Nyc Police Dept Taser Interim Order 2008
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INTERI~I SLBJECT: ORDER l'SE OF CONDL'CTED D.\ fE ISSL ED: 06-04-08 E~ERGY DE\lCES REfER£:-4CE: **P.G. 212 SERIES, P.G. 216-07, P.G. 219-01 A"iD P.G. 216-{)5 (CEO) :";L:\IBER: 20 I. Conducted Energy Devices (CED), commonly known as the Taser, have been used by members of this Deparunent since 1984 and have been an effective way of subduing aggressive suspects and c:motionalJy disturbed peISOns in a sate 1l1aIlIlef". ., ~fembers of the service are reminded that Patrol Guide 203-11, "Use of Force" discusses the Department's policy on the use of force. When a situation calls for the use of force by a member of the service, it should be noted that the application of force must be consistent with existing law and with New York City Police Department values, by which we pledge to value human life and respect the dignity of each individual. Only that amount of force necessary to overcome resistance will be used to effect an arrest or to take a mentally ill or emotionally disturbed person into custody. Members will adhere to the Department's policy on the use of force whenever less lethal devices such as the CEO are used in the field. 3. A CED should only be used against persons who are actively physicaJIy reslstmg, ~xhibiting active physical aggression. or to prevent individuals from physically injuring themselves or other person(s) actually present. Prior to using the CEO a member of the service should consider the totality of the circumstances when deciding the minimum amount of force necessary to overcome resistance when effecting an arrest or when taking mentally ill or an emotionally disturbed person into custody. Factors to consider include, but are not limited to: a. officer, subject size disparity b. officer/subject strength disparity c. officer/subject age disparity d. officer's perception of the subject's willingness to resist officer's perception of the immediate threat to the subject, members of the service e. and bystanders f. suspect's violent history, if known officer's location is a hostile environment g. h. officer's perception of the subject being under the influence of a stimulant narcotic which would effect pain tolerance and violence. 4. Additionally, in an effort to properly document the actions taken at the scene of an iocident in \\hich a CEO and or other less lethal deYices or rescue equipment has been deployed. a new Department form LESS LETHAL/RESCl'E EQl:IPME~T USE REPORT (PD326-151) has been established. This n~w fonn is replacing the T.\SER l:SE REPORT (P030.... 150) and ~ON·LETHAL RESTRAINI~G DE"ICE RESCl:E EQl:IP:\fE~T REPORT (P0326-150). 5. Therefore. effective with the publication of this Order, members of the service authorized lnd trained in the use ofa Conducted Energy Device (CED), will comply with the follo,"\-'ing procedure: I of 10 NYC PLRPOSE To intonn members of the senice of circwnstances under which a Conducted Energy De\ice (CED) may be intentionally used and to recoro instmces when a Conducted Energy Oe\.ice has been used. CEDs \\ill only be used by authorized unifonned members of the set'\<ice. Additionally. all patrol supetYisors and platoon commanders perfonning patrol Juty assigned to the Patrol Sef\.ices. Housing and Trnnsit Bureaus \\ill be required to cany a CED in a Department issued holster as authorized. SCOPE A Conducted Energy De\.ice (CED) can be an effective means of subduing suspects and I.:motionally disturbed persons (EOP's) in a safe manner. A CEO is classified as a less lethal device ani is intended to augment aJXI pro\ide a greater margin of safety for officers who might othemise be torced to physically subdue a dangerous subject The use of a CEO is \\ithin the range of use of less lethal devices such as pepper spray or a baton on the fon:e contimwm due to its effectiveness at a distance and at close range. A CEO should only be used agaimt persons \\oro are actively physically resisting. exJubiting active physical aggression, or to prevent indivldua1s &om physically injuring themselves or other person(s) actually present In many cases, a CED \\oill redoce or eliminate the need for deadly pbysica.l fon:e. It will often reduce the potential for injuries to members and suspects that may result from physical restraint ani should be regarded as a pClS$Jble alternative to such fon:e and restraint, where practical. It is prolubited to use a CEO in situations that do rot require the use ofphysical fon:e. DEFINITIONS CONDUCfEO ENERGY 0EVICE <CEO) - a < primarily designed to disrupt a subject's central nervous system by means of using electrical energy sufficient to cause uncontrolled muscle contractions and override an iIJd:i\.idual's motor responses. ACTIVATE (ACTIVATION)- To cause the CED to arm by releasing the safety, thereby causing the CED laser sight to operate. CARTRlDGE - a replaceable cartridge which discharges two darts on connecting wires sending a high voltage low current signal into a subject DARTS - probes that are discharged from a CEO and are designed to penetrate the ski~ wires are attached to the probes leading back to the CEO. DISCHARGE - To activate a CEO. depress the trigger and cause an electric current to flow. Discharge will result in arcing (no cartridge is present) or darts being fired (cartridge is present). TOGCH STCN - To use the CED and discharge the device in a manner such that thehand-held Wlit makes direct contact 'With an intended subject's body. Touch stun mode should only be used in exceptional circumstances and not as a primary method of use. Therefore. \...·hen touch stun mode is used, an investigation will be conducted by £he I.:omrnanding officer duty captain to determine ifthe CEO was properly used I~TERJ'1 ORDER :\0. 2 of 10 20 ACTHORlZED L'"NIFO~"fED :V1E~fBER OF THE SER\lCE - .-\ uniformed member of the service who has received authorized Department training in the use of the CED. DEFI~ITIONS (continued) fNVESTIGATI~G SCPERVISOR a. b. - As used in this procedure wiJl be as follows: The next highest ranking supervisor in the chain of conunand of the member who discharged the CEO, The conunanding officer.'duty captain for instances of touch stun incidents., when CEO is used on a person in police custody or an accidental discharge of a CED has occu.rrOO resulting in an injwy to any person. ,VOTE if the im'estigating supervisor is from a command other than Patrol Services Bureau, Housing Bureau or Transit Bureau and is not available, the investigating supen'isor will be the next higher ranking supervisor from the Patrol Sen'ices Bureau. (e.g.. if a sergeant assigned to a Highway Cnit discharges a CED and a lieutenant is unavailable from that enit to inrestigate the discharge, a PSB lieutenant or duty captain will conduct the investigation.) PROCEDURE To provide for control, accountability, issuance, use and investigation of the use of Conducted Energy Devices (CEDs)": COMMANDING OFFICER 1. 2. 3. ,VOTE Designate a secure area under the control of the desk officer or appropriate supervisor for the storage of CEDs and cartridges. Ensure availability, operability, and distribution of CEDs assigned to the command on all tours. Ensure that all supervisors performing patrol duties in the command are trained in the use of CEDs. a. ONLY authorized unifOlmed members of the setV1ce will be assigned to carry CEDs. When requesting a replacement or loaner ofa CED, replacement ofbatteries. chargers. or holsters. commanding officers are required to prepare and deliver a Tjped Letterhead wilh item(s) needing replacement, to the Commanding Officer, Fireanns and Tactics Section. When requesting replacement cartridges, commanding officers shall prepare and deliver a Typed Lenerhead to the Commanding Officer, Firearms and Tactics Section and shall (.Itlach a COP)': of the related LESS LETHAVRESCL:E EQtlPJIENT L:SE REPORT (PD 320-151). DESK OFFICER! 4. l'~IT SCPER\lSOR 5. .-\ccount for all CEDs and cartridges assigned to the command at the commencement of each tour. \.fake a Command Log entry, include serial numbers. a. b. Commands that do not maintain a Command Log will account for CEDs and cartridges in an appropriate Department log. .\ssign CEDs to authorized unifonned members of the seJ"\ice on each tour taking into account the foI.lo\\ing: I~TERI.\-I ORDER ~O. 3 of 10 !\Jvr 20 DESK OFFICER! L~IT b. Sl:PERYISOR .-\t least one (1) operable CED must be assigned to a patrol supet"\isor Jnd or platoon commander pertonning patrol duty at all times. One ( 1) operable CEO must be maintained at the desk. (cODtinued) .vOTE If f.1\wlable. additional CEDs ~. be assigntYi to other clUthori=ed wlt/anned memlxrs of the sen ice throllghout the tour as determined by the commanding officer. 6. 7. 8. .U:THORIZED 9.. L~IFOR.l\1ED \IE:\-IBER. OF THE SER.\lCEI PATROL SLPERHSORI PLATOON COMMA.'WER SOTE Cany CEO only when trained by the Firearms ani Tactics Section a. CED must be carried on the non-shooting side, in a Department b. approved holster, attached to gunbelt, and secured to person. Emergency Services Unit and uniformed personnel performing duty in ci\-ilian attire, will carry CEO in a holster approved by Commanding Officer, Firearms and Tactics Section and Commanding Officer, Special Operations Division, as appropriate. Only conducted energy devices al41horized by the Commanding Officer. Firearms and Tactics Section .....ill be carried by members ofthe sen:ice. Carrying or use ofany other unauthorized conducted energy de....i ce may result in disciplinary action. 10. .VOTE Indicate rank, name, shield number. tax number. as applicable. of assigned member(s) in the Command Log. a. \lake entry on roll calL identifYing member\s) assigned a CEO for tour. b. Place notation ''CEO'' next to the name of member(s) assigned a CEO. Ensure CEDs, without cartridge attached, are connected to charger, if appropriate, while unassigned. :"Jotify commanding officer when CEO is inoperable. Inspect CEO to ensure operability. a. Point CED in safe direction b. Remove cartridge from CED c. Release the safety (place safety in "off' position) d. Ensure the laser is visible and that the battery status light indicates device is energized e. Conduct spark test f. Replace battery if either laser is oot visible, battery status light does not operate or if spark test results confirm a weak battery g. Re-inspect CEO unit after battery pack is replaced h. Engage safety I. Attach cartridge to CED. Cartridges must be removed and sl:!cured aw~ from the CED prior to conducting an inspection. .lccidental discharges rcs/dting in injuries may occur if a canndge is left attached to thl:! CED \I hrle conducting an inspection. .tfemhers are reminded that I!ach discharge is registered on the CED:s internal memory; that records the Jate I1l1d lime o/each Jischarge. llten:jore. HheneH..T a CED is discfrarrsed fincluding rJ spark fest fO ensure operahility or an uccidental discharge). 