MCF-Shakopee Orientation Handbook MD DOC 2012
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1 ) .MCF-Shakopee Orientation Handbook .) REVISED 5.1.2012 1 2 MCF/ Shakopee Offender Information ) Table of Contents Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3 Accounts ........................................................................................................................... 3 Canteen ............................................................................................................................. 3 Case Management ............................................................................................................ 4 Courtyard .......................................................................................................................... 4 Discipline ........................................................................................................................... 4 Education .......................................................................................................................... 5 Emergency and Safety Situations ................................................................................... 5-6 Food Service ... ......... ..... ..... ..... ............ ............. .................... .. .... ..... .................................. 6 Health Services ................................................................................................................. 7-8 Institution Communication ............................................................................................... 8-9 ) Key Control ....................................................................................................................... 9 Living Unit Expectations .................................................................................................. 9-10 Lock Down ........................................................................................................................ 10 Mail .................................................................................................................................... 11 Mental Health/CD ............................................................................................................. 11-12 Notary ................................................................................................................................ 12 Programs ........................................................................................................................... 13 Property ............................................................................................................................ 13-14 Recreation ......................................................................................................................... 14-15 Sanitation Practices ......................................................................................................... 15-16 Security and Control ......................................................................................................... 17 Work Assignments ........................................................................................................... 18-20 ) Visiting .............................................................................................................................. 20 REVISED 5. l.201 2 2 3 Introduction New offenders admitted to MCF Shakopee go to the Receiving and Orientation (Broker) Unit. Offenders learn about the rules, regulations, and procedures during Orientation. Many Minnesota Dept. of Corrections (DOC) rules/regulations are the same in all facilities; however, some rules will differ from one ) facility to another. Below is general information for the offenders. Policy manuals are located in the Library for the offenders to reference. ACCOUNTS Explanation of " Loan": New offenders will receive a "loan" of $15.00. The "loan" ($15.00) will be paid back with the first money the offender receives in their account, whether it is money that the offender brings in with them or money that is sent in to the offender. An example of an offender statement, (if an. offender came in with $25.00 cash): Date Date Date Date Date Transaction Description Transaction Amount Loan 15.00 Receipt - Intake 25.00 (15.00) Deduction-ADVN-LOAN Deduction-FCC-10% (2.50) Balance 15.00 40.00 25.00 22.50 Cost of Confinement: 10% of all money that comes into MCF/SHK is taken. NOTE: Returnees do not receive the "loan." IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THE OFFENDER KEEPS A RECORD OF THEIR MONEY AND KEEPS ALL RECEIPTS. Family and friends can send money to an offender. It must be in a money order, cashier's check or certified check. It must be made payable to " offender's name and OID number and MCF-Shakopee" and it must also have the sender's name and full address on it. Offenders will be sent a receipt for all money that is sent to them. Family and friends can also send money to offenders via Western Union. ALL MONEY ORDERS MUST BE SENT TO: OFFENDER NAME & OID #, MCF MOOSE LAKE, PO BOX 1000, MOOSE LAKE, MN 55767. Cash or personal checks will not be accepted. • Offenders cannot exchange money or property with another offender or their family or visitors. • Offenders cannot exchange money or property with staff or volunteers. CANTEEN All items, beverages, clothing, electronics, food, hygiene, phone time, etc. are ordered through canteen. Offenders may only submit one canteen slip each week. On holidays offenders may be required to turn canteen slips in early. All offenders will be notified of any changes via the Memo of the Day. The process for canteen is as follows: Canteen order forms are in the offender mailboxes Friday or Saturday morning. The form is to be filled out completely and placed in the unit mailbox by Wednesday 9:00 p.m. Money must be in offender accounts by Thursday. Orders are scanned Thursday. Money can be taken from offender account anytime on Thursday or Friday. The canteen orders are filled at another facility then sent via truck on Tuesday. While offenders are in R & 0, they will pick up their canteen on Wednesday after their LUNCH mealtime. If an offender has insufficient funds she will be notified through the mail. (Offenders are not to report to canteen if they receive this notice). Offenders will report to canteen and check their orders to verify everything is correct. If offenders ask, they will be allowed to try on their clothing purchases before signing the receipt. Offenders should NOT sign the receipt if there is a discrepancy. The Canteen staff will ensure that orders for segregation offenders are delivered to the unit. Canteen staff will inventory all electronic items purchased. (The offender name will be added to the property list for pick up on Thursday). There is a $120.00 weekly spending limit. All canteen should fit into the two foot lockers. Offenders must always be in the two bin compliance. REV ISED 5. 