Oregon police officer decertifications
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Oregon discipline LastName Abo Aguilar Alexander Argo Ayers Barnett Beach Beamish Beard Benson Bergquist Bernardi Billups Botaitis Brady Bredfield Burch Burton Campbell Cannon Cardinal Carney Castile Christensen Corkett Courtney Crowder Delamore Doolittle Downing Drummond Dunn Edsall Erskine Escobar FirstName Michael James Kevin Jeffrey Ray Anthony Phillip Shane Scott Leland David Joe Shane James Matthew Harold Clarence Bryan Scott Timothy Daniel Christopher Adam Jon David Nico John Stephen James William Colin David Vaughn Jeremiah James MiddleNameAgency Yamhill County Sheriff's Office Salem Police Department R Polk County Sheriff's Office J Eugene Police Department W Warrenton Police Department P LaGrande Police Department Cottage Grove Police Department A Jefferson County Sheriff's Office J Deschutes County Sheriff's Office R D Washington County Sheriff's Office M Bend Police Department A M Portland Police Bureau A. Vernonia Police Department P Umatilla Police Department A Eugene Police Department E Prineville Police Department S Roseburg Police Department B Hillsboro Police Department Washington County Sheriff's Office M Bend Police Department A Crook County Sheriff's Office L Washington County Sheriff's Office P Oregon State Police Warm Springs Police Department Enterprise Police Department K. Toledo Police Department West Linn Police Department A North Bend Police Department Sherwood Police Department O Roseburg Police Department Keizer Police Department S Medford Police Department Portland Police Bureau W Reason Discharge for Cause Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Discharge for Cause Conviction - Mandatory Media/Newclipping Resignation/Retirement - SA Discharge for Cause Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Conviction - Mandatory Conviction - Mandatory Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Conviction - Discretionary Discharge for Cause Discharge for Cause Resignation/Retirement - in lieu of termination Conviction - Discretionary Discharge for Cause Conviction - Mandatory Conviction - Mandatory Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Discharge for Cause Conviction - Mandatory Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Arrest - Discretionary Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Resignation/Retirement - SA Conviction - Mandatory Criminal History/LEDS Hit/Fingerprints Discharge for Cause Discharge for Cause Discharge for Cause Resignation/Retirement - in lieu of termination Page 1 of 4 FinalAction Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Oregon discipline LastName Fair Filipponi Fritz Fuller Goss Gutierrez Hall Hanes Hart Heikkila Helman Hicks Hite Holloway Hoover Horn Hubbard Hudson Huskey Jacobson Johnson Keagle Lancaster Lanz Latendresse Lay Lewelling Liu Lobaugh McAllister McClain McConnell McEwen McQuay Moran FirstName Jeremy Henry James David Brian Jose Daniel Brandon Wayne Shawn Darin Robert LeRoy George Marvin Joseph Waymon Timothy Jay Gerald Craig Mark Victor Jeff Tina Nathan Howard Daniel Jason Jeff James Patrick Lonny James Jeffrey MiddleNameAgency Newberg-Dundee Police Department R Ontario Police Department E. Portland Police Bureau Michael Columbia County Sheriff's Office S. Florence Police Department J Gladstone Police Department A Sherman County Sheriff's Office J Salem Police Department L Forest Grove Police Department J Clackamas County Sheriff's Office D. Oregon State Police A Lakeview Police Department J Portland Police Bureau R Clatskanie Police Department D Salem Police Department Salem Police Department E The Dalles Police Department J Sutherlin Police Department D Oregon State Police K Oregon State Police Salem Police Department F West Linn Police Department R Oregon State Police R Hillsboro Police Department L Baker County Sheriff's Office W Grants Pass Dept of Public Safety L Portland Police Bureau C Portland Police Bureau D Beaverton Police Department Portland Police Bureau D Grand Ronde Tribal Police Department T Warm Springs Police Department R M Oregon State Police S Reason Conviction - Mandatory Conviction - Discretionary Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Resignation/Retirement - in lieu of termination Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Conviction - Mandatory Criminal History/LEDS Hit/Fingerprints Resignation/Retirement - SA Conviction - Mandatory Discharge for Cause Criminal History/LEDS Hit/Fingerprints Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Discharge for Cause Criminal History/LEDS Hit/Fingerprints Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Discharge for Cause Conviction - Discretionary Conviction - Mandatory Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Discharge for Cause Criminal History/LEDS Hit/Fingerprints Probationary Discharge Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Resignation/Retirement - in lieu of termination Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Conviction - Mandatory Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Conviction - Mandatory Discharge for Cause Criminal History/LEDS Hit/Fingerprints Conviction - Mandatory Page 2 of 4 FinalAction Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Oregon discipline LastName Morlet Napoli Nelson Palaoro Pallesen Paul Peninger Perry Real Redenbo Reynaga Rogers Rubenstein Saffer Sawyer Schjoll Schmaltz Schmid Scott Scrivner Sharlow Shaw Sheoships Smith Steele Stone Stotler Sutton Swanson Thomas Tiboni Tirico Toll Ulch Walker FirstName Jacques Frank Michael Jeromie Shane Ryan James Michael Kenneth John Homero David Paul Corey Kevin Jason Lawrence Brian Brian Todd John Shawn Cameron Marc Clinton Dustin Steven George Ronald Dennis Christopher Richard David William John MiddleNameAgency Medford Police Department R Clackamas County Sheriff's Office S Clatsop County Sheriff's Office V Portland Police Bureau L A Lebanon Police Department D Gresham Police Department M Portland Police Bureau C Newport Police Department Milwaukie Police Department C Portland Police Bureau Lane County Sheriff's Office R Cornelius Police Department Clackamas County Sheriff's Office B Bend Police Department Warm Springs Police Department W Salem Police Department J Washington County Sheriff's Office A Milton-Freewater Police Department D M. Lane County Sheriff's Office S Josephine County Sheriff's Office Umatilla Tribal Police Department J. Hood River County Sheriff's Office A Oregon State Police D. Clatskanie Police Department Alex Medford Police Department Linn County Sheriff's Office M Eugene Police Department E. Oregon State Police J. Boardman Police Department J John Day Police Department A Nyssa Police Department A Oregon State Police E. Coos County Sheriff's Office W Reason Resignation/Retirement - in lieu of termination Discharge for Cause Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Conviction - Mandatory Criminal History/LEDS Hit/Fingerprints Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Resignation/Retirement - in lieu of termination Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Discharge for Cause Conviction - Discretionary Resignation/Retirement - in lieu of termination Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Discharge for Cause Conviction - Mandatory Discharge for Cause Criminal History/LEDS Hit/Fingerprints Resignation/Retirement - in lieu of termination Arrest - Mandatory Conviction - Mandatory Criminal History/LEDS Hit/Fingerprints Discharge for Cause Conviction - Discretionary Resignation/Retirement - in lieu of termination Conviction - Mandatory Resignation/Retirement - SA Discharge for Cause Conviction - Mandatory Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Resignation/Retirement - SA Resignation/Retirement - during investigation Criminal History/LEDS Hit/Fingerprints Page 3 of 4 FinalAction Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Oregon discipline LastName Wallender Warren White Williams Wolfe Zacarias FirstName Delton Christopher Joshua Ted Samuel Adelita MiddleNameAgency The Dalles Police Department D Beaverton Police Department Josephine County Sheriff's Office B Eugene Police Department R L Burns Paiute Tribal Police Department T Reason Conviction - Discretionary Conviction - Mandatory Discharge for Cause Request to Voluntarily Relinquish Conviction - Discretionary Conviction - Mandatory Page 4 of 4 FinalAction Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked Revoked