National Directory of Corrections Construction 2nd Edition, April 1988
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· U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Jus1ice National Directory of Corrections Construction Second Edition j About the National Institute of Justice About the American Correctional Association The National Institute of Justice is a research branch of the U.S. Department of Justice. The Institute's mission is to develop knowledge about crime, its causes and control. Priority is given to policy-relevant research that can yield approaches and information that State and local agencies can use in preventing and reducing crime. The decisions made by criminal justice practitioners and policymakers affect millions of citizens, and crime affects aJmost all our public institutions and the private sector as well. Targeting resources, assuring their effective allocation, and developing new means of cooperation between the public and private sector are some of the emerging issues in law enforcement and criminal justice that research can help illuminate. The American CorrectionaJ Association (ACA) is a multidisciplinary organization consisting of individuals, agencies, and organizations involved in the entire spectrum of correctional activities. A membership organization, the ACA is comnritted to the needs of its members. It serves as a forum and clearinghouse on correctional issues, is a leading publisher of correctional publications, promotes the professional development of persons working in all aspects of corrections, and is the accrediting body for correctional facilities, agencies, and programs. Carrying out the mandate assigned by Congress in the Justice Assistance Act of I 984, the National Institute of Justice: • Sponsors research and development to improve and strengthen the criminal justice system and related civil justice aspects, with a balanced program of basic and applied research. • Evaluates the effectiveness of justice improvement programs and identifies programs that promise to be successful if continued or repeated. • Tests and demonstrates new and improved approaches to strengthen the justice system, and recommends actions that can be taken by Federal, State, and local governments and private organizations and individuals to achieve this goal. • Disseminates information from research, demonstrations, evaluations, and special programs to Federal, State, and local governments, and serves as an internationaJ clearinghouse of justice information. • Trains criminal justice practitioners in research and evaluation findings. and assists practitioners and researchers through fellowships and special seminars. The Directorof the Institute is appointed by the President of the United States, and upon confirmation by the Senate, serves at the President's pleasure. The Director establishes the research and development objectives of the Institute. The Director has finaJ authority to approve grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements, and maintains responsibility for fiscal operations of the Institute. In establishing its research agenda, the Institute is guided by the priorities of the Attorney GeneraJ and the needs of the criminal justice field. The Institute actively solicits the views of police, courts, and corrections practitioners as well as the private sector to identify the most critical problems and to plan research that can help resolve them. James K. Stewart Director The American Correctional Association was founded in 1870 as the National Prison Association and was later calledthe American Prison Association. Congresses of Correction have been held every year since 1870. At the 1954 Annual Congress of Correction, the name was changed to the American Correctional Association to reflect the expanding philosophy of corrections and its increasingly important role in society. As the national voice of corrections, the American Correctional Association is committed to exerting a positive influence on the shaping of national and international correctional policy. Perhaps ACA's most pervasive influence has been in its nationally recognized and accepted standards and accreditation program for adult and juvenile facilities. The ACA is a leading publisher of correctionaJ materials, including correspondence courses, books, a magazine, and newsletters. ACA also trains correctional personnel at all levels through onsite workshops and correspondence courses. ACA sponsors two meetings annually: the Congress of Correction in August, and the Winter Conference in January. Both include lectures, seminars, workshops, and exhibits addressing a wide variety of correctional issues. Su Cunningham President U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice Office of Communication and Research Utilization National Directory of Corrections Construction Second Edition by Charles B. DeWitt National Institute of Justice April 1988 National Institute of Justice James K. Stewart Director American Correctional Association Su Cunningham President published by the American Correctional Association 4321 Hartwick Road, Suite L-208 College Park, MD 20740 301-699-7600 This project was supported by the U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice grant number 84-IJ-CS-0019, awarded to Charles B. DeWitt, Research Fellow, National Institute of Justice. This Second Edition of the National Directory ofCorrections Construction was prepared by Aspen Systems Corporation under contract number OJP-87-C-002, and published by the American Correctional Association. Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice or the American Correctional Association. The facility design and management concepts illustrated by the projects published in this directory do not necessarily reflect the official policy or recommendations of the National Institute of Justice or the American Correctional Association nor is any endorsement of particular designs, firms, or products implied. In particular, it is not possible to determine if all facilities shown here are in full compliance with the Federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act. Copyright© 1988 by Charles B. DeWitt. Foreword National Institute of Justice Corrections policymakers and administrators face difficult choices today. Should they spend scarce resources on expensive prison and jail construction to accommodate growing jail and prison populations or must they release convicted offenders into the community as a way of easing crowded conditions? Space shortages distort and subvert our justice system. In 1985, for example, more than 18,000prisoners were released before completing their sentences because of space limitations. At the same time, prison construction and operating costs have risen enormously, making corrections the fastest growing component of State budgets. Investment in building has tripled over the past 3 years-to $3 billion in 1986. States are expected to spend an estimated $20 billion on prison construction in the next 10 years. Now there has been an important advance that can help State and local jurisdictions get the best return on their investment and build the corrections facilities they need to protect their communities. The National Institute of Justice created the Construction Information Exchange to share practical information on new technology and modem construction techniques that can mean quicker and more economical expansion of corrections capacity. A key element of the program is this National Directory of Corrections Construction. Based on results of a national survey by the National Institute of Justice, the directory is a catalog of up-to-date designs, construction methods, and costs for 262 jails and prisons built since 1978. State and local officials can tum to this compendium for a wide range of options to help them make the most informed decisions on corrections construction in the next decade and beyond. The National Institute of Justice also publishes Construction Bulletins highlighting State and local projects that have implemented swifter and less costly building techniques. The bulletins offer step-by-step descriptions of how jurisdictions solved their construction problems through progressive management and innovative methods. Attorney General Edwin Meese III, in announcing the new Construction Information Exchange, said the effort will provide much-needed help to States and localities in addressing the problem of prison and jail crowding through more efficient construction. Solutions to the challenges facing our prisons and jails as we move toward the 21st century require the energy and initiative of all those concerned about corrections. The National Institute of Justice is indebted to the American Correctional Association, whose support makes possible the publication of this directory. This cooperative venture between the National Institute of Justice and the American Correctional Association exemplifies the benefits of public-private partnerships in achieving a common objective: helping State and local officials build or expand corrections facilities better, faster, and more economically. James K. Stewart Director National Institute of Justice The information in the directory is maintained and regularly updated in the Construction Information Exchange data base. This computerized data base includes even greater detail on construction projects nationwide. With just a phone call, State and local officials can get the most current information on new design, materials, and construction techniques, tailored to the specific building issues and concerns of a particular jurisdiction. N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction iii Foreword American Correctional Association The impact of design on the efficiency of a correctional program is tremendous. History is replete with the evolution of jail and prison design solutions that correspond to the penal philosophy of the era. This change of correctional design has evolved from the Bridewell Houses of 1557 in England through the periods of Workhouses, Banishment, Convict Ships, Wymondham Penitentiaries, and the Pennsylvania and Auburn systems, which were popularized in the 1880's. The 19th century was generally a period of reformation that required prison designers to place increasing emphasis on the use of prisoner labor with minimal concern for the health and safety of either prisoner or prison employee, a condition that inspired the founders of the American Correctional Association Congress in 1870 to declare a basic principle of the association to be the development of more adequate prison architecture. The American Correctional Association is proud to be associated with the National Institute of Justice in the publication of this directory. It clearly represents the current status of correctional design and is in keeping with the contemporary thinking as expressed by Chief Justice Warren Burger in 1981: "To put people behind bars and do little or nothing to change them is to win a battle and lose a war." Correctional design plays an important role in our society, and careful review of the information contained herein can have great impact on the future of imprisonment as we approach the 21st century. Anthony P. Travisono Executive Director American Correctional Association These ideals were followed by correctional officials with varying degrees of success until the decades of 1960 and 1970 when the courts imposed a series of orders requiring increased attention to prison and jail conditions. iv N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Acknowledgments Many people offered support and assistance for this publication. Special thanks go to the following: National Institute of Justice Paul Cascarano, Assistant Director American Institute of Architects Tony R. Lang, AIA, Chairman, Committee on Architecture for Justice Michael D. Cohn, Design Department Allen Patrick, AIA, Past Chairman, Committee on Architecture for Justice W. Gene Williams, AIA, Past Chairman, Committee on Architecture for Justice Wantland J. Smith, AIA, C.E., Committee on Architecture for Justice National Institute of Corrections Raymond Brown, Director Michael O'Toole, Chief, Jails Division Coralie Whitmore, Information Center Federal Bureau of Prisons J. Michael Quinlan, Director Wade B. Houk, Assistant Director for Administration Loy Hayes, Deputy Assistant Director for Administration Mary Galey, AIA, Architect, Facilities Development and Operations Jon Irwin, AIA, Architect, Facilities Development and Operations Special thanks should also be given to all of the architects, facility administrators, and local government officials who contributed information about their projects. We are also grateful to the architectural firm of Hansen Lind Meyer, Inc., of Orlando, Florida, which provided illustrations of the Federal Correctional Institution at Marianna, Florida, for our cover. Charles B. DeWitt Project Director American Correctional Association This publication was made possible by support from the American Correctional Association. The National Institute of Justice welcomes this cooperation and assistance in publishing the results of an important Federal initiative. We are grateful for the professionalism and dedication shown by ACA staff who worked on this project. Anthony P. Travisono, Executive Director W. Hardy Rauch, Director, Standards and Accreditation Patricia L. Millard, Director, Communications and Publications National Sheriffs' Association L. Cary Bittick, Executive Director Thomas Finn, Assistant Executive Director National Criminal Justice Reference Service The following NCJRS staff provided many hours of support in gathering, editing, and verifying the information in this directory as well as in design and production. Marita Menaker, Senior Writer-Editor Timothy H. Matthews, Information Specialist Cheryll Bissell, Information Specialist Ann Gardner, Artist Janet Rosenbaum, Reference Supervisor Mary Zitello, Supervisor of Editorial Services NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction V Contents Foreword (NU) Foreword (ACA) iii 1v Acknowledgments v Section I Introduction 3 Policy research 5 NIJ survey 7 Section D How to use this directory 11 Terms used in this directory 17 Section m Index by Index by Index by Index by State/county/city 27 inmate design capacity 33 category of construction 39 facility name 4 7 Section IV Facility profiles: Alabama Federal Correctional Institution, Talladega 54 Jefferson County Jail 56 West Jefferson Correctional Facility 58 Alaska Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility 60 Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility Phase II 62 Fairbanks Correctional Center 64 Hiland Mountain Correctional Center 66 Mat-su Pre-Trial Facility 68 Meadow Creek Correctional Center 70 Palmer Correctional Center M~dium Security Facility 72 Wildwood Correctional Center 74 Yukon Kuskokwim Correctional Center 76 Arizona Arizona State Prison-Florence 78 Arizona State Prison-Perryville 80 Cochise County Jail 82 Federal Correctional Institution, Phoenix 84 Federal Correctional Institution, Tucson 86 Pima County Adult Detention Center 88 Pima County Adult Detention Center (Addition) 90 Pinal Mountain Juvenile Institution 92 Sacaton Juvenile Rehabilitation Center 94 Arkansas Clark County Detention Facility 96 Cummins Unit-Medium Security 98 Garland County Detention Facility I 00 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Maximum Security Unit, Tucker Unit 102 Saline County Detention Facility I 04 California Alameda County North County Jail 106 California Correctional Institution 108 California Medical Facility-South 110 California State Prison-Sacramento County/ Folsom 112 Contra Costa County Detention Facility 114 Elmwood-Barracks 24 116 Foothill Communities Law & Justice Center 118 Kings County Branch Jail 120 Lacy Security Facility 122 Nevada County Detention Center 124 Orange County Sheriff's Intake Release Center 126 Placer County Jail 128 Plumas County Sheriff's Department & Detention Facility 130 Pre-Trial Detention Facility 132 Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility at Rock Mountain 134 San Joaquin County Honor Farm Women's Minimum Security Facility 136 Santa Barbara County Main Jail 138 Santa Cruz County Jail (Phase I) 140 Sequoia Field Detention Facility 142 Shasta County Justice Center 144 Sonoma North County Detention Facility 146 Stanislaus County Jail 148 Sunnyvale Public Safety Temporary Holding Facility 150 Torrance Police Department 152 Tuolumne County Jail 154 Yuba County Jail 156 Colorado Adams County Detention Facility 158 Alamosa County Law Enforcement Center 160 Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility I 62 Delta County Criminal Justice Facility 164 Garfield County Jail 166 Pitkin County Jail I 68 Summit County Justice Center 170 Connecticut Bridgeport Correctional Center: Modular Units 172 J. Bernard Gates Correctional Unit 174 Delaware Delaware Correctional Center (Maximum Security) 176 Florida Alachua County Corrections Facility 178 Federal Correctional Institution, Tallahassee 180 vii Contents (continued) Leon County Jail 182 Leon County Justice Complex 184 Marion County Detention Center 186 Martin Correctional Institution 188 Pinellas County Jail-Medium Security Facility 190 Santa Rosa County Jail 192 Seminole County Correctional Facility 194 South Florida Reception Center 196 Union Correctional Institution 198 Georgia Clarke County Correctional Institution 200 Dooly County Jail 202 Richmond County Law Enforcement and Justice Center 204 Hawaii Maui Community Correctional Center 206 Illinois Centralia Correctional Center 208 Cook County Medical and Psychiatric Facility-RTU Building 210 Danville Correctional Center 212 Dixon Correctional Center 214 Douglas County Jail 216 DuPage County Jail and Sheriff's Department 218 Dwight Correctional Center (1979 Addition) 220 Dwight Correctional Center (1984 Addition) 222 East Moline Correctional Center 224 Graham Correctional Center 226 Illinois Youth Center-Kankakee (Dining Facility) 228 Illinois Youth Center-Kankakee (Housing Unit) 230 Peoria County Adult Detention and Work Release Facility 232 Rock Island County Jail 234 Shawnee Correctional Center 236 Sheridan Correctional Center (Kitchen/Dining Facility) 238 Sheridan Correctional Center (Medical/Security Services) 240 Indiana Marion County Jail 242 Iowa Polk County Jail 244 Woodbury Law Enforcement Center 246 Kansas Johnson County Juvenile Hall 248 Kansas State Penitentiary (Phase One) 250 Shawnee County Department of Corrections 252 Kentucky Federal Correctional Institution, Ashland 254 Knox County Jail 256 vm Louisiana Dixon Correctional Institute 258 Federal Detention Center, Oakdale 260 Feliciana Forensic Facility 262 Hunt Correctional Center 264 Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women 266 Washington Correctional Institute 268 Maine Franklin County Detention/Law Enforcement Facility 270 Maryland Baltimore City Correctional Center 272 Baltimore City Jail 274 Eastern Correctional Institution 276 Montgomery County Detention Center 278 Prince George's County Correctional Center 280 Somerset County Detention Center 282 Washington County Detention Center 284 Massachusetts Longwood Treatment Center 286 Massachusetts Correctional Institution Norfolk 288 Michigan Correction Camp Cusino 290 Grand Traverse County Correctional Facility 292 Macomb County Jail 294 State Prison of Southern Michigan 296 Minnesota Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Center 298 Minnesota Supervised Living Facility 300 Mississippi Jackson County Adult Detention Center 302 Mississippi State Penitentiary-Unit 29 304 Tunica County Jail and Sheriff's Department 306 Missouri Clay County Detention Center 308 Farmington Correctional Center 310 Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center, Phase I 312 Jackson County Detention Center 3 I4 Missouri Eastern Correctional Center 316 Montana Chouteau County Law Enforcement Facility 318 Jefferson County Criminal Justice Center 320 Lewis and Clark County Criminal Justice Facility 322 Pondera County Jail 324 Yellowstone County Detention Facility 326 Nebraska Dodge County Judicial Center 328 Douglas County Correctional Center 330 Nebraska State Penitentiary 332 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Contents (continued) Nevada Clark County Detention Center 334 New Jersey Camden County Correctional Facility 336 Gerald L. Gormley Justice Facility 338 Middlesex County Correctional Facility 340 Ocean County Justice Complex 342 Southern State Correctional Facility: Modular Units (Phase I and II) 344 Trenton State Prison 346 Warren County Correctional Center 348 New Mexico Bernalillo County Detention Center (South Tower) 350 Central New Mexico Correctional Facility 352 Penitentiary of New Mexico 354 Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility 356 Western New Mexico Correctional Facility 358 Youth Diagnostic and Development Center 360 Youth Diagnostic and Development CenterPhase III 362 New York Brooklyn Correctional Facility 364 Elmira Correctional & Reception Center Food Service & Dining Facility 366 Erie County Correctional Facility 368 Erie County Holding Center 370 Federal Correctional Institution, Otisville 372 Federal Correctional Institution, Ray Brook 374 Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center 376 Masten Park Secure Center 378 North Facility 380 Rikers Island: Modular Units 382 North Carolina Craven County Law Enforcement Center 384 Eastern Correctional Center 386 North Carolina Central Prison 388 Southern Correctional Center 390 Ohio Ashtabula County Justice Center 392 Clermont County Jail 394 Hamilton County Justice Complex 396 Logan County Jail and Office Complex 398 Madison Correctional Institution 400 Ohio Reformatory for Women 402 Ottawa County Detention Facility 404 Ross Correctional Institution 406 Wayne County Justice Center 408 Oklahoma Cleveland County Detention Center 410 Kay County Detention Facility 412 Lexington Assessment & Reception Center (Addition) 414 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Lexington Assessment & Reception Center, Phase I and II 416 Mabel Bassett Correctional Center 418 Muskogee County/City Detention Facility 420 Oklahoma State Penitentiary 422 Ouachita Correctional Center 424 Oregon Jackson County Jail 426 Justice Center 428 Pennsylvania Allegheny County Jail Annex 430 Blair County Prison 432 Lycoming County Prison 434 Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center 436 Schuylkill County Prison 438 State Correctional Institution at Smithfield 440 State Regional Correctional Facility at Mercer 442 Warren County Jail 444 Wyoming County Jail 446 South Carolina Clemson Police Department 448 Gilliam Psychiatric Center 450 Lieber Correctional Institution 452 Myrtle Beach Law Enforcement Center 454 Tennessee Nashville Community Service Center 456 Shelby County Justice Center 458 Texas Austin County Jail 460 Beto I Unit 462 Beto II Unit 464 Bexar County Juvenile Center 466 Brazoria County Sheriff's Department Detention Center II 468 Cameron County Detention Center 470 Chambers County Law Enforcement Center 472 Coffield Unit 474 Comal County Jail 476 Darrington Unit 478 Diagnostic Unit 480 Ellis II Unit (Phase I and II) 482 Fayette County Detention Center 484 Federal Correctional Institution, Bastrop 486 Ferguson Unit 488 Fort Bend County Jail 490 Fort Bend County Jail (Expansion) 492 Freeport Police and Courts Building 494 Harris County Juvenile Detention Home 496 Hidalgo County Jail 498 Hunt County Criminal Justice Center 500 Jester Unit Number 3 502 Katy Police Department 504 IX Contents (continued) Lew Sterrett Justice Center 506 Liberty County Jail 508 Missouri City Police Department 510 Mountain View Unit 512 Orange County Jail 514 Pearland Public Safety Building 516 San Patricio County Sheriff's Department 518 Smith County Jail 520 Starr County Jail 522 TDC Hospital at Galveston 524 Victoria County Jail 526 Wallace Pack Unit I 528 Wallace Pack Unit II 530 Westside Police Area Command Station 532 Utah Orange Street Community Correctional Center 534 Uintah County Jail 536 Young Adult Correctional Facility 538 Vermont Northwest State Correctional Facility 540 St. Johnsbury Community Correctional Center 542 Virginia Alexandria Detention Center 544 Augusta County Jail 546 Fairfax County Adult Detention Center and PreRelease Center 548 X Pittsylvania County Jail 550 Roanoke City Jail 552 Washington Benton County Justice Center 554 Forks City Jail 556 Jefferson County Correctional Facility 558 Thurston County Corrections Facility 560 Twin Rivers Corrections Center 562 Washington Corrections Center Intensive Management Unit 564 Whitman County Correctional Facility 566 West Virginia Ohio County Correctional Center 568 Wisconsin Burnett County Government Center 570 Columbia Correctional Institution 572 Oshkosh Correctional Institution 574 Rusk County Law Enforcement Facility 576 Appendix A ACA standards for adult correctional institutions and local detention facilities 579 Appendix B Reference: Architects and construction managers 589 N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Section I Introduction Policy research NIJ survey Introduction The National Directory of Corrections Construction contains: • • • • • 262 correctional facilities 239 architectural and construction manager firms 145 jail projects 99 prison projects Facilities from 44 States The projects include: • • • • 96,178 inmates 34,256 employees in correctional facilities $3,297,051,430 in total construction costs $980,613,870 in annual operating budgets The National Directory of Corrections Construction has been developed by the National Institute of Justice to assist State, local, and Federal officials who are planning to build correctional facilities. The directory is a key element of a new Federal program that promotes exchange of information about building jails and prisons more cost effectively and in a timely fashion. The first of its kind, the directory is a reference guide to correctional institutions built after 1978. It is based on a survey conducted by the National Institute of Justice and represents a comprehensive sample of projects built since that year. Never before has so much information been assembled to assist corrections agencies with construction of jails and prisons. Officials embarking upon construction of correctional facilities now have a comprehensive guidebook to help them along the way, a volume that contains the lessons learned by officials who have already faced this challenge. Readers will find success stories ready to be replicated and colleagues eager to share their experiences. By referring to the directory, readers can learn about facilities where new technologies and efficient construction methods have been employed to save time and money. In this way, jurisdictions can avoid "reinventing the wheel," a problem that has too often characterized the process of building jails and prisons. Through the directory, officials who are planning construction can review data gathered about comparable projects and contact experts who have important information concerning already completed facilities. As the title "directory" implies, this volume includes projects accepted without evaluation. The directory includes both positive and negative experiencesexamples of what to do and what not to do. N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction The National Directory of Corrections Construction is a catalog of designs and resources. Readers can easily locate facilities that may be comparable to their own needs. With the construction cost index, readers may then adjust the costs to match those prevailing in their own jurisdiction at the current time. Following these simple steps, it is possible to estimate the approximate time and cost requirements for construction of the same or similar facility at the reader's location. When used in this way, the directory can be a valuable tool for planners, budget analysts, and corrections administrators. For every design, the responsible architect has been identified, and information is provided on how to contact officials at the site. Although it is a highly complex undertaking, the successful transfer of design concepts has been demonstrated by several jurisdictions. In the State of South Carolina, officials decided to utilize the design of the Federal Correctional Institution at Phoenix, Arizona, as a model for up to five prisons in their State. The Phoenix institution was shown on the cover of the first edition of the directory, as it represents the purpose of NIJ efforts-to transfer proven methods from one agency to another. The most recent stage of development is represented by the coverofthis edition. The new Federal Correctional Institution at Marianna, Florida, illustrates current design concepts adopted by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. While incorporating the innovations illustrated by the Phoenix design, the new project offers an alternative approach and exhibits complementary design concepts. Like its counterpart in Phoenix, the new institution at Marianna may serve as a model for other agencies to consider. Construction Information Exchange The National Directory of Corrections Construction is an element of the Construction Information Exchange, a program recently initiated by the National Institute of Justice. Through the Construction Information Exchange, agencies planning to build, remodel, or expand correctional facilities may contact other jurisdictions that have solved comparable problems and can exchange detailed information about the facilities and current plans. In this way, project management and building technologies can be transferred from agency to agency. Construction data base The heart of the National Institute of Justice program is the construction data base, a computerized library that permits State, local, and Federal officials to share 3 lessons learned from recent jail and prison construction projects. Information for the directory has been drawn from the comprehensive files already contained in the construction data base. Updates of the directory will be drawn from the expanding data base to ensure availability of the most current information on recently completed jails and prisons. The data base serves criminal justice practitioners in several ways by offering services that are tailored to their individual interests and needs. A sheriff, for example, who is planning to build a combined jail and court facility may contact the Construction Information Exchange to obtain a special search of the data base describing facilities of this type. The sheriff will receive a computer printout providing a wealth of detail on projects like the planned facility, and persons to contact for further information. In addition, many of the architects responsible for designing facilities included in the data base have agreed to provide a package of descriptive materials on their projects. facilities. The Construction Bulletins explain in more detail selected projects for which officials have reported substantial time and cost savings in constructing correctional facilities. They report on innovative features of new jails and prisons, such as new techniques of corrections planning and progressive methods of construction. Each bulletin gives concise details on individual projects that demonstrate particularly helpful approaches. Bulletins can be obtained by contacting the Construction Information Exchange. Those jurisdictions whose projects have been published in the Construction Bulletins have agreed to provide more detailed information on the design and building of their facilities and to host site visits of their facilities by officials currently involved in new construction projects. For more information on the Construction Information Exchange, see the inside back cover of this directory. Construction Bulletins Another element in the program is a publication series, the NU Construction Bulletins. These special reports provide indepth case studies of selected projects, giving State and local officials a closer look at noteworthy 4 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Policy research Research at the National Institute of Justice is aimed at reducing crime and improving the criminal justice system. The National Directory of Corrections Construction is an important part of this research, because it documents the Nation's response to a critical area of need-expansion of jail and prison capacity. Although much has been written about crowding in correctional facilities and the need to improve our Nation's jails and prisons, this volume represents the first compendium of information on what has actually been built. Extensive efforts have been made to gather detailed quantitative information, and virtually every aspect of correctional facility construction has been systematically compiled and reported. Construction cost indexes have been developed to adjust cost data for selected dates and geographic areas, thereby permitting comparisons among different facilities. Every step has been taken to ensure the accuracy and comparability of the data. These measures make it possible for the directory to serve as a reference for researchers as well as officials who are planning new facilities. The decision to build It is perhaps the most difficult decision for State and local corrections agencies-to build or not to build? A commitment to construction is rarely the first response to crowded conditions. It may follow years of struggle and agonizing debate. Only after each alternative has been exhausted and funds have been raised will officials finally commence the difficult process of design and construction. Once the decision to build has been made, officials must then consider many critical questions that will determine whattheir new jail or prison is to become. The National Institute ofJustice has created this directory to help answer those questions, by referring officials to the lessons learned from completed correctional facilities across the Nation. The National Directory of Corrections Construction provides the information that officials need to know before they begin construction, not after-when it is too late. Using the directory, State and local officials may find answers to the following questions: • What is the likely cost of construction for a correctional facility of the type we have planned? • How many staff will be required and what will it cost to operate the new facility? • Should we build a new institution or an addition to our existing facility? • How do institutions with dormitories compare to those with single occupancy cells? NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction • Have other jurisdictions had favorable experience with prefabrication and modular construction? • Could we have both courts and jails in the same building? • Who should I call to obtain information concerning "fast track" and construction management? • How long should it take to build the type of prison our State has in mind? • Which agencies have had experience with electronic security perimeters? • Who should I call to ask about construction costs for "new generation" jails? • Should we expect higher costs or special problems with a high-rise facility? • Which jurisdictions have used lease-purchase to pay for jail and prison construction? Highlights Each profile page describes how an individual jurisdiction has addressed these issues. Although research is just beginning, preliminary findings may give readers a glimpse of the priorities established by those who have completed new jail or prison facilities. Costs of construction- While great strides have been made to reduce the costs of corrections construction, many projects were very costly to build. The directory illustrates dramatic contrasts, as costs range from a low of $2,048 to a high of$ 149,425 perinmate.' For minimum security facilities, the average cost per prisoner was $22,263; medium security projects were $36,430 per bed; and maximum security construction was $39,695 per inmate.' Types of construction represent important determinants of cost. For example, new institutions are almost always more costly than additions to existing facilities. The average cost for an addition to an existing facility was $32,102 per inmate, while the average cost for a new, independent facility was $37,367 per inmate. To ensure valid comparisons, the directory is indexed by category of construction, and the actual cost per square foot is also shown for each project. Design options. The directory displays a wide variety of alternative designs. For example, "new generation" concepts are evident throughout this volume. Direct 1. This range excludes construction costs for prison hospitals, which are as high as $270,762 per inmate. However, the following averages do include costs for all facilities in the directory. 2. Because most facilities have a combination of two or three security levels, only facilities with greater than 50 percent of a particular level (maximum, medium, or minimum) were used for these calculations. 5 supervision management was reported in 23 percent of the institutions. At the same time, traditional approaches may be found in the majority of facilities, with linear designs representing 33 percent of the projects. Both innovation and compromise have been employed to bring about greater economy. Many jurisdictions have opted for multiple occupancy cells and dormitories over the more costly design of single person cells. New inmate management concepts have produced designs with more economical features. Sixtynine projects utilized less costly building materials and security hardware and 93 facilities selected commercial grade fixtures as an alternative to institutional steel. Conventional building methods remain dominant, as the majority of jails and prisons, 178 out of262, were built primarily with concrete block. Construction process. Officials at all levels of government are searching for new ways to conduct the process of construction, and this volume documents the innovative techniques now being tested in these highly specialized public works projects. Although well established in the private sector, several of the procedures are new to corrections. Construction management services were employed in I 9 percent of the projects, and in 38 percent of the projects that cost more than $ IO million. Likewise, "fast track" construction was reported for 38 of the facilities and noted as an explanation of reduction in construction time. Building methods. Progressive building techniques are illustrated throughout this volume. In order to accelerate construction schedules, architects and contractors have utilized a number of alternatives to conventional building methods. When asked how time was saved in the construction process, 65 respondents cited prefabrication methods as an explanation for their positive results. Future needs. The directory offers disturbing evidence that crowding will not soon disappear, as many of the new jails and prisons report that they have already exceeded capacity. Thirty percent of the completed facilities shown in the directory have reported a current population in excess of their designed capacity. Use of inmate labor is viewed as a method for reducing construction costs. While the nature and extent of inmate participation varied widely, 33 projects utilized inmate labor. Although billions of dollars have been invested in expansion of jail and prison capacity, it is apparent that construction is not keeping pace with the rapid growth of the inmate population. 6 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction NIJ survey The information contained in this volume is the result of a national survey of architects who have specialized in constructing correctional facilities. A comprehensive survey instrument was provided to each architectural firm, requiring responses to 32 different questions concerning more than 150 types of information. to architects specializing in correctional institutions. Further information is available from the AIA 's Committee on Architecture for Justice, including a yearly catalog of criminal justice projects. Readers are encouraged to contact their local chapter of the AIA or the national office: Detailed survey forms were also sent to facility administrators, whose time and attention ensured that data were both current and accurate. A number of key questions concerning management and operations could be answered only by facility administrators. This separate verification process has ensured that this survey is both rigorous and comprehensive. Committee on Architecture for Justice American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue NW. Washington, DC 20006 This second edition of the directory incorporates the projects shown in the first edition along with the new projects. This edition also has several new features. Cost indexes have been added, along with floorplans and other materials not previously available. The number of facility profiles is now more than two-and-ahalf times that in the first edition. The National Institute of Justice intends to make the Construction Information Exchange as comprehensive as possible and to expand the number of facilities included in the program. Any architect who has designed a correctional facility since 1978 is invited to contact the Construction Information Exchange to enter that facility into the data base. Likewise, administrators of facilities constructed since 1978 but not listed in the directory may request the Construction Information Exchange to mail a survey form to the architect of their facility. American Institute of Architects The National Directory of Corrections Construction has been developed by the National Institute of Justice with cooperation from the American Institute of Architects (AIA), and may be used as a reference guide NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 202-626-7366 Ongoing efforts 7 Section II How to use this directory Terms used in this directory How to use this directory Order of facility proftles Facility profile pages are presented alphabetically by the State in which they are located, and within each State they appear alphabetically by facility name. Reference indexes Indexes serve as locators for particular facilities and are provided in Section III. Eacb construction project in the directory is classified by facility type, location, and inmate design capacity. An alphabetical listing by facility name is also provided. Readers considering construction should first look for facilities of comparable size, type, and category of construction (whether new or an addition, for instance) to see how these projects compare to their needs. It also may be helpful to examine facilities in the same State or region of the country. This will reveal which designs and construction methods have been used in the reader's geographical area and also may help to determine if visits to completed facilities would be helpful. A list of architectural firms and construction managers responsible for facilities in this directory is provided in Appendix B. Facility profiles All facility profiles that appeared in the first edition of the National Directory of Corrections Construction are included in this second edition, along with the new additions to the construction data base. Contact persons and telephone numbers for the first edition profiles have been updated, but operational data (such as "Total annual operating costs") are as of the date given for the population, under "Inmate housing areas." Profiles are included for jail and prison construction projects completed since 1978 and contained in the data base of the Construction Information Exchange. Information entered into the data base is gathered from survey forms completed by architects, facility administrators, and local government officials. Although each facility profile in this directory contains more than 70 items of information, many more information items are contained in the data base. Those wishing further details about a specific facility should contact the Construction Information Exchange. However, for a review of operating costs, current populations, and other operational details, readers should call or write the facility contact person. The word "Unknown" indicates items not completed by survey respondents. In some instances, however, "NI A" appears because the item is not applicable to the particular project. For example, the profile will not show the total cost per inmate for a complex that includes courts, since the calculation would be invalid. NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Floorpians. On the right-hand side of each facility profile, a floorplan of a typical housing unit has been provided. The floorplans were provided by the architects and are the best available at time of publication. They provide the reader with a clearer understanding of the design of the facility. In a few cases, floorplans were not available. Comparisons Comparisons between construction projects can be both interesting and useful, but they should be made cautiously with the following issues in mind. Category of construction. Comparisons of different jails or prisons may be inappropriate when the facilities to be examined do not share common characteristics. For example, a jail or prison categorized as a "new, ancillary building" may not have complete support spaces such as kitchen or administration. If such a building were compared to a "new, independent facility" with complete support services, the appearance of a reduced cost might be misleading. For this reason, it is most appropriate to compare facilities in the same construction category. Costs. Cost comparisons can be especially difficult. To facilitate comparison of construction costs alone, the total cost excludes costs of land acquisition and architects' fees. Moreover, several factors can influence the project costs shown, and comparisons should be made with caution. For example, readers will find that jails and prisons with multiple occupancy cells are invariably less expensive (per inmate) than facilities designed with single occupancy cells. Such contrasts may be informative, but this does not mean that the facilities are truly comparable. Another important example: the building cost of highrise facilities is almost always higher than lowrise buidings even when capacities are the same. Dimensions. In comparing dimensions, readers are strongly encouraged to examine "gross square feet per inmate." This statistic has been computed by dividing the "gross square feet/corrections" by the inmate design capacity. This statistic may show that some buildings provide much more space per inmate than otherwise comparable projects. However, it simply may be the policy of a particular jurisdiction to provide more space for vocational training, counseling, and other support activities rather than larger cells. An example of a common difference is where one institution has dayrooms contiguous to cells and another facility has only corridors. II Housing areas. To facilitate comparisons of different types of correctional facilities, the profile includes a special series of housing statistics. For readers interested primarily in those portions of a construction project that relate to custody and housing of prisoners, it is important to note terms such as: "Costs: Housing area"; "Costs: Housing per inmate"; "Dimensions: Housing area square feet"; and "Dimensions: Size of cells." These statistics allow comparisons that might otherwise be impossible. Ordinarily, a jail cannot be compared to a prison because of the substantial square footage that prisons may allocate for the support functions associated with long-term custody. Since jails seldom provide extensive support areas (e.g., educational, vocational, counseling, or inmate industries) even a prison with the same number of inmates as a jail will almost always be a substantially larger facility. For this reason, the housing statistics focus on only those portions of the jail or prison that relate to the housing of inmates, and exclude those areas that ordinarily make it inappropriate to draw comparisons. In the case of a campusstyle prison, the term "housing" describes only the building that actually houses inmates. This permits readers to examine those portions of a prison that are comparable to a jail. Construction cost indexes. Construction cost indexes are provided to assist you in comparing construction projects. If you wish to determine the current cost of construction in your region, use the indexes to adjust dollar amounts so costs are appropriate for your area. Cost indexes enable readers to make detailed cost comparisons. They permit comparisons between different years and geographic areas. Because construction costs The formula: vary from one part of the United States to another, the regional adjustment will permit valid comparisons of construction projects under the same market conditions. Different regions of the country may exhibit sharp contrasts in the cost of materials and prevailing labor rates. For example, a facility built in Florida will almost always cost less than the same project built in California. By providing for regional adjustments, cost comparisons may be made within a common frame of reference. Cost indexes can be useful when comparing projects built during different years. Since the cost of construction has increased over the years, jail or prison costs in this directory should be adjusted to the same period to be accurately compared. The cost indexes are based on a 54-city national average, with a 1978 base of 100. To estimate or compare costs, use the index factors for the cities closest to the geographic areas you wish to compare, or closest to the area in which you wish to construct a new facility. The cost indexes are in alphabetical order by State for your convenience. The table does not list any cities in Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, or Wyoming. The three main uses of the cost indexes involve the estimation and comparison of costs for: 1. Construction in different regions for different years (Example 1 below). 2. Construction in a particular region for different years (Example 2 below). 3. Construction in different regions for a particular year (Example 3 below). Index factor for date and place desired Index factor for date and place known x known cost = estimated cost Example 1 You are interested in adapting the Knox County Jail, constructed in 1984 in Barbourville, Kentucky, for construction in your own region. The total construction cost for the Knox County Jail in 1984 was $666,000. Yournew facility is to be built in Billings, Montana. (b) Multiply the Knox County Jail known cost ($666,000) by the result of (a). (c) The result of (b) is the total projected cost for your new jail in Billings. Calculation Procedure 1987 Billings index factor 1984 Louisville index factor l 5 1. 8 X $666,000 135.7 (a) Divide the 1987 Billings index factor by the 1984 Louisville (closest city to Barbourville, Kentucky) index factor. Example 1 formula: (1987 Billings index factor) ( 1984 Louisville index factor) 12 x Knox County Jail known cost = = = 151.8 135.7 $745,017 projected cost for Billings N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Example 2 A replacement cost is needed for a State prison located near Birmingham, Alabama. You would like to model the new prison after the Federal Correctional Institution constructed in 1979 in Talladega, Alabama. The total construction cost for that facility was $10,069,300. Procedure (a) Divide the 1987 Birmingham index factor by the 1979 Birmingham (closest to Talladega) index factor. (b) Multiply the Federal Correctional Institution known construction cost ($10,069,300) by the result of (a). Example 2 formula: (1987 Birmingham index factor) (1979 Birmingham index factor) (c) The result of (b) is the total projected cost for the replacement prison near Birmingham. Calculation 1987 Birmingham index factor 1979 Birmingham index factor 136 · 1 X $10,069,300 101.3 X = 136.1 101.3 $13,528,446 projected cost for Birmingham Federal Correctional Institution known cost Example 3 Duval County, Florida, intends to build a jail in Jacksonville. They would like to make it similar to the Camden County Correctional Facility in Camden, New Jersey, completed in 1987. Even though the design is similar, costs will vary for a number of reasons. The construction cost for the Camden facility was $28,300,000. Procedure (c) The result of (b) is the projected construction cost for the new Duval County Jail in Jacksonville. Calculation 1987 Jacksonville index factor I 987 Newark index factor 142.1 I 92. 3 142.1 192.3 $20,912,272 X $28,300,000 (a) Divide the I 987 Jacksonville index factor by the I 987 Newark (closest to Camden) index factor. (b) Multiply the Camden County Correctional Facility known cost ($28,300,000) by the result of (a). Example 3 formula: ( 1987 Jacksonville index factor) (1987 Newark index factor) The National Institute of Justice is grateful to Marshall & Swift, 1617 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90026, who provided these cost indexes. They are intended only for general guidance and preliminary planning purposes. They should not be used in lieu of a professionally NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction X Camden County Correctional Facility known cost = projected cost for Jacksonville prepared cost estimate. For more specific indexes, please refer to the Marshall Valuation Service, or contact Stanley Strychaz, Marshall & Swift, at 213-250-2222 or 800-421-8042. 13 Construction cost indexes 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 93.2 101.3 111.7 118.0 118.5 121.4 129.0 133.9 134.7 136.1 104.2 116.5 136.5 145.0 150.8 153.4 155.6 160.9 159.6 159.4 87.9 94.9 106.2 113.7 116.9 118.5 124.2 128.7 126.6 124.7 115.4 I 12.5 111.5 122.0 128.0 126.2 126.5 133.3 140.9 144.5 143.0 150.0 149.9 156.1 153. I 159.9 159.1 163.4 163.1 173.5 167.8 169.8 165.4 181.0 173.7 179.5 171.3 192.1 179.3 185.9 178.7 201.1 183.0 190.6 183.0 210.2 183.4 191.6 186.6 213.7 102.5 116.0 130.5 135.5 144.5 151.7 159.3 160.6 154.6 156.2 100.1 108.6 119.0 128.6 133.5 142.9 151.9 162.3 172.7 182.0 100.4 l06.2 118.4 123.8 130.3 138.5 145.3 150.1 159.4 163.1 90.3 94.3 90.8 98.2 102.5 99.3 108.0 111.8 I 10.6 I 12.7 119.8 118.3 117.2 126.7 118.8 I 21.0 127.7 125.0 131.0 135.3 135.6 133.6 143.0 143.3 139.6 145.4 149.0 142.1 145.8 150.7 90.9 98.6 109.4 113.2 117.2 122.3 129.6 135.0 140.8 142.1 102.0 113.7 126.5 134.8 139.4 142.6 151.2 157.4 157.4 164.2 99.5 109.1 119.2 124.5 126.9 130.0 139.7 143.1 147.1 150.1 97.6 106.6 119.7 122.8 129.0 129.7 135.2 137.0 140.1 139.9 93.1 101.0 110.0 116.8 119.8 121. 7 130.9 127.5 128.3 132.6 Louisville 98.7 109.5 116.1 123.0 126.1 124.9 135.7 135.0 135.8 138.7 Louisiana New Orleans 94.3 103.5 114.1 119.3 123.0 130.5 140.0 145.7. 143.6 142.8 98.1 104.3 114.1 122.6 126.4 132.9 142.5 146.6 155.4 161.0 l05.4 111.6 122.1 129.4 140.8 148.5 158.7 168.5 181.3 194.7 106.9 116.5 128.0 136.8 142.1 143.7 151.0 154.5 158.6 161.8 100.7 111.3 121.4 128.8 136.3 138.6 151.5 154.6 159.5 162.7 83.2 93.3 105.8 112.2 113.6 117.1 122.7 127 .0 126.9 126.7 Alabama Birmingham Arizona Phoenix Arkansas Little Rock California Fresno Los Angeles San Diego San Francisco Colorado Denver Connecticut Hartford District of Columbia Florida Jacksonville Miami Tampa Georgia Atlanta Illinois Chicago Indiana Indianapolis Iowa Des Moines Kansas Wichita Kentucky Maryland Baltimore Massachusetts Boston Michigan Detroit Minnesota Minneapolis Mississippi Jackson 14 NIJ!Nationa/ Directory of Corrections Construction 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 98.3 98.4 108.4 110.1 118.7 121.4 124.0 125.6 131.6 130.0 135.1 134.6 141.4 145.6 144.8 15 I. I 146.8 157.2 152.5 161.9 Billings 99.4 109.6 121.6 129.5 136.8 143.8 149.2 149.4 153.3 151.8 Nebraska Omaha 97.6 109.9 I 16.5 125.3 131.1 134.0 138.5 136.2 139.0 143.1 112.7 125.1 139.6 151.8 155.4 160.4 167.2 174.0 174.1 175.5 105.9 I 16.2 126.0 133.7 139.0 146.6 161.6 173.5 184.3 192.3 New Mexico Albuquerque 101.3 109.3 124.9 130.3 136.2 138.8 148.6 151.6 153.9 152.1 New York Buffalo New York Rochester 108.9 112.1 106.2 115.9 119.8 112.9 128.6 129.8 124.9 135.9 141.0 134.2 137.9 148.6 142.4 149.1 159.3 146.9 157.9 173.9 156.4 164.6 185.7 160.8 174.5 198.0 169.4 178.9 211.2 173.3 84.0 92.8 100.4 107.4 107.3 113.4 122.2 127.3 130.7 135.2 101.7 107.6 96.4 112.7 I 18.0 108.2 123.5 132.4 I 18.5 127.1 137.1 127.6 129.8 141.5 131.6 132.9 143.7 137.5 143.9 156.9 142.2 145.4 159.1 142.2 144.7 164.1 147.1 150.7 167.7 151.3 93.1 102.0 111. 7 121.0 126.1 127.6 I 31.5 139.6 135.0 130.5 108.5 120.5 133.8 145.1 153.7 154.0 157.8 160.3 161.2 160.3 106.8 103.6 114.0 111.8 123.5 125.1 129.9 132.2 135.0 132.1 144.7 138.8 153.9 148.7 162.3 154.9 170.6 159.9 179.8 161.6 92.5 87.9 100.9 97.9 115.4 107.1 I 18.6 115.3 124.5 118.0 128.7 I 18.2 135.2 125.0 136.8 129.6 138.7 130.3 138.7 131.7 92.3 87.4 96.6 88.4 101.6 98.0 109.2 99.2 114.5 107.2 117.7 108.1 I 18.5 112.0 128.2 115.0 123.2 117.0 129.5 119.1 129.7 121.7 137.3 122.2 140.3 126.4 144.8 126.7 142.5 128.1 142.5 130.4 137.3 126.6 139.0 130.9 135.5 130.5 132.9 129.7 IOI. I 110.8 123.6 129.0 133.0 139.0 148.0 148.1 152.1 149.3 93.6 99.7 107.8 117.8 120.6 128.3 133.3 138.0 145.7 146.7 Spokane 109.7 108.6 123.0 I 19.5 140.2 133.9 149.9 145.3 163.7 152.5 163.4 156.6 169.1 163.6 170.3 167.8 171.9 169.7 170.8 171.1 Wisconsin Milwaukee 104.I 115.4 124.9 136.3 140.5 140.7 149.2 152.2 155.7 161.8 Missouri Kansas City St. Louis Montana Nevada Las Vegas New Jersey Newark North Carolina Charlotte Ohio Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Oklahoma Oklahoma City Oregon Portland Pennsylvania Philadelphia Pittsburgh Tennessee Memphis Nashville Texas Dallas El Paso Houston San Antonio Utah Salt Lake City Virginia Richmond Washington Seattle NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 15 Terms used in this directory The order of these terms follows the order in which they appear in the facility profiles. Facility The name of the facility as indicated by the architect and facility administrator. The name also may reflect whether the project was a phased one, or an addition, expansion, or remodeling/renovation project. (See Category of construction for definitions.) State The name of the State in which the facility is located. Location For a connty jail, the name of the county in which it is located. For a city, State, or Federal facility, the name of the town or city in which the facility is located. Jurisdiction official The name and title of the senior official (e.g., sheriff or commissioner) responsible for the corrections or law enforcement agency at the time of data verification in late 1987. Contact of Architects as the date certified by the architect when the work is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the contract documents, so officials can occupy the facility for the use for which it is intended. Construction time The elapsed months from groundbreaking to substantial completion of the facility. Design capacity The total number of general population and special housing inmates for whom the facility was designed. (This number may differ from the actual population shown.) Total cost The total cost of building and site improvements, plus all approved change orders. However, this figure does not include the cost of acquiring the land/site, the time of public employees, and administrative expenses for the project. Since it is intended to show the cost of construction, it does not include fees for architects and other consultants. Total annual operating costs The name, address, and phone number of the primary architectural firm(s) responsible for the project design. This may also reflect architectural consultants. The latest fiscal year budget for the facility. For facilities reproduced from the first edition, this budget is from the year identified by the population date of inmate housing areas. Costs shown are those that relate to the construction project. In the case of an addition, this figure represents the operating costs for that portion of the facility only. Where "NI A (addition)" appears, the operating costs for the addition are not available separately. Construction manager Category The name, address, and phone number of the construction manager for the project. Where the project is a turn-key design and build, the name of the contractor or joint venture will be shown here. The category of construction for the specific project. Several types of projects are included in this directory and each has different characteristics. The name, title, address, and phone number of the official designated as a contact for further information (e.g., captain, jail administrator, or warden). Architect Groundbreaking The date when work actually began at the site. As a general rule for new buildings, the first activities are groundclearing and excavation. Finish date The date of substantial completion of the facility. Substantial completion is defined by the American Institute NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction New, independent facility: an entirely new facility with complete support services, not relying upon other facilities. New, ancillary building: an entirely new building, but reliant upon already existing buildings for some or all support services. This addition does not provide a complete array of "core" spaces. Data refer to the new addition only and do not include existing or original building information. 17 Remodeling/renovation project: improvements within the shell of an existing facility, typically to modernize an older jail or prison and to bring the design into compliance with current codes and standards. Expansion project: extension or new wing added to an already existing facility. Data refer to the expansion only and do not include existing or original building information (except where noted). Phased project (future): project where costs invested in construction relate to future expansion/addition in a master plan. Phased project (past): project that completes previously "master planned" space(s) "shelled out" earlier. Temporary facility/housing: relocatable or portable units not intended for permanent use. Facility may be disassembled and moved to another location. Facility type Jail: facility operated by county, city, ora combination thereof. Jails operated by these units oflocal government typically house inmates for I year or less, although some States permit consecutive sentences. Jails may house both pretrial detainees and sentenced prisoners. Inmates may be held on both felony and misdemeanor charges. It should also be noted that several States permit inmates from State prison systems to be housed in local jail facilities. The State of Alaska has no counties; therefore all inmates are housed in State facilities. Prison: facility operated by any of 50 States, the District of Columbia, or the Federal Government. Prisoners in State institutions are held for periods of longer than I year. Unlike local jails, State prisons house oniy sentenced offenders. Some States will permit units of local government to board jail prisoners in State facilities, but this practice is most unusual. Complex: buildings with multiple purposes. Typically, in a local facility, jail space may be combined with courts, law enforcement, or other related uses. Cost comparisons are discouraged for this type of facility, as it is impossible to isolate corrections costs from the costs for other portions of the building. Building configuration (See Figure I) The physical arrangement of individual buildings. Integrated structure: one building. Highrise: one building, more than four stories in height. Ladder, telephone pole: linear cell blocks arranged in parallel off a central connecting corridor. Wheel, spoke or radial: linear cell blocks that emanate from one central control area like spokes from the hub of a wheel. 18 Courtyard: linear cell blocks interconnected around a central enclosed courtyard. Clusters: a number of individual buildings that are interconnected. Campus style: a number of individual buildings that are not interconnected. Costs Total: the total cost of building and site improvements, plus all approved change orders. However, this figure does not include the cost of acquiring the land/site, the time of public employees, and administrative expenses for the project. Since it is intended to show the cost of construction, it does not include fees for architects and other consultants. Building only: the cost for the facility only, as the figure excludes all site work. Costs such as grading, paving, and providing utilities are not included here. This figure represents what it would cost to build the same facility at another site, provided that site costs for the new location are added and impact of the site on the design has been considered. Housing area: the cost for those areas of the correctional facility designed for housing inmates. This includes the total gross square footage of the entire housing building unit or level, as well as the contiguous and/or associated spaces for mechanical, circulation, storage, visiting, control, counseling, multipurpose room, dayrooms, exercise, interview, etc. Excluded from this figure are costs of independent or unrelated areas and buildings such as intake, medical, special housing, administration, food service, vocational, educational, agricultural, etc. Housing per inmate: the housing costs per general population inmate. This figure is computed by dividing the total number of general population inmates (design capacity) into the housing costs. Housing per cell: the housing costs per general population cell. This figure is computed by dividing the total number of general population cells into the housing costs. Total per inmate: the total construction costs per inmate. This figure is computed by dividing the total numberof inmates (design capacity) into total construction costs. In the case of a multiuse/complex type facility, "NIA (complex)" appears, as it would not be appropriate to compute an inmate cost when the facility includes other than correctional uses. Total per GSF: the total construction costs per gross square foot. This figure is computed by dividing the total gross square feet into total construction costs. Total annual operating costs: the latest fiscal year budget for the facility. For facilities reproduced from NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Figure 1 Building configuration Campus □ □ □ Ladder, telephone pole - - Wheel, spoke, or radial I I I 1 '-- '-- Clusters Courtyard NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 19 the first edition, this budget is from the year identified by the population date under inmate housing areas. Costs shown are those that relate to the construction project. In the case of an addition, this figure represents the operating costs for that portion of the facility only. Where "NIA (addition)" appears, the operating costs for the addition are not available separately. Security Perim_eter: t~e. types of_perimeter used in a facility, including bmlding extenor only; single fence; double fence; triple fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on fence( s); razor wire on and between fences; towers; and patrols. Inm~te security level: the division of the facility according to levels of security for housing inmates. Categories include: maximum (most secure construction ~nd highest level of staff supervision in system); medzum (although not as restricted as maximum, this category reqmres a locked unit and a security perimeter); and minimum (greatest freedom of movement for inmates, may have_ dormitories, living areas may not be locked, and penmeter security is limited). Inmate cells This describes the finishes, fixtures, and furnishings that were selected for general population cells. These aspects of special custody, isolation, medical, and other special population areas of a jail or prison may be different. Doors/material: may be steel or wood, and may be solid (without bars or windows). Doors/type: may be swinging or sliding. Doors/locking: may be motor driven and remote locking; remote locking only; or manual locking. Floor surface: materials of the floor surface. Options include linoleum; carpet; epoxy coating; sealed concrete; or vinyl tile. Intercom: the type of communications system between officers and inmates. Options include either one- or two-way systems to cells or common areas, or no system. HVAC: heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Describes the environmental systems included in the facility. While all facilities have some form of heating, not every jail or prison has an air conditioning system. Solar systems, steam, gas, or other specialized energy recycling systems are indicated here. Plumbing: inmate plumbing fixtures. Indicates whether the lavatory and toilet are a combination unit or separ~te units, and are made of stainless steel, china, or aluminum. 20 Furniture: chairs, beds, tables, and other furniture in cells and dayrooms. Choices include steel; wood; vinyl/ plastic; or concrete. Fire protection: fire protection systems used in inmate housing areas. Hardware may include smoke detectors for cells, common areas, or both; sprinklers for cells, common areas, or both; or manual alarm stations. Dimensions Gross square feet/corrections: the gross square feet (as defined under "Gross square feet/total" below) of all spaces relating to corrections purposes in the construction project shown in the profile. In the case of an addition or expansion, this figure represents the square footage of that addition or expansion only. Gross square feet/other: in the case of a multiuse or complex type facility, the gross square feet assigned for purposes other than corrections, law enforcement, or courts (e.g., city hall, communications center, or other government offices). Gross square feet/total: the total square footage of the construction project. If the project was an addition or expansion, this figure represents the square footage of that addition or expansion only. Gross square feet is defined by the American Institute of Architects as (he SUJ:? of the areas of the several floors of the building, including basements, mezzanine, and intermediate floored tiers and penthouses of headroom height, measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the centerline of walls separating buildings. Covered walkways, open roofed-over areas that are paved, porches, and similar spaces shall have the architectural area multiplied by an area factorof0.50. The architectural area does not include such features as pipe trenches, exterior terraces, or steps, chimneys, roof overhangs, etc. (See AIA Document D101.) Housing area square feet: the size of spaces devoted to the custody of inmates, not the entire facility. Included are those spaces directly related to the housing of inmates. The figure includes total gross square footage of the housing building, unit, or level including the contiguous and/or associated spaces for mechanical, circulation, storage, visiting, control, staff areas, multipurpose rooms, dayrooms, exercise, interview, etc. Excluded are independent areas not contiguous to inmate housing, such as intake, medical, special housing, administration, food service, vocational, educational, and other support activities not directly associated with housing. In construction projects that are additions or expansions, it is possible that only housing areas were added. In such instances, the square footage shown for housing may be almost equal to the total square footage, since support spaces were not provided. Gross square feet per inmate: the gross square feet assigned to an inmate based on design capacity. This NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction figure is computed by dividing the number of inmates in general population (design capacity) into the gross square feet/corrections. However, if the current population is greater than the design capacity, the gross square feet per inmate will be fewer. Size of cells: space inside a typical cell. This figure is the useful space and does not include areas consumed by a plumbing chase or protruding walls. The type of cell (single, double, etc.) is indicated. Net/gross square feet: this percentage is an expression of building efficiency. Because spaces not used by staff and/or inmates are excluded from net space, this percentage represents how much of the total square footage is actually devoted to everyday useful purposes. The remaining space is the amount consumed by spaces necessary for the building but not utilized by its occupants. Construction type Structural: the frame that carries the building's weight and provides structural support for the facility. This describes the type of structural system, such as steel frame, load-bearingprecast panels, cast-in-place concrete frame, or precast concrete frame. Exterior walls: the construction materials that make up outside walls of the building, forming the security "shell" or"envelope." Options include precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, brick, or architectural precast. Interior walls: the construction materials that make up inside walls or partitions used to divide cells and rooms within the building. Options include precast panels, cast-in-place concrete, CMU block, or brick. Exterior surface/facade: the exterior finish, resulting in the completed outside appearance. Sometimes called the building's "skin," examples include stucco, brick, paint, natural wall, and textured or colored concrete. Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: number of inmates for whom single cells were designed. In some facilities, bunks have been permanently attached to the walls in single cells thereby converting them to double cell use. However, because they were originally designed for single occupancy, these cells are counted as single occupancy in this directory. (Extra bunks are shown as "Means to handle crowding," defined below.) Double occupancy: number of inmates for whom double cells were designed. General population: total number of inmates for whom cells other than special housing were designed. Total: total number of general population and special housing inmates for whom the facility was designed. (This number may differ from the actual population given under "Inmate housing areas.") Current staff Facility administrators have reported the number of full-time staff assigned to the facility. In the case of an addition or expansion, only staff provided for that addition or expansion are listed, and when those figures were not available, the profile indicates "NIA (addition)." To ensure comparable responses, the survey included definitions for each staffing category. Administration: chief executives including wardens, superintendents, directors, administrators, colonels, captains, majors, lieutenants, and their assistants. Also includes all supervisory personnel above the level of first line supervisor; administrative and budget staff; clerical support; secretaries; typists; stenographers; bookkeepers; clerks; and switchboard operators. Security: all line staff and first line supervisors, both sworn and unswom; correctional officers; deputies; guards; sergeants; and security supervisors. Programs/treatment: medical, dental, psychiatric, counseling, and therapy personnel; and technicians. Maintenance: engineers, electricians, plumbers, janitors, and repair and grounds personnel. Also includes kitchen/culinary and food preparation workers, cooks, and dishwashers. Total: total number of full-time staff members as reported by the facility administrator. Current inmate/staff ratio: the number of inmates per staff member based on the current population. This figure is computed by dividing the total number of current staff into the current population, not the inmate design capacity. Inmate housing areas Design: the options for layout or arrangement of the inmate cells. Options include linear-outside cells, where cells have windows on outside walls, permitting direct light into cells; linear-inside cells, where cells are not on outside walls and light to cells is indirect; and module/pod, where cells are arranged around a common dayroom with cell doors opening into this activity area. (See Figure 2.) Dorms: number of inmates for whom dormitories were designed. Cells per unit: the number of cells in each block, pod, or module-the number of cells included in one housing unit of the facility. Special housing: number of inmates for whom medical, psychiatric, isolation, holding, and other special cells were designed. Inmates per unit: the number of inmates (design capacity) in a typical block, pod, or module. NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 21 Figure 2 Design of inmate housing areas Linear; cells are on outside walls. Hallway Linear; cells are inside. Hallway Hallway Module/pod type; cells are on outside walls. I~ / Dayroom ~ 22 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Management type: the type of surveillance utilized for a typical housing unit per design. Options include intermittent surveillance, where officers may walk periodically down hallways lined with cells and do not have constant view of all inmate areas; remote surveillance, where officers have inmates under constant observation but are separated from inmates by a security enclosure or barrier; or direct supervision, where officers are in constant contact with inmates and not enclosed in a workstation or separated by other barriers. Date ofpopnlation given: the date by which facility administrators reported the current population. Facility commitment: the type of inmate housed in the facility. Several States permit inmates from State prison systems to be housed in local jail facilities, and while some States will permit units oflocal government to board jail prisoners in State facilities, the practice is most unusual. Means to handle crowding: the means by which the facility handles, or plans to handle, crowding of its facility. Options include bunk beds in cell; mattresses on floor; beds in dayroom; and second bunk permanently attached to wall. Some facilities do not permit crowding. Construction process Finance method: the method of payment for the construction project and the source of funds. Options include General Obligation Bonds (G. 0. Bonds); Lease Revenue Bonds; revenue sharing; other Federal funds; special election; floating or variable rate; Certificates of Participation; local funds; State funds; shared cost from multiple jurisdictions; and facility leased from private entity. NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Contract method: the legal and financial steps used in the building process. Options include conventional design and bid; construction management (CM) fast track; and turn-key design and build. For methods involving firms other than the architect, such as construction management fast track or turn-key design and build, the name of the responsible firm will be shown at the top of the profile page. Use of inmate labor: participation by prisoners in any aspect of the construction process and the specific activities in which they may have been engaged. This also reflects whether the use of inmate labor was limited, moderate, or extensive. Use of prefabrication: techniques that may have been used to n:anufacture portions of the facility away from the construction site. If plant manufacturing was utilized, the nature of the components is described here, as is whether use was limited, moderate, or extensive. Architect's reported analyses Architects have reported the factors which, in their opinion, strongly influenced both costs and length of time that were required for completion of the facility. Architects have reported the positive and negative points for each project in separate categories for cost issues and time factors. Examples of positive cost factors might be favorable market conditions or repetitiveness of design. Under time issues, positive factors could include advanced order of materials and hardware oruse of prefabricated components. Negative cost and time factors include such issues as difficult site conditions or labor problems. 23 Section III Index: State/county/city Index: Inmate design capacity Index: Category of construction Index: Facility name Index State/county/city State County/City Facility type Facility name AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AL AL AL Anchorage Anchorage Bethel Eagle River Eagle River Fairbanks Kenai Palmer Palmer Bessemer Jefferson County Talladega Clark County Garland County Grady Saline County Tucker Cochise County Florence Gila Goodyear Phoenix Pima County Pima County Sacaton Tucson Alameda County Contra Costa County Kings County Nevada County Orange County Orange County Placer County Plumas County Represa San Bernardino County San Diego San Joaquin County State detention facility State pre-trial facility State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison County jail Federal prison County complex County jail State prison County jail State prison County jail State prison Juvenile correctional facility State prison Federal prison County jail County jail Juvenile rehabilitation center Federal prison County jail County complex County jail County restitution center County jail County jail County complex County jail State prison County complex State prison County jail Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility Phase II Yukon-Kuskokwim Correctional Center Hiland Mountain Correctional Center Meadow Creek Correctional Center Fairbanks Correctional Center Wildwood Correctional Center Mat-su Pre-Trial Facility Palmer Correctional Center Medium Security Facility West Jefferson Correctional Facility Jefferson County Jail Federal Correctional Institution Clark County Detention Facility Garland County Detention Facility AR AR AR AR AR A'Z A'Z A'Z A'Z A'Z A'Z A'Z A'Z A'Z CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Santa Barbara County Santa Clara County Santa Cruz County Shasta County Sonoma County Stanislaus County Sunnyvale Tehachapi Torrance Tulare County Cummins Unit-Medium Security Page 60 62 76 66 70 64 74 68 72 58 56 54 96 100 98 Saline County Detention Facility Maximum Security Unit, Tucker Unit Cochise County Jail Arizona State Prison-Florence Pinal Mountain Juvenile Institution Arizona State Prison-Perryville Federal Correctional Institution Pima County Adult Detention Center Pima County Adult Detention Center (Addition) Sacaton Juvenile Rehabilitation Center Federal Correctional Institution Alameda County North County Jail Contra Costa County Detention Facility Kings County Branch Jail Nevada County Detention Center Lacy Security Facility Orange County Sheriff's Intake Release Center Placer County Jail Plumas County Sheriffs Department & Detention Facility California State Prison-Sacramento County/Folsom Foothill Communities Law & Justice Center Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility at Rock Mountain San Joaquin County Honor Farm Women's Minimum Security 104 102 82 78 92 80 136 County jail County jail County jail County complex County jail County complex City complex Facility Santa Barbara County Main Jail Elmwood-Barracks 24 Santa Cruz County Jail (Phase I) Shasta County Justice Center Sonoma North County Detention Facility Stanislaus County Jail Sunnyvale Public Safety Building and Temporary Holding 150 State prison City complex County jail Facility California Correctional Institution Torrance Police Department Sequoia Field Detention Facility NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 84 88 90 94 86 106 114 120 124 122 126 128 130 112 118 134 138 116 140 144 146 148 108 152 142 27 State/county/city Index (continued) State County/City Facility type Facility name CA CA CA CA Tuolumne County Vacaville Ventura County Yuba County County jail State prison County complex Tuolumne County Jail County jail Yuba County Jail co co co co co co co Adams County Alamosa County Crowley Delta County Garfield County Pitkin County Summit County Bridgeport Niantic Smyrna Alachua County Indiantown Leon County Leon County Marion County County jail County complex State prison County complex County jail County complex County complex State prison Adams County Detention Facility Alamosa County Law Enforcement Center Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility Delta County Criminal Justice Facility Garfield County Jail Pitkin County Jail Summit County Justice Center Bridgeport Correctional Center: Modular Units J. Bernard Gates Correctional Unit Delaware Correctional Center (Maximum Security) Alachua County Corrections Facility Martin Correctional Institution Leon County Jail Leon County Justice Complex Marion County Detention Center South Florida Reception Center Pinellas County Jail-Medium Security Facility Union Correctional Institution Santa Rosa County Jail Seminole County Correctional Facility Federal Correctional Institution Clarke County Correctional Institution Dooly County Jail Richmond County Law Enforcement and Justice Center CT CT DE FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL GA GA GA 'm IA IA IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IN 28 Miami Pinellas County Raiford Santa Rosa County Seminole County Tallahassee Clarke County Dooly County Richmond County Maui County/Wailuku Polk County Woodbury County Centralia Cook County Danville Dixon Douglas County DuPage County Dwight Dwight East Moline Hillsboro Manteno Manteno Peoria County Rock Island County Sheridan Sheridan Vienna Marion County State jail State prison County jail State prison County jail County complex County jail State prison County jail State prison County complex County jail Federal prison County jail County jail County complex County and city jails/State prison County jail County complex State prison County jail State prison State prison County complex County complex State prison State prison State prison State prison Juvenile correctional facility Juvenile correctional facility County complex County complex State prison State prison State prison County complex California Medical Facility-South Pre-Trial Detention Facility Maui Community Correctional Center Polk County Jail Woodbury Law Enforcement Center Centralia Correctional Center Cook County Medical and Psychiatric Facility-RTU Building Danville Correctional Center Dixon Correctional Center Douglas County Jail DuPage County Jail and Sheriff's Department Dwight Correctional Center (1979 Addition) Dwight Correctional Center (1984 Addition) East Moline Correctional Center Graham Correctional Center Illinois Youth Center-Kankakee (Dining Facility) Illinois Youth Center-Kankakee (Housing Unit) Peoria County Adult Detention and Work Release Facility Rock Island County Jail Sheridan Correctional Center (Kitchen/Dining Facility) Sheridan Correctional Center (Medical/Security Services) Shawnee Correctional Center Marion County Jail Page 154 110 132 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 188 182 184 186 196 190 198 192 194 180 200 202 204 206 244 246 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 238 240 236 242 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction State/county/city Index (continued) State County/City Facility type Facility name KS KS KS KY KY LA LA Johnson County Lansing Shawnee County Ashland Knox County Angie Oakdale Juvenile detention facility State prison County complex Federal prison County jail State prison Federal complex State prison State complex State prison State prison State treatment facility State prison City jail State prison County complex County jail County jail County jail State prison County complex Johnson County Juvenile Hall Kansas State Penitentiary (Phase One) Shawnee County Department of Corrections LA Jackson LA LA Jackson St. Gabriel St. Gabriel Jamaica Plain Norfolk Baltimore Baltimore Montgomery County Prince George's County Somerset County Washington County Westover Franklin County Grand Traverse County/ Traverse City Jackson Macomb County Shingleton Hennepin County LA MA MA MD MD MD MD MD MD MD ME MI MI MI MI MN MN MO MO MO MO MO MS MS MS MT MT MT MT MT NC NC NC NC NE NE NE NJ St. Peter Clay County Fannington Fulton Jackson County Pacific Jackson County Parchman Tunica County Chouteau County Jefferson County Lewis and Clark County Pondera County Yellowstone County Craven County Maury Raleigh Troy Dodge County Douglas County Lincoln Atlantic County Federal Correctional Institution Knox County Jail Washington Correctional Institute Federal Detention Center Dixon Correctional Institute Feliciana Forensic Facility Hunt Correctional Center Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women Page 248 250 252 254 256 268 260 258 262 Longwood Treatment Center Massachusetts Correctional Institution Norfolk Baltimore City Jail Baltimore City Correctional Center Montgomery County Detention Center Prince George's County Correctional Center 264 266 286 288 274 272 278 280 Somerset Collllty Detention Center Washington County Detention Center Eastern Correctional Institution Franklin County Detention/Law Enforcement Facility 282 284 276 270 County and city complex State prison hospital County jail State prison County juvenile detention Grand Traverse County Correctional Facility State Prison of Southern Michigan 292 296 294 290 facility State prison County jail State prison State prison County complex State prison County jail Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Center Minnesota Supervised Living Facility Clay County Detention Center Fannington Correctional Center Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center, Phase I Jackson County Detention Center Missouri Eastern Correctional Center 298 Jackson County Adult Detention Center Mississippi State Penitentiary-Unit 29 Tunica County Jail and Sheriffs Department Chouteau County Law Enforcement Facility Jefferson County Criminal Justice Center Lewis and Clark County Criminal Justice Facility 302 304 306 318 320 322 Pondera County Jail Yellowstone County Detention Facility Craven County Law Enforcement Center 324 326 384 386 388 390 328 State prison County complex County complex County complex County complex County complex County complex County complex Macomb County Jail Correction Camp Cusino State prison State prison State prison Eastern Correctional Center North Carolina Central Prison Southern Correctional Center County complex County jail Dodge County Judicial Center Douglas County Correctional Center State prison County complex Nebraska State Penitentiary Gerald L. Gonnley Justice Facility NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 300 308 310 312 314 316 330 332 338 29 State/county/city ·(continued) Index Page State County/City Facility type Facility name NJ NJ Camden County County jail State prison Camden County Correctional Facility Southern State Correctional Facility: Modular Units (Phase I 336 Delmont and II) Middlesex County Correctional Facility Ocean County Justice Complex Trenton State Prison Warren County Correctional Center Youth Diagnostic and Development Center Youth Diagnostic and Development Center-Phase III Bernalillo County Detention Center (South Tower) 344 340 342 346 348 360 362 350 358 356 352 354 334 378 NJ NJ NJ NJ NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NV NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OR OR PA PA PA PA PA 30 Middlesex County Ocean County Trenton Warren County Albuquerque Albuquerque Bernalillo County Grants County jail County complex State prison County jail Youth detention facility Youth detention facility County jail State prison Las Cruces State prison Los Lunas State prison Santa Fe Clark County Buffalo Elmira State prison County jail State center for youth State prison Erie County Erie County New York New York New York New York Otisville Ray Brook Ashtabula County Chillicothe Clermont County Hamilton County Logan County London Marysville Ottawa County Wayne County Hodgen Lexington Lexington McAlester Cleveland County Kay County Muskogee County/Muskogee Oklahoma City Jackson County Multnomah County Allegheny County Blair County Huntington Lycoming County County jail County jail City jail City jail City jail State treatment center Federal prison Federal prison County complex State prison County jail County complex County complex State prison State prison County complex County complex State prison State prison State prison State prison County complex County complex County and city jails State prison County jail County complex County jail Oklahoma State Penitentiary Cleveland County Detention Center Kay County Detention Facility Muskogee County/City Detention Facility Mabel Bassett Correctional Center Jackson County Jail Justice Center Allegheny County Jail Annex County jail State prison County jail State prison Blair County Prison State Correctional Institution at Smithfield Lycoming County Prison State Regional Correctional Facility at Mercer Mercer Western New Mexico Correctional Facility Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility Central New Mexico Correctional Facility Penitentiary of New Mexico Clark County Detention Center Masten Park Secure Center Elmira Correctional & Reception Center Food Service & Dining Facility Erie County Correctional Facility Erie County Holding Center Brooklyn Correctional Facility North Facility Rikers Island: Modular Units Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center Federal Correctional Institution Federal Correctional Institution Ashtabula County Justice Center Ross Correctional Institution Clermont County Jail Hamilton County Justice Complex Logan County Jail and Office Complex Madison Correctional Institution Ohio Reformatory for Women Ottawa County Detention Facility Wayne County Justice Center Ouachita Correctional Center Lexington Assessment & Reception Center Lexington Assessment & Reception Center, Phase I and II 366 368 370 364 380 382 376 372 374 392 406 394 396 398 400 402 404 408 424 414 416 422 410 412 420 418 426 428 430 432 440 434 442 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction State/county/city State County/City PA Philadelphia County/ Philadelphia Schuylkill County PA PA PA Warren County Wyoming County SC SC SC Clemson Columbia Myrtle Beach SC Ridgeville Nashville Shelby County/Memphis Austin County TN TN TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Index (continued) Bastrop Bexar County Brazoria County Cameron County Chambers County Comal County Dallas County/Dallas Fayette County Facility type Facility name County and city jails County jail County jail County jail City complex State prison Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center City complex State prison State prison County and city complex County complex Federal prison County complex TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Fort Bend County jail County jail County complex County complex County and city jails County complex County complex Fort Bend Freeport Galveston County jail City complex State prison hospital Gatesville Harris County Hidalgo County State prison County complex TX Katy TX TX TX Liberty County Midway Missouri City Navasota Navasota Orange County TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX UT UT Houston Hunt County Huntsville Huntsville Palestine Pearland Richmond Rosharon San Patricio County Smith County Starr County Tennessee Colony Tennessee Colony Victoria County Draper Salt Lake City County jail City complex County complex State prison State prison City complex County complex State prison City complex State prison State prison County complex State prison City complex State prison State prison County complex County jail County jail State prison State prison County complex State prison State correctional facility NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Schuylkill County Prison Warren County Jail Wyoming County Jail Clemson Police Department Gilliam Psychiatric Center Myrtle Beach Law Enforcement Center Lieber Correctional Institution Nashville Community Service Center Shelby County Justice Center Austin County Jail Federal Correctional Institution Bexar County Juvenile Center Brazoria County Sheriff's Department Detention Center II Cameron County Detention Center Chambers County Law Enforcement Center Comal County Jail Lew Sterrett Justice Center Fayette County Detention Center Fort Bend County Jail Fort Bend County Jail (Expansion) Freeport Police and Courts Building TDC Hospital at Galveston Mountain View Unit Harris County Juvenile Detention Home Hidalgo County Jail Westside Police Area Command Station Hunt County Criminal Justice Center Diagnostic Unit Ellis II Unit (Phase I and II) Katy Police Department Liberty County Jail Ferguson Unit Missouri City Police Department Wallace Pack Unit I Wallace Pack Unit II Orange County Jail Beto II Unit Pearland Public Safety Building JesterUnitNumber3 Darrington Unit San Patricio County Sheriff's Department Smith County Jail Starr County Jail Beto I Unit Coffield Unit Victoria County Jail Young Adult Correctional Facility Orange Street Community Correctional Center Page 436 438 444 446 448 450 454 452 456 458 460 486 466 468 470 472 476 506 484 490 492 494 524 512 496 498 532 500 480 482 504 508 488 510 528 530 514 464 516 502 478 518 520 522 462 474 526 538 534 31 State/county/city State County/City UT Uintah County Alexandria Augusta County Fairfax County Pittsylvania County Roanoke St. Albans St. Johnsbury County Benton County Forks VA VA VA VA VA VT VT WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WI WI WI WI WV 32 Index (continued) Jefferson County Monroe Shelton Thurston County Whitman County Burnett County Oshkosh Portage Rusk County Ohio County/Wheeling Facility type Facility name County jail Uintah County Jail City complex County jail Alexandria Detention Center Augusta County Jail Fairfax County Adult Detention Center and Pre-Release Center Pittsylvania County Jail Roanoke City Jail Northwest State Correctional Facility County complex County jail City complex State prison County jail/State prison County complex City complex County complex State prison State prison County complex County complex County complex State prison State prison County complex County and city complex St. Johnsbury Community Correctional Center Benton County Justice Center Forks City Jail Jefferson County Correctional Facility Twin Rivers Corrections Center Washington Corrections Center Intensive Management Unit Thurston County Corrections Facility Whitman County Correctional Facility Burnett County Government Center Oshkosh Correctional Institution Columbia Correctional Institution Rusk County Law Enforcement Facility Ohio County Correctional Center Page 536 544 546 548 550 552 540 542 554 556 558 562 564 560 566 570 574 572 576 568 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Index Inmate design capacity Inmates 7 8 JO 11 13 14 14 16 20 20 21 21 21 24 24 25 27 27 27 29 30 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 38 39 40 40 40 41 43 46 47 48 48 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 Facility name County/City State Facility type Youth detention facility County complex State prison County jail City complex City complex County complex County jail County complex 362 324 240 202 448 556 320 166 216 City complex City complex City complex County jail County complex City complex County complex County complex County complex County jail County complex State prison County complex County complex County complex Juvenile detention facility County complex County jail State pre-trial facility City complex County jail County complex County jail Juvenile rehabilitation center 150 494 504 154 270 510 168 570 398 104 576 70 96 558 306 248 318 130 62 516 256 566 550 94 County jail County complex County complex County complex County complex County complex County complex Restitution center City jail State prison Juvenile correctional facility County jail County jail County complex County complex 136 148 404 328 170 164 322 124 274 214 230 Youth Diagnostic and Development Center-Phase III Albuquerque NM Pondera County Jail Sheridan Correctional Center (Medical/Security Services) Pondera County Sheridan Dooly County Clemson Forks Jefferson County Garfield County Douglas County MT Dooly County Jail Clemson Police Department Forks City Jail Jefferson County Criminal Justice Center Garfield County Jail Douglas County Jail Sunnyvale Public Safety Building and Temporary Holding Facility Freeport Police and Courts Building Katy Police Department Tuolumne County Jail Franklin County Detention/Law Enforcement Facility Missouri City Police Department Pitkin County Jail Burnett County Government Center Logan County Jail and Office Complex Saline County Detention Facility Rusk County Law Enforcement Facility Meadow Creek Correctional Center Clark County Detention Facility Jefferson County Correctional Facility Tunica County Jail and Sheriff's Department Johnson County Juvenile Hall Chouteau County Law Enforcement Facility Plumas County Sheriff's Department & Detention Facility Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility Phase II Pearland Public Safety Building Knox County Jail Whitman County Correctional Facility Pittsylvania County Jail Sacaton Juvenile Rehabilitation Center San Joaquin County Honor Farm Women's Minimum Security Facility Stanislaus County Jail Ottawa County Detention Facility Dodge County Judicial Center Summit County Justice Center Delta County Criminal Justice Facility Lewis and Clark County Criminal Justice Facility Nevada County Detention Center Baltimore City Jail Dixon Correctional Center Illinois Youth Center-Kankakee (Housing Unit) Warren County Jail Wyoming County Jail Alamosa County Law Enforcement Center Leon County Justice Complex NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction IL GA SC WA MT co IL Sunnyvale CA Freeport TX TX CA ME TX Katy Tuolumne County Franklin County Missouri City Pitkin County Burnett County Logan County Saline County Rusk County Eagle River Clark County Jefferson County Tunica County Johnson County Chouteau County Plumas County Anchorage Pearland Knox County Whitman County Pittsylvania County Sacaton San Joaquin County Stanislaus County Ottawa County Dodge County Summit County Delta County Lewis and Clark County Nevada County Baltimore Dixon Manteno Warren County Wyoming County Alamosa County Leon County co WI OH AR WI AK AR WA MS KS MT CA AK TX KY WA VA AZ CA CA OH NE co co MT CA MD IL IL PA PA co FL Page 444 446 160 184 33 Inmate design capacity Inmates 51 51 52 53 56 58 61 61 61 62 64 64 68 68 68 72 74 75 75 76 78 78 80 83 Index <continued> Facility name County/City Northwest State Correctional Facility Somerset County Detention Center St. Albans Somerset County Austin County Oklahoma City Palmer Torrance Augusta County Fayette County Ohio County/Wheeling Sait Lake City Smyrna Orange County Buffalo Santa Barbara County Uintah County Fairbanks Ashtabula County Chambers County Jackson Warren County Craven County Wayne County KayCounty TX LA NJ NC OH OK Maui County/Wailuku HI County complex County and city jails/State Hennepin County Liberty County Lexington Hodgen San Bernardino County Jackson Dwight Garland County Columbia Gatesville Santa Cruz County St. Johnsbury County Tallahassee Bethel Jackson County Bridgeport Jackson Dwight Ashland Leon County St. Gabriel Albuquerque Benton County Bexar County Niantic MN Juvenile detention facility TX OK OK County complex Austin County Jail Mabel Bassett Correctional Center Mat-su Pre-Trial Facility Torrance Police Department Augusta County Jail Fayette County Detention Center Ohio County Correctional Center Orange Street Community Correctional Center Delaware Correctional Center (Maximum Security) Orange County Jail Masten Park Secure Center Santa Barbara County Main Jail Uintah County Jail Fairbanks Correctional Center Ashtabula County Justice Center Chambers County Law Enforcement Center Feliciana Forensic Facility Warren County Correctional Center Craven County Law Enforcement Center Wayne County Justice Center Kay County Detention Facility Maui Community Correctional Center State Facility type VT State prison MD County jail County complex State prison TX OK AK CA VA TX WV UT DE TX NY CA UT AK OH State prison City complex County jail County complex County and city complex State correctional facility State prison County complex State center for youth County jail County jail State prison County complex County complex State complex County jail County complex County complex prison 87 87 90 90 94 94 96 96 96 96 96 96 98 98 99 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 !03 104 104 34 Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Center Liberty County Jail Lexington Assessment & Reception Center (Addition) Ouachita Correctional Center Foothill Communities Law & Justice Center State Prison of Southern _Michigan Dwight Correctional Center (l 984 Addition) Garland County Detention Facility Gilliam Psychiatric Center Mountain View Unit Santa Cruz County Jail (Phase I) St. Johnsbury Community Correctional Center Federal Correctional Institution Yukon-Kuskokwim Correctional Center Jackson County Adult Detention Center Bridgeport Correctional Center: Modular Units Dixon Correctional Institute Dwight Correctional Center (I 979 Addition) Federal Correctional Institution Leon County Jail Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women Youth Diagnostic and Development Center Benton County Justice Center Bexar County Juvenile Center J. Bernard Gates Correctional Unit CA MI IL AR SC TX CA VT FL AK MS CT LA IL KY FL LA NM WA TX CT State prison State prison County complex State prison hospital State prison County jail State prison State prison County jail County jail/State prison Federal prison State prison County jail State prison State prison State prison Federal prison County jail State prison Youth detention facility County complex County complex State jail Page 540 282 460 418 68 152 546 484 568 534 176 514 378 138 536 64 392 472 262 348 384 408 412 206 298 508 414 424 ll8 296 222 100 450 512 140 542 180 76 302 172 258 220 254 182 266 360 554 466 174 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Inmate design capacity Inmates Index (continued> Facility name Connty/City Palmer Woodbury County Hunt County Myrtle Beach Nashville Starr County 125 126 Palmer Correctional Center Medium Security Facility Woodbury Law Enforcement Center Hunt County Criminal Justice Center Myrtle Beach Law Enforcement Center Nashville Community Service Center StarrCountyJaiJ Washington Corrections Center Intensive Management Unit Longwood Treatment Center Grand Traverse County Correctional Facility 126 127 128 131 132 132 132 133 134 134 136 Santa Rosa County Jail Fort Bend County Jail (Expansion) Kings County Branch Jail Montgomery County Detention Center Clarke County Correctional Institution San Patricio County Sheriffs Department Victoria County Jail Clermont County Jail Cleveland County Detention Center Yuba County Jail Muskogee County/City Detention Facility 139 140 141 144 144 150 152 158 160 160 161 162 164 166 174 176 180 180 183 184 184 184 190 190 194 196 198 Sonoma North County Detention Facility Schuylkill County Prison Blair County Prison Pinal Mountain Juvenile Institution TDC Hospital at Galveston Lycoming County Prison Washington County Detention Center Thurston County Corrections Facility Correction Camp Cusino Hiland Mountain Correctional Center Clay County Detention Center Cochise County Jail Minnesota Supervised Living Facility Fort Bend County Jail Yellowstone County Detention Facility Westside Police Area Command Station Lacy Security Facility State Regional Correctional Facility at Mercer Jackson County Jail Comal County Jail Cummins Unit-Medium Security Hidalgo County Jail Federal Correctional Institution Shawnee County Department of Corrections Pinellas County Jail-Medium Security Facility Elmwood-Barracks 24 Hanis County Juvenile Detention Home 104 108 109 112 120 123 124 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Shelton Jamaica Plain Grand Traverse County/ Traverse City Santa Rosa County Fort Bend County Kings County Montgomery County Clarke County San Patricio County Victoria County Clermont County Cleveland County Yuba County Muskogee County/ Muskogee Sonoma County Schuylkill County Blair County Gila Galveston Lycoming County Washington County Thurston County Shingleton Eagle River Clay County Cochise County St. Peter Fort Bend County Yellowstone County Houston Orange County Mercer Jackson County Comal County Grady Hidalgo County Tucson Shawnee County Pinellas County Santa Clara County Harris County Facility type Page AK State prison IA TX County complex County complex City complex State prison County jail 72 246 500 454 456 522 WA MA State prison State treatment facility 564 286 Ml County and city complex County complex County jail County jail County complex County jail County complex County complex County jail County complex County jail 292 192 492 120 278 200 518 526 394 410 156 County and city jails County jail 420 146 County jail County jail Juvenile correctional facility State prison hospital County jail County jail County complex State prison State prison County jail County jail State prison County complex County complex City complex County jail State prison County jail County complex State prison County jail Federal prison County complex County jail County jail County complex 438 432 92 524 434 284 560 290 66 308 82 300 490 326 532 122 442 426 476 98 498 86 252 190 116 496 State TX SC TN FL TX CA MD GA TX TX OH OK CA OK CA PA PA 1'Z TX PA MD WA MI AK MO 1'Z MN TX MT TX CA PA OR TX AR TX 1'Z KS FL CA TX 35 Inmate design capacity Inmates 200 200 200 201 204 209 2IO 212 228 240 250 252 258 264 264 274 282 288 289 292 292 300 300 Facility name East Moline Correctional Center Rock Island County Jail Wildwood Correctional Center Roanoke City Jail Douglas County Correctional Center Ocean County Justice Complex Polk County Jail Placer County Jail Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility Richmond County Law Enforcement and Justice Center Shasta County Justice Center Brazoria County Sheriff's Department Detention Center II Western New Mexico Correctional Facility Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center, Phase I Smith County Jail Allegheny County Jail Annex Pima County Adult Detention Center Kansas State Penitentiary (Phase One) Cameron County Detention Center Alachua County Corrections Facility Young Adult Correctional Facility Bernalillo County Detention Center Fairfax County Adult Detention Center and Pre-Release Center 312 320 324 330 336 337 345 346 354 356 368 384 386 390 402 402 428 430 434 436 448 463 480 485 486 488 36 Index (continued) Oshkosh Correctional Institution Nebraska State Penitentiary Federal Correctional Institution Middlesex County Correctional Facility Union Correctional Institution Marion County Jail Peoria County Adult Detention and Work Release Facility Alexandria Detention Center DuPage County Jail and Sheriffs Department Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center Gerald L. Gormley Justice Facility Baltimore City Correctional Center Contra Costa County Detention Facility Marion County Detention Center Erie County Correctional Facility Ohio Reformatory for Women Lexington Assessment & Reception Center, Phase I and II Justice Center Pre-Trial Detention Facility Sequoia Field Detention Facility Diagnostic Unit Macomb County Jaµ Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility Adams County Detention Facility Central New Mexico Correctional Facility Eastern Correctional Center County/City State Facility type Page East Moline IL Rock Island County IL AK VA NE NJ IA CA AK GA CA State prison County complex State prison City complex County jail County complex 224 234 74 552 330 342 244 128 60 204 144 468 358 312 520 430 90 250 470 178 538 350 Kenai Roanoke Douglas County Ocean County Polk County Placer County Anchorage Richmond County Shasta County Brazoria County Grants Fulton Smith County Allegheny County Pima County Lansing Cameron County Alachua County Draper Bernalillo County Fairfax County Oshkosh Lincoln Talladega Middlesex County Raiford Marion County Peoria County Alexandria DuPage County New York Atlantic City Baltimore Contra Costa County Marion County Erie County Marysville Lexington Multnomah County Ventura County Tulare County Huntsville Macomb County Las Cruces Adams County Los Lunas Maury TX NM MO TX PA AZ KS TX FL UT NM VA WI NE AL NJ FL IN IL VA IL NY NJ MD CA FL NY OH OK OR CA CA TX MI NM co NM NC County jail County complex State detention facility County complex County complex County jail State prison State prison County jail County jail County jail State prison County jail County jail State prison County jail County complex State prison State prison Federal prison County jail State prison County complex County complex City complex County complex State treatment center County complex State prison County complex County jail County jail State prison State prison County complex County complex County jail State prison County jail State prison County jail State prison State prison 548 574 332 54 340 198 242 232 544 218 376 338 272 114 186 368 402 416 428 132 142 480 294 356 158 352 386 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Inmate design capacity Inmates 488 492 499 499 500 500 501 511 516 520 524 534 540 545 560 560 575 576 588 596 596 623 624 650 656 696 739 742 744 786 800 800 810 837 848 850 907 926 929 941 994 1,000 1,034 1,060 1,100 1,101 1,103 1,106 Index ccontinuedl Facility name County/City State Facility type Southern Correctional Center Maximum Security Unit, Tucker Unit Camden County Correctional Facility Pima County Adult Detention Center Federal Correctional Institution Oklahoma State Penitentiary Federal Correctional Institution Columbia Correctional Institution Erie County Holding Center Jackson County Detention Center Cook County Medical and Psychiatric FacilityRTU Building Federal Correctional Institution Troy NC State prison Tucker Camden County Pima County Otisville McAlester Bastrop Portage Erie County Jackson-County AR State prison County jail County jail Federal prison State prison Federal prison State prison County jail County complex Arizona State Prison-Florence Twin Rivers Corrections Center Missouri Eastern Correctional Center State Correctional Institution at