1.2012 3 4 Case Management Case Managers assist with various elements for offenders during their incarceration. They are a contact person and act as a liaison between the offender and the community. Case managers will meet with offenders within six weeks of their admission to allow an adjustment period to their incarceration. Case Managers will review offenders' information, conduct assessments, develop appropriate case plans, and recommend programming. They will meet annually with offenders to conduct progress reports, and assist with release plans. COURTYARD Offenders may use the courtyard for recreational purposes. Violations of any of the courtyard rules may result in a consequence. A. Offenders are allowed use of the courtyard during posted times. The courtyard hours will be posted on the Weekly Activity Schedule. A minimum amount of offenders are needed for it to remain open. B. The Watch Commander has the discretion to: 1. Close the courtyard at any time due to inclement weather, emergency situations, etc. 2. Limit the number of offenders in the courtyard. C. Offenders will move to/from the courtyard at regular movement times. During ICS activations (ALevels) all movement stops. Officers in the courtyard will direct offenders to cease movement and sit down. D. While signed out to the courtyard, offenders must remain in posted areas within the courtyard. A map is posted in the units. E. During movements, offenders must sit by the colored tables/wall facing the C2 door and wait for movement to close. Offenders will not interfere with staff supervising movements, or offenders making movement. During movements, offenders may not enter the Core Building to use the restroom . F. The only items allowed in the courtyard are: 1. materials to write letters; 2. reading materials or school work; 3. portable radios (walkmans) only if offender is attentive to staff in the area. (At movement times, these items must be removed.) G. The water fountain is for drinking only. H. Offenders cannot communicate with others through any windows of the buildings. I. Recreation equipment is supplied for the offenders at posted times. (A sign out sheet will be in the recreation cart. J. Offenders must not lie down in the courtyard. K. Offenders must not sit on the retaining walls of the stairways in the courtyard. L. Singing/dancing is not allowed in the courtyard. M. Courtyard tables may not be moved. N. Offenders may not sit on tabletops. 0. Tables by Monahan and Novello walks are for sitting area only. P. There is no physical contact allowed. Q. Photos and U.S. mail are not allowed. R. Do not impede on other's progress through courtyard. S. Courtyard closes when yard lights come on unless directed by Watch Commander. T. Running is not allowed. Courtyard Equipment Courtyard equipment such as board games, hacky sacks, jump ropes, etc. is available April-October in the courtyard. Make sure you sign them in and out properly. DISCIPLINE Offenders must obey the rules written in the Discipline Regulations Handbook /Informal Sanction plan. If an offender does not follow the rules/expectations, disciplinary action will be taken. The Discipline regulation Handbook explains the offender's rights in the discipline system. Th ere is a formal discipline system and an informal sanction plan. REVISED 5.l.2012 4 ) 5 EDUCATION Overview and Testing Adult Basic Education (ABE), career/ technical programs, and other post secondary options are available through the Education Department. Specific educational programming ranges from basic literacy instruction to college course enrollments, depending on an individual's eligibility. During R & 0, all offenders are given the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE). This assessment provides information regarding reading and math proficiency, guides staff in student class placement, and determines eligibility for other educational programming. It is to an offender's advantage to give their best effort on this test. Educational Programming All offenders who enter MCF-Shakopee without a high school diploma or GED are mandated to attend school to work toward high school completion or equivalency. Enrollment in these classes is a full time paid education assignment. Offenders also may be eligible to work on skill remediation in the computer lab upon teacher recommendation or, if not mandated to school, by signing up for general population time slots. Those offenders that enter the facility with a GED or high school diploma may be eligible for college readiness classes and career/vocational programming. MCF-Shakopee currently has 2 career programs; Office Support and Cosmetology, both of which are full time paid education assignments. Offenders who are interested in college and work readiness preparation may be eligible for the Transition to Post Secondary and Work (TPSW) class. This is also a full time paid education assignment. Eligible offenders may also participate in college programming as space and enrollment criteria allow. Typically, 1 or 2 classes are held each semester and space is limited. Information on these classes including the application process will be found in the Memo of the Day. It is important to read the Memo of the Day regularly to find out about these opportunities and other education announcements. Questions may be directed via kite to the Education Department. Library Services are available for use to research, study, and gather reading materials. The library hours are posted on the Bulletin board of each Unit. The library contains: law library materials, nonfiction, fiction, magazines, and reference books. It also participates in an inter-library loan program. The Law Librarian from the State Law Library is available to offenders on a limited basis in the Institution and through the U.S. mail service. Appointments to meet with the law librarian are made by sending a kite. Offenders may go to the library during their assigned unit time & must remain in the library until the next movement time. EMERGENCY AND SAFETY SITUATIONS Offenders must follow all Staff directives. Do not ask Staff questions during a situation. If needed, offenders may be directed to their cells. Offenders will remain in their cell until the staff clears the situation. Do not push the call button (the button to open the door) unless it is an emergency. If the offender is in the courtyard, the offender must remain there unless directed otherwise. During emergencies offenders must respond quietly and quickly. Fire Alarms If the fire alarm sounds in the unit, offenders must immediately EXIT THE BUILDING by the front entrance and follow all staff directives. Below are the behavior expectations during a situation: o o o o o o o Form a single file line. Do not block the doorway. Do not talk or ask staff questions Follow any directives given by any staff. Keep the noise at a minimum. Respond when your name is called (give your room number and name when requested). Upon completion of the alarm, offenders may be directed to their cells. REVISED 5.1.2012 5 6 If the fire alarm sounds in the Core Building or Industry Building, offenders will immediately evacuate the building. Offenders are to stay with their work/class/group outside the building until the fire drill is cleared. A formal count may be held when the fire drill is cleared. Tornado Warning ) If a tornado warning is announced, offenders must report to the lowest wing/pod on their side of the building. Staff will direct offenders in the Core Building or Industry Building to the designated shelter areas. The following are the behavior expectations for this type of situation: o o o o o Offenders must sit on the floor of the shelter area. Offenders are not to block doors or stairs, or sit in front of windows or any glass. All room doors must be closed. Offenders will remain seated until directed otherwise. Failure to follow any directive given during an emergency or alarm will result in discipline action. The safety of everyone in the institution is dependent on everyone reacting quickly and quietly. FOOD SERVICE All offenders will be offered three (3) meals per day (except holiday brunch). Attending meals are optional. Offenders must attend their assigned meal time (REFER TO THE GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET). OFFENDERS MUST FOLLOW ALL RULES LISTED BELOW: 1. Offenders will enter food service forming two lines at the doors. 