5uch discharge must be recorded in :he ffU.mber's ACT/HTY LOG fPDlll-145). L'iVESnGATOR'S DAlLY Acm-ln' REPORT (PD439-156), Command Log or other appropriate Department rtxord I~TERJ'I ORDER ~O. -t of 10 20 .\l"THORlZED L:'OIFOR.'IED :\IE:\IBER OF THE SERVICEJ P.\TROL SLPERVISORJ PL\TooN CO:\L\lA.~ DER II. 12. 13. Infonn desk officer. supervisor if the CEO does not operate subsequent to battery replacement, is inoperable, or requires repair replacement. ~(ake ACTl\-lTY LOG entry and include: a. Results of inspection b. Serial number of CED c. Name of desk officer. supervisor notified if CED is inoperable. Return CEO to desk officer upon completion of tour. l:SE OF CONDCCTED ENERGY DE'lCE (CED) .\l·THORJZED C:"4IFOR\lED 'IE~IBER OF THE SERnCE! PATROL S l' PER\tlSOR/ PLATOON 14. 15. CO~L~DER ,VOTE CEDs should only be used against persons who are actively physically resisting, exhibiting active physical aggression or to prevent individuals from physically injuring tht'mselves or other person(s) actually present. ,"fembers ofthe service are reminded of the availability ofEmergency Se1Vice Cnit. 16. SOTE Assess situation and determine if the use of a CEO would be appropriate. Consider the totality of the circumstances when deciding the minimum amount of force necessary to overcome resistance when effecting an arrest or when taking mentaJly iJl or an emotionaJly disturbed person into custody. Some factors to consider when determining the appropriate use of force include but are not limited to: a. officer/subject size disparity b. officer/subject strength disparity c. officer/subject age disparity d. officer's perception of the subject's wiJlingness to resist e. officer's perception of the immediate threat to the subject, members of the service and bystanders f. suspect's violent history, ifknown g. officer's location is a hostile environment h. 0 fficer' s perception of the subject being l..lIlder the influence of a stimuJantlnarcotic which would effect pain tolerance and violence. Issue an appropriate warning, consistent with personal safety, to the intended subject and other members of the service present prior to discharging the CEO. Discharge CED at the subject's back if possible. Amid discharging [he CED at an indil'iduals head, neck. face, and groin. ifpossible. .\-Iembers will!l!!! discharge two (1) CED's simultaneously on a subject. When a CED is used against a subject it shall be for one OJ standard discharge I..'yc/e and the member using the CED must then reassess the situation. On~v the minimum 11limbcr 0/ c)-des necessal}' to place lhe subject in clLstody shall be used. In no slruatlon a iii more than three (3) standard discharge (.des he used against any wbject. Otfict!rs are reminded %ther appropriate force options should the CED Jail. I~TER1~1 ORDER :'00. 5 of 10 r-Jvr. 20 SOTE (continued) [t is stricdv prohibited to flSe rhe CED on ptT.50ns as a.lOnn ofcOf!T'Cion or punishment and on fe.g.. going limp, offering no I1Ctp:e physical rl!Sistance). ~ons who passn't'ly resist Whm possible. the CED should not be IlSed on children. the elderly. ob\iollSly pregnantji.males. rhe frail. against subjects operating or n'ding on (~. moting (felice or \ehicle (e.g.. motorists. hicvclists. skateboarders) \lhert' rhe subject may/all \lhile it is in motion or in situations IInert' the subject may./all.from an t'ierated s/lljace. nit: CED should not be LLsed \I'hen combustible gas~'s ortlammable liquids are pn'.w:nl. .\l·THORJZED 17. l'~IFOR"IED 'IE~IBER OF THE SER\lCEI PATROL Sl:PERVlSORJ PLATOON COl\-L%\NDER 18. 19. 20. 21. .VOTE Restrain individual, and secure CED. a. Effect arrest of criminal suspect against whom CED was used. b. Comply ",ith PG. 210-/3. "Release ofPrisoner - Gt.'neraJ Procedure" if arrested person did not conunit the crime or no crime was committed. c. Comply with P. G. 216-05. "Uentally III or Emotionally Disturbed Persons, .• when appropriate. Request response of FDNY Emergeocy Medical Service (EMS), if person received a CED discharge. a Any person who has been struck by a CEO dart or who has had a CED used on him or her in touch stun mode must be examined at a medical facility. Render reasonable aid as necessary. Break the CEO wire by hand approximately four (4) to six (6) inches from the dart. taking into account the circunlstaJxes including the stanJs of the subject a Any dart that has penetrated the skin of any person \\'ill only be removed by medical personnel Safeguard CED cartridge. If aCED mzs discharged and the darts did not make ~ contact aith the subject (e.g.. skin, clothing, etc.), the wire connecting the dart to the cartridge may be broken by hand. The dart pornon shall be disposed olin a "sharps" conlainer and the spent cartridge may be disposed ofin the trash and not \'OUChered. An investigation ••iO still be conducted by the im'eStigating supenisor regarding the use ofthe CED. Spent CED cartn'dges used by Emergency Sen1ce Cnit personnel will be safeguarded and \'ollchered, when appropriate. by the command ofrecordfor the subject on whom the CED a'as IlSed. DESK OFFICER! 22. PATROL Sl"PERVISORJ 13. I~VESTIGATOR'S PL-\TOO~ COM~tA~DERJ 24. r~IT SLPERVISOR Request response of investigating supervisor. Identify witnesses and record names 25. in .\CTI\lTY LOG, DAILY ACTl\lTY REPORT or Command Log as appropriate. Assign member of the service to ride in body of ambulance with prisoner or aided. Direct member of the service to take photographs of points of contact on subject's body resulting from CED darts or touch stun. I~TERJ'f ORDER ~O. 6 of 10 I\lvr 20 ~6. .-\SSIG~ED C~IFOR.\IED :\IE;\IBER OF THE SERVICE 27. 28. 29. 30. [nfonn hospital statT that a CED has been used on the individual. a. Record name of person notified in ACTIVITY LOG. Photogrnph points of contact on subject's body resulting from CED darts or touch stun. a. Photos should be taken in a manner to maintain the subject's pm<ICy, W hen appropriate (e. g., behind curtain, priyate room, etc.). Prepare ON LINE BOOKING SYSTEM ARREST WORKSHEET (PD244-150) and ;\IEDICAL TREAT;\fE~T OF PRISONER (PD 244-1 SO) in arrest situations. Complete AIDED REPORT WORKSHEET (PD304-152b) in !!Q!!arrest situations. Prepare PROPERlY CLERK'S INVOICE WORKSHEET (PD521-141a). a. Cartridge used will be placed in a Plastic Security Envelope and delivered to desk officer, include photographs, when applicable. b. Ensure PROPERlY CLERK'S INVOICE nWIlber is docwnented in appropriate DepaI1Inent fOnTIS prepared .VOTE Darts will not be vouchered but should be disposed of in a "sharps" container by medical personnel. Jlembers 0/ the senice should refrain from handling a dart (hat has been removedfrom a subject. I:'JVESTIGATI:'JG Sl'PERVISOR 3]. 32. 33. 34. COMMANDING OFFICER! DL'TY CAPTAIN 35. 36. 37. Conduct investigation regarding use of CED. N"otify Firearms and Tactics Section: a. Obtain "FrS CED Log Number" b. Enter "FrS CED Log Number" and name of person notified in Telephone Record. Prepare LESS LETHAL/RESCUE EQUIPMENT USE REPORT. a. Prepare REPORT when probes are discharged regardless of whether probes made contact with subject. b. Enter "FTS CED Log Number" on REPORT c. Deliver REPORT to commanding officer. Deliver copies of other reports prepared in connection with CED usage to commanding officer. Conduct investigation when required to act as investigating supervisor. Prepare a Typed Letterbead with results of investigation and include recommendations (e.g., recommend disciplinary action, retraining, use was within guideJines, etc.)when: a. CEO is used in touch stun mode only b. L'sed on a person in police custody c. Accidental discharge of a CED has resulted in an injury to any person. .\ttach copy of Typed Letterhead. if prepared. to the completed LESS LETfL-\LRESCrE 38. EQrIP~IE~TrSE REPORT. Distribute copies of Typed Letterhead. when prepared. and attached LESS LETIULRESCrE EQL'IP~IE~T l'SE REPORT to the following: I~TERI.\I ORDER :\0. 20 -: of 10 ~IYr '1"0 CO:\I~L-\~DING a. OFFICER! DUTY C.\PT.\.IN (continued) b. c. d. ~. oW. ~{aintain a log. database for CED usage. Maintain copies of LESS LETHALJRESCl:E EQUIP:\-IENT l'SE REPORTS in a binder and input data into database. Maintain a database of information regarding LESS LETHALIRESCCE EQUIPMENT USE REPORTS. Compile data regarding use and effectiveness of CEOs used by members of the Department. Compile a list of CEO usage on a monthly basis and forward to the Chief of Department. Incorporate relevant infonnation into tactical training. 45. Review adequacy of investigations and appropriateness of CEO usage. CO:\Il\U~DING 39. OFFICE~ -lO. FIREAR:\IS AND TACTICS SECTION 41. 42. 43. CO"L"IA~DING Chief of Oeparonent (THROCGH CHA~'}IELS) Chief, Internal Affairs Bureau Bureau Chief concerned Conunanding Officer, Firearm and Tactics Section (DIRECT) Commanding Officer concerned OFFICER, I~VESTIGATION REVIEW SECTIO~ ADDITIONAL DATA REL4.TED PROCEDl:RES FORJ1SASD REPORTS If a CED has been seized jor investigative purposes. it is the responsibility oj the investigative unit to ensure a notification is made to the Commanding Officer. Firearms and Tactics Section. Commands which have had aCED seizedjor investigative purposes will be responsible jor retrieving the CED upon the conclusion ojthe investigation. Prisoners Requiring MedicaliPsychiatric Treatment (P.G. 210-04) Release ojPrisoner - General procedure (P.G. 210-13) Aided Cases General Procedure (P. G. 2 J6-0 I) .