Smithfield Federal Correctional Institution Penitentiary of New Mexico North Carolina Central Prison Alameda County North County Jail Prince George's County Correctional Center Jefferson County Jail South Florida Reception Center Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center Ferguson Unit Lieber Correctional Institution Seminole County Correctional Facility Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility Hunt Correctional Center Graham Correctional Center Centralia Correctional Center North Facility Brooklyn Correctional Facility Trenton State Prison Hamilton County Justice Complex Clark County Detention Center Federal Detention Center Shawnee Correctional Center Martin Correctional Institution Danville Correctional Center West Jefferson Correctional Facility California Correctional Institution Madison Correctional Institution Jester Unit Number 3 Fannington Correctional Center Wallace Pack Unit I Beto II Unit Southern State Correctional FaCility: Modular Units (Phase I and II) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Cook County Ray Brook Florence Monroe Pacific Huntingdon Phoenix Santa Fe Raleigh Alameda County Prince George's County Jefferson County Miami Philadelphia County/ Philadelphia Midway Ridgeville Seminole County Crowley St. Gabriel Hillsboro Centralia New York New York Trenton Hamilton County Clark County Oakdale Vienna Indiantown Danville Bessemer Tehachapi London Richmond Farmington Navasota Palestine Delmont NJ AZ NY OK TX WI NY MO IL NY AZ WA MO PA AZ NM NC CA MD AL FL PA TX SC County jail Federal prison State prison State prison State prison State prison Federal prison State prison State prison County jail County jail County jail State prison Page 390 102 336 88 372 422 486 572 370 314 210 374 78 562 316 440 84 354 388 106 280 56 196 TX County and city jails State prison State prison County jail State prison State prison State prison State prison City jail City jail State prison County complex County jail Federal complex State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison TX State prison 436 488 452 194 162 264 226 208 380 364 346 396 334 260 236 188 212 58 108 400 502 310 528 464 NJ State prison 344 FL co LA IL IL NY NY NJ OH NV LA IL FL IL AL CA OH TX MO 37 Inmate design capacity Inmates 1,139 1,162 1,182 1,200 1,224 1,274 1,344 1,364 1,440 1,576 1,900 2,200 2,358 2,404 3,264 3,783 4,188 38 Index (continued) Facility name County/City State Facility type County jail County and city jails State prison State prison County and city complex State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison City jail 126 506 268 80 458 406 478 530 276 304 382 State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison 134 482 Orange County Sheriff's Intake Release Center Orange County CA Lew Sterrett Justice Center Dallas County/Dallas Angie Goodyear Shelby County/Memphis Chillicothe TX Washington Correctional Institute Arizona State Prison-Perryville Shelby County Justice Center Ross Correctional Institution Darrington Unit Wallace Pack Unit II Eastern Correctional Institution Mississippi State Penitentiary-Unit 29 Rikers Island: Modular Units Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility at Rock Mountain Ellis II Unit (Phase I and II) California Medical Facility-South California State Prison-Sacramento County/Folsom Coffield Unit Beto I Unit Rosharon Navasota Westover Parchman New York LA AZ TN OH TX TX MD MS NY San Diego CA Huntsville TX Vacaville CA CA Represa Tennessee Colony Tennessee Colony TX TX Page !IO 112 474 462 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Category of construction Category State Facility name Facility type AK Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility Phase II Fairbanks Correctional Center Cummins Unit-.Medium Security Clark County Detention Facility State pre-trial facility State prison State prison County complex State prison Ccunty jail Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project AR AR AZ Expansion project Expansion project CA CA Expansion project CA Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project co Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project Expansion project AK FL FL FL GA MD MI MI MT NM NY NY OK PA TX TX TX TX TX TX VA VA Expansion project Expansion project New, ancillary building New, ancillary building VT WA AK AK New, ancillary building AZ AZ AZ New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building Index CA CA CA CA CA co co CT CT DE FL Arizona State Prison-Perryville Orange County Sheriffs Intake Release Center San Joaquin County Honor Farm Women's Minimum Security Facility Santa Barbara County Main Jail Garlield County Jail Alachua County Corrections Facility Leon County Jail Santa Rosa County Jail Dooly County Jail Montgomery County Detention Center Grand Traverse County Correctional Facility Macomb County Jail Pondera County Jail Youth Diagnostic and Development Center-Phase III Erie County Holding Center Masten Park Secure Center Oklahoma State Penitentiary Blair County Prison Darrington Unit Ferguson Unit Fort Bend County Jail Harris County Juvenile Detention Home Hidalgo County Jail Liberty County Jail Augusta County Jail Fairfax County Adult Detention Center and Pre-Release Center Northwest State Correctional Facility Thurston County Corrections Facility Hiland Mountain Correctional Center Meadow Creek Correctional Center Arizona State Prison-Florence Pima County Adult Detention Center Sacaton Juvenile Rehabilitation Center Elmwood-Barracks 24 Lacy Security Facility Orange County Sheriffs Intake Release Center Placer County Jail Sonoma North County Detention Facility Delta County Criminal Justice Facility Pitkin County Jail Bridgeport Correctional Center: Modular Units J. Bernard Gates Correctional Unit Delaware Correctional Center (Maximum Security) Federal Correctional Institution N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction County jail County jail County jail County jail County jail County complex County jail County complex County and city complex County jail County complex Youth detention facility County jail State secure center for youth State prison County jail State prison State prison County jail County complex County jail County complex County jail County complex State prison County complex State prison State prison State prison County jail Juvenile rehabilitation center County jail County jail County jail County complex County jail County complex County complex State prison State jail State prison Federal prison Page 62 64 98 96 80 126 136 138 166 178 182 192 202 278 292 294 324 362 370 378 422 432 478 488 490 496 498 508 546 548 540 560 66 70 78 90 94 116 122 126 128 146 164 168 172 174 176 180 39 Category of construction (continued) Index Category State Facility name Facility type New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancilJary building FL Leon County Justice Complex FL Pinellas County Jail-Medium Security Facility FL FL HI Seminole County Correctional Facility Union Correctional Institution Maui Community Correctional Center IL Centralia Correctional Center County complex County jail County jail State prison County and city jails/State prison State prison IL Cook County Medical and Psychiatric Facility- New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, anci1lary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building IL RTU Building Dixon Correctional Center Dwight Correctional Center ( 1979 Addition) Dwight Correctional Center ( 1984 Addition) East Moline Correctional Center Graham Correctional Center IIlinois Youth Center-Kankakee (Dining Facility) New, ancillary building IL IIlinois Youth Center-Kankakee (Housing Unit) New, ancillary building New, ancillary building IL Shawnee Correctional Center Sheridan Correctional Center (Kitchen/Dining New, ancil1ary building IL New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancil1ary building New, ancillary building New, anciliary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building New, ancillary building IN KS KY LA LA LA MA MD MI MN MO MT NC NE NJ NM NY OH OK OK OK OK PA SC TN TX TX TX TX TX IL IL IL IL IL IL Facility) 40 Sheridan Correctional Center (Medical/Security Services) Marion County Jail Kansas State Penitentiary (Phase One) Federal Correctional Institution Feliciana Forensic Facility Hunt Correctional Center Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women Massachusetts Correctional Institution Norfolk Baltimore City Jail State Prison of Southern Michigan Minnesota Supervised Living Facility Farmington Correctional Center Jefferson County Criminal Justice Center North Carolina Central Prison Nebraska State Penitentiary Trenton State Prison Youth Diagnostic and Development Center-Phase III Rikers Island: Modular Units Ohio Reformatory for Women Lexington Assessment & Reception Center Mabel Bassett Correctional Center Oklahoma State Penitentiary Ouachita Correctional Center State Regional Correctional Facility at Mercer Gilliam Psychiatric Center Nashville Community Service Center Darrington Unit Diagnostic Unit Mountain View Unit Orange County Jail Victoria County Jail Page 184 190 194 198 206 208 210 214 220 222 224 226 County jail State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison Juvenile correctional facility Juvenile correctional facility State prison 230 236 State prison 238 State prison County complex State prison Federal prison State complex State prison State prison State prison City jail State prison hospital State prison State prison County complex State prison State prison State prison Youth detention facility City jail State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison County complex County complex 228 240 242 250 254 262 264 266 288 274 296 300 310 320 388 332 346 362 382 402 414 418 422 424 442 450 456 478 480 512 514 526 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Category of construction Index (continued) Category State Facility name Facility type Page New, ancillary building New, ancillary building WA WA Forks City Jail Washington Corrections Center Intensive Management Unit City complex 556 State prison State detention facility State prison State prison State prison Federal prison County jail State prison County jail State prison County jail State prison County jail Federal prison Federal prison County jail Juvenile correctional facility County jail State prison State prison State prison County complex County complex County jail County complex 564 60 68 State prison County jail County jail County complex 134 City complex City complex County jail County complex State prison County complex County jail State prison State prison County jail County complex County jail County complex State prison County complex County complex 150 152 158 160 162 170 186 188 196 200 204 244 246 212 216 218 County complex 232 New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility AK Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility AK Mat-su Pre-Trial Facility Palmer Correctional Center Medium Security Facility Yukon-Kuskokwim Correctional Center Federal Correctional Institution Jefferson County Jail West Jefferson Correctional Facility Garland County Detention Facility Maximum Security Unit, Tucker Unit Saline County Detention Facility Arizona State Prison-Perryville Cochise County Jail Federal Correctional Institution (Phoenix) Federal Correctional Institution (Tucson) Pima County Adult Detention Center Pinal Mountain Juvenile Institution New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility CA CA CA CA AK AK AL AL AL AR AR AR AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ CA CA CA CA CA New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility CA CA CA CA New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility CA co co co co FL FL FL GA GA IA IA IL IL IL IL Alameda County North County Jail California Correctional Institution California Medical Facility-South California State Prison-Sacramento County/Folsom Contra Costa County Detention Facility Foothill Communities Law & Justice Center Kings County Branch Jail Pre-Trial Detention Facility Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility at Rock Mountain Santa Cruz County Jail (Phase I) Sequoia Field Detention Facility Shasta County Justice Center Sunnyvale Public Safety Building and Temporary Holding Facility Torrance Police Department Adams County Detention Facility Alamosa County Law Enforcement Center Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility Summit County Justice Center Marion County Detention Center Martin Correctional Institution South Florida Reception Center Clarke County Correctional Institution Richmond County Law Enforcement and Justice Center Polk County Jail Woodbury Law Enforcement Center Danville Correctional Center Douglas County Jail DuPage County Jail and Sheriffs Department Peoria County Adult Detention and Work Release Facility NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 72 76 54 56 58 100 102 104 80 82 84 86 88 92 106 108 110 112 114 118 120 132 140 142 144 41 Category of construction Index (continued) Category State Facility name Facility type New, independent facility New, independent facility IL Rock Island County Jail Johnson County Juvenile Hall New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility KS KY County complex Juvenile detention facility County complex County jail Federal complex State prison State prison State prison County jail County jail County jail County complex State prison Juvenile detention facility County jail State prison County complex State prison County jail State prison County complex County complex County complex County complex County complex State prison State prison County complex County jail County jail County complex County jail County complex 298 308 312 314 316 302 304 306 318 322 326 384 386 390 328 330 336 338 340 342 State prison County jail County jail State prison State prison State prison State prison Youth detention facility County jail County jail Federal prison Federal prison City jail County complex 344 348 350 352 354 356 358 360 334 368 372 374 380 392 New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New. independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent faciJity New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New. independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility 42 KS LA LA MD MD MD MD MD ME MI MN MO MO MO MO MS MS MS MT MT MT NC NC NC NE NE NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NM NM NM NM NM NM NV NY NY NY NY OH Shawnee County Department of Corrections Knox County Jail Federal Detention Center Washington Correctional Institute Baltimore City Correctional Center Eastern Correctional Institution Prince George's County Correctional Center Somerset County Detention Center Washington County Detention Center Franklin County Detention/Law Enforcement Facility Correction Camp Cusino Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Center Clay County Detention Center Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center, Phase I Jackson County Detention Center Missouri Eastern Correctiona1 Center Jackson County Adult Detention Center Mississippi State Penitentiary-Unit 29 Tunica County Jail and Sheriffs Department Chouteau County Law Enforcement Facility Lewis and Clark County Crimina1 Justice Facility Yellowstone County Detention Facility Craven County Law Enforcement Center Eastern Correctional Center Southern Correctiona1 Center Dodge County Judicial Center Douglas County Correctional Center Camden County Correctional Facility Gerald L. Gormley Justice Facility Middlesex County Correctional Facility Ocean County Justice Complex Southern State Correctional Facility: Modular Units (Phase I and II) Warren County Correctional Center Bernalillo County Detention Center (South Tower) Central New Mexico Correctional Facility Penitentiary of New Mexico Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility Western New Mexico Correctional Facility Youth Diagnostic and Development Center Clark County Detention Center Erie County Correctional Facility Federal Correctional Institution (Otisville) Federal Correctional Institution (Ray Brook) North Facility Ashtabula County Justice Center Page 234 248 252 256 260 268 272 276 280 282 284 270 290 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Category of construction Index <continued) Category State Facility name Facility type New. independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility OH OH OH OH OH County jail County complex County complex State prison County complex State prison County complex County complex County complex New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility OK OR ClennontCounty Jail Hamilton County Justice Complex Logan County Jail and Office Complex Madison Correctional Institution Ottawa County Detention Facility Ross Correctional Institution Wayne County Justice Center Cleveland County Detention Center Kay County Detention Facility Lexington Assessment & Reception Center, Phase I and II Muskogee County/City Detention Facility Jackson County Jail Justice Center Lycoming County Prison Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center Schuylkill County Prison State Correctional Institution at Smithfield Warren County Jail Wyoming County Jail Lieber Correctional Institution Myrtle Beach Law Enforcement Center Shelby County Justice Center Austin County Jail Beto I Unit Beto II Unit BexarCounty Juvenile Center Brazoria County Sheriffs Department Detention Center II Cameron County Detention Center Chambers County Law Enforcement Center Coffield Unit Comal County Jail Ellis II Unit (Phase land m Fayette County Detention Center Federal Correctional Institution Fort Bend County Jail Freeport Police and Courts Building Hunt County Criminal Justice Center Jester Unit Number 3 Katy Police Department Lew Sterrett Justice Center Missouri City Police Department Pearland Pnblic Safety Building San Patricio County Sheriffs Department Smith County Jail Starr County Jail TDC Hospital at Galveston Wallace Pack Unit! Wallace Pack Unit II New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility OH OH OK OK OK OR PA PA PA PA PA PA SC SC TN TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction State prison County and city jails Page 394 396 398 400 404 406 408 410 412 416 420 426 428 434 436 438 440 County jail County complex County jail County and city jails County jail State prison County jail County jail State prison City complex County complex County complex State prison State prison County complex 452 454 458 460 462 464 466 County jail County jail County complex State prison County complex State prison County complex Federal prison County complex City complex County complex State prison City complex County and city jails City complex City complex County complex County jail County jail State prison hospital State prison State prison 468 470 472 474 476 482 484 486 490 494 500 502 504 506 510 516 518 520 522 524 528 530 444 446 43 Category of construction Category State TX New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility New, independent facility Phased project (future) Phased project (future) Phased project (future) Phased project (future) Phased project (future) Phased project (future) Phased project (future) Phased project (future) Phased project (future) Phased project (future) Phased project (future) Phased project (past) Phased project (past) Phased project (past) NY Phased project (past) Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation SC AK AK AR CA CA CA Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation CA CA CA CA 44 UT UT UT VA VA VA VT WA WA WA WA WI WI WI WI WV CA CA co KS OH MI PA TX TX TX VA AK AZ FL FL FL IN LA MA Index (continued) Facility name Westwide Police Area Command Station Orange Street Community Correctional Center Uintah County Jail Young Adult Correctional Facility Alexandria Detention Center Pittsylvania County Jail Roanoke City Jail St. Johnsbury Community Correctional Center Benton County Justice Center Jefferson County Correctional Facility Twin Rivers Corrections Center Whitman County Correctional Facility Burnett County Government Center Columbia Correctional Institution Oshkosh Correctional Institution Rusk County Law Enforcement Facility Ohio County Correctional Center Placer County Jail Sonoma North County Detention Facility Pitkin County Jail Kansas State Penitentiary (Phase One) Ottawa County Detention Facility Correction Camp Cusino Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center Lew Sterrett Justice Center Orange County Jail Victoria County Jail Roanoke City Jail Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility Phase II Arizona State Prison-Perryville Elmira Correctional & Reception Center Food Service & Dining Facility Clemson Police Department Fairbanks Correctional Center Wildwood Correctional Center Cummins Unit-Medium Security Nevada County Detention Center Orange County Sheriffs Intake Release Center Plumas County Sheriffs Department & Detention Facility Sonoma North County Detention Facility Stanislaus County Jail Tuolumne County Jail Yuba County Jail Alachua County Corrections Facility Santa Rosa County Jail Seminole County Correctional Facility Marion County Jail Dixon Correctional Institute Longwood Treatment Center Facility type Page City complex State correctional facility County jail State prison City complex County jail City complex County jail/State prison County complex County complex State prison County complex County complex State prison State prison County complex County and city complex County complex County jail County complex State prison County complex State prison County and city jails County and city jails County complex County complex City complex State pre-trial facility State prison 532 534 536 538 544 550 552 542 554 558 562 566 570 572 574 576 568 128 146 168 250 404 290 436 506 514 526 552 62 80 State prison City complex State prison State prison State prison Restitution center County jail 366, 448 County jail County jail County complex County jail County jail County jail County complex County jail County complex State prison Treatment facility 130 146 148 64 74 98 124 126 154 156 178 192 194 242 258 286 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Category of construction Index (continued) Category Stale Facility name Facility type Remodeling/renovation MD MI Ml MO MT Montgomery County Detention Center County complex County and city complex County jail State prison County complex State prison City jail 278 292 294 310 324 346 364 State prison County jail State treatment center State center for youth State prison County jail County jail City complex State prison State prison County complex County complex County complex State prison County complex State jail County jail 366 370 376 378 422 430 438 448 478 488 496 508 560 80 128 174 178 Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Remodeling/renovation Temporary housing Temporary housing Temporary housing Temporary housing NJ NY NY NY NY NY OK PA PA SC TX TX TX TX WA AZ CA CT FL Grand Traverse County Correctional Facility Macomb County Jail Farmington Correctional Center Pondera County Jail Trenton State Prison Brooklyn Correctional Facility Elmira Correctional & Reception Center Food Service & Dining Facility Erie County Holding Center Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center Masten Park Secure Center Oklahoma State Penitentiary Allegheny County Jail Annex Schuylkill County Prison Clemson Police Department Darrington Unit Ferguson Unit Harris County Juvenile Detention Home Liberty County Jail Thurston County Corrections Facility Arizona State Prison-Perryville Placer County Jail J. Bernard Gates Correctional Unit Alachua County Corrections Facility N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Page 45 Index Facility name Facility name Adams County Detention Facility Alachua County Corrections Facility Alameda County North County Jail Alamosa County Law Enforcement Center Alexandria Detention Center Allegheny County Jail Annex Arizona State Prison-Florence Arizona State Prison-Penyville Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility Ashtabula County Justice Center Augusta County Jail Austin County Jail Baltimore City Correctional Center Baltimore City Jail Benton County Justice Center Bernalillo County Detention Center(South Tower) Beto I Unit Beto II Unit Bexar County Juvenile Center Blair County Prison Brazoria County Sheriff's Department Detention Center II Bridgeport Correctional Center: Modular Units Brooklyn Correctional Facility Burnett County Government Center California Correctional Institution California Medical Facility-South California State Prison-Sacramento County/Folsom Camden County Correctional Facility Cameron County Detention Center Central New Mexico Correctional Facility Centralia Correctional Center Chambers County Law Enforcement Center Chouteau County Law Enforcement Facility Clark County Detention Center Clark County Detention Facility Clarke County Correctional Institution Clay County Detention Center Clemson Police Department Clermont County Jail Cleveland County Detention Center Cochise County Jail Coffield Unit Columbia Correctional Institution Comal County Jail Contra Costa County Detention Facility Cook County Medical and Psychiatric Facility-RTU Building Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility Phase II Correction Camp Cusino Craven County Law Enforcement Center NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction State Facility type co County jail County jail County jail County complex City complex County jail State prison State prison State prison County complex County jail County complex State prison City jail County complex County jail State prison State prison County complex County jail County jail State prison City jail County complex State prison State prison State prison County jail County jail State prison State prison County complex County complex County jail County complex County jail County jail City complex County jail County complex County jail State prison State prison County jail County complex County jail State detention facility State pre-trial facility State prison County complex FL CA co VA PA AZ AZ co OH VA TX MD MD WA NM TX TX TX PA TX CT NY WJ CA CA CA NJ TX NM IL TX MT NV AR GA MO SC OH OK AZ TX WI TX CA IL AK AK MI NC Page 158 178 106 160 544 430 78 80 162 392 546 460 272 274 554 350 462 464 466 432 468 172 364 570 108 110 112 336 470 352 208 472 318 334 96 200 308 448 394 410 82 474 572 476 114 210 60 62 290 384 47 Facility name (continued) Facility name Cummins Unit-Medium Security Danville Correctional Center Darrington Unit Delaware Correctional Center (Maximum Security) Delta County Criminal Justice Facility Diagnostic Unit Dixon Correctional Center Dixon Correctional Institute Dodge County Judicial Center Dooly County Jail Douglas County Correctional Center Douglas County Jail DuPage County Jail and Sheriff's Department Dwight Correctional Center (1979 Addition) Dwight Correctional Center ( 1984 Addition) East Moline Correctional Center Eastern Correctional Center Eastern Correctional Institution Ellis II Unit (Phase I and II) Elmira Correctional & Reception Center Food Service & Dining Facility Elmwood-Barracks 24 Erie County Correctional Facility Erie County Holding Center Fairbanks Correctional Center Fairfax County Adult Detention Center and Pre-Release Center Farmington Correctional Center Fayette County Detention Center Federal Correctional Institution Federal Correctional Institution (Phoenix) Federal Correctional Institution (Tucson) Federal Correctional Institution Federal Correctional Institution Federal Correctional Institution (Otisvi11e) Federal Correctional Iristitution (Ray Brook) Federal Correctional Institution Federal Detention Center Feliciana Forensic Facility Ferguson Unit Foothill Communities Law & Justice Center Forks City Jail Fort Bend County Jail Fort Bend County Jail (Expansion) Franklin County Detention/Law Enforcement Facility Freeport Police and Courts Building Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center, Phase I Garfield County Jail Garland County Detention Facility Gerald L. Gormley Justice Facility Gilliam Psychiatric Center 48 Index State Facility type AR State prison State prison State prison State prison IL TX DE co TX IL County complex State prison State prison LA State prison NE County complex County jail County jail County complex County complex GA NE IL IL IL IL IL NC MD TX NY CA NY NY AK VA MO TX AL AZ, AZ FL KY NY NY TX LA LA TX CA WA TX TX ME TX MO co AR NJ SC State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison State prison County jail County jail County jail State prison County complex State prison County complex Federal prison Federal prison Federal prison Federal prison Federal prison Federal prison Federal prison Federal prison Federal complex State complex State prison County complex City complex County complex County jail County complex City complex State prison County jail County jail County complex State prison Page 98 212 478 176 164 480 214 258 328 202 330 216 218 220 222 224 386 276 482 366 116 368 370 64 548 310 484 54 84 86 180 254 372 374 486 260 262 488 118 556 490 492 270 494 312 166 100 338 450 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Facility name Index (continued) Facility name State Facility type Graham Correctional Center Grand Traverse County Correctional Facility Hamilton County Justice Complex Harris County Juvenile Detention Home Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Center Hidalgo County Jail Hiland Mountain Correctional Center IL State prison County and city complex County complex County complex Juvenile detention facility County jail Hunt Correctional Center Hunt County Criminal Justice Center Illinois Youth Center-Kankakee (Dining Facility) Illinois Youth Center-Kankakee (Housing Unit) J. Bernard Gates Correctional Unit Jackson County Adult Detention Center Jackson County Detention Center Jackson County Jail Jefferson County Correctional Facility Jefferson County Criminal Justice Center Jefferson County Jail JesterUnitNumber3 Johnson County Juvenile Hall Justice Center Kansas State Penitentiary (Phase One) Katy Police Department Kay County Detention Facility Kings County Branch Jail Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center Knox County Jail Lacy Security Facility Leon County Jail Leon County Justice Complex Lew Sterrett Justice Center Lewis and Clark County Criminal Justice Facility Lexington Assessment & Reception Center Lexington Assessment & Reception Center, Phase I and II Liberty County Jail Lieber Correctional Institution Logan County Jail and Office Complex Longwood Treatment Center Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women Lycoming County Prison Mabel Bassett Correctional Center Macomb County Jail Madison Correctional Institution Marion County Detention Center Marion County Jail Martin Correctional Institution Massachusetts Correctional Institution Norfolk Masten Park Secure Center Mat-su Pre-Trial Facility Maui Community Correctional Center NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction MI OH TX MN TX AK LA TX IL IL CT MS MO OR WA MT AL TX KS OR KS TX OK CA NY KY CA FL FL TX MT OK OK TX SC OH MA LA PA OK MI OH FL IN FL MA NY AK HI Statt? prison State prison County complex Juvenile correctional facility Juvenile correctional facility State jail County jail County complex County jail County complex County complex County jail State prison Juvenile detention facility County complex State prison City complex County complex County jail State treatment center County jail County jail County jail County complex County and city jails County complex State prison State prison County complex State prison County complex Treatment facility State prison County jail State prison County jail State prison County jail County complex State prison State prison State center for youth State prison County and city jails/State prison Page 226 292 396 496 298 498 66 264 500 228 230 174 302 314 426 558 320 56 502 248 428 250 504 412 120 376 256 122 182 184 506 322 414 416 508 452 398 286 266 434 418 294 400 186 242 188 288 378 68 206 49 Facility name Index <continued> Facility name State Facility type Page Maximum Security Unit, Tucker Unit AR AK State prison State prison County jail State prison State prison City complex State prison 102 70 340 300 304 510 316 278 512 420 454 456 332 124 388 380 540 342 568 402 422 514 126 534 574 Meadow Creek Correctional Center Middlesex County Correctional Facility Minnesota Supervised Living Facility Mississippi State Penitentiary-Unit 29 Missouri City Police Department Missouri Eastern Correctional Center Montgomery County Detention Center Mountain View Unit Muskogee County/City Detention Facility Myrtle Beach Law Enforcement Center Nashville Community Service Center Nebraska State Penitentiary Nevada County Detention Center North Carolina Central Prison North Facility Northwest State Correctional Facility Ocean County Justice Complex Ohio County Correctional Center Ohio Reformatory for Women Oklahoma State Penitentiary Orange County Jail Orange County Sheriffs Intake Release Center Orange Street Community Correctional Center Oshkosh Correctional Institution Ottawa County Detention Facility Ouachita Correctional Center Palmer Correctional Center Medium Security Facility Pearland Public Safety Building Penitentiary of New Mexico Peoria County Adult Detention and Work Release Facility Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center Pima County Adult Detention Center Pima County Adult Detention Center (Addition) Pinal Mountain Juvenile Institution Pinellas County Jail-Medium Security Facility Pitkin County Jail Pittsylvania County Jail Placer County Jail Plumas County Sheriff's Department & Detention Facility Polk County Jail Pondera CoU:nty Jail Pre-Trial Detention Facility Prince George's County Correctional Center Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility at Rock Mountain Richmond County Law Enforcement and Justice Center Rikers Island: Modular Units Roanoke City Jail Rock Island County Jail Ross Correctional Institution 50 NJ MN MS TX MO MD TX OK SC TN NE CA NC NY VT NJ WV OH OK TX CA UT WI OH OK AK TX NM IL PA AZ, AZ AZ, FL co VA CA CA IA MT CA MD CA GA NY VA IL OH County complex State prison County and city jails City complex State prison State prison Restitution center State prison City jail State prison County complex County complex State prison State prison County complex County jail State correctional facility State prison County complex State prison State prison City complex State prison County complex County and city jails County jail County jail Juvenile correctional facility County jail County complex County jail County complex County jail County jail County complex County jail County jail State prison County complex City jail City complex County complex State prison 404 424 72 516 354 232 436 88 90 92 190 168 550 128 130 244 324 132 280 134 204 382 552 234 406 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Facility name Index <continued) Facility name State Facility type Rusk County Law Enforcement Facility Sacaton Juvenile Rehabilitation Center Saline County Detention Facility San Joaquin County Honor Farm Women• s Minimum Security WI County complex Juvenile rehabilitation center County jail 576 94 104 County jail County complex County jail 136 518 138 140 192 438 142 194 144 236 252 458 238 240 520 282 146 196 390 356 344 542 148 522 440 296 442 170 150 524 560 152 346 Facility San Patricio County Sheriff's Department Santa Barbara County Main Jail Santa Cruz County Jail (Phase I) Santa Rosa County Jail Schuylkill County Prison Sequoia Field Detention Facility Seminole County Correctional Facility Shasta County Justice Center Shawnee Correctional Center Shawnee County Department of Corrections Shelby County Justice Center Sheridan Correctional Center (Kitchen/Dining Facility) Sheridan Correctional Center (Medical/Security Services) Smith County Jail Somerset County Detention Center Sonoma North County Detention Facility South Florida Reception Center Southern Correctional Center Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility Southern State Correctional Facility: Modular Units (Phase I and II) St. Johnsbury Community Correctional Center Stanislaus County Jail StarrCounty Jail State Correctional Institution at Smithfield State Prisori of Southern Michigan State Regional Correctional Facility at Mercer Summit County Justice Center Sunnyvale Public Safety Building and Temporary Holding Facility TDC Hospital at Galveston Thurston County Corrections Facility Torrance Police Department Trenton State Prison Tunica County Jail and Sheriff's Department Tuolumne County Jail Twin Rivers Corrections Center Uintah County Jail Union Correctional Institution Victoria County Jail Wallace Pack Unit I Wallace Pack Unit II Warren County Correctional Center Warren County Jail Washington Correctional Institute Washington Corrections Center Intensive Management Unit Washington County Detention Center NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction AZ AR CA TX CA CA County jail FL County complex PA CA County jail County jail FL CA County jail County complex IL State prison KS TN IL County complex IL TX MD CA FL NC NM NJ VT CA TX PA MI PA co CA TX WA CA NJ MS CA WA UT FL TX TX TX NJ PA LA WA MD County and city complex State prison State prison County jail County jail County jail State prison State prison State prison State prison County jail/State prison County complex County jail State prison State prison hospital State prison County complex City complex State prison hospital County complex City complex State prison County complex County jail State prison County jail State prison County complex State prison State prison County jail County jail State prison State prison County jail Page 306 154 562 536 198 526 528 530 348 444 268 564 284 51 Facility name Index (continued) Facility name State Facility type Wayne County Justice Center West Jefferson Correctional Facility Western New Mexico Correctional Facility Westside Police Area Command Station Whitman County Correctional Facility Wildwood Correctional Center Woodbury Law Enforcement Center Wyoming County Jail Yellowstone County Detention Facility Young Adult Correctional Facility Youth Diagnostic and Development Center Youth Diagnostic and Development Center-Phase III Yuba County Jail Yukon-Kuskokwim Correctional Center OH County complex State prison State prison City complex County complex State prison County complex County jail County complex State prison Youth detention facility Youth detention facility County jail State prison 52 AL NM TX WA AK IA PA MT UT NM NM CA AK Page 408 58 358 532 566 74 246 446 326 538 360 362 156 76 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Section IV Facility profiles Federal Correctional Institution Jurisdiction official: J. Michael Quinlan, Director, Bureau of Prisons Contact: Warden D.J. Southerland, Federal Correctional Institution, Talladega, AL 35160, 205-362-0410 Architect: Charles}kll/lc.Qa!JleyA,~~!?Q!ll~~.,,l/?f¥l'}JIOO South 20th Street, P .0. Box 335, Birmingham, AL 35201, 205-933-7100 Construction manager: Lasker··GolanfariCoiporation, 470 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016, 212-481-3409 Groundbreaking: September 1977 Finish date: September 1979 Constrnction time: 24 months Design capacity: 324 Total cost: $10,069,300 Total annual operating costs: $6,500,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Federal prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $10,069,300 Building only: $10,069,050 Gross square feet/corrections: 260,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 260,000 Housing area square feet: 155,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 802 Size of cells: 106 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Uriknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 54 Inmates per unit: 54 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: 879 Facility commitment: Federal prisoners Means to handle crowding: Burik beds in cell Housing area: $6,002,840 Housing per inmate: $18,527 Housing per cell: $18,527 Total per inmate: $3 I ,078 Total per GSF: $38. 73 Total annual operating costs: $6,500,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 (use, 5%) Medium: 75% (use, 90%) Minimum: 25% (use, 5%) Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Natural wall, no coating or treatment Construction process Finance method: Federal funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood; steel Fire protection: Sprinklers for common areas 54 Single occupancy: 324 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 324 Total: 324 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 28 Security: 100 Programs/treatment: 39 Maintenance: 46 Total: 213 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.13: I Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Phased construction, fast track construction management Negative: Government procedures, regulations, "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Phased construction, fast track construction management; advanced orderof materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; government "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Alabama Talladega .. .., NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 55 Jefferson County Jail Jurisdiction official: A. Melvin Bailey, Sheriff Contact: Deputy Sheriff Glenn Anderson, Jefferson County Jail, 809 21 Street North, Birmingham, AL 35263, 205-325-5936 Architect: Giattina Fisher & Company Architects, Inc., 2031 11th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35255, 205-933-9060 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: January 1982 Finish date: July 1984 Construction time: 31 months Design capacity: 623 Total cost: $18,200,000 Total annual operating costs: Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: High rise $4,480,409 Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $18,200,000 Building only: Ni A Gross square feet/corrections: 225,173 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 225, 173 Housing area square feet: 181,580 Gross square feet per inmate: 361 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: NI A Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 12 Inmates per unit: 12 Management type: Remote surveillance; patrols October 1985 population: 312 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates and State prisoners Means to handle crowding: None needed Housing area: $14,700,000 Housing per inmate: $25,699 Housing per cell: $28,053 Total per inmate: $29,213 Total per GSF: $80.83 Total annual operating costs: $4,480,409 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; alarm/ detection systems Inmate security level: Maximum: 96% Medium: 0 Minimum: 4% Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame, flat plate Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote unlocking only Floor surface: Vinyl tile; carpet in control rooms and administrative areas Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas; direct to secure stations HV AC: Air cond.; heating/air circ.; cent. heat. plant with boilers, fans, chillers, cool. towers; pip. to heat. coils Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; stainless steel Fire protection: Smoke det. for com. areas; sprinklers for cells and com. areas; man. alarm stations; fire pump; emer. gen.; comp. cont. for HVAC 56 Single occupancy: 500 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 72 Special housing: 51 General population: 572 Total: 623 Construction process Finance method: Local funds; G. 0. Bond issue Contract method: Conventional; three bid packages Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; casework, detention furnishings Architect's reported analyses Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: IO Security: 104 Programs/treatment: 7 ( + 4 not in budget) Maintenance: 0 ( + 6 not in budget) Total: 121 ( + 10 not in budget) Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.58:1 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market: highrise design with stacking cells and utilities Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Phased construction; coordination of design, team/contractor/owner; all parties local Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Alabama Jefferson County @ TYPIC.i\L 0 4 8 16 LEVEL PL.i\N 32 FEeT NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 57 West Jefferson Correctional Facility Jurisdiction official: Morris L. Thigpen, Commissioner, Department of Corrections C~ntact: John E. ~ag!~:.~~~j:1',,:~:~tlrf~~r~gR~'/!'1:"&!i?Ji!l Facility, 100 Warrier Lane, Bessemer, AL 35023, 205-436-3681 Jomt venture arcb1teds:!"fillel'@J1m,et'&.~~N~J11~~]1,~Ji~§outh Perry Street, Montgomery, AL 36104, 205-834-6170 Wittenberg, Delony & Davidson, Inc., 840 Savers'FederiiJ·Building, Little Rock, AR 72201, 501-376-6681 Construction manager: Brice Building Company/Champion Construction Company, 2721 2nd Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35201, 205-252-9911 Groundbreaking: December 1981 Finish date: March I 984 Construction time: 28 months Design capacity: 994 Total cost: $23,420,685 Total allllual operating costs: $13,111,599 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Wings connecting housing pods Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $23,420,685 Building only: $20,120,685 Gross square feet/corrections: 315,522 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 315,522 Housing area square feet: 220,900 Gross square feet per inmate: 191 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: NIA Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 96 Inmates per unit: 96 or 192 Management type: Remote surveillance July I 985 population: 1,352 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell Housing area: $13,321,500 Housing per inmate: $13,876,562 Housing per cell: $22,276,755 Total per inmate: $23,562 Total per GSF: $74.23 Total annual operating costs: $13,111,599 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/ detection systems, razor wire on and between fences; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 25% Medium: 50% Minimum: 25% Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only; gas-fired boiler Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel; concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 58 Structural: Load bearing precast panels (floors); load bearing concrete block Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: CMU block only Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 192 Double occupancy: 768 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 34 General population: 960 Total: 994 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 42 Security: 243 Programs/treatment: 26 Maintenance: IO Total: 321 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.09: 1 Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Co~ventional, two separate contracts Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate, preengineered metal roof and frame, precast panels Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Phased construction; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Difficult site conditionsabandoned coal mine Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, coordination of design between parties Negative: Site preparation lengthy NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Alabama Bessemer DAYROOM ITWO STORY SPACE! DAYROOM CTWO STOAV SPACEI DAYROOM DAYROOM (TWO STORY 81'...CEI <TWO STORY S!'ACE) :/ TYPICAL 96 BED HOUSING UNIT NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 59 Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility Jurisdiction official: Susan Humphrey-Barnett, Commissioner, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Charles Moses, Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility, P.O. Box 103155, 1300 East 4th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99510, 907-258-7267 Architects: !Rellllluffi;,QbJl\il &: Kassalfatini,.I11c.;'.Orie?Ebfu.61frilriS~] San Francisco, CA 94111, 415-627-1600 CCC Architects Alaska, 413 West Seventh, Suite 100, Anchorage, AK 99501, 907-272-3567 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: September 1979 Finish date: June I 983 Construction time: 45 months Design capacity: 228 Total cost: $21,000,000 Total annual operating costs: $8,505,683 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State detention facility Building configuration: Integrated structure; clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $21,000,000 Building only: $20,000,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 89,341 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 89,341 Housing area square feet: 59,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 392 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 66% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 12 to 24 Inmates per unit: 12 to 48 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: 398 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Holding cells in intake; transfer offenders Housing area: $9,800,000 Housing per inmate: $45,370 Housing per cell: $45,370 Total per inmate: $92,105 Total per GSF: $235.05 Total annual operating costs: $8,505,683 Security Perimeter: Building exterior; double fence; razor wire on fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 15% Medium: 65% Minimum: 20% Construction type Structural: Steel frame; CIP concrete frame; precast cone. frame (col. and beam) Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block with solid grout Exterior surface/facade: Unknown Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate, tilt-up walls Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Dexotex Intercom: Two-way to dayroom HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Precast concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells 60 Architects' reported analyses Single occupancy: 216 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 12 General population: 216 Total: 228 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of tilt-up construction Negative: Alaskan prices; weather problems Current staff Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Tilt-up system Negative: Weather problems Full-time equivalent: Administration: _14 Security: 95 Programs/treatment: 6 Maintenance: 12 Total: 127 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.13:1 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Alaska Anchorage First Level 1 Sally Port 2 Magistrate 3 Booking Area 4 Superintendent 5 Central Control 6 Interview 7 Waiting 8 Reception 9 Administration 10 Laundry 11 Staff Dining 12 Kitchen 13 Gymnasium 14 Storage 15 Maintenance 16 Receiving 17 Outdoor Exercise 18 Oayroom 19 Typical Cell 20 Counseling Second Level 1 Visiting 2 Mechanical 3 Library 4Classroom 5 Gymnasium Below 6 Typical Cell N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 7 Outdoor Exercise 8 Dayroom Below 9 Control Room 61 Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility, Phase II (Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Susan Humphrey-Barnett, Commissioner, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Charles Moses, Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility, P.O. Box 103155, 1300 East 4th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99510, 907-258-7267 Architect: CCC Architects Alaska, 431 West 7th Avenue, Suite 100, Anchorage, AK 99501, 907-272-3567 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: March 1984 Finish date: March 1985 Construction time: 12 months Design capacity: 36 Total cost: $2,020,000 Total annual operating costs: $8,097,400 (entire facility) Category: Expansion; phased project (past) Facility type: State pre-trial facility Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,020,000 Building only: $1,970,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 7,766 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 7,766 Housing area square feet: 7,766 Gross square feet per inmate: 216 Size of cells: 86.3 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 84% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 36 Inmates per unit: 36 Management type: Intermittent and remote surveillance; direct supervision September 1986 population: 36 Facility commitment: Pre-trial detainees Means to handle crowding: Use of intake cells Housing area: $1,970,000 Housing per inmate: $54,722 Housing per cell: $54,722 Total per inmate: $56,111 Total per GSF: $260.11 Total annual operating costs: $8,097,400 (entire facility) Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; alann/detection systems; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: I 00% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Load bearing precast panels; steel frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; metal siding Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Paint Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Carpet, epoxy coating; vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 62 Single occupancy: 36 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 36 Total: 36 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of precast standardized structural components Negative: Attachment to existing facility systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 9 Security: 95 Programs/treatment: 10 Maintenance: 12 Total: 126 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: Ni A Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Coordination of design between parties; good administration Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; long lead time for procuring locking mechanisms NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Alaska Anchorage 0 0 O> 0 "' "' "'"' p ., 0 "' "' . II) "' <O ~ "' [:} ., II) . "' ~ "'"' 0 "' ~ "' "' 3:: I- p ...J w 0 "' ¼ > w O> ...J "' B AJ.111:>Y:I ONI.LSIX:I ~ ~ 0 ~ ► ""< I + " <O w z 0 ...J w > w ...J NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 63 Fairbanks Correctional Center (Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Susan Humphrey-Barnett, Commissioner, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Gail Frank, Fairbanks Correctional Center, P.O. Box 317, Wilbur and Egan Streets, Fairbanks, AK 99707, 907-452-3125 Architect: Harold Wirum & Associates, 500 L Street, Suite 500, Anchorage, AK 99501-5996, 907-276-3400 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: May 1982 Finish date: June 1983 Construction time: 13 months Design capacity: 72 Total cost: $7,914,000 Total annual operating costs: $1,070,400 (entire facility) Category: Remodeling/renovation project; expansion Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate honsing areas Total: $7,914,000 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 37,648 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 37,648 Housing area square feet: 20,685 Gross square feet per inmate: 523 Size of cells: 76 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 24 Inmates per unit: 24 Management type: Intermittent surveillance September I 986 population: 100 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $109,917 Total per GSF: $210.21 Total annual operating costs: $1,070,400 (entire facility) Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fences Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Structural: Load bearing precast panels Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Cement plaster Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast concrete panels Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Carpet; sheet vinyl Intercom: One-way to common areas HV AC: Heating/air circulation; oil fired boilers Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 64 Single occupancy: 72 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 72 Total: 72 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: High labor costs Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Weather problems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 0 Security: 10 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: IO (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 10.0: 1 N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Alaska Fairbanks " C :§ ·; " " ii C "w "O • -; ~- -="•a :c • ., C a: "O 0 ;;: >Q) :,,: C • C ::; 0 NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 65 Hiland Mountain Correctional Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Susan Humphrey-Barnett, Commissioner, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Frank Sauser, Hiland Mountain Correctional Center, P. 0. Box 600, Eagle River, AK 99577, 907-694-9511 Architect: Harold Wirum & Associates, 500 L Street, Suite 500, Anchorage, AK 99501-5996, 907-276-3400 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: July I 98 I Finish date: January 1983 Construction time: 18 months Design capacity: 160 Total cost: $3,782,900 Total annual operating costs: $437,400 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Wheel, spoke or radial Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,782,900 Building only: $3,189,900 Gross square feet/corrections: 19,330 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 19,330 Housing area square feet: 19,330 Gross square feet per inmate: 121 Size of cells: 80 square feet (double) Net/gross square feet: 91 % Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 40 Inmates per unit: 80 Management type: Remote surveillance February 1987 population: I 00 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Removable bunk beds Housing area: $3,189,900 Housing per inmate: $19,937 Housing per cell: $39,874 Total per inmate: $23,643 Total per GSF: $195.70 Total annual operating costs: $437,400 (addition only) Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alann/detection system; razor wire on fences Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: l00% Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block; wood siding Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Wood siding Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Carpet Intercom: One-way to common areas HYAC: Heating/air circulation Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 66 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 160 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 160 Total: 160 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: IO Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: Total: 11 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 9.09: I Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: High labor costs Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Weather problems; winter construction NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Alaska Eagle River _,,.,,..-------------- ......... ------, E E 0 E ., ;. ., 0 0 e >- 0 0 ;. ., 0 0 m 0 -~ 0 < <- E 0 0 ;. ., 0 0 "' in "' C: "' 0... >, in Cl) :II::: N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 0 67 Mat-su Pre-Trial Facility Jurisdiction official: Susan Humphrey-Barnett, Commissioner, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Michael W. Dindinger, Mat-su Pre-Trial Facility, 339 East Dogwood, Palmer, AK 99645, 907-745-0944 Architect: McCool-McDonald of Alaska, Inc., 901 West 29th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99503, 907-563-8474 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: May 1985 Finish date: July 1986 Construction time: 14 months Design capacity: 56 Total cost: $2,200,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,200,000 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 21,878 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 21,878 Housing area square feet: 8,750 Gross square feet per inmate: 391 Size ofcells: 88 square feet (gen. double; spec. single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 32 Inmates per unit: 56 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1987 population: 81 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom (weekends) Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $39,286 Total per GSF: $100.56 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; razor wire on fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 14% Medium: 86% Minimum: 0 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels; steel frame Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast components Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells HYAC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Sprinklers for cells and common areas 68 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 48 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 8 General population: 48 Total: 56 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 6 Security: 24 Programs/treatment: 3 Maintenance: 3 Total: 36 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.25: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Alaska Palmer (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 69 Meadow Creek Correctional Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Susan Humphrey-Barnett, Commissioner, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Frank Sauser, Meadow Creek Correctional Center, P. 0. Box 600, Eagle River, AK 99687, 907 -694-9511 Architect: Harold Wirum & Associates, 500 L Street, Suite 500, Anchorage, AK 99501-5996, 907-276-3400 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: October 1980 Finish date: July 1981 Construction time: 9 months Design capacity: 30 Total cost: $2,833,428 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison (women's facility) Building configuration: Clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,833,428 Building only: $2,670,928 Gross square feet/corrections: 3 I, 780 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 31,780 Housing area square feet: 7,167 Gross square feet per inmate: 1,059 Size of cells: 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: I 5 Inmates per unit: 20 Management type: Intermittent surveillance September 1986 population: 22 Facility commitment: Female State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in Housing area: $640,000 Housing per inmate: $22,857 Housing per cell: $22,857 Total per inmate: $94,448 Total per GSF: $89. I 6 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (addition) rooms Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; sing1e fence; alann/detection system; camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 7% Minimum: 93% Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Carpet Intercom: One-way to cells; two-way to common areas HYAC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel; wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 70 Structural: Steel frame; CMU bearing walls Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Wood siding Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 28 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 2 General population: 28 Total: 30 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: High labor costs Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 4 Security: 14 Programs/treatment: 2 Maintenance: 1 Total: 21 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.05: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Weather problems; winter construction NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Alaska Eagle River -., 'II, ::, "O 0 ., 0 ::i: Cl C 'iij ::, 0 ;,, N :i:: ----J-=k=-'-==""'-"~-=..ic~ NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 71 Palmer Correctional Center Medium Security Facility Jurisdiction official: Susan Humphrey-Barnett, Commissioner, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Joe Pendergrass, Palmer Correctional Center Medium Security Facility, P.O. Box 919, Mile 58 Glenn Highway, Palm~r, AK99645, 907-}45-?051 Architect: CCCArchitects<Alaska:;A3LWese7thIA\i~na~iiiSuite 100, Anchorage, AK 99501, 907-272-3567 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: July 1981 Finish date: July I 982 Construction time: 12 months Design capacity: 104 Total cost: $2,350,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,350,000 Building only: $2,150,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 36,211 Gross square feeUother: 0 Gross square feet/total: 36,211 Housing area square feet: 15,705 Gross square feet per inmate: 348 Size of cells: 71 square feet (gen. single); 85 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: 85% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 20 Inmates per unit: 20 Management type: Office in each pod, inmates circulate during day July 1986 population: I 25 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Expansion Housing area: $1,000,000 Housing per inmate: $10,000 Housing per cell: $10,000 Total per inmate: $22,596 Total per GSF: $64.90 underway Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 3% Medium: 97% Minimum: 0 Structural: Wood frame Exterior walls: Wood siding Interior walls: Wood studs, gypsum board over plywood Exterior surface/facade: Wood siding Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Turn-key design and· build Use of inmate labor: Limited; construction of cell furnishings and landscaping Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Unknown Floor surface: Carpet; vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas HV AC: Heating/air circulation; oil heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel: wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 72 Single occupancy: 100 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 4 General population: 100 Total: 104 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware; design-build contracting Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 31 Programs/treatment: 6 Maintenance: 5 Total: 44 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.84: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties; design-build contract Negative: Weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Alaska Palmer - L 7 "1~ 0000 L I I u / I I -- Cu :c (_ 0 I >a: 0 ~ I f I I 0 - 0 w ::;; f-- z r ~ ' I ' I i ' I'\ ~ ~ ~~ r---7 I I . _ i , . __ u ~ - -~ Ff ~0°f 0g§ r:~ ooa~[l /¢f1~ ii: IL Do 7 ][J] ~ ) f-----1 v L ~ 7 N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 73 Wildwood Correctional Center (Remodel) Jurisdiction official: Susan Humphrey-Barnett, Commissioner, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Russell Moody, Wildwood Correctional Center, Building #10, Chugach Avenue, Kenai, AK 99611, 907-283-7296 Architect: Carmen Vincent Gintoli, 130 Trading Bay Road, Kenai, AK 99611, 907-283-7732 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: April 1984 Finish date: April 1985 Construction time: 12 months Design capacity: 200 Total cost: $1,100,000 Total annual operating costs: $6,553,800 Category: Remodeling/renovation project Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,100,000 Building only: $1,100,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 34,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 34,000 Housing area square feet: Unknown Gross square feet per inmate: 170 Size of cells: 175 square feet (gen. double); 90 (spec. single); 145 (spec. double) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Intermittent surveillance; video surveillance May 1987 population: 300 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (remodel) Total per GSF: $32.35 Total annual operating costs: $6,553,800 Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on fences; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 5% Medium: 95% Minimum: 0 Construction type Construction process Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Paint Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: Limited; painting, vinyl tile, concrete cutting and coring, and new wood doors Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Carpet; vinyl tile Intercom: None HVAC: Steam heat; gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Unknown Fire protection: Sprinklers for cells and common areas 74 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 190 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 10 General population: 190 Total: 200 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 9 Security: 64 Programs/treatment: 16 Maintenance: 7 Total: 96 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3 .13: I NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ ~ f· !" ~ i:::, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-" ~ ~ SECOND & THIU> FL9()RS 2 PERSON CELLS (TYPJ / §" • • • 22 • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 PERSON CELL SEG CELL DAYROOM STAFF TOILET SECURITY GATE CONTACT VISIT STRIP SEARCH SECURED VISIT WAmNG ATTORNEY SUPPORT 12 13 14 15 18 ASST. SUPERINTENDENT CONTROL ROOM SALLY PORT ENTRY STORAGE 17 S/S OFFICE 18 19 20 21 22 MEDICAL AREA STAFF LOUNGE TOILET ADMIN, OFFICES DINING/KITCHEN • g-- --- 0 10 5 20 FIRST FLOOR PLAN -i V, ~ g e. ~ I i":' = Yukon-Kuskokwim Correctional Center Jurisdiction official: Susan Humphrey-Barnett, Commissioner, Department of Corrections f Contact: Supe1nt".ndent amesF. Syrnb?I, Yukon-K~~k.okwim Correctional Center, Pouch 400, Bethel, AK 99559, 907-543-5245 Architect': Harol<hWirum ~-Assot:l.ates/'50011;£$):fe~l;iisuite 500, Anchorage, AK 99501-5996, 907-276-3400 Construction manager: None Gronndbreaking: July 1983 Finish date: September 1984 Construction time: 14 months Design capacity: 98 Total cost: $7,150,000 Total annual operating costs: $3,273,300 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building confignration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $7,150,000 Building only: $6,650,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 26,330 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 26,330 Housing area square feet: 17, 700 Gross square feet per inmate: 269 Size of cells: 72 square feet (gen. single); 79 (gen. double); 59 (spec. single); 78 (spec. double) Net/gross square feet: 93% Design: Linear, outside and inside Cells per unit: 7 Inmates per unit: 14 Management type: Intermittent surveillance April 1987 population: 90 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $72,959 Total per GSF: $271.55 Total annual operating costs: $3,273,300 Security Perimeter: Building exterior; single fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 6% Medium: 11% Minimum: 83% Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Steel plate on int. of 6" steel studs w/2" insulated metal Interior walls: Solid cement plaster; metal stud w/½" plywood insulated metal Exterior surface/facade: Prefinished metal panels Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; metal panels and steel plate Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; energy recycle unit; waste heat from elec. gen. plant w/backup oil fired boiler Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 76 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 5 Double occupancy: 86 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 7 General population: 91 Total: 98 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple const. methods; phased construction, fast track CM; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: High labor costs; difficult site conditions, very poor soil; rural location, no highway access to Bethel Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 3 Security: 27 Programs/treatment: 5 Maintenance: 3 Total: 38 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.37: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track CM; advanced order of materials and hardware Negative: Weather problems; winter construction NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ :::i ~ ~ §" ., t, ~"c The entire building structure is on augered piling due to extremely poor soil conditions at the Bethel site. The floor level Is 4 feet above grade. ,-:i ~ ~" l Enclosed Exercise Yard §. ~ "' ~ ~ ~ c:;· Gymnasium - - - -+-ft--r----.-,..................,-.,....""T"--r---4 Entrance ;:, Future Expansion Mens Minimum Mens Security Detention Medium Security Detention o· s· 10· H-1 _, _, •••I so· I Mens Maximum Security Detention Womens Minimum Security Detention Womens Medium Security Detention I I ~ w~ [ gr Arizona State Prison-Florence (Addition-East Unit) Jurisdiction official: Samuel A. Lewis, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Deputy Warden A. Grijalva, Arizona State Prison, P.O. Box 629, Florence, AZ 85232, 602-868--4011 Architect: Varney, Sexton, Lunsford, Aye, Associates-Architects, Inc., 2001 East Campbell Avenue, Suite 200, Phoenix, AZ 85016, 602-954-9131 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: January 1984 Finish date: June 1985 Coustructiou time: 17 months Design capacity: 540 Total cost: $4,700,000 Total annual operating costs: N/ A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $4,700,000 Building only: $2,218,630 Gross square feet/corrections: 110,450 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: I 10,450 Housing area square feet: 46,080 Gross square feet per inmate: 205 · Size of cells: 680 square feet per quonset hut Net/gross square feet: NIA Design: Dormitory-style quonset huts Cells per unit: NI A Inmates per unit: 11 Management type: Intermittent surveillance October 1985 population: 563 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Beds in day spaces Housing area: $2,009,088 Housing per inmate: $3,805 Housing per cell: $41,856 (dorm) Total per inmate: $8,704 Total per GSF: $42.55 Total annual operating costs: NI A (addition) Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/ detection system; razor wire on fence; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 98% ( + 2% hard medium) Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden; steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Unlocked Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Evaporative cooling; heating/air circulation only; individual gas-fired heating units Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells 78 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block; corrugated metal Interior walls: CMU block; gyp board Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; paint Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 528 Special housing: 12 General population: 528 Total: 540 Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track; owner built (inmate labor) Use of inmate labor: Extensive; 95% of construction Use of prefabrication: Extensive; huts and preengineered metal buildings Architect's reported analyses Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 6 Security: 141 Programs/treatment: 6 Maintenance: 1 Total: 154 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 3 .66: I Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components; simple construction methods; less expensive materials and hardware; limited need of contract work Negative: Slow inmate labor; government procedures, regulations, "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components; simple construction methods; coordination of design Negative: Labor problems; government "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Arizona Florence ~ ® "ffi, -------, ~i·,I ,4,1\\}~ . . \l..,:r -,.._ . i ;@eisee@ ... t ~ ~ ~~-€(- '!ii -·------LI ' -··- I 1 ~---- -- -½--"' r----· .. -· ~o i t ~ -,.. '""' ;· -- i -- ; r-·- 0 ~-- ____ rjI ------ ,---· ~--· - I ---·- ' r-~' ' I -. ' r----i I ----- N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction - -~ -'\''t -c-'! _,,. . @-; 79 Arizona State Prison-Perryville Jurisdiction official: Samuel A. Lewis, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Y,arde~.)YilJi.'!'"Il.Rh?d<;,!\ri.~~!'.a State Prison-Perryville, P.O. Box 3000, Goodyear, AZ 85338, 602-935-9371 Archite'ct:::V:am~y ;Sexioi'.i';a!il!!!ffd:ffi"fiA;y,eZGruzen Associated Architects, 200 I East Campbell A venue, Suite 200, Phoenix, AZ 85016, 602-954-9131 Construction manager: Kitchell, CEM, Inc., 1006 South 24th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602-275-7541 Groundbreaking: November 1979 Finish date: April 1983 Construction time: 41 months Design capacity: 1,200 Total cost: $42,600,000 Total annual operating costs: $17,058,600 Category: New, ind. fac.; expansion; phased project (past); temp. housing Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $42,600,000 Building only: $41,000,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 360,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 360,000 Housing area square feet: 177,800 Gross square feet per inmate: 300 Size of cells: 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 90% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 96 Inmates per unit: 96 Management type: Direct supervision October I 985 population: 1,400 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $17,200,000 Housing per inmate: $14,333 Housing per cell: $14,333 Total per inmate: NI A Total per GSF: $118.33 Total annual operating costs: $17,058,600 Security Perimeter: Single fence; alarm/ detection system; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 83.3% Minimum: I 6. 7% Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Cooling by eval coolers; electric duct heaters; rooftop package of heating and cooling units Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells 80 Construction type Structural: Load bearing precast panels; steel frame; cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete; CMU block (court walls of housing) Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; paint; textured concrete Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: Limited; concrete flatwork; landscaping; fence; painting; furniture Use of prefabrication: Moderate; tilt-up concrete; inmate room furniture Inmate design capacity Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 1,200 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 1,200 Total: 1,200 Current staff Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components; simple construction methods; phased construction; good competition; less expensive materials and hardware; inmate labor; local climate Negative: Government regulations, "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Full-time equivalent: Administration: 83 Security: 361 Programs/treatment: 96 Maintenance: 9 Total: 549 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.55:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components; simple construction methods; phased construction; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design; advance site work Negative: Government regulations, "red tape" NIJ!Nationa/ Directory of Corrections Construction Arizona Goodyear , • ,, I .· ' ,<•\ ~// / ' . < / l .. '·,) <' i ~ , ~ :, -✓ 'I l ~ .~:, ✓ 1,- L . , 1·] ~ ' 'J\ ~'<i'/' ~ // ( ", / / .''-, ' '- NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ·:~' /c)' ... · - ~ 81 Cochise County Jail Jurisdiction official: Jim V. Judd, Sheriff Contact: Commander Paul Larimer, Cochise County Jail, Post Office Drawer F, Bisbee, AZ, 85603, 602-432-2267 Architect: Lescher & Mahoney, Inc., 1130 East Missouri, Suite 850, Phoenix, AZ, 85014, 602-264-6803 Construction manager: Reese-Carr, 4350 East Camelback, 160-C Camelsquare, Phoenix, AZ, 85018, 602-952-8171 Groundbreaking: November 1983 Finish date: June I 985 Construction time: 19 months Design capacity: I 62 Total cost: $4,248,400 Total annual operating costs: $847,531 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $4,248,400 Building only: $3,855,400 Gross square feet/corrections: 47,420 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 47,420 Housing area square feet: 42,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 293 Size of cells: 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 89% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 8 to I 6 Inmates per unit: 8 to 16 Management type: Intermittent surveillance October 1985 population: 150 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: NI A Housing area: $3,600,000 Housing per inmate: $22,500 Housing per cell: $22,500 Total per imnate: $26,225 Total per GSF: $89.59 Total annual operating costs: $847,531 Security Perimeter: Alarm/detection system Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Load bearing CMU Exterior walls: CMU block; precast concrete roof Interior walls: CIP concrete; CMU block; reinf. mas. walls; cone. mez. slabs; floor slabs Exterior surface/facade: Brick; textured concrete Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited, precast concrete tees at roof Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual and remote locking Floor surface: Vinyl composition tile Intercom: Two-way between sallyport and control room HVAC: Air conditioning; solar; conv ./elect. heating plant Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas 82 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 160 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 2 General population: 160 Total: 162 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market; quality of bidding documents Negative: None Current staff Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Local bond issue; condition of existing county jail Negative: Financial condition of the low bidder Full-time equivalent: Administration: 7 Security: 23 Programs/treatment: I Maintenance: 7 Total: 38 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.95:I NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Arizona Cochise County NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 83 Federal Correctional Institution Jurisdiction official: J. Michael Quinlan, Director, Bureau of Prisons Contact: Warden Peter M. Carlson, Federal Correctional Institution, P.O. Box 1680, Black Canyon Stage I, Phoenix, AZ 85029, 602-256-0924 Architect:it<,ich'~f,&cM:alf6neyfc!n8ii;:Z:tf30fEiist Missouri, Suite 850, Phoenix, AZ 85014, 602-264-6803 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: November 1983 Finish date: June 1985 Construction time: 19 months Design capacity: 575 Total cost: $21,035,950 Total annual operating costs: $6,877,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Federal prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $21,035,950 Building only: $16,059,500 Gross square feet/corrections: 309,126 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 309,126 Housing area square feet: 127,272 Gross square feet per inmate: 538 Size of cells: 81 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 84% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 132 module/66 pod Inmates per unit: 132 module/66 pod Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: 268 Facility commitment: Federal prisoners Means to handling crowding: Bunk beds in cell Housing area: $6,581,000 Housing per inmate: $11,566 Housing per cell: $11,566 Total per inmate: $36,584 Total per GSF: $68.05 Total annual operating costs: $6,877,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on and between fences; alann/detection system Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden; steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Carpet; vinyl composition tile Intercom: Two-way between sallyport and control room HVAC: Air conditioning; solar; conventional heating plant Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells 84 Structural: Load bearing masonry; precast roof system and floor planks Exterior walls: Brick/block Interior walls: Brick/block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; textured concrete Construction process Finance method: Federal funds Contract method: 7 separate phased packages Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast concrete roof tees Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 569 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 6 General population: 569 Total: 575 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market; positive bidding climate; repetition of building types and construction systems; excellent weather conditions Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 3 I Security: 100 Programs/treatment: 68 Maintenance: 14 Total: 213 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.26:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Coordination of design between parties; architect's ability to maintain schedule through 7 fast-tracked bid packages; excellent weather conditions Negative: None NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Arizona Phoenix 1- z::i C, z en ::i 0 :c lz < u..~ C, ~ zo..J - Q IL ..J ... ::; Cl) _, a: IIl ii: 0 N • 0 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 85 Pima County Adult Detention Center JurisdictiOn official: Clarence Dupnik, Sheriff Contact: Major Dennis Douglas, Pima County Adult Detention Center, 1270 West Silverlake Road, P.O. Box 9IO, Tucson, AZ 85702, 602-882-2848 Architect: Architecture One, Ltd., 6303 East Tanque Verde, S-200, Tucson, AZ 85715, 602-722-0400 Construction manager: Kitchell, CEM, Inc., l006 South 24th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85034, 602-275-7541 Groundbreaking: July 1981 Finish date: July 1984 Construction time: 37 months Design capacity: 499 Total cost: $14,800,000 Total annnal operating costs: $10,250,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Couuty jail Bnilding confignration: High rise Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $14,800,000 Building only: $14,100,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 140,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 140,000 Housing area square feet: 76,999 Gross square feet per inmate: 281 Size of cells: 71 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 80% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 36 Inmates per unit: 36 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: 380 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom; second bunk can be attached to wall Housing area: $13,200,000 Housing per inmate: $28,205 Housing per cell: $28,205 Total per inmate: $29,659 Total per GSF: $l05.71 Total annual operating costs: $10,250,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; double fence; razor wire on and between fences Inmate security level: Maximum: 15% Medium: 85% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Carpet; sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Evaporative cooling; boiler Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas; manual alarm stations 88 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; paint Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 468 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 31 General population: 468 Total: 499 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 53 Security: 240 Programs/treatment: 36 Maintenance: 13 Total: 342 Current inmate/staff ratio: I. I 1: 1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; use of cast-in-place concrete Negative: Government procedures regulations, "red tape"; comple~ security electronics systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Repetitiveness of design; owner and architect had onsite representation Negative: Use of cast-in-plaCe concrete· special design of cell light fixtures· ' government procedures, regulation;, "red tape"; complex security electronics systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Arizona Pima County Mechnici:ll First Floor Plan 0 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 25 89 Pima County Adult Detention Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Clarence Dupnik, Sheriff Contact: Major Dennis Douglas, Pima County Adult Detention Center, 1270 West Silverlake Road, P.O. Box 910, Tucson, AZ 85702, 602-882-2848 Architect: Architecture One, Ltd., 6J03 East Tanque Verde, S-200, Tucson, AZ 85715, 602-722-0400 Construction manager: Reese-Carr, 4350 East Camelback, 160 C Camel Square, Phoenix, AZ 85018, 602-952-8171 Groundbreaking: July 1984 Finish date: August 1986 Construction time: 25 months Design capacity: 282 Total cost: $8,400,000 Total annual operating costs: $4,200,615 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Wheel Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $8,400,000 Building only: $7,900,000 Gross square feeUcorrections: 82,000 Gross square feeUother: 0 Gross square feeUtotal: 82,000 Housing area square feet: 33,273 Gross square feet per inmate: 291 Size of cells: 71 square feet (single) NeUgross square feet: 83% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit: 48 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: NI A Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom Housing area: $7,000,000 Housing per inmate: $26,415 Housing per cell: $55,118 Total per inmate: $29,787 Total per GSF: $102.43 Total annual operating costs: $4,200,615 (addition only) Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 45% Minimum: 55% Construction type Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; paint Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Carpet; sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Evaporative cooling; boiler Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas; manual alarm stations 90 Single occupancy: 121 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 144 Special housing: 17 General population: 265 Total: 282 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Repetitiveness of design; less expensive materials and hardware; use of cast-in-place concrete Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; compact site; government procedures, regulations, ''red tape" Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 5 Security: 56 Programs/treatment: 13 Maintenance: 3 Total: 77 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: NI A Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Repetitiveness of design Negative: Labor problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction I ' Arizona Pima County NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 91 Pinal Mountain Juvenile Institution Jurisdiction official: Carol Moore, Assistant Director, Juvenile and Community Services Contact: Superintendent Ben Meyers, Pinal Mountain Juvenile Institution, P.O. Box 2799, Globe, AZ 85501, 602-425-7174 Architect: DLR Group/Lescher and Mahoney, 1130 East Missouri, Suite 850, Phoenix, AZ 85014, 602-264-6803 Construction manager: None Gronndbreaking: August 1986 Finish date: November 1987 Construction time: 15 months Design capacity: 144 Total cost: $3,215,320 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Juvenile correctional facility Buildfog configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,215,320 Building only: $2,629,592 Gross square feeVcorrections: 36,464 Gross square feeVother: 0 Gross square feeVtotal: 36,464 Housing area square feet: 16,100 Gross square feet per inmate: 224 Size of cells: 80 square feet (double); 650 (dorms) NeVgross square feet: 85% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 20 Inmates per unit: 36 Management type: Remote surveillance December 1987 population: 0 Facility commitment: Juvenile offenders Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $1,492,304 Housing per inmate: $10,363 Housing per cell: $33,916 Total per inmate: $22,326 Total per GSF: $88.18 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Security Perimeter: Single fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 100% Construction type Construction process Structural: Masonry bearing Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block; wood frame Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete; colored concrete Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: Limited; landscaping/ fencing Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast concrete roof system Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: No locks Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Unknown HVAC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Unknown Fire protection: Sprinklers for cells and common areas 92 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 80 Dorms: 64 Special housing: 0 General population: 144 Total: 144 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 14 Security: 49 Programs/treatment: 29 Maintenance: 10 Total: 102 Current inmate/staff ratio: Ni A Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good compelition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Arizona Gila g z 8 a: ~ Cl) I:: z ::> 8 i a: I . I I g a: Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction !g .,"' :c a: ~ .. "' 0 If) 93 Sacaton Juvenile Rehabilitation Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Henry L. Spomer, Agency Special Officer, Bureau of Indian Affairs Contact: Captain James Burgess, Sacaton Juvenile Rehabilitation Center, P.O. Box 568, Usis #7 & Canal, Sacaton, AZ 85247, 602-562-3361 Architect: Franz Zwolensky Associates, Architecture/Planning, 3150 North 24th Street, Suite 205-A, Phoenix, AZ 85016, 602-224-9738 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: July 1984 Finish date: April 1985 Construction time: 9 months Design capacity: 40 Total cost: $1,268,093 Total annnal operating costs: $576,921 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: Bureau of Indian Affairs juvenile rehabilitation center Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,268,093 Building only: $1,177,951 Gross square feet/corrections: 7,800 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 7,800 Housing area square feet: 5,230 Gross square feet per imnate: 195 Size of cells: 90 square feet (double); 84 (spec. single); 204 (spec. dorms) Net/gross square feet: 74% Design: Linear, outside; linear, inside Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Intermittent surveillance; remote surveillance June 1987 population: 16 Facility commitment: Juveniles Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per imnate: $31,702 Total per GSF: $162.58 Total annual operating costs: $576,921 (addition only) Security Perimeter: Building exterior only; single fence with razor wire; patrols; camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 30% Minimum: 70% Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame; load bearing CMU walls Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; split face CMU block Finance method: Federal funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; padding in isolation Intercom: Two-way to cells; one-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 94 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 4 Dorms: 20 Special housing: 16 General population: 24 Total: 40 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Govermnent procedures, regulations, and red tape Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 6 Security: 14 Programs/treatment: 4 Maintenance: 0 Total: 24 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 0.67: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design, construction/ owner Negative: Government procedures, regulations, and red tape NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ ~ ~-- 0 ~c <") ~ ~ ~ -~C) ( :s·;: ROOM INDEX girl's dormitory toilet/shower dayroom multi-purpose counseling storage laundry l 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 isolation holding ' 2 boy cell visiting visitor lobby control 13 14 15 booking office storage/vault medical/examination 16 17 18 19 20 26 27 28 29 30 31 r-:. staff food serving cleaning food storage 21 22 23 24 25 25 2 girl cell 10 11 12 dining hall mech equip boy's dormitory boy's exercise yard girl's exercise yard exercise yard service area perimeter fence adult detention facility • 31 r1 23 • 27 22 21 . ~ !-~ •. r---1-C I . 'J,~ 20 ~· I I- I 29 7 - 21 •' I __J L_ II 9 . u, • I •• • 10 \0 I _ !w II - PLAN FLOOR ffi --- I l"""'I O 5 10 I 20 ~ "' N ~ Q 1'. = § Iii Clark County Detention Facility (Expansion) Jurisdiction official: James A. "Al" Harris, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff James A. "AJ'' Harris, Clark County Detention Facility, Courthouse Square, Arkadelphia, AR 71923, 501-246-2222 Architect: Burt Taggart & Associates/Architects, 4500 Burrow Drive, North Little Rock, AR 72Il6, 501-758-7443 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: October I 984 Finish date: May I 986 Construction time: 19 months Design capacity: 32 Total cost: $1,943,469 Total annual operating costs: $192,652 (expansion only) Category: Expansion project Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, courts, county emergency center Building configuration: Integ. structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,943,469 Building only: $1,929,969 Gross square feet/corrections: 7,713 Gross square feet/other: 8,983 Gross square feet/total: I 6,696 Housing area square feet: 7, 713 Gross square feet per inmate: 241 Size of cells: 74 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 90% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 23 Inmates per unit: 24 Management type: Remote surveillance June 1986 population: 20 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: $964,125 Housing per inmate: $40,172 Housing per cell: $41, 9 I 8 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $Il6.40 Total annual operating costs: $192,652 (expansion only) Security Perimeter: Building exterior; alarm/ detection systems; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Steel frame; cast-in-place concrete frame; reinforced CMU load bearing walls Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick Interior walls: .Precast panels; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick Exterior surface/facade: Brick; textured concrete Construction process Finance method: Special election; 2-year county sales tax increase Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; panels for roof structure and ceilings Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating; sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 96 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 22 Double occupancy: 2 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 8 General population: 24 Total: 32 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; good competition, favorable market Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: 7 Programs/treatment: Ni A Maintenance: I Total: 9 (expansion ouly) Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.22:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; weather problems NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Arkansas Clark County /4~==;';=~~-----' ' "' -1 i I ' : 1 I --- -'u'------- - Nll!National Directory of Corrections Construction 97 Cummins Unit-Medium Security (Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: A.L. Lockhart, Director, Department of Correction Contact: Warden W.H. Sargent, Cummins Unit, Arkansas Department of Corrections, P.O. Box 500, Grady, AR 71644, 501-479,.,.33U ....• < Architect: \\vil(illibfrgP!\~\Q'nyj~\!m/iVi!lii<iij.;'+.J.i!:if'1;,}840 Savers Federal Building, Little Rock, AR 7220 I , 501-376-668 I Construction manager: Con-Ark Construction Company, 610 Garland Street, Little Rock, AR 72201, 501-376-1371 Groundbreaking: December 1977 Finish date: April 1979 Construction time: 17 months Design capacity: 184 Total cost: $2,174,184 Total annual operating costs: $600,586 (expans10n only) · Category: Remodeling/renovation project; expansion project Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Telephone pole connecting housing pods Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,174,184 Building only: Ni A Gross square feet/corrections: 38,680 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 38,680 Housing area square feet: NiA Gross square feet per inmate: 210 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: NIA Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 92 Inmates per unit: 92 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 368 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: NiA Housing per inmate: Ni A Housing per cell: Ni A Total per inmate: $11,816 Total per GSF: $56.21 Total annual operating costs: $600,586 (expansion only) Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Structural: Load bearing precast panels Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate, precast concrete wall panels Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alann stations 98 Single occupancy: 184 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: O Special housing: 0 General population: 184 Total: 184 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 3 Security: 42 Programs/treatment: 6 Maintenance: 3 Total: 54 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 6.81:1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Building within existing prison compound Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods Negative: None Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction Arkansas Grady DAYROOM (THREE STORV SPACE) MULTI-USE CENTRAL CORRIDOR DAYROOM !THREE STORY Sl'ACU TYPICAL 108 BED HOUSING UNIT ..... SCALE~ N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 99 Garland County Detention Facility Jurisdiction official: Clay White, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff Clay White, Garland County Detention Facility, 503 Ouachita Avenue, Hot Springs, AR 71901, 501-321-2683 Architect: Burt Taggart & Associates/Architects, 4500 Burrow Drive, North Little Rock, AR 72116, 501-758-7443 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: June 1984 Finish date: January 1986 Construction time: 19 months Design capacity: 96 Total cost: $3,757,412 Total annual operating costs: $409,910 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,757,412 Building only: $3,577,708 Gross square feet/corrections: 41,041 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 41,041 Housing area square feet: 26,172 Gross square feet per inmate: 273 Size of cells: 82 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 90% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 11 Inmates per unit: 11 Management type: Remote surveillance June 1986 population: 72 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $2,983,608 Housing per inmate: $37,295 Housing per cell: $37,295 Total per inmate: $39,140 Total per GSF: $91.55 Total annual operating costs: $409,910 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance; razor wire -at exercise yard Inmate security level: Maximum: I 00% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame; steel framing; CMU block Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; brick; architectural precast Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; textured concrete Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; concrete floor and ceiling slabs Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Carpet; sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 100 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 80 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: I 6 General population: 80 Total: 96 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Attachment to existing systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: I 9 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 1 Total: 21 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.43: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Weather problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Arkansas Garland County UPPER LEVEL C.l,CI -- -------ir-------11 · Qtf1litll. aru..oo'-"'' \: OM, ec> 1D 1 : :: _____________ JL ________ ~L ________ _ NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 101 Maximum Security Unit, Tucker Unit Jurisdiction official: A.L. Lockhart, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden La.i-ry Noi-ris,l\faximu~ Sec~r:j/Y Unit, General Delivery, Tucker, AR 72168, 501-541-0040 Architect.: Wittenb~rg;;Deloriyv&,Daviclsoit/;;IBc,,;i840 Savers Federal Building, Little Rock, AR 72201, 501-376-6681 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: December 198 I Finish date: February 1986 Construction time: 50 months Design capacity: 492 Total cost: $10,694,000 Total annual operating costs: $4,034,006 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building conlignration: Ladder, telephone pole Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $10,694,000 Building only: Ni A Gross square feet/corrections: 166,816 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 166,816 Housing area square feet: 96,044 Gross square feet per inmate: 339 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: N/ A Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 54 Inmates per unit: 54 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 300 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: $4,800,000 Housing per inmate: $II, 111 Housing per cell: $11,111 Total per inmate: $21,736 Total per GSF: $64.11 Total annual operating costs: $4,034,006 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fence; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Load bearing masonry and precast concrete floor panels Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional; owner build/inmate labor Use of inmate labor: Extensive for additional areas Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; gas-fired boiler Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 102 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 432 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 60 General population: 432 Total: 492 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of inmate labor; ownerconstructed exterior utilities Negative: None Current staff Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Phased construction Negative: None Full-time equivalent: Administration: 26 Security: 107 Programs/treatment: 9 Maintenance: 7 Total: 149 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.01:1 NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Arkansas Tucker ',----1-' , ' ' : ' DAYROOM (THREE STORV SPACE) :---_J' l__________________________________________________________r~r·J TYPICAL 108 BED HOUSING UNIT SCALE~ NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 103 Saline County Detention Facility (New and Remodel) Jurisdiction official: James Steed, Sheriff Contact: Albert Wyllia, Jail Administrator, Saline County Detention Facility, Saline County Courthouse, Benton, AR 72015, 501-778-3611 Architect: Burt Taggart & Associates/Architects, 4500 Burrow Drive, North Little Rock, AR 72116, 501-758-7443 Construction manager: None Category: New, independent facility added to courthouse, with remodel of old jail into county offices Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Groundbreaking: March 1982 Finish date: September 1983 Construction time: 18 months Design capacity: 27 Total cost: $856, 713 Total annual operating costs: $137,459 Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $856,713 Building only: $833,420 Gross square feet/corrections: 7,731 Gross square feet/other: 1,392 Gross square feet/total: 9,123 Housing area square feet: 4,605 Gross square feet per inmate: 286 Size of cells: 74 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 91 % Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Intermittent surveillance June 1986 population: 18 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Neighboring jails Housing area: $552,200 Housing per inmate: $42,477 Housing per cell: $42,477 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $93.91 Total annual operating costs: $137,459 Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Steel frame, cast-in-place concrete frame, reinforced CMU load bearing walls Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; granite Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Earth berm and granite veneer Construction process Finance method: Special election; local funds; 2-yearcounty sales tax increase Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; roof slabs Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating; sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas and cells; manual alann stations 104 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: I 3 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 14 General population: 13 Total: 27 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: 4 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 5 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.60: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Arkansas Saline County ' II ' I I I I I I I II I I I I I I Am& """"""' I I I I EXlSTNG .WL A80YE NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 105 Alameda County North County Jail Jurisdiction official: Charles C. Plummer, Sheriff Contact: Morris L. Hickerson, Facility Manager, Alameda County North County Jail, 550 6th Street, Oakland, CA 94607, 415-268-7763 Architect: Hell!Iluth, Obata& Kassabaum, Inc; ,/One Lombard Street, San Francisco, CA 94111, 415-627-1600 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: May 1978 Finish date: July I 984 Construction time: 7 4 months Design capacity: 596 Total cost: $23,000,000 Total annual operating costs: $10,637,099 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure; high rise; clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $23,000,000 Building only: $22,000,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 208,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 208,000 Housing area square feet: 144,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 349 Size of cells: 71 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit: 48 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 576 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; second bunk attached to wall Housing area: $15,000,000 Housing per inmate: $26,042 Housing per cell: $26,042 Total per inmate: $38,591 Total per GSF: $110.58 Total annual operating costs: $10,637,099 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 16.5% Medium: 67% Minimum: 16.5% Structural: Cast-in-plaGe concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Interior walls: Gunite Exterior surface/facade: Unknown Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells; two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells 106 Single occupancy: 576 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 20 General population: 576 Total: 596 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 70 Security: 158 Programs/treatment: 22 Maintenance: 20 Total: 270 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.13:1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Efficiency of area/bed plan; extensive value engineering Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: Performance of contractors NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Alameda County Typical Housing Level 1 Cell 2 Dayroom 3 Counselor 4 Sally Port 5 Medical 6 Multi-purpose 7 Exercise/Dining Typical Mezzanine Level 1 Cell 2 Oayroom Below 3Control 4 Sally Port Below 5 Visiting Section 1 Support 2 Courtroom 3 Jury Assembly 4 Municipal Offices 5 Traffic Court 6 SeCurity Courts 7 Outdoor Exercise 8 Housing Leve! 9 Administration 10 Intake Processing 11 Kitchen 2 , 2 --.,- ' ' ' 2 11 2 2 ~ ~ 2 ' 2 2 1 ' 2 ' 'If, F7 ~ li f, f 8 fi,?' 8 fi,?' ~ 111111111111111111 2 2 I li "" II n ' li li II ' 6 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction I I H 5 I T " 8 'If, m 8 F7 8 F7 ' I 5 4 ~ 7 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ I I ![ II 11 107 California Correctional Institution Jurisdiction official: James Rowland, Director, Department of Corrections Con1'.'~~),,'!PJ:!ie¼ll:?4)~J•Ali,/~'!,!Mlicl,liii!Yalifornia Correctional Institution, P.O. Box 1031, Tehachapi, CA 93561, 805-822-4402 Architect:l~BNICJruzen,i@5;ltPos!!\1§l~J;c San Francisco, CA 94108, 415-956-5515 Construction manager: HeeryNCM, 660 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95812, 916-448-8474 Groundbreaking: May I 982 Finish date: March 1986 Construction time: 46 months Design capacity: 1,000 Total cost: $71,108,726 Total annual operating costs: $30,250,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Bnilding configuration: Courtyard Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $71,108,726 Building only: $59,058,062 Gross square feet/corrections: 472,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 472,000 Housing area square feet: 322,840 Gross square feet per imnate: 472 Size of cells: 86 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 65% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 62 and 64 Inmates per unit: 62 and 64 Management type: Remote surveillance March 1986 population: 1,000 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: $39,093,518 Housing per imnate: $39,094 Housing per cell: $39,094 Total per inmate: $71,109 Total per GSF: $150.65 Total annual operating costs: $30,250,000 Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; towers Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Steel frame; cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete; CMU block Interior walls: Cast-in-place; CMUblock Exterior surface/facade: Paint; exterior insulated finish system Construction process . Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional; construction management Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Precast concrete exterior panels Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only; economizer energy cycle; central heating plant; steam and hot water boiler Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel; concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas 108 Single occupancy: 1,000 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 1,000 Total: 1,000 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 87 Security: 496 Programs/treatment: 73 Maintenance: 38 Total: 694 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.44: I Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; difficult site conditions; government procedures, regulations, "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; government procedures, regulations, "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; remote location of site NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction California Tehachapi I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I t?i "" I I I IO I I I I I I I I I I I NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 109 California Medical Facility-South Jurisdiction official: James Rowland, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Su~rinll't":\~TTl Il11ie :'.?st, C"1ifornia Medical Facility-South, P. 0. Box 2000, Vacaville, CA 95696-4000, 707-448-6841 Architec(:;Giffe!