2. Offenders may choose from a regular or alternative tray. No additions or substitutions may be made to either tray. 3. Offenders will continue through the line and take only one carton of milk and one glass for the beverage station. 4. Offenders are not allowed to return to the line for forgotten items. 5. After the offenders receive their meal and beverage, offenders must be seated at the next open seat, as directed by staff. 6. Loud talking or yelling in food service will not be tolerated. Do not talk table to table. 7. Offenders are not allowed seconds or refills on any item. 8. Offenders are only allowed to leave their seat to return their tray to the dish room service window. 9. When movement is called, offenders will return their trays to the dish room service window and exit food service in an orderly fashion (all food and garbage should be removed from the tables upon leaving). 10. All offenders will exit out the exterior C1 door. If offenders are re-entering the CORE bldg they will re-enter again by the C2 door. 11 . Nothing may be taken out of food service, except for dietary supplements. 12. Offenders are not allowed to share or pass food or drinks in food service. REVISED 5.1.2012 6 7 HEALTH SERVICES Each offender is provided continuous health care from admission until the time of release. Co-Payments for Health Services An offender will be assessed a $5.00 co-payment whenever the offender initiates a chargeable visit, including routine dental, eye and physical examinations. (Chargeable visit- an encounter with a health care practitioner which is provided at the request or initiation of an offender, either through sick call, an encounter outside of the emergency definition or an unscheduled walk-in visit). Exceptions are listed below. Co-payments will not be assessed in the following instances: 1. For annual Mantoux, initial HIV testing, and immunizations. 2. For initial testing, treatment and follow up for reportable communicable diseases. 3. For health care practitioner initiated clinic visits, including ordered or scheduled follow-up visits. 4. For emergencies. (Emergency- a condition considered to be possibly life threatening or related to loss of limb or major body function requiring immediate attention.) 5. For work related injuries verified by an incident report. 6. For initial evaluation and treatment of injuries resulting from assault or sports activity. 7. For renewal of life-sustaining medications necessary for the management of long-term medical problems such as seizure disorders, diabetes, cardiac disease, hypertension or endocrine disorders. 8. When visits are part of a chronic care protocol. 9. To obtain lab or x-ray results. Offenders who believe an erroneous co-payment has been assessed may send a kite to Health Services with a copy of the offender account statement, requesting a review of the charges within 30 days of the charge. Kites received after that date will not receive a refund. Sick Call: Sick call is posted on various days. Offenders must sign up in their living units before lockdown the night prior to a designated sick call day AND must also fill out the PINK SICK CALL slip and send it to MEDICAL via the Inter-institutional mail. During sick call you will be evaluated by a nurse and charged $5.00 co-pay. There is no exception for pre-existing or chronic health issues. Staff will notify the offender as to what time to go to their appointment. Unauthorized Lay-in {Sick) An offender must report sick to staff no less than one half hour before the time that she is to be at her work assignment. Any activity that appears on an offender Master Schedule is considered a scheduled assignment. When an offender reports sick, she is placed on ULI until the following morning at 5:30am. Offender must follow all sick leave rules. Refer to the General Information Schedule that is posted in the units. Medications: All medication must be kept in its original containers. Over the counter (OTC) meds: offenders are encouraged to purchase these from the canteen. Keep on Person (KOP) meds: offenders are authorized to have these medications in their room. Directly observed therapy (DOT) meds: offenders are administered these medications at the health service pill window at designated medication times. Offenders must present their ID card prior to receiving their medications. Offenders are required to swallow their medications in front of staff and a mouth check will be completed to verify this. Unused medications If an offender is issued more than one card of the same medication, finish one card before starting the next card. When the card has expired, turn in expired card with the remaining medication. If the card is empty the offender must tear off the top portion and give it to their unit staff. The bottom portion can be discarded. o An offender may not share medication or have another offender's medication in her possession. REVISED 5. 1.201 2 7 8 o An offender may not have more medication in the container than the amount shown on the label. o Medication is to be kept in the offender's room in gray hygiene bin locked up when double o o o bunked. Prescribed medication can never be carried on an offender's person without permission from the medical department. The only exceptions are inhalers used for breathing difficulties and nitroglycerin. Medication should never be out of its container, i.e.: no pills should be lying on the counter or floor. Any lost or found medication must be reported to staff immediately. Offenders are required to give any medication to staff immediately (upon staff request). ) Medication refills: Medications with a current order will be automatically refilled by the pharmacy. This does not include as· needed (PAN) medications. Offenders should use the medication refill request form to notify health services when these need to be re-filled. (Current orders only). Non-life sustaining medications will not be automatically renewed. A re-evaluation of medical symptoms is required through the sick call process. Expired medications need to be turned into staff. Staff will return expired meds to health services for disposal. Directly Observed Therapy Meds (DOD These times are posted on the General Information Sheet on the bulletin board. It is the responsibility of the offender to take the medication at the correct time. Staff administered medications are administered at the "MED window" located in the core building across from Food Service before the meal times. The followi ng procedures must be followed when receiving Staff Administered medications: o Only one offender may step to the "MED window" at any given time. The other offenders will form a line o o o o o o o Back and away from the "MED window'' following Staff directives. The offender will come to the "MED window," show ID card, then pick up water and return to window for medication. The offender is not to turn or walk away with medication in their mouth. The offender should never have candy or anything else in her mouth when at the pill window. Offenders will be required to take the medication in their hand and then put it directly into their mouth. The offender will swallow the medication in front of staff. The offender's mouth will be inspected to insure that the medication is no longer in her mouth. Dental/Hygienist: Dental services are posted on the General Information Sheet. Offenders may sign up in their living unit for emergency dental services. A $5.00 co-pay will be charged. INSTITUTION COMMUNICATION All offenders are encouraged to communicate verbally or in writing to resolve concerns or issues. MCF/Shakopee has several committees that allow offenders to address their concerns in various areas listed. Activity Schedule: Published weekly and distributed on Fridays. The schedule contains a listing of all activities recreation/groups/program for the following week. This is posted on the bulletin board. Canteen/Property Council: An offender may express concerns and suggestions for new products for the Canteen to their Representative in their living unit. This committee meets with the Canteen/Property Supervisor to discuss Canteen and Property issues. Chain of Command: Offenders are expected to follow the proper chain of command. This information is posted in each unit (on the bulletin board). Kite: A written form of communication from one offender to a staff. REVISED 5. 