\.lentally III or Emotionally Disturbed Persons (P. G. 216-05) In ....o icing Property- General Procedure (P.G. 218-01) Required Equipment (P. G. 204-fJ9j Gse ojForce (P.G. 203-ll) Deadly Physical Force (P.G. 203-12) PROPERTY CLERK'S INVOICE WORKSHEET (PD511-UIA) .4IDED REPORT WORKSHEET (PD 304-152B) lESS lETHALlRESCL'E EQf.,JP.'1ENT LSE REPORT (PD 310-151) O,V-LJ.VE BOOKLVG SYSTEM ARREST WORKSHEET (PD 255-159) .l.fED/ell TREAT.'1£,VT OF PRISONER (PD 244-159) ACTIVITY lOG (PDl12-U5) I.vVESTIGATOR'S DAIl YACTI"1TY REPORT (PD439-156) Typed Letterhead I~TERl\-1 ORDER :'10. 8 of 10 "IV""" 20 Accordingly, Patrol Guide 110-07, "Prisoners - L'nusual Occurrence" 6. follows: IS amended as ADD new subdivision "'f'. opposite "DEFINITION", on page "'1n to read: a. Is subdued with a Conducted Energy Device." "DEFINITION .\DO new subdivision ",!!n, opposite actor "COMMANDING OFFICER OR DUTY CAPTAIN", on page "'1" to read: b. "CO~L"IA"iDI~G b. OFFICER OR Dl.TV CAPTAIN Commanding 0ftIcer, Fireanns and Tactics Section, if a Conducted Energy De\-ice was used to containlrestrain a prisoner. " 7. Patrol Guide .219-01, "Inspection of Department Vehicles Each Tour By Operator" is amended as follows: a. DELETE subdivisions /Jof through i", opposite "NOTE", on page "'1". b. RE"lSE cwrent subdivisions "j and k", opposite "NOTE", on page "'~" to read: "f and g" c. REVISE new subdivision '''In, opposite "NOTE", on page "1" to read: "~. d. RE\1SE step page "[. 8. as follows: "'~" subdivision "!", opposite "VEffiCLE OPERATOR", on "!" to read: Three (3) foot polvcilrbonille shield" rn addition, Patrol Guide 216-D5, "Mentally mand Emotionally Disn.Irbed Persons" is amended a. . "CO.\f.\IA~DI~G OFFICERiDlTY CAPTAI~ Thre( (3) foot pg/vcilrbenate shiell!" REVISE step "24", opposite "COrvIMANDING OFFICER DUTY CAPTAIN", on page ..~" to read: 24. Direct use of alternate means of restraint, if appropriate, according to circumstances." '-"TERnf ORDER -"0. 9 of 10 ~Ivr 20 b. ". fDDITlO.Y-lL Qild REVISE the "ADDITIONAL DATA" statement under subheading "CSE OF SOJV-LETHAL DEnCES TO ASSIST LV RESTRALVISG EJIOTIOX-lLL Y DISn"RBED PERSO,VS ", on page ..~" to read: .•uthon.ed uniformed members o( the service may use a conducted energy deviu (CED) to assist in restram;ng emotionallv d;sturbed persons. i(necessary. Emergency Service {'"it personnel will obtain the permission o( the Emergency Service enit supervisor prior to utili;;"g aCED, e.Tfept in ermergencies. Authomed members of the service will be guidrtl by Interim Order 10, series 100B, "r-" ofeondHfWIEnergv DrneR (eEm, when f! CEP has bun utilized. LESS LET/lAVRESCt-E EOl/IPMENT eSB REPORT (PD 310:JJIJ win be prepqred whenever 9 less lethq/ restr4in;ng device or rescue eqHipment is used by a uniformed member tdt", serrife in the performance o(f/Htv. The Commanding Qffku, InytWatipll Revirw SeetY",. wi!l col/ate stqtistkal ;nfontlgtipn recorded On th, REPORTS, and will forward q monthly report to the Oflke ofth, ChiefofDrpqrtmml bv the seventh (7Ih) business day ofeqch month." 9. Effective immediately, commands will discontinue using Department form TASER USE REPORT (PD304-150) and the NON-LETHAL RESTRAINING DEVICE / RESCUE EQUIPMENT l'SE REPORT (PD320-150) and use NEW Department fonn LESS LETHALIRESCUE EQUIPMENT USE REPORT (PD320-151). 10. \Vherever the form "TASER USE REPORT (PD304-150)" and the "NON-LETHAL RESTRAINING DEVICE I RESCUE EQUIPMENT USE REPORT (pD326-1SO)" appears in the Department Manual or other Department directives, REPLACE it with "LESS LETHALJRESCUE EQL"IPMENT USE REPORT (PD320-151)". 11. Commands will immediately requisition the below listed fOmI through the Quartermaster Section using the following information: \l, INO EX :'lUMBER PD NU:\fBER 2214 PD320-151 TITLE LESS LETHALIRESCUE EQl:IP:\-lENT l:SE REPORT 12. Any provisions of the Department Yfanual or any other Department directive in conflict ith the contents of this order are suspended. BY DIRECTIO;"li OF THE POLICE CO)nnSSIONER OISTRIBLTIO~ .-\11 Commands I:'OTERI'" ORDER "0. 10 of 10 ~Ivr 20 FIREARMS CYCLE ATTENDANCE CYCLE ATTENDANCE HISTORY TAX NUMBER: LAST NAME: DATE: 04108I2OO8 903644 COLEMAN ARSTNAME: COMMAND: RANK:OTS CYCLE YEAR CYCLE 2008 2007 2007 2006 2006 cycle 1 cycle2 cycle1 cycle2 cycle1 ATTENOANCE OATE 03/2512008 07/30/2007 05/1412007 08/04/2006 0111212006 TIME: PATRICK EMER SERV 10:32.22 sa 06 COURSE 10 ESU REQUAL(CYCLE) ESU REQUAL(CYCLE) ESU REQUAL(CYCLE) ESU REQUAL(CYCLE) ESU REQUAL(CYCLE) Platoon OBOOx1600 0800x1600 0800x1600 0800x1600 0800x1600 \ TIIAczrf..V Ii ?MQ LOC ODR ODR ODR ODR ODR TERM: RNGF NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT SCRN: HQFC FIREARMS CYCLE ATTENDANCE CYCLE ATTENDANCE HISTORY E~TER ~AST THE TAX NAHE: RANK: DTS ~UMBER: COLE~ffiN DATE: 04/08/2008 TIHE: 12:41:55 +------------------+ 903644 MARKSMAN: NO FIRST NAME: PATRICK HI: R SCORE: COMMAND: 456 - EMER SERV SQ 06 DATE: FIREARM: CYCLE YR CYCLE CODE ATTENDANCE DATE ======== ========== ========== 2002 CYCLE 2 2002 SPECIAL 1 2003 CYCLE 1 2003 SPECIAL 1 CYCLE 1 20Q4 2004 SPECIAL 1 2005 CYCLE 1 2005 CYCLE 2 2005 SPECIAL 1 2005 SPECIAL 2 +------------------+ COURSE 10 LOC =====~=======~~======================= 10/14/2002 10/14/2002 06/17/2003 06/17/2003 04/14/2004 04/14/2004 01/26/2005 08117/2005 01/26/2005 08/17/2005 9MM SEMI AUTOMATIC REQUALIFICATION COU ODR EMERGENCY SERVICE UNIT REQUALIFICATION ODR 9MM SEMI AUTOMATIC REQUALIFICATION COU ODR EMERGENCY SERVICE UNIT REQUALIFICATION 9MM SEMI AUTOMATIC REQUALIFICATION COU ODR ODR EMERGENCY SERVICE UNIT REQUALIFICATION ODR 9MM SEMI AUTOMATIC REQUALIFICATION COU ODR 9MM SEMI AUTOMATIC REQUALIFICATION COU ODR EMERGENCY SERVICE UNIT REQUALIFICATION ODR EMERGENCY SERVICE UNIT REQUALIFICATION ODR * THE END * MSG: PF2=LOOKUP GUNS PF3=RETURN PF7=BACKWARD \ '. ...IV,..... PF8=FORWARD TERM: RNGF NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT SCRN: t-1QFC FIREARMS CYCLE ATTENDANCE DATE: 04/08/2008 TI ME: 12: 39 : 19 +------------------+ CYCLE ATTENDANCE HISTORY EN~ER THE ~AX LAS? NAME: RANK: DTS NUMBER: MARKSMAN: NO 903644 FIRST NAME: PATRICK CO~EMAN COM~ffiND: i'H: SCORE: R DATE: 456 - EMER SERV SQ 06 FIREARM: +------------------+ ATTENDANCE - CYCLE YR CYCLE CODE DATE =:::::==-======= ========== ========== ====================================== 1999 CYCLE 1 03/0511999 9MM SEMI AUTOMATIC REQUALIFICATION COU AXR 1999 CYCLE 2 07/19/1999 9MM SEMI ODR 1999 SPECIAL 1 07/30/1999 EMERGENCY SERVICE UNIT TRAINING ODR 2000 CYCLE 1 01/31/2000 9MM SEMI AUTOMATIC REQUALIFICATION COU ODR 2000 CYCLE 2 07/26/2000 9MM SEMI REQUALIFICATION COU ODR 2000 SPECIAL 1 01/31/2000 EMERGENCY SERVICE UNIT REQUALIFICATION ODR 2001 CYCLE 1 01/30/2001 9MM SEMI AUTOMATIC REQUALI.FICATION COU ODR 2001 CYCLE 2 07/23/2001 9MM SEMI AUTOMATIC REQUALIFICATION COU ODR 2001 SPECIAL 1 01/30/2001 EMERGENCY SERVICE UNIT REQUALIFICATION ODR 2001 SPECIAL 2 07/23/2001 EMERGENCY SERVICE UNIT REQUALIFICATION ODR 2002 CYCLE 1 10/14/2002 9MM SEMI COCRSE 10 AUTO~ffiTIC AUTO~TIC AUTO~ffiTIC LOC REQUALIFICATION COU REQUALIFICATION COU ODR MSG: PF2=LOOKUP GUNS PF3=RETURN PF7=BACKWARD PF8=FORWARD \ DATE: 04/08/2008 TERM: MISPRDA NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT TI ME: 12: 50 : 3 1 PGN : FISPRAOl RANGE DATA - 1985 TO 1998 ENTER THE TAX NUMBER: 903644 (REQUIRED) ENTER THE DATE RANGE FROM YEAR TO (OPTIONAL) TO SHOW GU~S FOR GIVEN DATE, PLACE CURSOR ON DATE AND PRESS F2. =.AST NAl-'1E: COLENAN FIRST NAME: PATRICK MI: R RANK: DTS COMMAND: 456 - EMER SERV SQ 06 ATTENDANC~ COURSE RANGE DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION =::::::====::===:::: =========~========== ======== 03108/1994 05/01/1995 07/31/1996 04/22/1997 08/11/1997 SEMI SEHI SEMI SEMI SEMI OR OR OR OR OR MSG: PF2=LOOKUP GUNS 3 DAY 1 DAY 1 DAY 1 DAY 1 DAY 94-1 95-1 96-2 97-1 97-2 PF3=RETURN PF7=BACKWARD \ I\IVf"" PF8=FORWARD ~ o (' M-26 QUALIFICATIONS "·'lb"16AfE'TRAiN'EdRANKt,."·,·,·,,.',~LAST·NAME'~-:~·~'1"":t1'FiRSf-).JAME' 3859 1/1/2000DET COLEMAN 4/10/2008 '". • ~ I~ I; " ' , ' ". ,. '-''':,' "'ASSiGNMENT" ' .. PATRICK l > 2 Page 1 COURSE: LESS-THAN-LETHAL WEAPONS TRAINEE LEVEL:NEWLY PROMOTED SERGEANTS LESSON: LESS-THAN-LETHAL WEAPON COURSE DURATION:' EIGHT (8) HOURS PREPARED BY: REVISED DATE PREPARED: BY: P.O. M. STEIN P.O. E. MALONEY & P.O. V. KRILL INSTRUCTIONAL GOAL: DATE REVISED: MAY 1997 FEBRUARY 1998 This course of instruction is designed to qualify newly promoted sergeants with the less-than-Iethal weaponry currently being used by the N.Y.C.P.D. and to instruct them in the proper tactics and techniques for their use. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: AT THE CONCLUSION OF THIS COURSE OF INSTRUCTION EACH STUDENT WILL BE ABLE TO: 1. LIST all presently available less-than-Iethal devices in use by the NYPD. 2. LIST and EXPLAIN the applications of each less-than-lethal device. 3. DEMONSTRATE proper tactics for the utilization of the less-than-lethal weapons. 4. DEMONSTRATE proper use of the TASER during a practical exercise. METHOD OF PRESENTATION: LECTURE - DEMONSTRATION Q & A CLASSROOM REQUIREMENTS: CHALKBOARD SEATING FOR UP TO 80 STUDENTS DISCUSSION STUDENT PARTICIPATION STUDENTS MATERIALS: FTS LESSON PLAN: NONLETHL.DOC TRAINING AIDS: TASER NOVA SHEPHERDS CROOK POLYCARBONATE SHIELD VELCRO RESTRAINING STRAPS INERT PEPPER SPRAY WATER CANNON P.G. SECTION 106-11 BIBLIOGRAPHY: Tasertron Operator,s Manual MSI Instructor Manual TRAINING SCHEDULE 0700-0730 SIGN IN - FILL OUT SCORESHEETS 0730-0815 A) POLYCARBONATE SHIELD B) SHEPHERD'S CROOK C) WATER CANNON D) VELCRO RESTRAINING STRAPS 0815-0830 BREAK 0830-0930 PEPPER SPRAY 0930-0945 BREAK 0945-1045 A) NOVA STUN GUN B) TABER 1045 -1100 BREAK 1100-1200 TASER QUALIFICATION 1200-1300 MEAL 1300-1330 VIDEO - "THE HANDLING OF EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED PERSONS" 1330-1500 SIMULATOR TRAINING (F*A*T*S*) I-IVr INTRODUCTION With the introduction of Non-Lethal Devices to the patrol force and support units, we as police officers must have a basic understanding of each of their capabilities to accomplish the task of restraining individuals. We must understand that upon deployment of these devices, each MOS is NOT an individual but part of a team; and any action by any individual means that the entire team is committed to action. Many actions taken are of a temporary nature designed to disorient individuals. If temporary actions are not followed with quick restraining actions by another MOS, the individual can recover completely with little residual effect; and