Nypd Operations Order Officer Performance Objectives Oct 2011
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, ORDER OPERATIONS -= D,,"'' 'LJ[D POLICE OFFICER PERH)RMANCE OBJ[CflV[S ~~ 10-11- 11 " Tho "",,,0. of. New Vorl< City p:>lice officer is, thnJugh use of oolf·initiatal 000 """,,·Ied elf""" '" <nharo;c qml ity of lili: .. tile City by pr=rvi", the ptbIi<: pcIC<. ~'" orimc, - ' 8 and ..-ing offadco .. ~ng disenlor nI p«JIC<ling the ri;;hIs of ponor$ ord propaty, Tho $U<CC$$ of " - cIt'crI$ '"'lui..,. <:ORSisIen\ dialoguo wOlh \he "Jm",,'nil;', ~ <JbsorvoIiom., .-.:l Odion in order '" gath<r .... lIi~ .-.:l inl>ocI 0f1 <rimes. qmlity of life ......... "'" coodilions !Iroo<ening P="'S. I""'P""Y, or pi>lic order. Sud! ~ quality of lif. iS5lI:s and ..,...;Iilions~ po ........ ~rty or public ~ U!r=od and """",led througI11ho use of .tifqoC<., ..... ""tMdt&. Pro.:Uve em"""""'" .:Ii.i!ies . . tIw:oe ...,... of enro.""',,,,' whien . . rleIogaled 10 off""", by .inut of !heir police powm. iro:luding. till I0OI I." iled I>, !he issuuu of ~ !he ""f'ping "'" quosioning of ""Picions ndi,idua'" and !he 0I'I't:ItS of aim ...... I. ""*" ... 1"""'"'' 2. "...",fore. " is ino~ ""'" police olf.:ers perfmning .ehicle pI1lI'OI. kIOI poIroI. _ital patrol within bo.Old~ Of patrol in the II11I'ISi! system. to pliler irttlli~ ei!hc.- from the ptbIic Of Ihrough penonaI obsorvotion and, IInK.iah self·ini6acd or Clm-I<d dfon, utilia ~ <nf,""",..,~ .:Ii.itics IV adte:so crimes. .iolal..... and COIIdilicm~ petnIS, propaty Ofptblic order. 3, To be effedive in mu.ina !he cornmoniry', crime and q...Jity oflife COIIdiIicns, daily acti'~Ocs of poIiceoff"""' ....... bod<sip>«l..-.J ooordinat<:d '" inl>ocI"" tho idonbfood ;,.,""', To pn>'Iido aui<bn« IOpoIice offoe<n """"""in& Ihcir duiios, """"'lI"'11:11l ond!!!S ... perfonr-oomc:e 11"'11. Offoan shoolO be ""peeled '" a<1 ",it/Un .......". .... 1cgaI ~ '" P"f<nn tho tasks cited in the obJvo M'? SIo!em£n1 wiII1 ~ .. W<1Iion to .. lf·",itialed on'CSIS, ...... iros cordr;\ing ~ ond "'Mina in <>Ih<:." ~ Dqa",... .:Ii...... sun_ 4. In order '" ..silt poIa ofl"occn 000 ~;..,.. in idtri>f)-ing the loooIions within tho command """"" potrol .",.",...., .... .:Ii.ity may be most~;'" in ~ the <XoI1IIrUOity', cr'rno and quality of life coodilions, tho il!"4'l."..,.-oed tho "'" of • imoll ~ ob:oment ontiIIed, "CO,\fMANI) COSDlTlONS REPORT' OS OIllined in ~ C/f"rkr j{), _ Mil, "Quesl For 8u/1e1tCt - ~ Cooodid"", &pons," This report informs " .. of the ...... a of co..wreno: Iri:ne cooditior6, crime pattems "'" !rends, quality oflik and ~ in a-ay S<aOr of!he: ccmmand ",-cio on emphasis on """,ilio: pIoooons. lime 1i3rrxs...:llo;:mions. The CO~L'lAND COl'mnIDNS REPORT ;'. rood map <losiw-ood