1.2012 8 9 Memo of the Dav (MOD): The MOD is published Monday through Friday. It contains the information from and about all areas of the institution. Offender Council: The Assoc. Warden of Operations, Assoc. Warden of Administration, Program Director, and Captain meet with offender representatives from each living unit to discuss offender issues ) and ideas. Offenders may submit questions or suggestions to their unit representatives to be discussed at these meetings. The purpose is to address offender concerns and allow for communication with administrative Staff. This group meets every eight weeks (approximately). KEV CONTROL Each offender will be issued a key for her own room, mailbox, and the closet doors. An "Offender Key Agreemenf' will be completed and signed each time a room key is issued. Each offender will be responsible for getting into her room without the assistance of Staff, and for the condition of her room key. An offender will be charged a replacement cost for a lost or damaged key. An offender moving to a new room will return keys to the unit Staff before the move. The offender will be issued new keys and sign another key agreement. A $5.00 per key charge will be assessed for lost keys. Offenders may also be assessed the $5.00 charge for keys that break off in the locks. Offenders should notify staff if their keys are bent, cracked or damaged. Cells/rooms must be locked when the offender is out of it. Living Unit Expectations 1. DAYROOM(S) - not limited to the following a) The majority will determine the TV station to be watched. If there is a disagreement staff may shut off the TV. b) Newspapers and TV guides are to remain in the dayroom. c) Offenders may not leave personal items in the dayroom. d) Offenders may not lie down or place their feet on furniture. e) Offenders may not re-arrange the furniture, unless permitted by staff. f) Food and drinks must be consumed at a table. Food and drinks are not permitted on the floor or allowed in phone areas. g) Offenders must keep noise level to a minimum while in the dayroom. Offenders violating this rule may be sent to their room and/or receive a sanction for disturbing others. ) 2. KITCHENS a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 3. Offenders must remain in the kitchen when using the microwave. Only six (6) offenders are allowed in the kitchen at one time. Offenders may NOT brown ramen noodles or intentionally burn popcorn. Offenders must clean up their own mess after using the kitchen. Offenders may not enter the kitchen while it's being cleaned by unit maintenance workers. Paper towels are to remain in the kitchen. Paper towels may not be used to wrap food. Offenders must use the ice scoop and not their cups/glasses, containers, when getting ice. LAUNDRY ROOMS a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Monday-Friday each wing will be assigned a wing to do laundry. State-issue linens cannot be laundered on Saturdays or Sundays. The laundry room is for doing laundry and ironing ONLY. Offenders must promptly remove items from the washing machines and dryers. Offenders may not leave the unit with laundry in the machines. Offenders can only use one washer/dryer at a time. Offenders must not put any plastic scrub brushes, shoes or pillows in the machines. REVISED 5.l.2012 9 10 4. TELEPHONE USE a) Offenders must keep their voice to a reasonable level when using the phone. b) Offenders must keep their feet off the walls when using the telephone. c) Offenders are not allowed to sit on the floor when using the telephone. 5. ) CHEMICALS a) Offenders must sign-in and sign-out chemical caddies; do not take individual bottles. Take the entire caddy. b) Use the cleaning chemicals for their intended purpose only. c) Use protective equipment as indicated (safety glasses and/or gloves). d) Chemicals are pre-diluted. Do not add water or more chemicals, or mix together. e) All chemicals signed out must be returned to the cart prior to lockdown. 6. CONTROLLED ITEMS a) All items checked out from the staff station must be returned one-half hour prior to the end of each shift or before nightly lockdown. b) Offenders must return any items before leaving the unit. c) Offenders are responsible for any items or equipment checked out and they are not allowed to the leave the items in a common area or give them to another offender. d) Offenders cannot check out any items or equipment while serving LOPs/DLOPs/UI or ULI unless they are on their break. 7. MOVEMENT TIMES a) b) c) d) Offenders may not block the front entry/glass area. Offenders may not get their mail during movement times. Offenders may not ask for anything during movement times or shift briefings. Offenders may not remove the sign-in/sign-out books from the tables/counters. If an error is made, offenders must sign back in and sign back out. e) Offenders may not sign out more than 10 minutes before any movement. f) Offenders on Status (LOP I DLOP I UI I Ul-ED or ULI) may sign-out five (5) minutes before movement. g) Offenders may have the following on their person when leaving the unit: lip balm, panty liners, tampons, nitroglycerin tablets, albuterol inhalers, and any school/programming materials if the currently signed-out to the school/program assignment. Staff must give prior offender is authorization for any others items carried out of the unit by offenders before movement is called. 8. LOITERING a) Whenever an offender, whether in their hallway, laundry room, dayroom, kitchen, or in the facility at large is moving from one area to another, she is required to move directly to her assigned destination. Stopping along the way to talk with someone or going out of the way to accomplish a personal objective, or delaying their arrival for any reason is considered loitering. Offenders may not stand in front of other cells/rooms. Lock Down- Begins each evening at 9:25pm formal count. Lock down ends each morning at 5:30 hours; however offenders are still locked in their wings/pods until after 6:30 count clears. NOTE: If offer)ders are in dry cells, they can use the restroom for toilet purposes only from 9:25pm-5:30am. From 5:30-6:30 am, offenders are allowed to complete hygiene tasks to prepare for the day. If on status, they must shower during their break time. Phone use is not allowed until lockdown ends. REVISED 5.l.2012 10 ) 11 MAIL There are two mail boxes in each of the units. One is for US Mail, and the other is for Inter-Institution mail. It is the offender's responsibility to deposit the mail in the appropriate box. Offenders cannot ask officers to remove items, once deposited. Offenders can check their personal mail once lock down ends each morning. Mental Health/CD Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Intake Assessments: Within the first fourteen days of incarceration, offenders will be seen by mental health staff for a mental health, and if incarcerated for longer than 180 days, a chemical dependency intake assessment. During this process it is important that you be open and honest about your mental health and chemical dependency history, as well as any current symptoms, in order to receive appropriate recommendations for programming. All offenders will be assigned to a primary