movement throughout the jail facilities and any use of force. Each failure to record or immediately report any use of force against inmates must be appropriately disciplined. The Department concurs with this recommendation; however, it requires field testing. On December 18, 2011, ISO posted a Request for Information (RFI) on the County's website. Upon completion of the RFI process, the Department will work with ISO in procuring and deploying the devices for a field test (pilot program) and report its findings to the Board. The Department anticipates initiation of a pilot program in February 2012. XIV. Consider the feasibility of targeted and random undercover sting operations performed in custody facilities to ensure deputies are working within policy. The Sheriff discussed this motion during the November 1, 2011, closed session meeting. XV. Consider a "roll-out team" to investigate when there is a use of force in a custody facility. Recommendation implemented - noted in the November 1, 2011, letter. Beginning November 2011, the Department created a Custody Force Response Team (CFRT), comprised of 8 sergeants and a lieutenant, who are tasked with responding to custody facility force incidents. The CMTF created a set of criteria that mandate facility watch commanders to contact the CFRT and request a response. The CFRT sergeant will oversee and assist in the force documentation for the facility. In the course of reviewing the incident, the CFRT Sergeant shall give specific direction to the handling supervisor. If any policy violations are discovered, the CFRT will immediately assume responsibility of the force investigation and initiate an internal investigation. All incidents requiring a CFRT response will be reviewed by a newly formed Custody Force Review Committee (CFRC) comprised of 3 Commanders assigned to Custody and Correctional Services Divisions. The CFRC has the authority to order additional investigation, make recommendations, or request an Internal Affairs Investigation if there appears to be a possible violation of Department policy. Page 8 of 9 RECOMMENDATIONS BY MERRICK BOBB AND OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW REGARDING THE JAIL SYSTEM As of January 1, 2012, the CFRT has responded to assist in investigation and documentation of 10 use of force incidents and monitoring two additional incidents. XVI. Report back in 30 days on the hiring standards for deputy sheriffs and how they changed during the last hiring push. Recommendation completed - A full report on the hiring standards was provided in the November 1, 2011, letter. XVII. Consider a two-track career path for deputies, patrol deputies and custody deputies. On December 16,2011, members of the CMTF concluded an extensive twomonth study which analyzed different methods of implementing a two-track career path within the LASD. Study results and CMTF recommendations were presented to the Sheriff, on December 21, 2011. The Department will be meeting with members of ALADS and PPOA to discuss the recommendations. XVIII. Review existing policy of assigning new deputies to custody functions, specifically, the length of time spent in custody and the hiring trend as its primary determining factor, and revise the policy to reduce the length of time deputies serve in custody. On October 28, 2011, the Department authorized custody personnel to initiate extensions if they desire to remain in their current assignment. To date, 228 deputies have taken advantage of this offer, which will ultimately cause a reduction of time that deputies will serve in a Custody assignment. Recommendations for a two-track career path were reviewed by the Sheriff on December 21,2011, which will reduce the length oftime deputies serve in custody. Department members will be meeting with members of ALADS and PPOA to discuss the recommendations. Page 9 of 9 A lOS ANGElES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT ~ FORCE USED BY MONTH SIGNIFICANT VS LESS SIGNIFICANT "V: January Sig Force CUSTODY DIVISION March February Less Sig Force less Sig Sig Total Force Force Sig Total April Sig Less Sig Total Force Force Force June less Sig May less Sig Force less Sig Sig Total Force Force Sig Total Force Force Total CRDF 6 2 8 8 S 13 4 4 8 2 2 4 5 2 7 10 1 EAST FACILITY 3 3 6 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 CST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 9 3 12 9 1 10 12 1 13 10 0 10 7 6 13 8 2 10 MEN'S CENTRAL JAIL 16 1 17 19 1 20 11 1 12 9 2 11 16 5 21 10 3 13 MIRA LOMA FACILITY 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NCCF 6 6 12 1 3 4 5 2 7 2 1 3 2 3 5 7 4 11 SOlJTH FACILITY 