there can possibly be an inflammatory effect making a situation worse. This type of event must be guarded against, if possible. The Non-Lethal devices include; the shield, water cannon, shepherd's crook, and velcro straps. In addition, the TASER and NOVA can effectively be used. However, only by the patrol supervisor or ESD, exclusively. Situations involving individuals with firearms precludes the use of the devices previously mentioned and all MOS are so warned. The devices listed have been effective tools used to restrain and apprehend individuals with or without weapons. Whenever weapons (other than firearms) are possessed, or presumed to be possessed by persons, extra care must be taken to prevent injury to the MOS. We must also realize in every situation that each situation may be different - each with factors that may require different solutions. We cannot say that anyone device is better than another. POLYCARBONATE SHIELD (NOT BULLET RESISTANT) Technical Data: -approximately 5" x 28" -3/8" thick -17 pounds One strap, quick release leather. One handle, aluminum. Designed for weakhand use. The arm is placed through the leather strap and the hand grasps the handle. For right hand shooters the sign "POLICE" is legible. For left hand shooters the shield is inverted and the sign "POLICE" is upside down. The aluminum handle is affixed by four (4) nuts and bolts. The strap is affixed by two (2) nuts and bolts. If any are missing then the shield is put out of service. Likewise, if a hole or crack is apparent, then the shield is put out of service. The shield is large enough to offer protection for more than one person and can be used as such. USES: The shield is mainly a defensive tool protecting the MOS from blows or attack by hands and some weapons. However, it can also be used offensively to assist in restraint of individuals. It is most important to remember: Any MOS using a shield must not let a person grab hold of the shield. The main problem being le'ferage that can be used against the MOS. ""VI""'" Any time we feel this possibility exists, either step backwards or drive the shield directly into the opponent, whichever is deemed more effective. Using the shield in this offensive manner, however, may precipitate further action by the entire team. The shield has been shown to withstand blows from fists, rocks, and bats; with little damage resulting. It should be noted that extremely cold weather can make the shield somewhat brittle, so we must be forewarned. The shield can have many uses and we are only limited to our own ideas. Possible uses can include: opening doors where dogs are possibly present, peering around corners when firearms are not present, and overhead protection from items dropped. Firing other weapons including: mace, TASER, water cannon, and the service revolver is also possible. The shield can offer the MOS cover from weapons other than firearms in a moment's notice. WATER CANNON Technical Data: -a fire extinguisher filled with 2.5 gallons of water -pressurized to approximately 100psi -useful range to 10 feet The water cannon emits a powerful stream of water directed towards the upper chest, neck, and head area of the opponent. It is used mainly as a delaying or disorienting tactic so that another device can be deployed. Patrol supervisors have the water cannons in addition to ESU. The supervisor is responsible to check or delegate inspection to another MOS. This device is only filled with water and NO other chemicals or additives such as antifreeze can be contained inside. Extra care must be taken during winter months to prevent freezing. Do not place water cannon in the back seat of the RMP because it may become a projectile should the vehicle stop abruptly. The gauges on the cannon, if equipped, cannot be trusted. An actual test, before each tour, is necessary. Filling the water cannon is done by unscrewing the cap (making sure there is no pressure in the tank). The handle and firing unit are removed from the tank and the canister is then filled with water. Most water cannons are equipped with a sleeve inside the mouth of the tank and water is filled to the bottom of the sleeve. If there is no sleeve then fill to approximately 3/4 full. After filling, the top is screwed back in place and HAND TIGHTENED. The tank must now be pressurized by compressed air (availability may be limited). Once pressurized, the device is ready and the safety pin is put in place. Upon deployment, the MOS chosen to handle the water cannon must realize that this device can effectively disorient a person, however, only lasting up to a few seconds. Other MOS must also know that upon the utilization of the water cannon another means of restraining the individual must follow immediately, otherwise benefits of the weapon are lost. The benefits are seen when persons are not aware that the liquid is merely water. " '" NOTE: Excessive use of the water cannon may result in creating a slippery and hazardous condition to responding members of the service. At close distances water sprayed directly into the eyes can have a possible damaging effect. ESU has used this device extensively and has seen excellent results with minimal injuries. SHEPHERD'S CROOK Technical Data: -five to ten feet long -two or three pieces -pole with a hook attached to the end -obtained from supervisor's RMP The shepherd's crook can be an effective means of taking a person's mobility away by pulling the feet out from under the opponent. When used during or immediately after another Non-Lethal device, benefits are realized more efficiently; especially when the opponent has different things happening over which he has no control. The other devices that can be used in conjunction with the shepherd's crook include: Pepper spray, Taser, Nova, Water Cannon, and Polycarbonate Shield. The shepherd's crook is usually used with the opponent facing the MOS. The hook portion is placed on the ground with the opened end up and is then pushed between the legs of the opponent. If he then realizes the purpose of the device and tries to lift his foot, then the crook is turned open end to the other foot, hooked and pulled out from under the opponent. With the opponent on the floor, the device can be tossed aside and restraints utilized. It is apparent that the time element is the biggest and most important factor. By having the MOS prepared to strike at the instant the legs are taken out; the weapon is most effective. Conversely, if the opponent can stand up again, then the advantage of the device is lost. The shepherd's crook can have many other uses, not discussed here, such as; opening and closing doors, etc. 'mLCRO RESTRAINING STRAPS Technical Data: -used by health care professionals to position patients -three size lengths -straps can stretch and open to ease handcuffing The most important item to remember about these straps is that they are not a substitute for handcuffs. Velcro Straps can be pulled apart and should not be used as such. However, when they are used together, they can protect all MOS involved. The most effective use of straps is after handcuffing, use two (2) long straps - each one going under an arm and around the other so that one strap is not around the body and both arms. Person can separate Velcro Straps depending on their strength. After a person has been strapped, smaller velcro straps can pass inside two larger straps and around a handcuff chain. Another small strap around the legs can stop kicking. After using the straps, secure the individual to a backboard or stretcher - stomach down to further insure safety from kicking during transport. ~Ivr SUMMARY The patrol supervisor is the only person authorized to use the TASER and the NOVA. If the patrol supervisor is not available, the MOS will use their discretion when utilizing any of the other Non-Lethal Devices. All MOS involved should realize that one device should not be counted on entirely for effectiveness. A back up plan should be used and should include one or more of the other devices. Such a plan can maximize effectiveness and reduce the risk of injury. Just because we are using these weapons it does not exclude the use of More Lethal Devices - we cannot predict all situations. These devices merely give the MOS an opportunity to try a Non-Lethal means of restraining persons. ZONE OF SAFETY An attempt will be made to maintain a zone of safety. The recommended distance for the Zone of Safety is twenty (20) feet or greater than the effective range of the weapon (OTHER THAN A FIREARM) . INSTRUCTOR WILL DEMONSTRATE. A chain is only as strong as its' weakest link. All MOS at the scene where Non-Lethal Devices will be used must work together to maximize the effectiveness of the operation. If the use of one or more of these devices can stop an assailant's actions and prevent or reduce injury, we should give it a try! ROLE PLAY The role play will be made up of five (5) volunteers from the class and one (1) instructor. Each of the 5 persons participating in the role play will choose from: the shield, the water cannon, the velcro straps, the shepherd's crook, or the mace. The instructor will play the part of the EDP. There will be NO PHYSICAL CONTACT!!!! The object of the role play will be to see how the officers set up a defense and work as a team against the EDP. The officers will verbally describe their actions when confronted with the situation, and the audience will also be able to respond with their ideas. INTERIM ORDER No. 29 POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEW YORK April 23, 1985 TO ALL COMMANDS Subject: PROHIBITION AGAINST CHOKE HOLDS 1. Effective immediately, choke holds, which are potentially lethal and unnecessary, WILL NOT be routinely used by members of the New York City Police Department. 2. Choke holds will ONLY be used if the officer's life is in danger or some other person's life is in danger and the choke hold is the least dangerous alternative method of restraint available to the police officer. 