mental health provider at intake. This is the person you should contact, via kite, with any questions or concerns regarding your mental health during incarceration. CHEMICAL HEALTH PROGRAM: Addiction Services/Changing P.A.T.H.S. Substance Abuse Treatment Program: Changing P.A.T.H.S. is a substance abuse treatment program for women based in a therapeutic community. Changing P.A.T.H.S. offers an opportunity to develop lifestyle skills to help maintain a sober and chemically-free lifestyle. The goal is to help clients with both addiction and emotional problems. Mental health services are available at all times throughout your treatment. You will learn how your addiction affects you physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and in terms of your self-image. The program offers you three phases of development; Orientation Phase, Main Phase, and Re-entry phase. Offenders are assessed by the Mental Health Staff for substance abuse during Receiving and Orientation. The Chemical Dependency Assessor will make a recommendation for intervention services. Chemical health treatment, self help groups and individual counseling are available. Addiction Treatment programs are available in the Monahan living unit. Treatment plans are individualized to target problem areas and specific treatment goals. MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMS: Women of Wellness (WOW) Program: Women of Wellness fY'JOW) is a supportive living unit designed to provide psycho-education, skills, and therapy to offenders so they may better manage their mental-health symptoms as they return to the general population at MCF-SHK. Women are expected to commit to 21 days of WOW programming followed by 21 days of Women of Wellness transition fY'JOW-T) programming. Additionally you will be expected to participate daily in the gym and attend food service. Contact WOW for additional information. Women of Wellness - Pain Management (WOW-PM) Program: Women of Wellness WOW-PM is a supportive living unit designed to provide psycho-education, skills, and therapy to offenders with chronic pain so they may better manage their physical and emotional symptoms as they return to the general population at MCF-SHK. Women are expected to commit to approximately 12 weeks of WOW-PM programming (6 weeks WOW-PM Program and 6 weeks WOWPM Transitions). Additionally you will be expected to participate daily in the gym and attend food service. Contact WOW-PM for additional information. Sex Offender Treatment: The sex offender treatment program (SOTP) is an outpatient program designed for offenders directed to complete sex offender treatment during incarceration. The goal of the program is to help offenders make positive changes in multiple areas of their lives to prevent them from re-offending, but also to live happier, fuller lives in the community. Offenders need to be in the facility at least two years to be offered treatment. The program includes four phases: assessment, pre-treatment, primary treatment, and REVISED 5.1.2012 11 12 aftercare. Treatment includes process and psycho-education groups, as well as individual therapy. Offenders live in the Monahan unit to provide additional support and stability while going through the program. Treatment plans are individualized to target problem areas and specific treatment goals. Mental Health Sleep and Anxiety Group: ) The Sleep and Anxiety Group is a support group for sleep and anxiety concerns. It's designed to provide psycho-education, skills, and therapy to offenders with sleep/anxiety issues so they may better manage their symptoms in general population at MCF-SHK. This group meets on Wednesday in the AM. Contact Mental Health Sleep and Anxiety Group for additional information. Mental Health Sadness and Depression Group: The Sadness and Depression Group is a support group for sadness and depression concerns. It's designed to provide psycho-education, skills, and therapy to offenders with sadness/depression issues so they may better manage their symptoms in general population at MCF-SHK. This group meets on Wednesday in the P.M. Contact Mental Health Sadness and Depression Group for additional information. Psychiatry Services: If you are currently on Psychotropic medications, see below: In an effort to provide you with more effective and efficient psychiatric services, psychiatry will no longer be responding to kites. In the event that you have run out of your psychiatric medications, send a kite to Medical. If you are experiencing continuous mental health symptoms or significant psychiatric medication side effects, or want to know when your follow-up appointment with psychiatry is scheduled, kite Mental Health. NOTARY Notary services are available for the offenders. Offenders can sign up for Notary Services using the white sign-up activity book distributed in each living unit. Dates and times will be listed on the sign up sheet in the Activity book. Offenders should not sign any paperwork unless she is in the presence of the notary. Programs: Groups are offered quarterly in the areas of Emotional/Personal, Family/Marital, Leisure/Recreation, Art Classes and Faith Based Programming each quarter. Registration is held shortly before each new quarter to allow offenders to enroll in groups or programming to meet their case plans while at MCF/Shakopee. Sign up books are distributed to each unit. Offenders are NOT allowed to drop a program once she is enrolled into a program and it's added to her Master Schedule. PROPERTY Two Bin Limit All offenders' personal and state-issued property included all inventoried personal property and noninventoried personal property must always be "in compliance" that is to say that all their property MUST fit into two gray bins (with the exception of winter coats, linens, blankets, TV and fan). Non-Inventoried Personal Property: Personal property that is a consumable item, and unfinished hobby craft item, or an item without a limit on the allowable items lists. REVISED 5.1.2012 12 13 Inventoried Personal Property: Personal property that has a specified limit on the allowable items lists. The institution will allow offenders to have a reasonable amount of personal property in the institution. No property will be allowed that is valued at more than $100.00. Personal Property: The institution maintains a record of all personal property entering or leaving the institution. A copy of this itemized, written record can be sent to the offender at the offender's request. There is a $.25 charge to receive a computerized printout. Inventoried personal property cannot be transferred, (given or sold) to another offender. The offender is responsible for the care and safekeeping of personal property. The institution will dispose of, donate, or sell items at state auctions that are not claimed within 90 days. Mandatory Linen Exchange: Done by Unit Staff on Saturdays at 8:35 p.m. Offender will fold and show linens to Staff away from the desk, 3 towels, 2 sheets, and 1 pillowcase to be documented. A clean set will be given to the offender at this time. An offender who will be out of the Unit must turn in her dirty linens to Staff before leaving the Unit. The offender will be charged a replacement cost by Property for any damaged or missing items. State issued Items: Alarm clocks and plastic drinking cups are for you to use while you are in the Receiving and Orientation Unit only. When an offender receives her Certificate, on the same day she must turn in her clock. If the alarm clock is found in your room after you complete R. & 0. it will be considered "contraband" and possible discipline actions may be taken. The offender can purchase clocks through the Canteen. Offenders will be expected to turn in all state issued items upon