§~~!l!'liii!!R]t:,8,<liM@.ifs45 Lansing Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, 415-777-4025 Construction manager: O'Bnen Kreitzberg Associates, P.O. Box 1088, Vacavme, CA 95696, 707-448-4168 Groundbreaking: January 1984 Finish date: August 1986 Construction time: 31 months Design capacity: 2,404 Total cost: $111,000,000 Total annnal operating costs: $39,973,996 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $111,000,000 Building only: $85,000,000 Gross square feeVcorrections: 1,094,000 Gross square feeVother: 0 Gross square feeVtotal: 1,094,000 Housing area square feet: 423,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 455 Size of cells: 60 square feet (single); 305 (dorms) NeVgross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 100 Inmates per unit: 100 Management type: Remote surveillance; intennittent in dorms December 1986 population: 3,719 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Additional beds in dorms Housing area: $43,000,000 Housing per inmate: $17,887 Housing per cell: $31,341 Total per inmate: $46,173 Total per GSF: $101.46 Total annual operating costs: $39,973,996 Security Perimeter: Double fence; microwave detection system; towers Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 50% Minimum: 50% Construction type Construction process Structural: Precast concrete; steel roof frame Exterior walls: Precast concrete Interior walls: Precast concrete Exterior surface/facade: Concrete Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Linoleum; epoxy coating Intercom: Unknown HYAC: Unknown Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells 110 Single occupancy: 1,200 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 1,204 Special housing: 0 General population: 2,404 Total: 2,404 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 184 Security: 689 Programs/treatment: 46 Maintenance: 112 Total: 1,031 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.61: I Finance method: State funds Contract method: Construction managemen! fast track Use of inmate labor: Limited; landscaping, irrigation, and painting Use of prefabrication: Extensive; precast elements made, transported, and erected by contractors Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Quick decisionmaking; constant evaluation of cost estimates for a tightly programmed facility Negative: Fast schedule; multiple bid packages Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties; willingness of entire team to work before contractual agreements were fina1ized; responsiveness of client Negative: Portions of program required greater scrutiny partly due to cost implications NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction California Vacaville aJ..C t T(f" I DAYROOMBB.OW BALCONY UPPER FLOOR PLAN NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 111 California State Prison-Sacramento County/Folsom Jurisdiction official: James Rowland, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden R.G. Borg, California State Prison, P.O. Box 29, Represa, CA 95671, 916-985-8610 Architec~:.. Dreyfuss and Blackford, 3540 Folsom Boulevai-d,Sacramento,_ CA 95814,_916-453-1231 ·· Henningson, :Durhain, ,& Richardson;Inc., l2'700eHillcrest;.;Suite.J25,.Dafias;.T%iJli230, 214-980-0001 Construction manager: Heery/Vanir CM, 660 J Street, Sacramento CA 95814, 916-448-8474 Groundbreaking: November 1984 Finish date: October 1986 Construction time: 23 months Design capacity: 3,264 Total cost: $125,962,000 Total annual operating costs: $24,300,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Courtyard Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $125,962,000 Building only: $111,740,515 Gross square feet/corrections: 1,248,651 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 1,248,651 Housing area square feet: 512,036 Gross square feet per inmate: 383 Size of cells: 80 square feet (gen. double); 1,058 (dorms) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 128 Inmates per unit: 256 Management type: Remote surveillance May I 987 population: 2,656 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $79,568,000 Housing per inmate: $24,377 Housing per cell: $51,268 Total per inmate: $38,591 Total per GSF: $100.88 Total annual operating costs: $24,300,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on and between fences; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 89% Medium: 0 Minimum: 11 % Structural: Load-bearing precast panels; steel frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Natural wall Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; metal buildings for some functions Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; steam heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 112 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 3,072 Dorms: 192 Special housing: 0 General population: 3,264 Total: 3,264 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 177 Security: 811 Programs/treatment: 66 Maintenance: 73 Total: I, 127 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.36: I Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware; use of prefabrication; Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic and mechanical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods; phased construction, fast track CM; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design Negative: Labor problems; weather problems; government red tape; complex electronic and mechanical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Represa NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 113 Contra Costa County Detention Facility Jurisdiction official: Richard Rainey, Sheriff Contact: LaITJ1A!"1,(;hi~fl)~p~ty, Contra Costa County Detention Facility, 1000 Ward Street, Martinez, CA 94553, 415-646-4497 Arcbitect:.KaplaiilMcLauglilifilP*~222 Vallejo Street, San Francisco, CA 94111, 415-398-5191 Construction manager: Turner Construction Company, 353 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, CA 94111, 415-391-1310 Groundbreaking: September 1977 Finish date: December 1980 Construction time: 39 months Design capacity: 386 Total cost: $24,705,000 Total annual operating costs: $8,736,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, courts Building configuration: Integrated structure; courtyard; clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $24,705,000 Building only: $19,428,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 170,790 Gross square feet/other: 10,450 Gross square feet/total: 181,240 Housing area square feet: 77,410 Gross square feet per inmate: 442 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 62% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 46 Inmates per unit: 46 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: 573 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates, State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor; beds in dayroom; second bunk attached to wall Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $136.31 Total annual operating costs: $8,736,000 Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 32% Medium: 68% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; CIP concrete; CMU block; architectural precast Interior walls: Precast panels; CIP concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete Construction process Finance method: Revenue sharing 75%; property tax override 25% Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast concrete wall panels Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; metal-baffled Doors/type: Swinging Doors/Jocking: Remote locking with manual override Floor surface: Carpet Intercom: Two-way to common areas (discipline housing) HVAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 114 Single occupancy: 305 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 8 I General population: 305 Total: 386 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 42 Security: 97 Programs/treatment: 35 Maintenance: 10 Total: 184 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.11:J Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; high labor costs; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly Negative: Labor problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; building too complex for fast track construction N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction California Contra Costa County LEVEL THREE O ffl -·--- ffl NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.-,.., 115 Elmwood-Barracks 24 (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Robert E. Winter, Sheriff Contact: Captain Dean Madeira, Facility Commander, Elmwood-Barracks 24, 701 South Abel Street, Milpitas, CA 95035, 408-299-2280 Architect:tBodrell foer•.(jan SajthJlartnershi~;§Suite 350, 900 Veterans Boulevard, Redwood City, CA 94063, 415-369-3322 Construction manager: Morrison-Knudsen Company, 180 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, 415-442-7711 Groundbreaking: April 1985 Finish date: August 1985 Construction time: 4 months Design capacity: 196 Total cost: $3,158,000 Total annual operating costs: $226,500 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: County jail Bnilding configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,158,000 Building only: $2,850,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 23,262 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 23,262 Housing area square feet: 23,262 Gross square feet per inmate: 119 Size of cells: 82 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 98% Design: Dormitory style Cells per unit: I Inmates per unit: 48 Management type: Remote surveillance June I 986 population: 192 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: $2,850,000 Housing per inmate: $14,541 Housing per cell: $356,250 Total per inmate: $16,112 Total per GSF: $135.76 Total annual operating costs: $226,500 (addition only) Security Perimeter: Single fence with razor wire; alarm/detection systems; camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: ·Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 116 Construction type Structural: Load bearing precast panels; steel frame Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Paint Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Turn-key design and build Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate Inmate design capacity Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 4 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 192 Special housing: 0 General population: 196 Total: 196 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track construction management Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Ni A Security: 5 Programs/treatment: N/ A Maintenance: NI A Total: 5 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 38.4:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Coordination of design between parties; design/build contract with county for quick delivery time schedule Negative: Weather problems, 4 weeks of rain NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Santa Clara County DORMITORY No 4 48 SEO ORMITORY No 48 BED ·'" ;"~. ~:. :,J :'" '.""; v: _:,__; ;.,_ ~--'7 rs-·· ··,,j ..-c. :,..; ;:~ r<:·- __ ;..._-: " ._,.[ DAY ROOM No. 4 DAY ROOM No. 1 EXERCISE YARD No.1 DAY ROOM No. 2. DAY ROOM No. 3 I"': -·:;,-i rsc·_·-·;'1 ...... : :><·. _.- .,...; ~~~-:J r,:- L_:::'.:_;:_-.i STORAGE :-··. ie:: ;".". :.,.-:. ·:,J ~.-:.i ORMITORY No 3 ORMITORY No 2 .48 BED ·;'"'! ;.,: _;:..i f'"':. i...-:. :.-..: NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 48 BED J".C.- :"1 :'---: "'-·-- ~-..,j ec.-_·_ ·,J 117 Foothill Communities Law & Justice Center Jurisdiction official: Harry Mays, County Attorney's Office Contact: Richard Saenz, Director, Probation Department, Foothill Communities Law & Justice Center, 8303 Haven Avenue Rancho, Cucamonga, CA 91730, 714-945-4000 Architect: HMC Architects, Inc., 500 East "E" Street, Ontario, CA 91764, 714-983-9623 Construction manager: M & E/CM, 8202 Aspen, Cucamonga, CA 91730, 714-945-4393 Groundbreaking: May 1983 Finish date: December I 986 Construction time: 4 I months Design capacity: 94 Total cost: $33,000,000 Total aunual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: court, holding facility Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas TotaJ: $33,000,000 Building only: $32,500,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 14,157 Gross square feet/other: 265,515 Gross square feet/totaJ: 279,672 Housing area square feet: 14,157 Gross square feet per inmate: 151 Size of cells: 72 square feet (single); 112 (double); 1,120 (dorms) Net/gross square feet: 86% Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Intermittent surveillance Current population: Unknown Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) TotaJ per GSF: $118.00 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 12% Medium: 60% Minimum: 28% Structural: Steel frame; isolation foundation Exterior walls: Precast panels (GFRC) Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete (GFRC) Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Urethane coating Intercom: One-way to cells HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; sprinklers for cells 118 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 26 Double occupancy: 4 Dorms: 64 Special housing: 0 General population: 94 Total: 94 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; fast track construction management Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown TotaJ: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Advanced order of materials and hardware Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction California San Bernardino County ' ' ,..... 2 ,--~ <.J < 0 ,- "-' ~ ~r ~ ,-- ' ;:::: - ----<l) "',->~ f-' r , . H I NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction a: ~ 1'-----1----+'' ,-- "' D. .J IL C © - - - _ ___u,-+-"t .J D D ~ - ,( w i w m ,( m 119 Kings County Branch Jail Jurisdiction official: Tom Clark, Sheriff Contact: Captain Bob Begley, Kings County Branch Jail, 690 East Drive, Hanford, CA 93230, 209-584-1431 Architect: Patrick Sullivan Associates, 542 High Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301, 415-327-2490 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: March 1985 Finish date: December 1985 Construction time: 9 months Design capacity: 128 Total cost: $2,850,000 Total annual operating costs: $1,080,347 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,850,000 Building only: $2,400,000 Gross square feeVcorrections: 26,000 Gross square feeVother: 0 Gross square feeVtotal: 26,000 Housing area square feet: 13,500 Gross square feet per inmate: 203 Size of dorms: 1,344 square feet NeVgross square feet: 92% Design: Dormitory style Cells per unit: 2 Inmates per unit: 32 Management type: Intermittent surveillance June I 986 population: 58 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates (sentenced only) Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $1,000,000 Housing per inmate: $7,812 Housing per cell: $125,000 Total per imuate: $22,266 Total per GSF: $109.62 Total annual operating costs: $1,080,347 Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: I 00% Structural: Tilt-up panels Exterior walls: Tilt-up concrete panels Interior walls: Wood frame with gypsum Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; textured concrete Construction process Finance method: Local and State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; tilt-up wall panels Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote and manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas and dorms HVAC: Air conditioning; hot water from central plant Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 120 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 128 Special housing: 0 General population: 128 Total: 128 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 1 Security: 19 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 4 Total: 24 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.42: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: None NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Kings County .;,~ : f- • =~ . ,, : ,...., 7 ~ V CJD .. CJ C: C . ·. CJ!==! □ CJ . CJ C:' :;:::iloolr:::; : : :- , uuuu· "T ...L -· .' ! I : i' no □□ • ·- ... -.· . . , □ uo·o .- uu □ o - · i l H i! :: { .-·~ -~ · - ·+·+· I ' · - ' ...... .. .• 1 I 1 I ~ . !HJ l u ' ' nnnn • ~ ,-1- l I DODD • DODD ! .. B ,::/' ·.· :- ·' DODD X ' j ,l 6=,c_.: \· ·; '- I i; :·..., . ~- t-- '· ..,. .·. :,· .. " t-1 ULJLJu ! □□ on ~ .. - - - -- -- D =a ft i i ) - ''-' . -- ------- --- --- - ·. -:: -{ :_.. '."" DUD D ! 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Heafey, Sheriff Contact: Sergeant Bob Hammill, Facility Manager, Nevada County Detention Center, 10433 Willow Valley Road, Nevada City, CA 95959, 916-265-9061 Architect:Patrick•SJJ)ljya,n As_s\)ci_ate~.e?f2.l;ligh Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301, 415-327-2490 Construction manager: -None•--M~··'-'-"'·'-"'·' ·.;...c);...:.,,"""0 '~·--· Groundbreaking: March 1985 Finish date: November 1985 Construction time: 8 months Design capacity: 48 Total cost: $221,416 Total annual operating costs: $387,000 Category: Remodel/renovation Facility type: Restitution center of main jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $221,416 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 10,632 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 10,632 Housing area square feet: 3,115 Gross square feet per inmate: 221 Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, outside Cells per uuit: NiA Inmates per unit: Ni A Management type: Intermittent surveillance October 1985 population: 30 Facility commitment: Unknown Means to handle crowding: Ni A Housing area: $64,210 Housing per inmate: $1,338 Housing per cell: $3,777 Total per inmate: Ni A (remodel) Total per GSF: $20.83 Total annual operating costs: $387,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Existing; new metal frame and security mesh Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 100% Structural: Wood frame Exterior walls: Poured in place concrete (existing) Interior walls: Wood frame and plaster Exterior surface/facade: Plaster Construction process Finance method: Local funds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: Yes, painting Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Hollow metal Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual and remote locking Floor surface: Linoleum; carpet Intercom: Monitor HYAC: No alteration Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel; wood Fire protection: Station fire alarm 124 Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 14 Dorms: 32 Special housing: 0 General population: 48 Total: 48 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Lightweight and common building materials; no phasing required around existing occupancy Negative: Unknown condition of existing building Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 13 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: I Total: 16 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.87: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Onsite -supervision by county inspector Negative: None NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Nevada County t 1[l] ·, ,◊I I I I I ·Lt :::;:~"-c-"11 .,1·' l lf • I I I i@' I \ : : : I ; ; ' +.....:..-'-+-----..;_-+-i" ,: i 10 iii.I j - ' "@ . 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I 1 1 1 • 1 -' ~ •,~:I l[ID ;lf I e NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction I 1 ~ !foo j[i ~ iii !1' I I I ~ iIi: 125 Orange County Sheriff's Intake Release Center (Addition/Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Brad Gates, Sheriff-Coroner Contact: Captain George King, Orange County Sheriff's Intake Release Center, 550 North Flower Street, Santa Ana, CA 92702, 1.1+~834-;2037 Architec~: Hellniii\1f:01,:(ci:&.Kll$si1:i~iµµ,;.l!\\(;0999 Bundy Drive, Suite 250, Los Angeles, CA 90025, 213-207-8400 Ficker & Ruffing, 610 Newport'cei{ter Drive, Suite 630, Newport Beach, CA 92660, 714-644-1581 Construction manager: Kitchell CEM, Inc., 1040 West Santa Ana Boulevard, Santa Ana, CA 92703, 714-836-7408 Groundbreaking: July 1985 Finish date: January 1988 Construction time: 29 months Design capacity: 1,139 Total cost: $43,500,000 Total annual operating costs: $24,982,702 (entire facility) Category: New, ancillary building; remodeling/renovation project; expansion project Facility type: County jail Building confignration: Integ. structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas TotaJ: $43,500,000 Building only: $41,500,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 254,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 254,000 Housing area square feet: 167,500 Gross square feet per inmate: 223 Size of cells: 81 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 96 Inmates per unit: 96 Management type: Remote surveillance January 1988 population: 384 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to· handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $27,500,000 Housing per inmate: $71,615 Housing per cell: $71,615 Total per inmate: Ni A (remodel) Total per GSF: $171.26 Total annual operating costs: $24,982,702 (entire facility) Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 20% Medium: 80% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block; architectural precast Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete; colored concrete Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel; concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas 126 Single occupancy: 384 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 755 General population: 384 TotaJ: I, 139 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 56 Security: 189 Programs/treatment: 4 I Maintenance: 33 Total: 319 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.2:1 Construction process Finance method: Local funds; State funds Contract method: Conventional; construetion management Use of inniate labor: Limited; some inmate furnishings from State Prison Industries Use of prefabrication: Limited; exterior facing Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple cons!. methods; "spartan" approach to materials/finishes/ furnishings; low-rise canst.; experienced and savvy county staff Negative: High labor costs; government red tape; very high security design; design for future jail population growth Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Repetitiveness of design; phased const., CM; advanced order of materials; coordination of design; court pressures Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction California Orange County ,,os ~~ : .f ... NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 127 Placer County Jail (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Donald J. Nunes, Sheriff/Coroner/Marshal Contact: Captain Marvin Jacinto, Placer County Jail, DeWitt Center, P.O. Box 6990, Auburn, CA 95603, 916-823-4561 Architects! Tb,~ pb,t:ell)craj1lzQr9µp, 8'.i?UJ::;:911t~!.1;,>§'1!1J'ir@¢i~9q/,&l&'.1'9411 l, 415-956-4394 Crippen, Lichau, Minta, 1115 High Street, Auburn, CA 95603, 916-885-7178 Construction Ill3nager: None Groundbreaking: November 1983 Finish date: April 1985 Constrnction time: I 7 months Design capacity: 212 Total cost: $4,886,000 Total annual operating costs: $2,305,029 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building; phased project (future); temporary facility/housing Facility type: Complex: county jail, arraignment court Building configuration: Integ. structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $4,886,000 Building only: $4,635,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 34,700 Gross square feet/other: 4,200 Gross square feet/total: 38,900 Housing area square feet: 16,364 Gross square feet per inmate: 164 Size of cells: 77 square feet (double) Net/gross square feet: 63% Design: Module/pod; linear, outside for mod. units Cells per unit: 12 Inmates per unit: 24 Management type: Intermittent and remote surveillance June 1986 population: 115 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $125.60 Total annual operating costs: $2,305,029 (addition only) Security Perimeter: Building exterior; razor wire on double fences for exercise yard; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 21% Medium: 79% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Load bearing precast panels and CMU tilt-up; steel frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; architectural precast; tilt-up Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block; steel stud/gypsum board Exterior surface/facade: Brick; stucco; paint Construction process Finance method: Local and State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: China; stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas; manual alarm stations 128 Single occupancy: 4 Double occupancy: 144 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 64 General population: 148 Total: 212 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 10 Security: 45 Programs/treatment: NI A Maintenance: Ni A Total: 55 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.09:1 Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; tilt-up concrete wall panels; good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule: Postive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; tilt-up concrete wall panels; coordination of design between parties Negative: None NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Placer County i NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 129 Plumas County Sheriff's Department & Detention Facility (Remodel) Jurisdiction official: William R. MacKenzie, Sheriff/Coroner Contact: Sergeant Leonard Gardner, Plumas County Sheriff's Department, P.O. Box 1106, 50 Abernathy Lane, Quincy, CA 95971, 916-283-0400 Architect: Patrick Sullivan Associates, 542 High Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301, 415-327-2490 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: October I 984 Finish date: December 1985 Construction time: 14 months Design capacity: 35 Total cost: $1,221,227 Total annual operating costs: $232,600 Category: Remodel/renovation Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,221,227 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 9,805 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 9,805 Housing area square feet: 5,132 Gross square feet per inmate: 280 Size of cells: 108 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 10 Inmates per rmit: 10 Management type: Intermittent Housing area: $635,000 Housing per inmate: $19,844 Housing per cell: $39,687 Total per inmate: NI A (remodel) Total per GSF: $124.55 Total annual operating costs: $232,600 Security Perimeter: Concrete block; single fence Inmate security level: Maximum: Varies Medium: Varies Minimum: Varies Inmate cells Doors/material: Hollow metal Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way monitor HVAC: Air conditioning; boiler heating Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells 130 Construction type Structural: Concrete slab, metal deck (dorms), metal deck with concrete (single) Exterior walls: Concrete block masonry with exterior insulation Interior walls: Concrete block masonry walls Exterior surface/facade: Stucco Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 12 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 20 Special housing: 3 General population: 32 Total: 35 surveillance October I 985 population: 25 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Second mattress on floor Construction process Finance method: Local funds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Repetitiveness of design and fixtures; use of lighter construction and hardware in medium security areas Negative: Remodel of existing facility; phasing to allow continued operation; security and surveillance equipment; few bidders Current staff Full-time equivalent: Adntinistration: 1 Security: 7 Programs/treatment: I Maintenance: County Total: 9 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2. 78:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: Phasing; weather problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Plumas County l 9--~"-@-·-~-- I D I ~-•rr=-~R ·~: C?/l-t------,,;-;·-=;-;=~t,:;;:;.;;~!all ~I ';----I --------- ~--, 8 • ' I --+ ,,. j I @ NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 131 Pre-Trial Detention Facility Jurisdiction official: John V. Gillespie, Sheriff Contact: Commander William A. Wade, Ventura County Sheriff's Department, 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009, 805-654-2305 Architect: John .Carlv.'lll.l)ecke•~;)\§siii::ia'ies/Daniel L. Dworsky FAIA & Associates, 2029 Century Park East, Suite 350, Los Angeles, CA 90067, 213-552-0822 Construction manager: Turner Construction Company, 445 South Figueroa, Los Angeles, CA 90017, 213-683-1430 Groundbreaking: December 1977 Finish date: February 1981 Construction time: 38 months Design capacity: 434 Total cost: $32,000,000 Total annual operating costs: $9,400,000 Category: New independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, other Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate honsing areas Total: $32,000,000 Building only: $22,000,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 220,000 Gross square feet/other: 120,000 Gross square feet/total: 340,000 Housing area square feet: 120,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 507 Size of cells: 75 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 71 % Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit: 48 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 766 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $13,000,000 Housing per inmate: $32,500 Housing per cell: $32,500 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $94.12 Total annual operating costs: $9,400,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; architectural precast Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Colored concrete Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast exterior walls Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Remote unlocking; manual relocking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; gas-fired hot water boiler Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells; sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 132 Single occupancy: 400 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 34 General population: 400 Total: 434 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 36 Security: 131 Programs/treatment: 22 Maintenance: 26 Total: 215 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.56:1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Phased construction, fast track construction management; conventional design; repetitiveness of design Negative: Lack of bidding competition; difficult site conditions; busy construction market; large project for locale Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Phased construction, fast track construction management Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Ventura County 1111\Jlllll . - -- .......,! ..--s; ---<\ ' ' ---<\ • --<;:---1 a-...<:• a-...<: ,/ , L,...) .(_ • • "- r11111rIr1 r 1 MEZZANINE 2nd & 3rd FLOORS NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction n....r, 0 42 133 Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility at Rock Mountain Jurisdiction official: James Rowland, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent John Ratelle, Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility at Rock Mountain, 480 Alta Road, San Diego, CA 92179, 619-690-6500 Architect:HojieC:<1!f@ltmg(Gl:ojjpff401 West A Street, Suite 500, San Diego, CA 92112-4171, 619-233-5251 Construction manager: Heery/Vanir CM, 660 J Street, Suite 285, Sacramento, CA 95814, 916-448-8474 Groundbreaking: May 1985 Finish date: September 1987 Construction time: 28 months Design capacity: 2,200 Total cost: $155,450,204 Total annual operating costs: $30,781,132 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Courtyard; clusters; campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $155,450,204 Building only: Unknown Gross square feeUcorrections: I, 179,015 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 1,179,015 Housing area square feet: 532,348 Gross square feet per inmate: 536 Size ofcells: 60 square feet (single); 1,058 (dorms) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 100 Inmates per unit: 100 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1987 population: 2,038 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $45,038,000 Housing per inmate: $20,547 Housing per cell: $22,340 Total per inmate: $70,659 Total per GSF: $131.85 Total annual operating costs: $30,781,132 Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fences; towers Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 90% Minimum: 10% Construction type Construction process Structural: Load-bearing precast panels; steel frame Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Natural wall Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; hot water from co-gen. plant Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; manual alarm stations 134 Single occupancy: 2,000 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 192 Special housing: 8 General population: 2,192 Total: 2,200 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 98 Security: 506 Programs/treatment: 55 Maintenance: 45 Total: 704 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.89:1 Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast components and metal buildings for some support functions Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware; use of prefabricated buildings Negative: Difficult site conditions; government procedures, regulations, and red tape; remote location of site Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track CM; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties; use of program manager Negative: Weather problems; government procedures, regulations, and red tape NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction California San Diego '!2 r 0 --~i·-, r'· -,:-· . .,: I I ' ' , ',· . '? {/J' '....' ·~· _§. ,.·:- ,., ·,-:-- "=" '--- r, ,," " "I" I ,, '''I "lJ LI " lJ ,. " ""II ,,I," .,"" I I '·· " [ II ' i~ /~ ,) ; , CI fI I .,,,._._ ,. " ., " "lJ J, ''lJ n ,," '." ,,,, ,, ,, lJ '·' '\,-;·· II II 'I ' -~·· I I I I I > I I 'I I I I I ~ ' - - - - - - - - - - - .. ·-.., I I I ' ', i I '-----------1 IlII1II· NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 135 San Joaquin County Honor Farm Women's Minimum Security Facility (Expansion) Jurisdiction official: John Zunino, Sheriff/Coroner Contact: Richard A. Sealy, Custody Administrator, San Joaquin County Honor Farm Women's Minimum Security Facility, G Barracks, 999 West Mathews Road, French Camp, CA 95231, 209-982-5151 Architect:£fl_i~Q~~igitl'."!llle!]!ii!'!,.AtfJ1i,t<jst,sJgl~J!!!lcI}fl'.115!Fremont Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94105, 415-777-3737 Construction manager: None " Groundbreaking: September 1985 Finish date: June 1986 Construction time: 9 months Design capacity: 40 Total cost: $616,000 Total annual operating costs: NI A (expansion) Category: Expansion project Facility type: County jail (women· s facility) Building configuration: Integrated structure; addition to one building Costs Dimensions Inmate honsing areas Total: $616,000 Building only: Unknown Gross square feeUcorrections: 5,769 Gross square feeUother: 0 Gross square feeUtotal: 5,769 Housing area square feet: 5,769 Gross square feet per inmate: 144 Size of cells: 400 square feet (dorm) NeUgross square feet: 79% Design: Dorms with adjacent dayroom space Cells per unit: 5 Inmates per unit: 40 Management type: Direct supervision August 1986 population: 40 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; beds in dayroom Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $15,400 Total per GSF: $106. 78 Total annual operating costs: N/ A (expansion) Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; single fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 100% Structural: CMU block Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: Dry wall Exterior surface/facade: Split faced block, natural finish Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: Limited; demolition Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden; steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Carpet; vinyl tile Intercom: None (portable radio to complex) HYAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas; manual alarm stations 136 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 40 Special housing: 0 General population: 40 Total: 40 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: None Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Ni A Security: 5 Programs/treatment: NI A Maintenance: NI A Total: 5 (expansion only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 8.00:1 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction California San Joaquin County j ' • ' -- i ~ - - - - - - - ' - - - - - ~ ' -- QQOO • = ' od oo - II[] D i <.- :i "o 0 "'► ~'= - ' I ' ! ~ - - - - - - ' - ~ ~ ,_ - ~ ' ' ,_ ' - -- ' - ~ ~ - ~ L - - ' ii ~ Ir :, 8 "'"' ~ ." "' ' r NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 137 Santa Barbara County Main Jail (Expansion) Jurisdiction official: John W. Carpenter, Sheriff Contact: Captain John DaFoe, Jail Commander, Santa Barbara County Main Jail, 4436 Calle Real, Santa Barbara, CA 931 IO, 805-681 -4 IOO Architects: Patrick SullivaifrA:ssodaies;·lf Nortti BIITT'irrif, Claremont, CA 91711 , 714-624-4051 Patrick Sullivan· Associates, 542 High Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301, 415-327-2490 Construction manager: None o Groundbreaking: December 1985 Finish date: June 1987 Construction time: 18 months Design capacity: 68 Total cost: $3,450,700 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (expansion) Category: Expansion project Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,450,700 Building only: $3,450,700 Gross square feet/corrections: 24,730 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 24,730 Housing area square feet: 15,378 Gross square feet per inmate: 364 Size of cells: 76 square feet (gen. single); 110 (gen. double and spec. single) Net/gross square feet: 80% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit: 12 Management type: Intennittent surveillance November 1987 population: 120 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell Housing area: $2,844,930 Housing per imnate: $59,269 Housing per cell: $88,904 Total per inmate: $50,746 Total per GSF: $139.53 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (expansion) Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 25% Medium: 75% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Floors and roof-concrete waffle slab Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Plaster over CMU; stucco Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; prefab wall unit with cell door and steel plumbing chase Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel; stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells 138 Single occupancy: 16 Double occupancy: 32 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 20 General population: 48 Total: 68 Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; hillside location; existing jail structures Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 0 Security: IO Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: O Total: IO (expansion only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 12.0: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, factory assembly; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Santa Barbara County C :===mmrnr=S!l ---+---+---l--@ l 0 <'II·~ ~. • u --@ i m>}---Jt- ;i m V - 1 - - - ~ .. n __ C NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction m 139 Santa Cruz County Jail (Phase I) Juri~di~tion official: Alfred F. Noren, Sheriff Contact: Brad Arbsland, Jail Commander, Santa Cruz County Jail, 259 Water Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, 408-425-2666 Architect: J,:apli!ll/McLaughlin/Diaz, 222 Val!e)o Sfreiit,'i;San Francisco, CA 94111, 415-398-5191 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: February 1979 Finish date: May 1981 Construction time: 27 months Design capacity: 96 Total cost: $8,400,000 Total annual operating costs: $3,799,332 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure; clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $8,400,000 Building only: $6,200,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 47,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 47,000 Housing area square feet: 12,682 Gross square feet per inmate: 490 Size of cells: 74 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 42 and 50 Imnates per unit: 46 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 150 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor; beds in dayroom Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $87,500 Total per GSF: $178. 72 Total annual operating costs: $3,799,332 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; alann/detection system Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; paint Construction process Finance method: Revenue sharing; other Federal funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells, common areas, and ducts; manual alarm stations; smoke evacuation 140 Single occupancy: 92 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 4 General population: 92 Total: 96 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Slow constrnction, lengthy building time; difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 9 Security: 66 Programs/treatment: 20 Maintenance: 4 Total: 99 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.52:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Santa Cruz County VB-IICI..E SALLYPOAT SERVICE OI.JT[)()Oq FIRST FLOOR NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction RECREATION 0N 141 Sequoia Field Detention Facility Jurisdiction official: Bob Wiley, Sheriff/Coroner Contact:Ca)?trun l\.1itc? \lidak, Sc:,quoia Field Detention Facility, 36712 Road 112, Visalia, CA 93291, 209-733-6233 Architect: Hope Consiiliin1FGroiip,".562)Mi&S\gl)!Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, 415-434-0381 Construction manager: Kitchell CEM, Inc., 1707 East Highland Avenue, Suite 280, Phoenix, AZ 85016, 602-266-1970 Gronndbreaking: November 1985 Finish date: April 1987 Construction time: 17 months Design capacity: 436 Total cost: $21,300,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Bnilding configuration: Clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $21,300,000 Building only: $20,000,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 130,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 130,000 Housing area square feet: 87,224 Gross square feet per inmate: 298 Size of cells: 70 square feet (gen. single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 96 Inmates per unit: 96 Management type: Remote surveillance September 1987 population: 360 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $11,000,000 Housing per inmate: $28,646 Housing per cell: $61,919 Total per inmate: $48,853 Total per GSF: $161. 72 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; razor wire on fence; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 13% Medium: 75% Minimum: 12% Structural: Steel frame; load-bearing masonry Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: Precastpanels; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Natural wall Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; hydronic heat (hot water from cogeneration facility) Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 142 Single occupancy: 336 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 48 Special housing: 52 General population: 384 Total: 436 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 63 Programs/treatment: 7 Maintenance: 5 Total: 77 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.68: I Construction process Finance method: Certificates of Participation; State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; concrete floor planks in mezzanine and housing; concrete window frames Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction; fast track CM Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track CM; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from suppliers; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Tulare County CHAIN---¥ LINK FENCE DAYROOM #2 (BELOW) DAYROOM #1 (BELOW) Q 0 0 D D - CONTROL ROOM G EXERCISE YARD (BELOW) G 0 0 Q EXERCISE YARD (BELOW) MEN'S HOUSING UNIT UPPER LEVEL -----------0510 20 N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 40 143 Shasta County Justice Center Jurisdiction official: Phil D. Eoff, Sheriff Contact: Captain Gene Toten, Jail Commander, Shasta County Justice Center, West and Placer Streets, Redding, CA 96001, 916-~25.,-5§5)::::•,:- -"<:.:C,"• .::- •.• Architects: Hellmuih;'Obata::&:Kitssal:i~@!faJ!!Jisf~ne Lombard Street, San Francisco, CA 94111, 415-627-1600 WKSD Architects, 225 Locust, Suite 3, Redding, CA 96001, 916-246-1900 Construction manager: M, Hill Company, 1525 Court Street, Redding, CA 96001, 916-441-3955 Gronndbreaking: November 1982 Finish date: June 1984 Construction time: 19 months Design capacity: 250 Total cost: $14,500,000 Total annual operating costs: $4,753,529 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex, county jail, courts Building configuration: Integrated structure, high rise Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $14,500,000 Building only: $14,000,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 70,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross_ square feet/total: 70,000 Housing area square feet: Unknown Gross square feet per inmate: 280 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 96% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 80 Inmates per unit: 80 Management type: Intermittent surveillance; patrols October 1985 population: 277 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $9,500,000 Housing per inmate: $39,583 Housing per cell: $39,583 Total per inmate: $58,000 Total per GSF: $207.14 Total annual operating costs: $4,753,529 Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 16% Medium: 68% Minimum: 16% Construction type Structural: Steel frame; poured-in-place concrete lower 2 levels Exterior walls: Steel studs with heavy duty thermal insulation Interior walls: CMU block with pneumatic placed concrete surfaces Exterior surface/facade: Stucco over steel studs Construction process Finance method: Local funds; State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells; two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells 144 Single occupancy: 240 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 10 General population: 240 Total: 250 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 19 Security: 48 Programs/treatment: 19 Maintenance: 10 Total: 96 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.89:1 Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: High labor costs; difficult site conditions; inflation Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track construction management; advanced order of materials and hardware Negative: Weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction California Shasta County Ground Level 1 Mechanical 2 Vehicular Sally Port 3 Offices 4 Public Lobby 5 Central Control 6 Visiting 7Cell 8 Interview 9Medical 10 Holding Room 11 Services 12 Booking 13 Special Segregation 1 Level Two 1 Jury Deliberation 2 Holding Cell 3 Sally Port 4Court Room 5 Judge's Chamber 6 Courts Administration 7Cell 8 Dayroom 9 Outdoor Exercise 10 Multi-Purpose Room § Typical Mezzanine Level Two 1 Corridor to Courts 2Cell 3 Dayroom Below 4 Visiting 5 Control Room 6 Electrical/Communication Equipment 7 Outdoor Exercise Below Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction 145 Sonoma North County Detention Facility (Addition/Remodel) Jurisdiction official: Dick Mickaelsen, Sheriff-Coroner Contact: John DeWitt, Correctional Lieutenant, Sonoma North County Detention Facility, 2254 Airport Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95,101, 707~542~3375 Architect: The Ehrenkrantz Group, 855 Front Street,· San•FJ1lllcisco, CA 94111, 415-956-4394 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: March I 985 Finish date: April 1986 Construction time: 13 months Design capacity: 139 Total cost: $5,200,000 Total annual operating costs: $7,451,624 (entire facility) Category: New, ancillary building; remodel/renovation; phased project (future) Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $5,200,000 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 28,612 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 28,612 Housing area square feet: 12,350 Gross square feet per inmate: 206 Size of cells: 100 square feet (double); 60 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: 66% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Direct supervision February 1987 population: 174 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: Ni A (remodel) Total per GSF: $181.74 Total annual operating costs: $7,451,624 (entire facility) Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fences; video camera surveillance; roving officer Inmate security level: Maximum: 13% Medium: 25% Minimum: 62% Structural: Wood frame/steel columns Exterior walls: CMU block; wood stud/ stucco/wood siding Interior walls: CMU block; wood stud/ GWB Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; paint; wood siding Construction process Finance method: Certificates of Participalion; local funds; State funds Contract method: Phased (2 bid packages) Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floors: Carpet; sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells; one-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel; wood; vinyl/plastic; concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 146 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: I 6 Dorms: 112 Special housing: 11 General population: 128 Total: 139 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track CM; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 18 Programs/treatment: 1 Maintenance: I Total: 22 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: 7 .91: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track CM Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems-minor delay NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction California Sonoma County z ~ g< ~ ~~8 u t;; z~ ! 8• ~>-!! 8 ~ <8~'<t,~> ... .,.;:=<flS!!; ~!::' ...... ~z D.e!,:lz ge~~~s8~t.53 ............. .,.-&> .... <OIi'>~:: l! u '- i ":: " !! "" u _J "" I" "" " NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 147 Stanislaus County Jail (Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Jim Trevena, Sheriff Contact: Captain Rod Wells, Stanislaus County Jail, 1100 H Street, Modesto, CA 95354, 209-571-6456 Architect: Crosby, Thornton, Marshall, Booker, Lawlor, Architects, 2105 Lancey Drive, Suite 7, Modesto, CA 95355, 209-575-1384 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: April 1985 Finish date: February 1986 Construction time: 10 months Design capacity: 40 Total cost: $791,000 Total annual operating costs: NIA (expansion) Category: Remodeling/renovation project to expand jail capacity Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, courts Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $791,000 Building only: Ni A (remodel) Gross square feet/corrections: 8,040 Gross square feet/other: 8,252 Gross square feet/total: 16,292 Housing area square feet: 2,544 Gross square feet per inmate: 201 Size of cells: 55 square feet per bed (dorms) Net/gross square feet: 90% Design: Linear, inside; donnitories Cells per unit: NI A Inmates per unit: NI A Management type: Intermittent Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $48.55 Total annual operating costs: NIA (expansion) surveillance October 1985 population: 40 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor; second bunk attached to wall Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; double fence/exercise yard Inmate security level: Maximum: 20% Medium: 60% Minimum: 20% Inmate cells Doors/material: Unknown Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Unknown Floor surface: Sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; vari-cool unit Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas 148 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Exterior surface/facade: Paint Construction process Finance method: Revenue sharing; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: Limited Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 40 Special housing: 0 General population: 40 Total: 40 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Remodel of existing facility Negative: Slow construction; high labor costs; government procedures, regulations, "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: NI A Security: 5 Programs/treatment: NI A Maintenance: NI A Total: 5 (expansion only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 8: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; government procedures, regulations, "red tape" NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Stanislaus County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 149 Sunnyvale Public Safety Building and Temporary Holding Facility Jurisdiction official: Ralph Hem, Commander, Support Services Division Contact: Regan Williams, Sunnyvale Public Safety Building, 700 All America Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, 408-730-7163 Architect: The Ehrenkrantz Group, 855 Front Street, San Francisco, CA 94111, 415-956-4394 Construction manager: Architectural Inspection Service, 2335 Thompson Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, 415-968-7904 Groundbreaking: August 1983 Finish date: April 1985 Construction time: 20 months Design capacity: 20 Total cost: $6,100,000 Total annual operating costs: $13,058,406 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: city jail, law enforcement, city emergency operations Building configuration: Integ. structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $6,100,000 Building only: $4,000,000 Gross square feeVcorrections: 2,380 Gross square feeVother: 37,520 Gross square feeVtotal: 39,900 Housing area square feet: 849 Gross square feet per inmate: 119 Size of cells: 136 square feet (single) NeVgross square feet: 80% Design: Linear, interior Cells per unit: 5 Inmates per unit: 9 Management type: Intermittent surveillance; remote surveillance December 1986 population: 13 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $238,500 Housing per inmate: $11,925 Housing per cell: $39,750 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $152.88 Total annual operating costs: $13,058,406 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block; glazed Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Quarry tile Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 150 Single occupancy: 4 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 16 Special housing: 0 General population: 20 Total: 20 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction California Sunnyvale NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 151 Torrance Police Department Jurisdiction official: Donald E. Nash, Chief of Police Contact: Captain Bruce J. Randall, Services Bureau Commander, Torrance Police Department, 3300 Civic Center Drive, Torrance, CA 90503, 213-618-5702 Architect: H. Wendell Mounce AJA & Associates, 3436 North Verdugo Road, Glendale, CA 91208, 213-245-1044 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: April 1980 Finish date: March 1982 Construction time: 23 months Design capacity: 58 Total cost: $7,188,000 Total annual operating costs: $509,800 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: city jail; law enforcement Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $7,188,000 Building only: $6,500,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 8,640 Gross square feet/other: 64,860 Gross square feet/total: 73,500 Housing area square feet: 8,640 Gross square feet per inmate: 149 Size of cells: 56 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 74% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 22 Inmates per unit: 58 Management type: Remote surveillance May 1986 population: 30 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: $845,000 Housing per inmate: $18,778 Housing per cell: $52,813 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $97.80 Total annual operating costs: $509,800 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; alarm/ detection systems; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Remote and manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells 152 Structural: Steel frame; CMU block Exterior walls: CMU block; metal studs Interior walls: CMU block; metal studs Exterior surface/facade: Brick; stucco; paint Construction process Finance method: Shared cost from multiple jurisdictions Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 7 Double occupancy: O Dorms: 38 Special housing: 13 General population: 45 Total: 58 Architect's reported analyses Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: I 8 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 1 Total: 21 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.43: I Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; concrete block construction; good competition, favorable market Negative: Government procedures, regulations, and red tape; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Coordination of design between parties Negative: Government procedures, regulations, and red tape; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction California Torrance r ' It~, -@ !@ ;11151 iy r11116 ' C _I~ -® 1117 PUBLIC ,11 "oi{fh ENTRANCE STAFF @ _:, ENTRY Pl.ANTING AREA ;' f--: I 1295 --© rn ,-, i !~ ._,.._j. l 1294 ::- 1135 ■ ■ ---@ INVESTIGATION 1299 UJ7 1!34 "~. ■ VICE ii. NARCOTICS ,,,. ",:""~-1111 ---® 1170 L 1.e,\; ~ ·1' \ f,4';· .....,,<, 1271 !(~· :o· 1272 .ft 127J SALLY PORT GROUND FLOOR PLAN 0 NORTH NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 153 Tuolumne County Jail (Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Robert T. Coane, Sheriff/Coroner Contact: James N. Childers, Jail Commander, Tuolumne County Jail, 28 North Lower Sunset Drive, Sonora, CA 95370, 209-533-5844 Architect: Patrick Sullivan Associates, 542 High Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301, 415-327-2490 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: April 1985 Finish date: May 1986 Construction time: 13 months Design capacity: 21 Total cost: $920,700 Total annual operating costs: $463,325 (entire facility) Category: Remodel/renovation project; expansion project Facility type: County jail Building confignration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $920,700 Building only: NI A (remodel) Gross square feeUcorrections: 9,016 Gross square feeUother: 0 Gross square feeUtotal: 9,016 Housing area square feet: 5,990 Gross square feet per inmate: 429 Size of cells: 105 square feet (single) NeUgross square feet: Unknown Design: Tier design; linear, inside Cells per unit: 20 Inmates per unit: 20 Management type: Intermittent surveillance October 1985 population: 70 (entire facility) Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor; bunk beds in cell Housing area: $607,662 Housing per inmate: $30,383 Housing per cell: $30,383 Total per inmate: NI A (remodel) Total per GSF: $102.12 Total annual operating costs: $463,325 (entire facility) Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 70% Medium: 20% Minimum: 10% Structural: CMU with concrete deck Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco Construction process Finance method: Local funds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Manual Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; forced air heat Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells 154 Single occupancy: 20 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 1 General population: 20 Total: 21 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: None Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 1 Security: 15 Programs/treatment: 1 Maintenance: 2 Total: 19 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.68:1 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction California Tuolumne County (< @}-I r r o) . ... , ; I ' • ,. r. ·EB· z ~i ' .•-,•~ p-,U, ' I ,-.-.. I &--:------- r NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 155 Yuba County Jail (Remodel) Jurisdiction official: Robert R. Day, Sheriff Contact: Captain Gary M. Finch, Jail Commander, Yuba County Jail, 215 Fifth Street, Marysville, CA 95901, 916-741-6331 Architect: Patrick Sullivan Associates, 542 High Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301, 415-327-2490 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: June 1985 Finish date: July 1986 Construction time: 13 months Design capacity: 134 Total cost: $500,000 Total annual operating costs: $620,370 Category: Remodel/renovation Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $500,000 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 19,248 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 19,248 Housing area square feet: 6,235 Gross square feet per inmate: 144 Size of cells: 56 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: N/ A Inmates per unit: 20 Management type: Intermittent surveillance October 1985 population: 125 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: N/ A (remodel) Total per GSF: $25.98 Total annual operating costs: $620,370 Security Perimeter: No alteration Inmate security level: Maximum: 50% Medium: 50% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Concrete Exterior walls: Concrete floors and ceilings Interior walls: Steel bar cell walls; Gunite walls Exterior surface/facade: Gunite walls Construction process Finance method: Local funds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: Yes, painting Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Hollow metal and open bar Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: None HVAC: None Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: No alteration (no sprinklers) 156 Single occupancy: 24 Double occupancy: 4 Dorms: 104 Special housing: 2 General population: 132 Total: 134 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 20 Programs/treatment: 2 Maintenance: 3 Total: 27 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.63:1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market; county's efforts to circulate bid documents Negative: Difficult security conditions during remodeling Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: Working within existing building; security hollow metal and locks NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction California Yuba County ®---- ©- - ~ I @-~ GR0tN> R.0011 PLAN tta• , 1'-o" NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 157 Adams County Detention Facility Jurisdiction official: Edward J. Camp, Sheriff Contact: Deputy Chiefff~ny C?llins, Adruns9?untYcP~~11tig11f~c:ility,I50 N. I 9th Street, Brighton, co 80601' 303-654-1850 Architect: )Justice Systems, Inc/, ;348'Peachiree1S~fNif, ¾:tiili;'~rc;;:,ilfj30308, 404-577-3184 Construction manager: Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc., P.O. Box 7808, Boise, ID 83729, 208-386-5000 Groundbreaking: February 1984 Finish date: May 1985 Construction time: I 5 months Design capacity: 485 Total cost: $15,382,660 Total aunual operating costs: $3,371,143 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Wings connecting housing pods Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $15,382,660 Building only: $14,100,000 Gross square feeVcorrections: 228,140 Gross square feeVother: 0 Gross square feeVtotal: 228,140 Housing area square feet: 171,332 Gross square feet per inmate: 470 Size of cells: 83 square feet (single) NeVgross square feet: 77% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit: 48 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 264 Facility commitment: Local inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: NiA Housing area: $10,800,000 Housing per inmate: $22,500 Housing per cell: $22,500 Total per inmate: $31,717 Total per GSF: $67.43 Total annual operating costs: $3,371,143 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 40% Medium: 60% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; paint Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid steel Doors/type: Sliding (max.); swinging (med.) Doors/locking: Remote locking only (max.); motor driven and remote locking (med.) Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: Stainless (max.); china (med.) Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 158 Single occupancy: 480 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 5 General population: 480 Total: 485 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness and cost-consciousness of design; phased construction, fast track construction management; clear plans and specs Negative: High labor costs; difficult site conditions (expansive clay) Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I 9 Security: 113 Programs/treatment: 3 Maintenance: 5 Total: 140 (not incl. contract food, medical) Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.89:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties Negative: Weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Colorado Adams County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 159 Alamosa County Law Enforcement Center Jurisdiction official: James P. Drury, Sheriff Contact: Captain Glenn Biggs, Jail Administrator, Alamosa County Law Enforcement Center, 1315 17th Street, Alamosa, CO 81101, 303-589-5787 Architect: E. George Wynn-Architect, 52499 County Road "T", Saguache, CO 81149, 303-655-2247 Construction manager: None Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail; law enforcement; Immigration & Naturalization Service Building configuration: Integrated structure; wheel, spoke or radial Groundbreaking: May I 985 Finish date: July 1986 Construction time: 14 months Design capacity: 51 Total cost: $1,993,693 Total annual operating costs: $379,526 Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,993,693 Building only: $1,893,693 Gross square feet/corrections: 12,098 Gross square feet/other: 12,587 Gross square feet/total: 24,685 Housing area square feet: 12,098 Gross square feet per inmate: 237 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single); 104 (double); 236 (4-man) Net/gross square feet: 94% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 25 Inmates per unit: 44 Management type: Remote surveillance; "roving" officer in direct supervision September I 986 population: 14 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Other facilities Housing area: $1,270,290 Housing per inmate: $3 I, 757 Housing per cell: $52,929 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $80.77 Total annual operating costs: $379,526 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance; razor wire between double fences around courtyard Inmate security level: Maximum: 35% Medium: 32% Minimum: 33% Structural: Steel frame; load bearing CMU block Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; steel stud and drywall Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; paint; natural wall; fluted CMU block Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds; special election; local funds Contract method: Conventional; cost plus contract with upset price Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Solenaid driven and remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Concrete sealed with paint Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat; passive solar heat; evaporative cooling Plumbing: China; stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 160 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 14 Double occupancy: 14 Dorms: 12 Special housing: 11 General population: 40 Total: 51 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods; continuous and extensive participation by design architect Negative: Exorbitant costs of specialized "detention" equipment (i.e., window frames, fixtures, furnishings, fittings) Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: 13 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 14 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.00: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties; extensive supervision by design architect; excellent scheduling by general contractor Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Colorado Alamosa County ... \: - -a.~~~· ~ "·4 . \ '•),.- "\ ' ., ® .• ·.,,. NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 161 Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility Jurisdiction official: Walter Kautzky, Executive Director, Department of Corrections Contact:.Superm~11<!~11t}il)).IIIi~~• Arkansas V"JJey Correctional Facility, Box 1000, Crowley, CO 81034, 303-267-3520 Architects: ·RJ\ttI'.Jesfgii/Seve'iitee11thf~~f,!;1I,µi;'J Suite 1700, 1225 Seventeenth Street, Denver, CO 80202, 303-295-1717 H. Holding and Associates; 216 East Monument, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, 303-475-1270 Construction manager: G .E. Johnson Construction Company, P. 0. Box 2139, 310 South 14th Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80901, 303-473-5321 Groundbreaking: December 1985 Finish date: December 1987 Construction time: 24 months Design capacity: 742 Total cost: $32,800,000 Total annual operating costs: $9,878,725 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building confignration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $32,800,000 Building only: $30,070,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 327,771 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 327,771 Housing area square feet: 175,932 Gross square feet per inmate: 442 Size of cells: 72 square feet (gen. single); 80 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 40 Inmates per unit: 40 Management type: Remote surveillance April 1988 population: 782 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Double bunking Housing area: $16,679,000 Housing per inmate: $22,974 Housing per cell: $22,974 Total per inmate: $44,205 Total per GSF: $100.07 Total annual operating costs: $9,878,725 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on and between fences; towers; patrols; camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 2% Medium: 98% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; colored concrete Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; hot water heating Plumbing: China Furniture: Concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; electric control at control stations with time delays 162 Construction process Structural: Load-bearing precast panels; precast concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; architectural precast Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Etched precast Finance method: State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; cell units and precast structural area panels Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 726 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 16 General population: 726 Total: 742 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 129 Security: 64 Programs/treatment: 59 Maintenance: 34 Total: 286 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.73: I Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefab. components, factory assembly; simple const. methods; good coordination by team members Negative: Lengthy building time; difficult site conditions, poor soil; lack of skilled labor; security equipment contractors overbooked-inflated bids received Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Prefab. components, factory assembly; phased construction, fast track CM; cooperation and coordination by entire team Negative: Labor problems, strike; poor cooperation from utilities subcontractor N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Colorado Crowley I 1! ll " , 1! z ih o:' § 8 ~~ I- ' ciu i _J ~i _J w u ' " , ' ,, ,, , ',~~\ , !I !I NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 163 Delta County Criminal Justice Facility (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Richard A. Mildich, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff Richard A. Miklich, Delta County Criminal Justice Facility, Delta County Courthouse, 555 Palmer, Delta, C0,81416, 303-874-9734 . Architect: Dana Larson Roubal &Associates(, 225 North 5th Street, Suite 115, Grand Junction, CO 81501, 303-243-6166 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: November 1984 Finish date: January 1986 Construction time: 14 months Design capacity: 47 Total cost: $3,400,000 Total annual operating costs: $102,689 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: Complex: county jail, court Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,400,000 Building only: $3,258,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 17,783 Gross square feet/other: 16,223 Gross square feet/total: 34,006 Housing area square feet: 8,765 Gross square feet per inmate: 378 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 84% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit: 8 Management type: Intermittent surveillance October 1986 population: I 6 Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $884,000 Housing per inmate: $20,091 Housing per cell: $23,263 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $99.98 Total annual operating costs: $102,689 (addition only) Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Structural: Concrete frame Exterior walls: Reinforced concrete block Interior walls: Concrete block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Special election; local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Hydronic heating/cooling system; heat pumps Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Sprinklers and smoke detectors to cells and common areas 164 Single occupancy: 36 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 8 Special housing: 3 General population: 44 Total: 47 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of traditional building materials Negative: Porous site condition; remote location Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 5 Security: 9 Programs/treatment: 1 Maintenance: 4 Total: 19 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: .84:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of traditional building materials; moderate winter Negative: None N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Colorado Delta County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 165 Garfield County Jail (Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Verne Soucie, Sheriff Contact: UndersheriffD. Schnider, Garfield County Jail, P.O. Box 249, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601, 303-945-0453 Architect/Builder: MDF Detention/Corrections Facilities, Inc., P.O. Box 979, Fort Collins, CO 80522, 303-223-7052 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: June 1982 Finish date: October 1982 Construction time: 4 months Design capacity: 16 Total cost: $293,000 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (expansion) Category: Expansion project Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $293,000 Building only: $256,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 2,700 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 2, 700 Housing area square feet: 1,600 Gross square feet per inmate: I 69 Size of cells: 160 square feet (dorms) Net/gross square feet: 93% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 4 Inmates per unit: 16 Management type: Intermittent surveillance October 1985 population: 25 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; sentenced State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $18,312 Total per GSF: $108.52 Total annual operating costs: NIA (expansion) structure Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Steel panels Interior walls: Steel panels Exterior surface/facade: Steel panels Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas 166 Single occupancy: O Double occupancy: 4 Dorms: 12 Special housing: 0 General population: 16 Total: 16 Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Turn-key design and build Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive, relocatable steel modules Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track construction management Negative: Difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: NI A Security: 5 Programs/treatment: N/A Maintenance: N/ A Total: 5 (expansion only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 5: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Colorado Garfield County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 167 Pitkin County Jail Jurisdiction official: Robert C. Braudis, Sheriff Contact: Jeanne Lederer, Jail Administrator, Pitkin County Jail, 506 East Main Street, Aspen, CO 8161 l, 303-925-3232 Architect:!_CaudiUGustafs_on ~Associates.Archit~cts,::i::.~-, P.O. Box FF, Aspen, CO 81612, 303-925-3383 Construction manager: Newstrom-Davis, 2000 West 8tl{Avenue, Denver, CO 80204, 303-623-3171 Category: New, ancillary building; phased project (future) Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement admin., shell Building configuration: Integrated structure Groundbreaking: October 1982 Finish date: September 1983 Construction time: 11 months Design capacity: 25 Total cost: $1,685,950 Total annual operating costs: $700,000 Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,685,950 Building only: $1,665,950 Gross square feet/corrections: 10,478 Gross square feet/other: 5,948 Gross square feet/total: 16,426 Housing area square feet: 7,976 Gross square feet per inmate: 4 I 9 Size of cells: 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 83% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 2 to 6 Inmates per unit: 2 to 6 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: 20 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom Housing area: $818,650 Housing per inmate: $51,166 Housing per cell: $51,166 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: NI A (phased project) Total annual operating costs: $700,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 25% Medium: 50% Minimum: 25% Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; special election Contract method: CM fast track; stipulated sum after subcontracts awarded Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden; steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Carpet; vinyl tile; synthetic gym floor Intercom: One-way to cells; call button only HYAC: Heating/air circulation; passive hybrid solar system; hot air/gas heating Plumbing: Stainless steel; china; enameled steel Furniture: Wood; concrete (max.) Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas Single occupancy: 16 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 9 General population: 16 Total: 25 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; use of many nonsecurity components Negative: Difficult site conditions (prominent site); complex electronic control system; weather problems (early winter) Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: 8 Programs/treatment: Contracted and volunteers Maintenance: Contracted Total: 9 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.2: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; user changes during construction . 168 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Colorado Pitkin County 1=====11 cell cell raaf I cell I I \ exer ise cell master control & dispatch admin. minimum dayroorn □ cell cell multi• purpose room medium dayroom cell maximum I I I deyroam cell cell ~--- cell cell cell staff N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction 169 Summit County Justice Center Jurisdiction official: Delbert Ewoldt, Sheriff Contact: s.h~riff DelbertEwoldt, Summit County Justice Center, 501 North Park, Breckenridge, CO 80424, 303-453-2232 Architectd•eter.Witler;"Ai¢hite,J;ts;';l:54':0illiiii}l'ifil!i, Dillon Center Building, P.O. Box 238, Dillon, CO 80435, 303-468-2277 Construction manager: None Gronndbreaking: July 1985 Finish date: December I 986 Construction time: 17 months Design capacity: 46 Total cost: $6,300,000 Total annual operating costs: $475,975 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, courts, coroner, probation Building configuration: Integ. structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $6,300,000 Building only: $4,200,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 18,400 Gross square feet/other: 27,600 Gross square feet/total: 46,000 Housing area square feet: 18,400 Gross square feet per inmate: 400 Size of cells: 77 square feet (single); 558 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 94% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit: 8 Management type: Remote surveillance December 1986 population: 43 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Will attach second bunk permanently; 20 bed expansion Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $136.96 Total annual operating costs: $475,975 Security Perimeter: Building exterior; alarm/ detection systems; camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 17% Medium: 23% Minimum: 51% Other: 9% Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating; sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel; china Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; sprinklers for cells; manual alarm stations 170 Construction type Structural: Steel frame; CMU block bearing walls Exterior walls: Brick; architectural precast; load bearing masonry; insulated double wall Interior walls: CMU block; brick; combination of masonry bearing, steel frame, and poured-in-place concrete Exterior surface/facade: Brick; stucco; colored concrete lintels Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 32 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 9 Special housing: 5 General population: 41 Total: 46 Construction process Finance method: Certificates of Participation Contract method: NegotiatedG.M.P. fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Tight budget; favorable bond market; popular layout efficiencies Negative: Exterior aesthetics; masonry construction; design for retrofit detention hollow metal due to long lead times; life safety considerations Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 1 Security: 14 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 15 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.87:1 Factors aflecting time schedule: Positive: Separations allowed individual areas to be completed and occupied (e.g., law enforcement, courts, and jail) Negative: Government procedures, regulations, and red tape; approval process N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ y ~ ~ l i:::, ~g" _ _JS'~- /' ---=' / ~·~ ,Q., ~ ~ - " ~~ !" -§" l 1 2 11·q =J --.J 1 i ■ I ~ I I ..L ____ • ______• ____ ff' b I ' I'\' JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY COURT CLERK LM LIBRARY CHAMBERS JURY ROOM PROBATION DISTRICT ATTORNEY CORONER -- I ■ 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 20 30 LAW ENFORCEMENT RECEPTION SHERIFF RECORDS ~AD ROOM D ECTIVES LOCKER ROOMS 40 41 42 43 44 45 COUNTY )AIL VEHICLE SALLY PORT BOOKING WORK RELEASE KITCHEN MULTI - PURPOSE GENERAL HOUSING SEGREGATION OUTDOOR EXERCISE LAUNDRY 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 II § e. 111 i g, ("'.l :=;.· 0 (l '"I Bridgeport Correctional Center: Modular Units (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Raymond M. Lopes, Commissioner, Department of Correction Contact: Warden Michael A. Chernovetz, Bridgeport Correctional Center, 1106 North Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604, 203-579-6131 Modular manufacturer:. ArJ:hur Igclnstries;,fuc,,,RQl.B,9"""14\i£9'~lli'jMain Street, Terryville, CT 06786, 203-582-6552 Construction manager: Arthur Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 74, South Main Street, Terryville, CT 06786, 203-582-6552 Groundbreaking: January 1986 Finish date: July 1986 Construction time: 6 months Design capacity: 100 Total cost: $1,326,316 Total annnal operating costs: $745,000 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building; temporary facility/housing Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,326,316 Building only: $1,138,830 Gross square feet/corrections: 17,330 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 17,330 Housing area square feet: 17,330 Gross square feet per inmate: 173 Size of cells: 6,400 square feet (dorms) Net/gross square feet: 97% Design: Open dormitory with exterior windows Cells per unit: 0 Inmates per unit: 50 Management type: Remote surveillance August 1986 population: 104 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $1,138,830 Housing per inmate: $11,388 Housing per cell: $569,415 Total per inmate: $13,263 Total per GSF: $76.53 Total annual operating costs: $745,000 (addition only) Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; razor wire on fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 100% Structural: Wood construction, wood trusses Exterior walls: Wood framed Interior walls: Wood framed Exterior surface/facade: Masonite Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Turn-key design and build Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; modular units Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: China Furniture: None Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 172 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 100 Special housing: 0 General population: 100 Total: 100 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 17 Programs/treatment: 1 Maintenance: 1 Total: 21 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 4. 95: 1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track CM Negative: Difficult site conditions; government procedures, regulations, and red tape Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods; phased construction, fast track CM Negative: Government procedures, regulations, and red tape NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Connecticut Bridgeport (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 173 J. Bernard Gates Correctional Unit (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Raymond M. Lopes, Commissioner, Department of Correction Contact: Warden Dennis T. Guay, J. Bernard Gates Correctional Unit, 13 I North Bridebrook Road, Niantic, CT 06357, 203-739-3973 Modular manufacturer: Industries, Inc,,'P.Q, B<>J\ J<l',South Main Street, Terryville, CT 06786, 203-582-6552 Construction manager: Arthur Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 74, South Main Street, Terryville, CT 06786, 203-582-6552 Arthur Groundbreaking: January 1986 Finish date: July 1986 Construction time: 6 months Design capacity: 104 Total cost: $1,272,546 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building; temporary facility/housing Facility type: State jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,272,546 Building only: $1,009,660 Gross square feet/corrections: 17,330 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 17,330 Housing area square feet: 17,330 Gross square feet per inmate: 167 Size of cells: 6,400 square feet (dorms) Net/gross square feet: 97% Design: Open dorm with exterior windows Cells per unit: I Inmates per unit: 52 Management type: Remote surveillance November 1986 population: 104 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $1,009,660 Housing per inmate: $9, 708 Housing per cell: $504,830 Total per inmate: $12,236 Total per GSF: $73.43 Total annual operating costs: NiA (addition) Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; razor wire on fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: I 00% Structural: Wood construction/wood trusses Exterior walls: Wood framed Interior walls: Wood framed Exterior surface/facade: Masonite Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Tum-key design and build Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; modular units Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: China Furniture: Unknown Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 174 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 104 Special housing: O General population: I 04 Total: 104 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track CM Negative: Difficult site conditions; government procedures, regulations, and red tape Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 22 Programs/treatment: 4 Maintenance: I Total: 29 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.59:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track CM Negative: Government red tape N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Connecticut Niantic -~.' c: rr i ~·"''o: - ......-0 -.....- 0-': @ --i ''' ...._ _ _,1.._ _ _,1,._ _ _,1,._ _ _• I -- r' • -- ' --- --, _ _ _.... ------.,-1 ' '' 0 0 l ' .' __ ,-----1----~----~4 ''' ~'"', ~-31~1 :' ;r,la:''-'-21\:~ : '' '' ' '' ''' ""~ 0 :': §_......._ 0 -+-□'-......- f '.,""---=--=--+-==-1--=.-=---,.,.,! __ ~ ~ = d , , -~~ ® @ NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 0 0 0 175 Delaware Correctional Center (Maximum Security) (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Robert Watson, Commissioner, Department of Correction Contact: Warden Walter Redman, Delaware Correctional Center, Smyrna, DE 19977, 302-653-9261 ArcbitectfWeymotii:lri:Nr~\J!!<'&~Y/A'!Jf,\\;1'/%'IQP Washington Street, Wilmington, DE 19801, 302-658-8760 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: April 1979 Finish date: August I 98 I Construction time: 28 months Design capacity: 64 Total cost: $5,100,000 Total annual operating costs: $1,134,797 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $5,100,000 Building only: $3,225,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 23,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 23,000 Housing area square feet: 18,400 Gross square feet per inmate: 359 Size of cells: 73 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 86% Design: Module/pod; modules (triangulated) with "dog bone" interconnect Cells per unit: 10 to 12 Inmates per unit: 10 to 12 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 64 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $79,687 Total per GSF: $221. 74 Total annual operating costs: $1,134,797 (addition only) Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fence; K-9 and armed vehicle patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Load bearing precast panels Exterior walls: Precast panels; CMU block Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Aggregate epoxy and rigid insulated facing Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; precast concrete; precut structural steel inserts Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote Jocking Floor surface: Epoxy coating; sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cell block HVAC: Air conditioning; solar; heat recovery unit; steam heating plant Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells; remote alarms to guards with emergency water disconnects 176 Single occupancy: 64 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 64 Total: 64 Architect's reported analyses Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 6 Security: 38 Programs/treatment: 1 Maintenance: 5 Total: 50 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.28: I Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time-elaborative angles; difficult site conditions (high water table); complex mechanical system; low bid system Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; repetitiveness of design; advanced order of materials; coordination between parties Negative: Slow delivery of detention hardware; labor problems; complex mechanical system (detention hardware) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Delaware Smyrna NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 177 Alachua County Corrections Facility (Expansion/Remodel) Jurisdiction official: Tom L. Allison, Acting Director Contact: Tom L. Allison, Acting Director, Alachua County Corrections Facility, 3333 Northeast 39th Avenue, Gainesville, FL 3260,9, 9<J-4:-;37,7:-;\\!40, . > ·•·· . .,· <. Architect: Fla(! s,;'isi6ci~1~s; 3300 Soiiih\\;~~i'Arc;l)~rlRoad, Gainesville, FL 32608, 904-377-6884 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: February 1983 Finish date: June 1985 Construction time: 29 months Design capacity: 292 Total cost: $2,800,000 Total annual operating costs: $4,643,382 Category: Remodeling/renovation; expansion; temporary housing Facility type: County jail; drug rehabilitation Building confignration: Conrtyard Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,800,000 Building only: $2,600,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 25,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 25,000 Housing area square feet: 20,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 86 Size of cells: 63 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 92% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 16 Inmates per unit: 16 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: 249 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor; beds in dayroom Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NI A (remodel) Total per GSF: $112.00 Total armual operating costs: $4,643,382 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 10% Medium: 70% Minimum: 20% Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Linoleum; carpet dayroom and corridors Intercom: Two-way from wing to central control HVAC: Central air conditioning; zone electric Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 178 Single occupancy: 190 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 90 Special housing: 12 General population: 280 Total: 292 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 28 Security: 106 Programs/treatment: 23 Maintenance: 5 Total: 162 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.54:1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; less expensive materials and hardware; good competition, favorable market Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; multiple agency reviews N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Florida Alachua County J J •u "'.,a-' '"';i" . ► " l$ :;i,. '"' li~ ,: 0 a "'g •• ~ ,: 0 ;l ~ • ~I • •• •• Co 0 0 u g \\i a § 0 -' \L D r. ::) C) •• uu -' ":ii Ill 0 ~~ l • •§ r J J ~ S"' -' :l ci a J J "'. "" "'~ -' ~3 ~ ";;: Q_ ~- •' :. § r. 0 ~ ~ .••~."" . •• ~ t ;i "' tu NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 179 Federal Correctional Institution (Addition) Jurisdiction official: J. Michael Quinlan, Director, Bureau of Prisons Contact: Warden R.E. Honsted, Federal Correc,tional Institution, Capital Circle East, Tallahassee, FL 32317, 904-878-2173 Arcbjtect:.}im.Rollerson,&·Associates;:;:liii:3!;¾2'55il Blairstone Pines Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32301, 904-878-7891 Conslfll"Eti(iif:ffi'fil.8gibF{'jey~ne~,. '"'"'"•"··••,-A•~· .. Gronndbreaking: March 1984 Finish date: December 1985 Construction time: 21 months Design capacity: 98 Total cost: $1,738,932 Total annual operating costs: NIA (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: Federal prison Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,738,932 Building only: $1,710,932 Gross square feet/corrections: 25,938 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 25,938 Housing area square feet: 25,722 Gross square feet per inmate: 265 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 81 % Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 49 Inmates per unit: 49 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985, population: 190 Facility commitment: Federal prisoners Means to handle crowding: Second bunk on wall Housing area: $1,707,932 Housing per inmate: $17,428 Housing per cell: $17,428 Total per inmate: $17,744 Total per GSF: $67 .04 Total annual operating costs: NI A (addition) Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on and between fences; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl composition tile Intercom: None HVAC: Heating/air circulation only; gas heating plant Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel; wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 180 Construction type Structural: Load bearing CMU and steel roof trusses Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; architectural concrete trim Construction process Finance method: Federal funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 98 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 98 Total: 98 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Government procedures, regulations, "red tape" Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: 2 Programs/treatment: 6 Maintenance: NI A Total: 9 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 21.1:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; weather problems; government procedures, regulations, "red tape" N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Florida Tallahassee ·------------------------' '' ~ tJtllllJtl ' ' -------------------------·' '' '' ~ ~----- ------------ --- ---- ------------------------------ ------------ -~ ;o====(J ·-------------------------------------------------------------------· ' ' ''' • Ip==•<: ,.. ~.. ' '' ell! ......... , !_________________________ -==~'Ii _________________________ NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 181 Leon County Jail (Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Eddie Boone, Sheriff Contact: Captain Howard H. Schleich, Jail Director, Leon County Jail, 2825 Municipal Way, Tallahassee, FL 32301, 904-576-3121 Architect: Barrett, Daffin and Carlan, Inc., P.O. Drawer 12339, 3I00Capital CircteN.E., Tallahassee, FL32317, 904-386-1141 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: October 1984 Finish date: December 1985 Construction time: 14 months Design capacity: l00 Total cost: $710,255 Total annual operating costs: NIA (expansion) Category: Expansion project Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $710,255 Building only: $710,255 Gross square feet/corrections: 9,800 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 9,800 Housing area square feet: 9,800 Gross square feet per inmate: 98 Size of cells: 2,880 square feet (dorms) Net/gross square feet: 89% Design: Dormitories Celts per unit: I Inmates per unit: 50 Management type: Remote surveillance September I 986 population: l00 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Single beds in open dorm Housing area: $710,255 Housing per inmate: $7, 103 Housing per cell: $355,128 Total per imnate: $7, l03 Total per GSF: $72.47 Total annual operating costs: NIA (expansion) Security Perimeter: Single fence; razor wire on fence; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: l00% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Steel frame; precast concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; stucco; paint Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; shared cost from multiple jurisdictions Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast roof panels-designed for facility furnishings Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Linoleum Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation Plumbing: Stainless steel; china Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas; manual alarm stations 182 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: l00 Special housing: 0 General population: l00 Total: 100 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 0 Security: 3 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 3 (expansion only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 33.33: I Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Slow construction Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors; weather problems NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Florida Leon County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 183 Leon County Justice Complex (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Eddie Boone, Sheriff Contact: Major Ron Dyke, Leon County Justice Complex, 301 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301, 904-222-4740 Architect: Barrett Daffin and Carlan, Inc., P.O. Drawer 12339, 3100 Capital Circle, Tallahassee, FL 32317, 904-386-1141 Construction manager: Gilbane Building Company, 6200 Courtney Campbell Causeway, Suite 490, Tampa, FL 33607, 813-875-4033 Groundbreaking: October 1985 Finish date: December 1987 Construction time: 26 months Design capacity: 51 Total cost: $32,000,000 Total annual operating costs: NI A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: Complex: holding areas, law enforcement, courts Building configuration: Integrated structure; high rise Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $32,000,000 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 5,000 Gross square feet/other: 274,750 Gross square feet/total: 279,750 Housing area square feet: 3,670 Gross square feet per inmate: 98 Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: 80% Design: Linear, inside; cells arranged around internal vertical circulation core Cells per unit: I 9 Inmates per unit: 51 Management type: Remote surveillance November 1987 population: NIA Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cells Housing area: $396,360 Housing per inmate: $11,010 Housing per cell: $39,636 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $114. 39 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (addition) Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 80% Medium: 20% Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Architectural precast; granite and limestone Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Natural wall Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and cells and common areas; sprinklers for cells 184 Single occupancy: I Double occupancy: 10 Dorms: 25 Special housing: 15 General population: 36 Total: 51 Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds; local funds; State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; architectural precast Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Phased construction, fast track construction management; good competition, favorable market Negative: High labor and materials costs; difficult site conditions; government procedures, regulations and red tape Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Ni A Security: NIA Programs/treatment: NI A Maintenance: NIA Total: NIA Current inmate/staff ratio: NIA (addition) Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Phased construction, fast track construction management; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties Negative: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Florida Leon County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 185 Marion County Detention Center Jurisdiction official: Don R. Moreland, Sheriff Contact: CaptainJohn, P~~]s, !11ruio~. CountyDet~~tio.n fenter, 700 Northwest 30th Avenue, Ocala, FL 32675, 904-351-8077 Architect:' JusticeSystems;Inc:;348 Peachtre6fStreetJ\lcinlieasWf:Atlanta, GA 30308, 404-577-3184 Construction manager: Rosser White Hobbs Davidson McClellan & Kelly, Inc., 524 West Peachtree Street NW., Atlanta, GA 30308, 404-876-3800 Gronndbreaking: February 1983 Finish date: May 1985 Construction time: 27 months Design capacity: 390 Total cost: $8,648,000 Total annual operating costs: $3,917,824 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building confignration: Wings connecting housing pods Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $8,648,000 Building only: $8,200,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 189,033 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 189,033 Housing area square feet: 137,066 Gross square feet per imnate: 485 Size of cells: 83 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 77% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 96 Inmates per unit: 96 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 279 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates and State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; beds in dayroom; mobile home; National Guard Armory Housing area: $6,500,000 Housing per inmate: $16,667 Housing per cell: $16,667 Total per inmate: $22,174 Total per GSF: $45.75 Total annual operating costs: $3,917,824 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; single fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 25% Medium: 75% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-in-place concrete Exterior surface/facade: CMU block Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid steel Doors/type: Sliding (max.); swinging (med.) Doors/locking: Remote locking only (max.); motor driven and remote locking (med.) Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HYAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: Stainless; china Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 186 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 384 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 6 General population: 384 Total: 390 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; government procedures, regulations, "red tape" Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I 5 Security: 72 Programs/treatment: 5 Maintenance: 7 TotaJ: 99 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.82:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Labor problems; weather problems; government procedures, regulations, "red tape" N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Florida Marion County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 187 Martin Correctional Institution Jurisdiction official: Richard L. Dugger, Secretary, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent DavidE. Watson, Martin Correctional Institution, 1150 Southwest Allapattah Road, Indiantown, FL 33456, 305-597-3705 Architect: Scliwbizer;'Inc'.{i55/East'iiicl<soi\\iSJ'i§f&, Orlando, FL 3280 l , 305-425-0922 Construction manager: Percon Constructors, 217 North Westmont Drive, Suite 3019, Altamonte Spring, FL32714, 305-682-3030 Groundbreaking: August 1983 Finish date: November 1985 Construction time: 27 months Design capacity: 929 Total cost: $25,000,000 Total annual operating costs: $6,625,073 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $25,000,000 Building only: $22,000,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 227,790 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 227,790 Housing area square feet: 120,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 245 Size of cells: 64 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 88% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 112 Inmates per unit: 150 Management type: Remote surveillance June 1986 population: 1,069 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $26,911 Total per GSF: $109.75 Total annual operating costs: $6,625,073 Construction type Security Perimeter: Razor wire on and between double fence; alarm/detection systems; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 17% Medium: 83% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Unknown Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells; sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 188 Structural: Steel frame; precast concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 448 Double occupancy: 448 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 33 General population: 896 Total: 929 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 81 Security: 167 Programs/treatment: 17 Maintenance: 19 Total: 284 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3. 76: I Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Advanced order of materials and hardware Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Florida Indiantown ,-.. Lu V1 0 _J '-' - ~ ~ . - -~~--------'W .& ' 9 : -0--· : ~ ~ ,' ;/ ;,( y· ' ~ .,, z NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 189 Pinellas County Jail-Medium Security Facility (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Gerard Coleman, Sheriff Contact: Charles Felton, Director, Detention and Correction, Pinellas County Detention Complex, Building C, 14400.49th.Street North, C!er'ater,FL 33520, 813-535-6415 Architect: Watson and Company, 3010 Azeele Street, Tampa, FL 33679, 813-876-2411 Construction manager: Peter Brown Company, 1475 Belcher Road South, Clearwater, FL 33518, 813-531-1466 Groundbreaking: May I 984 Finish date: March 1985 Construction time: 10 months Design capacity: 194 Total cost: $2,976,221 Total annual operating costs: NI A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,976,221 Building only: $2,787,600 Gross square feet/corrections: 29,985 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 29,985 Housing area square feet: 24,382 Gross square feet per inmate: 155 Size of cells: 92 square feet (double) Net/gross square feet: 68% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit: 96 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 194 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom Housing area: NiA Housing per inmate: NI A Housing per cell: Ni A Total per imnate: $15,341 Total per GSF: $99.26 Total annual operating costs: NI A (addition) Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fence; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 structure Construction type Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame; precast concrete cells Exterior walls: Precast cells; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Interior walls: Precast cells; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; paint Construction process Finance method: Ad valorem funds, budget allocation Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; electric heating plant Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 190 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 192 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 2 General population: 192 Total: 194 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Ni A Security: 35 Programs/treatment: 2 Maintenance: NI A Total: 37 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 5.24:1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefab. components, simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design, phased construction, fast track CM Negative: Difficult site conditions; government procedures, "red tape" Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefab. components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Government "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Florida Pinellas County 001 ~ & &I . ·o . C C 0 loo •~~ C ~ !~ g ~i = ~ ~ NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 191 Santa Rosa County Jail (Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Wiiliam Carroll, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Contact: Lt. Pamela Biggs, Jail Administrator, Santa Rosa County Jail, 217 Willing Street, P.O. Box 7129, Milton, FL 32572, 904-623-3691 Architect~PHi&HArd.iltecis;'Tnci,<77'li'S\lulliclfawrence Street, Montgomery, AL 36104, 205-265-878 I Construction manager: None · · · · .,, ",,,. , ., . , , Gronndbreaking: May 1982 Finish date: March 1984 Construction time: 22 months Design capacity: 126 Total cost: $3,665,127 Total annual operating costs: $1,262,024 Category: Remodeling/renovation project; expansion project Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement Building configuration: Integ. structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,665,127 Building only: $3,546,180 Gross square feet/corrections: 3 I, 766 Gross square feet/other: 9,679 Gross square feet/total: 41,445 Housing area square feet: 24,065 Gross square feet per inmate: 252 Size of cells: 75 square feet (single); 97 (double); 1,280 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 97% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 64 Inmates per unit: 64 Management type: Remote surveillance July 1986 population: 102 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $2,716,374 Housing per inmate: $24,253 Housing per cell: $33,535 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $88.43 Total annual operating costs: $1,262,024 Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 57% Medium: 29% Minimum: 14% Construction type Construction process Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; architectural precast Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Paint Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Urelliane coating Intercom: Two-way to common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; steam heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alann stations; standpipe system willi pump 192 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 64 Double occupancy: 32 Dorms: 16 Special housing: 14 General population: 112 Total: 126 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 3 Security: 42 Programs/treatment: 5 Maintenance: 3 Total: 53 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.92: 1 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Lengthy building time, construction phased to allow occupancy; difficult site, building elevated above flood plane; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefab. components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Florida Santa Rosa County .....,====-t€! ~ • ,:: . (i i,t ;,l ~ , -1 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 193 Seminole County Correctional Facility (Addition/Remodel) Jurisdiction official: John E. Polk, Sheriff Contact: Captain Jay Leman, Seminole County Correctional Facility, 211 Bush Boulevard, Sanford, FL 32773, 305-323-6512 Architect:,Prjpi"J:)~~ign,.l.Il9,.,1/;,.QJQ.c;µeele Street, Tampa, FL 33609, 813-876-2411 Construction··iiianager:"Noi:ie '''' .