3. Any provisions of the Department Manual or other Department directives in conflict with this order are suspended. BY DIRECTION OF THE POLICE COMMISSIONER DISTRIBUTION All Commands WHAT IS THE TASER? The Taser is a device that is classified as a non-lethal weapon. The Taser does come with a serial number from the factory. The Taser basically, is a less-than-lethal device that is able to electronically immobilize individuals by involuntary muscle spasms. In other words, the Taser is designed to stop an attacker by sending an electric current through the attacker's body. The electric current makes the attacker loose control of his/her muscles. Since the attacker no longer has the ability to stand up straight, he/she will fall to the ground. Handcuffs can then be placed on the attacker with little to no injury to the attacker or the officer. HOW DOES THE TASER WORK? Each Taser is equipped to hold two (2) cassettes, which contain two (2) darts. The darts have a fishhook, or barbed tip. Upon activation these darts are fired from the Taser device by primers. As the darts depart from the Taser device they are trailed by insulated wires that are still attached to the main body of the cassette. The top dart will fire from the TASER straight trailed by fifteen (1S) of insulated wire. The bottom dart is at a twelve (12) degree downward angle trailed by sixteen (16) feet of insulated wire. The darts will penetrate the skin of the attacker up to one quarter (1/4) of an inch. Once the darts are attached to the skin the officer controlling the Taser device can now transfer 50,000 volts of electrical current to the attacker. This electrical current causes an involuntary contraction of the muscles between the two darts similar to a "charlie horse effect", so that the attacker will have difficulty standing or continuing hostile activities. OPERATION OF THE TASER 1) Perform a safety check a) b) c) d) check insulation check battery wires check safety operation Hold UNLOADED TABER up to a mirror and hold trigger down for five (S) to ten (10) seconds. Each side of the trigger bar should be tested and it should operate between 8 and 22 pulses per second. e) With the safety on properly insert two (2) RED cartridges NOTE: Always load the cartridge furthest from the center of the body first to avoid passing one's hand in front of a loaded cartridge. 2) Batteries The TASER is designed to utilized 7.2 volt rechargeable Nickel/Cadium type batteries. The using of alkaline type of batteries will result in the TASER burning out. Initial charging of the batteries is sixteen (16) hours. Recharging of the batteries is then for eight (8) hours. 3) Firing In order for the TASER to perform optimally it must obtain a dart spread of at least six (6) inches but no more than twenty-four (24) inches. To achieve this spread the TASER must be fired at distances of no less than four (4) feet and no greater than twelve (12) feet. Once fired the operator must hold the trigger down for five (S) to ten (10) seconds in order for the device to be effective. If no effect is observed fire the second cartridge. It should be noted than failing to hold the trigger bar down for five (5) to ten (10) seconds is the most common reason for TASER failure providing both TASER darts are making contact with the body. Once the individual is subdued the safety should be placed on and the wires leading to the darts should be clipped. The individual should then be taken to a hospital where the darts can be removed and their condition can be evaluated. AREAS OF THE BODY TO BE AVOIDED The TASER is not equipped with any sights however the safety located on the top of the TASER can be used to roughly sight in the device. If the device is canted to the left or right while the darts are being discharged the top dart may contact with the body while the bottom dart may miss. If both darts do not make contact with the individual the TASER will not be effective. The Taser should not be aimed at an individual's face. There is a possibility that one of the darts will hit an individual's eye. If the eye is hit by one of the darts lose of vision from that eye may occur permanently. probably the eye area is the only part of the human body where contact will cause permanent injury. Again it will be stress that aiming at the head, or the eye should be avoided. The manufacturer also states that the neck area (carotid artery), breasts, and genital areas should be avoided to prevent serious injury. Therefore the area of the body an officer should aim the TASER is the back. This will prevent injury to any of the above stated areas and will also restrict the individual's ability to pullout the darts. ....IV,..... NOTE: If contact is made to the eye from the Taser, you should immediately wrap gauze bandages around the wound and transport the individual to a hospital as soon as possible. Under no circumstances should you take the dart out of the eye, or any part of the body. Darts should only be removed by a doctor in a hospital. TASK # 4 - RESTRAINING THE INDIVIDUAL It should be clearly understood that once the decision has been made by you to use the Taser device, and you fire the weapon at someone, you CANNOT send another officer to handcuff the attacker while he/she is under the influence of an electrical current. If you are sending a current to an attacker and an assisting officer touches the Tasered person, then they too will have an electrical surge pass into his body. Once you Taser an individual, he must be convinced to stop his hostile activity. Once the individual has ceased his actions then you can send an assisting officer over to cuff the individual. Of course, the darts will remain in the attacker's body. If the individual starts his hostile actions again the assisting officer will step back, and an electrical surge can be sent to the attacker, to convince him to cease his activities. TASK # 5 - REMOVAL OF THE TASER DARTS Once the individual has been rear cuffed and has ceased his activities, the MOS who fired the Taser device should make sure the safety is on and then remove the used cassette from the Taser. The MOS or a designee then wrap the trailing wires around the used cassette until he gets within 4 to 6 inches of the darts where he will brake the trailing wires. The used cassette will be vouchered for safekeeping along with the Taser darts after they have been removed by a doctor in a hospital. Very simply, under no circumstances should the Taser darts removed from an individual by an officer. Removal of the Taser darts must be done by a doctor in a hospital. If an officer attempts to remove the Taser darts from the attacker, he (the officer) can inflict unnecessary damage to the attacker. Also, officer leaves himself wide open for any lawsuits the attacker bring on at a later time. The Taser darts should be taken from hospital staff by the officer and vouchered. NOTE: be the may the If possible, MOS vouchering the Taser darts should ask the hospital staff to place the darts in a puncture proof container, especially since they have been in contact with the individual and may be contaminated. "IVf" TASK # 6 - FORMS AND REPORTS Once an officer has used the Taser device he should make certain that proper reports are filled out. The Taser darts, after being removed by the hospital staff, should be vouchered on a "Property Clerk's Invoice". The "Taser Discharge Report" must be filled out by the officer and signed by a supervisor. A UF-49 (typed letterhead) should be made out by a supervisor and attached to the Taser Discharge Report. NOVA POLICE SPECIAL STUN GUN The NOVA Stun Gun is a hand held less-than-lethal weapon that functions similarly to the TASER in that it delivers 40,000-45,000 volts of electricity at very low amperage. The NOVA will also cause involuntary muscle contractions to any part of the body it makes contact with. The NOVA is designed as a hand held weapon however this device can only be used with the "NOVA Extention". This is a five (5) foot pole designed to hold the NOVA device and allow activation at a greater distance. COURSE: LESS-THAN-LETHAL WEAPONS TRAINEE LEVEL: LESSON: FUNCTIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE OF O.C. SPRAY (OLEORESIN CAPSICUM) DURATION: THIRTY (30) MINUTES ALL PREPARED BY; P.O. S. PEREZ DATE PREPARED; APRIL 1993 REVISED BY: P.O. M. STEIN DATE REVISED: FEB. 199B INSTRUCTIONAL GOAL: THIS COURSE OF INSTRUCTION IS DESIGNED TO MAKE OFFICERS AWARE OF APPROPRIATE GUIDELINES WHEN UTILIZING THE DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZED OLEORESIN CAPSICUM (OC) SPRAY WITH REGARDS TO EFFECTIVENESS, PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS, LEGAL AUTHORITY, AND BASIC FIRST AID. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: AT THE CONCLUSION OF THIS BLOCK OF INSTRUCTION THE OFFICER WILL BE ABLE TO: 1. STATE THE APPROPRIATE GUIDELINES TO FOLLOW FOR USING OC SPRAY. 2. LIST and EXPLAIN THE PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS OF OC SPRAY. 3. EXPLAIN and DEMONSTRATE BASIC FIRST AID PROCEDURE TO NEUTRALIZE EFFECTS OF OC SPRAY. 4. CITE and EXPLAIN THE LEGAL AUTHORITY FOR THE USE OF OC SPRAY. 5. DISCUSS and EXPLAIN THE POSITION OF OC SPRAY IN THE USE OF FORCE CONTINUUM AS A VIABLE LESS-THAN-LETHAL ALTERNATIVE. METHOD OF PRESENTATION: LECTURE/DEMONSTRATION VIDEO CLASSROOM REQUIREMENT(S) : 25+ PERSONNEL CHALKBOARD TV & VCR STUDENT MATERIALS: TRAINING AIDS: INERT OC SPRAY BIBLIOGRAPHY: PAFTS LESSON PLAN: RT0598 MSI MANUAL: OC SPRAY INSERT "HYDROMIST" PACY...AGE 1.0. 9, SERIES 1998(02/06/98) .... 'Vi""' INSTRUCTORS CHECKLIST The department will be issuing a new pepper spray device during the 1997 cycle. This new device is manufactured by MSI (Mace Security International). All necessary information regarding this new device is included in the following lesson plan. Listed below is a brief outline of all information that must be delivered to all members of the service who are to be issued the new pepper spray device. It will be the instructors responsibility to ensure that each officer understands all of the following information before completing the training session. 1. The new device has an effective range of up to fifteen (15) feet and is not to be fired at distances less than three (3) feet or permanent eye damage may occur. 2. The new device must be carried in an authorized holder on the non-shooting side of the body with the nozzle facing away from the body and upward. 3. A maximum of two (2) one-second bursts are recommended. Exceeding this recommendation will waste valuable time and increase the chance of the officer becoming contaminated with the pepper spray. 