release from the institution. If an offender wishes to turn in any state items before release, the offender will deliver the items to the property window at designated drop-off times. Before an offender is released, the institution will provide an outfit. If an offender is released from the institution to the community between October 1 and March 31, the offender will be allowed to keep a state issued winter coat. Released violators are not eligible for another winter coat or outfit. A coat will be issued during the winter months, but must be returned, no matter when the violator is released. Outgoing Property When preparing outgoing property, the offender will: o Complete a separate outgoing property sheet for each package. o List a quantity for each inventoried item. Non-inventoried items can be placed on the same sheet for convenience. o Deliver the outgoing property in an unsealed package along with the material, and the completed mailing labels at a designated property time. Orders being returned to a vendor/company: If an offender is sending an item back for a refund follow the outgoing property procedures above. No property will leave the institution unless it has been inspected and approved by Property Staff. Releases Before an offender is released, Property Staff will send a memo with specific release instructions that are to be followed. If the property is delivered to the property window late, the offender may be detained at the institution until all property has been checked or until 11 :55 pm. On the release date, the offender will be released with only the property checked. Offender must pick up any remaining property within 90 days of release or it will be disposed of. REVISED 5. I.20 12 13 14 RECREATION Hair Care 0 Sign up in the white three ring binder to use Hair Care. Both the stvlist and client will be notified via mall when you are scheduled to use Hair Care (date and time). ) ** Check scissors in and out of the Squad office or OCO, next to the C-2 door. Never leave the scissors unattended. **To cancel, you must send a kite to Recreation at least 24 hours in advance. Offenders who wish to cancel their Hair Care time must: 1. Indicate the stylist and client involved 2. Indicate the time which needs to be cancelled 3.. Indicate the date which needs to be cancelled If all three of these are not in your kite, your request to have your tim e cancelled will be denied. Recreation Sign up Forms: If you would like to participate in Volleyball, Softball, Basketball, Walk/Run, Tennis, Quilting, Meditation, etc. You must sign up on the Sign up Booklet that is in your unit. It is a white three ring booklet that is labeled "Sign up Sheets" The booklet is available Friday to Tuesday. You cannot sign up for two activities that are at the same time. Check the institution channel (channel 14) to see if you can attend the activity that you signed up for. This is the only way to see if you are on the list. Institution Channel- The institution channel is 14. Th is channel provides new release movies (per policy they have to be rated G, PG or PG-13); work out videos, Sign Up lists for activities, institution an nouncements, etc. A movie schedule is sent out to the units on a weekly basis. It is also posted in the gym on the bulletin board. Weekly Activity and Religious Schedule The weekly activity and religious schedule Is posted each week in the units and in the gvm on the bulletin board. Here you will find times for the courtyard, recreation activities and religious activities You will want to pay special attention when activities are split fie: Open Aerobics/Wgts (A-DJ, Open Gym (CORE), Open Gym (Tubman). ANY activity that has "Open" in front of it fie: Open Gym, Open Aerobics and Weights) you do not need to sign up for. Softball, Walk/Run, Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball, etc. you will need to sign up for. Note at Meal Times If you plan on coming to the gym or the library after your meal time, you must go to Food Service first. You cannot come to these destinations from your living units. For example: If you eat with Education----1. Go to Food Service with the Education group at your designated time. 2. When Education exits Food Service, come in through the C-2 door and go to the Library or Gym. If you have any questions, kite recreation staff/ institution librarian Note for Evening Med Line If you have gym time during your unit's medication time in the evening (6:35pm-7:35pm), you will come to the gym at 6:35pm and then go to the Med Line at the next movement tfme (7:35pm). RECREATION RULES 1. 2. 3. 4. Offenders must participate and remain active in the scheduled activity. Offenders must sign equipment in and out from the equipment storage room. No loitering by the equipment room. Offenders may not be in the weight room unless using the weight equipment. Equipment may only be used as intended. REVISED 5.1.2012 14 ) 15 5. 6. ) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Offenders may not leave the area without staff permission or until movement is announced. Offenders must hang their jacket, sweatshirt or button up shirt on the coat rack. Items cannot be on the equipment, TV stands, floor, etc. Offenders must always sign up for the cardio equipment. Offenders have a 20 minute time limit and offenders can only use one piece of equipment per visit. No lap walking around the gym. No running down the hall way to the gym or into the gym. Offenders must clean the cardio and weight equipment that they have used. Offenders must erase their name from the cardio sign up board when they are finished working out. Offenders must ask to use the restroom and take the pass. Offenders who have signed up for an activity must attend the activity unless on status, in an appointment, or in a visit. If you turn a fan on, you must turn it off. Books and homework are not allowed. Also, oHenders must be appropriately dressed, ID's must be appropriately displayed, and keys must stay on the offender. Pictures- Look at the Weekly Activity and Religious Schedule to see when individual picture times are offered. Visiting photos are offered during your visit (check the general information sheet for times). You are allowed to have five (5) pictures taken per session. Service tickets are purchased thru Canteen. Two tickets = one picture. Each ticket must be filled out with your full name and 010 prior to coming to the gym or visiting. There are three poses you can choose from. They are a full body, half body and sitting. You are always facing the camera with your hands either to the back of you or clasped in front of you. Picture(s) will be confiscated for back or side shots, gang signs, etc. If you do not follow these rules, your picture(s) will be confiscated and you will be restricted from all pictures for at least 30 days. When you have your initial individual and initial visiting picture taken, you will be issued a re-usable envelope. Keep the envelope(s) and bring them and the filled out service tickets to the photo session. Read the Offender Personal Photograph Rules and the Visiting Directive. Pictures are printed and sent to your living unit. SANITATION PRACTICES/INSPECTIONS Dress and Hvgiene Offenders will be permitted freedom in personal grooming if their appearance does not conflict with the facility's requirements for safety, security, identification and hygiene. All offenders will adhere to the grooming and hygiene standards. All offenders are required to be clean. Hair must be kept clean and may not be styled or cut to contain lettering, signs, or symbols (including eyebrows). Any offender who fails to maintain the minimum standards of personal hygiene will be subject to discipline. Hygiene supplies are for sale in the canteen. If an offender does not have money to buy them, they will be provided (see Indigent Offenders). Below are examples of proper dress: a) Shirt, pants, or shorts and shoes must be worn anytime an offender is out of her cell/room. The only exception is to and from the shower/bath (even then shower shoes MUST be worn). If wearing a button-up shirt without a t-shirt underneath, only the top button can remain unbuttoned. b) Shower shoes may not be worn outside the living unit (unless there is a medical restriction). REVISED 5. 