to di=t police off"",,, and oupen'ioors to conYllOll"O! condi!iono. The CO,\I:\tA",'D CONDITIONS REPORT LtjlCSi.Ub • ,,-Ii.., of _ ~ .on;! ~intI officm ... ~ to auach arty oddiIional infonnalion they Oetermi>e """,10 be usefu l ;" addressing <OiItil1OI1d coodilioro! (e.g., wanted ~ ~. aiolIinal [}q>Ii"'''' 1rIIrr." inlellige_ specifiC COfIdition tiils Of ony _ ..,w ,n... reltoilO1l inI'ornmion~ s. Coomond",& offi<en, in COtlllt"",",,, with !he !pOCiaI op<J1IIions ........,.,.. and ~ lUff (e.&-. crime .-..lysis _ion. lield ...lIigon:e off""", <It.\ will propn !he CO~L'lAND CONDITIO.'iS REPORT for eoct. """'/posl within !he: coormand MoRloy, Tho <onmond'. a-ime INIj'M section "';1 j'l'l"!he COM....1.A...;O CONDmONS REPORT ... !he ~ for Exce llo""" COIi'iJ"'ICr appIic.1Iion ",,!he ~'. u-.a. Tho "'Quc$t for Excello:ncc'" appiicalioon will oIlow tho CO;\iMAND CONDmo:-;s REPORT '" be _ and ,.;.,.""j . . . ~ 1Y".......uon on !he ~', .'de<> «>nferencing system displays. In addition, hon:I oopie!.of!he CO~L"ANO COND1'nONS REPORT ctfl be printed 0Ul '¥"' """'""', .''''Y h fS 6. The """"""";il'4> offICe!". in ooosullaUon ~ Ih< ~ """"ion< licWren arod ~ (e.g., <rim< .... ~ .wr O«tion. foeld i"",lIi@<nceofflCe!"."",)wilievahwetllecumro: COMMANDCONDITIONS REPORT CI'<t)' Mc:nday arod..,.,.nd tile R£PORT !O.rowtlle mosl r=nl tmld5. The REPORT <hoIJ1d obo be I¢otod during tile VI«\; if <mall0S !rend< """.... Ctmmonding offlCCtS will il"lSllU;l alilieulemnoi conccmin& Ih< idtnifoal condition$. Lintaun:! will Ihen d~ tile idcnIifoal condilion< on Ih< COM!\lAl'iD $CpIIS ond poIjce offlCCr> \WIder tl>eir """rvisi<;.n. CONDITIONS REPORT ",ith tlleir Pro<:inc!.t.;..,;"~ oomrmnden ... ....mdod IhIn Ih< impI<mtnta!ion of tile CO.'t\tAND CONDmrn;S REPORT does '"" pn:<1Wo !he p«<m'hou$ingItrm$it corrrnandcr from dlsuibolins any oIher!}'pe of enmml irlelligence, Furthermor<.11wIl oopyofthe CO~fMMol) CONDmONS REPORT wi ll be ~ m::rn "'" "Q.leoI: Mr E>.:c:lIenoe~ application arod I"""'d in tile Crime Infurmation Cerler. An additional hatd oopy wi ll be immedialely fOcwardcd !O the borough <01Ccmcd '"' • :.mb: basi. arod at oIher tm.cs, as w"l"iaIe (e.g.. ""*"..... <mall"" Imds, "".~ 7. The COMMAND CONDITIONS REPORT will provideotflCCtSarod """",;,.nOlI [DtI1 with ....,...,bk i-nl:l ligen<:e !hili ~in:s aRa'llion within !he: off."..' .!pCCif.. ..... of ~bility. CI'<t)' do:y arod 00 e'"")' kJUc, The COMMA,.'m CONDmONS RIl'ORT ...:I any oddilionol reporIS ,,"'ill be dlstribuled by the OOI", .. oo:Iing OffICer, tIKough oup<r'liocn, ., polio:e <>If..,... '"' • _ y bosis. AJ! 00Ied. iI wi ll II", be maiii\Onro in !he ~'. Clime Infurmotion Caner in order 10 ....... police off...... arod....,..,.,isor:! in beil'4> ........ of oondiPoros. ~ !he: 00IlWJUtlIl. AlIht PIt of toor, unif<:m'i<d rl'iI:mbcn of the S<Moe. in 00IISlI1Iation with tho portCroI superviD, "'ill utili". die comnc COMMAND CONDITIONS REPORT in ick:oIifying the IWO prin1O/)' oonditions to be odokessed ",ithin tl>eir ~ S«1Oripost. IWO idemifoal primary OOI"diIioos wi ll be imnx.:Iialely rlOI<d o:bily '"' I .......Iy ."...Itd form .. deso:ritoal below, n- S. Eff~tive 0001 110"1"$, November I, 101 1, uniformed members of the .. ",icc will be required 10 PKrw< and d,.:umem Ihtir daily assigromcnl. II<lccted """ Jrimary oondilions 10 be odonssod. and daily lOaivi!)' ~ (o.g.. OOIItlI'iUI1ity interaction. _ """'"""'" isIuod, rq>oItS pcqmcd, CI<.) '"' ntW DcparImcnt farm enlitlod. ~POLI C E OFFICER'S MONTHLY CONDITIONS IMPACT MEASUREMENT REPORT (PD4J\l. I4Z4)," Tho POLI CE OFFI CER'S MONTHLY COND ITIONS I!\-IPACT MEASUREMENT REPORT will be maintained .nd <lrrOod in Iho in,ide pocket of tilt uniformed m~mber', ~gul>lio" lcalloer binder and will be pn: .. nted 10 any .upervisor upon reque5l. The uniformed member of the ..",ke will "nsure IMt !he POLICE OFFICER'S MONTHLY CONDITIONS IMPACT MEASUREMENT REPORT i. folded neatly as to minim"" any telrS, Uniformed members ",ill dcocumcnl the """ Jrimary identifoal conditions to be odoi'csscd <UTog the """ 00 !he REPORT pri<r toWl" " "Ling potroI. In oddilioro 10 _ ~ given b)' "",",,'isors or b)' !he Ccoorrnmicali<ons Division, the offICe!" will t{w;;us on ...xm.ing ....... """ idctlifiod _ ..1[>4 condition$. Other conditions ...,.nng police ~ i<lcntifoal b)' civilians or ttoough !he rnanber's """ obIcrvation. mIN lis<> be ~ Ofl'oc<rS ",m ..... on the POLICE OFFICER'S MONTIILY CONDITION S IMPACT MEASUREMENT REPORT ALL activiti .. (O.i., onnu. field rcpons, de.) cnilged in duting tilt wlll. If an activity ,pedf'<llIy impact> on oither of the two idonlitoal coodilions for the toor, Ihon the 'Y' in the left h.nd box will be cirded. Olhe"" i... Ihc 'N' will be d .. led. On the ba<k of the REPORT, olneors may .Iso write remork. regordin& o<tion. taken to impO<t on the two primary idcmif,ed eroditi"". and other 'ignifocant C<Jndilio .... whioh "' .... impo<ted 00. OP~RATIONSORDERNO. 52 P"C" 1 ofS 9 The POLICE OFFICER'S MONTIILY CONDITIONS IMPACT MEASUREMENT REPORT will be submitted by 0,. m.mber to the: squad/unit sergeant o,",corned for ",.itw.nd .ig""w", on the ocv.nth, fou nocno" and twe"'Y.f"',, day of every month, Squad/un it ""lIe.n15 will ..... t with each ,u b<>rdinat< to ",vi.w th. m.mbe,', cum:nt activity following !he seventh, f""nocnth, and twenty·r"st day of every month. A, pan of ,he w.<kly ",view, the squod/unil "rg.""t will comp= Ihe member'. currenl monthly ocli.tty .. i, portoin. '0 tit< mcmbe,', dai ly ...;gnment and ,h. 