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 TWIN TOWERS S 2 7 8 1 9 3 2 5 7 1 8 10 0 10 6 1 7 45 18 63 49 13 62 38 10 48 31 6 37 42 17 59 41 12 53 IRC NORTH FACILITY 0 less Sig Force CUSTODY DIVISION Sig Total Force Sig Less Sig Force 0 September August July Sig 0 0 Total Force Force less Sig 5ig Total Force 0 November Oetober less Sig Force 0 Force Sig Total December Sig Less Sig Force Force Total Totals LessSig Force Force Slg Total LessSig Force force Total CRDF 7 2 9 6 2 8 6 1 7 3 1 4 4 4 8 3 4 7 64 30 94 EAST FACILITY 0 1 1 1 0 1 3 2 5 0 0 0 0 4 4 1 0 1 12 12 24 CST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 IRC 6 2 8 4 1 5 12 4 16 0 4 4 2 2 4 1 0 1 80 26 106 170 MEN'S CENTRALJAIL 17 3 20 17 0 17 11 2 13 4 5 9 6 6 12 2 3 5 138 32 MIRA LOMA FACILITY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 NCCF 5 3 8 5 1 6 2 3 5 4 1 5 3 3 6 2 4 6 44 34 78 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 NORTH FACILITY 0 SOlJTH FACILITY TWIN TOWERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 13 26 94 164 584 7 1 8 5 1 6 4 4 8 6 5 11 3 5 8 4 3 7 11 68 44 12 56 38 5 43 40 16 56 18 16 34 19 25 44 15 14 29 420 2 2 1 Force By Month 60 , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - so +------:::0------------------------------------------- 40 -l-------~~----____:~==::::::=:::::=---=~"""";;;;::::=---,---------- 30 +---------------=-------------------------'1.------------ 20 t----:=-----------------------------~::::;;~=;;;;;;;:~,-- 10 +-----=::::~~""""',_____- L-----=::===~'o;;;::"""--~~----------Jan Feb Mar Apr May lui Jun -Significant Aug 50p Oct Nov Dec - l e s s Significant fTotrJf:s pre:sented ore o:s 0/01/03/2012 Reportable force is less significant when it is limited to any of the follOWing and there is no injury or complaint of pain nor any indication of misconduct: Searching and handcuffing techniques resisted by the suspect, Department-approved control holds, come-along, or take down, Use of Oleoresin Capsicum spray, Freeze +P or Deep Freeze aerosols, or Oleoresin Capsicum powder from a Pepperball projectile when the suspect is not struck by a Pepperball projectile. Reportable force is significant when it involves any of the follOWing: Suspect injury resu Iting from use of force, Complaint of pain or injury resulting from use of force, Indication or allegation of misconduct in the application of force, Any application of force that is greater than a Department-approved control hold, come-along, or take down. This includes the activation of the electronic immobilization belt or the use of the Total Appendage Restraint Procedure (TARP). LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT FORCE USED YTD 2007-2011 120 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100 -2011 80 -2010 -2009 60 -2008 2007 40 20 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O+----.-----.-----r----.-----.-----.----.------.--,---,---,-----, Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2007 Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Grand Total Jul Aug 2008 Sep Oct 2009 Nov 2010 Dec 2011 Total Total Total Total Total Incidents Incidents Incidents Incidents Incidents 96 84 100 75 101 91 82 98 89 105 94 98 1113 'Totals presented are as of 01/03/2012 110 76 77 69 79 85 77 96 94 73 78 66 980 98 83 90 80 85 93 84 114 80 89 75 85 1056 49 51 81 71 70 72 63 67 56 52 51 56 739 63 62 48 37 59 53 56 43 56 34 44 29 584 JJA LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT XM~ INMATE ASSAULTS ON STAFF; INCIDENTS BY MONTH '-~. ~ January 1M vs Staff CUSTODY DIVISION CRDF EAST FACILITY IRC MEN'S CENTRALJAIL MIRA LOMA FACILITY NCCF NORTH FACILITY SOUTH FACILITY TWIN TOWERS February IMvs Staff Staff Inj Staff Inj 1M vs Staff Staff Inj 3 5 1 3 0 1 0 10 7 9 3 6 2 2 2 4 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 5 24 3 15 7 23 2 8 1 3 12 0 2 5 1 4 1 3 6 July CRDF EAST FACILITY IRC MEN'S CENTRALJAIL MIRA LOMA FACILITY NCCF NORTH FACILITY SOUTH FACILITY TWIN TOWERS Staff Inj August IMvs Staff Staff Inj September IMvs Staff Staff Inj 3 0 5 4 9 4 1 7 1 2 15 0 1 5 8 Staff Inj 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 2 1 16 1 7 1 8 0 2 1 3 Staff Inj Staff Inj 2 2 4 3 6 2 2 6 1 1 2 0 6 20 3 8 5 13 1M vs Staff Staff Inj 1 1 1 3 1M vs Staff 2 6 November October 1M vs Staff June May April 1M vs Staff 5 1M vs Staff CUSTODY DIVISION March 1M vs Staff December 1M vs Staff Staff Inj 3 1 3 2 0 1 1 1 1 8 Staff Inj 3 3 1 0 0 1 1 0 3 1 6 0 4 Inmate Assaults on Staff 30 2S 20 15 10 5 o Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul --Assaults *Totals presented are as of 01/03/2012 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec