Memo for Chertoff Patriot Act Subpoenas to Foreign Banks 8-6-02
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""~"'T-~ 1.S. Just U.S.Depar1ment Department ofof Justice USDOJ Seal ,;:,... . Office ofthe of the Deputy Deputy Assistant Assistant Attomey Attorney General Office I'Vashington, D-C. D. C 20530 Washington, 20530 August 6, 2002 M E M O R A N D U M FOR F O R MICHAEL MICHAEL CHERTOFF CHERTOFF MEMORANDUM ASSISTANT ATTORNEY ATTORNEY GENERAL, CRIMINAL CRIMINAL DTVISION DIVISION ASSISTANT Whether Section Section 3i9(b) 319(b) ofthe of the Patriot for the the issuance Issuance of of Grand Grand Jury Jury Whether Patriot Act Act Includes Includes Authority Authorityfor Subpoenas Foreign Banks Banks That Maintain Maintain Correspondent Accounts in the Subpoenas to Foreign Correspondent Accounts the United United States States . The Asset Forfeiture Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section ofyour of your Division has asked for our of the Uniting and Strengthening America By Providing views concerning whether section 319(b) of Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA Patriot Act) Act of2001, of 2001, Pub. L. No. 107-56, tit. Ill, § 319(b), )115 272, 312-13 (to be codified codified at 31 U_S.c. U.S.C. Pub_ 15 Stat. 272,312-13 § 5318(k)(3)(A)(i» 5318(k)(3)(A)(i)) ("Patriot Act") provides authority for the issuance of of grand jury subpoenas to to i foreign banks that maintain correspondent accounts in the United States for records maintained maintained of the United States. 1) outside of 319(b) of the Treasury or the Attorney 9(b) provides in relevant part: "The Secretary of Section 3] or subpoena subpoena to any foreign bank that maintains a correspondent correspondent General may issue a summons or correspondent account, including account in the United States and request records related to such correspondent of the United States relating to the deposit of of funds into the foreign foreign records maintained outside of bank." !d. Id. at 3313. "'[t]he starting point in every case 13. As the Supreme Court has emphasized, "'[tJhe involving construction construction of of a statute is the language itself'" itself.'" Landreth Timber Co. v. Landreth, 471 Landreth Timber Landreth,471 U.S. 681, 685 (]985) (1985) (alteration in original) (quoting Blue Chip Stamps Stamps v. Manor Stores, U.S_ 68],685 Blue Chip Manor Drug Drng Stores, U.S. 723, 756 (1975) (Powell, J., concurring». concurring)). In that regard, we presume that "Congress "Congress 421 US. 'says in a statute what it means and means in a statute what it says there,'" there,"' Hartford Underwriters Hartford Underwriters Ins. Co. v. Union Union Planters U.S. 1,6 1, 6 (2000) (quoting Connecticut Connecticut Nat Planters Bank, Bank, N.A., N.A., 530 U_S. Nat'!7 Bank Bank v. Germain, 503 U.S. (1992)). "There is, of of course, no more persuasive evidence of of the Germain, U.S_ 249, 254 (1992». purpose of of a statute thail than the words by which the legislature undertook undertook to give e.xpression expression to its wishes." United United States States v. American Trucking Ass'ns, 310 U.S. 534, 543 (1940). Therefore, we we American Trucking Ass'ns, effect to the literal meaning of of the words ofa of a statute unless to do so would will give conclusive effect I We address only the question whether section 319(b) authorizes federal grandjuries grand juries to issue subpOenas subpoenas to 1o foreign foreign banks banks that that maintain maintain correspondent correspondent accounts accounts in in the the United United States Statesrequesting requestingrecords recordsrelated related totosuch such . correspondent We do nol Correspondent accounts. We not address whether there there is is any any other other source source ofauthority of authority for for the the issuance issuance of of such " ")) subpoenas by aa federal grand jury. jury. South Dakota Sioux Tribe, 522 U.S. 329, 346 lead to an absurd result. See, e.g., South Dakota v. Yankton SiOla: (1998); United United Stotes States v. X-Citement of (l998)~ X-Citement Video, Inc., Inc., 513 U.S. 64, 69-70 (1994). The language of section 3 319(b) " t h e Secretary of the Treasury or the Attorney General" General" I 9(b) expressly authorizes the "{tJhe subpoenas, it does not, by its terms, authorize any other individual or entity to issue to issue subpoenas~ subpoenas. Therefore, the plain terms of of this provision indicate that the persons to whom the subpoenas Secretary of the Treasury and the authority to issue a subpoena has been granted are only the Secretary'ofthe staff has suggested that perhaps the term "Attorney "Attorney General" Attorney General. Although your staff may be read to grant the grand jury subpoena authority, we do not agree that this term is susceptible to such a reading. Federal grand juries operate independently from from the prosecuting attorney, see see United Engineering, Inc., Inc., 463 U.S. 418, 430 (1983); Jenkins Jenkins v. United States States v. Sells Sells Engineering, v. McKeithen, 395 U.S. 41 I, 430 (1969); Stirone McKeithen, 411, Stirone v. v. United United States, States, 361 U.S. 212, 218 (1960). Moreover, although federal prosecutors advise grand juries and assist them in gathering evidence, function by, when it is the federal courts that supervise them and assist in their investigative function of documents and the testimony testimony of of witnesses. See See Mistretta Mistretta necessary, compelling the production of United States, States, 488 U.S. 361,390 361, 390 n.] n.166 (1989); Morrison Olson, 487 U.S. 654,68 654, 681I n.20 v. United Morrison v. Olson, United States, States, 359 U.S. 4],49 4 1 , 49 (] (1959). (1988); Brown Br0l1.n v. United 959). Furthermore, Congress has, in other statutes, explicitly recognized the distinction between an Attorney General subpoena and a grand jury subpoena. For example, records obtained via a grand jury subpoena are exempt from customer notification of the Right to from the customer notification requirements of Privacy Act found in ]2 12 U.S.c. U.S.C. § 3405 (2000). Id. Financial Privacy"Act /d. § 3413(i) (exempting grand jury subpoenas from the customer notification requirements of subpoenas from notification of the Act and permitting a court to order notify a customer); id. § 3420(b){l) 3420(b)(1) (prohibiting notification notification to a . a financial institution not to notifY person named in a grand jury subpoena in connection with investigations of of crimes against financial institutions or under the Controlled Controlled Substances Act). However, subpoenas issued pursuant to an administrative subpoena are not exempt from the notification notification requirements. !d. Id. § 3405(2). Additionally, in criminalizing the disclosure of the existence or contents of a subpoena subpoena for records of of a financial institution for purposes of of obstructing a judicial proceeding, Congress has defined defined "subpoena "subpoena for records" as meaning "a Federal grand jury subpoena or or a Department of of Justice subpoena." 18 U.S.c. U.S.C. § 1510(b)(3)(B) (2000) (emphasis added). Furthermore, there are other federal statutes that specifically specifically refer refer to grand jury subpoenas as distinct from from administrative subpoenas or court orders. See, e.g., id. § 2705(a)(l)(B); . 2705(a)(1)(B); id. § 2520(d). Therefore, it appears that when Congress wants to authorize orregulate the effect of grandjury or regulate effect of grand jury subpoenas, it does so explicitly and not by generalreference general reference to the Attorney General. The only remaining question is whether this case presents some extraordinary extraordinary justify failing to give effect circumstance that would justify effect to the plain terms chosen by Congress. We of no absurdity produced are aware of produced by reading section 319(b) according to its plain meaning. Secretary ofthe of the Whether Congress has wisely chosen to give subpoena authority only to the Secretary Treasury and the Attorney General, or whether it might have been wiser to grant such authority to well, are. are questions we do not answer here. We note only that reading the the grand jury jury as wen, statute in accordance with its plain meaning does not produce the kind of of absurd result that would be required to overcome the statute's text. . 2 In conclusion, the plain meaning of 9(b) of of section 3) 319(b) of the Patriot Act authorizes the issuance of of subpoenas only by the Secretary of of the Treasury and the Attorney General, not by a of no basis for concluding that giving effect effect to the statute's federal grand jury. We are aware of plain meaning will lead to an absurd result. Therefore, we conclude that section 319(b) provides no authority for the issuance of of grand jury subpoenas to foreign banks that maintain a correspondent account in the United States. Please Jet let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this matter. Joan L. Larsen-signatureofJoanL.Larsen Deputy Assistant Attorney General 3