'w<> iden,ified condi''''n. to bo add,..."od within ,he «eW«),Ipo<t«) ... i8<1<'<1. ,...,. "",mbe,', ACTIVITY LOG (PDIIl--- I.S) may l iso be ",v i.wed if ,h. m.mbe, lin documented oddit",nal informltion ",",Nine<! from community in'."el""", summo ..... i",u.d, am<!' mode or other Ictions ,. k.n. Thi, revi.w will provide the ,upe",;sor with • weekly opportUnity to ev.Iu.,e the uniformed membe,', performan« in proocti,'ely oddte .. inll ,ector/post condit""" . The .uperv"", m..., ind i<ot.lo .och unifonned mcmbc-r In Isses,ment of tbe q.... l~y Ind calibe, of tbe officer', <If"",. In the .I><cn« of the: squ.dlunit se'&Ca", ",noemed (e,j; .. sick "'P"", vocation, <Ie.), !he weekly revi.w of the POLICE OFFICER'S MO:'«"THLY CONDITIOSS IMPACT MEASUREMENT REPORT will be conducted by tho pl"""n 'omm&llder/>pe<ill <>p<r3lions Ii.utenant. l(l. At the: end of every month, unifonned membe'" will complete the cOplion, on the .... ' 'ide of the POLICE OFFICER'S MONTHLY CONDITIONS IMPACT MEASUREMENT REPORT ind"'-'ing the total octivi'y for the: month .nd list any addi,i"",,1 commen" portoining to o.clions tak.n to oddre" decl~ condit""". The completed POUCE OFFICER'S MONTII LY CONDITIONS IMPACT MEASUREME:'«T REPORT will be ,ubmitted to ~ squldiunit "fieant ooncemed by the second day of Ih. following mo",h. n. squodlunit .. rgtlnt will then make hi...... , •• =",,,nt of the olf.oet', elTom Ind will enter hi"" .. comments in the ""01'110"" Impact on Decla~ Condition," ,e"'''''' on !he reB of the POLICE OFFICER'S MONTIILY CONDITION S IMPACT MEASUREMENT REPORT. The squ..diunit '<fgeant will check off one of the follo"";"g t'Ml bo ..., c Effeclive c In.ff«t;v • • nd mu>t provide. iustifle",ion •• to why lhe uniformed member ofth • ..",ice was given .ither on effective lIIing or ineff«tive .. tin,. In .<Io:Iition, \h. failure to odd ..... i<lenlir.ed conditions will .Iso be docum.nted. PI.toon comm.nd.rs/.pedal Qpe .. tion. lieutetwll$ will t..... ",view and .ign lhe REPORT fot members unde, tllei. d i",ct supe",i,;on. Audits of the Online Bookinil A"",t Sy>tem (O.L.B.S,) and th. Electronic Summons Trocki,,>! Symm will be condU<led by the integrity ooo'mi offooer to .n,uR the aocUr1.cy of entri.. of the POLICE OFFICER'S MONTHLY CONDITIONS IMPACT MEASUREMENT REPORT, 1L UpOn review ... ~~ b)llhe !'la",en comma""'rI'peclll ope" llion, lieutenant, Ihc POLICE OFFICER'S MONTHLY CONDITIONS IMPACT MEASUREMENT REPORT will be ,ubm itted to the operation. """rdi ... ,or for .ntry inLO the: Que<t for E ",.lIe~ opplic",ion. Th. POLICE OFFICER'S MONTHLY CONDITIONS IMPACT MEASUREMENT REPORT will be scanned and med for fuwre ref.... n~ ut)li,ing tile net""'''' scanne, located at the de"" , 0";"" nONS ORDER NO, 52 12. Unifonned m~mben of the ....i«. who .'" norm.lly ... igned to ptrform adm i nistra!iv~ dutie<. will bo I<quil<d to complotc and ",bmit the POLICE OFFICER'S MONTHLV CONDITIONS IMPACT MEASU REMENT REPORT to their de>illn.t<d \lUptT'li$Or, if they .1< ...ig""d 10 lny ~nfo",em.n! dulie. during the reponing month (e.g .