• Groundbreaking: August 1985 Finish date: October 1987 Construction time: 26 months Design capacity: 739 Total cost: $12,059,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, ancillary building; remodeling/renovation project Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $12,059,000 Building only: $11,481,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 182,980 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 182,980 Housing area square feet: 103,850 Gross square feet per inmate: 248 Size of cells: 70 square feet (gen. single); 90 (gen. double); 1,280 (gen. dorm) Net/gross square feet: 72% Housing area: $5,325,000 Housing per inmate: $7,924 Housing per cell: $14,315 Total per inmate: Ni A (remodel) Total per GSF: $65.90 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit: 96 Management type: Intermittent surv. (remodel); remote surv. (addition) December 1987 population: 411 (addition) Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State and Federal prisoners on contract Means to handle crowding: Renovation of existing facility Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; video camera smveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 10% Medium: 76% Minimum: 14% Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; gas-fired hot water boilers Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells 194 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels; precast concrete frame Exterior walls: Concrete filled concrete block; precast cells Interior walls: Precast panels; concrete block perimeter walls; prestressed plank roof and support floors Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; paint; textured concrete Construction process Finance method: Special election Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; prefabricated concrete cells Inmate design capacity Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 128 Double occupancy: 480 Dorms: 64 Special housing: 67 General population: 672 Total: 739 (entire facility) Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Load-bearing precast concrete cell units stacked two high and supporting the roof planks Negative: Extensive renovation of existing structures Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Precast concrete cells within the five similar housing modules Negative: Necessity of phasing project with jail in operation NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Florida Seminole County 'ii I' ,I l I I i! I I ' ff'~~· '-'' ./• ~ ~,;.. • /}'I ('> ; ; ,_) 1 .,L ), ,,.J--,;.,.-)1 >- - 11 [i] I l • H ll NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 195 South Florida Reception Center Jurisdiction official: Richard L. Dugger, Secretary, Department of Corrections Contact: James E. Curington, Jr., Superintendent II, South Florida Reception Center, 14000 Northwest 41st Street, Miami, FL 33178, 305-592-9567 Architect: Spilli~fc)andela 8'.,Partners;<~nc:w8QD;m>1).uglas Entrance, Coral Gables, FL 33134, 305-447-3539 ''""C' ·:s,"~"1"~""' -·n·c·:; ;O•,<·· ·'.· s,~•·· ·/v _.,,..,. Consulting engineers: Rossef'Wh1te-Hobbs Davidson McClellan & Kelly, Inc., 524 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30308, 404-876-3800 Construction manager: None ~ Groundbreaking: April 1983 Finish date: March 1986 Construction time: 35 months Design capacity: 624 Total cost: $23,142,326 Total annual operating costs: $6,879,328 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building confignration: Clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $23,142,326 Building only: $21,105,198 Gross square feeUcorrections: 257,476 Gross square feeUother: 0 Gross square feeUtotal: 257,476 Housing area square feet: 161,156 Gross square feet per inmate: 413 Size ofcells: 80 square feet (gen. single); 96 (spec. single) NeVgross square feet: 66% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 48; 64 Inmates per unit: 48; 64 Management type: Remote surveillance April 1987 population: 996 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $13,214,792 Housing per inmate: $22,942 Housing per cell: $22,942 Total per inmate: $37,087 Total per GSF: $89.88 Total annual operating costs: $6,879,328 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on fences; towers; patrols; camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 10% Medium: 90% Minimum: 0 Construction process Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Interior wa~ls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; paint Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: Moderate Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells; two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; energy recycle unit; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless steel; china; stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 196 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 576 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 48 General population: 576 Total: 624 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 48 Security: 200 Programs/treatment: 58 Maintenance: 20 Total: 326 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.06:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; slow performance of general contractor NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Florida Miami Treatment Room Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom 102 103 104 105 ea1J lo& Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom 109 110 111 112 113 108 101 Bedroom 150 Treatment Room 114 Day Room 117 Day Room 155 Bed,oom 148 Office 121 Bedroom 145 Bedroom Inmate/Staff Aeceu 143 Toffrom Housing Bedroom 141 Day Room 135 Bedroom 140 Bedroom 139 Treatment Room 131 Bedroom Bedroom, 137 136 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 197 Union Correctional Institution (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Richard L. Dugger, Secretary, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent W.M. EHis, Union CorrecHo.nal Institution, P.O. Box 221, Raiford, FL 32083, 904-431-1212 Architect: .1-Iansen Lind Meyer P:C., 455 South Orai:tge}\yenue, Orlando, FL 32801, 305-422-7061 Construction manager: Federal Construction Company, 255 South Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801, 305-843-5241 Groundbreaking: September 1984 Finish date: June I 985 Construction time: 8 months Design capacity: 336 Total cost: $5,773,179 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Wheel Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $5,773,179 Building only: $5,522,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 57,520 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 57,520 Housing area square feet: Ni A Gross square feet per inmate: 171 Size of cells: 67.5 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: NIA Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: l 68 Inmates per unit: 168 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 336 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: No crowding permitted Housing area: $5,522,000 Housing per inmate: $16,435 Housing per cell: $16,435 Total per inmate: $17,182 Total per GSF: $100.37 Total annual operating costs: NIA (addition) Security Perimeter: Triple fence; alann/ detection systems; razor wire on and between fences; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Precast concrete frame; precast cells Exterior walls: CMU block; precast cells Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; precast cells and floor planks Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; paint; exterior insulation system at core Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: Moderate use of general unskilled labor Use of prefabrication: Extensive use for cells, support area floors and roof Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Heating/air circulation only; boiler, steam coils Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas and cell sprinklers; sprinklers for cells and common areas 198 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 336 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 336 Total: 336 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Precast cells; phased construetion, fast track construction management (long lead items) Negative: High water table; rural location (lack of experienced labor) Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Ni A Security: 38 Programs/treatment: Ni A Maintenance: NiA Total: 38 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 8.84: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Precast cells; precast repetition, simple plan; multiple bid groups; advanced orde~ of security elements; coordination of design between parties Negative: Labor problems (rural area) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Florida Raiford NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 199 Clarke County Correctional Institution Jurisdiction official: David C. Evans, Commissioner, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Ed Greenway, Clarke County Correctional Institution, 2325 County Farm Road, Athens, GA 3060 I, 404-354-290 I Architect:'Bryarit(~¢1:liJ~gl,;\½td;;,tJl,,~efi!3:[l<lt/l~i120 Avondale Road, Suite B-2, Avondale, GA 30002, 404-296-2533 Construction manager: None " Groundbreaking: July 1985 Finish date: December 1986 Construction time: 17 months Design capacity: 132 Total cost: $900,000 Total annual operating costs: $870,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $900,000 Building only: $885,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 20,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 20,000 Housing area square feet: 15,000 Gross square feet per imnate: 152 Sizeofcells: 90 square feet (spec. single); 150 (spec. double); 4,000 (gen. dorms) Net/gross square feet: 85% Design: Pod type noncontact donnitory Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: 50 Management type: Remote surveillance November 1987 population: 105 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $870,000 Housing per imnate: $8,700 Housing per cell: $435,000 Total per inmate: $6,8 I 8 Total per GSF: $45.00 Total annual operating costs: $870,000 Security Perimeter: Single fence; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame; CMU Exterior walls: Precast panels; CMU block; precast panels for roof decks Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Treated CMU Finance method: Local funds; State funds Contract method: Materials only contract Use of inmate labor: Extensive; all phases except roof and HV AC installation Use of prefabrication: Limited; prestressed 4" x 6" hollow core slabs Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating; quarry tile Intercom: One-way to cells HVAC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas 200 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 100 Special housing: 32 General population: 100 Total: 132 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: 100% use of imnate labor Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; imnate labor slowed process; could not obtain favorable material costs Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 0 Security: 25 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 25 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.2: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: Inmate labor NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Clarke County .', -------- ------------------------,:' --------- / / I ' I' l ' '' '' ' ''' ' : \ ''' '' ''' ' ''' '' ' '' ' '' '' '' '' :I' N'-r--r't-r-,--f--,-,1-, '' I' I / / ! < '-,, ~ -' 0. a: g u. ' ~ NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ' ' ' i 201 Dooly County Jail (Expansion) Jurisdiction official: L. Van Peavy, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff L. Van Peavy, Dooly County Jail, P.O. Box 315, Vienna, GA 31092, 912-268-4128 Architect: M.G. Turner and Associates, 513 East 10th Street, Rome, GA 30161, 404-232-4456 Original design and precast by: Design Concrete, Inc., P.O. Box 2828, Rome, GA 30164, 404-295-7676 Construction manager: Grover Tuten, Route #1, Box 185, Harlem, GA 30814, 404-556-9885 Groundbreaking: June 1985 Finish date: October 1985 Construction time: 4 months Design capacity: 11 Total cost: $78,000 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (expansion) Category: Expansion project Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $78,000 Building only: $75,000 Gross square feeUcorrections: 1,085 Gross square feeUother: 0 Gross square feeUtotal: 1,085 Housing area square feet: 1,085 Gross square feet per inmate: 99 Size of cells: 140 square feet (double) NeUgross square feet: 82% Design: Linear, outside; linear, inside Cells per unit: 6 Inmates per unit: 11 Management type: Intermittent surv. October 1985 population: 10 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates and State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $78,000 Housing per inmate: $7,091 Housing per cell: $14,187 Total per inmate: $7,091 Total per GSF: $71.89 Total annual operating costs: NIA (expansion) Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 90% Minimum: 10% Structural: Load bearing precast panels Exterior walls: Precast panels (insulated) Interior walls: Precast panels Exterior surface/facade: Paint; textured concrete Construction process Finance method: Local funds; State funds Contract method: Subcontract in phases Use of inmate labor: Moderate; inmate labor used for site work, floor slab, plumbing Use of prefabrication: Extensive; precast loadbearing walls, roof panels Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells; wired to master panel and automatic alarm 202 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: I Double occupancy: 10 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 11 Total: 11 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Ni A Security: NIA Programs/treatment: Ni A Maintenance: NIA Total: Ni A (no extra staff added) Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Government procedures, regulations, "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, coordination of design between parties Negative: Government procedures, regulations, "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Dooly County 317-1/2" NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 203 Richmond County Law Enforcement and Justice Center Jurisdiction official: Charles B. Webster, Sheriff Contact: Charles A. Toole, Sr., Chief Jailer, Richmond County Law Enforcement and Justice Center, 401 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30901, 404---821---1005 •. -..•• . ·.· . . .. . . . . . ... ·•· :•-· JC••,;c.,:.,.;.:n,., . •.••,. ......•. Architect: •F!\,Jhn.uth, .Q.bat~ &Kassabaum, •lnci, JOO North Ilrq~dway{'St·:EoilH;"M<'f'6Si!021/, 314-421-2000 Construction manager: Mellon-Stuart Company, 540 Douglas Avenue, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701, 305-862-4400 Groundbreaking: November I 982 Finish date: October 1985 Construction time: 35 months Design capacity: 240 Total cost: $15,743,000(excl. site work) Total annual operating costs: $1,200,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex, county jail, courts, law enforcement, other Building confignration: High rise Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $15,743,000 (excl. site work) Building only: $15,743,000 Gross square feeUcorrections: Unknown Gross square feet/other: Unknown Gross square feet/total: 94,392 Housing area square feet: 68,210 Gross square feet per inmate: 393 Size of cells: 74 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 80% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 24 Inmates per unit: 24 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 145 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $166.78 Total annual operating costs: $1,200,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; perimeter alann/detection systems Inmate security level: Maximum: 10% Medium: 90% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: Stainless steel; china Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Sprinklers for cells 204 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Stucco Interior walls: CMU block partitions; concrete frame, floor, and roof Exterior surface/facade: Stucco Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 240 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 240 Total: 240 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Choice of exterior wall system; good bidding climate Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 8 Security: 44 Programs/treatment: 4 Maintenance: 5 Total: 61 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.38: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: Indecision on city vs. county participation NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Georgia Richmond County / / ' / Level Three Mezzanine 1 Outdoor Exercise Below 2 Typical Cell 3 Dayroom Below 4 Mechanical NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 205 Maui Community Correctional Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Theodore Sakai, Administrator, Corrections Division Contact: Kazumi Kobayashi, Administrator, Maui Community Correctional Center, 600 Waiale Drive, Wailuku, HI 96793, 808-244-5505 Architect:cQ~1~iffi'!h l):Q,j!39:.}80li(i°Gapitql;i;:?(i.;~J 95010, 408-688-0412 Construction manager: None Ins,; Groundbreaking: March 1984 Finish date: May 1984 Construction time: 2 months Design capacity: 83 Total cost: $170,000 Total annual operating costs: $261,025 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: County jail; city jail; State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $170,000 Building only: $150,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 4,500 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 4,500 Housing area square feet: 4,500 Gross square feet per inmate: 54 Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Dormitory style Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: 40 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: 83 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to.handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; beds in dayroom; second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $150,000 Housing per inmate: $1,852 Housing per cell: $6,818 Total per imuate: $2,048 Total per GSF: $37. 78 Total annual operating costs: $261,025 (addition only) Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; razor wire on fence; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: JOO% Minimum: 0 Structural: Solid log walls Exterior walls: Solid log Interior walls: Solid Jog Exterior surface/facade: Solid cedar Jogs Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/Jocking: Unknown Floor surface: Linoleum Intercom: None HVAC: None needed Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells 206 Single occupancy: I Double occupancy: 40 Dorms: 40 Special housing: 2 General population: 81 Total: 83 Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Unknown Use of inmate labor: Extensive; facility built with imuate labor Use of prefabrication: Building preengineered and pre-cut but assembled onsite Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Onsite assembly of prefab. components; simple construction methods; less expensive materials and hardware; inmate labor Negative: Government procedures, regulations, and red tape Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 6 Security: 32 Programs/treatment: 3 Maintenance: 4 Total: 45 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.84: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Onsite assembly of prefab. components; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties; inmate labor Negative: Government procedures, regulations_, and red tape NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Hawaii Maui County, Wailuku 48' - - - - - - - - - - - NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 207 Centralia Correctional Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Michael P. Lane, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Ronald J. Haws, Centralia Correctional Center, P. 0. Box 1266, Shattuc Road, Centralia, IL 62801, 618-533-4111 Architect:'filrnei'2:Wittit~§.&1-'Jii.~t~~,fN1S,,r§li~f!';MJm/ourt Street, Kankakee, IL 60901, 815-933-5529 Construction manager: None " ·" Groundbreaking: October 1979 Finish date: October 1981 Construction time: 24 months De&ign capacity: 800 Total co&t: $15,000,000 Total annual operating cost&: $1,389,500 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building confignration: Wheel, spoke or radial (modified) Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $15,000,000 Building only: $15,000,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 159,020 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 159,020 Housing area square feet: 159,020 Gross square feet per inmate: 199 Size of cells: 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 50 Inmates per unit: 50 Management type: Remote surveillance June I 986 population: 958 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds Housing area: $15,000,000 Housing per inmate: $20,000 Housing per cell: $20,000 Total per inmate: $18,750 Total per GSF: $94.33 Total annual operating costs: $1,389,500 (addition only) Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on and between fences; towers Inmate security level: Maximum: 4% Medium: 96% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Masonry bearing with roof rafters; 5/8" GWB finish ceiling and fiberglass Exterior walls: CMU block; redwood siding over insulation secured to CMU Interior walls: CMU block Exterior stuface/facade: Diagonal redwood siding Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation; gas heat; hot water heating and tempered air handling equipment for makeup air Plumbing: China Furniture: Vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; manual alann stations 208 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 750 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 50 General population: 750 Total: 800 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; less expensive materials and hardware; builder's hardware used in medium security; excellent contracts and good construetion documents Negative: High labor costs Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administrati_on: 11 Security: 27 Programs/treatment: 4 Maintenance: 6 Total: 48 Current inmate/staff ratio: 19.96:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Labor problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Centralia (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 209 Cook County Medical and Psychiatric Facility-RTU Building (Addition) Jurisdiction official: James O'Grady, Sheriff Contact: Tom Moynahan, Executive Director, Cook County Medical and Psychiatric Facility-RTU Building, 2700 South California Aven'!~, 60608, 312-890---;6~7,6. •·-••••cq•c,,••• Architect: MicliaeFR,s;\~il>,~n,½\I~i 79.iWesi.'Miifu'oeIStreet; Chicago, IL 60603, 312-782-9562 Construction manager: None 91\~~~", IL Groundbreaking: June 1984 Finish date: May 1985 Construction time: 11 months Design capacity: 524 Total cost: $5,900,000 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: County jail, medical and psychiatric treatment facility Building configuration: Integrated structure; ladder, telephone pole Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $5,900,000 Building only: $4,450,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 78,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Design: Dorms off linear support core Cells per unit: I Inmates per unit: 30 Management type: Direct supervision March 1987 population: 456 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $3,200,000 Housing per inmate: $6,107 Housing per cell: $152,381 Total per inmate: $11,260 Total per GSF: $75.64 Gross square feet/total: 78,000 Housing area square feet: 54,600 Gross square feet per inmate: 149 Size of cells: 90 square feet (single); 3,000 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 96% Total annual operating costs: NIA (addition) Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on and between fences; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 1% Minimum: 99% Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block; metal panels Exterior surface/facade: Brick Finance method: G.O. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Interior wall panels Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating; vinyl tile; rubber tile Intercom: Two-way to all areas HV AC: Air conditioning; steam heat Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 210 Single occupancy: 4 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 520 Special housing: 0 General population: 524 Total: 524 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 1 Security: 175 Programs/treatment: 41 Maintenance: 1 Total: 218 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.09:1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple cons!. methods; favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware; dorm design Negative: High labor costs; difficulfsite conditions; government procedures, regulations; complex electronic and electrical systems; local building codes Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefab. components, factory assembly; simple cons!. methods; $2000 per day penalty for contractor delay Negative: Government procedures, regulations; complex electronic and electrical systems; local building codes N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Cook County 200'- • D DD el'l!tlflB·B-[ii'J·" . .. □□□□ DDDD □ D □□□□□□ '9 •• 30 11 ..l<llut War<II -C•11oral ,. 'o 1i :$0 Ruklwil Ward-G1111r1I 31 · r □ n □□□□□ o □□□□ holatt... Rooffll 30 lhol<llul w, .. - '"'1dllalrl1 Olfl&u • o8oo& DOD 0 '°R"''iJ'IJ•UrtCT'll'1J DD D DDDDD □ DD □ Fl.DOR PLAN N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction CiRAPtltC SCA.L!: 0, IO 211 Danville Correctional Center Jurisdiction official: Michael P. Lane, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: John Russian, Chief Engineer, Danville Correctional Center, Route 136 East, Danville, IL 61832, 217-446-0441 Architect:;•Salogg!l'J/J!Ia\:ll£¥ii:s'lltilsw~i.i:l?l!l6w;\i:l&Q!!M$!'Jhant Street, Decatur, IL 62523, 217-429-5105 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: July 1983 Finish date: September 1985 Construction time: 26 months Design capacity: 941 Total cost: $33,120,000 Total annual operating costs: $9,363,200 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $33,120,000 Building only: $29,975,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 364,575 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 364,575 Housing area square feet: 163,400 Gross square feet per inmate: 387 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 92% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 54 Inmates per unit: 54 Management type: Remote surveillance Marc:h _f986 popul~tion: 866 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor; beds in dayroom; bunks in gym Housing area: $15,450,000 Housing per inmate: $16,685 Housing per cell: $16,685 Total per inmate: $35,197 Total per GSF: $90.85 Total annual operating costs: $9,363,200 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on and between fences; towers Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Structural: Load bearing precast panels; steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block, textured face Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stain and sealer Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast concrete floor and ceiling unit; preengineered frame Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote and manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: Call button from cell to control room HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas 212 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 926 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 15 General population: 926 Total: 941 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 43 Security: 200 Programs/treatment: 23 Maintenance: 22 Total: 288 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.0:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track construction management Negative: Weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Danville ~.,.-- ~ ·I i I L. Ji ! llil NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 213 Dixon Correctional Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Michael P. Lane, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Richard Gramley, Dixon Correctional Center, 2600 North Brinton Avenue, P.O. Box 768, Dixon, IL 61021, 815-288-5561 Architel:t: '.l'lirnertw'itt1Assb'ii'<lies7',\l!ic.l,,i97,gj!j;ast Court Street, Kankakee, IL 60901, 815-933-5529 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: August 1983 Finish date: December 1984 Construction time: 16 months Design capacity: 50 Total cost: $1,152,303 Total annual operating costs: $15,247,100 (entire facility) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,152,303 Building only: $1,152,303 Gross square feet/corrections: 9,730 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 9,730 Housing area square feet: 9,730 Gross square feet per inmate: 195 Size of cells: 85 squarefeet(spec. single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 50 Inmates per unit: 50 Management type: Remote surveillance April 1987 population: 885 (entire facility) Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds Housing area: $1,152,303 Housing per imnate: N/A Housing per cell: N/ A Total per inmate: $23,046 Total per GSF: $118.43 Total annual operating costs: $15,247,100 (entire facility) Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on and between fences; towers; patrols; camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; remote locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation; steam heat; steam to hot water and makeup tempered air handling units Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 214 Structural: Masonry bearing Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 50 General population: 0 Total: 50 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; high labor costs Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 34 Security: 361 Programs/treatment: 36 Maintenance: 30 Total: 461 (entire facility) Current imnate/staff ratio: 1.92:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from ·vendors, suppliers; labor problems (strike); weather problems (extremely cold early) N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Dixon i N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction 215 Douglas County Jail Jurisdiction official: Charles "Chub" Conner, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff Charles "Chub" Conner, Douglas County Jail, P. 0. Box 40 I , Route 36 and Washington Street, Tuscola, IL 6 I 953, 217-253-3511 Architect:1 Polso11.,Artilite<its{•S'iiifu.2I!0}27Oli?R.6ekci'e~lqfarkway North, Kansas City, MO 64117, 816-474-9909 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: April 1984 Finish date: May I 986 Construction time: I 3 months Design capacity: 20 Total cost: $2,100,000 Total annual operating costs: $128,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, courts Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,100,000 Building only: $2,050,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 7,825 Gross square feet/other: 6,129 Gross square feet/total: 13,954 Housing area square feet: 6,455 Gross square feet per inmate: 391 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 69% Design: Linear, inside; direct light into cells Cells per unit: 20 Inmates per unit: 20 Management type: Intermittent surveillance October 1987 population: 16 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $150.49 Total annual operating costs: $128,000 Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Construction type exercise room Structural: Wood frame; load-bearing masonry Exterior walls: Brick; limestone skirt; tile roof Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block; gypsum board on metal studs Exterior surface/facade: Brick; limestone skirt; tile roof Construction process Finance method: Revenue sharing; local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; prefabricated wood roof trusses, precast concrete planks Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Manual locking; motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas; manual alarm stations 216 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 18 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 2 General population: 18 Total: 20 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market; design effort Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 4 Programs/treatment: 2 Maintenance: 3 Total: 11 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.45:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; labor problems (strike); five prime contracts NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction lliinois Douglas County o.ard'• Corriclor L--- l L r ___,._ ~ a a Ould'■ Corridor 0\......0 -- '-[ S--• Pef91111 Ctll#ter -- cell--- a J ~rProeenllrCC. Sobn,lty THtlac ......, .__ ..._, -=.: -< Public E11try "C ti ~•aotfl~ Slaf!Corrldor r G .... Wo ii'■ ' -~ NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 217 DuPage County Jail and Sheriff's Department Jurisdiction official: Richard P. Doria, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff Richard P. Doria, DuPage County Jail and Sheriff's Department, 501 North County Fann Road, Wheaton, IL 60187, 312-682-7256 Architect: Patrick· ¾ Associates\iln0s,.,;,W9,SouthcFJftlfaStreetsi2.Golumbusifi©HiL43215, 614-228-3233 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: May 1981 Finish date: March 1983 Construction time: 22 months Design capacity: 354 Total cost: $14,059,500 Total annual operating costs: NIA (complex) Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $14,059,500 Building only: $13,459,500 Gross square feet/corrections: 121,318 Gross square feet/other: 3 I ,337 Gross square feet/total: 152,655 Housing area square feet: 37,569 Gross square feet per inmate: 343 Size of cells: 60 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 65% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 8 to 10 Inmates per unit: 8 to 20 Management type: Intermittent and remote surveillance ©ctober I 985 population: 285 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; mattresses on floor Housing area: $8,015,606 Housing per inmate: $25,366 Housing per cell: $40,688 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $92.10 Total annual operating costs: NIA (complex) Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 50% Medium: 50% Minimum: 0 1 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. ©. Bonds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Detention equipment items Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding, swinging Doors/Jocking: Motor driven and remote locking; remote Jocking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas 218 Single occupancy: I 94 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 122 Special housing: 38 General population: 3 I 6 Total: 354 Architect's reported analyses Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 7 Security: 76 Programs/treatment: 6 Maintenance: 5 Total: 94 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.03:1 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components; repetitiveness of design in housing areas; favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: High security level construction; cast-in-place concrete frame Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefab.; repetitiveness o f housing areas; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses from vendors; labor and weather problems; government "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; CIP concrete NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois DuPage County I If • I• Ii , 11 ' . l • I I' ! l N ' a, ..J i::: ca . it 0 0 ii: NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 219 Dwight Correctional Center (1979 Addition) Jurisdiction official: Michael P. Lane, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: WardenJane H~~h, l)w\i;ht~orrectional Center, P.O. Box 5001, Dwight, IL 60420-5001, 815-584-2806 Architect: Tljm¢!:7~itt Associates;>In&,i1Ig;:l(n§'l§j: Court Street, Kankakee, IL 60901, 815-933-5529 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: April 1978 Finish date: May 1979 Construction time: 13 months Design capacity: 100 Total cost: $1,241,079 Total annual operating costs: $1,176,700 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison (women's facility) Building configuration: Wheel, spoke or radial (modified) Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,241,079 Building only: $1,107,194 Gross square feet/corrections: 17,256 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 17,256 Housing area square feet: 17,256 Gross square feet per inmate: 173 Size of cells: 72 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 50 Inmates per unit: 50 Management type: Remote surveillance April 1987 population: 100 Facility commitment: Female State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds Housing area: $1, 107, 194 Housing per inmate: $22,144 Housing per cell: $22,144 Total per inmate: $12,411 Total per GSF: $71.92 Total annual operating costs: $1,176,700 (addition only) Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; double fence; razor wire on and between fences Inmate security level: Maximum: 50% Medium: 50% Minimum: 0 Structural: Masonry bearing with wood rafters and 1 ½" gypsum plaster ceiling Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Carpet; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells; one-way to common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation; gas heat; hot water heating with gas fuel tempered air handling for makeup air Plumbing: China; stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 220 Single occupancy: 50 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 50 General population: 50 Total: 100 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competilion, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current imnate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: None NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Dwight (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 221 Dwight Correctional Center (1984 Addition) Jurisdiction official: Michael P. Lane, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Jane Huch, Dwight Correctional Center, P.O. Box 5001, Dwight, IL 60420-5001, 815-584-2806 Architect: Turner,WJttAssociares;Inc:;;,il}0 East Court Street, Kankakee, IL 60901, 815-933-5529 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: March 1984 Finish date: December 1984 Construction time: 9 months Design capacity: 96 Total cost: $3,120,935 Total annual operating costs: $1,366,800 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison (women's facility) Building configuration: Wheel, spoke or radial (modified) Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,120,935 Building only: $2,8 I 7,325 Gross square feet/corrections: 21,788 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 21,788 Housing area square feet: 21,788 Gross square feet per inmate: 227 Size of cells: 63.5 (gen. single); 85.3 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: 50 Management type: Remote surveillance April 1987 population: 96 Facility commitment: Female State Housing area: $2,817,325 Housing per inmate: $56,347 Housing per cell: $56,347 Total per inmate: $32,510 Total per GSF: $143.24 prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds Total annual operating costs: $1,366,800 (addition only) Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; double fence; razor wire on and between fences Inmate security level: Maximum: 51 % Medium: 49% Minimum: 0 Structural: Masonry bearing with wood rafters and I½" gypsum plaster ceiling Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precut roof system Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Carpet; vinyl tile; terrazzo Intercom: Two-way to cells; one-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation; hot water heating with gas fuel tempered air handling for makeup air Plumbing: China; stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 222 Single occupancy: 50 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 46 General population: 50 Total: 96 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components; reduced construction time in field; simple construction methods; favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware; well qualified and organized contractor; quality of construction Current staff documents Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods; coordination of design; contractor incentives and organized contractors Negative: Early spring rains caused initial delay (contractor caught up later) N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction lliinois Dwight r' Ii / ', /,--> ' ,'./ - /2 '--<s.,· /A - 4<;~~-:;~- ✓• ~ - - ~ ' NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 223 East Moline Correctional Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Michael P. Lane, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Ward~nOdie Washington, East Moline Correctional Center, JOO Hillcrest Road, East Moline, IL 61244, 309-755-4511 Architect:' .Tiirner,Witt't-§soc\ates;dncQ,9ilJ1'E'ast Court Street, Kankakee, IL 60901, 815-933-5529 Construction manager:. None· .... . .. .... Groundbreaking: October 1982 Finish date: May 1984 Construction time: 19 months Design capacity: 200 Total cost: $4,225,999 Total annual operating costs: $3,135,000 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building coufiguration: High rise; wheel, spoke or radial (modified) Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $4,225,999 Building only: $4,225,999 Gross square feet/corrections: 50,736 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 50,736 Housing area square feet: 50, 736 Gross square feet per inmate: 254 Size of cells: 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod (modified) Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Remote surveillance April 1987 population: 200 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Added beds Housing area: $4,225,999 Housing per inmate: $2 I , 130 Housing per cell: $21,130 Total per inmate: $21,130 Total per GSF: $83.29 Total annual operating costs: $3,135,000 (addition only) Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; razor wire on fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 3% Medium: 0 Minimum: 97% Structural: Masonry bearing precast concrete floor slabs Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast structural concrete floor deck Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile; terrazzo in dayrooms Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation; steam heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 224 Single occupancy: 200 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 200 Total: 200 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: High labor costs; difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 27 Security: 214 Programs/treatment: 20 Maintenance: 46 Total: 307 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors suppliers; finish roofing material supplier NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois East Moline ---l--~-, .a : ~ ~=r ~ - ;!JF. .. '' "' ' I NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 225 Graham Correctional Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Michael P. Lane, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Alethea T. Camp, Graham Correctional Center, P.O. Box 499, Hillsboro, IL 62049, 217-532-6961 Architect: Turner>WitNAssocfaies('lnc-,,l'9:zo2East Court Street, Kankakee, IL 60901, 815-933-5529 Construction manager: None Gronndbreaking: October 1979 Finish date: October 1981 Construction time: 24 months Design capacity: 786 Total cost: $15,000,000 Total annual operating costs: $1,388,200 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Wheel, spoke or radial (modified) Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $15,000,000 Building only: $15,000,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 159,020 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 159,020 Housing area square feet: Unknown Gross square feet per inmate: 202 Size of cells: 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 50 Inmates per unit: 50 Management type: Remote surveillance April 1987 population: 1,015 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds Housing area: $15,000,000 Housing per inmate: $20,000 Housing per cell: $20,000 Total per inmate: $19,084 Total per GSF: $94.33 Total annual operating costs: $1,388,200 (addition only) Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on and between fences; towers Inmate security level: Maximum: 4% Medium: 96% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Masonry bearing with roof rafters; 5/8" GWB finish ceiling and fiberglass Exterior walls: CMU block; redwood siding over insulation secured to CMU Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Diagonal redwood siding Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation; gas heat; hot water heating and tempered air handling equipment for makeup air Plumbing: China Furniture: Vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; manual alarm stations 226 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 750 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 36 General population: 750 Total: 786 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; less expensive materials and hardware; builder's hardware used for medium security; good competition, favorable market Negative: High labor costs; large number of contracts Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 34 Security: 361 Programs/treatment: 30 Maintenance: 36 Total: 461 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.20: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Labor problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Hillsboro (No floorplan available at time of publication) N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 227 lliinois Youth Center-Kankakee (Dining Facility) (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Michael P. Lane, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Dennis R. Cooper, Illinois Youth Center-Kankakee, RR! Box 190, Manteno, IL 60950, 815-476-5201 Architect: Tll1"!ler;Vfitt A~sClci~l@s,Jnc,{•97-0~Ellst Court Street, Kankakee, IL 60901, 815-933-5529 · Construction manager:·None· ·· • .... ··-• -·-··• Groundbreaking: October 1980 Finish date: April I 98 I Construction time: 6 months Design capacity: Ni A Total cost: $426,906 Total annual operating costs: $1,475,100 (entire facility) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: Juvenile correctional facility (dining room/kitchen) Building configuration: Wheel, spoke or radial (modified) Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $426,906 Building only: $426,906 Gross square feet/corrections: 4,727 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 4,727 Housing area square feet: Ni A Gross square feet per inmate: Ni A Size of cells: Ni A Net/gross square feet: 82% Design: NIA Cells per unit: Ni A Inmates per unit: NiA Management type: Ni A Current population: Ni A Facility commitment: Juveniles Means to handle crowding: Ni A Housing area: Ni A Housing per inmate: NiA Housing per cell: Ni A Total per inmate: Ni A Total per GSF: $90.31 Total annual operating costs: $1,475,000 (entire facility) Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 4% Medium: 0 Minimum: 96% Construction process Structural: Unknown Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells (No inmate cells) Doors/material: NIA Doors/type: NiA Doors/locking: Ni A Floor surface: Ni A Intercom: NiA HVAC: NIA Plumbing: NiA Furniture: NIA Fire protection: Ni A 228 Single occupancy: NiA Double occupancy: Ni A Dorms: NIA Special housing: Ni A General population: Ni A Total: NIA (support services) Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 12 Security: 21 Programs/treatment: 6 Maintenance: 4 Total: 43 Current inmate/staff ratio: Ni A Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: None N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction IDinois Manteno (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 229 Illinois Youth Center-Kankakee (Housing Unit) (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Michael P. Lane, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Dennis R. Cooper, Illinois Youth Center-Kankakee, RR I Box I 90, Manteno, IL 60950, 815-476-5201 Architect: TurnereWi!t{\ssopi~l!'.$,,Ji\'\",i/9t70 East Court Street, Kankakee, IL 60901, 815-933-5529 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: October 1979 Finish date: November 1980 Construction time: 13 months Design capacity: 50 Total cost: $905,313 Totalanuual operating costs: $1,475,100 (entire facility) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: Juvenile correctional facility Building configuration: Wheel, spoke or radial Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $905,313 Building only: $905,313 Gross square feet/corrections: 9,487 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 9,487 Housing area square feet: 9,487 Gross square feet per inmate: 190 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 37% Design: Linear, outside Celis per unit: 50 Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Remote surveillance May 1987 population: 60 Facility commitment: Juveniles Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; mattresses on floor Housing area: $905,313 Housing per inmate: $18, I 06 Housing per cell: $18,106 Total per inmate: $18,106 Total per GSF: $95.43 Total annual operating costs: $1,475,100 (entire facility) Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 4% Medium: 0 Minimum: 96% Construction type Structural: Load-bearing wood rafters with GWB ceilings and fiberglass shingle Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; combinalion brick and redwood siding Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Unknown Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation; hot water heater with air handling units for tempered makeup air; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas 230 Single occupancy: 50 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 50 Total: 50 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 12 Security: 21 Programs/treatment: 4 Maintenance: 6 Total: 43 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.4: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: None N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Manteno (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 231 Peoria County Adult Detention and Work Release Facility Jurisdiction official: George P. Shadid, Sheriff Contact: John Maher, Jail Superintendent, Peoria County Adult Detention and Work Release Facility, 301 North Maxwell Road, Peoria, IL 61604, 309-697-8515 Architects: LZTiAssoc:iates,Inc,,J:?4 ~'\Y-,A<1an1s,;;Suite 450, Peoria, IL 61602, 309-673-3100 John Hackler and Company,Arcliitects, 504 Fayette Street, Peoria, IL 61603, 309-676-6159 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: April I 983 Finish date: June I 985 Construction time: 26 months Design capacity: 345 Total cost: $12,500,000 Total annual operating costs: $2,000,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $12,500,000 Building only: $11,200,000 Gross square feeUcorrections: 117,300 Gross square feeUother: 10,700 Gross square feeUtotal: 128,000 Housing area square feet: 48,800 Gross square feet per inmate: 340 Size of cells: 62 square feet (gen. single); 80 (spec. single) NeUgross square feet: 69% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Remote surveillance November 1987 population: 185 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners; Federal prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $97 .66 Total annual operating costs: $2,000,000 Construction type Security Structural: Steel frame; cast-in-place Construction process concrete frame; precast concrete frame; Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fences; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 71% Medium: 0 Minimum: 29% double tees Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block; brick Exterior surface/facade: Brick; natural wall Finance method: Lease revenue bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; vinyl tile, carpet Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; tempered air; sealed energy efficient boiler Plumbing: Stainless steel; stainless combination unit Furniture: Stainless steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas 232 Single occupancy: 222 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 123 General population: 222 Total: 345 Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods; good competition, favorable market Negative: Complex electronic and mechanical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties; excellent cooperation, specific scheduling, defined decision dates; good preparation and public education Negative: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Peoria County ·· 11 0 0 0 0 0 J ~ z <C ..J 0. a: 0 0 ..J IL Q z / 0 0 w U) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 233 Rock Island County Jail Jurisdiction official: Gordon Powell, Sheriff Contact: Lieutenant G. Jungwirth, Rock Island County Jail, P,,Q. Box 306, Rock Island, IL 61201, 309-794-1230 Architect: .fl@i1!$·.Swagefi'A:ssociates,:iil622'sNo!'ill1i6icix&illi:lkvenue, Peoria, IL 61603, 309-688-9511 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: July 1983 Finish date: August 1985 Construction time: 25 months Design capacity: 200 Total cost: $7,566,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, sheriff admin., court Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $7,566,000 Building only: $7,450,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 43,000 Gross square feet/other: 33,804 Gross square feet/total: 76,804 Housing area square feet: Unknown Gross square feet per inmate: 215 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 56% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 16 Inmates per unit: 16 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 145 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $4,171,000 Housing per inmate: $23, 172 Housing per cell: $29,793 TotaJ per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $98.51 TotaJ annual operating costs: Unknown Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 22% Medium: 31% Minimum: 18% Other: 29% Construction type Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frarue Exterior walls: CMU block; architectural precast Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; terrazzo Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete block Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Terrazzo Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas; one-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; hot water heating Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells; sprinklers for common areas 234 Single occupancy: 128 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 44 Other: 8 Special housing: 20 General population: 180 Total: 200 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Repetitiveness of cell block design; CMU throughout; good competition Negative: Security glazing Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 35 Programs/treatment: Volunteers Maintenance: 8 Total: 45 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.22:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Elevator-security NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Rock Island County NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 235 Shawnee Correctional Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Michael P. Lane, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden James H. Thieret, Shawnee Correctional Center, P.O. Box 400, Vienna, IL 62995, 618-658-8331 Architect: 4'hillips,;SwagercAssosiate§,s,3§22,Nqrth Knoxville Avenue, Peoria, IL 61603, 309-688-9511 Construction manager: None ··-- Gronndbreaking: November 1982 Finish date: February 1985 Construction time: 28 months Design capacity: 926 Total cost: $32,400,000 Total armual operating costs: $14,796,200 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison; State vehicle maintenance Building confignration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $32,400,000 (inc. veh. main. area) Building only: $27,000,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 359,723 Gross square feet/other: 7,000 Gross square feet/total: 366,723 Housing area square feet: 165,645 Gross square feet per inmate: 388 Size of cells: 71 square feet (single); 80 square feet (special) Net/gross square feet: 70% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 224 Inmates per unit: 224 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 90 I Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Ni A Housing area: $15,020,348 Housing per inmate: $16,764 Housing per cell: $16,764 Total per inmate: $34,989 Total per GSF: $88.35 Total annual operating costs: $14,796,200 (addition only) Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on and between fences; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 3% Medium: 97% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Brick; metal panel above 8 foot brick wainscot Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; 8 foot brick wainscot and metal panel above Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; hollow metal Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HYAC: Heating/air circulation only; steam heating plant Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Fnrniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 236 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 896 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 30 General population: 896 Total: 926 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 55 Security: 351 Programs/treatment: 33 Maintenance: 34 Total: 473 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 1. 90: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; preengineered construction on support buildings Negative: Weather problems; vendor/ supplier problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ t:, ~- c ,:;i ~ [ ~Gatehouse ( g· Administrative / Inmate Services N _, t;> . ~ + .... <e ~- = g 0 5 ~- Sheridan Correctional Center (Kitchen/Dining Facility) (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Michael P. Lane, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Georg~ Welbo~; S~eridan Correctional Center, Box 38, Sheridan, IL 60551, 815-496-2311 Architect:'l'iln)_i,r:W:iµ,A~sp¢i~f¢S;/Inls;f9,1Jl;l!Iast Court Street, Kankakee, IL 60901, 815-933-5529 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: May 1982 Finish date: May 1983 Construction time: 12 months Design capacity: NIA Total cost: $2,088,303 Total annual operating costs: NI A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison (kitchen/dining facility) Building coufignration: Unknown Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,088,303 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 19,144 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 19,144 Housing area square feet: Ni A Gross square feet per inmate: NI A Size of cells: NI A Net/gross square feet: 82% Design: NIA Cells per unit: NiA Inmates per unit: Ni A Management type: Unknown Current population: Ni A Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Ni A Housing per inmate: NI A Housing per cell: Ni A Total per inmate: NIA Total per GSF: $109.08 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (addition) Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on and between fences; towers Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Masonry bearing with heavy timber Exterior walls: Brick; cedar siding Interior walls: CMU block; structural glazed tile Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; roof construction Inmate design capacity Inmate cells (No inmate cells) Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Ni A Floor surface: Terrazzo Intercom: NIA HVAC: Heating/air circulation; hot water heating and air handling equipment Plumbing: Stainless steel; china Furniture: Food service and equipment Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; manual alann stations 238 Single occupancy: Ni A Double occupancy: NI A Dorms: NIA Special housing: NiA General population: Ni A Total: NIA Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Sheridan <ll I ·:j:, , "· :_ili:_ l f . NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 239 Sheridan Correctional Center (Medical/Security Services) (Addition/Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Michael P. Lane, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden George Welborn, She~da~Cqn:~ctipnal Center, Box 38, Sheridan, IL 60551, 815-496-2311 Architect:"''J.:un!eri~ittii~SQ~iategfl!\c~9?0,EastliGourt Street, Kankakee, IL 60901, 815-933-5529 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: December 1982 Finish date: February 1984 Construction time: 14 months Design capacity: IO Total cost: $2,812,065 Total annual operating costs: NI A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building; remodel/renovation project; expansion Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Existing buildings and additions Costs Dimensions Inmate honsing areas Total: $2,812,065 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 28,070 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 28,070 Housing area square feet: Unknown Gross square feet per inmate: 2,807 Size of cells: JOO square feet (single); 158 (double) Net/gross square feet: 82% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Remote surveillance Current population: Unknown Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Finance method: G.O. Bonds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: Ni A (remodel) Total per GSF: $100.18 Total annual operating costs: NI A (addition) Secnrity Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on and between fences; towers Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Carpet; sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: Unknown HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat; hot water heat and tempered air handling units Plumbing: China Furniture: Vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; manual alarm stations 240 Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: IO General population: 0 Total: IO Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods repetitiveness of design; good competitian, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Illinois Sheridan (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 241 Marion County Jail (Addition/Remodel) Jurisdiction official: Joseph G. McAtee, Sheriff Contact: Deputy Chief Jerry T. Cooper, M'!Flon County Jail, 40 South Alabama Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204, 317-633-5181 Architect:.MpQl1jrl,'~i.l>l\!1,"~ftff'llil~!~\tizil40 North Shadeland Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46250, 317-842-0000 Criminal justice consultru:itsi Phillips Swager Associates, 3622 North Knoxville Avenue, Peoria, IL 61603, 309-688-9511 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: January 1983 Finish date: December 1985 Construction time: 36 months Design capacity: 337 Total cost: $18,000,000 Total annual operating costs: $24,500,000 (entire facility) Category: New, ancil. building; remodel Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, crime lab Building configuration: High rise in radial formation Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $18,000,000 Building only: $17,700,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 115,000 Gross square feet/other: 45,000 Gross square feet/total: 160,000 Housing area square feet: Ni A Gross square feet per inmate: 341 Size of cells: 77 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 60% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 16, 20, 26 Inmates per unit: 16, 20, 26 Management type: Remote surveillance July 1987 population: 296 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Ni A Housing area: $12,240,000 Housing per inmate: $18,092 Housing per cell: $18,092 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $112.50 Total annual operating costs: $24,500,000 (entire facility) Construction type Security Perimeter: Alarm detection systems; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Terrazzo Intercom: Two-way to common areas HV AC: Air conditioning Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas 242 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 325 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 12 General population: 325 Total: 337 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Ni A Security: 27 Programs/treatment: Ni A Maintenance: IO Total: 37 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 8.0: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Indiana Marion County D D D NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction D D D D D D D D D D 243 Polk County Jail Jurisdiction official: Bob E. Rice, Sheriff Contact: Floyd fones, Chier J~ikr, Polk County Jail, 110 6th Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50309, 515-286-3804 Archi~tF!lfl,fA~li®i~J:e:s,tm1ctftcf~1j11; Midland Financial Building, Des Moines, IA 50309, 515-283-2479 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: April 1981 Finish date: December I 983 Constrnction time: 32 months Design capacity: 210 Total cost: $8,900,000 Total annual operating costs: $2,276,016 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building confignration: High rise in radial formation Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $8,900,000 Building only: $8,900,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 108,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 108,000 Housing area square feet: 40,515 Gross square feet per inmate: 514 Size of cells: 74.39 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 94% Design: Linear/outside; 5 floors have guard station, dayrooms, and 3 wings Cells per unit: 36 Inmates per unit: 36 Management type: Intermittent surveillance October 1985 population: 133 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Use holding cells Housing area: $3,240,000 Housing per inmate: $16,364 Housing per cell: $16,364 Total per inmate: $42,381 Total per GSF: $82.41 Total annual operating costs: $2,276,016 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; single fence; alarm/detection systems Inmate security level: Maximum: 83% Medium: 0 Minimum: 17% Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid steel; wooden Doors/type: Sliding; swinging Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only; gas-fired boilers supply hot water to heating coils Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alann stations; duct smoke detectors 244 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 180 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Other: 18 Special housing: 12 General population: I 98 Total: 210 Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; ducts include lighting, door operators, and sprinkler piping Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 13 Security: 53 Programs/treatment: Contractual Maintenance: 4 Total: 70 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.9:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Iowa Polk County '""' CUL O<ll ,m cm •g ~ u cm c<u cm cm cm Ull ..."'" SALLY '"'" STAIRWAT STAMW.IIIT "". "". FLOORS 4-8 ,. • " NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 245 Woodbury Law Enforcement Center Jurisdiction official: Russell H. White, Jr., Sheriff Contact: Lieutenant Lynette M. Hertz, Jail Commander, Woodbury Law Enforcement Center, 7th & Douglas, Sioux City, IA 101,.71!-:279---6040 ArchitectiiDarta2Elfrstiii!R<i1!l:1'1l1~i,«.~~~iates, 400 Essex Court, Omaha, NE 68114, 402-393-4100 Construction manager: None SI Groundbreaking: January 1986 Finish date: September I 987 Construction time: 20 months Design capacity: 108 Total cost: $7,112,760 Total annual operating costs: $840 ,60 I Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, courts, Sheriffs Department Building configuration: Integ. structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $7,112,760 Building only: $6,612,670 Gross square feet/corrections: 34,988 Gross square feet/other: 51,094 Gross square feet/total: 86,082 Housing area square feet: 25,500 Gross square feet per inmate: 324 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 73% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 4 to 22 Inmates per unit: 4 to 22 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1987 population: 68 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Beds in Housing area: $3,300,000 Housing per inmate: $50,000 Housing per cell: $50,000 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $82.63 dayrooms Total annual operating costs: $840,601 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: II% Medium: 89% Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; textured concrete Construction process Finance method: Lease Purchase Bonds Contract method: Separate contracts Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Carpet; sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas; two-way radio HYAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 246 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 66 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 42 General population: 66 Total: 108 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: High labor costs Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Coordination of design between parties Negative: Weather problems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 8 Security: 33 Programs/treatment: I Maintenance: 0 Total: 42 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.62: I NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Iowa Woodbury County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 247 Johnson County Juvenile Hall Jurisdiction official: Herbert Walton, Judge Contact: Jerry Jacobson, Director, Johnson.County Juvenile Hall, 915 West Spruce, Olathe, KS 66061, 913-764-7411 '" //.>c;'.:Y..,:Bt Architect:.,A.~!l4,§iI1 Jet.onfA~s!'!cililesi"W'West Ninth Street, Kansas City, MO 64105, 816-221-5011 9 Constructi~ri·rn;&Jgef: J\l~ne• . . . .. Groundbreaking: May 1978 Finish date: May 1980 Construction time: 24 months Design capacity: 34 Total cost: $1,700,000 Total annual operating costs: $697,594 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Juvenile detention facility Building configuration: Clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,700,000 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 24,800 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 24,800 Housing area square feet: 6,990 Gross square feet per inrnate: 729 Size of cells: 56 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 7 and 8 Inmates per unit: 7 and 8 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 18 Facility commitment: Juvenile detainees Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: $554,200 Housin.:, per inmate: $16,300 Housing per cell: $16,300 Total per inmate: $50,000 Total per GSF: $68.55 Total annual operating costs: $697,594 Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence at exercise yard; alarm/detection system Inmate security level: Maximum: Design, 100% Medium: Use, varies Minimum: Use, varies Structural: Concrete block Exterior walls: Brick and block Interior walls: Painted masonry; brick in privileged area Exterior surface/facade: Brick and glazed block Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; rooftop heating unit Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers 248 Single occupancy: 30 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Other: 4 Special housing: 0 General population: 34 Total: 34 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 21 Programs/treatment: 3 Maintenance: 4 Total: 30 Current inmate/staff ratio: .60: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: Local decisionmaking process NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Kansas Johnson County 31 l .. . 32 ~-- .. 29 On : r:J Ei ,O l,1 □ ·(.,. 1 11 ,29 9 . j31 ij ~ I '" lj;~·+ft\ \~ .. [!1.·)li [!I ( · l ·,. ,.~ Legend Second Floor P!.n EBn--r-75 NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 249 Kansas State Penitentiary (Phase One) (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Richard A. Mills, Secretary, Department of Corrections Contact: Herb Maschner, Director, Kansas State Penitentiary, Medium Security Facility, P.O. Box 2, Lansing, KS 66043, 913-;?:2J,J2~:5....... .... _ '" "> .•.•... _••.•.••,."° Architect:Hoist0 Temll4~aisl;t.Arcllirects;"'PfA'., 2900 MacVicar Avenue, Topeka, KS 66611, 913-266-5373 Construction manager: None Gronndbreaking: September 1982 Finish date: July 1985 Construction time: 35 months Design capacity: 288 Total cost: $10,700,000 Total annual operating costs: NiA (addition) Category: New, ancillary building; phased project (future) Facility type: State prison Building confignration: Courtyard; clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $10,700,000 Building only: $7,850,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 152,300 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 152,300 Housing area square feet: 76,150 Gross square feet per inmate: 529 Size of cells: 60 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 76% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 12 Inmates per unit: 96 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 213 Facility commitment: Sentenced State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell Housing area: $5,200,000 Housing per inmate: $18,056 Housing per cell: $18,056 Total per inmate: $37,153 Total per GSF: $70.26 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (addition) Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm detection systems; razor wire on fence; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame; bearing walls Exterior walls: Precast panels; CIP concrete; CMU block; architectural precast Interior walls: CIP concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; paint Construction process Finance method: Revenue sharing; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: Extensive Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking cells; electric/mechanical all ext. doors Floor surface: Epoxy coating; sealed Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 288 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 288 Total: 288 concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas; security communications intercom HVAC: Heating/air circulation only; central boilers Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas 250 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 14 Security: 76 Programs/treatment: 8 Maintenance: NIA Total: 98 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.17:1 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; government procedures, regulations, "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: Government procedures, regulations, "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; four contractor defaults NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Kansas Lansing ~SS.!VIE / Y•11tc::i I NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 251 Shawnee County Department of Corrections Jurisdiction official: Earl Hindman, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Earl Hindman, Director, Shawnee County Department of Corrections, 50 I East 8th Street, Topeka, KS 66607, 913-291-4073 Architecf:i.SleIIliloris,;Associates,;\rehitects';c!Wi~., Suite 1515, One Townsite Plaza, Topeka, KS 66603, 913-235-9244 Construction manager: None Gronndbreaking: August I 985 Finish date: September 1987 Construction time: 25 months Design capacity: 190 Total cost: $14,407,900 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, city jail, work release center, admin. offices Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $14,407,900 Building only: $14,322,365 Gross square feet/corrections: 124,765 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 124,765 Housing area square feet: 84,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 657 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single); 180 (spec. dorms) Net/gross square feet: 84% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 20 Inmates per unit: 20 Management type: Direct supervision November 1987 population: 138 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $10,806,000 Housing per inmate: $77, 186 Housing per cell: $77,186 Total per inmate: $75,831 Total per GSF: $115.48 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; alann/detection systems; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 74% Medium: 0 Minimum: 21 % Other: 5% Structural: Steel frame; cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; steel cell ceilings Exterior surface/facade: Brick; paint; painted concrete; stone Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Architect's reported analyses Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Unknown Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells HYAC: Air conditioning; gas boilers; centrifugal chiller Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; particle board with laminate; steel mesh Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; smoke evacuation system 252 Single occupancy: 140 Double occupancy: O Dorms: 0 Special housing: 50 General population: 140 Total: 190 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Government procedures, regulations, and red tape; complex electronic and mechanical systems; expensive security components and cell plumbing Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 8 Security: 33 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 1 Total: 42 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.29: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good weather Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; government procedures, regulations, and red tape; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ ~ ~ i't::, ' ' FUTURE CORRIDOR---+ TO JUDICIAL CENTER \ '' l ~ ~::; ~- ,2v,2 f ~/'. ~~2 ::; §" - ...... ~~ S=:~L -- -.;::~ ~ ~~1 x~~~ ~ ◄ T H I R D N VI t,.) F L O OR @}u-tJO 40 r i -.::~ ~ "' 'O .= = ~ = ~ "' Federal Correctional Institution (Addition) Jurisdiction official: J. Michael Quinlan, Director, Bureau of Prisons Contact: Warden BillR. Story,, F'?"!'[al Co~e<::tional Institntion, P.O. Box 888, Ashland, KY 41101, 606-928-6414 Architect: Pe$igiL&ciiiiiifcI:Aiclllwttlmlii!lligfs, 1080 Kingsmill Parkway, Columbus, OH 43229, 614-888-6390 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: December 1983 Finish date: November 1985 Construction time: 23 months Design capacity: 100 Total cost: $1,753,000 Total annual operating costs: $418,310 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: Federal prison Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,753,000 Building only: $1,703,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 21,792 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 21,792 Housing area square feet: 21, 792 Gross square feet per inmate: 218 Size of cells: 68 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 75% Design: Module/pod; cells on outside walls (direct light) Cells per unit: 100 Inmates per unit: 100 Management type: Remote surveillance March 1987 population: 193 Facility commitment: Federal prisoners Means to handle crowdin_g: Bunk beds in cell Housing area: $1,703,000 Housing per inmate: $17,030 Housing per cell: $17,030 Total per inmate: $17,530 Total per GSF: $80.44 Total annual operating costs: $418,310 (addition only) Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; triple fence; razor wire on and between fences; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Structural: Load-bearing CMU, flexicore floor slabs Exterior walls: Precast panels; CMU block; brick Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Federal funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: Limited; painting Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating; sealed concrete Intercom: Unknown HVAC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation; gas heat; 2 boilers; low pressure forced draft burner; 3 air handlers Plumbing: China Fumitnre: Unknown Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; duct mounted heat detectors 254 Single occupancy: 100 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 100 Total: 100 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple con. methods, repetitiveness of design; masonry bearing walls; flexicore deck and roof slab; design of open day spaces-no suspended ceiling required except offices and under 2nd floor walkways Negative: Difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 3 Security: 5 Programs/treatment: 4 Maintenance: 0 Total: 12 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 16.08:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple con. methods, repetitiveness of design; advanced order of materials and hardware Negative: Labor problems; default of initial masonry contractor; controlled access into site NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Kentucky Ashland • • • •• • N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction 255 Knox County Jail Jurisdiction official: Wilbur Bingham, Sheriff Contact: Ned Stewart, Jailer, Knox County Jail, Barbourville, KY 40906, 606-546-6215 Architj,ct::(;;hrisro.m),Jffilliir){W®ill'Rt!iffl!j!;.1~1/(l~§~outh Broadway, Lexington, KY 40508, 606-254-6623 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: January 1984 Finish date: November 1984 Construction time: JO months Design capacity: 37 Total cost: $666,000 Total annual operating costs: $284, I 15 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $666,000 Building only: $573,097 Gross square feet/corrections: 7,300 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 7,300 Housing area square feet: 2,190 Gross square feet per inmate: I 97 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 90% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 2 to 4 Inmates per unit: 12 Management type: Intermittent surveillance October 1985 population: 45 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates and State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $18,000 Total per GSF: $91.23 Total annual operating costs: $284,115 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 40% Medium: 20% Minimum: 40% Structural: Load bearing masonry Exterior wa!Js: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; textured concrete block Construction process Finance method: Local funds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote Jocking only Floor snrface: Sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; gas rooftop heating unit Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; fire emergency auto release (FEAR) for electric Jocks 256 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 18 Dorms: 12 Special housing: 7 General population: 30 Total: 37 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Conventional construction materials and systems; good competition, favorable market Negative: Delivery of materials and hardware Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 7 Programs/treatment: 1 Maintenance: I Total: 11 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.09:J Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from security equipment suppliers; weather problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ ~ -i" ~ t:::, l ~ i 22 ~ ~- i ■ 14. 14 LEGEND 13 '--1 3 l=- 7 §" 11 ◊ ' 3 4 5 r-7 R ' I ' ;QJ I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Lobby Visitation Office Control Room Sa llyport Booking Detox Search/Shower Holding Medical Exam Multipurpose Oayroom 2 Bed Cell Dormitory Juvenile Booking Juvenile Male Juvenile Female Adult Female Laundry Kitchen Storage Outdoor Exercise ~~ = 0 ~ .... .., Q -i .:;!'< VI i; § :s;" Dixon Correctional Institute (Remodel) Jurisdiction official: C. Paul Phelps, Secretary, Department of Public Safety and Corrections Contact: .W.ardenBurl Caiii, ..Qii\Qnrorrectio11al Institute, Highway 68, P.O. Box 788, Jackson, LA 70748, 504-634-2691 Arkhitect: 1Nevifitiru\\i/JiatGrn'Ei/fA}tJii~ikJ'•ffiitl\Y;\;~32;Toulon Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70816, 504-292-1210 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: November 1983 Finish date: January 1985 Construction time: 14 months Design capacity: I 00 Total cost: $1,135,427 Totalannnaloperatingcosts: $1,475,400 Category: Remodeling/renovation project Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,135,427 Building only: $1,135,427 Gross square feet/corrections: 16,960 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 16,960 Housing area square feet: 16,960 Gross square feet per inmate: 170 Size of cells: 65 square feet (single); 3,240 (dorms) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 50 Inmates per unit: 50 Management type: Intermittent surveillance January 1987 population: 100 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $1,135,427 Housing per inmate: $11,354 Housing per cell: $22,263 Total per imnate: $11,354 Total per GSF: $66.95 Total annual operating costs: $1,475,400 Security Perimeter: Single fence; razor wire on fence; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 50% Medium: 0 Minimum: 50% Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: Limited; demolition work prior to construction Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Fnrniture: Steel; concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; automatic fire alarm 258 Single occupancy: 50 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 50 Special housing: 0 General population: 100 Total: 100 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 4 Security: 24 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: O Total: 28 Current imnate/staff ratio: 3.57:1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Inmates did some of the demolition NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Louisiana Jackson l NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction • 259 Federal Detention Center Jurisdiction official: J. Michael Quinlan, Director, Bureau of Prisons Contact: Warden J.R. Johnson, Federal Detention Center, P.O. Box 5050, East Whatley Road, Oakdale, LA 71463, 318-335-4070 . C'.. ---:\_"··-:·.:.·,:---,:,-ac·-·.•;:s:_;,-·;;c••-·•-_,"''·".';,°~ Architect:!ll'1l!Oll/Ilei1!berg ~illrocato;· P,O'i'lBoi<'19.52;il'l O15 Wisteria Street, Alexandria, LA 7130 I , 318-443-7291 Construction manager: Jose Barron, Jr., P.O. Box 930, Oakdale, LA 71463-0930, 318-335-4070 Groundbreaking: July 1984 Finish date: March 1986 Construction time: 20 months Design capacity: 907 Total cost: $16,823,295 Total armual operating costs: $10,400,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: Federal detention center, law enforcement, courts Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $16,823,295 Building only: $13,132,275 Gross square feet/corrections: 183,381 Gross square feet/other: 44,540 Gross square feet/total: 227,921 Housing area square feet: I 26,186 Gross square feet per inmate: 202 Size of cells: 95 square feet (single); 190 square feet (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 95% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: I wing 82; 5 wings 41 Inmates per unit: 82; 164 Management type: Direct supervision October I 985 population: Ni A Facility commitment: Federal prisoners Means to handle crowding: None needed Housing area: $6,966,178 Housing per inmate: $7, 723 Housing per cell: $24,272 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $73.81 Total annual operating costs: $10,400,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; alarm/ detection systems; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: None Medium: 16% Minimum: 84% Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden (single); no doors (dorms) Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; boiler, natural gas fired Plumbing: China; combination unit in special cells Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 260 Construction process Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame; preengin. metal; comb. wall bearing/steel frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; metal roof, windows Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Painted block; preengin. metal/prefinished Finance method: Federal funds Contract method: Conventional; general contract (lump sum) Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast concrete wall panels Inmate design capacity Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 82 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 820 Special housing: 5 General population: 902 Total: 907 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Difficult site conditions Current staff Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties; efficient contractor Negative: Labor problems; weather problems/initial poor drainage Full-time equivalent: Administration: 45 Security: 98 Programs/treatment: 48 Maintenance: 25 Total: 216 Current inmate/staff ratio: Ni A N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Louisiana Oakdale ~~.l ="9f=i''' ,=,, I ,,, I I..&., "'i wr---------- ----------------~ ZI ·u, ....-1 _-a.~ :i:1 ~Go ~I jgg ..,-------i----- ,---- "" I I I I .;,_ ___ ·----- NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 261 Feliciana Forensic Facility (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Sandra L. Robinson, M.D., M.P.H., Department of Health and Human Resources Contact: Murry Hender,;o~, A~J~~tor, Feliciana Forensic Facility, P.O. Box 888, Jackson, LA 70748, 504-634-2651 Architeitt:,!"!!'8,!lig!,,l.&°g!itti/Ab\;fA'l'ifiltsJil, Inc., 554 Colonial Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70806, 504-926-1432 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking:April 1982 Finish date: May 1984 Construction time: 24 months Design capacity: 75 Total cost: $3,647,164 Total annual operating costs: NI A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: Complex: State prison, courts, forensic hospital Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,647,164 Building only: $3,600,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 23,696 Gross square feet/other: 5,126 Gross square feet/total: 28,822 Housing area square feet: 21,696 Gross square feet per inmate: 316 Size of cells: 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 96% Design: Linear, outside; module/pod Cells per unit: 19 Inmates per unit: 19 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 72 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: $2,637,582 Housing per inmate: $35, 168 Housing per cell: $35,168 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $126.54 Total annual operating costs: NI A (addition) Security Perimeter: Double fence; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 75% Medium: 0 Minimum: 25% Construction type Structural: Load bearing precast cell modules Exterior walls: Brick; architectural precast Interior walls: Precast cell modules; CIP concrete; CMU block; brick Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive, precast cell units Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Linoleum Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; boiler Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Sprinklers for cells and common areas 262 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 75 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 75 Total: 75 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 17 Security: 50 Programs/treatment: 10 Maintenance: 16 Total: 93 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: .77:1 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: High labor costs; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design, advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties Negative: Weather problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Louisiana Jackson 7tsecuP.E r--, ~ I : L-- 0- Lw1NOOW OPENING STOOL DESK 1 l/GHr FIXTURE fNCE/L/NG ABOVE DESK BUNK--4 TOILET & LAVAIDRY LIGHT FIXTURE ABOVE LAWITORY ¥'.fr--WALL OPENING E FIRST~LOORPLAN - - - - - _ : ~ ~ 1--t F OUTDOOR RECREATION AREA f--l F )!TI I Jl ________ ---- __ _I:T I. T11, A AD~IN1S1RATION B PROGRAM SPACE C CONTROL STATION D DAVROOM E CELL (TVP) ~ D '°"'I L...-4 -'t n H t---1 >-i K D ". J L---.A n f--l .,...-, -1-~ ~ -1 ~ L E-t:trrrrrrri1 1---i :: F t 1,.___, ..,.--, 1--1 , tr .;.1111 rIh-E ' fer 7 o ~ ~ D-J H L...,/--4 1---~~~~ I i.......i...,..----.. ~ .. ~r NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction : L ! V'""""1 ~~J=Gth2tfi~B -'--r-1.~---- o ~ K 1--f .ar 1 r 1 DU ~ r lici I -:_ ~ Utz:>: I E A 't1r1r1rrr~ 263 Hunt Correctional Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: C. Paul Phelps, Secretary, Department of Public Safety and Corrections Conf:'ct: J&h~!:;.~i\!~r+~2!Ii:f!\2,1'J~'![.~~JI!, !:f~ntCorrectional Center, P.O. Box 174, St. Gabriel, LA 70776, 504-642-3306 Architect:• Alplia•Three;· 253 Sefosepfit,Street;'~~j Box 843, Baton Rouge, LA 7082 I, 504-383-7565 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: September 1984 Finish date: November 1985 Construction time: 14 months Design capacity: 744 Total cost: $6,571,257 Total annual operating costs: $3,800,000 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Ladder, telephone pole; covered walkways to connect buildings Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $6,571,257 Building only: $6,414,358 Gross square feet/corrections: 73,505 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 73,505 Housing area square feet: 73,505 Gross square feet per inmate: 99 Size of cells: 66 square feet (double); 1,244 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 85% Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 64 Inmates per unit: 128 Management type: Intennittent surveillance July 1986 population: 743 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $6,414,358 Housing per inmate: $8,621 Housing per cell: $19,797 Total per inmate: $8,832 Total per GSF: $89 .40 Total annual operating costs: $3,800,000 (addition only) Secnrity Perimeter: Single fence; double fence; alann/detection systems; razor wire on and between fences; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Construction type Construction process Structural: Load bearing masonry Exterior walls: CMU block; precast panel roof Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Paint Finance method: G.O. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation; solar heat; hot water to air handlers Plumbing: Stainless steel; stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; automatic alarm 264 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 640 Dorms: 104 Special housing: 0 General population: 744 Total: 744 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I 0 Security: 160 Programs/treatment: 8 Maintenance: N/ A Total: 178 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.17: I Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction method, repetitiveness of design Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; experience in design and construction of this type of facility Negative: None NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Louisiana St. Gabriel ... 1·-0· •-o• 11•..o• l • •• 0 •• ••• ~ • ~ 0 • •0 ► • 0 0 •► •0 • 0 0 • •0 ► •► i •0 ~ 0 0 i •0 • ! • l l;; "d• • ••• : = ~ §• • ~ ! • •m Ii ~i mi! 5; t: ii •• ~ •• • i ••• •• 0 0 •> 0• i ~ !:c ► ~ !• 0 e •• • 0 0 0 • Ii ~i 5; mi! ••I 0 • NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction g 0 •► " •► ► " ► .o-,a, ; 0 ii 265 Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women (Addition) Jurisdiction official: C. Paul Phelps, Secretary, Department of Public Safety and Corrections Contact: Warden Johnnie W. Jones, Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women, Highway 74, P .0. Box 26, St. Gabriel, LA 70776, 504-3.42-6297 Architect:"N&wilianfari&Gijc¢)Af:clliiecls;i;lli¢:iIK2:532 Toulon Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70816, 504-292-1210 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: November 1979 Finish date: December 1980 Construction time: 13 months Design capacity: 100 Total cost: $1,373,421 Total annual operating costs: NIA (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison (women's facility) Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,373,421 Building only: $1,360,521 Gross square feet/corrections: 18,407 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 18,407 Housing area square feet: 18,407 Gross square feet per inmate: I 84 Size of cells: 145 square feet (double); 63 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 58 Inmates per unit: 100 Management type: Combination of intermittent and remote surveillance July I 986 population: 389 (entire facility) Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $1,360,521 Housing per inmate: $16,197 Housing per cell: $32,393 Total per imnate: $13,605 Total per GSF: $74.61 Total annual operating costs: NIA (addition) Security Perimeter: Single fence; patrols; double "V" barbed wire top Imnate security level: Maximum: 16% Medium: 0 Minimum: 84% Construction type Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Brick; 6" steel stud cavity wall Interior walls: CMU block; plaster partitions Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Unknown Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking; remote locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: China (min.); stainless steel (max.) Furniture: Steel; wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; automatic fire alarms 266 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 84 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 16 General population: 84 Total: 100 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 8 Security: 137 Programs/treatment: 17 Maintenance: I I Total: 173 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.25:1 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Louisiana St. Gabriel .. ~ i ID 'I i ~I .J IL <I I • " II D D I .J IL '-+---·-1 ____:"'----F~·~---~~ : ; : ·. j • . • I . . ( I· II -~-~-l,~ II J J-----'<1" '-6 I i > D-''--1 :/ I l • I NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 267 Washington Correctional Institute Jurisdiction official: C. Paul Phelps, Secretary, Department of Public Safety and Corrections Contact: Warden J.F. Donnelly, Jr., Washington Correctional Institute, Route 2, Box 5, Highway 21, Angie, LA 70426, 504-986- 3182 ArchitecffGiininitM~rjc+ll\lJ!!S}§o1;1nqe+,ql;pJ!!larrone Street, Suite 200, New Orleans, LA 70113, 504-588-9488 Construction manager: None · Groundbreaking: December 1980 Finish date: July I 983 Construction time: 31 months Design capacity: I, 182 Total cost: $27,316,900 Total annual operating costs: $9,824,653 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $27,316,900 Building only: $20,816,000 Gross square feeVcorrections: 224,569 Gross square feeVother: 0 Gross square feeVtotal: 224,569 Housing area square feet: 113,235 Gross square feet per inmate: 190 Size of cells: 56 square feet (single); 6,800 square feet (dorm) NeVgross square feet: 89% Design: Linear, interior Cells per unit: 1 (dorm) Inmates per unit: 80 Management type: Remote surveillance May I 986 population: 1, 120 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: $9,100,000 Housing per inmate: $7,765 Housing per cell: $137,879 Total per inmate: $23,111 Total per GSF: $121.64 Total annual operating costs: $9,824,653 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on and between fences; towers Inmate security level: Maximum: 5% Medium: 95% Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: None HYAC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 268 Single occupancy: 52 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 1,120 Special housing: IO General population: I , 172 Total: 1,182 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 34 Security: 372 Programs/treatment: 31 Maintenance: 8 Total: 445 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.52:1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Weather problems N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Louisiana Angie (No floorplan available at time of publication) NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 269 Franklin County Detention/Law Enforcement Facility Jurisdiction official: Ronald A. Durrell, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff Ronald A. Durrell, Franklin County Detention/Law Enforcement Facility, Farmington, ME 04938, 207-778-2680 Architect: Alexanderffruex/de Groot, 209 Battery Street, Burlington, VT 05401, 802-658-2775 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: May 1982 Finish date: April I 983 Construction time: 11 months Design capacity: 24 Total cost: $1,302,000 Total annual operating costs: $417,188 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,302,000 Building only: $1,186,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 15,170 Gross square feet/other: 6,000 Gross square feet/total: 2 I, 170 Housing area square feet: 7,500 Gross square feet per inmate: 632 Size of cells: Max. sec. 80 square feet; med. sec. 66.5 square feet Net/gross square feet: 67% Design: Module/pod; combined use cells Cells per unit: 13 Inmates per unit: 13 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: 17 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates and State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Weekend use of multipurpose room; beds in dayroom Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $61.50 Total annual operating costs: $417,188 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only; razor wire on fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 12% Medium: 45% Minimum: 33% (plus 10% holding and detox) Structural: Cast-in-place concrete bearing walls Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block in attic spaces; cast-in-place concrete Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote and manual locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HYAC: Air conditioning-control room; heating/air circulation; heat recovering wheel; oil-fired boiler Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; air pacs in central control; fire mains and hoses 270 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 13 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 8 Special housing: 3 General population: 21 Total: 24 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; early ordering of long lead time components Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; government procedures, regulations, Current staff "red tape" Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 12 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: Contractual Total: 14 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.21:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Advanced order of materials and hardware; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Maine Franklin County "' ""1• II i~ 11 11 . _ _ .JL ____ ,1_ --71 . l~ --- -~:=== ,, Ii ",, " w i ~ ·:=.-!I \.., •8 •§ i 'tr~o ollla: atro ~ H 0 r, Ir·, ! ~ • !L===,, :, ~ [~1 --1 fil / I ~ i ~ --- "§ w ~J_ ::i~.:J ) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ ~ w r/ z L \ ~ ii -· I ~ '' ~ii! ' Ii ' ~;- l .i 271 Baltimore City Correctional Center Jurisdiction official: Arnold J. Hopkins, Commissioner. Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, Division of Correction Contact: George Redd, Unit Manager, Baltimore City Correctional Center, 901 Greenmount Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21202, 301-234-1400 ,,, Architect: 1'.){eJ~gJ:1\Sallibes;ciSiiiie)Zl:lllf!ii1J45 Taylor Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21204, 301-828-6636 Construction manager: Heery Program Management, Inc,, 7133 Rutherford Road, Baltimore, MD 21207-2784, 301-944-3700 Groundbreaking: May I 982 Finish date: July 1984 Construction time: 26 months Design capacity: 384 Total cost: $7,918,000 Total annual operating costs: $3,758,432 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure; wheel Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $7,918,000 Building only: $7,104,348 Gross square feet/corrections: 73,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 73,000 Housing area square feet: 55,700 Gross square feet per inmate: 190 Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: Ni A Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 128 Inmates per unit: 192 Management type: Intermittent surveillance October 1985 population: 357 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $4,750,800 Housing per inmate: $12,372 Housing per cell: $18,558 Total per inmate: $20,620 Total per GSF: $108.47 Total annual operating costs: $3,758,432 Security Perimeter: Building exterior; razor wire on fences Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 100% Construction type Structural: Steel frame; CIP concrete frame; load bearing masonry walls Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete, CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; textured concrete Construction process Finance method: G, 0, Bonds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: None HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Sprinklers for common areas 272 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 128 Double occupancy: 256 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 384 Total: 384 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods; phased construction, fast track construction 111.anagement; good competition, favorable market Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 22 Security: 74 Programs/treatment: 3 Maintenance: 7 Total: 106 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.37:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track construction management Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; labor problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Maryland Baltimore z II < .J ·~ ... • a: • • 0 0 .J u. I- • .' UI a: u. . . :, z > C 0 0 .. ;ft "' $} 0 3 0 ~:: NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 273 Baltimore City Jail (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Clarence "Du" Burns, Mayor Contact: Warden Paul Davis, Baltimore City Jail, 401 East Eager Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, 301-396-5219 Arcbitec~:;J'Jie/I,ei,n?I!ridges\(l9lijpmiyit1gJ}Market Place, Ninth Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202, 301-625-2555 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: August 1984 Finish date: May I 985 Construction time: 9 months Design capacity: 50 Total cost: $655,000 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: City jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $655,000 Building only: $650,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 7,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 7,000 Housing area square feet: 3, 120 Gross square feet per inmate: 140 Size of cells: Ni A Net/gross square feet: 93% Design: Open dormitory Cells per unit: Ni A Inmates per unit: 25 Management type: Remote surveillance; direct supervision October 1985 population: 50 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: New construction Housing area: $500,000 Housing per inmate: $10,000 Housing per cell: Ni A Total per inmate: $13,100 Total per GSF: $93.57 Total annual operating costs: NIA (addition) Security Perimeter: Single fence; alann/detection system; razor wire on fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 10% Minimum: 90% Construction type Structural: Concrete and CMU pilasters with steel beam and interior st. col. Exterior walls: CMU block; architectural precast roof Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Paint Construction process Finance method: Federal funding Contract method: Tum-key design and build Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Linoleum; sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Heat pump Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; manual alarm stations 274 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 50 Special housing: 0 General population: 50 Total: 50 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; simple building design Negative: Difficult site conditions; detention grade doors, fixtures Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: NiA Security: 10 Programs/treatment: Ni A Maintenance: Ni A Total: 10 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 5: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Fast track proposal; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Maryland Baltimore [] g[] H ""' "'"'..., C/l "' N ' [] ~ [] \.. =a \... . l.1 C/l < E-< C/l C/l C/l a ..., ,--< H "'u ... H E-< H E-< D p,: 0 "' I E-< >< ...,...,""' p,: < H ~ ¢'I [] [] [] i>< []] < A N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 275 Eastern Correctional Institution Jurisdiction official: Arnold J. Hopkins, Commissioner, Division of Correction Contact: W3J"<ie11Wa:im~ I!, Win,;l;>r~ll1l"f,P!\SJ~m Correctional Institution, Route I , Box 500, Westover, MD 21871, 301-651-9000 Architec~: Dew6efff&"ffaVi~;'s,j:(}iili\J\fliilgliriifBRu1evard, Fairfax, VA 22031, 703-849-0430 Phillips Swager Associates, 3622 North Knoxville, Peoria, IL 61603, 309-688-9511 Construction manager: Heery Program Management, Inc., 7133 Rutherford Road, Baltimore, MD 21207, 301-944-3700 Groundbreaking: May 1984 Finish date: July 1987 Construction time: 38 months Design capacity: 1,440 Total cost: $77,600,000 Total annual operating costs: $20,850,146 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style; wheel, spoke or radial Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $77,600,000 Building only: $68,200,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 640,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 640,000 Housing area square feet: 336,570 Gross square feet per inmate: 444 Size of cells: 70 square feet (gen. single); 82 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: 60% Design: Spoke Cells per unit: 192 Inmates per unit: 192 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1987 population: 468 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Doublecelling Housing area: $30,000,000 Housing per inmate: $26,042 Housing per cell: $26,042 Total per inmate: $53,889 Total per GSF: $121.25 Total annual operating costs: $20,850,146 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alann/detection systems; razor wire on and between fences; towers; patrols; camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Carpet; sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; steam heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells; sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 276 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels; steel frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; brick Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; natural wall Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast concrete panels Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 1,152 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 288 General population: I, 152 Total: 1,440 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 170 Security: 5 I 3 Programs/treatment: 34 Maintenance: 25 Total: 742 Current inmate/staff ratio: .63:1 Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Difficult site conditions; government procedures, regulations, and red tape Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Phased construction; advanced order of materials and hardware Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Maryland Westover NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 277 Montgomery County Detention Center (Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Calvih Lightfoot, Director, Department of Correction and Rehabilitation Contact: John E. Wright, Director, Montgomery County Detention Center, 1307 Seven Locks Road, Rockville, MD 20854, 301-424-0940 Architecf: Jiellinuth,;Qb~til lllla.K\ass'abatirli;'ffi~'.