4. If the pepper spray device remains stationary for a period of time it must be shaken to ensure maximum effectiveness. Wearing the pepper spray device during normal patrol duty should be sufficient to keep the solution thoroughly mixed. 5. Once an individual has been sprayed and is subdued first aid must be given as soon as practical. The first aid procedure is the following: a. Remove individual from contaminated area. b. position subject on his/her side or in a sitting position to promote free breathing. The subject should not be maintained or transported in a face down position. DO NOT SIT, STAND OR KNEEL ON SUBJECT'S CHEST OR BACK. c. FLUSH the contaminated area with large amounts of cool/cold water. DO NOT rub the skin. d. EXPOSE person sprayed to fresh air, with face into the wind. e. A non-oil based soap may be used to wash affected areas. First Aid (continued) NOTE: f. AVOID applying any oils, salves, or grease-based medication as these will only aggravate the condition, and may cause blistering of the skin. g. ASCERTAIN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER A PERSON IS EXPOSED whether contact lenses are being worn. The manufacturer STRONGLY RECOMMENDS contact lenses be removed as soon as possible after exposure. Contact lenses left on the eyes and contaminated for more than one (1) hour may cause serious eye injury. Persons exposed should be advised to clean their lenses as usual as soon as possible after exposure. ADVISE ALL OFFICERS THAT THEY MAY EXPERIENCE SOME MILD EFFECTS OF THE PEPPER SPRAY WHILE THEY ARE TRYING TO SUBDUE THE INDIVIDUAL OR RENDERING FIRST AID (COUGHING AND SOME BURNING TO THE EYES). EACH OFFICER MUST WASH THEIR HANDS ONCE THE SITUATION IS UNDER CONTROL OR THEY MAY EXPERIENCE MORE SERIOUS EFFECTS OF THE PEPPER SPRAY. 6. If an individual begins to exhibit signs of severe stress or panic (Hyperventilation etc.) the officer should try to calm the individual by explaining what has occurred and that the effects are only temporary. Every effort should be made to have the individual lie on their side to ease their ability to breathe. 7. Advise all officers that the pepper spray device must be fired in an upright position with the nozzle up and pointing away from them or a loss of the propellant may occur. 8. Show the portion of the video tape "MSI instructional video" where the Dallas Sherrif's Department is exposed to pepper spray. Instructors will advance the tape (22:06) twenty-two minutes, six seconds from the beginning, and stop it (5) five minutes later at (27:06) twenty-seven minutes, six seconds. This segment shows the effects of the spray, first aid, and shows an individual experiencing "Acute Hyperventilation Syndrome". f\rv('" 9. Limitations: DO NOT spray OC directly into the wind. A strong wind may cause the agent to "blow-back" into the officers face. If this happens, officers are well advised NOT TO PANIC and to comply with 1.0. 9 SERIES 1998 02-06-98 (esp. first aid) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. DO NOT spray OC at distances less than three (3) feet or in small, contained areas, (e.g. inside auto, closet, hallway, etc.). DO NOT use in an area where INFANTS, ELDERLY are present and likely to be contaminated. AVOID use in areas where there may be PREGNANT WOMEN as it may induce labor in advance stages of pregnancy. DO NOT use on persons with KNOWN respiratory conditions. NOTE: INSTRUCTORS SHOULD ADVISE ALL M.O.S. WHO ARE BEING ISSUED THE M.S.I. PEPPER SPRAY THAT PRIOR TO THE DEPARTMENT RECEIVING THE PEPPER SPRAY M.S.I. TESTED THE FUNCTIONING OF EACH INDIVIDUAL CANISTER AND THAT THERE MAY BE SOME RESIDUE THAT IS LEFT IN THE CHAMBER BEHIND THE NOZZLE. THIS RESIDUE HAS BEEN REPORTED TO LEAK OUT OF THE NOZZLE ON TO THE CANISTER. AFTER M.O.S. RECEIVE THEIR PEPPER SPRAY THEY SHOULD BE INSTRUCTED TO WIPE ANY RESIDUE OFF OF THE CANISTER THAT MAY HAVE LEAKED OUT DURING SHIPMENT. ADDITIONALLY, ANY M.O.S. WHO DISCHARGES THEIR PEPPER SPRAY SHOULD WIPE OFF ANY RESIDUE THAT MAY CONSEQUENTLY LEAK OUT. INTRODUCTION The Pepper Spray device currently being issued by the Department is the MSI MKIII device. The MKIII device has a greater range than the pepper spray device formerly used by this department (up to fifteen (15) feet under ideal conditions). With the issuance of the new pepper spray device each officer must also purchase a new pepper spray holder from the equipment section. OC spray is an organic substance derived from the fruit of the cultivated species of the genus capsicum pepper plant grown in New Mexico, Mexico and South America. It is classified as an INFLAMMATORY and as such has the following effects: 1. 2. extreme burning sensation of skin and involuntary closing of the eyes. inflammation of the mucous membrane, upper respiratory tract and esophagus. OC spray is more effective than Chemical Mace (eN) in a number of important ways. The following list describes its' effectiveness in MOST cases: 1. 2. 3. 4. effective effective effective effective against against against against intoxicated persons drug-induced persons emotionally disturbed persons (EDP) animals in general Each pepper spray canister contains a 10% solution of oleoresin capsicum (OC) in a carrier of water pressurized at 155 PSI utilizing an environmentally friendly propellant containing nitrogen gas. NOTE: The MSI pepper spray device must be shaken if it remains stationary for an extended period of time. Members of the service carrying their device on their duty rig while on patrol need not shake the device prior to its use provided the canister was shaken at the start of their tour. AUTHORITY FOR USE: OC spray should be an officers' FIRST LINE possible, when confronting an unarmed, violent violent EDP, person violently resisting arrest violently assault an officer or other person). advantages of using OC over the baton. OF DEFENSE, if person (e.g. or attempting to There are The use of OC spray can reduce the possibility of physical injury, serious physical injury, or death to officers and suspects if used properly. This reduction would undoubtedly decrease the amount of civil lawsuits brought against individual officers and the Department. Officers should be reminded that physical force of any degree that involves striking, is generally perceived at the very least as unnecessary and at most, brutal or excessive by the community, regardless of whether the force is authorized and deemed necessary by the officer(s). The use of OC WILL REDUCE the frequency with which officers' may be FORCED TO resort to physical contact, with unarmed, violent persons resisting arrest/control. Another consideration is the possibility of officers striking a suspect that may be infected with contagious or communicable diseases. This act may place officers and other emergency personnel in danger due to the increased probability of an open or bleeding wound. Additionally in the event that officers must subdue infected persons with open wound(s) sustained previously, the use of OC spray may afford officers the time to don any necessary protective clothing before effecting an arrest. Student officers must be made aware that goal oriented individuals may still pose a threat to subduing officers. In some situations the use of the pepper spray may at best just cause a pause in combat, officers should reassess the situation and devise alternate tactics to control the situation. Advise officers that once pepper spray is employed there is a strong possibility that they may become personally affected by the spray. This contamination may just cause coughing and discomfort to the eyes or very serious effects depending upon the level of contamination. Once an individual is subdued each officer must thoroughly wash their hands and avoid having any of their clothing from making contact with their face. Once an officer employs their pepper spray they should take a few steps to the rear and laterally away from their adversary to avoid an unexpected attack from a goal oriented individual. under the provisions of SECTION 35.30 subdivision I, NEW YORK STATE PENAL LAW, a peace officer, in the course of effecting or attempting to effect an arrest, or preventing or attempting to prevent the escape from custody, of a person whom he/she reasonably believes to have committed an offense, may use PHYSICAL FORCE when and to the extent he/she reasonably believes such to be necessary to effect the arrest, or to prevent the escape from custody, or to defend himself/herself or a third person from what he/she believes to be the USE or IMMINENT USE OF PHYSICAL FORCE. Under SECTION 35.10, subdivision 4, of the NEW YORK STATE PENAL LAW, PHYSICAL FORCE may be used to the extent it is believed necessary in thwarting a person who is about to commit suicide or to inflict serious injury upon himself/herself. The provisions of the NEW YORK STATE MENTAL HYGIENE LAW, Section 9.41, allows a peace officer to take into custody any person who appears to be mentally ill and is conducting himself/herself in a manner which is likely to result in SERIOUS This includes suicidal, PHYSICAL INJURY to self or others. homicidal, or other violent behavior in which others are placed in reasonable fear of SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY. It follows, therefore, that the use of chemical agents/irritants is permitted by law under certain circumstances. The New York City Police Department REQUIRES that persons who are intentionally subjected to authorized organic irritants (OC) by the police MUST BE ARRESTEO, unless mentally ill (comply with P.G. 106-11: Aided Cases - Mentally III or Emotionally Disturbed Persons) or accidentally exposed. There are, however, situations where an arrest is not feasible, (e.g. large crowd preventing the arrest of a person, person is either affected minimally or not at all, and escapes, officers are being attacked from another source and must immediately react/retreat) . The VOIDED ARREST PROCEDURE (P.G. 110-7) should be complied with if, after investigation, it is revealed that the person sprayed with the agent did not commit the crime for which they were arrested and no other reasonable cause exists for further detaining this person, or