• "AII Out" enforcemen!, "".J. 13. UnifiJrmod """"bo" of tho: """,ito: ""'" be made ...... that """'•• ~i_ <:tIrIIL:Is "" ew!uotion. • high dego<c of =iow and o:onsideratiM wi ll be gi\'Cll to momber'. daily <If"", !O _ tho: Il\o(O pr'rnary id<ntifoal ""'""lion<. "WIlao si(p:lins ..... bmed mcmbo:~. ACTMTV LOG (PD1 12.145), $Up<I"o"ioors ",;11 oloo reguJaoty revitw tho: onerrober". POLI CE o.' FlCER'S MONTHLY CONDITIONS IMPACT MEASUREMENT REPORT, ",hich i, urrie<! by the mombo, in the in.ide po<ket of 'he I<gubtion I."",", biMer. 1"'I" irie$ ",ill be mad. concerning octi"", u ken to oddress the tw<> primary id<nlifJcd ond other .isnmeant condition •. Instruction.RO! di ..... tion will be given, as ,"""ired. So.p:r;iI<n will doc""",nt 111)' 0""""" given in their ACIlVfIY LOGS. Duly capains. as par! of tIri" daily pollOI w.to ... bcoro\¥I. will revitw platoon carornorOers ond potroI !JeIlIC'IU Acnvrrv LOGS to m<IR ""'"" actions .... being taken, onJ entries .. being mode ",pnlil"@them. off"",,', pafOltlllnCC: fail. to W= """""1Jut rondiIion!.. tho: ~ platoon o:;ornmandori$pial ~ ~ lhe pIMoon ~iaI open!iono IieIno:ow<. in oonjuo><;tDo ",;110 tho: SI[lIIId/unil....,......ioor, will take appropriate 5Iql< to mp""'" tho: polito: off"",,', ptlM""""",. These SI<po n:1udc. but .... not Imile<! to, ~ tho: polito: off""" in idcrtifyna!he ooMitions to bo oddr<s!o:d. ossignil1! !he P<>Iito: off""" to """"' wilto • ~ and • ~ Iho! dToctively odott:<ots $«Ill< o:oodibont ~ ~ inleraaim. !he issuanoe of..........,.... oro dfe,;tjI"@In$<,<Ie. and od"crring !he pol ice off""" '" I'I:rfunnInO< Elf.. """ ,..,' T.. inins14 ...-g<ar( will '" <:a><:I r>JtifY ""'= an tho: ~ Unif<lftl1O:Od """n"". of the """"'" """' rcmoin ' ...... " do n<t del, ........ .v:rivRies -. Mow ..... " ..,. Di>isic:wo's In Older III faeil .... ""mini",""" eff.. ienoy and en""'" appropriate .......... :101)' ovmighl. ....iIlod. "SQUAD SUPERVISOR'S RI:CAPITULl.TION (PD4l9-14l8)" has been ...... iscd and ;I00I1''......1 into !he Que.. fu< E>o~1 1cncc opplicolion. The SQUAD SUPERVISOR'S RECAPITULA nON will bo preportd el«<ronically "";m;" !he Qo.ot:>t lOr ~ 1 1cncc application by the 16. Del*nne'~ fuTn ~n...