\'fiii'IOi\rermont A venue NW. , Suite 330, Washington, DC 20005, 202-457-9400 Constmctionmanager: Non~·· Gronndbreaking: February 1984 Finish date: September 1986 Construction time: 32 months Design capacity: 13 I Total cost: $6,200,000 Total annual operating costs: $981, 710 (expansion only) Category: Remodeling/renovation project; expansion project Facility type: Complex: county jail, courts Building configuration: Integ. structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $6,200,000 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 44,819 Gross square feet/other: 1,200 Gross square feet/total: 46,019 Housing area square feet: 38,915 Gross square feet per inmate: 351 Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: 55% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: I 6 Inmates per unit: I 6 Management type: Remote surveillance May 1987 population: 181 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; mattresses on floor Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NI A (remodel) Total per GSF: $134.73 Total annual operating costs: $981,710 (expansion only) Security Perimeter: Building exterior ; single fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; reinforced block Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Exterior surface/facade: Textured colored precast Construction process Finance method: Local funds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; oil-fired heating Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 278 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 131 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 131 Total: 131 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: None Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 0 Security: 10 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 10 (expansion only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 18.1: 1 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Maryland Montgomery County C Dt=c'.!11111 ·' ,,,,.. '' ' C Ii NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ' □ 279 Prince George's County Correctional Center Jurisdiction official: Parris N. Glendening, County Executive Contact: Samuel F. Saxton, Director, Prince George's County Correctional Center, 13400 Dille Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772, 301-952-:,7015 . ·. ·• .. , .... i .. ,,, " .. ,,.,,,,... i,,.,,.,,... Architects: 'Maguire•Group,Architects;5!203.iEeesburgtRil<e, Suite 200, Falls Church, VA 22401, 703-998-0100 Greenhome & O'Mara, 9001 Edmonston Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770, 301-982-2800 Construction manager: Morrison-Knudsen/Parametric Co., P.O. Box 549, 14524 Elm Street, 3rd Floor, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772, 301-627-6730 Groundbreaking: October 1985 Finish date: February I 987 Construction time: 16 months Design capacity: 596 Total cost: $43,000,000 Total annual operating costs: $11,679,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $43,000,000 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 260,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 260,000 Housing area square feet: 143,430 Gross square feet per inmate: 436 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single); 2,400 (spec. dorms) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit: 48 Management type: Direct supervision June 1987 population: 711 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $72,148 Total per GSF: $165.38 Total annual operating costs: $11,679,000 Security Construction type Construction process Perimeter: Double fence; alann/detection systems; razor wire on and between fences; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 16% Medium: 60% Minimum: 8% Other: 16% Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Inmate cells Single occupancy: 432 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 164 General population: 432 Total: 596 Doors/material: Solid; wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Inmate design capacity Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: None Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; hot water, methane gas Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Sprinklers for cells and common areas 280 Finance method: G.O. Bonds; State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 57 Security: 187 Programs/treatment: 36 Maintenance: 13 Total: 293 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.43: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Phased construction, fast track construction management; site package issued early Negative: Weather problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Maryland Prince George's County tw n u 8 § w 0 ~ a ~ Q Q • ~ w .....I :::, 8::!= I C, z 1i5 :::, 0 I I NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 281 Somerset County Detention Center Jurisdiction official: Charles Massey, County Administrator Contact: Warden !(':it),')\'. I~pl'\'f, Somerset County Detention Center, Route I, Box 425, Westover, MD 21871, 301-651-9223 Architects: Qe,:wberryi&Davis; 840frArli!!!ll!lJl)!!ll/!!!!¥ard, Fairfax, VA 22031, 703-849-0430 Phillips Swager Associates, 3622-Norin"Knoxville Avenue, Peoria, IL 61603, 309-688-9511 Construction manager: Heery Program Management, Inc., One Rutherford Plaza, Baltimore, MD 21207, 301-944-3700 Groundbreaking: March 1985 Finish date: July I 987 Construction time: 28 months Design capacity: 51 Total cost: $2,810,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,810,000 Building only: $2,663,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 20,894 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 20,894 Housing area square feet: 6,400 Gross square feet per inmate: 410 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 56% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Remote surveillance October 1987 population: 27 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $1,095,900 Housing per inmate: $21,918 Housing per cell: $21,918 Total per inmate: $55,098 Total per GSF: $134.49 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 8% Medium: 39% Minimum: 31 % Other: 22% Construction type Structural: Load-bearing precast panels; precast concrete frame; masonry construction Exterior walls: Brick; block cavity wall Interior walls: Brick; block-bearing walls with precast plank floors and roofs Exterior surface/facade: Split face concrete block Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast concrete panels, plank floors, and roof Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Variable air volume Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells 282 Architects' reported analyses Single occupancy: 50 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 1 General population: 50 Total: 51 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Bid and built simultaneously with Eastern Correctional Institution using same materials and systems Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 3 Security: 11 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 14 Current inmate/staff ratio: I. 93: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Time was saved because of the joint projects, Somerset County Detention Center and Eastern Correctional Institution Negative: None NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ -[~ -\ i:::, I \_ ~ ~ [ / Service Doell / -------:----- --°",, ~- Mech. I /' I ! / , ' / 'l / - - - """""-- I:?. g· 'I Indoor Rec. I I I I I 1 'I ;/1 r -" \ ' , ' '\/ ' / / I "'- 1Future Expansion! l I / ___/ - I I / / '-. '-, ) L' 1--- ! 'I ;) - -r ti , / / /< ' /r - I ----1-, / ', I F----- -/ I I ' I I '-~,~-~-----: -,--i . --~i t cJ~W•l,_ "' "'._ ____/ T ,,;,==c==f" . •. ',/ / - / -,,' £~- ~~i~- -- ! -- ----~- - '___ :.~,. 0481216 l;.) +----- ) / -'_:::_ ---- ~~. 00 '' I ------i j I -t-+1-- ',, N I J FIRST FLOQB_ PLAN g, ~ i .5-= (") 0 q= = Q. Washington County Detention Center Jurisdiction official: Charles Mades, Sheriff Contact: Lieutenant Wayne McAllister, Warden, Washington County Detention Center, 500 Western Maryland Parkway, Hagerstown, MD 21740, 301-791-3300 Architect: ,Hellm\Jth;;.0bata.&-Kassabaum,.Jnc."QnexLombard Street, San Francisco, CA 94111, 415-627-1600 Construction ~~ag;~:,:;N8fi6:··'.:c.,·,,);'·'.,:,>;··c,5/~{.~',?J:{Wdi0{:fr:Y:'.[:i\{%§~1§ Gro1,1ndbreaking: August 1982 Finish date: February 1984 Construction time: I 8 months Design capacity: 152 Total cost: $5,869,700 Total annual operating costs: $1,088,334 Category: New independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $5,869,700 Building only: $5,369,700 Gross square feeVcorrections: 55,965 Gross square feeVother: 0 Gross square feeVtotal: 55,965 Housing area square feet: 27,982 Gross square feet per inmate: 368 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) NeVgross square feet: 72% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 36 Inmates per unit: 36 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 142 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $3,758,790 Housing per inmate: $25,397 Housing per cell: $28,262 Total per inmate: $38,616 Total per GSF: $104.88 Total annual operating costs: $1,088,334 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 80% Medium: 0 Minimum: 20% Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells 284 Structural: Unknown Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Unknown Construction process Finance method: Local funds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 128 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 20 Special housing: 4 General population: 148 Total: 152 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Detention specialities Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 4 Security: 45 Programs/treatment: 4 Maintenance: 3 Total: 56 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.54: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Structure independent of masonry Negative: Slow response and delivery of hardware NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Maryland Washington County First Floor 1 Male Housing 2 Segregated Housing 3 Female Housing 4 Multi-purpose/Exercise 5 Laundry 6 Kitchen 7 Booking 8Sally Port 9 Central Control 10 Public Lobby 11 Service/Intake Entry 4 Second Floor 1 Housing Mezzanine 2 Segregated Mezzanine 3 Female Mezzanine 4 Future Expansion 5 Mechanical Room 6 Upper Gymnasium 7 Work Release NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 285 Longwood Treatment Center (Remodel) Jurisdiction official: Michael V. Fair, Commissioner, Department of Correction Contact: Superintendent David MacDonald, Longwood Treatment Center, P.O. Box 1706, 125 South Huntington Avenue, Jamaica Plain, MAO2130, 617-727-0280 . . . . •.· .· .. >< / •·•··•· •. , ·.. ·..· •. , State architect::FaciliJies.I'cl~~ning andMai!l!~nag<;:e;,;Repartineht'6fC(lorietilibii~IOO Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02202, 617-727-3300 ····•···········••· ......,.••...... ,. Construction manager: Hancock Property Management, Inc. (owner of facility), 275 Hancock Street, Quincy, MA 02171, 617-770-2836 Groundbreaking: Ni A (remodel) Finish date: August I 984 Construction time: Unknown Design capacity: 125 Total cost: $1,250,000 (incl. building purchase) Total annual operating costs: $2,344,538 Category: Building purchase; remodeling/renovation project Facility type: Treatment facility for alcoholic offenders Building configuration: Two connected buildings Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,250,000 (incl. building purchase) Building only: $1,250,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 38,918 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 38,918 Housing area square feet: I 9,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 311 Size of cells: Varies Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Semi-private rooms for I to 6 inmates Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Direct supervision August I986 population: 125 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: No crowding permitted Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: Ni A (remodel) Total per GSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $2,344,538 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; building exit alarm Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 100% Structural: Wood and concrete floors; steel frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Masonry and plaster Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Privately purchased, renovated, and leased to State Contract method: Purchased and renovated by private company Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Linoleum; carpet; sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation; gas heat; oil burners Plumbing: Stainless steel; china Furniture: Steel; wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas; manual alarm stations; sprinklers for rooms 286 Single occupancy: I Double occupancy: 34 Dorms: 90 Special housing: 0 General population: 125 Total: 125 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; difficult site conditions; government procedures, regulations, and red tape Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 10 Security: 23 Programs/treatment: 11 Maintenance: 2 Total: 46 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2. 72: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; labor problems; government procedures, regulations, and red tape NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Massachusetts Jamaica Plain II 2 2 2 2 2 5 -~- ,A •••• ••••• •• •• al!\!uu .ur:1 ty • • • • • •• • • • o,ricr. • • • • • • • • • • • • •; 110,u.011 • • • • • ._. • • • • • adlniniatration ••• 2 K ·i ••••••••••••• ~ iii ............ ••••••••••••• CLlAN U'f1Ll9P • • • • • • • • CON,f'IINCt• • • • • • • • • • 2 2 EXISTING 2nd FLOOR \.OUMOlle • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 ii •- ltx I i . 1b 10 I 11 I 2 I I 2 ' I § 2 ti '' 2 a 2 2• ' 2 3. 3 3 2 ,-... " ,. Lll14'1. • • • • • • •• • • • • ••• • .. • • • • • • staff • •. •• •. • •• • 14 ahowe-ra •••••• • •• • •.• 4A ~ I NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction "" 287 Massachusetts Correctional Institution Norfolk (Visitors' Center Addition) Jurisdiction official: Michael V. Fair, Commissioner, Department of Correction Contact: Superintendent Norman J. Butler, Massachusetts Correctional Institution Norfolk, P.O. Box 43, Norfolk, MA 02056, 617-668-0800 Architect! Dc,11hiuti &SWeene}'; Arcilitect§,JQ}J!m~!E:SH~/;Boston, MA 02110, 617-423-4280 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: October 1984 Finish date: May 1986 Construction time: 19 months Design capacity: Ni A Total cost: $898,000 Total annual operating costs: $109,000 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison visitors' center Building configuration: Integrated structure; wheel, spoke or radial Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $898,000 Building only: $830,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 10,638 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 10,638 Housing area square feet: Ni A Gross square feet per inmate: NiA Size of cells: NiA Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: NIA Cells per unit: Ni A Inmates per unit: Ni A Management type: Ni A October 1985 population: NIA Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: NI A Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: Ni A Total per GSF: $84.41 Total annual operating costs: $109,000 (addition only) Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; towers; wall Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Structural: Laminated wood columns, beams, and trusses Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells (rooms) Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: None HYAC: Heating/air circulation; steam heat; steam from existing plant used to heat water Plumbing: Stainless steel; china Fire protection: Smoke detectors 288 Single occupancy: Ni A Double occupancy: Ni A Dorms: NIA Special housing: NIA General population: Ni A Total: NIA (no inmates) Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 0 Security: 2 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 2 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: Ni A NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Massachusetts Norfolk "-I l ~ 1-. • ~ ~ ' I' I NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction ~-,- lt , "o~crt ~ ,, PA"flO 289 Correction Camp Cusino Jurisdiction official: Robert Brown. Jr.• Director, Department of Corrections Contact: S. George Field, Camp Supervisor-Deputy Warden, Correction Camp Cusino, Box 88, Shingleton, MI 49884-0088, 906-452-6248 Arcbite«;~: /3!Qffi(jliis:t/Nelsdri'J&liAs~6cl&1b~j4'l.'iti!J;;~st Ludington Street, Iron Mountain, MI 4980 I , 906-774-7000 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: April 1986 Finish date: December 1986 Construction time: 8 months Design capacity: 160 Total cost: $3,800,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility; phased project (future) Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,800,000 Building only: $3,500,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 64,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 64,000 Housing area square feet: 46,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 400 Size of cells: 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 91 % Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 20 Inmates per unit: 20 Management type: Intermittent surveillance October 1987 population: 252 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom; bunk beds in visiting room Housing area: $3,200,000 Housing per inmate: $20,000 Housing per cell: $20,000 Total per inmate: $23,750 Total per GSF: $59.38 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 100% Structural: Load-bearing CMU with hollow core slabs Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Paint; waterproof coating Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast structure Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Carpet; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; woodfired boilers for heating and hot water Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Manual alarm stations; smoke detectors for common areas and storage; sprinklers for some storage 290 Single occupancy: 160 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 160 Total: 160 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; less expensive materials and hardware, low security only Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 16 Security: 22 Programs/treatment: 1 Maintenance: 2 Total: 41 Current inmate/staff ratio: 6.15:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Good contractor Negative: Government procedures, regulations, and red tape NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Michigan Shingleton -- - - l'IEClll:AW. I I I I I I I I I I fmrm:-7 ;- I ...... 6:'\ NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction RRST F1..00R PL.AN 291 Grand Traverse County Correctional Facility (Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Jack J. Canfield, Sheriff Contact: Joseph D. Smith, Corrections Administrator, Grand Traverse County Correctional Facility, 320 Washington Street, Traverse City, MI 49684, 616-922-4500 Architec!S: @BKB,Ass()ciates,Hannah.Lay .Biiik!i6g,l 109 East Front Street, Suite 303, Traverse City, MI 49684, 6 I 6-946-7116 Durrant Group, 2445 Darwin Road, Madison, WI 53704, 608-241-3340 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: January 1985 Finish date: May 1986 Construction time: 16 months Design capacity: 126 TotaJ cost: $3,199,852 Total annual operating costs: $1,009,680 Costs Dimensions Total: $3,199,852 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 24,041 Gross square feet/other: 34,123 Gross square feet/total: 58,164 Housing area square feet: 21,042 Gross square feet per inmate: 191 Size of cells: 78 square feet (double) Net/gross square feet: 89% Housing area: $1,788,570 Housing per inmate: $17,034 Housing per cell: $55,893 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $55.01 Inmate honsing areas Total annual operating costs: $1,009,680 Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 4% Medium: 80% Minimum: I 6% Category: Remodeling/renovation project; expansion Facility type: Complex: county and city jails, law enforcement Building configuration: Ladder, telephone pole Structural: Precast plank-wall bearing Exterior walls: CMU block; limestone facing Interior walls: CMU block; metal stud and gypsum board Exterior surface/facade: Limestone Design: Linear, outside and interior; module/pod Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit: I 6 Management type: Intermittent and remote surveillance September 1986 population: 108 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State and Federal prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; mattresses on floor Construction process Finance method: Federal and local funds; shared cost from multiple jurisdictions Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells HYAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 292 Single occupancy: 5 Double occupancy: 32 Dorms: 68 Special housing: 21 General population: 105 Total: 126 Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; government procedures, regulations, and red tape; subcontractor's bankruptcy-new subcontractor increased cost Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 16 Programs/treatment: 4 Maintenance: 3 Total: 25 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.32:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; weather problems; government red tape; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; approval of new subcontractor N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Michigan Grand Traverse County, Traverse City I. I • • ! I• • NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 293 Macomb County Jail (Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: William Hackel, Sheriff Contact: Donald Amboyer, Jail Administrator, Macomb Cour{ty Jail, 43565 Elizabeth Road, Mt. Clemens, MI 48043, 313-469-5024 Architect:;,H1,Ilµ!µtjt, Qbataand_Kll§~ab_aum,.•In~_-, 100-·Nqrth;l3!;(l!!,<hvay; St.\j;ljµi~, lyfQ,!53102, 3 I 4-421-2000 Construction manager: None " · · · ·· · ··•·· · · ·· · · · · Groundbreaking: October 1984 Finish date: June 1987 Construction time: 32 months Design capacity: 463 Total cost: $27,000,000 Total annual operating costs: NI A (expansion) Category: Remodeling/renovation project; expansion project Facility type: County jail Building configuration: High rise Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $27,000,000 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 202,042 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 202,042 Housing area square feet: 167,938 Gross square feet per inmate: 436 Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NI A (remodel) Total per GSF: $133.64 Total annual operating costs: NI A (expansion) Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Remote surveillance November 1987 population: 900 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners on contract Means to handle crowding: Double bunking; renovation of old section Construction type Security Perimeter: Video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 25% Medium: 50% Minimum: 25% Structural: Clay security facing tile Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Carpet; epoxy coating; sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; gas-fired boilers Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 294 Single occupancy: 324 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 104 Special housing: 35 General population: 428 Total: 463 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Weather problems, construction started in late fall NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Michigan Macomb County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 295 State Prison of Southern Michigan (Hospital Addition) Jurisdiction official: Robert Brown, Jr., Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Larry N. Coe, Physical Plant Superintendent, State Prison of Southern Michigan, 4000 Cooper Street, Jackson, MI 4920 I , 517-788-7560 Architect: Louis G. Redstone Associates, Inc., 28425 West Eight Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48152, 313-476-6620 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: December 1983 Finish date: February 1986 Construction time: 26 months Design capacity: 94 Total cost: $9,717,255 Total annual operating costs: $12,000,000 (hospital) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison hospital Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $9,717,255 Building only: $8,479,255 Gross square feet/corrections: IOI ,400 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 101,400 Housing area square feet: NI A (hospital) Gross square feet per inmate: 1,079 Size of cells: NiA (hospital) Net/gross square feet: 54% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: Ni A Inmates per unit: 94 Management type: Intennittent surveillance October 1985 population: 94 Facility commitment: State prison patients Means to handle crowding: NiA Housing area: Ni A (hospital) Housing per inmate: NiA Housing per cell: Ni A Total per inmate: NIA (addition) Total per GSF: $95 .83 Total annual operating costs: $12,000,000 (hospital) Security Perimeter: Building exterior; double fence; alann/detection systems; razor wire on fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 80% Medium: 20% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Sheet vinyl Intercom: Staff to staff only; patients have call button HVAC: Air conditioning; steam from central heating plant Plumbing: Stainless; china Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; sprinklers throughout 296 Construction type Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block; plaster on lath Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; brick soffit panels Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Donns: 0 Special housing: 94 General population: 0 Total: 94 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market; no major security provisions necessary Negative: Government procedures, regulations, "red tape"; complex remote locking, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 12 Security: 50 Programs/treatment: 292 Maintenance: 4 Total: 358 (hospital) Current inmate/staff ratio: .26:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; government procedures, regulations, "red tape" NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Michigan Jackson ► ••• • •,i ► u •• ~ ' ► •• •• •► •• •• ., •• •• " oa •• • NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 297 Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Center Jurisdiction official: Mike Cunniff, Associate County Administrator, Bureau of Community Corrections Contact: Superintendent Arthur J. Cavara, Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Center, 510 Park A venue, Minneapolis, MN 55415, 612-348-3894 Arcbitect: . Ellerbe:Associates, lrii:';•·@rie Appletree,,Sq~~e,,JcMinneapolis, MN 55420, 612-853-2000 Construction manager: None ·· '· Groundbreaking: June 1982 Finish date: June 1984 Construction time: 24 months Design capacity: 87 Total cost: $13,000,000 Total annual operating costs: $3,001,716 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County juvenile detention facility Building configuration: Integrated structure; courtyard Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $13,000,000 Building only: $12,500,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 128,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 128,000 Housing area square feet: 60,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 1,471 Size of cells: 75.5 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 75% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 12 Inmates per unit: 12 Management type: Intermittent surveillance; direct supervision March 1987 population: 64 Facility commitment: Juveniles Means to handle crowding: Release of residents; restrict admissions Housing area: $6,000,000 Housing per inmate: $68,966 Housing per cell: $68,966 Total per inmate: $149,425 Total per GSF: $101.56 Total annual operating costs: $3,001 ,716 Security Perimeter: Single fence; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 5% Medium: 95% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating; carpet Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; steam heat Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 298 Construction type Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame; grout filled concrete block and rebar Exterior walls: Brick; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick; concrete block with grout filled cores Exterior surface/facade: Brick; colored concrete Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 87 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 87 Total: 87 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Healthy bidding climate Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 7 Security: 64 Programs/treatment: 2 Maintenance: 0 Total: 73 Current inmate/staff ratio: 0.88: I NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Minnesota Hennepin County (No floorplan available at time of publication) I NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 299 Minnesota Supervised Living Facility (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Orville B. Pung, Commissioner, Department of Corrections Contact: William Pederson, Chief Executive Officer, Minnesota Supervised Living Facility, 100 Freeman Drive, St. Peter, MN 56082, 507-931-7100 . . .. ·.· .. · < Architect: fl:ail1Jllejc(i,ree11,~,Abrahamson,'1nc,, 1201':Habnon Place, Minneapolis, MN 55403, 612-332-3944 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: October 1979 Finish date: June 198 I Construction time: 21 months Design capacity: 164 Total cost: $8,389,800 Total annual operating costs: NIA (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison for criminally insane Building configuration: Integrated structure with courtyard Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $8,389,800 Building only: $7,189,800 Gross square feet/corrections: 121,939 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 121,939 Housing area square feet: 81,574 Gross square feet per inmate: 744 Size of cells: 91 square feet (single); 134 (double); 331 (4-bed) Net/gross square feet: 84% Housing area: $5,578,846 Housing per inmate: $34,017 Housing per cell: $46,106 Total per inmate: $51,157 Total per GSF: $68.80 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (addition) Design: Linear, outside, inside Cells per unit: 16 to 24 Inmates per unit: 16 to 32 Management type: Direct supervision; remote surveillance October 1985 population: Approx. 165 Facility commitment: State prisoners; local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; razor wire on and between fences; wire netting over interior courtyards; double fence around recreation area Inmate security level: Maximum: 60% Medium: 40% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Carpet or epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; steam boiler heating plant pumps hot water to building fan coils, radiation, convectors, and heating coils Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; wood; vinyl/plastic; concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas Structural: Steel frame; CIP concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels/decking; CIP concrete; CMU block; brick Interior walls: CIP concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 86 Double occupancy: 62 Dorms: 0 Other: 16 Special housing: 0 General population: I 64 Total: 164 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: 160 to 170 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: Approx. I: I Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties Negative: Government procedures, regulations, "red tape" . 300 N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Minnesota St. Peter C II . Ii ii: 0 0 ~ N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction 301 Jackson County Adult Detention Center Jurisdiction official: D.B. Pope, Sheriff Contact: Fearon Jenne ill, Director, Adult Detention Center, 1719 Kenneth Avenue, Pascagoula, MS 39567, 601-769-3052 Arcltitect:,Sl1111g~t~L~·;\lh:!,d,•P,A:,;A.tA., P.O. Box 447, 3690 14th Street, Pascagoula, MS 39567, 601-762-1975 Construction manager: None · Groundbreaking: January 1978 Finish date: May I 979 Construction time: 16 months Design capacity: 99 Total cost: $1,362,291 Total annual operating costs: $1,028,776 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,362,291 Building only: $1,287,137 Housing area: $994,544 Housing per inmate: $12,589 Housing per cell: $12,589 Total per inmate: $13,761 Total per GSF: $61. 70 Gross square feet/corrections: 22,078 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 22,078 Housing area square feet: 16,818 Gross square feet per inmate: 223 Size of cells: 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: NiA Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 18 Inmates per unit: 18 Management type: Intermittent surv. October 1985 population: 105 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates and State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor; second bunk permanently attached to wall Total annual operating costs: $1,028,776 Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; razor wire on fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 8% Medium: 68% Minimum: 20% ( + 4% safety cells) Structural: Load bearing precast panels Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Textureflex coating on concrete panels Construction process Finance method: Federal and local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; manual alarm stations; exhaust fans interlocked with smoke detectors in ducts 302 Single occupancy: 79 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 20 General population: 79 Total: 99 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Precast concrete wall and roof panels; good competition, favorable market Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 6 Security: 22 Programs/treatment: 2 Maintenance: 6 Total: 36 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.92:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Precast concrete wall and roof panels; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Weather problems; security glass problems N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Mississippi Jackson County NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 303 Mississippi State Penitentiary-Unit 29 Jurisdiction official: Gene A. Scroggy, Commissioner, Department of Corrections Contact: Deputy Warden DwightPresley, Mississippi State Penitentiary-Unit 29, Parchman, MS 38738, 601-745-6611 Architectf The Design. Collective, .P:A.., P.O:'J3ox 22678, 777 North State Street, Jackson, MS 39205, 601-969-7113 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: June 1979 Finish date: September I 98 I Construction time: 28 months Design capacity: 1,576 Total cost: $18,706,145 Total annual operating costs: Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style $6,200,000 Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $18,706,145 Building only: $14,924,901 Gross square feet/corrections: 216,426 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 216,426 Housing area square feet: 175,950 Gross square feet per inmate: 137 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 92% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 12 Inmates per unit: 44 (single cell bldgs.); 64 (dorm bldgs.) Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 1,456 Facility commitment: State prisoners; local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: NIA Housing area: $12,178,475 Housing per inmate: $7, 727 Housing per cell: $23,153 Total per inmate: $11,869 Total per GSF: $86.43 Total annual operating costs: $6,200,000 Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on fence; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 33.5% Minimum: 66.5% Construction type Structural: Load bearing precast panels; precast concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; architectural precast Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete Construction process Finance method: Shared cost from multiple jurisdictions Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive, elements made at plant and shipped to job site Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; tile Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas 304 Single occupancy: 176 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 1,400 Special housing: 0 General population: 1,576 Total: 1,576 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 4 Security: 221 Programs/treatment: 56 Maintenance: 2 Total: 283 Current inmate/staff ratio: 5.14:1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track construction management Negative: Difficult site conditions (landfill required) Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Weather problems; difficult site conditions NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Mississippi Parchman 48 16 0 32 CELLS :A.1~ I l !..../ poc:::i... CELLS L::l..L:C::A- DAY ROOM First Floor Single Cell Units ~ VTVl l -- , CE,.LL.S I Second Floor NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 305 Tunica County Jail and Sheriff's Department Jurisdiction official: Hugh M. Monteith, Jr., Sheriff Contact: Sheriff Hugh M. Monteith, Jr., Tunica County Jail and Sheriff's Department, South Court Street, P.O. Box 25, Tunica, MS 38676, 601-363-1411 Architect: Pritchard & Nickles, Engineers/Planners, P.O. Box 727, 245 First South Street East, Tunica, MS 38676, 601-363-1811 Construction manager: Pritchard & Nickles, P.O. Box 727, 245 First South Street East, Tunica, MS 38676, 601-363-1811 Groundbreaking: October 1978 Finish date: August 1980 Construction time: 22 months Design capacity: 33 Total cost: $8 I 6,893 Total annual operating costs: $115,500 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $816,893 Building only: $789,984 Gross square feet/corrections: 9,345 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 11,373 Housing area square feet: 7,227 Gross square feet per inmate: 283 Size of cells: 71 square feet (gen. single); 146 (double); 67 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: 75% Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 32 Inmates per unit: 33 Management type: Intermittent surveillance September 1986 population: 38 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; beds in dayroom Housing area: $469,768 Housing per inmate: $15,659 Housing per cell: $16,199 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $71.83 Total annual operating costs: $115,500 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; single fence; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 5% Medium 95% Minimum: 0 Construction process Structural: Load bearing CMU Exterior walls: CMU block; brick; architectural precast Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; textured concrete Finance method: G.O. Bonds; Federal funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast floor slabs and exterior stone fascia Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: None HV AC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: China; stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; thermal detectors 306 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 28 Double occupancy: 2 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 3 General population: 30 Total: 33 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 4 Security: 3 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 1 Total: 8 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4. 75: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Weather problems; government procedures, regulations, and red tape NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Mississippi Tunica County 'N <iiTI -~,,,, -., :~'rf'-C: '"".'.l>I ~ . '/... -?i i 41',i... -, l -,, ~ 1l -2 -- --- -,, ~ -=-s. ll Ir I :rl ,- ~ PLAN OF F\RSI FLOCR NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 307 Clay County Detention Center Jurisdiction official: Jack Corum, Sheriff Contact: Captain Mary Richardson, Jail Administrator, Clay County Detention Center, 14 South Water Street, Liberty, MO 64068, 816-792-7625 Architect:Abeni1Sirigl6tiiii<A.[tdditi¢~'iii!I!West Ninth, Kansas City, MO 64105, 816-221-5011 Construction manager: Cecil Lovett, 27 South Leonard, Liberty, MO 64068, 816-781-4189 Groundbreaking: December 1982 Finish date: February 1985 Construction time: 26 months Design capacity: I 6 I Total cost: $6,230,000 Total annual operating costs: $1,464,949 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail (as patt of Justice Complex) Bnilding configuration: Clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $6,230,000 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 60,500 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 60,500 Housing area square feet: 34,600 Gross square feet per inmate: 376 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single); 90 square feet (double) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 10 to 20 Inmates per unit: 10 to 20 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 131 Facility committnent: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $38,696 Total per GSF: $102.98 Total annual operating costs: $1,464,949 . Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 15% (design: 100%) Medium: 20% Minimum: 65% Construction type Construction process Structural: Masonry Exterior walls: Masonry Interior walls: Masonry Exterior surface/facade: Masonry Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; heating includes computerized energy management system Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells 308 Single occupancy: 100 Double occupancy: 32 Dorms: 0 Other: 20 Special housing: 9 General population: 152 Total: 161 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 5 Security: 38 Programs/treattnent: 3 Maintenance: 5 Total: 51 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.57:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: None N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Missouri Clay County "' •• NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 309 Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center, Phase I Jurisdiction official: Ernest L. Cowles, Director, Division of Classification and Treatment Contact: Superintendent Ronald L. Smith, Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center, P.O. Box 581, Fulton, MO 65251-0581, 314-642-1707 Architect:'The.HqffllJan,n.J'(arinershJp;;.7FO North Second Street, Suite 500 South, St. Louis, MO 63102, 314-621-6600 Construction manager: CRS Constructors, Inc., Route I, Box 241A, Fulton, MO 65251, 314-642-0311 Groundbreaking: June 1985 Finish date: January I 987 Construction time: 19 months Design capacity: 264 Total cost: $16,800,000 Total annual operating costs: $4,108,489 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison-diagnostic and reception center Building configuration: Clusters; campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $16,800,000 Building only: $13,050,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 157,107 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 157,107 Housing area square feet: 76,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 595 Size of cells: 83 square feet (gen. single); 145 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 64 Inmates per unit: 64 Management type: Remote surveillance November 1987 population: 391 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Double bunking; Phase II under construction Housing area: $6,300,000 Housing per inmate: $24,609 Housing per cell: $24,609 Total per inmate: $63,636 Total per GSF: $106.93 Total annual operating costs: $4,108,489 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection system; razor wire on fences; towers; patrols; camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Circulating hot water; ventilation in cells and dayrooms Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel; wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas; return air ducts from cells have smoke detectors 312 Structural: Steel frame; load bearing masonry walls Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: State funds; State bond issue Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 256 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 8 General population: 256 Total: 264 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 53 Security: 10 I Programs/treatment: 42 Maintenance: 17 Total: 213 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.85: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties; good material supply response Negative: Weather problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Missouri Fulton NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 313 Missouri Eastern Correctional Center Jllifsdiction official: Dick D. Moore. Director. Department of Corrections and Human Resources Contact: Myma E. Tdcifer, ~uped11tencl~gt, Nlisso,uri Eastern Correctional Center, Pacific, MO 63069, 314-257-3322 Architect:lHellmuth, Obaia·& Kassa6aiiii,i lnc.f, 100\North Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102, 314-421-2000 Construction manager: McBro Planning & Development, 1341 North Rock Hill Road, St. Louis, MO 63126, 314-968-0825 Groundbreaking: December 1978 Finish date: August 1981 Construction time: 32 months Design capacity: 560 Total cost: $20,509,000 Total annual operating costs: $7,571,666 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $20,509,000 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 257,330 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 257,330 Housing area square feet: 106,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 460 Size of cells: 75 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 32 Inmates per unit 32 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 1,028 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Double bunking all available space; mattresses on floor Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $36,623 Total per GSF: $79.70 Total annual operating costs: $7,571,666 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fence; towers Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Strnctural: CIP concrete frame (housing); steel frame (ancillary buildings) Exterior walls: Brick; metal panels Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; painted metal panels Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Constrnction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: Stainless steel; china Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells 316 Single occupancy: 512 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 48 General population: 512 Total: 560 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting constrnction costs: Positive: Campus plan and repetitive, prototypical housing uuits Negative: Difficult site conditions (had to provide own water system) Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 17 Security: 143 Programs/treatment: 34 Maintenance: 26 Total: 220 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.67:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Phased constrnction, fast track construction management Negative: None NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Missouri Pacific Typical Housing Upper Level Typical Housing Lower Level 1 Entrance 2Control 3 Unit Management 4Dayroom 5 Toilets/Showers 6Cells 7 Mechanical NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction IITITI 317 Chouteau County Law Enforcement Facility Jurisdiction official: Paul F. Williams, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff Paul F. Williams, Chouteau County Law Enforcement Facility, 1215 Washington, Fort Benton, MT 59442, 406-622-5451 Architect: Pag~s\¥~rn~r&fartners,.3004thStreetNorth, P.O. Box 3005, Great Falls, MT 59403, 406-727-4405 Construction riiariager·: '•None Groundbreaking: May 1985 Finish date: February 1986 Construction time: 9 months Design capacity: 35 Total cost: $1,415,500 Total annual operating costs: $108,800 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enf., courts, Health & Human Services Admin. office Building configuration: Integ. structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,415,500 Building only: $1,385,500 Gross square feet/corrections: 7,147 Gross square feet/other: 10,411 Gross square feet/total: 17,558 Housing area square feet: 7,147 Gross square feet per inmate: 204 Size of cells: 83 square feet (double) Net/gross square feet: 74% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 4 Inmates per unit: 8 Management type: Remote surveillance; direct, one-way observation January 1987 population: 7 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $803, 172 Housing per inmate: $25,099 Housing per cell: $50,198 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $80.62 Total annual operating costs: $108,800 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 25% Medium: 25% Minimum: 25% Other: 25% Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior wal1s: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; steel stud framing Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete block (colored) with metal fascia Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds; local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; remote locking Intercom: Two-way to cells HV AC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 318 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 32 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 3 General population: 32 Total: 35 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 0 Security: 9 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 1 Total: IO Current inmate/staff ratio: .70: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Montana Chouteau County NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 319 Jefferson County Criminal Justice Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Douglas Schmitz, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Contact: Sheriff Tom Dawson, Jefferson County Criminal Justice Center, Courthouse Square, Boulder, MT 59632, 406-225-3323 Architect: Schutz Foss Architects, 208 North 29th Street, Suite 201, Billings, MT 59101, 406-252-9218 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: May I 985 Finish date: April I 986 Construction time: 11 months Design capacity: 14 Total cost: $1,200,000 Total annual operating costs: $43,500 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, courts Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,200,000 Building only: $1,179,433 Gross square feet/corrections: 4,550 Gross square feet/other: 8,492 Gross square feet/total: 13,042 Housing area square feet: 4,550 Gross square feet per inmate: 325 Size of cells: 75 square feet (single); 285 (gen. dorm); 140 (spec. double) Net/gross square feet: 85% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 3 Inmates per unit: 3 Management type: Intermittent surveillance; direct supervision October 1986 population: 5 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $505,050 Housing per inmate: $45,914 Housing per cell: $56,117 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $92.01 Total annual operating costs: $43,500 (addition only) Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 70% Minimum: 30% Construction type Structural: Load bearing CMU walls and steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Unknown Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HV AC: Heating/air circulation Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 320 Single occupancy: 8 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 3 Special housing: 3 General population: 11 Total: 14 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competitian, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: 2 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 3 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.67: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties; good plans and well-managed construction team Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Montana Jefferson County 0 I i i ' 1 ~ .. L ~i I h lQo c9 NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 321 Lewis and Clark County Criminal Justice Facility Jurisdiction official: Charles M. O'Reilly, Sheriff Contact: Captain Robert Bourassa, Lewis and Clark County Criminal Justice Facility, 221 Breckenridge, Helena, MT 59601, 406-443-1010 Architects: DavidsoriJKilllrAithitects PC,Post Office Box 3064, Great Falls, MT 59403, 406-761-2277 The NBBJ Group, 111 South Jackson Street, Seattle, WA 98104, 206-223-5555 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: June 1983 Finish date: October 1985 Construction time: 28 months Design capacity: 48 Total cost: $3,310,700 Total annual operating costs: $258,229 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,310,700 Building only: $3,130,200 Gross square feet/corrections: 22,275 Gross square feet/other: 20,495 Gross square feet/total: 42,770 Housing area square feet: 15,640 Gross square feet per inmate: 464 Size of cells: 72 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 83% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 6 Inmates per unit: 6 Management type: Remote surveillance October I 985 population: 34 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Ni A Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $77.40 Total annual operating costs: $258,229 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 17% Medium: 58% Minimum: 25% Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: 4" brick/3" rigid insul./611 RCMU Interior walls: Precast panels; CIP concrete; CMU block; 5/8" GBDW over metal studs Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; selected floor slabs; core slabs; steel roof framing Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; exhaust air heat reclaim; hot water boiler, heat pumps Plumbing: Stainless combination unit (penal type) Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 322 Architects' reported analyses Single occupancy: 36 Double occupancy: 2 Dorms: 10 Special housing: 0 General population: 48 Total: 48 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; good soil conditions Negative: Slow construction; restricted site size; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; jail on top floor; complex building shape Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: 10 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: I Total: 12 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.83:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, single construction contract; use of prefab. components Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors; labor problems; weather problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; jail on top floor; restricted site size N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ ...~ i"~ t, J" 2 <!;., 3 ? ~ P. ~- 12-Men / /, Work Release(' I 2 3 g· 2 3 ~ i ~ Outdoor Exercise Bridge/Arcade to Courthouse Detention Level One 0 5 15 rL___J 35 i ;;· ~ 0 a: ~ w ~ (') 0 § q -==g= Pondera County Jail (Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Leon D. Simpson, Sheriff Contact: Robert L. Stocker, Jail Administrator, Pondera County Jail, 20 4th Avenue South, Conrad, MT 59425, 406-278-7681 Architect: Page-Werner, P.C., P.O. Box 3005, Great Falls, MT 59403, 406-727-4405 Construction manager: Page-Werner, P.C., P.O. Box 3005, Great Falls, MT 59403, 406-727-4405 Groundbreaking: March I 986 Finish date: December I 986 Construction time: 9 months Design capacity: 8 Total cost: $1,235,740 Total annual operating costs: NI A (expansion) Category: Remodeling/renovation project; expansion project Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, courts Building confignration: Integ. structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,235,740 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 2,622 Gross square feet/other: 2,202 Gross square feet/total: 4,824 Housing area square feet: 2,622 Gross square feet per inmate: 328 Size of cells: 83 square feet (gen. single); 165 (double) Net/gross square feet: 84% Design: Module/pod; single quadrant configuration Cells per unit: 5 Inmates per unit: 7 Management type: Remote surveillance December 1987 population: 2 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Second bunk Housing area: $340,000 Housing per inmate: $48,571 Housing per cell: $68,000 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $256.17 Total annual operating costs: NI A (expansion) Construction type Security Perimeter: Video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 20% Medium: 80% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame; cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick; architectural precast Interior walls: CMU block; brick Exterior surface/facade: Brick; colored concrete ' Construction process Finance method: Revenue sharing; Federal funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; architectural precast Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; gas-fired steam boiler Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Sprinklers for cells and common areas 324 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 3 Double occupancy: 4 Dorms: 0 Special housing: I General population: 7 Total: 8 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 4 Security: 1 l Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 2 Total: l 7 Current inmate/staff ratio: .12:1 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market Negative: Lengthy building time, courthouse and sheriff's office operational during construction; intricate masonry work to conform to original courthouse detailing; complex electronic and mechanical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow delivery from suppliers; material delivery problems NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Montana Pondera County , > ,i ~~ :, i::- C 1 i~ " I 'II >- i~ .I ~ 8 Bi il'' I --------+ 1,1 a - ~ I I I ~ ~ r ~ I I "-, I ~ . I 6- I I il. ' I II _ _ _ _ _ _ _jI p ~~ I ~ I I I I I >, ~ i ~ I I I I I ____________ j l ' I <ill c / ~ !' \ / / / \ I / @ ,_ '1 _________ / / / / J i I: / / / . _ / / .. J~ ~- Joo ~- ~ NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 325 Yellowstone County Detention Facility Jurisdiction official: Mike Schafer, Sheriff Contact: Lt. Rickard A. Ross, Commander, Yellowstone County Detention Facility, 3165 King A venue, East Billings, MT 59 lO I , 406-256-6884 Architects: DanaLarsonRouoal &Associil'tes/DLR Group,2929 Third Avenue North, First Federal Building, Suite 206, Billings, MT 59101, 406-245-6201 .. Lescher and Mahoney/DLR Group, 1130 East Missouri, Suite 850, Phoenix, AZ 85014, 602-264-6803 Miller Levine Architects, P.C., 3111 !st Avenue North, Billings, MT 59101, 406-245-0947 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: October 1985 Finish date: June I 987 Construction time: 20 months Design capacity: 174 Total cost: $7,607,597 Total annual operating costs: $1,550,567 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, courts Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $7,607,597 Building only: $7,146,058 Gross square feet/corrections: 72,755 Gross square feet/other: 1,598 Gross square feet/total: 74,353 Housing area square feet: 48,972 Gross square feet per inmate: 418 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 85% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 44 Inmates per unit: 44 Management type: Direct supervision October 1987 population: 84 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Not necessary-court-ordered cap on population Housing area: $4,706,693 Housing per inmate: $37,355 Housing per cell: $37,355 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $102.32 Total annual operating costs: $1,550,567 Construction type Security Perimeter: Video camera surveillance; chain link fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 28% Medium: 72% Minimum: 0 Structural: CMU walls; poured-in-place concrete floors; precast concrete tees/ hollowcore roof Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast concrete roof, hollowcore slabs-short, double tees-long Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Carpet; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas and dayrooms HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel; china Furniture: Steel; wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 326 Single occupancy: 126 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 48 General population: 126 Total: 174 Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Quality of bidding documents; favorable bidding climate Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 3 Security: 32 Programs/treatment: 3 Maintenance: 4 Total: 42 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Overcrowding of existing jail; need to have construction underway before onset of winter; mild winter facilitated contractor's schedule Negative: Government procedures and regulations; passing of bond issue (funding) failed first attempt, delaying project 6 months NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Montana Yellowstone County STORAGE WAREHOUSE LAUNORY DAYROOM ,-- -, 0' ' I _____________., • • MECHANICAL ' --- -'. . [__ OUTOOOR RECREATION WOMEN'S UNIT DAYROOM • -'- FIRST FLOOR PLAN m N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction 'LJ----L___j6 327 Dodge County Judicial Center Jurisdiction official: Dan Weddle, Sheriff Contact: William Steyer, Jail Administrator, Dodge County Judicial Center, 4th aud Broad Street, Fremont, NE 68025, 402-721-1962 Archit~t: Daua Larson RoubaLaud Associates, 400 Essex Court Omaha, NE 68114, 402-393-4100 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: June I 985 Finish date: November 1986 Construction time: 17 months Design capacity: 43 Total cost: $3,259,060 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, courts Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,259,060 Building only: $3,124,060 Gross square feeUcorrections: 22,688 Gross square feeUother: 18,562 Gross square feeUtotal: 41,250 Housing area square feet: 9,625 Gross square feet per inmate: 528 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) NeUgross square feet: 69% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 2 to 8 Inmates per unit: 2 to 8 Management type: Intermittent surveillauce December 1987 population: 32 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $1,250,000 Housing per inmate: $41,667 Housing per cell: $41,667 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $93.28 Total aunual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 12% Medium: 88% Minimum: 0 Strucmral: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick; architecmral precast Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Lease purchase bonds Contract method: Separate contracts Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Carpet; sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas; two-way radios HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel; wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 328 Single occupancy: 30 Double occupaucy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 13 General population: 30 Total: 43 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 18 Programs/treatment: I Maintenauce: I Total: 22 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.45: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses aud delivery from vendors, suppliers N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Nebraska Dodge County PU■LIC LOHV JAIL REC- RECEPTION ORD8 JAIL ADMIN. ITAFF Ul TI-PURl'OIE YIIITATION n n MALE A CONIUL,I LAHROO INDOOR RECREATION MECHANICAL 2ND FLOOR PLAN o s 10 20 EQ) ao NORTH II • • EXISTING COURTHOUSE NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 329 Douglas County Correctional Center Jurisdiction official: Michael KeJly, County Commissioner Contact: Joseph Vitek, Director, Douglas County Correctional Center, 710 South 17 Street, Omaha, NE 68102, 402-444-7400 Architect: Dana,J;arson?RoiiliaVU,sche{&ll'fajlQrtey, Inc., 1130 East Missouri, Suite 850, Phoenix, AZ 85014, 602-264-6803 Construction manager: None ·· Groundbreaking: January 1977 Finish date: July 1979 Construction time: 3 I months Design capacity: 204 Total cost: $4,636,423 Total annual operating costs: $4,000,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Bnilding configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $4,636,423 Building only: $4,200,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 84,995 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 84,995 Housing area square feet: 60,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 417 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: I 6 to 20 Inmates per unit: 16 to 20 Management type: Direct supervision October I 985 population: 300 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; felony pretrial detainees Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $22,728 Total per GSF: $54.55 Total annual operating costs: $4,000,000 Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden; steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Carpet; vinyl composition tile Intercom: Dayrooms and control rooms HVAC: Heating/air circulation only; solar heating Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells, conidors, and dayrooms 330 Construction type Structural: Poured-in-place concrete; load bearing masonry Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; brick Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 202 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 2 General population: 202 Total: 204 Construction process Finance method: Local funds; Federal funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast concrete tees for roof Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: None Negative: Hardware costs (security); lack of program definition Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Good client Negative: Court mandate to complete Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 15 Security: I 00 Programs/treatment: 15 Maintenance: 30 Total: 160 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.87:1 NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Nebraska Douglas County BEcor\D LEVEL NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction PLAN k---r-~ 331 Nebraska State Penitentiary (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Frank 0. Gunter, Director, Department of Correctional Services Contact: Warden Gary Grammer, Nebraska State Penitentiary, P.O. Box 2500, Station B, Lincoln, NE 68502, 402-471-3161 Architects: Leo A. Daly, 8600 Indian Hills Drive, Omaha, NE 68114, 402-391-8111 Curtis and Davis, Architects and Planners, Inc., 512 South Peters Street, New Orleans, LA 70130, 504-522-3656 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: April 1979 Finish date: August 1982 Construction time: 40 months Design capacity: 320 Total cost: $14,500,000 Total annual operating costs: $9,149,393 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $14,500,000 Building only: $11,850,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 137,776 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 137,776 Housing area square feet: 66,732 Gross square feet per inmate: 431 Size of cells: 74 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 62% Design: Linear 'X' with dining at center Cells per unit: 80 Inmates per unit: 80 Management type: Remote surveillance September 1986 population: 684 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell Housing area: $4,921,000 Housing per inmate: $20,504 Housing per cell: $20,504 Total per inmate: $45,313 Total per GSF: $105.24 Total annual operating costs: $9,149,393 (addition only) Security Perimeter: Double fence; alannldetection systems; razor wire on and between fences; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame; load bearing CMU block walls Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Carpet; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; steam heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; manual alarm stations 332 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 240 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 80 General population: 240 Total: 320 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple const. methods, repetitiveness of design; CMU walls; pouredin-place concrete; good competition; utility plant Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic and mechanical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 46 Security: 223 Programs/treatment: 34 Maintenance: 48 Total: 351 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.95: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple const. methods, repetitiveness of design; CMU walls; pouredin-place concrete; coordination of design; single construction contract Negative: Slow delivery from vendors; weather problems; complex electronic and mechanical systems N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Nebraska Lincoln "11 ~~ li1 ----, ~~"V~,;;;..,..~..;;;,"TT"'""'II·\ . ,:I I 'I I ' NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 333 Clark County Detention Center Jurisdiction official: John T. Moran, Sheriff Contact: Gordon Yach, Director, Clark County Detention Center, 330 South Casino Center Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV 89101, 702-383-7650 Architect:Hellmuth, Obata&Kassabaum, Inc., One Lombard Street, San Francisco, CA 94111, 415-627-1600 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: June 1981 Finish date: June 1984 Construction time: 36 months Design capacity: 850 Total cost: $43,500,000 Total annual operating costs: $17,586,658 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure; high rise; clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $43,500,000 Building only: $43,000,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 350,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 350,000 Housing area square feet: 234,500 Gross square feet per inmate: 412 Size of cells: 71 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 70% Design: Modular Cells per unit: 48-49 Inmates per unit: 48-49 Management type: Direct supervision; remote surveillance October 1985 population: 915 Facility comntitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in dayrooms of intake Housing area: $28,140,000 Housing per inmate: $35,175 Housing per cell: $35,175 Total per inmate: $51,176 Total per GSF: $124.29 Total annual operating costs: $17,586,658 Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 12% Medium: 63% Minimum: 25% Construction type Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Prefab. panels using tile surface, metal frame, bait insulation, plaster Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Tile Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; exterior wall Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Carpet; epoxy coating; sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells; one-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas 334 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 800 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 50 General population: 800 Total: 850 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market; direct supervision; extensive value engineering Negative: Complex electronic, mechancal, and electrical systems; use of four bid packages Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 154 Security: 289 Programs/treatment: 28 Maintenance: 34 Total: 505 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.81:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Phased construction, fast track construction management; tight contract with general contractor that specified schedule Negative: Use of four bid packages NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Nevada Clark County Mezzanine Level 1 Sally Port 2 Secure Elevator 3 Visiting 4 Meeting Room 5 Control Below 6 Outdoor Exercise 7 Showers 8 Typical Cell Main Level 1 Sally Port 2 Secure Elevator 3 Multi-purpose 4SickCall 5 Storage 6 Commissary 7 Dayroom 8 Typical Cell NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 9 Food Service 10 Outdoor Exercise Above 11 Control 12 Counseling 335 Camden County Correctional Facility Jurisdiction official: William J. Simon, Sheriff Co,;itact: Warden William C. Strang, Jr., Camden County Correctional Facility, 310 Federal Street, Camden, NJ 08101, 609-757-6657 Architect: Sullivan Associates, Architects & Planners, ,:2314 Market Street, 2nd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103, 215-567-7300 Construction manager: The Lisiewski Group, 19 WesfCuthbert Boulevard, Collingswood, NJ 08108, 609-854-7500 Groundbreaking: October 1983 Finish date: September 1987 Construction time: 4 7 months Design capacity: 499 Total cost: $28,300,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: High rise Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $28,300,000 Building only: $27,720,000 Gross square feeVcorrections: 244,000 Gross square feeVother: 0 Gross square feeVtotal: 244,000 Housing area square feet: 91,500 Gross square feet per inmate: 489 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) NeVgross square feet: 57% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 14 to 38 Inmates per unit: 14 to 38 Management type: Remote surveillance December 1987 population: 0 (electrical problems prevent opening) Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $12,700,000 Housing per inmate: $29, I 95 Housing per cell: $29,195 Total per inmate: $56,713 Total per GSF: $115.98 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 20% Medium: 80% Minimum: 0 Structural: Precast concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast concrete frame Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Dexotex (rubber composite flooring) Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; solar heat; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 336 Single occupancy: 435 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 64 General population: 435 Total: 499 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; BOCP code for life safety was problematic in correctional facility Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; electrical engineer unable to meet deadlines for installation and debugging of system NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction New Jersey Camden County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 337 Gerald L. Gormley Justice Facility Jurisdiction official: Richard E. Squires, County Executive Contact: Joseph D. Wagner, Division Director, Gerald L. Gormley Justice Facility, 2200 Atlantic A venue, Mays Landing, NJ08330, 609-641-0111 Architect: Sullivan Associates, Architects & Planners, 2314 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, 215-567-7300 Construction manager: Day and Zimmerman, 2200 Atlantic Avenue, 24 East Main Street, Mays Landing, NJ 08330, 609-625-0044 Groundbreaking: July I 982 Finish date: June 1984 Construction time: 23 months Design capacity: 368 Total cost: $13,744,500 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, courts Building configuration: Courtyard Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $13,744,500 Building only: $12,878,500 Gross square feet/corrections: 105,000 Gross square feet/other: 2,400 Gross square feet/total: 107,400 Housing area square feet: 57,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 285 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 70% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 32 Inmates per unit: 32 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1986 population: 518 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom; second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $6,200,000 Housing per inmate: $24,219 Housing per cell: $24,219 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $127.97 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on fences Inmate security level: Maximum: 22% Medium: 54% Minimum: 24% Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Local funds; State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: .Metallic cement coating Intercom: Two-way to common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; other energy recycle unit; waste-to-energy facility onsite Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 338 Single occupancy: 256 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 112 General population: 256 Total: 368 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Phased construction, fast track construction management; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 25 Security: 110 Programs/treatment: 16 Maintenance: 0 Total: 151 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.43: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track construction management Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction New Jersey Atlantic County FIRST FLOOR PLAN N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction 1. public lobby 2. central control 3. administration 4. visitation 5. Indoor recreation 6. library 7. counseling 8. classroom 9. vehicular sallyport 10. medical 11. Intake/release 12. holding 13. laundry 14. kitchen 15. 2 level cluster 16. control 17. outdoor recreation 339 Middlesex County Correctional Facility Jurisdiction official: Anthony Pellicane, Director, Corrections and Youth Services Contact: Warden Rudolph Johnson, Middlesex County Correctional Facility, P.O. Box 226, New Brunswick, NJ 08903, 201-297-3636 ArchitectiThe Grad Partnership, Gateway One, Newark, NJ 07102, 201-621-1700 Construction manager: None · Groundbreaking: December 1981 Finish date: July 1984 Construction time: 30 months Design capacity: 330 Total cost: $18,000,000 Total annuaJ operating costs: $10,007,500 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building conliguration: Integrated structure; courtyard Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $18,000,000 Building only: $17,738,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 145,521 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 145,521 Housing area square feet: 58,695 Gross square feet per inmate: 441 Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: 61 % Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 24 Inmates per unit: 24 Management type: Remote surveillance November I 987 population: 505 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; use of old building Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $54,545 Total per GSF: $123.69 Total annual operating costs: $10,007,500 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on fences Inmate security level: Maximum: 15% Medium: 85% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Dryvit Interior walls: Poured-in-place concrete Exterior surface/facade: Finished system Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Carpet; sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; gas/oil option boiler Plumbing: Stainless steel; china Furniture: Steel; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 340 Single occupancy: 300 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 30 General population: 300 Total: 330 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Rural open site Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 35 Security: 174 Programs/treatment: 22 Maintenance: 15 Total: 246 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.30: I NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ;;: ~ ~ 1· i:, i· ~ r---i ~ ~ ~ 1: i ~ 1. Allt.ftSTR,\TION ~- 2. STN'F LOCKERS . """""' ··- 3. CONTACT VISITNG <"""-'MEDICAL ~ """-' •coo.Ma.LOG 7. SHORT-TERM FBW.E HOUSNG • a.ASSAOOMS ~ g· 10.Ufl/ERSM. GYM 11,t.BRARY 12. VOC,.TION,tJ,. 13. ~ EXERCISE 14. EXPANSION ,......,..... 1S.WLEtt:lt.lSN3 22 17.STORA(E 1a FOOO PREPARA110N 19.STN'FOl-«3 "'-ONNG 21. OUTDOOR EXEACt5E 22. VBtCl.E SALLYPORT 23. NTAKE PROCeSSING , . NTERVEW ROOMS 25. PffllPEATY STOAAGE 19 20 26. SEa.HTY M:IMNSTRATION 27. CENTRAL CONT1'IOL 28. SHORT-~ MALE HOU!3N3 21 """-'""""'- "'"""" """" C ~ CONTROL STATION ------------, ''' '' ,-·'' "-; ' :' '' ' '' ''I 14 r-1 /_ ___ ...J I .i:,. ' r--1 I ' ' \,) w : f I L ____ _J 'I j Ocean County Justice Complex Jurisdiction official: Benjamin H. Mabie, County Administrator Contact: Warden Theodore J. Hutler, Ocean County Justice Complex, IOI Hooper Avenue, CN 2191, Toms River, NJ 08754, 201-929-2043 .. Architects:;{l'l!~(Q&'!lkJ~?J:l!!.l'rnhip,,Ga~~~YA!;!d~,1!::!t~"i!rk, NJ 07102, 201-621-1700 ·. Henningson; Durham; & lµchai"ds(5ri"(•'ln~)i/12700 Hillcrest, Suite 125, Dallas, TX 75230, 214-980-0001 Construction manager: None ·· · · · · Groundbreaking: March I 982 Finish date: November 1985 Construction time: 44 months Design capacity: 209 Total cost: $20,000,000 Total annual operating costs: $3,658,500 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, courts Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $20,000,000 Building only: $18,600,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 60,548 Gross square feet/other: Unknown Gross square feet/total: Unknown Housing area square feet: 34,182 Gross square feet per inmate: 290 Size of cells: 72 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 73% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 64 Inmates per unit: 64 Management type: Remote surveillance May 1987 population: 214 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: 96 bed annex Housing area: $6,357,000 Housing per inmate: $33,109 Housing per cell: $33,109 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $3,658,500 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 20% Medium: 80% Minimum: 0 Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Brick; A WP panels Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; glass Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating; sealed Single occupancy: 192 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 17 General population: I 92 Total: 209 Architects' reported analyses concrete Intercom: One-way to common areas; two-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 342 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 9 Security: 94 Programs/treatment: ! I Maintenance: 10 Total: 124 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.73:l Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Steel reinforcement and concrete filled partitions; slow construelion, lengthy building time; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Labor problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction New Jersey Ocean County NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 343 Southern State Correctional Facility: Modular Units (Phase I and II) Jurisdiction official: William H. Fauver. Commissioner. Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Robert Edmiston, Southern State Correctional Facility, Route #47, Delmont, NJ 08314, 609-785-1300 Archit~t: CUH2A Architects, Engineers, Planner~;JjOO Alexander Road, CN 5240, Princeton, NJ 08540, 609-452-1212 Modular manufacturer: Arthur Industries, inc.',· P.O. Box 74, South Main Street, Terryville, CT 06786, 203-582-6552 Construction manager: Shoemaker Construction Company, 245 South 24th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, 215-732-2000 Groundbreaking: December 1982 Finish date: January 1984 Construction time: 6 months (Phase I); 5 months (Phase II) Design capacity: 1, 106 Total cost: $24,300,000 Total annual operating costs: $25,265,000 (entire facility) Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $24,300,000 Building only: Unknown Gross square feeUcorrections: 225,580 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feeUtotal: 225,580 Housing area square feet: Unknown Gross square feet per inmate: 224 Size of cells: Unknown NeUgross square feet: 92% Design: Dormitory style housing Cells per unit: 0 Inmates per unit: 80 Management type: Intermittent surveillance (segregation); direct supervision (dorm) Current population: Unknown Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in wing Housing area: $10,672,284 Housing per inmate: $10,846 Housing per cell: $296,452 Total per inmate: $24,107 Total per GSF: $107.72 Total annual operating costs: $25,265,000 (entire facility) Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fences; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 2% Medium: 83% Minimum: 15% Construction type Structural: Steel frame; wood trusses; steel members Exterior walls: Steel panels, masonite siding over studs, metal panels over steel substructure Interior walls: CMU block; fiberglass panels over gypsum board; steel panels Exterior surface/facade: Natural wall Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional (Phase I); CM fast track (Phase II) Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; modules for all housing and some program/ support; pre-engineered buildings for some program/support Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating; vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas, cells, and dorms HVAC: Air conditioning; electric heat pump Plumbing: China; stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 344 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 984 Special housing: 24 General population: 984 Total: 1,008 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods; phased construction; fast track CM; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 6 I Security: 464 Programs/treatment: 71 Maintenance: 44 Total: 640 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track CM; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; bad weather N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ ...~ ~- ~ t, ~- c ;;i TYPICAL HOUSING COMPLEX ~ ~ DETENTION UNIT TYPICAL MODULE ~ ~~ ~ ; Inmate ~ ~ ~- 1nmatE !["][J ~-=_J Pantry l ~J ---~--J..,,: ~~!~~lg;:~ •• ' Socia __ ;~~~•ping Worker :Q4couns~lin ~ oo 0 - Control ■ lnmafe Sleeping 1Spaces -II- -11- •lding C on tr oI --- ! 0 Day Room " In,leepin? Areal--,-, ■ l -- .rt=7 tl Seal, n--f7e I ~ ~~ s0 "' ~ g "< Trenton State Prison (Addition/Remodel) Jurisdiction official: William H. Fauver, Commissioner, Department of Corrections Contact: Howard L. Beyer, Administrator, Trenton State Prison, Third Street, Trenton, NJ 08611, 609-292-9700 Architect: The Grad Partnership, Gateway One, Newark, NJ 07102, 201-621-1700 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: September 1979 Finish date: October 1982 Construction time: 37 months Design capacity: 837 Total cost: $65,000,000 Total annual operating costs: $44,580,000 (entire facility) Category: New, ancillary building; remodel/renovation Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integ. structure; high rise; courtyard Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $65,000,000 Building only: $42,149,106 Gross square feet/corrections: 359,518 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 359,518 Housing area square feet: 222,970 Gross square feet per inmate: 430 Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: 76.5% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit: 48 Management type: Remote surveillance May 1987 population: 768 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NI A (remodel) Total per GSF: $180.80 Total annual operating costs: $44,580,000 (entire facility) Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; alann/detection systems Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; brick Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Climate control Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas 346 Single occupancy: 837 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 837 Total: 837 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: None Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 111 Security: 821 Programs/treatment: 116 Maintenance: 68 Total: 1,116 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.03:1 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction New Jersey Trenton (No floorplan available at time of publication) N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 347 Warren County Correctional Center Jurisdiction official: Robert Sharr, Warden Contact: Warden Robert Sharr, Warren County Correctional Center, Belvidere, NJ 07823, 201-475-8200 Architect: L Robert Kimball & Associates, 615 West Highland Avenue, Ebensburg, PA 15931, 814-472-7700 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: April I 984 Finish date: February 1986 Construction time: 22 months Design capacity: 76 Total cost: $5,408,522 Total annual operating costs: $1,578,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $5,408,522 Building only: $5,172,289 Gross square feet/corrections: 49,400 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 49,400 Housing area square feet: 15,300 Gross square feet per inmate: 650 Size of cells: 60 to 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: NI A Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 4 to 12 Inmates per unit: 4 to I 2 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 56 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $71,165 Total per GSF: $109.48 Total annual operating costs: $1,578,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 20% Medium: 60% Minimum: 20% Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; steam heating plant Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alann stations; smoke ejectors 348 Single occupancy: 69 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 7 General population: 69 Total: 76 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; competitive bidding climate Negative: High labor costs; only one prison equipment bidder Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 4 Security: 55 Programs/treatment: I Maintenance: 4 Total: 64 Current inmate/staff ratio: .87:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Labor, weather, and contractor problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction New Jersey Warren County a: • 1-0 - UJo a: -..J 0 0 LI.LI. ~---·"..."'.,..., ti l » j I N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction I 349 Bernalillo County Detention Center (South Tower) Jurisdiction official: Michael F. Hanrahan, Director Contact: Michael F. Hanrahan, Director, Bernalillo County Detention Center, 415 Roma Street NW., Albuquerque, NM 87102, 505-7P4-3590 Architect: Hellmuth,.Obata, ~J<;;,ssabaum, Inc:,Q11-,;J,,ombard Street, San Francisco, CA 94111, 415-627-1600 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: July 1977 Finish date: November I 979. Construction time: 28 months Desigµ capacity: 300 Total cost: $7,000,000 Total annual operating costs: N/A (addition added later) Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure; high rise; clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $7,000,000 Building only: $6,800,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 107,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 107,000 Housing area square feet: 71,690 Gross square feet per inmate: 357 Size of cells: 71 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 65% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit: 48 Management type: Remote surveillance; patrols October 1985 population: 288 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; mattresses on floor Housing area: $4,690,000 Housing per inmate: $16,285 Housing per cell: $16,285 Total per inmate: $23,333 Total per GSF: $65.42 Total annual operating costs: NI A (addition added later) Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% (design) Medium: 100% (use) Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Exterior surface/facade: Metal with fiberglass insulation Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; exterior walls Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas HYAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas 350 Single occupancy: 288 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 12 General population: 288 Total: 300 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good bidding climate; low area/bed cost Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: Contractor problems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: NI A Security: NIA Programs/treatment: Ni A Maintenance: NI A Total: N/A (addition added later) Current inmate/staff ratio: N/ A NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction New Mexico Bernalillo County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 351 / Central New Mexico Correctional Facility Jurisdiction official: O.L. McCotter, Secretary, Corrections Department Contact: Warden Dareld Kerby, C~I1tral New l'vl~~ico Corr~ctional Facility, P .0. Drawer 1328, Los Lunas, NM 87031, 505-865-2300 Architect: W.C Kruger,,& Associates; Ai-chitects,J:!Jam\ei]\ Inc., P.O. Box 1084, Albuquerque, NM 87103, 505-842-8663 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: December 1980 Finish date: October 1982 Construction time: 21 months Design capacity: 486 Total cost: $18,975,756 Total annual operating costs: $8,800,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Clusters; campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $18,975,756 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: I 71,267 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 171,267 Housing area square feet: 70,550 Gross square feet per inmate: 352 Size of cells: 63 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit: 48 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 480 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunks on floor in common areas Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $39,045 Total per GSF: $110.80 Total annual operating costs: $8,800,000 Security Perimeter: Double fence with razor wire; alann/detection system; tower Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: 2-story precast concrete, exterior walls and roof Exterior walls: Precast load bearing concrete Interior walls: Load bearing CMU interior partitions Exterior surface/facade: Natural wall, no coating or treatment Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; precast concrete walls and roof system Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way control to common areas; pager to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Wood; concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 352 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 486 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 486 Total: 486 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 22 Security: 202 Programs/treatment: 31 Maintenance: 18 Total: 273 Current inmate/staff ratio: I. 76: I NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction New Mexico Los Lunas (No floorplan available at time of publication) N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction 353 Penitentiary of New Mexico Jurisdiction official: O.L. Mccotter, Secretary, Corrections Department Contact: Efren Montoya, Admin. As~istaJJ!Jenite~tiary of N~:,V M"eJ<ico, P. 0. Box 1059, Santa Fe, NM 87504-1059, 505-47 I - 7300 Joint venture architects:.,The,Grilzen Partnership,251•PostiStreet;J$an Francisco, CA 94108, 415-956-5515 Hutchinson, Brown & Partners, 215 Gold SW., Albuquerque, NM 87102, 505-842-5630 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: June 1982 Finish date: March 1985 Construction time: 33 months Design capacity: 576 Total cost: $32,525,610 Total annual operating costs: $3,700,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $32,525,610 Building only: $29,085,682 Gross square feet/corrections: 285,272 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 285,272 Housing area square feet: 188,820 Gross square feet per inmate: 495 Size of cells: 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 72% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit: 48 Management type: Remote surveillance October I 985 population: 16 I Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: N/ A Housing area: $27,192,158 (incl. special housing) Housing per inmate: $47,209 Housing per cell: $47,209 Total per inmate: $56,468 Total per GSF: $114.01 Total annual operating costs: $3,700,000 Construction type Security Structural: Load bearing precast panels; cast-in-place and precast concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Paint Perimeter: Double fence; alann/detection systems; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 50% Medium: 50% Minimum: 0 Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/Jocking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Evaporative cooling; central heating plant-boiler unit Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel; concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas 354 Single occupancy: 384 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: O Special housing: I 92 General population: 384 Total: 576 Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: Limited; contractors trained inmates Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast panels Architects' reported analyses Current staff Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Government "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; multiple-bid contracts Full-time equivalent: Administration: 5 Security: 97 Programs/treatment: 18 Maintenance: 3 Total: 123 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.31:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses from vendors; weather problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; multiple-bid contracts NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction New Mexico Santa Fe NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 355 Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility Jurisdiction official: O.L. Mccotter, Secretary, Corrections Department Contact: Warden Eloy Mondragon, Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility, P.O. Box 639, Las Cruces, NM 88004, 505-523-3200 Architect: W.C. Kruger & Associates, Archite.ctscpJanners, Inc., P.O. Box 1084, Albuquerque, NM 87103, 505-842-8663 Construction manager: Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc., Two Morrison Knudsen Plaza, Boise, ID 83729, 208-386-6162 Gronndbreaking: December 1982 Finish date: July 1985 Construction time: 31 months Design capacity: 480 Total cost: $25,289,795 Total annual operating costs: $8,862,986 (excluding medical) Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Clusters; campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $25,289,795 Building only: $24,689,795 Gross square feet/corrections: 231,994 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 231,994 Housing area square feet: 125,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 483 Size of cells: 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit: 48 Management type: Remote surveillance; roving foot patrols October 1985 population: 480 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $52,687 Total per GSF: $109.01 Total annual operating costs: $8,862,986 (excluding medical) Security Perimeter: Double fence with razor wire~ alann/detection system; tower Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Cast-in-place concrete Exterior walls: Precast roof and exterior walls; precast concrete panels Interior walls: Load bearing CMU interior walls Exterior surface/facade: Natural wall, no coating or treatment Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; precast concrete walls and roof system Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote electronic locking with key override Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: Stainless steel; china Furniture: Wood; concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 356 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 480 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 480 Total: 480 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components; simple construction methods; fast track construction; good bidding market Negative: State requirement of hiring outside construction manager; high labor costs; government "red tape" Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I 6 Security: 199 Programs/treatment: 38 Maintenance: 11 Total: 264 (excludes medical, mental health, corr. indus., food service) Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.82: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefab. components; simple con. methods; fast track con.; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design Negative: 15 bid packages; slow delivery from suppliers; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction New Mexico Las Cruces (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 357 Western New Mexico Correctional Facility Jurisdiction official: O.L. McCotter, Secretary, Corrections Department Contact: Warden Tom Newton, Western New Mexico Correctional Facility, P.O. Drawer 250, Lobo Canyon Road, Grants, NM 87020; 505-287-7961 Architect: W.C. Kruger &Associates, Architects'Planners, Inc., First Interstate Bank Building, Suite 1100, 4th and Gold Southwest, P.O. Box 1084, Albuquerque, NM 87103, 505-842-8663 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: March 1983 Finish date: September 1984 Construction time: 18 months Design capacity: 258 Total cost: $15,404,215 Total annnal operating costs: $5,721,400 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Clusters; campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $15,404,215 Building only: $14,967,728 Gross square feet/corrections: 132,409 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 132,409 Housing area square feet: 57,842 Gross square feet per inmate: 513 Size of cells: 63 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 24, 32, 48 Inmates per unit: 24, 32, 48 Management type: Remote surveillance October I 985 population: 25 I Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom and hallways Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $59,706 Total per GSF: $116.34 Total annual operating costs: $5, 72 I ,400 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; double fence with razor wire; detection system; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 30% Medium: 40% Minimum: 30% Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas; all call HVAC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation; heat pumps; fan coil units; central boiler plant Plumbing: Stainless steel; china; cast iron rough plumbing Furniture: Wood; concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; sprinklers throughout facility 358 Structural: Load bearing precast panels; load bearing CMU Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Colored and textured concrete Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; precast walls and roof system Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 232 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Other: 11 Special housing: 15 General population: 243 Total: 258 Architect's reported analyses Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 42 Security: 117 Programs/treatment: 22 Maintenance: 10 Total: 191 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.31: I Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefab. components; simple con. methods; fast track con.; good bidding market; good contractors and inspector Negative: High labor costs; government "red tape"; remote location Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefab. components; simple con. methods; fast track con.; adv. order of materials and hardware; coordination of design; gen. contr. in charge of purchasing Negative: Some slow delivery from vendors, suppliers; government "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction New Mexico Grants (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 359 Youth Diagnostic and Development Center Jurisdiction official: Lloyd W. Mixdorf, Director, Juvenile Facilities and Programs Division Contact: Superintendent Celedonio Vigil, Youth Diagnostic and Development Center, 4000 Edith Boulevard, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505-841-2400 Architect: Fernandez, Lujan; Ileltran;Jhc:,,8009(~arble Northeast, Albuquerque, NM 871 IO, 505-262-2391 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: April 1982 Finish date: April 1983 Construction time: 12 months Design capacity: 100 Total cost: $1,800,000 Total annual operating costs: $2,728,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State youth detention facility Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,800,000 Building only: $1,300,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 24,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 24,000 Housing area square feet: 12,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 240 Size ofcells: 75 square feet (per inmate) Net/gross square feet: 81 % Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 20 Inmates per unit: 20-25 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: 148 Facility commitment: Juveniles Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; mattresses on floor Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $18,000 Total per GSF: $75.00 Total annual operating costs: $2,728,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; alarm/detection system Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 100% Structural: Steel frame; load bearing masonry walls Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden; steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Linoleum; carpet; sealed concrete; ceramic tile Intercom: One-way to cells; two-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; solar; gas-fired heating plant/forced air Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alami stations 360 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 100 Special housing: 0 General population: 100 Total: 100 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 22 Security: 44 Programs/treatment: 32 Maintenance: I 0 Total: 108 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.37:1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; durability of materials Negative: Government "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; vandal/tamper resistance requirements Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Weather problems; government procedures, regulations, "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems (solar units) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction New Mexico Albuquerque T I I TYPICAL BOY'S DORMITORY PLAN NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction " ••••• . 361 Youth Diagnostic and Development Center-Phase ill (Addition/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Lloyd W. Mixdorf, Director, Juvenile Facilities and Programs Division Contact: Superintendent Caledonio Vigil, Youth Diagnostic and Development Center, 4000 Edith Boulevard, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505-841-2400 Architect: Van H. Gilbert Architect, 319 Central Avenue NW., Suite 201, Albuquerque, NM 87102, 505-247-9955 Construction manager: None Gronndbreaking: September 1983 Finish date: March 1985 Construction time: 18 months Design capacity: 7 Total cost: $2,551,601 Total annual operating costs: $2,653,800 (entire facility) Category: New, ancillary building; expansion project Facility type: State youth detention facility support service Building configuration: Courtyard; clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,551,601 Building only: $2,321,360 Gross square feet/corrections: 23,568 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 23,568 Housing area square feet: NI A Gross square feet per inmate: 3,367 Size ofcells: 72 square feet (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: 80% Design: NIA Cells per unit: NI A Inmates per unit: NIA Management type: Direct supervision October 1986 population: 135 (entire facility) Facility commitment: Juveniles Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor Housing area: NI A Housing per inmate: NIA Housing per cell: NI A Total per inmate: NI A Total per GSF: $108.27 Total annual operating costs: $2,653,800 (entire facility) Security Perimeter: Building exterior; single fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% (design) Medium: 100% (use) Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Architectural precast; steel stud with exterior insulating finish system Interior walls: Steel stud drywall; CMU at special housing Exterior surface/facade: Exterior insulating finishing system Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; architectural precast and some stud wall framing prefabricated offsite · Inmate design capacity Inmate cells (No general population cells) Doors/material: NI A Doors/type: NI A Doors/locking: N/ A Floor surface: NI A Intercom: NIA HVAC: NIA Plumbing: NI A Furniture: NI A Fire protection: NIA 362 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: O Dorms: 0 Special housing: 7 General population: 0 Total: 7 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market Negative: Government procedures, regulations, and red tape Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 24 Security: 48 Programs/treatment: 28 Maintenance: 9 Total: 109 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.24: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction New Mexico Albuquerque _[J [J [J [J [J ,. _',A __ ·,,.._ .• ~ u u u u lr [] olo o o • . ' t.....,...,._.,_· ~~ 88888= OIJlfilJ ,_, ~ , .. i • r i C II I ...7 :r. ! i I l ~r ~i. i: NIJ/National v·1rectory ,I' Corrections OJ C onstruction i! I 363 Brooklyn Correctional Facility (Remodel) Jurisdiction official: Richard J. Koehler, Commissioner, New York City Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Marvin Fischer, Brooklyn Correctional Facility, 136 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205, 718-802-3301 Architect: The Office of David EllioULeibo"1itz, RC., 70 Wes(l40th Street, New York, NY l0018, 212-354-8I00 Construction manager: A. J. Contracting C:o.', 470 Park Avenue.South, New York, NY 10016, 212-889-9100 Groundbreaking: February 1984 Finish date: June 1986 Construction time: 28 months Design capacity: 810 Total cost: $34,000,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: Remodel/renovation project Facility type: City jail Building configuration: High rise; ladder, telephone pole; 5 stories, 6 wings per floor Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $34,000,000 Building only: $34,000,000 Gross square feeUcorrections: 355,000 Gross square feeUother: 0 Gross square feeUtotal: 355,000 Housing area square feet: 180,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 438 Size of cells: 2,059 square feet (dorm) NeUgross square feet: 80% Design: Ladder, telephone pole; dormitory style housing Cells per unit: I Inmates per unit: 30 Management type: Remote surveillance July I 986 population: 56 I Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $14,000,000 Housing per inmate: $17,284 Housing per cell: $518,519 Total per inmate: $41,975 Total per GSF: $95. 77 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Security Perimeter: Single fence; razor wire on fence; patrols; guard booths Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas and dorms HVAC: Steam heat; ventilation by operable windows Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; sprinklers in corridors 364 Construction type Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick; steel plate and insulated cementitious panels Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; gypsum board and steel sheet Exterior surface/facade: Brick; paint; painted concrete and transite panels and steel plate Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 810 Special housing: 0 General population: 810 Total: 8IO Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 39 Security: 366 Programs/treatment I 0 Maintenance: 18 Total: 433 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.30: I Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Fast track construction management Negative: Difficult site conditions; staged occupancy of prison caused escalation of costs as security requirements increased Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Phased construction, fast track construction management; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties Negative: Phased occupancy of prison NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction New York New York 0 ? ! I I --1--, ! I I i ' 0-0----·--- ®------- - - ---·-•--· -+-,-ll,,---...... . I --l>===;a.....: - , NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 365 Elmira Correctional & Reception Center Food Service & Dining Facility (Remodel) Jurisdiction official: Thomas A. Coughlin III. Commissioner. Department of Correctional Services Contact: Superintendent Ronald E. Miles, Elmira Correctional & Reception Center, Corner of Bancroft & Davis Streets, P.O. Box 500, Elmira, NY 14902, 607-734-3901 Architect: Quinlivan Pierik & Krause, Architects/Engineers, IOI East Water Street, P.O. Box 29, Syracuse, NY 13201-0029, 315-472-7806 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: August 1978 Finish date: December 1978 Construction time: 4 months Design capacity: Ni A Total cost: $1,817,000 Total annual operating costs: $1,290,000 Category: Remodeling/renovation project; phased project (past) Facility type: State prison food service and dining facility Building configuration: Unknown Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,817,000 Building only: $1,817,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 46,768 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 46,768 Housing area square feet: 0 Gross square feet per inmate: Ni A Size of cells: None Net/gross square feet: 84% Design: NIA Cells per unit: Ni A Inmates per unit: Ni A Management type: Unknown Current population: Ni A Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Ni A Housing area: NIA (no housing) Housing per inmate: NIA Housing per cell: Ni A Total per inmate: Ni A (remodel) Total per GSF: $38.85 Total annual operating costs: $1,290,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; single fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: O Structural: Existing steel and concrete Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block; brick Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells (no cells) Doors/material: Ni A Doors/type: NI A Doors/locking: Ni A Floor surface: Ni A Intercom: Ni A HVAC: NIA Plumbing: NiA Furniture: Ni A Fire protection: NI A 366 Single occupancy: NIA Double occupancy: NI A Dorms: NIA Special housing: Ni A General population: Ni A Total: NIA Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market Negative: Construction in occupied building; security procedures for contractor workforce Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Coordination between institution and contractor Negative: Building in use during construction NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction New York Elmira (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 367 Erie County Correctional Facility Jurisdiction official: Dennis Gorski, County Executive Contact: Superintendent Frederick Netzel, p~JJ.