1.201 2 15 16 c) d) e) f) g) h) i) No sunglasses may be worn indoors. Shirts may not have sleeves rolled up. Pant legs may not be rolled up. Pants/shorts must be pulled up to the waist. (Not saggy attire). Do-rags may only be worn inside cells/rooms. Headgear that is issued for specific work assignments may only be worn during that assignment. hats/caps may only be worn outdoors. j) Athletic headbands must be white and only worn during recreation activities. k) Approved religious medallions must be worn under garments on approved break-away chain/necklace. Any other religious items must be worn only during and in religious activities. I) Offenders must wear appropriate sleep attire that covers their entire torso area. Breasts and genitalia must be covered at all times, except when showering or using the restroom. m) Offender nails cannot exceed the fleshy tip of the finger/toe. n) Clothing must be worn in the dayroom. (Coats/shirts cannot hang on the backs of chairs). Clothing All offenders will have access to climatically suitable and durable clothing. The offender is responsible for all supplies issued to her. The offender will be charged a replacement cost by property for damaged or missing items. Suitable clothing will be issued to those offenders whose work sites require special clothing. Laundry facilities are provided in each living unit. Do not overload the washing machines. Always empty the lint traps on the dryers after each use. The offender is responsible for cleaning her clothes. Room Inspections When assigned to a cell, check it completely as you move in. Report damage or contraband to staff immediately. Offenders are responsible for the items in the cell. Scheduled room inspections will be completed. These inspections will state specific areas that the offender must correct. The offender may receive an "Informal Sanction" if the offender's room does not meet criteria for a clean room. Examples are as follows: 1. The bed must be made when the offender is not in her room. 2. All lights/electrical appliances must be turned off anytime an offender leaves the cell. 3. The mirror, sink, counters, faucet, windows, and toilet must be clean. 4. Dust above the lights, the top of the closet, the shelves, the window, and the blinds. 5. The floor must be swept and mopped, including under the trundle beds. 6. The trash must be emptied daily. 7. No boxes are allowed in the room. 8. Nothing can be on the window or window ledge. 9. Nothing can be on the mirror, walls, or shelves. 10. Greeting card must hang on the bulletin board within the frame. 11. Clothing cannot hang over the bathroom door, chair, or towel racks. 12. All papers must be kept in one drawer. All craft items must be stored in one drawer. All food items must be stored in one drawer. 13. Four (4) books per offender can be on the top shelf. Any additional reading material must be stored in one drawer. 14. All health and beauty items must be stored in the gray bin. Waste Disposal and Pest Control MCF/Shakopee recycles all batteries, cardboard, newspaper, office paper, and plastic. Offenders are responsible for placing all recyclable items in the proper containers. Containers are available as follow: o A container for battery disposal is located in each living unit. o Recycling bins are provided for plastic. o All cardboard boxes must be broken down and placed in front of the front entryway to be destroyed. o Trash from offender rooms is placed in the container in the laundry room not in the kitchen trash. o Staff should be notified of any pest control issues. REVISED 5.1.201 2 16 ) SECURITY AND CONTROL Identification Offenders must secure their ID cards above waist in the front of body facing out when out of room. Institution Formal Count Times 12:25 am - IN ROOM and ON BED (Silent Count) 4:25 am - IN ROOM and ON BED (Silent Count) 6:30 am - IN ROOM and ON BED 10:35 am - IN ROOM and ON BED, SITIING UPRIGHT ON BED 3:05 pm - IN ROOM and ON BED, SITIING UPRIGHT ON BED 6:05 pm - IN ROOM and ON BED, SITIING UPRIGHT ON BED IF IN ROOM or in MEDICAL, VISITING, or JOBSITE 9:25 pm-IN ROOM STANDING IN DOORWAY with ID TAG IN HAND and LIGHTS ON in rooms. Offenders are expected to be quiet as the staff completes counts. Once the officer counts the offender, the offender can get off their bed and move about in their room. Core Building Counts: Offenders present in Food Service, Health Services, Discipline, Visiting Room and Intake will remain in those areas for count. VERIFICATION COUNT: is a formal count conducted at any time other than our regularly scheduled formal count times. It is NOT an ID count. When a verification count is announced, offenders are to follow the same procedures they would if it were a regularly scheduled formal count. EMERGENCY COUNT: is an ID count. In an emergency count, all offenders !lli!fil return to their cell or room, stand at their door and present their ID to the counting officer. Offender Movements Offenders must move directly from point to point in the facility in an orderly manner. No more than five minutes are allowed for offender movement from the sending location to the receiving location. Movements are for scheduled education, scheduled programs, scheduled work sites, recreation activities, medical appointments, library, and courtyard times. All offenders must have prior authorization for any items carried by offenders during movement; this includes plastic bags and boxes. Si gning In and Out All offenders are required to sign out when leaving their unit, and to sign in when returning. When sig ning out of the unit, the offender must include the following information: o o Committed full name (print last name first) time out, all destination(s), in the correct order and upon returning the offender will need to sign in the time she returns in the Unit. Offenders may not sign out earlier than 1O minutes before movement. Offenders may sign out indicating up to eight destinations. (Status offenders can sign out 5 minutes prior to movement). An offender may not change another offender's sign in/out in any way, or sign another offender in or out. Offenders may not sign out until "Institutional Count Clears." Failure to follow the sign in and out will result in LOP's . There are !1Q warnings or exceptions. Additional Sign In and Out Books: There is also a sig n in and out book in the Library. When attending services at the Religious Activities, the offender must sig n in. The offender may only attend the area designated and the offender must be signed out to the area. REVISED 5. l.20 12 17 18 WORK ASSIGNMENTS Assignment possibilities withi n this institution give an offender the opportunity to learn marketable skills develop good work habits, and gain experience used for the current job market. Certain work assignments may have qualifications needed for entry into that assignment. ) There are three (3) types of assignments available in the institution: work, program, and education. Offenders are required to have a full time schedule of 1§..hours of work per week. During the Receiving and Orientation program each offender is reviewed and assigned a work or education assignment. New admissions that do NOT have a GED or high school diploma will be