if no crime was in fact committed. REPORTING DISCHARGE OF OC SPRAY: In all arrest situations the "chemical agent" box and related captions shall be checked in the use of force section of the OLBS (PD244-159) worksheet. Prepare MEDICAL TREATMENT OF PRISONER form (PD244-150) for a person who is arrested to alert Central Booking and Department of Correction. Prepare AIDED REPORT WORKSHEET (PD 304-152bJ if pepper spray is used on a person who is not arrested, e.g. EDP, and check box "O.C. Spray Used." List the time, doctor's name, and diagnosis under "Details" caption, when applicable. HOLSTER: The holster for the MSI OC spray device must be purchased from the equipment section prior to the issuance of the pepper spray and is worn on the non-shooting hand side of the officer's gunbelt. The user will operate the device with the non-shooting hand. The holster is made of black leather with a velcro closure in which the canister is carried with the nozzle facing upward and away from the body position. FIRING: When it becomes necessary to fire the OC spray at someone, the canister is withdrawn from the holster and held with its' head upright in the non-shooting hand. Point the device at the FACE of the subject. The user need only insert the thumb between the safety lever and depress the actuator button. The spring loaded safety cover will move up and out of the way and the user need not be concerned about any other safety devices which would impede using the device. DO NOT fire the device in an inverted position. This will result in loss of the propellant charge. OC spray MUST be fired directly at the face to be effective. Its' effective range is three (3) to fifteen (IS) feet. DO NOT FIRE LESS THAN THREE (3) FEET from the subject since the pressure of the spray at close distances can cause damage to the eye due to the "Hydraulic Needle Effect" also firing the pepper spray at close distances can cause the spray to splashback onto the officer causing him/her to become contaminated. The following are recommended methods of firing OC spray at a frequency of two (2) one-second bursts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. criss-cross: "X" cross : " t 1I serpentine: "S" circular "0" low to high (suspect with glasses) side to side (Method recommended for multiple adversaries) NOTE: OFFICERS SHOULD BE REMINDED THAT OC SPRAY IS LESS EFFECTIVE ON A PERSON WHOSE EYES ARE CLOSED. THEY THEREFORE SHOULD ENDEAVOR TO SURPRISE THE SUSPECT WHEN USING THIS TYPE OF AGENT IN ORDER TO OBTAIN MAXIMUM EFFECTIVENESS SITUATIONAL USE: The MSI OC spray may be used in situations when the police officer, WHILE IN PERFORMANCE OF OFFICIAL DUTIES HAS TO USE PHYSICAL FORCE either to protect against assault or to restrain or subdue a person. It is a valuable tool that should be used with sound judgement and ONLY WHEN NECESSARY. Pepper Spray may be carried OFF-DUTY and MUST be carried while performing duty in civilian clothes. (See r.o. 9, series 1998) LIMITATIONS: DO NOT spray OC directly into the wind. A strong wind may cause the agent to "blow-back" into the officers face. If this happens, officers are well advised NOT TO PANIC and to comply with I.O. 9 02-06-98 SERIES 1998 (esp. first aid) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. DO NOT spray OC at distances less than three (3) feet or in small, contained areas, (e.g. inside auto, closet, hallway, etc.). DO NOT use in an area where INFANTS, ELDERLY are present and likely to be contaminated. AVOID use in areas where there may be PREGNANT WOMEN as it may induce labor in advance stages of pregnancy. DO NOT use on persons with KNOWN respiratory conditions. PROHIBITED USE: Irritant agents were designed to enable police officers to perform their duties in a more efficient and humane manner when dealing with unarmed, violent persons. If used properly, OC spray will reduce the risk of injury to the officer, suspect and members of the community. However, once a violent person has been subdued and brought under control, there is NO FURTHER JUSTIFICATION to continue the use of the agent against the subject. Additionally, officers attempting to subdue a person who has been sprayed SHOULD MAKE EVERY EFFORT NOT TO POSITION THE PERSON FACE DOWN. This action may exacerbate the effects of the OC spray due to the compression of the chest. This compression may cause shortness of breath due to heightened anxiety at the perception of "suffocating", asthmatic attacks, and possibly heart attacks. Accordingly, officers SHOULD MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO keep the person sprayed UPRIGHT, and should attempt to engage them in conversation in order to assure proper breathing and clear airway. This tactic also has a calming effect on the person once the realization sets in that they have not been seriously injured. OC spray is classified as a LESS-THAN-LETHAL weapon when used in appropriate dosage and concentrations, exceeding recommended dosages is HIGHLY DISCOURAGED. IT SHALL NOT be used as a THREAT to force a person to comply with an officer's verbal order, when no physical violence is imminent. IT SHALL NOT be used against any person who is verbally abusing a police officer, or to illicit information from any person. OFFICERS ARE PROHIBITED from car~/ing or equipping themselves with any agent or similar device other than the DEPARTMENT ISSUED. AT NO TIME SHALL the device be used by unauthorized or untrained personnel. FIRST AID: As soon as the person is restrained and under control, first aid shall be administered as follows: 1. Remove person from contaminated area and EXPOSE to fresh air source. 2. FLUSH the contaminated area with large amounts of cool/cold water. DO NOT rub the skin. 3. A non-oil based soap may be used to wash affected areas. 4. AVOID applying any oils, salves, or grease-based medication as these will only aggravate the condition, and may cause blistering of the skin. 5. ASCERTAIN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER A PERSON IS EXPOSED whether contact lenses are being worn. The manufacturer STRONGLY RECOMMENDS contact lenses be removed as soon as possible after exposure. Contact lenses left on the eyes and contaminated for more than one (I) hour may cause serious eye injury. Persons exposed should be advised to clean their lenses as usual as soon as possible after exposure. 6. If an individual begins to exhibit signs of severe stress or panic (Hyperventilation etc.) the officer should try to calm the individual by explaining what has occurred and that the effects are only temporary. Every effort should be made to have the individual lie on their side to ease their ability to breathe. NOTE: Although the effects of the agent generally dissipate within fifteen (IS) to twenty (20) minutes, officers should reassess the suspects' condition after thirty (30) minutes. Transport prisoner/aided to emergency room of nearest hospital, if requested or if symptoms persist. a. Window on the exposed person's side of auto should be kept opened when transporting by RMP. Transport prisoner to precinct of occurrence if hospital treatment is not required. If necessary, request EMS ambulance to respond to assist in flushing the subject's face and to evaluate physical condition. upon arrival at the hospital, officer(s) should inform medical personnel of the ty~e of agent (OC) used on the subject, and the first aid procedures administered. Additionally, officers SHOULD advise medical personnel of existing manufacturers recommendations that exposed persons: remove contact lenses, affected clothing, facial makeup; and shower with soap and water to dissipate the effects of OC. As stated previously, the first aid procedure shall also be followed in the event that the officer or an innocent civilian is ACCIDENTALLY EXPOSED to the agent. CARE AND MAINTENANCE: The use of inert plastics and non-corrosive metals makes maintenance virtually unnecessary. Officers should CAREFULLY wipe or blow away any dust or lint that may have collected on the device or in the holster, taking care NOT to depress the actuator button. In the event of an ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE that affects either the officer or another person comply with 1.0. 9 SERIES 1998 02-06-98 especially ALL first aid procedures described therein. General Prohibitions: 1. 2. 3. NEVER puncture the body of the device. DO NOT subject to temperature which may exceed 120 degrees Fahrenheit. NEVER tamper with, or remove, the actuator button. DETERMINING PERCENTAGE OF FORMULATION REMAINING: The manufacturer states that each canister contains about forty (40) one-half second bursts. When a member of the service believes that their pepper spray is close to empty they must obtain a typed letterhead (UF49) from their Commanding Officer stating that they are in need of a new pepper spray device. The member concerned will then present the form to their borough command to receive a new pepper spray device. SUMMARY: 1. Device is worn on non-shooting side of belt. 2. Device is NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR THE FIREARM. It is useful in situations which indicate that physical force is necessary. 3. OC spray may be used against groups/crowds ONLY IF OFFICERS HAVE BEEN SPECIALLY TRAINED IN DISORDER CONTROL TACTICS AND WITH PROPER AUTHORITY. 4. Maximum effective range is three (3) to fifteen (IS) feet. 5. DO NOT spray at distances less than three (3) feet. 6. A maximum of two (2), one - second bursts are recommended. Reassess situation to determine if spray is effective and re-employ if necessary. 7. Use of OC spray MUST be reported to desk officer of precinct of occurrence (1.0. 9 SERIES 1998 02-06-98). 8. Subject of an intentional discharge MUST be arrested (unless EDP or accidental). Void arrest if necessary. 9. Persons accidentally contaminated NEED NOT be arrested. Prepare aided card and follow first aid procedure. 10. Use ALL appropriate first aid procedures. 