~rllll~~t of Corrections, Box X, Alden, NY 14004, 716-937-9101 Architect: l\1ilstein;.Wittek&Associates,iArch1iecis;.cR'.e1,, 300 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202, 716-856-8320 Construction manager: John W. Cowper Company, 4246 Ridge Lea Road, Amherst, NY 14226, 716-837-8410 Gronndbreaking: April 1984 Finish date: February 1986 Construction time: 22 months Design capacity: 402 Total cost: $23,451,711 Total annual operating costs: $4,987,265 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure; clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $23,451,711 Building only: $21,919,871 Gross square feeUcorrections: 208,280 Gross square feeUother: 0 Gross square feeUtotal: 208,280 Housing area square feet: 97,371 Gross square feet per inmate: 518 Size of cells: 76 square feet (single) NeUgross square feet: 72% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 12, 24, 48 Inmates per unit: 48 (half pod) Management type: Remote surveillance (max.); direct supervision (med.) May 1986 population: 467 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: $12,249,902 Housing per inmate: $32,068 Housing per cell: $32,068 Total per inmate: $58,338 Total per GSF: $112.60 Total annual operating costs: $4,987,265 Construction type Security Structural: Steel frame; cast-in-place Perimeter: Building exterior; single and double fences with razor wire; alarm detection system; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 14.3% Medium: 85.7% Minimum: 0 Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Air conditioning; hot water heating/air circulation Plumbing: Stainless combination unit; china Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 368 concrete frame Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 382 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 20 General population: 382 Total: 402 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 25 Security: 134 Programs/treatment: 19 Maintenance: 5 Total: 183 eurrent inmate/staff ratio: 2.55:l Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods; phased construction, fast track construction management; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Weather problems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods; phased construction, fast track construction management; coordination of design between parties Negative: Weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction New York Erie County // . . ·.. ~~~--l~-~~~-,- i~ . :,: , l ,'· ..... ., .,> ..J . C: :I! ~ ~ ~-f-,j {>z ' NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ,.: E 369 Erie County Holding Center (Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Thomas F. Higgins, Sheriff Contact: Superintendent Ra~! Russi, Erie Co~nty ~?/ding Center, 40 Delaware, Buffalo, NY 14202, 716-846-7636 Architects: CaDllon Design; 2170 White'Haven"Bcitileiard, Grand Island, NY 14072, 716-745-3688 TheEhrenkrantz Group, 19 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036-4072, 212-730-1950 Construction manager: Siegfried Construction, 1 Town Center, Audubon-Amherst, Buffalo, NY 14228, 716-689-8500 Groundbreaking: March 1984 Finish date: September 1986 Construction time: 30 months Design capacity: 516 Total cost: $20,000,000 Total annual operating costs: NI A (expansion) Category: Remodeling/renovation project; expansion project Facility type: County jail Building confignration: Integrated structure; high rise Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $20,000,000 Building only: $19,850,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 140,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 140,000 Housing area square feet: 62,294 Gross square feet per inmate: 271 Size of cells: 70 square feet (gen. single); 80 square feet (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: 63% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit: 48 Management type: Direct supervision November 1987 population: 532 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: Ni A (remodel) Total per GSF: $142.86 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (expansion) Construction type Security Perimeter: Video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Architectural precast Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; gypsum board; security plaster Exterior surface/facade: Architectural precast panels Construction process Finance method: Local funds; State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; exterior wall panels Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells; PA system throughout facility; intercom for door operation HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel; wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; preaction system with abort function 370 Single occupancy: 468 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 48 General population: 468 Total: 516 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefab. components, factory assembly; phased const., fast track CM; favorable market; less expensive materials; new generation jail Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic and mechanical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Prefab. components, factory assembly; phased const., fast track CM; coordination of design between parties Negative: Difficulty in getting security systems subcontractor to deliver materials per specs and on time N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction New York Erie County NIJ/National v·irectory 0if Corrections . Construction 371 Federal Correctional Institution Jurisdiction official: J. Michael Quinlan, Director, Bureau of Prisons Contact: Warden Jesse R. James, Federal Correctional Institution, Otisville, NY 10963, 914-386-5855 Architec.t: Davis Brody and.AssociatesilOO East.42nd;;Street, New York, NY 10017, 212-599-7272 Construction manager: Lasker Goldman Corporation, 470 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016, 212-481-3409 Groundbreaking: October 1976 Finish date: October 1980 Construction time: 48 months Design capacity: 500 Total cost: $16,861,964 Total annual operating costs: $7,712,800 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Federal prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $16,861,964 Building only: $14,315,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 265, I 95 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 265,195 Housing area square feet: 94,104 Gross square feet per inmate: 530 Size of cells: 84 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 74% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 65 Inmates per unit: 65- I 30 Management type: Direct supervision; TV surveillance September I 987 population: 767 Facility commitment: Federal prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $33,724 Total per GSF: $63.58 Total annual operating costs: $7,712,800 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fence; alann/detection system; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Structural: Concrete colunms/block Exterior walls: Masonry walls reinforced with steel rods and concrete grout Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Natural wall, no coating or treatment Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: None HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors in ducts 372 Single occupancy: 390 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 110 General population: 390 Total: 500 Construction process Finance method: Federal funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: Limited; interior painting; floor tile; concrete walks; finished site work Use of prefabrication: None Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Unknown Negative: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Unknown Negative: Unknown Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 44 Security: 100 Programs/treatment: 70 Maintenance: 32 Total: 246 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.12: I NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction New York Otisville ...::II !, ,,~ r-d , ~~ I.... Ii -- - - --- --- - ·' NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 373 Federal Correctional Institution Jurisdiction official: J. Michael Quinlan, Director, Bureau of Prisons Contact: Warden John T. Hadden, Federal Correctional Institution, Ray Brook, NY 12977-0300, 518-891-5400 Architect: The Robinson Green Beretta Corporati9n, .2 John Street, Providence, RI 02906, 401-272-1730 Construction manager: Gilbane Building Company, 90 Calverley Street, Providence, RI 01940, 401-456-5800 Groundbreaking: May 1977 Finish date: December 1980 Construction time: 43 months Design capacity: 534 Total cost: $21,424,630 Total annual operating costs: Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Federal prison Building configuration: Campus style $8,000,000 Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $21,424,630 Building only: $21,270,040 Gross square feet/corrections: 281,310 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 281,310 Housing area square feet: 144,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 527 Size of cells: 91 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: NIA Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 102 Inmates per unit: 102 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: 797 Facility commitment: Federal prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $40,121 Total per GSF: $76. 16 Total annual operating costs: $8,000,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on fence!!I; razor wire between fences; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 4.5% Medium: 95.5% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile; carpet Intercom: Unknown HVAC: Heating/air circulation only Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells 374 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Federal funds Contract method: Construction managemen! fast track; sealed bidding Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 510 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 24 General population: 510 Total: 534 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Difficult site conditions; remote location, limited labor pool Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 29 Security: 91 Programs/treatment: 24 Maintenance: 13 Total: 157 Current inmate/staff ratio: 5.08:1 Factors affecting time schedule:. Positive: Phased construction, fast track construction management; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties Negative: Weather problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction New York Ray Brook NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 375 Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center (Remodel) Jurisdiction official: Richard C. Surles, Commissioner, New York State Office of Mental Health Contact: Stuart Linder, Director, Admin. Services, Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center, Wards Island, New York, NY 10035, 212,:-427-9003 Architect: Rose, Beaton+ Rose, 8l.Maj11 StJ:e~t, Wbite Plains, NY 10601, 914-682-4850 Construction manager: Facilities Developnieiii Corporation, 44 Holland Avenue, Albany, NY 12208, 518-474-2121 Groundbreaking: July 1982 Finish date: December 1984 Construction time: 29 months Design capacity: 356 Total cost: $4,328,172 Total annual operating costs: $8,770,000 Category: Remodel, renovation of psychiatric hospital Facility type: State forensic treatment center Building configuration: High rise Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $4,328,172 Building only: $3,447,610 Gross square feet/corrections: 252,835 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 252,835 Housing area square feet: 184,860 Gross square feet per inmate: 710 Size of cells: NI A (hospital) Net/gross square feet: 59% Design: Dormitory style Cells per unit: NI A Inmates per unit: 25 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: 150 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Additional beds in dormitory area Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NI A (remodel) Total per GSF: NI A (remodel) Total annual operating costs: $8,770,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; sensor and razor wire on fence; microwave detection Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Fireproofed steel frame Exterior walls: Brick facing with terra cotta block backup Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete floors; terra cotta block partitions Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional; six prime contractors Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Linoleum; existing terrazzo Intercom: None HVAC: Heating/air circulation only; steam heating plant Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors in corridors 376 Single occupancy: 13 Double occupancy: 78 Dorms: 234 Special housing: 3 I General population: 325 Total: 356 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 58 Security: 160 Programs/treatment: 70 Maintenance: 40 Total: 328 Current inmate/staff ratio: .46: 1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Building had been a psychiatric hospital, well built and adaptable to design criteria Negative: Poor heating system could not be rehabilitated Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Structural modifications were minimal Negative: Contractor problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction New York New York (No floorplan available at time of publication) N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction 377 Masten Park Secure Center (Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Leonard G. Dunston, Director, New York State Executive Department Division for Youth Conta~t: Ruth M. Noriega, Director, Masten Park Secure Center, 485 Best Street, Buffalo, NY 14208, 716-881-7577 Architect: Milstein, Wiftek&Assc,daies,i&c:llitects, P.C., 300 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202, 716-856-8320 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: September 1980 Finish date: June 1983 Construction time: 33 months Design capacity: 68 Total cost: $2,630,695 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (expansion) Category: Remodeling/renovation project; expansion Facility type: State secure center for youth Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,630,695 Building only: $2,480,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 53,799 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 53,799 Housing area square feet: 20, 156 Gross square feet per inmate: 791 Size of cells: 93 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 83% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 16 Inmates per unit: 16 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: 100 (entire facility) Facility commitment: Adjudicated youths, 13 to 21 years of age Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: $929, 120 Housing per inmate: $15 ,485 Housing per cell: $15,485 Total per inmate: Ni A (remodel) Total per GSF: $48.90 Total annual operating costs: NJ A (expansion) Security Perimeter: Single fence; razor wire on fence; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only; steam heating plant Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel; wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; standpipe system; dry sprinkler in attic 378 Construction type Structural: Steel frame; load-bearing masonry Exterior walls: Brick; stone Interior walls: CMU block; reinforced veneer plaster system Exterior surface/facade: Brick; stone Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 60 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 8 General population: 60 Total: 68 Architect's reported analyses Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: 147 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: .68:1 (entire facility) Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods; good competition, favorable markets; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Slow construction; government procedures, regulations, "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; government procedures, regulations, "red tape"; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction New York Buffalo 0 "' Cl)~ a: 1-0 ::> 0 z ~rt -' ..JO " ... ::, - UJ "' > ;::: (.) < -"' U) E < ;::: z UJ C iii UJ a: -' < !:! "'...> < 0 a: ..JC") ~~ g - 0 .0 • >z I- (\I 0 . ... z ::, C "'. UJ • "' NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 379 North Facility Jurisdiction official: Richard J. Koehler, Commissioner, New York City Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Otis Bantum, North Facility, 1600 Hazen Street, East Elmhurst, New York, NY 11370, 718-956-2400 Archit'ilct: GonchoC&>SpuLA!:cbi\c;t;!"Cillctc!l!®-I!!'!§'lll92 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10016, 212-685-2883 Construction manager: Morrison-Knudsen Company, 800 Second Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10017, 718-274-3856 Groundbreaking: March 1984 Finish date: April 1985 Construction time: 13 months Design capacity: 800 Total cost: $38,840,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: City jail Building configuration: Telephone pole with courtyard Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $38,840,000 Building only: $32,310,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 235,450 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 235,450 Housing area square feet: 124,500 Gross square feet per inmate: 294 Size of cells: 3,485 square feet (dorms) Net/gross square feet: 7 I% Design: Ladder Cells per unit: I Inmates per unit: 57 to 87 Management type: Remote surveillance January 1987 population: 1,324 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in dormitory Housing area: $17,500,000 Housing per inmate: $21,875 Housing per cell: $1,093,750 Total per inmate: $48,550 Total per GSF: $164.96 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on fences Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 100% Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; pre-engineered metal building Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Metal panels Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Unknown Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Steam heat; heating/air circulation Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel; wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; sprinklers for corridors and storage areas 380 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 800 Special housing: 0 General population: 800 Total: 800 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Phased construction, fast track CM; good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 28 Securi\y: 610 Programs/treatment: 90 Maintenance: I 6 Total: 744 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.78:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Phased construction, fast track CM; advanced order of materials and hardware Negative: Labor problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction New York New York JYI_ _ _ _ _ _ ____,_{1---~~•'-1-----.-!~~__,.- ~l -, I__ L I 'i \ II I . NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction i 381 Rikers Island: Modular Units (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Richard J. Koehler, Commissioner, New York City Department of Corrections Contact: Leonard Venachanos, Riker~ Island,H,izen Stre~t, EastElmhurst, NY I 1370, 718-374-7934 Modular manufacturer: Arthur Industries, Inc:;P:O. Box 74, T~rryville, CT 06786, 203-582-6552 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: March I 985 Finish date: July 1985 Construction time: 4 months Design capacity: 1,900 Total cost: $32,609,440 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: City jail Building configuration: Clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $32,609,440 Building only: $32,609,440 Gross square feet/corrections: 244,360 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 244,360 Housing area square feet: I 78,080 Gross square feet per inmate: I 29 Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: 85% Design: Dormitory style Cells per unit: I Inmates per unit: JOO Management type: Remote surveillance July 1986 population: 1,900 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: New modular construction Housing area: $22,800,000 Housing per inmate: $12,000 Housing per cell: $1,200,000 Total per inmate: $17,163 Total per GSF: $133.45 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fences; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Construction process Structural: Wood trusses Exterior walls: Wood framed Interior walls: Wood framed Exterior smface/facade: Aluminum siding Finance method: Local funds; capital budget for New York City Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; all modular construction Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating; vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; electric heat pump Plumbing: China Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas 382 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 1,900 Special housing: 0 General population: 1,900 Total: 1,900 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Ni A Security: 76 Programs/treatment: Ni A Maintenance: NI A Total: 76 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 25.00: I Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track CM Negative: High labor costs; government procedures, regulations, and red tape Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track CM Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; labor problems N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction New York New York 1n-r . . .. - •--.~e>-,,;'i ~."1' _ < (jl < r < --<.x>---ccj=,---ccj=,--JJ 1 I I @---1I I ) "l"'l'tt~"~ ~~P°',o-,l - ')l"dtt:m !?t,lw'!INl!o:> -, -_1·-< --.--- p ... €) I I I cy, ~ l-cic,,_,r?,<cpqcxcpcp.U.---i7 I <" I -·--1I < ,--0 © I I ---j I © ------ I I I €. ' I e I JI e ® I -- . -----. +-------- --1 - - --1 < I ·tI @ --- - ---- ------------ I < -\-I @) < @ < I +------ --- I ~i @ - - - - - - 1, I --- ¼ I I . ~ I I l ~ I e I ® ,I I G I-© ® I < ,,,_~ ~9Plo','} NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction '91'<¥1'>i•NJ~,o-,, l 383 Craven County Law Enforcement Center Jurisdiction official: Pete Bland, Sheriff Contact: Captain Ed Weigl, Jail Administrator, Craven County Law Enforcement Center, New Bern, NC 28560, 919-636-6619 Architect: JJ'-f. Pease Associates, P.O, Box 1872;i; (':har]otte, NC 28218, 704-376-6423 Construction manager: None - ,, Groundbreaking: February 1982 Finish date: March 1984 Construction time: 24 months Design capacity: 78 Total cost: $3,500,000 Total annual operating costs: $581,205 Category: New independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,500,000 Building only: $3,200,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 20,000 Gross square feet/other: 20,000 Gross square feet/total: 40,000 Housing area square feet: NI A Gross square feet per inmate: 513 Size of cells: 72 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 75% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 24 Inmates per unit: 24 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 50 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates and State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds Housing area: $1,600,000 Housing per inmate: $20,513 Housing per cell: $20,513 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $87.50 Total annual operating costs: $581,205 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block (reinforced); steel plate Exterior surface/facade: Brick -Construction process Finance method: Revenue sharing Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; central heating plant/boiler Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 384 Single occupancy: 78 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 78 Total: 78 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 18 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 4 Total: 24 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.08: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction North Carolina Craven County Cell , Female Dayroom {) -◊◊ ◊ Control Room VHt. I Corridor Cllnlc La11ndry ==~-- '""'" ~ :;~ ,t}J VI~.· ,◊ ·■ - I ~ I Second Level Plan n..n..r----7111 02488 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 385 Eastern Correctional Center Jurisdiction official: Aaron J. Johnson, Secretary, Department of Correction f'. Contad: Superintend~nt D~vid C:he~a,r, East~I"R<::9rre~tional Center, P.O. Box 215, Maury, NC 28554, 919-747-8101 Architect: Grier-Fripp Associat~s;iiintl"fStritilti30(i/P,O:?Bol\;J 1207, 4108 Park Road, Charlotte, NC 28220, 704-527-2514 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: December 1980 Finish date: February 1983 Construction time: 26 months Design capacity: 488 Total cost: $16,582,143 Total annual operating costs: $7,155,702 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building confignration: Clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $16,582,143 Building only: $15,567,015 Gross square feet/corrections: 197,441 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 197,441 Housing area square feet: 137,804 Gross square feet per inmate: 405 Size of cells: 66 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 90% Design: Linear, outside; module/pod Cells per unit: 24 and 32 Inmates per unit: 100 Management type: Remote surveillance; direct supervision October 1985 population: 448 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom Housing area: $11,997,088 Housing per inmate: $24,994 Housing per cell: $24,994 Total per inmate: $33,980 Total per GSF: $83.99 Total annual operating costs: $7,155,702 Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fence; towers Inmate security level: Maximum: 20% Medium: 80% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Insulated precast panels (interior wall surface) Interior walls: Precast panels (interior wall surface); cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Natural wall, no coating or treatment; textured concrete Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; wood chip boiler-hot water to air handling units Plumbing: Stainless combination unit; china (med.) Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; manual alarm stations 386 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 480 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 8 General population: 480 Total: 488 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; design innovations Negative: Difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 33 Security: 182 Programs/treatment: 38 Maintenance: 19 Total: 272 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.65:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; design innovations Negative: None NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction North Carolina Maury -~~ w z ~ z <t N N zI .JIL :,D t.~ w !! 0 a: I DI D D i .J IL 'II C DI IL w NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 387 North Carolina Central Prison (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Aaron J. Johnson, Secretary, Department of Correction Contact: Warden Nathan A. Rice, North Carolina Central Prison, 1300 Western Boulevard, Raleigh, NC 27606, 919-834-0130 Architects:. J,N, Pease ,\ssociates;.P.\hB.<>JlJ8725., Charlotte, NC 28218, 704-376-6423 . Hellmuth, Obata & Kassab;;um, i~c'.~foo North Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102, 314-421-2000 Construction manager: Metric Constructors, Inc., 6135 Park Road, Two South Executive Park, Charlotte, NC 28210, 704-554-1415 Groundbreaking: November 1978 Finish date: April I 982 Construction time: 41 months Design capacity: 588 Total cost: $35,000,000 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Wings connecting housing pods Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $35,000,000 Building only: $33,500,000 Housing area: $19,950,000 Housing per inmate: $33,929 Housing per cell: $33,929 Total per inmate: $59,524 Total per GSF: $92.11 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (addition) Gross square feeUcorrections: 380,000 Gross square feeUother: 0 Gross square feeUtotal: 380,000 Housing area square feet: 210,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 646 Size of cells: 72 square feet (single) NeUgross square feet: 76% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 16 Inmates per unit: 16 Management type: Remote surveillance; direct supervision October 1985 population: 831 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cells Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fence; towers Inmate security level: Maximum: 75% Medium: 25% Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; exterior walls and structural frame inside perimeter Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; central heating planUboiler Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; central fire alarm 388 Architects' reported analyses Single occupancy: 588 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 588 Total: 588 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow construction, difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Ni A Security: Ni A Programs/treatment: NI A Maintenance: NiA Total: N/ A (addition) Current inmate/staff ratio: Ni A Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefab. components, factory assembly; simple con. methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction North Carolina Raleigh ·-....::::,C "w ; .J "'z 5u a, C ·-·-> -ca ·->-0. -":IE ~ w ..J a: 0 (.) 0 a: 12u 8 ii: a: 8 I- w "'a: :::, z ~~ I • ~a: a ,.. !:: ~ u w "' ~Ir :a£ :IE i 0 "i!: .J ~ / z 8 a: w m a: ~ a: g ii: a: 0 u ,.. a: a: m ::i "' NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 389 Southern Correctional Center Jurisdiction official: Aaron J. Johnson, Secretary, Department of Correction Contact: Superintendent Michael Bumgarner, Southern Correctional Center, P.O. Box 786, Troy, NC 27371, 919-572-3784 Architect: Grier-Fripp Associates, Inc., Suite 300, P.O. Box 11207, 4108 Park Road, Charlotte, NC 28220, 704-527-2514 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: December 1980 Finish date: March I 983 Construction time: 27 months Design capacity: 488 Total cost: $15,799,176 Total annual operating costs: $6,952,667 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $15,799,176 Building only: $14,627,223 Gross square feet/corrections: I 97,441 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 197,441 Housing area square feet: 137,804 Gross square feet per inmate: 405 Size of cells: 66 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 90% Design: Linear, outside; module/pod Cells per unit: 24 and 32 Inmates per unit: I 00 Management type: Remote surveillance; direct supervision October I 985 population: 498 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom Housing area: $11,382,647 Housing per inmate: $23, 714 Housing per cell: $23,714 Total per inmate: $32,375 Total per GSF: $80.02 Total annual operating costs: $6,952,667 Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fence; towers Inmate security level: Maximum: 20% Medium: 80% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; wood chip boiler-hot water to air handling units Plumbing: Stainless combination unit (max.); china (med.) Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; manual alarm stations 390 Construction type Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Insulated precast panels (interior wall surface) Interior walls: Precast panels (interior wall surface); cast-in-place concrete, CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Natural wall, no coating or treatment; textured concrete Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 480 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 8 General population: 480 Total: 488 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; design innovations Negative: Difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 3 I Security: 183 Programs/treatment: 42 Maintenance: 17 Total: 273 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.82:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; design innovations Negative: Weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction North Carolina Troy NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 391 Ashtabula County Justice Center Jurisdiction official: William K. Johnston, Sheriff Contact: LieutenantThomasBishop, Ashtabula County Justice Center, 25 West Jefferson Street, Jefferson, OH 44047, 216-576-0055 Architect: RoberLP, Madison International;, 2930,cl:luclid A venue, Cleveland, OH 44115, 216-861-8 I 95 Construction manager: Ruhlin Construction Company: 200 North Cleveland-Massillon Road, Akron, OH 44313, 216-666-7505 Groundbreaking: November 1977 Finish date: January 1979 Construction time: 14 months Design capacity: 74 Total cost: $4,100,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, courts Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $4,100,000 Building only: $4,000,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 56,750 Gross square feet/other: 5,400 Gross square feet/total: 62,150 Housing area square feet: 11,704 Gross square feet per inmate: 767 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 85% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit: 8 Management type: Intermittent surveillance; remote surveillance October 1985 population: 54 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Plans to expand Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $65. 97 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 39% Medium: 11% Minimum: 39% ( + 11 % work release) Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame; post tensioned Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Revenue sharing; other Federal funds; local funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells; two-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; fired boilers Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas 392 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 74 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 74 Total: 74 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Phased construction, fast track construction management Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 4 Security: 15 Programs/treatment: 2 Maintenance: 2 Total: 23 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.35.1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Phased construction, fast track construction management Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Ohio Ashtabula County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 393 Clermont County Jail Jurisdiction official: John Van Camp, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff John Van Camp, Clermont County Jail, 4200 Filager Road, Betavia, OH 45!03, 513-732-9300 Architect: Steinklll1lp 8, Nqrd)oh, JQ'.?.\Vi1ojt¢r Pike, Milford, OH 45 I 50, 513-831-4955 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: August 1984 Finish date: February 1986 Construction time: 18 months Design capacity: 133 Total cost: $5,980,000 Total annual operating costs: $1,891,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $5,980,000 Building only: $5,830,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 63,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 63,000 Housing area square feet: 21,120 Gross square feet per inmate: 4 74 Size of cells: 82 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 67% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit: 48 Management type: Remote surveillance; officer stations view all cells; roving officer in day rooms March I 987 population: I 37 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $2,500,000 Housing per inmate: $19,531 Housing per cell: $19,531 Total per inmate: $44,962 Total per GSF: $94.92 Total annual operating costs: $1,891,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; single fence; razor wire on fence; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 20% Medium: 80% Minimum: 0 Structural: Load bearing masonry; precast concrete roof Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block; brick; bearing wall Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Local funds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast concrete roof Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; vinyl tile; sealed concrete Plumbing: Stainless steel HV AC: Air conditioning; Gas heat Floors: Sealed concrete; vinyl tile; ceramic tile Intercom: Two-way system throughout building Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Sprinkler system throughout building 394 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: I 28 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 5 General population: I 28 Total: 133 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness and simplicity of design; concise bidding documents; exceUent contractors Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 72 Programs/treatment: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: None Maintenance: 6 Total: 81 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.69: I N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Ohio Clermont County d '' '' & '' l 5~i •''' l~ ' s' ' '' l r-I I I I t 1 ' i R I l '' i • ! I I I L_ ----.-......-.....f.-..::4' NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 395 Hamilton County Justice Complex Jurisdiction official: Simon L. Leis, Jr., Sheriff Contact: William R. Barnett, Directorof Corrections, Hamilton County Sheriff's Office, 1000 Sycamore Street, Room 120, Cincinnati, OH 45202, 513-763.,-5153 Associated architects: Glaser&Myers,Jns,,If::l\~mplin/Haupt, Inc., 2753 Erie Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45208, 513-891-9111 Consulting architect: The Gruzen Partnership, 1700 Broadway, New York, NY 10019, 212-840-3940 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: June 1982 Finish date: May 1985 Construction time: 36 months Design capacity: 848 Total cost: $50,000,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, courts Building configuration: High rise Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $50,000,000 Building only: $49,750,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 420,000 Gross square feet/other: 25,600 Gross square feet/total: 445,000 Housing area square feet: 294,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 495 Size of cells: 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 80% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 56 Inmates per unit: 56 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 748 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom Housing area: $33,000,000 Housing per inmate: $42,526 Housing per cell: $42,526 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $112.36 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 14% Medium: 86% Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds; local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; central air handling units Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 396 Single occupancy: 776 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 72 General population: 776 Total: 848 Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; slow construction, lengthy building time Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 9 Security: 268 Programs/treatment: 44 Maintenance: 5 Total: 326 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.29: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Coordination of design between parties; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Ohio Hamilton County (")---+-~ @-i0--- . 0-+-++----+-------I I i --------+------------------+-- --------1----- ~ +. I FOURTH FLOOR PLAN 0102030 ,--,__,-, NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 397 Logan County Jail and Office Complex Jurisdiction official: Michael E. Henry, Sheriff Contact: Lt. R. A. Bair, Jail Administrator, Logan County Jail and Office Complex, l04 SouthMadriver Street, Bellefontaine, OH 43311, 513-592-5731 Architect: Patrick + Associates, 65 East State Street, Suite 500, Columbus, OH 43215-4213, 614-228-3233 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: February 1982 Finish date: April 1983 Construction time: 14 months Design capacity: 27 Total cost: $2,835,248 Total annual operating costs: $570,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, courts, county offices Building configuration: Integrated structure; courtyard Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,835,248 Building only: $2,800,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 13,288 Gross square feet/other: 24,229 Gross square feet/total: 37,517 Housing area square feet: 13,288 Gross square feet per inmate: 492 Sizeofcells: 70 square feet (gen. single); 120 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: 69% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit: 8 Management type: Intermittent surveillance; remote surveillance October 1987 population: 21 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Portable cots Housing area: $545,625 Housing per inmate: $22,734 Housing per cell: $22,734 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $76 Total annual operating costs: $570,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Patrols; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: l00% Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete; CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; reinforced concrete block backup Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to ceils and common areas HV AC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas 398 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 24 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 3 General population: 24 Total: 27 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; prefabricated components, factory assembly; favorable market Negative: High labor cost; difficult site conditions; facility not primarily designed for corrections operation Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 16 Programs/treatment: 2 Maintenance: 4 Total: 24 Current inmate/staff ratio: .88: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties; use of prefab. components; simple construction methods Negative: Weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Ohio Logan County ·, EB· ... ...> 0 Ill Ill C J NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction L_ z u Ill 0 .I Ill 399 Madison Correctional Institution Jurisdiction official: Richard P. Seiter, Director, Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Contact: Superintendent George D. Alexander, Madison Correctional Institution, 1581 State Route 56, P.O. Box 740, London, OH 43140-0740, 614-852-9650 Architect: Yatrick _i: · Assqciates, Inc., 199 South"Fiftlf,Street, Columbus, OH 43215, 6 I 4-228-3233 Construction manager: Turner/Smoot, 65 East State Street, Columbus, OH 43215, 614-225-2900 Groundbreaking: May I 985 Finish date: November I 987 Construction time: 30 months Design capacity: 1,034 Total cost: $42,000,000 Total annual operating costs: $9,970,333 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $42,000,000 Building only: $38,000,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 450,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 450,000 Housing area square feet: 292,685 Gross square feet per inmate: 435 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single); 2,400 (dorms) Net/gross square feet: 76% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Remote surveillance; direct supervision December 1987 population: 810 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Double bunk cells and dorms Housing area: $26,048,905 Housing per inmate: $26,049 Housing per cell: $50,094 Total per inmate: $40,619 Total per GSF: $93.33 Total annual operating costs: $9,970,333 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on and between fences; video camera surveillance; mobile guard Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 52% Minimum: 48% Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick Exterior surface/facade: Brick; stucco Finance method: State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; vinyl tile; quarry tile Intercom: None HYAC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel; china Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas; manual alann stations 400 Single occupancy: 504 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 496 Special housing: 34 General population: 1,000 Total: 1,034 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 99 Security: 165 Programs/treatment: 41 Maintenance: 33 Total: 338 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.4: I Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple canst. methods; favorable market; bulk purchase of materials and hardware; prefab. components Negative: Slow canst.; high labor costs; government red tape; phased canst. Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Prefab. components; repetitiveness of design; fast track CM; advanced order of materials; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow delivery from suppliers; labor problems; weather problems; government regulations NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Ohio London I I I I I I / //l _____ / l_____ i'i I :J crpr._J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~====~~~~9r==l~~====~ I I I I 'I r ) I I I / / I N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 401 Ohio Reformatory for Women (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Richard P. Seiter, Director, Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Contact: Sµpel'<:>r~t)lyl\,1. Al"Il,()hioRefq?"•'foryf%Women, 1479 Collins Avenue, Marysville, OH 43040, 513-642-1065 Architect:·MtrcfdylNQ);jifL'td.,178Q:Eas!Broad Street;·Columbus, OH 43203, 614-253-2623 Construction manager: Noffe Groundbreaking: November I 984 Finish date: November I 986 Construction time: 24 months Design capacity: 402 Total cost: $5,650,000 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison (women's facility) Building configuration: Integrated structure; courtyard Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $5,650,000 Building only: $5,450,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 58,165 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 58,165 Housing area square feet: 54,485 Gross square feet per inmate: 145 Size ofcells: 82 square feet (spec. single); 76 (gen. double) Net/gross square feet: 88% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 60 Inmates per unit: I 20 Management type: Direct supervision May 1987 population: 329 Facility commitment: State prisoners; local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $5,105,000 Housing per inmate: $ I 4,181 Housing per cell: $28,361 Total per inmate: $14,055 Total per GSF: $97.14 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (addition) Security Construction type Perimeter: Single fence; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 20% Medium 80% Minimum: 0 Structural: Precast concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick; stone Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; stone Construction process Finance method: State funds; local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast concrete columns and beams Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; wooden; steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Unknown Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: None HVAC: Heating/air circulation Plumbing: Stainless steel; china Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas 402 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 360 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 42 General population: 360 Total: 402 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 4 Security: 29 Programs/treatment: 3 Maintenance: Ni A Total: 36 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 9 .14: I Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: High labor costs Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Ohio Marysville - - ....... -·-·------·-------- ~~.!.!!-OOR PLAN . . . -. ~ ~ FLOOR PLAN NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 403 Ottawa County Detention Facility Jurisdiction official: John Crosser, Sheriff Contact: Martin Gosses, Jail Administrator, Ottawa County Detention Facility, Port Clinton, OH 43452, 419-734-4404 Architect: Geary, Moore and Ahrens, Inc., 672 East Royalton Road, Cleveland, OH 44147, 216-526-0672 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: August 1979 Finish date: April 1981 Construction time: 20 months Design capacity: 4 I Total cost: $2,671,461 Total annual operating costs: $500,000 (excl. utilities) Category: New, independent facility; phased project (future) Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, courts Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,671,461 Building only: $2,671,461 Gross square feet/corrections: 22,080 Gross square feet/other: 9,300 Gross square feet/total: 31,380 Housing area square feet: 9,444 Gross square feet per inmate: 539 Size of cells: 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 78% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 16 Inmates per unit: 16 Management type: Remote surveillance October I 985 population: 41 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $85 .13 Total annual operating costs: $500,000 (excl. utilities) Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 10% Medium: 80% Minimum: 10% Construction type Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Sandstone Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; hollow metal partitions Exterior surface/facade: Sandstone Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Aluminum and glass Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Concrete with integral color hardener Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; gas boiler Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 404 Single occupancy: 28 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 8 Special housing: 5 General population: 36 Total: 41 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; expensive materials to match existing courthouse Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 1 Security: 14 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 3 Total: 18 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2. 28: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Good architectural trades contractor Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; use of five prime contractors NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Ohio Ottawa County MALE fmlmn II DORM or ROOM II'·· HOG RAM COURT '" Ill I UPPER A 1 RIU M COUR!HOU$E ANNEX / JAN. roo! "' "' SECOND FLOOR 15 20 ,.All,_ NORTH N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 405 Ross Correctional Institution* Jurisdiction official: Richard P. Seiter, Director, Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Contact: Superintendent Gary Mohr, Ross Correctional Institution, I 6 I 49 State Route I 04, Chillicothe, OH 4560 I , 614-774-4182 Architect: V<>inovich Sgi-o Mchitects, 2450 Prospe¢ti'<v~riJie, Cleveland, OH 44115, 216-621-9200 Construction manager: None · · ·· Groundbreaking: September 1985 Finish date: May I 987 Construction time: 21 months Design capacity: 1,274 Total cost: $53,012,000 Total annual operating costs: $23,178,800 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $53,012,000 Building only: $45,000,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 547,096 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 547,096 Housing area square feet: 276,600 Gross square feet per inmate: 429 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 70% Design: Housing unit in two triangular shapes-outside cells Cells per unit: 128 Inmates per unit: 128 Management type: Direct supervision; unit management October 1987 population: 1,235 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $41,61 I Total per GSF: $96.90 Total annual operating costs: $23,178,800 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/ detection system; razor wire on fences; patrols; camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 2.5% Medium: 77.5% Minimum: 20% Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; carpet; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells; one-way to common areas HYAC: Heating/air circulation; hot water heater Plumbing: China; stainless; stainless combination unit Furniture: Vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas 406 Structural: Load-bearing precast panels; precast concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Natural wall Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast components Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 1,024 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 250 Special housing: 0 General population: 1,274 Total: 1,274 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Precast modular construction Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Precast modular construction Negative: Government procedures, regulations, and red tape-paperwork with State officials Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 82 Security: 143 Programs/treatment: 63 Maintenance: 35 Total: 323 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.82:1 * A detailed case study of this institution has been published by NU, entitled Building on Experience, NCJ 103869. N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ ~ ~- t, i· -:1 ~ ~ ~ ~- !"' §" -- o SKY'~ ( ~b'lt' I I I!~ till -:]lJ> Ir ~"HT ..."A'eOYi "') AGE VE LEPHONES DAYROOM GUARD OAYROOM I I I 63 INMATE CELLS ~ ~ [gJ! l!ITT ~,-- ')_ ~'v'J BUILDING 'H' - HOUSING UNIT FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCAI.(, ll,•,1•-0 2 8 :::0 g :," ...=- " c:, Wayne County Justice Center Jurisdiction official: Loran D. Alexander, Sheriff Contact: Captain Gene Rhodes, Wayne County Justice Center, Wooster, OH 44691, 216-264-2288 Architect: Robert P. Madisol\ Intemati<lnal,293Q;Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115, 216-861-8195 Construction managCr: None -,. -- Groundbreaking: November I 977 Finish date: November 1978 Construction time: 12 months Design capacity: 78 Total cost: $3,000,000 Total annual operating costs: $924,565 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,000,000 Building only: $2,950,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 40,000 Gross square feet/other: 13,000 Gross square feet/total: 53,000 Housing area square feet: 11,928 Gross square feet per inmate: 513 · Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 85% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 7 to 12 Inmates per unit: 7 to 12 Management type: Intermittent surveillance; remote surveillance October 1985 population: 97 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Extra cot in cell Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $56.60 Total annual operating costs: $924,565 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 16% Medium: 41% Minimum: 22% ( + 21 % work release and holding) Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: One-way to cells; two-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; fired boilers Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas 408 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Revenue sharing; other Federal funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 72 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Other: 6 Special housing: 0 General population: 78 Total: 78 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods; repetitiveness of design Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 22 Programs/treatment: 5 Maintenance: I Total: 30 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.60: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Ohio Wayne County • 1 UPPER PART 0, LOBBY LIBRARY '" ..~ ... :.: ·;5 $ • NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction • I • • ,. 2ND FLOOR PLAN ...... 409 Cleveland County Detention Center Jurisdiction official: John J. Walsh, Jr., Sheriff Contact: Kenneth K. Zane, Jail Administrator, Cleveland County Detention Center, 203 South Jones, Norman, OK 73069, 405-321-8600 Architect:,Rees;Associates, Inc;, 42()()Perimeter Center Drive, Suite 245, Oklahoma City, OK 73112, 405-946-9800 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: March 1983 Finish date: May 1984 Construction time: 14 months Design capacity: 134 Total cost: $3,632,000 Total annual operating costs: $1,409,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,632,000 Building only: $3,512,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 38,642 Gross square feet/other: 2,582 Gross square feet/total: 41,224 Housing area square feet: 24,750 Gross square feet per inmate: 288 Size of cells: 95 square feet (double); 77 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: 83% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit: 16 Management type: Remote surveillance September I 987 population: 97 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; U.S. Marshal's transients; FBOP prisoners* Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $88. 10 Total annual operating costs: $1,409,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Colored concrete; split face CMU Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds; revenue sharing; local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells; one-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat; operable windows for outside air Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 108 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 26 General population: 108 Total: 134 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 6 Security: 22 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 2 Total: 30 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.23:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow delivery of windows and security locks *Juveniles are detained for no more than 6 hours. 410 N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ ....~ 15· CELL -~· CELL ~[g] CELL ;:, ;::, CELL TfflTr· ~p- - CELL ~ <"l <:) I ur ADULT MALE lit- 15· sALLvPoRr CORRIDOR "' i;; CELL BB.OW- "15·~ ;:, - SALLYPORT DAYROOM ,,.. _..... .,, MAX. SEC. DAYROOM 1:~•r -- .... I~ I I I I ~ UP CELL I I MAX. SEC DAYROOM ~: UP GENERAL PURPOSE ' UP L--------- CELL i --. SALLYPORT PROT. GUST. CELL I I -- -- ----:DAYROOM CELL ' •" SALLYPORT ffi ii~~ I OPEN TO ::; ADULT MALE IIJlll}""~~~~•-i? ' =rl,..~~--- CELL ;:, <"l <:) CELL MUL Tl-PURPOSE OAYROOM ~ ....,., CELL CELL r - ~=~~-~~~ g CELL ~ ~ [8][8J t, ,.,~ CELL 1<0 ~I mrir"-~---~" ISOLATION UP 1 - - - - - - - - - --""--=-==> "' I I I : ' ' CELL CELL EXAM CELL CELL I CELL CELL CELL WAITING MED OFFICE SECURE PASSAGE !to [~ .i,. § Qi 0. 0 (l g .¾ =a Qi Kay County Detention Facility Jurisdiction official: Richard D. Stickney, Sheriff Contact: Nathan R. McCoy, Jail Administrator, Kay County Detention Facility, 110 South Maple, Newkirk, OK 74647, 405-362-2517 Architect: Rees.Associ~te,~.; IJ1r:, 4:200:Pei:i!!Jtter Center Drive, Suite 245, Oklahoma City, OK 73112, 405-946-9800 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: November 1983 Finish date: July 1985 Construction time: 20 months Design capacity: 80 Total cost: $3,133,072 Total annual operating costs: $550,857 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail; law enforcement Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,133,072 Building only: $2,960,372 Gross square feeUcorrections: 25,798 Gross square feeUother: 2,977 Gross square feeUtotal: 28,775 Housing area square feet: 17,139 Gross square feet per inmate: 322 Size of cells: 95 square feet (gen. double); 73 (spec. single); 77 (spec. double) NeUgross square feet: 91 % Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 4 to 8 Inmates per unit: 4 to 16 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1987 population: 39 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $108.88 Total annual operating costs: $550,857 Construction type Security Perimeter: Video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Construction process Structural: Steel frame; cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Modified Portland cement coating on concrete Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast, prestressed concrete roof planks Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 60 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 20 General population: 60 Total: 80 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HY AC: Air conditioning; gas heat; hot water heating (gas-fired boiler) Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 412 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: 14 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 1 Total: 16 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.44: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; weather problems; inexperienced contractor NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Oklahoma Kay County i '::::a~ ,I ,I I ,. a, @~ Q~ D oc I~ ~ • ~ • 0 z £ j i •i ~ ' .a' ■ !-· 0 ~ . !' ~ ; ~ i i• ~ I ~ , ~ ~ I i '2,o,.• -·+-· I t ' I ,~ , '·'' ■' 7 ' ffi ii ffi ~ ~l§ oo ~ < ! ' 0 ~ ~ I NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 413 Lexington Assessment & Reception Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Gary Maynard, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Peter Douglas, Lexington Assessment & Reception Center, Box 260, Lexington, OK 73051, 405-527-5676 Architect:, The Bellham Group, pt~;,, J:l.,p,.,!!ox 20400, 9400 Broadway, Oklahoma City, OK 73156, 405-478-5353 Construction manager: CCR'. None ... '·_ •C, • •'. Groundbreaking: September 1982 Finish date: June 1983 Construction time: 9 months Design capacity: 90 Total cost: $1,819,408 Total annual operating costs: NI A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,819,408 Building only: $1,752,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 29,225 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 29,225 Housing area square feet: 24,625 Gross square feet per inmate: 325 Size of cells: 63 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 98% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 90 Inmates per unit: 90 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 144 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Stacked bunks Housing area: $1,489,408 Housing per inmate: $17, 731 Housing per cell: $17, 731 Total per inmate: $20,216 Total per GSF: $62.26 Total annual operating costs: NI A (addition) Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 94.6% ( + 5.4% holding) Construction type Structural: Load bearing precast panels; double T's Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Raked finish, precast Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Linoleum; tile Intercom: One-way to common areas; two-way to counseling rooms HVAC: Heating/air circulation only; gas U.H.U. Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors in common areas, cells, and mechanical ductwork; fire hose cabinets and fire extinguishers 414 Single occupancy: 84 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 6 General population: 84 Total: 90 Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; exterior walls, interior walls, floor and roof slabs Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: NI A Security: 4 Programs/treatment: 2 Maintenance: 1 Total: 7 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 21: l Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods; coordination of design between parties Negative: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ -[~ ------MECHANICAL CHASE----~ t, ~"c ELEC,ECUIP,RM, MECH.EQUIP.RM, ~ ~ ~ ~ ---- '1111 1ffiH-"' ~ ~- i CONTROL ROOM DAY SPACE DAY SPACE ~ s· ;:, COUNSEL RESIDENTS ROOM-TYP. HOLDING CELLS-TYP, FIRST LEVEL FLOOR PLAN __ , 2•--11:1 j ;2•-s• 21· 2' TYPICAL RESIDENTS ROOM i ~i ~- 0 +'..... V, i= e 0 Lexington Assessment & Reception Center, Phase I and II Jurisdiction official: Gary Maynard, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Peter Douglas, Lexington Assessment_ & Reception Center, Box 260, Lexington, OK 73051, 405-527-5676 Architects: W. Gene Williams & Associates, Inc,, 4422 F.M. 1960 West, Suite 220, Houston, TX 77068, 713-440-4422 · ·· WMFL Architects & Engineers, West 244 Main Avenue, Spokane,,,WA_992I°(), 509-838-8681 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: August 1976 Finish date: January 1978 Construction time: 17 months Design capacity: 428 Total cost: $14,500,000 Total annual operating costs: $7,408,984 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $14,500,000 Building only: $13,731,639 Gross square feet/corrections: 203,786 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 203, 786 Housing area square feet: l 10,376 Gross square feet per inmate: 476 Size of cells: 73 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 80 Inmates per unit: 80 Management type: Remote surveillance September l 986 population: 922 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $33,879 Total per GSF: $71.15 Total annual operating costs: $7,408,984 Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on fences; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; vinyl tile; quarry tile Intercom: Two-way to cells HV AC: Air conditioning; steam heat Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Portable fire extinguishers 416 Construction type Structural: Load bearing precast panels; cast-in-place concrete frame; precast concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete; architectural precast Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Paint; colored concrete Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 400 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 28 General population: 400 Total: 428 Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: Limited; construction of fence Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast T-beams Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods. repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track construction management; good competition, favorable market Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 45 Security: 131 Programs/treatment: 24 Maintenance: 24 Total: 224 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.12:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track CM; coordination of design between parties; good general contractor Negative: None NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Oklahoma Oklahoma City •a.II RH.fl ............. • ' t t t j +- Section --4-- Section ► 4 a 19 - Ground Level Floor Plan NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 419 Muskogee County/City Detention Facility Jurisdiction official: Bill Vinzant, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff Bill Vinzant, Muskogee County/City Detention Facility, 120 South 3rd, Muskogee, OK 74401, 918-687-1275 Architec(:Roger Richter/Architect Inc., 608Manhattan Building, Muskogee, OK 74401, 918-682-3419 Construction manager: None Gronndbreaking: March 1985 Finish date: October I 986 Constrnction time: 19 months Design capacity: 136 Total cost: $4,026,000 Total annnal operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail; city jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $4,026,000 Building only: $3,923,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 44,223 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 44,223 Housing area square feet: 28,247 Gross square feet per inmate: 325 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single); 90 (double) Net/gross square feet: 90% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 49 Inmates per unit: 59 Management type: Remote surveillance Current population: Unknown Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners; Federal prisoners on contract Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $2,456,440 Housing per inmate: $19,652 Housing per cell: $23,620 Total per inmate: $29,603 Total per GSF: $91.04 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; razor wire on fence; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 18% Medium: 82% Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; colored concrete Construction process Finance method: Special election; I¢ county sales tax for 20 months Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas; manual alarm stations 420 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 83 Double occupancy: 42 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 11 General population: 125 Total: 136 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competilion, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions; government procedures, regulations, and red tape; complex electronic and mechanical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Repetitiveness of design; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties Negative: Government red tape; complex electronic and mechanical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Oklahoma Lexington <i I I a I i .i - N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction 417 Mabel Bassett Correctional Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Gary Maynard, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Larry Fields, Mabel Bassett Correctional Center, 3300 Martin Luther King Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73136, 405-521-3949 Architect; R~s Associates,.Jn.c:,.'#245,A200,Pei;imeter Center Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73112, 405-946-9800 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: October 1979 Finish date: April 198 I Construction time: 18 months Design capacity: 53 Total cost: $912,809 Total annual operating costs: N/A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $912,809 Building only: $899,500 Gross square feet/corrections: 12,191 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 12,191 Housing area square feet: 11,766 Gross square feet per inmate: 230 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: N/A Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 53 Inmates per unit: 53 Management type: Remote surveillance October I 985 population: 106 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell Housing area: $860,000 Housing per inmate: $28,667 Housing per cell: $28,667 Total per inmate: $17,223 Total per GSF: $74.88 Total annual operating costs: NIA (addition) Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/ detection system; razor wire on fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 20% Medium: 80% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Steel frame; load bearing CMU walls; cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU split-face block; block masonry Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Split-face block Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Linoleum, sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; rooftop heating plant with boilers and condensing units Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 418 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 30 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 23 General population: 30 Total: 53 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated masonry units; simple building technique; repetition and simplicity of design; local availability of materials Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: NI A Security: 6 Programs/treatment: NI A Maintenance: NI A Total: 6 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 17. 7: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated masonry units; simple construction technique Negative: Weather problems; delivery problems with vendor/supplier N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Oklahoma Muskogee County, Muskogee zo j HJ.YON 0. a: r------------r1 O O I o o I o o I I o o I • cC)o oQo 0 0 : 1 .J IL ] oQo oQo C z 0 (.) w 1/) ~- ~ = ~. 0 = ► s 0 0 = ► •a w '"' ~2 ~= s,1 ~ "" "'• z 0 u u !~ u = 0 a = 0" u "' = i? "' ;: -z::EC~UIIII ~ = 0 " 0 = ~ ~ ► z •"""' g■ ' o I' oQo: 0 1 0 ~ 0 0 o()o oC)o : 1 ___________ 0 0 : _ _j__ ~ NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 421 Oklahoma State Penitentiary (Addition/Remodel) Jurisdiction official: Gary Maynard, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden James Saffle, Oklahoma State Penitentiary, P.O. Box 97, McAlester, OK 74501, 918-423-4700 Architect: Bruton, KnQwles& L6ve,,In~ .• P.O; Ilo'.';:582528, Tulsa, OK 74158, 918-835-9588 Construction mari~ger: Noiie .. ..... ". . '" . """ ·%I Groundbreaking: November 1978 Finish date: November 1984 Construction time: 72 months Design capacity: 500 Total cost: $17,204,022 Total annual operating costs: $10,367,500 (entire facility) Category: New, ancillary building; remodeling/renovation; expansion Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Wheel, spoke, or radial Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $17,204,022 Building only: $15,804,022 Gross square feeVcorrections: 190,800 Gross square feeVother: 0 Gross square feeVtotal: 190,800 Housing area square feet: 172,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 382 Size of cells: 98 square feet (single) NeVgross square feet: 77% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 80 to 112 Inmates per unit: 80 to 112 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 650 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $14,500,000 Housing per inmate: $29,000 Housing per cell: $29,000 Total per inmate: NI A (addition/remodel) Total per GSF: $90.17 Total annual operating costs: $10,367,500 (entire facility) Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on and between fences; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Load bearing precast panels; cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-in-place concrete Exterior surface/facade: Colored concrete Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; hot water boilers Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells 422 Single occupancy: 500 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 500 Total: 500 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 7 Security: 278 Programs/treatment: 2 I Maintenance: 16 Total: 364 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: I. 79: I Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; entire structure was precast concrete with minor CIP Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Oklahoma McAlester ti' _ _ _ __ NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 423 Ouachita Correctional Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Gary Maynard, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Bill Yeager, Ouachita Correctional Center, Route I, P.O. Box 70, Hodgen, OK 74939, 918-653-7831 Architect: The Benham CJroup, I.Ile., Il,\), •B()J1C2040Q,,9400 North Broadway, Oklahoma City, OK 73156, 405-478-5353 Construction manager: Nolle,·- ·· .,,_ ·--- .·;., Groundbreaking: September 1982 Finish date: May 1983 Construction time: 8 months Design capacity: 90 Total cost: $1,426,200 Total annual operating costs: NIA (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,426,200 Building only: $1,406,200 Gross square feet/corrections: 24,625 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 24,625 Housing area square feet: 20,033 Gross square feet per inmate: 274 Size of cells: 63 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 98% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 90 Inmates per unit: 90 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 90 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Stacked bunks in cell Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $15,847 Total per GSF: $57.92 Total annual operating costs: NIA (addition) Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; single fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 94.6% ( + 5.4% holding) Structural: Load bearing precast panels Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Raked finish, precast Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; exterior walls; most interior walls; precast concrete slabs Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Linoleum; sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to common areas; two-way to counseling rooms HYAC: Heating/air circulation only; gas A.H.U. Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel; wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors in common areas, cells, and mechanical ductwork; fire hose cabinets and fire extinguishers 424 Single occupancy: 84 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 6 General population: 84 Total: 90 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated.components, factory assembly; simple construction methods; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Ni A Security: NIA Programs/treatment: NI A Maintenance: NIA Total: NI A (no extra staff added) Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods; coordination of design between parties Negative: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ -~ ~· ~ i::, ~ - - - - - MECHANICAL CHASE----~ ~" 0 ELEC,EOUlP.RM. MECH,EOUIP.RM. ~ <Q, [ ~----_--_]!D_,""""" u~-------' """1tlllllli/'. ~- I DAY SPACE DAY $PACE g· FIRST LEVEL FLOOR PLAN !'.:.~~-: .,. ~ TYPICAL RESIDENTS ROOM 0 i!3 Ul ~ia &g Qi Jackson County Jail Jurisdiction official: C.W. Smith, Sheriff Contact: Gale R. Fulton, Jail Administrator, Jackson County Jail, 787 West 8th Street, Medford, OR 97501, 503-776-7127 Architect: Afseth, Jacobs & Schmitz, Architects, A.I.A., 2950 East Barnett Road, Medford, OR 97504, 503-779-5237 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: October I 978 Finish date: February I 98 I Construction time: 28 months Design capacity: 183 Total cost: $7,921,838 Total annual operating costs: $ I ,984,629 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $7,921,838 Building only: $7,589,851 Gross square feet/corrections: 90,621 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 90,621 Housing area square feet: 32,301 Gross square feet per inmate: 495 Size of cells: 55 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 81 % Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 8 (med.); 16 (max.) Inmates per unit: 8 (med.); 16 (max.) Management type: Remote surveillance April 1986 population: 188 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $43,289 Total per GSF: $87.42 Total annual operating costs: $1,984,629 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 13% Medium: 55% Minimum: 22% Holding: 10% Structura]: Cast-in-p1ace concrete frame; precast core floor Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; architectural precast Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; steel studs with gypsum board Exterior surface/facade: Colored concrete Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; concrete deck and exterior facade Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Unknown Floor surface: Carpet; sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat; heat recovery from housing Plumbing: Stainless steel; china Furniture: Steel; wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells 426 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 112 Double occupancy: 4 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 67 General population: I I 6 Total: 183 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; high labor costs; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 11 Security: 41 Programs/treatment: 2 Maintenance: 3 Total: 57 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.30:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Oregon Jackson County , J CE~S\ MECHANICAL TOWER J J ~ar -- • ~ ]T - CONF •1-. ~ D DINING ' I CONF - r - ' DN I FLOOR CONTROL ~ TRUSTEE ► 0 f:I ~ --.BALCONY • •< , OFFICE I SG 1 I. LAB WAITING., I INFIIMARY EXAM p;r;; • NFIRMARY ::1=', I _AEFRI ERATOR ll ' BOOK STORAGE FLOOR ' 812 J ~ ( 0 0 J DAYROOM I UP_ OHi J If:! ~ OAVROOM UP J CONTROL REFR IERATO~ - r • l -- - -4.m - z► -- FOOD PREP/ DISHWASH TRASH 0 !l < m L 'I rI I COOK MULTI DI 1Y STORAGE --{ • .I I I I PURPOSE ~ 0 0 4 ► C 0 IELEC ~ tT' STAFF r7 ~ I UP~ I S~OL ··;~· BALCONY r I~ I f 2S STOA FLOOR CONTROL / 1 .a I UP MECHANICAL TOWER CE~ ' ( r DAYROOM NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction l !~ yy DAYROOM 1011 l UP ,, L...l 's !1<9! ~I DN - CELLS DAYROOM - -- - DAYROOM ~ l 427 Justice Center Jurisdiction official: Fred B. Pearce, Sheriff Contact: Captain Joe Golden, Justice Center, l 120 SW. Third, Portland, OR 97204, 503-248-5129 Architect: ZimmerGunsul Frasca Partnership;:l,uite 500, 320 SW. Oak, Portland, OR 97204, 503-224-3860 Construction manager: Turner Construction Company, 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20004, 202-393-5100 Gronndbreaking: May 1980 Finish date: November 1983 Construction time: 43 months Design capacity: 430 Total cost: $44, I 62,400 Total annnal operating costs: $11,477,300 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement admin., courts, retail Bnilding confignration: High rise Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $44,162,400 Building only: $44,112,400 Gross square feet/corrections: 243,245 Gross square feet/other: 228,793 Gross square feet/total: 472,038 Housing area square feet: I 08, 792 Gross square feet per inmate: 566 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 57% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 32 Inmates per unit: 32 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: 480 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor Housing area: $12,430,573 Housing per inmate: $32,371 Housing per cell: $32,371 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $93.56 Total annual operating costs: $11,477,300 Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Load bearing precast panels; cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; architectural precast Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Precast textured concrete Construction process Finance method: Federal and State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive, precast cell walls and exterior cladding Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells; two-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; heat exchanger (hot water); gas-fired boilers Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; manual override of cell sprinklers 428 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 384 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 46 General population: 384 Total: 430 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 27 Security: I 93 Programs/treatment: 46 Maintenance: 43 Total: 309 (not incl. food service or county medical staff) Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.55:1 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefab.; repetitiveness of design; three bid packages; good competition, favorable market; collaboration in value engineering Negative: Small downtown site, strict development gnidelines; complex electronic monitoring and control system for security Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefab.; repetitiveness of design; three bid packages; coordination of design between parties; pressure to complete before demolition of existing jail Negative: Complex electronics system NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Oregon Multnomah County FOURTHFLOORPLAN SPECIAi- HOUSING FIFTH THROIJGH ElGHlll FLOOR PLJ.N TYPICAL HOI.ISJNG NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 429 Allegheny County Jail Annex (Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Charles J. Kozakiewicz, Warden Contact: Warden Charles K.ozakiewicz, AHegheny County Jail Annex, 311 Ross Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, 412-355-4451 Architect: '.L, Robert Kirnbiill &Associates; 615 )Yest Highland Avenue, Edensburg, PA 15931, 814-472-7700 Construction manager: Dick Corporation, P.O. Box 10896, Pittsburgh, PA 15236, 412-664-8000 Groundbreaking: October 1984 Finish date: January 1986 Construction time: 15 months Design capacity: 274 Total cost: $9,678,540 Total annual operating costs: $3,503, 700 (entire facility) Category: Remodeling/renovation project; expansion Facility type: County jail Building configuration: High rise Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $9,678,540 Building only: $9,554,540 Gross square feeVcorrections: 85,150 Gross square feeVother: 0 Gross square feeVtotal: 85, 150 Housing area square feet: 45,280 Gross square feet per inmate: 311 Size of cells: Unknown NeVgross square feet: 78% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 50 Inmates per unit: 50 Management type: Direct supervision May I 987 population: 412 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $7,020,000 Housing per inmate: $25,620 Housing per cell: $25,620 Total per inmate: $35,323 Total per GSF: $113.66 Total annual operating costs: $3,503,700 (entire facility) Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: I 00% Construction type Structural: Steel frame; CMU partition reinforced at security perimeter Exterior walls: Brick; two-inch insulation in cavity Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; dryvit Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Single occupancy: 274 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 274 Total: 274 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods; good competition; renovation of existing county office building as auxiliary jail Negative: Difficult site conditions; costly remodel Intercom: Two-way to ceBs and common areas HVAC: Stearn heat Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; smoke ejectors 430 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 13 Security: 113 Programs/treatment: 7 Maintenance: 4 Total: 137 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.01:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Phased construction, fast track CM; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; conversion/ remodel of office building into jail NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Pennsylvania Allegheny County Recreation INDOOR/ OUTDOOR Dayroom TYPICAL CELL FLOOR N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction REC. BELOW MECH. Dayroom TYPICAL UPPER LEVEL CELL FLOOR 431 Blair County Prison (Expansion) Jurisdiction official: William Stouffer, County Commissioner Contact: Warden Garry Sparks, Blair County Prison, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648, 814-695-9731 Architect: L Ro~J:t,.Kiinball &Ass'1icii!teli,4\J1f¥/est Highland Avenue, Ebensburg, PA 15931, 814-472-7700 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: July 1982 Finish date: September 1984 Construction time: 27 months Design capacity: 141 Total cost: $4,092,581 Total annual operating costs: NI A (expansion) Category: Expansion project Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $4,092,581 Building only: $3,936,257 Gross square feet/corrections: 50,100 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 50,100 Housing area square feet: 21,950 Gross square feet per inmate: 355 Size of cells: 60 square feet (single); 90 square feet (double) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod (new); linear, outside (old) Cells per unit: 7 to 15 Inmates per unit: 7 to 38 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 157 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: DUI quarters; work release unit Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $29,025 Total per GSF: $81.69 Total annual operating costs: NI A (expansion) Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 18% Medium: 67% Minimum: 15% Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: Stainless; china Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; smoke ejectors 432 Single occupancy: 14 Double occupancy: 108 Dorms: 8 Special housing: 11 General population: 130 Total: 141 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 4 Security: 42 Programs/treatment: 0 (contractual) Maintenance: 0 (contractual) Total: 46 (expansion only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 3 .41: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Pennsylvania Blair County ~ ~ HOUSIIGlNT Weight Room MUI.Tl PURPOSE NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 433 Lycoming County Prison Jurisdiction official: Charles Brewer, Sheriff Contact: Warden David Desmond, Lycoming County Prison, 277 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701, 717-326-4623 Architect: L. Robert Kimball & Associates,;615 West Highland Avenue, Ebensburg, PA 15931, 814-472-7700 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: September 1983 Finish date: October 1985 Construction time: 26 months Design capacity: 150 Total cost: $6,579,727 Total annual operating costs: $1,480,986 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $6,579,727 Building only: $6,467,292 Gross square feet/corrections: 65,060 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 65,060 Housing area square feet: 22,965 Gross square feet per inmate: 434 Size ofcells: 60 to 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: N/ A Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 6 to IO Inmates per unit: 6 to IO Management type: Remote surveillance; patrols October I 985 population: 134 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; transfer out Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $43,865 Total per GSF: $IOI .13 Total annual operating costs: $1,480,986 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 20% Medium: 60% Minimum: 20% Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; steam heating plant Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; smoke ejectors 434 Single occupancy: 142 Double occupancy: O Dorms: 0 Special housing: 8 General population: 142 Total: 150 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 6 Security: 44 Programs/treatment: 6 Maintenance: 5 Total: 61 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.20:1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions (demolition of existing buildings) Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; weather problems due to late contract award NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Pennsylvania Lycoming County Vlllltlng - - - - - - - - - ,------+--- Laundry Intake/ Food Service Medical Unit Womens' Housing Unit , Mens' Work Release Unit FIRST FLOOR NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 435 Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center Jurisdiction official: Edmund H. Lyons, Superintendent of Prisons Contact: Warden Philip J. Dukes, Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center, 8301 State Road, Philadelphia, PA 19136, 215-335-7102 Architects: The Ehrenkrantz Group, 19 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036, 212-730-1950 ) Jacobs Wyper, 1232 Chancellor Street, Philadelphia, PA 19136, 215-985-0400 Construction manager: Morrison-Knudsen/Parametric Co., P.O. Box 11110, Philadelphia, PA 19136, 215-331-7820 Groundbreaking: May I 984 Finish date: May 1986 Construction time: 24 months Design capacity: 650 TotaJ cost: $50,000,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility; phased project (future) Facility type: County jail; city jail Building configuration: Integrated structure; clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $50,000,000 Building only: $47,500,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 275,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 275,000 Housing area square feet: 126,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 423 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 50 Inmates per unit: 50 Management type: Direct supervision August 1986 population: 235 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $76,923 Total per GSF: $181.82 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; double fence with razor wire; alarm/detection systems; patrols; camera surv. Inmate security level: Maximum: 62% Medium: 32% Minimum: 0 Other: 6% Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating; sealed Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; drywall, security plaster Exterior surface/facade: Brick; split faced block; marble trim Inmate design capacity 436 Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; Certificates of Participation; local funds; facility owned by municipal authority and leased back to city Contract method: Construction managemen! fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Architects' reported analyses Single occupancy: 550 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 100 General population: 550 Total: 650 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Repetitiveness of design; fast track CM; less expensive materials and hardware; being a "new generation jail" Negative: High labor costs; difficult site conditions; complex electronic and mechanical systems; 35% minority enterprise requirements on all bids concrete Intercom: PA monitor in walkways outside cells; one-way to cells HV AC: Air conditioning Plumbing: Stainless steel; nonsecurity lavatory built into precast vanity unit, plastic seat Furniture: Steel; wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; preaction system with abort function Construction process Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 22 Security: 202 Programs/treatment: IO Maintenance: 26 Total: 260 Current inmate/staff ratio: NI A Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods; phased construction; cooperation between owner, user, architect, and construction manager Negative: Slow delivery from vendors and subcontractor; complex electronic and mechanical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Pennsylvania Philadelphia County, Philadelphia 1 .. l.. J.......!,____ ,,,,,,,,,,.......... NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 1 l 437 Schuylkill County Prison (New and Remodel) Jurisdiction official: John E. Lavelle, Chairman, Prison Board Contact: Warden David J._K:~~,.i>fhuylkiH County Prison, 2nd and Sanderson Streets, Pottsville, PA 17901, 717-622-5570 Architect; B~11at~c:Associates;""P'.0!illoxI1943t;I,I!irrisburg, PA 17105, 7 I 7-763-7391 Construction manager: Mellon-Stuart Company:P.0. Box 1161, Pottsville, PA 17901, 717-628-4050 Groundbreaking: June I 984 Finish date: June I 986 Construction time: 24 months Design capacity: 140 Total cost: $5,313,872 Total annual operating costs: $820,375 Category: New, independent facility; remodeling/renovation project Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $5,313,872 Building only: $5,158,992 Gross square feet/corrections: 58,220 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 58,220 Housing area square feet: Unknown Gross square feet per inmate: 416 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 61 % Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 30 Inmates per unit: 30 Management type: Remote surveillance June 1986 population: 163 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $37,956 Total per GSF: $91.27 Total annual operating costs: $820,375 Construction type Security Perimeter: Existing perimeter wall; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 12% Medium: 73% Minimum: 15% Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick, splitfaced concrete masonry units with iron spot brick coursing Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote and manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HYAC: Heating/air circulation; coal fired boiler with hot water radiant floor panels Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 438 Single occupancy: 113 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 27 General population: 113 Total: 140 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 5 Security: 21 Programs/treatment: 4 Maintenance: 2 Total: 32 Current inmate/staff ratio: 5.09:l Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track construction management; good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions; government procedures, regulations, and red tape Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Phased construction, fast track construction management Negative: Weather problems N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ ~ MAINTENANCE SERVICE ENTRANCE ~ i" ~ t::, LAUNDRY l i .Q., DAYRO/ ~- I CONTROL ~ ~+,. !0. ~,fl,,,..." ..... c; lf h. MEDICA:: FEMALE (lUTDDOR EXERCISE IAREA ,.,... ...,v~ lY11 ..... c;-1> ,_-,; ([off! ' ! i couN9ELING EXISTING PERIMETER FENCE tt~iRING '\._INTAKE ENTRANCE - = NEW CONSTRUCTION EXISTING CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC ENTRANCE t; SD FIRST FLOOR PLAN PHASE B 0 z ~ 70 ■--■-----■-----■-----■-----■----- "C :,- = =' =:r g = Ill "' II> n ~is' '-<l "' n=i 0 ~ ... State Correctional Institution at Smithfield Jurisdiction official: David S. Owens Jr., Commissioner, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Margaret Moore, State Correctional Institution at Smithfield, 1120 Pike Street, Huntingdon, PA 11652, 814-963-6520 Architect: SullivaniAssociates,<Archit~cts-- &Planners,,'2314 Market Street, 2nd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103, 215-567-7300 i!;-.·, •••• - '"' """ ,.-,..,.,,."·····<.->·>·}c Construction manager: None ·- .,_ Groundbreaking: November 1984 Finish date: December 1987 Construction time: 37 months Design capacity: 560 Total cost: $26,665,159 Total annual operating costs: $11,300,000 (projected) Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $26,665,159 Building only: $23,840,069 Gross square feeUcorrections: 245,000 Gross square feeUother: 0 Gross square feeUtotal: 245,000 Housing area square feet: 110,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 438 Size of cells: 63 square feet (single); 48 (spec. double) NeUgross square feet: 73% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 64 Inmates per unit: 64 Management type: Remote surveillance November 1987 population: NI A Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $15,624,000 Housing per inmate: $30,516 Housing per cell: $30,516 Total per inmate: $47,616 Total per GSF: $108.84 Total annual operating costs: $11,300,000 (projected) Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fences; towers Inmate security level: Maximum: 10% Medium: 90% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame; cast-in-place concrete frame; CMU bearing walls and precast plank Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast concrete plank in approximately 50% of facility structures Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: None HYAC: Air conditioning; coal furnace Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas 440 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 512 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 48 General population: 512 Total: 560 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: NFPA guidelines for correctional facility life safety codes, appropriate for use and reasonably priced Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 82 Security: 216 Programs/treatment: 12 Maintenance: 38 Total: 348 Current inmate/staff ratio: NI A Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: Project could have been fasttracked NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Pennsylvania Huntingdon (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 441 State Regional Correctional Facility at Mercer (Addition) Jurisdiction official: David S. Owens, Jr., Commissioner, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Gilbert A. Walters, State Regional Correctional Facility at Mercer, 801 Butler Pike, Mercer, PA 16136, 412-748-3020 Architect:, L,J>.cc.A~tQrim:ul';c:a\ss.ociates·;;;Ltd,:/'i22V:;Fort Pitt Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, 4 I 2-765-1700 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: May 1984 Finish date: March 1986 Construction time: 22 months Design capacity: I 80 Total cost: $7,800,000 Total annual operating costs: NI A (expansion) Category: New ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $7,800,000 Building only: $7,200,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 76,200 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 76,200 Housing area square feet: 43,400 Gross square feet per inmate: 423 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 91 % Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 30 Inmates per unit: 30 Management type: Intermittent surveillance November 1986 population: I 80 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $4,450,000 Housing per inmate: $29,667 Housing per cell: $29,667 Total per inmate: $43,333 Total per GSF: $102.36 Total annual operating costs: NIA (expansion) Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; razor wire on fence; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 6% Medium: 94% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; manual alarm stations 442 Structural: Precast concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: Limited; installation of furniture Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 150 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 30 General population: I 50 Total: 180 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods; phased construction, fast track CM; good competition, favorable market; efficient design Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; high labor costs; difficult site conditions; government red tape Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: NI A Security: N/ A Programs/treatment: N/ A Maintenance: NI A Total: N/A (expansion) Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Repetitiveness of design; advanced order of materials and hardware Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; labor problems; weather problems; government procedures, regulations, and red tape NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Pennsylvania Mercer i=--"±-cl - --;- - : --- ,- - =I !J I NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 443 Warren County Jail Jurisdiction official: Donnell Allen, Jr., Sheriff Contact: Sheriff Donnell Allen, Jr., Warren County Jail, Warren, PA 16365, 814-723-7553 Architect: b. RstlJert.Ki!!lJ>,ill<I'< A§sodat<:s,,J/15 West Highland Avenue, Ebensburg, PA 15931, 814-472-7700 Construction manager: None -··· ___.,'" -~.-,-- ' Groundbreaking: August 1978 Finish date: April 1980 Construction time: 20 months Design capacity: 50 Total cost: $2,189,614 TotaJ annual operating costs: $1,263,592 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,189,614 Building only: $2,126,369 Gross square feet/corrections: 23,030 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 23,030 Housing area square feet: 7,300 Gross square feet per inmate: 46 I Size of cells: 60 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: NI A Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 3 to 9 Inmates per unit: 6 to 14 Management type: Remote surveillance September 1987 population: 91 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $43,792 Total per GSF: $95.08 Total annual operating costs: $1,263,592 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 15% Medium: 70% Minimum: 15% Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Revenue sharing Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common Single occupancy: 43 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 7 General population: 43 Total: 50 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; site owned by county Negative: Difficult site conditions (had to demolish old jail) areas HVAC: Air conditioning; steam heating Current staff plant Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas; manual alarm stations; smoke ejectors Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 19 Programs/treatment: 2 Maintenance: 1 Total: 24 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3. 79: I 444 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Weather problems; rejected installation of precast concrete N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Pennsylvania Warren County (f· ;, :; : - 1. NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 445 Wyoming County Jail Jurisdiction official: Robert Truesdale, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff Robert Truesdale, Wyomi,11g,_County Jail, Tunkhannock, PA 18657, 717-836-3200 Arcbited: L,-J~<l~J!•~IIlpall8'.Asso¢iaies;C615 West Highland Avenue, Ebensburg, PA 15931, 814-472-7700 Construction manager: Norie . Groundbreaking: October 1984 Finish date: January I 986 Construction time: I 6 months Design capacity: 50 Total cost: $2,460,895 Total annual operating costs: $238,000 (projected) Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,460,895 Building only: $2,404,694 Gross square feet/corrections: 14,400 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 14,400 Housing area square feet: 6,960 Gross square feet per inmate: 288 Size ofcells: 60 to 80 square feet (double) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 4 to 6 Inmates per unit: 8 to 12 Management type: Remote surveillance October I 985 population: NIA Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $49,218 Total per GSF: $170.90 Total annual operating costs: $238,000 (projected) Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 10% Medium: 70% Minimum: 20% Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; steam heating plant Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; smoke ejectors 446 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 40 Dorms: 8 Special housing: 2 General population: 48 Total: 50 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: High labor costs; difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: I 6 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 5 Total: 23 Current inmate/staff ratio: NI A Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Weather problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Pennsylvania Wyoming County To Mechan6cal Room Below -=---tw---r-~----t'-----.---,----=~-----9"'"-'--=~~ , ulllBath Work S.V .. ◄INT1'KE •••••• 1 I I Laundry Outdoor Exerclae H. T. .... Stor. ENTRANCE/ DEUVEIIIES NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 447 Clemson Police Department (Remodel) Jurisdiction official: Johnson Link, Chief of Police Contact: Chief Johnson Link, Clemson Police Department, P.O. Box 1566, Clemson, SC 29633, 803-654-5636 Architect: Louis P. Batson III, Arch. Inc., I 10 Williams Street, Greenville, SC 29601, 803-233-2232 Construction manager: None Category: Remodeling/renovation; phased project (past) Facility type: Complex: city jail; law enforcement Building configuration: Integrated structure Groundbreaking: September 1984 Finish date: June 1985 Construction time: 9 months Design capacity: 13 Total cost: $134,000 Total annual operating costs: $600,000 Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $134,000 Building only: NI A (remodel) Gross square feet/corrections: 1,000 Gross square feet/other: 4,900 Gross square feet/total: 5,900 Gross square feet per inmate: 77 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 78% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 6 Inmates per unit: 12 Management type: Remote surveillance October I 985 population: 2 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: County jail Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $22. 71 Total annual operating costs: $600,000 Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; paint Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells HVAC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation; heat pumps Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 448 Single occupancy: 5 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Other: 7 Special housing: I General population: 12 Total: 13 Architect's reported analyses Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 1 Security: 25 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 26 Current inmate/staff ratio: .08: I Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; cooperation of South Carolina Department of Corrections Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time (default of original contractor) Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers (due to previous contractor problems) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction South Carolina Clemson r---, : ~11¥NfED SALLY PORTE , l I I I LOWER LEVEL PLAN CONFERENCE UPPER LEVEL PLAN 024 8 :-.,....; 18 I SCALE NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 449 Gilliam Psychiatric Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Parker Evatt, Commissioner, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Ke"'.'e!1'J:)i!):1:Fl<:.~H3/",(}ill.i~ Psychiatric Center, 4344 Broad River Road, Columbia, SC 29210, 803-737-8572 Architect: Atcliit¢c!ii1JloudieauKVI£tdf;,, P,@\;,Boxs5.69ffi, Columbia, SC 29250, 803-799-0247 Constrnction manager: None Groundbreaking: March 1983 Finish date: July I 984 Construction time: 18 months Design capacity: 96 Total cost: $1,552,000 Total annual operating costs: NIA (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,552,000 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 24,800 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 24,800 Housing area square feet: 20,982 Gross square feet per inmate: 258 Size of cells: 91 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 79% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 96 Inmates per unit: 96 Management type: Remote surveillance September 1986 population: 95 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $16,167 Total per GSF: $62.58 Total annual operating costs: NIA (addition) Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alann/detection systems; razor wire on fences; patrols; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 450 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Owner constructed Use of inmate labor: Extensive; everything but security systems Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast panels Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 96 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 96 Total: 96 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; inmate labor Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 7 Security: 26 Programs/treatment: 47 Maintenance: 0 Total: 80 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.19: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction South Carolina Columbia :. 0 0 er: >- < 0 NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 451 Lieber Correctional Institution Jurisdiction official: Parker Evatt, Commissioner, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden P. D?~gl~s.J~rlo[, Lieber Correctional Institution, P.O. Box 205, Ridgeville, SC 29472, 803-875-3332 Architec~:.11,1cNi'if;}IQhnsiln;;ruidtAss\fciate'si,"~529 Washington Street, P.O. Box 84, Columbia, SC 29202, 803-799-5472 ' · G'5cher & Mahoney, Inc., 1130 East Missouri, Suite 850, Phoenix, AZ 85014, 602-264-6803 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: October 1984 Finish date: July 1986 Construction time: 21 months Design capacity: 696 Total cost: $20,571,000 Total annual operating costs: $5,977,898 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate honsing areas Total: $20,571,000 Building only: $19,104,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 263,765 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 263,765 Housing area square feet: I 68,828 Gross square feet per inmate: 379 Size of cells: 88 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 95% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 126 Inmates per unit: 126 Management type: Direct supervision; remote surv. for max. security January 1987 population: 682 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $10,928,000 Housing per inmate: $15, 70 I Housing per cell: $15,701 Total per inmate: $29,556 Total per GSF: $77. 99 Total annual operating costs: $5,977,898 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on and between fences; patrols; camera surveil1ance Inmate security level: Maximum: 24% Medium: 76% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; recirculated hot water/chilled water Plumbing: Stainless combination unit; vitreous china Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for cells; manual alarm stations; smoke evacuation 452 Structural: Steel frame; bar joists on CMU walls Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick, stucco Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; double-tee prestressed members for some building roofs Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 696 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 696 Total: 696 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 74 Security: 303 Programs/treatment: 28 Maintenance: 18 TotaJ: 423 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.61: I Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; lack of skilled journeymen; competition with other construction Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction South Carolina Ridgeville . z~ a, ,;:.,: j,,£. 0 p) N s~z . .,er °'"< " "< ...... Oj I I· ~ N C') zH "'::,0 0"°0 : ,: s: '7 £." L £. • &'i'..Z bl:'i! 0-t,Z ? 'o ~'8 "'N 1;l fi!,. i C') \. "~ I IT a' ~-!,,?; £-1, ~ -1,-l,Z -s-,..,,. ~,i> 1s-e ?;SZ 1 ~ 'i:S.1 -i,SZ ,SS'i! ?SZ ).Si! &:S• bS'i! Q'/'Z 11i NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 453 Myrtle Beach Law Enforcement Center Jurisdiction official: J. Stanley Bird, Chief of Police Contact: William A. Pickering, Detention Lieutenant, Myrtle Beach Law Enforcement Center, 1101 Oak Street, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577, 803-626-9589 Architect:Timbes/Wilund/Usry/ArchitectI,I11cc; 50()1'])/<JJ;IQ Kings Highway, Suite 203, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577, 803-449-5204 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: May 198 I Finish date: October 1982 Construction time: 17 months Design capacity: I I 2 Total cost: $3,743,625 Total annual operating costs: $588,520 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: city jail; law enforcement, courts, 48-hour lockup Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,743,625 Building only: $3,410,025 Gross square feet/corrections: 21,000 Gross square feet/other: 22,600 Gross square feet/total: 43,600 Housing area square feet: 13,200 Gross square feet per inmate: 188 Size of cells: 75 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 67% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 12 to I 9 Inmates per unit: 40 to 70 Management type: Intermittent surveillance; direct viewing of circulation passages June 1986 population: 35 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates* Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $ I ,400,000 Housing per inmate: $12,500 Housing per cell: $45,161 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $85.86 Total annual operating costs: $588,520 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium; 100% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame; cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: None HV AC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells; manual alarm stations 454 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 14 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 98 Special housing: 0 General population: 112 Total: I 12 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Cooperation of owner/architecU contractor in dealing with negotiated items Negative: Complexity of multi-use law enforcement and city government facility Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 17 Programs/treatment: 0 (outside contractor) Maintenance: 0 (outside contractor) Total: 19 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1. 