Letter Response to Citizen Complaints of Excessive Force, LASD Discovery Unit, 2016
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Cor-rxrY oF Los Axcnlps Jrll McDoNNBLL, Snnnrnr clanuary 27, 2016 Bill Clifi,on law Offices of clames S. Muller ee5 E. Broadway, Suite IO?F Glendale, California gIeOb Dear }lr. CUfton: TLris letter is in response to your request, for record.s d.ated. and received. by the los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Discovery Unit, on clanuary 2O, eOI6. In your request, you are seeking the foJlowing: o "The mrmber of citizen complaints of excessive force being used_ by LASD d-eputies during the previous four years (eOIe - eOID) and. the number of those that were sustained. by LASD internal review.', Eesponse: when a public member contacts ttre I,os Angeles county sheriff's Department to make a complaint, the complaint is d.ocumented. on a Watch commander's service comment, Report. There are several complaint categories, including "TJnreasonable Force. " The total number of public complaints about "TJnreasonable Force,' dr,rring the years you requested are: 30IO:124 eOII: I5O 3OI2: 90 20I5: 9e 2OI4: Ill RO15: 6e Please be advised that complaints about, un-reasonable force could. range from an allegation of force to criminal misconduct,, such as Assaglt Und.er Color of Authority. Additionally, there were no cases sustained. by internal review. 211 W'nsr Tplpm Srnllr. ,-{ Los AxcnLes. CArrF,oRNrA g,oolz Bill Clifton -e- clanuary 27, eOI6 of the above total, the following nrmber of complaints resuLted in a finding that the employee's conduct, could have been beiter or shouLd. have been different: 20r0: 8 2OI I: I5 3OI2: 7 I 20L4: II 30r5: 20r5: 5 Definition of "could have been better,,: The employee,s actions were in compliance with procedures, policies, gfuid.erin&. The comptaint cou1d. have been minimized if the emproyee had employed tactical communication principles or common sense. Definition of "should have been djfferent,": The employee,s actions were not in compJiance with estabrished. proced.ures, poricies, 6frride]ines or training. Watch Command.er will take appropriate action. If you have any qluestions, please contact, Lieutenant KalLenberger of the Discovery Unlt at (AeA) g9O-5OOO. Sincerely, qIIM MCDONNELI, SHEB,IFF n A^ ll/) l) 1s562s -/J'rry U Scott, E. clohnson, Captain B,isk Management Bureau