-gearot based M information OOfllllined on submitted POLICE OPFICER'S MONTHLY CONDITIONS 1,o.IPACT MEASUREMENT REPORTS. The ""u"dlunit se-rgetnt will bo respo;omibIo to w:riry !he l<1i.iIy of _h member ...ocr hislher sup<n"isioo • minUnt.n of"""" _h quana. The sqOJ-.1i"nit .. rg," nt wil l nolO in !lot: '"Commerus by Squad ~isc<" _ion of the SQUAD SUPERVISOR'S RECAPITULATION. the membcr(,) of """icc IItfiIied """" month. Fur!Iot:nnc<e • • rw:w Deportmml funn tnlitla1, "QUARTERLY ASSESSME"''' OF SQUAD SERGEANT (J'1)4»-l41S)" has....., ; I00I1.... 1<<1 into the o-t &or EJ<cc1K:ncc owLitoIion to allow !lot: platoon cornmanderlspo:iol "",,""ioros lieo.cenant to OPERATtONS ORDER NO. 52 uncb-1hcir....,....,ision or.! k>......., «wnpiianc¢ in ",..,ing pmo",,,.,,,,, ot>je.cIi . ... PI"""", oorRI1I&IlCknI5peCial openIion:Ilinllrnlm wi] I a'lIhac IIJei, squad .. rpU eacn quaner in !he ....., cafeilOric$ li5l«l ",,!he QUARTERLY ASSESS..'1El'oT OF SQUAD SERGEANT, For each COICi<'IY liSled, the pIa1<Xln ~ial <>p<n1iono li<tJlcrwl' will _!he: "'load sageanl and 'heck off one of,n. following two bo.." c Effecti .e c In.ff«1i ••. The platoon ~ial aperaUort$ li<utcnont!!lllll. pr<Wide. jU'lifi, alion •• to why In. sqll.d "'Pnl was given .iln., In dTeelive "'ling or in.ffeeti.. rating to. lhe .. Iooled ,"I.gory. In odd;I""'. lhe plalOOll ~al opmtiono I~ will gi .. I n 0•• ",11 "'ling of .~hcr c Effecti.. c l.... ffecli • • • rId!!lllll. I",.. ide • i.'lifo,"lion a, 10 why the squad setg.onl ,,"'os gi .. n an "" . .... 11 raling of effec'ive or ineffective. CVlIIu.te ~ 17, I'recinct """,.........:1m will .. ilile their ""'""'-"iv< offo= and ~ .:ormnI ofllocn to O<:nd..:t _aIi<m II ko:aIion! of iOer«ifoed condiIiom nJ """nor !he: !>'If""""'""'" of !he: unifurmod rn<Irbon of!he ...-vio<: lhc:Iea!. ~ "ve~ mils sOOuld aloe be utili",.;! b\' higher """,moods k> cn<trc <foIIIity .ffortS ~ u.: bcirwah to imJ'*"! "" a:ndiUons. 13. Effecti., 0001 hou", N""ember I, 201 1. command, will discontin .. u,ing O"partm .... form POLICE OFFICER'S MONTIILY PERFORMANCE REPORT (PJ)(39-HJ4) and.,.. the new Deptrtmeru fonn POLICE OFFICER'S MONTHLY CO:''D!TIONS IlI1l'ACf MEAS\.FJI.EMI'NI" REPORT (pD09-1424) ...ruen is """;!obIc h- pm. through "'" Qut.I fur Exulienoo appIicoIion. 19. Effeeli.. 0001 no.", N""ember I, 2011, Deportm.nt form POLICE OFfiCER'S MONTIIL Y PERfORMANCE REPORT (P[)439-1414) i, hereby REVOKED, 21. Etf«1il'C 0001 Inn. November I, 2011. ~ will disc<Jnlinuo u>i1i; Dcportrnc ... km> SQUAD SUPERVISOR'S RECAPITULATION (PI>439-1418) bearing. printing dale of [R .... 05--(18) and begin ";"8 !he ..... ioed SQUAD SUPERVISOR'S RECAPITllLATION (PI)IJ9.1418) (R.... 10. 11) wI1l::h has been '''''''Pl'aIed inIO!he: Qut.I fur Exccll<lll:e oppIication. 22. Commanding off"'e" will en,= that th, contents of lhi, Orde' arc brought onenlion of m,mbc", of Inc;, ,ommands. BY DIRECTION OF TilE POLICE CO~IMISSIO:"!ER DISTRIBUTION All Common", OP~It,<TIONSORD~RNO. 52 '0 ,Ile