84: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Coordination of design between parties; job finished 2-3 months ahead of schedule Negative: None *Juveniles are detained for no more than 6 hours. NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction South Carolina Myrtle Beach fil rnJ NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 455 Nashville Community Service Center (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Stephen H. Norris, Commissioner, Department of Correction Contact: Warden Charles R. Bass, Nashville Community Service Center, 7466 Centennial Place Extended, Nashville, TN 37219-5260, 615-385-3810 Archite~t: PaulM .. Johnson_ Architec1,:<1'206'YF:lfrar Avenue, Nashville, TN 37215, 615-292-0120 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: January 1982 Finish date: December 1983 Construction time: 23 months Design capacity: 120 Total cost: $280,000 Total annual operating costs: $3,618,100 (entire facility) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $280,000 Building only: $260,000 Gross square feet/corrections: I 6,000 Gross square feeUother: 0 Gross square feet/total: 16,000 Housing area square feet: 12,800 Gross square feet per inmate: 13 3 Size of cells: 3,200 square feet (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 92% Design: Dormitory style Cells per unit: I Inmates per unit: 30 Management type: Intermittent surveillance April 1986 population: 120 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $240,000 Housing per inmate: $2,000 Housing per cell: $60,000 Total per inmate: $2,333 Total per GSF: $17 .50 Total annual operating costs: $3,618,100 (entire facility) Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 100% Structural: Masonry bearing Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: State procurement Use of inmate labor: Extensive Use of prefabrication: Limited; wood trussed rafters Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Unknown Floor surface: Sealed concrete Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 120 Special housing: 0 General population: 120 Total: 120 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; less expensive materials and hardware; use of inmate labor Negative: None Intercom: One-way to common areas HV AC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas 456 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 15 Security: 74 Programs/treatment: 16 Maintenance: 7 Total: 112 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.68: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Tennessee Nashville (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 457 Shelby County Justice Center Jurisdiction official: Jack Owens, Sheriff Conta1:t: Edward Totten, Chief Jailer, ShelbyCounty Justice Center, 201 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38103, 901-576-2415 Archit&t: Ma.h@ "1l~§!Jappl.,y.AJ;c]litec~;,:ll!c.J5575 Poplar Avenue, Suite 603, Memphis, TN 38 I I 9, 90 I-767-9 I 70 Construction manager: Grinder, Taber and Grinder, Inc., 2850 Tarbora Avenue, P.O. Box 14485, Memphis, TN 38114, 901-743-6370 Groundbreaking: July 1977 Finish date: August I 981 Construction time: 49 months Design capacity: 1,224 Total cost: $39,500,000 Total annual operating costs: $11,904,022 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county and city jail; law enforcement, courts Building configuration: High rise Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $39,500,000 Building only: $39,140,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 326,892 Gross square feet/other: 489,448 Gross square feet/total: 816,340 Housing area square feet: 326,892 Gross square feet per inmate: 267 Size of cells: 54 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 83% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 23 Inmates per unit: 23 Management type: Intermittent surveillance; remote surveillance July 1986 population: 1,240 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom Housing area: $18,086,650 Housing per inmate: $14,777 Housing per cell: $14,777 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $48.39 Total annual operating costs: $11,904,022 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 4% Medium: 96% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame; cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds; local funds Contract method: Construction management Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; wooden and steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Carpet; terrazzo Intercom: Two-way to common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for common areas; manual alanm stations; fully automatic sprinkler and alanm 458 Single occupancy: 1,224 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 1,224 Total: 1,224 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 41 Security: 311 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 25 Total: 377 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.29: I Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track CM; good competition, favorable market Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; difficult site conditions; government procedures, regulations, and red tape. Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; weather problems; government red tape NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Tennessee Shelby County, Memphis r111111~J I bl TI 2 C ,ot:1J.ND::J N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction ◄ 459 Austin County Jail Jurisdiction official: Truman A. Maddox, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff Truman A. Maddox, Austin CountrJ~iJ,.P.O. Box 457, Belleville, TX 77418, 409-865-3112 Architect.: .C:\uist9p/J:~r,,1ili;;Stc,,f"!!m<t;~ssoc:i~~s:,,;J.jjc1;¥i500 Citywest Boulevard, #2010, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction manager~ Non;· - .. . .. . ·•· Groundbreaking: May I 98 I Finish date: December I 98 I Construction time: 7 months Design capacity: 52 Total cost: $1,142,520 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,142,520 Building only: $1,124,520 Gross square feeVcorrections: 8,200 Gross square feeVother: 6,500 Gross square feeVtotal: 14,700 Housing area square feet: 8,200 Gross square feet per inmate: 158 Size of cells: 55.5 square feet (single); 86 (spec. single) NeVgross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit: 8 Management type: Intermittent surveillance September I 987 population: 16 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $77. 72 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 40% Medium: 60% Minimum: 0 Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Concrete job cast tilt wall panels Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Tilt wall concrete Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two.way to cells and common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; automatic smoke removal system 460 Single occupancy: 24 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 12 Special housing: I 6 General population: 36 Total: 52 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: 5 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 6 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.67:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction ....~ 120·-o .. ., r---, ~ SECURITY ~ ~- ~ ~ ~c" i 8 - SINGLE CELLS I MALE ADULT "~- 3 4 S OlJ p 6 r: n ,,--ar-t--n"--7--,-f £1 )J 8 - SINGLE CELLS I I MALE ,DuLTI 'i] u 'U 2 4 3 c P n In n l'i21 n 6 8 7 c p , ' ' I .J lt=:::=:::11 lJ c,IU LilU S <JP DAYRM :f--------t--tt1 U I . 7 8 7 FREEZER ISIT t==::I/ 1 D/1/i RM. clp LAUNDRY _ INMATE CORR. 6-MAN MULTIPLE OCCUPANC r · ~ECURITY CORR 0: 0 l--;;r-i,--------,--1_NMT",,,tr_✓ ~F;;:R.""F::::::--,----.,... , 6-MAN MULTIPLE OCCUPAN C Y 2 - FEMALE CELLS I JUVEN a_ 1 ~ ~ i I Oj O u PLUM- ~- ~ Cµ Of..lp ]1---~-----, . INMATE CORR . ~ ~ T CORR. ~ L f'\ IA r 6 • ~ ~ 1\/J [1, J:>< f'\ _- j(\ J. , u u , 2 clb le t) 3 4 _1flp cJ,~ ~ 6 .. MAN CELL · DAY RM. J'5<T 8 5(\ [1 2 <lp ISIT ~ 'U u I )"'. 2 .,,..t~~ I ---- IV' I ~IU CELL ~ - . , . I § ~ INF SALLY PORT [DDA~RM DAYRM[[]DlliJ! DAY•['S2x l~o'. FEM.ISSIJa 1/ Sit l\ II 1is vM . -~ -· r / SECURITY I L-tl2S.l~~--,.----T.'"TT_J I/ n -~-- SQUAD OFFICE I 1°t"' SEC. ~ i ----- --- ..,___ i. OFFICE ~ .. ~ .....: BOOKING-I TRAP 1, ,1 ...... CONTROL L DISPA'ICH,rt~=t"l!"F=""! CORR. ' I l CORR. LIN - UP T r· ~ i...w ~ u Iu I ['I l'lu ~. - MAN--. , PLUMBING I 2 - MALE CELLS l JUVENILI .,,..__.., ::=I DAY ·--• ILE l lo 4 - FEMALE CELLS I ADULT) l~··:::::::...:::::1 ,I 6 MAN LIBR ./MUL:n PURPOSE 0 ii I Y'f~ I TRAr I I CORR. wAmNG ROOM SHERIFF RECORDS MALE ISSUE F.P. STO. iQ~ "'3 -IS- a, § ~ q "' Beto I Unit Jurisdiction official: James A. Lynaugh, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Terry LTerr~ll, Bet?IlJnit,P.<:J.Box 128, Tennessee Colony, TX 75861, 214-928-2417 Architects,0f>~g,~J~QJ!/!Ierliind;Piige.;i606I:Wi!°stiAv'ehiie~ Austin, TX 7870 I , 512-472-6721 . Geren and Associates, Littlefield Building, Austin, TX 78701, 512-472-7799 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: January 1978 Finish date: December 1986 Construction time: 107 months Design capacity: I , 103 Total cost: $31,215,000 Total annual operating costs: $5,200, 159 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure; ladder, telephone pole Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $31,215,000 Building only: $31,215,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 815,628 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 815,628 Housing area square feet: 366,937 Gross square feet per inmate: 195 Size of cells: 53 square feet (double) Net/gross square feet: 94% Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 204 Inmates per unit: 408 Management type: Intermittent surveillance September 1987 population: 3,391 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $17,620,314 Housing per inmate: $4,319 Housing per cell: $8,637 Total per inmate: $11,947 Total per GSF: $38.27 Total annual operating costs: $5,200,159 Security Perimeter: Single fence; alann/detection systems; razor wire on fence; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; monile surfacing Intercom: One-way to common areas HYAC: Heating/air circulation; steam heat; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Manual alarm stations; fire hose cabinets 462 Construction type Structural: Lead-bearing precast panels; cast-in-place concrete frame; precast concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: 100% Use of prefabrication: Extensive; concrete panel, jail steel, concrete columns, and beams Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 4,080 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 108 General population: 4,080 Total: l, 103 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 38 Security: 450 Programs/treatment: 628 Maintenance: 44 Total: 1,160 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.92: l Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefab. components, factory assembly; repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow construction; difficult site conditions; government regulations and red tape; complex electronic and mechanical systems; 100% inmate labor Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Prefab. components, factory assembly; simple construction methods; advanced order of materials and hardware Negative: Slow delivery from vendors; labor problems; 100% inmate labor; weather problems; government red tape NJJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Tennessee Colony NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 463 Beto II Unit Jurisdiction official: James A. Lynaugh, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Michael W. Countz, Beto II Unit, Route 2, Box 250, Palestine, TX 75801, 214-723-5074 Architects: \)3arnes,.Landes, Qooih11@andYou11gblood,;X6bO West 38th Street, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78731, 512-451-8281 Dahl-Braden-PTM, Inc., ReverchonPlaza, 3500 Maple Avenue, LB 87, Suite 1100, Dallas, TX 75219, 214-520-0077 Construction manager/General contractor: B.F.W. Construction Company, P.O. Box 628, Temple, TX 76501, 817-778-8941 Groundbreaking: May 1981 Finish date: July 1984 Construction time: 38 months Design capacity: 1,101 Total cost: $13,177,520 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure; ladder, telephone pole Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $13,177,520 Building only: $13,177,520 Gross square feet/corrections: 140,650 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 140,650 Housing area square feet: 97,800 Gross square feet per inmate: 128 Size of cells: 3,640 square feet (dorms); 64 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: 90% Design: Dormitory style Cells per unit: 1 Inmates per unit: 66 Management type: Intermittent surveillance January 1987 population: 1,026 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Court order limits inmate capacity Housing area: $9,224,264 Housing per inmate: $8,735 Housing per cell: $576,517 Total per inmate: $11,969 Total per GSF: $93.69 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Security Perimeter: Single fence; alann/detection systems; razor wire on fence; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 100% Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Metal building "sandwich panel" type construction Interior walls: CMU block; jail steel Exterior surface/facade: Metal Finance method: State funds Contract method: Tum-key design and build Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; prefabricated metal buildings Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; hard floor wearing surface material Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Manual alarm stations; fire hose reels 464 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 1,056 Special housing: 47 General population: 1,056 Total: 1,101 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 10 Security: 199 Programs/treatment: 40 Maintenance: 13 Total: 262 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.92: l Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefab. components; simple cons!. methods; phased construction, fast track CM; favorable market; less expensive materials Negative: High labor costs; difficult site conditions; government red tape; complex electronic and mechanical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Prefab. components; repetitiveness of design; phased construction; advanced order of materials; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow delivery from vendors; weather problems; government red tape NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Palestine FOOD SERVICE UNIT □ OORMlTORV IJl'llT ODAM II DORM UNIT .... "' ~ .... DORM UNIT □ Lll<E ADMINISTRATION UNIT RECREATtON UNIT I I "'-""' !•"• I I ' 1'··" I I I 1 I I I I I I 0 UNIT eJt! ,r.,· : ...-L. : L.:·±•:.....J DORM UNIT EDUCATIONAL UNIT DORM. UNIT MAIN BUILOII\IG COMPLEX NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 465 Bexar County Juvenile Center Jurisdiction official: Dr. Tom Broussard, Chief Juvenile Probation Officer Contact: Dr. Tom Broussard, Chief Juvenile Probation Officer, Bexar County Juvenile Center, 600 Mission Road, San Antonio, TX 7.8219, 5.IJ--.53l-Iq90 Architei:ts: Golenion &'Riilfe A~i<l6iiiiek', inc>¼ I 600 Smith Street, 36th Floor, Houston, TX 77002, 713-655-9988 L. K. Travis & Associates, 1222 Main Street, Suite 407, San Antonio, TX 48212, 512-224-4041 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: September 1984 Finish date: January 1986 Construction time: I 6 months Design capacity: 104 Total cost: $5,827,817 Total annual operating costs: $1,924,328 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: juvenile detention facility, courts, probation Building configuration: Integrated structure; wheel, spoke or radial Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $5,827,817 Building only: $5,500,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 40,515 Gross square feet/other: 22,435 Gross square feet/total: 62,950 Housing area square feet: 17 ,525 Gross square feet per inmate: 390 Size of cells: 75 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 84% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 12 Inmates per unit: 12 Management type: Remote smveillance; direct supervision June 1986 population: 65 Facility commitment: Juvenile detainees Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor Housing area: $1,665,000 Housing per inmate: $17,344 Housing per cell: $17,344 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $92.58 Total annual operating costs: $1,924,328 Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block; architectural precast Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Prefinished concrete masonry units Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; Certificates of Participation Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote and manual locking Floor surface: Carpet; vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 466 Single occupancy: 96 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 8 General population: 96 Total: 104 Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: None Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 11 Security: 51 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 3 Total: 65 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.00:1 N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Bexar County NU/National v· rectory oJ,, Corrections Construction 467 Brazoria County Sheriff's Department Detention Center II Jurisdiction official: E.J. King, Sheriff Contact: Captain Richard A. Dix, Brazoria County Sheriff's Department Detention Center II, P.O. Box 1046, 3602 County Road 45, Angleton, TX 77515, 409-849-8263 Archit~ct: BroliksAssgc;JatiQnJorArcl1itecJt1re,"!!<lPl@11iµg, 2200 West Loop South, Suite 895, Houston, TX 77027, 713-871-0667 Construction manager: None ~-- ~ ....,_, Groundbreaking: November 1983 Finish date: November 1985 Construction time: 24 months Design capacity: 252 Total cost: $4,754,221 Total annual operating costs: $ I ,253 ,632 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Ladder, telephone pole Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $4,754,221 Building only: $4,252,477 Gross square feet/corrections: 45,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 45,000 Housing area square feet: 25,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 179 Size of cells: 66 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: I Inmates per unit: 24 Management type: Intermittent surveillance; remote surveillance; direct supervision June 1986 population: 161 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $ I 8,866 Total per GSF: $105.65 Total annual operating costs: $1,253,632 Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire between fences Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 20% Minimum: 80% Construction type Structural: Reinforced load-bearing concrete block with steel bar joists and concrete Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; stucco; paint Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; seamless flooring Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; smoke evacuation system 468 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 12 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 240 Special housing: 0 General population: 252 Total: 252 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 4 Security: 34 Programs/treatment: 4 Maintenance: 3 Total: 45 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.58: I Factors affecting construc,tion costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Government procedures, regulations, and red tape; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; labor problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Brazoria County ·-4 I L ~ l oi ·. ~D, ·_, ,.,1 =-- .,_, __._J ---7 . ---· NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 469 Cameron County Detention Center Jurisdiction official: Alex Perez, Sheriff Contact: Jesse Masso, Jail Administrator, Cameron County Detention Center, I 154 East Harrison Street, Brownsville, TX 78521, 512-544-0860 Archi!"e£Jt§!mI!!>RlierCDLS!el'iiilof&iiA'ss<1cfot~ltt!!iJfi;1ir~00 Citywest Boulevard, #2010, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: October 1983 Finish date: March 1985 Construction time: I 7 months Design capacity: 289 Total cost: $2,100,000 Total annual operating costs: $1,260,274 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,100,000 Building only: $2,078,000 Gross square Gross square Gross square Housing area Design: Linear, inside; dorms, outside Cells per unit: 4 Inmates per unit: 92 Management type: Intermittent surveillance; remote surveillance March 1987 population: 270 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $7,266 Total per GSF: $75 .45 feet/corrections: 27,832 feet/other: 0 feet/total: 27,832 square feet: 21,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 96 Size of cells: 96 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Means to handle crowding: Transfer to other facility Total annual operating costs: $ I ,260,274 Security Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 20% Medium: 80% Minimum: 0 Exterior walls: Architectural precast Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete Finance method: Local funds; Federal funds; Certificates of Obligation Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; automatic smoke removal system 470 Single occupancy: 12 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 276 Special housing: 1 General population: 288 Total: 289 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 39 Programs/treatment: 1 Maintenance: 0 Total: 42 Current inmate/staff ratio: 6.43: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; labor problems N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Cameron County • l aI • !IPz ■ ::, a npiI s a c I:► zCl:i;: C z ·. z■ I■ I !v:::=1 ! 1 I c 5 j I: I =i . • • ' p • • ■ • • ,. • • 0 • • • • • • I II I E I : ! E IE e• i> !> d I► ;■ i !. :1e ► i ~ ~ • ► ► ? I •• !• 1=! Ic ;g e~ Ic Ij 1=I & •. ! ...■....■ ..' .. ,. .. ' •• • I •• i • r•• • C • I !I I • M,UU, i H • NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ) / a nI ! 471 Chambers County Law Enforcement Center Jurisdiction official: C.E. "Chuck" Morris, Sheriff Contact: Captain Jackie 0. Wheat, Jail Administrator, Chambers County Law Enforcement Center, P.O. Box 998,201 North Court, Anabuac,TX 77514, 4OQc,:2('i7---67?1 Architect: Christopher Di Stefano &Asfoc'iG"ates,;Inc.;;2500 Citywest Boulevard, #2010, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: December 1981 Finish date: May 1983 Construction time: I 7 months Design capacity: 75 Total cost: $1,956,000 Total annual operating costs: $1,200,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, courts Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,956,000 Building only: $1,932,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 19,500 Gross square feet/other: 7,500 Gross square feet/total: 27,000 Housing area square feet: 9,100 Gross square feet per inmate: 260 Size of cells: 55 square feet (gen. single); 81 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit: 8 Management type: Intermittent surveillance September 1986 population: 52 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $72.44 Total annual operating costs:$ 1,200,000 Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 75% Medium: 25% Minimum: 0 Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Architectural precast Interior walls: CMU block; steel in detention area Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; automatic smoke removal system 472 Single occupancy: 36 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 14 Special housing: 25 General population: 50 Total: 75 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competitian, favorable market Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 8 Security: 26 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 1 Total: 35 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.49: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Labor problems N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Chambers County ! i I ~-'.:ri I Ii i ! I ..l i IICIGIIIIICI, --r;y=I D ! : .I ' 'j l • .. ·I·. ·'.·I· . . . I. i .I ·1. j -- -M-- u- I u_, t '_I I a I I i - -· 1. :-· I i I i I. -1 ·.. -I· I. ·t. ·1 ( <· .. I I l I I □i I ! --~ -NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction i i 473 Coffield Unit Jurisdiction official: James A. Lynaugh, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden J.E. Alford, Coffield Unit, Route 1, Box 150, Tenne§see Colony, TX 75861, 214-928-2211 Architect: George Dahl, Architects & Engineers (no longer in business)1 Construction mauager/Geueral contractor: Texas Department of Corrections, New Construction Department, P.O. Box 99, N/C Huntsville, TX 77340, 409-295-6371 Groundbreaking: July I 965 Finish date: July 1979 Construction time: 168 months Design capacity: 3,783 Total cost: $12,641,281 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Wheel, spoke or radial Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $12,641,281 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 693,642 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 693,642 Housing area square feet: 564,879 Gross square feet per inmate: 183 Size of cells: 45 square feet (double); 9 ,000_ (dorms) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 126 Inmates per unit: 252 Management type: Intermittent Housing area: $10,239,438 Housing per inmate: $3,801 Housing per cell: $8,670 Total per inmate: $3,342 Total per GSF: $18.22 surveillance October 1987 population: 2,832 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on fences; towers; patrols; camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional; inmate labor Use of inmate labor: 100% Use of prefabrication: Limited;jail steel Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Carpet; epoxy coating; sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; steam heat; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Manual alarm stations; fire hose cabinets 474 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 2,354 Dorms: 340 Special housing: 1,089 General population: 2,694 Total: 3,783 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefab. components, factory assembly; repetitiveness of design; inmate labor Negative: Slow construction; difficult site conditions; government red tape; complex electronic and mechanical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefab. components, factory assembly; simple const. methods; advanced order of materials; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow delivery from vendors; labor problems; weather problems; complex electronic and mechanical systems; inmate labor N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Tennessee Colony NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 475 Comal County Jail Jurisdiction official: Walter Fellers, Sheriff Contact: Walter Sumner, Jail Administrator, Comal County Jail, 3005 West San Antonio Street, New Braunfels, TX 78130, 512-625-9141 Architect:Christoph~iQL:i!!'f!l!lQ.,~!AIIO!'I\'lrt\!I\'j, 2500 Citywest Boulevard, #2010, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction manager: None · ·····•··· Groundbreaking: February 1984 Finish date: June 1985 Construction time: 16 months Design capacity: 184 Total cost: $2,727,000 Total annual operating costs: $764,461 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,727,000 Building only: $2,706,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 31,912 Gross square feet/other: 8,100 Gross square feet/total: 40,012 Housing area square feet: 23,589 Gross square feet per inmate: I 73 Size of cells: 66 square feet (single); 112 (spec. single); 305 (spec. dorms) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 7 Inmates per unit: 7 Management type: Intermittent surveillance September 1987 population: 126 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $68.15 Total annual operating costs: $764,461 Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 34% Medium: 66% Minimum: 0 Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Architectural precast Interior walls: CMU block; steel in detention area Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete Finance method: Local funds; Certificates of Obligation Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alann stations; automatic smoke removal system 476 Single occupancy: 47 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 96 Special housing: 39 General population: 145 Total: 184 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: 27 Programs/treatment: 3 Maintenance: 0 Total: 31 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.06:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; labor prob!ems; weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Comal County B B B 8 B B 8 B 8 B 8 , - ........ .,...., . -! h " NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction r 8 B B ~ 477 Darrington Unit (Addition/Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: James A. Lynaugh, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Keith Price, Ph.D., Darrington Unit, Rt. 3, Box 59, Rosharon, TX 77583, 713-595-3465 Architecti·>W'.;••~ne)Vilijams;&Asspcfates;;;:!9c,,'8000 South Post Oak-1470, Houston, TX 77056, 713-440-4422 Construction manager: None .. ,,,_,, Groundbreaking: May 1980 Finish date: May 1987 Construction time: 84 months Design capacity: 1,344 Total cost: $ll,030,238 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $ll ,030,238 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 182,640 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 182,640 Housing area square feet: ll3,030 Gross square feet per inmate: 136 Size of cells: 55 square feet (double); 2,665 (dorms) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Intermittent surveillance May 1987 population: 1,710 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: Ni A (remodel) Total per GSF: $60.39 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, ancillary building; remodel/renovation; expansion Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Ladder, telephone pole Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/ detection systems; razor wire on fences; towers; patrols; camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; steam heat; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Manual alarm stations; fire hose cabinets Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick Exterior surface/facade: Brick; paint Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: 100% Use of prefabrication: Limited; jail steel fronts and doors Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: I , 128 Dorms: 152 Special housing: 74 General population: 1,270 Total: 1,344 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 50 Security: 428 Programs/treatment: 80 Maintenance: 45 Total: 603 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.84:1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefab. components, factory assembly; repetitiveness of design; inmate labor Negative: Difficult site conditions; government procedures and red tape; complex electronic and mechanical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefab. components; simple const. methods; repetitiveness of design; advanced order of materials and hardware Negative: Slow delivery from suppliers; government red tape; complex elec- tronic and mechanical systems; inmate labor 478 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Rosharon ,,2:i ' • !1'1i'l ~ 1-j· h - - i_i~~ -- 1 !l i•i ;1 -,~,-~~!! ~,! . ';,>!j! -~F-ir"ri=-ir:.,;'.;=-4--·_____ .:. R I !, ~-A"~--- r •. \'( M,:ili:~' r' ' ' I ·11;!1==§1~ !/ ;,: ·,~,!:!r· '~ I IAOkc liil ' __.,,, ==-~ I ! ! ~ J5L ---# :.e_r-- I -[I □! o I ' ';f --~ - ..,,-:--~ ' _,,,,_-cH-___,..__ ! __ :r: u.tmu!:IBL!i ii ·~- -= -'\-II . . .. :, , I -1 : I f) 11 z '.I o:: NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ w r in ~i •' .I 479 Diagnostic Unit (Addition) Jurisdiction official: James A. Lynaugh, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Billy R. Ware, Diagnostic Unit, P.O. Box 100, Huntsville, TX 77340, 409-295-5768 Architij;t:.ffNeiU;,Contad;;Opp,elt;(&!;!,cinesk,¢,l\'t!'J!!cfi/j,100 West Olmos, San Antonio, TX 78212, 512-829-1737 Construction manager: Lebco Construction Company, P.O. Box 771949, Houston, TX 77215, 713-781-9501 Groundbreaking: December 1984 Finish date: February 1986 Construction time: 14 months Design capacity: 448 Total cost: $7,224,119 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Ladder, telephone pole Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $7,224,119 Building only: $7,000,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 41,600 Gross square feet/other; 0 Gross square feet/total: 41,600 Housing area square feet: 41,600 Gross square feet per inmate: 93 Size of cells: 72.6 square feet (double) Net/gross square feet: 73% Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Intermittent surveillance November 1987 population: 413 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $3,500,000 Housing per inmate: $7,812 Housing per cell: $7,812 Total per inmate: $16,125 Total per GSF: $173.66 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (addition) Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fences Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete, precast concrete Exterior surface/facade: Brick; paint Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited;jail steel Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; manual alarm stations; fire hose cabinets 480 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 448 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 448 Total: 448 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly Negative: Government procedures, regulations and red tape Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 4 Security: 36 Programs/treattnent: 3 Maintenance: 0 Total: 43 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 9.6:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; advanced order of materials and hardware Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Huntsville (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 481 Ellis II Unit (Phase I and II) Jurisdiction official: James A. Lynaugh, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Randy McLeod, Ellis II Unit, P.O. Box 6438, Huntsville, TX 77340, 409-291-4200 Architect: Lawrence D. White&Associates; Inc.,P.O; Box 17148, Fort Worth, TX 76102, 817-332-7101 Construction manager: 3D International, 2700 South Post Oak Road, Houston, TX 77056, 713-622-5030 Groundbreaking: March 1983 Finish date: December 1984 Construction time: 21 months Design capacity: 2,358 Total cost: $43,941,497 Total annual operating costs: $21,271,082 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Ladder, telephone pole Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $43,941,497 Building only: $39,963,266 Gross square feet/corrections: 440,968 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 440,968 Housing area square feet: 204,480 Gross square feet per inmate: 187 Size of cells: 60 square feet (double); 78 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 126 Inmates per unit: 252 Management type: Intermittent surveillance July 1986 population: 1,750 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $15,607,746 Housing per inmate: $6,882 Housing per cell: $13,763 Total per inmate: $18,635 Total per GSF: $99 .65 Total annual operating costs: $21,271,082 Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; razor wire on fence; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Construction process Structural: Unknown Exterior walls: Architectural precast Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block; gypsum board on metal studs Exterior surface/facade: Natural wall Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional; construetion management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; precast concrete panels, columns, and beams Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: None HVAC: Heating/air circulation Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Manual alarm stations 482 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 2,268 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 90 General population: 2,268 Total: 2,358 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 47 Security: 478 Programs/treatment: 167 Maintenance: 12 Total: 704 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.49:1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods; fast track CM; good competition, favorable market Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; repetitiveness of design; phased construction; advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Huntsville (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 483 Fayette County Detention Center Jurisdiction official: V .K. Koopmann, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff V.K. Koopmann, Faye~~ Collntypetention Center, P.O. Box 112, La Grange, TX 78945, 409-968-5856 Architect: :E!lvvard.t,,!~ttil!gly,\ssociates;l'1itc:,c·P:0''1Box 576, La Grange, TX 78945, 409-968_::5163 Construction ni3riager:· 'NOne Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, State Department of Public Safety; Justice of Peace Building configuration: Integrated structure Groundbreaking: July 1984 Finish date: August 1985 Construction time: 13 months Design capacity: 6 I Total cost: $1,455,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,455,000 Building only: $1,295,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 13,812 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 13,812 Housing area square feet: 6, 724 Gross square feet per inmate: 226 Size of cells: 65 square feet (single); 332 square feet (dorm) Net/gross square feet: 88% Design: Radial Cells per unit: 24 Inmates per unit: 46 Management type: Direct supervision; remote surveillance October 1985 population: 35 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners; Federal prisoners Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: $700,000 Housing per inmate: $11,475 Housing per cell: $25,000 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $105.34 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 40% Medium: 55% Minimum: 5% Structural: Load bearing CMU Exterior walls: CMU block, fluted and stucco Interior walls: CMU block and steel Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; fluted CMU Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; small air cooled split system heat pumps Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm station; positive smoke removal system 484 Single occupancy: 18 Double occupancy: 4 Dorms: 8 Other: 16 Special housing: 15 General population: 46 Total: 61 Construction process Finance method: Certificates of Obligation by county Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited, prefabricated steel detention equipment Architect's reported analyses Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 4 Security: 15 Programs/treatment: 2 Maintenance: 0 Total: 21 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.67:1 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components for cell areas; load bearing CMU firewalls, steel joists, metal deck, B.U. roof, insulated; good competition; less expensive materials and hardware; innovative planning Negative: Complexelectrooic, mechaoical, and electrical systems, and smoke removal system; strict local codes Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Steel modular single cells; simple construction methods; cooperation between county and State officials Negative: Slow delivery of detention equipment; weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Fayette County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 485 Federal Correctional Institution Jurisdiction official: J. Michael Quinlan, Director. Bureau of Prisons Contact: Warden Fred J. Stock, Federal Correctional Institution, Bastrop, TX 78602, 512-321-3903 Architect: !cR~ .9r9.llPi51lll ,\y¢8.tiL!!Qit.!>J~t;\l?s@;'?,!ibx 22427, Houston, TX 77027, 713-552-2000 Constrnctii>ninaiiager: Robert E. McGee, Inc.,'i608 Inwood Road, Dallas, TX 75235, 214-357-4_381 Gronndbreaking: September 1976 Finish date: August I 979 Construction time: 35 months Design capacity: 501 Total cost: $10,950,000 Total annnal operating costs: $7,284,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Federal prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $10,950,000 Building only: $10,550,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 200,950 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 200,950 Housing area square feet: Unknown Gross square feet per inmate: 401 Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: 74% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 112 Inmates per unit: 112 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: 620 Facility commitment: Federal prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $21,856 Total per GSF: $54.49 Total annual operating costs: $7,284,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection system Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Structural: Load bearing reinforced masonry; wood trusses; concrete Exterior walls: Load bearing masonry Interior walls: Load bearing masonry Exterior surface/facade: Rough-saw cedar Construction process Finance method: Federal funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Vinyl tile Intercom: None HVAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood Fire protection: Smoke detectors in common areas 486 Single occupancy: 460 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 41 General population: 460 Total: 501 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Unknown Negative: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Unknown Negative: Demolition of existing structures; site and utility work Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 4 Security: 107 Programs/treatment: 10 Maintenance: 19 Total: 140 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.43: 1 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Bastrop (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 487 Ferguson Unit (Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: James A. Lynaugh, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Charles A. Blanchette, Warden-II, Ferguson Unit, Route 2, Box 20, Midway, TX 75852, 409-348-3751 Architect:;La"1nmceD./WhiteC;&i'AsSC!ciates};clli~l\f]P.O. Box 17148, Fort Worth, TX 76102, 817-877-0685 ConstructiOil lllan3ger: None ,~ • ..; fC·C,' .•••• '•0. ,~• "',",.• •~"••~'V·"c" " " •• ~•-·,· J C"J· •'c.," • ~ .. V -• Groundbreaking: May 1981 Finish date: May 1985 Construction time: 48 months Design capacity: 656 Total cost: $32,000,000 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (expansion) Category: Remodeling/renovation project; expansion project Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Ladder, telephone pole Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $32,000,000 Building only: $32,000,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 501,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 501,000 Housing area square feet: 181,871 Gross square feet per inmate: 764 Size of cells: 66.5 (double); 65 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 78 Inmates per unit: 156 Management type: Intermittent surveillance February I 987 population: 656 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $5,083,677 Housing per inmate: $8,147 Housing per cell: $16,294 Total per inmate: NIA (remodel) Total per GSF: $63.87 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (expansion) Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fences; towers; patrols; alann/detection systems Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame; precast concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick Exterior surface/facade: Brick Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: None HVAC: Heating/air circulation; other energy recycle unit; four 30,000 gal. water storage tanks, two solar heated Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Manual alarm stations 488 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 624 Dorms: O Special housing: 32 General population: 624 Total: 656 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Ni A Security: 20 Programs/treatment: Ni A Maintenance: Ni A Total: 20 (expansion only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 33: I Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional design; prisoner labor Use of inmate labor: Extensive; inmates acted as labor force Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast panels for cells Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; owner furnished most building materials (i.e. brick, CMU, precast, jail steel, bunks, toilet units, tables, and chairs) Negative: Slow construction due to prisoner labor Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; labor problems N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Midway 0 0 ' ©-------©----- NII/National Directory of Corrections Construction 489 Fort Bend County Jail Jurisdiction official: Gus George, Sheriff Contact: Captain Tom Sparkman, Fort Bend County Jail, 1410 Ransom Road, Richmond, TX 77469, 713-341-4611 Architect: Chtistopher Di Stefano &Associates, Inc., 2500 Citywest Boulevard, #2010, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: July 1979 Finish date: September 1980 Construction time: I 4 months Design capacity: 166 Total cost: $3,139,000 Total aunual operating costs: $1,421,613 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, courts Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,139,000 Building only: $3,038,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 33,520 Gross square feet/other: 15,000 Gross square feet/total: 48,520 Housing area square feet: 20,848 Gross square feet per inmate: 202 Size of cells: 55 square feet (single); 75 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 16 Inmates per unit: 16 Management type: Intermittent surveillance September 1987 population: 157 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $61.50 Total annual operating costs: $1,421,613 Security Perimeter: Building exterior only; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 33% Medium: 67% Minimum: 0 Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Architectural precast Interior walls: CMU block; steel in detention area Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; automatic smoke removal system 490 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 56 Double occupancy: 0 ·Dorms: 44 Special housing: 66 General population: I 00 Total: 166 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 6 Security: 26 Programs/treatment: 4 Maintenance: 2 Total: 38 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4. 13: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Fort Bend County ' I I --- I •' I I 'I •' • I ' 1 I --- ! !; I ~ I ~I --1--i i ~ I I I I ! ! § i I ! !JJ1fi;ij ;-, r-;..- i Nil/National Directory of Corrections Construction 491 Fort Bend County Jail (Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Gus George, Sheriff Contact: Captain Tom Sparkman, Fort Bend County Jail, 1410 Ransom Road, Richmond, TX 77469, 713-341-4611 Architect~Christopherl:)i.Stefano 8e A.ssocia(es.,Jnf/ii:t5J0 Citywest Boulevard, #2010, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: July 1983 Finish date: August 1984 Construction time: 13 months Design capacity: 127 Total cost: $1,140,000 Total annual operating costs: $1,421,613 (entire facility) Category: Expansion project Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,140,000 Building only: $1,105,000 Gross square feet/corrections: l 6,650 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 16,650 Housing area square feet: 16,650 Gross square feet per inmate: I 31 Size ofcells: 75 square feet (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Intermittent surveillance September 1987 population: 82 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $8,976 Total per GSF: $68.47 Total annual operating costs: $1,421,613 (entire facility) Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 5% Medium: 95% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Architectural precast Interior walls: CMU block; steel in detention area Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; automatic smoke removal system 492 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 124 Special housing: 3 General population: 124 Total: 127 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 0 Security: 3 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 3 (expansion only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 27.33:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Fort Bend County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 493 Freeport Police and Courts Building Jurisdiction official: Charles G. Bankston, Chief of Police Contact: Chief Charles G. Bankston, Freeport Police and Courts Building, 430 North Brazosport Boulevard, Freeport, TX 77541, 409-239-1211 Architect: Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc., 2500 Citywest Boulevard, #20!0, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: June 1978 Finish date: July 1979 Construction time: 13 months Design capacity: 21 Total cost: $7!0,400 Total annual operating costs: $71,950 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: city jail, law enforcement, courts Building confignration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $710,400 Building only: $680,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 3,300 Gross square feet/other: 8,700 Gross square feet/total: 12,000 Housing area square feet: 1,050 Gross square feet per inmate: 157 Size of cells: 63 square feet (single); 85 (double); 153 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 6 Inmates per unit: 6 Management type: Intermittent surveillance September I 986 population: 8 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $59.20 Total annual operating costs: $71,950 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: !00% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: None HYAC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; manual alarm stations 494 Single occupancy: 2 Double occupancy: 4 Dorms: 8 Special housing: 7 General population: 14 Total: 21 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 6 Security: 28 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 2 Total: 36 Current inmate/staff ratio: 0.22:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: None NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Freeport (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 495 Harris County Juvenile Detention Home (Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: John A. Cocoros, Chief Probation Officer Contact:}ames ~' l\•fart,ins! Dire~tor'. H'"?s County Juvenile Detention Home, 3540 West Dallas, Houston TX 77019, 713-521-4232 Architect: Golenioii0 &;;W<ilfeiiAsfoi'iiates,~Jnc,iil@lhS.mith Street, 36th Floor, Houston, TX 77002, 713-655-9988 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: June 1982 Finish date: May 1985 Construction time: 35 months Design capacity: I 98 Total cost: $10,200,000 Total annual operating costs: $4,110,657 (entire facility) Category: Remodeling/renovation project; expansion Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, courts, juv. detention Building configuration: Int. structure; high rise; wheel, spoke or radial Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $10,200,000 Building only: $9,900,000 Gross square feeUcorrections: 72,600 Gross square feeUother: 37,400 Gross square feeUtotal: 110,000 Housing area square feet: 72,600 Gross square feet per inmate: 367 Size of cells: 82 square feet (single) NeUgross square feet: 83% Design: Linear, outside; module/pod Cells per unit: 30 Inmates per unit: 30 Management type: Intermittent surveillance; remote surveillance July 1986 population: 88 Facility commitment: Juvenile detainees Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on Housing area: $6,500,000 Housing per inmate: $32,828 Housing per cell: $32,828 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $92. 73 Total annual operating costs: $4,110,657 (entire facility) floor Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; alarm/detection systems; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame; cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick; preformed metal siding Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Linoleum; carpet; sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel; wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 496 Single occupancy: I 98 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 198 Total: 198 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic and mechanical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 18 Security: 68 Programs/treatment: 19 Maintenance: 10 Total: 115 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: 0. 77: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors; complex electronic and mechanical systems N/J/Natzonal Directory of Correctzons Constructwn ' Texas Harris County l .! i "•& • • I I • : t! . I fI & .J .5 i 0 ~ I ,___ _ _ _ _........................,--...1 N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 497 Hidalgo County Jail 1_Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Brigido Marrne1ejo, Sheriff Contact: Captain Juan Ramon Perez, Hidalgo County Jail, Courthouse, P.O. Box 359, Edinburg, TX 78539, 512-383-2751 Architect: Christopher Di Stefano.&Associates; Inc.; 2500 Citywest Boulevard, #2010, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: September 1984 Finish date: October I 985 Construction time: 13 months Design capacity: 184 Total cost: $853,600 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (expansion) Category: Expansion project Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $853,600 Building only: $849,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 13,780 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 13,780 Housing area square feet: 13, 780 Gross square feet per inmate: 75 Size of cells: Unknown Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 2 Inmates per unit: 92 Management type: Intermittent surveillance September 1987 population: 275 (entire facility) Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $849,000 Housing per inmate: $4,614 Housing per cell: $106,125 Total per inmate: $4,639 Total per GSF: $61.94 Total annual operating costs: NI A (expansion) Construction type Security C Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick veneer with concrete block backup Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds; Federal funds; local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual al:µm stations; automatic smoke removal system 498 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 184 Special housing: 0 General population: I 84 Total: 184 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 14 Programs/treatment: I Maintenance: 5 Total: 22 Current inmate/staff ratio: 12.5:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: None NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Hidalgo County t-·· BLOG. "o" Existing Two Story □ / Elevator Elevator t;;;;=='" tj BLOG."C" Existing Two Story NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 499 Hunt County Criminal Justice Center Jurisdiction official: Bobby Young, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff Bobby Young, Hunt County Criminal Justice Center, 2700 Johnson Street, Greenville, TX 75401, 214-455-3502 Archi~.:Ji:obl>s/Wiginton/Fawcett-----Arc.lii.\~.s~.• <$, Planners, Suite 2, 3511 Cedar Springs, Dallas, TX 75219, 214-855-5155 Construction manager: North Texas Construdiil'n Company, 4100 Frisco Road, Shennan, TX 75090, 214-893-4362 Groundbreaking: December 1982 Finish date: June 1984 Construction time: 19 months Design capacity: 109 Total cost: $2,845,000 Total annual operating costs: $256,200 (jail only) Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, courts Building configuration: Courtyard Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,845,000 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 23,800 Gross square feet/other: 9,000 Gross square feet/total: 32,800 Housing area square feet: 18,680 Gross square feet per inmate: 218 Size of cells: 72 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 85% Design: Courtyard Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit: 8 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 6 I Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: $2,000,000 Housing per inmate: $27,027 Housing per cell: $45,455 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $86. 74 necessary Total annual operating costs: $256,200 (jail only) Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 30% Medium: 30% Minimum: 40% Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Glazed structural tile Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Construction management Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas 500 Single occupancy: 38 Double occupancy: 0 Donns: 36 Special housing: 35 General population: 74 Total: 109 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: 14 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: I Total: 16 (jail only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.81:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Hunt County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 501 Jester Unit Number 3 Jurisdiction official: James A. Lynaugh, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Morris M. Jones, Jester Unit N~mrer 3, Route 2, Richmond, TX 77469, 713-491-1110 Architects:' Barnes,.Landes, Goodman, andYoungblood,lliQ(l West 38th Street, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78731, 512-451-8281 Dahl-Braden:PTM, Inc., 1800 North Market Streei, Dallas, TX 75202, 214-748-1466 Construction manager/General contractor: Texas Department of Corrections, New Construction Department, P.O. Box 99, N/C Huntsville, TX 77340, 409-295-6371 Groundbreaking: August 1981 Finish date: July 1984 Construction time: 35 months Design capacity: 1,060 Total cost: $14,044,570 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure; ladder, telephone pole Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $14,044,570 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 142,596 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 142,596 Housing area square feet: 99,217 Gross square feet per inmate: 135 Size ofcells: 64 square feet (spec. single); 3,640 (dorms) Net/gross square feet: 90% Design: Dormitory style Cells per unit: Unknown Housing area: $9,831,199 Housing per inmate: $10,327 Housing per cell: $655,413 Total per inmate: $13,250 Total per GSF: $98.49 Inmates per unit: 64 Management type: Remote surveillance September 1987 population: 990 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Unknown Security Perimeter: Single fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on fence; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 100% Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: "Sandwich panel" type metal buildings Interior walls: CMU block; jail steel Exterior surface/facade: Metal Finance method: State funds Contract method: Tum-key design and build Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; prefabricated metal buildings and jail steel Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; hard floor wearing surface material Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Manual alarm stations; fire hose reels 502 Architects' reported analyses Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 952 Special housing: 108 General population: 952 Total: 1,060 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefab. components; simple const. methods; phased cons!., fast track CM; favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: High labor costs; difficult site conditions; government red tape; complex electronic and mechanical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefab. components; repetitiveness of design; phased const., fast track CM; advanced order of materials; coordination of design Negative: Slow delivery from suppliers; weather problems; government red tape NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Richmond .. J; != ~ •> 0 0 I '; ! ., I i z ! I !i !; r!;-, ~ ..,,_, i ii ,.,., I'' !; ;"' !i i· ), i ~ -=--'C ...,,_, ji Ii NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction I 503 Katy Police Department Jurisdiction official: Pat Adams, Chief of Police Contact: Chief Pat Adams, Katy Police Department, 5456 Franz Road, Katy, TX 77492, 713-391-9221 Architect: Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc., 2500 Citywest Boulevard, #2010, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: June I 986 Finish date: April 1985 Construction time: 10 months Design capacity: 21 Total cost: $800,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: city jail; law enforcement Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $800,000 Building only: $751,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 2,491 Gross square feet/other: 9,309 Gross square feet/total: 11,800 Housing area square feet: I ,728 Gross square feet per inmate: 119 Size of cells: 84 square feet (double); 192 (dorms) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 5 Inmates per unit: 12 Management type: Intermittent surveillance Current population: Unknown Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $67.80 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Security Perimeter: Video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Architectural precast Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; smoke removal system 504 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 8 Dorms: 4 Special housing: 9 General population: 12 Total: 21 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; labor problems N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Katy (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 505 Lew Sterrett Justice Center Jurisdiction official: Jim Bowles, Sheriff Contact: Major Bob Knowles, Deputy Detentions Commander, Lew Sterrett Justice Center, 111 Commerce Street, Dallas, TX 75202, 214-749-6857 Architects: ,,Dahl-Braden-PTM, Inc., 1800 North Market Street, Dallas, TX 75202, 214-720-0077 Justice Center Architects, 1800 North Market Street, Dallas, TX 75202 Construction manager: McKee/Mays, A Joint Venture, 2708 Inwood Road, Dallas, TX 75235, 214-357-4381 Groundbreaking: March 1979 Finish date: November 1983 Construction time: 56 months Design capacity: I, 162 Total cost: $52,585,999 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility; phased project (future) Facility type: County jail; city jail Building configuration: High rise Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $52,585,999 Building only: $48,538,833 Gross square feet/corrections: 470,165 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 470,165 Housing area square feet: 275,135 Gross square feet per inmate: 405 Size of cells: 63 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 85% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: Unknown Inmates per unit: Unknown Management type: Intermittent surveillance; remote surveillance July I 986 population: 856 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $30,768,404 Housing per inmate: $27,109 Housing per cell: $37,522 Total per inmate: $45,255 Total per GSF: $111.85 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on fences; patrols; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HY AC: Air conditioning Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; structural glazed tile Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; smoke evacuation system 506 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Structural glazed tile Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Local funds; shared cost from multiple jurisdictions Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited;jail steel Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 800 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 335 Special housing: 27 General population: I, 135 Total: 1,162 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I 9 Security: 464 Programs/treatment: 6 Maintenance: 0 Total: 489 Current inmate/staff ratio: I. 75: I Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Phased construction, fast track construction management; good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Coordination of design between parties Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Dallas County, Dallas z <C it ..I c30. ► I- NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 507 Liberty County Jail (Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Sheriff E.W. Applebe, Sheriff Contact: Captain A.G. Cleaveland, Jail Administrator, Liberty County Jail, 2113 Sam Houston, Liber(y, TX 77575, 409-336-8906 Architect: Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc., 2500 Citywest Boulevard, #2010, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: March 1984 Finish date: April 1985 Construction time: 13 months Design capacity: 87 Total cost: $1,610,000 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (expansion) enforcement Inmate housing areas Dimensions Total: $1,610,000 Building only: $1,568,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 12,820 Gross square feet/other: 2,300 Gross square feet/total: 15,120 Housing area square feet: 11,272 Gross square feet per inmate: 147 Sizeofcells: 55 square feet (gen. single); 63 (spec. single); 252 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $106.48 project; expansion Facility type: Complex: county jail, law Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Category: Remodeling/renovation Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit: 8 Management type: Intermittent surveillance September 1986 population: 84 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total annual operating costs: Ni A (expansion) Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 40% Medium: 60% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block; steel in detention section Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds; local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; electric heating Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; automatic smoke removal system 508 Single occupancy: 24 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 36 Special housing: 27 General population: 60 Total: 87 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; complex electronic, mechanical. and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: II Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: I Total: 13 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: 6.46: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; labor problems N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Liberty County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 509 Missouri City Police Department Jurisdiction official: L.C. Guillot, Chief of Police Contact: Chief L.C. Guillot, Missouri City Police Department, 1522 Texas Parkway, Missouri City, TX 77459, 713-261-4200 Architect: Christopher Di Stefano & Associcates, Inc., 2500 Citywest Boulevard, #2010, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction manager: None Gronndbreaking: April I 98 I Finish date: January 1983 Construction time: 21 months Design capacity: 24 Total cost: $835,000 Total annual operating costs: $1,944,040 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: city jail, law enforcement, courts Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $835,000 Building only: $818,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 3,100 Gross square feet/other: 10,900 Gross square feet/total: 14,000 Housing area square feet: 962 Gross square feet per inmate: 129 Size ofcells: 99 square feet (gen. double); 198 (gen. dorm); 247 (spec. dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 5 Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $59.64 Inmates per unit: 5 Management type: Intermittent surveillance by law enforcement personnel October 1986 population: 0 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Total annual operating costs: $1,944,040 Construction type Construction process Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: I 00% Medium: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block; steel in detention area Exterior surface/facade: Brick Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Minimum: 0 Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: None HVAC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; sprinklers for cells 510 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 8 Dorms: 4 Special housing: 12 General population: 12 Total: 24 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Weather problems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 16 Security: 30 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 46 Current inmate/staff ratio: NI A N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction I Texas Missouri City (No floorplan available at time of publication) N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 511 Mountain View Unit (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Jaines A. Lynaugh, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Catherine Craig, Mountain '_View Unit, Route 4, Box 800, Gatesville, TX 76528, 817-865-7226 ., __ . . .' . -· . ''., .. ,.., ',' . . ,'_,, ,_.. "",'," .,_-:$) Architects: Gary/Parsons·&,Associates,.JtO:iBox,3657;dsonroe, TX 77305, 409-273-4279 F.D. Freeman & Associates, 1712 North Frazier, Suite 206, Conroe, TX 77301, 409-760-3666 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: June 1984 Finish date: April 1986 Construction time: 22 months Design capacity: 96 Total cost: $2,274,755 Total annual operating costs: NI A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison (women's facility) Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,274,755 Building only: $2,274,755 Gross square feet/corrections: Unknown Gross square feeVother: Unknown Gross square feeVtotal: Unknown Housing area square feet: Unknown Gross square feet per inmate: Unknown Size of cells: 100 square feet (single) NeVgross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 52 Inmates per unit: 96 Management type: Direct su'pervision October 1987 population: 96 Facility commitment: Female State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $1,088,676 Housing per inmate: $11,340 Housing per cell: $20,936 Total per inmate: $23,695 Total per GSF: Unknown Total annual operating costs: NI A (addition) Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on fences; towers; patrols; camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete; CMU block; brick Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional; inmate labor-Texas Dept. of Corrections Use of inmate labor: I 00% Use of prefabrication: Limited;jail steel Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Carpet; epoxy coating; sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to common areas HYAC: Heating/air circulation Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Manual alarm stations; fire hose cabinets 512 Single occupancy: 8 Double occupancy: 88 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: 96 Total: 96 Architects' reported analyses Current staff Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components; simple construction methods; advanced order of materials and hardware Negative: Slow delivery from suppliers; labor problems; weather problems; government procedures, regulations, and red tape Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; inmate labor Negative: Government procedures, regulations, and red tape; complex electronic and mechanical systems Full-time equivalent: Administration: NI A Security: 24 Programs/treatment: NI A Maintenance: NI A Total: 24 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.00: 1 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Gatesville I \ ,;, .' ,;··,i··.,.._'_·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .·~ ,,,..,, •. 1' __ ,,, t ,,. ,,,... DAY- '" ' "1 I El n ~ p ➔ u ,c.,. ~ - ...- .,.h p 13 s " . h :, h - µ .,, "' u p .,. C c.·•· "' "' ei I §l ' - ...- ,_,c.•• ,_,...- ......,... ,_,...- ,_, @l §] ' "' ' " !l " " "' " " " .., I ... •• ... ..J - t?..~ ?.-: D _.;: µ µ I Ii, I I " >-- ,_, ➔ " ' . :0 ·c..,; l!l §] @] ...' ... .,, ... .. .. ➔ ' "' ..rf µ C.4_? " ...- ... - ,..,··I " .. fl ... ' - .-- ,:,·--~ b :, µ ·- " ...... ~- s §l "!l '"i .., _ ---------'----lll--------''""'------ ~ : I \,i ,,,,_,.. , i! .•..,,,. , 96 BED FACIUTY - 1y;·-.,· ... +-----------------------"~=·-,,,.______________________________ ,__ N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction .. -1 513 Orange County Jail (Addition) Jurisdiction official: James Wade, Sheriff Contact: Captain Wayne Dial, Orange County Jail, 115 South Border Street, P.O. Box 1461, Orange, TX 77630, 409-883-2612 Architect:'Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc,, 2500 Citywest Boulevard, #2010, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction manager: Unknown Groundbreaking: March 1984 Finish date: May 1985 Construction time: 14 months Design capacity: 64 Total cost: $1,800,000 Total annual operating costs: NI A (addition) Category: New, ancillary building; phased project (future) Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement Building configuration: Integ. structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,800,000 Building only: $1,758,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 17,160 Gross square feet/other: 13,008 Gross square feet/total: 30, 168 Housing area square feet: 16,060 Gross square feet per inmate: 268 Size of cells: 55.5 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit: 8 Management type: Intermittent surveillance September 1987 population: 55 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $59.67 Total annual operating costs: NIA (addition) Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 34% Medium: 66% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block; steel in detention area Exterior surface/facade: CMU (textured) Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds; local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; automatic smoke removal system 514 Single occupancy: 16 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 30 Special housing: I 8 General population: 46 Total: 64 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: High labor costs; government procedures, regulations, and red tape; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 3 Security: 16 Programs/treatment: 3 Maintenance: 3 Total: 25 (entire facility) Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.2: 1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; labor problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Orange County SALLY ~T FUTURE EXPANSION • EXERCISE YARD • RECEPTION □ NEW NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction FACILITY !ii;;]EXISTING JAIL .REMODEL 10 EXISTING 515 Pearland Public Safety Building Jurisdiction official: Robert Riemenschneider, Chief of Police Contact: Chief Robert Riemenschneider, Pearland Public Safety Building, 2703 Veterans Drive, Pearland, TX 77584, 713-485-4361 Architect: Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc., 2500 Citywest Boulevard, #2010, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: July 1985 Finish date: May 1986 Construction time: 10 months Design capacity: 36 Total cost: $1,360,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: city jail, law enforcement, courts, E.O.C. Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,360,000 Building only: $1,309,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 5,215 Gross square feet/other: 14,135 Gross square feet/total: 19,350 Housing area square feet: 3,158 Gross square feet per inmate: 145 Size of cells: 99 square feet (double); 192 (gen. dorms); 312 (spec. dorms) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 3 Inmates per unit: 8 Management type: Intermittent surveillance September 1987 population: 2 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $70.28 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Security Perimeter: Video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block; steel in detention areas Exterior surface/facade: Textured CMU Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; smoke removal system 516 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 10 Dorms: 8 Special housing: 18 General population: 18 Total: 36 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple consttuction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: Unknown Security: Unknown Programs/treatment: Unknown Maintenance: Unknown Total: Unknown Current inmate/staff ratio: Unknown Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Pearland lllf<l<l~lf.U: ~ ~ --c ____ .... "I' ~- _i~;\~' ...,~ ""°"''~" I i ---! CL. . E] NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 517 San Patricio County Sheriff's Department Jurisdiction official: Wayne Hitt, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff Wayne Hitt, San Patricio County Sheriff's Department, 300 North Racal, Sinton, TX 78387, 512-364-2251 Architect: QtristopherDi Stefano & Associates, Inc.;,. 2500 Citywest Boulevard, #2010, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction manager: None. . . . . . .·. " Groundbreaking: May I 980 Finish date: April I 982 Construction time: 23 months Design capacity: 132 Total cost: $2,229,000 Total annual operating costs: $345,500 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, courts Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,229,000 Building only: $2,165,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 24,100 Gross square feet/other: 9,527 Gross square feet/total: 33,627 Housing area square feet: 14,260 Gross square feet per inmate: I 83 Size of cells: 56 square feet (gen. single); 91 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit: 8 Management type: Intermittent surveillance September 1986 population: 54 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $66.29 Total annual operating costs: $345,500 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 55% Medium: 45% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Concrete site cast tilt wall panels Interior walls: CMU block; steel in detention area Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds; local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; tilt-up construction Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; automatic smoke removal system 518 Single occupancy: 46 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 30 Special housing: 56 General population: 76 Total: 132 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Labor problems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 13 Programs/treatment: I Maintenance: 0 Total: 16 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.38:1 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas San Patricio County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 519 Smith County Jail Jurisdiction official: J.B. Smith, Sheriff Contact: Ron Scott, Jail Administrator, Smith County Jail, Tyler, TX 75701, 214-593-8434 Architect:J;'age !;oqtlt~dand Page, .P.O. Box 2JJQ4, Austin,TX7!!768, 512-472-6721 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: November 1983 Finish date: January I 986 Construction time: 26 months Design capacity: 264 Total cost: $8,000,000 Total annual operating costs: $1,562,463 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $8,000,000 Building only: $7,200,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 85,300 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 85,300 Housing area square feet: 51,400 Gross square feet per inmate: 323 Size of cells: 77 square feet (single); 123 (double); 790 (dorm) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 132 Inmates per unit: 132 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: NIA Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Cots in dorm Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $30,303 Total per GSF: $93.79 Total annual operating costs: $1,562,463 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; detention equipment Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells HVAC: Air conditioning; boiler Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas; manual alarm stations 520 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 108 Double occupancy: 60 Dorms: 72 Special housing: 24 General population: 240 Total: 264 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Slow construction; difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 8 Security: 55 Programs/treatment: Volunteers Maintenance: County staff Total: 63 Current inmate/staff ratio: Ni A Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; weather problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Smith County zj~ D. ::I a: a oz 0 ..J :5Q. ~~ z ... Oa LLI i! 0 a: cnt NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 521 Starr County Jail Jurisdiction official: Eugenio Falcon, Sheriff Contact: Ramon Reynmndo, Chief Jailer, Starr County Jail, Rio Grande City, TX 78582, 512-487-4552 Architect: ChristophehDi. $.~fano& As~Q9i~tes,}pf,,.i~@.:Citywest Boulevard, #20IO, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction manager: None · ·· · •-· ..... ., Groundbreaking: November 1985 Finish date: October I 986 Construction lime: 11 months Design capacity: 123 Total cost: $1,413,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,413,000 Building only: $1,385,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 18,500 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 18,500 Housing area square feet: 16,300 Gross square feet per inmate: 150 Size of cells: 75 square feet (gen. single); 200 (spec. dorms) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: I Inmates per unit: 24 Management type: Remote surveillance September I 987 population: 70 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $11,488 Total per GSF: $76.38 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: IO% Medium: 90% Minimum: 0 Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete Finance method: Federal funds; local funds; Certificates of Obligation Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; exterior precast panels Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; automatic smoke removal system 522 Single occupancy: 13 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 104 Special housing: 6 General population: 117 Total: 123 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: 17 Programs/treatment: I Maintenance: 2 Total: 21 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.33:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Starr County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 523 TDC Hospital at Galveston Jurisdiction official: James A. Lynaugh, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Frederick Becker, TDC Hospital at Galveston, P.O. Box 48, Substation #1, Galveston, TX77550, 409-761-2875 Architect: Jesson & Associates, 700 American Bank Tower,Austin, TX 78701, 512-478-7437 Construction manager: University of Texas, 6000 Strand, Galveston, TX 77550, 409-765-1588 Groundbreaking: March 1978 Finish date: June 1985 Construction time: 87 months Design capacity: 144 Total cost: $38,989,679 Total annual operating costs: $7,366,500 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison hospital Building configuration: High rise Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $38,989,679 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 210,600 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 210,600 Housing area square feet: 52,650 Gross square feet per inmate: 1,463 Size of cells: 264 square feet (double) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Rooms on outside walls, direct light to rooms Cells per unit: 12 Inmates per unit: 24 Management type: Intermittent surveillance April 1987 population: 110 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $270,762 Total per GSF: $185.14 Total annual operating costs: $7,366,500 Security Perimeter: Patrols; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Load-bearing precast panels; steel frame; cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete; CMU block; brick Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; brick Exterior surface/facade: Brick; stucco; paint; textured concrete Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Coordinated by the University of Texas Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Carpet; sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; steam heat; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel; wood Intercom: Two-way to common areas Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for rooms; sprinklers for common areas; manual alarm stations 524 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 144 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 0 General population: I 44 Total: 144 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly Negative: Slow construction; high labor cost; difficult site conditions; governmen! procedures and red tape; complex electronic and mechanical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Adntinistration: 22 Security: 186 Programs/treatment: 8 Maintenance: 2 Total: 218 Current inmate/staff ratio: 0.50: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; phased canst., fast track CM Negative: Slow delivery from suppliers; labor problems; weather problems; government red tape; complex electronic and mechanical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Galveston " © -..:· ii © '"' ',... ' 1,·.11 0. ~ I ~ G) ~ · i!p ,ff '... //, . ., ..,.,__ . _, , . © [ • 'i /t ~--~ ; l :, f \~~--- ._, - __ ... €J ® G) .. 'J • " . . .. ~ <;.\ ~~),'1,' • ®- ,,.. e G 0 G) NIJ!National v·irectory oif Corrections Construction 525 Victoria County Jail Jurisdiction official: Dalton G. Meyer. Sheriff Contact: Captain Richard Romano, Victoria County Jail, IOI North Glass, Victoria, TX 77901, 512-575-0651 Architect: Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc., 2500 Citywest Boulevard, #2010, Houston, TX 77042, 713-953-9032 Construction manager: None Gronndbreaking: October I 982 Finish date: October I 984 Construction time: 24 months Design capacity: 132 Total cost: $5,465,000 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, ancillary building; phased project (future) Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement Building configuration: Integ. structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $5,465,000 Building only: $5,234,250 Gross square feet/corrections: 37,590 Gross square feet/other: 81,470 Gross square feet/total: ll 9,060 Housing area square feet: 34,718 Gross square feet per inmate: 285 Size of cells: 55.5 square feet (gen. single); 63 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 16 Inmates per unit: 16 Management type: Intermittent surveillance September 1987 population: 103 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $45.90 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 66% Medium: 34% Minimum: 0 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block; steel in detention areas Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Local funds; Certificates of Obligation Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; automatic smoke removal system 526 Single occupancy: 84 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 44 Special housing: 4 General population: 128 Total: 132 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; high labor costs; difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 9 Security: 18 Programs/treatment: I Maintenance: 2 Total: 30 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.43:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Labor problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Victoria County (No floorplan available at time of publication) NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 527 Wallace Pack Unit I Jurisdiction official: James A. Lynaugh, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Bobby D. Morgan, Wallace Pack Unit I, Route #3, Box 300, Navasota, TX 77868, 409-825-3728 Architects: Barnes, Landes, Goodman andyou11gbl(/od,)600 West 38th Street, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78731, 512-451-8281 Dahl-Braden-PTM, Inc., ReverchonPlaza,3500 Maple Avenue, LB 87, Suite I 100, Dallas, TX75219, 214-520-0077 Construction manager/General contractor: B.F.W. Construction Company, P.O. Box 628, Temple, TX 87501, 817-778-8941 Groundbreaking: May 1981 Finish date: July 1986 Construction time: 62 months Design capacity: 1,101 Total cost: $14,911,460 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure; ladder, telephone pole Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $14,911,460 Building only: $10,746,707 Gross square feet/corrections: 151,492 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 151,492 Housing area square feet: 105,897 Gross square feet per inmate: 138 Size of cells: 3,640 square feet (dorms); 64 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: 90% Design: Dormitory Cells per unit: I Inmates per unit: 66 Management type: Remote surveillance September 1987 population: 1,046 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $7,512,238 Housing per inmate: $7, 168 Housing per cell: $469,515 Total per inmate: $13,544 Total per GSF: $98.43 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Security Perimeter: Single fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on fence; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 100% Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: "Sandwich panel" type metal buildings Interior walls: CMU block; jail steel Exterior surface/facade: Metal buildings Finance method: State funds Contract method: Turn-key design and build Use of inmate labor: Limited; 100 percent inmate labor until 30 percent complete Use of prefabrication: Extensive; prefabricated metal buildings Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: One-way to common areas HYAC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Manual alarm stations; fire hose reels 528 Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 1,048 Special housing: 53 General population: 1,048 Total: 1,101 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 24 Security: 175 Programs/treatment: 50 Maintenance: 15 Total: 264 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.96:1 Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefab. components, factory assembly; simple cons!. methods; fast track CM; favorable market; less expensive materials Negative: Slow construction; high labor costs; difficult site conditions; government red tape; complex elecIronic and mechanical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Prefab. components; repetitiveness of design; phased cons!.; advanced order of materials; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow delivery from vendors; weather problems; government red tape NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Navasota FOOD SERVCE UNIT "AINTEMONCE eu,cOING VOCATIONAL au,co,NG DORMITORY U~ I ""..,0 •••• I I I L- -:J DORM, UNIT OORM. UNIT MAIN BULOING COMPLEX SCALE 1• • 30' · 0" ~ KORTH N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction 529 Wallace Pack Unit II Jurisdiction official: James A. Lynaugh, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Kenneth Hughes, Wallace Pack Unit II, Route 1, Box WOO, Navasota, TX 77868, 409-825-7100 Architects:,; Barnes, Land~s; (,oodman @d YQU!)gblood, l6001West 38th Street, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78731, 512-451-828 I Dahl-Braden-PTM, Inc., 1800 North Market Street, Dallas, TX 75202, 214-748-1466 Construction manager/General contractor: Texas Department of Corrections, New Construction Department, P.O. Box 99, N/C Huntsville, TX 77340, 409-295-6371 Groundbreaking: August 1981 Finish date: July I 984 Construction time: 35 months Design capacity: 1,364 Total cost: $16,009,587 Total aunual operating costs: Unknown Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure; ladder, telephone pole Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $16,009,587 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 167,470 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 167,470 Housing area square feet: 122,070 Gross square feet per inmate: 123 Size of cells: 64 square feet (single); 3,640 (dorms) Net/gross square feet: 90% Design: Dormitory style Cells per unit: I Inmates per unit: 66 Management type: Remote surveillance September 1987 population: 1,309 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $11,686,989 Housing per inmate: $8,854 Housing per cell: $584,349 Total per inmate: $11,737 Total per GSF: $95.60 Total annual operating costs: Unknown Security Perimeter: Single fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on fence; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 100% Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete; hard floor wearing surface material Intercom: One-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Manual alarm stations; fire hose reels 530 Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: "Sandwich panel" type metal buildings Interior walls: CMU block; jail steel Exterior surface/facade: Metal Finance method: State funds Contract method: Turn-key design and build Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; metal buildings Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: O Dorms: 1,320 Special housing: 44 General population: 1,320 Total: 1,364 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 11 Security: 209 Programs/treatment: 54 Maintenance: 10 Total: 284 Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.61:1 Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefab. components, factory assembly; simple const. methods; phased const. , fast track CM; favorable market; less expensive materials Negative: High labor costs; difficult site; government regulations and red tape; complex electronic systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefab. components, factory assembly; repetitiveness of design; phased const., fast track CM; advanced orderof materials; coordinalion of design Negative: Slow delivery from suppliers; weather problems; government red tape NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Navasota rn .- 'i ~ i l § li 5;;. I !; ".7 i - ii ~ ~ 11 ! ,,,. J! ; I !I h ~ i I, i I l• Ii. ••,, NJJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction i ; I h C ;......, ii :i L.!.!J i ; ii 'C 7 !j ;; J t= ~ ~ ;& I ! > :m. l II ' ';I I C :i "' :: ii i g ,. 1! ~ L.;!!J :i I• i ! Ii ,l lgf 531 Westside Police Area Command Station Jurisdiction official: Lee P. Brown, Chief of Police Contact: W.T. Higgins, Administrative Captain, Westside Police Area Command Station, 3203 South Dairy Ashford, Houston, TX 77082, 713-247-5420 Architkt: The McGinty Pru:thersliiRAi:ciJi~ctI, lr)~.-•J\01 Sawyer, Third Floor, Houston, TX 77007, 713-880-2500 Criminal jnstice consnltants: Phillips Swager Associates, 3622 North Knoxville, Peoria, IL 61603, 309-688-9511 Construction manager: Turner Construction Company, 3203 South Dairy, Ashford, Houston, TX 77082, 713-558-9644 Groundbreaking: July 1985 Finisb date: September 1987 Construction time: 26 months Design capacity: 176 Total cost: $17,096,000 Total annual operating costs: $4,912,573 (9 mos. projected) Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: city jail, law enforcement, courts, vehicle maintenance Building configuration: Integ. structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $17,096,000 Building only: $16,700,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 37,000 Gross square feet/other: IOI ,000 Gross square feet/total: 138,000 Housing area square feet: 21,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 210 Size of cells: 84 square feet (single); 163 (dorms) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, outside with skylights in corridors Cells per unit: 8 to 10 Inmates per unit: 8 to 20 Management type: Remote surveillance September 1987 population: 0 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: No need anticipated Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $123.88 Total annual operating costs: $4,912,573 (9 mos. projected) Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 95% Medium: 5% Minimum: 0 Construction type Construction process Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Finance method: G.O. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; high efficiency chillers; 4-pipe system with boilers for heating water Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 532 Single occupancy: 38 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 60 Special housing: 78 General population: 98 Total: 176 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 23 Security: 92 Programs/treatment: 8 Maintenance: 12 Total: 135 Current inmate/staff ratio: Ni A Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Texas Houston ------~ ... - [ __ _ --- · NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 533 Orange Street Community Correctional Center Jurisdiction official: Gary W. DeLand, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Kathy Cochran, Director, Orange Street Community Correctional Center, #80 South Orange Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84116, 801-533-6360 . .. . Architect: Molen, :Iiuss, Money,.Fuller.Architects, 50 South 600 East, Suite #100, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, 801-532-1603 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: March 1985 Finish date: December 1985 Construction time: 9 months Design capacity: 62 Total cost: $740,000 Total annual operating costs: $805,500 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State-run communitybased correctional facility Integrated structure Building configuration: Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $740,000 Building only: $693,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 14,302 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 14,302 Housing area square feet: 11,956 Gross square feet per inmate: 231 Size ofcells: 168 square feet (double); 80 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: 95% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 30 Inmates per unit: 60 Management type: Intermittent surveillance; limited protection from glasshoused central station October 1986 population: 59 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $550,265 Housing per inmate: $9, 171 Housing per cell: $18,342 Total per inmate: $11,935 Total per GSF: $51.74 Total annual operating costs: $805,500 Security Construction type Perimeter: Nonsecure facility; visual control only; rooms and hallways not locked Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 0 Minimum: 94% Other: 6% Structural: Load bearing wood frame Exterior walls: 2" x 6" wood stud walls Interior walls: CMU block; metal studs/ drywall Exterior surface/facade: Brick veneer Inmate cells Doors/material: Wooden Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Ca,pet in rooms; epoxy coating in holding rooms Intercom: None HVAC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Wood; plastic laminate; concrete in holding rooms Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for rooms and common areas 534 Construction process Finance method: Developer-bank !inaneing; States leases with option to buy Contract method: Tum-key design and build Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; roof trusses and furniture (built in) Inmate design capacity Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 60 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 2 General population: 60 Total: 62 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 5 Security: 15 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 20 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.95:1 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Factory assembled prefab. roof trusses; simple construction methods; favorable market; private developer, leased to State; less expensive materials and hardware; frame structure (very low security) Negative: Government procedures, regulations, and red tape Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components; repetitiveness of design; advanced order of materials; good working relationship between owner, contractor, and architect Negative: Government red tape NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Utah Salt Lake City NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 535 Uintah County Jail Jurisdiction official: Drew Christiansen, Sheriff Contact: Ken Konrad, Jail Connnander, Uintah County Jail, 204 East 100 North, Vernal, UT 84078, 801-781-1300 Architect:Molen;"Huss·;Money;ccFµller,.Architects, 50 South 600 East, Suite 100, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, 801-532-1603 Construction manager: None · Groundbreaking: March I 984 Finish date: September 1985 Construction time: 18 months Design capacity: 68 Total cost: $2,399,689 Total annnal operating costs: $440,312 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,399,689 Building only: $2,263,374 Gross square feet/corrections: 22,568 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 22,568 Housing area square feet: 8,227 Gross square feet per inmate: 332 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit: 8 Management type: Intermittent surveillance; audio/video surveillance of all dayrooms, corridors, entries, etc. September I 987 population: 30 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $2,132,374 Housing per inmate: $39,488 Housing per cell: $39,488 Total per inmate: $35,290 Total per GSF: $106.33 Total annual operating costs: $440,312 Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 14% Medium: 39% Minimum: 29% Other: 18% Construction type Structural: Load bearing CMU walls and cast-in-place concrete floors and roof Exterior walls: Brick; preglazed CMU block Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; preglazed CMU Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; all bunks and desks for single cells Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Unknown Floor surface: Epoxy coating; carpet in dayrooms Intercom: Two-way to connnon areas; one-way from cells HV AC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; precast concrete bunks and desks Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; sprinklers for cells and common areas 536 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 54 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 14 General population: 54 Total: 68 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods; favorable market Negative: Slow construction; difficult site conditions; severe winter weather; site was remote-180 miles from nearest location for suppliers and trades Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 12 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 2 Total: 16 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.87:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow delivery from vendors; site was remote; weather problems, below O degrees F. NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Utah Uintah County I! Ji ,.. NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction -:,.1r ·- ~ - -...~ . ,-,;, - ·-·---------· ---- l 537 Young Adult Correctional Facility Jurisdiction official: Gary W. DeLand, Director, Department of Corrections Contact: Warden Jeffrey R. Galli, Young Adu!\ Correctional Facility, 14000 South Frontage Road, Draper, UT 84020, 801-572-5700 Architect: Henningson; Durham &Richardson, Inc,;)2700 Hillcrest Road, Suite 125, Dallas, TX 75230, 214-980-0001 Construction manager: None ¢ Groundbreaking: July 1983 Finish date: August 1984 Construction time: 13 months Design capacity: 292 Total cost: $12,463,348 Total annual operating costs: $2,801,135 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Campus style Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $12,463,348 Building only: $11,413,934 Gross square feet/corrections: 156,660 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 156,660 Housing area square feet: 58,608 Gross square feet per inmate: 537 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single); 173 (spec. double) Net/gross square feet: 72% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 72 Inmates per unit: 72 Management type: Direct supervision May 1987 population: 508 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $5,320,000 Housing per inmate: $18,472 Housing per cell: $18,472 Total per inmate: $42,683 Total per GSF: $79.56 Total annual operating costs: $2,801,135 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarm/detection systems; razor wire on and between fences; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame; CMU block Exterior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete; brick Interior walls: Precast panels; CMU block; brick Exterior surface/facade: Brick; paint; textured concrete Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Limited; precast panels Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Carpet; epoxy coating; vinyl tile Intercom: One-way and two-way to cells; two-way to common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; steam heat; evaporative cooling Plumbing: Vitreous china Furniture: Steel; wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 538 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 288 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 4 General population: 288 Total: 292 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; less expensive materials and hardware Negative: Difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 19 Security: 54 Programs/treatment: 10 Maintenance: 6 Total: 89 Current inmate/staff ratio: 5.71:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Utah Draper I; C "i . .,_• '!• I • = I ,c I NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ; ... [[ "I I [ CJ I 539 Northwest State Correctional Facility (Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Joseph J. Patrissi, Commissioner of Corrections, Agency of Human Services, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Heinz Arenz, Northwest State Correctional Facility, P.O. Box 713, St. Albans, VT 05478, 802-524-6771 Architect: Wietiiaijn;Lamphere.Architects, Inc., 289 C~llege Street, Burlington, VT 05401, 802-864-0950 Construction manager: None · · Groundbreaking: March 1984 Finish date: September 1985 Construction time: 18 months Design capacity: 51 Total cost: $2,506,181 Total annual operating costs: $271,087 (expansion only) Category: Expansion Facility type: State prison Building confignration: Clusters Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,506,181 Building only: $2,490,181 Gross square feet/corrections: 20,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 20,000 Housing area square feet: 13,500 Gross square feet per inmate: 392 Size ofcells: JOO square feet (gen. single); 102 (spec. double) Net/gross square feet: 65% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 15 Inmates per unit: 15 Management type: Remote surveillance November I 987 population: 5 I Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: None permitted Housing area: $1,600,000 Housing per inmate: $35,556 Housing per cell: $35,556 Total per inmate: $49,141 Total per GSF: $125.31 Total annual operating costs: $271,087 (expansion only) Security Perimeter: Single fence; alarm/detection system; towers; patrols; camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to common areas HV AC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas; manual alann stations 540 Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Exterior smface/facade: Brick Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 45 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 6 General population: 45 Total: 51 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Slow concrete work, lengthy building time; site and security problems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 1 Security: 12 Programs/treatment: 2 Maintenance: 1 Total: 16 (expansion only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 4.31:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between construction man- ager and owner Negative: Slow responses and delivery vendors, suppliers; poor coordination by contractor and lack of understanding of security requirements NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Vermont St. Albans j i I "C"T Iii i NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 541 St. Johnsbury Community Correctional Center Jurisdiction official: Joseph J. Patrissi, Commissioner of Corrections, Agency of Human Services, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Raymond J. Pilette, St. Johnsbury Community Correctional Center, Route 5 South, RFD #3, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819, 802-748-8151. Architect: Alexander/Truex/de Groot, 209 Battery Street, Burlington, VT 05401, 802-658-2775 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: November 1979 Finish date: November 1981 Construction time: 24 months Design capacity: 96 Total cost: $4,200,000 Total annual operating costs: $1,588,173 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail, State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $4,200,000 Building only: $3,678,250 Gross square feet/corrections: 33,580 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 33,580 Housing area square feet: 30,800 Gross square feet per inmate: 350 Size of cells: 96 square feet (max. sec.); 80 square feet (med.); 102 square feet (min.) Net/gross square feet: 61 % Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 28 Inmates per unit: 40 Management type: Direct supervision October 1985 population: 105 Facility commitment: State prisoners and local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor; second bunk attached to wall Housing area: $3,500,000 Housing per inmate: $38,043 Housing per cell: $58,333 Total per inmate: $43,750 Total per GSF: $125.07 Total annual operating costs: $1,588,173 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only; fence for exercise yard Inmate security level: Maximum: 12% Medium: 62% Minimum: 24% Other: 2% Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding (max.) Doors/locking: Remote locking and manual Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: One-way to cells; two-way to common areas HV AC: Heating/air circulation; heat wheel; oil/wood heating plant; two separate boilers Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; fire mains and hoses; air pacs and portable Structural: Cast-in-place load bearing concrete walls, floors, and ceilings Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; brick Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; custom designed steel shaftways Inmate design capacity Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 28 Double occupancy: 64 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 4 General population: 92 Total: 96 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market; large size Negative: Long lead time plus slow delivery of security items; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 7 Security: 41 Programs/treatment: I 5 Maintenance: 7 Total: 70 Current inmate/staff ratio: I .5: I systems; government procedures, regulations, "red tape" Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Advanced order of materials and hardware; coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers extinguishers in control areas 542 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Vermont St. Johnsbury County ... z -,: ..J Q. ~ ex: . •w!J • • ~ LL z <( :!: NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 543 Alexandria Detention Center Jurisdiction official: James H. Dunning, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff James H. Dunning, Alexandria Detention Center, 2001 Mill Road, Alexandria, VA 22314, 703-838-4114 Architects: Phillips Swager Associates, 3622 North Knoxville, Peoria, IL 61603, 309-688-9511 VVKR, Inc., 901 Pitt Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, 703-549-9200 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: February I 984 Finish date: August I 987 Construction time: 42 months Design capacity: 346 Total cost: $18,000,000 Total annual operating costs: $9,709,532 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: city jail, law enforcement, court, E.O.C. Building configuration: Integrated structure; high rise Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $18,000,000 Building only: $15,900,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 143,000 Gross square feet/other: 70,800 Gross square feet/total: 213,800 Housing area square feet: 120,000 Gross square feet per inmate: 413 Size ofcells: 70 square feet (single); I, 700 (dorms) Net/gross square feet: 75% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 48 Inmates per unit: 48 Management type: Remote surveillance; direct supervision September 1987 population: 310 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Not necessary Housing area: $13,200,000 Housing per inmate: $38,150 Housing per cell: $39,879 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $84.19 Total annual operating costs: $9,709,532 Security Perimeter: Alarm/detection systems; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 10% Medium 67% Minimum: 23% Construction type Construction process Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Finance method: G.O. Bonds; Federal funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Unknown Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Carpet Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HYAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas 544 Single occupancy: 330 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 16 Special housing: 0 General population: 346 Total: 346 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 23 Security: 93 Programs/treatment: 21 Maintenance: 8 Total: 145 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.14: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction Virginia Alexandria i i " ;'~ --- Outdoor Exerc:IH Mwtl-PurpoH <. = FLOOR PLAN (EA NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 545 Augusta County Jail (Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Glenn Lloyd, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff Glenn Lloyd, Augusta County Jail, P.O. Box 1267, 6 East Johnson Street, Staunton, VA 24401, 703-885-7253 Architect: Sherertz, Franklin, Crawford, Shaffner, 14 West Kirk Avenue, Roanoke, VA 2401 I, 703-344-6664 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: July 1980 Finish date: April 1982 Construction time: 2 I months Design capacity: 61 Total cost: $2,486,000 Total annual operating costs: Ni A (expansion) Category: Expansion project Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,486,000 Building only: $2,392,600 Gross square feet/corrections: 28,390 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 28,390 Housing area square feet: 12,500 Gross square feet per inmate: 465 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 83% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: IO Inmates per unit: IO Management type: Intermittent surveillance February 1987 population: 90 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor Housing area: $1,700,000 Housing per inmate: $28,333 Housing per cell: $28,333 Total per inmate: $40,754 Total per GSF: $87.57 Total annual operating costs: NIA (expansion) Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: IO0% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: Cast~in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Local funds; State funds; shared cost from multiple jurisdictions Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; gas heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; sprinklers for common areas; manual alann stations 546 Single occupancy: 60 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 1 General population: 60 Total: 61 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 22 Programs/treatment: I Maintenance: 2 Total: 27 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.33:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; site conditions NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction ;:; ~ ~ [t, ~c" ~ ~ [ ,..