11. OC spray is NOT appropriate in ALL situations. Careful consideration should be given before its' use to avoid unnecessary injury to innocent members of the community or to officers. The use of force must ALWAYS be the minimum amount necessary to achieve a legitimate objective. ~IVf' INTERIM ORDER #9 SERIES 1998 PATROL GUIDE REFERENCE 116-48 DATE: 02-06-98 SUBJECT: USE OF PEPPER SPRAY DEVICES 1. Interim Order 92, series 1994, introduced the procedure for the use of Oleoresin Capsicum pepper spray. Since then, the Department has made the transition to a new, larger canister of pepper spray, (MKIII). In conjunction with this change, some procedural modifications governing the use of pepper spray devices have been implemented. 2. In order for pepper spray to be effective, it must be aimed and discharged into a subject's eyes, nose, and/or mouth. Ideally, the canister should be held in an upright position and the pepper spray discharged in two short bursts of approximately one second each. If these initial bursts miss, or are ineffective, members should be prepared to use an alternate means of physical force, or other tactics, as appropriate. It should be noted that if a subject struck in the face by the pepper spray is not incapacitated, continued spraying will probably not work. 3. Uniformed members of the service should attempt, when practical, and consistent with the safety of all persons involved, to de-escalate the situation before using pepper spray or other force. The following techniques may be employed, when appropriate: a. b. c. d. e. Act and speak in a calm, deliberate manner Maintain a safe distance from the subject Listen to the subject and request his/her cooperation Explain the consequences (e.g., additional charges) of the subject's behavior if he/she does not cooperate Request assistance of patrol supervisor and additional members, if available. Therefore, effective immediately, Patrol Guide procedure "Use of Mace Devices," is suspended and the following procedure will be complied with the use of pepper spray is necessary: 4. 116-48, ~Ivr PURPOSE To inform uniformed members of the service of circumstances under which pepper spray may be intentionally discharged and to record instances where pepper spray has been discharged, intentionally or accidentally. SCOPE Use of Oleoresin Capsicum (O.C.) pepper spray constitutes physical force under the New York State Penal Law. Use of pepper spray is proper when used in accordance with Article 35 of the Penal Law and Department procedures. O.C. pepper spray may be used when a member reasonably believes it is necessary to effect and arrest of a resisting suspect, for self-defense or defense of another from unlawful force, or to take a resisting emotionally disturbed person into custody. In many cases, pepper spray will reduce or eliminate the need for substantial physical force to effect an arrest or gain custody. It will often reduce the potential for injuries to members and suspects that may result from physical restraint and it should be regarded as a possible alternative to such force and restraint, where practical. Pepper spray shall not be used in situations that do not require the use of physical force. O.C. pepper spray may be used in arrest or custodial restraint situations where physical presence and/or verbal commands have not been, or would not be, effective in overcoming physical resistance. PROCEDURE When necessary to use pepper spray device: UNIFORMED MEMBER OF THE SERVICE 1. Aim and discharge pepper spray, into a subject's eyes, nose, and/or mouth for maximum effectiveness in two (2) short one-second bursts and only in situations when the uniformed member of the service reasonably believes that it is necessary to: a. Protect self, or another from unlawful use of force (e.g., assault) b. Effect an arrest, or establish physical control of a subject resisting arrest c. Establish physical control of a subject attempting to flee from arrest or custody d. Establish physical control of an emotionally disturbed person (EDP) e. Control a dangerous animal, by deterring an attack, to prevent injury to persons or animals present. 2. Effect arrest of criminal suspect against whom pepper spray was used and charge with crime which initiated use of the pepper spray. a. Add resisting arrest charge, when appropriate b. Patrol Guide procedure 110-07, "Release of Prisoner" will be complied with if it is determined that arrested person did not commit the crime or that no crime was committed. c. Patrol Guide 106-11, "Aided Cases - Mentally III or Emotionally Disturbed Persons," will be complied with, when appropriate. NOTE Do not use pepper spray on subjects who passively resist (e.g., going limp, offering no active physical resistance). If possible, avoid using pepper spray on persons who appear to be in frail health, young children, women believed to be pregnant, or persons with known respiratory conditions. Avoid discharging pepper spray indiscriminately over a large area for disorder control. (Members who are specifically trained in the use of pepper spray for disorder control may use pepper spray in accordance with their training, and within Department guidelines, and as authorized by supervisors. ) 3. Request the response or Emergency Medical Services (E.M.S.) once the situation is under control and if the subject requests or needs medical attention, but does not require immediate transportation to the hospital. a. Advise person sprayed that E.M.S. is responding. NOTE If prisoner does not request or need immediate medical treatment, transport to the station house (except if E.D.P.) . TJNI FOP..MED 4. MEr1BER OF THE SER'lICE (continued) Remove the subject from the contaminated area and expose to fresh air while awaiting the arrival of E.M.S., or transportation to hospital/station house if tactically feasible. I\IV'-' S. Position subject on his/her side or in a sitting position to promote free breathing. a. The subject should never be maintained or transported in a face down position. b. Do not sit, stand, or kneel on subject's chest or back. 6. Provide assistance to subject as follows: a. When consistent with member's safety, and provided a source of water is readily available, the uniformed member should flush the contaminated skin area of a subject with profuse amounts of water. b. Repeat flushing at short intervals, if necessary, until symptoms of distress subside, c. Continue flushing the contaminated skin of the subject in custody, at the station house as needed. d. Commence the flushing of a subject's contaminated skin upon arrival at the station house, if this has not already been done. NOTE Do not rub or touch skin of contaminated person, as the initial effect of pepper spray does not dissipate for 15 - 20 minutes. Also, do not use salves, creams, ointments, commercial eye washes or bandages. The Desk Officer will ensure that all prisoners who have been sprayed with pepper spray, receive appropriate first aid, if needed, upon arrival at the station house. Desk Officers are also responsible for ensuring that prisoners who have been sprayed with pepper spray are properly observed throughout the arrest process, and that they receive prompt medical attention if they need or request it. A Command Log entry will be made stating whether the prisoner has had his/her skin flushed with water, been examined by E.M.S., or been transported to the hospital. 7. Transport prisoner immediately to the emergency room of the nearest hospital if he/she is demonstrating difficulty breathing, or exhibiting signs of severe stress, hyperventilation etc. a. Windows of transport vehicle should be kept open b. Members who come in contact with persons who have been exposed to pepper spray must thoroughly wash their hands afterward and avoid having any contaminated clothing make contact with their face. 8. Prepare ON LINE BOOKING SYSTEM ARREST WORKSHEET (PD 244-159) and MEDICAL TREATMENT OF PRISONER (PD 244-150) in arrest situations. 9. Complete the AIDED REPORT WORKSHEET (PD 304-152b) in non - arrest situations, e.g. EDP, and: a. Check box "O.C. Spray Used" b. Enter rank, name, and tax registry number, of each MOS who discharged spray in the "Details" caption c. List the time, doctor's name, and diagnosis under "Details" caption, when applicable. NOTE The AIDED REPORT WORKSHEET has been amended to include an "D.C. Spray Used" check box. COMMANDING OFFICER M.I.S.D. 10. Provide a quarterly printout of all arrest and aided incidents where pepper spray was discharged to the commanding officer, Firearms and Tactics Section. COMMANDING OFFICER FIREARMS AND TACTICS SECTION 11. Analyze situations where O.C. spray was employed to evaluate its effectiveness. a. As appropriate, modify existing training! tactics relative to the use of pepper spray. "lee ADDITIONAL DATA The only pepper spray authorized for use is the type issued to all uniformed members through the Firearms and Tactics Section. In order to maintain the effectiveness of the spray, i t is recommended that the device be shaken at the start of each tour. Carrying the pepper spray device during normal patrol duty should be sufficient to keep the solution thoroughly mixed. Pepper spray will not automatically stop all subjects, and even when it does incapacitate, the effects are temporary. Members should therefore be ready to use other appropriate force options and tactics. When performing duty in uniform, the pepper spray shall be carried in its holster attached to the non-shooting side of the gun belt. When performing enforcement duty in civilian clothes the pepper spray must be carried, either in the holster attached to a belt or in another appropriate manner. Undercover members may opt not to carry the pepper spray. The pepper spray device may be carried during off-duty hours by members of the service. RELATED Aided Cases - General (P.G. 106-1) Aided Cases - Preparation of Aided Report Worksheet (P.G. 106-11) Aided Cases - Mentally III or Emotionally Disturbed Persons (P.G. 106-11) Arrests - General (P.G. 110-2) Release of Prisoner (P.G. 110-7) Prisoner Medical Treatment (P.G. 112-03) Hazardous Material (P.G. 116-39) Hostage/Barricaded Persons (P.G. 117-12) Lost or Damaged Uniform (P.G. 120-21) Loss or Theft of Department Property (P.G. 125-15) FORMS AND REPORTS AIDED REPORT WORKSHEET (PD304-152b) ON LINE BOOKING SYSTEM ARREST WORKSHEET (PD244-159) 5. Interim Order 92, series 1994, is REVOKED. 6. Any provisions of the Department Manual or other Department directives in conflict with this order are suspended. BY DIRECTION OF THE POLICE COI1MISSIONER DISTRIBUTION All Commands