placed in Adult Basic Education (ABE) classes. New admissions that DO have a GED or high school diploma will be placed in either a Unit Maintenance position or a Food Service posi~ion as their Initial Job Assignment UNLESS the needs of the institution are such that workers are needed in other area·s. Work Rules Each offender is expected to follow the work rules as presented in the offenders WORKBOOK and at the work site. Each supervisor will go over these rules and other rules that are specific to the work area. Each offender will be asked to sign an acknowledgment of these rules to show that the offender has read and understands the rules. The work supervisor or designee may issue a 'Work Rule Violation" when a work rule is violated. Penalties for violating the work rules are issued in a progressive manner. Severity of an incident may warrant quicker progression in the steps (example: stealing). The offenders work record is also maintained on a computerized program. Offenders must wear long pants at their work site. Scheduled Hours Offenders are required to maintain an approved master schedule that consists of a combination of work, education, or programs. This gives offenders a workday that approximates the workday in the community. Scheduling Requirements Offenders will receive a copy of their master schedule with assigned job and education programs as well as the time and place they are to report. It is the offender's responsibility to verify that her Master Schedule is correct and accurate. If there are any discrepancies, the offender will use the kite system to notify the Work Coordinator. If an assignment is not available for the offender's requested work or education area, she will be assigned to a work assignment according to her eligibility date and the institution's needs. Offenders who refuse to work or willfully fail to carry an approved assigned schedule will be placed on Unassigned Idle Status. They may be charged with "Refusal to Work" and penalized through the Due Process procedures. Program Registration Procedures Quarterly information is available to all offenders. Programs and groups must be scheduled outside of work hours. This allows offenders to register for any Master Scheduled activity for an entire quarter. Program Registration is done quarterly thru the Sign-Up Activity three-ring binder available in each living unit. Education Course Registration Procedures Openings in Education are listed in the Memo of the Day and include instructions on how to apply. Quarterly Registration Periods Between program quarters and school semesters, those offenders whose Master Schedules decreases in hours will be placed on temporarily Unassigned Idle Status. When that registration period is closed, groups and/or classes need to be added to the offenders schedule or an approved work assignment needs to be in place. If the offender does not replace the groups/classes, apply for a work assignment, or REVISED 5. 1.2012 18 have a new approved schedule, she will be placed on Unassigned Idle Status and may be charged through the discipline system for "Refusal to Work". Temporary Unassigned: Is a status assigned to an offender who is capable of working but has not yet been assigned or has an assigned schedule of less than 15 hours per week. Temporary Unassigned (TU): TU is considered an administrative status assigned by the Work Assignment Coordinator. The offender on TU is confined to her room on weekdays, excluding holidays, and designated facility nonprogramming days Unassigned Idle CUI & UI - ED) A status assigned to an offender who has been terminated from, or refused an assignmenVprogram placement. UI and Ul-ED are considered administrative statuses assigned by the Work Assignment Coordinator. *Violations of TU/UI rules can result in discipline actions. Medical Placement (MP): Offenders that are permanently or temporarily unable to be assigned per medical reasons and/or no reasonable accommodation can be made. Authorized Absences An ·assignment will be held open for 1O working days due to medical or "no faulr absences. Some examples of "no faulf' absences are off-grounds court, furloughs, administrative segregation, and prehearing detention. Offenders may request to be granted leave from work to participate in alternate programming. Alternate programming consists of special institution activities in which supervisors, group coordinators and teachers are able to use their own discretion, based on workload to grant those leave hours. These activities will be marked as alternate programming through the announcements in the Memo of the Day. Offenders will not be paid for these types of absences. Unauthorized Absences An absence is unauthorized for any unapproved reason, such as when an offender has not followed the correct procedures to have the absence approved or when the offender quits an assignment without following the correct procedures. These absences will not be paid and the offender may be subject to discipline action. If an offender does not report to a scheduled assignment at the appointed time, unit Staff will check to see why the offender has not reported: A. If the offender is ill, she is placed on medical lay-in and receives an "informal sanction" for failing to report sick on time. B. If the offender is late in reporting to work, she has a half an hour to get to her Worksite. C. If the offender does not report to work within the half hour after being notified. She will be charged through discipline for "Refusal to Work." The offender will be immediately terminated from her work assignment by her work supervisor and be placed on unassigned idle status (UI). To Apply for a Work Assignment In order to apply tor, or change a work assignment, offenders must: o Complete an application listing all areas of work that the offender is interested in and send the completed application to the Work Coordinator. o Meet the necessary requirements and qualifications tor the position. o If the offender is changing jobs she must submit a two-week notice to her Work Supervisor and Work Assignment Coordinator. o Must have worked on your current job for 60 days before applying for another job. Offenders will be placed on a waiting list for a work assignment according to the eligibility requirements . Refer to the WORKbook for specifics. Offenders released from segregation or terminated are placed on unassigned idle for up to 90 days. Offenders must follow proper procedure in order to be removed from (UI). Failing to follow the proper REVISED 5. l .20 12 19 20 procedures could result in offender remaining on (UI) longer than the 90 days or processed through discipline as "Refusal to Work". Offenders in this category will be placed on the bottom of the waiting list, and have last priority for jobs. Behavior Initiated Reassignments: reassignment to a new job due to the offender's negative behavior such as, but not limited to, positive urinalysis or poor facility adjustment. Offender Initiated Requests for Reassignment: offenders are allowed to apply for a new and different work assignment by following the procedures as listed in the WORKBOOK, under To Apply for a Work Assignment. Both of the above result in a drop to Step 1 of DOC Pay Plan #2 Administrative Reassignment: Offenders may be transferred or reassigned when necessary to meet the needs of the institution (i.e. Special projects, shortage of workers in an area). If an offender is reassigned for the convenience of the institution, there is no reduction in pay. This type of reassignment is not standard procedure and must have the written approval of the Warden. Offender Work Rules (see WORKBOOK, Work Rules Instructions) VISITING Please read the offenders visiting manual. REVISED 5. 1.20 12 20