~ S~~:;; TJ ~-- ~l ~a MlTHOROTV -~~ ~ DAVROOM i ~ §" , ~ .. b le,, '6 ~~ unmu [ 8 DAYROOM '"" s coRRroOR ~ JL, ~ •. ,___, ----- --- '• .. - _ ' - ---, -~-~~TI~ •- :?' t l· ,, 47'-B" 48'-6" ____j i ' - -~~~::i . ~ ~j L . I5 ~~-]I (J ELEV. Jlh. · -1 - 0 _ ·"' ,-_ -·· - r T-1 T ·i . I ,7·,, __ DISTRICT • . "Jilt ~ ~ ,,,• CL.ERK J\'.A.UL·T.)\ DISTRICT COURT ROOM l·''J ~ =-r7r::1 1-1 . ~ L •·- :' - 1 __ ' - ~ ' " " ' : , ~ ' - - ~1 ~::. ~~ 11 « • , AUTHORITY __ _LJ_ --~~ -~r;;. i i J~ _ .. ,i ~ HALL 1:ir:::j ~ 11 SERVICE lIIliJjjflr~t:~:,~11 r~,::G '\ 0 .;, .;,, ~~ _ -·cc- r: ;i 1•1· J ~' ] .---·-1r - ,,1 ii_, L "" ,. ,._,_.-t:: t ' L-:'Il:JF ~ -:-' .1 j:::_ CENTRALil2 ~ 1~-i ·r~,~ ~~ 1-1, . CCOUNT,NG ' ..L.~J ; ~ ~. ' .~ j .l . ~ -~-J ; ~ ··~•Ow KITCHEN OPEN WELL °'"CE r .!::-:-~,='~~=== 11 i::J CENTRAL l1~l -· -· -- - !, ~. · e x< Iii~ ~ lii~_w:._~, _F-F=L-~--~- _;=r: Z:~ <o t: 0 <c ~ - ·- SECOND FLOOR PLAN 118": 1'.-0" )> ....< ~ VI ~ s() IJCI "' g 5· ~ Q ... = Fairfax County Adult Detention Center and Pre-Release Center (Expansion) Jurisdiction official: M. Wayne Huggins, Sheriff Contact: Major Thomas J. Dever, Correctional Services Division, Fairfax County Adult Detention Center and Pre-Release Center, 10520 Judicial Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030, 703-246-7630 Architect: Henningson, Durham & Richardson, Inc., 12100 Hillcrest, Suite 125, Dallas, TX 75230, 214-980-0001 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: October 1985 Finish date: January 1987 Construction time: 15 months Design capacity: 300 Total cost: $12,700,000 Total annual operating costs: $ I ,914 ,250 (excluding utilities) Category: Expansion project Facility type: Complex: county jail, sheriff's pre-release center Building configuration: Integrated structure; high rise Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $ I 2,700,000 Building only: Unknown Gross square feet/corrections: 118,000 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 118,000 Housing area square feet: Unknown Gross square feet per inmate: 393 Size of cells: 77 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 50 Inmates per unit: 50 Management type: Remote surveillance May 1987 population: 223 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $42,333 Total per GSF: $107.63 Total annual operating costs: $1,914,250 (excluding utilities) Construction type Security Perimeter: Video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 33% Medium: 33% Minimum: 0 Other: 34% Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Architectural precast Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block; drywall in work release Exterior surface/facade: Colored concrete Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Terrazzo Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Air conditioning Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells; sprinklers for common areas 548 Single occupancy: 200 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 100 General population: 200 Total: 300 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 7 Security: 33 Programs/treatment: 16 Maintenance: 3 Total: 59 (expansion only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 3. 78: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Coordination of design between parties Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Virginia Fairfax County « w ~ « ~ 0 0 _; z 0 >- U- « 0 u w ~ ~ I >- w ~ ~ 0 0 0 >:, 0 N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 549 Pittsylvania County Jail Jurisdiction official: T.E. McGregor, Sheriff Contact: T.E. Yeatts, Jail Administrator, Pittsylvania County Jail, P.O. Box 336, Bank Street, Chatham, VA 24531, 804-432-2041 Architect: Sherertz, Franklin, Crawford, Shaffner, 14 West Kirk Avenue, Roanoke, VA 2401 I, 703-344-6664 Construction manager: None Gronndbreaking: March 1980 Finish date: June 1981 Construction time: 15 months Design capacity: 39 Total cost: $1,700,000 Total annual operating costs: $684,463 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: County jail Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,700,000 Building only: $1,674,400 Gross square feet/corrections: 17,697 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 17,697 Housing area square feet: 8,850 Gross square feet per inmate: 454 Size of cells: 70 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 8 I% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 6 Inmates per unit: 6 Management type: Remote surveillance April I 986 population: 45 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Mattresses on floor; second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $43,590 Total per GSF: $96.06 Total annual operating costs: $684,463 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 33% Medium: 33% Minimum: 33% Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block; brick Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: Federal, State, and local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; electric heat pumps Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas 550 Single occupancy: 36 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 3 General population: 36 Total: 39 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow construction; difficult site conditions; government red tape; conflict in Federal and State funding regulations Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 3 Security: I 9 Programs/treatment: 2 Maintenance: 2 Total: 26 Current inmate/staff ratio: I. 73: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; government red tape; conflict between State and Federal regulations N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Virginia Pittsylvania County r ...,, ........ ~ \=-== ~~ ~ , I ,,.,...,,,.. ''-~'"''-~ I <.£~~~- !~- -1 I A-'l'"',k-)-1 """"c,;;;L►;;I FIR'oT •ctaf-o' GRQUt,.JD ~-.,_,,. FLO'.:lR , FLOOR PLAfJ PlJ\t-J NU/National Directory of Corrections Construction 551 Roanoke City Jail Jurisdiction official: W. Alvin Hudson, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff W. Alvin Hudson, Sheriff's Department, 316 Campbell Avenue, Roanoke, VA 24016, 703-981-2721 Architect:: Hayes, §e~y, Mattefll aJ1d Mattern, 1?.Qf~J>x I 3446, 1315 Franklin Road SW., Roanoke, VA 24034, 703-343-6971 Construction manager: None , - · '" ·- Groundbreaking: July I 977 Finish date: July I 979 Construction time: 24 months Design capacity: 20 I Total cost: $5,813,110 Total annual operating costs: $2,573,363 Category: New, independent facility; phased project (future) Facility type: Complex: city jail and sheriff's office Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $5,813,110 Building only: $5,471,500 Gross square feeUcorrections: 80,554 ( + 8,110 future) Gross square feeUother: 4,816 Gross square feeUtotal: 93,480 Housing area square feet: 32,888 Gross square feet per inmate: 401 Size of cells: 63 square feet (single) NeUgross square feet: 51 % Design: Module/pod Cells perunit: 20 per pod, IO per dayroom Inmates per unit: 20 Management type: Remote surveillance; TV; and rounds October I 985 population: I 92 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall; beds in chapel Housing area: $ I , 924,934 Housing per inmate: $11,458 Housing per cell: $11,458 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $62. I 9 Total annual operating costs: $2,573,363 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 18% Medium: 40% Minimum: 42% Structural: Load bearing precast panels and cast-in-place frame Exterior walls: Architectural precast Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete Construction process Finance method: Local funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding (max.); swinging (max. and min.) Doors/locking: Remote locking (max.); manual and remote locking (max. and min.) Floor surface: Epoxy coating Intercom: Two-way to common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; electric heating-electric resistance and electric terminal reheat Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Manual alarm stations; smoke detectors in HYAC ducts 552 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 168 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 33 General population: I 68 Total: 201 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competition, favorable market; precast concrete exterior walls Negative: Shelled space and provisions for future construction Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 12 Security: 57 Programs/treatment: I I Maintenance: 3 Total: 83 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.31:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; precast concrete exterior walls Negative: None N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Virginia Roanoke \ ■ • . SH!UID fUTUII· POD - NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 553 Benton County Justice Center Jurisdiction official: Jim Kennedy, Sheriff Contact: Bernie Freeman, Jail Administrator, Benton County Justice Center, 7320 West Quinault, Kennewick, WA 99336, 509-735-6555 Architect: Henningson, Durham & Richardson,Jnc;, 12700 Hillcrest, #125, Dallas, TX 75230, 214-980-0001 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: October 1982 Finish date: October 1983 Construction time: 12 months Design capacity: 103 Total cost: $11,442,995 Total annnal operating costs: $1,230,989 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail; law enforcement, courts Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $11,442,995 Building only: $10,957,995 Gross square feeVcorrections: 29,069 Gross square feeVother: 67,758 Gross square feeVtotal: 96,827 Housing area square feet: 17,295 Gross square feet per inmate: 282 Size of cells: Unknown NeVgross square feet: 72% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 16 Inmates per unit: I 6 Management type: Remote surveillance March 1987 population: 109 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Bunlc beds; mattresses on floor; beds in dayroom; second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $4,300,000 Housing per inmate: $48,864 Housing per cell: $74,138 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $118.18 Total annual operating costs: $1,230,989 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 85% Minimum: 15% Stmctural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Natural wall Construction process Finance method: Local funds; State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; precast components Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Remote locking Floor surface: Linoleum Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; steam heat Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells 554 Single occupancy: 64 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 39 Special housing: I 5 General population: 88 Total: 103 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly Negative: High labor costs Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefabricated components, factory assembly Negative: Weather problems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 2 Security: 33 Programs/treatment: I Maintenance: 0 Total: 36 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.03:1 N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction Washington Benton County .t / NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction l [ 555 Forks City Jail (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Kenneth W. Bryson, Chief of Police Contact: Chief Kenneth W. Bryson, Forks City Jail, Fifth and Division, P.O. Box 28, Forks, WA 98331, 206-374-2223 Architects: Johnston/Hunt & Associates, P.S., 1112 East Front Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362, 206-683-5584 Johnston Associates, 299 Old Blyn Highway, Sequim, WA 98382, 206-683-5584 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: July 1982 Finish date: August 1983 Construction time: 13 months Design capacity: 14 Total cost: $773,916 Total annnal operating costs: $164,500 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: Complex: city jail, law enforcement, courts, City Hall Building configuration: Wheel, spoke or radial Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $773,916 Building only: $752,916 Gross square feet/corrections: 6,200 Gross square feet/other: 5,042 Gross square feet/total: 11,242 Housing area square feet: 4,715 Gross square feet per inmate: 443 Size of cells: 73 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 82% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 8 Inmates per unit: 8 Management type: Remote surveillance May 1986 population: 4 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Beds in dayroom Housing area: $526,891 Housing per inmate: $47,899 Housing per cell: $47,899 Total per inmate: N/A (complex) Total per GSF: $68.84 Total annual operating costs: $164,500 (addition only) Construction type Security Structural: Load bearing precast panels and masonry Perimeter: Single fence Inmate security level: Maximum: I 00% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Exterior walls: Precast panels and sandwich panels Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Paint Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; concrete sandwich and plain panels Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Air conditioning; electric heat pump Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations; sprinklers operated manually for cells, electrically from control room 556 Single occupancy: 11 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 3 General population: 11 Total: 14 Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competitian, favorable market; good design Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; difficult site conditions; bad weather Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: IO Programs/treatment: Ni A Maintenance: Ni A Total: 11 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 0.36: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; ordering materials and hardware 6 months ahead of bidding; coordination of design between parties; architect also project manager Negative: Extremely rainy; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Washington Forks fl- 25. . T I& 20. l 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction t 19. Drive thru Salle Holding Receiving Property Strip Search Laundry Medical Kitchen Indoor Rec. Outdoor Rec. Control Male Cell Block Crisis 14 .. Interview 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Female Cell Block Visitors Reception - Records Staff Administrator Staff Lockers Court Room Judge Jury Court Clerk Public Lobby City Administration 557 Jefferson County Correctional Facility Jurisdiction official: L.B. Smith, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff L.B. Smith, Jefferson County Correctional Facility, 81 Elkins Road, Hadlock, WA 98339, 206-385-3831 Mailing Address: Jefferson County Correctional Facility, P.O. Box 1220, Port Townsend, WA 98339 Architects: Johnston/l;lunt & Associates, P.S., 1112 East-.Front Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362, 206-683-5584 Johnston Associates, 299 Old Blyn Highway, Sequim, WA 98382, 206-683-5584 Construction manager: Johnston/Hunt & Associates, above Groundbreaking: October 1983 Finish date: July 1985 Construction time: 21 months Design capacity: 33 Total cost: $2,093,328 Total annual operating costs: $234,111 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, FEMA emergency center Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $2,093,328 Building only: $2,032,950 Gross square feet/corrections: 11,636 Gross square feet/other: 6,302 Gross square feet/total: 17,938 Housing area square feet: 11,636 Gross square feet per inmate: 353 Size of cells: 73 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 84% Design: Linear, outside (high ceilings) Cells per unit: 6 Inmates per unit: 6 Management type: Intermittent and remote surveillance May 1986 population: 24 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates; State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Removable second bunks Housing area: $1,207,234 Housing per inmate: $60,362 Housing per cell: $60,362 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $116. 70 Total annual operating costs: $234,111 Construction type Security Perimeter: Single fence; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 61% Medium: 39% Minimum: 0 Structural: Load bearing precast panels; bearing masonry Exterior walls: Precast panels and sandwich panels Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete Exterior surface/facade: Paint Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to ce1ls and common areas HYAC: Heating/air circulation; electric and heat recovery Plumbing: Stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alann stations 558 Single occupancy: 20 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 13 General population: 20 Total: 33 Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds; Federal, State, and local funds Contract method: Conventional; second contractor takeover Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; sandwich and roof panels Architects' reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefabricated components, factory assembly; good competition, favorable market Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; complex electtonic, mechanical, and electrical systems Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: 6 Programs/treatment: 2 Maintenance: 2 Total: 11 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.18: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: None NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Washington Jefferson County t' ~-- --► I [@J ,,. 'Z. 1. 1. Drive thru Salle 2. Storage 3. Holding 4. Receiving s. Strip Search 6. Property 7. Laundry 8. Janitor 9. Medical 10. Kitchen 11. Segregation 12. Crisis 13. Control 14. Cell Block A (Work Release) 15. Cell Block B (Work Release) 16. Work Release (Clothes Change) 17. Cell Block C (Women) 18. Cell Block D 19. Indoor Recreation 20. Outdoor Recreation 21. Cell Block E N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Cell Block F Visit at ion Arraignment Interview Jail Administrator Public Lobby Reception Sheriff's Department Staff Lockers (women) Staff Lockers (men) 559 Thurston County Corrections Facility (Remodel/Expansion) Jurisdiction official: Dan Montgomery, Sheriff Contact: James P. Bachmeier, Chief Deputy/Corrections Bureau, Thurston County Corrections Facility, 2000 Lakeridge Drive, Olympia, WA 98502, 206-786-5505 Architect: The BJ~S Group, Architects & Planner§,J~IA, 320 West Bay Drive, Suite 212, Olympia, WA 98502, 206-943-4650 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: September I 983 Finish date: May I 986 Construction time: 32 months Design capacity: 158 Total cost: $3,931,394 Total annual operating costs:$ I ,240,000 Category: Remodeling/renovation project; expansion Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, courts, county offices Building configuration: Integ. structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,93 I ,394 Building only: $3,706,994 Gross square feeUcorrections: 64,066 Gross square feeUother: 22,515 Gross square feeUtotal: 86,581 Housing area square feet: 22,800 Gross square feet per inmate: 405 Size of dorms: 800 square feet NeUgross square feet: 80% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 15 Inmates per unit: 15 Management type: Remote surveillance June 1986 population: 145 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: $1,240,000 Housing per inmate: $11,481 Housing per cell: $16,104 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $45 .41 Total annual operating costs: $1,240,000 Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 27% Medium 20% Minimum: 53% Construction type Structural: Load bearing precast panels; steel frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; architectural precast Interior walls: Precast panels; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; paint; wall coating on precast concrete Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Extensive; architectural precast concrete wall panels; concrete plank structure Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; wooden; steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HYAC: Air conditioning; electric heat Plumbing: China; stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel; wood; vinyl/plastic; concrete Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells; sprinklers for common areas 560 Single occupancy: 72 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 36 Special housing: 50 General population: 108 Total: 158 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 3 Security: 34 Programs/treatment: 2 Maintenance: 2 Total: 41 Current inmate/staff ratio: 3.54: I Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Prefab. components, factory assembly; precast concrete; less expensive materials and hardware; simple construction methods Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; con. phasing to allow occupancy during con.; high labor costs; complex electronic, mech., and electrical systems Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Use of prefab. components, factory assembly; simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; complex systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction ~ ~ -~ 15· ;o .:, ~ t:::, ~" ci ,::i ~ (") C ~ -"-- -, B c·· 1ArA ~ H J - L.J_ Me~cAL ~LJ K K L' ADM,N,STR~ON N ji'fil] ~'~j~ I M 1 C ;o "' (") C ;o - "'.., ""-C ;o LOWER LEVEL PLAN MIDLEVEL PLAN A. B. C. D. Vehicular Sallyport Holding Cells Sallyport Booking L. M. N. 0. P. E. Storage F. G. H. I. J. K. Work Release/Check-in Strip Search/Delousing Master Control Examination Office lnfirmiry Existing/Remodel Q. R. S. T. U. V. • Visiting Public Lobby Training/Conference Trustee Minimum Security Male Special Holding Program Female Maximum Female Minimum Female Medium Male Medium W. X. Y. Z. Outdoor Recreation 72 Hour Holding Male Maximum Male Minimum a. b. c. d. e. Female Dorm Female Oayroom Common Dayroom Men's Dorm Men's Dayroom Expansion ;l C ~ 1a. ... 0 V, °'..... <ll == n J = 0 0 ~ IJCI .... 0 Twin Rivers Corrections Center Jurisdiction official: Chase Riveland, Secretary, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Janet Barbour, Twin Rivers Corrections Center, P.O. Box 888, Monroe, WA 98272, 206-794-2515 Architect: TRA, Architecture Engin!)ering planningJnteriors, 215 Columbia, Seattle, WA 98104-1551, 206-682-1331 Design consultants: Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc., One Lombard Street, San Francisco, CA 9411!, 415-627-1600 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: May 1981 Finish date: March 1984 Construction time: 34 months Design capacity: 545 Total cost: $26,500,000 Total annual operating costs: $10,330,237 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Wheel; campus Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $26,500,000 Building only: $24,763,598 Gross square feet/corrections: 252,590 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 252,590 Housing area square feet: 109,400 Gross square feet per inmate: 48 I Size of cells: 80 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 95% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 125 Inmates per unit: 125 Management type: Remote surveillance; patrols October 1985 population: 524 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Second bunk permanently attached to wall Housing area: $11,930,274 Housing per inmate: $23,861 Housing per cell: $23,861 Total per inmate: $48,624 Total per GSF: $104.9! Total annual operating costs: $10,330,237 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alarnt/detection system; razor wire on fence Inmate security level: Maximum: 5% Medium: 95% Minimum: 0 Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Tilt-up concrete Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco over metal lath and insulation Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Integral color concrete Intercom: Nurse call feature at cells; twoway to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only; limited air-conditioning Plumbing: Stainless Furniture: Painted steel---<:ustom designed Fire protection: Smoke detectors in duct work; sprinklers in corridors, exit ways and group areas 562 Single occupancy: 500 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Other: 20 Special housing: 25 General population: 520 Total: 545 Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 22.5 Security: 163 Programs/treatment: 39 .5 Maintenance: 27 Total: 252 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.08:1 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Advanced correctional concepts; coordination of value engineering by architect and owner Negative: None Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; weather problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Washington Monroe Housing Level One 1 Counseling 2 Meeting Room 3 Office 4 Laundry 5 Medical 6 Entrance 7 Control Station 8Cell 9 Active Dayroom 10 Quiet Dayroom NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 563 Washington Corrections Center Intensive Management Unit (Addition) Jurisdiction official: Chase Riveland, Secretary, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent Kurt S. Peterson, Washington Corrections Center !MU, P .0. Box 900, Shelton, WA 98584, 206-426-4433 Architect;c/ThecBJSS.Groµp,Architects/pjanners, West-Bay Drive, Suite 212, Olympia, WA 98502, 206-943-4650 Construction manager: The BJSS Group, 320 West Bay Drive, Suite 212, Olympia, WA 98502, 206-943-4650 320 Groundbreaking: November 1983 Finish date: December 1984 Construction time: 13 months Design capacity: 124 Total cost: $7,134,000 Total annual operating costs: $1,077,273 (addition only) Category: New, ancillary building Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $7,134,000 Building only: $6,740,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 43,313 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: 43,313 Housing area square feet: 43,313 Gross square feet per inmate: 349 Size of cells: 82 square feet (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: 88% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 20 Inmates per unit: 20 Management type: Remote surveillance June 1986 population: 111 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $6,740,000 Housing per inmate: $54,355 Housing per cell: $54,355 Total per inmate: $57,532 Total per GSF: $164.71 Total annual operating costs: $1,077 ,273 (addition only) Security Perimeter: Double fence; razor wire on and between fences; towers; patrols; camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Load bearing precast panels; cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Precast panels; cast-inplace concrete Interior walls: Precastpanels; cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Stucco; paint Construction process Finance method: State funds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Carpet; sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; steam heat Plumbing: Stainless steel; stainless combination unit Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells and common areas; override and control/monitoring in control booth 564 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 0 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 124 General population: 0 Total: 124 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: High labor costs; difficult site conditions Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 3 Security: 33 Programs/treatment: 5 Maintenance: 0 Total: 41 (addition only) Current inmate/staff ratio: 2. 71: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties Negative: Weather problems NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Washington Shelton (No floorplan available at time of publication) N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction 565 Whitman County Correctional Facility Jurisdiction official: Steve Tomson, Sheriff Contact: Captain Richard Lally, Facility Commander, Whitman County Correctional Facility, Colfax, WA 99111, 509-397-4262 Architect: Northwest Architectural Company, West 1203 Riverside, Spokane, WA 99201, 509;-838-8240 Justice design consultant: The Gruzen Partnership, 251 Post Street, San Francisco, CA94108\ 415-956-5515 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: October I 982 Finish date: April 1984 Construction time: I 8 months Design capacity: 38 Total cost: $3,000,000 Total annual operating costs: $330,000 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, county sheriff, county offices Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,000,000 Building only: $2,900,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 16,660 Gross square feet/other: 11,590 Gross square feet/total: 28,250 Housing area square feet: 5,900 Gross square feet per inmate: 438 Size of cells: 75 square feet (single) Net/gross square feet: 6 I% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 2 to 8 Inmates per unit: 2 to 8 Management type: Remote surveillance October 1985 population: 32 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: $1,027,010 Housing per inmate: $27,027 Housing per cell: $42,792 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $106.19 Total annual operating costs: $330,000 Construction type Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 5% Medium: 53% Minimum: 42% Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Insulated plaster system Construction process Finance method: State funds; county levy Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging Doors/locking: Remote locking only Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation only; gas-fired heating plant; central boiler Plumbing: Stainless; china Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 566 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 22 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 16 Special housing: 0 General population: 38 Total: 38 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Good competition, favorable market Negative: Difficult site conditions (very tight site, poor soil bearing capacity, high water table); complex electronics/ computer system and hard-wired locking system Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: 10 Programs/treatment: I Maintenance: 0 Total: 12 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.67:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Design coordinated with minimum changes by owner; contractor's efficient construction process Negative: Weather problems (winter); complex electronics system NIJ!National Directory df Corrections Construction Washington Whitman County FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOOR N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 567 Ohio County Correctional Center Jurisdiction official: Arthur McKenzie, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff Arthur McKenzie, Ohio County Correctional Center, 1501 Eoff Street, Wheeling, WV 26003, 304-234-3607 Architect} R,L. __ Smith=Architecture, P.O. Box 2204, Waco, TX 76703, 817-776-4011 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: October 1977 Finish date: June 1979 Construction time: 20 months Design capacity: 61 Total cost: $1,474,000 Total annual operating costs: $620,801 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county and city jails; courts Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,474,000 Building only: $1,453,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 15,950 Gross square feet/other: 9,860 Gross square feet/total: 25,810 Housing area square feet: 15,950 Gross square feet per inmate: 26 l Size of dorms: 400 square feet Net/gross square feet: 84% Housing area: $900,860 Housing per inmate: $20,019 Housing per cell: $34,648 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $57 .11 Total annual operating costs: $620,801 Security Perimeter: Building exterior; alarm/detection system; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 33% Medium: 31% Minimum: 36% Construction type Structural: Steel frame; prestressed hollow concrete Exterior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; brick; special CMU block Interior walls: CMU block; furred comp. board and paneling Exterior surface/facade: Brick; paint; textured concrete Design: Linear, outside and inside Cells per unit: 5 Inmates per unit: 5 Management type: Intermittent surveillance May 1986 population: 53 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; mattresses on floor; beds in dayroom Construction process Finance method: Revenue sharing; Federal, State, and local funds; special election Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: Moderate; concrete floor and roof units Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Solid; steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Carpet; epoxy coating; sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to common areas HV AC: Air conditioning; heating/air circulation Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel; wood; vinyl/plastic Fire protection: Smoke detectors for common areas 568 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 17 Double occupancy: I 0 Dorms: 18 Special housing: 16 General population: 45 Total: 61 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods; good competition, favorable market; materials and construction methods common to area Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; high labor costs; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems; labor unions; weather Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 0 Security: 26 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 0 Total: 26 Current inmate/staff ratio: 2.04: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Repetitiveness of design; materials and construction methods common to area Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; labor and weather problems; complex electronic, mechanical, and electrical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction West Virginia Ohio County, Wheeling :E g a: -5 z 1::: ~ Cl .I a. id ~ .I ~ jl D -:...c a: p 0 [I I:E ..... 111 :E .. t,.1---------------...i"\,LU NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 569 Burnett County Government Center Jurisdiction official: Donald Chell, Sheriff Contact: Sheriff Donald Chell, Burnett County Government Center, Route I, Box 300-122, Siren, WI 54872, 7!5-349-2121 Architect: Ozolins-D 'Jock Architects, Ltd., 2115 East Clairemont A venue, Suite I , Eau Claire, WI 54701-4787, 7 I 5-834-0505 Construction manager: Construction Analysis & Management, 7401 Central Avenue NE., Minneapolis, MN 55432, 612-786-7151 Groundbreaking: July I 983 Finish date: January 1985 Construction time: 18 months Design capacity: 27 Total cost: $3,238,324 Total annual operating costs: $288,903 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement, courts, county agencies Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $3,238,324 Building only: $3,125,025 Gross square feeUcorrections: !0,440 Gross square feeUother: 43,874 Gross square feeUtotal: 54,314 Housing area square feet: !0,440 Gross square feet per inmate: 387 Size of cells: 59 square feet (single) NeUgross square feet: 78% Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: 15 Inmates per unit: 15 Management type: Intermittent surveillance June 1986 population: 18 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: None Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $59.62 Total annual operating costs: $288,903 Security Perimeter: Building exterior; video camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 60% Medium: 40% Minimum: 0 Construction type Structural: Cast-in-place concrete frame Exterior walls: CMU block; metal wall panels Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Textured concrete; metal panels Construction process Finance method: G.O. Bonds Contract method: Construction management Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking Floor surface: Carpet; sealed concrete; vinyl tile Intercom: One-way to cells and common areas HVAC: Heating/air circulation; solar heat; other energy recycle unit; reheat coils Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors for cells 570 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 15 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: I 2 General population: 15 Total: 27 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design; good competitian, favorable market; construction management Negative: Slow construction, lengthy building time; difficult site conditions; high water table Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 13 Security: 13 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: 3 Total: 29 Current inmate/staff ratio: 0.62: I Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; weather problems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Wisconsin Burnett County NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 571 Columbia Correctional Institution Jurisdiction official: Stephen E. Bablitch, Administrator, Department of Corrections Contact: Superintendent James P. Murphy, Columbia Correctional Institution, Route 3, Highway 127, P.O. Box 950, Portage, WI 53901, 608-742-9105 Archite<ot: Potter, _Lawson& Pawlowsky, lll~.-.,.15.Ellis.Potter.Court, Madisoii}&,r 53711, 608-274-2741 Construction manager: Potter, Lawson & Pawlowsky, Inc., 15 Ellis Potter Court, Madison, WI 53711, 608-274-2741 Groundbreaking: February 1984 Finish date: May 1986 Construction time: 27 months Design capacity: 5 I I Total cost: $30,362,286 Total annual operating costs: $7,326,540 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Courtyard Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $30,362,286 Building only: $27,739,014 Gross square feeVcorrections: 296,600 Gross square feeVother: 0 Gross square feeVtotal: 296,600 Housing area square feet: 123,800 Gross square feet per inmate: 580 Size of cells: 80 square feet (single) NeVgross square feet: 70% Design: Linear, outside Cells per unit: 50 Inmates per unit: 50 Management type: Remote surveillance September 1987 population: 432 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $59,417 Total per GSF: $102.37 Total annual operating costs: $7,326,540 Construction type Security Perimeter: Double fence; alann/ detection systems; razor wire on and between fences; towers; patrols; camera surveillance Inmate security level: Maximum: 100% Medium: 0 Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells and common areas HY AC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat Plumbing: China Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 572 Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: Cast-in-place concrete; CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Construction process Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Conventional Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 450 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 0 Special housing: 61 General population: 450 Total: 511 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Nine identical housing units; favorable market; bids lower than estimates Negative: Difficult site conditions; high water table; complex electronic and mechanical systems; long lead times for detention equipment Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 49 Security: 189 Programs/treatment: 15 Maintenance: 14 Total: 267 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.62:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Repetitiveness of design; coordination of design between parties; onsite supervision by architect and owner Negative: Slow delivery from suppliers; complex electronic and mechanical systems NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Wisconsin Portage 5 5 TlTll:& PH IIIlYp>v 4 H~ ' ' Upper Level Housing 1 Control Station Below 2Showers 3Cells 4 Adjacent Housing Unit 5 Upper Portion of Dayroom ,,-------- '/ . 1 \ ' ' . .. .. 9 : '@:, 8' ':, . . . . I Lower Level Housing 1 Dayroom 2 Kitchenette 3 Storage 4 Laundry 5 Unit Management Staff 6 Control Station NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 7Showers 8Cells 9 Adjacent Housing Unit 573 Oshkosh Correctional Institution Jurisdiction official: Steven E. Bablitch, Administrator, Division of Corrections. Contact: Superintendent Donald W. Gudmanson, Oshkosh Correctional Institution, P.O. Box 3530, 1730 West Snell Road, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3530, 414-231-4010 Architects: Sauter Seaborne Architects Engineers Ltd,; 825 West Lawrence Street, Appleton, WI 54914, 414-739-6266 Miller Wagner Coenen, Inc., 250 Green Bay Road, Neenak, WI 54956, 414-725-6346 Construction manager: None Groundbreaking: March 1984 Finish date: April I 986 Construction time: 25 months Design capacity: 3 l 2 Total cost: $23,313,398 Total annual operating costs: $459,400 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: State prison Building configuration: Cluster of housing units with support units at each end Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $23,313,398 Building only: $22,634, 76 l Gross square feet/corrections: l 97,405 Gross square feet/other: 0 Gross square feet/total: l 97,405 Housing area square feet: 92,262 Gross square feet per inmate: 63 3 Sizeofcells: 82 square feet (gen. single); 91 (spec. single) Net/gross square feet: 75% Design: Module/pod Cells per unit: 104 Inmates per unit: 104 Management type: Direct supervision March 1987 population: l 93 Facility commitment: State prisoners Means to handle crowding: Bunk beds in cell; beds in dayroom Housing area: Unknown Housing per inmate: Unknown Housing per cell: Unknown Total per inmate: $74,722 Total per GSF: $118.lO Total annual operating costs: $459,400 Security Perimeter: Double fence; alann/detection system; razor wire on fences; towers; patrols Inmate security level: Maximum: 0 Medium: 100% Minimum: 0 Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Swinging; sliding Doors/locking: Manual locking Floor surface: Epoxy coating; vinyl tile Intercom: Two-way to cells HYAC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat, furnaces can bum methane from nearby landfill Plumbing: Stainless steel; china Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas; manual alarm stations 574 Construction type Construction process Structural: Steel frame Exterior walls: CMU block Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick Finance method: State funds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: Limited; fabrication of some furniture Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Single occupancy: 29 l Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 12 Special housing: 9 General population: 303 Total: 312 Architect's reported analyses Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construct/on methods, repetitiveness of design; phased construction, fast track CM; good competition, favorable market; good design for region Negative: Government procedures, regulations, and red tape Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: 30 Security: 90 Programs/treatment: 44 Maintenance: l 9 Total: 183 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.05:1 Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: Phased construction, fast track construction management Negative: Slow responses and delivery from vendors, suppliers; weather problems; government procedures, regulations, and red tape NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction ' Wisconsin Oshkosh ...... / MEZZANINE PLAN MEDIUM HOUSING ·o· SCALE NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction 575 Rusk County Law Enforcement Facility Jurisdiction official: Gary Fetting, Sheriff Contact: Sergeant Richard Mohr, Rusk County Law Enforcement Facility, East Third Avenue, Ladysmith, WI 54848, 715-532-2200 Architect: Ozolins-D'Jock Architects, Ltd., 2115 East Clairemont Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54701-4787, 715-834-0505 Construction manager: Ozolins-D'Jock Associates, 2115 East Clairemont Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54701-4787, 715-834-0505 Groundbreaking: May 1984 Finish date: August 1985 Construction time: 15 months Design capacity: 29 Total cost: $1,650,000 Total annual operating costs: $247,800 Category: New, independent facility Facility type: Complex: county jail, law enforcement Building configuration: Integrated structure Costs Dimensions Inmate housing areas Total: $1,650,000 Building only: $1,645,000 Gross square feet/corrections: 10,930 Gross square feet/other: 11,280 Gross square feet/total: 22,210 Housing area square feet: 10,030 Gross square feet per inmate: 377 Size of cells: 54 square feet (gen. single); 70 (spec. single); 420 (dorms) Net/gross square feet: Unknown Design: Linear, inside Cells per unit: Varies Inmates per unit: Varies Management type: Intermittent surveillance September 1987 population: 15 Facility commitment: Local jail inmates Means to handle crowding: Unknown Housing area: $1,050,000 Housing per inmate: $38,889 Housing per cell: $38,889 Total per inmate: NIA (complex) Total per GSF: $78.72 Total annual operating costs: $247,800 Security Perimeter: Building exterior only Inmate security level: Maximum: 60% Medium: 0 Minimum: 40% Construction type Construction process Structural: Load-bearing precast panels Exterior walls: Brick; synthetic plaster and rigid insulation Interior walls: CMU block Exterior surface/facade: Brick; stucco Finance method: G. 0. Bonds Contract method: Construction management fast track Use of inmate labor: None Use of prefabrication: None Inmate design capacity Inmate cells Doors/material: Steel Doors/type: Sliding Doors/locking: Motor driven and remote locking; manual locking Floor surface: Sealed concrete Intercom: Two-way to cells HYAC: Heating/air circulation; gas heat with oil standby Plumbing: Stainless steel Furniture: Steel Fire protection: Smoke detectors and sprinklers for cells and common areas 576 Architect's reported analyses Single occupancy: 15 Double occupancy: 0 Dorms: 12 Special housing: 2 General population: 27 Total: 29 Factors affecting construction costs: Positive: Simple construction methods, repetitiveness of design Negative: High labor costs Factors affecting time schedule: Positive: None Negative: None Current staff Full-time equivalent: Administration: I Security: 9 Programs/treatment: 0 Maintenance: l Total: 11 Current inmate/staff ratio: 1.36:1 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Wisconsin Rusk County N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 577 Appendix A ACA standards for design of adult correctional institutions and local detention facilities ACA standards Design of adult correctional institutions and local detention facilities The National Institute of Justice has created this directory to illustrate how jails and prisons may be designed and built. As a handbook for construction, it would not be complete without discussion of the standards by which correctional facilities are designed. For many years, both officials and architects have relied upon the standards developed by the American Correctional Association. These guidelines have served corrections agencies by providing direction along the difficult path from inception to completion of a new jail or prison. However, strict adherence to construction guidelines may be costly for some jurisdictions. Thus, not every agency can follow the standards in their entirety. For this reason, not every facility in this catalog is in complete compliance with ACA standards. By drawing on the collective experience of corrections officials across the Nation, the ACA standards may help those planning new facilities to consider the lessons learned by colleagues who have faced the same problems. Like the premise of NIJ' s Construction Information Exchange, the ACA standards represent an opportunity to "build on experience." Prisons/adult correctional institutions Although planners and designers of new or remodeled facilities should consider all ACA standards and their relationship to design, the following selected standards are especially critical in facility planning. These standards are presented as important reminders that should be reviewed frequently during the design process of correctional facilities. 2-4022. The institution provides for all inmates the following constructive programs, including, at a minimum: reception and orientation; evaluation and classification; academic education equivalent to high school; vocational training; employment; religious services; social services and counseling; psychological and psychiatric services; library services; medical and dental health care; athletic, recreational, and leisure time activities; inmate involvement with community groups; mail and visiting; access to media, legal materials, attorneys, and courts; volunteer services; and prerelease orientation and planning. 2-4049. There is an inmate commissary or canteen where inmates can purchase items not furnished by the facility from an approved list. Strict controls are maintained over its operation and standard accounting procedures are followed. NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 2-4086. Space and equipment required for the training and staff development program are available. 2-4129. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. Only one inmate occupies a room or cell designed for single occupancy that has a floor area of at least 60 square feet, provided inmates spend no more than 10 hours per day locked in. When confinement exceeds 10 hours per day, there are at least 80 square feet of floor space. 2-4130. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. Each room or cell has, at a minimum, the following facilities and conditions: Sanitation facilities, including access to: • Toilet above floor level that is available for use without staff assistance 24 hours a day. • Wash basin with hot and cold running water. A b~d at above floor level, desk, hooks or closet space, chalf or stool. Natural light. Documentation by an independent, qualified source that: • Lighting is at least 20 footcandles at desk level and in the personal grooming area. • Circulation is at least 10 cubic feet of outside or recirculated filtered air per minute per human occupant. • Temperatures are appropriate to the summer and winter comfort zones. • Noise levels do not exceed 70 decibels in daytime and 45 decibels at night. 2-4131. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant (minimum security only). Where used, multiple occupancy rooms house no less than three and no more than 50 inmates each who are screened for suitability to group living prior to admission. Multiple occupancy rooms are continuously observed by staff and provide the following facilities and conditions: .(\. minimum floor area of 50 square feet per occupant m the sleeping area and a clear floor-to-ceiling height of not less than eight feet. Toilet and shower facilities at a minimum of one oper able toilet and shower for every eight occupants. 0 One operable wash basin with hot and cold running water for every six occupants. Single beds only. Access to a locker or private storage space for each occupant. Natural light. 581 Documentation by an independent, qualified source that: • Lighting is at least 20 footcandles at desk level and in the personal grooming area. • Circulation is at least 10 cubic feet of outside or recirculated filtered air per minute per occupant. • Temperatures are appropriate to the summer and winter comfort zones. • Noise levels do not exceed 70 decibels in daytime and 45 decibels at night. Documentation by an independent, qualified source that: • Lighting is at least 20 footcandles at desk level and in the personal grooming area. • Circulation is at least 10 cubic feet of fresh or purified air per minute. • Temperatures are appropriate to the summer and winter comfort zones. • Noise levels do not exceed 70 decibels in daytime and 45 decibels at night. 2-4132. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. Minimum security institutions, or minimum security areas within larger institutions provide individual rooms with key control shared by the occupants and staff, or continuous access to toilet and shower facilities and hot and cold running water, including drinking water. Rooms also provide the following facilities and conditions: A minimum floor area of 60 square feet. A bunk at above floor level, desk, hooks or closet space, chair or stool. 2-4136. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. The segregation rooms permit inmates assigned to them to converse with others in the same housing unit and have doors that permit observation by staff. Natural light. Documentation by an independent, qualified source that: • Lighting is at least 20 footcandles at desk level and in the personal grooming area. • Circulation is at least 10 cubic feet of outside or recirculated filtered air per minute per occupant. • Temperatures are appropriate to the summer and winter comfort zones. • Noise levels do not exceed 70 decibels in daytime and 45 decibels at night. 2-4133. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. When males and females are housed in the same institution there are separate sleeping quarters. 2-4134. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. There are two identifiable exits in each inmate housing area and other high density areas to permit the prompt evacuation of inmates and staff under emergency conditions. (Mandatory) 2-4135. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. The segregation housing units provide living conditions that approximate those of the general inmate population; all exceptions are clearly documented. Segregation housing units provide the following facilities and conditions: Single occupancy rooms or cells with a floor area of at least 80 square feet. Sanitation facilities, including access to: • Above-floor toilet facilities available for use without staff assistance 24 hours a day. • Hot and cold running water. Natural light. 2-4137. Existing, renovation. There is a separate day room leisure time space for each general population housing unit. 2-4138. Existing, renovation. Space outside the cell or room is provided for inmate exercise. 2-4139. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. In institutions offering academic and vocational training programs, the classrooms are designed in cooperation with school authorities. 2-4142. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. If the institution has watchtowers, they are placed so that they permit an unobstructed view of the grounds and perimeter and are equipped with the weaponry, lighting, sighting, and communications devices necessary for effective execution of their function. 2-4143. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. The food preparation and dining area includes a space for food preparation based on population size. 2-4144. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. Space is provided for administrative, custodial, professional, and clerical staff; this space includes conference rooms, employee lounge, storage room for records, public lobby, and toilet facilities. 2-4145. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. Handicapped inmates are housed in a manner that provides for their safety and security. Cells or housing units used by them are designed for their use, and provide the maximum possible integration with the general population. Appropriate institution programs and activities are accessible to handicapped inmates confined in the facility. 2-4146. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. All parts of the facility that are accessible to the public are accessible to and usable by handicapped staff and visitors. 2-4147. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. Space is provided for janitor closets, which are equipped with a sink and cleaning implements. A bunk at above floor level, desk or writing space, and stool. 582 N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 2-4148. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. There are storage rooms in the institution for clothing, bedding, and cleaning supplies. 2-4149. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. There is storage space available for the personal property of inmates. 2-41S0. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. Separate and adequate space is provided for mechanical equipment. 2-41S2. Renovation, addition, new plant. Planning precludes the use of dormitories for inmate housing in maximum, close, or medium security institutions. 2-41S3. Renovation, addition, new plant. The institution conforms to applicable Federal, State, and local building codes. 2-41S4. Renovation, addition, new plant. There is documentation by an independent, qualified source that ventilation is at least 10 cubic feet of outside or recirculated filtered air per minute, per human occupant, for cell blocks and guard stations, and 20 cubic feet per minute for eating halls. Lighting requirements for the facility are determined by the tasks to be performed, interior surface finishes and colors, type and spacing of light sources, outside lighting, and shadows and glare. 2-41S5. Renovation, addition, new plant. There is documentation by a qualified source that the interior finishing material in inmate living areas, exit areas, and places of public assembly are in accordance with recognized national fire safety codes. (Mandatory) 2-41S8. Addition, new plant. There is separate dayroom/leisure time space for each general population housing unit containing 35 square feet of floor space per inmate exclusive of circulation corridors in front of cells/rooms. 2-4166. Specifications for the selection and purchase of facility furnishings indicate the fire safety performance requirements of the materials selected. (Mandatory) 2-4168. The facility has exits that are distinctly and permanently marked, continuously visible at all times, kept clear, and maintained in usable condition. (Mandatory) 2-4169. An independent, qualified inspector who is trained in the application of national fire safety codes has certified that the travel distance to all exits is in compliance with code requirements. (Mandatory) 2-4170. The institution has equipment necessary to maintain essential lights, power, and communications in an emergency. 2-4173. Written policy and procedure specify the means for the immediate release of imnates from locked areas in case of emergency and provide for a backup system. 2-4177. The institution's perimeter is controlled by an appropriate means to provide that inmates remain within the perimeter and to prevent access by the general public without the appropriate authorization. 2-4179. Safety vestibules and sally ports constitute the only breaches in the institution perimeter security. (Essential-maximum and medium security facilities only) 2-4180. Pedestrian and vehicular traffic should enter and leave at designated points in the perimeter. (Essential-medium and minimum security facilities only) 2-4181. The institution maintains a control center to provide order and security. 2-4187. The institution has facilities for the safe unloading and reloading of firearms. 2-41S9. Addition, new plant. Administrative segregation housing units are the same as those for the general population and have an area for indoor exercise outside the room or cell that has 35 square feet of floor space per inmate requiring exercise. rity equipment are stored in a secure but readily accessible depository outside imnate housing and activity areas and are inventoried at least monthly to determine their condition and expiration dates. 2-4162. There is documentation by an independent, qualified source that the institution complies with the applicable fire safety code(s). (Mandatory) 2-424S. Toilet and wash basin facilities are available to food service personnel and inmates in the vicinity of the food preparation area. 2-416S. The institution has an automatic fire alarm and smoke detection system that is certified by an independent, qualified inspector trained in the application of national fire safety codes. If the institution depends on a local fire department, the fire alarm system is connected directly to the local fire department. Whenever possible, all system elements are tested on a quarterly basis; adequacy and operation of the systems are certified by a State fire official orother qualified authority annually. (Mandatory) 2-4247. There are sanitary, temperature-controlled N/J!National Directory of Corrections Construction 2-4189. Firearms, chemical agents, and related secu- storage facilities for the storage of all foods. 2-42S0. Space is provided for group dining except when security or safety considerations justify otherwise. 2-42S9. The institution provides for waste disposal. (Mandatory) 583 2-4265. The store of clothing, linen, and bedding exceeds that required for the facility's inmate population. 2-4266. The institution provides for the thorough cleaning and, when necessary, disinfecting of inmate personal clothing before storage or before allowing the inmate to keep and wear personal clothing. 2-4268. There are sufficient bathing facilities in the 2-4422. There is a comprehensive education program available to all eligible inmates that extends from literacy training through high school and includes communication skills, mathematics, and social science. 2-4431. The educational program is supported by specialized equipment, including, at a minimum, classrooms, teaching carrels, audiovisual materials and facilities, chalkboards, and administrative space. housing areas to permit inmates in the general population to shower at least three times per week. 2-4436. Postsecondary programs in academic and 2-4270. There are hair care services available to in- 2-4442. The institution maintains and/or provides access to comprehensive library services that include, but are not limited to, a reference collection that includes general and specialized materials, and planned and continuous acquisition of materials to meet the needs of the institutional staff and inmates. mates that comply with applicable health requirements. 2-4275. An adequately equipped medical facility, which meets the legal requirements for a licensed general hospital with respect to the services it offers, is available to all inmates. (Mandatory) vocational education are available to qualified inmates. for health services are provided and maintained as determined by the health authority. 2-4452. Written policy and procedure provide for a comprehensive recreational program that includes leisure time activities comparable with those available in the community. 2-4295. Written policy and procedure require that 2-4458. Facilities and equipment, which are main- 2-4277. Space, equipment, supplies, and materials routine and emergency dental care is provided to each inmate under the direction and supervision of a dentist with appropriate State or Federal licensure. tained in good condition and are suitable for the planned leisure activities, are available in proportion to the inmate population. 2-4305. Written policy and procedure make available chronic and convalescent care to inmates of the facility. 2-4470. The institution provides facilities and equip- 2-4325. Written policy and procedure exist to assist inmates in making confidential contact with attorneys and their authorized representatives. 2-4326. Written policy and procedure provide for the right of inmates to have access to an appropriate law library and to supplies and services related to legal matters. The law library includes, at a minimum, relevant and up-to-date constitutional, statutory, and case law materials, applicable court rules, and practice treatises. When an inmate is unable to make meaningful use of the law library alone, additional assistance necessary for effective access is provided. 2-4336. Written policy and procedure grant inmates the right to practice their religion, subject only to the limitations necessary to maintain institutional order and security. 2-4337. Written policy and procedure grant inmates the right to receive visits, subject only to the limitations necessary to maintain institutional order and security. 2-4379. Written policy and procedure provide for inmate access to public telephones. 2-4383. Written policy and procedure provide that inmate visiting facilities permit informal communication, including opportunity for physical contact. Devices that preclude physical contact are not used except in instances of substantiated security risk. 584 ment for the conduct of religious programs for inmates. Jails/local detention facilities The following standards have been exerpted from the complete volume applicable to local detention and holding facilities. These guidelines are intended to apply to facilities operated by cities and counties, where inmates are held for shorter periods of time. 2-5108. Existing. All activity areas have toilets and wash basins that are accessible to persons using the area. An independent, qualified source has documented that: • Lighting is appropriate to the activity area. • Circulation is at least 10 cubic feet of fresh or purified air per minute per human occupant. • Temperatures are appropriate to the summer and winter comfort zones with consideration for the activity performed. (Detention-essential; holding-essential) 2-5109. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. The intake/booking and release area is located inside the security perimeter, but outside inmate living quarters, and has the following components: booking area; sally port; access to drinking water; shower facilities; secure storage for inmates' personal property; telephone facilities; private interview space( s); temporary holding rooms with sufficient fixed seating for all inmates at its rated capacity; and operable toilets and wash basins. (Detention-essential; holdingessential) NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 2-5110. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. Only one inmate occupies each cell and detention room designed for single occupancy. (Detention-essential; holding-essential) 2-5111. Existing, renovation. All single rooms or cells in detention facilities have at least 60 square feet of floor space, provided inmates spend no more than 10 hours per day locked in; when confinement exceeds 10 hours per day, there are at least 70 square feet of floor space. (Detention-essential; holding-not applicable) 2-5112. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. All rooms or cells in detention facilities have, at a minimum: Access to the following sanitation facilities: • Toilet above floor level that is available for use without staff assistance 24 hours per day. • Wash basin and drinking water. • Shower facilities. • Hot and cold running water. A bed at above floor level, desk or writing surface, hooks or closet space, chair or stool. Natural light. Documentation by an independent, qualified source that: • Lighting is at least 20 footcandles at desk level and in the personal grooming area; in additions and new plants it is both occupant and centrally controlled. • Circulation is at least IO cubic feet of outside or recirculated filtered air per minute per human occupant. • Temperatures are appropriate to the summer and winter comfort zones. • Noise levels do not exceed 70 decibels in daytime and 45 decibels at night. (Detention-essential; holding-not applicable) 2-5113. Existing, renovation. Single rooms or cells in holding facilities have, at a minimum: 50 square feet of floor space. A bed above floor level. Access to the following sanitation facilities: • Toilet above floor level that is available for use without staff assistance 24 hours per day. • Wash basin with hot and cold running water. • Shower facilities. Documentation by an independent, qualified source that: • Lighting is at least 20 footcandles at desk level and in the personal grooming area. • Circulation is at least IO cubic feet of outside or recirculated filtered air per minute per human occupant. • Temperatures are appropriate to the summer and winter comfort zones; NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction • Noise levels do not exceed 70 decibels in daytime and 45 decibels at night. (Detention-not applicable; holding-important) (See related standard 2-5139) 2-5114. Existing renovation. Where used, multiple occupancy rooms house no less than four and no more than 50 inmates each who are screened prior to admission for suitability to group living; the rooms provide: Continuing observation by staff. A minimum floor area of 50 square feet per occupant in the sleeping area and a clear floor to ceiling height of not less than eight feet. Toilet and shower facilities at a minimum of one operable toilet and shower for every eight occupants. One operable wash basin with hot and cold running water for every six occupants. Natural light. Beds above floor level. A locker for each occupant. Documentation by an independent, qualified source that: • Lighting is at least 20 footcandles at desk level and in the personal grooming area. • Circulation is at least IO cubic feet of outside or recirculated filtered air per minute per occupant. • Temperatures are appropriate to the summer and winter comfort zones. • Noise levels do not exceed 70 decibels in daytime and 45 decibels at night. (Detention-essential; holding-essential) 2-5115. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. The segregation rooms provide living conditions that approximate those of the general inmate population; all exceptions are clearly documented. Segregation housing units provide: Single occupancy rooms or cells with a flow area of at least 70 square feet. A bed at above floor level, desk or writing space and stool. Continuous access to the following sanitation facilities: • Above-floor toilet facilities. • Hot and cold running water. Natural light. Documentation by an independent, qualified source that: • Lighting is at least 20 footcandles at desk level and in the personal grooming area. • Circulation is at least IO cubic feet of outside or recirculated filtered air per minute. • Temperatures are appropriate to summer and winter comfort zones. • Noise levels do not exceed 70 decibels in daytime and 45 decibels at night. (Detention-important; holding-not applicable) 585 J 2-5116. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. A 2-5130. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. A room used for segregation permits inmates assigned to it to communicate with staff and has a door that permits observation by staff. (Detention-essential; holdingessential) room or closet equipped with a sink is provided for the storage of cleaning supplies and equipment. (Detention-essential; holding-essential) 2-5117. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. When seriously ill, mentally disordered, injured or nonambulatory inmates are held in the facility, there is at least one single-occupancy cell or room for them that provides for continuing staff observation. (Detention-essential; holding-essential) 2-5118. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. When both males and females are housed in the same facility they are provided separate sleeping quarters that are separated visually and acoustically. (Detention-essential; holding-essential) 2-5120. Addition, new plant. There are at least two identifiable exits in each inmate housing area/cell block and other high density area to permit the prompt evacuation of inmates and staff under emergency conditions. (Detention-mandatory; holding-mandatory) 2-5122. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. Space is- provided for the secure storage of chemical agents, restraining devices and related security equipment and the equipment is located in an area that is readily accessible to authorized persons only. (Detention-essential; holding-essential) 2-5123. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. There are sally ports between inmate areas and areas providing access to the public. (Detention-essential; holding-essential) 2-5124. Existing renovation. There is a separate day room leisure time space for each cell block or detention room cluster. (Detention-essential; holding-not applicable) 2-5125. Existing. Space outside the cell or room is provided for inmate exercise. (Detention-essential; holding-important) 2-5126. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. When the facility provides food service, the kitchen has a minimum of200 square feet of floor space. (Detention-essential; holding-essential) 2-5127. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. Consistent with the size of the facility, space is provided for administrative, professional, and clerical staff, including conference rooms, employee lounge, storage room for records, public lobby and toilet facilities. (Detention-essential; holding-important) 2-5128. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. There is at least one multipurpose room available for imnate activities such as religious services, education programs or visiting. (Detention-essential; holdingimportant) 586 2-5131. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. Storage space is provided for clothing, bedding, and facility supplies. (Detention-essential; holdingessential) 2-5132. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. Space is provided for the secure storage of inmates' personal property. (Detention-essential; holdingessential) 2-5134. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. The institution conforms to applicable Federal, State, and local building codes. (Detention-essential; holding-essential) 2-5136. Existing, renovation, addition, new plant. There is documentation by an independent, qualified source that the interior finishing material in inmate living areas, exit areas, and places of public assembly are in accordance with recognized national fire safety codes. (Detention-mandatory; holding-mandatory) 2-5137. Addition, new plant. All cells and detention rooms are designed for single-occupancy only. (Detention-essential; holding-essential) (See related standard 2-5114) 2-5138. Addition, new plant. All single cells or rooms in detention facilities have, at a minimum, 70 square feet of floor space. (Detention-essential; holdingnot applicable) (See related standards 2-5111, 25II2, and 2-5115) 2-5139. Addition, new plant. All single cells and rooms in holding facilities have, at a minimum: 70 square feet of floor space, with no less than 7 feet between walls and no less than 8 feet between the floor and ceiling. Access to the following sanitation facilities: • Toilet above floor level that is available for use without staff assistance 24 hours a day. • Wash basin and drinking water. • Shower facilities. • Hot and cold running water. A bed at above floor level, desk, or writing surfaces, hooks or closet space, chair or stool. Documentation by an independent, qualified source that: • Lighting is at least 20 footcandles at desk level and in the personal grooming area that is both occupant and centrally controlled. • Circulation is at least 10 cubic feet of fresh or purified air per minute per human occupant. • Temperatures are appropriate to the summer and winter comfort zones. NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction • Noise levels do not exceed 70 decibels in daytime and 45 decibels at night. (Detention-not applicable; holding-essential) 2-5141. Addition, new plants. The facility is designed and constructed so that inmates can be separated according to existing laws and regulation, or according to the facility's classification plan. (Detention-essential; holding-essential) 2-5142. Addition, new plants. Handicapped inmates are housed in a manner which provides for their safety and security. Cells or housing units used by them are designed for their use, and provide the maximum possible integration with the general population. Appropriate institution programs and activities are accessible to handicapped inmates confined in the facility. (Detention-essential; holding-essential) 2-5143. Addition, new plants. All parts of the facility that are accessible to the public are accessible to and usable by handicapped persons. (Detention-important; holding-important) (See related standard 25142) has a minimum of 35 square feet of floor space per inmate and is separate and distinct from the sleeping area which is immediately adjacent and accessible. (Detention-essential; holding-important) 2-5145. Renovation, addition, new plant. In facilities with bed space for less than 100 inmates, indoor and outdoor exercise areas provide a minimum of 15 square feet per inmate. (Detention-essential; holding-not applicable) 2-5146. Renovation, addition, new plant. In facilities with bed space for 100 or more inmates, indoor and outdoor exercise areas are a minimum of 30 by 50 square feet. (Detention-essential; holding-not applicable) 2-5148. Additions, new plants. Separate and adequate space is provided for all mechanical equipment. (Detention-essential; holding-essential) For a complete copy of the ACA Standards, contact the American Correctional Association, 4321 Hartwick Road, Suite L-208, College Park, MD 20740, telephone 301-699-7600. 2-5144. Addition, new plants. There is a dayroom for each cell block or detention room cluster. The room NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction 587 Appendix B Reference: Architects and construction managers Architects and construction managers Firm name Abend Singleton Associates Abend Singleton Associates Afseth, Jacobs & Schmitz, Architects, A.I.A. A.J. Contracting Co. Alexanderffruex/de Groot Alexander/Truex/de Groot Alpha Three Architects Boudreaux, Ltd. Architectural Inspection Service Architecture One, Ltd. Architecture One, Ltd. Arthur Industries, Inc. Arthur Industries, Inc. Arthur Industries, Inc. Arthur Industries, Inc. Barnes, Landes, Goodman and Youngblood Barnes, Landes, Goodman and Youngblood Barnes, Landes, Goodman and Youngblood Barnes, Landes, Goodman and Youngblood Barrett, Daffin and Carlan, Inc. Barrett, Daffin and Carlan, Inc. Barron, Heinberg & Brocato Benatec Associates B .F. W. Construction Company B.F.W. Construction Company Blomquist/Nelson & Associates Bodrell Joer' dan Smith Partnership Brice Building Company/Champion Construction Company Brooks Association for Architecture and Planning Bruton, Knowles & Love, Inc. Bryant Architect, Ltd. Burt Taggart & Associates/ Architects Burt Taggart & Associates/ Architects Burt Taggart & Associates/Architects Cannon Design Carmen Vincent Gintoli Caudill Gustafson & Associates Architects, P. C. CCC Architects Alaska CCC Architects Alaska CCC Architects Alaska Cecil Lovett Charles H. McCauley Associates, Inc. Chrisman, Miller, Woodford, Inc. Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc. Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc. Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc. Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc. Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc. Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc. Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc. Reference Facility name Clay County Detention Center Johnson County Juvenile Hall Jackson County Jail Brooklyn Correctional Facility Franklin County Detention/Law Enforcement Facility St. Johnsbury Community Correctional Center Hunt Correctional Center Gilliam Psychiatric Center Sunnyvale Public Safety Building and Temporary Holding Facility Pima County Adult Detention Center Pima County Adult Detention Center (Addition) Bridgeport Correctional Center: Modular Units J. Bernard Gates Correctional Unit Rikers Island: Modular Units Southern State Correctional Facility: Modular Units (Phase I and II) Beto II Unit JesterUnitNumber3 Wallace Pack Unit I Wallace Pack Unit II Leon County Jail Leon County Justice Complex Federal Detention Center Schuylkill County Prison Beto II Unit Wallace Pack Unit I Correction Camp Cusino Elmwood-Barracks 24 West Jefferson Correctional Facility Brazoria County Sheriffs Department Detention Center II Oklahoma State Penitentiary Clarke County Correctional Institution Clark County Detention Facility Garland County Detention Facility Saline County Detention Facility Erie County Holding Center Wildwood Correctional Center Pitkin County Jail Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility, Phase II Palmer Correctional Center Medium Security Facility Clay County Detention Center Federal Correctional Institution, Talladega Knox County Jail Austin County Jail Cameron County Detention Center Chambers County Law Enforcement Center Comal County Jail Fort Bend County Jail Fort Bend County Jail (Expansion) Freeport Police and Courts Building NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Page 308 248 426 364 270 542 264 450 150 88 90 172 174 382 344 464 502 528 530 182 184 260 438 464 528 290 116 58 468 422 200 96 100 104 370 74 168 60 62 72 308 54 256 460 470 472 476 490 492 494 591 Architects and construction managers Firm name Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc. Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc. Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc. Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc. Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc. Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc. Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc. Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc. Christopher Di Stefano & Associates, Inc. Cimini Merle Burns Counce Con-Ark Construction Company Concordia Construction Analysis & Management Crippen, Liebau, Minta Crosby, Thornton, Marshall, Booker, Lawlor, Architects CRS Constructors, Inc. CRSGroup CUH2A Architects, Engineers, Planners Curtis and Davis Dahl-Braden-PTM, Inc. Dahl-Braden-PTM, Inc. Dahl-Braden-PTM, Inc. Dahl-Braden-PTM, Inc. Dahl-Braden-PTM, Inc. Dana Larson Roubal & Associates Dana Larson Roubal & Associates Dana Larson Roubal & Associates Dana Larson Roubal & Associates/DLR Group Dana Larson Roubal/Lescher & Mahoney, Inc. Davidson/Kuhr Architects PC Davis Brody and Associates Day and Zimmerman Design Concrete, Inc. Design Group, Inc., Architects/Planners Dewberry & Davis Dewberry & Davis Dick Corporation DLR Group/Lescher and Mahoney Donham & Sweeney, Architects Dreyfuss and Blackford Durrant Group Edward Mattingly Associates, Inc. E. George Wynn-Architect EJlerbe Associates, Inc. Reference (continued) Facility name Hidalgo County Jail Katy Police Department Liberty County Jail Missouri City Police Department Orange County Jail Pearland Public Safety Building San Patricio County Sheriff's Department Starr County Jail Victoria County Jail Washington Correctional Institute Cummins Unit-Medium Security Jackson County Detention Center Burnett County Government Center Placer County Jail Stanislaus County Jail Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center, Phase I Federal Correctional Institution, Bastrop Southern State Correctional Facility: Modular Units (Phase I and II) Nebraska State Penitentiary Beto II Unit Jester Unit Number 3 Page 498 504 508 510 514 516 518 522 526 268 98 314 570 128 148 312 486 344 332 464 Lew Sterrett Justice Center Wallace Pack Unit I Wallace Pack Unit II 502 506 528 530 Delta County Criminal Justice Facility Dodge County Judicial Center Woodbury Law Enforcement Center YeUowstone County Detention Facility Douglas County Correctional Center 328 246 326 330 Lewis and Clark County Criminal Justice Facility Federal Correctional Institution, Otisville Gerald L. Gormley Justice Facility Dooly County Jail Federal Correctional Institution, Ashland Eastern Correctional Institution Somerset County Detention Center Allegheny County Jail Annex Pinal Mountain Juvenile Institution Massachusetts Correctional Institution Norfolk California State Prison-Sacramento County/Folsom Grand Traverse County Correctional Facility Fayette County Detention Center Alamosa County Law Enforcement Center Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Center Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center Mountain View Unit 164 322 372 338 202 254 276 282 430 92 288 112 292 484 160 298 376 512 86 198 Facilities Development Corporation F .D. Freeman & Associates Federal Bureau of Prisons Federal Construction Company FEH Associates, Inc. Federal Correctional Institution, Tucson Union Correctional Institution Polk County Jail 244 Fernandez, Lujan, Beltran, Inc. Youth Diagnostic and Development Center 360 592 N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction Architects and construction managers Firmname Ficker & Ruffing Aad & Associates Franz Zwolensky Associates, Architecture/Planning Gary/Parsons & Associates GBKB Associates Geary, Moore and Ahrens, Inc. G.E. Johnson Construction Company George Dahl, Architects & Engineers Geren and Associates GiattinaFisher & Company Architects, Inc. Giffels/Del Campo & Marn Gilbane Building Company Gilbane Building Company Glaser & Myers, Inc., Champlin/Haupt, Inc. Goleman & Rolfe Associates, Inc. Goleman & Rolfe Associates, Inc. Gonchor & Sput Architects & Planners Greenhome & O'Mara Grier-Fripp Associates, Inc. Grier-Fripp Associates, Inc. Grinder, TaberandGrinder, Inc. Grover Tuten Hammel Green & Abrahamson, Inc. Hancock Property Management, Inc. HansenLindMeyerP.C. Harold Wirum & Associates Harold Wirum & Associates Harold Wirum & Associates Harold Wirum & Associates Hayes, Seay, Mattern and Mattern Heery Program Management, Inc. Heery Program Management, Inc. Heery Program Management, Inc. Heery/VanirCM Heery/VanirCM Heery/VCM Hellmuth, Obata&Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata& Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata& Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata& Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. Henningson, Durham, & Richardson, Inc. (continued) Facility name Orange County Sheriff's Intake Release Center Alachua County Corrections Facility Sacaton Juvenile Rehabilitation Center Mountain View Unit Grand Traverse County Correctional Fac"ility Ottawa County Detention Facility Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility Coffield Unit Beto I Unit Jefferson County Jail California Medical Facility-South Federal Correctional Institution, Ray Brook Leon County Justice Complex Hamilton County Justice Complex Bexar County Juvenile Center Harris County Juvenile Detention Home North Facility Prince George's County Correctional Center Eastern Correctional Center Southern Correctional Center Shelby County Justice Center Dooly County Jail Minnesota Supervised Living Facility Longwood Treatment Center Union Correctional Institution Fairbanks Correctional Center Hiland Mountain Correctional Center Meadow Creek Correctional Center Yukon-Kuskokwim Correctional Center Roanoke City Jail Baltimore City Correctional Center Eastern Correctional Institution Somerset County Detention Center California State Prison-Sacramento County/Folsom Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility at Rock Mountain California Correctional Institution Alameda County North County Jail Bernalillo County Detention Center (South Tower) Clark County Detention Center Cook Inlet Pre-Trial Facility Macomb County Jail Missouri Eastern Correctional Center Montgomery County Detention Center North Carolina Central Prison Orange County Sheriffs Intake Release Center Richmond County Law Enforcement and Justice Center Shasta County Justice Center Twin Rivers Corrections Center Washington County Detention Center California State Prison-Sacramento County/Folsom NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Reference Page 126 178 94 512 292 404 162 474 462 56 110 374 184 396 466 496 380 280 386 390 458 202 300 286 198 64 66 70 76 552 272 276 282 112 134 108 106 350 334 60 294 316 278 388 126 204 144 562 284 112 593 Architects and construction managers Reference (continued) Facility name Henningson, Durham, & Richardson, Inc. Henningson, Durham, & Richardson, Inc. Henningson, Durham, & Richardson, Inc. Hercules Construction Company H. Holding and Associates HMC Architects, Inc. Hobbs/Wiginton/Fawcett-Architects & Planners Hope Consulting Group Hope Consulting Group Horst-Terrill-Karst, Architects, P.A. Hutchinson, Brown & Partners H. Wendell Mounce AIA & Associates Jacobs Wyper Jesson & Associates Jim Roberson & Associates, Inc. J.N. Pease Associates J.N. Pease Associates John Carl Warnecke & Associates/Daniel L. Dworsky F AIA & Associates John Hackler and Company, Architects John W. Cowper Company Johnston/Hunt & Associates, P.S. Johnston/Hunt & Associates, P.S. Fairfax County Adult Detention Center and Pre-Release Center Ocean County Justice Complex Young Adult Correctional Facility Farmington Correctional Center Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility Foothill Communities Law & Justice Center Hunt County Criminal Justice Center Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility at Rock Mountain Sequoia Field Detention Facility Kansas State Penitentiary (Phase One) Penitentiary of New Mexico Torrance Police Department Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center TDC Hospital at Galveston Federal Correctional Institution, Tallahassee Craven County Law Enforcement Center North Carolina Central Prison Johnston Associates Johnston Associates Jones Mayer Architecture, Inc. JoseBarron,Jr. Justice Center Architects Justice Systems, Inc. Justice Systems, Inc. Kaplan/McLaughlin/Diaz Kaplan/McLaughlin/Diaz Kitchell, CEM, Inc. Kitchell, CEM, Inc. Kitchell, CEM, Inc. Kitchell, CEM, Inc. Kitchell, CEM, Inc. Lasker Goldman Corporation Lasker Goldman Corporation Lasseigne & Legett, AIA, Architects, Inc. Lawrence D. White & Associates, Inc. LawrenceD. White&Associates, Inc. L.D. Astorino & Associates, Ltd. Lebco Construction Company Leo A. Daly Lescher & Mahoney/DLR Group Lescher&Mahoney, Inc. Lescher&Mahoney, Inc. Lescher & Mahoney, Inc. L.K. Travis & Associates 594 Page 548 342 538 310 162 118 500 134 142 250 354 152 436 524 180 384 388 Pre-Trial Detention Facility 132 Peoria County Adult Detention and Work Release Facility Erie County Correctional Facility Jefferson County Correctional Facility Forks City Jail Forks City Jail Jefferson County Correctional Facility Farmington Correctional Center Federal Detention Center Lew Sterrett Justice Center Adams County Detention Facility Marion County Detention Center Contra Costa County Detention Facility Santa Cruz County Jail (Phase I) Arizona State Prison-Penyville Lacy Security Facility Orange County Sheriff's Intake Release Center Pima County Adult Detention Center Sequoia Field Detention Facility Federal Correctional Institution, Otisville Federal Correctional Institution, Talladega Feliciana Forensic Facility Ellis II Unit (Phase I and II) Ferguson Unit State Regional Correctional Facility at Mercer Diagnostic Unit Nebraska State Penitentiary Yellowstone County Detention Facility Cochise County Jail Federal Correctional Institution, Phoenix Lieber Correctional Institution Bexar County Juvenile Center 232 368 558 556 556 558 310 260 506 158 186 114 140 80 122 126 88 142 372 54 262 482 488 442 480 332 326 82 84 452 466 NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Architects and construction managers (continued) Firmname Facility name Louis G. Redstone Associates, Inc. State Prison of Southern Michigan Clemson Police Department Allegheny County Jail Annex Blair County Prison Lycoming County Prison Warren County Correctional Center Warren County Jail Wyoming County Jail Peoria County Adult Detention and Work Release Facility Prince George's County Correctional Center Shelby County Justice Center Longwood Treatment Center Missouri Eastern Correctional Center Mat-su Pre-Trial Facility Marion County Jail Lew Sterrett Justice Center Lieber Correctional Institution Garfield County Jail Foothill Communities Law & Justice Center Richmond County Law Enforcement and Justice Center LouisP. Batson ID, Arch. Inc. L. Robert Kimball & Associates L. Robert Kimball & Associates L. Robert Kimball & Associates L. Robert Kimball & Associates L. Robert Kimball & Associates L. Robert Kimball & Associates LZT Associates, Inc. Maguire Group Architects Mahan and Shappley Architects, Inc. Massachusetts Department of Correction McBro Planning & Development McCool-McDonald of Alaska, Inc. McGuire & Shook Architects McKee/Mays, A Joint Venture McNair, Johnson and Associates MDF Detention/Corrections Facilities, Inc. M&E/CM Mellon-Stuart Company Mellon-Stuart Company Metric Constructors, Inc. M.G. TumerandAssociates M. Hill Company MichaelR. Eiben AJA Miller Levine Architects, P. C. Miller Wagner Coenen, Inc. Milstein, Wittek & Associates, Architects, P .C. Milstein, Wittek&Associates, Architects, P.C. Molen, Huss, Money, FulJer, Architects Molen, Huss, Money, Ful1er, Architects Moody/Nolan Ltd. Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc. Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc. Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc. Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc. Morrison-Knudsen/Parametric Co. Morrison-Knudsen/Parametric Co. Nelson Salabes Newman and Grace Architects, Inc. Newman and Grace Architects, Inc. Newstrom-Davis North Texas Construction Company Northwest Architectural Company O'Brien Kreitzberg Associates Omni Signal, Inc. O'Neill, Conrad, Oppelt &Joneskell, Inc. Ozolins-D' Jock Architects, Ltd. Ozolins-D'Jock Architects, Ltd. Ozolins-D' Jock Associates Schuylkill County Prison North Carolina Central Prison Dooly County Jail Shasta County Justice Center Cook County Medical and Psychiatric Facility-RTU Building Yellowstone County Detention Facility Oshkosh Correctional Institution Erie County Correctional Facility Masten Park Secure Center Orange Street Community Correctional Center Uintah County Jail Ohio Reformatory for Women Adams County Detention Facility Elmwood-Barracks 24 North Facility Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center Prince George's County Correctional Center Baltimore City Correctional Center Dixon Correctional Institute Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women Pitkin County Jail Hunt County Criminal Justice Center Whitman County Correctional Facility California Medical Facility-South Maui Community Correctional Center Diagnostic Unit Burnett County Government Center Rusk County Law Enforcement Facility Rusk County Law Enforcement Facility NIJ/National Directory of Corrections Construction Reference Page 296 448 430 432 434 348 444 446 232 280 458 286 316 68 242 506 452 166 118 204 438 388 202 144 210 326 574 368 378 534 536 402 158 ll6 380 356 436 280 272 258 266 168 500 566 110 206 480 570 576 576 595 Architects and construction managers Reference (continued) Firm name Facility name Page Southerland Page Page Southerland Page Page-Werner & Partners Beto I Unit Smith County Jail Chouteau County Law Enforcement Facility Pondera County Jail DuPage County Jail and Sheriff's Department Jackson-County Detention Center Logan County Jail and Office Complex Madison Correctional Institution Kings County Branch Jail Nevada County Detention Center Page-Wemer,P.C. Patrick + Associates, Inc. Patrick + Associates, Inc. Patrick + Associates, Inc. Patrick + Associates, Inc. Patrick Sullivan Associates Patrick Sullivan Associates Patrick Sullivan Associates Patrick Sullivan Associates Patrick Sullivan Associates Patrick Sullivan Associates Paul M. Johnson-Architect Percon Constructors Peter Brown Company Peter Witter, Architects Phillips SW-ager Associates Phillips Swager Associates Phillips Swager Associates Phillips Swager Associates Phillips Swager Associates Phillips Swager Associates Phillips Swager Associates PH & J Architects, Inc. Polson Architects Potter, Lawson & Pawlowsky, Inc. Prime Design, Inc. Pritchard & Nickles Pritchard & Nickles, Engineers/Planners Quinlivan Pierik & Krause, Architects/Engineers Ralph Allen and Partners Rees Associates, Inc. Rees Associates, Inc. Rees Associates, Inc. Reese-Carr Reese-Carr R.L. Smith-Architecture RNLDesign RobertE. McGee, Inc. Robert P. Madison International Robert P. Madison International Roger Richter/Architect, Inc. Rose, Beaton + Rose Rosser White Hobbs Davidson McClellan & Kelly, Inc. Rosser White Hobbs Davidson McClellan & Kelly, Inc. Ruhlin Construction Company Salogga, Bradley, Likins, Dillow 596 Plumas County Sheriff's Department & Detention Facility Santa Barbara County Main Jail Tuolumne County Jail Yuba County Jail Nashville Community Service Center Martin Correctional Institution Pinellas County Jail-Medium Security Facility Summit County Justice Center Alexandria Detention Center Eastern Correctional Institution Marion County Jail Rock Island County Jail Shawnee Correctional Center Somerset County Detention Center Westside Police Area Command Station Santa Rosa County Jail Douglas County Jail Columbia Correctional Institution Seminole County Correctional Facility Tunica County Jail and Sheriff's Department Tunica County Jail and Sheriff's Department Elmira Correctional & Reception Center Food Service & Dining Facility Lacy Security Facility Cleveland County Detention Center Kay County Detention Facility Mabel Bassett Correctional Center Cochise County Jail Pima County Adult Detention Center (Addition) Ohio County Correctional Center Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility Federal Correctional Institution, Bastrop Ashtabula County Justice Center Wayne County Justice Center Muskogee County/City Detention Facility Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center Marion County Detention Center South Florida Reception Center Ashtabula County Justice Center Danville Correctional Center Page 462 520 318 324 218 314 398 400 120 124 130 138 154 156 456 188 190 170 544 276 242 234 236 282 532 192 216 572 194 306 306 366 122 410 412 418 82 90 568 162 486 392 408 420 376 186 196 392 212 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Architects and construction managers (continued) Firm name Facility name Sauter Seaborne Architects Engineers Ltd. Schutz Foss Architects Oshkosh Correctional Institution Jefferson County Criminal Justice Center Martin Correctional Institution Augusta County Jail Pittsylvania County Jail Southern State Correctional Facility: Modular Units (Phase I and II) Erie County Holding Center Jackson County Adult Detention Center Shawnee County Department of Corrections South Florida Reception Center ClennontCounty Jail Camden County Correctional Facility Gerald L. Gonnley Justice Facility State Correctional Institution at Smithfield JesterUnitNumber3 Wallace Pack Unit II Lexington Assessment & Reception Center Ouachita Correctional Center Washington Corrections Center Intensive Management Unit Thurston County Corrections Facility Washington Corrections Center Intensive Management Unit Mississippi State Penitentiary-Unit 29 San Joaquin County Honor Fann Women's Minimum Security Schweizer, Inc. Sherertz, Franklin, Crawford, Shaffner Sherertz, Franklin, Crawford, Shaffner Shoemaker Construction Company Siegfried Construction Slaughter & Allred, P.A., A.I.A. Slemmons Associates Architects, P.A. Spill is Candela & Partners, Inc. Steinkamp & Nordloh Sullivan Associates, Architects & Planners Sullivan Associates, Architects & Planners Sullivan Associates, Architects & Planners Texas Department of Corrections Texas Department of Corrections The Benham Group, Inc. The Benham Group, Inc. The BJSS Group, Architects & Planners, AIA The BJSS Group, Architects & Planners, AIA The BJSS Group The Design Collective, P.A. The Design Partnership, Architects Planners The Ehrenkrantz Group The Ehrenkrantz Group The Ehrenkrantz Group The Ehrenkrantz Group The Ehrenkrantz Group The Grad Partnership The Grad Partnership The Grad Partnership The Gruzen Partnership The Gruzen Partnership The Gruzen Partnership The Hoffman Partnership The Leon Bridges Company The Lisiewski Group TheMcGinty Partnership Architects, Inc. The NBBJ Group The Office of David Elliott Leibowitz, P .C. The Robinson Green Beretta Corporation 3D International Tiller/Butner/Rosa Architects Timbes/Wilund/Usry/Architects, Inc. TRA, Architecture Engineering Planning Interiors Turner Construction Company Turner Construction Company Turner Construction Company Facility Erie County Holding Center Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center Placer County Jail Sunnyvale Public Safety Building and Temporary Holding Facility Sonoma North County Detention Facility Middlesex County Correctional Facility Ocean County Justice Complex Trenton State Prison Hamilton County Justice Complex Penitentiary of New Mexico Whitman County Correctional Facility Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center, Phase I Reference Page 574 320 188 546 550 344 370 302 252 196 394 336 338 440 502 530 414 424 564 560 564 304 136 370 436 !28 150 146 340 342 346 396 354 566 312 Baltimore City Jail Camden County Correctional Facility Westside Police Area Command Station Lewis and Clark County Criminal Justice Facility Brooklyn Correctional Facility Federal Correctional Institution, Ray Brook Ellis II Unit (Phase I and II) West Jefferson Correctional Facility Myrtle Beach Law Enforcement Center Twin Rivers Corrections Center Contra Costa County Detention Facility 274 336 532 322 Justice Center Pre-Trial Detention Facility 428 132 N/J/National Directory of Corrections Construction 364 374 482 58 454 562 ll4 597 Architects and construction managers Reference (continued) Firm name Facility name Turner Construction Company Westside Police Area Command Station Madison Correctional Institution Centralia Correctional Center Dixon Correctional Center Dwight Correctional Center ( I 979 Addition) Dwight Correctional Center ( 1984 Addition) East Moline Correctional Center Graham Correctional Center Illinois Youth Center-Kankakee (Dining Facility) Illinois Youth Center-Kankakee (Housing Unit) Sheridan Correctional Center (Kitchen/Dining Facility) Sheridan Correctional Center (Medical/Security Services) TDC Hospital at Galveston Youth Diagnostic and Development Center-Phase III Arizona State Prison-Florence Arizona State Prison-Perryville California Correctional Institution Ross Correctional Institution Alexandria Detention Center Pinellas County Jail-Medium Security Facility Central New Mexico Correctional Facility Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility Western New Mexico Correctional Facility Delaware Correctional Center (Maximum Security) Danington Unit Lexington Assessment and Reception Center, Phase I and II Northwest State Correctional Facility Cummins Unit-Medium Security Maximum Security Unit, Tucker Unit West Jefferson Correctional Facility Shasta County Justice Center Lexington Assessment and Reception Center, Phase I and II Justice Center Turner/Smoot Turner-Witt Associates, Inc. Turner-Witt Associates, Inc. Turner-Witt Associates, Inc. Turner-Witt Associates, Inc. Turner-Witt Associates, Inc. Turner-Witt Associates, Inc. Turner-Witt Associates, Inc. Turner-Witt Associates, Inc. Turner-Witt Associates, Inc. Turner-Witt Associates, Inc. University of Texas VanH. Gilbert Architect Varney, Sexton, Lunsford, Aye, Associates-Architects, Inc. Varney, Sexton, Lunsford, Aye/Gruzen Associated Architects VBN/Gruzen Voinovich Sgro Architects VVKR,Inc. Watson and Company W.C. Kruger & Associates, Architects-Planners, Inc. W.C. Kruger & Associates, Architects-Planners, Inc. W.C. Kruger & Associates, Architects-Planners, Inc. Weymouth Architects, A.I.A. W. Gene Williams & Associates, Inc. W. Gene Williams & Associates, Inc. Wiemann-Lamphere Architects, Inc. Wittenberg, Delony & Davidson, Inc. Wittenberg, Delony & Davidson, Inc. Wittenberg, Delony & Davidson, Inc. WKSD Architects WMFL Architects./Je J;:~gi~'1!'[S1' ZimmerGunsul Frasca Partnership 598 Page 532 400 208 214 220 222 224 226 228 230 238 240 524 362 78 80 108 406 544 190 352 356 358 176 478 416 540 98 102 58 144 416 428 NIJ!National Directory of Corrections Construction Where can you get more information on correctional planning, construction, and standards? American Correctional Association publications . .. Design Guide for Secure Adult Correctional Facilities. A practical guide for architects, planners, and administrators. More than 175 sketches, photographs, and plans. Covers space requirements, special equipment for inmate housing, security features, and much more. 1983. 207 pp. Correctional Facility Planning and Design, by Jay Farbstein. Guides architects, county authorities, and correctional staffs through a model planning process to help solve crowding, limited resources, and antiquated facilities. Step-by-step details, worksheets, and forms. 1986. 388 pp. 1988 Directory of Juvenile and Adult Correctional Departments, Institutions, Agencies, and Paroling Authorities. 50th anniversary edition contains the latest information on State and Federal correctional systems in the U.S. and federal and provincial systems in Canada. Lists names. addresses, phone numbers, and wardens/administrators. Includes fiscal. personnel, and statistical data, plus a new feature on exemplary construction. 1988. 650 pp. Standards for Adult Correctional Institutions. 495 standards cover 27 critical program areas for effective institutional management, including safety and emergency procedures, security and control, inmate discipline, staff development, and more. 1981. 163 pp. Standards for Adult Local Detention Facilities. 392 standards focusing on 22 program areas such as personnel, training, safety, sanitation, security, health care, reception, and inmate supervision address the special needs of local jails. 1981. 142 pp. Standards for Correctional Industries. 74 standards provide clear guidance on the purpose, day-to-day operation, and long-term planning of correctional industries. 1981. 32 pp. Guidelines for the Development of a Security Program. Presents ideas and concepts for designing or updating a comprehensive security program. Discusses security basics, specific duties and responsibilities, emergency preparedness, and more. 1987. 278 pp. Guidelines for the Development ofPolicies and Procedures-Adult Community Residential Services. Applicable policies and procedures 1986-88 National Jail and Adult Detention Directory. Lists addresses, phone for the eJfective management and administration of community facilities. 1981. 230 pp. numbers, sheriffs/administrators, and deputies for more than 3,100 county jails and local adult detention facilities in the U.S. Describes inmate populations, annual budgets, years built/renovated, and more. 364 pp. Guidelines for the Development ofPolicies and Procedures-Adult Correctional Institutions and Adult Local Detention Facilities. Clear examples for formulating day-to-day policies and procedures. In- 1988 Correctional Standards Supplement. Updates all adult and juvenile standards with every approved addition, revision, deletion, and/or interpretation. 135 pp. Standards and guidelines cludes sample policies covering all aspects of facility operation and a guide to developing policies and procedures that meet the unique needs of facilities. 1987. 500 pp. How can you order these publications? Standards for Juvenile Community Residential Facilities. 216 stand- Call the ACA toll free at 1-800-825-BOOK (Maryland and Metropolitan Washington, D.C., callers, use 301-699-7675). You can also write to the ACA at: ards focusing on 13 important areas for operating programs and outlining residents' access to the surrounding community. 1983. 63 pp. ACA Publications 4321 Hartwick Road College Park, MD 20740 Standards for Juvenile Detention Facilities. 422 standards addressing the special needs of short-term juvenile detention. 1983. 133 pp. Standards for Juvenile Training Schools. 420 standards covering 20 program areas for long-term juvenile incarceration. 1983. 129 pp. Standards for Adult Community Residential Services. 191 standards covering 15 program areas ensure that community corrections is a viable and cost-effective alternative to confinement. 1981. 65 pp. / NIJ National Institute of Justice What is the National Institute of Justice Construction Information Exchange? NIJ Created by the National institute of Justice, the Construction Information Exchange centralizes and shares data about prison and jail construction. It is a network of people and a source of information that ... • Puts you in touch with other State and local officials across the country. • Describes how others quickly built lower-cost jails or prisons. • Construction Bulletins-pamphlets that feature case studies of critical corrections issues and noteworthy construttion projects. These summaries explain how jurisdictions have realized savings in time, money, or both. The bulletins cover areas such as construction financing, jail planning, security perimeters, and modular building techniques. Copies of the bulletins are available free from the Construction Information Exchange. • Shares ideas on innovative designs and new management concepts. • Refers you to construction specialists, such as architects, engineers, and construction managers. The exchange has helped a variety of people since it began and it can help you as well. When your community needs to build, expand, or remodel a corrections facility, you don't have to start from scratch. You can build on the experience of officials who faced similar situations in other communities. Who can use the Construction Information Exchange? The exchange has three components: • The Construction Data Base-a system that serves as a continuing, up-to-date information resource. With listings for recently designed prisons and jails, the data base contains more than 150 types of information on each facility-such as construction costs, construction time, facility dimensions, inmate security, methods for dealing with crowding, fire protection systems, staffing levels, and operational costs. Accessible through trained corrections information specialists, the data base includes every facility listed in the National Directory ofCorrections Construction and is regularly updated and expanded. You can obtain from the data base a customized Correctional Facility Profile Search listing all facilities that match the specifications you request. For example, if you need to know the cost of a 300-inmate facility using direct supervision, you can receive printouts of all such facilities from the data base. Free information is available by phone and more detailed printed reports can be ordered by contacting the Construction ~ ; , : : ~ - - - - - - - - Information Exchange at the number I :;,:..,,"-::::::;-::: listed below. • The National Directory of Co"ections Construction-a document that provides a wealth of information on construction methods and costs for 262 jails and prisons built since 1978. The directory includes a floorplan of a typical housing unit for most facilities. The directory may be used as a resource manual for contacting facility administrators, sheriffs, architects, and other professionals who have recently ---...:=- ~ ~ CorrecttonaJ F. Profile Search acHity completed a prison or jail project. To obtain a copy of the directory, contact the Construction Information Exchange. • Corrections commissioners • Sheriffs • • • • • • • Prison and jail officials Legislators State and local government officials Architects Construction managers Planners and consultants Engineers How can you enter a facility or update information in the data base? I Architects who have designed corrections construction projects since 1978 should contact the Construction Information Exchange for a survey form to enter the facility in the exchange. Similarly, corrections officials or administrators of facilities constructed since 1978 but not listed in the directory may contact the Construction Information Exchange, which will mail a survey form to the architect of their facility. Every effort has been made to verify all information in the directory. If you would like to add, change, or update any of the data in this publication, simply call the Construction Information Exchange. r